Specimen Preparation for Light Microscopy


ZEISS Lightsheet Z.1时序成像实验中的外部设备控制与天光照明集成技术指南说明书

ZEISS Lightsheet Z.1时序成像实验中的外部设备控制与天光照明集成技术指南说明书

Control of External Devices DuringTime Series Acquisition with ZEISS Lightsheet Z.1Integration of Daylight Illumination into Time Lapse ExperimentsControl of External Devices DuringTime Series Acquisition with ZEISS Lightsheet Z.1Integration of Daylight Illumination into Time Lapse ExperimentsAuthor: Dr. Annette BergterMartin BeckCarl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH, GermanyDate: May 2014IntroducingThe primary benefit of light sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) is extremely low light exposure to the sample, in combination with optical sectioning [1,4,5]. This is achieved by illuminating the sample with a thin sheet of light from the side, exciting only the fluorophores within the focal plane of the objective lens (Fig. 1). The detection beam path is arranged at a perpendicular angle to the illumination, so all light emitted from the focal plane can be collected by a camera.Due to this intrinsic efficiency, LSFM allows for high speed 3D fluorescence imaging on large, living samples, with virtually no photo-toxicity or bleaching.For the first time it is feasible to image live specimens from multiple directions for a prolonged period of time covering hours or even days of development.Figure 1Furthermore, light sheet fluorescence microcopy allows for novel sample mounting approaches, mostly based on sus-pension of specimens in transparent aqueous gels. This allows for sample immobilization, while still permitting organism growth and development [2]. Maintaining appropriate environ- mental conditions are key to a successful long term experiment. In Lightsheet Z.1, the specimen is kept in needed aqueous medium within a sample chamber (Fig. 1). A cover on top of the sample chamber prevents eva-poration and therefore fluctuation of media concentration.Additionally, temperature and CO2concentration are controlled by an integrated incubation solution, ensuring stable conditions during the experiment. To accommodate any additional en-vironmental or experimental needs, it is possible to integrate external devices (1) for activation during imaging pauses in a time lapse experiment. For example, trigger signals could be used to activate a light source for specimen stimulation and plant imaging, or perfusion pumps to exchange tissue culture media or modify its composition or temperature [3,6]. This Technology Note describes the setup of daylight illumination for plant imaging as one example.Trigger-Out SignalLightsheet Z.1 can be equipped with the option to send a trigger-out signal (2), delivered during the intervals between image acquisitions of a time series.The interval of a time series is defined as the time between the start of two consecutive time points (Fig. 2). If acquisition of the data requires less time than the interval, an acquisition pause with no imaging is part of the time series. During the acquisition of a time point, the trigger signal is in its low level state. Once the acquisition is completed, the trigger signal switches to the high state during the pause, and will return to its low level just before acquisition of the next time point begins (Fig. 2). An external device can therefore be active during these pauses without interfering with LSFM imaging. The trigger-out signal is a level trigger with a high level of 3.3 V (nominal value of the high level: > 3.2 V < 4.0 V, and nominal value of the low level: 0 V ± 0.4 V). The minimal working resistance is 5 kΩ. The trigger signal is delivered via a BNC connector, which is found at the back side of the PC for system control of Lightsheet Z.1.The BNC connector is coupled to the Lightsheet Z.1 PC for system control via PIN 9 and 10 of the 44 pole SUB-HD port of an ISG adapter, while PIN 18 is electrical grounding.Up to 2 BNC connections can be made to external devices and one device can be chosen to be included in an experiment.Figure 2Notes(1) T his external device is not provided or serviced by ZEISS.(2) T his is a hardware option of Lightsheet Z.1 system configuration. Please talk to your ZEISS sales representative for further information.It is found as Inter-Acquisition-Signal in the Time Series tool window in ZEN for Lightsheet Z.1.Example Setup for Daylight IlluminationFor imaging of plants over long periods of time, the trigger-out signal can be used to include daylight illumination. The example shows a setup in which a light bulb of the desired spectrum and power is installed outside the system (Fig. 3–A,C7), and a flexible light guide is used to illuminate the inside of the system cavity (Fig. 3–C3) above the sample chamber (Fig. 3–C 2,5). This installation allows to easily change the light source according to the experimental needs and op-tionally introduce filters for spectral specification of the light. The flexible light guide can be of different diameters.Apart from the amount of light needed, it is important to consider the 8 mm width of the openings (Fig. 3–C4) leading into the system cavity. The flexible light guide used in this example (417063-9901-000 Flexible light guide 1500,8/1000 mm, ZEISS Microscopy Online Shop) has a diameter of 8 mm but is actually thicker due to the outer coating. To use it, one of the partition walls in between the openings is removed with a small hand-held buzz-saw (e.g. Dremel®). This is done while this part of the cover is removed from the system to prevent dirt entering Lightsheet Z.1 and damage due to vibration. Removal and later reattachment of the system cover needs to be done by a ZEISS service technician.For imaging with Lightsheet Z.1 the system cavity door must completely close. A motorized shutter (Fig. 3–A,C6) is posi-tioned in between the light bulb and the light guide, blocking the light while images are acquired with Lightsheet Z.1 (trigger at low level). This shutter opens during the acquisition pause (trigger at high level).The motor is attached via a circuit board to the trigger out signal and a power source (Fig. 3–B,C8). The motor used for this example is specified to be operated at 24 V, but was used at 12 V to prevent unnecessary heat production.References[1] H uisken, J., Swoger, J., Del Bene, F., Wittbrodt, J., and Stelzer, E.H.K. (2004).Optical Sectioning Deep Inside Live Embryos by Selective Plane; Illumination Microscopy. Science 305, 1007–1009.[2] K aufmann, A., Mickoleit, M., Weber, M., Huisken, J. (2012).Multilayer mounting enables long-term imaging of zebrafish development in a light sheet microscope. Development. Sep;139(17):3242-7.[3] M aizel, A., von Wagenheim, D., Federici, F., Haseloff, J., Stelzer, H.K. (2011).High resolution live imaging of plant growth in near physiological bright conditions using light sheet fluorescence microscopy. The Plant Journal 68, 377-385.[4] Reynaud, E.G., Kržič, U., Greger, K., Stelzer, H.K. (2008). Light sheet-based fluorescence microscopy: more dimensions, more photons, and less photodamage. HFSP J. Oct 2008; 2(5): 266–275.[5] Selchow, O. and Huisken, J. (2013). Light sheet fluorescence microscopy and revolutionary 3D analyses of live specimens. BioPhotonik 1/2013; 44-47.[6] Vermeer, J.E., von Wagenheim, D., Barberon, M., Lee, Y., Stelzer, E.H., Maizel, A., Geldner, N. (2014).A spatial accommodation by neighboring cells is required for organ initiation in Arabidopsis. Science 343, 178-83.A diode is positioned in a parallel circuit (Fig. 3–B) to absorb the stress-peaks induced by the motor coil. With this setup the plant can be illuminated during the experiments without interfering with image acquisition. A day-night rhythm (e.g. 16 h of light to 8 h of darkness) is easily added by using a plug-in timer for the daylight illumination lamp.ConclusionLight sheet fluorescence microscopy allows for imaging of live specimens for long periods of time with virtually no photo-damage. This opens new options for long term imaging, with even more demands on tending to environmental needs of the sample. The trigger-out signal, marking image acquisi-tion pauses, provides the option to add specific treatments for the specimen’s benefit, such as daylight illumination in the above example. Using this model circuit diagram, other devices can be added as needed for the experiment, such as a perfu-sion pump to regularly exchange media or even to introduce drugs or other environmental stimuli to the specimen.Materials List• Flexible Light Guide (e.g. 417063-9901-000 Flexible light guide 1500, 8/1000 mm)• Shutter motor (e.g. 24 V/DC motor D23 LOL-F, Kuhnke; run at 12 V)• Transistor (e.g. BDW 42G)• Resistors (as needed)• Circuit board• Daylight illumination bulb (hardware store; spectrum and power as needed)• Timer (hardware store)Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH 07745 Jena, Germany E N _ 4 1 _ 0 1 3 _ 0 7 7 | C Z 0 6 -2 0 1 4 | D e s i g n , s c o p e o f d e l i v e r y a n d t e c h n i c a l p r o g r e s s s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e . |©C a r l Z e i s s M i c r o s c o p y G m b。



第43卷第4期2015年4月硅酸盐学报Vol. 43,No. 4April,2015 JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CERAMIC SOCIETY DOI:10.14062/j.issn.0454-5648.2015.04.18 CeO2-CdS/埃洛石纳米管的制备及可见光催化性能李霞章,殷禹,姚超,罗士平,左士祥,刘文杰(常州大学石油化工学院,江苏常州 213164)摘要:采用微波辐射法制备埃洛石纳米管(HNTs)负载CeO2-CdS复合材料CeO2-CdS/HNTs。



当CeO2/CdS摩尔比为3:7时,80 min内亚甲基蓝的降解率可达95%。

关键词:埃洛石纳米管;硫化镉;氧化铈;微波辐射;光催化降解中图分类号:TB332 文献标志码:A 文章编号:0454–5648(2015)04–0482–06网络出版时间:2015–04–01 16:15:06 网络出版地址:/kcms/detail/11.2310.TQ.20150401.1615.015.html Preparation of CeO2-CdS/Halloysite Nanotubes Composite and Its Visible LightPhotocatalytic PerformanceLI Xiazhang, YIN Yu, YAO Chao, LUO Shiping, ZUO Shixiang, LIU Wenjie(School of Petrochemical Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, Jiangsu, China)Abstract: CeO2-CdS/halloysites nanotubes (HNTs) with HNTs-supported hybrid CeO2 and CdS were synthesized by a microwave radiation method. The photocatalyst CeO2-CdS/HNTs as-prepared was characterized by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, ultraviolet-visible diffuse reflectance and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, respectively. The photocatalytic activity of the CeO2-CdS/HNTs sample was evaluated via the degradation of methylene blue (MB) under visible-light irradiation. The influence of molar ratios of CeO2 to CdS was investigated. It is indicated that the CeO2 and CdS nanoparticles can be loaded on the surface of HNTs evenly, demonstrating a synergistic effect on the photocatalytic performance. The maximum degradation rate of MB is 95% at the molar ratio of CeO2 to CdS of 3:7.Key words: halloysite nanotube; cadmium sulfide; cerium oxide; microwave radiation; photocatalytic degradation含有大量苯环、偶氮、氨基等基团的染料有机废水危害着人类的健康和安全[1]。

X-Cite XYLIS LED光源说明书

X-Cite XYLIS LED光源说明书

Brilliance Across the SpectrumPowerful LED fluorescence illumination for both compound and stereomicroscopesBroad spectral coverage for excitation from DAPI to Cy7 Precise intensity control for sensitive specimens Convenient light guide or fiber deliveryLow maintenance and mercury-freeThe X-Cite® XYLIS LED light source provides intense output and a broad spectrum which rivals arc lamps. Finally, researchersare able to enjoy the benefits of LED technology without compromising on price, flexibility, or performance. No more hesitation, no more excuses.Brightness of an Arc LampSpecially selected LEDs built into the X-Cite XYLIS are powerful enough to replace arc lamps on both compoundand stereomicroscopes. Compared to other LED products, specimen exposure and scanning times can be reduced, improving image quality and increasing productivity. X-Cite XYLIS’ impressive output and low maintenance can help breathe new life into under-used microscopes and make better use of laboratory resources.Broad Spectral CoverageX-Cite XYLIS is designed with more LEDs than previous X-Cite models, improving and extending spectral coverage for excitation from DAPI to Cy7. Spectral highlights include: • DAPI – Two X-Cite XYLIS models are available to providea choice of UV excitation. XT720S has a 365nm LEDfor a closer match to arc lamp output and compatibilitywith the narrow 365 DAPI filter sets which come standardin most microscopes. XT720L has a 385nm LED for usewith sensitive specimens and 385 DAPI filter sets whichare becoming increasingly common.•TRITC/Tx Rd/mCherry – X-Cite XYLIS incorporatesExcelitas’ patented and award-winning LaserLED Hybrid Drive® technology, utilizing high efficiency lasers to excitea phosphor layer and generate light from 500nm to600nm. The resulting intense, broad peak ensures plentyof power in this critical part of the spectrum.• Cy7 – X-Cite XYLIS is the only broadband LED source to include a 735nm peak for Cy7 excitation. Labs no longerhave to choose between the benefits of LEDs andkeeping their spectral options open. Flexibility to Suit Application NeedsIn addition to its powerful output and broad DAPI to Cy7 spectral range, X-Cite XYLIS offers the ultimate in flexibility – options are standard. Delivering light through a light guide alone or with a choice of more than a dozen microscope adaptors, X-Cite XYLIS can be installed on just about any new imaging system or used to retrofit the microscopes labs have depended on for years. Offered in two models with a choice of UV wavelengths (365nm or 385nm), labs may choose the one that is suitable for their preferred or existing DAPI filter sets. A “UV Off” mode permits the UV LED to be disabled when not required at all, protecting sensitive specimens and extending light guide lifetimes.Exceptional Control with Built-in Options When it comes to control options, all are built-in to everyX-Cite XYLIS - each system includes manual fingertip control with speedDIAL, hands-free operation with a foot pedal, as well as USB and TTL inputs for automated applications.X-Cite XYLIS’ ergonomic speedDIAL can be placed where it is most comfortable for individual users. Designed with a large speed-sensitive intensity dial that doubles as an ON/OFF button, controlling illumination is quick and intuitive. With a simple double tap on speedDIAL, users can quickly jump to a favorite intensity setting, as well as know the current intensity setting regardless of room lighting conditions via speedDIAL’s backlit display.Take full advantage of LED instant ON/OFF capability to limit photobleaching and phototoxicity with ultra-fast PC controlor TTL triggering. X-Cite XYLIS can be driven by commercial imaging software, and an SDK is available for developingcustomized control solutions.Finally, a true arc lamp replac for making the switch toX-Cite Costs & Energy SavingsX-Cite XYLIS allows researchers to reduce the amount of hardware required by an imaging system - replace an arc lamp, separate shutter and neutral density filters all with a single device. All systems include high speed shuttering, 1% intensity adjustment, and multiple manual/automated control options. Enjoy the long-term benefits of using LED technology - long lifetimes, consistentoutput, lower maintenance, fewer consumables, reduced energy use, and zero mercury waste.With instant-on capability, X-Cite XYLIS is ready to use within seconds, giving researchers the freedom to set the schedule. Whether fluorescence is required occasionally, daily orcontinuously, X-Cite XYLIS will be ready to work.2260 Argentia Road Mississauga, Ontario L5N 6H7 CANADATelephone: +1 905 821-2600Toll Free (USA and CAN): +1 800 668-8752Fax: +1 905 821-2055 ********************For a complete listing of our global offices, visit /locations© 2018 Excelitas Technologies Corp. X-Cite LaserLED Hybrid Drive are registered trademarks of Excelitas Technologies Corp. All rights reserved. The Excelitas logo and design are registered trademarks of Excelitas Technologies Corp. All other trademarks not owned by Excelitas Technologies or its subsidiaries that are depicted herein are the property of their respective owners. Excelitas reserves the right to change this document at any time without notice and disclaims liability for editorial, pictorial or typographical errors.L-XC_BR-X-Cite XYLIS LED Illuminator,V2_2018.04X-Cite XYLIS XT720S (365)X-Cite XYLIS XT720L (385)。

Meiji Techno 光学显微镜说明书

Meiji Techno 光学显微镜说明书

(b) Filter slotsBEAM-SPLITTER LEVERDIOPTER ADJUSTMENT RING YZER CONTROL LEVER OBJECTIVE NOSEPIECE WITH CLEAR GLASS PLA TE AGE CONDENSERWITH IRIS DIAPHRAGM AND TORON/OFF AND INTENSITY TOR CONDENSER MICROSCOPE BASE WITH -IN TRANSFORMER (a) Field Iris Control Lever, INCLINED 30LIGHT SOURCE HOUSING FOR REFLECTED LIGHTILLUMINA TOR (c) Aperture Iris Control LeverMICROSCOPE LIMB FOCUS TENSION COARSE FOCUSCONTROLFINE FOCUS CONTROLTRANSFORMER BOXILLUMINATION SERECTORfitting of the illuminator into the recess on the top of the limb and push the cone fitting toward and gently until the illuminator slips into the position and fasten it with the .Now, the binocular or trinocular body can be mounted on the vertical illuminator. . Place the microscope and parts on a sturdy table or desk which gives firm and stable support. This should be located in the atmosphere as clean as possible, avoiding the places where there is excessive dust, moisture, heat or fumes.When in place insert eyepieces in the eyetubes of the binocular body and mount the objectives on the objective nosepiece, starting with the lowest magnification, then positioning the others to the right of the next lowest magnification objective.IMPORTANT!Before plugging the illuminator into any electric outlet, make sure that transformers and illumination bases supplied to you are suitable to the current available. (See voltage indication given at the back Vertical Illuminator Clamp screw(a)(b)Illuminator plugClamp screwSpring stopperout to the full so the Analyzer gets out of the light path.[5] Focus down on your specimen slide until surface detail can be seen. Adjust the brightness of the built-in light source, using the intensity control knob, left-hand back on the base.ReceptaclePolarizerEmpty hole for BrightfieldDarkfield stopperAnalyzerof the slider. Always remember to set to this distance when using the microscope. It will be different for different observers,o get best focus with both eyes the eyetube heights should be adjusted to take into account the interpupillary distance mentioned [5] and [6] above. First, set the tube Length Adjustment Ring to the reading which corresponds to the dimension shown in the binocular slider window. Do this for the left hand eyepiece only. Now focus to get the sharpest possible image in the left hand eyepiece, using the clockwise or counterclockwise slightly..[13] Close down the filed iris (using theField of viewFusedWindow Length Adjustment Ring Clamp screw Backing plateLamp centering controlWhen you observe flat surface of glass or mirror, you will see nothing in the dark. But, when you observe a specimen which includes refractive substance to scatter light, the clear image of the [3] Focus down on the specimen just in the same way as for the Brightfield observation. (The image is observed in a different way from that of the Brightfield observation. That is, we can see an image formed from light scattered by features in the object, the detail thus appearing bright against a dark [4] Brightness of illumination can be adjusted by Intensity Control knob, just in the same way as for the (a) (b)PolarizerEmpty hole for BrightfieldDarkfield stopperIllumination SelectorPolarizerEmpty hole for BrightfieldDarkfield stopperand rotates between 0and 90by the lever . When “in” and at 45position, and with thePolarizing filter in position, these elements are said to be “crossed” and the field of view is said to be“extinguished”. In this condition the .until the field of view comes to cover the whole image of the specimen. Reduce the Aperture slowly Analyzer slide Analyzer rotating Condenser Focusing ControlCondenser centering Aperture Iris & Controlension may be increased by turning the knob with a counterclockwise motion.C and adjusted on straight tube of your trinocular body.clockwise to the slot.Then pull out the Backing Plate [2] After making certain the old bulb is cool to the touch, remove it by pulling straight out of its socket.Do not twist as the lamp pins may break off and become lodged in the socket.[3] Handle the new bulb only with tissue paper or the plastic in which it is wrapped and insert the two Clamp screw Backing plate Lamp centering control。




silver clip 银夹子silvering 镀银silverized catgut 银肠线silver nitrate 硝酸银silver probe 银探子silver stick 硝酸银棒silver transfusion canula 银质输血导管silver wire suture 银丝缝线simple 简单的,单纯的simple articulator 简易咬合器simple cut 单切simple microscope 单式显微镜simple oxygen system 简易供氧装置simple resuscitator 简易复苏器simplified microtome 简易切片机simplify 简化simply respirator 简易呼吸器simply rib approximator 简易肋骨合拢器Sims's speculum 席姆斯氏窥镜simulation 模拟,仿真simulator 模拟器,模拟设备,仿真器simultaneous 同时的,同时发生的simultaneous multisection radiographic adapter 多层快速摄影接合器simultaneous X-ray quantometer 同步X 射线光量计 singing 蜂鸣,振鸣single beam speotrophotometer 单光束分光光度计single channel blown balloon 单道鼓气球single crystal camera 单晶照像机single cut 单切single-ended amputating knife 单刃截肢刀single hyperbaric oxygen chamber 单人高压氧舱single lens reflex camera 单镜头反光照像机single mlcroscope 单目显微镜single mode 单模single needle monitor 单针监视器single patient dialysis unit 单人透析装置single patient haemodialysis machine artificial kidney 单人血液透析人工肾single prong hook 单尖头钩single prlse laser 单脉冲激光器single range balance 电子天平single side razor blade 单面保险刀片single ureter cystoscope 单侧输尿管膀胱镜 sinistro- 左,左侧sinistrogyration 左旋sink 洗涤盒,槽sinking pump 浸没泵sino- 窦sino-atrial 窦房的sino-atrial node 窦房结sinogram 窦腔X 射线片sinography 窦腔X 射线照像术sinoscope 窦镜sinotest 液晶乳腺癌诊断或sinus 窦房结,窦sinus applicator 鼻窦卷棉子sinus forceps 鼻窦钳sinus hook 窦钩sinusopuncture 窦穿刺术sinus rasp 鼻窦锉sinus tachycardia 窦性心动过速siphon 虹吸,虹吸管siphon sound 虹吸探子siphon tube 虹吸管sipping nozzle 喷口,喷嘴site 地点,位置,场所site plan 平面布置图sitotoxism 食物中毒situation 位置,场所,处境size 大小,尺寸,号码skeleto- 骨胳skeleton ①骨胳②轮廓,计划skenoscope 尿道旁腺镜sketch 草图,设计图,概略skewing ①时滞,相位差②偏移,弯曲skia- 影像skiagram X 线照片skiagraph X 线照片skiagraphy X 射线照像术skiameter X 射线量测定器,X 射线量计skiametry ①X 射线量测定法②视网膜镜检查 skiascope ①视网膜镜②X 射线透视镜skiascope optometer 检影视力计skiascopic chimney 视网膜镜灯罩skiascopy X 射线透视检查skimmer 撇渣器,分液器skin ①皮肤②外壳skin amalysor 皮肤分析器skin forceps 皮镊skin graft 皮移植片skin grafting knife 植皮刀skin grafting retractor 皮肤移植拉钩skin grafting spatula 植皮板铲skin hook 皮肤钩skin potential 皮肤电位skin temperature transducer 皮肤温度传感器 skirt ①裙子②套筒,边缘skoliosis 脊柱侧凸skoliosometer 脊柱侧凸计skopometer 浊度计,视测浊度计skoto- 暗,盲skotogram X 射线照片,暗室显影片skotograph X 射线照片,暗室显影片skull 头颅skull breaker 头盖骨破裂器skull chisel 颅骨凿skull clamp 头颅夹skull clamp adaptor 头颅夹接头skull clamp pin 头颅夹针skull cutting forceps 颅骨钳skull elevator 颅骨起子,颅骨橇skull forceps 颅骨钳skull gouge 颅骨圆凿skull hook 颅骨钩skull membrane dissector 颅骨膜剥离器 skull perforator set 颅骨钻skull plate 颅骨板skull punch 颅骨打孔器skull rongeur 咬颅骨钳skull saw 颅骨锯skull tongs 头颅钳skull traction tongs 颅骨牵引钳skull trephine 头颅环钻slab 板,片slabber 涎,唾液slaked lime 熟石灰,消石灰slave ①从属的,受控制的②从动装置slave monitor 从动监视器slay 心子,铁心sledge 橇,滑板sledge microtome 滑动式切片机sleeve ①袖子②套筒,套管slice 薄切片,切片slicer ①切片机②活组织切片slide ①载玻片②滑板③幻灯片slide box 载玻机盒slide cabinet 载玻片柜slide gauge 游标卡尺,滑尺slide micrometer 载玻片测微计slide plateform 幻灯片座slide projector 幻灯机slide rule 计算尺slide stainer 组织切片染色机sliding caliper 游标卡尺sliding microtome 滑动式切片机slight 轻微的,纤细的sling 悬带sling dogs 吊钩sling psychrometer 悬摇式空气湿度计sling bottle 吊钩slip ①纸片②套,罩③滑动slipper ①滑动部分,滑板②游标slippers 拖鞋slit 裂隙,槽slit image 裂隙像slit lamp 裂隙灯slit lamp corneal microscope 裂隙灯角膜显微镜 slit lamp microscope 裂隙灯显微镜slitter 纵断器,切刀slit ultramicroscope 超裂隙显微镜slope 斜度,斜率,斜面slope type traction frame 斜坡式牵引架slop pail 污水桶slot 缝,槽slotted bone plate 长孔接骨板slow scan 慢扫描slurry ①膏剂,软膏②粘合液Sm (samarium) 钐small bone cutting forceps 小切骨钳small cervical retractor 小型颈牵开器small dissecting instruments 微型解剖器械small hook 小钩small intestinal fiberscope 小肠纤维镜 small intestine 小肠smear 涂片,污点smell 乏味,实味Smellie's scissors 斯梅利氏剪smoke 烟,烟雾smoked drum 烟纸鼓smoked paper 熏烟纸smoked recorder 熏烟纸记录器smoked spectacles 墨镜smooth 平滑的,光滑的smooth broach 平滑髓针smooth forceps 无齿钳smooth pliers 平嘴钳smudge 斑点,黑点,光点Sn (stannum) 锡snapshot 快照,快照拍摄snare 圈断器,勒除器,圈套器snare wire 圈套器钢丝snide ①假的,伪造的②低劣的snow ①雪,下雪②雪花效应snow glasses 雪镜snubber 减震器,缓冲器,消音器soap 肥皂soap box 肥皂盒society 学会,协会,会socket ①座,插座②孔,槽臼soda 苏打,碳酸钠sodalime 内石灰sodalime cartridge 苏打石灰筒soda soap 钠皂,硬皂sodium (abbr. Na) 钠sodium amalgam 钠汞合金,钠汞齐sodium borate 硼砂,硼酸钠sodium carbonate 碳酸钠sodium carboxymethylcellulose 羧甲基纤维素钠 sodium chloride 氯化钠sodium hydroxide 氢氧化钠,苛性钠sodium byposulfite 硫代硫酸的,大苏打sodium iodide 碘化钠sodium lamp 钠光灯sodium potassium analyzer 钠钾分析器soft catheter 软导管soft palate retractor 软颚拉钩soft rubber catheter 橡皮导尿管soft soap 软皂,绿皂software 软件,软设备,程序设备soft water 软水,去离子水soil ①土壤②污物,脏东西soiled dressing pail 污敷料桶soil pipe 污水管sol 溶胶,溶液solaode 太阳能电池solar 太阳的,日光的solar battery 太阳能电池solar cell 太阳能电池solar energy 太阳能solarization 日晒,曝晒solder 焊剂,焊片soldering block 焊板soldering clamp 焊夹soldering flux paste 合金助焊剂soldering pliers 焊钳sole ①单独的,唯一的②底基,底板 solenoid 螺线管,筒形线圈,电磁线圈solenoid valve 电磁阀solicitor 律师solid 固体的,坚固的solid blade forceps 实叶钳solidify 固结,固化solidmicyowowesourceprotatg therapy system 固态微玻源前列腺治疗仪solidography 实体放射线摄影法solid particle 固体微粒solid state diathermy generator 晶体透热电疗机 solt 盐,食盐solubility 溶解度,可溶性soluble ①可溶解的②可解决的soluble bougie 可溶探条soluble ligature 可溶化结扎线solute 溶质,溶解物solution 溶液solvent 溶剂,溶媒soma 体,躯体somatic effector 躯体效应器somato- 躯体,身体somatogram 躯体X 射线照片somatome 胎体刀,载胎刀somatometry 人体测量术somatoscopy 体格检查somatosensory stimulator 身体感觉刺激器 somatotype 体型,体式somni- 睡眠somnocinematograph 睡眠运动记录器sonar 声讷,声波定位仪sonarography 超声扫描术sonde ①探子,探针②探测器sone 宋sonic 声音的,声波的sonic applicator 声波治疗仪sonicator 远距离声波定位器soniclizer 超声波雾化器sonic stimulator 音刺激器sonic vibration 声振动sonic wave 声波sonifer 助听器SONOAN (sonic nose analyzer) 噪声分析仪 sonochemistry 声化学sonoencephalograph 超声波测脑仪sonogram 声波图sonograph 声谱仪sonolator 声谱显示仪sonolayer 音层仪sonolayergraph 超声波诊断装置sonometer 听力计sonoprobe 探声器,声纳探测器sonoradiography 超声放射照像术sorbefacient ①吸收剂②促吸收的 sorbent 吸着剂Sorby's cell 索比氏容器Soresi cannula 血管吻合套管sorption 吸收作用,吸附sort 种类,类别,分类sorter 分拣器,分类机soterocyte 血小板souffle 杂音,吹气音soul 灵魂,精华sound ①声音②探子,探条sound analyzer 声分析器sound board 共鸣板sound conducting apparatus 传音器sound deadener 减声器sound detector 检声器,测音器sounder ①音响器②探测器,探针sound head 录音头,拾声头sounding 探通术sound level calibrator 声级校准器sound level meter 声级计,噪声计soundlocator 声波定位器,声纳soundmeter 噪音计,测声计sound monitor 监听器sound perceiving appartus 觉音器sound pick-up 拾音器sound source 声源sound spectrograph 声谱仪sound synthesis analyzor 音综合分析器sound volume 音量sound wave 声波source ①源,来源②电源source book 原始资料source index 资料索引spc (single photon counting) 单光子计数CT;单光子CTsource of light 光源sovereignty 主权,统治权space 空间,距离,腔space maintainer 间隙保持器spacer 垫片,衬垫space simulator 空间模拟器spacing 间距,间隔spade 铲spagirism 炼丹术,练金术spanner 扳手,螺旋钳spano- 减少,稀少spanopnea 呼吸减少sparadrap 膏药,药绷带spare ①多余的,备用的②备件spare lamp 备用灯泡spare parts 备用件spare parts kit 备用零件箱,零件箱 spare parts list 备用零件清单spark 电花,火花spark ball electrode 火花球电极spark gap 放电器,避雷器spatial 立体的,空间的spatial vectorcardiography 空间心电向量描记法 spatula ①药刀,软膏刀②铲③压舌板SPCG (spectral phonocardiogram) 频谱心音图speak 说,讲,陈述speaker 扬声器,话筒,喇叭speaking tube 传音筒spear drill 矛状锥,剑尖锥spear point drill 剑尖锥spear poing flat drill 剑尖平锥Spec. () ①说明书②标本special ①特殊的,专门的②专刊special accessories 专用附件special digital computer 专用计算机special effect generator 特技效果发生器specialist 专家speciality 特点,专业specialize 专门化,特殊化,限定special licence 特别许可证special procedure equipment 特殊程序设备special purpose computer 专用计算机species 种类specific 特有的,专门的,比specific activity 比活性specification (abbr. Spec.) ①说明书②规格,规范specific density 比重specific gravity (abbr. sp. gr.) 比重specific gravity balance 比重天平specific gravity bottle 比重瓶specific heat 比热specific ion electrode 离子选择电极specificity 特异性,专一性specific ratio 比率specific resistance 电阻率,比电阻specific value 比值specific volume 比容specific weight 比重specify ①规定,指定②详细说明specillum 探子,探杆specimen 标本,样品specimen bottle 样本瓶specimen copy 样本specimen disc 样品盘specimen holder 标本夹specimen jar 标本缸specimen trap 标本收集器specimen trimmer 标本粗割机specimen vial 标本管形瓶spectacles 眼镜,平光眼镜spectral 光谱,频谱的spectral lamp 光谱灯spectral line 光谱线spectral phonoangiography 光谱血管音描记术spectral phonocardiogram 光谱心音图spectral phonocardiograph 光谱心音描记器spectro- 光谱,分光spectrochrome 色光谱的spectrocolorimeter ①分光比色计②单色盲分光镜 spectrocolorimetry 光谱色度学spectrocomparator 光谱比较仪spectrofluorimeter 荧光分光计spectrofluorometer 荧光分光计spectrofluorometry 荧光光谱测定法spectrofluorophotometer 荧光分光光度计spectrogram 光谱图spectrogrph 摄谱仪,光谱仪spectrographic camera 光谱照像机spectrography 摄谱术spectrometer 分光计,光谱计spectrometry 分光术,光谱测定法spectromicroscope 分光显微镜spectromonitor 分光监视器spectrophotometer 分光光度计,分光比色计 spectrophotometer cell 分光光度计比色皿 spectrophotometry 分光光度测定法spectropolarimeter 分光偏振计,旋光分光计 spectropyrheliometer 日射光谱仪spectroradiometer 分光辐射谱仪spectroscope 分光镜,分光仪spectroscopy 分光镜检查spectrum 光谱,光系,谱specular image 镜像speculum ①窥器,张开器②窥镜speculum forceps 窥器钳speech 语言,演说speech amplifier 音频放大器speech coder 语言编码器speech recognizing machine 语言识别机speed 速率,速度,转数speed autoclave 快速灭菌器speedometer 示速器,里程计spermatangium 精子器SPF (spectrophotofluorometer) 荧光分光光度计 sp. gr. (specific gravity) 比重spheno- 楔形,蝶骨sphenoidal rasp 蝶骨锉sphenoid sinus canula 蝶窦套管sphenoid sinus curette 蝶窦刮匙sphenoid sinus rongeur 鼻蝶窦咬骨钳sphenometer 骨片测量器sphenotribe 碎颅器sphere 球体,区域,范围,界sphere introducer 眼球置入器spherical aberration 球面像差spherical lens 球面镜片spherical projection perimeter 球形投影视野计 spherocylinder 球柱透镜spheroid ①球形的②球形体spherometer 球径计sphincter 括约肌sphincteroscope 肛门括约肌镜sphincteroscopy 肛门括约肌匀检查sphincterotome 括约肌切开器sphygmo- 脉,脉搏sphygmobologram 脉能图,胸压曲线sphygmobolograph 脉能描记器sphygmobolometer 脉能描记器,脉压计sphygmobolometry 脉能描记法,脉压测量术 sphygmocardiogram 脉搏心动图sphygmocardiograph 脉搏心动描记器sphygmocardioscope 脉搏心音描记器sphygmochronograph 脉搏自动描记器sphygmochronography 脉搏自动描记法sphygmodynamometer 脉搏力计sphygmodynamometry 脉搏测量法sphygmogram 脉搏图,脉搏曲线sphygmograph 脉搏描记器,脉搏计sphygmograph transducer 脉搏计换能器sphygmography 脉搏描记法sphygmoid 脉样的,脉搏状的sphygmology 脉学,脉搏学sphygmomanometer 血压计sphygmomanometroscope 复式血压计sphygmomanometry 血压测量法sphygmometer 脉搏计sphygmometrograph 血压描记器(记录最高和最低动脉血压)sphygmometroscope 听脉血压计,听力测压器sphygmo-oscillometer 示波血压计,振动血压计sphygmopalpation 按脉,切脉sphygmophone 脉音听诊器sphygmoplethysmogrph 脉搏体积描记器,脉搏容积计 sphygmoscope 脉搏检视器,脉镜sphygmoscopy 脉搏检查sphygmosignal 脉辐检视器,脉搏信号器sphygmosystole 收缩期脉搏曲线sphygmotachograph 血流速度描记器sphygmotachymeter 脉搏速度计sphygmotonogram 血压脉搏图skphygmotonograph 血压脉搏描记器,脉动力描记器 sphygmotonometer ①脉动力计,动脉管壁弹力计②眼底血压计sphygmous 脉搏的sphygmoviscosimetry 血压血液粘度测量法 spica 穗形绷带,人字形绷带spica bandage 人字形绷带spider ①蜘蛛②三脚架,支座spider- web antenna 蛛网天线spigot ①插口,插销②龙头spike ①钉②脉冲,波峰spike potential 峰电位spinal bone plate 脊柱接骨板spinal cord 脊髓spinal forceps 脊柱钳spinal fusion curette 脊柱凑合术刮匙 spinal fusion osteotome 脊凑合术骨凿 spinal fusion plate 脊柱接合板spinal manometer 脊椎测压计spinal marrow 骨髓spinal needle 脊椎穿刺针spinal retractor 脊柱牵开器spinal rongeur 棘突咬骨钳spinal screw 脊柱螺钉spinal support 脊柱支持器spinawl 破皮锥,破皮钻spine ①脊柱②棘,刺spine chisel 脊柱凿spine saw 脊柱锯spinner 旋转器spinogram ①脊柱X 射线片②脊髓造影照片 spinthariscope 闪烁镜spintherometer X 射线透度计spintometer X 射线透度计spiral ①螺旋的②螺旋管③螺旋钻spiral agitator 螺旋式搅拌器spiral bandage 螺旋绷带spiral drill 螺丝钻头spiral separator 螺旋分离器spirit 酒精,醑剂spirit blowtorch 酒精喷灯spirit gauge 酒精比重计spirit lamp 酒精灯spirit thermometer 酒精温度计spiro- 呼吸spiroanalyzer 呼吸功能分析器spirocomputer 呼吸功能计算器spirogram 呼吸图spirograph 呼吸量描记器,肺功能测定仪 spirography 呼吸描记法spiroid 螺旋样的spiro-index 呼吸指数spirometer 呼吸量计,呼吸气量测定器 spirometer alarm 呼吸量计报警器spirometric 肺量测定的spirometry 肺量测定法,呼吸量测定法 spirophore 柜式人工呼吸器spiropulsator 吸入麻醉器spiroscope 呼吸量测视器spiroscopy 呼吸量测视法spittoon 痰盂splanchna 内脏splanchnic retractor 内脏牵开器splanchno- 内脏splanchnoscopy 内窥镜检查splanchnotribe 夹肠器spleen 脾spleen pedicle clamp 脾蒂钳splenic venography 脾门静脉造影术spleno- 脾splenogram 脾X 射线照片splenography 脾 X 射线照像术splenoportography 脾门静脉X 射线造影术 splice ①缝接②加板splint 夹板,夹splint and bandage 夹板绷带splinter 裂片,碎片屑splinter forceps 取裂片镊splint of wood 木夹板split antenna 隙缝天线split stream inyector 分流注射器splitter ①分裂器②分离器③分流器splitting chisel 裂片凿splitting forceps 分劈钳splitting instrument 分解器split ventricular trocar 裂隙室套管spokeshave 鼻用环形刀sponge 海绵sponge biopsy 棉拭活组织检查sponge bowl 海绵碗sponge dressing forceps 弹性敷料镊sponge forceps 海绵钳sponge holder 海绵夹,持绵器sponge holding forceps 海绵夹持钳,持海绵钳 sponge probang 海绵除鲠器sponge tent 海绵塞条spongia 海绵sponsor ①发起人,资助人②发起,主办spontaneous 任意的,自发的spontaneous brain wave 自发性脑电波spool 线圈,卷盘spoon 匙spoonful 匙,一匙量spoon knife 匙型刀spoon shaped clamp 匙型夹spoon shaped speculum 匙形窥器spoon type anastomosis forceps 匙型吻合钳 spot 斑,光点,部位spot film device X 射线点片器spot film radiography 适时X 射线照像术spot film roentgenography 适时X 射线照像术 spotlight 聚光灯,反光灯spotlighting illuminator 焦点照明器spot paper 点滴反应用滤纸spout 喷嘴,槽spray ①喷雾器,喷嘴②喷雾剂spray bottle 喷雾瓶spray bottle heater 喷雾瓶加热器spray bottle nozzle 喷雾瓶嘴spray bottle warmer 喷雾瓶加温器spray dryerin lab 实验室喷雾干燥器sprayer ①喷雾器②喷嘴spray jet 喷雾器spray nozzle 喷嘴spray pistol 喷雾枪spreader 摊开器,扩张器spreading forceps 扩张钳spring ①弹簧②弹性spring balance 弹簧天平,弹簧称spring bending pliers 曲簧钳spring forceps 弹簧钳spring guide 弹簧导子SRS X-knife(stereotactil Radiosuryerysystem) 立体定位放射外科系统SRT 多向立体定位放射疗法spring knife 弹簧刀spring kymograph 弹簧记波器spring lancet ①弹簧刀②弹簧刺血针 spring manometer 弹簧测压计spring mattress 弹簧褥子spring phlebotome 弹簧静脉刀spring scarificator 弹簧划痕器spring socket 弹簧插座spring washer 弹簧垫圈spring wire 弹簧丝sprue former 铸道形成针spud 铲,剥皮刀spur crusher 骨刺压碎器spurious 假的,伪造的spurt 喷出,喷射sputum 痰sputum bottle 痰瓶sputum cup 痰杯sputum tube 容痰管square 正方形,平方squared paper 方格纸square punch 方型钻孔器square shaped 方型的square tray anth cap 有盖方盘squeeze 压缩,挤sqyeeze dtbanineter 手握力计squeezer 压榨器squeezing forceps 砂眼压榨镊SQUID 超导量子干涉仪squint hook 斜视钩squint knife 斜视刀Sr (strontium) 锶SRS 立体安位射线外科SSEG (segmental spinal electrogram) 节段性脊电图 stab ①刺②杆SQUID (superconduction quantum interference device) 超导量子干涉仪stabber 锥,穿索针stability 稳定性stabilivolt 稳压管stabilization 稳定stabilizator ①稳压器②稳定器stabilizer ①稳压器②固位器,稳定器stabilograph 稳定性测定器stabilovolt tube 稳压管stab knife 穿刺刀stable tracer isotope 稳定示踪同位素 stack ①堆积,叠②捆,束,组,套stacked antenna 多层天线stacker ①可升降摄像机台②叠式存储器 stactometer 测滴计,滴量计stadia computer 视距计算器stadiometer 测距仪staff ①探杆,导引探子②杆stage 载物台,镜台stage micrometer 镜台测微器stagonometer 滴重计stain 着色剂,染料stained preparation 染色标本stainer 染色器staining 染色,染色法staining bottle 染色瓶staining dish 染色皿staining jax 染色缸staining machine 染色机staining technique 染色技术stainless 不锈的,不锈钢的stainless steel 不锈钢=yustlessstcel stainless steel silk 不锈钢丝stainless steel wire 不锈钢丝stain smear 染色涂片stalagmometer 表面张力滴定计,滴数计 stall 手指护套stalloy 硅钢片stamp ①图章②盖印,标出③邮票stand 台,座,支架standard () 标准,规格,样品standard accessory 标准附件standard candle 标准烛光standard cell 标准电池standard curve 标准曲线standard deviation 标准偏差standard electrode 标准电极standard emitron 光电摄像管standard error () 标准误差standardizition 标准化,标定法standard lead 标准导程standard lens 标准镜头standard rocking microtome 标准摇动式切片机 standard set-up 标准装置standard solution 标准溶液standard specifications 标准规格standard technique 标准技术,标准法standard volume 标准容积stand-by ①备用品②准备standing ①放置②固定的,直立的stand magnet 立式吸铁器standpoint 立场,观点stannum () 锡staphylagra 悬雍垂钳staphyle 悬雍垂staphylo- 悬雍垂staphylorrhaphy elevator 软腭缝合用起子staphylotome 悬雍垂切除刀staple ①U 形钉,肘钉②钉书钉staple driver 骨科U 形钉起子stapler ①小钉书机②中药袋封口机star 星,星形物starch 淀粉starch-sugar 糊精star connection 星形联接start 起动,开始starter 起动器,发射器stasimetry 稠度测量法stat. 镭射气单位state ①状态,情况②叙述,说明statement 声明,报告书statement of claims 索赔清单static ①静电的②固定的static campimeter 静态平面视野计,中心量光觉视野计static electrical apparatus 间动电疗机static electricity 静电static electrometer 静电计static probe 固定探头statics ①静电学②静电干扰station 电台,站,地点stationary grid 静止滤线栅statistical distribution 统计分布statistics 统计学statometer 眼球突出计statoscope 自记微气压计,微动气压计status 状况,地位stay suture clamp 支座缝合夹std. atm. (standard atmosphere) 标准大气压 steadiness apparatus 共济失调描记器steady 稳定的,均匀的steam 蒸汽,汽steam autoclave 蒸汽灭菌器steam disinfecting apparatus 蒸汽消毒器steam disinfector 蒸汽消毒器steam gage 汽压计,蒸汽压力表steam inhalar apparatus 蒸汽吸入器steam inhaler 蒸汽吸入器steam kettle 蒸汽锅steam piston 蒸汽活塞steam pressure gauge 蒸汽压力表steam pressure respirator 蒸汽加压呼吸器 steam sterilization 蒸汽灭菌法steam sterilizer 蒸汽灭菌器steam under pressure 加压蒸汽steam vapor cabinet 蒸汽浴箱steam vaporiser 蒸汽喷雾器steel 钢steel bending wire 钢曲丝steel bur 钢钻steel measure tape 钢卷尺steel rule 钢尺steel spoon 钢匙steel strip 钢条steel tape 钢卷尺steel thimble 钢套管steel wire 钢丝steering 操纵,控制stellite 钨铬钴合金stem 柄,杆,把stem-pessary 有杆子宫托stencil ①模绘板②蜡纸Stender dish 施滕德氏皿stenocompressor 腮腺管压闭器 stenopaic spectacles 小孔镜stenosis 狭窄step ①极,档,阶梯②间歇式的 step-down transformer 降压器 step lens 棱镜stepless 连续的,均匀的step-penetrameter 楔形梯级式X 射线透度计step-up 升高,加快step-up transformer 升压器step-wedge 楔形梯级step-wedge penetrameter 楔形梯级式X 射线透度计 steradian 球面度stere 千升,立方米stereo ①立体,实体②立体镜③立体照片stereo- 立体,实体stereo-amplifier 立体声放大器stereobinocular microscope 立体双目显微镜stereo-camera 立体摄像机stereocampimeter 立体视野计stereocardiography 空间心电向量描记法stereo-cinefluorography 立体荧光电影摄像术stereo effect 立体声效应stereoencephaloscope 立体窥脑器,脑检视仪stereoencephalotome 立体脑切开器,脑定点切开器 stereoencephalotomy 脑定点切开术stereofluoroscopy 立体荧光屏透视检查stereogram 立体照片,立体X 射线照片stereograph 立体照片,立体X 射线照片stereography 立体X 射线照像术stereoisomer 立体异构体stereoisomerism 立体异构stereo-magnifier 立体放大镜stereometer ①体积计②比重计stereometry ①体积测定法②比重测定法stereomicrography 立体显微摄影stereomicroscope 实体显微镜,体视显微镜stereomodel 立体模型stereomonoscope 双眼单体镜stereo-movie 立体电影stereo-ophthalmoscope 双目检眼镜,立体检眼镜 stereo-orthoptor 视轴矫正实体镜,体视矫正器 stereophantoscope 体视绘图器stereophenomenon 体视现象stereophonic broadcast 立体声广播stereophony 立体声stereophorometer 立体隐斜视矫正器stereophoroscope 活动影片检视器stereophotogrammetry 立体照像测量术stereophotograph 立体照片stereophotography 立体摄影,立体照像术stereophotomicrograph 立体显微照片stereoplotter 立体绘图仪stereopter 实体视力检查器stereopticon ①幻灯②幻灯机,投影放大器stereoradiographic unit 立体摄影装置stereoradiography 实体X 射线照像术stereo receiver 立体声收音机stereo recorder 立体声录音机stereo reflex camera 立体反射线照像机stereoroentgenograph 立体X 射线照片stereoroentgenoscopy 立体X 线透视检查stereoscan photograph 扫描电镜照片stereoscope 立体镜,体视镜stereoscope picture 立体照片stereoscopic 立体的,体视的stereoscopic camera 立体照像机stereoscopic film 立体电影,立体影片stereoscopic fluoroscopy 实体荧光屏透视检查 stereoscopic image 立体影像stereoscopic microscope 立体显微镜stereoscopic radiograph 立体X 射线照片stereoscopic television 立体电视stereoscopic zoom microscope 体视变焦显微镜stereoscopy 实体镜检查法stereoskiagraphy 立体X 射线照像术stereostroboscope 立体动态镜,体视频闪观测器stereotactic 立体定位的stereo tape 立体声录音带stereotactic Rodiosurgery srstem(SRS) 立体立位放射手术系统stereotaxic apparatus 立体定位仪stereotelevision 立体电视stereo viewer 立体观片灯sterilamp 灭菌灯sterile 灭菌的,消毒的sterile chamber 无菌容器,灭菌室sterile solution 无菌溶液sterile working 无菌操作steriliser 消毒器,灭菌器sterility detector 灭菌检验器sterilization 灭菌,消毒sterilize 灭菌,消毒sterilized dressing 无菌敷料sterilizer 消毒器,灭菌器sterilizing forceps 消毒钳sterilizing lamp 灭菌灯sterilizing room 无菌室sterilometer 消毒测定器sternal 胸骨的sternal biopsy 胸骨髓活组织检查sternal knife 胸骨刀sternal needle holder 胸骨持针器 sternal punch 胸骨钻孔器sternal puncture needle 胸骨穿刺针 sternal retractor 胸骨牵开器sterno- 胸骨sternogoiometer 胸骨角度测量器sternotomy air saw 风动胸骨锯sternum 胸骨sternum chisel 胸骨凿sternum knife 胸骨刀sternum shears 胸骨剪stethendoscope 胸部X 射线透视机stetho- 胸stethocyrtograph 胸廓曲度描记器stethogoniometer 胸廓曲度计stethograph 胸动描记器stethography ①胸动描记法②心音描记法 stethokyrtograph 胸廓曲度描记器stethometer 胸围计,胸廓张度计stethophone ①胸音传播器②听诊器stethophonometer ①胸音计②听诊测音器 stethopolyscope 多管听诊器stethoscope 听诊器stethoscope chestpiece 胸部听诊头stethoscope diaphragm 听诊器薄膜stethoscope transducer 听诊器传感器stethoscopy 听诊器检查stew ①噪声②热浴室stheno- 力量sthenometer 肌力计sthenometry 体力测量法stibium (abbr. Sb) 锑stick 棍,棒,操纵杆stiffness 硬度,稳定性stigma ①气孔,小孔②斑,点stigmatic ①像散校正的②小孔的stigmatometer 视网膜检视镜stigmatoscope 细孔屈光镜stilb 熙提stilet ①通管丝,管心针②细探子③锥刺 stilette ①通管丝,管心针②细探子③锥刺 still 蒸馏器stilligout 点滴管stilling 蒸馏stilus ①通管丝,管心针②细探子③棒剂 stimulant 兴奋剂,刺激物stimulating electrode 刺激电极stimulation 兴奋,刺激stimulation level 刺激级stimulator ①刺激器②刺激物stimulator ophthalmoscope 刺激检眼镜stimulus threshold 刺激阀stipulation ①规定,限制②合同,契约stir 搅拌stirrer ①搅拌器②搅棒stirrer bar 搅棒stirring machine 搅拌机stirring rod 搅棒stirrup 镫形件,U 形卡stitch 缝线stiching instrument 缝合器stitch scissors 缝合剪stochastic 随机的,机遇的stock ①原料,存货②台,座,架stock-cutter 切料机stocking 长袜,袜套stoechiometer 化学计算器,化学计量器stoichiometer 化学计算器,化学计量器stomach 胃stomach brush 胃刷stomach catheter 胃导管stomach cells adopter 胃细胞取样器stomach clamp 胃夹,胃钳stomach evacuator 洗胃排液器stomach forceps 胃钳stomach irrigator 洗胃器stomach model 胃模型stomach pump 胃抽器,胃唧筒stomach resection and suturing clamp 胃切除缝合器stomach siphon 胃虹吸管stomach tube 胃管stomach washer 胃脏冲洗器stomat- 口,口腔stomatic 口的stomatology 口腔学stomatoscope 口腔镜stomatoscopy 口腔镜检查-stomy 造口术,吻合术stone 石,结石stone breaker 碎石器stone dislodger 取结石器stone searcher 膀胱石探杆stools ①凳子②托架,座stop ①停止②制动器③光圈stopcock 开关,活塞,龙头stop-needle 有档针stopper ①充填器②塞子③制动器stop speculum 固定开睑器stop watch 秒表,跑表storage ①储藏,储存②仓库,存储器 storage battery 蓄电池组storage cabinet 储藏柜storage capsule 储存容器storage cell 蓄电池storage oscilloscope 存储示波器store 记忆装置,存储器story 故事,经历stove 炉子,加热器stoving machine 烘干机(standard temperature and pressure) 标准温度和压力STR (systolic time intervals) 收缩时间间期strabism 斜视,斜眼strabismometer 斜视计strabismus forceps 斜视镊strabismus hook 斜视钩strabismus knife 斜视刀strabismus needle 斜视眼针strabismus scissors 斜视剪strabometer 斜视计strabotome 斜视刀straight 直的,直线straight adapter 直接管straight angle 平角straight B/L 直运提单straight handpiece 直机头straight knife 直刀strain ①张力,应变②过滤strainer 滤过器strain gauge 拉力计,应变计strain tube 应变管strand 线,导线束,丝条strap 皮带,条带stratification 层,层次stratigram X 射线断层图,X 射线体层照片stratigraphy 体层X 射线照像术,断层X 射线照像术 stratum 层streak 条纹,划线stream 流,气流,水流street (;Str.) 街道strength ①体力,力量②强度③浓度strephotome 螺钻形刀stress 压力,张力,应力stress amplifier 应变压力放大器stress brdaker 应力中断器stretch 伸展,拉长stretcher ①担架②拉直器stretching pliers 扩张钳striascope 屈光检查器striation 纹,条纹strict 严格的,精确的stricture 狭窄stricture explorer 检狭窄探杆stricturoscope 直肠狭窄镜stricturotome 直肠狭窄切开刀string electrometer 弦线电流计string galvanometer 弦线电流计strip ①磨带,条②剥离strip-cutter 切条器strip penetrameter 条状X 射线透度计 stripper 剥离器strobe ①闸门②闪频观测器strobolaryngoscope 动态喉镜,回旋喉镜 stroboscope ①动态镜②闪光仪stroboscopic disc 动态镜盘,斜视镜盘 strobostereoscope 立体动态镜stroke 发作,冲程stroke volume (abbr. SV) 心搏排血量stromuhr 血流速度计strong 强的,有力的strong anion exchanger 强阴离子交换器strong cation exchanger 强阳离子交换器strontium (abbr. Sr) 锶strontium ophthalmic applicator 眼科用Sr90 敷贴器structure 结构,构成struggle 斗争S-T segment S-T 节段stud 大头钉,栓钉student microscope 教学显微镜study model 研究模型stuff 材料,原料stump bur 牙残根钻stump elevator 牙残根梃子stump file 牙残根锉stump splinter forceps 牙残根碎片钳style ①式样,型②描笔③细探子,管心针stylet ①通管心针,通管丝②细探子stylet mandrel 管心针stylus ①描笔,记录笔②细探子,通管丝,管心针。



“New Improved Compound Microscope, George Adams, 1790 Adams described this instrument in his “Essays on the Microscope” in 1787. The mechanism allowed freedom of movement. The specimen could be viewed in direct light or in light reflected from a large mirror.
Early Microscopes
•1673 - Antioni van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723) Delft, Holland, worked as a draper (a fabric merchant); he is also known to have worked as a surveyor, a wine assayer, and as a minor city official. •Leeuwenhoek is incorrectly called "the inventor of the microscope" •Created a “simple” microscope that could magnify to about 275x, and published drawings of microorganisms in 1683 •Could reach magnifications of over 200x with simple ground lenses - however compound microscopes were mostly of poor quality and could only magnify up to 20-30 times. Hooke claimed they were too difficult to use - his eyesight was poor. •Discovered bacteria, free-living and parasitic microscopic protists(原生生物 ), sperm cells, blood cells, microscopic nematodes( 线虫类 ) •In 1673, Leeuwenhoek began writing letters to the Royal Society of London - published in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society •In 1680 he was elected a full member of the Royal Society, joining Robert Hooke, Henry Oldenburg, Robert Boyle, Christopher Wren


Basic Knowledge of Epi-Fluorescence
Nikon Instech Co., Ltd.
Microscopic Images
Definition of Epi-Fluorescene
The phenomenon that a substance absorbs short-wavelength light like UV and the substance itself emits light which wavelength is longer than that of the absorbed.
Mechanism to prevent specimen from fading out
Shutter, Field diaphragm, ND filter etc.
Filter Block
Excitation filter Dichroic mirror Barrier filter

Barrier filter
Cut the unnecessary fluorescence
Dichroic mirror
Fluorescence from specimen
*Wavelength is longer than that of the excitation.
Mercury Lamp
Combination of filters
B excitation



Designation:G154–06Standard Practice forOperating Fluorescent Light Apparatus for UV Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials1This standard is issued under thefixed designation G154;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.Asuperscript epsilon(e)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.Note—A footnote was added to Table X2.1,Table X2.3was added,a new Note X2.8was added,and the year date was changed on June5,2006.1.Scope1.1This practice covers the basic principles and operating procedures for usingfluorescent UV light,and water apparatus intended to reproduce the weathering effects that occur when materials are exposed to sunlight(either direct or through window glass)and moisture as rain or dew in actual usage. This practice is limited to the procedures for obtaining, measuring,and controlling conditions of exposure.A number of exposure procedures are listed in an appendix;however,this practice does not specify the exposure conditions best suited for the material to be tested.N OTE1—Practice G151describes performance criteria for all exposure devices that use laboratory light sources.This practice replaces Practice G53,which describes very specific designs for devices used forfluores-cent UV exposures.The apparatus described in Practice G53is covered by this practice.1.2Test specimens are exposed tofluorescent UV light under controlled environmental conditions.Different types of fluorescent UV light sources are described.1.3Specimen preparation and evaluation of the results are covered in ASTM methods or specifications for specific materials.General guidance is given in Practice G151and ISO 4892-1.More specific information about methods for deter-mining the change in properties after exposure and reporting these results is described in ISO4582.1.4The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard.1.5This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if any,associated with its use.It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.1.6This standard is technically similar to ISO4892-3and ISO DIS11507.2.Referenced Documents2.1ASTM Standards:2D3980Practice for Interlaboratory Testing of Paint and Related MaterialsE691Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to Determine the Precision of a Test MethodG53Practice for Operating Light-and Water-Exposure Apparatus(Fluorescent UV-Condensation Type)for Expo-sure of Nonmetallic MaterialsG113Terminology Relating to Natural and Artificial Weathering Tests for Nonmetallic MaterialsG151Practice for Exposing Nonmetallic Materials in Ac-celerated Test Devices That Use Laboratory Light Sources 2.2CIE Standard:CIE-Publ.No.85:Recommendations for the Integrated Irradiance and the Spectral Distribution of Simulated Solar Radiation for Testing Purposes32.3ISO Standards:ISO4582,Plastics—Determination of the Changes of Co-lour and Variations in Properties After Exposure to Day-light Under Glass,Natural Weathering or Artificial Light4 ISO4892-1,Plastics—Methods of Exposure to Laboratory Light Sources,Part1,Guidance4ISO4892-3,Plastics—Methods of Exposure to Laboratory Light Sources,Part3,Fluorescent UV lamps4ISO DIS11507,Paint and Varnishes—Exposure of Coat-ings to Artificial Weathering in Apparatus—Exposure to Fluorescent Ultraviolet and Condensation Apparatus4 3.Terminology3.1Definitions—The definitions given in Terminology G113are applicable to this practice.1This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee G03on Weathering and Durability and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee G03.03on Simulated and Controlled Exposure Tests.Current edition approved June5,2006.Published June2006.Originally approved st previous edition approved in2005as G154–05.2For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,,or contact ASTM Customer Service at service@.For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.3Available from Secretary,U.S.National Committee,CIE,National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST),Gaithersburg,MD20899.4Available from American National Standards Institute(ANSI),25W.43rd St., 4th Floor,New York,NY10036.Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959,United States. --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---3.2Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard—As used in this practice,the term sunlight is identical to the terms daylight and solar irradiance,global as they are defined in Terminology G113.4.Summary of Practice4.1Specimens are exposed to repetitive cycles of light and moisture under controlled environmental conditions.4.1.1Moisture is usually produced by condensation of water vapor onto the test specimen or by spraying the speci-mens with demineralized/deionized water.4.2The exposure condition may be varied by selection of: 4.2.1Thefluorescent lamp,4.2.2The lamp’s irradiance level,4.2.3The type of moisture exposure,4.2.4The timing of the light and moisture exposure,4.2.5The temperature of light exposure,and4.2.6The temperature of moisture exposure,and4.2.7The timing of a light/dark cycle.4.3Comparison of results obtained from specimens exposed in same model of apparatus should not be made unless reproducibility has been established among devices for the material to be tested.4.4Comparison of results obtained from specimens exposed in different models of apparatus should not be made unless correlation has been established among devices for the material to be tested.5.Significance and Use5.1The use of this apparatus is intended to induce property changes associated with the end use conditions,including the effects of the UV portion of sunlight,moisture,and heat.These exposures may include a means to introduce moisture to the test specimen.Exposures are not intended to simulate the deterioration caused by localized weather phenomena,such as atmospheric pollution,biological attack,and saltwater expo-sure.Alternatively,the exposure may simulate the effects of sunlight through window glass.Typically,these exposures would include moisture in the form of condensing humidity. N OTE2—Caution:Refer to Practice G151for full cautionary guidance applicable to all laboratory weathering devices.5.2Variation in results may be expected when operating conditions are varied within the accepted limits of this practice. Therefore,no reference shall be made to results from the use of this practice unless accompanied by a report detailing the specific operating conditions in conformance with the Section is recommended that a similar material of known performance(a control)be exposed simultaneously with the test specimen to provide a standard for comparative purposes. It is recommended that at least three replicates of each material evaluated be exposed in each test to allow for statistical evaluation of results.6.Apparatus6.1Laboratory Light Source—The light source shall be fluorescent UV lamps.A variety offluorescent UV lamps can be used for this procedure.Differences in lamp intensity or spectrum may cause significant differences in test results.A detailed description of the type(s)of lamp(s)used should be stated in detail in the test report.The particular testing application determines which lamp should be used.See Ap-pendix X1for lamp application guidelines.N OTE3—Do not mix different types of lamps.Mixing different types of lamps in afluorescent UV light apparatus may produce major inconsis-tencies in the light falling on the samples,unless the apparatus has been specifically designed to ensure a uniform spectral distribution.N OTE4—Manyfluorescent lamps age significantly with extended use. Follow the apparatus manufacturer’s instructions on the procedure neces-sary to maintain desired irradiance(1,2).6.1.1Actual irradiance levels at the test specimen surface may vary due to the type or manufacturer of the lamp used,or both,the age of the lamps,the distance to the lamp array,and the air temperature within the chamber and the ambient laboratory temperature.Consequently,the use of a radiometer to monitor and control the radiant energy is recommended.6.1.2Several factors can affect the spectral power distribu-tion offluorescent UV lamps: of the glass used in some types of lamps can result in changes in transmission.Aging of glass can result in a significant reduction in the short wavelength UV emission of some lamp types, of dirt or other residue on lamps can affect irradiance, of glass used for lamp tube can have large effects on the amount of short wavelength UV radiation transmitted,and6.1.2.4Uniformity and durability of phosphor coating. 6.1.3Spectral Irradiance:N OTE5—Fluorescent UV A lamps are available with a choice of spectral power distributions that vary significantly.The more common may be identified as UV A-340and UV A-351.These numbers represent the characteristic nominal wavelength(in nm)of peak emission for each of these lamp types.The actual peak emissions are at343and350nm, respectively. Irradiance of UVA-340Lamps for Daylight UV—The spectral power distribution of UV A-340fluorescent lamps shall comply with the requirements specified in Table1. N OTE6—The main application for UV A-340lamps is for simulation of the short and middle UV wavelength region of daylight. Irradiance of UVA-351Lamps for Daylight UV Behind Window Glass—The spectral power distribution of UV A-351lamp for Daylight UV behind Window Glass shall comply with the requirements specified in Table2.N OTE7—The main application for UV A-351lamps is for simulation of the short and middle UV wavelength region of daylight which has been filtered through window glass(3). Irradiance of UVB-313Lamps—The spec-tral power distribution of UVB-313fluorescent lamps shall comply with the requirements specified in Table3.N OTE8—Fluorescent UVB lamps have the spectral distribution of radiation peaking near the313-nm mercury line.They emit significant amounts of radiation below300nm,the nominal cut on wavelength of global solar radiation,that may result in aging processes not occurring e of this lamp is not recommended for sunlight simulation. See Table3. --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---6.2Test Chamber—The design of the test chamber may vary,but it should be constructed from corrosion resistant material and,in addition to the radiant source,may provide for means of controlling temperature and relative humidity.When required,provision shall be made for the spraying of water onthe test specimen for the formation of condensate on the exposed face of the specimen or for the immersion of the test specimen in water.6.2.1The radiant source(s)shall be located with respect to the specimens such that the uniformity of irradiance at the specimen face complies with the requirements in Practice G151.6.2.2Lamp replacement,lamp rotation,and specimen repo-sitioning may be required to obtain uniform exposure of all specimens to UV radiation and temperature.Follow manufac-turer’s recommendation for lamp replacement and rotation.6.3Instrument Calibration—To ensure standardization and accuracy,the instruments associated with the exposure appa-ratus(for example,timers,thermometers,wet bulb sensors,dry bulb sensors,humidity sensors,UV sensors,and radiometers) require periodic calibration to ensure repeatability of test results.Whenever possible,calibration should be traceable to national or international standards.Calibration schedule and procedure should be in accordance with manufacturer’s in-structions.6.4Radiometer—The use of a radiometer to monitor and control the amount of radiant energy received at the sample is recommended.If a radiometer is used,it shall comply with the requirements in Practice G151.6.5Thermometer—Either insulated or un-insulated black or white panel thermometers may be used.The un-insulated thermometers may be made of either steel or aluminum. Thermometers shall conform to the descriptions found in Practice G151.6.5.1The thermometer shall be mounted on the specimen rack so that its surface is in the same relative position and subjected to the same influences as the test specimens.6.5.2Some specifications may require chamber air tempera-ture control.Positioning and calibration of chamber air tem-perature sensors shall be in accordance with the descriptions found in Practice G151.N OTE9—Typically,these devices control by black panel temperature only.6.6Moisture—The test specimens may be exposed to mois-ture in the form of water spray,condensation,or high humidity.6.6.1Water Spray—The test chamber may be equipped witha means to introduce intermittent water spray onto the test specimens under specified conditions.The spray shall beTABLE1Relative Ultraviolet Spectral Power Distribution Specification for Fluorescent UVA-340Lamps for Daylight UV A,BSpectral Bandpass Wavelength l in nm MinimumPercent CBenchmark SolarRadiation Percent D,E,FMaximumPercent Cl<2900.01 290#l#320 5.9 5.89.3320<l#36060.940.065.5360<l#40026.554.232.8A Data in Table1are the irradiance in the given bandpass expressed as a percentage of the total irradiance from290to400nm.The manufacturer is responsible for determining conformance to Table1.Annex A1states how to determine relative spectral irradiance.B The data in Table1are based on the rectangular integration of65spectral power distributions forfluorescent UV devices operating with UVA340lamps of various lots and ages.The spectral power distribution data is for lamps within the aging recommendations of the device manufacturer.The minimum and maximum data are at least the three sigma limits from the mean for all measurements.C The minimum and maximum columns will not necessarily sum to100% because they represent the minimum and maximum for the data used.For any individual spectral power distribution,the calculated percentage for the band-passes in Table1will sum to100%.For any individualfluorescent UVA-340lamp, the calculated percentage in each bandpass must fall within the minimum and maximum limits of Table1.Test results can be expected to differ between exposures using devices withfluorescent UVA-340lamps in which the spectral power distributions differ by as much as that allowed by the tolerances.Contact the manufacturer of thefluorescent UV devices for specific spectral power distribution data for thefluorescent UVA-340lamp used.D The benchmark solar radiation data is defined in ASTM G177and is for atmospheric conditions and altitude chosen to maximize the fraction of short wavelength solar UV.While this data is provided for comparison purposes only,it is desirable for the laboratory accelerated light source to provide a spectrum that is a close match to the benchmark solar spectrum.E Previous versions of this standard used solar radiation data from Table4of CIE Publication Number85.See Appendix X3for more information comparing the solar radiation data used in this standard with that for CIE85Table4.F For the benchmark daylight spectrum,the UV irradiance(290to400nm)is9.8%and the visible irradiance(400to800nm)is90.2%expressed as a percentage of the total irradiance from290to800nm.Because the primary emission offluorescent UV lamps is concentrated in the300to400nm bandpass, there are limited data available for visible light emissions offluorescent UV lamps.TABLE2Relative Spectral Power Distribution Specification for Fluorescent UVA-351Lamps for Daylight UV Behind WindowGlass A,BSpectral BandpassWavelength l in nmMinimumPercent CWindow Glass FilteredDaylight Percent D,E,FMaximumPercent C l<3000.00.2 300#l#320 1.1#0.5 3.3 320<l#36060.534.266.8 360<l#40030.065.338.0A Data in Table2are the irradiance in the given bandpass expressed as a percentage of the total irradiance from300to400nm.The manufacturer is responsible for determining conformance to Table1.Annex A1states how to determine relative spectral irradiance.B The data in Table2are based on the rectangular integration of21spectral power distributions forfluorescent UV devices operating with UVA351lamps of various lots and ages.The spectral power distribution data is for lamps within the aging recommendations of the device manufacturer.The minimum and maximum data are at least the three sigma limits from the mean for all measurements.C The minimum and maximum columns will not necessarily sum to100% because they represent the minimum and maximum for the data used.For any individual spectral power distribution,the calculated percentage for the band-passes in Table2will sum to100%.For any individualfluorescent UV device operating with UVA351lamps,the calculated percentage in each bandpass must fall within the minimum and maximum limits of Table2.Test results can be expected to differ between exposures usingfluorescent UV devices in which the spectral power distributions differ by as much as that allowed by the tolerances. Contact the manufacturer of thefluorescent UV devices for specific spectral power distribution data for the lamps used.D The window glassfiltered solar radiation data is for a solar spectrum with atmospheric conditions and altitude chosen to maximize the fraction of short wavelength solar UV(defined in ASTM G177)that has beenfiltered by window glass.The glass transmission is the average for a series of single strength window glasses tested as part of a research study for ASTM Subcommittee G3.02.9While this data is provided for comparison purposes only,it is desirable for the laboratory accelerated light source to provide a spectrum that is a close match to this benchmark window glassfiltered solar spectrum.E Previous versions of this standard used window glassfiltered solar radiation data based on Table4of CIE Publication Number85.See Appendix X3for more information comparing the solar radiation data used in the standard with that for CIE85Table4.F For the benchmark window glassfiltered solar spectrum,the UV irradiance (300to400nm)is8.2%and the visible irradiance(400to800nm)is91.8% expressed as a percentage of the total irradiance from300to800nm.Because the primary emission offluorescent UV lamps is concentrated in the300to400nm bandpass,there are limited data available for visible light emissions offluorescent UVlamps.--` , , ` ` ` , , , , ` ` ` ` -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` ---uniformly distributed over the samples.The spray system shall be made from corrosion resistant materials that do not con-taminate the water used. Water Quality —Spray water shall have a conductivity below 5µS/cm,contain less than 1-ppm solids,and leave no observable stains or deposits on the specimens.Very low levels of silica in spray water can cause significant deposits on the surface of test specimens.Care should be taken to keep silica levels below 0.1ppm.In addition to distillation,a combination of deionization and reverse osmosis can effec-tively produce water of the required quality.The pH of the water used should be reported.See Practice G 151for detailed water quality instructions.6.6.2Condensation —The test chamber may be equipped with a means to cause condensation to form on the exposed face of the test specimen.Typically,water vapor shall be generated by heating water and filling the chamber with hot vapor,which then is made to condense on the test specimens.6.6.3Relative Humidity —The test chamber may be equipped with a means to measure and control the relative humidity.Such instruments shall be shielded from the lamp radiation.6.7Specimen Holders —Holders for test specimens shall be made from corrosion resistant materials that will not affect the test results.Corrosion resistant alloys of aluminium or stainless steel have been found acceptable.Brass,steel,or copper shall not be used in the vicinity of the test specimens.6.8Apparatus to Assess Changes in Properties —Use the apparatus required by the ASTM or other standard that describes determination of the property or properties being monitored.7.Test Specimen7.1Refer to Practice G 151.8.Test Conditions8.1Any exposure conditions may be used as long as the exact conditions are detailed in the report.Appendix X2shows some representative exposure conditions.These are not neces-sarily preferred and no recommendation is implied.These conditions are provided for reference only.9.Procedure9.1Identify each test specimen by suitable indelible mark-ing,but not on areas used in testing.9.2Determine which property of the test specimens will be evaluated.Prior to exposing the specimens,quantify the appropriate properties in accordance with recognized ASTM or international standards.If required (for example,destructive testing),use unexposed file specimens to quantify the property.See ISO 4582for detailed guidance.9.3Mounting of Test Specimens —Attach the specimens to the specimen holders in the equipment in such a manner that the specimens are not subject to any applied stress.To assure uniform exposure conditions,fill all of the spaces,using blank panels of corrosion resistant material if necessary.N OTE 10—Evaluation of color and appearance changes of exposed materials shall be made based on comparisons to unexposed specimens of the same material which have been stored in the dark.Masking or shielding the face of test specimens with an opaque cover for the purpose of showing the effects of exposure on one panel is not recommended.Misleading results may be obtained by this method,since the masked portion of the specimen is still exposed to temperature and humidity that in many cases will affect results.9.4Exposure to Test Conditions —Program the selected test conditions to operate continuously throughout the required number of repetitive cycles.Maintain these conditions throughout the exposure.Interruptions to service the apparatus and to inspect specimens shall be minimized.9.5Specimen Repositioning —Periodic repositioning of the specimens during exposure is not necessary if the irradiance at the positions farthest from the center of the specimen area is at least 90%of that measured at the center of the exposure area.Irradiance uniformity shall be determined in accordance with Practice G irradiance at positions farther from the center of the exposure area is between 70and 90%of that measured at the center,one of the following three techniques shall be used for specimen placement. reposition specimens during the expo-sure period to ensure that each receives an equal amount of radiant exposure.The repositioning schedule shall be agreed upon by all interested parties. specimens only in the exposure area where the irradiance is at least 90%of the maximum irradiance.TABLE 3Relative Spectral Power Distribution Specification forFluorescent UVB 313lamps A ,BSpectral Bandpass Wavelength l in nm Minimum Percent CBenchmark Solar Radiation Percent D ,E ,FMaximum Percent Cl <2901.3 5.4290#l #32047.8 5.865.9320<l #36026.940.043.9360<l #4001.754.27.2AData in Table 3are the irradiance in the given bandpass expressed as a percentage of the total irradiance from 250to 400nm.The manufacturer is responsible for determining conformance to Table 3.Annex A1states how to determine relative spectral irradiance.BThe data in Table 3are based on the rectangular integration of 44spectral power distributions for fluorescent UV devices operating with UVB 313lamps of various lots and ages.The spectral power distribution data is for lamps within the aging recommendations of the device manufacturer.The minimum and maximum data are at least the three sigma limits from the mean for all measurements.CThe minimum and maximum columns will not necessarily sum to 100%because they represent the minimum and maximum for the data used.For any individual spectral power distribution,the calculated percentage for the band-passes in Table 3will sum to 100%.For any individual UVB 313lamp,the calculated percentage in each bandpass must fall within the minimum and maximum limits of Table 3.Test results can be expected to differ between exposures conducted in fluorescent UV devices using UVB 313lamps in which the spectral power distributions differ by as much as that allowed by the tolerances.Contact the manufacturer of the fluorescent UV device for specific spectral power distribution data for the device operated with the UVB 313lamp used.DThe benchmark solar radiation data is defined in ASTM G 177and is for atmospheric conditions and altitude chosen to maximize the fraction of short wavelengthsolar UV.This data is provided for comparison purposes only.EPrevious versions of this standard used solar radiation data from Table 4of CIE Publication Number 85.See Appendix X3for more information comparing the solar radiation data used in this standard with that for CIE 85Table 4.FFor the benchmark solar spectrum,the UV irradiance (290to 400nm)is 9.8%and the visible irradiance (400to 800nm)is 90.2%expressed as a percentage of the total irradiance from 290to 800nm.Because the primary emission of fluorescent UV lamps is concentrated in the 300to 400nm bandpass,there are limited data available for visible light emissions of fluorescent UVlamps.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- compensate for test variability randomly position replicate specimens within the exposure area which meets the irradiance uniformity requirements as defined in9.—If it is necessary to remove a test specimen for periodic inspection,take care not to handle or disturb the test surface.After inspection,the test specimen shall be returned to the test chamber with its test surface in the same orientation as previously tested.9.7Apparatus Maintenance—The test apparatus requires periodic maintenance to maintain uniform exposure conditions. Perform required maintenance and calibration in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.9.8Expose the test specimens for the specified period of exposure.See Practice G151for further guidance.9.9At the end of the exposure,quantify the appropriate properties in accordance with recognized ASTM or interna-tional standards and report the results in conformance with Practice G151.N OTE11—Periods of exposure and evaluation of test results are addressed in Practice G151.10.Report10.1The test report shall conform to Practice G151.11.Precision and Bias11.1Precision:11.1.1The repeatability and reproducibility of results ob-tained in exposures conducted according to this practice will vary with the materials being tested,the material property being measured,and the specific test conditions and cycles that are used.In round-robin studies conducted by Subcommittee G03.03,the60°gloss values of replicate PVC tape specimens exposed in different laboratories using identical test devices and exposure cycles showed significant variability(3).The variability shown in these round-robin studies restricts the use of“absolute specifications”such as requiring a specific prop-erty level after a specific exposure period(4,5).11.1.2If a standard or specification for general use requiresa definite property level after a specific time or radiant exposure in an exposure test conducted according to this practice,the specified property level shall be based on results obtained in a round-robin that takes into consideration the variability due to the exposure and the test method used to measure the property of interest.The round-robin shall be conducted according to Practice E691or Practice D3980and shall include a statistically representative sample of all labo-ratories or organizations that would normally conduct the exposure and property measurement.11.1.3If a standard or specification for use between two or three parties requires a definite property level after a specific time or radiant exposure in an exposure test conducted accord-ing to this practice,the specified property level shall be based on statistical analysis of results from at least two separate, independent exposures in each laboratory.The design of the experiment used to determine the specification shall take into consideration the variability due to the exposure and the test method used to measure the property of interest.11.1.4The round-robin studies cited in11.1.1demonstrated that the gloss values for a series of materials could be ranked with a high level of reproducibility between laboratories.When reproducibility in results from an exposure test conducted according to this practice have not been established through round-robin testing,performance requirements for materials shall be specified in terms of comparison(ranked)to a control material.The control specimens shall be exposed simulta-neously with the test specimen(s)in the same device.The specific control material used shall be agreed upon by the concerned parties.Expose replicates of the test specimen and the control specimen so that statistically significant perfor-mance differences can be determined.11.2Bias—Bias can not be determined because no accept-able standard weathering reference materials are available. 12.Keywords12.1accelerated;accelerated weathering;durability;expo-sure;fluorescent UV lamps;laboratory weathering;light; lightfastness;non-metallic materials;temperature;ultraviolet;weathering --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---。



透射电子显微镜样品制备技术preparation of specimens for transmission electron microscopy图片:toushe dianzi xianweijing yangpin zhibei jishu透射电子显微镜样品制备技术(卷名:生物学)preparation of specimens for transmission electron microscopy基本要求是:①尽可能保持材料的结构和某些化学成分生活时的状态;②材料的厚度一般不宜超过1000埃。










主要固定方法有:① 快速冷冻,用致冷剂(如液氮、液体氟利昂、液体丙烷等)或其他方法使生物材料急剧冷冻,使组织和细胞中的水只能冻结成体积极小的冰晶甚至无定形的冰──玻璃态。

essential biology 生物

essential biology 生物

Preparation of Fixed, Stained Samples for TEM
• the fixed sections must be much thinner for electron microscopy (only 50-100 nm, about 0.2 percent of the thickness of a single cell). • Heavy metals, such as gold or osmium,
Essential Biology
Part 1. Cell biology
• Cell Structure and Function
• Cell Cycle, Division
Why you need to study the cell?
• “Long ago it became evident that the key to every biological problem must finally be sought in the cell for very living organism is, or at sometime has been, a cell.” • Edmund B. Wilson • From:The Cell in Development and Heredity • 3rd edition, 1925, Macmillan, Inc.
• Fluorescence Microscopy Can Localize and Quantify Specific Molecules in Cells • A chemical is said to be fluorescent if it absorbs light at one wavelength (the excitation wavelength) and emits light (fluoresces) at a specific and longer wavelength.

第三章 研究方法

第三章 研究方法

从整个生命科学的发展趋势看细胞 生物学方法
• • • • 分子水平 细胞水平 结构功能 细胞生命活动 分析 综合 功能基因组学研究是细胞生物学研究的 基础与归宿
1.The Light Microscopy
Figure 3-1. Resolving power. Sizes of cells and their components drawn on a logarithmic scale, indicating the range of objects that can be readily resolved by the naked eye and in the light and electron microscopes. The following units of length are commonly employed in microscopy: µ (micrometer) = 10m 6 m nm (nanometer) = 10-9 m Å (Ångströ unit) = 10-10 m m
Figure 3-8. Fluorescent dyes. The structures of fluorescein and tetramethylrhodamine, two dyes that are commonly used for fluorescence microscopy. Fluorescein emits green light, whereas the rhodamine dye emits red light.
Chapter 3. Techniques in Cell Biology
Preparatory observe

Confocal Microscopy

Confocal Microscopy

Confocal Microscopy Denis SemwogerereEric R.WeeksEmory University,Atlanta,Georgia,U.S.A.INTRODUCTIONA confocal microscope creates sharp images of a speci-men that would otherwise appear blurred when viewed with a conventional microscope.This is achieved by excluding most of the light from the specimen that is not from the microscope’s focal plane.The image has less haze and better contrast than that of a conven-tional microscope and represents a thin cross-section of the specimen.Thus,apart from allowing better observation offine details it is possible to build three-dimensional(3D)reconstructions of a volume of the specimen by assembling a series of thin slices taken along the vertical axis.BACKGROUNDConfocal microscopy was pioneered by Marvin Minsky in1955while he was a Junior Fellow at Harvard University.[1]Minsky’s invention would perform a point-by-point image construction by focusing a point of light sequentially across a specimen and then collect-ing some of the returning rays.By illuminating a single point at a time Minsky avoided most of the unwanted scattered light that obscures an image when the entire specimen is illuminated at the same time.Additionally, the light returning from the specimen would pass through a second pinhole aperture that would reject rays that were not directly from the focal point.The remaining‘‘desirable’’light rays would then be col-lected by a photomultiplier and the image gradually reconstructed using a long-persistence screen.To build the image,Minsky scanned the specimen by moving the stage rather than the light rays.This was to avoid the challenge of trying to maintain sensitive alignment of moving ing a60Hz solenoid to move the plat-form vertically and a lower-frequency solenoid to move it horizontally,Minsky managed to obtain a frame rate of approximately one image every10sec.MODERN CONFOCAL MICROSCOPYModern confocal microscopes have kept the key ele-ments of Minsky’s design:the pinhole apertures and point-by-point illumination of the specimen.Advances in optics and electronics have been incorporated into current designs and provide improvements in speed, image quality,and storage of the generated images. Although there are a number of different confocal microscope designs,this entry will discuss one general type—the other designs are not markedly different.[2] The majority of confocal microscopes image either by reflecting light off the specimen or by stimulating fluorescence from dyes(fluorophores)applied to the specimen.The focus of this entry will be onfluores-cence confocal microscopy as it is the mode that is most commonly used in biological applications.The difference between the two techniques is small.There are methods that involve transmission of light through the specimen,but these are much less common.[3] FluorescenceIf light is incident on a molecule,it may absorb the light and then emit light of a different color,a process known asfluorescence.At ordinary temperatures most molecules are in their lowest energy state,the ground state.However,they may absorb a photon of light (for example,blue light)that increases their energy causing an electron to jump to a discrete singlet excited state.[4]In Fig.1,this is represented by the top black line.Typically,the molecule quickly(within10À8sec) dissipates some of the absorbed energy through colli-sions with surrounding molecules causing the electron to drop to a lower energy level(the second black line). If the surrounding molecules are not able to accept the larger energy difference needed to further lower the molecule to its ground state,it may undergo sponta-neous emission,thereby losing the remaining energy, by emitting light of a longer wavelength(for example, green light).[5]Fluorescein is a commonfluorophore that acts this way,emitting green light when stimulated with blue excitation light.The wavelengths of the exci-tation light and the color of the emitted light are mate-rial dependent.Microscopy in thefluorescence mode has several advantages over the reflected or transmitted modes. It can be more sensitive.Often,it is possible to attach fluorescent molecules to specific parts of the specimen, making them the only visible ones in the microscopeEncyclopedia of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering DOI:10.1081/E-EBBE-120024153Copyright#2005by Taylor&Francis.All rights reserved.1and it is also possible to use more than one type of fluorophore.[6]Thus,by switching the excitation light different parts of the specimen can be distinguished.FLUORESCENCE MICROSCOPYIn conventional fluorescence microscopy a dyed speci-men is illuminated with light of an appropriate wave-length and an image is formed from the resulting fluorescent light.In Fig.2the excitation light is blue and the emitted light is green.The microscope uses a dichroic mirror (also called a ‘‘dichromatic mirror’’)that reflects light shorter than a certain wavelength but transmits light of longer wavelength.Thus,the light from the main source is reflected and passes through the objective to the sample,while the longer-wavelengthlight from the fluorescing specimen passes through both the objective and the dichroic mirror.This particular type of fluorescence microscopy,in which the objective used by the illuminating light is also used by the fluor-escing light in conjunction with a dichroic mirror,is called epifluorescence.In the case of reflected light microscopy,a beamsplitter is used in place of the dichroic mirror.CONFOCAL MICROSCOPYTo understand confocal microscopy it is instructive to imagine a pair of lenses that focuses light from the focal point of one lens to the focal point of the other.This is illustrated by the dark blue rays in Fig.3.The light blue rays represent light from another point inFig.2Basic setup of a fluorescence microscope.Light from the source is reflected off the dichroic mirror toward the specimen.Returning fluorescence of a longer wavelength is allowed to pass through thedichroic mirror to the eye-piece.(View this art in color at .)high Fig.1Mechanism of fluorescence.The horizon-tal lines indicate quantum energy levels of the molecule.A fluorescent dye molecule is raised to an excited energy state by a high-energy photon.It loses a little energy to other molecules and drops to a lower excited state.It loses the rest of the energy by emitting light of a lower energy.(View this art in color at .)the specimen,which is not at the focal point of the left-hand-side lens.(Note that the colors of the rays are purely for purposes of distinguishing the two sets—they do not represent different wavelengths of light.)Clearly,the image of the light blue point is not at the same location as the image of the dark blue point.(Recall from introductory optics that points do not need to be at the focal point of the lens for the system of lenses to form an image.)In confocal microscopy,the aim is to see only the image of the dark blue point.[1]Accordingly,if a screen with a pinhole is placed at the other side of the lens sys-tem,then all of the light from the dark point will pass through the pinhole.a Note that at the location of the screen the light blue point is out of focus.Moreover,most of the light will get blocked by the screen,resulting in an image of the light blue point that is significantly attenuated compared to the image of the dark blue point.To further reduce the amount of light emanating from ‘‘light blue’’points,the confocal microscope setup minimizes how much of the specimen is illuminated.Normally,in fluorescence microscopy the entire field of view of the specimen is completely illuminated,making the whole region fluoresce at the same time.Of course,the highest intensity of the excitation light is at the focal point of the lens,but the other parts of the specimen do get some of this light and they do fluoresce.Thus,light at a ‘‘dark blue’’point may include light that has been scattered from other ‘‘light blue’’points,thereby obscur-ing its fluorescence.To reduce this effect the confocal microscope focuses a point of light at the in-focus dark blue point by imaging a pinhole aperture placed in front of the light source.[1]Thus,the only regions that are illu-minated are a cone of light above and below the focal (dark blue)point (Fig.9A).Together the confocal microscope’s two pinholes sig-nificantly reduce the background haze that is typical of a conventional fluorescence image,as shown in Fig.5.Because the focal point of the objective lens forms an image where the pinhole =screen is,those two points are known as ‘‘conjugate points’’(or alternatively,the specimen plane and the pinhole =screen are conjugate planes).The pinhole is conjugate to the focal point of the lens,hence the name ‘‘confocal’’pinhole.HOW DOES A CONFOCAL MICROSCOPE WORK?The confocal microscope incorporates the ideas of point-by-point illumination of the specimen and rejec-tion of out-of-focus light.One drawback with imaging a point onto the speci-men is that there are fewer emitted photons to collect at any given instant.Thus,to avoid building a noisy image each point must be illuminated for a long time to collect enough light to make an accurate measure-ment.[1]In turn,this increases the length of time needed to create a point-by-point image.The solution is to use a light source of very high intensity,which Minsky did with a zirconium arc lamp.The modern choice is a laser light source,which has the additional benefit of being available in a wide range of wavelengths.In Fig.4A the laser provides the intense blue excitation light.The light reflects off a dichroic mirror,which directs it to an assembly of vertically and hori-zontally scanning mirrors.These motor-driven mirrors scan the laser across the specimen.Recall that Minsky’s invention kept the optics stationary and instead scanned the specimen by moving the stage back and forth in the vertical and horizontal directions.As awkward (and slow)as that method seems it does have among others the following two major advantages:[7] The specimen is everywhere illuminated axially,rather than at different angles as in the case of the scanning mirror configuration,thereby avoiding optical aberrations.Thus,the entire field of view is illuminated uniformly.The field of view can be made larger than that of the static objective by controlling the amplitude of the stage movements.aActually not all the light from the focal point reaches the pinhole.Some of it is reflected and absorbed by the optics in between.Fig.3Rejection of light not incident from the focal plane.All light from the focal point that reaches the screen is allowed through.Light away from the focal point is mostly rejected.(View this art in color at .)In Fig.4the dye in the specimen is excited by the laser light and fluoresces.The fluorescent (green)light is descanned by the same mirrors that are used to scan the excitation light (blue)from the laser and then passes through the dichroic mirror.Thereafter,it is focused onto the pinhole.The light that makes it through the pinhole is measured by a detector such as a photomultiplier tube.In confocal microscopy,there is never a complete image of the specimen because at any instant only one point is observed.Thus,for visualization the detec-tor is attached to a computer,which builds up the image one pixel at a time.For a 512Â512-pixel image this is typically done at a frame rate of 0.1–30Hz.The large range in frame rates depends on anumber of factors,the most important of which will be discussed below.The image created by the confocal microscope is of a thin planar region of the specimen—an effect referred to as optical sectioning.Out-of-plane unfocused light has been rejected,resulting in a sharper,better-resolved image.Fig.5shows an image created with and without optical sectioning.THREE-DIMENSIONAL VISUALIZATIONThe ability of a confocal microscope to create sharp optical sections makes it possible to build 3D rendi-tions of the specimen.Data gathered from a series ofFig.4Basic setup of a confocal microscope.Light from the laser is scanned across the specimen by the scanning mirrors.Opti-cal sectioning occurs as the light passes through a pinhole on its way to the detector.(View this art in color at .)Fig.5Images of cells of spirogyra generated with and without optical sectioning.The image in (B)was created using a slit rather than a pinhole for out-of-focus light rejection.Most of the haze asso-ciated with the cell walls of the filamentous algae is absent,allowing clearer distinction of the differ-ent parts.optical sections imaged at short and regular intervals along the optical axis are used to create the 3D recon-struction.Software can combine the 2D images to create a 3D rendition.Representing 3D information in a meaningful way out of 2D data is nontrivial,and a number of different schemes have been devel-oped.Fig.6shows a 3D reconstruction,from slices of a suspension of 2m m diameter colloidal particles using ‘‘alpha blending’’—a technique that combines images by first making each of their individual pixels less or more transparent according to a computed weight called the ‘‘alpha’’value.[8]The result is a 3D-like structure.OTHER CONSIDERATIONSA confocal microscope,as with every instrument,has some limitations and often compromises must be made to optimize performance.The following is an outline of some of the most important of them.ResolutionAs with conventional microscopy,confocal microscopy has inherent resolution limitations due to diffraction.In the discussion above it is assumed that the point source used produces a point of light on the specimen.In fact it appears in the focal plane as an Airy disk,whose size depends on the wavelength of the light source and the numerical aperture of the objective lens.[9](The numerical aperture of a lens is a measure of how well it gathers light.)The graph of Fig.7B shows a plot of the intensity of light as a function of radius of an Airy disk—the image is circularly symmetric,as shown in Fig.7A.The Airy disk limits the maximum resolution that can be attained with the confocal microscope—the best reso-lution is typically about 200nm.Ideally,the image of a point would just be a single intense point right at radius ¼0.However,the finite size of the Airy disk sets the scale for which details can be resolved.According to the Rayleigh criterion,the minimum separation between two Airy disks for which they are distinguishable is equal to their radius.This corresponds to the maximum of one Airy disk superimposed on the minimum of the other.Resolution along the optical axis is also limited by diffraction effects.As in the lateral direction there is a periodic,but elliptical distribution of intensity in the shape of an Airy disk.[10]Pinhole SizeThe optical sectioning capability of a confocal micro-scope derives from having a pinhole to reject out-of-focus light rays.In turn,the strength of the optical sectioning (the rate at which the detected intensity drops off in the axial direction)depends strongly on the size of the pinhole.[11]It is tempting to assume that making the pinhole as small as possible is the best choice.However,as the pinhole size is reduced,so too are the number of photons that arrive at the detector from the specimen.This may lead to a reduced signal-to-noise ratio.To offset the weaker signal more fluorescence is needed from the specimen.This usually can be done,to a limit,by raising the intensity of the excitation light.But high intensities can damage the specimen,and in the case of fluorescence,also degrade the fluorophore.Moreover,it has been shown that optical sectioning does not improve considerably with the pinhole size below a limit that approximates the radius of the first zero of the Airy disk.[2,11](Note that the study considered imaging in coherent mode;however,the result still qualitatively applies to inherently incoherent confocal fluorescence microscopy.)Thus,a good approximation is to make the pinhole about the size of the Airy disk.Intensity of Incident LightAn important component of a confocal microscope is the photodetector that captures light from the speci-men.In confocal fluorescence imaging the pinhole along with the optics preceding it significantly reduce the intensity of the emission that reaches the detector.Thus,the detector’s sensitivity and noise behavior are vitally important.[3]The sensitivity is characterized by the quantum efficiency,which,as in any measurement involving quantum interactions,is limited by Poisson statistics.[12]That is,the accuracy of the measurement is improved by increasing the number ofphotonsFig.6Three-dimensional reconstruction of a series of 2D images of PMMA spheres suspended in a cyclohexyl-bromide and decalin solution.The image was created using ‘‘alpha blending.’’arriving at the detector.In practical terms this can be done by averaging data from many frames—which has the drawback of slowing down the effective frame rate of the microscope.Or,it can be done by increasing the intensity of the fluorescence signal.Fluorescence can be increased by dyeing the speci-men with a larger concentration of fluorophore mole-cules or by raising the intensity of the excitation light.However,each of these methods increases excita-tion up to some limit.For high fluorophore concentra-tions,the individual molecules can quench each other.[5]They may also reduce the amount of fluores-cence deep inside the specimen—fluorophores nearest the light source can absorb enough light to signifi-cantly reduce the portion available to the rest of the specimen.[3]Increasing fluorescence by increasing the excitation light intensity leads eventually to saturation of the fluorophore.Higher intensities drive a larger fraction of fluorophore molecules into excited states,which in turn leads to a smaller fraction of ground state molecules.Ultimately,the rate at which fluoro-phores are excited matches their decay rate,causing ground state depopulation.Fluorescence then ceases to increase with excitation intensity.[13]FluorophoresAmong the most important aspects of fluorescence confocal microscopy is the choice of fluorophore.It is typically influenced by several factors.The fluorophore should tag the correct part of the specimen.It must be sensitive enough for the given excitation wavelength.For living specimens it should not significantly alter the dynamics of the organism;and an extra considera-tion is the effect of the specimen on the fluorophore—its chemical environment can affect the position of the peaks of the excitation and emission spectra.[14]PhotobleachingA major problem with fluorophores is that they fade (irreversibly)when exposed to excitation light (Fig.8).Although this process is not completely under-stood,it is believed in some instances to occur when fluorophore molecules react with oxygen and =or oxy-gen radicals and become nonfluorescent.[13,15]The reaction can take place after a fluorophore molecule transitions from the singlet excited state to the triplet excited state.Although the fraction of fluorophores that transitions to the triplet state is small,its lifetime is typically much longer than that of the singlet state.This can lead to a significant triplet state fluorophore population and thus to significant photobleaching.[5]Several strategies have been developed to reduce the rate of photobleaching.[5,13]One method is to simply reduce the amount of oxygen that would react with the triplet excited states.This can be done by displa-cing it using a different gas.[5]Another method is by the use of free-radical scavengers to reduce the oxygen radicals.Shortening the long lifetime of the triplet excited state has also been shown to be effective.[16]Other ways include using a high numerical aperture lens to collect more fluorescence light and thus use less excitation light.[17]Also,keeping the magnification as0.–10 –5 0 5 10RadiusA BI n t e n s i t yFig.7Airy disk similar to that of an image of a very small particle.(A)The image is ‘‘overexposed’’and in reverse color to allow distinction of the faint secondary peak.(B)A graph of the intensity change with radius.low as is permissible spreads the excitation light over a larger area,thereby reducing the local intensity.While photobleaching makes fluorescence micro-scopy more difficult,it is not always undesirable.One technique that takes advantage of it is fluorescence photobleaching recovery (FPR)or fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP).It involves exposing a small region of the specimen to a short and intense laser beam,which destroys the local fluorescence,and then observing as the fluorescence is recovered by transport of other fluorophore molecules from the surrounding region.Quantities such as the diffusion coefficient of the dyed structures can then be determined.[18]LIVING CELLSConfocal microscopy has been used effectively for the 3D study of dynamics in living cells.However,the ima-ging of living specimens adds the challenge of maintain-ing the life and normal function of the organism.[19]There are of course difficulties involved in preparing the sample for viewing as is the case in conventional microscopy.But on top of that the effect of photo-damage on the specimen caused by the focused high-intensity excitation light must be taken into account.This is compounded by the repeated exposure required for tracking the cellular dynamics—a problem that is worsened for 3D data collection.Fluorescence also introduces the problem of the fluorophore influencing the cell behavior as well as the risk that oxygen mole-cules reacting with fluorophores in triplet excited states may generate free radicals that damage the cell.[19]Despite the challenges,a wide variety of sophisticated fluorophores have been developed to study different aspects of cell biology.They are designed to mark speci-fic parts of the cell interior and often can simply be intro-duced to the cell wall.[19]The fluorophores molecules make their way into the cell and attach to the intracellu-lar structures of interest such as the mitochondria and the Golgi apparatus.This is not always the case,how-ever,as some fluorophores must be injected directly into the cell.[19]Labeling is even applied to the study of ‘‘nonphysical’’structures of the cell—some fluoro-phores have been developed for the measurement of dynamic processes such as membrane potentials and ion concentrations.[5]Multicolor FluorescenceTo distinguish between small features such as proteins within a cell it is useful to tag them with different fluor-ophores and image them as separate colors.There are two ways to do this:in one method fluorophores are selected to correspond with the wavelengths of a multi-line laser and in the other their response to the same excitation wavelength causes emission at different wavelengths.[20]In both cases the resulting emission is separated with appropriate filters and directed to dif-ferent detectors.However,there can be cross talk between channels of the emitted light.[14]For most of the commonly used fluorophores there is usually some overlap between their emission spectra,making perfect channel separation impossible by filtering alone.To first order this can be corrected by determining the level of overlap of emission of each individual fluoro-phore into the channels of the other fluorophores and subtracting it out mathematically.FAST CONFOCAL MICROSCOPYMost confocal microscopes generate a single image in 0.1–1sec.[21]For many dynamic processes this rate may be too slow,particularly if 3D stacks of images are required.Even for a single 2D image,slow frame rates translate into long exposure times of the specimen to intense laser light,which may damage it or cause photobleaching.Two commonly used designs that can capture images at high speed are the Nipkow disk confocal microscope and a confocal microscope that uses an acousto-optic deflector (AOD)for steering the excitation light.Acousto-Optic DeflectorSpeeding up the image acquisition rate can be achieved by making the excitation light beam scan morequicklyFig.8Dyed suspension of densely packed polymethyl-methacrylate beads with significant photobleaching.The rec-tangular region near the center faded after about 30sec of exposure to excitation light.across the specimen.For most confocal microscopes, the limitation is the galvanometers that move the mir-rors back and forth in the characteristic saw-tooth pat-tern.The usual configuration is a slow vertical scan combined with a rapid scan in the horizontal direction. For512Â512-pixel images at a frame rate of$30 frames per second the horizontal galvanometer would have to scan at a frequency of approximately 30Â512¼15kHz,which is beyond its normal cap-ability of several kilohertz.[21]Fast horizontal scans are achieved using an AOD. An AOD is a device that deflects light by creating a dif-fraction grating out of a crystal using sound waves. The sound waves are high-frequency pressure waves that locally alter the refractive index of the crystal. Thus,when monochromatic light shines through the crystal,it forms sharp fringes at an angle of deflection that depends on the wavelength of the acoustic pres-sure waves.Rapidly changing the frequency,and hence the wavelength,of the sound waves allows quick and accurate steering.[22]The major disadvantage of AODs is that they are wavelength sensitive.That is,different wavelengths experience different degrees of deflection.This presents a problem forfluorescence microscopy because the light fromfluorescence has a different wavelength from the excitation light and thus cannot be descanned by the AOD as is done in Fig.4with the mirrors.To get around this problem the confocal microscope is designed to descan only along the vertical direction that is controlled by the slow galvanometer and to then collect the light using a slit rather than a pinhole.[21]The penalty is a reduction in the amount of optical sectioning and a very slight distortion in the image caused by the loss of circular symmetry.Nevertheless,it is possible to obtain high-quality images(Fig.5B)using slits.[10]Note that descanning is not a problem for monochromatic reflected light microscopy because the incident and reflected light are of the same wavelength.Nipkow DiskAn even faster technique is the so-called Nipkow disk microscope.Instead of scanning a single point across the specimen the Nipkow disk microscope builds an image by passing light through a spinning mask of pin-holes,thereby simultaneously illuminating many dis-crete points.In the setup by Xiao,Corle,and Kino the mask is a disk with thousands of pinholes arranged in interleaved spirals.[23]At any given time only a small section of the disk with a few hundred pinholes is illu-minated.The light travels through the pinholes and onto the specimen and the returning light passes through the same pinholes for optical sectioning.As the disk spins,the entire specimen is covered several times in a single rotation.At a rotation of40revolu-tions per second Xiao,Corle,and Kino were able to generate over600frames per second.The disadvantage of the Nipkow disk microscope is that only a small fraction($1%)of the illuminating light makes it through the pinholes to the specimen.[24] While that is not a major problem when operating in reflected light mode,it can lead to a weak signal and poor imaging influorescence mode.However,with strongfluorophores an image as good as that of a con-focal laser scanning microscope can be obtained.[24] Increasing transmission would require an increase in pinhole size,which would lead to less effective optical sectioning and xy resolution.TWO-PHOTON MICROSCOPYA fast-growing technique that is related to confocal microscopy and also provides excellent optical section-ing is two-photon microscopy.It addresses a fundamen-tal drawback of confocal laser scanning microscopy: that the beam also excites the specimen above and below the focal-plane(Fig.9A).For each2D imagecreated Fig.9One-photon vs.two-photon emission from a solution offluorescein.(A)One-photon emission shows strongfluorescence at the waist,but also fluorescence in a cone-like region above and below the focal volume.(B)In two-photon emissionfluorescence is limited to the focal volume. (From Ref.[25].)(View this art in color at www. .)。



• 132 •中国防痨杂志 2021 年 2 月第 43 卷第 2 期 Chin J Am ituberc ,Fc»bruary 2021,V 〇U 3,N 〇. 2•论著•荧光P C R 探针熔解曲线法与微孔板法检测M T B 耐药性的临床应用比较王佩赵国连雷倩郑丹崔晓利周俊【摘要】目的分析荧光P C K 探针熔解曲线法与微孔板法药物敏感性试验(简称“药敏试验”)检测结核分枝 杆菌(M TB )对抗结核药品耐药性结果的一致性及M T B 基因突变与耐药的相关性,为临床诊疗优化提供参考。

方法搜集2019年1 -12月分离自西安市胸科医院就诊患者并经鉴定确认的343株M T B 临床分离株,菌株均进 行了微孔板法药敏试验和荧光P C R 探针熔解曲线法检测。

以微孔板法药敏试验结果为参照.评价荧光P C R 探针 熔解曲线法检测M T B 对异烟肼、利福平、链霉素、乙胺丁醇、莫西沙星和左氧氟沙星耐药性的检测效能,并分析荧 光P C R 探针培解曲线法检测的M T B 基因突变与微孔板法药敏试验最低抑菌浓度(minimum inhibitory concentre - tio n ,M IC )的相关性。

结果以微孔板法药敏试验结果为参照,荧光P C R 探针熔解曲线法检测M T B 对异烟肼、利福平、链霉素、乙胺丁醇、莫西沙星和左氧氟沙星耐药性的敏感度、特异度、沖《值分别为:96. 20% (76/79)、 95. 28%(242/254)、0. 88:93. 62%(44/47)、94. 58% (279/295)、0. 79; 96. 88% (62/64 )、94. 96% (264/278)、0. 86; 93. 33%(14/15),95. 37% (309/324 ),0. 61;92. 31%(24/26),97. 16%(308/317),0. 80s 91. 18% (31/34) ,99. 35% (307/309)、0. 92。



The Light Microscope (2)
• Resolution
– Resolution is the ability to see two nearby points as distinct images.
• The numerical aperture is a measure of the lightgathering qualities of a lens.
A comparison of the lens system of a light and electron microscope
Transmission Electron Microscope (3)
• Specimen Preparation for Electron Microscopy
• Visibility
– Visibility deals with factors that allow an object to be observed.
• It requires that the specimen and the background have different refractive indexes.
The Feulgen stain
The Light Microscope (4)
• Preparation of Specimens for Bright-Field Light Microscopy
– A whole mount is an intact object, either living of dead.
– A condenser lens is placed between the electron source and the specimen.



英文回答:In the light of the context and significance of the tests on the effects of heavy ion particles in space semiconductor units, full consideration must be given to the stability and reliability of the space vehicle under the effects of heavy ion ion ions. In the course of the experiment, particular attention will need to be paid to key elements to ensure that the data are accurate and reliable, and that the test guide is summarized and analysed, emphasizing its importance and significance for improving the resistance of space semiconductors to interference.根据宇航用半导体器件重离子单粒子效应试验的相关背景和意义,在确定试验方法时,必须充分考虑宇航器件在重离子单粒子效应下的稳定性和可靠性。


The single particle effect of heavy ion means the effect of high energy heavy ion on semiconductor devices in space or in the nuclear radiation environment. In space spacecraft, semiconductors play very important roles, such as control and measurement systems. Understanding and studying the singleparticle effects of heavy ion are essential to ensure the reliability and stability of space spacecraftponents. Through the heavy ion single particle effects test, it is possible to simulate the radiation environment in space, test the radiation resistance of semiconductor devices and provide an important reference for the design and selection of spacecraft in space. In order to determine the method of testing the single particle effects of heavy ion, applicable to semiconductorponents in space, consideration needs to be given to the conditions of theponents in special working environments, such as radiation environment and temperature changes in space. Test methods include selection of suitable heavy ion types and energy, determination of test parameters and measurement methods. The accuracy and reliability of the test results can be ensured by carefully designed test programmes.重离子单粒子效应就是指在太空或者核辐射环境中,高能重离子对半导体器件造成的影响。



植物科学学报 2024,42(2):135~139Plant Science Journal DOI:10.11913/PSJ. 2095-0837. 23120陈灵灵,杨家鑫,江慧,廖苗,蔡秀珍,胡光万. 马先蒿属一中国新记录种——陈塘马先蒿[J]. 植物科学学报,2024,42(2):135−139Chen LL,Yang JX,Jiang H,Liao M,Cai XZ,Hu GW. Pedicularis tamurensis T. Yamaz. (Orobanchaceae), a newly recorded species of Pedicularis from China[J]. Plant Science Journal,2024,42(2):135−139马先蒿属一中国新记录种——陈塘马先蒿陈灵灵1, 2,杨家鑫2, 3, 4,江慧2, 3, 4,廖苗2, 3, 4,蔡秀珍1 *,胡光万2, 3, 4 *(1. 湖南师范大学生命科学学院,长沙 410081; 2. 中国科学院武汉植物园,武汉 430074;3. 中国科学院中-非联合研究中心,武汉 430074;4. 中国科学院大学,北京 100049)摘 要:于西藏喜马拉雅南坡的陈塘沟开展植物多样性调查过程中,发现一种在《中国植物志》中未记录的马先蒿属(Pedicularis)植物。

通过文献查阅和详细的形态学比较,确定其为中国新记录种Pedicularis tamuren-sis T. Yamaz.,为其新拟中文名称:陈塘马先蒿。


此新记录种生长于海拔约2 900 m的冷杉(Abies fabri (Mast.) Craib)林下,与光唇马先蒿(Pedicularis fletcheri P. C. Tsoong)相似,主要识别特征为:叶对生,两面均密生短毛,羽状全裂至深裂;花序总状,花白色,盔瓣呈镰刀状弯弓,中间渐狭成喙,顶端2裂,下唇完全包围盔瓣。



专利名称:LIGHT SHEET MICROSCOPE AND METHOD FOR DETERMINING THE REFRACTIVEINDICES OF OBJECTS IN THE SPECIMENSPACE发明人:WEISS, Alexander,SCHUMANN,Christian,CAPELLMANN, Ronja申请号:EP20719335.0申请日:20200325公开号:EP3953684A1公开日:20220216专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:The invention relates to a light sheet microscope comprising: a specimen space in which a cover slip or slide having a surface that defines a partially reflective boundary surface can be arranged; an optics system having an objective facing the cover slip or slide; an illumination device, which is designed to generate a light sheet; a sensor; and a processor. The light sheet microscope forms a measuring apparatus for capturing a measurand. The measuring apparatus is designed to deflect the light sheet through the optics system onto the cover slip or slide at an oblique incidence, to generate reflection light beams by reflecting the light sheet in part at the boundary surface, and to receive the reflection light beams through the optics system and deflect same onto the sensor. The sensor is designed to capture the intensity and/or the place of incidence of the reflection light beams. The processor is designed to determine the measurand on the basis of the captured intensity and/or place of incidence of the reflection light beams.申请人:Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH地址:Ernst-Leitz-Strasse 17-37 35578 Wetzlar DE国籍:DE代理机构:Schaumburg und Partner Patentanwälte mbB 更多信息请下载全文后查看。

ZEISS Axioscope 物料实验室 upright light 微观显微镜说明书

ZEISS Axioscope 物料实验室 upright light 微观显微镜说明书

ZEISS AxioscopeYour Microscope for Research and Routine in the Materials LabProduct Information Version 1.0The Axioscope upright light microscope was designed specifically to meet the most common optical imaging requirements of materials laboratories.Coded and automation features make it particularly well suited to routine tasks that place high demands on data quality and reproducibility. But Axioscope doesn’t stop there. It is also capable of handling advanced optical microscopy for materials science studies.Axioscope is a turnkey solution for metallography and materials science in research and industry – with functions for determining grain size, phases and layer thickness as well as for the classification of graphite particles. Analyze your samples with established contrast techniques. Advanced light management ensures that your samples are always optimally illuminated.With its versatility to handle many daily tasks, Axioscope has a good chance of becoming the preferred instrument of your laboratory staff.Ready to serve both Research and Routine Investigations› In Brief › The Advantages › The Applications › The System› Technology and Details › ServiceSimpler. More Intelligent. More Integrated.Affordable High PerformanceEveryday life in the materials laboratory is charac-terized by both routine tasks and challenging detailed investigations. While microscopes for routine applications quickly reach their limits when high performance imaging and enhanced contrast techniques are required, high-priced research microscopes offer a range of perfor-mance that is rarely fully exploited. Axioscope – with its outstanding usability and advanced auto-mation features – is ideal for demanding routine tasks. And, even at its attractive price, it also offers powerful capabilities commonly associated with more advanced research light microscopes.Digital IntegrationOne of the best reasons to select ZEISS is theircomprehensive integration platform that allowsdata from all ZEISS microscopes to be connected.Combine Axioscope with the ZEISS Axiocamcamera portfolio and ZEISS ZEN 2 core imagingsoftware, and Axioscope now becomes a powerfuldigital documentation system. From device control– to image capture, analysis and documentation –to archiving your valuable analytics, Axioscopedelivers a fully digitized workflow. In addition,Axioscope can be integrated into correlativeworkflows via Shuttle & Find.Reliable ResultsWith coded components and advanced lightmanagement, Axioscope delivers trustworthy,reproducible results. The motorized Axioscope 7gives you the ability to fully automate investigativeworkflows. Perform repetitive tasks with presetparameters, automatically navigate to regions ofinterest on the sample, or capture images withextended depth of field. Axioscope packs a lot ofpower and reliability into its small footprint, so itis quick to become the lab favorite.Axioscope in a connected laboratory environmentMultiphase analysis with ZEISS ZEN 2 coreAxioscope for polarization› In Brief› The Advantages› The Applications› The System› Technology and Details › ServiceMeet Routine Microscopy Demands—without Compromise to Advanced Inspection NeedsZEISS is well known for their expertise in developing light microscope solutions. The Axioscope product familytakes a well-defined position in the ZEISS materials lab solution portfolio: Axioscope is the right choice ifyour routine inspection tasks place high demands on usability, reproducibility and automation – and you alsoneed advanced optical microscopy for materials analysis and metallography. Being a complete materiallaboratory solution, Axioscope is also the first choice from an economic point of view.ZEISS PrimotechCompact manual microscope for material and geoscience educationZEISS AxioscopeEncoded and motorized microscope for highlyproductive materials research and routineZEISS Axio ImagerHigh-end microscope system for advancedmaterials researchZEISS Axio Lab.A1Manual routine microscope for thematerials laboratory with ergonomicoperation› In Brief› The Advantages› The Applications› The System› Technology and Details › ServiceA Turnkey Metallography SolutionAxioscope is performance-ready, with all features working in concert to deliver a complete metallography solution for the materials laboratory: cameras as the most important interface for digitizing your sample data, lenses with application-specific properties, and an imaging software specially developed for materials research and metallography.ZEN 2 core: Imaging Software with Integrated Materials ModulesZEN 2 core is your command center for automated imaging and analysis functions. Modules for the deter-mination of grain sizes, phases and layer thicknesses, as well as for the classification of graphite particles, enable ZEN 2 core to provide all meaningful metallographic applications under a uniform user interface.ZEISS objective lensesSelect the objectives that fit your application, imaging perfor-mance or cost requirements and imaging performance.ZEISS Axiocam camerasChoose from a wide range of microscope cameras to get the resolution, color fidelity and processing speed you need.Cast iron analysis with ZEISS ZEN 2 core50 µm› In Brief› The Advantages › The Applications › The System› Technology and Details › ServiceEasy to Use for Powerful Workflow EfficienciesErgonomic Operating ConceptAxioscope is designed to make everyday opera-tions as comfortable and safe as possible. Impor-tant controls – like focus drive, stage drive, light manager and image capture – are arranged on both sides such that they can be operated without overworking either hand.Axioscope controlsEasy Image AcquisitionUsing the snap button, digital image acquisition is easy. Simply press this ergonomically located button, and you can acquire images while main-taining control over position, magnification or contrast. In this way, the microscopic examination can be fully documented, while you always keep the sample in view.Perfect Control of All Stage AxesThe innovative operating concept of Axioscope 7, the motorized product version, gives you full control over all stage movement, without having to take your hands off the microscope or relying on external controllers. With the simple press of a button, you can switch the focus drives between Z-axis control and XY stage control. With the XY control activated, you can move the stage along the X axis with the right focus drive and along the Y axis with the left focus drive.Axioscope 5: Snap button for image acquisition on both sides Axioscope 7: Snap button (right) and stage control button (left)› In Brief› The Advantages › The Applications › The System› Technology and Details › ServiceCoded Components Assure Reliable and Reproducible ResultsFull Confidence in Your DataThe coded components of the microscope not only make your work easier and more comfortable, but also ensure that erroneous operation and the associated falsification of the examination results can be largely ruled out.Modern Light ManagementThe system detects changes to objectives or contrast techniques, then adjusts dependent parameters – such as light intensity and scaling – automatically. This allows multi-faceted routine workflows to be processed more quickly and easily. Using process parameters that you or others have stored, anyone can reproduce an exact workflow at any time and achieve comparable results, independent of individual users’ operating habits or preferences.Light manager controlAutomatic adjustment of the light intensity after changing the objective (upper right)Automatic adjustment of the light intensity after changing theobjective and contrasting technique (upper right)10× (Brightfield)50× (Brightfield)50× (Darkfield)100 µm 20 µm› In Brief› The Advantages › The Applications › The System› Technology and Details › ServiceMotorization Facilitates AutomationMotorization of the X, Y and Z axesAxioscope 7, the motorized model in the Axioscope product family, enables you to automate much of your work process. Benefit from higher productivity, repeatable processes based on predefined parameters, and better comparability of results. Full motorization of the X, Y, and Z motion axes opens many opportunities for advanced imaging:Extended Depth of Field:• Automatically acquire multiple images at different focus positions (Z-stack) and combine them to create an image with enhanced depth of field.Panorama Images:• Create composite images of larger sample areas in just a few clicks.Tiles & Positions:• Record exact, highly resolved images of multiple field of views by automatically scanning predefined areas.Correlative Microscopy:• Examine samples with different light and electron microscopes. Relocate regions of interest automatically using the Shuttle & Find module of ZEN 2 core.Metal bump, imaged with Extended Depth of FieldTiles & Positions: Overview image of a cam with predefined area(left);. Acquired image of the predefined area (right)› In Brief› The Advantages › The Applications › The System› Technology and Details › ServiceConnect and CorrelateThe Connected LaboratoryZEN 2 core helps you to make your laboratory even more productive. With workflow solutions that connect data from different microscopes, ZEN 2 core delivers more meaningful information. And thanks to its archive and database connectivity features, you keep your valuable data together across instruments, laboratories, and locations.Shuttle & FindShuttle & Find is the ZEISS correlative microscopy interface, designed specifically for use in materials analysis and industrial QA.Shuttle & Find allows you to:• Transfer samples between ZEISS light and electron microscope systems faster than ever • Relocate regions of interest automatically • Improve efficiency and throughput • Collect the maximum relevant information • Make well informed material decisionsConnected laboratory environment with Axioscope (1), ZEISS EVO electron microscope (2) and Smartzoom 5 digital microscope (3). In a multi-modal workflow, the sample to be examined is passed on from microscope to microscope (4). ZEN 2 core (5) ensures consistent data exchange between all involved devices, off-line analysis workstations (6), and remote laboratories (7).› In Brief› The Advantages › The Applications › The System› Technology and Details › ServiceZEISS Axioscope at Work: Contrast TechniquesVersatile Options: The Contrast TechniquesA multitude of contrast options have been implemented in the Axioscope in order to meet the special requirements of materials microscopy. Such variety of reflected- and transmitted-light techniques is unusual in this performance class.Brightfield – contrast method to identify size and shape of different phases Darkfield – contrast method to enhance the visibility of phase boundariesC-DIC (Circular Differential Interference Contrast) – relief-like appearance of the surface shows structures like scratches Polarization Contrast – the colors are connected with chrystallo-graphic orientation of the different phases100 µm Reflected light:• Brightfield• Darkfield• Polarization• DIC• C-DIC• FluorescenceTransmitted light:• Brightfield• Polarization• Darkfield• DIC• PlasDIC• Phase contrast› In Brief› The Advantages› The Applications› The System› Technology and Details › ServiceZEISS Axioscope at Work: MetallographyTypical tasks and applications• Imaging and analysis of microstructure of metal materials• Quantitative microstructure analysis• Evaluation according to international standards • Grain size analysis • Multiphase analysisGet these benefits from ZEISS Axioscope • Reveal microstructural information using different contrast methods.• Use brightfield contrast to get information about the overall number, size and shape of features within a material.• Enhance grain boundaries and particle edges with darkfield contrast to reveal sharper fea-tures and clearer definition of interfaces. • With Circular Differential Interference Contrast(C-DIC) your sample surface appears as a 3D relief. You can easily detect polishing marks. • Encoded components assure¬ that you always get the right light intensity and scaling to provide reproducible results.Cast Iron Analysis – Size and Shape Distribution› In Brief › The Advantages › The Applications › The System› Technology and Details › ServiceZEISS Axioscope at Work: MetallographyGrain Size Analysis – Planimetric Method Grains Size Analysis – Intercept Method Porosity Analysis with Multi-Phase ModuleComparative Diagrams – sample comparison with wall charts Cast Iron Analysis – Segmentation of graphite particlesLayer Thickness Measurement› In Brief › The Advantages › The Applications › The System› Technology and Details › ServiceAxioscope 5Manual microscope with coded components for reproducible and reliable results in the analysis ofmaterial cuts, thin sections, and fracture surfacesThe ZEISS Axioscope FamilyZEISS Axioscope 5ZEISS Axioscope 5 for Polarization ZEISS Axioscope 7The Axioscope product family offers instrument variants for routine tasks and advanced research applications. Each configuration has been optimized for specificapplications with all relevant contrast techniques available to support your microscopic inquiry. Attention to ergonomics assures that all users benefit from comfortableand easy operation.Axioscope 5 for PolarizationManual microscope with coded componentsfor reproducible and reliable results in typicalapplications for polarization microscopy: geology,mineralogy and metallographyAxioscope 7Microscope with coded and motorized compo-nents for material microscopy tasks that requireadvanced imaging capabilities and workflowautomation› In Brief› The Advantages› The Applications› The System› Technology and Details› ServiceThe ZEISS Axioscope FamilyAxioscope VarioThe most flexible material microscope in the Axioscope family, Axioscope Vario is the ideal solution for more unusual specimens. Axioscope Vario is designed for reflected-light and fluores-cence applications, with extended specimen space that accommodates large objects up to 380 mm. An important operating advantage is the crank device at the top of the stand’s column. This crank allows users to continuously adjust the vertical position of the microscope body by hand, without need for special tools. The metal base plate further reduces vibration to provide the stability required for all materials investigations.ZEISS Axioscope Vario› In Brief › The Advantages › The Applications › The System› Technology and Details › ServiceMicroscope • Axioscope 5• Axioscope 5 for Polarization • Axioscope 7 • Axioscope Vario Objectives • EC-EPIPLAN• EC-Epiplan-NEOFLUAR • EC-Epiplan-APOCHROMATYour Flexible Choice of ComponentsIllumination • LED 10W• HAL 100W (Halogen)Cameras • Axiocam 105• Axiocam 305 • Axiocam 503• Axiocam 506• Axiocam 512Software • ZEN 2 core •Matscope› In Brief › The Advantages › The Applications › The System› Technology and Details › ServiceSystem Overview› In Brief› The Advantages› The Applications› The System› Technology and Details› ServiceSystem Overview› In Brief› The Advantages› The Applications› The System› Technology and Details› ServiceProduct Dimensions: Axioscope› In Brief› The Advantages› The Applications› The System› Technology and Details› ServiceTechnical Specifications› The Advantages› The Applications› The System› Technology and Details› ServiceTechnical Specifications› The Advantages› The Applications› The System› Technology and Details› ServiceTechnical Specifications› The Advantages› The Applications› The System› Technology and Details› Service>> /microserviceBecause the ZEISS microscope system is one of your most important tools, we make sure it is always ready to perform. What’s more, we’ll see to it that you are employing all the options that get the best from your microscope. You can choose from a range of service products, each delivered by highly qualified ZEISS specialists who will support you long beyond the purchase of your system. Our aim is to enable you to experience those special moments that inspire your work.Repair. Maintain. Optimize.Attain maximum uptime with your microscope. A ZEISS Protect Service Agreement lets you budget for operating costs, all the while reducing costly downtime and achieving the best results through the improved performance of your system. Choose from service agreements designed to give you a range of options and control levels. We’ll work with you to select the service program that addresses your system needs and usage requirements, in line with your organization’s standard practices.Our service on-demand also brings you distinct advantages. ZEISS service staff will analyze issues at hand and resolve them – whether using remote maintenance software or working on site. Enhance Your Microscope System.Your ZEISS microscope system is designed for a variety of updates: open interfaces allow you to maintain a high technological level at all times. As a result you’ll work more efficiently now, while extending the productive lifetime of your microscope as new update possibilities come on stream.Profit from the optimized performance of your microscope system with services from ZEISS – now and for years to come.Count on Service in the True Sense of the Word› In Brief › The Advantages › The Applications › The System› Technology and Details › ServiceN o t f o r t h e r a p e u t i c , t r e a t m e n t o r m e d i c a l d i a g n o s t i c e v i d e n c e . N o t a l l p r o d u c t s a r e a v a i l a b l e i n e v e r y c o u n t r y . C o n t a c t y o u r l o c a l Z E I S S r e p r e s e n t a t i v e f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n .E N _42_011_255 | C Z 04-2018 | D e s i g n , s c o p e o f d e l i v e r y , a n d t e c h n i c a l p r o g r e s s s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e . | © C a r l Z e i s s M i c r o s c o p y G m b HCarl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH 07745 Jena, Germany ********************/axioscopemat。

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Grinding and Polishing Wheel
• Lapping – preparing sruface using a disc surface impregnated with abrasive particles. Rotate sample in circular pattern counter to the wheel rotation • Polishing
– Can reduce or eliminate surface damage because it is a much gentler process. – Etch chemicals can damage equipment and person must take necessary precautions when handling the solutions
• Mounting – typically used for small or irregularly shaped samples • Grinding – removes damage introduced by sectioning
– Grinding occurs in sequences of finer and finer abrasives – Typical grit sequence – 120, 240, 320, 400, 600 mesh. Subsequent finer abrasives might also be employed. – Wet grinding is typically used: better to minimize heat generated, minimizes metal entrapment between particles,
Polishing Continued
• Electromechanical polishing – add an electrolytic etch to the mechanical polish (requires dc or ac power) • Attack polishing – add a dilute chemical etchant to the polishing media to facilitate the mechanical abrasive with a chemical etch.
– Equipment
• Polishing wheels – 8-12 inch diameter, moderate pressure moving sample center to edge. Rotation speed ~ 300-600rpm • Automatic grinding wheels – more reproducible
– Coarse – 30 to 3 micron abrasives – Fine – typically < 1 micron – Procedure – careful cleaning between polish steps is critical to minimize carryover of larger abrasive particles to smaller abrasives – Sample orientation should not be held constant – continuously change moving sampple from center to edge in a circular pattern counter to the wheel rotation – Rough polish – 150-600rpm ~ 6micron diamond – Finle polish – 1 micron diamond then 0.3 and 0.05 micron alumina
• 5. Coarse polishing – 6 micron diamond paste or 6 micron and 1 micron diamond. Rotate sample counter to the wheel rotation. Wash after each step under running water and rinse with alcohol • 6. Fine polishing – 0.3 and 0.05 micron alumina slurry
Polishing Continued
• Electro polishing – grind to 600 grit or mesh then the sample is made the anode of a electrolytic cell (+)
– The recipe must have an appropriate (electrolyte, temperature, current, voltage, and time) – Advantages – easy to minimize surface damage – Disadvantages – dangerous chemicals, some phases in multiphase materials preferentially electrochemically etch so non-uniform polish results
– Both grinding and polishing produce these three artifacts, however the extent is different depending on the pressure and particle size – The main difference between grinding and polishing is the rigidity of the grinding abrasive for grinding relative to the elasticity of the polishing media. This results in a lower contact pressure for polishing
General Sample Preparation
• • • • 1. 2. 3. 4. Sectioning – typically abrasive cutting Mounting (optional) Coarse grinding Fine grinding
– 3. and 4. Grinding sequence – 120, 240, 320, 400, 600 grit SiC rotating 45 or 90 degrees between steps (center to edge)
Polishing Continued
• Polishing cloths – must hold abrasives and must not contain foreign particles • Grinding and polishing theory – hard abrasive particles scratch grooves, allow metal removal, and produce a plastically deformed surface region
Grinding Media – SiC paper
Sequential Images Specimen after Grinding andபைடு நூலகம்Polishing
Grinding Continued
– Grinding procedure – each step typically 1-2 minutes. Rotate specimen 45-90 degrees after each polishing step. Rinse between steps to remove previous grinding media – Grinding media
Specimen Preparation for Light Microscopy
• Sectioning a sample – must be careful not to significantly alter the microstructure during sectioning
– Fracturing – Shearing – substantial damage which must be subsequently ground off – Sawing – HB <350 can typically be cut by sawing. Produces roughness and heat and must be subsequently ground to remove damage. – Abrasive Cutting (most common) – thin rotating disk of a suitable abrasive in a supporting media is used. – Wire Saws – minimal damage. 3 modes – abrasive, electrolytic, and chemical etching.
• Silicon carbide SiC (mohs hardness 9.5) most common (high hardness and low cost) • Alumina (Al2O3) (mohs 9.1) • Emory (Al2O3 and iron oxide) (mohs 8.0) smoother – only good for dry grinding – not used much because wet grinding is preferred.