《The Laughing Heart》 by Charles Bukowski




出自罗伯特·彭斯《一朵红红的玫瑰》英文Once upon a time, in a small village nestled amidst rolling hills, there lived a young girl named Rose. Rose was known for her vibrant red hair, which matched her fiery personality. She possessed a unique charm that captivated everyone she met. This is the story of Rose and her extraordinary journey.From a young age, Rose had a deep love for nature. She would spend hours exploring the lush forests surrounding her village, marveling at the beauty of the flowers and trees. Her favorite spot was a hidden meadow filled with blooming roses of all colors. Amongst the sea of flowers, one particular rose always caught her eye a stunning red rose that seemed to radiate with life.One day, as Rose was admiring her favorite red rose, she noticed a tiny creature perched on one of its petals. It was a delicate fairy with translucent wings, shimmering in the sunlight. The fairy introduced herself as Lily and explained that she was the guardian of the red rose. She told Rose that the red rose possessed a magical power that could bring happiness and love to anyone who truly believed in its magic.Intrigued by this revelation, Rose made a promise to herself that she would protect the red rose and share its magic with the world. She dedicated her days to learning about the rose's power and how to harness it. With Lily's guidance, Rose discovered that the key to unlocking the rose's magic lay within her own heart.As Rose grew older, she became a renowned healer in her village. People would come from far and wide seeking her assistance, as they believed in the power of the red rose. Rose would use the petals of the rose to create healing potions and ointments, bringing relief to those in need. She also shared the rose's magic through her kind words and compassionate actions, spreading love and joy wherever she went.Word of Rose's incredible abilities reached the ears of the kingdom's ruler, King Edward. Intrigued by the tales of the red rose's magic, he summoned Rose to his palace.Upon meeting her, the king was immediately captivated by her beauty and grace. He asked Rose to become his royal healer, promising to protect the red rose and its magic.Rose accepted the king's offer, but on one condition that the red rose be accessible to all, not just the royal family. King Edward agreed, recognizing the importance of sharing the rose's magic with the entire kingdom. From that day forward, the red rose became a symbol of hope, love, and unity for all the people.As the years passed, Rose continued to use the red rose's magic to heal and bring happiness to others. She became a beloved figure in the kingdom, known as the "Rose of Love." Her legacy lived on even after her passing, as the red rose continued to bloom in the meadow, reminding everyone of the power of love and the magic that lies within.And so, the story of Rose and the red rose became a timeless tale, inspiring generations to believe in the extraordinary power of love. It serves as a reminder that within each of us lies the ability to bring happiness and healing to the world, just like the red rose that forever blooms in the meadow.。

flashback 文学作品举例外国

flashback 文学作品举例外国

flashback 文学作品举例外国以下是符合要求的十本外国文学作品,它们都以flashback(回溯)为题材,通过向后跳跃来揭示故事的细节和背景。

1.《时间旅行者的妻子》(The Time Traveler's Wife)- 奥黛丽·尼芬格这本小说讲述了亨利和克莱尔的爱情故事,亨利患有一种罕见的遗传疾病,使他无法控制自己的时间旅行。


2.《追忆似水年华》(Remembrance of Things Past)- 马塞尔·普鲁斯特这部七卷长篇小说是普鲁斯特的代表作,通过主人公的回忆和回溯,揭示了他对过去的记忆和对人际关系的思考。


3.《雾都孤儿》(Oliver Twist)- 查尔斯·狄更斯这部经典小说通过主人公奥利弗·特威斯特的回忆和回溯,揭示了他在伦敦贫民窟中的艰辛生活。


4.《了不起的盖茨比》(The Great Gatsby)- F·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德这本小说以回忆的形式叙述了主人公尼克·卡拉威的亲身经历,他回忆起在上世纪20年代纽约的盖茨比派对上所见所闻。


5.《盗梦空间》(Inception)- 克里斯托弗·诺兰这是一部以科幻和悬疑为主题的电影剧本,通过回溯和梦境的概念,讲述了一群盗梦者在潜入他人梦境中执行任务的故事。


6.《追忆似水年华》(Requiem for a Dream)- 赫伯特·塞尔比这本小说通过回溯和闪回的手法,讲述了四个主人公在药物滥用和犯罪的阴影下逐渐堕落的故事。



The laughing heartIf I pick up a poem,this one definitely can be a symbol of my life faith——’The laughing heart’.It was written by Charles Bukowski,it reads like a song which always encourages people to keep fighting up against obstructors we will meet.‘ Life is your life ,don’t let it be clubbed into dark submission.Be on watch, there ways out,there is a light somewhere, it may not much light but it beats the darkness’.This sentence can perfectly describe the movie I just watched——’The Martian’.It is a story about an astronaut how to rescue himself when finding himself left alone on Mars.You can’t imagine how much pressure he endured,not enough food,water,oxygen and many other basic conditions of human survival.But he survived successfully by his knowledge and more important factor——persistance.He met lots of difficulties,but he never gave up his hope.It is also the theme of the poem,even you are driven to the last ditch,you need fight to keep the light of hope.‘Be on watch,the gods will offer you chances,then know them,take them.’We all know we can not beat death but we can beat death in life,sometimes.Our life is the same with a movie in essence,the difference is just the length of time.So why we can’t act like what the actors do in those movie?Keep moving,keep fighting,believe you are marvelous, the gods also wait to delight in you.They said people who look up to sky wheel is looking up to their happiness.Happiness may be hundreds miles high away from you,but if you stopped looking for your happiness,you won’t get any chance to hold it in your own hands.I love the poem because it offers chances to me to preserve my hope,my faith to battles with those enemies,though they are strong,they are scaring,they can make us live in darkness.the poem tells me there is still a light somewhere,it is waiting for me,I need to continue to walk to find it.May be it will last a long time,so in this process tiredness will always follow you, when you are in doubt ,please just take the next small step.If you do this,it will be enough for you to.In the Orient young bulls are tested for the fight arena in a certain manner.Each is brought to the ring and allowed to attack a picador who pricks them with a lance.The bravery of each bull is then rated with care according to the number of times he demonstrates his willingness to charge in spiteof the sting of the blade.This story is also a example of insistance.If we never give up the hope to get the light in darkness,your life will be your life。








中文名:卡森·麦卡勒斯外文名:Carson McCullers出生地:乔治亚州府哥伦布出生日期:1917年2月19日逝世日期:1967年9月29日职业:作家毕业院校:哥伦比亚大学主要成就:20世纪美国最重要的作家之一代表作品:《心是孤独的猎手》,《黄金眼睛的映象》展开编辑本段生平经历1917年2月19日出生于乔治亚州府哥伦布,是一个珠宝店主的女儿,娘家姓史密斯,原名露拉·卡森·史密斯,她在13岁时就把名字中令人尴尬的露拉去掉了。












1.乔伊斯(James Joyce)爱尔兰《尤里西斯》(Ulysses)19222.费兹杰罗(F. S. Fitzgerald)美国《了不起的盖茨比》(The Great Gatsby)19253.乔伊斯(James Joyce)爱尔兰《青年艺术家的画像》(A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man)19164.纳博科夫(Vladimir Nabokov)俄裔美籍《洛莉塔》(Lolita)19555.赫胥黎(Aldous Huxley)英国《美丽新世界》(Brave New World)19326.福克纳(William Faulkner)美国《喧哗与骚动》(The Sound and Fury)19297.海勒(Joseph Heller)美国《第22条军规》(Catch-22)19618.柯斯勒(Arthur Koestler)匈牙利《中午的黑暗》(Darkness at Noon)19419.劳伦斯(D. H. Lawrence)英国《儿子与情人》(Sons and Lover)191310.史坦贝克(John Steinbeck)美国《愤怒的葡萄》(The Grapes of Wrath)193911.劳瑞(Malcolm Lowry)英国《在火山下》(Under the Volcano)194712.巴特勒(Samuel Butler)英国《众生之路》(The Way of All Flesh)190313.奥威尔(George Orwell)英国《一九八四》(1984)194914.格雷夫斯(Robert Graves)英国《我,克劳狄》(I, Claudius)193415.沃尔夫(Virginia Woolf)英国《到灯塔去》(To the Lighthouse)192716.德莱塞(Theodore Dreiser)美国《美国悲剧》(An American Tragedy)192517.麦卡勒斯(Carson McCullers)美国《心是孤独的猎手》(The Heart Is a Lonely Heart)194018.冯内古特(Kurt Vonnegut)美国《第五号屠宰场》(Slaughterhouse-Five)196919.埃里森(Ralph Ellison)美国《隐形人》(Invisible Man)195220.赖特(Richard Wright)美国《土生子》(Native Son)194021.贝娄(Saul Bellow)美国《雨王亨德森》(Henderson the Rain King)195922.奥哈拉(John O"Hara)美国《在萨马拉的会合》(Appointment in Samarra)193423.多斯帕索斯(John Dos Passos)美国《美国》(U. S. A.)193624.安德生(Sherwood Anderson)美国《小城故事》(Winesburg, Ohio)191925.福斯特(E. M. Forster)英国《印度之旅》(A Passage to India)192426.詹姆斯(Henry James)美国《鸽翼》(The Wings of the Dove)190227.詹姆斯(Henry James)美国《奉使记》(The Ambassadors)190328.费兹杰罗(F. S. Fitzgerald)美国《夜未央》(Tender Is the Night)193429.法雷尔(James T. Farrell)美国《「斯塔兹.朗尼根」叁部曲》(Studs Lonigan-trilogy)193530.福特(Ford Madox Ford)英国《好兵》(The Good Soldier)191531.奥威尔(George Orwell)英国《动物农庄》(Animal Farm)194532.詹姆斯(Henry James)美国《金碗》(The Golden Bowl)190433.德莱塞(Theodore Dreiser)美国《嘉莉妹妹》(Sister Carrie)190034.渥夫(Evelyn Waugh)英国《一掬尘土》(A Handful of Dust)193435.福克纳(William Faulkner)美国《当我弥留之际》(As I Lay Dying)193036.沃伦(Robert Penn Warren)美国《国王的人马》(All the King’s Men)194637.威尔德(Thornton Wilder)美国《圣路易·莱之桥》(The Bridge of SanLuis Rey)192738.福斯特(E. M. Forster)英国《此情可问天》(Howards End)191039.鲍德温(James Baldwin)美国《向苍天呼吁》(Go Tell It on the Mountain)195340.葛林(Graham Greene)英国《事情的真龘相》(The Heart of the Matter)194841.戈尔汀(William Golding)英国《苍蝇王》(Lord of the Flies)195442.迪基(James Dickey)美国《解救》(Deliverance)197043.鲍威尔(Anthony Powell)英国《与时代合拍的舞蹈》(A Dance to the Music of Time)197544.赫胥黎(Aldous Huxley)英国《针锋相对》(Point Counter Point)192845.海明威(Ernest Hemingway)美国《太阳照样升起》(The Sun Also Rise)192646.康拉德(Joseph Conrad)英国《特务》(The Secret Agent)190747.康拉德(Joseph Conrad)英国《诺斯特罗莫》(Nostromo)190448.劳伦斯(D. H. Lawrence)英国《彩虹》(Rainbow)191549.劳伦斯(D. H. Lawrence)英国《恋爱中的女人》(Women in Love)192050.米勒(Henry Miller)美国《北回归线》(Tropic of Cancer)193451.梅勒(Norman Mailer)美国《裸者和死者》(The Naked and Dead)194852.罗斯(Philp Roth)美国《波特诺伊的抱怨》(Portnoy"s Complaint)196953.纳博科夫(Vladimir Nabokov)俄裔美籍《苍白的火》(Pale Fire)196254.福克纳(William Faulkner)美国《八月之光》(Light in August)193255.凯鲁亚克(Jack Kerouac)美国《在路上》(On the Road)195756.汉密特(Dashiell Hammett)美国《马尔他之鹰》(The Maltese Falcon)193057.福特(Ford Madox Ford)英国《行进的目的》(Parade’s End)192858.华顿(Edith Wharton)美国《纯真年代》(The Age of Innocence)192059.毕尔邦(Max Beerbohm)英国《朱莱卡.多卜生》(Zuleika Dobson)191160.柏西(Walker Percy)美国《热爱电影的人》(The Moviegoer)196161.凯赛(Willa Cather)美国《总主教之死》(Death Comes to Archbishop)192762.锺斯(James Jones)美国《乱世忠魂》(From Here to Eternity)195163.奇佛(John Cheever)美国《丰普肖特纪事》(The Wapshot Chronicles)195764.沙林杰(J. D. Salinger)美国《麦田里的守望者》(The Catcher in the Rye)195165.柏基斯(Anthony Burgess)英国《发条橙》(A Clockwork Orange)196266.毛姆(W. Somerset Maugham)英国《人性枷锁》(Of Human Bondage)191567.康拉德(Joseph Conrad)英国《黑暗之心》(Heart of Darkness)190268.刘易斯(Sinclair Lewis)美国《大街》(Main Street)192069.华顿(Edith Wharton)美国《欢乐之家》(The House of Mirth)190570.达雷尔(Lawrence Durrell)英国《亚历山大四部曲》(The Alexandraia Quartet)196071.休斯(Richard Hughes)英国《牙买加的风》(A High Wind in Jamaica)192972.耐波耳(V. S. Naipaul)千里达《毕斯瓦思先生之屋》(A House for Mr. Biswas)196173.威斯特(Nathaniel West)美国《蝗虫的日子》(The Day of the Locust)193974.海明威(Ernest Hemingway)美国《永别了,武器》(A Farewell to Arms)192975.渥夫(Evelyn Waugh)英国《独家新闻》(Scoop)193876.丝帕克(Muriel Spark)英国《琼.布罗迪小姐的青春》(The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie)196177.乔伊斯(James Joyce)爱尔兰《为芬尼根守灵》(Finnegans Wake)193978.吉卜林(Rudyard Kipling)英国《金姆》(Kim)190179.福斯特(E. M. Forster)英国《窗外有蓝天》(A Room with a View)190880.渥夫(Evelyn Waugh)英国《梦断白庄》(Bride Shead Revisited)194581.贝娄(Saul Bellow)美国《奥吉·马奇正传》(The Adventures of Augie March)197182.史达格纳(Wallace Stegner)美国《安眠的天使》(Angle of Repose)197183.耐波耳(V. S. Naipaul)千里达《河曲》(A Bend in the River)197984.鲍恩(Elizabeth Bowen)英国《心之死》(The Death of the Heart)193885.康拉德(Joseph Conrad)英国《吉姆爷》(Lord Jim)190086.达特罗(E. L. Doctorow)美国《拉格泰姆》(Ragtime)197587.贝内特(Arnold Bennett)英国《老妇人的故事》(The Old Wives" Tale)190888.伦敦(Jack London)英国《野性的呼唤》(The Call of the Wild)190389.格林(Henry Green)英国《爱》(Loving)194590.鲁西迪(Salman Rushdie)(印裔英籍)《午夜的孩子们》(Midnight’s Children)198191.考德威尔(Erskine Caldwell)美国《菸草路》(Tobacco Road)193292.甘耐第(William Kennedy)美国《紫苑草》(Ironweed)198393.佛勒斯(John Fowles)英国《占星家》(The Magus)196694.里丝(Jean Rhys)英国《辽阔的藻海》(Wide Sargasso)196695.默多克(Iris Murdoch)英国《在网下》(Under the Net)195496.斯泰伦(William Styron)美国《苏菲的抉择》(Sophie’s Choice)197997.鲍尔斯(Paul Bowles)美国《遮蔽的天空》(The Sheltering Sky)194998.凯恩(James M. Cain)美国《邮差总按两次铃》(The Postman Always Rings Twice)193499.唐利维(J. P. Donleavy)美国《眼线》(The Ginger Man)1955100.塔金顿(Booth Tarkington)美国《伟大的安伯森斯》(The Magnificent Ambersons)1918。



英⽂写作翻译频道为⼤家整理的英⽂翻译经典译⽂:⽆情美⼈回旋曲,供⼤家学习参考:)经典译⽂诗歌:⽆情美⼈回旋曲 杰弗⾥·乔叟 你的⼀双⼤眼确能夺命, 那种美丽定会勾魂; 直刺我的⼼脏,留下深深的伤痕。

唯有你的话语能医治我受伤的⼼, 我的伤⼝还在鲜⾎淋淋—— 你的⼀双⼤眼确能夺命, 那种美丽定会勾魂。

坦诚相告,请你相信, 对你这⼥王我⽣死不渝,⼀⽚忠贞; 唯有⼀死才能显⽰清纯。

你的⼀双⼤眼确能夺命, 那种美丽定会勾魂; 直刺我的⼼脏,留下深深的伤痕。

Rondel of Merciless Beauty Geoffrey Chaucer Your two great eyes will slay me suddenly; Their beauty shakes me who was once serene; Straight through my heart the wound is quick and keen. Only your word will heal the injury To my hurt heart, while yet the wound is clean - Your two great eyes will slay me suddenly; Their beauty shakes me who was once serene. Upon my word, I tell you faithfully Through life and after death you are my queen; For with my death the whole truth shall be seen. Your two great eyes will slay me suddenly; Their beauty shakes me who was once serene; Straight through my heart the wound is quick and keen.。









Steven 本人也对剧本的改编感到很满意,摩根弗里曼也表示这是他最喜欢的电影。



“Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free.”人生最致命的,是心狱,心的枷锁,是自我囚禁、不敢相信自由,是在强权下恐惧自由。


”剧情人物简介银行家,安迪·杜弗雷(Andy Dufresne),(饰)“正常情况下会是一位体面的、可靠的公民;没有危险,甚至还有些温顺。












1、《热情似火》Some Like It Hot 1959“没有人是完美的,但这并不是说电影不能”▲ 比利·怀尔德《热情似火》(Some Like It Hot, 1959)位列榜首的是一部基调轻松的喜剧片《热情似火》,导演比利·怀尔德是波兰裔犹太人,1933年辗转到达好莱坞后,职业生涯共收获6座奥斯卡小金人,为黄金时代的好莱坞做出了很大贡献。





”一个面无表情的抱怨者,总是漫不经心地进行俏皮的讽刺,比利·怀尔德把1959 年的反串喜剧中甜蜜、顽皮、疯狂的颠覆性本能结合在一起。






十本最浪漫的文学作品展现真挚爱情的浪漫故事总是能俘获各个年龄段读者的心,眼看2013年情人节日益临近,在这样的时刻,我们盘点汇总了广受推荐的10本最浪漫的文学作品,与大家共享这甜蜜的精神食粮,也祝福天下有情人终成眷属!1.《仲夏夜之梦》A Midsummer Night's Dream威廉·莎士比亚 by William ShakespeareRomantic play and mischief abounds in this classic comic romp.2.《日瓦戈医生》 Doctor Zhivago帕斯捷尔纳克 by Boris PasternakA physician poet is torn between two women in this epic tale set during the Russian Revolution.3.《隐之书》Possession贝雅特 by Byatt, A. SIn this romantic mystery, two scholars investigate the private lives of two Victorian writers4.《巧克力情人》Like Water For Chocolate劳拉•埃斯基韦尔 by Laura EzequielA wistful Tita finds solace and passionate expression through cooking.5.《霍乱时期的爱情》Love in the Time of Cholera加西亚•马尔克斯by Gabriel García MárquezTrue love is patient. Spanning 50 years, this beautifully told novel is chock-full of passion and romance.6.《艺妓回忆录》Memoirs of a Geisha阿瑟-高顿by Arthur GoldenThis captivating story set in Kyoto, Japan, chronicles a young woman's development as a geisha.7.《长日将尽》The Remains of the Day石黑一雄by Kazuo IshiguroAn aging English butler reflects on a life of missed opportunities in this haunting, understated novel.8.《时间旅行者的妻子》The Time Traveler's Wife奥德丽·尼芬格by Audrey NiffeneggerThis spellbinding story chronicles the relationship between a librarian with a rare genetic disease and his artist wife.9.《了不起的盖茨比》The Great Gatsby弗.司各特.菲茨杰拉德by F. Scott FitzgeraldCapturing the essence of the Jazz Age, grand American classic tells a tragic story of unrequited love.10.《情人》The Lover杜拉斯by Marguerite DurasA French teenage girl's affair with an older Chinese man is the subject of this lyrical autobiographical novel set in 1930s Indochina.。



近年来获奖的英语文学作品1. 小说类作品:2019年,《女仆的故事》(The Handmaid's Tale) 作者,玛格丽特·阿特伍德 (Margaret Atwood) 获得了布克奖 (Booker Prize)。

2018年,《普拉达穿不烂》(Less) 作者,安德鲁·肖恩·格里尔 (Andrew Sean Greer) 获得了普利策奖 (Pulitzer Prize)。

2017年,《林肯在巴多斯》(Lincoln in the Bardo) 作者,乔治·桑德斯 (George Saunders) 获得了布克奖 (Booker Prize)。

2. 非小说类作品:2019年,《知识就是力量》(The Fifth Risk) 作者,迈克尔·刘易斯 (Michael Lewis) 获得了美国国家图书奖 (National Book Award)。

2018年,《罗斯福家族》(The Bully Pulpit) 作者,戴茨·史蒂文森 (Doris Kearns Goodwin) 获得了普利策奖(Pulitzer Prize)。

2017年,《一切皆有可能》(The Impossible Climb) 作者,马克·西尼特 (Mark Synnott) 获得了班克罗夫特奖 (Banff Mountain Book Competition)。

3. 诗歌类作品:2019年,《美国之歌》(American Sonnets for My Past and Future Assassin) 作者,特蕾西·K·史密斯 (Terrance Hayes) 获得了国家图书奖 (National Book Award)。

2018年,《半个世纪的诗》(Half-Light: Collected Poems 1965-2016) 作者,弗兰克·比德尔曼 (Frank Bidart) 获得了普利策奖 (Pulitzer Prize)。


































Oliver Twist 《雾独孤儿》—Charles Dickens 查理斯·狄更斯The novel tells the miserable story of an orphan boy in London called Oliver Twist. Oliver Twist is born in a workhouse with unknown parentage and brought up under the tyrannous parish beadle Bumble. After serving an unhappy apprenticeship to an undertaker, he run away to London, where he falls into the hands of a gang of thieves who make every effort to convert Oliver into a thief. Then Oliver is rescued by the benevolent, rich Mr. Brownlow, but the thieves kidnap him again with the help of Monks, the half brother of Oliver. Then Oliver is made to participate in a burgling expedition, in the course of which he was shot wounded, and comes into the hands of Mrs. Maylie and her protégée Rose, by whom he is kindly treated. In order to seek all of the inheritance, Monks schemes to defame Oliver’s reputation by making him a thief. However, Nancy discovers his plot and reveals the truth to Rose. But Fagin, the head of the gang, discovered the action of Nancy and murders her after which the rest of the gang are arrested and Fagin executed. At last, Monks is compelled to disclose the truth and Oliver is adopted by Mr Brownlow.1.Wuthering Heights 《呼啸山庄》—Emily Bronte 艾米丽·勃朗台The novel tells a story of Heathcliff, a gipsy waif of unknown parentage, picked up by Mr. Earnshaw in the streets and brought up with his children in his house called Wuthering Heights. Heathcliff is treated well by Earnshaw, but when the old man dies, the young master Hindley bullies and insults him and makes him a slave. Heathcliff falls passionately in love with Catharine, Hindley’s sister, who loves him but thinks it would degrade her to marry him. Heathcliff, finding it impossible for him to marry Catharine, leaves Wuthering Heights. Three years later, he returns as a rich man. Although Catharine has been married Edgar Linton, he resumes his love-making to her, which brings her to death at the birth of her daughter Cathy. Then he starts his crazy revenge. He first marries his sister Isabella and treats her cruelly to revenge on Edgar Linton. In revenge for Hindley’s cruel treatment, he treats Hindley’s son Hareton brutally. He then forces Catharine’s daughter Cathy to marry his sickly son in order to seize the estate of the Lintons, which fails because of the death of his son. As an old man and haunted by the memory of Catharine, he finally realises the pointlessness of his revenge. At last he dies, and the two young lovers, Cathy and Hareton are united happily.2.Tess 《德伯家的苔丝》--Thomas Hardy 托马斯·哈代The novel tells the tragical life story of a beautiful country girl Tess Duebeyfield. Tess is the daughter of a poor villager. In her youth she is seduced by Alec D’Urbervilles, the son of a rich merchant who has bought his title into the class of gentry. Tess gives birth to an illegitimate child, thus scandalizing the narrow-minded people around her. So she leaves home and works at a distant farm as a dairymaid. There she meets Ange l Clare, a clergyman’s son, who falls in love with her. On their wedding night, Tess confesses to Angel the affair of Alec. Angel, himself a sinner who has had some affair with a bad woman, casts her off and leaves for Brazil. After that her father dies and her family are threatened with starvation, so Tess is driven to accept Alec’s protection and lives with him. Clare, returning from Brazil and repentant of his harshness to Tess, finds her in such a situation. Maddened by this second wrong that has been done her by Alec, she murders him in a fit of despair. After hiding with Clare in a forest for a short time, Tess falls into the claws of law. She is arrested, tried and hanged.3.Jane Eyre 《简爱》—Charlotte Bronte 夏洛特·勃朗台The novel tells the story of an orphan girl. Jane Eyre, the daughter of a poor parson, loses her parents shortly after birth. She lives at the household of her aunt, treated rudely by her aunt Mrs. Reed and her children. One day, unable to bear the ill-treatment any longer, Jane tells straight to her aunt what she thinks of her, which makes Mrs. Reed furious to send her to a charity school in Lowood. Maltreated by the authorities, Jane stays there for 8 long years. Then Jane gets a position of governess in the family of Mr. Rochester, a rich squire. Rochester falls in love with Jane, and she with him. They are about to be married when Jane breaks the engagement on the wedding day and flees away, learning that Mr. Rochester has a mad wife secretly locked in the house. After going through a lot of hardships on the moors, she is taken in and cared for by Rev. Rivers, who helps her get a job as teacher in a village school. Meanwhile, Mr. Rochester loses his sight during a fire set by his mad wife. Hearing that Mr. Rochester is penniless and disabled, Jane hurries to him and becomes his wife.The House of 1000 Mirrors千镜之屋Long ago in a small, faraway village, there was a place known as the House of 1000 Mirrors. A small, happy little dog learned of this place and decided to visit. When he arrived, he hounced happily up the stairs to the doorway of the house. He looked through the doorway with his ears lifted high and his tail wagging as fast as it could. To his great surprise, he found himself staring at 1000 other happy little dogs with their tails wagging just as fast as his. He smiled a great smile, and was answered with 1000 great smiles just as warm and firendly. As he left the House, he thought to himself, "This is a wonderful place. I will come back and visit it often."In this same village, another little dog, who was not quite as happy as the first one, decided to visit the house. He slowly climbed the stairs and hung his head low as he looked into the door. When he saw the 1000 unfriendly looking dogs staring back at him, he growled at them and was horrified to see 1000 little dogs growling back at him. As he left, he thought to himself, "That is a horrible place, and I will never go back there again."All the faces in the world are mirrors. What kind of reflections do you see in the faces of the people you meet?That man knows the future(知道未来的人)Nasreddin was cutting a branch of a tree in his garden. While he was sawing, another man passed in the street. He stopped and said, "Excuse me, but if you continue to saw that branch like that, you will fall down with it." He said this because Nasreddin was sitting on the branch and cutting it at a place between himself and the trunk of the tree.Nasreddin said nothing. He thought, "This is some foolish person who has no work to do and goes about telling other people what to do and what not to do."The man continued on his way.Of course, after a few minutes, the branch fell and Nasreddin fell with it."My God!" he cried. "That man knows the future!" and he ran after him to ask how long he was going to live. But the man had gone.One sunny day a rabbit came out of her hole in the ground to enjoy the fine weather. The day was so nice that she became careless and a fox snuck up behind her and caught her."I am going to eat you for lunch!" said the fox."Wait!" replied the rabbit."Oh yeah? Why should I wait?""Well, I am just finishing my thesis on 'The Superiority of Rabbits over Foxes and Wolves.'""Are you crazy? I should eat you right now! Everybody knows that a fox will always win over a rabbit.""Not according to my research. If you like, you can come into my hole and read it for yourself.""You really are crazy!" But since the fox was curious, he went with the rabbit. The fox never came out.A few days later the rabbit was again taking a break from writing and sure enough, a wolf came out of the bushes and was ready to set upon her."Wait!" yelled the rabbit, "you can't eat me right now.""And why might that be?""I am almost finished writing my thesis on 'The Superiority of Rabbits over Foxes and Wolves.'" The wolf laughed: "Maybe I shouldn't eat you; you really are sick ... in the head.""Come and read it for yourself; you can eat me afterward if you disagree with my conclusions."So the wolf went down into the rabbit's hole and never came out.The rabbit finished her thesis and was out celebrating in the local lettuce patch. Another rabbit came along and asked, "What's up? You seem very happy.""Yup, I just finished my thesis.""Congratulations. What's it about?""'The Superiority of Rabbits over Foxes and Wolves.'""Are you sure? That doesn't sound right.""Oh yes. Come and read it for yourself."So together they went down into the rabbit's hole. As they entered, the friend saw the typical graduate abode, albeit a rather messy one after writing a thesis. And to the right there was a pile of fox bones, on the left a pile of wolf bones. And in the middle was a large, well-fed lion, who was the rabbit's advisor.The moral of the story is: the title of your thesis doesn't matter; all that matters is who your advisor is.改编版中文译著:在一个充满阳光的午后,一只兔子从她的洞里出来享受大好天气。



圣诞颂歌英文读后感"圣诞颂歌"(A Christmas Carol)是英国作家查尔斯·狄更斯创作的一篇著名小说,也是圣诞节期间广受欢迎的文学作品之一。

以下是一篇关于该小说的英文读后感:"A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens: A ReviewCharles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" is a timeless classic that has touched the hearts of readers for generations. This story, which follows the transformation of Ebenezer Scrooge, a greedy and miserly old man, is a powerful reminder of the true meaning of Christmas and the importance of kindness, compassion, and human connection.The story begins on Christmas Eve, as Scrooge is visited by the ghost of his former business partner, Jacob Marley. Marley warns Scrooge that he will be visited by three ghosts, who will show him the error of his ways. The first ghost, the Ghost of Christmas Past, takes Scrooge on a journey through his childhood and youth, reminding him of the joys and innocence of his past. The second ghost, the Ghost of Christmas Present, shows Scrooge the happiness and love that exists among his poor clerk, Bob Cratchit, and his family, despite their meager circumstances. The final ghost, the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, reveals to Scrooge the consequences of his selfish behavior and the fate that awaits him if he does not change his ways.Throughout the story, Dickens uses vivid descriptions and memorable characters to bring the story to life. The ghosts are particularly effective, as they represent different aspects of Scrooge's personality and the lessons he needs to learn. Scrooge's transformation is also gradual and believable, as he begins to see the error of his ways and becomes a better person.One of the most powerful messages of "A Christmas Carol" is the importance of kindness and compassion. Scrooge learns that his selfish behavior has had a negative impact on those around him, and that by spreading joy and kindness, he can make a real difference in the world. This message is especially relevant during the Christmas season, when people are encouraged to think of others and spread cheer.Overall, "A Christmas Carol" is a heartwarming and inspiring story that reminds us of the true meaning of Christmas. It is a must-read for anyone who wants to experience the magic of the holiday season and to be reminded of the importance of kindness, compassion, and human connection.。



《圣诞颂歌》封面富有而冷漠无情,连乞丐都不愿向他讨要的自私透顶的吝啬鬼斯克鲁奇在圣诞夜被三个圣 诞精灵造访:“过去之灵”、“现在之灵”、“未来之灵”。“过去之灵”让他看到在孤单寂寞的童年生活中, 他的姐姐对他倍加关爱的情景,以及他当学徒时,仁慈善良的老板菲茨威格在圣诞之夜和大家一起开心跳舞,款 待员工的情形。于是他的心开始被软化,后悔自己对待雇员的态度,也对自己从一个贫穷却快乐的年轻人变成一 个富有却失去亲情的老板感到懊悔;“现在之灵”带他到他的一个属下家里的圣诞聚会上,那是一个拿着可怜薪 水的小职员,没有圣诞礼物,没有火鸡,可每个人脸上都洋溢着幸福的微笑;“未来之灵”让他看到在他衰老之 后病卧在床,连圣诞节也没有亲人朋友来看望的孤苦景象。于是,他开始重新思考生活的意义,才发现原来施与比 接受更快乐。这一切渐渐唤醒他人性的另一面——同情、仁慈、爱心及喜悦。瞬间,他那固有的自私及冷酷迅速 崩塌,消失殆尽,从此变成了一个乐善好施的人。于是在鬼魂拜访过的第二天早上,也就是圣诞节的早晨,雇员 鲍勃(Bob)上班迟到了,他原以为斯克鲁奇会生气的。可是相反,斯克鲁奇对他说,“我的好伙计,祝你圣诞快 乐!我要给你加薪,而且还要尽力去帮助你贫困的家庭。快点把火生着,再去买一个煤筐。”接着他又买了一只 特别大的火鸡叫人给鲍勃家送去。随后,他第一次去拜访了自己的外甥,在街上逢人便招呼道“圣诞快乐”,而 人们也都报以和善的微笑。斯克鲁奇平生第一次感到了真正的快乐。“他的心在笑”,从乐善好施中他真正体会 到了生活的乐趣。
狄更斯时年31岁,生有4个孩子,正处在事业的顶峰上。《匹克威克外传》(The Pickwick Papers)、 《雾都孤儿》(Oliver Twist)和 《尼古拉斯·尼可贝》(Nicholas Nickleby)这三本书颇受读者青睐,在 世界文坛上享有盛名。可是此时此刻,这位作家却陷于严重的困境之中。



2007年期末考试《英国文学史》复习资料文学体裁:诗歌poem,小说novel,戏剧drama Origin起源:Christianity 基督教→bible 圣经Myth 神话The Romance of king Arthur and his knights 亚瑟王和他的骑士(笔记)一、The Anglo—Saxon period (449—1066)1、这个时期的文学作品分类:pagan(异教徒) Christian(基督徒)2、代表作: The Song of Beowulf《贝奥武甫》( national epic 民族史诗)采用了隐喻手法3、Alliteration 押头韵(写作手法)例子:of man was the mildest and most beloved,To his kin the kindest,keenest for praise。

二、The Anglo-Norman period (1066—1350)Canto 诗章1、romance 传奇文学2、代表作:Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (高文爵士和绿衣骑士) 是一首押头韵的长诗三、Geoffrey Chaucer (1340—1400) 杰弗里.乔叟时期1、the father of English poetry 英国诗歌之父2、heroic couplet 英雄双韵体:a verse unit consisting of two rhymed(押韵)lines in iambic pentameter(五步抑扬格)3、代表作:the Canterbury Tales 坎特伯雷的故事(英国文学史的开端)大致内容:the pilgrims are people from various parts of England,representatives of various walks of life and social groups.朝圣者都是来自英国的各地的人,代表着社会的各个不同阶层和社会团体小说特点:each of the narrators tells his tale in a peculiar manner,thus revealing his own views and character.这些叙述者以自己特色的方式讲述自己的故事,无形中表明了各自的观点,展示了各自的性格。







《圣诞欢歌》A Christmas CarolThe end of the storyYes!and the bedpost was his own.The bed was his own,the room was his own.Best and happiest of all, the future was his own, to change his life in!‘I will remember the past,and think of the future,’repeated Scrooge,as he jumped out of bed.‘God bless you,Jacob Marley!And God bless Christmas!’In his excitement he found it difficult to speak.His face was still wet from crying.‘Here are my bed-curtains!’he cried delightedly.‘They aren't stolen! And I'm alive!Those were only shadows of things that may be!The future will be different!I know it will!’All this time his hands were busy,hurriedly putting on his clothes.He put his left foot in his right shoe,couldn't find the buttons on his shirt,and forgot to brush his hair.‘I don't know what I'm doing!’said Scrooge,laughing and crying at the same time.‘A merry Christmas to everybody!A happy new year to all the world!Hurrah! There's the door which Jacob's ghost came through!There's the corner where the ghostof Christmas Present sat!There's the window where I saw the travelling ghosts!It's all true,it all happened!Ha ha h a!’Really,for a man who hadn't laughed for so many years,it was an excellent laugh.The father of a long line of excellent laughs!‘I don't know what day of the month it is!’said Scrooge.‘I don't know how long I've been with the spirits!I don't know anything.I'm just like a baby.Never mind!I prefer being a baby!Hurrah!’Just then he heard the church bells ring out louder than he had ever heard before.Running to the window,he opened it and looked out.No fog at all,a clear,bright,cold day,golden sunlight,blue sky,sweet clean air,merry bells.Oh,wonderful!wonderful!‘What's today?’he cried,calling down to a boy in the street.‘Today?’replied the boy,in great surprise.‘Why,it's Christmas Day!’‘So I haven't missed it!’thought Scrooge.‘The spirits have done it all in one night!’He called down to the boy again,‘Hallo, young man!Do you know the meat shop at the corner of the next street? ’‘Of course I do,’replied the boy.‘What an intelligent boy!’said Scrooge.‘Do you know if they've sold the big turkey that was in the shop window yesterday?’‘What,the one as big as me?’asked the boy.‘What a delightful boy!’said Scrooge.‘It's wonderful talking to him.Yes,that's the one!’‘It's still there in the window,’said the boy.‘Is it?’said Scrooge.‘Well,go and buy it.’‘You don't mean it!’cried the by.‘I do,I do.I'm serious.Go and buy it,and tell the man to bring it back e back with the man and I'll give you a e back in less than five minutes and I'll give you three shillings!’The by went off like a bullet from a gun.‘I'll send the turkey to Bob Cratchit's! laughed Scrooge.‘He'll never know who's sent it!It's twice as big as Tiny Tim!Ha ha ha!’He went on laughing as he wrote Bob's address,gave it to the man with the turkey,and paid for a taxi,because the turkey was much too heavy to carry all the way to Camden T own.Now he finished dressing,and went out into the streets,wearing his best clothes.The town was full of happy,busy people,and Scrooge smiled at all of them.Three or four men said cheerfully to him,‘Good morning,sir! And a merry Christmas to you!’scrooge thought these were the best sounds that he had ever heard.As he was walking,he suddenly noticed one of the comfortable-looking gentlemen who had come to his office to ask for money for the poor.Scrooge went straight up to him,took the old gentleman by both hands,and said,‘My dear sir,how are you? A merry Christmas to you,sir!’‘Mr Scrooge?’asked the gentleman,surprised.‘Yes, that's my name.I'm very sorry for what I said to you when you visited me yesterday.Will you please—’and he spoke very quietly in the gentleman's ear.‘Good Heavens!’cried the gentleman.‘My dear Mr Scrooge,are you serious?’‘I am.Not a shilling less.I must tell you,I haven't given anything to anyone for years.’‘My dear sir!’said the gentleman,shaking hands with him.‘I don't know how to thank you for—’Don't say anything,please,’replied Scrooge.‘Will you come and see me tomorrow about it?’‘I will!’cried the old gentleman happily.‘Thank you,and God b less you!’said Scrooge.He went to church,and watched the people,and gave children money for sweets, and discovered that he had never been so happy in his life.In the afternoon he went to his nephew's house He passed the door several times before he was brave enough to knock.But at last he did it,and was taken into the sitting-room,where Fred and his pretty wife were waiting for their friends to arrive for dinner.‘Fred!’said Scrooge.‘It's your uncle Scrooge.I've come to dinner.Will you let me stay,Fred?’Let him stay!Fred almost shook his uncle's arm off.Scrooge felt at home in five minutes.Nothing could be merrier.And what a wonderful dinner they had!Wonderful party,wonderful games,wonderful happiness!But he was early at the office next morning.Oh,he was there early.He wanted to catch Bob Cratchit arriving late.And he did!The clock struck nine.No Bob.A quarter past.No Bob.He was eighteen and a half minutes late when he finally hurried in.Scrooge was sitting with his office door open.‘Hallo!’said Scrooge in his old,hard voice.‘What do you mean by coming here so late?’I'm very sorry,sir,said Bob.‘I am late.It's only once a year.We were rather merry yesterday,sir.’‘Now I'll tell you what,my friend,said Scrooge,‘I'm not going to have this any longer.And s o’,he continued, jumping off his chair and shaking Bob's hand,‘I'm going to pay you twice as much!’Bob's face went white.For a second or two he thought that Scrooge had gone crazy.‘A merry Christmas,Bob!’said Scrooge,and it was clear that he meant It.‘A merrier Christmas,Bob,than I've given you for a long time.I'm going to pay you well,and help you with your family,and we'll discuss it all this afternoon over a Christmas drink, Bob! Put more wood on the fire at once, Bob Cratchit,and let's be comfortable!’Scrooge did everything that he had promised,and more.To Tiny Tim,who did NOT die,he became a second father.He became as good a friend,employer and man,as anyone in London or in the world.Some people laughed to see the change in him,but he did not care.His own heart laughed inside him,and that was good enough for him.He never had any more conversations with spirits, but kept Christmas cheerfully,and lived a happy life.That is what all of us want, and so,as Tiny Tim said,‘God bless us,every one!’。



They ran across Timd, awarf
a red cap.
Knowing what they were going to do,Tim opened a door in the rockra. wThleedcthhirldoruegnh the open door and were in a large room full of dwarves.
black tears were runntihneg oLuotrodf his eyes and down his
of Tears
The man said he was
. And soon he would be the
of the world.
02 A Scar y Dream 单击此处添加正文
03 A Hopeful Dream 单击此处添加正文
Fill in the blanks with correct words
Sarah's Mom and Dad never smiled
However, Sarah and her friends Ben were always happy and cheerful
front of the Lord's face. B. Their music killed the Lord. C. A mysterious man helped them beat the Lord.
Complete the sentences Sarah's parents Mr Hewitt Other kids Mr Hewitt Was the journey all a dream? Can you guess why the story ended with Sarah and Ben's daily life?



大家好我是伊安·布朗Hello, I'm Ian Brown.欢迎收看TVOWelcome to TVO.一个美国人平均每年要吃约12磅巧克力The average American eats nearly 12 pounds of chocolate a year. 巧克力最初并非糖果That's a lot for a commodity that was never intended to be candy, 阿兹特克文明为14-16世纪的墨西哥古文明曾改良可可饮料而是作为阿兹特克勇士的运动饮料出道which started out, basically,因此这一消费量相当可观as Gatorade for Aztec warriors.而这不过是今晚节目要说的巧克力故事中And those are just a few details from the story of chocolate,一点小逸事told from four completely different points of view,今晚节目中导演迈克尔·阿尔科克将从四个视角in tonight's Semi-sweet: Life in Chocolate,讲述巧克力的故事by director, Michael Alcock.阿尔科克去了科特迪瓦共和国[位于西非]Alcock travels to Cote d'ivoire,该国的可可种植园多使用童工where half the world's chocolate is produced,全球半数巧克力都产自此地on what are, often, child labour plantations.随后他到达宾夕法尼亚的好时镇Then he visits Hershey, Pennsylvania,好时美国最大的巧克力制♥造♥商也是最早的巧克力制♥造♥商这个另类的巧克力工厂小镇the wonky chocolate factory town,自诩为地球上最幸福的地方that likes to think of itself as the happiest place on earth.他还在巴黎见到了一位古怪的巧克力大♥师♥He meets a master chocolatier in Paris, who is definitely eccentric, 但居住在安大略省哈利伯顿县的but nowhere near as wild as the couple一对夫妻却更为大胆出格he meets in Haliburton, Ontario,他们用未加工的可可制♥作♥巧克力who manufacture fine chocolate from raw cacao,且相信巧克力无所不能and who believe it will produce everything能激发内心喜悦更能促进星际和平from inner bliss to inter-stellar peace,这可不是开玩笑and I'm not kidding.他们是加拿大营销大♥师♥ 不可以常理度之They're master marketers and Canadian, who knew.每个故事都引人入胜回味无穷It's all quite deliciously fascinating.下次你无限渴望巧克力时Now, the next time you crave chocolate,可以边吃边思考自己吃的是什么you can think about what you're eating, as you eat it.多美好Sweet.苦甜参半巧克力人生法国巴黎我年轻时曾梦想成为摩托车手帕特里克如果拐弯时车速不够快就会翻车制♥作♥巧克力也是如此如果动作慢了巧克力就无法成形两者的原理非常相似制♥作♥巧克力必须掌握好温度和节奏有些步骤要慢工出细活有些则须一气呵成你必须分寸拿捏恰当帕特里克2000年当选法国第一巧克力制♥造♥商近百年来仅18人获此殊荣获得全法第一的称号♥固然好这是肯定的但接下来你得保持这种优势我生而热爱速度如今我把这一腔激♥情♥投入了巧克力事业安大略省哈利伯顿县我们崇尚道法自然We understand the world as the way it is.正因为如此And because the world is the way it is我们选择了现在的生活that's why we choose the way we live.我和罗恩烹饪食物When Ron and I got together就像在施展魔法一样there was such an alchemy in the kitchen.一天罗恩开始关注全球的温饱问题And he started talking about feeding the world.还有香草豆And the vanilla beans.这是糖浆Here's... here's the syrup.香草豆放哪儿去了We have the vanilla beans somewhere.好的Okay.把这个擦一擦Let's give this a wipe.里面有东西There's some kind of thing in here.罗恩和纳丁准备好了吗Okay, we ready?准备好了你来磨可可豆Yeah. You can grind up some cacao.好的Okay.罗恩夫妇和古阿兹特克人一样用未经加工的可豆制♥作♥巧克力这些就是可可So, this right here is the cacao.这是一颗完整的可可豆This is a whole bean, right here.它就是黑巧克力的原料And that is dark chocolate.可可去皮就是黑巧克力That is the cacao right out of the skin.取一些这种可可豆Okay, so then I take a bunch of these beans, just to...把它们磨碎Now I'm grinding this away.现在就能闻到巧克力的香气了And you can start to smell the scent of the chocolate.他们把对无加工巧克力的热爱投入了蒸蒸日上的事业中不停地磨And it keeps going, keeps grinding.直到磨成It keeps grinding until you end up with something粉末状kind of like a powder.我们致力于制♥造♥一种纯手工食品Our desire was really to create a food that wasn't manufactured. 进行混合You just kind of mix it up.其它生产商将可可豆提纯Other commercial chocolate is refining the bean加入调料和白糖并进行烘焙and then adding these other solids and sugars and then cooking it 这就破坏了可可的全部精髓and basically killing the whole essence of the thing.这样就做出了真正的巧克力And what you end up with here is the actual chocolate.一整块都拿去吧Go ahead, have the plate.都是我们里弗的It's all yours. All for Leif.巧克力好吃吗里弗There you go. How's that chocolate, Leif?我们的巧克力富含适应原药草Our chocolate is filled with adaptogenic herbs适应原药草能增强抵抗力使病变趋于正常人参红景天冬虫夏草都是常见的适应原光吃这个应该就能存活and I think you could live on that alone -当然还得喝水with some water of course.他叫里弗·阿蒂米斯This is Leif Artemis.是我们的宝贝儿子He's our little boy.他是靠吃巧克力长大的And he came through on the chocolate.一点不假Like, fully.他学会的第一个词是可可Like he... the first word he said was cacao.亚马逊等地的萨满巫师In the Amazon and stuff like that and the shamans,在进行仪式时you know, when they were preparing their concoctions, 会唱特定的圣歌♥they'd sing specific chants.这是一种关于世间万物都是发展变化It's the belief that everything is vibration且相互联♥系♥的信仰and that everything is connected.这是"香草神力"This one is "Vanilla Vibhutti".什么是神力罗恩And what's Vibhutti, Ron?当瑜伽士或圣人Vabhutti is like when a yogi or a saint修行到一定境界时reaches a certain state of enlightenment,他们的天眼会产生神力they produce something out of their third eye.-也可能从手中产生 -没错- Or their hand. - Or their hand.这一块叫做"紫色基♥督♥"This is "Purple Chocolate Jesus".是的它很有意思Yes. This is a funny bar.有劳了里弗Thank you Leif.可可之魂重现人间"Holy Cacao, the Second Coming of chocolate is now."这一块叫做"福佑至此"We've got "Bliss Like This".福佑至此"Bliss Like This -请尽情享乐abandon to play all day."可可绝对有这个能耐And cacao will definitely do that for you.全世界近一半的可可产自西非的科特迪瓦种植园工人♥大♥多来自马里和布基纳法索等更为贫困的邻国其中童工数量接近20万一些童工年仅6岁他们为赚钱来到科特迪瓦诺夫制砖工我去科特迪瓦是为了赚钱好帮父亲经营田地如果还有盈余我们就一起开间小店通常是种植园招工头鼓动孩子们离开家乡马莫托渔夫有人给我介绍了份可可园的工作说一年能挣十万非洲法郎[约合1200元人♥民♥币] 有个人来到我们村子说能让我们去科特迪瓦打工那里能赚大钱他承诺会打点好一切出行事宜帮助我们安全到达阿瓦和尼雅国内劳工每年有上千孩童外出打工返还家乡的却寥寥无几可可大道巧克力大道宾夕法尼亚州好时镇欢迎来到好时镇世界上最甜蜜的地方好时镇拥有北美最大的巧克力公♥司♥ 同时也是美国的热门景区我们的招牌就是Our tag line is世界上最甜蜜的地方"Hershey, the sweetest place on earth",人们自然会联想到and I think people naturally jump to the这儿生产巧克力"Oh it's where they make the chocolate,空气里弥漫着巧克力的香气you can smell the chocolate in the air."好时公园但在这里But, that "sweetest place on earth" concept好时甜蜜的不仅仅是巧克力isn't just about chocolate.甜蜜还是当地人的生活态度It's about the attitude of the people here;是你置身于此的感受it's about how you feel when you're here.这里到处都洋溢着欢乐的气息It really is a place that is absolutely happy.我是明迪·比安卡My name is Mindy Bianca,任职于好时公♥司♥and I'm the public relations director是其下属娱乐和度假村的for Hershey Entertainment and Resort,公♥关♥部主管which is one of the Hershey entities.我们新增了一些娱乐设施We've added several new attractions,包括一个综合户外游乐园an entire outdoor recreation complex,一个全年开放的溜冰场a year-round ice-skating rink,主题公园内新建了水上乐园we have an entire water area in our theme park now, 还有过山车a new rollercoaster,各式餐馆层出不穷new restaurants popping up all the time.2007年新增了一个高尔夫球场We acquired a new golf course in 2007目前共有四个高尔夫球场and so now we have four golf courses.小镇的发展日新月异So it's just change is constant and very positive. 1903年米尔顿·好时在一块空地上着手修建巧克力工厂他还在工厂附近为员工建了一座小镇好时好时先生希望这座小镇成为全球小镇的典范好时牛奶巧克力这是我在好时镇的家This is my home here in Hershey.这条街是镇上最古老的几条街道之一It's actually one of the first streets built in Hershey.好时熊镇上很多居民都是在这里长大的A lot of people in Hershey have grown up here,搬走的人不多and not many people move away因为这座小镇的确美妙至极cause of such a wonderful town it is.乔纳森我年轻时参加过多项体育运动When I was younger, I was involved in many sports. 《春天不是读书天》[讲述叛逆青年的电影]总是换来换去没有定性I was constantly going from one sport to the other.我心里明白不可能凭借体育特长I kind of understood going into college that, you know, 进入大学sports wasn't going to be my forte.现在我是好时酒店的Nowadays I'm an assistant front office manager前厅部副经理at the Hotel Hershey.四年多的时间里I've worked here a little over four years,我一直在前厅部工作all in the front office role.我的曾祖父14岁起My great grandfather actually started就一直为好时公♥司♥工作when he was fourteen years old working for the Hershey Company. 祖父则是在战争期间My grandfather actually delivered milk用马车为公♥司♥送牛奶during the war via horse and buggy.父亲也在工厂里担任过很多职务And my father had many jobs working in the factory.现在我跟随他们的脚步And now I'm continuing that legacy继续在好时酒店打拼working up at the Hotel Hershey.一旦被批量生产When anything is mass-produced,商品就会失去人情味a human touch gets lost.我们制♥作♥的巧克力独一无二No one out there is making the chocolate that we're doing.所以对我们来说So, as far as I'm concerned,根本不存在竞争对手the competition doesn't even exist for us.我们已经六七年没看过电影了We haven't seen a movie in like six, seven years.这不算什么To us it's normal,因为我们完全醉心于现在的事业because we're so passionate about what we're doing.我想一定有人将我们的成功While I imagine somebody could encapsulate归结为高明的营销手段that we have a marketing program,其实我们靠的是良好的口碑we really are very word of mouth.我们的产品有放在商店贩卖♥♥We have stores that we ship out to,同时也接受了很多网络个人订单a lot of private orders from people shop online.伍迪·哈里森非常爱吃我们的巧克力We have Woody Harrelson who loves the chocolate a lot.演员代表作《天生杀人狂》斯汀Sting.英国著名摇滚歌♥手代表作《Shape of my heart》艾拉妮丝·莫莉塞特Alanis Morissette.加拿大著名女歌♥手代表作《Jagged Little Pill》达丽尔·汉纳Daryl Hannah.著名女演员代表作《银翼杀手》吴珊卓Sandra Oh.韩裔女演员亚历山大·佩恩Alexander Payne.著名导演吴珊卓前夫我无条件支持有机认证和公平贸易认证I'm fully into fair trade organic.有机认证检查食品安全公平贸易认证涉及环保劳动人♥权♥ 第三世界利益我会确保我们使用的可可豆I make sure that all of our beans都通过了相关检验are coming from projects like that.现在电♥话♥源源不断地打进来We get so many calls now,我们无法照顾到每一个人that we can't really talk to everybody.于是我们想到了So we thought, "Let's create something that uses,利用现代科技let's use technology".我们很喜欢录像We love doing our YouTube videos,和网友分享我们的工作and sharing what we do以及我们身后的美景and where we do it, here on our land.欢迎来到哈利伯顿秘境Well, welcome to the secret "Land of Is".这里是冰雪的天地And what is right now is winter wonderland right here. 现在正值一月中旬Um, we're like in the middle of January,风景如画and it is beautiful.湖面结冰了The lake is frozen over.我们坐在湖中♥央♥We're in the middle of the lake.既然现在这么冷And we thought with all this coldness,我们就谈谈温暖人心的东西吧we'd talk about things that could warm your heart,巧克力就是很好的选择and chocolate is a beautiful thing to warm your heart. 这是我们的巧克力This is our chocolate.它营养丰富Our chocolate is totally packed with nutrients丰富到难以消化just too numerous to go into.然后将它磨碎Then I grind it up.磨啊磨磨啊磨Grind it, grind it, grind it,最后它会变成粉状和糊状and it ends up kinda turning into a powder and a paste. 巧克力护肤品Chocolate skin products.最后你吃到的是...It was just... you finally just eat choc...它含有超过22种氨基酸It's got over 22 amino acids.22种氨基酸22 amino acids.-然后 -这边没涂到- And... - You just missed that spot.好了There we go.等一下鱼儿或许能有幸吃到巧克力With luck maybe, the fish will eat some chocolate for later.我不知道它还能不能算作食物I don't know if I can even call this food.它能减轻人的抑郁情绪It's elevating their Guini molecules.-你是说苯基乙胺吗 -是的- Those PEA molecules? - Yes.巧克力富含苯基乙胺它是一种神经兴♥奋♥剂♥ 能使人心情愉悦我现在连正常说话都很困难Actually, I can hardly even speak normally,实在是太冷了because I'm so cold.花时间慢慢品尝And really eat and take time with it.-慢慢体会 -感受它在口中渐渐融化- Go into it. - And feel them melt together.没错Go into it.祝你们愉快Well, have a great day,再次感谢大家看我们的视频and thank you so much for tuning in again.是巧克力成就了我没有巧克力就没有今天的我我年幼时生活的国家巧克力品质极差我一点也不喜欢那劣质的巧克力我对每一块巧克力的品质负责这里生产的巧克力必须完美无缺巧克力的艺术包含两个层面它可以是别出心裁的商品比如复活节和情人节的巧克力也可以是纯粹的艺术品帕特里同时也以大型巧克力雕塑而出名雕塑通常保存在这个工作坊里也会被运出去在不同店铺展出完成这座雕塑至少需要一个月大约相当于400到500个小时孩子趁我们熟睡时离开我们想拦也拦不住苏里曼村中长者他们悄悄地离开因为他们的父母不会允许他们去科特迪瓦发生在可可园中的恶性事件我们再清楚不过数年前我遭遇了一场严重的意外在我卧床不起时我的两个儿子和两个兄弟趁这个机会去了科特迪瓦我不确定他们到底去了哪里三年多了他们音信全无我听过一些关于科特迪瓦的传言但年轻人不会在意这些孩子们离开村庄完全听命于种植园招工头那人为我垫付了去科特迪瓦的旅费他说来这里一趟需要四万非洲法郎[合约485元人♥民♥币] 那差不多是他承诺的半年的薪水他要求我们自行前往科特迪瓦他会在那边接我们他还说如果我们不听他的他就杀了我们我现在还记忆犹新I remember pretty clearly.二年级的时候Second grade during school我终于得以观看was the first time that I had the ability电影《查理和巧克力工厂》to watch Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.电影所描述的The movie kind of depicts与一个好时镇男孩的日常生活无异what a little boy's life in Hershey's like.以前学校会组织学生参观工厂The schools used to take children through.轮到我的那年活动取消了The year I was supposed to go they discontinued that真不幸which is unfortunate我和查理一样I'm kind of like Charlie and would like to be able希望有机会参观巧克力工厂to get inside that chocolate to get a tour of it.你好Hello!欢迎踏上好时巧克力工厂之旅And welcome to the Hershey Chocolate Factory Tour.请不要离开座位Please remain seated at all times,不要将四肢伸到车外and keep your hands, arms, and legs inside the car.取消工厂参观后好时公♥司♥开放了"巧克力世界"奇妙的美国巧克力之旅Hershey's Chocolate World is famous是好时巧克力世界的经典项目for Hershey's great American chocolate tour,这个免费的模拟旅程our free simulated tour ride展示了著名的好时巧克力的生产过程of how we make our famous Hershey's chocolate.当然旅途结束有免费巧克力品尝And of course, it always ends with a free Hershey's sample. 可可豆从热带地区远道而来The cocoa beans arrive from tropical areas all over the world.莲娜·麦思尔Leanna Meiser,莲娜麦思尔L-E-A-N-N-A M-E-I-S-E-R,担任好时巧克力世界的销♥售♥及营销经理sales and marketing manager for Hershey's Chocolate World. 从这里开始在电脑的监控下From here, the beans are sorted,可可豆会被分类as computers supervise the process...好时巧克力世界是好时公♥司♥Hershey's Chocolate World is the corporate visitor centre专门为游客打造的地方for the Hershey company.这里每年接待三百万游客And with 3 million visitors each and every year是世界上接待游客最多的企业参观中心we are the world's most visited corporate visitor centre.精炼过程就是对巧克力进行研磨The refining process grinds the chocolate直至形成均匀柔滑的稠浆until it reaches a uniform and smooth consistency.好时公♥司♥的工作宗旨是让微笑常驻您的脸庞Our goal at Hershey's is to keep you smiling,因为给您带来快乐是我们终身的追求because bringing happiness to you is what we're all about!你做得越多得到的灵感也就越多我经常会拆分雕塑搭构并重新制♥作♥当我想移♥动♥某个地方的时候我不得不拆下所有的部分然后再复原真的很痛苦我做的第一个巧克力雕塑是一辆火车我花了一年的时间才完成它是我的第一个作品也是我巧克力雕塑生涯的开始这是我们打造的一棵巨大的圣诞树它有十米高这棵树目前还保持着世界纪录是世界上最高的巧克力雕塑它还被列入了吉尼斯世界纪录我们还接受了一家大型冰淇淋公♥司♥的委托那是支冰淇淋他们想要一间全用巧克力做成的房♥间房♥间的每一处都是用巧克力做的我与这位著名的时装设计师合作他就是卡尔·拉格菲尔德[香奈儿艺术总监]十年前帕特里克开始通过镀铜来保存他的巧克力作品帕特里克·罗杰巧克力的缺点就是太脆弱只要照到一点阳光它就会融化所以我们任何一件作品都无法存放太久因为我们为此投入了很多时间看着它们就这么融化掉是件很遗憾的事这个特别沉很神奇我喜欢这件作品它可不是一个简单的模型我们采用相同的模型制♥作♥了这条太阳鱼这个已经镀好铜了这个还能弹奏出音乐在工头的严格指令下孩子们设法越过边境来到科特迪瓦如果一个孩子想离开这儿去科特迪瓦他必须持有孩童专有的出境证件没有此证件的孩子会被遣返我是地方警局的助理警务处长很多车辆穿过树林抄小路故意绕过边境站他们想尽办法通过我们的关卡孩子们身上带着旅费极易成为当地小偷下手的目标我们一到科特迪瓦就走到约定地点去见那个男人但还没到那儿一辆载满陌生人的车停了下来他们叫我们上车一个经过的老人开始大喊他警告我们这群陌生人很危险就在这时他们下了车他们拿着刀朝我们走来我们连忙朝右边跑去突然一辆摩托车停下来帮我们他们成功地把那些袭击我们的人给吓跑了尼娅和艾娃安全地回到了家有人承诺给我们更好的生活我们因此差点连命都没了这是米尔顿·赫尔希位于海波因特的宅邸This is Milton Hershey's Highpoint Mansion.这是创始人纪念馆This is Founders Hall.好时饭店The Hotel Hershey.最初的好时巧克力工厂The original Hershey Chocolate Factory.米尔顿·赫尔希的住♥宅♥ 也是他的出生地The Homestead, Milton Hershey's birthplace还有一间只有一个教室的校舍and the one-room schoolhouse.我没有动物园的模型是因为One of the reasons I don't have the zoo on here从我家往后面看is because I can actually look behind my house就可以看见动物园的两三个展馆and see a couple of the exhibits.在我的房♥间外就有一只麋鹿And actually just outside my room, this is the Elk.有时候我们能听见它叫唤Some days we get to hear him,很有可能是因为他饿了when he's hungry most likely.起初这里都是些珍奇动物Originally it was exotic animals,而现在这里大部分都是北美野生动物now it's concentrated about just North American wildlife animals. 所以这里没有猴子So no monkeys.我在申请大学的时候When I was looking for colleges,在北卡罗来纳州找到了一所我钟爱的大学found a college that I really enjoyed down in North Carolina. 一毕业我就开始在那儿找工作Once I graduated, started looking for jobs down there.结果没有找到任何我感兴趣的工作Didn't really find any jobs, that I was interested in.所以我决定回到好时镇So I decided that I would come back to Hershey.我真从没想过自己会回来I really never thought I would return.在我离开好时镇的那些日子When I've been away from Hershey,我最想念的可能就是这里的香气probably the thing that I most miss would be the aroma,好时镇弥漫的那种巧克力香味the smell of the chocolate in Hershey.甚至在下雨天雨越大Even on a rainy day, on the rainiest day空气中弥漫的巧克力香味也就越美妙is when you get the best smells of chocolate in the air.所以即使当大自然在作怪时So even when Mother Nature wants to make it look ugly,我们也能因烘焙布朗尼飘出的香气而兴奋we are all excited about the smell of baking brownies, so. 经过几日跋涉工人们终于到达了种植园拿着大刀工作可真不容易我有好几次都划伤了自己如果你划伤了自己老板会叫你摘片蕉叶把伤口绑上然后叫你回去继续工作如果你累了你也不能休息他们会不停地压榨你在地里干活你必须达到一定的工作量如果你达不到老板就不会给你工钱孩子们每天被迫工作长达16小时如果你不按要求做就会受到严厉的惩罚曾经有一个男孩对工作条件不满老板不仅不让他离开还差点把他打死为了宣传他们的巧克力罗恩和纳丁举办了一个特殊活动并请来了生巧克力大♥师♥大卫·沃斧大家下午好Hi. Good afternoon everyone.欢迎大家的到来Thanks so much for coming.需要方便的人得去森林里的户外厕所The outhouse, of course you're all going to pee in the forest. 走过停车场那边有个露台厕所就在那里The outhouse is past the cars lot where there's a big gazebo. 室内设有咖啡厅并提供优质生鲜食品Inside we have a great cafe with really high quality raw foods. 大卫马上就到And David will appear shortly.好嘞Alright!你怎么样大家好吗How you doing? How's everybody doing?准备好一起聊聊巧克力了吗You guys ready to talk about chocolate?我期待这一天的到来Been looking forward to this day已经有好久好久好久了for months and months and months.能来到罗恩和纳丁这里真是太好了It's always great to come out to Ron and Nadine's place.这里面是最棒的可可豆Here's the best cacao beans ever.这是世界上出产的可可豆中最棒的That is the best ever, that's ever been out in the world.在此出现了Just showed up here.准备好品尝一下了吗Are you ready to have some?你在前排你来尝一点吧You're in the front row, you get to have some.可可豆在古代墨西哥曾被当做钱来使用Cacao beans were money in ancient Mexico,until what year?何时墨西哥比索才取代可可豆成为货币呢When did the peso replace the cacao bean as money in Mexico? 1682年猜得好是1886年Good guess, 1682. 1886.可可豆经历过低谷Cacao has experienced its fall from grace.在可可豆成为食品时It got turned into a food人们考虑的竟然是它有没有毒that people thought for a while was actually toxic and poisonous. 人们问我 "你觉得这种巧克力怎么样People ask me: "Well what do you think about this chocolate,它像像黑巧克力it's like dark chocolate,或说70%可可含量的巧克力"and it's like seventy percent cacao.""好是好但还有更好的呢"Yeah, but there's better stuff out there.我可不想吃低档的东西"I don't want to eat schwag."对吧Right?如果你有了最好的你还会想要差的吗I mean if you can have number one, do you want number fifty? 所有关于巧克力的研究都表明All the research on chocolate that's indicating巧克力能治疗心脏病that it fights heart disease,巧克力对高血压有好处that's indicating that it's good for high blood pressure,有助于增强脑功能that's indicating that it's good for your brain,巧克力作为食物应该被赞扬it's indicating that it's a food that should be celebrated因为它能改善心情并且抵抗抑郁because it enhances mood and fights depression.所有这些研究都在复兴All of that research is now reviving巧克力原有的威严that original majesty that is chocolate.准备好听下面这些了吗Are you ready for this?自然状态下的可可豆中Chocolate is a whopping ten percent antioxidants含有高达10%的抗氧化剂in its natural cacao bean form.我重新检查过所有的数据I had to review all that data again.但事实就是如此That appears to be the case.这太难以置信了That is absurd.这是迄今为止世界上所有食物中含量最高的That is by the far the highest of any food in the world. 从艺术角度出发我经常会选取有关生态和自然的主题还有如何拯救我们的星球通过这些我能传达出一些信息我从世界各地收集可可主要是从南美印尼还有马达加斯加大部分都是有机可可并且通过公平交易得来拿这只红毛猩猩来说它也是有背景故事的如今我们的原始森林正在逐渐消失这太疯狂了亚马逊乃至印尼的原始森林被夷为平地如果我们不保护猩猩的生存环境它们必将灭亡让我气愤的是人们将500年树龄的树木砍伐掉仅仅是为了留出地方种植可可树你为人们砍伐树木而种植可可树而忧虑但同时可可又是你作品的主要材料话虽如此但总分轻重缓急的对吗您说的轻重缓急是什么意思这就是当务之急一棵五百年的老树需要五百年长成所以我们要保护这些树所以不用巧克力也要拯救这些五百年的老树吗没错超过50%的可可种植园使用了世界其它。

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《The Laughing Heart》by Charles Bukowski
your life is your life 这就是你自己的人生
don't let it be clubbed into dank submission. 不要让它在困境中屈服be on the watch. 留心注意
there are ways out. 总能找到出路
there is a light somewhere. 某处,总会有盏灯
it may not be much light but 也许它没有太多光亮,但是
it beats the darkness. 它足以战胜黑暗
be on the watch. 留心注意
the gods will offer you chances. 上天总会给你机会
know them. 认清
take them. 把握住
you can't beat death but 你不可能战胜死亡,但是
you can beat death in life, sometimes. 有时你能战胜生命中的绝望and the more often you learn to do it, 你越经常去努力学习去行动the more light there will be. 你会有更多光亮闪耀
your life is your life. 这是你自己的人生
know it while you have it. 在你拥有时好好去认识和了解
you are marvelous 你就是奇迹
the gods wait to delight 上天等着有一天
in you. 因你而欢喜快乐
《Roll the Dice》by Charles Bukowski
if you're going to try, 如果你打算去尝试,
go all the way. 就一直坚持
otherwise, don't even start. 否则,干脆就不要开始
if you're going to try, 如果你打算去尝试,
go all the way. 就一直坚持
this could mean losing girlfriends, 这可能意味着你将失去爱人,wives, relatives, jobs and 亲人,工作
maybe your mind. 也许还有你的思想
go all the way. 一直坚持
it could mean not eating for 3 or 4 days. 也许这意味着你将三四天都不能吃东西
it could mean freezing on a park bench. 也许这意味着你将在公园的长凳上挨冻
it could mean jail, 也许这意味着你将暂时失去自由,
it could mean derision, 被人嘲笑
mockery, 沦为笑柄
isolation. 被孤立和隔绝
isolation is the gift, 孤立和隔绝是一份礼物,
all the others are a test of your endurance, 这所有其它的一切都是在考验你的忍耐力,
of how much you really want to do it. 考验你到底有真的有多想做这件事。

and you'll do it 你会去行动的。

despite rejection and the worst odds 尽管会遭受拒绝,尽管胜算极差and it will be better than anything else you can imagine. 它会比你想象的任何其他事情都更好
if you're going to try, 如果你打算尝试,
go all the way. 就一直坚持
there is no other feeling like that. 没有其它能与这媲美的感觉
you will be alone with the gods 你将会跟上天单独相处
and the nights will flame with fire. 一夜一夜都是熊熊燃烧的火焰
do it, do it, do it, do it. 去行动,去行动,去行动,去行动
all the way, all the way. 一直坚持,一直坚持,
you will ride life straight to perfect laughter, 你将会掌握和享受人生,自然直接发出爽朗的笑声
it's the only good fight 这是唯一漂亮之仗
there is. 这里的确有
our greatest accomplishment cannot be behind us 我们最伟大的成就不能只属于过去
because our destiny lies above us 因为命运将超出我们的希望。
