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情绪失控go bananas


Go bananas这个习惯用语就来源于此。


如果某人在特定情境下像猴子看到香蕉那样激动得上窜下跳、又喊又叫,甚至行为失常,那这个人必定是情绪失控了,这个时候我们就可以说he is going bananas.
Yummy mummy is a slang term used in the United Kingdom to describe young, attractive and wealthy mothers. The term developed in the 2000s, and was often applied to celebrity mothers such as Liz Hurley or Victoria Beckham, who appeared to quickly regain their pre-pregnancy figures after giving birth, and would continue to lead carefree and affluent lifestyles.
Yummy mummy是英国俚语,指那些年轻、漂亮又有钱的妈妈们,我们简称为“漂亮妈妈”。


The city government of Ankang on Thursday evening apologized to a woman who underwent a forced abortion at a hospital in Northwest China's Shaanxi province, adding that officials who have been found to be responsible for the incident will be relieved of their duties.

上面报道中的forced abortion就是“强制引产”,在这儿abortion是指人工terminate pregnancy(终止妊娠),也可称作induced abortion。

我国现行的family planning policy(计划生育政策)规定,引产只能在征得孕妇的written consent(书面同意)下进行,且要坚决杜绝late-stage abortion(大月份引产)。

“超生人口”英文表达为extra births。

与abortion之相对的是spontaneous abortion(自然流产),也叫miscarriage,是指gestational age(胎龄)不足28周、胎儿体重不足1000g而终止妊娠,其中在妊娠二十周以后流产,称为preterm birth(早产),胎儿有可能存活。

常见的自然流产种类还有threatened abortion(先兆流产)、recurrent pregnancy loss (习惯性流产)等。

Thousands of people will step out of their homes and offices tomorrow morning to see a rare celestial event that will not happen again in our lifetimes: The transit of Venus across the face of the Sun

上面报道中的transit of Venus就是“金星凌日”。


T ransit作为天文学中的术语时指的指一个planet(行星)或月球经过另一个较大的celestial body(天体)的表面,尤指太阳。

另外人造卫星也会凌日,一般把人造卫星“凌日”叫做Sun Outage(日凌)。

“金星凌日”原理上类似于solar eclipse(日食)。

(日环食),partial solar eclipse(日偏食),
“金星凌日”时,需要佩戴专门的eclipse shades(日食观测镜),或者在望远镜上装上solar filter(滤光膜)观察,这样还可观察到金星internal ingress(入凌)和internal egress(出凌)时的black drop effect(“黑滴”现象)。

According to ancient Chinese medical theories, the Conception and Governor vessels, located at different acupuncture points, control the flow of the human body's Yin and Yang energy, respectively.

上面报道中的Conception and Governor vessels就是“任督二脉”,conception vessels(任脉)是以人体正下方双腿间的会阴穴为起点,从身体正面沿着正中央往上到唇下承浆穴的meridian vessel(经脉);而governor vessels(督脉)是由会阴穴向后沿着脊椎往上走,到达头顶再往前穿过两眼之间,到达口腔上颚的龈交穴的经脉。

任脉主血,督脉主气,open up "Conception Vessel" and "Governor Vessel"(打通任督二脉)能改善体质,强筋健骨。

任督二脉的说法来自Traditional Chinese Medicine(中医)中的经络学说,中医范畴很大,包括各种形式的herbal medicine(草药)、acupuncture(针灸)、massage
(Tui na,推拿)、exercise(qigong,气功)和
医治疗有cupping(拔罐)、moxibustion(艾灸)、和Gua Sha(刮痧)等。

recent report on Chinese health revealed that the average Chinese person is 8.2 years older than his or her chronological age, a sign of poor health.

上面报道中的chronological age就是指实际年龄,即从出生之日起计算的、实际的年龄。

Chronological是指按照年代顺序或时间先后顺序的,如chronological order(时间顺序)。

造成国人健康状况差的原因有unbalanced nutrition(营养不均),irregular blood pressure(血压异常),overstress(压力过大),以及各式各样的occupational disease(职业病)等。

●Small quantities of the so-called "rubber eggs" are reported to have appeared on the market in dozens of regions across China in recent weeks.

文中的rubber eggs就是指“橡皮蛋”,即鸡蛋煮熟后egg yolk(蛋黄)坚实且有弹性似rubber ball(橡皮球)。

●trademark infringemen t就是指“商标侵权”,是指行为人未经商标权人许可,在相同或类似商品上使用与其trademark registration(注册商标)相同或近似的商标,或者干涉、妨碍商标权人使用其注册商标,损害商标权人legitimate interest(合法权益)的其他行为。

civil affairs(民事),cessation of fringerment(停止侵害)、eliminate ill effects(消除影响)、redress damage(赔偿损失),court proceedings(法律诉讼程序),
正当使用fair use
●The term "snowclone" describes the practice of transforming cliches, axioms and pop culture catchphrases into modern analogies. By replacing a few key words from the original saying, a writer can put a new context using the old formula. For example, the catchphrase "To be or not to be, that is the question" can be turned into "To eat or not to eat, that is the question."



●Today is "Leap Day" and for centuries has been traditionally associated with the idea of romance reversal as women take to one knee to propose to their men

文中的leap day(又名intercalary day),就是指“闰日”,是一个专有名词,指的是为调整calendar year(历年)/calendar month(历月)长度,使之接近tropical year(回归年)/lunar month(朔望月)而增加的一日。



当时的玛格丽特女王颁布法令,宣布这一天女人可以向男人make a proposal(求婚),并对无拘无束追逐女性又拒绝接受警告的男人实行罚款。


March 4, 2012
A high school in Central China's Henan province recently set a code of behavior for students to become "macho boys" and "cute and clever girls", which has become a hot topic among local teachers and students.

文中的macho boys就是指“阳刚男生”,macho就是指“大男子气概的”;cute and clever girls就是指“秀慧女生”。

雄)、have a clearcut(爱憎分明)、有sense of justice(正义感)等;女生则要preserve one's moral integrity(洁身自好)、当lady(淑女)等。

该校老师称,此举是因“gender education(性别教育)的缺失”。

7th March, 2012
Last year, the world's first environmental lottery was unveiled in UK, aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and limiting climate change
发行environmental lottery(环保彩票)有利于环保事业的fund raising(筹集资金),

据估算,“中国环保彩票”如果和中国welfare lottery(福利彩票)、中国sport lottery(体育彩票)达到同等规模,按照2010年static computation(静态计算):则可为社会创造直接就业岗位约30万个;仅“偶然所得税”一项,每年可为国家增加收入超30亿元
12th March, 2012
China should make academic fraud a crime to curb dishonesty, a deputy of National People's Congress (NPC) proposed at the annual two sessions

文中的make academic fraud a crime指的就是“设立学术欺诈罪”,academic fraud 就是指“学术欺诈”,是指严重的academic misconduct(学术不端)行为,一般指利用scientific research(科学研究)活动或科学家的身份进行的欺诈活动。

这种academic circles(学术界)的不良现象包括:plagiarism(剽窃)、data falsification (伪造数据)和学生的舞弊抄袭行为等。

Chinese political advisors on Saturday called for more support for barefoot doctors serving the country's vast rural areas.

文中的barefoot doctors就是指“赤脚医生”,现在也称“乡村医生”,指一般未经正式medical training(医疗训练)、仍持农业户口、一些情况下“半农半医”的农村医疗人员。

“赤脚医生”、rural cooperative medical service(农村合作医疗)、县乡村三级医疗网health reform(卫生改革)的三大举措曾闻名于世界,而且受到世界卫生组织关注,并向发展中国家推荐的一种模式。

13th March, 2012
China plans to open more Confucius Institutes to teach traditional Chinese medicine overseas and promote the Eastern medical science, Deputy Minister of Health Wang Guoqiang said on Monday.

文中的traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)就是指“中医”,是研究人体physiology (生理)、pathology(病理),以及疾病的诊断和防治等的一门学科。

中医一般指中国以汉族劳动人民创造的traditional medicine(传统医学)为主的医学,所以也称Chinese medicine(汉医)。

中国其他传统医学,如Tibetan medicine(藏医)、Mongolian medicine(蒙医)、Miao medicine(苗医)等等则被称为ethnomedicine (民族医学)。

17th March, 2012
Shanghai is going to require real-name tweeting registration on Monday, following similar moves adopted by other big cities such as Beijing and Guangzhou, municipal authorities said Sunday.

文中的real-name tweeting registration指的就是real-name weibo service(微博实名制),real-name就是指“实名的”,如real-name reporting(实名举报)、real-name registration system(实名制)。

对微博客用户实行real identities upon registration(真实身份信息注册),目前只针对new users(新增用户),包括private and corporate users(个人和团体用户)。

随后,这一规则将陆续覆盖全部valid users(合法用户)。

微博客用户以真实身份信息注册及比对认证只在后台进行,用户在前台可以使用真实身份,也可以选择screen names(网名)、昵称等,网站充分尊重个人意愿。

微博实名制的推行,是响应党的十七届六中全会提出的,发展a healthy Internet culture(健康向上的网络文化),加强对social networking websites(社交网络)和instant-messaging tools(即时通信工具)等的引导和管理。

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has decided to remove Wang Lijun from the position of deputy mayor of Chongqing, a senior official with the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee confirmed on Thursday.

文中的remove ... from the position就是指“免职”,属于干部任用的一种组织措施。

英文中表达“免职”的相关说法有:dismiss from one's post(免职);be removed from office(被免职);to discharge from an office or position(撤换,把……免
职);to end the employment or service of(解雇,免职;开除);be relieved of one's post(免职);shelve an official(将一官员免职);a removal of rank or office(免职,罢免头衔或官职)等。

与“免职”相关的单词有:dismiss(解雇,开除);discharge(解雇,免除);demote (使降级,使降职);sack(解雇);demit(辞职,开除);depose(免职,罢黜);displace(替换,把……免职);heave-ho(开除,拒绝);relieve(解除,换……的班);remove(开除,调动);replace(接替,替代)等。

China raised fuel prices for the second time this year, hiking gasoline and diesel by 6.5 percent to 7 percent effective on Tuesday, amid rising world crude oil prices and falling domestic inflation.

文中的raise, hike, rise都是指油价“上涨”。

Raise是指“提高,增加”,例如raise fuel prices(提高燃油价格);Hike是指“提高;涨价”,例如price hike(提价)、wage hike (加薪);Rise是指“上升,增加”,例如rise in price(涨价)、sharp rise(激增;激涨)。

Some 24,500 green jobs have been created by the end of last year, a great relief of employment pressure.

文中的green jobs (green employment)就是指“绿色就业”,指在节能环保等"绿色"产业中开发就业机会,带动environmental industries(环保产业)的崛起。

发展绿色节能环保产业,推动energy saving and emission reduction(节能减排)工程、ecological restoration(生态恢复)工程建设,加强environmental infrastructure (环境基础设施)建设,创造就业岗位,应是应对当前金融危机冲击下国内employment pressure(就业压力)剧增的一剂良方。

A Chinese province won permission on Wednesday to try out investing money from its largely unmanaged pension funds into the country's capital markets.

文中的pension funds into the country's capital markets指的就是“养老金入市”,是指把基本pension insurance fund(养老保险基金)中的fund for individual accounts(个人账户基金)进行portfolio investment(证券投资)。

将pension funds(养老金)投资于市场,可以实现养老金preserve or increase the value(保值增值),也可以起到stabilize the market(稳定市场)的作用
The international community should cut its dependence on hazardous nuclear materials and eradicate nuclear terrorism with the aid of multilateral
frameworks, Li Hong, secretary-general of the China Arms Control and Disarmament Association, said in an exclusive interview with China Daily.

文中的nuclear terrorism就是指“核恐怖主义”,nuclear security(核安全)一直都是全球共同面临和关心的重大议题,涉及核安全的说法也有很多。

例如nuclear material
nuclear weapon

中国是一个拥有先进nuclear technology(核技术)能力的国家,随着nuclear facilities (核设施)分布日益广泛、nuclear radioactive material(核放射性材料)使用的日益增多,中国也面临各种形式的恐怖主义威胁。




目前中国在high-enriched uranium(高浓缩铀)转low-enriched uranium(低浓缩铀)技术上已没有问题,可以对国际社会提供技术援助。

As iphones and iPads are getting more popular in China, some people are choosing paper-made Apple goods as offerings to their deceased relatives, the Beijing Morning Post reported Tuesday.

文中的paper-made Apple goods指的就是“paper iPhone(纸iPhone)”,今年的Qingming Festival/Tomb-Sweeping Day(清明节)将近,许多淘宝商铺开始出售包括iPhone4、iPad2在内的paper digital devices(纸质数码产品)。

除了出售纸质产品本身之外,还有配套齐全的各种仿真chargers(充电器)、earphones (耳机)、data lines(数据线)等,售价从几十元到几百元不等。

有消费者表示,买这类电子产品的sacrificial offerings(祭品)是为了“让他们也能感受到社会的进步”。

对此,一些folklore experts(民俗专家)认为,传统的burning joss paper(烧纸祭祀)不但会污染环境,并且祭品在燃烧过程中存在火灾隐患。

建议市民低碳文明祭祀,买鲜花,或用网上tomb sweeping(扫墓)等电子祭祀的新方法来寄托思念之情。

A wolf-like animal was shot dead in Zoucheng, Shandong province, on March 26, the latest development in a series of local wolf hunts.


文中的wolf-like animal就是指“疑似狼动物”,近日,山东狼伤人事件吵得沸沸,被网友称为:“wolf-like(疑似狼)”事件。


April 4, 2012
The producers of spirulina products are facing a credibility crisis after a report claimed excessive lead was found in the popular dietary supplement sold in China.

文中的spirulina products就是指“螺旋藻产品”,spirulina就是指“螺旋藻”,是一类lower plant(低等植物),属于cyanophyta(蓝藻门),oscillatoriaceae(颤藻科)。


蓝藻的细胞结构原始,且非常简单,是地球上最早出现的photosynthetic organism(光合生物),在这个星球上已生存了35亿年。


螺旋藻产品是中国人热衷的nutritional supplements(营养补充剂),富含protein (蛋白质)、vitamins(维生素)和minerals(矿物质)。

With complaints about flight delays on the increase, Shanghai Spring Airlines - a budget airlines - and the Shanghai-based Dazhong Insurance Company Limited are offering flight delay insurance for the first time in China.

上面报道中的flight delay insurance就是“航班延误险”。

春秋航空表示,如果航班因为bad weather(恶劣天气)、mechanical problems(机械故障),或是air traffic control (流量控制)造成延误,起飞延误达到3小时,就能获得200元的flight delay compensation
保险有很多种,除了endowment insurance(养老保险)、unemployment insurance (失业保险)、和maternity insurance(生育保险)等social insurance(社会保险),也有health insurance(健康保险)、home insurance(房屋保险)、和vehicle insurance (车险)等commercial insurance(商业保险)。

7th May, 2012
Pin-drop syndrome describes extreme quietness in an office, which leads to worker stress because the significance of even the smallest noises is magnified.
Pin-drop syndrome(字面意思为“掉针综合症”)描述的是办公室内极度安静的状况,在此状况下,员工感受到的压力可能会更大,因为任何微小的声音都有可能被放大。

由此,pin-drop syndrome也可译为“过度安静综合症”。

Underload syndrome refers to ill health or depression caused by a lack of challenges or stimulation at work.
动力不足综合症(underload syndrome)指因为工作上缺少挑战或动力而出现的身体欠佳或抑郁的状态。

Imagine only needing to hover under a street lamp to get public internet access, or downloading a movie from the lamp on your desk. There's a new technology on the block which could, quite literally as well as metaphorically, 'throw light on' how to meet the ever-increasing demand for high-speed wireless connectivity. Radio waves are replaced by light waves in a new method of data transmission which is being
called Li-Fi(Light Fidelity).



As well as being a potential solution to our ever-increasing hunger for bandwidth,
Li-Fi has other advantages over WiFi, such as being safe to use on an aircraft, in hospitals and medical devices, and even underwater, where WiFi doesn't work at all. Research suggests that Li-Fi has the potential to be faster, safer and cheaper than conventional WiFi technology.


Virtual troubleshooters on Chinese online marketplace Taobao now offer more than 3,000 services, ranging from friendly chats to technical assistance, such as modifying pictures and Web design. Prices vary from 1 yuan to 600 yuan.


在上面的报道中,网络钟点工被意译为virtual troubleshooter,troubleshooter是指“解决麻烦问题的能手”。

Virtual troubleshooter很直观地解释了“网络钟点工”这一职业:他们通过网络进行工作,以帮助别人处理麻烦来收取报酬,他们的服务包括帮人vegeteal web design(设计网页)等。

网络钟点工跟传统的hourly employee
Virtual在这里是指“借助计算机或者计算机网络进行的”,类似用法还有virtual conversations(网聊)以及传递心事和秘密的virtual floating bottle(网络漂流瓶)等。


业内人士提醒交易双方在交易过程中应该尽量保存好双方的chat archive/log(聊天记录)和交易证据。
