防止互联网钓鱼攻击的新方法研究第一章:互联网钓鱼攻击的概述互联网钓鱼攻击(Phishing Attack)是一种通过欺骗手段获取用户的敏感信息的网络诈骗行为。
第三章:新型防护方法的研究3.1 针对钓鱼网站的识别技术钓鱼攻击往往通过仿冒合法网站的方式进行,用户难以分辨钓鱼网站与合法网站之间的差异。
3.2 强化用户身份认证传统的用户名和密码登录方式存在安全性不高的问题,容易被钓鱼攻击利用。
3.3 智能化的漏洞扫描与修复钓鱼攻击往往针对已知的漏洞进行,通过利用这些漏洞攻击用户的浏览器、操作系统等软件。
第四章:新方法的应用前景与挑战4.1 应用前景新型的防护方法在一定程度上解决了传统方法的局限性,提升了互联网钓鱼攻击的防范水平。
一、网络钓鱼攻击的类型网络钓鱼攻击主要分为以下几种类型:1. 隐蔽式网络钓鱼攻击:攻击者通过对目标用户社交网络、电子邮件、短信、即时通讯等进行监控,以获取受害者的敏感信息。
2. 伪装网站攻击:攻击者通过仿造真实网站,欺骗用户输入个人敏感信息,从而窃取用户的账户密码、银行卡号、身份证件号码等重要信息。
3. 恶意软件钓鱼攻击:攻击者通过恶意软件感染用户计算机,窃取用户的敏感信息,或对用户进行勒索等行为。
这些技术主要包括以下几个方面:1. 传统的基于规则的检测技术:该技术主要通过对网络钓鱼的典型特征进行总结和分析,建立检测规则,并对网络流量进行实时监测和检测,以识别是否存在网络钓鱼攻击行为。
2. 基于机器学习的检测技术:该技术主要依靠机器学习、数据挖掘等技术,对大量的网络钓鱼攻击样本进行分类、特征提取和训练,实现对网络钓鱼攻击的自动化识别和分类。
3. 基于浏览器行为的检测技术:该技术主要依托于浏览器实现,对于检测到的可能是钓鱼攻击的网站进行访问,通过监测和分析网站的HTML、JavaScript、资源文件等多个方面的内容,以识别是否存在网络钓鱼攻击行为。
联网名称与数字地址分配机构)的数据服务页面获取到全球域名 列表,每天持续收集,变动的特性, 可根据获取的每日新增域名列表数据作为待检测数据。②基于 字典形式主动式爬虫收集。收集众多政府、银行、购物、企业 网站等官网域名为字典,并在一定周期内保持更新。因钓鱼网 站域名和其冒充的相对应官网域名极度相似,用爬虫智能穷举 分析钓鱼网站域名。
钓鱼网站是指不法分子精心设计与人们所信任的政府、企 业等组织的网站非常相似的仿冒网站,通过一些传播方式将钓 鱼网站的URL发给用户,诱导用户访问,来骗取用户重要私密 信息,进而实施其他欺诈行为[1]。
1 钓鱼网站的特性 ①钓鱼网站传播性广。不法分子往往通过QQ、微信等即
时通信工具、手机短信、论坛或者搜索页面投放广告、微博等 社交平台、电子邮件、恶意导航网站等方式大量传播钓鱼网 站,又因不法分子将钓鱼网站设计包装与官方网站一致,使用 户很难区分网站真实性,诱导受害者访问钓鱼网站并输入个 人敏感信息。②钓鱼网站伪装性强。不法分子在制作钓鱼网站 会通过多种方法来伪装成官方网站,迷惑用户,使用户难以判 断。一些钓鱼网站使用了多种迷惑技术,可成功欺骗杀毒软件 与浏览器自带的安全系统,使广大网民防不胜防。③钓鱼网站 产业链化。钓鱼网站已形成了黑色产业链,从钓鱼网站的制 作、推广、盗取资金、洗钱、贩卖个人数据、针对性诈骗等多 个环节都有专业的团伙负责。整个过程完全实现了流水线式的 作业,入门门槛低,投入资金少。只要有用户上当,就可获取 不菲的收益。网络钓鱼黑色产业链的危害早已超过传统的木马 和病毒,成为威胁网民切身利益的一大毒瘤。
4 钓鱼网站的检测 ①基于URL黑名单的检测技术。检测用户输入的网址,通
过对网页的URL记录建立黑白名单库,并对其进行检测分析。 采取中国反钓鱼联盟(APAC)、国外PhishTank、反钓鱼工作组
二、实验目的1. 了解网络钓鱼的基本概念、攻击手段和危害;2. 掌握网络钓鱼的防范技巧;3. 提高网络安全意识和自我保护能力。
三、实验内容1. 网络钓鱼攻击模拟(1)选择目标:选取一家企业作为攻击目标,收集该企业的相关信息,包括员工邮箱、公司官网等。
2. 钓鱼攻击分析(1)钓鱼攻击特点:攻击者利用用户对知名企业或品牌的信任,通过构建与目标企业官网相似的钓鱼网站,诱使用户输入敏感信息。
3. 防范措施(1)提高网络安全意识:加强员工网络安全培训,提高员工对钓鱼攻击的识别能力。
四、实验结论1. 网络钓鱼作为一种常见的网络攻击手段,对企业和个人都带来了严重威胁。
2. 钓鱼攻击手段不断演变,攻击者利用用户心理和信任,通过构建与目标企业官网相似的钓鱼网站,诱使用户泄露敏感信息。
常见的监督学习算法有Decision Tree、Support Vector Machine、Logistic Regression等。
实验三网站钓鱼攻击 实验报告分析
南京工程学院实验报告题目网站钓鱼攻击课程名称网络与信息安全技术院(系、部、中心)计算机工程学院专业网络工程班级学生姓名学号设计地点信息楼A216 指导教师毛云贵实验时间 2014年3月20日实验成绩一实验目的1.了解钓鱼攻击的概念和实现原理2.了解钓鱼网站和正常网站的区别3.提高抵御钓鱼攻击的能力二实验环境Windows,交换网络结构,UltraEdit三实验原理3.1.什么是钓鱼网站网络钓鱼是通过大量发送声称来自于银行或其他知名机构的欺骗性垃圾邮件,意图引诱收信人给出敏感信息(如用户名、口令、帐号ID、ATM PIN码或信用卡详细信息)的一种攻击方式。
一、网络钓鱼攻击的检测1. 检查URL地址检查URL地址是最基本的防范措施之一。
2. 警惕虚假的邮件附件或链接钓鱼邮件通常会通过伪装成合法机构的方式,引导用户点击恶意链接或者下载附件。
3. 倾听系统警报现代操作系统通常会提供安全警报功能,监测潜在的网络钓鱼攻击。
4. 检查网站的安全证书合法的网站通常会配备安全证书,以证明其网址的可信性和安全性。
二、网络钓鱼攻击的预防1. 提高用户的安全意识提高用户的安全意识是预防网络钓鱼攻击的关键。
2. 使用安全性较高的密码强密码是保护个人信息安全的基础。
这些所谓的网站往往具有以下特点:1. 外观相似度高:网络钓鱼网站会模仿合法网站的外观、布局和标识,伪装成真实可信的样子。
2. 诱导性强:网络钓鱼网站会通过各种手段,如诱人的标题、明显错误的信息等,引导用户上当受骗。
3. URL欺骗:网络钓鱼网站通常通过修改URL或使用类似URL短链接等方式,隐藏其真正的地址,使用户难以察觉。
这些技术主要包括以下几种:1. 基于黑名单的检测:通过建立可信、不可信网站的黑白名单,对用户访问的网站进行实时查询和比对,从而判断其是否为钓鱼网站。
2. 基于URL特征的检测:通过分析URL的结构和特征,包括域名、子域名、路径等,来判断网站是否为钓鱼网站。
3. 基于机器学习的检测:利用机器学习算法,通过训练模型识别网络钓鱼网站的重要特征,从而实现准确的检测。
4. 基于视觉特征的检测:通过分析网站的页面布局、颜色、图标等视觉元素,对网站真实性进行判断。
5. 基于行为模式的检测:通过分析用户在访问网站时的行为数据,如点击、浏览等,判断网站是否存在钓鱼嫌疑。
以下是几种常见的网络钓鱼网站防御技术:1. 提高用户的安全意识:加强用户教育和安全意识培训,让用户了解网络钓鱼的危害性,学会分辨可疑网站。
二、研究内容1. 针对当前互联网上常见的钓鱼攻击方式进行分类和分析,确定需保护的信息;2. 分析现有的安全措施,了解其安全性、易用性与用户满意度;3. 提出一种基于智能手机的反钓鱼安全登录系统设计方案,选定较为安全的短信验证方式,借助智能手机中的短信功能进行验证,从而实现更加安全的登录方式;4. 设计并实现基于智能手机的反钓鱼安全登录系统;5. 对所提出的系统进行安全性和可用性测试,并分析测试结果;6. 将研究结果进行总结,并提出下一步的研究方向。
三、技术路线1. 钓鱼攻击的分类和分析;2. 安全措施的研究分析;3. 设计基于智能手机的反钓鱼安全登录系统的具体实现方案;4. 借助现有的短信验证工具来实现系统的短信验证功能;5. 基于Android系统开发智能手机端的反钓鱼安全登录应用程序;6. 搭建测试环境,对系统进行测试,分析测试结果;7. 撰写论文并进入答辩环节。
毕业论文钓鱼的工作原理及其防的方法论文指导老师信息工程系学生所在系部信息工程系专业名称网络技术论文提交日期年月日论文答辩日期年月日20 年月日论文题目:钓鱼的工作原理及其防的方法专业:网络技术学生:签名:指导教师:签名:摘要信息技术是一把双刃剑,他在给人们带来文明,推进历史进步的同时,也给产生了许多负面的影响,出现了很多计算机犯罪的问题,特别是,近几年出现的“钓鱼”,更具有隐蔽性,危害性极大,严重影响了网络空间的社会安全,影响了信息社会的正常发展。
网络钓鱼因其严重危害网民利益和互联网信誉体制,越来越多地受到人们的关注,国际上已经成立反网络钓鱼工作小组(APWG,Anti-Phishing Working Group),这是一个联合机构,拥有大约800名成员,他们来自约490家金融服务公司、技术公司、服务提供商、国家法律执行机构和立法机构,这些机构的职责是向产业股份持有人提供一个论坛以讨论网络钓鱼问题。
【关键词】钓鱼网络安全伪装连接电子商务防措施【论文类型】应用基础Title:、Major:Network technologyName:HuXiaoDong Signature:Supervisor:LiCuiHong Signature:AbstractInformation technology is a double-edged sword, he brings in a civilization to the people, to promote the progress of history at the same time, but also to produce many negative effects,there were a lot of the computer crime problem, especially, in recent years "fishing website," is more covert, great harm, serious impact on social the security of network space, influence the normal development of the information society.Phishing because of its serious harm to the interests and Internet users reputation system,people pay more and more attention has been established, the international anti phishingworking group (APWG, Anti-Phishing Working Group), which is a joint organization, has about 800 members, they come from about 490 Financial Services Company, technology companies and service providers, law enforcement agencies and legislative institutions, theseinstitutions duty is to provide a secure forum to industry stake holders to discuss the phishingproblem. The anti phishing working group through the electronic form of the meeting anddiscussion between members, efforts from the two aspects of hard and soft cost to define the range of phishing, the sharing of information and the best operation mode to eliminateproblems, hope in the near future, thoroughly eliminate phishing scams, give you a sincereand the integrity of the internet.[keyword]Fishing website,Network security,Camouflage connection, electronic commerce, preventive measures [type of Thesis] Application ,Basics目录目录 (5)第一章前言 (7)1.1课题的背景研究,目的及意义 (7)1.2主要研究容 (7)第二章钓鱼简介 (8)2.1什么是钓鱼 (8)2.2常见钓鱼的类型有那些 (8)第三章钓鱼的现状分析 (9)3.1 国外钓鱼的现状 (9)3.2 反钓鱼联盟的治理状况 (9)第四章钓鱼“钓鱼实例 (13)4.1.“90后”开钓鱼诈骗20余万 (13)4.2 淘宝伪装 (14)第五章钓鱼“钓鱼”原理以及危害 (16)5.1钓鱼的原理 (16)5.1.1 页面制作 (16)5.1.2 后台技术 (16)5.2钓鱼的危害 (17)5.2.1. 传播途径广 (17)5.2.2. 容伪装难辨识 (17)5.2.3. 防难度大 (17)第六章钓鱼的的识别和防方法 (19)6.1 常见钓鱼攻击方法 (19)6.1.1 钓鱼者入侵初级服务器,窃取用户的名字和地址 (19)6.1.2 钓鱼者发送有针对性的 (19)6.1.3 2011年垃圾及钓鱼攻击趋势预测 (20)6.1.4 全球钓鱼钓鱼攻击方式分布 (21)6.1.5 钓鱼攻击对象分布 (21)6.2 “钓鱼”防措施 (22)6.2.1 钓鱼的防(专业) (22)6.2.2 钓鱼的防(普通) (25)总结语 (30)参考文献 (31)致 (32)第一章前言1.1课题研究的背景,目的及意义欺骗别人给出口令或其他敏感信息的方法在黑客界已经有一个悠久的历史。
安装防病毒软件、防火墙等安 全软件,定期更新病毒库和安 全补丁。
避免使用简单密码,定期更换 密码,增加账号安全性。
不轻易Байду номын сангаас露个人敏感信息,如 身份证号、银行卡号等,防范
制定相关法律法规 加强执法力度 建立协作机制 完善司法解释
网络钓鱼攻击通常利用人们的心理弱点,通过伪造邮件、短信、社交媒体消息等手段,诱导受害者点 击恶意链接、下载病毒文件或提供敏感信息,从而达到窃取财产或个人隐私的目的。
防范网络钓鱼攻击需要提高安全意识,不轻信来路不明的邮件、短信等信息,谨慎处理涉及金钱和个 人隐私的事务。同时,加强安全培训和教育,提高员工和消费者的网络安全素养和防范能力。
攻击者利用窃取的个人信息进行欺诈活动 ,如假冒用户进行购物、转账等,导致用 户财务损失。
网络钓鱼攻击可能携带恶意软件,感染用 户电脑或其他设备,破坏系统安全和数据 安全。
企业遭受网络钓鱼攻击后,可能导致客户 和合作伙伴的信任受损,影响企业声誉和 业务发展。
网络钓鱼攻击的识别与防 范
通过培训,使员工了解网络钓鱼攻击的常见手段,如恶意邮件、虚假网站等,以及可能 造成的危害,如个人信息泄露、财务损失等。
培养员工对可疑信息的敏感度,能够识别出潜在的网络钓鱼攻击,如邮件中的恶意链接 、虚假网站等。
基于专家知识库的反钓鱼系统的设计与实现开题报告1. 研究背景随着互联网的发展和普及,网络钓鱼现象越来越普遍。
2. 研究内容本次研究的内容是基于专家知识库的反钓鱼系统的设计与实现。
主要研究以下内容:1. 钓鱼攻击特征分析:通过对已知的钓鱼攻击进行分析,确定钓鱼攻击的特征和规律。
2. 专家知识库设计:根据钓鱼攻击的特征和规律,设计专家知识库,并将专家知识转化为规则和算法。
3. 系统实现:将专家知识库集成到反钓鱼系统中,实现对钓鱼攻击的识别和防范。
4. 系统评估:通过实验评估反钓鱼系统的性能和效果,分析系统存在的缺陷和问题,并提出改进措施。
3. 研究方法本次研究采用以下研究方法:1. 文献综述:通过查阅相关的文献和资料,了解反钓鱼技术的研究现状和发展趋势。
2. 实证分析:通过实验验证反钓鱼系统的性能和效果,并评估系统的优缺点。
3. 设计与实现:基于所得到的结果和分析,设计和实现反钓鱼系统。
4. 现有技术目前,反钓鱼技术主要包括以下几种:1. 网站验证技术:通过检验网站的合法性和真实性,识别网站是否为伪造的钓鱼网站。
2. 电子邮件验证技术:通过验证邮件的发件人和收件人地址,判断是否为钓鱼邮件。
3. 输入数据验证技术:通过验证用户输入的数据,判断是否为恶意输入,如SQL注入等。
4. 流量分析技术:通过对网络流量的分析,检测出可能存在的钓鱼攻击行为。
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I.J. Information Technology and Computer Science, 2016, 2, 78-84Published Online February 2016 in MECS (/)DOI: 10.5815/ijitcs.2016.02.10Experimental Analysis of Browser based Novel Anti-Phishing System Tool at Educational LevelRajendra GuptaBSSS Autonomous College, Barkatullah University, Bhopal - 462024, IndiaE-mail: rajendragupta1@Piyush Kumar ShuklaUniversity Institute of Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Technical University, Bhopal - 462026, IndiaE-mail: pphdwss@Abstract—In the phishing attack, the user sends their confidential information on mimic websites and face the financial problem, so the user should be informed immediately about the visiting website. According to the Third Quarter Phishing Activity Trends Report, there are 55,282 new phishing websites have been detected in the month of July 2014. To solve the phishing problem, a browser based add-on system may be one of the best solution to aware the user about the website type. In this paper, a novel browser based add-on system is proposed and compared its performance with the existing anti-phishing tools. The proposed anti-phishing tool ‘ePhish’ is compared with the existing browser based anti-phishing toolbars. All the anti-phishing tools have been installed in computer systems at an autonomous college to check their performance. The obtained result shows that if the task is divided into a group of systems, it can give better results. For different phishing features, the add-on system tool show around 97 percentage successful results at different case conditions. The current study would be very helpful to countermeasure the phishing attach and the proposed system is able to protect the user by phishing attacks. Since the system tool is capable of handling and managing the phishing website details, so it would be helpful to identify the category of the websites.Index Terms—Web browser, Add-on, Phishing, Anti-phishing, Phishing Indicators.I. I NTRODUCTIONTo reduce the phishing attack, it is necessary to make awareness among the web user about the type of websites and spread the message to the web user that how the phishing website steal the confidential information of the web user. The web browser is used to access the websites so the web browser based solution can be helpful to the web user to protect their confidential information from phishing attack. The web browser can directly warn the user about the type of website with the help of add-on which is an optional tool installed on it. This solution is more effective than other solutions for protection from phishing attack. In addition, the web browser market is mostly using three browsers i.e. Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome which comprises around 90% of the total web browsers use [1]. So these web browsers taken for the testing and finding the result at education institute. The study of S. Egelman et.al [2] shows that when Firefox 2 web browser shows the phishing warnings on its display, none of the users entered sensitive information into the websites. The same study recommended that the result analysis of Internet Explorer’s phishing warning. On the basis of research study, regular updations are going on with the web browser and they are giving effective results for the phishing countermeasures. It is necessary that the web browser should accurately identify the phishing web sites (low false positive result) so that the user can trust on the web browser’s warning messages. Some web browsers are already providing the alert system for possible malicious attacks. If the website is not having HTTPs protocol and the user is feeding their credential information on it, the web browser should display the alert message to the user about the possible phishing attack. If the website is suspicious then the web browser checks the security certificate whether it is present in the website or not. After checking the security certificate, the web browser alerts the user about the type of website. To check the performance of anti-phishing tools, a research study has been done at an educational institute. The concept behind the designing of the Anti-phishing tool is that when internet user hit the URL, a dialog box appear on the screen that inform the user about the type of the website whether it is phishing or not. In the proposed add-on, the system is divided into five different assigned groups and the performance of the system tool is tested by data mining algorithms.II. R ELATED W ORK ON B ROWSER BASED A NTI-P HISHINGT OOLIn the previous study, researchers has suggested and studied a number of anti-phishing system models to find the solution of phishing [3-9]. The earlier proposed models do not give more than 90 percentage successful result [10-14]. In some cases, the system tools are giving only 50-60 percentage successful result. Since thetechniques and tools are upgrading day-by-day and changes are being happening in the website designing, so the web developer tries to utilize advanced techniques to make the phishing website. In this case, the existing tools are not finding accurate result. So it is noted that a system should be developed that can manage and support the advanced tools of web development so that the better result could be achieved. A. Martin et.al. [15] have worked on the 27 phishing criteria using the concept of Neural Network. The same criteria have been taken by other researchers to find the solution from phishing attack [16-20]. A survey on the anti-phishing techniques has been done which is helpful in this study [32].III. R ESEARCH C RITERIA OF U RL,C ONTENT AND I MAGEM ATCHINGWhen web user wants to access the website, he first hit the web address on the URL or reached to the target webpage from any other website reference tags. In this case, first of all the URL and its contents should be checked then the contents and existing images should be checked [21]. To check the various indicators of the website, it takes several times to cross check the website information with the database information stored in the database of the Add-on. In the earlier study, browser-based client-side solutions have been proposed to mitigate the phishing attacks [22, 23]. Some techniques have also been developed which attempt to prevent phishing mails which are being delivered [24, 25]. So we should have a system that can fast and accurate check the fed information with the database information. To make the fast accessing system, I have defined the study points for the best possible solution. The studied criteria for the phishing have collected from the previous study [26, 27, 28]. Following are the study points of phishing criteria and the reason for taking these study points are discussed herewith.1.Number of dots ‘.’ present in the URLWhen a webs ite prepared, generally two ‘.’ are used with the separation of www and the domain type. (e.g. ). If more numbe r of ‘.’ are using in the website, it means the attacker is trying to redirect the website to another webpage or trying to spoof the internet user. So if we found that the website is using more than 3 dots, the system can inform the user that ‘It may be a risky site, don’t feed any confidential information in it without confirmation’. If number of dot is more than 4, the system can declare the website is phishing. The example of phishing website is http://www.myhomepage.co.in//yahoo.co/php or http://www.myhomepage.co.in/ login.php etc.2.Number of ‘@’ present in the URLSome of the phishing attack uses ‘@’ symbol to redirect the user to another website. Generally @ symbol is used in the FTP server to redirect the user. Since when user create his e-mail account, @ symbol is used. So the use of @ symbol in the URL is very good thinking of the attacker to spoof the web user. The attacker can create the website like http://www.myhomepage.co@?. In this case user can think that he is directing from website.3.Number of ‘//’ present in the URLWhen website prepares, it is uploaded with either http or https protocol. http protocol uses ‘//’ symbol to redirect the webpage. So the phishing attack uses a number of ‘//’ in the URL to spoof the w eb user. It is noticed that legitimate website do not uses more than two ‘//’ symbol while redirecting the webpage. So if an attacker uses more than two ‘//’ symbols, we can identify the whether the website is spoofing or not.4.Existence of IP (Internet Protocol) address in theURLIn the functioning of any website, an IP address is provided to the domain of concerned URL. The sending and receiving of the data from the website functions with the use of this IP address. To spoof the user, generally attackers try to use IP address in URL instead of giving any alphabetic name. IPv4 addresses are separated in four different parts with the help of dot (.). For example http://www. instead of In such situation the internet user doesn’t understand which website he is visiting.5.Port Number in the URLSome of the phishing URL try to redirect the web user to different port addresses. To do this attacker uses the target port number in its phishing URL address. For example the phishing website http://www. /index.htm trying to send the myhomepagewebsite contents to 8087 port of the server. Generally server has assigned 80 or 8080 port number. By tracing the port number from the URL address, we can find the website is trying to spoofing the internet user or not.6.The websites which are having HTTPs protocol It is noticed that phishing attack tries to make almost similar website to the legitimate website by ignoring the security. The phishing attack gives the attention for the changing of URL address, website contents, images etc. Since the security certificate is required to safe transaction over the web, the website holder takes the prior permission from the authority concern. When the authority gives the security permission to the website holder, the protocols converts with HTTPs. The website which uses HTTPs protocol can transfer the data securely. The phishing attack creates the spoofed URL address by ignoring the HTTPs. For example in place of https://, the attacker can create the website If attackers try to use fake security certificate in the website, web browser automatically detect the fakecertificate and do not give the permission to the website to function.7.Number of Phishing Keywords present in theURLIt is seen that some phishing attack uses phishing keywords in place of legitimate website contents by changing, replacing, shifting or deleting the characters from the website. For example in place of , phishing attack can create the website,, etc. In this case suppose a user hit the wrong URL, he will send his confidential information to a spoofed website.8.Country Code present in the URLWhile checking the URL, country code with the help of WorldIP plug-in of Mozilla Firefox web browser, it is found that the URL web address doesn’t match the exact country which is mentioned in the web URL. It is seen in the report of Advanced Phishing Working Group that some targeted countries country codes are used for web URL to lure the user. By cross-checking the country code and the IP address of the website, it can be determined that the user accessed website is legitimate or phishing. 9.Title TagPhishing websites generally do not emphasize on the title of the website. It is seen that sometimes in the phishing sites, the web address and the title tags remains different. For example the website /kf06/ppl/paypal.html is a phishing website which uses the legitimate website title tag and tries to redirect the user to paypel website as target.10.Form Tags on the web pageThe Form tags are commonly used for the preparation of the website. It can be used for requesting user to feed the data into website. For example the form tag can be used for asking the information like login, password, credit card number etc. Mostly the phishing website developer uses the same form tags and fields to spoof the user. So by finding the number of Form tags and name of the Form tags used in the website, we can find the website category.11.Image Tags on the web pageA phishing website can be created by using images instead of using text. The images can be used by taking the snapshot of the legitimate website. In this case, by using the web image matching algorithms [29] we can find the accessing website is using the same size or different size image of legitimate website. To apply the images in the webpage, <image> tags are used.12.Href Tags on the web pageThe <href> tag is used to create a link to another document or webpage. We can count the number of href tags of visiting website with the legitimate website and by using this tag, we can check the reference webpage whether it is legitimate page or not. Some times href tag is used to make the link with legitimate webpage and sometimes it redirect the user to not authorised webpage. If the href reference page matches the link with visiting webpage, the site would be legitimate otherwise phishing.13.Login/Password evaluationThe phishing websites uses login and password keywords in its webpage. The previous study of phishing has been done on the basis of these two keywords and found that generally banking and e-commerce websites uses these keywords to collect the username and password of the internet user. The legitimate websites which ask the login and password information of the user takes the permission from the security authorities as a Security Certificate to protect the webpage. The HTTPs protocol is assigned for such websites. The phishing websites do not take the permission of security authorities for securing the webpage, so we can check the login and password tags with HTTPs protocol in the website. On the basis of these tags, we can find the accessing website is phishing or legitimate.14.Script Tags on the web pageThe phishing site uses the <script> tag to redirect the web user to client-side system. The <script> tag is used to define a client-side script, such as a JavaScript. The <script> element either contains scripting statements, or it points to an external script file through the src attribute. Common uses for JavaScript are image manipulation, form validation and dynamic changes of content. We can find the number of script tags in the accessing websites and can be cross-checked these tags with the legitimate website scripts tags. If the numbers of script tag of accessing and legitimate website are same, we can keep the accessing website record for the observation of phishing.15.Link Tags on the web pageWhile accessing the link tags of phishing website, it doesn’t work or redirect the user to l egitimate site which are not directly concerned with the visiting website. A number of link tags are possible like image tag, href tag, form tag, title tag etc. we have examined that while checking all the tags of the webpage, some links does not match the domain name or send the user to not concerning webpage.Apart from these finding criteria, we can also find the domain age from website. By the use of this website, we can find the information about the website, like when it is created and how long it will be exist. Some of the governmental authorities are also working to countermeasure the phishing attack and finding the better solution to protect the user from internet fraud. These authorities have already declared many websites as phishing, so we have taken the help from these authorised sites to increase our database source. Masoumeh Zareapoor et.al. [30] found that feature extraction techniques offer better performance forthe classification, give stable classification results. Gaurav et.al. [31] have described, how to identify the phishing websites. In his study, he has suggested following techniques with its advantages and disadvantages:i.Attribute based anti-phishing techniques, in thistechnique Attribute-based anti-phishing strategy implements both reactive and proactive anti-phishing defenses. The advantage of this technique is that as attribute based anti-phishing considers a lot of checks so it is able to detect more phished sites than other approaches. It can detect known as well as unknown attacks. The disadvantage of this technique is that as multiple checks perform to authenticate site this could result in slow response time.ii.Genetic Algorithm Based Anti Phishing Techniques, in this technique, genetic algorithms can be used to evolve simple rules for preventing phishing attacks.These rules are used to differentiate normal website from anomalous website. These anomalous websites refer to events with probability of phishing attacks.The advantage of this technique is that it provides the feature of malicious status notification before the user reads the mail. It also provides malicious web link detection in addition of phishing detection.The disadvantage of this technique is that Single rule for phishing detection like in case of URL is far from enough, so we need multiple rule set for only one type of URL based phishing detection.iii.An Identity Based Anti Phishing Techniques, This technique follows mutual authentication methodology where both user and online entity validates each other’s identity during handshake. It is an anti-phishing technique that integrates partial credentials sharing and client filtering technique to prevent phishing attack from easily masquerading as legitimate online entities. The advantage of this technique is that it provide mutual authentication for server as well as client side. Using this technique, user does not reveal his credential password in whole session except first time when the session is initialized. The disadvantage of this technique is that in identity based anti-phishing, if a hacker gain access to the client computer and disable the browser plug-in then method will be compromise against phishing detection.iv.Character Based Anti Phishing Approach,in this technique character based anti-phishing technique uses characteristics of hyperlink in order to detect phishing links. The advantage of this concept is that it not only detect known attacks, but also is effective to the unknown ones but the disadvantage of this concept is that it may result false positives, since using dotted decimal IP addresses instead of domain names may be desirable in some special circumstances.v.Content Based Anti-Phishing Approach, According to this concept, the phishing web pages are activeonly for short period of time and therefore will acquire low rank during internet search and this becomes basis for content based anti-phishing approach.IV. P ROPOSED A RCHITECTURE AND W ORKINGE NVIRONMENTTo test the proposed anti-phishing system, the add-on tool should be applied at the educational institution because of at an educational institution, there are different subjective departments and educated persons who can produce accurate result and can help in the research study and analysis of the anti-phishing tool’s performance. We have applied an anti-phishing test bed at the autonomous college. For checking the tool’s performance, a test bed setup is applied at the college in which computers were configured using Intel Core I3 CPU 4300 @ 1.80 GHz processor. Each PC was configured with 2 GB RAM and 80 GB hard disk. We have taken same configuration computers to avoid network latency. In the Figure 1, an diagram of the network structure at the college is demonstrated. In this network, different department computers are attached with the dedicated assigned server which is directly connected with a main server. The anti-phishing tool is loaded at both client and server side. When the user at client side computer access the website, add-on start the functioning and gives the messages according to the website type. As per the user’s answer given to the add-on tool, the results get stored at the dedicated assigned server. The functioning of the assigned server is to collect the information received from client side computer and send it to main server for the analysis of the tool’s performance. This result comes from all the departments to the dedicated assigned server. The result then analysed at the main server. At the main server, WEKA (Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis), a data mining analysis software is loaded. The WEKA is designed to solve the data mining algorithm issue, which is an open Java source code that includes implementations of different methods for several different data mining tasks such as clustering, classification, association rules and regression analysis.At the college campus, all the department computers were connected with the wireless LAN. The set-up of the LAN system was as under mentioned:1.Due to a large number of computers connectedwith the LAN, the client/server model is applied atthe college.2.The Bus and Tree topology is configured on theLAN.3.The college was connected with the leased line ofInternet with the additional hardware support ofRouter, Switches and Access Points.4.Dedicated servers comprise a File, Print Server,Administration Database server and Applicationsservers are assigned on the network.5.Switches are used to connect different departmentcomputers, administrative section, library, accountsection and general sections of the college.For installing and applying the add-on tool, we have taken the help from a task manager and set of computer workers, each of which is responsible for checking and evaluating the tool. During the test at the site, the task manager has installed the anti-phishing add-on on web browser of all the computers. The task manager informs all the person of different departments to use different websites at their computer and send the feedback information which the web browser asks to the user.Fig.1. Anti-Phishing System Model at Educational InstituteFig.2. The System Model for Anti-Phishing ApproachWe have taken around three hours for 10 different days to collect the result data from the add-on tool. The system tool is tested on January, 2, 7, 12, 17, 22 and 27, 2014 and February 1, 6, 11 and 16, 2014 at the college. During this time, the task manager has collected and sent a batch of new phishing and legitimate websites to the test bed after every 15 minutes. The test bed began the testing of web sites. Each user had opened up the web browser with the installed add-on and given the feedback to the add-on about the web site. As per the accessing website by the user, the add-on tool has collected and tested around 2145 websites in the month of January and February. After receiving the information sent by different users, a database is prepared to analyse the result of the proposed anti-phishing tool. Figure 2 shows the system model of implemented anti-phishing tool at educational institute in which systems are installed at different departments. The flow of the system model on the basis of system tool functioning is as given below:V. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTThe performance analysis of the anti-phishing tool is tested by getting the response received from anti-phishing tools and the user’s feedback. During the testing period, around 2145 websites have been tested and 271 websites found suspicious. While checking these suspicious websites with the database information of the anti-phishing tool and Anti-Phishing Working Groups, 249 websites found phishing. The result of per day record is shown in the Table 1. On the basis of this result, the tool’s effectiveness can be calculated byEffectiveness=Number of supicious websitesTotal number of websitesx100‘Number of Phishing websites / Total number of Suspicious Websites’ and the accuracy can be calculated by following formula:Accuracy=Number of correct pℎisℎing websitesTotal number of suspicious websitex100The anti-phishing tool’s performance in terms of its effectiveness and accuracy is shown in the following Figure 3.Table 1. The Results Received from Proposed Anti-Phishing Systemin Different DaysFig.3. Performance of Anti-Phishing Tool (ePhish) Tested atEducational InstituteThe effectiveness of the anti-phishing tool shows around 91.88% successful result. The tool has detected 2.22% legitimate websites as phishing. This suspected result is again tested by the system tool by further analysis method and after rectifying the problem; the corrected record is added in the data base of the Add-on. The remaining 5.9 % websites didn’t found as legitimate or phishing by the anti-phishing tool, because of 2.6% websites are designed in other language and 3.3% websites do not properly formatted. Since the proposed anti-phishing tool is designed for the English language based websites which do not support any other language so the performance of the tool gets down. If we leave the result of any other language websites, the tool’s performance reached to around 97.6%.VI. C ONCLUSIONThe Anti-phishing tool with the novel concept is designed and applied at one of the educational institutions to prevent the user from phishing attack. While testing the anti-phishing tool, it is found that the user awareness about the phishing is very essential. If user is not aware of phishing, the spoofing websites can easily steal the personal and confidential information of the user. The anti-phishing tool is showing around 92 percentage successful result for finding the phishing websites. The anti-phishing tool didn’t find remaining 8 percentage phishing websites during the test hit because of these websites are designed in other languages or not properly designed and formatted. The division of task in different groups is showing the better result. The phishing problem is growing almost all the areas of information technology sectors. But the problem is severe at the financial and money transactional websites. It is recommended that the anti-phishing tool and its awareness system should be implemented separately for these sectors.A CKNOWLEDGEMENTI thank Dr. Piyush Shukla, Assistant Professor for giving me valuable support and guidance to prepare the manuscript and also to the Principal, BSSS Autonomous College to provide me the working environment for the research work. 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