1.介绍3种经典的编队控制方法, 即跟随领航者法、基于行为法和虚拟结构法。
刚性图论最早产生于结构及机械工程领域,现已应用于多个领域中来解决各种各样的问题,从分子生物学中的molecular conformations[61]到计算机视觉中的结构图配图问题[62]再到无碰撞机械臂动作规划问题[63],以及传感器网络定位[64-65],多智能体的编队控制[52,66]等.刚性图论的基础性工具包括Henneberg序列和Laman定理[60]:6.编队控制衍生的几个问题:(1)一致性:(2)聚集/同向:(3)群集/蜂拥:(4)包络控制:7.若干待解决的问题:(1)三维空间编队控制问题(2)具有强非线性模型的编队控制问题(3)异构多智能体系统的编队控制问题(4)通信、感知约束条件下的编队控制问题(5)多智能体编队控制系统实例研究(6)与无线传感器网络等领域的结合研究。
( 南京邮电大学 自 动化学院, 江苏 南京 204 ) 10 6
摘 要 : 能体 的编 队协调 控制 可 以作 为 c s CbrP yi l y e s信 息物理 系统 ) 一个 实 例 。多智 能体 之 间信 息 多智 P ( ye— hs a Ss m , c t 的
传 输存 在通信 时 延 , 个智 能体 的信 息处 理存 在输入 时延 , 史 文 献 中提 出 的具 有 时 延 的编 队协 调控 制 算 法只 实 现 了一 每 历 种 队形 的控 制 , 系统 中每 个智 能体 最后 并没 有定位 到各 自的 目标 位置 。文 中提 出了另 一种 具 有 不 同时延 的编 队协 调控 且 制 器算法 。本 控制 器算 法考 虑系 统 中每个 智能体 寻找 目标 位 置 的稳 定部 分 , 在 此 部分 考 虑 时延 问 题 , 并 最后 使 每 个智 能
关键 词 : 二阶 多智 能体 系统 ; 同时延 ; 不 目标 位置 ; 向生成 树 有 中圈分 类号 :P0 . T 3 16 文献 标识 码 : A 文章 编号 :63 69 21 )8 06 - 5 17 - 2XIo 20 —0 7 0
Fo ma i n Co r i a i n Co t o fS c n o d r M u t- g n r t o d n t n r lo e 0 d— r e li a e t o o
Abta tF r t nc odn t ncnrl fmut ae t yt sa xmpeo S ( b r P yia S s ms . h o t l lo src :oma o o ria o o t l- g n s msi le a l f i i oo i s e l CP Cye- h s l yt ) T ecnr g— c e oa
Feb. 2021Vdl.2& No.22021年2月 第28卷第2期控制工程Control Engineering of China文章编号:1671 -7848(2021 )02-0319-08DOI: 10.14107/ki.kzgc.20190149基于事件触发的多智能体分布式编队控制张志晨,秦正雁,张朋朋,刘腾飞(东北大学流程工业综合自动化国家重点实验室,辽宁沈阳110819)摘 要:研究具有有向通信拓扑的多智能体分布式编队事件触发控制问题,被控对象采用两轮差速轮式机器人。
首先,建立轮式机器人运动学模型,并利用动态反馈线性化方法将 模型转化为线性双积分器模型。
然后,基于李雅普诺夫稳定性定理,在满足稳定性的前提下设计事件触发器,从而实现分布式编队事件触发控制,并且保证系统不存在Zeno 行为。
最后,通过仿真实验与物理实验验证 了控制昇法的有效性,智能体间通信量显著降低。
关键词:轮式机器人;动态反馈线性化;编队;事件触发中图分类号:TP273 文献标识码:ADistributed Formation Control of Multi-agent Based on Event TriggerZHANG Zhi-chen, QIN Zheng-yan, ZHANG Peng-peng, LIU Teng-fei(State Key Laboratory of Synthetical Automation for Process Industries, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819 China)Abstract: This paper studies the distributed formation event trigger control problem of multi-agent with adirected communication topology and the agents use the two-wheel differential robot. Firstly, the kinematic model of wheeled robot is developed and transformed into a linear double integrator model through dynamic feedback linearization. Then the distributed formation controller is designed based on communication topology.Based on Lyapunov stability theorem, this paper designs the event trigger on the premise of stability. Thereby, the distributed formation event trigger control is implemented. And it ensures that there is no Zeno behavior in the system. Lastly, the effectiveness of the control algorithm is verified by simulation experiments and physicalexperiments, and communication frequency between agents is significantly reduced.Key words: Wheeled robots; dynamic feedback linearization; formation; event trigger1引言由于单个智能体在执行任务时受到自身能力 的限制,因此多智能体集群控制得到了广泛关注⑴。
Mu l t i . A g e n t 具有 自 主性、分布性、协调性,并具有自 组织能力、学习能力和推理能力 J 。使用 Mu l t i — A g e n t 技术
建立 MO MR遥操作系统的体系结构 , 把整个系统划分为若
错综复杂 ,使得系统的控制和实现难度大大增加。
收稿 日期 :2 0 1 3 — 0 1 — 0 7
修回日期 :2 0 1 3 — 0 3 - 1 5
E - ma i l :l i u x i n 8 9 0 1 2 8 @1 2 6 . c o n r
1 5 4
算 机
工 程
2 0 1 4年 2月 1 5日
立基于 Mu l t i — A g e n t 技术的共享控制 系统分层体系结构。 根据 MO MR遥操作系统的特点, 设计一种混合型 A g e n t 体 系结构,举例说明 A g e n t 的具体实现方法。
操作机器人位于 同一物理空间,多个操作者分布在不同的 地理位置,借助人机交互界面实时视频的辅助,与其他操 作者合作控制远端的多个机器人完成遥操作任务。按照功
2 系统物理结构
图1 所示为 MO MR遥操作系统的物理结构, 多个移动
能可将系统分为 6个子系统 :用户交互子系统,实时视频 子系统,通信子系统,安全保护子系统 ,协调控制子系统
能体( Mu l i t - A g e n t ) 模型建立了一种单机器人遥控焊接系统 的控制模型。文献[ 4 】 提出引用一种鲁棒性控制框架 , 通过
使用 N微调分散转移模块保证了系统的稳定性以及运动协
基金项 日:中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金资助项 N( J US R P 1 I A 4 8 ) 作者简介 : 刘 教授 鑫( 1 9 8 9 -) ,男, 硕士研究生,主研方向: 机器人遥操作技术 ; 于振中, 讲师、博士 ; 郑为凑 , 硕士研究生; 惠 晶,
第二章多智能体系统的建模与分析2.1 多智能体系统的定义和特点多智能体系统是由多个个体组成的一个整体,每个个体都有自己的感知和决策能力。
2.2 多智能体系统的建模方法多智能体系统的建模方法包括集中式方法和分布式方法。
2.3 多智能体系统的分析方法多智能体系统的分析方法包括动态分析和协同稳定性分析。
第三章多智能体系统的协同控制3.1 多智能体系统的协同控制方法多智能体系统的协同控制方法包括集中式控制和分布式控制。
3.2 多智能体系统的协同控制策略多智能体系统的协同控制策略包括一致性控制、队形控制、分工协同等。
第四章多智能体系统的优化策略4.1 多智能体系统的优化目标多智能体系统的优化目标包括最大化系统整体性能、最小化系统能耗、最优化任务分配等。
4.2 多智能体系统的优化方法多智能体系统的优化方法包括遗传算法、粒子群算法、神经网络等。
第五章多智能体系统的应用案例5.1 多智能体机器人系统多智能体机器人系统是多智能体系统在机器人领域的一个重要应用。
( 州职业大学 , 苏 扬州 扬 江 2 50 ) 2 0 9
要 : 对 一 类 具 有 不确 定性 和 外 部 干 扰 的 三 个 智 能 体 系统 , 出 了基 于 距 离的 分 散 自适 应 有 向编 队 针 提
控 制 策 略 。利 用模 糊 系统 的 逼 近 能 力 对 单 个智 能体 的 不 确 定 动 态 进 行 逼 近 , 同时 通 过 参 数 自适 应 估 计 消 除 了 逼 近 误 差 和 外部 干扰 对 系统 的 影 响 ; 一 步 , 进 引入 势 能 函数 避 免 个 体 之 间的 碰 撞 。通 过 B b l 引理 能 够证 明 aa t a 所 提 控 制 算 法 能 够 保 证 期 望 的 三 角 队形 且 每 个 智 能 体都 能 达 到 期 望 的 速 度 。
第 1 5卷 第 2期 2 1 年 6月 01
扬 州 职 业 大 学 学 报
Ju n l f o r a o Ya g h u oye h i C l n z o P lt c n c ol
Vo பைடு நூலகம் 5 No 2 1 1 .
J n 2 1 u .0 1
多 智 能 体 的 鲁 棒 自适 应 有 向 三 角 编 队控 制
Z U Y —ogD n WA GQn H adn , UJ , N i i
( a ghuP leh i C l g , agh u2 50 , hn ) Y nzo o t nc oee Y nzo 2 0 9 C ia yc l
Absr c :I h s p p r e e taie da tv o to c meo r c e ra g e fr t n ba e n i tr t a t n t i a e ,a d c n r lz d a p i ec n r ls he fdie td tin l o ma i s d o n e — o a e td sa c si r e u o h e lia e ts se t n e t i o ln a y misa x e n ld s g n itn e swo k d o tfrt r e mu t- g n y t mswih u c ra n n n i e rd na c nd e t r a i- - ・ t r n e . Unc ran d n mi st r r p o i td b h is y e f z y t ms Att e s me tme,t e u ba c s e i y a c e msa e a prx ma e y t e frttp uzy s se . h a i t h ef cs o p r x mai n e r ra d e tr a it r n e r lmi ae y u i h d p ie e tmai n o a fe t fa p o i t ro n x e n ld su ba c sa e ei n td b sng t e a a tv si to fp — o r me e . Fu h r r a tr t r e mo e,t e i t ra e tpoe t lf n to s a e i to u e o a od t e c lii n bewe n e c — h n e - g n t ni u c in r n r d c d t v i h o lso t e a h a a g n .By t e Ba a a ’ e et h b lt Slmma,t e p o o e o to l o i h r p s d c n r lag rt hmsc n no n y a c mp ih t e de ie o main a to l c o ls h sr d f r to b ta s n ur ha p e s o l g n s c n eg o a c mmo aue d rn h to . u lo e s e t ts e d fala e t o v r e t o n v l u i g t e moi n Ke r s:mu t— g n y t m ;de e taie d p ie c n rl y wo d lia e ts se c n r lz d a a t o to ;die td tin l o mai n c n r l v r c e ra ge fr t o to o
关 键 词 : 水 下 多 智 能 体 系统 ;编 队 控 制 ;收 敛 速 度 中 图 分 类 号 : T 1 P3 文 献标 识码 : A 文 章 编 号 : 17 - 6 9 2 1 ) 5 0 6 - 3 d i1 .4 4 ji n 1 7 — 6 9 2 1 . 5 0 5 6 2 74 (02 0 — 07 0 o :0 3 0 /.s . 6 2 7 4 . 0 2 0 . 1 s
s se u e t e fs o m ain c n r lp oo o o mai n f se ha et e sa a d fr t n c n r lp o o o y t m s h a tf r to o to r t c lfr t a trt n us h tnd r o mai o to r tc l o o
但 对 于任何 控制 系统 而言 , 去 的状 态都 值 得考 虑 , 过
而且 很 容易 得 到 ,本 文 提 出 的 快 速 编 队控 制 算 法 不 仅 利用 智能 体 当前 状 态 ,还 利 用 智 能体 过 去状 态 的
的 、 法预 知 的 或 危 险 的海 洋 环 境 之 中 ,完 成 自主 无
不适 合潜 水员 及 载 人 潜水 器 进 行 。作 为海 洋 资 源开
发工 具 , 下智 能 体 ( U 成 为 当今 各 国在 海 洋 工 水 A V) 程领 域 中 的研 究 热 点 。这 主要 是 由于 在 实 际 的 水 下
作 业 中 , U 可 以 自 主 地 运 行 在 远 程 的 、难 于 接 近 A V
sae n u d td t t s i r po e .Th a t fr t n o to r t te s a ay e nd r a u die td tt sa d o t ae sa e s p o s d e f s o ma i c n r lp oo o li n lz d u e n r c e o c mm u ia in g a h.Ba e o t e  ̄e u n l — o i a ay i a d o n c to r p sd n h q e tY d ma n n lss n marx h oy, i s h wn h t h ti t e r t s o t a t e i
多智能体编队控制方法有很多种,其中一种常见的方法是Leader-Follower 法。
1.1 编队控制的基本原理编队控制的基本原理是通过设计控制律,使得无人机群能够根据领导者的指令或者预设的规则进行协同飞行。
1.2 编队控制的关键技术编队控制的关键技术包括队形设计、队形稳定性分析、队形调整策略和队形优化算法。
2.1 路径规划的基本原则路径规划的基本原则是确保无人机群能够安全、高效地从起点飞到终点。
2.2 路径规划的关键技术路径规划的关键技术包括环境感知、路径搜索算法、避障策略和多无人机协同规划。
xtt (t, r, ) x(t, r, ) x x(t, R, ) u(t, )
Donghua University
• PDE的平衡点对应系统的稳定状态
0 x(t, r, ) x x(t, R,) u(t,)
Donghua University
• 嵌入式机器人 • 飞机编队飞行,队形控制 • 小卫星群 • 无线传感网络
Donghua University
Donghua University
Donghua University
Donghua University
Donghua University
• 例子 robotic submarine 寻找马航失联客机 autonomous underwater vehicle在海底寻找, 多个水下机器人形成协同搜索,效率更好,每个搜索
• 应用于无人驾驶机群的编队飞行,可移动机器人的定位和位 置部署,可移动传感网络的布局,运输车辆的协调,飞行器 或者小卫星群的空间布局等无人网络系统的控制,在人类难 以到达或者危险的地方,完成环境探索、科学采样、地图绘 制、监测和侦查、搜索和营救以及分布式传感等协同任务。
• 多智能体协同控制的研究可派生出各种分布式算法,解决不 同领域的科学问题,例如异步网络通讯、分布式协同决策、 信息融合以及耦合振子系统等。
Donghua University
Donghua University
Research program: what are we after?
• Design of provably correct, distributed coordination algorithms 分布式协同算法设计
三、几类多智能体系统编队控制问题研究1. 固定环境下多智能体编队控制问题在固定环境下,多智能体需要形成稳定的编队结构,并按照预定的路径进行运动。
2. 动态环境下多智能体编队跟踪问题在动态环境下,多智能体需要实时调整编队结构,以适应环境变化。
3. 异构多智能体编队控制问题异构多智能体系统中,各智能体的性能、能力等存在差异。
《多智能体系统的几类编队控制问题研究》篇一一、引言随着科技的飞速发展,多智能体系统(Multi-Agent System, MAS)的编队控制问题已经成为众多领域研究的热点。
三、几类编队控制问题研究1. 基于行为的编队控制基于行为的编队控制是一种常见的方法,其核心思想是通过设计每个智能体的行为规则来实现整体的编队。
2. 基于领航者的编队控制基于领航者的编队控制是指通过指定一个或多个领航者来引导整个队伍的行动。
3. 分布式编队控制分布式编队控制是指每个智能体都根据自身的信息和周围智能体的信息进行决策,从而实现整个队伍的协同编队。
1.协同优化方法的分类介绍。 2.不同类型协同优化方法的特点分析。 3.协同优化方法的应用场景举例。 协同优化方法可以根据优化问题的类型和求解方法进行分类, 包括分布式协同优化方法、集中式协同优化方法、混合协同优 化方法等。不同类型的协同优化方法具有不同的特点和适用场 景,例如分布式协同优化方法具有较好的可扩展性和鲁棒性, 适用于大规模分布式系统的优化问题。 ---
▪ 感知与信息共享
1.利用先进的传感器技术,提高多智能体的环境感知能力。 2.建立感知信息共享机制,实现多智能体之间的协同感知和避 障。 3.通过深度学习等技术,优化感知信息的处理和解释,提高协 同感知的准确性。
▪ 任务分配与资源调度
1.设计有效的任务分配算法,根据多智能体的能力和资源进行 合理分配。 2.建立资源调度机制,确保多智能体能够高效地利用有限的资 源完成任务。 3.考虑任务分配和资源调度的动态性,适应不同场景和需求的 变化。
-▪-- 协同算法的分类和特点
1.协同算法的分类介绍。 2.不同类型协同算法的特点分析。 3.协同算法的应用场景举例。 协同算法可以根据智能体之间的交互方式和问题类型进行分类,包括分布式协同算法、集中 式协同算法、基于学习的协同算法等。不同类型的协同算法具有不同的特点和适用场景,例 如分布式协同算法具有较好的可扩展性和鲁棒性,适用于大规模分布式系统的优化和控制。 ---
▪ 智能体的感知与决策
1.智能体通过感知器感知环境信息,经过信息处理后做出决策。 2.智能体的决策过程包括问题定义、信息搜索和方案评估等步骤。 3.智能体的感知和决策能力受到信息质量和处理能力的限制。
▪ 智能体的学习与自适应
该方法被广泛的应用于“领导-跟随者”、“虚拟领航者”以及多智能体编队问题的研究【摘要】 无人机或无人车等装备是军工领域中常见的现代作战装备之一。
%In this paper, a decentralized adaptive control scheme of directed triangle formation based on interagent distances is worked out for three multi-agent systems with uncertain nonlinear dynamics and external disturbances. Uncertain dynamics terms are approximated by the first type fuzzy systems. At the same time, the effects of approximation error and external disturbances are eliminated by using the adaptive estimation ofpa- rameter. Furthermore, the inter-agent potential functions are introduced to avoid the collision between each a- gent. By the Babalat' s lemma, the proposed control algorithms can not only accomplish the desired formation but also ensure that speeds of all agents converge to a common value during the motion.【期刊名称】《扬州职业大学学报》【年(卷),期】2011(015)002【总页数】5页(P29-33)【关键词】多智能体系统;分散自适应控制;有向编队控制【作者】朱亚东;杜晋;王芹【作者单位】扬州职业大学,江苏扬州225009;扬州职业大学,江苏扬州225009;扬州职业大学,江苏扬州225009【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP27320世纪90年代后期,多智能体的编队控制研究获得了深入的发展,相关研究成果在协同搜寻、营救、导航和多机器人规划、水下航行器控制及空间航行器的控制方面发挥了很大的作用[1-3]。
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IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, VOL. 56, NO. 8, AUGUST 20111791Leader-Enabled Deployment Onto Planar Curves: A PDE-Based ApproachPaul Frihauf, Student Member, IEEE, and Miroslav Krstic, Fellow, IEEEAbstract—We introduce an approach for stable deployment of agents onto families of planar curves, namely, 1-D formations in 2-D space. The agents’ collective dynamics are modeled by the reaction–advection–diffusion class of partial differential equations (PDEs), which is a broader class than the standard heat equation and generates a rich geometric family of deployment curves. The PDE models, whose state is the position of the agents, incorporate the agents’ feedback laws, which are designed based on a spatial internal model principle. Namely, the agents’ feedback laws allow the agents to deploy to a family of geometric curves that correspond to the model’s equilibrium curves, parameterized . However, many of by the continuous agent identity these curves are open-loop unstable. Stable deployment is ensured by leader feedback, designed in a manner similar to the boundary control of PDEs. By discretizing the PDE model with respect to , we impose a fixed communication topology, specifically a chain graph, on the agents and obtain control laws that require communication with only an agent’s nearest neighbors on the graph. A PDE-based approach is also used to design observers to estimate the positions of all the agents, which are needed in the leader’s feedback, by measuring only the position of the leader’s nearest neighbor. Hence, the leader uses only local information when employing output feedback. Index Terms—Boundary multiagent systems. control, cooperative control,I. INTRODUCTION UCH research has been conducted in multiagent formation control, leading to many approaches for stable deployment onto curves. However, the agents in many of these works implement controllers that depend on the desired deployment, hence the parameters of each agent’s controller must be updated to move the agents from one deployment to another, which may be cumbersome for systems with large numbers of agents. We propose a framework that enables agents to achieve deployment families while employing a single controller with no knowledge of the desired deployment. These families correspond to the potentially unstable, nonzero equilibria ofMManuscript received August 31, 2009; revised May 18, 2010; accepted October 06, 2010. Date of publication November 15, 2010; date of current version August 03, 2011. This work was supported by the Department of Defense (DoD), the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship, 32 CFR 168a, the National Science Foundation, and the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Recommended by Associate Editor M. Egerstedt. The authors are with the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093 USA (e-mail: pfrihauf@; krstic@). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at . Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAC.2010.2092210either two decoupled, linear reaction–advection–diffusion partial differential equations (PDEs) or one complex-valued, linear Ginzburg–Landau PDE and are stabilized by a leader agent. The agents’ positions, needed for the leader’s feedback, are estimated by observers that require position information from only the leader’s nearest neighbor. Thus, when the leader employs output feedback, all the agents use only local information. We also propose a nonlinear approach for deployment to a family of circular arcs, including circles, that does not require leader feedback. This design, however, is limited to formations of fixed radius, whereas the leader-enabled design allows the agents to stabilize formations of any size with an arbitrary convergence rate. For large multiagent systems, our framework allows a user to deploy many agents to multiple configurations while communicating with only two agents. 1) Literature Review: This paper draws from multiagent systems research in formation control, estimation, and PDE-related designs. In formation control, feasible geometric patterns are characterized for agents with global information in [1], and stabilization of any geometric pattern using Laplacian controls are studied in [2]–[4]. Formation control for unicycles under cyclic pursuit is considered in [5], [6], a sequence of maneuvers between formation patterns is achieved with a behavior-based approach in [7], and planar formations are controlled in a Lie group setting in [8]. By selecting appropriate density functions that are known by all the agents, coverage control algorithms designed in [9] can be used to achieve deployments onto a desired planar curve and 2-D distributions within a desired planar curve. In [10], decentralized controllers that maintain connectivity are used to form geometric patterns specified by a smooth function. Deployment and rendezvous on a line are considered in [11] for agents connected by a data-rate-constrained network. Other works use a leader agent to influence the collective behavior of the agents. Artificial potentials and virtual leaders are used to control the group’s geometry and mission in [12]. In leader–follower systems, nonholonomic followers use nonlinear controllers to stabilize their relative distances and orientation in [13], leader-to-formation stability gains are used to quantify a formation’s stability properties in [14], and bounds on a leader’s velocity and the curvature of its path, which guarantee the existence of a follower’s formation-maintaining controller, are determined in [15]. A leader agent is used to steer a formation in [4] and to optimally transfer agents to desired waypoints at specified times in [16]. In [17], leaders employ a hybrid Stop–Go policy to drive follower agents to a target location. Multiagent estimation research has focused mainly on dynamic consensus filters. Vehicles use an information exchange methodology, whose stability is decoupled from the local control of the vehicles, to reach consensus on a formation’s center0018-9286/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE1792IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, VOL. 56, NO. 8, AUGUST 2011in [2]. Laplacian consensus dynamics are extended in [18] to handle time-varying signals, arbitrary time delays, and splitting and merging networks. Dynamic consensus filters are developed in [19] and implemented in [20] to estimate global information for use in an agent’s local controller to achieve the system’s desired global behavior. Dynamic consensus filters are also used in [21] to stabilize parallel or circular collective motion, recovering the results in [22]. Recent years have seen an increase in multiagent research utilizing PDEs for both design and analysis [23]–[28]. In particular, [24] uses a PDE from image processing to design boundary-tracking controllers, [26] models a swarm as an incompressible fluid for pattern generation, and [27] studies the stability of large vehicular platoons using a linear hyperbolic PDE. The Partial difference Equation (PdE) framework is used in [29] to show that Laplacian control, analyzed in [30] and [31], coincides with the heat equation. It is also used to develop control laws in [17] and [32], where in [32], agents use model reference adaptive control laws to track desired trajectories, using either the heat equation or the wave equation as reference models. 2) Results of This Paper: We introduce a framework for multiagent deployment into families of geometric curves. Our design employs linear reaction–advection–diffusion equations and boundary control techniques, which treat the agents as a continuum. These PDE models are an application of the internal model principle [33], but in a spatial sense, where the PDE models allow the agents to achieve a family of deployments that correspond to the models’ nonzero equilibria. Specifically, the follower agents’ feedback laws, incorporated by the PDE models, contain a model for a family of geometric curves, namely, signals in space rather than time. Consequently, the agents are able to achieve different formations while using the same controller, whereas other works require a controller’s parameters to be changed to achieve a new deployment. The follower agents’ feedback laws, however, do not ensure stability, and many, if not most, nonelementary deployments are derived from unstable PDE models. Other PDE-based designs utilize only inherently stable models. Stabilization of the planar curves is guaranteed by two boundary agents—the leader agent and the anchor agent—which serve as boundary conditions for the PDE models. These special agents execute control laws designed using the backstepping approach [34]. Even for standard deployments, which correspond to stable PDEs, such as rendezvous or deployment to a line, our leader feedback can achieve any desired convergence speed, in contrast to the convergence speeds of the standard consensus-based algorithms that are limited by the first eigenvalue of the heat equation [2], [11], [29]. The desired deployment shape is encoded in these boundary controls in the form of a bias term, which allows the leader and anchor to select a specific curve from the deployment family for the agents to stabilize. By adjusting their respective bias terms, the leader and anchor (and by extension, the user) can induce the agents to unknowingly deploy to other curves within the deployment family. Our framework also includes the design of observers, which are employed by the leader agent, using the backstepping approach for PDEs with boundary sensing [35]. These observers require knowledge of only the position of the leader’s nearestFig. 1. Communication topology imposed by spatial discretization. The leader needs global information (dashed) unless it uses output feedback. Legend: anchor; follower; leader.neighbor to estimate the positions of all the agents. By spatially discretizing the PDE models, observers, and boundary controllers, we obtain control laws for the follower agents, the anchor, and the leader. This discretization imposes a fixed communication topology on the agents, shown in Fig. 1, where if the leader employs output feedback, all the agents utilize only local information (in the sense of the communication topology) in their control laws. The unstable PDEs place special emphasis on the leader for stability. For this reason, we explore alternative ways to achieve deployment families. We focus on circles since they correspond to unstable PDE models in the leader-based design and are important benchmarks that extend the deployment ideas beyond linear deployments [3], [11]. We present a nonlinear PDE model for deployment to a circle and prove its stability. We use anchor agents to move the agents from one deployment to another, similar to the use of leading reference agents in [32]. A limitation of this method is that the deployment’s radius cannot be manipulated by the anchors (or user) without communicating the desired radius to all the agents. In contrast, the leader-based approach allows deployment to circles/ellipses of arbitrary size without the need to broadcast any parameters. 3) Organization: Section II introduces leader-enabled deployment for both decoupled 1-D deployments and complexvalued deployments with – cross-coupling. Section III details the design of stabilizing controllers with closed-loop stability proven in Section IV. Observer design, model discretization, and numerical simulations are presented in Sections V–VII. We introduce deployment to circular arc families in Section VIII and conclude with Section IX. II. LEADER-ENABLED DEPLOYMENT For the planar deployment problem, we consider a large (continuum) group of fully actuated agents operating in a common reference frame, namely, we consider the dynamical model (1) where denotes the position of agent at time , are the control inputs for agent , , , and . We refer to the parameter as the agent identity, which serves as an agent’s identification number and as the spatial variable of a PDE model for the group’s collective dynamics. Discretizing (1) with respect to leads to the following dynamical model andFRIHAUF AND KRSTIC: LEADER-ENABLED DEPLOYMENT ONTO PLANAR CURVES1793for agent : , , . For , later use, we define the notation: . Our goal is to stably deploy a continuum of agents to families , . of planar curves by designing the controllers Then, a finite number of agents implement the discretized , . This 2-D deployment problem can be controllers approached either through: 1) two decoupled 1-D deployment problems, where the horizontal feedback is decoupled from vertical feedback, i.e., actuation in the -direction does not depend on the position measurement in the -direction, and vice-versa; or 2) as a single complex-valued deployment, where the real and imaginary components represent the horizontal and vertical coordinates, and actuation in each coordinate direction depends on the entire position vector. Restated, in 1), the horizontal velocity command is a function of only the -position, and the vertical velocity command is a function of only the -position. In 2), the complex-valued formulation allows for horizontal and vertical velocity commands that are functions of the planar . Using two decoupled 1-D deployments is position simpler than employing a single complex-valued deployment, so we consider it first for clarity. A. Decoupled 1-D Deployments It is common to approach the deployment problem through consensus-based control laws [2]–[4], [11], whose basic form is given by (2) where denotes the set of agents/neighbors that communicate with agent . In [29], (2) is formally shown to coincide with the heat equation (3) where each agent employs the diffusion-based feedback , which depends only on local agent interactions, i.e., an agent’s nearest neighbors. This simple agent strategy is stable, but it is limited in its convergence rate and is capable of achieving only linear formations [because the equilibrium equation is the simplest second-order ordinary ]. differential equation (ODE), Remark 2.1: Throughout this paper, “nearest-neighbor” refers to agents that are nearest in terms of the fixed communication topology, not in terms of physical distance. Drawing from the connection between consensus and the heat equation, we approach the PDE-based deployment with the more general linear reaction–advection–diffusion equation (4) where the agents’ velocity-actuated feedback laws are follows analogiven by the right-hand side of (4), and gously for the -dimension. These feedback laws maintain the simplicity of the diffusion-based feedback as they are still based only on nearest-neighbor information with all the agents applying the same constant gains and . In the sequel, we dropwhenever the context allows us to do so the arguments without harming clarity. We designate a special role for the two boundary agents, i.e., and agent , whose motions are governed by agent (5) where and are controls to be designed, and which act as the boundary conditions for the PDE (4). The leader agent and the anchor agent will control the follower . As indicated by their names, the leader agents , while the anchor simply stabilizes the deployment profile . Either the leader agent deploys to its designated position or both the leader and anchor agents may be treated as virtual agents if desired (and as suggested by the use of virtual edge leaders in [3]), but it is not necessary. The deployment families of interest correspond to the nonzero equilibrium curves of (4), which satisfy the two-point boundary value problem (6) and given. This allows for a much more general with family of deployments than the linear (in ) equilibrium curves of the heat (3). Equation (6), which is a second-order ODE with constant coefficients, characterizes all the achievable 1-D deployments with the follower agent feedbacks (4). While these feedbacks make these deployments feasible, they do not guarantee stability since the open-loop response of (4) is with eigenvalues , , and constants , whose values depend on the initial condition . In particular, deployment families are unstable. Hence, the leader and the where anchor agents play a crucial role in stabilizing the possibly nonlinear (in ) deployment curves. For planar deployment, we utilize a 1-D PDE model for each and , coordinate axis, which yields two deployments, that characterize a planar curve parameterized in(7) and are basis functions associated with where the solutions of (6) for the respective horizontal and vertical the PDE models. We term the coefficients, , , , and deployment coefficients, which are scalars the user is free to select to define a desired deployment. It is of interest to see how rich the family of possible geometric curves is. Table I categorizes the basis functions according to the values of and . To the user, who has particular planar formations in mind, the basis functions are a starting point in selecting the strategies of the follower agents and also of the leader and anchor agents. The ability to use two disparate PDE models (one for each dimension) provides the user with a wide variety of basis-function combinations that produce various planar deployments. Interestingly, the well-known Lissajous curves, given by , , where , , , , and are scalars and , , are achieved when the 1-D deployments are governed by the reaction–diffusion equations,1794IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, VOL. 56, NO. 8, AUGUST 2011TABLE I BASIS FUNCTIONS FOR 1-D DEPLOYMENT CURVES OF THE REACTION–ADVECTION–DIFFUSION EQUATIONB. Complex-Valued 2-D Deployment With – Cross-Coupling Until now, we have considered the already rich family of planar deployments that are created by pairing two independent 1-D deployments. We now extend this family of achievable deployments by utilizing an agent’s full position vector in a feedback law for each coordinate direction. To do so, we consider the complex-valued Ginzburg–Landau PDE as a continuum model of the collective dynamics of the agents in the plane. be the complex-valued Let position at time of agent , where denotes the imaginary . Now, consider the complex-valued reaction–advecunit, tion–diffusion equation (which is a linear Ginzburg–Landau PDE with constant coefficients)(10) . In the sequel, we use , , where for conciseness. Equation (10) represents and the followers’ velocity-actuated feedback laws. As before, the leader and anchor agents serve as the boundary conditions for the PDE (10) (11) and are controls to be designed. The openwhere is positive and large. loop system is unstable when The deployments associated with (10) are the equilibrium curves that satisfy the complex-valued two-point boundary value problem (12) and are given. The second-order complex where ODE (12) is in fact a fourth-order real ODE, whose solution is given in terms of four basis functions as , alternatively written asFig. 2. Lissajous curves for various values of , , and with . The dots represent agents. Legend: black dots agents. light dots, agent;and , and the following deployment coefficients are selected: , , , and . Fig. 2 depicts four possible deployments of 15 agents based on Lissajous curves. When the same PDE model is used in each dimension, the parameterized deployment can be written in vector form as (8)(13) and the coefficient matrix can be chosen to be a rotation, scaling, shear, or reflection matrix. For example, the coefficients can be selected to define the desired deployment (9) which is a counterclockwise rotation of the scaled curve , about the origin by the angle . are When two identical reaction–diffusion equations with , and (9) repused, resents a rotated ellipse. If the same PDE models are used, but , , with and (9) represents a rotated hyperbola. The presence of four basis functions affords the designer additional flexibility in shaping deployments, but the restrictive structure of the matrices in (13) prevents the user from being able to shear, reflect, or scale disproportionately the formations. The deployments can only be rotated or equally scaled. For the second-order complex-valued ODE (12), the resulting basis functions are not easy to categorize in terms of the values of the real and imaginary parts of , , , as was done in Table I for real second-order ODEs. We characterize the basis functions for specific subclasses of the complex-valued reaction–advec, the equilibrium profiles tion–diffusion equation. For are linear in , regardless of the value of . The more interesting cases are characterized next.FRIHAUF AND KRSTIC: LEADER-ENABLED DEPLOYMENT ONTO PLANAR CURVES17951) Advection–Diffusion Equation:where,. If two independent 1-D profiles. 2) Reaction–Diffusion Equation(14) , and , the deployment reduces to :(15) where ,, and denotes the signum function. The deployments become decoupled if . 3) Reaction–Advection–Diffusion Equation:one complex-valued deployment, the user applies the following steps. 1) Select a desired deployment family, i.e., a family of basis functions. 2) Select specific basis functions by choosing the coefficients of the appropriate PDE model(s). 3) Choose deployment coefficients to generate a specific planar deployment. 4) Choose the desired deployment convergence rate. 5) Discretize the PDE model(s) spatially to obtain implementable control laws for the leader, anchor, and follower agents. This procedure encompasses both feasibility (steps 1–3) and stability (steps 4 and 5). We have discussed deployment families for agents with feedback laws derived from PDE model(s), which guarantee feasibility, but not stability, of the deployments. and For stable deployment, we design the control laws for the anchor and the leader, and for the leader, observers to estimate the agents’ positions. We now focus on these designs. III. LEADER FEEDBACK DESIGN(16) where , , , , , , and . The deployments in each dimension . become decoupled if Clearly, selecting the appropriate PDE model (10)—specifically the coefficients , , and required for a desired deployment family—is not as straightforward as in the 1-D case due to the complicated expressions for and given in (14)–(16). However, interesting deployments can be found with some ef, , and fort. For example, by selecting , the deployment (14) becomesWe employ PDE backstepping boundary control [34] for the complex-valued PDE model (10) and (11) since leader-based control naturally leads to formulations with actuation at the boundary. PDE backstepping succeeds in deriving closed-form controllers that achieve exponential stability with only boundary actuation. This approach is more elegant than other boundary methods that produce complicated controllers, which require solving operator Riccati equations. This design also applies, as a special case, to the real-valued PDE model (4) with boundary , , , and as real-valued and conditions (5) by treating . setting First, we introduce the deployment profile error(18) to shift the equilibrium of (10) to the origin. Substituting (18) into (10) and (11) yields (19) (20) (21) and we remind the reader that the coefficients , , and are . Next, we substitute the change of complex and variable [34] (22) into (19)–(21) to eliminate the advection term and obtain (23) (24) (25)(17) which represents a circle deployment centered about the . By simply changing the scalars and , point the deployment can be moved about the plane. In contrast, a circle deployment can also be formed using two independent, open-loop unstable 1-D reaction–diffusion equations with , whose equilibria correspond to a family of ellipses centered about the origin. The deployments (15) and (16) model families of spiral-like deployments. C. Design Procedure for Desired Deployment Profiles To achieve leader-enabled deployment onto possibly nonlinear (in ) planar curves using either two 1-D deployments or1796IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, VOL. 56, NO. 8, AUGUST 2011Now, let be a new state that is defined by the coordinate transformation (26) defined on where the kernel is given by [34] (27) with , , In (27), denotes the first-order modified Bessel function of the first kind. The variable (26) is shown to satisfy the target PDE system (28) (29) (30) and this transformation can be inverted to obtain (31) where the inverse gain kernel [34]. As will be seen in Section IV, the parameter , which is selected by the user, determines the convergence rate of the deployment. From (18), (22), (26), and the boundary conditions (24) and (29), we obtain the anchor’s control law(26), and the boundary conditions (25) and (30), we arrive at the leader’s control law (35) that, with (32), stabilizes the deployment profile . Of note, the control laws (32) and (35) both contain a feedback term and a constant bias term, whose value is determined by the desired formation and can be computed prior to deployment. By simply changing the bias terms—without changing the feedback terms or the follower agents’ control strategy—different deployment profiles can be induced and stabilized by the anchor and the leader. To achieve a specific formation, the user to compute the selects the deployment coefficients . If the bias terms are zero, rendezvous at the origin bias is achieved. However, if the user has no knowledge of the deployment family and instead changes the bias values directly—i.e., and employs the boundary conditions , where denote bias terms set by the user—the agents will stabilize the deploy. ment profile This profile is found by applying the change of variable, , and the transformation (26) to the system (10) and (11) to obtain the target PDE system (28) and with boundary conditions . The equilibrium of (28) with these boundary conditions is(32) For the leader’s control law, we introduce the operator acting on the function as(36) . We use the inverse transformawhere , to tion (31) and change of variable, . obtain IV. CLOSED-LOOP STABILITY (33) Due to the dynamic character of the boundary conditions (29) and (30), there are several aspects in which the stability analysis here differs from [34] and other work on PDE boundary control. A boundary value-dependent perturbation term arises on the right-hand side of (28), and the dynamic boundary conditions necessitate that the analysis be conducted in the Sobolev space, , rather than the function space, . Theorem 1: The system (10) with boundary conditions (11) and control laws (32) and (35) is exponentially stable in the(34) where and indicate the second- and third-order modified Bessel functions of the first kind, respectively. From (18), (22),FRIHAUF AND KRSTIC: LEADER-ENABLED DEPLOYMENT ONTO PLANAR CURVES1797norm at the equilibrium such that for all , , and,, i.e., there exists , whereWe now apply the Cauchy-Schwarz and Young’s inequalities to obtain with the parameter(37) Proof: We begin by proving exponential stability of the be the Lyapunov functional target system (28)–(30). Let(38) where is a positive scalar to be determined. In the sequel, we unless needed for clarity. Taking the omit the arguments gives time derivative of where and . Selecting the parameters , we find(42)(39) where yields denotes the complex conjugate of . Substituting (30)(43) so that (The choice of assumes that and .) From the Comparison Lemma [36] and Lemma 4 in the Appendix, we have(40) Integrating by parts and substituting (28)–(30) gives where(44) , , and , are shown in (103) and (104). The stability result is obtained from (44) with . From Theorem 1, we see that the leader-enabled continuum design achieves exponential stability with a decay rate that can be arbitrarily set by the user, namely, the gain . V. LEADER OBSERVER DESIGN In the previous sections, we have assumed that the leader agent has knowledge of all the agents’ positions. Since the leader agent is acting as a boundary actuator, it is also natural to use it as a boundary sensor, providing measurements to an observer that estimates the positions of all the agents. We now consider two scenarios: 1) the leader knows the position of itself, its nearest neighbor, and the anchor agent, and 2) the leader knows the position of only itself and its nearest neighbor. In both cases, the leader agent also knows the anchor’s bias term. For these scenarios, we use backstepping for PDEs with boundary sensing [35] to design exponentially stable observers of the follower agents’ positions for use in the leader agent’s controller (35). As with boundary control, PDE backstepping leads to observer designs with closed-form observer gains, whereas other methods lead to more complicated designs.(41)。