Core Java 经典教程十五
back to topback to top back to top back to topback to top back to topback to top back to topback to topback to topThread namesThe thread name is useful in determining what process owns the thread and how thatthread is used. The following table shows some common thread names, what product uses this thread, and what the thread is used for.(Compiled Code)) ( Code)) ( ----- Native Stack ----- at 0xD41D0E58 in sysTimeout at 0xD4012A30 in JVM_Timeout at 0xD4424C54 inJava_java_net_SocketInputStream_socketRead Thread nameJVM Process Purpose Alarm Thread #Releases of v4.0 and v5 Application Servers handles timer processingSession.Transports.Threads:###Releases of v4.0 and v5 Application Servers servletthreads for processing HTTP requests ORB.thread.pool:###Releases of v4.0 and v5 Application Servers an ORBthread used for sending ORB data P=437206:O=0:StandardRT=19027: LocalPort=9001:RemoteHost=:RemoteP Releases of v4.0Administrative Server and releases of v4.0 and v5 Application Servers an ORB thread for receiving an EJB request or other ORB requestThread-##JVM threadthread created by the JVM; this is the default thread name.Finalizer JVM threadused to run finalizemethods in Java objects.PingThreadReleases of v4.0Application Serversthread used for ping processing withAdministrative Server Alarm ManagerReleases of v4.0 and v5 Application ServersManagesalarm threadsSoapConnectorThreadPool : #Releases of v5 Application Servers and JMS serverSoap thread pool thread BrokerDFEThread Releases of v5 Application Servers MQ Broker thread GC Daemon Any JVMJava GC daemon thread GCHelper#Any JVM Java GChelper thread LT=0:P=70863:O=0:port=62111Releases of v4.0Administrative Server anda local Orb connection receiver thread。
JRE:JAVA运行环境JVM:JAVA虚拟机包含关系:JDK包含JRE,JRE包含JVM三、配置环境变量JAVA_HOME:JDK的安装路径CLASSPATH:类的搜索路径PATH:命令的搜索路径--右键我的计算机-->高级-->环境变量-->在系统变量或者用户变量上配置-->JAVA_HOME:当前机器上JDK的文件目录“C:Program FilesJavajdk1.6.0_05”CLASSPATH:类的搜索路径“.”当前目录Path:命令的搜索路径...;%JAVA_HOME%bin--开始-->运行-->cmd-->java验证是否配置成功二、注释三种:1、单行注释: //...2、多行注释: /*...*/3、文檔注释: /**......*/ 另一种多行注释,但是这种注释可以生成API文檔(HTML格式的)提取API文檔的命令:javadocjavadoc应用,提取说明文件javadoc 生成文文件路径比如:javadoc在String.java所在的檔夹中便会生成一个stringdoc檔夹,里面是html格式的解释文檔顺便教下学生看API文檔三、标识符只能以字母,“_”,“$”符号开头,不能以数位开头支持汉字四、良好的编码习惯1、类的首字母要大写,如果有多个单词,每个单词首字母都要大写比如:HelloWorld2、接口名命名与类名一样3、方法名第一个单词小写,以后每个单词的首字母都大写比如:getName4、变量名的命名习惯和方法名的相同5、常量(不可改变的)的名字所有字母都大写,单词与单词之间用“_”连接比如:DRIVER_NAME6、包名所有字母都小写三、关键词(50个)自己命名变量名或者其它名字不能和关键词的一样true,false,null不是关键词,是字面值,同样不能把这些单词作为名字goto和const是保留字,并不应用于java开发,也不能作为其它名字使用其它语言中goto语句的用法(无条件跳转)java中的代替goto的是break loop;loop是个标号,标记一个循环,break loop就结束了这个循环数据类型和控制结构一、数据类型boolean 两个值true或者false,占8个二进制位byte8位整数short16位整数char16位的Unicode编码,有足够的空间保存非英文字符--'A':65,'a':97,'0':48int32位整数long64位整数float32位浮点型double 64位浮点型二、String类型:是一个类,而不是基本类型赋值的话就用双引号引起来,比如String a=“abc”;三、整型数据整型变数赋值int ia=0x55;//这种赋值是可以的,赋值为了一个16进制资料byte bb=0x771;//0x771已经超出了byte的取值范围,所以编译这句话会出错byte ba=(byte)0x771;//把0x771强制转换成bytelong la=1234567L;//给long类型的变量赋值四、浮点型数据1、赋值float fa=123.4F//后面加个Fdouble d=123.456D//后面的D跟不跟都可以类型转换:自动类型转换小范围---◊大范围Byte-◊ short-◊ int-◊ long-◊ float-◊ doubleChar-◊ int在表数范围内的常数可以自动转换强制类型转换五、垃圾回收1、如果某一个对象没有引用指向它了,那么这个对象就是个垃圾对象比如String s=new String(“...”);s=null;那被new出来的String对象就是一个垃圾数据了2、垃圾回收机制对于没有被引用的对象,java JVM会自动回收System.gc()提醒虚拟机进行垃圾回收,但只是提醒建议break和continue后面可以加下标,跳出循环和继续循环。
CoreJava各章节作业第一章1、安装并部署好MyEclipse、JDK开发环境(JDK搭建三遍,第二、第三遍可走流程即可),在MyEclipse 中设置好当前所安装好的JRE环境2、使用记事本创建一个java类文件,并在cmd命令中编译运行此文件输出“Java有什么难的,这不就出来了嘛,加油”第二章1、分析如下语句,判断第(1)、(2) 条语句的正确性,并分析原因byte a = 1;a = a+1; (1)a += 1; (2)2、一个java合法标示符应满足哪些条件?3、使用java局部变量应注意那几点?4、请举例说明条件运算符的计算规则1 ? 2 : 35、请举例说明++、--运算符的计算规则6、Java的八种基本数据类型分别是什么?各在内存中占多少位的空间?第三章自选百分之五十,理解。
没写-3(又没写又提不出问题)1、自定义业务需求,分别对分支流程、顺序流程、循环流程进行描述2、用户在控制台输入一个整数,请输出该整数的阶乘例如:6!=6*5*4*3*2*1分析:1、知道要做什么阶乘thinking java问题:什么是阶乘? OK求阶乘的数据来源?从控制台输入整数设计阶乘代码实现的思路?技术选择:循环 for5! = 5*4*3*2*1;1—5 for(int i = 1;i<=5;i++)2、怎么做从控制台输入一个整数判断输入的整数是否大于1是:计算阶乘不是:提示用户输入错误3、输出九九乘法表1x1=11x2=2 2x2=41x9=9 9x9=814、水仙花数:各位数字的立方数相加等于该数本身。
例如153 1*1*1+5*5*5+3*3*3=153,那么153就是一个三位水仙花数。
请编程输出所有的三位水仙花数分析:1、要做什么?输出所有的三位水仙花数何谓水仙花数?要确保是3位(100---999)2、怎么做?1、循环遍历100-999之间的每一个数for(int i = 100;i<=999;i++){// i}2、对1中的每一个遍历的数字取出其各位上的数字(个位、十位、百位)个位a:该数(i)对10 取模十位b:该数对10 取整,然后再对10取模百位c:该数对100 取整3、验证该数是否是水仙花数axaxa + bxbxb + cxcxc = 该数5、计算圆周率中国古代数学家研究出了计算圆周率最简单的办法:PI=+4/1-4/3+4/5-4/7+4/9-4/11+4/13-4/15+4/17、、、、、、这个算式的结果会无限接近于圆周率的值,我国古代数学家祖冲之计算出,圆周率在3、1415926和3、1415927之间,请编程计算,要想得到这样的结果,他要经过多少次加减法运算?伪代码:自然语言和代码相结合进行分析设计的记录,伪代码不能直接运行分析:doublepi = 0.0;int num = 0;While(true){num++; // num = 1 2 3if(num % 2 != 0){ // 基数次遍历pi += 4/(2*num-1);}else{Pi -= 4/(2*num-1);}If(3.1415926<pi<3.1415927){break;}}System.out.println(num-1);6、如果一个数等于其所有因子(除自身外能被整除的数都是因子)之和,我们就称这个数为"完数",例如6的因子为1,2,3 而6=1+2+3 所以6就是一个完数。
java教程从入门到精通Java是一种跨平台的高级编程语言,由Sun Microsystems于1995年推出。
首先,你需要安装Java Development Kit(JDK),它包含了编译器和其他必要的工具。
CoreJava 学习手册整理者:Eric日期:2008-1-13版本号:V08010131 Java 入门准备知识1.1从面向过程编程到面向对象编程的思维转变我们知道所有的计算机程序都是由两类元素组成:代码和数据。
JRE = JVM+编译器 JDK=JVM+编译器+类库查看类库源码在:JDK/src.zip压缩包里2 Java 开发环境的配置及开发须知2.1环境变量的设置需要新加的两个环境变量1、JAVA_HOME:指明 JDK 的位置。
2、EXPORT :将指定的环境变量声明为全局的。
JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.5CLASSPATH=.PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin:.注:“.”代表当前目录当我们把环境变量都配置好了以后在终端敲入‖java -version‖命令如果出现JDK版本号信息就表示我们环境变量设置成功了。
一、经典书籍推荐1.《计算机程序的构造与解释》(SICP)–由哈罗德·阿贝尔森(Harold Abelson) 和杰拉德·李贝尔森 (Gerald Jay Sussman) 编写的经典之作。
2.《代码大全》(Code Complete)–斯蒂夫·迈克康奈尔 (Steve McConnell) 的经典力作。
3.《算法导论》(Introduction to Algorithms)–托马斯·科尔曼(Thomas H. Cormen) 等人合著的一本权威教材。
二、编程语言书籍推荐1.《Python编程快速上手-让繁琐工作自动化》–阮一峰 (Yifeng Ruan) 编写的一本介绍Python编程语言的入门书籍。
2.《Java核心技术-卷一》(Core Java Volume I – Fundamentals)–凯·霍斯特曼 (Cay S. Horstmann) 和加里·科恩 (Gary Cornell) 联合编写的一本Java经典教材。
3.《C++ Primer》–斯坦利·利普曼 (Stanley B. Lippman)、约瑟夫·拉乌 (Josée Lajoie) 和巴巴拉·穆比 (Barbara E. Moo) 合著的一本经典C++教材。
Core Java 经典教程十五
还有其它选择就用其它的byte b -128~127Byte b 多一个null简单类型和封装类型之间的差别封装类可以等于null,避免数字得0时的二义性。
Integer i=null;int ii=i;(会抛出NullException异常)相当于int ii=i.intValue();Integer i=1;相当于Integer i=new Integer(1);在基本数据类型和封装类之间的自动转换5.0之前Integer i=new Integer(4);int ii= i.intValue();5.0之后Integer i=4;Long l=4.3;静态引入静态成员的使用,使用import static 引入静态成员,也就是可以用静态引入是导入包中的某个类的静态成员,在使用时不用再写类名。
很简单的东西,看一个例子:没有写静态引入public class Test{public static void main(String[] args){Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x, 2) + Math.pow(y, 2));}}写了静态引入import static ng.Math.*;public class Test{public static void main(String[] args){System.out.println(sqrt(pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2)));}}其中import static ng.Math.*;就是静态导入的语法,它的意思是导入Math类中的所有static方法和属性。
core java知识点总结
core java知识点总结Core Java is a foundational programming language that is widely used for developing applications and software. It provides a strong base for developing enterprise-level applications, web applications, and mobile applications. It is essential for any Java developer to have a clear understanding of core Java concepts in order to write efficient and error-free code. This article aims to summarize some of the key core Java concepts, including object-oriented programming, multithreading, collections, and I/O, among others.1. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)Object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm that revolves around the concept of objects. In Java, everything is an object except for primitive data types. The key principles of OOP are inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism, and abstraction.a. Inheritance: Inheritance is the mechanism by which a class can inherit properties and behavior from another class. It promotes code reusability and helps in creating a hierarchical relationship between classes.b. Encapsulation: Encapsulation is the concept of hiding the internal implementation details of a class and exposing only the necessary functionalities. It is achieved through access specifiers such as private, protected, and public.c. Polymorphism: Polymorphism allows objects to be treated as instances of their parent class, enabling flexibility and extensibility. There are two types of polymorphism in Java: compile time (method overloading) and runtime (method overriding).d. Abstraction: Abstraction is the process of hiding the implementation details and showing only the necessary features of an object. It is achieved through abstract classes and interfaces.2. MultithreadingMultithreading is a powerful feature of Java that allows concurrent execution of multiple threads within a single process. It is used to utilize the CPU efficiently and to create responsive and interactive applications. Java provides built-in support for multithreading through the ng.Thread class and the java.util.concurrent package.a. Creating Threads: Threads in Java can be created by extending the Thread class or implementing the Runnable interface. The run() method is overridden to define the task to be performed by the thread.b. Thread Synchronization: Synchronization is used to control the access of multiple threads to shared resources. Java provides the synchronized keyword, locks, and semaphores to achieve thread synchronization.c. Thread Communication: Communication between threads can be achieved using methods such as wait(), notify(), and notifyAll(). These methods are used to implement the producer-consumer problem and other synchronization scenarios.3. Collection FrameworkThe Java Collection Framework is a set of interfaces and classes that provide essential data structures and algorithms for storing and manipulating groups of objects. It includes the List, Set, Map, Queue, and Deque interfaces, along with their respective implementations.a. List: Lists in Java maintain the order of elements and allow duplicate elements. The key classes implementing the List interface are ArrayList, LinkedList, and Vector.b. Set: Sets in Java do not allow duplicate elements and do not maintain any specific order. The key classes implementing the Set interface are HashSet, LinkedHashSet, and TreeSet.c. Map: Maps in Java store key-value pairs and do not allow duplicate keys. The key classes implementing the Map interface are HashMap, LinkedHashMap, and TreeMap.d. Queue and Deque: Queues in Java follow the FIFO (First-In-First-Out) order, while Deques (Double-Ended Queues) support operations at both ends. The key classes implementing these interfaces are PriorityQueue and ArrayDeque.4. Input/Output (I/O)Java I/O is used for reading and writing data from and to external sources such as files, streams, and consoles. It provides classes and methods for performing various I/O operations, such as reading from a file, writing to a file, and handling character and byte streams.a. File I/O: File I/O in Java is performed using classes such as File, FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, FileReader, FileWriter, and RandomAccessFile. These classes enable operations such as reading and writing files, creating directories, and checking file attributes.b. Stream I/O: Stream I/O in Java is based on the concept of reading and writing data in a sequential manner. There are two types of streams: byte streams (InputStream and OutputStream) and character streams (Reader and Writer).c. Serialization: Serialization is the process of converting an object into a byte stream for transmission or storage. Deserialization is the reverse process of reconstructing the object from its byte stream. Java provides the Serializable interface and the ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream classes for serialization and deserialization.5. Exception HandlingException handling in Java is a mechanism for handling runtime errors and abnormal conditions that may arise during the execution of a program. It provides a structured way to deal with unexpected situations and maintain the robustness of the application.a. Checked Exceptions: Checked exceptions are the exceptions that are checked at compile time. They are typically handled using try-catch blocks or by declaring them in the throws clause of a method.b. Unchecked Exceptions: Unchecked exceptions, also known as runtime exceptions, are not checked at compile time and can occur at runtime. They are typically caused by programming errors and should be handled using try-catch blocks.c. Custom Exceptions: Java allows developers to define custom exceptions by extending the Exception class or one of its subclasses. This allows for more specific and meaningful error handling within the application.6. GenericsGenerics in Java enable the creation of parameterized types, allowing classes, interfaces, and methods to operate on objects of various types while providing compile-time type safety. They prevent type mismatches and class cast exceptions at runtime and promote code reuse and robustness.a. Generic Classes: Generic classes are defined using a type parameter enclosed in angle brackets. This type parameter represents the type of objects that the class can operate on.b. Generic Methods: Generic methods are methods that can operate on objects of different types. They are defined using a type parameter before the return type of the method.c. Bounded Type Parameters: Bounded type parameters in generics restrict the types that can be used as arguments to a generic class or method. They are used to specify upper and lower bounds for the type parameter.7. Java 8 FeaturesJava 8 introduced several new features and enhancements to the language, including lambda expressions, functional interfaces, the Stream API, and the new date and time API.a. Lambda Expressions: Lambda expressions provide a concise way to represent anonymous functions. They are used for implementing functional interfaces and enable functional programming in Java.b. Functional Interfaces: Functional interfaces are interfaces that contain exactly one abstract method. They are used in conjunction with lambda expressions to enable the use of functional programming constructs in Java.c. Stream API: The Stream API provides a declarative way to process collections of objects. It allows for filtering, mapping, reducing, and iterating over collections in a functional style.d. Date and Time API: Java 8 introduced a new date and time API in the java.time package, which provides classes for handling dates, times, durations, and periods in a more flexible and comprehensive manner.8. AnnotationsAnnotations in Java are a form of metadata that can be added to code elements such as classes, methods, and fields to provide additional information about the code. They are widely used for marking code for special processing or adding information for tools and libraries.a. Built-in Annotations: Java provides several built-in annotations, such as @Override,@Deprecated, and @SuppressWarnings, which are used for indicating method overriding, deprecation, and suppression of warnings, respectively.b. Custom Annotations: Java also allows developers to create custom annotations for their specific requirements. Custom annotations are defined using the @interface keyword and can contain elements and values.c. Annotation Processors: Annotation processors are tools that read and process annotations during compilation. They are used for generating code, validating code, and performing various other tasks based on the presence of annotations.In conclusion, core Java is a fundamental programming language that forms the basis for building robust and scalable applications. Understanding the core Java concepts such as object-oriented programming, multithreading, collections, I/O, and annotations is essential for any Java developer. Mastering these concepts will enable developers to write efficient, maintainable, and high-quality code for a wide range of applications and systems. As Java continues to evolve with new features and enhancements, staying updated with the latest developments in the language is crucial for Java developers to stay competitive in the industry.。
Core Java经典教程 一
Core Java 辅导资料第一章:一、Java 简介Java 语言是编译后再解释执行,Java 源码是通过编译生成一种特殊的.class 的中间字节码文件,然后再有JVM 进行解释执行,JVM (Java 虚拟机)是运行在操作系统中,用来屏蔽的系统间的差异。
Java 虚拟机处理编译后的字节码,并根据不同的系统来申请相应的资源,这样就可以保证程序的运行正常,在Java 虚拟机的基础之上,由解释器来解释执行字节码文件。
Java 虚拟机+解释器=JRE (Java RunTime Environment )Java 运行环境JRE+Java 系统类库=JDK (Java Deveple Kit )JAVA 开发工具包Java 简单特性:① JVM 本身是不能垮平台的。
② java 语言对指针进行了上层的封装,它保证能够通过这个指针(引用),来访问有效的内存单元。
③ java 语言不允许多继承,使继承关系成树状图,每个类都只能有一个父类。
④ java 语言的开发效率高,但执行效率低。
(相当于c++的55%)⑤ java 的垃圾回收机制,在java 中new 的对象不需要向c++一样进行delete 操作,JVM 会根据情况回收垃圾对象(懒汉机制,等待资源没有的时候才回收)。
我们只能够建议JVM 进行垃圾回收,例如(System.gc() RunTime.gc()这两个方法就是建议JVM 进行垃圾回收的方法)。
JDK —— java 开发工具包(类库和运行命令)JRE —— java 运行环境JVM —— java 虚拟机(解释执行的核心,对字节码进行翻译成运行环境的机器码,它可以屏蔽平台差异。
但JVM 是不跨平台的。
)类库 工具JRE JDK二、使用Java是需要进行配置的环境变量JAVA_HOME, 指明JDK安装的位置;CLASSPATH,指明类文件的位置;PATH,指明命令的可执行文件的位置。
例:Unix/Linux中JAVA环境变量的配置在(.profile(Unix) /.bash_profile(Linux) /.bashrc(Linnx))这些文件中作以下配置Java的一些特点:①Java是一种纯面向对象的语言,在Java中所有的方法必须写在class(类)中,包括main 方法。
core java 知识点
core java 知识点核心Java知识点为了帮助读者更好地理解核心Java知识点,本文将逐步回答以下问题:1. 什么是Java?2. Java的历史背景和发展历程是什么?3. Java的特点和优势有哪些?4. Java的基本语法是什么?5. Java的数据类型有哪些?6. Java的循环结构和条件语句有哪些?7. Java中的面向对象编程概念是什么?8. Java中的异常处理机制是什么?9. Java中的输入和输出如何实现?10. Java中的多线程编程是什么?11. Java的集合框架是什么?12. Java的反射机制是什么?13. Java的网络编程是什么?14. Java的文件操作是什么?15. Java的数据库连接是什么?16. Java的图形用户界面编程是什么?17. Java的国际化编程是什么?18. Java中的注解是什么?19. Java的常见设计模式有哪些?20. Java中的单元测试和集成测试是什么?接下来,我们将逐个回答这些问题。
1. 什么是Java?Java是一种广泛使用的计算机编程语言,由Sun Microsystems(现为Oracle)在1995年首次推出。
2. Java的历史背景和发展历程是什么?Java的发展历程可分为以下几个阶段:- 1991年,Sun Microsystems的James Gosling和他的团队开始研发Oak语言,该语言后来演变为Java语言。
- 1995年,Sun Microsystems正式发布了Java语言,引起了广泛关注和使用。
Java 1.0成为第一个正式的Java版本。
- 1996年,Java 1.1发布,带来了许多重要的改进和新特性。
- 1998年,Java 2发布,引入了Java虚拟机(JVM)和Java 2标准版(J2SE)的概念。
Java高级编程教程Chapter 1: Introduction to Java Advanced ProgrammingJava is a powerful and widely used programming language that offers numerous advanced features. This chapter will introduce the basics of Java advanced programming and its significance in the development of software applications.1.1 Overview of Java Advanced ProgrammingJava advanced programming refers to the utilization of advanced features and techniques in Java programming to develop robust and efficient applications. It involves concepts such as multithreading, exception handling, generics, lambda expressions, and functional programming.1.2 Multithreading in JavaMultithreading allows multiple threads of execution to run concurrently within a single program. Java provides built-in support for multithreading through the ng.Thread class and thejava.util.concurrent package. This section will discuss the benefits of multithreading and provide examples of its implementation.1.3 Exception Handling in JavaException handling is crucial in Java programming to effectively deal with runtime errors. Java provides a sophisticated exception handling mechanism through try-catch blocks, finally blocks, and thethrows clause. This section will explore different types of exceptions, exception propagation, and error handling techniques.1.4 Generics in JavaGenerics in Java enable developers to create generic classes and methods that can work with different types of data. It allows type safety, code reusability, and performance optimization. This section will explain the syntax and usage of generics in Java, including bounded types, wildcards, and type erasure.Chapter 2: Advanced Java ConceptsThis chapter will delve into more advanced concepts in Java programming, including lambda expressions, functional programming, and Java streams.2.1 Lambda ExpressionsLambda expressions were introduced in Java 8 and provide a concise way to represent anonymous functions. They enable the use of functional programming paradigms in Java and simplify code by reducing boilerplate. This section will demonstrate the syntax and usage of lambda expressions in Java.2.2 Functional Programming in JavaFunctional programming focuses on the use of pure functions and immutability to write clean and maintainable code. Java supports functional programming through the use of lambda expressions,functional interfaces, and predefined functional interfaces like Predicate, Function, and Consumer. This section will explore functional programming concepts in Java.2.3 Java StreamsJava streams provide a new and powerful way to perform bulk operations on collections of data. Streams enable parallel processing, lazy evaluation, and functional-style operations like map, filter, and reduce. This section will demonstrate the usage of streams in Java and illustrate their benefits through examples.Chapter 3: Advanced Java TechniquesThis chapter will cover more advanced techniques and tools commonly used in Java advanced programming.3.1 ReflectionReflection in Java allows developers to examine and manipulate the structure and behavior of classes at runtime. It enables dynamic loading of classes, obtaining class information, and invoking methods dynamically. This section will explain the concepts of reflection and demonstrate its usage in Java.3.2 Annotation ProcessingAnnotations provide metadata about code and can be processed at compile-time or runtime. Java provides a powerful annotation processing tool called the Annotation Processing Tool (APT) thatallows developers to generate code, perform static analysis, and enforce coding conventions. This section will introduce the basics of annotation processing in Java.3.3 Java Native Interface (JNI)Java Native Interface (JNI) enables Java code to interact with code written in other languages, such as C and C++. It provides a bridge between the Java virtual machine (JVM) and native code. This section will explain the purpose and usage of JNI and provide examples of its implementation.Chapter 4: Best Practices in Java Advanced ProgrammingThis final chapter will discuss best practices and tips for effective Java advanced programming.4.1 Error Handling and LoggingProper error handling and logging are essential for the smooth running and maintenance of Java applications. This section will outline best practices for handling exceptions, logging errors and warnings, and using logging frameworks like Log4j and SLF4J.4.2 Performance OptimizationPerformance optimization is crucial for developing high-performance Java applications. This section will provide tips and techniques for optimizing Java code, including efficient memory usage, resource management, algorithm optimization, and profiling tools.4.3 Code Organization and Design PatternsWell-organized and modular code is essential for code maintenance and reusability. This section will discuss techniques for organizing Java projects, separating concerns, and using design patterns like Singleton, Factory, and Observer.In conclusion, Java advanced programming offers numerous powerful features and techniques that enable developers to create robust, efficient, and maintainable applications. This article has provided an introduction to various aspects of Java advanced programming, including multithreading, exception handling, generics, lambda expressions, functional programming, reflection, and best practices. By mastering these advanced concepts and techniques, developers can take full advantage of the Java language and build sophisticated software applications.。
java黑皮书15章答案1、下面这段代码的输出为( D )int year = 2046;if(year % 2 == 0){System、out、println("进入了if");}else{System、out、println("进入了else");}System、out、println("退出");A、进入了ifB、进入了elseC、进入了elseD、进入了if 退出退出2、关于Java程序的main()方法的说法中,错误的是( A )A、一个Java程序可以有多个main()方法B、 main()方法是Java程序的入口C、 main()方法使用public、static和void修饰,且顺序不能改变D、main()方法后面要有一对大括号,计算机需要执行的命令都写在大括号里3、分析如下Java代码,编译运行后的输出结果是( B)public static void main(String[] args){boolean b = true;System、out、print(b);if(b){System、out、print("真");}else{System、out、print("假");}}A、trueB、true 真C、true 假D、14、在Java程序的程序控制流语句中,可以省略且不影响编译通过的子句是( BC)A、caseB、breakC、defaultD、switch5、在Java语言中,下面( B)是逻辑运算符中优先级最高的A、&&B、!C、||D、|6、在Java中,以下变量赋值无法通过编译的是( A)A、char c1 = "男";B、char c2 = '女';C、int f1 = 128;D、double d1 =1、2;7、以下是文件HELLO、java中的源代码,请分析该代码的运行结果( B )public class Hello{public static void main(String[] args){String str = "Hello World";System、out、print(str);}}A、Hello WorldB、提示:公共类型Hello必须在它自己的文件中定义C、strD、提示:数据类型错误8、在Java中,如下代码输出结果是( A)public static void main(String[] args){int i=0;System、out、print(i+=2);System、out、print(i+=2);}A、2B、2C、0D、0。
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还有其它选择就用其它的byte b -128~127Byte b 多一个null简单类型和封装类型之间的差别封装类可以等于null,避免数字得0时的二义性。
Integer i=null;int ii=i;(会抛出NullException异常)相当于int ii=i.intValue();Integer i=1;相当于Integer i=new Integer(1);在基本数据类型和封装类之间的自动转换5.0之前Integer i=new Integer(4);int ii= i.intValue();5.0之后Integer i=4;Long l=4.3;静态引入静态成员的使用,使用import static 引入静态成员,也就是可以用静态引入是导入包中的某个类的静态成员,在使用时不用再写类名。
很简单的东西,看一个例子:没有写静态引入public class Test{public static void main(String[] args){Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x, 2) + Math.pow(y, 2));}}写了静态引入import static ng.Math.*;public class Test{public static void main(String[] args){System.out.println(sqrt(pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2)));}}其中import static ng.Math.*;就是静态导入的语法,它的意思是导入Math类中的所有static方法和属性。
import java.util.*;import java.util.Collection;public class Foreach{private Collection<String> c = null;private String[] belle = new String[4];public Foreach(){belle[0] = "西施";belle[1] = "王昭君";belle[2] = "貂禅";belle[3] = "杨贵妃";c = Arrays.asList(belle);}public void testCollection(){for (String b : c){System.out.println("曾经的风化绝代:" + b);}}public void testArray(){for (String b : belle){System.out.println("曾经的青史留名:" + b);}}public static void main(String[] args){Foreach each = new Foreach();each.testCollection();each.testArray();}}对于集合类型和数组类型的,我们都可以通过foreach语法来访问它。
上面的例子中,以前我们要依次访问数组,挺麻烦:for (int i = 0; i < belle.length; i++){String b = belle[i];System.out.println("曾经的风化绝代:" + b);}现在只需下面简单的语句即可:for (String b : belle){System.out.println("曾经的青史留名:" + b);}对集合的访问效果更明显。
以前我们访问集合的代码:for (Iterator it = c.iterator(); it.hasNext();){String name = (String);System.out.println("曾经的风化绝代:" + name);}现在我们只需下面的语句:for (String b : c){System.out.println("曾经的风化绝代:" + b);}Foreach也不是万能的,它也有以下的缺点:在以前的代码中,我们可以通过Iterator执行remove操作。
for (Iterator it = c.iterator(); it.hasNext();){it.remove();}但是,在现在的for-each版中,我们无法删除集合包含的对象。
可变长的参数在java5.0中,可以使用一种变长参数,也就是例如m(String… s)的东西,编译器会自动的将方法调用时的参数适当的封装成数组5.0之前public class Test{public static void main(String[] args){}}JVM收到数据封装在数组里,然后传入方法5.0之后public class Test{public static void main(String... s){m();//此时实际调用的是那个无参的m()方法//注意:调用可变长参数的方法,只在必要时调用m(1,“abc”,”bcd”);}public static void m(){System.out.println(“m()”);}public static void m(int a,String… s){for(String s2:s){System.out.println(s2+a);}}}注意:只在必要的时候进行。
格式化输出格式化I/O(Formatted I/O)java.util.Sacner类可以进行格式化的输入,可以使用控制台输入,结合了BufferedReader和StringTokenizer的功能。
增加了类似C的格式化输入输出,简单的例子:public class TestFormat{public static void main(String[] args){int a = 150000, b = 10;float c = 5.0101f, d = 3.14f;System.out.printf("%4d %4d%n", a, b);System.out.printf("%x %x%n", a, b);System.out.printf("%3.2f %1.1f%n", c, d);System.out.printf("%1.3e %1.3e%n", c, d*100);}}输出结果为:150000 10249f0 a5.01 3.15.010e+00 3.140e+02类型安全的枚举枚举也是一个类型,枚举中的对象只能定义一次并在定义时给其初始化,定义之后不能再改变其值,只能从枚举中选择其一。
enum 枚举名{枚举值1(..),枚举值2(..),.....;}在5.0之前使用模式做出枚举final class Season{public static final Season SPRING=new Season();public static final Season WINTER=new Season();public static final Season SUMMER=new Season();public static final Season AUTUMN=new Season();private Season(){}}完全等价于enum Season2{SPRING(..),//枚举值SUMMER(..),AUTUMN(..),WINTER(..);......}枚举是一个反射关联的典型,反射关联,即在类的定义中有自身类型的属性。
枚举类(Enumeration Classes)和类一样,具有类所有特性。
Season2的父类是ng.Enum;隐含方法Season2[] ss=Season2.values(); 每个枚举类型都有的方法。
例:switch( s ){case SPRING:…………….case SUMMER:…………….…………..}枚举类可以写有参构造方法,注意这个构造方法的权限修饰符要是private即私有的,且枚举类的构造方法默认权限修饰符不是default而是privateenum Season2{SPRING(“春”),SUMMER(“夏”),AUTUMN(“秋”),WINTER(“冬”);//注意这个分号,它代表枚举值结束private String name;Season2(String name){=name;}String getName(){return name;}}Season2.SPRING.getName();枚举的高级用法:枚举类中可以定义抽象方法,虽然枚举类是不能有子类的但是,枚举值可以覆盖枚举类中的定义的抽象方法。
例如下:enum Operation{ADD{//可以在枚举之中覆盖抽象方法public double calculate(double s1,double s2){return s1+s2;}},SUBSTRACT{public double calculate(double s1,double s2){return s1-s2;}},MULTIPLY{public double calculate(double s1,double s2){return s1*s2;}},DIVIDE{public double calculate(double s1,double s2){return s1/s2;}};public abstract double calculate(double s1 ,double s2);//抽象方法}有抽象方法枚举元素必须实现该方法。