

VG2791R 系列 液晶显示器 用户指南说明书

VG2791R 系列 液晶显示器 用户指南说明书

ii版权所有© 2020 ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC.保留所有权利。

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声明.........................................................................................................iii 保养和清洁. (iv)1.1欢迎使用! .....................................................................................1-11.2物品清单.........................................................................................1-11.3组装显示器 .....................................................................................1-21.4外形尺寸.........................................................................................1-21.5连接线缆.........................................................................................1-31.5.1 液晶显示器后部 ...............................................................1-31.6显示器简介 .....................................................................................1-41.6.1 使用控制按钮 .................................................................1-42.1卸下底座 ......................................................................................... 2-12.2 调整显示器 .....................................................................................2-23.1 OSD (屏幕显示)菜单...................................................................3-13.1.1 如何重新配置 ..................................................................3-13.1.2 OSD 功能介绍 .................................................................3-23.2规格 ..............................................................................................3-113.3故障排除(常见问题) .................................................................3-123.4 支持的时序列表 ............................................................................3-13iii联邦通信委员会声明本设备符合 FCC 规则第 15 部分的要求。



显示器菜单(menu)->设置->选择super energy saving ,选择关闭节能(off)








冷阴极荧光灯管(Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp;CCFL)传统的液晶显示器都是采用CCFL(冷阴极荧光灯管)背光。

CCFL的背光设计主要有两种:“侧入式”与“直落式”,不过侧入式因光导设计使得光折损率较高,进而让背光亮度受限,面板尺寸越大时亮度就越低,仅适合8英寸~15英寸的TFT LCD面板,也就是Laptop、Desktop等个人观赏之用,但在居家观赏的LCD TV大尺寸上面时,侧入式的亮度将难以满足,取而代之的是直落式。


所以,直落式CCFL 背光仅适合用在30英寸左右的中型尺寸LCD TV,不适合用在更大面积的设计上。

同时,CCFL是运用水银气体放电来产生照明,虽然目前欧盟订立的RoHS规范,只要对“水银”剂量在标准以下仍可接受,但无人能保证日后可能将标准提高至零含量(完全不准使用),届时CCFL将无法使用,或必须改行无汞式 CCFL。




缺点一:由于PDP等离子显示屏的结构特殊也带来一些弱点。 屏的玻璃极薄,所以它的表面不能承受太大或太小的压力。 缺点二:PDP显示屏相比于显像管电视机耗电量比较大。 缺点三:价格较高。
LCD 液晶显示器
LCD 液晶显示器是 Liquid Crystal Display 的简称,LCD 的构造是在两 片平行的玻璃当中放置液态的晶体, 两片玻璃中间有许多垂直和水平的 细小电线,透过通电与否来控制杆 状水晶分子改变方向,将光线折射 出来产生画面。在电场的作用下, 液晶分子的排列会产生变化。从而 影响到它的光学性质,这种现象叫 做电光效应。现在LCD已经替代 CRT成为主流,价格也已经下降了 很多,并已充分的普及。
Super LCD(索尼)
Super Clear LCD(三星)
Super AMOLED plus
简介CRT是一种使用阴极射线管 的显示器,主要有五部分组成:电 子枪,偏转线圈,荫罩,荧光粉层 及玻璃外壳。
优点:价格便宜(最重要的优势),面板液晶分子响应时间快,开机速度 NhomakorabeaTN
TN全称为Twisted Nematic(扭曲向


驱动......................................................................................................................................................................... 40 显示器驱动 ....................................................................................................................................................... 40 Windows 2000 .......................................................................................................................................... 40 Windows ME.............................................................................................................................................40 Windows XP ............................................................................................................................................. 41 Windows Vista .......................................................................................................................................... 44 Windows 7 ................................................................................................................................................ 46 i-Menu .............................................................................................................................................................. 51 e-Saver ............................................................................................................................................................52 Screen+ ........................................................................................................................................................... 53














LG DLP投影仪 HU710PWG-GL 用户手册说明书

LG DLP投影仪 HU710PWG-GL 用户手册说明书

用户手册LG CineBeam 4KDLP 投影仪使用产品前请阅读使用说明。


HU710PWG-GLP/NO : SAC38519005 (2205-REV01)版权 © 2021 乐金电子(中国)有限公司版权所有。

2中文目录准备工作安装11 吊顶式安装12 基于屏幕大小的投影距离16 有关变焦环/对焦环护盖的注意事项17 调整投影屏的焦点18 调整投影屏的位置21 Kensington 安全系统使用动感应照明遥控器22 将电池装入遥控器23 查看遥控器功能27 如何注册动感应照明遥控器27 如何重新注册动感应照明遥控器28 使用动感应照明遥控器连接设备30 使用 HDMI 电缆连接31 连接数字放大器32 使用有线/无线连接智能设备(智能手机、平板电脑等)安全预防措施报告故障前的检查45 投影仪安全检查46 故障排除查看信息48 规格49 HDMI 支持的模式53 许可证53 开源软件提示信息54 其他规格55 标志本手册为公共版本,可能包含与您购买的产品不同的图像或内容。






• 同时连接两个 USB 设备时,每个设备的边框厚度应小于 8.5 毫米。

• 使用经过认证的带有 HDMI 徽标的线缆。

• 如果您使用未经认证的 HDMI 电缆,屏幕可能没有显示或可能发生连接错误。

(推荐的 HDMI 线缆类型) —超高速 HDMI ®/™ 电缆(3 米或以下)4中文可选附件为购买可选附件,请访问家电城或网上购物中心,或者联系您购买本产品的零售店。









液晶面板的型号生产厂家-显示器型号=面板尺寸-面板类型-(面板制造商和面板型号)例:比如你想找优派VX2025WM这款LCD的面版,那么可以看到这样的信息:ViewSonic VX2025wm (widescreen) = 20.1 inch 8 ms (g2g) P-MVA (AUO M201EW01 V0) p anel.这就表示:ViewSonic VX2025wm (宽屏) = 20.1英吋 8毫秒(灰阶) ,使用的是友达生产的型号为AUO M201EW01 V0的P-MVA型面版附:几个常见的LCD面版厂商及主要产品:1.LG.Philips(LPL)韩国LG和荷兰飞利普的一个合资工司,是地球上最大的LCD工厂主要生产S-IPS型LCD面版和普通TN型面版2.SAMSUNG(三星)主要生产PVA型LCD面版,普通TN型面版,还有目前比较热门的B-TN2/3型3.(AUO)友达光电主要生产MVA型LCD面版和普通TN型面版4.CMO(奇美)普通TN型面版造得比较多5.Fujitsu(富士通)6.Sanyo(三洋)7.SHARP(夏普)8.NEC(日本电气,国内的合资厂是SVA,上广电)9.Hyundai(国内合资厂是BOE 京东方)10.Mitsubishi(三菱)11.IDTech(IDTech,有IBM股份)各种LCD面版技术:液晶面板中主要分TN+film型和各种广角面板,广角面板主要包括IPS,MVA,PVA三种类型■TN+filmTN+film液晶面板主要应用于入门级和中端产品,它基于早期可视角度很小的TN技术(视角最大90度),但在面板上增加了一层转向膜,将可视角度提高到了140度左右,成为了一种视角较广的产品,所以严格的说,TN+film也算是一种广角技术。


LG 液晶电视机 32LS3158-CB 使用说明书

LG 液晶电视机 32LS3158-CB 使用说明书
• 建议每年一次联络服务中心清理电视机内部。 聚集的灰尘可能引起机械故障。
• 向服务中心要求维修服务。不论电视机因何种方式损坏,如电源线或插头 损坏,液体流入或物体落入电视机内,电视机暴露在雨中或潮湿的地方后 无法正常使用,电视机跌落,都可以邀请维修。
• 冷机状态下打开电视机时可能会出现些微“闪烁”,这是正常现象,电视 机没有故障。
• 长时间显示一个固定图像(如广播频道标识、屏幕菜单、电视游戏场景) 可能损伤屏幕,导致图像残留,这就是图像拖尾。 图像拖尾不会覆盖在电视机上。 避免观看一个固定图像超过一小时。 如果长时间使用4:3的画面比率观看电视,面板边缘可能发生图像拖尾。 这种现象也可能出现在第三方产品中,不能退换。
• 杂音 “破裂”声:观看电视或关闭电视机时,塑料因为温度和湿度的原因发热 收缩从而产生破裂声,这是会发生热变形的产品的普遍现象。 电路或面板的“嗡嗡”声:电路高速开关过程中产生的大量电流会导致低 频噪音,这种情况因产品不同而有所差异。 产生的杂音不影响电视机性能。
输入 / 快捷菜单 / AV 模式 /节目列表/ 喜爱节目/Simplink 28 基本功能设置介绍 图像设置 / 声音设置 / 搜台设置 / 时间设置 / 锁定 / 选项设置 / 客户支持
40 使用 USB 设备 41 浏览文件 42 影片列表 44 图片列表 46 音乐列表
48 观看 3D 影像注意事项 49 观看 3D 视频 49 3D 选项设置 50 3D 影像支持文件格式 50 HDMI-PC模式
• 请使用制造商指定配件或附件。
• 请由专业人员安装天线。 可能发生火灾或电击。
5~7 times
• 我们建议您在观看电视时最少与电视机保持屏幕对角线尺寸2到7倍的距离。










所以CRT显示器的刷新率在相关分辨率下不低于85Hz 才能让人眼看着更舒服。

和CRT显示器将画面分成若干“扫描线”来进行刷新会出现画面闪烁的问题相比,LCD产生图像不是通过电子枪扫描,而是通过控制是否透光来控制亮和暗,所以LCD的刷新是对整幅的画面进行刷新,LCD 即使在较低的刷新率(如60Hz)下,也不会出现闪烁的现象,图像稳定。

所以,在调整LCD时无须调高刷新频率,采用60Hz(1024×768分辨率)75Hz(1280×1024分辨率)或“默认的示配器”即可常见的液晶显示器按物理结构分为四种:①扭曲向列型(简称TN,全称Twisted Nematic,主要应用在游戏机液晶屏等领域);②超扭曲向列型(简称STN,全称Super TN,目前多被手机液晶屏所采用);③双层超扭曲向列型(DSTN,全称Dual Scan Tortuosity Nomograph,早期笔记本电脑和目前手机等数码设备上皆有采用);④薄膜晶体管型(TFT,全称Thin Film Transistor,目前应用的主流)TN液晶显示屏是各种液晶屏的鼻祖,其技术原理是以后液晶显示屏发展的基石。








按如下步骤进行关闭:显示器菜单(menu)->设置->选择super energy saving ,选择关闭节能(off)这个提示说明:显示器没有侦测到接口的输入信号,没有信号可以显示从而进入节能,为显示器的正常功能。











Lenovo L27i-28⭘产品编号65E0-K*C1-CC第一版(2018年2月)© 版权所有 Lenovo 2018。

LENOVO 产品、数据、计算机软件、及服务基于专项资金开发,作为48 C.F.R. 2.101定义的商品销售给政府机构,并授予政府机构有限的受限制的使用、复制和公开权利。


目录安全事项 (iii)一般安全原则 (iii)第1章开始使用..............................................................1-1物品清单............................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-1使用注意事项....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-2产品概述............................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-3调整类型......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-3倾斜................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1-3监视器控制..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-4线缆锁槽......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-4设置监视器........................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-5连接和打开监视器电源................................................................................................................................................................. 1-5第2章调整和使用显示器......................................................2-1舒适和辅助功能................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-1安排您的工作区域......................................................................................................................................................................... 2-1放置显示器..................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-1关于健康工作习惯的小技巧......................................................................................................................................................... 2-2调整显示器图像 ...................................................................................................................................................................................2-3使用直接访问控件......................................................................................................................................................................... 2-3使用On-Screen Display (OSD,屏幕显示)控件........................................................................................................................ 2-4选择受支持的显示模式................................................................................................................................................................. 2-8了解电源管理 .......................................................................................................................................................................................2-9保养显示器 .........................................................................................................................................................................................2-10卸下监视器底座和支撑臂................................................................................................................................................................. 2-10壁挂 (可选)....................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-10第3章参考信息..............................................................3-1显示器规格........................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-1故障排除............................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-3手动图像设置................................................................................................................................................................................. 3-4手动安装显示器驱动程序............................................................................................................................................................. 3-5在Windows 7系统中安装显示器驱动程序.............................................................. 3-5在Windows 10系统中安装显示器驱动程序............................................................. 3-6获得进一步帮助.................................................................................... 3-6附录A. 服务和支持...................................................................................................................... A-1电话技术支持...................................................................................................................................................................................... A-1附录B. 声明................................................................................................................................... B-1回收信息.............................................................................................................................................................................................. B-2商标...................................................................................................................................................................................................... B-2电源线和电源适配器.......................................................................................................................................................................... B-3《废弃电器电子产品回收处理管理条例》提示性说明.................................................................................................................. B-3中国环境标志产品认证提示性说明.................................................................................................................................................. B-3中国能源效率标识.............................................................................................................................................................................. B-3有害物质.............................................................................................................................................................................................. B-4 China RoHS 合格评定制度标识........................................................................... B-4安全事项一般安全原则有关安全使用计算机方面的提示,请访问:/safety在安装本产品之前,请阅读“安全事项”危险避免碰撞危险:•请勿卸下机盖。

LG LED显示器指南 - 27GN750、27GN75P、27GN75B说明书

LG LED显示器指南 - 27GN750、27GN75P、27GN75B说明书

* L G LED Monitor applies LCD screen with LED backlights.Please read this manual carefully before operating your set and retain it for future reference.27GN75027GN75P 27GN75B Copyright © 2019 LG Electronics Inc. All Rights Reserved.2TABLE OF CONTENTSLICENSE (3)OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE NOTICE INFORMATION (4)ASSEMBLING AND PREPARING 4 -Supported Drivers and Software (5)-Product and Button Description (5)How to Use the Joystick Button-Moving and Lifting the Monitor (6)Installing on a TableAdjusting the Stand HeightAdjusting the AnglePivot FeatureTidying up CablesUsing the Kensington LockInstalling the Wall Mount Plate Installing on the Wall USING THE MONITOR (15)-Connecting to a PC (16)HDMI ConnectionDisplayPort Connection-Connecting AV Devices (17)HDMI Connection-Connecting Peripherals (17)USB Device connectionConnecting HeadphonesUSER SETTINGS (19)-Activating the Main Menu (19)Main Menu Features-User Settings (21)Menu SettingsTROUBLESHOOTING (31)PRODUCT SPECIFICATION (34)-Factory Support Mode (36)-HDMI Timing (Video) (37)-Power LED (38)-Beep Guide (39)3LICENSEEach model has different licenses. Visit for more information on the license.The terms HDMI and HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, and the HDMI Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks ofHDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc.The SuperSpeed USB Trident logo is a registered trademark of USB Implementers Forum, Inc.4OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE NOTICE INFORMATIONTo obtain the source code under GPL, LGPL, MPL, and other open source licenses, that is contained in this product, please visit .In addition to the source code, all referred license terms, warranty disclaimers and copyright notices are available for download.LG Electronics will also provide open source code to you on CD-ROM for a charge covering the cost of performing such distribution (such as the cost of media, shipping, and handling) upon email request to ******************.This offer is valid for a period of three years after our last shipment of this product. This offer is valid to anyone in receipt of this information.ASSEMBLING AND PREPARINGCAUTION•Always use genuine LG components to ensure safety and product performance.•The product warranty will not cover damage or injury caused by the use of unauthorized components.•It is recommended that use the supplied components.•If you use generic cables not certified by LG, the screen may not display or there may be image noises.•Illustrations in this document represent typical procedures, so they may look different from the actual product.•Do not apply foreign substances (oils, lubricants, etc.) to the screw parts when assembling the product. (Doing so may damage the product.)•Applying excessive force when tightening screws may cause damage to the monitor. Damage caused in this way will not be covered by the product warranty.•Do not carry the monitor upside down by just holding the base. This may cause the monitor to fall off the stand and could result in personal injury.•When lifting or moving the monitor, do not touch the monitor screen. The force applied to the monitor screen may cause damage to it.•For wave pattern on appearance, unlike the general method of coating, it’s applied to added glittering material in raw material.With no peeled-off appearance, it has good durability. Please use it with confidence because there is no problem in using the product at all.NOTE•The components may look different from those illustrated here.•Without prior notice, all product information and specifications contained in this manual are subject to change to improve the performance of the product.•To purchase optional accessories, visit an electronics store or an online shopping site, or contact the retailer from which you purchased the product.•The power cord provided may differ depending upon the region.5ENGLISHSupported Drivers and SoftwareYou can download and install the latest version from the LGE website ().6How to Use the Joystick ButtonYou can easily control the functions of the monitor by pressing the joystick button or moving it left/right with your finger.Basic FunctionsNOTE•The joystick button is located at the bottom of the monitor.Moving and Lifting the MonitorWhen moving or lifting the monitor, follow these instructions to prevent the monitor from being scratched or damaged and to ensure safe transportation, regardless of its shape or size.•Place the monitor in the original box or packing material before attempting to move it.•Before moving or lifting the monitor, disconnect the power cord and all other cables.•Hold the bottom and side of the monitor frame firmly. Do not hold the panel itself.7ENGLISH•If you use the monitor panel without the stand base, its joystick button may cause the monitor to become unstable and fall, resulting in damage to the monitor or human injury. In addition, this may cause the joystick button to malfunction.•When holding the monitor, the screen should face away from you to prevent it from being scratched.•When transporting the monitor, do not expose the monitor to shock or excessive vibration.•When moving the monitor, keep it upright and never turn the monitor on its side or tilt it sideways.CAUTION•Avoid touching the monitor screen as much as possible.-This may result in damage to the screen or some of the pixels used to create images.8Installing on a Table•Lift the monitor and place it on the table in an upright position. Place the monitor at least 100 mm (3.94 inches) away from the wall to ensure sufficient ventilation.CAUTION•Unplug the power cord before moving or installing the monitor. There is risk of electric shock.•Make sure to use the power cord that is provided in the product package and connect it to a grounded power outlet.•If you need another power cord, please contact your local dealer or the nearest retail store.9ENGLISH1 2 Handle the monitor with both hands for safety.WARNINGAdjusting the Angle1 Place the monitor mounted on the stand base in an upright position.2 Adjust the angle of the screen.The angle of the screen can be adjusted forward or backward from -5° to 15° for a comfortable viewing experience.FrontRear10WARNING•To avoid injury to the fingers when adjusting the screen, do not hold the lower part of the monitor’s frame as illustrated below.•monitor.Pivot FeatureThe pivot feature allows the monitor to rotate 90° clockwise.ENGLISH2figure.3may not support the pivot key at all.Using the Kensington LockThe connector for the Kensington security system is located at the bottom of the monitor.For more information on installation and usage, refer to the Kensington lock owner’s manual or visit the website at .Connect the monitor to a table using the Kensington security system cable.•The Kensington security system is optional. You can obtain optional accessories from most electronics stores.Installing the Wall Mount PlateThis monitor meets the specifications for the wall mount plate or other compatible devices.1 Place the screen face down. To protect the monitor panel (screen), cover thesurface with a soft cloth or the monitor protection pad included in the product package.2 Remove the four screws tightened on the back of the monitor.3 Place the wall mount plate onto the monitor and align it with the screw holes.4 Tighten the four screws using a screwdriver to fix the plate to the monitor.NOTE•The wall mount plate is sold separately.•For more information on installation, refer to the wall mount plate’s installation guide.•Be careful not to apply too much force while mounting the wall mount plate as it may cause damage to the screen.Installing on the WallInstall the monitor at least 100 mm (3.94 inches) away from the wall and leave about 100 mm (3.94 inches) of space at each side of the monitor to ensure sufficient ventilation. Detailed installation instructions can be obtained from your local retail store. Alternatively, please refer to the manual for how to install and set up a tilting wall mounting bracket.To install the monitor to a wall, attach a wall mounting bracket (optional) to the back of the monitor.Make sure that the wall mounting bracket is securely fixed to the monitor and to the wall.1 If you use screws longer than the standard length, it may damage the inside ofthe product.2 A non-VESA standard screw may damage the product and cause the monitorto fall. LG Electronics is not liable for any accidents relating to the use of non-standard screws.Wall Mount (mm)100 x 100Standard screw M4 x L10Number of screws4Wall Mount Plate (Optional)LSW 149NOTE•Use the screws specified by VESA standards.•The wall mount kit includes the installation guide and all necessary parts.•The wall mounting bracket is optional. You can obtain optional accessories from your local dealer.•The length of the screw may differ for each wall mounting bracket. Be sure to use the proper length.•For more information, please refer to the user manual for the wall mounting bracket.CAUTION•Unplug the power cord before moving or installing the monitor to avoid electric shock.•Installing the monitor on the ceiling or on a slanted wall may result in the monitor falling off, which could lead to injury. Use an authorized LG wall mount and contact the local dealer or qualified personnel.•Applying excessive force when tightening screws may cause damage to the monitor. Damage caused in this way will not be covered by the product warranty.•Use the wall mounting bracket and screws that conform to VESA standards. Damage caused by the use or misuse of inappropriate components will not be covered by the product warranty.•When measured from the back of the monitor, the length of each installed screw must be 8 mm (0.3 inches) or less.USING THE MONITOR•Illustrations in this manual may differ from the actual product.Press the joystick button, go to Menu→Input, and then select the input option.CAUTION•Do not press the screen for a prolonged time. This may cause image distortion.•Do not display a still image on the screen for a prolonged time. This may cause image retention. Use a screensaver if possible.NOTE•When connecting the power cord to the outlet, use a grounded (3-hole) power strip or a grounded power outlet.•The monitor may flicker when turned on in an area where the temperature is low. This is normal.•Sometimes red, green, or blue spots may appear on the screen. This is normal.Connecting to a PC•This monitor supports the *Plug and Play feature.* Plug and Play: A feature that allows you to add a device to your computer without having to reconfigure anything or install any manual drivers.HDMI ConnectionTransmits digital video and audio signals from your PC to the monitor.CAUTION•Using a DVI to HDMI / DP (DisplayPort) to HDMI cable may cause compatibility issues.•Use a certified cable with the HDMI logo attached. If you do not use a certified HDMI cable, the screen may not display or a connection error may occur.•Recommended HDMI cable types-High-Speed HDMI®/TM cable-High-Speed HDMI®/TM cable with Ethernet DisplayPort ConnectionTransmits digital video and audio signals from your PC to the monitor.NOTE•There may be no video or audio output depending on the DP (DisplayPort) version of the PC.•If you are using a Mini DisplayPort output graphics card, use a Mini DP to DP (Mini DisplayPort to DisplayPort) cable or gender that supports DisplayPort1.4. (sold separately)Connecting AV DevicesHDMI ConnectionHDMI transmits digital video and audio signals from your AV device to the monitor.NOTE•Using a DVI to HDMI / DP (DisplayPort) to HDMI cable may cause compatibility issues.•Use a certified cable with the HDMI logo attached. If you do not use a certified HDMI cable, the screen may not display or a connection error may occur.•Recommended HDMI cable types-High-Speed HDMI®/TM cable-High-Speed HDMI®/TM cable with Ethernet Connecting PeripheralsUSB Device connectionThe USB port on the product functions as a USB hub.NOTE•It is recommended you install all Windows Updates to keep your Windows up-to-date before connecting to the product for use.•Peripheral devices are sold separately.•A keyboard, mouse, or USB device can be connected to the USB port.•The charging speed may vary depending on the device.CAUTIONCautions When Using a USB Device•A USB device with an automatic recognition program installed, or that uses its own driver, may not be recognized.•Some USB devices may not be supported or may not work properly.•It is recommended to use a USB hub or hard disk drive with power supplied. (If the power supply is not adequate, the USB device may not be recognized properly.)Connecting HeadphonesConnect peripherals to the monitor via the headphones port.NOTE•Peripheral devices are sold separately.•If you use angled earphones, it may cause a problem with connecting another external device to the monitor. Therefore, it is recommended to use straight earphones.•Depending on the audio settings of the PC and external device, headphones and speaker functions may be limited.ENGLISHUSER SETTINGSNOTE•Your monitor’s OSD (On Screen Display) may differ slightly from that shown in this manual.•When Beep Guide is activated, pressing the joystick button will take you to Menu right away.Activating the Main Menu1 Press the joystick button on the bottom of themonitor.2 Move the joystick up/down ( / ) and left/right ( / ) to set the options.Main Menu FeaturesUser SettingsMenu Settings1 To view the OSD menu, press the joystick button at the bottom of the monitor and then enter the Menu.2 Configure the options by moving the joystick up/down/left/right.3 To return to the upper menu or set other menu items, move the joystick to or pressing () it.4 If you want to exit the OSD menu, move the joystick to until you exit.Game Mode Game Adjust Picture Adjust Input GeneralENGLISHENGLISHENGLISHENGLISHTROUBLESHOOTINGNOTE•Vertical Frequency: In order to display an image, the screen must be refreshed dozens of times per second, like a fluorescent lamp. The number of times the screen is refreshed per second is called vertical frequency, or refresh rate, and is represented by Hz.•Horizontal Frequency: The time it takes to display one horizontal line is called the horizontal cycle. If 1 is divided by the horizontal interval, the result is the number of horizontal lines displayed per second. This is called horizontal frequency and is represented by kHz.•Check if the graphics card’s resolution or frequency is within the range allowed by the monitor and set it to the recommended (optimal) resolution Control Panel > Display > Menu in Windows. (The settings may differ depending on the operating system (OS) you use.)•Not setting the graphics card to the recommended (optimal) resolution may result in blurred text, a dimmed screen, a truncated display area or misalignment of the display.•The setting methods may be different depending on the computer or operating system, and some resolutions may not be available depending on the performance of the graphics card. If this is the case, contact the manufacturer of the computer or graphics card for assistance.•Some graphics cards may not support 1920 x 1080 resolution. If the resolution cannot be displayed, contact the manufacturer of your graphics card.ENGLISHPRODUCT SPECIFICATIONLCD Screen Color Depth HDMI8-bit color is supported.DP (DisplayPort)8-bit color is supported. Resolution Max Resolution1920 x 1080 @ 240 Hz (HDMI)1920 x 1080 @ 240 Hz (DP)Recommended Resolution1920 x 1080 @ 240 Hz (HDMI)1920 x 1080 @ 240 Hz (DP)Power Sources Power Rating19 V 2.4 APower Consumption (Typical)On mode: 45 W Typ. (Outgoing condition)* Sleep Mode (Standby Mode) : ≤ 0.5 W ** Off Mode: ≤ 0.3 WAC/DC Adapter DA-48F19, manufactured by Asian Power Devices Inc.ADS-48FSK-19 19048EPCU-1, manufactured by SHENZHEN HONOR ELECTRONICADS-48FSK-19 19048EPK-1, manufactured by SHENZHEN HONOR ELECTRONICADS-48FSK-19 19048EPG-1, manufactured by SHENZHEN HONOR ELECTRONICMS-Z2530R190-048M0-E, manufactured by MOSO POWER SUPPLY TECHNOLOGY CO LTDMS-V2530R190-048L0-DE, manufactured by MOSO POWER SUPPLY TECHNOLOGY CO LTDMS-V2530R190-048L0-KR, manufactured by MOSO POWER SUPPLY TECHNOLOGY CO LTDMS-V2530R190-048L0-US, manufactured by MOSO POWER SUPPLY TECHNOLOGY CO LTDOutput: 19 V 2.53 AEnvironmental Conditions Operating Conditions Temperature0 °C to 40 °C (32 °F to 104 °F)Humidity Less than 80 %Storing Conditions Temperature-20 °C to 60 °C (-4 °F to 140 °F)Humidity Less than 85 %Dimensions Monitor Size (Width x Height x Depth)With Stand614.2 x 574.8 x 274.4 (mm)24.1 x 22.6 x 10.8 (inches)Without Stand614.2 x 364.8 x 56.3 (mm)24.1 x 14.3 x 2.2 (inches) Weight (Without Packaging)With Stand 5.8 kg (12.7 lbs)Without Stand 3.9 kg (8.5 lbs) Specifications are subject to change without notice.The Power Consumption level can be different by operating condition and monitor setting.* The On mode power consumption is measured with LGE test standard (Full White pattern , Maximum resolution). ** The monitor goes to the Sleep Mode in a couple of minutes(Max 5 minutes).Factory Support Mode(Preset Mode, HDMI/ DisplayPort PC)If you use an input timing that is outside the supported frequency, you may experience poor response speed or image quality.HDMI Timing (Video)Power LEDBeep GuideThe model and serial number of the product are located on the back and on one side of the product.Record them below in case you ever need service.Model Serial No.Supplier’s Declaration of ConformityTrade Name LGResponsible Party LG Electronics USA, Inc.Address 111 Sylvan Avenue, North Building,Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632******************************。




DXDiTa9E3dVGA线材和接口S-Video英文全称:Separate Video(或SUPER VIDEO>中文名称:S端子输出优势特点:将亮度和色度分离输出,避免了亮度和色度信号的相互干扰,画质较高,使用较为普遍。

RTCrpUDGiTDVI英文全称:Digital Visual Interface中文名称:数字视频接口优势特点:数字信号无需转换直接显示,减少信号损失,传输速度快且画质清晰。

5PCzVD7HxADVI线材和接口HDMI英文全称:High Definition Multimedia Interface中文名称:高清晰多媒体接口的缩写。

优势特点:用HDMI接口可以实现目前最高画质1080P的分辨率,还能支持DVD Audio等最先进的数字音频格式,支持八声道96kHz或立体声192kHz数码音频传送,而且只用一条HDMI线连接,免除数字音频接线。











显示器是属于电脑的I/O 设备,即输入输出设备。






教你怎样调电脑全屏?首先,在开始搜索框输入regedit打开注册表,定位到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE------SYSTEM------ControlSet001-------Control-------GraphicsDrivers-------Configuration------ 然后右键点击Configuration,选择查找,输入Scaling,在右框内即可看到scaling,右键scaling选择修改,将数值改为3即可,原值为4 如果不行,你按着这个方法来一次看看吧,,调整屏幕分辨率啊一定是启动游戏的时候没有自动调整分辨率把它改小一点@如果是XP系统直接去官网下个显卡驱动就行了如果是WIN7 那就这样弄修改注册表就是了=>运行(或直接按快捷键Win+R) =>输入regedit =>HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE =>SYSTEM =>ControlSet001 =>Control =>GraphicsDrivers =>Configuration=>LPL1E010_00_07D7_0A^A47A63AB42DCAFAD034928A193FC CF7C =>00 =>00 =>Scaling 把Scaling里的数值4改为3即可!!(这是我自己电脑上的,有的电脑系统里是把2改为3!!这就要看你自己的了,你可以尝试一下就知道了!!这不会影响到别的,放心好了!!) 注意:如果你在改数值时将数值改为别的数值(比如说1、2、3等等),你开启游戏时将会出现不同的画面效果的,你如果感兴趣的话,你可以自己去试试,不过记得,在最后记得将数值改回来,不然你玩游戏时会感觉很不习惯的(当然这是对于你习惯上用全屏玩游戏的)!! @如果是Y460系列的那么你按下面步骤; 步骤一:右击桌面空白处,点击“屏幕分辨率”。






首先,LG Gram16拥有一块大屏幕,为了更好地使用这块屏幕,我们可以调整屏幕分辨率。



其次,为了更好地保护LG Gram16的屏幕,我们可以设置屏幕保护程序。



此外,为了更好地体验LG Gram16的便携性,我们可以设置睡眠模式。

通过点击右下角的电源选项,然后选择“睡眠”,LG Gram16会进入睡眠模式,节省电量的同时也能快速恢复到之前的工作状态。


另外,为了更好地提高LG Gram16的续航能力,我们可以设置电池模式。



最后,为了更好地保护LG Gram16的安全性,我们可以设置指纹识别。


在这里,我们可以设置指纹识别,以方便快速登录LG Gram16并提高安全性。

总之,以上就是一些关于LG Gram16的使用技巧,通过这些技巧,我们可以更好地使用LG Gram16,并得到更好的使用体验。

在使用LG Gram16的过程中,我们可以根据自己的需求和喜好调整设置,以达到最佳的使用效果。

LG UltraFine 5K 电脑显示器(Mac版) 27MD5KA 27MD5KB 用户手册说明

LG UltraFine 5K 电脑显示器(Mac版) 27MD5KA 27MD5KB 用户手册说明

Please read this manual carefully before operating your set and retain it for future reference.27MD5KA27MD5KB2TABLE OF CONTENTSIMPORTANT PRECAUTIONS -----------3-Precautions to the AC Adapter and Electrical Power-------------------------------------------------------3-Precautions in installing the Product ----------------4-Precautions in Moving the Product -----------------5-Precautions in Using/Cleaning the Product ---------6LICENSE ---------------------------------7ASSEMBLING AND PREPARING ------8-Supported Software ---------------------------------8-Product Description ---------------------------------9Input ConnectorID Label / Sub ID Label-Moving and Lifting the Monitor -------------------12Installing on a TableAdjusting the Stand HeightAdjusting the AngleUsing the Kensington LockDetaching the StandAttaching the VESA design coverInstalling the Wall Mount BracketMAKING CONNECTIONS ------------24-Connecting to a host ------------------------------24-Connecting to USB Device ------------------------24TROUBLESHOOTING -----------------25PRODUCT SPECIFICATION ----------26-Signal Timing ---------------------------------------27WARNING: T his product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling.3 IMPORTANT PRECAUTIONSPlease read these safety precautions carefully before using the product.WARNINGFailure to follow those warnings may result in death, serious injury or damage to the product or other property. Precautions to the AC Adapter and Electrical PowerWARNING•If water or any foreign substance goes inside the product (TV, monitor, power cord, or AC adapter), disconnect the power cord immediately and contact the service center.►Otherwise, this may cause a fire or electric shock due to damage to the product.•Do not touch the power plug or AC adapter with wet hands. If the pins of the plug are wet or dusty, wipe and dry them before use.►Otherwise, this may cause a fire or electric shock.•Make sure to completely insert the power cord into the AC adapter.►If loosely connected, the poor connection may cause a fire or electric shock.•Be sure to use power cords and AC adapters provided or approved by LG Electronics, Inc.►The use of non-approved products may cause a fire or electric shock.•When unplugging the power cord, always pull it by the plug. Do not bend the power cord with excessive force.►The power line can be damaged, which may cause electric shock or fire.•Be careful not to step or place heavy objects (electronic appliances, clothing, etc.) on the power cord or AC adapter. Be careful not to damage the power cord or AC adapter with sharp objects.►Damaged power cords may cause a fire or electric shock.•Never disassemble, repair or modify the power cord or AC adapter.►This may cause a fire or electric shock.•Use only the power cord supplied with the unit or another manufacturer's authorized cord.►Failure to do so may result in fire or electrical shock or damage to the product.•Use only a properly grounded plug and receptacle.►If you do not you may be electrocuted or injured. Or the product might be damaged.•Do not use a damaged or loose plug.►This may cause electrical shock or fire.•Operate the display only from a power source(i.e. voltage) indicated in the product specification.►Otherwise the product can be damaged, fire can occur or you may be electrocuted. If you are not sure what type of power supply you have, consult a certified electrician.•In the presence of thunder and lightning, never touch the power cord and signal cable because it can be very dangerous.►It can cause electric shock.•Do not connect several extension cords, electrical appliances or electrical heaters to a single outlet. Use a power bar with a grounding terminal designed for exclusive use with the computer.►A fire can break out due to overheating.•Do not touch the power plug with wet hands. Additionally, if the cord pin is wet or covered with dust, dry the power plug completely or wipe dust off before plugging in the cord.►You may be electrocuted due to excess moisture.4•If you don’t intend to use the product for a long time, unplug the power cable from the product.►Covering dust can cause a fire, or insulation deterioration can cause electric leakage, electric shock or fire.•Insert the power plug firm so it cannot come loose.►A loose connection can cause fire.•Do not insert metal or other conductive materials into the product openings. Additionally, do not touch the power cable right after plugging into the wall input terminal.►You may be electrocuted.•The AC Plug is the disconnecting device. It should be easily accessible in case of emergency.•Please make sure the device is installed near the wall outlet to which it is connected and that the outlet is easily accessible.•Be sure to keep the outlet, AC adapter, and pins of the power plug clean from dust and etc.►This may cause a fire.•Do not unplug the power cord while the product is in use.►Electrical shock can damage the product.•As long as this unit is connected to the AC wall outlet, it is not disconnected from the AC power source even if the unit is turned off.Precautions in installing the ProductWARNING•Keep away from heat sources like heaters or open flames.►Electrical shock, fire, malfunction or deformation may occur.•Keep the packing anti-moisture material or vinyl packing out of the reach of children.►Anti-moisture material is harmful if swallowed. If swallowed by mistake, force the patient to vomit and visit the nearest hospital. Additionally, vinyl packing can cause suffocation. Keep it out of the reach of children.•Do not put heavy objects on the product on sit upon it.►If the product collapses or is dropped, you may be injured. Children must pay particular attention.•Do not leave the power or signal cable where someone can trip over it.►The passerby can falter, which can cause electrical shock, fire, product breakdown or injury.•Install the product in a neat and dry place. Do not use near water.►Dust or moisture can cause electrical shock, fire or product damage.•Do not add accessories that have not been designed for this display.•If you smell smoke or other odors or hear a strange sound from the product unplug the power cord and contact LG Customer Service.►If you continue to use without taking proper measures, electrical shock or fire can occur.•If you dropped the product or the case is broken, turn off the product and unplug the power cord.►If you continue to use without taking proper measures, electrical shock or fire can occur. Contact LG Customer Service.•Do not drop an object on or apply impact to the product. Do not throw any toys or objects at the product.►It can cause injury to humans, problems to the product and damage the display.•Keep out of reach of children and do not place toys near the product.•Make sure the product ventilation hole is not blocked. Install the product more than 10cm from the wall.►If you install the product too close to the wall, it may be deformed or fire can break out due to internal heat build-up.•Do not cover the product with cloth or other material (eg. plastic) while plugged in.►The product can be deformed or fire can break out due to internal overheating.5•Place the product on a flat and stable surface that is large enough to support the product.►If the product is dropped, you may be injured or the product may be broken.•Install the product where no Electromagnetic Interference occurs.•Keep the product away from direct sunlight.►The product can be damaged.•Do not place the product on the floor.►Small Children and others may trip over it.•Do not install this product on a wall if it could be exposed to oil or oil mist.►This may damage the product and cause it to fall.•For displays with glossy bezels the user should consider the placement of the display as the bezel may cause disturbing reflections from surrounding light and bright surfaces.Precautions in Moving the ProductWARNING•Make sure to turn off the product.►You may be electrocuted or the product can be damaged.•Make sure to remove all cables before moving the product.►You may be electrocuted or the product can be damaged.•When lifting or moving the product, do not hold it upside down while holding only the stand.►This may cause the product to fall resulting in damage or injury.•Do not shock the product when moving it.►You may be electrocuted or the product can be damaged.•Make sure the panel faces forward and hold it with both hands to move.►If you drop the product, the damaged product can cause electric shock or fire.•Do not place the product face down.►This may damage the TFT-LCD screen.6Precautions in Using/Cleaning the ProductWARNING•Do not attempt to disassemble, repair or modify the product yourself.►Fire or electric shock can occur.►Contact LG Customer Service for repair.•When cleaning the product, unplug the power cord and scrub gently with a soft cloth to prevent scratching. Do not clean with a wet cloth or spray water or other liquids directly onto the product. An electric shock may occur. (Do not use chemicals such as benzene, paint thinners or alcohol)•Keep the product away from water.►Fire or electric shock accident can occur.•Avoid high temperatures and humidity.•Do not put or store flammable substances near the product.►There is a danger of explosion or fire.••••••••••7 LICENSEEach model has different licenses. Visit for more information on the license.Thunderbolt and the Thunderbolt logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries inthe U.S. and/or other countries.Mac and the Mac logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.8ASSEMBLING AND PREPARINGCAUTION•Always use genuine LG components to ensure safety and product performance.•The product warranty will not cover damage or injury caused by the use of unauthorized components.•It is recommend that use the supplied components.•If you use generic cables not certified by LG, the screen may not display or there may be image noises.NOTE•Without prior notice, all product information and specifications contained in this manual are subject to change to improve the performance of the product.•To purchase optional accessories, visit an electronics store or an online shopping site, or contact the retailer from which you purchased the product.•The power cord provided may differ depending upon the region.Supported SoftwareCheck the software supported by your product.LG Screen Manager•LG Screen Manager is an application that provides ScreenSplit and monitor software update features.•You can download and install the latest version from the LGE website ().9 Product DescriptionFrontBackNOTE•Camera: Built-in USB CameraMicrophone: Built-in USB Microphone•The ambient light sensor is for auto brightness control of display and can be controlled by Mac OS. (Refer page 25)10Input ConnectorENGLISHNOTE•ID Label: the monitor's standard ID label that states model name, production date, country of production, specifications, etc.Sub ID Label: a secondary ID label that states only the model name and basic specificationsCAUTION•To view the ID Label, you must detach the stand.Moving and Lifting the MonitorWhen moving or lifting the monitor, follow these instructions to prevent the monitor from being scratched or damaged and to ensure safe transportation, regardless of its shape or size.•Place the monitor in the original box or packing material before attempting to move it.•Before moving or lifting the monitor, disconnect the power cord and all other cables.•Hold the bottom and side of the monitor frame firmly. Do not hold the panel itself.•When holding the monitor, the screen should face away from you to prevent it from being scratched.•When transporting the monitor, do not expose the monitor to shock or excessive vibration.•When moving the monitor, keep it upright and never turn the monitor on its side or tilt it sideways.CAUTION•Avoid touching the monitor screen as much as possible.-This may result in damage to the screen or some of the pixels used to create images.Installing on a Table1 Lift the monitor and place it on the table in an upright position. Place the monitor at least 100 mm (3.9 inches) away fromthe wall to ensure sufficient ventilation.2 Connect the power cord to the monitor and then plug the power cord into the wall outlet.CAUTION•Unplug the power cord before moving or installing the monitor. There is risk of electric shock.Place the monitor mounted on the stand base in an upright position.Max 110.0 mm (4.3 inches)ENGLISHWARNING•• NOTEAdjusting the Angle1 Place the monitor in an upright position, mounted on the stand base.2 Adjust the angle of the screen. The angle of the screen can be adjusted forwards or backwards for a comfortable viewingexperience.RearFrontWARNING•To avoid injury to the fingers when adjusting the screen, do not hold the lower part of the monitor’s frame as illustrated below.Using the Kensington LockThe connector for the Kensington security system is located at the bottom of the monitor.For more information on installation and usage, refer to the Kensington lock owner’s manual or visit the website at .Connect the monitor to a table using the Kensington security system cable.NOTE•The Kensington security system is optional. You can obtain optional accessories from most electronics stores.Detaching the Stand1 Place the monitor’s screen face down. To protect the screen from scratches, cover the surface with a soft cloth.234ENGLISH21ENGLISH4CAUTION•22Installing the Wall Mount Bracket1 Place the monitor’s screen face down. To protect the screen from scratches, cover the surface with a soft cloth.2 Use four screws to attach the wall mount bracket. (Standard screws: M4 x L10)23 NOTE•Install the monitor at least 100 mm (3.9 inches) away from the wall on each side of the monitor to ensure sufficient ventilation.•The wall mount bracket and the wall mount bracket screws are not included.CAUTION•Be sure to attach the VESA design cover before attaching the wall mount bracket.•If you use screws longer than the standard length, it may damage the inside of the product.Wall Mount (mm)100 x 100Standard screw M4 x L10Number of screws4Wall Mount PlateRW120(Optional)•Vertical orientation is not recommended.24MAKING CONNECTIONSMake sure to use the supplied cable. Otherwise, this may cause the device to malfunction. Some of the cables are not provided.CAUTION•Do not press the screen for a prolonged time. This may cause image distortion.•Do not display a still image on the screen for a prolonged time. This may cause image retention. Use a screensaver if possible.•The plugs of the cable may become hot during operation. Do not touch the plug for a long time.NOTE••••NOTE•PD (Power Delivery) is supported via Thunderbolt TM 3 port.•Features may not work properly depending on the connected device’s specifications and the environment.•Thunderbolt TM 3 port is not for the Monitor Power source but for a PC power source.Connect the Power cord to supply power to the Monitor.Connecting to USB DevicePower Delivery 5 V/1.5 A is supported via the USB-C expansion port.•25 TROUBLESHOOTINGNOTE•Vertical Frequency: In order to display an image, the screen must be refreshed dozens of times per second, like a fluorescent lamp. The number of times the screen is refreshed per second is called vertical frequency, or refresh rate, and is represented by Hz.•Horizontal Frequency: The time it takes to display one horizontal line is called the horizontal cycle. If 1 is divided by the horizontal interval, the result is the number of horizontal lines displayed per second. This is called horizontal frequency and is represented by kHz.•Not setting the graphics card to the recommended (optimal) resolution may result in blurred text, a dimmed screen, a truncated display area or misalignment of the display.•The setting methods may be different depending on the computer or operating system, and some resolutions may not be available depending on the performance of the graphics card. If this is the case, contact the manufacturer of the computer or graphics card for assistance.•Some graphics cards may not support 5120 × 2880 resolution. If the resolution cannot be displayed, contact the manufacturer of your graphics card or Mac, please update your OS or driver to the latest version.26PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONThe product specifications below may be changed without prior notice due to upgrade of product functions.Dimensions Monitor Size (Width x Height x Depth)With Stand625.6 x 464.4 x 239.9 (mm)(24.6 x 18.2 x 9.4 (inches))Without Stand625.6 x 375.1 x 53.8 (mm)(24.6 x 14.7 x 2.1 (inches))Weight (Without Packaging)With Stand8.5 (18.7) (kg (lbs)) Without Stand 6.4 (14.1) (kg (lbs))* The On Mode of Power Consumption is measured with LGE test standard. (Full White pattern, Maximum resolution) ** The Power Consumption level can be different by operating condition and monitor setting.** The On Mode of Power Consumption is measured with ENERGY STAR® test standard.27ENGLISHSignal TimingTo obtain the source code under GPL, LGPL, MPL, and other open source licenses, that is contained in this product, please visit .In addition to the source code, all referred license terms, warranty disclaimers and copyright notices are available for download.LG Electronics will also provide open source code to you on CD-ROM for a charge covering the cost of performing such distribution (such as the cost of media, shipping, and handling) upon email request to ******************. This offer is valid for three (3) years from the date on which you purchased the product.Make sure to read the Safety Precautions before using the product. Please note that the label attached to the product provides information for technical support.ModelSerial No.ENERGY STAR® is a set of power-saving guidelines issuedby the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).As an ENERGY STAR® Partner LGE U. S. A., Inc. hasdetermined that this product meets the ENERGY STAR®guidelines for energy efficiency.®program.Declaration of ConformityTrade Name: LGModel: 27MD5KA, 27MD5KBResponsible Party: LG Electronics Inc.Address: 1000 Sylvan Ave. Englewood Cliffs NJ 07632U.S.ATEL: 201-266-2534。



在HDMI 3D Frame Packing 帧封装下播放3D视频,HDMI 3D左右模式或 HDMI 3D上下模式,视频内容和播放器必须支持这些格式。 HDMI 3D格式下的影像输入将自动转换为3D影像。
显示模式(分辨率) 行频(kHz)
D2343P D2743P
DVI-D 信号线
3D眼镜(常规式) 3D眼镜(夹套式) 每个国家的3D眼镜的数量可能不同。
D2743P 1. 连接底座到显示器上。 2. 用两颗螺钉连接底座和显示器。 3. 连接底座。 4. 使用一枚硬币将螺钉拧紧。
玩游戏时,图像可能会出现重叠,建议在屏幕正前方玩游戏。 当游戏机分辨率低时,画质在Dual Play模式下可能不佳。 请注意Dual Play眼镜不同于3D眼镜,Dual Play眼镜上有“Dual Play”标 志。
1.按显示器底部的 FUNC.键,显示画面模式菜单。 2.按 或 或 按钮,设定选项。 3.在OSD菜单中,选择EXIT退出。
3D 2D 3D模式互换
切换左/右画面。选择3D显示品 质较好的荧幕。
R/L 3D影像的右输出显示先于左输出。 L/R 3D影像的左输出显示先于右输出。
根据3D输入信号,选择适当的格式。 如果选择的3D选项不正确,可能无法正常显示影像。 若要观看3D影像,请选择3D模式。 如果3D的一些内容转换成2D,左边或右边图像根据内容可能会被截断。
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2 0 08 年 9 月 2 6 日 , 中国首次推 出限 量 1 0 0 件 的 “ I CE ” 夹克 , 每 ~ 件 限 量版
“ I CE ” 夹克 具 有独 一 无 二 的编 号 , 极 具 收藏价 值 。 ■
LG: 笔记 本 电脑可 调节式液晶屏幕
还 记 得 隐私屏幕贴膜么? 虽 然可 以保证 你 的隐私 , 让 其 它人 免 于 偷窥 , 但 同 时你 自己 也 有损 失 , 那 就 是 即 使你 坐 在 正 中 间 看 屏 幕 亮度 , 饱 和 度 , 色 彩 表 现 力也 会 下 降 。 现 在你 不 需 要 这 么 麻 烦 了 , L G为你 充分 考 虑 到 了— — 1 4 寸 的液 晶 屏 只 要 通 过 一 个按 钮就 可 以实现 从 1 7 0 度 可 视 直 接减低 到7 0 度可 视 , 并且 对 于 亮度没 有损 失 , 这 已 经 不 是 我 们 第一 次 见 到 这 种技术 了 , 现 在这 个技 术还 没 有进 入 量 产领域 , 不 过 我们相信 不 久就会 出现 在各个夹克
St o n e I s l a n d独创热敏感液体涂 层 , 使 轻 质 尼 龙外 套 在低 温 中 自动变 换 颜 色 。 当外 部 环 境 从 1 5 度 降 为 1 0 度 时 , 外套会从黄色变为深绿色 , 呈 现 出 无 穷魔 力幻 变。 而 当 “ I CE ” 夹 克在 常 温 下 , 它则会保持原 有 的色彩 。