20101102 - 001 ALV动态显示
电视动态背光 以往的电视机主板将图像信号通过LVDS(LowVoltageDifferentialSignal,低压差分信号传输)将图像信号传送至液晶面板,另外通过LED驱动控制背光,显示系统和背光系统相对独立。
贝灵 BL55022 液晶显示驱动芯片用户手册说明书
LCD 驱动与控制电路BL55022BL55022是一款通用型TN/STN 液晶控制和驱动芯片,具有256位显示单元的输出能力,适用于字符/图形/点阵式液晶屏幕。
特点特点● 工作电压2.4~ 5.2V ● 内嵌256KHz RC 振荡器 ● 1/4偏压,1/8占空比 ● 片内时基频率源● 节电命令可用于减少功耗● 内嵌时基发生器和看门狗定时器WDT ● 时基或看门狗定时器溢出输出 ● 一个32 x 8 的LCD 驱动器● 一个内嵌的32 x 8 位显示RAM 内存 ● 3/4线串行接口 ● 片内LCD 驱动频率源 ● 软件配置● 数据模式和命令模式指令● 提供VLCD 管脚用于调整LCD 操作电压产品列表产品列表管脚说明管脚说明BL550XX BL550XXBL55021BL55021BL55022BL55022BL55066BL55066BL55076BL55076COM COM 4 8 4 4 SEG SEG3232 3232 2424 4040管脚号管脚号管脚名称管脚名称 功 能能 1 CS 使能控制 3 READ 测试时使用 4 CPW 数据写入控制 5 DI 数据输入 6 Vss 电源负端 7 CPI 系统控制时钟 8 Vdd 电源正端 9 Vlcd LCD 工作电源 10 TIS 测试时使用,响应信号 11、13 TB1、TB2 测试时使用,频率信号17,18,20~25Row1~Row8 背板输出 26~32, 36~48,53~64Dot0~Dot31点位输出 2,12,14,15,16,19,33,34,35,49,50,51,52NC未使用结构框图结构框图管脚排列管脚排列极限参数极限参数参参 数数 符符 号 参数范围参数范围参数范围 单单 位位 电源电压 V DD -0.3~5.5V 输入电压 V IL Vss-0.3~ V DD +0.3 V工作温度 Topr -40~ +85 oC贮存温度Tstg-50~ +125oC直流电参数直流电参数 (除非特别指明, Ta=25oC)测试条件测试条件测试条件 符号符号 参参 数V DD 条条 件 最 小 值 典型典型 值 最大最大 值 单位单位Vdd 工作电压---- ---- 2.7 ---- 5.2 V 3V ---- 80 210 I DD1 5V空载/LCD显示用芯片上RC谐振器 ---- 135 415 uA 3V ---- 8 30 I DD2 工作电流5V空载/LCD不显示用芯片上RC谐振器 20 55 uA 3V ---- 1 8 I STB 待机电流 5V空载待机模式 ---- 2 16 uA Vil 输入低电压 5V C、DI、CPW 0 1.0 V Vih 输入高电压 5V C、DI、CPW 4.0 5 V Rph上拉电阻5V DI 50 100 150 kΩ交流电参数交流电参数 (除非特别指明, Ta=25oC)测试条件测试条件测试条件 符 号 参参 数 V DD 条条 件 最小最小 值 典型典型 值 最大最大 值 单位单位 3V 22 32 40Fsys1系统时钟 5V片上RC谐振器 24 32 40 kHz 3V ---- 32 ----Fsys2系统时钟 5V外部时钟源 ---- 32 ---- kHz 3V 44 64 80Flcd1LCD扫描时钟 5V片上RC谐振器 44 64 80 Hz 3V ---- 64 ----Flcd2LCD扫描时钟 5V片上RC谐振器 ---- 64 ---- Hz 3V ---- ---- 150 Fclk 通信时钟 5V 占空比50% ---- ---- 300 kHz Tc 复位脉冲宽度 C ---- 250 ---- ns 3V 3.34 ---- ---- Tclk 控制脉冲宽度 5V 1.67 ---- ---- us Tr,Tf 升降沿宽度---- 120 ---- ns Tsu 对DI数据准备 ---- 120 ---- ns Th 对DI数据保持 ---- 120 ---- ns Tsu1 对C时钟准备 ---- 100 ---- ns Th1对C时钟保持---- 100 ----ns系统说明系统说明显示内存显示内存RAM RAM RAM静态显示内存RAM 以64 x 4位的格式储存所显示的数据RAM的数据直接映象到LCD 驱动器。
派利斯 TM 公司推出的 PT2010 框架系统可以实现很多监测功能, 如双通道振动监测表、双通道轴向位置监测表、双通道机壳振 动监测表、双通道摆度/偏心监测表、双通道转速监测表、双通 道胀差监测表、双通道机壳膨胀表、三冗余超速保护检测表等。 更多的监测表计划在不远的将来推向市场。 PT2010 系统采用积木式模块方式,使得它可以适用于多方面的 要求。当用户要求把监测系统增大时,只要增加很少投资,适 当的添置相应的监测表,更换显示控制芯片,就可很经济地完 成系统升级。它的特点,诸如高度可靠性、无比优越的灵活性, 使得 PT2010 系统成为解决工厂监测要求的最好工具。
在框架中安装每个监测表的位置上,其背板的相应位置上都有信 容易维修,采用插入式组件
号输入、输出、继电器报警的接线端子。PT2010 模块化的设计,
使得用户不需要在框架内部连线,当需要更多的监测表时,可以 很容易的扩容。PT2010 的框架是全金属的,对于现场安装、调 节、温度要求等都是比较宽松的。
所有 PT2010 系统的部件,仅有一把改锥就可以进行拆装,而变 换监测表参数,可以调整对应的电位器,开关,测试点或者是电 路短接块。这就使得在现场扩展通道非常容易。同时,各个监测
每通道具有连续精确可调的两个独立报警点 - 所有 PT2010 系列监测表都有此编程功能。它使监测表的每个通道有独立的 参数。报警点是连续可调的。改变报警点必须打开前面显示板, 并通过调节相应的电位器进行更改时才有效。 上电抑制 - 减少由于传感器回路电压波动或断电以及相应的 再上电而产生的误报警。这一功能在电压稳定后起作用,抑制 报警时间大约为 20 秒钟。各通道自检通过,微处理器对系统检 查后起作用。 电源双冗余 - 对于主要的处理通道的电源模块是双冗余的。 从而根本上解决了电源故障可能造成的误报警或系统无保护状 态。 5 位数字显示 - 系统控制监测器具有 5 位的数字显示器。用 户可以设定巡检或者是固定到某个通道上,大大地方便了用户 纪录数据。 自检 - 也是标准功能(它可进行:通电自检、周期性自检、 用户启动自检)。自检有助于在现场寻找及排除故障、它可用于 生产的不同阶段。这对于使用者,可以增加他对机器的保护以 及信息系统能够正常运行的信息。 内置式继电器模块 - 没有继电器与框架的外部联线。这样可 以使使用者很容易安装,并可使由现场连线发生错误的机会减 至最少。也不需要另外的地方去安装继电器。最大尺寸的 PT2010 系统框架,可以容纳 48 个继电器(每个监测表 4 个)。继电器 是环氧树脂密封的。可以满足几乎所有的工业现场的使用。 键相器输入 - 使用 PT2010/51 转速监测表可以连接 2 个键相 信号。输出为标准的 TTL 信号。键相位信号可以从转速监测器 前面板的同轴电缆接头上获得,亦可从监测表框架背板上的接 线端子上得到。 状态监测接口 - 位于监测表的前面板上和背板上。它们不需 要特殊的电缆或开关就可提供传感器的动态缓冲信号。可使用 户快速地且更方便地将其与在线的或者是便携的状态监测仪表 相连接。
PanelView 5310 终端 用户手册说明书
概述 安装 PanelView 5310 终端
变更摘要. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 包装清单. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 索取开源软件包的对应源代码 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 产品固件和发行说明 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 其他资源. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
关于 PanelView 5310 终端 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 硬件特性. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 操作员控制. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 触摸手势. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Studio 5000 环境 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 EtherNet/IP 通信 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 典型配置. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 产品目录号说明 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 产品选择. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 附件. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 以太网电缆. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
祝贺您选择了我们的 UP-2210 在线式电能质量监测仪!如果您对我们的仪表有任何问题,请 直接联系我们或向我们的本地代表处询问。
顺颂商祺! 瑞典联合电力公司
Unipower AB
Copyright (c) UNIPOWER AB Alingsås, Sweden 2006 E-mail: mail@unipower.se Internet: www.unipower.se
UP-2210 型在线式电能质量监测仪,由瑞典联合电力公司(Unipower AB Sweden)研制生 产,具有 4 路 0-275V 差分电压输入通道和 4 路 0-6A 差分电流输入通道。可以测量几乎所有 的电力参数和电能质量参数,它可同时具有 RS232、RS485、以太网、内置调制解调器、外置 调制解调器通讯方式。它采用 32 位 DSP 数字信号处理技术,高精度、多功能,全电子化,无 任何可动部件(如硬盘、风扇等),特别适合安装在现场,完全能够满足电能质量在线监测 的所有要求。
1.3.4 警告 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 警告-该单元易受静电影响! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
带 FlexPendant 的 IRC5
IRC5 M2004
操作手册 带 FlexPendant 的 IRC5
文档编号 3HAC16590-10 修订 : N
ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้© Copyright 2004-2010 ABB. 保留所有权利。
本手册中包含的信息如有变更,恕不另行通知,且不应视为 ABB 的承诺。对本手册中 可能出现的错误概不负责。 除本手册中有明确陈述外,本手册中的任何内容不应解释为 ABB 对个人损失、财产损 坏或具体适用性等做出的任何担保或保证。 ABB 对因使用本手册及其中所述产品而引起的意外或间接伤害概不负责。 未经 ABB 书面许可,严禁复制或翻印本手册及其中的任何部分,不得将任何内容透露 给第三方,亦不得用于任何未经授权的用途。违反本条款将会受到起诉。 本手册的副本可按时价向 ABB 购买。
LG LED显示器用户手册说明书
Printed in China24GQ50F 27GQ50F24GQ50B 27GQ50B 24GQ40W 27GQ40Wor/ ou/ o*MBM67514803*(2112-REV00)Depending on country / Selon le pays / Según del país(LED Monitor/ Moniteur à DEL/ Monitor LED)English Quick Setup GuidePlease read this manual carefully before operating your set and retain it for future reference.Français Guide de configuration rapideVeuillez lire ce guide de configuration rapide attentivement avant d’utiliser votre produit et conservez-le pour pouvoir vous y reporter ultérieurement.Español Guía Rápida de ConfiguraciónLea atentamente este manual antes de poner en funcionamiento el equipo y consérvelo para futuras consultas.English It is recommended that use the supplied components.Français Il est recommandé d’utiliser les composants fournis.Español Se recomienda utilizar los componentes suministrados.English You can download manuals from the LGE website.Français Vous pouvez télécharger les guides pour ce produit à partir du site Web de LGE. Español Puede descargar los manuales del sitio web de LGE.1235 4or/ ou/ oEnglish• Using a DVI to HDMI / DP (DisplayPort) to HDMI cable may cause compatibility issues.• Make sure to use the supplied cable. Otherwise, this may cause the device to malfunction.Français• L’utilisation d’un câble DVI à HDMI/DP (DisplayPort) à HDMI peut présenter des problèmes de compatibilité.• Assurez-vous d’utiliser le câble fourni avec le produit. Le non-respect de cette consigne peut entraîner undysfonctionnement du périphérique.Español• El uso de un cable de DVI a HDMI / DP (DisplayPort) a HDMI puede causar problemas de compatibilidad.• Asegúrese de utilizar el cable suministrado con el producto. De lo contrario, puede provocar que el dispositivo no funcionecorrectamente.12213or/ ou/ o24GQ50F/ 24GQ50B/ 24GQ40WEnglishDimensions (Width x Depth x Height)Weight Recommended Resolution Vertical Frequency With Stand539.5 x 196.0 x 414.2 (mm)21.2 x 7.7 x 16.3 (inches)Without Stand539.5 x 39 x 322.2 (mm)21.2 x 1.5 x 12.6 (inches)With Stand3.57 kg(7.87 lbs)Without Stand2.97 kg(6.54 lbs)1920 x 1080HDMI: 144 HzDisplayPort: 165 HzFrançaisDimensions (largeur x profondeur x hauteur)Poids Résolution recommandée Fréquence verticale Avec socle539,5 x 196,0 x 414,2 (mm)21,2 x 7,7 x 16,3 (po)Sans socle539,5 x 39 x 322,2 (mm)21,2 x 1,5 x 12,6 (po)Avec socle3,57 kg(7,87 lb)Sans socle2,97 kg(6,54 lb)1 920 x 1 080HDMI: 144 HzDisplayPort: 165 HzEspañolDimensiones (anchura x profundidad x altura)Peso Resolución recomendada Frecuencia vertical Soporte incluido539,5 x 196,0 x 414,2 (mm)Soporte no incluido539,5 x 39 x 322,2 (mm)Soporteincluido3,57 kgSoporte noincluido2,97 kg1 920 x 1 080HDMI: 144 HzDisplayPort: 165 Hz Clasificación de potencia19 V 1,5 AEspecificaciones de Adaptador de ca/ccSalida19 V 1,7 AEntrada100-240 V~ 50/60 Hz 1,2 A27GQ50F/ 27GQ50B/ 27GQ40WEnglishDimensions (Width x Depth x Height)Weight Recommended Resolution Vertical Frequency With Stand613.7 x 201.6 x 456.1 (mm)24.1 x 7.9 x 17.9 (inches)Without Stand613.7 x 39.3 x 364.1 (mm)24.1 x 1.5 x 14.3 (inches)With Stand3.87 kg(8.53 lbs)Without Stand3.25 kg(7.16 lbs)1920 x 1080HDMI: 144 HzDisplayPort: 165 HzFrançaisDimensions (largeur x profondeur x hauteur)Poids Résolution recommandée Fréquence verticale Avec socle613,7 x 201,6 x 456,1 (mm)24,1 x 7,9 x 17,9 (po)Sans socle613,7 x 39,3 x 364,1 (mm)24,1 x 1,5 x 14,3 (po)Avec socle3,87 kg(8,53 lb)Sans socle3,25 kg(7,16 lb)1 920 x 1 080HDMI: 144 HzDisplayPort: 165 HzEspañolDimensiones (anchura x profundidad x altura)Peso Resolución recomendada Frecuencia vertical Soporte incluido613,7 x 201,6 x 456,1 (mm)Soporte no incluido613,7 x 39,3 x 364,1 (mm)Soporteincluido3,87 kgSoporte noincluido3,25 kg1 920 x 1 080HDMI: 144 HzDisplayPort: 165 Hz Clasificación de potencia19 V 1,9 AEspecificaciones de Adaptador de ca/ccSalida19 V 2,1 AEntrada100-240 V~ 50/60 Hz 1,2 A。
MAXDATA Computer GmbH & Co. KG, Elbestraße 12-16, D-45768 Marl, www.maxdata.de06/2005 © A l l e R e c h t e s o w i e Än d e r u n g e n v o r b e h a l t e n . A r t . N r . 111921Mit einem neuen Panel geht der Belinea 10 19 15 in die zweite Runde.Ein verbessertes Kontrastverhältnis von 1000:1 und Helligkeitswerte von 250 cd/m² sorgen dabei für eine noch bessere Bildperformance dieses High-end Modells. Durch den zusätzlichen DVI-Anschluss kann diese Bildperformance außerdem noch gesteigert werden. Die Möglichkeit, das Panel in der Höhe zu verstellen und um 90° drehen zu können, ist vor allem bei der täglichen Arbeit im Büro sehr vorteilhaft.Integrierte L autsprecher u nd eine Reaktionszeit von 8 ms (g/g) runden das Angebot dieses Multitalents ab. Zertifiziert nach der strengen TCO03 und ISO 13406-2, beweist dieses Display, dass es für die Anforderungen an ein High-End Display bestens geeignet ist.Highlights:§19 Zoll (48,26 cm)§Reaktionszeit in ms: 8 (g/g)§analog + digital (DVI-D)§Sound, Premium MVA-Panel, Lift, 90° drehbar, schwenkbar um 45° (rechts/ links)§Betrachtungswinkel (CR > 10:1): 170° / 170° Einsatzbereiche:§Großer Betrachtungswinkel für Beratertätigkeiten, z.B. im Finanz- oder Versicherungssektor§Lautsprecher und geringe Reaktionszeit für Video- animationen und Multimediaanwendungen §Repräsentative Arbeitsplätze und EmpfangscounterPaneleigenschaftenBildschirmdiagonale19“Bildschirmdiagonale in Zoll (sichtbar) 19Bildschirmdiagonale in cm (sichtbar) 48,26Maximale Bildgröße (B x H) in mm 376 x 301Physikalische Auflösung 1,3 Mega Pixel(1280 x 1024)Pixelabstand (HxV) in mm 0,294 x 0,294PaneltypPrem. MVA Darstellbare Farben16,7 Mio Helligkeit in cd / m2 (typ.) 250Kontrastverhältnis (typ.)1000:1Betrachtungswinkel h/v (CR > 5:1) 170° / 170°Betrachtungswinkel h/v (CR > 10:1) 170° / 170°Reaktionszeit in ms 8 (g/g)Elektrische DatenHorizontalfrequenz in kHz 31-83Vertikalfrequenz in Hz56-75max. Videobandbreite (dot rate) in MHz 135Netzspannung 100-240V , 50-60 Hz•Max. Leistungsaufnahme in Watt (On / Sleep)50 / 4FeaturesLautsprecherHöhenverstellbarkeit in mm 110Drehbarkeit um 90° •Netzteil intern / extern• / –Neigungswinkel nach hinten / vorne 22° / 5°Schwenkbarkeit nach rechts / links 45° / 45°FarbeClassicGrey OSD / EinstellmöglichkeitenHelligkeit / Kontrast • / •Clock / Phase• / •Bildposition (horizontal / vertikal) • / •Auto-Setup / Reset• / •Farbtemperatur (5500K, 6500K, 9300K, User, SRGB) – / • / • / • / –Vollbild / 1:1 Darstellung• / –Frequenzanzeige / Videosignalumschaltung • / •Lautstärke•Monitor Bedienelemente-AutoSetup / Helligkeit / Kontrast • / • / • -Lautstärke / Menü / Power• / • / •Max. Bildwiederholraten in Hz bei Auflösung analog / digital640 x 480 75 / 75800 x 600 75 / 751024 x 768 75 / 751152 x 864 75 / 751280 x 1024 75 / 751600 x 1200– / –Prüfzeichen / StandardsPlug & Play:-DDC 2B / DDC-CI • / •Ergonomie:-TÜV Ergo (ISO 13406-II) / TCO99 / TCO03 • / – / •Sicherheit:-TÜV GS / CE• / •Power Management:-Energy Star / Energy Label / TCO99 / TCO03 • / – / – / •MAC kompatibel •Diebstahlsicherung:-Kensington Lock kompatibel•VESA Mounting kompatibel (Lochabstand in mm) 100 x 100Anschlüsseanalog: D-SUB 15 pin mini •digital: DVI-D (24-pin)•Kopfhöreranschluss / Audio Eingang – / •USB–ZubehörHandbuch (CD / Print) • / –Netzkabel (1,8 m)•Videokabel D-Sub 15 pin mini (1,8 m) •DVI-D Kabel (1,8 m) (optional) • (Art. Nr. 30 86 85)Audiokabel (1,8 m)•Pivot Software (optional)• (Art. Nr. 80 31 64)MaßeAbmessungen (B x H x T) in mm426 x 413 x 210Abmessungen (B x H x T) in mm ohne Fuss 426 x 367 x 63Gewicht netto / brutto in kg6,7 / 8,6Service36 Monate Garantie-Austausch-Service •inkl. Panel und BacklightIhr MAXDATA Fachhandelspartner:Belinea ist die Monitormarke der MAXDATA AG.2 x 1 Watt。
Dell E2010H E2210H E2310H 平面显示器用户手册说明书
1.快捷键12.快捷键23.OSD 菜单4.退出5.开机/关机按钮左侧右侧底视图用途激活计算机和显示器,以进入到OSD。
备注:Dell E2010H/E2210H/E2310H 平板显示器符合 ENERGY STAR®(能源之星)规范。
VESA, 640 x 480 31.5 60.0 25.2 -/- VESA, 640 x 480 37.5 75.0 31.5 -/- VESA, 800 x 600 37.9 60.0 40.0 +/+ VESA, 800 x 600 46.9 75.0 49.5 +/+ VESA, 1024 x 768 48.4 60.0 65.0 -/- VESA, 1024 x 768 60.0 75.0 78.8 +/+ VESA, 1152 x 864 67.5 75.0 108.0 +/+ VESA, 1280 x 1024(E2210H/E2310H)64.0 60.0 108.0 +/+VESA, 1280 x 1024(E2210H/E2310H)80.0 75.0 135.0 +/+ VESA, 1600 x 900 (E2010H) 55.5 60.0 97.8 +/-VESA, 1920 x 1080(E2210H/E2310H)67.5 60.0 148.5 +/+ 物理特性下面列出了显示器的物理特性:型号Dell E2010H 平板显示器Dell E2210H 平板显示器Dell E2310H 接口类型15 针D-Sub,蓝色接口; DVI-D,白色接口15 针D-Sub,蓝色接口; DVI-D,白色接口15 针D-Sub信号线类型模拟:分离式、 D-Sub、15 针,随显示器附带数字: 分离式、DVI-D,实心针,与显示器分开提供模拟:分离式、 D-Sub、15 针,随显示器附带数字: 分离式、DVI-D,实心针,与显示器分开提供模拟:分离式、数字: 分离式、尺寸:(带支架)l高度l宽度l深度363.2 mm (14.30 英寸)481.2 mm (18.94 英寸)151.9 mm (5.98 英寸)381.0 mm (15.00 英寸)515.0 mm (20.28 英寸)158.9 mm (6.26 英寸)401.8 mm (15548.8 mm (21164.0 mm (6.4尺寸:(不带支架)l高度l宽度l深度287.6 mm (11.32 英寸)481.2 mm (18.94 英寸)60.0 mm (2.36 英寸)306.5 mm (12.07 英寸)515.0 mm (20.28 英寸)64.5 mm (2.54 英寸)325.7 mm (12548.8 mm (2163.5 mm (2.50支架尺寸:l高度l宽度l深度289.3 mm (11.39 英寸)250.9 mm (9.88 英寸)158.9 mm (6.26 英寸)298.3 mm (11.74 英寸)258.9 mm (10.19 英寸)158.9 mm (6.26 英寸)310.8 mm (12265.9 mm (10164.0 mm (6.4重量(含包装) 6.35 kg (14.00 磅) 6.54 kg (14.38 磅) 6.76 kg (14.87重量(含支架和线缆) 4.85 kg (10.67 磅) 5.11 kg (11.24 磅) 5.76 kg (12.67重量(不含支架)(针对壁挂或 VESA 安装方式,不含线缆)3.50 kg (7.7 磅) 3.59 kg (7.90 磅)4.10 kg (9.02 支架重量0.94 kg (2.07 磅) 1.00 kg (2.20 磅) 1.14 kg (2.51环境特性下表列出了显示器的环境特性:型号Dell E2010H/E2210H/E2310H 平板显示器温度l操作时l非操作时0° - 40℃ (32° - 104°F)存储时:-20° - 60°C (-4° - 140°F)安全说明FCC中国能源效率标识联系警告返回目录页设置显示器Dell™ E1910H 平板显示器如果使用的是可以上网的Dell™ 台式机或Dell™ 便携式计算机1. 转到, 输入你的服务标签,然后下载用于你图形卡的最新驱动程序。
OMEGA PSW1110数字微型压力开关显示说明书
e-mail:**************For latest product manuals: /en-us/pdf-manualsShop online at User’s GuideDigital, Miniature Pressure Switch with DisplayPSW1110***********************Servicing North America:U.S.A. Omega Engineering, Inc.Headquarters: 800 Connecticut Ave. Suite 5N01, Norwalk, CT 06854Toll-Free: 1-800-826-6342 (USA & Canada only)Customer Service: 1-800-622-2378 (USA & Canada only)Engineering Service: 1-800-872-9436 (USA & Canada only)Tel: (203) 359-1660 Fax: (203) 359-7700e-mail:**************For Other Locations Visit /worldwideThe information contained in this document is believed to be correct, but OMEGA accepts no liability for any errors it contains, and reservesPage Section 1 - Introduction ....................................................................... 1-1Section 2 - Setup ......................................................................... 2-13.1 Display and Button Functionality ................................................................................... 3-13.2 Menu Options ................................................................................................................ 3-23.2.1 Lock/Unlock Keys ....................................................................................................... 3-2-1 3.2.2 Setting Zero Pressure ................................................................................................. 3-2-23.2.3 Parameter Setting Mode ............................................................................................. 3-2-3 3.2.4 Setting Pressure Units ................................................................................................ 3-2-43.2.5 Setting Temperature Units .......................................................................................... 3-2-53.2.6 Output One Mode and Setpoints ................................................................................ 3-2-6 3.2.7 Output Two Mode and Setpoints ................................................................................ 3-2-73.2.8 Display Colors ............................................................................................................. 3-2-83.2.9 Update Time ................................................................................................................ 3-2-93.2.10 Loading All Parameters ............................................................................................. 3-2101.1 Product Overview................................................................................................. 1-11.2 Specifications........................................................................................................ 1-21.3 Precautions ........................................................................................................... 1-3Section 4 - Accessories 4-1............................................................................................................................. 3-1Section 3 - Operating Instruction .......................................................2.1 General Dimensions ............................................................................................ 2-12.2 Pressure Port Configuration .................................................................................... 2-22.3Electrical Connections ................................................................................................. 2-34.1 Mounting Brackets ........................................................................................................... 4-14.2 Panel Mounts ................................................................................................................... 4-2Section 1 – Introduction1.1 Product OverviewThe PSW-1110 series are cost-effective, digital pressure switches that are easy to read, easy to program, and perfect for small spaces.These miniature pressure switches provide PNP output switch control for non-corrosive gasses. The PSW-1110 features a bright 4-digit, 7-segment displaythat makes it easy to see the current pressure. The display can also beprogrammed to turn red or green, based on the switch state, and there are twoLED indicator lights to show when outputs are activated. In short, this miniature pressure switch has several visual indicators that can quickly show the status ata glance.The ultra-compact size and multiple pressure port orientations make this uniteasy to install practically anywhere. There are both a horizontally and verticallyoriented pressure ports so that the most convenient orientation and be used, and the unused port is plugged with the included setscrew. As an added bonus, theswitch also measures the media temperature and can be set to measure in either Celsius or Fahrenheit. There is a keypad locking function, to secure againstunwanted button presses or changes made by those unfamiliar with the unit.The PNP outputs are fully programmable, and the user can also select one ofeight pressure units: psi, bar, kg/cm2, KPa, MPa, inHg, cmHg, and Atm. Thereare four options for output modes. The main options are hysteresis and window modes, and each of those have high and low methods of actuation. See theOperation Modes section below for more details and the product manual foroperation instructions.The PSW-1110 is also available with the following options: additional pressureranges, NPN outputs, alternate pressure port thread types, and with liquid media compatibility. If you would like to learn more about these options or requirefurther customization of this design, contact us by phone or by emailing us at******************.1.2 Specifications1.3 Precautions•This device has not been designed, tested, or approved for use in any medical or nuclear applications.•Never operate this device in flammable or explosive environments.•Never operate with a power source other than the one recommended in this manual.•Never operate this device outside of the recommended use outlined in this•manual.•There are no user serviceable parts inside your device. Attempting to repair or service your unit may void your warranty.There are two pressure ports – ensure the unused port is sealed beforeoperation. A set screw (provided) is used to block the unused port. It is advised to use thread sealant when installing the set screw. For more information,see section 2.2.Section 2 – Setup2.1 General DimensionsAll dimensions shown in inches.2.2 Pressure Port ConfigurationFor convenience, the sensor has two pressure port locations that are 90° apartfrom each other. Depending on the application, it is sometimes advantageous to use one port over another.As shown in the image on the next page, once a port has been chosen, the other port must be blocked. A set screw (provided) is used to block the unused port. It is advised to use thread sealant when installing the set screw.2.3Electrical ConnectionsSection 3 – Operating Instructions3.1 Display and Button FunctionalityOnce power is applied, the display will show the current pressure (factory default units: psi). To display the current temperature, tap the setting key (factory default units: °F). After 5 seconds, the display will automatically return to pressure mode.3.2Menu OptionsThe first two menu options, lock/unlock, and setting zero pressure can beadjusted independently of other parameters. To change the other parameters, it is necessary to enter the parameter setting menu to step through eachparameter, providing the user with the option to change the parameter or skip to the next one.3.2.1 Lock/Unlock KeysLock: Press and hold the carry Key for 3 seconds, then all key functions will be LOCKED, (except the un-lock function). The display will show “LoC” for 2 seconds then return to normal display.Unlock: Press and hold the adjusting key for 3 seconds, all key function will be Un-LOCKE D. The display will show “UnC” for 2 seconds than return to normal display.3.2.2 Setting Zero PressureWithout any external pressure applied (open to the atmosphere)simultaneously press and hold the adjusting keyand thecarry key for more than 3 seconds. This captures the pressure and resets the display to read zero at this pressure.3.2.3 Parameter Setting ModeTo enter the parameter setting mode , press and hold the Setting key for more than 3 seconds when in default pressure display mode .Note: Must be in pressure display mode for this keystroke to perform this function.3.2.4 Setting Pressure UnitsThe first parameter encountered when entering the parameter setting mode is pressure units. To set the pressure unit, scroll through the options by pressing theadjusting key until the setting that matches the desired unit is displayed. The table below shows the setting value for each pressure unit option. Once the desired setting is displayed, press the setting key . The displayed setting will be entered and the next parameter setting (temperature) will be displayed.3.2.5 Setting Temperature UnitsThe next parameter encountered is for setting temperature units. To set thetemperature unit, scroll through the options by pressing the adjusting key until the setting matching the desired unit is displayed. The table below shows the setting value for each temperature unit option. Once the desired setting is displayed, press the setting key . The displayed setting will be entered and the next parameter setting, (output mode) will be displayed.3.2.6 Output One Mode and SetpointsThe next parameter encountered is for setting the digital output mode for output 1. There are two main types of output modes for the digital output - hysteresis mode and windowed mode.Hysteresis mode has two types of actuations, active low and active high, as shown on the left side of the figure below.Active Low: Turns the output off when the pressure has reached the high setpoint (green line). The output remains off until the pressure has dropped below the low setpoint (blue line).Active High: Turns the output on when the pressure has reached the high setpoint. The output remains on until the pressure has dropped below the low setpoint.Windowed mode also has two types of actuations, active low and active high, as shown on the right side of the figure below.Active Low: Turns the output off when the pressure is between the high setpoint (green line) and the pressure low setpoint (blue line).Active High: Turns the output on when the pressure is between the high setpoint (green line) and the pressure low setpoint (blue line).The display will show “1o-x”. To set the output mode, scroll through the options by pressing the adjusting key until the setting matching the desired output is displayed. Use the following table to set the output modeof Out 1.Once the desired setting is displayed, press the setting key . The displayed setting will be entered and the next parameter setting, (high setpoint for out1 parameter) will be displayed.High SetpointThe next parameter encountered is for setting the high setpoint (greenline on above graph) for output 1. The display will quickly flash “1H” andthen it will display the current value of the high setpoint.To set the high setpoint, increment the current digit (flashing) by pressing the adjusting key until the display matches the desired setpoint. The digit will reset to zero (roll over) after nine has been reached in case the desired number has been accidentally passed. To scroll to the next digit, press the carry key . Once the rightmost digit has been set, press the setting key to go to the next parameter. Low SetpointThe next parameter encountered is for setting the low setpoint (blueline on the graphs) for output 1. The display will quickly flash “1L” andthen it will display the current value of the low setpoint. This value isentered exactly like the high setpoint, discussed above.Once the rightmost digit has been set, press the setting key to go to the next parameter.The next parameter encountered is for setting the digital output modefor output 2. Output 2 operates similar to output 1 but it hasadditional functionality; Output 2 can either be controlled by either apressure setpoint or a temperature setpoint. If modes 5-8 are selected, the high and low setpoints will have either °C or °F indicating that they are temperature setpoints The display will show “2o-x”. To set the output mode, scroll through the options by pressing the adjusting key until the setting matching the desired output isdisplayed. Use the following table to set the output mode of Out 2.setting will be entered and the next parameter setting, (high setpoint for parameter2), will be displayed.High SetpointThe next parameter encountered is for setting the high setpoint foroutput 2. The display will quickly flash “2H” and then it will display thecurrent value of the high setpoint.To set the high setpoint, increment the current digit (flashing) by pressing theadjusting key until the display matches the desired setpoint. The digit will resetto zero (roll over) after nine has been reached in case the desired number has beenaccidentally passed. To scroll to the next digit, press the carry key . Once therightmost digit has been set, press the setting key to go to the next parameter.Low SetpointThe next parameter encountered is for setting the low setpoint foroutput 2. The display will quickly flash “2L” and then it will display thecurrent value of the low setpoint. This value is entered exactly like thehigh setpoint, discussed above. Once the rightmost digit has been set, press thesetting key to go to the next parameter.3.2.8 Display ColorsThe display color can be programmed to change based on Output 1high and Output 1 low setpoints.The next parameter encountered is display color based on Out1 highsetpoint. Using the table below , set the desired screen color based on the “bH x ”number by using the adjusting key. Once completed, press the setting keyto go to the next parameter.The next parameter encountered is display color based on Out1 lowsetpoint. Using the table above, set the desired screen color based onthe “bL x ” number by using the adjusting key. Once completed, press the setting key to go to the next parameter.increment the latest digit (flashing) by pressing the adjusting key until thedisplay matches the desired Update Time. Once completed, press the setting keyto load and save the parameter.3.2.10 Loading All ParametersAfter adjusting or confirming all parameters, the display will read “loAd”for approximately 3 seconds. During this time, the parameters are savedand loaded. The sensor will return to pressure display mode automatically.3.2.9 Update TimeThe next parameter encountered is display update time. The time settingcan be from 0 (No Delay) to 9 seconds. To set display update time,Section 4 – Accessories4.1 Mounting BracketsTwo styles of mounting brackets are available. These brackets allow for mounting oneither a vertical surface or a horizontal surface. The brackets are installed as shownbelow. The sensor has two threaded mounting holes on the back side that eitherbracket screws into.4.2 Panel MountsAn alternative to mounting the sensor with the brackets is to use the panel mountoption, The panel mount assembly accepts a wide range for the panel cutout due to spring loaded clips molded into the housing. The following specifications gives the acceptable ranges for the panel cutout dimensions and panel thickness.OMEGA’s policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering.OMEGA is a trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.© Copyright 2019 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. T his document may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. P urchase Order number under which the product was PURCHASED,2. M odel and serial number of the product under warranty, and3. Repair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS, consult OMEGA for current repair charges. Have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. Purchase Order number to cover the COST of the repair,2. Model and serial number of the product, and 3. Repair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.RETURN REQUESTS/INQUIRIESDirect all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department. BEFORE RET URNING ANY PRODUCT (S) T O OMEGA, PURCHASER MUST OBT AIN AN AUT HORIZED RET URN (AR) NUMBER FROM OMEGA’S CUST OMER SERVICE DEPART MENT (IN ORDER T O AVOID PROCESSING DELAYS). The assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence.The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to prevent breakage in transit.WARRANTY/DISCLAIMEROMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 13 months from date of purchase. OMEGA’s WARRANTY adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal one (1) year product warranty to cover handling and shipping time. This ensures that OMEGA’s customers receive maximum coverage on each product.If the unit malfunctions, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA’s Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR) number immediately upon phone or written request. Upon examination by OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective, it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. OMEGA’s WARRANT Y does not apply to defects resulting from any action of the purchaser, including but not limited to mishandling, improper interfacing, operation outside of design limits, improper repair, or unauthorized modification. T his WARRANT Y is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of having been damaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current, heat, moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of OMEGA’s control. Components in which wear is not warranted, include but are not limited to contact points, fuses, and triacs.OMEGA is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its various products. However, OMEGA neither assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors nor assumes liability for any damages that result from the use of its products in accordance with information provided by OMEGA, either verbal or written. OMEGA warrants only that the parts manufactured by the company will be as specified and free of defects. OMEGA MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE, AND ALL IMPLIED W ARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY W ARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The remedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusive, and the total liability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based on contract, warranty, negligence, indemnification, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the component upon which liability is based. In no event shall OMEGA be liable for consequential, incidental or special damages.CONDITIONS: Equipment sold by OMEGA is not intended to be used, nor shall it be used: (1) as a “Basic Component” under 10 CFR 21 (NRC), used in or with any nuclear installation or activity; or (2) in medical applications or used on humans. Should any Product(s) be used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, medical application, used on humans, or misused in any way, OMEGA assumes no responsibility as set forth in our basic WARRANTY /DISCLAIMER language, and, additionally, purchaser will indemnify OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of theProduct(s) in such a manner.Where Do I Find Everything I Need for Process Measurement and Control?OMEGA…Of Course!Shop online at TEMPERATUREM U Thermocouple, RTD & Thermistor Probes, Connectors, Panels & AssembliesM U Wire: Thermocouple, RTD & ThermistorM U Calibrators & Ice Point ReferencesM U Recorders, Controllers & Process MonitorsM U Infrared PyrometersPRESSURE, STRAIN AND FORCEM U Transducers & Strain GagesM U Load Cells & Pressure GagesM U Displacement TransducersM U Instrumentation & AccessoriesFLOW/LEVELM U Rotameters, Gas Mass Flowmeters & Flow ComputersM U Air Velocity IndicatorsM U Turbine/Paddlewheel SystemsM U Totalizers & Batch ControllerspH/CONDUCTIVITYM U pH Electrodes, Testers & AccessoriesM U Benchtop/Laboratory MetersM U Controllers, Calibrators, Simulators & PumpsM U Industrial pH & Conductivity EquipmentDATA ACQUISITIONM U Communications-Based Acquisition SystemsM U Data Logging SystemsM U Wireless Sensors, Transmitters, & ReceiversM U Signal ConditionersM U Data Acquisition SoftwareHEATERSM U Heating CableM U Cartridge & Strip HeatersM U Immersion & Band HeatersM U Flexible HeatersM U Laboratory HeatersENVIRONMENTALMONITORING AND CONTROLM U Metering & Control InstrumentationM U RefractometersM U Pumps & TubingM U Air, Soil & Water MonitorsM U Industrial Water & Wastewater TreatmentM U pH, Conductivity & Dissolved Oxygen Instruments。
Dell E2010H E2210H E2310H 平面顯示器使用指南说明书
包裝內容顯示器規格產品功能特色Dell E2010H/E2210H/E2310H平面顯示器配備了一個主動式矩陣薄膜式電晶體液晶顯示器。
此顯示器的功能特色包括:■E2010H: 20吋(508.0 mm)可視顯示區域,1600x900■E2210H: 21.5吋(546.0 mm)可視顯示區域,1920x1080■E2310H: 23吋(584.0 mm)可視顯示區域,1920x1080■寬廣的觀賞角度,不管坐著或站著,或從顯示器的其中一側移到另一側時,都可看到清晰的畫面。
■可移除的底座與視訊電子標準協會(Video Electronics Standards Association■若您的系統支援隨插即用標準,便可以隨插即用。
■符合ENERGY STAR®標準的省電功能。
■符合EPEAT Gold額定值。
認識各部位與控制裝置前面外觀左側右側底部外觀請啟動電腦與顯示器存取 OSD 。
標籤說明用途1 AC 電源接頭 用來連接顯示器的電源線。
2 VGA 接頭 用來使用VGA 連接線連接電腦與顯示器。
注意:Dell E2010H/E2210H/E2310H 平面顯示器符合ENERGY STAR ®-標準。
針腳編號15針端訊號連接線的顯示器端1 視訊-紅色針腳編號已連接訊號連接線的24針腳端1TMDS RX2-2TMDS RX2+3TMDS接地4浮動5浮動浪湧電流120V:30A(最高)240V:60A(最高)預設顯示模式以下的表格列出了Dell保證的影像尺寸與置中功能的預設模式:顯示模式水平頻率(kHz)垂直頻率(Hz)像素時脈(MHz)同步極性(水平/垂直)VESA, 720 x 400 31.5 70.0 28.3 -/+ VESA, 640 x 480 31.5 60.0 25.2 -/-VESA, 640 x 480 37.5 75.0 31.5 -/-VESA, 800 x 600 37.9 60.0 40.0 +/+ VESA, 800 x 600 46.9 75.0 49.5 +/+ VESA, 1024 x 768 48.4 60.0 65.0 -/-VESA, 1024 x 768 60.0 75.0 78.8 +/+ VESA, 1152 x 864 67.5 75.0 108.0 +/+ VESA, 1280 x 1024(適用於E2210H/E2310H)64.0 60.0 108.0 +/+VESA, 1280 x 1024(適用於E2210H/E2310H)80.0 75.0 135.0 +/+VESA, 1600 x 900(適用於E2010H)55.5 60.0 97.8 +/-VESA, 1920 x 1080(適用於E2210H/E2310H)67.5 60.0 148.5 +/+實體特性以下的表格列出了顯示器的實體特性:機型編號Dell E2010H平面顯示器Dell E2210H平面顯示器Dell E2310H 連接接頭類型15針D-sub小型接頭、藍色接頭; DVI-D、白色接頭15針D-sub小型接頭、藍色接頭; DVI-D、白色接頭15針D-sub小型訊號連接線類型類比: 可拆卸、D-Sub、15針、出貨時已連接至顯示器數位: 可拆卸、DVI-D、硬式針腳、裝運時與顯示器分開放置類比: 可拆卸、D-Sub、15針、出貨時已連接至顯示器數位: 可拆卸、DVI-D、硬式針腳、裝運時與顯示器分開放置類比: 可拆卸、數位: 可拆卸、尺寸: (含底座)l高l寬l深363.2 mm(14.30 英吋)481.2mm(18.94 英吋)151.9 mm(5.98 英吋)381.0 mm(15.00 英吋)515.0mm(20.28 英吋)158.9 mm(6.26 英吋)401.8 mm(15.548.8mm(21.6164.0 mm(6.46尺寸: (不含底座)l高l寬l深363.2 mm(14.30 英吋)481.2 mm(18.94 英吋)151.9 mm(5.98 英吋)306.5 mm(12.07 英吋)515.0mm(20.28 英吋)64.5 mm(2.54 英吋)325.7 mm(12.548.8mm(21.663.5 mm(2.50底座尺寸:l高l寬l深289.3 mm(11.39 英吋)250.9 mm(9.88 英吋)158.9 mm(6.26 英吋)298.3 mm(11.74 英吋)258.9mm(10.19 英吋)158.9 mm(6.26 英吋)310.8 mm(12.265.9mm(10.4164.0 mm(6.46含包裝重量 6.35 kg(14.00 lbs) 6.54 kg(14.38 lbs) 6.76 kg(14.87 含底座配件與連接線的重量 4.85 kg(10.67 lbs) 5.11 kg(11.24 lbs) 5.76 kg(12.67 不含底座配件重量(壁掛安裝或VESA安裝方式 - 沒有連接線)3.50 kg(7.7 lbs) 3.59 kg(7.90 lbs)4.10 kg(9.02 lb 底座配件的重量0.94 kg(2.07 lbs) 1.00 kg(2.20 lbs) 1.14 kg(2.51 lb安全指示FCC與警告回到內容頁安裝您的顯示器Dell™ E2010H/E2210H/E2310H 平面顯示器若您有Dell™桌上型或Dell™可攜式電腦,且有網際網路存取能力1. 請至 , 輸入您的服務標籤,然後下載最新的顯示卡驅動程式。
AMDL-□/O01□ 系列电动机保护器使用说明 产品概述主要特点:单片机为核心,数字设定,数字显示,保护功能完备、保护性能可靠,零序电流检测。
电动机保护器型号 AMDL-0.5 AMDL-1 AMDL-2AMDL-5AMDL-10AMDL-20AMDL-50 AMDL-100 AMDL-150AMDL-200最大设定电流(A) 0.55 1.1 2.3 5.5 11 23 55 110 165220最小设定电流(A) 0.1 0.2 0.4 1 2 4 10 20 30 40 电动机最大功率(KW) 0.22 0.4 1.1 2.2 4 11 22 45 75 110 电动机最小功率(KW) 0.055 0.11 0.22 0.55 1.1 2.2 5.5 11 18.5 22 电动机电源穿线孔Φ(mm)15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 29 29 工作电压:AC 85V — 265V、DC 85V — 265V功率消耗:小于 2W采集精度:1.0环境温度:- 20℃ — 50℃继电器触点:AMDL-□/O011:1常开、常闭触点,AC 250V/10A(阻性负载)、DC 30V/10AAMDL-□/O012:2常开、常闭触点,AC 220V/5A(阻性负载)、DC 30V/5A 零序电流输入阻抗:小于 1 ΩAMDL-□/O01□系列电动机保护器数据显示AMDL-□/O01□系列电动机保护器,在电动机正常运行时,显示电动机的A、B、C相及零序电流;当电动机发生接地、短路、缺相、堵转、电流不平衡、过载、零序故障时,通过断开保护器内的继电器触点停止电动机运行(故障指示灯亮),同时显示故障代码指示电动机的故障类型,并且还显示发生故障时的A、B、C相及零序电流。
Omega OM-SGD-24-M-IP 系列水抗智能图形显示器用户指南说明书
e-mail:**************For latest product manuals: OM-SGD-24-M-IP SERIESShop online at®User’s GuideFEATURES• 2.4” color TFT screen • IP-67 and NEMA 6 rated• Rugged and scratch resistant Corning® Gorilla® Glass window•display. Compatible with Windows XP, Vista 7 and 8• Download meter applications from the ever expanding online library • Programmable with the USB interface • Simple and easy panel mounting solution • IP-67 12-way connection• Wide operating voltage of 4V – 30V d.c.• 0 – 40V d.c. measurement range • 2 analog inputs & 2 alarm outputs • SPI and I²C• 4-20mA version available (OM-SGD-24-M-IP420)The OM-SGD-24-M-IP is a smart IP-67 graphics display with a 320 x 240 pixel (QVGA) color display and USB programming interface.Using the PanelPilot software (available for Windows XP, 2000, Vista and Windows 7), users are able to choose from an ever-increasing number of configurations which can then be customized to their needs. The additional voltmeter types and other functions are available through .Colors, text labels, splash screen and input voltage scaling can all be customized by the user through the software and then uploaded to the OM-SGD-24-M-IP through the USB connection. When setup is complete, the settings can be saved and then uploaded to the meter using the supplied USB cable. Panel or enclosure installation of the finished module is simple, using the 32mm nut and the IP67 connector supplied with the unit.OM-SGD-24-M-IPWaterproof Smart Graphics Display* Depending on user calibration settings** The OM-SGD-24-M-IP uses a programmable gain amplifier. There are 8 different voltage ranges, to optimise the resolution. See page 2 for details.*** Voltage dependent. See graph on Page 2.IP67 CONNECTIONConnector Pin Functions 1 ESPI-CS2 -SPI chip select2 ESPI-MISO - SPI master input, slave output3 ESPI-CLK - SPI serial clock4 ESPI-MOSI - SPI master output, slave input5 SDA - Serial data6 SCL - Serial clock7 ALM2 - Alarm output 28 ALM1 - Alarm output 19 IN1 - Analog voltage input 1 (maximum of 40V d.c. w.r.t 0v)10 IN2 - Analog voltage input 2 (maximum of 40V d.c. w.r.t 0v)11 0V - 0V power supply input12V+- Positive power supply input (4V – 30V d.c.)Connector plug optionsTwist lock, field installable connector with solder bucket pins.Seals for Cable OD=4.5mm~7.0mmTwist lock connector with right angle overmoulded strain relief.Cable length 2m.VOLTAGE INPUT10020041730C u r r e n t (m A )Voltage (V)Typical Supply CurrentUSB ConnectionDisplayThe OM-SGD-24-M-IP features 2 voltage inputs, which use a Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA) to make the best use of available resolution (the smallest voltage range offers the highest resolution)*. Each channel can be programmed independently, with the option of eight different input voltage ranges:A ‘Type A to Mini-B’ USB cable is required to program and customize the OM-SGD-24-M-IP by unscrewing the 4xM3 screws and removing the back cover. The packing tray supplied can be used as a jig to hold the module and to avoid disconnecting the 12 way connector from the PCB inside.The device will be powered for programming via USB.It typically takes between 10 and 30 seconds to send a configuration, with an additional 5 seconds needed for the hardware to reset.The display is a 2.4” TFT panel, with a resolution of 320 x 240 pixels and a 16-bit color depth. Any graphics that are uploaded to the meterare automatically converted to this specification.The input voltage range is decided using the two voltages that the user enters in the scaling section of the Panel Pilot software. The software uses the smallest range available, which can accommodate both of the voltages entered by the user. The absolute maximum voltage input is 40V d.c.For example:Entering a voltage scale of 0 – 30V in the software will use the 0 – 40V range.Entering a voltage scale of 0 – 3V in the software will use the 0 – 4V range.Entering a voltage scale of 5 – 15V in the software will use the 0 – 20V range.Note: V+, IN1 and IN2 share a common ground (i.e. not floating or isolated from each other).*For the 4-20mA model, the 0-2.5 range is used.PANEL MOUNTING Array The OM-SGD-24-M-IP can be fitted into panels of up to 10.5mm deep. Arubber seal is included to seal the mounting hole when the 32mm nut isfully tightened. Panel mounting hole cut-out is DIA 33mm.DIMENSIONSAll dimensions in mm [inches]MEASURING A VOLTAGE SOURCEMEASURING 0-2 AMPS CURRENT RANGEUse a 1 Ω resistor, with a 4W rating.Setup scaling in software: 0V = 0.00 and 2V = 2.00MEASURING 0-100V (d.c. only)Input a known voltage of between 0 and 100V (V1)Measure the voltage between IN1 and 0V (V2)Setup scaling in software: 0V = 0.0V2 = V1 (Enter with the same number of decimal points, i.e 50.0)VARIOUS OPERATING MODESVARIOUS OPERATING MODES (4-20mA version)MEASURING 4-20mAPower supply to meter must be fully floating (isolated from the 4-20mA current loop)Each OM-SGD must be powered from a seperate, fullyfloating, power supplyUSING TWO OM-SGD DISPLAYS IN SAME INSTALLATION4 - 20mAPSU 1PSU 2PANELPILOT SOFTWAREOmega’s PanelPilot software is available for download free of charge from . Easy to install and use, the control software runs under Windows XP, Vista and 7 and 8. The software is used to setup the appearance and operation of the meter and then upload these settings to the meter.Multiple types of voltmeter are supplied with the software. See for details of available meters.The software allows the following parameters to be configured:• Meter type• Text labels (including units and graph labels)• Background, graph segment and text colors • Input scaling / calibration (at two points)• Decimal points (entered during scaling)• Splashscreen image selection (to display auser image, such as a logo, when the meter is powered up)MEASURING 4-20mA USING A USB POWER SUPPLYDIGITAL HOLD DIGI1 will hold the displayALARM OUTPUTApplications that feature an alarm can be connected as above.ALM1 must not sink more than 10mA maximum each. If supplyvoltage varies, use an appropriate voltage regulator.4 - 30V 4 - 30V0VV+0VIN1I+I-V Loop4 - 20mARV V IOMEGA’s policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering.OMEGA is a registered trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.© Copyright 2014 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. T his document may not be copied, photocopied, FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. P urchase Order number under which the product was PURCHASED,2. M odel and serial number of the product under warranty, and3. Repair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS, consult OMEGA for current repair charges. Have the followinginformation available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. Purchase Order number to cover the COST of the repair,2. Model and serial number of the product, and3. Repair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.RETURN REQUESTS/INQUIRIESDirect all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department. BEFORE RET URNING ANY PRODUCT (S) T O OMEGA, PURCHASER MUST OBT AIN AN AUT HORIZED RET URN (AR) NUMBER FROM OMEGA’S CUST OMER SERVICE DEPART MENT (IN ORDER T O AVOID PROCESSING DELAYS). The assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence.The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to prevent breakage in transit.WARRANTY/DISCLAIMEROMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 13 months from date of purchase. OMEGA’s WARRANTY adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal one (1) year product warranty to cover handling and shipping time. This ensures that OMEGA’s customers receive maximum coverage on each product.If the unit malfunctions, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA’s Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR) number immediately upon phone or written request. Upon examination by OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective, it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. OMEGA’s WARRANT Y does not apply to defects resulting from any action of the purchaser, including but not limited to mishandling, improper interfacing, operation outside of design limits, improper repair, or unauthorized modification. T his WARRANT Y is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of having been damaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current, heat, moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of OMEGA’s control. Components in which wear is not warranted, include but are not limited to contact points, fuses, and triacs.OMEGA is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its various products. However, OMEGA neither assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors nor assumes liability for any damages that result from the use of its products in accordance with information provided by OMEGA, either verbal or written. OMEGA warrants only that the parts manufactured by the company will be as specified and free of defects. OMEGA MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE, AND ALL IMPLIED W ARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY W ARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The remedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusive, and the total liability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based on contract, warranty, negligence, indemnification, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the component upon which liability is based. In no event shall OMEGA be liable for consequential, incidental or special damages.CONDITIONS: Equipment sold by OMEGA is not intended to be used, nor shall it be used: (1) as a “Basic Component” under 10 CFR 21 (NRC), used in or with any nuclear installation or activity; or (2) in medical applications or used on humans. Should any Product(s) be used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, medical application, used on humans, or misused in any way, OMEGA assumes no responsibility as set forth in our basic WARRANTY /DISCLAIMER language, and, additionally, purchaser will indemnify OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of theProduct(s) in such a manner.Where Do I Find Everything I Need for Process Measurement and Control?OMEGA…Of Course!Shop online at SMTEMPERATUREM U Thermocouple, RTD & Thermistor Probes, Connectors, Panels & AssembliesM U Wire: Thermocouple, RTD & ThermistorM U Calibrators & Ice Point ReferencesM U Recorders, Controllers & Process MonitorsM U Infrared PyrometersPRESSURE, STRAIN AND FORCEM U Transducers & Strain GagesM U Load Cells & Pressure GagesM U Displacement TransducersM U Instrumentation & AccessoriesFLOW/LEVELM U Rotameters, Gas Mass Flowmeters & Flow ComputersM U Air Velocity IndicatorsM U Turbine/Paddlewheel SystemsM U Totalizers & Batch ControllerspH/CONDUCTIVITYM U pH Electrodes, Testers & AccessoriesM U Benchtop/Laboratory MetersM U Controllers, Calibrators, Simulators & PumpsM U Industrial pH & Conductivity EquipmentDATA ACQUISITIONM U Data Acquisition & Engineering SoftwareM U Communications-Based Acquisition SystemsM U Plug-in Cards for Apple, IBM & CompatiblesM U Data Logging SystemsM U Recorders, Printers & PlottersHEATERSM U Heating CableM U Cartridge & Strip HeatersM U Immersion & Band HeatersM U Flexible HeatersM U Laboratory HeatersENVIRONMENTALMONITORING AND CONTROLM U Metering & Control InstrumentationM U RefractometersM U Pumps & TubingM U Air, Soil & Water MonitorsM U Industrial Water & Wastewater TreatmentM U pH, Conductivity & Dissolved Oxygen Instruments。
海尔海思 ATE 310 前锋显示单元多功能显示器说明书
Flush-mount multifunction display unitA TE 310KEY POINTSFront faceBrushed stainless steel 316 L Back housingFlush-mount in stainless steel 304 L ProtectionIP65 in front face Weight 585 g●Alternating display of 1 to 3 parameters●3 audible and visual alarms●Configuration keyboard and acknoledgment of the alarm on the front face●3 analogue inputs 0-5/10 V or 0/4-20 mA●Ethernet communication (option)●RS485 MODBUS protocol communication●30 pre-programmed units and configurable units●Front face made of brushed stainless steel with electroluminescent displayFEA TURES OF THE HOUSINGDISPLA Y FEA TURESDisplayElectroluminescent alphanumeric (38 x 48 mm). Protection glass in red inactinic PMMA .First line (measurement) 4 digits of 8 segments each. Size: 14 x 48 mm.Second line (unit) 4 digits of 14 segments each. Size: 14 x 48 ma position Configurable: 0 / 0.0 / 0.00Value of the measurement From -9.99 to 99.99 and from -999 to 999Accuracy*±0.1% of reading ±1 digit Number of channels From 1 to 3 ways alternating Location of channels By red Led V1, V2 and V3Available units 30 pre-programmed units (see table) and configurable units Response time< 1 second*All accuracies indicated in this document were stated in laboratory conditions and can be guaranteed for measurements carried out in the same conditions, or carried out with calibration compensation.234 m m92 mm44 mm42.5 mm70 mm196 m m3.2 mm218 m m76 mm69 mm147.3 m mPower supply 24 Vac / Vdc ±10%Be careful, risk of electric shockInputs3 x 0/4-20 mA or 3 x 0-5/10 V; Common mode voltage < 30 Vac; Input impedance: 100 Ohm Galvanic isolation Between input and power supply Consumption 4.32 VAEuropean directives 2014/30/UE EMC; 2014/35/UE Low voltage; 2011/65/EU RoHS II; 2012/19/UE WEEEElectrical connection Screw terminal block for cables from 0.05 to 1.5 mm 2 or from 30 to 16 AWG. Carried out according to the code of good practice.RS485 communication Digital: Modbus RTU protocol, configurable communication speed from 2400 to 115200 BaudsEthernet communication (optional)Ethernet communication module enables transmission, management and maintenance of the sensors through an Ethernet network in 10 BASE-T and 100 BASE-TX LAN/WAN carrying the TCP/IP protocole Additional consumption: 0.68 VA Visual alarm Blinking of the value Audible alarmBuzzer (70 dB at 10 cm)Environment and type of fluidAir and neutral gasesConditions of use (°C/%HR/m) From -10 to +50°C. In non-condensing condition. From 0 to 2000 m.TECHNICAL SPECIFICA TIONSINNOV A TIONS➢Connection to a computer in front faceMini-DIN connectionUSB connectionTABLE OF THE PRE-PROGRAMMED UNITSDomain Unit Temperature °C, °FHygrometry %HR, g/kg, Kj/Kg, °C td, °F td, °C Tw, °F Tw Pressure kPa, inWg, hPa, mbar, mmHg, mmH 2O, daPa, PaAir velocity m/s, fpm, km/h Air flow m 3/h, l/s, cfm, m 3/sCombustion ppm ElectricitymV, V, µA, mA, AALARMSThe mulit-channel display unit ATE310 has 3 visual and audible alarms independant and configurable. The available adjustments are: ●Time-delay duration: from 0 to 600 s ●Acknowledgement duration: from 0 to 60 minutes ●Thresholds values ●Alarm triggering: rising edge, falling edge or monitoring ●Audible alarm activation (buzzer)24 Vac 10111224 Vac ELECTRICAL CONNECTION – as per NFC15-100 standardOnly a trained and qualified technician can realise this operation. To realise this connection, the device must NOT BE SUPPLIED.24 Vdc Power supply+➢For 24 Vdc power supply models:+Power supply terminal blockN ➢For 24 Vac power supply models:LPower supply terminal blockPe LN 230 Vac 24 Vac power supplyclass II~~or24 Vac power supplyN LPeLN230 VacN ➢Connection of the 0/4-20 mA current inputs: ➢Connection of the0-5/10 V voltage inputs:CONNECTIONSA +B -Modbus :GND 131415G N D – G r o u n d 0/4-20 m A – C u r r e n t 456IN2G N D – G r o u n d 0/4-20 m A – C u r r e n t123IN1NL ~~1011120/4-20 m A – C u r r e n t G N D – G r o u n d 789IN3Active typesensor-GND -mA +1 2 3+VIN1Active typesensor7 8 9IN34 5 6Active typesensorIN27 8 9IN34 5 61 2 3Active typesensor IN1Active typesensor+-+Active typesensor-For 24 Vdc power supply models : -+orN e u t r a l (N )~P h a s e (L )~For 24 Vdc power supply models :101112101112Power supply terminal block0-5/10 V V o l t a g e0-5/10 V V o l t a g e0-5/10 V V o l t a g e101112--LGND mA VGND mA VGND mA VGND mA VGND mA VIN2--++--+++-+-+-+-Ethernet connection (option)Rear viewFTang–ATE31–28/9/217–RCS(24)Périgueux34928295Non-contractualdocument–Wereservetherighttomodifythecharacteristicsofourproductswithoutpriornotice.MOUNTINGTo install a transmitter on a wall, make a cutting in the wall of size 198 x 72 mm.Then drill 4 holes around the cutting as shown beside. Insert the transmitter into the wall and fix itwith the 4 screws supplied.MAINTENANCEOPTIONS●LCC-S: configuration software with USB cable●CETHE-2: Ethernet●Calibration certificateCALIBRA TIONOutputs diagnostics: with this function, you can check with a multimeter (or on a regulator/display, or on a PLC/BMS) if the transmitter outputs work properly.The transmitter generates a voltage of 0 V, 5 V and 10 V or a current of 0 mA, 4 mA, 12 mA and 20 mACertificate: transmitters are supplied with an individual adjusting certificate and can be supplied with a calibration certificate as an option.RS 485 MODBUS PROTOCOLClass 310 transmitters can be linked in one network operating on a RS485 home bus.The RS 485 digital communication is a 2-wire network, on which the transmitters are connected in parallel. They are connected to a PLC/BMS via the RTUModbus communication system. Since the C310 can be configured with the keypad, the MODBUS enables remote configuration, to measure 1 or 2 parametersor to see the status of the alarms...CONFIGURA TIONClass 310 transmitters allows you to set all the parameters managed by the transmitter: units, measuring ranges, alarms, outputs, channels… via the different methods shown below:➢Via keyboard: a code-locking system for keypad guarantees the security of the installation. See configuration manual.➢Via software (option): simple and user-friendly. See LCC-S softaware manual.➢Via Modbus: configuration of all parameters from your PC via the supervision or data acquisition software.➢Via Ethernet (option): configuration of all parameters from your PC via the supervision or data acquisition software.ETHERNET (OPTION)An Ethernet board can put put on a ATE 310 transmitter allowing for each transmitter to have a specific configurable IP address. So the user can remotely interrogate the transmitter, retrieve data, modify the configuration, ...It is also possible to integrate C310 transmitters into a computer network via the RJ45 connection located at the bottom of the transmitter.Only the accessories supplied with the device must be used.Please always use the device in accordance with its intended use and within parameters described in the technical features in order not tocompromise the protection ensured by the device.PRECAUTION FOR USEOnce returned to KIMO, required waste collection will be assured in the respect of the environment in accordance with European guidelines relating to WEEE.Avoid aggressive solvents. When cleaning rooms or ducts with products containing formol, protect the the transmitter.。
LG LB6100 Smart TV 系列商品说明说明书
KEY FEATURESMODELS60LB6100 60” CLASS (59.5” diagonal)55LB6100 55” CLASS (54.6” diagonal)50LB6100 50” CLASS (49.5” diagonal)47LB6100 47” CLASS (46.9” diagonal)PICTURE QUALITY -Full HD 1080p Resolution -MCI 480 (60LB6100) -MCI 240 (55/50/47LB6100) -Triple XD Engine LG SMART TV -Premium VOD Services-Netflix, Hulu Plus, Youtube and more CONNECTIVITY -Wi-Fi® Built-in -3 HDMI® Connections -3 USB Connections -1 Component In-1 Shared Composite in (AV)AUDIO-2Ch Speaker System -20W Output Power -Sound SyncENERGY STAR® QUALIFIED-60LB6100, 55LB6100 and 50LB61001080p Smart HDTVThe LG LB6100 Smart TV lets you enjoy the best of the Internet directly to your TV. From partners like Netflix, YouTube, Hulu Plus and more, you’ll have all access to the content that both you and your family will love. This Full HD 1080p, LED TV delivers nearly double the resolution of standard HD all in amazing color and detail. Not only does the LED deliver a vibrant picture, it also helps give the TV a slim bezel, making this TV the ideal centerpiece in your living room.PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTSMCI 480 (60” only)Fast moving images look crystal clear, so it is easier to keep up with sports and video games.MCI 240 55/50/47”LED BACKLIGHTINGLED makes TVs slimmer, while alsodelivering amazing brightness, clarity and color detail.FULL HD 1080PSee the best that HDTV has to offer with the outstanding picture quality of Full HD 1080p Resolution.1080p Smart HDTVRemote ControlStandard© 2015 LG Electronics USA, Inc. All rights reserved. “LG Life’s Good” is a registered trademark of LG Corp. Allother product and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Design,features and specifications are subject to change without notice. Non-metric weights and measurements areapproximate. Some features may require Internet access. Content and services may vary by product and aresubject to change without notice. Stand design may vary. 11/04/15。
1. 双显LCD显示屏,能够同时显示直流电压、交流电压、电流、电阻、电容等多种测量数据。
2. 测量范围广,直流电压可测量至1000V,交流电压可测量至750V,电流可测量至10A,电阻可测量至200MΩ。
3. 具备自动断电功能,省电节能。
4. 体积小巧,重量轻便,易于携带和使用。
5. 配备保护措施,可有效防止测量过程中的错误操作导致的设备损坏或者误伤人体。
IRI2010 红外热像仪用户手册! 警告、小心和注意定义!警告代表可能导致人身伤害或死亡的危险情况或行为。
激光规格为635 nm, 0.9mW, 二级。
!小心–因热像仪使用非常灵敏的热感应器,因此在任何情况下(开机或关机)不得将镜头直接对准强烈幅射源(如太阳、激光束直射或反射等),否则将对热像仪造成永久性损害!!小心 - 运输期间必须使用原配包装箱,使用和运输过程中请勿强烈摇晃或碰撞热像仪。
!小心 -为了防止数据丢失的潜在危险,请经常将数据复制(后备)于计算机中。
!注意 -在精确读取数据前,热像仪可能需要3-5分钟的预热过程。
!注意 -每一台热像仪出厂时都进行过温度校正,建议每年进行温度校正。
!小心 -请勿擅自打开机壳或进行改装,维修事宜仅可由本公司授权人员进行。
目录! 警告、小心和注意 (2)1简介 (5)1.1标准配置 (7)1.2可选配置 (7)2热像仪简介 (8)2.1功能键 (8)2.2接口 (11)3基本操作 (12)3.1电池安装及更换 (12)3.1.1电池装卸 (12)3.1.2更换电池 (13)3.2电池安全使用常识 (14)3.3快速入门 (15)3.3.1获取热像 (15)3.3.2温度测量 (15)3.3.3冻结和存储图像 (16)3.3.4回放图像 (17)3.3.5导出存储的图像 (17)4操作指南 (18)4.1操作界面描述 (18)4.1.1工作界面 (18)4.1.2主菜单 (19)4.1.3对话框 (19)4.1.4提示框 (20)4.2测温模式 (20)4.3自动/手动 (21)4.4设置 (22)4.4.1测温设置 (22)4.4.2测温修正 (23)4.4.3分析设置 (24)4.4.4时间设置 (25)4.4.5系统设置 (25)4.4.6系统信息 (27)4.4.7出厂设置 (27)4.5文件 (28)4.5.1打开 (28)4.5.2存储 (29)4.5.3存储设置 (31)4.5.4自动存储 (32)4.5.5删除 (32)4.5.6格式化 (33)5技术规格 (35)故障对策 (37)附录 A (38)常用材料的比辐射率(仅供参考) (38)附录B (39)出厂设置参数表 (39)1简介感谢您选择我公司的IRI2010手持式红外热像仪。
二、参数设置步骤1. 打开仪表需要将u-210仪表连接到电源,并按下开关按钮打开仪表。
2. 选择测量模式u-210仪表支持多种测量模式,例如温度测量、压力测量、湿度测量等。
3. 设置单位根据测量需要,设置合适的单位。
4. 调整精度u-210仪表具有可调节精度的功能,通过调整精度可以提高测量的准确性。
5. 设置报警值u-210仪表支持设置报警值,当测量结果超出设定的范围时,仪表会发出警报。
6. 调整显示方式u-210仪表的显示方式可以根据个人偏好进行调整。
7. 校准仪表为了确保测量结果的准确性,需要定期对u-210仪表进行校准。
8. 保存设置完成所有参数设置后,点击保存按钮将设置参数保存。
三、常见问题解答1. 仪表无法正常启动怎么办?答:首先检查电源是否正常连接,确认电源是否通电。
2. 如何选择合适的测量模式?答:根据实际需求选择测量模式。
3. 如何调整仪表的精度?答:根据测量要求选择合适的精度级别,通过仪表设置界面进行调整。
安装说明书适用WEB触摸屏型号:(1网4串:1个网口、3个RS485、1个RS232)型号:I10-1031一、硬件参数二、产品外观及尺寸图图一:产品外观图⚫图二产品尺寸:255mm*175mm*32.5mm (L×W×H)⚫图三开孔尺寸:242mm*163mm(L×W)三、安装示意图图四嵌入式卡扣安装如图所示四、接线说明电源:AC/DC 12~24V 注意:本产品供电请使用直流(DC)电源,部分交流(AC)电源产品可能对产品造成损坏,请谨慎使用。
网口:默认IP地址192.168.1.88全隔离RS232接口:(COM1)RXD(2) TXD(3) GND(5)全隔离RS485接口:(COM2, COM3,COM4)A接正(+)B接负(-)GND(接地线)五、登录触摸屏Web服务器网线接到Ethernet口下,在浏览器上输入URL:登陆用户名:admin 密码:admin123456注:进入web服务器后下载X2View配置软件,具体操作请参考Help文件夹下的PDF文档。
六、网关使用配置步骤(参考X2View组态软件操作说明书):⚫登录网关Web服务器网线接到网口,默认IP地址: 登录用户名:admin 密码:admin123456)⚫进入Web服务器后下载X2View组态软件或登陆迅饶官网/服务与支持/下载中心/WEB组态软件X2View,下载软件(该软件为绿色免安装)⚫使用X2View组态软件配置相应工程(具体操作请参考Help文件夹下的PDF文档)⚫工程文件上传到触摸屏七、采集端支持200多种协议(部分协议如下表)八、常见问题问1:如何修改网关的IP地址?答1:网关出厂默认的IP地址192.168.1.88,子网掩码255.255.255.0,默认网关192.168.1.1。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
动态ALV显示报表1.根据实际需求计算出需要动态显示列,并把各列列名存到内表i_fieldcat(注:i_fieldcat LIKE TABLE OF lvc_s_fcat)中,包括字段的数据类型、字段长度、对齐方式、小数位数等,具体查看数据结构lvc_s_fcat;2.通过调用类CL_ALV_TABLE_CREATE的方法CREATE_DYNAMIC_TABLE把内表i_fieldcat 转化成数据参考变量d_ref(注:d_ref TYPE REF TO data);3.把数据参考变量d_ref赋值给字段符号<t_tabout>(注:FIELD-SYMBOLS: <t_tabout> TYPE STANDARD TABLE),赋值的语法:ASSIGN d_ref->* TO <t_tabout>。
(相当于定义了一个内表)4.动态创建数据参考变量d_line(注:CREATE DATA d_line LIKE LINE OF <t_tabout>),然后数据参考变量d_line赋值给字段符号<t_tabout_line>,赋值的语法:ASSIGN d_line->* TO <t_tabout_line>。
把字段符号<t_tabout_line>需要赋值的字段赋值给另外一个字段符号<t_tabout_field>,通过把实际值赋值给<t_tabout_field>达到赋值给工作区<t_tabout_line>的某个字段,然后把工作区的值APPEND到内表中,赋值的语法:ASSIGN COMPONENT XXXX OF STRUCTURE <t_tabout_line> TO <t_tabout_field>。
(注:ALV显示函数REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY)注1:对于使用DATA d_ref TYPE REF TO DATA来声明的数据参考变量,程序如果要访问数据参考变量指定的数据,你首先要将数据参考变量赋值给一个字段符号FIELD-SYMBOLS (程序是不能直接通过数据参考变量来访问的)。
如果数据参考变量为初始化状态,sy-subrc 就返回4。
将数据参考变量赋值给一个字段符号FIELD-SYMBOLS的语法:ASSIGN d_ref->* TO <FIELD-SYMBOLS> 。
数据参考变量的地址值ABAP/4技术资料——动态ASSIGN1、字段的动态分配如果仅在运行时才知道要分配给字段符号的数据对象名称,请使用下列ASSIGN 语法ASSIGN (<f>) TO <FS>,这个语句将名称包含在<f> 中的字段分配给字段符号<FS>。
运行时,系统按下列顺序搜索给定的字段:1. 如果分配是在子程序或功能模块中执行的,系统将在局部数据的子程序或功能模块中搜索字段。
2. 如果分配是在子程序或功能模块之外执行的,或者在其中未找到字段,则系统将在程序的全局数据中搜索字段。
3. 如果在全局数据中未发现此字段,系统将在表工作区中搜索,该表工作区是指当前程序组的主程序中TABLES语句声明的表工作区。
如果在运行之前只知道分配的表工作区,则可以使用在表工作区的动态分配中所描述的ASSIGN 语句的变量。
如果搜索成功并且字段可分配给字段符号,则SY-SUBRC 设为0,否则,返回4。
为安全起见,动态ASSIGN 之后总要检查SY-SUBRC 的值,以避免字段符号指向未定义区域。
在MYFORMS2 中定义字段符号<FS>。
动态ASSIGN 语句之后,指向主程序SAPMZTST 中声明的表工作区的组件FLDATE。
用静态ASSIGN 语句,这是不可能的。
2、表工作区的动态分配如果运行之前知道要将表工作区分配给字段符号,但不知道表工作区的名称,请使用动态ASSIGN 语句的下列变量:语法ASSIGN TABLE FIELD (<f>) TO <FS>. 系统仅在表工作区中搜索要分配给字段符号的数据对象,该表工作区是由当前程序组的主程序中TABLES 语句声明的。
如果搜索成功,并且可以分配字段给字段符号,则SY-SUBRC 设为0。
第二个ASSIGN 语句中,系统没有发现字段NAME1,因为它只被DA TA 语句声明,而不是被TABLES 语句声明。
在这种情形,SY-SUBRC 返回4。
将字段符号分配给其它字段符号,除了使用数据对象的名称外,还可以将字段符号分配给ASSIGN 语句的所有变量中的字段符号。
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report YTEST **& **&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& 动态ALV显示例子: **& **&---------------------------------------------------------------------*REPORT ytest.TABLES: sflight.DATA: t_sflight LIKE TABLE OF sflight WITH HEADER LINE.DATA: BEGIN OF t_connid OCCURS 0,connid LIKE sflight-connid,END OF t_connid.DATA: i_fieldcat LIKE TABLE OF lvc_s_fcat,w_fieldcat LIKE LINE OF i_fieldcat.FIELD-SYMBOLS: <t_output> TYPE STANDARD TABLE.PARAMETERS: p_carrid LIKE sflight-carrid.START-OF-SELECTION.PERFORM sub_calc_column.PERFORM sub_generate_itab.PERFORM sub_display.*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Form sub_calc_column*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** 1、取数并计算动态列*----------------------------------------------------------------------*FORM sub_calc_column .SELECT *FROM sflightINTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE t_sflightWHERE carrid = p_carrid.LOOP AT t_sflight.t_connid-connid = t_sflight-connid.COLLECT t_connid.ENDLOOP.ENDFORM. " sub_calc_column*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Form sub_generate_itab*&---------------------------------------------------------------------** 2、生成动态列表,并填充数据*----------------------------------------------------------------------*FORM sub_generate_itab .DATA: ep_table TYPE REF TO data,w_table TYPE REF TO data,p_connid(4).FIELD-SYMBOLS: <w_output> TYPE ANY,<fields_name>.DEFINE append_fieldcat.w_fieldcat-fieldname = &1.w_fieldcat-datatype = &2.w_fieldcat-intlen = &3.w_fieldcat-decimals = &4.w_fieldcat-just = &5.append w_fieldcat to i_fieldcat.clear: w_fieldcat.END-OF-DEFINITION.append_fieldcat 'CARRID' 'CHAR' '3' '' 'L'.LOOP AT t_connid.append_fieldcat t_connid-connid 'CURR' '13' '2' 'R'.ENDLOOP.* 注:这里的EXPORTING、IMPORTING相对于程序来说,it_fieldcatalog是程序的输出参数,ep_table是程序得到的参数;* 对于类方法来说it_fieldcatalog是输入参数,ep_table是输出参数(进到方法里可以看到it_fieldcatalog是EXPORTING* 参数,ep_table是IMPORTING参数)CALL METHOD cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_tableEXPORTINGit_fieldcatalog = i_fieldcatIMPORTINGep_table = ep_table.ASSIGN ep_table->* TO <t_output>.CREATE DATA w_table LIKE LINE OF <t_output>.ASSIGN w_table->* TO <w_output>.LOOP AT t_sflight.MOVE-CORRESPONDING t_sflight TO <w_output>.READ TABLE t_connid WITH KEY connid = t_sflight-connid.* 把结构<w_output>的字段名为“t_sflight-connid的值”的数据参考变量赋值给字段符号(Field sysmbol,指针)* 通过访问指针<fields_name>来访问数据参考变量的值,同理,也可以改变指针的值来修改数据参考变量的值。