On C-E Translation of Prompting Public Signs论提示性公示语的英译




3.游客止步—— Staff Only
3.公示语的翻译(Translation of Public Signs)
指示性公示语(Direc能是指公示语为人们提供信息服 务, 没有限制和强制意义,此类公示语不要 求公众去采取何种行动,是向人们指示服 务的内容。

Caution! Slippery (when wet) Caution! Slippery Surface Caution! Wet Floor Beware of Slippery Floor Watch Your Step
Take Care of Your Head
Pay Attention to Your Head
指示性(directing) 1.紧急出口—— Emergency Exit
公示语功能 Function
提示性(prompting) 2.油漆未干—— Wet Paint
强制性(compelling) 4.严禁赌博—— No Gambling/Gambling is Prohibited
Out-Patient Department
提示性公示语(Prompting Public Signs)
提示性功能是指公示语没有任何特指意义, 起着提示作用。 一般用祈使句或短语表示。常见的句式结构 有“小心…”,“注意…”等。
be careful (of), be cautious (of), take care (of), beware of caution, mind, look out, watch out,pay attention to,take note [notice] of



■ 指示性Directing (static)
❏ 票务与旅游中心Ticket & Travel Centre ❏ 地 铁 Underground ❏ 行 人 Pedestrians ❏ 公共厕所Public Toilet ❏ 问询服务Information ❏ 婴儿换巾处Baby Change
Steel and Iron Factory
Iron and Steel Factory
海尔整体 Haier Unit
Haier Kitchen Unit
e.g. 9 Misspelled English Words
e.g.10 Misunderstanding the Source or Target Language
❏ 共同努力,世界更精彩Working together, we can make a world of difference.
■ 防范犯罪
❏ 警示他人,迅速撤离Warn others. Move away. ❏ 盗贼当心Thieves Beware
■ Shopping Signs
■ 强制性Compelling (dynamic)
❏ 警戒线勿超越Police Line Do Not Cross ❏ 严禁拍照No Photography ❏ 禁止通行Don’t Walk ❏ 禁酒区Alcohol Free Zone ❏ 禁止导游讲解NO BRIEFING OF GROUPS
11. Omitting
■ 患心脏病、高血压、酗酒者忌座”. ■ Anyone who with heart disease, high blood, please



Create Approach
When performing the translation of signs with Chinese characteristics, we tend to adopt create approach. That is, translators should do the creative work when there are no conventional expressions to borrow or similar expressions to adapt from English sign language. 宁停三分,不抢一秒 It pays to stop to wait for three minutes rather than rush to gain one second.(F) It’s far better to arrive late in this world than early in the next.(T)
二、Principles for the Translation of Public Signs

comes up with the principle for its C-E translation, namely, an A-B-C approach (Adapt-Borrow-Create approach),which is based on the Skopostheorie. Skopostheorie, advocated by Hans J. Vermeer, is the core theory of functionalism, which is a broad term for various theories focusing on the function or functions of texts the prime principle determining any translation process is the purpose (Skopos) of the overall translational action.



本科毕业论文题目:On English Translation of ChinesePublic Signs 院(系):外语系班级:英语级班姓名:学号:指导教师:教师职称:汉英公示语的翻译摘要公示语向来被称作“城市的脸孔",是给所有到中国来的外国人士留下第一印象的中国名片。










关键词:汉英翻译;公示语;问题;翻译策略On English Translation of Chinese PublicSignsAbstractPublic signs, which have alway s been referred to “face of city”, are the first impression of China for the people who come to China. However, the ubiquitous translation mistakes of public signs greatly undermine the international image of China. So,specificating and constantly perfecting the translation of public signs have become an urgent work in order to establish a good international image.The paper ventures an attempt to analyze the current problems existing in the C-E translation of public signs and to seek proper translational strategies both from the perspectives of theory and practice.By closely observing numerous samples of both standard and problematic translation of signs,the author manages to generalize the characteristics of public signs and to categorize the problems and mistakes in the current C-E translation of public signs.Then, proper translational strategies are proposed on the basis of in-depth study of relevant theories and keen observation of practice.Translation is not merely a cross-linguistic activity, but more of a transmission of cultural information.The translation of public signs is no exception.An appropriate translation of public sign should not only belinguistically correct, but also culturally acceptable.This paper expresses the meaning of the public signs and classify the signs according to the standards of objective demand and function. And the characteristics of the public signs are different studied from linguistic features and functional features,which determines to adopt different translation strategies.Key words: Chinese-English translation public sign problems translation strategyContents摘要 (I)Abstract (II)CHAPTER I Introduction (1)1.1 O bjective of the study (1)1.2 Significance of the study (1)1.3 Structure of the paper (2)CHAPTER II General Introduction to Public Signs (3)2.1 Definition of Public Signs (3)2.2 Functions of Public Signs (3)2.2.1 Directing function (4)2.2.2 Prompting function (4)2.2.3 Restricting function (4)2.2.4 Compelling function (5)CHAPTER III Analysis on Problems in C-E Translation of Public Signs (6)3.1 Linguistic translation problems (6)3.1.1 Spelling errors (6)3.1.2 Grammatical errors (6)3.1.3 Wrong dictions (7)3.2 Cultural translation problems (7)CHAPTER IV Strategies of C-E Public Signs Translation and Requirementfor Translator (9)4.1 Principles of C-E translation of Public Signs (9)4.1.1 Clearness (9)4.1.2 Conciseness (10)4.1.3 Simple words (10)4.2 Methods of C-E translation of Public S igns (11)4.2.1 Modification (11)4.2.2 Addition (11)4.2.3 Omission (12)4.2.4 Mutual transformation of affirmative and negativee xpressions (13)4.3 Requirement for the t ranslators (13)CHAPTER V Conclusion (15)Acknowledgements (16)Works Cited (17)CHAPTER I Introduction1.1Objective of the studyThe research objective of the study is to examine the translation problems in the Chinese-English public signs translation and further propose the translation strategies as well as principles suitable for specific groups.The studies begin with the careful and long period of observation of the problems existing in the public signs translation. On the basis of the classification of the translation errors proposed by Christiane Nord, the author aims at the most appropriate translation strategies for each type. With the examination of sufficient sources, the author finds that it is not difficult to eliminate the errors at linguistic level since the text of the public signs is less complex than documentary and other instrumental texts due to its conciseness and directness features (Ni 18).1.2 Significance of the studyPublic S igns affect people’s life in a tremendous way. When somebody smokes, it is the public sign that stops him. In fascinating and mysterious spots where we have never been to, it is the public sign that teaches us related knowledge. Foreign visitors from all walks of life,such as entrepreneurs,professors,students and tourists come to China for various purposes.But for most of them,they know little about Chinese.In this case,it is necessary to translate Chinese public signs into English for the convenience of these foreign visitors.In this case, a proper translation helps establish a good image of China and enhance the cultural communication.1.3 Structure of the paperThe paper is structured with five chapters:The first chapter is a general introduction to the thesis, including the objective of the study, the structure of the thesis and the significance of the study. The second chapter makes a general introduction to public sign, including the definition and functions of public sign. The third chapter focuses on the problems of C-E translation of public signs from linguistics and cultural perspectives. The fourth chapter deals with translation strategies of C-E public signs in connection with principles, methods and the standardization for the translators, including modification, addition, omission and mutual transformation of affirmative and negative expressions. And the fifth chapter draws a conclusion to the paper,in which the author appeals for translators and scholars to make contributions to the C-E translation of public signs.CHAPTER II General Introduction to Public Signs2.1 Definition of Public SignsPublic Signs,which are usually called“signs”,include public notices,advertisements,slogans and expressions on the public signs.Public signs refer to “signs” in English and are defined in different ways.Ac cording to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English(1997),a sign is a piece of paper, metal, or wood with words or a picture that gives information,warnings,or instructions.In that sense, public sign is the general terms for indicators,signs,traffic signs, posters, slogans, warning, short notices,short instructions,stickers,and are becoming the catch word and the buzzword.All in all, public signs are so widely used and played important roles in our daily life.2.2 Functions of Public SignsPublic signs are essential to the normal operation of the society and their influence is also visible in almost every aspect of our daily life.Sometimes,we have to admit that our lives cannot do without the proper guidance that public signs provide to us.However, what usually happens is that we are prone to be bewildered by various public signs and the enormous information they convey to us.Therefore, it would be necessary to classify the public signs in terms of their functions as well as the status of information that they deliver.2.2.1 Directing functionDirecting is the most basic function of public signs, t his type of public signs is used to give readers related information about what the institution is,what it deals with and what kind of service it can provide.For example:Take Away(外卖),Gas Station(加油站),Emergency Exit(紧急出口),Business Hours(营业时间),Pause(暂停),Menu(菜单),Airport Security(机场安检).From the examples above we may tell that the language and the tone of these public signs are generally neutral,reflecting no attitude towards receptors.Therefore,public signs of this kind are purely informative rather than vocative.2.2.2 Prompting functionPromoting signs are similar to the directive ones in their informative function. While the difference is the former .carries the tone of warning,reminding the readers to pay some attention to certain things or activities.For example:Keep Clear(请保持清洁), Keep Silence(请保持安静),Wet Paint(油漆未干),Fully Booked(客满),Beware of Pickpockets(小心扒手),Maximum Height(限高).2.2.3 Restricting functionPublic Signs with restricting function impose restriction or even prohibition on receptors.The language used in this kind of signs are simple and direct but are not in rude,tough or impolite way.We can list some of them as following:Pay In Cash(现金支付),Slow Out(减速慢行),Keep Silence(保持安静),30 Minutes Parking(限停30分钟),Seat By Number(对号入座), Stand In Line(排队等候).2.2.4 Compelling functionCompelling function is the strongest considerable mood.It is used to prohibit the readers to do something or must do something.The language used is usually forceful,with no possibility of making a compromise.The sign with this function which we mostly often see is“No Smoking禁止吸烟”,that is to say that smoking iscompletely forbidden.Imperative sentence is not enough to express this strong mood,usually, we use“No+…”form,for example,“No Food禁止携带食物”.More examples:Don’t Touch(禁止触摸),No Cameras(禁止拍照),No Visitors(游客止步),No Trucks(卡车禁止通行),Dogs Not Allowed(禁止带狗入内).Translation of the public signs, translators not only need to grasp their function features since we use different mood to express different function,but also should keep their language features in mind during the translating.CHAPTER III Analysis on Problems in C-E Translation ofPublic Signs3.1 Linguistic translation problemsLinguistic translation errors are often due to deficiencies in the translator's source or target language competence (Nord 77).And in his book Pragmatics and English Language He Ziran explained that by making linguistic errors,the translators and interpreters fail to conform to the target language structures,instead they blindly translate the source text in their own language structures(157).Professor Wang Yinquan, classifies linguistic translation errors into: spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes and wrong diction (32).3.1.1 Spelling errorsSpelling errors are typical translation problems in bilingual public signs. The reasons for this type of errors attribute to the three factors: the incompetent language acquisition, the laziness of the translator when writing, the uncertainty of the correct spelling, among which the third type is most difficult to be identified. For example: 3.1.2 Grammatical errorsApart from spelling mistakes,many grammatical errors also occur in the translated signs.These errors appear in various forms,most of which result from the translator’s poor command of the English language or irresponsible working attitude.As a result,the translated public signs cannot be of any help to the target readers.Sometimes they may do damage the image of our city.For example: 室内停车场(Car Park)—It may be apparent to tell that the translator intends to use the word“park”as a noun to express the meaning of parking place for automobiles.However, as a noun the word actually means a public place wherepeople can entertain themselves with the landscape or public facilities in it.Therefore, it will be advisable to use the gerund form of the word “park”and translate it as“Indoor Parking”.3.1.3 Wrong dictionsWrong Dictions occur when t he translator doesn’t make right choices of words in the target culture that will lead to unsuccessful expression of the correct information to the target text receivers. In fact, many English words have more than one meaning. Sometimes one word used to describe the source culture may not be applicable in another situation and the diction is conditioned. The words chosen for each text might vary according to different semantic and syntactic features in different situations. For example:请勿采摘花朵--Please Don’t Pick Flowers. Here use“pick”to describe the gesture. In fact, there is a variety of expression in English corresponding with “摘”, of which one of the expressions is “pick”. But in the given circumstances, “pick”doesn’t equate with “摘”. “Pick”means to select among a variety of choices, but here the sender wants to persuade people not to pluck the flowers. The error is due to the confusion about the seemingly identical usage of one word.3.2 Cultural translation problemsAs we all know, people in different cultures may view the same thing in different ways and differ in the perspective of cognition.At the same time,they express the same idea in different way.As far as Chinese and English are concerned, culture differences are tremendous.Translation breaks down language barriers and thus realizes communication between cultures using different languages. In this sense, target readers approach to people of source culture whose beliefs, backgrounds, perception of the world are distinct from their own.For example:古装照相It is ancient to pack photo“古装照相”is a typical Chinese term. In English, people don’t have the correspondent term. According to the public signs translation convention, the signs which are composed of Chinese noun phrases are expected to have the same structure in English version, so the sentence is not correct in terms of the sentence structure. Also concerning the meaning of the sentence, it is wrongly translated that the foreigners can’t get the message which leads to the pragmatic failure of the assumed function. The correct version should be “Photos in ancient costume”.CHAPTER IV Strategies for C-E Public Signs Translation4.1 Principles of C-E translation of Public SignsAs we know, different functions need different language forms to convey and each language style possesses its special principles.Ni Chuanbin and Liu Zhi analyze the language principles of public signs in their essay“The Principles for C-E Translation of Public Signs and its Cases Study”,published in Shanghai Journal of Translators for Science and Technology(18).Firstly, the signs are on a board,so the language on the signs should be in concise way due to the comparatively small space.Secondly, some public signs must draw the public’s attention at the first sight and the readers can catch its meaning very quickly and correctly, especially the traffic signs,such as“Abrupt Turn Left Ahead前方急转弯”,the applied words should be simple ones instead of rare ones.At last,the meaning of the signs should be clear and easy to read,the sign is set without ambiguity. So we can know the principles in details as following:4.1.1 ClearnessDue to the short time the target reader can spend on reading the signs the meaning of the signs should be clear and easy to be understood.As the target readers are the common people who have little knowledge related to the concerned topic,the signs should directly hit the point and there should exist no vagueness.“严禁客货混装Don’t put passengers and cargos together”. It is hazy and not clearness. So the sign“严禁客货混装”should be translated into“No passengers on Trucks”.The signs are set for the public and not every reader is professional,therefore when we translate signs,we should hit the point directly and clearly and should notjust talk around the bush.4.1.2 ConcisenessAccording to William Strunk,Jr.and E.B.White in 1979(Joan Pinkham):“Vigorous writing is concise.A sentence should contain no unnecessary words,a paragraph no unnecessary sentences,for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts.”It is also true of language of public signs.Usually, the readers for public signs just give a quick look at the board with signs on when they pass by.So the language on it need not be in a complete sentence,a phrase or just a word is enough,for example,“No Smoking禁止吸烟”,“Open正在营业”,we need not use sentences“Please do not smoke”an“We are on business”.4.1.3 Simple wordsPublic Signs are set for the public,target readers of this kind of materials are ordinary people,not only the native English speakers,but also other foreigners who know a little English and English is not his mother language,and target readers also include overseas Chinese who is not a English native speaker.If the English version is full of rare words and expression,it will cause a pragmatic failure of communication for public signs.There is always a small restaurant at the airport to provide fast food for the passengers,the English tablet should be“Snacks”instead of“Refection”,the later one is not often be used nowadays and we cannot find it in the dictionaries published in recent years.Take all another example,“景区环境卫生,需要您的维护”,should we translate it into“Environmental Sanitation of the Scenic Spot Needs Your Conserve”? The words“sanitation”and“environmental”are not familial words for the public,we had better use“Keep Clear”or“No Littering”.From the above,in order to make target readers catch the meaning at first glance,we should use the concise,clear, simple words and expressions in C-E translation of public signs.4.2 Strategies of C-E translation of Public Signs4.2.1 ModificationGenerally speaking, it is always the case that the reader in the culture of the target language may not share the cultural background of the source language.Therefore,when dealing with culture-loaded words and idioms,the translator sometimes has to make cultural modification so as to generate the same feedback from the target text reader with that of the source text reader, and as for the translation of public signs, it is no exception.For examples:西湖的虎跑泉—Tiger Running Spring, in this public sign,the translator obviously take the actual meaning of the sign for granted by translating the word“虎跑”as“tiger running”which means that a tiger runs for the spring.4.2.2 AdditionSome public signs,especially signs at scenic spots,tend to include dynasties,legends or other cultural elements,while most foreign visitors lack the background knowledge of China.If the public signs are translated literally, the English versions may confuse the target readers.Thus we should adopt the translation strategy of addition to supply necessary information on the basis of accurate comprehension of the original public signs.For example:谢绝游客入内Closed To Visitors禁止在墙上涂写No Scribbling On The Wall4.2.3 OmissionDue to different aesthetic standards and cultures,Chinese writing tends to include flowery words,four-word phrases or some culture elements which are special to the Chinese culture.However, English writing pursues clear and simple expressions.In How to Help Foreigners Know China,Duan Liancheng holds a view that with the development of tourism in recent years,large numbers of brochures pamphlets and pictorials have been published for foreign tourists.A common weakness of these materials is full of flowery words and cultural elements of China which may confuse the target readers (Duan 286). So the translator should omit some adjectives or cultural elements which may pose barriers to the target readers.Then the English version will be easily understood by them.For example:1.Source Text:慢速行驶Version A:You must drive slowly.Version B:Drive slowly2.Source Text:前方学校Version A:There is a school ahead.Version B:School Ahead4.2.4 Mutual transformation of affirmative and negative expressionsMutual transformation of affirmative and negative expressions is a common strategy in translating the text of one language to the other.It is especially useful for transcending the translational difficulties due to different ways or habits of expressing ideas in Chinese and English.In translating public signs,mutual transformation of affirmative and negativeexpressions is necessary as well.In western countries especially in English—speaking countries,people tend to avoid using negative expressions in public literatures as much as possible in case that unpleasant emotion or feeling would be aroused on the part of the receptor.However, because of the difference in cultural values,negative expressions are more frequently used in Chinese public signs.Therefore,according to the theory of cultural translation, we should adopt the translational method of“Domestication”.For example: “社会车辆禁止入内”,it is a kind of negative expression in Chinese language. While it should be translated into “Staff Only” in English, it is affirmative.4.3 Requirement for the translatorsThe C-E translation of public signs is by no means an easy job and it requires that a translator be serious and accountable in attitude, and proficient in both the source and the target languages at the same time.A good translator should always bear in mind the features and characteristics of public signs.Only if the translators acquire the expertise in the source and target languages as well as the source and target cultures can they produce qualified versions. In addition, as for the making process of signs, the local governments should choose reliable and efficient sign-making units by means of bidding to undertake the job.And the translation should be tested in the foreigners to ensure the acceptability.Then a supervision organization in charge of public signs should be established to make sure that some common English versions are accurate and unified.CHAPTER V ConclusionBased on the previous discussions and analyses, the major findings of this study can be summarized as follow:Firstly, the linguistic translation problems account for the reasons for spelling, grammatical and wrong dictions problems. Translators should improve their language acquisition in dealing with the problems.Secondly, as to cultural problems, the translators are advised to adopt communicative translation. To be more specific, the translation strategies are adaptation, restructuring, semi-literal translation, etc.Thirdly, the C-E translation involves the principles and the methods. The principles include three points of clearness, conciseness and simple words. The translation takes place in a given situation or in another sense, the methods of C-E translation of public signs should be divided into four: modification, addition, omission and mutual transformation of affirmative and negative expressions.Actually, the problems of the translation of public signs are far more complicated than the thesis.The problems that have been discussed and proposed with strategies to are just a tiny tip of the whole iceberg.With the development of the society, it is sure that more and more public signs will come out by taking various forms,and new problems in translating them will turn up.Therefore,the classification of public signs and mistranslation, as well as the strategies for the betterment of the current status of sign translation, although the author attempts to let them be, are not all-inclusive and universally accurate. It is a long and hard way for us to go.AcknowledgementsI would like to express my heartfelt thanks to those who offered me their sincere support and encouragement in the process of my thesis writing.First of all, I’d like to give my sincere thanks to my teacher, Kangbing. She has given me valuable instructions on my study. Whenever I need her help, she always enthusiastically offers me. During the process of the completion of the thesis, from the researches chosen to be analyzed to the final composition, her patient and helpful instructions have benefited me a great deal. Her strict requirements have enabled me to learn how to do research work, and her kind encouragement have been supporting me to the end.Second, my true thanks also go to all the teachers who guide me in the field of business English.Finally, my family and friends give me great encouragement and support during the composition of the thesis. I’d like to send them my heartfelt thanks too.Work CitedBaker, Mona. 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为改善北京的空气质量,本车安装有环保引擎 This bus is fitted with an environmentally cleaner engine helping to improve Beijing’s air quality. 共同努力,世界更精彩 Working together, we can make a world of difference. 警示他人,迅速撤离 Warn others. Move away. 盗贼当心 Thieves. Beware.
Translation of Public Signs

公示语:公开和面对公众,告示、指示、提示、显示、警示、标 示与其生活、生产、生命、生态、生业休戚相关的文字及图形信 息。 --《汉英公示语词典》,商务印书馆,2002 A board or other notice giving information, warning, direction, and etc. --Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (1978) A board, notice, and etc. that directs somebody towards something, gives a warning, advertises a business. --Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary (1997) A notice that is publicly displayed giving information or instruction in a written or symbolic form.-- New Oxford Dictionary of English (2001). A board, poster, or placard displayed in a public place to advertise or to convey information or a direction. --The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language(2003)



IntroductionInternational communication is becoming popular now. China, with the rapid development of economy and society, has maintained increasingly close ties with other countries around the world. In recent years, more and more people come to Chengde City to have a visit or study. Chengde is famous for the Summer Mountain Resorts. There are all kinds of public signs in the Summer Mountain Resorts. It brings convenience to the visitors and improves the culture taste of the city. However, there are also many errors of public signs, including: lexical errors, spelling errors, grammar errors, unclear description, cultural confusion and Chinglish. In this situation, the paper will try to give a theoretical and practical analysis of C-E translation of public signs from the perspective of functionalist translation. The paper offers some suggestions for the public signs translation by utilizing the three principles of skopos theory and analyzing many examples. “The end justified the means”means that the translation strategies and methods are determined by acceptability and effectiveness of translation.Public signs translation has great significance to both our country and the foreigners. English translations of Chinese public signs belong to publicity materials. Proper translations not only bring precise information to foreigners but also help build a good communication and good understanding. So the research on the translation of public signs is very important.Chapter One A Brief Introduction of Public signsBefore an exploration of translation public signs, some information about public signs needs to be provided. This chapter will introduce the definition, function, classification of public signs and the language style of public signs.1.1 The definition of public signsAs we known the public signs is a logo shown to some groups of people in particular place in order to have the function of communication. Public signs have become an academic term since 2000. “Si gn are anything from the simplest way finding or information maker to the technically sophisticated communication of a message”(Wang & Lv, 2007: 4). “Signing affects everybody---travelers, shoppers, visitors, and drivers etc. whether in the course of business or pleasure”(Cheng,2000:104).Basic literal information that are publicly shown to the public, tourists, oversea guest, foreigners in China and the Chinese in other countries to satisfy their behavior and needs in food, dwelling, travel and entertainment, are all within the category of signs (Lv, 2005:22).Some websites also pay close attention to public signs translation, such as, “”, “”and “”. “”provides the following definition: “literal information for public in public places”.According to the definition above, public signs have the following features: First they convey warning, instructional, restrictive, prohibitive or advocating information. Second, they are expressed in literal. Third they are not aimed at individuals but groups of people.1.2 The function of public signsPublic signs are widely used in daily life, such as airport, ticket office, high way, gas station, subway, taxi, museums, docks, emergency, school, tourist site, park, restaurant, street, cinema, etc.They are greatly informative. They can give us great help and facility. All the signs have four principal functions in application: directing, prompting, restricting, compelling effects.Directing signs convey the information to the public, without any restricting or compelling indication. It does not require the public to take actions, but give them an instruction or direction. For example: At the sight of “Information”(问询中心)people will know they can ask some questions and get answers. From “P et Hotel”(宠物旅馆)people will know their pets can be taken care in this place.Prompting signs are widely used although they do not have any special meaning. They just have prompting functions. For example, “S old Out”(售完)“P reserved”(预留席位)“B eware of Dog”(当心犬只)“F ull Booked”(客满)“M aximum Height”(限高), etc.Restricting signs order the audience to restrict the behavior. The language used is straightforward but not rude. For example, “E mergency Passage Way, Please Not Hand Luggage on the Floor” (紧急通道,请勿将手提物品搁置地上),“Give Way”(让路),“Ticket Only”(凭票进场),etc.Compelling signs ask the public to take some actions or not, otherwise they would be punished. For example, “Police Line Do Not Pass”(警戒线,勿超越)“Don‟t Walk”(禁止通行), “No Smoking”(禁止吸烟),“No Overnight Parking”(严禁过夜停车).From the discussion above, we know the function of public signs. This is one of the ways of dividing the functions of public signs. We can also divide the functions into directing, reminding and ordering.1.3 The classification of public signsGenerally speaking, we have different ways to classify public signsaccording to different criteria.1.3.1 Informative and evocativePublic signs can be divided into “informative” (content focused) and “evocative” (appeal focused). Informative public signs provide information or describe a situation. The readers do not need to take some actions. They are widely used in scenic spots, such as, facilities, the name of the park, introduction, etc.Evocative public signs are designed to present information with a particular perspective. According to Nord, “…evocative‟is called …appellative‟”:the use of language to make the receivers do something corresponding (Nord, 2006:40). e.g. “No Fishing Here, 禁止垂钓”“Wet Floor, 小心地滑”and “Free for Children under 12, 十二岁以下儿童免费”.1.3.2 Slogans and advertisementsPublic signs include “slogans” and “advertisements” according to the purpose of usage.Slogans are used for publicity. For example, create a new situation, modernize in all fields (全面开创社会主义现代化建设新局面). The later is shown in written form outside. For example, “we care to provide service above and beyond the call of duty”(殷勤有加,风雨不改,UPS联合快递公司).1.3.3 Public signs in scenic spots and other placesAccording to the place where the public signs appear we can classify the public signs as the following:Public signs in scenic spots: signs in the scenic spots are designed to give the travelers some help or instruction. e.g.: Please Protect Facilities(保护公共设施, State Protect Historic Site(国家级文物保护单位).There are also some traffic signs and road signs, for example, Xin Hua Road(新华路), No Parking(禁止停车).All above are the classifications of public signs.1.4 The language style of public signsAll the public signs have special features because they are mainly used in public places and their functions are communicative. Understanding the language style of public signs is very important. The main language features of public signs are conciseness and directness.1.4.1 ConcisenessPublic signs must be short and they must express the meaning clearly with right structures because the functions of public signs are to arouse readers‟ attention, and then, they can give readers warning or notice. Besides, they are usually written on the billboards or posters, which have limited writing space. Wordy public signs can‟t convey the effective information to the readers but make the readers confused. For example, “H and Off, 请勿触摸”, which means “please don‟t touch the exhibits”, “C losed during Repairs,停业整顿” which means “the store is being repaired, suspensions of business”1.4.2 DirectnessTo be direct means the public signs should be expressed directly. Public signs should be written in the simple words so that everybody can understand it. Obscure terms should be avoided in signs. For example, Staff Only, which means if you are not the staff, please doesn‟t enter.Chapter Two Problems of C-E Public Signs Translations inSummer Mountain ResortsNow we know the important function and situation of public signs for people but the translation errors still exist in public signs, even in the Summer Mountain Resorts. It is unfortunate that there are a lot of problems such as lexical errors, spelling errors, grammar errors, literal translation, and cultural differences, against convention and so on. All of that have harmful effect on the society.2.1 Lexical errorsErrors coming from lexical mistranslation account for the biggest percentage of the total linguistic errors according to the relevant statistic material. This phenomenon exists because the translators only know the vocabulary of formal equivalence, and ignore vocabulary dynamic equivalence. A word is the smallest unit of language. Translators should use the proper words in translation on the basis of accurate comprehension of the original. So the translators should make sure to understand the correct comprehension of each word in is source text, and express the correct expression in target language. How to choose a proper word is the key step.Example (1): there is a big public signs in the gate of the Summer Mountain Resorts: “W ay Out”, which refers to the place from which you can go out of a building in British English and in the scenic spots we should use “E xit” instead.Example (2): “请在此排队Join the Main Line”. It should write “Please Queue”.Example (3): “请注意安全Please Pay Attention to Safety”. It should write “Caution: Risk of Danger”.2.2 Spelling errorsSpelling errors are apparent and easy to be avoided. In the Summer Mountain Resorts we find out lots of spelling errors. For example, “芳园居fragrant Garden”. I t should be capitalized. “观莲所Lotus view PA VILION”, the word on the board are confused. They should be written in uniform format. Spelling errors also include the misuse of Chinese pinyin. Pinyin is often mixed with English in nonstandard ways. Like “西岭晨霞Xilingchenxia Chamber”. The foreigners can‟t understand its meaning. “云帆月航a tower in the shape of boat , the …seneryis‟ a boat-shaped chamber with two floors.” “S ceneryis” should be written as“scenery is”.2.3 Grammar errorsChinese and English have two different grammar rules and grammar errors are likely to happen because of the differences. Grammar errors refer to the system of inflection, syntax and word formation of a language. For example:“It was built in 1703, was over the palace area before 1771, after the formal palace had been completed, the island becomes a major scenic attraction in the landscape area.”“如意洲建于1703年,1771年之前竣工,在正宫完成之后,如意洲成为景区的主要景点。





从事汉英公示语翻译首先应考虑使用英语中规范和标准语汇进行一对一的汉英置换; 在无对应译法的情况下宜参照英语公示语的功能要求确定语言风格进行试译,然后在部分海外者中进行检验。


关键词公示语语言风格功能特色汉英翻译Abstract Public signs in English are essential to tourists. Directing , prompting , restricting and compelling aretheir four most important functions ; The frequent use of nouns , verbs , gerunds , phrases , abbreviations , combination of words and signs , present tenses and imperative structures marks their most outstanding stylisticcharacteristics. Translators could work more effectively if they take note of the functional features and languagestyle of public signs.Key words English on public signs functional features language styles Chinese- English translation举办奥运会、世博会都需要良好的国际化语言环境。



2024年黑龙江学位英语考试真题The 2024 Heilongjiang Degree English Examination presented a comprehensive assessment of language proficiency, challenging candidates with a variety of tasks designed to test their command of English. The examination's structure was meticulously crafted to evaluate all aspects of language skills, including reading comprehension, listening, writing, and translation.In the reading section, candidates encountered passages from diverse sources, ranging from contemporary journalistic writing to classic literature. This diversity not only tested their ability to understand different writing styles but also their capacity to adapt to varying contexts and vocabulary. One notable passage delved into the implications of technological advancements on society, prompting examinees to analyze and reflect on the text critically.Listening comprehension exercises were equally demanding, featuring audio clips that spanned academic lectures, everyday conversations, and news reports. Test-takers had to demonstrate their ability to discern details, understand main ideas, and infer meanings from spoken English in various accents and speeds.The writing component required candidates to articulate their thoughts coherently and persuasively. They were tasked with composing essays that not only showcased their linguistic abilities but also their critical thinking skills. Topics ranged from environmental issues to the impact of cultural exchange in the globalized world, allowing examinees to explore and present arguments on relevant and thought-provoking subjects.Translation exercises bridged the gap between English and Chinese, testing the candidates' proficiency in both languages. They translated complex sentences and paragraphs, ensuring the preservation of meaning, tone, and style. This section highlighted the importance of understanding nuances and the ability to convey them accurately in another language.Overall, the 2024 Heilongjiang Degree English Examination was a testament to the candidates' dedication and hard work. It not only evaluated their current level of English proficiency but also set a benchmark for their continued learning and improvement. As English continues to be a pivotal tool in global communication, such examinations play a crucial role in preparing individuals to engage with the world effectively. 。

Chinese-English Translation of Public Signs from the Perspective of Functionalist Translation Theory

Chinese-English Translation of Public Signs from the Perspective of Functionalist Translation Theory

Chinese-English Translation of Public Signs from the Perspective of Functionalist Translation Theory内容摘要对旅游景点的文化元素进行恰当的翻译不仅能够促进旅游经济的发展,也加快了中国优秀文化的对外传播。





关键词:翻译目的论旅游翻译文化元素ABSTRACTProper English translation of cultural elements in tourist attractions will not only promote and consolidate the development of tourist economy, but also accelerate foreign transmission of China's excellent culture. However, it is still very common for inaccurate and non-standard C-E translation of cultural elements in China's tourist attractions, not to mention . Small problems like spelling mistake or serious problems like translation without foundation, all of these translation problems will not only bring troublesomeness to foreign tourists, but also damage the image seriously or even restrict the development of tourism economy and foreign dissemination of excellent culture. This situation makes people worried. Some scholars have had some studies about the C-E translation of cultural elements , but most of the studies are still limited to barely correct mistakes and fail to combine with appropriate theories to form a complete research system.Key words:SkopostheorieC-E tourism translationcultural elementsACKNOWLEDGEMENTSIn the first place, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor Mr. Han Changhui for the patient instructions and inspiring feedback that he has offered during the writing of this paper. His insightful advice and suggestions have provided an important ground for this paper, and will continue to benefit my future study in translation.I am also very grateful to all the other teachers and professors of the School of Interpreting and Translation, who have provided me with invaluable nutrition for being a qualified language learner and translator.Last but not least, my gratitude also extends to my family, my classmates, and my friends, who have always been my support and given me generous help with both my study and life.诚信保证我通过自己的签名保证:我的论文是独立完成的,无他人代笔,所有从出版物中的引用(包括图表等)均注明了出处;除了注明的文献之外,没有使用其他文献。







1973年,水门事件的主要涉案人员之一、尼克松的前竞选顾问约翰·埃利希曼(John Ehrlichman)因涉嫌妨碍司法公正而被起诉。




三、法院判决美国联邦法院审理了此案,并作出了如下判决:1. 行政特权不能成为拒绝交出录音带的理由。

2. 尼克松必须交出录音带,以供调查。

3. 法院有权对录音带进行审查,以确保录音带内容与调查无关。

四、案例分析1. 行政特权在美国法律体系中具有重要地位。



2. 行政特权与个人隐私权、国家利益等原则存在冲突。


3. 本案对美国政治和法律体系产生了深远影响。


五、案例英译Case Name: United States v. NixonI. BackgroundOn June 17, 1972, the Watergate Scandal broke out in the United States. The scandal involved the illegal break-in of the Democratic National Committee headquarters by the Republican Party, led by President Richard Nixon and his assistants, during which files and listening equipment were stolen. The Watergate Scandal became one of the biggest political scandals in American history and sparked widespread public concern about government integrity and power.II. ControversyAfter the Watergate Scandal broke out, the Federal Bureau ofInvestigation (FBI) began to investigate the relevant personnel. In 1973, one of the main suspects in the Watergate Scandal, John Ehrlichman,Nixon's former campaign advisor, was indicted on charges of obstructing justice. During this process, the U.S. Department of Justice requested that Nixon hand over the tape recordings related to the Watergate Scandal for investigation.However, Nixon refused to hand over the tape recordings on the groundsof executive privilege. The U.S. Department of Justice then filed a lawsuit in the U.S. federal court, seeking a judgment that Nixon must hand over the tape recordings.III. Court DecisionThe U.S. federal court heard the case and made the following decisions:1. Executive privilege cannot be used as a reason to refuse to hand over the tape recordings.2. Nixon must hand over the tape recordings for investigation.3. The court has the right to review the tape recordings to ensure that the content is unrelated to the investigation.IV. Case Analysis1. Executive privilege plays an important role in the American legal system. However, executive privilege is not absolute and cannot be used to obstruct justice. In this case, the court held that Nixon's refusalto hand over the tape recordings on the grounds of executive privilege violated the principle of judicial fairness.2. Executive privilege is in conflict with principles such as personal privacy and national interests. In this case, the court weighed the interests of all parties and ultimately made a judgment in favor of judicial fairness.3. This case had a profound impact on the American political and legal system. The Watergate Scandal led the American public to question the integrity and power of the government, prompting the United States to strengthen laws and regulations on the restriction of government power.V. English TranslationI. BackgroundOn June 17, 1972, the Watergate Scandal broke out in the United States. The scandal involved the illegal break-in of the Democratic National Committee headquarters by the Republican Party, led by President Richard Nixon and his assistants, during which files and listening equipment were stolen. The Watergate Scandal became one of the biggest political scandals in American history and sparked widespread public concern about government integrity and power.II. ControversyAfter the Watergate Scandal broke out, the Federal Bureau ofInvestigation (FBI) began to investigate the relevant personnel. In 1973, one of the main suspects in the Watergate Scandal, John Ehrlichman,Nixon's former campaign advisor, was indicted on charges of obstructing justice. During this process, the U.S. Department of Justice requested that Nixon hand over the tape recordings related to the Watergate Scandal for investigation.However, Nixon refused to hand over the tape recordings on the grounds of executive privilege. The U.S. Department of Justice then filed a lawsuit in the U.S. federal court, seeking a judgment that Nixon must hand over the tape recordings.III. Court DecisionThe U.S. federal court heard the case and made the following decisions:1. Executive privilege cannot be used as a reason to refuse to hand over the tape recordings.2. Nixon must hand over the tape recordings for investigation.3. The court has the right to review the tape recordings to ensure that the content is unrelated to the investigation.IV. Case Analysis1. Executive privilege plays an important role in the American legal system. However, executive privilege is not absolute and cannot be used to obstruct justice. In this case, the court held that Nixon's refusal to hand over the tape recordings on the grounds of executive privilege violated the principle of judicial fairness.2. Executive privilege is in conflict with principles such as personal privacy and national interests. In this case, the court weighed the interests of all parties and ultimately made a judgment in favor of judicial fairness.3. This case had a profound impact on the American political and legal system. The Watergate Scandal led the American public to question the integrity and power of the government, prompting the United States to strengthen laws and regulations on the restriction of government power.V. English TranslationI. BackgroundOn June 17, 1972, the Watergate Scandal broke out in the United States. The scandal involved the illegal break-in of the Democratic NationalCommittee headquarters by the Republican Party, led by President Richard Nixon and his assistants, during which files and listening equipment were stolen. The Watergate Scandal became one of the biggest political scandals in American history and sparked widespread public concern about government integrity and power.II. ControversyAfter the Watergate Scandal broke out, the Federal Bureau ofInvestigation (FBI) began to investigate the relevant personnel. In 1973, one of the main suspects in the Watergate Scandal, John Ehrlichman,Nixon's former campaign advisor, was indicted on charges of obstructing justice. During this process, the U.S. Department of Justice requested that Nixon hand over the tape recordings related to the Watergate Scandal for investigation.However, Nixon refused to hand over the tape recordings on the groundsof executive privilege. The U.S. Department of Justice then filed a lawsuit in the U.S. federal court, seeking a judgment that Nixon must hand over the tape recordings.III. Court DecisionThe U.S. federal court heard the case and made the following decisions:1. Executive privilege cannot be used as a reason to refuse to hand over the tape recordings.2. Nixon must hand over the tape recordings for investigation.3. The court has the right to review the tape recordings to ensure that the content is unrelated to the investigation.IV. Case Analysis1. Executive privilege plays an important role in the American legal system. However, executive privilege is not absolute and cannot be used to obstruct justice. In this case, the court held that Nixon's refusalto hand over the tape recordings on the grounds of executive privilege violated the principle of judicial fairness.2. Executive privilege is in conflict with principles such as personal privacy and national interests. In this case, the court weighed the interests of all parties and ultimately made a judgment in favor of judicial fairness.3. This case had a profound impact on the American political and legal system. The Watergate Scandal led the American public to question the integrity and power of the government, prompting the United States to strengthen laws and regulations on the restriction of government power.V. English TranslationI. BackgroundOn June 17, 1972, the Watergate Scandal broke out in the United States. The scandal involved the illegal break-in of the Democratic National Committee headquarters by the Republican Party, led by President Richard Nixon and his assistants, during which files and listening equipment were stolen. The Watergate Scandal became one of the biggest political scandals in American history and sparked widespread public concern about government integrity and power.II. ControversyAfter the Watergate Scandal broke out, the Federal Bureau ofInvestigation (FBI) began to investigate the relevant personnel. In 1973, one of the main suspects in the Watergate Scandal, John Ehrlichman,Nixon's former campaign advisor, was indicted on charges of obstructing justice. During this process, the U.S. Department of Justice requested that Nixon hand over the tape recordings related to the Watergate Scandal for investigation.However, Nixon refused to hand over the tape recordings on the groundsof executive privilege. The U.S. Department of Justice then filed a lawsuit in the U.S. federal court, seeking a judgment that Nixon must hand over the tape recordings.III. Court DecisionThe U.S. federal court heard the case and made the following decisions:1. Executive privilege cannot be used as a reason to refuse to hand over the tape recordings.2. Nixon must hand over the tape recordings for investigation.3. The court has the right to review the tape recordings to ensure that the content is unrelated to the investigation.IV. Case Analysis1. Executive privilege plays an important role in the American legal system. However, executive privilege is not absolute and cannot be used to obstruct justice. In this case, the court held that Nixon's refusal to hand over the tape recordings on the grounds of executive privilege violated the principle of judicial fairness.2. Executive privilege is in conflict with principles such as personal privacy and national interests. In this case, the court weighed the interests of all parties and ultimately made a judgment in favor of judicial fairness.3. This case had a profound impact on the American political and legal system. The Watergate Scandal led the American public to question the integrity and power of the government, prompting the United States to strengthen laws and regulations on the restriction of government power.V. English TranslationI. BackgroundOn June 17, 1972, the Watergate Scandal broke out in the United States. The scandal involved the illegal break-in of the Democratic National Committee headquarters by the Republican Party, led by President Richard Nixon and his assistants, during which files and listening equipment were stolen. The Watergate Scandal became one of the biggest political scandals in American history and sparked widespread public concern about government integrity and power.II. ControversyAfter the Watergate Scandal broke out, the Federal Bureau ofInvestigation (FBI) began to investigate the relevant personnel. In 1973, one of the main suspects in the Watergate Scandal, John Ehrlichman,Nixon's former campaign advisor, was indicted on charges of obstructing justice. During this process, the U.S. Department of Justice requested that Nixon hand over the tape recordings related to the Watergate Scandal for investigation.However, Nixon refused to hand over the tape recordings on the groundsof executive privilege. The U.S. Department of Justice then filed a lawsuit in the U.S. federal court, seeking a judgment that Nixon must hand over the tape recordings.III. Court DecisionThe U.S. federal court heard the case and made the following decisions:1. Executive privilege cannot be used as a reason to refuse to hand over the tape recordings.2. Nixon must hand over the tape recordings for investigation.3. The court has the right to review the tape recordings to ensure that the content is unrelated to the investigation.IV. Case Analysis1. Executive privilege plays an important role in the American legal system. However, executive privilege is not absolute and cannot be used to obstruct justice. In this case, the court held that Nixon's refusalto hand over the tape recordings on the grounds of executive privilege violated the principle of judicial fairness.2. Executive privilege is in conflict with principles such as personal privacy and national interests. In this case, the court weighed the interests of all parties and ultimately made a judgment in favor of judicial fairness.3. This case had a profound impact on the American political and legal system. The Watergate Scandal led the American public to question theintegrity and power of the government, prompting the United States to strengthen laws and regulations on the restriction of government power.V. English TranslationI. BackgroundOn June 17, 1972, the Watergate Scandal broke out in the United States. The scandal involved the illegal break-in of the Democratic National Committee headquarters by the Republican Party, led by President Richard Nixon and his assistants, during which files and listening equipment were stolen. The Watergate Scandal became one of the biggest political scandals in American history and sparked widespread public concern about government integrity and power.II. ControversyAfter the Watergate Scandal broke out, the Federal Bureau ofInvestigation (FBI) began to investigate the relevant personnel. In 1973, one of the main suspects in the Watergate Scandal, John Ehrlichman,Nixon's former campaign advisor, was indicted on charges of obstructing justice. During this process, the U.S. Department of Justice requested that Nixon hand over the tape recordings related to the Watergate Scandal for investigation.However, Nixon refused to hand over the tape recordings on the groundsof executive privilege. The U.S. Department of Justice then filed a lawsuit in the U.S. federal court, seeking a judgment that Nixon must hand over the tape recordings.III. Court DecisionThe U.S. federal court heard the case and made the following decisions:1. Executive privilege cannot be used as a reason to refuse to hand over the tape recordings.2. Nixon must hand over the tape recordings for investigation.3. The court has the right to review the tape recordings to ensure that the content is unrelated to the investigation.IV. Case Analysis1. Executive privilege plays an important role in the American legal system. However, executive privilege is not absolute and cannot be used to obstruct justice. In this case, the court held that Nixon's refusalto hand over the tape recordings on the grounds of executive privilege violated the principle of judicial fairness.2. Executive privilege is in conflict with principles such as personal privacy and national interests. In this case, the court weighed the interests of all parties and ultimately made a judgment in favor of judicial fairness.3. This case had a profound impact on the American political and legal system. The Watergate Scandal led the American public to question the integrity and power of the government, prompting the United States to strengthen laws and regulations on the restriction of government power.V. English TranslationI. BackgroundOn June 17, 1972, the Watergate Scandal broke out in the United States. The scandal involved the illegal break-in of the Democratic National Committee headquarters by the Republican Party, led by President Richard Nixon and his assistants, during which files and listening equipment were stolen. The Watergate Scandal became one of the biggest political scandals in American history and sparked widespread public concern about government integrity and power.II. ControversyAfter the Watergate Scandal broke out, the Federal Bureau ofInvestigation (FBI) began to investigate the relevant personnel. In 1973, one of the main suspects in the Watergate Scandal, John Ehrlichman,Nixon's former campaign advisor, was indicted on charges of obstructing justice. During this process, the U.S. Department of Justice requested that Nixon hand over the tape recordings related to the Watergate Scandal for investigation.However, Nixon refused to hand over the tape recordings on the grounds of executive privilege. The U.S. Department of Justice then filed a lawsuit in the U.S. federal court, seeking a judgment that Nixon must hand over the tape recordings.III. Court DecisionThe U.S. federal court heard the case and made the following decisions:1. Executive privilege cannot be used as a reason to refuse to hand over the tape recordings.2. Nixon must hand over the tape recordings for investigation.3. The court has the right to review the tape recordings to ensure that the content is unrelated to the investigation.IV. Case Analysis1. Executive privilege plays an important role in the American legal system. However, executive privilege is not absolute and cannot be used to obstruct justice. In this case, the court held that Nixon's refusal to hand over the tape recordings on the grounds of executive privilege violated the principle of judicial fairness.2. Executive privilege is in conflict with principles such as personal privacy and national interests. In this case, the court weighed the interests of all parties and ultimately made a judgment in favor of judicial fairness.3. This case had a profound impact on the American political and legal system. The Watergate Scandal led the American public to question the integrity and power of the government, prompting the United States to strengthen laws and regulations on the restriction of government power.V. English TranslationI. BackgroundOn June 17, 1972, the Watergate Scandal broke out in the United States. The scandal involved the illegal break-in of the Democratic NationalCommittee headquarters by the Republican Party, led by President Richard Nixon and his assistants, during which files and listening equipment were stolen. The Watergate Scandal became one of the biggest political scandals in American history and sparked widespread public concern about government integrity and power.II. ControversyAfter the Watergate Scandal broke out, the Federal Bureau ofInvestigation (FBI) began to investigate the relevant personnel. In 1973, one of the main suspects in the Watergate Scandal, John Ehrlichman,Nixon's former campaign advisor, was indicted on charges of obstructing justice. During this process, the U.S. Department of Justice requested that Nixon hand over the tape recordings related to the Watergate Scandal for investigation.However, Nixon refused to hand over the tape recordings on the groundsof executive privilege. The U.S. Department of Justice then filed a lawsuit in the U.S. federal court, seeking a judgment that Nixon must hand over the tape recordings.III. Court DecisionThe U.S. federal court heard the case and made the following decisions:1. Executive privilege cannot be used as a reason to refuse to hand over the tape recordings.2. Nixon must hand over the tape recordings for investigation.3. The court has the right to review the tape recordings to ensure that the content is unrelated to the investigation.IV. Case Analysis1. Executive privilege plays an important role in the American legal system. However, executive privilege is not absolute and cannot be used to obstruct justice. In this case, the court held that Nixon's refusalto hand over the tape recordings on the grounds of executive privilege violated the principle of judicial fairness.2. Executive privilege is in conflict with principles such as personal privacy and national interests. In this case, the court weighed the第2篇Case Summary:In the case of Johnson v. Smith, the plaintiff, Johnson, filed a lawsuit against the defendant, Smith, alleging negligence and breach of contract. The case revolves around an agreement between the parties to build a residential property, which ultimately did not meet the agreed-upon standards.English Text:---Johnson v. SmithCourt of First InstanceCase No. 2021-12345Facts:The plaintiff, Johnson, entered into a contract with the defendant, Smith, in 2019. The contract was for the construction of a residential property at Johnson's residence. The agreement specified the scope of work, the quality of materials to be used, and the deadline for completion.According to the contract, the property was to be completed within six months from the date of the agreement. However, after the deadline, the property was not ready for occupancy. Johnson conducted a thorough inspection of the property and found several defects, including cracksin the walls, improper wiring, and substandard plumbing.Johnson notified Smith of the defects and requested that they be corrected. Smith acknowledged the issues but failed to rectify themwithin a reasonable time. As a result, Johnson hired a third-partycontractor to make the necessary repairs, which cost him an additional $15,000.Johnson brought a lawsuit against Smith, claiming negligence and breach of contract. He sought damages for the cost of repairs, as well as for the mental distress caused by the delays and substandard workmanship.Defendant's Argument:Smith argued that the defects were minor and that they did notconstitute a breach of contract. He further claimed that any defects were the result of unforeseen circumstances beyond his control and that he had acted diligently to correct the issues.Plaintiff's Argument:Johnson's attorney argued that the defects were significant and directly resulted from Smith's negligence. He contended that the contract clearly specified the standards to which the property was to be built, and that Smith failed to meet these standards. The attorney also emphasized that the delays and additional costs incurred were a direct consequence of Smith's breach of contract.Judgment:The court found in favor of Johnson on both counts of negligence and breach of contract. The court held that Smith's failure to meet the agreed-upon standards for the construction of the property was a clear breach of contract. Additionally, the court found that the defects were not minor and that they had caused Johnson significant distress and financial hardship.The court awarded Johnson damages in the amount of $15,000 for the cost of repairs and an additional $5,000 for mental distress. The court also ordered Smith to pay Johnson's legal fees, which were estimated to be $10,000.Conclusion:This case highlights the importance of clear and specific contracts in construction projects. It serves as a reminder to contractors and homeowners alike that failure to meet the agreed-upon standards can lead to legal action and significant financial consequences.---中文翻译:---约翰逊诉史密斯案初审法院案号:2021-12345事实:原告约翰逊于2019年与被告史密斯签订了合同,合同内容是在约翰逊的住所建造一栋住宅。



·2、简洁性原则 ·例如: ·保持安静 Quiet Please! ·仅限在紧急情况下使用 ·Emergency Use Only ·商品展示柜,此商品不参加活动 ·Display Only
·3、语境优先原则 ·例如: ·车载监视器在工作 (公交车上) ·Cameras in Operation ·当心路滑 ·(商场)Caution! Slippery! ·(公路)Caution! Slippery WhenWet.
·注:以下公示语(公示语)的英文翻译皆 来自2012年奥运会主办城市伦敦的真实表 达。
·新鲜果蔬 Fresh Produce
·出口 (通道) WayOut
International Departure
International Arrival
Hold the Hand Rail
·汉语 主动形式
·英语 被动形式
·车位以满 Occupied
·保证干净舒适Cleanness and Comfort Assured
·Temporarily closed. Sorry for the inconvenience.
·体现礼貌原则的手段很多,而最明显、最 直接的手段无疑是礼貌公示语的使用,比 如“please”, “Thank you”, “sorry”, “welcome”等等。
·Escalator under repair. Sorry for the inconvenience.



CATTI三级笔译实务模拟题2020年(2)(总分100, 做题时间180分钟)English-Chinese Translation1.It is more than a quarter of a century since the leaders of the world, gathered in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, committed their countries to avoiding "dangerous anthropogenic interference in the climate system" by signing the UN convention on climate change. The case for living up to their words has only become stronger. The level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere grows unremittingly. Average global temperatures have risen, t oo, to about 1°C above those of the pre-industrial era. The science that links the two is incontestable. Recent extreme-weather events, from floods in Hanoi to fires in California, were made more likely by the change that the climate has already undergone. Things will only get worse — perhaps catastrophically so.In a sense the world is already equipped for the task at hand. Wind and solar power have, after huge subsidies, joined nuclear reactors and dams as affordable ways of generating gigawatts of electricity without burning fossil fuels. As our Technology Quarterly this week shows, parts of the energy system not easily electrified—some forms of transport, industrial processes like making steel and cement, heating offices and homes—could also be decarbonized **ing technologies. And policymakers have tools to bring about change, including carbon taxes, regulation, subsidies and, if they choose, command and control.Yet when the parties to the convention on climate change meet again in Katowice, Poland, on December 2nd, it will be against a backdrop not just of rising temperatures but also of rising despair. The problem is obvious: the stakes are huge; solutions are within reach. So why is the response inadequate?The chief reason is that the world has no history of dealing with such a difficult problem, nor the institutions to do so. The harm done by climate change is not visited on the people, or the generations, that have the best chance of acting against it. Those who suffer most harm are and will be predominantly poor and in poor countries. The people called on to pay the costs of reducing that harm are and will be mostly much better off.The better off are more able to adapt to climate change than the poor, and thus have less cause to avoid change. And making the poor wealthy enough to adapt involves economic growth that is still mostly powered by fossil fuels. Although no one should be asked to forgothat growth, it has consequences.What might produce a moment of clarity to break this impasse? Onepossibility is the sheer impact of climate change. Geophysical features of Earth are already being redrawn. The dry edges of the tropics are heading pole wards at about 50km a decade. The line of aridity defining the American West has moved roughly 230km east since 1980. The sea ice in the Arctic is a shadow of its former self. Nobody can know whether the world will one day wake up and cut emissions to zero. Even if it does, the main problem — the stock of greenhouse gases already emitted — will remain. A crash programme to suck carbon dioxide out of the air would take vast resources and years to make a difference.Another spur might be innovation. The world would have many fewer firms developing electric cars were it not for Elon Musk and Tesla. But without policies to spread innovation, such as a carbon tax or subsidy and regulation, inventiveness alone is insufficient. The technology that matters is the technology being used.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI分值: 50答案:1992年,世界各国领导人齐聚里约热内卢,签署了一项有关气候变化的联合国公约,承诺避免“气候系统受到危险的人为干扰”。

On C-E Translation Of Prompting Public Signs论提示性公示语的英译

On C-E Translation Of Prompting Public Signs论提示性公示语的英译

On C-E Translation Of PromptingPublic Signs论提示性公示语的英译CONTENTSAbstract (1)Introduction (2)Chapter 1Literature Review (5)1.1Definition of Prompting Public Signs (5)1.2 Prior Studies of C-E Translation of Prompting PublicSigns (6)Chapter 2Language Features of Prompting Public Signs..102.1 Conciseness (10)2.2 Common V ocabulary (11)2.3 Attractiveness and Markedness (11)2.4 Conventional Expressions (12)2.5 Euphemistic Representation (12)Chapter 3 Principles of C-E Translation of Prompting Public Signs (14)3.1 Readability (14)3.2 Economical Word Employment (16)3.3 Functional Equivalence (17)3.4Situational Coherence (19)3.5 Conformity in Emotional Evocation (20)Chapter 4 Strategies for C-E Translation of Prompting Public Signs............... .. (22)4.1 Borrowing (22)4.2 N egation (24)4.3 Omission (25)4.4 Substituting (26)4.5 Zero Translation (28)Conclusion (30)Notes (32)Bibliography (33)Acknowledgements (34)On C-E Translation Of Prompting PublicSignsAbstract: As a specific text form, the application of public signs has a long history and is in close attach with all aspects of our life. Acting as the face of a city, public signs are a showplace for our natives as well as the foreigners to get a better understanding of the spiritual appearance and all fields of China. Thus they affect a foreigner’s first impression of China when he visits this country. Then it is natural that the prompting public signs, an important part of public signs, are a crucial component of a nation’s external publicity. Their translation standard would directly influence the accuracy and quality of the information conveyance and cultural transmission, and further impact the foreign exchange and human environmental construction of a country. For the above reasons, this paper aims at conducting a concrete analysis and study on the translation of Chinese prompting public signs to explore the translation principles and improve the translation strategies.Key Words:prompting public signs; translation principles; translation strategies摘要:公示语作为一种特定功能的文本形式,应用历史悠久,其运用范围之广泛几乎涉及到我们生活的方方面面。



姓名:王彬班级:N08商务英语方向4班学号:200845639432 分数:On the C-E Translation of Public SignsAbstractWith the rapid growth in economy, culture and other aspects, increasing number of oversea businessmen, tourists and other people have flooded into China. Public signs, not least written bilingually, which can been seen almost everywhere, play an important role in our daily life, especially for foreigners in China in that these public signs with English words, phrases could advise them of certain places they want to go, rules they have to abide by and other useful and helpful information. However, owing to various reasons, most of these public signs are written in improper or totally wrong English, which often confuse or misadvise foreigners. Since correct and decent translation of public signs are vital to a sound and gorgeous impression and reputation of China, it is imperative for us to keenly realize this problem and find out ways to improve the translation of public signs. Therefore, this paper aims at the analysis of errors in public sign translation and puts forward suggestive ideas of the improvement and refinement of public sign translation.Key Words: public signs, analysis, improvement and refinement.1 IntroductionAs China has been in rapid development in economy, technology, culture and other aspects, a great number of foreigners come to China to pay visits. Public signs with English words and phrases could do a favor for foreigners in China. However, caused by different kind of reasons, many English on public signs are written improperly or incorrectly. Chinglish, which is rigidly translated from Chinese meaning, could be seen frequently as well. For the translation of public signs, which has witnessed its history for merely a decade, the author perceives that since the proper and decent translation is crucial to the convenience of foreigners or rather the positive image and reputation of China, it is imperative for the author, as majored in English, to probe into the translation of public signs, to put it more specifically, to have a study in the analysis of errors in public sign translation. Mainly based on theories of Peter Newmark, the author conducts an analysis of the linguistic characteristics provides general methods and key points in public sign translation. “The relation between language and culture would not constitute such seriousdifficulties for cross-cultural understanding if it were not for the numerous misconceptions about language and its function within a society. (Nida, 2004)”Therefore, emphasis should be given to the cultural differences in the translation of public signs. Furthermore, What‟s more, trademark translation is more than translation. A public sign should have all the characters of public sign and its function —directing people, inform people, etc. Consequently, public sign translation is a multifaceted work.This paper is divided into five parts: the first part serves as a brief introduction of the topic and significance of the study which would lead readers to the main part of this text. The second part is the introduction to public signs in which the author would offer a clear definition of public signs as well as the features of public sign translation. Then it is followed by the third part which is the analysis of errors of public translation from Chinese to English. In this part, the current situation of public sign translation would be presented and errors of public sign translation would be analyzed from some distinct perspectives. In the fourth part the author will furnish the readers with two constructive suggestions for the improvement and refinement of C-E translation of public signs. The last part should be the conclusion, in which the author will give a summary about this paper.2 General Introduction to Public Signs2.1DefinitionInternational Graphical Symbol Committee, signs are anything from a simplest way of finding or information …marker‟to the technically sophisticated communication of a message.In Chinese, there has not been a unified name for public signs. They call be called “标牌语”,“标识语”,“公示语”and so forth, but commonly used one is “公示语”.According to OXFORD ADV ANCE LEARNER‟S ENGLISH-CHINESE DICTIONARY, public sign means …written or printed news or information, usually displayed publicly‟. While in LONGMAN DICTIONARY OF CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH, public sign is …a piece of paper, metal in a public place with words or drawings on it that gives people information, warn them not to do something, etc.‟However the definition of public sign in Chinese may be slightly different from that in English.Lu Hefa, who is a prestigious translator and professor in translation, says in his book, … Public signs are terse and explicit words, sentences, even photographs that are closely related to daily life, production, ecology and professions so as to direct prompt, restrict, warn, or even compel the public‟(Lu, Hefa, 2004). Bei Zhu, Shan Aimin(2002) redeem that …In public signs, nouns, gerunds, phrases, abbreviations, combination of words and photos are widely applied. In the mean time, present tense, imperative sentences standard norms with explicitness and simplicity are also commonly used.‟ .The author of this thesis agrees with Luhefa‟s point of view, namely, public signs are terse and explicit words, sentences, even photographs that are closely related to daily life, production, ecology and professions so as to direct prompt, restrict, warn, or even compel the public.2.2Characteristics of Public Sign TranslationDifferent Public signs serve different purposes and convey different contents. They share some features that are distinct from those of other forms of writing. Firstly, based on its name, public sign are noticed at public occasions. Secondly, according to its primary purpose, it should be conspicuous and easily draw people‟s attention. Though some public signs may fail their function for various reasons, they basically share the following characteristics:2.2.1 TerseHere …terse means‟public signs are supposed to be written in brief, short and simple words and put themselves into full play with simplest language. The …terse‟feature of public signs is based on their practical value since people needing the help of public signs are often in a hurry are keen to obtain the valuable information in the fastest way. Therefore, detailed but long forms of public signs are not commonly recommended. Instead, clear and terse forms are preferred. In respect of vocabulary, translators are likely to reduce complicated vocabulary and use simple ones instead. Sometimes, verbs are apt to be erased. For examples, in train station, we may come across the signs “此区域孕妇专用” in Chinese, but two words …Pregnant Only‟ can fully deliver its meaning. Versions of public sign translation as such are “此处不准吸烟”(No Smoking), “免费停车”(Free Parking), etc.2.2.2 EvocativeAccording to Professor Lu Hefa(2004), …Directing , prompting , restricting and compelling are their four most important functions‟. According to Nord, …evocative‟ is also named …appellative‟: the use of language to make the receiver feel or do something, corresponding to …operative‟in Reiss‟s terminology (Nord, 2001). Therefore, public signs are made to direct people to realize certain goals. For example, in a lottery store, there are often notices or signs that are attracting you to purchase. Apparently, the more one buys, the more profits the shop owner may obtain. Therefore, the signs on the wall serve the purpose of evoking your impulse to buy some coupons. Often, these public signs are written as “百万大奖等你”(Million Only For You).3 Analysis of errors of Public Translation from C-E3.1 Current Situation of Public Signs TranslationOne could not deny that China has been more open and developed than it used to be decades ago. Public signs, especially bilingual ones, bring tremendous convenience to foreigners and are vital to China‟s infrastructure construction and image-building undertaking. Though in the new century China has held many great international events- Beijing Olympic Games in 2008, Shang EXPO in 2010 and the Universiade in Shenzhen this summer which upgrade China‟s international reputation, we are aware of the fact that the current situation of public sign translation leaves us no reason to be optimistic. Frequent occurrences of errors and inappropriateness in translation of public signs would unavoidably bring inconvenience to foreigners and damage China‟s sound international image to a certain degree. Beijing, Shanghai and metropolises as such in China have been beneficiaries of the national program of opening up to the outside the world for over three decades with a result that international elements in these big cities have been mature and really international. Public signs, which belong to those international elements, are almost perfectly translated into English. However, translation level of public signs in small cities is quite backward. In second-tier or in third-tier cities, various kinds of snack stores can be found everywhere. However, for most of them, their Chinese store names are often combined with Chinese Pinyin, for example …Xiao Wang Xiao Chi‟. As we can see, though Pinyin is written in English letters, they are by no means meaningful to foreigners. In another example, Pinyin Gong Ce, which refers to toilet in English, is not a bit helpful to foreigners.3.2Analysis to Errors of Public Translation from C-EAs the frequent exchanges between China and foreign countries in various areas have become kind of trends, quite a number of public signs are emerging to facilitate these exchanges. Public signs function mainly for linguistic communication, which Wilss(2001) redeems that …always appears in a textual form showing different origin, different structure, different functions, and it is designed for different recipients or target groups‟. However, as the author of this article has observed, there exists many errors in the translation of public signs caused by assorted reasons, which have not only failed to do foreigners a favor but also confused and misled them. Some of these errors derive from linguistic aspects, some stem from cultural reasons. Errors like misspelling belongs to linguistic problems in public sign translation while examples like …streetman‟ for …路人‟ is a typical translation error in the cultural aspects. In the following, the author will analyze the errors of public signs in light of language and culture and then try to sum up the causes of these errors.3.2.1Classification of errors on Linguistic Level3.2.1.1 Spelling ErrorsActually Spelling errors of translation are ubiquitous and easily to be seen in daily life. They often leave people with an impression of being careless and incautious. Such kinds of mistakes mainly result from the translators and show the lack of responsibility of the translators. Sometimes a small mistake in spelling could confuse foreigners and bring opposite effect. Here is an example of spelling errors. When one sees a board outside of a store printed PERFECT NEEDLE, the viewer may believe that this store sells medical equipment and doctors or stuffs in the hospital are the major customers here. In fact, the store is engaged in making noodles and the very right version of the board is supposed to be PERFECT NOODLE. However, due to the errors in spelling, foreign customers who decide to have taste of Chinese noodles may turn round and seek for what they think is a noodle room. In another example, the author once noticed a luncheonette named SNAKE in Ningbo. After visited this luncheonette the author realized that it actually makes and sells delectable snacks. What a big mistake. Snakes are fearful animals in many people‟s view. If the store keeps its English name …Snake‟, it would definitely lose scores of customers. Grammatical errorsGrammatical rules are the basic knowledge for every English learner. A perfect version of translation of public signs should at abide by the basic grammatical rules. And yet many errors caused from grammatical reasons in public signs can still befound and seen. Like spelling errors in translation, translators should take responsibility for this kind of mistake. Low proficiency or lack of responsibility of the translators is the main reason that results in such errors.The word …park‟ as a noun is generally a public garden that offers recreations for people. While the verb …park‟ means to put one‟s vehicle in a safe or empty place for a while. It is a pity that there are still a large number of boards written in CAR PARK for what is known as CAR PARKING. It is not difficult to imagine that when a foreigner sees a CAR PARK board, he would drive away and find other place to put his car. Word-for-Word TranslationsAccording to Peter Newmark(1988), all texts could be classified into three types, namely, expressive text, informative text and vocative text. Based on its feature, the content of public sign is both vocative and informative. Commonly when dealing with vocative and informative texts, communicative translation are applied. …Communicative translation attempts to render the exact contextual meaning of the original in such a way that both content and language are readily acceptable and comprehensible to the readership (Newmark, 2001). Translation is translating the meaning from one language to another language, but …Some translators simply cannot figure out the meaning of the original, and they may be too lazy to resolve the problems. They resort to a word-for-word translation due to a mistaken notion that this is an easy way out‟. (Jin Di& Nida, 1984) When dealing with public signs, some translators translate them word-for-word though strictly conforming to grammatical rules without any spelling mistakes. They fail to stand at the receptors point and consider if the version is comprehensible to the receptors or not. …Vigorous Writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary part.‟(William, 1979)For example, public sign‟闲人免入‟ is common in supermarkets, stores and other public places. Some stores render a version of …Idlers are forbidden‟. Although this sentence is complete and perfect from the grammatical perspective and no spelling mistake could be found, it still confuses foreigners. They may perceive that since they are not idlers they are free to go wherever they like to. But in fact, what the public sign wants to express is that the area in which the sign is set is not for customers, but for store staff. So here STAFF ONLY can fully convey this meaning.3.2.2Classification of errors on Culture Level…Since culture is defined succinctly as the totality of beliefs and practices of a society, nothing is of greater strategic importance than the language through which its beliefs are expressed and transmitted and by which most interaction of its members takes places‟.(Nida, 2004). Different language has different norms, conventions and rules. As the author has mentioned above that English and Chinese are two extremely different languages, there are many cultural factors that translators have to think over when involving in public sign translation. However, there are still a great number of leaks in translation of public signs to fill from the cultural perspective, the author below lists three kinds of error in cultural aspects. Errors caused from different connotationsIn big markets or stores there are often signs named 休息室in Chinese. However, the English version of these signs at most time is RESTROOM. The translator may believe that …rest‟ is the English equivalence of 休息in Chinese and 室could be expressed as …room‟ in English. But in fact, the combination of these two words …rest‟ and …room‟ has its distinct meaning in English, which refers as …toilet‟ in western culture. Errors cause from using taboos.Taboos exist in every culture. The native of one language may try to avoid taboos when communicate with others. However, taboos are resulted from profound history and for non-native speakers. It is a bit difficult for them to have a wide knowledge of taboos. As we Chinese know, dragon is a very sacred and holy figure in our culture and Chinese boast themselves as the offspring of dragon. But people in different cultures view the same thing in different ways and differ in the perspective of cognition. In western culture, dragon is a representation of evil and viciousness. The author once noticed a shop who sells traditional Chinese clothing whose Chinese name is 龙的传人and the English version of its name is Dragon Descendent. The owner‟s original purpose is to embody its traditional flavor and traditional uniqueness of the shop from naming Dragon Descendent. But due to lack of cultural awareness, the store fails to attract more foreign customs because the store‟s name keeps them away. Other examples of this kind are 干货(fuck food), 一次性消费( one sex consumption), etc. Errors cause from different conventions and normsWhen referring to some places, we Chinese are inclined to indicate one from abig scale to a small scale. While in western culture, people tend to speak of a place in the opposite way. For example, a place called西郊村仓前路, in foreigners view, Cang Qian Road, Xijiao Village is an acceptable and normal version. But in fact the actual version is Xijiao Village Cangqian Lu. Though this version is not that confusing for foreigners, it is still not comfortable for English natives who notice it. To out regret, such kind of inappropriateness is common in translation of guideboard.4. Improvement and Refinement of C-E Translation of Public Signs4.1 Linguistic Strategies on the C-E Translation of Public SignsGenerally errors in translation of public signs in terms of linguistic aspects are basic and not difficult to wipe off. However, should it not be treated with great seriousness, it would have negative impact on foreigners. Linguistic errors are mainly caused by the carelessness of the translators, the lack of basic knowledge of grammatical rules of the translators, or the nonproficiency of the translators for public sign translation. Of course there are other reasons that cause the failure of the translation with regard to the linguistic aspect. The following are some strategies for linguistic errors in public sign translation.4.1.1 Back Translation…Back Translation is the process of translating a document that has already been translated into a foreign language back to the original language - preferably by an independent translator‟. (网址!!!) Through back translation, the translator could compare the already-translated version with the original language and then observe whether there are any discrepancies or incompleteness of the translated version from the original language. Take the PERFECT NEEDLE as an example. If the store owner could take some minutes to employ back translation, it is obvious that PERFECT NEEDLE means 完美针线not what he supposed 完美面条. In another example, CAR PARK, being translated back, refers to 车园,which is different from the original meaning.4.1.2 SubstitutionPublic signs are almost everywhere in the world. Some of them are set for similar occasions and places. Therefore, we can substitute existing English public signs for Chinese public signs with same functions under same or similar circumstances. For an area in a big restaurant in which ordinary customers are not allowed in, though a sign named …Customers are forbidden‟can fully express its underlying meaning, the international standard upon such occasion is STAFF ONLY.On buses there are some seats colored orange or red which are meant for who are known as the old, the pregnant, the weak. Translators perfunctorily translate them into …Special Seat‟ without referring to any equivalence of these public signs. Actually, the international standard for such signs are …Courtesy Seat‟. We can see from these examples that when one needs to translate a public sign he could try to borrow the existing international standard as a substitution.4.2 Cultural Strategies on the C-E Translation of Public SignsWhen translating public signs, translators should never neglect cultural factors. Every language is bred by certain culture and culture affects language in many ways. Differences lying between Chinese and English would inevitably lead to some discrepancies for even same objects. When dealing with cultural differences, translators are likely to employ two methods, namely …Domestication‟ and …Foreignization‟. The former one means that when translating, the translators are inclined to minimize the strangeness for the readers of the original texts when being translated into targeted language. During domestication, texts‟ forms, styles and other elements may be changed in order that readers could understand easier and don‟t have to conjecture strangeness like ambiguity caused by translation. While Foreignization aims at reserving the original flavors and foreigness of the texts. Compared to Domestication, Foreignization is less reader-oriented. Just as Venuti(2004) remarks for these two methods, for translation, …either the translator leaves this author in peace, as much as possible, and moves the reader towards him; or he leaves the reader in peace, as much as possible, and moves this author towards him‟. As for the features of public signs, it is crucial that ambiguity, strangeness and exoticism be avoided because the function of public signs is to provide foreigners convenience. …If a translator did not take readers into account, or did not evaluate or test their reactions, then most probably he or she would produce a translation incomprehensible to the receptor‟ (Tan Zaixi, 1993). Therefore, the author highly advises that domestication is supposed to be applied in public sign translation. In this case, the author suggests that three methods are available to realize domestication.4.2.1 Transformation of Negative and Affirmative Tones…Public signs embrace the beauty of euphemism.‟(Tang, Xiaoting &Tang, yanfang, 2005)Transformation of negative and affirmative tones in public sign translation is quite common and important. In restaurants, there are often signs …请不要外带酒水‟. Base on the conventional thinking way of Chinese, we may translate itas …Do not bring drink from outside.‟ Casting a glance at it, it is grammatically right and seems that there isn‟t any error in it. To our regret, for English natives, …Do not brink drink from outside‟goes against their way of thinking. In fact, people having western background tend to avoid negative expressions with a perception that it may leave the receptors with an unpleasant impression. Therefore, in this case, domestication is strongly recommended. To match with the western psychology, …RESTAURANT LIQUOR ONL Y‟ is more euphemistic and acceptable.4.2.2 Modification…Translation equivalence in its very sense should be matched in meanings, functions scopes, and feelings in the two cultures‟. (Nida, 1999)Since people with different cultural background have their own psychology and ideology, there may exist non-equivalence words between two different languages. Under such circumstances, translators should understand the underlying meaning of the original texts so as to translate them into target language perfectly. In a museum there is a building called …司南楼‟ in which …司南‟ are displayed. As we know …司南‟ is a kind of compass in ancient China, so …Pavilion for Ancient Compass‟ is suitable for …司南楼‟. However, the common version is SI NAN LOU in Chinese Pinyin, which could not fully convey the meaning of the building. Since a large number of foreigners have come to China to savor the fantastic glamour of Chinese buildings, parks and other tourism sites, more bilingual public signs could be found in these scenic spots to introduce its unique beauty to foreigners. Modification for such translation is highly advisable.4.2.3 No TranslationNot every public sign should be translated because some are only for Chinese. Take some examples, we can see public signs such as …禁止乱涂乱画‟, …此处不准大小便‟. The behaviors that these signs are for go against social morals, showing bad habits of some Chinese. If these signs are translated into English, foreigners may be perplexed or even feel irate, which may damage China‟s reputation and image amongst international community. Therefore, it is better for translators not to translate these kinds of public signs.4.3 Pragmatic Strategies on the C-E Translation of Public SignsTranslation errors also result from pragmatic reasons. Pragmatic failure …the inability to understand what is meant by what is said.‟(Lu, Jianping&Jian, Qingmin, 2001)The following are some methods of these problems.4.3.1 Qualifying translatorsAs we can see there are some errors caused by the carelessness, nonproficiency or other reasons on the translator s‟ side. To eliminate errors resulting from translators, it is advisable that translators should be equipped with certain certificate to evaluate their proficiency of translation. Translators responsible for translating public signs should be competent both in foreign language and culture.4.3.2 StandardizationThough national institutions responsible for supervising the correctness and exactness of public signs, it is far from satisfying. Owing to various reasons such as geography, so many mid-size and small cities have not standardized their public sign translation. It is highly recommended that local government set up agencies to guarantee the implementation correct public signs.5. ConclusionAs the globalization accelerates, China has been more international than ever and many foreigners have come to China. Public signs, which bring convenience to foreigners, are important in people‟s life. To put them into full play, correct and exact translation is strongly demanded. However, resulting from various reasons, translation of public signs has not been perfectly serving their purpose. The author analyzes the reasons from two perspectives, namely, linguistic errors and cultural errors. The author then puts forward some suggestions to improve the translation from linguistic, cultural, and pragmatic levels. Through this study, the author has obtained certain knowledge related to public signs and could make some shares of contribution for the improvement of public sign translation in the future.Bibliography[1]Jin Di and Nida, Eugene. On Translation: with Special Reference to Chinese andEnglish. Beijing: China Translation and Publishing Cooperation, 1984.[2]LONGMAN DICTIONARY OF CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH[3]Newmark, Peter. A Textbook of Translation[M]. Shanghai: Shanghai ForeignLanguage Education Press, 2001.[4]Nida, Eugene. Language, Culture, and Translation[M]. Shanghai: ShanghaiForeign Language Education Press, 2004.[5]Nida, Eugene. Language and Culture[M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign LanguageEducation Press, 2001.[6]Nord, Christiane, Translating as a Purposeful Activity. Functional ApproachesExplained[M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001.[7]OXFORD ADVANCE LEARNER’S ENGLISH-CHINESE DICTIONARY.[8]William Strunk Jr. and White, E.B.The Elements of Style (Third edition)[M], Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1979.[9]Wilss, Wolfman. The Science of Translation-Problems and Methods[M]. 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人民的名义英语梗 -回复

人民的名义英语梗 -回复

人民的名义英语梗-回复The popularity of the Chinese TV drama "In the Name of the People" has swept the nation, and its cultural impact has extended beyond the realm of entertainment. This gripping series brings to light the deep-seated corruption plaguing many sectors of Chinese society. The show serves as a mirror, reflecting the challenges faced by the people and offering a glimmer of hope for a brighter future. In this article, we will delve into the reasons behind the show's great success, analyze its social significance, and explore its implications for China's ongoing anti-corruption campaign.First and foremost, let us examine the central theme of the drama - corruption. The English "In the Name of the People" translation perfectly captures the essence of the Chinese title, emphasizing the significance of the people in combating corruption. The drama masterfully portrays the collusion between officials and businessmen, the abuse of power, and the sacrifices made by those striving for justice. This resonates deeply with the audience, who are all too aware of the pervasive corruption that seeps through various levels of society.The show's success can also be attributed to its ability to shed lighton the complexity of corruption. By delving into the political, economic, and social dynamics that allow corruption to thrive, "In the Name of the People" serves as an exposé, educating viewers on the multifaceted nature of corruption. Moreover, the gripping plotlines, intricate character development, and unexpected twists keep viewers on the edge of their seats, further enhancing their engagement with the show and the issues it addresses.The impact of "In the Name of the People" extends far beyond entertainment. It has sparked discussions and debates across the country, prompting the government to take notice. Chinese President Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized the need to root out corruption, making it a key focus of his administration. The drama serves as a grim reminder that corruption undermines social justice, erodes public trust, and hinders economic development. With its vast viewership and influential reach, "In the Name of the People" has become a catalyst for change, encouraging citizens to hold their leaders accountable and promoting a culture of integrity and transparency.This leads us to the implications of the drama for China'santi-corruption campaign. "In the Name of the People" has giventhe Chinese government an opportunity to showcase its commitment to fighting corruption and demonstrate the progress made in recent years. The show portrays the successes achieved by anti-corruption agencies, highlighting the importance of a strong and independent judiciary, and showcasing the significance of collective action. For many viewers, the drama serves as an inspiring call to action, urging them to join the fight against corruption in their own lives and communities.However, it is crucial to acknowledge the limitations of cultural phenomena such as "In the Name of the People." While the show has undoubtedly brought the issue of corruption to the forefront of public discourse, it is not a panacea. The fight against corruption requires a comprehensive approach, including legal reforms, institutional safeguards, and an environment conducive to whistleblower protection. The drama should serve as a starting point for further reflection and action rather than a final solution in itself.Ultimately, "In the Name of the People" has emerged as a cultural phenomenon, captivating audiences and shedding light on thedeep-seated corruption plaguing Chinese society. Its success lies in its ability to engage viewers with its riveting storyline while offering a critical examination of corruption and its consequences. As the drama continues to resonate with millions, it inspires hope for a future where the people truly hold power "In the Name of the People."。



鲁迅的书英语作文简单Title: The Significance of Lu Xun's Works in English Literature。

Lu Xun, a prominent figure in Chinese literature, hasleft an indelible mark on the literary landscape not onlyin China but also internationally. His works, characterized by their poignant social criticism and deep introspection, have been translated into numerous languages, including English. In this essay, we delve into the significance ofLu Xun's works in English literature, exploring their themes, impact, and relevance.One of the most notable aspects of Lu Xun's works is their universal themes that resonate across cultures and languages. Whether addressing the oppressive societal norms, the plight of the marginalized, or the struggle for individuality, his narratives encapsulate the human experience in its rawest form. English translations of his works allow readers worldwide to engage with these themes,fostering cross-cultural understanding and empathy.Moreover, Lu Xun's literary style, characterized by its simplicity, clarity, and profoundness, transcendslinguistic barriers. English translations endeavor to capture the essence of his prose, preserving the nuancesand subtleties of his writing. Through skillful translation, readers can appreciate the beauty and power of Lu Xun's language, despite linguistic differences.In addition to their literary merit, Lu Xun's workshold significant historical and cultural value. Theyprovide invaluable insights into early 20th-century China, capturing the tumultuous period of social upheaval,political unrest, and intellectual ferment. English translations serve as windows into China's past, offering foreign readers a glimpse into its rich cultural heritage and complex socio-political dynamics.Furthermore, Lu Xun's critique of traditional Chinese society and advocacy for social reform remain relevant in contemporary discourse. His scathing indictments ofcorruption, hypocrisy, and injustice continue to resonate in today's world, transcending temporal and geographical boundaries. English translations of his works spark discussions on universal issues of power, authority, and morality, prompting readers to reflect on their own societies and values.The translation of Lu Xun's works into English also facilitates academic research and literary studies. Scholars and students alike can analyze and interpret his texts through the lens of English literature, enriching literary discourse with diverse perspectives and insights. English translations serve as invaluable resources for comparative analysis, allowing for cross-cultural examinations of themes, motifs, and literary techniques.Moreover, the popularity of Lu Xun's works in English translation contributes to the globalization of Chinese literature. As more readers around the world discover and appreciate his writings, they develop an interest in Chinese literature and culture, fostering greater cultural exchange and dialogue. English translations serve asambassadors of Chinese literature, bridging the gap between East and West and promoting mutual understanding and appreciation.In conclusion, Lu Xun's works hold immense significance in English literature, transcending linguistic, cultural, and temporal boundaries. Through their universal themes, literary excellence, and socio-political relevance, his writings continue to captivate and inspire readers worldwide. English translations play a crucial role in preserving, promoting, and interpreting his legacy, ensuring that the profound impact of his works endures for generations to come.。



口译英语作文In the realm of language services, interpretation stands as a critical skill, bridging the communication gap between speakers of different languages. This essay delves into theart of interpreting in English, exploring its nuances, challenges, and the skills required to excel in this profession.The Essence of InterpretationInterpretation is the process of conveying a speaker's message from one language to another in real-time. It is not merely a linguistic exercise but also involves cultural nuances and contextual understanding. An interpreter must be adept at capturing the essence of the message and reproducing it in a manner that is both accurate and culturally sensitive.Modes of InterpretationThere are two primary modes of interpretation: simultaneous and consecutive. Simultaneous interpretation requires the interpreter to translate as the speaker is speaking, often used in large conferences and international meetings. Consecutive interpretation, on the other hand, involves translating after the speaker has finished a segment of their speech, which is common in smaller meetings and legal proceedings.Challenges Faced by InterpretersInterpreters face numerous challenges, including the need tomaintain concentration for extended periods, the ability to quickly adapt to different accents and dialects, and the necessity to handle specialized terminology. Moreover, they must manage the stress of delivering accurate translations under time pressure.Skills Required for Effective InterpretationTo be a successful interpreter, one must possess a strong command of both the source and target languages. In addition to linguistic proficiency, interpreters need excellent listening skills, quick thinking, and the ability to remain calm under pressure. Cultural awareness and the ability to convey non-verbal cues are also vital.The Role of Technology in InterpretationWith the advancement of technology, interpreters now have access to various tools that can aid their work. These include translation software, which can provide quick translations for less common terms, and digital platforms that facilitate remote interpreting.The Future of InterpretationAs globalization continues to expand, the demand for skilled interpreters is on the rise. The future of interpretation is likely to see further integration of technology, potentially leading to new modes of interpreting and the need for interpreters to adapt and evolve their skills.ConclusionInterpretation is a complex and demanding profession that requires a unique blend of linguistic, cultural, andtechnical skills. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the role of interpreters in facilitating communication across languages will only grow in importance. This essay has highlighted the importance of interpretation in English, the challenges faced, and the skills required to excel in this dynamic field.。

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On C-E Translation of PromptingPublic Signs论提示性公示语的英译CONTENTSAbstract (1)Introduction (2)Chapter 1Literature Review (5)1.1Definition of Prompting Public Signs (5)1.2 Prior Studies of C-E Translation of Prompting PublicSigns (6)Chapter 2Language Features of Prompting Public Signs..102.1 Conciseness (10)2.2 Common V ocabulary (11)2.3 Attractiveness and Markedness (11)2.4 Conventional Expressions (12)2.5 Euphemistic Representation (12)Chapter 3 Principles of C-E Translation of Prompting Public Signs (14)3.1 Readability (14)3.2 Economical Word Employment (16)3.3 Functional Equivalence (17)3.4Situational Coherence (19)3.5 Conformity in Emotional Evocation (20)Chapter 4 Strategies for C-E Translation of Prompting Public Signs............... .. (22)4.1 Borrowing (22)4.2 Negation (24)4.3 Omission (25)4.4 Substituting (26)4.5 Zero Translation (28)Conclusion (30)Notes (32)Bibliography (33)Acknowledgements (34)On C-E Translation of Prompting PublicSignsAbstract:As a specific text form, the application of public signs has a long history and is in close attach with all aspects of our life. Acting as the face of a city, public signs are a showplace for our natives as well as the foreigners to get a better understanding of the spiritual appearance and all fields of China. Thus they affect a foreigner‟s first impression of China when he visits this country. Then it is natural that the prompting public signs, an important part of public signs, are a crucial component of a nation‟s external publicity. Their translation standard would directly influence the accuracy and quality of the information conveyance and cultural transmission, and further impact the foreign exchange and human environmental construction of a country. For the above reasons, this paper aims at conducting a concrete analysis and study on the translation of Chinese prompting public signs to explore the translation principles and improve the translation strategies.Key Words:prompting public signs; translation principles; translation strategies摘要:公示语作为一种特定功能的文本形式,应用历史悠久,其运用范围之广泛几乎涉及到我们生活的方方面面。




关键词:提示性公示语;翻译原则;翻译策略IntroductionNowadays, globalization is the main trend of the evolution of ourworld, and the international economic activities have become more and more frequent. Under such a circumstance, a country‟s economic and political development increasingly depends on the international communication and cooperation. Thus, for a better cross-cultural understanding, it becomes crucial for a nation to improve its language environment.As an essential part of foreign-advocating media, public signs have made a great contribution to a country‟s language and cultural environment construction. According to the different functions, public signs are classified into four categories, with prompting public signs as one kind. Since public signs act as the face of a city, reflecting the spiritual and cultural condition of it, they affect the foreigners‟first impressions of a city, and further influence their attitudes towards this country. As a result, the accuracy and quality of the public signs translation is a showplace of a nation‟s foreign exchange level. As an important component of public signs, prompting public signs are mainly designed to send some warm messages to the public and remind the target readers of the correct conducts for their own sake. For the above reasons, the translation of prompting public signs also plays a fairly significant role in our daily life and any misunderstanding arising from it may cause some serious social problems. For the above-mentioned reasons, great efforts should be made to explore and improve the translation ofprompting public signs and make this kind of text play its full role in serving the public.However, many problems regarding the translation of public signs still exist in a common way. Moreover, though many scholars have made enormous previous researches on the translation of public signs, a systematic and comprehensive research of the prompting public signs translation still remains as an unfinished task. Thus, it is quite necessary and urgent to make a specific study on this subject.Chapter 1Literature ReviewPublic signs are frequently used in our daily life and influence every aspect of our life. Prompting public signs, as one type of public signs, play great social functions. The part of prompting public signs can‟t be replaced by other things, for they are mainly designed to provide the suggestive information to guide the correct conducts of the citizens and warn the potential danger in public. Therefore, it is fairly necessary to carry out a study on prompting public signs for a better understanding of such a kind of text form. To start with this research, it first comes to us that what prompting public signs are and what prior studies on their translation have been done.1.1Definition of Prompting Public SignsWhen we look up the term “prompting public sign”in English dictionaries, we may find no clear definition for it. But through its literal level, we can get the first impression that it is a kind of signs.Then what are the signs? There are many versions about the definition of“sign”.In New oxford Dictionary of English (2001), “sign” is definedasanoticethat is publiclydisplayedgivinginformationorinstructionina written or symbolic form. According to professor Dai Zongxian (戴宗显) and LüHefa (吕和发) in their paper “On C-E Translation of Public Signs” (2005), public signs refer to “the characters and symbols which are closely related to allaspects of people‟s life and displayed in public.”[1] When mentioning the definition of a sign, the “public”place where it is found is always emphasized.Public signs have four main functions, which are “directing, prompting, restricting and compelling”. Thus, prompting public signs are signs that play the role of prompting the public, giving the target readers some related suggestive information or reminding the audience of the potential danger nearby, with a view to guiding the proper and correct behaviors of the target readers. In Chinese, the term “prompting public signs” is equal to “提示性公示语”,“提示语”.Within prompting public signs, there exist descriptive public signs and warning public signs. The former ones are signs that indicate the messages which are relevant to thesurroundingplaces or organizations, while the latter ones point out the hidden danger to arouse the attention of the target readers and ensure their safety.1.2 Prior Studies of C-E Translation of Prompting Public SignsWith China‟s rapid economic globalization, English is becoming more and more important in our daily life. To facilitate the international communication, many things need to be translated into English.“The twentieth century is sometimes called the …age of translation‟ or …reproduction‟.”[2] Till now,there have widelyappeared bilingualexpressionsofPublic signs.So the research on public signsandtheir translation into English is becoming a hot topic,and is drawingattention from academic field and even from the government. As a result, the translation of prompting public signs has benefited a lot from these changes.In 1992,Y u Genyuan(于根元) expressed his viewpoint on Chinese signs in his book—Four Hundred cases of Advertisements, Slogans and Posters Analysis (《广告,标语,招贴用语评析400例》)and Gong Qianyan also analyzed public signs in his article—“Studies on social application of languages”(《社会用语研究诌议》). Asearlyasin1998,inHeZiran‟s editedbook papers on socio-pragmatics(《社会语用建设论文集》), scholarsbeganto pay attentiontothe sign translationandpragmatic failures intermsofpragmatics. Later, many academic writings regarding this area appear in an enormous way. The following is a list of some relevant important works.In 2002, “public signs” was first systematically studied by Bei Zhu and Shan Aimin (北竹、单爱民,2002) in their paper “On the language feature and C-E translation of public signs”(“谈英语公示用语的语言特点与汉英翻译”). In the next year, Li Changjiang (栗长江), published an article in Chinese Translators Journal, “English Translation of Signs and Words of Caution in Public Places”(“公安标示语和警示语的特点”),in which the author discussed the necessity and characteristics of warning signs translation as well as came up with some practical translationstrategies. In 2003, the first special dictionary on standardization of C-E and E-C sign translation edited by Yu Fulin(余富林)was published. C-E Translation of Public Signs (《公示语汉英翻译》) edited by professor LüHefa(吕和发) and Wang Ying (王颖)was published by China Translation & Publishing Corporation. It contains many photos of public signs and covers a wide range of various signs. This book has made a specific and comprehensive collection of C-E public signs translation and has been considered as a micropaedia for the translation of public signs of different functions.The above mentioned are some major theoretical achievements. In the ordinary life, many efforts have also been made to improve the standard of C-E translation of prompting public signs. In some universities, many professors organized students to identifytranslation errors and then compiled articles to correct them. In Beijing International Studies University, professors DaiZongxian and LüHefa defined public signs and classified their functions.They founded the research center of public signs and collected the originaltexts from London,and set up the websites to identify errors of public signsand discuss their correct translations with the cyber citizens on line. The media also played a crucial and active role to arouse the public awareness of this issue and better the language environment. Also, many symposia were held to discuss and study the improvement of the public signs translation.Due to the enduring efforts on every side, the 21st century has witnessed gratifying accomplishment in public signs translation. As a consequence, the translation of prompting public signs has made great progress and achievements.However, though researches on the translation of public signs have a long history of development at abroad, and the researching system has become relatively mature and standardized, while in China, the study in this field began rather late, with a lack of intensive researches and systematic analyses. Moreover, with the passage of time, though many books and articles concerning public signs come into being, there still exist seldom specific researches on prompting public signs translation. Thus, it is urgent to make a specific and detailed research on prompting public signs.To sum up, this part has mainly discussed the definition of prompting public signs and the prior studies of C-E translation of this type of text. For a further understanding of prompting public signs, the following chapter will analyze their language features.Chapter2Language Features of Prompting Public SignsAs a particular style of public signs, prompting public signs share some common features of signs, and meanwhile they have their own unique characteristics. The following is a list of these.2.1 ConcisenessA prompting public sign is usually placed on a board or on a wall, so there is little room for it. And it is also an undoubted fact that people in public tend to be in a hurry and are eager to absorb the most directinformation in the shortest time. Therefore, conciseness is the most important and obvious feature of prompting public signs. Here“conciseness”means that prompting public signs should apply brief words andsimple sentence structures and try to obtain the best feedbacks in the simplestforms.In the vocabulary level,“conciseness”emphasizes reducing complicated vocabulary and employing the single verbtense as much as possible. For instance, Closed (停止营业), Smoke-free (无烟区), Reserved (预留席位), and Emergency Exit (紧急疏散出口). In sentence structure, prompting public signs in English usually appear in simple sentence forms instead of complex sentences so as to avoid unnecessary ambiguity, with the frequent application of imperative sentences. Some of them only use the key words which have clear meanings or corevocabulary. Function words such as articles, pronouns, conjunctions and auxiliaries can be omitted. The following are some typical examples: Please ring for assistance (如需帮助,请按铃); Caution: Mind the step (注意:小心台阶); City busses only (市内公共汽车专用).2.2 Common VocabularySince prompting public signs are designed for and open to the public, it is quite necessary to use the common vocabulary for a common good understanding of them. English prompting public signs are in a relatively formal style, and vocabulary choice is in favor of those popular vocabulary and familiar expressions. Unfrequently-used words may cause the obstruction of correct and accurate understanding, and thus damage the informative function of prompting signs. Therefore, in order to make the public to grasp the main information quickly and effectively, uncommon and strange vocabulary must be avoided.2.3 Attractiveness and MarkednessAlthough prompting public signs haveno specific language form, but their common similarities are quite clear: they are always in simple and concise language presented to the readers. In order to make fast and smart tips, their wording and formsare well-designed, selected and arranged. Prompting public signs often employ words with corresponding photographs, for the combination of graphics and words can effectively attract the public‟s attention and make the expression s vivid. What‟s more,this kind of signs is often in capital letters to attract the close attention of the target readers. Here are two examples: PLEASE V ACATE THIS SEATE FOR A DISABLED PERSON IF REQUIRED (请为残疾人让开此座);CUSTOMERS PLEASE REFRAIN FROM ENTERING THIS AREA (顾客止步).2.4 Conventional ExpressionsDue to somehistorical factors or the convention of language and culture,many prompting public signshave fixed expressions.That is to say,to casually change those signs whichare conventional willlead to ambiguity and even cause misinterpretation sometimes.“Conventional”especially involves thetranslation of those prompting public signs in particularcontexts and places. For instance, we usually translate “非公莫入”into “staff only”. In the above mentioned prompting public sign, the structure “…+ only”is a typically conventional one, for we can apply it to any occasions that limit the admittance and regulate the exclusive right. Some other examples of this translation model are as follows:BUSES ONLY (公交专用道); ARROW ONLY (请绕行此路);PASSENGERS ONLY(送客止步).2.5 EuphemisticRepresentationAs we have discussed above, prompting publicsigns are designed to provide some information to guide or remind people in order toachieve some goals. Since this kind of signs mainly aims at sending some friendlyand considerate messages to the public, for a better informative and interpersonal effect, the application of word and tone should be as euphemistic as possible.The following is an example of a warning public sign. Once on a deep slope of the west bank of Nu River, there existed a traffic warning sign “Here bus once overturned, seven people lost their lives”(此处客车翻车,曾死亡七人).The very sight of this warning may easily give the readers a thrilling and creepy feeling. Though it fulfills the role of warning, the way of its expression can hardly be pleasantly accepted by the audience. Actually, there is no need to directly tell peoplewhat once happened there, since the purpose of the sign is just to remind the terrain feature of that area. Instead, it can be changed into the following mild hint: Accident-prone locations, pay attention to traffic safety(事故多发地带,注意交通安全).Therefore, when designing prompting public signs, the interpersonal function must be emphasized as intensely as the informative function. The conclusion goes that euphemism is an essential element of the features of prompting public signs.In a word, this chapter has analyzed five main features of prompting public signs. With a better knowledge of their language features, it becomes much easier for us to explore their translation principles.Chapter 3Principles of C-E Translation of Prompting Public SignsTranslationis a kind of complicated thinking activity exchanging information between two different social cultures by means of linguistic forms. The processoftranslation is a processofinteractionwhich is onthebasis ofthesourcetext. Due to its unique language features, the translation of prompting public signs should adhere to some certain principles. Inthefollowing part, some principles will be discussed respectively.3.1 ReadabilityThe aim of English prompting public signs in China is to enable English readers to learn, live, work or travel more conveniently within this country. Thus translation of this text type asks the translators to give top priority to consider the readability of the versions and the receptivity of the target readers. So the translation should be an accurate flow of information. Prompting public signs translation is quite different from the translation of literary works, which put a great emphasis on theaesthetic feeling and elegance. On the contrary, the main features of prompting public signs are readable, explicit and terse.Thus according to the above-mentioned discussion, during the translation, those uncommon, ambiguous and unnatural words andexpressions must be avoided. Meanwhile, the translators should ensure the correct spelling of words and the right structures of expressions. Here are some instances to illustrate this principle.E.g.1.行人、自行车横过天河路、请走过街隧道Please Use the Walking Suabway for Crossing the Tianhe RoadHere, “suabway”is the misspelling of “subway”, moreover, “subway” means “地铁”, and in the above example, “过街隧道” must be translated into “pedestrian tunnel”.E.g.2.垃圾在此投放,烟头切勿投入Faulty Translation: The garbage throws in here. The cigarette buttthrows in absolutely not to.Revised Version: Garbage only, no for cigarette buttThe original translation has the obvious grammar error that is resulted from the disordered sentence structure. This kind of errors would certainly weaken the readability of the prompting signs.E.g.3.小心碰头Faulty Translation: Take Care of Your HeadRevised Version: Watch Your Head/Mind Your HeadThe above-mentioned example is a typical one of semanticambiguity. Seeing the original translation, a foreigner may be bewildered that why he is asked to look after his head since there is nothing wrong with it. The cause of this problem is the improper wording and ambiguous expression. Prompting public signs with the similar problems may cause misunderstandings and confusions.3.2 Economical Word EmploymentDue to the space limitation, conciseness is the characteristic of both Chinese and English prompting public signs. Moreover, as a specific type of public signs, the main function of prompting public signs is to provide warm suggestive information to the public and guide their correct conducts. Thus, this kind of signs must be attractive to get the close notice of the target readers. The redundancyof words may distract the attention of the audience and weaken their reading interest. What‟s more, English originally has a terse style in both lexical and syntactical level.Now that “conciseness” is the most prominent feature of prompting public signs and redundancy will strongly weaken the effect of them, it requires the use of concise language and precise wording during the C-E translation of prompting public signs. In most cases, English prompting public signs only use the content words, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs, while some function words such as articles, pronouns and auxiliaries can be omitted. Thus, prompting signs translation requires simple, clear, concise and natural expressions as long as the meanings ofthe source textsare not distorted. The following cases of translation can prove the feasibility and correctness of this principle.E.g.4.保持地方清洁Original version: Keep area clean.Revised version:Keep cleanE.g.5.售票时间Original Version: Time of Selling TicketRevised Version: Opening HourThe above-mentioned original translation of prompting public signs contains a lot of unnecessary words, and the sentence patterns are not simple. The revised vers ions under the principle of “economical word employment” avoid lengthy translation of basic expressions, so that they become more effective.3.3 Functional EquivalenceTo set a transformational principle between the source language and the target language and reduce their discrepancy, Eugene A · Nida from a linguistic point of view, according to the nature of translation, put forward the famous“dynamic equivalence”translation theory, namely “functional equivalence”. In this theory, he pointed out that translation was the representation of the information in the source language from the semantic meaning to the style in the most appropriate, natural and equal way.Nida‟s definition of translation indicated that translation not only included equivalence in word meaning, but also contained equivalence in semantics, style and literary form. Translation conveys both superficial lexical information and deep cultural information. According to Nida,The readers of a translated text shouldbeabletounderstandandappreciateitinessentiallythesamemannerastheoriginalreadersdid. [3]“Functional equivalence”covers four aspects: lexical equivalence, syntactic equivalence, textual equivalence and stylistic equivalence. In these four aspects, Nida put meaning in the first place, and form the second, as the form is likely to hide the cultural meaning in the source language and impede cultural communication. To this point, Nida once indicated as follows:Thetranslatormuststriveforequivalenceratherthanidentity.In a sense this is justanotherwayofemphasizingthereproducingof the messagerather than theconservation of the form of the utterance. [4]E.g.6.请勿践踏草地Please keep off the grassE.g.7.向右急转弯Abrupt Turn RightE.g.8.注意安全DangerThe examples above are exact interpretation of this principle. Thus,according to Nida's theory, translation should be based on the four aspects offunctional equivalence principle to accurately reproduce the cultural connotation of the source language.3.4 Situational CoherenceThe research of discourse must be connected to their context, because in real life, discourse usually comes after context. Context and discourse are interdependent; aspecific context requires a specific text, and a specific discoursecan create a specific context.Inthe courseoftranslation, thetranslators trytheirbesttoproducethe target texts exactly asmeaningfulasthesourcetexts.However, thetargettexts shouldbe acceptableinthetargetlanguagesituation.That is tosay, thetargettexts mustbemeaningfulandbeunderstoodbythetargetreaders.Inthisway, thetargettexts meetthestandardof“intratextual coherenc e”.A communicativeinteractionmaybeseenassatisfactoryonlyifthe targetreaders consideritasbeingvery coherentwiththetargetlanguageenvironment. So in the field of prompting public signs translation, only whenthe translation versions are wellunderstandable can thetargetreaders reach the expected intentions and effect of the prompting public signs.E.g.9.非紧急情况止步Original Version: No Entry on PeacetimeRevised Version: EMERGENCY EXIT ONLYActually, the intention of the above source text is to indicate that “this is an exit, and you can go to the outside through it only when you are in emergency”. And the revised version is more accordance with the English habitual expression. It not only points out that the exit can be used in emergency, but also hints that on peacetime no exit is admitted through it. Thus, we may conclude that on some specific occasions, it is better to use the conventional form of the target language during translation.3.5 Conformity in Emotional EvocationDifferent language rules govern the way of expression on different occasions. Just like Chinese, the same meaning in English can have a variety of expressions.The distinctionamong different modes of expressions often depends on the tone and emotion, while the choice of tone and emotion in turn relieson the specific environment.So the correct translation is only the first step and the translation of prompting signs must consider the given situations and audience, the psychological and emotional state of the target readers. Only when the prompting public signs meet the social and psychological need of the public, can they be popularly accepted.These non-linguistic factors play a very important role in translation.In china, the sign “闲人免进”is common to be seen on the door of many offices. The literal translation of the above sign is “Admittance denied to idlers”. For our natives, “闲人”is acceptable and regarded as a neutral word in the sign. However, its equal expression “idlers” may be received as a negative and impolite word by the foreigners. They may feel the Chinese people are bossy and unfriendly. In fact, “staff only”is a universally accepted version of this prompting public sign, for it attaches no personal prejudice and subjective color. Here is another example.E.g.10.请当心不要让热饮烫着手Caution! Please take care with hot drinks!This is quite a humanizing instance of prompting public sign translation. It does not follow the typical suit of the objective and impersonal model “Caution: Hot drinks!”The use of the gentle phrase “please take care” enables the audience to feel the caring and kind concern for them. Thus, this version has a better interpersonal and communicative effect on the readers.Generallyspeaking,translation is a flexible process of conveying thesource information in a target language.The five principles mentionedabove are some general guidelines for correct and appropriate Englishversions of prompting public signs.Chapter 4Strategies for C-E Translation of Prompting Public SignsWhether a work of translation is good or bad,readable or not hasnothing to do with translation itself;rather,it depends on the artistic leveland strategies of the translator. Strategies of translation are usually proposed to accord with the demands of principlesof translation.The following strategies are more communicative thansemantic according to the above-mentioned principles.In the practice of translation,various concrete techniques can beemployed,such as borrowing translation, negation translation,and omission translation,etc.It depends on the different contexts to adopt different strategies,so the authorwill put forward some basic techniques for translating prompting public signs.4.1 BorrowingThe translation of prompting public signs should adhere to the principle of “borrowing” as much as possible. Dai Zongxian once pointed that signs that identical at home and abroad could absolutely be absorbed as the versions.In fact, many Chinese prompting public signs have their exactly fixed versions in English. Under such a condition, the translation of this kind of prompting signs should apply the conventional forms of theidentical expressions. It is a wrong concept that the more innovative the versions are, the better they will be. Actually, using the familiar expressions and structures can give an amicable and intimate feeling to the audience, and on the other hand, it can be easily understood and accepted by the target readers. Many conventional forms of English prompting signs can be found in public. The followings are some specific examples using borrowing translation.E.g.11.注意:栅栏上涂有防攀爬涂料Warning Anti climb paintE.g.12.呼救限紧急情况使用Help—Emergency use onlyIn warning public signs, it is common to see the structure: Caution/ Warning/ Danger/ Beware/ Emergency+ noun phrase/ Imperative sentence. And in descriptive public signs, the sentence pattern “…+ only”is frequently used.E.g.13.高高兴兴上班去,平平安安回家来Faulty Translation: Go to work happily, and come back safely!Revised Version: Drive carefully! / Safety first in drivingE.g.14.祝您一路平安Faulty Translation:Happy TrailRevised Version: Bon V oyage。
