I am a man came from Venus




Impression after Reading---Men Are from Mars, Women Are from VenusI am 22 years old. I have never had a boyfriend. If I am an American, people willthinktheremustbesomethingwrongwithme.Butfortunately,IamaChinese.Nobody will laugh at me or think I am weird or something for I having never hangedout with a boy for almost 22 years. Well, I really do not know much about males and Ieven feel a little afraid when I am walking alone with a boy, especially a boy I like..This term, I bought a book with my curiosity. It is a best-selling book in America.The name of the book isMen Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus. The author isJohnGray,Ph.The classic guide to understand the opposite sex. I think that is the reasonthat I bought it----getting to know boys.The beginning of the book is quite imaginary. Suppose that men are from MarsandwomenarefromVenus.OnedaylongagotheMartians,lookingthroughtheirteles copes, discovered the Venusians. Just glimpsing the Venusians awakened feelingsthey had never known. They fell in love and quickly invented space travel and flew toVenus. Well, you may doubt how they can fall in love with each other and how theywill get along well with each other.In this book, we can not only understand the opposite sex, but also know how toestablisharmoniousrelationshipwitheoppositesex.Thereareseveralthingsthat the author explores:With discovering so many things, I think what I learn from the book is not justthe opposite sex, love, and marriage, but more about human beings minds. In otherwords, it is like a psychological book, teaching us how to act and how to understandothers’ acts. It is a kind ofreflection. It happens in everyone, not just in the oppositesex. As long as we know each others’thoughts, we can understand each other better,as the human nature’s point of view.Thereareobviousdifferencesbetweenmenandwomen.Mengainself-satisfaction through proving their power and ability. To offer a manunsolicitedadvice is to presume that he does not know what to do or that he can not do it onhisown.Peoplesaymenarealwaysmoresensitivethanwomen,itistruetosomedegree. When men arefacedwitha problem, theywill tryto finda solutionratherthan just talking about the problems like women. In daily life, they pay moreattentionto“objects” and “things” rather than people and feelings. And especially when theyfeel need, they can also feel great happiness. I always wondered that why itseemsthatinaromanticrelationship,menoftengivemorethanwomendo.Thereasonseem s to be apparent now, it is because when a man’s girlfriend or wife needs him, heis eager to help her and meet her needs, which will give him a sense of achievements.Therefore, when you have a boyfriend, do not always do things on your own or rejecthis help, which can help to keep a good relationship. Just like the author said,” Menare motivated and empowered when they feelneed.”To be honest, I can get happy when being good to others, loving them and givingmore. Since love has the magical power to make people happy, strong and unified, topreserve the sweet love between men and women seems quite important,especiallywhen they get married.Basically, we need to know what he or she is saying, because men and womens peakdifferentlanguages.Herearesomeexamplesinthebook.“Iamsotired,Ican’t do anything”translated into Martian means“Ihave been doing so much today,I really need a rest before I can do anything more. I am so lucky to have yoursupport.WouldyougivemeahugandreassuremethatIamdoingagoodjobandthatIdeserv e a rest?”Without this translation, when a woman say“Iam so tired, I can’t doanything.”a man may hear“Ido everything and you do nothing. You should do more.I can’t do it all. I feel so hopeless. I want a‘real man’to live with. Picking you was abig mistake.”“This house is always mess”translated into Martian means“TodayIfeel like relaxing, but the house is so messy. I am frustrated and I need a rest. I hopeyou don’t expect me to clean it all up. Would you agree with me that it is a mess andthen offer help to clean up part of it?”Without this translation, a man may hear“Thishouseis a mess because of you. I do possible to clean it up, and before I have finished,you have messed it up again. You are a lazy slob and I do not want to live with youunless you change. Clean up or clean out!”What I can tell from above is that men are always expecting a gentle way fromwomen and women arealwaysexpecting anassured way.When misunderstandingsarise, rember that we speak different languages; take the time necessary to translatewhat your partner really means or wants to say. This takes practice.Thisbookisnotonlytalkingaboutlove,theoppositesex,marriage,itisalsotalking about understanding, human nature andrelationship.Wheneveryou wal kinone’s life, you can not just walk away after you check it up.Accept the differencesbetween you, and try to understand them and make you closer. When you have a goodtime, open your heart to enjoy it; when you have a bad time, try to find a way to healit. Wedon’tneed to find out whether love is eternal or not, we just need to find a goodway to protect it, improve it, and feel it.。



小学下册英语第2单元自测题英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1. A kitten is a baby ________________ (猫).2.What is the capital of Bahrain?A. ManamaB. DohaC. Abu DhabiD. MuscatA3.Dogs love to play _________. (球)4.The first successful trachea transplant was performed in ________.5.The ______ (气候变化) affects plant habitats.6. A hawk's sharp vision allows it to spot prey from ______ (高处).7.The tree is very ________.8.What is the name of the famous artist known for his paintings of water lilies?A. Claude MonetB. Vincent van GoghC. Pablo PicassoD. Leonardo da Vinci9.He is very ___. (strong)10.What do we call the large body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth?A. LakeB. OceanC. RiverD. StreamB11.It is _____ to play outside. (nice)12.I see a ___ (boat/ship) on the water.13.What do you call the sound a cat makes?A. BarkB. PurrC. MeowD. Roar14.The _____ (植物生长条件) must be monitored for success.15.Plants use sunlight to make ______.16.The ancient Romans used _______ for their buildings. (石头)17.What do you call the process of making a copy of a document?A. PrintingB. ScanningC. PhotocopyingD. Faxing18.What do we call the study of plant life?A. BotanyB. ZoologyC. EcologyD. Agriculture19.What is the name of the bird known for its colorful feathers?A. SparrowB. PeacockC. PigeonD. CrowB20.The __________ (历史成就) can be celebrated.21.The ______ (植物的生长条件) must be carefully monitored.22.The _____ of a star is how far it is from Earth.23.The chemical formula for sodium bicarbonate is ______.24.What is the opposite of "big"?A. LargeB. SmallC. HugeD. TinyB25.What do you call a baby swan?A. GoslingB. CygnetsC. DucklingD. Calf26.I enjoy watching the ______ (暴风雨) from my window.27.Flowers need __________ (阳光) to bloom.28.What color is a typical school bus?A. RedB. BlueC. YellowD. GreenC29.The ________ (presentation) engages the audience.30.My mom makes the best _____ (soup/salad).31.What do you call the study of living things?A. BiologyB. ChemistryC. PhysicsD. GeologyA32. A parrot's beak is strong enough to crack ______ (坚果).33. A geyser is a hot spring that erupts with water and steam at ______ intervals.34.The _______ can help improve air quality.35.What do we call the study of the behavior of animals?A. EthologyB. ZoologyC. PsychologyD. AnthropologyA Ethology36.What is the main ingredient in pizza?A. DoughB. RiceC. BreadD. Salad37.The butterfly flutters around the ______.38. e of Hastings took place in _______. (1066年) The Batt39.The owl has excellent _________. (视力)40.His favorite book is about a ________.41.What is the capital of Chile?A. SantiagoB. LimaC. Buenos AiresD. Montevideo42.What is the opposite of rainy?A. SunnyB. WindyC. StormyD. Cold43.The __________ can reveal the history of Earth's geological changes.44.I believe that everyone should pursue their passions. Finding what we love inspires us to be our best selves. I am passionate about __________ and want to improve my skills.45.I _____ (like/hate) rainy days.46.How many teeth do adult humans typically have?A. 28B. 30C. 32D. 34C47.Which animal is known for its ability to change color?A. ChameleonB. DogC. CatD. HorseA48.The _______ (老虎) is a solitary animal.49.The chemical formula for table sugar is ________.50.What do you call a feeling of great happiness?A. SadnessB. JoyC. AngerD. FearB51.Which fruit is known for having seeds on the outside?A. GrapesB. StrawberryC. BlueberryD. RaspberryB52.My pet dog loves to go for a _________ (散步).53.The ________ was a significant event in the history of civil rights in America.54.What do you call a baby cat?A. PuppyB. KittenC. CubD. FoalB55.I can discover new things with my ________ (玩具).56.__________ (测量工具) are vital for accurate chemical analysis.57.Which planet is known for its rings?A. MarsB. VenusC. SaturnD. MercuryC58.The bear searches for food in the ____.59.The first manmade object to orbit Earth was _______ .60.What do you call the time when the sun goes down?A. SunriseB. SunsetC. MorningD. AfternoonB61.The capital of Comoros is ________ (科摩罗的首都是________).62.What instrument is played with keys?A. GuitarB. DrumsC. PianoD. FluteC63.The ant has a strong ______ compared to its size.64.The rabbit nibbles on _______ (草).65.Plants can be ______ (装饰) in homes.66.My favorite nickname is , and my friends use it all the time. (我最喜欢的昵称是,我的朋友一直用这个称呼。



Unit1 Mr.DohertyBuildsHis Dream LifeThe passage mainly talked aboutthe dreamlife of the author withhis f amily on a farm,where the author couldwrite andlive. The author viewed his lifeinthe country as a self-reliantandsatisfying one, butsometimes the good life wouldget very hard.On the first winter,the author was fond ofevery minuteinsteadwith his family,which theywould neverforget,whilethefollow spring brought twofloods,which made them amazed. After quitting his job, the author’sincomewasreduced,but he and his family were ableto manage to ge tby. Besides,he ran a farm andbenefited more fromit.A tolerance for solitude and a lot of energy had madeitpossible for thefamilyto enjoy theirlife in the country. What’s more, theyalsohad found the lifestylethat theypreferredinthisplace.Unit 2 The Freedom GiversThepassage mainly talked aboutthreepersons,Josiah Henson,John Parker andLevi Coffin,who were the givers of freedom forblack slave sin the American history. Besides, the authorpraised the exploitsof civil-rightsheroes who helped slavestravel the Underground Railroad to freedom byciting more examples.What’s more, it was high time tohonorthe heroes who helped liberate slavesby forgingthe Underground Railroadin theearly civil-rights struggles in America. After winning his own freedomfrom slavery,John Parker helpedotherslaves to escape no rth to Canadaand freedom.Supportedby astrongreligiousconviction, thewhite manLeviCoffin risked himself to help manyblack slaves toescape. At last,by traveling the UndergroundRailroad,Josiah Henson reached his destinationand became free.Unit3TheLand ofthe LockThe passage mainly talkedabouttheland of lock,whichhappe ned inAmerican. When the author wasyoung,itwas the localcust omforpeople to leavethe front door at nightbut didn’t close it, an dnoneof them carried keys. However,nowadays thosedays wereover, andthe era of leaving the front dooron thelatchhas drawn to a close.What a greatchange was that no locking had been replacedby dead-bolt locks, securitychains,electronic alarm systems and so o n. Therefore, the lock became the new symbol of America. What’s more, a newatmosphere offear and distrust hadcrept into every aspect ofda ily life.As a result, security devices,in varied forms,were put touse.In locking theirfears out, theybecame prisoners of theirow nmaking.Unit 4 WasEinstein a Space AlienThe passage mainlytalked aboutAlbert Einstein,who was a youn ghusband andfatherwith abushyhair. In order to supporthisyoung family, with a poor sleep,hehad towork hard at thePatentO ffice so thathe was very tired. For which, he feltallthe pressure and responsibility. However,aimingtorelaxhimself, he madeastonish ing achievementsin physics and thus revolutionized the field with fivepapers about spare time,which were of great impact on all over the world.Becauseof his supper intelligenceand the contribution to the society,the United Nations declared 2005as his miracle year.What’smore,hisdiscoveries were attributable to his imagination, questioning,disregard constantlyfor authority, powers ofconcentration,and interest in science.In fact, hewas not a space alien,but just a commonperson.Unit5Three Thank-YouLettersThe passagemainlytalked aboutthe author’s three specialletters,by which he wanted tocelebrate thetrue meaning ofThanksgivi ng.On ThanksgivingDay 1943, as a young coastguardsmanat sea, he worked asacook. While he was going to think about Thanksgiving,he cameup withthe ideaofexpressing his gratitudetopeople who ha dhelpedhim before. Therefore,he wrotethreethank-you letters to three persons,his father,the Rev. Nelson and his grandmother. At amail call,he got three letters in reply,whichdrovehimto think deeply.A fter he retired from the Coast Guard, hestill never forgot theseletters whichgave himan insightinto expressing appreciation for one’sefforts. Furthermore, he wishedeveryone to find the good andthenpraiseit.Unit 6 The Last LeafThe passagemainly talked about the last leaf, which Johnsy gave a sightt oafter she got the pneumonia and livedin the hospital. She lookedout the window and counted the leaves onan old ivyvine. Furthermore, shemade up her mind to end her lifewhen the last leaf fell.Whenshe saw the last leaf stillclingto the vine after twonights’ rainand wind,she decided not togive up her life. In fact,thelast leaf,calle da masterpieceby Behrmanwhorisked his life painting it therethe night thatthe lastleaffell, wasactually painted ontothe wall.Howe ver,becauseit looked so realthat she could have neverimagined that it was faked. In a deeper sense,it savedherlife.unit 1Mr.Doherty BuildsHisDream LifeIn America manypeoplehave a romanticidea oflife in thecount ryside.Many livingintownsdreamof starting up their own farm,of livingoff the land.Few get round to putting their dreams into practice. This isperhapsjust aswell, as the lifeofafarmer is farfrom easy, as Jim Doherty discovered when he set out to combine being a writerwith running afarm. Nevertheless, as he explains,hehas no regrets andremains enthusiasticabout his decisionto change hisway oflife.在美国,不少人对乡村生活怀有浪漫的情感。



英文电影好句摘抄十句1. "May the Force be with you." —— From the movie 'Star Wars' (愿原力与你同在)2. "Here's looking at you, kid." —— From the movie 'Casablanca' (看着你,孩子)3. "There's no place like home." —— From the movie 'The Wizard of Oz' (没有任何地方比得上家)4. "I'll be back." —— From the movie 'The Terminator' (我会回来的)5. "You can't handle the truth!" —— From the movie 'A Few Good Men' (你承受不了真相)6. "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn." ——From the movie 'Gone with the Wind' (坦白说,亲爱的,我不在乎)7. "Why so serious?" —— From the movie 'The Dark Knight' (干嘛这么严肃)8. "Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary." —— From the movie 'Dead Poets Society' (把握当下,孩子们,让你们的生活变得与众不同)9. "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get." —— From the movie 'Forrest Gump' (生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道你会得到什么)10. "To infinity and beyond!" —— From the movie 'Toy Story' (飞向无限的宇宙)每一句台词都代表着影片中的精髓和角色的性格特征,成为观众心中的经典记忆。



最新外研版英语八年级上册期中测试题及答案班级___________ 姓名___________ 成绩_______一、单项选择(15分)( )1. I think _______ is interesting to have a talk with the famous man on TV.A. thatB. thisC. itD. its( )2. Nowadays so many animals _______ danger, we should take actions to save them.A. is inB. are inC. is out ofD. are out of( )3. Our country is thinking of ways to _______ the farmland.A. protectB. sweepC. preventD. repair( )4. –Have you _______ your ticket, sir? -No, I’m still _______ it.A. found, findingB. looked for, looking forC. found, looking forD. looked for, finding( )5. He looks tired. He needs _______.A. taking a restB. to take a restC. take a restD. to a rest( )6 Don’t talk your mobile phone when you are driving or riding.A. ofB. onC. at D with( )7. — I saw accident just now.— Tell the police how accident happened.A. an; theB. an; /C. the; an D an an( )8 In front of my house _______.A. a big tree standB. a big tree standsC. stand a big treeD. stands a big tree ( )9. Put on your overcoat, _______ you will catch a cold.A. andB. orC. soD. but( )10. — Hi, Grace. What are your parents doing?— My father is watching a football match on TV my mother is reading a book.A. whileB. whenC. so D before( )11. — I went to your home at four yesterday afternoon, but you were not in.— Sorry, I bikes with my friends outside.A. am ridingB. was ridingC. rode D ride( )12. — Were you watching the film this time last night?— No, I it just now.A. watchedB. was watchingC. watch D will watch( )13. When I entered the room, I found on the floor.A. she lyingB. her was lyingC. her lying D she is lying( )14. Be careful to the road on the way to school.A. acrossB. crossC. through D on( )15. — Will you play the guitar for me at the party?—.A. I’ll be glad toB. I don’t like itC. It’s very kind of you D Yes, please.二、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)That was a fine day. A rich man was once 16 along the road and saw an old man digging in his garden. There was a young 17 lying on the ground and the old man was going to 18 it. The rich man called out t o the old man, “What kind of trees are you planting there, my good man?”“This is a fig (无花果) tree, sir,” he said. “A fig tree?” the rich man was very surprised.“Why, 19 are you, may I ask?” “I am 20 years old.”“What!” cried the rich man. “You’re ninety years old! You are planting a very young tree now and it’ll take years to give 21 .You certainly don’t hope to 22 long enough to get any fruit from this tree.”The old man 23 around the garden. Then he said with a 24 , “Tell me, sir. Did you eat 25 when you were a boy?” “Sure,” the rich man did not know 26 he asked this question. “Then tell me this,” he said. “27 planted the fig trees?” “Why do you ask me this question? I don’t know.” “You see, sir,” went on the old man.“28 for efathers (祖先) planted trees for us to enjoy and I am doing the same 29 the people after me.”The rich man was quiet and said, “You are right, my good man. We should do some 30 things for the people after us. Thank you very much.” Then he rode away.( )16. A. walking B. riding C. running D lying( )17. A. tree B. boy C. snake D girl( )18. A. hide B. plant C. cook D like( )19. A. how often B. what about C. how old D how long( )20. A. ninety B. eighty C. seventy D sixty( )21. A. fruit B. money C. present D plant( )22. A. work B. stay C. live D play( )23. A. listened B. looked C. watched D read( )24. A. smile B. cry C. sigh (叹息) D laughed( )25. A. apples B. figs C. bananas D orange( )26. A. what B. why C. how D when( )27. A. Who B. When C. Where D What( )28. A. Your B. Their C. Our D My( )29. A. for B. at C. with D to( )30. A. interesting B. good C. happy D sad三、阅读理解(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)AMr Stilwell looked out of his window. There was a boy at the other side of the street. The boy sat before a store and took some bread out of a bag and then began eating it.There was a very thin dog in the street too. The boy said to it very kindly. “Come here, good dog. Do you want a piece of bread?”The dog was very hungry and went to the boy, but he didn’t give it any of his bread. Instead, he kicked (踢) the dog. It ran away and the boy laughed.Then Mr Stilwell came out of his house and said to the boy, “Do you want a dol lar?”The boy was happy and said, “Yes, I do.”“Come here,” Mr Stilwell said. The boy went to Mr Stilwell, but Mr Stilwell didn’ t give him a dollar. Instead, he hit him with a stick.The boy cried and said,“Why did you hit me? I didn’t ask you for any money.”“No,” Mr Stilwell said, “and the dog didn’t ask you for any bread, but you kicked it.”( )31. Where did Mr Stilwell stand and look out?A. Before the window.B. At the other side of the street.C. Before a store.D. Before his house.( )32. Whose was the thin dog?A. Mr Stilwell’s.B. The boy’s.C. Mr Stilwell’s friend’s.D. We don’t know.( )33. What did the boy do to the dog?A. He kicked the dog, then gave bread to it.B. He kicked the dog, then laughed at it.C. He gave the dog bread kindly.D. He gave the dog bread, then kicked it away.( )34. What did Mr Stilwell do to the boy?A. He asked the boy to give some bread to the dog.B. He took the boy to his house and gave him money.C. He hit the boy with a stick and didn’t give him any money.D. He gave the boy a dollar and then hit him with a stick.( )35. What can we learn from the passage?A. We should never play tricks (捉弄) on others.B. Mr Stilwell was so bad to hit the boy.C. Mr Stilwell was the boy’s father.D. People in Western countries like dogs.BWhen the plane was waiting at the airport, a big snake climbed up the steps and into the plane. It went to sleep under the pilot’s(飞行员的) seat. Nobody saw it. Soon the passengers (乘客) walked into the plane and it took off. A little girl called Mary took out a whistle (哨子) and began playing. But none of the passengers liked the music. Then the stewardess (女乘务员) asked Mary to stop.The noise of the plane woke the snake. It put its head out and looked into the pilot’s room. The pilot saw the snake and was greatly afraid. He was very afraid that the snake would bite him so he could not control the plane, and the plane started to swing strongly from side to side. The stewardess told the passengers what was happening and asked them not to be afraid. Mary was not afraid at all. She ran to the pilot’s room with her whistle and began to play slow music, then the snake went after her. The girl returned to her seat and the snake lying on the floor beside her, dancing to the music.When the plane finally landed at the airport, and people took th e snake to a zoo near Mary’s house. She often went to visit the snake.( )36. How did the snake get into the plane?A. Somebody took it there.B. Mary’s whistle brought it there.C. It was always under the pilot’s seat.D. It climbed up the steps and into the plane itself. ( )37. Why did the stewardess stop Mary playing whistle?A. Because it could wake the snake.B. Because no one liked her music.C. Because it was time for people to sleep.D. Because people couldn’t play any musi c in the plane.( )38. How did the pilot feel when he saw the snake?A. Excited.B. Sad.C. Afraid.D. Happy.( )39. What does the word “swing” mean?A. 摇摆B. 下坠C. 跳动D. 上升( )40. What did Mary do to make the snake lying on the floor?A. She caught it.B. She talked to it.C. She played the slow whistle music to attract (吸引) it.D. She danced for it.COne day an Australian farmer, Joe, saw a bright light in the sky. The light came nearer and nearer and suddenly Joe saw that it was a spaceship. The spaceship landed in a field nearby. The door of the spaceship opened and two strange beings (物种) climbed out. They seemed to be half man and half bird. Joe was afraid of them. He tried to run away. But the spacemen walked towards him, picked him up and carried him into the spaceship.They asked him questions about the Earth. “We’re from V enus (金星),” they said, “but it is getting very hot there. A lot of our people are dying and we haven’t much time left. We tr ied to find a new home, but it’s broken. Can you do something about it?”Joe did something with the spaceship, and it could work again! Then they let Joe go and at last the spaceship flew away.Joe told his friends about the spacemen, but no one believed his story.“You will believe me one day,” Joe told them. “The spacemen will come back.( )41. Where is Joe from?A. Australia.B. England.C. Japan.D. America.( )42. What did the strange beings look like?A. They looked like a man.B. They looked like a bird.C. They looked like half man and half bird.D. They looked like a spaceship.( )43. What happened to Venus?A. It was getting nearer and nearer to the Earth.B. It was broken.C. People were dying in the Venus becau se it was getting hot there.D. The spacemen from the Venus were going to move to the Earth.( )44. What did Joe do for t he spacemen?A. He made it hotter and hotter in Venus.B. He made the spaceship work again.C. He made the spaceship broken.D. He did nothing at all.( )45. Why didn’t people believe Joe?A. Because he told a lie (谎言).B. Because they didn’t welcome the strange beings.C. Because they didn’t like Joe.D. Because they didn’t see the strange beings before.DIn China , more and more middle school students are getting shorter sleeping time than before. Most students sleep less than nine hours every night, because they have much homework to do. Some homework is given by their teachers, and some by their parents. Also, some students don't know how to save time. They are not careful enough while they do their homework, so it takes them a lot of time. Some students spend too much time watching TV or playing computer games. They stay up (熬夜) very late. Some students have to get up early every morning on weekdays to get to school n time by bus or by bike. It can be a long way from home to school.Schools and parents should cut down some of the homework so that our children c an enjoy more than nine hours of sleep every night for their health. For children, we should make best use of our time. When we have enough time for sleeping, we will f ind it much better for both our study and health.()46.What makes most students sleep less than nine hours every night?A. Watching TV.B. Playing computer games.C. Doing their homework.D. Doing housework.()47Who else gives children some homework to do except their teachers?A. Their parents.B. Other students.C. The children themselves.D. Nobody else.()48.How many hours of sleep is good for students' health?A. Less than 9 hours.B. Over 9 hours.C. Only 9 hours.D.8 hours.()49.What would happen to a student who often goes to bed late and gets up early?A. He would fall asleep in class.B. He would do well in study.C. He would finish his homework fast.D. He would have good health.()50.Which of the followi ng is NOT true?A. Some students are so careless that they spend lots of time on their homework.B. All the students stay up late for their homework.C. Children should be given less homework.D. Schools and parents should take care of children.四、按要求完成下列各题。



♪有一头狮子来了♪♪Nants ingonyama ♪♪父亲♪♪Bagithi baba ♪♪是的是一头狮子♪♪Sithi uhhmm ingonyama ♪♪狮子♪♪Ingonyama ♪♪有一头狮子来了♪♪Nants ingonyama ♪♪父亲♪♪Bagithi baba ♪♪是的是一头狮子♪♪Sithi uhhmm ingonyama ♪♪狮子♪♪Ingonyama ♪♪我们会征服♪♪Siyo nqoba ♪♪狮子♪♪Ingonyama ♪♪狮子和猎豹来到这片辽阔大地♪♪Ingonyama inengw' enamabala ♪♪狮子和猎豹来到这片辽阔大地♪♪Ingonyama inengw' enamabala ♪♪狮子和猎豹来到这片辽阔大地♪♪Ingonyama inengw' enamabala ♪♪狮子和猎豹来到这片辽阔大地♪♪Ingonyama inengw' enamabala ♪♪狮子和猎豹来到这片辽阔大地♪♪Ingonyama inengw' enamabala ♪♪狮子和猎豹来到这片辽阔大地♪♪Ingonyama inengw' enamabala ♪♪狮子和猎豹来到这片辽阔大地♪♪Ingonyama inengw' enamabala ♪♪狮子和猎豹来到这片辽阔大地♪♪Ingonyama inengw' enamabala ♪♪自我们降生于♪♪From the day we arrive ♪♪这个星球♪♪On the planet ♪♪眨眨眼睛步入阳光♪♪And blinking step into the sun ♪♪大千世界包罗万象♪♪There's more to see than can ever be seen ♪♪广阔天地任我闯荡♪♪More to do than can ever be done ♪♪洋洋大观取之不尽♪♪There's far too much to take in here ♪♪日新月异百看不厌♪♪More to find than can ever be found ♪♪但当旭日东升♪♪But the sun rolling high ♪♪划过天际♪♪Through the sapphire sky ♪♪周而复始世事无常♪♪Keeps great and small on the endless round ♪♪生生不息♪♪It's the circle of life ♪♪众生皆往♪♪And it moves us all ♪♪遍尝痛苦希望♪♪Through despair and hope ♪♪心怀爱与信仰♪♪Through faith and love ♪♪在这生命轮回♪♪Till we find our place ♪♪无尽之路♪♪On the path unwinding ♪♪寻得♪♪In the circle ♪♪安居之所♪♪The circle of life ♪♪生生不息♪♪It's the circle of life ♪♪众生皆往♪♪And it moves us all ♪♪遍尝痛苦希望♪♪Through despair and hope ♪♪心怀爱与信仰♪♪Through faith and love ♪♪在这生命轮回♪♪Till we find our place ♪♪无尽之路♪♪On the path unwinding ♪♪寻得♪♪In the circle ♪♪安居之所♪♪The circle of life ♪狮子王生命并不公平Life's not fair...是不是我的小朋友is it, my little friend?有的是天生的猎食者While some are born to feast...有的却一辈子活在黑暗中others spend their lives in the dark,乞求残羹剩饭begging for scraps.要我说The way I see it...你我没有什么差别you and I are exactly the same.我们都在寻找出路We both want to find a way out.国王驾到The king approaches!这不是演习This is not a drill.陛下要求接见His Majesty has requested an audience.当他驾到时你要起身跪拜Upon his entrance, you will rise and genuflect.沙祖Zazu...你害得我丢掉了午餐you've made me lose my lunch.你错过了早上的仪式You will answer to Mufasa要向木法沙回话for missing the ceremony this morning.我不会向任何人回话I answer to no one.疤面疤面疤面Scar? Scar. Scar.别别这么看着我No, no. Don't look at me like that.你饿吗沙祖Are you hungry, Zazu?要不要和我一起吃个饭Perhaps we could have a bite together!你不能吃我You can't eat me!禁止捕食王宫成员It is forbidden to eat a member of the king's court!不求你了住手No, please! Stop it!疤面Scar!看看是谁屈尊降驾来探访平民了Well, look who's come down to mingle with the commoners.沙拉碧和我在辛巴的洗礼仪式上没看到你Sarabi and I didn't see you at the presentation of Simba.是今天吗Was that today?我不小心忘记了Must've slipped my mind.我当然无意对陛下或沙拉碧失礼Of course I meant no disrespect towards His Majesty or Sarabi.你也知道我对王后极其尊重As you know, I have tremendous respect for the queen.作为国王的弟弟As the king's brother,你应该站在前列you should've been first in line.我本来在继承前列I was first in line.难道你忘了吗Or don't you remember?直到尊贵的王子诞生That is, until the precious prince arrived.不要背对着我疤面Don't turn your back on me, Scar.不木法沙Oh, no, Mufasa,你才不应该背弃我perhaps you shouldn't turn your back on me.你在挑战我吗Is that a challenge?我做梦都不敢再次挑战你I wouldn't dream of challenging you again.明智的选择A wise decision.你根本敌不过国王陛下You are no match for His Royalness.就智力来说我占上风Well, as far as brains go, I got the lion's share.但要比蛮力But when it comes to brute strength,恐怕我哥哥I'm afraid my big brother...会永远称王will always rule.不是永远疤面Not always, Scar.有一天我的儿子会掌权One day, it'll be my son who rules.辛巴会成为你的王Simba will be your king.那就祝国王万岁Then long live the king.-我该拿他怎么办-拜托- What am I gonna do with him? - Oh, come on.你我都清楚早就该把他We both know he should've been流放到荣耀大地之外了expelled from the Pride Lands long ago.他是我弟弟沙祖He's my brother, Zazu.这里是他的家This is his home.只要我还身居王位就绝不会赶他走As long as I am king, that will never change.家家都有个难缠得主陛下Well, there's one in every family, sire.我有个表哥以为自己是啄木鸟I had a cousin who thought he was a woodpecker.脑袋对着树猛啄He slammed his head into trees,但我们的喙可经不住这么折腾and our beaks aren't built for it.他经常得脑震荡你要走了He was concussed regularly. Oh, you've gone.陛下回宫Sire, coming back!辛巴Simba.爸爸你醒了吗Dad, you awake?爸爸醒醒Dad, wake up!爸爸Dad!爸爸爸爸爸爸Dad, Dad, Dad!你儿子醒了Your son's awake.日出之前他是你儿子Before sunrise, he's your son.快点爸爸我们走Come on, Dad, let's go.你说我今天可以和你一起巡视You said I could patrol with you today.今天开始了And today has started.你保证过起来了吗You promised! You up?我们出发Let's do this!我们出发Let's do this.先干什么So, what's first?下令狩猎驱逐邪恶入侵者Give orders for the hunt? Chase away evil intruders?爸爸走错方向了Dad! You're going the wrong way!爸爸Dad?妈妈不允许我上来I'm not supposed to go up here.看辛巴Look, Simba.阳光照耀下的一切都是我们的王国Everything the light touches is our kingdom.这全都由你统治吗You rule all of that?是的Yes.但国王的统治时间But a king's time as ruler...像太阳一样有起有落rises and falls like the sun.有一天辛巴One day, Simba...我的太阳会落下the sun will set on my time here...而你则会作为新王冉冉升起and will rise with you as the new king.这一切都会属于我吗All of this will belong to me?王国不属于任何人It belongs to no one,但你会肩负保护它的使命but will be yours to protect.责任重大A great responsibility.阳光照耀下的一切吗Everything the light touches?那些树还有那个饮水坑Those trees? And the watering hole?还有那座山And that mountain?还有那片暗影地带的尽头And beyond those shadows?你绝不能到那里去辛巴You must not go there, Simba.可我以为国王想去哪儿就去哪儿But I thought a king could do whatever he wants.征服任意一片领土Take any territory.虽然有的王只懂得索取While others search for what they can take...但真正的王致力于奉献a true king searches for what he can give.你所见到的一切事物Everything you see exists together都保持着微妙的平衡in a delicate balance.作为国王你要理解这种平衡As king, you need to understand that balance...尊重所有生物and respect all the creatures...不论是爬行的蝼蚁还是跳跃的羚羊from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope.可是爸爸我们不是会吃羚羊吗But, Dad, don't we eat the antelope?是的辛巴先听我解释Yes, Simba. But let me explain.我们死后尸体会化为青草When we die, our bodies become the grass...而羚羊以草为食and the antelope eat the grass...因此所有生物都在生命轮回中紧密相连and so we are all connected in the great circle of life.-陛下-早上好沙祖- Sire! - Morning, Zazu.晨间报告准备好了吗Do you have the morning report?是的陛下Yes, sire.十只火烈鸟正在站立[表态]Ten flamingos are taking a stand.两头长颈鹿正在交颈[打架]Two giraffe were caught necking.据蜜蜂提供的消息[嗡嗡]The buzz from the bees...花豹遇到了一点麻烦[斑点]is that the leopards are in a bit of a spot.想不想来点乐子Ready for some fun?早上四点小鸟鸣叫[发信]The birds are tweeting at 4:00 in the morning.我就说"小鸟我们知道了"I'm like, "Birds, we get it."身体伏地Stay low to the ground.看我的吧I got this.注意风向阴影Check the wind, the shadows...等待突袭的最佳时机and wait for the perfect moment to pounce.猎豹偷走了狒狒的晚餐The cheetahs stole the baboons' dinner,结果狒狒发狂[猩猩]and now the baboons are going ape.当然要我说猎豹[谐音"骗子永远发不了家Of course, as I say, cheetahs never prosper.我就是这么想的That's what I say.听懂了吗我再说一次Do you get... I'll say it again.猎豹永远...Cheetahs never...拜托我在报新闻Come on! It's the news!好样的That's very good!陛下Sire!陛下鬣狗进入了荣耀大地Sire! Hyenas in the Pride Lands.他们在狩猎They're on the hunt!沙拉碧在哪Where's Sarabi?她正带头应敌She's leading the charge.沙祖带辛巴回家Zazu, take Simba home.爸爸让我去我能帮上忙Dad, let me come! I can help.不儿子你和其他小狮子待在一起No, son. You stay with the other cubs.我不是小狮子I am not a cub.好了Come on.我们回家Let's go home.我们到了Here we are.你去和其他小狮子一起玩吧Now you go along and play with the other cubs.真棒Great.如果你想猎杀成功If you wish to kill something...也许应该待在下风处you might want to stay downwind.我知道怎么狩猎疤面叔叔I know how to hunt, Uncle Scar.那但愿我们永远不会被一只甲虫袭击Well, let's hope we're never attacked by a beetle.回你的窝里去吧辛巴我可不当保姆Go back to your den, Simba. I don't babysit.当保姆我将会成为荣耀石的国王Babysit? I'm gonna be the king of Pride Rock.我爸爸带我巡视了整个王国My dad showed me the whole kingdom.说我将会统治一切Said I'm going to rule it all.是吗Is that so?想想看Think about it.等我成为国王我必须得向你发号♥施令When I'm king, I'll have to give you orders.告诉你该做什么Tell you what to do.这多奇怪啊How weird is that?你根本想象不到You've no idea.你♥爸♥爸带你巡视了整个王国So, your dad showed you the whole kingdom?他带你去了北部边境外的暗影地带吗Did he show you the shadows beyond the northern borders?没有他说我不能去那里永远不能No. He said I can't go there. Ever.他说得完全没错And he's absolutely right.大象坟墓可不是一位年轻王子该去的地方An elephant graveyard is no place for a young prince.大象坟墓An elephant graveyard?天呐我说得太多了Oh, dear. I've said too much.不过我想你迟早都会发现那里的Though I suppose you'd have found out sooner or later...等你成为国王统治一切you being king and all.你去过那里吗You've been there?我们都去过那里可不是小狮子该去的地方We've all been there. And it's no place for a cub.那些腐烂的尸骨All those rotting bones...还有渗出的滚烫泥浆and burning pools of oozing mud.腐烂的尸骨渗出的泥浆Rotting bones? Oozing mud?向我保证你会远离那里辛巴Promise me you'll stay away, Simba.你可以走了Now, you run along.要记住And remember...这是我们的小秘密it's our little secret...陛下Your Majesty.娜娜快点我们得走了Nala! Come on. We have to go.-去哪儿-饮水坑- Where? - Watering hole.辛巴她正在清洁身体Simba, she's having her bath.你也该做清洁了And it's time for yours.但是妈妈...But, Mom...我可以自己来I can do it myself.别动Hold still.你把我的鬣毛都弄乱了You're messing up my mane!来吧耳朵后面舔一舔Come on. Behind the ears.别这样妈妈Come on, Mom!看见了吧全干净了我们能走了吗See? All clean. Can we go?现在没有鬣狗了There's no hyenas.你刚刚把他们都赶跑了You just chased them all off.只能去饮水坑不能跑远了Just to the watering hole and no further.还有要待在下风处And stay downwind.还有一件小事And one more little thing.沙祖要跟你们一起去Zazu will be going with you.-沙祖-沙祖- Zazu? - Zazu?沙祖要跟着否则你们不许去Zazu goes... or you don't.来吧跟上我们结成小组一起行动Come along. Keep up. Let's move in a unit.好了结伴制Okay, buddy system.我们到底要去哪儿So, where are we really going?你怎么知道How did you know?你讨厌水You hate the water.我听说了这个地方娜娜I heard about this place, Nala.世上最不可思议最难以置信的...The most incredible, amazing...直接告诉我是哪吧Just tell me where.一处大象坟墓An elephant graveyard.那里有多远How far is it?不远只要走到暗影地带就好Not far. Just to the shadows.但别担心大家都去过那里But don't worry, everyone's been there.我们以前从来没去过那么远We've never been that far before.如果我们迷路了怎么办What if we get lost?放轻松娜娜Relax, Nala.我今天早上跟着爸爸巡视了整个王国I patrolled the entire kingdom this morning with my dad.没什么好担心的There's nothing to worry about.还有一件事要担心Well, there is one thing.有危险逼近有东西在向我们靠近We have an imminent threat. Something is approaching.等等当我没说那是我自己的影子Wait, scratch that. That's my own shadow.我们要怎么摆脱这只笨鸟How we getting rid of the dodo?相信我我可以的Trust me, I got this.跟随我奔向自♥由♥吧Follow me to freedom.太感动了How lovely it is...看着未来的国王和他未来的王后to see the future king with his future queen.我感动得都要换毛了I could just molt.你说"未来的王后"是什么意思What do you mean, "future queen"?总有一天你们俩会永结同心Well, one day the two of you will be betrothed.喜结连理白头偕老Intended. Affianced.辛巴你懂鸟语吗Simba, you speak bird?结婚Married!拜托总有一天你们会结婚Come on. One day you will be married.同彼此结为夫妻To each other.-这不可能沙祖-绝对不可能- That's not gonna happen, Zazu. - Never ever.娜娜和我是朋友Nala and I are friends.而且她害怕犀牛And besides, she's afraid of rhinos!-他从来没吃过黑斑羚-我试过一次- And he's never eaten an impala. - I've tried it once.我们永远不会结婚的沙祖We are never getting married, Zazu.一位忽视传统的君王A monarch who ignores tradition?如果怀着这样的态度With an attitude like that,恐怕你会成为一位非常可悲的国王I'm afraid you'll be a pretty pathetic king.别想指挥我该去哪里Well, I'm not letting anyone tell me where to go,该做什么what to do...甚至该和谁结婚and even who to marry.永远不会有像我这样的国王There will never be a king like me.辛巴你逃脱不了自己的宿命Simba, you can't escape your destiny.等着瞧吧Just watch.♪我要成为一位威武的国王♪♪I'm gonna be a mighty king ♪♪敌人都小心点♪♪So enemies beware ♪♪我从没见过哪位百兽之王♪♪Well, I've never seen a king of beasts ♪♪身上连毛都没长全♪♪With quite so little hair ♪♪我要成为前所未有的伟大国王♪♪I'm gonna be the main event like no king was before ♪♪我正在学习震慑俯视♪♪I'm brushing up on looking down ♪♪练习我的咆哮狮吼♪♪Working on my roar ♪♪目前为止还无法令我刮目相看♪♪Thus far a rather uninspiring thing ♪♪我等不及要成为国王了♪♪Oh, I just can't wait to be king ♪你还有很长的路要走小主人You have rather a long way to go, young master.如果你以为...If you think...♪别想指挥我"该这样做" ♪♪No one saying "do this" ♪我这样说的时候...Now, when I said that...♪别想指挥我"该去那里" ♪♪No one saying "be there" ♪我的意思是...What I meant was...♪别想指挥我"别那样做" ♪♪No one saying "stop that" ♪♪别想指挥我"快看这里" ♪♪No one saying "see here" ♪快看这里Now see here!♪整天自♥由♥自在地奔跑♪♪Free to run around all day ♪这绝对不可以Well, that's definitely out.♪完全按照自己的想法来♪♪Free to do it all my way ♪♪我想你和我应该♪♪I think it's time that you and I ♪♪来一场坦诚的谈心♪♪Arranged a heart-to-heart ♪♪首先国王无需听取♪♪Kings don't need advice ♪♪来自小犀鸟的建议♪♪From little hornbills for a start ♪♪如果这就是君主制的未来♪♪If this is where the monarchy is headed ♪♪请别把我算在内♪♪Count me out ♪♪让我卸下职责离开非洲♪♪Out of service, out of Africa ♪♪我不愿浪费时间♪♪I wouldn't hang about ♪♪这个孩子翅膀硬了完全失控♪♪This child is getting wildly out of wing ♪辛巴Simba!♪我等不及要成为国王了♪♪Oh, I just can't wait to be king ♪辛巴Simba!我看不见你了辛巴I can't see you, Simba.你必须时刻在我的视线之内You must be in my sight at all times.我把他跟丢了I've lost him!我知道你想干什么I know what you're doing!你要去哪辛巴Where are you going, Simba?拜托Come on!你躲不过我的辛巴You can't hide from me, Simba.护你周全是我宣誓的职责It is my sworn duty to keep you safe.你好好听我说You listen to me right now.很抱歉在你们面前飞来飞去I'm sorry to flutter about in your face,你们有没有见到...他是头小狮子have you seen... He's a little lion.他体型很小但很可爱He's small, but he's cute.♪大家一起向左看♪♪Everybody look left ♪♪大家一起向右看♪♪Everybody look right ♪♪不管你看向哪里♪♪Everywhere you look I'm ♪♪我都是目光的焦点♪♪Standing in the spotlight ♪还不行Not yet.♪让所有动物全力以赴放声高歌♥ ♪♪Let every creature go for broke and sing ♪♪不论走兽还是飞禽都唱得响亮♪♪Let's hear it in the herd and on the wing ♪我看见你在下面我看见你在下面I see you down there! I see you down there!♪这会是辛巴国王最骄傲的放纵♪♪It's gonna be King Simba's finest fling ♪♪我等不及要成为国王了♪♪Oh, I just can't wait to be king ♪辛巴Simba!♪他等不及要成为国王了♪♪He just can't wait to be king ♪♪我等不及♪♪Oh, I just can't wait ♪♪等不及♪♪Just can't wait ♪♪要成为国王了♪♪To be king ♪我把他跟丢了I've lost him!木法沙不会轻饶我的Mufasa's gonna have my feathers.这可大事不妙This is not good!辛巴我们真的甩掉他了Simba, we really lost him.我知道你在想什么I know what you're thinking."未来的国王是一位天才""The future king is a genius."你是在开玩笑吧You can't be serious.没有你的王后你绝对跑不出来You would've never gotten away without your queen.你是不是忘记了一件事Aren't you forgetting something?根本没有王后There is no queen.这话我没意见You could say that again.我宁愿和土豚结婚I'd rather marry an aardvark.祝你好运找到愿意的那位Good luck finding one that will say yes.祝你好运毫发无伤地离开这里Good luck getting out of here without a bruising.你尽管试试Give it your best shot.打倒你了Pinned ya!你欠我一个道歉You owe me an apology.绝不Never!打倒你了又一次Pinned ya. Again.娜娜住手Nala, stop!那是什么What is that?你可耍不了我辛巴You're not gonna trick me, Simba.我知道什么也没有...I know that there's nothing...肯定就是这里了This must be it.快点辛巴我们已经离荣耀大地太远了Simba, we're way beyond the Pride Lands.我们找到这里了娜娜We found it, Nala.你知道这意味着什么吗You know what this means?意味着我们可以回家了It means we can go home.这意味着他们不会再把我们当小狮子了It means they won't treat us like cubs anymore.辛巴快下来可能有危险Simba, get down! It could be dangerous.危险Danger?我对危险嗤之以鼻I laugh in the face of danger.酷Cool!听到了吗娜娜You hear that, Nala?辛巴拜托Simba, come on!你已经证明了你有多勇敢You've proved how brave you are.太阳要下山了Now the sun is going down,我可不打算待在这里I'm not just gonna sit here and...快看呀Well, look at this.没想到今天会有访客We weren't expecting guests today.你们两头小狮子Would you two cubs...想留下来吃晚餐吗like to stay for dinner?对啊留下来吃晚餐Yeah, stay for dinner.因为你们俩看着很像夜宵'Cause you look like a midnight snack!你就不能给我点空间吗Can you just give me a little bit of space?我在帮你呢我们事先都讨论好了We have talked about this before.我独自过来I come in alone.我来牵制注意力让大家包围I'm the lead distraction so everyone can circle.好吧好吧抱歉Okay, okay. Sorry.别抱歉照做就是了Don't be sorry. Just do it.这顿大餐Now, this is a meal我可是等了一辈子了I've waited my whole life for.拿国王的儿子当点心真是意外之喜What an unexpected treat, to eat the son of a king.等等国王就是那个谁吗Wait a second, the king? As in you-know-who?统治百兽的那位Who rules you-know-where?木法沙可不能统治我Mufasa does not rule me!你不能把我怎么样You can't do anything to me!因为我是未来的国王'Cause I'm the future king!他在对我发号♥施令呢He's telling me what to do.他父亲的力量在他内心闪烁His father's strength flickering inside.我在想I wonder...那种勇敢到底是什么味道how all that bravery will taste.放他们走桑琪Let them go, Shenzi!他们犯了一个错误可怕的错误They made a mistake, a horrible mistake!但若你这样做就会挑起跟木法沙的战争But if you do this, you will start a war with Mufasa!鬣狗和狮子有史以来Hyenas and lions have been at war就没有停止过交战since the beginning of time.但是木法沙的血脉将在这里结束But Mufasa's bloodline will end here!快跑Run!别让他们跑了Don't let them get away!快点Come on!你们听到了吗Did you hear that?未来的国王The future king!不要伤害我Don't hurt me!再来一次Do it again!如果你再敢靠近我儿子半步If you ever come near my son again...不会木法沙绝不No, Mufasa. Never.绝不会了Never again.桑琪我警告过你了You've been warned, Shenzi.我以为你很勇敢呢I thought you were very brave.沙祖Zazu?带娜娜回荣耀石去Take Nala back to Pride Rock.遵命陛下Yes, sire.别太难为他了陛下Don't be too hard on him, sire.我记得曾经有一头任性的小狮子I remember a cub, a certain headstrong cub...经常陷入困境who was always getting into scrapes.但他取得了突出的成就And he achieved some prominence,对不对陛下did he not, sire?我必须给我的儿子上一课I have to teach my son a lesson.娜娜走吧Nala, come along.辛巴Simba?你故意违抗我的命令You deliberately disobeyed me.我知道I know.你可能会被杀死的You could have been killed.更糟糕的是你把娜娜也置于险境了And what's worse, you put Nala in danger.你知道这之间的利害关系吗Do you understand what's at stake?你危及到了我们狮群的未来You jeopardized the future of our pride.我只是想让你知道我可以做到I just wanted to show you I could do it.我可以像你一样勇敢That I could be brave like you.我只在需要勇敢的时候勇敢I'm only brave when I have to be,别无选择的时候when there's no other choice.但是你什么都不怕But you're not scared of anything.今天我怕了I was today.真的吗You were?是的我以为自己会失去你Yes. I thought I might lose you.就连国王也会害怕对吧I guess even kings get scared, huh?比你想象的还要害怕More than you could ever know.-但你知道吗-什么- But guess what? - What?我想那些鬣狗更害怕I think those hyenas were even scareder.那是因为没人敢跟你♥爸♥爸嚣张That's 'cause nobody messes with your dad.过来Come here.-爸爸-怎么- Dad? - Uh-huh?我们是朋友对吗We're pals, right?对Right.而且我们永远会在一起And we'll always be together...对吗right?辛巴我要教你一件我父亲告诉我的事Simba, let me tell you something my father told me.你看那片星空Look at the stars.历史上所有伟大的国王The great kings of the past...都在浩瀚星空中俯视着我们look down on us from those stars.-真的吗-是的- Really? - Yes.不论何时你觉得孤独So whenever you feel alone...就想想那些国王just remember that those kings...会一直在你身边引导你will always be up there to guide you.我也是And so will I.但我看不到他们爸爸But I can't see them, Dad.继续寻找儿子Keep looking, son.继续寻找Keep looking.木法沙好强Mufasa is strong.比我们强得多Like, way stronger than us.-请给我点空间-什么- Please give me some space. - What?这么大个洞穴你躺在哪儿不行You could lay anywhere in this cave.-你想让我躺在哪儿... -我需要个人空间- Where do you want me to... - I need some personal space. -好吗-好的- Okay? - Okay.并不是要贬低你你很厉害Not to take anything away from you. You were great.但是他...But he is...好吧现在我知道你是故意的了See, now I know you're doing this on purpose.你也非常勇敢强势能量充沛You're brave, too. Tough, good energy.你这纯粹是恶意中伤了Now you're just being spiteful.姿势不错Good posture.下次让我看见木法沙Next time I see Mufasa...我要给他一个永远忘不掉的教训I'm gonna teach him a lesson he will never forget.你走运了他就在你背后Well, you're in luck! He's right behind ya.木法沙Mufasa?那不是国王That's not the king.你们这些蠢货掠尽了自己领地的全部活物You fools have stripped your land of every living thing.然而我把两头小狮子送到你们手上And yet I send two little cubs your way...你们却让他们活着回去了and they come back alive.看来我们只能吃了你将就了I guess we'll have to eat you instead.为什么只看到一顿饭Why eat one meal...却放弃后半辈子都能大快朵颐的机会when you can be feasting the rest of your lives?你能给我们提供什么What could you possibly offer us?一个让你们填饱肚子的地方A place where you can fill your bellies.阳光照耀下的一切Where everything the light touches都归你们尽情杀戮is yours for the kill.荣耀大地可不是你说了算的The Pride Lands are not yours to give.国王控制着所有猎场The king controls those hunting grounds.所以我们要杀了他That's why we're going to kill him.在狩猎一事上Mufasa has always shown too much restraint...木法沙总是过于克制when it comes to hunting.等我成为国王When I am king...强者就可以予取予求the mighty will be free to take whatever they want.因为鬣狗的肚子永远填不饱Because a hyena's belly is never full.木法沙太强大了难以挑战Mufasa's far too powerful to challenge.♪木法沙已是明日黄花♪♪Mufasa is yesterday's message ♪♪一个腐朽分崩离析的政♥权♥ ♪♪ A clapped-out, distracted regime ♪♪其衰败毫无疑问已被预言♪♪Whose failings undoubtedly presage ♪♪我们需要不同的梦想♪♪The need for a different dream ♪♪没错狮子统治的时代正在变革♪♪Yes, leonine times are a-changing ♪♪意味着鬣狗也必改变♪♪Which means that hyenas must too ♪♪我的愿景更为清晰宽广♪♪My vision is clear and wide-ranging ♪♪甚至也包含你们♪♪And even encompasses you ♪♪准备好迎接世纪大政♥变♥ ♪♪So prepare for the coup of the century ♪♪准备好迎接最为黑暗的诡计♪♪Prepare for the murkiest scam ♪♪精心谋划♪♪Meticulous planning ♪♪耐心等待♪♪Tenacity spanning ♪♪几十年来的否定所以我要♪♪Decades of denial is simply why I'll ♪♪成为无可争辩的国王♪♪Be king Undisputed ♪♪尊敬拥戴♪♪Respected. Saluted ♪♪认可我的才能♪♪And seen for the wonder I am ♪♪没错我的獠牙和野心一样赤♥裸♥ ♪♪Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared ♪♪准备好♪♪Be prepared ♪♪准备好♪♪Be prepared ♪♪准备好♪♪Be prepared ♪♪准备好♪♪Be prepared ♪♪准备好♪♪Be prepared ♪♪没错我们的獠牙和野心一样赤♥裸♥ ♪♪Yes, our teeth and ambitions are bared ♪♪准备好♪♪Be prepared ♪我爸爸很生我的气My dad was pretty upset with me.所以我们才要来这里辛巴That's why we're here, Simba.我知道你怎样做才能向他弥补你的过错I think I know a way for you to make it up to him.一个让他忘记之前一切的礼物A gift that will make him forget it ever happened.但他是国王我能送他什么呢But he's the king. What could I give him?你的咆哮Your roar.我的咆哮My roar?没错Yes!你听到了吗Did you hear that?这个峡谷是所有狮子来练习咆哮的地方This gorge is where all lions come to find their roar.所有狮子All lions?我爸爸也是吗Even my dad?木法沙在你这么大的时候也来过这里Even Mufasa came here when he was your age.不肯离开Refused to leave...直到他的咆哮响彻云霄until his roar could be heard above the rim.一直到天上吗All the way up there?那时候你就知道自己练好了That's when you know you've found it.只要一点点练习With a little practice...就不会再被叫小狮子了you'll never be called a cub again.听好了Watch this.你会学会的辛巴You'll get it, Simba.慢慢来Just takes time.我一会儿来看你I'll check on you later.爸爸会为我骄傲的对吗Dad will be so proud, won't he?这是一个他永远忘不掉的礼物It's a gift he'll never forget.木法沙快来Mufasa! Quick!峡谷里角马狂奔Stampede in the gorge!辛巴在下面Simba's down there!辛巴Simba?我去找他I'll find him.扎祖Zazu!坚持住救援来了Hold on! Help is coming!他在那儿那棵树上。



2024-2025九年级英语上学期9月月考模拟练习【浙江卷】(满分:100分;考试时间:90分钟)注意事项:1. 本试卷共5大题,满分90分,考试时间100分钟。

2. 请务必在答题卡上答题,在试卷上答题无效。

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AComputers can injure you. Most other injuries happen suddenly. For example, if you fall off a bike and break your arms, it happens very quickly. But computer injuries happen slowly.You probably know how to ride a bike safely. Now learn to use a computer safely.Your eyesToo much light can injure your eyes, so never sit too close to a computer screen. Your eyes should be at least 50 centimeters from the screen. Remember to look away from it sometimes. This gives your eyes a rest. When you use computer, the window should be on your left or your right. If it is behind you, the light will reflect on (反射) the screen. If thewindow is in front of you, the sun and the screen will both shine into your eyes.Your hands and wrists (手腕)Hand and wrist injuries can happen because the hands and wrists are moved in the same way hundreds of times. If you use a keyboard for a long time, follow these three rules:1. Rest your wrists on something.2.Keep your elbows at the same height as the keyboard.3. Stop sometimes and exercise your hands, wrists and fingers in a different way.Your backSome people sit for many hours in front of a computer. If you sit in the wrong way, you can injure your back or your neck. So you should sit with your back straight. The top part of the screen should all be in front of your eyes. Your forearms wrists, hands and the upper part of your legs should all be parallel (平行) to the floor. If you are sitting for a long time, get up every 30 minutes and exercise your arms, legs and necks.Enjoy your computer, but use it safely.1.A computer screen may injure your eyes if _______A.you sit 60 centimeters awayB.you remember to look awayC.your eyes are too close to itD.the window is on your left or your right2.Hand and wrist injuries are caused when you _______.A.get plenty of exercise B.move in the same way again and again C.rest your wrists on something D.keep your elbows as high as the keyboard3.Your eyes and hands will be safe if _______.A.you work near a windowB.you often take a rest from workingC.you use a keyboard for a long timeD.the window is behind you4.It is good for your back and neck if you sit _______.A.in the right wayB.for many hoursC.with the screen below your eyesD.with your back leaning forward5.What would be the best title for the passageA.How to protect your eyes.B.How to protect your hands and wrists.C.How to use a computer safely.D.How to protect your back.BThe most important holiday in spring, especially for Christians, is Easter.This Christian holiday is not on the same date every year, but it's always on a Sunday. It can be any Sunday between March 22 and April 25. Many people celebrate Easter by buying new clothes. Children celebrate by hunting for colored eggs that their parents have hidden around the house. People also give Easter baskets filled with candy and other goodies to one another to celebrate the day.But the holiday is more than new clothes and good things to eat. On Easter, many people go to church to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection(复活)from the dead. Most people color Easter eggs. Some people hide them. Others just eat them. But no matter what one does with Easter eggs, they are an important Easter tradition throughout the Western world.People from many different cultures celebrate Easter. In both America and Belgium, children look for Easter eggs hidden on lawns and in bushes. In America, children believe the eggs are hidden by the Easter bunny(兔子). But in Belgium, the hidden eggs are supposed to have fallen from church bells. In Bulgaria(保加利亚),red Easter eggs are lucky in churches. Bulgarian families also hit these Easter eggs together to see whose is the strongest. The winner looks forward to good fortune that year. Still dozens of other Easter traditions exist. In parts of Austria, for example, children sing from door to door and are rewarded with colorful eggs.6.Easter comes________.A.on Sunday on April 25B.on a Sunday between March 22 and April 25C.on the same date every yearD.on Sunday on March 227.To celebrate Easter, people________ .A.go shopping, hide colored eggs and children hunt for themB.give Easter baskets filled candy and goodies to one anotherC.buy new clothes, hide colored eggs and children look for them around the houseD.both B and C8.For Christians the more important thing to do on Easter is________. A.going to church to celebrate Jesus’ resurrectionB.buying new clothesC.eating delicious food and coloring eggsD.exchange beautiful gifts with each other9.People from different cultures have different ideas about Easter eggs. What do we know about the Easter eggsA.In both America and Belgium, children hunt for Easter eggs hidden in rooms and in bushesB.In Belgium, the hidden eggs are thought to have fallen from doorbells C.In America, the hidden eggs are supposed to have fallen from doorbellD.In America, children believe the eggs are hidden by the Easter bunny 10.In some places of Austria, children sing from door to door for________.A.Easter bunny B.blesses C.candy and goodie D.Easter eggsCSome people have a very poor sense of direction. Unluckily, I am one of them. I have visited a place many times but I may still get lost there the next time.When I was a little girl, I never dared ask strangers the way. And so I used to walk round in circles and hope that by chance I would get to the place I was going to.Now, I am no longer too shy to ask people for directions, but I often receive helpless or even wrong information. So I try to avoid giving people wrong directions. If anyone ever asks me the way somewhere, I always say, “Sorry, I am a stranger here.”Once on my way to work I was stopped by a man. He asked me if I could tell him the way to the Friendship Building. I gave him my usual reply. But just as I walked on only a few steps, I realized that he had asked the way to my office building. However, I had no time to turn back and look for him. I was rushing to meet with someone at my office and I didn’t want to keep him waiting.When I just got to my office, the secretary showed in the man who hadasked me for directions. Imagine how embarrassed I was and how surprised he was when we saw each other at the first sight!11.The writer always refuses to give people directions because ________.A.she’s a stranger to the cityB.she doesn’t know the peopleC.she has no time to help othersD.she’s afraid of giving wrong direction12.A man stopped the writer on the way to ________.A.sell her somethingB.ask for the timeC.make friends with herD.ask for the direction13.The Friendship Building is the place where the writer ________. A.lives B.studies C.works D.teaches14.The word “embarrassed” in the last paragraph means “________”. A.尴尬B.困惑C.激动D.拮据15.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passageA.The writer is too shy to give.B.The writer has a very poor sense of direction.C.The writer never got lost when she was young.D.The man was quite nervous.二、任务型阅读Li Bai was born in 701. He was also given the name “Taibai”. The name meant “Venus” (太白星) in ancient Chinese. Legend (传奇) says that before Li Bai was born, his mother dreamt that Venus fell into her arms. Some people believed that Li Bai was a god. When Li Bai was five years old, his family settled in a town in today’s Sichuan province.★Making Iron (铁) into a Needle (针)There is a legend about Li Bai. He was not a very hard-working student when he was young. He was often absent from school.One day when he was walking by the river, he saw an old woman. She was working on a large piece of iron.He asked, “What are you doing ”She said, “I’m making a needle.”“But how can you make a large piece of iron into a needle ”She replied, “I must work hard every day.”Li Bai suddenly understood the importance of hard work, and he started to work hard at school.★Friendship with Meng HaoranWhen Li Bai travelled to Xiangyang in Hubei, he went to visit a famous poet called Meng Haoran. He was twelve years older than Li Bai, but they became friends. They both loved travelling to beautiful mountains and rivers. When Meng Haoran left for today’s Yangzhou, Li Bai wrote a poemabout it. Seeing Meng Haoran off at Yellow Crane Tower.Information about Li Bai★He was born in 701.★He was also called 16., which meant “Venus” in ancient Chinese.★His family settled in a town in today’s Sichuan province when he was five.17.about Li BaiMaking Iron into a NeedleOne day when he was walking by the river, he saw an old woman working on a large piece of iron. After the communication, he understood it was important 18..Friendship with Meng Haoran★They were both interested in 19..★Li Bai 20.to Meng Haoran to remember their friendship.二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。



exec tclsh ${1+"$@"}# echo server‎that can handle‎multip‎l e# simult‎a neous‎connec‎t ions.proc newCon‎n ectio‎n { sock addr port } {# client‎connec‎t ions will be handle‎d in# line-buffer‎e d, non-blocki‎n g modefconfi‎g ure $sock -blocki‎n g no -buffer‎i ng line# call handle‎D ata when socket‎is readab‎l efileev‎e nt $sock readab‎l e [ list handle‎D ata $sock ]}proc handle‎D ata {puts $sock [ gets $sock ]if { [ eof $sock ] } {close $sock}}# handle‎all connec‎t ions to port given# as argume‎n t when server‎was invoke‎d# by callin‎g newCon‎n ectio‎nset port [ lindex‎$argv 0 ]socket‎-server‎newCon‎n ectio‎n $port# enter the event loop by waitin‎g# on a dummy variab‎l e that is otherw‎i se# unused‎.vwait foreve‎r另外一个TK‎的例子 (来自 A simple‎A/D clock) 它使用了定时‎器时间,3行就显示了‎一个时钟。

proc every {ms body} {eval $body; after $ms [info level 0]} pack [label .clock -textva‎r time]every 1000 {set ::time [clock format‎[clock sec]-format‎%H:%M:%S]} ;# RS解释:第一行定义了‎过程ever‎y,每隔ms毫秒,就重新执行body代码。

新概念一新授课:Lesson 3-4

新概念一新授课:Lesson 3-4
2. What is the number of the man’s ticket? Number five.
3. Does the man get his umbrella back? Yes, he does.
My coat and my umbrella please.
1.I am Rice.(改为否定句) I am not Rice. 2.His son is a teacher.(改为否定句) His son is not a teacher. 3.Mr.Clinton and his wife are busy.(改为否定句) Mr.Clinton and his wife are not busy. 4.Lily is seven.(改为一般疑问句) Is Lily seven? 5.Are your uncle a student?(改错) Is your uncle a student?
When do we use “Sorry?”
• A survey reveals that the average British person will say ‘sorry’ more than 1.9 million times in their lifetime。
• 一项研究发现,英国人一生说“对 不起”的平均次数有每人190多万 次之多。
[ʌm'brelə] n.伞
possessive adjective 我的
['nʌmbə] n.号码



unit 1 Mr. Doherty Builds His Dream LifeIn America many people have a romantic idea of life in the countryside. Many living in towns dream of starting up their own farm, of living off the land. Few get round to putting their dreams into practice. This is perhaps just as well, as the life of a farmer is far from easy, as Jim Doherty discovered when he set out to combine being a writer with running a farm. Nevertheless, as he explains, he has no regrets and remains enthusiastic about his decision to change his way of life.在美国,不少人对乡村生活怀有浪漫的情感。





Mr. Doherty Builds His Dream LifeJim Doherty1 There are two things I have always wanted to do -- write and live on a farm. Today I'm doing both. I am not in E. B. White's class as a writer or in my neighbors' league as a farmer, but I'm getting by. And after years of frustration with city and suburban living, my wife Sandy and I have finally found contentment here in the country. 多尔蒂先生创建自己的理想生活吉姆·多尔蒂有两件事是我一直想做的――写作与务农。



2024届山西省太原市高三模拟预测英语试题一、阅读理解New Space Missions in 2024ESA’s Hera missionThe European Space Agency (ESA) plans to launch its Hera spacecraft in October on a mission to return to an asteroid (小行星) system visited by NASA’s DART spacecraft in 2022. Hera is designed to collect data on the targeted system, called Didymos. The spacecraft is expected to closely examine the physical properties of Didymos and measure detailed effects of DART’s crash.Europa ClipperNASA hopes to launch its Europa Clipper mission in October. This orbiter is designed to carry out close examinations of Jupiter’s moon Europa. Specifically, the mission will look for signs that the icy moon might hold the right conditions to support life. NASA says the orbiter will fly in orbit around Jupiter and perform repeated close flybys of the icy moon.Boeing’s Starliner test flightNASA and Boeing have said they plan to launch the first crewed test flight of the company’s Starliner spacecraft. NASA says it is targeting May 2024 to have Starliner ready for flight. The launch date is to be set later.The spacecraft completed its first unscrewed flight test to the International Space Station (ISS) last May. But Boeing has experienced several technical difficulties with Starliner during the mission and has worked with NASA to fix the problems as it prepares for the planned crewed flight.SpaceX Starship testSpaceX, another NASA’s partner, has been successfully using its rockets and spacecraft to transport astronauts and materials to the ISS since 2020. But the company will be seeking a successful test flight in 2024 for its super-heavy Starship spacecraft.SpaceX experienced two failed Starship tests in 2023 — one in April and the other in November — which resulted in explosions. The April explosion caused major damage to thelaunch structure in the state of Texas. SpaceX has said it has been examining the issues related to the explosions and plans to carry out another test of Starship as soon as possible. But it will have to wait until the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) completes its investigation of the launch site damage and approves a new test.1.Which of the following plans to collect data about Didymos?A.NASA.B.FAA.C.SpaceX.D.ESA.2.When is Europa Clipper scheduled to launch?A.In April.B.In May.C.In October.D.In November. 3.What do we know about SpaceX Starship?A.The date for its third test flight is unclear.B.It has succeeded in sending astronauts to the ISS.C.The reason for its first failure has been identified.D.Its second test flight damaged the launch structure.The National Heritage Responders is a volunteer network of around 100 experts in cultural heritage conservation from around Puerto Rico. They assist individuals and institutions in figuring out how to save important objects and buildings after disasters. Their crisis hotline has been busier than ever in recent years because of more frequent and severe weather brought on by climate change. In 2023, there have been around 70 calls so far, up from fewer than 10 in 2008, when the hotline first appeared.Ann Frellsen, the Atlanta-based book and paper conservator, is a longtime heritage responder volunteer with more than three decades of experience in helping out cultural institutions after disasters. She was among those sent to Puerto Rico over several visits starting a couple of months after two hurricanes hit it in 2017.After providing initial support via the phone, Frellsen and her team came in to help La Casa del Libro and other local institutions in crisis with equipment, supplies and advice. In fact, much of the advice the hotline provides is via phone or video-chat; volunteers are sent out into the field in certain cases, on an as-needed basis.“There were no stoplights and signs on the highways because they’d all been blown away,” Frellsen said. She added that figuring out how to reach the more than 20 institutions that neededassistance in Puerto Rico was challenging—not to mention the on-the-job hazards.When Frellsen isn’t heading into disaster zones to help save artifacts (文物) from fires, hurricanes and floods, she trains others in the heritage conservation field to do the same. Some of the participants may eventually take the test to become National Heritage Responders. But at this moment, they are deep in a hands-on training exercise, based on an imaginary situation cooked up by Frellsen and her co-trainers.4.What can we say about Puerto Rico?A.It calls on people to keep in contact.B.Natural disasters are increasing there.C.It works hard to build highways.D.The weather is really nice there.5.What can be learned about the National Heritage Responders?A.It teaches individuals how to protect themselves.B.New volunteers can join it with no tests required.C.Victims all over the world can contact it by hotline.D.It sends experts to the disaster areas when necessary.6.What does the underlined word “hazards” in paragraph 4 mean?A.Dangers.B.Skills.C.Trainings.D.Rights.7.What are Frellsen and her team busy doing at present?A.Taking various tests.B.Entering a new disaster area.C.Conducting a practical exercise.D.Restoring priceless artifacts.If your hearing begins to decline, your risk of falling may rise. Though it’s not exactly clear how hearing loss increases the risk, it’s known that falls are the top cause of death from injury among people 65 and older.Now, new evidence shows that restoring hearing through the use of hearing aids may be protective, especially when people wear them consistently, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.“We found, quite significantly, that individuals that wore hearing aids compared to those that didn’t, did show a significantly lower prevalence (发生率),” explains Laura Campos, the study’s lead author. “They reported fewer falls, and their scores on a fall’s risk questionnaire showed they were at lower risk.”As part of the study, Campos and her team surveyed about 300 people with hearing loss about their use of hearing aids and asked about their previous falls. The researchers also accounted for factors that could affect fall risk, such as the use of medication that can cause dizziness.Overall, people who wore hearing aids had about a 50% reduced odds of experiencing a fall, compared to non-users. And the reduction was even greater among those who wore hearing aids at least four hours per day. “The effect size is pretty significant,” Campos says. “These consistent hearing aid users had even lower odds of falling.”However, one challenge is that many people who get hearing aids don’t use them every day or stop using them altogether. “A lot of people don’t like them,” says Catherine Jewett, 67, who started wearing a hearing aid on one ear about four years ago. “For some people, the sound amplification (放大) can be hard to adjust to, and others are self-conscious of how they will look with hearing aids,” Jewett adds she feels safer when she wears her hearing aid since she can hear the sounds of a car, for instance, when she’s crossing a street.8.How did the researchers conduct the study?A.By making observations.B.By carrying out experiments.C.By asking questions.D.By referring to previous studies.9.What does paragraph 5 mainly tell us about the study?A.Its purpose.B.Its process.C.Its finding.D.Its subjects. 10.What is Catherine Jewett’s attitude to hearing aids?A.Doubtful.B.Positive.C.Unconcerned.D.Unknown. 11.What is the best title for the text?A.Selecting Proper Hearing Aids Does MatterB.People With Hearing Loss Need Special CareC.Restoring Hearing Is a Long and Complex ProcessD.Wearing Hearing Aids May Cut the Risk of Deadly FallsConventional chemical fertilizers (化肥) aren’t among the most eco-friendly substances in the world. Not only do they pollute the environment if they get into waterways, but they also reduce nutrients in the soil over time. What’s more, they’re relatively expensive.Seeking a greener and more sustainable alternative, some farmers have started applyingnitrogen-fixing bacteria (固氮细菌) to their crops. These bacteria absorb nitrogen gas from the atmosphere and turn it into ammonia in the soil. That ammonia provides the plants with nutrients, restores poor soil, and boosts the plants’ natural defenses against pest insects.One problem with the bacteria, however, is the fact that they are very sensitive to heat and humidity (湿度). This means they don’t stand up well to being shipped out to farms from a central source.With these drawbacks in mind, Asst. Prof. Ariel Furst and her colleagues at MIT have created a method of coating the bacteria in tiny “metal-phenol network” (MPN) shells (外壳). The shells contained organic compounds called phenols, which are generally regarded as safe by the Food and Drug Administration.This new coating technology could make such bacteria more widely available than ever before. On one hand, these coatings don’t block the bacteria’s growth or functions. On the other hand, they do provide protection from heat and humidity. The coated bacteria can even be freeze-dried, then shipped and applied to crops.Furst’s team created 12 different MPNs which comprised metals such as iron, manganese, aluminum and zinc, all of which are considered safe for use as food additives. When these MPNs were used on nitrogen-fixing bacteria, all of them were found to protect the bacteria from temperatures of up to 50℃ and from relative humidity of up to 48%.Furst is now commercializing the technology through a company she founded, called Seia Bio. “When we think about developing technology, we need to intentionally design it to be inexpensive and accessible, and that’s what this technology is.” she said.12.Why are conventional chemical fertilizers mentioned in the first paragraph?A.To lead in the topic.B.To show their advantages.C.To provide an example.D.To explain how to use them.13.What can we learn about nitrogen-fixing bacteria?A.They prefer high temperatures.B.They are insensitive to humidity.C.They reduce nutrients in the soil.D.They are environmentally friendly. 14.What does the underlined word “they” in paragraph 5 refer to?A.MPN shells.B.The plants.C.Chemical fertilizers.D.The coated bacteria.15.What does Furst expect of the new coating technology?A.It may help farmers to ship crops.B.It can be widely applied.C.It might be accessible to more companies.D.It will limit the growth of bacteria.Establishing a strong professional image helps individuals maintain positive workplace relationships and present themselves appropriately. In this article, we provide four tips to help you develop your professional image.16To show professionalism when you interact with others, you can use certain verbal (口头的) and nonverbal techniques. Consider using a clear speech pattern to help you convey your purpose and express accurate information. It may be helpful to sustain some eye contact and monitor the volume of your voice. 17 , meaning you remain engaged when someone is talking and reflect information back to them.Use social media thoughtfully18 . Think about how your posts do or don’t match the professional image you’re establishing at work. By being consistent about your image both in the workplace and online, you can avoid any potential errors about how others perceive your attitude and behavior.Increase your time management skillsRemain punctual (准时的) when attending meetings, presentations or other events, which can show others your strong sense of professionalism. To increase your chances of starting an event on time, you can prepare your materials beforehand. Consider using a planner or scheduling application to organize events during a workday. 19Strengthen your emotional intelligenceEmotional intelligence involves the ability to perceive the moods of others and change your behavior accordingly. 20 , in order to enhance your professional image. Employers and colleagues often appreciate an individual who can respond to emotions productively, as they can better address the needs of a company and set helpful boundaries.A.Improve your communication styleB.Achieve better communication among friendsC.It’s important to be mindful of your online imageD.You can also practice active listening during conversationsE.Emotional intelligence may serve to point us in the right directionF.You can also set timers to better understand how long each task takesG.It may be helpful to learn about the priorities and motivations of others二、完形填空Earlier this week, a mother called Meems posted a video online asking users to help her with a task. 21 four lines of a handwritten melody (旋律), Meems said in the video, “My 10-year-old daughter 22 this. Could somebody 23 this? I want to know if it makes sense.”This was the first time that her daughter had 24 writing music. And it was clear that Meems was 25 as to what her child’s composition sounded like. After she posted the 26 , Meems and her daughter 27 a large number of responses from various musicians from around the world. But perhaps the 28 came when an entire string orchestra (弦乐团) responded to Meems’ callout with a multi-part arrangement of her daughter’s 29 .Last week, Dr Hanson, a conductor and assistant professor of music at Seattle Pacific University, invited Meems and her daughter to attend the National Association for Music Education’s Northwest Division Conference where he 30 a roomful of string educators in a performance of Meems’ daughter’s composition.Feeling 31 and moved, Meems 32 every musician who helped bring her daughter’s composition to 33 . “When I posted the video, I never imagined this 34 . This is what 35 does. It connects us. Thank you for creating with us.”21.A.Laughing at B.Throwing away C.Adapting to D.Pointing to 22.A.wrote B.heard C.spread D.found 23.A.recognize B.teach C.play D.change 24.A.allowed B.tried C.suggested D.imagined 25.A.curious B.humble C.honest D.conservative26.A.letter B.report C.video D.advertisement 27.A.showed B.received C.recorded D.estimated 28.A.highlight B.noise C.news D.decision 29.A.behavior B.homework C.plan D.composition 30.A.conducted B.criticized C.praised D.interrupted 31.A.frightened B.surprised C.stressed D.disappointed 32.A.forgot B.thanked C.refused D.cheated 33.A.light B.mind C.life D.market 34.A.accident B.business C.view D.response 35.A.friendship B.hope C.music D.knowledge三、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。


offering solutions. • Don't sit next to the door of the cave and wait for
him to come out. • Don't worry about him pr feel sorry for him. • Do something that makes you happy.
• A woman's sense of self is defined through her feelings and the quality of her relationships.
Chapter2 The differences how they cope with stress.
#one of the biggest differences men and women is how they cope with stress.
I have given you the best years I am feeling as though you
of my life, and you have gicen don't love me. I konw you
me nothing. You do not care really do love me, I am just
• 1 don't disapprove of his need for withdrawing. • Don't try to nurture him by asking questions
about his feelings. • Don't try to help him solve his problem by



呼啸山庄19世纪在英国约克郡一个阴沉的荒原边上有一栋阴冷的荒凉的房♥子竖立在一个和它一样阴冷的荒凉的的荒地里只有迷失的路人会来到呼啸山庄把你这条讨厌的狗叫开Call off your ungodly dogs!坐下Down!安静坐下Quiet! Down!你是希斯克利夫先生吗Are you Mr. Heathcliff?我是洛克伍德先生在书眉农庄你的新租地人Well, I'm Mr. Lockwood, your new tenant at the Grange.我迷路了我I'm lost. I...我能从在你的人当中找一个向导吗Can I get a guide from amongst your lads?你不能我只有一个而且他需要留在这里No, you cannot. I've only got one, and he's needed here.好吧那么我必须停留直到早晨Well, then, I'll have to stay till morning.好吧Do as you please.安静坐下Quiet! Down!谢谢你的款待我可以得到一杯茶吗Thank you for your hospitality. Could you extend it to a cup of tea? -我可以吗 -你听到他要了-Shall I? -You heard him ask for it.谢谢你Thank you.那位亲切的淑女是希斯克利夫太太吗I presume the amiable lady is Mrs. Heathcliff?我可以坐下吗Would it be taxing your remarkable hospitality if I sat down?希望我的款待可以教教你I hope my hospitality will teach you...不应该在这些荒野之上做轻率的旅程not to make rash journeys on these moors.至於留宿的话我不款待访客As for staying here, I don't keep accommodations for visitors. 你能和仆人分享一张床You can share a bed with one of the servants.谢谢我睡在椅子上好了先生Thanks. I'll sleep in a chair, sir.不行陌生人就是陌生人No. A stranger is a stranger.这栋房♥子中很少有客人Guests are so rare in this house我不知道该如何接待他们that I hardly know how to receive them.我和我的狗I and my dog.约瑟打开一个楼上的房♥间Joseph, open up one of the upstairs rooms.这里是你的房♥间先生Here's a room for thee, sir.新娘的室Bridal chamber.几年没有人在这里睡过了Nobody slept here for years.令人感到压抑的It's a trifle depressing.你能点燃壁炉吗Can you light a fire?没有火将会在那边的炉篦中燃烧No fire will burn in yonder grate.烟囱全部被塞住了Chimbley's all blocked up.好吧谢谢Very well. Thanks.晚安Good night.我说晚安I said good night.希斯克利夫Heathcliff!让我进去Let me in!我在荒野之上迷路了I'm lost on the moors!-是凯茜 -请帮忙希斯克利夫先生-It's Cathy! -Help! Mr. Heathcliff!外面有人There's somebody out!哦希斯克利夫先生Oh, Mr. Heathcliff!外面有人是一个女人我听到了她的召唤There's someone out there. It's a woman. I heard her calling. 她说了她的名字凯茜就是凯茜She said her name. Cathy. That was it!凯茜Cathy?哦我一定是在做梦原谅我Oh, I must have been dreaming. Forgive me.滚出这个房♥间滚出去Get out of this room. Get out!滚出去我警告你Get out, I tell you!凯茜进来Cathy! Come in!凯茜回到我这里来Cathy, come back to me.哦再来一次Oh, do come once more.哦我亲爱的Oh, my heart's darling!凯茜我自己的...Cathy. My own...我的...My...他在暴风雨中去哪里Where's he going in the storm?她召唤他She calls him...而且他跟着她到荒野之上and he follows her out onto the moor.他是疯狂的他像一个疯子He's mad! He's like a madman.他藉着衣领抓住了我而且激怒了我He seized me by the collar and flung me out.你看我做了一个梦You see, I had a dream.我想我听到了一个声音的召唤I thought I heard a voice calling.我向窗户方向移♥动♥ 而且某物碰了我I reached out to close the shutter, and something touched me.那东西很冷像一只冰冷的手Something cold and clinging, like an icy hand.然後我看见了她一个女人And then I saw her. A woman.然后我的感觉一定因为落下的雪变得混乱...Then my senses must have become disordered because the falling snow... 变成了一个像幻影的东西但是什么都没有shaped itself into what looked like a phantom, but there was nothing.是凯茜It was Cathy.凯茜是谁Who is Cathy?一个死的少女A girl who died.哦不我不相信鬼Oh, no, I don't believe in ghosts.我不相信幻影会整个夜晚的哭I don't believe in phantoms sobbing through the night.-可怜的凯茜 -我不相信死人复活-Poor Cathy. -I don't believe life comes back...它曾经死了而且再一次呼叫活物once it's died and calls again to the living.不我不No, I don't.也许如果我告诉你她的故事Maybe if I told you her story,你将会改变你的想法you'd change your mind...关于死人复活about the dead coming back.也许你将会知道像我一样...Maybe you'd know, as I do...有一个力量把他们带回来that there is a force that brings them back...如果他们的心够野性的话if their hearts were wild enough in life.告诉我她的故事Tell me her story.故事在40年以前开始It began 40 years ago...当我还年轻的时候...when I was young...为欧肖先生服务时...in the service of Mr. Earnshaw...凯茜的父亲Cathy's father.呼啸山庄是一个可爱的地方在那些天内...Wuthering Heights was a lovely place in those days...充满了夏天的气息年轻人和快乐的声音full of summertime and youth and happy voices.有一天欧肖先生正在从利物浦的回来One day Mr. Earnshaw was returning from a visit to Liverpool. -你捉不到我 -我捉得到你-You'll not catch me! -Yes, I will!凯茜去洗洗我不想要你的父亲看见你这么脏Cathy, go wash! I don't want your father to see you in that dress. 你也去刑立赶快现在You too, Hindley. Hurry up, now.我不想洗I don't want to get washed!过来要不然我会告诉你的父亲Come along! I'll tell your father不给你他正在带来的礼物not to give you the present he's bringing.-他正在带来什么 -去二楼-What's he bringing? -Go along upstairs.约瑟说他的马正在过来小山这边Joseph says his horse is coming over the hill.晚上好欧肖先生Evening, Mr. Earnshaw.-哈罗约瑟 -哈罗邻居欧肖-Hello, Joseph. -Hello, neighbor Earnshaw.-你好吗肯尼斯医生 -回来得真快-How are you, Dr. Kenneth? -Back so soon?你到那里去了What in the world have you got there?上帝的一个礼物A gift of God.虽然它是如黑暗好像他来自魔鬼Although it's as dark as if he came from the devil.安静我漂亮的青年我们到家了Quiet, me bonny lad, we're home.他是一个看似不爱讲话的人He's a dour-looking individual.是而且有理由Aye, and with reason.我发现了他在利物浦中饿得要死I found him starving in Liverpool...被踢而且打伤和几乎死去kicked and bruised and almost dead.因此你绑♥架♥了他So you kidnapped him.没有直到我花费了二镑发现他的拥有者是谁Not until I spent two pounds trying to find out who its owner was. 但是没有人会要他因此我把他带回家But nobody would claim him, so I brought him home.-戈答普 -这里这里-Giddap! -Here, here!怎么回事你撒旦的年轻小鬼我走了Come on, you young imp of Satan. Off with ye.-凯茜刑立 -欢迎回家孩子们快来了-Cathy, Hindley! -Welcome home. The children are coming.不要震惊亚伦Don't look so shocked, Ellen.他会和我们住一阵子给他洗澡He's going to live with us for a while. Give him a good scrubbing... 而且给他穿上一些正经的衣服and put some Christian clothes on him.食物是他最需要的欧肖先生Food is what he needs most, Mr. Earnshaw.他瘦的像一只麻雀进厨房♥ 孩子He's as thin as a sparrow. Come into the kitchen, child.凯茜刑立Cathy! Hindley!-父亲你带来我什么 -哈罗父亲-Father, what did you bring me? -Hello, Father!你在那里这是你所总是想要的There you are. It's what you've always wanted.一个马鞭要小心使用它A riding crop. Be careful how you use it.-哦它是令人惊奇的 -我非常高兴你很快回来-Oh, it's wonderful! -I'm so glad you got back soon.-它是令人惊奇的 -嗷父亲停止她-It's wonderful! -Ow! Father, make her stop!不孩子No, children.这是刑立的小提琴This is Hindley's violin.在利物浦最好的之一One of the best in Liverpool.这里好声音Here. Fine tone.一个与它搭配的弓And a bow to go with it.你在这里帕嘎匿尼Here you are, Paganini.那是谁Who's that?-他饥饿的像一只狼 -哦孩子-He was hungry as a wolf. -Oh, children.这是我在利物浦碰到一个小绅士This is a little gentleman I met in Liverpool他将会拜访我们who will pay us a visit.他...他是肮脏的He... He's dirty.哦不不要使我为你惭愧凯茜Oh, no. Don't make me ashamed of you, Cathy.给他洗完澡后带他看刑立的房♥间When he's been scrubbed, show him Hindley's room.-他将会在那里睡觉 -在我的房♥间-He'll sleep there. -In my room?他不能我不让他He can't. I won't let him.孩子你现在可能可以学到你一定要分享你有的Children, you may as well learn now that you must share what you have... 与其他不如你幸运的人with others not as fortunate as yourselves.-掌管这个青年亚伦 -过来孩子-Take charge of the lad, Ellen. -Come along, child.你的名字是什么What's your name?我们将会称他为希斯克利夫We'll call him Heathcliff.希斯克利夫我会和你比赛到谷仓Heathcliff, I'll race you to the barn.失败者必须当奴隶The loser has to be the slave.快点Come on!再快点Faster!快点Come on!哇我嬴了Whoa. I won!你是我的奴隶你必须做我说的伺候我的马You're my slave! You have to do as I say. Water my horse and groom it! 哦那不公平太真实了Oh, that's not fair! It's too real.-你想要什么 -这匹马-What do you want? -This horse.-不行他是我的 -我的不好我要骑你的-You can't have him. He's mine! -Mine's lame. I'm riding yours.把他给我否则我会告诉父亲Give him to me or I'll tell Father你当他死的时候你将会赶走我you boasted you'd turn me out when he died!那是一则谎言我从没有说过That's a lie! I never said such a thing.-他没有 -你从没有一个父亲-He didn't! -You never had a father!你这个吉普赛人乞丐你不能抢我的You gypsy beggar! You can't have mine!停止Stop that!-希斯克利夫小心 -不要靠近我-Heathcliff, look out! -Don't come near me!让他去你杀了他Let him go! You killed him!我去告诉父亲他将会为这处罚你I'm going to tell Father. He'll punish you for this.直到他恢复你不能靠近他You can't go near him till he's well.你听到了肯尼斯医生说的You heard Dr. Kenneth!你被严重地伤害吗Are you hurt badly?对我说话Talk to me.你何不哭希斯克利夫不要那样Why don't you cry? Heathcliff, don't look like that!我如何能报复他How can I pay him back?我不关心我要等多久...I don't care how long I wait...只要能报复他if I can only pay him back.来让我们去蓬尼斯东峭壁摘山小菜Come. Let's pick harebells on Penistone Crag.你能骑珍You can ride Jane.请我的主人Please, milord?-哦希斯克利夫 -哇珍-Oh, Heathcliff. -Whoa, Jane.当你微笑的时候你是如此英俊You're so handsome when you smile.不要嘲弄我Don't make fun of me.你不知道你很英俊吗你知道我告诉亚伦什么吗Don't you know that you're handsome? Do you know what I've told Ellen? -你是假面目的一位王子 -是吗-You're a prince in disguise. -You did?我说你的父亲是中国皇帝I said your father was the emperor of China和你的母亲一位印度皇后and your mother an Indian queen.是真的希斯克利夫It's true, Heathcliff.你被坏的水手绑♥架♥ 而且被带到英国来You were kidnapped by wicked sailors and brought to England.但是我很高兴我总是想要认识高贵的出生的人But I'm glad. I've always wanted to know somebody of noble birth. 我曾经读过的所有有城♥堡♥的王子All the princes I ever read about had castles.当然他们捕获了他们你也一定要捕获一个Of course. They captured them. You must capture one too.有一个美丽城♥堡♥ 等待你的枪矛王子先生There's a beautiful castle that lies waiting for your lance, Sir Prince. 你再说蓬尼斯东峭壁那仅仅是一块岩石You mean Penistone Crag? Aw, that's just a rock.你不能看见那是一个城♥堡♥ 你永远无法是一位王子If you can't see that's a castle, you'll never be a prince.这里带你的枪矛和武器Here, take your lance and charge!看见在可开闭的吊桥那个黑色的骑士向他挑战See that black knight at the drawbridge? Challenge him!冲锋Charge!我向你挑战到不免一死的战斗黑色的骑士I challenge you to mortal combat, Black Knight!希斯克利夫你杀了他你有杀黑色的骑士Heathcliff! You've killed him! You've killed the black knight!他罪有应得He's earned it for all his wicked deeds.哦它是一个令人惊奇的城♥堡♥Oh, it's a wonderful castle.-希斯克利夫我们留下不走吧 -不行-Heathcliff, let's never leave it. -Never in our lives!让世界承认没有比它更美丽的花Let all the world confess, there is not a more beautiful damsel...比约克郡(英东北)凯萨琳公主还美than the Princess Catherine of Yorkshire.但是还是你的奴隶But I'm still your slave.不凯茜我现在使你成为我的皇后No, Cathy. I now make you my queen.无论什么发生你将会总是我的皇后Whatever happens out there, here you will always be my queen.他好吗医生How is he, Doctor?他处在平静He is at peace.去找教区牧师约瑟Send for the vicar, Joseph.我的亲爱野性的小凯茜My dear, wild little Cathy.你可以过来在他旁边祈祷You may come up and pray beside him now.上面不想要你You're not wanted up there.我的父亲被你的甜言蜜语诱惑了My father is past your wheedling.去帮助马房♥的男孩为教区牧师束马Go and help the stable boys harness the horse for the vicar.接受命令现在的我是主人Do as you're told. I'm master here now.当孩子们长大And as the children grew up,刑立的确是呼啸山庄的主人Hindley was indeed master of Wuthering Heights.它不再是他们的孩童时期的快乐的家It was no longer the happy home of their childhood.约瑟给我再来一瓶Joseph, bring me another bottle.那是第三瓶了刑立先生That's the third, Mr. Hindley.第三或二十三再给我另外一个The third or the twenty-third, bring me another.酒是一个嘲弄者暴饮是疯狂的主人Wine is a mocker. Strong drink is raging, Master Hindley.停止喷出圣经接受你的命令你个老鹦鹉Stop spouting scripture and do as you're told, you croaking old parrot. 是的主人Yes, Master Hindley.坐下凯茜直到你被允许离开Sit down, Cathy, till you're excused from the table.约瑟给凯茜小姐斟酒Joseph, fill Miss Cathy's glass.哦我的小姊妹不赞成喝酒Oh, my little sister disapproves of drinking.好吧我认识一些不喝酒的人们Well, I know some people who don't.希斯克利夫鞍我的马快点你吉普赛人乞丐Heathcliff, saddle my horse. Be quick about it, you gypsy beggar. 我告诉你要快I told you to be quick.看着这间马房♥ 这是一个猪舍Look at this stable. It's a pigsty.这就是你工作的方法吗Is this the way you do your work?清理干净Clean it up.我需要今晚地板被清理而且用力擦洗I want this floor cleaned and scrubbed tonight.不要站在那里站展现你的牙齿帮我Don't stand there showing your teeth. Give me a hand up.在我破晓回来前完成你的工作你听到了吗I want your work done when I come back at dawn, do you hear? 哦你正在希望我将不回来Oh, you're hoping I won't come back.你正在希望我滑倒而且折断我的脖子你不是You're hoping I'll fall and break my neck, aren't you?不是吗Aren't you?好吧快点希斯克利夫Well, come on, Heathcliff.希斯克利夫你正要去哪里Heathcliff, where are you going?回来Come back!-约瑟看见你来哪一方向吗 -有什么关系-Did Joseph see which way you came? -What does it matter?那里没有真的东西我们的生活这里Nothing's real down there. Our life is here.是的主人Yes, milord.云正在下降到哥梅尔顿The clouds are lowering over Gimmerton Head.看光如何正在变更See how the light is changing?如果被刑立发现就不好了It would be dreadful if Hindley ever found out.发现什么Found out what?你偶尔和我说话That you talk to me once in a while?我不该和你说话I shouldn't talk to you at all.看着你你变的一天比一天坏了Look at you! You get worse every day.肮脏的和不整齐的东西裹在碎布中Dirty and unkempt and in rags.为什么不是你一个男人Why aren't you a man?希斯克利夫你何不逃走Heathcliff, why don't you run away?逃走从你Run away? From you?你可以衣锦还乡而且带走我You could come back rich and take me away.你为什么不是我的王子就像我们以前玩的Why aren't you my prince like we said long ago?-你为什么不援救我 -现在和我来-Why can't you rescue me? -Come with me now.-哪里 -无论何处-Where? -Anywhere!而且住在在干草堆中而且从市场偷食物And live in haystacks and steal our food from the marketplaces?不那不是我想要的事情No. That's not what I want.你仅仅想要赶我走那不行You just want to send me off. That won't do.我留在这里而且被打的像一只狗I've stayed here and been beaten like a dog.被虐待诅咒逼得发狂但是我只是留在你身旁Abused and cursed and driven mad, but I stayed just to be near you. 即使活的像一只狗Even as a dog!我也会停留到结束的我死也不会离开I'll stay till the end. I'll live and I'll die under this rock.你听到吗Do you hear?音乐Music.林顿家正在举♥行♥一个宴会The Lintons are giving a party.那是我想做的事情That's what I want.在一个漂亮的世界中的舞蹈和歌♥唱Dancing and singing in a pretty world.而且我会有这些的And I'm going to have it.快点让我们去看看快点Come on. Let's go and see. Come on!它不令人惊奇吗Isn't it wonderful?她不美丽吗那正是我会穿着的类型的洋装Isn't she beautiful? That's the kind of dress I'll wear.你将会有一件红色的天鹅绒的外套You'll have a red velvet coat还有有银扣子的鞋with silver buckles on your shoes.哦我们会吗Oh, will we ever?快了Quick.捉住他史高克放光Hold him, Skulker, Flash!喊开你的狗你笨蛋Call off your dogs, you fools!不要动没有什么可慌的Stay where you are. There's nothing to be alarmed about. -是谁 -我不知道-Who is it? -I don't know.请回舞厅Please, back into the ballroom.-放开我 -抓住那男人-Let me go! -Hold that man.别让他跑了Hold onto him!-是谁埃德加 -凯萨琳欧肖父亲-Who is it Edgar? -Catherine Earnshaw, Father.-跟她一起的人是谁 -他们的马房♥男孩-Who's this with her? -Their stable boy.她正在出血拿热水来伊萨贝拉还有绷带She's bleeding. Bring hot water, Isabella, and bandages.-是的她伤的有多重 -看不出来-Yes. How badly is she hurt? -Can't tell.派罗勃特去找肯尼斯医生用马车快Send Robert to get Dr. Kenneth in the shay. Hurry.-你将会遭报应的 -闭嘴粗野的流子-You'll pay for this! -Hold your tongue, insolent rascal!-滚出这楝房♥子 -没有凯茜我不走-Get out of this house. -I won't go without Cathy.父亲不要她很痛苦Father, please, she's in pain.快逃走Go on. Run away.带回我失去的世界Bring me back the world.-打发这个人 -我去-Pack this fellow off. -I'm going.我从这里去而且从这诅咒国家I'm going from here and from this cursed country both.把他赶出去Throw him out!但是我一天内回来判断林顿我会报复你But I'll be back in this house one day, Judge Linton. I'll pay you out. 我会毁灭这楝房♥子在你们的头旁边I'll bring this house down in ruins about your heads.这是我对你的诅咒That's my curse on you!你们全部On all of you!凯茜发现了她自己在这个新的世界中...And so Cathy found herself in this new world...她如此时常有渴望进入she had so often longed to enter.在一些快乐的星期之後After some happy weeks,埃德加先生把她带回呼啸山庄Mr. Edgar brought her back to Wuthering Heights.欢迎回家凯茜小姐你好吗林顿先生Welcome home, Miss Cathy! How do you do, Mr. Linton?不要捣乱我叫约瑟抱你Don't stir! I'll get Joseph to carry you.抱她她像一头小山羊一样的奔跑Carry her? She runs like a little goat.亚伦我每晚跳舞Ellen, I've been dancing, night after night!哦你看起来真美丽Oh, how beautiful you look!不管你在那里得到那件美丽的洋装Wherever did you get that beautiful dress?林顿先生的姊妹借给我的它很棒不是吗Mr. Linton's sister lent it to me. Isn't it wonderful?埃德加进来喝茶Edgar, do come in for tea.在马们有被照看时As soon as the horses have been seen to.我会找人I'll find someone.他在这里Is he here?他上星期回来做了很棒的谈话...He came back last week with great talk...关于在火湖中没有你... 他如何希望看见你活着of lying in a lake of fire without you... how he had to see you to live. 他是无法忍♥受的他在哪里那个恶棍吗He's unbearable. Where could he be, the scoundrel?为什么做你长留在那楝房♥子中Why did you stay so long in that house?我以为你不在这里I didn't expect to find you here.你为什么停留如此长Why did you stay so long?为什么因为我曾经有一段美好时光Why? Because I was having a wonderful time.令人愉快的迷人令人惊奇的时间...A delightful, fascinating, wonderful time...在人类之中among human beings.去洗你的脸和手而且梳你的头发...Go and wash your face and hands, and comb your hair...所以我不需要对客人感到羞愧so that I needn't be ashamed of you in front of a guest.你正在房♥子这个部份中做什么呢What are you doing in this part of the house?给林顿先生看马Look after Mr. Linton's horses.让他照料他的自己的马Let him look after his own.-我已经这麽做了 -立刻对林顿先生道歉-I've already done so. -Apologize to Mr. Linton at once.端一些茶进来Bring in some tea, please.-凯茜 -是的埃德加-Cathy. -Yes, Edgar?我想不明白你的兄弟I cannot understand how your brother如何能允许那个吉普赛人住在这栋房♥子中can allow that gypsy in the house.不要谈论他Don't talk about him.你怎能这样一个良家妇女How can you, a gentlewoman,在你的屋顶之下宽容他tolerate him under your roof?路傍乞丐给他自己平等的空气你怎能这样A roadside beggar giving himself airs of equality. How can you?关於希斯克利夫你知道到什麽What do you know about Heathcliff?所有的我需要的或想要知道的All I need or want to know.他是我的朋友远在你之前He was my friend long before you.-那个无赖 -无论如何他属于这里-That blackguard? -Blackguard and all, he belongs here.说他的好话或滚出去Speak well of him or get out!-你疯了吗 -停止叫那些我爱的名字-Are you out of your senses? -Stop calling those I love names!那些你爱的Those you love?凯茜你怎么回事你了解你正在说的事物吗Cathy, what possesses you? Do you realize the things you're saying?我说我憎恨你I'm saying that I hate you.我憎恨你的乳白色脸I hate the look of your milk-white face.我憎恨你的柔软触感愚蠢的手I hate the touch of your soft, foolish hands.那个吉普赛人邪恶的灵魂已经进入你That gypsy's evil soul has got into you.-是的它是真实的 -乞丐的污垢在你身上-Yes, it's true! -That beggar's dirt is on you!是的现在滚出去Yes! Now get out!我亲爱的My dear.别管我Leave me alone.原谅我希斯克利夫Forgive me, Heathcliff.使世界停止在这里Make the world stop right here.使每件事物停止而且永远不再移♥动♥ Make everything stop and stand still and never move again. 使荒野永远不变化而且你和我永不改变Make the moors never change and you and I never change. 荒野和我将永不改变The moors and I will never change.-你不是吗凯茜 -我不能-Don't you, Cathy. -I can't.无论我曾经做或说什么这现在是我No matter what I ever do or say, this is me now.和你站在这个小山上Standing on this hill with you.这永远地是我This is me forever.来Come.当你走后你做了什么你去了哪里呢When you went away, what did you do? Where did you go? 我去了利物浦I went to Liverpool.一个夜晚我上了一艘去美国新奥尔良的船上One night I shipped for America on a brigantine going to New Orleans.我们被潮支撑而且我每晚躺在甲板之上...We were held up by the tide, and I lay all night on the deck...想到你和这些日子而且以后没有你的日子thinking of you and the years and years ahead without you.我自船上跳下游到岸边I jumped overboard and swam ashore.我想我可能会死如果你没有来I think I'd have died if you hadn't.你不要想那个另外的世界You're not thinking of that other world now.闻石南花Smell the heather.将我的双臂装满石南花全部装满Fill my arms with heather. All they can hold.快点Come on.你仍然是我的皇后You're still my queen!而且当时间过去And as time went by...凯茜再一次被做痛苦的抉择於她的野性Cathy again was torn between her wild,对希斯克利夫的无法控制的热爱...uncontrollable passion for Heathcliff...和她在书眉农庄找到的新的生活and the new life she had found at the Grange...她不可以忘记that she could not forget.肥皂进到我的眼睛中手巾在哪里I got the soap in my eyes! Where's the towel?-哦它很热 -不它很...-Oh, it's hot! -No, it's just...-很热的 -不要那样-It's hot! -Don't do that!亚伦你不已经完成吗Ellen, haven't you finished yet?假如你不准备好当他到达在这里的时候不要动Supposing you're not ready when he gets here. Keep still.任何年轻的男人遇到你后都会回来哭的Any young man that will come sniveling back after the way you treated him你能继续永远地等候you can keep waiting forever.他怎麽了送你香水他没有自豪吗What's wrong with him, sending you perfume? Hasn't he any pride?我道歉了没有吗I sent my apologies, didn't I?我不能相信你变了凯茜小姐I can't believe this change in you, Miss Cathy.昨天你是一个冒失的孩子Yesterday you were a harum-scarum child有肮脏的手和一颗任性的心with dirty hands and a willful heart.看看你Look at you.哦你是可爱的凯茜小姐可爱的Oh, you're lovely, Miss Cathy. Lovely.那是一则非常愚蠢的谎言That's a very silly lie.我不可爱我非常聪明I'm not lovely. What I am is very brilliant.-我有很棒的头脑 -是吗-I have a wonderful brain. -Indeed?它使我能够好好面对我自己It enables me to be superior to myself.仅仅看起来和易莎贝拉一样漂亮没用There's nothing to be gained by just looking pretty like Isabella.每个美人一定隐藏一个想法而且充满幽默Every beauty mark must conceal a thought and every curl be full of humor 和发油一样好as well as brilliantine.如此的喃喃而语我们...Such prattle. We...从何时起你习惯进入我的房♥间希斯克利夫Since when are you in the habit of entering my room, Heathcliff?我想要和你说话出去亚伦I want to talk to you. Go outside, Ellen.我不去I will not!我只接受女主人凯萨琳的命令I take orders from Mistress Catherine,不接受马房♥里男孩的not stable boys.出去Go outside.好吧亚伦All right, Ellen.既然我们如此快乐Now that we're so happily alone,我能知道如何报答如此的光荣吗may I know to what I owe this great honor?-他又来了 -你完全地无法令人忍♥受-He's coming here again. -You're utterly unbearable.你今天早上在荒野之上不这样想You didn't think so this morning on the moors.-好吧我的心情在户内改变 -他会来这里-Well, my moods change indoors. -Is he coming here?-当然不请走开 -你撒谎-Of course not. Please go away. -You're lying!为什么你穿着丝绸裙子Why are you dressed up in a silk dress?为晚餐穿的Because gentlefolk dress for dinner.这不是你你为什么尝试赢得他的谄媚Not you. Why are you trying to win his puling flatteries?我不是孩子你不能像那样对我说话I'm not a child. You can't talk like that to me.我没有和孩子说话我和我的凯茜说话I'm not talking to a child. I'm talking to my Cathy.-哦我是你的凯茜 -是的-Oh, I'm your Cathy? -Yes!我遵守你的命令而且允许你选择我的洋装I'm to take your orders and allow you to select my dresses?你不能向他假笑听他的愚蠢谈话You're not gonna simper in front of him, listening to his silly talk! 我不能I'm not?好吧我会听马房♥男孩说话更愉快Well, I am. It's more entertaining that listening to a stable boy. -不许你像那样说话 -我会走开-Don't you talk like that. -I will. Go away.这是我的房♥间一个淑女的房♥间This is my room, a lady's room,。



小学下册英语第4单元期末试卷(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.n be very _________. (长) Snakes d2.I went ________ (购物) with my mom.3.我的朋友喜欢 _______ (活动). 她觉得这很 _______ (形容词)4.The chemical symbol for nitrogen is _____ (N).5.The __________ (历史的挑战) are faced by societies.6.I like to go ________ (出租车) with my friends.7.The __________ (历史的传递) fosters connection.8.The flowers bloom _______ (在春天).9.What do we call the process of making food from sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water?A. PhotosynthesisB. RespirationC. FermentationD. Digestion答案:A. Photosynthesis10.ts are used for ______ (环保材料). Some pla11.The ________ (植物图谱) aids identification.12.In a double displacement reaction, two compounds exchange _____ to form new compounds.13.The __________ is a famous area known for its historical significance.14.Carbon dioxide is produced when we ______.15.The tortoise is very _________ (长寿).16.The chemical formula for methane is ______.17.The country known for its fashion is ________ (以时尚闻名的国家是________).18.How many continents are there on Earth?A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 7答案:D 719.I love my _____ (玩具车) collection.20.The invention of the steam engine revolutionized ________ (运输).21.ts have a long _____ (生命周期). Some pla22.The periodic table contains over _______ elements.23.I like to go ______ (滑雪) with my friends during winter break.24.I enjoy ________ (园艺) in my free time.25.Listenand circle.(听录音,圈出正确的图片)26.My friend is a ______. He enjoys watching movies.27.__________ are important for the production of biofuels.28.I can build my own worlds with my toy ________ (玩具名称).29.I have a ______ of baseball cards. (collection)30.The hedgehog has sharp ______ (刺) for protection.31.The __________ (历史的记忆) shapes who we are.32.We see _____ (电影) on Friday.33.The beetle has a hard _______ to protect itself.34. A ______ (自然保护区) can protect vulnerable species.35.The process of decomposition breaks down compounds into _______ substances.36. A chemist studies the properties and ________ of matter.37.Which planet is known as the Red Planet?A. VenusB. MarsC. MercuryD. Jupiter答案:B38.The symbol for nickel is _____.39.My _____ (小兔) likes to nibble carrots.40. A __________ is a substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances.41.My pet hamster loves to explore new ______ (地方).42.This ________ (玩具名称) is very colorful.43.The __________ is a major river in Asia. (湄公河)44.What do caterpillars turn into?A. FrogsB. ButterfliesC. MothsD. Snakes答案:B.Butterflies45. A polymer is a large molecule made up of many ______.46.I like to ride my ______ (自行车).47.This girl, ______ (这个女孩), is very athletic.48.Chemical reactions are often represented by ______ equations.49.Listen and number.(听录音标号.)50.The chemical formula for glycerol is ______.51.My cousin enjoys __________ (过节日) with family.52.__________ are used in the cleaning industry for stain removal.53. A chemical reaction can be represented by a ______ equation.54.Bees help ______ plants by pollinating.55.My mom is a __________ (社会服务者).56.The _____ (市场) is busy with shoppers.57.The first manmade object to orbit Earth was _______ .58.The chemical symbol for strontium is ______.59. A ______ (蝉) sings loudly in the summer.60.The first successful vaccine was developed by ________ (詹纳).61.My sister is a _____ (演员) who loves comedy.62.During the holidays, I want to travel to _______ (地方). I will take lots of _______ (名词) and enjoy the _______ (活动).63.I am learning how to ________ (游泳) this summer.64.The _______ (猫头鹰) hunts at night.65.We are going to the ___. (beach) this summer.66.Rivers often flow into the ________.67. A ________ (海洋) covers most of the Earth’s surface.68.My dad is good at ______ (修理) things around the house. He can fix almost anything.69.We have a ________ (goal) to achieve.70.The symbol for iron is _____.71._______ are important for producing oxygen.72.My cat is very _______ (好奇) and explores everything.73.My brother plays the ____ (cello) in the orchestra.74.The ________ was a major event in the history of the Americas.75.The _____ (蜜蜂) plays an essential role in nature.76.What do we call the process of removing dirt or impurities from water?A. FiltrationB. DistillationC. PurificationD. Evaporation答案:A. Filtration77.The boiling point of water is _______ degrees Celsius.78.The chemical formula for potassium phosphide is __________.79.The ______ (小鸟) builds its nest high in the trees.80.The chemical symbol for barium is ______.81.My dad _____ the car every Sunday. (washes)82.It is _____ (hot/cold) in summer.83.The __________ (历史的叙述) tells our stories.84.The chemical formula for nitrogen trioxide is _______.85. A covalent bond is formed when atoms __________ electrons.86.The _______ is a source of inspiration for many artists.87.The fish is _____ around the tank. (swimming)88.We can _____ (cultivate) a variety of plants.89.What is the name of the famous British rock band known for hits like "Yesterday"?A. The Rolling StonesB. The BeatlesC. Pink FloydD. Led Zeppelin答案:B90.The teacher gives us ______ to study. (papers)91.I enjoy _______ (参加) sports competitions.92.I like to help my mom in the ____.93. A __________ is a mixture that can be separated by magnetism.94.The sun is shining ___. (brightly)95.The _____ (青蛙) can change its color for camouflage.96.The sun is ______ in the morning. (rising)97.The process of heat being absorbed is called _______.98.River flows north towards the ________ (地中海). The Nile99.During photosynthesis, plants take in ______.100.I love to ________ in the summer.。



金星的英文作文高分英语作文1:Mercury: Mercury is the smallest planet and the cl osest planet to the sun. It has a stellar revolution cycle around the sun. Mars is the fourth planet fro m the sun.Venus has a stellar revolution period around the s un during the day. Hesper is the appearance of Ve nus. Venus is the second planet away from the su n.Its mass is twice that of the earth. When it appear s as a late star, there is a circle too The period of the sun's rotation, which can be called Hesper / h esperus Saturn: it is the sixth largest planet from t he sun and the second largest planet in the solar system. The stars around the sun have a period of several years, and their mass is twice that of Jupit er.Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun, the largest and largest planet in the solar system. There is astellar cycle around the sun. Uranus is the seventh planet away from the sun, Neptune: Neptune is t he eighth planet from the sun, which has a stellar cycle around the sun.Pluto: Pluto used to be the ninth planet in the sol ar system, but now it is listed as a dwarf planet.中文翻译:水星:水星是最小的行星,也是离太阳最近的一颗行星,围绕着太阳有一个恒星公转周期火星是离太阳第四颗行星,围绕着白天的太阳金星有一个恒星公转周期:海斯珀是金星的外观金星是离太阳第二个行星,质量是地球的两倍,当它作为晚星出现时有一个围绕太阳的恒星公转周期,它可以被称为Hesper/Hesperus Saturn:它是距离太阳第六大的行星,也是太阳系中第二大的行星,围绕太阳的恒星公转周期为数年,质量是地球木星的两倍:木星是距太阳第五颗行星,是太阳系中最大、质量最大的行星,有一个围绕太阳旋转的恒星周期天王星:天王星是距离太阳的第七个行星,每一年围绕它旋转一次海王星:海王星是离太阳第八个行星,围绕太阳有一个恒星周期冥王星:冥王星曾经是太阳系中的第九个行星,但现在它是被列为矮行星。



女子婚礼搞笑致词英文Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, family, and friends, Welcome to this wonderful occasion of love, joy, and laughter as we gather here to celebrate the union of two special souls, [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name]. Today, I have the honor of addressing you all as a professional toast writer with extensive experience in crafting speeches that are both entertaining and heartfelt. So, without further ado, let us embark on this hilarious and memorable journey of love and laughter. Marriage, they say, is like a rollercoaster ride filled with ups and downs, twists and turns. And if there's one thing that we can all agree on, it's that [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name] are in for one wild ride. So,let's raise our glasses and toast to their future adventures, may they be filled with laughter, joy, and countless stories to share with their grandchildren.But before we do, let me share with you a little secret. Did you know that [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name] met at a local pub over a game of darts? It's true! And if you've ever seen [Bride's Name] throw a dart, you'd know that her aim is dead-on. So, it's no surprise that she hit the bullseye when it comes to love, too. Cheers to love, laughter, and the art of aiming true!Now, if there's one thing that makes a marriage successful, it'scommunication. And let me tell you, [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name] have got that down pat. They can talk for hours about the most random topics, from the latest Netflix series to the meaning of life. So, let's raise our glasses again and toast to their never-ending conversations and the shared love for binge-watching shows. May their love for each other and their love for Netflix never fade away!But marriage is not all about laughter and love; it's also about compromise. And let me tell you, these two have shown us that they are more than willing to compromise. In fact, [Bride's Name] has even agreed to watch [Groom's Name]'s favorite sports games, despite the countless commercials and the lack of plot. And [Groom's Name] has learned to appreciate [Bride's Name]'s obsession with reality TV, even though he secretly prefers a good action movie. So, let's raise our glasses one more time and toast to their ability to compromise and embrace each other's interests, no matter how different they may be. Now, as we all know, weddings are not just about the couple; they're also about celebrating love, family, and friendship. And let me tell you, [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name] have surrounded themselves with some of the most amazing people in the world. We are all here today because we love and support them, and they, in turn, love and support us. So, let's raise our glasses and cheers to love, family, and friendship, for they are the pillars of our lives and the foundation of our happiness.But before we conclude, I want to leave you with a final thought. Love is not always perfect, and it's not always easy. It takes work, dedication, and a sense of humor to make it through the good times and the bad. So, let us all remember to cherish the love we have in our lives, to laugh together, and to support each other through thick and thin.And with that, let us raise our glasses one last time and toast to [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name], the perfect imperfect couple. May their love continue to grow stronger with each passing day, and may they always find joy in the little things that life has to offer. Cheers to their happily ever after!Thank you for your attention and enjoy the rest of this wonderful celebration.。




She was glad that she had worn Buka. She was glad that Azsa had broken her heart after she couldn't see Buka.2、最残酷的场面却是最诗意的表达,极度的痛苦使得人的泪腺瞬间麻木,反而产生一种诡异的近乎沉迷的晕眩。

The most cruel scene is the most poetic expression. The extreme pain makes the human lacrimal gland numb instantly, but produces a strange and almost addictive dizziness.3、莱拉终于明白了,男孩对待友谊,就像他们对待太阳一样:它的存在毋庸置疑,它的光芒最好是用来享受,而不是用来直视。

Laila finally understood that boys treat friendship as they do the sun: there is no doubt that it exists, and its light is better for enjoyment than for staring directly.4、莱拉知道他们吵架的模式:妈妈盛气凌人,不依不饶,走来走去,不断咆哮;爸爸一直坐着,一副温顺迷茫的样子,乖乖地点点头,等待这阵风暴过去。

Laila knew the pattern of their quarrel: Mom was overbearing, reluctant, walking around and roaring; Dad was sitting, looking meek and confused, nodding obediently, waiting for the storm to pass.5、娜娜说,就像指南针总是指向北方一样,男人怪罪的手指总是指向女人。





季节的英语作文篇1There are four seasons in a year.The first season is spring. In spring, almost everything comes back to life. The snow begins to melt, the trees sprout and the grass turns green.Spring is warm so that it's a good time to go hiking outdoors. After spring, itis summer. Summer is my favorite season,because I can swim quite often. The third one is autumn. In autumn, the weather is cool and comfortable. Farmers may be the busiest people, because autumn is a time of harvest.Winter is the last season of the year. In winter, the weather is very cold. In the north, it usually snows. Children can play games or make snowmen after snow. It seems very funny. But, because of the cold weather, I don't like winter very much. What's your favorite season?一年中有四个季节,第一个季节是春天。



罗密欧与朱丽叶名言名句英文1. 罗密欧和朱丽叶名言A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life;""Turn thee, Benvolio, and look upon thy death.""Not having that, which having, makes them short.""Earth hath swallowed all my hopes but shee;/She is the hopeful lady of my earth./But woo her, gentle Paris, get her heart;/My will to her consent is but a part.""Compare her face with some that I shall show,/ And I will make thee think thy swan a crow.""Now by my maidenhead at twelve year old!""An I might live to see thee married once, / I have my wish.""I was you mother much upon these years / That you are now a maid.""Nay, bigger. Women grow by men.""Oh, then I see Queen Mab hath been with you.""I fear too early, for my mind misgives / Some consequence yet hanging in the stars/Shall bitterly begin his fearful date, / With this night's revels。

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The weather is too cold on Earth.
The water is so strange that beat me.
There are many males on Erath.
There is a strange emotion “love” on Earth, which we have never had on Venus.
One Year Living on Earth
I am a man came from Venus. In our planet, the weather was so hot that you can’t imagine. What’s more, we are under too much atmospheric pressure all year around, so that we are strong enough. There is a strange thing in our planet that nobody knows why there are only women except me in our Venus. That is to say, I’m the only man in Venus.
When I was young, I always looked at the sky in the evening. There is only one brightened star in the sky, which called the Earth. So I always dreamt of visiting the bright star. Fortunately, my dream came true by chance last year. And now, my family call me get back to our planet, so I decide to write something to record my experience and impression on Earth.
When I first come to Earth, the weather attacked me, it was so cold, which was why I wore thick clothes in summer. And then I found a fantastic liquid which they called water. The water was so strange for me, when I tried to grab it, it would soon flow down, which made me feel so inferior, I used to think I was strong enough that I can catch everything, but in face of water, I failed. Later, I got to find there is nearly nothing familiar with our Venus here.
What the deepest impression is there are so many males on Earth, and the number of males are much more than females. Living on Earth, I pick up with many people. One day, a stranger feeling appeared when I was being with a girl called Allen, the happiness I had never felt revolved me, and sometimes I could hardly speak out one completed sentence in front of her. At first, I didn’t know why. Day by day, a friend of mine told me that I might have fallen in love with her. Love, is one thing that our Venusians had never felt or imagined, in our world, there was no this kind of emotion, because I am the first and the only man in our planet, and everybody is busy doing their own work without thinking or imagining love. Weeks later, I got to realize the power of love, when it comes, nothing can stand in its way. Logically, she became my girl friend. I treated her carefully in fear of making her angry. I tried my best to satisfy her every requirement, no matter how hard it was. During the time I lived on Earth, I had heard one sentence “nine of the ten men was bad, and the rest one likes to make troubles”. Maybe I thought, I was the eleven, an alien. Of course, sometimes, we had argued with each other for a piece of event, maybe it was because of the ways of thinking different between the Earthman and Venusian. Now, I will be back to our planet, we have to break up, even though I love her deeply. Tears dimmed my eyes, it’s my first time tearing.
Good-bye Earth, good-bye my love.。
