介绍Mathematical Contest in Modeling
特征值,存在很大的差异。如果不先进行“ 突变” 的检 测 ,就会造成大量 的“ 渐变” 检测 的虚警 。
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Results of a Study using the Motivation Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) in an Introduct
Results of a Study using the Motivation Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) in an Introductory Engineering Graphics CourseAaron C. Clark1 Jeremy V. Ernst2 Alice Y. Scales3Abstract – This paper will present data related to a study conducted at NC State University in the spring of 2008 that focused on student motivation in an introductory graphics course. This study conducted a motivation and learning assessment using the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) Attitude Survey. The motivational portion of MSLQ focuses on six areas associated with student learning and motivation. These areas were intrinsic goal orientation, extrinsic goal orientation, task value, control of learning beliefs, self-efficacy learning performance, and test anxiety. Findings from the study included the identification of enduring motivational factors for learning graphics education. Insights into the strategic learning process of students in a graphics education course will be discussed. Also, areas of concern for future pedagogical development and course improvement will be highlighted.Keywords: MSLQ, Introductory Graphics Course,I NTRODUCTIONMany motivational processes are responsive to individual properties associated with tasks, the classroom, or the context within student engagement [Wolters & Pintrich, 11]. Literature on student motivation identifies many beliefs and constructs, but control, competence, and self-regulated strategic learning remain chief among them [Shell & Husman, 9]. Internal pressures also serve as strong motivators in adult learners [Knowles, Holton, & Swanson, 4, pp. 64-66]. An attitude of self-determination resides at the nucleus of intrinsic motivation [Johari & Bradshaw, 5]. This self-determined attitude is primarily a result of feeling competent and/or independent. In adults, feelings of intellectual competence can be highly motivational when paired with internal pressures that serve as a driving force. Self-determination theory research has placed a large amount of attention on, not only intrinsic motivation, but also extrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation refers to “engaging in an activity to obtain an outcome separable from the activity itself” [Vansteenkiste, Timmermans, Lens, Soenens, & Van den Broeck, 10, pp. 388]. A study conducted by Bye, Pushkar, & Conway [2] at Concordia University identifies intrinsic motivation as a predictor of positive classroom effect, while self-improvement and personal growth were found to be highly valued in comparison with extrinsic goals, further distinguishing between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.1 NC State University, Box 7801, Raleigh, NC 27695-7801, aaron_clark@2 NC State University, Box 7801, Raleigh, NC 27695-7801, jeremy_ernst@3 NC State University, Box 7801, Raleigh, NC 27695-7801, alice_scales@Student motivation possesses a value component involving students’ goals and beliefs about the importance of a task or their personal interest in an application. Motivational value has been conceptualized through various approaches (e.g., learning vs. performance goals, intrinsic vs. extrinsic orientation, task value, and intrinsic interest); this motivational component effectively concerns students' motives for the completion of a task [Pintrich & De Groot, 8]. Beyond beliefs pertaining to importance and interest is self-efficacy. Students’ perceived self-efficacy might influence the process by which he or she selects activities to participate in or complete. There are many circumstances where students assume and perform activities they deem themselves capable of successfully completing and avoid those they believe exceed their ability [Yang, 12]. This paper will examine the results of a study conducted at North Carolina State University that looked at the type of motivation exhibited by students taking an introductory engineering class.M OTIVATED S TRATEGIES FOR L EARNING Q UESTIONNAIRET he Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) is an instrument designed to evaluate “college students’ motivational orientation and use of different learning strategies for a college course” [Pintrich, Smith, Garcia, and McKeachie, 8]. The broad cognitive analysis of motivation and learning strategy, paired with the social cognitive view of motivation and self-regulated learning, serves as the foundation of MSLQ. The MSLQ consists of two major sections: a motivation section and a learning strategies section. The motivation segment has 31 items that evaluate students’ goals and value beliefs, students’ beliefs about skills necessary to succeed, and test anxiety associated with a specific course [Duncan & McKeachie, 3]. Duncan & McKeachie further differentiate the learning strategy section of the MSLQ as identifying students’ use of different cognitiv e and metacognitive strategies as well as student management of resources. The motivation section and the learning strategies section of the MSLQ include 81 items. Each item is rated using a 7-point Likert-type scale. The rating scale ranges from one (not at all true of me) to seven (very true of me).Pintrich, Smith, Garcia, & McKeachie [8] describe the motivation scales of the MSLQ as vehicles to acquire information associated with value, expectancy, and affect. Value assists in exploring intrinsic and extrinsic goal orientation, expectancy targets beliefs about learning and self-efficacy, and affect gauges test anxiety. Learning strategies investigated through the motivation scales are drawn from a broad compilation of cognitive research representing cognitive processing and its affect on student learning [Lynch, 6].Numerous MSLQ studies have been conducted that present evidence of internal consistency, reliability, and predictive validity of the instrument [Pintrich, Smith, Garcia, & McKeachie, 8; Artino, 1; Duncan & McKeachie, 3]. The MSLQ represents a method to accurately and holistically gage student motivation and self-regulated learning grounded by a theoretical basis. The MSLQ allows student learning researchers to move beyond traditional examinations of individual differences in learning styles to gain insight into the motivation and learning specifically occurring in a targeted college course. In this investigation, an introductory engineering graphics course wasselected to investigate intrinsic goal orientation, extrinsic goal orientation, task value, control of learning beliefs, self-efficacy learning performance, and test anxiety with the MSLQ Attitude Survey.M ETHODOLOGYThis targeted investigation utilized the results of 31 motivational questions MSLQ Attitude Survey to examine six proposed null hypotheses concerning motivation and satisfaction of student learning. These null hypotheses were: 1) Ho: Student intrinsic goal orientation elements are independent components of motivation and learning. 2) Ho: Student extrinsic goal orientation elements are independent components of motivation and learning. 3) Ho: Student task value elements are independent components of motivation and learning. 4) Ho: Student controls of learning beliefs are independent components of motivation and learning. 5) Ho: Student self-efficacy and learning performance elements are independent components of motivation and learning. 6) Ho: Student test anxiety elements are independent components of motivation and learning.These hypotheses guided the motivation and learning investigation utilizing the MSLQ Attitude Survey as the means for data acquisition. Specifically, the six hypotheses structure the investigation to identify enduring motivational factors for learning graphics in the introductory engineering graphics course at NC State University.To better gauge indicators of student attitude and motivation, the MSLQ data analysis was shortened. As prescribed by Matthews [7] to solely measure motivation concerning goal orientation, extrinsic goal orientation, task value, control of learning beliefs, self-efficacy learning performance, and test anxiety, the MSLQ analysis was limited to 31 questions specifically targeted to student motivation. Additionally, Matthews identified the MSLQ item equivalent subsets to provide a targeted analysis of the six focal areas associated with student learning and motivation.In the 10th week of the 2008 spring semester the course instructors administered the MSLQ instrument to student participants in the introductory engineering graphics course. The questionnaire took the participants approximately 15 minutes to complete. One hundred and sixty one students in seven separate sections of GC 120 (Foundations of Graphics) completed and returned the instrument. One of the 161 participants failed to complete items 24 and 29 of the targeted subgroup analysis, but the researchers decided to include this questionnaire in the completed group. The researchers gathered the completed instruments from the course instructors, entered the MSLQ data, tabulated the questionnaire results, analyzed the target items, and formed conclusions based on the six identified student learning and motivation areas.R ESULTSThe proposed hypotheses were evaluated using a one-sample calculation of variance. The test of independence tabulates MSLQ instrument items in their designated categories and computes a chi-square value. This procedure uses the critical value to evaluate the proportional value derived from the Chi-Square table. A significant p-value foran item in a category demonstrates that it is independent of the other items and, therefore, has no relationship to the other items in its category or the category itself.The identified MSLQ item equivalents to investigate intrinsic goal orientation were 1, 16, 22, and 24 (See Table 1). Within the item equivalents that measured intrinsic goal orientation, item 16 had the highest average, while item 24 had the lowest. As a group, the intrinsic goal orientation items averaged 4.68 on the seven-point scale. The sampling variance, reported in the data summations, was due to a statistical fluctuation in the responses on intrinsic goal orientation sub grouped items identified in the six student learning and motivation areas. Additionally, evaluation of the chi-square statistic and the proportional value associated with each item identified all four MSLQ items within their student learning and motivation area as significantly different from one another, given the predetermined alpha level of significance (0.05). Items 1, 16, 22, and 24 all had p-values smaller than 0.05, therefore the null hypothesis that intrinsic goal orientation elements are independent components of motivation and learning could not be rejected because there is evidence that the questions were independent of the category and each other by virtue of their significant p-values.Table 1. MSLQ Intrinsic Goal OrientationThe identified item equivalents to investigate extrinsic goal orientation were MSLQ items 7, 11, 13, and 30 (See Table 2). Within the item equivalents of extrinsic goal orientation, item 13 had the highest average, while item 30 had the lowest. As a group, the extrinsic goal orientation items averaged 5.35 on the seven-point scale. Additionally, reporting and evaluation of the chi-square statistic and the proportional value associated with each item identified three of the four items were significantly different from one another. Item 13 was found not to significantly differ within the subgroup. Items 7, 11, and 30 all had a p-value smaller than 0.05, therefore, the null hypothesis that statedthat extrinsic goal orientation elements are independent components of motivation and learning also failed to be rejected.Table 2. MSLQ Extrinsic Goal OrientationThe identified item equivalents to investigate task value were MSLQ items 4, 10, 17, 23, 26, and 27 (See Table 3). Within the item equivalents for task value, the six items provide participant averages relatively close to one another. As a group, the task value items averaged a 5.16 on the seven-point scale. The sampling variance again was due to a statistical fluctuation in participant responses on the task value sub grouped items. Likewise, reporting and evaluation of the chi-square statistic and the proportional value associated with each item identified all six of the MSLQ items within their student learning and motivation area as significantly different from each other. The p-values for items 4, 10, 17, 23, 26, and 27 were all lower than the established cut-off value of 0.05, therefore, the null hypothesis that stated that task value elements are independent components of motivation and learning could not be rejected.Table 3. MSLQ Task ValueThe identified item equivalents that examined control of learning beliefs were MSLQ items 2, 9, 18, and 25 (See Table 4). Within the item equivalents of control of learning beliefs, item 18 had the highest average while item 25 had the lowest. As a group, the control of learning beliefs items averaged 5.62. The sampling variance was due to the variation in the participants’ responses on control of learning beliefs sub grouped items identified within the six student learning and motivation areas. The reporting and evaluation of the chi-square statistic, and the proportional value associated with each item, identified three of the four MSLQ items within their student learning and motivation area as significantly different from one another, given the predetermined alpha level of significance (0.05). Item 18 was found not to differ within the response subgroup. Items 2, 9, and 25 had a p-value lower than the critical value of 0.05, therefore, again the results failed to reject the null hypothesis that control of learning beliefs is an independent component of motivation and learning.Table 4. MSLQ Control of Learning BeliefsThe identified item equivalents to investigate self-efficacy learning performance are MSLQ items 5, 6, 12, 15, 20, 21, 29 and 31 (See Table 5). Within the item equivalents of self-efficacy learning performance, the eight items present participant averages relatively close to one another. As a group, the self-efficacy learning performance items averaged a 5.47 on a seven-point scale. The sampling variance again is due to the statistical fluctuation in participant response on this sub group of items. Additionally, the evaluation of the chi-square statistic and the proportional value associated with each item identified six of the eight MSLQ items within their student learning and motivation area as significantly differing from one another based on the predetermined alpha level of significance (0.05). Items 20 and 21 were found not to significantly differ within the response subgroup; however, items 5, 6, 12, 15, 29 and 31 were lower than the critical p-value set at 0.05; therefore, it was not possible to reject the null hypothesis that self-efficacy and learning performance are independent components of motivation and learning.Table 5. MSLQ Self-Efficacy Learning PerformanceThe identified item equivalents to investigate test anxiety are MSLQ items 3, 8, 14, 19, and 28 (See Table 6). Within the items used to examine test anxiety, item 14 had the highest average while item 3 had the lowest. As a group, the task value items averaged 3.74 on the seven-point scale. The sampling variance was again due to the fluctuation in participants’ responses. Evaluation of t he chi-square statistic and the proportional value associated with each item indicated that all five of the MSLQ items significantly differed from each other and were smaller than the predetermined value for significance. Since items 3, 8, 14, 19, and 28 were not found to be significant, the null hypothesis that test anxiety is an independent component of motivation and learning failed to be rejected.Table 6. MSLQ Test AnxietyC ONCLUSIONSItem 13 (“If I can, I want to get better grades in this class than most of the other students”); in the Extrinsic Goal Orientation subgroup, item 18 (“If I try hard enough, then I will understand the course materials”); in the Control of Learning Beliefs subgroup, item 20 (“I’m confident I can do an excellent job on the assignments and test in this course”) and item 21 (“I expect to do well in this class”) of the Self-Efficacy Learning Performance subgroup were identified by the study as continuing motivational and learning factors for learning engineering graphics in the introductory engineering graphics course at NC State University. Considering the fact that these statements “standout” among the others and that each in some way is associated with the level of understanding and the grade they wish to receive in class, grades are still a good motivation factor to consider with these participants. The ability to do well and see relevance in what is being taugh t is also paramount to a student’s motivation in a course, like a fundamentals of engineering graphics. From the data collected for this study, it can be observed that grades, relevance of content, and understanding subject matter are the main factors tha t affect students’ motivation. Based on these findings, more research in areas of strategic learning of students in engineering graphics courses as it relates to their abilities to be self-motivated needs to be conducted, particularly as the structure and delivery methods of engineering graphics courses are rapidly changing. Also, considering the change and growth of new areas and concepts in the engineering graphics profession, how can we utilize contemporary methods to increase student motivation? Again, more investigation is needed in this area of student motivation as the profession works to educate future professionals that use graphics for the 21st century.R EFERENCES[1] Artino, A.R. (2005). Review of the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire, ERIC documentsED499083.[2] Bye, D., Pushkar, D. & Conway, M. (2007). Motivation, interest and positive affect in traditional andnontraditional undergraduates. Adult Education Quarterly, 60, # 9, PP1275-1288.[3] Duncan, T.G. & McKeachie, W.J. (2005). The making of the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire.Educational Psychologist. 40(2), 117-128.[4] Knowles, M., Holton, E., & Swanson, R. (1998). The adult learner: The definitive classic in adult education andhuman resource development. Burlington, MA: Gulf Professional Publishing.[5] Johari, A. & Bradshaw, A.C. (2006). Project-based learning in an internship program: A qualitative study ofrelated roles and their motivational attributes. ETR&D.[6] Lynch, D.J. (2006). Motivational factors, learning strategies and resource management as predictors of coursegrades. College Student Journal.40(2), 423-428.[7] Matthews, B. (2004). The effects of direct and problem-based learning instruction in an undergraduateintroductory engineering graphics course. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.[8] Pintrich, P.R. (1999). The role of motivation in promoting and sustaining self-regulated learning. InternationalJournal of Educational Research. 31(6), 459-470.[9] Shell, D. F., Husman, J. (May, 2008). Control, motivation, affect, and strategic self-regulation in the collegeclassroom: A multidimensional phenomenon. Journal of Educational Psychology. Vol 100(2), 443-459.[10] Vansteenkiste, M., Timmermans, T., Lens, W., Soenens, B., Van den Broeck, A. (May, 2008). Does extrinsicgoal framing enhance extrinsic goal-oriented individuals' learning and performance? An experimental test of the match perspective versus self-determination theory. Journal of Educational Psychology. Vol 100(2), 387-397.[11] Wolters, C.A. & Pintrich, P.R. (1999). Contextual differences in student motivation and self-regulated learningin mathematics, English, and social studies classrooms. Instructional Science, 26: 27-47.[12] Yang, N.D. (1999). The relationship between EFL learners' beliefs and learning strategy use. System. 27(4), 515-535.Aaron C. ClarkAaron C. Clark is an Associate Professor of Graphic Communications and Technology Education at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, North Carolina. He received his B.S. and M.S. in Technology and Technology Education and earned his doctoral degree in Technology Education. His teaching specialties are in visual theory, 3-D modeling, gaming, and technical animation. Research areas include graphics education, leadership, andscientific/technical visualization. He presents and publishes in both technical/technology education and engineering education. He is currently a Co-PI on grants related to visualization and education and has started new research in areas related to STEM integration and gaming.Jeremy V. ErnstJeremy V. Ernst is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education at North Carolina State University. He currently teaches a variety of courses and supervises student teachers in the Technology Education Program. Jeremy specializes in research involving instruction, learning, and visualization for university students, students with disabilities and other at-risk populations in Career and Technical Education. He also has curriculum research and development experiences in technology, trade and industrial education.Alice Y. ScalesAlice Y. Scales is an Assistant Professor and the Assistant Department Head of the Department of Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education at North Carolina State University. She has taught at NC State University since 1988. She has a B.S. in Science Education, a M.Ed. in Industrial Arts Education, and an Ed.D. in Occupational Education. She currently teaches courses in desktop publishing, website development, and introductory engineering graphics.2009 ASEE Southeast Section Conference。
数学建模竞赛h奖英文Mathematical Modeling Competition H Award1. Mathematical:数学的2. Modeling:建模3. Competition:竞赛4. H: H奖5. Award:奖项1. The mathematical modeling competition requires participants to apply mathematical principles to solve real-world problems.数学建模竞赛要求参赛者将数学原理应用于解决现实世界的问题。
2. In order to excel in the competition, students must demonstrate strong analytical and problem-solving skills.为了在竞赛中取得优异的成绩,学生们必须展示出强大的分析和问题解决能力。
3. The H award is a prestigious recognition given to those who demonstrate exceptional mathematical modeling abilities.H奖是对那些展示出卓越数学建模能力的人的一个有声望的认可。
4. Winning the H award is a testament to the recipient's dedication to the field of mathematical modeling.赢得H奖是对获奖者在数学建模领域专注的证明。
5. Participants in the competition are evaluated based on the clarity of their mathematical models, the accuracy of their solutions, and the creativity in their approaches.竞赛的参赛者将根据数学模型的清晰度、解决方案的准确性和方法的创造力进行评估。
基于 的研究#柴伟凡,梁志伟,夏晨曦(南京邮电大学自动化学院,江苏南京210023)摘要:针对[o b o cu p仿真足球比赛中本位点区域化跑位的局限性,在三角剖分的阵型设计基础上将蒙特卡洛树搜索算法引入 2D仿真中,将球员智能体在球场上的状态定义为博弈树节点,将双方球员的动作选择视为节点间的状态转移,对于球队的防守 任务建立蒙特卡洛树模型。
利用极坐标方式对球场进行区域分割,结合Q学习与蒙特卡洛树搜索中的信心上限树算法&Upper Confidence Bound Apply to Tree of Monte Carlo)进行球队训练,将训练结果的动作评估值用于优化比赛代码,使得球队的防守能 力得到了较大程度的提升。
关键词:robocup2D仿真;蒙特卡洛树搜索算法;Q学习;动作选择中图分类号:TP391 文献标识码:A D0I: 10. 19358/j.issn. 1674-7720.2017.23.015引用格式:柴伟凡,梁志伟,夏晨曦.基于蒙特卡洛树搜索的仿真足球防守策略研究[J].微型机与应用,201$,36(23):50-53,57. Research on simulated soccer defensive strategy based on Monte Carlo tree search algoritlimChai W e ifa n,Liang Z h iw e i,X ia Chenxi(College of Automation,Nanjing University of Post and Telecommunications,Nanjing210023,China)A bstract:Aiming at t he limitation of regionalization of standard point in RoboCup simulating,in this dissertation,Monte Carlo exploring metli-od is introduced to2D stimulation at tlie basic of Delaunay triangulation,and it uses player agent to define nodal point of game tree,and players/choices of movement are regarded as transition among nodes.For defensive works,it builds the Monte Carlo tree model.It utilizes polar coordinates system to make region segmentation,also makes combination of Q learning and Uppe Carlo exploring metliod to train the team players.While using the evaluated value of the train team5s defensive ability has been improved enormously in this way.Key w ord s:robocup2D simulation;Monte Carlo tree search;Q-learning;action selection〇引言Robocup2D仿真比赛平台是一套能够让由不同语言编写的自主球员程序进行足球比赛的仿真平台。
Universities in Evolutionary Systems(系统变革中的大学)
Universities in Evolutionary Systems of InnovationMarianne van der Steen and Jurgen EndersThis paper criticizes the current narrow view on the role of universities in knowledge-based economies.We propose to extend the current policy framework of universities in national innovation systems(NIS)to a more dynamic one,based on evolutionary economic principles. The main reason is that this dynamic viewfits better with the practice of innovation processes. We contribute on ontological and methodological levels to the literature and policy discussions on the effectiveness of university-industry knowledge transfer and the third mission of uni-versities.We conclude with a discussion of the policy implications for the main stakeholders.1.IntroductionU niversities have always played a major role in the economic and cultural devel-opment of countries.However,their role and expected contribution has changed sub-stantially over the years.Whereas,since1945, universities in Europe were expected to con-tribute to‘basic’research,which could be freely used by society,in recent decades they are expected to contribute more substantially and directly to the competitiveness offirms and societies(Jaffe,2008).Examples are the Bayh–Dole Act(1982)in the United States and in Europe the Lisbon Agenda(2000–2010) which marked an era of a changing and more substantial role for universities.However,it seems that this‘new’role of universities is a sort of universal given one(ex post),instead of an ex ante changing one in a dynamic institutional environment.Many uni-versities are expected nowadays to stimulate a limited number of knowledge transfer activi-ties such as university spin-offs and university patenting and licensing to demonstrate that they are actively engaged in knowledge trans-fer.It is questioned in the literature if this one-size-fits-all approach improves the usefulness and the applicability of university knowledge in industry and society as a whole(e.g.,Litan et al.,2007).Moreover,the various national or regional economic systems have idiosyncratic charac-teristics that in principle pose different(chang-ing)demands towards universities.Instead of assuming that there is only one‘optimal’gov-ernance mode for universities,there may bemultiple ways of organizing the role of univer-sities in innovation processes.In addition,we assume that this can change over time.Recently,more attention in the literature hasfocused on diversity across technologies(e.g.,King,2004;Malerba,2005;Dosi et al.,2006;V an der Steen et al.,2008)and diversity offormal and informal knowledge interactionsbetween universities and industry(e.g.,Cohenet al.,1998).So far,there has been less atten-tion paid to the dynamics of the changing roleof universities in economic systems:how dothe roles of universities vary over time andwhy?Therefore,this article focuses on the onto-logical premises of the functioning of univer-sities in innovation systems from a dynamic,evolutionary perspective.In order to do so,we analyse the role of universities from theperspective of an evolutionary system ofinnovation to understand the embeddednessof universities in a dynamic(national)systemof science and innovation.The article is structured as follows.InSection2we describe the changing role ofuniversities from the static perspective of anational innovation system(NIS),whereasSection3analyses the dynamic perspective ofuniversities based on evolutionary principles.Based on this evolutionary perspective,Section4introduces the characteristics of a LearningUniversity in a dynamic innovation system,summarizing an alternative perception to thestatic view of universities in dynamic economicsystems in Section5.Finally,the concludingVolume17Number42008doi:10.1111/j.1467-8691.2008.00496.x©2008The AuthorsJournal compilation©2008Blackwell Publishingsection discusses policy recommendations for more effective policy instruments from our dynamic perspective.2.Static View of Universities in NIS 2.1The Emergence of the Role of Universities in NISFirst we start with a discussion of the literature and policy reports on national innovation system(NIS).The literature on national inno-vation systems(NIS)is a relatively new and rapidly growingfield of research and widely used by policy-makers worldwide(Fagerberg, 2003;Balzat&Hanusch,2004;Sharif,2006). The NIS approach was initiated in the late 1980s by Freeman(1987),Dosi et al.(1988)and Lundvall(1992)and followed by Nelson (1993),Edquist(1997),and many others.Balzat and Hanusch(2004,p.196)describe a NIS as‘a historically grown subsystem of the national economy in which various organizations and institutions interact with and influence one another in the carrying out of innovative activity’.It is about a systemic approach to innovation,in which the interaction between technology,institutions and organizations is central.With the introduction of the notion of a national innovation system,universities were formally on the agenda of many innovation policymakers worldwide.Clearly,the NIS demonstrated that universities and their interactions with industry matter for innova-tion processes in economic systems.Indeed, since a decade most governments acknowl-edge that interactions between university and industry add to better utilization of scienti-fic knowledge and herewith increase the innovation performance of nations.One of the central notions of the innovation system approach is that universities play an impor-tant role in the development of commercial useful knowledge(Edquist,1997;Sharif, 2006).This contrasts with the linear model innovation that dominated the thinking of science and industry policy makers during the last century.The linear innovation model perceives innovation as an industry activity that‘only’utilizes fundamental scientific knowledge of universities as an input factor for their innovative activities.The emergence of the non-linear approach led to a renewed vision on the role–and expectations–of universities in society. Some authors have referred to a new social contract between science and society(e.g., Neave,2000).The Triple Helix(e.g.,Etzkowitz &Leydesdorff,1997)and the innovation system approach(e.g.,Lundvall,1988)and more recently,the model of Open Innovation (Chesbrough,2003)demonstrated that innova-tion in a knowledge-based economy is an inter-active process involving many different innovation actors that interact in a system of overlapping organizationalfields(science, technology,government)with many interfaces.2.2Static Policy View of Universities in NIS Since the late1990s,the new role of universi-ties in NIS thinking emerged in a growing number of policy studies(e.g.,OECD,1999, 2002;European Commission,2000).The con-tributions of the NIS literature had a large impact on policy makers’perception of the role of universities in the national innovation performance(e.g.,European Commission, 2006).The NIS approach gradually replaced linear thinking about innovation by a more holistic system perspective on innovations, focusing on the interdependencies among the various agents,organizations and institutions. NIS thinking led to a structurally different view of how governments can stimulate the innovation performance of a country.The OECD report of the national innovation system (OECD,1999)clearly incorporated these new economic principles of innovation system theory.This report emphasized this new role and interfaces of universities in knowledge-based economies.This created a new policy rationale and new awareness for technology transfer policy in many countries.The NIS report(1999)was followed by more attention for the diversity of technology transfer mecha-nisms employed in university-industry rela-tions(OECD,2002)and the(need for new) emerging governance structures for the‘third mission’of universities in society,i.e.,patent-ing,licensing and spin-offs,of public research organizations(OECD,2003).The various policy studies have in common that they try to describe and compare the most important institutions,organizations, activities and interactions of public and private actors that take part in or influence the innovation performance of a country.Figure1 provides an illustration.Thefigure demon-strates the major building blocks of a NIS in a practical policy setting.It includesfirms,uni-versities and other public research organiza-tions(PROs)involved in(higher)education and training,science and technology.These organizations embody the science and tech-nology capabilities and knowledge fund of a country.The interaction is represented by the arrows which refer to interactive learn-ing and diffusion of knowledge(Lundvall,Volume17Number42008©2008The AuthorsJournal compilation©2008Blackwell Publishing1992).1The building block ‘Demand’refers to the level and quality of demand that can be a pull factor for firms to innovate.Finally,insti-tutions are represented in the building blocks ‘Framework conditions’and ‘Infrastructure’,including various laws,policies and regula-tions related to science,technology and entre-preneurship.It includes a very broad array of policy issues from intellectual property rights laws to fiscal instruments that stimulate labour mobility between universities and firms.The figure demonstrates that,in order to improve the innovation performance of a country,the NIS as a whole should be conducive for innovative activities in acountry.Since the late 1990s,the conceptual framework as represented in Figure 1serves as a dominant design for many comparative studies of national innovation systems (Polt et al.,2001;OECD,2002).The typical policy benchmark exercise is to compare a number of innovation indicators related to the role of university-industry interactions.Effective performance of universities in the NIS is judged on a number of standardized indica-tors such as the number of spin-offs,patents and licensing.Policy has especially focused on ‘getting the incentives right’to create a generic,good innovative enhancing context for firms.Moreover,policy has also influ-enced the use of specific ‘formal’transfer mechanisms,such as university patents and university spin-offs,to facilitate this collabo-ration.In this way best practice policies are identified and policy recommendations are derived:the so-called one-size-fits-all-approach.The focus is on determining the ingredients of an efficient benchmark NIS,downplaying institutional diversity and1These organizations that interact with each other sometimes co-operate and sometimes compete with each other.For instance,firms sometimes co-operate in certain pre-competitive research projects but can be competitors as well.This is often the case as well withuniversities.Figure 1.The Benchmark NIS Model Source :Bemer et al.(2001).Volume 17Number 42008©2008The AuthorsJournal compilation ©2008Blackwell Publishingvariety in the roles of universities in enhanc-ing innovation performance.The theoretical contributions to the NIS lit-erature have outlined the importance of insti-tutions and institutional change.However,a further theoretical development of the ele-ments of NIS is necessary in order to be useful for policy makers;they need better systemic NIS benchmarks,taking systematically into account the variety of‘national idiosyncrasies’. Edquist(1997)argues that most NIS contribu-tions are more focused onfirms and technol-ogy,sometimes reducing the analysis of the (national)institutions to a left-over category (Geels,2005).Following Hodgson(2000), Nelson(2002),Malerba(2005)and Groenewe-gen and V an der Steen(2006),more attention should be paid to the institutional idiosyncra-sies of the various systems and their evolution over time.This creates variety and evolving demands towards universities over time where the functioning of universities and their interactions with the other part of the NIS do evolve as well.We suggest to conceptualize the dynamics of innovation systems from an evolutionary perspective in order to develop a more subtle and dynamic vision on the role of universities in innovation systems.We emphasize our focus on‘evolutionary systems’instead of national innovation systems because for many universities,in particular some science-based disciplinaryfields such as biotechnology and nanotechnology,the national institutional environment is less relevant than the institu-tional and technical characteristics of the technological regimes,which is in fact a‘sub-system’of the national innovation system.3.Evolutionary Systems of Innovation as an Alternative Concept3.1Evolutionary Theory on Economic Change and InnovationCharles Darwin’s The Origin of Species(1859)is the foundation of modern thinking about change and evolution(Luria et al.,1981,pp. 584–7;Gould,1987).Darwin’s theory of natural selection has had the most important consequences for our perception of change. His view of evolution refers to a continuous and gradual adaptation of species to changes in the environment.The idea of‘survival of thefittest’means that the most adaptive organisms in a population will survive.This occurs through a process of‘natural selection’in which the most adaptive‘species’(organ-isms)will survive.This is a gradual process taking place in a relatively stable environment, working slowly over long periods of time necessary for the distinctive characteristics of species to show their superiority in the‘sur-vival contest’.Based on Darwin,evolutionary biology identifies three levels of aggregation.These three levels are the unit of variation,unit of selection and unit of evolution.The unit of varia-tion concerns the entity which contains the genetic information and which mutates fol-lowing specific rules,namely the genes.Genes contain the hereditary information which is preserved in the DNA.This does not alter sig-nificantly throughout the reproductive life-time of an organism.Genes are passed on from an organism to its successors.The gene pool,i.e.,the total stock of genetic structures of a species,only changes in the reproduction process as individuals die and are born.Par-ticular genes contribute to distinctive charac-teristics and behaviour of species which are more or less conducive to survival.The gene pool constitutes the mechanism to transmit the characteristics of surviving organisms from one generation to the next.The unit of selection is the expression of those genes in the entities which live and die as individual specimens,namely(individual) organisms.These organisms,in their turn,are subjected to a process of natural selection in the environment.‘Fit’organisms endowed with a relatively‘successful’gene pool,are more likely to pass them on to their progeny.As genes contain information to form and program the organisms,it can be expected that in a stable environment genes aiding survival will tend to become more prominent in succeeding genera-tions.‘Natural selection’,thus,is a gradual process selecting the‘fittest’organisms. Finally,there is the unit of evolution,or that which changes over time as the gene pool changes,namely populations.Natural selec-tion produces changes at the level of the population by‘trimming’the set of genetic structures in a population.We would like to point out two central principles of Darwinian evolution.First,its profound indeterminacy since the process of development,for instance the development of DNA,is dominated by time at which highly improbable events happen (Boulding,1991,p.12).Secondly,the process of natural selection eliminates poorly adapted variants in a compulsory manner,since indi-viduals who are‘unfit’are supposed to have no way of escaping the consequences of selection.22We acknowledge that within evolutionary think-ing,the theory of Jean Baptiste Lamarck,which acknowledges in essence that acquired characteris-tics can be transmitted(instead of hereditaryVolume17Number42008©2008The AuthorsJournal compilation©2008Blackwell PublishingThese three levels of aggregation express the differences between ‘what is changing’(genes),‘what is being selected’(organisms),and ‘what changes over time’(populations)in an evolutionary process (Luria et al.,1981,p.625).According to Nelson (see for instance Nelson,1995):‘Technical change is clearly an evolutionary process;the innovation generator keeps on producing entities superior to those earlier in existence,and adjustment forces work slowly’.Technological change and innovation processes are thus ‘evolutionary’because of its characteristics of non-optimality and of an open-ended and path-dependent process.Nelson and Winter (1982)introduced the idea of technical change as an evolutionary process in capitalist economies.Routines in firms function as the relatively durable ‘genes’.Economic competition leads to the selection of certain ‘successful’routines and these can be transferred to other firms by imitation,through buy-outs,training,labour mobility,and so on.Innovation processes involving interactions between universities and industry are central in the NIS approach.Therefore,it seems logical that evolutionary theory would be useful to grasp the role of universities in innovation pro-cesses within the NIS framework.3.2Evolutionary Underpinnings of Innovation SystemsBased on the central evolutionary notions as discussed above,we discuss in this section how the existing NIS approaches have already incor-porated notions in their NIS frameworks.Moreover,we investigate to what extent these notions can be better incorporated in an evolu-tionary innovation system to improve our understanding of universities in dynamic inno-vation processes.We focus on non-optimality,novelty,the anti-reductionist methodology,gradualism and the evolutionary metaphor.Non-optimality (and Bounded Rationality)Based on institutional diversity,the notion of optimality is absent in most NIS approaches.We cannot define an optimal system of innovation because evolutionary learning pro-cesses are important in such systems and thus are subject to continuous change.The system never achieves an equilibrium since the evolu-tionary processes are open-ended and path dependent.In Nelson’s work (e.g.,1993,1995)he has emphasized the presence of contingent out-comes of innovation processes and thus of NIS:‘At any time,there are feasible entities not present in the prevailing system that have a chance of being introduced’.This continuing existence of feasible alternative developments means that the system never reaches a state of equilibrium or finality.The process always remains dynamic and never reaches an optimum.Nelson argues further that diversity exists because technical change is an open-ended multi-path process where no best solu-tion to a technical problem can be identified ex post .As a consequence technical change can be seen as a very wasteful process in capitalist economies with many duplications and dead-ends.Institutional variety is closely linked to non-optimality.In other words,we cannot define the optimal innovation system because the evolutionary learning processes that take place in a particular system make it subject to continuous change.Therefore,comparisons between an existing system and an ideal system are not possible.Hence,in the absence of any notion of optimality,a method of comparing existing systems is necessary.According to Edquist (1997),comparisons between systems were more explicit and systematic than they had been using the NIS approaches.Novelty:Innovations CentralNovelty is already a central notion in the current NIS approaches.Learning is inter-preted in a broad way.Technological innova-tions are defined as combining existing knowledge in new ways or producing new knowledge (generation),and transforming this into economically significant products and processes (absorption).Learning is the most important process behind technological inno-vations.Learning can be formal in the form of education and searching through research and development.However,in many cases,innovations are the consequence of several kinds of learning processes involving many different kinds of economic agents.According to Lundvall (1992,p.9):‘those activities involve learning-by-doing,increasing the efficiency of production operations,learning-characteristics as in the theory of Darwin),is acknowledged to fit better with socio-economic processes of technical change and innovation (e.g.,Nelson &Winter,1982;Hodgson,2000).Therefore,our theory is based on Lamarckian evolutionary theory.However,for the purpose of this article,we will not discuss the differences between these theo-ries at greater length and limit our analysis to the fundamental evolutionary building blocks that are present in both theories.Volume 17Number 42008©2008The AuthorsJournal compilation ©2008Blackwell Publishingby-using,increasing the efficiency of the use of complex systems,and learning-by-interacting, involving users and producers in an interac-tion resulting in product innovations’.In this sense,learning is part of daily routines and activities in an economy.In his Learning Economy concept,Lundvall makes learning more explicit,emphasizing further that ‘knowledge is assumed as the most funda-mental resource and learning the most impor-tant process’(1992,p.10).Anti-reductionist Approach:Systems and Subsystems of InnovationSo far,NIS approaches are not yet clear and systematic in their analysis of the dynamics and change in innovation systems.Lundvall’s (1992)distinction between subsystem and system level based on the work of Boulding implicitly incorporates both the actor(who can undertake innovative activities)as well as the structure(institutional selection environment) in innovation processes of a nation.Moreover, most NIS approaches acknowledge that within the national system,there are different institu-tional subsystems(e.g.,sectors,regions)that all influence each other again in processes of change.However,an explicit analysis of the structured environment is still missing (Edquist,1997).In accordance with the basic principles of evolutionary theory as discussed in Section 3.1,institutional evolutionary theory has developed a very explicit systemic methodol-ogy to investigate the continuous interaction of actors and institutional structures in the evolution of economic systems.The so-called ‘methodological interactionism’can be per-ceived as a methodology that combines a structural perspective and an actor approach to understand processes of economic evolu-tion.Whereas the structural perspective emphasizes the existence of independent institutional layers and processes which deter-mine individual actions,the actor approach emphasizes the free will of individuals.The latter has been referred to as methodological individualism,as we have seen in neo-classical approaches.Methodological indi-vidualism will explain phenomena in terms of the rational individual(showingfixed prefer-ences and having one rational response to any fully specified decision problem(Hodgson, 2000)).The interactionist approach recognizes a level of analysis above the individual orfirm level.NIS approaches recognize that national differences exist in terms of national institu-tions,socio-economic factors,industries and networks,and so on.So,an explicit methodological interactionist approach,explicitly recognizing various insti-tutional layers in the system and subsystem in interaction with the learning agents,can improve our understanding of the evolution of innovation.Gradualism:Learning Processes andPath-DependencyPath-dependency in biology can be translated in an economic context in the form of(some-times very large)time lags between a technical invention,its transformation into an economic innovation,and the widespread diffusion. Clearly,in many of the empirical case studies of NIS,the historical dimension has been stressed.For instance,in the study of Denmark and Sweden,it has been shown that the natural resource base(for Denmark fertile land,and for Sweden minerals)and economic history,from the period of the Industrial Revolution onwards,has strongly influenced present specialization patterns(Edquist& Lundvall,1993,pp.269–82).Hence,history matters in processes of inno-vation as the innovation processes are influ-enced by many institutions and economic agents.In addition,they are often path-dependent as small events are reinforced and become crucially important through processes of positive feedback,in line with evolutionary processes as discussed in Section3.1.Evolutionary MetaphorFinally,most NIS approaches do not explicitly use the biological metaphor.Nevertheless, many of the approaches are based on innova-tion theories in which they do use an explicit evolutionary metaphor(e.g.,the work of Nelson).To summarize,the current(policy)NIS approaches have already implicitly incorpo-rated some evolutionary notions such as non-optimality,novelty and gradualism.However, what is missing is a more explicit analysis of the different institutional levels of the economic system and innovation subsystems (their inertia and evolution)and how they change over time in interaction with the various learning activities of economic agents. These economic agents reside at established firms,start-upfirms,universities,govern-ments,undertaking learning and innovation activities or strategic actions.The explicit use of the biological metaphor and an explicit use of the methodological interactionst approach may increase our understanding of the evolu-tion of innovation systems.Volume17Number42008©2008The AuthorsJournal compilation©2008Blackwell Publishing4.Towards a Dynamic View of Universities4.1The Logic of an Endogenous‘Learning’UniversityIf we translate the methodological interaction-ist approach to the changing role of universities in an evolutionary innovation system,it follows that universities not only respond to changes of the institutional environment(government policies,business demands or changes in scientific paradigms)but universities also influence the institutions of the selection envi-ronment by their strategic,scientific and entre-preneurial actions.Moreover,these actions influence–and are influenced by–the actions of other economic agents as well.So,instead of a one-way rational response by universities to changes(as in reductionist approach),they are intertwined in those processes of change.So, universities actually function as an endogenous source of change in the evolution of the inno-vation system.This is(on an ontological level) a fundamental different view on the role of universities in innovation systems from the existing policy NIS frameworks.In earlier empirical research,we observed that universities already effectively function endogenously in evolutionary innovation system frameworks;universities as actors (already)develop new knowledge,innovate and have their own internal capacity to change,adapt and influence the institutional development of the economic system(e.g., V an der Steen et al.,2009).Moreover,univer-sities consist of a network of various actors, i.e.,the scientists,administrators at technology transfer offices(TTO)as well as the university boards,interacting in various ways with indus-try and governments and embedded in various ways in the regional,national or inter-national environment.So,universities behave in an at least partly endogenous manner because they depend in complex and often unpredictable ways on the decision making of a substantial number of non-collusive agents.Agents at universities react in continuous interaction with the learn-ing activities offirms and governments and other universities.Furthermore,the endogenous processes of technical and institutional learning of univer-sities are entangled in the co-evolution of institutional and technical change of the evo-lutionary innovation system at large.We propose to treat the learning of universities as an inseparable endogenous variable in the inno-vation processes of the economic system.In order to structure the endogenization in the system of innovation analysis,the concept of the Learning University is introduced.In thenext subsection we discuss the main character-istics of the Learning University and Section5discusses the learning university in a dynamic,evolutionary innovation system.An evolution-ary metaphor may be helpful to make theuniversity factor more transparent in theco-evolution of technical and institutionalchange,as we try to understand how variouseconomic agents interact in learning processes.4.2Characteristics of the LearningUniversityThe evolution of the involvement of universi-ties in innovation processes is a learningprocess,because(we assume that)universitypublic agents have their‘own agenda’.V ariousincentives in the environment of universitiessuch as government regulations and technol-ogy transfer policies as well as the innovativebehaviour of economic agents,compel policymakers at universities to constantly respondby adapting and improving their strategiesand policies,whereas the university scientistsare partly steered by these strategies and partlyinfluenced by their own scientific peers andpartly by their historically grown interactionswith industry.During this process,universityboards try to be forward-looking and tobehave strategically in the knowledge thattheir actions‘influence the world’(alsoreferred to earlier as‘intentional variety’;see,for instance,Dosi et al.,1988).‘Intentional variety’presupposes that tech-nical and institutional development of univer-sities is a learning process.University agentsundertake purposeful action for change,theylearn from experience and anticipate futurestates of the selective environment.Further-more,university agents take initiatives to im-prove and develop learning paths.An exampleof these learning agents is provided in Box1.We consider technological and institutionaldevelopment of universities as a process thatinvolves many knowledge-seeking activitieswhere public and private agents’perceptionsand actions are translated into practice.3Theinstitutional changes are the result of inter-actions among economic agents defined byLundvall(1992)as interactive learning.Theseinteractions result in an evolutionary pattern3Using a theory developed in one scientific disci-pline as a metaphor in a different discipline mayresult,in a worst-case scenario,in misleading analo-gies.In the best case,however,it can be a source ofcreativity.As Hodgson(2000)pointed out,the evo-lutionary metaphor is useful for understandingprocesses of technical and institutional change,thatcan help to identify new events,characteristics andphenomena.Volume17Number42008©2008The AuthorsJournal compilation©2008Blackwell Publishing。
Analysis of Multistage Amplifier–FrequencyCompensationKa Nang Leung and Philip K.T.Mok,Member,IEEEAbstract—Frequency-compensation techniques of single-,two-and three-stage amplifiers based on Miller pole splitting and pole–zero cancellation are reanalyzed.The assumptions made, transfer functions,stability criteria,bandwidths,and important design issues of most of the reported topologies are included. Several proposed methods to improve the published topologies are given.In addition,simulations and experimental results are provided to verify the analysis and to prove the effectiveness of the proposed methods.Index Terms—Damping-factor-control frequency compen-sation,multipath nested Miller compensation,multipath zero cancellation,multistage amplifier,nested Gm-C compensation, nested Miller compensation,simple Miller compensation.I.I NTRODUCTIONM ULTISTAGE amplifiers are urgently needed with the advance in technologies,due to the fact that single-stage cascode amplifier is no longer suitable in low-voltage designs. Moreover,short-channel effect of the sub-micron CMOS transistor causes output-impedance degradation and hence gain of an amplifier is reduced dramatically.Therefore,many frequency-compensation topologies have been reported to stabilize the multistage amplifiers[1]–[26].Most of these topologies are based on pole splitting and pole–zero can-cellation using capacitor and resistor.Both analytical and experimental works have been given to prove the effectiveness of these topologies,especially on two-stage Miller compen-sated amplifiers.However,the discussions in some topologies are focused only on the stability criteria,but detailed design information such as some important assumptions are missing. As a result,if the provided stability criteria cannot stabilize the amplifier successfully,circuit designers usually choose the parameters of the compensation network by trial and error and thus optimum compensation cannot be achieved.In fact,there are not many discussions on the comparison of the existing compensation topologies.Therefore,the differences as well as the pros and cons of the topologies should be inves-tigated in detail.This greatly helps the designers in choosing a suitable compensation technique for a particular design condi-tion such as low-power design,variable output capacitance or variable output current.Manuscript received March9,2000;revised February6,2001.This work was supported by the Research Grant Council of Hong Kong,China under grant HKUST6007/97E.This paper was recommended by Associate Editor N.M.K. Rao.The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,Clear Water Bay,Hong Kong( Item Identifier S1057-7122(01)07716-9.Moreover,practical considerations on the compensation tech-niquesof(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)(j)Fig.1.Studied and proposed frequency-compensation topologies.(a)SMC.(b)SMCNR.(c)MZC.(d)NMC.(e)NMCNR.(f)MNMC.(g)NGCC.(h)NMCF.(i)DFCFC1.(j)DFCFC2.accuracy.In this paper,there are three common assumptionsmade for all studied and proposed topologies.1)The gains of all stages are much greater than one(i.e.,LEUNG et al.:ANALYSIS OF MULTISTAGE AMPLIFIER–FREQUENCY COMPENSATION1043 Assumption1holds true in amplifier designs for most ampli-fiers except those driving small load resistance.If this assump-tion cannot be satisfied,numerical analysis using computers isrequired.Moreover,the parasitic capacitances of the tiny-geom-etry transistors in advanced technologies are small and this val-idates assumptions2)and3).III.R EVIEW ON S INGLE-S TAGE A MPLIFIERThe single-stage amplifier is said to have excellent frequencyresponse and is widely used in many commercial products.Infact,the advantages can be illustrated by its transferfunctiondue to the single pole,assuming thatGBW(i.e.,andminimum.Therefore,a higher bias current and smaller size for all transis-tors in the signal path are required tolocateand the RHP zeroislocates beforepp pp ppz ppp p1044IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS—I:FUNDAMENTAL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS,VOL.48,NO.9,SEPTEMBER2001Fig.3.PM versus g=gof a SMC amplifier.From (6)and Fig.3,the PM of a SMC amplifier strongly de-pends ontheto ratio and this,in fact,shows the RHP zero effect on the PM.Physically,the presence of the RHP zero is due to the feedforward small-signal current flowing throughthe compensation capacitor to the output [1]–[11].Ifis large,the small-signal output current is larger than the feed-forward current and the effect of the RHP zero appears only at very high frequencies.Thus,asmallis preferable.However,is limited bythe bias current and size of the input differential pair.To have a good slew rate,the bias current cannot be small.In addition,to have a small offset voltage,the size of input differential pair cannot be too small.Emitter/source degeneration technique isalso not feasible toreducesince it reduces the limited input common-mode range in low-voltage design.Therefore,asmallcannot be obtained easily.From the previous analysis,it is known that the RHP zero degrades the stability significantly.There are many methods to eliminate the RHP zero and improve the bandwidth.The methods involve using voltage buffer [4]–[6]and current buffer [7],[8],a nulling resistor [2],[3],[9]–[11],and MZC technique [12].In this paper,the techniques to be discussed are:1)SMC using nulling resistor (SMCNR)and 2)SMC using MZC.A.SMCNRThe presence of the RHP zero is due to the feedforward small-signal current.One method for reducing the feedforward current and thus eliminating the RHP zero is to increase the impedance of the capacitive path.This can be done by inserting a resistor,called nulling resistor,in series with the compensation capacitor,as shown in Fig.1(b).Most published analyses only focus on the effect of the nulling resistor to the position of the zero but not to the positions of the poles.In fact,when the nulling resistor isincreased to infinity,the compensation network is open-circuit and no pole splitting takes place.Thus,the target of this section is to investigate the limit of the nulling resistor.The transfer function of the SMNCR(,,respectively.It is well-known thatwhenis generally much smallerthananddue to theabsence of the RHP zero.However,many designers prefer to use a nulling resistor withvalue largerthansince an accurate valueofandis not a con-stant and a precise cancellation of the RHP zero by afixed)to cancel the feedforward small-signal current(,,which is independentof.(7)LEUNG et al.:ANALYSIS OF MULTISTAGE AMPLIFIER–FREQUENCY COMPENSATION1045 Moreover,since MZC does not change the positions of thepoles,the same dimension condition ofwhich is obtained by neglecting the RHP zerophase shifting term in(6).Besides,when the output current isincreased,is increased accordingly.The nondominant pole()will move to a higher frequency and a largerPM is obtained.Thus,this compensation topology can stabilizethe amplifier within the quiescent to maximum loading currentrange.In some applications,whereand the PM is about90andand.Apparently,the GBW can be increased to infinity bydecreasingto validate the assumptions on deriving(8),so the fol-lowing condition is required as a compromise:,the transfer function is rewritten as(11),shownat the bottom of the page.The dominant pole is1046IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS—I:FUNDAMENTAL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS,VOL.48,NO.9,SEPTEMBER2001Fig.5.Equivalent small-signal model of three-stage NMC.From the above equation,GBW.Assuming,and are fixed for a given power consumption,largeand are required.This increases the PM but itreduces the GBW and also increases the capacitor values andthe required chip area simultaneously.For the complex-pole approach,the NMC amplifier in unity-feedback configuration should have the third-order Butterworthfrequency response.Let be the closed-loop transferfunctionandshould be in the followingformat:and areobtained:(or)and the damping factor of the complexpoleis(17)which is one-fourth the bandwidth of a single-stage amplifier.This shows the bandwidth reduction effect of nesting compen-sation.Similar to SMC,the GBW can be improved by alargerand asmaller and asmaller.The PM under the effect of a complex pole[28]is givenbyPM(18)Comparing the required compensation capacitors,the GBWand PM under the same power consumption(i.e.,same,and)of the two approaches,it is concluded that thecomplex-pole approach is better.Moreover,from(15)and(16),smallerand are neededwhen.This validates the previous assumption on neglecting the zerossince the coefficients of the function of zero in(10)are smalland the zeros locate at high frequencies.From another pointof view,therequiredand are small,so the feedfor-ward small-signal current can pass to the output only at veryhigh frequencies.In addition,the output small-signal current ismuch larger than the feedforward currentas.Thus,the zeros give negligible effect to the stability.If theseparate-pole approach is applied,the stability is doubtful sincelarger compensation capacitors are required and this generateszeros close to the unity-gain frequency of the amplifier.To further provethat is necessary inNMC,a HSPICE simulation using the equivalent small-signalmodel of NMC,which is shown in Fig.5,is performed.The cir-cuit parametersare A/V,A/V,is satisfied)and10pF.and,which is set according to(15)and(16),are4pFand1pF,respectively.The simulation result is shown in Fig.6by the solid line.A GBW of4.2MHz and a PM of58from100is notmuch largerthan),therequired is changed from4pFto40pF,according to(15).The frequency response is shownby the dotted line in Fig.6.A RHP zero appears before theunity-gain frequency and causes the magnitude plot to curveupwards.The PM is degraded to30ischanged from50is not much largerthan)and is changed from1pF to20pF accordingto(16).As shown by the dashed line in Fig.6,a frequencypeak,due to small damping factor of the complex pole,appearsand makes the amplifier unstable.The phenomenon can be ex-plained from(10).When is not much largerthan,theterm()of the second-order function in the denomi-nator is small and this causes the complex poles to have a smallLEUNG et al.:ANALYSIS OF MULTISTAGE AMPLIFIER–FREQUENCY COMPENSATION1047Fig.6.HSPICE simulation of NMC (solid:g g and g ;dotted:g is not much larger than g ;dash:g is not much larger than g ).damping factor.Ifis very important and critical to the stability of an NMCamplifier.However,this condition is very difficult to achieve,especially in low-power design.Ifdoes not hold true,the analysis should be re-started from (10).Fromthis equation,sincetheterm is negative,there are one RHP zero and one LHP zero.The RHP zero locates at a lower fre-quency astheand only a LHPzeroand any value closedto is able to locate the RHP zero to a high frequency.Bydefining,the transfer function is rewritten as (20)shownat the bottom of the page.It is notedthatand are obtained as in NMC usingcomplex-pole approach and are givenby(i.e.,1048IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS—I:FUNDAMENTAL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS,VOL.48,NO.9,SEPTEMBER2001Fig.7.Circuit diagram of the amplifiers(a)NMCNR.(b)NMCF.(c)DFCFC1.(d)DFCFC2.).The GBW is given byGBWdue to the LHP zero.A larger GBW can be obtained byslightly reducing but this reduces the PM.To prove the proposed structure,NMC and NMCNR am-plifiers were implemented in AMS10.8.The circuit diagram of the NMCNR amplifiersare shown in Fig.7(a)and the NMC counterpart has the samecircuitry without the nulling resistor.The chip micrograph isshown in Fig.8.Both amplifiers drive a100pF//25knulling resistor,which is made of poly,is used in the NMCNRamplifier.In NMC,the required is99pF,but inNMCNR is63pF.As presented before,the PM of NMCNRamplifier is larger,so a smaller is used in the implemen-tation to obtain a similar PM as in NMC and a larger GBW.Moreover,this greatly reduces the chip area from0.23mm.The measured results and improvement comparison are tabu-lated in Tables I and II,respectively.Both amplifiers haveW power consumption and)are improvedby+39%,+3is improvedLEUNG et al.:ANALYSIS OF MULTISTAGE AMPLIFIER–FREQUENCY COMPENSATION 1049TABLE IM EASURED R ESULTS OF THE AMPLIFIERSTABLE III MPROVEMENT OF THE P ROPOSED AND P UBLISHED T OPOLOGIES W ITH NMC (,and the chip area.VI.MNMCBesides increasing the power,the multipath technique can be used to increase the bandwidth of an amplifier.In MNMC[12],[16],[19],and [26],a feedforward transconductance stage (FTS)is added to the NMC structure to create a low-fre-quency LHP zero.This zero,called multipath zero,cancels the second nondominant pole to extend the bandwidth.The structure of MNMC is shown in Fig.1(f)and it is limited to three-stage amplifiers but it has potential to extend to more stages.However,power consumption and circuit complexity are increased accordingly since a feedforward input differ-ential stage,as same as MZC,is needed,so this will not be discussed here.The input of the FTS,withtransconductanceand the output is connected to the input of theoutput stage.Again,with the conditionthat,the transfer function is given by (23)at the bottom of the next page.The nondominant poles are givenby1050IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS—I:FUNDAMENTAL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS,VOL.48,NO.9,SEPTEMBER2001Fig.9.Simulation results of an MNMC amplifier using equivalent small-signal circuit under the change of g andC =20pF;dash:g =10mA/V andC =1pF)..The explicit dimensionconditionofis,therefore,givenbyin MNMC is much larger thanthat in NMC.This increases the required chip area and reduces the SR dramatically.Therefore,emitter degeneration technique was used in the design of [16].This can reduce theeffective so thatthe is,as a result,smaller.With (24),the positionsofis thefollowing:.The above analysis gives the required valuesof,and,,and.In fact,if this assumption does nothold true,the positions of the poles and the LHP zero are not those previously stated.Moreover,a RHP zero exists and the stability is greatly affected.The analysis and dimension conditions are obtained in static state.Since there is a pole–zero doublet before the unity-gain frequency,the dynamic-state stability should also be consid-ered.Since,in practice,the loading current andcapacitancemay change in some general-purpose amplifiers with Class-AB output stage,it is necessary to consider the stability of theMNMC amplifierwhenis increasedand ,where the ratio isobtained from (24)and (26).Besides,the multipath zero is notchangedwhenand with the condition in (27).It is obviousthat,so MNMC is not affected by changing the loading current and capacitance.To prove the above arguments,a simulation using HSPICE is performed with the equivalent small-signal circuit of an MNMCamplifier.The circuit parametersareA/V,,1M25k 20p F.T h u s,111.25i s c h a n g e d f r o m 1m A /V t o 10m A /V ;a n d 2)a nd i s i n c re a s e d or a r e r e q u i r e d .T h i s c o n d i t i o n n o t o n l y i m -p r o v e s t h e s t a b i l i t y b u t i t a l s o s i m p l i f i e s t h e t r a n s f e r f u n c t i o n .I n f a c t ,a s m e n t i o n e d b e f o r e ,t h i s c o n d i t i o n i s d i f f i c u l t t o a c h i e v e i n l o w -p o w e r d e s i g n ,s o Y o u e t a l .i n t r o d u c e d N G C C [20].N G C C i s a n-s t a g e N G C Ca m p l i f i e r.W i t h t h e c o n d i t i o n t h at w e re ,t h e g e n e r a lf o r m o f a n-s t a g e a m p l i f i e r t h a n N M C .I n t h e s t a b i l i t y c o n d i t i o n s p r o p o s e d b y Y o u e t a l .,t h e s e p a r a t e d -p o l e a p p r o a c h i s u s e d a n d t h e n o n d o m a r e s e t t o s o m e f r e q u e n c i e s s u c h t h a t t h e G B W ,T s a nd p o we r c o n s u m p t i o n a r e a l l o p t i m i z e d .U n d o u b t e d l y ,t h c a t e d t o d o o p t i m i z a t i o n a n a l y t i c a l l y ,s o n u m e u s i n g M A T L A B i s r e q u i r e d .H o w e v e r ,q u e s t i o n s o n p r a c t i c a l c o n s i d e r a t i o n s ,s i n c e i t i s p r ef e r a m i n i m u m s t ag e s a s p o s s i b l e .A s s t a t e d b e f o r e ,t a n o p t i m u m n u m b e r o n d c g a i n ,b a n d w i d th ,a n d s u m p ti o n .T h e r e f o r e ,t h e a n a l y s i s i n t h i s s e c t i o n t h e t h r e e -s t a g e N G C C a m p l i f i e r.T h e s t r u c t u r e oN G C C a m p l i f i e r i s s h o w n i n F i g .1(g )a n d t h e t r a ni s g i v e n b y (29)s h o w n a t t h e b o t t o m o f t h e p a g eb e f o r e a n d a l s o f r o m t h e n u m e r a t o r o f (29),t h e b e e l i m i n a t e d b y s e t t i n g a nd .T h et r a n s f e r f u n c t i o n i s t h e n s i m p l i f i e d t o (30)s h o wo f t h e p a g e .T h e a r r a n g e m e n t o f t h e p o l e s c a n u ss e p a r a t e -p o l e o r c o m p l e x -p o l e a p p r o a c h b u t t h ep r e f e r r e d .I t i s o b v i o u s t h a t t h e d e n o m i n a t o r o s a m e a s (11)b u t t h e d i f f e r e n c e i s t h a t i s n o t r e q u i r e d i n N G C C .T h u s,.A l t h o u g h N G C C i s g o o d i n l o w -p o w e r d e s i g n s ,s t a g e F T S (i .e .,some of them are LHP zeros which,in fact,help to increase the PM.With regard to the above considerations,a new structure, called NMC with feedforward Gm stage(NMCF),is proposed and shown in Fig.1(h).There are only two differences betweenNMCF and NGCC:1)the input-stage FTS is removed and2).Bydefiningand are obtained using thecomplex-pole approach and they are givenby,are smaller than those in NMC,MNMC and NGCCsinceterm is positive andthe term is negative,the LHPzerolocates before the RHPzerofor stability purpose,so the following condition isrequired:(34)The condition states the minimum valueof to obtain anoptimum control of LHP zero.From(31)to(33),the GBW and PM are given byGBW(35)andPM(36)It is shown in(35)that the bandwidth is improved by the pres-enceofmCMOS process was done to prove the proposed structure.TheNMCF amplifier is shown in Fig.7(b)and it is basically thesame as the NMC amplifier.It is noted that the gate of M32,which is the FTS,is connected to the output of the first stage.The output stage is of push-pull typeand,from(35),to double the GBW.The measured results and improvement comparison areshown in Tables I and II,respectively.It is obvious that theimprovement of NMCF over NMC on GBW(),PM()and occupied chip area()are much larger than those in MNMC and NGCCin other designs,which are shown in Table II.The powerconsumption is only increased by6and inverselyproportionaltois removed and the bandwidth of the ampli-fier can be extended substantially.However,the damping factorof the nondominant complex poles,which is originally con-trolledby,cannot be controlled and a frequency peak,which causes the closed-loop amplifier to be unstable,appearsin the magnitude Bode plot[23].To control the damping factorand make the amplifier stable,a damping-factor-control(DFC)block is added.The DFC block is basically a gain stage withdc gain greater than one(i.e.,.The DFC block functions as a frequency-de-pendent capacitor and the amount of the small-signal currentinjected into the DFC block depends on the valueofand(transconductance of the gain stage inside the DFC block).Hence,the damping factor of the nondominant complex polescan be controlled byoptimumand and this makesthe amplifier stable.There are two possible positions to add theDFC block and they are shown in Fig.1(i)for DFCFC1andFig.1(j)for DFCFC2.In addition,both structures have a feed-forward transconductance stage to form a push-pull output stagefor improving large-signal slewing performance.For DFCFC1,the transfer function is given by(37)shown atthe bottom of the next page.It can be seen from(37)that thedamping factor of the nondominant poles can be controlledby.Moreover,the effectofandtransfer functionbut is limitedto tovalidate (37).Sinceis small,the amplifier is not slowed downby.From (37),there are three poles,so the com-plex-pole approach is used.Moreover,since it is preferable to have the same output current capability for boththe -transistor of the output stage,the sizes ofthe -tran-sistor are used in ratio of 3to 1to compensate for the differ-ence in the mobilities of the carriers.Thus,it is reasonable toset,so the dimension conditions are givenby (39)whereis much smaller thanthat in the previous nesting topologies,so the SR is also greatly improved,assuming that the SR is not limited by the outputstage.Moreover,is a decreasing functionof (41)and the PM is about 60times.Ifa little,butthis reduces the PM as a tradeoff.For DFCFC2,bysettingwith the same reason stated previously,the transfer function is given by (42)shown at the bottom of the page.Similar to DFCFC1,the complex-poleapproach is used to achieve the stability.Therefore,the dimen-sion conditions are givenby(43)is a fixed value and is four timesof.Thus,the power consumption of DFCFC2amplifier with certain valueof.Although it is difficult to comparethe GBW of DFCFC2with other topologies since the format is different,it is in general better than others.It is due to the fact that the GBW is inversely proportion to the geometric meanof,which gives a smaller valuethan mdouble-metal double-poly CMOS process.The circuit diagrams are shown in Fig.7(c)for DFCFC1and Fig.7(d)for DFCFC2.The micrograph is,again,shown in Fig.8.In both amplifiers,M41andform the DFC block and M32is the FTS.Moreover,from Table II,the GBW,PM,SR,TIX.S UMMARY OF S TUDIED F REQUENCY C OMPENSATIONT OPOLOGIESA summary on the required stability conditions,resultant GBW and PM for all studied and proposed topologies are given in Table parisons on the topologies are tabulated in Table IV.Moreover,some important points derived from the previous analyzes are summarized as follows.1)The stability-dimension conditions of all topologies arebased on the assumptions stated in Section II.If the as-sumptions cannot be met,numerical method should be used to stabilize the amplifiers.2)With the exception of the single-stage amplifier,alargerandlargestandreducingto ratio and asmallerto ratio.6)For high-speed applications,a larger bias current shouldbe applied to the output stage toincrease.Fig.10.Local feedback circuitry to control the dc operating point of the DFCblock.X.R OBUSTNESS OF THE S TUDIED F REQUENCY C OMPENSATION In IC technologies,the circuit parameters such as transcon-ductance,capacitance and resistance vary from run to run,lot to lot and also according to temperature.The robustness of fre-quency compensation is very important to ensure the stabilities of multistage amplifiers.From the summary in Table III,the required values of com-pensation capacitors depend on the ratio of transconductances of gain stages explicitly for SMC,SMCNR,MZC1,MZC2,NMC,NMCNR,MNMC,NGCC,NMCF,and DFCFC1and implicitly for DFCFC2.The ratio maintains constant for any process varia-tion and temperature effect with good bias current matching and transistor size matching (due to design).One important point is that the valueof50%,in general is not significantto the stability.In MNMC,pole–zero cancellation is used.However,the su-perior tracking technique in MNMC is due to the pole–zero can-cellation based on the ratios of transconductances and compen-sation capacitances.Thus,process variations do not affect the compression of the pole–zero doublet.Although the robustness of the studied topologies are good,the exact value of the GBW will be affected by process varia-tions.Referring to Table III,the GBW’s of all topologies,in-cluding commonly used single-stage and Miller-compensated amplifiers,depend on the transconductance of the output stage.Thus,the GBW will change under the effect of process varia-tions and temperature.XI.C ONCLUSIONSeveral frequency-compensation topologies have been investigated analytically.The pros and cons as well as the design requirements are discussed.To improve NMC and NGCC,NMCNR,and NMCF are proposed and the improved performance is verified by experimental results.In addition,DFCFC has been introduced and it has much better frequency and transient performances than the other published topologies for driving large capacitive loads.Finally,robustness of the studied topologies has been discussed.R EFERENCES[1]J.E.Solomon,“The monolithic op amp:A tutorial study,”IEEE J.Solid-State Circuits ,vol.9,pp.314–332,Dec.1974.[2]P.R.Gray and R.G.Meyer,Analysis and Design of Analog IntegratedCircuits ,2ed.New York:Wiley,1984.[3]W.-H.Ki,L.Der,and m,“Re-examination of 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Ka Nang Leung received the B.Eng.and M.Phil.degrees in electronic engi-neering from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology(HKUST), Clear Water Bay,Hong Kong,in1996and1998,respectively.He is now working toward the in the same department.During the B.Eng.studies,he joined Motorola,Hong Kong,to develop a PDA system as his final year project.In addition,he has developed several frequency-compensation topologies for multistage amplifiers and low dropout regulators in his M.Phil studies.He was a Teaching Assistant in courses on analogue integrated circuits and CMOS VLSI design.His research interests are low-voltage low-power analog designs on low-dropout regulators,bandgap voltage references and CMOS voltage references.In addition,he is interested in developing frequency-compensation topologies for multistage amplifiers and for linear regulators.In1996,he received the Best Teaching Assistant Award from the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at theHKUST.Philip K.T.Mok(S’86–M’95)received theB.A.Sc.,M.A.Sc.,and Ph.D.degrees in electricaland computer engineering from the University ofToronto,Toronto,Canada,in1986,1989,and1995,respectively.From1986to1992,he was a Teaching Assistant,at the University of Toronto,in the electrical engi-neering and industrial engineering departments,andtaught courses in circuit theory,IC engineering andengineering economics.He was also a Research As-sistant in the Integrated Circuit Laboratory at the Uni-versity of Toronto,from1992to1994.He joined the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,the Hong Kong University of Science and Tech-nology,Hong Kong,in January1995as an Assistant Professor.His research interests include semiconductor devices,processing technologies and circuit de-signs for power electronics and telecommunications applications,with current emphasis on power-integrated circuits,low-voltage analog integrated circuits and RF integrated circuits design.Dr.Mok received the Henry G.Acres Medal,the W.S.Wilson Medal and Teaching Assistant Award from the University of Toronto and the Teaching Ex-cellence Appreciation Award twice from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.。
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Perfect nizk with adaptive soundness
Perfect NIZK with Adaptive SoundnessMasayuki Abe1Serge Fehr2November17,20061Information Sharing Platform Laboratories,NTT Corporation, Amsterdam,The Netherlandsfehr@cwi.nlAbstractThe notion of non-interactive zero-knowledge(NIZK)is of fundamental importance in cryptography.Despite the vast attention the concept of NIZK has attracted since its intro-duction,one question has remained very resistant:Is it possible to construct NIZK schemesfor any NP-language with statistical or even perfect ZK?Groth,Ostrovsky and Sahai recentlypositively answers to the question by presenting a couple of elegant constructions.However,their schemes pose a limitation on the length of the proof statement to achieve adaptivesoundness against dishonest provers who may choose the target statement depending on thecommon reference string(CRS).In this work,wefirst present a very simple and efficient adaptively-sound perfect NIZK argument system for any NP-language.Besides being thefirst adaptively-sound statisticalNIZK argument for all NP that does not pose any restriction on the statements to be proven,it enjoys a number of additional desirable properties:it allows to re-use the CRS,it canhandle arithmetic circuits,and the CRS can be set-up very efficiently without the need foran honest party.We then show an application of our techniques in constructing efficientNIZK schemes for proving arithmetic relations among committed secrets,whereas previousmethods required expensive generic NP-reductions.The security of the proposed schemes is based on a strong non-standard assumption, an extended version of the so-called Knowledge-of-Exponent Assumption(KEA)over bilin-ear groups.We give some justification for using such an assumption by showing that thecommonly-used approach for proving NIZK arguments sound does not allow for adaptively-sound statistical NIZK arguments(unless NP⊂P/poly).Furthermore,we show that theassumption used in our construction holds with respect to generic adversaries that do notexploit the specific representation of the group elements.We also discuss how to avoid thenon-standard assumption in a pre-processing model.1Introduction1.1BackgroundNon-Interactive Zero-Knowledge.The notion of non-interactive zero-knowledge(NIZK) captures the problem of proving that a statement is true by just sending one message and without revealing any additional information besides the validity of the statement,provided that a common reference string(CRS)has been properly set up.Since its introduction by Blum,Feldman and Micali in1988[6],NIZK has been a fundamental cryptographic primitive used throughout modern cryptography in essential ways.There is a considerable amount of literature dedicated to NIZK,in particular to the study of which languages allow for whatflavor of NIZK proof.As in case of interactive ZK it is well known that there cannot be statistical NIZK proofs(i.e.,both ZK and soundness are unconditional) for NP-complete languages unless the polynomial hierarchy collapses[22,2,30].Hence,when considering general NP-languages,this only leaves room for a NIZK proof with computational ZK or computational soundness(where the proof is also called an argument),or both.However, in contrast to interactive ZK where it has long been known that bothflavors can exist[8,7,23], all proposed NIZK proofs or arguments for general NP-languages have computational ZK(see e.g.[6,20,5,27,15]).Hence the construction of a statistically NIZK(NISZK)argument has remained an open problem(until very recently,see below).The question of the existence of NISZK arguments is in particular interesting in combination with a result by De Santis et al.[15],where they observe that for a strong notion of NIZK,called same-string NIZK,soundness can only be computational when considering NP-complete languages(assuming that one-way functions exist).Statistical NIZK Arguments.Recently,Groth,Ostrovsky and Sahai proposed an elegantconstruction for a perfect NIZK(NIPZK)argument for circuit-SAT[24]by using bilinear groups. This shows NIZK can come with perfect ZK for any NP-language.However,the scheme only provides security against a non-adaptive dishonest prover who chooses the target instance x∗∈L (for which it wants to fake a proof)independent of the CRS.In an application though,it is likely that the adversaryfirst sees the CRS and then chooses the false statement on which he wants to ing a counting argument,they argue that under some strengthened assumption their scheme is secure against an adaptive dishonest prover if the size of the circuit to be proven is a-priori limited.However,the bound on the size of the circuit is so restrictive that the circuit must be smaller than sublinear in the bit size of the CRS(as discussed in Section1.3).Groth et al.also proposed a perfect NIZK argument for SAT which is provably secure in Canetti’s Universal Composability(UC)framework[9].However,besides being much less efficient than theirfirst construction,the scheme still does not guarantee unrestricted security against an adaptive dishonest prover who chooses the target instance x∗∈L depending on the CRS.For instance,the UC security does not exclude the possibility that a dishonest prover comes up with an accepting proof for the statement“the CRS is invalid or S is true”for an arbitrary false statement S.Since in a real-life execution the CRS is assumed to be valid,this is a convincing argument of the false statement S.Accordingly,the existence of an unrestricted statistical or perfect NIZK argument,which does not pose any restriction on the instances to be proven,is still an open problem.The Knowledge-of-Exponent rmally,the Knowledge-of-Exponent As-sumption(kea)says that for certain groups,given a pair g andˆg=g x of group elements with unknown discrete-log x,the only way to efficiently come up with another pair A andˆA such that ˆA=A x(for the same x)is by raising g andˆg to some power a:A=g a andˆA=ˆg a.kea wasfirst introduced and used by Damg˚ard in1991[12],and later,together with an extended version (kea2),by Hada and Tanaka[25].Recently,Bellare and Palacio[4]showed that kea2does not hold,and proposed a new extended version called kea3in order to save Hada and Tanaka’s results.kea3,which we call xkea for eXtended kea,says that given two pairs(g,ˆg)and(h,ˆh) with the same unknown discrete-log x,the only way to efficiently come up with another pair A andˆA such thatˆA=A x is by computing A=g a hαandˆA=ˆg aˆhα.Assumptions like kea and xkea are widely criticized in particular because they do not appear to be“efficiently falsifiable”, as Naor put it[28],though Bellare and Palacio showed that this is not necessarily the case.1.2Our ResultBased on xkea over bilinear groups,we construct an adaptively-sound NIPZK argument for circuit-SAT without any restrictions on the instances to be proven.Besides being thefirst un-restricted adaptively-sound NISZK argument for any NP-language,the proposed scheme enjoys a number of additional desirable properties:It is same-string NIZK,which allows to re-use the CRS.It is very efficient:the CRS essentially consists of a few group elements,and a proof consists of a few group elements per multiplication gate;this is comparable(if not better)to the first scheme by Groth et al.,which is the most efficient general-purpose NIZK scheme known up to date(see the comparison in[24]).Furthermore,our scheme can also be applied to arithmetic circuits over Z q for a large prime q whereas known schemes are tailored to binary circuits;this often allows a more compact representation of the statement to be proven.Finally,the CRS does not need to be set-up by a trusted party.It can efficiently be set-up jointly by the prover and the verifier.Furthermore,it can even be provided solely from a(possibly dishonest)verifier without any correctness proof if we view the proof system as a zap[19]rather than a NIZK.We are not aware of any other NIZK arguments or proofs that enjoy all these desirable properties.Based on the techniques developed for the perfect NIZK argument for SAT,we also construct an efficient NIPZK argument for arithmetic relations among committed secrets over Z q with large prime q.To the best of our knowledge,all known schemes only work for secrets from restricted domains such as Z[2]and have to rely on generic inefficient reductions to NP-complete problems to handle larger secrets.Our approach in particular allows for additive and multiplicative relations among secrets committed to by standard Pedersen commitments.We give two justifications for using such a strong non-standard assumption like xkea.First, we give some indication that a non-standard assumption is unavoidable for adaptively-sound NISZK arguments.We prove that using the common approach for proving computational soundness,which has been used for all NIZK arguments(we are aware of),a non-standard assumption is necessary unless NP⊂P/poly(i.e.unless any NP-problem can be solved by an efficient non-uniform algorithm).And,second,we prove that kea and xkea hold in the generic group model(even over bilinear groups).This suggests that if there exists an algorithm that breaks,say,kea in a certain group,then this algorithm must use the specific representation of the elements of that group,and it is likely to fail when some other group(representation)is used.A similar result was independently developed by Dent[18]for non-bilinear groups.Finally,we discuss how to avoid xkea in our NIZK arguments by allowing a pre-processing phase.Our scheme allows very efficient pre-processing where the prover only need to make random commitments and prove its knowledge about the witness by using efficient off-the-shelf zero-knoweldge schemes.1.3Related WorkIn order to make it easier for the reader to position our results,we would like to give a brief discussion about recently proposed NIPZK arguments.In[24]Groth et al.presented two schemes for proving circuit satisfiability,where thefirst one comes in twoflavors.Let us name the resulting three schemes by the non-adaptive,the adaptive and the UC GOS scheme.These are thefirst(and so far only)NISZK arguments proposed in the literature.The non-adaptive GOS scheme is admitted by the authors to be not adaptively sound.The adaptive GOS scheme is adaptively sound,but it only allows for circuits that are limited in size,and the underlying computational assumption is somewhat non-standard in that it requires that some problem can only be solved with“sub-negligible”probability,like2−ǫκǫlogκnegl(κ)whereκis the bit size of the problem instance.The more one relaxes the bound on the size of the circuits,the strongerthe underlying assumption gets in terms of the assumed bound on the success probability of solving the problem;but in any case the size of the circuits are doomed to be sub-linear in the size of the CRS.Concerning the UC GOS scheme,wefirst would like to point out that it is of theoretical interest,but it is very inefficient(though poly-time).Furthermore,it has some tricky weak soundness property in that if a dishonest prover should succeed in proving a false statement, then the statement cannot be distinguished from a true one.It is therefore claimed in[24]that the scheme“achieves a weaker,but sufficient,form of adaptive security.”This is true but only if some care is taken with the kind of statements that the(dishonest)prover is allowed to prove; in particular,soundness is only guaranteed if the statement to be proven does not incorporate the CRS.Indeed,the same example that the authors use to reason that theirfirst scheme is not adaptively sound can also be applied to the UC secure scheme:Consider a dishonest prover that comes up with an accepting proof for the statement“the CRS is invalid”,or for a statement like“the CRS is invalid or S is true”where S is an arbitrary false statement.In real-life, where the CRS is guaranteed to be correct,this convinces the verifier of the truth of the false statement S.However,such a prover is not ruled out by the UC security:the simulator given in[24]does generate an invalid CRS so that the statement in fact becomes true;and thus the proof can obviously be simulated in the ideal-world(when given a corresponding witness,which the simulator has in case of the UC GOS scheme).We stress that this is not aflaw in the UC GOS scheme but it is the UC security definition that does not provide any security guarantees for statements that incorporate the CRS,essentially because in the ideal-life model there is no (guaranteed-to-be-correct)CRS.1In conclusion,UC NIZK security provides good enough security under the condition that the statements to be proven do not incorporate the CRS.This is automatically guaranteed in a UC setting,where the statements to be proven must make sense in the ideal-world model,but not necessarily in other settings.2Preliminaries2.1NotationWe consider uniform probabilistic algorithms(i.e.Turing machines)which take as input(the unary encoding of)a security parameterκ∈N and possibly other inputs and run in deterministic poly-time inκ.We thus always implicitly require the size of the input to be bounded by some polynomial inκ.Adversarial behavior is modeled by non-uniform poly-time probabilistic algorithms,i.e.,by algorithms which together with the security parameterκalso get some(poly-size)auxiliary input order to simplify notation,we usually leave the dependency onκ(and on auxκ)implicit.By y←A(x),we mean that algorithm A is executed(with a randomly sampled random tape)on input x(and the security parameterκand,in the non-uniform case,auxκ) and the output is assigned to y.We may also denote it as y←A(x;r)when the randomness r is to be explicitly noted.Similarly,for anyfinite set S,we use the notation y←S to denote that y is sampled uniformly from S,and y←x means that the value x is assigned to y.For two algorithms A and B,we write B◦A for the composed execution of A and B,where A’s output is given to B as input.Similarly,A B denotes the joint execution A and B on the same input and the same random tape,and we write(x;y)←(A B)(w)to express that in the joint execution on input w(and the same random tape)A’s output is assigned to x and B’s to y.Furthermore,P y=A(x) denotes the probability(taken over the uniformly distributed random tape)that A outputs y on input x,and we write P x←B:A(x)=y for the(average) probability that A outputs y on input x when x is output by B:P x←B:A(x)=y = x P y=A(x) P x=B .We also use natural self-explanatory extensions of this notion.An oracle algorithm A is an algorithm in the above sense connected to an oracle in that it can write on its own tape an input for the oracle and tell the oracle to execute,and then,in a single step,the oracle processes its input in a prescribed way,and writes its output to the tape. We write A O when we consider A to be connected to the particular oracle O.A valueν(κ)∈R,which depends on the security parameterκ,is called negligible,denoted by ν(κ)≤negl(κ)orν≤negl,if∀c>0∃κ◦∈N∀κ≥κ◦:ν(κ)<1/κc.Furthermore,ν(κ)∈R is called noticeable if∃c>0,κ◦∈N∀κ≥κ◦:ν(κ)≥1/κc.2.2DefinitionLet L⊆{0,1}∗be an NP-language.Definition1.Consider poly-time algorithms G,P and V of the following form:G takes the security parameterκ(implicitly treated hereafter)and outputs a common reference string(CRS)Σtogether with a trapdoorτ.P takes as input a CRSΣand an instance x∈L together with an NP-witness w and outputs a proofπ.V takes as input a CRSΣ,an instance x and a proof πand outputs1or0.The triple(G,P,V)is a statistical/perfect NIZK argument for L if the following properties hold.Completeness:For any x∈L with corresponding NP-witness wP (Σ,τ)←G,π←P(Σ,x,w):V(Σ,x,π)=0 ≤negl. Soundness:For any non-uniform poly-time adversary P∗P (Σ,τ)←G,(x∗,π∗)←P∗(Σ):x∗∈L∧V(Σ,x∗,π∗)=1 ≤negl.Statistical/Perfect Zero-Knowledge(ZK):There exists a poly-time simulator S such that for any x∈L with NP-witness w,and for(Σ,τ)←G,π←P(Σ,x,w)andπsim←S(Σ,τ,x), the joint distributions of(Σ,π)and(Σ,πsim)are statistically/perfectly close.Remark2.The notion of soundness we use here guarantees security against an adaptive at-tacker,which may choose the instance x∗depending on the CRS.We sometimes emphasize this issue by using the term adaptively-sound.Note that this is a strictly stronger notion than when the adversary must choose x∗independent of the CRS.Remark3.In the notion of ZK we use here,P and S use the same CRS string.In[15],this is called same-string ZK.In the context of statistical ZK,this notion is equivalent(and not only sufficient)to unbounded ZK,2which captures that the same CRS can be used an unboundednumber of times.This is obviously much more desirable compared to the original notion of NIZK, where every proof requires a fresh CRS.In[15],it is shown that there cannot be a same-string NIZK proof with statistical soundness for a NP-complete language unless there exist no one-way functions.This makes it even more interesting tofind out whether there exists a same-string NIZK argument with statistical security on at least one side,namely the ZK side.2.3Bilinear Groups and the Hardness AssumptionsWe use the standard setting of bilinear groups.Let BGG be a bilinear-group generator that(takes as input the security parameterκand)outputs(G,H,q,g,e)where G and H is a pair of groups of prime order q,g is a generator of G,and e is a non-degenerate bilinear map e:G×G→H, meaning that e(g a,g b)=e(g,g)ab for any a,b∈Z q and e(g,g)=1H.We assume the Discrete-Log Assumption,dla,that for a random h∈G it is hard to compute w∈Z q with h=g w.In some cases,we also assume the Diffie-Hellman Inversion Assumption, dhia,which states that,for a random h=g w∈G,it is hard to compute g1/w.Formally, these assumptions for a bilinear-group generator BGG are stated as follows.In order to simplify notation,we abbreviate the output(G,H,q,g,e)of BGG by pub(for“public parameters”).Assumption4(dla).For every non-uniform poly-time algorithm AP pub←BGG,h←G,w←A(pub,h):g w=h ≤negl.Assumption5(dhia).For every non-uniform poly-time algorithm AP pub←BGG,h←G,g1/w←A(pub,h):g w=h ≤negl.Furthermore,we assume xkea,a variant of the Knowledge-of-Exponent Assumption kea, (referred to as kea3respectively kea1in[4]).kea informally states that givenˆg=g x∈G with unknown discrete-log x,the only way to efficiently come up with a pair A,ˆA∈G such thatˆA=A x for the same x is by choosing some a∈Z q and computing A=g a andˆA=ˆg a. xkea states that givenˆg=g x∈G as well as another pair h andˆh=h x with the same unknown discrete-log x,the only way to efficiently come up with a pair A,ˆA such thatˆA=A x is by choosing a,α∈Z q and computing A=g a hαandˆA=ˆg aˆhα.Formally,kea and xkea are phrased by assuming that for every algorithm which outputs A andˆA as required,there exists an extractor which outputs a(andαin case of xkea)when given the same input and randomness.Assumption6(kea).For every non-uniform poly-time algorithm A there exists a non-uniform poly-time algorithm X A,the extractor,such thatP pub←BGG,x←Z q,(A,ˆA;a)←(A X A)(pub,g x):ˆA=A x∧A=g a ≤negl. Recall that(A,ˆA;a)←(A X A)(pub,g x)means that A and X A are executed on the same input (pub,g x)and the same random tape,and A outputs(A,ˆA)whereas X A outputs a. Assumption7(xkea).For every non-uniform poly-time algorithm A there exists a non-uniform poly-time algorithm X A,the extractor,such that:ˆA=A x∧A=g a hα ≤negl.P pub←BGG,x←Z q,h←G,(A,ˆA;a,α)←(A X A)(pub,g x,h,h x)It is well known that dla holds provably with respect to generic algorithms(see e.g.[32]), which operate on the group elements only by applying the group operations(multiplication and inversion),but do not make use of the specific representation of the group elements.It is not so hard to see that this result extends to groups G that come with a bilinear pairing e:G×G→H,i.e.,to generic algorithms that are additionally allowed to apply the pairing and the group operations in H.We prove in Section6that also kea and xkea hold with respect to generic algorithms.We would also like to point out that we only depend on xkea for“proof-technical”reasons: our perfect NIZK argument still appears to be secure even if xkea should turn out to be false (for the particular generator BGG used),but we cannot prove it anymore formally.This is in contrast to how kea and xkea are used in[25]respectively[4]for3-round ZK,where there seems to be no simulator anymore as soon as kea is false.3A Perfect NIZK Argument for SAT3.1Handling Multiplication GatesLet(G,H,q,g,e)be generated by BGG,as described in Section2.3above.Furthermore,let h=g w for a random w∈Z q which is unknown to anybody.Consider a prover who announces an arithmetic circuit over Z q and who wants to prove in NIZK that there is a satisfying input for it.Following a standard design principle,where the prover commits to every input value using Pedersen’s commitment scheme with“basis”g and h as well as to every intermediate value of the circuit when evaluating it on the considered input,the problem reduces to proving the consistency of the multiplication gates in NIZK(the addition gates come for free due to the homomorphic property of Pedersen’s commitment scheme).Concretely,though slightly informally,given commitments A=g a hα,B=g b hβand C= g c hγfor values a,b and c∈Z q,respectively,the prover needs to prove in NIZK that c=a·b. Note thate(A,B)=e(g a hα,g b hβ)=e(g,g)ab e(g,h)aβ+αb e(h,h)αβande(C,g)=e(g c hγ,g)=e(g,g)c e(g,h)γand hence,if indeed c=a·b,thene(A,B)/e(C,g)=e(g,h)aβ+αb−γe(h,h)αβ=e(g aβ+αb−γhαβ,h).(1) Say that,in order to prove that c=a·b,the prover announces P=g aβ+αb−γhαβand the verifier accepts if and only if P is satisfying in thate(A,B)/e(C,g)=e(P,h).Then,by the above observations it is immediate that an honest verifier accepts the correct proof of an honest prover.Also,it is quite obvious that a simulator which knows w can“enforce”c=a·b by“cheating”with the commitments,and thus perfectly simulate a satisfying P for the multiplication gate.Note that the simulator needs to know some opening of the commitments in order to simulate P;this though is good enough for our purpose.For completeness,though,we address this issue again in Section4and show a version which allows a full-fledged simulation. Finally,it appears to be hard to come up with a satisfying P unless one can indeed open A,B and C to a,b and c such that c=a·b.Concretely,the following holds.Lemma8.Given openings of A,B and C to a,b and c,respectively,with c=a·b,and given an opening of a satisfying P,one can efficiently compute w.Proof.Let P=gρh̟be the given opening of P.Then,inheriting the notation from above, e(A,B)/e(C,g)=e(g a hα,g b hβ)/e(g c hγ,g)=e(g,g)ab−c e(g,h)aβ+αb−γe(h,h)αβ.ande(A,B)/e(C,g)=e(P,h)=e(gρh̟,h)=e(g,h)ρe(h,h)̟are two different representations of the same element in H with respect to the“basis”e(g,g), e(g,h)=e(g,g)w,e(h,h)=e(g,g)w2.This allows to compute w by solving a quadratic equation in Z q.The need for an opening of P can be circumvented by basing security on dhia rather than dla as stated in the following lemma.Lemma9.Given openings of A,B and C to a,b and c,respectively,with c=a·b,and given a satisfying P,one can efficiently compute g1/w.Proof.For a satisfying P it holds thate(P,h)=e(A,B)/e(C,g)=e(g,g)ab−c e(g,h)aβ+bα−γe(h,h)αβand thus,when c=a·b as assumed,the following equalities follow one after the other.e(g,g)=e (P g−aβ−bα+γh−αβ)1/(ab−c),he(g1/w,g)=e (P g−aβ−bα+γh−αβ)1/(ab−c),gg1/w=(P g−aβ−bα+γh−αβ)1/(ab−c)It remains to argue that a(successful)prover can indeed open all the necessary commitments. This can be enforced as follows.Instead of committing to every value s by S=g s hσ,the prover has to commit to s by S=g s hσandˆS=ˆg sˆhσ,whereˆg=g x for a random x∈Z q andˆh=h x (with the same x).Note that the same randomnessσis used for computing S andˆS,such that ˆS=S x;this can be verified using the bilinear map:e(ˆS,g)=e(S,ˆg).xkea now guarantees that for every correct double commitment(S,ˆS)produced by the prover,he knows(respectively there exists an algorithm that outputs)s andσsuch that S=g s hσ.Based on the above observations,we construct and prove secure an adaptively-sound perfect NIZK argument for circuit-SAT in the next section.3.2The Perfect NIZK SchemeThe NIZK scheme for circuit-SAT is given in Figure1.Note that we assume an arithmetic circuit C over Z q(rather than a binary circuit),but of course it is standard to“emulate”a binary circuit by an arithmetic one.Theorem10.(G,P,V)from Fig.1is an adaptively-sound perfect NIZK argument for circuit-SAT,assuming xkea and dla.CRS Generator G`1κ´:G-1.(G,H,q,g,e)←BGG(1κ),w←Z q,ˆg←G,h←g w,ˆh←ˆg w,G-2.outputΣ←(G,H,q,g,h,ˆg,ˆh,e)andτ←w.Prover P`Σ,C,x=(x1,...,x n)´:pute commitments for every input value x i by X i=g x i hξi andˆX i=ˆg x iˆhξi.P-2.Inductively,for every multiplication gate in C for which the two input values a and b are committed upon(either directly or indirectly via the homomorphic property)by A=g a hαandˆA=ˆg aˆhαrespectively B=g b hβandˆB=ˆg bˆhβ,do the pute a(double)commitment C=g c hγandˆC=ˆg cˆhγfor the corresponding output value c=a·b,and compute the(double)commitment P=g aβ+αb−γhαβandˆP=ˆg aβ+αb−γˆhαβ.P-3.As proofπoutput all the commitments as well as the randomnessηfor the commitment Y=g C(x)hηfor the output value C(x)=1.Verifier V`Σ,C,π´:Output1(i.e.“accept”)if all of the following holds,otherwise output0.V-1.Every double commitment(S;ˆS)satisfies e(ˆS,g)=e(S,ˆg).V-2.Every multiplication gate in C,with associated(double)commitments(A,ˆA),(B,ˆB),(C,ˆC)and(P,ˆP) for the two input values,the output value and the“multiplication proof”,satisfies e(A,B)/e(C,g)= e(P,h).V-3.The commitment Y for the output value satisfies Y=g1hη.Figure1:Perfect NIZK argument for circuit-SATpleteness is straightforward using observation(1).Also,perfect ZK is easy to see. Indeed,the simulator S can run P with a default input for x,say o=(0,...,0),and then simply open the commitment Y for the output value y=C(o)(which is likely to be different from1) to1using the trapdoor w.Since Pedersen’s commitment scheme is perfectly hiding,and since P andˆP computed in step P-2.for every multiplication gate are uniquely determined by A,B, and C,it is clear that this simulation is perfectly indistinguishable from a real execution of P.It remains to argue soundness.Assume there exists a dishonest poly-time prover P∗,which on input the CRSΣoutputs a circuit C∗together with a proofπ∗such that with non-negligible probability,C∗is not satisfiable but V(Σ,C∗,π∗)outputs1.By xkea,there exists a poly-time extractor X P∗such that when run on the same CRS and the same random tape as P∗,the extrac-tor X P∗outputs the opening information for all commitments in the proof with non-negligible probability.Concretely,for every multiplication gate and the corresponding commitments A, B,C and P,the extractor X P∗outputs a,α,b,β,c,γ,ρ,̟such that A=g a hα,B=g b hβ, C=g c hγand P=gρh̟.3If P∗succeeds in forging a proof for an unsatisfiable circuit,then there obviously must be an inconsistent multiplication gate with inputs a and b and output c=a·b.(Note that since addition gates are processed using the homomorphic property,there cannot be an inconsistency in an addition gate.)But this contradicts dla by Lemma8.Remark11.The NIZK argument from Fig.1actually provides adaptive ZK,which is a stronger flavor of ZK than guaranteed by Definition1.It guarantees that S cannot only perfectly simulate a proofπfor any circuit C,but when later given a satisfying input x for C,it can also provide。
Graph Regularized Nonnegative Matrix
techniques for matrix factorization have become popular in recent years for data representation. In many problems in information retrieval, computer vision, and pattern recognition, the input data matrix is of very high dimension. This makes learning from example infeasible [15]. One then hopes to find two or more lower dimensional matrices whose product provides a good approximation to the original one. The canonical matrix factorization techniques include LU decomposition, QR decomposition, vector quantization, and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). SVD is one of the most frequently used matrix factorization techniques. A singular value decomposition of an M Â N matrix X has the following form: X ¼ UÆVT ; where U is an M Â M orthogonal matrix, V is an N Â N orthogonal matrix, and Æ is an M Â N diagonal matrix with Æij ¼ 0 if i 6¼ j and Æii ! 0. The quantities Æii are called the singular values of X, and the columns of U and V are called
c++ 信奥赛 常用英语
c++ 信奥赛常用英语在C++ 信奥赛中(计算机奥林匹克竞赛),常用英语词汇主要包括以下几方面:1. 基本概念:- Algorithm(算法)- Data structure(数据结构)- Programming language(编程语言)- C++(C++ 编程语言)- Object-oriented(面向对象)- Function(函数)- Variable(变量)- Constants(常量)- Loops(循环)- Conditional statements(条件语句)- Operators(运算符)- Control structures(控制结构)- Memory management(内存管理)2. 常用算法与数据结构:- Sorting algorithms(排序算法)- Searching algorithms(搜索算法)- Graph algorithms(图算法)- Tree algorithms(树算法)- Dynamic programming(动态规划)- Backtracking(回溯)- Brute force(暴力破解)- Divide and conquer(分治)- Greedy algorithms(贪心算法)- Integer array(整数数组)- Linked list(链表)- Stack(栈)- Queue(队列)- Tree(树)- Graph(图)3. 编程实践:- Code optimization(代码优化)- Debugging(调试)- Testing(测试)- Time complexity(时间复杂度)- Space complexity(空间复杂度)- Input/output(输入/输出)- File handling(文件处理)- Console output(控制台输出)4. 竞赛相关:- IOI(国际信息学奥林匹克竞赛)- NOI(全国信息学奥林匹克竞赛)- ACM-ICPC(ACM 国际大学生程序设计竞赛)- Codeforces(代码力)- LeetCode(力扣)- HackerRank(黑客排名)这些英语词汇在信奥赛领域具有广泛的应用,掌握这些词汇有助于提高选手之间的交流效率,同时对提升编程能力和竞赛成绩也有很大帮助。
2023年11月第26卷第21期中国管理信息化China Management InformationizationNov.,2023Vol.26,No.21延边大学专利发展现状分析高松子(延边朝鲜族自治州知识产权保护中心,吉林 延吉 133001)[摘 要]为了全面客观地掌握延边大学科技创新成果情况,从专利视角挖掘延边大学创新发展能力,文章对1992年至2022年期间延边大学的专利情况进行了系统分析研究,梳理延边大学科技创新存在的主要特点和问题,并提出有助于提升创新质量与价值的发展建议。
[关键词]延边大学;专利;科技创新doi:10.3969/j.issn.1673-0194.2023.21.048[中图分类号]G306 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1673-0194(2023)21-0164-05[收稿日期]2023-04-12[作者简介]高松子(1970— ),女,吉林延吉人,副研究员,主要研究方向:科技信息。
0 引 言专利发展水平是衡量一个地区综合实力、发展能力和核心竞争力的战略性标志[1]。
延边大学作为延网络舆情信息传播研究:以新浪微博“雾霾”话题为例[J ].图书情报工作,2015,59(7):14-22.[4]陈涛,林杰.基于搜索引擎关注度的网络舆情时空演化比较分析:以谷歌趋势和百度指数比较为例[J ].情报杂志,2013, 32(3):7-10,16.[5]张和平,陈齐海.基于灰色马尔可夫模型的网络舆情预测研究[J ].情报科学,2018,36(1):75-79.[6]黄亚驹,陈福集,游丹丹.基于混合算法和BP 神经网络的网络舆情预测研究[J ].情报科学,2018,36(2):24-29.[7]邹凯,左珊,陈旸,等.基于网络舆情的政府信息服务公众满意度评价研究[J ].情报科学,2016,34(2):45-49.[8]LAN M,SUNG S Y ,LOW H B,et al. A comparative study onterm weighting schemes for text categorization[C]//,Proceedings of IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. 2005:546-551.[9]LAN M,TAN C L,SU J,et al. Supervised and traditional term weighting methods for automatic text categorization [J ]. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2009,31(4):721-735.[10]QUAN X,WENYIN L,QIU B. Term weighting schemes forquestion categorization [J ]. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,2011,33(5):1009-1021.[11]KO Y. A study of term weighting schemes using classinformation for text classification[C]//Proceedings of the 35th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval,2012:1029-1030.[12]MIAO Y Q,KAMEL M. Pairwise optimized Rocchio algorithmfor text categorization [J ]. Pattern Recognition Letters, 2011,32(2):375-382.[13]LEOPOLD E,KINDERMANN J. Text categorization withsupport vector machines:How to represent texts in input space?[J ]. Machine Learning,2002,46(1-3):423-444.[14]CAI D,HE X. Manifold adaptive experimental design for textcategorization [J ]. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering,2012,24(4):707-719.[15]ChANG C C,LIN C J. LIBSVM: A library for support vectormachines [J ]. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST ),2011,2(3):27-33.[16]田梅,朱学芳. 基于支持向量机的大学生网络信息偶遇影响因素研究[J ]. 图书情报工作,2018,62(8):84-92.边州人才培养、科学研究、社会服务、文化传承创新的主阵地[2],是专利创新主要执行者,加强创新体系和创新能力建设势在必行。
A comparison of selection schemes used in genetic algorithms
25 25 26 26
6 Comparison 7 Conclusion
28 33
A Glossary
Chapter 1 Introduction
Genetic Algorithms (GA) are probabilistic search algorithms characterized by the fact that a number N of potential solutions (called individuals Ji 2 J, where J represents the space of all possible individuals) of the optimization problem simultaneously sample the search space. This population P = fJ1; J2; :::; JN g is modi ed according to the natural evolutionary process: after initialization, selection ! : JN 7! JN and recombination : JN 7! JN are executed in a loop until some termination criterion is reached. Each run of the loop is called a generation and P ( ) denotes the population at generation . The selection operator is intended to improve the average quality of the population by giving individuals of higher quality a higher probability to be copied into the next generation. Selection thereby focuses the search on promising regions in the search space. The quality of an individual is measured by a tness function f : J 7! R. Recombination changes the genetic material in the population either by crossover or by mutation in order to exploit new points in the search space. The balance between exploitation and exploration can be adjusted either by the selection pressure of the selection operator or by the recombination operator, e.g. by the probability of crossover. As this balance is critical for the behaviour of the GA it is of great interest to know the properties of the selection and recombination operators to understand their in uence on the convergence speed. Some work has been done to classify the di erent selection schemes such as proportionate selection, ranking selection, tournament selection. Goldberg Goldberg and Deb, 1991] introduced the term of takeover time. The takeover time is the number of generations that is needed for a single best individual to ll up the whole generation if no recombination is used. Recently Back Back, 1994] has analyzed the most prominent selection schemes used in Evolutionary Algorithms with respect to their takeover time. In Muhlenbein and SchlierkampVoosen, 1993] the selection intensity in the so called Breeder Genetic Algorithm (BGA) is used to measure the progress in the population. The selection intensity is derived for proportional selection and truncation selection. De la Maza and Tidor de la Maza and Tidor, 1993] analyzed several selection methods according
Xiaofang Cao, Chunying Rong, Aiguo Zhong, Tia Lu , and Shubin Liu
参考文献 Cao X, Rong C, Zhong A, et al. Molecular acidity: An accurate description with information‐theoretic approach in density functional reactivity theory[J]. Journal of Computational Chemistry, 2017. Donghai Yu, Ruobing Du,Ji-Chang Xiao,et al. Theoretical Study of pKa Values for Trivalent Rare-Earth Metal Cations in Aqueous Solution [J].Journal of Phusical Chemistry,2017
Xiaofang Cao, Chunying Rong, Aiguo Zhong, Tia Lu , and Shubin Liu
Theoretical framework
Molecular Acidity: An Accurate Description with InformationTheoretic Approach in Density Functional Reactivity Theory
4.Results and discussion
Molecular Acidity: An Accurate Description with InformationTheoretic Approach in Density Functional Reactivity Theory
高职院校信息素养教育现状与展望— —“首届全国高职院校信息素养大赛”述评
高职院校信息素养教育现状与展望——“首届全国高职院校信息素养大赛”述评*杨光武,刘兰平*本文系CALIS 2018年重点委托项目“高职高专图书馆信息素养教育基地建设”(项目编号:6019260080S1)研究成果。
关键词高职院校信息素养教育信息素养学科服务文献检索课引用本文格式杨光武,刘兰平.高职院校信息素养教育现状与展望——“首届全国高职院校信息素养大赛”述评[J].图书馆论坛,2021,41(3):128-135.Current Situation and Future Prospect of Information Literacy Educa-tion in Higher Vocational Colleges——A Review of the First National Higher Vocational Colleges Infor-mation Literacy CompetitionYANG Guangwu ,LIU LanpingAbstract"National Information Literacy Competition for Higher Vocational Colleges"is the first national scalecompetition with wide participation and a high participation rate.The purposes of research are to explore the characteristics and problems of information literacy education in higher vocational colleges and to put forward relevant development suggestions.Research samples are selected from teachers ’lessons and students ’questions.Typical cases are analyzed and compared with the latest research and practice materials.Achievements are shown by the number of excellent teaching examples with a variety of teaching methods ,objectives and means.However ,insufficient knowledge accumulation and weak comprehensive application ability are still common problems for students participating in the competition.Resource availability and test questions also have significant impact on the success of the event and the promotion of information literacy education.The enlightenment for future development includes developing curriculum standards ,promoting high quality courses ,refining testing dimensions and methods ,cultivating workplace information competency ,and breaking the resource limitation through open sharing.Keywordshigher vocational colleges ;information literacy education ;information literacy ;library subjectservices ;literature retrieval courses128◎2021年第3期◎《教育信息化2.0行动计划》提出从提升师生信息技术应用能力向全面提升其信息素养转变,将“信息素养全面提升行动”列为八大行动计划之一。
粒⼦分布函数的产⽣,Maxwell分布等以下内容转载⾃Hua-sheng XIE百度空间:粒⼦分布函数的产⽣,Maxwell分布等粒⼦数N,速度随机,总体满⾜固定分布函数,如均匀分布、热运动的麦克斯韦分布等。
1.均匀分布v =vmin + (vmax -vmin) * rand();rand()表⽰0-1的均匀分布。
2.⾮均匀分布There are two basic methods of constructing non-uniformly distributed random variables: i.e., the transformation method and the rejection method.参看计算物理Monte-Carlo部分,⼀般都会有介绍。
transformation method需知道反函数,不通⽤;rejection method可⽤于产⽣任意已知函数表达式的分布。
=======================rejection method,C++产⽣⾼斯分布=====================// gaussian.cpp// Function to return random variable distributed// according to Gaussian distribution with mean mean// and standard deviation sigma.#define RANDMAX 2147483646int random (int = 0);double gaussian (double mean, double sigma){double ymin = mean - 4. * sigma;double ymax = mean + 4. * sigma;double Pymax = 1. / sqrt (2. * M_PI) / sigma;// Calculate random value uniformly distributed// in range ymin to ymaxdouble y = ymin + (ymax - ymin) * double (random ()) / double (RANDMAX);// Calculate Pydouble Py = exp (- (y - mean) * (y - mean) / 2. / sigma / sigma) /sqrt (2. * M_PI) / sigma;// Calculate random value uniformly distributed in range 0 to Pymaxdouble x = Pymax * double (random ()) / double (RANDMAX);// If x > Py reject value and recalculateif (x > Py) return gaussian (mean, sigma);else return y;}以上代码段来⾃《Computational Physic:An introductory course》,Richard Fitzpatrick,Professor of Physics,The University of Texas at Austin最后⼀章,Monte-Carlo Methods,9.3 Distribution Functions。
1. 概述Lotka多种裙竞合模型Lotka多种裙竞合模型是由意大利数学家Alfred J. Lotka在20世纪20年代提出的,它描述了生态系统中多个物种之间的相互作用。
2. Lotka多种裙竞合模型的基本形式假设存在n个种裙,用x1, x2, ..., xn来表示它们的种裙密度,Lotka多种裙竞合模型的基本形式可以用下面的方程组来表示:dx1/dt = x1*(a11 - b12*x2 - c13*x3 - ... - d1n*xn)dx2/dt = x2*(a22 - b21*x1 - c23*x3 - ... - d2n*xn)...dxn/dt = xn*(ann - b1n*x1 - b2n*x2 - ... - (n-1)n*x(n-1))其中本人i表示种裙i的自然增长率,bij表示种裙i和种裙j之间的竞争系数。
3. 使用Matlab实现Lotka多种裙竞合模型下面是使用Matlab来实现Lotka多种裙竞合模型的基本步骤:```matlab设定参数n = 3; 种裙数目a = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]; 自然增长率b = [0.01, 0.02, 0.03; 0.02, 0.01, 0.04; 0.03, 0.02, 0.01]; 竞争系数定义微分方程function dxdt = lotkapetition(t, x)dxdt = zeros(n, 1);for i = 1:ndxdt(i) = x(i) * (a(i) - sum(b(i,:) * x));endend求解微分方程[t, x] = ode45(lotkapetition, [0, 10], ones(n, 1));可视化结果figure;plot(t, x);legend('种裙1', '种裙2', '种裙3');xlabel('时间');ylabel('种裙密度');```在上面的Matlab代码中,我们首先设定了模型的参数,然后定义了微分方程,并使用ode45函数来求解微分方程。
用基于视觉单词上下文的核函数对图像分类王宇石;高文【期刊名称】《中国图象图形学报》【年(卷),期】2010(015)004【摘要】当前在网像分析领域,将局部特征编码为视觉单词的做法非常流行.基于普通的视觉单词,提出了一种新的能够融合单词多层上下文的核函数.设计中体现了如下信息:1)多层的单词直方图;2)多层的"词组"直方图;3)单词(以及词组)的上下文的类别.然后将该核函数应用于支持向量机,对图像进行分类.在Corel图像库等-公共测试集上,该方法取得出色的性能.此外,在一个实用性很强的复杂问题中进行了对比:识别成人图像和泳装图像.该方法的识别准确率,比经典方法提高了约7%.实验结果表明,将核函数度量同视觉单词的多层次描述结合在一起,能够显著提高图像的识别能力.【总页数】10页(P607-616)【作者】王宇石;高文【作者单位】哈尔滨工业大学计算机科学与技术学院,哈尔滨,150001;哈尔滨工业大学计算机科学与技术学院,哈尔滨,150001;北京大学信息科学技术学院,北京,100871【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP391.41【相关文献】1.基于Grey-Sigmoid核函数支持向量机高光谱遥感图像分类方法研究 [J], 王颢霖;郭伟;师越;乔红波2.基于视觉单词共生矩阵的图像分类方法 [J], 朱道广;李弼程;蒋敏;刘钦安3.一种基于上下文语义信息的图像块视觉单词生成算法 [J], 刘硕研;须德;冯松鹤;刘镝;裘正定4.基于混合核函数BDK的支持向量机遥感图像分类 [J], 古丽娜孜・艾力木江;孙铁利;乎西旦;冯雪花5.基于核函数的联合稀疏表示高光谱图像分类 [J], 陈善学;周艳发;漆若兰因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
J.A. Smith, S.K. ShrivastavaITheoretical Computer Science 196 (1998) 319-345
is also quite limited, yet it may still be desirable to perform a large The approach computation described here provides for this need. and or the to tolerate to build which might is increased, e.g. in its duration If it is not possible
* Corresponding
author. E-mail: jim.smith@. Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved
0304-3975/98/$19.00 @ 1998 PZZ SO304-3975(97)00206-S
data intensive number
As the scale of a distributed of machines affect the execution
the possibility
of a failure occurring
of the computation
J.A. Smith*, SK. Shrivastava
Department of Computing Science, The University of Newcastle upon Tyne. Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RL! UK
1.2006年中国工业与应用数学学会(CSIAM)第九届年会暨首届CSIAM苏步青应用数学奖颁奖大会在南京举行 [J], 李艳馥
2.国内有关可转债发行动机研究综述——基于2006年-2009年文献综述 [J], 徐耿彬;许娜
3.2006年宏观经济形势稳中向好但产能过剩问题显现--"2006年宏观经济金融形势展望研讨会"综述 [J], 王辰;刘明娟
4.广东塑料交易所2006年12月行情综述(2006年11月21日-2006年12月20日) [J], 南树;佳信
5.广东塑料交易所2006年11月行情综述(2006年10月23日-2006年11月20日) [J], 南树;佳信
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Contest functions:Theoretical foundations and issues in estimation ☆Hao Jia a ,Stergios Skaperdas b ,⁎,Samarth Vaidya ca School of Accounting,Economics and Finance,Deakin University,Waurn Ponds,VIC 3217,Australiab Department of Economics,School of Social Sciences,University of California,Irvine,92697,USAcSchool of Accounting,Economics and Finance,Deakin University,221Burwood Hwy,Burwood,VIC 3125,Australiaa b s t r a c ta r t i c l e i n f o Available online 16July 2012JEL Classi fications:C72D72D74L41L23M37Keywords:Rent-seeking Con flictTournaments Litigation AdvertisingContest functions (alternatively,contest success functions)determine probabilities of winning and losing as a function of contestants'effort.They are used widely in many areas of economics that employ contest games,from tournaments and rent-seeking to con flict and sports.We first examine the theoretical foundations of contest functions and classify them into four types of derivation:stochastic,axiomatic,optimally-derived,and microfounded.The additive form (which includes the ratio or “Tullock ”functional form)can be derived in all four different ways.We also explore issues in the econometric estimation of contest functions,including concerns with data,endogeneity,and model comparison.©2012Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionContests are games in which each player exerts effort in order to increase his or her probability of winning a prize.There is a variety of areas of economics and other social sciences in which contests are applied.They include advertising by rival firms (Schmalensee,1972,1978),tournaments or in fluence-activities within organizations (Müller and Wärneryd,2001;Rosen,1986;Tsoulouhas et al.,2007),pat-ent and other technology races (Baye and Hoppe,2003;Reinganum,1989),lobbying and rent-seeking (Nitzan,1994;Tullock,1980),litigation (Hirshleifer and Osborne,2001;Robson and Skaperdas,2008),wars and other types of con flict (Gar finkel and Skaperdas,2007;Hirshleifer,1995,2000;Levitin and Hausken,2010),political campaigns (Baron,1994;Skaperdas and Grofman,1995),as well as sports (Szymanski,2003).Konrad (2009)provides an excellent introduction to the basic theory and applications of contests.1How combinations of efforts by the players participating in a con-test translate into probabilities of wins and losses is a critical compo-nent of a contest game.The functions that describe these probabilities as functions of efforts are often called contest success or simply contest functions.2In terms of their usage,they are analogous to production functions in production theory but they differ from production func-tions in two important ways.First,the outputs of contest functions are probabilities of wins and losses instead of deterministic outputs.Second,the inputs into contest functions,the efforts of the participat-ing players,are adversarially combined so that a player's probability of winning is increasing in her or his effort but is decreasing in the ef-forts of all the adversaries.The efforts themselves can be as varied as the particular social or economic environment to which the contest is meant to apply.In the case of tournaments and other intra-organizational competition the efforts are usually denominated in labor time expended.For ad-vertising,lobbying,patent races,litigation,sports,wars,or political campaigns the cost of effort is typically represented by monetaryInternational Journal of Industrial Organization 31(2013)211–222☆We thank an anonymous referee for the very helpful comments and valuable suggestions.⁎Corresponding author.Tel.:+17148244167.E-mail (H.Jia),sskaperd@ (S.Skaperdas), (S.Vaidya).1For an illuminating survey of contests and its various applications see Corchón (2007).2We use the simpler second term in this paper even though one of the authors was one of the first users of the former term (Skaperdas,1996),for reasons that are not clear to him at this time.Probably,he followed Hirshleifer (1989)who used the term “con flict and rent-seeking success functions ”in his exploration of different functionalforms.0167-7187/$–see front matter ©2012Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.ijindorg.2012.06.007Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectInternational Journal of Industrial Organizationj o u r n a l h om e p a g e :ww w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /i j ioexpenditures but the effort itself can be the output of an ordinary pro-duction function that is a function of a large number of inputs(pur-chased with money).For advertising,the efforts can be advertising messages that are produced by means of different types of specialized labor(artistic staff,creative staff,film directors and crews,and so on) and all the capital and other inputs that go together with them.For lobbying,the efforts can be varied from the face-time of lobbyists with political decision-makers to grass-roots organizing,produced by means of different types of labor,capital,and material inputs.For sports,although the direct effort is that of the players on the team, how these efforts are combined as well as how the individual players and teams are nurtured,developed,and coached by managerial and coaching staff also clearly matter.This indicates that the ultimate“ef-fort”of a sports team can also be best described by a production func-tion that includes many inputs.For wars,the efforts of the adversaries can be thought of as military capacities in the battlefield that are themselves outputs of different types of labor and arming(them-selves produced with other inputs).Contest functions are probabilistic choice functions that,to our knowledge,werefirst proposed by Luce(1959)in order to study in-dividual ter,and somewhat independently,econometri-cians developed such functions for the estimation of discrete choice variable(e.g.,McFadden,1974).Friedman(1958)is an early application of the popular“ratio”functional form to an adver-tising game.In this paper wefirst review the different functional forms that have been employed in applications of contests and show how some of them can be derived using four different methods.First,stochastic derivations of contest functions start from the supposition that effort is a noisy contributor to some outputs and comparison of the different outputs of players determines the outcome of the contest.The probit and logit forms are the two most well-known and used forms that can be derived stochastically.Second,axiomatic derivations link combi-nations of properties(or,axioms)of contests to functional forms.The logit form can also be derived axiomatically as a special case of the more general additive form.Third,optimal-design derivations suppose that a designer with certain objectives about effort or other variables designs the contest,with the functional form being a result of such a design.Finally,positive-microfoundations derive contest functions by characterizing environments in which they naturally emerge as win probabilities of the contestants instead of being consciously chosen by a contest designer.We review incomplete information,search-based and Bayesian representations.By no means do all derivations relate to the different environments to which contests have been applied and we will be indicating the areas of applications that each derivation is better suited for.We also review some econometric issues in the econo-metric estimation of contest functions.In the next section,we review the different classes of functional forms that have appeared in the literature and discuss some of their properties.In Section3we explore the four different types of deriva-tions of contest functions,in Section4we examine some issues in es-timation,and we conclude in Section5.2.Probit,logit and other functional formsOur purpose in this section is to introduce and discuss the proper-ties of different functional forms of contest technologies before ex-ploring their theoretical foundations in the next section.Consider two adversaries or contestants,labeled1and2.De-note their choice of efforts as e1and e2.We suppose that efforts are themselves outputs of production functions of different inputs as discussed in the introduction.These production functions can be the same for the two adversaries or they can be different.Associat-ed with them are cost functions c1(e1)and c2(e2).Since we are solely concerned with how pairs of efforts translate into probabili-ties of wins and losses and not how efforts might be chosen,we will keep these cost and production functions in the background.For any given combination of efforts,each rival has a probability of winning and a probability of losing.Denote the probability of party i=1winning as p1(e1,e2)and the probability of party i=2 winning as p2(e1,e2).For the p i's to be probabilities,they need to take values between zero and one,and add up to one:p2(e1,e2)=1-p1(e1,e2)≥0.Moreover, we can expect an increase in one party's effort to increase its winning probability and reduce the winning probability of its opponent; that is,we should have p1(e1,e2)strictly increasing in e1(when p1(e1,e2)b1)and strictly decreasing in e2(when p1(e1,e2)>0).A class of functions that has been widely examined takes the fol-lowing additive form:p1e1;e2ðÞ¼f e1ðÞ1ðÞþf e2ðÞif∑2i¼1f e iðÞ>0;12otherwise;8>><>>:ð1Þwhere f(∙)is a non-negative,strictly increasing function.This class has been employed in a number offields,including in the economics of ad-vertising(Schmalensee,1972,1978),sports economics(Szymanski, 2003),rent-seeking(Nitzan,1994;Tullock,1980),as well as contests in general(Konrad,2009).One unique and appealing feature of the class of contest functions in Eq.(1)is that it naturally extends to contests involving more than two parties.Thus,if there were n parties to the contest,denoting the effort of rival i by e i,and the vector of efforts by all other agents j≠i by e-i,the winning probability of i would be as follows:p i e i;e−iðÞ¼f e iðÞ∑nj¼1f e jif∑nj¼1f e j>0;1notherwise:8>>><>>>:ð2ÞThe most commonly used functional form is the one in which f(e i)=e iμ,3whereμ>0(and often,for technical reasons of existence of pure-strategy Nash equilibrium,μ≤1),so thatp1e1;e2ðÞ¼eμ1eμ1μ2¼e1e2μe12μþ1:ð3ÞThis functional form,sometimes referred to as the“power”form or as the“ratio”form,is that which was employed by Tullock(1980) and the ensuing voluminous literature on rent-seeking.This is also the workhorse functional form used in the economics of conflict.As Hirshleifer(1989)has noted,the probability of winning in this casedepends on the ratio of efforts,e1e2,of the two parties.A suitable modification of Eq.(1)can accommodate asymmetric effects of contestant efforts on the win probabilities as shown by the following functional form,where f i(∙)is a non-negative,strictly increasing function:p i e1;e2ðÞ¼f i e iðÞf1e1ðÞþf2e2ðÞ:ð4ÞAssuming f i(e i)=a i f(e i),a particularly convenient version of Eq.(4) is given by:p1e1;e2ðÞ¼a1f e1ðÞa1f e1ðÞþa2f e2ðÞ;ð5Þ3A variation on this form is f(ei)=ae iμ+b where a,b>0.Amegashie(2006)exam-ined the properties of this form.212H.Jia et al./International Journal of Industrial Organization31(2013)211–222where a i >0for every i =1,2,with a i >a j for i ≠j implying that contestant i has an edge over contestant j in transforming its effort into a win probability.Variants of this functional form have been applied to litigation (Hirshleifer and Osborne,2001;Robson and Skaperdas,2008)and political campaigns (Baron,1994)among other settings.Notice that in all of the above contest functions,one of the con-testants always wins the prize.A variation allows one to accommo-date the possibility of a “draw ”,where with a positive probability neither contestant wins the prize as shown by the functional form below:p 1e 1;e 2ðÞ¼f 1e 1ðÞs þf 1e 1ðÞþf 2e 2ðÞ;ð6Þwhere f 1(∙)and f 2(∙)are non-negative strictly increasing functions and s >0is a constant term.As discussed subsequently,this func-tional form with s =1has been axiomatized by Blavatskyy (2010).A stochastic derivation is provided by Jia (2009).It has also been investi-gated as an optimal contest design by Dasgupta and Nti (1998).Loury (1979)provides a natural application of such a contest function to models of patent races.Another well-known functional form is the following “logit ”spec-i fication,in which f (e i )=exp(μe i ),where μ>0,so that,p 1e 1;e 2ðÞ¼exp μe 1ðÞ1ðÞþexp μe 2ðÞ¼12−e 1ðÞðÞ:ð7ÞAgain as Hirshleifer (1989)has noted and as is evident from the expression following the second equal sign in Eq.(7),by this speci fi-cation,the probability of winning depends on the difference in efforts between the two parties.This is also the case with the probit function-al form (see,e.g.,Albert and Chib,1993;Train,2003),where the win probabilities take the form:p 1e 1;e 2ðÞ¼Φe 1−e 2ðÞ;ð8ÞIn the above expression,Φis the cumulative distribution function of the standard normal distribution.As discussed subsequently,Eq.(8)has stochastic foundations.Another type of contest functions where the probability of win-ning depends on the difference in efforts is the so-called “Difference form ”as shown below:p 1e 1;e 2ðÞ¼αþh 1e 1ðÞ−h 2e 2ðÞ;ð9Þwhere α∈(0,1)and the functions h 1(e 1)and h 2(e 2)are suitably constrained so that p 1(e 1,e 2)∈[0,1].Contest games under speci fic cases of this class of functions have been explored by Baik (1998)and Che and Gale (2000).Skaperdas and Vaidya (2009)have derived this class in a Bayesian framework as an outcome of an audience's (for example,a judge)inference from “evidence ”produced by two contes-tants,with h 1(e 1)and h 2(e 2)being probabilities.Corchón and Dahm (2010)also derive a particular class of the difference form (similar to that examined by Che and Gale (2000))in an axiomatic setting in which the contest success function is thought of as a share instead of as a probability.All the above contest functions are imperfectly discriminating in the sense that with all of them,the prize at stake is awarded probabilistically to one of the contestants with higher effort lead-ing to a higher probability of winning the prize.In the all-pay auc-tion contest,the prize allocation is extremely sensitive to the efforts put in so that the contestant with the highest effort winsthe prize with certainty as illustrated by a 2-player all-pay contest function below:p 1e 1;e 2ðÞ¼1if e 1>e 2;12if e 1¼e 2;0if e 1<e 2:8><>:ð10ÞIt has been established that the all-pay auction contest Eq.(10)can be understood as a limiting form of Eq.(3)as μ→∞.Applications of all-pay auctions include lobbying (Baye et al.,1993),patent races (Dasgupta,1986),political campaigning (Che and Gale,1998)and own-ership structure and non-price competition among firms (Konrad,2000,2006).As we shall see in the next section,the general additive form as well as the other contest functions listed above have various stochastic,axiomatic and other theoretical foundations.3.Theoretical foundations of contest functionsWe will consider four types of derivations.Stochastic foundations are based on assumptions about how performance in a contest –in the sense of probabilities of winning and losing –might be a noisy function of efforts.Axiomatic foundations are derived from general properties (or,axioms)that a contest function might be expected to have and the implications of combinations of such properties would be expected to have for functional forms.We also explore the circum-stances under which some of the above contest functions can be justi-fied as optimal choices from a contest designer's perspective.Given the wide variety of applications of some contest functions (such as the additive form)in areas such as lobbying,political campaigns and re-search tournaments,we also survey the literature that provides Bayesian inferential and other “positive ”micro-underpinnings that can justify the usage of these functions in the relevant contexts.3.1.Stochastic derivationsThe stochastic derivation relies on the basic premise that the out-come of a particular contest can be thought of as a noisy function of the two rivals'efforts.In particular,we can posit that each rival's “per-formance ”,denoted by Y i ,is a function of his effort and noise so that Y i =h (e i ,θi )where θi represents a random variable and h (⋅,⋅)is a function of the two variables.Then,the probability of side 1winning can be represented by the probability that its performance is higher than that of its adversary so that:p 1e 1;e 2ðÞ¼Pr Y 1>Y 2½ ¼Pr h e 1;θ1ðÞ>h e 2;θ2ðÞ½From this stochastic perspective,each side's probability of win-ning depends not only on the efforts of both sides,but also on the functional form of h (⋅,⋅)and the distribution of the θi s'.4The most commonly used form of h (⋅,⋅)is the linear form so that h (e i ,θi )=e i +θi .In that case,when the θi 's are independently identi-cally distributed according to the normal distribution,the resultant probabilities of winning and losing for the two sides are described by (8),the probit form (see,e.g.,Albert and Chib,1993;Train,2003),where Φis the cumulative distribution function of the standard normal distribution.The probit form has been applied in the literature on tour-naments in labor markets as in Lazear and Rosen (1981).Dixit (1987)4As discussed later,Corchón and Dahm (2010)provide a similar derivation of vari-ous contest functions,except that in their setting,the performance of each contestant is actually the utility of the prize awarder from giving the prize to that contestant and randomness arises out of incomplete information on the part of contestants about a pa-rameter governing the utility function of the awarder for which every contestant has a common prior.213H.Jia et al./International Journal of Industrial Organization 31(2013)211–222has compared the strategic incentive to pre-commit on effort under the probit form with that under Eq.(4).Most likely because there is no analytical functional form representing the probit,it has not been used as extensively in the contest literature as for Eq.(3)or its more general form in Eq.(1).Still when h (e i ,θi )=e i +θi but the θi 's are independently identically distributed according to the extreme value distribution,the n -player version of the logit form in Eq.(7)is obtained (McFadden,1974):p i e i ;e −i ðÞ¼exp μe i ðÞnj ¼1exp ðμe j :ð11ÞThe cumulative distribution function of the (type I)extreme value distribution is G θi ¼exp −exp −z ðÞðÞ;which has been known as the double exponential distribution (Luce,1977;Yellott,1977)or the log-Weibull distribution.The above dis-cussion suggests that the stochastic derivation is particularly amenable to contest functions where win probabilities depend on differences in efforts.Motivated by the derivations of the probit and logit forms,Hirshleifer and Riley (1992)were the first to provide a stochastic foundation for the ratio form Eq.(3)with μ=1by assuming the performance function h (⋅,⋅)to be of the multiplicative form h (e i ,θi )=e i θi and the random shocks θi following an exponential distribution.Jia (2008b)extends this stochastic foundation to the n -party ratio form:p i e i ;e −i ðÞ¼e μij ¼1e μj:ð12ÞIn particular,he demonstrates that for n >2,the contest model has the ratio form Eq.(12)if and only if the independent random shocks {θi }i =1n have a speci fic distribution,which is known as the Inverse Exponential Distribution .Speci fically,a random variable belongs to the inverse exponential distribution with parameters αand μ,α,μ>0[IEXP (α,μ)for short]if and only if its probability density function (p.d.f.)has the form:g z ðÞ¼αμz−μþ1ðÞexp −αz −μÀÁI z >0½ ;ð13Þwhere I is the indicator function which is equal to 1when z >0and 0otherwise.Accordingly,the cumulative distribution function (c.d.f.)of IEXP (α,μ)isG z ðÞ¼∫z 0h s ðÞds ¼exp −αz−μÀÁ:For an IEXP (α,μ)distributed random variable,one can verify thatneither its expectation nor variance exist,and its mode is located at μαμþ11=μ.When αincreases,its p.d.f.becomes flatter,and more and more mass is being pushed to the right.The parameter μplays an op-posite role.When μdecreases,the p.d.f.becomes flatter.Jia (2008b)interprets the parameter μin Eqs.(11)and (12)as the “noise ”of the mon to all contestants,the parameter μcaptures the marginal increase in the probability of winning caused by a higher effort.Contests with low μcan be regarded as poorly dis-criminating or “noisy ”contests.When μconverges to zero,the contest outcome converges to a random lottery with no dependence upon the efforts of the adversaries.Con flicts with high μcan be regarded as highly discriminating;as μapproaches in finity,the contest out-come is determined by an all-pay auction of the type in Eq.(10).A lucid interpretation of the power μ,and an alternative derivation of Eq.(12)from Eq.(13),has been given by Fu and Lu (2008),which draws an equivalence between contest games and research tournaments.The stochastic approach developed in Jia (2008b)can be easily ex-tended to the general additive contest model (2).As such the logitform Eq.(11)is isomorphic to the ratio or power form Eq.(12)up to a logarithmic transformation.In addition,asymmetric functional form Eq.(5)can be rationalized by relaxing the assumption that all the random variables θi s'are identically distributed.Jia (2009)extends the stochastic approach further to allow for the possibility of a draw (or,stalemate)in contest,which corresponds to the situation that no party can force a win.This is accomplished by introducing a “threshold ”c into the performance comparing process.The intuition is simple.A draw can arise if every performance compar-ison is decided by estimates of the difference in the adversaries'perfor-mances with error and is a draw if this difference is smaller than a “threshold ”value c >0.Indeed,in most contests,the outcomes are not determined by each party's performance,but by measures of their performances,which is the process of estimating the magnitude of all parties'performances against some unit of measurement.Adopting the assumptions that (1)adversaries'performances are determined by their efforts and some random variables θi s',and (2)the random variables are independently and identically distributed with an inverse exponential distribution ,Jia (2009)derives the following functional forms:p i e i ;e −i ðÞ¼f e i ðÞf e i j ≠i f ðe j ;c >1;ð14Þand p i e i ;e −i ðÞ¼f e i ðÞn −1ðÞc þ∑n j ¼1f ðe j Þ;c >0:ð15ÞNotice that Eq.(15)is essentially the n -player version of Eq.(6)withf i (∙)=f (∙),and s =(n −1)c .Again,by relaxing the i.i.d.assumption to re-quire only independence,one can easily obtain more general asymmet-ric forms.Contests with the possibility of a draw have also been studied in the literature on labor market tournaments and incentives.Nalebuff and Stiglitz (1983)show how a tournament can be improved by intro-ducing the possibility of a draw so that an agent wins only if he delivers an output that exceeds that of his rival by a certain gap.3.2.Axiomatic foundationsLuce (1959)first axiomatized probabilistic choice functions such as those in (2)relation to utility theory,while Skaperdas (1996)pro-vided an axiomatization in relation to contests and con flict.Key to both axiomatizations is an Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives property.This property requires that the outcome of a contest between any two parties depends only on efforts of these two parties and not on the ef-forts of any third parties to the contest.The particular “ratio ”form in Eq.(12)has the property of homogeneity of degree zero in efforts,or p i (te i ,te −i )=p i (e i ,e −i )for all t >0.This is an analytically convenient property and likely accounts for the popularity of this functional form in applications.The “logit ”form Eq.(11)can be derived under the property that each adversary's probability of winning is invariant to the addition of a constant D to the effort of each adversary (i.e.,p i (e i +D ,e −i +D )=p i (e i ,e −i )for all D such that e j +D >0for all j ).5Though the logit form also has analytical advantages,it has not been used as much as the power form shown in Eq.(3)because for a number of well-speci fied models,no pure-strategy Nash equilibrium exists.Thus,both the “ratio ”functional form in Eq.(3)and the “logit ”form in Eq.(7)can be derived axiomatically as well as stochastically.5Hirshleifer (1989,1995,2000)provides many insightful discussions of contest technologies and comparisons of the functional forms in Eqs.(3)and (7).214H.Jia et al./International Journal of Industrial Organization 31(2013)211–222The class in Eq.(1)and the speci fic forms in Eqs.(3)and (7)have the property of symmetry or anonymity,in the sense that if the efforts of two adversaries were switched,their probabilities of winning would switch as well.Consequently,when two adversaries have the same efforts,they have equal probabilities of winning and losing.There are circumstances,however,in which one party might be fa-vored over another even though they might have the same levels of effort.This could be due to the awarder having a bias in favor of one opponent over the other or one of the contestants may have a natural advantage (such as the side arguing for the “truth ”in a litigation trial as in Hirshleifer and Osborne (2001)).A simple way to extend Eq.(1)to take account of such asymmetries is via Eq.(5).Note that when the adversaries have the same efforts,e 1=e 2,1's probability of win-ning equals a 1a 1þa 2and 2's probability of winning is a 2a 1þa 2.Consequently,when a 1>a 2,1has the advantage,whereas when a 1b a 2,2has the advantage.Clark and Riis (1998)have axiomatized this asymmetric form for the case of the ratio form (i.e.,where f (e )=e μ).Rai and Sarin (2009)have provided more general axiomatizations of this that also allow for the function f (∙)to be one of many inputs and not just of effort (which we have assumed,in general,to be of other inputs as well).Finally,Münster (2009)provided a reinterpretation and extension of the axioms in Skaperdas (1996)and Clark and Riis (1998)by allowing contestants to be members of groups.For functional forms that allow for the possibility of a draw,Blavatskyy (2010)axiomatized Eq.(6)with s =1.However,restricting s to 1does not have any special signi ficance because if we were to multiply the numerator and denominator of Eq.(6)with s =1by any positive number we would get an equivalent functional form.6One way of thinking about Eq.(6)is to consider a third party,say “Nature,”that has a constant effort,e ′,which is de fined by f (e ′)=1(where f (∙)is non-negative and increas-ing).When Nature “wins,”a draw occurs.7Blavatskyy (2010)has extend-ed Eq.(6)to more than 2adversaries but not in the straightforward way that Eq.(2)extends Eq.(1).3.3.Optimal-design derivationsA central feature of any imperfectly discriminating contest func-tion is the stochastic awarding of the prize to one of the contestants as opposed to an all-pay auction contest where the contestant with the highest effort wins the prize with certainty.In some cases,as in some forms of rent-seeking,the prize awarder might also be able to design the contest.A natural question that arises is why should the contest designer prefer to allocate the prize stochastically and what form of the contest function might be optimal in this regard?The lit-erature that studies this question of optimal contest design suggests that the answer depends on the objective of the contest designer,the choice set of contest functions at his disposal and the extent of heterogeneity among contestants.Epstein and Nitzan (2006)study contest design in a lobbying con-text with two contestants (denoted by 1and 2respectively)where the “prize ”at stake is a discrete policy choice made by the govern-ment between status quo or policy change.The government needs to choose between randomizing its policy choice via the ratio func-tional form Eq.(3)with μ≤2or going for an all-pay auction as per Eq.(10)or outrightly choosing a policy in favor of one contestant.This choice critically depends on the government's objective function U (∙)which they assume to be of the form:U ⋅ðÞ¼αE w 1ðÞþE w 2ðÞðÞþ1−αðÞe 1þe 2ðÞ:Notice that in general U (∙)not only depends on aggregate effort (e 1+e 2)but also on the welfare of the contestants where E (w 1)=Pr 1(⋅)v 1−e 1represents the expected net payoff to interest group 1that values its preferred policy stance at v 1and its realization depends on the policy choice method used by the government (as embodied in probability of selection of its favored policy Pr 1).Analogously,E (w 2)=(1−Pr 1(⋅))v 2−e 2represents the expected net payoff of in-terest group 2from adoption of its favored policy which it values at v 2.We assume that v 1=bv 2where b ≥1so that the interest group 1has a higher stake.It is implicitly assumed that neither interest group derives any bene fits if their favored policy is not chosen.From U (∙),it is straightforward to see that if α=1so that the gov-ernment only cared about interest groups'welfare and not their ef-forts,then it would never randomize and always choose against the status quo in favor of interest group 1as b ≥1.More generally,the gov-ernment would prefer to set up a contest and not choose outrightly in favor of 1only if:α(E (w 1)+E (w 2))+(1−α)(e 1+e 2)>αbv 2,which gives the following condition:1−2αðÞαe 1þe 2ðÞ1ðÞ>b −1ðÞv 2:Using the above condition,they show that the all-pay auction ispreferred over both Eq.(3)with μ≤1and an outright decision in favor of 1when αb 13.Hence in this setting the usage of the standard Tullock lottery contest (Eq.(3)with μ=1)can be justi fied only when an all-pay auction is not feasible.However,they show that Eq.(3)with 2>μ>1can be the policy maker's optimal choice and preferred over the all-pay auction even when αb 13,if for a given μ,the stake asymmetry b is suf ficiently large or for a given b the return to lobbying μis suf ficiently high.Hence,the paper provides a partial justi fication for usage of Eq.(3)with 2>μ>1in the lobbying context when the relative weight α,stake asymmetry b and return to lobby-ing μare in a certain range.Other circumstances have also been iden-ti fied in the literature such as budget constrained contestants (Che and Gale,1997),valuation asymmetries (Fang,2002)and endoge-nous lobbying proposals (Münster,2006)under which the standard Tullock lottery contest might be superior to an all-pay auction in eliciting higher aggregate effort from the contestants.In contrast to Epstein and Nitzan (2006),Dasgupta and Nti (1998)examine a case where the prize awarder's utility does not depend on the utilities of the contestants per se but rather on their total effort.Further,they allow for the prize awarder to derive value v 0from the prize if it remains unallocated.Assuming n ≥2symmetric contes-tants,in their setting,the awarder's choice problem involves selecting among additive concave contest functions as given by an n -player symmetric version of Eq.(6)where f (∙)=f (∙)with f (∙)restricted to being a twice differentiable,increasing and concave function,f (0)=0and s ≥0.Notice that the term s allows the awarder to retain the prize with a positive probability.In this set up,they show that for any given,n ,v ,s ,the second stage symmetric contestants'equilibrium in-duced by any speci fic concave f (∙)can be exactly equivalently induced by a linear speci fication ˜f ⋅ðÞ¼ae i þb where a >0,b ≥0.Hence in de-termining the optimal contest function in the first stage,it is suf ficient to focus on the linear speci fication with a ,b being the choice variables.Next,they show that for any given s ,the optimal contest function al-ways takes the homogenous linear form with f (⋅)=ae i .They fully char-acterize the optimal choice of both a and s for the case of a risk-neutral contest designer.Their results are intuitive.They show that when v 0is very small so that the contest designer cares very little about the prize and mostly about total effort,he chooses s =0and a =1so that the optimal contest function is Eq.(12)with μ=1(which is the standard Tullock lottery contest).When the contest designer cares about the prize suf ficiently,the optimal s is positive but non-unique and the size of a is in fluenced by his valuation of the prize.A higher valuation of6Just de fine f i e i ðÞ≡1n −1ðÞc f e i ðÞ.Also note that (6)is essentially the same as the 2-player asymmetric version of (15)derived stochastically by Jia (2009).7Dasgupta and Nti (1998)show how a linear symmetric version of Eq.(6)with f i (∙)=ae i ,a >0,can be an optimal choice of contest technology for the prize awarder when the “draw ”results in him retaining the prize.215H.Jia et al./International Journal of Industrial Organization 31(2013)211–222。