AURATUS 数字混音台说明书
12 encoders on each channel strip for optimum instant access • Simple intuitive operation • 96-KHz enabled • Superior signal processing with 40-bit fl oating-point arithmetic • Fully integrated into the NEXUS audio networkAURATUSThe basic idea behind the AURATUS was to develop a compact digital con-sole suitable for predefi ned workfl ows in radio and TV production. Therefore AURATUS features not only a hardwired bus structure but also a user inter-face optimised for quick and simple operation. This ensures that new users will experience a shallow learning curve and secure operation. All relevant channel parameters are adjusted easily using the dual encoders in the chan-nel strip, or alternatively in the master section.The console dimensions are designed for optimal access to all controls and easy viewing of displays and indicators. AURATUS offers a very comfort a ble and convenient working depth. Furthermore, the meter bridge is ex t reme l y low due to the 16:10 screens employed. This provides excellent visual con-tact with the recording studio, video screens / or the stage.AURATUS has several features designed specifi cally for the broadcaster such as audio-follows-video features, remote-controlled fader (On/Off) function, two freely assignable function keys per channel, extensive cue-light signalling, customizable N-1 buses, and timers capable of counting down as well as up.The NEXUS XCMC plug-in card, which is just 3 U × 4 HP in size, handles all the AURATUS audio processing and control data. The card has full access to all audio resources on the NEXUS network and offers the full number of channels and buses even at a sampling rate of 96 KHz.AURATUS supports stereo and multichannel confi gurations. Depending on the actual confi guration, the following resources are available: 46 or 54 input channels, 4 stereo groups, 4 stereo sums, 2 stereo aux buses, 4 mono aux buses, 8 mono mix-minus (N–1) buses, stereo or 5.1 monitoring buses for monitoring the live mix- or playback.The AURATUS offl ine editor offers time and cost benefi ts on tight production schedules. The offl ine editor makes it possible to confi gure an AURATUS while it is still in use on another production. All preparatory work including channel assignments, channel confi gurations etc. are made in a stand-alone editor application running on a Windows PC. Projects are then loaded into the console from SD cards. It also works the other way round. Projects are imported from the console for further processing in the offl ine editor. Console•Modular, custom confi guration, up to 24 faders•Free assignment of audio channels to channel strips•8 operating layers, freely assignable•Instant access to 2 pre-selected layers per channel strip•Master section for monitoring, automation, Logic Control, and commu-nications•Ultra-low power consumption — 16 channel strips consume just86 watts•Console does not require a fan•Talkback-microphone port•Script rest (optional)•Gooseneck / console lamps (optional)User Interface•12 encoders with LED arcs and 14 illuminated keys per channel strip •OLED displays for channel name and layer assignment indication•Hi-res TFT modules for viewing meters and other parameters •Optional integrated NEXUS control PC with built in keyboard•Master section with dual concentric rotary encoders and graphical TFT displays for direct access to console functions such as:• Signal-processing modules• Monitoring path• Bus routing• Automation menu (snapshots)• Timer• TFT displayDisplays and Indicators•Hi-resolution level and dynamics meters on each channel strip:• G raphic EQ curve and panner position display• D ynamics module curve view• B us routing (including pre/post, mute and control groups)• T ouch-controlled information pop-up window for displaying numeric values of recently adjusted mixing parameters•Hi-resolution level and dynamics meters on the master TFT screen:• P ermanent level metering of all bus channels• F urther graphical display areas with characteristics curves• T imer view: 2 independent timers that can be controlled by internal or external eventsAdditional Functions•Stereo link: Input-channel stereo linking (including dynamics side-chain key signals)•Link groups: Audio parameters of multiple channels can be grouped for simultaneous control and adjustment•Master-slave groups: Link selected channels to any master channel •Spill: Instant access to audio parameters which are not available on the console surfaceInputs and outputs•Custom confi gurable I/O interfaces provided by the NEXUS audio network•Microphone inputs: 32-bit TrueMatch A/D converter, > 158 dB (A) dyna-mic range @ 24 dBu•Line inputs: 24-bit TrueMatch A/D converter, > 133 dB (A) dynamic range @ 24 dBu•Line outputs: 24-bit D/A converter, 131 dB (A) dynamic range (typical) @ 24 dBu•Digital audio formats: AES/EBU, AES 42 and S/PDIF, MADI, ADAT, TDIF, SD-SDI and HD-SDI, Dolby E®, Dante•Sample rates 44.1/48 kHz, 88.2/96 kHz•Sample-rate converters (either standard or optional depending on the card type)•XLR, BNC, RJ45, fi bre-optic, or D-Sub ports Console Ports•2x Headphones outputs (6.3 mm jack sockets)•Meter/Goniometer (8 channels): D-sub (15-pin)•1x Talkback microphone: XLR-3, female•Nearfi eld speakers: XLR-3, maleMonitoring Paths• 5.1 monitoring channel (2.0 monitoring channel in stereo mode)•Stereo channel (“Play Back Channel”)• 5.1 solo bus (stereo bus in stereo mode)•Stereo PFL busStatic Automation• A snapshot stores the audio parameters of all processing channels for later recall. Each project holds up to 99 snapshots.•Partial snapshots are also possible, storing only selected settings. Logic Control•Many AURATUS parameters are integrated into the fl exible and comprehensive NEXUS Logic Control system•Audio-follows-video function includes remote-controlled dynamics •Fader-On-backstop function can be queried•40 freely confi gurable user keys in the central master section •Freely confi gurable display areas on the central TFT screen SynchronisationThe NEXUS / AURATUS system synchronises to the following sources:•NEXUS XCPU controller cards with high-precision word clock generators as studio master clock•External word clock or video (requires NEXUS XSYNC card)•Digital audio inputs•Word-clock-failure auto detection and click-free switchover to different source in order of priorityAURUS, AURATUS, CRESCENDO, ON AIR fl ex, CANTUS, CINETRA, NEXUS, and TrueMatch RMC Series are developed and produced by Stage Tec Entwicklungsgesells-chaft in Germany.AURUS , AURATUS , CANTUS , NEXUS , and TrueMatch are national and international registered trademarks of Stage Tec Entwicklungsgesellschaft für professionelleAudiotechnik mbH, Berlin (Germany). Neither presence nor absence of trademark or brand designations or trade descriptions in this manual should be regarded as affecting the legal status of any trademark.The information given in this manual is subject to change without notice. Errors excepted.Stage TecEntwicklungsgesellschaft für professionelle Audiotechnik mbH Tabbertstraße 10-11D-12459 Berlin /G ermany Phone: +49 30 639902-0Telefax: +49 30 639902-32E-Mail: offi***************Signal Processing•40-bit fl oating-point format•Processor-card connection through a single RJ45 link carrying both control messages and the digital audio needed for talkback and moni-toringSignal-Processing Modules (per Channel)•Input Gain•Expander / Noise Gate•EQ & Filter (Multiband, High-Pass & Low-Pass Filter, High & Low Shelving)•Delay •Insert•Direct-Out (Pre/Post Fader)•Compressor / Limiter •Mute•Pre/post-fader bus routing (Aux, N–1)•Pre/post fader listening & metering •Pan (multichannel capable)Reliability•Redundant power supplies (AURATUS and NEXUS), fi bre-optic cables and cards•Automatic self-test and error-message routing via NEXUS •Hot-swap enabledVersions•Consoles available with 8, 16, or 24 channel strips •Custom master-section positioning •Variants: desktop, fi tted, or with console stand •Also available with narrow side panelsPhysical Dimensions•Control surface operating depth: 625 mm •Channel spacing: 38 mm •Console depth: 777 mm•Width (with standard side panels): 814 mm (8 faders), 1146 mm (16 faders), 1479 mm (24 faders)•Height: 313 mm (desktop variant), 1033 mm (with stand)。
Lektion 11TexteÜ11.Bild 1 – Gespräch 4 Bild 2 – Gespräch 1 Bild 3 – Gespräch 2 Bild 4 – Gespräch 5 Bild 5 – Gespräch 6 Bild 6 – Gespräch 3 Bild 7 – Gespräch 72.Gespräch 1 →Quiz Nr. _6__ Gespräch 2 →Quiz Nr. __x__ (in Bus oder U-Bahn)Gespräch 3 →Quiz Nr. _8__ Gespräch 4 →Quiz Nr. __10_ Gespräch 5 →Quiz Nr. __3_ Gespräch 6 →Quiz Nr. _4__ Gespräch 7 →Quiz Nr. __1__3.Szene 1 – schlechter Stil: Bei einer Essenseinladung darf kein Handy klingeln! Szene 6 – zu früh zur Einladung gekommenSzene 7 – Faustregel: Der Mann soll zuerst vorgestellt werden, dann die Frau.Ü31.Familie Kern hat Herrn Wu für halb acht zum Essen (zu sich nach Hause)eingeladen.Frau und Herr Eisenberg sollen auch kommen.Herr Wu kommt um Viertel nach sieben, 15 Minuten früher als zur vereinbarten Zeit. Die Gastgeber sind sehr überrascht, weil sie noch nicht mit den V orbereitungen fertig sind.2.Das Hauptproblem des Gastes ist, dass er sich höflich benehmen will und immerablehnt. Er wartet, dass die Gastgeber ihm Speisen und Getränke zum zweiten Mal anbieten. Die Gastgeber denken, dass ihm das Essen nicht schmeckt und bieten immer wieder etwas an.Es ist nicht nur sein Fehler. Andere Länder haben andere Sitten. Er als Chinese kennt die deutschen Sitten noch nicht so gut und die Gastgeber kennen die chinesischen Tischsitten auch nicht.Ü4Begrüßung: Der Gast kam zu früh.Aperitif: Zu Beginn der Esseneinladung trinkt man etwas, hier Bier. Das dauert etwa eine halbe Stunde.Wein: Zur (Vor- und) Hauptspeise wird Wein getrunken.Vorspeise: SuppeHauptgericht: Gulasch mit Nudeln Nachtisch: Erdbeeren mit Schlagsahne (süß) Kaffee: nach dem Essen. Dazu, wenn man will: Cognac: nach dem Essen Ü51. Wu kommt zu früh, Eisenbergs gerade richtig.Regel: Zu Esseneinladungen kommt man zwischen 5 und 10 Minuten nach der angegebenen Zeit.Ü7Zur Diskussion zu stellen! Auch andere Meinungen sind möglich.In China ist es höflich, dass ein Gast früher als zur vereinbarten Zeit zu Einladungen kommt. Unter guten Bekannten bietet man als Gast manchmal seine Hilfe bei den Essensvorbereitungen an. Es gehört sich beim Essen, nicht gleich zu viel zu nehmen und bei weiterem Anbieten eher bescheidenabzulehnen. Die Gastgeber bieten trotzdem immer wieder Speisen an oder legen sie auf den Teller und füllen die Gläser.Ü8 1.2.Ü9 Wie bei der Aufgabe Brainstorming üblich, sollten hier alle von den Studenten genannten Eigenschaften, also auch absurde, in die Listeaufgenommen und später hinterfragt werden.Ü10 Beispiel1.Thomas und Yang Fang hatten sich dazu verabredet, gemeinsam schwimmen zugehen. Aber Thomas ist zu spät gekommen. Yang Fang hat sich aufgeregt und ist gegangen. Thomas spricht mit Li Tao darüber.2.Thomas und Yang Fang sind Freunde. Sie kennen sich gut und mögen sich. Esgibt aber auch Probleme, z.B. dass Thomas immer zu spät zu Verabredungen kommt. Yang Fang regt sich darüber leicht auf.Ü111.Thomas: charmant, höflich, nettYang Fang: nett, bescheiden, zuverlässig, (freundlich), fleißig, höflichWörterÜ1du, Sie, Sie, geduzt, Helmut, Menge, duzen, siezen, duRegeln:1. Sie (Sie), du (ihr), Sie, siezen2. Du, duzen3. Du, Du4. Sie, DuÜ2Lieber Peter,kannst du/Du (Nach der Rechtschreibreform von 2006 soll du im Brief wieder großgeschrieben werden.) für mich bitte morgen ...Liebe Frau Xu,entschuldigen Sie bitte, ...Lieber Herr Bode,wenn Ihre Frau zu Besuch nach Shanghai kommt, möchte ich Sie beide herzlich zu mir nach Hause einladen...oder:Lieber Holger,wenn Deine Frau zu Besuch ...Ü31.Monique: Du, wir gehen noch in ein Café, hast du Lust mitzukommen? –Oh, Entschuldigung, ich darf doch du sagen?__Jim__: Natürlich. Ja, ich komme gern mit.Monique: Da lernst du auch noch ein paar Studenten aus Frankreich und China kennen. Wir sind übrigens hier im Deutschkurs alle per du.2.Frau Bode: Also, mein Mann hat mir erzählt, wie gut er jetzt schon fast zwei Jahre mit Ihnen, Frau Gao, zusammenarbeitet. Und wir beide haben uns aufunserer Reise nach Hangzhou auch gut kennen gelernt. Und da möchteich Sie auch im Namen von meinem Mann fragen, ob wir uns nichtduzen können.Frau Gao: Das ist sehr nett. Also ich heiße Gao Ming. Man sagt auch beim Du im Chinesischen meistens den ganzen Namen.Frau Bode: Schön, Gao Ming. Ich bin Elisabeth.Herr Bode: Und meinen V ornamen kennen Sie –Entschuldigung - kennst du ja.Ich bin Holger.Frau Bode: Also darauf stoßen wir an. Zum Wohl, Gao Ming!Frau Gao: Zum Wohl, Elisabeth, Prost, Holger.Frau Bode/Herr Bode: Auf unsere Freundschaft, Gao Ming.3._Helmut: Also wir Mitarbeiter hier in der Bibliothek sind eigentlich alle per du.Hast du etwas dagegen, wenn wir uns duzen?_Peter__: Natürlich nicht. Ich heiße Peter._Helmut : Ich bin Helmut. Dann zeige ich dir mal deinen neuen Arbeitsplatz.Grammatik2. FormenÜ2a) hatte, warb)warenc)hatted)hattee)hattef)warÜ3Weil Herr Wu rechtzeitig losgefahren war, stand er um Viertel nach sieben vor der Tür.Nachdem er zweimal geklingelt hatte, öffnete Frau Kern die Tür.Nachdem das Ehepaar Eisenberg gekommen war, trank man erst einmal ein Bier.Als Herr Wu seinen Teller leer gegessen hatte, nahm er keine Suppe mehr. Nachdem man das Hauptgericht gegessen hatte, gab es Nachtisch.Die Gastgeberin bot Kaffee und Cognac an, nachdem sie sich auf das Sofa gesetzt hatten.Ü4a) Nachdem die Eltern ein Glas Wein trinken gegangen waren, setzten sich beideKinder vor den Fernseher.b)Nachdem Frau Schäfer Annika zum Kindergarten und Fabian zur Schule gefahrenhatte, ging sie zu ihrer Praxis.c)Nachdem die Kinder zu Mittag gegessen hatten, machten sie einen Mittagsschlaf.d)Nachdem die Mutter mit dem Kochen fertig geworden war, schaute sie dieMatheaufgaben von Fabian an.e)Nachdem die Mutter müde mit den Kindern nach Hause gekommen war, hatte siekeine Lust mehr zu kochen.Ü5a)Nachdem Frau Ziegler Schritte im Flur gehört hatte, stand sie auf.b)Nachdem sie die Tür zum Wohnzimmer aufgemacht hatte, sah sie, wie ein jungerMann aus dem Fenster sprang.c)Nachdem die Nachbarn von dem Einbruch gehört hatten, fanden sie das furchtbar.d)Nachdem die Polizei Frau Zieglers Anruf bekommen hatte, fuhr sie gleich zu FrauZiegler.e)Nachdem die Zeugen den Täter beschrieben hatten, kam Erwin Ziegler insZimmer.f)Nachdem einer der Zeugen die Tür aufgebrochen und das Geld genommen hatte,lief er schnell auf die Straße.g) Nachdem der Neffe von Frau Ziegler zurückgekommen war, ging er wieder zuseiner Tante, um der Polizei zu zeigen, dass er seiner Tante helfen wollte.Ü7a) Ja, es ist höflich, bei einer Einladung das Handy auszuschalten.b) Es ist eigentlich nicht üblich, seine Lehrer zu duzen.c) An den meisten Unis ist es Sitte, zu den Mitstudenten du zu sagen.d) Ich glaube, sie haben Wunsch, heute Abend in die Beijing-Oper zu gehene) Ja, bitte, ich habe leider vergessen, die Opernkarten zu bestellen.f) Ja, es ist wichtig, dem Gastgeber Bescheid zu sagen, ob man die Einladungannimmt.Ü8 V erschiedene Zuordnungen möglich, möglichst eigene ergänzen.Es ist unhöflich, erst den Älteren dem Jüngeren vorzustellen.Es ist üblich, dem Gastgeber nach der Einladung telefonisch zu danken.Es ist höflich, das Handy bei Einladungen auszuschalten.Es ist unhöflich, Angebote des Gastgebers immer abzulehnen.Es ist mir zu anstrengend, mich immer an die Regeln zu halten.Es ist höflich, einer Dame aus dem und in den Mantel zu helfen.Es ist unwichtig, alle Formen zu beachten, wenn man unter Freunden ist.Es ist falsch, mit dem Essen zu beginnen, bevor jeder etwas auf dem Teller hat.Es ist richtig, mit dem Trinken zu warten, bis die Gastgeberin oder der Gastgeber das …Zum Wohl!“ wünscht....Habt ihr Zeit, eine Delegation aus Deutschland zum Sommerpalast zu begleiten?Es macht mir keinen Spaß, immer etwas suchen zu müssen.Für Ausländer ist es schwer, jemandem das Du anzubieten.Hast du Lust, immer auf deine Freundin warten zu müssen.Hast du Lust, dich morgen mit mir zu treffen?Es ist für mich ein Problem, immer im Stau zu stehen.Für Ausländer ist es schwer, sich an manche deutsche Sitten zu gewöhnen.Hast du Lust, nächsten Samstag zu meiner Geburtstagsparty zu kommen?Es ist nicht kompliziert, die deutschen Umgangsformen zu lernen, weil sie gar nicht so anders sind als die chinesischen....Ü9(V orschlag):a) Viele Touristen haben den Wunsch, eine Reise nach Xi’an zu machen.b) So war es ihnen unmöglich, alle Sehenswürdigkeiten zu besichtigen.c) A nna studiert im Nebenfach V olkswirtschaft und hofft, dass sie die Chance hat,nach dem Studium eine Stelle in einer deutschen Firma in China zu finden.d) Denn er hatte vor, alle Lektionen einmal zu wiederholen. Es war für ihn wichtig,das Sprachdiplom zu bestehen.e) Es macht Yang Fang viel Spaß, Geschäfte anzuschauen und sich Klamotten zukaufen, wenn sie zum Frühlingsfest etwas Geld von ihren Eltern oder Großeltern bekommen hat.Lektion 12TexteÜ1T1Vater: Was gibt's denn heute im Fernsehen?Tochter: Im Zweiten läuft Sperling und das Krokodil im Müll.Vater: Was ist denn das?Tochter: Ein Krimi.Vater: Hm. Und sonst kommt nichts Interessantes?Mutter: RTL bringt einen Thriller, Quarantäne mit Nastassja Kinski, bestimmt spannend.Vater: Die Kinski ist toll. Aber nach einem Thriller kann ich nicht schlafen. Mutter: Schade. In der Vorschau ist das heute der Top-Film.Sohn: Ich schau mir in meinem Fernseher Asterix-Operation Hinkelstein an. Das wird lustig.Tochter: Du mit deinen Comics! Das ist was für kleine Kinder. Außerdem ist es nicht dein Fernseher, sondern unser Fernseher. Ich will den Film mit dem Reevessehen.Vater: Welchen Film?Tochter: Dem Himmel so nah heißt er, ein Liebesfilm.Vater: Merkst du, Karin, unsere Tochter wird romantisch? Aber der Titel klingt gut. Mutter: Ja, nicht schlecht, aber der Film dauert zu lange. Um zehn müssen die Kinder ins Bett.Vater: Na ja, heute ist Samstag.Sohn: Und ich muss unbedingt noch das Sportstudio sehen.Vater: Die Bundesligaergebnisse kommen schon am Ende der Tagesschau. Sohn: Die Tageschau will ich aber nicht gucken. In Sat.1 kommt da Enterprise unddas dauert bis 20:15 Uhr.Vater: Die Nachrichten werden angeschaut! Man muss sich informieren, um mitreden zu können.Sohn: Bei uns in der Schule reden alle von der Bundesliga und von Enterprise. Mutter: Ach, heute ist ja auch wieder Mensch Markus, um 22.50 Uhr. Die Show ist meistens ziemlich witzig.Vater: Aber da ist das Sportstudio noch nicht zu Ende.Sohn: Siehst du, ich muss mir doch das Sportstudio angucken. Dann kann Mutti auf meinem Apparat – o.k., auf unserem Apparat – ihre Show anschauen. Mutter: Du, schau mal, um 1:00 Uhr überträgt das ARD eine Reportageüber China. Du interessierst dich doch für China.Vater: Oje, das wird wieder ein langer Abend. - Karl, hol mir bitte erst mal ein Bier. Tochter: Und mir eine Milch und ein paar Erdnüsse.Ü2Zuerst schaut sich die Familie die Tageschau in der ARD von 20.00 Uhr bis 20.15 Uhr an. Dann sehen sie den Liebesfilm im PRO 7 von 20.15 bis 22.20 Uhr. V om 22.50 bis 23.20 läuft die Show im Sat.1. Um 1:00 bringt das ARD die Reportage über China. Der Sohn sieht aber auf dem anderen Apparat im Sat.1 von 19.15 bis 20.15 Enterprise. V on 20.15 bis 22.05 sieht er den Comic im Sat.1. V on 22.00 bis 23.15 ist im ZDF das Sportstudio.Ü31. a) Ich möchte den Trickfilm sehen/anschauen/angucken/gucken.Ich möchte mir aber lieber einen Krimi anschauen/angucken.- Ich möchte aber lieber einen Krimi sehen/anschauen/angucken/gucken.Ich muss mir unbedingt die TV-Nachrichten anschauen /angucken.- Ich muss unbedingt die TV-Nachrichten sehen/anschauen/angucken/ gucken.Kann ich nicht die Sportschau sehen/anschauen/angucken/gucken?Angucken und besonders gucken sind umgangsprachlich.b) Im Ersten kommt/läuft/gibt es/ist ...Im Zweiten kommt/läuft/gibt es/ist ...Auf arte gibt es ...RTL zeigt/bringt/sendet/(überträgt) ...Das ZDF zeigt/bringt/sendet/überträgt ...Kommen (Sender mit Präposition) und zeigen/bringen (Sender als N) werden am häufigsten gebraucht. Aber laufen ist (leicht umgangssprachlich) auch üblich.Siehe auch Grammatik Ü7, S. 273.Ü5Hörtext 1Titel die aktuelle Sportschau_ Art der Sendung _Sportbericht______Überschrift Bayern baut Tabellenführung ausHauptinformation Bayern München hat mit 2:0 gegen Dortmund gewonnen.Hörtext 2Titel _ Gesundheitsmagazin Praxis_ Art der Sendung RatgebersendungÜberschrift Keine Chance für Grippe und SchnupfenHauptinformation Was man gegen Grippen und Schnupfen machen soll. (Viele Hausmittel helfen .)Hörtext 3Titel Tagesschau Art der Sendung TV-NachrichtenÜberschrift Tendenz freundlichHauptinformation Sonnig und für die Jahreszeit warmHörtext 4Titel Plus-Minus Art der Sendung WirtschaftsmagazinÜberschrift Telefon und Internet wurden billigerHauptinformation Die deutschen Verbraucher konnten im letzten Jahr billiger telefonieren und günstiger im Internet surfen.Ü7 Beispiel3. Unterschiede bestehen auch zwischen den chinesischen Fernsehsendern, aberkeine so großen wie in Deutschland. In China stehen alle Fernsehsender unter der Kontrolle der Regierung. Aber es gibt Sender mit mehr Nachrichten, Reportagen und Dokumentationen und andere mit mehr Fernsehserien, Quizsendungen und Kultur. CCTV hat auch einen Sportsender und einen Musiksender.Ü83.abschalten hat hier die Bedeutung 2.b).Ü9Der erste Sender ist öffentlich-rechtlich. Der zweite Sender ist privat. Der dritte Programmausschnitt ist von arte.Ü12T2 informiert sachlich, T3 enthält verschiedene Meinungen.Ü13 BeispielDas Schaubild gehört zum dritten Abschnitt. Es zeigt, die Schulnoten von Schülern mit unterschiedlichem Fernsehkonsum. Nur im Sport sind die Noten der Vielseher gleich oder besser als die von Normalsehern und Wenigsehern. In Geschichte, Deutsch und Mathematik sind sie deutlich schlechter. Die Wenigseher sind am besten in der Schule.Ü141.2. A → 1. AbschnittB → 5. AbschnittC → 2. AbschnittD → 3. AbschnittE → 4. AbschnittWörterÜ1Fernseh-: der Fernsehfilm, das Fernsehspiel, der Fernsehsender, das Fernsehinterview, die Fernsehreportage, die Fernsehserie, der Fernsehansager, dieFernsehwerbung, der Fernsehjournalist, die Fernsehsendung, derFernsehreporter, das Fernsehquiz, das Fernsehmagazin-sendung: die Quizsendung, die Musiksendung, die Kindersendung, die Sportsendung, die Radiosendung, die Ratesendung, die Informationssendung, dieMagazinsendung, die Livesendung, die FernsehsendungÜ2puter2.Farbfernseher3.Fernsehprogramm4.Werbung5.Talkshow6.BüchersendungÜ3(Hm) Wenn ich mir das genau überlege, interessiert mich das alles nicht.(Na ja) Aber ... / Überleg doch mal!(Ach) Was sehe ich denn da?(Oje) Leider, leider! / Ich weiß schon, ...Ü4 U nbedingt – wie in der Aufgabenstellung angegeben – L11/T3 noch einmal lesen. Im Kontext werden die hier gemeinten Bedeutungen klar. Ganz klar werden sie, wenn man sich die Aufnahme des Textes noch einmal anhört.Die Übung ist besonders informativ, weil sie auch andere mögliche Bedeutungen der Partikeln angibt.a) Das ist wirklich nicht gut.b) Du hast ja recht.c) Ich verstehe, was du meinst!d) So ist das also.e) Nein, so ist das nicht. (bei schwacher Betonung kann auch Weißt du, eigentlich istdas so. richtig sein)Ü5 V or der Übung –wie verlangt –L9/T3 lesen und die Bedeutung aus dem Kontext erschließen!Tom: Na hör mal, jetzt übertreibst du aber.唉,你听着,……Tom: Na ja, andere meinen, Spitzensportler sind V orbilder!是这样吗?我不知道, ……Anna: Na, ich weiß nicht. Leistungssportler sind nur auf einem Gebiet spitze.是这样吗?……Tom: Na, wenn schon. Coubertin hat gesagt, teilnehmen ist wichtiger als siegen.就算是吧, ……Anna: Na ja, eigentlich heißt die Olympische Devise Citius, Altius, Fortius.其实,……W38. Fernsehfilme machen das Wohnzimmer zum Kino.9. Um 19.45 beginnt die Sendung. Seid pünktlich!14. Wenn das Programm interessant ist, ist es gut.15. Wenn in der V orschau steht, der Film beginnt um 21 Uhr, dann beginnt er abends um neun.16. Wenn eine Sendung erst um dreiundzwanzig Uhr beginnt, beginnt sie abends um elf.18. Außer beim Fernsehen braucht man dazu oft Geld und oft ist man dabei passiv. Prof.Hurrelmann kritisiert den unkontrollierten Medienkonsum .20. Wenn etwas sehr gut ist, können Sie sagen: "Ah, ist das gut!"23. Man kann einen Apparat an-, ein-, ab- und ausschalten.24. Sind Sie mit Ihren Lehrern per du?Senkrecht:2. Weihnachten ist für die Christen ein Fest.3. Der Oberbegriff zu Fernsehen, Radio, Zeitungen usw. Das Fernsehen z.B. ist einUnterhaltungs- und Informationsmedium.10. 7 x 9 + 8 - 140 : 2 = eins17. Heute finde ich nichts Interessantes im Fernsehprogramm, gestern fand ich viel.19. Das Gegenteil von fernsehen gibt es nicht. Oder haben Sie schon mal …nah gesehen“?GrammatikÜ1◇Ich benutze den Computer, um Mails zu schreiben und mich im Internet zu informieren.◇Ich sehe fern, um mich dabei zu unterhalten.Ü2a)zu erfahrenb)sich zu finanzierenc)sich zu informierend)mitredene)einzuhaltenf)sich ... zu benehmeng)ablehnenh)zu verbessernÜ31.a) -Warum hast du dich so warm angezogen?-Um nicht wieder krank zu werden.b) -Warum wollte sich Frau Schäfer eine Stunde ausruhen?-Um am Abend fit zu seinc)-Warum haben Sie keinen neuen Mantel gekauft?-Um Geld zu sparen und ein neues Auto kaufen zu können.d)- Warum hat Thomas Yang Fang Blumen gebracht?-Um sich für die Verspätung zu entschuldigen.e)-Warum hast du nachmittags bei deinem Mann angerufen?-Um die Einkäufe zu besprechen.f)-Warum liest du so viel Bücher?-Um an der Uni mitreden zu können.Ü4a) Viele Leute sehen studenlang fern, um sich zu informieren und sich zu unterhalten.b) Wir haben vor, nur noch bei wirklich interessanten Sendungen den Fernseher anzuschalten.c) Sie chattet oft, um Freunde zu finden.d) Unser Professor hat uns aufgefordert, uns diesen Dokumentarfilm anzusehen.e) Er geht früh zur Arbeit, um früher nach Hause gehen (kommen) zu können.f) Sie hat ihm noch einmal die Chance gegeben, mit ihr auszugehen.g) Zuerst hat sich Herr Wu darüber gefreut, alles richtig gemacht zu haben.h) Er rief an, um noch mal für die Einladung zu danken.Ü9a)Ihm wird zu der tollen Reportage von allen gratuliert./ Zu der tollen Reportagewird ihm von allen gratuliert./ Es wird ihm zu der tollen Reportage von allen gratuliert.b)An die Nachteile der modernen Medien wird zu wenig gedacht / Zu wenig wird andie Nachteile der modernen Medien gedacht./ Es wird zu wenig an die Nachteile der modernen Medien gedacht.c)Es wird gesungen.Ü10a)Bei uns wird am Samstag auch gearbeitet.Es wird bei uns am Samstag auch gearbeitet.b)Überall wird von der Olympiade 2008 in Beijing gesprochen.Es wird überall von der Olympiade 2008 in Beijing gesprochen.c)Auf der Konferenz wurde über die Entwicklung der Wirtschaft in China diskutiert.Es wurde auf der Konferenz über die Entwicklung der Wirtschaft in China diskutiert.d)Seit einigen Jahren wird immer mehr mit Handys telefoniert.Es wird seit einigen Jahren immer mehr mit Handys telefoniert.e)An eine schnelle Lösung dieses Problems wird nicht geglaubt.Es wird an eine schnelle Lösung dieses Problems nicht geglaubt.f)In einigen Restaurants wird noch schrecklich viel geraucht.Es wird in einigen Restaurants noch schrecklich viel geraucht.g)Am Wochenende wird oft bis in die tiefe Nacht gesurft und gechattet.Es wird am Wochenende oft bis in die tiefe Nacht gesurft und gechattet.h)In der Reportage wird über die Traumjobs der Schüler berichtet.Es wird in der Reportage über die Traumjobs der Schüler berichtet.Ü11a)In einer deutschen Schulklasse wurde über eine beliebte Fernsehserie diskutiert. →In einer deutschen Schulklasse diskutierte man über eine beliebte Fernsehserie. b)Gerade von Intellektuellen wird die Glotze oft abgelehnt.→Gerade Intellektuellen lehnen die Glotze oft ab.c)Ohne Fernseher unterhält man sich, mit (vom) Fernseher wird man unterhalten. →Ohne Fernseher unterhält man sich, der Fernseher unterhält einen.d)V om Fernseher wird die Kultur ins Haus gebraucht.→Der Fernseher bringt die Kultur ins Haus.e) Wird der Zuschauer (durch die TV-Nachrichten) nicht nur zum passiven,gedankenlosen Konsumenten von fremden Meinungen gemacht?→Machen die TV-Nachrichten die Zuschauer nicht nur zum passiven, gedankenlosen Konsumenten von fremden Meinungen?f) Zitiert wurde die Studie eines Forschungsinstituts in Niedersachsen.→Man zitierte die Studie eines Forschungsinstituts in Niedersachsen.g)Es wird nicht ausgewählt oder überlegt, bevor das Gerät eingeschaltet wird.→Man wählt nicht aus und überlegt nicht, bevor man das Gerät einschaltet.h)Die Wissenschaftlerin schlägt vor, dass in den Familien das Programmbesprochen wird.→Die Wissenschaftlerin schlägt vor, dass man in den Familien das Programm bespricht.Lektion 13TexteÜ2Fremdwörter wie z.B.Telekommunikation, Revolution, Kommunikation, Display sind den Studenten wahrscheinlich aus dem Englischen bekannt. Ebenso das schon lange eingedeutschte Wort Qualität.Ü41. Um 1870 ist das Telefon erfunden worden.1992 ist die SMS erfunden worden.Ende des letzten Jahrhunderts sind Mobiltelefon, E-Mail und Internet erfunden worden.2. A: Durch die SMS ist die deutsche Sprache um viele Abkürzungen undformelhafte Wendungen reicher geworden.B: F rüher ist vielleicht besser geschrieben worden, als man noch mit der Feder seine Gedanken zu Papier brachte und nicht mit Tasten aufs Display.Ü6b) …Antworte schnell“c) …Kannst du tanzen?“e)◆Bist Du noch wach? Ich bin so einsam.◇Was zum Teuel willst du?◆Ich muss mit dir reden. Ich hab dich lieb.◇(O.k. Reden wir über unser Problem.) Ich bin nur ein wenig sauer. Ich warte auf dich.◆(Das ist nett von dir.) Bis bald.Ü71):-D kann da nur/muss lachen.2)>:'-( muss weinen.3)(:-... habe Liebeskummer4):-)) bin sehr glücklich5):-/ bin skeptisch6):-( bin traurig7) :-] lächle./Nett!8)>:-( bin wütendÜ8a) :-f grinse da nur ironisch./Quatsch!b) |-) muss da kichern./Komisch!c) :-( bin traurigd):-o bin erstauntB-] finde das cool. / stark.e)%-\ bin müde(:-) bin überrascht. Du bist wirklich schlau.f)(:-) bin überrascht./ :-o bin erstaunt:-)) bin sehr glücklich.g):-D kann da nur/muss lachen. Die Typen vor mir und neben mir haben nämlich ...h)%-( bin verwirrt.Ü111.In diesem Telefongespräch geht es um das Problem mit dem Intranet der FirmaSinoGerm.2.SinoGerm ist eine junge Firma. Da hofft Herr Bode noch auf andere Aufträge/guteGeschäftskontakte.3.Wegen des Zeitunterschieds zwischen China und Deutschland will Herr Bodenicht gleich angerufen werden, weil er nicht aufgeweckt werden möchte.T3/1Die richtige Reihenfolge:1.SGG-Intranet-Installation erst nächste Woche. Techniker sind schon beiV orbereitungen. Frage: Funktionieren der Anlage soll von uns überprüft und schriftlich garantiert werden. Können das die Techniker machen? Müller2.Nein, zu wichtig. Fliegen Sie selbst. Bode3.Noch ein Problem: Frau Gao kann nicht mitkommen, Sohn krank. V on wem sollgedolmetscht werden? Müller4.Gute Erfahrungen mit privatem Dolmetschbüro ABC-Service - unter Wu Dalongim Adressbuch. Herrn Wu fragen, ob ABC-Fachdolmetscher nach Guangzhou geschickt werden kann. Bode5.SGG-Angelegenheit perfekt. Noch schöne Tage in Deutschland. Müller6.Danke. Gruß an alle. BodeÜ131.Eine Anlage sollte noch heute installiert werden.2.Kann das Problem von einem Techniker gelöst werden?3.V on Frau Gao kann nicht gedolmetscht werden.4.Das Funktionieren muss (von einem Techniker) garantiert werden.T3/2Die richtige Reihenfolge:1.Hallo, Max. Mein Internet spielt verrückt, kommt meistens zu langsam, manchmalgar nicht. Muss sofort repariert werden. Lebenswichtig! Help, help, help! Maria2.Bin gleich da. CU Max3.Super! Mein Held, mein Retter! Überlege mir schon Belohnung. HDL Maria4.Was heißt bei dir GLEICH? Maria5.STIMST. Max6.Seit zwei Stunden? Maria7.Kam noch was dazwischen. Kann ich dir erklären. Max8.Na, hoffentlich! Übrigens: Internet funktioniert wieder.Fragen:Ihr wird nicht geholfen. Max kommt zu spät. Am Ende hat sich das Problem von selbst gelöst. Maria ist sauer, weil Max nicht kam. Aber Max ist ärgert sich vielleicht noch mehr, weil seine Hilfe gar nicht nötig war.Ü14/4 Seine alte Freundin Beate hat ihn angerufen und hat von ihrem Liebeskummer erzählt. Deswegen ist Max zu spät von zu Hause weggefahren.WörterÜ11.zufriedenunzufrieden, unglücklich, traurig, weinttraurig, ernstärgert ...sich ...2.stinksauer, wütend3.grinsen (D), lächeln (B), kichern (C), lachen (A)Ü2 Mögliche Lösungena)Sie ist traurig.b)Sie ist glücklich. Sie weint./Sie ärgert sich sehr.c)Da muss sie lachen.... findet das gar nicht lustig./... ist ziemlich sauer.d)Sie ist glücklich.Da ärgert sie sich./Da ist sie traurig.e)Sie ist glücklich.Da ist sie stinksauer.f)Gu Hong muss kichern/grinst.g)Die Eltern lächeln... Aber Karin ist sauer/ärgert sich.Ü4Ü6a)vierjährigenb)vierteljährlichc)halbstündigend)viertelstündliche)achtstündigen, täglichf)dreiwöchigen, wöchentlich Ü7ein höflicher Manneine sparsame Hausfrau ein wunderbares Gemälde ein lustiger Trickfilm eine herzliche Begrüßung ein langhaariges Mädchen ein typisches Beispielein persönliches Gesprächeine unnatürliche Farbeein hässliches Hauseine traurige Geschichteein langweiliges Programmeine phonetische Übungeine aufmerksame Schülerin GrammatikÜ1Das Passiv im Perfekt und Plusquamperfekt wird gebildet:_Form von sein___ + ___Partizip II____ + _____worden_____Ü3Was hat man gemacht, bevor das Telefon erfunden worden ist? Man hat mit der Hand Briefe geschrieben und die sind dann mit Postkutschen, später mit der Bahn transportiert worden. Die Erfindung des Telefons ist dann eine echte technische Revolution gewesen. Aber für das Leben heute sind noch wichtiger das Mailen und das Simsen geworden. Ein Tastendruck - und schon ist eine Nachricht gesendet worden. Wenn von Reportern am anderen Ende der Welt etwas berichtet worden ist, kann man es schon nach Sekunden im Internet lesen. Die Kommunikation ist also viel einfacher geworden, aber die Nachrichten sind leider nicht immer besser geworden. Ü4a) Die Umfrage ist von der Stadtverwaltung veranstaltet worden.b) Das Neujahrsfest ist durch den Firmenvorstand organisiert worden.。
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Defuzzification is the process of turning fuzzy output values into 'crisp' output values. In most cases this means combining several fuzzy output values (such as zero slow medium fast) to determine an output value (eg: speed in meters per
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SmaartLive 5是一套双信道,采用FFT数学运算转换为基础的量测软件,它可以实时分析音场频谱设备,或是声音档案的相位、时间等工具,也可遥控调整有支持软件的喇叭处理器,算是在数字软件仪表里,属于便宜又准确的东东。
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S A N D P I P E R P U M P.C O MWarren Rupp, Inc. • A Unit of IDEX Corporation 800 N. Main St., Mansfield, Ohio 44902 USA Telephone 419.524.8388 • Fax 419.522.78675 YEAR LIMITED PRODUCT WARRANTY5 Year Guarantee for defects in material or workmanship. See /content/warranty-certificationsfor complete warranty, including terms and conditions, limitations and E ONLY GENUINE SANDPIPER PARTS All certification, standards, guarantees & warrantiesoriginally supplied with this pump will be invalidated by the use of service parts not identified as “Genuine SANDPIPER Parts.”SUCTION / DISCHARGE PORT SIZE • 1/2” NPT (Internal) or 1/2” BSP (Tapered)• 1” NPT (External) or 1” BSP (Tapered)CAPACITY• 0 to 14 GPM (0 to 52 LPM)AIR DISTRIBUTION VALVE • No-lube, no-stall design SOLIDS-HANDLING • Up to .125 in. (3mm)HEADS UP TO• 100 psi or 231 ft. of water (7 bar or 70 meters)MAXIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE • 100 psi (7 bar)DISPLACEMENT/STROKE • .026 Gallon / .098 liter WEIGHTS• Polypropylene 16 lbs. (8kg)• PVDF 18 lbs. (9kgDIMENSIONSS05 NON-METALLIC PUMPTECHNICAL DATA SHEETPERFORMANCEISO 9001 Certified I SO 14001 CertifiedII IISTANDARD DUTY BALL VALVE PUMPSOffering the widest range of performance and application capabilitiesSERIES11.5429310.11257A.0725.451389.792491.38353.07781.75441.481.75446.56167SUCTION PORT1/2" FNPT (INTERNAL)1" MNPT (EXTERNAL)DISCHARGE PORT 1/2" FNPT (INTERNAL)1" MNPT (EXTERNAL)MANIFOLD CAN ROTATE 90FROM VERTICAL CENTERLINEINTEGRAL MUFFLERAIR INLET 1/4 FNPT3.63926.561674X .369SUCTION PORT1/2" FNPT (INTERNAL)1" MNPT (EXTERNAL)STANDARD INTEGRAL MUFFLERMTG. SLOTPerformance based on water at ambient temperature.468101214162CAPACITYGPM LPM100806040201020304050600B RP IH E A D12345670302025101559.167.634.51.5N P S H RF e e tM e t e r s AIR CONSUMPTION IN SCFM AIR PRESSURE IN PSI2 (4)4 (7)6 (10)8 (14)16 (27)Air I n le tP re s s ure14 (24)12 (20)10 (17)100 PS I (6.8 B a r )80P S I (5.44 Ba r )60 PS I (4.08 B ar)40 P SI(2.72B a r )20 P SI (1.36B a r )S A N D P I P E R P U M P.C O MWarren Rupp, Inc. • A Unit of IDEX Corporation 800 N. Main St., Mansfield, Ohio 44902 USA Telephone 419.524.8388 • Fax 419.522.7867S XX X X X X X X X X X XXModel #: S __ ____ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ____(fill in frompump nameplate)Your Model #: Pump Pump Check Design Wetted Diaphragm/ Check Valve Non-Wetted Porting Pump Pump KitConfig. Size Valve Level Material Check Valve Seat Material Options Style Options OptionsMaterial Profile:Operating Temperatures:Max.Min.CONDUCTIVE ACETAL: Tough, impact resistant, ductile. Good abrasion resistance and low friction surface. Generally inert, with good chemical resistance except for strong acids and oxidizing agents.190°F 88°C-20°F -29°CEPDM: Shows very good water and chemical resistance. Has poor resistance to oils and solvents, but is fair in ketones and alcohols.280°F 138°C -40°F -40°C F KM (FLUOROCARBON): Shows good resistance to a wide range of oils and solvents; especially all aliphatic, aromatic and halogenated hydrocarbons, acids, animal and vegetable oils. Hot water or hot aqueous solutions (over 70°F(21°C)) will attack FKM.350°F 177°C-40°F -40°CHYTREL ®: Good on acids, bases, amines and glycols at room temperatures only.220°F 104°C -20°F -29°C NEOPRENE: All purpose. Resistance to vegetable oils. Gener-ally not affected by moderate chemicals, fats, greases and many oils and solvents. Generally attacked by strong oxidizing acids, ketones, esters and nitro hydrocarbons and chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons.200°F 93°C-10°F -23°CNITRILE: General purpose, oil-resistant. Shows good solvent, oil, water and hydraulic fluid resistance. Should not be used with highly polar solvents like acetone and MEK, ozone, chlorinated hydrocarbons and nitro hydrocarbons.190°F 88°C -10°F -23°CNYLON: 6/6 High strength and toughness over a wide tem-perature range. Moderate to good resistance to fuels, oils and chemicals.180°F 82°C 32°F 0°CPOLYPROPYLENE: A thermoplastic polymer. Moderate tensile and flex strength. Resists stong acids and alkali. Attacked by chlorine, fuming nitric acid and other strong oxidizing agents.180°F 82°C 32°F 0°C PVDF: (Polyvinylidene Fluoride) A durable fluoroplastic with excellent chemical resistance. Excellent for UV applications. High tensile strength and impact resistance.250°F 121°C 0°F -18°C SANTOPRENE ®: Injection molded thermoplastic elastomer with no fabric layer. Long mechanical flex life. Excellent abrasion resistance.275°F 135°C -40°F -40°C UHMW PE: A thermoplastic that is highly resistant to a broad range of chemicals. Exhibits outstanding abrasion and impact resistance, along with environmental stress-cracking resistance.180°F 82°C -35°F -37°C URETHANE: Shows good resistance to abrasives. Has poor resistance to most solvents and oils.150°F 66°C 32°F 0°C VIRGIN PTFE: (PFA/TFE) Chemically inert, virtually impervious. Very few chemicals are known to chemically react with PTFE; molten alkali metals, turbulent liquid or gaseous fluorine and a few fluoro-chemicals such as chlorine trifluoride or oxygen difluoride which readily liberate free fluorine at elevated temperatures.220°F 104°C-35°F -37°CMaximum and Minimum Temperatures are the limits for which these materials can be operated. Temperatures coupled with pressure affect the longevity of diaphragm pump components. Maximum life should not be expected at the extreme limits of the temperature ranges.Metals:ALLOY C: Equal to ASTM494 CW-12M-1 specification for nickel and nickel alloy.STAINLESS STEEL: Equal to or exceeding ASTM specification A743 CF-8M for corro-sion resistant iron chromium, iron chromium nickel and nickel based alloy castings for general applications. Commonly referred to as 316 Stainless Steel in the pump industry.CAUTION! Operating temperature limitations are as follows:EXPLANATION OF PUMP NOMENCLATUREPUMP BRANDS SANDPIPER ®PUMP SIZE 05 1/2”CHECK VALVE TYPE B Soilid Ball DESIGN LEVEL 2 Design Level WETTED MATERIAL K PVDF N NylonP PolypropyleneC Conductive Polypropylene V Conductive PVDFDIAPHRAGM/CHECK VALVE MATERIALS 1 Santoprene/Santoprene 2 Virgin PTFE/Santoprene Backup/Virgin PTFE B Nitrile/NitrileU Polyurethane/Polyurethane Z One-Piece Bonded/PTFE CHECK VALVE SEAT S Stainless Steel T Virgin PTFEMATERIALSNON-WETTED MATERIAL OPTIONSP Polypropylene1 Polypropylene w/PTFE Coated HardwareC Conductive Polypropylene PORTING OPTIONS N NPT ThreadsB BSP (Tapered) Threads 1 Dual Porting (NPT) 2 Top Dual Porting (NPT) 3 Bottom Dual Porting (NPT) 4 Dual Porting (BSP Tapered) 5 Top Dual Porting (BSP Tapered) 6 Bottom Dual Porting (BSP Tapered)PUMP STYLE S Standard I Inline Porting NPT Threads PUMP OPTIONS 0 None6 Metal Muffler KIT OPTIONS 00. NoneP0. 10.30VDC Pulse Output Kit P1. Intrinsically-Safe 5.30VDC, 110/120VAC 220/240 VAC Pulse Output KitP2. 110/120 or 220/240VAC Pulse Output KitE0. Solenoid Kit with 24VDC Coil E1. Solenoid Kit with 24VDC Explosion-Proof CoilE2. Solenoid Kit with 24VAC/12VDC Coil E3. Solenoid Kit with 12VDC Explosion-Proof CoilE4. Solenoid Kit with 110VAC Coil E5. Solenoid Kit with 110VAC Explosion-Proof CoilE6. Solenoid Kit with 220VAC Coil E7. Solenoid Kit with 220VAC Explosion-Proof CoilE8. Solenoid Kit with 110VAC, 50 Hz Explosion-Proof CoilE9. Solenoid Kit with 230VAC, 50 Hz Explosion-Proof Coil SP . Stroke Indicator PinsA1. Solenoid Kit with 12 VDC ATEX Compliant CoilA2. Solenoid Kit with 24 VDC ATEX Compliant CoilA3. Solenoid Kit with 110/120 VAC 50/60 Hz ATEX Compliant Coil A4. Solenoid Kit with 220/240 VAC 50/60 Hz ATEX Compliant CoilNOTE: See service manual for ATEX details.SP_DS_TemplateDataSheet_0817II 2II 2。
/usr partition :不小于10 MB (pam, cmm安装容量)
/var partition :不小于10 MB (S-NUMEN安装包)
/kernel/misc, /kernel/misc/sparcv9:不小于1 MB
Manager System
操作系统: MS Windows 2000以上的版本
Kernel-2.6.9-5.EL, 2.6.9-11.EL,
2.6.9-22.EL, 2.6.9-34.EL
I386, AMD64,
Kernel-2.6.9-5.EL, 2.6.9-11.EL,
Hancom 20
I386, i686
Wow 7.3 (paran2)
I386, i686
Wow 7.1
I386, i686
I386, i686
Caldera OpenLinux 311
CPU :不低于Pentium-III 500 MHz
3GPP TS 36.331 V13.2.0 (2016-06)
3GPP TS 36.331 V13.2.0 (2016-06)Technical Specification3rd Generation Partnership Project;Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network;Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);Radio Resource Control (RRC);Protocol specification(Release 13)The present document has been developed within the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP TM) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP. The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP Organizational Partners and shall not be implemented.This Specification is provided for future development work within 3GPP only. The Organizational Partners accept no liability for any use of this Specification. Specifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPP TM system should be obtained via the 3GPP Organizational Partners' Publications Offices.KeywordsUMTS, radio3GPPPostal address3GPP support office address650 Route des Lucioles - Sophia AntipolisValbonne - FRANCETel.: +33 4 92 94 42 00 Fax: +33 4 93 65 47 16InternetCopyright NotificationNo part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission.The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media.© 2016, 3GPP Organizational Partners (ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TSDSI, TTA, TTC).All rights reserved.UMTS™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its members3GPP™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Organizational PartnersLTE™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI currently being registered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Organizational Partners GSM® and the GSM logo are registered and owned by the GSM AssociationBluetooth® is a Trade Mark of the Bluetooth SIG registered for the benefit of its membersContentsForeword (18)1Scope (19)2References (19)3Definitions, symbols and abbreviations (22)3.1Definitions (22)3.2Abbreviations (24)4General (27)4.1Introduction (27)4.2Architecture (28)4.2.1UE states and state transitions including inter RAT (28)4.2.2Signalling radio bearers (29)4.3Services (30)4.3.1Services provided to upper layers (30)4.3.2Services expected from lower layers (30)4.4Functions (30)5Procedures (32)5.1General (32)5.1.1Introduction (32)5.1.2General requirements (32)5.2System information (33)5.2.1Introduction (33) (33) (34) Scheduling for NB-IoT (34) information validity and notification of changes (35) of ETWS notification (36) of CMAS notification (37) of EAB parameters change (37) Barring parameters change in NB-IoT (37)5.2.2System information acquisition (38) (38) (38) information required by the UE (38) information acquisition by the UE (39) system information missing (42) upon reception of the MasterInformationBlock message (42) upon reception of the SystemInformationBlockType1 message (42) upon reception of SystemInformation messages (44) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType2 (44) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType3 (45) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType4 (45) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType5 (45) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType6 (45) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType7 (45) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType8 (45) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType9 (46) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType10 (46) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType11 (46) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType12 (47) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType13 (48) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType14 (48) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType15 (48) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType16 (48) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType17 (48) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType18 (48) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType19 (49)5.2.3Acquisition of an SI message (49)5.2.3a Acquisition of an SI message by BL UE or UE in CE or a NB-IoT UE (50)5.3Connection control (50)5.3.1Introduction (50) connection control (50) (52) RN security (53) mode mobility (53) control in NB-IoT (54)5.3.2Paging (55) (55) (55) of the Paging message by the UE (55)5.3.3RRC connection establishment (56) (56) Conditions for establishing RRC Connection for sidelink communication/ discovery (58) (59) related to transmission of RRCConnectionRequest message (63) Actions related to transmission of RRCConnectionResumeRequest message (64) of the RRCConnectionSetup by the UE (64) Reception of the RRCConnectionResume by the UE (66) re-selection while T300, T302, T303, T305, T306, or T308 is running (68) expiry (68), T303, T305, T306, or T308 expiry or stop (69) of the RRCConnectionReject by the UE (70) of RRC connection establishment (71) of SSAC related parameters (71) barring check (72) check (73) barring check for ACDC (73) Barring check for NB-IoT (74)5.3.4Initial security activation (75) (75) (76) of the SecurityModeCommand by the UE (76)5.3.5RRC connection reconfiguration (77) (77) (77) of an RRCConnectionReconfiguration not including the mobilityControlInfo by theUE (77) of an RRCConnectionReconfiguration including the mobilityControlInfo by the UE(handover) (79) failure (83) expiry (handover failure) (83) (84) T307 expiry (SCG change failure) (84) Configuration involving full configuration option (84)5.3.6Counter check (86) (86) (86) of the CounterCheck message by the UE (86)5.3.7RRC connection re-establishment (87) (87) (87) following cell selection while T311 is running (88) related to transmission of RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message (89) of the RRCConnectionReestablishment by the UE (89) expiry (91) expiry or selected cell no longer suitable (91) of RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject by the UE (91)5.3.8RRC connection release (92) (92) (92) of the RRCConnectionRelease by the UE (92) expiry (93)5.3.9RRC connection release requested by upper layers (93) (93) (93)5.3.10Radio resource configuration (93) (93) addition/ modification (94) release (95) addition/ modification (95) specific DRB addition or reconfiguration (96) specific DRB addition or reconfiguration (98) specific DRB addition or reconfiguration (98) SCell release (99) SCell addition/ modification (99) PSCell addition or modification (99) main reconfiguration (99) scheduling reconfiguration (100) channel reconfiguration (100) Link Failure Timers and Constants reconfiguration (101) domain measurement resource restriction for serving cell (101) configuration (102) reconfiguration (103) dedicated resource configuration (104) SCG or split DRB by drb-ToAddModList (105) cell information reconfiguration (105) (105) dedicated configuration (105) expiry (106)5.3.11Radio link failure related actions (107) of physical layer problems in RRC_CONNECTED (107) of physical layer problems (107) of radio link failure (107)5.3.12UE actions upon leaving RRC_CONNECTED (109)5.3.13UE actions upon PUCCH/ SRS release request (110)5.3.14Proximity indication (110) (110) (111) related to transmission of ProximityIndication message (111)5.3.15Void (111)5.4Inter-RAT mobility (111)5.4.1Introduction (111)5.4.2Handover to E-UTRA (112) (112) (112) of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration by the UE (112) failure (114) expiry (handover to E-UTRA failure) (114)5.4.3Mobility from E-UTRA (114) (114) (115) of the MobilityFromEUTRACommand by the UE (115) completion of the mobility from E-UTRA (116) from E-UTRA failure (117)5.4.4Handover from E-UTRA preparation request (CDMA2000) (117) (117) (118) of the HandoverFromEUTRAPreparationRequest by the UE (118)5.4.5UL handover preparation transfer (CDMA2000) (118) (118) (118) related to transmission of the ULHandoverPreparationTransfer message (119) to deliver the ULHandoverPreparationTransfer message (119)5.4.6Inter-RAT cell change order to E-UTRAN (119) (119) (119) fails to complete an inter-RAT cell change order (119)5.5Measurements (120)5.5.1Introduction (120)5.5.2Measurement configuration (121) (121) identity removal (122) Measurement identity autonomous removal (122) identity addition/ modification (123) object removal (124) object addition/ modification (124) configuration removal (126) configuration addition/ modification (127) configuration (127) gap configuration (127) signals measurement timing configuration (128) measurement timing configuration (128)5.5.3Performing measurements (128) (128) 3 filtering (131)5.5.4Measurement report triggering (131) (131) A1 (Serving becomes better than threshold) (135) A2 (Serving becomes worse than threshold) (136) A3 (Neighbour becomes offset better than PCell/ PSCell) (136) A4 (Neighbour becomes better than threshold) (137) A5 (PCell/ PSCell becomes worse than threshold1 and neighbour becomes better thanthreshold2) (138) Event A6 (Neighbour becomes offset better than SCell) (139) B1 (Inter RAT neighbour becomes better than threshold) (139) B2 (PCell becomes worse than threshold1 and inter RAT neighbour becomes better thanthreshold2) (140) C1 (CSI-RS resource becomes better than threshold) (141) C2 (CSI-RS resource becomes offset better than reference CSI-RS resource) (141) W1 (WLAN becomes better than a threshold) (142) W2 (All WLAN inside WLAN mobility set becomes worse than threshold1 and a WLANoutside WLAN mobility set becomes better than threshold2) (142) W3 (All WLAN inside WLAN mobility set becomes worse than a threshold) (143)5.5.5Measurement reporting (144)5.5.6Measurement related actions (148) upon handover and re-establishment (148) dependant scaling of measurement related parameters (149)5.5.7Inter-frequency RSTD measurement indication (149) (149) (150) related to transmission of InterFreqRSTDMeasurementIndication message (150)5.6Other (150)5.6.0General (150)5.6.1DL information transfer (151) (151) (151) of the DLInformationTransfer by the UE (151)5.6.2UL information transfer (151) (151) (151) related to transmission of ULInformationTransfer message (152) to deliver ULInformationTransfer message (152)5.6.3UE capability transfer (152) (152) (153) of the UECapabilityEnquiry by the UE (153)5.6.4CSFB to 1x Parameter transfer (157) (157) (157) related to transmission of CSFBParametersRequestCDMA2000 message (157) of the CSFBParametersResponseCDMA2000 message (157)5.6.5UE Information (158) (158) (158) of the UEInformationRequest message (158)5.6.6 Logged Measurement Configuration (159) (159) (160) of the LoggedMeasurementConfiguration by the UE (160) expiry (160)5.6.7 Release of Logged Measurement Configuration (160) (160) (160)5.6.8 Measurements logging (161) (161) (161)5.6.9In-device coexistence indication (163) (163) (164) related to transmission of InDeviceCoexIndication message (164)5.6.10UE Assistance Information (165) (165) (166) related to transmission of UEAssistanceInformation message (166)5.6.11 Mobility history information (166) (166) (166)5.6.12RAN-assisted WLAN interworking (167) (167) WLAN offload configuration (167) offload RAN evaluation (167) expiry or stop (167) selection/ re-selection while T350 is running (168)5.6.13SCG failure information (168) (168) (168) related to transmission of SCGFailureInformation message (168)5.6.14LTE-WLAN Aggregation (169) (169) of LWA configuration (169) of LWA configuration (170)5.6.15WLAN connection management (170) (170) connection status reporting (170) (170) (171) related to transmission of WLANConnectionStatusReport message (171) Expiry (WLAN connection attempt timeout) (171) status monitoring (171)5.6.16RAN controlled LTE-WLAN interworking (172) (172) traffic steering command (172)5.6.17LTE-WLAN aggregation with IPsec tunnel (173) (173)5.7Generic error handling (174)5.7.1General (174)5.7.2ASN.1 violation or encoding error (174)5.7.3Field set to a not comprehended value (174)5.7.4Mandatory field missing (174)5.7.5Not comprehended field (176)5.8MBMS (176)5.8.1Introduction (176) (176) (176) information validity and notification of changes (176)5.8.2MCCH information acquisition (178) (178) (178) information acquisition by the UE (178) upon reception of the MBSFNAreaConfiguration message (178) upon reception of the MBMSCountingRequest message (179)5.8.3MBMS PTM radio bearer configuration (179) (179) (179) establishment (179) release (179)5.8.4MBMS Counting Procedure (179) (179) (180) of the MBMSCountingRequest message by the UE (180)5.8.5MBMS interest indication (181) (181) (181) MBMS frequencies of interest (182) related to transmission of MBMSInterestIndication message (183)5.8a SC-PTM (183)5.8a.1Introduction (183)5.8a.1.1General (183)5.8a.1.2SC-MCCH scheduling (183)5.8a.1.3SC-MCCH information validity and notification of changes (183)5.8a.1.4Procedures (184)5.8a.2SC-MCCH information acquisition (184)5.8a.2.1General (184)5.8a.2.2Initiation (184)5.8a.2.3SC-MCCH information acquisition by the UE (184)5.8a.2.4Actions upon reception of the SCPTMConfiguration message (185)5.8a.3SC-PTM radio bearer configuration (185)5.8a.3.1General (185)5.8a.3.2Initiation (185)5.8a.3.3SC-MRB establishment (185)5.8a.3.4SC-MRB release (185)5.9RN procedures (186)5.9.1RN reconfiguration (186) (186) (186) of the RNReconfiguration by the RN (186)5.10Sidelink (186)5.10.1Introduction (186)5.10.1a Conditions for sidelink communication operation (187)5.10.2Sidelink UE information (188) (188) (189) related to transmission of SidelinkUEInformation message (193)5.10.3Sidelink communication monitoring (195)5.10.6Sidelink discovery announcement (198)5.10.6a Sidelink discovery announcement pool selection (201)5.10.6b Sidelink discovery announcement reference carrier selection (201)5.10.7Sidelink synchronisation information transmission (202) (202) (203) of SLSS (204) of MasterInformationBlock-SL message (205) (206)5.10.8Sidelink synchronisation reference (206) (206) and reselection of synchronisation reference UE (SyncRef UE) (206)5.10.9Sidelink common control information (207) (207) related to reception of MasterInformationBlock-SL message (207)5.10.10Sidelink relay UE operation (207) (207) for relay related sidelink communication transmission by sidelink relay UE (207) for relay PS related sidelink discovery transmission by sidelink relay UE (208) relay UE threshold conditions (208)5.10.11Sidelink remote UE operation (208) (208) for relay related sidelink communication transmission by sidelink remote UE (208) for relay PS related sidelink discovery transmission by sidelink remote UE (209) and reselection of sidelink relay UE (209) remote UE threshold conditions (210)6Protocol data units, formats and parameters (tabular & ASN.1) (210)6.1General (210)6.2RRC messages (212)6.2.1General message structure (212)–EUTRA-RRC-Definitions (212)–BCCH-BCH-Message (212)–BCCH-DL-SCH-Message (212)–BCCH-DL-SCH-Message-BR (213)–MCCH-Message (213)–PCCH-Message (213)–DL-CCCH-Message (214)–DL-DCCH-Message (214)–UL-CCCH-Message (214)–UL-DCCH-Message (215)–SC-MCCH-Message (215)6.2.2Message definitions (216)–CounterCheck (216)–CounterCheckResponse (217)–CSFBParametersRequestCDMA2000 (217)–CSFBParametersResponseCDMA2000 (218)–DLInformationTransfer (218)–HandoverFromEUTRAPreparationRequest (CDMA2000) (219)–InDeviceCoexIndication (220)–InterFreqRSTDMeasurementIndication (222)–LoggedMeasurementConfiguration (223)–MasterInformationBlock (225)–MBMSCountingRequest (226)–MBMSCountingResponse (226)–MBMSInterestIndication (227)–MBSFNAreaConfiguration (228)–MeasurementReport (228)–MobilityFromEUTRACommand (229)–Paging (232)–ProximityIndication (233)–RNReconfiguration (234)–RNReconfigurationComplete (234)–RRCConnectionReconfiguration (235)–RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete (240)–RRCConnectionReestablishment (241)–RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete (241)–RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject (242)–RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest (243)–RRCConnectionReject (243)–RRCConnectionRelease (244)–RRCConnectionResume (248)–RRCConnectionResumeComplete (249)–RRCConnectionResumeRequest (250)–RRCConnectionRequest (250)–RRCConnectionSetup (251)–RRCConnectionSetupComplete (252)–SCGFailureInformation (253)–SCPTMConfiguration (254)–SecurityModeCommand (255)–SecurityModeComplete (255)–SecurityModeFailure (256)–SidelinkUEInformation (256)–SystemInformation (258)–SystemInformationBlockType1 (259)–UEAssistanceInformation (264)–UECapabilityEnquiry (265)–UECapabilityInformation (266)–UEInformationRequest (267)–UEInformationResponse (267)–ULHandoverPreparationTransfer (CDMA2000) (273)–ULInformationTransfer (274)–WLANConnectionStatusReport (274)6.3RRC information elements (275)6.3.1System information blocks (275)–SystemInformationBlockType2 (275)–SystemInformationBlockType3 (279)–SystemInformationBlockType4 (282)–SystemInformationBlockType5 (283)–SystemInformationBlockType6 (287)–SystemInformationBlockType7 (289)–SystemInformationBlockType8 (290)–SystemInformationBlockType9 (295)–SystemInformationBlockType10 (295)–SystemInformationBlockType11 (296)–SystemInformationBlockType12 (297)–SystemInformationBlockType13 (297)–SystemInformationBlockType14 (298)–SystemInformationBlockType15 (298)–SystemInformationBlockType16 (299)–SystemInformationBlockType17 (300)–SystemInformationBlockType18 (301)–SystemInformationBlockType19 (301)–SystemInformationBlockType20 (304)6.3.2Radio resource control information elements (304)–AntennaInfo (304)–AntennaInfoUL (306)–CQI-ReportConfig (307)–CQI-ReportPeriodicProcExtId (314)–CrossCarrierSchedulingConfig (314)–CSI-IM-Config (315)–CSI-IM-ConfigId (315)–CSI-RS-Config (317)–CSI-RS-ConfigEMIMO (318)–CSI-RS-ConfigNZP (319)–CSI-RS-ConfigNZPId (320)–CSI-RS-ConfigZP (321)–CSI-RS-ConfigZPId (321)–DMRS-Config (321)–DRB-Identity (322)–EPDCCH-Config (322)–EIMTA-MainConfig (324)–LogicalChannelConfig (325)–LWA-Configuration (326)–LWIP-Configuration (326)–RCLWI-Configuration (327)–MAC-MainConfig (327)–P-C-AndCBSR (332)–PDCCH-ConfigSCell (333)–PDCP-Config (334)–PDSCH-Config (337)–PDSCH-RE-MappingQCL-ConfigId (339)–PHICH-Config (339)–PhysicalConfigDedicated (339)–P-Max (344)–PRACH-Config (344)–PresenceAntennaPort1 (346)–PUCCH-Config (347)–PUSCH-Config (351)–RACH-ConfigCommon (355)–RACH-ConfigDedicated (357)–RadioResourceConfigCommon (358)–RadioResourceConfigDedicated (362)–RLC-Config (367)–RLF-TimersAndConstants (369)–RN-SubframeConfig (370)–SchedulingRequestConfig (371)–SoundingRS-UL-Config (372)–SPS-Config (375)–TDD-Config (376)–TimeAlignmentTimer (377)–TPC-PDCCH-Config (377)–TunnelConfigLWIP (378)–UplinkPowerControl (379)–WLAN-Id-List (382)–WLAN-MobilityConfig (382)6.3.3Security control information elements (382)–NextHopChainingCount (382)–SecurityAlgorithmConfig (383)–ShortMAC-I (383)6.3.4Mobility control information elements (383)–AdditionalSpectrumEmission (383)–ARFCN-ValueCDMA2000 (383)–ARFCN-ValueEUTRA (384)–ARFCN-ValueGERAN (384)–ARFCN-ValueUTRA (384)–BandclassCDMA2000 (384)–BandIndicatorGERAN (385)–CarrierFreqCDMA2000 (385)–CarrierFreqGERAN (385)–CellIndexList (387)–CellReselectionPriority (387)–CellSelectionInfoCE (387)–CellReselectionSubPriority (388)–CSFB-RegistrationParam1XRTT (388)–CellGlobalIdEUTRA (389)–CellGlobalIdUTRA (389)–CellGlobalIdGERAN (390)–CellGlobalIdCDMA2000 (390)–CellSelectionInfoNFreq (391)–CSG-Identity (391)–FreqBandIndicator (391)–MobilityControlInfo (391)–MobilityParametersCDMA2000 (1xRTT) (393)–MobilityStateParameters (394)–MultiBandInfoList (394)–NS-PmaxList (394)–PhysCellId (395)–PhysCellIdRange (395)–PhysCellIdRangeUTRA-FDDList (395)–PhysCellIdCDMA2000 (396)–PhysCellIdGERAN (396)–PhysCellIdUTRA-FDD (396)–PhysCellIdUTRA-TDD (396)–PLMN-Identity (397)–PLMN-IdentityList3 (397)–PreRegistrationInfoHRPD (397)–Q-QualMin (398)–Q-RxLevMin (398)–Q-OffsetRange (398)–Q-OffsetRangeInterRAT (399)–ReselectionThreshold (399)–ReselectionThresholdQ (399)–SCellIndex (399)–ServCellIndex (400)–SpeedStateScaleFactors (400)–SystemInfoListGERAN (400)–SystemTimeInfoCDMA2000 (401)–TrackingAreaCode (401)–T-Reselection (402)–T-ReselectionEUTRA-CE (402)6.3.5Measurement information elements (402)–AllowedMeasBandwidth (402)–CSI-RSRP-Range (402)–Hysteresis (402)–LocationInfo (403)–MBSFN-RSRQ-Range (403)–MeasConfig (404)–MeasDS-Config (405)–MeasGapConfig (406)–MeasId (407)–MeasIdToAddModList (407)–MeasObjectCDMA2000 (408)–MeasObjectEUTRA (408)–MeasObjectGERAN (412)–MeasObjectId (412)–MeasObjectToAddModList (412)–MeasObjectUTRA (413)–ReportConfigEUTRA (422)–ReportConfigId (425)–ReportConfigInterRAT (425)–ReportConfigToAddModList (428)–ReportInterval (429)–RSRP-Range (429)–RSRQ-Range (430)–RSRQ-Type (430)–RS-SINR-Range (430)–RSSI-Range-r13 (431)–TimeToTrigger (431)–UL-DelayConfig (431)–WLAN-CarrierInfo (431)–WLAN-RSSI-Range (432)–WLAN-Status (432)6.3.6Other information elements (433)–AbsoluteTimeInfo (433)–AreaConfiguration (433)–C-RNTI (433)–DedicatedInfoCDMA2000 (434)–DedicatedInfoNAS (434)–FilterCoefficient (434)–LoggingDuration (434)–LoggingInterval (435)–MeasSubframePattern (435)–MMEC (435)–NeighCellConfig (435)–OtherConfig (436)–RAND-CDMA2000 (1xRTT) (437)–RAT-Type (437)–ResumeIdentity (437)–RRC-TransactionIdentifier (438)–S-TMSI (438)–TraceReference (438)–UE-CapabilityRAT-ContainerList (438)–UE-EUTRA-Capability (439)–UE-RadioPagingInfo (469)–UE-TimersAndConstants (469)–VisitedCellInfoList (470)–WLAN-OffloadConfig (470)6.3.7MBMS information elements (472)–MBMS-NotificationConfig (472)–MBMS-ServiceList (473)–MBSFN-AreaId (473)–MBSFN-AreaInfoList (473)–MBSFN-SubframeConfig (474)–PMCH-InfoList (475)6.3.7a SC-PTM information elements (476)–SC-MTCH-InfoList (476)–SCPTM-NeighbourCellList (478)6.3.8Sidelink information elements (478)–SL-CommConfig (478)–SL-CommResourcePool (479)–SL-CP-Len (480)–SL-DiscConfig (481)–SL-DiscResourcePool (483)–SL-DiscTxPowerInfo (485)–SL-GapConfig (485)。
Additel 761A自动高压测量仪说明书
Series Automated Pressure CalibratorsAdditel 761AAutomated and self-contained pressure generation and control to 1,000 psi ( 70 bar)Standard accuracy to 0.02%FSOptional precision accuracy models to 0.01%FSTwo removable internal pressure modules for multi-range selection Control stability to 0.003%FSPortable, designed for use in the field and in the lab Ability to measure two external pressure modules Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, USB and Ethernet communication HART and profibus communication Data logging and task managementPatented electric pump technology and improved speed OVERVIEWAt Additel, innovation and continuous improvement are part of our company's culture and the products we introduce. When we set out to deliver the Additel 761A series calibrators, we knew we needed to provide breakthrough improvements and additional value to the existing line of calibrators (Additel 761 series). The ADT761A has many improvements: increased pressure range to 1,000 psi (70 bar), removable internal pressure modules, optional precision models to 0.01%FS, increased speed to pressure, ability to read two external pressure modules, touch screen display, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Ethernet communications, double the original battery life, and more!Just like the first generation, this second generation product is completely self-contained and automated with a built-in pump for pressure generation and precision control technology. Simply set the desired pressure and watch the calibrator do thework.ADT761A-LLPThe Additel 761A-LLP is designed for low pressure calibration and comes with a ±30 inH2O (±75 mbar) high range module and a low range module of your choice ranging from ±20 inH2O to as low as ±0.25 inH2O (±50 to ±0.62 mbar). This unit has an accuracy of 0.05%FS with control stability better than 0.005%FS. All measurements can be made in differential or gaugepressures.ADT761A-DThe Additel 761A-D also provides differential and gauge measurement which covers the range of -13.5 to 35 psi (-0.95 to 2.5 bar). This unit comes with a CP35 module (-13.5 to 35 psi) and one low range module of your choice rangeing as low as ±10 inH2O (25 mbar). Each ADT761A-D can be preconfigured with the modules that fit your need to give you the best precision at the pressures you perform calibrations.ADT761A-500The Additel 761A-500 will generate and control from vacuum pressures upto 500 psig (35 bar.g). Both gauge and absolute pressures can be realizeddue to a built-in barometer. Each unit comes with a CP500 module (-13 to500 psig) for the high range and the low range can be preconfigured basedon the variety of modules available down to 10 psig (0.7 bar.g).ADT761A-1KThe Additel 761A-1K will generate and control from vacuum pressures up to 1,000 psig (70 bar.g). This unit can typically achieve 1,000 psi in less than 45 seconds. Like the ADT761A-500, both gauge and absolute pressures can be realized due to a built-in barometer. Each unit comes with a CP1K module (-13 to 1,000 psig) for the high range and the low range can be preconfigured based on the variety of modules available down to 30 psig (2 bar.g).ADT761A-APXR Precision Accuracy OptionsThe Additel 761A series includes a precision accuracy option whichprovides an accuracy of 0.01%FS. This calibrator option includes a singlenon-removable sensor and can measure absolute and gauge pressures.Model configurations are available from 15 to 1,000 psig (1 to 7 bar.g).ADT761A-BPThe Additel 761A-BP is designed for calibration of barometer sensors. Witha range of 100 to 1200 hPa and an accuracy of 0.01%FS, this unit is idealfor calibration on the bench or in the field.Pressure SpecificationsElectrical Specifications[1] One year accuracy (including 1 year stability). FS specification applies to the span of the module range.[2] Specification based on gauge measurement. An additional 60 pa uncertainty will need to be included when measuring in absolute mode. Applicable only for use with the ADT761A-500 and ADT761A-1K* Additel 761A calibrators support 160A series intelligent digital pressure modules that are available for gauge, vacuum and absolute pressure from -15 psi to 60,000 psi (-1 bar to 4200 bar). For detailed specifications refer to the 160A series pressure modules data sheet.Internal Module Specification and Compatibility[1] FS specification applies to the span of the module range. Accuracy includes one-year stability, except for DP025 to DP10 modules.[2] Accuracy is a 6 months spec, 1-year long-term drift is 0.2%FS.[3] Accuracy is a 6 months spec, 1-year long-term drift is 0.1%FS.[4] Accuracy is a 6 months spec, 1-year long-term drift is 0.05%FS.[5] Specification based on gauge measurement. An additional 60 pa uncertainty will need to be included when measuring in absolute mode.Applicable only for use with the ADT761A-500 and ADT761A-1KPressure gauge / transmitter / switch calibrationGeneral SpecificationsPressure RangeHigh-Range Pressure ModuleLow-Range Pressure Module Accuracy RangeAccuracyDP30: -75 to 75 mbar 0.05%FSUser selectable fromDP20 to DP025See Internal ModuleTable CP35: -0.95 to 2.5 bar 0.02%FSUser selectable from DP10 to CP30See Internal ModuleTable Task ManualHigh Pressure Automated CalibrationORDERING INFORMATIONModel NumberNPressure Range。
专四语法动词真题汇总2016年PART III LANGUAGE USAGE [10 MIN],___________.A.di.theyB.di.heC.didn'''s_____.A.hopeB.joyC.regretD.relief2015年''.yo..B.d.yo..C.wil.yo..D.won''"年'' .'.they..D.Everythin.i.ready.isn'.it?""年54. Which of the following sentences contains subjunctive mood? ______.A. Lucy insisted that her son get home before 5 o’clock?B. She used to drive to work, but now she takes the city metro.C. Walk straight ahead, and don't turn till the second traffic lights.D. Paul will cancel his flight if he cannot get his visa by Friday.58. All the following sentences definitely indicate future time EXCEPT ______.A. Mother is to have tea with Aunt Betty at four.B. The President is coming to the UN next week.C. The school pupils will be home by now.D. He is going to email me the necessary information.62. Which of the following is NOT an imperative sentence? ______.A.Let me drive you home, shall I?......B.You will mind your own business!e and have dinner with us. ......D.I wish you could stay behind. ‘63. If it ______ tomorrow, the match would be put off.A. were to rainB. was to rainC. was rainingD. had rained64. Which of the following sentences expresses a fact? ______.A. Mary and her son must be home by now.B.Careless reading must give poor results.C. It‟s getting late, and I must leave now.D. He must be working late at the office.65. The following are all dynamic verbs EXCEPT ______.A. remain.B. Turn.C. write.D. knock.2012年54. My boss ordered that the legal documents ____ to him before lunch.A. be sentB. were sentC. were to be sentD. must be sent55. Which of the following sentences expresses WILLINGNESS?A. B. Which of the following best explains the meaning of“Shall we buy the tickets first”?A. He said that we were going to buy the tickets first.B. He requested that we buy the tickets first.C. He suggested that we buy the tickets first.D. He advised us to buy the tickets first.63. A: Mother, you promised to take me out. B:年MAND?!’.forge.t.retur.i.t.Tim.____.?A.d.yo...B.wil.yo...C.don’.yo..D.won’’te.I’’’年52.Nancy''.stil.there.Sh.___.b.bus..A.mus.hav.gon... B.shoul.hav.gon..C.ough.t.hav.gon..'.sh.... D.wouldn'年''"年52. Had Judy been more careful on the maths exam, she ________ much better results When you have finished with that book, don't forget to put it back on my desk, ________?A.d.yo..B.don'.yo..C.wil.yo...D.won'.you60. They stood chatting together as easily and naturally as ________.A.i.coul.b..B.coul.b..C.i.wa..D.was61. The following are all correct responses to "Who told the news to the teacher?" In his plays Shakespeare ________ his characters live through their language.A.woul.mak..B.ha.mad..C.mad..D.makes65. Which of the following sentences expresses "probability"?A.Yo.mus.leav.immediately..B.Yo.mus.b.feelin.rathe.tired.C.Yo.mus.b.her.b.eigh.o'年' ain..C.remaine..D.i.remainin..53. You ________ borrow my notes provided you take care of them,' I told my If only the patient ________ a different treatment instead of using the antibiotics, he might still be alive now.A.ha.receive..B.receive..C.shoul.receiv..D.wer.receivin..55. Linda was ________ to experiment a month ago, but she changed her mind at the last She ________ fifty or so when I first met her at the conference.A.mus.b..B.ha.bee..C.coul.b..D.mus.hav.bee..58. The committee has anticipated the problems that ________ in the road construction project.A.aris..B.wil.aris..C.aros..D.hav.arise..59. The student said there were a few points in the essay he ________ impossible to comprehend.A.ha.foun..B.find..C.ha.foun..D.woul.fin..60. He would have finished his college education, but he ________ to quit and find a job to support his family.A.ha.ha..B.ha..C.ha..D.woul.hav..61. The research requires more money than ________.A.hav.bee.pu.i..B.ha.bee.pu.i..C.bein.pu.i..D.t.b.pu.i.63. It is not uncommon for there ________ problems of communication between the old and the young.A.bein..B.woul.b..C.b.D.t.b.64.________ at in his way, the situation does not seem so desperate.A.Looking.B.looke.C.Bein.looked.D.t.loo.65. It is absolutely essential that William ________ his study in spite of some learning difficulties.A.wil.continu..B.continue..C.continu..D.continue..2006年52. If only I ________ play the guitar as well as you!A.woul...B.coul..C.shoul..D.might54. It's high time we ________ cutting down the rain forests.A.stoppe..B.ha.t.sto...C.shal.sto.D.stop55. The student said there were a few points in the essay he ________ impossible to comprehend.A.ha.foun..B.wa.findin..C.ha.foun..D.woul.find56. Loudspeakers were fixed in the hall so that everyone ________ an opportunity to hear the I am surprised ________ this city is a dull place to live It is imperative that the government ________ more investment into the shipbuilding industry.A.attract.B.shal.attrac..C.attrac.D.ha.to63. There are only ten apples left in the baskets, ________ the spoilt' There used to be a petrol station near the park, ________?A.didn'.i..B.doesn'.ther..edn'.it..D.didn'.there2005年51. If you explained the situation to your solicitor, he ________ able to advise you much better than I can.A.woul.b.B.wil.hav.bee.C.wa.D.were54. James has just arrived, but I didn't know he ________ until ________ conscious of my moral obligations as a I went there in 1984, and that was the only occasion when I ________ the journey in exactly two days.A.mus.tak.B.mus.hav.mad.C.wa.abl.t.mak.D.coul.make60.'.hig.tim.w._______.stron.action.agains.him.A.betrayed…tak.B.ha.betrayed…too.C.ha.betrayed…too.D.ha.betrayed…take61. What's the chance of ________ a general election this year?A.ther.bein.B.ther.t.b..C.ther.b..D.ther.goin.t.be62. The meeting was put off because we ________ a meeting without John.A.objecte.havin.B.wer.objecte.t.havin.C.objecte.t.hav.D.objecte.t.having63. ________ you ________ further problems with your printer, contact your dealer for年42. ________, I'll marry him all the same.A.Wa.h.ric.o.poor.B.Whethe.ric.o.poor.C.Wer.h.ric.o.poor.D.B.h.ric.o.poor.44.________ if I had arrived yesterday without letting you know beforehand?A.Woul.yo.b.surprised....B.Wer.yo.surprised.C.Ha.yo.bee.surprised....D.Woul.yo.hav.bee.surprised.45. If not ________ with the respect he feels due to him, Jack gets very ill-tempered and grumbles all the time.A.bein.treate.B.treate. .b.treate. D.havin.bee.treated46. It is imperative that students ________ their term papers on time.A.han.i.B.woul.han.i.C.hav.t.han.i.D.hande.in48. The Minister of Finance is believed ________ of imposing new taxes to raise extra revenue.A.tha.h.i.thinkin.B.t.b.thinkin.C.tha.h.i.t.thin.D.t.think50.________ both sides accept the agreement ________ a lasting peace be established in this region.A.Onl.if.will.B.I.only.would.C.Should.will.D.Unless.would.51.年41. Agriculture is the country's chief source of wealth, wheat ________ by far the biggest cereal crop.A.i.B.bee.C.b.D.being42. Jack ________ from home for two days now, and I am beginning to worry about his safety.A.ha.bee.missin.B.ha.bee.misse.C.ha.bee.missin.D.wa.missed44. Who ________ was coming to see me in my office this afternoon? Time ________, the celebration will be held as scheduled.A.permi.B.permittin.C.permitte.D.permits53. She would have been more agreeable if she had changed a little bit, ________?A.hadn'.sh.B.hasn'.sh.C.wouldn'.sh.D.didn'.she2002年43. For some time now, world leaders ________ out the necessity for agreement on arms reduction.A.ha.bee.pointin.B.hav.bee.pointin.C.wer.pointin.D.pointed46. AIDS is said ________ the number-one killer of both men and women over the past few years in that region.A.bein.B.t.b.C.t.hav.bee.D.havin.been49. The experiment requires more money than ________.A.hav.bee.pu.i.B.bein.pu.i.C.ha.bee.pu.i.D.t.b.pu.in50. ________ for the fact that she broke her leg, she might have passed the'.i.been.C.Wa.i.not.D.Wer.i.not.51. "What courses are you going to do next semester?"".don''.abou.tim._______.o.something."A.I..decide.B..decided.C..decide.D.I..deciding.2001年42. Even as a girl, ________ to be her life, and theater audiences were to be her best teacher.A.performin.b.Meliss.wer..........B.i.wa.know.tha.Melissa'.performance.wereC.knowin.tha.Melissa'.performance.wer....D.Meliss.kne.tha.performin.was.43.' ________ is not a serious disadvantage in年41. Acute hearing helps most animals sense the approach of thunderstorm's long before people ________.A.d.B.hea.C.d.the.D.hearin.it44. Do help yourself to some fruit,________ you?A.can'....B.don'....C.wouldn'.D.won't45. There ________ nothing more for discussion, the meeting came to an end half an hour earlier.A.t.b...B.t.hav.bee.C.bein....D.be48.'.hav.tol.B.needn'.tel.C.mustn'.hav.tol.D.mustn'.tell49. All of us would have enjoyed the party much more if there ________ quite such a crowd of people there.A.weren'.B.hasn'.bee.C.hadn'.bee.D.wouldn'.be51. ________ at in this way, the present economic situation doesn't seem so gloomy.A.Looking.B.Looked.C.Havin.looked.D.T.look.。
细胞分裂周期蛋白42通过内皮-间充质转化参与动脉型肺动脉高压小鼠右心室纤维化*王晓彤1, 秦立龙2, 王寒黎2, 汪丽静2, 程玉生2△(1皖南医学院第一附属医院心功能科,安徽 芜湖241000;2皖南医学院第一附属医院呼吸与危重症医学科,安徽 芜湖241000)[摘要] 目的:探讨细胞分裂周期蛋白42(Cdc42)是否通过内皮-间充质转化(EndMT )参与动脉型肺动脉高压(PAH )小鼠右心纤维化。
方法:健康雄性C57BL/6小鼠(5~8周龄)18只,随机分成常氧对照(NC )组、PAH 模型[SU5416(血管内皮生长因子受体2抑制剂)+低氧,SuHx ]组和SuHx+ML141(Cdc42抑制剂)组,每组6只。
所有存活小鼠在4周后用异氟烷麻醉,行心脏超声检查及右心室收缩压(RVSP )监测,之后处死小鼠。
用HE 和Masson 染色观察小鼠右室心肌细胞改变及纤维化程度。
通过Western blot 检测小鼠心脏组织Cdc42表达水平及内皮细胞Cdc42和EndMT 相关蛋白[波形蛋白(vimentin )、α-平滑肌肌动蛋白(α-SMA )、血小板内皮细胞黏附分子1(PECAM -1/CD31)、血管内皮钙黏蛋白(VE -cadherin )和锌指蛋白Snail ]表达水平,同时用倒置显微镜观察各组内皮细胞形态。
结果:体内实验结果显示,与NC 组相比,SuHx 组小鼠心脏组织Cdc42表达水平显著升高(P <0.05);预防给予ML141(8 mg/kg )可降低小鼠RVSP ,增大三尖瓣环平面收缩期位移(TAPSE ),减轻心脏(尤其是血管旁)纤维化(P <0.01)。
体外实验结果显示,SuHx 组和低氧72 h 组小鼠心脏内皮细胞Cdc42表达水平显著升高,EndMT 增强,EndMT 相关蛋白vimentin 和α-SMA 的表达显著增加,CD31和VE -cadherin 的表达显著降低(P <0.05);预防给予ML141(10 µmol/L )后可缓解低氧72 h 诱导的EndMT 。
主な仕様商品名(型名)FE 200-600mm F5.6-6.3 G OSS(SEL200600G)焦点距離(mm)200-600焦点距離イメージ*1(mm)300-900レンズ群一枚17-24画角1*212°30'-4°10'画角2*28°-2°40'最短撮影距離*3(m)2.4最大撮影倍率(倍)0.2最小絞りF32-F36フィルター径(mm)95外形寸法(最大径×長さ)(約:mm)111.5×318質量(約:g)(三脚台座別)2,115手ブレ補正機能ありテレコンバーター(別売)との互換情報、装着時の主な仕様については専用サポートサイトでご確認ください。*1•撮像素子がAPS-Cサイズ相当のレンズ交換式デジタルカメラ装着時の35mm判換算値を表します。
Sennheiser 2000系列耳机说明书
Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KGAm Labor 1, 30900 Wedemark, Germany, Printed in Germany, Publ. 09/18, 575845/A012000 Series EM 2050 | EM 2000 | SK 2000 | SKM 2000Quick Guide | Kurzanleitung | Guide rapide | Guida rapida | Guía de inicio rápido | Guia rápido | Beknopte handleiding | Krótka instrukcja obsługi | Snabbguide |Kort vejledning | Pikaohje | Γρήγορος οδηγός | Kısa Kılavuz | Краткая инструкция | 快速指南 | | クイックガイド | |Setup2000 Series Instruction ManualsOn/OffBatterySetupDaisy chainingMenu806.125B.Ch: 01.010 MHz806.125B.Ch: 01.010 MHz806.125B.Ch: 01.010 MHz6.3 mmVOLUMEXLR-306826.3 mmORAUDIO OUTWSM0682Remote Network -> Sennheiser WSM/wsm0682RJ450682100 - 240 V ~ANTENNA AANTENNA B123BNC cableBNC cable806.125B.Ch: 01.010 MHzshort = on long = off100 %70 %30 %LOW BATTBattery status SK/SKM 2000543.200B.Ch: 20.64MUTEEQ:+ 12dB P -10040302010-20-30-40AFRFMHz**2000**SKM2000935SKM2000**2000**806.125 MHzMUTELow– 12dB -10040302010-20-30-40AFRFP 01.01 **2000**Soundcheck MUTE806.125 MHz-100-20-30-40AF40302010RFP440 Hz806.125 MHz MUTE-10040302010-20-30-40AFRF**2000**TransmitterSoundcheck Guitar Tuner806.125SKM2000 **2000**B.CH: 01.01MUTEEQ:P MHz-10040302010-20-30-40AFRF+12dB Auto lock MUTE Output gainEqualizersettingPilot RF levelFrequency bank and channelFrequencyNameTransmitter type Audio level TransmitterBatterySK/SKM 2000Receiver Headphone outputHeadphone volume control Infra-red interfaceJog dialDisplayStandby, ESCSync EM 2050SELECTNEXT PREVIOUSEM 2000806.1250AM 2≥ 0.50 m ≥ 19.685"≥ 1.00 m ≥ 39.37"Recommended remote antennas setup for best performanceMain menu …Menu“Squelch Easy SetupFrequency Preset Name AF Out Equalizer Auto Lock Advanced ExitExtended menu …Advanced Menu“TuneGuitar Tuner Sync Settings Pilot Tone Warnings LCD Contrast ResetIP-AddressSoftware Revision ExitSK Settings SKM Settings SKP Settings ExitSubmenu…Sync Settings“Submenu…SK Settings“, …SKMSettings“, …SKP Settings“Sensitivity Low Cut (SKM)Auto LockMute Mode (SK, SKP)RF PowerPhantomPower48V (SKP)Cable Emulation (SK)Exit…Warnings“AF-PeakLow RF Signal RF Mute TX Mute RX Mute Low Battery Exit…Easy Setup“Reset List Current List Scan New List ExitSennheiser Documentation Appor online at/download 2000 Series_2000 Series Instruction ManualsOperating elementsHome screensAuto lockOn/OffSetupSyncChanging settingsMenu806.1250806.1250806.1250806.1250806.125B.Ch: 01.01MUTEEQ:+ 12dBP -10040302010-20-30-40AF RF MHzTrue Diversity Receiver EM 2000**2000**SKM20000806.125B.Ch: 01.01MUTEEQ:+ 12dBP -10040302010-20-30-40AF RFMHzTrue Diversity Receiver EM 2000**2000**SKM200000ORSETESCdB– 36S e n s i t i v i t y– 12S e n s i t i v i t ydB Menu–12 dBS e n s i t i v i t ySET**2000**MHz 543.200MUTEP AF**2000**MHz 543.200MUTEP AFLockedUnlock?10 sON/OFF SETON/OFF SETmicrophone head3 pin SENameB.Ch: 20.64MUTEP AF**2000**Channel MHz543.200B.Ch: 20.64MUTEP AFFrequency **2000**MHz 543.200MUTE P AF**2000**MHz 543.200MUTEP AFFrequency NamePilotMUTEAudio levelTransmission Mode BatteryAuto lock SET UP DOWNON/OFF, ESCInfra-red interface LED: LOW BATT/ONON/OFF, ESCDOWN LED: LOW BATT/ONInfra-red interfaceMUTESETUPOR≤ 10 cm ≤ 3.94"short = on long = offonoffOFF**2000**MHz 543.200on off1212ORBA 20152x AA primary cells (alkali manganese)SKM 200012453100 %70%30 %LOW BATTSK 2000SKM 2000BA 20152x AA primary cells (alkali manganese)ORSK 2000Main menu …Menu“SensitivityFrequency Preset NameLow Cut (SKM)Auto Lock Advanced ExitExtended menu …Advanced Menu“TuneMute Mode (SK)RF PowerCable Emulation (SK)Pilot Tone LCD Contrast ResetSoftware Revision ExitSennheiser Documentation Appor online at/download 2000 Series_。
R3#sho ip b summBGP router identifier, local AS number 3BGP table version is 6, main routing table version 65 network entries using 585 bytes of memory5 path entries using 260 bytes of memory5/4 BGP path/bestpath attribute entries using 620 bytes of memory3 BGP AS-PATH entries using 72 bytes of memory0 BGP route-map cache entries using 0 bytes of memory0 BGP filter-list cache entries using 0 bytes of memoryBGP using 1537 total bytes of memoryBGP activity 5/0 prefixes, 5/0 paths, scan interval 60 secsNeighbor V AS MsgRcvd MsgSent TblVer InQ OutQ Up/Down State/PfxRcd13.1.1.1 4 1 19 22 6 0 0 00:14:13 4 12 18 22 6 0 0 00:14:10 4 4 18 18 6 0 0 00:14:16 1且在R3上可以看到从AS1和AS12学习来的BGP前缀。
用于在MIMO OFDM中进行时钟校正的方法和装置[发明专利]
专利名称:用于在MIMO OFDM中进行时钟校正的方法和装置
PreSonus 产品安全警告和说明书
PreSonus Safety Warnings and InstructionsElectrical information and warning symbols for PreSonus products are located on the rear electrical panel of the unit adjacent to the electrical plug or on the bottom of the unit along with other product compliance information.This lightning flash with arrowhead symbol within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of non-insulated “dangerous voltage” within the product’s enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock.WARNING: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT REMOVE COVER (OR BACK) AS THERE ARE NO USER-SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE. REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED PERSONNEL. The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance instructions in the literature accompanying the appliance.CAUTION: To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not expose this appliance to rain and moisture. Do not expose this device to dripping or splashing liquids and no object filled with liquids, such as vases, should be placed on the device.CAUTION: These service instructions are for use by qualified service personnel only. To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not perform any servicing other than that contained in the operation instructions. Qualified service personnel must perform repairs.1.Read these instructions.2.Keep these instructions.3.Heed all warnings.4.Follow all instructions.5.Do not use this device near water.6.Clean only with a dry cloth.7.Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.8.Do not install near any heat sources, such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other device (including amplifiers) that produce heat.9.Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or grounding-type plug. A polarized plug has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide blade and the third prong are provided for your safety. If the provided plug does not fit into your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet. 10.Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched, particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the device. e only attachments/accessories specified by PreSonus.e only with a cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table specified by the manufacturer or sold with this device. Use caution when moving a cart/device combination to avoid injury from tip-over.13.Unplug this device during lightning storms or when unused for long periods.14.Servicing is required when the device has been damaged in any way, such as if a power-supply cord or plug is damaged; or liquid is spilled, or objects have fallen into the device; or if the device has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has been dropped. All PreSonus products in the USA should be serviced at the PreSonus factory in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. If your PreSonus product requires a repair, contact support@ to arrange for a return authorization number. Customers outside the USAshould contact their local distributor. Your distributor’s contact information is available at .15.Protective grounding(earthing) terminal. The apparatus should be connected to a mains socket outlet with a protective grounding(earthing) connection.16.Where the Mains plug or an appliance coupler is used as the disconnect device, the disconnect device shall remain readily operable. 17.The use of apparatus is in moderate climates.18.Please allow 5cm around the apparatus for sufficient ventilation; the ventilation should not be impeded by covering the ventilation openings with items, such as newspapers, table-cloths, curtains, etc.Rackmounting•Use an equipment rack that is 19-inches wide (482.6 mm) and rated for the total weight of your equipment.•Use a minimum of (4) 10/32 threaded screws per rack mounted device.WARNING:Cancer and reproductive harm - PreSonus Compliance Information European Union (EU)The CE mark on this product indicates that the device is compliant with the EU Council Directives2014/35/EU Low Voltage Directive 2014/30/EU EMC Directive 2011/65/EU RoHS Recast EC 1907/2006 REAChFor a copy of a specific product DoC, contact PreSonus at support@.RoHS Recast Directive 2011/65/EU REACh Directive EC1907/206WEEE This symbol on this product or its packaging indicates that this product must not be disposed of with other waste. Instead, it is your responsibility to dispose of your waste equipment by handing it over to a designated collection point for the recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment. The separate collection and recycling of your waste equipment at the time of disposal will help conserve natural resources and ensure that it is recycled in a manner that protects human health and the environment. For more information about where you can drop off your waste equipment for recycling, please contact your local city recycling office or the dealer from whom you purchased the product.Radio and Television InterferenceIf these symbols are marked on the product, the device complies as follows:Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.USA: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy, and, if not installedin accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator& your body.This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.CAUTION: Changes or modifications to this device not expressly approved by PreSonus Audio Electronics could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment under FCC rules.Australian Compliance: This equipment complies with Radio communication Devices Notice 2003; or Radio communication Labeling (Electromagnetic Compatibility) Notice 2008; or Radio communication (Compliance Labeling Electromagnetic Radiation) Labeling Notice 2003.IC WARNINGIC RSS warning: This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard (s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference,including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only operate using an antenna of a type and maximum (or lesser) gain approved for the transmitter by Industry Canada. To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that, the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that necessary for successful communication.This radio transmitter (identify the device by certifcation number, or model number if Category II) has been approved by Industry Canada to operate with the antenna types listed below with the maximum permissible gain and required antenna impedance for each antenna type indicated. Antenna types not included in this list, having a gain greater than the maximum gain indicated for that type, are strictly prohibited for use with this device.IC Radiation Exposure Statement:This equipment complies with IC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.ICES003: This CAN ICES3 (B)/NMB3(B) digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES003.PreSonus Health, Safety, and Compliance GuideClass BPreSonus Health, Safety, and Compliance GuideClass B®PreSonus Health, Safety, and Compliance Guide. Part# 70-00000013-C © 2018 PreSonus Audio Electronics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.18011 Grand Bay Ct. • Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70809 USA • 1-225-216-7887 Avisos e instrucciones de seguridad de PreSonusLos símbolos de información eléctrica y avisos para los productos PreSonus se encuentran en el panel posterior eléctrico de la unidad junto al enchufe eléctrico o en la parte inferior de la unidad junto con otra información de conformidad del producto.Este símbolo de un relámpago con una punta de flecha, dentro de un triángulo equilátero, es paraadvertir al usuario de la presencia de ‘voltaje peligroso’ sin aislamiento dentro del aparato que puedeser de la suficiente magnitud como para constituir un riesgo de descarga eléctrica.AVISO: PARA REDUCIR EL RIESGO DE DESCARGA ELÉCTRICA, NO QUITE LA CUBIERTA (O LAPARTE POSTERIOR) YA QUE NO HAY PIEZAS QUE EL USUARIO PUEDA REPARAR EN EL INTERIOR.REMITA TODO SERVICIO DE MANTENIMIENTO A PERSONAL TÉCNICO CUALIFICADO.El signo de exclamación dentro de un triángulo equilátero avisa al usuario de que existen instruccionesde operación y mantenimiento importantes en la documentación que acompaña al dispositivo.PRECAUCIÓN: Para reducir el riesgo de descarga eléctrica, no exponga este equipo a la lluvia o humedad. No exponga este dispositivo al goteo ni salpicadura de líquidos y ningún objeto lleno de algún líquido, como jarrones, deberíacolocarse sobre el dispositivo.PRECAUCIÓN: Estas instrucciones de servicio son para el uso sólo de personal de mantenimiento cualificado. Parareducir el riesgo de descarga eléctrica, no realice ningún mantenimiento más que el indicado en las instrucciones demanejo. Sólo el personal de mantenimiento cualificado debe realizar las reparaciones.1.Lea estas instrucciones.2.Guarde estas instrucciones.3.Haga caso a todos los avisos.4.Siga todas las instrucciones.5.No use este dispositivo cerca del agua.6.Límpielo sólo con un trapo suave y seco.7.No bloquee ninguna apertura de ventilación. Instale este aparato de acuerdo con las instrucciones del fabricante.8.No instale esta unidad cerca de fuentes de calor como radiadores, calentadores, hornosu otros dispositivos (incluyendo amplificadores) que produzcan calor.9.No anule el sistema de seguridad que supone un enchufe polarizado o uno con toma de tierra. Uno polarizado tiene dospatas planas y una tercera pata redonda de toma de tierra. La pata más ancha y la tercera pata se incluyen para su seguridad.Si el enchufe suministrado no encaja en su toma corriente, consulte a un electricista para sustituir la toma obsoleta.10.Evite que el cable de corriente pueda quedar aplastado, retorcido o ser pisado, especialmenteen los enchufes, receptáculos y en el punto en donde salen del dispositivo.e sólo los montajes/accesorios especificados por PreSonus.12.Utilice esta unidad solo con un bastidor, soporte, trípode, mesa o base especificado porel fabricante o que se venda junto con este dispositivo. Tenga cuidado al mover unacombinación de carrito/dispositivo para evitar lesiones producidas por vuelcos.13.Desenchufe este dispositivo de la corriente durante tormentas eléctricaso cuando no se use durante largos periodos de tiempo.14.Es necesario realizar un mantenimiento del dispositivo cuando haya sufrido algúntipo de daño, como cuando se haya dañado el enchufe o cable de alimentación,se haya derramado líquido o se hayan introducido objetos en el dispositivo, o si eldispositivo haya sido expuesto a lluvia o humedad, no funcione de manera normalo se le haya caído. Todos los productos PreSonus en los USA deben recibir mantenimiento en la fábrica de PreSonusen Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Si su producto PreSonus requiere una reparación, contacte con para conseguir un número de autorización de devolución. Los clientes fuera de los USA deberían contactar consu distribuidor local. La información de contacto de su distribuidor está disponible en 15.Terminal con protección de toma de tierra. El aparato debería de conectarse a unenchufe de corriente con una conexión de protección de toma de tierra.16.Donde el enchufe Mains o un dispositivo acoplador se use como dispositivo dedesconexión, el dispositivo de desconexión debería ser sencillo de manejar.17.El uso del aparato es en climas moderados.18.Por favor deje libres unos 5cm alrededor del aparato para una ventilación suficiente; la ventilación no deberíaverse obstruida cubriendo las aperturas de ventilación con artículos como periódicos, manteles, cortinas, etc. Montaje en rack•Use un bastidor de rack de 19 pulgadas de ancho (482.6 mm) y calibrado para el peso total de su equipo.•Use un mínimo de (4) tornillos de rosca de 10/32 por dispositivo montado en rack.AVISO:Cáncer y daños en el sistema reproductor - Información sobre cumplimiento de PreSonusUnión Europea (UE)La marca CE en este producto indica que el dispositivo es de conformidad con lasDirectivas del Consejo de la UE.2014/35/EU Directiva sobre bajo voltaje2014/30/EU Directiva EMC2011/65/EU RoHS RecastEC 1907/2006 REAChPara conseguir una copia DoC de un producto específico, contacte con PreSonus en support@.RoHS Recast Directiva 2011/65/EUREACh Directiva EC1907/206WEEE Este símbolo en este producto o en su embalaje indica que este producto no debe echarse a la basura con otros desperdicios. En vez de eso, es su responsabilidad deshacerse de los residuos de su equipo entregándolo en un puntode recolección designado para el reciclaje de residuos de equipos eléctricos o electrónicos. La recolección aparte yreciclaje de los restos de su equipo cuando vaya a deshacerse de él, ayudará a conservar los recursos naturales y agarantizar que está reciclado de forma que proteja la salud humana y del entorno. Para más información sobre dondepuede echar los residuos de su equipo para su reciclaje, por favor contacte con la oficina de reciclaje de su ciudad ocon el distribuidor al que le compró el producto.Interferencias con la radio y la televisiónSi estos símbolos están marcados en el producto, el dispositivo cumple lo siguiente:Cualquier cambio o modificación que no haya sido expresamente aprobado por la parte responsable de la conformidad normativa puede invalidar la autoridad del usuario para manejar este equipo.USA: Este equipo ha sido probado y se ha visto que cumple con la normativa para dispositivos digitales Class B, deacuerdo con la Parte 15 de la Normativa FCC. Su manejo está sujeto a las siguientes dos condiciones: (1) estedispositivo no debe causar interferencias dañinas, y (2) este dispositivo debe aceptar cualquier interferenciarecibida, incluyendo las interferencias que puedan causar un funcionamiento no deseado. Estos límites han sidodiseñados para ofrecer una razonable protección contra interferencias dañinas en una instalación residencial. Este equipo genera, usa, y es capaz de emitir frecuencias de radio y, si no se instala siguiendo las instrucciones, puede causar interferenciasdañinas a las comunicaciones por radio. No obstante, no hay ninguna garantía de que no se producirá alguna interferencia en una instalación en particular. Si este equipo causara interferencias dañinas sobre la recepción de frecuenias de radio o televisión, que puede determinarse apagando y encendiendo el equipo, se anima al usuario a que intente corregir la interferencia siguiendo una o varias de las siguientes medidas:•Reoriente o coloque la antena receptora en otro lugar.•Aumente la separación entre el equipo y el receptor.•Conecte el equipo a una toma en un circuito distinto al que el receptor esté conectado.•Consulte al vendedor o a un técnico experimentado en radio/TV para más ayuda.Declaración FCC de exposición a radiación:Este equipo cumple con los límites FCC de exposición a la radiación expuestos para un entorno no controlado. Este equipo debería instalarse y manejarse con una distancia mínima de 20 cm entre el radiador y su cuerpo.Este transmisor no debe colocarse ni funcionar junto con cualquier otra antena o transmisor.PRECAUCIÓN: Los cambios o modificaciones realizados sobre este dispositivo sin la aprobación expresa de PreSonus Audio Electronics podrían invalidar la autoridad del usuario de utilizar el equipo bajo las normas FCC.Cumplimiento de las normas australianas: Este equipo cumple con la Radio communication Devices Notice 2003; ó Radio communication Labeling (Electromagnetic Compatibility) Notice 2008; ó Radio communication (Compliance LabelingElectromagnetic Radiation) Labeling Notice 2003.AVISO IC:Aviso IC RSS: Este dispositivo cumple con los estándares RSS de no exigencia de licencia de Industry Canada. Su manejo está sujeto a las siguientes dos condiciones: (1) este dispositivo no debe causar interferencias, y (2) este dispositivo debe aceptar cualquier interferencia, incluyendo las interferencias que puedan causar un funcionamiento no deseado del dispositivo. Bajo la normativa de Industry Canada, este radio transmisor solo puede funcionar usando una antena de un tipo y de una ganancia máxima (o menor) aprobada para el transmisor por Industry Canada. Para reducir las potenciales interferencias de radio a otros usuarios, el tipo de antena y su ganancia debaerían elegirse de forma que, la corriente equivalente radiada de forma isotrópica (e.i.r.p.) no sea más que la necesaria para una buena comunicación.Este radio transmisor (identificar el dispositivo por el número de certificación, o número de modelo si es de la Categoría II) ha sido aprobado por Industry Canada para funcionar con los tipos de antena que aparecen en la lista de abajo con la máxima ganancia permitida e impedancia de antena requerida para cada tipo de antena indicado. Los tipos de antena no incluidos en esta lista, teniendo una ganancia mayor que la ganancia máxima indicada para ese tipo, están estrictamente prohibidos para su uso con este dispositivo.Declaración de exposición a radiación IC:Este equipo cumple con los límites IC RF de exposición a la radiación expuestos para un entorno no controlado. Este transmisor no debe colocarse ni funcionar junto con cualquier otra antena o transmisor.ICES003: Este CAN ICES3 (B)/NMB3(B) aparato digital cumple con la normativa canadiense ICES003.Guía de salud, seguridad y conformidad de PreSonus Class B普瑞声纳(PreSonus)安全警示与说明普瑞声纳(PreSonus)产品的电气信息和警示标志以及其它产品合规信息一并位于电源插头旁、设备后部的电气面板上,或位于设备底部。
介绍按摩器产品的英语作文Massage Therapy: A Transformative ExperienceMassage therapy has long been recognized as a powerful tool for promoting physical and emotional well-being. As a centuries-old practice, it has evolved to encompass a wide range of techniques, each designed to address specific needs and concerns. From the soothing strokes of Swedish massage to the deep-tissue work of sports massage, the versatility of massage therapy has made it an increasingly popular and sought-after form of holistic healthcare.At the heart of massage therapy lies the fundamental principle of touch. The human body is an intricate and complex system, with various interconnected systems working in harmony to maintain overall health and balance. Through the application of targeted pressure, massage therapists are able to manipulate the soft tissues of the body, promoting relaxation, reducing muscle tension, and improving circulation.One of the primary benefits of massage therapy is its ability to alleviate stress and tension. In today's fast-paced world, where demands on our time and energy seem to constantly increase, theneed for effective stress management has never been greater. Massage therapy provides a sanctuary from the chaos of everyday life, allowing individuals to disconnect, unwind, and experience a state of profound relaxation.Beyond its stress-relieving properties, massage therapy has also been shown to offer a wide range of physical benefits. For individuals suffering from chronic pain or musculoskeletal injuries, massage can be a powerful tool for reducing inflammation, improving range of motion, and accelerating the healing process. Whether it's the relief of tension headaches, the management of lower back pain, or the recovery from a strenuous workout, massage therapy has the ability to target and address a variety of physical ailments.One of the unique aspects of massage therapy is its ability to cater to individual needs and preferences. Different massage techniques and modalities can be tailored to the specific requirements of each client, ensuring that the experience is both therapeutic and enjoyable. From the soothing Swedish massage to the more intense deep tissue work, massage therapists are trained to adapt their approach to meet the unique needs of each individual.Moreover, the benefits of massage therapy extend beyond the physical realm, as it has also been shown to have a profound impact on emotional well-being. The act of being touched in a caring andnurturing manner can trigger the release of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals, leading to a heightened sense of relaxation, improved mood, and an overall enhancement of mental health.In recent years, the integration of massage therapy into mainstream healthcare has gained significant traction. Increasingly, healthcare providers are recognizing the value of incorporating massage into comprehensive treatment plans, particularly for individuals dealing with chronic conditions or recovering from injuries. This interdisciplinary approach has led to the development of specialized massage techniques, such as oncology massage, which is designed to address the unique needs of cancer patients.As the demand for massage therapy continues to grow, so too does the importance of ensuring that practitioners are highly trained and skilled in their craft. Massage therapists undergo extensive education and training, learning the intricacies of human anatomy, the principles of physiology, and the art of therapeutic touch. This commitment to excellence ensures that clients receive the highest quality of care, with massage therapists able to identify and address specific areas of concern with precision and expertise.In conclusion, massage therapy is a truly transformative experience that has the power to enrich both physical and emotional well-being.Whether you're seeking relief from chronic pain, a respite from the stresses of daily life, or a deeper connection with your body, the benefits of massage therapy are numerous and far-reaching. As the field continues to evolve and expand, it is clear that this ancient practice will remain an integral component of holistic healthcare for generations to come.。
Massimo ZLST13150 Snow Blower 说明书
OPERATOR’S MANUAL MASSIMOZLST13150 Snow BlowerIMPORTANTREAD INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE OPERATIONImportant Safety Operation Practices1WARNING: This symbol points out important safety instructions which, if not followed, could endanger the personal safety and/or property of yourself and others. Read and follow a llinstructions in this manual before attempting to operate this machine. Failure to comply withthese instructions may result in personal injury.When you see this symbol, HEED ITS WARNING!DANGER: This machine was built to be operated according to the safe operation practices inthis manual. As with any type of power equipment, carelessness or error on the part of theoperator can result in serious injury. This machine is capable of amputating hands and feet and throwing objects. Failure to observe the following safety instructions could result in s e r i o u sinjury or death.General Operation1.Carefully read in their entirety the vehicle’s operator’smanuals and this equipment’s operator’s manuals beforeattempting to assemble or operate the equipment.Keep both manuals in a safe place for future and regularreference and for ordering replacement pa rt s.2.The vehicle is designed for off-road usage and should notbe operated on public highways. Know and comply withall laws and regulations governing the use of off-highwayvehicles in your area.3.The vehicle handles and maneuvers differently thana normal passenger car. Sharp high speed turns andabrupt maneuvers can cause vehicle to roll over or go outof control. Slow down when turning and avoid abruptmaneuvers.4.Be familiar with all instructions and controls and theirproper operation before starting the vehicle.5.Do not allow children to operate vehicle. Do not allowadults to operate it without proper instruction. Onlypersons well acquainted with these rules of safeoperation s h o u l d be allowed to use the equipment.6.Watch for traffic when operating near or crossing roadways.This vehicle is not intended for use on any public r oadway.7.No one should operate this equipment while intoxicatedor while taking medication which impairs the senses orreactions.8.Never carry more than one passenger. This vehicle isdesigned to carry the driver and one passenger only.No riders are allowed in cargo box or anywhere else onvehicle.9.Keep all body parts (i.e. head, arms, hands, legs, feet) insidevehicle when vehicle is in motion.10.Always remain seated and keep both hands on the steeringwheel when driving the vehicle. on the center of the seat and keep both feet withinthe foot platform perimeter. The foot platform maybecome slippery from snow or ice, use extra caution when mounting or dismounting the vehicle.Inspect area around vehicle before moving, especially inreverse. Back up slowly. Always look down and behindbefore and while backing to avoid a back-over accident.Keep bystanders out of area.Do not mount or leave vehicle while it is in motion or inactual operation.Never leave vehicle unattended with the key in theignition. Always turn key to the “Stop” position, set theparking brake and remove key.Check overhead clearances carefully before driving underlow hanging tree branches, wires, etc.,or in any othersituation where the operator or passenger may be struckor pulled from the unit. Such negligence could result inserious injury.Engine must be stopped when cleaning, servicing,adjusting, repairing, or installing attachments on utilityvehicle.The vehicle and attachment should be stopped andinspected for damage after striking a foreign object.The damage should be repaired before restarting andoperating the equipment.Do not start and run vehicle in an inside area, unless it isadequately ventilated. Engine exhaust contains carbonmonoxide fumes, which are very poisonous and can bedeadly.Always inspect the vehicle each time you use it to makesure it is in safe operating condition.Operate blade only in daylight or in good artificial light.Always use vehicle lights while operating in low lightsituations.Avoid overturns—Do not clear snow across the face ofslopes. Exercise extreme caution when changing direction on slopes. Do not attempt to clear steep slopes.222.No one should be allowed near the working area when t heblade is being operated.23.Do not overload the vehicle capacity by attempting toclear snow at too fast of a rate. Take the time to do thejob in a safe manner.24.Be careful to avoid catching the blade on stumps orother i mmovable objects.25.Never use the blade to tow another object.e extreme care when operating close to ditches,fences o r on hillsides.27.Be sure that the blade is fully raised and is in thestraight f orward position when in transport.28.When turning close to buildings or passing throughnarrow a reas, be sure to allow sufficient clearance forthe blade.29.If situations occur which are not covered in thismanual u se care and good judgement. Contact yourlocal Massimo dealer, or call toll free 1-877- 881-6376for assistance.Slope OperationSlopes are a major factor related to loss of control and rollover accidents, which can result in severe injury or death. If a slope i s steeper than a 15° incline, do not operate this unit on that area. Exercise extreme caution while operating on slopes.Do:1.Travel straight up and down slopes, not across.2.Exercise extreme caution when changing direction onslopes.3.Travel slowly while on a slope. Always keep the forwardspeed limited when going down slopes.4.Keep all movement on the slopes slow and gradual. Avoidstarting or stopping on a s lope.Do Not:1.Do not travel near drop-offs, ditches or embankments. Thevehicle could suddenly turn over if a wheel is over the edgeof a cliff, ditch or if an edge caves in with the weight of theunit.2.Do not stop or start suddenly when going uphill or downhill.Be especially cautious when changing direction on slopes.3.Do not turn sideways to the hill. The vehicle may roll over. Ifyou must turn, go slow and do so carefully and gradually. ChildrenTragic accidents can occur if the operator is not alert t othe presence of children. Children are often attracted tothe vehicle. They do not understand the dangers. Never assume that children will remain where you last sawthem. A void run over accidents.a.Keep children out of the immediate area of thevehicle and in watchful care of a responsibleadult o ther than the operator.b.Be alert and turn the vehicle off if a child entersthe area.c.Before and while reversing, look behind and downfor small children.d.Never carry small children, they may fall off andbe seriously injured or interfere with safevehicle o peration.e extreme care while approaching blindcorners, d oorways, shrubs, trees or other objectsthat may block your vision of a child who may runinto the path of the vehicle.f.Remove key when vehicle is unattended toprevent u nauthorized operation. Never allowchildren under 16 years old to operate this vehicle.g.Children 16 years old and over should read andunderstand the operation instructions and safetyrules for the vehicle and equipment, and should betrained and supervised by an adult.h.Do not let children ride in the cargo box, in thedriver’s or passenger’s lap or anywhere other thanthe passenger seat. Never give small children aride; not even in the passenger seat. They may falloff.3e e e e e a e e ea e a a e a a a a a e a eInstallingthe SnowplowI MPORTA NT: Refer to your Massimo Owner’s Manualfor any information relating to the use of your 4x4 unit.These instructions are for assembly of your new acces-sory to further enhance your UTV experience.Installing the Snow BlowerInstalling the Mounting HardwareInstall the snow plow mounting brackets1. Mount the snow plow mounting brackets on the chassis,as shown in figure 2-1. Use four U boltsand the 3/8 locking nuts in the provided holes. See Fig. 2-1/2-2.2. Securely tighten the 3/8”bolts to 25ft. lbs.Install the Snow Tube:1. Install the snow chute on the big cover, as shown in figure 2-3. Use four screws,six M6×16 bolts and eight M6 locking nuts. See Fig. 2-32. Securely tighten the M6×16 bolts to 6-9ft. lbs.IM PORTA NT Refer to your Massimo Owner’s Manual for any information relating to the use of your UTV unit. These instructions are for assembly of your new accessory to further enhance y ourUTV experience. Specifications subject to change without notice or obligation.Install the Gasoline Engine Cover:1. Remove the supporting frame 1, 2 and 3 fromthe gasoline engine cover, as shown in figure2-4.2. Use five M5×16 bolts and put it on the plainwashers, then fix the gasoline engine cover onthe three supporting frames. Do not tighten.3. Mount the three supporting frames to thecorresponding holes on the gasoline engine andadjust the location of the gasoline engine cover.Then, tighten each bolt. Securely tighten theflange bolts on the gasoline engine to 10-12ft.Lbs. Securely tighten the hexagon bolts on thegasoline engine cover to 4-6ft. lbs.Figure 2-34Figure 2-2Figure 2-4Supportingframe3Supportingframe 1Supportingframe 2Figure 2-14Figure 2-5Figure 2-6 Install the Connecting Frame :1. Insert the three-hole end of the connecting frame into the corresponding location of the snow blower. See figure 2-5.2. Use two M12×70 hexagon bolts and two locknuts to tighten the holes.Tip : You can select two of the three holes on the connecting frame to adjust the distance between the snow blower.Connect the snow blower and UTV, and install the Hook:1. Connect the corresponding location of the bracket to the previously installed snow blower car frame, as shown in figure 2-7.2. Use two locating pins to fix the provided holes.3. Remove the pin and the piston pin on the snowplow and mount the hook on the UTV to the snow blower, as shown in figure 2-6.Installing the SnowplowIM PORTA NT Refer to your Massimo Owner’s Manual for any information relating to the use of your 4x4 unit. These instructions are for assembly of your new accessory to further enhance y our UTV experience .Specifications subject to change without notice or obligation5Figure 2-7Installingthe Snowplow Install the Chain:Rotate the square tube○1 connected withthe iron chain to adjust the appropriatelength, and hook the two hooks○2 on theplow to the front safety frame of UTV, sothat it can be effectively fixed to prevent theplow from swinging, as shown in figure 2-8.Tip:Not only the square tube can adjust the length, but alsothe number of chain nodes can adjust the length.Install the Wire Harness:1. Unscrew two bolts and open the hood, as shownin figure 2-9.2. As shown in figure 2-10, unscrew the twonuts on the battery and connect the maincord on the wire harness of the controllerinto the battery.Square Tube①F igure 2-8Hook②Figure 2-10Figure 2-9Activate and Use:Figure 3-1Activate :1. Open the fuel tank cap and fill withgasoline. Open the motor oil cap to check if the oil is sufficient. If there is no motor oil, fill 1.1L motor oil. The location of each cap is shown in figure 3-1. 2. Activate UTV, rotate the winch, lift up the snowplow and check if each joint is firm and reliable. 3. As shown in figure 3-2, insert the gasolineengine key ○1 and press primer pump 3 to 5 times. 4. As shown in figure 3-3, insert the gasolineengine key ○2 to activate the snowplow.Activateand UseFigure 3-2Figure 3-37Fuel tank capSafety keyEngine key3Activateand UseUse :1. Loosen the knob on the top of the chute to adjust the top of the chute to the desired location, as shown in figure 3-4.2. Insert the safety key into the switch, as shown in figure 3-5. Press the adjustable switch to adjust the chute to the desired direction. Operate the winch control switch to check if the winch works properly.3. After everything is checked, utilize the blower controlswitch on UTV to engage the auger.Figure 3-4Figure 3-58Figure 4-1Routine Maintenance1. Unscrew two flange tapping bolts andremove the rear cover, as shown in figure4-1.2. Apply grease to the chain.Note: A. Add grease every month.B. Check motor oil every month.RoutineMaintenance9Notes:For parts, accessories or to find a dealer near you, visit:。
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Conductor placed into precision machined “groove” on a composite structure – “the insulator”
MultiPhysics Analysis of Trapped Field in Multi-Layer YBCO Plates
current field
MultiPhysics Analysis of Trapped Field in Multi-Layer YBCO Plates
AML - PJM – 10/09/2009
Double Helix Winding in Equations
X (θ ) = a cos(θ ) Y (θ ) = a sin(θ ) h a Z (θ ) = θ+ sin (nθ + ϕ ) 2π tan (α )
• Ideal current source for low harmonics field distribution
MultiPhysics Analysis of Trapped Field in Multi-Layer YBCO Plates 11
AML - PJM – 10/09/2009
“Perfect” Field
MultiPhysics Analysis of Trapped Field in Multi-Layer YBCO Plates
AML - PJM – 10/09/2009
Thermal Analysis
• Resistive heating from current density • Water cooling on top surface
Building the Geometry • 2D “unrolled”
– Create vector of X, Y coordinates – Use “geomspline” to create curve – Use “geomcoerce” to build solid object
• 3D
6.5 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200
Strip Width [mm]
Angle [deg]
Variation in conductor width as a function of azimuth angle for a single turn of a DDH coil MultiPhysics Analysis of Trapped Field in Multi-Layer YBCO Plates AML - PJM – 10/09/2009
4 poles
6 poles
Gain by going from round wire to square conductor
0 1 2 3 4 5
8 poles
MultiPhysics Analysis of Trapped Field in Multi-Layer YBCO Plates 10
Number of pole pairs
– The “Inverse of Double-Helix™”
Direct Double-Helix™ Create conductor and coil in-situ from “arbitrary” materials Double-Helix™ Conductor (round, square, flat, etc…) Double-Helix™ conductor “path” becomes the DDH “insulation”
Double-Helix™ Coils
MultiPhysics Analysis of Trapped Field in Multi-Layer YBCO Plates
AML - PJM – 10/09/2009
Conventional vs. Direct Double-Helix™
• Double-Helix™ windings are able to generate a perfectly sinusoidal field distribution
2 poles
Gain on magnet resistance over DH (%)
45.00% 40.00% 35.00% 30.00% 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00%
Gain due to cross section variation
• Wider sections act as heat sinks • Heat transfers from narrow sections to wider sections
Heat flux in one turn of a quadrupole
– Create vector of X, Y and Z coordinates – Use “simplesweep3” to create tool path – Subtract to cylinder to build solid object
MultiPhysics Analysis of Trapped Field in Multi-Layer YBCO Plates
2 AML - PJM – 10/09/2009
MultiPhysics Analysis of Trapped Field in Multi-Layer YBCO Plates
How Double-Helix™ Works
Solenoidal Windings
Double-Helix™ Windings
AML - PJM – 10/09/2009
~ 5,500 elements and 12,500 degrees of freedom
MultiPhysics Analysis of Trapped Field in Multi-Layer YBCO Plates 8 AML - PJM – 10/09/2009
Dipole Quadrupole
MultiPhysics Analysis of Trapped Field in Multi-Layer YBCO Plates 12
AML - PJM – 10/09/2009
Conventional vs. Direct Double-Helix™
Racetrack Coils
AML - PJM – 10/09/2009
Sinusoidal Current Density Distribution
• Axial component of current density exhibits sinusoidal
• Radial component of two layers compensate for axial field
• Magnet resistance is reduced
MultiPhysics Analysis of Trapped Field in Multi-Layer YBCO Plates
AML - PJM – 10/09/2009
Effect on Magnet Resistance
Due to conductor cross-section variation, DDH resistance is lower than that of DH for the same magnet design.
AML - PJM – 10/09/2009
Heat Flux
Heat transfer from the narrow sections to the wider sections
• Large cooling surface • No insulation required • Improved heat transfer
Field from Racetrack coils, saddle coils and Double Helix compared to a "perfect" field distribution
0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04
Fiel-0.04 -0.06 -0.08 -0.1 Arc length (mm) 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 Error Racetrack Error Saddle coils Error Double Helix
MultiPhysics Analysis of Trapped Field in Multi-Layer YBCO Plates
AML - PJM – 10/09/2009
AML Direct Double-Helix™ Technology
• Double-HelixTM (DH) • Direct Double-HelixTM (DDH)
Resistive heating distribution
MultiPhysics Analysis of Trapped Field in Multi-Layer YBCO Plates 15
Temperature distribution with good heat transfer on top surface
Large distortions, high harmonics content
Saddle Coils
Some harmonics due to non-sinusoidal current distribution