ENT Emergencies

2013年大学英语三级(cet3)A级全真模拟试卷(10)总分:100分及格:60分考试时间:120分listening comprehension(15minutes) Section A B(1)听录音,回答{TSE}题:{MP3:/examfiles/attached/media/20130516/20130516170027372737.mp3} {TS}A. On a bus.B. On a train.C. On a plane.D. In a car.(2)A. Linda' s mother.B. Linda' s cousin.C. Linda' s aunt.D. Linda' s sister.(3)A. He has to finish his homework.B. He doesn' t know it is very late.C. His mother wants him to do homework.D. He can' t sleep.(4)A. 8: 50.B. 7: 40.C. 7: 20.D. 7: 10.(5)A. Because she is ill.B. Because she lost her job.C. Because she is not a teacher.D. Becauseshe gets another job.(6)A. IBM.B. A supermarket.C. ABC Company.D. A bookstore.(7)A. Dress.B. Computers.C. Shoes.D. Engines.(8)A. Comedies.B. Horror films.C. Mystery films.D. Crime films.(9)A. Unreasonable.B. Horrible,C. Frightening.D. Stupid and unbelievable.(10)A. To ring up the ABC andfind out what' s on.B. To watch TV because there is a good musicalon.C. To read an evening paper and fred out what' son.D. To stay at home because there are no good films.listening comprehension(15minutes) Section C(1)What animals swim from birth? Allmammals exept manand__________________________________(2)Howmany children under four drown each year in the United States?__________________________________(3)Whatis the effective solution to prevent death from drowning?To teach the babiesto__________________________________(4)Where' s the idea spread to?__________________________________(5)What' s the second step to teach a child to swim?At the second step, the child is taughtto__________________________________Structure(15minutes) Section A(1)______________the storm, the ship would have reached its destination on time.A. But forB. In case ofC. In spite ofD. Because of(2)______________he was an old customer, the boss allowed 5% discount off theprices of the goods.A. GaveB. To give thatC. Given thatD. Giving that(3)Themanager of the company insisted that all the staff members______________the newsafety rules.A. would observeB. observeC. observedD. will observe(4)Imagine yourself as a winner,______________ will make great contributions toyour future success.A. thatB. whichC. itD. and(5)Itwas two days later ______________they began to discuss my suggestion.A. whenB. thatC. whatD. on which(6)WhenI arrived home after a hard day at work, my wifeA. was sleepingB. had been sleepingC. sleptD. has been sleeping(7)Ifyou can' t put your PC______________good use, sell it to those who really needit.A. intoB. ofC. toD. with(8)Evidence came up_________________specific sounds are recognized by babies asyoung as 6 months old.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. whose(9)I' mstill unable to make myself _________________in the discussion, which worriesme a lot.A. to be understoodB. understandingC. understoodD. understand(10)Which do you think is _________________important, health or wealth?A. mostB. the mostC. the moreD. moreStructure(15minutes) Section B(1)Scientists think laser (be)_________________one of the most useful tools today.(2)Heis now accustomed to (walk)_________________to work everyday.(3)Atthe bus stop (be)_________________a soldier and two young people on their wayto north Carolina.(4)Itis (doubt)_________________whether she will be admitted to graduate school.(5)His(arrive)_________________at this conclusion was the result of much thought.(6)Albert Einstein who (admire)_________________by people is one of the famousscientists.(7)We'll do our best to help those (fortune)_________________ people.(8)Mr.Wang' s daughter teaches at a high school in Singapore, and he (occasion)_________________ flies there to see her.(9)Theshort supply did not meet the demand that (increase)_________________ rapidly.(10)(show)_________________the ID. card, the students were allowed to enter theexamroom one by one.Reading Comprehension(40minutes) Section A B(1)阅读文章,回答{TSE}题:"I would tell anyone who' s thinkingabout going back to school that it' s not as difficult as you think," saysKaren Jonaitis, a woman, last year, at 47, earned a bachelor' s degree inbusiness administration at a college. "I realized that I would not move upin my career without a degree. "A generation ago, Jonaitis would have beena rarity(稀罕)incollege. Today about 6 million people aged25 or older are studying in Americaninstitutions of higher learning. Whether they are returning to improve jobskills or for the love of learning, adults no longer see age as a deterrent(障碍).Most people jump at the oppor- tunity to do something new. Some ofthem make changes they' d been thinking about all their lives. Others re- turnto school out of economic necessity.New developments in neuroscience(神经科学)and psychology areconfiring that there are few age limits on how much the brain can absorb and for how long--if you stay active.Continuing to learn keeps us mentally inshapeand able to learn more. On mental tests, experts discovered, half to two-thirdsof the people in their 70s were as intellectually quick as people in their 30s.Those who fell below average tended to be people who had not made a lifelonghabit of reading. They also were less physically active.Many adult students say learning is easierfor them today. They bring different skills to the classroom, andthey' reless upset if something goes wrong. They have a real thirst, a real desire tolearn.{TS}A life-long habit of reading and physicalactvifies can keep_________________in good condition.A. our mindB. our bodyC. our ageD. our nerves(2)Learning is easier for adult students because_________________A. they do not learn in classroomsB. they have a real desire to learnC. they learn a lot from their own mistakesD. they aremore worried about their learning than the younger students(3)Thebest title for the passage is _________________.A. Aged People Learn Better than Young PeopleB. Young People Learn Better than AgedPeopleC. It Is Never Too Late to LearnD. The Brain Shows Adult People's Desire to Learn(4)Thephrase "move up" in the ftrst paragraph means"_________________".A. move to another placeB. be happyC. change one' s jobD. be promoted(5)Older people return to colleges for the following reasons EXCEPT thatof_________________A. improving their job skillsB. economic necessityC. improving their healthD. their love of learning(6)阅读文章,回答{TSE}题:Manycountries face a somewhat more serious economic problems in the form of anunfavorable trade bal- ance (贸易逆差)with-other nations. Such an imbalance exists when the total valueof a country's imports ex- ceeds that of its exports. For example, if a countrybuys $ 250 billion of products from other countries, yet sells only $ 100billion of its own products overseas, its trade deficit is $ 150 billion. Manyunderdeveloped nations find themselves in this position because they lacknatural resources or the industrial capacity to use these resources, and thushave to import raw materials or manufactured goods.One effect of a trade deficit is the flowof currency (货币)out of a country. In the case of an underdeveloped nation, this cancause many financial difficulties, including failure to meet debt payments andobstacles to creation of an industrial base. Even in the case of a fullydeveloped nation such as the United States, a large tradedeficit is reason for alarm. American products, made by well-paid workers in USindustries, cost more to produce than those made in places like Asia, wherelabor and material costs are much lower. Money spent on foreign products ismoney not spent on items produced by domestic industries.{TS}Whatis the passage mainly about?A. Several worldwide economic problems.B. The causes and consequences of tradedeficit.C. Lack of resources in underdevelopedcountries.D. The value of exports against imports.(7)According to the passage, when does a trade imbalance occur?A. When a country has serious economic problem.B. When a country sells more products overseas thanit imports.C. When the value of the products a country importsis greater than the value of the product itexports.D. Whena country can't develop its natural resources.(8)Theword "deficit" (Line 4, Para. 1)would be best replaced by which ofthe following?A. shortageB. situationC. increaseD. products(9)Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a possible cause of a tradeimbalance?A. Low labor and material costs in Asiancountries.B. A lack of natural resourcesC. An underdeveloped industrial base.D. The high cost of exported items.(10)It can be inferred from the passage that American industries _________________A. do not pay their workers sufficient wagesB. are hurt by a trade imbalanceC. import labor and materials from overseasD. provide a strong industrial base that prevents atrade deficitReading Comprehension(40minutes) Section C D E(1)回答{TSE}题:Would you know how to help?Every year. thousands of drivers andpassengers die in the few minutes after an auto collision. Many of thesevictims would survive if only the first people on the scene knew how to reactin emergencies. How can you help an accident victim, even before treatinginjuries? Turn off the ignitions (点火装置)of any wrecked (遇难的)cars to reduce therisk of fire. This simple step could keep a bad collision from becoming muchworse. Re- member: check for fire, downed wires or spilled gasoline beforegetting too close to a wreck. And never move an injured driver to get to hiskeys. Learn more emergency warning in the Crash Course Book. free from Shellstation. Pick one up at your nearest Shell station or call 376 -200.{TS}Manyof these victims died because the first people on the scene did not know how to 46_________________(2)Youshould turn off the ignitions of any wrecked cars in order to reduce the 47_________________, then you should check for fire,48_________________or spilledgasoline.<span>(3)</span><span>You should turn off the ignitions of any wrecked cars in order to reduce the <span>risk of fire</span><answer><span></span></answer>, then you should check for fire,48_________________or spilled gasoline.</span>(4)Youshould never move 49_________________ toget to his keys.(5)Youcan get Crash Course Book 50_________________from the nearest Shell station to learn emergencywarning.(6)回答{TSE}题:A—profit margin I—settlement onaccount B—trade mark J—retail priceC—seaworthy export packing K—find a ready market D—certificate of origin L—enjoy popular prices E—quality as per buyer' s sample M—settle accountF—export declaration N—export licensing positionG—procedure of arbitration O—be m a position to do sth. H—risk of contaminationExamples:(J)零售价(A)利润额{TS}()适于海运出口包装( )污渍险(7)()畅销( )能做某事(8)()出口许可证情况( )仲裁程序(9)()凭买方样品交货( )产地证明书(10)()计帐结算()出口申报书(11)回答{TSE}题:<div style="text-align:center;"> <span>Wanted</span></div>XXX Foreign Language Institute is a foreign language studying institute. Nowwe are seeking for two English teachers.Qualifications:~ With a master degree in English (eitherlinguistics or literature) Proficiency in English and a good command of his/her major~ Deep love for teaching profession~ Ability to teach literature,linguistics and other courses for seniorclasses ~ Good at using a computerand using PhotoshopQualified applicants will have interviewsand tests. If interested, please send an application letter and de- tailedresume in Chinese and English, a recentphoto and a copy of diploma. Thoseinterested please contact Li Ming, the personnel director.Mailing address: Personnel Section xxxForeign Language Institute Postcode:123456Tel.No. : 87654321{TS}What subject will the new teacher teach?__________________________________and other courses for senior classes.(12)What degree is needed?__________________________________(13)<span></span>What special skills are required?Good at using__________________________________(14)What will the qualified applicants have?__________________________________(15)Who is Li Ming?__________________________________Translion(25minutes)(1)Antransport industry is an area of commerce in which aircraft are employed tocarry passengers, freight and mail.A.空中运输业是一种以雇佣飞机来输送乘客,货物和信件的一种商业贸易。
现代大学英语精读3 复习 总结

English S ummary PhrasesPart I学术生活 academic l ife民族认同 ethnic i dentity种族歧视 racial p rejudice伦理道德观念 ethical v alues政治上的成熟 political m aturity认同危机 identity c risis基因工程 genetic e ngineering偶然事件 chance e vents青少年阶段 adolescence s tage每日工作日程 daily a genda功能独立 functional i ndependence异性 the o pposite s ex生活方式 a w ay o f l ife获得知识 to a cquire k nowledge给这个词下定义 to d efine t he w ord对这种对待感到反感 to r esent t he t reatment确立自己的身份 to e stablish t heir i dentity使学生感到沮丧 to f rustrate t he s tudents宣战 to d eclare w ar拖着脚步 to d rag o ne’s f eet对结果进行评估 to e valuate t he r esult对知识进行加工 to p rocess k nowledge缩小差距 to n arrow t he g ap扩大业务 to e xpand b usiness装配汽车 to a ssemble c ars提出事实 to p resent f actsPart I I决定今天到此为止 to c all i t a d ay获得利益 to m ake p rofit改进性能 to i mprove p erformance停学 to q uit s chool做一笔交易 to m ake a d eal变本加厉重新开始 to s tart a gain w ith a v engeance 注册登记成立一家公司 to i ncorporate a c ompany组装一辆汽车 to a ssemble a c arto g ross(top/net) 10 m illion d ollars营业额达(总数超/纯利达)一千万美元开发产品 to d evelop p roducts营销产品 to m arket p roducts从中得到教训 to d raw a l esson f rom i t实现梦想 to r ealize a d ream捐钱 to d onate m oney游手好闲,不务正业 to f ool a round经济前景 business(economic) p rospects竞争优势 a c ompetitive e dge营业执照 business l icense库存和管理费 inventory a nd o verheads按客户需要配置的电脑 custom-‐made(personalized) c omputers 库存过多 surplus s tock/excess i nventory销售定额 a s ales q uota增值 added v alue零售价格 a r etail p rice千载难逢的机会 the o pportunity o f a l ifetime春假 spring r ecess财务和管理 finance a nd a dministration直销 direct m arketing会计基础 accounting b asics可以退货的保证 a m oney-‐back g uarantee现场服务 on-‐site s ervice市中心 a c ivic c enter犹太人集中的社区 the J ewish c ommunity终端用户 end u sersPart I II继续去写她的东西 to r esume h er w riting流露他的真情 to b etray h is t rue f eelings引起巨大愤怒 to a rouse g reat a nger出自己的洋相 to m ake a f ool o f o neself通知相关的所有人 to i nform e veryone c oncerned问讯 to m ake i nquires遭受巨大痛苦 to s uffer a t errible p ain扔一块石头 to p itch a s tone(因为重要)专门去做某事 to m ake a p oint o f d oing s omething侵犯我的隐私 t o i nfringe o n m y p rivacy放弃研究 to a bandon t he r esearch上一个新项目 to l aunch a n ew p roject重新做人 to s tart o ne’s l ife a fresh采纳一种新方法 to a dopt a n ew m ethod挑起激烈的反应 to p rovoke a v iolent r eaction找回自己丢失的车 to r ecover o ne’s m issing c ar涉及到和各种人打交道 to i nvolve d ealing w ith a ll k inds o f p eoplePart I V将人民币换成外币 t o c onvert C NY i nto f oreign c urrency寻找真理 to s eek t he t ruth抛掉旧的传统 to d iscard t he o ld t raditions讽刺人的虚荣 to s atirize h uman v anity在那岛上住人 to i nhabit t hat i sland钦佩他们的勇气 to a dmire t heir c ourage玩忽职守 to n eglect o ne’s d uty逃避后果 to e scape t he c onsequences挡路 to b lock o ne’s w ay毁掉名誉 to r uin o ne’s r eputation年久失修的防御工事 neglected f ortificationsa s quatter’s h ut擅自占用土地的人搭建的临时简陋房子容易变质的东西 perishable g oods社会习俗 conventions o f s ociety摇摇晃晃、头重脚轻的酒鬼 tottering d runks当前的风云人物 the m an o f t he h our英雄人物 heroic f igures一种带有使命感的神态 an a ir o f d estiny看人时如火一般的眼光 a w ar s care雨点般的石头 a s hower o f s tones一小撮捣乱分子 a h andful o f t rouble-‐makersPart V塑造年轻人的心灵 to m old y oungsters’ t hinking涂上黄油 to s pread b utter污染环境 to c ontaminate t he e nvironment缓和口气 to m odify t he t one造成未曾料到的伤害 to w ork u nknown h arm创造奇迹 to w ork m iracles获得权力 to a cquire p ower抛弃朋友 to d esert o ne’s f riends放弃这一城市 to d esert t he c ity解决这一争端 to s ettle t he d ispute解决这一问题* to s ettle t he m atter赏心悦目 to d elight t he e ye侵入那个国家 to i nvade t hat c ountry侵犯某人隐私 to i nvade o ne’s p rivacy挖一口井 to s ink a w ell严酷的现实 harsh r eality空气污染 air c ontamination致命武器 lethal w eapons人工合成材料 synthetic m aterials事先的调查 advance i nvestigation生死攸关的斗争 a l ife-‐and-‐death s truggle外来物种 introduced s pecies自然保护区 natural r eserves农业的精耕细作 intensification o f a gricultureParagraphsPart IADuring t his t ime, s tudents a re g oing t hrough a n i dentity c risis a nd a re e ndeavoring t o find o ut w ho t hey a re a nd w hat t heir s trengths a nd w eaknesses a re. T hey h ave, o f course, p lenty o f b oth. I t i s i mportant t o k now h ow p eople p erceive t hemselves a s well a s h ow o thers p erceive t hem. A ccording t o p iers a nd l andau, i n a n a rticle discussing t he t heories o f E rik H. E rickson i n i nternational e ncyclopedia o f s ocial sciences (1979), i dentity i s d etermined b y g enetic e ndowment (what i s i nherited from p arents), s haped b y e nvironment, a nd i nfluenced b y c hance e vents. P eople a re influenced b y t heir e nvironment a nd, i n t urn, i nfluence t heir e nvironment. H ow people s ee t hemselves i n b oth r oles i s u nquestionably a p art o f t heir i dentity.BProbably o ne o f t he m ost s tressful m atters f or y oung c ollege s tudents i s e stablishing their f uture s exual i dentity, w hich i ncludes r elating t o t he o pposite s ex a nd projecting t heir f uture r oles a s m en o r w omen. E ach m ust d efine h er o f h is s exual identity i n a f eminine o r m asculine r ole. T hese a re e xciting t imes y e f rustrating t imes. Probably n othing c an m ake s tudents f eel l ower o r h igher e motionally t han t he w ay they a re r elating t o w homever t hey a re h aving a r omantic r elation w ith. F or e xample, when I w as w orking w ith a y oung c ollege s tudent, h e b ounced i nto m y o ffice o nce with a s mile o n h is f ace a nd e xcitement i n h is v oice. T he y oung m an d eclared, “I’ve just h ad t he b est d ay o f m y l ife!” h e w ent o n t o e xplain h ow h e h ad m et a n extraordinary y oung w oman a nd h ow t his r elationship w as a ll h e h ad d reamed a romantic r elationship s hould b e. T hat s ame y oung m an c ame i nto m y o ffice l ess t han a w eek l ater, d ragging h is f eet w ith a d ismayed, d ejected l ook o n h is f ace. H e s at down i n t he s ame c hair, s ighed d eeply, a nd d eclared,” I’ve j ust h ad t he w orst d ay o f my l ife!” h e a nd t he y oung w oman h ad j ust h ad a n a rgument, a nd t heir r elationship was n o l onger g oing w ell. T hus, t he w ay s tudents a re r elating t o t hose o f t he opposite s ex h as a d efinite i nfluence o n t heir e motions.Part I IADell k new t hat I BM r equired i ts d ealers t o t ake a m onthly q uota o f P Cs, i n m ost c ases more t han t hey c ould s ell. H e a lso k new t hat h olding e xcess i nventory w as c ostly. S o he b ought d ealers' s urplus s tock a t c ost. B ack i n h is d orm r oom, h e a dded f eaturesto i mprove p erformance. T he s ouped-‐up m odels f ound e ager b uyers. S eeing t he hungry m arket, D ell p laced l ocal a dvertisements o ffering h is c ustomized c omputers at 15 p ercent o ff r etail p rice. S oon h e w as s elling t o b usinesses, d octors' o ffices a nd law f irms. T he t runk o f h is c ar w as h is s tore; h is r oom t ook o n t he a ppearance o f a small f actory.BThe q uarters h e s hared w ith t wo r oommates l ooked l ike a c ombat z one-‐ b oxes p iledhigh, c omputer b oards a nd t ools s cattered a round. O ne d ay h is r oommates h eaped all h is e quipment i nto a p ile, p reventing D ell f rom e ntering h is r oom. I t w as t ime t o come t o g rips w ith t he m agnitude o f w hat h e h ad c reated. T he b usiness w as n ow grossing m ore t han $ 50 000 a m onth.Part I IIAMr. C rowther, f or h is p art, h ad a lso s uffered s ome d istraction. T hought h e w as pretending t o r ead, h e w as a ctually u nable t o d o s o. F or a ll h is a ppearance o f indifference, t he s ight o f a w ell-‐to-‐do g entleman p itching a s uitcase f rom t he window o f a m oving t rain h ad s urprised h im v ery m uch. B ut h e h ad n ot b etrayed h is surprise. T he f ellow w as o bviously c ounting o n h im f or a v iolent r eaction, a nd s o M r. Crowther m ade a p oint o f n ot r eacting. W hether t he t hing w as a p ractical j oke o r n ot, Mr. C rowther c onsidered i t a n a nnoying i nfringement o f h is p rivacy. I t w as a s i f t he fellow h ad b urst a p aper b ag i n t he h ope o f m aking h im j ump. W ell, h e w asn't g oing to j ump, h e w asn't g oing t o g ive t hat f ellow t he s atisfaction. I f t he f ellow i magined that t o t hrow a s uitcase o ut o f t he w indow g ave h im s ome s ort o f i mportance, w ell, he w as m istaken.BMr. H arraby-‐Ribston t ook t he d isclosure r emarkably w ell. H e d id, i t's t rue, f linch a nd turn a l ittle p ale, b ut i n a f ew m oments h e h ad r ecovered h imself." T hank y ou, s ir," he s aid; a nd l et m e s ay h ow m uch I a ppreciate y our o penness. I n f act, y ou t empt m e to b e e qually f rank w ith y ou. L et m e c onfess, t hen, t hat a s a m atter o f f act I h aven't left m y w ife, f or t he s imple r eason t hat I'm a b achelor. I g row v egetables o n r ather a large s cale a nd o nce a w eek b usiness t akes m e t o L ondon. A s f or t he m atter o f t he suitcase , I h ave s ome f riends w hose h ouse w e p assed a f ew m iles b ack a nd e very week I f ill a s uitcase w ith v egetables, b ring i t w ith m e, a nd t hrow i t o ut o f t he carriage-‐window a s t he t rain p asses t heir h ouse. I t r olls d own t he e mbankment a nd lands u p a gainst t heir r ailings. I t's a p rimitive m ethod, I k now, b ut i t s aves p ostage and y ou c an h ave n o i dea h ow m uch e ntertaining c onversation i t p rovokes w ith m y fellow-‐passengers. Y ou, i f I m ay s ay s o, a re n o e xception."Part I VAOnly t wenty, A lexander w as f ar o lder a nd w iser t han h is y ears. L ike a ll M acedonians he l oved d rinking, b ut h e c ould u sually h andle i t; a nd t oward w omen h e w as n obly restrained a nd c hivalrous. L ike a ll M acedonians h e l oved f ighting; h e w as a magnificent c ommander, b ut h e w as n ot m erely a m ilitary a utomaton. H e c ould think. A t t hirteen h e h ad b ecome a p upil o f t he g reatest m ind i n G reece, A ristotle who g ave h im t he b est o f G reek c ulture. H e t aught A lexander p oetry: t he y oung prince s lept w ith t he I liad u nder h is p illow a nd l onged t o e mulate A chilles, w ho brought t he m ighty p ower o f A sia t o r uin. H e t aught h im p hilosophy, i n p articular t he shapes a nd u ses o f p olitical p ower a nd h e t aught h im t he p rinciples o f s cientific research: d uring h is i nvasion o f t he P ersian d omains A lexander t ook w ith h im a l argecorps o f s cientists, a nd s hipped h undreds o f z oological s pecimens b ack t o G reece f or study. I ndeed, i t w as f rom A ristotle t hat A lexander l earned t o s eek o ut e verything strange w hich m ight b e i nstructive.BNow, A lexander w as i n C orinth t o t ake c ommand o f t he L eague o f G reek S tates, which, h is f ather P hilip h ad c reated a s a d isguise f or t he N ew M acedonian O rder. H e was w elcomed a nd h onored a nd f lattered. H e w as t he m an o f t he h our, o f t he century: h e w as u nanimously a ppointed c ommander-‐in-‐chief o f a n ew e xpedition against o ld, r ich, c orrupt A sia. N early e veryone c rowded t o C orinth i n o rder t o congratulate h im, t o s eek e mployment w ith h im, e ven s imply t o s ee h im. O nly Diogenes, a lthough h e l ived i n C orinth, d id n ot v isit t he n ew m onarch. W ith t hat generosity w hich A ristotle h ad t aught h im , A lexander d etermined t o c all u pon Diogenes.Part VAAnother f actor i n t he m odern i nsect p roblem i s t he s preading o f t housands o f different k inds o f o rganisms f rom t heir n ative h omes. S ome h undred m illion y ears ago, f looding s eas c ut m any l and b ridges b etween c ontinents a nd l iving t hings f ound themselves c onfined i n w hat a n e cologist c alls “colossal s eparate n ature r eserves”. There, i solated f rom o thers o f t heir k ind, t hey d eveloped m any n ew s pecies. W hen some o f t he l and m asses w ere j oined a gain, a bout 15 m illion y ears a go, t hese species b egan t o m ove o ut i nto n ew t erritories-‐-‐-‐a m ovement t hat i s n ot o nly s till i n progress b ut i s n ow r eceiving c onsiderable a ssistance f rom m an.BIt i s n ot m y c ontention t hat c hemical i nsecticides m ust n ever b e u sed. I d o c ontend that w e h ave p ut p oisonous a nd b iologically p otent c hemicals i ndiscriminately i nto the h ands o f p ersons l argely o r w holly i gnorant o f t heir p otentials f or h arm. W e h ave subjected e normous n umbers o f p eople t o c ontact w ith t hese p oisons, w ithout t heir consent a nd o ften w ithout t heir k nowledge. I c ontend, f urthermore, t hat w e h ave allowed t hese c hemicals t o b e u sed w ith l ittle o r n o a dvance i nvestigation o f t heir effect o n s oil, w ater, w ildlife, a nd m an h imself. F uture g enerations a re u nlikely t o forgive o ur l ack o f c oncern f or t he i ntegrity o f t he n atural w orld t hat s upports a ll l ife.TranslatePart I1) 她打算申请那个学术工作。

比如,He was absent from work yesterday. 他昨天没有来上班。
比如,The court sentenced him to death in his absence. 法庭在他缺席情况下判他死刑。
前面的pre-表示“在前面”,整个单词的字面意思就是“正存在于前面的”,引申为“存在的,出席的”,比如,There were 20 people present at the meeting. 有20人出席了会议。

考研救命母词accountable能解释的,能负责任的account记录,账户accounting 会计学account for解释;占比ACCOU ntantsbe Iiable to 倾向于;易于ACCOUntabIe / responsible / Iiable for 为• • •负责的LiabiIity∕resp On Sibility/duty 责任WOrSen 恶化devalue 贬值aggravate 加重grave严重的;坟墓quote / Cite 引用quota定额,限额recite背诵transient 短暂的,暂时的transform 变形,转变hinder阻碍PreVent预防,防止,阻碍PrOhibit 阻止keep / PreVent / CliSCOUrage Sb from doing Sth 阻止某人做某事IOyaIty忠诚的royalty皇室的,皇家的faith信念,信仰faithful忠诚的COmmittee 委员会COmmiSSiOn委员会;佣金COmmit Sb to doing Sth 使某人投入/承诺做某事SUbStanCe 实质SUbStantial实质性的,大量的PrOgreSS 进步materia物质,材料acquire 获得,得到,收购(同义词abtain> attainget、gain)acquisition收购,获得M&A ------- mergers and acquisitiOnS 兼并收购monopoly 垄断COmPenSatiOn 补偿,赔偿incentive刺激,激励(同义词StimUIate)StakehOlder 股东(同义词SharehOlder> StOCkhOIder) StOCk exchange 股票交易marketshare 市场份额Stake赌注inflate 膨胀,扩大inflation 通货膨胀deflate 紧缩deflation 通货紧缩StabIe / Steady 稳定的forgiveness 原谅COUnt 数数,计算;重要,有影响,有意义COUnter 柜台,计数器;相反的,相对的CalCUlate 计算(COmPUte 计算)CalCUlatiOn 计算OVer the COUnter 非处方药COUnter-CUItUre 反文化COUnterPart 相对应的部分,相对应的人或物COUnteraCt 抵制,抵消COUn terbala nce 制衡StrUggle 挣扎,抗争,努力 StrUggle for 为 …努力/而抗争 transition 过度,过渡期transitional 过度的emphasize 强调,重视 (StreSS 压力;重视、highlight 强调,CntiCal 批判的,批评的,评论的 (CrUCial 关键的)CritiC 批评家,评论家;关键的,重要的 discriminate 区别对待,歧视 racial discrimination 种族歧视 incur 招致 OCCUr 发生,使想到CUrrent 目前的,现在的;电流,水流,潮流CUrrenCy 通货,货币 CUrrenCy exchange 货币兑换SPeIl 拼写;招致;一段时间inviting 诱人的 invite 邀请PenaIty 惩罚 (同义词 PUniSh 惩罚=PenaliZe ) boost 推动,提高PrOmOte 推动,促进,晋升,促销qualified 合格,符合资格qualification 资格资质 Candidate 候选人remarkable 显著的,引人注目的(同义词nOtable 、noticeable ) 著地remark 注意;评论Striking 显著的SPeCUIate 投机,猜测 SPeCUlatiVe 投机的,猜测的PrOSPeCt 前途,前景 inspect 检查 intelligent 聪明的,智能的intelligence 聪明,智力,智能 artificial intelligence (Al ) 人工智能 information / intelligence 情报 federal 联邦的 bureau 局,处Investigation 检查,学术研究identity 身份,同一性,一致性identical 相同的,同一的identify 确定,辨别 重视) remarkably 显COnSCiOUSness 意识(同义词awareness、SenSe)COnSCienCe 良心imitate 模仿evade走出去,避免invade入侵remain依然是,仍然是remains残留物fascinate使着谜,迷住fascinating令人着迷的fascinated着迷的depict描述,描写(同义词describe)COmPIeX 复杂的(同义词COmPliCated)PerPIeXed 困惑的(同义词COnfUSed)reproduce繁殖,繁衍autonomous 自动的automobile 汽车industry 行业thorn刺,荆棘thorny有刺的,荆棘的,棘手的COmbine结合,联合COmbinatiOn结合体,联合COUPIe夫妇;结合COUPle With 与•••结合integrate 合为一体integrity完整,整体:诚信,正直instant立即,马上;速食的,速溶的ViSiOn愿景,视野,远见ViSUal视觉上的ViSibIe可视的,可看得见的SUPerViSe监管,监视SOPhiStiCated狡猾的,尖端的SOPhOmOre大二的学生freshman大一新生antibody 抗体anticipate 预料■VOlUnteer 志愿者VOlUnteer to do Sth 自愿做某事establish建立,确立,创立establishment建立的机构guideline指导方针ViOlate违反,违背ViOIenCe暴力transparent 透明的VagUe模糊的revenue收入(财政收入)income收入(个人收入)ambition雄心,抱负,野心ambitious有雄心的,有抱负的donation 捐赠Charge使装载,承载:充电,电荷;收费,负责,掌管;指责,控告OVerCharge 多收费Charge Sb With Sth指责/控告某人某事free Of Charge 免费PrOSPerity 繁荣(同义词boom、thrive、flourish) PrOSPer 繁荣,兴旺PartiCiPant 参力口PartiCiPant in 参与,参力口 (同义take Part in)COmPete竞争COmPetitiVe竞争性的COmPetent有竞争力的,有能力的,能胜任的The COre COmPetent核心竞争力incompetent不能胜任的rival :⅛争对手typically典型地,通常地PIatfOrm平台,讲台,站台PIain平原,平凡的,普通的entrepreneur 企业家enterprise企业,进取心firm 公司COmPany 公司COrPOratiOn 大公司COOPeratiOn 合作advocate提倡,倡导;提倡者advocacy名词形式,提倡倡导VOiCe声音,说,表达emerge浮现,出现emergence浮现,出现emergency紧急情况,突发事件SUbmerge 下沉,淹没trick捣蛋,恶作剧treat处理,对待,款待need困境,贫困needy处于困境的,贫困的StUdent in need = neey StUdent 贫困生formulate用公式表达,系统性的表达formula公式Charity 慈善Charitable 慈善的CharitabIy 慈善地mutual相互的,彼此的PrOfOUnd深远的founder创始人guilt有罪,内疚guilty有罪的,内疚的grasp抓住,掌握,理解morol道徳的inmorol U不道德的norm标准,正常,规范,准则State国家,州Statement陈述,说明OVerState夸张,夸大UnderState保守的陈述equivalent等价的,等同的Weight称重,权衡COmPIain抱怨,投诉OUtdated过时的evolve进化,演化,发展evolution进化,进化论involve卷入,涉及revolve 旋转(around) revolution 革命reform改革inequality不平等的,不公平的destructive 破坏性的COnStrUCtiVe 建设性的COnStrUCt 建设COnStrUCtiOn 建设PrOmPt推动,促进;敬捷的,立即的fix固定,修理;解决deficiency缺乏,不足deficient缺乏的,不足的SUffiCient 足够的(同义词enough> adequate)SymPathy同情,同情心,赞同SymPathetiC同情的,赞同的,支持的nasty肮脏的,难闻的,严重的impulse脉动,冲动PUre纯净的,纯洁的SUbStitUte替补,替换COnStitUtiOn组成,构成;宪法COnStitUte组成,构成assess 评估assessment 评佔(同义词evaluate) asset资产VaIUe估值,珍惜anonymous匿名的asocial不好社交的,孤僻的regret遗憾,后悔regrettable遗憾的,后悔的foster培养,收养,养育(同义词CUItiVate)CUItiVate the SPirit Of innovation 培养创新精神hasten匆忙hasty匆忙的hurry up 快点in a hurry 匆忙temporarily临时地,暂时地temporary临时temporary WOrker 临时工part-time job 兼职full-time job 全职COntemPOrary同时代的,1"∣代的;同时代的人IeaVe使得VehiCle车辆,交通工具SUV SPOrt Utility VehiCle 运动功能性汽车Create 创造CreatiOn CreatiVe 创造性的CreatOr 造物主CreatUre 生物recreate再造,重新创造;消遣娱斥recreation娱乐,再造,重新创造raise提高,抚养,饲养;筹集rise上升,升起SlInSetH 落SUnriSe 日出arise from 源于∙∙∙= Originate from = Stem fromStern根,茎endeavor 努力(同义词StriVe )ambiguous模糊的tolerant 容忍的tolerate = bear = Stand=withstandStraightfOrWard 简单明了的,坦率的(frank)SettIe解决,定居Settle down定居下来,安顿下来SettIement协议,解决migrate迁移,迁徙immigrate往里移emigrate往外移SharP锋利的,清晰的,急剧的SharPIy锋利地SharP rise 急剧上升(同义词drastic、dramatic)drama戏剧性的dramatic戏剧性的,急剧的,剧烈的respond / react to 对•••做出反应response = reaction 反应reflect 反映,反思,思考discrimination歧视,区别对待automation自动,自动化autonomous自主的,自治的Celebrate 庆祝,颂扬Wedding CeIebratiOn 婚庆Celebrity 名人(同义词PerSOnaIity)IegiSlatiOn立法,法规Iegal合法的,法律的IegiSIate 立法CUrb控制bold黑体的,大胆的,勇敢的=brave勇敢的=COUrageOUS COIIeCtiVeIy集体地COIIeCtiOn集合,集COIIeCtiVe共同的集体的COIleCtiViSm 集体主义individualism 个人主义individual 个人的implement实施,贯彻;工具ban 禁止=forbid the forbidden City 紫禁城PrOnOUnCe发音,宣布announCe 宣布,公布annoUnCement 通知 =notice eliminate排除,淘汰incentive激励,刺激ensure 确保=make SUre recycle循环利用,回收利用CyCle循环,周期CIaSSify 分类rubbish CIaSSify 垃圾分类SeCUrity = Safaty 安全,安全性SeCUre 安全=SafeDOme圆屋顶,苍穹domestic家庭的,家用的,国内的Undermine破坏,暗中破坏,逐渐消弱damage = destroy = ruin 破坏dispute争议disputable有争议的,有争论的(同义词COntrOVerSiaI) COntrOVerCy争议,争论On the COntrary 相反remodel 重塑=reshape = remold mold模具,模子role model 榜样PrOCeSS加工,处理;工艺工序,过程microprocessor 微处理器Central PrOCeSSing Unit 中央处理器CPUChiP芯片SemiCOnductor 半导体finance提供资金,资助;财政,金融financial金融的,财政的fund资金,基本;资助fatal致命的(同义词deadly) fate命运deadline截止日期,最后期限SUffer 遭受SUffering 痛苦WOrShiP崇拜WOrShiPPer崇拜者,信徒flexible灵活的Peak巅峰ClimaX高潮SUmmit顶峰,峰会atmosphere氛围,大气层SPhere球体,范围,领域CIimate气候,氛围,气氛academic学术的hemisphere 半球体abtain 获得,得至∣J = attain = acquirePreSenCe出席,在场,出现PreSent Ll前,现在,礼物;訂前的,现在的,出席的,在场的;赠送absence缺席,不在场represent 代表=Stand for One behalf Of ∙ ∙ •的代表PriOrity优先权,优先PriOrtO先于/早于・・•ecosystem生态系统ecology生态学eco-friendly SOCiety生态友好型社会Chief executive OffiCer 首席执行官CEOinhabitant居民,栖息动物inhabit居住,栖息habitat栖息地SerVant仆人,服务员reside nt 居民POPUIatiOn 人口CiVil公民的,市民的;文明的CiViliZatiOn文明CiViliZe使文明化SPiritUal精神的horizon 视野,地平线broaden / Widen horizon 开拓视野On the horizon即将到来COmPrOmiSe妥协,让步;损害(同义词COnCeSSiOn)PrOmiSe承诺,预示ViSibility可视性ViSible可视的impact 影响,冲击=affect = in flue nceembrace拥抱,包含,包括,喜欢,赞同brace胳膊,臂弯refer 提到,涉及到refer to。

2020考研英语形容词词缀解析(14) 考研英语有许多题目组成,方便大家及时了解,下面由出guo 为你精心准备了“2020考研英语:形容词词缀解析(14)”,持续关注将可以持续获取更多的考试资讯!deterior=worse (更坏)deteriorate 恶化didact=teach (教)didactic 教训的,教导的digit=finger (手指)digitate 有指的,指状的dogm=opinion (观点)domga 教条dogmatic 教条主义的domin=lord (主人)dominate 统治dominion 领地统治domit=tame (驯服)indomitable 不可征服的dors=back (背)dorsal 背部的indorse 背书同意(在背后签子)dot=give (给)antidote 解毒药(anti对抗毒)anecdote 轶事短故事(an不+ec出+dote&mdash&mdashnot published&mdash&mdash没出版的小故事)dra=perform ( 表演)drastic 剧烈的drama 戏剧dubi=doubtful (怀疑)dubilus 怀疑的indubitable 明确的,无可怀疑的ebri=drunken (醉)inebriate 陶醉的,酒鬼eleg=lament (悲伤)elegy 哀歌emul=equal (平等)emulate 模仿超越et=being (存在)entity 存在nonentity 不存在无名之人entom=insect (昆虫)entomology 昆虫学equ=horse (马)equine 马的ero=love (爱)erotic 色情的ert=erect (直)alert 警惕的(al+ert站直了看&mdash&mdash警惕的) escal=ladder (梯子)escalade 攀登escalate 逐步上升esoter=inner (内在)esoteric 秘传的estim=value (价值)estimate 估计,估量esteem (尊敬)estimable 可尊敬的可估计的ethn=nation (民族)ethnology 人种学ethnic 种族的etymo=true (真的)etymology 词源学(词的真实)fam=hunger (饿)famine 饥荒famish 挨饿fan=temple (庙)fanatic 狂热的,盲信的(在庙里盲目信仰) fascin=enchant (迷住)fascinate 使---入迷fatig=weary (疲倦)fatigue 疲劳indefatigable 不知疲倦的fatu=silly (笨)fatuous 昏庸的infatuate 使糊涂,使迷醉febr=fever (烧)febrile 发烧的fecund=fruit (果实)fecundity 肥沃多产(果实很多)felic=happy (幸福)felicity 幸福得体femin=woman (女人)feminine 女人的温柔的fer=wild (野)ferocity 凶猛feral 野生的凶猛的ferr=iron (铁)ferreous 铁的,含铁的fisc=pruse (钱包)fiscal 财政的confiscate 没收,把---充公fiss=split (分裂)fissure 裂缝,分裂fissile 易分裂的flagell=whip (鞭子)flagellate 鞭打fluctu=wave (波浪)fluctuate 波动for=bore (打孔)perforate 打孔fratern=brother (兄弟)fraternity 兄弟情谊fraternize 亲如兄弟友善fraterm=fresh (新鲜)fresco 壁画(用新鲜颜料画的画) fresc=shine (果实)fructufy 使多产结果实fulg=shine (发光)effulgence 光辉,灿烂refulgent 光辉的fulmin=thunder (雷声)fulminate 大声怒吼fulminous 怒喝的furt=steal (偷)furtive 偷偷摸摸的furc=fork (分叉)bifurcate 分成两叉furcal 叉状的fusc=dark (黑的)obfuscate 混淆弄黑暗fuscous 暗褐色的深色的gain =against (反对)gainsay 否认against 反对galax=milk (乳)galaxy 欢蹦,跳跃(用腿蹦跳) garr=chatter (唠叨)garrulous 唠叨的gastr=stomach (胃)gastric 胃的gasreitis 胃炎genu=knee (膝盖)genuflection 曲膝canine a 狗的capr=goat (山羊)caprice v 突变任性caper v 欢蹦,跳跃carcer=prison (监狱)caric=load (过分)aricature n 漫画讽刺文caten=chain (链)concatenare v 把&mdash连在一起cathar=pure (纯洁)cathartic n 泻药catharsis v 导泻精神发泄cathol=general (普通的)catholic a 普遍的,一般的caul=stem (根,杆)cauliflower n 花菜(从根上长出花来)caust=bun (烧)caustic a 苛刻的腐蚀性的holocaust n 大火灾(holo全部+caust&mdash全部烧光) caval=horse (马)cavalier n 骑士cavalry n 骑兵ceal=hide (藏)concea v 隐藏cel=heaven (天空)celestia a 天的,天空的ceiling n 天花板(ceil+cel)celebr=honor (荣誉)celebrate 庆祝 celebrity n 名人celib=single (单个)celibacy n 独身celibate n 独身生活的人a独身的 cem=sleep (睡)cemetery n 墓地cephal=head (头)acephalous a 没有头的ceram=earth (陶土)eramic n 陶瓷erebr=brain (脑)cerebrum n 大脑cess=stop (停止)cessatinon n 停止,中止incessant a 无穷无尽的chame=ground (地)chameleon n 变色龙(chame+leon狮子&mdash地上的狮子&mdash变色龙)chondr=cartilage (软骨)h软骨ypochondria n 臆想病症(hypo在下面+chondr+ia病&mdash在软骨下的病&mdash人的臆想病)chtys=golden (金色)chrysanthemum n 菊花ciner=ash (灰)incinerate v 焚烧inerary a 骨灰的cinct=bins (捆)suinct a 简洁的cist=box (盒子)cistern n 贮水桶cla=break (打破)iconoclast n 反对崇拜偶像者clandestin=secret (秘密)clandestine a 秘密的clys=dash (猛冲)cataclysm n 洪水(cata向下+clysm)col=strain (排水)cpercolart v 渗滤,渗透colander n 漏勺oll=neck (脖子)collar n 衣领aolade v 奖励,授骑士士爵位礼(把奖品挂在脖子上)=sleep (睡)a n 昏迷,昏睡cintamin=pollute (污染)contaminate v 弄脏,污染cop=abundance (丰富)copious a 大量的cornucopia n 丰富丰饶角(corn角+u+cop+ia&mdash&mdash象征丰收的角&mdash&mdash丰饶角)cori=skin (皮)excoriate v 剥皮严厉批评corrig=correct (改正)incorrigible a 不能改正的corusc=glitter (发光)coruscate v 闪耀,闪烁cost=side (旁边)aost v 向人搭话调情cras=mixing (混合)idiosyncras (人的)特性crastin=tomorrow (明天)procrastinate v 拖延(明日复明日)creas=flesh (肉)pancreas n 胰腺(pan接近+creas&mdash&mdash像肉的东西&mdash&mdash胰腺)crepit=burst (爆裂)becrepit a 衰老的(脾气不再火爆)crimin=ceime (罪)crimina n 罪犯recriminate v 反责反诉(crud=raw (生的)crude a 粗糙的原始的recrudesce (病等)复发(re再+crud+esce&mdash&mdash再次变粗糙&mdash&mdash复发)crust=shell (外壳)crustscean a 甲壳纲的(动物)culin=kitchen (厨房)culinary a 厨房的culmin=top (顶)culminate v 到达顶峰cmul=heap (堆积)aumulate v 积累cumulus n 积云cup=desire (渴望)cpidity n 贪财,贪心curt=short (短)curt (说话)短而粗暴的curtail v 截短缩短(讲话、节目等)custod=guard (看护)custody v 监护cylind=roll (卷)cylinder n 圆柱体dama=conpuer (征服)adamant a 坚定的,坚固的(a不+dama+ant&mdash&mdash不可征服的)de=god (神)deity n 神diefy v 神化deb=owe (欠债)debenture n 借据债券dibit n 借方负债debt n 债务dibil=weak (衰弱)dibility n 衰弱debilitate v 使衰弱deleter=destroyer (毁坏者 ) deleteriois a 有害的delect=delight (愉快)delectable a 愉快的delir=mad (疯)delirious a 神志失常的,妄想的 abol=do away with(消除)ablish v 废除aoutr=dress (穿着)aoutrement n 装备acm=top (顶端)acme n 顶峰adip=fat (肥)adipose a 肥胖的adjut=assist (帮助)adjutant 副手,副官advant=ahead (前面)advantage n 利益,好处avant n 先峰agger=heap (堆积)ecaggerate v 夸张alacr=swift (迅速)alacrity n 迅速,敏捷ald=old (老)alderman n 市政议员alesc=grow (成长)coalesce v 结合,联合amen=pleasant (愉快)amenity n 舒服,愉快amenable a 通情达理的amic=friend (朋友)amicable a 友好的angu,anx=distress (苦恼)amguish a 苦恼的anxious a 焦虑的anth = flower (花)antholigy n 选集chrysanthemum n 菊花(chrys黄色anthem花+um) ap=bee (蜜蜂)apiary n 养蜂场aper=open (开)aperture n 开口,孔April 四月(开花季节)apex=aummit (顶峰)aquil=eagie (鹰)aquiline a 鹰的,似鹰的ar=plow (犁地)arable a 可耕种的ar=dry (干)arid a 干旱的arefavtion n 弄干arbor=tree (树)arboreous a 树木的arboriculture n 种树业arch=chief (主要的)architect n 建筑师archipei ago n 群岛arch=bear (熊)arctic a 北极的(在大熊星座下)antarctic a 南极的(ant相反+arctic) ard=burn (燃烧)ardent a 热情的arson v 纵火(ars=ard)ardu=difficult (困难)aren=sand (沙)arena 角斗场(以沙铺地)arom=apice n (香料)aroma n 芳香aromatic a 芳香的arter=pipe (管道)artery n 动脉articul=joint (关节)artivulate v 关节结合咬字清楚 asin=ass (驴子)asinine a 像驴在的愚蠢的asper=rough (粗糙)asperity n 粗暴exasperate v 激怒使恶化asthm=panting (喘气)asthma n 气喘病athl=contest (比赛)athlete n 运动员atmo=vapor (蒸汽)atmosphere n 大气层atroc =cruel (残酷)atrocity n 残暴aur=gold (金)aureate v 镀金auriferous a 含金的产金的aur = ear (耳朵)aueiform a 耳状的auricular a 耳的听觉的auster=severe (严重的)austere a 严肃的朴素的austr=aouth (南方)austeal a 南面的Australia n 澳大利亚(在南半球)auxili=help (帮助)auxiliary a 辅助的aval=kownward (向下)avalanche v 雪崩(aval+lanche滑&mdash向下滑) avar=greedy (贪婪)avarice n 贪婪axi=worthy (有价值)axiom n 公理,真理badin=jest (说笑)badinage v 打趣,逗笑bank=bench (长椅)bank n 银行(由柜台转化而来)banktupt n 破产者(bank椅子&mdash柜台+rupt断&mdash柜台断了&mdash破产)bard=beard (胡子)barber n 理发师(兼修理胡子)bard n 倒钩刺人的话(像胡子一样刺人 )barbar=stammer (胡说)barbarian a 野蛮的(野蛮人说的话听不懂)barr=bar (栅栏)barrier n 障碍embargo v 禁运(em进入+bar禁止+go状态beat=blessed (有福的)beatify v 祝福beatific a 快乐的天使般的bell=fine (美好)embellish v 装饰(em使+bell+使&mdash美好)belle n 美女bever=drink (喝)beverage n 饮料bey=expect (期待)abeyance n 暂停,中止(a在+bey+ance&mdash在期待中&mdash 观望,暂停)bias=slant (斜)bias n 偏见bib=drink (喝)imbibe v 喝入,饮bibulous a 吸水的喜喝酒的blas=bamage (毁坏)blasphemy v 亵渎神灵(blas+phemy神的显示)blem=stain (弄脏)blemish v 玷污bombast=cotton (棉花)bombast n 吹牛的话(像棉花一样膨胀)bon=good (好)bonus n 奖金boon n 恩惠bor=dweller (居民)neighbor n 邻居(neigh附近+bor人)bord=side (边)border n 边境transborder a 横穿边境的bosc=feed (喂)proboscis n 象鼻子吻针(pro前面+boscis,象用鼻子喂食) botan=erb (草)botany n 植物学bouch=mouth (嘴)debouch v 流出走出bov=ox (牛)boving a 牛的brack=vomit (呕)brackish a 令人恶心的broch=pierce (刺,缝)brochure n 手册(用线缝在一起的纸)broach n 钻孔器v开瓶塞提出问题bry=sprout (发芽)embryo n 胚胎,萌芽burl=mockery (嘲笑)burlespue n 滑稽戏(burl+espue反缀,如grotespue古怪的) byss=borrom (底)abyss n 深渊(a没有+byss&mdash没有底)cadaver=corpse (尸体)cadaverous a 死灰色的,苍白的cal=beautiful (美丽)calligraphy n 书法kaleidoscope n 万花筒calam=misfortune (不幸)calamity n 灾难,不幸calend=first day (每月第一天) calendar n 日历call=vhard skin (硬皮)callous a 冷漠的,无感觉的can=dog (狗)内容仅供参考。

格动词+on”需体现“手机”与“电池”的关系,由句首 But(体现上下文语义转折:手机功能固然强
大,但一切最终取决于电池)以及常识“手机是依靠电池提供能量才得以运转”可以判断[C] run 正确,
度副词 well(大大地,远远地)修饰,意为“完全偏离路线/迷路”,故[B] off 符合文意。
7. [A] unattractive 无吸引力的;不好的
[B] uncrowded 不拥挤的
[C] unchanged 未改变过的
[D] unfamiliar 不熟悉的,不了解的
10.[A] immediately 即刻,马上;立即
[B] intentionally 故意地,蓄意地
[C] unexpectedly 出人意料地
[D] eventually 终于,最终
【解析】句子结构 if...,you should...(如果……,你应该会……;此处 should 用于“表示预期”,指
“应该会、可能”)明确“条件 结果”的句内逻辑,即主句中“看到人的迹象”是从句中条件“朝
下坡方向走”达成的结果,选项中符合文意的只有[D] eventually,该词强调“(经过一番困难后)最终”,
trail 【乡间或森林里的】小路;痕迹;踪迹 downhill 下坡的
帮助迷路者重返文明社会,one of which 引导定于从句,引出其中一个技巧:沿着陆地走。

16天记住7000考研单词第10天传奇16天记住7000考研单词第10天第10天451. the tenant is discontented with the content of the agreement for renting the tennis tent.承租人对租用网球帐篷的协议内容不满。
452. the current occurrence of torrent spurs him to buy fur and sulfur.现行的倾泻大事驱使他买毛皮衣服和硫磺。
453. im confident that the dentist will deny the confidential accidental incident.我确信牙医会否认那个机密的意外大事。
454. the student identified the identical idiom on the identity cards.同学辨认出了身份证上相同的成语。
455. the stupid student rapidly studied the accident in the studio.愚蠢的同学在画室里快速讨论了事故。
456. considering considerable spiders outside, i stay in the presidens residence.考虑到外面有相当多的蜘蛛,我呆在总统的住宅里。
457. besides this side, i considered both the inside and outside.除了这一面外我还考虑了内外两面。
458. its evident that the evil devil inevitably goes to ruin.很明显,邪恶的魔鬼必定灭亡。
459. in the company my companion accompanied me until i accomplishedpolishing the shoes.在公司里同伴陪着我直到我完成檫鞋(任务)。

形容词,名词记忆(三):ment,ent后缀常用词mentment结尾一般都是名词govern(治理) -->government(政府)develop(发展) -->development(发展)move(移动) -->movement(运动)treat(对待) -->treatment(治疗)environ(环绕) -->environment(环境)manage(管理) --management(管理)state(国家,声明) -->statement(声明)invest(投资) -->investment(投资)agree(同意) -->agreement(同意,协议)argue(争论) -->argument(论证) 去掉e再加ment judge(判断) --judgment(判断)depart(离开) -->department(部门)apart(分离的) -->apartment(公寓)equip(装备) -->equipment(设备)assess(评定) -->assessment(评定)commit(把..交托给) -->commitment(承诺)require(要求) -->requirement(要求)improve(改善) -->improvement(改善)achieve(完成) -->achievement(完成)pay(付钱) -->payment(付款)settle(解决) -->settlement(解决)enfore(强制) -->enforement(强制)involve(包含) -->involvement(包含)entertain(娱乐) -->entertainment(娱乐)arrange(安排) -->arrangement(布置)retire(退役) -->retirement(退役)employ(雇佣) -->employment(雇佣) , unemployment(失业)establish(制定) -->establishment(制定)appoint(约定) -->appointment(约定)punish(处罚) -->punishment(惩罚)adjust(调整) -->adjustment(调整)assign(分配) -->assignment(分配)measure(测量) -->measurement(测量)excite(激起) -->excitement(兴奋)base(基础) -->basement(地下室)announce(宣告) -->announcement(公告)replace(更换) -->replacement(更换)amend(修改) -->amendment(修正)engage(占用,预定) -->engagement(约定,婚约)accomplish(完成) -->accomplishment(完成)place(地方) -->placement(布置)disappoint(失望) -->disappointment(失望)harass(使困扰) -->harassment(骚扰)其他以ment结尾的词element(元素)fragment(碎片)resident(居民)comment(评论)document(文件)instrument(仪器)moment(重要,瞬间)implement(工具,实现)tournament(锦标赛)segment(段)sentiment(感情)monument(纪念碑)entent结尾的词可以是形容词也可以是名词由ence(一般作名词后缀) , 变entdifference(差异) -->different(不同的)frequence(频繁) -->frequent(频繁的)experience(经验) -->experiment(实验)permanence(持久) -->permanent(持久的)respondence(作答) -->respondent(回答的)confidence(自信) -->confident(自信的)prominence(突出) -->prominent(突出的)correspondence(通信) -->correspondent(记者)efficience(效率) -->efficient(有效的)subsequence(后续) -->subsequent(后来的)consequence(结果) -->consequent(随之发生的,作为结果的) evidence(证据) -->evident(明显的)intelligence(智力) -->intelligent(智能的)recipience(容纳) -->recipient(容器)equivalence(等值) -->equivalent(等价的)inherence(固有) -->inherent(固有的)不太规则变化depend(依赖) -->dependent(依赖的), independent(独立的)excel(优于) -->excellent(卓越的)consist(组成) -->consistent(始终如一的)study(学习) --> student(学生)preside(主持,管理) -->president(总统,董事长)sufficiency(足量) -->sufficient(足够的)其他以ent结尾的词parent(父母)grandparent(祖父母)patent(授予专利)scent(气味)consent(同意)continent(大陆)intent(意图)decent(正派的)adolescent(青少年)tent(帐篷)rent(租金)invent(发明)ingredient(原料)apparent(显然的)opponent(对手)violent(暴力的)silent(沉默的)talent(天才)ancient(古人,古代的)accident(事故) incident(事件) extent(范围,程度) content(内容,满足的) component(成分,组件) event(事件)recent(最近的) patient(病人,有耐心的) current(现在的) represent(代表) present(现在,礼物) agent(代理人) prevent(阻止)client(客户) innocent(天真的) accent(口音)rent(租金)nutrient(营养物)。

江苏省常州市联盟学校2023-2024学年高二上学期学期期中学情调研英语试卷一、阅读理解Emergency First Response Primary Care (EFRPC) teaches participants how to respond to life threatening emergencies. It focuses on basic life support skills such as Primary Assessment, CPR and Rescue Breathing, taught through a combination of instructor led knowledge sessions, video presentations and skill practice with role play to make sure students have a thorough grounding and can react effectively when an emergency situation arises.Who is EFRPC for?• Workplace First Aiders• Doctors, Nurses or professional carers• Gym Instructors• Outdoors Sports Instructors• Anybody and EverybodySkills you will learn:• Scene Safety Assessment (评估)• Barrier Use for disease protection• Primary Assessment of injured people• Activating Emergency Services• Rescue Breathing• Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)• Automated External Defibrillation (自动体外除颤) (AED)• Blocked Airway Management (Choking)• Serious Bleeding Management• Shock Management• Spinal (脊柱的) Injury ManagementWhy choose EFRPC?Emergency First Response Primary Care gives you the skills you need to perform effective CPR and deal with life threatening emergencies involving family members, friends, colleagues or anyone in need of help. It preparesyou to comprehensively handle emergency situations with confidence.Are there any prerequisites (前提)?• No first aid qualification required• No minimum age limit• It takes approximately 6 hours depending on prior knowledge and size of group• Participant Pack and training materials are included in the price1.What is this text?A.An ad for a basic life support training course.B.Part of a textbook for first-aid learners.C.A piece of writing to popularize first aid science.D.Instructions for how to do first-aid.2.What will you be able to do if you choose EFRPC?A.Cure diseases in a workplace.B.Prevent people from sport injuries.C.Help people with breathing difficulty.D.Stop people from getting choked.3.What is an advantage of EFRPC?A.It provides discount for families.B.It requires no previous experience.C.It takes a maximum of 6 hours.D.Its materials are cheap in price.When news came that the UK actor Idris Elba,46, was named People magazine’s “Sexiest Man Alive” for 2018, Elba showed an interesting response to it. “I was like, ‘Come on, no way. Really?’’’ he told People. “It was nice - an ego (自我) boost for sure.”The reason that Elba needed an “ego boost” is probably that even though he’s famous now, having starred (主演) in many famous films, Elba hasn’t always been a confident person. He went through an awkward phase growing up, not feeling good about his look. And living in London as a child of an African immigrant (移民) family wasn’t easy for him either. “I was very tall and skinny. And my name was Idrissa Akuna Elba, okay? I got picked on a little bit,” he said. However, for the rest of us, the news of his award for being the “Sexiest Man Alive” was no surprise at all.Elba is far more than just an actor. He is the voice behind the versatile (多才多艺的) chief of police in Disney’s Zootopia. He is the director of crime drama film Yardie. He designs clothes, DJs and produces his own music. He also learned to fly a stunt (特技) plane. It was probably all these experiences that gave Elba theconfidence that he has today. But still, Elba managed to keep a humble (谦逊的) attitude toward life and people around him. “I love being confident, but also I know when to contain it and just stay humble and rational,” Elba told Entertainment Weekly.These “complicated contradictions” in Elba, as US movie producer Amy Pascal told The New York Times, “make every character he plays fascinating”. And it is this ability to fascinate that got Elba an Officer of the British Empire medal in 2016, for his “services to drama”. And it’s perhaps also these “complicated contradictions” that makes Elba charming.4.How did Elba feel on hearing the news in the first paragraph?A.Proud.B.Confident.C.Confused.D.Unexpected.5.What can we know about Elba’s life?A.He was satisfied with his appearance.B.He has always showed confidence in life.C.He acquired ego boost by starring in famous films.D.He was probably looked down upon in his childhood.6.Elba can be described as _________.A.demanding B.versatile C.rigid D.aggressive7.What is the root cause of Elba being highly recognized?A.His humble attitude.B.The ability to fascinate.C.Complex contradictions in him.D.His confidence.Climate breakdown is already changing the taste and quality of beer, scientists have warned. The quantity and quality of hops (啤酒花), a key ingredient in most beers, is being affected by global heating, according to a study. As a result, beer may become more expensive and producers will have to adapt their methods.Researchers forecast that hop yields in European growing regions will fall by 4 — 18% by 2050 if farmers do not adapt to hotter and drier weather, while the content of aloha acids in the hops, which gives beers their unique taste and smell, will fall by 20 — 31%.“Beer drinkers will definitely see the climate change, either in the price tag or the quality,” said Miroslav Trnka, a scientist at the Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences and co-author of the study, published in the journal Nature Communications. “That seems to be inevitable from our data.”Beer, the third-most popular drink in the world after water and tea, is made by fermenting (发酵) maltedgrains like barley with yeast. It is usually flavored with sweet-smelling hops grown mostly in the middle latitudes (纬度) that are sensitive to changes in light, heat and water.In recent years, demand for high-quality hops has been pushed up by a boom in craft beers with stronger flavors. But releases of planet-heating gases are putting the plant at risk, the study found.The researchers compared the average annual yield of aroma hops during the periods 1971 — 1994 and 1995 —2018 and found “a significant production decrease” of 0.13 — 0.27 tons per hectare. Celje, in Slovenia, had the greatest fall in average annual hop yield, at 19.4%. In Germany, the second biggest hop producer in the world, average hop yields have fallen 19.1% in Spalt, 13.7% in Hallertau, and 9.5% in Tettnang, the study found.Andreas AUernhammer, a hop farmer in Spalt in southern Germany, said the total rainfall in his fields had changed little but that now “the rain does not come at the right time”.8.Due to climate change, beer lovers may find beer _________.A.more affordable B.less tasty C.more adaptable D.less sensitive9.What does the underlined word “inevitable” in paragraph 3 most probably mean?A.unimaginable B.unbearable C.unavoidable D.unusual10.What can we infer from Andreas’s words?A.Rainfall has little to do with beer making.B.There is little production decrease in his area.C.More rain is needed to improve the situation.D.Rainfall pattern affects hop production.11.How did the researchers mainly carry out the research?A.Analyzing data.B.Conducting a survey.C.Doing experiments.D.Using logic thinking.The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) can now regulate (控制) e-cigarettes that contain artificial nicotine (尼古丁), a shift that could reduce the number of vaping (电子烟的) products available in America. A spending bill, which the U.S. passed, expanded the definition of an FDA-regulated “tobacco product” to include those that use lab-made nicotine, as well as traditional tobacco-originated nicotine. That update — while small on paper — could dramatically change the U.S. vaping industry.In addition to the smaller companies likely to be affected by the change, Puff Bar, a popular brand of disposable (一次性的) e-cigarette, could be hit tremendously. “With artificial nicotine no longer an alternative, the company’s future is once again uncertain”, said the Amy Willson, manager of the company.Reactions to the FDA’s new power have been predictably divided. Some in the vaping industry criticized theFDA for reducing the number of cigarette-alternatives (替代物) available in the U.S. “This bill ought to be called the Cigarette Protection Act, because the final result will be countless more Americans pushed away from nicotine vaping and back into traditional tobacco smoking,” Amanda Wheeler, president of the American Vapor Manufacturers Association, told Filter.But some large e-cigarette companies, including Juul, support the regulation of brands making artificial nicotine products. In a previous statement, a Juul spokesperson said that unlawful products designed to escape federal and state supervision (监督) would make harm reduction and a responsible e-vapor category difficult. The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids applauded taking steps to decrease youth vaping — a habit 11 percent of high school students reported in 2021, down from a high of 27.5 percent in 2019. “By stopping producers from using artificial nicotine to escape FDA regulation, Congress is taking a critical step to end this youth addiction crisis once and for all,” a spokesperson said in a statement.12.What can we learn about the policy issued by FDA?A.It is to reduce products with tobacco-originated nicotine.B.It may lead to the reduction of vaping products.C.It will bring great profits to big and popular companies.D.Most small companies have disappeared due to it.13.What’s the main idea of the second paragraph?A.The reasons for the regulation.B.The benefits of the regulation.C.The impacts of the regulation.D.The purposes of the regulation.14.Who may share a similar view with Amanda Wheeler?A.Amy Willson.B.Juul’s spokesperson.C.Organizers from The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids.D.Regulators from FDA.15.What’s the best title of this passage?A.Regulating Man-made NicotineB.Stopping making Vaping ProductsC.Expanding the definition of nicotineD.Stopping smoking Traditional Cigarettes二、七选五The Millennials are next in line to run this crazy, messed-up world. There is, however, a serious problem with our generation that needs to be addressed, and that is our intense laziness. 16One of the most common reasons why our generation is lazy is because we grew up in an era when technology was starting to be linked to every aspect of our lives. 17 Computers, electronic players and many other technological advances are all examples. All of these technologies have aided our way of life, but they also have dulled our ability to think of answers for ourselves.Another common reason why our generation is lazy is due to the fact that some of us were not taught with proper work ethics (道德准则) and values as children. Parents, as well as teachers, taught us as children to use technology as much as possible because they themselves did not possess it when they were our age. However, doing this made us lazy. Our generation has had an incredibly hard time holding down simple jobs just because we are constantly on our phones and are ignoring our responsibilities. I understand the need to cure boredom with something, but technology is not the answer. 18 If our generation had better communication skills, then maybe our work ethic would be better as well.The biggest reason our generation is considered lazy is because many of us act very entitled (有资格的). Many of us act like we deserve everything without working for it. We were raised in a time when discipline (纪律) was starting to ease up and things were just handed to us. This has created many problems for our generation because we do not like it when something does not go our way or when we do not get something we desperately want. 19 Everyone has to have the latest and greatest piece of tech on the market (i.e., smartphones).20 I just want to point out some things I believe that we, the generation to next inherit (继承) this world, need to improve upon and revise. We are a lazy generation and that is partially our own fault for not exploring other possibilities of ways to handle the world as we grew up. I would like us to acknowledge these problems and try to find solutions if possible – and I do believe this is possible.A.We need to be able to work and communicate with each other more.B.These devices are incredibly expensive in our daily lives.C.It arises from many factors that existed when we were brought up.D.I am not attempting to criticize our generation.E.These problems mainly lie in our generation’s consistent desire for technology.F.It was to allow us to have a harder way of life.G.Thinking back, we can see how technology became widely used during our generation.三、完形填空My daughter Pat had been driving me everywhere since I moved back to Vermont after 20 years in Canada.30.A.unless B.after C.as D.until31.A.annoyance B.depression C.disappointment D.surprise32.A.quiet B.noisy C.awful D.stressful33.A.withdrew B.hesitated C.doubted D.complained34.A.sessions B.priorities C.cares D.favors35.A.lifespan B.career C.friendship D.purchase四、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

-ship hard → hardship friend → friendship scholar → scholarship member → membership
高阶词汇 exotic a.外来的,异国的(反 native) eccentric a.古怪的 n.古怪的人(近 freak) exempt v.免除(近 release) exhale v.呼气(反 inhale) extinguish vt.熄灭(? distinguish)
2. pre- : 提前,在…之前
5.dict 说(fess)
predict, indicate
6.auto ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ己
automatic, automobile
7.cap,cep,cip 头,拿
capital, capitain
8.sum 拿
consume, resume
1.re- 返回;重复
核心词汇 revenue n.收入,税收 resource n.资源 resume n.简历 remedy n.治疗法,药物 reaction n.反应 reflect v.反射,反映 refine vt.提炼 → refined a.优雅的 recommend vt.推荐 reveal vt.揭示,展现 reserve vt.保存,储备 → reservation recession n.衰退
4.per- 每
核心词汇 permit v.许可 → permission perspective n.观点,角度 personnel n.人员,人事部门 perceive v.察觉,感知 → perception

immient的例句共10句含翻译1. Example:- The storm's arrival is imminent, and residents are advised to evacuate.- Translation:-暴风雨即将来临,居民被建议撤离。
2. Example:- There are rumors of an imminent change in leadership within the company.- Translation:-有关公司领导层即将发生变化的谣言。
3. Example:- The scientists warned of the imminent threat of a major earthquake in the region.- Translation:-科学家们警告称该地区存在一场重大地震的即将威胁。
4. Example:- The patient's deteriorating condition suggests an imminent medical crisis.- Translation:-患者恶化的状况表明了一场即将发生的医疗危机。
5. Example:- The detective sensed an imminent breakthrough in the investigation.- Translation:-侦探感觉到调查即将取得突破。
6. Example:- With the dark clouds gathering, the villagers felt an imminent thunderstorm.- Translation:-随着乌云聚集,村民们感觉到一场即将来临的雷暴。
7. Example:- The company is taking preventive measures to address the imminent cybersecurity threats.- Translation:-公司正在采取预防措施来应对即将来临的网络安全威胁。

embellishment 装饰 ember 灰烬 embezzle 盗⽤ embezzlement 盗⽤ embezzler 盗⽤者 embitter 加苦味于 emblaze 点燃 emblazon ⽤纹章装饰 emblazonment 纹章装饰 emblazonry 纹章描画法 emblem 象征 emblema 浮雕装饰 emblematic 象征 emblematical 标志的 emblematist 徽章设计者 emblematize 象征 emblematology 徽章学 emblement 庄稼 emblements 庄稼 emblemize 标记 embodier 具体表现者 embodiment 体现 embody 具体表达 embog 陷⼊泥沼 embolden 使⼤胆 embolectomy 栓⼦切除术 embolic 插⼦的 embolism 栓塞 embolismic 闰的 embolize 栓塞 embolon 撞⾓ embolum 铁嘴 embolus 栓⼦ embosk 树叶丛中 embosom 环绕 emboss 浮雕 embossment 浮雕⼯作 embouchure 河⼝ embourgeoisement 变成资产阶级 embow 成⼸形 embowed ⼸形的 embowel 放⼊碗内 embower 树叶遮盖 embrace 拥抱 embraceor 左右法庭⼈ embracer 拥抱者 embracery 笼络⼈ embracive ⽆所不包的 embranchment 分⽀ embrangle 使⽣纠纷 embrasure 枪眼 embrave ⿎舞 embrittle 使变脆 embrocate 涂擦药液 embrocation 涂擦剂 embroider 刺绣 embroidery 刺绣品 embroil 使卷⼊ embroilment 搅乱 embrown 着褐⾊ embryectomy 胚胎切除术 embryo 胚胎 embryocardia 胎样⼼⾳ embryoctony 碎胎术 embryogenesis 胚胎发⽣ embryogenic 胚胎发⽣的 embryologist 胚胎学家 embryology 胚胎学 embryoma 胎组织瘤 embryon 表⽰“胚 embryonal 胚的 embryonated 具胚的 embryonic 胚胎的 embryotomy 碎胎术 embryotroph 胎体营养物 embryotrophe 胚胎营养素 embryotrophic 胚胎营养素的 embryotrophy 胚胎营养 embryulcia 钳胚术 embryulcus 牵胎器 embus 装⼊客车 emcee 主持 emdical certificate 健康证明 emeer 埃⽶尔 emend 修订 emendable 可修订的 emendate 校勘 emendation 修订 emendator 校正者 emendatory 修订的 emerald 翡翠 emerge from ⾃……出现 emerge 形成 emergence 浮现 emergencies 紧急事件 emergency 紧急情况 emergent 紧急的 emeritus 退休的 emersed 伸出⽔⾯的 Emersonian 爱默⽣的 emery cloth 砂布 emery wheel 磨⽯ emery ⾦刚砂 emesis 呕吐 emetatrophia 吐瘦 emetic 催吐剂 emetin 依⽶丁 emetine 依⽶丁 emeute * emic 位的 emiction 排尿 emigrant 侨民 emigrate 移居 emigration 侨居 emigratory 移民的 emigre 移居者 Emily 艾⽶丽 eminence 出众 eminent domain ⽀配权 eminent 显赫的 emir 埃⽶尔 emirate 酋长职位 emissary 使者 emission control regulations 排放控制法规 emission 散发 emissive 放射性的 emissivity 放射率 emit 发⾏ emluator 仿真程序 Emma 艾玛 emmagee 机关枪 emmarble ⼤理⽯装饰 emmenia ⽉经 emmeniopathy ⽉经病 emmenology ⽉经学 emmer ⼆粒⼩麦 emmet 蚂蚁 emmetropia 正常眼 Emmy 艾美奖 emollient 软化的 emolument 报酬 emote 表现感情 Emoticons 字符图释 emotion 情绪 emotional 情绪的 emotionalism 感情主义 emotionalist 易受感动者 emotionality 情绪性 emotionalize 使激动 emotionally 在情绪上 emotionless 不露情感的 emotive 使感动的 emotively 使感动地 empaistic 浮雕的 empanel 记⼊ empathetic 移情作⽤的 empathic 感情移⼊的 empathically 移情作⽤地 empathize 移情 empathy 移情 empennage 尾部 emperor 皇帝 empery 绝对统治 emphases 重点 emphasis on 强调 emphatic 语势强的 emphatically 强调地 emphraxis 阻塞 emphysema ⽓肿 Empire State 纽约州 empire 帝国 empiric 经验主义者 empirical formula 实验式 empirical 根据经验的 empirically 以经验为主地 empiricism 经验主义 empiricist 经验主义者 empirism 经验论 empiristic 经验论的 emplace 放列 emplacement 放列动作 emplane 乘飞机 emplastic 黏性物质 empleomania 官瘾 employ oneself in 从事于 employ 雇⽤ employable 称职的 employe 雇⼯ employee 职⼯ employer 雇主 employment agency 职业介绍所 employment 雇⽤ empocket 放⼊⼝袋中 empoison 放毒药 empolder 开发 emporia 商业中⼼ emporium 商场 empower 授权与 emprise 冒险 emprize 冒险 emptily 空虚地 emptiness 空虚 empty out 腾空 empty stack exception 空栈异常 empty the bag 和盘托出 empty word 虚词 empty 空的 empty-handed 空⼿的 empty-headed 没有头脑 emptying 倒空 emptysis 咯⾎ empurple 使成紫⾊ empurpled 成紫⾊的 empyema 积脓症 empyemata 积脓 empyreal 的 empyrean 处 empyreuma 焦臭 empyreumatic 焦臭的 EMS memory locked EMS 内存锁定 EMS memory EMS 内存 emu 鸸鹋 emulable 可仿效的 emulant 竞争者 emulate text mode 仿真⽂本⽅式 emulate 仿效 emulation mode 仿真⽅式 emulation 竞争 emulational 仿真的 emulative 好胜 emulatively 争着 emulgent 泄出⾎管 emulous 好胜 emulously 竞赛性地 emulsible 能乳化的 emulsification 乳化 emulsify 使乳化 emulsin 苦杏仁酵素 emulsion 乳状液 emulsionize 使乳化 emulsive 乳剂质的 emulsoid 乳胶体 emunctory 排泄器官 en bloc 全体 en dash 短破折号 en masse 全体地 en passant 在进⾏中 en route 在途中 en N 字 enable shortcut keys 使快捷键有效 enable system sounds 启动系统声⾳ enable truetype fonts 启⽤Truetype字体 enable 使能够 enabled 激活的 enact 制定法律 enacting classe 制定条款 enactive 法律制定的 enactment 设定 enactory 制定法律的 enamel 珐琅 enameling 上釉术 enamelling 上釉术 enamelware 搪瓷器 enamor 迷住 enantiomorphism 对映形态 enantiomorphous 镜像性的 enantiopathy 对抗疗法 enantiosis 反语 enantiotropic 互变的 enantiotropy 互变形 enarch ⾼级⽂官 enarchist ⾼级⽂官 enargite 硫砷钢矿 enarthroses 杵⾅关节 enarthrosis 杵⾅关节 enate 母系亲戚 enatic 母系的 encage 关在笼中 encamp 扎营 encampment 露营 encapsulant 胶囊密封材料 encapsulate 封装 encapsulation 包装 encapsule 装⼊胶囊 encase 包住 encasement 装箱 encash 付现 encastage 排列 encaustic 上釉烧的 encave 藏洞内 enceinte 城廓 Enceladus 恩克拉多斯 encephala 脑髓 encephalalgia 头痛 encephalasthenia 脑衰弱 encephalic 脑的 encephalitis 脑炎 encephalograph ⼤脑X光照⽚ encephalography 脑照相术 encephaloid 类脑的 encephalolith 脑⽯ encephaloma 脑瘤 encephalomalacia 脑软化 encephalomyelitis 脑脊髓炎 encephalomyocarditis 脑⼼肌炎 encephalon 脑 encephalopathy 脑病 enchain 束缚 enchant 施魔法 enchanter 魔法师 enchanting 迷⼈的 enchantment 迷惑 enchantress ⼥巫 enchase 镶嵌 enchilada 墨西哥菜 enchiridion ⼿册 enchondroma 内⽣软⾻瘤 enchondromatous 内⽣软⾻瘤的 enchondrosis 软⾻瘤 enchorial 属于某地区 enchylema 透明质 encina 橡树 encincture (以带)围绕 encipher 译密码 encircle 环绕 encirclement 环绕 enclasp 抱紧 enclave 被围领⼟ enclises 连续 enclitic 附属的 enclosure 围住 enclothe 覆盖 encloud 阴云遮蔽 encode 编码 encoder 编码器 encoffin 装殓 encoignure 家具 encomiast 赞美者 encomiastic 赞颂的 encomium 赞美 encompass 包围 encoop 关⼊笼内 encopresis ⼤便失禁 encore 再演唱 encounter 遭遇 encourage ⿎励 encouragement ⿎励 encouraging 奖励的 encrimson 使成鲜红⾊ encrinite 海百合 encroach on 侵犯 encroach 侵占 encroachment 侵蚀 encrpytion software 加密软件 encrpytion tachniques 加密技术 encrust 包外层 encrypt 加密 Encryption 加密术 enculturate 适应⽂化 enculturation ⽂化适应 enculturative 适应⽂化的 encumber 阻碍 encumbrance 阻碍 encyclical 教皇通谕 encyclopaedia 百科全书 encyclopaedic 如百科辞典的 encyclopaedist 百科全书编纂作者 encyclopedia 百科全书 encyclopedic 如百科辞典的 encyclopedical ⼴博的 encyclopedism 百科全书的知识 encyclopedist 百科全书编纂者 encyclopedize 排列 encyst 包在囊内 end for end 位置颠倒 end forend 对调位置 end in a draw ⽐赛平⼿ end in smoke 毫⽆结果 end in 结果 end man 最末端⼈ end off 结束 end on ⼀端向前地 end one's days 死 end point 终点 end product 最后结果 end table 茶⼏ end task 结束任务 end to end ⾸尾相连 end up 竖着 end user 最终⽤户 end with 以……结束 end 末端 end-all 终结 end-blown 管端开⼝ end-of-dayglass 多彩玻璃 end-of-file marker ⽂件尾标志 end-stopped ⾏末符号的 end-to-end connectivity 终端对终端联接 end-to-end service 终端对终端服务 End-User 终端⽤户 endamage 使损坏 endangeitis ⾎管内膜炎 endanger 危及 endangered 有危险的 endaortitis 主动脉内膜炎 endarch 内始式的 endarteritis 动脉内膜炎 endarterium 动脉内膜 endbrain 端脑 endear 使亲密 endearing 可爱的 endearment 亲爱 endeavor 努⼒ endeavour 尽⼒ endemic 地⽅病 endemically 地⽅性地 endemicity 地⽅的特性 endergonic 吸能的 endermic 发⽣作⽤的 endgame 最后阶段 endgate 围板 endhand 发牌者 ending at 终⽌于 ending 结尾 endive 菊苣 endless ⽆⽌境的 endoblast 内胚叶 endoblastic 内胚叶的 endocardiac ⼼内的 endocarditis ⼼内膜炎 endocardium ⼼内膜 endocarp 内果⽪ endocentric 内向的 endocranium 硬脑膜 endocrine gland 内分泌腺 endocrine 内分泌 endocrinology 内分泌学 endocrinopathic 内分泌病的 endocrinopathy 内分泌病 endocrinotherapy 内分泌疗法 endoderm 内胚层 endodermis 内⽪ endodontic ⽛髓学的 endodontics ⽛髓学 endodontist ⽛髓学 endoenzyme 内酶 endogamous 同族结婚的 endogamy 同族结婚 endogastric 位于腹中的 endogen 内长茎植物 endogenesis 内⽣,内源 endogenetic 内⽣的 endogenous 内长的 endoglobular 在⾎球内发⽣的 endolithic ⽯内的 endolymph 内淋巴 endometrium ⼦宫内膜 endomitosis 有丝分裂 endomixis 内融合 endomorph 内容矿物 endomorphism 内变质作⽤ endomyocarditis ⼼肌膜炎 endoparasite 内部寄⽣物 endophyte 内部寄⽣ endoplasm 内质 endoplast 内质体 endopleura 内种⽪ endopodite 内肢 endopsychic 灵魂中的 endorse over 背书转让权 endorse 背⾯签名 endorsee 背书票据者 endorsement 背书 endorser 背书⼈ endorsor 背签⼈ endosarc 内质 endoscope 内诊镜 endoscopic 内窥镜的 endoscopy 内窥检查法 endoskeleton 内⾻骼 endosmose 内渗 endosmosis 浸透 endosmotic 内渗的 endosome 内涵体 endosperm 胚乳 endospore 内⽣孢⼦ endosporium 孢⼦内壁 endosporous 孢⼦内壁 endosteal 位于⾻内的 endothecium 内层 endothelioid 内⽪状的 endothelioma 内⽪瘤 endothelium 内⽪ endotherm 温⾎动物 endothermal 吸热的 endothermic 吸热的 endotoxin 内毒素 endotracheal ⽓管内的 endotrophic 体内营养的 endow with 赋予 endow 捐赠 endowmenfpolicy ⼈寿保险单 endowment insurance 养⽼保险 endowment 捐赠 endpaper 书籍卷⾸ endplate 终板 Endsville 的 endue with 赋予 endue 穿上 endurable 可忍受的 endurably 可忍受地 endurance 忍耐 endurant 能忍耐的 endure 耐久 enduring 持久的 enduringly 耐久地 endways 竖着 endwise 末端朝前 Endymion 牧童 enema 灌肠剂 enemy 敌⼈ enepidermic 对⽪肤⽤药的 energetics 热⼒学 energic 充沛的 energid 活质体 energism 活动主义 energize 使活跃 energumen 被恶魔附者 energy 精⼒ enervate 削弱 enervated 衰弱的 enervation 削弱 enface 写 enfant terrible 使⼤⼈难堪的孩⼦ enfant ⼉童 enfeeble 使衰弱 enfeeblement 弄弱 enfeoff 授予封地 enfeoffment 领地授与 enfetter 束缚 enfever 使发烧 enfilade 纵向射击 enflower 饰以花 enfold 拥抱 enforce upon 强迫 enforce 强迫 enforceable 可强⾏的 enforcement 执⾏ enframe 配框 enfranchise 给予选举权 enfranchisement 释放 Eng 英国 engage for 保证 engage in 参加 engage one's attention 引起某⼈注意 engage 使忙碌 engaged with 接洽 engaged 忙碌的 engagement ring 订婚戒指 engagement 约会。

emergence的形容词1. Emergent这个形容词可太有用啦。
2. 哎呀,emerging也很妙呢。
3. Emergent这个词还能让我想到那些突然觉醒的人呢。
4. Emerging是那种带着希望的形容词。
5. Emergent有时候就像一场突如其来的灵感风暴。
6. Emerging就像刚学会走路的小娃娃,虽然还不太稳,但充满了无限可能。

小学上册英语第3单元全练全测英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1. A ____(community resilience strategy) prepares for emergencies.2.My _____ (外公) always tells interesting stories about his travels. 我外公总是讲述他旅行的有趣故事。
3.I like to _______ (参加) sports events.4. A solar flare is a sudden eruption of energy from the ______.5.She loves to draw _____ (pictures/paintings).6.His favorite hobby is ________.7.What is the shape of a basketball?A. SquareB. RectangleC. CircleD. TriangleC8.My ______ is very inspiring and motivates others.9. A __________ is a geological structure formed by erosion.10.An element's properties are determined by its ______ structure.11.What do you use to brush your teeth?A. ForkB. SpoonC. ToothbrushD. KnifeC12.I want to ______ my friends at the playground. (meet)13.________ (植物资源评估) supports management decisions.14. A squirrel gathers _______ for the winter.15.The ________ grows in the sunlight.16.I enjoy listening to music while I play with my ________ (玩具). It makes everything more ________ (有趣).17.Bunnies like to eat ______.18.What is the capital of Canada?A. TorontoB. VancouverC. OttawaD. MontrealC19.I enjoy _____ (drawing) flowers from life.20.Carbon dioxide is produced when we ______.21. (Minoan) civilization was one of the earliest in Europe. The ____22.What is the time when the sun sets called?A. MorningB. NoonC. EveningD. Midnight23.The girl loves to ________.24.What is the main ingredient in traditional pesto sauce?A. BasilB. ParsleyC. CilantroD. DillA25.What is 30 + 10?A. 40B. 50C. 60D. 70A26. A ______ can be very protective of its territory.27.What do you wear on your head?A. ShoesB. HatC. GlovesD. Scarf28.We have a ______ (大) garden.29.What do we call a young guinea pig?A. PupB. KitC. CalfD. BabyD Baby30.What is the name of the famous mouse created by Walt Disney?A. Donald DuckB. GoofyC. Mickey MouseD. PlutoC31.Friction can slow down a ______.32.What do we call a young frog?A. TadpoleB. KitC. CalfD. ChickA33. A _______ is a process that occurs in cells.34.The rabbit has long ______ (耳朵). It can hear very ______ (好).35.The cake is ___. (delicious)36. A chemical bond can be covalent or ______.37.There are _____ (五) birds in the tree.38.My favorite pet is a ______ (兔子) that is very fluffy.39.The process of a solid changing directly to a gas is called _____.40.What do you call a person who writes plays?A. AuthorB. PlaywrightC. DirectorD. Producer41.The ______ (花瓣的颜色) can signal to pollinators.42.The ______ (狮子) prides itself in its family group.43.What do you call a person who repairs cars?A. MechanicB. ElectricianC. PlumberD. Painter44.I want to ___ (see/meet) my favorite singer.45.What is the largest mammal in the world?A. ElephantB. Blue whaleC. GiraffeD. HippoB Blue whale46.Plants can help clean the _______.47.What is the capital city of Bhutan?A. ThimphuB. ParoC. PunakhaD. Phuentsholing48.What do we call a person who creates art?A. ArtistB. ScientistC. WriterD. MusicianA49.My dad cooks ______ on weekends. (breakfast)50.What is the capital of Lithuania?A. VilniusB. KaunasC. KlaipedaD. PanevezysA51.Which country is known for its pyramids?A. ChinaB. EgyptC. GreeceD. Italy答案:B52.Which ocean is the largest?A. AtlanticB. IndianC. ArcticD. PacificD53.The ________ is a type of fish.54. A sea turtle can live for _______ (很多年).55.The peacock spreads its _______ (羽毛) to attract mates.56.What is the main purpose of an umbrella?A. To keep you warmB. To keep you dryC. To provide shadeD. To decorate57.What do we call the area of land that is used for growing crops?A. FarmlandB. Agricultural landC. Crop landD. All of the aboveD All of the above58.The ____ is known for its beautiful singing voice.59.My favorite toy is a ______ (机器人).60. A _______ is a reaction that produces a flame.61.The __________ (历史的身份认同) shapes group dynamics.62.The ______ helps kids learn to read.63.What do we call the process of breathing?A. InhalingB. ExhalingC. RespirationD. All of the above64.The chemical symbol for strontium is ______.65.My aunt loves __________ (读书).66.My mom loves to teach ____ (art) classes.67.The chemical reaction that occurs in batteries is known as ______.68. A ______ is a type of mammal that can jump.69.What is the name of the largest mammal in the world?A. Blue WhaleB. African ElephantC. GiraffeD. Bengal TigerA Blue Whale70.古代的________ (textiles) 如羊毛和亚麻是重要的贸易商品。

词语辨析(3)1、deceit/ deceptiondeceit 指“通过隐瞒或歪曲实情去蒙骗”, 一般指某个人的品质,习惯,行为等,有很强的贬义色彩He was trustful and without deceit.deception指“任何形式的欺骗”,也指“一种行动, 它给人一错误的观念, 但并不一定有欺诈的目的”. (一般不指某个人的品质,习惯,而只指其行为).●practise deception on sb. 欺骗某人。
2、dependable / dependent / dependantdependable adj.(有被动含义)可信赖的;可靠的= reliabledependent adj.(有主动含义) 依靠的, 依赖的, 从属的, 隶属的, 受控制的, = reliant●be dependent on 依靠随...而定; 依...而转移dependant n. (=dependent (A))”靠别人养活的人”3、distinct / distinctive /instinctivedistinct清晰的; 明显的; 确定无疑的● a man of very distinct character一个个性很强的人●distinct statement确切的声明●(as) distinct from 与...不同(的)●be distinct in...from... 在某方面与...不同distinctive adj.特殊的;独特的;不一般的Beer has a very distinctive smell.啤酒有一种特殊的味道。
instinctive adj.本能的●an instinctive fear of snakes;对蛇本能的恐惧;●instinctual behavior. 本能的行为4、economic /economicaleconomic adj.经济(上)的, 经济学的, 实用的, 经济的; 节省的(=economical)●economic bankruptcy经济破产She let her house at an economic rent. 她以合算的方式把房子租出去。

每⽇单词:antecedent单词 antecedent 由词根 ced 扩展⽽来,这个词根⽐较常见,能扩展出很多⼤家熟悉的单词,今天就来⼀起温故知新 ~词根介绍词根是 ced,来源拉丁动词cedere,意为 to go,“⾛”的意思。
这个词根还有另外两个形式是 ceed 和 cess。
单词剖析antecedent [,æntɪ'siːd(ə)nt]TEM4/GRE/IELTSn.先⾏词;祖先adj.先⾏的;先前的antecedent 作为名词时表⽰“先例或者祖先”,还可以指语法中的“先⾏词、短语或者从句”,作为形容词时,主要表⽰“先前的”。
另外,近义词 precedent 也有名词和形容词两个词性,不过含义更加丰富⼀些,主要指可以作为例⼦参考或指导的“先例、范例”。
由前缀+词根+后缀构成,扩展⼀下1)前缀 ante,还有变形 an/ant/anc/anti,⼀般表⽰时间上“先前,前⾯”,也有表⽰“相反,对⽴”的意思,例如:ancient adj.古⽼的ancestor n.祖先antiwar adj.反战的anticipate vt.预期,期望2)词根 ced/ceed/cess,表⽰“⾛”的意思,例如:precedent n.前例,先例recede vi.后退;减弱concede vt.承认;退让decedent n.死者;已故者proceed vi.开始;继续进⾏excess n.超过,过度3)后缀 ent,既表⽰形容词,⼜可以表⽰名词,例如:obedient adj.顺从的,孝顺的prevalent adj.流⾏的;普遍的resident n.居民;adj.定居的★变形时刻:antecedent = ante(先前)+ ced(⾛)+ ent(形容词或名词后缀)→⾛在前⾯的(⼈或事)→先前的;先例⾼频近义词precedent adj.在前的,在先的precedent adj.在前的,在先的foregoing adj.前述的;前⾯的preceding adj.前⾯的;前述的⾼频反义词following adj.接着的;下列的subsequent adj.后来的,随后的常⽤短语antecedent money 押⾦antecedent supervision 事前监督精选例句No one knew the antecedents of the mysterious stranger.谁也不知道那个神秘陌⽣⼈的⾝世。

比如,He was absent from work yesterday. 他昨天没有来上班。
比如,The court sentenced him to death in his absence. 法庭在他缺席情况下判他死刑。
前面的pre-表示“在前面”,整个单词的字面意思就是“正存在于前面的”,引申为“存在的,出席的”,比如,There were 20 people present at the meeting. 有20人出席了会议。
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Internal carotid
External carotid
I. According to site
Anterior Superior; Anterior ethmoid ( bleeding is from above ant. half of middle turbinate) Inferior; Greater palatine, Posterior; Sphenopalatine (Bleeding is from below anterior half of middle turbinate
[3] Idiopathic:
“Spontaneous” is a better description Usually initiated by minor ‘digital’ trauma Often associated with atmospheric drying Wegner's granulomatosis, Osler-Weber-Rendau's syn., atrophic rhinitis
Malignant neoplasms:
Basal Cell Ca Squamous Ca Malignant Melanoma
(NB amelanotic variety)
(Nasopharyngeal ca) (Adeno Ca /Adenoid cystic Ca)
Lateral Wall
Frank Netter. Ciba
Vessels Involved
Anterior ethmoid Posterior ethmoid Greater palatine Sphenopalatine Superior labial
Vascularity of nose Both external and internal carotids. Anastomsis between arteries and veins. Blood vessels run just under the mucosaunprotected. Larger vessels on the turbinate run in bony canals- cannot contract.
•Atherosclerosis •Collagen vascular diseases •Familial Haemorrhagic telangiectasia (Osler-WeberRendu disease)
General Causes
Hypertension, CHF, mitral stenosis, Cirrhosis, Coagulopathies (Haemophilia,
Position sitting upright inclined slightly forward mouth open spit out any blood vasoconstrictors
Pressure cartilage of nose over Little’s area constant
[2] Infections:
Viral:Influenza, measles Diphtheria, lupus vulgaris, leprosy, Parasites, maggots, fungal
Carcinom of the Nasopharynx
Local Causes
[4] Miscellaneos:
Septal spur, foreign bodies
ENT Emergencies
Dr. Mona Ashoor ENT resident, KFHU
1. 2. 3.
EPISTAXIS Airway obstruction Pediatric emergencies
Children; Foreign body, nose picking, nasal diphtheria. Adults: Trauma, idiopathic. Middle age: tumors. Old age: hypertension.
I] Investigations:
III. According to Etiology
Local Causes: [1] Trauma
Nose picking, fractures. Nasal surgery Nasal intubation
5 minute pressure - correct
Look into the nose. Assess blood loss. Crystalloids or colloids Transfusion Locate the point after packing the nose with 4% xylocaine and 1:1000 adrenaline mixture
Anticoagulants - Warfarin / Heparin Aspirin - platelet function inhibitor Cocaine
ischaemia rebound hyperaemia mucosal necrosis
IV. According to Age
90% of epistaxis seen in hospitals 1/2 inch from the caudal border of the septum antero-inferiorly. Vessels anastomosing are; Anterior ethmoid, greater palatine, and sphenopalatine, and septal branch of superior labial. Bleeding may be arterial or venous.
Unconscious head injury;
Dangerous to pack in suspected skull #.
Ligation of vessels
Maxillary artery Ethmoid arteries External Carotid artery
operative procedure that creates an artificial opening in the trachea.
Posterior packing if bleed is posterior. GA. Foley's or other inflatable devices Removed as soon as possible. Antibiotics. Transfuse. Blood gases in children.
Embolization Catheters with iced water lavage 2% lignocaine and adrenaline injection in greater palatine foramen
creation of permanent or semi
How will you manage?
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6.
Mouth sweap Jaw thrust Oral airway Endotracheal intubation / Nasotracheal intubation Cricothyrodotomy Tracheostomy
[4] Neoplasms:Of Nhomakorabeathe:
nose, nasopharynx and sinuses.
Benign neoplasms:
Antrochoanal polyp “Inverting” papilloma Juvenile angiofibroma
Factor deficiencies, ITTP, Vitamin C & K deficiencies, Severe liver disease)
anemias, purpura, leukemias,
General Causes
Malignancies, Caissons' disease, Endometriosis, Nephritis, Typhoid DRUGS: