On the Drinfeld Twist for Quantum sl(2)


Generalized Drinfeld realization of quantum superalgebras and $U_q(hat {frak osp}(1,2))$

Generalized Drinfeld realization of quantum superalgebras and $U_q(hat {frak osp}(1,2))$

a r X i v :m a t h /99587v3[mat h.QA ]13Mar21GENERALIZED DRINFELD REALIZATION OF QUANTUM SUPERALGEBRAS AND U q (ˆosp (1,2))JINTAI DING AND BORIS FEIGIN Dedicated to our friend Moshe Flato Abstract.In this paper,we extend the generalization of Drin-feld realization of quantum affine algebras to quantum affine su-peralgebras with its Drinfeld comultiplication and its Hopf algebra structure,which depends on a function g (z )satisfying the relation:g (z )=g (z −1)−1.In particular,we present the Drinfeld realization of U q (ˆosp (1,2))and its Serre relations.1.Introduction.Quantum groups as a noncommutative and noncocommutative Hopf algebras were discovered by Drinfeld[Dr1]and Jimbo[J1].The standard definition of a quantum group is given as a deformation of universal enveloping algebra of a simple (super-)Lie algebra by the basic genera-tors and the relations based on the data coming from the correspond-ing Cartan matrix.However,for the case of quantum affine algebras,there is a different aspect of the theory,namely their loop realizations.The first approach was given by Faddeev,Reshetikhin and Takhtajan [FRT]and Reshetikhin and Semenov-Tian-Shansky [RS],who obtained a realization of the quantum loop algebra U q (g ⊗C [t,t −])via a canon-ical solution of the Yang-Baxter equation depending on a parameter z ∈C .On the other hand,Drinfeld [Dr2]gave another realization ofthe quantum affine algebra U q (ˆg )and its special degeneration called the Yangian,which is widely used in constructions of special representation of affine quantum algebras[FJ].In [Dr2],Drinfeld only gave the real-ization of the quantum affine algebras as an algebra,and as an algebra this realization is equivalent to the approachabove [DF]through cer-tain Gauss decomposition for the case of U q (ˆgl (n )).Certainly,the mostimportant aspect of the structures of the quantum groups is its Hopf algebra structure,especially its comultiplication.Drinfeld also con-structed a new Hopf algebra structure for this loop realization.The new comultiplication in this formulation,which we call the Drinfeld1comultiplication,is simple and has very important applications[DM] [DI2].In[DI],we observe that in the Drinfeld realization of quantum affine algebras U q(ˆsl(n)),the structure constants are certain rational func-tions g ij(z),whose functional property of g ij(z)decides completely the Hopf algebra structure.In particular,for the case of U q(ˆsl2),its Drin-feld realization is given completely in terms of a function g(z),which has the following function property:g(z)=g(z−1)−1.This leads us to generalize this type of Hopf ly,we can substitute g ij(z)by other functions that satisfy the functional property of g ij(z),to derive new Hopf algebras.In this paper,we will further extend the generalization of the Drinfeld realization of U q(ˆsl2)to derive quantum affine superalgebras.As an ex-ample,we will also present the quantum affine superalgebra U q(ˆosp(1,2)) in terms of the new formulation,in particular,we present the Serre re-lations in terms of the current operators.The paper is organized as the following:in Section2,we recall the main results in[DI]about the generalization of Drinfeld realization of U q(ˆsl(2));in Section3,we present the definition of the generalized Drinfeld realization of quantum superalgebras;in Section4,we present the formulation of U q(ˆosp(1,2)).2.In[DI],we derive a generalization of Drinfeld realization of U q(ˆsl n). For the case of U q(sl2),wefirst present the complete definition.Let g(z)be an analytic functions satisfying the following property that g(z)=g(z−1)−1andδ(z)be the distribution with support at1. Definition2.1.U q(g,f sl2)is an associative algebra with unit1and the generators:x±(z),ϕ(z),ψ(z),a central element c and a nonzero complex parameter q,where z∈C∗.ϕ(z)andψ(z)are invertible.In2terms of the generating functions:the defining relations are ϕ(z)ϕ(w)=ϕ(w)ϕ(z),ψ(z)ψ(w)=ψ(w)ψ(z),g(z/wq−c)ϕ(z)ψ(w)ϕ(z)−1ψ(w)−1=c)±1x±(w),2ψ(z)x±(w)ψ(z)−1=g(w/zq∓1δ(z2c)−δ(z2c) ,q−q−1x±(z)x±(w)=g(z/w)±1x±(w)x±(z).Theorem2.1.The algebra U q(g,f sl2)has a Hopf algebra structure, which are given by the following formulae.Coproduct∆(0)∆(q c)=q c⊗q c,(1)∆(x+(z))=x+(z)⊗1+ϕ(zq c12),(3)∆(ϕ(z))=ϕ(zq−c22),(4)∆(ψ(z))=ψ(zq c22),where c1=c⊗1and c2=1⊗c.Counitεε(q c)=1ε(ϕ(z))=ε(ψ(z))=1,ε(x±(z))=0.Antipode a(0)a(q c)=q−c,(1)a(x+(z))=−ϕ(zq−c2)−1,(3)a(ϕ(z))=ϕ(z)−1,(4)a(ψ(z))=ψ(z)−1.Strictly speaking,U q(g,f sl2)is not an algebra.This concept,which we call a functional algebra,has already been used before[S],etc.3The Drinfeld realization for the case of U q(ˆsl2)[Dr2]as a Hopf algebra is different,and it an algebra and Hopf algebra defined with current operators in terms of formal power series.Let g(z)be an analytic functions that satisfying the following prop-erty that g(z)=g(z−1)−1=G+(z)/G−(z),where G±(z)is an analytic function without poles except at0or∞and G±(z)have no common zero point.Letδ(z)= n∈Z z n,where z is a formal variable.Definition2.2.The algebra U q(g,sl2)is an associative algebra with unit1and the generators:¯a(l),¯b(l),x±(l),for l∈Z and a central element c.Let z be a formal variable andx±(z)= l∈Z x±(l)z−l,ϕ(z)= m∈Zϕ(m)z−m=exp[ m∈Z≤0¯a(m)z−m]exp[ m∈Z>0¯a(m)z−m] andψ(z)= m∈Zψ(m)z−m=exp[ m∈Z≤0¯b(m)z−m]exp[ m∈Z>0¯b(m)z−m]. In terms of the formal variables z,w,the defining relations are a(l)a(m)=a(m)a(l),b(l)b(m)=b(m)b(l),g(z/wq−c)ϕ(z)ψ(w)ϕ(z)−1ψ(w)−1=c)±1x±(w),2ψ(z)x±(w)ψ(z)−1=g(w/zq∓1δ(z2c)−δ(z2c) ,q−q−1G∓(z/w)x±(z)x±(w)=G±(z/w)x±(w)x±(z),where by g(z)we mean the Laurent expansion of g(z)in a region r1> |z|>r2.Theorem2.2.The algebra U q(g,sl2)has a Hopf algebra structure. The formulas for the coproduct∆,the counitεand the antipode a are the same as given in Theorem2.1.Here,one has to be careful with the expansion of the structure func-tions g(z)andδ(z),for the reason that the relations between x±(z) and x±(z)are different from the case of the functional algebra above.4Example2.1.Let¯g(z)be a an analytic function such that¯g(z−1)=−z−1¯g(z).Let g(z)=q−2¯g(q2z)g(z/wq c),ϕ(z)x±(w)ϕ(z)−1=g(z/wq∓12c)∓1x±(w),{x+(z),x−(w)}=1wq−c)ψ(wq1wq c)ϕ(zq1Accordingly we have that,for the tensor algebra,the multiplication is defined for homogeneous elements a,b,c,d by(a⊗b)(c⊗d)=(−1)[b][c](ac⊗bd),where[a]∈Z2denotes the grading of the element a.Similarly we have:Theorem3.1.The algebra U q(g,f s)has a graded Hopf algebra struc-ture,whose coproduct,counit and antipode are given by the same for-mulae of U q(q,f sl2)in Theorem2.1.As for the case of U q(g,f sl2)is not a graded algebra but rather a a graded functional algebra.Letg(z)=g(z−1)−1=G+(z)/G−(z),where G±(z)is an analytic function without poles except at0or∞and G±(z)have no common zero point.Definition3.2.The algebra U q(g,s)is Z2graded associative algebra with unit1and the generators:¯a(l),¯b(l),x±(l),for l∈Z and a central element c,where x±(l)are graded1(mod2)and the rest are graded o(mod2).Let z be a formal variable andx±(z)= l∈Z x±(l)z−l,ϕ(z)= m∈Zϕ(m)z−m=exp[ m∈Z≤0¯a(m)z−m]exp[ m∈Z>0¯a(m)z−m] andψ(z)= m∈Zψ(m)z−m=exp[ m∈Z≤0¯b(m)z−m]exp[ m∈Z>0¯b(m)z−m]. In terms of the formal variables z,w,the defining relations are ϕ(z)ϕ(w)=ϕ(w)ϕ(z),ψ(z)ψ(w)=ψ(w)ψ(z),g(z/wq−c)ϕ(z)ψ(w)ϕ(z)−1ψ(w)−1=c)±1x±(w),2ψ(z)x±(w)ψ(z)−1=g(w/zq∓1δ(z2c)−δ(z2c) ,q−q−1(G∓(z/w))x±(z)x±(w)=−(G±(z/w))x±(w)x±(z),6where by g(z)we mean the Laurent expansion of g(z)in a region r1> |z|>r2.The above relations are basically the same as in that of Definition2.2 except the relation between x±(z)and x±(w)respectively,which differs by a negative sign.The expansion direction of the structure functions g(z)andδ(z)is very important,for the reason that the relations be-tween x±(z)and x±(z)are different from the case of the functional algebra above.Theorem3.2.The algebra U q(g,s)has a Hopf algebra structure.The formulas for the coproduct∆,the counitεand the antipode a are the same as given in Theorem2.1.Example3.1.Let¯g(z)= 1.From[CJWW][Z],we can see that U q(1,s)is basically the same as U q(ˆgl(1,1)).4.For a rational function g(z)that satisfiesg(z)=g(z−1)−1,it is clear that g(z)is determined by its poles and its zeros,which are paired to satisfy the relations above.For the simplest case(except g(z)=1)that g(z)has only one pole and one zero,we havezp−1g(z)=zp2−1z−p1zp2−1z−p1As in[DM][DK],for the case of quantum affine algebras,it is very important to understand the poles and zero of the product of current operators.We will start with the relations between X+(z)with itself.From the definition,we know that(z−p1w)(z−p2w)X+(z)X+(w)=−(zp1−w)(zp2−w)X+(w)X+(z).From this,we know that X+(z)X+(w)has two poles,which arelocated at(z−p1w)=0and(z−p2w)=0.This also implies thatProposition4.1.X+(z)X+(w)=0,when z=w.If we assume that U q(g,s)is related to some quantized affine super-algebra,then we can see that the best chance we have is U q(ˆosp(1,2))by looking at the number of zeros and poles of X+(z)X+(w).However,for the case of U q(ˆosp(1,2)),we know we need an extraSerre relation.For this,we will follow the idea in[FO].Let Letf(z1,z2)=(z1−p1z2)(z1−p2z2).(z−p1w)(z−p2w)Y+(z,w)=(z1−p1z3)(z1−p2z3)z1−z2X+(z1)X+(z2)X+(z3),z2−z3F(z1,z2,z3)=(z1−p1z2)(z1−p2z2)(z3−p1z1)(z3−p2z1)(z2−p1z3)(z2−p2z3)=f(z1,z2)f(z2,z3)f(z3,z1),¯F(z,z2,z3)=f(z2,z1)f(z2,z3)f(z3,z1).1Let V(z1,z2,z3)be the algebraic variety of the zeros of F(z1,z2,z3).Let V(a(z1),a(z2),a(z3)),be the image of the action of a on this variety,where a∈S3,the permutation group on z1,z2,z3.Let¯V(z1,z2,z3)bethe algebraic variety of the zeros of¯F(z1,z2,z3).Let¯V(a(z1),a(z2),a(z3)),be the image of the action of a on this variety,where a∈S3.Proposition4.2.Y+(z,w)has no poles and is symmetry with respectto z and w.Y+(z1,z2,z3)has no poles and is symmetry with respectto z1,z2,z3.8Following the idea in[FO],we would like to define the following conditions that may be imposed on our algebra.Zero Condition I:Y+(z1,z2,z3)is zero on at least one line that crosses(0,0,0),and this line must lie in a V(a(z1),a(z2),a(z3))for some element a∈S3Zero Condition II:Y+(z1,z2,z3)is zero on at least one line that crosses(0,0,0),and this line must lie in a¯V(a(z1),a(z2),a(z3))for some element a∈S3For the line that crosses(0,0,0)where Y+(z1,z2,z3)is zero,we call it the zero line of Y+(z1,z2,z3).Because Y+(z1,z2,z3)is symmetric with respect to the action of S3on z1,z2,z3,if a line is the zero line of Y+(z1,z2,z3),then clearly the orbit of the line under the action of S3 is also an zero line.Remark1.There is a simple symmetry that we would prefer to choose the function F(z1,z2,z3)to determine the variety V(z1,z2,z3). We have thatF(z1,z2,z3)=f(z1,z2)f(z2,z3)f(z3,z1).Let S12be the permutation group acting on z1,z2.Let S22be the permu-tation group acting on z2,z3.Let S12be the permutation group acting on z3,z1.Clearly,[FO]we can choose from a family of varieties determined by the functions f(a1(z1),a1(z2))f(a2(z2),a2(z3))f(a3(z3),a3(z1))for a1∈S12,a2∈S22,a3∈S32.For each such a functionf(a1(z1),a1(z2))f(a2(z2),a2(z3))f(a3(z3),a3(z1)),we can attach a oriented diagram,whose nods are z1,z2,z3,and the arrows are given by(a1(z1)→a1(z2)),(a2(z2)→a2(z3))(a3(z3)→a3(z1)).For example the diagram of F(z1,z2,z3)is given byCase1Let q2=p−11,which implies that p−21must be either p1or p2. Clearly,it can not be p1,which implies that the impossible condition p1=1Therefore,we have thatp−21=p2,which is what we want.Case2Let q2=p−12,which implies that p1p2must be either p1or p2.Clearly,it can not be p1because it implies p2=1,it can not be neither be p2,which implies that p1=1.This completes the proof forp2=p−21.Similarly,if we have that q1=p2,we can,then,showp1=p−22.However from the algebraic point of view,the two condition are equivalent in the sense that p1and p2are symmetric.Also we have thatProposition4.5.If we impose the Zero condition II on the algebra U q(g,s),we havep1=p22,orp2=p21.However we also have that:If we impose the Zero condition II on the algebra U q(g,s), then U q(g,s)is not a Hopf algebra anymore.The reason is that the Zero condition II can not be satisfied by comultiplication,which can be checked by direct calculation.This is the most important reason that we will choose the Zero con-dition I to be imposed on the algebra U q(g,s),which comes actually from the consideration of Hopf algebra ly,if we choose V(z1,z2,z3)or the equivalent ones which has the same diagram presen-tation as Diagram I to define the zero line of Y+(z1,z2,z3),then,the quotient algebra derived from the Zero Condition I is still a Hopf algebra with the same Hopf algebra structure(comultiplication,counit and antipode).11From now on,we impose the Zero condition I on the algebra U q(g,s),and let usfix the notation such thatp1=q2,p2=q−1.Similarly,we define(z−p−11w)(z−p−12w)Y−(z,w)=(z1−p−11z3)(z1−p−12z3)z1−z2X+(z1)X+(z2)X+(z3),z2−z3We now define the q-Serre relation.q-Serre relationsY+(z1,z2,z3)is zero on the linez1=z2q−1=z3q−2.Y−(z1,z2,z3)is zero on the linez1=z2q=z3q2.The q-Serre relations can also be formulated in more algebraic way.Proposition4.6.The q-Serre relations are equivalent to the followingtwo relations:(z3−z1q−1)(z3−z1q3)(z1−z2q2)X+(z3)X+(z2)X+(z1))−(z1−z2q−1)(z3−z1q)((z1−z3q2)(z1−z3q)(z1q−z3q−1)(z1−z2q2)X+(z2)X+(z1)X+(z3))=0, (z1−z3)(z3−z1q2)(z1−z2q−1)(z3−z1q)(z3−z1q−3)(z1−z2q−2)(z2−z1q−2)(z2−z1q)(z3−z1q)(z3−z1q−3)X−(z1)X−(z2)X−(z3)−(z1−z3)(z3−z1q−2)((z1−z3q−2)(z1−z3q−1)(z1q−z3q)(z2−z1q−2)(z2−z1q)[DI]J.Ding,K.Iohara Generalization and deformation of the quantum affine algebras Lett.Math.Phys.,41,1997,181-193q-alg/9608002,RIMS-1091 [DI2]J.Ding,K.Iohara Drinfeld comultiplication and vertex operators,Jour.Geom.Phys.,23,1-13(1997)[DK]J.Ding,S.Khoroshkin Weyl group extension of quantized current algebras, to appear in Transformation Groups,QA/9804140(1998)[DM]J.Ding and T.Miwa Zeros and poles of quantum current operators and the condition of quantum integrability,Publications of RIMS,33,277-284(1997)[Dr1]V.G.Drinfeld Hopf algebra and the quantum Yang-Baxter Equation,Dokl.Akad.Nauk.SSSR,283,1985,1060-1064[Dr2]V.G.Drinfeld Quantum Groups,ICM Proceedings,New York,Berkeley, 1986,798-820[Dr3]V.G.Drinfeld New realization of Yangian and quantum affine algebra, Soviet Math.Doklady,36,1988,212-216[Er] B.Enriquez,On correlation functions of Drinfeld currents and shuffle al-gebras,math.QA/9809036.[FRT]L.D.Faddeev,N.Yu,Reshetikhin,L.A.Takhtajan Quantization of Lie groups and Lie algebras,Yang-Baxter equation in Integrable Systems,(Ad-vanced Series in Mathematical Physics10)World Scientific,1989,299-309. 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用初中英语简要介绍双缝实验The Double-Slit ExperimentThe double-slit experiment is a fundamental experiment in quantum mechanics that demonstrates the wave-particle duality of light and other quantum particles. It was first performed by the English physicist Thomas Young in 1801, and it has since become one of the most famous experiments in the history of science.The basic setup of the double-slit experiment is as follows. A source of light, such as a laser or a monochromatic light source, is directed towards a barrier that has two narrow slits cut in it. The light passing through the slits is then projected onto a screen or a detector. When the light passes through the two slits, it creates an interference pattern on the screen, with alternating bright and dark regions.This interference pattern is a clear demonstration of the wave-like nature of light. If light were simply a stream of particles, one would expect to see two separate bright spots on the screen, corresponding to the two slits. However, the interference pattern shows that the light is behaving like a wave, with the waves from the two slits interfering with each other.The double-slit experiment can also be performed with other quantum particles, such as electrons or atoms. When these particles are directed towards the double slit, they also exhibit an interference pattern, indicating that they too have a wave-like nature.The wave-particle duality of quantum particles is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics. It means that particles can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like properties, depending on the experiment being performed. This is a departure from the classical view of the world, where objects were either waves or particles, but not both.The double-slit experiment has been used to demonstrate the wave-particle duality of various quantum particles, including electrons, neutrons, atoms, and even large molecules. In each case, the interference pattern observed on the screen is a clear indication of the wave-like nature of the particles.One of the most interesting aspects of the double-slit experiment is the role of the observer. When the experiment is set up to detect which slit the particle goes through, the interference pattern disappears, and the particles behave like classical particles. This suggests that the act of measurement or observation can affect the behavior of quantum particles.This is a concept known as the "observer effect" in quantum mechanics, and it has profound implications for our understanding of the nature of reality. It suggests that the very act of observing or measuring a quantum system can alter its behavior, and that the observer is not a passive participant in the experiment.The double-slit experiment has also been used to explore the concept of quantum entanglement, which is another fundamental concept in quantum mechanics. Quantum entanglement occurs when two or more quantum particles become "entangled" with each other, such that the state of one particle is dependent on the state of the other.In the double-slit experiment, the interference pattern can be used to demonstrate the phenomenon of quantum entanglement. For example, if two particles are entangled and then directed towards the double slit, the interference pattern observed on the screen will depend on the state of the entangled particles.Overall, the double-slit experiment is a powerful and versatile tool for exploring the fundamental nature of reality at the quantum level. It has been used to demonstrate the wave-particle duality of light and other quantum particles, the observer effect, and the phenomenon of quantum entanglement. As such, it remains one ofthe most important and influential experiments in the history of science.。

电影《2012》世界末日 完整 中英文对白

电影《2012》世界末日 完整 中英文对白




Welcome,my friend. 欢迎,我的朋友。

Great to see you. 很高兴看到你。

Yeah,glad you made it. 很高兴你来了。

英文对白 2009)Remember my brother,Gurdeep?He's a student now. 记得我弟弟格帝吗?他现在是学生。

Namaste,Dr.Helmsley,sir. 你好,赫尔姆斯得博士。

Adrian,It's just Adrian. 艾德里安,叫我艾德里安。

Just don't pour too much,huh? 别一次倒太多,好吧? How do you work in this heat?你怎么能在这么热的地方工作? You've come on a good day,my friend. 今天算不错了,朋友。

Sometimes it can hit 120 degrees. 有时候温度会高达华氏 120 度(约 49 摄氏度)。

You have to come and meet Dr.Lokesh……a Fellow of quantum physics at the university in Chennai. 你得见见洛克西博士,他是钦奈大学的量子物理专家。

Dr.Helmsley. 赫尔姆斯利博士。

So,what are we looking at? 好了,你要给我看什么?These are neutrinos acting normally. 这些是正常的中微子。

Minuscule mass,no electrical charge. 没有质量,不带电荷。

They pass through ordinary matter almost (NAGA DENG COPPER MINE,INDIA 2009 年Hey,hey,watch out.Watch out.This can't be Ajit.He's a little man already. 那是阿吉特吧?他都长这么大了。

Quantum Depinning Transition of Quantum Hall Stripes

Quantum Depinning Transition of Quantum Hall Stripes

a r X i v :c o n d -m a t /0310506v 3 [c o n d -m a t .m e s -h a l l ] 10 S e p 2004Quantum Depinning Transition of Quantum Hall StripesM.-R.Li 1,2,3,H.A.Fertig 2,R.Cˆo t´e 1,Hangmo Yi 41D´e partement de Physique,Universit´e de Sherbrooke,Sherbrooke,Qu´e bec,Canada J1K 2R12Department of Physics and Astronomy,University of Kentucky,Lexington,Kentucky 40506-00553Department of Physics,University of Guelph,Guelph,Ontario,Canada N1G 2W14Korea Institute for Advanced Study,207-43Cheongnyangni 2-dong,Seoul 130-722,Korea(Dated:February 6,2008)We examine the effect of disorder on the electromagnetic response of quantum Hall stripes usingan effective elastic theory to describe their low-energy dynamics,and replicas and the Gaussian variational method to handle disorder effects.Within our model we demonstrate the existence of a depinning transition at a critical partial Landau level filling factor ∆νc .For ∆ν<∆νc ,the pinned state is realized in a replica symmetry breaking (RSB)solution,and the frequency-dependent conductivities in both perpendicular and parallel to the stripes show resonant peaks.These peaks shift to zero frequency as ∆ν→∆νc .For ∆ν≥∆νc ,we find a partial RSB (PRSB)solution in which there is free sliding only along the stripe direction.The transition is analogous to the Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition.PACS numbers:73.43.Nq,73.43.Lp,73.43.QtThere is strong evidence from DC transport experi-ments [1]that states with stripe ordering form at cer-tain fillings of higher Landau levels (N ≥2)[2].These states exhibit a highly anisotropic,and apparently metal-lic,conductivity [1].At low temperatures,as the partial filling of the highest occupied Landau level,∆ν,moves away from 1/2,the electrons in this level cease to con-tribute to the transport properties,and the system be-haves in a way typical of the integer quantum Hall effect [3].One likely interpretation of this change in behavior is that the electrons in the partially filled Landau level become pinned by disorder when ∆ν<∆νc .The nature of this transition is the subject of this work.Microwave absorption measurements [4]provide addi-tional information about these systems.These experi-ments probe the dynamical conductivity of the system,σαβ(ω),which,in pinned systems,exhibits a peak at a frequency determined by the effective restoring force due to the disorder [5].Existing data [4,6]are suggestive of such a peak moving to zero frequency as the transition is approached from below,consistent with qualitative ex-pectations for a quantum depinning transition [7].Inter-esting filling factor dependences of this peak have also been observed in Landau levels where a Wigner crystal is presumably pinned [8].To examine the possibility of a depinning transition in the stripe state,we calculate the frequency-dependent conductivity using the replica trick and the Gaussian variational method (GVM),first introduced by M´e zard and Parisi [9]and further developed by Giamarchi,Le Doussal,and their coworkers [10–13].In the replica ap-proach,a pinned state is represented by one in which there is replica symmetry breaking (RSB).We demon-strate that for the stripe system,this leads to peaks both in Re σxx (ω)and in Re σyy (ω),albeit at slightly different frequencies and with different line shapes.(Here and in what follows,we adopt coordinates such that the stripes lie along the ˆy direction.)An example of our resultsis illustrated in Fig.1.A prominent feature of the re-sult is that the peak positions move to zero frequency as∆ν→∆νc from below.For ∆ν>∆νc ,we find a different type of state in which the system is pinned for motion perpendicular to the stripes,but is free to slide along them.We call this a partial replica symmetry breaking (PRSB)state.The PRSB state has a number of striking properties,in-cluding a power law dependence of Re σxx (ω)∼ωγas a function of frequency with γcontinuously increasing with ∆ν−∆νc ;and a superconducting response [14]at zero frequency in Re σyy (ω),followed by an incoherent metal-lic response at finite frequency.The transition is in the Kosterlitz-Thouless universality class [7,15].It exhibits a jump in the low-frequency exponent γat the transi-tion,analogous of the universal jump in the stiffness of a thin-film superfluid and in the critical exponent of corre-lation functions [16].The possibility of observing these properties in quantum Hall stripes and other analogous systems is discussed below.Model and method.We start with an action for an elastic system in a magnetic field [7]to describe the low-energy degrees of freedom of the quantum Hall stripes and their nonlinear coupling to the disorder,S =S 0+S imp(1)S 0=1[7]by matching the electron density-density correlation function obtained from the elastic model with that com-puted from microscopic time-dependent Hartree-Fock (HF)calculations[17].In the low-energy sector,Dαβ(q) has a smectic form,D xx(q)≃d xx(q x)+κb q4y,D xy(q)= D yx(q)≃d xy(q x)q y,and D yy(q)≃d yy(q x)q2y.We note that alternative estimates of D were made by using an edge state model for the stripe system[18],which leads to different results than ours.We will comment on this difference below.The disorder potential V(r)in Eq.(3) is assumed to be Gaussian distributed with zero aver-age,π ∞0d f Aµ(f) 1−e itf ,(6)where eα= 10duζα(u)−Fα(0+)−2v imp K=0K2α 1/T0dτexp{−T µK2µ q,ωn[1−cosωnτ] Gµµ(q,ωn)}and Aµ(f)= q Im G retµµ(q,f).The constants e x,e y may be regarded as a measure of the strength of pinning by the disorder potential.When one or both of these vanish,the effective elastic constants G−1(q=0,ωn)allow the system to be shifted as a whole without any energy cost.If one knows these constants then Eqs.(5)and(6)form a closed set of equations which may be solved numerically.A common further“semi-classical”approximation[10]involves expanding Eq.(6) for small Aµ,which is valid when thefluctuations of the stripes are small.While it greatly simplifies the numerics, this approximation is invalid near the depinning transi-tion since thefluctuations become arbitrarily large.We thus leave Eq.(6)in its present form.We are left with the task of computing e x and e y.As has been discussed elsewhere[10],this can be accom-plished without fully solving the SPE’s by imposing the condition Reσ∼ω2for smallω,which guarantees that the collective mode density of state vanishes at zero fre-quency.(This constraint can also be justified by requiring marginal stability of the replicon mode[10].)The second constraint can be found from the SPE’s forζα(u)with the assumption of a one-step RSB,which is a common solution in low-dimensional systems[10–12].This leads after some work[20]to the conditione y/e x= K=0K2y e−W(K)/ K=0K2x e−W(K) ,(7) where W(K)= e σx x /e2(a )∆ν=0.360.380.400.420.440.450.45400.0050.010.0150.020.025ω l B /e20.040.080.12R e σy y /e2FIG.1:Real parts of conductivities as functions of frequency in the pinned state (a)perpendicular to the stripes,(b)along the stripes.The ¯h =1unit and v imp =0.0005e 4/l 2B are used.In (a)all curves start from Re σxx =0at ω=0,and curves except for ∆ν=0.36are lifted upward for clarity.Curves from right to left in (b)correspond to ∆ν=0.36,0.38,0.4,0.42,0.43,0.44,0.45,0.452,0.454,respec-tively.Inset in (b):peak positions Ωpx and Ωpy ,in units of e 2/l B ,as functions of ∆ν.iterative method [20].In what follows we present some results for electrons in the N =3Landau level,witha disorder level v imp =0.0005e 4/l 2B .This is likely to be somewhat larger than experimental values,but we choose it for numerical convenience and do not expect our results to qualitatively change with smaller disorder strengths.The dynamical conductivities for these parameters when the system is in a pinned (RSB)phase are presented in Fig.1.For ∆νwell below ∆νc ≈0.46,Re σxx has a pin-ning peak whose lineshape is qualitatively similar to what is found using the semiclassical approximation [12].The prominent behavior visible in Fig.1(a)is the collapse of the peak frequency Ωpx →0as the depinning tran-sition is approached.Experimental observations are so far consistent with this[4,6].Re σyy also has a collapsing peak,but the observed lineshape is more interesting.Be-low the peak frequency Ωpy ,in the range e y <ω<Ωpythe conductivity appears to tend toward a non-vanishing value when ∆νis sufficiently below ∆νc .The quantity e y turns out to be rather small due to a large Debye-Waller factor,and in this frequency range the system displays a behavior similar to the incoherent metal response at non-vanishing frequency of the depinned (PRSB)phase which we discuss below.For ω≪e y ,Re σyy (ω)vanishes quadratically with ω(not visible on the scale of Fig.1),as required for a pinned state.As ∆ν→∆νc ,we eventually reach a situation in which e y and Ωpy are of similar order,in which case the pinning peak sharpens and grows quite large.This peak continuously evolves into a δ-function at zero frequency as the system enters into the PRSB state,so that the transition from pinned to depinned behavior is very continuous.Results –PRSB solution .For ∆ν≥∆νc the state is characterized by e x =0but e y =0.This corresponds to a RSB solution for ζx (u )but a replica symmetric solu-tion for ζy (u ).We call this the partial RSB (PRSB)state.In this situation,the system is pinned perpendicular to the stripe direction,but is free to slide along it.This is consistent with the results from a perturbative renor-malization group study of the same model [7],where the coupling of the disorder to the motion of the system par-allel to the stripes was shown to be irrelevant when ∆νis close enough to 1/2.This irrelevance suggests that the PRSB phase should be in a superconducting state.This observation is born out by the presence of a δ-function in Re σyy at zero frequency.Remarkably,Re σxx vanishes at zero frequency,so that we find the PRSB state is one with an infinite anisotropy in the DC conductivity.This is not observed in DC transport experiments [1],and we comment below on what is missing from our model that leads to this discrepancy.The possibility of such behavior for quantum Hall stripes was first suggested in Ref.[14].The origin of the PRSB and its structure may be un-derstood from the SPE (5).The state is characterized bye x =0and Im ˜ζret x (ω)∼ωat small ω,and ˜ζret y(ω)van-ishing faster than linearly in ω.It is easy to show in this situation,A y (f )∼1/f at small f .After some algebra,we find [20]that whenγ=a y l Bin Ref.7for pinning along the stripes to become irrele-vant.One remarkable consequence of this limiting value is that Reσxx∼ωγwithγ→1as the transition is ap-proached from above,whereas just below the transition we expect,in the pinned state,Reσxx∼ω2.Thus,the low frequency exponent jumps at the transition,in a way that is analogous to the universal jump in the superfluid stiffness and the critical exponent of correlation functions of the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition[16].This behavior is similar to what happens in the roughening transition [15,22].In real DC transport experiments,one observes afi-nite anisotropy rather than the infinite one found in the PRSB state.The missing ingredients from our model are processes allowing hopping of electrons between stripes. These processes are very difficult to incorporate into an elastic model.It is clear that,if relevant,such processes can broaden theδ-function response to yield anisotropic metallic behavior.Our results should apply at frequency scales above this broadening.Indeed,microwave absorp-tion experiments become quite challenging at low fre-quencies,and it is unclear whether existing measure-ments of the dynamical conductivity can access the low frequency conductivity in the unpinned state,whether or not it is broadened.In any case,it is interesting to speculate that a trueδ-function response might be acces-sible in structured environments where barriers between stripes may suppress electron hopping among stripes[23], or that there may be analogous states for layered2+1 dimensional classical systems of long string-like objects, which has been shown[15]to be closely related to the two-dimensional quantum stripe problem.The quantum depinning transition wefind is unlikely to occur in models which preserve particle-hole symmetry (PHS)at∆ν=1/2[18].Our model overcomes this limitation because the HF state we use spontaneously breaks PHS at thisfilling to arrive at a lower energy state than the simpler“box-filled”state[2]which has been used in the edge state description of the quantum Hall smectic[18].It is at present unclear if quantum fluctuations restore PHS to the quantum Hall smectic at ∆ν=1/2.Our results offer a falsifiable experimental test that can settle this question.Acknowledgements.The authors are especially grate-ful to R.Lewis,L.Engel,and Y.Chen for many stimu-lating discussions about this problem,and for showing us their experimental data prior to publication.We are also indebted to G.Murthy,E.Orignac,E.Poisson,and A.H. MacDonald for useful discussions and suggestions.This work was supported by a NSF Grant No.DMR-0108451, by a grant from the Fonds Qu´e b´e cois de la recherche sur la nature et les technologies and a grant from the Natural Sciences and Engeneering Research Council of Canada, and by a grant from SKORE-A program.[1]M.P.Lilly et al,Phys.Rev.Lett.82,394(1999);83,824(1999);R.R.Du et al,Solid State Commun.109,389(1999);W.Pan et al,Phys.Rev.Lett.83,820(1999);K.B.Cooper et al,Phys.Rev.B60,11285(1999). [2]A.A.Koulakov,M.M.Fogler,and B.I.Shklovskii,Phys.Rev.Lett.76,499(1996);M.M.Fogler,A.A.Koulakov, and B.I.Shklovskii,Phys.Rev.B54,1853(1996);R.Moessner and J.T.Chalker,ibid.54,5006(1996). [3]R.E.Prange and S.M.Girvin,The Quantum Hall Effect,(Springer-Verlag,New York,1987);For recent review,see S.Das Sarma and A.Pinczuk,Perspectives in Quantum Hall Effects,(Wiley,New York,1997).[4]See,e.g.,R.M.Lewis et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.89,136804(2002)and references therein;P.F.Hennigan et al.,Phys-ica B249-51,53(1998).[5]H.Fukuyama and P.A.Lee,Phys.Rev.B17,535(1978).[6]R.Lewis,L.Engel and Y.Chen,private communication.[7]Hangmo Yi,H.A.Fertig,and R.Cˆo t´e,Phys.Rev.Lett.85,4156(2000).[8]Y.Chen et al,Phys.Rev.Lett.91,016801(2003).[9]M.M´e zard and G.Parisi,J.Phys.I1,809(1991).[10]T.Giamarchi and P.Le Doussal,Phys.Rev.B53,15206(1996);ibid.52,1242(1995).[11]T.Giamarchi and E.Orignac,in Theoretical Methods forStrongly Correlated Electrons,CRM Series in Mathemat-ical Physics(Springer-Verlag,Berlin,2003)(also cond-mat/0005220).[12]R.Chitra,T.Giamarchi and P.Le Doussal,Phys.Rev.Lett.80,3827(1998);Phys.Rev.B65,035312(2002).[13]A recent study of pinned quantum Hall stripes[E.Orignac and R.Chitra,Europhys.Lett.63,440(2003)]adopts a similar approach,but makes further ap-proximations valid only when the system is pinned for motion along the stripes,leading to results quite differ-ent than ours.[14]E.Fradkin and S.A.Kivelson,Phys.Rev.B59,8065(1999).[15]H.A.Fertig,Phys.Rev.Lett.82,3693(1999).[16]D.R.Nelson and J.M.Kosterlitz,Phys.Rev.Lett.39,1201(1977).[17]R.Cˆo t´e and H.A.Fertig,Phys.Rev.B62,1993(2000).[18]A.H.MacDonald and M.P.A.Fisher,Phys.Rev.B61,5724(2000); A.Lopatnikova et al.,ibid.64,155301 (2001).[19]In the pinned Wigner crystal problem,some approachesobtain a very narrow pinning peak[H.A.Fertig,Phys.Rev.B59,2120(1999);M.M.Fogler and D.A.Huse, ibid.62,7553(2000)],but the replica and GVM used in Ref.[12]does not.We have found that the latter ap-proach is consistent with the former two in the weak dis-order limit.The underlying cause of the narrowing is due to a paucity of low-lying phonon states in the isotropic crystal,which does not occur for the stripe state[17].[20]M.-R.Li,H.A.Fertig,R.Cˆo t´e,and H.Yi,unpublished.[21]W.Kohn,Phys.Rev.133,A171(1964).[22]P.M.Chaikin and T.C.Lubensky,Principles of Con-densed Matter Physics(Cambridge University Press, New York,1995).[23]A.Endo and Y.Iye,Phys.Rev.B66,075333(2002).。

Quantum Computing for Computer Scientists

Quantum Computing for Computer Scientists

More informationQuantum Computing for Computer ScientistsThe multidisciplinaryfield of quantum computing strives to exploit someof the uncanny aspects of quantum mechanics to expand our computa-tional horizons.Quantum Computing for Computer Scientists takes read-ers on a tour of this fascinating area of cutting-edge research.Writtenin an accessible yet rigorous fashion,this book employs ideas and tech-niques familiar to every student of computer science.The reader is notexpected to have any advanced mathematics or physics background.Af-ter presenting the necessary prerequisites,the material is organized tolook at different aspects of quantum computing from the specific stand-point of computer science.There are chapters on computer architecture,algorithms,programming languages,theoretical computer science,cryp-tography,information theory,and hardware.The text has step-by-stepexamples,more than two hundred exercises with solutions,and program-ming drills that bring the ideas of quantum computing alive for today’scomputer science students and researchers.Noson S.Yanofsky,PhD,is an Associate Professor in the Departmentof Computer and Information Science at Brooklyn College,City Univer-sity of New York and at the PhD Program in Computer Science at TheGraduate Center of CUNY.Mirco A.Mannucci,PhD,is the founder and CEO of HoloMathics,LLC,a research and development company with a focus on innovative mathe-matical modeling.He also serves as Adjunct Professor of Computer Sci-ence at George Mason University and the University of Maryland.QUANTUM COMPUTING FORCOMPUTER SCIENTISTSNoson S.YanofskyBrooklyn College,City University of New YorkandMirco A.MannucciHoloMathics,LLCMore informationMore informationcambridge university pressCambridge,New York,Melbourne,Madrid,Cape Town,Singapore,S˜ao Paulo,DelhiCambridge University Press32Avenue of the Americas,New York,NY10013-2473,USAInformation on this title:/9780521879965C Noson S.Yanofsky and Mirco A.Mannucci2008This publication is in copyright.Subject to statutory exceptionand to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements,no reproduction of any part may take place withoutthe written permission of Cambridge University Press.First published2008Printed in the United States of AmericaA catalog record for this publication is available from the British Library.Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication dataYanofsky,Noson S.,1967–Quantum computing for computer scientists/Noson S.Yanofsky andMirco A.Mannucci.p.cm.Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN978-0-521-87996-5(hardback)1.Quantum computers.I.Mannucci,Mirco A.,1960–II.Title.QA76.889.Y352008004.1–dc222008020507ISBN978-0-521-879965hardbackCambridge University Press has no responsibility forthe persistence or accuracy of URLs for external orthird-party Internet Web sites referred to in this publicationand does not guarantee that any content on suchWeb sites is,or will remain,accurate or appropriate.More informationDedicated toMoishe and Sharon Yanofskyandto the memory ofLuigi and Antonietta MannucciWisdom is one thing:to know the tho u ght by which all things are directed thro u gh allthings.˜Heraclitu s of Ephe s u s(535–475B C E)a s quoted in Dio g ene s Laertiu s’sLives and Opinions of Eminent PhilosophersBook IX,1. More informationMore informationContentsPreface xi1Complex Numbers71.1Basic Definitions81.2The Algebra of Complex Numbers101.3The Geometry of Complex Numbers152Complex Vector Spaces292.1C n as the Primary Example302.2Definitions,Properties,and Examples342.3Basis and Dimension452.4Inner Products and Hilbert Spaces532.5Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors602.6Hermitian and Unitary Matrices622.7Tensor Product of Vector Spaces663The Leap from Classical to Quantum743.1Classical Deterministic Systems743.2Probabilistic Systems793.3Quantum Systems883.4Assembling Systems974Basic Quantum Theory1034.1Quantum States1034.2Observables1154.3Measuring1264.4Dynamics1294.5Assembling Quantum Systems1325Architecture1385.1Bits and Qubits138viiMore informationviii Contents5.2Classical Gates1445.3Reversible Gates1515.4Quantum Gates1586Algorithms1706.1Deutsch’s Algorithm1716.2The Deutsch–Jozsa Algorithm1796.3Simon’s Periodicity Algorithm1876.4Grover’s Search Algorithm1956.5Shor’s Factoring Algorithm2047Programming Languages2207.1Programming in a Quantum World2207.2Quantum Assembly Programming2217.3Toward Higher-Level Quantum Programming2307.4Quantum Computation Before Quantum Computers2378Theoretical Computer Science2398.1Deterministic and Nondeterministic Computations2398.2Probabilistic Computations2468.3Quantum Computations2519Cryptography2629.1Classical Cryptography2629.2Quantum Key Exchange I:The BB84Protocol2689.3Quantum Key Exchange II:The B92Protocol2739.4Quantum Key Exchange III:The EPR Protocol2759.5Quantum Teleportation27710Information Theory28410.1Classical Information and Shannon Entropy28410.2Quantum Information and von Neumann Entropy28810.3Classical and Quantum Data Compression29510.4Error-Correcting Codes30211Hardware30511.1Quantum Hardware:Goals and Challenges30611.2Implementing a Quantum Computer I:Ion Traps31111.3Implementing a Quantum Computer II:Linear Optics31311.4Implementing a Quantum Computer III:NMRand Superconductors31511.5Future of Quantum Ware316Appendix A Historical Bibliography of Quantum Computing319 by Jill CirasellaA.1Reading Scientific Articles319A.2Models of Computation320More informationContents ixA.3Quantum Gates321A.4Quantum Algorithms and Implementations321A.5Quantum Cryptography323A.6Quantum Information323A.7More Milestones?324Appendix B Answers to Selected Exercises325Appendix C Quantum Computing Experiments with MATLAB351C.1Playing with Matlab351C.2Complex Numbers and Matrices351C.3Quantum Computations354Appendix D Keeping Abreast of Quantum News:QuantumComputing on the Web and in the Literature357by Jill CirasellaD.1Keeping Abreast of Popular News357D.2Keeping Abreast of Scientific Literature358D.3The Best Way to Stay Abreast?359Appendix E Selected Topics for Student Presentations360E.1Complex Numbers361E.2Complex Vector Spaces362E.3The Leap from Classical to Quantum363E.4Basic Quantum Theory364E.5Architecture365E.6Algorithms366E.7Programming Languages368E.8Theoretical Computer Science369E.9Cryptography370E.10Information Theory370E.11Hardware371Bibliography373Index381More informationPrefaceQuantum computing is a fascinating newfield at the intersection of computer sci-ence,mathematics,and physics,which strives to harness some of the uncanny as-pects of quantum mechanics to broaden our computational horizons.This bookpresents some of the most exciting and interesting topics in quantum computing.Along the way,there will be some amazing facts about the universe in which we liveand about the very notions of information and computation.The text you hold in your hands has a distinctflavor from most of the other cur-rently available books on quantum computing.First and foremost,we do not assumethat our reader has much of a mathematics or physics background.This book shouldbe readable by anyone who is in or beyond their second year in a computer scienceprogram.We have written this book specifically with computer scientists in mind,and tailored it accordingly:we assume a bare minimum of mathematical sophistica-tion,afirst course in discrete structures,and a healthy level of curiosity.Because thistext was written specifically for computer people,in addition to the many exercisesthroughout the text,we added many programming drills.These are a hands-on,funway of learning the material presented and getting a real feel for the subject.The calculus-phobic reader will be happy to learn that derivatives and integrals are virtually absent from our text.Quite simply,we avoid differentiation,integra-tion,and all higher mathematics by carefully selecting only those topics that arecritical to a basic introduction to quantum computing.Because we are focusing onthe fundamentals of quantum computing,we can restrict ourselves to thefinite-dimensional mathematics that is required.This turns out to be not much more thanmanipulating vectors and matrices with complex entries.Surprisingly enough,thelion’s share of quantum computing can be done without the intricacies of advancedmathematics.Nevertheless,we hasten to stress that this is a technical textbook.We are not writing a popular science book,nor do we substitute hand waving for rigor or math-ematical precision.Most other texts in thefield present a primer on quantum mechanics in all its glory.Many assume some knowledge of classical mechanics.We do not make theseassumptions.We only discuss what is needed for a basic understanding of quantumxiMore informationxii Prefacecomputing as afield of research in its own right,although we cite sources for learningmore about advanced topics.There are some who consider quantum computing to be solely within the do-main of physics.Others think of the subject as purely mathematical.We stress thecomputer science aspect of quantum computing.It is not our intention for this book to be the definitive treatment of quantum computing.There are a few topics that we do not even touch,and there are severalothers that we approach briefly,not exhaustively.As of this writing,the bible ofquantum computing is Nielsen and Chuang’s magnificent Quantum Computing andQuantum Information(2000).Their book contains almost everything known aboutquantum computing at the time of its publication.We would like to think of ourbook as a usefulfirst step that can prepare the reader for that text.FEATURESThis book is almost entirely self-contained.We do not demand that the reader comearmed with a large toolbox of skills.Even the subject of complex numbers,which istaught in high school,is given a fairly comprehensive review.The book contains many solved problems and easy-to-understand descriptions.We do not merely present the theory;rather,we explain it and go through severalexamples.The book also contains many exercises,which we strongly recommendthe serious reader should attempt to solve.There is no substitute for rolling up one’ssleeves and doing some work!We have also incorporated plenty of programming drills throughout our text.These are hands-on exercises that can be carried out on your laptop to gain a betterunderstanding of the concepts presented here(they are also a great way of hav-ing fun).We hasten to point out that we are entirely language-agnostic.The stu-dent should write the programs in the language that feels most comfortable.Weare also paradigm-agnostic.If declarative programming is your favorite method,gofor it.If object-oriented programming is your game,use that.The programmingdrills build on one another.Functions created in one programming drill will be usedand modified in later drills.Furthermore,in Appendix C,we show how to makelittle quantum computing emulators with MATLAB or how to use a ready-madeone.(Our choice of MATLAB was dictated by the fact that it makes very easy-to-build,quick-and-dirty prototypes,thanks to its vast amount of built-in mathematicaltools.)This text appears to be thefirst to handle quantum programming languages in a significant way.Until now,there have been only research papers and a few surveyson the topic.Chapter7describes the basics of this expandingfield:perhaps some ofour readers will be inspired to contribute to quantum programming!This book also contains several appendices that are important for further study:Appendix A takes readers on a tour of major papers in quantum computing.This bibliographical essay was written by Jill Cirasella,Computational SciencesSpecialist at the Brooklyn College Library.In addition to having a master’s de-gree in library and information science,Jill has a master’s degree in logic,forwhich she wrote a thesis on classical and quantum graph algorithms.This dualbackground uniquely qualifies her to suggest and describe further readings.More informationPreface xiii Appendix B contains the answers to some of the exercises in the text.Othersolutions will also be found on the book’s Web page.We strongly urge studentsto do the exercises on their own and then check their answers against ours.Appendix C uses MATLAB,the popular mathematical environment and an es-tablished industry standard,to show how to carry out most of the mathematicaloperations described in this book.MATLAB has scores of routines for manip-ulating complex matrices:we briefly review the most useful ones and show howthe reader can quickly perform a few quantum computing experiments with al-most no effort,using the freely available MATLAB quantum emulator Quack.Appendix D,also by Jill Cirasella,describes how to use online resources to keepup with developments in quantum computing.Quantum computing is a fast-movingfield,and this appendix offers guidelines and tips forfinding relevantarticles and announcements.Appendix E is a list of possible topics for student presentations.We give briefdescriptions of different topics that a student might present before a class of hispeers.We also provide some hints about where to start looking for materials topresent.ORGANIZATIONThe book begins with two chapters of mathematical preliminaries.Chapter1con-tains the basics of complex numbers,and Chapter2deals with complex vectorspaces.Although much of Chapter1is currently taught in high school,we feel thata review is in order.Much of Chapter2will be known by students who have had acourse in linear algebra.We deliberately did not relegate these chapters to an ap-pendix at the end of the book because the mathematics is necessary to understandwhat is really going on.A reader who knows the material can safely skip thefirsttwo chapters.She might want to skim over these chapters and then return to themas a reference,using the index and the table of contents tofind specific topics.Chapter3is a gentle introduction to some of the ideas that will be encountered throughout the rest of the ing simple models and simple matrix multipli-cation,we demonstrate some of the fundamental concepts of quantum mechanics,which are then formally developed in Chapter4.From there,Chapter5presentssome of the basic architecture of quantum computing.Here one willfind the notionsof a qubit(a quantum generalization of a bit)and the quantum analog of logic gates.Once Chapter5is understood,readers can safely proceed to their choice of Chapters6through11.Each chapter takes its title from a typical course offered in acomputer science department.The chapters look at that subfield of quantum com-puting from the perspective of the given course.These chapters are almost totallyindependent of one another.We urge the readers to study the particular chapterthat corresponds to their favorite course.Learn topics that you likefirst.From thereproceed to other chapters.Figure0.1summarizes the dependencies of the chapters.One of the hardest topics tackled in this text is that of considering two quan-tum systems and combining them,or“entangled”quantum systems.This is donemathematically in Section2.7.It is further motivated in Section3.4and formallypresented in Section4.5.The reader might want to look at these sections together.xivPrefaceFigure 0.1.Chapter dependencies.There are many ways this book can be used as a text for a course.We urge instructors to find their own way.May we humbly suggest the following three plans of action:(1)A class that provides some depth might involve the following:Go through Chapters 1,2,3,4,and 5.Armed with that background,study the entirety of Chapter 6(“Algorithms”)in depth.One can spend at least a third of a semester on that chapter.After wrestling a bit with quantum algorithms,the student will get a good feel for the entire enterprise.(2)If breadth is preferred,pick and choose one or two sections from each of the advanced chapters.Such a course might look like this:(1),2,3,4.1,4.4,5,6.1,7.1,9.1,10.1,10.2,and 11.This will permit the student to see the broad outline of quantum computing and then pursue his or her own path.(3)For a more advanced class (a class in which linear algebra and some mathe-matical sophistication is assumed),we recommend that students be told to read Chapters 1,2,and 3on their own.A nice course can then commence with Chapter 4and plow through most of the remainder of the book.If this is being used as a text in a classroom setting,we strongly recommend that the students make presentations.There are selected topics mentioned in Appendix E.There is no substitute for student participation!Although we have tried to include many topics in this text,inevitably some oth-ers had to be left out.Here are a few that we omitted because of space considera-tions:many of the more complicated proofs in Chapter 8,results about oracle computation,the details of the (quantum)Fourier transforms,and the latest hardware implementations.We give references for further study on these,as well as other subjects,throughout the text.More informationMore informationPreface xvANCILLARIESWe are going to maintain a Web page for the text at/∼noson/qctext.html/The Web page will containperiodic updates to the book,links to interesting books and articles on quantum computing,some answers to certain exercises not solved in Appendix B,anderrata.The reader is encouraged to send any and all corrections tonoson@Help us make this textbook better!ACKNOLWEDGMENTSBoth of us had the great privilege of writing our doctoral theses under the gentleguidance of the recently deceased Alex Heller.Professor Heller wrote the follow-ing1about his teacher Samuel“Sammy”Eilenberg and Sammy’s mathematics:As I perceived it,then,Sammy considered that the highest value in mathematicswas to be found,not in specious depth nor in the overcoming of overwhelmingdifficulty,but rather in providing the definitive clarity that would illuminate itsunderlying order.This never-ending struggle to bring out the underlying order of mathematical structures was always Professor Heller’s everlasting goal,and he did his best to passit on to his students.We have gained greatly from his clarity of vision and his viewof mathematics,but we also saw,embodied in a man,the classical and sober ideal ofcontemplative life at its very best.We both remain eternally grateful to him.While at the City University of New York,we also had the privilege of inter-acting with one of the world’s foremost logicians,Professor Rohit Parikh,a manwhose seminal contributions to thefield are only matched by his enduring com-mitment to promote younger researchers’work.Besides opening fascinating vis-tas to us,Professor Parikh encouraged us more than once to follow new directionsof thought.His continued professional and personal guidance are greatly appre-ciated.We both received our Ph.D.’s from the Department of Mathematics in The Graduate Center of the City University of New York.We thank them for providingus with a warm and friendly environment in which to study and learn real mathemat-ics.Thefirst author also thanks the entire Brooklyn College family and,in partic-ular,the Computer and Information Science Department for being supportive andvery helpful in this endeavor.1See page1349of Bass et al.(1998).More informationxvi PrefaceSeveral faculty members of Brooklyn College and The Graduate Center were kind enough to read and comment on parts of this book:Michael Anshel,DavidArnow,Jill Cirasella,Dayton Clark,Eva Cogan,Jim Cox,Scott Dexter,EdgarFeldman,Fred Gardiner,Murray Gross,Chaya Gurwitz,Keith Harrow,JunHu,Yedidyah Langsam,Peter Lesser,Philipp Rothmaler,Chris Steinsvold,AlexSverdlov,Aaron Tenenbaum,Micha Tomkiewicz,Al Vasquez,Gerald Weiss,andPaula Whitlock.Their comments have made this a better text.Thank you all!We were fortunate to have had many students of Brooklyn College and The Graduate Center read and comment on earlier drafts:Shira Abraham,RachelAdler,Ali Assarpour,Aleksander Barkan,Sayeef Bazli,Cheuk Man Chan,WeiChen,Evgenia Dandurova,Phillip Dreizen,C.S.Fahie,Miriam Gutherc,RaveHarpaz,David Herzog,Alex Hoffnung,Matthew P.Johnson,Joel Kammet,SerdarKara,Karen Kletter,Janusz Kusyk,Tiziana Ligorio,Matt Meyer,James Ng,SeverinNgnosse,Eric Pacuit,Jason Schanker,Roman Shenderovsky,Aleksandr Shnayder-man,Rose B.Sigler,Shai Silver,Justin Stallard,Justin Tojeira,John Ma Sang Tsang,Sadia Zahoor,Mark Zelcer,and Xiaowen Zhang.We are indebted to them.Many other people looked over parts or all of the text:Scott Aaronson,Ste-fano Bettelli,Adam Brandenburger,Juan B.Climent,Anita Colvard,Leon Ehren-preis,Michael Greenebaum,Miriam Klein,Eli Kravits,Raphael Magarik,JohnMaiorana,Domenico Napoletani,Vaughan Pratt,Suri Raber,Peter Selinger,EvanSiegel,Thomas Tradler,and Jennifer Whitehead.Their criticism and helpful ideasare deeply appreciated.Thanks to Peter Rohde for creating and making available to everyone his MAT-LAB q-emulator Quack and also for letting us use it in our appendix.We had a gooddeal of fun playing with it,and we hope our readers will too.Besides writing two wonderful appendices,our friendly neighborhood librar-ian,Jill Cirasella,was always just an e-mail away with helpful advice and support.Thanks,Jill!A very special thanks goes to our editor at Cambridge University Press,HeatherBergman,for believing in our project right from the start,for guiding us through thisbook,and for providing endless support in all matters.This book would not existwithout her.Thanks,Heather!We had the good fortune to have a truly stellar editor check much of the text many times.Karen Kletter is a great friend and did a magnificent job.We also ap-preciate that she refrained from killing us every time we handed her altered draftsthat she had previously edited.But,of course,all errors are our own!This book could not have been written without the help of my daughter,Hadas-sah.She added meaning,purpose,and joy.N.S.Y.My dear wife,Rose,and our two wondrous and tireless cats,Ursula and Buster, contributed in no small measure to melting my stress away during the long andpainful hours of writing and editing:to them my gratitude and love.(Ursula is ascientist cat and will read this book.Buster will just shred it with his powerful claws.)M.A.M.。

Twisted Quantum Affine Superalgebra $U_q[sl(22)^{(2)}]$, $U_q[osp(22)]$ Invariant R-matrice

Twisted Quantum Affine Superalgebra $U_q[sl(22)^{(2)}]$, $U_q[osp(22)]$ Invariant R-matrice

becomes sl(2|2) invariant. Using this R-matrix, we will derive a new Uq [osp(2|2)] invariant
affine superalgebra sl(2|2)(2) and its quantized version Uq [sl(2|2)(2) ], respectively. The
Abstract We describe the twisted affine superalgebra sl(2|2)(2) and its quantized version Uq [sl(2|2)(2) ].
We investigate the tensor product representation of the 4-dimensional grade star represen-
model of strongly correlated electrons which is integrable on a one dimension lattice. This model has different interaction terms from the ones in the models [3, 4, 5]. This paper is organized as follows. In section 2 and section 3, we study the twisted tensor product representation of the 4-dimensional grade star representation for the fixed
subsuperalgebra Uq [osp(2|2)] is also investigated in details, and basis and its dual for this

Quantum Walk on the Line (Extended Abstract)

Quantum Walk on the Line (Extended Abstract)

Random walks on graphs have found many applications in computer science, including randomised algorithms for 2-Satisfiability, Graph Connectivity and probability amplification (see, e.g., [14]). Recently, Sch¨ oning [19] discovered a random walk based algorithm similar to that of Papadimitriou [17] that gives an elegant (and the most efficient known) solution to 3-Satisfiability. In general, Markov chain simulation has emerged as a powerful algorithmic tool and has had a profound impact on random sampling and approximate counting [10]. Notable among its numerous applications are estimating the volume of convex bodies [6]1 and approximating the permanent [9]. A few months ago, Jerrum, Sinclair and Vigoda [11] used this approach to solve the long standing open problem of approximating the permanent for general non-negative matrices. In the spirit of developing similar techniques for quantum algorithms, we consider quantum walk on graphs. To date, few general techniques are known for developing and analysing quantum algorithms: Fourier sampling, which is typified by the seminal work of Simon [21] and Shor [20], and amplitude amplification, which originated in the seminal work of Grover [8]. Barring applications of these techniques, the search for

Experimental observation of quantum entanglement in low dimensional spin systems

Experimental observation of quantum entanglement in low dimensional spin systems

a r X i v :c o n d -m a t /0608403v 2 [c o n d -m a t .s t r -e l ] 17 A u g 2006Experimental observation of quantum entanglement in low dimensional spin systemsT.G.Rappoport,L.Ghivelder 1and J.C.Fernandes,R.B.Guimar˜a es,M.A.Continentino 21Instituto de F´ısica,Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,Caixa Postal 68.528-970,Rio de Janeiro,Brazil 2Instituto de F´ısica,Universidade Federal Fluminense,Campus da Praia Vermelha,Niter´o i,24210-340,Brazil(Dated:February 6,2008)We report macroscopic magnetic measurements carried out in order to detect and characterize field-induced quantum entanglement in low dimensional spin systems.We analyze the pyroborate MgMnB 2O 5and the and the warwickite MgTiOBO 3,systems with spin 5/2and 1/2respectively.By using the magnetic susceptibility as an entanglement witness we are able to quantify entanglement as a function of temperature and magnetic field.In addition,we experimentally distinguish for the first time a random singlet phase from a Griffiths phase.This analysis opens the possibility of a more detailed characterization of low dimensional materials.PACS numbers:03.67.Mn,03.67.Lx,75.10.Pq,75.30.CrSince the development of quantum mechanics,entan-glement has been a subject of great tely,this is mainly due to the importance of entanglement in quan-tum information and computation.As a consequence,a great effort has been made to detect and quantify entan-glement in quantum systems [2].In addition,quantum spin chains,a class of systems well known in solid state physics,began to be studied in the framework of quan-tum information theory;there are proposals for the use of such systems in quantum computation [3].Naturally,en-tanglement in interacting spin chains acquired relevance in the QI community.Therefore,there has been a special effort in understanding and quantifying quantum entan-glement in solid-state [1,4,5,6].At the same time,the condensed matter community has begun to notice that entanglement may play a crucial role in the properties of different materials [7].It is a difficult task to determine experimentally if a state is entangled or not.One of the new promis-ing methods for entanglement detection is the use of an entanglement witnesses (EW).EW are observables which have negative expectation values for entangled states.Magnetic susceptibility was recently proposed as an EW [1]and some old experimental results were re-analyzed wthin this new framework [8].It has been known for a long time that entanglement appears in quantum spin chains,like the spin 1/2Heisen-berg model.The disordered spin 1/2one-dimensional Heisenberg model,for example,presents a random sin-glet phase (RSP),where singlets of pairs of arbitrarily distant spins are formed [9].Although entanglement was already known to exist in such chains,it had not been quantified theoretically until this decade [10].A previous study of a diluted magnetic material [7]has shown the importance of entanglement,but to our knowledge,this is the first experimental measurement of quantum entangle-ment in a magnetic material.As representative systems,we analyze the pyroborate MgMnB 2O 5[11,12]and the warwickite MgTiOBO 3[13],two quasi-one dimensional disordered spin compounds with previously known mag-netic and thermodynamic properties that suggest the ex-istence of either a RSP or a Griffiths phase (GP)[14]at low temperatures.There are no experimental studies on random mag-netic chains which discriminate these two phases.In this Letter,from a detailed analysis of magnetic measure-ments,we show unambiguously the existence of a RSP in MgTiOBO 3,which is expected for a spin-1/2random exchange Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain (REHAC).In addition,our study of MgMnB 2O 5provides experi-mental evidence for the existence of a Griffiths phase in a low dimensional system with S >1/2.Addressing the entanglement properties of these ran-dom systems,there is also a clear distinction between the RSP and the Griffiths phase.For the former,entangle-ment is well characterized and has been shown to scale with the logarithm of the size [10,15].For the latter there is no theoretical study of how entanglement behaves.We make use of magnetization and ac susceptibility measurements as a function of temperature and applied magnetic field to detect and quantify entanglement by using the susceptibility as an entanglement witness [1].First we show that both systems present entanglement at low temperatures with no applied field.Next,we analyze the ac.susceptibility and magnetization as function of field for different temperatures and we quantify the vari-ation of entanglement as a function of applied field.We observe that entanglement increases for increasing mag-netic fields in a region of the B ×T diagram.This unusual behavior was suggested by Arnesen et al.[4]and called magnetic entanglement.In both pyroborate MgMnB 2O 5and warwickite MgTiOBO 3there are ribbons formed by oxygen octa-hedra sharing edges.These octahedra give rise to four columns,along the ribbons,whose centers define a tri-angular lattice and two different crystallographic sitesfor metals:one in the central columns and another in the border ones.In the pyroborate such columns do not touch and both metal sites are equally occupied by the two metal ions[16].In the warwickite,on the contrary, the columns do touch and the metal sites are probably occupied as in MgScOBO3:76%of the internal sites oc-cupied by the transition metal and24%by the alkaline-earth metal.The sites on the border columns have the opposite occupancy[17].The pyroborate powder was obtained from grinded sin-gle crystals,and the warwickite powder was directly ob-tained from its synthesis.The warwickite sample was analyzed through X-Ray diffractometry;it has been ver-ified that the material was well crystallized and that its purity was97.72%,as evaluated by the method of Lut-terotti et al.[18].The more abundant impurity was the non-magnetic MgTiO5.More details on sample prepara-tion were previously published[12,13].Dc magnetization and ac susceptibility measurements were performed with a commercial apparatus(Quantum Design PPMS).In MgTiOBO3,evidence for a RSP-like behaviour was previously obtained from specific heat C(T),susceptibil-ityχ(T)and magnetization m(H)measurements[13]. These quantities exhibit the characteristic power law be-havior associated with a RSP,χ(T)∝T−α,down to the lowest measured temperature.In this system the mag-netic ion T i3+has spin S=1/2,and due to the negligi-ble magnetic anisotropy this material is well described by a spin-1/2(REHAC).The physical behavior is con-trolled by an infinite randomnessfixed point indepen-dent of the amount of disorder.On the other hand in the MgMnB2O5pyroborate,the magnetic ion Mn2+is a spin5/2,S state ion.The phase diagram of a REHAC with S≥1/2is not a trivial one.For weak disorder these systems present GP,while only for strong disorder a RSP appears[19].Infigure1,panels(a)and(b),we show the ac mag-netic susceptibility as a function of temperature for MgTiOBO3and MgMnB2O5respectively.Both sys-tems have a sub-Curie regime at low temperatures. MgMnB2O5acquires a Curie-like temperature depen-dence around50K.On the other hand,MgTiOBO3 presents a sub-Curie susceptibility even at room temper-ature.It is known that both systems have a susceptibility which behaves asχ(T)∝T−α,although the temperature dependence ofαwas not further analyzed.These two different phases should be distinguished ex-perimentally by the temperature dependence of the expo-nentα.The GP is characterized by a constant value ofα. For the RSP,we should expect a low-temperature suscep-tibility followingχ(T)=1ln(T/Ω0),where a is a constant[21].So,the RSP is characterized by a slowly varyingα(T). Following Hirsch[21],we analyze the data by redefin-ingα=−d(ln(χ))/d(ln(T))and extract the tempera-Experimental data for MgTiOBO3(open circles)andfitting using the susceptibility expression of a RSP(solid line).On panel(b),the experimental data for MgTiOBO3(open circles) and for high temperatures a Curie-Weissfiiting(solid line). Down:Exponentαofχ∝Tαas a function of ln T for(c) MgTiOBO3and(d)MgMnB2O5.ture dependence of the exponentα(T)for both sam-ples.Furthermore,wefit the experimental data of Fig 1(a),using1/χ(T)=T ln2(Ω0/T)(solid line).Both Figs.1(a)and(c)indicate that the susceptibility co-incides exactly with the RSP model andαfollows the same tendency previously predicted by numerical calcu-lations[21].In MgMnB2O5,previous assessments and the inset of Fig.1(b)suggest a power law behavior for χ(T)with a constantα∼0.55.Within a more detailed analysis,shown in Fig.1(d)we see an unequivocal slow increase of the exponentα,followed by a constant regime at intermediate temperatures.Althoughαis not con-stant in the whole temperature interval,as expected for a Griffiths phase(GP),its increase with T is clearly incon-sistent with a phase governed by an infinite randomness fixed point or RSP.However,for temperatures higher than7K,αis constant(up to20K),and this strongly supports the existence of a GP in this system.In fact the variation ofαat low T may be related to a freezing of the Mn moments,as suggested by a low temperature anomaly in the specific heat of this material[11].We further investigate these two systems by comparing other independent measurements,such as magnetization and ac susceptibility as a function of a magneticfield, as shown in in Fig.2.From Fig.2(a)and Fig.2(b)we see that the MgTiOBO3data always present logarithmic corrections and the magnetization follows M∝ln(B), as expected for a RSP[20].On the other hand,for MgMnB2O5bothχ(B)and M(B)follow a power law behavior with exponentsα∼0.55and1−α∼0.45re-spectively.Such behavior is expected for systems in a GP. Finally,for the MgTiOBO3,we also analyzeχa.c×T for different appliedfields B(Fig.2(c)):the RSP is robust to appliedfields bellow3T even at temperatures up to3100K,where the susceptibility is not Curie-like.However,the RSP characteristics disappear at high temperaturesonce the appliedfield is around3T with the appearanceof a Curie-like behavior.Once established that MgTiOBO3is in a RSP,we canexpect the system to be entangled.Theoretically,theentanglement can be estimated by calculating the VonNeumann entanglement entropy of a subsystem A of thespin chain,with respect to a subsystem B.This quantitycan be defined as S=−TrˆρA lnˆρA.For a subsystemwith length x embedded in an infinite system,the entan-glement entropy for a Heisenberg chain in a RSP is givenby S=ln(2)2smeasures the amount of entanglement verified by theviolation of local uncertainties[22,23].For a macro-scopic system,we can generalize this quantity by us-ing the magnetic susceptibility,which can be written asχi=1k B T( M2i − M i 2).Following ref.1,the entanglement can be measured bythe quantityE=1−k B T χx+χy+χz3k b T,the system is entangled,andE quantifies the entanglement verified by the EW.In Fig.3we show the experimental data forMgTiOBO3and MgMnB2O5:both systems present en-tanglement,although MgTiOBO3is entangled up tohigher temperatures.The quantity E has a similar be-havior as a function of temperature for both compounds,with a linear dependence on T for high temperatures.For an applied dcfield in the z direction,a pair of spins1/2,whereˆJ=ˆS1+ˆS2,form a singlet(H=IˆS1·ˆS2)at lowfields.As[H,BˆJ z]=0,thefield does not modifythe eigenstates,changing only their energies.At a givenfield,the energy of the singlet is no longer the lowestenergy B c ,the singlet breaks and the spins align with the field B .However,for the whole range of fields,the ground state of the system is such that spin variance is minimal:∆J x ∆J y =12 J z so ∆2J y +∆2J x = J z .This approximation is valid for gµB sB ≪k B T ,which assures that other states,which do not have this property,are not populated.Similarly,the same approach holds for two pairs of spin 5/2as shown in Figs.4(a)and 4(b).As an illustration,we also consider a distribution of singlets,where the probability for interaction strength I follows a power law.As can be seen in panel (c)of the same figure,the approximation works well for high values of the magnetic field compared with the temperatures.Since both systems are in a phase where the spins form dimers (MgTiOBO 3is in a RSP and MgMnB 2O 5presents Griffiths singularities in a random dimer phase)we can use this approximation to study quantum chains.It is possible to re-write the EW asE =1−M z(gµB )2Ns,(2)which is valid only at high fields.We perform the neces-sary measurements and using Eq.1for B =0and Eq.2for high magnetic fields (gµB sB >6k B T for MgMnB 2O 5and gµB sB >2k B T for MgTiOBO 3)we quantify the en-tanglement for both systems.In Fig.4we unambigu-ously show that the magnetic field can increase entangle-ment in quantum spin chains,as theoretically suggested vedral1,saguia1.In the insets,we extrapolate the behav-ior of E ×B for higher field values;measurements were performed with fields up to 9T.From this extrapolation,we see that even if a field of 9T is not high enough for the approximation made in eq 2,the extrapolation shows that the suggested increase of entanglement for low fields is still valid although the amount could be slightly over-estimated.In conclusion,by means of macroscopic magnetic mea-surements we fully characterize a random singlet phase in a low dimensional spin system and for the first time,it was possible to distinguish this phase from a Griffiths phase.We use a novel analysis where the magnetic sus-ceptibility plays the role of an entanglement witness and measure the entanglement in two different spin systems as a function of temperature and magnetic field.We be-lieve that both types of analysis presented here can be used to experimentaly characterize the phase diagram of low dimensional systems.T.G.R would like to thank the group of quantum op-tics at IF-UFRJ and man for useful discussions and KITP at UCSB for the hospitality.This work was par-tially supported by CNPq,FAPERJ and the NSF (grant No.PHY99-07949).i as a function of magnetic field.This is normalized by the exchange interaction and in the random case by the cutoffof the distribution..Down:Experimental data for E using eq.2for B =0for MgTiOBO 3and MgMnB 2O 5.The insets show the extrapolation of E for very high values of B .[1]M.Wiesniak,V.Vedral,and C.Brukner,New J.Phys.7,258(2005).[2]See for example:A.Aspect,J.Dalibard,and G.Roger,Phys.Rev.Lett.49,1804(1982);M.Bourennane et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.92,087902(2004).[3]S.C.Benjamin,S.Bose,Phys.Rev.Lett.90,247901(2003).[4]M.C.Arnesen,S.Bose,and V.Vedral,Phys.Rev.Lett.87,017901(2001).[5]L.-A.Wu et al.,Phys.Rev.A 72,032309(2005).[6]G.Vidal et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.90,227902(2003).[7]S.Ghosh et al 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英文原版量子论科普If you're interested in reading about quantum theory in English, here are some recommendations:1. "Quantum Mechanics: The Theoretical Minimum" by Leonard Susskind and Art Friedman. This textbook provides a thorough and accessible introduction to quantum mechanics, starting from the basics and building up to more advanced concepts. It's written in a lively and engaging style, making it suitable for self-study or as a classroom textbook.2. "Quantum Physics: A First Encounter" by John Taylor. This book is aimed at undergraduates and covers the key ideas of quantum theory, including wavefunctions, operators, measurement, and entanglement. It provides plenty of examples and exercises to help readers understand and apply the theory.3. "Quantum Computation and Quantum Information" by Michael Nielsen and Isaac Chuang. This textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of quantum information science, covering quantum computing, quantum algorithms, quantum error correction, and quantum cryptography. It's suitable for graduate students and researchers in the field.4. "The Quantum World" by Christopher French and Carlo Michelli. This book provides a broad overview of modern quantum theory and its applications, including quantum computing, quantum cryptography, and quantum metrology. It's written in a clear and accessible style, making it suitable for non-experts who want to understand the basics of quantum theory.Remember that reading about quantum theory can be challenging because it involves concepts that are counterintuitive and打破常识。



法布里珀罗基模共振英文The Fabryperot ResonanceOptics, the study of light and its properties, has been a subject of fascination for scientists and researchers for centuries. One of the fundamental phenomena in optics is the Fabry-Perot resonance, named after the French physicists Charles Fabry and Alfred Perot, who first described it in the late 19th century. This resonance effect has numerous applications in various fields, ranging from telecommunications to quantum physics, and its understanding is crucial in the development of advanced optical technologies.The Fabry-Perot resonance occurs when light is reflected multiple times between two parallel, partially reflective surfaces, known as mirrors. This creates a standing wave pattern within the cavity formed by the mirrors, where the light waves interfere constructively and destructively to produce a series of sharp peaks and valleys in the transmitted and reflected light intensity. The specific wavelengths at which the constructive interference occurs are known as the resonant wavelengths of the Fabry-Perot cavity.The resonant wavelengths of a Fabry-Perot cavity are determined bythe distance between the mirrors, the refractive index of the material within the cavity, and the wavelength of the incident light. When the optical path length, which is the product of the refractive index and the physical distance between the mirrors, is an integer multiple of the wavelength of the incident light, the light waves interfere constructively, resulting in a high-intensity transmission through the cavity. Conversely, when the optical path length is not an integer multiple of the wavelength, the light waves interfere destructively, leading to a low-intensity transmission.The sharpness of the resonant peaks in a Fabry-Perot cavity is determined by the reflectivity of the mirrors. Highly reflective mirrors result in a higher finesse, which is a measure of the ratio of the spacing between the resonant peaks to their width. This high finesse allows for the creation of narrow-linewidth, high-resolution optical filters and laser cavities, which are essential components in various optical systems.One of the key applications of the Fabry-Perot resonance is in the field of optical telecommunications. Fiber-optic communication systems often utilize Fabry-Perot filters to select specific wavelength channels for data transmission, enabling the efficient use of the available bandwidth in fiber-optic networks. These filters can be tuned by adjusting the mirror separation or the refractive index of the cavity, allowing for dynamic wavelength selection andreconfiguration of the communication system.Another important application of the Fabry-Perot resonance is in the field of laser technology. Fabry-Perot cavities are commonly used as the optical resonator in various types of lasers, providing the necessary feedback to sustain the lasing process. The high finesse of the Fabry-Perot cavity allows for the generation of highly monochromatic and coherent light, which is crucial for applications such as spectroscopy, interferometry, and precision metrology.In the realm of quantum physics, the Fabry-Perot resonance plays a crucial role in the study of cavity quantum electrodynamics (cQED). In cQED, atoms or other quantum systems are placed inside a Fabry-Perot cavity, where the strong interaction between the atoms and the confined electromagnetic field can lead to the observation of fascinating quantum phenomena, such as the Purcell effect, vacuum Rabi oscillations, and the generation of nonclassical states of light.Furthermore, the Fabry-Perot resonance has found applications in the field of optical sensing, where it is used to detect small changes in physical parameters, such as displacement, pressure, or temperature. The high sensitivity and stability of Fabry-Perot interferometers make them valuable tools in various sensing and measurement applications, ranging from seismic monitoring to the detection of gravitational waves.The Fabry-Perot resonance is a fundamental concept in optics that has enabled the development of numerous advanced optical technologies. Its versatility and importance in various fields of science and engineering have made it a subject of continuous research and innovation. As the field of optics continues to advance, the Fabry-Perot resonance will undoubtedly play an increasingly crucial role in shaping the future of optical systems and applications.。

Quantum unique ergodicity

Quantum unique ergodicity

a r X i v :m a th -p h /0301035v 2 31 J u l 2003NOTE ON QUANTUM UNIQUE ERGODICITYSTEVE ZELDITCHThe purpose of this note is to record an observation about quantum unique ergodicity (QUE)which is relevant to the recent construction of H.Donnelly [D]of quasi-modes on certain non-positively curved surfaces,and to similar quasi-mode constructions known for many years as bouncing ball modes on Bunimovich stadia [BSS,H,BZ1,BZ2].Our new observation (Proposition 0.1)is the asymptotic vanishing of near off-diagonal matrix elements for eigenfunctions of QUE systems.As a corollary,we find that quantum ergodic (QE)systems possessing quasi-modes with singular limits and with a limited number of frequencies cannot be QUE.We begin by recalling that QUE (for Laplacians)concerns the matrix elements Aϕi ,ϕj of pseudodifferential operators relative to an orthonormal basis {ϕj }of eigenfunctions ∆ϕj =λ2j ϕj , ϕj ,ϕk =0.of the Laplacian ∆of a compact Riemannian manifold (M,g ).We denote the spectrum of ∆by Sp (∆).By definition,∆is QUE if Aϕj ,ϕj → S ∗M σA dL (1)where dL is the (normalized)Liouville measure on the unit (co-)tangent bundle.The term ‘unique’indicates that no subsequence of density zero of eigenfunctions need be removed when taking the limit.The main result of this note is that all off-diagonal terms of QUE systems tend to zero if the eigenvalue gaps tend to zero.This strengthens the conclusion of [Z]that almost all off-diagonal terms (with vanishing gaps)tend to zero in general QE situations.As will be seen below,it also provides evidence that Donnelly’s examples are non-QUE and establishesa localization statement of Heller-O’Connor [HO].Proposition 0.1.Suppose that ∆is QUE.Suppose that {(λi r ,λj r ),i r =j r }is a sequence of pairs of eigenvalues of√Date :February 7,2008.Research partially supported by NSF grant DMS-0071358and by the Clay Mathematics Institute .12STEVE ZELDITCHIf the eigenfunctions are real,then dνis a real (signed)measure.Our first observation is that any such weak limit must be a constant multiple of Liouville measure dL .Indeed,we first have:| A ∗Aϕi ,ϕj |≤| A ∗Aϕi ,ϕi |1/2| A ∗Aϕj ,ϕj |1/2.(3)Taking the limit along the sequence of pairs,we obtain | S ∗M |σA |2dν|≤ S ∗M |σA |2dL.(4)It follows that dν<<dL (absolutely continuous).But dL is an ergodic measure,so if dν=fdL is an invariant measure with f ∈L 1(dL ),then f is constant.Thus,dν=CdL,for some constant C.(5)We now observe that C =0if ϕi ⊥ϕj (i.e.if i =j ).This follows if we substitute A =I in(2),use orthogonality and (5).This result has implications for the possible ‘scarring’of quasi-modes of QUE systems.We first recall that a quasi-mode of order s for ∆is a sequence {ψk }of L 2-normalized functions which solves ||(∆−µk )ψk ||L 2=O (µ−s/2k ),(6)for a sequence of quasi-eigenvalues µk (see [CdV]for background).In particular a quasi-mode of order 0satisfies ||(∆−µk )ψk ||L 2=O (1).Such (relatively low-order)quasi-modes can be easily constructed for the stadium [BSS,H,BZ1,BZ2]and for Donnelly’s surfaces [D].As with eigenfunctions,we can consider the limits Aψj ,ψj → S ∗MσA dν(7)of matrix elements Aψj ,ψj of quasimodes.We say that the quasi-mode ‘scars’if the limit measure dνhas a non-zero singular component relative to dL .For instance,bouncing ball modes of stadia ‘scar’on the Lagrangean manifold with boundary formed by the bouncing ball orbits in the central rectangle,and the similar quasi-modes in [D]scar on the circles in the cylindrical part.The existence of such scarring quasi-modes suggests that these systems are not QUE.To explore this suggestion,we consider the decomposition of scarring quasi-modes into sums of true eigenfunctions.Definition:We say that a quasimode {ψk }of order 0as in (6)with ||ψk ||L 2=1has n (k )essential frequencies if,for each k ,there exists a subset Λk ⊂Sp (∆)∩[µk −δ,µk +δ]with n (k )=#Λk and constants c jk ∈C such that ψk =j :λ2j ∈Λkc kj ϕj +ηk ,with ||ηk ||L 2=o (1).(8)The following problems then seem interesting (the first is implicit in [HO]).•Bound the number n (k )of essential frequencies of a quasimode {ψk }of order 0which tends to a singular (i.e.non-Liouville)classical limit,e.g.a periodic orbit measure.NOTE ON QUANTUM UNIQUE ERGODICITY3•Bound the order s of a quasimode with a singular limit(intuitively,the diameter of the set of eigenvalues which composes its packet of eigenfunctions.)In other words,the questions are whether one can build a quasimode with a singular limit and(i)with anomalously few essential frequencies,or(ii)with anomalously low order.This softens the mathematicians’criterion of scarring as the existence of a sequence of actual modes(eigenfunctions)whose limit measureνin(2)has a singular component relative to Liouville measure[S].The following shows that quasi-modes with a uniformly bounded number of essential frequencies and singular limits do not exist for QUE systems.Corollary0.2.If there exists a quasi-mode{ψk}of order0for∆as in(8)and a constant C>0with the properties:•(i)n(k)≤C,∀k;•(ii) Aψk,ψk → S∗MσA dµwhere dµ=dL.Then∆is not QUE.Proof.We argue by contradiction.If∆were QUE,we would have(in the notation of(8): Aψk,ψk = i,j:λ2i,λ2j∈Λk c kj¯c ki Aϕi,ϕj +o(1)= j:λ2j∈Λk|c kj|2 Aϕj,ϕj + i=j:λ2i,λ2j∈Λk c kj¯c ki Aϕi,ϕj +o(1)= S∗MσA dL+o(1),by Proposition0.1.This contradicts(ii).In the last line we used that|λi−λj|→0if λ2i,λ2j∈Λk and that j:λ2j∈Λk|c kj|2=1+o(1),since||ψk||L2=1.The assumption that n(k)≤C could be weakened if we knew something about the rate of decay of the individual elements Aϕj,ϕk and| Aϕj,ϕj − S∗MσA dL|.We now consider the implications for the stadium and for Donnelly’s surface.In both cases, it is unknown how many essential frequencies are needed to build the associated bouncing ball quasi-modes.On average,intervals offixed width have a uniformly bounded number of∆-eigenvalues in dimension2,and this suggests that n(k)≤C.Our result would thenshow that such systems are automatically not QUE(as is widely believed).On the other√hand,the standard remainder estimate for Weyl’s law allows O(4STEVE ZELDITCHbounds on the concentration of eigenfunctions in the central part of stadia or in collars around hyperbolic closed geodesics Riemannian manifolds,which show that the optimal order of quasimodes with singular concentration in these regions is0.They further show that stadium eigenfunctions cannot scar on smaller sets than the entire set of bouncing ball orbits.References[BSS] A.Backer,R.Schubert,and P.Stifter,On the number of bouncing ball modes in billiards.J.Phys.A30(1997),no.19,6783–6795.[BL]J.Bourgain and E.Lindenstrauss,Entropy of Quantum Limits Commun.Math.Phys.233(2003), 153-171.[BZ1]N.Burq and M.Zworski,Control in the presence of a black box,arxiv preprint math.AP/0304184 (2003).[BZ2]N.Burq and M.Zworski,Bouncing ball modes and quantum chaos,arxiv preprint math.AP/0306278 (2003).[CdV]Y.Colin de Verdi`e re,Quasi-modes sur les varietes Riemanniennes.Invent.Math.43(1977),no.1, 15–52.[D]H.G.Donnelly,Quantum unique ergodicity,Proc.Amer.Math.Soc.131(2003),no.9,2945–2951. 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量子物理的秘密英语作文The Secrets of Quantum Physics。

Quantum physics is a branch of science that deals with the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic levels. It is a field that has fascinated scientists and researchers for decades, and continues to be the subject of much study and debate. The secrets of quantum physics are both mysterious and intriguing, and have the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the universe.One of the most fascinating aspects of quantum physics is the concept of duality, which refers to the idea that particles can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behavior. This duality is best exemplified by the famous double-slit experiment, in which particles such as electrons are fired at a barrier with two slits. When the particles pass through the slits, they create an interference pattern on the other side, as if they were waves. However, when a detector is placed to observe whichslit the particles pass through, the interference pattern disappears and the particles behave as individual particles. This phenomenon has baffled scientists for years, and continues to be a subject of much debate and speculation.Another intriguing aspect of quantum physics is the concept of entanglement, which refers to the phenomenon in which two particles become connected in such a way that the state of one particle is instantly correlated with thestate of the other, regardless of the distance between them. This phenomenon was famously described by Albert Einsteinas "spooky action at a distance," and has been the subjectof much study and experimentation. The implications of entanglement are profound, and have the potential to revolutionize the field of communication and information technology.Furthermore, quantum physics has also led to the development of new and exciting technologies, such as quantum computing and quantum cryptography. Quantum computing utilizes the principles of quantum mechanics to perform complex calculations at speeds that are far beyondthe capabilities of traditional computers. This has the potential to revolutionize fields such as cryptography,drug discovery, and materials science. Quantum cryptography, on the other hand, utilizes the principles of quantum mechanics to create secure communication channels that are immune to eavesdropping and hacking. This has the potential to revolutionize the field of cybersecurity and information technology.In conclusion, the secrets of quantum physics are both mysterious and intriguing, and have the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the universe. The concepts of duality, entanglement, and quantum technologies have the potential to transform the way we think about the world around us, and have the potential to revolutionize fields such as communication, computing, and cybersecurity. As our understanding of quantum physics continues to evolve, it is likely that we will continue to unlock the secrets of the universe and develop new and exciting technologies that will shape the future of humanity.。



二次量子化英文文献An Introduction to Second Quantization in Quantum Mechanics.Abstract: This article delves into the concept of second quantization, a fundamental tool in quantum field theory and many-body physics. We discuss its historical development, mathematical formalism, and applications in modern physics.1. Introduction.Quantum mechanics, since its inception in the early20th century, has revolutionized our understanding of matter and energy at the atomic and subatomic scales. One of the key concepts in quantum theory is quantization, the process of assigning discrete values to physical observables such as energy and momentum. While first quantization focuses on the quantization of individual particles, second quantization extends this principle tosystems of particles, allowing for a more comprehensive description of quantum phenomena.2. Historical Development.The concept of second quantization emerged in the late 1920s and early 1930s, primarily through the works of Paul Dirac, Werner Heisenberg, and others. It was a natural extension of the first quantization formalism, which had been successful in explaining the behavior of individual atoms and molecules. Second quantization provided a unified framework for describing both bosons and fermions, two distinct types of particles that exhibit different quantum statistical behaviors.3. Mathematical Formalism.In second quantization, particles are treated as excitations of an underlying quantum field. This approach introduces a new set of mathematical objects called field operators, which act on a Fock space – a generalization of the Hilbert space used in first quantization. Fock spaceaccounts for the possibility of having multiple particles in the same quantum state.The field operators, such as the creation and annihilation operators, allow us to represent particle creation and destruction processes quantum mechanically. These operators satisfy certain commutation or anticommutation relations depending on whether the particles are bosons or fermions.4. Applications of Second Quantization.Second quantization is particularly useful in studying systems with many particles, such as solids, gases, and quantum fields. It provides a convenient way to describe interactions between particles and the emergence of collective phenomena like superconductivity and superfluidity.In quantum field theory, second quantization serves as the starting point for perturbative expansions, allowing physicists to calculate the probabilities of particleinteractions and scattering processes. The theory has also found applications in particle physics, cosmology, and condensed matter physics.5. Conclusion.Second quantization represents a significant milestone in the development of quantum theory. It not only extends the principles of quantization to systems of particles but also provides a unified mathematical framework for describing a wide range of quantum phenomena. The impact of second quantization on modern physics is profound, and its applications continue to expand as we delve deeper into the quantum realm.This article has provided an overview of second quantization, its historical development, mathematical formalism, and applications in modern physics. The readeris encouraged to explore further the rich and fascinating world of quantum mechanics and quantum field theory.。

量子纠缠 双缝干涉 英语 范例

量子纠缠 双缝干涉 英语 范例

量子纠缠双缝干涉英语范例Engaging with the perplexing world of quantum entanglement and the double-slit interference phenomenon in the realm of English provides a fascinating journey into the depths of physics and language. Let's embark on this exploration, delving into these intricate concepts without the crutchesof conventional transition words.Quantum entanglement, a phenomenon Albert Einstein famously referred to as "spooky action at a distance," challengesour conventional understanding of reality. At its core, it entails the entwining of particles in such a way that the state of one particle instantaneously influences the stateof another, regardless of the distance separating them.This peculiar connection, seemingly defying the constraints of space and time, forms the bedrock of quantum mechanics.Moving onto the enigmatic realm of double-slit interference, we encounter another perplexing aspect of quantum physics. Imagine a scenario where particles, such as photons or electrons, are fired one by one towards a barrier with twonarrow slits. Classical intuition would suggest that each particle would pass through one of the slits and create a pattern on the screen behind the barrier corresponding tothe two slits. However, the reality is far more bewildering.When observed, particles behave as discrete entities, creating a pattern on the screen that aligns with the positions of the slits. However, when left unobserved, they exhibit wave-like behavior, producing an interferencepattern consistent with waves passing through both slits simultaneously. This duality of particle and wave behavior perplexed physicists for decades and remains a cornerstoneof quantum mechanics.Now, let's intertwine these concepts with the intricate fabric of the English language. Just as particles become entangled in the quantum realm, words and phrases entwineto convey meaning and evoke understanding. The delicate dance of syntax and semantics mirrors the interconnectedness observed in quantum systems.Consider the act of communication itself. When wearticulate thoughts and ideas, we send linguistic particles into the ether, where they interact with the minds of others, shaping perceptions and influencing understanding. In this linguistic entanglement, the state of one mind can indeed influence the state of another, echoing the eerie connectivity of entangled particles.Furthermore, language, like quantum particles, exhibits a duality of behavior. It can serve as a discrete tool for conveying specific information, much like particles behaving as individual entities when observed. Yet, it also possesses a wave-like quality, capable of conveying nuanced emotions, cultural nuances, and abstract concepts that transcend mere words on a page.Consider the phrase "I love you." In its discrete form, it conveys a specific sentiment, a declaration of affection towards another individual. However, its wave-like nature allows it to resonate with profound emotional depth, evoking a myriad of feelings and memories unique to each recipient.In a similar vein, the act of reading mirrors the double-slit experiment in its ability to collapse linguistic wave functions into discrete meanings. When we read a text, we observe its words and phrases, collapsing the wave of potential interpretations into a singular understanding based on our individual perceptions and experiences.Yet, just as the act of observation alters the behavior of quantum particles, our interpretation of language is inherently subjective, influenced by our cultural background, personal biases, and cognitive predispositions. Thus, the same text can elicit vastly different interpretations from different readers, much like the varied outcomes observed in the double-slit experiment.In conclusion, the parallels between quantum entanglement, double-slit interference, and the intricacies of the English language highlight the profound interconnectedness of the physical and linguistic worlds. Just as physicists grapple with the mysteries of the quantum realm, linguists navigate the complexities of communication, both realmsoffering endless opportunities for exploration and discovery.。

Quantum Mechanics

Quantum Mechanics

Quantum MechanicsQuantum mechanics is a branch of physics that deals with the behavior of particles on the atomic and subatomic level. It is a fascinating field that has revolutionized our understanding of the universe. However, it is also a complex and often difficult subject to comprehend. In this essay, I will explore the various perspectives on quantum mechanics, including its history, principles, and applications.One of the most significant perspectives on quantum mechanics is its history. Quantum mechanics emerged in the early 20th century as a response to the limitations of classical physics in explaining the behavior of particles on the atomic and subatomic level. The pioneers of quantum mechanics, including Max Planck, Albert Einstein, and Niels Bohr, developed a new set of principles that challenged the classical view of the universe. These principles included the wave-particle duality, uncertainty principle, and the superposition of states. These principles were not only groundbreaking but also controversial, as they challenged the established scientific norms of the time.Another perspective on quantum mechanics is its principles. Quantum mechanics is based on the idea that particles on the atomic and subatomic level behave differently than classical objects. For example, particles can exist in multiple states simultaneously, a concept known as superposition. Additionally, particles do not have a definite location until they are observed, a principle known as the uncertainty principle. These principles have been tested and verified through numerous experiments, and they have led to the development of many new technologies, including the transistor, laser, and MRI.Quantum mechanics also has many practical applications. One of the most significant applications is in quantum computing. Unlike classical computers, which use binary digits, quantum computers use qubits, which can exist in multiple states simultaneously. This allows quantum computers to perform certain calculations much faster than classical computers, making them ideal for certain types of problems, such as cryptography. Additionally, quantum mechanics has applications in medicine, including the development of new drugs and diagnostic tools.Despite its many applications, quantum mechanics is still a subject of debate among scientists. One of the most significant debates is over the interpretation of quantum mechanics. There are several interpretations of quantum mechanics, including the Copenhagen interpretation, the many-worlds interpretation, and the pilot-wave theory. Each interpretation has its own set of assumptions and implications, and scientists continue to debate which interpretation is the most accurate.In conclusion, quantum mechanics is a fascinating and complex subject that has revolutionized our understanding of the universe. Its principles have led to the development of many new technologies and have practical applications in fields such as medicine and computing. However, it is also a subject of debate among scientists, particularly over the interpretation of its principles. Despite these debates, quantum mechanics remains one of the most exciting and promising fields of study in physics.。



Quantum information with continuous variablesSamuel L.BraunsteinComputer Science,University of York,York YO105DD,United KingdomPeter van LoockNational Institute of Informatics(NII),Tokyo101-8430,Japan and Institute of TheoreticalPhysics,Institute of Optics,Information and Photonics(Max-Planck Forschungsgruppe),Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg,D-91058Erlangen,Germany͑Published29June2005͒Quantum information is a rapidly advancing area of interdisciplinary research.It may lead to real-world applications for communication and computation unavailable without the exploitation of quantum properties such as nonorthogonality or entanglement.This article reviews the progress in quantum information based on continuous quantum variables,with emphasis on quantum optical implementations in terms of the quadrature amplitudes of the electromagneticfield.CONTENTSI.Introduction513II.Continuous Variables in Quantum Optics516A.The quadratures of the quantizedfield516B.Phase-space representations518C.Gaussian states519D.Linear optics519E.Nonlinear optics520F.Polarization and spin representations522G.Necessity of phase reference523 III.Continuous-Variable Entanglement523A.Bipartite entanglement5251.Pure states5252.Mixed states and inseparability criteria526B.Multipartite entanglement5291.Discrete variables5292.Genuine multipartite entanglement5303.Separability properties of Gaussian states5304.Generating entanglement5315.Measuring entanglement533C.Bound entanglement534D.Nonlocality5341.Traditional EPR-type approach5352.Phase-space approach5363.Pseudospin approach536E.Verifying entanglement experimentally537 IV.Quantum Communication with Continuous Variables538A.Quantum teleportation5401.Teleportation protocol5412.Teleportation criteria5433.Entanglement swapping546B.Dense coding546rmation:A measure5472.Mutual information5473.Classical communication5474.Classical communication via quantum states5475.Dense coding548C.Quantum error correction550D.Quantum cryptography5501.Entanglement-based versus prepare andmeasure5502.Early ideas and recent progress5513.Absolute theoretical security5524.Verifying experimental security5535.Quantum secret sharing553E.Entanglement distillation554F.Quantum memory555V.Quantum Cloning with Continuous Variables555A.Local universal cloning5551.Beyond no-cloning5552.Universal cloners556B.Local cloning of Gaussian states5571.Fidelity bounds for Gaussian cloners5572.An optical cloning circuit for coherentstates558C.Telecloning559 VI.Quantum Computation with Continuous Variables560A.Universal quantum computation560B.Extension of the Gottesman-Knill theorem563 VII.Experiments with Continuous Quantum Variables565A.Generation of squeezed-state EPR entanglement5651.Broadband entanglement via opticalparametric amplification5652.Kerr effect and linear interference567B.Generation of long-lived atomic entanglement568C.Generation of genuine multipartite entanglement569D.Quantum teleportation of coherent states569E.Experimental dense coding570F.Experimental quantum key distribution571G.Demonstration of a quantum memory effect572 VIII.Concluding Remarks572 Acknowledgments573 References573I.INTRODUCTIONQuantum information is a relatively young branch of physics.One of its goals is to interpret the concepts of quantum physics from an information-theoretic point of view.This may lead to a deeper understanding of quan-REVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICS,VOLUME77,APRIL20050034-6861/2005/77͑2͒/513͑65͒/$50.00©2005The American Physical Society513tum theory.Conversely,information and computation are intrinsically physical concepts,since they rely on physical systems in which information is stored and by means of which information is processed or transmitted. Hence physical concepts,and at a more fundamental level quantum physical concepts,must be incorporated in a theory of information and computation.Further-more,the exploitation of quantum effects may even prove beneficial for various kinds of information pro-cessing and communication.The most prominent ex-amples of this are quantum computation and quantum key distribution.Quantum computation means in par-ticular cases,in principle,computation faster than any known classical computation.Quantum key distribution makes possible,in principle,unconditionally secure communication as opposed to communication based on classical key distribution.From a conceptual point of view,it is illuminating to consider continuous quantum variables in quantum in-formation theory.This includes the extension of quan-tum communication protocols from discrete to continu-ous variables and hence fromfinite to infinite dimensions.For instance,the original discrete-variable quantum teleportation protocol for qubits and other finite-dimensional systems͑Bennett et al.,1993͒was soon after its publication translated into the continuous-variable setting͑Vaidman,1994͒.The main motivation for dealing with continuous variables in quantum infor-mation,however,originated in a more practical observa-tion:efficient implementation of the essential steps in quantum communication protocols,namely,preparing, unitarily manipulating,and measuring͑entangled͒quan-tum states,is achievable in quantum optics utilizing con-tinuous quadrature amplitudes of the quantized electro-magneticfield.For example,the tools for measuring a quadrature with near-unit efficiency or for displacing an optical mode in phase space are provided by homodyne-detection and feedforward techniques,respectively. Continuous-variable entanglement can be efficiently produced using squeezed light͓in which the squeezing of a quadrature’s quantumfluctuations is due to a non-linear optical interaction͑Walls and Milburn,1994͔͒and linear optics.A valuable feature of quantum optical implementa-tions based upon continuous variables,related to their high efficiency,is their unconditionalness.Quantum re-sources such as entangled states emerge from the non-linear optical interaction of a laser with a crystal͑supple-mented if necessary by some linear optics͒in an unconditional fashion,i.e.,every inverse bandwidth time.This unconditionalness is hard to obtain in discrete-variable qubit-based implementations using single-photon states.In that case,the desired prepara-tion due to the nonlinear optical interaction depends on particular͑coincidence͒measurement results ruling out the unwanted͑in particular,vacuum͒contributions in the outgoing state vector.However,the unconditional-ness of the continuous-variable implementations has its price:it is at the expense of the quality of the entangle-ment of the prepared states.This entanglement and hence any entanglement-based quantum protocol is al-ways imperfect,the degree of imperfection depending on the amount of squeezing of the laser light involved. Good quality and performance require large squeezing which is technologically demanding,but to a certain ex-tent͓about10dB͑Wu et al.,1986͔͒already state of the art.Of course,in continuous-variable protocols that do not rely on entanglement,for instance,coherent-state-based quantum key distribution,these imperfections do not occur.To summarize,in the most commonly used optical ap-proaches,the continuous-variable implementations al-ways work pretty well͑and hence efficiently and uncon-ditionally͒,but never perfectly.Their discrete-variable counterparts only work sometimes͑conditioned upon rare successful events͒,but they succeed,in principle, perfectly.A similar tradeoff occurs when optical quan-tum states are sent through noisy channels͑opticalfi-bers͒,for example,in a realistic quantum key distribu-tion scenario.Subject to losses,the continuous-variable states accumulate noise and emerge at the receiver as contaminated versions of the sender’s input states.The discrete-variable quantum information encoded in single-photon states is reliably conveyed for each photon that is not absorbed during transmission.Due to the recent results of Knill,Laflamme,and Mil-burn͑Knill et al.,2001͒,it is now known that efficient quantum information processing is possible,in principle, solely by means of linear optics.Their scheme is formu-lated in a discrete-variable setting in which the quantum information is encoded in single-photon states.Apart from entangled auxiliary photon states,generated off-line without restriction to linear optics,conditional dy-namics͑feedforward͒is the essential ingredient in mak-ing this approach work.Universal quantum gates such as a controlled-NOT gate can,in principle,be built using this scheme without need of any Kerr-type nonlinear op-tical interaction͑corresponding to an interaction Hamil-tonian quartic in the optical modes’annihilation and creation operators͒.This Kerr-type interaction would be hard to obtain on the level of single photons.However, the off-line generation of the complicated auxiliary states needed in the Knill-Laflamme-Milburn scheme seems impractical too.Similarly,in the continuous-variable setting,when it comes to more advanced quantum information proto-cols,such as universal quantum computation or,in a communication scenario,entanglement distillation,it turns out that tools more sophisticated than mere Gaussian operations are needed.In fact,the Gaussian operations are effectively those described by interaction Hamiltonians at most quadratic in the optical modes’annihilation and creation operators,thus leading to lin-ear input-output relations as in beam-splitter or squeez-ing transformations.Gaussian operations,mapping Gaussian states onto Gaussian states,also include ho-modyne detections and phase-space displacements.In contrast,the non-Gaussian operations required for ad-vanced continuous-variable quantum communication͑in particular,long-distance communication based on en-514S.L.Braunstein and P.van Loock:Quantum information with continuous variables Rev.Mod.Phys.,Vol.77,No.2,April2005tanglement distillation and swapping,quantum memory,and teleportation͒are due either to at least cubic non-linear optical interactions or to conditional transforma-tions depending on non-Gaussian measurements such asphoton counting.It seems that,at this very sophisticatedlevel,the difficulties and requirements of the discrete-and continuous-variable implementations are analogous.In this review,our aim is to highlight the strengths ofthe continuous-variable approaches to quantum infor-mation processing.Therefore we focus on those proto-cols that are based on Gaussian states and their feasiblemanipulation through Gaussian operations.This leads tocontinuous-variable proposals for the implementation ofthe simplest quantum communication protocols,such asquantum teleportation and quantum key distribution,and includes the efficient generation and detection ofcontinuous-variable entanglement.Before dealing with quantum communication andcomputation,in Sec.II,wefirst introduce continuousquantum variables within the framework of quantumoptics.The discussions about the quadratures of quan-tized electromagnetic modes,about phase-space repre-sentations,and about Gaussian states include the nota-tions and conventions that we use throughout thisarticle.We conclude Sec.II with a few remarks on linearand nonlinear optics,on alternative polarization andspin representations,and on the necessity of a phasereference in continuous-variable implementations.Thenotion of entanglement,indispensable in many quantumprotocols,is described in Sec.III in the context of con-tinuous variables.We discuss pure and mixed entangledstates,entanglement between two͑bipartite͒and be-tween many͑multipartite͒parties,and so-called bound ͑undistillable͒entanglement.The generation,measure-ment,and verification͑both theoretical and experimen-tal͒of continuous-variable entanglement are here of par-ticular interest.As for the properties of the continuous-variable entangled states related with theirinseparability,we explain how the nonlocal character ofthese states is revealed.This involves,for instance,vio-lations of Bell-type inequalities imposed by local real-ism.Such violations,however,cannot occur when themeasurements considered are exclusively of continuous-variable type.This is due to the strict positivity of theWigner function of the Gaussian continuous-variable en-tangled states,which allows for a hidden-variable de-scription in terms of the quadrature observables.In Sec.IV,we describe the conceptually and practi-cally most important quantum communication protocols formulated in terms of continuous variables and thus utilizing the continuous-variable͑entangled͒states. These schemes include quantum teleportation and en-tanglement swapping͑teleportation of entanglement͒, quantum͑super͒dense coding,quantum error correc-tion,quantum cryptography,and entanglement distilla-tion.Since quantum teleportation based on nonmaxi-mum continuous-variable entanglement,usingfinitely squeezed two-mode squeezed states,is always imperfect, teleportation criteria are needed both for the theoretical and for the experimental verification.As is known from classical communication,light,propagating at high speed and offering a broad range of different frequen-cies,is an ideal carrier for the transmission of informa-tion.This applies to quantum communication as well. However,light is less suited for the storage of informa-tion.In order to store quantum information,for in-stance,at the intermediate stations in a quantum re-peater,atoms are more appropriate media than light. Significantly,as another motivation to deal with continu-ous variables,a feasible light-atom interface can be built via free-space interaction of light with an atomic en-semble based on the alternative polarization and spin-type variables.No strong cavity QED coupling is needed as with single photons.The concepts of this transfer of quantum information from light to atoms and vice versa, as the essential ingredients of a quantum memory,are discussed in Sec.IV.FSection V is devoted to quantum cloning with con-tinuous variables.One of the most fundamental͑and historically one of thefirst͒“laws”of quantum informa-tion theory is the so-called no-cloning theorem͑Dieks, 1982;Wootters and Zurek,1982͒.It forbids the exact copying of arbitrary quantum states.However,arbitrary quantum states can be copied approximately,and the resemblance͑in mathematical terms,the overlap orfi-delity͒between the clones may attain an optimal value independent of the original states.Such optimal cloning can be accomplished locally by sending the original states͑together with some auxiliary system͒through a local unitary quantum circuit.Optimal cloning of Gauss-ian continuous-variable states appears to be more inter-esting than that of general continuous-variable states, because the latter can be mimicked by a simple coin toss.We describe a non-entanglement-based implemen-tation for the optimal local cloning of Gaussian continuous-variable states.In addition,for Gaussian continuous-variable states,an optical implementation exists of optimal cloning at a distance͑telecloning͒.In this case,the optimality requires entanglement.The cor-responding multiparty entanglement is again producible with nonlinear optics͑squeezed light͒and linear optics ͑beam splitters͒.Quantum computation over continuous variables,dis-cussed in Sec.VI,is a more subtle issue than the in some sense straightforward continuous-variable extensions of quantum communication protocols.Atfirst sight,con-tinuous variables do not appear well suited for the pro-cessing of digital information in a computation.On the other hand,a continuous-variable quantum state having an infinite-dimensional spectrum of eigenstates contains a vast amount of quantum information.Hence it might be promising to adjust the continuous-variable states theoretically to the task of computation͑for instance,by discretization͒and yet to exploit their continuous-variable character experimentally in efficient͑optical͒implementations.We explain in Sec.VI why universal quantum computation over continuous variables re-quires Hamiltonians at least cubic in the position and momentum͑quadrature͒operators.Similarly,any quan-tum circuit that consists exclusively of unitary gates from515S.L.Braunstein and P.van Loock:Quantum information with continuous variables Rev.Mod.Phys.,Vol.77,No.2,April2005the continuous-variable Clifford group can be efficientlysimulated by purely classical means.This is acontinuous-variable extension of the discrete-variableGottesman-Knill theorem in which the Clifford groupelements include gates such as the Hadamard͑in thecontinuous-variable case,Fourier͒transform or the con-trolled NOT͑CNOT͒.The theorem applies,for example,to quantum teleportation which is fully describable by CNOT’s and Hadamard͑or Fourier͒transforms of some eigenstates supplemented by measurements in thateigenbasis and spin or phaseflip operations͑or phase-space displacements͒.Before some concluding remarks in Sec.VIII,wepresent some of the experimental approaches to squeez-ing of light and squeezed-state entanglement generationin Sec.VII.A.Both quadratic and quartic optical nonlin-earities are suitable for this,namely,parametric downconversion and the Kerr effect,respectively.Quantumteleportation experiments that have been performed al-ready based on continuous-variable squeezed-state en-tanglement are described in Sec.VII.D.In Sec.VII,wefurther discuss experiments with long-lived atomic en-tanglement,with genuine multipartite entanglement ofoptical modes,experimental dense coding,experimentalquantum key distribution,and the demonstration of aquantum memory effect.II.CONTINUOUS VARIABLES IN QUANTUM OPTICSFor the transition from classical to quantum mechan-ics,the position and momentum observables of the par-ticles turn into noncommuting Hermitian operators inthe Hamiltonian.In quantum optics,the quantized elec-tromagnetic modes correspond to quantum harmonicoscillators.The modes’quadratures play the roles of theoscillators’position and momentum operators obeyingan analogous Heisenberg uncertainty relation.A.The quadratures of the quantizedfieldFrom the Hamiltonian of a quantum harmonic oscil-lator expressed in terms of͑dimensionless͒creation and annihilation operators and representing a single mode k, Hˆk=ប␻k͑aˆk†aˆk+12͒,we obtain the well-known form writ-ten in terms of“position”and“momentum”operators ͑unit mass͒,Hˆk=12͑pˆk2+␻k2xˆk2͒,͑1͒withaˆk=1ͱ2ប␻k͑␻k xˆk+ipˆk͒,͑2͒aˆk†=1ͱ2ប␻k͑␻k xˆk−ipˆk͒,͑3͒or,conversely,xˆk=ͱប2␻k͑aˆk+aˆk†͒,͑4͒pˆk=−iͱប␻k2͑aˆk−aˆk†͒.͑5͒Here,we have used the well-known commutation rela-tion for position and momentum,͓xˆk,pˆkЈ͔=iប␦kkЈ,͑6͒which is consistent with the bosonic commutation rela-tions͓aˆk,aˆkЈ†͔=␦kkЈ,͓aˆk,aˆkЈ͔=0.In Eq.͑2͒,we see that up to normalization factors the position and the momentum are the real and imaginary parts of the annihilation op-erator.Let us now define the dimensionless pair of con-jugate variables,Xˆkϵͱ␻k2បxˆk=Re aˆk,Pˆkϵ1ͱ2ប␻k pˆk=Im aˆk.͑7͒Their commutation relation is then͓Xˆk,PˆkЈ͔=i2␦kkЈ.͑8͒In other words,the dimensionless position and momen-tum operators,Xˆk and Pˆk,are defined as if we setប=1/2.These operators represent the quadratures of a single mode k,in classical terms corresponding to the real and imaginary parts of the oscillator’s complex am-plitude.In the following,by using͑Xˆ,Pˆ͒or equivalently ͑xˆ,pˆ͒,we shall always refer to these dimensionless quadratures as playing the roles of position and momen-tum.Hence͑xˆ,pˆ͒will also stand for a conjugate pair of dimensionless quadratures.The Heisenberg uncertainty relation,expressed in terms of the variances of two arbitrary noncommuting observables Aˆand Bˆfor an arbitrary given quantum state,͗͑⌬Aˆ͒2͘ϵŠ͑Aˆ−͗Aˆ͒͘2‹=͗Aˆ2͘−͗Aˆ͘2,͗͑⌬Bˆ͒2͘ϵŠ͑Bˆ−͗Bˆ͒͘2‹=͗Bˆ2͘−͗Bˆ͘2,͑9͒becomes͗͑⌬Aˆ͒2͗͑͘⌬Bˆ͒2͘ജ14͉͓͗Aˆ,Bˆ͔͉͘2.͑10͒Inserting Eq.͑8͒into Eq.͑10͒yields the uncertainty re-lation for a pair of conjugate quadrature observables of a single mode k,xˆk=͑aˆk+aˆk†͒/2,pˆk=͑aˆk−aˆk†͒/2i,͑11͒namely,͗͑⌬xˆk͒2͗͑͘⌬pˆk͒2͘ജ14͉͓͗xˆk,pˆk͔͉͘2=116.͑12͒Thus,in our units,the quadrature variance for a vacuum or coherent state of a single mode is1/4.Let us further516S.L.Braunstein and P.van Loock:Quantum information with continuous variables Rev.Mod.Phys.,Vol.77,No.2,April2005illuminate the meaning of the quadratures by looking at a single frequency mode of the electric field ͑for a single polarization ͒,E ˆk ͑r ,t ͒=E 0͓a ˆk ei ͑k ·r −␻k t ͒+a ˆk †e −i ͑k ·r −␻k t ͔͒.͑13͒The constant E 0contains all the dimensional prefactors.By using Eq.͑11͒,we can rewrite the mode asE ˆk ͑r ,t ͒=2E 0͓x ˆk cos ͑␻k t −k ·r ͒+pˆk sin ͑␻k t −k ·r ͔͒.͑14͒Clearly,the position and momentum operators xˆk and p ˆk represent the in-phase and out-of-phase components of the electric-field amplitude of the single mode k with respect to a ͑classical ͒reference wave ϰcos ͑␻k t −k ·r ͒.The choice of the phase of this wave is arbitrary,of course,and a more general reference wave would lead us to the single-mode descriptionE ˆk ͑r ,t ͒=2E 0͓x ˆk ͑⌰͒cos ͑␻k t −k ·r −⌰͒+pˆk ͑⌰͒sin ͑␻k t −k ·r −⌰͔͒,͑15͒with the more general quadraturesxˆk ͑⌰͒=͑a ˆk e −i ⌰+a ˆk †e +i ⌰͒/2,͑16͒p ˆk ͑⌰͒=͑a ˆk e −i ⌰−a ˆk †e +i ⌰͒/2i .͑17͒These new quadratures can be obtained from x ˆk and p ˆk via the rotationͩx ˆk ͑⌰͒pˆk ͑⌰͒ͪ=ͩcos ⌰sin ⌰−sin ⌰cos ⌰ͪͩxˆk pˆk ͪ.͑18͒Since this is a unitary transformation,we again end upwith a pair of conjugate observables fulfilling the com-mutation relation ͑8͒.Furthermore,because pˆk ͑⌰͒=x ˆk ͑⌰+␲/2͒,the whole continuum of quadratures is cov-ered by x ˆk ͑⌰͒with ⌰෈͓0,␲͒.This continuum of observ-ables is indeed measurable by relatively simple means.Such a so-called homodyne detection works as follows.A photodetector measuring an electromagnetic mode converts the photons into electrons and hence into an electric current,called the photocurrent i ˆ.It is therefore sensible to assume i ˆϰn ˆ=a ˆ†a ˆor i ˆ=qaˆ†a ˆwhere q is a con-stant ͑Paul,1995͒.In order to detect a quadrature of themode aˆ,the mode must be combined with an intense local oscillator at a 50:50beam splitter.The local oscil-lator is assumed to be in a coherent state with large photon number,͉␣LO ͘.It is therefore reasonable to de-scribe this oscillator by a classical complex amplitude␣LO rather than by an annihilation operator aˆLO .The two output modes of the beam splitter,͑aˆLO +a ˆ͒/ͱ2and ͑a ˆLO −a ˆ͒/ͱ2͑see Sec.II.D ͒,may then be approximated byaˆ1=͑␣LO +a ˆ͒/ͱ2,aˆ2=͑␣LO −a ˆ͒/ͱ2.͑19͒This yields the photocurrentsi ˆ1=qa ˆ1†aˆ1=q ͑␣LO *+a ˆ†͒͑␣LO +a ˆ͒/2,i ˆ2=qa ˆ2†aˆ2=q ͑␣LO *−a ˆ†͒͑␣LO −a ˆ͒/2.͑20͒The actual quantity to be measured will be the differ-ence photocurrent␦i ˆϵi ˆ1−i ˆ2=q ͑␣LO *aˆ+␣LO a ˆ†͒.͑21͒By introducing the phase ⌰of the local oscillator,␣LO=͉␣LO ͉exp ͑i ⌰͒,we recognize that the quadrature observ-able xˆ͑⌰͒from Eq.͑16͒is measured ͑without mode index k ͒.Now adjustment of the local oscillator’s phase ⌰෈͓0,␲͔enables us to detect any quadrature from thewhole continuum of quadratures xˆ͑⌰͒.A possible way to realize quantum tomography ͑Leonhardt,1997͒,i.e.,the reconstruction of the mode’s quantum state given by its Wigner function,relies on this measurement method,called ͑balanced ͒homodyne detection .A broadband rather than a single-mode description of homodyne de-tection can be found in the work of Braunstein and Crouch ͑1991͒,who also investigate the influence of a quantized local oscillator.We have now seen that it is not too hard to measure the quadratures of an electromagnetic mode.Unitary transformations such as quadrature displacements ͑phase-space displacements ͒can also be relatively easily performed via the so-called feedforward technique,as opposed to,for example,photon number displacements.This simplicity and the high efficiency when measuring and manipulating continuous quadratures are the main reasons why continuous-variable schemes appear more attractive than those based on discrete variables such as the photon number.In the following,we shall refer mainly to the conju-gate pair of quadratures xˆk and p ˆk ͑position and momen-tum,i.e.,⌰=0and ⌰=␲/2͒.In terms of these quadra-tures,the number operator becomesn ˆk =a ˆk †a ˆk =x ˆk 2+p ˆk 2−12,͑22͒using Eq.͑8͒.Let us finally review some useful formulas for the single-mode quadrature eigenstates,xˆ͉x ͘=x ͉x ͘,pˆ͉p ͘=p ͉p ͘,͑23͒where we have now dropped the mode index k .They are orthogonal,͗x ͉x Ј͘=␦͑x −x Ј͒,͗p ͉p Ј͘=␦͑p −p Ј͒,͑24͒and complete,͵−ϱϱ͉x ͗͘x ͉dx =1,͵−ϱϱ͉p ͗͘p ͉dp =1.͑25͒Just as for position and momentum eigenstates,the quadrature eigenstates are mutually related to each other by a Fourier transformation,͉x ͘=1ͱ␲͵−ϱϱe −2ixp ͉p ͘dp ,͑26͒517S.L.Braunstein and P .van Loock:Quantum information with continuous variablesRev.Mod.Phys.,Vol.77,No.2,April 2005͉p͘=1ͱ͵−ϱϱe+2ixp͉x͘dx.͑27͒Despite being unphysical and not square integrable,the quadrature eigenstates can be very useful in calculations involving the wave functions␺͑x͒=͗x͉␺͘,etc.,and inidealized quantum communication protocols based on continuous variables.For instance,a vacuum state infi-nitely squeezed in position may be expressed by a zero-position eigenstate͉x=0͘=͉͐p͘dp/ͱ␲.The physical,fi-nitely squeezed states are characterized by the quadrature probability distributions͉␺͑x͉͒2,etc.,ofwhich the widths correspond to the quadrature uncer-tainties.B.Phase-space representationsThe Wigner function is particularly suitable as a “quantum phase-space distribution”for describing the effects on the quadrature observables that may arise from quantum theory and classical statistics.It behaves partly as a classical probability distribution,thus en-abling us to calculate measurable quantities such as mean values and variances of the quadratures in a classical-like fashion.On the other hand,in contrast to a classical probability distribution,the Wigner function can become negative.The Wigner function was originally proposed by Wigner in his1932paper“On the quantum correction for thermodynamic equilibrium”͑Wigner,1932͒.There, he gave an expression for the Wigner function in terms of the position basis which reads͑with x and p being a dimensionless pair of quadratures in our units withប=1/2as introduced in the previous section;Wigner, 1932͒W͑x,p͒=2␲͵dye+4iyp͗x−y͉␳ˆ͉x+y͘.͑28͒Here and throughout,unless otherwise specified,the in-tegration will be over the entire space of the integration variable͑i.e.,here the integration goes from−ϱtoϱ͒. We gave Wigner’s original formula for only one mode or one particle͓Wigner’s͑1932͒original equation was in N-particle form͔because it simplifies the understanding of the concept behind the Wigner function approach. The extension to N modes is straightforward.Why does W͑x,p͒resemble a classical-like probability distribution?The most important attributes that explain this are the proper normalization,͵W͑␣͒d2␣=1,͑29͒the property of yielding the correct marginal distribu-tions,͵W͑x,p͒dx=͗p͉␳ˆ͉p͘,͵W͑x,p͒dp=͗x͉␳ˆ͉x͘,͑30͒and the equivalence to a probability distribution in clas-sical averaging when mean values of a certain class of operators Aˆin a quantum state␳ˆare to be calculated,͗Aˆ͘=Tr͑␳ˆAˆ͒=͵W͑␣͒A͑␣͒d2␣,͑31͒with a function A͑␣͒related to the operator Aˆ.The measure of integration is in our case d2␣=d͑Re␣͒d͑Im␣͒=dxdp with W͑␣=x+ip͒ϵW͑x,p͒,and we shall use d2␣and dxdp interchangeably.The opera-tor Aˆrepresents a particular class of functions of aˆand aˆ†or xˆand pˆ.The marginal distribution for p,͗p͉␳ˆ͉p͘,is obtained by changing the integration variables͑x−y =u,x+y=v͒and using Eq.͑26͒,that for x,͗x͉␳ˆ͉x͘,by using͐exp͑+4iyp͒dp=͑␲/2͒␦͑y͒.The normalization of the Wigner function then follows from Tr͑␳ˆ͒=1.For any symmetrized operator͑Leonhardt,1997͒,the so-called Weyl correspondence͑Weyl,1950͒,Tr͓␳ˆS͑xˆn pˆm͔͒=͵W͑x,p͒x n p m dxdp,͑32͒provides a rule for calculating quantum-mechanical ex-pectation values in a classical-like fashion according to Eq.͑31͒.Here,S͑xˆn pˆm͒indicates symmetrization.For example,S͑xˆ2pˆ͒=͑xˆ2pˆ+xˆpˆxˆ+pˆxˆ2͒/3corresponds to x2p ͑Leonhardt,1997͒.Such a classical-like formulation of quantum optics in terms of quasiprobability distributions is not unique.In fact,there is a whole family of distributions P͑␣,s͒of which each member corresponds to a particular value of a real parameter s,P͑␣,s͒=1␲2͵␹͑␤,s͒exp͑i␤␣*+i␤*␣͒d2␤,͑33͒with the s-parametrized characteristic functions ␹͑␤,s͒=Tr͓␳ˆexp͑−i␤aˆ†−i␤*aˆ͔͒exp͑s͉␤͉2/2͒.͑34͒The mean values of operators normally and antinor-mally ordered in aˆand aˆ†may be calculated via the so-called P function͑s=1͒and Q function͑s=−1͒,re-spectively.The Wigner function͑s=0͒and its character-istic function␹͑␤,0͒are perfectly suited to provide ex-pectation values of quantities symmetric in aˆand aˆ†such as the quadratures.Hence the Wigner function,though not always positive definite,appears to be a good com-promise in describing quantum states in terms of quan-tum phase-space variables such as single-mode quadra-tures.We may formulate various quantum states relevant to continuous-variable quantum communica-tion by means of the Wigner representation.These par-ticular quantum states exhibit extremely nonclassical features such as entanglement and nonlocality.Yet their Wigner functions are positive definite,and thus belong to the class of Gaussian states.518S.L.Braunstein and P.van Loock:Quantum information with continuous variables Rev.Mod.Phys.,Vol.77,No.2,April2005。

On set-theoretical solutions of the quantum Yang-Baxter equation

On set-theoretical solutions of the quantum Yang-Baxter equation

a rXiv:q -alg/97727v223J u l1997ON SET-THEORETICAL SOLUTIONS OF THE QUANTUM YANG-BAXTER EQUATION Pavel Etingof,Travis Schedler,and Alexandre Soloviev In the paper [Dr]V.Drinfeld formulated a number of problems in quantum group theory.In particular,he suggested to consider “set-theoretical”solutions of the quantum Yang-Baxter equation,i.e.solutions given by a permutation R of the set X ×X ,where X is a fixed finite set.In this note we study such solutions,which satisfy the unitarity and the crossing symmetry conditions –natural conditions arising in physical applications.More specifically,we consider “linear”solutions:the set X is an abelian group,and the map R is an automorphism of X ×X .We show that in this case,solutions are in 1-1correspondence with pairs a,b ∈End X ,such that b is invertible and bab −1=aNow consider the crossing symmetry condition.If R satisfies(1)and(2),the crossing symmetry condition is(6)(((R−1)t)−1)t=R,where()t denotes transposing in the second component of the product(here R is regarded as a matrix of0-s and1-s).Using(2),we can rewrite condition(6)as(7)(R21)t R t=1.Since R= x,y E cx+dy,x⊗E ax+by,y,where E pq is the elementary matrix,condition(7)can be written in the form(8)y′=cx+dy,y=cx′+dy′E ax′+by′,x⊗E x′,ax+by=1.But1= p,q E pp⊗E qq.This implies that equation(6),given(1),(2),is equivalent to the following:1.For any x,x′∈X there exist unique y,y′∈X such that y′=cx+dy,y= cx′+dy′,and2.These y,y′satisfy the equations x′=ax+by,x=ax′+by′.Thefirst condition is equivalent to the condition that the matrix 1−d−d1 is invertible,i.e.that1−d2is invertible.But by(5)1−d2=cb,so c,b are invertible. Proposition1.If b,c are invertible,equations(4),(5)are equivalent to the equa-tions(9)bab−1=aa−1.Proof.The second equation of(9)follows directly from(5).Also,(5)implies (10)a=−bdb−1.Therefore,multiplying the equation bd=(1−a)db(which is in(4))by b−1on the right,we get(11)−a=(1−a)d.Since b,c are invertible,so is bc=1−a2,so1−a is invertible.Thus,(11)implies the third equation of(9).Now thefirst equation of(9)follows from(10).Conversely,substituting(9)into(4),(5),it is easy to show by a direct calculation that they are identically satisfied.Corollary2.A map R of the form(3)is a solution to(1),(2),(6)if and only if b,c are invertible,and(9)are satisfied.Thus,such solutions are in1-1correspondence with pairs(a,b)such that bab−1=aProposition3.A map R of the form(12)is a solution to(1),(2),(6)if and only if b,c are invertible,(9)are satisfied,and t=−b−1(1+a)z.Thus,such solutions are in1-1correspondence with triples(a,b,z)such that bab−1=a.a+1Example1.[Hi]Let X=Z/n Z.Then End X=Z/n Z,which is commutative, so equation(13)reads a=ain Mat N(Z),such that b∈GL N(Z).a+1Let a ij=δi+1,j,and b ij= j i .Then a,b satisfy(13).Indeed,this equation can be rewritten as ab=ba+aba,which at the level of matrix elements reduces to the well-known identity for binomial coefficients:(14) j i+1 = j−1i + j−1i+1We will use the following notation for this solution:a=J N,b=B N.In fact,all solutions of(13)in Mat N(Z)can be obtained from this one.Indeed, we haveLemma4.Let a,b be a solution of(13)in Mat N(C).Then a is nilpotent. Proof.It follows from(13)that ifλis an eigenvalue of a then so isλZ/p Z.ThenλReferences[Dr]Drinfeld V.G.,On some unsolved problems in quantum group theory,Lect.Notes Math.1510 (1992),1-8.[Hi]Hietarinta J.,Permutation-type solutions to the Yang-Baxter and other simplex equations, q-alg9702006(1997).P.E.:Department of Mathematics,Harvard University,Cambridge,MA02138T.S.:1500W.Sullivan Rd.,Aurora,IL60506A.S.:Department of Mathematics,MIT,Cambridge,MA02139E-mail address:P.E.:etingof@T.S.:trasched@V.R.:sashas@4。



量子是一种玄学方法英语Quantum physics is a branch of science that has captivated the minds of scientists and non-scientists alike. It is a field filled with strange and counterintuitive phenomena that challenge our understanding of how the world works. Quantum mechanics, in particular, is known for its mind-bending concepts such as superposition, entanglement, and wave-particle duality. This branch of science is often referred to as a "mysterious" and "magical" method due to its puzzling and unpredictable nature.Quantum mechanics is based on the principles that govern the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic levels. Unlike classical physics, which deals with the macroscopic world, quantum mechanics focuses on the quantum realm, where particles exhibit wave-like properties and can exist in multiple states simultaneously until measured.One of the key features of quantum mechanics is superposition. This concept states that particles can exist in multiple states or locations at the same time until obser ved. Schrödinger's famous thought experiment, in which a cat inside a box is simultaneously alive and dead until the box is opened, illustrates this phenomenon. This mind-boggling idea challenges our intuition and raises questions about the nature of reality. Another intriguing aspect of quantum mechanics is entanglement. When two particles become entangled, their properties becomeinterdependent, regardless of the distance between them. This means that measuring the state of one particle instantaneously determines the state of the other, no matter how far apart they are. Einstein famously called this phenomenon "spooky action at a distance." The concept of entanglement has led to the development of quantum teleportation and quantum cryptography, which have the potential to revolutionize communication and computing.Furthermore, quantum mechanics challenges the classical concept of particles having definite properties. According to wave-particle duality, particles can behave as both waves and particles depending on the experimental setup. This means that particles can exhibit characteristics of both particles and waves simultaneously, adding to the mystery of quantum mechanics.Despite its success in explaining the behavior of atoms and subatomic particles, quantum mechanics is still not fully understood. It has been described as a "magical" and "mysterious" method due to its ability to produce unexpected and counterintuitive results. The probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics, where predictions are made based on the likelihood of outcomes rather than definitive results, adds to its enigmatic nature.The potential applications of quantum mechanics are vast. Quantum computers, currently in their infancy, have the potential to performcomplex calculations exponentially faster than classical computers. Quantum cryptography promises unbreakable encryption, ensuring secure communication in a world where digital security is crucial. Furthermore, quantum sensors have the ability to detect incredibly small changes in physical quantities, making them invaluable in fields like medicine, defense, and environmental monitoring.In conclusion, quantum mechanics is a field that continues to perplex and fascinate scientists and laypeople alike. Its counterintuitive concepts, such as superposition, entanglement, and wave-particle duality, make it appear as a mysterious and magical method. Despite its challenges, quantum mechanics holds immense potential for technological advancements and deeper understanding of the fundamental workings of the universe. As we continue to explore and unravel the mysteries of quantum physics, we embark on a thrilling journey into the unknown.。



中国诺奖级别新科技—量子反常霍尔效应英语全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Magical World of Quantum PhysicsHave you ever heard of something called quantum physics? It's a fancy word that describes the weird and wonderful world of tiny, tiny particles called atoms and electrons. These particles are so small that they behave in ways that seem almost magical!One of the most important discoveries in quantum physics is something called the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect. It's a mouthful, I know, but let me try to explain it to you in a way that's easy to understand.Imagine a road, but instead of cars driving on it, you have electrons zipping along. Now, normally, these electrons would bump into each other and get all mixed up, just like cars in a traffic jam. But with the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect, something special happens.Picture a big, strong police officer standing in the middle of the road. This police officer has a magical power – he can makeall the electrons go in the same direction, without any bumping or mixing up! It's like he's directing traffic, but for tiny particles instead of cars.Now, you might be wondering, "Why is this so important?" Well, let me tell you! Having all the electrons moving in the same direction without any resistance means that we can send information and electricity much more efficiently. It's like having a super-smooth highway for the electrons to travel on, without any potholes or roadblocks.This discovery was made by a team of brilliant Chinese scientists, and it's so important that they might even win a Nobel Prize for it! The Nobel Prize is like the Olympic gold medal of science – it's the highest honor a scientist can receive.But the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect isn't just about winning awards; it has the potential to change the world! With this technology, we could create faster and more powerful computers, better ways to store and transfer information, and even new types of energy篇2China's Super Cool New Science Discovery - The Quantum Anomalous Hall EffectHey there, kids! Have you ever heard of something called the "Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect"? It's a really cool andmind-boggling scientific discovery that scientists in China have recently made. Get ready to have your mind blown!Imagine a world where electricity flows without any resistance, like a river without any rocks or obstacles in its way. That's basically what the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect is all about! It's a phenomenon where electrons (the tiny particles that carry electricity) can flow through a material without any resistance or energy loss. Isn't that amazing?Now, you might be wondering, "Why is this such a big deal?" Well, let me tell you! In our regular everyday world, when electricity flows through materials like wires or circuits, there's always some resistance. This resistance causes energy to be lost as heat, which is why your phone or computer gets warm when you use them for a long time.But with the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect, the electrons can flow without any resistance at all! It's like they're gliding effortlessly through the material, without any obstacles or bumps in their way. This means that we could potentially have electronic devices and circuits that don't generate any heat or waste any energy. How cool is that?The scientists in China who discovered this effect were studying a special kind of material called a "topological insulator." These materials are like a secret passageway for electrons, allowing them to flow along the surface without any resistance, while preventing them from passing through the inside.Imagine a river flowing on top of a giant sheet of ice. The water can flow freely on the surface, but it can't pass through the solid ice underneath. That's kind of how these topological insulators work, except with electrons instead of water.The Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect happens when these topological insulators are exposed to a powerful magnetic field. This magnetic field creates a special condition where the electrons can flow along the surface without any resistance at all, even at room temperature!Now, you might be thinking, "That's all well and good, but what does this mean for me?" Well, this discovery could lead to some pretty amazing things! Imagine having computers and electronic devices that never overheat or waste energy. You could play video games or watch movies for hours and hours without your devices getting hot or draining their batteries.But that's not all! The Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect could also lead to new and improved ways of generating, storing, and transmitting energy. We could have more efficient solar panels, better batteries, and even a way to transmit electricity over long distances without any energy loss.Scientists all around the world are really excited about this discovery because it opens up a whole new world of possibilities for technology and innovation. Who knows what kind of cool gadgets and devices we might see in the future thanks to the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect?So, there you have it, kids! The Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect is a super cool and groundbreaking scientific discovery that could change the way we think about electronics, energy, and technology. It's like something straight out of a science fiction movie, but it's real and happening right here in China!Who knows, maybe one day you'll grow up to be a scientist and help us unlock even more amazing secrets of the quantum world. Until then, keep learning, keep exploring, and keep being curious about the incredible wonders of science!篇3The Wonderful World of Quantum Physics: A Journey into the Quantum Anomalous Hall EffectHave you ever heard of something called quantum physics? It's a fascinating field that explores the strange and mysterious world of tiny particles called atoms and even smaller things called subatomic particles. Imagine a world where the rules we're used to in our everyday lives don't quite apply! That's the world of quantum physics, and it's full of mind-boggling discoveries and incredible phenomena.One of the most exciting and recent breakthroughs in quantum physics comes from a team of brilliant Chinese scientists. They've discovered something called the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect, and it's like a magic trick that could change the way we think about technology!Let me start by telling you a bit about electricity. You know how when you turn on a light switch, the bulb lights up? That's because electricity is flowing through the wires and into the bulb. But did you know that electricity is actually made up of tiny particles called electrons? These electrons flow through materials like metals and give us the electricity we use every day.Now, imagine if we could control the flow of these electrons in a very precise way, like directing them to move in a specificdirection without any external forces like magnets or electric fields. That's exactly what the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect allows us to do!You see, in most materials, electrons can move in any direction, like a group of kids running around a playground. But in materials that exhibit the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect, the electrons are forced to move in a specific direction, like a group of kids all running in a straight line without any adults telling them where to go!This might not seem like a big deal, but it's actually a huge deal in the world of quantum physics and technology. By controlling the flow of electrons so precisely, we can create incredibly efficient electronic devices and even build powerful quantum computers that can solve problems much faster than regular computers.The Chinese scientists who discovered the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect used a special material called a topological insulator. This material is like a magician's hat – it looks ordinary on the outside, but it has some really weird and wonderful properties on the inside.Inside a topological insulator, the electrons behave in a very strange way. They can move freely on the surface of the material, but they can't move through the inside. It's like having篇4The Coolest New Science from China: Quantum Anomalous Hall EffectHey kids! Have you ever heard of something called the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect? It's one of the most amazing new scientific discoveries to come out of China. And get this - some scientists think it could lead to a Nobel Prize! How cool is that?I know, I know, the name sounds kind of weird and complicated. But trust me, once you understand what it is, you'll think it's just as awesome as I do. It's all about controlling the movement of tiny, tiny particles called electrons using quantum physics and powerful magnetic fields.What's Quantum Physics?Before we dive into the Anomalous Hall Effect itself, we need to talk about quantum physics for a second. Quantum physics is sort of like the secret rules that govern how the smallest things inthe universe behave - things too tiny for us to even see with our eyes!You know how sometimes grown-ups say things like "You can't be in two places at once"? Well, in the quantum world, particles actually can be in multiple places at the same time! They behave in ways that just seem totally bizarre and counterintuitive to us. That's quantum physics for you.And get this - not only can quantum particles be in multiple places at once, but they also spin around like tops! Electrons, which are one type of quantum particle, have this crazy quantum spin that makes them act sort of like tiny magnets. Mind-blowing, right?The Weirder Than Weird Hall EffectOkay, so now that we've covered some quantum basics, we can talk about the Hall Effect. The regular old Hall Effect was discovered way back in 1879 by this dude named Edwin Hall (hence the name).Here's how it works: if you take a metal and apply a magnetic field to it while also running an electrical current through it, the magnetic field will actually deflect the flow of electrons in the metal to one side. Weird, huh?Scientists use the Hall Effect in all kinds of handy devices like sensors, computer chips, and even machines that can shoot out a deadly beam of radiation (just kidding on that last one...I think). But the regular Hall Effect has one big downside - it only works at incredibly cold temperatures near absolute zero. Not very practical!The Anomalous Hall EffectThis is where the new Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect discovered by scientists in China comes into play. They found a way to get the same cool electron-deflecting properties of the Hall Effect, but at much higher, more realistic temperatures. And they did it using some crazy quantum physics tricks.You see, the researchers used special materials called topological insulators that have insulating interiors but highly conductive surfaces. By sandwiching these topological insulators between two layers of magnets, they were able to produce a strange quantum phenomenon.Electrons on the surface of the materials started moving in one direction without any external energy needed to keep them going! It's like they created a perpetual motion machine for electrons on a quantum scale. The spinning quantum particlesget deflected by the magnetic layers and start flowing in weird looping patterns without any resistance.Why It's So AwesomeSo why is this Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect such a big deal? A few reasons:It could lead to way more efficient electronics that don't waste energy through heat and resistance like current devices do. Just imagine a computer chip that works with virtually no power at all!The effect allows for extremely precise control over the movement of electrons, which could unlock all kinds of crazy quantum computing applications we can barely even imagine yet.It gives scientists a totally new window into understanding the bizarre quantum realm and the funky behavior of particles at that scale.The materials used are relatively inexpensive and common compared to other cutting-edge quantum materials. So this isn't just a cool novelty - it could actually be commercialized one day.Some Science Celebrities Think It's Nobel-WorthyLots of big-shot scientists around the world are going gaga over this Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect discovered by the researchers in China. A few have even said they think it deserves a Nobel Prize!Now, as cool as that would be, we have to remember that not everyone agrees it's Nobel-level just yet. Science moves slow and there's always a ton of debate over what discoveries are truly groundbreaking enough to earn that high honor.But one thing's for sure - this effect is yet another example of how China is becoming a global powerhouse when it comes to cutting-edge physics and scientific research. Those Chinese scientists are really giving their counterparts in the US, Europe, and elsewhere a run for their money!The Future is QuantumWhether the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect leads to a Nobel or not, one thing is certain - we're entering an age where quantum physics is going to transform technology in ways we can barely fathom right now.From quantum computers that could solve problems millions of times faster than today's machines, to quantum sensors that could detect even the faintest subatomic particles,to quantum encryption that would make data unhackable, this strange realm of quantum physics is going to change everything.So pay attention, kids! Quantum physics may seem like some weird, headache-inducing mumbo-jumbo now. But understanding these bizarre quantum phenomena could be the key to unlocking all the super-cool technologies of the future. Who knows, maybe one of you reading this could even grow up to be a famous quantum physicist yourselves!Either way, keep your eyes peeled for more wild quantum discoveries emerging from China and other science hotspots around the globe. The quantum revolution is coming, and based on amazing feats like the Anomalous Hall Effect, it's going to be one heckuva ride!篇5Whoa, Dudes! You'll Never Believe the Insanely Cool Quantum Tech from China!Hey there, kids! Get ready to have your minds totally blown by the most awesome scientific discovery ever - the quantum anomalous Hall effect! I know, I know, it sounds like a bunch of big, boring words, but trust me, this stuff is straight-upmind-blowing.First things first, let's talk about what "quantum" means. You know how everything in the universe is made up of tiny, tiny particles, right? Well, quantum is all about studying those teeny-weeny particles and how they behave. It's like a whole secret world that's too small for us to see with our eyes, but scientists can still figure it out with their mega-smart brains and super-powerful microscopes.Now, let's move on to the "anomalous Hall effect" part. Imagine you're a little electron (that's one of those tiny particles I was telling you about) and you're trying to cross a busy street. But instead of just going straight across, you get pushed to the side by some invisible force. That's kind of what the Hall effect is all about - electrons getting pushed sideways instead of going straight.But here's where it gets really cool: the "anomalous" part means that these electrons are getting pushed sideways even when there's no magnetic field around! Normally, you'd need a powerful magnet to make electrons move like that, but with this new quantum technology, they're doing it all by themselves. It's like they've got their own secret superpowers or something!Now, you might be wondering, "Why should I care about some silly electrons moving around?" Well, let me tell you, thisdiscovery is a huge deal! You see, scientists have been trying to figure out how to control the flow of electrons for ages. It's kind of like trying to herd a bunch of rowdy puppies - those little guys just want to go wherever they want!But with this new quantum anomalous Hall effect, scientists in China have finally cracked the code. They've found a way to make electrons move in a specific direction without any external forces. That means they can control the flow of electricity like never before!Imagine having a computer that never overheats, or a smartphone that never runs out of battery. With this new technology, we could create super-efficient electronic devices that waste way less energy. It's like having a magical power switch that can turn on and off the flow of electrons with just a flick of a wrist!And that's not even the coolest part! You know how sometimes your electronics get all glitchy and stop working properly? Well, with this quantum tech, those problems could be a thing of the past. See, the anomalous Hall effect happens in special materials called "topological insulators," which are like super-highways for electrons. No matter how many twists andturns they take, those little guys can't get lost or stuck in traffic jams.It's like having a navigation system that's so good, you could close your eyes and still end up at the right destination every single time. Pretty neat, huh?But wait, there's more! Scientists are also exploring the possibility of using this new technology for quantum computing. Now, I know you're probably thinking, "What the heck is quantum computing?" Well, let me break it down for you.You know how regular computers use ones and zeros to process information, right? Well, quantum computers use something called "qubits," which can exist as both one and zero at the same time. It's like having a coin that's heads and tails at the same exact moment - totally mind-boggling, I know!With this quantum anomalous Hall effect, scientists might be able to create super-stable qubits that can perform insanely complex calculations in the blink of an eye. We're talking about solving problems that would take regular computers millions of years to figure out. Imagine being able to predict the weather with 100% accuracy, or finding the cure for every disease known to humankind!So, what do you say, kids? Are you as pumped about this as I am? I know it might seem like a lot of mumbo-jumbo right now, but trust me, this is the kind of stuff that's going to change the world as we know it. Who knows, maybe one day you'll be the one working on the next big quantum breakthrough!In the meantime, keep your eyes peeled for more news about this amazing discovery from China. And remember, even though science can be super complicated sometimes, it's always worth paying attention to. After all, you never know when the next mind-blowing quantum secret might be revealed!篇6Title: A Magical Discovery in the World of Tiny Particles!Have you ever heard of something called the "Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect"? It might sound like a tongue twister, but it's actually a super cool new technology that was recently discovered by scientists in China!Imagine a world where everything is made up of tiny, tiny particles called atoms. These atoms are so small that you can't see them with your bare eyes, but they're the building blocks that make up everything around us – from the chair you're sitting on to the air you breathe.Now, these atoms can do some pretty amazing things when they're arranged in certain ways. Scientists have found that if they create special materials where the atoms are arranged just right, they can make something called an "electrical current" flow through the material without any resistance!You might be wondering, "What's so special about that?" Well, let me explain! Usually, when electricity flows through a material like a metal wire, it faces something called "resistance." This resistance makes it harder for the electricity to flow, kind of like trying to run through a thick forest – it's tough and you get slowed down.But with this new Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect, the electricity can flow through the special material without any resistance at all! It's like having a wide-open road with no obstacles, allowing the electricity to zoom through without any trouble.So, how does this magical effect work? It all comes down to the behavior of those tiny atoms and the way they interact with each other. You see, in these special materials, the atoms are arranged in a way that creates a kind of "force field" that protects the flow of electricity from any resistance.Imagine you're a tiny particle of electricity, and you're trying to move through this material. As you move, you encounter these force fields created by the atoms. Instead of slowing you down, these force fields actually guide you along a specific path, almost like having a team of tiny helpers clearing the way for you!This effect was discovered by a group of brilliant scientists in China, and it's considered a huge breakthrough in the field of quantum physics (the study of really, really small things). It could lead to all sorts of amazing technologies, like super-fast computers and more efficient ways to transmit electricity.But that's not all! This discovery is also important because it proves that China is at the forefront of cutting-edge scientific research. The scientists who made this discovery are being hailed as potential Nobel Prize winners, which is one of the highest honors a scientist can receive.Isn't it amazing how these tiny, invisible particles can do such incredible things? The world of science is full ofmind-blowing discoveries, and the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect is just one example of the amazing things that can happen when brilliant minds come together to explore the mysteries of the universe.So, the next time you hear someone mention the "Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect," you can proudly say, "Oh, I know all about that! It's a magical discovery that allows electricity to flow without any resistance, and it was made by amazing Chinese scientists!" Who knows, maybe one day you'll be the one making groundbreaking discoveries like this!。

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a rXiv:q -alg/96112v19O ct1996ON THE DRINFELD TWIST FOR QUANTUM sl (2)Ludwik D¸a browski SISSA,Via Beirut 2-4,Trieste,Italy.e-mail:dabrow@sissa.it Fabrizio Nesti SISSA,Via Beirut 2-4,Trieste,Italy.e-mail:nesti@sissa.it Pasquale Siniscalco SISSA,Via Beirut 2-4,Trieste,Italy.e-mail:sinis@sissa.it Abstract An isomorphism,up to a twist,between the quasitriangular quantum enveloping algebra U h (sl (2))and the (classical)U (sl (2))[[h ]]is discussed.The universal twisting element F is given up to the second order in the deformation parameter h .SISSA 130/96/FM1IntroductionIn1989Drinfeld showed by cohomological arguments that,as a formal series in a defor-mation parameter h,all the quantum symmetries(quasitriangular Hopf algebras)U h(g), where g is a semisimple Lie algebra,are isomorphic with U(g)[[h]],up to a twist F[1,2]. He also posed a problem(cf.[2])tofind a concrete pair(m,F),consisting of an isomor-phism m and a universal twisting element F.This turns out to be a formidable task, which as far as we know,is not yet solved in general.The only case when it has been performed concerns the q-deformed Heisenberg algebra H q(1)[3].The next important case to be investigated is the quantum deformation of sl(2)(as a matter of fact H q(1)can be obtained from it by a contraction).As far as U h(sl(2))is regarded,a candidate for the isomorphism m is actually known[4].Also,a series of related particular matrix solutions for the twist element F were reported,namely F in the representations12 denotes the fundamental representation and j denotes the irreducible(2j+1)-dimensional representation of sl(2)[5,6],(see also[7]).Moreover,in[8]a sort of a‘semi-universal’form of F has been given,i.e.the expression for(1The quadratic Casimir element in the universal enveloping algebra U(sl(2))isI=2EF+H(H−1)=2F E+H(H+1).=j(j+1).(2.3) A possible basis for the enveloping algebra is provided by the set{H l E m F n},but using the relations(2.3)we can pass to the basis given by{H a I b E c⊕H r I s F t}.This basis will be more suitable for our computations.Next,the generators J+,J−,J0of the q-deformed algebra obey the following commutation relations:[J0,J+]=J+,[J0,J−]=−J−,[J+,J−]=1q−q−1.(2.5)The‘deforming maps’introduced in[4],provide(cf.[10])an isomorphism m between U h(sl(2))and U(sl(2))[[h]]which is given by mapping the generators J0,J+,J−to the following combinations of H,E,FJ0→H,J+→φ+E,J−→φ−F=Fφ+,(2.6)whereφ±=(j±H)(1+j∓H).(2.7)We remark that(2.7)is a well defined expression,as the inverse and square root operations are admissible in the h-adic topology.In fact,with q=e h,we can write the expansion in h up to the second order asφ±=1+13Hopf algebra levelThe enveloping algebra U(sl(2))[[h]]with relations(2.1)when equipped with the usual coproduct∆(x)=1⊗x+x⊗1,∀x∈sl(2),(3.10) becomes a Hopf algebra.In the quantum case,the coproduct in U h(sl(2))is defined as:∆q(J0)=1⊗J0+J0⊗1,∆q(J±)=J±⊗q J0+q−J0⊗J±.(3.11) (The counit and coinverse are not needed for our purposes).The main part of Drinfeld Theorem guarantees that these two classical and quantum coproducts are related via a twist by an invertible F∈(U(sl(2))⊗U(sl(2)))[[h]].More precisely,defining∆q.=(m⊗m)◦∆q◦m−1(3.12) we have∆q(x)=F∆(x)F−1,∀x∈U(sl(2))[[h]](3.13) It is sufficient(and necessary)to verify this equation by substituting for x the image by m of the generators J0,J+,J−.We remark that there is no loss of generality in restricting ourselves to a specific isomor-phism(2.6).Indeed,had we used another isomorphism m′,it turns out from(2.9)that the corresponding F′would be given by(M⊗M) ∆q(M)F.As it is known(cf.[9])a particular solution up tofirst order in h is just F=1+hr, wherer=F⊗E−E⊗F(3.14) is the standard classical r-matrix.More generally and up to order two in h we writeF=F0+h F1+h2F2+o(h3),(3.15) with F i belonging to U(sl(2))⊗U(sl(2)).Using(2.8),we obtain the following coupled system of equations to solve by recursion:[F0,∆H]=0,[F0,∆E]=0,[F0,∆F]=0.(3.16)[F1,∆H]=0,[F1,∆E]=(E⊗H−H⊗E)F0,[F1,∆F]=(F⊗H−H⊗F)F0.(3.17)[F2,∆H]=0,[F2,∆E]=(E⊗H−H⊗E)F1−F0∆φ+2∆E+(12H2⊗φ+2E+φ+2E⊗1+1⊗φ+2E)F0,[F2,∆F]=(F⊗H−H⊗F)F1−F0∆φ−2∆F+(12H2⊗φ−2F+φ−2F⊗1+1⊗φ−2F)F0.(3.18)Besides F0=1⊗1,any arbitrary polynomial f0in the variables(I⊗1,1⊗I,∆I)satisfies equations(3.16).Due to linearity of the equation we can write then:F0=1⊗1+f0.(3.19) As regards F1,besides the solution F1=r of the equations(3.17)(with f0=0),a solution for the general case is given byF1= F1(1⊗1+f0)+f1,(3.20) with f1being a solution of(3.16).Similarly for F2:if onefinds a particular solution F2of(3.18)(with f0=f1=0),the most general one is given byF2= F2(1⊗1+f0)+ F1f1+f2,(3.21) with f2solution of(3.16).The possibility of adding pure kernel(i.e.satisfying the homogeneous equations(3.16)) terms f1and f2comes from the fact that the last two equations for F1and F2are linear non homogeneous,whose associated homogeneous ones are the last two equations in(3.16).Now we proceed to exhibit the aforementioned particular solutions F i of this set of equa-tions.In U(sl(2))⊗U(sl(2))we use the basis{H a1I b1E c1⊕H r1I s1F t1}⊗{H a2I b2E c2⊕H r2I s2F t2}.In order to simplify the notation,for any x∈U(sl(2))we set x1=x⊗1,x2=1⊗x.From [F i,∆H]=0,for all i,it is easily seen that any F i is of the form F i=a il E l1F l2+b il F l1E l2, where a il and b il are polynomials in H1,H2,I1,I2.We’ve already mentioned that F0=1is a solution for equations(3.16).Next we pass to thefirst order term.For simplicity we drop the index i=1in the following formulae and defineδ1(a k)=a k(H1,H2,I1,I2)−a k(H1−1,H2,I1,I2),δ2(a k)=a k(H1,H2,I1,I2)−a k(H1,H2−1,I1,I2),and similarly for b k .The equations (3.17)give the following system of coupled partial difference equations for the coefficients a l and b l :δ1(a n −1)=−12)a n ,δ2(a n −1)=−12)a n (H 1,H 2−1),δ1(b n −1)=−12)b n (H 1−1,H 2),δ2(b n −1)=−12)b n ,(3.22)for any n ≥2,whereas for n =1we have:δ1(a 0+b 0)=−12(I 2−H 2−H 22)δ2(b 1(H 1−1,H 2+1))+H 2b 1(H 1−1,H 2)−H 2,δ2(a 0+b 0)=−12(I 1+H 1−H 21)δ1(b 1)+H 1b 1−H 1.(3.23)In order to find a particular solution of this system of equations,one can fix a couple {N,K }such that a n =b k =0,∀n ≥N and ∀k ≥K ,in order to set the maximum degreefor the polynomials in E l 1F l 2and E l 2F l 1,and then solve recursively the equations for thelower degree terms by partial finite integration.By making a minimal choice,putting a n =b n =0,for any n ≥2,we recover the solution:F 1=r ,(3.24)with r given by (3.14).Consistently with what we explained in the previous section,hadwe decided to fix our cut-offat higher degree terms we would have adjoined to F 1some f 1solution of the pure kernel part.As regards F 2,the structure of the equations for a l and b l remains unchanged for n ≥3,whereas for n ={2,1}some extra term appear,due to φ+2and φ−2.We skip the explicit (and lengthy)form of them,and we just give the expression for a particular solution:F 2=13(E ⊗HF −HE ⊗F +HF ⊗E −F ⊗HE )+124P +1turns out that our particular solution F,when composed with12⊗j.We remark that in the literature one mayfind often other properties of the twisting element F.For instance,F may be supposed to satisfy thei)‘normalization’condition(ε⊗id)(F)=(id⊗ε)(F)=1,(3.27) sometimes also expressed as F(x,0)=F(0,y)=1.With the standard definition of counit εthis implies F0=1,i.e.f0=0.ii)unitarity conditionσ(F)F=1.In our case F fulfills this condition in the particularrepresentation12,but not in general.iii)condition(F⊗id)(∆⊗id)F=(id⊗F)(id⊗∆)F.In our case F does not fulfill it, not even in a representation(except the trivial one).We remark that this condition is a stronger requirement with respect to the coassociativity of the twisted coproduct,which in our case follows directly from the definition.4Quasitriangular Hopf algebra levelFrom the Drinfeld theorem,the quantum universal R-matrixR q=q2J0⊗J0∞n=0q−n(n−1)/22n(1−q−2)nR q=1+hR(1)q+h2R(2)q+o(h3)=1+h(4E⊗F+2H⊗H)(4.33) +h2(2H2⊗H2−4E⊗F−4E⊗HF+8E2⊗F2+4HE⊗F+8HE⊗HF). At the zero-order in h,choosing f0=0,(4.31)is identically satisfied(1=1).At the order one we have the following equation:σ(f1)−f1=R(1)q−R(1)− σ( F1)− F1 .(4.34) It comes from direct computations that the right-hand-side is zero,which implies that f1 must be symmetric.At the second order we obtainσ(f2)−f2= F2−σ( F2)−σ( F1)R(1)+R(1)q F1+R(2)q−R(2).(4.35) Again the right-hand-side is zero,and hence also f2must be symmetric.Since,in particular,f1and f2can be equal to zero,we have that our particular solution F satisfies(4.31).5ConclusionsIn accordance with the theorem of Drinfeld,we have exhibited an isomorphism from U h(sl(2))to U(sl(2))[[h]]and(up to the second order in h)a class of universal twisting elements F∈(U(sl(2))⊗U(sl(2)))[[h]].Such F perform a gauge transformation(twist) from the ordinary coproduct and from the universal R-matrix R=q P in U(sl(2))[[h]]to their quantum counterparts in U h(sl(2)).We have identified a particular universal element F in this class which,after applying the representation1⊗j.2The computation of the higher order terms,with the help of‘Mathematica’,is in progress.References[1]V.G.Drinfeld“Quasi-Hopf Algebras and Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations”Res.Rep.Phys.,1989,Springer[2]V.G.Drinfeld“Quasi-Hopf Algebras”Leningrad Math.J.19901(6)1419–1457[3]M.Bonechi,R.Giachetti,E.Sorace&M.Tarlini Commun.Math.Phys.1995169(243)627–634[4]T.L.Curtright&C.K.Zachos“Deforming maps for quantum algebras”Phys.Lett.B19903(243)237–244[5]T.L.Curtright“Deformations,Coproducts,and U”in Quantum Groups T.L.Cur-tight,D.B.Fairlie&C.K.Zachos eds World Scientific1991[6]C.K.Zachos“Quantum Deformations”in Quantum Groups T.L.Curtight,D.B.Fairlie&C.K.Zachos eds.World Scientific1991[7]R.A.Engeldinger“On the Drinfeld-Kohno Equivalence of groups and QuantumGroups”Prep.LMU-TPW95-13(q-alg/9509001)[8]T.L.Curtright,G.I.Ghandour,C.K.Zachos“Quantum algebra deforming maps,Clebsch-Gordan coefficients,coproducts,R and U matrices”J.Math.Phys.199132(3)676–688[9]L.A.Takhtajan“Lectures on Quantum Groups”in Introduction to quantum groupand integrable massive models of quantumfield theory M.Ge&B.Zhao eds.World Scientific1989[10]L.D¸a browski“Drinfeld twisting and nonstandard quantum groups”in Proc.10thNaz.Conv.Gen.Rel.,Bardonecchia1992;661-665,World Scientific[11]C.Kassel Quantum Groups Springer-Verlag1995。
