Safe architectural design principles
Where is your eye being lead? What is being emphasized?
The repetition of an element of design to create movement.
Visual rhythm makes you think of the rhythms you hear in music or dance. Artists create visual rhythm by repeating art elements and creating patterns.
Perfect Symmetry Taj Mahal, India
Symmetrical BalanceAlhambra Court of the Lions
Iskander (Alexander the Great), Persian miniature from Herat, 1400's AD
A variety of shapes lead you to the focal area. Some shapes are elongated and help you move. Other shapes use similar values to help with the connections.
Vermeer –Young woman with a water picture
Difference between symmetrical and asymmetrical design
Symmetrical源自AsymmetricalBoth are balanced
Radial: the weight appears to be circling or moving towards the center of the work.
总体设计说明 (中英文对照)
目录Contents 第一部分文字说明Part One Character Description第一章Chapter 1 建筑设计说明Architectural Design Description第二章Chapter 2 结构设计说明Structural Design Description第三章Chapter 3给排水设计说明Mechanical Design Description第四章Chapter 4电气设计说明Electrical Design Description第五章Chapter 5采暖通风设计说明HVAC Design Description第六章Chapter 6节能设计说明Energy Saving Design Description第七章Chapter 7环境保护Environment Protection第八章消防设计专篇Chapter 8Special Design Description for Fire Fighting Protection 第九章Chapter 9劳动安全卫生Labor Safety&Sanitation第二部分扩初设计图纸Part Two Preliminary Design Drawings建筑Architecture结构Structure给排水Mechanical电气Electric暖通HVAC第一章建筑设计说明Chapter 1 Architectural Design Description一、设计依据Design Criteria1、政府审批的XXXXXXXX有限公司建设食品研发中心项目建议书的批复,上海市浦东新区人民政府文件xxxxx号2、XXXXXXX食品有限公司建设食品研发中心新建项目的环评报告批复,上海市浦东新区环境保护局-沪环xxxxxx。
Building Technical Specification provided by Pillsbury (China) Corp., Ltd.4、《工业企业总平面设计规范》(GB50187-93)<Design Code of Industrial Corporation Site Planning> (GB50187-93)5、《建筑设计防火规范》(GB50016-2006)<Code of Design on Building Fire Protection and Prevention> (GB50016-2006)6、国家省市有关规范规定Relevant National and Local Regulations7、业主提供的一期工程竣工图As built drawings ofPhase I provided by the Proprietor.8、现行工程建设国家和上海市有关建筑设计规范和标准。
总体设计说明 (中英文对照)
目 录 Contents第一部分 文字说明Part One Character Description 第一章Chapter 1 建筑设计说明Architectural Design Description 第二章Chapter 2 结构设计说明Structural Design Description 第三章 Chapter 3 给排水设计说明Mechanical Design Description 第四章 Chapter 4 电气设计说明Electrical Design Description 第五章 Chapter 5 采暖通风设计说明HVAC Design Description第六章 Chapter 6 节能设计说明Energy Saving Design Description第七章 Chapter 7 环境保护Environment Protection第八章消防设计专篇Chapter 8 Special Design Description for Fire Fighting Protection第九章 Chapter 9劳动安全卫生Labor Safety &Sanitation第二部分 扩初设计图纸Part Two Preliminary Design Drawings建筑 Architecture结构 Structure给排水 Mechanical电气 Electric暖通 HVAC第一章建筑设计说明Chapter 1 Architectural Design Description一、设计依据Design Criteria1、政府审批的XXXXXXXX有限公司建设食品研发中心项目建议书的批复, 上海市浦东新区人民政府文件xxxxx号2、XXXXXXX食品有限公司建设食品研发中心新建项目的环评报告批复,上海市浦东新区环境保护局-沪环xxxxxx。
在建筑设计方面,可以参考一些经典的建筑设计理论书籍,例如《建筑设计原理》(Architectural Design Principles)。
此外,还可以关注一些最新的建筑设计案例和趋势,比如《当代建筑设计趋势分析》(Analysis of Contemporary Architectural Design Trends)。
在结构工程方面,可以参考一些经典的结构分析和设计手册,比如《结构工程手册》(Handbook of Structural Engineering)。
此外,还可以关注一些最新的结构工程技术和研究成果,比如《钢结构工程新技术应用》(New Technologies in Steel Structural Engineering)。
在材料科学方面,可以参考一些关于建筑材料性能和应用的书籍,比如《建筑材料科学与工程》(Materials Science and Engineering in Architecture)。
另外,也可以关注一些最新的建筑材料研究和应用案例,比如《新型环保建筑材料研究进展》(Advances in Research of New Eco-friendly Building Materials)。
在施工管理方面,可以参考一些关于施工技术和管理的书籍,比如《现代建筑施工管理》(Modern Construction Management)。
此外,还可以关注一些最新的施工管理工具和方法,比如《BIM在建筑施工中的应用》(Application of Building Information Modeling in Construction)。
The unified annotation of civil building design is to standardize the annotation content of architectural design drawings.2.民用建筑设计通则是为了规范建筑设计的技术要求和审查标准。
The general principles of civil building design are to standardize the technical requirements and review standardsof architectural design.3.统一标注主要关注建筑设计图纸的标注文字和符号的使用规范。
Unified annotation mainly focuses on the standardized use of annotation text and symbols on architectural design drawings.4.通则着重规定建筑设计中的结构、材料、施工等技术细节要求。
The general principles focus on the technical details requirements such as structure, material, and construction in architectural design.5.标注要求清晰明了,便于施工人员和审图人员理解和审查。
The annotation requirements are clear and easy for construction workers and reviewers to understand and review.6.通则要求科学合理,保证建筑工程的质量和安全。
h学号_ **********毕业论文(设计)课题华源开发公司多层商业办公楼框架结构设计学生姓名陈鹏系别土木建筑系专业班级土木工程专业07级本科一班指导教师刘鹏飞2011年4月华源开发公司多层商业办公楼框架结构设计摘要本设计为华源公司开发的多层商业办公楼结构设计,采用框架结构,建筑层数为五层。
关键词:框架结构;抗震设计;荷载计算;内力计算;计算配筋AbstractThis design for huayuan worldbest company developed the multi-layered commercial office building structural design, uses frame structure, construction layer for five layers. This region seismic fortification intensity of 7 degrees, site categories for type venues, basic wind pressure is for 2/40.0m kN , basic snow 2/35.0m kN . Floor, roof adopts cast-in-situ reinforced concrete structure.This design implementation "the practical, safe, economic, beautiful" design principle. According to the architectural design standard, carefully consider the various factors affecting design.This design chose the transverse frame structure scheme design among. The first between layers of load calculation, then represent value for using vertex displacement method, and then from the earthquake cycle by bottom shear method to calculate the size of horizontal seismic load, and calculate the structure in the wind load, and then find out load size under horizontal loads of structural internal force (moment, shear force and axial force). Then calculating vertical load (constant load and live load) under the action of structural internal force. Find out the most unfavorable one group or several groups of internal force combination. Select the security reinforcement and the results calculated animation In addition to the structure scheme design of indoor stair, completing the flat bedplate, ladder section board, platform beam of internal force and the component such as reinforcement calculation and construction drawing. Also on floor reinforcement calculation, using yes is two-way board. Foundation adopted under column independent basis, the base line stress and reinforcement calculation.The whole design process, strictly abide by relevant professional regulation, reference related materials and related the latest national standard atlas of design of each link, comprehensive comprehensive scientific consideration. Anyhow, practical, safe, economic, beautiful is the design principles. Design calculation the whole process took into consideration the seismic requirements, technical and economic indexes and construction industrialized requirements.Keywords: Frame structure; Seismic design; The load calculation; Internal force calculation; Calculation of reinforcement目录第一章建筑设计说明.................................................................................................................................... - 1 -1.1平面设计 (1)1.1.1 使用部分平面设计 .............................................................................................................................. - 2 -1.1.2 交通联系部分设计 .............................................................................................................................. - 2 -1.1.3 平面组合设计 ...................................................................................................................................... - 2 -1.2剖面设计 (2)1.3立面设计 (3)1.4楼板层和地面 (3)1.5基础和地基 (4)1.6交通联系部分的设计 (4)1.6.1 楼梯设计 .............................................................................................................................................. - 4 -1.6.2 门厅的设计 .......................................................................................................................................... - 5 -1.6.3 室外台阶 .............................................................................................................................................. - 5 -1.6.4 门和窗的设计 ...................................................................................................................................... - 5 -1.7其它设计 (6)1.7.1 散水设计 .............................................................................................................................................. - 6 -1.7.2 勒脚的设计 .......................................................................................................................................... - 6 -1.7.3 女儿墙设计 .......................................................................................................................................... - 6 -第二章结构设计说明.................................................................................................................................... - 7 -2.1材料要求 (7)2.2填充墙要求 (7)2.3截面尺寸要求 (7)2.4结构布置要求 (7)2.5计算过程 (8)2.5.1 计算简图 .............................................................................................................................................. - 8 -2.5.2 在竖向荷载作用下的近似计算 .......................................................................................................... - 9 -2.5.3 地震作用计算 ...................................................................................................................................... - 9 -2.5.4 框架的内力组合 .................................................................................................................................. - 9 -2.5.5 正截面和斜截面的设计 .................................................................................................................... - 10 -第三章结构计算书 ..................................................................................................................................... - 11 -3.1工程概况 . (11)3.2设计原始资料 (11)3.2.1 建筑要求 ............................................................................................................................................ - 11 -3.2.3 建筑技术条件 .................................................................................................................................... - 11 -3.3材料选用 . (12)3.4结构选型 (12)3.5结构布置及计算简图 (12)3.5.1 选择承重方案 .................................................................................................................................... - 12 -3.5.2 梁、柱截面尺寸估算 ........................................................................................................................ - 12 -3.5.3 框架结构计算简图 ............................................................................................................................ - 13 -3.6重力荷载计算 .. (14)3.6.1 屋面及楼面的永久荷载标准值 ........................................................................................................ - 14 -3.6.2 屋面及楼面可变荷载标准值 ............................................................................................................ - 15 -3.6.3 梁、柱、墙、窗、门重力荷载计算................................................................................................. - 15 -3.7重力荷载代表值 . (15)3.7.1 第5层的③轴线框架重力荷载代表值: ....................................................................................... - 15 -3.7.2 第3~4层的③轴线框架重力荷载代表值: ................................................................................. - 16 -3.7.3 第2层的③轴线框架重力荷载代表值: ....................................................................................... - 16 -3.7.4 第1层的③轴线框架重力荷载代表值: ....................................................................................... - 16 -3.8横向框架侧移刚度计算 . (17)3.8.1 计算梁、柱的线刚度 ........................................................................................................................ - 17 -3.8.2 计算柱的侧移刚度 ............................................................................................................................ - 17 -第四章横向水平荷载作用下框架结构的内力和侧移计算......................................................................... - 19 -4.1横向水平地震作用下的框架结构的内力和侧移计算.. (19)4.1.1 横向自振周期的计算 ........................................................................................................................ - 19 -4.1.2 水平地震作用及楼层地震剪力计算................................................................................................. - 19 -4.1.3 水平地震作用下的位移验算 ............................................................................................................ - 21 -4.1.4 水平地震作用下框架内力计算 ........................................................................................................ - 22 -4.2横向风荷载作用下框架结构的内力和侧移计算. (25)4.2.1 风荷载标准值 .................................................................................................................................... - 25 -4.2.2 风荷载作用下的水平位移验算 ........................................................................................................ - 27 -4.2.3 风荷载作用下框架结构内力计算 .................................................................................................... - 28 -第五章竖向荷载作用下横向框架结构的内力计算 .................................................................................... - 32 -5.1计算单元 . (32)5.2.1 恒载计算 ............................................................................................................................................ - 33 -5.2.2 活荷载计算 ........................................................................................................................................ - 36 -5.3内力计算 . (39)5.3.1 恒载作用下的内力计算 .................................................................................................................... - 39 -5.3.2 活载、雪载作用下的内力计算 ........................................................................................................ - 44 -第六章横向框架内力组合 .......................................................................................................................... - 51 -6.1结构抗震等级 .. (51)6.2框架梁内力组合 (51)6.2.1 作用效应组合 .................................................................................................................................... - 51 -6.2.2 承载力抗震调整系数 ........................................................................................................................ - 51 -6.2.3 梁内力组合表 .................................................................................................................................... - 51 -6.2.4 计算跨间最大弯矩 ............................................................................................................................ - 54 -6.3框架柱内力组合 . (56)6.3.1 柱内力组合 ........................................................................................................................................ - 56 -6.3.2 柱端弯矩值设计值的调整 ................................................................................................................ - 61 -第七章截面设计 ......................................................................................................................................... - 63 -7.1框架梁 .. (63)7.1.1 梁的正截面受弯承载力计算 ............................................................................................................ - 63 -7.1.2 梁斜截面受剪承载力计算 ................................................................................................................ - 65 -7.2框架柱 .. (67)7.2.1 柱截面尺寸验算 ................................................................................................................................ - 67 -7.2.2 框架柱的截面设计 ............................................................................................................................ - 68 -第八章板配筋计算 ..................................................................................................................................... - 73 -8.1板的配筋 . (73)8.1.1 设计资料 ............................................................................................................................................ - 73 -8.1.2 荷载计算 ............................................................................................................................................ - 74 -8.1.3 板的计算 ............................................................................................................................................ - 74 -第九章楼梯设计 ..........................................................................................................................................- 78 -9.1建筑设计 . (78)9.2结构设计 (78)9.3梯段板设计 (79)9.3.1 斜板设计(一、二层) .................................................................................................................... - 79 -9.3.2 平台板设计 ........................................................................................................................................ - 80 -9.3.3 平台梁设计 ........................................................................................................................................ - 81 -10.1材料选用 (83)10.2荷载选用 (83)10.2.1 由基础梁传到基顶的荷载 .............................................................................................................. - 83 -10.3基础截面计算 (84)10.4地基承载力及基础冲切验算 (84)10.4.1 A柱的验算....................................................................................................................................... - 84 -10.4.2 B柱的验算 ....................................................................................................................................... - 86 -10.5基础底板计算配筋 . (87)10.5.1 A柱的配筋计算 ............................................................................................................................... - 87 -10.5.2 B柱的配筋计算 ............................................................................................................................... - 88 -结论 ............................................................................................................................................................ - 90 -参考文献 ........................................................................................................................................................ - 91 -致谢 .............................................................................................................................................................- 92 -第一章建筑设计说明这次毕业设计的课题为华源开发公司多层商业办公楼框架结构设计,本着富有时代气息的原则,来设计一座具有现代化气息的商业办公楼。
建筑方案深化阶段英文翻译Architectural Scheme Development StageThe architectural scheme development stage is an important phase in the design process of a building project. It involves the further development and refinement of the preliminary design concept, in order to produce a more detailed and comprehensive architectural scheme.During this stage, the architect works closely with the client to understand and incorporate their requirements and preferences into the design. The initial design concept is analyzed, evaluated, and modified to ensure that it meets the functional, aesthetic, and budgetary goals of the client.One of the key tasks in this stage is the preparation of detailed drawings and specifications. These documents provide a clear and precise representation of the proposed design, including plans, elevations, sections, and details. They serve as a communication tool between the architect, client, and other professionals involved in the project, such as engineers and contractors.In addition to the drawings, the architect also prepares written specifications that describe the materials, finishes, and construction techniques to be used in the building. These specifications help ensure that the project meets the required quality standards and regulatory requirements.During this stage, the architect also considers issues such as sustainability, energy efficiency, and accessibility. Sustainabledesign principles are integrated into the architectural scheme, with a focus on minimizing the environmental impact of the building and creating a healthy and comfortable indoor environment.The architect may also collaborate with other consultants, such as structural engineers and mechanical engineers, to ensure that the architectural scheme is coordinated with the structural and mechanical systems of the building. This coordination is essential to achieve a functional and efficient design.Once the architectural scheme has been developed and finalized, it is typically presented to the client for review and approval. Any necessary revisions or modifications are made based on the client's feedback, before proceeding to the next stage of the design process. In conclusion, the architectural scheme development stage is a critical phase in the design process. It involves the further development and refinement of the preliminary design concept, in order to produce detailed drawings and specifications for the proposed building. This stage requires close collaboration between the architect, client, and other professionals involved in the project, and ensures that the design meets the functional, aesthetic, and budgetary requirements of the client.。
关键词:建筑设计,原则,经济,节能,绿色Abstract: along with the rapid economic development of our country, the construction industry in the development of the past, not only embodies in quantity more and more, in quality are getting more and more with requirements. In this case, we also should be strictly the architectural design of project quality, ensure that architectural design safety of the construction, validity, energy-saving and economy. This paper discusses the design of concrete building several major principles, and detailed introduces the principle, the energy saving principle of economic thoughts and green building in architecture design of application.Keywords: architectural design, principles, economy, energy saving, green经济速度快起来之后,建筑行业也必然会有极大的发展,这是因为建筑与城市既相互依托又相互影响,因此,建筑设计师便成了城市的灵魂工程师,建筑设计所表现的建筑内涵,不仅是建筑设计师文化内涵的展现,也是城市文化底蕴的展现。
施工图设中建筑专业常用中英文对照表一、建筑专业基本术语建筑设计:Architectural Design施工图:Construction Drawings平面图:Floor Plan立面图:Elevation剖面图:Section细部图:Detail结构设计:Structural Design装修设计:Interior Design景观设计:Landscape Design二、建筑构件及材料墙体:Wall柱子:Column梁:Beam楼板:Floor Slab屋顶:Roof窗户:Window门:Door钢筋:Rebar混凝土:Concrete砖:Brick瓦:Tile木材:Timber三、建筑尺寸及单位长度:Length宽度:Width高度:Height直径:Diameter厚度:Thickness毫米:Millimeter (mm)厘米:Centimeter (cm)米:Meter (m)千米:Kilometer (km)英寸:Inch (in)英尺:Foot (ft)码:Yard (yd)四、建筑专业符号及图标标高:Datum Level指北针:Compass剖切符号:Cutting Plane 索引符号:Index图例:Legend比例尺:Scale注释:AnnotationTitle五、建筑专业软件及工具计算机辅助设计:ComputerAided Design (CAD)建筑信息模型:Building Information Modeling (BIM) AutoCAD:AutoCADRevit:RevitSketchUp:SketchUp3ds Max:3ds MaxPhotoshop:Photoshop施工图设中建筑专业常用中英文对照表六、建筑专业工序及施工方法地基处理:Foundation Treatment土方工程:Earthwork钢筋绑扎:Rebar Tying模板工程:Formwork混凝土浇筑:Concrete Pouring砌体施工:Masonry Construction屋面施工:Roof Construction装饰工程:Finishing Work现场安装:Site Installation预制构件:Prefabricated Component七、建筑安全及规范建筑安全:Building Safety施工规范:Construction Code防火等级:Fire Rating抗震设防:Seismic Protection无障碍设计:Accessibility Design环境保护:Environmental Protection节能标准:Energy Efficiency Standards 建筑法规:Building Regulations八、建筑功能分区办公区:Office Area住宅区:Residential Area商业区:Commercial Area教学区:Educational Area医疗区:Medical Area文娱区:Recreational Area交通枢纽:Transport Hub公共空间:Public Space九、建筑风格及流派古典主义:Classicism现代主义:Modernism后现代主义:Postmodernism折衷主义:Eclecticism功能主义:Functionalism解构主义:Deconstructivism表现主义:Expressionism环境主义:Environmentalism十、建筑服务系统供水系统:Water Supply System排水系统:Drainage System供电系统:Power Supply System通风系统:Ventilation System空调系统:Air Conditioning System暖通系统:Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)消防系统:Fire Protection System通讯系统:Communication System通过这份对照表,我们希望能够帮助建筑专业人员在国际项目中更好地沟通和交流。
以下是一些常见的建筑方案参考文献:1.《建筑原理》(Architecture: Form, Space, and Order)这本由法兰西斯·D·K·钱波尔(Francis D.K. Ching) 编著的经典教材是学习建筑原理的重要参考书籍。
2.《现代建筑设计》(Modern Architecture: A Critical History)这本由肯尼斯·弗兰普顿(Kenneth Frampton) 编著的书籍介绍了现代建筑的发展历史和不同流派的建筑风格。
3.《建筑设计原理》(Architectural Design Principles and Processes)这本由爱德华·帕吉特(Edward Allen) 和约翰·艾贝(Timothy L. Abey) 联合编写的教材讲解了建筑设计的原理和过程。
4.《建筑设计的思考方式》(The Thinking Hand: Existential and Embodied Wisdom in Architecture)这本由约恩·冯·诺伊曼(Juhani Pallasmaa) 著作的书籍探讨了建筑设计与人的身体感知和情感体验之间的关系。
5.《建筑与演讲》(Architecture and Disjunction)这本由伯纳德·鲍明(Bernard Tschumi) 著作的书籍介绍了建筑设计与现代文化、社会和政治等方面的关系。
设计原则和过程英语作文标题,The Principles and Processes of Design: A Comprehensive Exploration。
Design principles and processes serve as the backbone of creating anything from architectural wonders to digital masterpieces. They provide a roadmap for designers, guiding them through the complexities of transforming ideas into tangible realities. In this essay, we delve into the intricacies of design principles and processes, exploring their significance and application across various domains.### Understanding Design Principles:Design principles are foundational guidelines that inform the creation of aesthetically pleasing, functional, and effective designs. While there are numerous principles, some of the most fundamental ones include:1. Balance: Achieving equilibrium in visual elements tocreate harmony.2. Proportion: Maintaining proper scale and size relationships between different components.3. Unity: Ensuring all elements work together cohesively to convey a single message or theme.4. Emphasis: Directing attention to key focal points within the design.5. Contrast: Highlighting differences to add visual interest and clarity.6. Rhythm: Establishing a sense of flow and movement through repeated patterns or motifs.7. Hierarchy: Organizing elements based on their importance to guide the viewer's eye.### The Design Process:While principles provide a framework, the design process offers a structured approach to actualizing ideas. Though variations exist, a typical design process encompasses the following stages:1. Research and Analysis: Understanding the project requirements, target audience, and context through thorough research and analysis.2. Conceptualization: Generating ideas and conceptualizing various design solutions that align with the project objectives.3. Sketching and Prototyping: Translating concepts into rough sketches and prototypes to visualize and iterate upon design ideas.4. Refinement: Refining the chosen concept based on feedback, testing, and further iterations to enhance its effectiveness.5. Execution: Implementing the final design acrossrelevant mediums, whether it's print, digital, or physical.6. Evaluation: Assessing the design's performance against predetermined criteria and gathering user feedback for future improvements.### Application Across Domains:Design principles and processes are not confined to a specific field but are applicable across diverse domains such as:1. Graphic Design: Involves creating visual content to communicate messages effectively, where principles like balance, contrast, and hierarchy are crucial for clarity and impact.2. Architecture: Incorporates principles of balance, proportion, and unity to design structures that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing.3. Product Design: Focuses on developing products thatare user-friendly and visually appealing, requiring an understanding of ergonomics, proportion, and user experience.4. Web Design: Emphasizes usability and accessibility, utilizing principles like hierarchy, contrast, and rhythm to guide users through websites seamlessly.5. Fashion Design: Relies on principles such as proportion, balance, and rhythm to create clothing and accessories that are both stylish and comfortable.### Conclusion:Design principles and processes serve as invaluable tools for designers across various disciplines, providing them with a structured approach to problem-solving and creativity. By adhering to these principles and following a systematic process, designers can consistently producehigh-quality, impactful designs that resonate with their audience. As technology evolves and design trends shift,understanding and applying these principles will remain essential in shaping the future of design.。
介绍建筑的英语作文结构When structuring an essay about architecture, it's crucial to maintain coherence and clarity while effectively conveying your ideas. Here's a suggested structure:1. Introduction:Begin with a hook to grab the reader's attention. This could be a compelling fact about architecture, a thought-provoking quote, or a brief anecdote.Provide background information on the significance of architecture in society and its impact on the built environment.Present the thesis statement, outlining the main points that will be discussed in the essay.2. Historical Context:Start by discussing the evolution of architecture over time, from ancient civilizations to modern-day practices.Highlight key architectural movements or styles and their contributions to the field.Discuss how historical events, cultural influences, and technological advancements have shaped architectural design.3. Elements of Architecture:Break down the fundamental elements of architecture, such as form, function, space, and structure.Explain how these elements are interrelated and contribute to the overall design of a building.Provide examples of iconic structures that exemplify these elements.4. Architectural Design Principles:Explore the principles that guide architectural design, such as balance, proportion, scale, rhythm, and harmony.Discuss how architects use these principles to create visually pleasing and functional spaces.Provide examples of buildings where these principles are effectively applied.5. Influence of Culture and Society:Examine how culture, society, politics, and economics influence architectural design.Discuss how different regions and civilizations have unique architectural styles that reflect their values, beliefs, and traditions.Highlight examples of buildings that serve ascultural landmarks or symbols.6. Sustainable Architecture:Address the importance of sustainable design practices in contemporary architecture.Discuss strategies for reducing the environmental impact of buildings, such as energy efficiency, use of renewable materials, and passive design techniques.Showcase innovative examples of sustainable architecture from around the world.7. Challenges and Future Trends:Identify current challenges facing the field of architecture, such as urbanization, population growth, and climate change.Discuss emerging trends in architectural design, such as digital fabrication, parametric design, and smarttechnology integration.Consider how architects are adapting to meet the needs of a rapidly changing world.8. Conclusion:Summarize the key points discussed in the essay, reinforcing the significance of architecture in shaping our built environment.Reiterate the thesis statement and offer final thoughts on the enduring relevance of architecture as both an art form and a functional necessity.Encourage further reflection on the role of architecture in our lives and the importance of thoughtful design in creating sustainable, equitable, andaesthetically pleasing spaces.。
景点介绍设计理念英文The Design Concept of a Tourist AttractionIntroduction:When designing a tourist attraction, it is essential to consider the overall experience that visitors will have. The design concept should aim to create a unique and memorable atmosphere that captures the essence of the destination and its cultural heritage. This article will explore the key aspects of designing a tourist attraction and the principles that should guide the process.1. Inspired by Nature:One of the fundamental design principles is to draw inspiration from the natural surroundings. Whether it is a historic site, a theme park, or a cultural village, the design should seamlessly blend with the natural environment. This could be achieved by using sustainable materials, incorporating green spaces, and preserving existing landscapes. The goal is to provide visitors with a sense of harmony and tranquility while experiencing the attraction.2. Authenticity and Cultural Heritage:A successful tourist attraction should also convey the authentic cultural heritage of the destination. This could be achieved through architectural designs that reflect traditional styles, the use of local materials and craftsmanship, and the inclusion of exhibitions that showcase the local culture, history, and traditions. The design should engage visitors in an immersive experience that educatesand enlightens them about the cultural significance of the place.3. Accessibility and Inclusivity:A well-designed tourist attraction should be accessible to all visitors, regardless of age or physical ability. This requires careful planning and consideration of universal design principles. The design should ensure easy navigation, provide adequate seating and resting areas, and offer facilities that cater to the needs of diverse visitors. By promoting inclusivity, the attraction can attracta wider range of visitors and enhance their overall experience.4. Interactive and Engaging Experiences:To create a memorable experience, the design should incorporate interactive and engaging elements. For example, interactive exhibits, hands-on activities, and live performances can help visitors connect with the destination on a deeper level. This could also include the utilization of technology, such as augmented reality and virtual reality, to enhance the immersive experience. By providing a variety of engaging experiences, the attraction can cater to different preferences and interests of visitors.5. Sustainable Practices:In today's world, sustainability is a key consideration in any design concept. A well-designed tourist attraction should embrace sustainable practices, such as energy-efficient lighting, water conservation measures, and waste management systems. The design should also prioritize the use of renewable materials andincorporate sustainable transportation options. By implementing sustainable practices, the attraction can highlight the importance of environmental stewardship and inspire visitors to adopt sustainable behaviors.Conclusion:Designing a tourist attraction requires careful planning and consideration of various factors. By drawing inspiration from nature, embracing authenticity and cultural heritage, promoting accessibility and inclusivity, providing interactive and engaging experiences, and implementing sustainable practices, a well-designed tourist attraction can create a unique and memorable experience for visitors. Ultimately, the design concept should aim to capture the essence of the destination and inspire visitors to appreciate its natural beauty, cultural heritage, and sustainable practices.。
我长大以后想做建房子的工程师的作文二年级When I grow up, I want to be a construction engineer so that I can help build houses and buildings for people. 当我长大以后,我想成为一名建筑工程师,这样我就能帮助人们建造房屋和建筑物。
I have always been fascinated by how buildings are constructed and the designs that go into making them. 我一直对建筑物是如何建造以及设计过程充满了兴趣。
As a construction engineer, I will have the opportunity to work with a team of professionals to plan, design, and oversee the constructionof various structures. 作为一名建筑工程师,我将有机会与专业团队一起规划、设计和监督各种建筑物的施工。
I believe that being a construction engineer will not only give me the chance to put my creativity and problem-solving skills to good use, but also provide me with the satisfaction of seeing my ideas come to life. 我相信成为一名建筑工程师不仅会让我有机会将我的创造力和解决问题的能力发挥得淋漓尽致,而且还能让我获得看着我的想法变成现实的满足感。
Furthermore, I am eager to contribute to the construction of safe, sustainable, and visually appealing structures that will benefit communities and future generations. 此外,我渴望为建造安全、可持续且外观吸引人的建筑物做出贡献,以造福社区和子孙后代。
大学建筑专业概况英语教材Introduction to the Architecture Major in University - English TextbookArchitecture is the art and science of designing and constructing buildings. It is a field that combines creativity, technical skills, and practical knowledge to create functional and aesthetically pleasing structures. As a major in university, studying architecture offers students a comprehensive understanding of the built environment and prepares them for careers in the industry. This article will provide an overview of the architecture major in university, focusing on the content covered in an English textbook for this field.1. Introduction to ArchitectureIn the first chapter of the English textbook for architecture majors, students are introduced to the history and evolution of architecture. They learn about influential architectural styles, iconic buildings, and the cultural significance of architecture throughout different periods. This chapter aims to provide students with a foundation in architectural knowledge and an appreciation for the discipline's rich heritage.2. Architectural Design PrinciplesThe second chapter focuses on the fundamental principles of architectural design. Students learn about various design elements such as form, space, light, and proportion. They also study different architectural styles and their associated design principles. This chapter emphasizes the importance of creativity and innovation in architectural design, encouraging students to think critically and develop their own unique design solutions.3. Construction TechnologyIn the third chapter, students delve into the world of construction technology. They learn about building materials, construction techniques, and structural systems. Topics covered include foundations, walls, roofs, and mechanical systems. This chapter provides students with a practical understanding of the technical aspects of building construction and equips them with the skills necessary to integrate design concepts with real-world construction processes.4. Sustainable ArchitectureAs environmental concerns become increasingly important, the fourth chapter explores the concept of sustainable architecture. Students study strategies for energy efficiency, environmental responsibility, and the use of renewable resources in building design. They also learn about green building rating systems and sustainable design principles. This chapter aims to foster a sense of responsibility among future architects and inspire them to create buildings that minimize their environmental impact.5. Building Codes and RegulationsThe fifth chapter of the English textbook focuses on building codes and regulations. Students gain an understanding of the legal and safety requirements that govern architectural design and construction. They learn how to navigate building codes, zoning regulations, and accessibility guidelines. This chapter emphasizes the need for architects to comply with regulations to ensure the safety and well-being of building occupants.6. Architectural Drawing and VisualizationIn the sixth chapter, students explore the importance of architectural drawing and visualization in the design process. They learn various drawing techniques, including hand-drawing and computer-aided design (CAD). Students also study architectural rendering and modeling to effectively communicate their design concepts to clients and stakeholders. This chapter highlights the role of visual representation in conveying architectural ideas and encourages students to develop strong drawing and presentation skills.7. Case Studies and AnalysisThe final chapter of the English textbook explores case studies of notable architectural projects. Students analyze renowned buildings, examining the design concepts, construction methods, and cultural significance behind each structure. This chapter allows students to gain insights from real-world examples and deepen their understanding of architectural principles and practices.ConclusionThe English textbook for the architecture major in university covers a wide range of topics, providing students with a comprehensive overview of the field. From the history of architecture to sustainable design principles and building codes, students are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue a successful career in architecture. Through a combination of theoretical concepts and practical applications, this textbook prepares students to contribute to the built environment and shape the future of architectural design.。
建筑方案指标英文Architectural Design AssessmentsIntroduction:Architectural design plays a crucial role in shaping the visual appeal and functionality of a building. To ensure the success of a project, it is important to establish clear indicators and benchmarks for evaluating architectural design plans. These indicators help stakeholders assess a project's adherence to design principles, resource efficiency, sustainability, occupant comfort, and more. In this article, we will discuss several important indicators for evaluating architectural design schemes, highlighting their significance in achieving a well-designed building.1. Aesthetics:Aesthetics is a key criterion for assessing architectural design. It encompasses the visual appeal, harmony, and emotional impact of a building. Factors like proportions, balance, colors, materials, and detailed elements contribute to the overall aesthetic quality. A successful architectural design scheme should create a visually pleasing and memorable environment that evokes positive emotions.2. Functionality:Functionality refers to the efficiency and effectiveness of a building's layout and space utilization. An architect must consider various factors such as accessibility, ergonomics, and circulation flow to ensure that the design meets the intended functional requirements. A well-designed building should provide ease of movement, adequately accommodate its intended activities, andoptimize the use of available space.3. Sustainability:In today's world, sustainability is a critical aspect of architectural design evaluations. Evaluating sustainability indicators assesses the project's environmental impact, resource efficiency, and energy performance. Evaluating elements such as energy consumption, waste management, water conservation, and use of eco-friendly materials ensures that the building design aligns with sustainable development goals.4. Flexibility and adaptability:A flexible and adaptable design ensures that the building can accommodate changing needs over time. It should allow for modifications without significant structural alterations. Assessing indicators related to adaptability, such as partitioning options, modular designs, and future expansion possibilities, is essential for longer-term feasibility.5. Safety and resilience:Safety is of paramount importance in evaluating architectural design schemes. Evaluating safety indicators involves considerations like fire safety, structural stability, accessibility for people with disabilities, and compliance with building codes and regulations. A well-designed building should prioritize the safety and well-being of its occupants.6. Environmental integration:Successful architecture should harmoniously integrate with its natural surroundings. Evaluating environmental integrationindicators involves considering factors such as site suitability, landscaping, and preservation of natural features. A design that complements the existing environment creates harmony and a positive impact on the surroundings.7. Comfort and usability:Comfort and usability play a significant role in architectural design assessments. Evaluating these indicators includes assessing elements such as adequate natural lighting, ventilation, temperature control, acoustics, and the presence of functional and inviting spaces. A building that provides a comfortable and user-friendly experience enhances occupant satisfaction and productivity.8. Cultural and historical context:Architecture often reflects the cultural and historical context of a region. Evaluating cultural and historical indicators involves considering how the design incorporates local traditions, materials, and architectural styles. A design that respects and enhances the local heritage strengthens the sense of identity and community. Conclusion:Establishing indicators for evaluating architectural design schemes allows stakeholders to objectively assess different aspects of a building's design. By incorporating these indicators, architects can create buildings that are visually appealing, functional, sustainable, safe, and comfortable. Considering the cultural and historical context and harmonious integration with the environment further enhances the quality of the architectural design. With these indicators, stakeholders can make informed decisions and createbuildings that meet the requirements and aspirations of their intended users.。
关键词:民用建筑结构设计地基处理Abstract: This paper described the four principles of architectural design, simple and civil structures. Encountered in the civil design process, ground treatment carried out a detailed analysis of the foundation of good or bad will be directly related to the basis of the selection and cost. Handling and the basic design of the foundation of discussion in order to meet the coordination of building structures, reflecting the construction safety and apply the principles of durability, economy.Keywords: civil structural design of foundation treatment一、前言随着我国建筑行业的不断发展,各类房屋建筑面积逐年上升,房屋建筑设计水平也在不断的提高。
有关建筑的设计理念英语Design Philosophy in ArchitectureArchitecture is an art that combines functionality and aesthetics to create spaces that fulfill users' needs while also appealing to their senses. Just like any artistic endeavor, architecture requires a strong design philosophy to guide the decision-making process and ensure the creation of meaningful and impactful structures. In this essay, we will explore some key design principles that form the foundation of architectural philosophy.One essential aspect of architectural design is creating spaces that are both functional and beautiful. Functionality refers to the ability of a building to fulfill its intended purpose effectively. A well-designed building considers the needs of its users and provides the necessary amenities and features to support their activities. This could range from incorporating efficient floor plans that maximize usable space to integrating sustainable technologies that reduce energy consumption.However, functionality alone is not enough; architecture should also stimulate the senses and evoke emotions. Aesthetics in architecture relate to the visual appeal and emotional response that a building elicits. This involves careful consideration of factors such as form, proportion, materials, and style. Whether it is a sleek modern design or a traditional building with ornate details, the aesthetic choices should align with the building's intended use and context.Another important principle in architectural design is theincorporation of sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. With the growing concerns about climate change and diminishing resources, architects have a responsibility to design buildings that minimize their ecological footprint. This can be achieved through strategies like passive design, where the building is oriented to optimize natural light and airflow, thus reducing the need for artificial lighting and cooling. The use of renewable energy sources, rainwater harvesting systems, and green roofs are also examples of sustainable practices that can be integrated into architectural design.Additionally, buildings should respond to their context and enhance the surrounding environment. Architecture is not an isolated entity but rather a part of the fabric of the built environment. Therefore, it is crucial to consider factors such as the site's history, culture, and natural landscape when designing a structure. An architecture that seamlessly integrates with its surroundings can create a harmonious and cohesive environment that enhances the well-being of its occupants and brings a sense of belonging to the community.Furthermore, architecture should prioritize the well-being and comfort of its users. People spend the majority of their time indoors, and buildings can significantly impact their physical and mental health. Designing spaces that promote natural light, good air quality, and acoustics can enhance productivity, creativity, and overall well-being. Additionally, incorporating green spaces and communal areas fosters social interaction and a sense of community among the building's occupants.In conclusion, a strong design philosophy is essential forsuccessful architectural design. Functionality, aesthetics, sustainability, contextual responsiveness, and user well-being are all crucial principles that guide architects in creating meaningful and impactful buildings. By incorporating these principles, architects can shape the built environment in a way that not only fulfills the practical needs of users but also inspires and improves their quality of life.。
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SOFTWARE VERIFICATION RESEARCH CENTRE SCHOOL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY THE UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLANDQueensland 4072AustraliaTECHNICAL REPORTNo. 00-19Safe Architectural Design PrinciplesAndrew HusseyBrenton AtchisonJune 2000Phone: +61 7 3365 1003Fax: +61 7 3365 1533Note: Most SVRC technical reports are available via anonymous FTP, from .au in the directory /pub/SVRC/techreports. Abstracts and compressed postscript files are available via .au.Safe Architectural Design PrinciplesAndrew HusseyBrenton AtchisonSoftware Verification Research Centre,School of Information TechnologyUniversity of Queensland, Australiaemail: {ahussey,brenton}@.auAbstractThis report discusses architectures for safety-critical sysems. The report summarisesthe existing literature in the area as well as the guidance provided by existing safety-critical system development standards. We discuss the three constituent functions offault tolerant architectures: error detection, damage assessment and confinement anderror recovery. We also consider methods for fault prevention.Keywords: safety-critical, architecture, fault tolerance1Introduction1.1Scope and PurposeThis report discusses principles of safe architectural design and provides design guidelines describing generic design solutions for the prevention and tolerance of faults. Most of the principles and guidelines discussed can be applied at multiple levels of design granularity, from high-level system architecture to detailed component design.A computer system is safety-critical when its operation (or lack of operation) could result in death, injury or environmental damage. Unsafe behaviour may arise from erroneous requirements or failure of the system to meet the requirements. In this report, our focus is on the design of the implemented system to minimise the occurrence of system failures.System failures are caused by faults in the system. When the faulty part of the system is exercised, the fault gives rise to errors in the system state that may lead to eventual system failure [Lee94]. The first priority of safe design is to eliminate faults during the design process. Where faults cannot be eliminated, the system design must manage safety in the presence of system faults through fault tolerance.Our approach for describing safe design principles is described in more detail in section 2. Section 3 gives detailed guidance on architectural principles for safe design using design guidelines. In section 4 we summarise the advice provided by existing safety standards.1.2Acronyms and DefinitionsErroneous state An internal state of a component that could lead to a failureby a sequence of valid transitionsError A defective value in an erroneous state of a systemFailure A deviation of the system behaviour from its specificationFault A defect in part of a component or in the design of a systemHazard A state of a system with the potential for harmSystem a set of interacting components together with a design thatprescribes and controls the pattern of interaction2ApproachThe safe design guidelines presented in this report are categorised in accordance with principles and strategies drawn from the literature. Guideline names are indicated by boldface type. For each guideline, the following information is described:1.The problem addressed by the guideline and any special conditions that constrain theguideline’s applicability.2.The solution provided by the guideline and why the guideline is likely to prove useful todesigners.3.The applicable principle that the guideline satisfies and the decisions that may arise inimplementing the solution.4.Other related or potentially applicable guidelines (optional).The guidelines presented are not detailed design solutions and their application is not strictly algorithmic. Instead, they describe design patterns which designers should alter according to their needs. The advantages of this approach include:munication: a common language for discussing design issues and for communicatingprinciples of design;2.Documentation: a common basis for understanding a system; and3.Reuse: a storehouse of available solutions for common design scenarios.3Safe Design Guidelines3.1FrameworkThe framework for safe design guidelines is presented in Figure 1. The framework is constructed from a hierarchy of safe design principles. Guidelines are indicated in boldface at the right of the applicable principle that the guideline satisfies. There are two complementary top-level principles to achieving safe systems: fault prevention and fault tolerance.Fault prevention is concerned with ensuring faults are not present in the operational system. Safety-related design faults can be eliminated, in theory, by developing design criteria and requirements based on the identified system hazards, and tracing such requirements and constraints to the resolution in the system implementation [Leveson95].FaultErrorAvoidHazards RecoveryReplicationCompensationListTicketFaultReplicationTimingReversalCodingReasonablenessStructuralDiagnosticFigure 1 - Safe Design Guideline FrameworkFault prevention cannot be applied to uncontrollable fault sources such as hardware degradation or human error. Furthermore, it is often impractical to eliminate all design faults from a complex system. Fault tolerance techniques provide dependable behaviour in the presence of faults by detecting the presence of errors in a system and providing error recovery mechanisms [Lee94].There are three constituent functions of fault tolerant architectures [Lee90]:1.Error detection2.Damage assessment and confinement3.Error recoveryA fault cannot be detected by a system until the manifestation of the fault generates errors in the system function. Once an error is detected, it may be necessary to assess the extent to which the system state has been damaged. The system should be designed to confine possible damage to a minimum area. Based on the damage assessment, error recovery techniques aim to transform the current erroneous state into a well-defined error free state from which normal system operation can continue.All techniques for achieving fault tolerance depend on the effective deployment and utilisation of redundancy [Lee90]. There are many factors that influence where redundancy should be deployed in a system and how much is actually required. The principle factor will be the reliability requirements of the particular application. Other factors will involve limitations on costs or constraints on the system within which the software is to operate (e.g., power, weight, and space).3.2Fault Prevention GuidelinesOne of the most important principles of safe design is simplicity. A simple design tends to minimise the number of components, functional modes and interfaces between components and it has a small number of unknowns in terms of interactions with the system and with system operations [Leveson95]. According to Kletz [Kletz84], some of the reasons for complexity in system designs are:1.The need to add complicated equipment to control hazards.2. A desire for flexibility.3.The use of redundancy.A simple software system exhibits several features [Leveson95]:1.The design should be testable (both observability of test results and controllability of testparameters).2.The design should be portable.3.The design should be easily understood and readable.4.Interactions between components should be limited and straightforward.5.Worst-case timing should be determinable from the code.6.The code should contain only the minimum features required by the system specification.7.The design should be deterministic including predictable real-time process scheduling,avoidance of interrupts and predictable use of resources, such as the processor, memory and network.Simplicity in design is promoted by the use of•Structured design techniques to enforce particular representations and style of design.•Design standards to enforce characteristics of the design.•Coding standards that avoid language constructs that are not well defined e.g., compilerspecific) or that inhibit analysis of program behaviour.Although not strictly design guidelines (no specific guidance is provided for structuring systems), structured design techniques constrain potential design solutions. Structured design techniques are “thought tools” for systematically perceiving and partitioning a problem. They are characterised by:1. A defined notation for description of behaviour.2.Identification of the system boundary and description of the system environment.3.Capacity to provide logical means of problem decomposition.4.Suitability for review for consistency/completeness/correctness.Structured design techniques are recommended by most safety standards, e.g., [Std5679], [Std4404], [Std00-56] and [Std61508]. Structured design techniques support methodical construction of test cases. Example structured design techniques include Booch [Booch94], Jackson System Development [Jackson83] and MASCOT [Simpson86]. Software design guidelines such as those described in [Gamma94] provide detailed guidance on how structured design techniques can be used to promote goals such as testability, understandability and reusability. For a given design problem, several guidelines may be applicable, depending on which principles are prioritised.Semi-formal methods extend structured methods with precise notations for description of behaviour. Tool support is typically required but automated review for consistency/completeness and mechanical analysis for correctness and test design is possible. Example semi-formal methods include [Sommerville92] logic diagrams, data flow diagrams, finite state machines, petri nets and decision tables.Formal methods apply mathematical notations to describe and analyse system specifications; such notations enable unambiguous description of behaviour, mechanised checks for consistency and completeness, mechanised processes for proof of correctness, the ability to prototype, or animate, specifications and automatic generation of test cases. Examples include Z [Spivey92], CSP [Hoare85] and Sum [Johnston99].Design standards provide guidance on quality criteria and metrics for measurement against such criteria. Such metrics include measures for complexity (e.g., cyclomatic complexity which quantifies control flow complexity, i.e., the number of linearly independent paths through a section of code) and modularity (the extent to which a system is divided into modules with high cohesion and low coupling) [Card90]. Software quality metrics typically provide a means of estimating factors such as correctness, reliability, efficiency, maintainability, testability, flexibility, portability, reusability and interoperability.Coding standards may be either external (e.g., STANAG 4404 [Std4404] and Def Stan 00-55 [Std00-55]) or internal to an organisation. Standards may be tailored to specific languages. For example, coding standards for the C language provide guidance for avoiding constructs that produce unspecified behaviour, undefined behaviour and implementation-dependent behaviour [Hatton95]. For example, the order in which expressions are evaluated in C is unspecified, and should not be relied on by the programmer. To provide built-in support for good programming style, SPARK Ada [Barnes97] enforces use of a “safe subset” of the Ada language constructs and provides support for verification of code using mathematical proof.3.3Fault Tolerance Guidelines3.3.1Error DetectionError detection occurs by intercepting outputs produced by a system and checking whether those outputs would conform to the specification of the system [Lee90]. Leveson [Leveson95] argues that errors should be detected as soon as possible after they arise and at a level enough low to ensure that effective action can be taken before hazardous states are reached. However, while early checks enable action to be taken sooner to reverse the error, last-moment checks (just before results leave the system) ensure that none of the activity of the system remains unchecked.Where they are used, care should be taken to ensure that checkers does not introduce other faults. For example, the checker slows overall processing of the system data, timing of which may be safety-critical. The efficiency of the checker algorithm may be crucial to whether use of a checker is feasible. Checkers may also add complexity to the system and mask the existence of faults that would be removed during test activities.There are three criteria for ideal checks [Lee90]:•The check should be derived solely from the system specification.•The check should be complete.•The system and its check should be independent.In practice, it may be infeasible to provide a complete check of correctness due to faults in the checker and the performance and cost overheads involved. However, it may be possible to focus on partial checks that detect violations of safety-related properties.Similarly, it is difficult to ensure complete independence between the system and checker [Leveson95]. The check can only be guaranteed to succeed if there is no possibility of there being a common point of failure between the system and its check. Independence could be compromised if the same person designed the system and its checker. The checker needs to access the same information as the system and may corrupt that information, and its design may be based on the same assumptions as the system.Lee and Anderson [Lee90] list several types of checks. Each of these checks is a guideline for error detection.1.Replication checks. Duplicate system function through redundancy or repeated operation.This is most applicable to random faults since duplicated systematic faults will not be independent. In some cases, it may be possible to replicate systems with different designs.However, care should be taken to ensure that the designs are truly independent.A form of replication for software fault tolerance is N-version programming where thefunction of a system is replicated by diverse implementations. The most common approach to N-version programming is to use separate teams to generate versions of the system [Leveson95]. However, it has been suggested that systems produced by separate teams do not fail in a statistically independent way. Popov et al. [Popov99] discuss methods for producing design diversity, referred to as “Diversity-Seeking Decisions”. Such “DSDs”produce differences in the design process. Forcing diversity, by adopting a DSD, is beneficial if the DSD creates two process variants that offer the same guarantees of reliability. When this is not true, a tradeoff is necessary between the degree of diversityachieved and the reduction in reliability.2.Timing checks. Where timing conditions are known, introduce timeouts or watchdogs.Timing checks ensure that timing constraints are satisfied.3.Reversal checks. Where the inverse of a computation or function is unique, apply theinverse to check the result. Reversal checks take the output from a system and calculate what the inputs should have been to produce that output. This is most effective where the function inverse is much simpler than the function itself, e.g., calculation of a square root.4.Coding checks. Use redundant information in stored or communicated data to detect formsof corruption. Common examples include parity checks and checksums.5.Reasonableness checks. Reasonableness checks determine the acceptability of outputsbased on knowledge of the domain. The results of computations are examined for satisfaction of some condition derived from the specification. A common example is data range checks but it is possible to apply more sophisticated checks on safety-critical data.For example, it may be possible to provide an algorithm that checks the correctness of the data output without duplicating the process of generating that data. Such checks may be simpler to perform than the process of generating the data.6.Structural checks. Examine the structural integrity of data. For example, corruption of two-way linked lists can be detected if the link structure is impaired.7.Diagnostic checks. Apply tests to system components for compliance with predicted results.Components often are supplied with self-test facilities for this purpose. Diagnostic tests can be performed on-line or off-line.A common type of checker is the monitor, which functions as a data checking entity in the data flow path for the system after generation of data but prior to its use. The module implementing the check is inserted into the data-flow for the system after the generation of the data, but before its use. If the data is found to be defective, the checker module blocks the use of the data and the data is regenerated and rechecked.A different type of checker is the safety kernel, which centralises the monitoring mechanisms in a high integrity system component. All safety-critical functions are conducted through the request to the kernel, allowing the detection of unsafe behaviour [Leveson95]. A safety kernel allows centralisation and encapsulation of safety mechanisms with the associated advantages of reusability and verification of the kernel operations.3.3.2Damage ConfinementDamage confinement is concerned with structuring the system to minimise the spread of errors. Leveson [Leveson95] advocates decoupling of systems wherever possible. Partitioning to isolate safety-critical components is also recommended by standards such as [Std4754].A tightly coupled system is highly interdependent, with each component linked to many others so that component failure can rapidly affect the status of the wider system. Tightly coupled systems tend to be rigid with an overall design that includes time-dependent processes, rigid sequencing of events and rigid, efficient use of resources.The principles of decoupling can be applied to software by using modularisation to control complexity and promote software-engineering goals such as reusability, simplicity and testability. Enforcing separation between design elements is commonly called partitioning. We distinguishbetween different means of providing partitioning as follows:1.Physical partitioning. The decoupled systems are implemented using physically distincthardware. Physical partitioning is the best means of ensuring separation but is not always practical for highly integrated systems or for systems using common resources.2.Static logical partitioning. Logical separation of entities is achieved through the staticsystem design structure. Such partitioning needs to be verified to ensure that the implemented data and control flows cannot violate the intended structure. It is also important to eliminate unintended component interaction through the use of common resources, for example, common memory, processor or external devices.3.Dynamic logical partitioning. Access between decoupled components is explicitlycontrolled by run-time software mechanisms. Such partitioning is typically achieved by authorisation-based protection mechanisms [Lee90], which actively constrain access to objects controlled by a system. Authorisation mechanisms are commonly used in security applications to ensure appropriate access or information flow between system entities. Two examples of authorisation mechanisms are:•List-based schemes, which maintain a list of authorised users associated with each system object; and•Ticket-based schemes, which associate the right to access an object with the process rather than the object. The set of access rights for a process defines the protectiondomain for that process. Information may pass directly between processes if theirprotection domains overlap and hence allow objects to be shared. Tickets can be withrespect to certain capabilities only. A similar mechanism to constrain access to objectsis to use a “lock”. Only objects that have the key for that object can access the object.To implement an atomic action it is necessary to lock all of the objects to be accessedwithin that action and to give the keys only to the processes concerned.Errors can also be confined by erecting barriers between incompatible system states or events [Leveson95] using interlocks to enforce a sequence of events. Interlocks differ from partitioning mechanisms since they allow interaction between system components but restrict when that interaction can occur. Inhibitor interlocks ensure that an event cannot occur inadvertently or whilea condition exists. A sequencer interlock ensures that an event cannot occur before another event.3.3.3Error RecoveryError recovery is dependent on a prior assessment of the extent to which error has propagated through the system. When an accurate prediction of the extent of damage can be made, the damage is anticipated and when an accurate assessment cannot be made the damage is unanticipated [Lee90].We distinguish between forward and backward error recovery mechanisms.Forward error recovery corrects errors arising from faults and continues processing. The erroneous part of the state is repaired and processing continues without rolling back the state of the machine. Anticipated errors arising from anticipated faults can be dealt with by forward error recovery.Forward error recovery measures are:•Dependent on damage assessment and prediction.•Inappropriate for recovery from unanticipated faults.•Designed specifically for a particular system.•Impossible to implement as generic mechanisms that deal with unanticipated faults. Leveson [Leveson95] suggests that forward recovery is needed when there is insufficient time to repeat a computation or the control actions depend on the incremental state of the system and cannot be recovered.Examples of forward error recovery guidelines include:1.Data repair.This approach is possible if there is sufficient redundancy in data or datastructure to repair a fault, once it is detected. Care needs to be taken that the repair moves the system to a correct state.2.Reconfiguration. This is a common technique where a partial shutdown or reconfigurationis performed to remove a faulty item from the system. An example of reconfiguration is to move to a backup system, possibly with degraded performance. The backup may be performed by a separate computer system, or by reverting to operator control.3.Coasting. Where errors may be transient, for example communications corruptions, it maybe possible to ignore the occurrence of errors and continue operation with no change until the error is corrected. This is particularly appropriate for some real-time systems where data is refreshed at regular intervals. However, care should be taken that new failure modes are not introduced as a result.4.Failsafe. If a safe state is known, it may be possible to recover from an error by forcing thesystem permanently to that safe state. Of course, this strategy is only appropriate where halt of operation is possible. Care should also be taken to ensure that the safe states are appropriate for all circumstances. Failsafe differs from data repair in that a failsafe strategy does not attempt to continue processing after a safe state has been identified.Dealing with unanticipated errors is more difficult and a more general error recovery technique is needed. Backward error recovery reverses the state of the system to a prior state that is regarded as error free and which preceded invocation of the fault. In contrast to forward error recovery, backward error recovery is:•Independent of damage assessment•Capable of providing recovery from arbitrary faults•Generally applicable to all systems•Easily provided as a mechanismBackward error recovery is a powerful error recovery technique, however forward error recovery will normally be more economical than measures to restore a prior state [Lee90]. Backward error recovery incurs penalties both in speed of operation of the system and expenditure of resources for storing information. In addition, some systems cannot be restored to their prior state because they produce physical effects in real time.Dealing with a fault by applying backward error recovery requires that there be some redundancy inthe system; the form of the redundancy depends on whether the fault is transient or permanent. Specific backward recovery guidelines include:1.Recovery and retry. This approach uses redundancy in time or between design componentsto enable an erroneous computation to be retried. Some form of state restoration may be necessary to recover the system to a previously known safe state. The restoration can be achieved by checkpointing, or storing states that can be reverted to, or by recording an audit trail of events that can be reversed. If errors are detected before the system state is altered, no state restoration is necessary. The simplest of state restoration is reset, or restoration to the initial system state. Reset differs from a failsafe strategy in that processing continues after the reset.Once a safe state is recovered, retry can occur in two ways:•Repeat. Where faults are transient, redundancy in time by repeating operation with the same component is sufficient. Some design faults, especially software faults, may appeartransient if they are triggered by rare operational circumstances. Repeating operationusing the same component is based on the premise that many of the errors caused bysoftware failures are based on the premise that the same error is unlikely to occur.•Backup. Where faults are permanent, the faulty component must be removed from the system and replaced by another component. Storey [Storey96] distinguishes between the“hot” standby where the alternative component is running continuously in parallel and“cold” standby where the alternative component is started only when needed.A form of recover and retry for software is the recovery block. On initial entry to arecovery block, a recovery point is implicitly established and the primary softwaremodule is executed. On completion of the module an acceptance test for the block isevaluated. If the test or the execution of the module does not raise any exception thenthe results of the module are assumed to be acceptable and the recovery block is exited.If an exception is raised, the recovery point is restored and an alternative module isexecuted [Leveson95].2.Replication is a special case of backward recovery where multiple systems are run inparallel so that state restoration is not necessary [Leveson95]. Once a discrepancy between duplicate systems is detected, the systems may vote to determine the outcome of a processing activity.pensation provides the appearance of backward recovery by attempting to undo theeffects of unrecoverable operations. For example, aborting an operation after it has erroneously been executed can restore the system to a previous safe state, even though there is no actual state restoration.3.4Applying the GuidelinesWe suggest the following process for application of the presented guidelines.1.As first priority, design for fault prevention. This is particularly important for design faultsthat can be eliminated, in theory.2.Design for fault isolation (damage confinement), particularly to minimise the safety criticaldesign space.。