P1 RFP Surface Preparation and Primers 2011 06


无菌工艺模拟试验指南 英语

无菌工艺模拟试验指南 英语

无菌工艺模拟试验指南英语Aseptic Processing Simulation Test GuideAseptic processing is a critical aspect of pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturing, ensuring the sterility and safety of products. The implementation of a comprehensive aseptic processing simulation test is essential to validate the effectiveness of the aseptic techniques and procedures employed in the production environment. This guide provides a detailed overview of the key elements and considerations for conducting a successful aseptic processing simulation test.The primary objective of an aseptic processing simulation test is to assess the ability of the manufacturing personnel to maintain sterile conditions throughout the entire production process. This includes the proper gowning procedures, aseptic manipulations, equipment handling, and environmental monitoring. The simulation test should closely mimic the actual production process, allowing for the identification and resolution of any potential weaknesses or areas of improvement.One of the crucial components of the aseptic processing simulationtest is the selection of the appropriate microbiological media and challenge organisms. The media should be capable of supporting the growth of a wide range of microorganisms, including bacteria, yeasts, and molds. The challenge organisms should be representative of the potential contaminants that may be encountered in the production environment. Common examples include Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Candida albicans.The simulation test should be designed to evaluate the entire aseptic process, from the initial gowning and preparation of the work area to the final product handling and packaging. This includes the assessment of the following key elementsGowning ProceduresThe proper donning and doffing of the required personal protective equipment (PPE), such as sterile gowns, gloves, masks, and head coverings, is crucial to maintaining the sterile environment. The simulation test should assess the ability of the personnel to correctly don and remove the PPE without compromising the sterile integrity.Aseptic ManipulationsThe simulation test should evaluate the personnel's ability to perform aseptic manipulations, such as the transfer of materials, the handling of equipment, and the execution of critical process steps. This includes the assessment of hand-eye coordination, dexterity,and adherence to established aseptic techniques.Environmental MonitoringThe simulation test should incorporate environmental monitoring to assess the cleanliness of the work area and the effectiveness of the facility's air handling and filtration systems. This may include the use of settle plates, active air samplers, and surface monitoring techniques to detect the presence of viable microorganisms.Media Fill TestingMedia fill testing is a critical component of the aseptic processing simulation test. This involves the use of a sterile growth medium, such as soybean-casein digest medium (SCDM), to simulate the actual production process. The test assesses the ability of the personnel to maintain sterile conditions throughout the entire process, from the preparation of the growth medium to the final product filling or packaging.Incubation and EvaluationThe inoculated media fill samples should be incubated under appropriate conditions to allow for the growth of any potential contaminants. The samples are then evaluated for the presence of microbial growth, which can indicate a breach in the aseptic process.Data Analysis and ReportingThe results of the aseptic processing simulation test should be thoroughly analyzed and documented. This includes the evaluation of the environmental monitoring data, the media fill test results, and any observed deviations or issues during the simulation. The analysis should identify any areas of concern and provide recommendations for corrective actions or process improvements.The frequency and scope of the aseptic processing simulation test should be determined based on the complexity of the manufacturing process, the risk profile of the products, and the regulatory requirements. In general, the simulation test should be conducted at least annually, or more frequently if significant process changes or deviations occur.It is important to note that the aseptic processing simulation test is not a one-time event but rather a continuous process of evaluation and improvement. The results of the simulation test should be used to identify and address any weaknesses in the aseptic techniques and procedures, as well as to provide valuable feedback for the ongoing training and development of the manufacturing personnel.In conclusion, the aseptic processing simulation test is a critical component of ensuring the sterility and safety of pharmaceutical and medical products. By implementing a comprehensive simulation test, manufacturers can validate the effectiveness of their asepticprocesses, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately enhance the quality and reliability of their products.。



SSPC-SP COMNovember 1, 2004SSPC: The Society for Protective CoatingsSURFACE PREPARATION SPECIFICATIONSSurface Preparation Commentary for Steel and Concrete Substrates1. IntroductionThis Surface Preparation Commentary (SP COM) is in-tended to be an aid in selecting the proper surface preparation method, materials, and specifi cation for steel, other metals, and concrete. A compilation of standards, guides, and speci-fi cations related to concrete is available as SSPC publication #04-03 “Surface Preparation and Coating of Concrete.” The SP COM is not part of the actual standards, but is included to provide a better understanding of the SSPC surface prepara-tion standards. In addition, surface preparation standards other than those published by SSPC are referenced.The SSPC standards, summarized in Table 1, represent a broad consensus of users, suppliers, and public interest groups. Details of the methods used to measure many of the properties discussed in this SP COM are described in SSPC publication 03-14, “The Inspection of Coatings and Linings, A Handbook of Basic Practice for Inspectors, Owners, and Specifi ers, 2nd Ed.”2. Contents1. Introduction2. Contents3. Importance of Surface Preparation4. Surface Conditions4.1NewConstruction4.2Maintenance4.3SurfaceContaminants4.3.1Rust,Stratifi ed Rust, Pack Rust, and Rust Scale4.3.2MillScale4.3.3 Grease and Oil4.3.4 Dirt and Dust4.3.5Moisture4.3.6SolubleSalts4.3.7PaintChalk4.3.8DeterioratedPaint4.4SurfaceDefects4.4.1 WeldsandWeldSpatter4.4.2 WeldPorosity4.4.3 SharpEdges4.4.4 Pits4.4.5 Laminations,Slivers4.4.6 Crevices4.4.7 ConcreteDefects4.5RustBack 5. Summary of SSPC Surface Preparation Standards5.1 SSPC-SP 1, “Solvent Cleaning”5.1.1PetroleumSolventsandTurpentine5.1.2AlkalineCleaners5.1.3EmulsionCleaners5.1.4SteamCleaning5.1.5ThresholdLimitValues5.1.6PaintRemoval5.2 SSPC-SP 2, “Hand Tool Cleaning”5.2.1 Loose Rust, Mill Scale, and Paint5.2.2ConsensusReferencePhotographs5.3 SSPC-SP 3, “Power Tool Cleaning”5.3.1 Loose Rust, Mill Scale, and Paint5.3.2ConsensusReferencePhotographs5.4 SSPC-SP 4, “Flame Cleaning of New Steel”5.5 SSPC-SP 5/NACE No. 1, “White Metal Blast Cleaning”5.5.1ConsensusReferencePhotographs5.6 SSPC-SP 6/NACE No. 3, “Commercial Blast Cleaning”5.6.1ReferencePhotographs5.7 SSPC-SP 7/NACE No. 4, “Brush-Off Blast Cleaning”5.7.1ConsensusReferencePhotographs5.8 SSPC-SP 8, “Pickling”5.9 SSPC-SP 9, “Weathering Followed by Blast Cleaning”5.10 SSPC-SP 10/NACE No. 2, “Near-White Blast Cleaning”5.10.1ConsensusReferencePhotographs5.11 SSPC-SP 11, “Power T ool Cleaning to Bare Metal”5.11.1 Power Tools and Cleaning Media5.11.2 Power Tools with Vacuum Shrouds5.11.3ConsensusReferencePhotographs5.12 SSPC-SP 12/NACE No. 5, “Surface Preparation andCleaning of Metals by Waterjetting Prior to Coating”5.12.1SurfaceCleanliness5.12.2FlashRusting5.12.3ConsensusReferencePhotographs5.13 SSPC-SP 13/NACE No. 6, “Surface Preparationof Concrete”5.14 SSPC-SP 14/NACE No. 8, “Industrial Blast Cleaning”5.14.1ConsensusReferencePhotographs5.15 SSPC-SP 15, “Commercial Grade Power T ool Cleaning”5.15.1ConsesnsusReferencePhotographs6. Selection of Abrasives, Blast Cleaning Parameters,and Equipment6.1 Abrasive Characteristics6.1.1 Hardness6.1.2 Size6.1.3 Shape6.1.4 BulkDensity6.1.5Friability/WasteGeneration6.1.6 RecyclabilitySSPC-SP COM November 1, 20046.2 Factors Affecting Surface Profi le 6.2.1 Profi le Height 6.2.2 Profi le Texture (Roughness) 6.3 Parameters That Affect Productivity 6.3.1 Particle Size 6.3.2 Hardness 6.3.3 Shape 6.3.4 Specifi c Gravity 6.3.5 Nozzle Pressure 6.3.6 Nozzle Type 6.3.7 Nozzle to Surface Distance 6.3.8 Impact Angle 6.3.9 Abrasive Metering 6.3.10 Abrasive Cleanliness 6.3.11 Embedment 6.4 Abrasive Types 6.4.1 Metallic Abrasives 6.4.2 Non-Metallic Abrasives 6.5 Blast Equipment 6.5.1 Conventional Blasting 6.5.2 Vacuum Blasting 6.5.3 Abrasive Blast Cleaning Above 760 kPa (110 psi)7. Summary of SSPC Abrasive Standard s 7.1 SSPC-AB 1, “Mineral And Slag Abrasives 7.2 SSPC-AB 2, “Cleanliness of Recycled Ferrous Metallic Abrasives” 7.3 SSPC-AB 3, “Ferrous Metallic Abrasive”8. Wet Abrasive Blast and Waterjetting Me thods 8.1 Water Cleaning and Waterjetting (Without Abrasive) 8.1.1 Degrees of Cleaning 8.1.2 Profi le 8.1.3 Water Consumption 8.1.4 Equipment 8.1.5 F lash Rust 8.2 Wet Abrasive Blast Cleaning 8.2.1 Air/Water/Abrasive Blasting 8.2.2 Water/Abrasive Blast Cleaning 8.3 Flash Rust and Rust Bloom 8.4 Inhibitors and Salt Removers 9. Other Cleaning Methods 9.1 Chemical Stripping 9.2 Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda) Blast Cleaning 9.3 Pliant Media Blasting (Sponge Jetting) 9.4 Carbon Dioxide (Dry Ice) Blasting 9.5 Electrochemical Stripping 10. Film Thickness 11. Consensus Reference Photographs 11.1 SSPC-VIS 1,” Guide and Reference Photographsfor Steel Surfaces Prepared by Dry A brasive Blast Cleaning “11.2 SSPC-VIS 2, “Standard Method of EvaluatingDegree of Rusting on Painted Steel Surfaces”11.3 SSPC-VIS 3, “ Guide and Reference Photographsfor Steel Surfaces Prepared by Hand and Power Tool Cleaning “11.4SSPC-VIS 4/NACE VIS 7, “Guide and Reference Photographs for Steel Surfaces Prepared by Waterjetting”11.5 SSPC-VIS 5/NACE VIS 9, “Guide and ReferencePhotographs for Steel Surfaces Prepared by Wet Abrasive Blast Cleaning”11.6 ISO Pictorial Standards 11.7 Other Photographic Standards 11.8 Project Prepared Standards12. Other SSPC Surface Preparation Documents in This Volume 12.1 SSPC-TR 1/NACE 6G194, “Joint TechnologyReport on Thermal Precleaning”12.2 SSPC-TR 2/NACE 6G198, “Joint T echnical Reporton Wet Abrasive Blast Cleaning”12.3 SSPC-TU 2/NACE 6G197, “Informational Reportand Technology Update on Design, Installation, and Maintenance of Coating Systems for Concrete Used in Secondary Containment”12.4 SSPC-TU 4, “F ield Methods for Retrieval andAnalysis of Soluble Salts on Substrates”12.5 SSPC-TU 6, “Chemical Stripping of OrganicCoatings from Steel Structures”13. Non-SSPC Cleaning Standards14. Surface Preparation of Concrete for Coating 14.1 Industry Standards 14.2 Methods of Cleaning Concrete15. Surface Preparation of Other Metallic Surfaces 15.1 Aluminum 15.2 Stainless Steel 15.3 Copper Alloys3. Importance of Surface PreparationOften, the surface preparation of steel for painting requires a three step process: 1) initial pre-cleaning to remove grease, oil, dirt, and other surface contaminants; 2) cleaning with hand/power tools, pressurized water, chemicals, or abrasive blast-ing; 3) creation or verifi cation of the specifi ed anchor pattern profi le. The life of a coating depends as much on the degree and quality of surface preparation as on the selected coating system, because most coating failures can be attributed to inadequate surface preparation or lack of coating adhesion. Surface preparation, therefore, should receive thorough con-sideration. The primary functions of surface preparation are:• To remove surface contaminants that can inducepremature coating failure• To provide a clean surface with adequate profi le forgood coating adhesion.Where conventional abrasive blast cleaning is not allowed or is impractical, alternative abrasives or methods of cleaning the surface must be employed. Chemical stripping will remove paint and is relatively easy to contain. Hence, chemical strip-ping may be used around sensitive machinery or in densely populated areas. (Refer to SSPC-TU 6, “Chemical Stripping of Organic Coatings from Steel Structures.”) A lternative abrasivesSSPC-SP COMNovember 1, 2004TABLE 1SUMMARY OF CURRENT SSPC ABRASIVE ANDSURFACE PREPARATION STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONSSSPC SPECIFICATION DESCRIPTIONAB1Mineral and Slag Abrasives Definition of requirements for selecting and evaluating mineral and slag abrasives used for blast cleaning.AB 2Cleanliness of Recycled Ferrous Metallic Abrasive Cleanliness requirements for a recycled work mix and a description of the test procedures.AB 3Ferrous Metallic Abrasive Requirements of chemical and physical properties of iron and steel abrasives.SP 1Solvent Cleaning Removal of oil, grease, dirt, soil, salts, and contaminants by cleaning with solvent, vapor, alkali, emulsion, or steam.SP 2Hand Tool Cleaning Removal of loose rust, loose mill scale, and loose paint to degree specified, by hand chipping, scraping, sanding, and wire brushing.SP 3Power Tool Cleaning Removal of loose rust, loose mill scale, and loose paint to degree specified, by power tool chipping, descaling, sanding, wire brushing, and grinding.SP 5/NACE No. 1White Metal Blast Cleaning Removal of all visible rust, mill scale, paint, and foreign matter by blast cleaning by wheel or nozzle (dry or wet) using sand, grit or shot. For very corrosive atmospheres where high cost of cleaning is warranted.SP 6/NACE No. 3 Commercial Blast Cleaning Blast cleaning until at least two-thirds of the surface is free of all visible residues with only staining permitted on the remainder. For conditions where a thoroughly cleaned surface is required.SP 7/NACE No. 4Brush-Off Blast Cleaning Blast cleaning of all except tightly adhering residues of mill scale, rust, and coatings, while uniformly roughening the surface.SP 8 Pickling Complete removal of rust and mill scale by acid pickling, duplex pickling, or electrolytic pickling.SP 10/NACE No. 2Near-White Blast Cleaning Blast cleaning nearly to White Metal cleanliness, until at least 95% of the surface is free of all visible residues with only staining permitted on the remainder. For high humidity, chemical atmosphere, marine, or other corrosive environments.SP 11Power Tool Cleaning to Bare Metal Complete removal of all rust, scale, and paint by power tools, with resultant surface profile.continued...SSPC-SP COM November 1, 2004such as sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) or dry ice (CO2) can sometimes be used in places where conventional abrasives cannot be used. A class of abrasives has been developed where each abrasive particle is contained in a urethane sponge. The sponge contains the abrasive and facilitates cleanup and recycling. Alternative methods of surface preparation are discussed in more detail in Chapter 2.9 of the SSPC Painting Manual, Vol. 1.An advantage of all wet blast methods is the control of dust emissions. Wet blast methods may involve water alone, abrasive injected into the water stream, water injected into an abrasive air stream, or a water curtain surrounding an air/ abrasive stream. Power tools with vacuum shrouds have also been proven effective in controlling dust emissions, particularly in removing lead-containing paint. It is important to note that surface preparation methods used to control dust may not necessarily eliminate any hazards associated with disturbance of hazardous materials such as lead. In applications where the presence of soluble salts on the steel surface creates a serious problem, such as tank linings, it may be benefi cial to incorporate water into the cleaning process.T o gain maximum benefi t from a high performance industrial coating, it is not prudent to cut back on the surface preparation. Surface preparation is important even when a “surface tolerant” coating is used. When the manufacturer claims a particular coating will “tolerate” a given amount of rust, old paint, or other contamination on the steel surface, it is likely that the coating will perform even better if the surface is prepared to a higher level of cleanliness.SP 12/NACE No. 5Surface Preparation and Cleaning of Metals by Waterjetting Prior to Coating Defines four degrees of cleaning for visible contaminants (similar to SP 5, 6, 7, and 10) and three levels of flash rust and describes three levels of non-visible surface cleanliness for non-visible soluble salt contamination.SP 13/NACE No. 6Surface Preparation of Concrete Description of inspection procedures prior to surface preparation, methods of surface preparation, inspection, and classification of prepared concrete surfaces.SP 14/NACE No. 8 Industrial Blast Cleaning Between SP 7 (brush-off) and SP 6 (commercial). The intent is to remove as much coating as possible, but contaminants difficult to remove can remain on 10 percent of the surface.SP 15Industrial Grade Power Tool Cleaning Between SP 3 and SP 11. Removes all rust and paint but allows for staining; requires a minimum 1 mil (25 µm) profile.VIS 1Guide and Reference Photographs for Steel Surfaces Prepared by Dry Abrasive Blast Cleaning Standard reference photographs; recommended supplement to SSPC surface preparation standards SSPC-SP 5, 6, 7, 10, and 14.VIS 2Standard Method of Evaluating Degree of Rusting on Painted Steel Surfaces A geometric numerical scale for evaluating degree of rusting of painted steel. Color photographs show staining while matching black and white images depict only rust. Three rust distributions, general, spot, and pinpoint, are depicted.VIS 3Guide and Reference Photographs for Steel Surfaces Prepared by Power-and Hand-Tool Cleaning Standard reference photographs; recommended supplement to SSPC-SP 2, 3, 11, and 15.VIS 4/NACE VIS 7Guide and Reference Photographs for Steel Surfaces Prepared by Waterjetting Standard reference photographs depict previously rusted steel (painted and unpainted) cleaned by water jetting. Photographs depict three levels of flash rusting. Recommended as a supplement to SSPC-SP 12.VIS 5/NACE VIS 9Guide and Reference Photographs for Steel Surfaces Prepared by Wet Abrasive Blast Cleaning Standard reference photographs depict previously rusted unpainted steel cleaned by wet abrasive blast cleaning to SSPC SP 6 and SP 10. Photographs depict three levels of flash rusting. Recommended as a supplement to SSPC-SP 6 and SP 10 when wet blast cleaning methods are used.SSPC-SP COM November 1, 20044. Surface ConditionsThe initial condition of the surface to be cleaned will determine the amount of work, time, and money required to achieve any particular degree of surface cleanliness. It is more diffi cult to remove contaminants from rusty steel than from intact mill scale. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the surface condition prior to selecting the method of cleaning.The initial condition of the steel may determine the choice of abrasive to be used. Steel shot is an economical and ef-fective choice for removing intact mill scale. However, if the steel is rusted and/or pitted, a more angular abrasive such as steel grit or a nonmetallic mineral abrasive will more effectively “scour out” the rust.Although there are almost an infinite number of initial conditions, they can be broadly divided into three categories as follows:• New construction—steel not previously painted• Maintenance—previously painted steel• Contaminated surfaces—common to both new con-struction and maintenance.4.1 NEW CONSTRUCTION: For new construction there are four surface conditions based upon the rust condition classifi cations. These initial conditions, defi ned in SSPC visual consensus references, namely, SSPC-VIS 1, SSPC-VIS 3, and SSPC-VIS 4, are as follows:Rust Condition A Steel surface covered completelywith adherent mill scale; little or norust visibleRust Condition B Steel surface covered with both millscale and rustRust Condition C Steel surface completely coveredwith rust; little or no pitting visible Rust Condition D Steel surface completely coveredwith rust; pitting visibleRust Conditions A, B, C, and D are also referred to as Rust Grades A, B, C, and D.4.2MAINTENANCE: The SSPC documents containing the consensus reference photographs also defi ne conditions E, F, G and H for previously painted surfaces.Condition E Light-colored paint applied over a blast-cleaned surface, paint mostly intact.Condition F Zinc-rich paint applied over blast-cleanedsteel, paint mostly intact.Condition G Painting system applied over mill scalebearing steel; system thoroughly weath-ered, thoroughly blistered, or thoroughlystained.Condition H Degraded painting system applied over steel;system thoroughly weathered, thoroughlyblistered, or thoroughly stained.In maintenance repainting, the degree of surface prepara-tion required depends on the new painting system and on the extent of degradation of the surface to be painted. The amount of rusting on a surface is based on the numerical scale of 0 to 10 given in SSPC-VIS 2 (ASTM D 610), “Standard Method of Evaluating Degree of Rusting on Painted Steel Surfaces,” where a rating of 10 indicates no rust and a rating of 0 indicates more than 50 percent rusting. SSPC-PA Guide 4, “Guide to Mainte-nance Repainting with Oil Base or Alkyd Painting Systems,” suggests the minimum surface preparation needed for each degree of rusting. The SSPC Painting System Commentary will also help in estimating surface preparation requirements.In estimating rust percentages, photographs and sche-matic diagrams of the type shown in SSPC-VIS 2 can serve as practical aids. The Guide to SSPC-VIS 2 shows black and white schematics of actual rust patterns which serve as guides for judging the percentage of surface covered by rust (after removal of stains) or rust blisters. SSPC-VIS 2 shows three different confi gurations of rusting – general, pinpoint, and spot rust.Comments on surface preparation for maintenance repaint-ing are given in SSPC-PA Guide 4, “Guide to Maintenance Repainting with Oil Base or Alkyd Painting Systems.” This guide includes a description of accepted practices for retain-ing old, sound paint, removing unsound paint, feathering, and spot cleaning.4.3 SURFACE CONTAMINANTS: Typical contaminants that should be removed during surface preparation are rust, corrosion products, mill scale, grease, oil, dirt, dust, moisture, soluble salts such as chlorides, sulfates, etc., paint chalk, and loose, cracked, or peeling paint.4.3.1 Rust, Stratified Rust, Pack Rust, and Rust Scale: Rust consists primarily of iron oxides, the corrosion products of steel. Whether loose or relatively tightly adherent, rust must be removed for satisfactory coating performance. Rust result-ing from the corrosion of steel is not a good base for applying coatings because it expands and becomes porous. So-called “over-rust primers” (also referred to as “rust converters”) do not perform as well as conventional coatings applied over clean steel, and the effectiveness of rust converters is unproven.Stratified rust, pack rust, or rust scale occur when the iron oxides form in a defi nite shape rather than in grains or powder. Pack rust typically forms between mating surfaces (e.g., in crevice areas), whereas rust scale and stratifi ed rust form on the surface of the steel (e.g., on steel plates, webs, and fl anges). Stratifi ed rust, pack rust, and rust scale can be dislodged from the surface in pieces or layers as large as several inches (centimeters) across. Some of this rust can adhere so tightly to the base metal that a power wire brush will not remove it. Even though it is considered “tightly adherent” because it cannot be lifted with a dull putty knife, it provides a very poor surface to paint over. Eventually the rust will loosenSSPC-SP COM November 1, 2004and dislodge from the surface leaving large areas unprotected. Stratifi ed rust, pack rust, and rust scale must be removed with impact tools such as chipping hammers, scabblers, needle guns, and rotary impact fl ap assemblies.Ideally, these types of rust should be removed, even for the lowest degrees of hand and power tool cleaning, SSPC-SP 2 and SSPC-SP 3. However, a judgment must be made on each job whether the cost and effort required to remove the stratifi ed rust, pack rust, and rust scale can be justifi ed by the expected increase in the life of the coating system. Where these forms of rust are a problem, the contracting parties should come to an agreement on the extent of removal at the outset of the job.4.3.2 Mill Scale: Mill scale is a bluish, somewhat shiny oxide residue that forms on steel surfaces during hot rolling. Although initially tightly adherent, it eventually cracks, pops, and disbonds. As a general rule, unless completely removed before painting, it will later cause the coatings to crack and expose the underlying steel. Steel is anodic to mill scale and so corrodes more rapidly in this combination of “dissimilar metals.”Mill scale is erratic in its effect upon the performance of coatings. Tightly adhered or intact mill scale may not have to be removed for mild atmospheric exposure. If, however, the steel surface is to be coated with primers with low wet-ting properties or exposed to severe environments such as chemical exposures or immersion in fresh or salt water, then removal of mill scale by blast cleaning or power tool cleaning is necessary. Note that the effort required to remove all tightly adherent mill scale usually results in a surface that has less staining than the maximum 33% permitted by SP 6 or SP 15, but may have more staining than the maximum 5% permitted by SP 10 or SP Even thin fi lms of grease and oil, which may not be readily visible, can prevent tight bonding of high performance coatings. Oil paints may be tolerant of thin oil fi lms. Visible deposits of grease and oil should be removed by solvent cleaning, SSPC-SP 1, prior to mechanical cleaning (e.g., power tool or abrasive blast cleaning). If this precleaning is not done, the power tools or abrasive blasting may spread the grease or oil over the surface without removing it.4.3.4 Dirt and Dust: Dirt and dust can also prevent tight bonding of coatings, and should be removed completely. ISO 8502-3:1982, “Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products–Tests for the as-sessment of surface cleanliness–Part 3: Assessment of dust on steel surfaces prepared for painting (pressure-sensitive tape method)” provides a method of determining the amount of dust on a surface prior to painting.4.3.5 Moisture: Steel surfaces must be dry before cleaning and painting. Moisture may either produce fl ash rusting before painting or accelerate underfi lm corrosion after painting. Water can also prevent an organic coating from properly “wetting out” the surface on metal or concrete surfaces, and may disrupt the curing of the coating.4.3.6 Soluble Salts: Soluble salts are deposited from the atmosphere onto surfaces. If they remain on the surface after cleaning, they can attract moisture which can permeate the coating and cause a blister (osmotic blistering). Salts, particu-larly chlorides, may also accelerate the corrosion reaction and underfi lm corrosion. Methods for measuring the amount of salt on the surface are described in SSPC-TU 4, “Field Methods for Retrieval and Analysis of Soluble Salts on Substrates.” In some circumstances it is desirable to remove soluble salts by power washing or other method prior to power tool or abrasive blast cleaning. In other circumstances, salt removal is more effi cient after initial power tool or abrasive blast cleaning has been performed.Sometimes a maximum level of soluble salts is speci-fi ed in the procurement documents (job specifi cation.) Three commonly specifi ed levels, as verifi ed by fi eld or laboratory analysis using reliable, reproducible test methods, are:· The surface shall be free of detectable levels of soluble contaminants.· The surface shall have less than 7 µg/cm2 (0.0007 grains/in2) of chloride contaminants, less than 10µg/cm2 (0.001 grains/in2) of soluble ferrous iron levels,or less than 17 µg/cm2 (0.0017 grains/in2) of sulfatecontaminants.· The surface shall have less than 50 µg/cm2 (0.005 grains/in2) of chloride or sulfate contaminants.The U.S. Navy has established maximum allowable levels of chloride as measured with an adhesive patch/conductivity meter method. Currently these requirements are 3 µg/cm2 for tanks and immersed surfaces and 5 µg/cm2 for topside and non-immersed surfaces. Similarly, the conductivity require-ments are 30 µS/cm for immersed surfaces and 70 µS/cm for non-immersed applications.4.3.7 Paint Chalk: The sun’s ultraviolet light causes all exterior organic coatings to chalk to some extent. Chalk is the residue left after deterioration of the coating’s surface organic binder. All loose chalk must be removed before coating in order to avoid intercoat adhesion problems. It is often specifi ed that, before topcoating, old paint must have a rating of no less than 8 in accordance with ASTM D 4214, “Test Method for Evaluat-ing Degree of Chalking of Exterior Paint Films.”4.3.8 Deteriorated Paint: All loose paint (can be removed with a dull putty knife and/or fails pre-established adhesion values) must be removed before maintenance painting. Before removing any old paint, it must be determined whether the paint contains signifi cant amounts of lead or other toxic material. If toxic materials are found, special precautions must be taken to protect workers, others in the area, and the environment.4.4 SURFACE DEFECTS: Coatings tend to draw thin and pull away from sharp edges and projections, leaving little or noSSPC-SP COM November 1, 2004coating to protect the underlying steel, thereby increasing the potential for coating failure. Other features of steel that are diffi cult to properly cover and protect include crevices, weld porosity, laminations, etc., discussed below. The high cost to remedy these surface imperfections requires weighing the ben-efi ts of remedial methods such as edge rounding or grinding, versus a potential coating failure. Some high solids coatings, often requiring plural component spray, have edge retentive properties that may lessen the effect of sharp edges.Poorly adhering contaminants, such as weld slag residues, loose weld spatter, and some minor surface laminations, may be removed by abrasive blast cleaning. Other surface defects, such as steel laminations, weld porosities, or deep corrosion pits, may not be evident until after abrasive blast cleaning. Therefore, the timing of such surface repair work may occur before, during, or after preliminary surface preparation opera-tions have begun.4.4.1 Welds and Weld Spatter: Weld spatter should be removed prior to blast cleaning. Most weld spatter, except that which is very tightly adherent, can be readily removed using a chipping hammer, spud bar, or scraper. Tightly adhering weld spatter may require removal by grinding. Weld spatter that is not removed will result in a lower coating fi lm thickness (as on sharp edges) and may disbond from the base metal resulting in adhesion failure. Welds can also have sharp projections that may penetrate through the wet paint. NACE RP0178, “Standard Recommended Practice, Fabrication Details, Surface Finish Requirements, and Proper Design Considerations for Tanks and Vessels to Be Lined for Immersion Service,” provides details on grinding welds.4.4.2 Weld Porosity: Although it may be outside the scope of surface preparation for coating application, areas of porosity might warrant further investigation. Unacceptable porosity is defi ned in the American Welding Society standard AWS D1.1, “Structural Welding Code.” A cceptable weld profi les, arc strikes, and weld cleaning are also addressed in Section 3 of AWS D1. Sharp Edges: Sharp edges, such as those normally occurring on rolled structural members or plates, as well as those resulting from flame cutting, welding, grinding, etc., and especially shearing, could have an infl uence on coating performance and may need to be removed (e.g., grinding, mechanical sanding, fi ling). Care should be taken to ensure that new sharp edges are not created during the removal operations.4.4.4 Pits: Deep corrosion pits, gouges, clamp marks, or other surface discontinuities may require grinding prior to paint-ing. The surface may also require fi lling with weld material.4.4.5 Laminations, Slivers: Rolling discontinuities (laps) may have sharp protruding edges and deep penetrating crev-ices. It is benefi cial to remove such defects prior to painting. Various methods can be used to eliminate minor slivers (e.g., scraping and grinding), and fi lling may be necessary. Filling of indentations may also be necessary.4.4.6 Crevices: Areas of poor design for corrosion protec-tion, such as tack or spot welded connections, back-to-back angles, crevices, etc., may require special attention. Where possible, such defi ciencies should be corrected by structural or design modifi cation. Where this is not possible, fi lling, and/or special surface preparation and painting procedures may be needed.4.4.7 Concrete Defects: As is the case for steel, repair of surface defects on concrete is important for a successful coating application. Identifi cation and repair of defects in con-crete are discussed in Appendix A of SSPC-SP 13, “Surface Preparation of Concrete.” Some specifi c defects that require repair prior to surface preparation and application of a coating or polymer overlay are: mechanical damage, exposed rebar, honeycombs, scaling, spalling, bugholes, pinholes, and gener-ally unsound concrete. The surface must also be cleaned of organic contaminants such as moss, mildew, and algae.4.5 RUST BACK: Rust back occurs when freshly cleaned steel is exposed to conditions of high humidity, moisture, or a corrosive atmosphere. The time interval between blast cleaning and rust back will vary greatly (from minutes to weeks) from one environment to another. Because of this factor, timeliness of inspection is of great importance. Inspection must be co-ordinated with the contractor’s schedule of operation in such a way as to avoid delay. Acceptance of the prepared surface must be made prior to application of the prime coat, because the degree of surface preparation cannot be readily verifi ed after painting.Under normal mild atmospheric conditions it is best to coat a blast cleaned surface within 24 hours after blast cleaning. Under no circumstances should the steel be permitted to rust back before painting, regardless of the time elapsed. (With wet abrasive blast cleaning or waterjetting, a certain level of fl ash rusting may be acceptable.) If visible rust occurs prior to painting, surfaces must be re-cleaned to meet contract clean-ing requirements (e.g. SSPC-SP 10). It is incumbent upon the contractor to verify (using recognized quality control tests) and document the quality of the cleaned surface before proceeding with application of the primer even if third-party inspection is required.Moisture condenses on any surface that is colder than the dew point of the surrounding air. It is therefore recommended that fi nal dry blast cleaning should not be conducted when the steel surface is less than 3 C° (5 F°) above the dew point.Excessive weathering or exposure of bare steel to chemical contaminants such as chlorides and sulfates prior to blast clean-ing should be avoided since pitting of the steel may increase cleaning costs and makes removal of contaminants diffi cult. After blast cleaning, even slight residues of chlorides, sulfates, or other electrolytes on the steel surface may be harmful and, for some coatings, may cause premature coating failure.。



表面等离子共振法操作表面等离子共振法(Surface Plasmon Resonance,SPR)是一种基于光学原理的生物分子相互作用研究技术。



1. 表面修饰SPR技术的关键是表面修饰。




2. 样品处理在SPR技术中,需要将待测样品注入到芯片中。



3. 实验操作在实验操作中,需要将芯片放入SPR仪器中。




4. 数据分析SPR技术的数据分析相对简单。








THE SWEDISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION:Surface Preparations Standards for Painting Steel Surface (SIS 055900 - 1967) hasgained prominence and acceptance and has served as a model for and has even been adopted direct as national standard in other countries. Its cleaning degrees Sa 2, Sa 2½, etc. being practically universally recognized, they are referred to throughout this book in recommendations for cleaning of steel.The Swedish Standard, as it was usually called, was first to employ pictorialrepresentations of the specified cleaning degrees. It is now superseded byINTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 8501-1:1988. Yet with the same photos as used bythe SIS standard plus additionally four photos (flame-cleaning) from the Germanstandard DIN 55928, Part 4, Supplement 4.Other prominent standards, notablySTEEL STRUCTURES PAINTING COUNCIL (U.S.A.):Surface Preparation Specifications (SSPC-SP 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 10)BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION; Surface Finish of Blast-cleaned steel for Painting:(BS 4232 but now superseded by BS 7079) andDIN 55928, Protection of steel structures from corrosion by organic and metalliccoatings; preparation and testing of surfaces (Germany)are also concerned with the equipment, materials and procedures used to achieve thespecified finish.The British Standard BS 4232 used drawings to indicate the (Second and Thirdquality) finishes, whereas the American and the German Standard use the samephotos as ISO 8501-1:1988. Yet, DIN 55928 includes photos of secondary surfacepreparation too.Except for BS 4232 they all take into account the state of the raw steel surface beforecleaning, and grades the result accordingly:A: Steel surface largely covered with adherent mill scale but little, if any, rust.B: Steel surface which has begun to rust and from which the mill scale has begunto flake.C: Steel surface on which the mill scale has rusted away or from which it can bescraped, but with slight pitting visible under normal vision.D: Steel surface on which the mill scale has rusted away and on which generalpitting is visible under normal vision.A surface preparation method using high pressure water for cleaning is getting morecommon. The best definition of terms and surface preparation standards arepresented by "Joint Surface Preparation Standard NACE No. 5/SSPC-SP 12" from1995.For comparison of the standards see the following pages. The text of the individualStandards are quoted literally.ISO 8501-1:1988Sa 3 Blast-cleaning to visually clean steel.When viewed without magnification, the surface shall be free from visible oil, grease and dirt, and shall be free from mill scale, rust, paint coatings and foreign matter. It shall have a uniform metallic colour. See photographs A Sa 3, B Sa 3, C Sa 3 and DSa 3.Sa 2½ Very thorough blast-cleaning.When viewed without magnification, the surface shall be free from visible oil, grease and dirt, and from mill scale, rust, paint coatings and foreign matter. Any remaining traces of contamination shall show only as slight stains in the form of spots or stripes. See photographs A Sa 2½, B Sa 2½, C Sa 2½ and D Sa 2½.Sa 2 Thorough blast-cleaning.When viewed without magnification, the surface shall be free from visible oil, grease and dirt, and from most of the mill scale, rust, paint coatings and foreign matter. Any residual contamination shall be firmly adhering (see note 2 below). See photographs B Sa 2, C Sa 2 and D Sa 2.Sa 1 Light blast-cleaning.When viewed without magnification, the surface shall be free from visible oil, grease and dirt, and from poorly adhering mill scale, rust, paint coatings and foreign matter (see note 2). See photographs B Sa 1, C Sa 1 and D Sa 1.Notes:1. The term "foreign matter" may include water-soluble salts and welding residues. These contaminants cannot always be completely removed from the surface bydry blast-cleaning, hand and power tool cleaning or flame cleaning; wet blast- cleaning or hydro-jetting may be necessary.2. Mill scale, rust or a paint coating is considered to be poorly adhering if it can be removed by lifting with a blunt putty knife.St 3 Very thorough hand and power tool cleaning.As for St 2, but the surface shall be treated much more thoroughly to give a metallic sheen arising from the metallic substrate. See photographs B St 3, C St 3 and D St 3. St 2 Thorough hand and power tool cleaning.When viewed without magnification, the surfaces sh all be free from visible oil, grease and dirt, and from poorly adhering mill scale, rust, paint coatings and foreign matter (see note 2). See photographs B St 2, C St 2 and D St 2.Notes:1. For descriptions of surface preparation methods by hand and power tool cleaning, including treatment prior to, and after, the hand and power tool cleaning procedure, see ISO 8504-3.2. Preparation grade St 1 is not included as it would correspond to a surface unsuitable for painting.BS 7079-1990 Replaces BS 4232-1967. BS 7079-1990 is identical to ISO 8501-1: 1988.SSPCSSPC-SP-5 1.1 A white Metal Blast Cleaned surface, when viewed without magnification, shall be free of all visible oil, grease, dirt, dust, mill scale, rust, paint, oxides,corrosion products, and other foreign matter.1.2 ACCEPTABLE VARIATIONS IN APPEARANCE THAT DO NOT AFFECT SURFACE CLEANLINESS as defined in Section 1.1 include variations caused by type ofsteel, original surface condition, thickness of the steel, weld metal, mill orfabrication marks, heat treating, heat affected zones, blasting abrasive, anddifferences in the blast pattern.1.3 When painting is specified, the surface shall be roughened to a degree suitablefor the specified paint system.1.4 Immediately prior to paint application the surface shall comply with the degreeof cleaning as specified herein.1.5 SSPC-Vis 1-89 or other visual standards of surface preparation may be specifiedto supplement the written definition.SSPC-SP-10 2.1 A Near-White Blast Cleaned surface, when viewed without magnification, shall be free of all visible oil, grease, dirt, dust, mill scale, rust, paint, oxides,corrosion products, and other foreign matter, except for staining as noted inSection Staining shall be limited to no more than 5 per cent of each square inch ofsurface area and may consist of light shadows, slight streaks, or minordiscolorations caused by stains of rust, stains of mill scale, or stains ofpreviously applied paint.2.3 ACCEPTABLE VARIATIONS IN APPEARANCE THAT DO NOT AFFECT SURFACE CLEANLINESS as defined in sections 2.1 and 2.2 include variations caused bytype of steel, weld metal, mill or fabrication marks, heat treating, heat affectedzones, blasting abrasives, and differences in the blast pattern.2.4 When painting is specified, the surface shall be roughened to a degree suitablefor the specified paint system.2.5 Immediately prior to paint application, the surface shall comply with the degreeof cleaning as specified herein.2.6 SSPC-Vis 1-89 or other visual standards of surface preparation may be specifiedto supplement the written definition.SSPC-SP-6 3.1 A Commercial Blast Cleaned surface, when viewed without magnification, shall be free of all visible oil, grease, dirt, dust, mill scale, rust, paint, oxides,corrosion products, and other foreign matter, except for staining, as noted inSection Staining shall be limited to no more than 33 per cent of each square inch ofsurface area and may consist of light shadows, slight streaks, or minordiscolouration caused by stains of rust, stains of mill scale, or stains ofpreviously applied paint. Slight residues of rust and paint may also be left in thebottoms of pits if the original surface is pitted.3.3 ACCEPTABLE VARIATIONS IN APPEARANCE THAT DO NOT AFFECT SURFACE CLEANLINESS as defined in Sections 3.1 and 3.2 include variations caused bytype of steel, original surface condition, thickness of the steel, weld metal, millor fabrication marks, heat treating, heat affected zones, blasting abrasive, and differences in the blast pattern.SSPC (cont’d)SSPC-SP-6, cont. 3.4 When painting is specified, the surface shall be roughened to a degree suitable for the specified paint system.3.5 Immediately prior to paint application, the surface shall comply with the degreeof cleaning as specified herein.3.6 SSPC-Vis 1-89 or other visual standards of surface preparation may be specifiedto supplement the written definition.SSPC-SP-7 4.1 A Brush-Off Blast Cleaned surface, when viewed without magnification, shall be free of all visible oil, grease, dirt, dust, loose mill scale, loose rust, and loosepaint. Tightly adherent mill scale, rust, and paint may remain on the surface.Mill scale, rust, and paint are considered tightly adherent if they cannot beremoved by lifting with a dull putty knife.4.2 The entire surface shall be subjected to the abrasive blast. The remaining millscale, rust, or paint shall be tight.4.3 When painting is specified, the surface shall be roughened to a degree suitablefor the specified paint system.4.4 Immediately prior to paint application, the surface shall comply with the degreeof cleaning as specified herein.4.5 SSPC-Vis 1-89 or other visual standards of surface preparation may be specifiedto supplement the written definition.SSPC-SP-2 5.1 Hand tool cleaning is a method of preparing steel surfaces by the use ofnon-power hand tools.5.2 Hand tool cleaning removes all loose mill scale, loose rust, loose paint, andother loose detrimental foreign matter. It is not intended that adherent millscale, rust, and paint be removed by this process. Mill scale, rust, and paint areconsidered adherent if they cannot be removed by lifting with a dull putty knife.5.3 SSPC-Vis 1-89 or other visual standards of surface preparation agreed upon bythe contracting parties may be used to further define the surface.DIN 55928 is not quoted (translated) but is fully in line with ISO 8501-1:1988 (exceptfor the extra standards as mentioned on page 10).Comparing the standards, no doubt that Sa 3 and SSPC-SP-5 are identical in theirdemands to surface cleanliness. Also Sa 2½ and SSPC-SP-10 seem identical.Concerning Sa 2 and SSPC-SP-6 these differ slightly, SSPC-SP-6 expressing moredemands to quality. SSPC-SP-6 requires remnants being stains only. Sa 2 states"residual contamination shall be firmly adhering".Note: For SSPC the written specification takes preference - for ISO 8501-1:1988, thephotos.Joint Surface Preparation Standard NACE No. 5/SSPC-SP 12:Surface preparation and cleaning of steel and other hard materials by high andultrahigh pressure water jetting prior to paint application.Water jetting is a relatively new method of surface preparation. The standard dealswith the removal of visible and invisible contamination. After cleaning the surface willstill be wet and flash rusting may occur on cleaned steel during the drying period. Additional Hempel-definitions of flash rust degrees are therefore described below. Maintenance being the main area of use , any old coating remaining after water jetting must be well adhering, intact and roughened by the treatment as well as compatiblewith the new coating syste m to be applied.As a general rule, coatings which are later to be exposed to severe mechanical and/or chemical exposures, like eg specially wear and impact resistent coatings andchemically resistent tank coatings, should not be applied to water jetted surfaces. Neither should coatings for which protecti on relies upon metallic contact to the steel substrate, such as zinc rich primers be applied to water jetted surfaces.WJ visual preparation grades:WJ-1 Removal of all previously existing visible rust, coatings, millscale and foreign matters to a uniform matt metal finish.WJ-2 UHP WJ cleaning to a uniform matt finish with at least 95% of the surface area being free of all previously existing visible residues and the remaining 5% only containing randomly dispersed stains of rust, coatings and foreign matters.WJ-3 HP WJ or UHP WJ to a uniform matt finish with at least two-thirds of the surface being free of all visible residues (except millscale) and the remaining one-third only containing randomly dispersed stains of previously existing rust, coatings and foreign matters.WJ-4 Uniform removal of all loose rust, millscale and loose coatings.SC-1 An SC-1 surface is free from all detectable contaminants as determined by using available field test equipment whose sensitivity approximates laboratory equipment. Contaminants relevant in this s tandard are chlorides, iron-soluble salts and sulphates.SC-2 An SC-2 surface has less than 7 microgram/cm² chloride contamination, less than 10 microgram/cm² of soluble ferrous ions and/or less than 16 microgram/cm² sulphate contamination as verified by field or laboratory analysis using reliable, reproducible test equipment.SC-3 An SC-3 surface has less than 50 microgram/cm² chloride and sulphate contaminants as verified by field or laboratory analysis using reliable, reproducible test equipment.。


............................................................................................................................................................................. I
用户坐标系 .................................................................................................................................................................... 33 方框范例 .................................................................................................................................................................... 33 提示:- ................................................................................................................................................................ 39 模具零件用户坐标系对齐定位................................................................................................................................. 41 用户坐标系工具栏 .................................................................................................................................................... 43

〈87〉 Biological Reactivity Tests, In Vitro

〈87〉 Biological Reactivity Tests, In Vitro

á87ñ BIOLOGICAL REACTIVITY TESTS, IN VITROThe following tests are designed to determine the biological reactivity of mammalian cell cultures following contact with the elastomeric plastics and other polymeric materials with direct or indirect patient contact or of specific extracts prepared from the materials under test. It is essential that the tests be performed on the specified surface area. When the surface area of the specimen cannot be determined, use 0.1 g of elastomer or 0.2 g of plastic or other material for every mL of extraction fluid.Exercise care in the preparation of the materials to prevent contamination with microorganisms and other foreign matter. Three tests are described (i.e., the Agar Diffusion Tes t, the Direct Contact Tes t, and the Elution Tes t).1 The decision as to which type of test or the number of tests to be performed to assess the potential biological response of a specific sample or extract depends upon the material, the final product, and its intended use. Other factors that may also affect the suitability of a sample for a specific use are the polymeric composition; processing and cleaning procedures; contacting media; inks;adhesives; absorption, adsorption, and permeability of preservatives; and conditions of storage. Evaluation of such factors should be made by appropriate additional specific tests before determining that a product made from a specific material is suitable for its intended use. Materials that fail the in vitr o tests are candidates for the in viv o tests described in Biological Reactivity Tests, In Vivo á88ñ.PROCEDURES•T EST C ONTROLPositive control:Polyurethane film containing zinc diethyldithiocarbamate (ZDEC)2 or zinc dibutyldithiocarbamate (ZDBC) Cell culture preparation:Prepare multiple cultures of L-929 (ATCC cell line CCL 1, NCTC clone 929; alternative cell lines obtained from a standard repository may be used with suitable validation) mammalian fibroblast cells inserum-supplemented minimum essential medium having a seeding density of about 105 cells per mL. Incubate the cultures at 37 ± 1° in a humidified incubator for NLT 24 h in a 5 ± 1% carbon dioxide atmosphere until a monolayer, with greater than 80% confluence, is obtained. Examine the prepared cultures under a microscope to ensure uniform, near-confluent monolayers. [N OTE—The reproducibility of the in vitro biological reactivity tests depends upon obtaining uniform cell culture density.]Extraction solvents:Sodium Chloride Injectio n [see monograph—use Sodium Chloride Injectio n containing 0.9% of sodium chloride (NaCl)]. Alternatively, serum-free mammalian cell culture media or serum-supplemented mammalian cell culture media may be used. Serum supplementation is used when extraction is done at 37° for 24 h.•A PPARATUSAutoclave:Employ an autoclave capable of maintaining a temperature of 121 ± 2°, equipped with a thermometer, a pressure gauge, a vent cock, a rack adequate to accommodate the test containers above the water level, and a water cooling system that will allow for cooling of the test containers to about 20°, but not below 20°, immediately following the heating cycle. Oven:Use an oven, preferably a mechanical convection model, that will maintain operating temperatures in the range of 50°–70° within ±2°.Incubator:Use an incubator capable of maintaining a temperature of 37 ± 1° and a humidified atmosphere of 5 ± 1% carbon dioxide in air.Extraction containers:Use only containers, such as ampuls or screw-cap culture test tubes, or their equivalent, of Type I glass. If used, culture test tubes, or their equivalent, are closed with a screw cap having a suitable elastomeric liner. The exposed surface of the elastomeric liner is completely protected with an inert solid disk 50–75 µm in thickness. A suitable disk can be fabricated from polytef.Preparation of apparatus:Cleanse all glassware thoroughly with chromic acid cleansing mixture and, if necessary, with hot nitric acid followed by prolonged rinsing with Sterile Water for Injectio n. Sterilize and dry by a suitable process for containers and devices used for extraction, transfer, or administration of test material. If ethylene oxide is used as the sterilizing agent, allow NLT 48 h for complete degassing.•P ROCEDUREPreparation of sample for extracts:Prepare as directed in the Procedur e in á88ñ.Preparation of extracts:Prepare as directed for Preparation of extract s in á88ñ using either Sodium Chloride Injectio n [0.9% sodium chloride (NaCl)] or serum-free mammalian cell culture media as Extraction solvent s. [N OTE—If extraction is done at 37° for 24 h in an incubator, use cell culture media supplemented by serum. The extraction conditions should not in any instance cause physical changes, such as fusion or melting of the material pieces, other than a slight adherence.]•A GAR D IFFUSION T ESTThis test is designed for elastomeric closures in a variety of shapes. The agar layer acts as a cushion to protect the cells from mechanical damage while allowing the diffusion of leachable chemicals from the polymeric specimens. Extracts of materials that are to be tested are applied to a piece of filter paper.Sample preparation:Use extracts prepared as directed, or use portions of the test specimens having flat surfaces NLT 100 mm2 in surface area.Positive control preparation:Proceed as directed for Sample preparatio n.Negative control preparation:Proceed as directed for Sample preparatio n.Procedure:Using 7 mL of cell suspension prepared as directed in Cell culture preparatio n, prepare the monolayers in plates having a 60-mm diameter. Following incubation, aspirate the culture medium from the monolayers, and replace it with serum-supplemented culture medium containing NMT 2% of agar. [N OTE—The quality of the agar must be adequate to1Further details are given in the following publications of the American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103: Standard test method for agar diffusion cell culture screening for cytotoxicity, ASTM Designation F 895-84; Standard practice for direct contact cell culture evaluation of materials for medical devices, ASTM Designation F 813-83.2ZDEC and ZDBC polyurethanes are available from the Food and Drug Safety Center, Hatano Research Institute, Ochiai 729–5, Hadanoshi, Kanagawa 257, Japan.support cell growth. The agar layer must be thin enough to permit diffusion of leached chemicals.] Place the flat surfaces of Sample preparatio n, Positive control preparatio n, and Negative control preparatio n or their extracts in an appropriate extracting medium, in duplicate cultures in contact with the solidified agar surface. Use no more than three specimens per prepared plate. Incubate all cultures for NLT 24 h at 37 ± 1°, preferably in a humidified incubator containing 5 ± 1% of carbon dioxide. Examine each culture around each sample, negative control, and positive control under a microscope, using a suitable stain, if desired.Interpretation of results:The biological reactivity (cellular degeneration and malformation) is described and rated on a scale of 0–4 (see Table 1). Measure the responses of the cell cultures to the Sample preparatio n, the Positive control preparatio n, and the Negative control preparatio n. The cell culture test system is suitable if the observed responses to the Negative control preparatio n is grade 0 (no reactivity) and to the Positive control preparatio n is at least grade 3 (moderate).The sample meets the requirements of the test if the response to the Sample preparatio n is not greater than grade 2 (mildly reactive). Repeat the procedure if the suitability of the system is not confirmed.Table 1. Reactivity Grades for Agar Diffusion Test and Direct Contact TestGrade Reactivity Description of Reactivity Zone0None No detectable zone around or under specimen1Slight Some malformed or degenerated cells under specimen2Mild Zone limited to area under specimen and less than 0.45 cm beyond specimen3Moderate Zone extends 0.45–1.0 cm beyond specimen4Severe Zone extends greater than 1.0 cm beyond specimen•D IRECT C ONTACT T ESTThis test is designed for materials in a variety of shapes. The procedure allows for simultaneous extraction and testing of leachable chemicals from the specimen with a serum-supplemented medium. The procedure is not appropriate for very low- or high-density materials that could cause mechanical damage to the cells.Sample preparation:Use portions of the test specimen having flat surfaces NLT 100 mm2 in surface area.Positive control preparation:Proceed as directed for Sample preparatio n.Negative control preparation:Proceed as directed for Sample preparatio n.Procedure:Using 2 mL of cell suspension prepared as directed in Cell culture preparatio n, prepare the monolayers in plates having a 35-mm diameter. Following incubation, aspirate the culture medium from the cultures, and replace it with 0.8 mL of fresh culture medium. Place a single Sample preparatio n, a Positive control preparatio n, and a Negative controlpreparatio n in each of the duplicate cultures. Incubate all cultures for NLT 24 h at 37 ± 1° in a humidified incubator containing 5 ± 1% of carbon dioxide. Examine each culture around each Sample preparatio n, a Positive controlpreparatio n, and a Negative control preparatio n, under a microscope, using a suitable stain, if desired.Interpretation of results:Proceed as directed for Interpretation of result s in Agar Diffusion Tes t. The sample meets the requirements of the test if the response to the Sample preparatio n is not greater than grade 2 (mildly reactive). Repeat the procedure if the suitability of the system is not confirmed.•E LUTION T ESTThis test is designed for the evaluation of extracts of polymeric materials. The procedure allows for extraction of the specimens at physiological or nonphysiological temperatures for varying time intervals. It is appropriate for high-density materials and for dose-response evaluations.Sample preparation:Prepare as directed in Preparation of extract s, using either Sodium Chloride Injectio n [0.9% sodium chloride (NaCl)] or serum-free mammalian cell culture media as Extraction solvent s. If the size of the sample cannot be readily measured, a mass of NLT 0.1 g of elastomeric material or 0.2 g of plastic or polymeric material per mL of extraction medium may be used. Alternatively, use serum-supplemented mammalian cell culture media as the extracting medium to simulate more closely physiological conditions. Prepare the extracts by heating for 24 h in an incubator containing 5± 1% of carbon dioxide. Maintain the extraction temperature at 37 ± 1°, because higher temperatures may cause denaturation of serum proteins.Positive control preparation:Proceed as directed for Sample preparatio n.Negative control preparation:Proceed as directed for Sample preparatio n.Procedure:Using 2 mL of cell suspension prepared as directed in Cell culture preparatio n, prepare the monolayers in plates having a 35-mm diameter. Following incubation, aspirate the culture medium from the monolayers, and replace it with extracts of the Sample preparatio n, Positive control preparatio n, or Negative control preparatio n. The serum-supplemented and serum-free cell culture media extracts are tested in duplicate without dilution (100%). The Sodium Chloride Injectio n extract is diluted with serum-supplemented cell culture medium and tested in duplicate at 25% extract concentration.Incubate all cultures for 48 h at 37 ± 1° in a humidified incubator preferably containing 5 ± 1% of carbon dioxide. Examine each culture at 48 h, under a microscope, using a suitable stain, if desired.Interpretation of results:Proceed as directed for Interpretation of result s in Agar Diffusion Tes t but use Table 2. The sample meets the requirements of the test if the response to the Sample preparatio n is not greater than grade 2 (mildly reactive).Repeat the procedure if the suitability of the system is not confirmed. For dose-response evaluations, repeat the procedure, using quantitative dilutions of the sample extract.1Slight Less than or equal to 20% of the cells are round, loosely attached, and without intracytoplasmic granules; occasional lysed cells are present 2Mild Greater than 20% to less than or equal to 50% of the cells are round and devoid of intracyto-plasmic granules; no extensive cell lysis and empty areas between cells 3Moderate Greater than 50% to less than 70% of the cell layers contain rounded cells or are lysed 4Severe Nearly complete destruction of the cell layers ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS •USP R EFERENCE S TANDARDS á11ñUSP High-Density Polyethylene RS (Negative Control)Table 2. Reactivity Grades for Elution TestGradeReactivity Conditions of All Cultures 0None Discrete intracytoplasmic granules; no cell lysis。



APPLICATION GUIDEWB EPOXY PRIMER MEMBRANESurface Preparation:Prior to paintingAll surfaces to be painted must be structurally sound and stable and thoroughly cleanedand free of previous coatings, adhesives, efflorescence, loose flaking friable materials,laitance. It should be removed by mechanical means such as chipping, abrasive blast cleaning, high pressure water washing, scrubbing or other suitable means.The surface should be free of dust, dirt, oil and grease. If oil or grease is evident, washwith a suitable detergent/degreaser and then flush with fresh water before application.For old bare concrete surfaces, pressure cleaning with a high pressure (3000 psi) waterblaster is recommended.Any painted or glossy surfaces should also be lightly abraded with suitable sand-paperuntil slightly rough to touch.New or smooth concrete should be acid etched with a solution of one part HydrochloricAcid to five parts water, then thoroughly rinsed off with water.Holes, gaps, blowholes, honeycombed surfaces and cracks should be filled and madesound using a suitable non-shrink mortar.PRECAUTIONS∙Do not apply if the surface temperature falls below 10°C, or rises above 35°C, or is likely to fall outside these limits during drying, or when humidity is very high.∙In enclosed areas, ventilation must be provided during drying time to enableevaporation of water.COLORMAKER INDUSTRIESMixing Technique:Prior to mixing the two parts, stir each component thoroughly making sure the components are homogeneous and uniform. Then mix the two components thoroughly inratio of 1:1 by volume ( equal volume) until a homogeneous blend is obtained and waitfor 5 minutes before using. Mix only sufficient material for use within 1.5 hours of pot life.Always avoid air entrapment during mixingApplication Technique:Apply by brush, roller, squeegee or airless spray in 2 or more coats at the coverage rate of3 square metres per litre per coat. The wet film thickness per coat should be approximately 300 microns.If applying to dry concrete, cement, block work or Hebel, it is recommended that thesurface be lightly pre-dampened with a fine water spray before applicationMake sure all the surface areas including holes and voids are completely covered, avoiding pinholes. The first coat may be thinned by 20% with water to achieve good penetration depending on the porosity of the substrate.When applying on Floors :Follow the following steps :-1)Pour the mixed paint onto the flat area to be painted spread using squeegee2)Then apply first coat evenly across in one direction using a long nap roller.3)After 5 hours, recoat at right angle to previous coat.4)Allow to cure for at least 24 hours before applying cement based adhesives,mortars, levelling compounds, decorative coatings or other surface treatments.COLORMAKER INDUSTRIESWhen applying on Walls :Apply the product by roller or airless spray ensuring required coverage is achievedA minimum of two coats is recommended and it’s important to ensure that uniformcoating is applied at total coverage of 1.5 square metres per litre for two coats to achieveoptimum performance. In a situation where this coverage rate is not achieved in twocoats, then a further coat should be applied to achieve a total uniform coverage rate of1.5 square metres per litre.Allow to cure for at least 24 hours before applying adhesives, mortars, levelling compounds, decorative coatings or other surface treatments. Care should be taken toensure the coating is not damaged in any way during further treatments.Clean UpWash all equipment in water or water/detergent immediately on completion.COLORMAKER INDUSTRIES。




检测范围:96T0.5μg/L -20μg/L使用目的:本试剂盒用于测定猪血清、血浆及相关液体样本中I型原胶原N端前肽(PINP)含量。



TMB在HRP 酶的催化下转化成蓝色,并在酸的作用下转化成最终的黄色。















表面等离子共振ru表面等离子共振(Surface Plasmon Resonance,简称SPR)是一种基于光学原理的生物传感技术,广泛应用于生物医学研究、药物筛选、食品安全监测等领域。







二、SPR的应用1. 生物医学研究:SPR技术可以用于实时监测生物分子的相互作用,如蛋白质与蛋白质、蛋白质与药物的结合反应。


2. 药物筛选:SPR技术可以用于高通量药物筛选,通过测量药物与靶标蛋白的结合情况,评估药物的亲和性和特异性。


3. 食品安全监测:SPR技术可以用于检测食品中的有害物质,如农药残留、重金属污染等。


4. 环境监测:SPR技术可以用于监测环境中的有害物质,如水中的重金属、空气中的挥发性有机物等。


三、SPR的发展趋势随着技术的进一步发展,SPR在以下几个方面有望取得更大的突破:1. 提高检测灵敏度:目前SPR技术的检测灵敏度已经非常高,但仍有提升的空间。







2. 表面修饰


3. 建立样品流动系统


4. 待测样品处理


5. 测试样品流动


6. 数据分析


- 1 -。

Surface preparation

Surface preparation

English: Bona R580 Moisture Barrier, Site Work英文:博纳R580防潮胶,现场操作Bona R580博纳R580防潮胶Site Work现场操作Surface preparation表面处理The substrate must be even, clean, free from cracks and physically sound. Prior to application the floors must always be sanded, any laitance on top of the floor must have been removed; in case of concrete shoot blasting might be necessary. The surface shall not be “obviously wet”. If necessary it should be professionally prepared for laying.基底必须平整、清洁、没有裂缝、结实坚固。




If the floor is uneven and a levelling with a levelling compound (H600 or H650) is needed, first the R580 shall be applied with a consumption of ~ 500 g/m². Afterwards quartz sand (grain size: 0.3 to 0.8 mm) shall then be broadcasted in excess ( ~ 2 kg /m²) in the fresh, wet primer.如果基底表面不平整,需要用流平剂(H600或H650型)进行平整处理时,首先以大约500克/平方米的消耗量涂抹R580。








无菌工艺模拟试验指南 英语

无菌工艺模拟试验指南 英语

无菌工艺模拟试验指南英语英文回答:Guideline for Aseptic Process Simulation Trials.Introduction.Aseptic process simulation (APS) trials are criticalfor ensuring the sterility and safety of aseptic pharmaceutical products. These trials are designed to evaluate the effectiveness of the aseptic processing system and identify any potential contamination risks. This guideline provides a comprehensive overview of the planning, execution, and evaluation of APS trials.Planning.Define Objectives: Clearly define the objectives ofthe trial, such as verifying sterility assurance level (SAL) or assessing the effectiveness of specific interventions.Select Simulants: Choose simulants that mimic the characteristics of the actual product, including microbial load, viscosity, and particle size.Design Trial Protocol: Develop a detailed protocolthat outlines the steps of the trial, including equipment setup, simulant preparation, inoculation, and sampling.Obtain Regulatory Approval: Submit the trial protocolto the appropriate regulatory agencies for review and approval.Execution.Equipment Setup: Install and calibrate all equipment used in the trial, including filling machines,sterilization systems, and environmental monitoring devices.Simulant Preparation: Prepare the simulant accordingto the protocol and inoculate it with the appropriate microorganisms.Inoculation: Inoculate the simulant into the aseptic processing system at predetermined intervals to simulate product contamination.Sampling: Collect samples from critical points in the process, such as the filling area, product containers, and environmental surfaces.Monitoring: Monitor environmental conditions,including temperature, humidity, and differential pressure, throughout the trial.Evaluation.Microbial Analysis: Test the samples for microbial growth to determine the efficacy of the aseptic processing system.Environmental Monitoring Data Analysis: Evaluate environmental monitoring data to identify any potential sources of contamination.Process Observations: Record any deviations from the protocol or unexpected events that occur during the trial.Data Interpretation: Interpret the results in the context of the trial objectives and identify areas for improvement or corrective action.Reporting.Trial Report: Prepare a comprehensive report that summarizes the trial design, execution, and evaluation.Regulatory Submission: Submit the trial report to the appropriate regulatory agencies to demonstrate the effectiveness of the aseptic processing system.中文回答:无菌工艺模拟试验指南。

第3章 表面等离子体共振技术

第3章 表面等离子体共振技术

等离子体, 电荷密度比金属中的低。(上)金属离子(+)位于“电子海洋”中(灰 色背景), (下)电子集体向右移动
Prism g Metal m Sample s
kev ksp
x z
(A) Kretschman
k'ev ksp
Prism g Sample s Metal m
(B) Otto
3-1-2 金属内部的等离子体振动
如果由于入射电子的作用,金属中电子向右移动了一段距离 ,因此在右 边就有了电子堆积。设ne为电子密度,右边出现的面电荷密度为-nee , 左边的面电荷密度为+nee ,则金属的极化强度p为:
如果将电介质换成待测样品, 测出共振时的θ或 , 就可以得到 样品的介电常数 s或折射率ns;如果样品的化学或生物性 质发生变化, 引起ns的改变, 则θ或 也会发生变化, 这样, 检 测这一变化就可获得样品性质的变化。
固定入射光的波长, 改变入射角, 可得到角度随反射率变化的 SPR光谱;同样地, 固定入射光的角度, 改变波长, 可得到波 长随反射率变化的SPR光谱。SPR光谱的改变反映了体系性 质的变化。
d 2
dt 2
d 2
dt 2
exp( it)



传感器与微系统(Transducer and Microsystem Technologies)2010年第29卷第7期表面等离子体共振传感器的仿真邢冰冰1,耿照新1,2,王继业1,钮金真1,王静1(1.中央民族大学信息工程学院,北京100081;2.北京大学微电子研究院微米/纳米加工技术国家重点实验室,北京100871)摘要:为了得到基于相位检测、角度检测和波长检测的表面等离子体共振(SPR)生物传感器的高检测精度,利用Matlab建立了Kretschmann模型SPR传感器的数值仿真软件。



关键词:表面等离子体共振;微流体;聚合物棱镜中图分类号:TH302文献标识码:A文章编号:1000—9787(2010)07—0056—04 Simulation of surface plasmon resonance sensorXING Bing-bing1,GENG Zhao-xin1,2,WANG Ji-ye1,NIU Jin-zhen1,WANG Jing1(1.School of Information Engineering,Minzu University of China,Beijing100081,China;2.National Key Laboratory of Nano/Micro Fabrication Technology,the Department of Microelectronics,Peking University,Beijing100871,China)Abstract:To realize high detection precision of surface plasmon resonance(SPR)biosensor based on phase detection,angle detection and wavelength detection,numerical simulation software for SPR sensor with Kretschmann model was set up using Matlab.Effect of refractive index(RI)of prism,RI of sample and the thickness of Au thin film on SPR curve of three different detecting method is described.Theoretical analysis resultsshow that the SPR angle increase with the increase of RI of sample when the angle modulation.The phase detectionhas selectivity to the refractive index of the sensing layer.Key words:surface plasmon resonance(SPR);microfluidic;polymer prism0引言在过去的二十多年中,表面等离子体共振(SPR)传感技术被证明在生命科学、医疗检测、药物筛选、食品检测、环境监测、毒品检测、法医鉴定等领域具有广泛的应用[1 4]。






第21 卷第 5 期材料开发与应用1 ?材料研究RF I 用环氧树脂膜的制备与应用研究鞠 ,尹昌平 ,刘 ,曾竟成 ,肖加余苏钧( 国防科技大学航天与材料工程学院 ,湖南长沙 410073)摘要 : 对用于 RFI 工艺的环氧树脂体系进行了研究 ,得到了满足 RFI 工艺要求的树脂体系及其成膜工艺参数 ,测试了所制得树脂膜的力学性能及存储性能 ,将制备出的树脂膜用于 RFI 工艺制备复合材料 ,并对复合材料的性能进行了考察。

结果表明 ,制备出的树脂膜可用于 RFI 工艺制备复合材料构件 ,制得的复合材料构件力学性能优良。

关键词 : RFI ; 树脂膜 ; 环氧树脂 ; 制备 ; 应用中图分类号 : TB 332 文献标识码 :A 在复合材料领域 , 人们一直致力于研究高性能复合材料的低成本制造技术 , 树脂膜熔渗 ( Resin Film Inf usion ,RF I) 工艺以其低成本、适合于制造大型制件等优点日益引起人们的关注 , 并在航空、船舶制造等领域率先发展起来[ 1 ,2 ] 。

RF I 工艺出现较晚 , 而且没有像手糊、 TM R 等传统工艺那样得到大规模的推广和应用 , 制约其发展的一个主要因素就是适用于 RF I 工艺的树脂膜极少。

RF I 工艺要求树脂基体在室温环境中具有很好的成膜性 , 所成薄膜能任意弯曲而不破碎 ,并且不粘手 ; 树脂在工作温度 ( 即熔融温度) 下能够持续一段时间的低粘度 ,随温度的升高 ,粘度增长较快 ; 树脂的固化温度要高于熔融温度 ,固化条件下 ,粘度升高较快 ,固化中和固化后不易发生裂纹 ; 树脂膜熔融时 ,对纤维预制体具有良好的浸润性、匹配性和粘附性。




4℃存放,有效期1年)(1) 储存液:1:10稀释液可以保存在4℃里,三个月内仍然可以使用。


工作液:0.1%( w/v)PLL,用移液枪吸取0.3ml PLL+3ml无菌去离子水,混匀放于10ml 无菌塑料离心管中。


(2) 无菌处理:PLL不可以高温消毒,故应过滤除菌分装于无菌处理的细胞冻存管内,1ml/管,封口模密封,4℃保存。







(底面贴紧培养皿,存在包被PLL 不好的可能,放入培养板孔内注意正反面!!)或者:铺片于培养皿中,移液枪将PLL工作液滴加于玻片上,室温10分钟后,用消毒好的纱布条吸取玻片上的PLL液。







表面等离子体谐振(SPR)生化分析仪Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) biochemical analysis system表面等离子体谐振(SPR)生化分析仪是一种新型的、现代的生化分析仪器,具有灵敏度高、免标记、实时监测等优点。

崔大付研究员课题组集十几年研究经验,研制了多种结构形式和性能的SPR 生化分析仪,实现了系列化、实用化,申请多项发明专利,具有原创性,达到国际先进水平。

3、便携式SPR 生化分析仪(Portable SPR biochemical analysis syetem)2Kg重量20×5×10cm 3外形尺寸(L ×W ×H)0.001o测角精度55o -65o 光束入射角范围 1.33-1.43折射率检测范围1、高灵敏度SPR 生化分析仪(highsensitive SPR biochemical analysis syetem)优于1×10-5RIU 灵敏度单通道双参数SPR-2004型单通道单参数SPR-2002型 1.04~1.43测量折射率范围0.001o谐振角测量精度40o ~70o 调制角扫描范围l SPR 原理(principle of SPR)多参数动态检测曲线4、高通量多参数图像SPR 生化分析仪(high throughput, multi-analyte imaging SPR biochemical analysis system)具有原创性,实现技术转让96/384孔板机械手自动进样10o 0.001o15,45,144固定入射角范围测角精度芯片阵列单元数40o -70o 入射角变化范围 1.33-1.47折射率检测范围。









2.按照说明书在多孔板中加样,其中第一列为标准蛋白,从第二列开始为待测样本,例如下表(单位均为μl):序列1 2标准蛋白双蒸水BCA 待测样本双蒸水BCAA 0 20 200 2 18 200B 1 19 200 2 18 200C 2 18 200 2 18 200D 4 16 200E 8 12 200F 12 8 200G 16 4 200H 20 0 200其中标准蛋白相对应的浓度分别为0, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5(单位:mg/ml)。



5.在EXCEL表格中计算,如下表:酶标仪所测标准蛋白浓度标准蛋白加样量酶标仪所测待测样本的OD值将C代入公式所得的值待测样本浓度(E=D/2)待测样本体积(根据最小浓度下的体积算其它样本体积)(=96*19.29144/E)裂解液体积(=总体积-F)上样缓冲液(=总体积/4)根据A、B两列数据绘制标准曲线:选中A、B两列数据------图表向导------XY 散点图------平滑线散点图------下一步------下一步------完成------单击曲线------右键------添加趋势线------类型,“线性”------选项,“显示公式”,“显示R平方值”------确定得到公式y=57.592x-7.7404 R2=0.9858(R平方大于等于0.99公式可用),根据公式求出X=?,即蛋白浓度。

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Rilprim® P23V40
RilprimLeabharlann LES 201Primgreen® LAT 12035
Primgreen® LAT 12035
Rilprim® EP 100 A broad range of primers suitable to the used Rilsan® Fine Powder and to the technical requirement • Application process • Type of primer • Level of performance
3 Confidential
CERDATO / P1 RFP / May 13
Property of Arkema / Duplication prohibited
Mechanical treatment
Grit blasting of steel
Corundum Shot Casting Shot Steel Several diameters are available with different hardness. The roughness has to match the top coat thickness. Rz 35 to 45 µm for coatings from 95 to 140 µm Rz 55 to 65 µm for coatings superior to 250 µm
Application Process
Spraying with a conventional or electrostatic pneumatic gun (should only be done with special equipment). Dipping with a diluted primer into a mixture of water / butylglycol Curing temperature : from 260° C to 350° C Curing Time : depends on the thickness of the substrate. The aim is to obtain a dark brown colour (RAL 8017 and 8019)
2 Confidential CERDATO / P1 RFP / May 13 Property of Arkema / Duplication prohibited
How to improve anti corrosion performances ?
Chemical treatment
Existing pre-treatments : • Cataphoresis, steel (amorphous) or zinc (crystalline) phosphatation, galvanization, chromatation …
Cleanness of the surface to be coated
Degreasing • • Elimination of fatty by-products coming from storage oils, castings tooling. Different ways of degreasing: • Dissolution using a solvent • Elimination using alkaline acid or neutral products thanks to an aqueous solution • Burning (oven or sand bath). • Only for massive parts, • After burning step the part need to be grit blasted. Other treatments
Primer (for optimum adhesion)
Substrate chemical pretreated Or mechanical grit blasted
Rilsan® Coating
7 Confidential
CERDATO / P1 RFP / May 13
Rilsan Fine Powders Surface Preparation and Primer
Property of Arkema / Duplication prohibited
Why is a surface preparation needed ?
8 Confidential
CERDATO / P1 RFP / May 13
Property of Arkema / Duplication prohibited
Primer Range for Rilsan® Fine Powders
Electrostatic Process Rilsan® ES/ESY
5 Confidential
CERDATO / P1 RFP / May 13
Property of Arkema / Duplication prohibited
Surface Treatment of Aluminium
Chromatation (Alodine® Treatment)
• Chemical conversion process which consists in creating on the aluminum surface an amorphous chromatation. Alodine® type 401/45 Alodine® 1200 S Alodine® 280 et 400 (chromium phosphate) (chromium chromate) (no chrome)
• •
Elimination of other by-products being on the surface (calamine / rust) Differents processes:
• Mechanical : spray of an abrasive media (ex grit or sand blasting) • Chemical : immersion in a solution with a high acid index.
9 Confidential CERDATO / P1 RFP / May 13 Property of Arkema / Duplication prohibited
Primer Range for Rilsan® Fine Powders
Fluid Bed Process Rilsan® T
Electrostatic Process Rilsan® ES/ESY
Rilprim® LES 201 Solvent based primer on steel Not to be used on aluminum substrate Has to be used for Rilsan® coating application in contact with hot water ( >70°C) Primgreen® LAT 12035 Low VOC waterborne primer on Aluminum Rilprim® EP 100 Powder primer on steel
It is strongly recommended to check the compatibility of such pre-treatments with Rilsan Fine Powder application
To complete the broad range of properties given by Rilsan coating, ARKEMA is supplying specially designed primers for optimum adhesion to the substrate. The function of the primer is: • • • To provide a chemical adhesive bond between the substrate and Rilsan® To prevent film corrosion creep if Rilsan® is damaged To neutralize the difference of coefficient of expansion between the substrate and Rilsan®
Sand blasting of Aluminum
Shot Aluminum Corundum Rz 30 to 40 µm for coatings from 90 to 250 µm
Level of cleanness SA 2.5-3
4 Confidential
CERDATO / P1 RFP / May 13
10 Confidential
CERDATO / P1 RFP / May 13
Property of Arkema / Duplication prohibited
Primer Range: Primgreen® LAT 12035
FluidBed BedProcess Process Fluid Rilsan®T T Rilsan®
Waterborne epoxy acrylate resin primer (VOC < 180 gr/l) ready to use
Primgreen® LAT 12035