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But the UK delegation also includes many distinguished academic researchers at the forefront of their fields—and, as a fields— reminder of the excellence of UK science, it is good to see Harry Kroto, one of the UK’s Nobel Laureates, here today.
关键词 Banquet host the banquet in honor of…. __________welcome __________invitation __________hospitality __________thanks/ __________thanks/gratitude __________visits __________ wishes /greetings Propose a toast to……
This has been a week of extraordinary activity and variety in Shanghai as UK organizations have laid on a whole range of activities and exhibitions to demonstrate the creativity and innovation in the 21st century.
As the Ministry of Science and Innovation, I am therefore delighted that science and technology brings this week to a satisfactory close and I am particularly pleased that so many key players in some of the UK’s leading firms are able to be here to式/词 预祝..圆满成功 请允许我宣布..开幕/ 请允许我宣布..开幕/闭幕 祝各位身体健康,万事如意
信息分流,抓住关键字 简化层次,搭出架构 逻辑严密,自圆其说
Thank you for your kind words of introduction and for inviting me to deliver one of the keynote address at this, the first UK-China High Technology Forum. UK-
六要: 少写多划 少字多意 少线多指 少横多竖 快速书写 明确结束
六不要: 不要把笔记作为目的,重点在听 不要贪心记下每一个字 不要拼命写完最后几个字 笔记不要写的太挤 不能刻意追求使用符号 不要现场发明符号
礼仪性口译/大会致辞Ceremonial 礼仪性口译/大会致辞Ceremonial Speech/ Conference Address
礼仪性口译 称谓 关键词 关键句型 大会致辞 4“W” 关键词 关键句型
称谓 总统: 总书记: 部长: 市长: 陛下: 代表:
主席: 首相/总理: 首相/ 省长/ 省长/州长: 贵宾/嘉宾: 阁下: 各界来宾:
欢迎来到 我很高兴/荣幸.... 代表/以..的名义 本着..的精神 借此机会 承蒙..的盛情邀请 会老友结新友 请各位与我一起举杯,让我们一起为..干杯!
大会致辞 4“W” 4“W” what---什么会 what---什么会 when---什么时间在开会 when---什么时间在开会 who---谁在开会 who---谁在开会 why---为什么要开会 why---为什么要开会