Campbell-The influence of silicatesulfide ratios on the geochemistry of magmatic sulfides
小于 0. 45、C3 S含量低于 8%的混凝土是相对安全 的 。文献 [ 12 ]认为 ,在硫酸钠环境下 ,水胶比低 ,有利 于抗侵蚀 。如水灰比 0. 5 和 0. 35, 浸泡时间为一 年 ,强度减少分别为 39%和 26%。但在硫酸镁环境 下 ,水胶比低 ,似乎加重了硫酸盐侵蚀 ,如水灰比 0. 5和 0. 35,强度减少分别为 62%和 81%。对于掺有 活性掺合料的水泥也得到类似的结果 。 2. 2 外部因素 2. 2. 1 硫酸根离子浓度
钙矾石的生成被认为是体积增加了 2. 5 倍 ,导 致膨胀应力的产生 ,而使混凝土开裂破坏 ,混凝土的 开裂又使硫酸根离子更容易渗透到混凝土内部 ,产 生恶性循环 。但对钙矾石的膨胀机理至今仍未清 楚 ,有人认为钙矾石的结晶压力导致了膨胀压力 ;也 有人认为是由于结晶差的钙矾石在碱性环境下吸水 膨胀导致了膨胀压力 [ 5 ] 。钙矾石生成的速度与铝 酸根的来源有很大的关系 ,在很多情况下 ,钙矾石形 成的速度由含铝相的溶解速度所决定 [ 6 ] 。钙矾石 形成的量与膨胀之间的关系还没有得到一个很好的 相关性 [ 4 ] 。 1. 4 C2S2H 和碳硫硅钙石 (CaSiO3 ·CaSO4 ·CaSO3 ·15H2 O )
硬化混凝土在硫酸盐溶液中石膏的形成可由化 学方程式 ( 1)和 ( 2)表示 。有观点认为石膏的形成 引起膨胀 ,体积变为原来的 1. 2倍 ,使混凝土受到膨 胀压力的作用 。为研究石膏的形成是否产生膨胀 , 必须排除钙矾石的影响 。B ingTian[ 1 ]用 5%硫酸盐 溶液浸泡 C3 S表明 ,浸泡有 4周的潜伏期 ,潜伏期一 过 , C3 S便以较大的速率膨胀 ,浸泡至 230 天 ,膨胀 达到 1. 05%。M anusanthanam[ 2 ]的试验结果同样表 明 ,在 4. 44%硫酸钠中浸泡 C3 S存在潜伏期 , 32 周 前膨胀很小 , 32周后开始膨胀 ,浸泡至 41周膨胀为 0. 22%。也有观点认为石膏的形成并不引起膨胀 , Hansen[ 3 ]认为氢氧化钙和硫酸根离子由通过 - 溶液 机理在毛细孔中形成固态石膏 ,不可能占有比孔隙 体积和溶解并参加反应的固态氢氧化钙体积之和更 大的体积 , M ather[ 1 ] 支持 Hansen 的观点 ,他认为石 膏是硫酸根离子和钙离子由通过 - 溶液机理生成 。 普遍都认为石膏的形成导致混凝土刚度 、强度的降
Bybee (2006) From usage to grammar the mind’s response to repetition
FROM USAGE TO GRAMMAR:THE MIND’S RESPONSE TO REPETITIONJ OAN B YBEEUniversity of New MexicoA usage-based view takes grammar to be the cognitive organization of one’s experience withlanguage.Aspects of that experience,for instance,the frequency of use of certain constructionsor particular instances of constructions,have an impact on representation that is evidenced inspeaker knowledge of conventionalized phrases and in language variation and change.It is shownthat particular instances of constructions can acquire their own pragmatic,semantic,and phonolog-ical characteristics.In addition,it is argued that high-frequency instances of constructions undergogrammaticization processes(which produce further change),function as the central members ofcategories formed by constructions,and retain their old forms longer than lower-frequency in-stances under the pressure of newer formations.An exemplar model that accommodates bothphonological and semantic representation is elaborated to describe the data considered.*1.U SAGE-BASED GRAMMAR.The observance of a separation between the use of lan-guage and its internalized structure can be traced back to de Saussure’s well-known distinction between LANGUE and PAROLE(1915[1966]:6–17),which was adhered to by American structuralists and which made its way into generative grammar via Chomsky’s distinction between competence and performance(Chomsky1965).In American struc-turalism and in generative grammar,the goal of studying langue/competence was given highest priority and the study of language use in context has been considered to be less relevant to the understanding of grammar.Other goals for linguistic research which do not isolate the study of language structure from language use,however,have been pursued through the last few decades by a number of functionalist researchers(for instance,Greenberg1966,Givo´n1979,Hopper&Thompson1980,Bybee1985)and more recently by cognitive linguists as well,all working to create a broad research paradigm under the heading of USAGE-BASED THEORY(Barlow&Kemmer2000,Lan-gacker2000,Bybee2001).While all linguists are likely to agree that grammar is the cognitive organization of language,a usage-based theorist would make the more specific proposal that grammar is the cognitive organization of one’s experience with language.As is shown here, certain facets of linguistic experience,such as the frequency of use of particular in-stances of constructions,have an impact on representation that we can see evidenced in various ways,for example,in speakers’recognition of what is conventionalized and what is not,and even more strikingly in the nature of language change.The proposal presented here is that the general cognitive capabilities of the human brain,which allow it to categorize and sort for identity,similarity,and difference,go to work on the language events a person encounters,categorizing and entering in memory these experi-ences.The result is a cognitive representation that can be called a grammar.This grammar,while it may be abstract,since all cognitive categories are,is strongly tied to the experience that a speaker has had with language.In addition to presenting evidence that specific usage events affect representation,I also address the issue of the type of cognitive representation that is necessary to accom-*This article is an expanded version of the Presidential Address of January8,2005,presented at the annual meeting of the LSA in Oakland,California.I am grateful to Sandra Thompson and Rena Torres-Cacoullos for many discussions of the phenomena treated here.In addition,the questions and comments after the presentation in Oakland in2005from Ray Jackendoff,Mark Baker,Larry Horn,and Janet Pierrehumbert stimulated improvements in the article.711712LANGUAGE,VOLUME82,NUMBER4(2006)modate the facts that are brought to light in this usage-based perspective.I argue for morphosyntax,as I have for phonology,that one needs an exemplar representation for language experience,and that constructions provide an appropriate vehicle for this type of representation.2.C ONVERGING TRENDS IN LINGUISTIC THEORY.In recentyears many researchers have moved toward a consideration of the effect that usage might have on representation. One practice that unites many of these researchers is a methodological one:it is common now to address theoretical issues through the examination of bodies of naturally occur-ring language use.This practice has been in place for decades in the work of those who examine the use of grammar in discourse with an eye toward determining how discourse use shapes grammar,notably Givo´n,Thompson,Hopper,and DuBois(e.g. DuBois1985,Givo´n1979,H opper&Thompson1980,Ono etal.2000,Thompson& Hopper2001).In addition,researchers in sociolinguistic variation,such as Labov, Sankoff,and Poplack(bov1972,Poplack2001,Poplack&Tagliamonte1999, 2001,Sankoff&Brown1976),have always relied on natural discourse to study the inherentvariat ion in language use.The importance of usage-and text-based research,always important to traditional historical linguistics,is especially emphasized in functionalist work on grammaticiza-tion,for example,Bybee2003a,b,Hopper&Traugott1993,and Poplack&Tagliamonte 1999.In fact,the study of grammaticization has played a central role in emphasizing the point that both grammatical meaning and grammatical form come into being through repeated instances of language use.This line of research along with the discourse research mentioned above indeed seeks to explain the nature of grammar through an examination of how grammar is created over time,thus setting a higher goal for linguis-tic explanation than that held in more synchronically oriented theory,which requires only that an explanatory theory provide the means for adequate synchronic description (Chomsky1957).Of course,one major impetus for the shift to analysis of natural language use is the recent availability of large electronic corpora and means of accessing particular items and patterns in such corpora.Through the work of corpus linguists,such as John Sinclair (1991),computational linguists,such as Dan Jurafsky and colleagues(e.g.Jurafsky et al.2001,Gregory et al.1999),and those who are proposing probabilistic or stochastic grammar,such as Janet Pierrehumbert(e.g.2001)and Rens Bod(1998),access to the nature and range of experience an average speaker has with language is now within our grasp.Studies of words,phrases,and constructions in such large corpora present a varying topography of distribution and frequency that can be quite different from what our intuitions have suggested.In addition,the use of large corpora for phonetic analysis provides a better understanding of the role of token frequency and specific words and collocations in phonetic variation.At the same time a compatible view of language acquisition has been developing. The uneven distribution of words and constructions in speech to children is mirrored somewhat in the course of acquisition:children often produce their first instances of grammatical constructions only in the context of specific lexical items and later general-ize them to other lexical items,leading eventually to productive use by the child;see work by Tomasello,Lieven,and their colleagues(e.g.Lieven et al.2003,Savage et al.2003,Tomasello2003).3.F INDINGS.As linguists turn their attention to natural language use,they find a fascinating new source of insights about language.One finding that seems to holdFROM USAGE TO GRAMMAR:THE MIND’S RESPONSE TO REPETITION713 across many studies and has captured the interest of researchers is that both written and spoken discourse are characterized by the high use of conventionalized word sequences, which include sequences t hatwe mightcall formulaic language and idioms,butalso conventionalized collocations(sometimes called‘prefabs’;Erman&Warren2000). Idioms are conventionalized word sequences that usually contain ordinary words and predictable morphosyntax,but have extended meaning(usually of a metaphorical na-ture),as in these examples:pull strings,level playing field,too many irons in the fire. Idioms are acknowledged to need lexical representation because of the unpredictable aspects of their meaning,but as Nunberg and colleagues(1994)point out,they are not completely isolated from related words and constructions since many aspects of their meaning and form derive from more general constructions and the meaning of the component words in other contexts.Idioms provide evidence for organized storage in which sequences of words can have lexical representation while still being associated with other occurrences of the same words,as schematized in this diagram from Bybee 11998.F IGURE1.The relation of an idiom to its lexical components.Idioms have a venerable history in linguistic study,but prefabs or collocations have attracted less attention through recent decades(but see Bolinger1961,Pawley&Syder 1983,Sinclair1991,Biber etal.1999,Erman&Warren2000,and Wray2002).Prefabs are word sequences that are conventionalized,but predictable in other ways,for exam-ple,word sequences like prominent role,mixed message,beyond repair,and to need help.In addition,phrasal verbs(finish up,burn down)and verb-preposition pairings (interested in,think of,think about),which are pervasive in English as well as other languages,can be considered prefabs,though in some cases their semantic predictability could be called into question.These conventional collocations occur repeatedly in dis-course and are known to represent the conventional way of expressing certain notions (Erman&Warren2000,Sinclair1991,Wray2002).Erman and Warren(2000)found that what they call prefabricated word combinations constitute about55%of both spoken and written discourse.Speakers recognize prefabs as familiar,which indicates that these sequences of words are stored in memory despite being largely predictable in form and meaning.The line between idiom and prefab is not always clear since many prefabs require a metaphorical stretch for their interpretation.The following may be intermediate exam-ples,where at least one of the words requires a more abstract interpretation:break a habit,change hands,take charge of,give(someone/something)plenty of time,drive 1See Barlow2000for an interesting discussion of the way a conventionalized expression can undergo permutations that demonstrate that its compositionality is also maintained.714LANGUAGE,VOLUME82,NUMBER4(2006)(someone)crazy.I bring up these intermediate cases to demonstrate the gradient nature of these phenomena;the lack of a clear boundary between idioms and prefabs would also suggest that both types of expression are stored in memory.What we see instantiated in language use is not so much abstract structures as specific instances of such structure that are used and reused to create novel utterances.This point has led Hopper(1987)to propose grammar as emergent from experience,mutable, and ever coming into being rather than static,categorical,and fixed.Viewed in this way,language is a complex dynamic system similar to complex systems that have been identified,for instance,in biology(Lindblom et al.1984,Larsen-Freeman1997).It does not have structure a priori,but rather the apparent structure emerges from the repetition of many local events(in this case speech events).I describe here some data that help us understand what some of the properties of an emergent,usage-based gram-mar mightbe.4.G OALS OF THE ARTICLE.There are a number of important consequences of the fact that speakers are familiar with certain multiword units.For the present article I focus on the implications of the fact that the use of language is lexically particular; certain words tend to be used in certain collocations or constructions.My goal is to explore the implications of this fact for cognitive representation.I discuss a series of cases in which there is evidence that lexically particular instances of constructions or word sequences are stored in memory and accessed as a unit.I further discuss facts that show that the frequency of use of such lexically particular collocations must also be a part of the cognitive representation because frequency is a factor in certain types of change.I argue that in order to represent the facts of usage,as well as the facts of change that eventually emerge from this usage,we need to conceive of grammar as based on constructions and as having an exemplar representation in which specific instances of use affect representation.The model to be proposed,then,uses a type of exemplar representation with constructions as the basic unit of morphosyntax(see §§6–9and13).After discussing further aspects of the approach taken,five types of evidence are discussed.First,evidence for the importance of frequency in the developing autonomy of new constructions in grammaticization is presented.Second,I discuss the effects of context and frequency of use on the development of conventionalized collocations and grammatical constructions.Third,I briefly treat phonological reduction in high-frequency phrases.Fourth,I turn to the organization of categories within constructions where it is seen that in some cases high-frequency exemplars serve as the central members of categories.Finally,the fact that high-frequency exemplars of constructions can resist change is taken as evidence that such exemplars have cognitive representation.5.F REQUENCY EFFECTS ON PROCESSING AND STORAGE.Before turning to the evidence,I briefly review three effects of token frequency that have been established in recent literature.First,high-frequency words and phrases undergo phonetic reduction at a faster rate than low-and mid-frequency sequences(Schuchardt1885,Fidelholtz1975,Hooper 1976,Bybee&Scheibman1999,Bybee2000b,2001).This REDUCING EFFECT applies to phrases of extreme high frequency like I don’t know,which shows the highest rate of don’t reduction(Bybee&Scheibman1999),and also to words of all frequency levels undergoing gradual sound change,such as English final t/d deletion or Spanish [L]deletion,both of which affect high-frequency words earlier than low-frequency words(Bybee2001,2002,Gregory et al.1999).The explanation for this effect is that theFROM USAGE TO GRAMMAR:THE MIND’S RESPONSE TO REPETITION715 articulatory representation of words and sequences of words is made up of neuromotor routines.When sequences of neuromotor routines are repeated,their execution becomes more fluent.This increased fluency is the result of the establishment of a new routine, as when a group of words comes to be processed as a single unit(Anderson1993, Boyland1996).In the new routine articulatory gestures reduce and overlap as the routine is repeated.A second effect of token frequency(the CONSERVING EFFECT)relates to the morpho-syntactic structure of a string.High-frequency sequences become more entrenched in their morphosyntactic structure and resist restructuring on the basis of productive pat-terns that might otherwise occur.Thus among English irregular verbs the low-frequency verbs are more likely to regularize(weep,weeped)while the high-frequency verbs maintain their irregularity(keep,kept).My proposal to explain this tendency(Hooper 1976,Bybee1985)is that frequency strengthens the memory representations of words or phrases,making them easier to access whole and thus less likely to be subject to analogical reformation.This effect applies to syntactic sequences as well,allowing higher-frequency exemplars to maintain a more conservative structure(Bybee& Thompson1997).In§15the example of the maintenance of the older type of negation in English(no-negation)with high-frequency constructions is discussed.The third effect(AUTONOMY)is related to the second one.Autonomy refers to the factt hatmorphologically complex forms(or st rings of words)of high frequency can lose their internal structure as they become autonomous from etymologically related forms(Bybee1985).This can be seen for example in the way that words with deriva-tional affixes become less transparently related to their base forms as they become more frequent(Bybee1985,Hay2001).Hay(2001)argues that the semantic opacity of words like dislocate is due to the fact that their complex forms are more frequent than the bases from which they were originally derived.The effect applies to inflection only in cases of extreme high frequency,where it leads to suppletion.Thus went was formerly the past tense of wend but(for unknown reasons)itincreased in frequency and moved away from wend,joining go to become the past tense of that verb.This effect also applies in grammaticization when sequences that are originally complex (such as be going to)lose their semantic and syntactic transparency and move away from other instances of the words be,go,and to.In discussing these effects here and elsewhere,I refer to high and low frequency and to extreme high frequency without specifying exactly what these values mean in numerical terms.Thus,the conserving effect applies to high-frequency items but auton-omy appears to affect only strings of extreme high frequency.The reducing effect appears to be graded in that the higher the frequency of the string,the greater its reduction.The phenomenon discussed in§14in which higher-frequency items form the centers of categories requires that the item not be so high in frequency as to be autonomous.The impossibility at the moment of specifying ranges for extreme high, medium,and low is only a function of the state of our knowledge.As more empirical studies appear,absolute frequency ranges for each phenomena will eventually be speci-fiable.6.C ONSTRUCTION-BASED REPRESENTATIONS.For the phenomena to be examined here, cognitive representations based on constructions turn out to be highly effective.Several versions of grammar in terms of constructions have been discussed in the literature. Proposals have been made by Fillmore and Kay(e.g.Fillmore etal.1988,Kay& Fillmore1999),Goldberg(1995,2003),Lakoff(1987),Langacker(1987),and Croft716LANGUAGE,VOLUME82,NUMBER4(2006)(2001).All of these proposals agree on a basic point:Cognitive representations of grammar are organized into constructions which are partially schematic,conventional-ized sequences of morphemes with a direct semantic representation.According to Goldberg,all of the following constitute constructions:(i)idioms with fixed lexical content:go great guns;(ii)idioms that are partially filled:jogϽsomeone’sϾmemory; (iii)constructions with some fixed material:he made his way through the crowd;and (iv)fully abstract constructions:they gave him an award.It is interesting to note that almost all constructions contain some explicit morphologi-cal material,tying them fairly concretely to specific words or morphemes(e.g.way and the possessive pronoun in(iii)).The ditransitive construction in(iv)contains no specific phonological material that identifies it as the ditransitive.Only the word order signals this.However,it should be noted that only a small class of verbs can occur in this construction so that it also has a grounding in lexical items.In fact,the continuum in(i)through(iv)shows examples from the most lexically explicit to the most schematic.Prefabs can also be considered to be instances of con-structions that are lexically filled.Given the high use of prefabs and idioms in natural speech,it appears that a good deal of production(and perception)refers to sequences of prespecified lexical choices rather than to abstract grammar.For this reason,a model that builds a grammar from specific instances of language use,such as an exemplar model or a connectionist model,seems appropriate.For present purposes,I focus on representation in an exemplar model.7.E XEMPLAR REPRESENTATION.Several versions of exemplar theory have been pro-posed in the psychology literature on categorization(Nosofsky1988,Goldinger1996). The version of exemplar theory adopted here has found its way into linguistics as a means of representing phonetic variation(K.Johnson1997,Pierrehumbert2001,2002). In this model,every token of experience is classified and placed in a vast organizational network as a part of the decoding process.The major idea behind exemplar theory is that the matching process has an effect on the representations themselves;new tokens of experience are not decoded and then discarded,but rather they impact memory representations.In particular,a token of linguistic experience that is identical to an existing exemplar is mapped onto that exemplar,strengthening it.Tokens that are similar but not identical(differing in slight ways in meaning,phonetic shape,pragmat-ics)to existing exemplars are represented as exemplars themselves and are stored near similar exemplars to constitute clusters or categories.Thus the phonetic shape of a word mightconsistof a setof phonet ic exemplars t hatare very similar t o one anot her.2 Exemplar clusters can also be arranged hierarchically.A set of exemplars that are judged to be similar phonetically and represent the same meaning are clustered together and are represented as a word or phrase.Constructions emerge when phrases that bear some formal similarity as well as some semantic coherence are stored close to one another.According to K.Johnson(1997),phonetic exemplars are tagged for an array of information about their occurrence:phonetic context,semantic and pragmatic informa-tion,other linguistic context,and social context.Thus an exemplar is an extremely2In some versions of exemplar representation,exemplars are scattered randomly through space.Only when categorization of a new exemplar is necessary are they organized by similarity(Chandler2002,Skousen 1989).Because linguistic categorization takes place so often I propose that linguistic categories(in the form of phonetic,morphosyntactic,semantic/pragmatic characteristics)are more entrenched in the sense that frequently used categorizations have an impact on neurological organization.FROM USAGE TO GRAMMAR:THE MIND’S RESPONSE TO REPETITION717 complex item.Not only does the phonetic side of a word or phrase take different forms and thus require multiple exemplars,but the semantic and contextual sides also encompass ranges of variation.It is necessary,then,to expand the theory to encompass exemplars that differ by any of the facets of a linguistic sign.That is,the particular semantic interpretations associated with tokens of use also contain details and nuances that lend themselves to exemplar representation.When meanings are the same,they are mapped onto the same exemplar,but when there are differences,separate exemplars are created.Similarly,the memory for contexts of use for words and constructions can be organized in exemplar clusters.These points are further illustrated in§13.In applying this kind of model to linguistic data,it is important to bear in mind just which aspects of the model are helpful to our understanding of language.Thus I focus on the following factors because they help us understand how constructions come into being and change over time.a.Exemplar representations allow specific information about instances of useto be retained in representation.b.Exemplar representations provide a natural way to allow frequency of useto determine the strength of exemplars.c.Exemplar clusters are categories that exhibit prototype effects.They are or-ganized in terms of members that are more or less central to the category,rather than in terms of categorical features.At first it might seem rather implausible to suppose that every token of language use encountered by a speaker/hearer has an effect on cognitive representation.Therefore it is important to consider how these notions can be applied to language.First,we have to move beyond the goal of structural and generative linguistics to try to establish which features or forms are stored in the lexicon and which are not(cf. Langacker’s rule/list fallacy(1987))and take a more probabilistic view of representa-tion.A phrase that is experienced only once by an adult is likely to have only a minute impact on representation compared to all of the accumulated exemplars already existing. Compare this to a young child whose experience is much more limited:each new token of experience has a greater impact on his/her representations.In addition,given a highly organized network of morphemes,words,phrases,and constructions,it will be difficult to distinguish between specific storage(storing the relatively low-frequency phrase such as beige curtains as a unit)and distributed storage(mapping the two words onto existing exemplars of these words)because both types of processing are occurring at the same time.Only when a sequence is repeated will access to it as a unit rather than by its parts become more efficient(Boyland1996,Haiman1994,Hay2001).Thus the question of storage or nonstorage will always be a probabilistic one,based on the experience of the language user.Second,human memory capacity is quite large.Nonlinguistic memories are detailed and extensive,suggesting a strong memory capacity for experienced phenomena(Gol-dinger1996,K.Johnson1997).In particular it is interesting to consider how memory for repeated experiences is represented,because an important feature of linguistic expe-rience is the regular repetition of phonological strings,words,and constructions.Con-sider a repeated experience,such as walking from your office on campus to your classroom.You probably take much the same route each time,and although many of the perceptual details are not important,you register them anyway.Was there a pigeon on the path?Did you see your colleague coming from the other direction?These details are registered in memory so that if they are repeated,it is noted and eventually you718LANGUAGE,VOLUME82,NUMBER4(2006)may come to expect to see a pigeon on the path or your colleague returning from his class.At the same time,memories decay over time.If in fact you never see your colleague again on that path,you may forget the one time you saw him/her there.Both of these properties of memory—the build up of strength in repeated memories and the loss of nonrepeated memories—are important for explaining linguistic phenomena. Third,it is clear that linguistic memories represented as exemplars can undergo considerable reorganization,particularly when change is ongoing in a language.Exam-ples of reorganization of constructions are presented in§§10–12,but for now I mention a phonetic example.Consider the case of a sound change occurring at a word boundary which sets up variation among the forms of a word,such as in the final syllable of a Spanish word ending in[s]in dialects where it is reduced to[h]before a consonant but maintained before a vowel.In a case like this,the phonetically conditioned variation is not maintained.Rather,the more frequent variant,the one used before a consonant, is extended to use before a vowel.This gives evidence for considerable reorganization within the exemplar cluster resulting in a smaller range of variation(Bybee2000a, 2001).(For experiments that model category formation from exemplars,see Pierrehumbert2001,2002,Wedel2004.)The cases I discuss here provide evidence that linguistics needs a model that allows particular instances of use to affect representation.It is important to note that there are several models that have been computationally tested that have this property;for in-stance,connectionist models work on the principle that detailed information is the basis of more general patterns.Such models have been tested on a variety of cognitive phenomena,but it may be that language will present both the toughest testing ground for such theories and the best source of data for our understanding of categorization and memory,especially memory for repeated events.8.E XEMPLAR REPRESENTATION OF CONSTRUCTIONS.As mentioned above,exemplars of words or phrases that are similar on different dimensions are grouped together in cognitive representation.From such a grouping a construction can emerge.For example, an exemplar representation of a partially filled construction would have experienced tokens mapping onto the constant parts of the construction exactly,strengthening these parts,while the open slots would not match exactly.If there are similarities(in particu-lar,semantic similarities)among the items occurring in the open slot,a category for these items would begin to develop.Thus in a Spanish example that I discuss further in§14,adjectives following the verb quedarse‘to become’,such as quieto,tranquilo, or inmo´vil,would be categorized together due to their semantic coherence,and this category would then predict novel uses of quedarseםadjective(Bybee&Eddington 2006).(1)Example:Spanish quedarseםADJECTIVE‘become ADJ’quedarse͕tranquilo‘tranquil’quieto‘quiet,still’inmo´vil‘still,immobile’͖Further details about the mapping of form and meaning in constructions is presented in§13.9.E FFECTS OF REPETITION ON PARTICULAR INSTANCES OF CONSTRUCTIONS.The next three sections of this article contain a discussion of the effects of repetition and context of use on particular exemplars of constructions.The examples provided are intended as empirical evidence that specific instances(exemplars)of constructions are part of the cognitive representation of language and that frequency of use has an impact on。
二叠纪-三叠纪灭绝事件二叠纪-三叠纪灭绝事件(Permian–Triassic extinction event)是一个大规模物种灭绝事件,发生于古生代二叠纪与中生代三叠纪之间,距今大约2亿5140万年[1][2]。
此次灭绝事件是地质年代的五次大型灭绝事件中,规模最庞大的一次,因此又非正式称为大灭绝(Great Dying)[6],或是大规模灭绝之母(Mother of all mass extinctions)[7]。
目录? 1 年代测定? 2 灭绝模式o 2.1 海中生物o 2.2 陆地无脊椎动物o 2.3 陆地植物? 2.3.1 植物生态系统? 2.3.2 煤层缺口o 2.4 陆地脊椎动物o 2.5 灭绝模式的可能解释? 3 生态系统的复原o 3.1 海洋生态系统的改变o 3.2 陆地脊椎动物? 4 灭绝原因o 4.1 撞击事件o 4.2 火山爆发o 4.3 甲烷水合物的气化o 4.4 海平面改变o 4.5 海洋缺氧o 4.6 硫化氢o 4.7 盘古大陆的形成o 4.8 多重原因? 5 注释? 6 延伸阅读? 7 外部链接年代测定在西元二十世纪之前,二叠纪与三叠纪交界的地层很少被发现,因此科学家们很难准确地估算灭绝事件的年代与经历时间,以及影响的地理范围[12]。
青少年自我伤害行为影响因素与情绪管理对策-社会心理学论文-社会学论文——文章均为WORD文档,下载后可直接编辑使用亦可打印——心理学情绪管理论文第五篇:青少年自我伤害行为影响因素与情绪管理对策摘要:自我伤害行为是应对负性情绪的常用策略, 普遍存在于冲动型、情绪管理薄弱的青少年群体中, 严重影响其身心健康和发展, 是重要的疾病负担之一, 应引起广大学者和学校卫生工作者的关注和重视。
作者对自我伤害行为的概念和界定、流行病学和危害、影响因素进行了文献研究和分析, 并提出以培养青少年情绪管理能力为重点的预防和干预策略。
关键词:情绪; 自我伤害行为; 精神卫生; 青少年;Emotional regulation and self-injury behavior among adolescentsTANG JieDepartment of Preventive Medicine, School of Public Health, Guangzhou Medical UniversityAbstract:Self-injury behavior, a common strategy for coping with negative emotions, is widespread among adolescents with impulsive and emotional dysregulation. Self-injury behavior severely impacts an adolescents mental and physical well-being, and has become one of the important disease burdens, which deserves much attention from both scholars and school health care providers. Based on literature review, the definition, epidemiology and influencing factors of self-injury,as well as proposed prevention and intervention strategies for self-injury focusing on emotional regulation, were provided.自我伤害行为(self-harm behavior, SB) 是一个宽泛的概念, 其核心内涵指个体故意伤害自己的身体组织。
recital superficial syndicated columns tabloid ticker top the list virulence wire services adversity arbitrary arthritis barricade bittersweet come to terms conserve contingent (up) on cost of Living debilitating defective deprivation desolation dignified diagnostic discrepant drastically eradicate euphemism excruciatingly existential folder fraudulent fulfilling funnel herein hearing aids housing humiliating impair inflationary inherently inhospitable superstitious tippet wring accelerator backboard blocks blueberry 使整洁 打听,窥探(常作贬义,口语化用 boulevard 词) bulge 勒死,掐死,限制,阻止 click 小事,琐事 cop 放松,松弛 crib (人)瘦长而结实的 dash 使羞愧,使窘迫 dent 理解;领悟 dopey 秘密的,暗地的,偷偷地 dribble 狡猾,狡诈的 droop 滑稽的 exhale (嗓音)颤抖,结结巴巴地说 feel like oneself 烦躁,坐立不安,惹人生厌 fender 烦躁的,不安的 flip 焦急,不安;心绪不宁 hot dog 短柄小斧 hot-shot 铰链 (美国历史上)移民到某地定居并 ignition 耕种政府分给的土地 ignition key 用打成花结连接 irk 孤单的,寂寞的,偏远的 jerk 衬裙 lettuce 用小布拼缝被子
Question 11-21:Printmaking is the generic term for a number of processes, of which woodcut and engraving are two prime examples. Prints are made by pressing a sheet of paper (or other material) against an image-bearing surface to which ink has been applied. When the paper is removed, the image adheres to it, but in reverse.The woodcut had been used in China from the fifth century A.D. for applying patterns to textiles. The process was not introduced into Europe until the fourteenth century, first for textile decoration and then for printing on paper. Woodcuts are created by a relief process; first, the artist takes a block of wood, which has been sawed parallel to the grain, covers it with a white ground, and then draws the image in ink. The background is carved away, leaving the design area slightly raised. The woodblock is inked, and the ink adheres to the raised image. It is then transferred to damp paper either by hand or with a printing press.Engraving, which grew out of the goldsmith's art, originated in Germany and northern Italy in the middle of the fifteenth century. It is an intaglio process (from Italian intagliare, "to carve"). The image is incised into a highly polished metal plate, usually copper, with a cutting instrument, or burin. The artist inks the plate and wipes it clean so that some ink remains in the incised grooves. An impression is made on damp paper in a printing press, with sufficient pressure being applied so that the paper picks up the ink.Both woodcut and engraving have distinctive characteristics. Engraving lends itself to subtle modeling and shading through the use of fine lines. Hatching and cross-hatching determine the degree of light and shade in a print. Woodcuts tend to be more linear, with sharper contrasts between light and dark. Printmaking is well suited to the production of multiple images. A set of multiples is called an edition. Both methods can yield several hundred good-quality prints before the original block or plate begins to show signs of wear. Mass production of prints in the sixteenth century made images available, at a lower cost, to a much broader public than before.11. What does the passage mainly discuss?A. The origins of textile decorationB. The characteristics of good-quality printsC. Two types of printmakingD. Types of paper used in printmaking12. The word "prime" in line 2 is closest in meaning toA. principalB. complexC. generalD. recent13. The author's purposes in paragraph 2 is to describeA. the woodcuts found in China in the fifth centuryB. the use of woodcuts in the textile industryC. the process involved in creating a woodcutD. the introduction of woodcuts to Europe14. The word "incised" in line 15 is closest in meaning toA. burnedB. cutC. framedD. baked15. Which of the following terms is defined in the passage/A. "patterns"(line 5)B. "grain"(line 8)C. "burin"(line 16)D. "grooves"(line 17)16. The word "distinctive" in line 19 is closest in meaning toA. uniqueB. accurateC. irregularD. similar17. According to the passage, all of the following are true about engraving EXCEPT that itA. developed from the art of the goldsmithsB. requires that the paper be cut with a burinC. originated in the fifteenth centuryD. involves carving into a metal plate18. The word "yield" in line 23 is closest in meaning toA. imitateB. produceC. reviseD. contrast19. According to the passage, what do woodcut and engraving have in common?A. Their designs are slightly raised.B. They achieve contrast through hatching and cross-hatching.C. They were first used in Europe.D. They allow multiple copies to be produced from one original.20. According to the author, what made it possible for members of the general public to own prints in the sixteenth century?A. Prints could be made at low cost.B. The quality of paper and ink had improved.C. Many people became involved in the printmaking industry.D. Decreased demand for prints kept prices affordable.21. According to the passage, all of the following are true about prints EXCEPT that theyA. can be reproduced on materials other than paperB. are created from a reversed imageC. show variations between light and dark shadesD. require a printing pressQuestions 22-31:The first peoples to inhabit what today is the southeastern United States sustained themselves as hunters and gathers. Sometimes early in the first millennium A.D., however, they began to cultivate corn and other crops. Gradually, as they became more skilled at gardening, they settled into permanent villages and developed a rich culture, characterized by the great earthen mounds they erected as monuments to their gods and as tombs for their distinguished dead. Most of these early mound builders were part of the Adena-Hopewell culture, which had its beginnings near the Ohio River and takes its name from sites in Ohio. The culture spread southward into the present-day states of Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida. Its peoples became great traders, bartering jewellery,pottery, animal pelts, tools, and other goods along extensive trading networks that stretched up and down eastern North America and as far west as the Rocky Mountains.About A.D. 400, the Hopewell culture fell into decay. Over the next centuries, it was supplanted by another culture, the Mississippian, named after the river along which many of its earliest villages were located. This complex civilization dominated the Southeast from about A.D. 700 until shortly before the Europeans began arriving in the sixteenth century. At the peak of its strength, about the year 1200, it was the most advanced culture in North America. Like their Hopewell predecessors, the Mississippians became highly skilled at growing food, although on a grander scale. They developed an improved strain of corn, which could survive in wet soil and a relatively cool climate, and also learned to cultivate beans. Indeed, agriculture became so important to the Mississippians that it became closely associated with the Sun --- the guarantor of good crops. Many tribes called themselves "children of the Sun" and believed their omnipotent priest-chiefs were descendants of the great sun god.Although most Mississippians lived in small villages, many others inhabited large towns. Most of these towns boasted at least one major flat-topped mound on which stood a temple that contained a sacred flame. Only priests and those charged with guarding the flame could enter the temples. The mounds also served as ceremonial and trading sites, and at times they were used as burial grounds.22. What does the passage mainly discuss?A. The development of agricultureB. The locations of towns and villagesC. The early people and cultures of the United StatesD. The construction of burial mounds23. Which of the following resulted from the rise of agriculture in the southeastern United States?A. The development of trade in North AmericaB. The establishment of permanent settlementsC. Conflicts with other Native American groups over landD. A migration of these peoples to the Rocky Mountains.24. What does the term "Adena-Hopewell"(line 7) designate?A. The early locations of the Adena-Hopewell cultureB. The two most important nations of the Adena-Hopewell cultureC. Two former leaders who were honored with large burial mounds.D. Two important trade routes in eastern North America25. The word "bartering" in line 9 is closest in meaning toA. producingB. exchangingC. transportingD. loading26. The word "supplanted" in line 13 is closest in meaning toA. conqueredB. precededC. replacedD. imitated27. According to the passage, when did the Mississippian culture reach its highest point of development?A. About A.D. 400B. Between A.D. 400 AND A.D. 700C. About A.D. 1200D. In the sixteenth century28. According to the passage, how did the agriculture of the Mississippians differ from that of their Hopewell predecessors?A. The Mississippians produced more durable and larger crops of food.B. The Mississippians sold their food to other groups.C. The Mississippians could only grow plants in warm, dry climates.D. The Mississippians produced special foods for their religious leaders.29. Why does the author mention that many Mississippians tribes called themselves "children of the Sun"(line 22)?A. To explain why they were obedient to their priest-chiefs.B. To argue about the importance of religion in their culture.C. To illustrate the great importance they placed on agriculture.D. To provide an example of their religious rituals.30. The phrase "charged with" in line 26 is closest in meaning toA. passed onB. experienced atC. interested inD. assigned to31. According to the passage, the flat-topped mounds in Mississippian towns were used for all of the following purposes EXCEPTA. religious ceremoniesB. meeting places for the entire communityC. sites for commerceD. burial sitesQuestion 32-40:Overland transport in the United States was still extremely primitive in 1790. Roads were few and short, usually extending from inland communities to the nearest river town or seaport. Nearly all interstate commerce was carried out by sailing ships that served the bays and harbors of the seaboard. Yet, in 1790 the nation was on the threshold of a new era of road development. Unable to finance road construction, states turned for help to private companies, organized by merchants and land speculators who had a personal interest in improved communications with the interior. The pioneer in this move was the state of Pennsylvania, which chartered a company in 1792 to construct a turnpike, a road for the use of which a toll, or payment, is collected, from Philadelphia to Lancaster. The legislature gave the company the authority to erect tollgates at points along the road where payment would be collected, though it carefully regulated the rates. (The states had unquestioned authority to regulate private business in this period.)The company built a gravel road within two years, and the success of the Lancaster Pike encouraged imitation. Northern states generally relied on private companies to build their toll roads, but Virginia constructed a network at public expense. Such was the road building fever that by 1810 New York alone had some 1,500 miles of turnpikes extending from the Atlantic to Lake Erie.Transportation on these early turnpikes consisted of freight carrier wagons and passenger stagecoaches. The most common road freight carrier was the Conestoga wagon, a vehicle developed in the mid-eighteenth century by German immigrants in the area around Lancaster, Pennsylvania. It featured large, broad wheels able to negotiate all but the deepest ruts and holes, and its round bottom prevented the freight from shifting on a hill. Covered with canvas and drawn by four to six horses, the Conestoga wagon rivaled the log cabin as the primary symbol of the frontier. Passengers traveled in a variety of stagecoaches, the most common of which had four benches, each holding three persons. It was only a platform on wheels, with no springs; slender poles held up the top, and leather curtains kept out dust and rain.32. Paragraph 1 discusses early road building in the United States mainly in terms of theA. popularity of turnpikesB. financing of new roadsC. development of the interiorD. laws governing road use33. The word "primitive" in line 1 is closest in meaning toA. unsafeB. unknownC. inexpensiveD. undeveloped34. In 1790 most roads connected towns in the interior of the country withA. other inland communitiesB. towns in other statesC. river towns or seaportsD. construction sites35. The phrase "on the threshold of" in line 4 and 5 is closest in meaning toA. in need ofB. in place ofC. at the start ofD. with the purpose of36. According to the passage, why did states want private companies to help with road building?A. The states could not afford to build roads themselves.B. The states were not as well equipped as private companies.C. Private companies could complete roads faster than the states.D. Private companies had greater knowledge of the interior.37. The word "it" in line 11 refers toA. legislatureB. companyC. authorityD. payment38. The word "imitation" in line 14 is closest in meaning toA. investmentB. suggestionC. increasingD. copying39. Virginia is mentioned as an example of a state thatA. built roads without tollgatesB. built roads with government moneyC. completed 1,500 miles of turnpikes in one yearD. introduced new law restricting road use40. The "large, broad wheels" of the Conestoga wagon are mentioned in line 21 as an example of a feature of wagons that wasA. unusual in mid-eighteenth century vehiclesB. first found in GermanyC. effective on roads with uneven surfacesD. responsible for frequent damage to freightQuestion 41- 50:In Death Valley, California, one of the hottest, most arid places in North America, there is much salt, and salt can damage rocks impressively. Inhabitants of areas elsewhere, where streets and highways are salted to control ice, are familiar with the resulting rust and deterioration on cars. That attests tothe chemically corrosive nature of salt, but it is not the way salt destroys rocks. Salt breaks rocks apart principally by a process called crystal prying and wedging. This happens not by soaking the rocks in salt water, but by moistening their bottoms with salt water. Such conditions exist in many areas along the eastern edge of central Death Valley. There, salty water rises from the groundwater table by capillary action through tiny spaces in sediment until it reaches the surface.Most stones have capillary passages that suck salt water from the wet ground. Death Valley provides an ultra-dry atmosphere and high daily temperatures, which promote evaporation and the formation of salt crystals along the cracks or other openings within stones. These crystals grow as long as salt water is available. Like tree roots breaking up a sidewalk, the growing crystals exert pressure on the rock and eventually pry the rock apart along planes of weakness, such as banding in metamorphic rocks, bedding in sedimentary rocks, or preexisting or incipient fractions, and along boundaries between individual mineral crystals or grains. Besides crystal growth, the expansion of halite crystals(the same as everyday table salt) by heating and of sulfates and similar salts by hydration can contribute additional stresses. A rock durable enough to have withstood natural conditions for a very long time in other areas could probably be shattered into small pieces by salt weathering within a few generations.The dominant salt in Death Valley is halite, or sodium chloride, but other salts, mostly carbonates and sulfates, also cause prying and wedging, as does ordinary ice. Weathering by a variety of salts, though often subtle, is a worldwide phenomenon. Not restricted to arid regions, intense salt weathering occurs mostly in salt-rich places like the seashore, near the large saline lakes in the Dry Valleys of Antarctica, and in desert sections of Australia, New Zealand, and central Asia.41. What is the passage mainly about?A. The destructive effects of salt on rocks.B. The impressive salt rocks in Death Valley.C. The amount of salt produced in Death Valley.D. The damaging effects of salt on roads and highways.42. The word "it" in line 9 refers toA. salty waterB. groundwater tableC. capillary actionD. sediment43. The word "exert" in line 14 is closest in meaning toA. putB. reduceC. replaceD. control44. In lines 13-17, why does the author compare tree roots with growing salt crystals?A. They both force hard surfaces to crack.B. They both grow as long as water is available.C. They both react quickly to a rise in temperature.D. They both cause salty water to rise from the groundwater table.45. In lines 17-18, the author mentions the "expansion of halite heating and of sulfates and similar salts by hydration" in order toA. present an alternative theory about crystal growthB. explain how some rocks are not affected by saltC. simplify the explanation of crystal prying and wedgingD. introduce additional means by which crystals destroy rocks46. The word "durable" in line 19 is closest in meaning toA. largeB. strongC. flexibleD. pressured47. The word "shattered" in line 20 is closest in meaning toA. arrangedB. dissolvedC. broken apartD. gathered together48. The word "dominant" in line 22 is closest in meaning toA. most recent文档收集于互联网,已重新整理排版.word版本可编辑,有帮助欢迎下载支持.B. most commonC. least availableD. least damaging49. According to the passage, which of the following is true about theeffects of salts on rocks?A. Only two types of salts cause prying and wedging.B. Salts usually cause damage only in combination with ice.C. A variety of salts in all kinds of environments can cause weathering.D. Salt damage at the seashore is more severe than salt damage in Death Valley,50. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about rocks that are found in areas where ice is common?A. They are protected from weathering.B. They do not allow capillary action of water.C. They show similar kinds of damage as rocks in Death Valley.D. They contain more carbonates than sulfates.答案CACBC ABBDA DCBAB CCACD BBDCC AADBC AAAAD BCBCC1文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.。
1941克林贝尔The Permeability Of Porous Media To Liquids And Gases
air might be of no significance or even definitely misleading. The question to be discussed here, however, is whether porous media in which no changes in the internal structure take place will show different permeability constants to different fluids. I t has been a point of much discussion in the literature' whether the walls of small capillaries, a s they occur in porous media, are able to adsorb molecules to such a n extent a s to build up more or less .rigid layers several molecules thick. Such adsorbed layers would reduce the effective pore diameter to a different degree for different liquids and, a s a consequence, the permeability of a porous mass would depend on the nature of the liquid. Some authors8 prefer to speak about an increase in viscosity of the liquid with a decreasing distance to the solid wall-which amounts, of course, to the same thing.
Terrestrial Impact Structures Observation and Mode
1906 & 1909: Barringer writes papers attributing the crater to an impact event. Drilling and exploration continued at great expenses.
Formation of Impact Craters
• Less than 1 mile across, it was created about 50,000 years ago.
• Formed by an iron asteroid. Lots of melted droplets and solid pieces of an iron-nickel material have been recovered in the area.
Buried under rocks and sand for a long
time, it has been uncovered again by
recent erosion.
Possible crater Aorounga may be part
of a crater chain
Mystery structure #3
Mystery structure #4
Clearwater, Canada
two craters, both 290 Ma
Clearwater West: 22.5 miles
Complex structure Clearwater East:
钠还原氟钽酸钾生产冶金级钽粉原粉性能影响因素分析发布时间:2022-11-02T03:28:16.140Z 来源:《中国科技信息》2022年第13期作者:李丽君1,2林辅坤 1[导读] 介绍了采用钠还原氟钽酸钾方法生产冶金级原粉,还原工艺对其物理性能、化学性能的影响,重点分析了不同细化剂李丽君1,2林辅坤 1(1宁夏东方钽业股份有限公司宁夏石嘴山 753000)(2国家钽铌特种金属材料工程技术研究中心宁夏石嘴山 753000)摘要:介绍了采用钠还原氟钽酸钾方法生产冶金级原粉,还原工艺对其物理性能、化学性能的影响,重点分析了不同细化剂添加量、不同加热炉保温性能、不同稀释盐、不同的搅拌速度对原粉物理性能、化学性能有着很大的影响。
关键词:冶金级钽粉物理性能化学性能Analysis of influence factors on affecting the properties of metallurgical powder produced by sodium reduction of potassium fluotantalateLi Li-jun1,2,Lin Fu-kun1(1.Ningxia Orient Tantalum Industry Co.Ltd,Ningxia,shizuishan,753000)(2.National Engineering Research Center of Tantalum and Niobium,Ningxia,Shizuishan,753000)Abstract:The influence of reduction process of metallurgical grade raw powder produced by sodium reduction potassium heptafluorotantalate on its physical and chemical properties is introduced, the effects of different refiner content, different heating furnace, different diluent, different Ta2O5 content of potassium heptafluorotantalate, and different stirring performance on the physical and chemical properties of metallurgical grade raw powder were analyzed, it provides the basis for producing tantalum powder which can meet the production requirement.Key Words:metallurgical powder;physical property;chemical properties冶金级钽粉末的生产方法有钠还原氟钽酸钾氟钽酸钾钠热还原法、氧化钽电脱氧法、氧化钽镁还原法等[1],通常采用钠还原氟钽酸钾方法,还原钽粉经破碎,湿法酸洗处理,得到许多原生粒子(又称一次粒子)即为原粉粉末。
法布里珀罗基模共振英文The Fabryperot ResonanceOptics, the study of light and its properties, has been a subject of fascination for scientists and researchers for centuries. One of the fundamental phenomena in optics is the Fabry-Perot resonance, named after the French physicists Charles Fabry and Alfred Perot, who first described it in the late 19th century. This resonance effect has numerous applications in various fields, ranging from telecommunications to quantum physics, and its understanding is crucial in the development of advanced optical technologies.The Fabry-Perot resonance occurs when light is reflected multiple times between two parallel, partially reflective surfaces, known as mirrors. This creates a standing wave pattern within the cavity formed by the mirrors, where the light waves interfere constructively and destructively to produce a series of sharp peaks and valleys in the transmitted and reflected light intensity. The specific wavelengths at which the constructive interference occurs are known as the resonant wavelengths of the Fabry-Perot cavity.The resonant wavelengths of a Fabry-Perot cavity are determined bythe distance between the mirrors, the refractive index of the material within the cavity, and the wavelength of the incident light. When the optical path length, which is the product of the refractive index and the physical distance between the mirrors, is an integer multiple of the wavelength of the incident light, the light waves interfere constructively, resulting in a high-intensity transmission through the cavity. Conversely, when the optical path length is not an integer multiple of the wavelength, the light waves interfere destructively, leading to a low-intensity transmission.The sharpness of the resonant peaks in a Fabry-Perot cavity is determined by the reflectivity of the mirrors. Highly reflective mirrors result in a higher finesse, which is a measure of the ratio of the spacing between the resonant peaks to their width. This high finesse allows for the creation of narrow-linewidth, high-resolution optical filters and laser cavities, which are essential components in various optical systems.One of the key applications of the Fabry-Perot resonance is in the field of optical telecommunications. Fiber-optic communication systems often utilize Fabry-Perot filters to select specific wavelength channels for data transmission, enabling the efficient use of the available bandwidth in fiber-optic networks. These filters can be tuned by adjusting the mirror separation or the refractive index of the cavity, allowing for dynamic wavelength selection andreconfiguration of the communication system.Another important application of the Fabry-Perot resonance is in the field of laser technology. Fabry-Perot cavities are commonly used as the optical resonator in various types of lasers, providing the necessary feedback to sustain the lasing process. The high finesse of the Fabry-Perot cavity allows for the generation of highly monochromatic and coherent light, which is crucial for applications such as spectroscopy, interferometry, and precision metrology.In the realm of quantum physics, the Fabry-Perot resonance plays a crucial role in the study of cavity quantum electrodynamics (cQED). In cQED, atoms or other quantum systems are placed inside a Fabry-Perot cavity, where the strong interaction between the atoms and the confined electromagnetic field can lead to the observation of fascinating quantum phenomena, such as the Purcell effect, vacuum Rabi oscillations, and the generation of nonclassical states of light.Furthermore, the Fabry-Perot resonance has found applications in the field of optical sensing, where it is used to detect small changes in physical parameters, such as displacement, pressure, or temperature. The high sensitivity and stability of Fabry-Perot interferometers make them valuable tools in various sensing and measurement applications, ranging from seismic monitoring to the detection of gravitational waves.The Fabry-Perot resonance is a fundamental concept in optics that has enabled the development of numerous advanced optical technologies. Its versatility and importance in various fields of science and engineering have made it a subject of continuous research and innovation. As the field of optics continues to advance, the Fabry-Perot resonance will undoubtedly play an increasingly crucial role in shaping the future of optical systems and applications.。
Biography-Early Years"Napoleon Bonapare was a French general who became the leader of France and eventually emperor of the French. He lived in a era of enormous change, which spanned the American War of Independence (1775-1783) and the French Revolution (1789-1815)." (Barnes)Napoleon Bonaparte was born at Ajaccio on the island of Corsica on August 15th, 1769, the second son of a spendthrift lawyer, Carlo Bonaparte, and Letizia Ramolino, a severe matron of noble birth. Corsica had become French territory in the year before Napoleon's birth. His other siblings were Joseph, Lucien, Elisa, Louis, Pauline, Caroline and Jerome. (Lacey)He went to the mainland of France to learn French at a preportory school in Autun, and then attended the Military School at Brienne. Thanks to his noble heritage, he receive a royal scholarship where he graduated at the age of sixteen as a lieutenant in the artillery, two years before the rest of his class. (Barnes).Upon graduation, Napoleon was commissioned a lieutenant in the Royal Artillery. Napoleon became an ardent support of the new regime after the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789. His first chance at recognition was in 1793 at the French port city of Toulon. He directed the artillary siege of Toulon, a French city that had rebelled against the revolutionary government. For his performance at the victorious operation, he was made brigadier general at the age of twenty-four. (Napoleon I)Military Career and Rise to PowerNapoleon's career languished in July 1794, when revolutionary leader Maximilien Robespierre was and his supporters were executed. Napoleon was briefly arrested and detained for two weeks He was later released and given an administrative position. Napoleon worked his way back into command when he was called upon to disperse a royalist uprising in Paris in October 1795. Paul Barras sugested that Napoleon be in charge of the defense of the government know at the Convention. They agreed and Napoleon dispatched Captain Joachim Murat to secure cannon. Napleon controlled the streets leading to the Convention. He quelled the action by firing guns into the crowd, an event called the "whiff of grapeshot" and dispersed royalist forces. On March 2, 1796, he was given command of the French army then fighting in Italy. (Barnes)On March 9, 1796, the 26 year-old general married Josephine de Beauharnais. She was born Marie-Joséphe-Rose Tasher de la Pagerie on June 23, 1763. She had been married to Vicomete Alexandre de Beauharnais. He who was executed during the reign of terror. She later married Napoleon Bonaparte in a civil ceremony over the objections of his family. She was 32 at the time. They had no children. (Josephine Bonaparte)From November 15-17, 1796, Napoleon led his troops in the Battle of Arcoli. The French were victorious over the Austrians. In the Battle of Rivoli, the French were again victorious over the Austrians and came close to the Austrian capitol Vienna. He negotiated the Treaty of Campo Formio on Oct. 17, 1797. A French diplomat in Tuscany wrote of the young general: "The campaign was opened, and a series of victories as dazzling as they were unexpected, succeeding each other with suprising quickness, raised the glory of our French soldiers, and that of their great captain who led them daily to fresh triumphs, to the highest." -Miot de Melito, (Barnes) (Lacey).In 1798, the Directory sent Napoleon to Egypt where he was to remove Britain's influence and eliminate its shortcut to India. On July 21st, 1798, Napoleon led his army to victory at the Battle of the Pyramids. Napoleon now controlled Egypt. On August 1-2, Napoleon suffered a defeat at sea when Rear Admiral Sir Horatio Nelson destroyed his fleet at the Battle of the Nile. The Directory ordered Napoleon's return and he was anxious to return to Europe. During his time in Egypt, the Rosetta Stone was discovered, which laid the foundation of modern Egyptology. (Barnes) (Lacey).Napoleon returned to a weak French government, which was threadened by discontent and unrest from both the royalists and radical revolutionaries. The allied powers of Europe (Britain, Russia, Austria, Turkey and Portugal) formed a Second Coalition against France and were poised to invade. Napoleon left Egypt and arrived in France on October 9, 1799. Despite his losses, he was hailed as a hero. Top political leaders were plotting to gain control of the government. With their permission, Napoleon engineered a coup d'état on November 9, 1799. The government was overthrown and Napoleon became First Consul (of three), the ruler of France. (Barnes) (Lacey) (Napoleon)Napoleon was an exceptionally gifted political and military leader. His genius of intellect, his ability to see opportunity and fully exploit it, and his eye for both detail and the larger detail larger picture were essential to his success. On the battlefield, he delivered a crushing blow to the Austrians and allied nations that they led the Battle of Marengo on June 14, 1800. The Austrians made a separate peace with France in February 1801. (Barnes) (Napoleon I)With peace, Napoloen improved the French economy. He negotiated the Concordat (1801), which restored relations with the Roman Catholic Church. Catholicism was recognized as the "religion of the greater majority of Frenchmen," but freedom of religion, divorce and civil marriages were all retained. Land that was confiscated during the Revolution was not returned. He put the nations finances in order, made administrative reforms, guaranteed law and order with a new police force. He organized French laws into the famous Napoleonic Code, one of his most enduring achievments. (Barnes) (Napoleon I)On February 19th 1801, the Treaty of Lunéville concluded between France and Austria. Great Britian and the rest of Europe followed with the Treaty of Armiens on March 25, 1802. There was finally peace after ten years of continuious warfare. On August 2, 1802, Napoleon is elected Consul for Life by the Plebiscite. (Lacey) (Napoleon I)With popular support behind him, Napoleon proclaimed himself emperor of the French in May 1804. On December 4 1804, in a coronation ceremony, he placed the imperial crown of his head instead of the pope. Napoleon Bonaparte became Napoleon I, Emperor of of France and Josephine Bonaparte was crowned empress of France at Notre Dame Cathedral in France. (Barnes) (Lacey)Peace did not last long and in May 1803, France was once again at war with Great Britian. Austria and Russia entered the war on the side of the British. In the summer of 1805, Napoleon was preparing to invade Britain when he discovered the Austrians and Russians were moving against him in cental Europe. Without hesitation, he moved his troops, now called the Grande Armée, to meet them. He surprised and defeated the Austrians at Ulm, on October 17, 1805. He forced Austrian general Karl Mack to surrender 27,000 troops with hardly a shot fired. (Napoleon I) (Barnes).Britian and Russia joined Prussia to form a Fourth Coalition against Napoleon. The French defeated Prussia at the battle of Jean and Auerstädt, both fought on October 14, 1806. He confronted the Russians at the Battle of Eylau on February 7-8, 1807 with an indecisive outcome. Napoleon defeted the Russians at the battle of Friedland on June 14, 1807. He met Tsar Alexander I and formed an alliance. Napoleon settled the Treaty of Tilsit with the Russians. He spent the winter in Poland and fathered a son with his Polish mistress, Marie Walewska. (Barnes) (Napoleon I)Only the British remained undefeated after 1807 because of their naval invincibility. Napoleon was unable to challenge his hated enemy at sea. Napoleon souught to wage economic was against Great Britian. He enforced the Continential System, which forbade any of the Nations of Europe from trading with the British. (Napoleon I).Anxious to have a male heir and unable to have an heir with Josesphine, he divorced her and the end of 1809. He sought to marry into one of the most important royal families in Europe. He married Austrian princess Marie-Louise in March 1810. She bore him one son in 1811. (Barnes, Napoleon I)The height of Napoleon's power was the period from 1810 to 1812, but even then the empire was beginning to show cracks. Napleon attempted to control Spain by putting hisbrother Joseph on the throne. This move was supported by the middle class who felt it would lead to a far more enlightened Spanish government. But the Spanish peasant class rebelled, and a war of liberation ensued. The French forces eventually withdrew to France. (Barnes)Fall from PowerBy 1812, Napoleon's Continential System was in shambles. He undertook the Russian invasion to enforce his will on the czar. The campaign proved to be his undoing. On June 24 1812, Napoleon led an army of 600,000 men representing twenty nations across the Niemen River into Russia. He penetrated deep into Russia, winning victories over the Russian armies on the field but he reached Moscow without forcing the czar to surrender. The Russians burned Moscow rather than let the French shelter there. When winter set in, Napoleon was forced to retreat. The campaign was a disaster and Napoleon lost 90 percent of his army. The Russians continued their pursuit into Saxony in 1813 and a growing coalition of forces defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Leipzig on October 16-19, 1813. (Barnes) (Napoleon I)In 1814, he was forced to defend France from the invading forces of the Sixth Coalition. He led a brilliant campaign but his Marshalls were less successful. At that point, his marshals refused to fight anymore and he was forced to abdicate the throne on April 11, 1814. He was exiled from France as emperor of Elba, a tiny island off the coast of Italy. (Barnes).The monarchy was restored with King Louis XVIII and he set about working the details of peace. Napoleon secretly left Elba and returned to France in March 1815. The army rallied to his side and people came out to acclaim him. He came back to reclaim his throne. He pleaded for peace with the European leaders to seek war no more. His old enemies were unconvinced and mobilized several armies against him. After some success at Ligny and Quatre Bras in Belgium, he was decisively defeated at the battle of Waterloo on June 18, 1815. The period of his return, the hundred days were over. (Barnes) (Napoleon I) Napoleon abdicated a second time. The British gained custody of Napoleon and exiled him to St. Helena, a remote island in the Atlantic Ocean. He suffered alone and wrote his memoirs. He died on May 5, 1821. (Barnes) (Napoleon I).。
OSRAM OSTAR Observation应用注意事项说明书
April 8, 2011page 1 of 10OSRAM OSTAR Observation Application NoteSummaryThis application note provides an overview of the general handling and functionality of the OSRAM OSTAR Observation. The im-portant optical and electrical characteristics are described and the thermal requirements for stable operation of the IR LED light source are addressed.In addition, the procedure for dimensioning an appropriate heat sink is illustrated by means of an example.Applications of the IR light source OSRAM OSTAR ObservationThere are various possibilities where our customers are using the OSRAM OSTAR Observation as IR light source:- Infrared illumination for cameras - General monitoring systems - IR data transfer- Driver assistance systems.Due to its compact and flat design together with its high light density, the OSRAM OSTAR Observation can be easily inte-grated in various applications. This opens up new application areas that were off limits to conventional IR devices.Construction of the OSRAM OSTAR ObservationDuring design of the OSRAM OSTAR Ob-servation, special attention was given to the thermal optimization of the module.The module core is formed from ten highly efficient semiconductor chips mounted on ceramic. For optimal heat transfer, the ce-ramic is directly mounted to the aluminum of the insulated metal core circuit board (base plate). This results in optimal heat dissipa-tion and additionally provides a sufficiently large area for a good thermal connection to the system heat sink where the OSRAM OSTAR module has to be attached to.With this construction, the light source itself exhibits a very low thermal resistance (R thJB ) between junction and base plate of 2.8 K/W.The frame surrounding the chips is available in black and white colour to enable a choice depending on the desired application.The black frame minimizes scattered light, which is important in imaging systems, whereas the white frame optimizes the total optical output power.Figure 1: Two frame colours are available for the OSRAM OSTAR Observation.April 8, 2011page 2 of 10Equipped with an ESD protection diode, the OSRAM OSTAR Observation possesses ESD protection up to 2 kV according to JESD22-A114-B.A thermistor (NTC EPCOS 8502) mounted to the base plate serves as a sensor for de-termining the temperature of the metal core board. The NTC temperature provides a good approximation of the average tempera-ture of the underside of the aluminum base plate. From this the junction temperature can be estimated (using R thJB ) and thus con-trolled.As a light source, semiconductors of the latest highly efficient thin film technology based on AlGaAs are employed. This pro-vides a nearly pure surface emitter with Lambertian radiation characteristics.All semiconductor chips are wired in series to achieve a constant intensity for all emit-ting surfaces.Tips for handling the OSRAM OSTAR ObservationIn order to protect the semiconductor chips from environmental influences such as mois-ture, they are encapsulated using a clear silicone.In addition, the silicone encapsulant allows an operation at a junction temperature of 145°C.Since this encapsulant is very elastic and soft, mechanical damage to the silicone should be minimized or avoided if at all pos-sible during processing (see also the appli-cation note "Handling of Silicone Resin LEDs“).This also applies to the black silicone en-capsulant for the connection contacts. Ex-cessive force on the cover can lead to spon-taneous failure of the light source (damageto the contacts).Figure 2: Areas of the silicone encapsu-lant of the OSRAM OSTAR Observation (shown in red hatch marks), which must not be damaged.In Figure 2, the corresponding locations are shown in red hatch marks.To prevent damaging or puncturing the en-capsulant the use of all types of sharp ob-jects should be avoided.Furthermore, it should be assured that the light source is provided with adequate cool-ing (see design example below) during op-eration. Even at low currents, prolonged operation without cooling can lead to over-heating, damage or even failure of the mod-ule.Electrical connection of the OS-RAM OSTAR ObservationFor easy electrical connection, the OSRAM OSTAR Observation is equipped with a 4-pin socket:Pin Assignment: Pin 1: Anode Pin 2: Thermistor Pin 3: Thermistor Pin 4: CathodeAs a mating plug, the SMD plug from ERNI (SMD214025.4-pins) is recommended.April 8, 2011page 3 of 10Mounting the OSRAM OSTAR Ob-servationSeveral mounting methods can be used for attaching the IR light source.When selecting an appropriate mounting method, make sure that a good heat transfer is provided between the OSRAM OSTAR Observation and the heat sink and that this is also guaranteed during operation.An insufficient or incorrect mounting can lead to thermal or mechanical problems dur-ing assembly.Generally, screws should be used for mount-ing the OSRAM OSTAR Observation.When mounting the module with M2 screws, a torque of 0.2 - 0.3 Nm should be used. In order to achieve a good thermal connection, the contact pressure should typically be in the range of 0.35 MPa.In addition to mounting with screws, the OSRAM OSTAR Observation can also be attached by means of gluing or clamping. When mounting with glue, care should be taken that the glue is both adhesive and thermally stable, and possesses a good thermal conductivity.When mounting a component to a heat sink, it should generally be kept in mind that the two solid surfaces must be brought into physical contact.Technical surfaces are never really flat or smooth, however, but have a certain rough-ness due to microscopic edges and depres-sions. When two such surfaces are joined together, contact occurs only at the surface peaks. The depressions remain separated and form air-filled cavities (Figure 3).DescriptionMaterial Advantages DisadvantagesThermally conductive pasteTypically silicone based, with heat conductiveparticlesThermally conductive compoundsImproved thermallyconductive paste – rub-bery film after curingThinnest connection with minimal pressureHigh thermal conductiv-ity No delaminationMaterial discharge at the edgesDanger of contamina-tion during mass pro-ductionPaste can escape and "creep" over timeConnections require curing process Phase Change Materi-als (PCM)Material of polyester or acrylic with lower glass transition temperature, filled with thermally con-ductive particlesEasy handling and mountingNo delaminationNo curingContact pressure re-quiredHeat pretreatment re-quiredThermally conductive elastomersSilicone plastic washer pads- filled with thermally conductive particles - often strengthened with glass fibers or di-electric filmsThermally conductive tapeDouble sided tape filled with particles for uniform thermal and adhesive propertiesNo leakage of materialCuring not requiredProblem with delamina-tionModerate thermal con-ductivityContact pressure re-quiredTable 1: Thermal Interface MaterialsApril 8, 2011page 4 of 10Figure 3: Heat flow with and without heat conductive material.Since air is a poor conductor of heat, these cavities should be filled with a thermally conductive material in order to significantly reduce the thermal resistance and improve the heat flow between the two adjacent sur-faces.Without an appropriate, optimally effective interface, only a limited amount of heat ex-change occurs between the two surfaces, eventually leading to overheating of the light source.To improve the heat transfer capability and reduce the thermal contact resistance, sev-eral materials are suitable.Thermally conductive pastes and com-pounds possess the lowest transfer resis-tance, but require a certain amount of care in handling.Elastomers and foils/bands are easy to use. With pretreated surfaces and appropriate contact pressure, a good thermal transfer can be realized.Table 1 shows an overview of the most commonly used thermally conductive mate-rials along with their most important advan-tages and disadvantages.Optical characteristics of the OS-RAM OSTAR ObservationWhen characterizing IR LEDs, the intensity is usually specified with two parameters - the total radiant flux Φe (units of mW) and the radiant intensity I e (units of mW/sr).The total radiant flux Φe of an LED describes the total radiated light power independent of direction. For the OSRAM OSTAR Observa-tion, this is shown in Figure 4, in relation to forward current.In contrast, the radiant intensity expresses the radiated power within a fixed solid angle (e.g. 0.01 sr ≙ ±3.2°) in the primary direction of radiation (optical axis).Figure 4: Relative total radiant flux in re-lation to forward current I F .The radiation characteristics (in the far field ) show the distribution of intensity dependent on angle and are shown for the OSRAM OSTAR Observation in Figure 5. This repre-sents a good approximation of a Lambertian source with a radiation angle of ±60°.In general, the brightness can be influenced with the help of appropriate secondary op-tics. That is, with the use of focusing optics, the light output within a particular angle can be significantly increased.April 8, 2011page 5 of 10Figure 5: Radiation characteristics with-out optics.The user should refrain from attempting to mount the primary optics to the silicone en-capsulant. This can lead to damage to the chip and especially to the bonding wires, thereby voiding the warranty provided by OSRAM.In the near field (at different operating cur-rents), the OSRAM OSTAR Observation exhibits the radiance images shown in Fig-ure 6.Figure 6: Radiance images in the near field at very low power (above) and at higher power (below).An especially homogeneous radiance is achieved through the black frame of the module - a particular advantage when using imaging optics.Optical safety regulationsDepending on the mode of operation, the OSRAM OSTAR Observation emits highly concentrated, invisible infrared radiation, which can be dangerous for the human eye. Products which contain these components must be handled according to the guidelines specified in IEC Standard 60825-1 and IEC 62471 "Photobiological Safety of Lamps and Lamp Systems“. Please see “Applica-tion Note Eye Safety” for more details.At high currents, one should always avoid looking at the optical path through a focus-ing lens, since the limits imposed by Laser Class 1M can be exceeded.Electrical characteristics and op-eration of the OSRAM OSTAR Ob-servationIn addition to optimized optical behavior, the new thin film AlGaAs technology also exhib-its improved electrical characteristics, when compared to traditional standard chip tech-nologies. These improvements lead to a significantly reduced forward voltage. It also enables higher forward currents for a given junction temperature.A typical current-voltage characteristic is shown in Figure 7.Care should be taken to observe the limiting conditions specified in the data sheet and at higher power, sufficient cooling should be provided.The OSRAM OSTAR Observation consists of a current-driven component, in which small voltage fluctuations at the input can lead to significant changes in current for theApril 8, 2011page 6 of 10device and thus to changes in the emitted output power. When selecting or developing suitable driver circuitry, it is therefore rec-ommended that appropriate current stabili-zation should also be provided. To find a suitable component for this purpose please see the manufacturer homepages linked on .Figure 7: Current-Voltage characteristic of the OSRAM OSTAR Observation.The efficiency of the OSRAM OSTAR Ob-servation module which results from the total radiated light power Φe and the electrical power P = V f x I f , is plotted in Figure 8. It is optimal at around 100 mA and de-creases at lower and higher currents.This is especially true for pulse operation at I f >100 mA, since the average optical power does not remain constant when the current is doubled and the duty cycle is halved.Figure 8: Efficiency in relation to forward current I f ; T B = 25°C, t pulse = 100µs.Thermal ConsiderationsIn order to achieve reliability and optimal performance for IR light sources such as the OSRAM OSTAR Observation, appropriate thermal management is necessary.Basically, there are two principle limitations for the maximum allowable temperature. First of all, for the OSRAM OSTAR Observa-tion, the maximum allowable base plate temperature T B of 125°C must not be ex-ceeded. Secondly, the maximum junction temperature is specified to be 145°C. Since these temperatures are dependent on the operating current and mode of operation (constant current or pulsed mode), the maximum allowable currents listed in the data sheet specify a T B of up to 125°C for DC operation. Thus, for example, the maxi-mum allowable constant current is 1 A for a base plate temperature T B = 85°C and is 650 mA at 110°C. The permissible pulse handling diagram shows the maximum cur-rent allowed for various pulse conditions with given pulse length t p and duty cycle D.April 8, 2011page 7 of 10Exceeding the maximum junction tempera-ture of 145°C can lead to irreversible dam-age to the LED and to spontaneous failure of the device.Due to underlying physical inter-dependencies associated with the function-ing of light emitting diodes, a change in the junction temperature T J - within the allowable temperature range - has an effect on several LED parameters.As a result, the forward voltage, radiant flux, wavelength and lifetime of LEDs are influ-enced by the junction temperature.Influence on forward voltage V f and optical power ΦeFor LEDs, an increase in junction tempera-ture leads to both a reduction of forward voltage V F (Figure 9), and a decrease in optical power Φe (Figure 10). The resulting changes are reversible. That is, the original default values return when the temperature change is reversed.For the application, this means that the lower the temperature of the semiconductor, the higher the light output will be.Influence on reliability and lifetimeIn general, with respect to aging, reliability and performance, continually driving the LEDs at their maximum allowable junction temperature is not recommended, since with an increase in temperature, a reduction in lifetime can be observed.Figure 9: Typical forward voltage in rela-tion to base plate temperature T B (I f = 1 A, t p = 10 ms).Figure 10: Relative optical power in rela-tion to base plate temperature for various pulsed currents (t p = 10 ms).April 8, 2011page 8 of 10Determination of the module tem-perature with the integrated NTCA good approximation of the base plate temperature TB can be determined from the measured resistance of the NTC and the curve given in the reference table (Fig-ure 12).Depending on the operating conditions, the corresponding junction temperature will be ΔT = R thJB x P D (P D = electrical power dissi-pation) higher. With appropriate feedback circuitry, T B and thus the junction tempera-ture can be regulated.Figure 11: Cross section of the OSRAM OSTAR Observation.Design ExampleIn the following example, the thermal re-quirements of the heat sink for the OSRAM OSTAR Observation are examined. In Fig-ure 13, an equivalent circuit for the different thermal resistances of the module is shown. Additional information is contained in the application note "Thermal Management of OSTAR-Projection Light Source".As a starting point for the thermal evaluation, an OSRAM OSTAR Observation module (10 Chips) is driven at an operating current of I f = 1000 mA and a maximum ambient tem-perature of T A = 50°C .From the given data and information from the data sheet, the requirements for the necessary cooling can be found by means ofthe following formula:Figure 12: Typical thermistor characteris-tics for the OSRAM OSTAR Observation (NTC EPCOS 8502).Where][][][][,)()(A I V V W P T T T K T f f Module D Safety mbient A unction J ⋅≈Δ−−=ΔWithT J(unction) = Max. Junction temperature (from data sheet: T J = 145°C)T B(aseplate) = Base plate temperatureT A(mbient) = Ambient temperature (T A = 50°C)ΔT Safety = Safety temperature range (typ.10 – 20K)V f = Forward voltage (from data sheet: V f = 15.5V)I f = Forward current (I f = 1A) Æ typ. P D, Module = 15.5 WApril 8, 2011page 9 of 10ΔT = Temperature change due to P D,ModuleR th,Interface = Thermal resistance of the transition mate-rial between the OSRAM OSTAR base plate and the cooler/heat sink (e.g. thermally conductive paste ≈ 0.1 K/W)R th,JB = Thermal resistance of the OSRAM OSTAR Observation (from data sheet: R th,JB = 2.8 K/W)R th,Heat sink = Thermal resistance of the cooler/heat sink to the environmentthe thermal resistances.In this example, the maximum thermal resis-tance required for cooling of the module can be found by:With the calculated thermal resistance value at hand, a corresponding heat sink can beselected from a manufacturer (see ). Using this setup at the given operating conditions the junction temperature of the module will be at 135°C. If a lower T J is desired, the safety temperature ΔT Safety has to be increased accordingly.In addition to a thermal evaluation by means of a simulation or a computed estimate, it is generally recommended to verify and safe-guard the design with a prototype and ther-mal measurements.ConclusionDeveloped for high power operation with pulsed currents of up to five Amperes, the OSRAM OSTAR Observation IR light source achieves a light output of several Watts, depending on operating parameters.Due to operation at high power levels, ap-propriate thermal management is particularly necessary in order to dissipate the accumu-lated heat and to assure the optimal per-formance and reliability of the module.When developing applications based on the OSRAM OSTAR Observation, it is generally recommended that in addition to thermal simulations, the design should be verified and safeguarded by means of a prototype and thermal measurements.April 8, 2011page 10 of 10Don't forget: LED Light for you is your place to be whenever you are looking for information or worldwide partners for your LED Lighting project.Author: Dr. Claus Jäger, Andreas StichABOUT OSRAM OPTO SEMICONDUCTORSOSRAM is part of the Industry sector of Siemens and one of the two leading lighting manufactur-ers in the world. Its subsidiary, OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH in Regensburg (Germany), offers its customers solutions based on semiconductor technology for lighting, sensor and visu-alization applications. OSRAM Opto Semiconductors has production sites in Regensburg (Ger-many) and Penang (Malaysia). Its headquarters for North America is in Sunnyvale (USA), and for Asia in Hong Kong. OSRAM Opto Semiconductors also has sales offices throughout the world. For more information go to .All information contained in this document has been checked with the greatest care. OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH can however, not be made liable for any damage that occurs in connection with the use of these contents.。
药物与临床China &Foreign Medical Treatment 中外医疗穴位贴敷联合吸入性氨溴索治疗小儿喘息的临床疗效分析梁燕云1,谭建萍2,梁厚策31.韶关市中医院儿科,广东韶关 512026;2.韶关市中医院内科,广东韶关 512026;3.韶关市中医院针灸康复科,广东韶关 512026[摘要] 目的 讨论穴位贴敷联合吸入性氨溴索在小儿喘息中的使用价值。
方法 随机选取2022年2月—2023年4月韶关市中医院收治的60例小儿喘息患儿作为研究对象,依照随机数表法分为常规组30例采用常规治疗,干预组30例采用常规治疗联合穴位贴敷、吸入性氨溴索治疗。
结果 干预组总有效率为93.33%,高于常规组的73.33%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.320, P =0.037)。
干预组不良反应发生率低于常规组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。
治疗前,两组患者呼吸系统症状积分比较,差异无统计学意义(P >0.05);治疗后,干预组呼吸系统症状积分低于常规组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。
结论 穴位贴敷联合吸入性氨溴索可以更好地改善小儿喘息症状,减少不良反应的发生,缓解呼吸系统症状,加速疾病的康复,是一种有效的中西医联合治疗手段,患儿依从性也高,值得临床的关注以及使用。
[关键词] 穴位贴敷;吸入性氨溴索;小儿喘息;呼吸系统症状;生活质量[中图分类号] R725 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2023)10(c)-0095-04Clinical Efficacy Analysis of Acupoint Plastering Combined with Inhaled Ambroxol in the Treatment of Pediatric WheezingLIANG Yanyun 1, TAN Jianping 2, LIANG Houce 31.Department of Pediatrics, Shaoguan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shaoguan, Guangdong Province, 512026 China;2.Department of Internal Medicine, Shaoguan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shaoguan, Guangdong Province, 512026 China;3.Department of Acupuncture and Rehabilitation, Shaoguan Hospital of Tradi⁃tional Chinese Medicine, Shaoguan, Guangdong Province, 512026 China[Abstract] Objective To discuss the value of the use of acupoint plastering combined with inhaled ambroxol in pediat⁃ric wheezing.Methods 60 children with wheezing treated in Shaoguan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine from February 2022 to April 2023 were randomly selected as the study objects. According to random number table method,they were divided into conventional group (30 cases) with routine treatment and intervention group (30 cases) with rou⁃tine treatment combined with acupoint application and inhalation ambroxol. The total effective rate, incidence of ad⁃verse reactions and respiratory symptom score were compared between the two groups.Results The total effective rate in the intervention group was 93.33%, higher than that in the conventional group (73.33%), and the difference was sta⁃tistically significant (χ2=4.320, P =0.037). The incidence of adverse reactions in the intervention group was lower thanthat in the conventional group, and the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05). There was no statistically sig⁃nificant difference in the scores of respiratory symptoms between the two groups before treatment (P >0.05); after treat⁃ment, the respiratory symptom score of the intervention group was lower than that of the conventional group, and the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05).Conclusion The combination of acupoint plastering and inhaled am⁃broxol can better improve the symptoms of pediatric wheezing, reduce the occurrence of adverse reactions, alleviate re⁃DOI :10.16662/ki.1674-0742.2023.30.095[作者简介] 梁燕云(1976-),女,本科,副主任医师,研究方向为小儿内科。
收稿日期:2014-12-25基金项目:吉林省世行贷款农产品质量安全项目.作者简介:白利丹(1961-),女,长春市人,研究员,从事养殖水环境与鱼病害防治.文章编号:1005-3832(2015)02-0026-06Vol.28,No.2Apr.2015第28卷第2期2015年4月水产学杂志CHINESE JOURNAL OF FISHERIES我国水产养殖业发展迅速,集约化程度不断提高,水产养殖水体中的残饵、动物代谢物以及水源的污染加剧等,导致养殖水环境严重恶化,水产养殖病害频发,给渔业生产造成严重经济损失。
通过使用微生态制剂,改善和调理微生态,保持微生态平衡,调节水产养殖生物环境,降低养殖环境中的有毒、有害物质,增强养殖水产品的免疫力,提高其健康水复合芽孢杆菌对草鱼与鲢鳙混养的鱼种池水质的净化作用白利丹,王海,李景胜,韩立忠,杨建光(长春市水产品质量安全检测中心,吉林长春130033)摘要:试验池面积0.53hm 2,池深2.5m ,每0.067hm 2放养全长3cm 草鱼Ctenopharyngodon idellus 0.31万尾、鳙Aristichthys nobilis 0.11万尾、白鲢Hypophthalmichthys molitrix 0.11万尾,每15d 泼洒复合芽孢杆菌Bacillus ;对照池面积0.667hm 2,池深2.5m ,每0.067hm 2放养草鱼0.29万尾、鳙0.15万尾、白鲢0.15万尾,不泼洒复合芽孢杆菌。
在泼洒复合芽孢杆菌3d 后,检测试验池和对照池水质,研究复合芽孢杆菌对水质净化的作用。
专利名称:A MODEL OF LOW- AND HIGH- GRADE CANCER发明人:CAMPBELL, Frederick Charles申请号:EP2019/052149申请日:20190129公开号:WO2019/149706A1公开日:20190808专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:The present invention relates to the field of cancer research and in particular provides novel tools for cancer research and drug and biomarker discovery. Specifically, the present invention relates to models of low- and high- grade cancer, specifically adenocarcinoma. In particular, the present invention concerns Caco-2 cells, which have been modified to reproduce the events and cellular morphology associated with low- or high-grade colorectal adenocarcinoma in a controllable manner. In particular, the present invention concerns modified Caco-2 cells, which have been engineered to be defective in centrosome anchoring to the cell cortex, clustering of interphase centrosomes and having supernumerary centrosomes. The invention concerns modified Caco-2 cells, cancer model systems comprising modified Caco-2 cells and polynucleotides, expression vectors comprising said polynucleotides and methods of producing the cells and cancer model systems.申请人:THE QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY OF BELFAST地址:University Road Belfast Antrim BT7 1NN GB国籍:GB代理人:FRKELLY更多信息请下载全文后查看。
Met One 034B WindsetRevision: 10/09C o p y r i g h t©1980-2009C a m p b e l l S c i e n t i f i c,I n c.Warranty and AssistanceThe MET ONE 034B WINDSET is warranted by CAMPBELLSCIENTIFIC, INC. to be free from defects in materials and workmanshipunder normal use and service for twelve (12) months from date of shipmentunless specified otherwise. Batteries have no warranty. CAMPBELLSCIENTIFIC, INC.'s obligation under this warranty is limited to repairing orreplacing (at CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC.'s option) defective products.The customer shall assume all costs of removing, reinstalling, and shippingdefective products to CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC. CAMPBELLSCIENTIFIC, INC. will return such products by surface carrier prepaid. Thiswarranty shall not apply to any CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC. productswhich have been subjected to modification, misuse, neglect, accidents ofnature, or shipping damage. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties,expressed or implied, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for aparticular purpose. CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC. is not liable for special,indirect, incidental, or consequential damages.Products may not be returned without prior authorization. The followingcontact information is for US and International customers residing in countriesserved by Campbell Scientific, Inc. directly. Affiliate companies handlerepairs for customers within their territories. Please visit to determine which Campbell Scientific companyserves your country.To obtain a Returned Materials Authorization (RMA), contact CAMPBELLSCIENTIFIC, INC., phone (435) 753-2342. After an applications engineerdetermines the nature of the problem, an RMA number will be issued. Pleasewrite this number clearly on the outside of the shipping container.CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC's shipping address is:CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC.RMA#_____815 West 1800 NorthLogan, Utah 84321-1784For all returns, the customer must fill out a “Declaration of Hazardous Materialand Decontamination” form and comply with the requirements specified in it.The form is available from our website at /repair. Acompleted form must be either emailed to repair@ or faxed to435-750-9579. Campbell Scientific will not process any returns until wereceive this form. If the form is not received within three days of productreceipt or is incomplete, the product will be returned to the customer at thecustomer’s expense. Campbell Scientific reserves the right to refuse service onproducts that were exposed to contaminants that may cause health or safetyconcerns for our employees.Met One 034B Table of ContentsPDF viewers note: These page numbers refer to the printed version of this document. Usethe Adobe Acrobat® bookmarks tab for links to specific sections.1. General (1)2. Specifications (1)3. Installation (2)3.1 Siting (2)3.2 Assembly and Mounting (2)4. Wiring (5)5. Example Programs (6)5.1 Wind Speed (6)5.2 Wind Direction (6)5.3 Wind Vector Processing Instruction (7)5.4 Example Programs (7)5.4.1 CR1000 Example Program (8)5.4.2 CR10X Example Program (9)5.5 Long Lead Lengths (10)5.5.1 Sample CR10(X) Program when Long Leads are Required (11)6. Sensor Maintenance (12)7. Troubleshooting (12)7.1 Wind Direction (12)7.2 Wind Speed (13)8. References (13)A. Wind Direction Sensor Orientation........................A-1A.1 Determining True North and Sensor Orientation................................A-1B. Wind Direction Measurement Theory....................B-1B.1 AC Half Bridge (P5) and BRHalf Instructions....................................B-1B.2 EX-DEL-SE (P4) Instruction...............................................................B-2C. Met One Instruments’ 034B Operation Manual.....C-1iMet One 034B Table of ContentsFigures3-1. 034B Mounted on a 019ALU Crossarm (3)3-2. 034B Mounted on a CM200 Series Crossarm with CM220 (4)3-3. 034B Mounted on a CM200 Series Crossarm with PN 17953 Nu-Rail.4A-1. Magnetic Declination for the Contiguous United States...................A-2A-2. Declination Angles East of True North are Subtracted From 0to Get True North............................................................................A-2A-3. Declination Angles West of True North are Added to 0to Get True North............................................................................A-3B-1. 034B Potentiometer in a Half Bridge Circuit.....................................B-1Tables1-1. Recommended Lead Lengths (1)4-1. Connections to Campbell Scientific Dataloggers (5)5-1. Wind Speed Multiplier (6)5-2. Parameters for Wind Direction (7)5-3. Wiring for Example Programs (8)5-4. Multiplier and Offset for Wind Direction when using Lead LengthsGreater than 200 Feet (10)iiMet One 034B Windset1. GeneralThe 034B Windset is used to measure horizontal wind speed and direction.Wind speed is measured with a three cup anemometer. Rotation of the cupwheel opens and closes a reed switch at a rate proportional to wind speed.Vane position is transmitted by a 10K ohm potentiometer. With a precisionexcitation voltage applied, the output voltage is proportional to wind direction.The accompanying Met One manual contains additional information on theoperating principals, installation, and maintenance of the sensor.Lead length for the 034B is specified when the sensor is ordered. Table 1-1gives the recommended lead length for mounting the sensor at the top of thetripod/tower with a 019ALU or CM200 series crossarm.TABLE 1-1. Recommended Lead LengthsCM6 CM10 CM110 CM115 CM120 UT10 UT20 UT3011’ 14’ 14’ 19’ 24’ 14’ 24’ 37’The 034B Windset ships with:(1) 1/16” Allen wrench(1) Bushing(1) Calibration Sheet(3) Direction hub stickers(1) Instruction Manual(1) Wind Vane(1) Sensor cable of user specified length2. SpecificationsWind SpeedOperating Range: 0 to 49 m s-1 (0 to 110 mph)Threshold: 0.4 m s-1 (0.9 mph)Accuracy:±0.12 m s-1 (±0.25 mph) for wind speed < 10.1 m s-1 (22.7 mph)±1.1% of reading for wind speeds > 10.1 m s-1 (22.7 mph)Output Signal: contact closure (reed switch)Resolution: (1.789 mph) / (scan rate in seconds)or (0.7998 m s-1) / (scan rate in seconds)1Met One 034B WindsetWind DirectionRange: 0 to 360° mechanical, 356° electrical (4° open)Threshold: 0.4 m s-1 (0.9 mph)Accuracy: ±4°Resolution: 0.5°Potentiometer Specifications:Resistance: 0 to 10 kΩ open at crossoverGeneral SpecificationsOperating Temperature Range: -30° to +70°CWeight: 907 g (2.0 lb.)The black outer jacket of the cable is Santoprene® rubber. ThisNOTEcompound was chosen for its resistance to temperature extremes,moisture, and UV degradation. However, this jacket willsupport combustion in air. It is rated as slow burning whentested according to U.L. 94 H.B. and will pass FMVSS302.Local fire codes may preclude its use inside buildings.3. Installation3.1 SitingLocate wind sensors away from obstructions (e.g. trees and building). As ageneral rule of thumb there should be a horizontal distance of at least ten timesthe height of the obstruction between the windset and the obstruction. If it isnecessary to mount the sensors on the roof of a building, the height of thesensors, above the roof, should be at least 1.5 times the height of the building.See Section 8 for a list of references that discuss siting wind speed anddirection sensors.3.2 Assembly and MountingTools Required:•1/2” open end wrench (for CM220)•5/64” and 1/16” Allen wrenches•compass and declination angle for the site (see Appendix A)•small screw driver provided with datalogger•UV resistant cable ties•small pair of diagonal-cutting pliers• 6 - 10” torpedo levelThe wind vane tail must be attached to the hub. Install the tail assembly withthe tail vertical. After tightening the set screw in the side of the hub thatfastens the tail, cover the set screw hole with one of the small round labelsincluded with the 034B. One of these labels is already installed on the hubcovering the set screw that attaches the hub to the sensor. Extra labels are2Met One 034B Windset included with the 034B to recover the holes if the sensor has to bedisassembled for maintenance.The set screw holes must be covered with the labels toCAUTIONprevent corrosion and assure the warranty.Mount the 019ALU or CM200 series crossarm to the tripod or tower. Orientthe crossarm North-South, with the 1” Nu-Rail or CM220 on the North end.Remove the alignment screw at the base of the 034B (Figure 3-1). Insert the034B into the aluminum bushing provided with the sensor. Align the hole inthe bushing with that in the 034B base and replace the screw. Insert the034B/bushing into the 3/4 x 1 inch Nu-Rail on the 019ALU or CM220 (Figure3-2). Align the sensor so that the counter weight points to true south andtighten the set screws on the Nu-Rail or U-bolts on the CM220. Remove theshoulder screw to allow the vane to rotate.Appendix A contains detailed information on determining true north using acompass and the magnetic declination for the site.FIGURE 3-1. 034B Mounted on a 019ALU Crossarm.3Met One 034B WindsetCM220CM200 Series CrossarmFIGURE 3-2. 034B Mounted on a CM200 Series Crossarm with CM220FIGURE 3-3. 034B Mounted on a CM200 Series Crossarmwith PN 17953 Nu-Rail4Met One 034B WindsetAttach the sensor cable to the six pin male connector on the 034B. Make sure the connector is properly keyed. Finger tighten the knurled ring. Route the sensor cable along the underside of the crossarm to the tripod/tower, and to the instrument enclosure. Secure the cable to the crossarm and tripod/tower using cable ties.4. WiringConnections to Campbell Scientific dataloggers are given in Table 4-1. When Short Cut for Windows software is used to create the datalogger program, the sensor should be wired to the channels shown on the wiring diagram created by Short Cut.The CR10X, CR23X, and dataloggers programmed with CRBasic can also measure wind speed on a control port. With this option the black wire is connected to the 5 V terminal.126345CONNECTOR PIN-OUTPIN 1 - AZIMUTH SIGNALPIN 2 - AZIMUTH REFERENCEPIN 3 - AZIMUTH EXCITATIONPIN 4 - PULSE OUTPIN 5 - PULSE REFERENCEPIN 6 - SHIELD034B-L Windsets purchased directly from Met One Instrumentshave a different configuration on the 6 pin connector. Inaddition, they do not have the 10 k Ω resistance on the excitationline. The wiring diagram and the multiplier and offset, for winddirection, are different than the examples in this document.NOTE 5Met One 034B Windset5. Example ProgramsThis section is for users who write their own programs. A datalogger program to measure this sensor can be created using Campbell Scientifics’ Short Cut Program Builder software. You do not need to read this section to use Short Cut.5.1 Wind SpeedWind speed is measured with the Pulse Count instruction, with the Switch Closure configuration. For dataloggers programmed with Edlog, specify configuration code 22 to output frequency in Hertz.The expression for wind speed (U) is:U = MX + BwhereM =multiplierX = number of pulses per second (Hertz) B = offsetTable 5-1 lists the multipliers (M) and offsets (Off) to obtain meters/second or miles/hour when the Pulse Count instruction is configured to output the result in Hz. TABLE 5-1. Wind Speed Multiplier(With Configuration Code 22*)Model Meters/Second Miles/Hour034B M = 0.7989 Off = 0.28 M = 1.787Off = 0.63*When configuration code 12 is used, the multiplier above isdivided by the execution interval in seconds.5.2 Wind DirectionThe wind vane is coupled to a 10K ohm potentiometer, which has a 4 degree electrical dead band between 356 and 360 degrees. 034B sensors purchased from CSI have a 10K ohm resistance is series with the potentiometer as shown in Appendix B.The AC Half Bridge measurement instruction (P5), is used for dataloggers that are programmed with Edlog (e.g. CR10X, CR23X) to measure wind direction. The multiplier to convert the measurement result (mV/excitation mV) to degrees is 712.6Met One 034B WindsetThe EX-DEL_SE measurement instruction (P4) can also be used fordataloggers that are programmed with Edlog (e.g. CR10X, CR23X) and the CR200, and is recommended for sensor leads longer than 100’. The multiplier to convert the measurement result (mV) to degrees is 712 excitation mV. The BRHalf measurement instruction is used for dataloggers that areprogrammed with CRBasic (e.g. CR100, CR3000). The multiplier to convert the measurement result (mV/excitation mV) to degrees is 712/excitation mV. Excitation voltages, range codes, and multipliers for CSI dataloggers are listed in Table 5-2. Appendix B has additional information on the P4, P5 and BRHalf measurement instructions.TABLE 5-2. Parameters for Wind DirectionCR10(X) CR510 CR200 CR7 21X CR23XCR800 CR1000CR5000 CR3000MeasurementRange 2500 mV, slow 5000 mV, slow/60 Hz 2500 mV, 60 Hz, reverse excitation 5000 mV, 60 Hz, reverse excitation Excitation Voltage 2500 mV 5000 mV 2500 mV 5000 mV Multiplier (P5) 712 712 712 712 Multiplier (P4) 0.2850.142Offset 0 0 05.3 Wind Vector Processing InstructionThe Wind Vector output instruction is used to process and store mean windspeed, unit vector mean wind direction, and Standard Deviation of the wind direction (optional) from the measured wind speed and direction values.5.4 Example ProgramsThe following programs measure the 034B every 5 seconds, and store mean wind speed, unit vector mean direction, and standard deviation of the direction every 60 minutes. Wiring for the examples is given in Table 5-3.7Met One 034B Windset5.4.1 CR1000 Example Program'CR1000'Declare Variables and UnitsPublic Batt_VoltPublic WS_msPublic WindDirUnits Batt_Volt=VoltsUnits WS_ms=meters/secondUnits WindDir=degrees'Define Data TablesDataTable(Table1,True,-1)DataInterval(0,60,Min,10)(1,WS_ms,WindDir,FP2,False,0,0,0)WindVectorFieldNames("WS_ms_S_WVT,WindDir_D1_WVT,WindDir_SD1_WVT")EndTable'Main ProgramBeginProgScan(5,Sec,1,0)'Default Datalogger Battery Voltage measurement Batt_Volt:Battery(Batt_Volt)'034A/034B Wind Speed & Direction Sensor measurements WS_ms and WindDir: PulseCount(WS_ms,1,1,2,1,0.799,0.2811)If WS_ms=0.2811 Then WS_ms=0‘mV5000 ‘range, 5000 mV BrHalf(WindDir,1,mV2500,1,1,1,2500,True,0,_60Hz,712.0,0)'excitation for the CR3000 and CR5000 dataloggersIf WindDir>=360 Then WindDir=0'Call Data Tables and Store DataCallTable(Table1)NextScanEndProg8Met One 034B Windset5.4.2 CR10X Example Program;{CR10X}*Table 1 Program 01: 5.0000 Execution Interval (seconds)1: Pulse (P3) 1: 1 Reps2: 1 Pulse Channel 13: 22 Switch Closure, Output Hz 4: 3 Loc [ WS_ms ] 5: 0.799 Multiplier 6: 0.2811 Offset2: If (X<=>F) (P89) 1: 3 X Loc [ WS_ms ] 2: 1 = 3: 0.2811 F 4: 30 Then Do3: Z=F x 10^n (P30) 1: 0 F 2: 0 n, Exponent of 10 3: 3 Z Loc [ WS_ms ]4: End (P95)5: AC Half Bridge (P5) 1: 1 Reps 2: 25 2500 mV 60 Hz Rejection Range ; 5000 mV(slow/60 hz) for CR23X, 21X 3: 1 SE Channel 4: 1 Excite all reps w/Exchan 1 5: 2500 mV Excitation ; 5000 mV for CR23X, 21X, CR7 6: 4 Loc [ WindDir ] 7: 712 Multiplier 8: 0.0 Offset6: If (X<=>F) (P89) 1: 4 X Loc [ WindDir ] 2: 3 >= 3: 360 F 4: 30 Then Do7: Z=F x 10^n (P30) 1: 0 F 2: 0 n, Exponent of 10 3: 4 Z Loc [ WindDir ]8: End (P95)9Met One 034B Windset9: If time is (P92)1: 0 Minutes (Seconds --) into a2: 60 Interval (same units as above)3: 10 Set Output Flag High (Flag 0)10: Set Active Storage Area (P80)1: 1 Final Storage Area 12: 101 Array ID11: Real Time (P77)1: 1220 Year,Day,Hour/Minute (midnight = 2400)12: Wind Vector (P69)1: 1 Reps2: 0 Samples per Sub-Interval3: 0 S, theta(1), sigma(theta(1)) with polar sensor4: 3 Wind Speed/East Loc [ WS_ms ]5: 4 Wind Direction/North Loc [ WindDir ]5.5 Long Lead LengthsWhen sensor lead length exceeds 100 feet, the settling time allowed for themeasurement of the vane should be increased to 20 milliseconds.For dataloggers programmed with Edlog (and the CR200), the EX-DEL-SEmeasurement instruction (P4), rather than the AC Half Bridge (P5), should beused. Enter a 2 in the Delay parameter for a 20 millisecond delay.For dataloggers programmed with CRBasic, increase the “Settling Time”parameter of the BRHalf instruction to 20 milliseconds (20,000 microseconds).With a CR10(X), use a 2500 mV excitation and the 2500 mV measurementrange. With a CR23X, use a 5000 mV excitation and the 5000 mVmeasurement range.The 60 Hz rejection option can not be used with the DCHalf Bridge instruction, when the delay is not zero. Do notuse long lead lengths in electrically noisy environments.CAUTIONTABLE 5-4. Multiplier and Offset for WindDirection when using Lead Lengths Greater than100 FeetUnits DataloggerTypeInstructionNumberMultiplierOffsetdegrees CR10(X) 4 0.285degrees CR23X 4 0.14210Met One 034B Windset5.5.1 Sample CR10(X) Program when Long Leads are Required;{CR10X};*Table 1 Program01: 10 Execution Interval (seconds)01: Pulse (P3)1: 1 Reps2: 2* Pulse Channel 23: 22 Switch Closure, Output Hz4: 1* Loc [ WndS_m_s ]5: 0.7990 Mult6: 0.2811 Offset;Set the wind speed to zero if the wind is not blowing.;02: If (X<=>F) (P89)=1: 1* X Loc [ WndS_m_s ]2: 13: 0.2811 F4: 30 Then Do03: Z=F (P30)1: 0 F2: 0 Exponent of 103: 1* Z Loc [ WndS_m_s ]04: End (P95)05: Excite-Delay (SE) (P4)1: 1 Reps2: 5** ± 2500 mV Slow Range3: 5* SE Channel4: 3* Excite all reps w/Exchan 35: 2 Delay (units 0.01 sec)6: 2500** mV Excitation7: 2* Loc [ WndD_deg ]8: 0.285 Mult9: 0 Offset06: If time is (P92)1: 0 Minutes (Seconds --) into a2: 30 Interval (same units as above)3: 10 Set Output Flag High (Flag 0)07: Real Time (P77)1: 0110 Day,Hour/Minute11Met One 034B Windset08: Wind Vector (P69)1: 1 Reps2: 0 Samples per Sub-Interval3: 00 S, θu, & σ(θu) Polar***4: 1* Wind Speed [ WndS_m_s ]5: 2* Wind Direction [ WndD_deg ]-Input Locations-1 WndS_m_s2 WndD_deg* Proper entries will vary with program and datalogger channel and input location assignments.** On the 21X use the 5000 mV input range and the a 5000 mV excitation voltage.*** Average wind speed, average unit vector wind direction, standard deviation of unit vector winddirection6. Sensor Maintenance1 Month•Do a visual/audio inspection of the anemometer at low wind speeds.Verify that the cup assembly and wind vane rotate freely. Inspect thesensor for physical damage. Verify cups and vane are tight.6 Months•Replace anemometer bearings if operating under harsh conditions1 Year•Replace anemometer bearings. Contact Campbell Scientific for a ReturnMaterials Authorization (RMA) number at (801) 753-2342.2 Years•Replace the wind vane potentiometer and bearings. Contact CampbellScientific for a Return Materials Authorization (RMA) number at (801)753-2342.7. Troubleshooting7.1 Wind DirectionSymptom: -9999 or no change in direction1. Check that the sensor is wired to the Excitation and Single-Ended channelspecified by the measurement instruction.2. Verify that the excitation voltage and Range code are correct for thedatalogger type.12Met One 034B Windset3. Disconnect the sensor from the datalogger and use an ohm meter to checkthe potentiometer. Resistance should be vary from 11K to 21K ohmsbetween the blue and green wires depending on vane position. Resistanceshould be vary from 1K to 11K ohms between the white and green wiresdepending on vane position.Symptom: Incorrect wind direction1. Verify that the Excitation voltage, Range code, multiplier and offsetparameters are correct for the datalogger type.2. Check orientation of sensor as described in Section3.7.2 Wind SpeedSymptom: No wind speed1. Check that the sensor is wired to the Pulse channel specified by the Pulsecount instruction.2. Disconnect the sensor from the datalogger and use an ohm meter to checkthe reed switch. The resistance between the red and black wires shouldvary from infinite (switch open) to less than 1 ohm (switch closed) as thecupwheel is slowly turned.3. Verify that the Configuration Code (Switch Closure, hertz), andMultiplier and Offset parameters for the Pulse Count instruction arecorrect for the datalogger type.Symptom: Wind speed does not change1. For the dataloggers that are programmed with Edlog, the input locationfor wind speed is not updated if the datalogger is getting “Program TableOverruns”. Increase the execution interval (scan rate) to preventoverruns.8. ReferencesThe following references give detailed information on siting wind speed andwind direction sensors.EPA, 1989: Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution MeasurementsSystem, Office of Research and Development, Research Triangle Park, NC,27711.EPA, 1987: On-Site Meteorological Program Guidance for RegulatoryModeling Applications, EPA-450/4-87-013, Office of Air Quality Planningand Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711.The State Climatologist, 1985: Publication of the American Association ofState Climatologists: Height and Exposure Standards, for Sensors onAutomated Weather Stations, vol. 9, No. 4.13Met One 034B Windset14 WMO, 1983: Guide to Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observation, World Meteorological Organization, No. 8, 5th edition, Geneva, Switzerland.Appendix A. Wind Direction Sensor OrientationA.1 Determining True North and Sensor OrientationOrientation of the wind direction sensor is done after the datalogger has beenprogrammed, and the location of True North has been determined. True North isusually found by reading a magnetic compass and applying the correction formagnetic declination; where magnetic declination is the number of degreesbetween True North and Magnetic North. Magnetic declination for a specific sitecan be obtained from a USGS map, local airport, or through a computer serviceoffered by the USGS at /seg/geomag/. A general mapshowing magnetic declination for the contiguous United States is shown in FigureA-1.Declination angles east of True North are considered negative, and are subtractedfrom 0 degrees to get True North as shown Figure A-2. Declination angles westof True North are considered positive, and are added to 0 degrees to get TrueNorth as shown in Figure A-3. For example, the declination for Logan, Utah is14° East. True North is 360° - 14°, or 346° as read on a compass.Orientation is most easily done with two people, one to aim and adjust thesensor, while the other observes the wind direction displayed by thedatalogger.1. Establish a reference point on the horizon for True North.2. Sighting down the instrument center line, aim the nose cone, orcounterweight at True North. Display the input location or variable for winddirection using a hand-held keyboard display, PC, or palm.3. Loosen the u-bolt on the CM220 or the set screws on the Nu-Rail that securethe base of the sensor to the crossarm. While holding the vane position,slowly rotate the sensor base until the datalogger indicates 0 degrees.Tighten the set screws.A-1Appendix A. Wind Direction Sensor Orientation°FIGURE A-1. Magnetic Declination for the Contiguous United StatesFIGURE A-2. Declination Angles East of True North Are SubtractedFrom 0 to Get True NorthA-2Appendix A. Wind Direction Sensor OrientationFIGURE A-3. Declination Angles West of True North Are Added to 0 toGet True NorthA-3Appendix A. Wind Direction Sensor Orientation A-4Appendix B. Wind Direction Measurement TheoryIt is not necessary to understand the concepts in this section for the generaloperation of the 034B Windset with Campbell Scientific’s datalogger.The 034B Windsets purchased from Campbell Scientific have a 9.53 kΩ fixedresistor and a variable resistor on the excitation line. The variable resistor isadjusted by the manufacturer so its resistance plus the 9.53 k resistor equals theresistance of the potentiometer (R f = R s + R t).10K OHMPOTENTIOMETERVxVsAG orFIGURE B-1. 034B Potentiometer in a Half Bridge CircuitB.1 AC Half Bridge (P5) and BRHalf InstructionsThe P5 and BRHalf instructions output a precise excitation voltage (V x), andmeasure the voltage between the wiper and ground (V s). The resistancebetween the wiper and ground, R s, and V s varies with wind direction. Themeasurement result is the ratio of the measured voltage to the excitationvoltage (V s/V x). This ratio is related to the resistance as shown below:()stfsxsRRRRVV++=The maximum value that R s will reach is R f, just before it crosses over from thewest side of north to the east side of north (at this point R t = 0). V s /V x reachesits maximum value of 0.5 mV/mV at 356 degrees. The multiplier to convertV s/V x to degrees is 356 degrees / 0.5 V s/V x = 712. Since the datalogger outputsthe ratio V s /V x, the multiplier is the same for both the CR10(X) and CR3000,even though they use a different excitation voltage. See Section 13.5 in thedatalogger manual from more information on the bridge measurements.B-1Appendix B. Wind Direction Measurement TheoryB.2 EX-DEL-SE (P4) Instruction Instruction 4 outputs a precise excitation voltage (V x ) and measures the voltage between the wiper and analog ground, V s . The resistance between the wiper and analog ground, R s , and V s varies with wind direction. Instruction 4 outputs the measured voltage, V s . This measured voltage is related to resistance as shown below: ()s t f s x s R R R R V V ++⋅= The maximum value that R s will reach is R f just before it crosses over from the west side of north to the east side of north (at this point R t = 0). V s reaches its maximum value of 0.5 V x . This maximum voltage equals 1250 mV for an excitation voltage of 2500 mV recommended for the CR10(X) and 2500 mV for an excitation voltage of 5000 mV recommended for the CR23X at 356 degrees. The multiplier to convert V s to degrees is 356 degrees / 1250 mV = 0.285 for the CR10X, or, 356 degrees / 2500 mV = 0.142 for the CR23X. See Section 13.5 in the datalogger manual from more information on the bridge measurementsB-2Appendix C. Met One Instruments’034B Operation ManualThis appendix contains a copy of Met One Instruments’ 034B OperationManual. Campbell Scientific cannot guarantee that the information containedin their manual is current. For the latest information, please refer to Met OneInstruments’ website ().C-1。
Moisturization and skin barrier functionABSTRACT: Over the past decade,great progress has been made toward elucidating the structure and function of the stratum corneum (SC),the outermost layer of the epidermis. SC cells (corneocytes) protect against desiccation and environmental by the SC is largely dependent on several factors. First, intercellular lamellar lipids, organized predominantly in an orthorhombic gel phase, provide an effective barrier to the passage of water through the tissue. Secondly, the diffusion path length also retards water loss, since water must traverse the tortuous path created by the SC layers and corneocyte envelopes. Thirdly, and equally important, is natural moisturizing factor (NMF), a complex mixture of low-molecular-weight, water-soluble compounds first formed within thee corneocytes by degradation of the histidine-rich protein known as filaggrin. Each maturation step leading to the formation of an effective moisture barrier-including corneocyte strengthening, lipid processing, and NMF generation-is influenced by the level of SC hydration. These processes, as well as the final step of corneodesmolysis that mediates exfoliations, are often disturbed upon environmental challenge, resulting in dry, flaky skin conditions. The present paper reviews our current understanding of the biology of the SC, particularly its homeostatic mechanisms of hydration.Keywords: corneocyte, corneodesmolysis, filaggrin, natural moisturizing factor, stratum corneum.IntroductionFor humans to survive in a terrestrial environment, the loss of water from the skin must be carefully regulated by the epidermis, a function dependent on the complex nature of its outer layer, the stratum corneum (SC) (1)。
Burning Lure
**Burning Lure**In the vast and ever-changing landscape of human desires, the "Burning Lure" emerges as a force that ignites the passions and drives us forward, often into uncharted territories.Like a wildfire that spreads rapidly, consuming everything in its path, the burning lure possesses an intensity that is both captivating and perilous. Consider the myth of Icarus, whose ambition to fly towards the sun was a burning lure that led to his downfall. Despite his father's warnings, Icarus was so enthralled by the possibility of reaching the heavens that he ignored the risks.In the modern world, the burning lure of fame and fortune can be seen in the entertainment industry. Aspiring actors and musicians often sacrifice their personal lives and well-being in the relentless pursuit of stardom. The allure of red carpets, adoring fans, and lavish lifestyles can blind them to the harsh realities and uncertainties of the path they have chosen.Another example is the burning lure of technological advancements. The promise of smart devices and artificial intelligence has captivated our imaginations, but it also brings with it concerns about privacy, ethics, and the potential loss of human connection.However, not all burning lures lead to negative outcomes. The burning desire to cure diseases and improve the quality of life has driven scientists and researchers to make remarkable breakthroughs. The dedication of those working to find solutions for cancer or climate change is driven by a burning lure that has the potential to benefit humanity on a global scale.In conclusion, the burning lure is a double-edged sword. It can inspire greatness and lead to progress, but it also demands caution and self-awareness. We must learn to discern the true nature of the lure and ensure that our pursuit is guided by wisdom and a sense of responsibility. Only then can we navigate the flames of temptation and transform the burning lure into a force for good, shaping a future that is both fulfilling and sustainable.。
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and phases equilibrium with them have attracted in considerable interest due to their potential as circumstances the ratio of the mass of the sulfide geothermometers and because of the current liquid to the massof the silicate magma with which interest in modelingboth partial melting processes it has had a chance to reach equilibrium becomes in the mantle and fractional crystallization of very important. silicate melts (Gast, 1968; Shaw, 1970). The concentrationof an element i in a phase.4 Theory which crystallizes from a liquid B under equiConsider the partitioning of a trace element librium conditions can be calculated from the between a silicate liquid and an immiscible sulfide partition coefficient (Di) using the formula: liquid which has precipitated from it. If the mass ratio of silicate to sulfide liquid is R: 1, then from = DiXf
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