Ethical Issues
Agency and Ethical Issues in Negotiation
Prof. Sungu Armagan
“Bullard Houses” Negotiation
Downtown Reality seller representative
Is it legal? Facts, intentions, and opinions
Reservation prices and weighting of issues are not material to a negotiated deal “Estimates of price of value place on the subject of a transaction and a party’s intentions as to an acceptable settlement of a claim” are not materials facts for purposes of the rule prohibiting lawyers from making false statements to a third person” (Model Rules of Professional Conduct
Different ethical standards - some examples
Do the right thing (“gut feel”) - if don’t feel good about it, don’t do it
How does this affect my reputation if it comes out in public? Do just enough so you can get away with it Reciprocate (they are not telling me the truth, so I won’t tell them) Power - do what you can get away with
ETHICAL ISSUESCHAPTER 5Within the boundaries of medicine, even out-of-hospital medicine, we are forced to make decisions where we have to weigh one thought or action against another. Our dilemma of doing this takes us into the realm of ethics and morality. To understand this area of medicine we must first clarify within our minds the terms we are using here. What is ethics? What is morality? Is there any relation between the two?Let’s look at the area of Ethics by defining and/or clarifying this term.The Greek philosopher Aristotle in his writings on Ethics defined ethics as “Societal principles of conduct that people or groups of people adopt as guidelines for personal behavior.” Ethics comes from the Greek word “Êthos” which means “character”. It is defined as a stable condition of the soul that makes someone apt to choose in a consistent way. Another definition described by Aristotle of ethics is “active conditions determined by deliberate choices to form oneself in particular ways….”Ethics also comes from another Greek rendering of the word “Ethos” which is anything done because it has been done many times before. Character in this sense consists of active conditions which are not habit, though they require habits as preconditions.The textbook on page 5.3 (Caroline) describes Ethics as “the philosophy of right and wrong, of moral duties, and of ideal professional behavior.Mike Touchstone in an article on Professional Development from EMS 1 defined ethical as “…of or relating to th e philosophical Study of ethics, conforming to accepted standards of social or professional behavior; being in accordance with the accepted principles of right and wrong that govern the conduct of a profession; in accordance with principles of conduct that are considered correct, especially those of a given profession or group” (Touchstone, Professional Development, part 3)Now that we have established some definitions of “ethics” let’s move to morals. What is morals? How does morals compare to ethics?Your textbook defines morality as : “A code of conduct that can be defined by society, religion, or a person, affecting character, conduct and conscience.”“Morality is what you think about an issue and ethics on the foundations for the actions you take”Moral is also defined as “concerned with principles of right and wrong on conforming to standards of behavior and character based on those principles; relating to principles of right and wrong; relating to duty or obligations; pertaining to those intentions and actions of which right and wrong, virtue and vice, are predicated, or to the roles by which such intentions and actions ought to be directed; relating to the practice, manners or conduct of men as social beings in relation to each other, as respects right and wrong, so far as they are properly subject to roles”<REVIEW THE CODES LISTED ON PAGES 5.4 AND 5.5 OF TEXTBOOK>Basically if we concern ourselves with the welfare of others by putting our patients welfare above everything else we are fu lfilling society’s ethical and moral codes. Your book says: “…if you place the welfare of the patient ahead of all other considerations you will rarely if ever commit an unethical act in medical care.”There is a word that sums up this idea. It is Beneficence which means “to do good”. If we are beneficent we are dedicated to doing good. There is another word associated with Beneficence. It is Nonmaleficence which means “to do no harm.” On the flip side of this word is Maleficence. What does it mean?PATIENT AUTONOMYWe have learned in a previous chapter patient’s have the right to “direct their own care and to decide how they want their end of life medical care provided to them.” This is known as “PATIENT AUTONOMY”. Patients can make decisions for themse lves determining their level of medical care. As Paramedics we are obligated to respect the wishes of the patient.Sometimes our patient care can compete against the wishes of the patient. These wishes can culminate in ethical conflicts.“There are thre e fundamental ethical premises that guide prehospital medical care. The principle of justice implies that the system be fair and equitable. The principle of beneficence requires that actions and intentions are in the best interest of the patient. Respect for patient autonomy dictates that the requests of the patient are honored and nothing is done which is contrary to the wishes of the patient.”(Beauchamp: Principles of BioMedical Ethics, Ethical Challenges)IMPORTANT POINTS ON PATIENT AUTONOMY(1). The Paramedic feels the Physician’s order is detrimental to patient’s best interests(2). Never perform procedure or administer medication we believe will be detrimental to patient(3) Necessity of treating patients against their wishes.(a) Patients do not have decision-making capacity so consent is impliedEND OF LIFE DECISIONSTwo major concepts that direct pre hospital care about end-of-life decisions(1) DNR order(2) Advance Directives(a) Living will(b) Durable Power of Attorney(1) DNR OrdersWritten orders designed to let EMS providers know when resuscitation is or is not appropriate.This is communicated to the health care provider in various means depending on the state.(a) written order by Physician(b) medic alert braceletWe, as Paramedics, should be prepared within our hearts to respect the wishes of a dying patient regardless of what we believe.There will be scenarios where we will get on the scene and have family tell us their family member does not want anything done to them because they have a DNR; however, they cannot produce a DNR. What do you do?Your book says begin CPR until the paperwork is produced or the DNR is confirmed.Another situation the patient has a DNR but the family of the dying patient wants you to disregard the DNR to resuscitate the patient. What do you do?(2) Advance Directives(a) Living wills(b) Health Care Power of AttorneyAdvance Directives-----a directive from the patient, either orally or in writing describing the patient’s wishes for medical treatmentLiving Wills---Require some kind of precondition to activate, such as terminal illness or irreversible coma for them to become active. Usually spelled out as to type of treatment patient wishes to be given.Health Care Power of Attorney----Designate another person to make health care decisions for the patient at any time the patient is unable to make those decisionsSurrogate Decision Maker---a person who makes the health care decisions for another who carries the power of attorney. This person is legally required to make decisions as the patient would want.What if you were unsure as to the best course of action? How will you respond?Begin care and immediately contact Medical Control.ORGAN DONATIONHere is another ethical issue. Your book says major organs are not appropriate after hypoperfusion or CPR has been initiated. Other tissues can be used. Remember many states, including Mississippi, has a program that allows patients to agree to organ donation by having this noted on their Driver’s license.WITHHOLDING OR WITHDRAWING RESUSCITATIONSometimes when we initiated resuscitative measures, at some point, we will be faced with the decision as to whether we should terminate these efforts.You will have to consider the time factor, the distance to the hospital and how long the patient has been down without oxygen and adequate perfusion.What conditions of the patient would dictate not beginning resuscitative efforts?(1). Lividity(2). Rigor mortis(3). Sustained injuries incompatible with lifeIf in doubt, contact Medical Control. Whatever the decision, make sure you document!“Paramedics must be accountable for their actions at all times---accountable to the patient, to the EMS Medical director, and to the EMS system as a whole.”“Immature, unprofessional behavior and criminal acts, such as sexual misconduct, substance abuse, patient abuse, and harassment of coworkers have no place in an emergency profession.”Always remember “Patient autonomy, beneficence, and justice are the fundamental ethical principles of an emergency medical service. Ethical conflicts are present in the daily practice of prehospital care. These conflicts surround issues of resuscitation, futile therapy, consent, and refusal of care, duty and confidentiality.” Our Ethical standards influenced by our morals governs how we will respond to al the decisive issues we face. These standards will determine what side of the scales of justice we will come down on.。
外刊精选(四)Passage TwoQuestions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.The AlphaGo program’s victory is an example of how smart computers have become.But can artificial intelligence (AI) machines act ethically, meaning can they be honest and fair?One example of AI is driverless cars. They are already on California roads, so it is not too soon to ask whether we can program a machine to act ethically. As driverless cars improve, they will save lives. They will make fewer mistakes than human drivers do. Sometimes, however, they will face a choice between lives. Should the cars be programmed to avoid hitting a child running across the road, even if that will put their passengers at risk? What about making a sudden turn to avoid a dog? What if the only risk is damage to the car itself, not to the passengers?Perhaps there will be lessons to learn from driverless cars, but they are not super-intelligent beings. Teaching ethics to a machine even more intelligent than we are will be the bigger challenge.About the same time as AlphaGo’s triumph, Microsoft’s ‘chatbot’ took a bad turn. The software, named Taylor, was designed to answer messages from people aged 18-24. Taylor was supposed to be able to learn from the messages she received. She was designed to slowly improve her ability to handle conversations, but some people were teaching Taylor racist ideas. When she started saying nice things about Hitler, Microsoft turned her off and deleted her ugliest messages.AlphaGo’s victory and Taylor’s defeat happened at about the same time. This should be a warning to us. It is one thing to use AI within a game with clear rules and clear goals. It is something very different to use AI in the real world. The unpredictability of the real world may bring to the surface a troubling software problem.Eric Schmidt is one of the bosses of Google, which own AlphoGo. He thinks AI will be positive for humans. He said people will be the winner, whatever the outcome. Advances in AI will make human being s smarter, more able and “just better human beings.”精读笔记2The AlphaGo program’s victory is an example of how smart computers have become.But can artificial intelligence (AI) machines act ethically, meaning can they be honest and fair?One example of AI is driverless cars. They are already on California roads, so it is not too soon to ask whether we can program a machine to act ethically. As driverless cars improve, they will save lives. They will make fewer mistakes than human drivers do. Sometimes, however, they will face a choice between lives. Should the cars be programmed to avoid hitting a child running across the road, even if that will put their passengers at risk? What about making a sudden turn to avoid a dog? What if the only risk is damage to the car itself, not to the passengers?阿尔法狗围棋程序的成功是证明电脑已经变得多聪明的一个例子。
ethics since the 1980s.
2. Information about research ethics
V Writing
• I Comprehension
1. Answer Questions
• 2. Paraphrase
IV Translation
1. English Translation
2. Chinese Translation
Judy E. Stern & Deni Elliott
bring up the urgent need to teach ethics in order to
ensure a good practice of science.
◦ Such necessity arises from the inadequacy of traditional individual mentoring in helping learn conventions of science. One aspect of research ethics concerns
1. Information about the authors 2. Information about research ethics
3. Cultural Background Information
1. Information about the authors
Judy E. Stern is a professor from Giesel School of Medicine
道德问题在组织中的重要性 Ethical Issues in an Organization英语论文
道德问题在组织中的重要性Ethical Issues Its importance in an Organization.What are the Ethical issues in an organization?Ethical Issues: A business organization operates with the objective of conduct in all the business operations and processes effectively and ethically. Ethics is one of the key components of success for a business establishment because it formulates the guidelines of services to the various stakeholders of the business entity.As such, it is indispensable for every business organization irrespective of its sector of operation to abide by the ethical codes of conduct as formulated by the management ofthe business establishment. We can observe that many of the companies worldwide a reputed for their ethical business conduct such as the multinational corporations like Google, Facebook, Apple, Samsung, and others. These companies are known to have astringent and effective business code of ethics by which the company remains ethical and fair towards the employees as also with the other stakeholders of the companies.Some of the major ethical issues within an organization consists of social media use, technology and privacy concerns, business travel ethics, perils of employee favouritism and finally, the bad leadership behaviour. Now we will tell you about Social Media uses in an organization.Social Media UseThe usage of social media within a company needs to be effectively monitored and controlled by the management so that there is a certain restriction on the posts that are made by the employees on the social media accounts of the company. It is essential for the management to observe the conduct of the employees in terms of what they are posting about the company and its several products and services on the social media pages of the company itself.If an employee or a group of employees is posting harmful content on the social media pages of the employer then it can be considered as an act of unethical behaviour and lack of loyalty to the employer. Often, many employees post negative comments about their employerson social media pages of the companies which can draw negative reactions from the people visiting the social media page of the company and it has the potential to diminish the public image of the company.Therefore, it is essential for the management to develop robust and clear guidelines and principles about the liberty of using social media by the employees during working hours and also after the official working hours.Regulations regarding Social Media useThere should be a clear set of boundaries regarding what tantamount to infringement of the social media rules and regulations. An employee should be honest and dedicated enough to takecare of this issue and should never post anything negative about the employer on the social media page of the company.If there are any issues that the employees are facing within an organization then those should be discussed directly with the managers of the management personnel of the business establishment. Hence, it is evident that taking care of the social media postings by the employees about their employers is a responsibility of the employees working in an organization.Personal Ethics of Employees regarding Social Media useAnother issue involving the use of social media within a workplace is the use of social media for entertainment and personal purposes during office hours. These incidents must be discouraged within the workplace because this attitude of a few employees might soon spread like an epidemic and has the potential to harm the organizational and the work culture within the business establishment.Employees should always remember that they are supposed to dedicate their full commitment and sincerity towards employers. The employers are compensating them with salaries, bonuses and several other rewards and recognition and therefore it is legitimate and within the rights of the employees to expect some honesty and sincerity on the part of the employees.So, it is the responsibility of an employee to dedicate all the official working hours behind constructive official tasks and not to waste time by spending on social media for the purpose of entertainment. We cannot deny the usefulness of social media in business because social media is one of the effective marketing tools.It has become an inevitable part of the lives of the employees. The evolving nature of several means of social media has increased the difficulties in distinguishing between professional and personal sitting on the platform of social media. It is very important for the business owners to take ample care of potential ethical issues with the help of a set of policies in response to social media use for the employees.The policies should be able to cover the ways the social media platform could be used by the workers and employees while they are in that place. They should also be allowed to speak out about their experiences with their workplace on a public forum and social media pages. With the help of legitimate policies, the ethical issues regarding the use of social media and personal ethics of employees regarding social media users can be modified.Technology & Privacy ConcernsOne more ethical issue within an organization is the monitoring of activities of the employees using the computer and internet services. There have been significant developments in the digital communication technologies with which it has become possible for the employees to monitorthe activities of their employees in terms of what activities they are doing on the various electronic devices that are provided by the company for their daily functions.There are technologies such as electronic surveillance that are implemented for ensuring employee efficiency and productivity but the question arises that when such monitoring crosses the line of personal privacy of the employees.Technology has provided ample resources and utilities to every business organizations and their employees. It is very important to understand the privacy concerns in relation to technology. The abilities of securities which the employees should monitor regarding the use of technology by their employees should be enhanced.In today’s communication, the use of social media and different means of technology has become a common phenomenon. At the same time, business organizations can become highly vulnerable to various ethical aspects with respect to the use of modern technological resources.The issue regarding the privacy and confidentiality of an employee at an expected level should be devised by the company regulations and norms. Every employee has to use different technological devices such as phone, tablets, laptops, and computers.With the use of these technological aspects, the vulnerability to security breaches on the platform of the internet also gets increased. Their employees should get an alert if the leadershipplans of the business organizations get access to email and the internet usage of the employees. The privacy of the personal details of the employees should also be taken well care of by the business organizations. Now we will explain you with an infographic.Ethical issues in connection to Business TravelsThere are certain businesses which need both employees and leadership to travel because of several organizational requirements. Business travel ethics should also be considered as one of the important aspects because it is highly important for the ultimate outcome of business travels. Ethical issues can have several impacts when an individual tries to take advantage of the policies of business travel.For example, we can consider an employee who wants to purchase alcohol during business travel which is not permitted should be monitored effectively. It can also happen that an employee uses his or her personal credit card to make bookings for business travels so that rewards and loyalty points can be obtained on his or her personal account. These actions are actually not illegal but beyond the ethical aspects of business organizations.Hence, it is very important for the management of business organizations to take ample care of business travel ethics. There should be proper training and facilitation of information and education to the employees so that they can become aware of the grounds where they are supposed to behave within the ethical guidelines of the organizations. The employers and thebusiness owners should pay more attention to the ethical actions of the employees even on the ground of Business Travels.Ethical issues in relation to employee favouritismEmployee favouritism is another important aspect which is to be considered as one of the ethical issues or challenges in an organization. We can see that some organizational owners prefer some employees to work with some projects more than the others. Few employees get undue chances or opportunities over the others. This situation can give rise to ethical issues.If influential personnel of the organization shows favouritism to a particular employee without any proper reasoning behind it, then it can impactvaluable employees’ morale. The organizations can also lose some of the valuable employees who remain deprived of their works because of favouritism. We should be careful about the difference between sexual harassment and favouritism. Sexual harassment is not only an ethical issue but it is more likely an illegal action which needs legal interference and intervention on immediate and priority basis.Favouritism can impact the ethical conduct of business organizations. By giving preferences to some particular employees, the management for the business owners can lead employee conflicts and can give some particular employees a platform where they can do whatever they feel like. It is again an ethical issue is again.Unethical behaviour of the leadersLeadership behaviour is one of the important aspects of any business organization and its employees. It is not always true to say that employees exhibit any kind of unethical conduct or behaviour but not the leaders. The owners of the business organizations or the head of the organizations could also exhibit unethical conducts.It is not sufficient for an organization to put regulations and rules in place because these rules can become actions or demonstrative ethical behaviours when they are being followed by every member of the organization including the business leaders. The leaders should always exhibit ethical behaviour because the employees look up to them and learn from them. If theleaders or owners of the business organizations foster ethical behaviour then the employees also get indulged in engaging in unethical behaviour.It is very important and ethical to every business organization to keep their employees satisfied and motivated with their workplace. The workplace environment should foster an ethical culture in the first place. The role of a leader in enhancing ethical conducts and behaviours is highly significant. A leader should always motivate by preaching and keeping his or her ethical behaviors so that the employees could also learn from them and practice the same.Ethical issues in AccountingIn a business organization conducting any kind of unethical accounting practice is one of themajor ethical issues which is highly adverse in case of public organizations. In private organizations also accounting-related unethical behaviours or practices can result in severe consequences.We have heard about various examples of accounting-related unethical issues which could include inaccurate reporting of financial statements or producing wrong financial statements by the auditors.The business organizations face several consequences from unethical accounting issues when the truth gets emerged and revealed. The organizations have to undergo huge penalties and legal formalities. The result could also bring in adverse impacts on employee morale. Several employees also leave organizationswhere unethical accounting practices are undertaken. Government organizations are supposed to be responsive to ethical practices in every aspect of business and operations.There should be some mandatory knows regarding financial reporting requirements so as to protect not only the organizational members but also the customers. Unethical practices of business organizations impact the customers’ mindset and trust to a great extent. The organizations which are found to be engaged in any kind of unethical accounting practices are found to be losing the faith and trust of the investors, customers, and other key stakeholders.Ethical issues in relation to harassment and discriminationSexual harassment racial discrimination and which inequality are highly expensive ethical issues which employees and employers encounter on a regular basis. As per a report revealed by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, discrimination and harassment can lead up to a loss of 372 million dollars to a company in the United States. This report has been revealed in the year of 2013.The commission also states that there could be several forms of discrimination which include equal pay, disability, age, harassment, genetic information, religion, race, national origin, pregnancy, retaliation, sexual harassment, etc. These all are different forms of unethical practices which would lead to severe consequences on the ground of ethical codes of business. Every industry faces one commonform of discrimination which is families responsibilities discrimination or FDR which has increased over the last few years.。
Reading: Text 11.Match the words with their definitions.1g 2a 3e 4b 5c 6d 7j 8f 9h 10i2. Complete the following expressions or sentences by using the target words listed below with the help of the Chinese in brackets. Change the form if necessary.1 symbolic 2distributed 3site 4complex 5identify6fairly 7straightforward 8capability 9target 10attempt11process 12parameter 13interpretation 14technical15range 16exploit 17networking 18involve19 instance 20specification 21accompany 22predictable 23profile3. Read the sentences in the box. Pay attention to the parts in bold.Now complete the paragraph by translating the Chinese in brackets. You may refer to the expressions and the sentence patterns listed above.ranging from(从……到)arise from some misunderstandings(来自于对……误解)leaves a lot of problems unsolved(留下很多问题没有得到解决)opens a path for(打开了通道)requires a different frame of mind(需要有新的思想)4.Translate the following sentences from Text 1 into Chinese.1) 有些人声称黑客是那些超越知识疆界而不造成危害的好人(或即使造成危害,但并非故意而为),而“骇客”才是真正的坏人。
Ethical Issues in Dating
Recently, I heard about a woman who had complained bitterly of being treated “very badly” by men. Immediately-- perhaps because I had been reading a thriller-- my mind conjured up images of her having been thrown out of a moving vehicle, suchas a car or a train. But such was not the case. She was referring merely to the fact that her last two boyfriends had broken up with her. I don’t think that adds up to being treated badly. The entire process of dating is marked by interruption and rejection. That is everyone’s experience at one time or another. But the story made me stop and think about just what constituted “proper treatment” throughout dating.I think (others might disagree) that ethical issues always come down to being kind or unkind—behaving in ways that are likely to injure others or likely to avoid such injury. Sexual behavior is not inherently good or evil except that it may hurt someone or not. Similarly, dating behavior in general should be measured by that standard. The rules of proper dating reflect that underlying concern. Because times change, the specific expectations young men and women have when they date and enter, perhaps, into a more formal courtship are not the same now as they were in the past and as they are, still, in other areas of the world. These are some of the current, usually unspoken, rules.Dating conventions.Right from the beginning of a relationship, both men and women are expected to be truthful (more or less.) It is definitely wrong on a dating site bio to lie about marital status, for instance. On the other hand, anyone who reads these capsule descriptions might reasonably suspect that the author may be exaggerating personal income (somewhat) or height (an inch or two.) Photographs that are three or four years old are intended to deceive but are forgivable usually because they are not likely to be hurtful. (Soon enough the truth comes out.) Interests, such as sky-diving, should also be taken with a grain of salt.Throughout a relationship, one person should not purposely mislead the other either by outright lying or by not mentioning things a partner would want to know and have the right to know. Certainly, that includes simultaneously dating others. Most couples today expect that if they are sleeping with each other, neither of them will be sleeping with someone else. Even early in the relationship such a discovery will be experienced as a deceit and, later on, as a betrayal.Once upon a time, young men and women could not properly date—and certainly not marry-- without the consent of their parents. No longer. Anyone can date anyone else who is willing. Some people think it is not proper to date someone who previously dated a close friend, but those considerations largely relate to the responsibilities of friendship, rather than dating. If dating involves sneaking around, the couple is probably violating some rule or other.At certain points in a relationship, there are different expectations as to the proper role of the man and woman. (I am speaking here of heterosexual relationships, but things are not much different with same-sex couples.) These are more rules ofpropriety, rather than ethical statements—although at some points they overlap.On a first date, the man is expected to pay for the drinks or if it is a dinner date, he will be expected to pay for that. The woman will be expected to offer to pay for something on the third or fourth date and every once in a while after that. If she makes more money than he does, she should pick up more of the expenses.If a date is arranged, the woman (and man) will be expected to stay together throughout the date and not wander off with someone else they meet who seems more appealing.Because the man may pay for dinner, the woman is not obligated to see him a second time or to engage in sexual behavior with him. If at some point in their relationship, she chooses to kiss him, she in not obligated to go further. If she participates in more intimate behavior, she is not obligated to go further still. If the man thinks she is “a tease,” he does not have to see her again. But she has an absolute right to say, “No.”A problem enters at this point: men know that when a woman says “no,” she does not always mean it. She may only be trying to say that she is “not that kind of woman.” Once she has made that point, she may agree to what she wanted to do all long. However, if a woman makes clear that she really means “no,” it is incumbent on the man to stop. If there is any doubt at all, dating partners should be regarded as stating exactly how they really feel.In fact, in general, the person who says “no” about any matter should have the last word: where to go to a particular place for dinner, whether to travel a distance to meet, whether or not to meet with friends, and so on. Especially, each partner has the absolute right not to meet again, however long their relationship has lasted. If a woman agrees to have sexual intercourse with a date, she should not consider that she has made him a gift whichobligates him to see her again. On the other hand, if he does not call the next day, he is behaving boorishly, and that should constitute a warning to her.It is no longer necessary, if it ever was, for the man to open the car door for his date. He does not have to buy flowers. But the ordinary courtesies that apply to all other social interactions apply here also. It is a matter of respect. For example, someone who is not courteous to a waiter is not likely to behave better, sooner or later, to a date.I will only mention in passing that criminal behavior including violence and rape should never happen even if one or both are intoxicated. In fact, simply being drunk is perceived usually as improper behavior.Promises vs. DaydreamsI think the sense of being treated badly described by the young woman mentioned above comes from something other than actually being treated badly. It comes simply from being rejected. And other disenchanted lovers feel the same way. During the course of any relatively long-term relationship, one person or the other might say something like, “Next Christmas we should go to…” or “Wouldn’t it be nice if someday we lived in a house like this one?” or “I’d like you to meet my best friend who lives i n Ireland…” These remarks are taken reasonably to mean that the person speaking has future plans for the both of them. But they are not promises. They are daydreams only; and they cannot be relied on. Someone wishing that they were a prelude to a formal proposal of marriage is likely to interpret them in that way and then feel disappointed and even betrayed when the other person chooses to leave later on.In particular, “I love you,” may be construed, by someone so inclined, to mean that the speaker expects to be around forever. But it does not often mean that. And when it does, the person declaring love can still be in error. Rather, it means, “Right this minute I feel very, very strongly about you.” If the person being addressed wants to know if that affirmation means the two of them will still be together a few months from now, he/she will have to wait a few months to find out! I’m afraid people fall in and out of love all the time.I have some patients who are unusually scrupulous and hesitate to get into any relationship lest in the future, they might hurt the other person inadvertently in such a way. So the issue comes up, how responsible should someone be for the feelings of a romantic partner? What I tell everyone is they have a responsibility not to make explicit promises they do not intend to keep. If their partner imagines a commitment where there is none, it is not their fault. Certainly, they should not stay in a relationship to assuage those feelings. In the long run everyone will feel worse.Still, nice people feel bad when they hurt someone else, even if that pain could not be avoided. Their pain also cannot be avoided. I tell them to be kind, if they can. But no one should prejudge a relationship. No one should back away from a long-term relationship just because it may not work out this time around. Every successful relationship has been preceded by failures, as is true for many other human endeavors. Nothing comes with a guarantee.更多英语学习方法:企业英语培训/。
信息战中的法律道德和专业问题Legal, Ethical, and Professional Issues In IW资料
• U.S. government agencies required to disclose any requested information upon receipt of written request
• Some information protected from disclosure
State and Local Regulations
Export and Espionage Laws
• Economic Espionage Act of 1996 (EEA) • Security And Freedom Through
Encryption Act of 1999 (SAFE)
U.S. Copyright Law
• Intellectual property recognized as protected asset in the U.S.; copyright law extends to electronic formats
• To minimize liabilities/reduce risks, the information security practitioner must:
– Understand current legal environment – Stay current with laws and regulations – Watch for new issues that emerge
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学术英语课后答案 unit1
学术英语理工教师手册Unit 1 Choosing a TopicI Teaching ObjectivesIn this unit , you will learn how to:1.choose a particular topic for your research2.formulate a research question3.write a working title for your research essay4.enhance your language skills related with reading and listening materials presented in this unit II. Teaching Procedures1.Deciding on a topicTask 1Answers may vary.Task 21 No, because they all seem like a subject rather than a topic, a subject which cannot be addressed even by a whole book, let alone by a1500-wordessay.2Each of them can be broken down into various and more specific aspects. For example, cancer can be classified into breast cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer and so on. Breast cancer can have such specific topics for research as causes for breast cancer, effects of breast cancer and prevention or diagnosis of breast cancer.3 Actually the topics of each field are endless. Take breast cancer for example, we can have the topics like:Why Women Suffer from Breast Cancer More Than Men?A New Way to Find Breast TumorsSome Risks of Getting Breast Cancer in Daily LifeBreast Cancer and Its Direct Biological ImpactBreast Cancer—the Symptoms & DiagnosisBreastfeeding and Breast CancerTask 31 Text 1 illustrates how hackers or unauthorized users use one way or another to get inside a computer, while Text2 describes the various electronic threats a computer may face.2 Both focus on the vulnerability of a computer.3 Text 1 analyzes the ways of computer hackers, while Text 2 describes security problems of a computer.4 Text 1: The way hackers “get inside” a computerText 2: Electronic threats a computer facesYes, I think they are interesting, important, manageable and adequate.Task 41Lecture1:Ten Commandments of Computer EthicsLecture 2:How to Deal with Computer HackersLecture 3:How I Begin to Develop Computer Applications2Answersmay vary.Task 5Answers may vary.2 Formulating a research questionTask 1Text 3Research question 1: How many types of cloud services are there and what are they? Research question 2: What is green computing?Research question 3: What are advantages of the cloud computing?Text 4Research question 1: What is the Web 3.0?Research question 2: What are advantages and disadvantages of the cloud computing? Research question 3: What security benefits can the cloud computing provide?Task 22 Topic2: Threats of Artificial IntelligenceResearch questions:1) What are the threats of artificial intelligence?2) How can human beings control those threats?3) What are the difficulties to control those threats?3 Topic3: The Potentials of NanotechnologyResearch questions:1) What are its potentials in medicine?2) What are its potentials in space exploration?3) What are its potentials in communications?4 Topic4: Global Warming and Its EffectsResearch questions:1) How does it affect the pattern of climates?2) How does it affect economic activities?3) How does it affect human behavior?Task 3Answers may vary.3 Writing a working titleTask 1Answers may vary.Task 21 Lecture 4 is about the security problems of cloud computing, while Lecture 5 is about the definition and nature of cloud computing, hence it is more elementary than Lecture 4.2 The four all focus on cloud computing. Although Lecture 4 and Text 4 address the same topic, the former is less optimistic while the latter has more confidence in the security of cloud computing. Text3 illustrates the various advantages of cloud computing.3 Lecture 4: Cloud Computing SecurityLecture 5: What Is Cloud Computing?Task 3Answers may vary.4 Enhancing your academic languageReading: Text 11.Match the words with their definitions.1g 2a 3e 4b 5c 6d 7j 8f 9h 10i2. Complete the following expressions or sentences by using the target words listed below with the help of the Chinese in brackets. Change the form if necessary.1 symbolic 2distributed 3site 4complex 5identify6fairly 7straightforward 8capability 9target 10attempt11process 12parameter 13interpretation 14technical15range 16exploit 17networking 18involve19 instance 20specification 21accompany 22predictable 23profile3. Read the sentences in the box. Pay attention to the parts in bold.Now complete the paragraph by translating the Chinese in brackets. You may refer to the expressions and the sentence patterns listed above.ranging from(从……到)arise from some misunderstandings(来自于对……误解)leaves a lot of problems unsolved(留下很多问题没有得到解决)opens a path for(打开了通道)requires a different frame of mind(需要有新的思想)4.Translate the following sentences from Text 1 into Chinese.1) 有些人声称黑客是那些超越知识疆界而不造成危害的好人(或即使造成危害,但并非故意而为),而“骇客”才是真正的坏人。
ETHICAL REASONING VALUE RUBRIC 道德推理的价值标准American Association of Colleges and Universities美国大学协会Definition 定义Ethical Reasoning is reasoning about right and wrong human conduct. It requires students to be able to assess their own ethical values and the social context of problems, recognize ethical issues in a variety of settings, think about how different ethical perspectives might be applied to ethical dilemmas and consider the ramifications of alternative actions. Students’ ethical self identity evolves as they practice ethical decision-making skills and learn how to describe and analyze positions on ethical issues.道德推理是关于人类正确与错误行为的推理。
它要求学生能够评估自己的道德价值观和社会方面的问题,认识在不同的条件下的伦理问题, 考虑如何在道德困境下运用不同伦理观点和考虑替代行动的影响。
Evaluators are encouraged to assign a zero to any work sample or collection of work that does not meet benchmark (cell one) level performance.建议评价者对于不符合基准表现的任何工作样品或工作组合给以零分。
伦理问题(Ethical Issues)
第二部分伦理问题(Ethical Issues)急诊心血管病的目标是挽救生命,恢复健康,减轻痛苦,减少残废和临床死亡。
商务英语课后题答案 刘白玉版
Key to ExercisesChapter 1IV. Choose one of the four choices to best fit the sentence. 1.In measuring GDP,goods produced by foreign firms in the host country are counted.2.GDP is counted using two methouds:one which counts all the ways people earn money and another which counts all the ways people spend.4.What does GDP consist of ?Personal consumption ,investment ,and government purchases.5.The Consumer Price Index could most closely be associated with a measure of the price level .6.B7.D8.C9.DV. Please translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. GDP稳定增长表明经济健康发展;而GPD下滑预示经济出现问题;GDP大幅下降则意味着经济进入衰退期。
2. GDP不能从长远的角度反映经济的发展潜力,尤其是对于资源出口型经济的第三世界国家。
3. 从另一个重要角度来说,GDP并不是衡量可持续性收入的好标准。
4. GDP 忽略了非市场交易的活动,不管这些活动对社会多么有益。
5. 货币有时被称为“通用商品”,因为它可以和任何其它商品进行交换。
6. 现金和活期账户上的钱没有什么区别。
7. 银行创造的货币量取决于存款的总量以及法定存款准备金的比率。
8. 如果联邦储备局想增加货币供应量,它必须提高银行的存款准备金率。
Legal, Ethical, and Professional Issues In Information Security法律,道德,和信息安全专业的问题
• Proper ethical training vital to creating informed, well prepared, and low-risk system user
Deterrence to Unethical and Illegal Behavior
• Deterrence: best method for preventing an illegal or unethical activity; e.g., laws, policies, technical controls • Laws and policies only deter if three conditions are present:
Legal, Ethical, and Professional Issues In Information Security
• Differentiate between laws and ethics
• Identify major national laws that relate to the practice of information security • Understand the role of culture as it applies to ethics in information security
1. 问题、争议、议题:issue是一个用来指代某一个具体或抽象的问题或事件,它可以指政治、社会、文化等方面的话题,也可以指一些历史争议,或者是日常性问题,例如就业市场状况、贫富差距、抚养比等等。
2. 发行:issue在另一种不同的意义上,也可以表示“发行”,例如发行新杂誌、发行新书籍、发行新零件、发行新货币等。
3. 国际局势及其问题:issue在国际局势中,它可以指国家之间间接冲突,或
4. 职业问题:issue在职业上,它可以指一些关于个人在职场中的问题。
5. 社会问题:issue在社会上,指的是各类具有社会责任感的问题。
Ethical Decision Making ModelsIntroduction:Teaching bioethics to high school students can be a challenge for a variety of reasons. First, bioethical issues are complex matters that raise very serious questions about our personal freedoms, our obligations to others, our values, and the consequences of our actions. The difficulty of bioethical dilemmas and the tendency of one ethical question to give rise to several other ethical questions are factors that add to the challenge of ethics instruction. Second, because of this complexity, high school teachers may feel uncomfortable or may avoid introducing bioethics into their classes. Finally, teaching bioethics can be challenging given that not all students share our enthusiasm for it and may find its complex nature frustrating.The Case-Study Approach:One approach to teaching bioethics that teachers of applied ethics have found useful is the case-study approach. This method involves working through a bioethical case drawn from real life situations using a model for ethical decision making as a guide. This two-pronged approach (case scenario and decision making model) addresses the aforementioned concerns in the following ways. First, the case scenario limits the philosophical complexity of the issues raised by providing facts and details relevant to the decision at hand. Oftentimes, a case will deal with a very specific bioethical issue and in doing so avoids other serious, but unrelated concerns. Second, since case scenarios do not deal exclusively with abstract philosophical questions, they generally are more interesting to students. Thus, case studies tend to be more stimulating and relevant to a larger number of students. Finally, incorporating a systematic process of ethical decision making provides teachers with a way of thoroughly examining these very complicated bioethical issues. Such a model provides a framework for reasoning through a case to a morally justified conclusion. Having such a system may allow otherwise reluctant teachers to introduce bioethics instruction into their classes.The Hastings Center Model:The ethical decision making model used in this unit was developed at the Hastings Center. (Other similar models are included in the packet to demonstrate the number of decision making models that are available.) It is a six-step process that involves (1) identifying the ethical problems raised in the case, (2) gathering and assessing all the facts that are relevant to the decision, (3) identifying who has a stake in the decision, (4) identifying the values at stake in the decision, (5) identifying possible solutions and choosing the better solutions, and (6) evaluating the process of decision making itself To further explain the process and to relate how it has been used in the classroom with this unit each of the six steps will be briefly discussed.Step1:Identifying the Ethical Problems Raised in the Case:The first step involves identification of the ethical problems the case raises. Once the problems have been identified, one must decide which problem is to be considered. In other words, what is the ethical question the actors in the case must decide? Clearly, many different kinds of questions are raised in bioethical cases. Some are ethical questions, while others are legal, medical, social, or psychological questions. Each of these types of questions requires a different type of analysis, however. Thus, in identifying the ethical question to be analyzed one must make certain that it is a bona fide ethical question. This is not always an easy task. Certain key terms may suggest, however, when a question is an ethical question. These terms include: "right" ( in terms of entitlement), "responsibility", "duty", "ought", and "should". A common element to ethical questions is that they raise concerns about what is appropriate conduct in a given situation and/or directly refer to the rights or interests of others.Step2:Gathering and Assessing all Relevant Facts:The second step in the decision making process involves assessing the facts that are available to the decision makers. At this step it is important to address the nonethical issues raised within the case. For example, one may need to know the legal constraints of the decision. Furthermore, the likely legal, medical, or social consequences of a proposed course of action must also be considered. In addition to the facts that are readily available, a decision maker should also consider what factual information is not presented in the case but that is important to the decision and how this information can be obtained.Step3:Identifying the Stakeholders:Step4:Identifying the Values:The third and fourth steps involve identifying the stakeholders and the values at stake in the decision. Stakeholders include those individuals who will be affected by the decisions to be made. Stakeholders could include individual persons (both existing and future persons), collections of persons, such as societies and organizations, nonhuman beings, and entities, such as the environment. Values, on the other hand, are concepts, goals, or standards that are important to consider when choosing between competing courses of action. These include, but are not limited to, beneficence, justice, autonomy, truth telling, and interpersonal relationships. While each of these values should be considered in every facts of the,ase, they will vary in their importance depending upon the circumstances and case at hand.Step 5: Identifying Possible Solutions and Choosing the Better Solutions:The fifth step is to develop and assess the options that are available to the decisionmakers. At this point, one must consider what could be done in this case. Students are asked to be s creative as possible in coming up with a list alternative solutions to the problem, even if these include options that are obviously ethically unacceptable. (Demonstrating why anoption is unacceptable or unjustified can be a very valuable exercise.) The next stage of this step is to consider what should be done. At this point one identifies those options that are ethically acceptable by eliminating the unacceptable or unjustified options from the fist of possible solutions. It may be that a range of actions are acceptable. In that case, those options that are preferable can be identified and justified in terms of the values that these options support.Step6.Evaluating the Decision Making Process:The final step is to consider the decision making process as a whole. Was the process fair? Were the interests of all the stakeholders represented or considered? In many cases, the solution that results from this stepwise process is the same as one's initial or intuitive belief about what should have been done in the case. In these cases, therefore, the value of the decision making model is not found in the solution that came as a result of using the model, rather it is in the justification for the proposed solution that the model provides.Conducting Discussions of Ethical Issues:Tips for Teachers1. Listen. carefully to what students are saying when they argue a particular issue. Be patient and allowstudents to express their views fully.2. Take notice of the words that students use in arguing their positions. Often the choice of words will reveal a bias or an unquestioned assumption.3. Ask clari6ing questions. Many students will express important ideas that are rough or unclear. Asking students to define their terms or to reword their statements may help students hone their ideas.4. Make distinctions that will further the analysis. For example, if students are discussing duties, ask them what kinds of duties they want to include or emphasize in their arguments. Are they referring to l2gal duties, professional responsibilities, or ethical obligations? To whom is the duty owed? To oneself or to others?5. Look for logical inconsistencies or fallacies in students' arguments. Do the premises of the argument support the conclusion? Do they support any other conclusions? Are the premises true? Are there unquestioned or hidden assumptions that influence the argument? Are students committing the naturalistic fallacy", i.e. using statements of fact to justify or support their moral judgments? (This is also called the fact/value distinction and requires a leap in logic from "IS" statements to "OUGHT"' statements.6. Ask yourself whether a student's comment is supportive of an ethical theory, e.g. utilitarianism orrule-based theories. Challenge them to consider the shortcomings of that theory and how an alternate theory might address the issue.7. Challenge students to take an opposing view or to be critical of their own view. Ask them to consider the weaknesses of their arguments. How confident are they in their decisions? What, if anything, makes them uneasy about their views?8. Ask students to justify their views or the statements they make. If the response is "I just feel that way" or "I just know it's right", ask them to explain why. Many times students will refer to principles or values to justify their views, and these provide more justificatory power than do feelings or intuitions. If no principle or value emerges challenge students to consider whether their emotive responses or intuitions are wrong. 9. Provide balance. Play the devil's advocate. Don't let the argument be decided by the strength of a student's personality or by the loudness of an argument.10. Check to see whether this is a redundant view. Has it been represented already in the discussion? Keep the analysis as simple as possible.11. Be on the lookout for frustration. If you sense a student is becoming frustrated, ask him or her to express this frustration. Many times this will lead to interesting and important ideas.12. Stick to the case. While departing from the case may be useful sometimes, letting the discussion go too far afield can be dangerous. You may create a discussion that is difficult to direct. Stick to the facts of the case. Many of the facts will limit the number of issues that need to be considered.。
人民币升值研究外文翻译文献(含:英文原文及中文译文)文献出处:Y ang W, Lam K C J. An ethical analysis of economic issues related to the appreciation of Renminbi[J]. Asian Journal of Business Ethics, 2012, 1(1):79-87.英文原文An ethical analysis of economic issues related to the appreciation ofRenminbiY ang W, Lam K C JAbstractSince the outbreak of the global financial crisis in 2008, the exchange rate between China and USA has drawn a lot of attention. Because of the balance of payments surplus, China has accumulated a large amount of foreign exchange reserves, and there is much pressure on the Renminbi (RMB) to appreciate. The appreciation of RMB has raised a series of intertwining economic and ethical concerns in China. This paper is an inter-disciplinary study to illustrate the inter-relationship between economics and ethics. We analyze the major economic factors affecting the trend of exchange rate of RMB and the effects of its appreciation. We then discuss the ethical implications of the appreciation and conclude with some policy suggestions to address the economic and the ethical concerns.Keywords: Economic ethics, Renminbi, Exchange rate, Appreciation IntroductionIntroductionIn an open economy, the effect of exchange rate on external trade and other economic institutions has drawn much attention among scholars in China and other countries alike. According to macroeconomic theory, given some standard assumptions, changes in exchange rate will affect the price of domestic goods relative to the price of foreign goods, and thus, the pattern of expenditures will be affected. In general, a depreciation of the domestic currency can stimulate exports while discouraging imports. If the demand for imports and exports are price elastic, there will be an improvement in the balance of trade. In China, the depreciation of Renminbi (RMB) in the 1990s resulted in an observable effect on the balance of payments deficit. The relatively cheap exports gave China a competitive advantage, and the balance of payments deficit turned into a surplus within a short time, accompanied by an accumulation of official foreign exchange reserves. In recent years, the accelerated appreciation of RMB has not resulted in a decline in the volume of exports, while USA has not achieved the expected improvement in its balance of payments through the changes in exchange rates. At the same time, the appreciation of RMB has raised a series of economic and ethical concerns. In fact, the ethical issues and theeconomic issues are intertwined as the ethical implications depend on the economic impacts of the appreciation. This paper serves as an inter-disciplinary study to illustrate the inter-relationship between economics and ethics.Since the outbreak of the global financial crisis in 2008, the exchange rate between China and USA has drawn a lot of attention. Western countries have exerted great pressure on China to appreciate the RMB. The most controversial issues involve China – USA relationship. For instance, Americans may think that RMB is under-valued so that the balance of payments surplus in China is gained at the expense of the Americans who experience a massive balance of payments deficit. Similarly, it is sometimes claimed that the Chinese workers in the export sectors gain at the expense of the American workers in the import sectors in USA. On the other hand, some well-known economists in USA, including Ben Bernanke and Joseph Stiglitz, have pointed out that appreciation of RMB will not effectively lower the balance of payments deficit in USA since the reduction in imports from China will be replaced by imports from other low-cost countries like Vietnam and Pakistan. The key is to increase the saving rate in USA which is much lower than that in many Asian countries. On the other hand, the current account surplus of China reflects its high national saving rate (Fan 2011). Other than the distributional issue between China and USA, another ethical issue isrelated to the sovereignty or right of a country to manage its own exchange rate based on the benefit of its citizens. These international issues are very complicated, and there is no universally accepted principle for the distribution of benefits and costs across different nations; even if there were, the distributional effects across nations would be very difficult to measure. Therefore, our study will focus on the economic and ethical issues related to the appreciation of RMB within the boundary of the Chinese economy, including the medium and long run effects.Major factors affecting the trend of exchange rate of RMBWe expect an upward trend of RMB exchange rate in general, but the magnitude is difficult to predict. There are several factors that may affect the situation. First, the sustained growth of the economy provides a strong support for the appreciation of RMB. Though the target growth rate of GDP in the 12th 5-year plan has been reduced, it is still at a high level of 7%. With an expectation of high growth, foreign investment in the economy will continue to be strong, providing a solid support for RMB.Second, if the balance of payment surplus continues to grow, there will be greater pressure for RMB to appreciate. In year 2010, China’s current account surplus is 206.2 billion US dollar (USD), representing a growth of 25%, and the growth in foreign reserve assets is about 18%. This heightens the expectation of appreciation.Third, some international factors may affect the trend. It is expected that the growth of the US economy will reach 3%. Its contribution to the growth of the world economy will be bigger than that in year 2010. Comparatively speaking, the growth of the European economy is not optimistic. In the first half of 2010, to repay their debts, Europe’s banking industry borrowed an amount of 400 billion Euros. At the same time, European governments also needed 500 billion Euros to pay for their fiscal deficits, plus several hundreds more as collaterals when their bonds will reach maturity. It is possible that the European financial market will have the second round of debt crisis. To maintain financial sustainability, European governments have to reduce their public expenditures. Since unemployment rate is very high, the internal engine for growth is weak. Therefore, the US dollar will perform better than the Euro as an international currency. It is unlikely that devaluation of the US exchange rate will continue for long, there is even a possibility of a reverse trend. Another international factor is that the conflicts over currency exchange rates will affect the RMB exchange rate. Driven by the growth of Asian economies other than Japan, the share of Asian economies (other than Japan) has risen from 16.8% in year 2000 to 25% in year 2010 and is expected to rise to 30% in year 2015. On the other hand, the share of USA has dropped from 23.6% to 20.2% within the same period and will drop further to 18.4% in year 2015. A large amount of US dollargenerated from the quantitative easing policy of USA has flowed into the emerging economies in search of a higher rate of return. Faced with considerable pressure of appreciation caused by the huge inflow of hot money, Asian governments may have to intervene in the market to maintain the stability of economic growth of their countries. This has resulted in the international conflicts over exchange. Capital control and trade restrictions will be considered necessary to protect the national economy.The fourth factor is the inflation in major world economies, and the differential interest rates among different countries. Even though the US economy may start to recover in year 2011, there are still many obstacles. The Federal Reserve of USA will maintain an easy monetary policy to stimulate its economy. At the same time, the single monetary policy target in European countries is price stability which has constrained inflation rate to 2%, and they are not likely to carry out easy monetary policies. However, when they have to tighten fiscal policies in order to solve their debt crisis, the European Central Bank will have to use monetary policies to maintain a low interest rate. On the other hand, the current nominal interest rate in China is 3.1%, which is attractive to international hot money. Given inflationary expectation, the current interest rate is not high enough to curb inflation, which will continue to rise in the medium term. As China tightens its monetary policy, the interest rate will rise. It isexpected that the interest rate differentials between China and the European and USA economies will widen, thus attracting an inflow of capital which puts pressure on the RMB exchange rate.Fifth, internationalization of RMB may affect the exchange rate. One lesson of the global financial crisis is that an international currency system which is based heavily on US dollar is volatile and risky. China is holding a huge amount of foreign exchange reserves, amounting to about USD 2.65 trillion. A large proportion of it is in US dollar assets. According to the estimation of the US Treasury, up to October 2010, the value of US Treasury Bonds held by China amounts to USD 906.8 billion, which represents 35% of the total foreign exchange reserves. Therefore, China is most affected by the depreciation of US dollar and has the incentive to move towards internationalization of RMB. Since July 2009, the use of RMB for the settlement of trade has increased. Recently the volume of daily transaction in the foreign exchange market amounts to about USD 400 million. Even though the scale is relatively small compared with the use of US dollar, Euro, or Japanese Y en, it indicates the emerging role played by RMB in the global foreign exchange market and the determination of the Chinese government to promote the internationalization of RMB.Sixth, the price of oil is an important factor that could slow down the appreciation of RMB. The international price of oil has jumped fromUSD 100 per barrel in early 2008 to USD 140. The increase in oil price has an adverse effect on the balance of payments of China which imports around 50% of its oil. This factor will partially offset the other factors which are favorable to the appreciation of RMB. Based on the above analyses and the current economic environment, we expect that an appreciation of RMB would be the major trend in the near future, though the magnitude is uncertain. With this background, we will discuss the effect of appreciation of RMB on China.Effects of appreciation of RMB on ChinaAn appreciation of RMB would have an impact on the economy and the society as a whole. It will directly affect the export sector, with a negative effect on the volume of export, employment, and also profit. The effects will spread, affecting various sectors and social groups in different directions to a different extent, resulting in redistribution effects. Therefore, the appreciation of RMB is not just an economic problem, but also involves ethical issues. We will analyze the effects of appreciation of RMB in China on six main areas: foreign reserve, import/export sector, employment, inflation, standard of living, and income distribution Effect on official foreign exchange reservesTheoretically, when RMB appreciates, the value of foreign exchange reserves in terms of the domestic currency will depreciate accordingly. AsUS dollar assets represent a major share of the official reserves, the loss due to a big depreciation of US dollar can be considerable. The government should plan ahead to minimize the loss due to the appreciation of RMB against the US dollar. Since China has a huge amount of foreign exchange reserves, even if the loss in value is just 1%, it amounts to around USD 5 billion, which is equivalent to about 40 billion RMB. It represents a massive opportunity cost for China as these funds can be used to support education1 and improve health care of the poor. The loss in value of foreign exchange reserve due to the appreciation of RMB is of direct concern to the central monetary authority of China. The Peoples’ Bank of China and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange would find it unacceptable to let this go on without control. The actions they may take draw much attention from both inside and outside of China, and the level of foreign exchange reserves and their structural changes have become signals for possible changes in the exchange rate of RMB.Effect on import and export sectorsThe appreciation of RMB will increase the international price of China’s export, thus reducing its competitiveness. If the price of export is to be kept low, profit will have to be reduced. This will affect many export industries which are mainly labor intensive. The lower profit and even bankruptcy will cause companies to reduce production andemployment, resulting in an increase in unemployment of low skilled workers. On the other hand, the volume of import is expected to increase since imported consumer products and raw materials will be cheaper in China. The overall effect on the balance of payments depends on the elasticity’s of demand for import and export. It will deteriorate only if the sum of the elasticity’s is greater than one (Marshall– Learner condition). Otherwise, the balance of payments will actually increase upon the appreciation of RMB (Wang 2010). Currently, the majority of the export-oriented industries is labor intensive, and US dollars are used for payments. With an appreciation of RMB, the profit of these industries will decrease. Unlike capital and skill intensive industries which can absorb the loss in cost advantage by other advantages, the value added for labor-intensive industries is relatively low. So their competitiveness is much affected by the loss in cost advantage.However, some economists think that the effect of the appreciation of RMB on export industries may not be very serious. It is estimated that for a 10% appreciation, the burden on the exporters in China and consumers in foreign countries, respectively, is about 5%. A similar empirical study also finds that the price elasticity of export is around −0.6. Based on these estimates, if the effective exchange rate of RMB (which is linked to a basket of currencies) appreciates by 5–6%, the profit of export sector will at most go down by 1.5–1.8%, even assuming that theindustries do not respond by raising productivity. Besides, the structure of export in China is such that more than 55% are export processing. When the prices of exports are raised because of RMB appreciation, the costs of imported materials are lowered at the same time. Therefore, the sensitivity of this sector to an appreciation of the exchange rate is lower than other export industries. At any rate, a restructuring of the export sector to lower cost of production and to increase efficiency can be effective means to reduce the negative effect of the appreciation of exchange rate.Effect on employmentThe Chinese economy is export-oriented. According to the official statistics in year 2009, the proportion of exports and imports to GDP amounts to almost 70%. Export has become one of the most important driving forces for the growth of employment and the economy. In the same year, the value of export alone was USD 593.4 billion; the trading industries employed around 70 million workers. From these numbers, one may conclude that the effect of the appreciation of RMB on reducing export and thus employment could be considerable. In fact, the impact of appreciation on different industries will be different, depending on the extent of import dependence. Moreover, the structure and the nature of products, and profit margins are different across industries and enterprises, and thus, their sensitivities to changes in exchange rate will also vary. Forinstance, we have explained earlier that the sensitivity of the export-processing industries is lower than other export industries.We can classify industries into four types according to the extent and nature of the effect: industries with large adverse effects, industries with little adverse effects, industries with neutral effects, and industries with favorable effects. The first type consists mainly of labor-intensive industries, like textile and clothing, shoe making, toys, motor cars, furniture, lighting, and bicycles, and also agricultural industries and industries with relatively large export dependence. It has been estimated that the affected employment may be more than ten million workers. The effect on agricultural sector is especially notable. In recent years, the major agricultural products for export and import are beans, cotton, corn, and wheat. In year 2009, the total area used for the growing of these four types of agricultural products amounts to 60.85 million acres. This takes up about 40% of total agricultural land, involving an agricultural work force of 100 million. If RMB exchange rate appreciates by 10%, there will be a large decrease in the domestic price of these agricultural products, leading directly to a decrease in demand for these domestically produced products in both the domestic and international market, adversely affecting the employment and income of the agricultural sector. In summary, an appreciation of RMB will exert much pressure on the labor market. The effect is especially great in labor-intensive industries,and the burden will be largely borne by labor in terms of reduced employment opportunities. On the other hand, this may provide an opportunity for an improvement in the structure of employment by a shift towards higher skilled employment.中文译文与人民币升值有关的经济伦理问题Y ang W, Lam K C J摘要自2008年全球金融危机爆发以来,人民币兑美元汇率已引起各方关注。
关于生命伦理学的英语作文Bioethics, as the name suggests, is the study ofethical issues related to life and living organisms. It is a relatively new field that has emerged in the last century as a result of rapid advancements in medical science and technology. The field of bioethics is concerned with a wide range of issues, including the ethical implications of medical research, the use of genetic engineering, the allocation of healthcare resources, and end-of-life care.One of the most pressing issues in bioethics today is the use of genetic engineering to modify human embryos. This technology has the potential to cure genetic diseases and prevent hereditary disorders, but it also raises serious ethical concerns. Some argue that genetic engineering is a form of playing God and that it violates the sanctity of human life. Others argue that it is a necessary step in the advancement of medical science and that it has the potential to save countless lives.Another important issue in bioethics is the allocationof healthcare resources. In many countries, there is a limited amount of healthcare resources available, and these resources must be allocated in a fair and just manner. This raises questions about who should have access to healthcare and how decisions should be made about who receives treatment.End-of-life care is another important issue in bioethics. As medical technology has advanced, it has become possible to keep people alive for longer periods of time, even when they are in a vegetative state or have no hope of recovery. This raises questions about the qualityof life and whether it is ethical to keep someone alive under these circumstances.In conclusion, bioethics is a complex and rapidly evolving field that raises many important ethical questions. As medical science and technology continue to advance, itis likely that new ethical issues will arise, and it willbe up to bioethicists to address these issues in athoughtful and responsible manner. Ultimately, the goal ofbioethics is to ensure that we use our knowledge and technology in a way that is consistent with our values and respects the sanctity of human life.。
中考英语人工智能发展影响单选题40题1.Artificial intelligence can help us do many things in our daily life. For example, it can answer our questions and help us find information. What's the meaning of "artificial intelligence"?A.人工智慧B.人工智能C.人造智能D.人工智能体答案:B。
选项A“人工智慧”表述不太准确;选项C“人造智能”说法也不常用;选项D“人工智能体”并非“artificial intelligence”的通常翻译。
“人工智能”常用“artificial intelligence”来表示。
2.With the development of artificial intelligence, our lives are becoming more and more convenient. What's the opposite of "convenient"?A.inconvenientB.unconvenientC.difficultD.hard答案:A。
3.Artificial intelligence can talk to us like a real person. It can understand our words and answer our questions. What's the meaning of "understand"?A.知道B.明白C.理解D.认识答案:C。
Public service ethical dilemmas are quandaries that arise when public officials are faced with conflicts between their duties to the public and their personal or professional interests. These dilemmas can be extremely challenging to navigate, as they often involve complex ethical issues and may require public officials to make difficult choices.Types of Public Service Ethical Dilemmas。
There are many different types of public service ethical dilemmas, but some of the most common include:Conflicts of interest。
Bribery and corruption。
Misuse of public funds。
Whistleblower retaliation。
Ethical conflicts between personal and professional responsibilities。
Resolving Public Service Ethical Dilemmas。
There is no one-size-fits-all solution to resolving public service ethical dilemmas. However, there are a number of steps that public officials can take to help them navigate these difficult situations:1. Identify the ethical issues involved. The first step is to identify the ethical issues that are at stake in the situation. This can be a challenging task, as ethical issues can often be complex and multifaceted.2. Consider your values and principles. Once you haveidentified the ethical issues involved, you can consider your own values and principles. What is most important to you in this situation? What are your ethical obligations to the public?3. Consult with others. It can be helpful to consultwith others who are involved in the situation, or who have experience with similar ethical dilemmas. This can help you to gain different perspectives on the issue and to make a more informed decision.4. Make a decision. Once you have considered all of the factors involved, you can make a decision about how to proceed. This decision should be based on your values, principles, and the ethical issues involved.5. Be prepared to justify your decision. It isimportant to be prepared to justify your decision to others. This may involve explaining your reasoning and the ethical principles that you used to make your decision.Conclusion。
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Ethical IssuesOur mission is to become the most popular spicy restaurant in Hong Kong. The purpose of the Code is to provide guidance and set common ethical standards each of us must adhere to on a consistent basis. It governs the actions and working relationships of all employees of SPICY HOUSE in dealing with fellow employees, guests, competitors, vendors, suppliers, governmental and self-regulatory agencies, the media, and anyone else with whom SPICY HOUSE has contact. These relationships are essential to the continued success of SPICY HOUSE.Code of ethics: three core (unchanging) principles1.We believe our first responsibility is to customers who have meals in ourrestaurant.Product quality and food safety are a cornerstone of our founding truths and a promise we make every day to our customers.2.We require compliance with applicable governmental laws, rules and regulations.We are committed to minimizing the impact of our businesses on the environment with methods that are socially responsible, scientifically based and economically sound. We encourage conservation, recycling and energy use programs.3.We try to provide equal opportunity for all in recruiting, hiring, developing,promoting and compensating without regard to race, religion, color, age, gender, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, citizenship or national originFailure to adhere to this Code may subject you to disciplinary action, which could include termination. Violations of the law may also result in severe fines and penalties and even imprisonment for individuals.Social Responsibility●Step 1: Define how our business should benefit✧Enhanced corporate reputation●Step 2: Define how society should benefitCustomers:1.The right to be safe✧Maintains strict specifications for raw products including specifications whichmeet or exceed government requirements.✧Adheres to a strict food safety testing program.✧Follows rigid food handling and preparation procedures in the restaurants.✧Trains management and crews in proper food-handling procedures and personalhygiene practices.✧Continually monitors and improves its procedures and practices to ensure foodsafety.2.The right to be informed✧Full discloser of our food supply, raw material✧No misleading advertisement✧Certain certifications and invoices must be controlled to clearly and accuratelyinform Customers3.The right to be heard✧Consumers are welcomed to express their opinions towards our food, serviceEmployee:1.Workplace safety✧buy certain insurance for our employees2.Quality-of-life issues✧Reasonable individual workload and work time3. Ensuring equal opportunity on the job✧to deal fairly with employees;✧to provide equal opportunity for all in recruiting, hiring, developing,promoting and compensating without regard to race, religion, color, age, gender, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, citizenship or national origin;✧to maintain a professional, safe and discrimination-free work environment;✧to recognize and compensate employees based on their performance; andto provide a competitive array of benefits.Suppliers and competitors:✧Compete vigorously and with integrity.✧Treat all suppliers honestly, fairly and objectively.✧Never discuss or agree with competitors on pricing or any other matteraffecting pricing, terms and conditions of sale, limits on production,division of territories or customers and boycotting of third parties.✧Avoid any unfair or deceptive practice or advertisement and alwayspresent our services and products in an honest and forthright manner.✧Not take unfair advantage of anyone through manipulation, concealment,abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation of material facts, orany unfair dealing practice.✧Never criticize a competitor’s product without a good basis for suchstatements, or act in a manner designed to unlawfully excludecompetitors from the marketplace.✧Make clear to all suppliers that we expect them to compete fairly andvigorously for our business, and we will select our suppliers strictly onmeritGeneral pubic1. public-health✧We choose organic vegetables, which are environmental friendly✧Remove trans fats from our cooking oils , using a blend of soy and corn oils.2. Protect the environment✧It is our policy to comply with all applicable environmental, safety and healthlaws and regulations.✧We are dedicated to designing, constructing, maintaining and operating facilitiesthat protect our people and physical resources. This includes providing andrequiring the use of adequate protective equipment and measures and insisting that all work be done safely.✧We believe that protecting the environment is an important part of good corporatecitizenship. We are committed to minimizing the impact of our businesses on the environment with methods that are socially responsible, scientifically based and economically sound. We encourage conservation, recycling and energy useprograms.3. Develop the quality of the workforce✧Employ young people who have dropped out of school as our apprentice, wholearn from our chef.✧Provide certain occupational training, and our human resource manager will beresponsible for this4. Corporate philanthropy✧Donate 5% of the tip to certain charities.✧ A box on each table into which customers can directly donate coins✧Choose suppliers, who also have CSR to the society.●Step 3: Translate shared aspirations into principles●Step 4: Define good practice and assessGlobal IssuesMay be we could open another restaurant in Thailand, because Thailand people love spicy flavor very much.Given that there must be social and cultural differences, political and legal differences, economic differences, certain adjustments must be made, and more flavors must be added.We think in global market, companies provide this kind of traditional Chinese pot must be relative rare, so this kind of competition is not that fierce. But on the other hand, there must be more restaurants providing different kinds of food from all over the world, we must contrive to attract more customers. Those restaurants may be big and mature company that enjoy high reputation among customers and provide unique product, so this kind of competition may be very fierce.We will make extensive research towards which market to enter. After deciding which foreign market to enter, we will do certain research focusing on local demandof our product, and ability of the local workforce, needed resources, etc. Then we will analyze the expenditures required to enter this new market, and decide the best way to organize the overseas operations.We think once we have succeeded to set up our business overseas, and gained some experience, we may choose franchising for further development.Training EmployeesSome orientation program must be completed by our newly hired employees:pany policies and culture2.benefits programs and working conditions and expectations3.specific vocational training aimed at different positionsIn terms of the training part, we think Off-the-job training is our first choice, because (1) specialists can be used to instruct the employees; (2) training can be more concentrated; (3) it is more suitable for theoretical instruction; (4) it can be less stressful.We may do it ourselves or hire some professional HR trainers or companies.。