Environmental Crime







- L(Likelihood):即事故或污染事件发生的可能性。


- E(Exposure):即污染物对暴露者的影响,包括人类和生态系统。


- C(Consequence):即暴露于污染物后可能产生的不良影响。


- R(Resilience):即生态系统或社区在污染事件发生后恢复






九年级英语政治单选题60题1.Which international organization is dedicated to promoting world peace and security?A.UNESCOB.WHOC.UND.WTO答案:C。



UNESCO 联合国教科文组织)主要致力于教育、科学和文化领域。

WHO( 世界卫生组织)专注于全球卫生事务。

WTO 世界贸易组织)主要处理国际贸易问题。

2.The Belt and Road Initiative is a major example of ________.A.international cooperationB.domestic developmentC.regional conflictD.global isolation答案:A。


B 选项国内发展不准确。

C 选项区域冲突与“一带一路”相悖。

D 选项全球孤立也不符合“一带一路”的理念。

3.Which of the following is NOT an international organization involved in economic cooperation?A.APECB.NATOC.OECDD.G20答案:B。

NATO( 北大西洋公约组织)主要是军事联盟,不是经济合作组织。

APEC( 亚太经合组织)、OECD( 经济合作与发展组织)、G20 二十国集团)都涉及经济合作。

4.The purpose of the World Trade Organization is to ________.A.regulate international tradeB.provide medical assistanceC.promote cultural exchangesD.ensure national security答案:A。



生物技术是一把“双刃剑”,它的发展可以治疗以往时代无法治愈的疾病和解决全球贫困人口的 饥饿问题,但是也一并带来生物安全风险。 面对生物科技的双重使用困境,法律如何看待风险收益与 风险负担,于是成为立法难点。
(一)基因编辑技术带来的“革命” 立法者必须谨慎而有远见地处理基因编辑带来的风险,在立法修改之前,需要预设性讨论作为 立法议案决定的立法事实问题。 基因编辑之风险的刑法规制是通往生物安全法治的刑法道路,生物安全法治建设的难题在于生 物安全法律体系的建设跟不上基因编辑等生物科技发展的速度,而重点则在于如何预防基因编辑等
〔7〕See Hannah Mosby, Biotechnology's Great Divide: Strengthening the Relationship Between Patent Law and Bioethics in the Age of CRISPR-Cas9, Minnesota Journal of Law, Science and Technology, Vol. 19:2, pp. 565- 566(2018).
〔2〕See G. Edward III Powell, Embryos as Patients: Medical Provider Duties in the Age of CRISPR/CAS9, Duke Law & Technology Review,Vol.15, pp.344-345(2017).
科技强国并不意味着科技滥用, 科学家已经证明,CRISPR可以从个体的基因构成中消除与危及 生命的疾病相关的基因, 并且当用于人类胚胎时,CRISPR有可能从整个人类基因组中永久消除遗传 性疾病。 这些进展给患有基因相关疾病的个人及其家庭带来了巨大的希望。 但也有一些阴暗面:在错 误的人手中,CRISPR可能会对人类进化过程产生负面影响,或者被用来制造生物武器。 〔4〕2020年5月 28日颁布的民法典第1009条规定:“从事与人体基因、人体胚胎等有关的医学和科研活动,应当遵守 法律、行政法规和国家有关规定,不得危害人体健康,不得违背伦理道德,不得损害公共利益。 ”生物 安全法第8条规定:“任何单位与个人不得危害生物安全。 ”第34条规定:“国家加强对生物技术研究、 开发与应用活动的安全管理,禁止从事危及公众健康、损害生物资源、破坏生态系统和生物多样性等 危害生物安全的生物技术研究、开发与应用活动。 ”刑法修正案(十一)亦对基因编辑行为、克隆行为 入刑。 〔5〕与此同时,由于刑法之前缺乏对基因编辑行为的合理规制,也会遇到一些司法难题。 以全国 首例“基因编辑婴儿”案为例,2019年12月30日,深圳市南山区人民法院一审公开宣判,认定贺建奎等 3名被告人的行为构成非法行医罪,〔6〕导致刑法适用上的争议。 就目前研究成果来看,有关基因编辑 的法律含义和刑法层面的学术研究非常缺乏,难以为刑事立法上的法益衡量提供指南,并且这一问 题也并不因为刑法修正案(十一)的颁布而终结,而是存在不少需要反思与检讨的地方。 如果滥用基 因编辑技术,刑法在予以回应过程中需要考量哪些利益冲突或权利保障的需求,进而,刑法又需要建 构什么样合理的罪刑体系,以积极预防和控制生物安全风险? 笔者拟对此进行研究,涉及刑法规制基 因编辑行为的前提与界限。







关键词: 科技环境污染科技战争科技犯罪Perspective of science and technology "double edged sword"AbstractScience and technology is the reflection of human cognition and the ability of using natural law and social law.Technological development has brought profound changes to human society, but it does not make us think that science and technology has brought a negative impact on the environment, health and ethics, science and technology has made a comprehensive, rapid progress, and promote the unprecedented development of all aspects of the whole society, but at the same time science and technology are constantly eroding and endangering human society.This paper analyzes the negative effects of science and technology from three aspects: first, the development of science and technology, so that a substantial increase in the amount of human consumption, emissions increase, resulting in pollution of the environment; two, science and technology, a strong military and national defense forces, potential war risks are likely to destroy the destruction of the earth; three, the rapid development of science and technology and legal construction is relatively lagging behind, to bring new crime means and methods.Key word : science and technology Environmental pollution Science and technology war science and technology crime目录第一章绪论 (1)第一节选题背景和选题意义 (1)一、选题背景 (1)二、选题意义 (1)第二节国内外研究综述 (1)一、现代科学技术作用的研究 (1)二、技术理性研究 (2)第三节研究目标和内容 (2)一、研究目标 (2)二、研究内容 (2)第四节研究思路和研究方法 (3)一、研究思路 (3)二、研究方法 (3)第二章现代科学技术的双刃剑作用分析 (4)第一节现代科学技术的正面作用 (4)一、大大促进了经济社会的发展 (4)二、有力引导了人类文明的进步 (5)第二节现代科学技术的负面作用 (6)一、严重破坏了人类生存环境 (6)二、严重危害了人类生活秩序 (6)第三章现代科学技术双刃剑作用与技术理性关系的哲学思考 (7)第一节现代科学技术双刃剑作用与技术理性的统一 (7)一、技术理性是现代科学技术双刃剑作用的理论支撑 (7)二、现代科学技术双刃剑作用是技术理性发展的必然结果 (8)第二节现代科学技术双刃剑作用与技术理性的对立 (9)一、技术理性的发展制约了现代科学技术双刃剑作用的发挥 (9)二、现代科学技术双刃剑作用阻碍了技术理性的发展 (10)第四章现代科学技术双刃剑作用中的技术理角色分析 (10)第一节技术理性的错误认识改变现代科学技术双刃剑作用 (10)一、过分夸大现代科学技术的正面作用 (10)二、严重忽视现代科学技术的负面作用 (11)第二节现代科技教育的技术理性困惑影响了现代科学技术双刃剑作用 (11)一、功利化日益强烈,人文教育内容较为缺乏 (11)二、制约了个性发展,让人失去自我 (12)三、影响了道德建设,改变了道德教育的正确方向 (12)第三节技术理性泛滥增强了现代科学技术的双刃剑作用 (12)一、技术理性泛滥促进了现代科学技术正面作用的发挥 (12)二、技术理性泛滥强化了现代科学技术负面作用的发挥 (13)结束语 (14)参考文献 (14)第一章绪论第一节选题背景和选题意义一、选题背景随着三次工业革命的开展和科学技术突发猛进的进步,在人类已经进入知识经济时代的今天,科学技术的发展成果人类生产生活带来了巨大的便利和物质财富,迅速推动了人类文明的发展进步。



Unit6单词讲义crime (名词)中文意思:犯罪,罪行英文释义:an action that is prohibited by law and is considered to be morally wrong词源:来自拉丁语crimina,意为“过失,罪过”例句:The police are trying to solve the crime.固定搭配:mit a crime(犯罪),crime rate(犯罪率)近义词:offense, misdemeanor, wrongdoingseaside (名词)中文意思:海边,海滨英文释义:the area next to the sea词源:sea + side,意为“海的一侧”例句:We went to the seaside for our vacation.固定搭配:seaside resort(海滨度假胜地),seaside town(海滨小镇)近义词:beach, coast, shoresuburb (名词)中文意思:郊区,市郊英文释义:an area on the outskirts of a city or town where people live in houses rather than apartments词源:suburb源自拉丁语suburbs,意为“城墙外的土地”例句:I live in the suburbs of the city.固定搭配:suburban area(郊区地区),suburban life(郊区生活)近义词:outskirts, exurb, peripherygreedy (形容词)中文意思:贪婪的,贪心的英文释义:eager to obtain more of something, especially wealth or food, than one needs or deserves词源:来自古英语grēdan,意为“贪食”例句:He is too greedy to share his toys with his sister.固定搭配:greedy for(渴望得到),greedy person(贪婪的人)近义词:avaricious, covetous, graspingthief (名词)中文意思:小偷,窃贼英文释义:a person who steals things illegally词源:来自古英语þiof,意为“偷窃者”例句:The thief was caught by the police.固定搭配:thief stealer(窃贼),car thief(汽车窃贼)近义词:burglar, pilferer, robbermit (动词)中文意思:犯罪,做错事;承诺,履行;把…托付给;使承担义务英文释义:to do something illegal or wrong; to promise or undertake to do something; to entrust or give over (something) to someone else; to obligate or bind (someone) to something词源:来自拉丁语mittere,意为“托付,交付”例句:He mitted a serious crime. She mitted herself to finishing the project on time. They mitted their children to the care of their grandparents. The pany mitted itself to reducing its carbon footprint.urban:词性:形容词中文意思:城市的,都市的英文释义:of, relating to, or characteristic of a city or town词源:来自拉丁语urbanus,意为“城市的”例句:The urban population has been increasing rapidly in recent years.固定搭配:urban area(城市地区)、urban planning(城市规划)近义词:metropolitan, municipal, townshippredator:词性:名词中文意思:捕食者,掠夺者英文释义:an animal that preys on other animals for food词源:来自拉丁语predator,意为“掠夺者”例句:The lion is the top predator in the African savannah.固定搭配:natural predator(天敌)、predatory behavior(掠夺行为)近义词:hunter, killer, raidernewer:词性:名词中文意思:新来的人,新手英文释义:a person who has recently arrived in a place or started doing something new词源:来自中古英语neweere,意为“新来的人”例句:As a newer to the pany, I'm still learning the ropes.固定搭配:newer to the team(团队的新成员)、newer to the neighborhood(新搬来的邻居)近义词:novice, beginner, rookieflourish:词性:动词中文意思:繁荣,茂盛,兴旺发达英文释义:to grow well and be healthy; prosper; thrive词源:来自古英语flōrishian,意为“繁荣”例句:The economy is expected to flourish in the ing years.固定搭配:flourishing business(兴旺的生意)、flourishing garden(繁茂的花园)近义词:thrive, prosper, succeedracoon:词性:名词中文意思:浣熊,貉子英文释义:a nocturnal mammal with a long bushy tail and dark masked face, living in trees and eating fruit and small animals词源:来自印第安语racaon,意为“尾巴”或“水獭”例句:I saw a raccoon rummaging through the trash cans last night.container:词性:名词中文意思:容器,集装箱英文释义:a receptacle for holding or containing something词源:来自拉丁语的contenere,意为“包含”例句:The container is made of plastic.固定搭配:shipping container(海运集装箱)、trash container(垃圾箱)近义词:box, crate, vesselgarbage:词性:名词中文意思:垃圾,废物英文释义:refuse or waste material that is discarded as unwanted词源:来自中古英语gerbege,意为“残渣”或“残留物”例句:Please take out the garbage before you leave.固定搭配:garbage disposal(垃圾处理)、garbage collector(垃圾收集员)近义词:trash, refuse, wastelamb:词性:名词中文意思:羔羊,小羊肉英文释义:a young sheep that has not yet been castrated词源:来自古英语lambe,意为“小羊”例句:We had roasted lamb for dinner last night.固定搭配:lamb chops(羊排)、lamb stew(炖羊肉)近义词:sheep, ewe's offspringkebab:词性:名词中文意思:烤肉串,烤羊肉串英文释义:a dish consisting of pieces of meat or vegetables skewered and grilled over an open fire or barbecue词源:来自土耳其语kebab,意为“烤肉串”例句:I ordered a kebab from the street vendor.固定搭配:chicken kebab(鸡肉串)、shish kebab(什锦烤肉串)近义词:kabob, shish kabob, gyrogarlic:词性:名词中文意思:大蒜,蒜头英文释义:a bulbous plant with a strongsmelling white fleshy root used in cooking and medicine 词源:来自拉丁语garlic,意为“蒜”例句:I love adding garlic to my pasta dishes.固定搭配:garlic bread(蒜蓉面包)、garlic sauce(蒜泥酱)近义词:bulb, garlic clovesestimate:词性:动词/名词中文意思:估计,估价英文释义:to form an approximate opinion or calculation of (something);a rough calculation or approximation词源:来自拉丁语estimare,意为“评估”例句:I estimated that it would take me two hours to finish the task.固定搭配:estimate cost(估算成本)、estimate time(估计时间)近义词:assess, evaluate, gaugemigratory:词性:形容词中文意思:迁移的,迁徙的英文释义:of or relating to migration词源:来自拉丁语migrare,意为“移动”例句:Many birds are migratory and travel long distances every year.固定搭配:migratory bird(候鸟)、migratory pattern(迁徙模式)近义词:nomadic, wandering, itinerantappreciate:词性:动词中文意思:欣赏,感激,增值英文释义:to recognize the quality, value, or significance of; to increase in value or price词源:来自拉丁语appretiare,意为“珍视”例句:I appreciate your help with this project.固定搭配:appreciate art(欣赏艺术)、appreciate music(欣赏音乐)近义词:value, admire, cherishcrucial:词性:形容词中文意思:关键的,重要的英文释义:extremely important, decisive, or critical词源:来自中古英语crucialen,意为“决定性的”例句:Your cooperation is crucial to the success of this project.固定搭配:crucial decision(关键决策)、crucial moment(关键时刻)近义词:critical, essential, vitalrestrict:词性:动词中文意思:限制,约束英文释义:to limit the freedom, movement, or activity of; to impose a restriction on词源:来自拉丁语restrictus,意为“被束缚的”例句:The new policy restricts access to certain areas of the building.固定搭配:restrict access(限制进入)、restrict movement(限制行动)近义词:limit, confine, restrainhiker:词性:名词中文意思:徒步旅行者,远足者英文释义:a person who hikes, especially one who hikes for pleasure or exercise词源:来自美国英语,由动词hike 衍生而来,意为“徒步旅行”例句:The hiker reached the summit after a long and strenuous climb.固定搭配:day hiker(日间徒步旅行者)、backpacker hiker(背包客徒步旅行者)optimistic:词性:形容词中文意思:乐观的,积极的英文释义:having or showing a belief that good things will happen in the future; hopeful 词源:来自拉丁语optimus,意为“最好的”例句:She is optimistic about her chances of getting the job.固定搭配:optimistic attitude(乐观的态度)、optimistic outlook(乐观的前景)近义词:hopeful, positive, confidentclay:词性:名词中文意思:黏土,泥土英文释义:a plastic earthy material that can be molded when wet and hardens when dry词源:来自古英语clǣg,意为“黏土”例句:The potter used clay to make a vase.固定搭配:clay soil(黏土土壤)、clay sculpture(黏土雕塑)近义词:earth, mud, dirtcave:词性:名词/动词中文意思:洞穴,坍塌英文释义:a natural underground chamber or space;to collapse or fall inward suddenly词源:来自拉丁语cavea,意为“洞穴”例句:They explored the dark cave with flashlights. (名词) The roof of the tunnel began to cave in. (动词)固定搭配:cave system(洞穴系统)、cave painting(岩画)近义词:cavern, grotto, holeindoors:词性:副词中文意思:在室内,进屋里英文释义:inside a building or room词源:来自中古英语indoures,意为“在室内”例句:It's too cold outside, let's stay indoors.固定搭配:indoor activities(室内活动)、indoor sports(室内运动)近义词:indoor, inside, internallyconsumption:词性:名词中文意思:消费,消耗英文释义:the act of using up or consuming something, especially food or fuel词源:来自拉丁语consumptio,意为“消耗”例句:The consumption of energy has increased in recent years.固定搭配:consumption pattern(消费模式)、consumption tax(消费税)近义词:use, expenditure, depletionsupplement:词性:名词/动词中文意思:补充,增补品,附录英文释义:something added to plete what is lacking;an addition to a book or magazine that provides extra information or details词源:来自拉丁语supplementum,意为“增加”或“补充”例句:I take a vitamin supplement every day. (名词) We need to supplement our ine with a parttime job. (动词)固定搭配:supplementary material(补充材料)、supplemental insurance(附加保险)eliminate:词性:动词中文意思:消除,消灭英文释义:to get rid of something or someone pletely词源:来自拉丁语eliminare,意为“清除”例句:We need to eliminate all the errors in this report.固定搭配:eliminate poverty(消除贫困)、eliminate petition(消除竞争)近义词:remove, eradicate, abolishfirefighter:词性:名词中文意思:消防员英文释义:a person whose job is to put out fires and save lives词源:由fire 和fighter 组成,意为“与火战斗的人”例句:The firefighters worked tirelessly to put out the flames.固定搭配:firefighting equipment(消防设备)、firefighting team(消防队)近义词:fireman, rescuer, emergency responderblaze:词性:名词/动词中文意思:火焰,烈火;燃烧,闪耀英文释义:a large bright flame;to burn fiercely or brightly词源:来自古英语blǣsan,意为“燃烧”例句:The blaze from the fireplace warmed the room. (名词) The forest was blazing with autumn colors. (动词)固定搭配:forest blaze(森林大火)、bonfire blaze(篝火熊熊燃烧)近义词:flame, conflagration, bustionfierce:词性:形容词中文意思:凶猛的,猛烈的,强烈的英文释义:extremely violent, harsh, or strong; showing extreme anger or determination词源:来自拉丁语ferus,意为“野生的”或“狂野的”例句:The lion attacked with a fierce roar.固定搭配:fierce petition(激烈的竞争)、fierce storm(猛烈的风暴)近义词:savage, violent, intensereact:词性:动词中文意思:反应,回应,作出反应英文释义:to behave in a particular way because of something that has happened or been said 词源:来自拉丁语re "back" + actus "action",意为“向后行动”或“做出反应”例句:She reacted angrily to the news.固定搭配:react quickly(迅速反应)、react negatively(负面反应)近义词:respond, answer, engagemonthly:词性:形容词/副词/名词中文意思:每月的,按月的;每月一次的;月刊英文释义:happening once every month; relating to or occurring once a month; a magazinepublished once a month词源:来自拉丁语mensis,意为“月份”例句:I receive a monthly salary. (形容词) She visits her grandmother monthly. (副词) I subscribe to a monthly magazine. (名词)advanced:词性:形容词中文意思:先进的,高级的英文释义:having developed or improved beyond the usual or ordinary level词源:来自拉丁语advenire,意为“到达”或“出现”例句:The pany has invested heavily in advanced technology.固定搭配:advanced degree(高等学位)、advanced weaponry(先进武器)近义词:sophisticated, plex, superiorwipe:词性:动词中文意思:擦,抹,清除英文释义:to clean or dry something by rubbing it with a cloth or one's hand词源:来自古英语wīpan,意为“擦拭”例句:She wiped the tears from her eyes.固定搭配:wipe out(消灭),wipe down(擦拭干净)近义词:clean, erase, removenuclear:词性:形容词/名词中文意思:核能的,原子核的;核武器的英文释义:relating to or involving atoms that have nuclei containing neutrons and protons; relating to or involving nuclear energy or weapons词源:来自拉丁语nuculeus,意为“小果子”或“核心”例句:The country is developing its nuclear power industry. (形容词) The threat of nuclear war is very real. (名词)固定搭配:nuclear energy(核能),nuclear weapons(核武器)近义词:atomic, radioactive, hydrogen bombterrifying:词性:形容词中文意思:令人恐惧的,可怕的英文释义:causing great fear or terror; extremely frightening or shocking词源:来自拉丁语terrere,意为“使害怕”或“使惊吓”例句:The terrifying storm caused widespread damage.固定搭配:terrifying experience(可怕的经历),terrifying speed(惊人的速度)近义词:frightening, alarming, dreadfulhostile:词性:形容词/名词中文意思:敌对的,敌意的;敌人,敌军英文释义:showing or feeling strong dislike or opposition; an enemy or opposing force词源:来自拉丁语hostilis,意为“敌人的”或“敌人的”例句:The hostile crowd shouted insults at the speaker. (形容词) The army launched a surprise attack on the hostile forces. (名词)固定搭配:hostile takeover(敌意收购),hostile environment(敌对环境)近义词:unfriendly, aggressive, antagonisticunmanned:词性:形容词/动词过去分词形式中文意思:无人的,无人驾驶的;未被占据的,无人居住的英文释义:not operated by a person; not occupied by people; not manned by people词源:来自中古英语unmænden,意为“无人的”或“非人类的”例句:The unmanned spacecraft traveled through space for months. (形容词) The abandoned house stood unmanned for years. (动词过去分词形式)spacecraft词性:名词中文意思:宇宙飞船英文释义:a vehicle designed for traveling in outer space词源:space(空间)+ craft(船,飞行器)例句:The spacecraft is scheduled to launch next month.固定搭配:manned spacecraft(载人宇宙飞船),unmanned spacecraft(无人宇宙飞船)近义词:spaceship, satelliteorbit词性:动词、名词中文意思:绕轨道运行;轨道英文释义:to move around (a planet or star) in a curved path; the curved path that an object moves in around a planet or star词源:来自拉丁语orbita,意为“轨道”例句:The moon orbits around the earth.固定搭配:orbital mechanics(轨道力学),orbital debris(轨道碎片)近义词:circular motion, trajectorystunning词性:形容词中文意思:令人惊叹的;极好的英文释义:extremely impressive or beautiful; extremely good词源:来自古英语stundian,意为“使震惊”例句:The view from the top of the mountain was absolutely stunning.固定搭配:stunning performance(出色的表演),stunning victory(惊人的胜利)近义词:astonishing, amazing, incredibleagency词性:名词中文意思:代理;机构;中介英文释义:an organization that provides a particular service or performs a particular function词源:来自拉丁语agens,意为“行动”例句:The travel agency arranged our trip to Europe.固定搭配:agency agreement(代理协议),government agency(政府机构)近义词:organization, bureau, officeconsist词性:动词中文意思:由…组成;包含;存在于英文释义:to be made up of; include; exist in词源:来自拉丁语constare,意为“站立”或“保持不变”例句:The team consists of six players.固定搭配:consist of(由…组成),consist with(符合,与…一致)近义词:prise, include, involveinfer词性:动词中文意思:推断;推论;推知英文释义:to conclude or deduce something from evidence or reasoning词源:来自拉丁语inferre,意为“带出,引出”例句:From his behavior, I can infer that he's not happy.expose词性:动词中文意思:暴露,揭露英文释义:to uncover or make known (something that is hidden or secret)词源:来自拉丁语expositus,意为“被摆出来的”例句:The journalist was accused of exposing state secrets.固定搭配:expose oneself to(使自己暴露于),expose a fraud(揭穿骗局)近义词:uncover, reveal, discloseastronaut词性:名词中文意思:宇航员英文释义:a person who travels in a spacecraft词源:由希腊语astron(星星)和拉丁语nautes(船员)组成例句:He dreamed of being an astronaut since he was a child.固定搭配:bee an astronaut(成为一名宇航员),train astronauts(训练宇航员)近义词:cosmonaut, spaceman, spacewomandust词性:名词、动词中文意思:灰尘,尘土;掸去…的灰尘英文释义:a fine powder consisting of tiny particles of earth, stone, etc.; to remove dust from (something) by brushing or shaking it off词源:来自古英语dust,意为“灰尘”例句:She dusted the furniture with a cloth.固定搭配:dust storm(沙尘暴),dust off(清理,整理),dust bunny(灰尘球)近义词:dirt, grime, pollencapsule词性:名词中文意思:胶囊;太空舱;简要说明英文释义:a small cylindrical container for holding medicine or other substances; a small spacecraft designed for carrying one or more people into orbit around the Earth or for landing on or taking off from a planet's surface; a brief statement or account that presents the main points of something词源:来自拉丁语capsula,意为“小容器”例句:She took two capsules of medicine before going to bed.固定搭配:space capsule(太空舱),sleeping capsule(睡眠舱),audio capsule(音频胶囊)近义词:pod, module, briefcaseexposure词性:名词中文意思:暴露;曝光;曝光时间英文释义:the state of being exposed to something; the action of making something known publicly; the amount of time during which a camera shutter is open and light is allowed to reach the film or sensor in a camera词源:来自中古英语exposure,意为“暴露”例句:The patient's exposure to radiation was minimal.固定搭配:exposure therapy(暴露疗法),sun exposure(阳光暴露),light exposure(光线暴露)近义词:disclosure, revelation, illuminationtrunk词性:名词中文意思:树干;行李箱;象鼻英文释义:the main stem of a tree; a large strong box with a handle for carrying clothes or other things; the long nose of an elephant used for grasping things词源:来自古英语trunk,意为“树干”或“箱子”例句:She packed her clothes in a trunk before leaving for vacation.。

雅思英语作文environmental pollution 环境污染问题严重,我们怎么解决这些问题

雅思英语作文environmental pollution 环境污染问题严重,我们怎么解决这些问题

Problems with environmental pollution have become so serious that many countries are trying to solve these problems.Suggest possible solutions and give your own opinion.Sample Answer 1:It is true that the issues related to the environmental pollution have become one of the most controversial issues nowadays, and every nation is wondering about how to tackle the problem. In my opinion, both government and people have to contribute to solve these problems or at least make it less dangerous.On one hand, everyone bears a great duty to protect our environment. To begin with, parents at home and teachers at school should teach the next generation about how to cause less harm to our environment and how to take care of our mother Earth. Through teaching the children about recycling and reducing waste, both parents and teachers can contribute a lot. Also, people can reduce the gas emissions by using public transports rather than personal cars and can choose to walk short distances or to their workplaces.Moreover, by using fewer packages and less plastic and papers, they will reduce a massive threat to the environment. On the other hand, governments should take more efforts to reduce the pollution. Firstly, by making public transport more convenient to encourage more people to use them, this will save more money and energy. Secondly, through the media and campaign, many people can learn more about the importance of the environment. For example, in the UK there is a campaign called make Britain tidy and such campaign encourages people to contribute more to keep the environment clean. Finally, governments should introduce laws tolimit the deforestation in many countries around the world, to ensure that there are enough green forests.To conclude, there are many ways in which we can address the issue of environmental pollution, and both individual and government have their own responsibility for this.Sample Answer 2:In the last century, environmental pollution has become increasingly worse. One of the major causes of this phenomenon is human activity. This topic is significantly important becausethere is only one Earth to live in. This essay will suggest some possible solutions to this issue.First of all, one solution to resolve this dilemma could be to reduce the number of cars on roads by encouraging the use of public transports. This could be managed through cooperation between governments and individuals. For illustrations, governments could ensure that public transport is more affordable and convenient for the general public; this might help to reduce car emissions to the atmosphere.Another solution to combat environmental pollution is via education. By this, I mean thatboth parents and educators should raise awareness by teaching children from a young age how crucial it is to look after the environment. For instance, it has been proven that younger children pick-up information more quickly and follows the instruction given by teachers and parents. As this is the next generation who will inherit the Earth, their sense of responsibility is important to address this issue. Also, the governments should introduce laws to limit the deforestation in many countries around the world to ensure that there are enough green forests, fortunately, there aremany nations who have already introduced these laws such as the USA.To conclude, this essay has discussed some of the possible solutions in order to help tackle the problem. In my opinion, reducing the numbers of cars and educating the next generation are key factors in helping to save the planet, perhaps in the future if those ideas are approved the world will be greener and safer.。

Using a case study

Using a case study

Using a case study, explore the concept of environmental crime作者:董昊赟来源:《校园英语·上旬》2018年第12期【Abstract】This essay aims to explore the concept of environmental crime by examining a case study of illegal trafficking and the recovery of e-waste from the EU to Accra which is a city in Africa and discuss how environmental crime differs from other crimes from the perspectives of criminal motivation and the victim.【Key words】environmental crime; electronic waste, environment; human health;Africa【作者简介】董昊赟,中国刑事警察学院。

There are over 40 million tons of electronic waste (also known as e-waste) which is produced all over the world every year (EUROSTAT, 2014). This is similar to discarding 800 laptops every second (EUROSTAT, 2014). In the 21st century, waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) have become a global environmental and human health problem and pose new challenges to explore the concept of environmental crime. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), environmental crime is defined as an act which breaches environmental legislation and causes significant harm or risk to the environment and human health (Hall, 2015). Since the 1989 Basel Convention, the illegal act of moving e-waste from the EU to third world countries has been defined as an example of green crime owing to the fact that e-waste contains harmful chemicals including brominated flame retardants (BFRs) and classical toxic trace elements (TEs). Not only do these chemicals damage our health but they also harm the environment if recycling and disposal is unregulated. As reported by UNEP (2005), e-waste is transported from industrialized countries to less affluent regions of the world such as China, India,and the Philippines because of a higher awareness about hazardous e-waste in EU countries and because of the more stringent regulations regarding the disposal of e-waste.Currently, Accra is the largest city in Ghana in terms of developed industrial establishment and it has become one staple destination for e-waste worldwide as a result of a lack in recycling infrastructure, inadequate funding, poor legislation, a lack of public awareness and market based instruments. In 2004, a new policy implemented by the Government of Ghana (GOG) called “bridge the digital divide” which reduced the import duty to zero on used computers. What’s more,government-approved programs like “One Laptop per Child” was initiated for primary school children, has encouraged importation of second-hand electronics in 2009. These practices have most certainly lead the country to become a magnet recipient of e-waste shipments. Although Ghana hasratified the Basel Convention in 2011, the stipulations of the Convention have not examined informal workers and informal-formal linkages for sustainable recycling. As claimed by Hall (2015), there are no distinct policies in Ghana for the regulation and management of e-waste. A general environment of disarray throughout the official economy was created because of their liberalization policies, which in turn contributed greatly to the growth of trans-boundary trading opportunities. Official statistics demonstrate that the second hand electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) imports into Ghana added up to 215,000 tons and a per capita import of 9 kg. However,the majority of e-waste was tackled in the wrong way. As reported by EUROSTAT (2014), only approximately 15.5% of e-waste was recycled with methods that are efficient and environmentally safe in 2014. It has been argued by Hall (2015) that such kinds of illegal trade, shipment and consequential dumping of e-waste, has been regarded as an example of transnational environmental crime. Trafficking EEE to a third world country also has been criminalized by the European and global legislative frameworks such as the Basel Convention. Nevertheless, environmental crimes are defined broadly as illicit acts which harm the environment directly and have a negative effect on our surroundings.Regardless of incalculable damages to environment and human health, EU countries have and still do transport lots of e-waste to Accra. On the one hand, rational choice theory could be used to explain why individuals and corporations in the EU countries choose to export e-waste instead of disposing of it or recycling it domestically. Rational choice theory is an economic principle which provides people with the highest benefit and it can be applied to both the individual and corporation. Trans-boundary transferring not only can make EU countries reduce cost but also can make them earn a high profit because there are high standards for the treatment of WEEE under EU waste legislation and WEEE legislation. In addition, destination countries have various discarded facilities which are available for recovery. It was revealed in a community study, the total market value of the e-waste recycling and reuse (R&R) services increased from $6.2 billion to $6.8 billion between 2009 and 2010. It can also be predicted by Hall (2015) that Industry growth is expected to continue on its uphill path at least through the next decade. Economically, this approach worked perfectly if one does not consider the devastation it caused. However, as environmental awareness increased in both public society and the environmental legislation agency, which caused e-waste operation costs to increase and created a market for unlawful shipment.There are other reasons which could be illustrated for the motivation and intention of EU countries. Firstly, because of the rise in appliance manufacturing sectors in Ghana, large amounts of components were required. So e-waste became more valuable than before. Also, e-waste is a product with an inelastic price, and thus an attractive target for organised crime. Secondly,shortage of financial fund and poor legislation of recycling e-waste are the main factors. Although,Ghana has ratified the Basel Convention in 2011 which prohibited the recovery of e-waste,inadequate publicity and enforcement have caused these bans to be mostly ineffective. Last but not least, the majority of people were not aware what was caused by the shipping and recycling of e-waste. What they focused on was profit without regarding the environmental impact.This illegal transportation of e-waste does not only harm the environment and human health of receiving countries but it also breaks international environmental policy through unfair price settings and lower material recovery rates. As stated by Hall (2015), hundreds of kilos of electric cables were burned to extract their copper and in order to resell it which lead the toxic fumes to rise into the sky, which poisoned the air and then settled on the soil and on the vegetables sold at the market. Greenhouse gas emissions during the dismantling of e-waste can affect climate changes directly and also aggravate natural changes in marine environment. What is more, e-waste is detrimental to local workers and residents on the grounds that it contains different hazardous materials such as heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and inorganic acids which are harmful to human health. As illustrated by Hall (201), workers and residents had high incidences of blood diseases, tuberculosis and birth defects because of toxic substances. From the opinion of Krstic (2014), individuals have a higher possibility of becoming the victims of environmental crime rather than criminal violence.It is estimated by Hall (2015)that some environmental crimes were perceived as “victimless” because specific individual victims are usually not distinguishable for each specific offence. Since environmental crimes are often discovered by accident or not discovered until long after the incident, the affected persons may not even know of the influences that they are experiencing. Actually, environmental crime has an adverse impact on society as a whole. For example, damages caused by green crimes can be revealed on the food we eat, the water we drink, the climate we feel and the air we breathe. From victimological perspective, the scale of those who can be victims of environmental crime can be incredibly huge. In terms of the victims of e-waste not only can it be local workers and residents but it also can be political and economic order. Comparing with other types of crime, environmental crimes do not have a distinct victim and the dimensions of harm is different from others. These are apparent differences between environmental crime and other traditional crime.In conclusion, the illicit trafficking of e-waste from EU countries to third world countries is still a controversial issue and environmental crime which poses a growing threat to public health around the world. In terms of criminal motivation, the reason why some of the developed nations choose to export e-waste to Ghana instead of disposing it domestically can be illustrated by the rational choice theory. In addition, needs of appliance components, poor legislation and shortage of financial fund play an important role. From the perspective of the victim, widespread devastation can be reflected on local employees, inhabitants as well as the society on the whole which represent a two levelled anxiety about complexity and serious consequences of environmental crime. With regard to current trend of quantities of WEEE, it can be predicted that the main challenge is the continuous global growth of e-waste. What trafficking and recovery of e-waste caused, should be considered by human beings and its impacts on the environment most seriously, should force action towards the improvement of regulatory strategies.。



aerosols ⽓溶胶 / ⽓雾剂agricultural wastes 农业废物asbestos ⽯棉commercial noise 商业噪⾳composite pollution 混合污染dioxins ⼆恶英hazardous substances 危险物质hazardous wastes 危险废物heavy metals 重⾦属hospital wastes 医院废物industrial effluents ⼯业废⽔industrial emissions ⼯业排放物industrial fumes ⼯业烟尘industrial noise ⼯业噪声inorganic pollutants ⽆机污染物lead contamination 铅污染liquid wastes 液体废物litter 丢弃物 / 废⽓物mercury contamination 汞污染micropollutants 微污染物mining wastes 采矿废物motor vehicle emissions 机动车辆排放物municipal waste 城市废物nitrogen oxides 氮氧化物noise pollution 噪声污染odour nuisance 恶臭公害organic pollutants 有机物污染persistent organic pollutants 难降解有机污染物pharmaceutical wastes 医药废物plastic wastes 塑料废物radioactive substances 放射性物质rubber waste 橡胶废物sewage 污⽔solid wastes 固体废物thermal pollution 热污染toxic substances 有毒物质toxic waste 有毒废物toxins 毒素traffic noise 交通噪⾳trash 废物 / 垃圾wood waste ⽊材废料biological weapons ⽣物武器cement industry ⽔泥⼯业chemical weapons 化学武器chimneys 烟囱motor vehicles 机动车辆motorcycles 摩托车nuclear weapons 核武器ocean dumping 海洋倾倒oil spills ⽯油泄漏scrap metals 废⾦属excavation heaps 挖掘堆积acoustic insulation 隔⾳chemical decontamination 化学污染清除desulphurization of fuels 燃料脱硫filters 过滤器noise abatement 噪⾳治理pollution abatement equipment 污染治理设备pollution control technology 污染控制技术radiation protection 辐射防护scrubbers 洗涤器separators 分离器smoke prevention 防烟waste minimization 废物最少化battery disposal 电池处理chemical treatment of waste 废物的化学处理disposal sites 处置场所incineration of waste 废物焚烧mine filling 矿⼭回填oil residue recuperation 残油回收radioactive waste management 放射性废物管理recycled materials 回收的材料recycling 回收reuse of materials 材料再利⽤sanitary landfills 卫⽣填埋sea outfall 海洋排泄⼝septic tanks 化粪池sewage disposal 污⽔处置sewage treatment systems 污⽔处理系统solid waste disposal 固体废物处置waste assimilation capacities 废物同化处置waste conversion techniques 废物转化技术waste disposal 废物处置waste disposal in the ground 废物⼟地处置waste recovery 废物回收waste use 废物利⽤。






一、犯罪学基础词汇1. Criminology - 犯罪学2. Crime - 犯罪3. Offender - 犯罪者,罪犯4. Victim - 受害者5. Deviance - 不合规范行为6. Criminal - 罪犯7. Delinquency - 少年犯罪8. Law enforcement - 执法机关9. Justice - 正义,司法10. Punishment - 惩罚11. Rehabilitation - 重新教育12. Deterrence - 威慑13. Recidivism - 再犯率14. Criminal behavior - 犯罪行为15. Criminal justice system - 刑事司法系统二、犯罪学理论与模型1. Classical theory - 古典理论2. Positivist theory - 实证理论3. Biological theory - 生物学理论4. Psychological theory - 心理学理论5. Sociological theory - 社会学理论6. Rational choice theory - 理性选择理论7. Social disorganization theory - 社会紊乱理论8. Strain theory - 张力理论9. Labeling theory - 标签理论10. Control theory - 控制论11. Differential association theory - 差异联结理论12. Routine activities theory - 常规活动理论13. Social bond theory - 社会纽带理论14. Conflict theory - 冲突理论15. Feminist theory - 女性主义理论三、犯罪心理学1. Criminal profiling - 犯罪人员分析2. Psychopathy - 精神变态3. Antisocial personality disorder - 反社会人格障碍4. Forensic psychology - 法医心理学5. Serial killer - 连环杀手6. Mass murder - 大规模杀人7. Juvenile delinquency - 青少年犯罪8. Criminal behavior analysis - 犯罪行为分析9. Cognitive distortion - 认知扭曲10. Impulse control - 冲动控制11. Reactive aggression - 反应性攻击12. Crime prevention - 犯罪预防四、犯罪学实践与研究方法1. Crime scene investigation - 犯罪现场调查2. Data analysis - 数据分析3. Case study - 案例研究4. Surveys - 调查问卷5. Experimental research - 实验研究6. Observational research - 观察研究7. Qualitative research - 定性研究8. Quantitative research - 定量研究9. Sampling - 抽样10. Interviewing - 面试11. Correlation - 相关性12. Hypothesis - 假设13. Variables - 变量14. Research ethics - 研究伦理15. Literature review - 文献综述五、犯罪学相关机构与期刊1. American Society of Criminology - 美国犯罪学协会2. International Society for Criminology - 国际犯罪学协会3. British Society of Criminology - 英国犯罪学协会4. Journal of Criminology - 犯罪学期刊5. Crime and Delinquency - 犯罪与青少年犯罪期刊6. Criminology & Public Policy - 犯罪学与公共政策期刊7. Journal of Criminal Justice - 刑事司法期刊总结:通过对犯罪学英语词汇的探索,我们可以更深入地理解犯罪学的理论与实践。



高中英语课文短语汇总(word打印版)高中英语课文短语汇总Senior1 U1-U81 be fond of/be into/be interested in 喜欢2 surf the Internet 上网3 I'm sure that .../of 确信4 cast sb. Away 因沉船(坠机)而流落某处5 a deserted island 荒岛6 hunt for 猎取7 make fire 生火8 develop a friendship with sb 与某人发展友谊(做朋友)9 even if /even though 即使10 treat sb. as 把某人当——对待11 share happiness and sorrow 同甘共苦12 care for/ care about 关心、照顾13 argue with sb. /quarrel 与某人争吵14 joke around 开玩笑15 drop sb. a line 给某人写邮件16 make yourself at home 请自便17 What do you mean by saying that 这样说什么意思?18 in total 总计19 of one's own 属于某人自己的20 develop into 发展成为21 be widely used 被广泛使用22 communicate with sb 与某人交流23 have a good knowledge of sth 熟练地掌握24 the answer to the question 问题的答案25 over the centuries 几个世纪以来26 stay in touch 保持联络27 pass away 去世28 chat online 网上聊天29 in the name of sb 以某人的名义30 mother tongue 母语31 one(many) means of transportation 一种(很多)交通方式32 boarding call 登机通告33 by this means 通过这种方式34 by no means 决不35 an unusual experience 一次不寻常的经历36 get away from 远离37 have a quick look at 快速地看一眼38 get close to nature 靠近自然39 take exercise 锻炼40 go for a hike/ go hiking 去远足41 watch out for 留心(小心)某物42 as with sth 正如——一样43 see sb. Off 送行44 say "hi" to …for sb 代某人向...问好45 make money 赚钱46 go off 突然发出声响;(闹钟)发出声音47 take good care of 好好照顾48 keep in mind 放在心上,记牢49 Well done 做得好50 look around 环顾四周51 a loud noise 一声巨响52 hold onto a tree 抓牢一棵53 a look of fright 害怕表情54 tree after tree 一棵又一棵树55 advance the deadline 提前截止日期56 cut down 砍倒、砍价57 play a role 扮演一个角色58 win a prize for 赢得一个奖项59 later on 后来60 at first/ in the beginning 刚开始61 take off 起飞,事业成功62 do research in 做研究63 meat-eating 食肉64 owe…to 欠某人;归功于65 can't help doing 禁不住66 determine to do 决定做某事67 cause trouble 引起麻烦68 take care of 照顾69 take one's place /replace A with B 代替70 can afford to do 有钱做某事71 run after 追赶72 live on the air (adj 现场直播73 together with 与某人一起74 ask sb.for help/turn to sb.for help 向某人求助75 think highly of/sing high praise for 高度评价76 make comments on 对——做出评价77 stay up 熬夜、牢固耸立78 cause damage to sth 对——造成破坏79 be clear about 对——清楚80 combine A with B 把A与B结合81 go over 仔细检查、复习82 apologize to sb. for sth 为某事向某人道歉83 leave sb. a good impression 给某人留下好印象84 for the first time 第一次85 be surprised by 被——吓了一跳86 be surprised at 对——感到惊讶87 drink a toast/ drink to/ toast to 祝酒88 a little bit bigger than 大一点点89 start with/ begin with 由——开始90 keep silent 保持沉默91 all the time 总是92 take a tip 舔一下93 be sure of/ be not sure about 对——(无)有把握94 be busy with/ be up to /be occupiedwith忙于95 Why not…?/Why don't you 为——不?96 on the banks of a river 在河边97 look like 看起来象98 be under attack 在(被)——攻击99 be under discussion 在(被)——讨论100 give up sth 放弃101 give in (to sb 屈服102 in pieces 支离破碎103 in ruins 破败不堪104 bring sb./sth.back to life 使——复活105 with the help of 在某人的帮助下106 under sb's guidance(instruction 在某人的指导下107 once again 又一次108 look out over 俯瞰目标109 pull down 拆掉110 men's table tennis singles event 乒乓球男子单打项目111 up to now/ so far 到目前为止112 make your voice heard 使自己被听到113 every four years /every fourth year 每四年114 take part in 参加115 be allowed to do 被允许做某事116 in modern times 在现代117 history -making 创历史性的118 be prepared for sth (不好的事情)为——做好准备119 prepare for 为——做准备120 compete with 与某人竞争121 compete for 为——而竞争122 facial expressions 脸部表情123 in public 在公众场合124 keep in touch with 与某人联系125 be made up of 由——组成126 date back to/ from 追溯于127 be in danger 处于危险中128 fairy tales 童话129 in a bad position 处于一个不好的位置130 stand close to sb 与某人靠得很近131 look into one's eyes 看着某人的眼睛132 have much in common 有很多共同点133 bring the prize down 降低价格134 man-made satellite 人造卫星135 work on 从事于136 be marked with 用——做标记137 from across the river 从河对岸138 from behind the door 从门背后139 the coming sports meeting 即将来临的运动会140 the garden of all gardens 万园之园141 be proud of (为---)感到自豪142 That doesn't matter to me 对我来说无所谓143 save money 攒钱144 lose/put on weight 减肥(增肥)145 have the ability to do 有能力做某事146 live one's dream 实现梦想147 fire with a gun 开枪148 think of 想到149 think about 考虑150 change one's mind 改变主意Senior1 U9-U161 on the go 忙碌2 add to one's trouble 增添负担3 remind sb of /about 使某人想起4 keep in touch with 保持联系5 call for help 呼救6 in case of an emergency 在紧急情况下7 dream of/about doing 梦想做某事8 take over 接收,接管9 come up with a peaceful solution 提出和平解决的方法10 communicate…to 传达11 agree with sb/what sb say 同意12 agree to the plan/proposal 同意计划/建议13 electronic calendar 电子日历14 in danger 处于危险中15 die out 灭绝;逐渐消失16 the solution to the problem 问题的解决方法17 take turns to do sth/at doing 轮流做某事18 do as sb says 按某人说的去做19 take measures 采取措施20 be/get used to the environment 习惯于四周的环境21 make a great difference 有很大影响22 adapt to the change 适应变化 23 devote oneself to 献身于;专注于 24 environmental pollution 环境污染25 leave/let …alone 不理会 26 die away声音光线等渐弱 27 think nothing/little of 轻视,看不起 28 think highly/ much of 重视29 think of …as 把…看作 30 think over 仔细考虑 31 during festivals 在节日期间 32 have much in common 有很多共同点33 along with/ together with 和…一道34 be known throughout the world 闻名于世35 open one's ear to 专心听36 turn into把…变成 37 make music one's career 把音乐作为事业 38 satisfy one's inner desire 满足内心的欲望 39 express true feelings 表达真实的情感 40 forget (about) sth 忘记某事 41 feel easy 感到舒心 42 on/over the radio 广播中 43 a variety of 多种多样的 44 a series of 一系列的 45 a boy with a scar on his forehead 前额有疤的男孩46 do about 处理,应付 47 in trouble 处于困境中 48 be afraid of 害怕 49 come across 偶然遇见 50 fight against 同…做斗争 51 believe in 信任,信仰52 share the same goal 有共同的目标53 compare …with 和…做比较 54 turn around 转过身 55 happen to do sth 碰巧做某事 56 feel miserable感到悲哀 57 have no choice but to do sth 别无选择只能 (58)beyond one's power力所不及的 59 have trouble/difficulty (in)doing 做某事有困难60 if only 但愿… 61 sb be scared某人感到恐惧62 have a pain in the chest 胸部疼痛63 have noodles for lunch 午饭吃面条 64 take medicine吃药 65 keep up with the high pace of modern life保持现代生活的快节奏 66 be harmful to/do harm to 对…有害67offer advice about/on sth提供建议68 keep a balanced diet 保持均衡饮食 69 lose weight 减肥 70 stay fit and healthy 保持健康 71 cut sth into pieces 把…切碎 72 have a fever发烧 73 You have a bit of a fever 你有点发烧 74 make choices about做选择75 keep our body functioning well 保持身体运转良好76 become (a)part of成为一部分 77 environmentally friendly food 友谊环境的食物78 eat sth in the right amount 吃适量东西79 dress up for the wedding 为婚礼盛装打扮 80 the best way to do/of doing 做某事的方法 81 There is nothing serious 你的膝盖没什么 82 wrong with your knee 严重的 83 have dinner with one's family 和家人吃饭 84 I am a little bit nervous about it 我有点担心 85 at the dinner table 在餐桌旁 86 now and then时而,不时地 87 dress up as a policeman 装扮成警察 88 dress up in one's parents clothes 穿着父母的衣服 89 in honor of 纪念;庆祝 90 honor our ancestor 纪念我们的祖先 91 a seven-day festival 七天的节日 92 get together 聚会 93 greet the new year 迎接新年 94 have many things in common 有很多相同的地方95 do as much as sb can to do sth 尽力去做某事 96 treat sb to lunch/a nice lunch 请某人吃午饭97 in other words 换句话说98 play tricks on sb作弄某人 99the week following Christmas Day 圣诞后的那个星期100 take in欺骗;理解;包含 101 a way to celebrate history 庆祝历史和文化102 and culture 的方法 103 make peace with sb 和某人和解 104commit a crime 犯罪 105 on purpose故意地 106 for the purpose of doing sth 目的在于 107 have/ losefaith in 对…有/失去信心 108 Her face lit up with joy 照亮;使…容光焕发109 ten years of hard work 十年的艰辛劳动110 a moment's rest/a moment of rest 短暂的休息111 after all 毕竟112 call on sb at sp 拜访某人/某地 113 call on sb to do 号召某人做某事 114 day and night日日夜夜115 at (the) most 至多116 pay back 偿还117 pay off debts 还清债务118 invite sb to an evening party 邀请某人参加晚会119 try on 试穿120 have a good time 玩得愉快121 I am pretty sure she is busy now 我很确信她很忙122 act as one of the heroes 扮演其中一个主角123 in one's opinion 在某人看来124 make use of 利用125 add…to 给...加上126 fasten/tie…to 把...系到127 be in tears 哭泣128 end in a tie 以平局结束129 go against your view 与你的观点相反130 in your own words 用自己的话131conduct/do/make/perform/carry out 做大量实验132 a number of experiments133 The cloth tears easily 布很容易撕破134 tear down old houses 拆毁老房子135 There is no doubt that 对...没有疑问136 be chargedwith 充满137 get my cellphone charged 充电138 What he said proved true 他的话证明是真实的.139 sit close to sb 和某人坐得很近140 think highly of 对...评价很高Senior1 U17-U221 It is said that=people say that 据说2 A makes/leaves an impression onBA给B留下了印象3 a world champion 世界冠军4 be ab out to do sth…when 正准备做某事突然…5 (just)around the corner 即将发生/来临6 struggle through 艰难的度过7 put up 张贴/举起/建造…8 die down 平息/消失/变弱9 die out 灭绝10 at the top of one's voice 高声的11 at the tip of one's tongue 在某人嘴边12 be thankful for 对…表示感激13 be in good/poor/bad health 身体好/不好14 stand on one's leg/head 用腿/头站立15 knock ... over 撞倒/打翻…16 knock sb. down 撞倒/击倒…17 take up (a job/sports 从事某工作/作为爱好18 come to terms with 与…妥协/达成协议19 lie in 存在于…20 do sth. without regret 毫无遗憾的做某事21 be surrounded by 由…所围绕22 make/produce electrity 发电23 take possession of 占有/拥有…24 sign an agreement with 与…签订协议25 has a population of 有着…数目的人口26 the majortiy of 大多数的…27 an official language 官方语言28 A is marked with B A在B上用做记号29 turn to sb/sth/doing sth 向某人求助/转向…30 sth. be of high quality 某物质量高31 sth.be in big size 某物尺寸大32 keep/raise sheep 养羊33 invite sb. to dinner 邀请某人吃晚饭34 to one's shock/surprise 使某人惊讶的是…35 as/so far as I know/can see 就我所知,依我看36 make full/the best use of 充分利用37 make the most of 充分利用38 make the best of 充分利用39 bring in 赚钱/引进/带…进来40 in the 1980s 在20世纪80年代41 be harmful to/do harm to 对…有害处42 be friendly to 对…友好43 protect A from B 保护A不受B的侵袭44 stand for 代表/忍受/赞成…45 in other words 换句话讲46 do/carry out/conduct/make/have an experiment on在…做实验47 a practical guide to 一本对...有效地指南48 go against 反对/违背…49 turn over 翻身/翻转/移交…50 turn down 关小,调低…/拒绝…51 do research on/in/into sth 在…做研究52 a couple of 一些/一对/两三个53 make fun of/laugh at 嘲笑54 date back to/from 追溯至55 be on good terms(with sb 与某人关系好56 intend to 有意,想要做…57 act out small sketches 演小品58 act as 充当…59 play with (words/fire 玩(文字游戏/火)60 be influent in 在…很流利61 look on…as 把…看作…62 in the future 从今以后63 ahead of (在时间/空间上)更前64 tear down 拆除…65 tear up 撕毁…66 hold up 举起…67 make a face 做鬼脸68 give sb a hand 帮助某人69 do sb a favor 帮助某人70 look into sb's eys 看着某人的眼睛71 be greeted with 受到…的欢迎72 get through 接通/熬过/使人了解…73 in a world of strangers 在一群陌生人中74 feel down 感到沮丧75 make up 编造/化妆/组成76 put things in order 整理物品77 cut off 切断/突然中止78 get it 明白了79 go straight down this road 沿这条路笔直走下去80 on one's left 在某人的左边81 be based on/upon 以…为基础82 combine A with B 将A和B结合起来83 divide A into B 把A分成B部分84 risk injury 冒着受伤的危险85 fly a helicopter 驾驶直升机86 visitors to Ocean Park 海洋公园的参观者Senior2 U1-U81 have a genius/gift/talent for/doing 有某方面的天赋2 undertake (to do) something 着手干某事3 undertake that-clause 保证…4 keep/bear…in mind 记住5 have…in mind 在想,在计划6 There’s no point in doing 做某事无意义7 be engaged to sb 与某人订婚(表状态)8 get engaged to sb 表动作9 be engaged in (doing) sth 忙于某事10 work on 从事于11 be curious about 对某事好奇12 what if 倘若…怎么办,即使又怎样13 be patient with sb./of sth 对…有耐心,容忍14 make adifference 有关系,有影响15 use up 用光,耗尽,精疲力竭16 turn out/prove (to be 证明是,结果是17 seek for 探索某事,寻找某物18 dream of 梦想做某事19 debate about sth,.with sb 和某人讨论某事20 the other way around 相反地21 in the early 1970s 在20世纪70年代初22 that much worse 那么糟糕23 a promising graduate student 有前途的研究生24 top universities 重点大学25 a branch of science 学科26 the causes and effects 原因和结果27 take measures 采取措施28 rely on 依靠29 be on fire 着火(指状态)30 catch fire 着火(指动作)31 set sth. on fire/set fire to sth 放火32 rob sb. of sth 抢劫某人的某物33 steal sth. from sb 偷盗某人的某物34 make informed decisions 作出明智的决定35 feature story 专题报道36 draw/attract/catch on e’s attention 吸引某人的注意力37 make an effort/efforts (to do 努力地干…38 without effort 毫不费劲地39 spare no effort(to do 不遗余力地干40 suffer from 苦于…,患……病41 be faced with/face 面临42 relate to 理解或同情某物43 burn down 烧成平地,烧毁44 be addicted to 沉溺于45 for once 就这(那)一次46 fall in love with 爱上47 look up to 尊敬,钦佩48 current affairs 时事49 change one’s mind 改变主意50 on all sides 在各方面,到处51 adapt (oneself) to (使)适应52 be armed with 用…武装53 nine out of ten 十分之九54 a block of apartments 一幢公寓楼55 go against 违反56 act as 充当,担任57 be decorated with 用…装饰58 be convenient to sb 对某人来说方便59 a piece of furniture 一件家具60 in preference to 优先于61 fill up with 用…装满62 set aside 拨出,留下将来使用63 feel invited 感到被吸引64 call up 打电话;召唤;使人想起65 stand out 突出;显眼66 put…together 把…结合成一体67 play with 玩耍…68 light up 点着(烟等);照亮69 send for 使某人来到70 contribute to 为.作贡献;有助于; 向…投稿71 follow special patterns 遵循特殊格式72 by the light of a candle 借着烛光73 get through 通过;完成74 next to never 几乎从来不75 come into being 出现;产生76 in one’s absence 某人不在时77 in/by comparison with 与…比起来78 consist of/be made up of 由…组成79 make the most of 充分利用80 in general 一般地;大体上81 have advantages over 胜过;优于82 stand for 代表83 form the basis for 为…打基础84 end up with 以…结束;以…为下场85 local accents 地方口音86 be of great value 具有很大价值87 have a clear idea of 对…有一个清晰的认识88 on the basis of 以…为基础89 without doubt 毫无疑问90 off the coast 在海岸外91 hold together (使)连在一起;(使)团结一致92 as far as 远达93 throughout the year 全年;一整年94 run over 在…上面驶过95 at one point 在某处;一度96 catch a glimpse of 瞥见97 keep in touch with 与…保持联系98 pay attention to 注意;留意99 deal with 处理;安排100 in store 贮藏着;准备着;就要来到101 to ensure safety 为保证安全102 advanced computer system 先进的计算机系统103 distance education 远程教育104 dreams come true 梦想成真105 on the air 在广播中106 combine shopping with fun 购物娱乐相结合107 keep…company 陪伴108 cure sb. of 治愈某人的…病109 as usual 照例;想往常一样110 attitude to/towards 对…的态度111 be/become infected with 感染…112 live with 忍受;与…住一起113 die of 病(饿、悲伤、冻)死114 die from 死于交通事故,灾难115 cheer(…)up (使)感到兴奋,为…加油116 on the contrary 正相反117 for the moment 暂时;目前118 at the moment 目前、此刻119 in a moment 立刻、马上120 for a moment 过了一会儿121 the moment 一…就…122 free from 不受…的影响;没有…的123 break down 破坏,毁坏;发生故障124 as with 和…一样125 keep sb. alive 让某人活下去126 a lack of 缺乏,缺少127 to the full/fullest 充分地,完全地,尽情地128 take every chance 利用时机,碰碰运气129 be diagnosedwith 诊断患有130 a sad look in one’s eyes 眼睛中哀伤的神情131 first aid 急救132 roll over 翻转,倒转133 in honor of 为向…表示敬意,为纪念…134 in case of 名词或名词性短语假使,以防135 in case 从句136 a list of 一张…的清单137 seconds count 争分夺秒138 help is on the way 救助就要来到139 call for an ambulance 叫救护车140 stay calm 保持镇定141 stand for 代表142 be worn out 穿破,筋疲力尽。



















青少年犯罪的主要原因遗传还是环境英语作文全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hey guys, have you ever wondered why some teenagers end up committing crimes? Is it because of their genes or their environment? Let's find out!Some people believe that genes play a big role in causing teenagers to become criminals. They think that if a teenager's parents or family members have a history of criminal behavior, the teenager is more likely to follow in their footsteps. This is because they may have inherited certain traits or characteristics that make them more prone to committing crimes. For example, if someone is impulsive or has a lack of empathy, they may be more likely to engage in criminal activities.On the other hand, some people argue that the environment in which a teenager grows up in plays a bigger role in influencing their behavior. For instance, if a teenager is surrounded by violence, poverty, or substance abuse, they may be more likely to turn to crime as a way to survive or cope with their situation. Additionally, if a teenager lacks proper guidance, support, orsupervision from their parents or caregivers, they may also be more susceptible to engaging in criminal behavior.In my opinion, both genetics and environment can contribute to why some teenagers become criminals. While genes may predispose someone to certain behaviors, the environment can either amplify or suppress these tendencies. It's important to remember that every individual is unique and may respond differently to their genetic makeup and surroundings.To prevent teenage crime, it's crucial to provide support, guidance, and resources to at-risk teenagers. By creating a safe and nurturing environment for them to thrive in, we can help steer them away from a path of criminal behavior. Remember, it takes a village to raise a child, so let's all work together to create a better future for our youth!篇2Hey guys, today I'm gonna talk about the main reasons why teenagers commit crimes. Some people say it's because of their genes, while others think it's because of the environment they grow up in. So which one is it?Well, let's start with the genetic factors. Some scientists believe that certain traits like aggression or impulsivity can beinherited from our parents. This means that if your parents have a history of criminal behavior, you might be more likely to follow in their footsteps. However, not all kids with criminal parents turn out to be criminals themselves, so genes can't be the only explanation.Now, let's talk about the environment. Our surroundings play a big role in shaping who we are and how we behave. If a teenager grows up in a neighborhood where violence is common or if they have friends who are involved in illegal activities, they might be more likely to get into trouble themselves. Plus, factors like poverty, lack of education, and family dysfunction can also contribute to a teenager's decision to commit crimes.In conclusion, it's a mix of both genetics and environment that influence teenage criminal behavior. While some kids might have a genetic predisposition to engage in illegal activities, their upbringing and the circumstances they find themselves in also play a significant role. It's important for us to address both factors in order to prevent young people from going down the wrong path.So, remember guys, it's not just about nature or nurture - it's a combination of both that can lead to teenage delinquency.Let's work together to create a safer and more supportive environment for all young people.篇3Hey guys, today I want to talk about the main reasons for teenage crimes. Some people say that it's because of genetics, while others believe it's because of the environment. Let's take a closer look at both sides.First, let's talk about genetics. Some scientists believe that certain genes can make a person more likely to commit crimes. These genes may affect things like impulsivity, aggression, and even empathy. So, if someone has these genes, they may be more likely to engage in criminal behavior. However, it's important to remember that genetics is not the only factor at play.On the other hand, the environment also plays a big role in teenage crime. Growing up in a family or community where crime is common can increase the likelihood that a teenager will also engage in criminal behavior. Factors like poverty, lack of access to education and resources, and exposure to violence can all contribute to a teenager's decision to commit crimes.In my opinion, both genetics and the environment play a role in teenage crime. It's not just one or the other. Instead, it's a combination of both that can influence a teenager's behavior. That's why it's important to look at the bigger picture and consider all factors when trying to understand why teenagers commit crimes.So, let's remember to support each other and create a safe and positive environment for all teenagers to thrive in. Let's work together to address the root causes of teenage crime and make our communities better places for everyone. Thanks for listening!篇4Title: Why do teenagers commit crimes: genetics or environment?Hey guys, today we are going to talk about an important topic - why do teenagers commit crimes? Some people say it's because of genetics, while others believe it's because of the environment. Let's explore both sides and see what we think.First, let's talk about genetics. Some scientists believe that certain genes can make people more likely to commit crimes. These genes may affect a person's behavior, making them moreimpulsive or aggressive. So, if someone has these genes, they might be more likely to get into trouble.On the other hand, some experts think that the environment plays a bigger role in causing teenage crime. Growing up in a rough neighborhood, having a troubled family life, or hanging out with the wrong crowd can all influence a young person to turn to crime. They may feel like they have no other options or that this is just the way things are.But wait, here's the thing - it's not just one or the other. Both genetics and environment can play a part in causing teenage crime. Some people may be more genetically predisposed to violence, but it's their environment that triggers them to act out. Others may have a tough upbringing but have the strength to resist temptation.In conclusion, it's a complex mix of genetics and environment that can lead teenagers to commit crimes. It's important for us to understand these factors and work towards creating a better environment for young people to grow up in. Let's support each other and make better choices to prevent teenage crime in our community. Thanks for listening, guys!篇5Title: The Main Causes of Teenage Crime: Genetics or Environment?Hey guys, have you ever wondered why some teenagers commit crimes? Is it because of their genes or the environment they grow up in? Let’s explore this topic together!First of all, let’s talk about genetics. Some scientists believe that certain genes can make people more likely to engage in criminal behavior. For example, if someone has a gene that affects their impulse control, they may be more likely to act on their impulses without thinking about the consequences. This could lead to criminal behavior like stealing or fighting.On the other hand, the environment also plays a big role in shaping a teenager’s behavior. Growing up in a violent or neglectful home can increase the chances of a teenager turning to crime. If a teenager is raised in an environment where crime is normalized or even encouraged, they may be more likely to see it as a viable option.Moreover, factors like poverty, lack of education, and peer pressure can also contribute to teenage crime. Teenagers who come from disadvantaged backgrounds may feel like they have no other options but to resort to illegal activities to survive. Peerpressure can also play a big role, as teenagers may feel pressured to fit in with a group that engages in criminal behavior.In conclusion, it’s not just about genetics or environment when it comes to teenage crime. Both factors can play a significant role in shaping a teenager’s behavior. It’s important for us to understand these influences and work towards creating a supportive and nurturing environment for all teenagers to thrive in. Let’s support each other and make positive choices to create a safer and better world for everyone!So, next time you hear about teenage crime, remember that there are many factors at play and it’s not just about genes or environment. Let’s work together to address these issues and create a brighter future for all teenagers!篇6I can give you a sample of an essay written in a more playful and simplified way, like how a primary school student would write it.Title: Reasons of Youth Crime: Nature or NurtureYo yo yo, what’s up peeps? Today I wanna talk about why some teenagers end up doing bad things and breaking the law.Is it because they got it from their parents (ya know, like it runs in the family) or is it because of the environment they grow up in? Let’s find out!First off, let’s talk about genetics. Some scientists say that if your parents are criminals, then you might be more likely to be a criminal too. It’s like, in your DNA or so mething. But hey, that doesn’t mean you’re doomed to a life of crime if your dad was a thief or your mom was a gangster. You can still choose to be a good person!On the flip side, there’s the environment factor. This means the people you hang out with, the area you live in, and the stuff you see and hear every day. If you’re surrounded by violence, drugs, and bad influences, it can be super hard to stay on the right path. Sometimes, the environment can push you towards doing things you know are wrong.But wait, there’s more! It’s not just about genetics or environment. It’s also about making your own choices. You gotta take responsibility for your actions and think about the consequences. Don’t blame your genes or your surroundings for the things you do wrong.So, to wrap it up, youth crime can be influenced by both genetics and environment, but at the end of the day, it’s up toyou to make the right choices and be a good person. Stay cool, stay safe, and stay on the right side of the law, dudes and dudettes!Hope this helps!篇7Hey guys!Today, let's talk about why teenagers commit crimes. Some people say it's because of genetics, while others say it's because of the environment. What do you think?Well, some people believe that teenagers inherit criminal behavior from their parents or relatives. They think that if your parents or siblings are criminals, then you are more likely to become a criminal too. It's like it runs in the family.On the other hand, some people think that it's the environment that plays a bigger role in making teenagers turn to crime. They say that if you grow up in a bad neighborhood where crime is common, you are more likely to get involved in criminal activities. Also, if you have friends who are criminals, you might feel pressured to join them.I think both genetics and the environment can influence teenagers to commit crimes. Some kids might have a genetic predisposition to criminal behavior, but it's the environment that triggers it. For example, if a teenager has a gene that makes them aggressive, being in a violent environment can make them more likely to act on that aggression.In conclusion, it's a combination of genetics and the environment that can lead teenagers to commit crimes. It's important for parents, schools, and communities to work together to create a safe and supportive environment for teenagers to grow up in. Let's all do our part to prevent teenage crime!Take care, guys!篇8Hey guys, today I want to talk about the main reasons for teenage crime. Some people think it's all about genetics, while others believe it's all about the environment. So which one is it? Let's find out!First, let's talk about genetics. Some scientists believe that certain genes can make a person more likely to be aggressive or impulsive, which can lead to criminal behavior. This means thatsome people may be born with a higher risk of becoming criminals because of their genes. But wait, does that mean if your parents are criminals, you're destined to become one too? Not necessarily! Just because you have some genes that make you more likely to be a troublemaker doesn't mean you can't control your actions.Now, let's move on to the environment. The environment you grow up in can also play a big role in whether or not you become involved in crime. If you grow up in a neighborhood where crime is common, or if you have friends who are involved in illegal activities, you may be more likely to follow in their footsteps. Also, if you have parents who are abusive or neglectful, you may not learn how to make good choices and instead turn to crime as a way to cope with your problems.So, what's the final verdict? Both genetics and environment can contribute to teenage crime. Some people may be more biologically predisposed to criminal behavior, while others may be influenced by their surroundings. But here's the good news: You have the power to make your own choices and decide what kind of person you want to be. Don't let your genes or your environment dictate your future – you have the ability to choose a different path.篇9Hey guys, today I want to talk about the main reasons for teenage crime: is it genetics or the environment?Let's start with genetics. Some people believe that if your family has a history of criminal behavior, you might be more likely to commit crimes too. This could be because of certain genes that are passed down from parents to children. These genes might make someone more impulsive or less able to control their actions. So, some people think that genetics could play a big role in why some teenagers turn to crime.But then there's the environment. The environment you grow up in can have a huge impact on your behavior. If you grow up in a neighborhood with a lot of crime and violence, you might be more likely to get involved in criminal activities. Also, if you have friends who are involved in crime, you might feel pressured to join in too. And if you don't have access to good education, job opportunities, or support networks, you might feel like you have no other options but to turn to crime.So, in conclusion, both genetics and the environment can play a role in why some teenagers commit crimes. It's a complex issue and there's no one-size-fits-all answer. But what'simportant is that we work together to create a safe and supportive environment for all young people, so they can make positive choices and stay on the right path. Let's all do our part to help each other out and make our communities better places for everyone!篇10Hey guys! Today, let's talk about a serious topic - juvenile crime. Some people think that the main reason behind juvenile crime is genetics, while others believe it's because of the environment. So, which one is it? Let's find out!First of all, let's talk about genetics. Genetics means the stuff we inherit from our parents, like our eye color or height. Some scientists believe that certain genes can make someone more likely to commit crimes. For example, if someone has a gene that makes them impulsive or aggressive, they might be more prone to breaking the law. So, some people think that genetics play a big role in juvenile crime.On the other hand, let's talk about the environment. The environment is everything around us, like our family, friends, and neighborhood. Some people believe that if a young person grows up in a bad environment, they're more likely to turn tocrime. For example, if someone's parents are always fighting, or if they live in a dangerous neighborhood, they might feel stressed or unsafe. This could lead them to join a gang or commit crimes to feel protected.In my opinion, both genetics and the environment can play a role in juvenile crime. Some kids might inherit genes that make them more impulsive, but a bad environment can also push them towards criminal behavior. It's important for parents, teachers, and communities to support young people and give them the tools they need to make good choices.So, what do you guys think? Do you believe genetics or the environment is the main reason for juvenile crime? Let's keep talking about this important issue and work together to create a safe and positive environment for all young people. Thanks for listening!。




1.convict /kən'vɪkt/]n. 罪犯e.g. The convicts were deported to a deserted island.补充:deport 驱逐出境雅思听力例句:These workers were mainly prison convicts until the middle of that century when ordinary families willing to live in such circumstances took over.v. convict 给…定罪;宣判…有罪搭配:be convicted ofe.g. He was convicted of felony.e.g. He has twice been convicted of robbery/arson.补充:arson 纵火罪felony 重罪;重刑罪2.petty /ˈpeti/adj. 不重要的;不严重的搭配:petty crime 轻微罪行e.g. We have also seen an increase in petty crimes such as shoplifting.e.g. Petty crime was rampant: up to 300 cases a year, withneighboring villages terrorized.补充:shoplifting 商店偷窃rampant 难以遏制的;猖獗的3.rehabilitate /riːhə'bɪlɪteɪt/v. 改造(服刑罪犯)e.g. The program is intended to rehabilitate criminals.e.g. Jails are actually supposed to rehabilitate a person, not cause him or her to become more angry, frustrated, and feel more hopeless.syn. reform人洗心革面;使改过自新;e.g. The program is designed to help former gang members who are trying toreform.n. rehabilitate /'ri:hə,bili'teiʃən/e.g.The better cure for young criminals is rehabilitation. Throughout education and training, the youth can realize their wrongful actions and be given opportunities to turn over a new leaf and transform themselves into useful members of society later in life.补充:turn over a new leaf 洗心革面;重新做人4.delinquency /dɪ'lɪŋkw(ə)nsɪ/n. (尤指青少年的)违法行为,犯罪行为搭配:juvenile delinquency 青少年犯罪e.g. Parents with necessary parenting techniques is the most effective way to cope with increasing rates ofjuvenile delinquency.e.g. We can curb juvenile delinquency by education.补充:curb 控制;限制其他补充:juvenile delinquent少年犯delinquent adj. 犯罪的;不良的e.g. Most delinquent children have deprived backgrounds.。





一、环境犯罪法的法律框架美国环境犯罪法的法律框架主要包括《清洁空气法》(Clean Air Act)、《清洁水法》(Clean Water Act)、《噪音控制法》(Noise Control Act)和《资源保护与恢复法》(Resource Conservation and Recovery Act)等。


1. 清洁空气法《清洁空气法》是美国联邦法律,该法律被用于保护大气环境免受污染和其他不良影响。


2. 清洁水法《清洁水法》是美国联邦法律,该法律的目标是保护美国的水资源,包括河流、湖泊、湿地和地下水等。


3. 噪音控制法《噪音控制法》是美国联邦法律,该法律的目的是限制和管制对人类健康和舒适产生威胁的噪音。


4. 资源保护与恢复法《资源保护与恢复法》是美国联邦法律,该法律的目标是加强对危险废物的管理和处理,以保护环境和人类健康。




1. 罚款环境犯罪行为犯罪者可能面临巨额罚款。



2. 监禁严重的环境犯罪行为将导致犯罪者被判处监禁。

英语解释crimes -回复

英语解释crimes -回复

英语解释crimes -回复问题:"英语解释crimes"。





第一步: 概述首先,我们将对"crimes"这一概念进行详细阐述。




第二步: 犯罪分类犯罪行为可以根据其特征和性质进行不同的分类。

下面是一些常见的犯罪分类:1. 暴力犯罪: 暴力犯罪指的是使用或威胁使用暴力伤害他人的行为。


2. 财产犯罪: 财产犯罪指的是涉及财产的犯罪行为。


3. 毒品犯罪: 毒品犯罪涉及非法制造、贩卖、使用毒品的行为。


4. 经济犯罪: 经济犯罪涉及到金融和商业领域的违法行为。


5. 违法性行为: 违法性行为指的是违反道德伦理和社会规范的行为,但不一定违反法律。


第三步: 犯罪的后果犯罪行为对受害人、社会和整个法律体系都会产生严重的后果。

以下是一些常见的后果:1. 受害者伤害: 犯罪行为对受害人造成身体和精神上的伤害。


2. 社会不安: 犯罪行为会破坏社会的秩序和和谐。


3. 法律制裁: 犯罪行为被法律所禁止,并会受到法律制裁。


































2021年第16期总第532期No.16,2021SumNo.532The Science Education Article Collects摘要当前全球资源滥用和生态破坏现象屡见不鲜,引发的环境危机直接威胁到人类居住的自然环境。



关键词环境正义;非正义成因;启示On the Contemporary Connotation and Enlightenment of “Environmental Justice ”//TANG JianmingAbstract The phenomenon of resource abuse and ecological destruction is common,which directly threatens the natural en‐vironment where human beings live,and we have to face the dilemma of environmental justice which is closely related to human survival.Starting with the connotation and characteris‐tics of the concept of environmental justice,the deep causes and measures of environmental injustice,the purpose is to carry out the thought of a community with a shared future for mankind and promote the construction of socialist ecological civilization,so as to help understand the contemporary significance and reality brought by environmental justice.Key words environmental justice;causes of injustice;enlight‐enment1环境正义的内涵与特点环境是指一种与生存其中的主体不断发生交互关系的活动场所。



"Crime" 是一个英语单词,表示犯罪、罪行。


以下是与"crime" 相关的一些构词法形式:
1.Criminal (形容词):表示与犯罪或罪行相关的。

例如:criminal activity(犯罪活动)、criminal behavior(犯罪行为)。

2.Criminalize (动词):表示将某事物定为犯罪行为,使其成为刑事犯罪。

例如:to criminalize drug use(将吸毒定为犯罪)。

3.Criminalization (名词):表示将某事物定为犯罪行为的行为或过程。

例如:the criminalization of hate speech(仇恨言论的犯罪化)。

4.Criminology (名词):表示犯罪学,研究犯罪、犯罪行为、犯罪原因等的学科领域。

5.Criminally (副词):表示与犯罪相关地,通常用于描述某种行为的性质。

例如:acting criminally(行为犯罪地)。

6.Criminologist (名词):表示犯罪学家,专门从事犯罪学研究的人。

7.Anti-Crime (前缀):表示反对犯罪的。

例如:anti-crime measures(反犯罪措施)。

8.Cybercrime (名词):表示网络犯罪,指在互联网和计算机领域进行的犯罪活动。

这些构词法形式展示了"crime" 这个词汇在不同上下文中的应用。





Environmental monitoring[环境]环境监测;[环境]环境监视; 环境监控; 环境监察environmental movement生态运动; 环境保护; 环境保护运动; 环境运动environmental organization环境组织; 环保工作组织; 环境机构; 环境保护组织environmental ethics环境伦理学; 环境道德Environmental Management环境管理学; 环境治理; 环保管理Environmental technology环境科技; 环境技术网;[环境]环境工艺学Environmental awareness环境意识; 环保意识; 提高环保意识; 环境认识Environmental Biology[环境]环境生物学; 环境生物; 情况有生命的物质学; 环境生物学报environmental problems环境问题; 环境题目; 环境污染问题; 环保问题篇Have you ever participated in any environmental activities?你有没有曾经参与任何环保活动?。

Keyvan: so I need to create the environmental conditions for that too.这样我也需要创建环境条件为了那个推向更近。

If so, those years before the crash will not be remembered as the flowering of the environmentalmovement, but as its peak.假如是这样的话,失败前的那些年将不会作为环境运动的繁荣让人记住而是作为它的巅峰而让人记住。

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Environmental CrimeGiuseppe Di Vita*Department of Economics and Business,University of Catania,Catania,ItalyAbstractTo study environmental crime in a perspective of law and economics,it is necessary to identify the protected species from an economic point of view and at the same time to give a legal definition of this kind of criminal behavior.The list of sanctions and their effective deterrence effects in cases of environmental crime are addressed in thefinal part of this essay.DefinitionEnvironmental crime is a behavior harmful for the natural environment and its population that is punished with criminal sanctions,according to the nature of the protected species and the type and magnitude of present and future damage.Environmental CrimeInterdisciplinary issues are hard to approach because they involve different kinds of knowledge with the use of specific terminology;this is particularly true in the case of environmental crime.The analysis moves from the concept of environment as the object of legislative protection and then follows with the definition of environmental crime.This is not an easy task because even within the legal doctrine there is no unanimous view of the concept of environmental crime,and technical language is not the same for lawyers and economists.The analysis follows with a list of the criminal sanctions that may be applied as a consequence of public enforcement of criminal environmental law against the violators of such rules.In conclusion,the deterrence effects of criminal sanctions are studied in practice,considering the results of empirical studies performed.(See Gray and Shimshack (2011)for a recent survey of the literature on empirical analysis on enforcement of criminal sanctions).EnvironmentFrom the economic point of view,we should define the interest protected by the law and the reasons why the policy maker(or legislator)chooses to punish illegal behavior against the environment by applying criminal sanctions.The problem of an optimal use of the environment and its protection originates from its nature of public good(Siebert1992)and its characteristics of non-excludability and non-rivalry.The inability of the market to determine an equilibrium price may be due to the social costs associated with the *Email:gdivita@lex.unict.itprivate use of the good(as in the case of pollution emissions),or the collective nature of the benefits, that make the excludability cost extremely high and the price market equal to zero(e.g.,the case of biodiversity preservation).In thefirst case the self-interest of individuals determines an exploitation of the environment,while in the second hypothesis the indivisibility of the benefits makes the individuals unwilling to pay for this kind of good.Whenever the existence of a source of market failure is present,the market produces an inefficient allocation of resources(Bator1958),thus rendering necessary the adoption of some economic and legal policy,to bring the system as close as possible to a situation of Pareto-optimal market allocation.A wide spectrum exists of possible measures that it is possible to implement in order to correct the inefficiencies of the market,such as Pigouvian taxes,standards,tradable permits,Coasian solution,and creation of an institution(Faure 2012;Tietenberg and Lewis2012).This study considers only the cases where the inefficient allocation of environmental assets is punished by means of criminal sanctions.The main reason for committing a crime against the environment is the saving gained by avoiding a costly compliance to the regulation implemented,adopted with the aim of preserving the environment.The individuals who follow their self-interest,thereby breaking the environmental law,worsen social welfare,over-exploiting the environment with irreversible harm for future generations.The economic benefits for violators increase according to the degree of stringency of the legislation(Almer and Goeschl2013).From the legislative and court point of view,the kind of remedy is commensurate with the gravity of the behavior to the environment(Rousseau2009).So the private remedies of repayment for damage or injunction are confined to the less important cases where the consequences of illegal behavior are limited to the parties involved(e.g.,the noise in a private apartment).The sources of market failures render the use of standard civil remedies difficult(like using the strict liability regimes,see Sigman2010)and the administrativefines inadequate.In the case of private goods,it is sufficient to design the property rights properly in order to bring the system to the optimal path,allowing the victim of damage tofile the case in the court and to be reimbursed for the damage,thus indirectly promoting the private enforcement of environmental law. This efficient mechanism cannot be used in the case of public goods because of the incomplete appropriability of the benefits and the multiple offensive environmental damages that go beyond the individual dimension and involve collective values and the welfare of future generations.To protect environmental goods like air,soil,and water,it is necessary to adopt policies promoting the use of devices to abate the level of pollution and/or to implement more environmental friendly technologies together with other measures to preserve biodiversity and to avoid climate changes, domestic and trans-boundary pollution,illegal waste disposal in landfill,pollution emissions,and so on.Often,such kinds of good cannot be efficiently protected by using the standard private law remedies(like injunction to avoid future damages and the condemnation of the author of the offense to pay past damages),in consideration of their characteristic as public good,requiring stronger measures from the policy maker,like a public enforcement of the law,that may only indirectly protect the private rights involved.(About the“civil enforcement tools”of environmental law,see: Glicksman and Earnhart2007).Environmental CrimeThe“enforcement pyramid”(Ayres and Braithwaite1995),i.e.,the graduation of penalties for illegal behavior that could be applied to protect the environment,is made up of civil sanctions,adminis-trativefines,and criminal sanctions.Although all the kinds of sanctions have as commondenominator the protection of the environment by means of punishment of the violator andreimbursement of the damage,thefirst two kinds of enforcement of environmental law have astheir principal aim to deter the violator and compensate the offended individuals,in contrast with thecriminal sanctions that have as their main goal to punish the violator.Among the civil sanctions to implement environmental law,the“citizen’s suit”deserves a specialmention;it may be defined thus“...Citizen suits are court proceedings brought by citizens who seekto enforce public rights.In the environmental arena they are cases brought to enforce the rights orobligations created by environmental laws.They are civil as opposed to criminal cases.Whilecitizens’suits are often brought against government authorities this is not a definitive feature...”(Mossop1993).This measure to implement environmental law has been extensively used in wealthy(Naysnerski and Tietenberg1992)and less developed countries,precisely since1958in the CzechRepublic(Earnhart2000).This kind of law enforcement is based on the citizens’cooperation toprotect the environment and may be useful in minor cases of law infringement.(Regarding theeffects of alternative policies increasing reliance of self-reporting by polluters,see Farmer2007).The step immediately next to thefirst in the enforcement pyramid consists of the administrative fines that may be applied without any judge’s intervention;their implementation is devoted to public bodies of the state.The problem is that the dissuasive capability of administrative sanctions could beinefficient to punish and deter the more dangerous behavior to the environment.(See on the optimallevel of environmentalfines the interesting paper by Rousseau and Kjetil2010).In general,it is possible to note that criminal proceedings are,in contrast to civil proceedings,initiated by the government or by public authorities rather than offended individuals.This kind ofpublic enforcement of environmental law requires a high standard of proof,involving fundamentalindividual rights constitutionally protected(like individual freedom)and moral-social stigmaconsequent to an application of a criminal sanction.The environmental crime may be defined from the legal point of view as a crime against theenvironment or the violation of an environmental law(Clifford and Edwards1998).(Clifford andEdwards(1998)moreover propose a broad philosophical definition of an“environmental crime”asan act committed with the intent to harm or with a potential to cause harm to ecological and/orbiological system and for the purpose of securing business or personal advantage.See Emanet al.(2013)for an updated survey of the definition of“environmental crimes”in general and withinthe European Union.For a criminological analysis of environmental crime,see Huisman and VanErp2013and Lynch and Stretesky2014).Although from the legislative point of view it is simple to say what is an environmental crime,among the international community of law scholars,there is no unanimous definition of this concept;nevertheless the phrase“environmental crime”is used in several international agreements andnational legislation.Here we may underline the increasing relevance of the trans-boundary dimension of environ-mental protection(e.g.,air,waste,water,global warming:green crimes include air pollution,waterpollution,deforestation,species decline,the dumping of hazardous waste,etc.).This indicates theneed for the international community to define this concept univocally.The main obstacle to this aimis that the identification of environmental goods protected by criminal sanctions depends on thesocioeconomic condition of each single country.So you may expect countries at the same stage ofdevelopment to be more prone to adopt similar or identical legislation and enforcement systems,because their relationship between per capita income and pollution is the same.(About therelationship between per capita income and polluting emissions and the relevance of legal familyin explaining the environmental quality levels at different stages of growth,see Di Vita(2008).)Developing countries are not able to use their scarce resources to protect the environment fully.These considerations could be of help in explaining why the delimitation of environmental crime differs among countries.Criminal sanctions for violation of environmental law constitute a novelty introduced in the1980s of the last century,with an increasing incidence in recent years(Billiet and Rousseau2014;Goeschl and J€u rgens2014).Since the1970s criminal sanctions to protect the environment have become a measure extensively used in the United States and later on in the European Community(Almer and Goeschl2010).(For an updated survey of“environmental crime”within the European Union,see Öberg(2013).)In the European Union the criminalization of environmental law enforcement has been strengthened by the European Directive2008/99/EC(Billiet and Rousseau2014).More recently,since the mid1990s,some European countries have introduced administrative sanctions as a complement of criminalfines(Faure and Svatikova2012;Faure2012).Administrative measures have the advantage of being moreflexible than criminal proceedings so that the enforce-ment of environmental law may be pursued at lower cost.Even in the former Eastern European countries,the environmental laws are beginning to be protected by the introduction of criminal sanctions(Eman et al.2013).Australia is a country where the protection of the environment by means of criminal sanctions has a long tradition and since1979has played a leading role in criminal justice processing of environ-mental offenses through the New South Wales Land and Environment,being probably thefirst nation to introduce environmental courts(Walters and Westerhuis2013).Among the so-called BRICS countries,Russia seems to have experienced a reduction of crimes against the environment (according to domestic statistics),although some people suggest that together with a decrease in ecological crimes and offenses,there is some increase of latency within thefield of ecological crime. Recent research suggests that one of the major profiles of environmental crime counteraction could be the non-governmental ecological control system development adopted in Russia that is devolved to both municipal and social ecological control.This raises some doubt about the degree of enforcement necessary to achieve the optimal level of environmental protection(Anisimov et al.2013).Even China,one of the most dynamic economies among the developing countries,has recently levied criminal sanctions to punish violators and deter future infringements of environmental law (Zong and Liao2012).In the African continent protection of the environment from criminals is not so widespread for the economic considerations discussed previously.Nevertheless this may repre-sent a missed opportunity to preserve one of the largest green lungs of the world and an inexhaustible source of biodiversity.The key point of view to consider the importance of environmental crime is the dynamic effects of this kind of sanction in bringing the economic systems toward a more sustainable path to preserve the environment and render the stock of environment useful for future generations. Criminal Sanctions to Punish and Prevent Behavior Harmful to the EnvironmentBased on the previous considerations,it is clear that the state has to choose whether to punish some illegal behavior with a criminal sanction in consideration of the interest protected and the offensive magnitude of present and future damages.In the case of civil remedies to enforce the environmental law,the costs burden on citizens,with limited expenses for the public sector of the economy(state administration and its ramifications).The criminal sanctions are applied because it is assumed that they raise the level of environmental protection,with high costs to the public sector of economy interms of investigation and imposition of penalties.The enforcement costs are relevant under binding budget constraint.Shavell(1985,1987)has indentifiedfive conditions that should be fulfilled to justify the application of non-monetary sanctions for efficient criminal deterrence.Such conditions are(i)the probability of insolvency of the violator,(ii)the possibility that the criminal is able to avoid paying the monetary sanction,(iii)the illicit earnings for the private agent in infringing the environmental criminal law,(iv)the potential future damage to the environment,and(v)the magnitude of the damage.His conclusion is that the criminal sanctions are worth applying only when thesefive conditions are strong enough to outweigh the social costs to deter,punish,and hold in jail the authors of environmental crimes(Billiet and Rousseau2014).In a general theoretic framework,Emons(2003,2007)found evidence that criminal sanctions should be applied in case of repeat offenders,punishing the less harmful violation of the law with monetary penalties;escalating penalties are used not to make the criminal career less attractive but to make being honest more attractive.Despite these theoreticalfindings,the empirical question is whether the use of escalating sanctions based on offense history is valid when the benefit of crime and the probability of apprehension are high.The recent guidelines of US sentences suggest inflicting a short period of imprisonment when the environmental crime leads to severe damage(e.g.,an illegal dump of waste,river pollution,etc.).In accordance with previous theoreticalfindings,O’Hear(2004)reports that in Australia the prison sentences for environmental crime have been limited to the most serious offenses to the environment.The sanction for a criminal defendant varies according to the crime and includes such measures as the sanction of death,not applicable in cases of environmental law infringement.Incarceration is a period of time that the violator spends in jail,as a consequence of a criminal sentence.Probation is the period during which a person,“the probationer,”is subject to critical examination and evalua-tion.It is a trial period that must be completed before a person receives greater benefits or freedom. (The probationer criminal sanction could be considered quite similar to the suspended sentences that have a lower immediate effect but tend to deter future criminal behavior(Billiet and Rousseau 2014).)Community service is the period of time that the convicted spends doing civil services instead of jail or at the end of the period of imprisonment.Finally,monetaryfines are monetary sanctions applied by the courts as a conclusion of a criminal proceeding(for a more complete explanation of the characteristics of criminal sanctions,seeÖberg2013).Deterrence Effects of Criminal SanctionsIn the introduction we assume that the criminal sanctions are applied in cases of extremely offensive behavior toward the environment.The underground message is that criminal sanctions possess the greatest deterrence capacity,to dissuade further environmental damage.The axiom that criminali-zation raises the level of environmental quality has been questioned several times(Stigler1970; Polinsky1980;Andreoni1991;Heyes1996),in consideration of greater costs for the use of criminal sanctions and the negative substitute effects on civil and administrativefines.Recently Goeschl and J€u rgens(2014),moving from the initiatives of the European Commission to prevent environmental crimes,have shown that an increase in the criminalization level does not necessarily lead to higher environmental quality.The greater the area of criminal responsibility for environmental law violation,the lower will be the enforcement by using alternative measures. Based on these considerations the debate is shifted into the arena of applied studies.Cherry’s(2001)empirical analysis found strong empirical evidence thatfinancial penalties have adeterrence effect stronger than prison sentences and that monetary sanctions imply a lower socialcost to punish those responsible for crimes and to prevent future damages.The limitation of Cherry’sstudy is that crimes against the environment are not considered but illegal behavior in general.Faure and Heine(2005),in their research on the enforcement of environmental crimes in Europe,find that monetary sanctions are more widespread than criminal sanctions in the Old Continent. Almer and Goelschl(2010)found a positive relationship between environmental crime prosecutionand the deterrence effect.This result is reinforced by the outcomes of another empirical studyconducted,using microeconomic data,in Germany regarding in particular waste crimes,wherepersecutors faced inelasticity of4%of resources devoted to environmental offices in response to aunitary increase in environmental crimes(Almer and Goeschl2011).Faure and Svatikova(2012)performed an empirical analysis on the effects of criminal sanctiondeterrence of illegal behavior against the environment when the penalty is used together with theadministrative process to enforce environmental law.Their analysis is based on the theoreticalassumption that to enforce environmental law,having a budget constraint,it is more efficient to useadministrativefines,instead of criminal sanctions,because they are moreflexible and cheaper thancriminal proceedings.Their evidence,based on a dataset available for four Western Europe nations(Fleming Region,Germany,Netherland,and the United Kingdom),shows that administrativefines are a cheapercomplement of criminal sanctions.Billiet and Rousseau(2014)suggest that the relationship between monetary and non-monetarysanctions is in complementary and not alternative terms.(For an empirical analysis performed onmicrodata regarding penalties applied by courts in Europe,see Billiet et al.2014.)In their empiricalresearch they found that thefines are usually applied together with other criminal sanctions,thusconfirming the complementary nature of the different kinds of criminal sanctions.Billiet and Rousseau(2014)investigated how prison sentences for environmental crime effectsare used in fact and their deterrence effects to violators in Flanders,using statistics of seven Courts ofFirst Instance and the Court of Appeal of Ghent,regarding the complete case law from2003to2007.This empirical analysis confirms that in the EU,countries like Belgium,in87.49%of criminalproceedings,only afine sanction was applied to individual violators.These scholars in theirinteresting study found that the kind of environmental problem does not matter(Billiet andRousseau2014)and that prison sentences are not always executed.(Rousseau(2009)performedan interesting empirical analysis of the court sentences in proceedings regarding environmentalcrime,finding that judges protect the private assets and calculate the sanctions in consideration of themagnitude of the harm).Almer and Goeschl(2013)performed an empirical analysis on a special kind of environmentalcrime regarding waste,considering a panel dataset of44counties from the German state of Baden-W€u rttemberg between1995and2005.Their outcomes support the theoretical assumption thatcriminal sanctions have a greater deterrence effect,although the magnitude of this effect dependson the intensity of enforcement.Moreover,the economic conditions and policy measures adopted atjurisdiction level play a significant role to explain why similar law infringements seem to beevaluated and punished in different ways.The deterrence effect of criminal sanctions to punish the violators of environmental law seems tobe a promisingfield of future research,to draw guidelines for further legislative measures.Cross-References▶Commons,Anticommons and Semicommons▶Externalities▶Incomplete Property RightsReferencesAlmer C,Goeschl T(2010)Environmental crime and punishment:empirical evidence from the German penal nd Econ86(4):707–726Almer C,Goeschl T(2011)The political economy of the environmental criminal justice system: a production function approach.Public Choice148:611–630Almer T,Goeschl T(2013)The Sopranos redux:the empirical economics of waste crime.Reg Stud (forthcoming)Andreoni J(1991)Reasonable doubt and the optimal magnitude offines:should the penaltyfit the crime?RAND J Econ22(3):385–395Anisimov AP,Aleksseva AP,Melihov AI(2013)Current issues of ecological crime counteraction in Russia.Criminol J Baikal Natl Univ Econ Law3:80–89Ayres I,Braithwaite J(1995)Responsive regulation:transcending the deregulation debate.Oxford University Press,OxfordBator FM(1958)The anatomy of market failure.Q J Econ72(3):351–379Billiet CM,Rousseau S(2014)How real is the threat of imprisonment for environmental crime?Eur J Law Econ37(2):183–198Billiet CM,Blondiau T,Rousseau S(2014)Punishing environmental crimes:an empirical study from lower courts to the court of appeal.Regul Gov8(4):472–496Cherry TD(2001)Financial penalties as an alternative criminal sanction:evidence from panel data. 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