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人年级英语2016. 7
将听两遍m (共9分,每小题1.5分}
4. What shop is the woman looking for?
A. A tea shop. B, A tree shop. C. A clothes shup.
5. How will th« uurrian go to the shop?
A r By bike.
Ek By car,
C, On foot.
6. Whal movie will they see?
A, Zevotopiu.
R. The Jungle Book.
C. Star Wars.
7. Wlirn does the movie sitart?
A. Ai7:3O.
B. At8:00.
请听一段对■话,完成第S 至第9小题
8. What are they talking about?
A. Snacks.
B, Hobbies.
9. Q hat advke does the wuman give t (> Alex?
A. Don't eat anything in thr td'ltnioon.
B. Make healthy food on ynur own.
C. Buy snacks at the store.
(共X 分,每小题2分) Tips
On Keeping Pels
• Birds nped a cage that is _10_ enough. •
Un 舉 an<l cats need lheir own 11 k» sleep. • Pets ntwd special foexi t nut 12 food. • lake pets to an unimal doctor if they prt sick. Spend time with pet&, at least
13_ hours a w«rk.
Tel : 182 —4410, Jim\ Pet Stcir*3
Ek 单项填空(共10分,每小题I 分)
从下面各题所给的A.BXJ )四个选项中,选择可且填人空白处的址佳选项。
14. Did you listen to lhe pru^am ye^lerday ?
八年级期木 英语试卷 第2页(共8帀)
C. Al8;3O.
C. Aftomoon tea.
can t Lviievc I hcaml lier singing lhe radio.
A" nn
H, in
C. by
15+ You'd better wear your <L oai, _________ you will oalch & rold.
A. and B, so
C. but
16. —
you _______ your humewnrk yet 、Tom?
— Yes t Mom., fve already done it. A. Do ; finish
B, Havefinished C. Did ; finish
D, [or
D. or
D. Arc ; finishing
17. TJavid loves volleyball ven 1 much, ami he ___________ ab^ul his volleyball team iti his future books.
A. will write
B. wrote
C. was writing
I), has written
18. — Amy !i (>eaks Chinese well anti she also HKPS IJLITH :代 ”””i,
—She _ ____ Beijing since she wais a kid. A. has left
B. has lived in
C, went to
19. — Th 亡 rup cakes arc gifh for your friends.
一 % ow! They look
. A, diflirull
R strong
C. had
20. ―- Hi t Mike. Have you been t<» Disneyland in Shanghai?
—Yes. I ______ _ there last month. A. have befrn
B. went
C r will gn
21. 一 How nftpn does the magazine -
—Once a month. A. come on B. come up
C. come out Ih come in 22, You can ______ the licrkcl online if you clinft have lime tu buy it here,
A. spend
G cosl
D* pay few
23. -— Do you know ______ ?
—Not sur*1, but it was on July 13 last ypar, A. when we starte<l sutrifnc^r vacation B. wh^n WP will slart summer vauHion C. when will we start summer varaiiun
D r when did we slarl summer vucation
五、完形填空(^12分•每小题Id 分)
阅读F 面的短文,芈握其大意,燃后从短文后各题所给的A3.C.D 四个选项中*选择垠 佳选项口
Onr day T d small business owner decided lo 24 _ because he'd had 卍nuu 営h of the endless work t enough of the lack of payback T cnougli of the uncomfurtabJe lonplinpss.
He vwnl into the fnresil to have one I 站I talk V> th 亡 wise man he met heforr, bt Wise man , hr sakL
*Can you givt me one 百<XM ! reftson why 1 whnuhlirfl give up?1
The answer surprised him. "Look _2予 you t " the wise man said. ** Do you see the fere (蕨类植物)
and the bamboo?"
"Yea*** the man said.
When I planted the fem and thp bamljoo T 1 took ven r good care of them, So both of them 即I enough
R MM I end water. Th<*y enjoyed 26 in spring and were prutectttl from the storms in autumn. The fem quickly grew from the earth. Its large long leaves soon _ 27_ the forest flixjr. Yet nothing came from lhe bamboG seed (种子)•
28 I did not pive up nn the bamboo. In the
frf?(;ond year t tl»e fem grew even hetier than hr-fbe bul rtnihing camt b froin the bamboo seetl. Iti year thref! there wa» still nothing from the bamboo seed. But 1 would not give up, tn yeiir four, again , there was nothing from the bamboo seed. Still I would not give up arid 1 waited. f ,
"Th 电n in the fifth year a tiny sprout (芽)came out from the earth. €om|)ared lo the ftm* 让 was 29 Bui day by day the sprout grew bigger. Within six rnuulhs, the spmut had reached a height of 100 feel* Lt hud spent the five years growing r (x )ts (根)• Tho&e rotds tnadtr it strong and
八年圾期未 英语试卷 第3页(共&页)
D. wu^ away from
D. delicious
gave it whul it neetien 10 stay HLIVK,
"Do you know T youn耳rnan t that alt this time you have been struggling!, you have been growing? Gmw lhe mots that you need to pmiluce your _ 30 「
**Doti'l coniparr yourM-lf lo others-. The bamboo lias a different purpose from the fem* bul ihty both make the forest beautiful. Your time will tunic. You will rise high. *
Hie small business uwner thought this was good advice^ He left the forest to prai'tisc htit the wise man had told him”
When it seems like nclhing is; hapji^ning in your life, even with all the work thal ycju'rc doings remember that you're prultably growing rooH. nol fruit. Being hard-wnrlcing and 31 , on芒day not long from now F you wil] have a greal harvest.
24. A.give away B. give uul C.g ive hark D. g ive up
25- A. nt H. around C. i nto D* a fter
26. A T names B. hope C. s unlight D.h ome
27. A. coverwi B. swept C. changed D. colored
28. A,And B* But C,S o D. B ecause
29. A. cute B. weak C. v aluable D.县mill [
30. A. mo [ley B. apples c. f ruit A b usinrss
3L A. careful B- patient c. s low D. s mart
When an ice cream -sundae (圣代冰淇淋)cost much lefts, a b©y entered a coffee shop and sat at a table. A waitress put a glass of waler in front of him.
How much is an ice cream sundae?T,
"Fifty cents T sdid iht waitress.
The little boy pulled his hand out of his pocket and studied a number of coins in it* “ How muth is a dish of plain ice crpam?P he askc4b
Some people were waiting Icir a Itiblc, and the waitress was not patient. " rhirty-fivt* cents t she said angrily.
The little boy again counted the coins. T will have the plain ice cream,M he said. The waitress brought the ice erpum and walked away. The boy finished, jiaid the money * and left
When the WHiLress came back,she was surprised at what she saw. I "here weir fifteen cents pkced besidp the empty disk ITiat was her tip.
32. The boy nuked for the [irice of ________ _ at first.
A. a cup of coffee
B. a plain ice cream
C+ a bottle of water D. an ice cream sundae
33. The boy didn*t buy I he ice cream sundae betauw? __________ .
A. he thought il was too sweet
B. the ice creamsundae sold out
C. he ihoughl it cost too much
D. hewanted to kavr quickly
34. 1'he waitrrt^s wa^ ___________ when the hoy studied his coins.
A- surprised B. not worried
C. excited Dr not patient
35. How much was I he tip ihal the buy left for the wailress?
A. 30 cents.
B. 15 rents. €. 20 cents.0. 50 cents.
Dt^ar students,
Volunteer!ng has never l»ec:rt an ftwy task. But if you arc one of us, you will make a differcncr. Anyone who wantA to volunteer - whether yciu wink fulLlimc or part-tMw - cun find a May lu help in our urea. Below is an easy how-in guide to booming a volunteer in our school.
First T you need to complete an online vnlunleer furrn ・ which includes your personal infttnnatiun and volunleering exiM^ri^nees. TJ IF form is only on the school weLwjte. Onrc you arr told that you can volunteer t you will only have to sign in with our clock system, wear your badge with vour name on it, and whfn leading, sign out lu make sure yuur volunteer hums art* recnrdetl.
Things you nrrtl to rrmemher:
1. Sign in with the clock system even' time you are tn school.
2. U ear your tiadge.
3. Sign cjul when you leave tn make sure your volunteer hours are rticcrdecL
Everyunr, whelher Y(HJ eire a volunteer or a visitor, will hr? asked to show one of lhe following to lell who you are in. order to get past the school pair;
1. A drivers license in use ;
2. A stale-issueil ID card;
3. A work visa;
4. A green card.
If you are interested in volunlecrinp f please fill out a schuu! vo] uni per furrn and rcrum tl to the athcioi Volunteer Officer OT front ofTif'P. I'he school volunteer officer will call you to discuss ways m which you can htdp in our schocjl.
Kevin W ini jerry
Volunteer Program Direclor
36. H yon want to become a %r Dlurileer in A,
get a work visa
C. call the school office the school, you nerd to ________ at first,
B. compIfMe a volunleer Rinn
LX sign in with our clock syslrrn
37. What dn you n^ed tn show wh^n you PD I PF ihp school?
A. A green card. B, The note from a parent. C. The report card.
llie letter from lhe officer,
38. Who wiU calE you about tht details ul volunteeriii^ in 由亡 school?
A. The student leader.
B. The program director,
C. Bin 揃;hmd volunteer ofErfir.
D. Hie head teacher of tlir
A dciiert i& a difHcult place for uiiirual^ to live, and sortie have unusual ways of making a living. The Texas lizard has a strange way to keep itself safe. When a predator (掠食动物)gets too close f blood poes out from the liizanlS eyes. Th 弋n it breathes in much air to make i
B body look hi^fer. Another inleTPsting desert animal is the javrhna. To make a predator afraid and run away,
the ja^eLina bravely fdcc^ the HJiimal. (L niakuti & big noise with its teeth. It raises [he h 苗rd hairs on 讣占 back tn nmke itself look bigger. The lina also 直v 於 off a xron 習 amell as a warning whpn it is afraid. This smell is so strong thiL javelinas art also calif d *'smelly pigs '- javelinas keep safe by staying Tose to their family , so therr's a good chance they can make a predator change its mind I
You tnifjhL think a rain R>rt ;sL vtuuld be eatiitir to live iti tlian a desert. After all , there's plenly of F CKH I waler in a rain forest ・ Bui lhat al HO xn?ans 3 Jut of Einirnals livt 3 diert, Being abl^ to climh Irttrs is <1 useful nkill in the rain forest . Jt allows an titiimal to keep away from preddiui?. 17ie sloth spends most of its hfe in the treetops. Its strong , cur\ed claws (爪子) help it climb and hang ujisidft ilown from braticrhe**. Tilt? Alnth also niovns vety slowly. Ll
小用百 ihk so it\ t\ol noticed. The aye*aye lives nnly in th*1 rain forest nf 占谱角srpj near Africa, The nye &ye- is
a night unimaL Tklfi helpt it to stay safe from Jaytinie predators. Huwever t lhe number of ihe ay^-aye keeps 呂uEfi down and I hey may die ciuL 屁 have hunted it because thtry thifik it brings bad luck. A ko 1 much of the rain forest in Madagascar has been cul down t which has destroyed lhe aye-aye's homex Today there are laws (袪律)lo keep people from killing it.
39. Vi hat is the passage mainly about?
A. What the animals in the desert look like.
B. How the animals in ihe lain
forest find their fborJ.
Cx Haw difi HinmaJs in iht: desert and in thr rain (<)rc$t stay sufc.
D, What animals are tn danger of losing their living enviroTimenl.
40. How docs a lizhnJ prottirt itsi'If wlien a predator pels too cloae?
A. 11 climbs trees.
B. It u big noise.
C. Il gives off a strong stnell.
D. Rlood goes out frutn lls eye&t
41. Why does the sloth niove verv1slowly^
A. B Brauer it is a kind of lnzv animal.
B, Btt^ause it is tori fat to niove fast.
(L In »rder not to be easily noticed.
I), In order not to hurt its claws.
42. VI hat can we learn from the passage?
A. Tlie ayt*-aye is a welcome animal in Africa
B. Ill ere 治no food, no water and no danger in the dest i ri.
C. Thf: lizard and llie javdina can make I heir bodies look bigger tn keep safe.
I). Il is really dang€rous fur the sloth to live in the forest no matlrr where it i?s.
Ever since a 71 -year-old Brazilian (巴西的)man, Jc)^o Pereira de Souza»save*! a dying penguin(企鹅)* hr's bpen receiving visits from his feathered friend pvcrv1 year.
In 2011 ,卩ereira tie Souza found a hungry Magellanic penguin or the beach near hiw house. Hr named the penguin "Dindim" and Fed it every day unlil it was strong enough to leave, 43 Pereira de Souza decided to take Dindim out into the uater by boat and drop tl off to encourage it to swim home4But whrn he was hack to shore (海岸),he fnund the penguin wailing for him.
44 Then just after it changed its <oal with new feathers, it clisappeared F,T Pereira de Souza told TV Globo, a Brazilian TV network,
Magellanic penguins regularly swim th<iusmHU of kilometers a year to find places lo have their babies on the coasi of .Argentina and Chile. 45 Many of Pereira He Souza's fnrnds thought that when Dindim finally left t that was it fur Lhe human-bird friendsiiip. Bui & few tnonlhs later, Dindiin returned and found Pereira de Souza. "Il arrives in June and leaver to 耳c homr in Februarj', and ever) year it becomes closer to me t*' Perri ra <ie Souza said, " 46 If olheni try, it pecks (啄)
them or waddles away.,f
, ~■ I- - ・="■_ h Ji■ ■! . w _ _M_~T■— _ a :
A. From lime Io time t penguins show up in warmer Brazilian waters r
B. I am the only pei'son whti can gel near to Dindinr
C. It staved with me for 11 nmnths.
j D. But the penguin refusrd l<j go.
八、阅读短文,根据短文內容回答问题a (共6分.咼小题2分)
(Jnrp upnn a lime 卄i<?re was a writer who liked ttt go io lhe ocean to do hi5 writing. He had a habit of walking on ihe beach before hr beg^n his work. One day he was walking along the hoach. As he hx)ked down the beach ( he saw Aomeont1 moving like a dancer. He smiled to himself at the tiioughl of swinrutic who would tlance to the day. Su he to walk faster lo catch up. As hr got
c]oser+ hr saw that a y(mn(5 man was reaching down lo lh^ shore, picking &omHhing up and very gently throwing it into lh('(M:ean.
As he got closer t he caBed out t "Crxjd morning J U hat are you doing?"
The voung man stopped t looked up and answcrtul T "Throwing starfish into the ocean.
"J 1 should have asked, why arr you throwing starfish inln (he ocean?+h
"Thu sun is up* and the ti血(潮汐)b ^uing out t and if I don f t thiftiw them in, they'll dir.
"But young man, don't you see that there are miles and rnilps of I MMC I I t and starfish all along il? Yuu catfl possibly makr a ilifleretict! •"
Thr young man 1i刃ened politely t then picked up another siarRsli and thrtw it iriU)tlir <H-ea», past the breaking waves and said: " It made a difference for that one. And he kept ihmwing starfish r
Th<*re is scntielhing very special in eai:h and every one of us. All nf us < an makr a difference in life h If WP know thal t we have the pover k> shape the future.
47. When did lhe lATiler nrirrt the young man?
48. Why did the young man throw starfish into the ocean?
49. Whnt ran wr lt-Eim from the passage?
50. 我已经做了-个宇宙E船模型c (make a model spaceship)
51. Tom期盼着有-■天能环游ttt界亠(expect t travel )
52. 我尽重不去占用你太多的时问。
(tn , take up)
53. 请根据中文和英文提示*完成篇不少于50词的文段写作,所给提示词语仅供选用。
假如你是李华,你的学校要举行上题为"y Best Friend"的英语征文活动请你用英丈介绍你最好的朋友”包括他{她)的外規或者性格持点.你经郡和他(她)一起做什么并分学一•件你们共同经历的爭情以及你的感受口
提示词i吾■: humor, popular, sln)ng t helpful, play football T relax t excited f spet ial 提示问题:
1. What is your beM friend like?
2. What do you often do together?
3. Sliare one memory of sorrit^Lhing you did togelher and describe your feelings alxml iL
1. C
2. A
3. €
4. B 5*C 6. C 7. A & A9. B
10. big11. places12. human13.seven / 7
14. A 15. D16. B 17. A B19.D20.B21* C 22. D 23. B
24. D 25. B26. C 27. A28+ B29.D30. C 31. B
32. D 33. C 34. D 35. B36, H37. A38.c 39. C40. D4], C 42
43. D 44+ C 45, A 46, B
47, In thp mnming.
48” Because he wanlud to ?iave starfish r
49.Everyone can make a difierence in life if ihey try to.
50.I have already made a model $j>acesliip T
51.Tom expects to travel amund the world one Hay*
52.I will try not to take up tuo much »f yuur time.
My Best Friend
U t; all need friends in lift; anil the memory of something we did together tfi still clear in m; mind. My best
friend is a )4-year-old boy. He has short hair and small eyes^ A good sense of hunioi iruikns him verj [>opiilar in my class. I like to talk with him ahmt the world and his words can plea帜me a lot. After school. we often play football Kigether to have tun and relax.
One time when we were playitig football my friend kicked thr? football into the neighbor i garden. To j?et the halt, we had to ask the neiglibor to throw the bah oui of the garden. Tin neighbor was 日ngry and shouteci at us, '* Whafre you doing here?1 We hail nothing to &ay bul 3电l<snny ' dgain and again. Then we ran away quickly. It was. embarrassing, but 1 have iBamed tha "SORRY"is an amazing and helpful word.
1 •所弓内莓符合耍求*叙述基本淸楚,内容完築,语意基本连贯*
2. 语肓基本通顺;有少量句F*达错溟,但不影响整体理解;
3. 单词拼写及大小写、标点、语法等错误不超过7个。
第四档:(2 -0分)请酌情给分。
将听两遍© (共3分,每小题1分)
I* W : "Well t your homework is finished. What an' you going Lo du next?
M: I want lo draw a picture of a summer scene,
2. M:Goin吕for a walk sounds very boring.
W;Yes f Lui i(*R good exertrise. Ifs easy for everyone T and ifs free,
3. M ; I waul to learn how to take g»od photon.
W: Come our photo chib on Thursday evening.
W: Um, excuse me.-.
M :Hi T can I help you?
W: Maybe. Are there any trfip wh呵呼near here?
M ;Tree shops? W hat's a tme shop?
W: Um 一. a tree shop iselb trees.
M: 1 don't know of any tree shopsBut the flower shop sells small tre^s.
W : Great J Where is the flower shop3
M: It is in the maJL Walk straight T go in the door t and then make a right tum.
W: OK. Thanks!
八年级英语参考答案及评分标准 第2页(共4頁)
12 请昕一•段对话,完成第6至第7小题一
M : I have an idea, Jane, hit's see H movie
Sure . Fred* What movie? The Jungle Book?
^u. It is an IMAX nwvie, ami it +s Ltwi expensive. H 灯w about Star Wars? Vve already 5een ihaL Ifs an old movie.
Was ii good? 11 waft Ok. l)o you want to spe Zootopia?
Mu. I don s t like tiutoun tnovi^s.
All right t hinre you 同 me out T and n (A the dher way around, you choose the movie. Would ytrtj mind urein^ Slar Wars aguin?
VIellihe special effectsi were cook,.
OK* Ifil's pi to stir “tai 、tne pul on a nir :rtr roulx
Please hurry, [fs 7 ; 10 and the movie starts in 20 minuies. Oh , Jet 塔 just go.
请听一段对话,完成滾K 至第9小题“
科 hat HTd you up In* AlexV
l"m eating a Ana<-k. I get Hungry in the aflemoon.
岳':1 do T kxjx But
not a very 肖0何1 mnack- M : What +s wrong with potato chips and cookies?
乐 I TI IIT V aren*t hfrtiidiy.
r r M : Healthy ?nack^ are hiring. I don\ like canvits or tonnAtoe$.
W : There are txitn*: rtially yutntnv htiaiLliy Miai :ks.
M : Really? Tell me about them]
W : Ltt T s go into tlie kitchrn. 1 muk 牡 a L»l of healthy snacks hen :.
M : r Rhafs gpod. Do ynu takp them to work?
W : Yes. 1 don\ buy snacks H L the Lunvenirnce sti )rex
M ; Ar*1 the AnackA hart] to make?
W : No* they're eaay tc make.
M : Can you show me how to make one?
W : Sure J I need a banana + Lwu eggs uomt' cheese.
M : 0K t lefs get started.
Do you have a pd? Muny pnrple want w have & pet* They enjoy spending with their HtiiTiials an<i taking can : of ih^m. How well dp you lake rare of your 严也? Here we ?nme tip?怕 help your pru stay happy arifl healthy.
First yaur pct needs a comfortable place Io live. If you have a bird* get a cage thot is big enough fnr it. Thp bird
M U M W M 料 M W
M W : M
should able lu move ground wiihnul touerhing any thing in the eag^. Dogs n“d frats chi nol ntred (:罄好!t. Bui they <ln need their own places la sleep or TPS L
Next, feed ihe right kind of food to your pct. Many pet shops sell special food for eats, dogs and birds. TTiis foud is much bedvr for pets than human food.
Also, if your p#*t doe” get sick T take it to an animal doctor* Ask the ductor how lo keep your pet heallhy- And most importantly + spend time with your pet t at least s^even hours a week. Lik电humsns, they need your love and your care!
If you need more information or hclp^ please call us al 182 -4410, Jim's Pet Store.