研究生申请的文书全程叫做Statement of purpose, 包括了如下几个部分。
A. 动机 (Motivation)为什么要申请这个专业?为什么对它感兴趣?(若是因为特定课程,活动,或实习等经验的影响,请详述。
)本科是读这个专业吗?为什么想要继续深造?如果本科不是读这个专业的,为什么想要转专业?为什么选择去美国读这个专业?B. 背景 (Academic Background)请详述高中时期所得的与该专业有关的重大奖项。
课程中学到了什么(例如:专业知识,专题报告经验,实验操作技能)?对今后的学习奠定了什么样的基础?有何启发?C. 研究经验 (Research ability)参与过什么项目经验呢?项目是做什么?项目的目标是什么?独特之处在哪里?你在项目中参与和负责什么?你用到什么研究方法?使用过什么特别或是专业的仪器?项目最终有什么成果?获得的项目经验有哪些?你从中学到了什么?D. 工作经验 (Work experience) (请按照时间顺序列出来)工作的单位、部门、职务、工作的内容是什么?在工作期间你有什么升迁纪录?工作上你创造了什么纪录和成就?该项工作经验如何帮助你认识和了解欲申请的专业?该工作经验中,你是否有效应用了学校所学的知识?该工作经验如何影响和促使你下定决心申请这个专业?在专业上和待人处世上学到了什么?E. 社团经验 (Associations experience)有什么相关的社团、义工、比赛经验?这些经验和你想出国进修的关联性是什么?F. 目标与展望 (Research Interests & Objectives)出国后计划专攻什么领域?希望学些什么课程?为什么?目前已做好了什么准备工作或具备了那些研读的条件?你在研究生时所读的专业对你未来的工作和生涯有何帮助?G. 生涯规划 (Career plan)毕业之后的规划是什么?短期目标和长期目标分别是什么?想要继续深造还是投入就业市场?外国的学位对你日后的发展会有什么帮助?通过回答每一项目中的一系列问题,相信你会对你的文书书写更加顺畅。
根据xx年发布的QS世界大学排名,京都大学位列全球第37位、日本第2位;在CWUR大学排名,京都大学位列全球第20位、日本第2位;而在ARWU 世界大学学术排名中,京都大学位列全球第26位,日本第2位,其在理学领域排名世界第18,生命科学排名世界第20,医学排名世界第49;在数学学科排名世界第17,物理学排名世界第27,化学排名世界第9,可谓是一所名副其实的世界顶尖高等学府。
1.设置“AAO”的意义* AAO:Admissions Assistance Office,以下简称为“AAO”。
设置 AAO 的目的在于为那些毕业于中国大陆,香港,台湾的大学,并有意申请京都大学的研修生或者硕士课程,博士课程的各位申请者,在申请手续方面提供便利,并给所有的申请者提供平等的机会。
值得学习Statement of Academic Purpose
Statement of Academic PurposeThree years ago, when returning to China after my graduate study in curatorial studies at Bard College, which exposed me to a fascinating world of contemporary art history and criticism, I determined to come back to the United States for my Ph.D. sometime soon. The decision has once again been confirmed after two more years working in China as a curator and critic. This is why I am now applying for Ph.D. studies in the prestigious Art History Department at the University of Chicago.My dedication to art burgeons in my childhood reverie of becoming an artist. Born into a traditional intellectual family, my inborn interest in painting was highly encouraged and well fostered. My grandfather taught me ink painting and calligraphy, opening the door of traditional art. At teenage I was enrolled in an art training program at the Beijing Children Activity Center, where I was trained in such Western art-making basics as drawing, sketching, gauche, and still-life. Meanwhile, I developed wide interests in history, philosophy, literature, and writing. I selected the Museum Studies Program in History Department at Nankai University based in Tianjing, hoping to build up my career in China’s art museum. Upon graduation in 1988, backed by my good performance, I obtained a position at China Art Gallery, the only nation-grade modern art museum in China, during which I conducted a three-year investigation of folk art nationwide. This unique experience equipped me with an exceptional dimension for reflecting art, especially, when I was witnessing the Chinese Avant-garde Movement reaching its dramatic heydays in late 1980s. As a result, the movement increasingly occupied my attention,therefore I involved in the Graduate Program at China Art Academy, the leading art institute in China, concentrating on modern Chinese art history, under the guidance of Prof. Shui Tianzhong, who was then the director of the institution.As soon as finishing the MA program in 1995, China Art Gallery offered me a position of curator, which was obviously seen by many as ideal in China’s art world. However, my attention was diverted to the booming of contemporary Chinese art on the global art stage. In order to expose myself to international art world and to acquire curatorial training in contemporary art, in 1996, I involved in the Curatorial Program at Bard College, New York. The two-year MA program threw me into the sea of world art. Frequent visit to famous galleries and museums in New York City and enthusiastic discussions on art with fellow students and faculty, which composed by American leading scholar, curator, and critic, I felt truly improved and sharpened, casting a sophisticated art perception. As part of my graduate fulfillment the two-man-show, entitled Where Heaven and Earth Meet: Xu Bing and Cai GuoQiang, was the outcome of yearlong close cooperation with the two leading Chinese artists. It tremendously impressed the community. Both my show and thesis were regarded as significant and important by the faculties.Hoping to apply what I had trained at Bard in China’s art world,I returned to China immediately after the commencement and accordingly, postponed my predetermined Ph.D. studies. But I see the profound intellectual rumination and scholarly refinement as crucial for anoutstanding cross-cultural experienced curator. To reach this, doing a Ph.D. is necessary. Thereafter I have been working widely in China, deeply involving in exhibitions, criticism, publishing, and museum operation, thus gaining personal experience and understanding to contemporary Chinese art and its context, the violent transitional China’s society.Nearly twenty-year hard work and rich experience have gradually paid off. More than sixty articles, reviews, essays have appeared on leading Chinese art magazines, such as World Art, Jiansu Pictorial, Chinese Art, Duoyun, ArtCircle, as well as English art journal Art AsiaPacific and Asian Art News. Eight exhibitions I curated were staged in Beijing, Tokyo, New York, and Shenzhen. Six books and catalogues (3 co-authored) were published.With the accelerating development of globalization Chinese art will play a more and more important role in on the world art stage. A great deal of talented artist, combines their Chinese characteristic with the appropriation of western art, are emerging. The exposure of young generation Chinese artist on world art venues will be a new challenge for international art establishment, calling on a new discourse to be deciphered. Under this situation those scholars who rooted in Chinese background and well-trained in Western contemporary art program will be promising. Since their work will smoothen art exchange and communication between China and Western nations. I wish I could be the one who can do the great job. In order to realize it my Ph.D. studies will be crucial.As I know the art history department at University of Chicago enjoy a good reputation forits strong Asian and modern art faculties, especially, from my view, Prof. Wu Hung, one of admirable scholars of mine, is doing a great job in terms of researching and promoting contemporary Chinese art in US. Prof. Martha Ward who taught me four years’ ago at Bard College impressed me a lot.In short, an everlasting career pursuer is well prepared for the new challenge. As a young scholar I have achieved unusual in China and made a notable debut in the US. I believe that the theoretical preparation and practical experience I possess can be a stable foundation for me to do the Ph.D. studies at University of Chicago, which will elevate me up the new height of my career, and therefore thoroughly dedicate myself to the sacred life-long commitment.Ignited by a film short circuitAfter the robot team, I determined to study robot visionThough my attention was diverted to traffic engineering, specifically study of traffic flow simulation and project of communication based train control system during graduate study, I am still affirmed to study robot vision. (postponed my predetermined study plan in robot vision) Postponed my predetermined study plan in robot visionLast year, I learned something that few young people of early 20s would want to learn. This is, anguish is an integral part of life. On March 31, 1996, a day I shall never forget, my father passed away, having suffered a heavy heart attack. Until then, I had not given much thought to the concept of death, and never expected to lose someone so close to me so suddenly. The burden of life thus came to weigh don on me without any warning.My father's death marked the end of an era for me. Before that, my life was so smooth that I never seemed to have a care in the world. Having been brought up in a loving family, I distinguished myself in all of my grade school years, always the best of the class. In the highly competitive National University Entrance Examinations that are held annually nationwide, I scored as the second best in my hometown Tianjin, one of China's largest cities that sent over 20,000 youngsters to the exams together with me that year. With that, I gained acceptance into the Qinghua (otherwise known as Tsinghua) University, arguably China's best higher learning institution. I performed so well at the university that I won scholarships for three years in a row. I was also awarded with a number of other honors.Overnight, everything changed. With my mother's low salary,, the family could hardly sustain itself, not to speak of putting two people, my sister and myself, through the university. It therefore fell on me, the elder of the two children, to support the family. When the loss of my father finally sank in my first reaction was to shrink from my new obligations. But I quickly reclaimed my sense of responsibility and proceeded to create a new life for me and my family out of the shattered pieces of the life we had before. As few students in China can cover all his or her expenses with scholarships only, I began to work part-time.I have since served as a helper in the library, a waiter in a cafeteria, and an assistant in a number of research projects. Inevitably, these jobs have put a dent to my academic performance at the university. I have, however, gained more experiences an individual, which have helped me attain more maturity and a stronger sense of purpose, not only than I had before but also than most people of my age generally have. Through these experiences, I have not only solved my financial problems but also received an education that I could not have received in the classroom. By learning and making use of my strengths that I never knew existed, I have brought forth my true self to meet the worldly challenges.I first chose engineering for a career when I was in high school. My father, a chief engineer in an automobile engine plant for many years, was the main source of inspiration for this choice. He and long working hours that wassometimes associated with his job. Having watched him work other hand, I often shared my father's pleasure an sense of accomplishment, as he led the plant in achieving technological innovations, averting emergencies or otherwise reaching a research goal. As trying as the field might be, I have found the profession intellectually engaging and emotionally satisfying. On the basis of such considerations, I decided, with the full support of my father, to follow my father in his footsteps and make myself an engineer as well.Last summer, I took part as a research assistant in a project that used ANNs (Artificial Neural Networks) in Naphtha's RVP modeling. In this project, we created a naphtha raid vapor pressure model of process data from an HYSIM process simulation. The ANNs based on a feedforward architecture and a back-propagation technique alternately using negative and conjugate gradients was used in the model building. The accuracy of the model is within 1.185% of the target value. Thanks to my knowledge in this field, I was later on chosen to develop a CAI (computer aided instruction) software of the ANNs as part of my graduation project. The CAI of the three most frequently used ANNs (Forward Networks, Hopfield Networks, and Self-Organizing Networks) was thus created. I used a combination of different languages in designing the software, compiling the user interface part in Visual Basic and the training algorithm part in C++. I believe that the successful completion of the project demonstrates my proficiency and potential in both computer programming and theoretical analysis. The project re-enforced the special interest that I had long entertained in the area of ANNs.Another area of particular interest to me is robot control, for which I took a number of courses and read numerous journal articles. I am currently also planning to learn more about the applications of the LQG (Linear Quadratic Gaussian) controller.My ultimate goal is to obtain a teaching position at a university or research institution. For that, I intend to eventually earn a Ph. D. degree.The drive to succeed is now deeply ingrained in my character. Not content with just getting by, I want to get ahead. To pursue graduate studies, I have given up an opportunity to be admitted to the Ms Program in the Department of Automation of the Tsinghua University, a move that has given rise to quite some uncertainty to my future. But I have heard that, if a fog prevents the sailor of a small boat from seeing the buoy marking his course, he turns the boat quickly in small circles, knowing that the waves he makes will rock the buoy in his vicinity. He then stops to listen ad observe, and repeats the procedure, if necessary, until he hears the buoy clang. The making of these waves may engender some danger, but that is a small risk to take for finding where his course lies. A boat that stays in the harbor never encounters any danger, but it does not get anywhere either.。
留学个人陈述写作指导首先想说的是,对于研究生申请,现在最常见的说法是Statement of Purpose(SOP)。
几乎所有的PS文章都会包含下面的三部分:1. 你的学术/工作经历是怎么样的?2. 你的学术专业兴趣或职业开展规划是什么?有什么样的梦想?3. 你为什么对我们学校的这个专业感兴趣?当然,在这三点中,你可以根据学校要求和个人条件,而对能够让你更加突出的项目方案有所侧重,但这三部分的基本构造最好不要变。
Statement of Purpose
Statement of Purpose(Statement of Intent/ Personal Statement)示例写作原则:1,用真实,具体的事例来说明自己的研究经验/学术背景/对专业的独到理解,突出自己与众不同的独特经历,以及这些经历对自己专业方面的影响。
Sample 1●PrefaceAs a 20-year-old graduate student, I have had the definite academic goal as to be a highly successful scientist. My undergraduate and Master-oriented graduate studies have given me well knowledge in both Electronics and Physics. Electronics is the foundation of modern industry, while Physics is the foundation of science. My doctoral graduate study in Engineering School of Stanford University, if admitted, will be devoted to interdisciplinary study in about Electronics, Physics and some other topics.●Past Y earsMy parents had enlightened me since I was born. With strong desire to study I entered the primary school when 5-year-old and finished its 6-year program in 5 years. I studied hard and entered the high school when I was 10 and finished the 6-year program in 4 years. In my high school years I was very interested in mathematics and physics, and obtained many honors in related contests. Six years ago, I, a 14-year-old boy, enrolled in the Special Class for Gifted Children (SCGC) at XXX University as the youngest student. SCGC is the most selective and competitive class in XXX Univ., yet I kept the highest GPA and was the monitor of the class.The aim of SCGC is to give the young gifted students formal and strict training in mathematics and physics that is more advanced than that of normal undergraduate students.My study at SCGC bestowed me a competitive spirit toward challenges and an intense curiosity in Electronics.I took specialized study in the Department of Electronics at XXX Univ., the only departmentfounded for BsMajor in China. I also took physics major coursed in the Physics Department, many of them were taught in English and used the best books. With the physics foundation I received, it was easier for me to grasp the essential concepts in BsMajor and faster my study. I was the first student who finished the 4-year undergraduate program in 3 years. Although the grading system is strict, my GPA was top 1among 50 students. My under-graduate study brought me many honors, such as the Huawei Prize, awarded to “most brilliant and diligent”students only. In 2000 I was among the 10 “most excellent” university students who received Wusi Prize. In 2001 I graduated from XXX Univ. with the Bachelor of Engineering degree,. I won the honor “Most Outstanding Graduate” that is awarded to top 1% students only.With the intention of studying further Physics in an applied viewpoint, I enrolled in theDepartment of Physics at XXX University。
sample statement_of_purpose
Sample Statement of PurposeStatement of Purpose:Please describe your aptitude and motivation for graduate study in your area of specialization, including your preparation for this field of study, your academic plans or research interests in your chosen area of study, and your future career goals. Please be specific about why UC Berkeley would be a good intellectual fit for you.The writer of the statement below was admitted into UC Berkeley's History Department. With her permission, I reprint her essay parsed with my commentary about why it works as a winning essay."Luscious fare is the jewel of inordinate desires,"1cautions2the author of The Gentlewoman's Companion (1673), one of many early modern conduct books I surveyed this past year for an honors thesis entitled "'Chaste, Silent, and Hungry': The Problem of Female Appetite in Early Modern England, 1550-1700."3As indicated by the title, this project explores a provocative but as of yet scarcely studied facet of early modern gender constructions: female food desire.4I use the word "desire" here rather deliberately, as early modern definitions of appetite extended well beyond the physiological drive to eat to encompass all those physical (and shameful) longings associated with the body. And, in a culture where women were by definition immoderate and sensual, female food appetite, I argue, constituted an unruly5desire that demanded both social and moral discipline. In brief, my research concerns the patriarchal control of women's bodies in sixteenth and seventeenth-century England vis- -vis a cultural idea about food desire and satiation as suggestive and immodest.6In lieu of a formal introduction of my research interests and aspirations I offer a summary of my senior thesis, which earned me the 2003 Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research at the University of California, Davis.7This first venture into serious historical scholarship has affirmed my passion for early modern culture and history; and it has given me the confidence to assert and contest my opinions regarding the status of women in early modern Europe and the current state of early modern historiography.8Continuing along these avenues of research in graduate school, I would like to use my thesis as the basis for a future dissertation. Though I remain wary about committing myself prematurely to a specific topic of research, I am also eager to elaborate, modify, and complicate9 my original assertions about the nature of the "problem" of female appetite in early modern England. Indeed, many of the conclusions reached in the thesis, such as my claim that the cultural eroticization of feminine appetite in early modern England betrayed a deep-seated masculine mistrust of female sexuality and sexual power, serve as starting points10 for future research and study.On a more basic level, writing a thesis gave me the chance to become better acquainted with the essentials of historical research. Suspecting that normative discourses in early modern England participated aggressively in the monitoring of women's appetites, I navigated the sea of early English printed sources in pursuit of the slightest mention of food and diet. Those sources I encountered during my research, which ranged from the popular conduct book, The Education of a Christian Woman by Juan Luis Vives, to the anonymous sex manual, Aristotle's Masterpiece, challenged my basic understanding of history and the original premise of my thesis in ways notanticipated. From deciphering esoteric type-fonts to developing an awareness of the importance of time and funds, I experienced the mundane realities of research that inevitably stunt the historian's aspirations. Even more important was my gradual acceptance of the fact that early modern sources, no matter how we read them, do not always accommodate modern biases and expectations.11Though I cannot predict the course this project might take in graduate school, I expect that it will address the following themes and issues. First is the overarching issue of distinguishing the phenomena I observe from other forms of food restriction and obsession, namely the modern ritual of dieting and its most extreme manifestation, an eating disorder. Though not willing to evade those complicated (and controversial) parallels between modern and early modern usages of food and food symbolism to control the lives of women, I also wish to offer as an historian a nuanced portrayal of how early modern conceptualizations of female appetite were infused with contemporary, historically contingent notions of sexuality and gender.Furthermore, the question of female agency in a project devoted almost exclusively to male prescriptions for diet and behavior demands further discussion. Admittedly, on more than one occasion, my own extensive use and analysis of conduct books and various obstetric manuals, works composed primarily by educated men, caused me to pause and wonder whether it was best to relate a history about women's actions or the patriarchal apparatus under which those actions were oppressed. While I refuse to see women as simply passive receptacles of masculine command, I neither wish nor aspire to focus solely on their achievements; for, in my mind, the history of women and the history of patriarchy are inextricably related.12My goal, then, will not be to detail just another example of how women in history were dominated by men, but, rather, to interrogate the means, in this case food, or, better yet, the cultural meaning of appetite, by which women's desires were suppressed or denied.13Indeed I am proud of my thesis and, given extra time, could say much more. But I should also stress that that at the heart of my specific research concentration lies a more general interest in early modern European history, cultural and women's history to be more exact.14To date, my knowledge of the early modern period has been informed and my imagination sustained by an array of courses on early modern history and literature (I was a joint history and English major), including a graduate seminar on Renaissance urban culture taught jointly by Professors Margaret Ferguson and Deborah Harkness. My personal penchant for cultural history stems largely, I believe, from my training in literature and literary criticism, where sensitivity to the importance of language and metaphor is a necessary skill. Also of crucial importance to a professional career in history are my growing skills in Latin and French, and my fluency in Spanish.15This year I find myself in that difficult and frustrating transitional period between undergraduate and graduate studies. Though I would have preferred to directly continue graduate school after graduation, I opted to take a year off. A year away from school, I reasoned, would afford me the time needed to recuperate from an exhaustive undergraduate education, gain some perspective, and work on fulfilling the language requirement for a doctorate in European history. In fact, I am currently enrolled in a French course at a nearby university and plan to take a subsequent course during the upcoming spring semester. This academic hiatus, moreover, has imposed some much- needed distance between myself and my thesis, which I can now reread from a more critical, lessinvested stance. And, finally, a break from school has given me sufficient time to search and research for graduate programs that best suit my needs.16UC Berkeley's history program looms large in my mind, largely because of its outstanding faculty and interdisciplinary approach to history. In my own quest for a suitable graduate program, I was thrilled to learn that Professors Thomas Laqueur and Carla Hesse both taught at Berkeley. Professor Laqueur's book, Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud, stands out among the many books I read during my undergraduate education; and I credit his book with introducing me to the nascent but fascinating field of the history of sexuality and the body. Together, Professor Laqueur's cutting edge research and Professor Hesse's knowledge of early modern women's history would make my experience at Berkeley a challenging and enjoyable one.17In addition, Berkeley provides an ideal climate for me to develop my cross-disciplinary interests. In particular, I am interested in pursuing a designated emphasis in women, gender, and sexuality, a unique option that distinguishes Berkeley's history program from that of other institutions. The cross-disciplinary nature of Berkeley's graduate program would foster, I hope, fruitful discussions with other departments, notably the department of English and Women's Studies, thus broadening and enriching my research as well as my general understanding early modern culture and history.18• 1 The writer begins with a vivid quote that grabs the reader's attention right away.• 2 "Cautions" is an excellent verb choice. Careful word choice makes for lively writing.• 3 Note how neatly in one well-packed sentence, the writer gets right to the point of her current research.• 4 "Provocative" is an apt and colorful word choice. This sentence explains the nature of her study and situates her subject in historical and thematic context.• 5 "Unruly" is another aptly chosen adjective. Adjectives can create "dead places" in writing if they add nothing significant to the noun that it is describing.• 6 The summary sentence not only recaps the gist of the first paragraph, but also provides further nuance of the subject at hand.•7 This first sentence makes clear that research first and foremost will be central to her argument in the essay. Mentioning the "Chancellor's Award" in the context of herresearch is a clever way of boasting without seeming to.•8 It is a very good idea to explicitly state the chosen subfield within history: early modern Europe. You can't assume that your readers will make the inference from the researchtopic alone. To "assert and contest" opinions is, of course, the marksmanship ofhistorians; making reference to "the current state of early modern historiography"conveys familiarity with the subject on the one hand, and confidence and intellectualpoise on the other. Notice how much more powerful is such a statement as compared to one poorly written, such as "I am passionate and committed to my interest in earlymodern Europe."•9 Again, to say that as a historian, she will "elaborate, modify, and complicate" the subject matter is to show that she really understands the work of historians. A less experienced candidate might have written that she wants to uncover the "truth" in history.•10 "Starting points" --referring to her research interests--is a very measured way of saying that she knows what tugs at her heart, has done enough research to have some hunches, but is open to surprise endings. A beautiful rendition of a historian's sentiment. You may turn off your readers if you come off sounding overly confident. Maintaining a measured tone is very important.•11 This paragraph details further specific lessons and skills earned through this research project. Note the use of colorful verbs such as "navigated" and "stunt."•12 Note the nuanced and carefully measured way of speaking about her subject. Clearly the writer is well-read in theory and shows strong ability in critically evaluating hersubject. Moreover, she tries to be the "objective" scholar in that she does not champion any cause. That is, she does not champion the cause of women even as she conveys deep empathy.•13 The reference to a parallel example of female appetite in contemporary culture as holding interest for the writer is aptly placed here. Were she to have mentioned it any earlier, it would have clouded the primarily historical nature and focus of her venture. •14 It is wise at this point to zoom out a bit and show that the writer's interest lies more broadly in early modern Europe and the history of women. Zooming in and out from the narrow to the general shows that you are capable of becoming a specialist without being overly narrow.•15 Showing interdisciplinarity and your abilities in language are key to your academic biography. In this case, the reader learns that she is a historian with training in literary and critical theory.•16 This is a model paragraph for showing what you did in your "time off" from school.Note how nothing extraneous to her study is mentioned in this paragraph. The paragraph shows that the time off was spent wisely in preparing herself for graduate school.•17 She demonstrates a thorough-going knowledge of UC Berkeley. She mentions not one but two key scholars with whom she could pursue her studies. She mentions how their area of specialty dovetails with her own research interests. Note how she does not make empty, flattering remarks about the professors or the school.•18 She continues to list bounties beyond the department strengthening the argument that Berkeley is well-suited for her. The reader will be impressed with the research and the seriousness with which she has examined UC Berkeley as an option for graduate school.A well-written essay unveils much information about the writer, not only in herintellectual capacity, but also about her character and core values. Through her writing, she makes a distinctive impression.。
UCB MPP/MPA专业要求及文书要求(来自美誉美国际教育)https:///admissions/how-to-applyMPP Application Checklist∙Resume (submitted with online application). Please upload a current resume, reflecting your work experience, education, and any other relevant information.∙Policy Statement of Purpose (submitted with online application). Please follow the instructions below for the statement of purpose. These instructions supersede the instructions for the general Statement of Purpose on the online application. You do not need to write two differentstatements of purpose, instead you should respond to the questions below and then upload this response to both statement of purpose sections on the online application.Instructions: The Richard & Rhoda Goldman School of Public Policy welcomes applicantsfrom a wide variety of backgrounds and with a variety of career aspirations. Some of ourstudents have had prior experience in the realm of public policy; others have not. It ishelpful to us to know more about your background, your motivation, and your long-termgoals than can be inferred from your records and references. We would appreciate yourhelping us by supplying a brief statement of 3-5 pages, double-spaced.双倍行距Please address some of these areas:The present: Why do you want to take an educational program in the analysis andmanagement of public policy?现在:为什么想学MPPThe past: What experiences or activities bear on your qualifications for this program, e.g.,research papers, study groups, job responsibilities, policy or political projects? How dothese experiences relate to your decision to undertake the study of public policy analysisand management? If you have been out of school for a year or more, please indicate thepositions you have held and your major activities.过去: 相关经历,这些经历怎么促使你学习mppThe future: What kinds of work and activity would you like to engage in followinggraduation, and what are your long-range career objectives?将来:将来希望做什么,短期目标,长期目标。
What Makes a Good Statement of Purpose for Graduate School
What Makes a Good Statement of Purpose for Graduate School? Part INovember 12, 2004The statement of purpose is a critical part of the application process for graduate school. Three experienced admissions officials from Harvard, NYU, and Yale offer their thoughts and wisdom on writing a great statement of purpose.Career Center (CC): How important is the statement of purpose in the overall application process?David P. Giovanella (DG), New York University, Graduate School of Arts & Science, Graduate Enrollment Services - The statement of purpose is one of the most important parts, if not the most important part, of the application.Gregg Glover (GG), Associate Director of Admissions, Harvard Graduate School of Education- For our process at HGSE, it is very important. We often announce that it's the most important single item in an applicant's application. The essay can make or break a person's chances for admission, which is probably true at most schools. We are not test score driven in our process, so the statement takes on much more weight. Remember, the statement is the only part of the process that you have complete control over: you cannot change your GPA, or create the content of your letters of reference, but you can determine the finished product of your statement.Dr. Liza Cariaga-Lo (LCL), Assistant Dean, Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences - The personal statement is very important, as it is often (in cases where there is no interview requirement) the only opportunity for the student to shareinformation about themselves that they think is relevant to their pursuit of graduate study.CC: What are you looking for in the statement of purpose?DG - NYU: It should be typed. The applicant should outline their goals and aspirations. Present information chronologically, and show your writing skills and style.GG - Harvard:The statement of purpose should demonstrate excellence in writing and clarity of thinking. It functions as a writing sample, often the only one you submit. Make it as solid a piece of writing as possible. It can also function as your interview if none is required. It is a chance to introduce yourself and describe who you are, what your background is, and what is important to you.Perhaps more importantly, the statement is an opportunity for an applicant to describe his or her purpose in pursuing graduate study. Why this school, and/or this specific program? What are your reasons for graduate study? What is your plan in pursuing this degree? In the statement we look to see how well the candidate knows the school and justifies their reasons for studying there.Another way to think about it is to consider "focus and fit": are your interests in graduate study focused, and is there a good fit with your interests and the particular program or school? This requires carefully researching the school or program to which you are applying. Read about the program's emphasis, thenature of the required courses, the work or research of its faculty. The more you know about the program to which you are applying, the better. You will sound more knowledgeable and more convincing in your essay.Admissions committees at our school are trying to determine what the school or specific program can offer to the applicant, and what the applicant can potentially offer in return. It's a two way street: do we have what the applicant wants and needs? If admitted , how will this person contribute to our community? The essay allows you to express this. We also look for an applicant's commitment to the field of education, and the statement of purpose is an excellent place for an applicant to describe what fuels that commitment and where the source of his or her passions lie.For essays to research-based doctoral programs, it's important to remember the following issues: Have you clearly articulated your potential research interests? Have you determined if the particular department, or specific faculty members in it, can support your research? We prefer that our doctoral applicants identify potential faculty with whom they might work to produce the dissertation. This requires you to carefully research the scholarly interests of the faculty and to clearly think through your own research ideas. You do not have to identify your specific dissertation questions, but it is important to focus your interests and argue that you will be well supported.LCL - Yale:The goal of the statement of purpose is to provide (concisely,thoughtfully and in a well-organized, easy to read format) information about the student's path to pursuing graduate study in this particular field. The statement should cover the following areas: (1) his/her motivation for applying to graduate school, (2) relevant experiences and academic coursework that have prepared him/her for graduate study in the field, (3) characteristics and strengths that make him/her particularly well-suited to graduate study in the discipline and within the graduate program he/she is applying to, (4) academic plan for graduate study, (5) future career objectives, and (6) extenuating circumstances that may have resulted in less than ideal academic credentials for graduate school.CC: What would you consider red flags?DG - NYU:It's a red flag when the statement is not typed, not well thought out, or an edited statement designed for another school.GG - Harvard: Poor grammar and usage in an essay certainly signal a red flag to admissions committees, as does an inappropriate fit with program. It's not a good sign if the applicant demonstrates little knowledge of program or school, or worse, names another school in the essay by mistake! Presentation matters: have others read the essay for grammar and ideas.Similarly, if an applicant demonstrates a lack of relevant experience, sounds naïve, inexperienced, or unfocused and unprepared for graduate study in an essay, it can hinder his or her application. For doctoral essays, poor articulation of research interests can also hurt an applicant's chances.LCL - Yale: Too much personal information that is not directly relevant to why you want to pursue graduate study in a discipline area (e.g., lengthy stories about your childhood), unexplained gaps in a student's educational pathway, and demonstrated lack of understanding about a particular field or the program/institution you are applying to (e.g., making naive or erroneous remarks regarding research) are all red flags.Our three admissions experts from Harvard, NYU, and Yale return to offer additional insight into what should and should not be a part of your statement of purpose.Career Center (CC): How should an applicant deal with discrepancies in their record (grades, test scores, etc.)?David P. Giovanella (DG), New York University, Graduate School of Arts & Science, Graduate Enrollment Services: Applicants should either include this in the personal statement or add an amendment paragraph briefly describing the situation.Gregg Glover (GG), Associate Director of Admissions, Harvard Graduate School of Education: The statement of purpose can be a useful place to discuss discrepancies in your record if no other appropriate place in the application exists to do so. For example, one can explain further why a GPAdeclined one year due to a severe personal hardship. While some applications provide a separate space for such explanations, the statement provides the opportunity to elaborate on specific situations if they are relevant.Try not to leave any doubts or questions in the minds of the admissions committee. Admissions committees are, at some level, trying to determine if the applicant will succeed, and hopefully thrive, in their program, and the statement can allow you the chance to present your case most accurately and fairly. But do not dwell on discrepancies, either.Dr. Liza Cariaga-Lo (LCL), Assistant Dean, Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences: You should mention any discrepancies in your academic record briefly (1-3 sentences) and perhaps provide an explanation of the circumstances as to why this happened and how you have addressed these issues. You may wish to ask one of your recommenders to briefly provide some explanation as to why there are issues in your record.CC: Are there any special topics that should be covered in the statement of purpose?DG: Applicants should discuss educational objectives, career plans, how their past experience contributed to future goals, why the particular program interested them, and how they will relate to the program. The applicant should show that she/he has researched the program.LCL: You should definitely discuss your specific research interests in the program you are applying to and how your interests match with the interests of faculty and or resources that the particular program has to offer. You should include a brief discussion of relevant research experiences which have allowed you to clarify your educational and career objectives in the field, as well as your understanding of the current relevant research literature in your field.Also, clearly explain your career objectives and what you hope to accomplish once you receive a PhD. These objectives should be realistic and well-informed, not idealistic and vague.CC: What should you not include in the statement?DG:The applicant should not repeat him or herself, be grandiose, or be too long.GG: It is not wise to include irrelevant or excessive personalinformation, or to try to be overly humorous. Also, the essay should always keep to the required length.LCL: If you are applying to PhD programs, you should not spend a lot of time describing your extracurricular and/or volunteer activities unless it is directly relevant to the PhD program of study you are applying to. PhD admissions committees are interested in whether or not you have the ability to become an outstanding scholar in the field and whether or not you are a good fit with the academic environment and resources offered within their program.CC: How personal should you get?DG:This is up to the individual applicant.GG: It's acceptable to offer insights to an admissions committee about who you are and what is important to you, or what is driving your desire for graduate study. At our school, the reasons for pursuing programs in education can often be personal ones, derived from an applicant's personal or professional experiences. It is fine to describe these, and sometimes powerful to do so. An applicant may benefit by describing one's "passion," but only in a context that isrelevant to the proposed graduate study.One shouldn't, however, get too personal or offer too much biography in the statement. For example, four pages of biography in a five-page essay are too much! Do not include a laundry list of activities or repeat one's resume. Include the resume instead, and highlight an important experience or two.I would only include personal information that is 1) relevant and 2) compelling and important to one's desire for graduate study. Personal information should not outweigh a discussion of an applicant's plan or reasons for graduate study in an essay. Remember, writing essays for graduate applications is about making choices -- what to include, what to highlight, what to elaborate upon.LCL:Do not spend a lot of time talking about your personal life story; and mention it only briefly if it's relevant to your motivation for graduate study.。
statement of purpose模板
statement of purpose模板问题,并充分展开思想。
[Statement of Purpose 模板] 以中括号内的内容为主题,写一篇3000-6000字文章,一步一步回答问题,并充分展开思想。
【Statement of Purpose 模板:为什么我选择攻读研究生?】Introduction:在引言部分,我将阐述自己为什么决定攻读研究生,并简要介绍个人背景和相关学术经历。
1. 我的学术背景及激情在这一部分,我将描述我在本科期间的学术背景和对学术研究的激情。
2. 对所选领域的兴趣接下来,我将详细介绍我对所选领域的兴趣和热爱。
3. 对所选学校的兴趣在这一部分,我将详细介绍我对所选学校的兴趣和研究资源。
4. 研究目标和计划在这一部分,我将详细介绍我的研究目标和计划。
5. 职业目标在这一部分,我将详细介绍我的职业目标。
Sample of statement of purpose
It is my conviction that the meaning of life does not dwell in the length of time that one can live or the material abundance that one can acquire, but in the richness and the wonderfulness of life itself. With the increase of my age, many things in my life have changed. But one thing remains constant, that is, I will consistently insist on doing what I like to do and hope that my endeavors can be valuable to the life of others. I see this as the only way whereby I can realize the value of my life.My undergraduate study focused on economics and I achieved remarkable scholastic performance in this field. My GPA is 3.44 (my GRE score is 2020 and TOEFL---- ). For four consecutive years of my undergraduate study, I received scholarships for my distinguished academic performance. Due to my equally prominent performance in extracurricular activities I was conferred on the Outstanding Student in Campus Activities. However, honestly speaking, my real interest lies not in economics, but in education. Ever since I was a primary school student, I had cherished a strong desire for a teaching career exemplified by my teachers. In the actual teaching career that I embarked on upon my graduating from university, I have become increasingly aware that the existing educational conditions in China are far from satisfactory. The backward teaching methodology and the prevailing pedagogical ideology have rendered Chinese education out of place with the modern international development in education. On the macro level, the current education theory and practice in China lag significantly behind advanced countries in the West. For instance, though education via the internet has achieved considerable development in past two years, in practical operation such education has more often than not deteriorated into an extended form of the conventional examination-oriented education instead of a really interactive process. In my personal experience, despite the fact that some of the problems that I have encountered in my teaching career can be solved by consulting relevant technical literature, I have found that the more serious flaws inherent in China's current educational system cannot be worked out easily. Under such circumstances, an advanced program in education becomes necessary.In this age of information, traditional education, both in its ideology and methodology, has met unprecedented challenge like many other aspects of human existence. Meanwhile, the pursuit for higher levels of educational development and of the quality of life has largely transformed the educational value orientation of the general public. The educational model that is centered around the cognitive and intellectual instruction has been seriously questioned. Greater attention has been devoted to the cultivation of well-developed personality and to the ontological status of the individual in education. Such issues as the internal studies of education science, scientific decision-making in education, andmeta-education have also been increasingly emphasized upon. There have also been innovations in educational research methodology. The tendency has been to combine modern technology with humanistic research categories and with naturalistic research categories, and to organically integrate qualitative descriptions with quantitative descriptions. It is also important to carry out educational experimentations in which educational predictions are complemented by educational feedbacks. Both the complexity of education and the complexity of human individuals have made the comprehensive application of diverse educational approaches necessary. Those new horizons are what fascinate me.In view of the following qualifications that I have acquired, I believe that I will acquit myself satisfactorily in the prospective Ph.D. program in education that I am currently endeavoring to apply for. First and foremost, as is often claimed, one's interest is one's best director. I believe that I will do well what I am really interested in doing. Secondly, though I majored in economics as an undergraduate, my trainingsduring that stage helped develop effective modes of thinking and research approaches. In addition, I conscientiously self-studied many works related to education, including A Developmental History of Educational Science in the West, which enabled me to construct a solid groundwork for more advanced studies in this field. Next, it can be safely asserted that education and economics are not entirely separated. For example, it is necessary to apply many statistical methods in educational psychology and my academic record indicates that statistics is the subject that I am most good at. Last but not the least, my current teaching career and my teaching experience will play a positive role in facilitating my target degree program.The reason why I apply for the University of ------------ is that it is the first state university with atime-honored history. The School of Education in this university is quite prominent among its counterparts in the field. I am particularly attracted by the School's powerful pedagogical resource, vibrant intellectual atmosphere and a comprehensive curriculum. I plan to apply for a degree program in Instructional Technology or Educational Psychology, both of which enjoy unparalleled academic reputation in the world. My application for Instructional Technology is motivated by my strong interest in the application of modern science and technology, especially the information technology represented by the Internet, in the field of education and in the nature of a series of revolutionary changes resulting thereof. Instructional Technology is a new discipline that has emerged as a result of the rapid development of modern communication technology since the late 20th century. It has tremendous potential for development and commercial application. As for my motive in selecting Educational Psychology as another possible area of specialization in my degree program, it is my long-cherished interest that primarily counts. On the other hand, all the accomplished educators since the 1960's have been well-versed in psychology. Almost every important new educational theory is derived psychological findings in one way or another so that educational psychology has subsequently developed into a fundamental subject for the science of education. The tendency in the 21st century is to emphasize on the micro research of educational activities and against this backdrop educational psychology will be attached greater importance. In Instructional Technology, I would like to focus on the following studies: how to improve educational efficiency by applying research results from natural sciences and engineering technology; how to explore the combination and coordination of pedagogical contents and to improve teaching methodology by exploiting the theoretical findings from psychology and educational science concerning the process of teaching and learning. In Educational Psychology, I will concentrate on applied cognition and development, gifted and creative education, genetics and children development, personality structure and individual differences and other related subjects.For me, to shift from economics to education and to pursue an advanced degree in the United States is not so much a challenge as an opportunity. At present, major reforms are being introduced into virtually every important aspect of Chinese society. The field of education especially calls for comprehensive reforms. The United States occupies an absolutely leading position in the present-day world in education. It is my conviction that, in the United States, advanced educational theories, technologies and information will facilitate me immensely in the achievement of remarkable academic progress, fulfilling my aspiration to become an accomplished professional in the field of education. This will not only bring my patriotic fervor into reality but also make my life more meaningful and rewarding.。
Stanford大学招生办主任谈如何写好一篇Personal Statement
Stanford大学招生办主任谈如何写好一篇Personal Statement What is a good Statement of Purpose?Your application to any graduate program at SUSE requires you to submit a statem ent of purpose. We attach great importance to the statement. A thoughtful and well -written statement often makes the difference between admission and denial. But ap plicants frequently fail to do justice to themselves in statements of purpose. In wha t follows, I offer a few tips to help you to make your best effort.Your statement should clearly have the purpose it is supposed to have.That sounds too obvious to be worth saying, but many statements fail on this elem entary criterion. The statement should be narrowly focused on convincing the intend ed reader –i.e., a professor at SUSE who teaches in the program to which you are applying –that you have a serious and well-considered purpose in applying to that program. A compelling statement will convince the reader that you are the kind of student likely to thrive in the program to which you are admitted and who would contribute to (and not merely benefit from) our academic autobiographical essays, i n which case they become inadvertent disclosures of purposefulness.A Statement of purpose is not a narrative of your accomplishments.The reader of your file will make a judgment about whether you merit admission o n the basis of many considerations, and your file will include much material includin g your transcripts, what your referees say about you, etc., that reveal your academi c and other accomplishments. There is no harm in mentioning a particular accomplis hment in passing in your statement when this is relevant to explaining your purpos e in applying to the program. But persuade the reader that he or she is highly qua lified for admission. Remember that we will be quick to deny admission if we have insufficient evidence that the candidate is well-suited to the program by virtue of hi s or her interests and ambitions, regardless of how intellectually well qualified the a pplicant might be. The statement of purpose is usually the only part of the applican t’s file where one can find strong evidence of whether the program will really mesh with the applicant’s interests and ambitions. If you devote the statement to a list of the great things you have done, then you will merely exasperate the reader.Your statement should be the right length.The Stanford on-line application says that the statement should be two pages. Many applicants pay no heed to that stipulation and submit something substantially longe r. That is a mistake. Succinctness is a virtue in academic as in other writing. When your file is being read by members of the faculty, they will be reading it alongside many other files, and they will typically be reading under severe time constraints. People tend not to be especially tolerant of verbosity under these circumstances, to put it mildly. If your reader has evidence that you will take ten words to say som ething that another, equally qualified candidate will say in six, you might well find t hat the other candidate will be preferred over you.Sometimes a statement can be overly concise by failing to give a sufficiently detaile d account of the applicant’s purpose in applying to the program. If your first draft of the statement is merely a page, then it is probably insufficiently detailed.Make absolutely sure that your statement contains no misspellings, gram matical or factual errors, and that your prose is as lucid as you can possi bly make it.Your readers will reasonably expect that your statement is an example of your writi ng at its very best. After all, if you are really serious about applying to graduate sc hool, then you will have devoted a lot of time to your statement, and what the rea der sees is presumably the outcome of multiple drafts and prolonged effort. Poor w riting and factual efforts is very strong evidence that you are not yet ready for gra duate school.A statement of purpose for a doctoral program is different than one for a master’s program.A master’s program is not inferi or to a doctoral program; it is merely different. The refore, it would be wrong to infer that standards for a statement of purpose in an application to a doctoral program are higher than the standards applicable to maste r’s applications. But the standards a re certainly different. For example, in a stateme nt of application to our master’s in the Social Sciences in Education (SSE), an excell ent statement of purpose might or might not indicate any particular research topic t hat the student wishes to pursue in the program. The student might also be unsureabout which particular social sciences would be the most important ones in his or her studies. Being unclear about these matters is not inappropriate when one is ap plying to a broadly focused master’s program. B ut being unclear about them would certainly be a liability in a doctoral application. Academic programs are more intensi vely specialized at the doctoral level, and a corresponding degree of specialization a nd precision in the way applicants specify their academic purposes is reasonably ex pected. Evidence of your familiarity with the educational research currently under w ay at SUSE is probably a good thing to see in any statement of purpose, even at t he master’s level. But in a doctoral application, it is ex tremely important to show th at your interests converge closely with the current research of faculty who work in the program to which you are applying. Other doctoral applicants will certainly do t his, and if you do not, you will forfeit an important competitive advantage to them.Your statement should be tailored to the particular institution to which yo u are applying.This is not strictly necessary at the master’s level, but even there it is a good idea. Of course, it is only commonsense to apply to several similar programs at different institutions, and so your statement of purpose in applying to a program at SUSE may be 80% the same as the statement you submit to three or four programs else where. But the few sentences that address why you are applying to this institution in particular can be very helpful. A student’s application might be quite strong overa ll without making it clear to the reader why Stanford in particular would be an exce llent fit for the student, as opposed to some other institution to which he or she h as applied. A statement of purpose can stand out by addressing that question direct ly and persuasively.。
How to Write a Great Statement of Purpose
How to Write a Great Statement of PurposeVince GoteraEnglish Language and LiteratureUniversity of Northern IowaJanuary 2006The Statement of Purpose required by grad schools is probably the hardest thing you will ever write. (Incidentally, the statement of purpose may also be called an Application Essay, Objectives for Graduate Study, Personal Background, Cover Letter, or some comparable title.)I would guess virtually all grad-school applicants, when they write their first draft of the statement of purpose, will get it wrong. Much of what you have learned about writing and also about how to present yourself will lead you astray. For example, here's an opening to a typical first draft:I am applying to the Master of Fine Arts program in creativewriting at the University of Okoboji because I believe my writingwill blossom at your program since it is a place where I will bechallenged and I can hone my writing skills.How's that? It's clear, it's direct, and it "strokes" the MFA program, right? Wrong. All of it is obvious and extraneous.The admissions committee knows you are applying to their MFA program because everyone in the stacks of applications they are reading is applying for the same thing. The admissions committee will also know that your writing will "blossom" there since they feel they have a strong program. Of course you will be challenged — all undergrads going on to a grad program will be challenged, no matter how well-prepared they think they are. And of course the new grad student will "hone [her] writing skills" — isn't that the main purpose of the MFA program?Let's assume the required length of this particular program's statement of purpose is 300 words. Well, with this opening you will have used up 15% of your space saying virtually nothing. 15%!In fact, not only is this opening paragraph obvious, extraneous, and space-stealing, it's boring! Imagine who's reading this and where: five professors "locked" in a room with 500 applications. Do you think thisopening paragraph will command their attention? Will they read the rest of this statement of purpose with an open mind that this applicant is the kind of student they want? Will they remember this application later? You be the judge.Remember what you learned in first-year composition? You need a "hook."A former student of mine applying to enter a master's program in library science had a great hook. I don't remember Susan's exact words, but the opening paragraph of her statement of purpose went something like this:When I was eleven, my great-aunt Gretchen passed away and leftme something that changed my life: a library of about five thousandbooks. Some of my best days were spent arranging and reading herbooks. Since then, I have wanted to be a librarian.Okay ... it's clear, it's direct, it's 45 words, and, most important, it tells the admissions committee about Susan's almost life-long passion not just for books but for taking care of books. When the committee starts to discuss their "best picks," don't you think they'll remember her as "the young woman who had her own library"? Of course they will, because having had their own library when they were eleven would probably be a cherished fantasy for each of them!Suppose Susan had written this opening paragraph instead:I am honored to apply for the Master of Library Science programat the University of Okoboji because as long as I can rememberI have had a love affair with books. Since I was eleven I haveknown I wanted to be a librarian.That's 45 words too. Do you think the admissions committee will remember this application among the 500 applications they are wading through? Probably more than half of the applications, maybe a lot more than half, will open with something very similar. Many will say they "have had a love affair with books" —that phrase may sound passionate until you've read it a couple of hundred times.All of us have had some event, some experience, like my student's personal library at eleven, which drives us toward the discipline(s) we inhabit.I was speaking to a group of students recently about this. One student — let's call her Jennifer — said she wanted to get a master's degree in speech therapy. When I asked her why, Jennifer said she had taken a class in it for fun and really loved it. But then I pressed her: was theresome personal reason she found that field significant enough to spend her whole life doing it? At first Jennifer said no, but after more questioning she revealed that her brother had speech problems. This was a discovery to her; she had not entered the field with that connection in mind — at least not consciously. But there it was; Jennifer now had her hook.You have to really dig. Be introspective. Don't settle for "I love this field." Why do you love this field? Why do you want to work in this field for the rest of your life?Why does it complete you? Cut through the bull you tell your parents and relatives and friends. What is your truth? Find it and then find a memorable way to say it. Grad schools require the statement of purpose not only because they want to find about you as an applicant, they want you to really think about why you are taking such a life-changing step — truly and profoundly why.Okay, back to the scene of the five professors surrounded by stacks of applications, maybe more than 500. Do you know who they are? What they want? What they like to eat? Obviously, no. Conversely, do they know you? Well, no. But ... the statement of purpose is your chance to help them get to know you! Your statement of purpose should portray you as a person, not just an application among hundreds of others. Not just paper and ink.Here's one way to do it. When I was an undergrad senior first applying for grad schools, I knew a grad student —I'll call him Nigel —who told me he had written a three-sentence statement of purpose to get into Stanford:I want to teach English at the university level. To do this, Ineed a PhD. That is why I am applying.That was the whole thing. That's only half of 45 words. It certainly portrays Nigel as brash, risk-taking, no-nonsense, even arrogant. If this is how you want to portray yourself, then by all means do this. But you should also know that Nigel's statement of purpose is an all-or-nothing proposition. You can bet there will be members of probably any admissions committee who will find Nigel's statement of purpose offensive, even disrespectful. And they might not want such a student at their school. But then I suppose Nigel wouldn't want to be a student at that school, either.Try to make your paper-and-ink self come alive. Don't just say, "I used to work on an assembly line in a television factory, and one day I decided that I had to get out of there, so I went to college to save my own life." How about this: "One Thursday, I had soldered the 112th green wire on the same place on the 112th TV remote, and I realized the solder fumes wererotting my brain. I decided college would be my salvation." Both 35 words. Which narrative do you think will keep the admissions committee reading?Tell stories (briefly). Use vivid language. Be specific. Be dynamic. Liven up a moment in the lives of those five professors trapped with those 500 applications. Maybe 600. Maybe more.At the same time, be careful not to be glib. Don't be slick. Don't write your application in a sequence of haiku. Don't put in photos. Just be yourself, but a more heightened version of yourself in words (since face-to-face nuance and gestures won't be there to help).Remember your statement of purpose should portray you as (1) passionately interested in the field; (2) intelligent; (3) well-prepared academically and personally; (4) able to take on the challenges of grad school; (5) able to have rapport with professors and fellow grad students —in other words, collegial; (6) able to finish the graduate degree in a timely fashion; and (7) a potentially outstanding representative of that grad school in your future career.That's a lot to cover in a few hundred words (the length of a statement purpose, as required by different schools, tends to be around 300 to 1000 words). "Passionate interest in the field" will be covered by the kind of hook I have described above. "Intelligence" will be conveyed by the overall writing, organization, expression, etc. of your statement. Being "well-prepared" can be demonstrated by using the lingo of the field (theory, craft, etc.), describing the specific kinds of coursework and other accomplishments you have in the field. Ability "to take on the challenges of grad school" can be shown by describing the rigor of the work you have done. "Collegiality" is not particularly important but is nevertheless a factor —if you can show yourself as a generally nice and cooperative person, that will do —just be true to your own style. Ability "to finish the graduate program" can be conveyed implicitly by your success thus far and more explicitly if you can tell some (brief) story about adverse obstacles you have overcome. Being a "future outstanding representative" can be implied by your being an outstanding representative of your undergraduate school — for example, don't "bad-mouth" your current college or professors.Often, grad schools will ask you to address other or similar qualities as I've listed above. Just use common sense in focusing on each. Don't address them in the same order as the grad school has listed. Combine them; rearrange them; do whatever you need to do to show yourself as an imaginative person, not a parrot following a line of Brazil nuts to crack.If you have some problematic academic background, address that as well to reassure the admissions committee. For example, let's say that you got all C's one semester. Take a (brief) paragraph to explain that you had some emotional setback that semester but then demonstrate how your grades have been sterling since then, and that you now have a 3.83 grade-point average in the discipline. If you spin this well, your story will enhance the admissions committee's image of you as someone with the abilities to "take on challenges" and "to finish on time."Here's an organization I would recommend: (1) passionate hook; (2) segué to your background in the field; (3) specific classes by title and professors you have had (especially if well-known in the field); (4) related extracurricular activities (especially if they hint at some personal quality you want to convey); (5) any publications or other professional accomplishments in the field (perhaps conference presentations or public readings); (6) explanations about problems in your background (if needed); and (7) why you have chosen this grad school (name one or two professors and what you know of their specific areas or some feature of the program which specifically attracts you).I should probably expand on item 7. This is a practical issue as well. If you are applying to ten grad schools, it's a mismanagement of time to write ten separate, tailored statements of purpose. Items 1 through 6 above can be exactly the same for all the statements. Then when you get to item 7, put in a different paragraph for each school. Remember this means the ten statements will all be as long, in terms of word count, as the shortest required length among the ten schools. If the shortest length is 300 words, probably that length will be okay for the 500-word school (in fact the admissions committee at the 500-word place may see you as savvy for not going on and on). But those 300 words will clearly not work for the 1200-word school, so you'll need to expand that one. Don't pad. Find other engaging material in your background.About mentioning professors at each grad school: doing this will portray you as someone "who has done her homework," as someone who is genuinely interested in the field, enough to have done some prefatory work in that area. Don't just mention their names (anyone who can browse a web site can do that). Say something of substance about each professor by name, something that reveals you know and appreciate that person's work. Don't necessarily pick the most famous professor at the grad school; chances are many other applicants will do the same, and the admissions committee members will soon be unconsciously filtering those mentions out. (Besides, the most famous professor doesn't always work with all graduate students or may be out of town half the year, and you may come off as naive if you say you're looking forward to working with her.) Find a lesser-knownprofessor whose work truly intrigues you (and truly is the operational word here). Then say something about what you know of that professor's work — remember that person may be on the admissions committee. Don't suck up — don't be a sycophant. Be fair and honest.Be sure to show your statement of purpose to several professors. Remember they will have different ideas about what constitutes an appropriate and effective statement of purpose. If one of your professors has a connection with a specific grad school, she may have some inside knowledge about what kind of statement of purpose will work best at that school. Make your final editing decisions based on what will convey you most accurately as you see it. Again, be specific, be dynamic, come alive on paper. Continue to get advice from your professors on later drafts.Proofread your statement of purpose. Copyedit for consistency, accuracy, and style. Ask your friends to copyedit and proofread your statement; perhaps you can do the same for them if they are also applying for grad school.Remember that style in writing can be parallel to style in dress: the second affects your image in person while the first affects your image when you may not be present. Leaving in typos and misplaced commas is like dressing in your grubbies for a coat-and-tie / cocktail dress event. Being too wordy is comparable to dressing in an evening gown or a tuxedo for a casual get-together. Being too glib, too mannered, may be like wearing a furry rabbit costume to a party which turns out not to be a Halloween bash. Be careful. Be a perfectionist.Keep working on your statement of purpose even after you have sent it to the school(s) with the earlier deadline(s). You might have a later epiphany about your personal and academic background, your motives for applying for grad school, your long-term plans, and this epiphany may be just the thing that gets you into the school(s) with the later deadline(s).To close, the statement of purpose, in the eyes of Department Heads, Program Chairs, and Admissions Committee members, can be the most important document in the application. Other parts of yourgraduate-school application — test scores, transcripts, letters of recommendation, writing samples —do not say as much about you as a person as the statement of purpose can: your proudest accomplishments alongside your fondest hopes and dreams.Checklist for Writing a Statement of PurposeVince Gotera | University of Northern IowaOrganization ...[ ]A "hook" that demonstrates your passion for the field[ ][ ]Segué to your background in the fieldDescription of your academic background in the field[ ]Specific classes you have taken, given by name[ ]Specific professors you have had, especially if well-known in that [ ]fieldExtracurricular activities in the field[ ]Publications or other professional accomplishments in the field [ ](perhaps conference presentations or public readings)Explanations about problems in background (if needed)[ ]Explanation of why you have chosen the specific grad school[ ][ ]Mention one or two professors in that school and what you know of and appreciate about their workSpecific features of the grad program which attract you[ ][ ]Get advice from several of your professors —philosophical advice as well as specific writing adviceProofread and copyedit; ask friends to proofread and copyedit as well [ ][ ]Keep working on the statement of purpose, even after you have already sent it to school(s) with earlier deadline(s)。
MBA优秀statementofpurpose范文评析留学生论文网MBA 优秀statement of purpose范文评析【Write a candid description of yourself, stressing those personal qualities, assets, and liabilities that you feel will influence your graduate work. Describe what you consider to be your most important professional and / or academic achievement to date.】If one were to ask my friends to describe me they would describe me as a very pleasant, diverse, active and intelligent woman. I think one of my most distinguishing characteristics is the diversity of experiences I possess. I am a science student with a flair for the arts. I am a woman with technical aptitude and an interest in management. I also have a passion for traveling and understanding different cultures of the world. All these elements have given me a very broad outlook, with varying degrees of knowledge in a range of topics. I strongly believe that although some are not related directly, all these qualities will influence my graduate work.【点评:】开头段落撰写非常不错。
Statement of Purpose
真实和具体两者是相互依存的。只有具备真实的事实基础和入木三分的科学思考所得,才有可能 将事件和观点通过申请材料客观具体的表达给审核者。
Statement of Purpose即目标陈述,作为申请文书的中心部分,是对申请者个人素质的反映。 我们认为诚实是每个出国申请者都应具有的基本道德标准,用诚实的语言反映出一个真实的自我 是该文件应该具备的基本价值。一切的浮夸和虚构最终都将在事实的检验面前坍塌。这些事实包 括申请过程中的各种辅助材料和录取后就读期间的学术表现。另一方面,只有申请人真实地参与 了学术研究课题或者对某领域的学术内容确实形成了新颖独到的见解时,他才有能力将这些宝贵 的智慧财富具体描述出来,供评审教授参考。作为胸怀抱负、目标远大的青年,留学申请者们应 该将真实的原则贯穿整个申请阶段的始终。
Байду номын сангаас1、阐述学术观点
对于申请研究生院,申请者需要明确自己的学术方向,这个方向将成为自己未来五到六年的时间 里为之奋斗钻研的主题,如果拟申请的方向与教授的研究方向一致,更将增加获得录取和经济资 助的机会。在Statement of Purpose中,申请者可以重点阐述自己对目标学科某一特定领域的 浓厚兴趣和独到见解。例如,经济学的学生可以就某个新兴的经济理论在中国的适用性发表评论, 从中指出自己的观点,甚至对于该理论的修正。理工科的学生可以向教授解释自己某种设计思想, 以及该设计思想相对于其他方法的优越处。类似这种学术观点的阐述不仅反映了你活跃的思维和 作为一个未来研究生对于当前世界学术动态的,而且向目标专业的教授传达了充分的信息使他们 对你的学术能力有了直观的认识。 2、介绍曾参与的学术项目
应说明对教授的认知是从何而来,如在何处读到某教授的文章而愿受教于他,或某位教授正在从 事一项重要研究,与自己欲攻读的研究领域相同等;表达对所申请系所的课程、教师和特性有些 了解,依学校不同而提及对某位任教于该校的教授、新课程或该校的某个研究项目感兴趣。 不过值得注意,具体原则的使用也应该把握一个"度"。请看看下面的一句话: "I studied in Peking University, which is located in Beijing, the capital of People's Republic of China."就显得过于啰嗦。北京是世界名城,申奥成功后更是声明大噪, 几乎所有的国外教授都知道北京是中国的首都。这样,再强调说明这一点是毫无意义的,甚至招 致教授们的反感,让他们觉得在常识和智慧上受到"侵犯(Instigated)"。
statement of purpose的格式
statement of purpose的格式[你的名字]日期:XXXX年XX月XX日一、介绍自己1. 自我介绍:简述自己的姓名、年龄、教育背景和专业方向等基本信息。
2. 个人背景:简要介绍自己的家庭背景、成长经历、课外活动、荣誉奖项等,展示自己的综合素质。
二、明确目标1. 职业目标:明确自己的职业目标,如从事XX行业,担任XX职位等。
2. 学校背景:说明选择该学校的原因,突出学校在XX领域的优势,展示自己的选择与职业目标的契合度。
3. 具体目标:详细阐述未来几年内,在学术、实践和职业发展方面的具体目标。
三、个人优势与特长1. 专业能力:阐述自己在专业领域内的优势,如扎实的知识基础、熟练的技能操作等。
2. 实践经验:介绍自己在校内外各类实践活动中所取得的成就和经验,突出自己的团队协作能力和领导能力。
3. 个人品质:说明自己在面对困难和挑战时所表现出的品质,如坚韧不拔、积极进取等。
四、选择该专业的理由1. 兴趣爱好:阐述自己对XX领域的兴趣和爱好,说明该专业与自己兴趣爱好的契合度。
2. 发展前景:分析该专业的发展前景和市场需求,说明该专业对自己的未来职业规划的重要性。
3. 学术氛围:阐述自己对学校XX学科的学术氛围和教学质量的高度认可,表达对该专业的向往之情。
五、未来规划与展望1. 毕业后的职业规划:说明毕业后将从事的职位和行业,以及在该行业中的发展目标。
2. 学术规划:阐述自己在学术方面的追求,如发表论文、攻读硕士或博士学位等。
3. 展望未来:展望未来几年的职业发展计划,包括参加行业培训、拓展人脉等,为实现自己的职业目标而努力。
六、总结与致谢1. 总结:简短总结自己的目标和计划,强调自己为实现目标所付出的努力和决心。
2. 致谢:感谢学校提供的宝贵学习机会,感谢家人和朋友的支持与鼓励,以及对老师的敬意。
总之,一份好的《Statement of Purpose》应该清晰地表达自己的职业目标和学校选择理由,突出自己的个人优势和特长,以及自己对未来的规划和展望。
Statement of Purpose Applied Program: Organizational Studies Being a major of economics, I would like to ascend onto higher intellectual horizons by undertaking advanced studies in your Ph.D. program in Organization Studies, which will enable me to fulfill my ambition of being an outstanding expert in such a field. I hope I can contribute my knowledge and lifelong enthusiasm to the ongoing economic and management development of my homeland. I love economics, because I do care about this changing world. The past twenty years during which I was brought up has been the most sensational and significant age of China's reform. This period witnessed the emergence of a prosperous new China, which I experienced personally and kept a close eye on, during which the occurrence and maturation of many new things in economy and management have stimulated my strong interest towards this area of study. I realized that the most challenging obstacle that China faces is the transformation of its various organizations. After I entered university, I have been exposed systematically to abundant courses in many fields, which established a solid foundation for my major and helped me to become the top student in my school for four consecutive years. With strong academic knowledge gained gradually through the rigorous training from my department, I began to think profoundly about many newly engendered problems in my field of study, using a broad perspective. Never content with simply performing well in course work, I have been keen on hands-on experience. I completed four field trips, covering various social phenomena ranging from the most primitive production mode to the most advanced modern business, from agriculture to industry and from individual companies to large-scale national projects. Last summer, invited by the Hong Kong American Chamber, I took part in the Business Orientation Program 2000, enjoying the rare opportunity of communicating with college students from all over the world, from whom I gained constant inspiration and mutual stimulation. Especially, the internship in Xerox HK provided me a precious chance to have a close scrutiny on the complete human resources system of a transnational corporation. Moreover, my detailed evaluation, my suggestions for improvement on its Digital Training Program, and my potency in analyzing and solving practical problems were highly praised by the Training Manager. On the last day of our visit, at the top of the American Club Building, surveying the beautiful scenery of the Victoria Harbor under golden sunset, I felt the pulse of my beloved motherland not far away. However, in the bottom of my heart I understood clearly that the economic distance between Mainland China and the developed countries is not that short. Being a young man caring about the rise and fall of my home country, I know how heavy the responsibility is and how much we have to undertake. With the knowledge I have acquired in my college studies and the practical experience I have derived from all my social investigations, my critical eye towards Chinese Economy has sharpened. Apparently, the reform campaign in China will be carried out with gathering momentum for an extended period and on a more expansive dimension in the future. When greater degree of liberty and reform as the macro orientation of the country's development become incontrovertible, the integration on the micro level that corresponds to the macro orientation should become our primary concern. Inspired by the research and investigations that I have undertaken so far, I have grown increasingly convinced that the success or the failure of the transformation of various organizations, whether the enterprise or the government, the private sector or the public sector, would become the primary challenge for China's economy in the decades to come. Take the reform of Chinese enterprises for example. Undoubtedly, this process of reform virtually has no frame of reference in international economic history. It can be inferred from this perspective that mere imitation of the organizational mode of Euro-American enterprises would render difficult and ineffective the organizational transformation of Chinese enterprises during the operational and the control stages. As a matter of fact, Chinese enterprises as a whole are going in the direction of recession as compared with the relatively vigorous economic growth. The management system in Chinese enterprises has remained ineffectual since the implementation of all existing approaches ranging from the contracting operation to modernized enterprise administration. Such mechanisms as merging and recombination that can otherwise revitalize foreign enterprises have proved to be more of a curse than a blessing for Chinese enterprises in the actual process of enterprise reform practice. I firmly believe that, on a broader and more objective academic level, China's enterprise reform is a subject of tremendous research value throughout the economic history of mankind. Organization Studies, particularly Organization Transformation, become the optimum tool for putting this issue into proper perspective. My sense of mission to contribute to the future of my motherland and the tremendous potential academic value of Organization Transformation Study in China make Organization Study the inevitable choice for my prospective research. To be finally engaged in the study of this subject, I have already undertaken some tentative investigations in this field. My first academic paper entitled Study of the Entrepreneurial Human Resource Capital in China's State-Owned Enterprises was published in Socialism Study, a very authoritative and avant-garde academic journal especially devoted to the crucial issues of China's reform. In this paper, I conducted an in-depth compassion regarding the enterprise's human resource capital between the past and the most recent macro economic context. I proposed my criticisms with respect to the government's prevailing policy of "distribution according to labor" and presented relevant models for implementation. The publication of this paper produced its important academic effect. It was reprinted and much quoted by many other academicjournals and received a very important academic award of first-class prize as Outstanding Academic Paper at the Symposium on the Economic and Cultural Development Strategy in China's Western Region. More valuably, the models of implementation that I proposed became opportune frame of reference for many enterprises when they conducted their reform in the field. The success of this academic paper gave me substantial encouragement and reinforced my determination to pursue further in the study of Organization Transformation. In the wake of the first academic paper, I published another two research findings in Business Study. In one of those two academic papers, I probed into the determining factors affecting the success and failure of an enterprise's fundamental transformation. I embarked on a case study concerning the transformation of Xerox Hong Kong. In this study, I proposed that the transformation of the mentality and the knowledge structure of both the enterprise's management and the employees is the most powerful force facilitating the enterprise's transformation as well as the most important guarantee for the stable process of transformation. I further elaborated that an enterprise bent on constant and conscientious acquisition of new knowledge is the most flexible and cost-effective enterprise to face a rapidly-changing external environment and to launch transformation in order to answer its internal need for development. Those serial achievements on my part helped me secure high evaluations from my teachers and advisor and aroused the attention of the China Academy of Social Sciences. At its invitation, I attended an academic conference in Hanoi, the capital of Viet Nam. As far as I am concerned, all those academic honors and awards are only of secondary importance. Some of my research findings might be proved by future researches to be flawed or even incorrect due to the insufficiency of currently available information and the limitations of research methodologies. For me, the most valuable thing is that those research activities have provided me with precious opportunities to come into contact with and develop an increasingly profound understanding of the discipline that has so deeply fascinated me. I feel as excited as Alibaba who has just finished speaking the magic words to the door of the treasure cave.。