



四平市巨元换热设备有限公司SIPING JUYUAN HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT CO., LTD.套管式换热器使用说明书OPERATION MANUAC FOR JACKETED PIPE HEAT EXCHAN GER四平市巨元换热设备有限公司Siping Juyuan Heat Exchange Equipment Co., Ltd.地址:吉林省四平市南环西路5号Add:No5,Nanhuan West Road, Siping city, Jilin Province电话: (0434) 3265455 3265740 3265841 巨元集团Tel: (0434) 3265455 3265740 3265841 JUYUAN GROUP 传真: (0434) 3265455 3265740Fax: ( 0434) 3265455 3265740邮编: 136000套管式换热器使用说明书JACKETED PIPE HEAT EXCHANGER OPERATION MANUAL目录Contents1.概述 (1)Brief Introduction2.工作原理及结构特征 (1)Structural Features And Working Principles3.型号及其意义 (1)Type And Indication4.安装 (2)Installation5.试车 (2)Trial Operation6.使用与维护保养 (3)Operation And Maintenance7.受压原件的检验和水压试验 (4)Inspection Of Pressurized Component And Hydraulic Test8.故障与排除 (5)Failure And Debugging9.其它 (5)Others说明..................................................................................... (6)Notes四平市巨元换热设备有限公司. 巨元集团1.概述Brief Introduction套管式换热器是冶金、化工、机械、能源、交通、轻工、食品、医药、供热等行业普遍采用的热交换设备,适用于冷却、冷凝、加热、蒸发、余热回收等不同工况。



毕业设计-翻译管壳式换热器的高效设计方案Effectively Design Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers (Author : Mukherjee.R. 1998 F-b 01 pp 21-26)学院:机械与动力工程专业:热能与动力工程班级:2007级1班姓名: 姚英丽指导老师:王华日期:2011.4.22管壳式换热器的高效设计方案管壳式换热器的设计(STHEs)是由复杂的计算机软件来完成。


这篇文章阐述了换热器的热设计的基础,涵盖这些主题:STHE的组成、 STHES根据结构和性能的分类、换热其设计方案需要的数据、换热器管侧的设计、壳侧的设计、管子的布局、挡板、换热器壳侧压降和平均温度的差异。














1.2. Basic Heat Exchanger Equations1.2.1. The Overall Heat Transfer CoefficientConsider the situation in Fig. (1.18). Heat is being transferred from the fluid inside (at a local bulk or average temperature of T i ), through a dirt or fouling film, through the tube wall, through another fouling film to the outside fluid at a local bulk temperature of T o . A i and A o are respectively inside and outside surface areas for heat transfer for a given length of tube. For a plain or bare cylindrical tube,i o i o i o r r L r L r A A ==ππ22 (1.13)The heat transfer rate between the fluid inside the tubeand the surface of the inside fouling film is given by anequation of the form Q/A = h(T f - T s ) where the area isA i and similarly for the outside convective processwhere the area is A o . The values of h i and h o have to becalculated from appropriate correlations.On most real heat exchanger surfaces in actual service, afilm or deposit of sediment, scale, organic growth, etc.,will sooner or later develop. A few fluids such as air orliquefied natural gas are usually clean enough that thefouling is absent or small enough to be neglected. Heattransfer across these films is predominantly by conduc-tion, but the designer seldom knows enough about eitherthe thickness or the thermal conductivity of the film to treat the heat transfer resistance as a conductionproblem. Rather, the designer estimates from a table of standard values or from experience a fouling factor R f .R f is defined in terms of the heat flux Q/A and thetemperature difference across the fouling ΔT f by theequation:A Q T R ff /Δ= (1.14)From Eq.1.14, it is clear that R f is equivalent to a reciprocal heat transfer coefficient for the fouling, h f :f f f T A Q R h Δ==1 (1.15)and in many books, the fouling is accounted for by a "fouling heat transfer coefficient," which is still an estimated quantity. The effect of including this additional resistance is to provide an exchanger somewhat larger than required when it is clean, so that the exchanger will still provide the desired service after it has been on stream for some time and some fouling has accumulated.The rate of heat flow per unit length of tube must be the same across the inside fluid film, the inside dirt film, the wall, the outside dirt film, and the outside fluid film. If we require that the temperature differences across each of these resistances to heat transfer add up to the overall temperature difference, (T i - T o ), we obtain for the case shown in Fig.1.18 the equation()o o o fo w i o i fi i i o i A h A R Lk r r A R A h T T Q 12/ln 1++++−=π (1.16)In writing Eq. (1.16), the fouling is assumed to have negligible thickness, so that the values of r i , r o , A i and A o are those of the clean tube and are independent of the buildup of fouling. Not only is this convenient – we don't know enough about the fouling to do anything else.Now we define an overall heat transfer coefficient U * based on any convenient reference area A *:(o i T T A U Q −≡∗∗) (1.17)Comparing the last two equations gives:()o o o fo w i o i fi i i A h A A A R Lk r r A A A R A h A U ******2/ln 1++++=π (1.18)Frequently, but not always , A * is chosen to be equal to A o , in which case U * = U o , and Eq. (1.18) becomes:()o fo w i o o i o fi i i o o h R Lk r r A A A R A h A U 12/ln 1++++=π (1.19)If the reference area A * is chosen to be A i , the corresponding overall heat transfer coefficient U i is given by:()o o i o i fo w i o i fi i i A h A A A R Lk r r A R h U ++++=π2/ln 11 (1.20)The equation as written applies only at the particular point where (T i - T o ) is the driving force. The question of applying the equation to an exchanger in which T i and T o vary from point to point is considered in the next section.The wall resistance is ordinarily relatively small, and to a sufficient degree of precision for bare tubes, we may usually write()()()()w i o i w i o i w i o o w i o o k r r X r Lk r r n A k r r X r Lk r r n A +Δ≅+Δ≅212/;212/ππl l (1.21)Inspection of the magnitudes of the terms in the denominator of Eqs. 1. 19 or 1.20 for any particular design case quickly reveals which term or terms (and therefore which heat transfer resistance) predominates. This term (or terms) controls the size of the heat exchanger and is the one upon which the designer should concentrate his attention. Perhaps the overall heat transfer coefficient can be significantly improved by a change in the design or operating conditions of the heat exchanger. In any case, the designer must give particular attention to calculating or estimating the value of the largest resistance, because any error or uncertainty in the data, the correlation, or the calculation of this term has a disproportionately large effect upon the size of the exchanger and/or the confidence that can be placed in its ability to do the job.1.2.2. The Design IntegralIn the previous section, we obtained an equationthat related the rate of heat transfer to the localtemperature difference (T-t) and the heat transferarea A, through the use of an overall heat transfercoefficient U. In most exchanger applications,however, one or both of the stream temperatureschange from point to point through the flow pathsof the respective streams. The change intemperature of each stream is calculated from theheat (enthalpy) balance on that stream and is aproblem in thermodynamics.Our next concern is to develop a method applyingthe equations already obtained to the case in whichthe temperature difference between the two streamsis not constant. We first write Eq. (1. 17) indifferential form()t T U dQ dA −=** (1.22)and then formally integrate this equation over the entire heat duty of the exchanger, Q t :∫−=t Q o t T U dQ A ** (1.23)This is the basic heat exchanger design equation, or the design integral.U * and A * may be on any convenient consistent basis, but generally we will use U o and A o . U * may be, and in practice sometimes is, a function of the amount of heat exchanged. If 1/U *(T-t) may be calculated as a function of Q , then the area required may be calculated either numerically or graphically, as shown in Fig. (1.19).The above procedure involving the evaluation of Eq. (1.23) is, within the stated assumptions, exact, and may always be used. It is also very tedious and time consuming. We may ask whether there is not a shorter and still acceptably accurate procedure that we could use. As it happens, if we make certain assumptions, Eq. (1.23) can be analytically integrated to the form of Eq. (1.24)()MTD U Q A t**= (1.24)where U * is the value (assumed constant) of the overall heat transfer coefficient and MTD is the "Mean Temperature Difference," which is discussed in detail in the following section.。

热能与动力工程专业英语翻译Ch 02 教案

热能与动力工程专业英语翻译Ch 02 教案

Chapter 2 Boiler第二章锅炉Air heater 空预器Commissioning 试运行Anchor 支座,固定Compressor 压缩机、压气机Anhydrous ammonia 无水氨Condenser 凝汽器Anthracite 无烟煤Containment 反应堆安全壳Atomized 雾化Convection 对流Austenitic 奥氏体钢Coolant 制冷剂Auxialiary 辅助机械Coordinated 坐标,定位Axis 轴Corten低合金耐腐蚀钢Bagasse 甘蔗渣Counterflow 逆流(换热器)Bare tube 光管Creep strength 蠕变强度Bark 树皮Criterion 标准Beam 梁,横梁Critical pressure 临界压力Bituminous coal 烟煤Culm 煤屑Blade 叶片Cyclone furnace 旋风炉Blast 鼓风Debris 残骸、有机残留物Blowdown 排污Decane 癸烷Boiler 锅炉Decay 分解Bulk 大块的Deposited 沉积,沉淀的Burner zone 燃烧器区域Deterioration 恶化Butane 丁烷Diesel oil 柴油Calcination 煅烧Differential 差动,微分Capacity 出力Distillate 馏出物Carbon steel 碳钢Distortion 变形Cerium 铈Division wall 分隔墙,双面水冷壁Chromium 铬Drainage 疏水Drum 汽包Circulating fluidized bed CFB 循环流化床锅炉Coal char 煤焦Dwell time 保留时间Cogenerator 热点联产机组Economizer 省煤器Combustion 燃烧Embrittlement 脆性,脆化Equalization 均衡,平衡Ingress进口,入口Erosive 侵蚀的,腐蚀的In-line 顺列Ethane 乙烷Inorganic 无机的Evaluate 评估,评价Ion 离子Evaporate 蒸发Jurisdiction 权限Excess air 过量空气Lignite 褐煤Extended surface 扩展受热面Lime 石灰Fatigue 疲劳Limestone 石灰石Feedwater 给谁Low alloy 低合金钢Ferrite 铁素体Low-volatile 低挥发分的Fin 鳍片,肋片Margin 裕量,安全系数Flange 法兰Matrix 矩阵Flue gas 烟气Membrane 膜Fouling 沾污Methane 甲烷Furnace 炉膛Mill 磨煤机Generator 发电机Molecule 分子Geological 地质的Molten 熔化Girth 环形Nitric oxide 氮氧化物Govern 控制、调节Nonpressure 非承压的Gravity 重力Nontoxic 无毒的Header 联箱,集箱Organisms 有机体Helical 螺旋状的Oxidation 氧化Helium 氦Peat 泥煤Heterogeneous 不均匀的Pendants superheat platen悬吊式屏式过热器Hopper 斗,料斗Pentane 戊烷Husk 壳,外壳Petrochemical 石油化工制品Hydraulic 水力的,液压的Petroleum 石油制品Ignite 点火Plasma spray coating 等离子喷涂Impurity 杂质Platen 屏Inert 惰性Polymer 聚合物Inferior 低级的,劣质的Pores 气孔,小孔Ingredients 成分Porosity多空的Potassium 钾Slurry 水煤浆Prandtl numbers 普朗特数Sodium 钠Prefabricated 预制的Solvents 溶剂Premium fuel 优质燃料Sootblower 吹灰器Pressure loss 压力损失Sour gas 含硫气体Primary air 一次风Specification 规格Propane 丙烷Stable ignition 稳定着火Proximate analysis 工业分析Stanton number 斯坦顿数Pulp 纸浆Saturated 饱和的Pyrites 黄铁矿Straw 稻草Radius 半径,范围Steam line blowing 蒸汽管路吹灰Rare earth element 稀土元素Steams 茎,杆Recuperator 间壁式换热器Stress corrosion 应力腐蚀Regenerator 回热器,蓄热器Structural formula 结构式Regulate 控制,调节Stud 双头螺栓Repercussions 反应Subbituminous 贫煤,次烟煤Reservoirs 储气罐Suction 真空,负压Residuale fuel oil 渣油Sulphur 硫Resonant 共振Superheater 过热器Retract缩回Swamp 沼泽Reynolds number 雷诺数Sweet gas 无硫气Rigid 刚性的,紧密地Switchgear 配电装置,开关装置Rollers 辊子Temperature-entropy 温熵图Scale 水垢,Tenacious 黏的Seal 密封Thermodynamics 热力学Sedimentary 沉积Tube bundles 管束Serpentine tube 蛇形管Tubular 管状的Shale 页岩Turbine 汽轮机Silica 二氧化硅Velocity 速度Silt 淤泥Vertical spidle mill 中速磨,立轴磨Single-phase 单相Vessel 容器Skin casing 外护板Viscosity 黏度Slag 结渣V olumetric expansion 体膨胀Vulnerable 易损的,薄弱的DEH 数字电液系统Wear磨损DNB 偏离核态沸腾Welded 焊接FDF 送风机Wingwall屏式凝渣管FGD 烟气脱硫Yttrim 釔FSSS 炉膛安全检测保护系统Abbreviations HRB 回热锅炉AFBC 常压流化床燃烧IDF 引风机AFCO 燃料自动切断IGCC 整体煤气化联合循环AFWC 给水自动切断LMTD 对数平均温差ASME 美国机械工程师协会MFT 主燃料切断ATM 标准大气压MUF 锅炉补给水BFP 锅炉给水泵NWL 正常水位BUT 按钮OFA 火上风,燃尽风BWC锅炉水浓度PFBC 增压流化床燃烧BYP 旁路SSC 刮板除渣机CFBB 循环流化床锅炉TGA 热重分析仪MCR 最大连续蒸发量UBC 未燃烧DAS 数据采集系统WFGD 湿法烟气脱硫2.1 IntroductionBoilers use heat to convert water into steam for a variety of applications. Primary among these are electric power generation and industrial process heating. Steam has become a key resource because of its wide availability, advantageous properties and non toxic nature. The steam flow rates and operating conditions can vary dramatically; from 1000lb/h (0.1kg/s) in one process use to more than 10 million lb/h (1260kg/s) in large electric power plant; from about 14.7 psi (1 bar) and 212ºF in some heating applications to more than 4500 psi (310bar) and 1100ºF (593℃) in advanced cycle power plant.2.1 简介SSC锅炉利用热量使水转变成蒸汽以进行各种利用。



换热器的优化选型W. Lub 和 S.A. Tassoub英国米德尔塞克斯,布鲁内尔大学机械设计工程部【摘要】板式换热器的优化选型是根据换热器的用途和工艺过程中的参数和NTU =KA /MC =△t /△tm ,即传热单元数NTU 和温差比(对数平均温差—换热的动力)选择板片形状、板式换热器的类型和结构。

【关键词】平均温差 NTU 板式蒸发器 冷凝器1 平均温差△tm从公式Q =K △tmA ,△tm =1/A ∫A (t 1-t 2)dA 中可知,平均温差△tm 是传热的驱动力,对于各种流动形式,如能求出平均温差,即板面两侧流体间温差对面积的平均值,就能出换热器的传热量。


1.1 对数平均温差的计算当换热器传热量为dQ ,温度上升为dt 时,则C =dQ /dt ,将C 定义为热容量,它表示单位时间通过单位面积交换的热量,即dQ =K (t h -t c )dA =K △tdA ,两种流体产生的温度变化分别为dt h =-dQ /C h ,dt c =-dQ /C c ,d △t =d (t h -t c )=dQ (1/C c -1/C h ),则dA =[1/k (1/C c -1/C h )]·(d △t /△t ),当从A =0积分至A =A 0时,A 0=[1/k (1/C c -1/C h )]·㏑[(t ho -t ci )/(t hi -t co )],由于两种流体间交换的热量相等,即Q =C h (t hi -t ho )=C c (t co -t ci ),经简化后可知,Q =KA 0{[(t ho -t ci )-(t hi -t co )]/㏑[(t ho -t ci )/(t hi -t co )]},若△t 1=t hi -t co ,△t 2=t ho -t ci ,则Q =KA 0[(△t 1-△t 2)/㏑(△t 1/△t 2)]=KA 0△tm ,式中的△tm =(△t 1-△t 2)/㏑(△t 1/△t 2)。




【关键词】平均温差 NTU 板式蒸发器冷凝器1 平均温差△tm从公式Q=K△tmA,△tm=1/A ∫A(t1-t2)dA中可知,平均温差△tm是传热的驱动力,对于各种流动形式,如能求出平均温差,即板面两侧流体间温差对面积的平均值,就能出换热器的传热量。


1.1 对数平均温差的计算当换热器传热量为dQ ,温度上升为dt 时,则C =dQ /dt ,将C 定义为热容量,它表示单位时间通过单位面积交换的热量,即dQ =K (t h -t c )dA =K △tdA ,两种流体产生的温度变化分别为dt h =-dQ /C h ,dt c =-dQ /C c ,d △t =d (t h -t c )=dQ (1/C c -1/C h ),则dA =[1/k (1/C c -1/C h )]·(d △t /△t ),当从A =0积分至A =A 0时,A 0=[1/k (1/C c -1/C h )]·㏑[(t ho -t ci )/(t hi -t co )],由于两种流体间交换的热量相等,即Q =C h (t hi -t ho )=C c (t co -t ci ),经简化后可知,Q =KA 0{[(t ho -t ci )-(t hi -t co )]/㏑[(t ho -t ci )/(t hi -t co )]},若△t 1=t hi -t co ,△t 2=t ho -t ci ,则Q =KA 0[(△t 1-△t 2)/㏑(△t 1/△t 2)]=KA 0△tm ,式中的△tm =(△t 1-△t 2)/㏑(△t 1/△t 2)。



采暖通风与空调调节术语标准中英文对照AA-weighted sound pressure level A声级absolute humidity绝对湿度absolute roughness绝对粗糙度absorbate 吸收质absorbent 吸收剂absorbent吸声材料absorber吸收器absorptance for solar radiation太阳辐射热吸收系数absorption equipment吸收装置absorption of gas and vapor气体吸收absorptiong refrige rationg cycle吸收式制冷循环absorption-type refrigerating machine吸收式制冷机access door检查门acoustic absorptivity吸声系数actual density真密度actuating element执行机构actuator执行机构adaptive control system自适应控制系统additional factor for exterior door外门附加率additional factor for intermittent heating间歇附加率additional factor for wind force高度附加率additional heat loss风力附加率adiabatic humidification附加耗热量adiabatic humidiflcation绝热加湿adsorbate吸附质adsorbent吸附剂adsorber吸附装置adsorption equipment吸附装置adsorption of gas and vapor气体吸附aerodynamic noise空气动力噪声adsorber吸附装置adsorption equipment吸附装置adsorption of gas and vapor气体吸附aerodynamic noise空气动力噪声aerosol气溶胶air balance风量平衡air changes换气次数air channel风道air cleanliness空气洁净度air collector集气罐air conditioning空气调节air conditioning condition空调工况air conditioning equipment空气调节设备air conditioning machine room空气调节机房air conditioning system空气调节系统air conditioning system cooling load空气调节系统冷负荷air contaminant空气污染物air-cooled condenser风冷式冷凝器air cooler空气冷却器air curtain空气幕air cushion shock absorber空气弹簧隔振器air distribution气流组织air distributor空气分布器air-douche unit with water atomization喷雾风扇air duct风管、风道air filter空气过滤器air handling equipment空气调节设备air handling unit room空气调节机房air header集合管air humidity空气湿度air inlet风口air intake进风口air manifold集合管air opening风口air pollutant空气污染物air pollution大气污染air preheater空气预热器air return method回风方式air return mode回风方式air return through corridor走廊回风air space空气间层air supply method送风方式air supply mode送风方式air supply (suction) opening with slide plate插板式送(吸)风口air supply volume per unit area单位面积送风量air temperature空气温度air through tunnel地道风air-to-air total heat exchanger全热换热器air-to-cloth ratio气布比air velocity at work area作业地带空气流速air velocity at work place工作地点空气流速air vent放气阀air-water systen空气—水系统airborne particles大气尘air hater空气加热器airspace空气间层alarm signal报警信号ail-air system全空气系统all-water system全水系统allowed indoor fluctuation of temperature and relative humidity室内温湿度允许波动范围ambient noise环境噪声ammonia氨amplification factor of centrolled plant调节对象放大系数amplitude振幅anergy@angle of repose安息角ange of slide滑动角angle scale热湿比angle valve角阀annual [value]历年值annual coldest month历年最冷月annual hottest month历年最热月anticorrosive缓蚀剂antifreeze agent防冻剂antifreeze agent防冻剂apparatus dew point机器露点apparent density堆积密度aqua-ammonia absorptiontype-refrigerating machine氨—水吸收式制冷机aspiation psychrometer通风温湿度计Assmann aspiration psychrometer通风温湿度计atmospheric condenser淋激式冷凝器atmospheric diffusion大气扩散atmospheric dust大气尘atmospheric pollution大气污染atmospheric pressure大气压力(atmospheric stability大气稳定度atmospheric transparency大气透明度atmospheric turblence大气湍流automatic control自动控制automatic roll filter自动卷绕式过滤器automatic vent自动放气阀available pressure资用压力average daily sol-air temperature日平均综合温度axial fan轴流式通风机azeotropic mixture refrigerant共沸溶液制冷剂Bback-flow preventer防回流装置back pressure of steam trap凝结水背压力back pressure return余压回水background noise背景噪声back plate挡风板bag filler袋式除尘器baghouse袋式除尘器barometric pressure大气压力basic heat loss基本耗热量hend muffler消声弯头bimetallic thermometer双金属温度计black globe temperature黑球温度blow off pipe排污管blowdown排污管boiler锅炉boiller house锅炉房boiler plant锅炉房boiler room锅炉房booster加压泵branch支管branch duct(通风) 支管branch pipe支管building envelope围护结构building flow zones建筑气流区building heating entry热力入口bulk density堆积密度bushing补心butterfly damper蝶阀by-pass damper空气加热器〕旁通阀by-pass pipe旁通管Ccanopy hood 伞形罩capillary tube毛细管capture velocity控制风速capture velocity外部吸气罩capturing hood 卡诺循环Carnot cycle串级调节系统cascade control system铸铁散热器cast iron radiator催化燃烧catalytic oxidation 催化燃烧ceilling fan吊扇ceiling panelheating顶棚辐射采暖center frequency中心频率central air conditionint system 集中式空气调节系统central heating集中采暖central ventilation system新风系统centralized control集中控制centrifugal compressor离心式压缩机entrifugal fan离心式通风机check damper(通风〕止回阀check valve止回阀chilled water冷水chilled water system with primary-secondary pumps一、二次泵冷水系统chimney(排气〕烟囱circuit环路circulating fan风扇circulating pipe循环管circulating pump循环泵clean room洁净室cleaning hole清扫孔cleaning vacuum plant真空吸尘装置cleanout opening清扫孔clogging capacity容尘量close nipple长丝closed booth大容积密闭罩closed full flow return闭式满管回水closed loop control闭环控制closed return闭式回水closed shell and tube condenser卧式壳管式冷凝器closed shell and tube evaporator卧式壳管式蒸发器closed tank闭式水箱coefficient of accumulation of heat蓄热系数coefficient of atmospheric transpareney大气透明度coefficient of effective heat emission散热量有效系数coficient of effective heat emission传热系数coefficient of locall resistance局部阻力系数coefficient of thermal storage蓄热系数coefficient of vapor蒸汽渗透系数coefficient of vapor蒸汽渗透系数coil盘管collection efficiency除尘效率combustion of gas and vapor气体燃烧comfort air conditioning舒适性空气调节common section共同段compensator补偿器components(通风〕部件compression压缩compression-type refrigerating machine压缩式制冷机compression-type refrigerating system压缩式制冷系统compression-type refrigeration压缩式制冷compression-type refrigeration cycle压缩式制冷循环compression-type water chiller压缩式冷水机组concentratcd heating集中采暖concentration of narmful substance有害物质浓度condensate drain pan凝结水盘condensate pipe凝结水管condensate pump凝缩水泵condensate tank凝结水箱condensation冷凝condensation of vapor气体冷凝condenser冷凝器condensing pressure冷凝压力condensing temperature冷凝温度condensing unit压缩冷凝机组conditioned space空气调节房间conditioned zone空气调节区conical cowl锥形风帽constant humidity system恒湿系统constant temperature and humidity system恒温恒湿系统constant temperature system 恒温系统constant value control 定值调节constant volume air conditioning system定风量空气调节系统continuous dust dislodging连续除灰continuous dust dislodging连续除灰continuous heating连续采暖contour zone稳定气流区control device控制装置control panel控制屏control valve调节阀control velocity控制风速controlled natural ventilation有组织自然通风controlled plant调节对象controlled variable被控参数controller调节器convection heating对流采暖convector对流散热器cooling降温、冷却(、)cooling air curtain冷风幕cooling coil冷盘管cooling coil section冷却段cooling load from heat传热冷负荷cooling load from outdoor air新风冷负荷cooling load from ventilation新风冷负荷cooling load temperature冷负荷温度cooling system降温系统cooling tower冷却塔cooling unit冷风机组cooling water冷却水correcting element调节机构correcting unit执行器correction factor for orientaion朝向修正率corrosion inhibitor缓蚀剂coupling管接头cowl伞形风帽criteria for noise control cross噪声控频标准cross fan四通crross-flow fan贯流式通风机cross-ventilation穿堂风cut diameter分割粒径cyclone旋风除尘器cyclone dust separator旋风除尘器cylindrical ventilator筒形风帽Ddaily range日较差damping factot衰减倍数data scaning巡回检测days of heating period采暖期天数deafener消声器decibel(dB)分贝degree-days of heating period采暖期度日数degree of subcooling过冷度degree of superheat过热度dehumidification减湿dehumidifying cooling减湿冷却density of dust particle真密度derivative time微分时间design conditions计算参数desorption解吸detecting element检测元件detention period延迟时间deviation偏差dew-point temperature露点温度dimond-shaped damper菱形叶片调节阀differential pressure type flowmeter差压流量计diffuser air supply散流器diffuser air supply散流器送风direct air conditioning system 直流式空气调节系统direct combustion 直接燃烧direct-contact heat exchanger 汽水混合式换热器direct digital control (DDC) system 直接数字控制系统direct evaporator 直接式蒸发器direct-fired lithiumbromide absorption-type refrigerating machine 直燃式溴化锂吸收式制冷机direct refrigerating system 直接制冷系统direct return system 异程式系统direct solar radiation 太阳直接辐射discharge pressure 排气压力discharge temperature 排气温度dispersion 大气扩散district heat supply 区域供热district heating 区域供热disturbance frequency 扰动频率dominant wind direction 最多风向double-effect lithium-bromide absorption-type refigerating machine 双效溴化锂吸收式制冷机double pipe condenser 套管式冷凝器down draft 倒灌downfeed system 上分式系统downstream spray pattern 顺喷drain pipe 泄水管drain pipe 排污管droplet 液滴drv air 干空气dry-and-wet-bulb thermometer 干湿球温度表dry-bulb temperature 干球温度dry cooling condition 干工况dry dust separator 干式除尘器dry expansion evaporator 干式蒸发器dry return pipe 干式凝结水管dry steam humidifler 干蒸汽加湿器dualductairconing ition 双风管空气调节系统dual duct system 双风管空气调节系统duct 风管、风道dust 粉尘dust capacity 容尘量dust collector 除尘器dust concentration 含尘浓度dust control 除尘dust-holding capacity 容尘量dust removal 除尘dust removing system 除尘系统dust sampler 粉尘采样仪dust sampling meter 粉尘采样仪dust separation 除尘dust separator 除尘器dust source 尘源dynamic deviation动态偏差Eeconomic resistance of heat transfer经济传热阻economic velocity经济流速efective coefficient of local resistance折算局部阻力系数effective legth折算长度effective stack height烟囱有效高度effective temperature difference送风温差ejector喷射器ejetor弯头elbow电加热器electric heater电加热段electric panel heating电热辐射采暖electric precipitator电除尘器electricradian theating 电热辐射采暖electricresistance hu-midkfier电阻式加湿器electro-pneumatic convertor电—气转换器electrode humidifler电极式加湿器electrostatic precipi-tator电除尘器eliminator挡水板emergency ventilation事故通风emergency ventilation system事故通风系统emission concentration排放浓度enclosed hood密闭罩enthalpy焓enthalpy control system新风〕焓值控制系统enthalpy entropy chart焓熵图entirely ventilation全面通风entropy熵environmental noise环境噪声equal percentage flow characteristic等百分比流量特性equivalent coefficient of local resistance当量局部阻力系数equivalent length当量长度equivalent[continuous A] sound level等效〔连续A〕声级evaporating pressure蒸发压力evaporating temperature蒸发温度evaporative condenser蒸发式冷凝器evaporator蒸发器excess heat余热excess pressure余压excessive heat 余热cxergy@exhaust air rate排风量exhaust fan排风机exhaust fan room排风机室exhaust hood局部排风罩exhaust inlet吸风口exhaust opening吸风口exhaust opening orinlet风口exhaust outlet排风口exaust vertical pipe排气〕烟囱exhausted enclosure密闭罩exit排风口expansion膨胀expansion pipe膨胀管explosion proofing防爆expansion steam trap恒温式疏水器expansion tank膨胀水箱extreme maximum temperature极端最高温度extreme minimum temperature极端最低温度Ffabric collector袋式除尘器face tube皮托管face velocity罩口风速fan通风机fan-coil air-conditioning system风机盘管空气调节系统fan-coil system风机盘管空气调节系统fan-coil unit风机盘管机组fan house通风机室fan room通风机室fan section风机段feed-forward control前馈控制feedback反馈feeding branch tlo radiator散热器供热支管fibrous dust纤维性粉尘fillter cylinder for sampling滤筒采样管fillter efficiency过滤效率fillter section过滤段filltration velocity过滤速度final resistance of filter过滤器终阻力fire damper防火阀fire prevention防火fire protection防火fire-resisting damper防火阀fittings(通风〕配件fixed set-point control定值调节fixed support固定支架fixed time temperature (humidity)定时温(湿)度flame combustion热力燃烧flash gas闪发气体flash steam二次蒸汽flexible duct软管flexible joint柔性接头float type steam trap浮球式疏水器float valve浮球阀floating control无定位调节flooded evaporator满液式蒸发器floor panel heating地板辐射采暖flow capacity of control valve调节阀流通能力flow characteristic of control valve调节阀流量特性foam dust separator泡沫除尘器follow-up control system随动系统forced ventilation机械通风forward flow zone射流区foul gas不凝性气体four-pipe water system四管制水系统fractional separation efficiency分级除尘效率free jet自由射流free sillica游离二氧化硅free silicon dioxide游离二氧化硅freon氟利昂frequency interval频程frequency of wind direction风向频率fresh air handling unit新风机组resh air requirement新风量friction factor摩擦系数friction loss摩擦阻力frictional resistance摩擦阻力fume烟〔雾〕fumehood排风柜fumes烟气Ggas-fired infrared heating 煤气红外线辐射采暖gas-fired unit heater 燃气热风器gas purger 不凝性气体分离器gate valve 闸阀general air change 全面通风general exhaust ventilation (GEV) 全面排风general ventilation 全面通风generator 发生器global radiation总辐射grade efficiency分级除尘效率granular bed filter颗粒层除尘器granulometric distribution粒径分布gravel bed filter颗粒层除尘器gravity separator沉降室ground-level concentration落地浓度guide vane导流板Hhair hygrometor毛发湿度计hand pump手摇泵harmful gas andvapo有害气体harmful substance有害物质header分水器、集水器(、)heat and moisture热湿交换transfer热平衡heat conduction coefficient导热系数heat conductivity导热系数heat distributing network热网heat emitter散热器heat endurance热稳定性heat exchanger换热器heat flowmeter热流计heat flow rate热流量heat gain from lighting设备散热量heat gain from lighting照明散热量heat gain from occupant人体散热量heat insulating window保温窗heat(thermal)insuation隔热heat(thermal)lag延迟时间heat loss耗热量heat loss by infiltration冷风渗透耗热量heat-operated refrigerating system热力制冷系统heat-operated refrigetation热力制冷heat pipe热管heat pump热泵heat pump air conditioner热泵式空气调节器heat release散热量heat resistance热阻heat screen隔热屏heat shield隔热屏heat source热源heat storage蓄热heat storage capacity蓄热特性heat supply供热heat supply network热网heat transfer传热heat transmission传热heat wheel转轮式换热器heated thermometer anemometer热风速仪heating采暖、供热、加热(、、)heating appliance采暖设备heating coil热盘管heating coil section加热段heating equipment采暖设备heating load热负荷heating medium热媒heating medium parameter热媒参数heating pipeline采暖管道heating system采暖系统heavy work重作业high-frequency noise高频噪声high-pressure ho twater heating高温热水采暖high-pressure steam heating高压蒸汽采暖high temperature water heating高温热水采暖hood局部排风罩horizontal water-film syclonet卧式旋风水膜除尘器hot air heating热风采暖hot air heating system热风采暖系统hot shop热车间hot water boiler热水锅炉hot water heating热水采暖hot water system热水采暖系统hot water pipe热水管hot workshop热车间hourly cooling load逐时冷负荷hourly sol-air temperature逐时综合温度humidification加湿humidifier加湿器humididier section加湿段humidistat恒湿器humidity ratio含湿量hydraulic calculation水力计算hydraulic disordeer水力失调hydraulic dust removal水力除尘hydraulic resistance balance阻力平衡hydraulicity水硬性hydrophilic dust亲水性粉尘hydrophobic dust疏水性粉尘Iimpact dust collector冲激式除尘器impact tube皮托管impedance muffler阻抗复合消声器inclined damper斜插板阀index circuit最不利环路indec of thermal inertia (valueD)热惰性指标(D值)indirect heat exchanger表面式换热器indirect refrigerating sys间接制冷系统indoor air design conditions室内在气计算参数indoor air velocity室内空气流速indoor and outdoor design conditions室内外计算参数indoor reference for air temperature and relative humidity室内温湿度基数indoor temperature (humidity)室内温(湿)度induction air-conditioning system诱导式空气调节系统induction unit诱导器inductive ventilation诱导通风industral air conditioning工艺性空气调节industrial ventilation工业通风inertial dust separator惯性除尘器infiltration heat loss冷风渗透耗热量infrared humidifier红外线加湿器infrared radiant heater红外线辐射器inherent regulation of controlled plant调节对象自平衡initial concentration of dust初始浓度initial resistance of filter过滤器初阻力imput variable输入量insulating layer保温层integral enclosure整体密闭罩integral time积分时间interlock protection联锁保护intermittent dust removal定期除灰intermittent heating间歇采暖inversion layer逆温层inverted bucket type steam trap倒吊桶式疏水器irradiance辐射照度isoenthalpy等焓线isobume等湿线isolator隔振器isotherm等温线isothermal humidification等温加湿isothermal jet等温射流Jjet射流jet axial velocity射流轴心速度jet divergence angle射流扩散角jet in a confined space受限射流Kkatathermometer卡他温度计Llaboratory hood排风柜lag of controlled plant调节对象滞后large space enclosure大容积密闭罩latent heat潜热lateral exhaust at the edge of a bath槽边排风罩lateral hoodlength of pipe section侧吸罩length of pipe section管段长度light work轻作业limit deflection极限压缩量limit switch限位开关limiting velocity极限流速linear flow characteristic线性流量特性liquid-level gage液位计liquid receiver贮液器lithium bromide溴化锂lithium-bromide absorption-type refrigerating machine溴化锂吸收式制冷机lithium chloride resistance hygrometer氯化锂电阻湿度计load pattern负荷特性local air conditioning局部区域空气调节local air suppiy system局部送风系统local exhaustventilation (LEV)局部排风local exhaust system局部排风系统local heating局部采暖local relief局部送风local relief system局部送风系统local resistance局部阻力local solartime地方太阳时local ventilation局部通风local izedairsupply for air-heating集中送风采暖local ized air control就地控制loop环路louver百叶窗low-frequencynoise低频噪声low-pressure steam heating低压蒸汽采暖lyophilic dust亲水性粉尘lyophobic dust疏水性粉尘Mmain 总管、干管main duct通风〕总管、〔通风〕干管main pipe总管、干管make-up water pump补给水泵manual control手动控制mass concentration质量浓度maximum allowable concentration (MAC)最高容许浓度maximum coefficient of heat transfer最大传热系数maximum depth of frozen ground最大冻土深度maximum sum of hourly colling load逐时冷负荷综合最大值mean annual temperature (humidity)年平均温(湿)度mean annual temperature (humidity)日平均温(湿)度mean daily temperature (humidity)旬平均温(湿)度mean dekad temperature (humidity)月平均最高温度mean monthly maximum temperature月平均最低温度mean monthly minimum temperature月平均湿(湿)度mean monthly temperature (humidity)平均相对湿度mean relative humidity平均风速emchanical air supply system机械送风系统mechanical and hydraulic联合除尘combined dust removal机械式风速仪mechanical anemometer机械除尘mechanical cleaning off dust机械除尘mechanical dust removal机械排风系统mechanical exhaust system机械通风系统mechanical ventilation机械通风media velocity过滤速度metal radiant panel金属辐射板metal radiant panel heating金属辐射板采暖micromanometer微压计micropunch plate muffler微穿孔板消声器mid-frequency noise中频噪声middle work中作业midfeed system中分式系统minimum fresh air requirmente最小新风量minimum resistance of heat transfer最小传热阻mist雾mixing box section混合段modular air handling unit组合式空气调节机组moist air湿空气moisture excess余湿moisure gain散湿量moisture gain from appliance and equipment设备散湿量moisturegain from occupant人体散湿量motorized valve电动调节阀motorized (pneumatic)电(气)动两通阀-way valvemotorized (pneumatic)-way valve电(气)动三通阀movable support活动支架muffler消声器muffler section消声段multi-operating mode automtic conversion工况自动转换multi-operating mode control system多工况控制系统multiclone多管〔旋风〕除尘器multicyclone多管〔旋风〕除尘器multishell condenser组合式冷凝器Nnatural and mechanical combined ventilation联合通风natural attenuation quantity of noise噪声自然衰减量natural exhaust system自然排风系统natural freguency固有频率natural ventilation自然通风NC-curve[s]噪声评价NC曲线negative freedback负反馈neutral level中和界neutral pressure level中和界neutral zone中和界noise噪声noise control噪声控制noise criter ioncurve(s)噪声评价NC曲线noisc rating number噪声评价NR曲线noise reduction消声non azeotropic mixture refragerant非共沸溶液制冷剂non-commonsection非共同段non condensable gas 不凝性气体non condensable gas purger不凝性气体分离器non-isothermal jet非等温射流nonreturn valve通风〕止回阀normal coldest month止回阀normal coldest month累年最冷月normal coldest -month period累年最冷三个月normal hottest month累年最热月(3)normal hottest month period累年最热三个月normal three summer months累年最热三个月normal three winter months累年最冷三个月normals累年值nozzle outlet air suppluy喷口送风number concentration计数浓度number of degree-day of heating period采暖期度日数Ooctave倍频程/ octave倍频程octave band倍频程oil cooler油冷却器oill-fired unit heater燃油热风器one-and-two pipe combined heating system单双管混合式采暖系统one (single)-pipe circuit (cross-over) heating system单管跨越式采暖系统one(single)-pipe heating system单管采暖系统pne(single)-pipe loop circuit heating system水平单管采暖系统one(single)-pipe seriesloop heating system单管顺序式采暖系统one-third octave band倍频程on-of control双位调节open loop control开环控制open return开式回水open shell and tube condenser立式壳管式冷凝器open tank开式水箱operating pressure工作压力operating range作用半径opposed multiblade damper对开式多叶阀organized air supply有组织进风organized exhaust有组织排风organized natural ventilation有组织自然通风outdoor air design conditions室外空气计算参数outdoor ctitcal air temperature for heating采暖室外临界温度outdoor design dry-bulb temperature for summer air conlitioning夏季空气调节室外计算干球温度outdoor design hourly temperature for summer air conditioning夏季空气调节室外计算逐时温度outdoor design mean daily temperature for summer air conditioning夏季空气调节室外计算日平均温度outdoor design relative humidityu for summer ventilation夏季通风室外计算相对湿度outdoor design relative humidity for winter air conditioning冬季空气调节室外计算相对湿度outdoor design temperature ture for calculated envelope in winter冬季围护结构室外计算温度outdoor design temperature ture for heating采暖室外计算温度outdoor design temperature for summer ventilation夏季通风室外计算温度outdoor design temperature for winter air conditioning冬季空气调节室外计算温度outdoor design temperature for winter vemtilation冬季通风室外计算温度outdoor designwet-bulb temperature for summer air conditioning夏季空气调节室外计算湿球温度outdoor mean air temperature during heating period采暖期室外平均温度outdoor temperature(humidity)室外温(湿)度outlet air velocity出口风速out put variable输出量overall efficiency of separation除尘效率overall heat transmission coefficient传热系数ouvrflow pipe溢流管overheat steam过热蒸汽overlapping averages滑动平均overshoot超调量Ppackaged air conditioner整体式空气调节器packaged heat pump热泵式空气调节器packed column填料塔packed tower填料塔panel heating辐射采暖parabolic flow character抛物线流量特性isticparallel multiblade damperin平行式多叶阀parameter detection参数检测part通风〕部件partial enclosure局部密闭罩partial pressure of water vapor水蒸汽分压力particle粒子particle counter粒子计数器particle number concentration计数浓度particle size粒径particle size distribution粒径分布particulate粒子particulate collector除尘器particulates大气尘passage ventilating duct通过式风管penetration rate穿透率percentage of men,women and children群集系数and childrenpercentage of possible sunshine日照率percentage of return air 回风百分比cerforated ceiling air suppyl孔板送风perforated plate tower筛板塔periodic dust dislodging定期除灰piece(通风〕部件pipe fittings管道配件pipe radiator光面管散热器pipe section管段pipe coil光面管放热器pitot tube皮托管plate heat exchanger板式换热器plenum chamber静压箱plenum space稳压层plug丝堵plume烟羽plume rise height烟羽抬升高度PNC-curve[s]噪声评价PNC曲线pneumatic conveying气力输送pueumatic transport气力输送pneumatic valve气动调节阀pneumo-electrical convertor气-电转换器positioner定位器positive feedback正反馈powerroof ventilator屋顶通风机preferred noise criteria curve[s]噪声评价PNC曲线pressure drop压力损失pressure enthalpy chart压焓图pressure gage压力表pressure of steam supply供汽压力pressure reducing valve减压阀pressure relief device泄压装置pressure relief valve安全阀pressure thermometer压力式温度计pressure volume chart压容图primary air fan-coil system风机盘管加新风系统primary air system新风系统primary retirn air一次回风process air conditioning工艺性空气调节program control程序控制proportional band比例带proportional control比例调节proportional-integral (PI)control比例积分调节proportional-integralderivative(PID)control比例积分微分调节protected(roof)monitor避风天窗psychrometric chart声级计pulvation action干湿球温度表push-pull hood焓湿图pulvation action尘化作用push-pull hood吹吸式排风罩Qquick open flow characteristic快开流量特性Rradiant heating辐射采暖radiant intensity辐射强度sadiation intensity辐射强度radiator散热器radiator heating散热器采暖radiator heating system散热器采暖系统radiator valve散热器调节阀rating under air conditioning condition空调工况制冷量rcactive muffler抗性消声器receiver贮液器receiving hood接受式排风罩reciprocating compressor活塞式压缩机recirculation cavety空气动力阴影区recording thermometer自记温度计reducing coupling异径管接头reducing valve减压阀reentrainment of dust 二次扬尘refrigerant制冷剂[refrigerating] coefficient of performance (COP)(制冷〕性能系数refrigerating compressor制冷压缩机refrigerating cycle制冷循环refrigerating effect制冷量refrigerating engineering制冷工程refrigerating machine制冷机refrigerating medium载冷剂refrigerating planttoom制冷机房refrigerating station制冷机房refrigerating system制冷系统refrigeration 制冷regenerative noise再生噪声register百叶型风口regulator调节器reheat air conditioning system再热式空气调节系统relative humidity相对湿度relay继电器remote control遥控resistance of heat transfer传热阻resistance thermometer电阻温度计resistance to water vapor permeability蒸汽渗透阻resistance to water vapor permeation蒸汽渗透阻resistive muffler阻性消声器resistivity比电阻resonance共振resonant frequency共振频率response curve of controlled plant调节对象正升曲线teturn air回风return air inlet回风口return branch of radiator散热器回水支管return fan回风机return flow zone回流区return water temperataure回水温度reverse Carnot cycle逆卡诺循环reversed return system同程式系统reversible cycle可逆循环rim exhaust槽边排风罩rim ventilation槽边通风riser立管roof ventilator筒形风帽room absorption房间吸声量room air conditioner房间空气调节器rotameter转子流量计rotary dehumidifier转轮除湿机rotary heat exchanger转轮式换热器rotary supply outlet旋转送风口rotating air outlet with movable guide vanes旋转送风口roughness factor相对粗糙度rubber shock absorber橡胶隔振器running means滑动平均Ssafety valve安全阀samling hole测孔sampling port测孔saturated steam饱和蒸汽saturation humidity ratio饱和含湿量screw compressor螺杆式压缩机screwnipple丝对screwed plug丝堵scondary refrigerant载冷剂secondary return air二次回风selective control system选择控制系统selector选择器self-contained cooling unit冷风机组self learning system自学习系统sensible cooling等湿冷却sensible heat显热sensible heating等湿加热sensing element敏感元件sensor传感器sequence control程序控制set point给定值settling chamber沉降室setting velocity沉降速度shading coefficient遮阳系数shell and coil condenser壳管式冷凝器shell and tube condenser 壳管式冷凝器shell and tube evaporator壳管式蒸发器sholder nipple长丝shutter百叶窗sidehood侧吸罩sidewall air supply侧面送风sieve-plate column筛板塔single duct air conditioning system单风管空气调节系统single duct system单风管空气调节系统single-effect lithiumbromide absorption-type refrigerating machine单效溴化锂吸收式制冷机sky radiation天空散射辐射slide damper插板阀sling psychrometer通风温湿度计slip rate穿透率slip diffuser条缝型风口slip exhaust hood槽边排风罩slot exhaust on edges of tanks槽边通风slot outlet条缝型风口sludge handling泥浆处理smoke烟〔尘〕smoke control防烟smoke damper防烟阀smoke exhaust damper排烟阀smoke extraction排烟smoke plume烟羽smokeproof damper防烟阀sol-air temperature综合温度solar altitude太阳高度角solar azimuth太阳方位角solar constant太阳常数solar declination太阳赤纬solar heating太阳能采暖solar irradiance太阳辐射照度solar radiant heat太阳辐射热solar radiation太阳辐射solenoid valve电磁阀sound absorber消声器sound absorption吸声sound absorption coefficient吸声系数sound absorption material吸声材料sound attenuation消声sound deadening消声sound deadening capacity消声量sound insulation隔声sound intensity level声强级sound level声级sound level meter声级计sound power level声功率级sound pressure level声压级sound source声源source of heat release散热源space air diffusion气流组织space cooling load房间冷负荷space heat gain房间得热量space heating采暖space moisture load房间湿负荷space temperature variation区域温差specific enthalpy比焓specific frictional resistance比摩阻specific gas flow rate气布比specific heat load散热强度specific resistance比电阻spinning disk humidifier离心式加湿器split air conditioning system分体式空气调节器split ranging control control分程控制splitter导流板spot temperature工作地点温度spray chamber喷水段spray fan喷雾风扇spray nozzle喷嘴spray nozzle density喷嘴密度spray-type air washer section喷水段spray-type evaporator喷淋式蒸发器spread射流扩散角spring shock absorber弹簧隔振器stability稳定性stack(排气〕烦囱stack effect pressure热压。



附录一New plate heat exchanger optimization SelectionW. Lub and S.A. TassoubDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering and Design, Brunel University, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UK .Abstract: The plate heat exchanger Selection is based on the optimization of the use of heat exchangers and in the process of the parameters and NTU = KA / MC = △t / △tm, that is, transfer units of NTU and the temperature difference than (the average temperature difference -- Heat transfer in power) choose plate shapes, plate heat exchanger and the type of structure.Key words: the average temperature difference between NTU plate evaporator condenser1 average temperature difference △ tmWhen the heat exchanger to heat-dQ, when the temperature rose to dt, C = dQ / dt, C will be defined as heat capacity, it said units of time through the exchange of heat per unit area, dQ = K (th-tc) dA = K △tdA, two of the fluid temperature changes were dth =- dQ / Ch, dtc =- dQ / Cc,d △ t = d (th-tc) = dQ (1/Cc-1/Ch), while dA = [1 / k (1/Cc-1/Ch)] • (d △ t / △ t), when the A =0 points to A = A0 when, A0 = [1 / k (1/Cc-1 / Ch)] • ㏑[(tho-tci) / (thi-tco)], because of two fluid exchange between the heat equivalent, that is, Q = Ch (thi-tho) = Cc (tco-tci), the simplified Know, Q = KA0 ([(tho-tci) - (thi-tco)] / ㏑[(tho-tci) / (thi-tco)]), if △t1 = thi-tco, △t2 = tho-tci , Q = KA0 [(△ t1-△ t2) / ㏑(△ t1 / △ t2)] = KA0 △ tm, in-△ tm = (△ t1-△ t2) / ㏑(△ t1 / △ t2) .Down △ tm = [(thi-tci) - (tho-tco)] / ㏑[(thi-tci) / (tho-tci)]Countercurrent △ tm = [(thi-tco) - (tho-tci)] / ㏑[(thi-tco) / (tho-tci)]For various flow patterns in the same import, export under the conditions of temperature, the average temperature difference between the largest counter-current.When the plate heat exchanger import and export of the fluid temperature difference between the two △ t1 and the difference between △ t2 not available when arithmetic average temperature (△ t1 + △ t2) / 2, General △ t1 / △ t2 less than 1.5, May be, if △ t / △ t2 for 3:00, the error is about 10 percent.1.2 the number of transfer unitsIn the heat transfer unit of the introduction of a few dimensionless parameters NTU, known as the number of transfer units, it said plate heat exchanger of the total thermal conductivity (heat exchanger heat resistance of the countdown) and the ratio of fluid heat capacity NTU = KA / MC, it said in relation to heat fluid flow, heat transfer capacity of the heat exchanger of the size of the heat exchanger that is, non-dimensional "heat transfer capability." The plate heat exchanger for, KA / MC = △t / △tm, where △t / △tm known as the temperature difference than, on the right side of the process used NTUp that left the condit ions of heat transfer equipment used NTUE said. NTUp is fluid temperature changes in temperature and the average ratio that is used 1 ℃△ tm of several changes in the value of fluid temperature changes, when △tm large, NTUp is small when △tm hours, it has become bigger The tendency. On the contrary, in NTUp larger in the process, △tm of the larger temperature changes, NTUp smaller, its △ tm small changes in temperature (see table 1).Table 1 △ tm, NTUp relationsPlate heat exchanger, the optimal design, is known NTUE temperature difference than the conditions, to determine a reasonable model, processes and heat transfer area, equivalent to NTUp NTUE.1.3 heat transfer process and the NTUHeating and air-conditioning related to the heat transfer process if the show are as follows:⑴steam heating water ⑵ water - water heat exchangera. steam 133 → 133 ℃c. a water 65 → 60 ℃Water 5 → 65 ℃ (hot water) Secondary water 45 ← 40 ℃ (heating)b. Steam 133 → 133 ℃ d. a water 14 → 9 ℃Water 55 → 65 ℃(heating) secondary water 13 ← 7 ℃ (refrigeration)e. a water 29 → 24 ℃Secondary water 26 ← 21 ℃ (refrigerator cooling)More than five cases of the process NTUp (see table 2)Table 2 heating air-conditioning process of NTUp1.4 plate heat exchanger and NTUENTUE plate heat exchanger that the capacity of heat exchanger is the size of a certain length of the heat and the combination of heat transfer units, the total length of heat transfer process is the length and number of units of the product. When the total number of NTUE is, if the number of processes for every 1 NTUe, then NTUE = n • NTUe (where n is the number of processes).When NTUe = NTUE = NTUp, the heat exchanger for one-way. If NTUe<NTUp, the heat exchanger for many processes, it should be designed to target n. As each plate of one-way NTUe value is essentially fixed value, such as in e Table 2 for the flow of 25 m3 / h of the one-way NTUe plate heat exchanger for 17 square meters. From N TUe = A • K / MC tells us that when NTUe to be on duty, A • K is inversely proportional, still e example, when K = 500kcal / ㎡• h • ℃time, A = 1.67 ×25000/500 = 83.5 ㎡, the process of n = 83.5/17 ≈ 5. When K = 2500kcal / ㎡• h • ℃ time, A = 16.7 square meters, the flow of n = 1. Each process NTUe as follows: K = 500, NTUe = NTUE / n = 0.33, K = 2500 when, NTUe = 1.67. So, can be obtained under NTUe the flow of heat exchangers, heat transfer coefficient and heat transfer area.From the above we can see that if the plate heat exchanger design unreasonable and likely to heat transfer area is too large, may also be partitioned so that flow is too high, too much resistance.1.5 plate heat exchanger manufacturing and technological progress, plate type of increase, raising the plate heat exchanger of the various processes of adaptation.⑴ the NTU (∽ 8), small △ tm (∽ 1 ~ 2) the plate heat exchanger to meet the district cooling and heat pump units evaporator, condenser requirements. From the above analysis know,△tm is the driving force of heat transfer, if △tm small, means that the driver of small, to achieve the heat transfer between the two fluid, we must increase heat transfer coefficient, increasing heat transfer area, in order to Heat to make up too large, is the only increase heat transfer coefficient K.①shallow plate of corrugated Beijing, Beijing is the heat transfer equipment manufacturers limited liability company developed a new type of plate, the heat transfer coefficient of about 7000 W / ㎡• K,is the level of the flat corrugated board two times, is chevron Corrugated sheets of 1.5 times, in the regional cooling, the detection of △ tm is about 1.2. As in ice storage of ethylene glycol and chilled water use in the heat exchanger, △ tm is about 1.5.②plate evaporator, condenser plate Beijing, Beijing is also the heat transfer equipment manufacturers limited liability companies adapt to the development of a new type of heat pump units in the heat exchanger. And the shell-and-evaporator, compared to the condenser, which has the following advantages: unit volume in the evaporator plate, the plate condenser is a heat transfer area of shell and tube heat exchanger of three times the plate evaporator heat transfer coefficient About 1000 ~ 1200 W / ㎡• K, the condenser plate heat transfer coefficient of about 1500 ~ 2000 W / ㎡• K are shell heat exchanger two to three times the plate on the evaporator used to Refrigerant distributor of liquid evenly distributed devices, when the evaporator plate a few more, may be uneven distribution of liquid refrigerant and can not take full advantage of all the heat and evaporation area, evaporation temperature lower than the calculated design temperature. After a distributor overcome these problems. Detection of data on the relevant units, evaporator plate, the plate condenser in the heat transfer coefficient △tm about 2.5 ~ 3 ℃, in 1500 ~ 2000 W / ㎡• K between the resistance and small, satisfying the heat pump units Requirements.⑵small NTU (∽ 0.3 ~ 2), the △ tm (∽ 40 ~ 90 ℃) of the plate heat exchanger to meet theheat recovery process and the process heating and cooling requirements. When the process in the △ tm conducted under conditions of heat transfer, that driving force, the heat and the smaller, the heat transfer coefficient demand is not high, but that this process or high-pressure work, or work High temperature, or process heating and cooling process in the liquid containing fiber diameter or larger particles, the plate heat exchanger, the pressure, temperature and ability to request, the heat exchanger to the plate spacing requirements.①Pai (breathing) gas - water shell heat exchanger (Province can), Pai (breathing) gas - shell-air heat exchangers (air preheater) is a heat exchanger in Beijing Beijing-equipment manufacturers limited liability Portland petrochemical companies and co-developed a new type of plate heat exchanger, all welded plate heat exchanger in the heat transfer through the medium to achieve the control board, composed of board control by the plate for forming mold suppression, all-welded - Beam installed in the pressure shell. Corrugated plate with static mixing, in a very low Reynolds number formed under the turbulence, and low coefficient of dirt, the heat transfer coefficient is the shell and tube heat exchanger of the two or three times. In order to adapt to the heat transfer, fluid pressure on the request, board space, equivalent diameter of about 28 mm. In order to meet the demands of work pressure plate beam (Anti-pressure) P ≤ 4.5 Mpa, the pressure plate beam (pressure) with the pressure shell, unrestricted; temperature t ≤ 550 ℃. Urumqi Petrochemical Company 400,000 tons / year for a restructuring of the feed (cold medium) and discharging (medium heat) of the plate heat exchanger, feed flow 50 t / h, import and export temperature crossing 88 ℃ , 470 ℃. Expected to flow 50 t / h, import and export temperature 100 ℃, 500 ℃, the average temperature of about 38 ℃, the heat transfer coefficient of about 380 kcal / ㎡• h • ℃, thermal negative Heda 23 ×106kcal / h, feed Pressure Drop 20 Kpa, the expected pressure drop 50 Kpa.②multi-effect evaporation plate heater (heat exchanger), which is a heat exchanger of heating device, it is important to heat recovery unit. As previously plate heat exchanger, the flow of small (1.5 to 5.0-mm pitch), not in the gas - gas and steam condensing heat exchanger, and easy to plug, it is not appropriate for the suspension of containing the fluid. In order to maximize plate heat exchanger to play the strengths to overcome the existing problems and adapt to the demands of Beijing-Beijing heat transfer equipment manufacturers limited liability company developed a new type of multi-effect evaporation plate heat exchanger, this plate heat exchanger A wide-flow,the board spacing of 8.0 mm, suitable for steam condensate, suitable for containing the suspension of fluid, and difficult to plug, the largest handling capacity of 1200 m3附录二换热器的优化选型W. Lub和 S.A. Tassoub英国米德尔塞克斯,布鲁内尔大学机械设计工程部【摘要】板式换热器的优化选型是根据换热器的用途和工艺过程中的参数和NTU=KA /MC=△t/△tm,即传热单元数NTU和温差比(对数平均温差—换热的动力)选择板片形状、板式换热器的类型和结构。



A Survey on a Heat Exchangers Network to Decrease EnergyConsumption by Using Pinch TechnologyB.Raei and A.H.TarighaleslamiChemical Engineering Faculty,Mahshahr Branch,lslamic Azad University,Mahshahr 63519,lranReceived:April27,2011/Accepted:July7,2011/Published:December20,2011 Abstract:There are several ways to increase the efficiency of energy consumption and to decrease energy consumption.In this paper.The application of pinch technology in analysis of the heat exchangers network(HEN)in order to reduce the energy consumption in a thermal system is studied.Therefore,in this grass root design,the optimum value ofΔTmin is obtained about10℃and area efficiency(α)is0.95.The author also depicted the grid diagram and driving force plot for additional analysis.In order to increase the amount of energy saving,heat transfer from above to below the pinch point in the diagnosis stage is verified for all options including re-sequencing,re-piping,add heat exchanger and splitting of the flows.Results show that this network has a low potential of retrofit to decrease the energy consumption,which pinch principles are planned to optimize energy consumption of the unit.Regarding the results of pinch analysis,it is suggested that in order to reduce the energy consumption.No alternative changes in the heat exchangers network of the unit is required.The acquired results show that the constancy of network is completely confirmed by the high area efficiency infirmity of the heat exchanger to pass the pinch point and from of deriving force plot.Key words:Pinch technology,heat exchangers network,energy consumption,composite curve,grand composite curve1.At the end of1970s,Umeda and his co-workers in Chiyoda established new technology for optimization of process.During1978to1982,this team by presenting of the concept of processes analysis and composite curve showed how the utility consumption can be evaluated and heat recovery and reduction can be done with using this method.At the same time,Linnhoff and his co-workers considered the analysis of heat exchangers network(HEN)for energy consumption reduction and introduced the concepts such as composite curve as an important tool for heat energy recovery.But contrary to Chiyoda team,they emphasized on a pinch point as a key point for heat recovery and by this reason they chose the name of pinch technology for this method.When the time passed,pinch technology has been developed.As the same as HEN,it is used for optimization of energy consumption in distillation towers,furnaces,evaporators,turbines and reactors.Pinch technology is a systematic method based on first and second laws of thermodynamic,which is used for analysis of chemical processes and utilities.Pinch analysis of an industrial process is used for definition of energy and capital costs of HEN before design and also definition of pinch point.In this method,before design,minimum consumption of utility,minimum demanded network area and minimum number of demanded heat unit at pinch pointare targeted for given process.At next stage,design of HEN will be done to satisfy performed target.Finally,minimum annual cost is obtained with comparison between energy cost and capital cost and trade of them.Therefore,the main goal of pinch analysis is the optimization of process heat integration,increase the process-process heat recovery,and decrease the amount of utility consumption.For analysis,at first,shifted temperature is obtained then temperature and enthalpy plot draw(half of amount of minimum temperature are deducted from hot stream and added to cold stream).Fig.1shows the composite curve and grand composite curve as tools for pinch Analysis.The composite curves(CCs)present the relationship between cumulative enthalpy flow rate and temperature for the HEN hot and cold streams.In practice,CCs are generated by a cumulative process over a temperature range,and the resulting hot and cold CCs are labelled CCh and CCc,respectively.2.Methods and Data2.1Presentation of a Heat Exchanger NetworkIn a heat exchanger network,arrangement of exchangers in the network is important.For representing such arrangement,the concept of“stage"is used.In every stage,the input and output heat of the stage is equal for the entire exchangers that settled on special stream,whereas the number of stages is not too many in an optimal network.In this part,stages of heat exchanger networks analysis for reduction of energy consumption using pinch technology were explained.Since targeting and design is based on extracted data any mistake and careless in data assembling can lead to completely unreal results.In pinch analysis,design data such as supply and target temperature of streams,flow and heat capacity of stream was used and on the other hand,heat exchangers design was related to heat transfer coefficient directly.In Table1,the necessary extracted information and a sample network is represented.In this research,Aspen pinch software has been used.Fig.1Tools for pinch analysis:composite curve(CC)and grand composite curve(Gee).Table1Extracted data.2.2Economical DataCorrect economic data including operation time ,interest rate and equipment life have an important role on successful execution ofretrofit and preparation .The values are shown in Table 2.The condition of utilities which includes steam and cooling water is shown in Table 3.Capital cost and energy cost of network can be calculated with respect to the shells number and the cost of any exchanger calculates with using Eq .(1):c Area b a t CapitalCos )(+=(1)In this equation ,a ,b and C are constant .So that ,“a”is function of pressure intensity .“b”is function of exchanger material and “c”is function of type of exchanger that is different for various exchangers ;SO 0<C <1.Types of exchanger are defined by designer based on nature of chemical materials ,pressure of flows ,pressure condition and ability of corrosion .For carbon-still exchanger ,cost equation is as follow :81.0)(75030800Area t CapitalCos +=。

常见换热器形式 英文缩写

常见换热器形式 英文缩写

常见换热器形式英文缩写English: Common forms of heat exchangers include shell and tube (STHE), plate heat exchanger (PHE), finned tube heat exchanger (FTHE), double pipe heat exchanger (DPHE), and air-cooled heat exchanger (ACHE). Shell and tube heat exchangers consist of a shell with a bundle of tubes inside, allowing for efficient heat transfer between two fluids. Plate heat exchangers utilize a series of plates to facilitate heat exchange, offering high efficiency and compactness. Finned tube heat exchangers enhance heat transfer by adding fins to the exterior of tubes, increasing surface area. Double pipe heat exchangers feature two concentric pipes for fluid flow, suitable for low to moderate pressure applications. Air-cooled heat exchangers employ ambient air to remove heat from a process fluid, making them suitable for remote or outdoor locations where water is scarce or costly.中文翻译: 常见的换热器形式包括壳管式换热器(STHE)、板式换热器(PHE)、翅片管式换热器(FTHE)、双管式换热器(DPHE)和风冷式换热器(ACHE)。



暖通专业词汇中英文对照air conditioning load空调负荷air distribution气流组织air handling unit 空气处理单元air shower 风淋室air wide pre.drop空气侧压降aluminum accessories in clean room 洁净室安装铝材brass stop valve 铜闸阀canvas connecting termingal 帆布接头centigrade scale 摄氏温度chiller accessories水冷机组配件chiller assembly水冷机组组装clean bench 净化工作台clean class 洁净度clean room 洁净室无尘室correction factor修正系数dry coil units 干盘管district cooling 区域供冷direct return system直接回水系统displacement ventilation置换通风drawing No.图号elevation立面图entering air temp进风温度entering water temp进水温度fahrenheit scale 华氏温度fan coil unit 风机盘管ffu fan filter units 风扇过滤网组flow velocity 流速fresh air supply 新风供给fresh air unit 新风处理机组ground source heat pump地源热泵gross weight 毛重heating ventilating and air conditioning 供热通风与空气调节hepa high efficiency particulate air 高效过滤网high efficiency particulate air filters高效空气过滤器horizontal series type水平串联式hot water supply system生活热水系统humidity 湿度hydraulic calculation水力计算isometric drawing轴测图layout 设计图leaving air temp 出风温度leaving water temp出水温度lood vacuum pump中央集尘泵mau make up air hundling unit schedule 外气空调箱natural smoke exhausting自然排烟net weight 净重noise reduction消声nominal diameter 公称直径oil-burning boiler燃油锅炉one way stop peturn valve 单向止回阀operation energy consumption运行能耗pass box 传递箱particle sizing and counting method 计径计数法Piping accessaries 水系统辅材piping assembly 配管rac recirculation air cabinet unit schedule循环组合空调单元ratio controller 比例调节器ratio flow control 流量比例控制ratio gear 变速轮ratio meter 比率计rational 合理性的,合法的;有理解能力的rationale (基本)原理;原理的阐述rationality 有理性,合理性rationalization proposal 合理化建义ratio of compression 压缩比ratio of expansion 膨胀比ratio of run-off 径流系数ratio of slope 坡度ratio of specific heat 比热比raw 生的,原状的,粗的;未加工的raw coal 原煤raw cotton 原棉raw crude producer gas 未净化的发生炉煤气raw data 原始数据raw fuel stock 粗燃料油raw gas 未净化的气体real gas 实际气体realignment 重新排列,改组;重新定线realm 区域,范围,领域real work 实际工作ream 铰孔,扩孔rear 后部,背面,后部的rear arch 后拱rear axle 后轴rear-fired boiler 后燃烧锅炉rear pass 后烟道rearrange 调整;重新安排[布置]rearrangement 调整,整顿;重新排列[布置]reason 理由,原因;推理reasonable 合理的,适当的reassembly 重新装配reaumur 列氏温度计reblading 重装叶片,修复叶片recalibration 重新校准[刻度]recapture 重新利用,恢复recarbonation 再碳化作用recast 另算;重作;重铸receiving basin 蓄水池receiving tank 贮槽recentralizing 恢复到中心位置;重定中心;再集中receptacle 插座[孔];容器reception of heat 吸热recessed radiator 壁龛内散热器,暗装散热器recharge well 回灌井reciprocal 倒数;相互的,相反的,住复的reciprocal action 反复作用reciprocal compressor 往复式压缩机reciprocal feed pump 往复式蒸汽机reciprocal grate 往复炉排reciprocal motion 住复式动作reciprocal proportion 反比例reciprocal steam engine 往复式蒸汽机reciprocate 往复(运动),互换reciprocating 往复的,来回的,互相的,交替的reciprocating ( grate ) bar 往复式炉排片reciprocating compressor 往复式压缩机reciprocating condensing unit 往复式冷冻机reciprocating packaged liquid chiller 往复式整体型冷水机组reciprocating piston pump 往复式活塞泵reciprocating pump 往复泵,活塞泵reciprocating refrigerator 往复式制冷机recirculate 再循环recirculated 再循环的recirculated air 再循环空气[由空调场所抽出,然后通过空调装置,再送回该场所的回流空气] recirculated air by pass 循环空气旁路recircilated air intake 循环空气入口recirculated cooling system 再循环冷却系统recirculating 再循环的,回路的recirculating air duct 再循环风道recirculating fan 再循环风机recirculating line 再循环管路recirculating pump 再循环泵recirculation 再循环recirculation cooling water 再循环冷却水recirculation ratio 再循环比recirculation water 再循环水reclaim 再生,回收;翻造,修复reclaimer 回收装置;再生装置reclamation 回收,再生,再利用reclamation of condensate water蒸汽冷凝水回收recombination 再化[结]合,复合,恢复recommended level of illumination 推荐的照度标准reconnaissance 勘察,调查研究record drawing 详图、大样图、接点图recording apparatus 记录仪器recording barometer 自记气压计recording card 记录卡片recording facility 记录装置recording liquid level gauge 自动液面计recording paper of sound level 噪声级测定纸recording pressure gauge 自记压力计recording water-gauge 自记水位计recoverable 可回收的,可恢复的recoverable heat 可回收的热量recoverable oil 可回收的油recoverable waster heat 可回收的废热recovery plant 回收装置recovery rate 回收率relief damper 泄压风门return air flame plate回风百叶Seat air supply座椅送风Shaft seal 轴封Shaft storage 搁架式贮藏Shake 摇动,抖动Shakedown run 试车,调动启动,试运转Shake-out 摇动,抖动Shakeproof 防振的,抗振的Shaker 振动器Shaking 摇[摆,振]动Shaking grate 振动炉排Shaking screen 振动筛Shallow 浅层,浅的,表面的Shank 柄,杆,柱体,轴Shape 造[成]型,形状[态]模型。

焊接,换热器的专业英文 英翻中词汇 呕血翻译的总结

焊接,换热器的专业英文 英翻中词汇  呕血翻译的总结

unfired shell and tube type heat exchangers. 未燃烧壳管式热交换器EXCHANGER UNIT 热交换器机组Purchaser's identification number 买方识别号thermal design specification sheet热设计规格单U- tube bundles U型管束U-bend portion U型弯管部分shell nozzle location 壳体接管位置GENERAL总则SCOPE 范围Specification 规范material/purchase requisition 材料或请购单and/or 和/或Equipment data sheet/DWG's 设备数据表/图纸Licensers standards/specifications and drawings 许可标准/规范和图纸Tubular Exchanger 管式换热器Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code 锅炉和压力容器规范Welding Electrodes 电焊条Spherical and Cylindrical Shells 球形和圆柱壳External Loading 外部负载Local load stress 局部荷载应力Uniform Building Code 统一建筑规范Steel Pipe Flanges 钢制管法兰Flanged Fittings 法兰配件Forged Steel Fittings锻钢配件Socket-welding and Threaded承插焊和螺纹Ring Joint环缘接合Spiral Wound and jacketed螺旋状伤用金属垫片Large Diameter Carbon Steel Flanges大直径碳钢法兰Expansion Joint 伸缩接头Nozzles 喷嘴tapered pipe threads锥管螺纹pipe fittings管件bolts 螺栓nuts 螺帽gasket 垫圈design, fabrication and testing 设计、制造和测试specifications, standards, drawings, provisions and codes 规格、标准、图纸、规定和规范longitudinal seam 纵向接缝circumferential seamspecific applicable item 具体适用项weld joint 焊缝automatic submerged arc process 自动埋弧过程integral cladding 整体电镀overlay 覆盖面、层weld metal 焊缝金属filler metal 填充金属,焊料filler rod 焊条eposited weld metal 堆积焊接金属joining base metal 接缝基底金属base metal 基底金属nominal composition 标定成分,标称化学成分dissimilar joint 异种接头austenitic stainless steel 奥氏体不锈钢check analysis 校检分析成品分析Production overlay weld composition 生产覆盖焊接成分Clad equipment 堆焊设备Lined equipment 线性设备Overlay equipment 覆面设备inert gas tungsten n arc process 惰性气体钨电弧焊过程pressure containing weldsweld overlaid vessels or vessel component 焊接覆盖容器或容器组件weld bead 焊缝Shell and head joint 壳头接头double-welded butt joints 双焊对接接头cladding 电镀,包层Back-up ring 支撑环back-up bar 备份栏fusion 熔接bevel 斜面。



换热器堵头锥度(中英文版)Title: Heat Exchanger Plug Cone TaperTitle: 换热器堵头锥度English:The heat exchanger plug cone taper is a crucial component that ensures the proper sealing of the exchanger during maintenance or replacement procedures.Its design features a conical shape, which allows for a tight fit between the plug and the socket, preventing any leakage of fluid.中文:换热器堵头锥度是确保换热器在维护或更换过程中正常密封的关键部件。

其设计具有锥形特点,使得堵头与socket 之间能够紧密配合,防止任何流体的泄漏。

English:The cone taper not only provides a secure seal but also facilitates easy removal and installation.Its unique geometry allows for a simple yet effective solution to manage the flow of media within the heat exchanger.中文:锥形锥度不仅提供了安全的密封,还便于轻松拆卸和安装。


English:In addition, the cone taper helps to minimize the pressure drop across the plug, ensuring efficient operation of the heat exchanger.This feature is particularly important in applications where pressure differentials are significant.中文:此外,锥形锥度有助于最小化堵头处的压力降,确保换热器的有效运行。



Geometrysummary:换热器几何信息;Frontheadtype:前端封头类型shel;T ubelayout-tubepasses:通过;Tubelayout-pitch:管束间距tub;Baffles-spacingatin let:挡;Shell/heads/flanges/tube;Frontheadtype:前端封头类型shel;“E”sheGeometry summary:换热器几何信息Front head type:前端封头类型shell type:壳体类型Rear head type:末端封头类型exchanger position:换热器位置(水平或垂直)Shell(s)-ID:壳体内径shell(s)-OD:壳体外径Shell(s)-series:壳体串联数目shell(s)-p arallel:壳体并联数目Tubes-number:管子数目tube-length:管长Tubes-OD:管子外径tubes-管子厚度(壁厚)Tube layout-option:选择是否新建管子布局图还是使用已有的管子布局图Tube layout-tube passes:通过一个壳程的管程数目Tube layout-pitch:管束间距tube layout-pattern:管束布置类型Baffles-spa cing(centre-centre):挡板中心间距Baffles-spacing at inlet:挡板内侧间距baffles-spacing at outlet:挡板外侧间距Baffles-number:挡板数目baffles-orientation:挡板方位Baffles-type:挡板类型baffles-cut(%d):挡板圆缺度Baffles-tube in window:是否有部分管子通过横向挡板(折流板)Shell/heads /flanges/tubesheetsFront head type:前端封头类型shell type:壳体类型Rear head type:末端封头类型exchanger position:换热器位置(水平或垂直)Shell(s)-ID:壳体内径shell(s)-OD:壳体外径Shell(s)-series:壳体串联数目shell(s)-parallel:壳体并联数目Shell(s)-thickness:壳体圆筒厚度front head-ID:前端封头内径Rear head-ID:后封头内径kettle-ID/OD:釜式换热器圆筒壁内外径Location of front head for vertical units:针对垂直安装的换热器,前封头能否固定在换热器的顶部或者底部。



Aspen Plus常用词汇中英文比较表Aadiabatic绝热的adsorption吸附aircooler空冷器algorithm算法alias别名,别名align使排成直线ambient temperature环境温度analysis剖析annotation说明apparent component approach表观组分方法approach方法aqueous 水溶液的,水的,含水的assay 化验(油品剖析)ADA (assay data analysis)化验数据剖析assign指定attach连结attr-comps组分属性attr-scaling属性标量available可用的Bbackup ( 降液管内的清液层)高度baffles挡板balance均衡模块,均衡base components基准组分base method 基本方法(包括了常有物性方法)batch批量办理,一批BatchFrac间歇精馏binary interaction二元交互作用blank simulation空白模拟block模块Block-Var模块变量boilup ratio再沸比bottoms rate塔底产品流率bottoms to feed ratio塔底产品流率与进料流率比brake power轴功率Broyden 布洛伊顿拟牛顿法built-in内置Ccalculator计算器capacity通量capacity factor通量负荷因子cascade 层叠case study工况剖析category类型,种类chemical equilibrium化学均衡Chem-Var 化学变量class分类clearance空隙co-current并流coefficient系数column 塔CGCCs (column grand composite curves)塔的总组合曲线column specifications塔设定Compattr-Var组分变量component 组分composition构成Compr 压缩机或涡轮机模块comps-groups组分分组conceptual design观点设计condenser冷凝器condenser specification冷凝器设定configuration配置constant恒定的constraint拘束,拘束条件control panel控制面板Conv(convergence)收敛conventional惯例的coolant冷却剂coordinate坐标countercurrent逆流criteria判据cryogenic深冷系统,低温环境current目前的curve曲线custom 用户自定义Ddamping level阻尼水平data browser数据阅读窗口data fit数据拟合data regression数据回归decanter 液- 液分相器default默认defined定义的de-lump分解design spec设计规定destination目标地点detailed详尽的diagnostics诊疗页面direct直接迭代法discharge pressure出口压力display plot显示所做的图dist curve蒸饱曲线distillate rate塔顶产品流率distillate to feed ratio塔顶产品流率与进料流率比Distl 使用 Edmister方法的多组分精馏的简捷校核模块down time 协助操作时间downcomer 降液管DSTWU使用 Winn-Underwood-Gilliland方法的多组分精馏的简捷设计模块Dupl 物流复制器Eefficiency效率elbow 肘管Elec Wizard电解质导游electrolyte电解质elevation高度energy balance能量均衡entrainment夹带EO (equation oriented)联立方程法equilibrium constant均衡常数error tolerance收敛容差estimation估量exchange 互换exchanger orientation换热器方向export输出expression表达式Extract液 - 液萃取严格计算模块Ffeed basis进料基准feed stage进料地点film coefficients膜层传热系数find依据用户供给的信息查找到所要的物质flanged welded法兰连结或焊接flash闪蒸Flash2两相闪蒸器Flash3三相闪蒸器flooding factor液泛因子flooding limit液泛限flow流率flow arrangement流动方式flow basis流动基准flowsheet流程flowsheet section流程段flowsheeting options流程模拟选项fluid 流体format 格式化 ( 磁盘 ) ,格式formula分子式fouling污垢fractional overflash过汽化度FSplit分流器Ggate valves闸阀general with metric units使用公制单位的一般模板Generic通用Gibbs-Duhem 吉布斯 - 杜亥姆方程global全局的global data全局(公用)数据Hhead 扬程heat duty热负荷heat exchanger换热器heat transfer coefficient传热系数heater加热器或冷却器HeatX 两股物流换热器heavy key重重点组分Henry comps亨利组分hydraulic analysis水力学剖析Iicon图标inert惰性的inlet入口inorganic无机物input输入input summary输入梗概insert嵌入,插入inside shell diameter壳内径isentropic等熵模型iteration迭代Jjet flooding发射液泛Kkettle釜式再沸器key component recoveries 重点组分回收率 key components 重点组分Llabel标签library库light ends轻端剖析数据light key轻重点组分link链接local局部的lock锁定,锁住loop-retum环回lower bound下限lump联合Mmanipulated variable操控变量manipulators调理器manufacturer厂家mapping 映照mass balance质量均衡Mass-Cone 质量浓度Mass-Flow质量流率Mass-Frac 质量分率Mass-RR 质量回流比material物质,物料material streams流股物料表maximum 最大的mbar 压力单位,毫巴MCompr 多级压缩机或涡轮机模块measurement丈量MHeatX 多股物流换热器miscellaneous L/D其他当量长度mixed mode 联立模块法mixer混淆器mmHg毫米莱柱mmwater毫米水柱model 模型,模拟model analysis tool模型剖析工具model library模型库moisture comps湿气组分molarity以摩尔为基准molecular分子的molecular structure分子构造Mole-Cone 摩尔浓度Mole-Flow摩尔流率Mole-Frac摩尔分率Mole-RR 摩尔回流比Mult 物流倍增器MultiFrac严格法多塔蒸馏模块multiple passes多管程流动multiplication factor缩放因子Murphree efficiencies默弗里效率Nnesting嵌套Newton 牛顿法No. of tube passes管程数node 节点nominal公称尺寸nonideal非理想算法NBP (normal boiling point)标准沸点nozzle管嘴number of sealing strip pairs密封条数number of shells in parallel并联壳程数number of shells in series串连壳程数number of stages塔板数Oobject manager对象管理器object type对象种类objective function目标函数opening 阀门开度optimization优化,最优化option选项outlet出口overall range敏捷度剖析时变量变化范围Ppackage 包packed height填料高度page break preview分页预览page setup页面设置panel面板parameter参数parametric variable参变量partial condenser部分冷凝器PCES (property constant estimation system )物性常数估量系统performance curve特征曲线Petchem 聚酷化合物Petro characterization石油馏分表征PetroFrac石油炼制分馏模块petroleum石油phase equilibrium相均衡physical properties物理性质,物性piecewise integration分片积分pipe 单管段 pipeline多段管线plot画图,图表plot type画图种类point指向polymer聚合物positive displacement正排量模型power 功率Presrelief压力开释 ( 安全排放)pressure changers 压力变换模块pressure drop压降pressure profile压力散布process过程process type过程种类product产品profile散布property性质,物性property sets物性集pseudocomponent 虚构组分psi英制压力单位,镑/ 平方英寸psig英制压力单位,磅/ 平方英寸 ( 表压)pump 泵或水轮机pumparounds 中段循环pure纯的purity纯度QQcond 冷凝器热负荷Qreb 再沸器热负荷qualifiers对所选的物性进行限制RRadFrac 单个塔的两相或三相严格计算模块range范围RateFrac非均衡级速率模块rating校核ratio比率RBatch 间歇式反响器RCSTR全混釜反响器reaction反响reaction sets反响集reactor反响器React-Var反响变量reboiler duty再沸器负荷reboiler再沸器reconcile从头给予初值,使其与结果符合reconnect从头连结recover恢复recovery回收RecovH重重点组分回收率RecovL 轻重点组分回收率reference condition参照条件reference reactant参照的反响物refinery炼油厂reflux rate回流量reflux ratio回流比regression ( 物性数据)回归reinitialize初始化relief开释reorderri从头,排序REquil均衡反响器residence time逗留时间residual残差result summary结果梗概retrieve从头获得(调用)retrieve parameter results结果参数检索RGibbs 吉布斯反响器ROC-NO辛烷值曲线rod baffle杆式挡板roughness粗植度route路径RPlug 平推流反响器RR回流比RStoic化学计量反响器run control panel翻开控制面板run status运转状态run type运转种类RYield产率反响器SSCFrac 简捷法多塔蒸馏模块screwed螺纹连结script脚本secant割线法section部分,段,流程分段segment data 管段数据segment geometry管段几何构造segmental baffle圆缺挡板sensitivity敏捷度,敏捷度剖析Sep 组分分别器Sep2 两出口组分分别器separation分别separator分别器sequencing序列sequential modular序贯模块法series系列sharp splits清楚切割shell 壳(程)shell side壳程shortcut简捷计算simulation模拟sloppy splits非清楚切割Solids固体操作设施solubility溶解度solvent溶剂solver求解器Spec(specification)规定species物质种类specific gravity比重specification详尽说明,输入规定,设定,规定specification type设定种类specify指定split fraction产品分率SQP(successive quadratic programming)序列二次规划算法stage ( 理论)级,(理论)板standard默认值,标准算法,标准state variables状态变量status bar状态栏Stdvol-Flow标准体积流量Stdvol-Frac标准体积分率Stdvol-RR标准液体体积回流比step size步长stoichiometry化学计量方程stream流股,物流,各个输入输出组分的流股stream library物流库Stream-Var物流变量structure构造study研究style规格subroutine子程序substream子物流sulfur硫summary 汇总Sum-Rates 流率加和法support支持sync 同步system foaming factor物系的发泡因子Ttabular data列表数据target希望值tear扯破,断裂tear streams扯破物流temperature温度temperature approach趋近均衡温度temperature profile温度散布template系统模板ternary三重的,三元的thermal analysis热力学剖析thermosiphon热虹吸式再沸器tile平铺tolerance容差toluene甲苯topic主题Torr真空度单位,托total condenser全凝器total cycle time一个操作周期trace追踪组分阈值tray spacing板间距troubleshooting故障诊疗TBP (true boiling point)实沸点true component approach真切组分方法tube管子tube fins管翅tube layout管程部署tube side管程type种类Uunits-sets单位集unplaced blocks撤消搁置模块upper bound上限utility公用工程Utility-Var公用工程变量Vvaiable变量valve 阔门vapor fraction汽相分率variable变量variable explorer变量管理器view视图Wwait步长Wegstein wizard workbook韦格斯坦法导游工作表YY Axis variable Yyield产率轴变量XX Axis variable X轴变量Zzoom图像放大或许减小。



化工传热英文讲义-换热器(heatexchangers)Heat exchangers1.Classification:(a). According to flow arrangement(1). Parallel flow (co-current flow)(2). Counter flow (counter-current flow)(3). Cross flow(b). According to type of construction(1). Finned (mainly for gas/liquid systems), un-finned(2). Shell and tube (probably most commonly used), very flexible,relatively cheap, used athigh pressure(3). Plate heat exchangers (when cleaning is important, foodindustry, milk processing),only at low pressure(4). Spiral heat exchangers(5). Compact heat exchangersTypes of heat exchangers(1). Concentric tube heat exchanger(a)Parallel flow, (b) counter-flow. This kind of heat exchanger has low heat transfer rateand thus very limited applications.(2). Shell and tube heat exchangers-very common in liquid-liquid systems, also as condensers.One shell pass and one tube pass (cross-counterflow)One shell pass and two tube passesTwo shell passes and four tube passesCross flow heat exchangers:(a) (b)(a)Finned with both fluids unmixed, (b) un-finned with one fluid mixed and the other unmixed Compact heat exchanger(a) Fin-tube (flat tubes, continuous plate fins), (b) Fin-tube (circulartubes, continuous plate fins), (c) Fin-tube (circular tubes, circular fins),(d) plate-fin (single pass), (e) plate-fin (single pas).Large specific surface area > 700 m2 /m3 but laminar flow because ofsmall size of channels (low heat transfer coefficients).Overall heat transfer coefficient:Where:R f′′-fouling factor (additional thermal resistance)R w-thermal resistance in the wall separating hot and cold fluid (corresponding to conduction) depends on material and geometryηo-overall surface efficiency de fined q=ηo?A(T b?T∞)Typical values of fouling factor:Typical values of overall heat transfer coefficientsEnergy balance (for all types of heat exchangers)Heat load –net change of internal energy in hot and cold fluid:Subscript h – hot fluid, subscript c – cold fluidIf no phase change and specific heat is constant:Energy transfer from hot to cold fluid:In general T h and T c vary along heat transfer surface.In engineering applications the driving force for the heat transfer is expressed in terms of inlet and outlet temperatures and:F- correction factor for non-parallel flowsEnergy balance:This form of energy balance is always used in engineering calculations and designing of heat exchagersCalculations based on log mean temperature differenceParallel flowCounter flowSpecial operating conditionsTemperature distribution depends on thermal capacity of hot C?=m??c p,? and cold C?=m??c p,c fluid.During boiling/ condensation of a single component fluid/ vapour the temperature is constant assuming.For equal thermal capacities of both fluid local temperature difference is constant.Multi-pass and cross flow heat exchangersThe flow conditions can be more complex but the equations developedfor parallel flow heat exchangers can still be used but log meantemperature difference has to be modified:Calculate the driving force for counter current flow and multiply bycorrection factor F (depends on inlet and outlet temperatures and flowpattern) taken from the literature/graphs.Correction factor for two shells and four passes heat exchanger.Correction factor for cross flow heat exchanger with both fluids unmixed.Calculations based on effectiveness –NTU (number of transfer units) methodIf all inlet and outlet temperatures are given the Log MeanTemperature Difference method is recommended, but if only inlettemperatures are given (typical design problem) use of LMTD requiresiterative procedure.In such cases effectiveness-NTU method is better.Effectiveness of heat exchanger is defined as the ratio of actual heattransfer rate to the maximum possible heat transfer rate:Heat transfer rate can be easily calculated if ε, T h,i and T c,i are known as the actual heat transfer rate can be calculated from:Specific relations between NTU and ε depend on the type of heatexchanger and are given in the literature:For concentric tube, counterflow heat exchanger:For other types of heat exchangers algebraic relation are more complex and graphs are commonly used.Effectiveness of single pass, cross-flow heat exchanger with both fluidsun-mixed.SummaryA. The nature of the whole process for which heat exchanger is designedfrequently determines its type:a) hygiene/cleanliness is important (food industry) –plate heat exchanger,b) When process is carried out at high pressure – shell and tube,c) When space is limited – compact heat exchanger,d) Cost is also a major factor, shell and tube exchangers are cheap, plateor compact exchangers are expensive.B. If the inlet and outlet temperatures and mass flow rate of fluid (A) andthe inlet temperature of fluid (B) are known LMTD is recommended.1. Calculate heat load from energy balance for fluid (A)2. Assume flow rate and inlet temperature of fluid (B) and calculateoutlet temperature of fluid (B), or assume outlet temperature of fluid (B)(often temperature constrains) and calculate flow rate from energybalance for fluids (A) and (B).3. Draw the temperature distributions and calculate driving force4. Calculate heat transfer coefficients5. Calculate overall heat transfer coefficient (see methodology above)6. Calculate the heat transfer areaC. Alternatively (if not all temperatures are given) effectiveness-NTUmethod can be used.。

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