第22卷 第3期V ol 122 N o 13材 料 科 学 与 工 程 学 报Journal of Materials Science &Engineering总第89期Jun.2004文章编号:10042793X (2004)0320401204收稿日期:2003208225;修订日期:2003211209基金项目:大连理工大学三束材料改性国家重点实验室资助项目(50240420656)作者简介:黄永刚(1975-),男,湖南郴州人,硕士,主要从事功能薄膜材料的研究磁控溅射制备TiO 2薄膜的亲水性能研究黄永刚1,陈 敏2,李长敏2,张庆瑜3(11大连轻工业学院玻璃及无机新材料研究所;21大连轻工业学院材料科学与工程系,辽宁大连 116034;31大连理工大学三束材料改性国家重点实验室,辽宁大连 116024) 【摘 要】 用射频磁控溅射法在玻璃基片上制备T iO 2薄膜,并分别在300℃、400℃、500℃下进行热处理。
用紫外吸收光谱、原子力显微镜(AF M )、接触角测定等分析方法研究了制备工艺、热处理和紫外光照射时间对薄膜表面亲水性的影响。
结果表明,经紫外光照射或热处理后的T iO 2薄膜表面表现出明显的超亲水性,而制备工艺的变化对亲水性的影响不明显。
光谱、AF M 分析表明,导致薄膜表面亲水性的原因在于薄膜表面微结构的变化。
【关键词】 T iO 2薄膜;磁控溅射;亲水性;表面微结构中图分类号:T Q171172+4 文献标识码:AStudy on H ydrophilic Properties of TiO 2Thin Films Preparedby Magnetron SputteringHUANG Yong 2gang 1,CHEN Min 2,LI Chang 2min 2,ZHANG Q ing 2yu3(11I nstitute of G lass and N ew I norganic Material ,Dalian I nstitute of Light I ndustry;21Dep artment of Material Science and E ngineering ,Dalian I nstitute of Light I ndustry ,Dalian 116034,China ;31State K ey Laboratory for Material Modification by Laser ,Ion and E lectron B eams ,Dalian U niversityof T echnology ,Dalian 116024,China)【Abstract 】 T iO 2thin films were prepared by RF magnetron sputtering on the glass substrates and annealed at 300℃,400℃and500℃respectively.The in fluences of preparation conditions ,annealing tem perature and illuminating time on hydrophilicity of the T iO 2thin films were studied by using ultraviolet abs orption spectrum ,atomic force microscopy (AF M ),and contact angle measurement.The results show that T iO 2thin films can be wetted by water after annealing or UV 2light illuminating for certain time ,but the change of preparation conditions can not effectively im prove hydrophilicity.The analysis of ultraviolet abs orption spectrum and AF M shows that the hydrophilicity of T iO 2thin films depends strongly on the change of sur face microstructure.【K ey w ords 】 T iO 2thin films ;magnetron sputtering ;hydrophilicity ;sur face microstructure1 前 言T iO 2半导体薄膜材料在污水处理、空气净化、保洁除菌等领域有着广泛的应用[1~3]。
磁控溅射法制备 ITO薄膜的结构及光电性能
第32卷 第2期2009年4月电子器件Chinese J ournal Of Elect ron DevicesVol.32 No.2Ap r.2009Microstru ctu re and Optoelectrical P erform ance of IT O Film by DC M agnetron SputteringGU I T ai 2long3,W A N G Gang ,Z H A N G X i u 2f ang ,L I A N G Dong(A p plied S cience College ,H arbin Univ.S ci.Tech.,Harbin 150080,China )Abstract :By direct current magnet ron met hod using indium oxide target (ITO ,In 2O 3:SnO 2=90:10,wt %),highly t ransparent and co nductive ITO could be successf ully on glass subst rate at 100℃.The crys 2tal st ruct ure and surface shape of t he film are analyzed by XRD ,SEM and A FM.The light t ransmittance and resistance are measured by W GD 23and ZS 282.St udy splash power to t he t hin film deeply t he influence of t he light rate.The result manifest t hat t he resistance declines along wit h t he increment of t he splash power.The light t ransmittance is obviously improved after annealing.To t he p urple light dist rict of t he 360nm -380nm ,t he light t ransmittance attains lowest.To t he red light dist rict of t he 760nm -800nm ,t he light t ransmittance attains highest.K ey w ords :indium tin oxide (ITO );t hin film ;DC magnet ron sp uttering ;t ransmissivity ;microst ruct ure ;op 2toelect rical performance EEACC :4250;0520磁控溅射法制备ITO 薄膜的结构及光电性能桂太龙3,汪 钢,张秀芳,梁 栋(哈尔滨理工大学应用科学学院,哈尔滨150080)收稿日期:2008211217基金项目:黑龙江省自然科技基金资助(E200809);黑龙江省教育厅科技项目资助(11511091)作者简介:桂太龙(19522),男,教授,从事光电功能材料与器件的研究,guitl1952@ ;汪 钢(19832),男,哈尔滨理工大学微电子专业硕士摘 要:本文采用直流磁控溅射法在基板温度100℃、100%Ar 气氛中制备了光电性能优良的铟锡氧化物(In 2O 3:SnO 2=90:10,质量百分比)薄膜。
附近的发光峰是在光声子参与下通过氧缺陷捕获的激子的简接复合引起的;在535 nm附近的 发光峰来源于氧空位引起的自捕获激子的复合。最后给出退火对发射光谱的影响。 关键词:TiO。薄膜;光致发光;直流反应磁控溅射;激子
中图分类号:0462.3;0484.5 文献标志码:A
photoluminescence spectrum of Ti02 thin film
摘要:采用直流反应磁控溅射的方法,溅射高纯钛靶在玻璃衬底上制备了TiO。薄膜。在室 温下用荧光分光光度计测量TiO。薄膜的光致发光谱。试验结果表明:在336 nm附近的发光 峰是由于光诱导的电子空穴对的垂直辐射复合;在370 nm附近的发光带是来源于能带之间的
辐射复合;在430 nm附近的发光带是由表面态捕获的电子空穴对的激发引起的;在470 nm
glass substrate by the method of DC reactive mag—
sputtering with
Ti target.The photoluminescence(PL)spectra were measured
作者简介:江洪湖(1983~),男,河南南阳人,硕士研究生,主要从事薄膜材料和薄膜物理方面的研究工作。 E-mail:jianghonghu83@126.corn
关键词:TiO2薄膜;磁控溅射;光催化1 实验过程1.1实验设备与仪器JCX-1000超声波清洗机清洗载玻片,采用CS—300复合磁控溅射装置在玻璃基片上镀膜;靶材为二氧化钛靶,纯度99.99 %;真空室中通入少量99.999 %的纯氩和纯氧。
TU—1901紫外可见分光光度计,接触角测试仪,自动控温扩散炉(抚顺市无线电研究所),采用X,pert PRO型X射线衍射仪,UV755B 紫外可见分光光度,分析天平。
1.2.试验方案设计不同的实验方案,如表1所示表1 具体实验方案a.不同溅射时间溅射时间(h) 1 2 3 4氧氩比 1:40 1:40 1:40 1:40溅射压强(Pa) 1 1 1 1溅射电流(A)0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4b.不同溅射压强溅射时间(h) 2 2 2氧氩比 1:40 1:40 1:40溅射压强(Pa)0.5 1 1.5溅射电流(A)0.4 0.4 0.4c.不同氧氩流量比溅射时间(h) 2 2 2 2氧氩比 0:40 1:40 3:40 5:40溅射压强(Pa) 1 1 1 1溅射电流(A)0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4d.不同退火温度1:不退火,2:350℃,3:500℃2 实验结果与分析2.1实验原理该实验是以TiO2靶作为靶材,用直流磁控溅射的方法[1],在载玻片上沉积TiO2薄膜。
2.2溅射镀膜时间对薄膜光催化性能的影通过溅射时间的不同来确定对样品光催化性能的影响,具体参数见表2表2:不同时间下制备薄膜的工艺参数样品编号U(V) I(A) Ar(sccm) O2(sccm) P(pa) t(h) 退火温度(℃)3-2-1 370 0.4 40 1 1 2 5003-2-2 375 0.4 40 1 1 3 5003-2-3 375 0.4 40 1 1 4 5002.2.1不同时间下样品的紫外-可见吸收光谱图 1 样3-2-1的uv-vis吸收光谱图图 2 样3-2-2的uv-vis吸收光谱图图 3 样3-2-3的uv-vis吸收光谱图从上述三图中可以看出,三个样品在紫外波段都有一个吸收峰出现,而在可见光区,光几乎没有被吸收,可以推断出,制备的TiO2薄膜样品只能有效的吸收紫外光,亦即只有在紫外光的照射下,TiO2薄膜样品才能发挥光催化活性[3]。
关键词:直流磁控溅射;ITO薄膜;工艺参数;光电特性中图分类号:TN304.055文献标识码:A文章编号:1002-0322(2011)06-0018-03Study of photoelectrical properties of ITO thin films prepared bymagnetron sputteringMA Wei-hong,CAI Chang-long(School of the optoelectrical engineering,Xi'an Technological University,Xi'an710032,China)Abstract:ITO thin films were prepared on glass substrates by DC magnetron sputtering technology.The transmittance in visible region and resistivity of the ITO films was tested by spectrophotometer and four-probe instrument,respectively.The effects of sputtering pressure,oxygen-argon flow ratio and sputtering power on the photoelectrical properties of ITO thin films were investigated.The results show that,the optimum process parameters for ITO film deposition are:sputtering pressure of 0.6Pa,oxygen-argon flow ratio of1:40,and sputtering power of108W,respectively.The average transmittance in the visible region of the prepared ITO films is81.18%,and the resistivity is8.9197×10-3Ω·cm.Key words:DC magnetron sputtering;ITO thin film;process parameters;photoelectric properties由于ITO膜高电子浓度和高禁带宽度,使其不仅具有高的电导率,而且具有高的可见光透过率[1,2]。
摘 要: 本文利 用直流磁控溅 射法 在不同条件下制备玻璃基 T i 0 薄膜样品 , 并检测 了薄膜的超亲水性 。研究 了沉积 条件 例如溅
射总气压 , 氧气和氩气的相对分压 。 溅射功率 , 基 片温 度和后续 热处理对 Z i 0 2 薄膜最佳性能的影响。 实验 结果显示: 在较 低温度 下沉积的 T i 0 。 薄膜是无定型且亲水性较差 , 然而 , 在4 0 0  ̄5 0 0℃范围 内退火过后 , 薄膜表面呈现超亲水性能 。
多种,例如喷涂法 、 溶 胶一 凝 胶 法 、 磁 控 溅 射 法 和 化 学 气 相
2 实验结果及 参数 讨论
2 . 1 氧流 量 对 T i 0 薄 膜 的 工 作影 响 首先 要 研 究放 电条 件 , 因 为 辉 光放 电的 原 理 是磁 控 溅 射 进行 工 作 的前 提 理 论 基 础 。 首先 , 电压 随 氧 分 压增 强提 升 缓 慢, 但在 0 . 6 s e e m附近 却 急 剧 拉 升 , 并 于 该 点 附件 获 得 最 大
关键词 : 直流磁控溅射 : T i 0 2 薄膜 ; 退火温 度 中图分类号 : 0 4 8 4 文献标识码 : A 文章编 号: 2 0 9 5 — 5 3 9 1 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 0 4 — 0 0 8 6 — 0 2
近年来 , 制备 T i 0 2 薄膜 的方法被科学研究工作者研制许
沉积法等。 但T i 0 2 薄膜膜厚 的均匀度用喷涂法和溶胶一凝胶
法 难 以控 制 ;薄 膜 与 基 体 的 附 着 力 用 化 学 气 相 沉 积 法 又 较 差, 且 容 易脱 落 ; 而 磁 控 溅 射 法 能够 获 得 的 附着 力 较 为 理 想 ,
可克服前面方法 的缺点, T i 0 薄膜膜厚均匀度较好。本文主 值 , 此 处 我们 称 之 为 临界 点 随 着 电压 细微 下 降 , 临界 点 的位 要 目的为 : 基于 D c ( 直流) 磁控 溅射 设备在玻璃 基底上 的方 置随电流的增强而 向氧分压增强的方 向缓慢移动 。此结论与 法. 制各 T i o 2 超亲水性薄膜 。溅射时的条件决定 了能否出现 锐钛矿 、 金 红石或非晶结构。另外 , 可通过控制溅射过程的参
直流反应磁控溅射法(DC Reactive Magnetron Sputtering)是一种制备高质量TiO2薄膜的有效方法。
4结论综上所述,直流反应磁控溅射法是制备Titanium dioxide(TiO2)薄膜的一种有效方法。
For personal use only in study and research;not for commercial use射频磁控溅射沉积法制备可见光响应的TiO2光催化薄膜通过应用离子工程技术,也就是射频磁控溅射沉积法(RF-MS),能够诱导光生反应TiO2光催化薄膜被成功发展到单步制程工序上。
研究发现,在275K (2℃)可见光(波长>450nm)辐射下,发现了NO到N2和N2O的还原分解反应,显示了这种可见光响应的TiO2薄膜具有有效的光催化作用。
关键字:光催化,TiO2薄膜,可见光,射频磁控溅射沉积法For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use介绍近几年,TiO2光催化作用在各种领域得到大量的研究试验。
二氧化 钛 是阴离 子 空位 型非 化 学 计 量化 合 物 , 化
学 式 为 T O。 , 构 中存 在 着 带 正 电 的 氧 空 位 , 块 i 一 结 整
材 料 的 电中性 由准 自由 电 子来 平 衡 ; 空 位 捕 获 2个 氧
本 文用 射 频磁 控溅 射 仪 , 氩 等离 子轰击 钛靶 , 用 以
保护 等方 面. 二 氧化 钛 属 宽 禁 带半 导 体 ( 钛 型 为 3 2 e 金 锐 . V, 红石 型为 3 0 e , 子 从 价 带 激 发 到 导 带需 要 紫外 . V) 电 光源 激发 , 然而 紫外 光仅 占太 阳光 能 量 的 3 [ , 何 1如 ] 使 其 在可 见光 激发 下产 生 活性 , 直是研 究 的热点. 一 目 前多 是通 过过 渡离 子 和 阴 离 子 掺 杂使 其 吸 收 边红 移 , 而通 过优化 二 氧化 钛 自身结 构来 提 高其 可 见光 活性 的
20 0 7年 7月
J1 07 u .2 0
射 频 磁 控 溅 射 法制 备 T O2 膜 i 一薄 及 其 光 响 应 的 研 究
陈朝 凤 , 东升 , 玉花 , 黄 李 曾人 杰
( 门 大 学 化 学 化 工 学 院 材 料 科学 与 工 程 系 , 建 厦 门 3 1 0 ) 厦 福 60 5
报道 甚少 .
氧气 为反应 气 体 , 备 含 较高 氧 空 位浓 度 的 Ti 一 薄 制 Oz
膜 , 一步研 究 氧 空位 对 紫外一 见光 吸收 的影响 . 进 可
1 实验 部 分
1 1 TO 一 薄 膜 的 制 备 . i2
第33卷 第7期 稀有金属材料与工程 Vol.33, No.7 2004年 7月 RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING July 2004Received date: 2003-04-31; Revised manuscript received date: 2003-05-13Foundation item: Supported by National Foundation of Natural Science (59982002) and the Beijing Nova Program (H020*********) Biography: Zheng Shukai, Male, Born in 1974, Candidate for Ph.D., Center of Material Physics and Chemistry, School of Science, BeijingUniversity of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing 100083, Tel: 0086-10-82317941, E-mail: shkzheng@Characterization of TiO 2 Photocatalytic Thin FilmsPrepared by Radiofrequency SputteringZheng Shukai, Hao Weichang, Pan Feng, Zhang Junyeng, Wang Tianmin(Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing 100083, China)Abstract: TiO 2 thin films were prepared on microscope glass slides by radiofrequency magnetron sputtering method under different flow ratios of Ar and O 2 gases. The films were characteriz ed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscope (AFM), Raman spectroscopy and UV-VIS spectrophotometer. The results indicated that the film prepared under the flow ratio of ArÓO 2=20 sccmÓ5 sccm has a higher photocatalytic activity.Key words: TiO 2 thin film; flow ratio; surface roughness; photocatalytic activityCLC number: TG 146.4 Document code: A Article ID:1002-185X(2004)07-0752-031 IntroductionTitanium dioxide (TiO 2) has been extensively studied as a photocatalyst for deoxidation of metal ions or oxidation of organic compounds in water and air. When TiO 2 is irradiated by photons with energy equal or greater than the band gap of TiO 2, electron-hole pairs were generated in the materials. The electrons in the conduction band have deoxidizing ability to deoxidize the toxic metal ions in water. And the holes in the valence band have oxidizing ability to oxidize the organic compounds in water or air.Photocatalytic activity of TiO 2 is influenced by many factors such as surface area, crystal phase, surface acidity and so on. In the present work, we have prepared TiO 2 thin films by r.f. magnetron sputtering under different deposition parameters. The influences of Ar and O 2 flow ratios on the photocatalytic activity of TiO 2 thin films were investigated.2 ExperimentThe deposition system was a JGP-350C ultra-high vacuum multi-targets magnetron sputtering system which has been described elsewhere [1]. The base vacuum was lower than 6×10-4Pa. In each deposition run, the flow rates of Ar (99.999%) and O 2 (99.999%) were kept at constant values of X (=40, 20, 0)sccm and 5 sccm. The deposition power was kept as constant at 250 W. The deposition pressure was 1Pa and the sputtering time was 4 h. So TiO 2 thin films prepared under different flowratios of Ar and O 2 gases were obtained.The crystalline phase and microstructure of the TiO 2 thin films were measured using a Dmax/2200 automatic X-ray diffractometer (XRD) with a Cu K α source under an applied voltage of 40 kV and a current of 40 mA. The surface morphology of the TiO 2 thin films were detected by atomic force microscopy (AFM) in contact mode and the roughness of the films were calculated. The Raman spectra were monitored on a Raman spectroscopy. The transmittance spectra of the films were monitored on a Lambda-9 UV-VIS-NIR spectrophotometer.The photocatalytic activities of the films were evaluated by the decomposition of rhodamine B (RB) dye solution in a beaker. First, 5 ml aqueous RB solution with a concentration of 2 mg/L was put into the beaker using a pipette. Then 5 cm 2 TiO 2 thin film was immersed into the solution and was irradiated by a mercury lamp (8 W, λ=254 nm) in the perpendicular direction. The distance between the UV source and the thin film was 12 cm. The change of RB concentration as a function of the irradiation time was measured by the Lambda-9 UV-VIS-NIR spectrophotometer.3 Results and DiscussionIt has been recognized that TiO 2 in the anatase form is the most efficient photocatalyst as compared with other semiconductor oxides [2]. The XRD results (the figure is not shown here) indicated that all the films were anatase phase prepared under different flow ratios7期 Zheng Shukai et al : Characterization of TiO 2 Photocatalytic Thin Films Prepared by Radio Frequency Sputtering ・753・of the Ar and O 2 gases. So we presume that the films should have high photocatalytic activities. The XRD results also indicated that there were no contaminants of the other phases in the films.Fig.1 shows the three-dimension morphology of the TiO 2 thin films detected by AFM. As it can be seen from the AFM image that the particle size of the three samples is around 50 nm.Fig.1 AFM images of Ar/O 2=0/5 (a), Ar/O 2=20/5 (b),and Ar/O 2=40/5 (c) thin filmsThe surface roughness of the three samples was calculated using the AFM software. The surface rough- ness of (a), (b) and (c) are 10.842 nm, 5.533 nm and 4.754 nm, respectively. This indicates that the surface roughness is dependent on the ratios of the Ar and O 2 flows while without other parameters changed. The reason is that during the sputtering process, the different contents of mixed gases influence the ions arriving to the substrate. When the ArÓO 2=40 sccmÓ5 sccm, we presume that the ions arriving to the substrate will have higher mean ion kinetic energy, which resulted in a higher molecular mobility. The ions will fill the holes remainingat the film surface. So the surface roughness of the sample prepared under the ratio Ar:O 2=40 sccm:5 sccm is the smaller.Fig.2 shows the Raman spectra of the three samples. As it can be seen from the figure that there is only one significant peak in every scattering spectrum. And the peak is widened. This is due to the small particle in the films and the films are thin.Fig.2 Raman spectra of the samplesThe transmittance spectra of the films are shown in Fig.3. All the films have a high transparency in the visible region. The ripples in the spectra result from the surface plasma resonance. The films have a strong light absorption when the wavelength is lower than 380 nm. The absorbed light is utilized to provide the energy for the electron to transit from valence band to conduction band.Fig.3 Transmittance spectra of the thin filmsFig.4 shows the photodecomposition of RB solution. From the figure it can be seen that the samples prepared at the flow ration of ArÓO 2=20 sccmÓ5 sccm have a higher photocatalytic activity. This is different with the results of Takeda [3] et al. They found that there was no relationship between the photocatalytic performance andthe surface roughness. In other words, it means that the0. T r a n s m i t t a n c e /%Raman Shifts/cm -1 I n t e n s i t y /a .u .・754・ 稀有金属材料与工程 33卷Fig.4 Photocatalytic decomposition of RB by the filmssurface roughness is not a major factor governing the photocatalytic performance of the films. The reason for why the film with surface roughness of 5.533 nm has a higher photocatalytic activity needs further experiments to illustrate.4 ConclusionsThe TiO 2 thin film with a surface roughness of 5.533 nm has a higher photocatalytic activity .References[1] Zheng S K(郑树凯), Hao W C (郝维昌) et al. Characterizationof Surface Modified TiO 2 Photocatalytic Thin Films [J]. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering (稀有金属材料与工程), 2004, 33(2): 125~127[2] Hoffmann M R, Martin S T et al. Environmental Applicationof Semiconductor Photocatalysis [J]. Chem Rev , 1995, 95: 69~96 [3] Satoshi Takeda, Susumu Suzuki et al. Photocatalytic TiO 2Thin Film Deposited onto Glass by D.C. Magnetron Sputtering[J]. Thin Solid Films , 2001, 392: 338~344射频磁控溅射制备TiO 2光催化薄膜的表征郑树凯,郝维昌,潘 峰,张俊英,王天民(北京航空航天大学,北京 100083)摘 要:在不同的Ar 和O 2气流量比下,利用射频磁控溅射技术在载波片上制备了TiO 2薄膜。
光电子效应的有效厚度通常为50 nm以内。
此外,DCMS工艺制备的二氧化钛膜具有良好的紫外光抗变性,在9.5 mW / cm2紫外光照射下,膜的平均电阻很低。
-目录中文摘要 (2)英文摘要 (3)1 绪论 (4)2 国外研究文献综述 (6)2.1 TiO2的结构 (6)2.2 TiO2薄膜亲水性原理 (6)2.3 相关参数对TiO2薄膜结构及其性能的影响 (7)2.3.1 晶粒尺寸 (7)2.3.2 结晶度和晶格缺陷 (7)2.3.3表面积和表面预处理 (7)2.3.4 表面羟基 (7)2.3.5 薄膜厚度 (8)3 实验部分 (9)3.1 实验系统介绍 (9)3.2 衬底的选择及清洗 (10)3.3 直流磁控溅射制备TiO2薄膜的实验步骤 (10)3.4 亲水性测试 (10)4 实验结果及参数讨论 (11)4.1 氧流量对TiO2薄膜的工作曲线的影响 (11)4.2 溅射功率的选择及其对薄膜的性能影响 (12)4.3 总气压对薄膜性能的影响 (14)4.4 氧氩比对薄膜亲水性的影响 (14)4.5 基片温度对薄膜性能的影响 (15)4.6 热处理对薄膜性能的影响 (17)结论 (19)辞 (20)参考文献 (21)直流磁控溅射法制备TiO2薄膜摘要:本文利用直流磁控溅射法在不同条件下制备玻璃基TiO2薄膜样品,并检测了薄膜的超亲水性。
本文在实验中获得的最佳制备条件为:溅射功率为94 W,溅射气压在2.0Pa,氧氩比是2:30,基片温度为400 0C,最后在空气气氛中退火,温度为4500C。
关键词:直流磁控溅射;TiO2薄膜;超亲水性;退火温度Preparing TiO2 Films by DCReactive Magnetron SputteringAbstract: In this paper TiO2films are deposited on the glass substrates b y DC reactive magnetron sputtering at different conditions. Super hydrop-hilicity of TiO2 thin film has been examined.Theinfluences of the deposition such as the total sputtering gaspressure,their relative oxygen and argon partial pressure,sputtering power,substrate temper-atrue and post-annealing temperature on the optimum performance of the TiO2 thin film are studied. The results showed that the TiO2 thin film sputtered at low temperature is amporphous and has a rather poor hydrophilicity.In contrast,annealed at a temperature ran-ging from 400 0C to 500 0C,super hydrophilicity of the anataseph-ased TiO2film can be observed.The best conditions obtained are that sputtering power is 94 W,sputtering pressure is2.0 Pa,oxygenargon ratio is 2:30,substrate temperature is 4000C and annealing temperature in air atmosphere is 4500C. keywords:reactive magnetron sputtering;TiO2 thin film;super hydrophilici ty;annealing temperature1 绪论TiO2有独特的光学、电学及化学性质,已广泛用于电子、光学和医学等方面。
实 验 中 反应 压 强 为 0 8 12P , 底 温 度 为 . ~ . a 衬 2 0℃ ~ 4 0。 反 应 氧 分 压 比 例 为 1 ~ 0 0 C, 0 3 , 0 功率 10W 。每次溅 射之 前都 预 先在 Ar 5 气 中预 溅射 5mi 右 , n左 以除 去靶 表面 的 氧 化 物, 当观 察 到靶 表 面辉 光 放 电颜 色 由桔 红 变成 蓝 白色时 , 表明氧 化物 已除去 , 然后 再通 入氧气 进 行反 应溅 射 。薄膜 的沉 积 时 间 为 6 n 薄 0mi,
2 0n 左 右 。 0 m
1 实 验
1 1 TO 薄 膜 的制备 . i2 实验 采用 沈 阳科 仪 制 造 的 J GP型 三靶 共 溅射 高真空 磁 控溅 射 装 置 , 用 直 流 反应 磁 控 利 溅射 制备 Ti 薄 膜 。实 验 中 以金 属 钛 ( 度 O 纯 9 . ) 靶 材 , 面 直 径 为 6 99 为 靶 0mm, 厚 为 靶
1 a 中 Ti 晶 粒 平 均 粒 径 大 小 为 3 m , 图 () O: 0l 而 l 1b 中 的 TO () i 粒 径 大 小 是 4 m , 粒 有 所 0n 晶
变大 。
最 后用 去离 子水彻 底 冲洗 , 再用 热 风干燥 待用 。
收 稿 日期 : 0 8 O 8 2 0 一 40 *北 京 市 教 育 委 员 会 科 技 发 展 计 划 面 上 项 目 , 目 项 号: KM2 0 1 0 7 0 。 0 7 0 10 9
高 , 膜 晶粒 粒 径 增 大 , 可 见 光 透 过 率 有 所 降 低 , 使 薄膜 的 吸 收 阈值 向 长 波方 向移 动 。 薄 其 而
关 键 词中图法分类号 NhomakorabeaTi。 膜 ;直 流 磁 控 溅 射 ;光 响 应 O 薄
摘 要: 通 过直 流反 应磁 控溅射 制备 了不 同 Mo掺杂量 的 MoTO 薄膜. .i 用原 子力显 微镜 ( M)X射线衍 射 AF 、
( RD 仪、 X ) X射线光 电子能谱( P ) 、 x s 仪 紫外一 N ̄( v vs分光光度计详 细研究 了Mo u -i ) 掺杂量 对薄膜表面形貌 、
o tmi fremi o c p A M)X- yd rcin( RD , ryp oo lcrns e t s o y( P ) a d fao c oc c s o y( F , r i a t X )X- h tee t p cr c p X S , n r a f o a o o Ut v l .ibes e t s o y( V Vs. oiv siaete p oo lcr h rcei i o O ( du i la ie v il p cr c p U - i)T e t t h tee tcc aa tr t fI r o t s o n g h i sc T i im t n n
物 理化 学学  ̄ ( ui a u u b o E W lHu x e e a ) X
Fe ua y br r
At ca脚 一 hm. i. 0 2 2 2, 8 — 8 . C i Sn 2 1 , 8()3 3 6 1
d i 1 . 6 /KU. o: 03 6P 8 WHX 2 1 1 1 3 B 0 2 2 l
磁 控 溅 射 制备 TO i2薄膜 及 其 光 学特 性 研 究
周 继 承 ,陈 宇 , 保 星 赵
( 中南大学 物理科 学与技 术学院, 湖南 长沙 4 0 8 ) 10 3 摘 要: 采用直流反应磁控溅射法在玻璃衬底上制备 TO i 薄膜. 用紫外 一可见光 分光光度计 和 A M 分别表征 F 了薄膜的透射率和表面形貌 , 用包络线法详细研究 了不 同衬底温度下 TO 薄膜 的光学特性. i 结果表 明: 薄膜在 可见光波段有很高的透明度 , 且随着衬底温度的升 高 , 薄膜的透射率 略有增加 , 薄膜的折射 率和吸收系数增 大, 薄膜 的光学带隙减小 ; 同时 , 薄膜表 面粗糙度减小 , 薄膜 变得平整 . 关键词 :i 薄膜 ; TO 直流反应磁控溅射 ; 底温度 ; 衬 光学特性 ; 包络线法
a d t e fl b c me v n. n h m e o s e e i
Ke wo ds: O2t i l ;DC e ci e ma ner n s u trn y r Ti h n f m i r a tv g to p te i g;s bsr t e u tae t mpe aur r t e;o tc lp o e is;e v lp p ia r p r e t n eo e
中 图分 类 号 :4 4 0 8 文 献 标 识 码 : A 文 章 编 号 :0 9— 7 X (0 0 6— 0 1 0 10 6 1 2 1 )0 0 6 — 4
Th p i a r pe t s o ia i m i x d h n fl s e o tc lp o r i f tt n u e do iet i m i
t e fl s o ev d b M n h r n miso p cr r a u e y UV —VI r n mi a c p c r ・ h ms wa bs r e y AF a d te ta s s in s e ta we e me s r d b i S ta s t n e s e to t so e c p .Th p ia r p ris o h l td f r n u sr t e e au e ha e be n su id u ig t e e eo e e o tc lp o e te ft e f ms a if e ts b tae t mp r t r v e t d e sn h nv l p i e meh d t o .Th e u t h w h tt e f m a e y h g r n p r n y i iil ih v a d,be i e e r s lss o t a h l h sv r i h ta s a e c n v sb e lg twa e b n i sd s,wi h n t tei- h c e s fs b tae tmp r t r r a e o u srt e e a u e,t e ta p r n y i c e s s sih l h r ns a e c n r a e lg ty,t e r fa tv n e n he a s r to o f - h er cie i d x a d t b o i n c ef p i c e to O2t i l n r a e,a d t e o tc lb n a e r a e .Me n ie,t e s ra e r u h e sde r a e in fTi h n f msi c e s i n h p ia a d g p d c e s s a wh l h u c o g n s c e s s f
在制备Cu2O薄膜时,通常使用铜靶材,同时在氩气氛围下加入适量的氧气,使得溅射出的铜原子与氧气结合形成Cu2O 薄膜。
1. 靶材制备:选用高纯度的铜靶材,一般为99.99%的纯度,制备成合适的尺寸和形状。
2. 真空系统准备:在真空室内通入氩气并排除氧气等杂质,同时在靶材上加上负电压,使其形成离子束。
3. 薄膜制备:将基底放置在真空室内,利用氩离子束轰击靶材表面,使其溅射出铜原子并在基底表面沉积,同时在氩气氛围下加入适量的氧气,使得铜原子与氧气结合形成Cu2O薄膜。
4. 薄膜表征:利用X射线衍射、扫描电子显微镜、透射电子显微镜等技术对制备的Cu2O薄膜进行表征,分析其晶体结构、形貌和物理性质等。
三、直流反应磁控溅射制备Cu2O薄膜的应用研究进展1. 光电催化领域:Cu2O薄膜具有良好的光电催化性能,可以用于光催化分解水、还原二氧化碳等领域。
2. 电化学储能领域:Cu2O薄膜具有高比容量、高循环稳定性和优异的放电性能,可以用于电化学储能领域。
3. 传感器领域:Cu2O薄膜具有良好的气敏性能,可以用于气体传感器的制备。
4. 其他领域:Cu2O薄膜还可以用于太阳能电池、光电子器件、防腐蚀涂层等领域。
and Ar/02=40/5(c)thin films
The surface roughness of the three samples was calculated using the AFM soRware。The surface rough-ness of(a),(b)and(c)are10.842nm,5.533nm and 4.754nm,respectively.This indicates tllat tlle surface roughness is dependent on the fatios of the Ar and02 flows While without other parameters changed.The reason is that during the sputtering process,the difrerent contents of mixed gases influence the ions arriving to nle subs仃ate.When t11e Ar:02;40sccm:5sccm,we presume that the ions arriving to the substrate will have higher mean ion kinetic ene玛y,which resulted in a higher molecular mobil耐.The ions will fill nle holes remaining at the film surface.So the surface roughness of the sample prepared under the ratio Ar:02=40sccm:5
直流反应磁控溅射制备的Mo掺杂TiO2薄膜的光电特性颜秉熙;罗胜耘;沈杰【摘要】Nanocrystalline TiO? Thin films doped with different concentrations of Mo were deposited by direct current (DC) reactive magnetron sputtering. The influence of Mo on surfaces, crystal structures, the valence states of elements and the absorption band of Mo doped TiO2 films were characterized by means of atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis). To investigate the photoelectric characteristic of ITO (indium tin oxide)/Mo-TiO2 electrodes, a series of cyclic voltammetry experiments were conducted. The results indicate thatan appropriate amount of Mo atoms, observed as Mo6* and Mo5* by XPS, could inhibit the crystal growth of particles, enhance the surface roughness of the Mo doped TiO2 thin film, and bring about a remarkable red shift of the absorption spectra. As the concentration of Mo increased, the energy gap declined at first until the amount of doped Mo eventually reached 3.6% (n(Mo)/n(Ti)), when a blue shift of spectra resulted and the energy gap grew wider. The sample doped with 0.9% Mo was irradiated with a Xelamp and showed the highest photocurrent, which continued to increase with increasing voltage exerted on the anode. An increase in Mo concentration resulted in a decrease in photocurrent. Compared to the pure TiO2 film, the sample with 3.6% Mo had a much lower photocurrent. Our experiments demonstrate that Mo doping, when the concentrationwas controlled under a relatively low limit, brought about a significant improvement of the photoelectric properties of the TiO3 films. The highest photocurrent observed is 2.4 times that of the sample with no Mo doping.%通过直流反应磁控溅射制备了不同Mo掺杂量的Mo-TiO2薄膜.用原子力显微镜(AFM)、X射线衍射(XRD)仪、X射线光电子能谱(XPS)仪、紫外-可见(UV-Vis)分光光度计详细研究了Mo掺杂量对薄膜表面形貌、晶体结构、元素价态及吸收带边的影响.用瞬态光电流和循环伏安法考察了不同Mo含量ITO/Mo-TiO2电极的光电特性.结果表明:在TiO2薄膜中掺入的Mo以Mo6+和Mo5+两种价态存在;随着Mo掺杂量的增加,Mo-TiO2薄膜的晶粒尺寸逐渐减小,晶格畸变增大,吸收阈值显著红移;薄膜的禁带宽度先减小后增大,在Mo掺杂量为2.7% (n(Mo)/n(Ti))时禁带宽度最小;Mo掺杂量为0.9%的样品在氙灯下的光生电流最大,且随着所加阳极偏压的提高光生电流并未呈现出饱和的趋势.此后随着掺杂量的提高,薄膜的光生电流开始下降,当Mo掺杂量达到3.6%时,薄膜的光电流小于未掺杂的样品;说明适当浓度的Mo掺杂能够提高Mo-TiO2薄膜光电性能,光生电流最大可达未掺杂的2.4倍.【期刊名称】《物理化学学报》【年(卷),期】2012(028)002【总页数】6页(P381-386)【关键词】光生电流;循环伏安;直流反应磁控溅射;二氧化钛薄膜;钼掺杂【作者】颜秉熙;罗胜耘;沈杰【作者单位】复旦大学材料科学系,上海200433;复旦大学材料科学系,上海200433;贵州民族学院理学院,贵阳550025;复旦大学材料科学系,上海200433【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O644TiO2薄膜在紫外光照射下,表面产生的OH·自由基能够杀菌消毒、净化空气、降解有机物;1用作光催化剂则具备无毒、耐紫外光腐蚀、化学稳定性高2等优点;另外TiO2薄膜还具有高折射率、高透明度等优良的介质绝缘性能.3然而由于TiO2是一种宽禁带半导体(禁带宽度Eg=3.2 eV),对应的激发波长在紫外区,因此在可见光下的光电转换效率很低.已有报道4-8指出,由于Mo原子直径与Ti的很接近,在被掺入TiO2薄膜后可以有效取代部分Ti4+,形成大量电子-空穴的浅势捕获阱,进而抑制电子-空穴的复合.不过由于掺入的Mo同时也可能会成为载流子复合中心,因此Mo的掺杂存在一个适宜的浓度,过量Mo掺杂会导致TiO2薄膜的光电转化效率下降.在现有研究中,钼掺杂二氧化钛(Mo-TiO2)薄膜的主要制备方法包括溶胶-凝胶、低温溶液合成、阳极氧化等.9-12以上方法在薄膜制备和后期处理时对环境温度要求高,且制得的薄膜强度普遍较低、透明度不高、厚度不均匀,难以满足实际需求.采用磁控溅射法制备的TiO2薄膜具有光学性能好、机械性能稳定、杂质吸附少、成膜厚度易于控制等优点,更适用于大面积的工业化生产,但现阶段其光电性能还有待提高.目前以磁控溅射法制备Mo-TiO2薄膜的报道还很少,Vomiero等13曾用射频溅射制备Mo-TiO2薄膜,并研究了不同热处理条件对Mo-TiO2薄膜的结构与气敏性能的影响,但未涉及Mo-TiO2薄膜的光电性能.鉴于不同制备方法下Mo的最佳掺杂浓度并不相同,14-16因此有必要确定在溅射工艺条件下Mo的最佳掺杂浓度,以实现Mo-TiO2薄膜的最高光电转换效率.本文应用直流(DC)反应磁控溅射制备纳米Mo-TiO2薄膜.通过X射线光电子能谱(XPS)、X射线衍射(XRD)、原子力显微镜(AFM)测试手段详细考察了不同Mo掺杂浓度下薄膜的化学价态和微观结构,并用紫外-可见(UV-Vis)分光光度计测量了样品在紫外-可见光下的吸收光谱,以测定其激发波长与禁带宽度.采用电化学工作站观测Mo-TiO2薄膜电极在氙灯照射下的光生电流与伏安循环特性,研究了Mo掺杂量对薄膜光电性能的影响,并对其原因进行了讨论.2.1 直流反应磁控溅射制备钼掺杂TiO2薄膜本实验使用北京仪器厂生产的DM450A型真空镀膜机,在先后经过去离子水、丙酮超声清洗过的玻璃和ITO基板上,将镶嵌钼丝的金属钛靶置于氧氩混合气氛中,采用直流反应磁控溅射技术沉积Mo-TiO2薄膜.在考虑Mo与Ti的溅射产额比后,通过计算溅射区域内钼丝与钛靶的面积之比,确定Mo/Ti的摩尔比,在此基础上分别制备了Mo含量为0.9%、1.8%、2.7%、3.6%的Mo-Ti镶嵌靶.镶嵌靶直径为60 mm,厚度为2 mm,与基板距离为65 mm.溅射前本底压强为2.0×10-3Pa,将氧/氩体积比为1:6的Ar和O2充入反应室,在室温下溅射2 h,溅射气压0.5-1 Pa,溅射功率80 W.而后将薄膜置于电阻炉内(上海天页实验电炉厂,SX2-8-10型)在500°C下退火2 h,让样品随炉冷却至室温.利用台阶仪(上海昭沅公司,ET200型)测得退火后的薄膜厚度均为500 nm左右.2.2 薄膜的表征薄膜的晶格结构由Philips PWl710X型X射线衍射仪测定,测量条件为30 kV,20 mA,采用波长为0.1542 nm的Cu靶Kα射线.根据所测得样品的衍射峰的位置与半高宽估算其晶粒尺寸与晶格畸变大小.薄膜的表面形貌用原子力显微镜(Auto Probe CP,Park Scientific Instrument)测得.采用紫外-可见分光光度计(Hitachi,UV-2300)测量薄膜在300-800 nm波段的吸收率.为确定样品中Mo的价态,采用X光电子能谱仪(PHI,PHI5000 CESCA System)在14.0 kV,250 W,真空度小于1.33×10-6Pa的测量条件下测量薄膜的X射线光电子能谱.2.3 电化学测试光电化学实验选用带石英窗口的三电极电解池,电解液为用去离子水配制的0.5 mol·L-1的Na2SO4溶液,工作电极为实验所制备的ITO/Mo-TiO2薄膜,对电极为Pt片,参比电极为饱和甘汞电极(SCE),文中所测得电位均相对于参比电极.薄膜的循环伏安特性与光生电流均在上海辰华仪器公司出产的CHI660A型电化学工作站上进行,所用光源为CHF-XM35-500W型氙灯,应用波长范围为300-900 nm.由光功率计(ORIEL)测得光功率为100 mW·cm-2.3.1 薄膜结构为确定薄膜内各元素的价态,对Mo掺杂量为3.6%(n(Mo)/n(Ti))的样品进行XPS 测试.结果表明,薄膜中C、O、Mo、Ti的原子百分比为32.40:49.51: 1.16:16.93.其中n(Mo)/n(Ti)为6.9%,明显高于3.6%,这说明所制备的薄膜中除去进入晶格内部的Mo外,还有部分Mo可能会以MoO3的形式存在于薄膜表面.17图1(a)为对Mo 3d峰进行分峰、拟合处理后的XPS图谱.从图1(a)中可以看出,薄膜中Mo的价态有五价和六价两种.232.2和235.3 eV对应着Mo6+的特征峰,231.2和234.3 eV对应Mo5+的特征峰.18由Mo6+和Mo5+对应的特征峰的面积之比可得其含量分别为59.25%和40.75%.Mo5+可能是反应溅射中Mo未充分氧化所致.图1(b)为薄膜中O 1s的XPS能谱图,由于原峰与O 1s的标准峰相比有一定偏移且对称性不高,故需对其进行分峰、拟合.从拟合后的图中可知,薄膜内存在晶格氧和吸附氧两种形式,其中Ti-O键对应的晶格氧的结合能为529.4 eV,而吸附氧对应着530.5 eV处的峰.19较多的吸附氧可能是由薄膜的多孔状结构和高浓度掺杂下过大的晶格畸变所致.图1(c)为Ti 2p的XPS能谱图.458.1与463.9 eV分别是Ti 2p3/2和Ti 2p1/2的结合能,对应于Ti4+氧化态.20由图中可见其峰形对称性较高,表明在当前实验条件下薄膜中的Ti已被完全氧化.21,22图2为不同钼掺杂量Mo-TiO2薄膜的XRD谱,可见未掺杂的TiO2薄膜在500°C退火2 h后为锐钛矿结构,各峰较为清晰,这表明所制备的薄膜有着良好的晶体结构.为了更清楚地了解薄膜的微观结构,以Scherrer公式:d=Kλ/βcosθ,计算各样品的晶粒尺寸,其中K取常数0.89,λ为所用X光的波长,β为XRD衍射图中最强衍射峰的半高宽,θ为最强峰对应的衍射角.以公式:23ε=β/4tgθ,求得晶格畸变,晶胞参数由软件给出,所得数据见表1.进入TiO2薄膜内的Mo原子可能以“替位式”或“间隙式”原子的形式存在.间隙式掺杂一般发生在杂质原子半径远小于基质原子时,由于Mo6+的离子半径(r=0.062 nm)与Ti4+的离子半径(r=0.068 nm)很接近,因此在较低掺杂浓度下,钼主要是以替位式原子的形式存在.由图2可知,与未掺杂样品相比,掺Mo后薄膜的衍射信号强度均有所降低.这是因为Mo取代Ti后会引起晶格畸变,从而破坏了原有的晶体结构;同时,Mo的存在会使TiO2晶粒间的扩散势垒提高,24抑制晶粒长大而使晶粒尺寸减小,导致衍射信号减弱.受此影响,表1中Mo掺杂3.6%的样品与未掺杂的样品相比较,晶粒尺寸减小了一半,而晶格畸变是未掺杂样品的3倍.与未掺杂样品相比,Mo掺杂量为0.9%的样品在c方向上晶胞的变化幅度明显大于在a方向上的,这反映出Mo可能不是沿着c方向进入TiO2晶格内部的.Mo掺杂量进一步提高时,更多的Ti被Mo取代,致使晶格畸变加大,晶胞体积也逐渐增大.当掺杂量达到3.6%后,晶胞体积不再增大,这表明Mo对Ti的取代有一定的限度,超过这一限度时多余的Mo无法取代更多的Ti而以间隙原子的形式存在.图3是纯TiO2薄膜与Mo掺杂量为3.6%的TiO2薄膜的AFM图.由图可知,未掺杂的TiO2薄膜表面成明显的三维多孔状结构.Thornton的研究发现,当薄膜沉积过程中基板温度Ts<0.3Tm(Tm为薄膜材料的熔点)时,薄膜的表面形貌主要由若干彼此独立的柱状结构组成,25本实验的AFM图符合这一理论.从图中可以看出,掺杂量为3.6%的Mo-TiO2薄膜表面的颗粒尺寸小于未掺杂的TiO2薄膜(其它Mo掺杂含量的结果与此类似),这与XRD的结果一致.未掺杂样品的均方根粗糙度(RMSR)为2.37 nm,Mo掺杂量3.6%的薄膜为2.52 nm.可见,随着Mo含量的提高,薄膜的晶粒尺寸逐渐减小,而表面起伏度逐步增大.3.2 薄膜的光电特性3.2.1 不同掺钼量薄膜的UV-Vis吸收光谱图4为不同Mo-TiO2薄膜的紫外-可见吸收谱. Mo6+取代Ti4+后,多余的外层价电子受正电中心的束缚较弱,易于被激发为可在晶格内自由移动的导电电子.因此在TiO2中掺入Mo可在TiO2导带下方引入施主能级可形成n型掺杂,从而降低TiO2薄膜的禁带宽度.图4中,随着Mo掺杂量的增大,薄膜的吸收曲线发生整体红移,在可见波段的吸收率也有所提高.Mo掺杂量为3.6%的样品对应的激发波长出现蓝移,原因在于晶粒尺寸变小后电子的运动受到更为强烈的限制,电子的局域性和相干性增强,费米能级附近的能级分化加大使得样品能隙变宽,从而导致量子效应更加明显.26同样原因,由于实验所用薄膜的厚度远小于粉体的粒径,TiO2薄膜的禁带宽度(Eg=3.70 eV)也明显大于TiO2粉体的禁带宽度(Eg=3.20 eV).图5给出钼掺杂量与薄膜禁带宽度的关系图.通过作切线可知,Mo掺杂量为0.9%、1.8%、2.7%、3.6%的样品对应的禁带宽度Eg分别为3.55、3.45、3.20、3.40 eV.随着Mo掺杂量的增加,薄膜的禁带宽度先减小后增大,在Mo掺杂量为2.7%时达到最小值(3.20 eV).这表明掺杂适当浓度的Mo能有效减小TiO2薄膜的禁带宽度,促进其吸收阈值红移.3.2.2 光生电流与伏安循环特性图6为不同Mo掺杂量的Mo-TiO2薄膜的在氙灯照射下的光生电流.实验中氙灯的应用波长范围为300-900 nm,20 s时迅速抽出氙灯挡板让样品接受照射,而40 s 时闭合挡板.从中可见,Mo掺杂0.9%的薄膜的光电流最大,为未掺杂样品的2.4倍.此后随着Mo含量的提高,样品的光生电流逐渐下降,这表明少量的Mo掺杂能够形成载流子捕获阱,从而抑制光生载流子复合并提高薄膜电极的光电转换效率.当掺杂浓度进一步增大时,过量的Mo可能以间隙原子的形式填入TiO2晶格内部,进而加速载流子复合.当Mo掺杂量增至3.6%时,样品的光生电流甚至小于未掺杂的TiO2薄膜,这是因为薄膜中光生载流子的复合速率krecomb与其分离距离R之间存在以下关系:27krecomb∝exp(-2R/a0).掺杂量过大时,由于杂质缺陷间的距离R很小,复合速率krecomb较大,从而导致载流子浓度降低,光生电流迅速减小.图7为不同Mo含量的TiO2薄膜电极在氙灯照射下的循环伏安曲线.对于纳米微粒组成的Mo-TiO2薄膜,由于微粒尺寸过小,不足以形成空间电荷层,所以当其与电解质溶液接触时很难形成能带弯曲.28此时,光生载流子的分离和传递主要是通过载流子向电解质溶液和ITO电极两个方向上不同的迁移速率来实现的.因此,在薄膜电极上加上一定的正向偏压,能有效抑制光生电子向溶液中扩散,进而加快载流子的分离,提高光电转换效率.由图7可见,Mo掺杂量为0.9%的薄膜电极产生的阳极光电流最大,且随着电压增大并未呈现出饱和趋势.Mo掺杂量为1.8%的样品在电压较大时阳极光电流有饱和趋势,原因在于掺杂浓度增大后薄膜晶粒变小,此时光生载流子迁移率较高,薄膜内多数光生载流子已经能够自行扩散到薄膜表面.由于缺陷过多时复合更为迅速,钼掺杂量为3.6%的样品所产生的阳极光电流很低,这在光生电流实验中已被证实.适量Mo掺杂可显著减小TiO2薄膜的禁带宽度并促进薄膜吸收阈值红移.Mo掺杂量为2.7%时,禁带宽度减小到最小值(3.2 eV),相比未掺杂的TiO2薄膜(Eg=3.7 eV)降低了14%.当掺杂量进一步增大时,薄膜吸收阈值蓝移,禁带宽度开始增大.Mo掺杂浓度对TiO2薄膜内光电性能有很大影响.掺杂量为0.9%样品的光生电流密度是未掺杂TiO2薄膜的2.4倍,且其光电流密度未随所加阳极偏压的增大呈现出饱和趋势,体现出最为优良的光电特性.随着Mo掺杂量的进一步提高,光生电流密度逐渐减小.Mo掺杂量增至3.6%时,样品的光电流密度已低于未掺杂样品.【相关文献】(1) Fujishima,A.;Hashimoto,K.;Watanabe,T.TiO2Photocatalysis: Fundamentals and Applications;BKC Inc.Press:Tokyo,1999.(2) Zhang,X.Y.;Cui,X.L.Acta Phys.-Chim.Sin.2009,25(9), 1829.[张晓艳,崔晓莉.物理化学学报,2009,25(9),1829.](3) Nair,P.B.;Justinvictor,V.B.;Daniel,G.P.Appl.Surf.Sci. 2011,257,10869.(4)Du,Y.K.;Gan,Y.Q.;Hua,N.P.Chem.Res.Appl.2004,16, 802.[杜玉扣,甘玉琴,华南平.化学研究与应用,2004,16, 802.](5) Zhan,S.X.;Fan,S.H.;Lin,Z.M.Acta Sci.Nat.Univ.Suny. 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关键词:TiNxOy;直流磁控溅射;迟滞回线;吸收光谱中图分类号:TB43;O484文献标识码:A文章编号码:1002-0322(2008)01-0060-04PropertiesofTiNxOyfilmspreparedbyDCmagnetronsputteringCHENEr-dong,WANGCong,YANGHai-gang,ZHUKai-gui(CenterofCondensedMatterandMaterialPhysics,BeihangUniversity,Beijing100083,China)Abstract:TiNxOythinfilmswerepreparedonglasssubstratesbydirectcurrent(DC)magnetronsputtering.ThehysteresiseffectobservedinbetweenthesputteringvoltageandN2flowratewasstudied.Thecrystallinestructures,opticalandelectricalpropertiesofthesamplefilmswerecharacterizedbyX-raydiffraction(XRD),UV-Visspectrophotometerandfour-probevoltmeter.Theresultsshowedthatthediffractionpeaksbecomeclearerandtheabsorptionspectrumedgeofthinfilmsextendsfor500nminvisiblelightdirectionwithincreasingN2flowrateandfilmthickness,whiletheresistivitydecreaseswithincreasingN2flowrate.Keywords:TiNxOy;DCmagnetronsputtering;hysteresisloops;absorptionspectrum由于TiNxOy有特殊的光学、电学性质,突出的机械性能和化学稳定性,在过去的几年里,引起科研工作者的高度重视并对其进行了广泛的研究[1 ̄4]。
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第33卷第4期 人 工 晶 体 学 报 V ol.33 N o.4 2004年8月 JOURNA L OF SY NTHETIC CRY ST A LS August,2004 Photoresponse of TiO2Thin Films Depositedby DC R eactive Magnetron SputteringZH ANG Li2wei,ZH ANG Bing2lin,Y AO Ning,F AN Zhi2qin,Y ANG Shi2e,LU Zhan2ling(K ey Laboratory of M aterial Physics,Department of Physics,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou450052,China)(Received9May2004)Abstract:T iO2thin films were prepared by DC reactive magnetron sputtering on IT O sur face which deposited on glass substrates.The structure of T iO2thin films was studied by Raman spectrum and the abs orption spectra.The photoresponses of T iO2thin films were investigated in virtue of photocurrent.The photoresponse time is less than100s when photocurrent reaches96%of the maximum and the photocurrent decays to dark current within200s.The sensitivity and stability of the photoresponse indicate that it is possible for T iO2thin films to be a new UV detector material.K ey w ords:DC reactive magnetron sputtering;T iO2thin films;photoresponse;photocurrentC LC number:O484 Document code:A Article I D:10002985X(2004)0420667203直流反应磁控溅射法制备二氧化钛薄膜的光响应张利伟,张兵临,姚 宁,樊志琴,杨仕娥,鲁占灵(郑州大学物理工程学院材料物理重点实验室,郑州450052)摘要:采用直流反应磁控溅射的方法在镀有IT O的导电玻璃衬底上沉积了二氧化钛薄膜,分别用拉曼光谱和吸收光谱研究了薄膜的结构,通过光电流研究了二氧化钛薄膜的紫外光响应。
关键词:直流反应磁控溅射;二氧化钛薄膜;光响应;光电流1 IntroductionT itanium dioxide,T iO2,has been known as a material with a high refractive index,high transparency in the visible and near2in frared wavelength region,high dielectric constant,very g ood wear resistance and stability.Due to these special properties,T iO2has become the subject of many investigations for applications in optical coatings[1], microelectronic devices[2]and protective layers[3].In the last decade,titanium dioxide has als o attracted a great deal of interest due to its photocatalytic behavior[4].The decom position of organic com pounds on the surface of T iO2and the reduction of the contact angle between water and the surface of T iO2under UV irradiation results in self2cleaning and anti2 fogging effects.In recent years the conductivity[5]and photocurrent[6]of T iO2films have been investigated.Anatase T iO2 bandgap is about3.2eV,when a photon whose energy hυis equal to or greater than its bandgap is abs orbed by a T iO2 particle,electron2hole pairs will be generated and transport under the electric filed,when stop UV illumination the electron2hole pairs will recombine,s o the current decreases.T iO2crystallizes in three structures:anatase,rutile and orthorhombic brookite.All the three structures can abs orb UV light.The brookite phase is stable only at very low tem peratures and hence not useful practically,s o the use of T iO2R eceived d ate:2004205209Biography:ZHANGLi2wei(19792),M ale,from Henan province,M aster candidate.E2mail:zlw@focus on rutile and anatase.Each crystalline form is convenient for different purpose.While rutile is mainly desirable for optical applications [7],in contrast to rutile ,anatase thin film has a smaller electro effective mass ,resulting in a higher m obility for the charge carriers [8],which is beneficial to further application in optoelectronic and other devices.T iO 2films can be produced by many methods ,such as s ol 2gel [9],C VD [10],reactive evaporation [11]and sputtering [12].The use of reactive magnetron sputtering provides m ore benefit in controlling the structure ,com position and properties of T iO 2thin films due to the ease of adjusting deposition conditions.Up to the present ,the report on the photocurrent of T iO 2films ,mainly focus on dye 2sensitized T iO 2thin films [13]used in s olar cells.S ome papers have reported the photocurrent of T iO 2thin films ,but the photoresponse time is longer than 400s [6],especially the photocurrent decay is very slow 2m ore than 1500s [6,14].In this paper ,T iO 2thin films were deposited on IT O substrates by DC reactive magnetron sputtering and its photoresponses under UV light were investigated.The photoresponse time is less than 100s when photocurrent reaches 96%of the maximum and the photocurrent decay is faster than their reports [6,14],what ’s m ore ,the process is s omewhat repeatable.The results give us a new in formation that it can probably be a new application -UV detector.2 ExperimentalIn our experimental situation ,IT O films were sputtered on quartz substrates by using a DC magnetron sputtering sys 2tem (CS 2300),then ,the T iO 2thin films with area of 10×10mm 2were deposited on IT O films using a high purity titani 2um target.Prior to the introduction of the sputtering gas ,the base pressure in the vacuum chamber was reduced to 1×10-3Pa by turbo pum ping.Before sputtering T iO 2thin films ,the target was pre 2sputtered in a pure arg on atm osphere for 5min in order to rem ove the surface oxide layer.The sputtering conditions were listed in T able1.Fig.1 The scheme of experiment circuitT able 1 Deposition conditions for TiO 2 thin filmsT argetT i (99.99%)Substrate tem perature200℃T otal sputtering pressure017Pa O 2/Ar1:2Base pressure<10-3Pa S puttering current0175A S puttering time 60m inThe structure of T iO 2thin films was analyzed by using Raman spectrum ,the abs orption spectra of T iO 2thin films was studied using UV 23150spectrophotometer ,the photoresponses of T iO 2thin film were measured in ambient air ,the UV light s ource was a small 4W black lam p ,the sam ple was biased at 110V ,115V and 210V.A digital am pere 2meter and a v oltage 2meter recorded the photocurrent and the v oltage respectively.Fig.1shows the scheme of the experiment circuit.3 Results and discussionFig.2shows a Raman spectrum of T iO 2thin films on IT O substrates ,the appearance of peaks at around 144,197,400,515and 640cm -1corresponding to the anatase E g m ode ,E g m ode ,B 1g m ode ,a doublet of A 1g and B 1g and E g m ode respectively ,which indicats that T iO 2thin films are anatase structure.Fig.3shows the abs orption spectrum of T iO 2thin films.It reveals that T iO 2thin films have strong abs orption when the wavelength is less than 360nm.866人工晶体学报 第33卷Fig.2 Raman spectrum of T iO 2thinfilms Fig.3 The abs orption spectrum of T iO 2thin films Fig.4is a series of photocurrent 2time curves of a sam ple measured at different bias v oltage ,110V ,115V and 210Vunder UV illumination within 2100s 1The dark current is very small ,alm ost 0μA in our experiment.A fter UV irradiationthe photocurrent can reach the maximum value 2.8μA ,within 100s it can reach 217μA (96%of the maximum ).It takesless 200s for photocurrent to drop to original dark current ,the process is s omewhat repeatable which indicated that the sam ple is sensitive to UV light and has fast photoresponse and photocurrent decay.When the bias v oltage is relatively high ,the photocurrent can rise to much higher values ,but the photoresponse time will become long.When the bias v olt 2age is lower than 015V the photocurrent is below 014μA.The sensitivity to UV light and the photoreponse have strong re 2lationship to the bias v oltage as indicated in Fig.4.At the same time ,it ’s very interesting the photocurrent decay is faster than that of other material ZnO [15]2less than 200s .As a whole ,the sensitivity to UV light ,the stability and repe 2tition of the photoresponse of T iO 2thin films are desirable to make T iO 2thin films a UV light detector.Fig.4 Photocurrent in ambient air measured at differentv oltage of 1.0V ,115V and 210V respectively4 C onclusionsIn summary ,we have deposited anatase T iO 2thin filmand studied its photoresponse.The results showed that thesensitivity to UV light ,the stability and repetition of the pho 2toresponse are g ood ,it is possible for T iO 2thin films tow ork as a new UV detector ,while the effects of the factorssuch as structure of T iO 2thin films ,the value of bias v olt 2age ,measure ambience on the sensitivity and the stability ofthe photoresponse need m ore investigations.R eferences[1]Richards B S.S ingle 2material T iO 2D ouble 2layer Antireflection C oatings[J ].Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells ,2003,79:369.[2]Dwivedi D Dwivedi ,R Srivastava S K.The E ffect of Hydrogen 2induced Interface T raps on a T itanium Dioxide 2based Palladium G ate M OS Capacitor (Pd 2M OSC ):a C onductance S tudy[J 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