Top 10 horror films
历史排行:1 泰坦尼克号派拉蒙18.45 19972 指环王3王者归来新线11.19 20033 哈利波特和魔法石华纳兄弟9.77 20014 指环王2双塔奇谋新线9.26 20025 星战前传1幽灵的威胁20世纪福克斯9.25 19996 史莱克2 梦工厂9.19 20047 侏罗纪公园环球9.15 19938 哈里波特和密室华纳兄弟8.77 20029 指环王1魔戒现身新线8.71 200110 海底总动员迪斯尼8.65 200311 蜘蛛侠索尼8.22 200212 独立日20世纪福克斯8.17 199613 ET外星人环球7.93 198214 哈里波特和阿兹卡班的囚徒华纳兄弟7.9 200415 狮子王迪斯尼7.84 199416 蜘蛛侠2 索尼7.84 200417 星球大战20世纪福克斯7.75 197718 黑客帝国2重装上阵华纳兄弟7.37 200319 星战前传3:西斯的复仇20世纪福克斯6.81 200520 阿甘正传派拉蒙6.77 199421 神秘第六感迪斯尼6.73 199922 加勒比海海盗迪斯尼6.54 200323 星战前传2:克隆人进攻20世纪福克斯6.5 200224 超人家族迪斯尼6.31 200425 侏罗纪公园2:迷失的世界环球6.19 199726 耶稣受难日新市场6.12 200427 黑衣人索尼5.89 199728 世界末日迪斯尼5.54 199829 碟中谍2 派拉蒙5.46 200030 后天20世纪福克斯5.43 200431 星球大战2:帝国反击战20世纪福克斯5.38 198032 怪物公司迪斯尼5.25 200133 终结者2 华纳兄弟5.2 199134 拜见岳父2 环球5.14 200435 人鬼情未了环球5.06 199036 阿拉丁迪斯尼5.04 199237 特洛伊华纳兄弟4.97 200438 龙卷风华纳兄弟4.95 199639 玩具总动员2 迪斯尼4.85 199940 冒牌天神环球4.85 200341 史莱克梦工厂4.84 200142 拯救大兵瑞恩梦工厂4.82 199843 小鬼当家20世纪福克斯4.78 199044 回到未来20世纪福克斯4.75 198345 夺宝奇兵3:圣杯派拉蒙4.74 198946 大白鲨环球4.71 197547 漂亮女人迪斯尼4.63 199048 黑客帝国华纳兄弟4.6 199949 角斗士梦工厂4.58 200050 碟中谍派拉蒙4.57 199651 最后的武士华纳兄弟4.57 200352 十一罗汉华纳兄弟4.51 200153 珍珠港迪斯尼4.49 200154 人猿泰山迪斯尼4.48 199955 黑衣人2 索尼4.42 200256 苗条奶爸20世纪福克斯4.41 199357 驱魔人华纳兄弟4.41 197358 终结者3 华纳兄弟4.33 200359 木乃伊归来环球4.33 200160 007:择日而亡米高梅4.32 200261 荒岛人生20世纪福克斯4.3 200062 黑客帝国3:矩阵的革命华纳兄弟4.25 200363 与狼共舞猎人4.24 199064 木乃伊环球4.16 199965 天兆迪斯尼4.11 200266 蝙蝠侠华纳兄弟4.11 198967 保镖华纳兄弟4.11 199268 X2 20世纪福克斯4.08 200369 乱世佳人米高梅4.06 193970 油脂派拉蒙3.94 197871 侠盗罗宾汉华纳3.91 199072 夺宝奇兵1 派拉蒙3.84 198173 冰河世纪20世纪福克斯3.83 200274 回到未来环球3.81 198575 真实的谎言20世纪福克斯3.79 199476 哥斯拉索尼3.79 199877 美女与野兽迪斯尼3.77 199178 男人百分百派拉蒙3.74 200079 我为玛丽狂20世纪福克斯3.7 199880 亡命天涯华纳3.69 199381 侏罗纪公园3 环球3.69 200182 我的巨大的希腊婚礼IFC 3.69 200283 诺丁山环球3.64 199984 虫虫特工队迪斯尼3.63 199885 十二罗汉华纳3.63 200486 全民情敌索尼3.63 200587 人猿星球20世纪福克斯3.62 200188 玩具故事迪斯尼3.62 199589 纵横天下米高梅3.62 199990 虎胆龙威3 20世纪福克斯3.61 199591 小鬼当家2 20世纪福克斯3.59 199292 少数派报告20世纪福克斯3.58 200293 人鬼情未了梦工厂3.56 199194 阿波罗13 环球3.55 199595 雨人米高梅3.55 198896 恐龙迪斯尼3.54 200097 壮志凌云派拉蒙3.53 198698 本能米高梅3.53 199299 汉尼拔米高梅3.52 2001100 变相怪杰新线3.51 1994为了纪念美国电影业的第一个百年庆典,美国电影协会着手整理此部“好莱坞百年百部经典电影”。
最恐怖的电影英文作文Title: The Terrifying Realm of Cinema: Exploring the Essence of the Ultimate Horror FilmIn the vast landscape of cinematic experiences, horror films occupy a unique and often daunting territory. They tap into the primal fears that lie dormant within us, weaving tales of the unknown, the supernatural, and the darkest corners of human nature. The ultimate horror film is not merely a thrill ride or a bloodbath; it's a psychological exploration that leaves viewers shaken to their very core, long after the credits have rolled.The Art of Evoking FearAt its finest, horror cinema is an art form that expertly manipulates the audience's emotions. Directors and screenwriters employ a myriad of techniques to evoke fear and discomfort, from subtle atmospheric cues to graphic displays of violence and gore. The use of sound design is particularly crucial, with haunting scores and sudden bursts of noise capable of sending shivers down the spine. Shadows and darkness are also integral elements, creating a sense of uncertainty and foreboding that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.The Psychology of TerrorHorror films tap into deep-seated fears that are universal to the human experience. These might include the fear of death, loneliness, loss of control, or the unknown. By exploring these themes, horror movies challenge our sense of security and safety, forcing us to confront our fears in a controlled environment. The best horror films don't just scare us; they make us think, question our beliefs, and even face our own fears in a metaphorical sense.The Evolution of HorrorOver the years, horror cinema has evolved and diversified, embracing various subgenres and styles. From classic monster movies to psychological thrillers, from slasher flicks to supernatural chillers, horror films have continued to adapt and innovate. The rise of found footage films, for instance, has introduced a new level of immersion and realism, while modern horror often blends elements of science fiction, fantasy, and even comedy to create unique and unsettling narratives. The Impact of the Ultimate Horror FilmThe ultimate horror film is one that stays with you long after the viewing experience is over. It haunts your dreams, lingers in your thoughts, and perhaps even changes the way you perceive the world around you. Such films often trigger intense emotional responses, from sheer terror to profound sadness or even a sense of catharsis. They remind us of our vulnerability and mortality, yet also offer a glimpse into the resilience of the human spirit.ConclusionIn conclusion, the ultimate horror film is a powerful medium that delves into the darkest recesses of the human psyche. It challenges our fears, pushes our boundaries, and leaves an indelible mark on our memories. Whether it's the relentless pursuit of a vengeful spirit, the slow unraveling of a psychologically tormented protagonist, or the eerie atmosphere of an abandoned mansion, horror cinema continues to captivate and terrify audiences worldwide. It's a testament to the enduring power of fear and the human imagination, and a reminder that, even in the darkest of times, there's always something to be afraid of.。
关于恐怖片的英语作文Horror films have long been a staple of the movie industry, captivating audiences with their suspenseful narratives and chilling visuals. The genre has evolved significantly over the years, offering a wide range of sub-genres that cater to different tastes and preferences. From psychological thrillers that delve into the depths of the human psyche to supernatural tales that explore the unknown, horror films provide a unique cinematic experience that can be both terrifying and exhilarating.One of the key elements that make horror films so compelling is their ability to evoke strong emotional responses. Fear is a primal emotion that can be triggered by a variety of stimuli, and horror films are designed toexploit this by creating a sense of dread and unease. This is often achieved through the use of suspense, where the anticipation of something frightening can be even more terrifying than the event itself.The characters in horror films are also crucial to their appeal. Protagonists who find themselves in terrifying situations must display courage and resourcefulness to survive, qualities that can be inspiring to viewers. On the other hand, the villains in these stories, whether they are human or supernatural, often possess a dark charisma that makes them fascinating to watch.Visual effects and sound design are other important components of horror films. Modern technology has allowed filmmakers to create increasingly realistic and disturbing imagery, which can heighten the sense of terror. Similarly, a well-crafted soundtrack can significantly enhance the atmosphere of a film, with certain sounds or musical cues becoming synonymous with fear.Despite their popularity, horror films are not without their critics. Some argue that they can be overly violent or gratuitous, contributing to a culture of fear and desensitizing audiences to real-world violence. Others believe that the genre relies too heavily on gimmicks and clichés, resulting in films that are more formulaic than innovative.Nevertheless, horror films continue to be a significant part of the entertainment landscape. They offer a unique form of escapism, allowing viewers to experience fear in a controlled and safe environment. As long as there is an audience for tales of terror, the horror genre will continue to thrive and evolve, providing audiences with new and terrifying stories to explore.。
horror film
The case of people like to watch horror movies · The first kind of think that,in the terrible movies,people don't really afraid,but for the movie feel excited;The second theory argues that,they are willing to put up with this fear of mental state,and in the end of the st第一种认为,在看恐怖电影时,人们并不真正 害怕,而是为电影情节感到兴奋;第二种理论 则认为,他们乐于忍受这种恐惧的心理,而在 故事结束后,享受到那种如释负重的快感。
Careful stare of Mary Shaw,she had no children,to accompany her only doll.If you see her,do not scream,or she will tear your mouth to tear up your tongue,waiting for your death. 小心来自玛丽· 肖的凝视,她 没有孩子,陪伴她的只有玩 偶。如果你看到她,不要尖 叫,否则她会扯开你的嘴巴 撕掉你的舌头,等待你的就 是死亡。
Four young in the same time,the mysterious death of different sites,the dead facial present a look of panic...What caused the deaths?In my curiosity,reporter Qianchuan began survey.A plate of mysterious video,a death curse,a closed history of.....Inch closer to the turth,but break-neck death.After the bell,terror in the city to spread,see,hold darkness factor pervasive! 四名少年在同一时间,同一地点离奇死亡, 死者面部都呈现出惊恐的神色.....是什么 造成这起死亡事件?在好奇心的驱使下, 记者浅川开始了调查。一盘神秘的录像带, 一句死亡的诅咒,一段不为人知的历史.... 真相寸寸接近,死亡却步步紧逼。铃声过 后,恐怖在城市里蔓延,看不见,抓不着 的黑暗因子无孔不入!
IMDB top100(世界百大电影)
I M D B简介什么是I M D B?IMDB,英文全称是Internet Movie Database,也就是因特网电影数据库,亚马逊旗下的网站,是一个有关电影演员、电影、电视秀、电视节目和电子游戏的在线数据库。
排名片名出品年代得分1、《教父》The Godfather 1972年科波拉黑帮经典《教父》的首部,派拉蒙公司最成功的影片之一,坐稳IMDB头把交椅应属众望所归。
2、《肖申克的救赎》The Shawshank Redemption 1994年这部被称为《刺激1995》的影片在中国影迷间也有极好的口碑,可见电影超越国界的神奇之处。
3、《辛德勒的名单》Schindler's List 1993年斯皮尔伯格在《大白鲨》、《*》、《外星人》、《紫色》四次与奥斯卡失之交臂后,终于在辛德勒和无数犹太难民的帮助下捧得金像。
4、《公民凯恩》Citizen Kane 1941年无需多言的电影里程碑,神童奥逊.威尔斯可一不可再的惊世之作。
5、《卡萨布兰卡》Casablanca 1942年永远的《北非谍影》,永远的英格丽.褒曼。
6、《教父续集》The Godfather: Part II1974年《教父续集》中科里昂尼家族兴起的历史与麦克血腥的奋斗形成了完美的对仗,这种平行蒙太奇的运用深得评论界的赏识,此片的成功也巩固了艾尔.帕西诺和罗伯特.德尼罗两位意裔影帝的地位。
7、《七武士》Shichinin no samurai 1954年这可能不是大师黑泽明最出色的作品,但确实是他最好看的作品,它对世界电影的影响早已不是一个简单的东方武侠故事。
美国影评网站烂番茄Top 100个动作冒险电影Top 100 Action & Adventure Movies1. 99% Metropolis (1927) 1152. 100% The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) 443. 98% King Kong (1933) 544. 100% The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948) 445. 100% Seven Samurai (Shichinin no Samurai) (1954) 576. 98% Up (2009) 2787. 99% Lawrence of Arabia (1962) 708. 99% Apocalypse Now (1979) 769. 97% The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966) 6710. 98% The 39 Steps (1935) 4111. 98% Jaws (1975) 6312. 100% The Searchers (1956) 4113. 94% The Dark Knight (2008) 28814. 96% W ALL-E (2008) 23815. 95% Star Trek (2009) 29816. 96% The LEGO Movie (2014) 19417. 96% Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 (2011) 28318. 98% The Wild Bunch (1969) 4719. 100% The Terminator (1984) 5020. 97% The Hurt Locker (2009) 22521. 98% Aliens (1986) 5922. 98% Badlands (1974) 4923. 98% The French Connection (1971) 5124. 96% Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) 7525. 98% Kumonosu J? (Throne of Blood) (Macbeth) (1957) 4226. 96% True Grit (2010) 25927. 98% Once Upon a Time in the West (1968) 5328. 98% Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes (Aguirre, the Wrath of God) (1972) 4229. 98% Dr. No (1962) 4730. 92% Marvel's The Avengers (2012) 30131. 98% Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988) 5932. 96% The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) 23533. 94% Gojira (1956) 6734. 92% Skyfall (2012) 29535. 96% Spartacus (1960) 5036. 98% A Fistful of Dollars (Per un Pugno di Dollari) (1964) 4337. 95% Casino Royale (2006) 22238. 97% The Princess Bride (1987) 6239. 97% Chicken Run (2000) 15340. 93% Iron Man (2008) 24341. 97% Ghostbusters (1984) 5842. 96% Goldfinger (1964) 5543. 96% Back to the Future (1985) 6844. 93% Looper (2012) 24745. 94% The Bourne Ultimatum (2007) 23946. 98% The Right Stuff (1983) 4047. 94% No Country for Old Men (2007) 23748. 97% Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2001) 15049. 93% Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977) 7150. 96% Catch Me If You Can (2002) 19451. 93% Jurassic Park (1993) 11052. 97% Babe (1995) 6453. 94% The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) 25454. 96% From Russia With Love (1964) 4955. 94% Spider-Man 2 (2004) 24956. 98% One False Move (1992) 4557. 91% X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) 22358. 93% All Is Lost (2013) 21359. 94% The Seventh Seal (Det Sjunde inseglet) (1957) 5160. 94% Paths of Glory (1957) 5161. 96% The Fugitive (1993) 6862. 94% The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) 5063. 95% Apollo 13 (1995) 8164. 95% Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005) 17665. 95% Ran (1985) 6566. 98% The Secret of Roan Inish (1995) 4267. 96% Yellow Submarine (1968) 4668. 95% Hero (2004) 20069. 99% The Twilight Samurai (Tasogare Seibei) (2004) 6870. 94% Full Metal Jacket (1987) 7071. 94% The Town (2010) 21372. 92% The Departed (2006) 23773. 96% Diva (1981) 4574. 95% Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) 4475. 93% Drive (2011) 23576. 94% Three Kings (1999) 12977. 93% Superman (1978) 5978. 96% The Straight Story (1999) 8979. 95% Enter the Dragon (1973) 4480. 93% Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol (2011) 22781. 95% In the Line of Fire (1993) 6482. 98% Ten Canoes (2007) 6283. 89% Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) 23484. 92% Source Code (2011) 24385. 96% The Hunt for Red October (1990) 4586. 88% The Dark Knight Rises (2012) 30587. 96% Supercop (Police Story 3) (Ging chaat goo si 3: Chiu kap ging chaat) (1992) 4688. 96% 13 Assassins (2011) 11789. 98% Mountain Patrol: Kekexili (2006) 4990. 98% Blindsight (2006) 4991. 92% Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009) 22592. 95% Mad Max (1979) 4393. 92% Saving Private Ryan (1998) 11694. 95% Midnight Run (1988) 4495. 90% District 9 (2009) 26296. 93% The Great Escape (1963) 4597. 91% The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) 21998. 89% The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013) 24399. 93% Out of Sight (1998) 88100. 92% Rocky(1976) 53Top 100 恐怖片Top 100 horror movie1. 97% Nosferatu, a Symphony of Horror (Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens) (Nosferatu the Vampire) (1922) 612. 98% King Kong (1933) 543. 100% The Bride of Frankenstein (1935) 414. 96% Psycho (1960) 825. 100% Frankenstein (1931) 426. 98% Rosemary's Baby (1968) 657. 98% Let the Right One In (2008) 1758. 98% Aliens (1986) 599. 100% Repulsion (1997) 5810. 98% Eyes Without a Face (1962) 5011. 96% Pan's Labyrinth (2006) 20812. 98% The Evil Dead (1981) 5313. 94% Gojira (1956) 6714. 98% Evil Dead 2 (1987) 5115. 96% The Birds (1963) 4816. 96% Night of the Living Dead (1968) 5217. 96% Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) 4618. 96% Don't Look Now (1973) 4519. 93% Freaks (1932) 4520. 92% The Cabin in the Woods (2012) 23021. 94% Young Frankenstein (1974) 5122. 96% Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht (Nosferatu the Vampyre) (1979) 4523. 94% Halloween (1978) 5024. 96% A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) 4525. 94% The Silence of the Lambs (1991) 6926. 95% Suspiria (1977) 4027. 92% Drag Me to Hell (2009) 23628. 98% The Loved Ones (2012) 4229. 92% The Shining (1980) 6230. 92% Carrie (1976) 5231. 91% Dracula (1931) 4532. 93% Gwoemul (The Host) (2007) 14733. 93% Room 237 (2013) 12134. 90% Zombieland (2009) 22135. 91% What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1960) 4536. 93% Re-Animator (1985) 4637. 91% The Fly (1986) 5638. 91% The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) 4639. 91% Shaun of the Dead (2004) 18940. 91% Eraserhead (1977) 4441. 90% The Wicker Man (1973) 4842. 91% An American Werewolf in London (1981) 4543. 90% Phantom Of The Opera (1925) 4144. 90% Little Shop of Horrors (1986) 4845. 88% The Exorcist (1973) 5746. 88% Let Me In (2010) 21447. 87% Frankenweenie (2012) 19848. 87% The Blair Witch Project (1999) 14649. 87% 28 Days Later (2003) 21550. 88% Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer (1986) 5051. 89% Near Dark (1987) 4652. 86% The Conjuring (2013) 18553. 87% Poltergeist (1982) 5554. 88% Misery (1990) 6055. 89% Cronos (1994) 4756. 91% Donnie Darko: The Director's Cut (2004) 4357. 89% Russian Ark (2002) 9958. 86% El Orfanato (The Orphanage) (2007) 16859. 85% Chronicle (2012) 16660. 83% This Is the End (2013) 20661. 85% The Descent (2006) 17062. 88% Exorcist: The Version You've Never Seen (2000) 8163. 86% Slither (2006) 13664. 89% Ginger Snaps (2001) 5465. 88% A Field in England (2014) 6066. 85% The Omen (1976) 4167. 83% Grindhouse (2007) 19268. 84% Gremlins (1984) 5869. 83% Paranormal Activity (2009) 19270. 86% The House of the Devil (2009) 9371. 87% Dracula: Pages From a Virgin's Diary (2003) 6072. 83% The Lincoln Lawyer (2011) 16673. 83% The Others (2001) 14874. 85% We Are What We Are (2013) 8075. 86% Red Riding Trilogy (2010) 5776. 85% Open Your Eyes (Abre los ojos) (Permanent Midnight) (1999) 4677. 83% They Live (1988) 4678. 81% Hellboy (2004) 19779. 84% Tucker & Dale vs Evil (2011) 9480. 85% Janghwa, Hongryeon (A Tale of Two Sisters) (2003) 5981. 83% Berberian Sound Studio (2013) 9082. 81% Shadow of the Vampire (2000) 13583. 81% Scream 2 (1997) 7384. 84% Three...Extremes (Saam gaang yi) (2005) 6285. 83% Paprika (2006) 8686. 79% Red Eye (2005) 18687. 78% Dreamgirls (2006) 20088. 81% Beetlejuice (1988) 4389. 80% Brick (2006) 13790. 80% Videodrome (1983) 4491. 81% Bakjwi (Thirst) (2009) 10892. 82% Pontypool (2009) 7993. 80% Scream (1996) 6494. 79% The Thing (1982) 4895. 78% 1408 (2007) 17096. 73% Prometheus (2012) 26997. 78% The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) 4098. 79% Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) 4799. 81% Taxidermia (2006) 47100. 79% Audition (Ôdishon) (1999) 67Top 100 科幻奇幻电影Top 100 science fiction and fantasy movie1. 99% The Wizard of Oz (1939) 1012. 99% Metropolis (1927) 1153. 97% Nosferatu, a Symphony of Horror (Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens) (Nosferatu the Vampire) (1922) 614. 97% Gravity (2013) 3035. 98% E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982) 986. 100% Toy Story 2 (1999) 1637. 100% The Bride of Frankenstein (1935) 418. 100% Dr. Strangelove Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) 669. 98% Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) 4110. 99% Toy Story 3 (2010) 26511. 97% Alien (1979) 9112. 100% Frankenstein (1931) 4213. 100% Pinocchio (1940) 4114. 100% Toy Story (1995) 7815. 94% The Dark Knight (2008) 28816. 96% W ALL-E (2008) 23817. 95% Star Trek (2009) 29818. 96% Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 (2011) 28319. 100% Mary Poppins (1964) 4320. 96% Miracle on 34th Street (1947) 4621. 100% The Terminator (1984) 5022. 94% It's a Wonderful Life (1946) 6623. 98% Aliens (1986) 5924. 96% Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) 7525. 98% The Discreet Charm Of The Bourgeoisie (Le Charme Discret de la Bourgeoisie) (1972) 4626. 98% Forbidden Planet (1956) 4227. 96% Fantasia (1940) 5028. 98% Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) 4129. 98% How to Train Your Dragon (2010) 18330. 92% Marvel's The Avengers (2012) 30131. 96% Pan's Labyrinth (2006) 20832. 98% The Evil Dead (1981) 5333. 96% The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) 23534. 94% Gojira (1956) 6735. 97% The Iron Giant (1999) 12336. 97% Big (1988) 6737. 97% The Princess Bride (1987) 6238. 99% Jodorowsky's Dune (2014) 8639. 97% Spirited Away (2001) 16840. 94% Her (2013) 22241. 96% Monsters, Inc. (2001) 19342. 94% Beauty and The Beast (La Belle et la bête) (1946) 5443. 94% The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) 5344. 93% Iron Man (2008) 24345. 97% Ghostbusters (1984) 5846. 96% Back to the Future (1985) 6847. 93% Looper (2012) 24748. 97% Groundhog Day (1993) 6749. 98% Wings of Desire (1987) 4650. 98% Repo Man (1984) 4551. 98% Brazil (1985) 4552. 95% 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) 6353. 93% Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977) 7154. 93% Jurassic Park (1993) 11055. 97% Babe (1995) 6456. 94% The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) 25457. 91% Blade Runner (1982) 9658. 96% Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) 4659. 96% Solyaris (Solaris) (1976) 4660. 94% Spider-Man 2 (2004) 24961. 91% X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) 22362. 94% The Seventh Seal (Det Sjunde inseglet) (1957) 5163. 98% The Secret of Roan Inish (1995) 4264. 94% The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) 8865. 96% Yellow Submarine (1968) 4666. 94% Young Frankenstein (1974) 5167. 95% Antz (1998) 8868. 95% Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) 4469. 93% Children of Men (2006) 20970. 90% Edge of Tomorrow (2014) 22371. 93% Superman (1978) 5972. 95% L'année dernière àMarienbad (Last Year at Marienbad) (1961) 4273. 93% Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind (2004) 23274. 97% Ernest & Célestine (2014) 6875. 89% Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) 23476. 92% Source Code (2011) 24377. 91% Bambi (1942) 4678. 95% Mad Max (1979) 4379. 93% Being John Malkovich (1999) 12380. 94% Aladdin (1992) 6481. 90% District 9 (2009) 26282. 91% The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) 21983. 89% The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013) 24384. 94% The Secret World of Arrietty (2012) 12285. 91% Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) 24486. 91% Minority Report (2002) 23487. 92% The Little Mermaid (1989) 6688. 93% Princess Mononoke (Mononoke-hime) (1999) 10189. 90% Coraline (2009) 23590. 93% How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014) 10791. 94% Heavenly Creatures (1994) 4792. 92% Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) 6093. 92% A Bug's Life (1998) 8494. 92% Ponyo (2009) 15995. 93% Re-Animator (1985) 4696. 91% The Fly (1986) 5697. 94% The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (1998) 4998. 87% Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) 24799. 93% Beauty and the Beast (2012) 102100. 91% Shaun of the Dead (2004) 189Top 100 动画片Top 100 animation movie1. 100% Toy Story 2 (1999) 1632. 98% Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) 413. 98% Up (2009) 2784. 99% Toy Story 3 (2010) 2655. 99% Finding Nemo (2003) 2386. 100% Pinocchio (1940) 417. 100% Toy Story (1995) 788. 96% WALL-E (2008) 2389. 96% The LEGO Movie (2014) 19410. 97% The Incredibles (2004) 23111. 96% Ratatouille (2007) 22212. 96% Fantasia (1940) 5013. 98% How to Train Your Dragon (2010) 18314. 98% Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988) 5915. 97% The Iron Giant (1999) 12316. 97% Chicken Run (2000) 15317. 97% Spirited Away (2001) 16818. 96% Monsters, Inc. (2001) 19319. 96% Waltz with Bashir (2008) 14320. 96% Persepolis (2007) 15421. 95% Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005) 17622. 94% The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) 8823. 96% Yellow Submarine (1968) 4624. 95% Antz (1998) 8825. 97% Ernest & Célestine (2014) 6826. 91% Bambi (1942) 4627. 92% Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009) 22528. 94% Aladdin (1992) 6429. 94% The Secret World of Arrietty (2012) 12230. 94% The Triplets of Belleville (2003) 14031. 92% The Little Mermaid (1989) 6632. 93% Princess Mononoke (Mononoke-hime) (1999) 10133. 90% Coraline (2009) 23534. 93% How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014) 10735. 93% James and the Giant Peach (1996) 6936. 92% A Bug's Life (1998) 8437. 92% Ponyo (2009) 15938. 90% The Simpsons Movie (2007) 19839. 95% Mary and Max (2009) 5840. 93% Beauty and the Beast (2012) 10241. 89% Frozen (2013) 18742. 89% Shrek 2 (2004) 21743. 91% Arthur Christmas (2011) 14244. 88% The Wind Rises (2014) 15645. 88% Bolt (2008) 17946. 88% Rango (2011) 21247. 89% Tangled (2010) 18648. 88% Shrek (2001) 18949. 87% Frankenweenie (2012) 19850. 90% Winnie the Pooh (2011) 12651. 87% Kung Fu Panda (2008) 17452. 92% Millennium Actress (Sennen joy?) (2001) 5153. 90% The Illusionist (L'illusionniste) (2010) 12054. 90% The Lion King (2011) 11055. 91% The Secret of Kells (2010) 8056. 87% ParaNorman (2012) 16357. 88% Tarzan (1999) 10258. 91% My Dog Tulip (2010) 5759. 87% Howl's Moving Castle (2005) 15860. 86% Wreck-it Ralph (2012) 16661. 87% Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs (2009) 13862. 86% The Pirates! Band of Misfits (2012) 14463. 89% Tokyo Godfathers (2003) 6464. 86% Mulan (1998) 7365. 86% Lilo & Stitch (2002) 14566. 85% The Emperor's New Groove (2000) 12767. 83% Tim Burton's Corpse Bride (2005) 18768. 86% Anastasia (1997) 5169. 84% The Princess and the Frog (2009) 16470. 87% Metropolis (Metoroporisu) (2002) 6071. 84% Puss in Boots (2011) 14272. 87% Akira (2001) 4573. 86% Chico & Rita (2012) 6674. 84% Hercules (1997) 4975. 81% Despicable Me (2010) 19276. 78% Brave (2012) 22577. 81% Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011) 16778. 83% From Up On Poppy Hill (2013) 8479. 83% Paprika (2006) 8680. 81% South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut (1999) 9481. 78% Monsters University (2013) 18382. 82% Fantasia 2000 (2000) 8283. 80% Waking Life (2001) 14184. 79% Mr. Peabody & Sherman (2014) 11885. 79% The Prince of Egypt (1998) 8486. 82% A Cat in Paris (2012) 6187. 81% Chicago 10 (2008) 8388. 82% Panique au village (A Town Called Panic) (2009) 6789. 79% Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who! (2008) 13190. 79% Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted (2012) 12991. 78% Charlotte's Web (2006) 14392. 78% Surf's Up (2007) 14493. 80% The Wild Thornberrys Movie (2002) 8894. 77% Ice Age (2002) 16495. 79% Pooh's Heffalump Movie (2005) 8696. 75% The Adventures of Tintin (2011) 20397. 74% Cars (2006) 19698. 75% Over the Hedge (2006) 16899. 75% Happy Feet (2006) 161100. 74% Despicable Me 2 (2013) 170[文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意!]。
具体如下:1. M (1931)M(导演Fritz Lang)2. Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari / The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920) 卡⾥加利博⼠的⼩屋(导演Robert Wiene)3. Berlin: Die Sinfonie der Grosstadt / Berlin: Symphony of a Great City (1927)柏林:城市交响曲(导演Walter Ruttmann)4. Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens / Nosferatu the Vampire (1922)诺斯费拉图(导演F.W. Murnau)5. Menschen am Sonntag / People on Sunday (1930)星期天的⼈们(导演Curt Siodmak / Robert Siodmak)6. Die Mörder sind unter uns / Murderers Among Us (1946)凶⼿在我们中间(导演Wolfgang Staudte)7. Der blaue Engel / The Blue Angel (1930)蓝天使(导演Josef von Sternberg)8. Metropolis (1927)⼤都会(导演Fritz Lang)9. The Joyless Street (1925) 悲情花街(导演G.W. Pabst)10. Der Untertan / Man of Straw (1951) ⾂仆(导演Wolfgang Staudte)11. Kuhle Wampe oder: Wem gehört die Welt? (1932)世界在谁⼿中?(导演Slatan Dudow)12. Der Student von Prag / A Bargain with Satan (1913)布拉格的⼤学⽣(导演Stellan Rye)13. Die Brücke / The Bridge (1959)桥(导演Bernhard Wicki)14. Abschied von gestern - (Anita G.) / Yesterday Girl (1966)昨⽇⼥孩(导演Alexander Kluge)15. Mutter Krausens Fahrt ins Glück / Mother Krause's Journey to Happiness (1929)母亲克劳泽升天记(导演Phil Jutzi)16. Der Golem, wie er in die Welt kam / The Golem (1920)泥⼈哥连(导演Carl Boese / Paul Wegener)17. Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler - Ein Bild der Zeit / Dr. Mabuse, King of Crime (1922)赌徒马布斯博⼠(导演Fritz Lang)18. Unter den Brücken / Under the Bridges (1945)在桥下(导演Helmut Käutner)19. Der letzte Mann / The Last Laugh (1924) 最卑贱的⼈(导演F.W. Murnau)20. Die Nibelungen: Kriemhilds Rache / Die Nibelungen: Kriemhild's Revenge (1924)尼伯龙根之歌(导演Fritz Lang)Die Nibelungen: Siegfried / Siegfried's Death (1924) 西格弗⾥德之死(导演Fritz Lang)21. Der müde Tod / Between Two Worlds (1921)三⽣记(导演Fritz Lang)22. Liebelei / Flirtation (1933) 情变(导演Max Ophüls)23. Wintergartenprogramm (1895)冬⽇流浪者(导演Max Skladanowsky)24. Spur der Steine / The Trace of Stones (1966) ⽯迹(导演Frank Beyer)25. Lola Montès / The Fall of Lola Montes (1955) 劳拉·蒙泰斯(导演Max Ophüls)26. Faust - Eine deutsche Volkssage (1926)浮⼠德(导演F.W. Murnau)27. Heimat -Eine deutsche Chronik (1984) 故乡(导演Edgar Reitz)28. Deutschland im Herbst / Germany in Autumn (1978)德国之秋(导演Alf Brustellin / Rainer Werner Fassbinder / Volker Schlöndorff / Alexander Kluge / Maximiliane Mainka / Beate Mainka-Jellinghaus / Peter Schubert / Bernhard Sinkel / Hans Peter Cloos / Edgar Reitz / Katja Rupé)29. Berlin-Alexanderplatz - Die Geschichte Franz Biberkopfs (1931)柏林亚历⼭⼤⼴场(导演Phil Jutzi)30. Madame DuBarry / Passion (1919)杜巴⾥夫⼈(导演Ernst Lubitsch)31. Die Ehe der Maria Braun / The Marriage of Maria Braun (1979)玛丽娅·布劳恩的婚姻(导演Rainer Werner Fassbinder)32. Münchhausen / The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (1943) 吹⽜⼤王历险记(导演Josef Von Baky)33. Die Büchse der Pandora / Pandora's Box (1929) 潘多拉的魔盒(导演G.W. Pabst)34. Die Blechtrommel / The Tin Drum (1979) 铁⽪⿎(导演Volker Schlöndorff)35. Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse / The Testament of Dr. Mabuse (1933) 马布斯博⼠的遗嘱(导演Fritz Lang)36. Triumph des Willens / Triumph of the Will (1935)意志的胜利(导演Leni Riefenstahl)37. Im Lauf der Zeit / Kings of the Road (1976) 公路之王(导演Wim Wenders)38. Der junge Törless / Young Torless (1966) 青年特尔勒斯(导演Volker Schlöndorff)39. Katzelmacher (1969)卡策马赫尔(导演Rainer Werner Fassbinder)40. Große Freiheit Nr. 7 / Port of Freedom (1944)⾃由之港(导演Helmut Käutner)41. Rotation (1949)轮转(导演Wolfgang Staudte)42. Wir Wunderkinder / Aren't We Wonderful? (1958)我们不精彩?(导演Kurt Hoffmann)43. Das Wachsfigurenkabinett / The Three Wax Works (1924) 蜡像馆(导演Leo Birinsky / Paul Leni)44. Mädchen in Uniform / Maedchen in Uniform (1931)穿制服的⼥孩(导演Leontine Sagan)45. Varieté / Jealousy (1925) 杂耍班(导演Ewald André Dupont)46. Rosen für den Staatsanwalt / Roses for the Prosecutor (1959)公诉⼈的玫瑰(导演Wolfgang Staudte)47. Alice in den Städten / Alice in the Cities (1974)爱丽丝城市漫游记(导演Wim Wenders)48. Die Halbstarken / Teenage Wolfpack (1956) 少年犯(导演Georg Tressler)49. Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum oder: Wie Gewalt entstehen und wohin sie führen kann / The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum (1975)丧失名誉的卡塔琳娜·布鲁姆(导演Volker Schlöndorff / Margarethe von Trotta)50. Westfront 1918 / Comrades of 1918 (1930)西线战场1918(导演G.W. Pabst)51. Die 3 Groschen-Oper / The Beggar's Opera (1931) 三分钱歌剧(导演G.W. Pabst)52. Solo Sunny (1980)独⾝的桑尼(导演Konrad Wolf / Wolfgang Kohlhaase)53. Angst essen Seele auf / Ali: Fear Eats the Soul (1974)恐惧吞噬灵魂(导演Rainer Werner Fassbinder)54. Der Verlorene / The Lost One (1951) 失踪的⼈(导演Peter Lorre)55. Die Drei von der Tankstelle / Three Good Friends (1930) 好朋友(导演Wilhelm Thiele)56. In jenen Tagen / Seven Journeys (1947)七次旅程(导演Helmut Käutner)57. Olympia 1. Teil - Fest der Völker / The Olympiad (1938) 奥林匹亚1(导演Leni Riefenstahl)Olympia 2. Teil - Fest der Schönheit / Olympia: The Film of the XI. Olympic Games, Part II (1938)奥林匹亚2(导演Leni Riefenstahl)58. Jud Süß / Jew Süss (1940) 犹太⼈苏斯(导演Veit Harlan)59. Der geteilte Himmel / The Divided Heaven (1964) 分裂的天空(导演Konrad Wolf)60. Der Himmel über Berlin / Wings of Desire (1987)柏林苍穹下(导演Wim Wenders)61. Nicht versöhnt oder Es hilft nur Gewalt wo Gewalt herrscht./ Not Reconciled (1965)恨难解(导演Jean-Marie Straub)62. Vampyr / Not Against the Flesh (1932)吸⾎⿁(导演Carl Theodor Dreyer)63. Tagebuch einer Verlorenen / Diary of a Lost Girl (1929) 堕落少⼥⽇记(导演G.W. Pabst)64. Der Prozess (1984)审判(导演Eberhard Fechner)65. The Merchant of Four Seasons (1971) 四季商⼈(导演Rainer Werner Fassbinder)66. Romanze in Moll / Romance in a Minor Key (1943)⼩调罗曼史(导演Helmut Käutner)67. Ehe im Schatten / Marriage in the Shadows (1947) 阴影中的婚姻(导演Kurt Maetzig)68. Die Legende von Paul und Paula / The Legend of Paul and Paula (1973)保罗和保拉的传奇(导演Heiner Carow)69. Chronik der Anna Magdalena Bach / The Chronicle of Anna Magdalena Bach (1968)安娜·玛格达丽娜·巴赫的编年史(导演Danièle Huillet / Jean-Marie Straub)70. Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes / Aguirre: The Wrath of God (1972) 阿基尔,上帝的愤怒(导演Werner Herzog)71. Ich war neunzehn (1968)当年我⼗九(导演Konrad Wolf)72. Die Abenteuer des Prinzen Achmed / The Adventures of Prince Achmed (1926) 阿基⽶德王⼦历险记(导演Lotte Reiniger)73. Sterne / Stars (1959) 星(导演Konrad Wolf)74. Die bleierne Zeit / Marianne and Juliane (1981)德国姊妹们(导演Margarethe von Trotta)75. Die Straße / The Street (1923)街道(导演Karl Grune)76. Germania anno zero / Germany Year Zero (1948)德意志零年(导演Roberto Rossellini)77. Kameradschaft / Comradeship (1931) 同志之谊(导演G.W. Pabst)78. Emil und die Detektive / Emil and the Detectives (1931) 埃⽶尔和侦探们(导演Gerhard Lamprecht)79. Berlin Alexanderplatz (1980)柏林亚历⼭⼤⼴场(导演Rainer Werner Fassbinder)80. Berlin -Ecke Schönhauser (1957)柏林⾓落(导演Gerhard Klein)81. Der Kongreß tanzt (1931)(导演Erik Charell)82. Das Kaninchen bin ich / The Rabbit Is Me (1965) 我是兔⼦(导演Kurt Maetzig)83. Die Artisten in der Zirkuskuppel: Ratlos / The Artist in the Circus Dome: Clueless (1968)马戏院帐篷顶上的艺⼈(导演Alexander Kluge)84. Fontane - Effi Briest (1974)寂寞芳⼼(导演Rainer Werner Fassbinder)85. Der amerikanische Freund / The American Friend (1977)美国朋友(导演Wim Wenders)86. Asphalt (1929)柏油路(导演Joe May)87. Jakob, derLügner / Jacob the Liar (1975) 骗⼦雅各布(导演Frank Beyer)88. Jeder für sich und Gott gegen alle / The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser (1974) 加斯·荷伯之迷(导演Werner Herzog)89. Nachts, wenn der Teufel kam / The Devil Strikes at Night (1957)魔影夜袭⼈(导演Robert Siodmak)90. Mysterien eines Frisiersalons / The Mysteries of a Hairdresser's Shop (1923) 理发店⾥的怪事(导演Bertolt Brecht / Erich Engel)91. Die weiße Hölle vom Piz Palü / White Hell of Pitz Palu (1929)帕鲁峰的⽩⾊地狱(导演Arnold Fanck / G.W. Pabst)92. Das Mädchen Rosemarie / Rosemary (1958) 罗斯玛丽(导演Rolf Thiele)93. Aus einem deutschen Leben / Death Is My Trade (1977) 死亡是我的职业(导演Theodor Kotulla)94. Viktor und Viktoria / Viktor and Viktoria (1933) 维克托与维多利亚(导演Reinhold Schünzel)95. Das Boot (1981)从海底出击(导演Wolfgang Petersen)96. Jagdszenen aus Niederbayern / Hunting Scenes from Bavaria (1969) 巴伐利亚打猎即景(导演Peter Fleischmann)97. Lebensläufe - Die Geschichte der Kinder von Golzow in einzelnen Portraits (1981)边境⼈⽣(导演Winfried Junge)98. Berliner Ballade / The Berliner (1948) 柏林叙事曲(导演Robert A. Stemmle)99. Mephisto (1981)墨菲斯特(导演István Szabó)100. Die zweite Heimat (1993, TV) 故乡2(导演Edgar Reitz)。
万圣夜看什么 史上最恐怖的11部电影
With Halloween just around the corner there’s no denying that scary movie season has arrived. We’ve collected 11 of the most frightening movies every made. So turn off the lights, lock your doors, and get in the holiday spirit.万圣节马上要到了,毫无疑问,恐怖片的观影季又来了。
1.The Exorcist (1973)驱魔人Director William Friedkin’s classic tale of demonic possession terrified audiences when it first debuted, and it's remained at the top of the list ever since. While mostof the sequels are better left forgotten, be sure to check out William Peter Blatty’s Exorcist III: Legion. While not up to the level of the original, it contains what’s arguably one of the best jump scares of all time.威廉·弗莱德金导演的经典作品,讲述鬼附身的故事,自初次登台以来就吓倒了观众们,自此之后一直居于恐怖类电影的榜首。
牛津译林版九年级上册Unit 7《Films》说课稿7
牛津译林版九年级上册Unit 7《Films》说课稿7一. 教材分析《Films》是牛津译林版九年级上册Unit 7的一篇课文,主要介绍了电影的一些基本知识,包括不同类型的电影、如何评价一部电影以及电影历史等。
二. 学情分析九年级的学生已经具备了一定的英语基础,能够理解和运用一些基本的英语语法和词汇。
三. 说教学目标1.知识目标:学生能够掌握课文中的关键词汇和短语,理解电影的基本知识和评价方法。
四. 说教学重难点1.重点:课文中的关键词汇和短语,电影的基本知识和评价方法。
五. 说教学方法与手段1.教学方法:采用任务驱动法,让学生在完成任务的过程中,自主学习,合作探究。
六. 说教学过程1.导入:通过展示一些电影图片和视频,引导学生谈论自己喜欢的电影,激发他们的学习兴趣。
七. 说板书设计板书设计主要包括课文标题、关键词汇和短语、电影的基本知识和评价方法。
八. 说教学评价教学评价主要包括两个方面:一是对学生的学习成绩进行评价,包括知识掌握和能力提高;二是对学生的学习过程进行评价,包括课堂参与和合作能力。
关于恐怖片的英文名词解释The Exhilarating World of Horror FilmsIntroductionThe world of horror films offers a unique and thrilling cinematic experience to its audience. Whether it's the spine-chilling scares, the adrenaline rush, or the exploration of the supernatural, horror movies have captured the imaginations of viewers for decades. This article aims to delve into the realm of horror films and provide an exposition of the English terms commonly associated with this genre.1. The Essence of Fear: Psychological HorrorPsychological horror films focus on the manipulation of the audience's mind, taking them on a suspenseful journey that revolves around fear and psychological distress. Often, these movies rely on intricate storytelling, suspenseful sound design, and atmospheric cinematography to create an eerie atmosphere. Classic examples of psychological horror include "Psycho" directed by Alfred Hitchcock and "The Shining" by Stanley Kubrick.2. Supernatural Horrors: Ghosts and MonstersSupernatural horror films encompass those that involve paranormal elements such as ghosts, demons, or monstrous creatures. These movies exploit our fear of the unknown and the supernatural, providing a thrilling escapade into uncharted territories. Titles like "The Conjuring" and "Insidious" demonstrate this genre's ability to blend scares with intricate storytelling and supernatural entities that send shivers down our spines.3. The Subgenre of Slasher FilmsFamed for their high body count and relentless serial killers, slasher films have become an integral part of the horror genre. These films often feature masked or psychologically disturbed murderers who embark on a killing spree, typically targeting teenagers or young adults. Movies such as "Halloween" and "Friday the 13th" establishedthe foundation of this subgenre and introduced iconic killers like Michael Myers and Jason Voorhees.4. Found Footage: A Tale of AuthenticityFound footage horror films adopt a unique storytelling technique that presents the footage as if it were discovered after the events took place. These movies create a sense of realism and immersion by using shaky camera movements, low-budget production value, and amateur actors. The handheld camera perspective allows the audience to feel as though they are experiencing the horror firsthand. Works like "Paranormal Activity" and "The Blair Witch Project" epitomize the found footage genre's ability to immerse the viewers in terrifying scenarios.5. Body Horror: A Fascination with the FleshBody horror explores the physical deterioration or transformation of the human body, often resulting in grotesque and disturbing images. This subgenre delves into themes like mutations, surgical experiments, and bodily transformations, exploiting our deepest fears and anxieties regarding our physical form. Movies like "The Fly" and "Dead Ringers" showcase the mastery of body horror, leaving audiences both fascinated and repulsed.6. The Haunting Spectacle of Gothic HorrorGothic horror embraces a dark aesthetic and a distinctly atmospheric setting, typically portraying creepy castles, eerie mansions, or haunted houses. These films derive inspiration from Gothic literature classics like "Frankenstein" and "Dracula," incorporating elements of mystery, romance, and supernatural occurrences. Films such as "Crimson Peak" and "The Others" transport viewers to gloomy settings, where the line between reality and the supernatural becomes blurred.ConclusionThe world of horror films is a vast and captivating realm that allows us to experience fear in a controlled environment. Whether it is the psychological manipulation, supernatural encounters, or the exploration of the darkest aspects of the human condition,the horror genre has something to offer to all enthusiasts. By exploring these English terms associated with the genre, we gain insight into the intricate layers and diverse facets of horror movies, solidifying their position as a beloved and immersive genre in the world of cinema.。
Horror movies have long been a staple of the film industry,captivating audiences with their spinechilling narratives,eerie atmospheres,and unforgettable characters.When crafting an essay on the topic of frightening films,one might consider the following structure and points to explore:Introduction:Begin by introducing the genre of horror films and their impact on viewers.Mention the purpose of the essay,which is to discuss the elements that make these films so terrifying.Body Paragraphs:1.Atmosphere and Setting:Discuss how the setting of a horror film can contribute to the fear factor.Dark,isolated locations or haunted houses often set the stage for terror.Mention the use of lighting,shadows,and sound design to create a suspenseful atmosphere.2.Character Development:Explain how the characters in horror films are often relatable,which makes the audience more invested in their fate.Discuss the role of the final girl or the protagonist who survives until the end,and how this trope adds to the tension.3.Plot Twists and Surprises:Describe how unexpected plot twists can keep viewers on the edge of their seats,never knowing what will happen next.Mention the use of jump scares and how they can be both effective and overused in the genre.4.The Monster or Villain:Analyze the different types of monsters or villains that horror films present,from supernatural beings to human psychopaths.Discuss the psychological impact of these characters and how they reflect societal fears or taboos.5.Cultural and Historical Context:Explore how horror films often reflect the cultural and historical context in which they were made.Discuss how societal fears and anxieties are mirrored in the themes and narratives ofhorror films.6.Impact on Society:Consider the societal impact of horror films,including their influence on popular culture and the debate over their potential to desensitize viewers to violence.Conclusion:Summarize the key points discussed in the essay.Conclude with a personal reflection on the power of horror films to evoke fear and why they continue to be a popular genre.Sample Essay:In the realm of cinema,few genres can elicit the same visceral reactions as horror films. These movies have the unique ability to tap into our deepest fears and insecurities, creating an experience that is both thrilling and terrifying.The success of a horror film often lies in its ability to create a believable and immersive world where the audience can feel the characters dread and fear.The atmosphere and setting of a horror film are crucial in establishing the tone and mood. Isolated locations,such as remote cabins or abandoned buildings,serve as the perfect backdrop for the unfolding terror.The use of dim lighting and shadowy corners can create a sense of claustrophobia,while the eerie silence is often punctuated by sudden, startling noises that heighten the tension.Character development is another key element in horror films.The audience must be able to empathize with the characters in order to feel their fear and share in their plight.The final girl trope,where a female character outlasts the monster or killer,has become a staple of the genre.This character often embodies the audiences hope and resilience in the face of overwhelming odds.Plot twists and surprises are the lifeblood of horror films.They keep viewers guessing and ensure that the narrative remains fresh and engaging.Jump scares,while sometimes criticized for being cheap,can be an effective tool when used sparingly and in conjunction with a wellcrafted storyline.The monster or villain is the central antagonist in horror films,and their design and motivations can greatly impact the films effectiveness.Whether they are supernatural entities or human monsters,these characters often serve as a reflection of our deepest fears and societal taboos.The psychological impact of these characters can be profound,leaving viewers with a lingering sense of unease long after the credits roll.Horror films are not created in a vacuum they are a product of their time and culture. They often reflect the anxieties and fears of society at large.For example,the rise of nuclear weapons in the1950s led to an increase in films featuring giant monsters, symbolizing the potential for destruction.Finally,the impact of horror films on society cannot be ignored.They have become a significant part of popular culture,influencing everything from fashion to music. However,there is an ongoing debate about the potential desensitizing effect of these films on viewers,particularly in relation to violence.In conclusion,horror films are a testament to the power of storytelling and the human capacity for fear.They challenge us to confront our deepest fears and anxieties,all while providing a thrilling cinematic experience.Whether through the use of atmosphere, character development,plot twists,or the creation of memorable monsters,horror films continue to captivate audiences and remain a beloved genre in the world of cinema.。
When it comes to the genre of horror,English essays can delve into various aspects of the films,from their psychological impact to their cultural significance.Heres a detailed exploration of the horror film genre in an English essay format:Title:The Haunting Appeal of Horror FilmsIntroduction:The horror film genre has long been a staple of the cinematic experience,offering viewers a unique blend of fear,suspense,and sometimes even a twisted sense of satisfaction.This essay will explore the characteristics of horror films,their psychological effects on audiences,and the cultural significance they hold in the broader context of film history.Characteristics of Horror Films:Horror films are characterized by their ability to evoke fear and anxiety in viewers.They often feature supernatural elements,such as ghosts,monsters,or demonic entities,and are set in dark,isolated locations that heighten the sense of danger.The use of suspense, jump scares,and eerie music are common techniques employed to create a tense atmosphere.Psychological Effects:The psychological impact of horror films can be complex.On one hand,they can provide a safe space for audiences to experience fear in a controlled environment,allowing for a cathartic release of emotions.On the other hand,they can also induce nightmares and anxiety,particularly in those who are more susceptible to the effects of fear.The genres ability to tap into our primal fears of the unknown and the unseen makes it a powerful tool for psychological exploration.Cultural Significance:Horror films often reflect societal fears and anxieties of the time in which they are made. For example,films like Night of the Living Dead1968and The Silence of the Lambs 1991have been interpreted as commentary on societal issues such as racism,misogyny, and the fear of the other.The genre also allows for the exploration of taboo subjects and the questioning of societal norms.Subgenres and Evolution:The horror genre has evolved over time,giving rise to various subgenres such as psychological horror,slasher films,and supernatural horror.Each subgenre brings its own unique elements and storytelling techniques,catering to different audience preferences and cultural contexts.The Role of Technology:Advancements in technology have had a significant impact on the horror film genre. Special effects and CGI have allowed for more realistic and visually stunning depictions of horror elements,enhancing the immersive experience for viewers.However,some argue that this reliance on technology has led to a decrease in the use of psychological horror and storytelling.Conclusion:Horror films continue to captivate audiences around the world,offering a thrilling and sometimes terrifying escape from reality.Their ability to tap into our deepest fears and anxieties,combined with their capacity for cultural commentary,makes them an enduring and important part of the cinematic landscape.Bibliography:This essay would conclude with a list of sources consulted,including academic articles, film analyses,and historical accounts of the horror genres development.This section would provide readers with further avenues for exploration and a deeper understanding of the topic.。
List of world famous movies(世界著名电影排行)03:38:30 (2009-03-07) label: top ten masterpieces, science fiction movies, martial arts films, Tim, Burton, European entertainment categories: EntertainmentTop ten feature films:(1) The Shawshank Redemption stimulate 1995): men see the inspirational film.2) Godfather (1, 2): classic gangster film, with this work, other similar bow.3) the American Past: the whole life is in it.4) the cinema of heaven: every man's childhood memories are too classic.5) city without a master: how can one make such an ox movie?!6) alive: perhaps the greatest movie in China at the moment.7) Agam: teaching all people to forgive others is a blessing.8) brave heart: a good teaching material for national pride.I hope everyone will love china.9) Truman: To investigate the value of human and human nature as its strange.10) the sound of music: the power of music, the joy of music!11) Schindler's list: thrilling history, full of infectious photography, and outstanding actors.Top ten science fiction films1) Star Wars Series: created a movie myth.2) alien hacker (Tier thirteenth): it should be said to be more subtle than the idea of the matrix.3) Superman: a representative of all comic science fiction films.4) Terminator (1, 2): classic in science fiction movies.5) 12 monkeys: such thought-provoking sci-fi movies are rare.6) the matrix of the hacker causes the thinking of the development of the reality and the future network, and forms a hacker culture.7) remove Soul City (dark city): science fiction style is offbeat, exceeding all expectations.8) over time contact: a more serious study of extraterrestrial civilizations.9) at a crucial moment: about the future of the social problem of gene content and theme and adventure films.10) 2001 roaming the space: classics, celebrated for serious science and foresight.Top ten war films:1) Saving Private Ryan: the true reflection of war and humanity of the super giant.The hunt for red October: 2) on behalf of the rhythm and character of how accurate the film for submarines.3) the enemy approached the walls from the unique perspective of World War II Description: blockbuster, actors perform in place.4) Battle Royale in war film because it is too shocking, too cruel.5) general Barton: a panorama of the war's masterpieces, and the actors perform well.6) u-571: a new type of naval battle with remarkable results.7) all metal shell: Kubrick's profound reflection on the war, after watching people fear war.8) star fleets: science fiction war films, and soldiers' training and combat descriptions are provocative and controversial.9) Walter to defend Sarajevo: always looks full of excitement.good movie!10) platoon: review the classic films of the Vietnam war.Top ten action movies1) (1): the true colour of a hero Johnwoo masterpiece.2) true lies: Arno's most tender and humorous film.3) life and death speed (1): full of dynamic, refreshing!4) die hard series: oh he's always an injured but die ah5) rock (rock): action peak works! The actors performed brilliantly.6) blade fighters (1, 2): new vampire action films, very unusual and gorgeous.7) mysterious yellow roses series: ha ha, because when I was young, I thought it was more classic than the western movie.8) revenge: is the old Romania film, the film shooting people baikanbuyan.9) the three step killer series: the neat Mexico style gunfight movie.10) first blood (1): the connotation of the intensity of story is Stallone number one.Top ten horror films1) scream series: on behalf of campus horror film, appetite for young people.2) break out of the dawn: alternative exaggeration of horror films, not scary, but very funny and alternative.3) the dawn of the living dead: a series of masterpieces of the dead, known as the disgusting zombie.4) the Exorcist: gloomy picture, sound shrill, look really silent night!5) Hell: Hong Kong Style horror movies represent terror and emotion.6) anatomy (1, 2): European horror film representative, content strange avant garde.7) bad taste: the early works of the Lord of the rings. It's scary and funny.8) alien series: science fiction, horror films, classic, 1, 2 and 4 are wonderful9) on behalf of Japanese Grudge: terror, extremely evil!10) live corpse: rare bloody black humor!Top ten comedy1) Two Smoking Barrels: looking for answers in British humor and fun in a mess2) I'm mad about Marie: a representative of American toilet culture, vulgar but fun.3) Hot Shots: American action comedy series ".4) Westward Journey (1, 2): classics!5) flower field wedding: Hong Kong Style comedy representatives, stars gathered.6) scary movie series: new comedy Zaogai imitate other films for fun.7) Tiger: European comedy classic, see.8) Golden Chicken: the rare Hongkong movies in recent years have deep connotations.9) mask: Jim Carry's fame.10) the king of Comedy: the film with the most profound meaning.Top ten swordsmen films1) Crouching.Tiger,Hidden.Dragon: "beauty" martial arts masterpiece!2) Dragon Inn: martial arts films now making models is according to it.3) Huang Feihong series: red Jet Li4) Drunken Master: Jackie Chan masterpiece, the golden age of Kung Fu works.5) Shaolin Temple thirty-six room: Gordon Liu's famous work, now also interesting.6) Shaolin Temple: Needless to say, the representative of Kung fu.7) Zorro: on behalf of the French swordsman film, many to many mm.8) The Legendary Swordsman: impression of Brigitte Lin plays the most Invincible Eastern.9) Zatoichi: innovative Japanese swordsman film, very characteristic.10) kill Bill: Oh, martial arts here the new West combineTop ten thriller1) the advent of death (1, 2): clever conception, amazing scene.2) darkness descends: thrillers depicting ghost tales have somenew meanings.3) silent lamb: thriller winning the Oscar prize!4) 7 sins: dark style, people want to escape from time to time! Exquisite performance!5): shining could enjoy Jack Nicholson's acting prowess.6) sixth senses: the representation of such films!! It was a wonderful ending!7) broken Valley: Tim, Burton's horror thriller, head roll!8) flustered (1, 2): the unthinkable of Canadian directors9) instinct: Needless to say, very erotic!10) hospital situation: Danish director Lars von Trier film, scared a lot of people did not dare to go home alone.Top ten love movies1) Titanic: a commercial masterpiece!2) beautiful woman: modern version of sparrows become phoenix!3: Audrey Hepburn's classic Roman holiday).4) love affair: a touch of bitterness, a lifetime commitment!5) Casablanca (Casablanca): classic old movies.6) graduates: can we still find the pure love of youth?7) the unbearable lightness of life: a love card with a background of the times, with a slow rhythm.8) bodyguards: easy and healthy love movies.9) Mr. and Mrs. Cramer: ethical reflections on marriage and their children.10) sunny days: the youth of those of us!Magic Movie1) the covenant: French fantasy film stars big production.2) Indiana Jones (Indiana Jones Trilogy): Spielberg and Lucas's powerful combination!3) ghost ghost movie: milepost Chinese! Never lose a foreign movie!4) the Lord of the Rings Trilogy: great, classic, real movies5) Harry Porter series: the curious branch of new magic movies.6) Magic Dragon (Dragon's heart): sincere feelings.7) mummies: a combination of humor and acrobatics.8) scissor Edward: Tim, Burton's most imaginative work.Peter Pan: 9) for the new children's fantasy.10) big fish: look at it two times, live to treat yourself!Top ten animation1) Monsters Inc: a rare digital stunt! Moving and interesting ideas!2) frozen Planet: Although the event is not very good, but its scene is really beautiful!3) the Sindbad voyage: the ingenious combination of outstanding works hand-painted and 3D technology.4) Shrek: healthy love outlook and humorous stories!5) find Nemo (anime): an anime classic with a blend of warm emotion and cutting-edge techniques.6) away: Qijun masterpiece palace!7) Final Fantasy: Pioneer 3D digital characters, superior technology.8) Vampire Hunter: Japanese style gorgeous vampire masterpiece.9) Gainor: European Animation, style is very strange!10) Dinosaurs: Needless to say, look good!Ten erotic films1) dancing girl: a rare depiction of topless dancers in the nightclub. The scene is exquisite!2) Caligula: the history of the most "serious" and grand erotic epic!3) Luo Manshi: Erotic masterpieces dealing with love, conflict, and hatred.4) intimacy: winning the Berlin Golden Bear, the first oral sex film in a European film festival!5) Paris wild roses: description of the feelings of love to the extreme, terrible!6) deep throat: the originator of modern porn!7) sad City: an independent film by French porn actors in an ugly society.8) sensory world: Nagisa Ohshima's astonishing, famous actors in real sex scenes!9) the last tango in Paris: miss Malone, Brando, just take a look at this movie!10) scandal: the latest Korean erotica.。
不可不看的世界著名电影推荐1. 2001 Kubrick, Stanley 1968(《漫游太空2001,库布利克》)2. Accattone Pasolini, Pier Paolo 1961(《乞丐》,帕索里尼)3. Babette's Feast Axel, Gabriel 1987(《芭贝特的盛宴》)4. Battleship Potemkin, The Eisenstein, Sergei 1925(《战舰波将金号》,爱森斯坦)5. Bicycle Thieves, The De Sica, Vittorio 1949(《偷自行车的人》,德-西卡)6. Blade Runner: The Director's Cut Scott, Ridley 1991(《银翼杀手》,雷德利-斯科特)7. Blue Velvet Lynch, David 1986(《蓝丝绒》,大卫-林奇)8. Chronicle of a Summer Rouch, Jean 1960(《夏日纪事》,让-鲁什)9. Clockwork Orange Kubrick, Stanley 1971(《发条橙子》,库布利克)10. Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover, the Greenaway, Peter 1989 (《情欲色香味》,格林纳威)11. Crash Cronenberg, David 1996(《撞车》,柯南博格)12. Demon Seed Cammell, Donald 1977(《魔种》)13. Desk Set Lang, Walter 195714. Draughtsman's Contract, The Greenaway, Peter 1982(《画师的合约》,格林纳威)15. Dreamlife of Angels, The Zonca, Erick 1998(《两极天使》,宗卡)16. Early Works Richter, Hans 192717. Eraserhead Lynch, David 1977(《橡皮头》,大卫-林奇)18. Fifth Element, The Besson, Luc 1997(《第五元素》,吕克-贝松)19. Film before Film Nekes, Werner 198620. Gattaca Niccol, Andrew 1997(《变种异煞/千钧一发》安德鲁-尼科尔)21. Big Day, The Tati, Jacques 1947(《节日》,雅克-塔蒂)22. Jules et Jim Truffaut, Francois 1962(《朱尔与吉姆》,特吕弗)23. Beauty and the Beast Cocteau, Jean 1946(《美女与野兽》,让-考科多)24. Hate Kassoritz, Mathieu 1995(《仇恨/怒火青春》,卡索维茨)25. Pier, The Marker, Chris 1962(《堤》,克里斯-马克尔)26. New Enchantment, The l'Herbier, Marcel 192427. La Magic Melies Meny, Jacques 199728. Films of Man Ray, The Man Ray 199829. 400 Blows, The Truffaut, Francois 1957(《四百击》,特吕弗)30. Level Five Marker, Chris 199731. Man Bites Dog Belvaux, Remy 1992(《人咬狗》)32. Man Ray Fargier, Jean Paul 199833. Man with a Movie Camera Vertov, Dziga 1929(《持摄影机的人》,维尔托夫)34. Metropolis Lang, Fritz 1929(《大都会》,佛列兹-朗)35. Mr Hulot's Holiday Tati, Jacques 1952(《于洛先生的假期》,雅克-塔蒂)36. My Uncle Tati, Jacques 1958(《我的舅舅》,雅克-塔蒂)37. Naked Leigh, Mike 1993(《赤裸》,迈克-雷)38. Nosferatu Murnau, F.W. 1922(《吸血鬼》,茂瑙)39. Cabinet of Dr Caligari, The Wiene, Robert 1919(《卡里加利博士的小屋》,维内)40. Notorious Hitchcock, Alfred 1946(《美人计》,希区柯克)41. Nuts in May Leigh, Mike 1976(《五月的坚果》,迈克-雷)42. October Eisenstein, Sergei 1927(《十月》,爱森斯坦)43. Paris, Texas Wenders, Wim 1984(《德州,巴黎》,文德斯)44. Pillow Book, The Greenaway, Peter 1995(《枕边书》,格林纳威)45. Playtime Tati, Jacques 1967(《游戏时间》,雅克-塔蒂)46. Solaris Tarkovsky, Andrey 1972(《索拉里斯/飞向太空》,塔尔柯夫斯基)47. Stalker T arkovsky, Andrey 1979(《潜行者》,塔尔柯夫斯基)48. Tampopo Itami, Juzo 1986(《蒲公英》,伊丹十三)49. Tati Shorts Tati, Jacques 1930-67(雅克-塔蒂的短片)50. Things to Come Menzies, William Cameron 1936(《科幻双故事》)51. Tokyo Story Ozu, Yasuijiro 1953(《东京物语》,小津安二郎)52. Man and a Woman, A Lelouch, Claude 1966(《一个男人与一个女人》克劳德?勒鲁什)53. Wings of Desire Wenders, Wim 1987(《柏林苍穹下》,文德斯)54. Birth of a Nation, The Griffith, D.W. 1915(《一个国家的诞生》,格里菲斯)55. Theorem Pasolini, Pier Paolo 1968(《定理》,帕索里尼)56. Week-End Godard, Jean-Luc 1967(《周末》,戈达尔)57. Brothers Quay, The Brothers Quay 1980s58. Andalusian Dog, An Bunuel, Luis/Dali, Salvador 1928(《一条叫安德鲁的狗》,达利,布努埃尔)59. Rome, Open City Rossellini, Roberto 1945(《罗马,不设防的城市》,罗西里尼)60. Intruder, The Corman, Roger 1961(《入侵者》,罗杰科尔曼)61. Visions of Light Glassman, Arnold 1992(《光影的美丽》,阿诺德格拉斯曼)62. Svankmajer : vol 1 Svankmajer, Jan 1960s63. Svankmajer : vol 2 Svankmajer, Jan 1960s64. Contempt Godard, Jean-Luc 1963(《轻蔑》,戈达尔)65. One plus One Godard, Jean-Luc 1968(《一加一》,戈达尔)66. Night in Casablanca, A Mayo, Archie 1946(《卡萨布兰卡之夜》,阿尔其?梅奥)67. Rashomon Kurosawa, Akiro 1950(《罗生门》,黑泽明)68. Yojimbo Kurosawa, Akiro 1961(《用心棒》,黑泽明)69. Early Cinema : vol 1 BFI70. Early Cinema : vol 2 BFI71. Red Desert Antonioni, Michaelangelo 1964(《红色沙漠》,安东尼奥尼)72. Annie Hall Allen, Woody 1977(《安妮?荷尔》,伍迪?艾伦)73. Brazil Gilliam, Terry 1985(《巴西》,特里?吉列姆)74. After Hours Scorsese, Martin 1985(《下班之后》,斯科西斯)75. Wizard of Oz, The Fleming, Victor 1939(《绿野仙踪》,弗莱明)76. Promise, The Von Trotter, Margarethe 1995(《许诺》,玛格丽特?冯?特洛塔)77. Hudsucker Proxy, The Coen, Joel 1994(《金钱帝国》,科恩兄弟)78. Matter of Life and Death, A Powell, Michael 1946(《平步青云》,迈克尔?鲍威尔)79. Thelma and Louise Scott, Ridley 1991(《末路狂花》,雷德利?斯科特)80. Antonia's Line Gorris, Marleen 1995(《不靠男人的女人》,玛琳?格里斯)81. Man Who Fell to Earth, The Roeg, Nic 197382. Wings of the Dove Softley, Iain 1997(《三颗翼动的心》,伊恩?索夫特雷)83. Portrait of a Lady Campion, Jane 1996(《淑女本色》,简?康萍)84. Sense and Sensibility Lee, Ang 1995(《理智与情感》,李安)85. Fanny and Alexander Bergman, Ingmar 1982(《芬尼与亚历山大》,伯格曼)86. Don't Look Now Roeg, Nic 197387. Blow Up Antonioni, Michaelangelo 1966(《放大》,安东尼奥尼)88. Mrs Dalloway Gorris, Marleen 1997(《达洛威夫人》)89. Orlando Potter, Sally 1992(《奥兰多》,萨利?波特)90. Colour of Pomegranates, The/Legend of the Suram Fortress, The Paradjanov, Sergo 1969(《石榴的颜色/苏拉姆城堡的传说》,帕拉杰诺夫)91. Sunset Boulevard Wilder, Billy 1950(《日落大道》,比利?怀尔德)92. Citizen Kane Welles, Orson 1941(《公民凯恩》,威尔斯)93. Blood of a Poet, The Cocteau, Jean 1930(《诗人之血》,让?考科多)94. Crimes and Misdemeanors Allen, Woody 1989(《罪与罚》,伍迪?艾伦)95. His Girl Friday Hawks, Howard 1940(《女友礼拜五》霍华德?霍克斯)96. Batman Burton, Tim 1989(《蝙蝠侠》,提姆?波顿)97. Strange Days Bigelow, Kathryn 1995(《世纪末暴潮》,凯瑟琳?碧罗格)98. Age of Innocence, The Scorsese, Martin 1993(《纯真的年代》,斯科西斯)99. French Lieutenant's Woman, The Reisz, Karel 1981(《法国中尉的女人》,卡尔?雷兹)100. Little Dorrit : Part 1 Edzard, Christine 1988(《小杜瑞特》)101. Little Dorrit : Part 2 Edzard, Christine 1988 102. Clueless Heckerling, Amy 1995(《独领风骚》,艾米·海克林)103. Third Man, The Reed, Carol 1949(《第三个人》,卡洛尔·里德)104. Fellini's Roma Fellini, Frederico 1972(《罗马》,费里尼)105. It's A Wonderful Life Capra, Frank 1946(《美好人生》,卡普拉)106. Edward Scissorhands Burton, Tim 1993(《剪刀手爱德华》,提姆·波顿)107. Dracula - 1992 Coppola, Francis Ford 1992(《吸血惊情四百年》,科波拉)108. Elephant Man, The Lynch, David 1980(《象人》,大卫·里恩)109. Jane Eyre Stevenson, Robert 1943(《简爱》,罗伯特·斯蒂文森)110. Performance Roeg, Nic and Cammell, Donald 1970 111. Flash, The Iscove, Robert 1990(《闪电侠》,罗伯特·伊斯科夫)112. Apartment, The Wilder, Billy 1960(《公寓》,比利·怀尔德)113. My Girlfriend's Boyfriend Rohmer. Eric 1987(《我女朋友的男朋友》,侯麦)114. Silences of the Palaces, The Tlatli, Moufida 1996(《沉默的宫殿》)115. Oliver! Reed, Carol 1968(《奥利弗》,卡洛尔·里德)116. Rope Hitchcock, Alfred 1948(《绳索》,希区柯克)117. Apocalypse Now Coppola, Francis Ford 1979(《现代启示录》,科波拉)118. I've Heard The Mermaids Singing Rozema, Patricia 1996(《我听到美人鱼在唱歌》)119. Intimate Lighting Passer, Ivan 1965(《逝水年华》,伊万·帕瑟)120. Close Encounters of the Third Kind Speilberg, Steven 1977(《第三类接触》,斯皮尔博格)121. Haunting, The Wise, Robert 1963(《猛鬼屋》,罗伯特·怀斯)122. Short Cuts Altman, Robert 1993(《短片集》,罗伯特·阿尔特曼)123. Yellow Submarine Dunning, George 1968(《黄色潜水艇》,乔治·唐宁)124. 8 1/2 Fellini, Federico 1968(《八又二分之一》,费里尼)125. Mirror Tarkovsky, Andrei 1974(《镜子》,塔尔柯夫斯基)126. Dick Tracy Beatty, Warren 1990(《至尊神探》,沃伦·比蒂)127. Lola Demy, Jacques 1960(《劳拉》,雅克·德米)128. Fathers of Pop Arts Council ?129. Conan the Barbarian Milius, John 1981(《霸王神剑》)130. Piano, The Campion, Jane 1993(《钢琴课》,简·康萍)131. Blade Runner: The Director's Cut Scott, Ridley 1991(《银翼杀手导演版》,雷德利·斯科特)132. Red Shoes, The Powell, Michael 1948(《红菱艳》,迈克尔·鲍威尔)133. Gormanghast: Episode 1 Wilson, Andy 2000 134. M Lang, Fritz 1931(《M》佛列兹·朗)135. Gormanghast: Episode 2 Wilson, Andy 2000 136. Enigma of Kasper Hauser, The Herzog, Werner 1974(《加斯·荷伯之迷》,赫尔佐格)137. Dark City Proyas, Alex 1998(《黑暗之城》)138. Gormanghast: Episode 3 Wilson, Andy 2000 139. Fistful of Dollars, A Leone, Sergio 1964(《为了几块钱/荒原大镖客》,莱昂内)140. For a Few Dollars More Leone, Sergio 1965(《为了更多几块钱/黄昏双镖客》,莱昂内)141. Good, The Bad and The Ugly, The Leone, Sergio 1966(《好的坏的和丑的/黄金三镖客》,莱昂内)142. L'Atalante Vigo, Jean 1934(《亚特兰大号》,让·维果)143. Conformist, The Bertolucci, Bernardo 1970(《同流》,贝尔托鲁奇)144. Rear Window Hitchcock, Alfred 1954(《后窗》,希区柯克)145. Kino-Eye Vertov, Dziga 1924(《电影眼》,维尔托夫)146. A Nous La Liberte Clair, Rene 1931(《自由属于我们》,雷内·克莱尔)147. Alphaville Godard, Jean-Luc 1965(《阿尔法城》,戈达尔)148. Touch of Evil Welles, Orson 1958(《历劫佳人/邪恶的接触》,奥逊·威尔斯)149. Fat City Huston, John 1971(《富城》,约翰·休斯顿)150. Under the Roofs of Paris Clair, Rene 1930(《巴黎屋檐下》,雷内·克莱尔)。
horror films作文
horror films作文恐怖电影的魅力经久不衰,吸引着观众一次次踏上惊险刺激的旅程。
例如,60 年代的恐怖片经常探索核战争和冷战的威胁,而 80 年代的恐怖片则反映了对犯罪和社会动荡的担忧。
关注恐怖老电影的英文作文Horror Old Movies: A Fascinating GenreHorror movies have always held a peculiar charm, and old horror films, in particular, have a unique allure that continues to captivate audiences. These classic horror movies, despite being produced in a gone era, still manage to send shivers down our spines and keep us on the edge of our seats.One of the reasons why old horror movies are so intriguing is their ability to rely on atmosphere and suggestion rather than excessive gore and special effects. They masterfully build tension through dimly lit sets, eerie music, and shadowy figures lurking in the background. The simplicity and subtlety in their storytelling often make the horror more profound and lingering in our minds.Take, for example, the classic "Dracula" or "Frankenstein". These films may lack the cutting-edge technology of modern horror, but their emphasis on character development and the gradual unfolding of the horror plot creates a sense of dread that is hard to replicate. The actors' performances in these old movies are often highly prsed for their ability to convey raw emotions and terror, making us empathize with the characters' plight.Another aspect that makes old horror movies worthy of attention is their reflection of the social and cultural fears of their time. They offer a glimpse into the anxieties and uncertnties that plagued society, presenting them in a supernatural or monstrous form. By exploring these films, we not only experience a thrilling entertnment but also gn insights into the past and the human psyche.In conclusion, old horror movies are not just relics of a gone cinematic era; they are timeless treasures that continue to haunt and thrill us. Their ability to evoke fear through artistry and storytelling is a testament to the enduring power of the horror genre. So, if you haven't delved into the world of classic horror, it's high time to dim the lights and embark on a terrifying journey through the annals of film history.。
英语作文 恐怖片
When it comes to the genre of horror films,there are a variety of themes and styles that can elicit fear,suspense,and even fascination in audiences.Heres a detailed look at the elements that make up a horror film and the impact they can have.Setting and Atmosphere:Horror films often rely on a specific setting to create an eerie atmosphere.This could be an isolated house,a dark forest,or an abandoned building.The setting is crucial as it sets the stage for the unfolding of terrifying events.For example,the foggy streets of London in The Hunchback of Notre Dame or the haunted Overlook Hotel in The Shining are iconic settings that contribute to the overall sense of dread.Character Development:Characters in horror films are often developed to be relatable,allowing the audience to empathize with their plight.Protagonists are frequently ordinary people thrust into extraordinary circumstances,such as a group of friends visiting a remote cabin in The Evil Dead.The relatability of the characters makes the horror more personal and impactful.Visual Effects and Gore:Visual effects play a significant role in horror films,ranging from subtle makeup effects to elaborate CGI.Gore can be used to shock the audience,but its often the anticipation of violence that is more effective in creating fear.The use of practical effects,such as animatronics and prosthetics,can add a layer of realism that digital effects sometimes lack.Sound and Music:The soundtrack of a horror film is a critical component in building tension.From the ominous score that signals impending doom to the sudden,jarring stingers that make viewers jump,music and sound effects work in tandem with the visuals to heighten the sense of fear.The iconic duhdum theme from Jaws or the eerie whispers in Rosemarys Baby are examples of how sound can be used to great effect.Plot and Pacing:A wellcrafted plot is essential in a horror film.It needs to be engaging enough to keep the audience on the edge of their seats.The pacing is often slow,building tension gradually before releasing it with a jump scare or a shocking revelation.Films like Psycho and Get Out are praised for their clever plot twists and the way they manipulate the audiences expectations.Themes and Symbolism:Horror films often explore deepseated fears and societal issues,using symbolism and metaphor to delve into the human psyche.Themes such as the fear of the unknown,the loss of control,and the struggle between good and evil are common.A Nightmare on Elm Street uses the fear of sleep and dreams to explore the idea of vulnerability and the subconscious mind.Cultural Impact:Horror films have a significant cultural impact,influencing fashion,language,and even societal norms.They can reflect the anxieties of the time in which they were made,such as the fear of nuclear war in the1950s or the fear of technology in the21st century.The popularity of horror films also speaks to the human fascination with the macabre and the desire to confront and overcome fear.In conclusion,horror films are a complex and multifaceted genre that can provide both entertainment and a means to explore deeper themes.They are an art form that taps into our primal fears and allows us to experience and confront them in a controlled environment.Whether its the chilling suspense of The Silence of the Lambs or the psychological terror of Black Swan,horror films continue to captivate audiences around the world.。
喜欢恐怖电影,英文范文篇一:东西方恐怖电影比较(英文)Different Dread----The analysis of the differences between western and eastern in horror movies1. Abstract:As we know westerners are relatively direct and like to show their feelings. But the oriental are reserved, focusing on atmosphere building andpsychological hint is the biggest characteristic of eastern horror films. The western horror films are based on the fear of reality. The eastern films are more based on the horror of the unknown affairs, our inner secret feelings and the transaction of unpredictability. So why western and eastern have so big differences? The differences are most from the differences of culture. And what cause the differences in culture?I think it’s the geographic location.2. Introduction:In our lives, movies are essential things and there are many kinds of movies. Horror movie is one of the most important types. We have seen many horror movies no matter western or eastern. There are many differences between western and eastern horror movies.First,as we know westerners are relatively direct and like to show their feelings. So, they regard the stimulation of visions and feelings as important. They usually use the comprehensive application of Make-up, cosmetic and sound effect. So, you can see many scenes have organs with blood on it, and I think sometimes they are more lousy than scary. I think the most typical horror films must be the ;;and the .The vision is more intuitionistic, and terror effects are in the ghosts and monsters. Here are some pictures of . And you can see the monster is very horrific. Hereare some pictures of .But the oriental are reserved, focusing on atmosphere building and psychological hint is the biggest characteristic of eastern horror films. That’s to say, the fear is the repression and control from the bottom of heart and terror is a sensible without considerable things, like . In that movie, there’s no normal contact among people. People in the movies always deviate from the normal life.Secondly, the western horror films are based on the fear of reality. The eastern films are more based on the horror of the unknown affairs, our inner secret feelings and the transaction of unpredictability. The typical film must be , which produced by a Japanese director and an American director successively. is much eviler and the stimulations of visions are obvious after the American reproduced it.Thirdly, with the development of the technology, the industrial variation and technology panic become a piece of lingering shadow over their head. People begin to introspect the crisis which the extreme civilization and following the development of science blindly brought. So, the western horror films are often concerning these kinds of fear, like , . These are some pictures of the and . Some people may say they can’t be horror movies strictly, but they can already explain the character of western horror movies.The whole eastern culture system is affected by the Confucianism. But with the development of economy, egoism, money first, moral decay, disregard law and discipline and so on are increasing the impact of traditional culture. So the horror film is appeared, and they show the modern ethical crisis and emotional anxiety in atrans mutative and exaggerated form. Here are some pictures of the eastern horror films. From the pictures, we can’t see any high technology, but we can feel the gloomy atmosphere among the people.Above all, the differences between western and eastern horror movies have been stated. But what’s causethe differences? I think it’s the differences in culture that cause them. And what causes the culture difference is the geographic location.The oriental lived in theHuanghe Valley and the Yangzi Valley. It’s a wide plain, and people settled down in someplace. They lived and farm there from generation to generation. That’s to say the oriental were lived in a stable environment. People didn’t like move and prefer to settle down. That’ make people didn’t like to make public. So oriental create the Confucianism, which advocate connotation and restrained.But as for the western people, where they lived were full of mountains and hills. What’s more, the climate is not fit to farm. That makes them move from one place to another to find more things that can hold them to live on. This kind of lifestyle makes them direct and likes to show their feelings. In modern times, many Europeans moved to America and then, people from all over the world moved to America, which makes American culture,become more and more diversified. People lived in America have to communicate with other people to know other’s culture and belief in order to get along well with others. This also makes western especially Americans’ characters are more direct.Because of the differences in culture, western people and eastern people have a lot of differences in character. And these differences make the horror movies between western and eastern be quite different.What’s more, makes lots of things different.3. Conclusions:There are lots of differences in horror movies between western and eastern. Westerners are relatively direct and like to show their feelings. They usually use the comprehensive application of Make-up, cosmetic and sound effect. But the oriental are reserved, focusing on atmospherebuilding and psychological hint is the biggest characteristic of eastern horror films.Because of the differences in culture, western people and eastern people have a lot of differences in character. And these differences make the horrormovies between western and eastern be quite different. What’s more, makes lots of things different.4. references:《东西方恐怖电影的对比》《东西方恐怖电影在表现手法上的差异及融合》来源:《电影文学》20xx年第10期作者:马岩峰有道词典。
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From 1980 to 2009 it has been photographed, A total of 11 films. it hailed as 'the history of the oldest' of the horror movie series
Forth:Saw (2004) 电锯惊魂
Tenth:Honogurai mizu no soko kara (2002) 鬼水怪谈
• Suk had a less than perfect childhood home, Suk grew up determined to protect their families, to the maximum security well-being of their children. Instead, the Suk Bin Tian and her husband lived and unhappy marriage, a divorce.
Fifth:Friday the 13th (1980) 十三号星期五
Friday the 13th is so classical. The story description 11 years ago, a young boy in the Crystal Lake for summer camp, unfortunately, He drowned in the lake dropped, after this, the camp accident the external closed. Not until 11 years later, a young couple decided to Crystal Lake, re-organize summer camps, and hired six battalion instructor. Local residents have warned them, do not stay in Crystal Lake, but the couple for the forthcoming summer camp activities, the residents ignored the warning. Unexpectedly, something really weird happened! Counselor an inexplicable disappearance of a street. Original happy camp, became a chilling horror place! Seem to have a stealth killer, secretly re-opened to stop the camp!
Eight: The Shining 闪灵
In order to get rid of frustrations at work, Jack to the candidates to do the winter Attendant overlooking the hotel, the hotel will close off the mountains when the snow shut down 5 months, during which isolation. Boss told Jack that his predecessor had hired an Attendant, but during his brutal killing two daughters and his wife and committed suicide because of mental illness derived from the long-term closure. While Jack seems to be a curse, like the massacre took place the same course of it.
"Saw" is a very bloody movie, It also makes us consciousness. It will inevitably cause some people feel sick, but it was natural to understand the meaning of life and the value of co-operation. A sick crazy kill another by all kinds of horror of way. Central figure is a whim of the eccentric, his fantasy value to the church life of the victim, the sadistic killer is always looking for prey on the brink of moral, and then forced them to engage in a ruthless game of survival, so that they can in these killing in order to feel the gift of life
Ninቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱh:Bride of Chucky (1998) 鬼娃新娘
• Metamorphosis killer Rey Wai stopped by the police and hid in a toy store for a last-ditch. Police were forced to open fire, the bullet will hit into plug Rey. In the last breath before swallowing, Rey Nianleyiju voodoo spell, so that the soul attached to the nearest person on their own. There is only one year of his side's best-selling "good boy" toys. From then on, Rey has become a rag doll --ghost baby, he continued to commit crimes.
Top 10 horror films
• • • • • • • • • • 《午夜凶铃》(Ringu) 日本1998年 《咒怨》(The Grudge) 日本1999年 《驱魔人》(Exorcist) 美国1973年 《电锯惊魂》(SAW) 美国2004年 《十三号星期五》(Friday the 13th)美国1980年 《鬼来电》(You‘ve Got a Call) 日本2003年 《天魔》(The Omen) 美国1976年 《闪灵》(The Shining) 美国1980年 《鬼娃新娘》(Child‘s Play)美国1988年 《鬼水怪谈》
The film has a surprise ending, this is really a crazy movie. You would fear in deep-seated heart.
The third: The Exorcist (1973)
• A happy family, in a trip in a special appearance inadvertently picked up a stone, and many strange things have come one after another ... ...
Tenth:Honogurai mizu no soko kara (2002) 鬼水怪谈
Suk with a young daughter, Ikuko moved to new homes soon, he would face all kinds of strange things: water dripping from the ceiling for no reason; tap hair; home is the baby's cry came from time to time the sound of panic everywhere! Even her daughter Ikuko seems to evil spirits and sick, often talking to himself, but also without cause serious illness in order to protect Ikuko, Suk has decided to face all kinds of strange things, offered to take Office, Ghost ... ...
Top 10 horror films
Recently, the Japanese horror films selected out of ten. Japan filming horror films, can be said that the highest level of scary, productive, achievement is also the largest shows that the Japanese not seem so rigid, in fact, very imaginative. Top Ten Japanese horror movie, if you have seen, then it is considered daring person.
Sixth: Chakushin ari (2003) 鬼来电
The University of Tokyo girls Yumi Shocked by the tragic death of friends, the frightening thing is that they have received three days before his death Ghost cell phone messages, the phone calls of people who had the dead themselves! Message but also through the phone records of continuous spread, finally I received from the United States is also, unfortunately, hearing, speaking and hear their mournful screams of death, three days after the die is no doubt! Mystery man Yamashita risk their lives to help America break from doom, the original foot of the mountain is also the sister of a victim. Deadline approaching, these clues will lead America into an old abandoned hospital, which ghastly horror, mystery at the crack cell phone message a critical moment, the most terrifying Ghost directly toward the front of ...