美车哲学教授H.P.Grice在他的Meaning一书中把话语的意义分为自然意义(natural meaning)和非自然意义(non-natural meaning)两种。
这就是Grice的会话含意(conversational implicature)理论的基础。
复旦大学研究生重点课程和教材建设资助项目: 研究生第一外国语(英语)研究生英语English for Graduate Students主编曾建彬卢玉玲复旦大学出版社复旦大学研究生课程和教材建设重点资助项目:研究生第一外国语(英语)研究生英语English for Graduate Students主编曾建彬卢玉玲副主编何静黄莺张宁宁编委(以汉语拼音为序)范若恩谷红欣顾乡何静黄莺刘雯卢玉玲夏威雍毅曾建彬张宁宁赵蓉主编简介曾建彬,复旦大学英语语言文学博士,研究生导师,中国认知语言学会会员,美国TESOL 会员,United Board访问学者(St. Mary’s College of Maryland, USA, 2001-2002)。
华北电力大学毕业设计(论文)附件外文文献翻译学号: 200701000324 姓名:杨曦所在院系:电力工程系专业班级:电气化0707指导教师:安勃原文标题: Research on Smart Grid in China2011年06月20日对中国智能电网的研究1摘要——智能电网是电力系统的未来发展的新方向。
missing.Gold Shiner is thoughful with
instrument called pipa,in her hands.From her frowning
guess that she is
happy nOW.
选择最佳处理方法。即译者必须能够针对特定翻译目的 选择特定的翻译方法或策略”(张锦兰,2004)。 导游词是对旅游景点进行历史的、文化的、审美的解 读的一种文本。其目的在于通过导游员的讲解,游客在旅
识和文化的目的。因此.导游词的翻译应该把“以中国文化 为取向,以译文为重点”作为翻译原则(张宁,2000)。“以中 国文化为取向”,就是尽可能保留和宣传中国文化,因为导
很多外国游客.而山西晋城作为一个新兴的旅游城市,旅 游业已经在全国范围内形成一定影响,受到越来越多的 外国游客的青睐。这在给晋城旅游事业带来机遇的同时, 也提出了新的挑战。如何准确地向外围游客传达各景点 信息及所包含的文化内涵.让他们深刻体验和领悟晋城 的旅游景点和地域文化.是每个导游翻译工作者的职责 和必备的素质。鉴于目前晋城市旅游景点的翻译丁作刚 刚起步.有许多问题尚待解决.笔者以为在适当的翻译理 论的指导下进行导游英语翻译实践,对提高晋城的旅游 城市形象有一定的现实意义。 一、功能翻译理论及其对旅游翻译的适用性 功能翻译理论起源于20世纪70年代的德国.其代表 人物是凯瑟琳娜・赖斯(Katharina Reiss)、汉斯・威密尔 (HansVermeer)、贾斯塔・霍尔兹曼塔里(JustaHolz-Mant. tari)、克里斯蒂安・诺德(Christiane Nord)等著名学者,主 要用于译员培训和指导非文学翻译.而它的代表人物认 为它同样适合文学翻译。功能翻译理论的核心是汉斯・威 密尔(HansVermeer)提出的“目的论”。该理论认为翻译 是在特定场合发生的目的性行为.是一种语言的言语和
邀请信英文英语邀请信范文加翻译篇一:英文版的邀请信邀请信(A Letter of Invitation):Dear Mr. Harrison:Our new factory will be mencing production on [April10] and we should like to invite [you and your wife] to be present at a celebration to mark the occasion.As you will appreciate this is an important milestone for this organization, and is the result of continued demand for our products, both at home and overseas. We are inviting all those individuals and trust that you will pay us the pliments of accepting.Please confirm that you will be able to attend by advising us of your time —— we can arrange for you to be met. All arrangements for your stay [overnight on April 10] will, of course, be made by us at our expense.Yours sincerely,Li Ming常用开头用语I am writing to invite you to。
I would like to see your presence at。
I think it would be a good idea if you could participate in。
On the Translation of Chinese and English Idioms
Due to the impact of the relationship between images and semantic, the translating of English and Chinese has its own complexity. Therefore, some principles such as veracity, figurativeness and readability are indispensable in the translation of English and Chinese idioms. Accordingly, there followed four strategies: literal translation, free translation, set of translation and mix of literal and free translation.[5]The principles are as follows:
(1). Veracity
It means that we should be loyalty to the original text as much as possible. Not only should we express the implicative meaning of the idioms, but also we need convey the lively image of original text.
But we describe one spend lots of money in English is “spend money like dirty” instead of “spending money like water”(挥金如土). Another examples: It is mending your sail when it is fine weather(未雨绸缪), all the rats desert the sinking ship(树倒猢孙散).[ 1]
关键词:新时期;孙景尧;中国比较文学Abstract:This paper attempts to expound the academic position and role of Prof.Sun Jingyao by placing him in the process of the revival and development of Chinese Compara-tive Literature in the new period.Firstly,it indicates that Prof.Sun was one of the most important pioneers and founders of Chinese Comparative Literature in a new era and analy-zes the elements which resulted in his outstanding achievement.Furthermore,it summari-zes the major academic contributions of Prof.Sun.Key words:New Period in China;Sun Jingyao;Chinese Comparative Literature中图分类号:I106文献标识码:A文章编号1006-6101(2014)03-0145-8一、新时期中国比较文学的开创者和奠基人比较文学在新时期之初才开始脱离蛰伏状态,踏上重新复苏之途。
关键词:谚语;翻译因素;翻译方法一、引言英国作家和哲学家弗朗西斯·培根(Francis Bacon 1561-1626)曾经说过:“The genius,wit and spirit of a nation are discovered in its proverbs.”谚语是一个民族天赋、智慧和精神的体现。
英语一则谚语告诉我们:“Proverbs are the daughter of daily experience。
”(谚语是日常生活的产物)英国搜集家Thomas Fuller曾对谚语作过描述:“众多的事理经过煎熬,凝练成寥寥数词,这便是谚语。
”英国首相John Russel认为谚语是:“众人的智慧,一人的妙语。
重庆科技学院学报(社会科学版)2009年第6期Journal of Chongqing University of Science and Technology(Social Sciences Edition)No.62009一、辛亥革命时期国内的经济基础20世纪初期,新式交通工具如轮船、铁路、电报等的迅速发展,加速了中国国内自然经济的解体,而扩大了的商品销售市场和劳动力供应市场,不断刺激着初起的中国资本主义工业向前进展。
万方数据 万方数据 万方数据 万方数据 万方数据 万方数据 万方数据DNA提取方法进展作者:张宁, 王凤山, ZHANG Ning, Wang Feng-shan作者单位:山东大学,药学院,生化与生物技术药物研究所,山东,济南,250012刊名:中国海洋药物英文刊名:CHINESE JOURNAL OF MARINE DRUGS年,卷(期):2004,23(2)被引用次数:35次1.Howe JR;Klinstra DS;Cordon-Cardo C DNA extraction from paraffin-embedded tissues using a salting-out procedure:a reliable method for PCR amplification of archival material 1997(03)2.Chan PKS;Chan PPC;To KF Evaluation of extraction methods from paraffin wax embedded tissues for PCR amplification of human and viral DNA[外文期刊] 2001(05)3.Pinto AP;Villa LL A spin cartridge system for DNA extraction from paraffin wax embedded tissues[外文期刊] 1999(1)4.李思光;罗玉萍;陈万秋猕猴桃基因组DNA的提取及其RAPD扩增研究[期刊论文]-南昌大学学报(理科版) 2001(03)5.王得元;彭世清;刘志昕辣椒基因组DNA提取与RAPD分析 1998(02)6.杨婉身;王西瑶;荀林大豆等植物材料DNA提取方法的改进及其干扰机制的探讨[期刊论文]-西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版) 1996(02)7.陈子桂;容丽;宋微波海洋尾丝虫的DNA微量提取研究 2001(ZK)8.刘必谦;周湘池;王亚军紫菜基因组DNA提取及酶切[期刊论文]-中国水产科学 2001(02)9.郭宝太;夏连胜;姜国勇提取条斑紫菜高纯度总DNA及其质粒状DNA的新方法[期刊论文]-莱阳农学院学报2002(01)10.陆源;文建凡;吕天雯滇池铜绿微囊藻的分离培养与总DNA提取的改进[期刊论文]-湖泊科学 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学号:9112103013院系:外国语学院成绩:西安翻译学院XI’AN FANYI UNIVERSITY高职高专毕业论文题目:游戏在儿童英语教学中的应用专业:英语教育班级:9112103姓名:刘丹指导教师:刘丹青2012 年 3 月阅读英语报刊对英语学习的好处刘丹(西安翻译学院外国语学院 710105)摘要:英语学习是一个理论与实践的过程,是一个不断积累与运用的过程。
关键词:学生英语学习英语报刊阅读Reading English newspapers and periodicals on the benefits of learning EnglishAbstract:Englisn learning is a process of combining theories and practices, and also a process of gradually accumulation and operation.nevertheless,only through reading a large number of English materials can we achieve the maximal practices so that we can use English flexibly at last .English newspapers represents the latest trent of English development. In general, a great deal of new vocabularies and phrases initially appears in newspapers, it's wide range in choosing materials and richful content, which are closely related to students' life, made it possible to cultivate students' interest and motivation of English learning. By reading newspapers, students will have access to the current affairs from home and abroad, besides, through which they will gain an improvement in reading ability, enrich their knowledge, and broaden their horizon as well. What’s more, if we master some reading skills, we can read newspapers more effectively with less effort.Keywords: students reading English learning English newspapers一、绪论英语学习是一个听说读写译全面结合的过程,是一个学习与运用的过程。
一般来说,所有的文本都可以大致分类为表达 型、信 息 型 和 指 示 型 。表 达 型 附 有 作 者 、原 文 的 语 言 和文化倾 向 ;信 息 型 着 力 点 在 于 信 息 的 传 播 ,更 注 重 面向读者;而 指 示 型 强 调 的 是 读 者 获 得 信 息 后 所 施 的 行为。旅游资料是一种宣传资料,其目的是吸引游 客,激 发 兴 趣 ,增 强 乐 趣 ,传 播 文 化 。它 以 传 达 信 息 为主 ,面 向 读 者 ,无 疑 属 于 信 息 型 文 本 。再 者 ,旅 游 资料常 集 多 种 知 识 、不 同 体 裁 于 一 体 ,涉 及 面 广 ,文 体多样。鉴 于 东 西 方 文 化 差 异 及 旅 游 资 料 的 特 点 ,我 们认为旅游资 料 的 翻 译 就 是 要 把 原 文 中 的 信 息 转 移 到 译文中,其关键就是文化信息的转移。无论什么内 容,什么 文 体 ,都 围 绕 向 读 者 传 递 信 息 和 文 化 背 景 知 识这一点,让读者读懂、接受是最重要的。 在翻译旅游资料时该怎样进行有效的文化处理 呢?笔者在实践中总结了两条原则四种方法: 两 条 原 则 :以 中 国 文 化 为 取 向 的 原 则 与 以 译 文 为 重点的原则。 所 谓 以 中 国 文 化 为 取 向 ,就 是 尽 量 保 留 中 国 文 化 信息,尽 量 多 地 宣 传 中 国 文 化 ,因 为 了 解 中 国 文 化 也 是外国旅游 者 的 重 要 目 的 之 一 ,而 翻 译 的 主 要 目 的 就 是促进文 化 交 流 。一 些 外 国 游 客 每 到 一 处 ,总 要 尽 可 能多地搜集 旅 游 资 料 ,并 把 它 们 作 为 了 解 中 国 的 窗 口 之一。他们有了解和理解异国文化的心理准备。 所 谓 以 译 文 为 重 点 ,即 指 翻 译 旅 游 资 料 时 ,既 要 忠实于原文 又 不 拘 泥 于 原 文 。要 从 译 文 读 者 的 角 度 出 发,对 信 息 进 行 适 当 调 整 ,让 他 们 好 读 好 懂 。以 译 文 为重点,就 是 主 张 在 不 损 害 原 意 的 基 础 上 ,调 整 旅 游 资料的信息 量 与 篇 章 结 构 ,让 译 文 读 者 轻 松 地 了 解 所 需的中国 文 化 信 息 ,增 加 旅 游 兴 趣 ,达 到 旅 游 资 料 翻 译的目的。
912021年第3期总第381期VIEW ON PUBLISHING近代上海因为拥有通商口岸,很快就成为对外贸易中心,所以西方文化通常经上海传入中国,跑马、跑狗、回力球赛运动(简称“三跑”运动)皆在此列。
1.生态翻译观与关联翻译观关照下的翻译模式对比研究 [J], 李琳琳;丛丽
2.语境顺应观下的修辞格翻译——《红楼梦》回目之个案分析 [J], 张宁
3.《红楼梦》回目修辞英译外部语境顺应观 [J], 张宁
4.语境顺应论视角下理想翻译模式的建构 [J], 蒋卓颖
5.语境顺应视角下本源概念的翻译模式探究——以《我不是潘金莲》及其英译本为例 [J], 曹玉莹;戈玲玲
Solitude孤独"Why idly seek from outward thingsThe answer inward silence brings?Why climb the far-off hills with pain,A nearer view of heaven to gain ?In lowliest depths of bosky dellsThe hermit Contemplation dwells,Whence, piercing heaven, with screened sight,He sees at noon the stars, whose lightShall glorify the coming night."Whittier"In the still hour when passion is at restGather up stores of wisdom in thy breast."—Wordsworth“为什么要漫无目的地从外部事物中寻找那内心宁静自然而现的答案?为什么要痛苦地攀爬那遥远的高山而不欣赏近处那天国般的美景?在幽深绵长的丛林谷底隐士沉思于此由此处,伴随着被筛选过的光芒,刺透了天空他看到了中午的星星,星星的光芒会使夜晚变得更加壮丽。
”——华兹华斯Man’s essential being is inward, invisible, spiritual, and as such it derives its life, strength, from within, not from without. Outward things are channels through which its energies are expended, but for renewal it must fall back on the inward silence.人的本质是内在的、无形的、精神上的,同时它也起源于生活。
答辩日期:2015年5月9日上午 8:00 地点:11B609
答辩日期:2015年5月9日上午 8:00 地点:11B607
《〈移民还是从此幸福生活〉 的翻译实践报告》
《<美国临终事业:提高生存质量 实现临终愿望>的翻译实践报告》
1.国外企业知识产权保护制度比较研究 [J], 博远;项沐
2.巧借"实践"舞台,"习作"有滋有味--浅谈巧借“实践”舞台,“习作”有滋有味——浅谈综合实践课程与作文教学的巧妙整合 [J], 万思斌
3.知识产权保护地方立法的实践与思考——基于《天津市知识产权保护条例》 [J], "知识产权保护地方立法的实践与思考"课题组;吴挺;宁卫红;张宜云
4.妙用巧借抢市场在现代商业的公关广告活动中,企业如何利用“巧借”这一策略呢? [J], 成宝德
5.知识产权保护对高技术产业研发投入的影响研究——基于知识产权保护实际强度与最适强度的视角 [J], 余亮
1.美国总统就职演说词中的隐喻说服功能分析 [J], 王朝萍
2.翻译中的连接词显化:以美国总统就职演说词三个汉译本为例 [J], 任小华;
3.翻译中的连接词显化:以美国总统就职演说词三个汉译本为例 [J], 任小华
4.美国总统就职演说词中的圣经文体 [J], 任东升;吴晓燕
5.美国总统就职演说词中的隐喻说服功能分析 [J], 王朝萍
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英文文献翻译专业班级:自动化09-01班学生姓名:张宁学号:090410115二〇一三年六月七日In February 1986, Robert Bosch in SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) General Assembly introduced a new type of serial bus - CAN Controller Area Network, it is time for the birth of CAN. Today, almost every one in Europe, new passenger cars are equipped with CAN LAN. Similarly, CAN is also used for other types of vehicles, from trains to ships or for industrial control. CAN has become a worldwide one of the most important of the bus - or even leading the serial bus. In 1999, nearly 6 10 million CAN controller into used. In 2000, market sales of more than 100 million CAN device.Earlier in 1980, Bosch engineers began to demonstrate at the time serial bus used for passenger car system is feasible. Because there is no ready-made network solution can fully meet the requirements of automotive engineers, then, in early 1983, Uwe Kiencke start of a new serial bus. The main direction of the new bus to add new features to reduce the electrical cable so that it can be used for products, rather than to drive technology. Mercedes-Benz engineers from the early development of the state of the bus description, and Intel is also preparing for a major manufacturer of semiconductor production. One consultant was hired from Germany, Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel University of Applied Science, Professor Dr. Wolfhard Lawrenz given the name of the new network program "Controller Area Network", referred to as CAN. From Karlsruhe University, Professor Dr. Horst Wettstein provides theoretical support.February 1986, CAN was born. In the Detroit Society of Automotive Engineers Congress, from Bosch to study the new bus system known as the "cars Serial Controller Area Network." Uwe Kiencke, Siegfried Dais and Martin Litschel introduced the program of the multi-master network. This program is based on non-destructive arbitration mechanism, to ensure high-priority packet delay-free transmission. Also, do not need to set the bus master controller. In addition, CAN Father - the few professors and Bosch's Wolfgang Borst, Wolfgang Botzenhard, Otto Karl, Helmut Schelling, Jan Unruh have achieved a number of species in the error detection mechanisms in CAN? The error detection but also fault node automatically disconnect feature to ensure continued communication between the remaining nodes. Transmission of messages not based on packet transmitter / receiver node address identification (almost true for the other bus), but by the content packet identification. Meanwhile, the identifier used to identify the message also provides the packet is thepriority in the system.When this innovative communication solution on the majority of text in place, the mid-1987, Intel plans two months ahead of delivery of its first CAN controller: 82 526, this is the first time CAN hardware implementation of the program. In just four years time, vision becomes a reality. Soon after, Philips Semiconductors introduced the 82C200. This is the first of two CAN controller acceptance filtering and message control, there are many different. On the one hand, the main push of FullCAN Intel Philips Lord than by pushing BasicCAN takes less CPU load; the other hand, FullCAN device can receive a relatively limited number of messages, BasicCAN controller requires less silicon . Today's CAN controllers, the "grandchildren" generation are in the same module acceptance filtering and message control, there are still considerable differences, to create a BasicCAN and FullCAN camps.Standardization and consistency in early 1990, Bosch CAN standard (CAN 2.0 version) was submitted to the International Organization for Standardization. In a number of administrative discussion, should some of the major demands of the French automobile manufacturers to increase the "Vehicle Area Network (V AN)" content, and was published in November 1993 CAN international standard ISO11898. In addition to CAN agreement, it also provides up to 1Mbps baud rate of the physical layer. Meanwhile, the international standard ISO11519-2 also provides fault-tolerant CAN data transmission method. In 1995, the international standard ISO11898 was extended to the form described in Appendix 29 CAN identifiers. But sadly, all published in the CAN specification contain errors or incomplete. Therefore, in order to avoid incompatible CAN applications, Bosch CAN chip, the company has been carrying out verification whether the reference model based on Bosch's CAN workpiece. In addition, in recent years under the leadership of Professor in Lawrenz, in Germany Braunschweig / Wolfenbüttel University of Applied Science CAN conformance testing, test model is based on international standards, test standards ISO16845.Currently, amendments are being standardized in the CAN specification. ISO11898-1 as "CAN data link layer", ISO11898-2 as "non-fault-tolerant CAN physical layer", ISO11898-3 known as "fault-tolerant CAN physical layer." International standard ISO11992 (truck and trailer interface) and ISO11783 (agriculture and forestry machinery) are standard in the United States based on the J1939 CAN-based application of the definition of sub-agreements, but they are not complete. Although it had been a pioneer in the development of CAN,CAN startingpoint for research is applied to bus systems, but the first market application of CAN but from other areas. Particularly in Northern Europe, CAN has long been a very popular application.In the Netherlands, the elevator manufacturer Kone using CAN bus. Kvaser Swiss Engineering Office has proposed to apply to a number of textile-CAN (Lindauer Dornier and Sulzer), by providing them with machine protocol. This area, in the leadership of Lars-Berno Fredriksson, the company established a "CAN Textile Machinery user group." By 1989, they had developed communication theory, and in early 1990 to help build "CAN Kingdom" development environment. Although the CAN Kingdom is not an OSI reference model based on the application layer, but it is considered a high-level protocol based on CAN prototype. In the Netherlands, Philips Medical Systems decided to use X-ray machine CAN constitute the internal network, a CAN of industrial users. Released mainly by Tom Suters "Philips message specification - PMS" CAN network presented the first application layer. Weingarten of Applied Science from the German university professor, Dr. Konrad Etschberger also holds the same view. He managed Steinbeis Transfer Center for Process Automation (Stzp) company (now renamed IXXAT Automation Corporation), and developed a similar program. In any case, the first high-level agreement is taking shape.Most of the pioneer CAN use monolithic approach, communication, network management, application code combinations in the same software. Even if some users have more standard modules available, but the face of all solutions, they must also flawed. CAN must be sustained and stable development of high-level agreements - even today, some users still underestimate the problem. Earlier in 1990, began planning the establishment of a user organization to standardize the different solutions. Few months in early 1992, when the magazine's director of VMEbus (Press: Franzis) Holger Zeltwanger to users and manufacturers together to discuss the establishment of a neutral for the development of CAN technology platform, but also to analyze the market for the serial bus .May 1992, CiA "CAN in Automation" Users Group was established. Only a few weeks, CiA is a technology magazine published the first, which is on the physical layer. CiA recommends using only follow the ISO11898 of the CAN transceiver. Until now, at the time of the CAN network in use is very common but not compatible with RS-485 transceiver has basically disappeared, even though it is provided by themanufacturer. CiA is one of the first tasks of the provisions of CAN application layer. According to Philips Medical Systems (PMS) and Stzp provide content to rely on the assistance of the rest of CiA members, CAL - "CAN application layer" also known as the "Green Paper" was born. CAN application in the development of norms, CiA a major task for experts and other CAN CAN exchange of information between learners. Thus, since 1994, CiA CAN annual convening an international conference (iCC). Another theory is to draw on the LA V, an association of agricultural means of transport. Begin later in 1980, a vehicle based on CAN bus system of agriculture (LBS) to be worked out. But in the end work completed, the International Standardization Committee decided to solutions offered to support the US - J1939. It is also a CAN-based application of sub-agreement, by the SAE's Truck and Bus Association to develop. J1939 is a non-modular program, easy to learn, but very poor flexibility. From theory to practice, of course, produce an integrated CAN module 15 semiconductor device manufacturers mainly focus on the automotive industry.From mid-1990, Infineon and Motorola, the company's passenger car manufacturers in Europe have a large number of CAN controller. As the next wave, from the late 1990s, the Far East, semiconductor manufacturers have begun to offer CAN controllers. In 1994, NEC launched the legend in the CAN chip 72005, but this step too soon - the time, this device can not be put into use. Since 1992, Mercedes-Benz (Mercedes) started to use their advanced CAN bus technology. The first step by the use of electronic controllers to manage engine CAN; second step operation using the controller receives the signal people. This use of two physically separate CAN bus system, they connect through the gateway. Other bus companies have also come to learn in Stuttgart, in their passenger cars also use two sets of CAN bus system.Now, after V olvo, Saab, V olkswagen, BMW later, Renault and Fiat have also begun to use their vehicles CAN bus. Earlier in 1990, Ohio, mechanical engineering company engineers and Allen-Bradley Company, Honeywell micro switch started a joint venture project, the content is based on the CAN communication and control. However, soon after, a key member of the team left the joint venture terminated. But the Allen-Bradley Company and Honeywell to continue to engage in the work of their respective companies. This led to two high-level agreement: "Devicenet" and "Smart Distributed System (SDS)", and this two agreements in the lower layer is very similar to the communication layer. Earlier in 1994, Allen-Bradley DeviceNet specificationswill be handed over to an organization dedicated to promote DeviceNet "Open DeviceNet Vendor Association (ODV A)". And Honeywell were given up efforts in the SDS, making SDS more like Honeywell's internal solutions. DeviceNet tailored specifically for factory automation, therefore, making it similar to the Profibus-DP and Interbus agreement contender. If considered only from the plug and play functionality, DeviceNet has become the specific application in the field of leadership.In Europe, some companies try to use the CAL. Although the CAL in theory is correct, and can be put into application in industry, but each user must design a new sub-agreement, because CAL is a true application layer. CAL CAN can be seen as an application program necessary theoretical step, but it will not be promoting this area. Since 1993, the Esprit project ASPIC range, led by the European Association for Bosch developed a prototype, this developed into a CANopen. It is a CAL-based sub-protocol for internal network control product components. In theory, the Applied Science from the University of Reutlingen, Germany, Professor Dr. Gerhard Gruhler, and from Newcastle (UK) University Mohammed Farsi active participation of all is one one of the most successful activists. After completion of the project, CANopen specification CiA handed over to the organization, its maintenance and development. In 1995, CiA CANopen published a complete version of the communication sub-agreement; in just 5 years, it has become embedded in Europe's most important network standards. CANopen defines not only the application layer and communication sub-agreements for programmable systems, different device, interface, application sub-protocol defines the status page, which is the industry (such as: printers, maritime applications, medical systems) decided to use CANopen of an important reason. DeviceNet and CANopen, are located in two different markets the standard application layer protocol (EN 50325). DeviceNet for factory automation and control; CANopen is suitable for all mechanical embedded network. This has created two different application, therefore, necessary to define the application layer specification history (can be a lot of embedded systems specific exclusion).Although the CAN protocol CAN outlook has 15 years of history, but it is still in improving. Since 2000, a company formed by several mission organizations ISO defines a time-triggered CAN protocol packet transmission. Dr. Bernd Mueller, Thomas Fuehrer, Bosch company and the semiconductor industry experts, academic experts, this agreement is defined as "time-triggered communications, CAN (TTCAN)", plan for the future standard for the ISO11898-4. The CAN has beenexpansion of silicon to achieve, not only closed loop to support the time-triggered message transmission, but also realize CAN of x-by-wire applications. Because the CAN protocol has not changed, so, in the same physical layer, transmission time can be achieved not only triggered messages can also be achieved to trigger the message transmission event. CAN TTCAN will extend the lifetime of 5-10 years. Now, CAN in the global market is still at the starting point, when taken seriously, the one can expect a CAN bus system in the next 10-15 years, the development trend. It should be emphasized that the reality: Over the past few years, the United States and the Far East manufacturers will be in their serial production of automotive components using CAN. In addition, a large number of potential new applications (eg: entertainment) is present - not only for passenger cars, can also be used for family consumption. Meanwhile, the combined application of high-level protocol on the CAN special security system is solid growth in demand. BIA Professional Committee of Germany and the German safety standards authority TÜV has a number of CAN-based security system has been certified. CANopen-Safety is first obtained permission of the CAN BIA solutions, DeviceNet-Safety will immediately follow. Global Rating Association one of the leaders, Germanischer Lloyd is preparing to propose to CANopen firmware used in maritime transport. In other matters, the specification defined by the network automatically switches to convert the redundant CANopen bus system.CAN list of historical events:1983:Start of the Bosch internal project to develop an in-vehicle network1986:Official introduction of CAN protocol1987:First CAN controller chips from Intel and Philips Semiconductors1991:Bosch’s CAN specification 2.0 published1991:CAN Kingdom CAN-based higher-layer protocol introduced by Kvaser 1992:CAN in Automation international users and manufacturers group established1992:CAN Application Layer (CAL) protocol published by CiA1992:First cars from Mercedes-Benz used CAN network1993:ISO 11898 standard published1994:1st international CAN Conference (iCC) organized by CiA1994:Devicenet protocol introduction by Allen-Bradley1995:ISO 11898 amendment (extended frame format) published1995:CANopen protocol published by CiA2000:Development of the time-triggered communication protocol for CAN1986年2月,Robert Bosch 公司在SAE(汽车工程协会)大会上介绍了一种新型的串行总线——CAN控制器局域网,那是CAN诞生的时刻。