• Put into Chinese:
• (1) When I try to understand what it is
that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect, it seems to me that there are two causes, of which one goes much deeper than the other. • 译:为什么如此众多的美国人不能如想象 中那样幸福呢?我认为原因有二,而两者 之间又有深浅之分。
Ten linguistic differences between English and Chinese 英汉语言十大差异 • 1. synthetic vs. analytic 综合性与分析性 • 2. hypotactic vs. paratactic 形合与意合 • 3. pre-emphasis vs. post-emphasis 前重心与后重心 • 4. associative vs. logical 引申与推理(第3讲) • 5. static vs. dynamic 静态与动态 (第4讲) • 6. abstract vs. concrete 抽象与具体 (第5讲) • 7. substitutive vs. repetitive 替换与重复 (第6讲) • 8. passive vs. active 被动与主动 (第7讲) • 9. impersonal vs. personal 物称与人称 (第7讲) • 10. roundabout vs. straightforward 间接与直接 8
• 英语句子头轻脚重,汉语则相反;
”(《中国语法理论》,《王力文集》第一卷,第35页,山东教育出版社,1984年)我们看一看下面的例子:Children will play with dolls equipped with personality chips, computers with inbuilt (成为固定装置的,嵌入墙内的;内在的,固有的)personalities will be regarded as workmates rather than tools, relaxation will be in front of smell television, and digital age will have arrived。
例如:Interest in historical methods had arisen less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline (身心的锻炼,训练;纪律,风纪,命令服从;惩戒,惩罚;学科,科目)and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves.译文:人们对历史研究方法产生了兴趣,这与其说是因为外部对历史作为一门知识学科的有效性提出了挑战,还不如说是因为历史学家内部发生了争吵。
Why do we say English is an abstract language ?
This discussion is from philosophic point of view.
1) 为什么西方人喜欢抽象?抽象名词有什 么特点? 2) 举例说明什么叫英语词义虚化和语义词 化? 有多少手段? 3) 举例说明什么是汉语的意像性P173?有一 些什么特点? 4)在翻译的过程中, 怎样处理英语的抽象 和汉语的意像?
2)Survival of the Fittest. 适者生存 什么是词化(Lexicalization)?
I. 3.1 用词缀进行词义虚化。前缀和后 缀都可以使词义虚化。 micro-, inter-,-ness, -tion,-ism,ence
Eg.1 ) Manliness is judged according to one’s invulnerability to the impact of the outside world.
男子汉气是根据他是否能抵抗住外来影响而判断 的。 He won the game by his wisdom. 他因为聪明而赢得了比赛.
Civilization means, among other things, increase of abstract terms and decrease of superfluous special words...
Abstract entities can function as theoretical explanation.
1)I have too much to tell you and don't know what to begin with.我有许多话要对你说,却不知道从何说起。
)2)Was ever such nonsense written?这样荒唐的东西有人写过吗?(nonsense“胡说八道、废话”在句中被译为“荒唐的东西”,译得恰到好处。
)3)The workshop director issued a communication outlining the details of the work to be done on the shutdown and safety rules to be followed during the work.车间主任签发了一份通知,概括了停机期间的工作项目以及工作中要遵守的安全规则。
)4)You may have something of Roosevelt,something of a Newton in yourself;you may have something very much greater than either of these men manifested waiting your help to give it expression.你或许有罗斯福的才能,牛顿的智慧,你或许具有比他们两人更加伟大的本领,在等待着你将它表现出来。
display arrogance eccentricity
•What they wanted most was an end of uncertainties. 他们最渴望结束这摇摆不定的局面。
•We have winked at these irregularities too long. 我们对这种越轨行为宽容太久了。
be in for I understand he’s in for a job in the company. 我知道他在申请公司的一个职位。
不定式和动名词以及名词性从句都导致英语表达虚化。 This is what he is. 这就是他的人品/为人。
虚化现象还有 soften--make sth soft; outnumber-more than; ....
•抽象词语意抽象词语意义模糊,便于掩饰作者含混(cloudy) 或真实的思想,以迎合其某种表达的需要,因而也得以流行
There are many communities where anonymity in personal relationships prevails. 社区许多人都互相不认识。 Your disablement pension entitlement is now satisfactorily placed beyond all disputes on legal grounds. 作为残疾人,你有权依法领取抚恤金。9英汉对比之抽象与具体
•用词缀进行词义虚化。前缀和后缀都可以使词义虚化,其 中以后缀数量最多、分布最广。
前缀: pan- 泛 inter- 相互 multi- 多 micro- 微
3)必须等到有了这批新设备,才能(cáinéng)购买这 批货
The purchase should not be completed until the new facilities are available.
The actual date of the completion of the purchase should coincide with the availability of the new facilities.
• 4)医院某些医护人员在手术(shǒushù)前后都非常 粗心
• Some of the hospital staff were very careless both before and after the operation.
• A high degree of carelessness, pre-operative and post-operative, on the part of some of the hospital staff, took place.
• mindlessness
• 5)保护消费者利益运动;(主张以消费刺激经济 (jīngjì)的)消费主义
• consumerism
• 6)新闻节目主持人的语言风格或用语 • anchormanese
An excessive reliance on the noun at the
expense of the verb will, in the end, detach the
• 5)缺乏数据会使准确(zhǔnquè)的统计变得很困难。
• Lack of figures may make it difficult to produce accurate statistics
英汉对比研究 抽象与具体
一般说来,英语词义内涵比较广泛,词的用法 比较灵活,一词多义、一词多用的现象非常普 遍,这也有助于表达比较概括、笼统的意义。 如: service: 服务、上菜、服务机构、部门人员、 军种、设施、维修、发球、送达、仪式等多种 解释; power: 能力、体力、动力、权力、势力、电 力、强国、有权力的人、有影响的机构等多种 解释。
我怎么也不曾想到,在抵达天然高地时竟然 会出现一处人工建筑。
b. 使用范畴词:
the rich,poor the seen the aesthetic on full alert
富人,穷人 所见到的景色 一种美感 处于高度警觉状态
the disabled
c. 使用具体词语:
例: 1. My spirit and my senses were heightened. 我精神抖擞,感官敏锐。 2. Readiness is all.
2、用介词表达比较虚泛的意义。介词本来就是虚 词,在英语里十分活跃。介词可以构成各式各样 的短语或成语,其意义有时虚泛得难以捉摸,如:
1) be in at: If any mischief was going forward, Peter was sure to be in at it. 只要有什么恶作剧,总免不了有彼得在内。
1.用虚化词缀构词。前缀和后缀都可以使词义虚化,其中以后缀 数量最多、分布最广。 如: 前缀: pan-泛: panorama inter-相互: interplay multi-多: multiply multimedia micro-微: microscope…… 后缀:—hood表示身份、资格、性质、状态:childhood —ness表示性质、状态、程度:kindness —ment表示手段、过程、状态、程度:entertainment —ship表示情况、状态、职业、技巧、技能:hardship
通过对比英汉语言,可以更好地理解两种语言的语法、语义、语用等方面 的差异,避免出现语言错误或误解。
02 英汉抽象表达对比
英语倾向于使用抽象词汇和短语 来表达概念和思想,如使用动词 不定式、动名词、介词短语等。
英语中常用形容词或副词来修 饰名词或动词,以表达抽象的 概念或属性,而汉语中则更倾 向于使用具体形象或比喻。
03 英汉具体表达对比
英语倾向于使用具体的 词汇和短语来描述事物 和概念,强调细节和具
英语中常用名词、代词 、动词短语等来表达具 体的事物和动作,使得 表达更加具体和明确。
05 英汉语言抽象与具体的应 用
英语中常用抽象名词来表达概 念或情感,而在汉语中,这些 抽象名词可以被具体化或用动
例如,英语中的 "insensitivity"在汉语中可以 被翻译为"麻木不仁",将抽
又如,"to be in love"在汉语 中可以被翻译为"坠入爱河", 将抽象的情感用具体的动作来
汉语中常用具体形象或比喻来描述抽象的概念或属性,如“铁石心肠”、“水深火 热”等。
汉语中常用动词或动词短语来表达抽象的概念或行为,如“想一想”、“说清楚” 等。
英语抽象表达更倾向于使用抽 象词汇和短语,而汉语更倾向 于使用具体词汇和短语。
11、获得的成功越大,就越令人高兴 。野心 是使人 勤奋的 原因, 节制使 人枯萎 。 12、不问收获,只问耕耘。如同种树 ,先有 根茎, 再有枝 叶,尔 后花实 ,好好 劳动, 不要想 太多, 那样只 会使人 胆孝懒 惰,因 为不实 践,甚 至不接 触社会 ,难道 你是野 人。(名 言网) 13、不怕,不悔(虽然只有四个字,但 常看常 新。 14、我在心里默默地为每一个人祝福 。我爱 自己, 我用清 洁与节 制来珍 惜我的 身体, 我用智 慧和知 识充实 我的头 脑。 15、这世上的一切都借希望而完成。 农夫不 会播下 一粒玉 米,如 果他不 曾希望 它长成 种籽; 单身汉 不会娶 妻,如 果他不 曾希望 有小孩 ;商人 或手艺 人不会 工作, 如果他 不曾希 望因此 而有收 益。-- 马钉路 德。
66、节制使快乐增加并使享受加强。 ——德 谟克利 特 67、今天应做的事没有做,明天再早也 是耽误 了。——裴斯 泰洛齐 68、决定一个人的一生,以及整个命运 的,只是一瞬 之间。 ——歌 德 69、懒人无法享受休息之乐。——拉布 克 70、浪费时间是一桩大罪过。——卢梭
关键词:抽象具体翻译1 引言英汉对比研究表明,传统的英语思维常用比较抽象概括的概念表达具体形象的事物,比较重视抽象思维的运用,具有较强的抽象性。
2 抽象和具体思维与英汉语言特征西方思维传统注重科学、理性,重视分析、实证,在论证、推演中认识事物,然后对其本质进行总结、归纳和抽象思维,挖掘其规律。
G.M.Young曾指出,“an excessive reliance on the noun at the expense of the verb will, in the end, detach the mind of the writer from the realities of here and now, from when and how and in what mood the thing was done, and insensibly induce a habit of abstraction, generalization)”英语的抽象表达法主要见于大量使用抽象名词。
一、英汉思维方式的不同在句子写作上的反映1、主题:形合(hypotaxis英语),意合(parataxis汉语)译例:英译汉And now it is April day, and they take the old cloak and lie in John’s grove out of doors together.四月里的一天,他们带上破斗篷,到屋子外边的约翰丛林里躺下。
After an enormous lunch I drove Dave back to town to get his luggage.在他们家里吃了一顿丰盛的午餐,我便开车送戴夫回镇上取行李。
If winter comes, can spring be far behind?冬天到了,春天还会远吗?汉译英:让壁立的岩石,静静流着的小河,凤过处便窃窃私语的树林,都作为自己亲密的邻居。
All the company she had were the sleep cliffs, the silently flowing stream, and the trees that whispered in the wind.2、主题:抽象(英语),具体(汉语)1)抽象概念与具体概念译例:英译汉But my mother had passed this way for years. And the slimness and the stride were long past, too.但是母亲已经很多年没有走这条路了,苗条的倩影和矫健的步伐已不可复睹。
汉译英世上都晓神仙好,只有金银忘不了.Men all know that salvation should be won, but with their riches won’t have done.2) 抽象描述与具体描述译例英译汉Nature has no kindness, no hospitality, during a rain.下雨时,大自然对人类毫不容情,似乎不让我们有容身之所。
第八章抽象与具体(Abstract vs.Concrete)英语的名词化往往导致表达的抽象化。
G.M.Young曾指出,“an excessive reliance on the noun at the expense of the verb will,in the end,detach the mind of the writer from the realitiesof here and now, from when and how and in what mood the thing was done.and insensibly induce a habit of abstraction, generalization and vagueness.”英语的抽象表达法(method of abstract diction)主要见于大量使用抽象名词。
如:1)The signs of the times point to the necessity of the modification of the system of=It is becoming clear that the administrative system must be,administration.(“Times”)(modified)管理体制需要改革,这已越来越清楚了。
2)No year passes now without evidence of the truth of the statement that the work ofow true it government is becoming increasingly difficult.(“Spectator”)(=Every year shows again his that…)行政管理工作已变得越来越困难了,每年都证明确实如此。
英汉词语对比与翻译【打印版】英汉词语对比与翻译--- 系统、语义及其他词类在英汉语中使用的频率有差异1.我成功了。
I was in success.2. The old man cast impatient glances at the clock. 这位老师不耐烦地看了看钟。
He is a green hand4. On entering the door I remembered the doll I had broken.I felt my way to the hearth and picked up the pieces. I tried vainly to put them together.一进门,我就想起来了被我摔碎的娃娃。
A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese --- 英汉语对比研究人到齐就开会。
The meeting will begin when all are here. 不要人云亦云。
Don’t say what others have said.帐单撕碎了。
The bill was torn to pieces. 问题解决了。
The problem was solved.你再说一个字,我马上走。
If you should say one more word, I would go at once. 你死了,我去当和尚。
If you should die, I would go and be a monk.1.人在阵地在。
The position will not be given up so long as we are still living.(Condition 条件)2.人无远虑,必有近忧。
If one has no long-term considerations, he will find troubleat his doorstep.(Condition 条件)3.病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。
It has been noted with concern that the stock of books in the library has been declining alarming. Students are asked to remind themselves of the rules for the borrowing and return of books, and to bear in mind the needs of other students. Penalties for overdue books will in the future be strictly enforced. 近来已注意到,本馆藏书以令人惊异的速度在减 少,此事令人关切。现要求学生不要忘记借书还 书规则,并考虑其他学生的需要。今后凡借书逾 期不还者,必将严格按章处罚。
Studies on fish populations have shown that cod disappeared from Newfoundland at the same time that stocks started rebuilding in Norway, raising the possibility that the cod had migrated. 针对鳕鱼数量的研究表明,纽芬兰地区的鳕鱼减少了,与此同时, 挪威地区的鳕鱼数量却在增加,这说明鳕鱼很有可能迁移了。 The American antislavery movement was at the height of its activity during 1800s,when abolitionists developed the Underground Railroad, a loosely organized system whereby runaway slaves were passed from safe house to safe house as they fled northwards to free states or Canada. 美国的废奴运动于19世纪达到了顶峰,当时,废奴运动者们建立 了地下铁路,即一个组织松散的体系,借助于这个体系,奴隶们 往北逃往那些已经废除奴隶制的北部各州和加拿大的过程中,从 一个安全的地方转移到了另一个安全的地方(一站一站地安全转 移)。
原文摘自English Through Reading,译文由庄绎传翻译。
最后是从句的名词化,如:Since Lincoln did not apologize to the teacher for being late,she was very angry.→Lincoln’s not apologizing to the teacher for being late made her very angry.显然,后一句的表达更加抽象,更符合英文表达的习惯。
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男子汉气是根据他是否能抵抗住外来影响而判断 的。 He won the game by his wisdom. 他因为聪明而赢得了比赛.
No language is so sophisticated as English-it is abstracted to death.
Chinese are disinclined to use precisely defined terms or categories but expressive, metaphoric language.
II.为什么汉语是意象性语言? II. 1 汉语的直觉性和 形象性,反映了中国
抽象名词的 特征
The ancient Greeks were fond of categories (范畴化)(P167)...
The Greek language itself encouraged a focus on attributes ... categorize the object on the basis of its abstracted attributes ...(then) turning attributes into abstractions ...
Last week , we described English as a static language .Why ?
When we describe English as a static language , we refer to its excessive reliance on the noun at the expense of the verb. In other words, this phenomenon will detach the mind of the writer from the realities, from when and how and in what mood the thing was done. Thus inducing a habit of abstraction, generalization and vagueness.
Civilization means, among other things, increase of abstract terms and decrease of superfluous special words...
Abstract entities can function as theoretical explanation.
2) There are many communities where anonymity in personal relationships prevails. 社区许多人都互相不认识。 3) Your disablement pension entitlement is now satisfactorily placed beyond all disputes on legal grounds. 作为残疾人,你有权依法领取抚恤金。 4) Formality has always been considered as civility. 繁文缛节被认为是客套。
The lack of literacy leads to backwardness of the countryside Abstraction of language aims to reach decontextualization.
His wordiness made me crazy.
2)Survival of the Fittest. 适者生存 什么是词化(Lexicalization)?
I. 3.1 用词缀进行词义虚化。前缀和后 缀都可以使词义虚化。 micro-, inter-,-ness, -tion,-ism,ence
寓抽象于具体,寓推理于类比。 这样的语言属于意象性语言。 什么是意象性语言?
汉语以喻代议,便于直觉领悟,富有意象 Nhomakorabea
土崩瓦解 水乳交融 厚颜无耻 深思熟虑 如饥似渴 鹅毛大雪 添砖加瓦
Disintegration Perfect harmony Impudence Careful consideration With great eagerness. A heavy snow Make a little contribution
I .英语的抽象性表现在它的 逻辑性和理性上
I. 1 西方人擅长抽象思维和理论,因而 也擅长抽象表达法。P160 I. 1. 1 亚里斯多德的形式逻辑和欧洲16√
18世纪盛行的理性主义导致人们的思维注重 “以理服人”, 在理性推演中认识事物的性 质和联系。 The world is composed of substance
Reasons for abstraction
O.Jespersen ; An Englishman does not like to commit himself by being too enthusiastic and too distressed... In the Western tradition, objects have essences composed of mix-and-match (complicated) abstract qualities. These essences allow for confident predictions about behavior independent of context.
The situation is beyond control.
I.3.3 由具体名词派生出来的抽象概念语义复 杂,词义内涵比较广泛,常表现为一词多义或 一词多用。表达起来具有概括性。 如:service: 服务,服役,维修、服务部门, 服务机构,上菜... I.3.4 介词构成的各种短语后,也可表达虚 泛意义(不能从字面上猜出其意),其意有时 虚泛得难以捉摸。P168 the Be in at ; be in for ;man in rags, 参与
I. 1.2 抽象思维被认为是一种高级思维。是
高度文明的象征。P161 The more advanced a language is, the more developed is its powerful of expressing abstract or general ideas. ---o. Jesperson ...as our intellectual pursuits grow more highly developed, so names for various kinds and degrees of abstractions proliferate endlessly... 语言太感性不足以表达理性的概念.
In this unit we have to achieve these aims.
目的要求 仔细体会: 从思维模式上讲,英语的抽象性与物称法 有区别吗? 作 业 思考: 1)导致英语普遍抽象的原因是什么? 2) 为什么汉语是意像性语言? P173
第九讲 抽象与具体 Abstract and Concrete
I. 3 英语丰富的词义虚化、语义词化手段,使抽 象表达法大大提高。P167
1)There seems to have been an absence of attempt at conciliation no attempt between rival sect.
In the Eastern tradition, objects have concrete properties.
Plato actually thought that these abstractions had a greater reality than the properties of objects in the physical world. P160-161
I.3.2 词化(lexicalization)就是将语义进 行虚化和抽象化的手段。 即用一个单词来表 示一个短语或句子所含的语义(内涵增大、 更抽象化)。P167 (读写能力) 请造句:literacy decontextualization (不依赖语境而存在) wordiness 喋喋不休,讲个不停 Marxism 马克思主义思想体系
Why do we say English is an abstract language ?
This discussion is from philosophic point of view.
1) 为什么西方人喜欢抽象?抽象名词有什 么特点? 2) 举例说明什么叫英语词义虚化和语义词 化? 有多少手段? 3) 举例说明什么是汉语的意像性P173?有一 些什么特点? 4)在翻译的过程中, 怎样处理英语的抽象 和汉语的意像?