1. Seiri(整理):区分需要物与不要物,将不要物处理掉。 在工作场所除去需要的物品以外,不放置其他东西。 2. Seiton(整頓):需要的物品,使其保持能让任何人马上 就能拿出来的状态。省去寻找的浪费。 3. Seisou(清掃):保持没有垃圾、没有脏污的状态。工作 场所、设备擦得通亮。 4. Seikethu(清潔):彻底做到整理、整頓、清扫。通过实 行这3点,就能保持清洁的工作环境。 5. Sithuke(躾):也称“素质” 。自觉遵守已规定的事项,
① 观念更新 ② 6S(整理、整顿、清洁、清扫、素质、 规范) ③ 作业标准化(循环周期、作业程序…) ④ 多工序兼职(多技能化、配员最少化…) ⑤ 连续生产
⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩
均衡化生产 单体流动 设备通用化、无故障化 自働化 缩短准备工作时间 内部准备、外部准备、零准备
1) 以“徹底消除浪费”为根本思想
2) 充分利用人、物、设备
3) 按照Just In Time方式组织生产
KPS:Kawasaki Production System
JIT生产方式:Just In Time→在需要的时候、按照
① 观念更新 ② 制定引进KPS体制KPS推进体制.doc KPS项目、高层主导 ③ 贯彻2S(整理、整顿)和消除浪费 ④ KPS的具体推进方法 制定示范生产线 点→线→面
① 高层強烈的实行态度与坚定信念 ② 方法的逻辑方面不存在问题 ③ 坚持不懈地进行下去
Hummer 4
HUMMER 4 的刀头及磨头
•组件 •手机
Micro Saws
• Sag. Saw • Osci. Saw • Recip. Saw
•组件 •手机
Sagittal Saw
• 特点
– 动力强 – 锯头可旋转,锯片角度可调 – 全新设计锯片夹头,确保
•组件 •手机
Round Fluted Burs
Elite Burs
Egg Bur
*Round Fluted, Soft Touch
Acorn Bur
Round Fluted, aggressive
Cross Cut Fissure Bur
Straight Router
Wire Pass Drill
(Reference: TPS)
Bur 钻头种类
Round Diamond Acorn
Egg Diamond Disc
Coring Tool Boring Tool Straight Router Heliocoidal Rasp Fissure
CORE 微型钻
50,000 RPM
•组件 •手机
•直/弯接头 •J型 & 直杆钻头 •新式锁紧机构 •不需润滑
30HP-600HP均采用风冷却系 统,我公司是专业电机生产厂 家,具有很强的电机研发技术 ,我公司设计的风冷却电机完 全不用担心电机扇热问题,在 600HP这种大机型高转速下电 机散热系统中完全不需要附加 任何为了解决扇热而安装的复 杂不必要的其他系统。
Sales Department
安斯托博 外型结构
WL30~WL250 外形图
➢ 大容量电机(30~600HP) PM motor ➢ 20,000 ~ 67,000 RPM ➢ 世界最高速的电机 ➢ 我公司自主设计制造的
300马力以内采用日本安川变 频器,以上采用 芬兰 伟肯 变 频器
通过KEB变频器统改变轴的回 转数来调节风压风量,性能稳 定但是故障率高
通过变频器统改变轴的回转数来调节风压 风量,性能比较稳定,故障率低
> FLOW : 定流量控制运转模式(Auto-flow)
> DO :
DO 控制运转模式
> POWER. : 定负荷运转模式(Auto-power)
> POUT : 定压运转模式(Auto-p器的厂家,性能比较稳定且故障率低 采用 : 250HP以内 日本 YASAKWA(安川) 300HP以上 芬兰 (伟肯) Inverter变频器分体: 200m范围之内可连接 可以利用HZ操作高速旋转 具有精准的变频控制性能
方便的起吊孔 (只用于泵盖的起吊)
起盖螺栓的配置, 方便了泵盖的拆卸
如果我选用了KENFLO的 KPS型双吸离心泵,我可以
KENFLO水泵性价比高, 并节约能源
KENFLO的水泵是 最好的!
- 利用最新的水力研究成果 - 水力设计中用模型泵进行了试验验证 - 最大限度地提高了泵的水力效率和泵
树脂砂造型的高质量光滑铸件— 高性能的又一保证
肯富来 KPS
填料密封 或
轴承部件 高强度泵轴
泵体 叶轮 主轴
普通型 标准型
HT250 HT250 1.4460
HT250 1.4460 1.4460
2Cr13 1.4462
美观结实的泵壳 新型工业设计
所有外露转动件都设有 安全防护罩
防护罩 此端也可用来传动!
超低脉冲叶轮的设计 -----错位、倾斜设计
为什么肯富来的KPS型泵会高效节能? 为什么肯富来的KPS泵会比竞争对手的泵供水压力稳定?
肯富来 KPS
·尽可能高的效率: 最高达 92.5 % 且高效区宽广 !
With the aims of improving the competitiveness of our robot systems and differentiating our robot products from those of our competitors, we are developing various applications based on robot simulators. This paper presents the new robot simulator K-ROSET and describes applications expanded on its system.K-ROSET robot simulator for facilitating robot introduction into complex work environmentsPrefaceAs the range of applications for robot systems has increased, various complicated issues have arisen, such as coordination between robots and their peripheral equipment and the installation of robots with multiple applications on the same line. Additionally, there is a demand for simple creation of advanced robot operation programs. In order to resolve these issues, the various companies that make robots are working to improve and add functionality to their own application examination simulators.In 2011, we developed K-ROSET, a new robot application examination simulator. In addition to the basic functions that are demanded of a robot application examination simulator, K-ROSET provides an environment for developing and testing robot operation programs on a computer. K-ROSET’s functions can also be expandedthrough the addition of the necessary applications. In this paper, we will provide an overview of K-ROSET and examples of how its functions can be expanded.1 O verview of K-ROSETIn order to improve the efficiency of robot teaching, it is necessary to make use of offline tools such as robot simulators. We have developed the K-ROSET robot simulator and the KCONG automatic teaching data generator as offline tools to simplify the introduction of robots, and we provide our users with optimally-configured robot systems that make use of the tools in different ways according to the purpose and use.K-ROSET is a tool that simulates the operations ofFig. 1 Operation screen of K-ROSETTable 1 Main functions of K-ROSETactual robots on a computer. It enables operating robots using the same methods, and executing operation plans using the same logic, as with the actual robots. Furthermore, by adding necessary applications, it is possible to automate the actual work of robot teaching, eliminating teaching work based on experiences and trial and error that used to be performed by humans.The main functions of K-ROSET are shown in Table 1, while its operation screen is shown in Fig. 1.(1) StructureWith K-ROSET, we have improved operability by adopting a software structure that integrates 3D rendering software with high processing speed and low memory requirements, complete with an operating interface that is conveniently laid out around it. By placing the robots, workpieces, teaching points, etc. on the screen, the operator can intuitively generate an operation program for the robot and simulate an actual system on the computer.(2) ApplicationsActual robot systems can be used for a wide variety of tasks that include handling, arc welding and painting, and on K-ROSET, simulations can be performed separately by application (Fig. 2). It is also possible to simulate robot systems in which robots with different applications (such as arc welding and handling, or handling and sealing) are installed simultaneously (Fig. 3).Handling robot Sealing robotSealing robotHandling robotFig. 3 Simulation example of multiple applications(a) Arc welding(b) Spot weldingFig. 2 Simulation examples of applicable targets2 C haracteristics of K-ROSETWith complex robot systems that include multiple robots or things like external axes, conveyors and peripheral equipment, it is vital to be able to study the operation without using the actual robots and equipment. When doing so, making use of the following robot simulator functions can be expected to have the benefits shown in Table 2during the various steps of introducing manufacturing equipment.①L ayout examination②C reation and verification of robot operation programs③C ycle-time verificationThe parts of K-ROSET that compute robot operations make use of the same operation software that is used in robot controllers. Additionally, because its simulation speed is several times faster than the operation speed of actual robots, it can carry out high-precision and high-speed computation of cycle time.Making use of K-ROSET’s functions eliminates the trouble of guiding the robot into a proper position through manual operation, making it possible to reduce teaching time. For example, it is possible to click on a workpiece on the screen to create a teaching point in that location and drag and drop that teaching point into the program area (the edit screen area) to create an operationinstruction.Table 2 Merits of robot simulatorsDisplay of painting operationsCoordinate system ofeach teaching pointFig. 4 Simulation example of teaching points creationFig. 5 Simulation example of real applicationFig. 4 shows an example in which teaching points have been created for a workpiece, while an example of operation based on the teaching points created is shown in Fig. 5. The operation trajectory of the robot tool tip is shown in Fig. 5.3 E xamples of customizationWith K-ROSET, users can create their own operation interfaces, expand functionality and otherwise customize the program (using plugins). In addition to using K-ROSET’s main simulation function, it is possible to use new functions and custom functions along with K-ROSET.Actual examples of additional applications that have been developed using customization functions are given below.( i ) CS-Configurator (Fig. 6)Parameters for the safety monitoring unit can be set easily based on visual representation. For example, a 3D display enables intuitive configuration of the monitoring space. (ii) K-SPARC (Fig. 7)Palletization patterns are automatically generated by K-SPARC, and K-ROSET is used to arrange robots and equipment. Additionally, the operation program can be run to confirm the loading operation.(iii) Interference prediction function (Fig. 8)When changing programs after robot installation, connecting to this function online makes it possible to predict interference between robots, workpieces and surrounding equipment during operation and to easily check the locations of predicted interference using a 3Ddisplay, preventing interference before it occurs.Fig. 8 Example of interference prediction functionFig. 6 Example of CS-Configurator setting screenFig. 7 Example of K-SPARC setting screen(iv) Electrical consumption simulation function (Fig. 9)This function can be used to run a robot operation program on K-ROSET, estimate the current and power used during operation, and display the results in tabular format. (v) Picking robot simulation (K-PET)In recent years, the use of robots in consumer products industries such as food, drugs and cosmetics has expanded rapidly, and it is particularly common to use them in combination with vision systems for the high-speed transfer of small-item workpieces. Quick verification of a robot’s transfer ability is one of the keys to the expansion into these markets. Because of this, we are working to develop systems that are specialized for this kind of application and can carry out setup and simulation in a more simplified manner. K-PET, a specialized tool for the computer simulation of picKstar, a high-speed picking robot developed by Kawasaki, is shown in Fig. 10. K-PET features a menu that can be used to easily set up feed and discharge conveyors, feeding and discharge methods for the workpiece in question, etc. Additionally, it makes iteasy to determine how multiple picKstar units will be arranged.4 L inkage with other applications(1) Linkage with vision systemsLinking K-ROSET with other applications makes it possible to carry out more advanced application verifications. Development is now underway for a simulation function that combines K-ROSET with K-VFinder, a 2D visual recognition system that is used with products such as picKstar. Doing so will make it possible to simultaneously carry out studies of vision system installation on a computer and operation verification of robots that are combined with vision systems.An example of a linkage with a vision system is shown in Fig. 11. The workpiece information generated by K-ROSET on the left side of the screen is sent to K-VFinder on the right side, and a simulation is carried out as if the workpiece had been recognized with an actual camera.Fig. 9 Example of power consumption simulationFig. 10 Example of K-PET setting screenWorkpieceFig. 11 Example of K-ROSET and K-VFinder(2) Linkage with automatic teaching systemsThe KCONG software for automatic teaching data generator comes with a built-in 3D CAD program, and K-ROSET uses the same 3D CAD program so that it can be linked with KCONG. We have thus enabled linking data between the two systems to merge the application study function (including peripheral equipment) of K-ROSET with KCONG’s function for automatically generating teaching data based on 3D workpiece data.Figure 12 shows this linkage. KCONG automatically generates teaching points based on the data for the system layout created using K-ROSET. Additionally, the data created is given to K-ROSET for operation verification.Concluding remarksWe do not simply develop tools for robot application study and simulation. We are also working to make use of robot simulation technology as a tool to differentiate our robot systems.We intend to continue to differentiate ourselves from other companies through the development of offline study systems and a range of other applications, in order to provide our customers with more desirable and effective robot systems.Shogo HasegawaFA System Department,FA and Clean Group,Robot Division,Precision Machinery CompanyMasayuki WatanabeFA System Department,FA and Clean Group,Robot Division,Precision Machinery CompanyTakayuki YoshimuraFA System Department,FA and Clean Group,Robot Division,Precision Machinery CompanyHiroki KinoshitaControl System Department,System Technology Development Center,Corporate Technology DivisionProfessional Engineer (Information Engineering)Fumihiro HondaNew Energy and Industrial Technology Development OrganizationHironobu UrabeIT System Department,System Development Division,Kawasaki Technology Co., Ltd.KCONG screenFig. 12 Example of K-ROSET and KCONG。
KP名称及功能解释3KP名称及功能解释功能名称设定项目功能简介●CH-EPA ●调整转向、油门、第3舵机各单边最大动作量●ST-LFT ●调整转向左侧的动作量●ST-RGT ●调整转向右侧的动作量●TH-FWD ●调整油门前进侧的动作量●TH-BRK ●调整油门急车侧动作量●3C-UP ●调整第3舵机上侧动作量●3C-DWN ●调整第3舵机下侧动作量●ST=EXP ●调整转向伺服机中立点附近的动作反应快或慢。
●RATE ●调整+侧动作反应较快,调往一侧动作反应较慢。
●ST-SPEED ●调整转向伺服机最快速度。
●TURN ●调整由中立点往两端时的动作速度。
●RETURN ●调整由两端返回中立点时的动作速度。
●TH-EXP ●调整油门伺服机中立点附近的动作反应快或慢。
●RATE ●调往+侧动作反应较快,调往一侧动作反应较慢。
●FWD-TYP ●选择油门前进侧的曲线模式。
●BRK-TYP ●油门急车侧的曲线模式。
●VTR ●类似EXP,但没有一个动作反应变化点。
●TG.P ●搭配VTR模式,可自由调整动作反应变化点的位置。
●CRV ●由低速到高速之间设置5个油门曲线的调整点。
●RES ●将CRV模式所设定的5个调整点全部回归预设值。
●TH-SPEED ●调整油门伺服机最快速度。
●RANGE ●以油门板机位置选择调整范围。
●SPEED ●调整动作速度。
●MODE ●选择机能开启或关闭。
●INH ●机能禁止使用。
●A.B.S ●防止急车时车胎锁死道致车辆过弯中转到倒。
●ABP ●调整油门同服机由急车终点返回中立点的动作量。
●DLY ●调整ABS机能开始产生动作的时间。
●CYC ●调整来回急车的动作过期速度。
●TGP ●调整油门扳机使ABS开始动作的位置。
●DTY ●调整急车动作的执行时间。
●STM ●可与转向位置形成混控动作。
●INH ●机能禁止使用。
●ACT ●机能处於可执行的状态。
●TH=ACCEL ●可使权油门瞬间到达设置的定位,以消除安装油门拉旱所保留的间隙。
2 |English...................................................Page5中文.......................................................页9繁體中文..................................................頁14يبرع..................................................ةحفصلا191 609 92A 5R5 | (10.07.2020)Bosch Power Tools|3Pro Pruner(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(14)(13)(12)Bosch Power Tools1 609 92A 5R5 | (10.07.2020)4 |A(5)(7)(9)(8)1 609 92A 5R5 | (10.07.2020)Bosch Power ToolsEnglish | 5English Safety InstructionsGeneral Power Tool Safety Warnings Read all safety warnings, instruc-tions, illustrations and specifica-tions provided with this power tool. Failure to follow all in-structions listed below may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious injury.Save all warnings and instructions for future reference.The term "power tool" in the warnings refers to your mains-operated (corded) power tool or battery-operated (cord-less) power tool.Work area safety u Keep work area clean and well lit. Cluttered or dark areas invite accidents.u Do not operate power tools in explosive atmospheres,such as in the presence of flammable liquids, gases or dust. Power tools create sparks which may ignite the dust or fumes.u Keep children and bystanders away while operating a power tool. Distractions can cause you to lose control.Electrical safety u Power tool plugs must match the outlet. Never modify the plug in any way. Do not use any adapter plugs withearthed (grounded) power tools. Unmodified plugs and matching outlets will reduce risk of electric shock.u Avoid body contact with earthed or grounded sur-faces, such as pipes, radiators, ranges and refrigerat-ors. There is an increased risk of electric shock if your body is earthed or grounded.u Do not expose power tools to rain or wet conditions. Water entering a power tool will increase the risk of elec-tric shock.u Do not abuse the cord. Never use the cord for carry-ing, pulling or unplugging the power tool. Keep cord away from heat, oil, sharp edges or moving parts. Damaged or entangled cords increase the risk of electric shock.u When operating a power tool outdoors, use an exten-sion cord suitable for outdoor use. Use of a cord suit-able for outdoor use reduces the risk of electric shock.u If operating a power tool in a damp location is un-avoidable, use a residual current device (RCD) protec-ted supply. Use of an RCD reduces the risk of electric shock.Personal safety u Stay alert, watch what you are doing and use common sense when operating a power tool. Do not use a power tool while you are tired or under the influence of drugs, alcohol or medication. A moment of inatten-tion while operating power tools may result in serious per-sonal injury.u Use personal protective equipment. Always wear eyeprotection. Protective equipment such as a dust mask,non-skid safety shoes, hard hat or hearing protectionused for appropriate conditions will reduce personal in-juries.u Prevent unintentional starting. Ensure the switch is inthe off-position before connecting to power source and/or battery pack, picking up or carrying the tool. Carrying power tools with your finger on the switch or en-ergising power tools that have the switch on invites acci-dents.u Remove any adjusting key or wrench before turning the power tool on. A wrench or a key left attached to arotating part of the power tool may result in personal in-jury.u Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and balance at all times. This enables better control of the power tool in unexpected situations.u Dress properly. Do not wear loose clothing or jew-ellery. Keep your hair and clothing away from moving parts. Loose clothes, jewellery or long hair can be caught in moving parts.u If devices are provided for the connection of dust ex-traction and collection facilities, ensure these are con-nected and properly used. Use of dust collection can re-duce dust-related hazards.u Do not let familiarity gained from frequent use of tools allow you to become complacent and ignore toolsafety principles. A careless action can cause severe in-jury within a fraction of a second.Power tool use and careu Do not force the power tool. Use the correct power tool for your application. The correct power tool will do the job better and safer at the rate for which it was de-signed.u Do not use the power tool if the switch does not turn it on and off. Any power tool that cannot be controlled with the switch is dangerous and must be repaired.u Disconnect the plug from the power source and/or re-move the battery pack, if detachable, from the power tool before making any adjustments, changing ac-cessories, or storing power tools. Such preventive safety measures reduce the risk of starting the power tool accidentally.u Store idle power tools out of the reach of children and do not allow persons unfamiliar with the power tool or these instructions to operate the power tool. Power tools are dangerous in the hands of untrained users.u Maintain power tools and accessories. Check for mis-alignment or binding of moving parts, breakage of parts and any other condition that may affect the power tool’s operation. If damaged, have the power tool repaired before use. Many accidents are caused by poorly maintained power tools.Bosch Power Tools1 609 92A 5R5 | (10.07.2020)6 | Englishu Keep cutting tools sharp and clean. Properly main-tained cutting tools with sharp cutting edges are less likely to bind and are easier to control.u Use the power tool, accessories and tool bits etc. in accordance with these instructions, taking into ac-count the working conditions and the work to be per-formed. Use of the power tool for operations different from those intended could result in a hazardous situation.u Keep handles and grasping surfaces dry, clean and free from oil and grease. Slippery handles and grasping surfaces do not allow for safe handling and control of the tool in unexpected situations.Battery tool use and care u Recharge only with the charger specified by the manu-facturer. A charger that is suitable for one type of bat-tery pack may create a risk of fire when used with another battery pack.u Use power tools only with specifically designated bat-tery packs. Use of any other battery packs may create a risk of injury and fire.u When battery pack is not in use, keep it away from other metal objects, like paper clips, coins, keys,nails, screws or other small metal objects, that can make a connection from one terminal to another. Shorting the battery terminals together may cause burns or a fire.u Under abusive conditions, liquid may be ejected fromthe battery; avoid contact. If contact accidentally oc-curs, flush with water. If liquid contacts eyes, addi-tionally seek medical help. Liquid ejected from the bat-tery may cause irritation or burns.u Do not use a battery pack or tool that is damaged ormodified. Damaged or modified batteries may exhibit unpredictable behaviour resulting in fire, explosion or risk of injury.u Do not expose a battery pack or tool to fire or excess-ive temperature. Exposure to fire or temperature above 130°C may cause explosion.u Follow all charging instructions and do not charge the battery pack or tool outside the temperature range specified in the instructions. Charging improperly or at temperatures outside the specified range may damage the battery and increase the risk of fire.Service u Have your power tool serviced by a qualified repair person using only identical replacement parts. This will ensure that the safety of the power tool is maintained.u Never service damaged battery packs. Service of bat-tery packs should only be performed by the manufacturer or authorized service providers.Safety Warnings for Cordless Secateursu This tool is not intended for use by persons (includingchildren) with reduced physical, sensory or mental cap-abilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unlessthey have been given supervision or instruction concern-ing use of the tool by a person responsible for their safety.Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the tool.u Minors should never be allowed to operate the tool; it should never be left unattended and when not in use should be stored in a locked place out of the reach of chil-dren.u Don’t use the tool or perform battery charging operations in the rain.u Don’t leave the tool in rain or wet locations.u Keep bystanders well away from your work area.u Be careful not to catch foreign matter between the blades. Remove the foreign matter from the blades.u Take care, avoid cutting electrical wires that may be hid-den.u Keep your free hand away from the cutting area.Never touch the blades. They are very sharp and you may cut yourself.u Be vigilant when operating to ensure that the fingers on the hand used to hold or move branches to be pruned are not exposed to the cutting blade.u Always check the blades carefully before operation.u Handle the blades with extreme care to prevent cuts or in-jury from the blades.u Always wear protective gloves when using, adjusting or cleaning the toolpours may be emitted. The battery can set alight or ex-plode. Ensure the area is well ventilated and seek medical attention should you experience any adverse effects. The vapours may irritate the respiratory system.u Do not open the battery. There is a risk of short-circuit-ing.u The battery can be damaged by pointed objects such as nails or screwdrivers or by force applied externally.An internal short circuit may occur, causing the battery to burn, smoke, explode or overheat.u Only use the battery with products from the manufac-turer. This is the only way in which you can protect the1 609 92A 5R5 | (10.07.2020)Bosch Power ToolsEnglish | 7Product Description andSpecifications Read all the safety and general instructions.Failure to observe the safety and general in-structions may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious injury.Please observe the illustrations at the beginning of this oper-ating manual.Intended UseThe tool is intended for professional use in pruning branches and plants with a diameter up to 25 mm.Product Features The numbering of the product features refers to the diagram of the power tool on the graphics page.The accessories illustrated or described are not included as standard delivery. A complete overview of accessor-ies can be found in our accessories program.Technical Data3.0Ah .B)Depends on battery in useC)Limited performance at temperatures <0 °CAssemblyu Remove the battery from the power tool before carry-ing out work on the power tool (e.g. maintenance,changing tool, etc.). The battery should also be re-moved for transport and storage. There is risk of injury from unintentionally pressing the on/off switch.Removing the Battery (see figure A)u Use only the chargers listed in the technical data. Onlythese chargers are matched to the lithium-ion battery ofyour power tool.Note: The battery is supplied partially charged. To ensurefull battery capacity, fully charge the battery in the chargerbefore using your power tool for the first time.The lithium-ion battery can be charged at any time withoutreducing its service life. Interrupting the charging processdoes not damage the battery.The lithium-ion battery is protected against deep dischargeby the "Electronic Cell Protection (ECP)". When the battery is discharged, the power tool is switched off by means of aprotective circuit: The application tool no longer rotates.u Do not continue to press the On/Off switch after thepower tool has automatically switched off. The batterycan be damaged.To remove the battery (5), press both release buttons (6)and pull the battery downwards out of the power tool. Do not use force to do this.Follow the instructions on correct disposal.battery is defective and must be replaced.Status LED indicator Bosch Power Tools 1 609 92A 5R5 | (10.07.2020)8 | EnglishWarning LED indicatorAudio signal Operation Starting Operation Inserting the battery Note: The use of batteries unsuitable for your power tool can lead to malfunctions or damage to the power tool.Push the charged battery (5) into the handle until it clicksinto place.Switch on (sleep mode)Press the on/off switch (7) to switch the tool on. The battery charge indicator (8) will light up and the status LED (3) willflash. The cutting knife (1) and the blade (10) do not move.An audio signal sounds once.Activate knife (ready to cut)Press the cutting switch (9) twice in quick succession. Thecutting knife (1) moves to its home position. The statusLED (3) switches from flashing to being lit continuously.An audio signal sounds twice.Cutting To begin cutting, press the cutting switch (9) until the cuthas been completed. Release the cutting switch (9) again.The cutting knife (1) will return to its home position.Deactivating the bladePress and hold the cutting switch (9) for 4 seconds. The cut-ting knife (1) will move into the closed position and lock. Anaudio signal sounds once. The status LED (3) flashes. Thepower tool will go into sleep mode; one minute later it willswitch itself off.Switching OffPress the on/off switch (7) to switch the tool off. The battery charge indicator (8) and the status LED (3) go out.Tips for cutting woodNever use the tool in an awkward posture. This can lead toserious injuries.Keep your free hand well away from the cutting area. Donot touch the blades. They are very sharp and you may cutyourself.Troubleshooting1 609 92A 5R5 | (10.07.2020)Bosch Power Tools中文 | 9Maintenance and Service Maintenance and Cleaning u Remove the battery from the power tool before carry-ing out work on the power tool (e.g. maintenance,changing tool, etc.). The battery should also be re-moved for transport and storage. There is risk of injury from unintentionally pressing the on/off switch.Adjust the distance between the cutting knife and blade Always remove the battery before adjusting the distance.After a while, when the distance between the cutting knife (1) and the blade (10) is no longer optimal, you can re-ad-just the distance:–Loosen the screw (13).–Turn the lock nut (12) in the required direction.–Retighten the screw (13).Knife lubrication Remove the battery before refilling with oil.In order to achieve an optimal cutting performance, pour asmall amount of oil into the oil filler opening (14) to lubricate the cutting knife. The frequency with which you refill the oil depends the frequency with which you cut, and the diameterand hardness of the branches.After-Sales Service and Application Service Our after-sales service responds to your questions concern-ing maintenance and repair of your product as well as spareparts. You can find explosion drawings and information onspare parts at: The Bosch product use advice team will be happy to help youwith any questions about our products and their accessor-ies.In all correspondence and spare parts orders, please alwaysinclude the 10‑digit article number given on the nameplate of the product.Malaysia Robert Bosch Sdn. Bhd.(220975-V) PT/SMY No. 8A, Jalan 13/646200 Petaling Jaya Selangor Tel.: (03) 79663194Toll-Free: 1800 880188Fax: (03) 79583838E-Mail:********************** You can find further service addresses at:/serviceaddressesTransportThe contained lithium-ion batteries are subject to the Dan-gerous Goods Legislation requirements. The batteries aresuitable for road-transport by the user without further re-strictions.When shipping by third parties (e.g.: by air transport or for-warding agency), special requirements on packaging and la-belling must be observed. For preparation of the item being shipped, consulting an expert for hazardous material is re-quired.Dispatch battery packs only when the housing is undam-aged. Tape or mask off open contacts and pack up the bat-tery in such a manner that it cannot move around in the packaging. Please also observe the possibility of more de-tailed national regulations.Battery packs/batteries:Li-ion:Please observe the notes in the section on transport (see "Transport", page 9).中文安全规章电动工具通用安全警告阅读随电动工具提供的所有安全警告、说明、图示和规定。
Pico-Clasp 1.0 W-t-B连接器系统说明书
THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT IS PROPRIETARY TO MOLEX ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGIES, LLC AND SHOULD NOT BE USED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSIONTHIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT IS PROPRIETARY TO MOLEX ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGIES, LLC AND SHOULD NOT BE USED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSIONTHIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT IS PROPRIETARY TO MOLEX ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGIES, LLC AND SHOULD NOT BE USED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION1.0THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT IS PROPRIETARY TO MOLEX ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGIES, LLC AND SHOULD NOT BE USED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION3.0THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT IS PROPRIETARY TO MOLEX ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGIES, LLC AND SHOULD NOT BE USED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION4.4THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT IS PROPRIETARY TO MOLEX ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGIES, LLC AND SHOULD NOT BE USED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION6.0THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT IS PROPRIETARY TO MOLEX ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGIES, LLC AND SHOULD NOT BE USED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION6.2THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT IS PROPRIETARY TO MOLEX ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGIES, LLC AND SHOULD NOT BE USED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION6.2THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT IS PROPRIETARY TO MOLEX ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGIES, LLC AND SHOULD NOT BE USED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION6.3THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT IS PROPRIETARY TO MOLEX ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGIES, LLC AND SHOULD NOT BE USED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION6.3THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT IS PROPRIETARY TO MOLEX ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGIES, LLC AND SHOULD NOT BE USED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION7.0THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT IS PROPRIETARY TO MOLEX ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGIES, LLC AND SHOULD NOT BE USED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSIONTHIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT IS PROPRIETARY TO MOLEX ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGIES, LLC AND SHOULD NOT BE USED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION9.0THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT IS PROPRIETARY TO MOLEX ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGIES, LLC AND SHOULD NOT BE USED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSIONThe figure indicate inner lock type. However, the measurement method is same for friction lock type.THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT IS PROPRIETARY TO MOLEX ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGIES, LLC AND SHOULD NOT BE USED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION12.0THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT IS PROPRIETARY TO MOLEX ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGIES, LLC AND SHOULD NOT BE USED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION15. There is no influence in the product performance though discoloration might be generated in the resin THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT IS PROPRIETARY TO MOLEX ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGIES, LLC AND SHOULD NOT BE USED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSIONPico-Clasp 1.0 W-t-B Connectors Web PageTABLE OF CONTENTTHIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT IS PROPRIETARY TO MOLEX ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGIES, LLC AND SHOULD NOT BE USED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSIONREVISIONDESCRIPTIONPICO-CLASP 1.0 WTB CONN SINGLE ROWLOW HALOGEN INNER LOCK GOLD PLATING 製品仕様書CHANGE NO. 691064REVISED BYPRAMODDATE 2022/01/06 DOC TYPEDOC TYPE DESCRIPTION DOC PART SERIES REV APPR BY MRAMAKRISHNA DATE 2022/01/06 PSPRODUCT SPECIFICATION WORD004 501330 29. At packaging, transportation and storing, avoid applying loads to connectors by handling, interference of connectors or piling-up packages. It could cause functional defect such as connector deformation or breakage.Operation: 30. Refer to the Application Specification (5013300000-AS PS 001) for details of connector handling instruction.31. When connectors are unmated, positive locks shall be released. (Applicable Positive Lock type)32. Please do the mating as much as possible to along to mating axis. At this time, positioning each side of external faces of receptacle housing and plug and push to mating until both connectors strikes each other (complete mating position). In the case of diagonal mating, touch with external faces with receptacle housing and plug under the angle of 10°lightly, and push to mating in order to avoid the connector break.33. Please do not do work that the load hangs in the connectors like the carrying of the substrate etc. with the connectors engages. There is a case where it causes the connectors damage etc.34. After mated the connectors, please do not allow the PCBs to apply pressure on the connectors in either the pitch direction, the span direction or rotational direction. It may cause damage to the connectors and may crack the soldering.35. This product is not designed for the mating and un-mating of the connectors to be performed under the condition of an active electrical circuit. It may cause a spark and product defect if the connectors are mated and unmated in this way.36. When un-mating connector, please ensure to hold wires all together lightly, and release the lock completely by attaching flat part of fingers to the lock and pushing the lock bar in case using the positive lock product. Then, please withdraw the receptacle housing slowly and straightly to the mating axial direction. Please avoid withdrawing diagonally and strongly. This may cause the damage of the connector. 37. Please do not deliberately deform the movable portion (the lock area and lance of plug housing) and terminals. It would lead to product failure.THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT IS PROPRIETARY TO MOLEX ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGIES, LLC AND SHOULD NOT BE USED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION。
通过kprobe跟踪do_execve函数的执行环境 (2012-07-12 14:56)标签: 转载原文地址:通过kprobe跟踪do_execve函数的执行环境作者:MagicBoy2010kprobe可以动态跟踪某一内核函数的执行情况而无需修改内核,当然为了达到这样目的,我们需要自己写一个小的内核模块,不过这也要比修改内核源码要来得方便的多,我觉得这种方法可以形象地称之为“无损探测”。
下面是利用<<DEBUG HACKS>>中的一小段代码,经过适当改写完善,来探测一个U盘加入系统时,do_execve所执行的环境参数。
以下是内核模块代码:1.#include <linux/module.h>2.#include <linux/kprobes.h>3.#include <linux/kallsyms.h>4.5.struct kprobe kp; handler_pre(struct kprobe *p, struct pt_regs *regs)8.{9.printk(KERN_INFO "|pid: %6d |comm: %10s |filename = %10s|\n",10.current->pid, current->comm,(char *)regs->di);11.return 0;12.}13.14.static __init int init_kprobe_sample(void)15.{ ="do_execve"; = handler_pre;18.register_kprobe(&kp);19.printk(KERN_INFO "---------------kprobe forexecve--------------\n");20.return 0;21.}22.23.static __exit void cleanup_kprobe_sample(void)24.{25.unregister_kprobe(&kp);26.}27.28.module_init(init_kprobe_sample);29.module_exit(cleanup_kprobe_sample);30.31.MODULE_LICENSE("GPL");insmod这个模块之后,探测活动就正式开始了,下面是往系统插入一个U盘时,kprobe回调函数的输出:1.root@build-server:/home/dennis/debug/kprobe# dmesg -c2.[10370.912471]usb 1-1.3:new high-speed USB device number 9 usingehci_hcd3.[10370.988796]|pid: 3296 |comm: kworker/u:3 |filename =/sbin/myhotplug|4.[10370.989038]|pid: 3297 |comm: kworker/u:3 |filename =/sbin/myhotplug|5.[10370.989146]|pid: 3298 |comm: udevd |filename =/lib/udev/mtp-probe|6.[10370.989192]|pid:3299 |comm:myhotplug |filename =/bin/touch|7.[10370.989496]|pid:3300 |comm:myhotplug |filename =/bin/touch|8.[10370.989730] scsi11 : usb-storage 1-1.3:1.09.[10370.989768]|pid: 3303 |comm: kworker/u:3 |filename =/sbin/myhotplug|10.[10370.989861]|pid: 3304 |comm: kworker/u:3 |filename =/sbin/myhotplug|11.[10370.990137]|pid:3305 |comm:myhotplug |filename =/bin/touch|12.[10370.990212]|pid:3306 |comm:myhotplug |filename =/bin/touch|13.[10371.249360]|pid: 3307 |comm: udevd |filename =/lib/udev/usb_id|14.[10371.992667] scsi 11:0:0:0: Direct-Access TOSHIBA TransMemory1.00 PQ: 0 ANSI: 215.[10371.992972]|pid: 3309 |comm: kworker/u:3 |filename =/sbin/myhotplug|16.[10371.993341]|pid:3310 |comm:myhotplug |filename =/bin/touch|17.[10371.993360]|pid: 3311 |comm: kworker/u:3 |filename =/sbin/myhotplug|18.[10371.993636]|pid:3312 |comm:udevd |filename =/sbin/modprobe|19.[10371.993712]|pid:3313 |comm:myhotplug |filename =/bin/touch|20.[10371.993777]|pid: 3314 |comm: kworker/u:3 |filename =/sbin/myhotplug|21.[10371.994364]|pid: 3316 |comm: kworker/u:2 |filename =/sbin/myhotplug|22.[10371.994563]|pid:3317 |comm:myhotplug |filename =/bin/touch|23.[10371.994797]|pid: 3318 |comm: kworker/u:2 |filename =/sbin/myhotplug|24.[10371.994830] sd 11:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg3 type 025.[10371.994886]|pid: 3319 |comm: kworker/u:2 |filename =/sbin/myhotplug|26.[10371.995249]|pid:3320 |comm:myhotplug |filename =/bin/touch|27.[10371.995506]|pid:3321 |comm:myhotplug |filename =/bin/touch|28.[10371.995538]|pid:3322 |comm:myhotplug |filename =/bin/touch|29.[10371.995786]sd 11:0:0:0:[sdc]15654848 512-byte logical blocks:(8.01 GB/7.46 GiB)30.[10371.996281] sd 11:0:0:0:[sdc] Write Protect is off31.[10371.996282] sd 11:0:0:0:[sdc] Mode Sense: 65 44 09 3032.[10371.996788] sd 11:0:0:0:[sdc] No Caching mode page present33.[10371.996862] sd 11:0:0:0:[sdc] Assuming drive cache: writethrough34.[10371.996996]|pid: 3323 |comm: kworker/u:2 |filename =/sbin/myhotplug|35.[10371.997387]|pid:3324 |comm:myhotplug |filename =/bin/touch|36.[10371.999537] sd 11:0:0:0:[sdc] No Caching mode page present37.[10371.999609] sd 11:0:0:0:[sdc] Assuming drive cache: writethrough38.[10372.000283] sdc: sdc139.[10372.000358]|pid: 3325 |comm: kworker/u:2 |filename =/sbin/myhotplug|40.[10372.000458]|pid: 3326 |comm: kworker/u:2 |filename =/sbin/myhotplug|41.[10372.000711]|pid:3327 |comm:myhotplug |filename =/bin/touch|42.[10372.000820]|pid:3328 |comm:myhotplug |filename =/bin/touch|43.[10372.000865]|pid: 3329 |comm: udevd |filename =/lib/udev/usb_id|44.[10372.001676]|pid: 3330 |comm: udevd |filename =/lib/udev/path_id|45.[10372.002411] sd 11:0:0:0:[sdc] No Caching mode page present46.[10372.002459]|pid: 3331 |comm: udevd |filename =/sbin/blkid|47.[10372.002484] sd 11:0:0:0:[sdc] Assuming drive cache: writethrough48.[10372.002564] sd 11:0:0:0:[sdc] Attached SCSI removable disk49.[10372.066849]|pid: 3332 |comm: udevd |filename =/lib/udev/udisks-part-id|50.[10372.070023]|pid: 3333 |comm: udevd |filename =/lib/udev/hdparm|51.[10372.070633]|pid: 3334 |comm: hdparm |filename =/bin/grep|52.[10372.071212]|pid: 3335 |comm: hdparm |filename =/bin/egrep|53.[10372.071930]|pid: 3337 |comm: hdparm |filename =/bin/egrep|54.[10372.073162]|pid: 3339 |comm: udevd |filename =/sbin/blkid|55.[10372.127677]|pid: 3341 |comm: udevd |filename =/lib/udev/udisks-part-id|56.[10373.752620]|pid: 3342 |comm: bash |filename =/bin/dmesg|如果仔细分析上面的输出,会发现不少有趣的信息,比如udevd与mtp-probe,hdparm等等。
KPS专注于中央空调风管系统的研发和生产,拥有多年 的专业技术和经验积淀,能够为客户提供更加专业的服 务和优质的产品。
KPS注重技术创新和研发,不断推出新的技术和产品, 以满足客户的不断变化的需求。
KPS始终坚持以客户为中心的服务理念,注重提高服务 质量和服务效率,力争让每一位客户都能得到最满意的 解决方案和产品。
kps中央空调风管系统的发展趋势和 市场前景
随着全球对环保意识的提高,对中央空调风管系统的环保性 能和能效要求越来越高,对产品的节能、环保方面的性能提 出了更高的要求。
中央空调风管系统是指将空调设备产生的冷热量通过风管输 送到需要调节温度的房间或区域,实现空气温度、湿度等参 数的调节。
中央空调风管系统由冷热源、空气处理机组、送回风口、风 管、末端装置等组成。
根据空调设备的参数和实际环境,进行精确的测量和规划,以确 保风管系统的合理布局和正确的安装位置。
选择符合规范的优质材料,如不锈钢板、镀锌钢板等,确保风管 的加工精度和牢固性,延长使用寿命。
根据实际安装尺寸,精确切割风管,确保风管的平直度和角度准 确。在拼接时,要保证接口严密、牢固,以免漏风、振动等问题 的出现。
珀金斯柴油发动机说明书解释说明1. 引言1.1 概述珀金斯柴油发动机是一种广泛应用于各个行业的先进动力设备。
1.2 文章结构本文将按照以下顺序展开对珀金斯柴油发动机进行说明:首先,在“珀金斯柴油发动机概述”部分,我们将介绍该类型发动机的特点、应用领域以及不同型号与规格;接着,在“珀金斯柴油发动机组成与原理”部分,我们将详细解析其主要组成部分,并探讨工作原理和关键技术;随后,在“珀金斯柴油发动机使用与维护指南”部分,我们将提供相关使用说明、操作要点、维护周期和保养流程建议,同时还会列举常见故障排除方法和注意事项;最后,在“结论与展望”部分,我们将总结核心技术并展望未来发展趋势,并给出对用户的建议和相关应用方面的总结。
1.3 目的本说明书旨在帮助用户更好地了解珀金斯柴油发动机,为其正确使用和维护提供指导。
2. 珀金斯柴油发动机概述:2.1 发动机类型和特点:珀金斯柴油发动机是一种内燃机,具有高效能和可靠性的特点。
2.2 应用领域和市场需求:珀金斯柴油发动机广泛应用于各个领域,包括工程机械、农业机械、船舶、汽车等。
• Motor controlled by precision governor ... assures uniformity of exposure.
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康斯伯格操作说明书K-Pos DP OS Operator Manual -中文
Kongsberg K-Pos DP动力定位系统8.2版郑重声明:本操作手册为相应英文版本(8.2.0)的直译版本,仅为操作者在阅读英文原版时提供参考,使其更好的学习理解K-Pos系统的基本原理及操作流程。
Kongsberg K-Pos DP (OS)动力定位系统操作手册8.2版2016年9月适用范围本操作手册旨在为系统操作员提供参考指南。
如非上述情况,操作员应参加Kongsberg Martime培训课程。
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Kongsberg Maritime AS公司已尽力确保本手册全部内容的准确无误且表述恰当,但不承担因任何错误或疏漏所引发的责任。
因设备安装、使用或维护不当而导致的财物损失或人身伤害,Kongsberg Maritime AS公司概不负责。
本中文手册翻译自8.2.0版本软件的英文手册,对于是否根据软件更新而更新中文手册内容,Kongsberg Maritime AS公司具有自主决定权。
电子信箱:kmcs.offshore.SW@Kongsberg Maritime ASKongsberg K-Pos DP (OS)目录名词缩写 (10)通用术语 (12)1K-POS 动力定位统理论16 1.1K-Pos DP系统 (16)1.2基本的作用力和运动 (16)1.3K-Pos DP系统原理 (18)1.3.1扩展卡尔曼滤波器 (18)1.3.2控制器 (20)1.3.3推力分配 (23)2用户界面24 2.1操作站 (24)2.2操作面板 (25)2.2.1按键 (25)2.2.2输入 (26)2.2.3轨迹球 (27)2.2.4联合操纵杆 (27)2.2.5艏向控制轮 (28)2.3显示布局 (29)2.3.1标题栏 (31)2.3.2显示栏 (34)2.3.3侧边栏 (38)2.3.4工作区域 (38)2.3.5对话框 (39)2.4显示视图 (42)2.4.1OS方向及其对显示视图的影响 (42)2.4.2工具提示/热点光标及光标图形的变化 (42)2.4.3选择显示视图界面 (43)2.4.4视图控制对话框 (43)2.4.5缩放 (44)2.4.6预选视图 (44)3系统设置46 3.1用户权限切换 (46)3.2打印显示画面 (47)3.3打印系统报告 (48)3.4面板显示灯光调节 (49)3.4.1亮度水平 (49)3.4.2试灯 (49)3.5量度单位设置 (51)3.5.1编辑显示单位 (51)3.5.2船舶与海流的速度 (52)3.5.3风、波浪与海流的方向 (53)3.5.4复位显示单位 (53)3.6系统日期和时间 (54)操作手册3.7设置界面背景颜色(显示色) (55)3.7.1为所有操作站选择面板色 (55)3.7.2更换个别操作站的面板色 (55)3.8报警限定值设置 (56)3.8.1位置页面 (56)3.8.2运动参考单元页面 (57)3.9增益选择对话框 (58)3.10快速模型更新 (61)3.11旋转中心设置 (62)4联合操纵杆644.1联合操纵杆设置 (64)4.2联合操纵模式下的旋转中心 (67)4.3校准联合操纵杆 (68)5信息系统695.1系统诊断 (69)5.2操作检查 (70)5.3信息优先级 (71)5.4信息显示 (72)5.5报警状态 (75)5.6确认信息 (76)5.7报警指示灯 (78)5.8打印机信息 (79)5.9信息说明—在线帮助 (80)5.10操作员建议信息 (81)6系统启动操作826.1系统启动/关闭和OS关闭/重启 (82)6.2控制权转换 (84)6.2.1转入控制权 (84)6.2.2转出控制权 (84)6.2.3请求控制权 (85)6.3控制权控制对话框 (86)6.3.1DP-OS页面 (86)6.3.2概览页面 (87)6.3.3转出页面 (87)6.3.4控制权组 (88)6.3.5控制功能与指示灯 (88)6.4连接控制器PS组 (91)7控制器处理站927.1重置控制器处理站 (92)7.1.1在单电脑系统中重置控制器PS (92)7.1.2在双冗余或三冗余系统中重置一个控制器PS (92)7.1.3在双冗余或三冗余系统中重置全部控制器PS (93)7.2冗余系统 (94)7.2.1错误对象 (94)7.2.2双冗余系统 (94)Kongsberg K-Pos DP (OS)7.2.3三冗余系统 (95)7.2.4冗余处理站对话框 (96)8传感器99 8.1罗经 (99)8.1.1传感器对话框-罗经页面 (99)8.1.2罗经状态指示灯 (100)8.1.3艏向信息显示 (100)8.1.4拒用艏向测量数据 (101)8.1.5有故障的罗经 (101)8.1.6艏向数据丢失 (101)8.2风速风向仪 (103)8.2.1传感器对话框-风速风向仪页面 (103)8.2.2风速风向仪状态指示灯 (104)8.2.3有故障的风速风向仪 (104)8.2.4拒用出错的风力数据 (105)8.2.5无风速风向仪输入数据时的操作 (106)8.3运动参考单元(VRS) (107)8.3.1传感器对话框-运动参考单元页面 (107)8.3.2运动参考单元状态指示灯 (108)8.3.3运动参考单元信息显示 (108)8.3.4有故障的运动参考单元 (108)8.4传感器对话框-航速页面 (109)8.5吃水传感器 (111)8.6旋转速率传感器 (112)9位置信息113 9.1处理位置信息 (114)9.2位置表示对话框 (115)9.3基准详情对话框 (119)9.4本地北/东坐标属性对话框 (120)9.5UTM属性对话框 (121)9.6启用位置参考系统的方法 (122)9.7面板按键 (123)9.8参考系统设置对话框 (124)9.9参考系统对话框 (127)9.9.1启用页面 (127)9.9.2权重页面 (128)9.9.3验证页面 (129)9.10参考系统属性对话框 (131)9.11坐标系 (134)9.11.1全球与本地位置参考系统 (134)9.11.2系统基准 (134)9.11.3参考原点 (134)9.12位置测量数据的测试 (135)9.12.1位置测量数据的标准差 (135)9.12.2冻结测试 (135)9.12.3方差测试 (136)9.12.4预测测试 (136)操作手册9.12.5发散测试 (137)9.12.6中值测试 (137)9.13启用位置参考系统的步骤 (139)9.13.1启用首个位置参考系统 (139)9.13.2启用其它位置参考系统 (139)9.14更改参考原点 (141)9.15位置数据丢失 (142)10主要模式和操作步骤143 10.1待命模式(Standby) (143)10.2联合操纵模式(Joystick) (145)10.2.1从Standby模式切换到Joystick模式 (145)10.2.2联合操纵杆对位置和艏向的控制 (146)10.2.3位置与艏向信息 (146)10.2.4联合操纵/自动控制混合模式 (146)10.2.5联合操纵模式下的自动艏向控制 (147)10.2.6联合操纵模式下的纵向和横向自动定位控制 (147)10.2.7联合操纵模式下的自动稳定 (148)10.3自动定位模式 (150)11改变位置设定值152 11.1停止位置改变 (152)11.2在定位视图中标记新的位置设定值 (153)11.3位置范围/方位对话框 (154)11.4位置增量对话框 (155)11.5位置对话框 (156)11.5.1增量页面 (156)11.5.2范围/方位页面 (157)11.5.3绝对页面 (158)11.5.4速度页面 (159)11.6速度设定值对话框 (160)11.7加速/减速系数设置对话框 (161)12改变艏向设定值163 12.1停止改变艏向 (163)12.2在定位视图中标记新的艏向设定值 (164)12.3艏向控制轮及其配套按键 (165)12.4艏向对话框 (166)12.4.1艏向页面 (166)12.4.2旋转速率页面 (168)12.5艏向的加速/减速系数 (169)13推进器170 13.1启用推进器 (170)13.2推进器自动起动 (172)13.3推进器分配对话框 (173)13.4分配设置对话框 (176)13.5舵/喷管控制 (177)13.6电力优化分配 (178)Kongsberg K-Pos DP (OS)13.7电力优化分配对话框 (179)13.8推进器偏值 (180)13.9推进器偏值对话框 (181)13.9.1推进器偏值的手动选择 (181)13.9.2偏值推进器的自动更改 (182)13.9.3转向系数 (186)13.9.4角系数 (187)13.9.5向内 (188)13.10推进器综合控制设置对话框 (189)13.11推进器运行限制对话框 (190)13.12推进器离合设置对话框 (191)14电力系统192 14.1电力监测 (192)14.2电力负载监测与失电预防 (193)15系统状态信息195 15.1远程支持 (195)15.2状态打印对话框 (197)15.3输出记录文件对话框 (199)15.4系统说明 (200)16系统状态监测202 16.1简介 (202)16.2系统构架 (203)16.2.1操作站 (203)16.2.2处理站 (204)16.2.3监测功能 (205)16.3设备对话框 (206)16.3.1处理站页面 (207)16.3.2处理站冗余页面 (208)16.3.3操作站/历史站页面 (210)16.3.4事件打印机页面 (211)16.3.5网络状态 (212)16.3.6打印图像 (213)16.4处理站浏览器 (214)16.4.1PS树形结构 (214)16.4.2报警状态指示符 (215)16.4.3热点 (215)16.5IO管理器 (216)16.6RBUS IO界面 (218)16.6.1概览显示 (218)16.6.2详情显示 (220)16.7IO端口对话框 (221)16.7.1快捷菜单 (223)16.7.2信号调节项目 (224)16.8IO点浏览器 (225)16.9属性-DpPs串行端口 (228)16.9.1串行端口页面 (229)操作手册16.9.2停用状态页面 (230)16.10复位停用的串行线 (232)17内置培训器234 17.1培训器功能 (234)17.2使用培训器 (235)17.3为培训课设置起动位置 (236)17.4退出培训器 (237)18DP在线后果分析238 18.1DP在线后果分析 (238)18.2选择DP等级 (239)18.3后果分析状态信息 (240)18.4后果分析报警信息 (241)19显示视图242 19.1柴油机视图 (243)19.2联合操纵杆视图 (245)19.3张紧绳系统(LTW)视图 (248)19.4数值视图 (252)19.5定位视图 (254)19.5.1视图控制 (258)19.5.2EBL功能 (261)19.5.3视图平移 (262)19.6电力视图 (264)19.7功耗视图 (268)19.8参考系统视图 (270)19.8.1视图控制 (274)19.9参考系统状态视图 (277)19.10旋转中心视图 (279)19.11传感器视图 (280)19.12推力视图 (283)19.13推进器主视图 (285)19.14隧管式推进器视图 (289)19.15全回转推进器视图 (292)19.16螺旋桨/舵视图 (295)19.17设定值/反馈值视图 (298)19.18趋势视图 (300)Kongsberg K-Pos DP (OS)名词缩写ARP 可选择的旋转点AP 自动舵(一种自动艏向控制装置)BIST内置自检BITE 内置式测试设备cPos Kongsberg紧凑型动力定位系统CCW 逆时针CG 重心COG 对地航向CW 顺时针DGPS 差分全球定位系统DP 动力定位DPC DP控制器DPM 动力定位和锚泊定位DQI 差分质量指标EBL 电子方位线GPS 全球定位系统HDOP 水平精度系数HPR 声纳位置参照系统IAS 综合自动化系统I/O 输入/输出IMO 国际海事组织KM Kongsberg MaritimeLTW 张紧绳位置参照系统MOB 移动式收发器OS 操作站OT 操作终端PM 锚泊定位PMS 电站管理系统PS 控制站RIO 远程输入输出操作手册rms 均方根ROT 回转速率RPM 每分钟转数UPS 不间断电源UTC 时区UTM 通用横轴墨卡托投影VRS 运动参考单元WGS 世界大地坐标系WOP 转向起始点WP 航迹拐点WT 微型DP操作终端,通常布置在船舷Kongsberg K-Pos DP (OS)通用术语Apparent wind视风参见Relative wind(相对风)。
11640.0911640.10 Hurricane Flat Fender FlaresPATENT NO D712,324OMIX-ADA® TECHNICAL SUPPORTPHONE: M-F 8am - 5pm EST 1-800-449-6649 | EMAIL:FOR WARRANTY INFORMATION VISIT: Hurricane Flat Fender FlaresM6 Flange Bolt x 26Retainer x 248mm Shield Retainer x 2Butt Connector x 4Female Terminal x 4Washer x 4Nylon Nutx 4M4 Bolt x 445mm Washer x 12Zip Tie x 2Washer x 12M6 Nut x 26Decorative Stainless SteelBolt x 56Stainless SteelNut x 56Decorative BlackBolt x 56Black Nut x 56Bolt x 2Support Bracket x 2Side Marker Light x 2M4 Nut x 49mm Washer x 4M4 Bolt x 416mm Washer x 2M8 Nut x 2Electrical components for use with 11640.09 (EU Version) only14. If you have a Rugged Ridge Snorkel, mark passenger side wheel liner where indicated. Carefully cut area marked.Cutting/Sharp Edge Hazard: Cut carefully using gloves and eye protection.13. Attach front wheel liner, mark a line that follows the edge of the fender. Cut the line marked. If you do not have a Rugged Ridge Snorkel skip to Step 14.Cutting/Sharp Edge Hazard: Cut carefully using gloves andeye protection.Hurricane Flat Fender FlaresCAUTION !CAUTION!12. Using an 11/32 drill bit, drill into the fender where you previously marked.Paint edge of hole cut to prevent rust. Cutting/Sharp Edge Hazard: Cut carefully using glovesand eye protection.NOTICE CAUTION !19. Attach and tighten Hurricane flare with M6 flange bolts, 16mm washers and M6 nuts where the Red Arrows indicate. Secure rest of the flare with large push fasteners where Arrows indicate. Skip to Step 20If 10mm shield retainers don’t go into designated holes, use a 3/8 drill bit to widen the holes designated by the Green Arrows. Paint edge of hole cut to prevent rust.Cutting/Sharp Edge Hazard: Cut carefully using gloves andeye protection.NOTICE CAUTION !22. Secure wheel liner using M6 flange bolts, 16mm washers andM6 nuts in locations indicated by Red Arrows .Secure wheel liner with 8mm shield retainer indicated by Green Arrow .Hurricane Flat Fender Flares20. Insert nylon nuts in two holes indicated.Attach Hurricane Flare with M6 flange bolts, 16mm washers and M6 nuts where Red Arrows indicate.Figure 2 shows how to secure flare with M4 bolts, 20mm washers, and nylon nuts indicated by Purple Arrows found in Figure 1.Secure remaining flare with 10mm shield retainers indicated by Green Arrows .If 10mm shield retainers don’t go into designated holes, usea 3/8 drill bit to widen the holes designated by the Green Arrows . Paint edge of hole cut to prevent rust.Cutting/Sharp Edge Hazard: Cut carefully using gloves and eye protection.21. Place rear wheel liner into wheel well.NOTICE CAUTION !Page 9/9 11640.09 11640.10。
kps是什么意思 1
kps是什么意思 2
kps是什么意思 3
以上是给大家介绍的kps是什么意思 2kps是什么意思3,希望对您有所帮助!。
KPS方案简介KPS(Key Performance Score)指标是一种用于衡量系统性能和稳定性的评分体系。
KPS指标的定义和计算方法KPS指标主要包括以下几个方面:1.响应时间(Response Time):衡量用户操作和系统响应之间的时间间隔,通常以毫秒(ms)作为单位。
通常以每秒请求数(Requests Per Second,RPS)作为单位。
3.错误率(Error Rate):用于衡量系统在处理请求过程中出现的错误数量。
4.资源利用率(Resource Utilization):衡量系统在运行过程中所使用的系统资源的利用率。
kretprobe 获取函数参数
kretprobe 获取函数参数Kretprobe 获取函数参数Kretprobe是Linux内核提供的一个功能强大的跟踪工具,它可以用于在内核中插入钩子来监视系统调用、函数调用等事件。
二、如何使用Kretprobe获取函数参数?要使用Kretprobe获取函数参数,我们需要遵循以下步骤:1. 定义一个结构体来保存我们要监视的函数的参数和返回值。
2. 定义一个回调函数,在该回调函数中访问我们要监视的函数的参数和返回值,并将它们保存到先前定义的结构体中。
3. 使用kprobes_register()注册我们定义的回调函数。
4. 在需要监视的地方添加kprobes_probe()来触发回调函数。
下面是一个示例代码:```#include <linux/kernel.h>#include <linux/module.h>#include <linux/kprobes.h>struct my_data {int arg1;char *arg2;long ret;};static int my_callback(struct kretprobe_instance *ri, struct pt_regs *regs){struct my_data *data = (struct my_data *)ri->data;data->arg1 = regs->di;data->arg2 = (char *)regs->si;data->ret = regs->ax;return 0;}static struct kretprobe my_kretprobe = {.handler = my_callback,};static int __init my_init(void){int ret; = "my_function";ret = register_kretprobe(&my_kretprobe);if (ret < 0) {printk(KERN_INFO "Failed to register kretprobe\n");return ret;}printk(KERN_INFO "Registered kretprobe successfully\n");return 0;}static void __exit my_exit(void){unregister_kretprobe(&my_kretprobe);}module_init(my_init);module_exit(my_exit);```三、如何使用Kprobes_probe()触发回调函数?要使用Kprobes_probe()触发回调函数,我们需要遵循以下步骤:1. 定义一个结构体来保存我们要监视的函数的参数和返回值。
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kprobe实现了三种类型的探测点: kprobes, jprobes和kretprobes (也叫返回探测点)。
目前kprobe支持如下架构:i386、x86_64、ppc64、ia64(不支持对slot1指令的探测)、sparc64 (返回探测还没有实现)。
如果被探测函数是非递归的并且调用时已经保持了自旋锁(spinlock),那么maxactive为1就足够了;如果被探测函数是非递归的且运行时是抢占失效的,那么maxactive为NR_CPUS就可以了;如果maxactive被设置为小于等于0, 它被设置到缺省值(如果抢占使能,即配置了CONFIG_PREEMPT,缺省值为10和2*NR_CPUS中的最大值,否则缺省值为NR_CPUS)。
kretprobe处理函数的原型如下:void unregister_kprobe(structkprobe *kp);void unregister_jprobe(structjprobe *jp);void unregister_kretprobe(structkretprobe *rp);上面是对应与三种探测点类型的卸载函数,当使用探测点的模块卸载或需要卸载已经注册的探测点时,需要使用相应的卸载函数来卸载已经注册的探测点,kp,jp和rp分别为指向结构structkprobe,structjprobe 和structkretprobe的指针,它们应当指向调用对应的注册函数时使用的那个结构,也就说注册和卸载必须针对同样的探测点,否则会导致系统崩溃。
如果一个函数的调用次数与它的返回次数不相同,那么在该函数上注册的kretprobe探测点可能产生无法预料的结果(do_exit()就是一个典型的例子,但do_execve() 和do_fork()没有问题)。
为了使能kprobe,用户必须在编译内核时设置CONFIG_KPROBES,即选择在“Instrumentation Support“中的“Kprobes”项。
如果用户希望动态加载和卸载使用kprobe的模块,还必须确保“Loadable module support” (CONFIG_MODULES)和“Module unloading”(CONFIG_MODULE_UNLOAD)设置为y。
六、kprobe使用实例本文附带的包包含了三个示例模块,kprobe-exam.c是kprobes使用示例,jprobe-exam.c是jprobes使用示例,kretprobe-exam.c是kretprobes使用示例,读者可以下载该包并执行如下指令来实验这些模块:$ tar -jxvf kprobes-examples.tar.bz2$ cd kprobes-examples$ make…$ su -…$ insmodkprobe-example.ko$ dmesg…$ rmmodkprobe-example$ dmesg…$ insmodjprobe-example.ko$ cat kprobe-example.c$dmesg…$ rmmodjprobe-example$ dmesg…$ insmodkretprobe-example.ko$ dmesg…$ ls -Rla / > /dev/null &$ dmesg…$ rmmodkretprobe-example$ dmesg…$示例模块kprobe-exame.c探测schedule()函数,在探测点执行前后分别输出当前正在运行的进程、所在的CPU以及preempt_count(),当卸载该模块时将输出该模块运行时间以及发生的调度次数。