CCNA1 Final Exam CCNA第一学期期末考试2011-10-10
CCNA1 ENetwork Final Exam - CCNA Exploration: 网络基础知识(版本4.0)这是我自己做的,其中一道题错误,不知道是哪个,被扣了2分。
日期:2011-10-10 1下列有关网络层编址的陈述中哪三项是正确的?(选择三项。
使用长度为48 位的地址。
在PC 上发出所示的命令。
IP 地址192.168.33.2 代表什么?主机的IP 地址主机的默认网关主机的主页IP 地址主机的首选域名服务器网站resolver1.mooki.local 的IP 地址。
3哪三个地址属于公有IP 地址?(选择三项。
主机A 要访问Internet。
哪项第2 层地址和第3 层地址的组合可以让主机A 实现此访问?目的MAC:0030.8596.DE83,默认网关:目的MAC:0030.8596.DE82,默认网关:目的MAC:0030.8517.44C4,默认网关:目的MAC:0030.8517.44C4,默认网关:下列哪三项是CSMA/CD 的特征?(选择三项。
AC网站注册流程图解CCNA思科认证网络支持工程师Cisco Certified Network AssociateCCNP思科认证网络专业人员Cisco Certified Network ProfessionalCCOE思科认证互联网专家Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert一、CCNA 4.0课程的学习流程和要求∙CCNA Exploration 4.0课程组成介绍o课程包括:网络基础知识、路由协议和概念、LAN交换和无线、接入WAN四个学期的内容。
每学期都有多次章节练习(Module exam)、一次期末考试(Final exam)和一次反馈问卷(Course feedback),每一项都必须要做。
∙CCNA Discovery 4.0课程组成介绍o课程包括:家庭和小型企业网络、在小型企业或ISP工作、企业中的路由和交换简介、计算机网络设计和支持四个学期的内容。
每学期都有多次章节练习(Module exam)、一次期末考试(Final exam)和一次反馈问卷(Course feedback),每一项都必须要做。
o“Module exam”是https:///cnams/public/Login.jsp网站上提供的章节练习,每天可以随时登陆进行练习。
ERouting Final Exam - CCNA Exploration 路由协议和概念 (版本 4.0) (思科第二学期期末答案)
ERouting Final Exam - CCNA Exploration: 路由协议和概念 (版本 4.0) (思科第二学期期末答案)参加考试 - ERouting Final Exam - CCNA Exploration: 路由协议和概念 (版本 4.0)1.请参见图示。
哪一项是对连接到路由器 R1 的路由的最有效总结?下列关于路由协议的陈述,哪三项是正确的?(选择三项。
)EIGRP 支持不等价负载均衡。
RIP 无法配置为允许无类路由。
OSPF 在多路访问链路上选举指定路由器。
RIP 不通告跳数超过 15 的路由。
EIGRP 使用广播流量与其邻居建立相邻关系。
OSPF 能够更迅速地收敛,因为在后继路由失效时,它能够在其拓扑表中找出可行后继路由。
该网络正在运行 RIP 路由协议。
网络 突然断开。
下列有关此拓扑结构中路由器如何响应该事件的陈述中,哪一项是正确的?Router4 将在 30 秒之后的下一次定期更新中获知该失效路由。
在抑制计时器超时之前,水平分割将阻止 Router4 向 网络转发数据包。
Router5 将立即从路由表中清除这一失效路由。
Router5 将向 Router4 发送触发更新,其中网络 的度量为 16。
根据图中所示的拓扑结构,要在 Paris 路由器上配置 EIGRP 需要使用哪三条命令?(选择三项。
)Paris(config)# router eigrp 100Paris(config)# router eigrpParis(config-router)# network network network network请参见图示。
ESwitching Final Exam第2套
连接到交换机X 上的VLAN 10 中的主机通过以下哪种方法可以与连接到交换机Y 上的VLAN 10 中的主机通信?QoS路由(routing)中继VPNVoIP子接口请参见图示。
如果所有链路都在相同的带宽下运行,哪个端口将作为非指定端口?交换机 A 的Fa0/1 接口交换机 A 的Fa0/2 接口交换机 B 的Fa0/1 接口交换机 B 的Fa0/2 接口交换机 C 的Fa0/1 接口交换机 C 的Fa0/2 接口请参见图示。
网络管理员希望允许用户通过SSH 和Telnet 连接访问Switch1。
但是SSH 连接却失败了。
此问题最可能的原因是什么?未删除RSA 密钥。
SSH 被配置在错误的线路上。
transport input命令应用不正确。
SW1 是一台2960 交换机,已对其指定了默认值。
下列关于开销值38 对SW1 的意义的说法中哪两项正确?(选择两项。
)SW1 通过两条快速以太网链路连接到根交换机。
此开销代表从SW1 到根交换机的最快路径的数字值。
开销值38 是上游交换机(更接近根交换机)的端口26 向外通告的值。
SW1 将快速以太网链路的开销相加后得出38,从而确定到达根交换机所需的总开销。
根交换机通告的开销值是38,该值比加入VLAN0001 生成树域的其它任何交换机的值都低。
SW1 通过快速以太网链路连接到上游交换机,该上游交换机则通过千兆以太网链路直接连接到根交换机。
生成树算法的作用是什么?向其它交换机传播VLAN 配置。
单臂路由器VLAN 间路由有哪三项特征?(选择三项。
)需要使用VTP需要使用子接口减少广播域的数量使用过多VLAN 时会影响性能需要在路由器和至少一台交换机之间采用接入链路比用于VLAN 间路由的其它方法更加经济规定至少要在路由器和交换机之间使用两个交换机端口请参见图示。
ENetwork Final Exam(dengwenhui)
使用长度为48 位的地址。
主机 B 已断电。
交换机的MAC 表将发生什么变化?MAC 表不会受影响。
交换机会在Fa0/19 上删除MAC 地址。
交换机会保留MAC 地址,直到主机 B 再次通电。
交换机将通过为端口Fa0/19 分配地址FFF.FFFF.FFFF 来重建MAC 表。
为了使此网络中的主机接入Internet,路由器RT_A 需要提供哪种功能?地址转换DHCP 服务ftpWeb 服务器5哪三个地址属于私有IP 地址?(选择三项。
电缆 1 和电缆2 分别按照特定的物理层要求接线。
)网段 1网段 2网段 3网段 4网段 5网段 67O SI 模型的哪两项功能在第2 层实现?(选择两项)物理编址编码路由布线介质访问控制8请参见图示。
网络管理员想通过Modem1 从PC1 远程访问路由器的CLI。
某学生对5e 类电缆两端的接线方法如图所示。
该电缆适合在支持Auto-MDIX 的两台100 Mbps 交换机之间使用。
在Cisco IOS设备中,启动配置文件存储于何处?
下列哪三个IPv4地址代表子网的广播?(选择三项) /26 /26 /26 /27
参加考试- ENetwork Final Exam - CCNA Exploration:网络基础知识(版本4.0)
参加考试- EWAN Chapter 8 - CCNA Exploration: 接入WAN (版本 4.0)1请参见图示。
Keepalive 数据包接收成功。
此接口上传输的数据包的大小不能超出 1 KB。
LCP 协商阶段已完成。
仅将网络配置表中与拓扑图所示组件相关的第2 层和第3 层设备信息记录下来。
内部LAN 中的用户无法连接到www 服务器。
网络管理员ping 该服务器并确认NAT 工作正常。
管理员接下来应该从哪个OSI 层物理层数据链路层网络层应用层4当建立网络基线时必须考虑哪两项因素?(选择两项。
)关于网络设计的信息网络中的IP 地址分配情况关于服务提供商设置的要求关于用于规范流量的访问控制列表的要求正常工作条件下的预期性能5下列哪项是物理层故障的例子?封装不正确STP 配置不正确ARP 映射不正确时钟频率不正确6为排查故障而试图搜集用户数据时,应使用以下哪三种方式?(选择三项。
7网络管理员收到用户投诉,称本地LAN 可以从远程电子邮件服务器检索电子邮件,但无法打开同一服务器上的网页。
在排查故障时,应对OSI 模型进行调查?(选择两项。
)物理层数据链路层网络层传输层应用层8使用show cdp neighbors命令,可以确认相连接的Cisco 设备在OSI 模型中的哪些层信息?所有层第 1 层、第2 层和第3 层第 1 层、第2 层、第3 层和第4 层第 6 层和第7 层9全公司的各个客户端报告数据中心内运行的所有企业应用程序性能均不良,而Internet 接入以及企业WAN 中运行的应用程序均工作正常。
Cisco CCNP Switch 专业学习路径单位115教程说明书
Aim and purposeThis unit covers the advanced deployment of switched VLAN, VTP and DOT1Q technologies in a multilayer switched environment. By enabling the learner to develop their network management skills in supporting STP , RSTP , PVSTP and integrating router redundancy via VRRP and HSRP and bandwidth loading on Etherchannel. The learner will address the systems security, wireless infrastructure, voice and data contention requirement of a campus based switched infrastructure.Unit introductionThis unit is a comprehensive exploration of the core principles of multilayer networking. This is one of the three units in the professional study pathway, leading to the Cisco Certified Networking Professional (CCNP) qualification. This unit focuses on Gateway Redundancy, voice over internet Protocol, Spanning T ree, Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs) and trunking.The unit covers networking sector skills and knowledge that an ICT networking expert would need to successfully complete their work. In particular, learners will be taught how to plan and deploy a complex network infrastructure using more than one switching technology in unison with a routing protocol. This unit involves hands-on, lab-oriented activities that stresses laboratory safety and working effectively in a group environment. Theory aspects are studied and tested online using Cisco’s own electronic curriculum which learners may also access from home. The unit is delivered through a blended learning approach where tutor-led teaching is combined with the electronic materials and testing.This unit is assessed via the Cisco CCNP Switch (CCNP2) online examination. There are further criteria for merit and distinction grades.Learning outcomesOn completion of this unit a learner should:1Understand the analysis of an Enterprise Campus Architecture 2Be able to Implement VLANs in Campus Networks 3Be able to implement Spanning T ree 4Be able to implement inter-VLAN Routing 5Understand High Availability and Redundancy in a Campus Network 6Understand Campus Infrastructure Security 7 Understand the preparation of the Campus Infrastructure for Advanced Services.Unit content in relation to the Merit and Distinction Criteria Switched Network: four or more switches in a mesh with two or more VLANS running trunking and a routing protocolRedundancy: types eg HSRP, VSRP, cable mesh, ether-channelSwitched T echnology: types eg STP, PV-STP, VLAN, dot1q, trunking, VTP, VACL’sBenchmark data: types eg current system throughput, switching table size, switching performance Current standards: types eg quality of service, campus design, address space allocation, vlan sizeAssessment and grading criteriaIn order to pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a pass grade describe the level of achievement required to pass this unit.Assessment and grading criteriaTo achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the learner is able to:To achieve a merit grade theevidence must show that, inaddition to the pass criteria,the learner is able to:To achieve a distinction gradethe evidence must show that,in addition to the pass andmerit criteria, the learner isable to:Pass CCNP Switch (CCNP2) academy examination.The centre will evidence this with a copy of the learner’s class grade book from the assessment system on completion of the course (this must be listed by learner name).A pass grade is a score of 70% or more in the final examination.M1research an existing networkinfrastructure and evaluatecurrent performanceD1justify network design againstcurrent standardsM2plan a switched networkinfrastructure usingredundancy and switchedtechnologyD2research performance ofnetwork design and providebenchmark data.M3manage the deploymentof the planned switchednetwork.PLTS: This summary references where applicable, in the square brackets, the elements of the personal, learning and thinking skills applicable in the pass criteria. It identifies opportunities for learners to demonstrate effective application of the referenced elements of the skills.Key IE – independent enquirersCT – creative thinkers RL – reflective learnersTW – team workersSM – self-managersEP – effective participatorsEssential guidance for tutorsDeliveryCisco CCNP Switch is a proprietary unit within the Cisco Networking Academy program. The curriculum, assessment and support materials are available only to institutions participating in the program.Cisco Systems makes these available at no cost for any non-profit institution; there are some costs for instructor training and support. For detailed information please consult this web link:/web/learning/netacad/get_involved/BecomeAnAcademy.html.If learners are following the Cisco unit in parallel with a BTEC National or Higher National unit then it is recommended that the two aspects of the assessment are integrated. T asks being completed as part of the practical preparation for Cisco Skills Based Exams can then be used to support the BTEC assessment for the merit and distinction criteria.T o view general information about the Cisco CCNP Switch objectives please visit: /web/learning/netacad/course_catalog/CCNP .html. The detailed scope and sequence documents are available to academies on the Cisco internal site.Links to National Occupational Standards, other BTEC units, other BTEC qualifi cations and other relevant units and qualifi cations The learning outcomes associated with this unit are closely linked with:Level 3Level 4Level 5Unit 5: Managing NetworksUnit 2: Computer Systems Unit 43: Networking Infrastructure Unit 9: Computer Networks Unit 24: Networking T echnologies Unit 44: Local Area Network T echnologiesUnit 32: Network Systems Security Unit 25: Routing Concepts Unit 45: Wide Area Network T echnologiesAll Cisco Discovery and Exploration UnitsAll Cisco CCNP Units Unit 46: Network Security This unit has links to the Level 4 and Level 5 National Occupational Standards for IT and T elecoms Professionals, particularly the areas of competence of:IT/T echnology Infrastructure Design and Planning Systems Development IT/T echnology Service Operations and Event Management IT/T echnology Management and Support Change and Release Management.●●●●●Essential RequirementsLearners must have access to a live or ‘detached’ network environment to create the network infrastructure and develop their skills; this may be successfully accomplished using virtual machines.Learners must have access to facilities, which allow them the opportunity to fully evidence all the criteria of the unit. If this cannot be guaranteed then centres should not attempt to deliver this unit.Evaluation of current systems and solutions, commercial practices, social conditions and the culture surrounding the system in use is of as much importance as delivering work supporting potential understanding of the technological systems and the services they offer.Learners must have access to a range of suitable routing hardware as it is important to undertake as many practical activities as possible to reinforce theoretical learning. There are many virtual, emulated and simulated systems that now support delivery.ResourcesFor a list of Cisco resources to assist with this unit, including exam preparation materials, see:/web/learning/netacad/course_catalog/CCNP.htmlBooksMacfarlane J – Network Routing Basics: Understanding IP Routing in Cisco Systems (Wiley, 2006) ISBN-10: 0471772739Xiao Y, Li J, Pan Y – Security and Routing in Wireless Networks: Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing v. 3 (Nova Science, 2005) ISBN-10: 159454316XFroom, R et al, Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks (SWITCH) Foundation Learning Guide: Foundation learning for the ROUTE 642-813 Exam (Cisco Press 2010) ISBN-10: 1-58705-884-7 WebsitesEmployer engagement and vocational contextsThe Cisco CCNA certification is internationally recognized by a diverse range of employers (from SME’s to large corporations) as one of the principal certifications in networking and telecommunications.。
参加考试- EWAN Chapter 7 - CCNA Exploration: 接入WAN (版本 4.0)1主管要求技术人员在尝试排除NAT 连接故障之前总是要清除所有动态转换。
技术人员使用SDM 为一台Cisco 路由器输入了NAT 配置。
哪种说法正确描述了配置结果?内部用户会看到192.168.1.3 使用端口8080 发来了一个web 流量。
地址172.16.1.1 会被转换为以192.168.1.3 开头的地址池中的一个地址。
外部用户会看到192.168.1.3 使用端口80 发来了一个请求。
外部用户必须将流量发往端口8080 才能到达地址172.16.1.1。
R1 为网络10.1.1.0/24 执行NAT,R2 为网络192.168.1.2/24 执行NAT。
主机A 与网络服务器通信时,主机A 在其IP 报头中加的地址是什么?网络管理员应该使用哪种NAT 来确保外部网络一直可访问内部网络中的web 服务器?NAT 过载静态NAT静态NATPAT5请参见图示。
流出R1 的流量转换失败。
最可能出错的是配置的哪个部分?ip nat pool语句access-list语句ip nat inside配置在错误的接口上接口s0/0/2 应该拥有一个私有IP 地址6网络管理员希望将两个IPv6 岛连接起来。
最简单的方式是通过仅使用IPv4 设备的公共网络来连接。
哪种简单的解决方案可解决此问题?将公共网络中的设备替换为支持IPv6 的设备。
ERouting Final Exam CCNA Exploration路由协议和概念答案
ERouting Final Exam-CCNA Exploration:路由协议和概念(Version4.0)1.Which of the following are required when adding a network to the OSPF routing process configuration?network addressloopback addressa utonomous system numbersubnet maskwildcard maskarea ID2.Which of the following are primary functions of a router?(Choose two.)packet switchingmicrosegmentationdomain name resolutionpath selectionflow control3.Refer to the exhibit.When troubleshooting a network,it is important to interpret the output of various router commands.On the basis of the exhibit,which three statements are true?(Choose three.)The missing information for Blank1is the command show ip route.The missing information for Blank 1 is the command debug ip route.The missing information for Blank 2 is the number 100.The missing information for Blank2is the number120.The missing information for Blank 3 is the letter R.The missing information for Blank3is the letter C.4.Refer to the exhibit.Packets destined to which two networks will require the router to perform a recursive lookup?(Choose two.) would the network administrator use the ip bandwidth-percent eigrp as-number percent command?when there is a low bandwidth connectionwhen the connection is on a shared mediumwhen the connection is serial instead of Ethernetwhen the link is always busy6.Refer to the exhibit.Cost for each path are shown.If all routers are configured to use OSPF,what would be the path of a packet sent from Router C to Router D if Router A was down?C-B-E-DC-B-A-D C-F-E-DC-F-B-A-D C-F-E-A-D7.What OSPF packet type is used to elect the designated router(DR)and backup designated router(BDR)on multiaccess networks?helloLSULSRDBDLSAck8.Refer to the exhibit.The hosts on the R1LAN are unable to access the Internet.What is incorrectly configured?the IP address of the Fa0/0 interface at R1the IP address of the S0/0/1 interface at R2the IP address of the S0/0/0interface at R1the subnet mask of the S0/0/1 interface at R29.Refer to the exhibit.Which summarization should R1use to advertise its networks to R2? to the exhibit.What are two of the routes added to the routing table of R1? (Choose two.)R [120/1] via, 00:00:24, Serial0/0/0R192.168.1.0/24[120/1]via172.16.2.1,00:00:24,Serial0/0/1R [120/1] via, 00:00:24, Serial0/0/0R192.168.100.0/24[120/1]via172.16.1.1,00:00:24,Serial0/0/0R [120/1] via, 00:00:24, Serial0/0/011.A router boots and enters setup mode.What is the reason for this?The IOS image is corrupt.Cisco IOS is missing from flash memory.The configuration file is missing from NVRAM.The POST process has detected hardware failure.12.Refer to the exhibit.A router learns a route to the192.168.6.0network,as shown in the output of the show ip rip database command.However,upon running the show ip routecommand,the network administrator sees that the router has installed a different route to the192.168.6.0network learned via EIGRP.What could be the reason for the missing RIP route?Compared to RIP,EIGRP has a lower administrative distance.Compared to EIGRP, RIP has a higher metric value for the route.Compared to RIP, the EIGRP route has fewer hops.Compared to RIP, EIGRP has a faster update timer.13.All routers in a network are configured in a single OSPF area with the same priority value.No loopback interface has been set on any of the routers.Which secondary value will the routers use to determine the router ID?The highest MAC address among the active interfaces of the network will be used.There will be no router ID until a loopback interface is configured.The highest IP address among the active FastEthernet interfaces that are running OSPF will be used.The highest IP address among the active interfaces will be used.14.Refer to the exhibit.Routers R1and R2are directly connected via their serial interfaces and are both running the EIGRP routing protocol.R1and R2can ping the directly connected serial interface of their neighbor,but they cannot form an EIGRP neighbor adjacency.What action should be taken to solve this problem?Enable the serial interfaces of both routers.Configure EIGRP to send periodic updates.Configure the same hello interval between the routers. Configure both routers with the same EIGRP process ID.15.Refer to the exhibit.The interfaces of all routers are configured for OSPF area0.R3can ping R1,but the two routers are unable to establish a neighbor adjacency.What should the network administrator do to troubleshoot this problem?Check if the interfaces of the routers are enabled.Check the hello and dead intervals between the routers.Check the process ID of both routers.Check if CDP is enabled on all the routers.16.Refer to the exhibit.The hosts that are connected to R2are unable to ping the hosts that are connected to R1.How can this problem be resolved?Configure the router ID on both routers.Configure the R2router interfaces for area0.Configure a loopback interface on both routers.Configure the proper subnet masks on the router interfaces.17.Refer to the exhibit.The command ip route0. run on router R2. What are the two results of this command?(Choose two.)A static route will be updated in the routing table.The traffic from the Internet will be directed to R2.The traffic from the source network will be blocked.The route will be specified as the default route for all networks not defined in the routing table.All the broadcasts will be forwarded via the S0/0/0 interface of R2.18.Refer to the exhibit.All routers are properly configured with default configurations and are running the OSPF routing protocol.The network is fully converged.A host on the is communicating with a host on the192.168.2.0/24network.Which path will be used to transmit the data?The data will be transmitted via R3-R2.The data will be transmitted via R3-R1-R2.The traffic will be load-balanced between two paths — one via R3-R2, and the other via R3-R1-R2.The data will be transmitted via R3-R2, and the other path via R3-R1-R2 will be retained as the backup path.19.Refer to the exhibit.What is the meaning of the highlighted value120?It is the metric that is calculated by the routing protocol.It is the value that is used by the DUAL algorithm to determine the bandwidth for the link.It is the administrative distance of the routing protocol.It is the hold-down time, measured in seconds, before the next update.20.In a complex lab test environment,a router has discovered four paths to192.168.1.0/24 via the use of the RIP routing process.Which route will be installed in the routing table after the discovery of all four paths?R [120/3] via, 00:00:17, Serial0/1/0R [120/2] via, 00:00:17, Serial0/0/0R192.168.1.0/24[120/1]via192.168.100.1,00:00:17,Serial0/0/1R [120/4] via, 00:00:17, Serial0/1/121.Refer to the exhibit.PC1is unable to access the Internet.What is the cause of the problem?An incorrect IP address is configured between the two routers. No static route is configured on Router2.A routing loop has occurred.No routing protocol is configured on either of the two routers.22.How does route poisoning prevent routing loops?New routing updates are ignored until the network has converged.Failed routes are advertised with a metric of infinity.A route is marked as unavailable when its Time to Live is exceeded.The unreachable route is cleared from the routing table after the invalid timer expires.23.Which statement is true about the metrics used by routing protocols?A metric is a value used by a particular routing protocol to compare paths to remote networks.A common metric is used by all routing protocols.The metric with the highest value is installed in the routing table.The router may use only one parameter at a time to calculate the metric.24.Which statement correctly describes a feature of RIP?RIP is a link-state routing protocol.RIP uses only one metric—hop count—for path selection.Advertised routes with hop counts greater than 10 are unreachable.Messages are broadcast every 10 seconds.25.Refer to the exhibit.OSPF is used for the routing protocol and all interfaces are configured with the correct IP addresses and subnet masks.During testing,it is found that router R1is unable to form an adjacency with R2.What is the cause of this problem?Both routers have been configured with incorrect router IDs.Both routers have been configured in different OSPF areas.Both routers have been configured with an incorrect network type.Both routers have been configured with different hello and dead intervals.26.A network administrator is in charge of two separate networks that share a single building.What device will be required to connect the two networks and add a common connection to the Internet that can be shared?hubrouteraccess pointEthernet switch27.Which network and mask combination requires the use of a classless addressing solution? company is using static routes that are configured with an administrative distance of “1”on all routers in the network.The network administrator decides to introduce a dynamic routing protocol to reduce the manual configurations for the static routes.Which optionidentifies the correct procedure for the dynamic routing to take place in the network?The static routes and the dynamic routes will have the traffic alternate between them.The static routes will be automatically removed once the dynamic routing is configured.The static routes will be automatically updated with the next hop IP address once the dynamic routing is configured.The static routes must be manually removed from all routers in order for the dynamic routes to be installed in the routing table.29.Refer to the exhibit.Based on the partial output in the exhibit,why can users establish a console connection to this router without entering a password?The login command was not entered on the console line.The enable password should be an enable secret password.No username and password combination has been configured.Console connections cannot be configured to require users to provide passwords.30.Refer to the exhibit.When a static IP address is being configured on the host,what address should be used for the default gateway? to the exhibit.The entire192.168.1.0network has been allocated to address hosts in the diagram.Utilizing VLSM with contiguous address blocks,which set of addresses andprefixes could be used to create an addressing solution with a minimum waste of IP addresses?Correct answer is image4.32.Refer to the exhibit.The network is configured for OSPF routing with default settings. The bandwidths have been configured correctly for each link.If the T1link between router A and router E fails,what path will a packet from router A take to reach the LAN attached to router F when the network has converged?A, B, C, FA, B, C, E, FA, D, G, E, FA,D,G,H,F33.Which candidate route has the longest match for a packet with a destination address of10.30.16.48? to the exhibit.The network is configured with RIPv2.However,network administrators notice that communication cannot be successfully completed from one LAN to another.A network administrator issues the show ip route command on the HQ router. Based on the output,what should be done to correct the problem?Disable the load balancing feature of RIPv2.Issue the no auto-summary command for RIPv2.Replace RIPv2 with EIGRP which supports VLSM.Make sure that the network statements include the correct subnet mask.35.Which multicast address does EIGRP use to send hello and updates packets? to the exhibit.Why is the state of the serial0/0/0interface administratively down?An IP address has not been configured on the interface.The WIC was installed into the incorrect slot on the router.The default encapsulation on the interface has been modified.The no shutdown command has not been executed on the interface.37.Refer to the exhibit.How was the OSPF default gateway entry for R2determined? Default routes are automatically injected by OSPF into all advertisements.A static default gateway route is defined in the configuration of R2.The default-information originate command is applied on R1.The ISP defines the gateway of last resort and automatically passes it to R1 and R2.The ip default-gateway command is applied on R2.38.Refer to the exhibit.RIPv1has been properly configured on all routers in the network. However,users on LAN2have intermittent connectivity with the users on LAN1and LAN3. What is the cause of the problem?Both LAN networks are separated from router R2 with a variably subnetted Class C network router R1 nor router R3 has a static route configured that points to the variably subnetted networks.Both routers R1and R3are sending the summarized172.16.0.0/16network to R2in their RIPv1routing updates.Both networks and are configured with a subnet mask different from the default classful mask.39.Which default EIGRP configuration must be modified to allow an EIGRP router to advertise subnets that are configured with VLSM?split horizonmetric K valuesautosummarizationhello and dead intervals40.What is a successor for a destination network in an EIGRP network?the next hop on the primary route with the largest feasible distance to the destinationthe next hop on the primary route with the smallest feasible distance to the destination41.Refer to the exhibit.Which route will be removed from the routing table if manual EIGRP summarization is disabled on the Serial0/0/0interface of Router3? port can be used for initial router configuration?AUXvty 0s0/0/0console43.Which two link-state routing protocol challenges does OSPF resolve through the election of a DR?(Choose two.)the extensive flooding of LSAs throughout the OSPF areathe excessive adjacencies when the number of routers increasesthe requirement for link-state database updates to be propagated between OSPF areasthe heavy CPU load that is imposed because each router must compute shortest paths by using the SPF algorithmthe requirement for each router to build a topological database of the internetwork to determinet he shortest paths between networks44.A routing table shows an EIGRP route to192.168.1.0/24with a metric of301440.What other term also describes this EIGRP metric value?feasible distancereported distancefeasible successorfeasibility condition45.Refer to the exhibit.The network administrator has run the following command on R1.R1(config)#ip route192.168.2.0255.255.255.0172.16.1.2What is the result of running this command?Traffic for network192.168.2.0is forwarded to172.16.1.2.This route is automatically propagated throughout the entire network.Traffic for all networks is forwarded to command invokes a dynamic routing protocol for to the exhibit.What will happen if interface Serial0/0/1goes down on Router1? The Dijkstra algorithm will calculate the feasible successor.DUAL will query neighbors for a route to network192.168.1.0.Neighbor will be promoted to the feasible successor.Traffic destined to the network will be dropped immediately due to lack of a feasible successor.47.Refer to the exhibit.A network administrator is accessing router R1from the console port.Once the administrator is connected to the router,which password should the administrator enter at the R1>prompt to access the privileged EXEC mode?Cisco001Cisco123Cisco789Cisco90148.Refer to the exhibit.Which option will provide the configuration that is needed for router R1to dynamically learn routes to the192.168.100.16/28,,and static routeswith a routed protocolwith a routing protocolwith directly connected routes49.Refer to the exhibit.What will happen when the router reloads?It will boot into ROMMON mode.It will ignore the start-up configuration file.It will look for the start-up configuration file on the TFTP server.It will attempt to load the start-up configuration file that is stored in NVRAM.50.On a router,which actions can be performed in user mode?perform password recoverymake global configuration changesview status of various router functionsmake changes to a specified interface。
ERouting Chapter 1 - CCNA Exploration: 路由协议和概念(版本 4.0)1 口令可用于限制对Cisco IOS 所有或部分内容的访问。
)VTY 接口控制台接口特权执行模式2 路由器从相连的以太网接口收到消息后,会更改哪项报头地址,再将消息从另一个接口发送出去?第 2 层源地址和目的地址3请参见图示。
网络管理员已经为路由器连接到直连网络的接口配置了如图所示的IP 地址。
从路由器ping 相连网络上的主机口之间相互ping 都会遭到失败。
此问题最可能的原因是什么?必须使用no shutdown命令启用接口。
主机 A ping 主机B。
当R4 收到对以太网接口的ping 时,哪两块报头信息包括在内?(选择两项。
)5 网络管理员刚把新配置输入Router1。
要将配置更改保存到NVRAM,应该执行哪一条命令?Router1# copy running-config startup-config6您需要配置图中所示的串行连接,必须在Sydney 路由器上发出以下哪条配置命令才能与Melbourne 站点建立连接?(选Sydney(config-if)#Sydney(config-if)# no shutdownSydney(config-if)# clock rate 560007请参见图示。
在主机 2 连接到LAN 上的交换机后,主机2 无法与主机 1 通信。
导致此问题的原因是什么?主机 1 和主机2 位于不同的网络中。
9 输入以下命令的作用是什么?R1(config)# line vty 0 4R1(config-line)# password check123R1(config-line)# login设置通过Telnet 连接该路由器时使用的口令10 以下哪一项正确描述了路由器启动时的顺序?加载bootstrap、加载IOS、应用配置11 加载配置文件时的默认顺序是怎样的?NVRAM、TFTP、CONSOLE12请参见图示。
CCNA4 思科第四学期 v4.0 EWAN Chapter 6最新答案
窗体顶端微波接入全球互通 (WiM AX) 通信技术有哪两项特点?(选择两项。
)支持使用网状技术的市政无线网络可覆盖的面积多达 7,500 平方公里支持点对点链路,但不支持全移动蜂窝式接入通过高带宽连接直接连接到 Internet工作速度比 Wi-Fi 低,但支持的用户更多窗体底端2窗体顶端安全 VPN 有哪三项主要功能?(选择三项。
根据图中所示的拓扑,哪些地点可与企业网络建立 VPN 连接?地点 C、D 和 E 可支持 VPN 连接。
地点 A 和 B 需要在网络边缘另外安装 PIX 防火墙装置。
地点 C 和 E 可支持 VPN 连接。
地点 A、B 和 D 需要在网络边缘另外安装 PIX 防火墙装置。
地点 A、B、D 和 E 可支持 VPN 连接。
地点 C 需要在网络边缘另外安装路由器。
所有地点均可支持 VPN 连接。
窗体底端4窗体顶端下列关于 DSL 的说法中哪两项正确?(选择两项。
)用户连接到共享介质上使用 RF 信号传输本地环路最长可达 3.5 英里 (5.5km)物理层和数据链路层由 D OCSIS 定义用户连接通过 C O 处的 DSL AM 汇聚窗体底端5窗体顶端VPN 通过哪两种方法实现数据传输的机密性?(选择两项。
)数字证书加密封装哈希密码窗体底端6窗体顶端可使用哪三种加密协议加强 VPN 的数据传输机密性?(选择三项。
)AESDESAH哈希MPLSRSA窗体底端7窗体顶端下列哪项是对称密钥加密的例子?Diffie-Hellman数字证书预共享密钥RSA 签名窗体底端8窗体顶端技术人员应要求为远程工作人员配置宽带连接。
应该使用哪种宽带技术?电缆DSLISDNPOTS窗体底端9窗体顶端研究过远程工作人员常用的远程连接方式后,网络管理员决定实施宽带远程接入以通过公共 Interne t 建立 VPN 连接。
EWAN Practice Final Exam满分答案
EWAN Practice Final Exam满分答案参加考试 - EWAN Practice Final Exam - CCNA Exploration: 接入 WAN (版本 4.0)1 下列哪两项是 DSL 技术的特征?(选择两项。
服务提供商在电话网络的本地环路上部署 DSL。
DSL 下载速度会因高 POTS 语音流量而下降。
过滤器和分线器可以使 POTS 和 DSL 流量共享介质。
DSL 是共享介质,允许众多用户共享 DSLAM 的可用带宽。
下列哪三种说法正确描述了 WAN 中设备的角色?(选择三项。
) 2CSU/DSU 用于端接本地数字环路。
CSU/DSU 用于端接本地模拟环路。
路由器通常被视为 DTE 设备。
路由器通常被视为 DCE 设备。
R1 会响应哪些 DHCP 请求?R1 收到的所有 DHCP 请求广播到 的请求目的地址为 的 DNS 请求FastEthernet 0/0 接口上收到的请求来自未列入排除列表的任何网络的请求4请参见图示。
为什么这两台路由器无法建立 PPP 会话?用户名配置错误。
IP 地址位于不同的子网上。
两台路由器上的 CHAP 口令必须不同。
Router1 上的 serial 0/0/0 接口必须连接到 Router2 的 serial 0/0/1 接口。
目的主机 IP 地址内嵌在 DLCI 中。
路由器会在逆向 ARP 表中搜索 DLCI 与 IP 地址的映射情况。
路由器会以广播方式请求所需的 IP 地址。
ENetwork Chapter 2 - CCNA Exploration: 网络基础知识(版本 4.0) 1在封装过程中,数据链路层执行什么操作?不添加地址。
2TCP/IP 网络接入层有何作用?路径确定和数据包交换数据表、编码和控制可靠性、流量控制和错误检测详细规定构成物理链路的组件及其接入方法将数据段划分为数据包3数据链路层封装添加的报尾信息有何主要功能?支持差错校验确保数据按照顺序到达确保送达正确目的标识本地网络中的设备帮助中间设备进行处理和路径选择4请参见图。
下列哪组设备仅包含终端设备?A、C、DB、E、G、HC、D、G、H、I、JD、E、F、H、I、JE、F、H、I J5OSI 模型各层从最高层到最低层的正确顺序如何?物理层、网络层、应用层、数据链路层、表示层、会话层、传输层应用层、物理层、会话层、传输层网络层、数据链路层、表示层应用层、表示层、物理层、会话层、数据链路层、传输层、网络层应用层、表示层、会话层、传输层、网络层、数据链路层、物理层表示层、数据链路层、会话层、传输层、网络层、物理层、应用层6下列哪三项陈述是对局域网(LAN) 最准确的描述?(选择三项)LAN 通常位于一个地域内。
LAN 中的不同网段之间一般通过租用连接的方式连接。
LAN 为同一个组织内的用户提供网络服务和应用程序访问。
7第4 层端口指定的主要作用是什么?标识本地介质中的设备标识源设备和目的设备之间的跳数向中间设备标识过该网络的最佳路径标识正在通信的源终端设备和目的终端设备标识终端设备内正在通信的进程或服务8以下哪种特征正确代表了网络中的终端设备?管理数据流发送数据流重新定时和重新传输数据信号确定数据传输路径9请参见图示。
哪个术语正确判断出了包含于绿色区域中的设备类型?源终端传输中间10OSI 模型哪两层的功能与TCP/IP 模型的网络接入层相同?(选择两项)网络层传输层物理层数据链路层会话层11请参见图示。
ESwitching Chapter 1 - CCNA Exploration: LAN 交换和无线(版本4.0)1、分层网络设计模型中的哪一层称为互连网络的高速主干层,其中高可用性和冗余性是该层的关键?A.接入层B. 核心层C. 数据链路层D. 分布层E. 网络层F. 物理层2、分层网络设计模型中的哪一层提供了将设备接入网络的途径并控制允许那些设备通过网络进行通信?A. 应用层B. 接入层C. 分布层D. 网络层E. 核心层3、分层设计模型中的哪一层使用策略来控制网络流量的流动并通过在虚拟局域网 (VLAN) 之间执行路由功能来划定广播域的边界?A. 应用层B. 接入层C. 分布层D. 网络层E. 核心层4、从传统的公司网络架构迁移到完全融合网络后,很可能产生什么影响?A. 可将本地模拟电话服务完全外包给收费更低的提供商B. 以太网 VLAN 结构会简化C. 会形成共享的基础架构,因此只需管理一个网络。
D. QoS 问题会大大减轻5、语音数据流和视频数据流争夺带宽的问题会减轻。
应该在分层网络的哪一层或哪几层实现链路聚合?A. 仅核心层B. 分布层和核心层C. 接入层和分布层D. 接入层、分布层和核心层6、下列哪种说法正确描述了模块化交换机?A. 外形纤细B. 允许通过冗余背板进行交换机互连C. 物理特性固定D. 特性灵活多变7、下列哪项功能可在交换网络中通过合并多个交换机端口来支持更高的吞吐量?A. 收敛B. 冗余链路C. 链路聚合D. 网络直径8、在处于不同的 VLAN 中的设备间配置通信需要使用 OSI 模型中的哪个层?A. 第 1 层B. 第 3 层C. 第 4 层D. 第 5 层9、企业级交换机有哪两项特点?(选择两项。
)A. 端口密度低B. 转发速度高C. 延时水平高D. 支持链路聚合E.端口数量预先确定10、Cisco 三层式分层模型中的三层都支持哪两项功能?(选择两项。
)A. 以太网供电B. 在冗余中继链路之间进行负载均衡C. 冗余组件D. 服务质量E. 链路聚合11、网络管理员选择的交换机将在网络核心层工作。
参加考试- ESwitching Chapter 5 - CCNA Exploration: LAN 交换和无线(版本 4.0)第5 章节练习1请参见图示。
服务器发送了一个ARP 请求,询问其默认网关的MAC 地址。
如果未启用STP,则此ARP 请求的结果是什Router_1 会丢弃该广播并使用下一跳路由器的MAC 地址来回应。
Switch_A 会使用Router_1 的E0 接口的MAC 地址来回应。
Switch_A 和Switch_B 会将该消息持续泛洪到网络中。
该消息会在网络中反复传输,直到超出其TTL 为止。
2有关STP 与RSTP 的比较,以下哪一句或哪一组(两句)说法正确?STP 和RSTP 使用同一种BPDU 格式。
STP 会指定备份端口。
RSTP 只有根端口、替换端口和指定端口。
STP 的端口状态与端口相互独立。
RSTP 的端口状态与端口角色绑定在一起。
STP 会等待网络收敛后再将端口设置为转发状态。
RSTP 会立即将替换端口设置为转发状态。
3在交换机间存在冗余连接的第2 层交换环境中,下列有关STP 的默认运行情况的说法中哪两项正确?(选择两项。
)每个网络有一个根桥所有非指定端口转发每个非根桥有一个根端口每个网段有多个指定端口每个网络有一个指定端口5每个交换以太网LAN 网段选举出的转发端口会被指派什么快速生成树协议(RSTP) 角色?备用备份指定根6当开发PVST+ 时,修改了网桥ID 是为了加入什么信息?网桥的优先级MAC 地址协议VLAN ID7端口处于哪种STP 状态下时会记录MAC 地址但不转发用户数据?阻塞学习禁用侦听转发8交换机通过哪两种方式使用BPDU 中的信息?(选择两项。
Duration: 120 minutes (90-110 questions)
Available Languages: English
CCIE SP Operations 认证,评估及标志着核心IP下一代服务提供商运营的专业知识。
350-029 CCIE SP Exam
Exam Number: 350-029
Associated Certifications: CCIE SP
CCIE Security 安全认证,CCIE安全认证了网络专业人士在特定安全协议的和组件方面(如IP和IP路由的先决条件。不需要其他专业认证或培训课程。CCIE认证不需要正式的先决条件。不需要其他专业认证或培训课程。
CCNA Exploration 路由协议和概念 (版本 4.0)
该网络正在运行 RIP 路由协议。
网络 突然断开。
下列有关此拓扑结构中路由器如何响应该事件的陈述中,哪一项是正确的?a Router4 将在 30 秒之后的下一次定期更新中获知该失效路由。
b 在抑制计时器超时之前,水平分割将阻止 Router4 向 网络转发数据包。
c Router5 将立即从路由表中清除这一失效路由。
d Router5 将向 Router4 发送触发更新,其中网络 的度量为 16。
)a路由器修改 TTL 字段,将其值减 1。
b路由器将源 IP 更改为送出接口的 IP。
c路由器保持相同的源 IP 和目的 IP。
e路由器将目的 IP 更改为送出接口的 IP。
网络管理员在 Router1 上发出no ip classless命令。
当 Router1 收到目的地为 主机的数据包时,会发生怎样的转发行为?a数据包将被丢弃。
b数据包将转发到“最后选用网关”c数据包将与 网络匹配,并从 Serial 0/0 转发出去。
d数据包将与 子网形成最精确匹配,并从 Serial 0/1 转发出去。
它会使用哪条路由来到达网络192.168.168.0?A. [90/2195456] via, 00:00:09, Ethernet0Ob. [110/1012] via, 00:00:22, Ethernet0Rc. [120/1] via, 00:00:17, Ethernet0Sd. [1/0] via向 OSPF 路由过程配置中添加网络时,需要下列哪几项?(选择三项。
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CCNAExploration CCNA 1 Networking Fundamenta ls Course Content Changes 介绍最新的高级技术和聚 合网络 53% 网络连接自上而下的解决 办法 可以在交换内容之前、之 后或者同时讲授 删除了IGRP 增加了VLSM, OSPF, EIGRP 增加了更多富有挑战性的 实验
Troubleshooting –计划/构建家庭网络 OSI模型/TCP模型的介绍 SMB路由和交换 广域网技术 IP 地址分配 网络设备和布线 网络安全/灾难修复 企业概况 LAN/WAN性能 IP 地址分配– 可变长度子网掩码和子网 高级交换与路由 EIGRP, OSPF, VLANs, VTP, Frame Relay LAN/WAN/VLAN排错 设计概念和设备选择 LAN/WAN的IP 地址分配 网络设计 Cisco设备配置升级 网络汇聚的理论概念
CCNA 2 Routing Protocols and Concepts 9%
LAN Switching and Wireless WAN Technologie s
可以在路由协议和概念内 容之前、之后或者同时讲 授 22% 增加了快速生成树协议 增加无线的概念 增加了更多富有挑战性的 实验 不再强调ISDN 23% 增加新的WAN概念 增加ACLs和 VPN概念
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1Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator needs to setup Switch1 for remote access from HostA. The show ip interface brief is issued on Router1 and the show interfaces trunk command is issued on the Switch1 to verify the current status. The administrator applies the additional configuration shown in the exhibit to Switch1. However, the telnet from HostA fails. What additional commands need to be appliedto the switch?Switch(config)# interface vlan 1Switch(config-if)# ip address no shutdownSwitch(config-if)# ip default-gateway interface vlan 1Switch(config-if)# ip address no shutdownSwitch(config-if)# ip default-gateway interface vlan 10Switch(config-if)# ip address no shutdownSwitch(config-if)# ip default-gateway**Switch(config)# interface vlan 10Switch(config-if)# ip address no shutdownSwitch(config-if)# ip default-gateway interface vlan 50Switch(config-if)# ip address no shutdownSwitch(config-if)# ip default-gateway to the exhibit. On the basis of the configuration shown, how will an Ethernet frame on port GigabitEthernet0/1 be modified?802.1Q encapsulation prepends a 4-byte tag field in front of the original Ethernet frame and recomputes the frame check sequence (FCS) on the modified frame. **802.1Q encapsulation inserts a 4-byte tag field into the original Ethernet frame between the source address and type/length fields and recomputes the frame check sequence (FCS) on the modified frame.802.1Q encapsulation prepends an 802.1p field in front of the original Ethernet frame and recomputes the frame check sequence (FCS) on the modified frame. 802.1Q encapsulation inserts an 802.1p field into the original Ethernet frame between the source address and type/length fields and recomputes the frame check sequence (FCS) on the modified frame.3What VLANs are allowed across a trunk when the range of allowed VLANs is set to the default value?**All VLANs will be allowed across the trunk.Only VLAN 1 will be allowed across the trunk.Only the native VLAN will be allowed across the trunk.The switches will negotiate via VTP which VLANs to allow across the trunk. 4Which parameter is used to uniquely identify one wireless network from another?SSIDOFDMWEPDSSS5Refer to the exhibit. What is the consequence if SW1 port F0/1 is configured as an edge port?SW1 port F0/1 transitions to the learning state.SW1 port F0/1 can generate a temporary loop.SW1 port F0/1 becomes a non-designated port.SW1 port F0/2 no longer passes BPDUs to SW4.6Refer to the exhibit. What will allow a host on VLAN 40 on switch X to communicate with a host in VLAN 40 on switch Y?QoSroutingtrunkingVPN7Refer to the exhibit. Spanning-tree port priorities are 128 for all interfaces. The network administrator enters the spanning-tree vlan 1 root primary command on S4. Which two port results are correct? (Choose two.)S1 Gi0/1 becomes a root port.S2 Gi0/2 becomes a non-designated port.S3 Gi0/1 becomes a non-designated port.S4 Gi0/1 becomes a root port.S4 Gi0/2 becomes a designated port.8Refer to the exhibit. Which two facts can be confirmed by this output? (Choose two.)This switch shows no configuration revision errors.This switch has established two-way communication with the neighboring devices.This switch is configured to advertise its VLAN configuration to other VTP-enabled switches in the same VTP domain.This switch will drop all VTP advertisements that come from the switches that are configured in the same VTP domain.This switch will cause no disruption in the VTP domain operations if the rest of the switches in the same VTP domain have a higher configuration revision number.9Refer to the exhibit. R1 is configured for traditional inter-VLAN routing. R1 can ping computer 3 but cannot ping computer 1. What is a possible cause for this failure?S1 port Fa0/11 is in the wrong VLAN.R1 does not have an active routing protocol.The IP address of computer 1 is in the wrong logical network.Router interface Fa0/0 has the wrong trunk encapsulation type configured.10Refer to the exhibit. Both switches are interconnected via a trunk link. Host A and host B are on the default VLAN but are not able to exchange traffic. What should be done to fix the problem?Allow all VLANs on the trunk link.Remove the native VLAN from the trunk.Include a router or switch with Layer 3 capabilities.Configure the same native VLAN on both ends of the trunk.11Refer to the exhibit. The hosts connected to switch SW1 are not able to communicate with the hosts in the same VLANs connected to switch SW2. What should be done to fix the problem?Configure VLANs with different VLAN IDs on switch SW2.Reconfigure the trunk port on switch SW2 with static trunk configuration. Introduce a Layer 3 device or a switch with Layer 3 capability in the topology. Apply IP addresses that are in the same subnet to the interfaces used to connect SW1 and SW2.12What happens when the crypto key zeroize rsa command is entered on a switch configured with the transport input ssh command on the vty lines?A new RSA key pair is created.The switch defaults to allowing Telnet connections only.The switch is no longer able to make SSH connections as an SSH client.The switch allows remote connections only after a new RSA key pair is generated.13Refer to the exhibit. An Ethernet switch has developed the CAM table shown. What action will the switch take when it receives the frame shown at the bottom of the exhibit?forward the frame out all interfaces except Interface3add station 00-00-3D-1F-11-05 to Interface2 in the forwarding tableforward the frame out Interface3discard the frameforward the frame out all interfacesforward the frame out Interface214Which two statements describe Spanning Tree Protocol? (Choose two.)It eliminates Layer 2 loops in network topologies.It eliminates the need for redundant physical paths in network topologies.It can only be used in networks in which Layer 2 switching is in use.It can only be used in networks where both routers and switches are used together.It can only be used in networks where routers are installed.15Refer to the exhibit. A new host needs to be connected to VLAN 1. Which IP addresses should be assigned to this new host? /28192.168.1.22 /28192.168.1.33 /28192.168.1.44 /28192.168.1.55 /2816Refer to the exhibit. How does SW1 manage traffic coming from Host A? SW1 drops the traffic because it is untagged.SW1 leaves the traffic untagged and forwards it over the trunk.SW1 tags the traffic with the lowest VLAN ID value and forwards it over the trunk link.SW1 encapsulates the traffic with 802.1Q encapsulation and forwards it over the trunk link.17[No Image]Refer to the exhibit. The switches are configured for VTP as shown. Which two statements correctly describe the operation of these switches? (Choose two.)A new VLAN can be added to Switch1 and that information will be added only to Switch2.A new VLAN can be added to Switch1 and that information will be added to Switch2 and Switch4An existing VLAN can be deleted from Switch4 and that VLAN will be deleted from Switch1 and Switch2An existing VLAN can be deleted from Switch2 and that VLAN will be deleted from Switch1 and Switch4.A new VLAN can be added to Switch4 and that information will be added to Switch1, Switch2, and Switch3.A new VLAN can be added to Switch3 and that information will be added to Switch1, Switch2, and Switch4.18Refer to the exhibit. Computer A sends a broadcast message. Which devices will see the broadcast?computer Bcomputer B and Router1computer C and Router1computer B, computer D, computer E and Router1computer B, computer C, computer D, computer E and Router1computer A, computer B, computer C, computer D, computer E and Router119Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator enters the configuration shown to allow both SSH and Telnet connections to the switch. The Telnet connections fail. What is the most likely cause of this problem?The SSH version number is wrong.SSH has been configured on the wrong line.Telnet and SSH cannot be configured simultaneously.The transport input command is configured incorrectly.20Refer to the exhibit. Which switch will be elected as the root bridge of the spanning tree topology?Cat-ACat-BCat-CCat-D21Refer to the exhibit. The switches in the exhibit have VTP pruning enabled. Which VLANs will be pruned from switch SW3?VLAN 10 and VLAN 20VLAN 1, VLAN 10, and VLAN 20VLAN 1, VLAN 1002 through 1005VLAN 1, VLAN 10, VLAN 20, VLAN 1002 through 100522Refer to the exhibit. What does STATIC indicate in the output that is shown? The switch will not allow any other device to connect to port Fa0/15.Traffic destined for MAC address 0000.c123.5432 will be forwarded toFa0/15.This entry will be removed and refreshed every 300 seconds to keep it in the table.The switch learned this MAC address from the source address in a frame received on Fa0/15.When processing a frame, the switch does not have to perform a lookup to determine the final destination port.23Which three statements are true regarding router-on-a-stick inter-VLAN routing? (Choose three.)requires the use of subinterfaces on the routerrequires an access link between the router and Layer 2 switchmore cost-efficient and scalable than using multiple physical interfaces requires each subinterface to be configured with the no shutdown command can impact performance if many VLANs compete for bandwidth on a single router interfacemakes troubleshooting the inter-VLAN routing configuration much less complex than when using multiple physical interfaces24Refer to the exhibit. Router RA receives a packet with a source address of and a destination address of What will the router do with this packet?The router will forward the packet out interface FastEthernet 0/1.1.The router will forward the packet out interface FastEthernet 0/1.2.The router will forward the packet out interface FastEthernet 0/1.3.The router will forward the packet out interface FastEthernet 0/1.2 and interface FastEthernet 0/1.3.The router will ignore the packet because the source and destination are on the same broadcast domain.The router will drop the packet since no network that includes the source address is attached to the router.25Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator needs to remove the east-hosts VLAN and use the switch port from that VLAN in one of the existing VLANs. What two commands should be used when completely removing VLAN 2 from S1-Central while leaving the switch and all its interfaces operational? (Choose two.)S1-Central# reloadS1-Central# erase flash:S1-Central(config)# no vlan 2S1-Central# delete flash:vlan.datS1-Central(config-if)# switchport access vlan 326Refer to the exhibit. What does "FORWARDING" mean in the command output shown?The switch is sending and receiving data framesThe switch is receiving BPDUs, but not sending data frames.The switch is participating in an election process by forwarding the BPDUs it receives.The switch is receiving BPDUs and populating the MAC address table, but not sending data.27Refer to the exhibit. Switch SW2 has been newly purchased and added to the network. What configuration should be applied to SW2 so that it participates in the same VTP domain as switch SW1, receives VLAN information from SW1, and synchronizes VLAN information?Configure SW2 in VTP transparent mode.Configure SW2 with the VTP domain password.Configure SW2 as a VTP server with a higher revision number.28What are three benefits of a hierarchical network model? (Choose three.) reduced contention for bandwidthreduced size of the physical layoutincreased fault tolerance of the networkelimination of the need for wiring closetselimination of the need for layer three functionalitysimplification of management and troubleshooting29Refer to the exhibit. Which three options correctly identify information that could be associated with this output?(Choose three.)Interface FastEthernet3/0/0 is subinterfaced.A non-proprietary trunking protocol is in use.The configuration is appropriate for a router-on-a-stick network design.A shutdown command has been applied to interface FastEthernet3/0/0. Interface FastEthernet3/0/0.3 is mapped to the default management VLAN. An IP address should be applied to FastEthernet3/0/0 for correct data routing.30Refer to the exhibit. Switch SW2 was tested in a lab environment and then inserted into a production network without reloading its configuration. After the trunk link between SW1 and SW2 was brought up, all users lost connectivity to the network. What could be the source of the problem?All the VLANs were pruned from the trunk port between SW1 and SW2.SW1 and SW2 cannot be both set as VTP servers in the same VTP domain. VTP configuration revision number of SW2 was higher than the configuration revision number of SW1.The additional VLANs from SW2 created more VLANs than the VLAN database of SW1 could contain.31Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator needs to implement inter-VLAN routing on a hierarchical network. On which devices should the inter-VLAN routing be configured?AS1 and AS2DS1 and DS2Gateway and CS132Which three statements are correct concerning the default configuration of a new switch? (Choose three.)Spanning Tree Protocol is disabled.Enable password is configured as cisco.All switch ports are assigned to VLAN1.The flash directory contains the IOS image.VLAN1 is configured with a management IP address.All interfaces are set to auto-negotiation of speed and duplex.33Refer to the exhibit. All hosts are in listen mode. Host 1 and Host 4 both(Choose two.)After the end of the jam signal, a backoff algorithm is invoked.Hosts 1 and 4 are operating full duplex so no collision will exist.The hub will block the port connected to Host 4 to prevent a collision.Hosts 1 and 4 are assigned shorter backoff values to provide them priority to access the media.If a host has data to transmit after the backoff period of that host, the host checks to determine if the line is idle before transmitting.34Refer to the exhibit. After the listed commands are entered into router R1 and switch S1, the administrator enters the show interface fa0/1 trunk and gets the results shown. What is the likely problem?The trunk is established, but no VLANs have been configured to use it.The trunk has not been established because the router does not support dynamic trunking protocol.The router, the switch, or both must be configured with the dynamic desirable option for dynamic trunking protocol to establish a trunk.The router is missing the dynamic trunking protocol statements necessary to form a trunk.35Refer to the exhibit. Which two statements are true about the operation of the interfaces? (Choose two.)Incoming traffic with VLAN ID 0 is processed by interface fa0/0.Incoming traffic that has a VLAN ID of 2 is processed by subinterfacefa0/0.2.Both subinterfaces remain up with line protocol up, even if fa0/0 line protocol is down.Subinterfaces use unique MAC addresses by adding the 802.1Q VLAN ID to the hardware address.Traffic inbound on this router is processed by different subinterfaces, depending on the VLAN from which the traffic originated.36What three tasks should be performed before moving a Catalyst switch to another VTP management domain? (Choose three.)Select the correct VTP mode and version.Configure the switch with the name of the new management domain Download the VTP database from the VTP server in the new domain. Configure the VTP server in the new domain to recognize the BID of the switch. Reset the VTP counters to allow the switch to synchronize with the other switches in the new domain.Verify that the switch has a lower configuration revision number than the other switches in the new domain37Refer to the exhibit. Hosts A and B, connected to hub HB1, attempt to transmit a frame at the same time but a collision occurs. Which hosts will receive the collision jamming signal?only hosts A and Bonly hosts A, B, and Conly hosts A, B, C, and Donly hosts A, B, C, and E38Which statement regarding the service password-encryption command is true? The service password-encryption command is entered at the privileged EXEC mode prompt.The service password-encryption command encrypts only passwords for the console and VTY ports.The service password-encryption command encrypts all previously unencrypted passwords in the running configuration.To see the passwords encrypted by the service password-encryption command, enter the no service password-encryption command.39Refer to the exhibit. Which two statements are true regarding what the cost value of 23 represents for Switch4? (Choose two.)This cost represents the lowest cost path for Switch4 to the root switch.A cost of 23 is the value being advertised out port 16 on the switch upstream (closer) to the root switch.Switch4 adds the cost of a Fast Ethernet link to 23 to determine its total cost to reach the root switchSwitch4 is connected via a Fast Ethernet link to an upstream switch that in turn is directly connected to the root switch via a Gigabit Ethernet link.The root switch is advertising a cost of 23, which is lower than any other switch in the VLAN0001 spanning-tree domain.40Refer to the exhibit. What three statements describe why Host1 and Host2 are unable to communicate? (Choose three.)The switch ports are on different VLANs.The switch IP address is on the wrong subnet.The hosts are configured on different logical networks.A router is required to forward traffic between Host1 and Host2.The VLAN port assignments must be contiguous for each VLAN.The host default gateway addresses must be on the same logical network.Refer to the exhibit. Each switch is shown with its MAC address. Which switch will be elected as the spanning-tree root bridge if the switches are configured with their default priority values?switch Aswitch Bswitch Cswitch Dswitch Eswitch F42Refer to the exhibit. Hosts PC_A and PC_B send traffic simultaneously, and the frames from the transmitting stations collide. What is the last device to receive the collision?hub HB1switch SW1router R1switch SW2router R2switch SW443Why is it important that the network administrator consider the spanning-tree network diameter when choosing the root bridge?The network diameter limitation is 9.BPDUs may be discarded because of expiring timers.The cabling distance between the switches is 100 meters.The network diameter must be set to the number of meters of the cable between the root bridge and its farthest connected switch.44Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator has segmented the network into two VLANs and configured Router1 for inter-VLAN routing. A test of the network, however, shows that hosts on each VLAN can only access local resources and not resources on the other VLAN. What is the most likely cause of this problem?Switch port Fa0/1 is not trunking.Router interface Fa0/0 is possibly down.No routing protocol is configured on Router1.One of the router subinterfaces is possibly down.45What is the purpose of issuing the command switchport mode access on a switch interface?disable port securitymake the port operationaloverride the default port behaviorforce the port to be a part of a single vlan46Refer to the exhibit. Which statement is true regarding the information shown?Only one VLAN is currently configured to use the trunk links.The switch negotiated trunk links for interfaces Fa0/1 and Gi0/1.A Cisco proprietary protocol is in use for interfaces Fa0/1 and Gi0/1. Interfaces Gi0/1 and Fa0/1 are allowed to carry data from multiple VLANs 47Which identifier is used to keep track of frames that are destined for a particular wireless client?AIDSSIDBSSIDESSID48Refer to the exhibit. What will happen when frames that contain an unknown source address reach interface fa0/24?A syslog message will be logged.Fa0/24 will become error-disabled.The incoming frames will be droppedThe security violation count will be incremented.49In which mode is a VTP switch operating if it has been configured to only forward VTP advertisements?clientrootservertransparent50Which method establishes an administrative connection for configuring the Linksys WRT300N wireless access point?Associate with the access point and then open a HyperTerminal session with the access point.Physically connect to the access point and then reboot the computer to launch the configuration software.From a computer in the same IP subnet as the access point, enter the default IP address of the access point in a web browser.Modify the TCP/IP properties of the computer connected to the access point so that it exists on the same network, and then reboot your computer to establish a connection.51What two methods can be used to remove MAC address table entries from a switch? (Choose two.)The clear switching-tables command will remove statically configured entries. The clear mac-address-table command will remove statically and dynamically configured table entries.The erase flash command will clear all statically configured table entries. Statically configured MAC addresses will automatically be removed from the address table 300 minutes after the last activity on a switch port.52What are two benefits of the IEEE 802.11n standard over the IEEE 802.11G? (Choose two.)requires less equipmentprovides improved rangepermits increased data rateshas a single-input and a single-outputneeds no hardware upgrade for compatibility。