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执事先生: 事由:装运指示 从你方3月25日来函中欣然得知你方已接受我方订单订购的F—50 型照相机。我方订货确认书不日将寄达你处。 因为此笔交易是以装运港船上交货价格成交,你方必须在利物浦 将货物装上我方指定的船只。舱位订妥后,我们就将受载轮船名 通知你方。关于进一步指示,请和利物浦我运输代理行ABC公司 联系。 由于货物性质决定此类货物极易震坏,必须要用适于海运的木箱 包装,并能经受得住粗鲁搬运。为避免货物在运输途中受潮,包 装还要注意做到防潮。 相信你方对上述说明会完全明白的,并希望客户对交货能完全满 意。 谨上,
Dear Sir or Madam, Our order No.3979: Electric Drills As it is more than two weeks since we opened a letter of credit in your favor, we should like to know exactly when you could arrange shipment of the goods. Your prompt response will be highly appreciated. Sincerely yours, Managing Director
3. This agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the law of China without prejudice to the application of the rules of arbitration.
1. Such deposits and payments or refunds shall be without prejudice to the ultimate liability of the parties.
2. But this Article is to be without prejudice to the rights of the holders of any shares issued upon special terms and conditions.
on deck bill of lading 舱面提单 shipped bill of lading 已装船提单 received for shipment bill of lading 备运提单 straight bill of lading 记名提单 bearer bill of lading 不记名提单 order bill of lading 指示提单 long form bill of lading 详式提单 short form bill of lading 略式提单 stale bill of lading 过期提单 ante dated bill of lading 倒签提单 original bill of lading 正本提单 copy bill of lading 副本提单 9.dispatch money 速遣费 demurrage 滞期费
Shipping Advice: It is a kind of notification given by the seller to the buyer after the shipment which contains the statements of the description of the products, quantity of the goods ,amount of money of the goods, name of the vessel and date of sailing,. It is very important document of the deal on FOB. As it can call the buyer’s attention to cover the insurance in time for the goods after it has been shipped.
自从我开出于你方为受益人的信用证已两个 多星期了,我们想了解你方装运此货的确切时 间。我们将感激方的迅速回复。
Dear Mr Fillmore: Thank you for your fax of June 13 concerning your order for fifty of our drills. We must apologize for the delay in shipping this order .This was due to unforeseen circumstances. However, your order is being dealing with and will be sent without further delay Once again please accept our apologizes. Yours sincerely, Export Manager
Order No.2170for 1000 M/T Tin Sheets Referring to our letters in respect to Order No.2170 for 1000 metric tons of Tin Foil Sheets, so far we have no definite information from you about delivery time, although these goods are contracted for shipment before the end of last month, and Our relative L/c was opened with the Bank of China as early as in March, 2008. We have been inconvenienced by the delay. You should note us immediately of the earliest possible date of shipment for our consideration without prejudice to our right to cancel the order and / or lodge claims for our losses. Please look to the matter and give us your definite reply without further delay. Yours faithfully, Import Department
感谢你方6月13日关于50台电钻的传真订单。 我们必须为延续此货的运输而道歉。由于不可预见 的状况而造成的,但是该订单项下货物正在办理, 将在不久装运。再次请求你方接受我们的道歉。
Dear Sir or Madam, Order No.3979
We are pleased to advise you that above order has now been dispatched. The electric drills are in fifty separate crates marked UMT IND MANILA and numbered 1 to 50. The consignment is on the M.V. Memaid, which left Shanghai on June 21 and is due in Manila on July 2. We have presented to the Overseas Chinese Banking Corporation our draft for the amount of your letter of credit together with a full set of shipping documents consisting of clean, shipped on board Bill of Lading in triplicate. Certificate of Insurance, Certificate of Origin and our invoice in triplicate. We hope that the drills will prove suitable for your customers’ needs and look forward to receiving your next order. Sincerely yours, Export Manager
bill of lading 提单 clean bill of lading 清洁提单 unclean bill of lasing 不清洁提单 charter party bill of lading 租船提单 liner bill of lading 班轮提单 complete set of bill of lading 全套提单 container bill of lading 集装箱提单 direct bill of lading 直达提单 transshipment bill of lading 转船提单 through bill of lading 联运提单 negotiable bill of lading 可转让提单 non-negotiable bill of lading 不可转让提单 ocean bill of lading 海洋提单
Shipping Documents
装运单据(Shipping documents):在对外贸易业 务中,出口商装运货物后向银行议付货款时,通常 应出具装运单据。在向买方发出装船通知时也常将 这些单据的副本寄给买方,以便对方做提货准备。 严格意义来说,出口汇票所附的海运提单 (B/L),保险单(insurance policy),及商业发 票(commercial invoice)总称为装运单据。其他 单证,如原产地证明书,检验证明书,仓单等虽然 也随汇票发出,却不是必备条件。
inspection certificate of quality品质检验证书 inspection certificate of weight重量检验证书 inspection certificate of health卫生检验证书 inspection certificate of origin产地检验证书 veterinary inspection certificate兽医检验证书 disinfection inspection certificate消毒检验证书 inspection certificate on tank / hold验舱证书 inspection certificate of quantity数量检验证书 inspection certificate on damaged cargo验残检验证书 inspection certificate of value价值检验证书
敬启者, 3979号订单 我们很高兴地通知你方上述订单项下的货物已运出。 电钻是单独装在50个条板箱内,箱上有标记:UMT IND MANILA 和 号码1到50。 该5装上了6月21日从上海起航,将于7月2日到达马尼拉的“麦眉德”轮。 我们已指示华侨银行按照你方信用证金额开出了汇票,并附上全套装运单据,包 括清洁的已装船提单一式三份,保险凭证,原产地证及发票一式三份。 我们希望该钻头能适合客户的需求并期待收到你方更多的订单。 谨上
执事先生: 事由:装运通知 兹高兴地通知:你方订购的葡萄酒已由“太阳”轮今天发 运,预计该轮于3月15日抵达马尼拉。尽管我们小心翼翼包 装货物,但令人遗憾的是仍然约有20桶葡萄酒在运输途中 破损。如果贵公司因破损或其它原因而提出索赔,请立即 通知我们。 随函附上我方第112号发票一式三份。我们已根据你方信用 证向你们开出汇票由香港中国银行有限公司议付同时提交 有关的装运单据。 谨上,