杰克伦敦[1] 3
《野性的呼唤》中, 巴克经历人类的残暴和无情, 在艰难的自然环 境中完成了从一只无忧无虑的宠物到为生存而战的狼的回归。他 和人的情感也随着情节而起伏, 一开始依赖着主人而生活, 对主人 忠心耿耿, 对人类充满了信任;被偷走后开始遭受人的虐待, 渐渐激 发起心底的野性, 开始对人有了敌意; 在北方拉雪橇遭毒打时被救, 和他的恩人建立了真挚的感情; 可当他的朋友被杀后, 巴克替他报 了仇,与人类的关系也到此结束, 回到原野, 成为一只完完全全的狼。 在这个转变过程中, 可以清楚地发现环境对激发巴克体内的野性起 着重要作用。当他面对人们的棍棒时, 也曾困惑过, 可他很快就意 识到只有通过自己的力量才能获得生存空间。当他被愤怒激起的 野性让他在对方眼中看到了恐惧, 更使他的野性开始升腾。在寒冷 的北方, 为生存而战, 与其他狗进行厮打, 杀死对头史必兹后, 他祖先 留给他的狼的野性更为凸显。这时巴克表现出的人性只在与他所 深爱的主人的情感上, 而这份人性也随着主人的被杀而被埋藏在心 底深处, 他彻底地融入了荒野, 用狼的野性征服了荒野, 成为狼群的 头领。由此可看到, 温和的环境, 使动物的野性被隐藏, 他们对主人 的忠实和爱, 给主人的保护和取悦, 都体现出他们本性中的人性的 一面, 在这一点上甚至超出了某些人类; 而当环境的改变, 生存的欲 望会激发出原始的野性。
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我国对杰克· 伦敦及作品的介绍与翻译、研究工作起步于20世 纪20年代的新文化运动, 30年代达到高潮。《野性的呼唤》 是最先被翻译到中国的杰克· 伦敦的作品之一,作为他的成名作 和代表作在以后80余年的历史中被学者反复的翻译和研究,可 见它的重要性。 毛信德在《美国小说史纲》中认为杰克·伦敦《野性的呼唤》 的写作“显然是一种讽喻和影射的手法,目的在于通过动物世界 中‘人’性的沦丧和野性的复发以及它们之间的勾心斗角与残 酷争夺来揭示当时美国社会的现实本质。布克实际上正是那些 在资本主义社会中被拜金主义毒气吞噬了人的基本理性的受害 者的象征” 。王长荣在《现代美国小说史》中认为“《荒野的 呼唤》的创作,在内容和形式上实现了完美结合。它的主题是爱 的价值和按公平的规则比赛”,“巴克的驯化而服务于人类,以 及最后野性复归,逃回荒野成为狼,其决定条件无非是环境与条 件。这也是自然主义小说真谛所在。达尔文的进化论和自然选 择、适者生存的理论都生动的体现在《荒野的呼唤》的始终。
National day of mourning in the Philipines, after 44 police commanders were killed,in the line of duty when an anti-terror operation went wrong.- PUNJAB PROVINCE 50 miles north of Lahore, PAKISTANPhilipine authorities now say the toll in yesterday's hotel bombing has risen to 146 dead and 231 woundedIt is the most devastating terrorist attack in Asia, in 10 years. And the worst ever, in Manila. While no organization has taken responsibility for the blast,Western intelligence sources have identifiedchemical traces that are the hallmark of the infamous arms-dealer, Aarmir Barkawi International security experts say that the Barkawi family is now instigating violence in remote capitalsTo foster instability, and thus fuel massive arms sales around the globe.- Kamran - RazaDid Philippine Intelligence track you?Father,- Y ou did well, - Thank you.We need to discuss Major General Rahmad.It's your sister's wedding.I'm sorry, this can't wait.I think your ISI officer was compromised.Kamran, all Pakistani intelligence officers are compromised.One of our Afghani friends discovered a German BND agent in his circle.And?That particular general won't be very useful to us anymore. He's been eliminated.Thought you might want to know.Don't forget his family.V engeance must always be profound, and absolute.V ery happy."BARKA WI on SITE" #lol #selfie_stick- CREECH Air Force Base, NEV ADAconfirmation from MI-6 ground missile. Y ou're free to execute.Hell of a a presidential race, sirEveryday the same damn joke.Seriously?- What the hell your made of?- Bourbon, and poor choices.Pick a name yet?Well, we were thinking Benjamin if it was a boy.- Really? - Hell, no!!If it's a girl, maybe.V oight,- V oight, you want to run over him for me? - Believe me, sir. We've tried.Baby,babe.What?A little problem in the nursery.Alright, so six cameras, right?One, two, three, four, five, six.- Why is that too much? - Y eah, maybe.Y eah, it's too much. and I thought that.They're baby gifts from the guys.- I'll take them down. - All we need ..- Is one baby monitor. - One baby monitor, right.Okay,- And a kevlar mattress. - and a kevlar mattress..Come here,- Unhand me. - NeverGuess who just got the next week off.Oh, don't toy with me, young man, cause there will be consequences.We're finishing this nursery. I can't believe it's taking me this long.Paint samples.- What? - Y eah.Oh, I gotta show you this amazing paint.- Can I get a shower first? - Not yet.- <font color="#808080"> -- Kanye West‘s new album Life of Pablo is now available on torrents --- <font color="#808080"> --Y eah, UFC 196 too, McGregor finally shut his big mouth. STOCKTON Slap! --Sir, Speaker of the House is waiting,and the Senate Majority Leader would like five of your time.Ahh, hhmm, I'll take him first.When is Trumbull getting back?The V ice-President has three more days of vacationand insinuated considerable violence if he heard my voice before then.Never get between that man and a fish.- Sir, I got your son on video-chat. - Excellent.He had his first date last night.Mr. President,you need to take this, sir.Sir, Speaker of the House?Y ou need to take this now, sir.This is the President.Okay, thank you.Sources confirmed that British Prime Minister James Wilsonhas died while sleeping in his residenceat 10 Downey Street.He is believed to have suffered a heart attack.Possibly, from complications after the surgical procedureto repair his knee a day earlier.An autopsy has been scheduled within the next 48 hours.To determine the actual cause of death.It's the White House.It's okay. My mom can come over.LONDON- 70 Whitehall Cabinet Office (UK)- The Joint Committee on Security (UK)take place this Thursday, the 9th, 4:00 PM, at St. Paul's.- Minister of the Interior Rose Kenterworld leaders, with the lone exception of the Russian president, Well, no love lost there.- Head of Scotland Y ard Kevin Hazardprivate services in St. James's Palace the morning of- Chief Of Counter-intelligence: MI5 John Lancaster.. Jordan, Saudi Prince Moochrin,Y es, it's a logistical nightmare.But let's make sure this runs without a hitch.Questions?And what special requests did the [ ?? ] circus demand so far? Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders, part of the [ ?? ] possibly?That's a request I can get with [ ?? ]I'm partial to the Kardashians, myself. As apparently is Her Majesty.19 special requests from 12 different countries.We denied all of them.Any issues or special concern with our current assessment?We all know about he 350 or so British nationals whohave traveled back and forth to Syria in the past year,As we've seen before in Iraq, and Afghanistan.Of rising concern is the handful we believe to be former military. - Is any of this actionable? - No.V ery well ..then we send off our dear friend James,with dignity.Give him a ceremony he deserved.Sir,- Are you ready for us? - Y eah, come on in.Take a seat.Head of the Secret Service Lynn JacobsWhat are you guys so damn nervous about?The Brits are world-class. We all know their reputation.But still,These are the trips I hate.Last minute, out of the country, no time to plan.Are you sure I can't talk you out of this?Lynn, it's a state funeral.They're our oldest, strongest ally.Alright. I spent half the night on the line with our advance team. Metropolitan Police will secure the parameterof the funeral around St. Paul's Cathedral.Air Force One will land at Stansted Airport (London)On the ground, it's all Mike.Touch down. Then a 12-minute chopper ride to Somerset House.From there we take an armoured vehicle escortdown Sweet Street .. to the CathedralY ou don't seem thrilled.The British have their hands full.It's a cluster-fuck .. sir.Well,Forty different countries, with 40 different security teams.Minimal flexibility on approach routes. funeral seating, egress.- Can we make it work? - Mike?I always do, sir.Good.I know it's not great timing for you, but ..It's what I do.Thank you sir.- There's my man. - Mr. V ice-President,- How was your vacation, sir?- Son,Do you have any idea, the joy a man feelspulling a 70-lb king macarel out of the waters around Jekyll Island?- No, sir, I don't. - That makes two of us.And I'll have to wait till next year to find out. But, thanks for asking.- It's beautiful. - There you go.- It's pretty. - I love these things.Don't worry about a thing, we'll be fine.- Doris, can we have a minute? - Sure.- Oh you meant Leah? right. - V ery funny, Doris.She tells me not to worry.It's only three days.- Y eah, - And I'm not due for two weeks.- Walking away, it's not so easy this time.Hey, I got this.Y ou go and you do what you have to do, and we'll be right here when you get back. Okay? Here, say bye bye to Daddy.Bye, bye Daddy.- Bell tolls - Y eah.I love youY ou better.Behave.- Ah, here you go. - Thank you.Y ou've been [ ?? ] hiding lately.Y ou've been busy nesting?- Something like that. - Mm, hmm.Y our idea of nesting being, bullet-proofing the walls of the nursery? Now, that is actually a great idea.Y es,I'll do it.Well, that only took two weeks.Hm, mmm. That's no small thing being a god-mother.I didn't take your asking lightly.Oh, I know. Y ou think you can handle it?Well, I'm competent, brilliant,[??] beautiful, and really [??] an omelet.- Really honored. - Thank you, Lynn.- Big day ahead? - Correction, make a day. [??]Morning.Thank you.- CONTROL ROOM / COMMAND CENTERGentlemen, ladies,Today I need your undivided best.The most important people in the world are in our care.So muck in, and get it right.Good morning, London.Stansted Airport 20 miles north of London:::: 14:30 ::::Southpaw has landed.- Agent Banning, John Lancaster, Intel MI-5 - Hey, John.- Bit early, aren't you? - Y ep.- We're moving up our schedule. - I see.The fewer people know the President's exact movements, the better.- Why wasn't I told? - Nobody was,that's how you keep it a surprise.We'll thanks for the help.- St. Paul's Cathedral :::: 15:00 ::::With security at unprecedented levels, in anticipation of the funeral,set to begin just an hour from now this isn't just the gatheringof the world's most powerful leaders.It is the most protected event on earth.Marine Force One, Two, and Three on final approach to Somerset House. Marine One cleared for landing.- BUCKINGHAM PALACE- German Chancellor Agnes BrucknerClyde, it's okay.Thank youY eah, I understand.- Canadian Prime Minister Robert BowmanY eah, I promise.Everything is going to be fine- Important matters of state?That was daughter No 2,She didn't pass her driving test. Guess whose fault it is?- Japanese Prime Minister Tsutomu NakushimaIs it much further?We're almost there, sir.I'm sorry but as expected ...and security measures are very strict.- WESMINSTER ABBEY :::: 15:15 ::::- Italian Prime Minister Antonio GustoIt's time, Mr. PresidentThe cars are ready?I hope not too ready!I say wait 10 minutes?At leastSouthpaw has arrived at destination.- What's wrong? - Nothing.Bugs the shit out of me.Thank you.- Sir - Major Clicker [??]Thank you very much for your [??].[ ?? ]Sorry.- Y ou know, the funny thing is James always hated funerals. -- Y eah, don't we all. Get down!Move!- Alright, back to the car.- Okay.We've been compromised.Two in the front.[??] what you can. [??] on me now!Y ou okay? -- Y eah, -- Stay with me, we'll get you out of here.Duck![ ?? ]Oh, Jesus. There's been a massive attack at the Cathedral.[ ?? ]- Get me [??] - Y es sir.- Where's Emergency Response? - On their way.- V oight, where the fuck are you? - Almost there.- Y ou okay sir? - Keep you head down.Get inside!Let's go!Let's get to the chopper.Dean Court. Black Land Rover.- I don't believe it. They overran everything. - Not everything.Looking for hot extract. Marine One for Southpaw.Fuck. Calls are down.Alright, here we go.- V oight. - Y o. -- Ram this guy next to me.- Copy that. - Hold him.Now!V oight, front brakes now!Drive.- Keep pressure on the wound. - V oight! fight! fight!He's dead, Lynn.Get down, sir.Lynn, take that wheel.Bike on your left.Not really where you want to be right now.- Fuck you! - - Fuck me?Fuck YOU.We're almost there sir.Go, sir, go.Five world leaders are confirmed dead. Along with hundreds of innocent civiliansin an attack that has decimated most of the known landmarks in the British capital.- SANA'A Republic Of YEMEN, (Arab)Clarkson and Asher are alive. All the rest are dead.And I thought it was too much to hope for.We just changed the world.Blind be the Sultan.Fate is smiled on us.- CENTRAL LONDON Railway system- [??] General ... - Good eveningWe've asked the residents of London to stay indoors for their own safekeeping,While the situation remains fluid.But let there be no doubt,that every relevant police authority and counter-terrorism unit is actively at work regaining control of our streets.And within hours we will secure our city.- Breaking News LONDON A TTACK UKJesus, it's not connecting.- How bad is it? - It's pretty goddamn bad, sir.- All lines of communication have been compromised, both civilian and military. -- Shit.We've tasked satellites and drones to get eyes on, but so far nothing.Sir, the drone is on station. We have visuals incoming.Secretary of Defense Ruth MacMillan- National Security Agency / NSA Deputy Director, Ray MonroeWe have a Quick Reaction Force? Sicily, two hours out. -- Speed them up.And get a line to Downing Street, and Emergency Command.Satellite is up.Marine One is airborne. Southpaw is evaced.Marine One with Southpaw onboard, airborn. Prepare Air Force One for departure. Copy. Copy. Air Force One prepped and ready to go.It was a trap.That's an understatement.Holy shit. It's one thing to plan for this. Another to live it.Alright, well, we're good now.- It'll be okay. - Y eah.We'll be on secure ground in 10 minutes, okay?There was no chatter on this. None.Something of this magnitude, it took years to plan. And we're in a daze.It's a fucken bloodbath.- How did they do this, Mike? - They only have to get it right once.Today, they got it right way more than that.- Mayday, mayday, mayday. - Marine Three is down.Roof-top three O'clock, you see him?[ ?? ]- We're being pinged. - Stingers.Deploying flares.Okay, Stinger gone.Stinger at three O'clock.- Marine One out of flares. - Marine Two, out of flares.- Marine Two, prepare for sacrificing. - Copy.Marine Two is down.It's a lock on.Mr. President we're going to take a hit. Brace for impact.Our families, remotely from the sky.Y our time .. is over.We're bringing the war, to you. Make no mistake.This is the day, when your world changes forever.- Jesus. -- This is all over social media too. Everybody in the world has seen this.Aamir Bakawi.Number six on the 10 list.This man is responsible for more deaths than the Plague.Sells arms to every failed state in the world.Has a vast array of connections, terrorists, mercenaries, corporations,- Mr. V ice-President, it's Barkawi. - Put him through.Thought you might take my call. Y ou understand if I make it difficult to track.Y ou have me at somewhat of a loss.I thought you would've learned a lesson by now, about crawling out of your hole.- I've never lifted a finger against you. - Y ou arm those who have.I sold triggers, Mr. Trumbull. Just like you.What do you want?Y our President.Y ou can end this right now.- Just hand him over. - That's not going to happen.Then every death from this moment forward, will be on your head.Barkawi, sells arms to dummy companies. Some of them probably in London.Find a connection to him.He's probably been planning this for years. Everybody makes a mistake.We have to find him before he finds the President.Let's get to it.- Mike is a bully? - Y eah.Not exactly standard police issue.Really?Oh, my god.- I've never seen a man suffocate before. - I didn't have a knife.Got more ammunition than the entire US Army.How can they pull something like this off. Gots to be somebody on the inside.Y eah, looks like it.These aren't you typical hill-trained hillbillies. These guys are pros.- We should go for the Embassy. - They'll be expecting that.There's a MI-6 safehouse near here. I have a contact there.We go there, we get geared up, and get an extraction. - Do you trust them? -- Y eah.The fact is, every single one of these guys is a terrorist asshole. Until proven otherwise.The only person you trust right now, is me, okay?Come on, let's go.- Gotta get underground. - These guys are everywhere.Let's go.Stay here. I'll be back.Raza ..RazaHere ..We can do easy, or the hard way.Raza. Answer me, brother.Raza's not feeling too well at the moment. He's a little bit fucked up.Hey, you. What's this dick guy's name?- This is Kamra. Who is this? - Hey, Cameron. [sic]- My name is Mike Banning.- Y ou are the one with the President.Bingo. So why don't you boys pack up your shit and head back to Fuckeninstan or wherever it is you're from.Y ou should've let us kill him quickly. Because now, we're going to kill him slowly.And stream it live. For the whole world to see.Can you hear me, Mr. President?- Tell him, - Y eah, he can hear you.And here's something I want you hear first.That's the sound of your brother dying. Y eah.Not much of a talker, that one. But I bet one of your men will.I'll see you soon, Cameron [sic]- Was that really necessary? - No.The Brits are compromised.The police for sure. Who do you trust?We can also assume all communications are compromised.Anything that isn't secured, could get into the wrong hands, sir.- And Banning would know that too. - So how could he even reach out for help? There, freeze that. Sir,- Is Banning left-handed? - No, right-handed.Okay, well, the President doesn't move without a drone or satellite over his head.- Banning knows that. - That's his left hand.- Southpaw .. six. - Shorthand for MI-6.Look for any MI-6 location in that are.- Y es, sir. - Alright, Banning.- Y ou okay? - Y eah.- [ ?? ] , bad choice. - Hah,Sit down, take deep breaths.How many you think died?I don't know .. A lot.All those innocent people. Dead ... Because of me.No. Not because of you. Because of them.They tried to kill you, sir.And they killed all these people, just to make everyone else more afraid.Well, fuck that. Fuck them.Mike .. Y ou don't let them take me.- I'm not going to. - Y ou need to do it.If it comes to it. If it's going south.If it comes to it, I want you to kill me.That' an order.I will not be prosecuted for propaganda.As my son and the American people see me on fucken Y ouTube for the rest of their lives. .. Okay.- V ice President Trumbull is among us, sir. - Inspector.I'm afraid our .. news isn't promising.Our dearly departed Prime Minister James Wilson was assassinated.Poison in his anesthesia, and his doctor's body found dumped about an hour ago. State funeral ..Must-attend event for western leaders. Each one a target.Goddamn. And we walked right into it.And all dead. By your men and ours.What's happening on the ground?The terrorists have killed 19 first- responders. We've another 30 unaccounted for.They're impersonating us. Our people are walking right into ambushes.Say the word and we go in.But make no mistake. We risk turning London into another Fallujah.That's the last thing we need. The President in the middle of an urban battle.Or the citizens of London.Or you're just as likely to take out half the Metropolitan Police Force,Unless you can tell me how you can tell the difference between the good guys and the bad guys.- We're have to stand down our Emergency Services. - Surrender London?He's right.Take out all legitimate personnel.Anyone that remains .. is a terrorist.Look, the sooner we end this,The more chance there is of stopping London becoming a complete warzone.Well, how do we get the word out to our people?[??] system.We [??] sound that, people know to stay secure in their place, then ...Y ou have the military sweep in.door-to-door, if necessary.Clear these bastards out.- Good evening. - Is Auntie M in?Put that away.- Are you who I think you are? - UnfortunatelyWhat a pleasure this is, two handsome men visiting me on such a lovely evening.- Long time, Jackson. -- Eh, not long enough. -- Mr. President.Sir,- Jaqueline, MI-6 finest. Don't fuck with her. - Hello.The phones are down. That said, It did allow us to pick up this..Mr. President, Banning ..I hope this finds you well. Mike, we got your message.And I'm sure you don't know who you can trust,and all prior authentications may be compromised.So .. I offer you this,Do you have any idea the joy a man experiences pulling a 70-lb King Mackerel out of the waters around Jekyll Island?That's him.a Delta Team has been clandestinely inserted. By now they should en route to your position.They'll take you to the US Embassy, where an armored convoy stands by to get you out of SAM range.- And on to a military train.- Thank god.- Let's get us out of here. - Alright, sir. So who's behind all this?Aamir Bakawi.Bakawi provides armaments. He's a fucken criminal.Shielded by governments.Mike, there was a drone strike, to get him. Two years ago, authorized by the G8.So we took a shot.He survivedWe didn't know his family was there. His daughter was killed.Well, he certainly got his revenge.- Civilians? - Well, they're not being targeted specifically, but ..- Collateral damage? - Y eah, quite a lot, I'm afraid.[??] targeting. No official support from any countries Barkawi shows, but..Didn't have any problems finding the creeps today, United Nations all with blood on their hands. [??]- Who's on the inside? There's gotta be somebody. - Y eah, you're right.They've infiltrated our CCTV system.And they've copied the Wi-Fi network. [??]- Y eah, but who? - I don't know.Mike .. if you hadn't move our schedule up.- Here you go sir, get this in you. - Thanks.- I don't know about you, but I'm thirsty as fuck. - Y eah.- How're you doing? - I was thinking about my son.He sends me these jokes every day. It's kind of our, our thing.A little off-color. His mother wouldn't approve.I tell you something Mike, These little messages I get from him everyday,They mean everything, you'll see.Most important thing, never criticize. Always encourage.Y ou just want them to be passionate. That's what I always tell my son.Find something you care about, and care deeply.That and the Golden Rule. Treat others as you like to be treated.- That's it? - Y eah, basically.What about all the other stuff.Sleeping, eating, electrical outlets, diapers, stairs, and ...That stuff takes care of itself.- Really? - No, hah ha, you'll figure it out.Okay, your dates have arrived.That's under construction. No one lives or works there.- That's why this is particularly interesting.- I had my NSA analysts take a peek at the power usage ..Through the roof the last three weeks.pretty odd, considering no one lives or works there.Central London. Right under our bloody noses.Tell the SAS that we're going to make a house call.Mike,[??] to your right.Left.There's no way to dress this up, sir. It isn't good.Could be worse. Could be [??]Atta boy. Don't stop for anyone.- Are we clear? - Y eah, ha hah. We fucken made it.Ha ha, we did.Where is he?Where is he?Were did they take him?[??] UNINTELLIGIBLE [??]Back off, take it easy, take it easy!Y ou've gotta be Banning.(introduces himself), Captain Tutu, SAS [??]President Asher has just been taken.And these assholes intend to publicly execute him.We know, at 8:00 PM. It's all over the internet.- We'll take care of that. Move out! - Hey, hey, wait.[??] you come this with me.How many times you've saved this man's ass?Now, I'm going to go get him. And you can kill me,Or you can come with me.But I ain't going to go any other way.After you.- CCTV is back up. - What did you do?Disable the authorization code that shut down the CCTV system. [??]Wait .. What authorization code?:::: 19:50 ::::Y ou should be thankful.How many men get to experience their death witnessed by billions .. live?Y ou are going to go down in history.I'm not the only that's going to die today, Kamran.- Post Command. - Banning.Mike Banning? Chief Inspector Hazard, Scotland Y ard. Hold your position. - Our military will be on your location in 20 minutes. - No sir.- The President's going to be dead in 10. - Y ou don't understand,We have NSA imagery of where you're going. It's their base of operations. There are nealy a 100 terrorists in there.Y eah, well. They should have brought more men.- Things are ready to get sporty. - Just watch your balls.Will do.RPG![??]Y eah, they kill the President the second we try it.Alright call Fox Command .. [??] the utilities here.. [??][??]- The generator? -- Y eah - Let's pull out the plug. -- Y eah.- What happened? - The power supply was just cut.Get the emergency generators up. Come on!Banning, this is what we got. This is a three-story building..The entry point is here. There are two stairwells. One here, and one here.We believe the President is being held in this room, on the second floor.Hold your position. I need you to hit this building with everything you got.- Y ou got it. - Keep them busy. I'll sneak inside.Take that. Do not press that button till I tell you.- Are you fucken crazy? - Y eah. Wish me luck.:::: 19:55 ::::They are almost here. Why don't you just kill him now?No! The whole world needs to see this.Hear that, Kamran? That's the sound of inevitability.I am going to kill you live. But that doesn't mean you can't suffer privately first.Look at me!I held my sister as she died in my arms.Y ou're the monsters, Mr. President.It won't justify your insanity to make you better about yourself.Shoot him!:::: 19:57 ::::Almost, waiting for the internet connection.Technology, only as good as the dumbshits that are using it.- How long? - Seconds.- We are live now. - Okay.Say hello to the world, Mr. President.:::: 20:00 ::::Any last words, Mr. President?I do solemnly swear, that I will faithfully execute the office of the President of the United States.Son of a bitch... the United States.And to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend ..Oh, my god.I'm not watching this.Y ou know what you guys don't get:We're not a fucken [??], we're not a fucken flag,we're not just one man...And assholes like you, have been trying to kill us for a long fucken time..But you know what,A thousand years from now..We'll still fucken be here.Mike! Grenade!- What took you so long? - Sorry, I had a couple of errands to run.Shit, does this fucker ever die?Alright, we gotta get out of here, Y ou good?Go! Move, move, move!Mike! Come on!I'm out.I'm out too.Come in! We're trapped!I repeat we are trapped.- Blow it!Are you insane? I can't [??] .. Y ou know that.We're not gonna get out of here unless you do!Huxley! Now, godammit!Go, go, go!Banning, Banning, call me.- Has anyone find any sign? - Nothing, over.Well, okay. Stay sharp. Keep looking.[??]No sign of the President yet.- Fox Command? - Find them?The President is alive.I have to tell you. I fucken hate funerals.Sir, I got you, Mr. President.- Is that all they got? - Y eah, it looks like it.Lieutenant,this could be missing link .. to BarkawiOkay, I'll get this to my folks, right away.Next time I tell you to blow it, .. just blow it.- Good job, Lieutenant. - Y ou too, Banning.Safe journey home. If that's possible for you.Next time, you want to leave town after betraying your country, how about you steal a car, [??] you can get for the vehicle.Perhaps you can [??] GPS. Because that just takes all the fun out of it.Y ou forgot to delete you access logs.Y ou authorization code is there, bright as day.The security cameras showing you logging on.Get on the floor.Do I have to tell you, this is the most dangerous time since the Great War.We're cutting budgets while the barbarians are at the gate.The system's failing us, Jax, it's broken. Y ou know it as well as I do.- Things have to change - So you think you would teach us all a lesson?That and 20 Million Euros.Come with me, Jax.Get on the fucken floor.。
解读杰克伦敦•分享•转载•复制地址•..赞赞取消赞觉悟仁者 2008年07月14日 03:56 阅读(3) 评论(1) 分类:商业感悟•举报•字体:小▼o小o中o大让我在热血沸腾中度此一生,让我在梦想家的醇酒中沉醉。
杰克伦敦(Jack London)是20世纪著名的美国作家,其作品以描写自然、冒险和社会现实主义著称。
西北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)2008年7月,第38卷第4期,J u.l,2008,V o.l38,N o.4Journal o fN o rt hwest U niversity(Phil osophy and Soc ial Sciences Editi on)收稿日期:2007 11 04;修回日期:2008 03 11基金项目:陕西省教育厅专项基金项目(05J K098)作者简介:焦建平(1957 ),女,陕西延川人,西北大学副教授,从事英美文学研究。
学术新视野!杰克∀伦敦的英雄主义情结焦建平(西北大学外国语学院,陕西西安 710069)摘 要:通过对杰克∀伦敦(Jack London)#北方系列故事∃中%英雄主义&主题的分析与探讨,认为杰克∀伦敦的小说整体上呈现一种充满英雄主义与%超人&色彩的面貌。
关键词:杰克∀伦敦;生存;英雄主义中图分类号:I106.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000 2731(2008)04 0174 03杰克∀伦敦(Jack London)的小说给我们的整体印象几乎是强悍甚至野性的。
杰克 伦敦自杀原因
《伦敦陷落》作者:宋云峰来源:《英语学习》2018年第05期《伦敦陷落》(London Has Fallen)是由千年影业公司(Millenium Films)2016年出品,由巴巴克·纳加非(Babak Najafi)执导,杰拉德·巴特勒(Gerard Butler)、艾伦·艾克哈特(Aaron Eckhart)、摩根·弗里曼(Morgan Freeman)、安吉拉·贝塞特(Angela Bassett)联袂主演的动作惊悚片。
影片背景设置在《奥林匹斯陷落》(Olympus Has Fallen, 2013)结束几年后,讲述了美国总统参加英国首相葬礼时,再次遭遇恐怖袭击威胁的故事。
Jack London杰克伦敦及其作品介绍
• Human beings in nature
• The Call of the Wild (1903) • The Sea-Wolf (1904) • White Fang (1906)
• Human beings in the city
• The Iron Heel (1908) • Martin Eden (1909)
• The primary theme of the story is of survival and a return to primitivism.
• based on Darwin's concept of survival of the fittest
• Buck symbolizes a reaction against industrialization and social convention with a return to nature.
• Socialism
• wrote from a socialist viewpoint • (The Iron Heel 1984) • London's socialism grew out of his life experience • (How I Became a Socialist) • Joined the Socialist Labor Party in 1896 • Joined the Socialist Party of America in 1901 • The War of the Classes (1905) • Revolution, and other Essays (1906)
• The setting is allegorical: the south represents the soft, materialistic world; the north symbolizes a world beyond civilization and is inherently competitive. • The harshness, brutality, and emptiness in Alaska reduce life to its essence.
浅评杰克·伦敦小说中的狼情节及创作风格作者:任振涛来源:《赤峰学院学报·哲学社会科学版》 2011年第3期任振涛(赤峰学院外国语学院,内蒙古赤峰 024000)摘要:杰克·伦敦是20世纪初美国文学领域最具批判精神的现实主义作家。
关键词:杰克·伦敦;“狼”情结;创作风格中图分类号:I106 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-2596(2011)03-0087-02杰克·伦敦是20世纪初美国最富有批判精神的现实主义作家,在文学史上素有“美国的高尔基”之称。
淮北师范大学信息学院2014 届学士学位论文论杰克·伦敦作品中的“狼性精神”系别:中文系专业: 汉语言文学学号: 20101883121姓名: 朱小睿指导教师: 陆春指导教师职称: 讲师2014年5 月25 日论杰克·伦敦作品中的“狼性精神”摘要:杰克·伦敦是20世纪美国最著名的作家之一,他的作品展现了20世纪美国的下层人民的生存状态。
本篇论文将从他作品中的“狼性精神”方面对他本人以及作品进行解读,通过对“狼性精神”形成原因和在作品中人物身上的体现,以及其在社会中的去向的探究,来给现代繁忙的都市人提供一种新的生活启发,对研究杰克·伦敦作品的未来社会意义做出展望关键词:狼性杰克·伦敦力量动物小说“狼性精神”The discussion on the wolf spirit of JackLondon's worksAbstract: Jack London is one of the most famous American writers of the 20th century; his work reveals the 20th century, the lower the survival of the state of the U.S. people. This paper from his work in the wolf spirit in terms of his own works as well as to interpret, through the wolf spirit and reflect the character who causes in the works, as well as their whereabouts in the community of inquiry to provide a new life inspiration for modern busy city people . to study the prospects for the significance of future society in Jack London's works.Keywords:Wolf Jack Londo n strength animal fiction Wolf Spirit目录引言 (3)一、“狼性精神”的含义 (3)二、“狼性精神”的形成原因 (4)(一)社会自然因素 (4)(二)思想文化因素 (5)三、“狼性精神”带来的野性审美体验.............................. . (6)(一)野性的冲击 (6)(二)“狼性精神”毁灭的美感 (6)四、“狼性精神”的影响和社会意义 (8)(一)对于个人的影响 (8)(二)对于社会的意义 (9)结论 (10)注释 (12)参考文献 (12)致谢 (13)引言提到狼性精神就不能不提杰克·伦敦的动物小说,他的动物小说是狼性精神直接的反应。
杰克·伦敦的科幻小说,人们在诉说情话时,说什么海枯石烂,至死不变的山盟海誓,这种誓言到底有多诚恳真挚?对死字又有多深的认识?次年1月12日杰克·伦敦在《科尼尔》周刊发表了另一篇科幻小说《上新纪的遗物》(A Relic of the Pliocene),故事的主人公汤默·士斯提芬斯是个“超人”,他比最巨大的野兽上新纪的古象力气更大,能把他们赶得走投无路,并以它们为食物,当然这故事纯属是幻想的产物,但它反映了杰克•伦敦受尼采哲学超人思想的影响是很深的。
1903年杰克·伦敦在《野性的呼声》获得成功后,同年6月在《读书人》杂志发表了科幻小说《阴影和闪光》(the Shadow and the Flash),这是一篇很有意思的小说,作者想要诉求的是科学和人类的理性之间的平衡。
1908年10月他在《红皮书》杂志上发表了一篇科幻小说《全世界的敌人》(The Enemy of All the World),小说描写一个名叫伊卖尔·古乐克的天才,由于不能为世所容,弄得没有家庭、没有朋友、于是愤世嫉俗,立志报复。
同年12月他又发表了另一篇科幻小说《古怪的残片》(A Curious Fragment),我们都知道杰克·伦敦是一个社会主义者,他在科幻小说中能够很好地把幻想同社会主义结合起来,也就是那种我们现在称之为“软科幻”的小说。
《伦敦陷落》大家可能还记得 2013 年国内上映的《奥林匹斯的陷落》(又名《白宫陷落》,Olympus Has Fallen )。
那部电影关键词是美国特工、爆炸,成本 7000 万,虽然美国本土票房只有 9000 万,但是全球收获 1.6 亿美元,其中中国内地 4000 万人民币,这也是续集得以开拍的原因。
《奥林匹斯的陷落》口碑不算好,豆瓣评分是 6.3 分,但评价是动作戏有娱乐性的商业片。
《伦敦陷落》 3 月初已经在美国、英国等国上映,能看到口碑情况:媒体和影评人评价很低,影评人评论网站 Metacritic 只有 28 分,烂番茄网站的新鲜度也只有24%(评分 3.8/ 10 分)。
不过普通观众评价没有那么差,烂番茄的观众打分是61%,IMDB 上也是 6.3 ,质量及格。
豆瓣网友 @24city 的观后感是:“炸完白宫还不够,现在更是把伦敦轰成废城,感官刺激上的确满足。
比《白宫陷落》多了些娱乐感,但情感上稍逊,不过作为此类型片来看元素已够,这种标准的流水线产品每年多来几部看个爽翻天也无妨,下一部要炸哪?”主演是《斯巴达 300 勇士》的硬汉型演员杰拉德·巴特勒。
他近年来已经成为各大公司开拍商业动作片的理想人选,今年还主演了狮门的《神战:权力之眼》(豆瓣 6.8分)。
《陷落》系列由千年影业和杰拉德·巴特勒的电影公司 Gerard Butler Alan Siegel Entertainment 联合出品。
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他乘坐定制的双桅纵帆船,“The Snark”,准备开始一个为期7年的环球旅行--但仅仅2年他就放弃了。