Observation of Klein tunneling in graphene p-n junctions
2 0 1 3 年第 3期
3体积应变 的测 定
H o u s e n应 用磁化 率的各 向异性研 究 了巴 巴多斯增 生复合体 沉积物 的应变椭球 体 。 俯 冲沉 积物 的应 变表 明,沉积物 经历 了单轴压 实 。那么 ,假设各 站位之 间固体组 分的密度
没有 变化 ,我 们可 以应用下述 方法计 算体积应 变 。
图8 1 0 4 6 和1 0 4 4 站下泥岩 段层序G R N井 曲线. 实线为1 0 4 6 站,点划线 为1 0 4 4 站.粗条为互相关
分 析 区 间.
划线 )电阻率测井 曲线.B - F 段同图6 ,两个测量
的 交 叉位 置 为浊 积 砂 岩 和 互 层泥 岩 的分 界 线 .
2 0 1 3 年第 3期
来 自于 O D P 1 7 1 A航次随钻测井 的新证据
To mo c h i k a To ku n a g a 摘 要 近来获得的 O D P I 7 1 A航次随钻测井资料使我们能够对各个钻孔 的沉积物进行详细的
由于假 定 了固体 基质 的单轴压 实和不可压 缩性 , 0站位 和 1站位 之 间的体积应变
| ,= : —— = : 二 = - — ’ V 1 一 ( 3 )
其中 V为沉积物体积, 和办分别为 0 站位和 l 站位处的沉积物孔隙度,体积密
度 可 以写成 :
用来测 定 巴巴多斯增 生楔 原位 条件下 的物理性 质 。 巴 巴多斯 增生楔位 于加勒 比板块 的前缘 , 受到大 西洋板块 以 2 0  ̄4 0 k m/ Ma的速度 的
向西 俯冲 。巴 巴多斯 增生楔 是研究主 动板块会 聚边缘 的最佳场 所之一 , 已经进 行 了四次 钻探 活动 ( DS DP 7 8 A 航次 ,O D P 1 1 0航 次 ,O DP 1 5 6航次 ,OD P 1 7 1 A 航次 )和详细 的 3 D 地震 反射试验 ( 图 1和 图 2 ) 。基 于早期 的钻探结 果 ,巴巴多斯增 生楔正被 一个几 百 米厚 的沉积物 俯冲 ,上部为 中 中新统 和较年轻 的共 生深海沉积 物 ,下 部为相对 未变形 的
第24卷第22期岩石力学与工程学报V ol.24 No.22 2005年11月Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering Nov.,2005 虚拟热源法研究坝基裂隙岩体渗漏通道陈建生1,董海洲1,吴庆林2,凡哲超1,陈亮1,乔冠军2,孟文琦2(1. 河海大学科学研究院,江苏南京 210098;2. 陡河水库管理处,河北唐山 063021)摘要:利用虚拟热源法研究坝基裂隙岩体中存在的集中渗漏通道。
关键词:渗流力学;虚拟热源;裂隙岩体;集中渗漏通道中图分类号:O 357.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000–6915(2005)22–4019–06DETECTION OF LEAKAGE PASSAGE IN FISSURE ROCK WITHASSUMPTIVE HEAT SOURCE METHODCHEN Jian-sheng1,DONG Hai-zhou1,WU Qing-lin2,FAN Zhe-chao1,CHEN Liang1,QIAO Guan-jun2,MENG Wen-qi2(1. Research Academy,Hohai University,Nanjing210098,China;2. Management Bureau of Douhe Reservoir,Tangshan063021,China)Abstract:The concentrated leakage passage in fissured rock is studied with dummy heat source method. The temperature of reservoir water at the bottom is commonly low,whereas the temperature of bedrock increases with depth,so there will be reservoir water leakage around the temperature abnormal area at the dam site. There will be thermal exchange between the leakage and around strata. The leakage water with low temperature will absorb heat from strata;and on the other hand,the strata will discharge heat. According to the theory of energy conservation,these qualities of heat mentioned above are equal. The concentrated leakage passage can be regarded as a dummy heat source;moreover,the temperature distribution in stratum out of the passage is only influenced by the surface layer of passage and not relative to the inner temperature distribution of the passage,namely,the inner temperature distribution of passage is caused by water and the outside temperature distribution is shaped by heat conduction. Then,based on the theory of heat conduction and energy conservation,the temperature distribution in strata can be determined,which can be used to locate the leakage area. A dummy heat source model is proposed to calculate the quantity of leakage water. As an example,a reservoir leakage is analyzed quantitatively.Key words:seepage mechanics;assumptive heat source method;fissured rock;concentrated leakage passage收稿日期:2004–06–01;修回日期:2004–11–30基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目(50139030);国家自然科学基金资助项目(50179009)作者简介:陈建生(1955–),男,1982年毕业于南京大学核物理专业,现为教授、博士生导师,主要从事岩土工程渗流、同位素示踪和同位素水文学• 4020 • 岩石力学与工程学报 2005年1 引言将温度作为天然示踪剂,采用温度场来研究大坝渗漏,称为温度示踪渗漏监测技术[1],较早应用这项技术的是美国、德国和西班牙等国。
1 2 3
在ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้模式下,针尖在固定的高度位置进行扫描 ,适用于表面高度变化较大的样品。
在此模式下,针尖根据表面形貌调整自身高度 ,以保持恒定的力,适用于表面高度变化较小 的样品。
在此模式下,针尖与样品之间存在小幅度的振 动,以实现更精确的表面形貌扫描。
扫描隧道显微镜(STM)是一种基于量子力学隧道效应的测量技术,它能够直 接探测样品表面的原子结构,具有极高的分辨率和灵敏度。
STM技术自1981年被发明以来,已经广泛应用于物理、化学、生物学等各个领 域,成为研究物质表面结构和电子态的重要工具。
在过去的几十年中,STM技术不断发展和完善,不仅在实验上取得了许多重要 的成果,如原子操纵、单分子检测等,同时也促进了理论计算和模拟方法的发 展。
用于研究材料表面的微观结构和物理性质,如表 面重构、吸附和脱附等。
用于研究生物分子和细胞膜的表面结构和功能, 如DNA和蛋白质的微观结构等。
用于研究表面污染和环境变化对材料表面的影响 。
扫描隧道显微镜具有原子级的分辨 率,能够观察和解析材料表面的原 子结构。
STM可以用于研究分子尺度的构造 和化学键信息,为理解分子性质提 供基础数据。
STM可以用于观察细胞表面的结构、分子分布等,为生物医学 研究提供新的视角。
STM可以用于解析病毒的原子级别结构,为疫苗研发等提供关 键信息。
作 者简 介 :束龙 仓 (9 4 ,男 ,安徽 无 为人 ,河 海 大 学 水 资 源 环 境 学 院 教 授 ,博 士 。主 要 从 事 地 下 水 16 一) 资源评 价与 管 理研 究 。
60 3
第 l 3卷
1 测 定 方 法
竖 管 测 定 法 中 的 竖 管 是 聚 氯 乙烯 ( P C 管 ,可 采 用 不 同 的直 径 ,本 次 实 验 中 的竖 管 直 径 即 V ) 为 1 r。 实 验 中 的直 管 和 L型 管 分 别 用 于 测 定 垂 直 方 向 和 水 平 方 向 的渗 透 系 数 , L型 管 的 夹 0cn 角 可 以设 计 成 任 意值 。 0=O时 ,测 定 。 当 9。 O 0 >0>O时 ,可 测 定 其 他 任 意 方 向 的 渗 透 系 数 。 O
束 龙 仓 H N X nh n 2 ,C E u —o g
( . 海大学 水 资源环 境学 院 ,江苏 南京 1河 209; 10 8
2 C tevt tadSre iio .,m rao n uvyDvs n,U iesyo e rsa-Lnon icl 88 ,US o ia i nvrt f bak i N icl ,Lnon6 5 8 A)
m/ ,其各 向异 性 比率约 为 3 d 。结果 表 明 :普拉 特 河 床沉 积 物 剖 面上 具 有 一 定 的各 向异 性 ,平 面 上为 非均 匀介 质 。 关 键 词 :竖 管测定 法 ;渗 透 系数 ;河 床 ;普拉 特河 ;美 国 文献 标识 码 :A 文章 编 号 :0 16 9 (O2 O —2 —5 10 —7 12 O )5690
附录二外文参考文献及翻译NATM tunnel design principle in the construction of major andConstruction TechnologyW.BroereI.The NATM Design Principle1.Tunnel design and construction of two major theoretical and development processSince the 20th century, human space on the ground floor of the growing demand, thus the underground works of the study of a rapid development. In a large number of underground engineering practice, it is generally recognized that the tunnel and underground cavern project, the core of the problem, all up in the excavation and retaining two key processes. How excavation, it will be more conducive to the stability and cavern facilitate support : For more support, Supporting how they can more effectively ensure stability and facilitate the cavern excavation. This is the tunnels and underground works two promote each other and check each other's problems.Tunnels and underground caverns, and focusing on the core issues with the above practice and research, in different periods, People of different theories and gradually established a system of different theories, Each system includes theory and resolve (or are studying the resolution) from the works of understanding (concept), mechanics, engineering measures to the construction methods (Technology), a series of engineering problems.A theory of the 20th century the 1920s the traditional "load relaxation theory." Its core content is : a stable rock self-stability, no load : unstable rock may have collapsed. need shoring structure to be supported. Thus, the role of the supporting structure of the rock load is within a certain range may be due to relaxation and collapse of rock gravity. This is a traditional theory, and their representative is Taishaji and Principe's and others. It works similar to the surface issues of the thinking is still widely used to.Another theory of the 20th century made the 1950s the modern theory of timbering or "rock for the theory." Its core content is : rock stability is clearly bearing rock to their ownself-stability : unstable rock loss of stability is a process, and if this process in providing the necessary help or restrictions will still be able to enter the rock steady state. This theoretical system of representative characters Labuxiweici, Miller-Feiqieer, Fenner - Daluobo and Kashitenai others. This is a more modern theory, it is already out of the ground works to consider the ideas, and underground works closer to reality, the past 50 years has been widely accepted and applied. demonstrated broad development prospects.Can be seen from the above, the former theory more attention to the findings and the results of treatment : The latter theory is even more attention to the process and the control of the process, right from the rock for the full utilization of capacity. Given this distinction, which both theory and methods in the process, each with different performance characteristics. NATM theory is rock for the tunnel engineering practice in the representation method.2. NATMNATM that the new Austrian Tunneling Method short the original is in New Austrian Tunneling Method, referred to as the NATM. France said it convergence bound or some countries alleged to observe the dynamic design and construction of the basic principles.NATM concept of filibustering Xiweici Austria scholars in the 20th century, Professor age of 50. It was based on the experience of both the tunnel and rock mechanics theory, will bolt and shotcrete combination as a major means of supporting a construction method, Austria, Sweden, Italy and other countries, many practical and theoretical study in the 1960s and patented officially named. Following this approach in Western Europe, Scandinavia, the United States and Japan and many other underground works with a very rapid development, have become modern tunnels new technologies landmark. Nearly 40 years ago, the railway sector through research, design, construction combining, in many construction of the tunnel, according to their own characteristics successfully applied a new Austrian law, made more experience, have accumulated large amounts of data, This is the application stage. However, in the road sector NATM of only 50%. Currently, the New Austrian Tunneling Method almost become weak and broken rock section of a tunnel construction method, technical and economic benefits are clear. NATM the basic points can be summarized as follows : (1). Rock tunnel structure is the main loading unit, the construction must fully protect the rock, it minimize the disturbance to avoid excessive damage to the intensity of rock. Tothis end, the construction of sub-section should not block too much, excavation should be used smooth blasting, presplit blasting or mechanical tunneling.(2). In order to give full play to rock the carrying capacity should be allowed to control and rock deformation. While allowing deformation, which can be a rock bearing ring; The other hand, have to limit it, Rock is not so lax and excessive loss or greatly reduced carrying capacity. During construction should be used with rock close to, the timely building puzzle keeps strengthening Flexible support structure, such as bolting and shotcreting supporting. This adjustment will be adopted supporting structural strength, Stiffness and its participation in the work of the time (including the closure of time) to control the deformation of the rock mass.(3). In order to improve the support structure, the mechanical properties, the construction should be closed as soon as possible, and to become a closed cylindrical structure. In addition, the tunnel shape with a round should, as far as possible, to avoid the corner of the stress concentration.(4). Construction right through the rock and supporting the dynamic observation, measurement, and reasonable arrangements for the construction procedures, changes in the design and construction management of the day-to-day.(5). To lay waterproof layer, or is subject to bolt corrosion, deterioration of rock properties, rheological, swelling caused by the follow-up to load, use composite lining.(6). Lining in principle, and the early rock deformation Supporting the basic stability of the conditions under construction. rock and supporting structure into a whole, thereby improving the support system of security.NATM above the basic elements can be briefly summarized as : "less disturbance, early spray anchor, ground measurements, closed tight."3.With a spring to understand the principle NATM(1). Cavern brink of a point A in the original excavation ago with stress (stress self-respect and tectonic stress) in a state of equilibrium. As an elastic stiffness of the spring K, P0 under compression in a state of equilibrium.(2). Cavern excavation, A point in attacking lose face constraints, the original stress state to be adjusted, if the intensity of rock big enough, After less stress adjustments may cavern in a stable condition (without support). But most of the geological conditions of thepoor, that is, after the stress cavern adjustments, such as weak protection, we could have convergence deformation, even instability (landslides), must be provided to support power PE, in order to prevent landslides instability. Equivalent to the Spring of deformation u, in the role of PE is now in the midst of a state of equilibrium.(3). By the mechanical balance equation, we can see in the spring P0 role in a state of equilibrium; Spring in the event of deformation u, PE in the role they will be in equilibrium, assuming spring elasticity of K, were : P0=PE+KuDiscussion :(1) When u = 0, that is not allowed P0=PE rock deformation, is a rigid support, not economic;(2) when u ↑, PE ↓; When u ↓, PE ↑. That is, rock deformation occurred, t he release of some of the load (unloading), we should allow some extent rock deformation, to give full play to rock the capacity for self. Is an economic support measures, the rock self-stability P=P0-PE=Ku;(3) When u=umax, landslides, have relaxation load and unsafe.4. Points(1). Rock cavern excavation is affected by that part of rock (soil) body, the rock is a trinity : have a load bearing structure, building materials.(2). Tunnel construction is in the rock stress is of special architectural environment, which can not be equated with the construction on the ground.(3). Tunnel structure rock + = bracing system.II. The new Austrian highway construction in the basic methodNATM one of the characteristics is the scene monitoring, measurement information to guide construction, through the tunnel construction measure receipts and excavation of the geological observation for prediction and feedback. And in accordance with the established benchmark for measuring the tunnel construction, excavation section steps and sequences, Supporting the initial parameters for reasonable adjustments to guarantee the safety of construction, a tunnel rock stability, the quality of the project and supporting structure of the economy and so on. The author of commitments (Chengde) Chek (Chifeng) East Maojingba Tunnel NATM basic construction method for investigation concluded, synthesis of a newhighway tunnel Natm the selection of different types and the basic characteristics of the construction methods and tips.1. A tunnel construction method of choice tunnel construction method of choice, mainly based on the engineering geological and hydrogeological conditions Construction, rock type, buried deep tunnel, the tunnel section size and length lining types, Construction should be the premise of safety and engineering quality at the core, and with the use of the tunnel function, the level of construction technology, Construction machinery and equipment, time requirements and economic feasibility of factors to consider in selection.When choosing the method for tunnel construction on the surrounding environment negatively affected, should also be a tunnel, the environmental conditions as the method to choose one of the factors, taking into rock changes the method and the applicability of the possibility of change. Tunnel project to avoid mistakes and unnecessary increase investment in public works. NATM new construction, we should also consider the entire process of construction of auxiliary operations and changes in the surrounding rock to measure control methods and the tunnel through special geological lots of construction means for a reasonable choice.2. New Austrian Tunneling Method program New Austrian Tunneling Method used all methods can be divided into sections, Division level and the three major types of excavation method and some changes in the program.(1) Full-face method. That whole section excavation method is based on the design of an excavation face excavation molding. Excavation order is its full face excavation, steel bracing, pouring concrete lining. Often choose to IV-VI Class Rock Hard Rock Tunnel, which can be used blasting deep hole.Excavation whole section of the law is a larger space operations, introducing supporting large mechanized operations, improving the speed and process small, less interference and facilitate the construction organization and management. Excavation is due to shortcomings in the larger, lower relative stability of rock, and with each cycle of the relatively large workload, it requires the construction units should have a strong excavation, transport and slag out and support capability, Maojingba VI : Class V rock used in the full-face excavation to achieve the desired results.Full-face excavation face, drilling and blasting construction more efficient use of deep focus to accelerate the excavation blasting speed, and the rock blasting vibration frequency less conducive to a stable transfer rocks. The drawback is every deep hole blasting vibration larger. Therefore require careful drilling and blasting design and strict control of blasting operations.Full-face excavation method is the main process : the use of mobile carts (or platforms), the first full-face a bored, and installed a line, and then drilling platform car outside 50m back to a safe place and then detonate, Blasting to make a shape out after drilling Jardine car again moved to the excavation face in place, began a cycle of drilling and blasting operations, Anchor sprayed simultaneously supporting or after the first arch wall lining.(2) step method. Step method of design is generally divided into sections on the half-section and the lower half section two excavation molding. Excavation order is its first half excavation arch bolt jet concrete bracing, arch lining, the central part of the second half of excavation, sidewall of excavation, concrete wall jet bolt support and lining. The more applicable to the II, III and soft joint development of the surrounding rock, which were used Tim change program.Long-step method : The next stage distance away, on the general level above 50m ahead, Construction can be assigned to the Department of next larger machine with parallel operations, when mechanical deficiencies can be used interchangeably. When the case of a short tunnel, the upper section will be all dug later, and then dug under the section, the construction of which less interference, single process can work.Short step method : on the stage length 5-50m apply to Ⅱ, Ⅲrock can be shortened Invert closing time, Supporting improve early stress conditions, but larger construction interference, in the event of Soft Rock need to consider carefully, Auxiliary shall be applied measures to stabilize the excavation excavation face, in order to ensure the safety of construction.Ultrashort step method : The only step ahead 3-5m, section closed faster. The method used for the high level of mechanization of various rock section, in the event of the siege soft rock when required careful consideration. Auxiliary shall be applied measures to stabilize the construction excavation face to ensure the safety of construction.Excavation level of character is the first step to using light excavation drilling machine drill a hole, rather than through large drilling platform car. Two step method of excavation operations with sufficient space and a faster rate of construction. Level is conducive to the stability of excavation face. Especially Excavation in the upper, lower operational safety. Three step method of excavation is the next shortcomings of operations interfere with each other. It should be noted at the bottom of the upper operational stability, level of excavation will increase the number of country rock.(3) Segment excavation method. Excavation Law Division can be divided into five changes in the program : Excavation Division level, from top to bottom hole lead, heading advance on the excavation, single (double) and lateral pit method. Excavation will be conducted Section Division excavation by the Ministry of shape, and to advance some of excavation, it may be called derivative ahead excavation pit method.Law Division level : general application or soil collapse easily lots of soft rock, with its advantages - stage method, height can be lengthened, the two-lane tunnel for a hole-fold, cycling Road Tunnel - hole 2 times; rather than single (double) PENDANTS Heading a high degree of mechanization, can accelerate the progress of the projects.The next heading advance excavation method (that is guided pit wall first arch) : This Act applies to Ⅱ, Ⅲrock. in the soft ground tunneling, to be adopted next general guide advance excavation pit wall first arch Act. Its advantages are : Heading advance excavation, the use of proven geological conditions in advance to facilitate change in the method. Face to facilitate started procedures applicable to the labor arrangements for the use of small machinery and construction. The drawbacks : The next section will guide small, slow construction and construction processes more, construction and management difficult.Unilateral-arm pit Law : rock instability, the tunnel span larger, ground subsidence is difficult to control when using this method. Its characteristics are : a positive step and arms Heading Act advantages.Bilateral arm Heading law : in large-span shallow tunnels, surface subsidence require strict, especially poor rock used. Advantages of this method are : Construction of safe, reliable, but slow construction, high cost.III.The main tunnel construction technology1. Cave construction :(1)excavation slope around :Lofting total station measurements, the use of excavators from top to bottom, paragraph by paragraph excavation, not the amount of excavation or the end of next overlapping excavation, remove pits with the above may slump topsoil, shrubs and rock slopes, rock strata of slope excavation needs blasting, Discussion should focus mainly loose blasting. Also partial artificial finishing, when excavation and inspection slope of slope, if sliding and cracking phenomenon and slowing down due slope.(2).Cheng Tung-supporting :Yang Brush Singapore Singapore after the completion of timely inspection plate slope gradient, the gradient to pass the inspection, the system set up to fight time anchor, and the exposed bolt heads, hanging metal based network expansion and bolt welding into first overall. Linked network immediately after the completion of shotcrete and repeatedly jet until it reaches the thickness of the design so far.(3).as of gutter construction :Yang slope away from the groove 5 meters excavation ditch interception, interception gutter mainly mechanical excavation, artificial finishing, after dressing, 7.5# immediately masonry made of mortar and stones, and the floor surface with mortar.2. Auxiliary construction :(1)A long pipe roof :Sets arch construction : construction Lofting, template installation, assembling reinforcement, the guidance of lofting 127 installation guide, concrete pouring.Pipe specifications : Heat Nazarbayev Seamless Steel Tube ¢108 mm and a thickness of 6 mm, length of 3 m, 6 m;N pipe from : Central to the distance 50 cm;N Inclination : Elevation 1 ° (the actual construction works by 2 °), the direction parallel with the Central Line;N pipe construction error : Radial not more than 20 cm;N tunnel longitudinal joints within the same section with more than 50% adjacent pipe joints staggered at least a meter.A. pipe roof construction method :Lofting accurate measurement personnel, marking the centerline and the vault out of its hole elevation, soil excavation reserved as a core pipe roof construction work platform Excavation footage of 2.5 meters, after the end of excavation, artificial symmetrical on both sides of excavation (Commodities H) platform, level width of 1.5 meters, 2.0 meters high, as construction sets and pipe arch shed facilities drilling platform. Pipe-roof design position should be and it should be a good hole steel tube, grouting after playing non-porous tube steel, non-porous tube can be used as pipe inspection, Grouting quality inspection, drill vertical direction must be accurately controlled to guarantee the opening hole to the right, End each drilling a hole is a pipe jacking, drilling should always use dipcompass drilling pipe measuring the deflection, found that the deflection over design requirements in a timely fashion. Pipe joints using screw connection, screw length 15 cm, to stagger the pipe joints, odd-numbered as the first section of the introduction of three-meter steel pipes and even numbered the first section of pipe using 6 meters, After each have adopted six-meter-long steel pipe.B. pipe roof construction machinery :N drilling machinery : XY-28-300 equipped with electric drill, drilling and pipe jacking long shelf;N grouting machine : BW-250/50-injection pump two Taiwan;N using cement-water glass slurry. Mud and water volume ratio 1:0.5; water glass slurry concentration of water-cement ratio 1:1 silicate 35 Baume; The efficacy silicate modulus pressure grouting pressure early pressure 2.0MPA 0.5~1.0MPA; end.(2). a small catheterA. small catheter used ahead diameter of 42 mm and a thickness of 3.5 mm thermal Nazarbayev seamless steel tubes, steel pipe was front-tip, Welding on the tail ¢6 stiffening brace and the wall around the drilling hole grouting 8 mm, but the tail of a meter without grouting holes and Advance Construction of a small catheter, the tubes and the lining of the centerline parallel to 10 ° -30 ° Chalu into the rock arch. penstocks to 20-50 cm spacing. Each was over a steel tubes, should be closed immediately shotcrete excavation face and then grouting. After grouting, erecting steel Arch, Supporting the early completion of every (2-3 meters, and the paper attempts to be) another one for steel tubes, Advance small catheter general lap length of 1.0 meters.B. Grouting parameters :N water slurry and water glass volume : 1:0.5;N slurry water-cement ratio 1:1N 35 Baume concentration of sodium silicate; The efficacy silicate modulusN grouting pressure 0.5~1.0MPA; if necessary, set up only orifice Pulp Cypriots.(3). bolting ahead : The Chalu must be greater than 14 degrees, grouting satiated and lap length is not less than 1 meter.3.Correcting construction :Embedded parts used by the Design Dimensions plank make shape design, installation in contrast snoop plate car, and position accuracy (error ± 50CM), the firm shall not be fixed, you must be in possession of the wire through the middle wear.4. Leveling ConstructionInstallation templates, at the request of both sides leveling layer calibration position to install template. Side-channel steel templates used [10#, top elevation with a corresponding length of the road elevation unanimously to allow deviation ±2mm. adjusted using the standard measurement to determine elevation. Every template fixed a certain distance from the outside to ensure that no displacement, the joints template close comfort, not from a slit, crooked and formation, and the bottom connector templates are not allowed to leak plasma. Concrete before reperfusion, the bottom surface of concrete must be clean. When the concrete arrived at the construction site directly installed backward mode of the road bed, and using artificial Huabu uniform. Concrete paver should be considered after the earthquake destroyed the settlement. Unrealistically high can be 10% higher, Lan is the surface elevation and design line. Concrete earthquake destroyed at or anywhere near the corner with plug-Lan Lan pound for pound order; Flat-Lan pound for pound crisscross comprehensive Lan, Inside each location is no longer the time for concrete sinks, no longer emitted large bubbles, and the surface of cement mortar later. normally no less than 15 seconds, also should not be too long; Then Chun-pound beam along the longitudinal Lan-pound trailer, With redundant Chun-pound concrete beams were dragged shift Trim, Dixian Department should keep leveling Lan facts. Finally, the diameter 75~100mm rolling seamless steel pipe for further leveling. Just do prohibited in the surface spraying water, and threw cement.5. Water, cable duct constructionInstall groove wall reinforcement of location accuracy, the line must be linked to the construction. Install groove wall purity, the purity requirements of accurate location, a vertical line. Dyadic greatest degree of not more than 3 mm, and template-Ditch The top-pronged, pass the inspection before the concrete reperfusion, on the side of the original wall must pick hair, and embedded parts to the location accurately. Template using stereotypes purity.6.Gate ConstructionCleared the site for construction layout. By design size requirement dug-wall basis. M7.5# masonry made of mortar and stones.Template installation, location accuracy requirements purity, a vertical line, and timely inspection template slope. Concrete pouring 15 # Riprap concrete, concrete strength to be more than 70% for Myeongdong vault backfill.Myungdong vault backfill should hierarchical compaction said. The typical thickness of less than 0.3M, both backfill surface height difference of not more than 0.5M. restored to the vault after the pack to design hierarchical compaction high, the use of machines rolling, Ramming must manually filled to vault over 1.0M before mechanical compaction .7 .Construction safety and environmental controlEntrance to wear helmets to prevent crashes, in which the speed limit 5KM, lighting must be a 10-meter lights reckless goods stored material must be standardized and distributed under special guard.Spoil venues must be smooth drainage, and must be masonry retaining wall to prevent flooding, debris flow forming.8. The construction process has to tackle the problems :Construction of two liner after water seepage treatment :Small cracks with acrylic, water or slurry coating of epoxy resin and other caulking, a good effect; On the larger cracks, available on the 10th of cement mortar or cement mortar expansion caulking more appropriate and effective;Large cracks (crack width greater than 5MM), (if leakage of water, available along the cutting machine cutting a wide cracks around 2~4CM small groove depth approximately 10CM above the water, Cutting a 5 × 5CM Cube holes room, then insert a pipe 4 × 4CM MF7 plastic Blind groove, Cutting together into good pressure tank, the introduction of vertical water drains, Finally, cement and water Glass closed mixed mortar cutting groove) withoutseepage, it is appropriate epoxy mortar, or grouting, Reinforced concrete and other reinforced jet.IV. Example projectsNATM is from the introduction of the bolt and shotcrete a category of "active" support the new technology to promote the use began. Soon, the Chinese engineer on the tunnel not only in substance but also in terms of acceptance of the new Austrian law. To be held in China in the tunnel and underground engineering academic meeting, the new Austrian capital has become a hot topic.Engineers of the new Austrian law relishes is justified : the use of new Austrian law, has been successful in soft rock and difficult conditions of the construction of various types of underground works.Built on loose sand gravel stratum of Beijing Subway allowed back of the tunnel is a typical example. The tunnel is located in the main street-256, 358m long, the largest excavation section 9m high, 14.5m wide coverage stratigraphic top of the tunnel only minimum thickness 9.0m. Tunnel boring machine of excavation, strengthen the grid arch shotcrete initial support and advance small catheter care, Without prejudice to ground transportation, underground pipelines to ensure the safety of construction success.In the works is the experience, knowledge of the Chinese engineers, the use of new Austrian law principles can be used in the Mountain Tunnel Mine Act to expand the scope of application of the soft rock, even in the fourth strata of municipal shallow tunnel to replace the traditional method of digging or shield. In China, such a method called "shallow mining method."Following allowed back lane tunnel, gravel in the same folder of alluvial gravel layer is shallow mining method used to build the span of 21.67m in the Xidan MTR stations.Changan Avenue in the construction of the new Beijing metro line projects, shallow mining method has been selected as the main method of construction. For example, the Tiananmen Square in Beijing Metro West Point, 226m long, for two double-pole structure.Guangzhou Metro East is shallow mining method used in the construction. Experience shows that from the ground environmental protection, surface subsidence of the dug system。
价储层类型 , 预测产能 , 而电成像资料能够直观 的
作者简介: 王冬冬( 1 9 8 6 一 ) , 男, 助理工程师, 大学本科, 2 0 0 9 A  ̄ - 毕业于东北石油大学; 现在中海油田服务股份有限公司油田技
术事业部 资料解释 中心工作 , 主要从事测 井解释与测 井地质 学研 究。
像具有高分辨率和高密度采样的特点 , 因此 , 它可以 很好 地反 应井 壁周 围地层 的岩性 , 结构 和构造 变化 , 可应用于地层识别 、 构造 、 沉积相 、 储层评价研究等
多个 方 面 ( 如图2 ) 。
2 电成 像测 井原理简介
微 电阻率扫描成像测井技术主要是在井下采用 扫描测量 , 沿井眼纵向、 周 向或径向大量采集地层信 息, 传输到井上 以后通过 图像处理技术得到井壁 的
王冬冬 申小虎 张传 举
中海油服 油技 资料 解释 中心 摘 要: 众所 周知 , 碳 酸 盐岩 是极 为 重要 的储 集岩 , 虽 然碳 酸 盐岩仅 构 成世界 沉 积 岩的 约 2 0 %, 却占
世 界 主要 油 田的 4 0 %。碳 酸 盐岩 储层 非 均质 性 强 , 常规 测 井资料 无 法满足 对 碳 酸 盐岩储 层 准确 评 价 的 需要 , 然 而微 电 阻率扫 描 成像 测 井恰 好 解 决这 一难 题 , 可 以直观 准确 的识 别碳 酸 盐岩 裂缝 和 孔洞 , 确 定储 集 空 间类 型 ; 同 时在 裂 缝 和孔 洞定 量参 数 计 算 、 地 应 力统 计 以及 洞穴有 效 性评价 上 取
2 0 1 4 年第 l 期 总第 1 9 9 期
国 外 测 井 技 术
地址:116024 辽宁省大连市高新园区凌工路2号
1.低阻储层流体性质判别的新方法 [J], 石磊;江娜;闫艳琴;杨洪鹏
2.低孔低渗碎屑岩储层流体性质测井识别技术——以四川盆地安岳气田须家河组气藏为例 [J], 李梅;赖强;黄科;刘兴刚;金燕
3.低孔低渗砂岩储层测井流体性质判别方法研究 [J], 李勇;朱竞
4.鄂尔多斯盆地奥陶系晚期碳酸岩盐储层测井识别技术研究 [J], 刘致秀
5.川东某潜高构造碳酸盐岩储层含流体性质判别方法研究 [J], 曹鉴华;陈科贵;伍顺伟;高伟;冯雪龙
1.一种随钻中子孔隙度测井系统的抗干扰设计 [J], 李伟;赵帆
2.D-T脉冲中子发生器随钻中子孔隙度测井的蒙特卡罗模拟 [J], 张锋;靳秀云;侯爽
3.随钻中子孔隙度测量系统中高压电源的研制 [J], 艾维平;邓乐;宋延淳
4.随钻中子地层孔隙度测量装置设计 [J], 贾衡天;艾维平;高文凯;范锦辉;邓乐;管康
5.一种随钻中子孔隙度测井系统的抗干扰设计 [J], 李伟;赵帆;
低渗透孔隙-裂隙介质气体非线性渗流运动方程邓英尔;谢和平;黄润秋;刘慈群【期刊名称】《四川大学学报(工程科学版)》【年(卷),期】2006(038)004【摘要】已有的煤层气渗流研究基于达西定律,而实验表明低渗透介质气体渗流为非线性流.采用实验、理论与计算相结合的方法建立低渗透孔隙-裂隙介气体非线性渗流运动方程.实验结果表明,低渗透孔隙-裂隙介质气体渗流曲线是从较低压力梯度下的凹形曲线至较高压力梯度下的直线,是连续变化的曲线,直线延长线不通过坐标原点,存在拟启动压力梯度.根据该普遍特征,建立了非线性渗流运动方程.其参数量纲与物理意义清楚,运动方程计算的理论曲线与实验结果吻合很好,达西定律是运动方程的特例,运动方程可运用于低渗透孔隙-裂隙介质气体渗流理论及开发计算研究.【总页数】4页(P1-4)【作者】邓英尔;谢和平;黄润秋;刘慈群【作者单位】四川大学,工程科学与灾害力学研究所,四川,成都,610065;成都理工大学,地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家专业实验室,四川,成都,610059;四川大学,工程科学与灾害力学研究所,四川,成都,610065;成都理工大学,地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家专业实验室,四川,成都,610059;中科院,渗流流体力学研究所,河北,廊坊,065007【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O357.3;TE312【相关文献】1.东风港油田特低渗透油藏微观孔隙结构及渗流特征试验研究 [J], 徐新丽2.含束缚水低渗透介质气体非线性渗流定律 [J], 邓英尔;黄润秋;麻翠杰;刘慈群3.低渗透微尺度孔隙气体渗流规律 [J], 邓英尔;谢和平;黄润秋;刘慈群4.超低渗透储层孔隙结构对渗流特征的影响 [J], 石亮亮;王磊;陈世栋;陈珂;王安成5.低渗透致密气藏微观孔隙结构及渗流特征研究:以苏里格气田苏48和苏120区块储层为例 [J], 庞振宇;孙卫;李进步;马二平;高航因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
关键词:高庙子膨润土;气相固有渗透率;Klinkenberg效应;VG-M模型1 引言核能的和平利用已广泛涉及国防、医学、工业以及农业等各个领域,为促进人类文明的进步发挥了极为重要的作用。
表1 高放废物深地质处置库中气体类型[12]物理化学反应产生气体类型金属腐蚀H2水及有机物的辐解H2,O2,CH4,N2O ,CO2,N2,SH2,H2O2,H2O,SO2微生物降解CO2,CH4,N2,SH2,H2Oα粒子电子捕获He水蒸发H2O放射性同位素衰变H-3,Rn-219,Rn-220,Rn-222,Kr-85,Ar气体热解H2,O2,CO2,CO,H2O,N2,SH2,CH4,SO2处置库中已有气体H2,O2,SH2,CO2,CH4,H2O,N2,He,Ar在研究气体渗透的过程中,膨润土的气相固有渗透率是非常重要的参数,它可以判断膨润土的微观结构与水化程度,并研究其机理。
基于克泥效浆液X射线衍射试验(X-ray diffraction, XRD)和黏度试验,研究浆液微观成分及流变性能。
以新疆哈密地区微膨胀泥岩破碎土为例,制备4种不同初始干密度重塑土样,采用压力板法和滤纸法试验测量其土-水特征曲线,采用变水头试验测量土样饱和渗透系数;通过自主研制的土柱渗流试验装置进行恒定体积条件下一维土柱入渗试验,探究湿润锋前进法和瞬态剖面法的适用性,以获得不同初始干密度土体的非饱和渗透性曲线,并结合试验值对Childs和Collis-Geroge (CCG)渗透系数预测模型进行修正。