器材价格参考⽤部分品牌参考价格此处的价格仅供参考,多为⼚家报价,⽬的是给⼤家⼀个⼤致价位的概念(转贴于影⾳新时代论坛alexking)按器材类型分类雅马哈(YAMAHA)报价:YAMAHA AZ1 13500YAMAHA AZ2 7500YAMAHA 2400 6400YAMAHA 1400 4900YAMAHA 750 3950YAMAHA 650 3900YAMAHA 450 2000YAMAHA 640 3400YAMAHA 540 2450YAMAHA 440 2100YAMAHA 340 1580YAMAHA RXV-596 AV机 2800⼈民币YAMAHA RXV-800 AV机 3900⼈民币YAMAHA RXV-1000 AV机 4600⼈民币YAMAHA A1 AV机 13200⼈民币YAMAHA A2 AV机 8800⼈民币马兰⼠(MARANTZ)报价:MARANTZ 7400 5100MARANTZ 7300 4900MARANTZ 6400 3800MARANTZ 6300 3500MARANTZ 5400 3200MARANTZ 5300 2700MARANTZ 4400 2100MARANTZ 4300 1980马兰⼠ SR5200 AV机 3800⼈民币马兰⼠ SR6200 AV机 4500⼈民币马兰⼠ SR7200 AV机 5700⼈民币马兰⼠ SR8000 AV机 7400⼈民币马兰⼠ SR4200 AV机 3200⼈民币马兰⼠ PM14SA 合并机 14500⼈民币马兰⼠ PM14 合并机 10500⼈民币马兰⼠ PM17SA 合并机 8500⼈民币马兰⼠ PM17 合并机 6800⼈民币天龙(DENON)报价:DENON 3805 9480DENON 3803 7800DENON 2803 5800DENON 1804 3850DENON 1604 2700DENON 1404 2250天龙 S10III 合并机 13500⼈民币天龙 PMA-2000 合并机 6500⼈民币天龙 PMA-1500 合并机 4200⼈民币天龙 AVC-A10SE AV机 11500⼈民币天龙 AVR-1801 AV机 4200⼈民币天龙 AVR-2800 AV机 5800⼈民币天龙 AVR-3300G AV机 6800⼈民币天龙 AVR-3801 AV机 7500⼈民币安桥(ONKYO)报价:ONKYO TX-NR901 12480ONKYO TX-NR801 9280ONKYO TX-SR701 5300ONKYO TX-SR601 3700ONKYO TX-SR501 2700ONKYO TX-SR401 210021CN A50SE 合并机 5200⼈民币21CN A100 合并机 5080⼈民币21CN A45 合并机 3480⼈民币21CN A80 合并机 3000⼈民币21CN A120 合并机 2280⼈民币雅乐普契尼 5460⼈民币雅乐普契尼特别版 7560⼈民币雅乐普契尼签名版 6650⼈民币雅乐普契尼签名特别版 9240⼈民币雅乐贝⾥尼前级 8200⼈民币雅乐唐采尼帝后级 10000⼈民币丹麦皇⼦ B-100 合并机 9000⼈民币架势Classe CAP151 合并机 16000⼈民币⼒⼠ C-509S 合并机 39560⼈民币⼒⼠ C-7I 前级 35500⼈民币⼒⼠ M-7I 后级 35500⼈民币⼒⼠ C-3 前级 12880⼈民币⼒⼠ M-3 后级 14620⼈民币⼒⼠ C-9II 前级 85380⼈民币⼒⼠ B-10 后级 75520⼈民币Krell 300i 合并机 18000⼈民币Krell 500i 合并机 34000⼈民币TAG Mc Laren 60i 合并机 7000⼈民币TAG Mc Laren 60ai 合并机 9800⼈民币翩美 Primare A30.1合并机 15800⼈民币翩美 Primare A20 合并机 9300⼈民币翩美 Primare A10 合并机 7500⼈民币Mark Levinson No383 合并机 50000⼈民币乐林 Concentra 合并机 36000⼈民币Linn kolektor 前级 7200⼈民币Linn LK85 后级 7200⼈民币Bryston 4B ST 后级 21300⼈民币Bryston 7B ST 后级 37000⼈民币Bryston BP25 前级 17000⼈民币⾳乐之旅ECP1前级 5400⼈民币⾳乐之旅EC4.5前级 7860⼈民币⾳乐之旅EC4R前级 11700⼈民币⾳乐之旅EC4.7前级 19630⼈民币⾳乐之旅AW600FTT后级 9650⼈民币⾳乐之旅AW100DMB后级 17200⼈民币⾳乐之旅AW120DMB后级 26620⼈民币⾳乐之旅AW180M后级 24600⼈民币⾳乐之旅ECI1合并机 16670⼈民币⾳乐之旅ECI2合并机 6350⼈民币⾳乐之旅ECI3合并机 12192⼈民币NAD S-300 合并机 12500⼈民币NAD S-100 前级 9000⼈民币NAD S-200 后级 12000⼈民币ONIX A-120 合并机 5500⼈民币ONIX A-60 合并机 3600⼈民币ONIX OA-80 合并机 4000⼈民币ONIX 3000+2150前后级 7500⼈民币⾳乐传真 X-A1 合并机 8500⼈民币⾳乐传真 A-3 合并机 12000⼈民币⾳乐传真 A-300 合并机 17000⼈民币⾳乐传真 M3 合并机 38000⼈民币麦景图 MC352 后级 63800⼈民币麦景图 MC300 后级 43000⼈民币麦景图 C15 前级 16500⼈民币麦景图 MA6450 合并机 22000⼈民币麦景图 MA6850 合并机 30000⼈民币多能⼠ TIA-2300 合并机 12800⼈民币⾦嗓⼦ E407V 合并机 33000⼈民币⾦嗓⼦ E306V 合并机 22000⼈民币⾦嗓⼦ E211 合并机 13800⼈民币Bow 丹麦神⼸ Wazoo 合并机 23000⼈民币雅骏 FMJ A22 合并机 16000⼈民币Gryphon Callisto2200 合并机 33000⼈民币Gryphon Callisto2100 合并机 27000⼈民币Gryphon Century 合并机 28000⼈民币Gryphon TABU AT 合并机 22000⼈民币Goldmund SRI-2 合并机 30000⼈民币⾳箱报价-----------------达尼皇太⼦II 5600⼈民币 AE 100iLE 2500⼈民币达尼 ROYAL SCEPTER 8400⼈民币 AE 109LE 4500⼈民币达尼皇太⼦370 7700⼈民币 AE 120 6350⼈民币达尼皇太⼦470 12300⼈民币 AE 107C(中置) 1930⼈民币达尼皇太⼦870 17500⼈民币 AE 108S(超低⾳) 4345⼈民币达尼 ASXCENTER 1250⼈民币 AE 200 3850⼈民币达尼 ASX 1000 1400⼈民币 AE 209 5860⼈民币达尼 ASX 3000 2500⼈民币 AE 1 12360⼈民币达尼 ASX 5000 3750⼈民币 AE 2 19300⼈民币达尼 ASX 8000 5300⼈民币 AE 1(签名版) 26300⼈民币达尼男爵 505 4800⼈民币 AE 2 (签名版) 46600⼈民币达尼男爵 606 6000⼈民币 AE 5 99200⼈民币达尼男爵 808 7400⼈民币 AE 509 11860⼈民币达尼⼦爵 SUITE 1.5 6400⼈民币 AE 520 15330⼈民币达尼⼦爵 SUITE 2.5 8700⼈民币 AE ⽔晶⼀号 1960⼈民币达尼⼦爵 SUITE 3.5 12700⼈民币 AE ⽔晶⼆号 2960⼈民币达尼⼦爵中置 3500⼈民币 法国三⾓牌 TITUS-TZX 4800⼈民币达尼⼦爵超低⾳ 4300⼈民币 法国三⾓牌 COMETE-TZX 6100⼈民币雅丽丝 1号⾳箱 18800⼈民币 法国三⾓牌 LUNN 6800⼈民币雅丽丝 2号⾳箱 28800⼈民币 法国三⾓牌 ZEPHYR 9000⼈民币KEF CRESTA 1 ⾳箱 1900⼈民币 法国三⾓牌 ITTOHxs 11600⼈民币KEF CRESTA 2 ⾳箱 2600⼈民币 法国三⾓牌 ANTAL 12400⼈民币威武极典 Solus 16000⼈民币 法国三⾓牌 ZAYS MKII 22000⼈民币威武时尚谱乐 14500⼈民币 法国三⾓牌 EXTAN 34000⼈民币威武时尚百乐 11000⼈民币 法国梦幻之声 Initiation 1 2340⼈民币威武时尚意乐 5000⼈民币 梦幻之声 Initiation 2 3900⼈民币Spendor S2 4536⼈民币 梦幻之声 Initiation 3 5200⼈民币Spendor 2020 3460⼈民币 梦幻之声 Initiation 4 3280⼈民币Spendor 2030 4950⼈民币 梦幻之声 Initiation 6 3770⼈民币Spendor 2040 7730⼈民币 梦幻之声 Initiation 7 5200⼈民币Spendor SP3/1P(红⽊) 9185⼈民币 梦幻之声 Initiation 中置 1800⼈民币Spendor SP1/2(桃⽊) 14184⼈民币 丹拿听众42 5500⼈民币美之声监听⼀号 3800⼈民币 丹拿听众52 6500⼈民币美之声监听三号 4780⼈民币 丹拿听众62 8000⼈民币美之声焦点⼗号 1270⼈民币 丹拿听众72 11000⼈民币美之声和谐三号 2720⼈民币 丹拿听众82 14000⼈民币美之声梦幻三号 3780⼈民币 丹拿 CONTOUR1.1MKII 9800⼈民币B&W N805 14000⼈民币 丹拿 CONTOUR1.3MKII 13500⼈民币B&W N804 28000⼈民币 丹拿 CONTOUR1.3SE 22000⼈民币B&W N803 35000⼈民币 丹拿 CONTOUR1.8MKII 20000⼈民币B&W CDM1NT 8800⼈民币 ProAc T2000 7600⼈民币B&W CDM7NT 14000⼈民币 ProAc T2000 签名版 9600⼈民币B&W CDM1SE 6800⼈民币 ProAc 1SC 11600⼈民币卓丽贵族世代⼀号 13500⼈民币 西湖 LC6.75 13200⼈民币皇冠鉴名三号MKII 13500⼈民币 西湖 LC5.75 9600⼈民币---------------------CD机和咸菜报价-----------------------CD机---马兰⼠ CD6000OSE CD机 2550⼈民币马兰⼠ CD19A CD机 4000⼈民币马兰⼠ CD17DA CD机 5400⼈民币马兰⼠ CD16D CD机 7000⼈民币天龙 DCD-S10II CD机 9600⼈民币天龙 DVD5000 DVD机 14500⼈民币天龙 DVD1000 DVD机 3300⼈民币雅乐巴格⾥尼 CD机 7500⼈民币NAD S500 CD机 9500⼈民币君⼦⾏星 CD机 7200⼈民币⼒⼠ D-600S CD机 12880⼈民币⼒⼠ D-7 CD机 25640⼈民币雅骏 FMJ CD23 CD机 16000⼈民币CARY CD303 CD机 7000⼈民币CARY CD306 CD机 19700⼈民币架势Classe CDP.3II CD机 12800⼈民币先锋 DV-3300 DVD机 1780⼈民币先锋 DV-S10A DVD机 15800⼈民币先锋 DV-S6D DVD机 6800⼈民币美国雅卓 UCD-100 CD机 6500⼈民币美国雅卓 HDCD-10 解码器 5500⼈民币TEAC 25XS CD机 9100⼈民币TEAC 50X CD机 13500⼈民币SONY SCD-1 SACD机 30000⼈民币SONY SCD-777ES SACD机 19500⼈民币SONY SCD-555ES SACD机 13500⼈民币SONY DVP-9000ES DVD机 12500⼈民币SONY CDP-XA7ES CD机 14500⼈民币SONY CDP-55ES CD机 7500⼈民币翩美 1.0 DVD机 11000⼈民币---咸菜---NBS STINGHER1mRCA信号线1050⼈民币NBS DRAGON/FLY ⼩飞龙系列:1m RCA 信号线1550⼈民币1.5m RCA 信号线2000⼈民币1m XLR 信号线1995⼈民币1.5m XLR 信号线2500⼈民币2.5m ⾳箱线2400⼈民币3m ⾳箱线2900⼈民币1.5m 电源线 1500⼈民币NBS MINE/SERPENT-II ⼩蛇系列:1m RCA 信号线2350⼈民币1.5m RCA 信号线2960⼈民币1m XLR 信号线2800⼈民币1.5m XLR 信号线3600⼈民币2.5m ⾳箱线3100⼈民币3m ⾳箱线3200⼈民币1.5m 电源线 2400⼈民币NBS SERPENT-II中蛇系列: 1.5m RCA 信号线4500⼈民币2m RCA 信号线5500⼈民币1.5m XLR 信号线4500⼈民币2m XLR 信号线5500⼈民币1.5m 电源线 3000⼈民币NBS KING/SERPENT-II蛇王系列:1.5m RCA 信号线7900⼈民币2m RCA 信号线9600⼈民币1.5m XLR 信号线7900⼈民币2m XLR 信号线9600⼈民币2.5m ⾳箱线10000⼈民币3m ⾳箱线12000⼈民币NBS SIGNATURE-II签名系列:1.5m RCA 信号线9600⼈民币2m RCA 信号线12000⼈民币1.5m XLR 信号线9600⼈民币2m XLR 信号线12000⼈民币2.5m ⾳箱线14400⼈民币3m ⾳箱线16000⼈民币1m 电源线 4000⼈民币MASTER-II⼤师系列:AQ Coral⽔蟒 1m XLR1140⼈民币1.5m RCA 信号线12000⼈民币2m RCA 信号线18000⼈民币1.5m XLR 信号线12000⼈民币2m XLR 信号线18000⼈民币2.5m ⾳箱线26000⼈民币3m ⾳箱线33000⼈民币1m 电源线 5800⼈民币注意: NBS ⼩蛇以下报价偏⾼,只供参考。
弱电智能化采购内容及技术要求1.单声道输入通道:8路2.立体声输入通道:2组(4路单声道)3.单声道插入通道:8路4.单声道话筒接口幻像电源:+48V5.输出通道:一组立体声主输出、两路编组输出、两组辅助输出、一组立体声监听输出、一组CD/TAPE 输出、USB声卡播放输出、蓝牙播放输出6.频率响应:20Hz~20KHz ±0.5dB7.单声通道话筒到主输出最大增益:60dB±2dB8.单声通道线路到主输出最大增益:45dB±2dB9.立体声声通道线路到主输出最大增益:15dB±1dB10.通道串音:≤-90dB @ 20KHz11.左右声道串音:≤-90dB@ 20KHz12.信噪比(计权):≥95dB @ 1KHz 0dB13.主输出通道最大平衡输出:24dB±1.5dB14.主输出/编组最大非平衡输出:18dB±1.5dB15.辅助最大非平衡输出:18dB±1.5dB16.CD/TAPE输最大非平衡输出:18dB±1.5dB17.效果最大非平衡输出:18dB±1.5dB18.耳机输出:12dB/0.25W@32Ω;18dB@10KΩ;20Hz~20KHz19.通道间增益差:≤2dB20.失真度:≤0.002% @ 0dB 1KHz单声道通道均衡21.高频、可扫频中频、低频的频点范围:14KHz、200Hz~8KHz 、80Hz22.中心频点频偏与增益:频偏小于8%,最大增益为±15dB立体声通道均衡23.高频、中高频、中低频、低频的频点范围:20KHz、3KHz 、500Hz、20Hz24.中心频点频偏与增益:频偏小于8%,最大增益为±15dB25.效果器:21种DSP效果:HALL、ROOM、PLATE、AMBIENT、GATED、REVERS、VOICE、DEL&REV、ECHO40、ECHO50、DELAY、CHORUS、CHO&DEL、CHO&REV、FLANGER、FLA&DEL、FLA&REV、TREMOLO、TRE&REV、WAH WAH、WAH&REV26.通道削波指示灯:比削波电平提前3dB指示27.编组及主输出12段电平指示灯:+6dB,+3dB,0dB,-3dB,-6B,-9dB,-12dB,-15dB,-18d B,-24dB,-30dB,-36dB28.电源供应及功耗:~110-220V 50Hz , ≤60W。
Voltage Rating Code C D E F Voltage 400V AC/540V DC 480V AC/650V DC 600V AC 690V AC (not UL listed)
洛克威爾自動化出版物 750-TD001E-ZC-P - 2011 年 11 月
PowerFlex 750 系列交流變頻器
Cabinet Options (21G)
Drive Code 20F 20G 21G Type PowerFlex 753 PowerFlex 755 PowerFlex 755 Drive with Options 2P1 2.1 3.5 5.0 8.7 11.5 15.4 22 30 37 43 60 72 85 104 140 170 205 260 302 367 456 460 540 567 650 750 770 910 1040 1090 1175 1465 1480 Code Amps
Enclosure Code B Description IP20, NEMA/UL Type 1, 2500 MCC Style Cabinet, 600 mm (23.6 in.) Deep Flange (NEMA/UL Type 4X/12 back) IP54, NEMA/UL Type 12 IP20, NEMA/UL Type 1, 2500 MCC Style Cabinet, 800 mm (31.5 in.) Deep IP20/IP00, NEMA/UL Type Open IP20, NEMA/UL Type 1, 2500 MCC Style Cabinet & Options w/MCC Power Bus, 800 mm (31.5 in.) Deep, St NEMA/UL Type 1, 2500 MCC Style Cabinet & Options w/MCC Power Bus, 800 mm (31.5 in.) Deep, CenterLine 2100 Gray (ASA49)
羽毛球馆灯光设备采购清单及技术参数要求二、技术参数要求1、LED灯具:(1)额定电压;220VAC50/60Hz:额定功率:200W;灯具重量W5kg;灯具尺寸学370rmπ*13O mm*150mm:(2)灯具防护等级2IP66,防腐等级WF2,灯具防触电保护级别1级:(3)灯具外壳采用1070型铝材:(第三方检测报告备查)*(4)光源:整灯光效不小于1201m∕w,采用高光效SMD封装方式光源,显色指数280,色温5600K-6000k;(光源合作厂家证明及检测报告备查)(5)功率因数20.95,电压波纹系数W0.05%,频闪百分比W0.05%。
*(6)灯具眩光值‹30:(7)灯具经过CQC或CCC产品论证:(8)灯具通过电磁兼容型式试验:*(9)灯具通过安全认证试验,(第三方检测报告备查):(10)灯具通过耐热、防火及耐漏电起痕试验:(11)灯具通过耐久性试验和热试验:(12)灯具通过检验机构蓝光危害检测达到RGl无限制级别:2、遮光罩:(1)尺寸:37Omm*13Omm*15Imm;(2)俵面喷防腐户外粉,颜色为PANTONEC OO IGray7C;(3)表面无毛刺及其他明显缺陷;(4)使用2mm厚5052合金制成,保证防眩效果;(5)未注冲压尺寸公差等级GB∕T15055-m;三、交货期:合同签订后7个工作日安装调试完毕。
Belimo LH24A-MP60-TP 通信式线性活动器说明书
Communicative linear actuator adjustingdampers and slide valves in technical building installations• Actuating force 150 N• Nominal voltage AC/DC 24 V• Control modulating, communicative 2...10 V variable• Position feedback 2...10 V variable• Length of Stroke Max. 60 mm, adjustable in 20 mm increments• Communication via Belimo MP-Bus • Conversion of sensor signalsTechnical dataElectrical dataNominal voltageAC/DC 24 V Nominal voltage frequency 50/60 HzNominal voltage rangeAC 19.2...28.8 V / DC 21.6...28.8 V Power consumption in operation 2.5 W Power consumption in rest position 1.2 W Power consumption for wire sizing 5 VAConnection supply / control Terminals 4 mm² (cable ø4...10 mm, 4-wire)Parallel operationYes (note the performance data)Data bus communicationCommunicative control MP-Bus Number of nodesMP-Bus max. 8Functional dataActuating force motor 150 NActuating force variable 25%, 50%, 75% reduced Operating range Y 2...10 V Input impedance100 kΩOperating range Y variable Start point 0.5...30 V End point 2.5...32 V Operating modes optionalOpen/close3-point (AC only)Modulating (DC 0...32 V)Position feedback U 2...10 V Position feedback U note Max. 0.5 mA Position feedback U variable Start point 0.5...8 V End point 2.5...10 V Position accuracy ±5%Direction of motion motor selectable with switchDirection of motion note Y = 0 V: with switch 0 (retracted) / 1 (extended)Direction of motion variable electronically reversible Manual override with push-button, can be locked Stroke60 mmLength of Stroke Max. 60 mm, adjustable in 20 mm increments Stroke limitation can be limited on both sides with mechanical end stops Running time motor 150 s / 100 mmRunning time motor note corresponds to 90 s / 60 mm Running time motor variable 70...270 s / 100 mm Adaptation setting rangemanualTechnical dataFunctional data Adaptation setting range variable No actionAdaptation when switched onAdaptation after pushing the manual overridebuttonOverride control MAX (maximum position) = 100%MIN (minimum position) = 0%ZS (intermediate position, AC only) = 50%Override control variable MAX = (MIN + 32%)...100%MIN = 0%...(MAX – 32%)ZS = MIN...MAXSound power level, motor45 dB(A)Safety data Protection class IEC/EN III, Safety Extra-Low Voltage (SELV)Power source UL Class 2 SupplyDegree of protection IEC/EN IP54Degree of protection NEMA/UL NEMA 2Enclosure UL Enclosure Type 2EMC CE according to 2014/30/EUCertification IEC/EN IEC/EN 60730-1 and IEC/EN 60730-2-14UL Approval cULus according to UL60730-1A, UL60730-2-14and CAN/CSA E60730-1The UL marking on the actuator depends onthe production site, the device is UL-compliantin any caseHygiene test According to VDI 6022 Part 1 / SWKI VA104-01, cleanable and disinfectable, lowemissionType of action Type 1Rated impulse voltage supply / control0.8 kVPollution degree3Ambient humidity Max. 95% RH, non-condensingAmbient temperature-30...50°C [-22...122°F]Storage temperature-40...80°C [-40...176°F]Servicing maintenance-freeWeight Weight0.46 kg••••••••••Safety notesThis device has been designed for use in stationary heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems and must not be used outside the specified field of application, especially in aircraft or in any other airborne means of transport.Outdoor application: only possible in case that no (sea) water, snow, ice, insolation or aggressive gases interfere directly with the device and that it is ensured that the ambient conditions remain within the thresholds according to the data sheet at any time.Only authorised specialists may carry out installation. All applicable legal or institutional installation regulations must be complied with during installation.The device may only be opened at the manufacturer's site. It does not contain any parts that can be replaced or repaired by the user.The rotary supports and coupling pieces available as accessories must always be used if transverse forces are likely. In addition, the actuator must not be tightly bolted to the application. It must remain movable via the rotary support (refer to «Installation notes»).If the actuator is exposed to severely contaminated ambient air, appropriate precautions must be taken on the system side. Excessive deposits of dust, soot etc. can prevent the gear rod from being extended and retracted correctly.If not installed horizontally, the maual override button may only be actuated when there is no pressure on the gear rod.To calculate the actuating force required for air dampers and slide valves, the specifications supplied by the damper manufacturers concerning the cross- section and the design, as well as the installation situation and the ventilation conditions must be observed.If a rotary support and/or coupling piece is used, actuation force losses are to be expected.The device contains electrical and electronic components and must not be disposed of as household refuse. All locally valid regulations and requirements must be observed.Product featuresOperating modeConventional operation:The actuator is connected with a standard control signal of 0...10 V and drives to the position defined by the control signal. Measuring voltage U serves for the electrical display of the damper position 0...100% and as control signal for other actuators.Operation on Bus:The actuator receives its digital control signal from the higher level controller via the MP-Bus and drives to the position defined. Connection U serves as communication interface and does not supply an analogue measuring voltage.The actuator has a seal closing function. The mechanical end stop is actively approached as soon as the control signal < DC 2.1 V or > DC 9.9 V. As soon as the control signal is again > DC 2.2 V or < DC 9.8 V, the actuator drives to the position defined by the control signal in the adapted range.Converter for sensorsConnection option for a sensor (passive or active sensor or switching contact). The MPactuator serves as an analogue/digital converter for the transmission of the sensor signal via MP-Bus to the higher level system.Parametrisable actuators The factory settings cover the most common applications. Single parameters can be modified with the Belimo service tools MFT-P or ZTH EU.Simple direct mountingThe actuator can be directly connected with the application using the enclosed screws. The head of the gear rod is connected to the moving part of the ventilating application individually on the mounting side or with the Z-KS2 coupling piece provided.Manual override Manual override with push-button possible (the gear train is disengaged for as long as the button is pressed or remains locked).Adjustable strokeIf a stroke limitation will be adjusted, the mechanical operating range on this side of the gear rod can be used starting with an extension length of 20 mm and then can be limited respectively in increments of 20 mm by means of mechanical end stops Z-AS2.High functional reliabilityThe actuator is overload protected, requires no limit switches in intermediate positions and automatically stops when the end stop is reached (at rest).Home positionThe first time the supply voltage is switched on, i.e. at the time of commissioning, the actuator carries out a synchronisation. The synchronisation is in the home position (0%).The actuator then moves into the position defined by the control signal.Adaptation and synchronisationAn adaptation can be triggered manually by pressing the "Adaptation" button or with the PC-Tool. Both mechanical end stops are detected during the adaptation (entire setting range).Automatic synchronisation after pressing the manual override button is configured. The synchronisation is in the home position (0%).The actuator then moves into the position defined by the control signal.A range of settings can be adapted using the PC-Tool (see MFT-P documentation)Product featuresAccessoriesGatewaysDescriptionType Gateway MP to BACnet MS/TP UK24BAC Gateway MP to Modbus RTUUK24MOD Electrical accessoriesDescriptionType Signal converter voltage/current 100 kΩ 4...20 mA, Supply AC/DC 24 V Z-UIC Positioner for wall mounting SGA24Positioner for built-in mounting SGE24Positioner for front-panel mounting SGF24Positioner for wall mountingCRP24-B1MP-Bus power supply for MP actuatorsZN230-24MP Mechanical accessoriesDescriptionType End stop kit, Multipack 20 pcs.Z-AS2Rotary support, for linear actuator, for compensation of transverse forcesZ-DS1Coupling piece M6Z-KS2Terminal protection IP54, Multipack 20 pcs.Z-TP ToolsDescriptionType Service tool, with ZIP-USB function, for parametrisable andcommunicative Belimo actuators, VAV controller and HVAC performance devicesZTH EUBelimo PC-Tool, Software for adjustments and diagnostics MFT-P Adapter for Service-Tool ZTHMFT-C Connecting cable 5 m, A: RJ11 6/4 ZTH EU, B: 6-pin for connection to service socketZK1-GEN Connecting cable 5 m, A: RJ11 6/4 ZTH EU, B: free wire end for connection to MP/PP terminalZK2-GENElectrical installationSupply from isolating transformer.Parallel connection of other actuators possible. Observe the performance data.Wiring diagrams MP-BusAC/DC 24 V, modulatingElectrical installationFunctionsFunctions with basic values (conventional mode)Override control with AC 24 V with relay contactsOverride control with AC 24 V with rotary switch Control remotely 0...100% withpositioner SG..Minimum limit with positioner SG..Primary/secondary operation (position-dependent)Functions with basic values (conventional mode)Control with 4...20 mA via external resistorCaution:The operating range must be set to DC 2...10 V.The 500 Ohm resistor converts the 4...20 mA current signal to a voltage signal DC 2...10 V.Functional checkProcedure1. Connect 24 V to connections 1 and 22. Disconnect connection 3:– with direction of rotation L: Actuator rotates to the left – with direction of rotation R: Actuator rotates to the right3. Short-circuit connections 2 and 3:– Actuator runs in opposite directionFunctions with specific parameters (Parametrisation necessary)MP-Bus Network topologyMax. 8 additional MP-Bus nodesThere are no restrictions for the network topology (star, ring, tree or mixed forms are permitted).Supply and communication in one and the same 3-wire cable • no shielding or twisting necessary• no terminating resistors required•••••Functions with specific parameters (Parametrisation necessary)Connection of active sensorsConnection of external switching contactMax. 8 additional MP-Bus nodesSupply AC/DC 24 VOutput signal 0...10 V (max. 0...32 V)Resolution 30 mVMax. 8 additional MP-Bus nodesSwitching current 16 mA @ 24 VStart point of the operating range must be parametrised on the MP actuator as ≥0.5 VConnection of passive sensors1) Depending on the type 2) Resolution 1 OhmCompensation of the measured value is recommendedOverride control and limiting with AC 24 V with relay contactsControl open/closeFunctions with specific parameters (Parametrisation necessary)Override control and limiting with AC 24 V with rotary switchControl 3-point with AC 24 VCaution:The "Close" function is only guaranteed if the start point of the operating range is definedas min. 0.5 V.FunctionsOperating controls and indicators1Direction of stroke switch Switch over:Direction of stroke changes2Push-button and LED display green Off:No power supply or malfunction On:In operationPress button:Triggers stroke adaptation, followed by standard mode3Push-button and LED display yellow Off:Standard modeOn:Adaptation or synchronisation process active Flickering:MP-Bus communication active Flashing:Request for addressing from MP client Press button:Confirmation of the addressing4Manual override button Press button:Gear train disengages, motor stops, manual override possible Release button:Gear train engages, synchronisation starts, followed by standard mode5Service plugFor connecting parametrisation and service tools Check power supply connection 2 Off and 3 OnPossible wiring error in power supplyInstallation notesIf a rotary support and/or coupling piece is used, losses in the actuation force losses are to be expected.Applications without transverse forcesThe linear actuator is screwed directly to the housing at three points. Afterwards, the head of the gear rod is fastened to the moving part of the ventilation application (e.g. damper or slide valve).Applications with transverse forcesConnect the coupling piece with the internal thread (Z-KS2) to the head of the gear rod. Screw the rotary support (Z-DS1) to the ventilation application. Afterwards, the linear actuator is screwed to the previously mounted rotary support with the enclosed screw. Then, thecoupling piece, which is mounted to the head of the gear rod, is attached to the moving part of the ventilating application (e.g. damper or slide valve). The transverse forces can be compensated for to a certain limit with the rotary support and/or coupling piece. Themaximum permissible swivel angle of the rotary support and coupling piece is 10°, laterally and upwards.Installation notesServiceTool connectionThe actuator can be parametrised by ZTH EU via the service socket.For an extended parametrisation the PC tool can be connected.Connection ZTH EU / PC-ToolDimensionsFurther documentation• Overview MP Cooperation Partners• Tool connections• Introduction to MP-Bus TechnologyApplication notes• For digital control of actuators in VAV applications patent EP 3163399 must be considered.。
艾默生网络能源 TDS-PA01现场总线适配器 说明书
TDS-PA01现场总线适配器使用说明书版本: V1.2归档日期: 2005-01-31BOM: 31050135艾默生网络能源有限公司为客户提供全方位的技术支持,用户可与就近的艾默生网络能源有限公司办事处或客户服务中心联系,也可直接与公司总部联系。
艾默生网络能源有限公司地址:深圳市南山区科技工业园科发路一号邮编:518057公司网址:客户服务热线: 800-820-6510手机及未开通800地区请拨打:************,*************E-mail:***********************.cn出版说明读者对象本书适合下列人员阅读:设备操作人员、技术支持人员本书约定符号约定注意:提醒操作者需重点关注的地方。
目 录15第四章 PROFIBUS-DP -------------------------------------123.3 配线注意事项---------------------------------------113.2.3 与PROFIBUS 的连接------------------------------103.2.2 与变频器的连线---------------------------------73.2.1 现场总线适配器端子配置---------------------------73.2 配线-----------------------------------------------63.1 安装-----------------------------------------------6第三章 安装及配线----------------------------------------52.3 外形结构--------------------------------------------42.2 现场总线适配器---------------------------------------32.1 PROFIBUS 现场总线技术简介-----------------------------3第二章 产品介绍------------------------------------------21.4 命名习惯--------------------------------------------21.3 使用注意事项----------------------------------------11.2 产品命名规则----------------------------------------11.1 开箱检查注意事项-------------------------------------1第一章 序言----------------------------------------------35第七章 附 录--------------------------------------------34第六章 故障对策-----------------------------------------335.3 GSD 文件-------------------------------------------325.2 主站的参数配置--------------------------------------325.1.7 EV3100的通讯参数配置---------------------------315.1.6 TD3100的通讯参数配置---------------------------305.1.5 EV1000、EV2000、PV 系列的通讯参数配置------------285.1.4 TD3000的通讯参数配置---------------------------275.1.3 TD2100通讯参数的配置---------------------------265.1.2 TD2000的通信参数配置---------------------------255.1.1 TD1000的功能码参数配置-------------------------245.1 变频器的参数配置------------------------------------24第五章 通讯参数配置-------------------------------------234.2.3 机型与PPO 类型---------------------------------204.2.2 PZD (过程参数区)------------------------------174.2.1 PKW(参数区)-----------------------------------154.2 PPO 类型-------------------------------------------154.1 服务存取点-----------------------------------------第一章序言 1第一章序言感谢您购买艾默生公司生产的TDS-PA01现场总线适配器。
爱型 Eaton Ellipse ECO EL500FR 500VA 300W 电源说明书
Eaton EL500FRUPS Eaton Ellipse ECO FR, 500 VA, 300 W, entrée : C14, sorties :(3) françaises, (1) françaises - ondes de choc uniquement, tour UPS (onduleur) Eaton Ellipse ECO EL500FR355334062051578668022480581 mm 263 mm235 mm 2.9 kgMarquage CE IEC/EN 62040-1IEC/EN 62040-2CEEACNom du produit Numéro de catalogueEAN UPCLongueur du produit Hauteur du produitLargeur du produit Poids du produitConformitéCertifications60 Hz300 W0,6tourNonContact de protection (SCHUKO) 161 V284 V50 HzRemplaçable par l’utilisateur Scellé, acide plomb98Fiche Produit Onduleurs Eaton Ellipse ECO 500/650/800/1200/1600 VAEaton Ellipse ECO UPS - 500/650/800/1200/1600 - Installation and user manual (multiple languages)EU declaration of conformity Eaton Ellipse ECOFréquence secondaire - max PuissanceFacteur de puissance de sortie FormeInclut la carte réseau Connexion d'entréeTension d’entrée - min Tension de sortie - maxFréquence secondaire - min Remplacement de la batterie Type de BatterieEfficacitéFonctionnalités spéciales Fiches techniquesGuide utilisateur Informations de conformitéBoîtier extra-plat pour une installation facile dansn’importe quel environnement de bureau Parafoudre haute performance, conforme à la norme IEC 61643-11La protection de la ligne de données garantit la protection de la ligne Internet (y compris xDSL) contre les surtensions4 prises pour connectervotre PC et vospériphériquesLa batterie facile àremplacer aide à prolongerla durée de fonctionnementde l'onduleurType de constructionModèle autonomeTension de sortie - min161 VCouleurnoirAutonomie prolongée de la batterienonPlage de tension de sortie184-264 V (réglable à 161-284 V)Topologiehors ligneProtection contre les surtensionsOuiAutonomie à demi-charge8.5 minTension nominale d’entrée230 V par défaut (220/230/240 V)Plage de fréquence d'entrée46-70 HzTension d’entrée - max284 VType de tensionACPhase (sortie)1Gestion des batteriesBatteries remplaçables, test automatique de la batterie, protection contre les décharges poussées, capacité de démarrage à froidFonction arrêt automatiqueNonTempérature de service - min0 °CPuissance en VA500 VAContact libre de potentielNonPrise(3) françaises, (1) françaises - ondes de choc uniquementPhase (entrée)1Contenu du colisCâble d'entréeManuel d’utilisationConsignes de sécuritéNiveau de bruit<25 dB à 1 mètreType d’alimentation1Graphe d'autonomieVisualiser la courbe d’autonomie batterieInterface utilisateurLEDsQuantité de batteries1Température de service - max35 °CTension230 VLongueur du cordon d’entrée1.5 mPlage de température0° à 35°CInterface EthernetNonHumidité relative0-85 % sans condensationPuissance apparente de sortie 500 VAKit de montage rackNonFréquence de sortie50/60 HzAutonomie à pleine charge2 minType d'interfaceAucunFréquence primaire - min46 HzPuissance de la batterie12 V / 4,5 AhTypeAlimentation sans interruptionTension de sortie nominale230 V par défaut (220/230/240 V)Emplacement carte d’extension nonPlage de la tension d'entrée184-264 V (réglable à 161-284 V)Fréquence nominale50/60 HzFréquence primaire - max70 HzAltitude2000 mEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. Tous droits réservés. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmedia。
LXPT MC20 HE WT 830 L90 LXPT MC20 HE WT 840 L90 LXPT MC20 HE WT 765 L90 LXPT MC20 ECO WT 830 L90 LXPT MC20 ECO WT 840 L90 LXPT MC20 ECO WT 765 L90 LXPT MC12 ECO WT 830 L90 LXPT MC12 ECO WT 840 L90 LXPT MC12 ECO WT 765 L90
10.2 GLAXIER凌星T5吸顶灯 C104 鸟巢型
10.2 GLAXIER凌星T5吸顶灯 C10 G2畅明LED路灯
11.2 绚亮LED路灯
目录 | 室外
12.2 PURSOS® High Power LED Flood Light
绚丽LED筒灯 8'
绚丽LED筒灯 6'
绚丽LED筒灯 4'
1.11 插拔管专业筒灯 DDE
1.12 星月节能筒灯竖插
1.13 星月节能筒灯横插
1.14 星月节能筒灯防雾
1.15 CFL高效节能筒灯
极坐标光强分布 LXPT MC20 ECO 4000K
极坐标光强分布 LXPT MC20 ECO 6500K
筒灯 | 绚亮LED筒灯 极坐标光强分布 LXPT MC12 ECO 3000K
极坐标光强分布 LXPT MC12 ECO 4000K
极坐标光强分布 LXPT MC12 ECO 6500K
FONST6000 U60系统总体介绍
电源盘序号槽位 主备
¾每块电源盘 -48V提供最 大电流80A
¾备份5V 10A
¾备份5V异 常时电源盘 会亮红灯
电源盘1 (00槽位) 主 电源盘4(91槽位) 备 电源盘2(11槽位) 主 电源盘3 (12槽位) 备 电源盘6 (81槽位) 主
前PDP A1、A2 前PDP B1、B2 后PDP A1、A2 后PDP B1、B2 后PDP A3、A4
FONST6000 U60系统总体介绍
网络产出线 刘红捷
¾子框外观 ¾槽位分布 ¾电源及PDP ¾系统实现
波道子框 机盘
FONST 6000 U60子框
z三层双面 z风扇区 z机盘区 z走线区 z盘纤单元
FONST 6000 U60槽位分布
FONST 6000 U60槽位分布 (88个槽位)
16TN1、4TN2、4LN2、 10TP2、1TO3、1LO3 CCU AIF UXU2A PWR
01、02 03 05~08 00、11、12
动切换到B线; ¾A、B线针对每块单
盘单独选择,无需人 工干预。
¾机电管理依赖于备 份5V。
业务盘1-16 业务盘33-48 交叉盘6-9,OA1-OA2 OA3-6,交叉盘1-5
弱电设备明细清单 (1)
附注: 1、订货周期:3个工作日。 2、施工工期:2个工作日。
附注: 1、订货周期:3个工作日。 2、施工工期:5个工作日。
二、门禁、考勤 1 2 3 4 5 门禁主机 电锁 电源 附件 考勤机 中控 中控 中控 定制 中控 iclok 660 F2 AL-100 AP105 42U网络机柜;600*600*2000mm(含PDU、风扇) 12V 电插锁(承受抓力:1000kg) 12VDC、5A 出门开关、门铃 iclok 660(选配B\S模块;读卡模块、后背电池 、保护壳) 台 台 台 套 套 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.00
运创弱电明细清单序 设备名来自 品牌 型号 产品参数 单位 数量 备注
一、网络、Wifi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 网关 核心交换机 分支交换机 无线AP POE供电交换机 AC 控制器 理线架 模块 面板 配线架 理线架 模块 面板 底盒 跳线 跳线 落地机柜 深信服 华为 华为 华为 华为 华为 康普 康普 康普 康普 康普 康普 康普 联塑 康普 康普 图腾 AC-1220 S5700-52X-LI-AC S1700-28GFR-4P AP3010DN-AGN-CN S2700-9TP-PWR-EI AC6005-8-8AP HCM-19-SS-1U-EMEA UNJ500 OUTLET-WHITE M10CF-262 UNP510-24P HCM-19-SS-1U-EMEA UNJ500 OUTLET-WHITE M10CF-262 86 UNC5-i-GY-3F UNC5-i-GY-7F G3 8042 用户数800;选配1个多链路模块 48个10/100/1000Base-T以太网端口,4个万兆 SFP+,交流供电 24个10/100/1000Base-T以太网端口,4个千兆 SFP,交流供电 11nFIT AP,室内普通型2x2双频,内置天线,含中 式电源适配器,支持交流供电 S2700-9TP-PWR-EI(8个10/100Base-TX以太网端 口,1个10/100/1000Base-T以太网端口,1个复用 的千兆Combo SFP,PoE+,交流供电) AC6005-8-8AP主机,含8AP资源授权 1U理线架 RJ45、超五类、非屏蔽 单口面板 超五类、非屏蔽;24口 1U理线架 RJ45、超五类、非屏蔽 单口面板 86盒;明装 RJ45、超五类、非屏蔽、1米 RJ45、超五类、非屏蔽、2米 42U网络机柜;800*1000*2000mm(含PDU、风扇 、双层板) 台 台 台 台 台 台 个 个 个 个 个 个 个 个 条 条 台 1.00 1.00 7.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 7.00 150.00 150.00 7.00 7.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 170.00 160.00 2.00 含备用 含备用
LT-0610P智能调光控制器用户手册北京星光莱特电子有限公司BEIJING STARLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD北京市大兴区西红门镇金盛大街2号院18号楼3层100076 交货-拆包安全知识操作电缆注意事项主要功能产品特性产品安装和要求控制器的安装环境要求控制器的安装尺寸要求控制器的固定和安装电源线的连接主供电网络形式供电电缆接线要求接线端口星形系统单相变换输出连接控制信号的连接方式及走线要求协议简介:DMX512/1990协议简介:LT-NET控制电缆连接标准工作状态及方式的选择各类检测、保护及恢复方法交货-拆包当您收到LIGHTSPACE®的产品时,请确认包装尚未拆卸,并仔细检查设备是否完好;所有设备是经严格检验,并确认完好才允许出厂的;如果发现设备有任何损坏,请及时联系相关人员,并记录在案。
安全知识LT-0610P是专业型的全数字调光器,符合欧洲安全标准:EN60439,EN60950,它属于Ⅰ类设备,按EN 60439设计生产,按当地规格强制安全接地。
主要功能⚫6个调光通道输出,每个通道10A⚫每个通道有一个10A小型断路器和一个旁路直通开关⚫应用于分布式智能灯光控制系统⚫双接口输入,可接收LT-NET信号和DMX-512信号⚫系统输出一组12V直流电压,供给控制系统使用⚫三相电源LED指示及一个通讯指示LED⚫可预置场景128个⚫可分区域128个⚫渐变时间:1~100秒⚫采用大功率可控硅及快速电磁开关,降低因短路事故烧毁可控硅的概率⚫每个通道有一个专业滤波器上升斜率为120uS,减少灯丝噪音⚫自动限压功能使输出电压限制在230V以内,延长灯泡的使用寿命⚫可以控制白炽灯泡、卤钨灯泡、经变压器的低电压灯泡产品特性电子控制:全数字、微处理器控制额定功率:调光器连续工作额定负荷:6 x 2 kWLT-0610P 最大整机负荷为12 kW工作温度范围:0℃到40℃,25℃时相对湿度不大于90%,大气压力小于106kP供电系统:3NPE 400V 50Hz (TN-S 系统, 中性线直接连接到地,相和中性线间230V) 不允许减少N线线径可以单相工作(单相保护)供电电压范围:198 V 到264 V (230 V±14 %)额定供电电流:星型3-相3N~ with PE 供给: 230V 时每相20 A单相供给:在230 V 时60 A调光器保护:MCB 微型断路器(最大分断能力6kA)输入控制:双接口输入,DMX 和LT-NET信号可同时工作,遵从大者优先原则DMX控制信号:正确的DMX 信息——通讯LED指示灯连续闪动LT-NET控制信号:正确的LT-NET信息——通讯LED指示灯红绿交替变化控制端输出电压:12V /0.2A地址:调光器的首地址可通过手持编程器设定(设定时应将机内拨码开关拨下)前面板指示:每个通道电源连接是否正常(MCB是否跳开)DMX512 或LT-NET 控制信号是否正常(通讯LED指示灯显示)电源故障信息(电源LED指示灯显示)调光器测试功能:当按下紧急直通按钮时,可使用机内的微调电位器0~100%调整6路通道的输出亮度旁路直通开关:当功能模块出现故障,可按下对应回路的旁路直通开关响应时间:DMX≤30ms调光器精度:1024 级功率半导体器件:反并联可控硅每路调光器最小负荷:≥60W输出电压的DC成份:在额定负载范围内低于1V负载类型:白炽灯泡、卤钨灯泡、经变压器的低电压灯泡供电电缆颜色:相线L1,L2,L3棕色或黑色中性线N蓝色地线PE黄绿色电磁兼容标准:EN55103-1:1996EN55103-2:1996安全标准:EN60439,EN60950保护:⑴由MCB (6k A 分断能力)提供每路保护,在规定条件下系统安全运行;⑵电源端子进线线径:刚性最大25 mm2、柔性最大16 mm2;⑶负载端子出线线径:刚性最大6mm2、柔性最大4 mm2;⑷从机框的顶部敲落孔或后面板中的进线方孔进电缆;⑸控制信号的接线端在底部敲落孔进线。
一、安全须知 ..................................................................................................... 1
1.1 应用范围 .............................................................................................. 1 1.2 使用人员 .............................................................................................. 1 1.3 危险警示 .............................................................................................. 1
三、 控制面板介绍 ......................................................................................... 13
3.1 控制面板概述 .................................................................................... 13 3.2 远程操作面板及安装支架结构尺寸 ................................................ 14 3.3 控制面板操作说明 ............................................................................ 16 3.4 参数设置方法 .................................................................................... 16 3.5 功能码区内与区间的切换方法 ........................................................ 17 3.6 面板显示内容介绍 ................................................................................................................................................................... 3
iTrust Adapt 1-20kVA UPS是艾默生网络能源有限公司开发的智能化在线式正弦波不间断电源系统,可为用户的精密仪器设备提供可靠、优质的交流电源,采用模块化设计,可以根据需求装配为塔式或机架式,兼容单进单出和三进单出,适用于小型计算机中心、网络间、通信系统、自动控制系统和精密仪器设备的交流供电。
可调单进单出、三进单出产品突出特点超高功率密度,整机2-3U超宽输入电压/频率范围,适应恶劣电网环境输出功率因数高达0.9,带载量提升20-30%效率高达92-94%三相单相兼容,适合多种应用场合兼容机架式/塔式安装方式支持并联扩展运行(最大4台)提供丰富机架选件,方便机架内的配电/监控等功能的一体化实施可平滑接入艾默生易睿TM监控系统出色的节能环保特性输入高功率因数高达0.99,实现高电能利用率整机效率高达92%以上,节能效益明显满足欧盟RoHS环保指令ITA系列UPS的产品定位?适用于服务器机房等区域,保护服务器、网络通信等关键设备完全匹配艾默生易睿TM机房整体方案黑色机身设计突显了与服务器、机柜的和谐搭配ITA系列UPS如何确保供电的高可靠性?双变换在线式设计,市电掉电无中断支持N+X冗余方式,实现系统可靠性的大幅提升DSP全数字控制,输出稳压精度高采用最新IGBT器件,实现输入超宽抗电网波动范围输入标配防浪涌电路,实现卓越的抗电网浪涌能力ITA系列UPS如何带来绿色环保?整机效率高达92%以上,节能效益明显输入功率因数高达0.99,电能利用率高满足欧盟RoHS指令,物料/工艺无有毒物质可调速智能风扇,风扇转速自适应调节,有效节能降噪提供ECO运行模式,效率高达98%,显著节能ITA系列UPS如何为您省钱?高达0.9的输出功率因数,挂接更多负载支持并机扩展运行,且无需并机插框系统效率高,省电、运行成本低功率密度高,占用机架空间小,节省机架数量ITA系列UPS如何方便的维护?超大尺寸LCD和LED显示,各类运行数据/系统状态/历史情况一目了然操作显示面板旋转设计,可随安装方式不同自由调整角度,方便直观ITA系列UPS如何提高方案的可用性?兼容三单/单单(5/10KVA),三单/三三(16/20KVA)多种应用场合支持多达4台的并机,系统容量随意扩充可通过级联电池模块方便地延长后备时间ITA系列UPS如何满足各种监控需求?提供最新USB监控端口提供可采集环境量的SIC网络适配卡,支持服务器自动安全关机功能后台软件兼容多种操作系统(Windows/Linux/HP-UX/Sun Solaris/IBM AIX等) 兼容艾默生机房监控平台SiteMonitor,支持Web监控提供Mib库,方便接入各类NMS网管系统ITA系列UPS如何保护和延长电池组寿命?超宽输入电压/频率范围,有效减少电池放电几率,延长寿命温度补偿功能,减少环境温度对电池寿命的影响超强充电能力,有效缩短电池回充时间电池组节数设置灵活,便于电池系统的利旧(16/20KVA)支持共用电池组(16/20KVA),节省电池投资。
AP UP系列微型飞涌灯和UZ系列微型铃铛选择指南说明书
AP/UP Series Miniature Pilot Lights UZ Series Miniature Buzzer2Pilot Lights / Buzzer Selection GuideRound, Square, Rectangular, 21.5mm9.5mm21.5mm21.5mm21.5mm9.5mm8.5mm39.5mm9mm31.5mmPilot Lights / Buzzer Selection Guide29.5mm9mm34AC Adapter/DC-DC Converter (Option)Flasher Unit (Option)Super Bright LEDs with built-in current-limiting resistor and reverse polarity protection diode• Space saving miniature style.• Long life• Illumination colors: amber, blue, green, pure white, red, white, and yellow (blue and pure white available for AP8M and AP1M only) • Marking is available on flat lens units. (except AP8M series)• Built-in protection diode ensures a reverse withstand voltage of 100V . AP6M SeriesAC adapter unit AC adapter unitAP6M Series AP2M SeriesPilot LightDome Flat AP8M SeriesAP1M SeriesAP2M SeriesAP6M SeriesDome FlatAP Series Miniature Pilot Lights AP6M Series (ø16)DimensionsGasketDomeFlatø15.6ø185.521.529.578Panel Thickness 0.8 to 61.5Width 2.8, Thickness 0.4Hole 2-ø1.22.2ø15.6ø185.513.59.5–+M3 ScrewAC Adapter, DC-DC Converter,or Flasher UnitX1X27158.718181.3Positive TerminalNegative TerminalTerminal Cover: AP-VL3TOPTerminal Arrangement(Bottom View)Marking Plate Panel Cut-out / Mounting Hole Layoutø12.96Terminal cover is not supplied.When using terminal covers, order AP-VL3 terminal covers.Engraving depth: 0.5 mm maximumMarking plate material: White acrylicAll dimensions in mm.Note: (18) is the minimummounting hole layoutwithout AC adapter orflasher unit.With AC Adapter, DC-DC Converter, Flasher Unitø16.2+0.201824(18)+0.2ø16.2ø16• T he LED cannot be replaced.Note: The voltage for Y (yellow) is 24V AC/DC.AC Adapter, DC-DC Converter, Flasher Unit56Series Miniature Pilot LightsAP2M Series (ø12)Dimensions1.52.2ø12ø145.521.529.55ø12ø145.511.59.5Panel Thickness 0.8 to 6GasketDomeFlatWidth 2.8×0.4t+–X 1X 258.7711818Terminal Cover: AP-VL31.3Negative TerminalPositive TerminalM3 ScrewT O PAC Adapter/DC-DC ConverterTerminal cover is not supplied.When using terminal covers, order AP-VL3 terminal covers.With AC Adapter or DC-DC ConverterPanel Cut-out / Mounting Hole LayoutTerminal Arrangement(Bottom View)Marking Plate5.5ø9.4All dimensions in mm.Engraving depth: 0.5 mm maximum Marking plate material: White acrylicø12.2+0.2018(15)24(15)+0.2ø12.2Note: (15) is the minimummounting hole layout without AC adapter or flasher unit.• T he LED cannot be replaced.Note: The voltage for Y (yellow) is 24V AC/DC.ø127AP Series Miniature Pilot Lights AP1M Series (ø10)Dimensions1.52.25.521.5829.5ø10ø124ø12ø105.5109.52.8-+Panel Thickness 0.8 to 6DomeGasketFlatMarking Plate6.1ø7.7Terminal Arrangement (Bottom View)Flat (marking)• T he LED cannot be replaced. • S eparate transformer (TWR512, TWR522, TWR542) can be used for 24V AC/DC pilot lights.Engraving depth: 0.5 mm maximum Marking plate material: White acrylicAll dimensions in mm.Panel Cut-out / Mounting Hole Layoutø10.1+0.21313+0.2ø10.10ø108Series Miniature Pilot LightsAP8M Series (ø8)DimensionsPanel Cut-out / Mounting Hole LayoutTerminal Arrangement (Bottom View)All dimensions in mm.ø16ø8ø9.88.5ø8ø9.832.8Panel Thickness 0.8 to 6GasketDomeFlatWidth 2.8, Thickness 0.4Hole 2-ø1.2T he lens or LED cannot be removed or replaced.• D egree of protection: IP40 (IEC 60529)• S eparate transformer (TWR512, TWR522, TWR542) can be used for 24V AC/DC pilot lights.ø8.1+0.201111+0.20ø8.19AP Series Miniature Pilot LightsMounting Hole PlugTerminal CoverSpecify a lens color code in place of Note 1: On the dome lens, use a white (W) lens for white (W) illumination.Note 2: On the flat lens, use a clear (C) lens for white (W) illumination.AccessoriesRemoval Tool10AP Series Miniature Pilot LightsSafety Precautions• T urn off power to the AP series pilot lights before installation, re-moval, wiring, maintenance, and inspection. Failure to turn power off may cause electrical shocks or fire hazard.• F or wiring, use wires of proper size to meet the voltage and cur-rent requirements. Improper wiring may cause overheating andcreate a fire hazard. Tighten the M3 terminal screws to a torqueof 0.6 to 1.0 N·m. Failure to tighten terminal screws may cause overheating and fire.InstructionsPanel MountingWhen mounting the AP series pilot lights on a panel, use the optional locking ring wrench. Do not use pliers. Excessivetightening will damage the locking ring. Installing the AC Adapter, DC-DC Converter, and Flasher Unit1. Make sure that the voltage rating and terminal style of the AP series pilot lights are applicable to the AC adapter, DC-DC Converter, and flasher units.2. Install the pilot light into a panel cut-out before mounting an AC adapter, DC-DC Converter, or flasher unit. Note that the pilot light cannot be installed in a panel cut-out with an AC adapter, DC-DC Converter, or flasher unit mounted.3. When installing an AC adapter, DC-DC Converter, or flasher unit, make sure that the TOP marking is on the same side as the TOP making of the pilot light. AC adapter, DC-DC Convert-er, and flasher unit are snapped on to the back of the pilot light.4. To remove the AC adapter, DC-DC Converter, or flasher unit, insert the tip of the removal tool into the joint hook and pull towards you as shown in the photo below.5. When using an AC adapter, DC-DC Converter, or flasher unit where the units are subjected to noise, connect a noise su-pressor across terminals X1 and X2 as shown in the diagram below.Wiring1. Note the positive and negative polarities when wiring.2. All DC type AP series pilot lights contain a diode for protection against reverse polarity and a current limiting resistor, eliminat-ing the need for external resistors.3. Solder the terminal at 350°C within 3 seconds using a 60W soldering iron. SnAgCu type lead-free solder is recommended. When soldering, do not touch the pilot light housing with the soldering iron. Also ensure that no tensile force is applied to the terminal. Do not bend the terminal or apply excessive force to the terminal.Use a non-corrosive rosin flux.DC-DC ConverterDC-DC converters employ an electronic oscillating circuit. Oscillating sounds may be heard depending on operating conditions, but will not affect performance characteristics.MarkingAP6M, AP2M, and AP1M round flat lenses contain a white marking plate inside the lens. (AP8M lens cannot be removed.)Flasher UnitPierce the round mark on the nameplate on top of the flasher unit with a flat screwdriver and adjust the variable resistor inside.Turn clockwise to lengthen the flashing period.Note: Do not apply excessive force to terminals X1 and X2 during wiring.X1X2Noise SuppressorNote: Do not apply excessive force to terminals X1 and X2 during wiring.Miniature Pilot Lights with Super Bright LEDs• IDEC’s LSTD LED lamps with BA9S base• Six illumination colors: amber, green, red, blue, white, and yellow• Screw terminal and solder/tab terminal available • Degree of protection: IP65• The current-limiting resistor in the LED lamp eliminates the need for external resistorsA (amber), G (green), PW (pure white), R (red), S (blue), W (white), Y (yellow)Lens AL6➁-L1Marking PlateAL6➁-W BarrierSeries Miniature Pilot LightsDimensionsScrew TerminalM2.6 Terminal ScrewM2.6 Terminal Screw (TOP )Panel Thickness 0.8 to 4Gasket(TOP )Hex NutHex Nut939.5220.65.7372.510181821.919ø15.4ø17.869RoundSquare(TOP )2418Rectangular (3-sided Barrier)(TOP )2418RectangularSolder/Tab Screw TerminalLocking Ring (plastic)(TOP )(TOP )#110 Solder/Tab Terminal Width 2.8×0.5t9220.6ø15.4ø17.86923318.2RoundSquare (TOP )2418Rectangular (3-sided Barrier)(TOP )2418RectangularPanel Thickness 0.8 to 6GasketMounting Hole LayoutMinimum Mounting Centers0ABø16.2Terminal Arrangement (Bottom View)Screw TerminalSolder/Tab TerminalLamp Terminal (X1)Lamp Terminal (X2)TOPLamp Terminal (X1)Lamp Terminal (X2)X1X2X2TOPAll dimensions in mm.ø16AP6S Series Miniature Pilot LightsLocking Ring WrenchReplacement Parts for AP6M/AP2M/AP1MAccessoriesø1660ø146059Series Miniature Pilot Lightsø16TransformerSpecificationsAccessories24459Dimensions45.552414048402230BAA10001342P R I .S E C .M3.5 Terminal ScrewTerminal CoverSecondary SidePrimary Side2–ø3.3Mounting HoleAP6S Series Miniature Pilot Lights Safety Precautions• T urn off power to the AP6S series units before installation, re-moval, wiring, maintenance, and inspection. Failure to turn power off may cause electrical shocks or fire hazard.• F or wiring, use wires of proper size to meet the voltage and cur-rent requirements. Improper soldering may cause overheating and create fire hazards.InstructionsReplacing Lens and Marking Plate RemovalRemove the operator (color lens, marking plate, and lens holder) by holding the color lens recesses with the Lens Removal Tool (MT-101) and pulling it out. Remove the marking plate by disen-gaging the latches between the color lens and lens holder. The marking plate must be engraved on the front side as shown below.InstallationPlace the marking plate on the lens holder in the correct direction and press the color lens onto the lens holder to engage the latches. Insert the lens holder into the housing in the correct direction.Marking Plate and Engraving Area Engraving must be made on the engraving area less thanNotes on MountingScrew Terminal• B ecause screw terminal types use hexagonal nuts, they cannotbe mounted closely together. However, rectangular units can bemounted closely when installed horizontally.• W hen removing the hexagonal nuts, loosen the the terminalscrews. The hexagonal nuts cannot be removed when theterminal screws are tightened.• W hen mounting the pilot lights collectively, note the mountingorder. Pilot lights mounted in between units cannot be removed.Tab TerminalThe locking ring is plastic. To tighten the ring, use an optionallocking ring wrench (MT-001). Do not use pliers. Do not tightenwith excessive force, otherwise the locking ring will be damaged.Tightening torque should not exceed 0.88 N·mCollective Mounting and Continous IlluminationCollective mounting or continuous illumination of pilot lights maycause the ambient temperature to rise above the rated operatingtemperature. Make sure to provide efficient ventilation whenthe mounting panel is not metallic or when the pilot lights aremounted collectively.WiringSolder the terminal at 350°C within 3 seconds using a 60Wsoldering iron. SnAgCu type lead-free solder is recommended.When soldering, do not touch the pilot light housing with thesoldering iron. Also ensure that no tensile force is applied to theterminal. Do not bend the terminal or apply excessive force to theterminal.Power Supply for LED LampsThe operating voltage of the LED lamp is within ±5% or ±10% ofthe rated voltage. Make sure that the power voltage is within thisrange.ø16 (polyarylate)(polyarylate)Waterproof Gasket(acryl)Available in Various Sizes• Five illumination colors: amber, green, red, white, yellow• Various sizes and design.• Available with a built-in current limiting resistor.• Degree of protection: IP65 ( ø9 and ø10)• Panel thickness 0.6 to 4 mm(built-in current limiting resistor type 0.6 to 6 mm)Specificationsvalue when lit at complete direct current the rated voltage under 25°Cenvironment.)value when lit at complete direct current the rated voltage under 25°Cenvironment.)Note: For UP series pilot lights without built-in current limiting resistors, connect an external resistor in series. Otherwise, the LED may be damaged.ø6.1UP06ø6ø7.1UP7ø7ø9.1UP9ø9ø10.1UP1ø10UP8ø8ø8.1Panel Cut-outAll dimensions in mm.UP Series Miniature Pilot Lights Shroud(+)(–)Dome (with resistor)Deep Shroud(with resistor)(+)(–)Note: For UP series pilot lights without built-in current limiting resistors, connect an external resistor in series. Otherwise, the LED may be damaged.ø6·7·8·9·10UP Series Miniature Pilot Lights(with resistor)(+)(–)(+)(–)Note: For UP series pilot lights without built-in current limiting resistors, connect an external resistor in series. Otherwise, the LED may be damaged.ø6·7·8·9·10UP Series Miniature Pilot Lights (with resistor)Note: For UP series pilot lights without built-in current limiting resistors, connect an external resistor in series. Otherwise, the LED may be damaged.(with resistor)12V DC ±10%24V DC ±10%Note: For UP series pilot lights without built-in current limiting resistors, connect an external resistor in series. Otherwise, the LED may be damaged.(+)(–)ø6·7·8·9·10UP Series Miniature Pilot LightsInstructionsPolarityPay attention to the polarity of the power supply as UP series units do not contain a diode for protection against reverse polarity. On solder terminal units, the terminal with a white paint marking is positive. On wire-wrap terminal units, the long terminal is positive and the short terminal is negative.Current Limiting ResistorWhen using a UP series unit without a built-in current limitingresistor, connect an external current limiting resistor. Calculate the resistance using the following formula.Reference Value of Current Limit ResistorWaterproof TypeThe degree of protection is distinguished by the color of theSolder TerminalWire-Wrap TerminalWiringSolder the terminal at 350°C within 3 seconds using a 60W soldering iron. SnAgCu type lead-free solder is recommended. When soldering, do not touch the pilot light housing with theterminal. Do not bend the terminal or apply excessive force to the terminal.Notes on Operating VoltageThe rated operating voltage represents a complete DC value. When using a pulsating voltage such as a full-wave reticification voltage, keep peak currents within the forward current I f . Peak currents exceeding I f may shorten the life of the LED lamp.Panel MountingWhen mounting UP series units on to the panel, refer to the table below for the recommended tightening torque. Do not tighten with excessive force, otherwise the locking ring will be damaged.Black: IP40 (standard)Blue: IP65 (waterproof)Current Limiting ResistorOperating Voltage(V)Resistance (R) =Operating Voltage (V) – 2Rated Current (I) ** Rated Current (I) = 10 mA, except white color at 15 mANote: Use a resistor of higher resistance than the calculated value (R).Rated Wattage of Resistor (W)Rated Current(I)Operating Voltage (V)××= 2 to 3 ** 2 to 3 is a safety factorø6·7·8·9·10Single board mounting for miniature LEDs. Same length as H6, L6, and LW series control units• Five illumination colors: amber, green, red, white, yellowSpecificationsUP8 / UP9P / UP1P➁Note: Connect an external current limiting resistor in series. Otherwise, the LED may be damaged.M8BodyLED Kitø92ø539.638.8When installed 37.6When installed 44.221125ø8.1ø10Panel Thickness: 0.6 to 6ø711.5+ (+) Terminal ø0.6Marking5912.7ø11ø8.8Panel Thickness 0.6 to 4Panel Thickness 0.6 to 49ø1213.8ø1011.811.85M9M10DimensionsUP8-89VUP9-99VUP1P-19VPC Board Mounting HolePanel Cut-outInternal Circuitø9.10ø10.1ø8.11.27ø0.82.54Positive Terminal Negative Terminalø8ø9ø10The longer pin is the positive terminalAll dimensions in mm.UP Series Miniature Pilot LightsSafety Precautions• T urn off power to the unit before installation, removal, wiring, maintenance, and inspection. Failure to turn off may cause elec-trical shocks or fire hazard.• F or wiring, use wires of a proper size to meet the voltage and cur-rent requirements.Improper soldering or failure to tighten the terminal screw may cause overheating and fire.InstructionsSingle Board MountingUP series miniature pilot light single board mounting types can be mounted with H6, L6, LW series control units on the same panel.Follow the instructions below onsingle board mounting.1. Mount the LED kit to the PC board.• T emporary mounting 1. Note the polarity of the terminals and insert the terminals to the PC board.2. Make sure that part A of the LED kit is pressed tightly to the PC board. Bend the terminals side-ways as shown on the left.A45° minimumPC Board Insert terminalBend terminal(t=1.6mm )2. Mount the operator and the UP series pilot lights on to the control panel.PanelUP Unit Operator3. Mount the contact block to the operator of the miniaturecontrol unit and lock the unit by turning the locking lever.Contact BlockLocking Lever∗37.6 m m4. Install the PC board in 1. to the panel in 3.Note: Make sure thatthe LED kit is inserted into the UP series unit.5. Solder the terminals.Before soldering, make sure that each terminal of the contact block is securely inserted into the PC board holes.* When mounting H6, L6, LW, and UP series on a single board, make sure that the distance between the front of the panel and the mounting side of the PC board is 37.6 mm.PolarityPay attention to the polarity of the power supply as UP series units do not contain a diode for protection against reverse polarity. The long terminal is positive and the short terminal is negative.Current Limiting ResistorWhen using a UP series unit without a built-in current limitingresistor, connect an external current limiting resistor. Calculate the resistance using the following formula.Current Limiting ResistorOperating Voltage(V)WiringSolder the terminal at 350°C within 3 seconds using a 60W soldering iron. SnAgCu type lead-free solder is recommended. When soldering, do not touch the pilot light housing with theterminal. Do not bend the terminal or apply excessive force to the terminal.Notes on Panel MountingUse an optional locking ring wrench to mount the unit onto a panel. Tightening torque should not exceed 0.5 N·m. Do not use pliers. Do not tighten with excessive force, otherwise the locking ring will be damaged.PC Board and Circuit DesignUse glass epoxy copper clad laminate, double-sided through-hole PC boards with a thickness of 1.6 mm.Resistance (R) =Operating Voltage (V) – 2Rated Current (I) ** Rated Current (I) = 10 mA, except white color at 15 mANote: Use a resistor of higher resistance than the calculated value (R).Rated Wattage of Resistor (W)Rated Current(I)Operating Voltage (V)××= 2 to 3 ** 2 to 3 is a safety factorCurrent Limiting Resistor Reference ValueLED Kit UP UnitMiniature Electronic Buzzer for mounting in ø16 mm Mounting Hole• Same size and terminal alignment as AP6M series minia-ture pilot lights.• Sounds can be adjusted from approximately 30 to 600 cycles per minute using the optional sound adapter.• The sound adapter can be snapped on to the rear part of the buzzer unit.Cyclical Sound AdapterBuzzer UnitSpecificationsBuzzer UnitRatings / Cyclical Sound AdapterCyclical Sound AdapterStainless steelRemoval ToolUZ6 Series Miniature BuzzerDimensionsBuzzer Unit Cyclical Sound Adapter Panel Cut-outInstructionsNotes on Panel MountingUse an optional locking ring wrench to mount the unit onto apanel. Tightening torque should not exceed 0.88 N·m. Do not usepliers. Do not tighten with excessive force, otherwise the lockingring will be damaged.Power Supply NoiseWhen the buzzer is used where power noise might occur, use anoise suppressor element to prevent noise interference.Cyclical Sound AdjustmentPierce the round mark on the nameplate on top of the cyclicalsound adapter with a flat screwdriver and adjust the variableresistor inside. Turn clockwise for longer cyclical sounds andcounterclockwise for shorter cyclical sounds.Notes on Installing the Cyclical Sound Adapter1. The cyclical sound adapter can be used on 12V and 24V DCbuzzer units (UZ6-11, UZ6-12).2. Mount the buzzer unit on the panel before installing the cyclicalsound adapter on the panel. The buzzer unit cannot be mount-ed with the cyclical sound adapter installed.3. When installing the cyclical sound adapter, make sure that theTOP marking on the cyclical sound adapter is on the same sideas the TOP marking on the buzzer unit and press in.exessive force to X1 and X2terminals.WiringSolder the terminal at 350°C within 3 seconds using a 60Wsoldering iron. SnAgCu type lead-free solder is recommended.When soldering, do not touch the buzzer unit housing with theterminal. Do not bend the terminal or apply excessive force to theterminal.maintenance, and inspection. Failure to turn off may cause elec-trical shocks or fire hazard.• F or wiring, use wires of a proper size to meet the voltage and cur-rent requirements. Tighten the M3 screw terminal of the cyclicalsound adapter to a torque of 0.6 to 1.0 N·m. Improper solderingor failure to tighten the terminal screw may cause overheating andfire.ø16。
派力肯警用电筒7060新款 说明书
0.29 / 0.23 专业 防爆 否
派力肯 7060 LED 电筒
PELICAN 产品有限公司位于美国加州,其生产的派力肯(塘鹅)防水电筒是世界上最明亮、最防水、最安全的专业强光手电。 派力肯(塘鹅)电筒采用 GE 塑料材质,成分为 ABS 工程塑料混合聚丙烯异分子,高压铸塑技术成型。所有派力肯(塘鹅) 电筒都具有防水功能,更有一部分专业防水电筒可以深入水下 152 米正常作业。派力肯(塘鹅)电筒获得了世界上最多的防 爆认证,是世界上最安全的照明工具,其筒身材料不会被腐蚀,保证电筒在强酸碱环境使用。灯泡与反射罩固化的整体灯头模 块结构,自动聚焦,光点不会散射,不怕摔碰,美国 PELICAN 派力肯(塘鹅)专业强光手电筒是世界上最坚固、最明亮、最 可靠、使用最舒适、最可信赖的完美照明工具。
•适用于战术、巡逻两用,双开关技术——后按式开关适合战术 使用;前按式开关适用普通巡逻
•LED 发光二极管灯珠,省电亮度大
灯泡 类型
LED 电筒 是否可充电
光通量 (流明)
130 光照度 (勒克司)
电池 类型
续航时间 (小时)
派力肯仪器仪表箱联系:郑-工15 260 822 709 Q 285151 9548派力肯安全箱>大型箱> 1620大型箱1620内尺寸21.48" x 16.42" x 12.54" (54.5 x 41.7 x 31.8 cm) 配有可伸缩拉杆,可承受较大重量配备聚氨酯加重滚轮,可承受较大重量防水、防撞击、防尘开细胞核结构设计,重量轻,强度高四道双开锁扣设计,易于打开闭合箱体箱盖配有高品质O型密封圈,防水耐用专利技术自动气体平衡阀不锈钢五金件连接铰链握柄采用橡胶压膜处理,手感舒适4层预切割海绵,易于使用箱体终身质保1620 派力肯安全箱参数表外部尺寸(长x 宽x 高)内部尺寸(长x 宽x 高)24.64" x 19.39" x 13.78" (62.6 x 49.2 x 35 cm) 21.48" x 16.42" x 12.54"(54.5 x 41.7 x 31.8 cm)箱盖深度箱体深度内腔总高度2.01" (5.1 cm) 10.53" (26.7 cm) 12.54" (31.8 cm)重量(含海绵)重量(不含海绵)最大浮力24.62 lbs. (11.17 kg) 21.2 lbs. (9.62 kg) 149.91 lbs.(68 kg)最佳温度范围轮轴数量-40 / 210°F(-40 / 99°C) 2派力肯安全箱1620属于大型箱,配有拉杆,轮子,适合做摄影器材、通讯设备箱、大型仪器箱等使用。
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1. #9460 智能型移动式照明系统(充电式,LED型)
∙灯头由12只世界最好的CREE LED灯泡组成, 灯泡寿命5万小时以上,终生无需更换灯泡
∙低电量警示:在电量耗尽前30分钟, LED灯头将频闪3秒,每10分钟频闪1次,以提示用户电量不足。
2. #9470 智能型移动式照明系统(充电式,LED型)
可用240V 直流电充电,也可用12V车充供电。
∙灯头由24只世界最好的CREE LED灯泡组成, 灯泡寿命5万小时以上,终生无需更换灯泡
∙低电量警示:在电量耗尽前30分钟, LED灯头将频闪3秒,每10分钟频闪1次,以提示用户电量不足。