Abstract Adaptivity and Approximation for Stochastic Packing Problems


the mathematical theory of finite element method

the mathematical theory of finite element method

the mathematical theory of finiteelement methodThe mathematical theory of the finite element method (FEM) is a branch of numerical analysis that provides a framework for approximating solutions to partial differential equations (PDEs) using discretization techniques. The finite element method is widely used in engineering and scientific disciplines to simulate and analyze physical phenomena.At the core of the FEM is the concept of dividing a domain into a finite number of elements, which are connected at nodes. The unknown solution within each element is approximated using a simple function, referred to as the basis function. These basis functions are usually polynomials of a certain degree, and their coefficients are determined by solving a set of linear equations.The mathematical theory of the FEM involves several key concepts and techniques. One of the fundamental principles is the variational formulation, which transforms the PDE into an equivalent variational problem. This variational problem is then discretized using the finite element approximation, resulting in a system of algebraic equations.Another important aspect is the assembly process, where the contributions from each element are combined to form the global stiffness matrix and right-hand side vector. This assembly is based on the integration of the basis functions and their derivatives over the element domains.Error estimation and convergence analysis are also essential components of the mathematical theory of the FEM. Various techniques, such as the energy method and the posteriori error estimators, are used to assess the accuracy of the finite element solution and to determine the appropriate mesh refinement for achieving convergence.Furthermore, the mathematical theory of the FEM includes the treatment ofboundary conditions, imposition of symmetries, and the development of efficient solvers for the resulting linear systems. It also addresses issues such as numerical stability,并行 computing, and adaptivity.In summary, the mathematical theory of the finite element method provides a comprehensive framework for numerically solving PDEs. It encompasses concepts such as element discretization, variational formulation, assembly, error estimation, and convergence analysis, which collectively enable the accurate and efficient simulation of a wide range of physical problems.。



# 论著#嗜麦芽寡养单胞菌感染分布及耐药性研究余素飞1 , 杨雪飞1 , 李婷婷2( 1. 浙江省台州医院, 浙江临海317000; 2. 临海市第一人民医院, 浙江临海317000)摘要: 目的了解我院嗜麦芽寡养单胞菌的临床分布, 分析细菌的耐药谱, 提高其诊治水平。

方法对经VIT EK 系统鉴定出162 株嗜麦芽寡养单胞菌, 进行自动化、纸片扩散法药敏试验, 统计分析其感染分布及耐药性变化。

结果在所有临床分离的嗜麦芽寡养单胞菌标本中, 以痰液为主( 90. 1%) , 其次为创口分泌物和咽拭子; 该菌对大多数抗菌药物耐药, 复方新诺明、环丙沙星的耐药率较低, 分别为20. 4%和22. 2%。

结论嗜麦芽寡养单胞菌是重症监护病房( ICU) 常见的医院感染致病菌, 痰标本的分离率最高; 合理使用抗菌药物、减少侵袭性操作、加强耐药性监测, 有利于预防及控制医院嗜麦芽寡养单胞菌感染。

关键词: 嗜麦芽寡养单胞菌; 药敏试验; 耐药性中图分类号: R379. 9 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1005- 4529( 2006) 05- 0587- 03Distribution and Drug-resistance of Stenotrophomonas mal tophil iaYU Su-fei, YAN G Xue-fei, LI Ting-ting( Zhej iang T ai z hou H osp i tal , L inhai , Zhej iang 317000, China) Abstract: OBJECTIVE T o get know ledge o f the distr ibution and dr ug- resistance o f Stenotr op homonas maltop hiliain o ur hospital and impro ve the level of diag no sis and tr eatment. METHODS The automatic dr ug sensitiv e t est andthe pa per spreads medicine sensitive test w ere car ried on to 162 str ains of S. maltop hilia w ith t he index of t heVITEK system. RESULTS In all clinical samples, S. maltop hilia isolated from phlegm was the mo st ( 90%) , then w as f rom secretio n and swab. The majo rit y of 162 strains wer e mult idrug resistant. But to the trimetho pr imsulfamethoxazo le and cipr oflo xacin, the dr ug resistance was low ( 20. 4% and 22. 2%, r espectively ) . CONCLUSIONS S. maltop hilia is the pr ev alent patho gen of nosocomial infection in ICU . And most o f it ar e isolated fr omphlegm . So use antibio tics cor rectly, r educe invasiv e ex aminations o r treatments and strengt hen drug- resistant monitoring, are helpful to pr event and contro l S . mal top hilia nosocomial infectio n.Key words: S. maltop hili a; drug sensitivity test; drug- resistance嗜麦芽寡养单胞菌是一种非发酵革兰阴性杆菌, 广泛分布于自然界, 机体防御功能低下时成为条件致病菌, 可引起肺炎、脑膜炎、败血症、心内膜炎和皮肤软组织感染。



南京林业大学艺术设计学院 汤箬梅 李俊杰*引言自闭症是一种发育障碍性疾病,研究表明,儿童自闭症发病率占我国各类精神疾病首位,并且已成为当今最普遍的发展性障碍疾病之一,我国自闭症儿童超200万,而且这种趋势仍在上升。














判断题1.Interlanguage is neither the native language nor the second language.(T)2.Krashen assumed that there were two independent means or routesof second language learning: acquisition and learning. (T)3.There are two interacting factors in determining language transfer insecond language learning. (F)4.Three important characteristics of interlanguage: systemacticity ,permeability and fossilization. (T)5.Intrinsic motivation:learners learn a second language for externalpurposes. (F)6.Neurolinguistics is the study of two related areas: language disordersand the relationship between the brain and language. (T)7.The brain is divided two sections: the higher section called the brainstem and the lower section called the cerebrum. (F)8.An interesting fact about these two hemispheres is that eachhemisphere controls the opposite half of the body in terms of muscle movement and sensation. (T)9.Most right-handed individuals are said to be right lateralized forlanguage. (F)10.C T scanning uses a narrow beam of X-ray to create brain images thattake the form of a series of brain slices. (T)11.1 Right hear advantage shows the right hemisphere is not superior forprocessing all sounds, but only for those that are linguistic in nature, thus providing evidence in support of view that the left side of the brain is specialized for language and that's where language centers reside. (f)12.2 Evidence in support of lateralization for language in left hemispherecomes from researches in Dichotic listening tasks(t)13.3interpersonal communications is the process of using languagewithin the individual to facilitate one’s own thought and aid the formulation and manipulation of concepts. (t)14.4 Linguistic lateralization is hemispheric specialization or dominancefor language. (t)15.5 Dichotic Listening is a research technique which has been used tostudy how the brain controls hearing and language, with which subjects wear earphones and simultaneously receive different sounds in the right or left ear, and are then asked to repeat what they hear.(f)16.6 Dichotic Listening is a research technique which has been used tostudy how the brain controls hearing and language, with which subjects wear earphones and simultaneously receive different soundsin the right and left ear, and are then asked to repeat what they hear.(t)17.7 Input refers to the language which a learner bears and receives andfrom which he or she can learn. (f)18.8 Fossilization ,a process that sometimes occurs in language learningin which incorrect linguistic features (such as the accent of a grammatical pattern) become a permanent part of the way a person speaks or writes in the target language.(f)19.9 The different languages have a similar level of complexity anddetail, and reflect general abstract properties of the common linguistic system is called Universal Grammar . (t)20.10 Acculturation a process of adapting to the culture and valuesystem of the second language community.(t)21.I n socialinguistic studies,speakers are not regarded as members ofsocial groups (F)22.n ew words maybe coined from already existing words by substractingan affix thought to be part of the old world (T)23.a ll languages make a distinction between the subject and directobject,which can be illustrated in word order (T)24.I t has been noticed that in many communities be language used bythe older generation differs from that used by the elder generation in certain ways (F)25.A pidgin is a special language variety that mixes or blends languagesand it isn’t used by people who speak different languages for restricted purposes such as trading(F)26.I t is interesting to know that the language used by men and womenhave some special features of others (F)27.I t is an obvious facts that people who claim to be speakers of thesame language don’t speak the language in the different manner (T)28.A regional dialect is a linguistic variety used by people living (T)29.F usion refers to this type of grammatication in which words developinto affixes (T)30.H istorical linguistics,as a branch of linguistics is mainly coverned withboth the description and explanation of language changes that occurred over time (T)选择题Chapter 71.Which one is not right about Blenging?(b)A:disco-discotheque B:brunch-breakfast+luchC:B2B-Business-to-Business D:videophone-video+cellphone2.Semantic changes contains three processes ,which one is ture?(a)A:namely widening ,narrowing and shift in meaningB:semantic broadening ,narrowing and semantic dispearingC:semantic shift ,narrowing and semantic lossingD:namely widening ,narrowing and not shift in meaning3.Science and technology influence English language in these aspects(d) A:space travelB:compnter and internet languageC:ecdogyD:above of allnguage changes can be found at different linguistic levels,such as in the<D>A:phonology and morphologyB:syntax and lexiconC:semantic component of the grammarD:ABC5,Morphological and syntactic change contian<D>A:addition or loss of affixesB:change of word ordenC:change in regation ruleD:abrove of allChapter 81.Which is not Halliday's social variables that determine the register? (D) A:field of discourseB:tenor of discourseC:mode of discouseD:ethnic dialect2.Which is not dialectal varieties?(C)A:regional dialect and idiolectB:language and genderC:registerD:ethnic dialect3.To some extent,language especially the structure of its lexicon,refects___of a sociey.(C)A:physical B:social environmentC:both AandB D:social phenomenon4.____,refers to the linguistic variety characteristic of a particular social class.(D)A:Social-class dialect B:sociolectC:A andB D:A or B5.Two languages are used side by side with each having a ____role to play;and language switching occurs when the situation ____.(A)A:different,changesB:similar,changesC:different,unchangingD:similar,unchangingChapter 91.which is not the component of culture ?<D>nguageB.ideasC.beliefD.soil2.in a word,language express<D>A.factsB.events which represent similar world knowledge by its peopleC.peoples' attitudes.beliefsD.cultural reality3.any linguistic sign may simultaneously have a <D>A.denotativeB.connotativeC.iconicD.denotative,connotative,or iconic kind of meanings4.what's the meaning of"a lucky dog"in english?<B>A.a clever boyB.a smart ladC.a lucky personD.a silent person5.traditionally,curture contact consists of three forms.which is wrong below<A>A.acquisitionB.acculturationC.assimilationD.amalgamation Chapter 101.The interavtionist view holds that language as a result of the complex interplay between the___A__of a child and the __A__in which he grows .A: human chracteristics environmentB: chracteristics environmentC: language acquisition placeD: gift place2.The atypical language development includes__A___A: hearing impairment mental retardationB: autism stutteringC: aphasia dyslexia dysgraphiaD: Both A ,B and C3.Children's language learning is not complete by the time when they enter school at the age of _C__A: 3 or 4 B: 4 or 5C: 5 or 6 D: 6or 7Chapter 111.A distinction was made between ( ) and ( ).The former would facilitate target language learning,the later would interfere. < A >A positive transfer negative transferB negative transfer positive transferC contrastive analysis error analysisD error analysis contrastive analysis2.( ) are learners' consious,goal-oriented and problem-solving based efforts to cahieve desierable learning efficiency. < A >A Learning strategiesB Cognitive strategiesC Metacognitive strategiesD Affect strategiesnguage acquisition device(LAD) came from( ). < D >A John B.WatsonB B.F. SkinnerC S.D. KrashenD ChomskyChapter 121.____is the study of two related areas:language disorders and the relationship between the brainand language.A.neurolinguisticsB.linguisticsC.neuronsD.modern linguistics2.Psycholingusitics is the study of _____and mental activity associated with the use of languageA.psychobiologyB.psychological statesC.physical statesD.biological states3._____uses a narrow beam of X-ray to create brain images that the form of a series of brainslices.A.PETB.MRIC.CT scanningD.fMRI4.The brain is divided into two sections:the lower section called the____and the higher sectioncalled____.A.brain stem,cerebrumB.brain stem,neuronsC.cerebrum,brain stemD.cerebrum,neurons5.Damage to parts of the left cortex behind the central sulcus results in a type of aphasia called_____.A.Wernicke's aphasiaB.Broca'saphasiaC.Acquires dyslexiaD.fluent aphasia填空题第七章1.In addition to the borrowed affixes,some lexical forms become grammaticalized over time,this process is called ______________2.Generally speaking,there are mainly two possible ways of lexical changes: ________and ________,which often reflects the introduction of new objects and notions in social practices.3.New words may be coined from already existing words by "subtracting"an affix thought t be part of the old word ,such words are thus called____________.4.Over the time many words remain in use,but their meanings have changed,three mainly processes of semantic change,___________,____________, ____________.5.While the "_________"and "__________ "do seem to account for some linguistic changes,it may not be explanatory enough to account for other changes.KEYS:1.grammaticalization2.the addition and loss of words3.back-formation4.widening, narrowing, shift5.theory of least effort, economy of memory第八章1·-------is the sub-field of linguistics that studies the relation between language and society,between the uses of language and the social structures in which the users of language live. 答案Sociolinguistics 2·The social group that is singled out for any special study is called th e ----------.答案speech community3A------------is a linguistic variety used by people living in the same geographical region.答案regional dialect4he Ttype of language which is selected as appropriate to the type of situation is a---------.答案register5A-------is a special language variety thatmixes or blends languages ang it is used by people who speak different languages for restricted purposes such as trading.答案pidgin第九章1. anguage and culture,intrinsically interdependent on each other,have_through history (evolved together)2. ulture reflects a total way of life of a people in a_(community)3.in a word,_expreses culture reality (language)4.culture differences are also evident in the way_ and compliments are expressed (gratitude)nguage as the_of culture is tightly intertwined with culture (keystone)第十章1 ( ) refers to a child’s acquisition of his mother tongue.2 Generally speaking, there are mainly three different theories concerning how language is learned,namely the behaviorist,the interactionist ,( ) views.3 All child language acquisition theories talk about the roles of twofactors to different degrees the age ang ( ).4 Lexical contrast and ( ) theories are also proposed to explain how children acquire their vocabulary or lexicon.5 The atypical language development includes hearing impairment,mental retardation, autism,stuttering,( ),dyslexia,dysgraphia.答案:nguage acquisition2.the innatist3.the linguistic environment4.prototype5.aphasia第十一章1.()refers to the systematic study of how one person acquiresa second language subsequent to his native language (NL or L1) .2.Contrastive analysis compares the ( ) cross these twolanguages to locate the mismatches or differences so that people can predict the possible learning difficulty learners may encounter .3.In addition, because of its association with an outdated modellanguage description (structuralism) and the increasingly discredited learning theory (behaviorism) , the once predominant contrastive analysis was gradually replaced by ( ).4.The interlingual errors mainly result from ()interferenceat different levels such as phonological , lexical , grammatical ordiscoursal , etc .5.Krashen assumed that there were two independent means or routesof second language learning : acquisition and ()。



第26卷第1期河北农业大学学报Vol 26No 1 2003年1月JOURNAL OF AGRIC ULTURAL UNIVERSITY OF HEBEI Ja n.2003文章编号:1000 1573(2003)01 0050 06寄生适合度测定方法间关系的研究以马铃薯晚疫病为例袁军海1,赵美琦2,姚裕琪3,梁德霖3(1.张家口农业高等专科学校农学系,河北宣化 075131;2.中国农业大学植物保护学院,北京 100094;3.内蒙古农业科学院,内蒙古呼和浩特 010031)摘要:通过5种方法对5个马铃薯品种与2个毒力不同的晚疫病菌菌系间寄生适合度的测定,对寄生适合度测定方法间的关系进行了探讨。

病害发展曲线下面积法(AUDPC)和病斑总面积增长曲线下面积法(AULAGC)间的相互转换公式为:F(A UDPC)=(S ck/S)F(AU LAGC)(其中S ck和S分别表示感病对照组合中每小区叶片总面积和某组合中该品种每小区叶片总面积)。

百分率-r值法(I-r)与复合适合度指数法(C FI)之间的相互转换公式为:F(CFI)=exp((F(I-r)-1)r lp)(r表示感病对照组合的寄生适合度值,lp为一个潜育期天数)。


关键词:寄生适合度;马铃薯;晚疫病菌中图分类号:S432 21,S435 文献标识码:AStudy on the relationships between estimating methods ofparasitic fitness exemplified with potato late blightYUAN Jun hai1,ZHAO Mei qi2,YAO Yu qi3,LIANG De lin3(1.Department of Agronomy,Zhangjiakou Agricultural College,Xuanhua075131,China;2.College of Plant Protection,China Agricultural Universi ty,Beijing100094,China;3.Agricultural Scienti fic Academy of Inner Mongolia,Huhhot010031,China)Abstract:On the basis of the estimation of parasitic fitness between five potato varieties and two races ofPhyto phtho ra in f estans,the relationship among estimating methods were studied in this paper.Relativeparasitic fitness estimated by the methods of area under disease progress curve(AUDPC)and area underlesion area growth curve(AULAGC)could be exchanged from each other by the formula as the follo wing:F(AUDPC)=(S ck/S)F(AULAGC)(here S c k is the total area of foliage per plot of variety in susceptiblecheck,S is the total area of foliage per plot of the cultivar in one combination).The interexchanging formula between the methods of incidence-apparent infection rate(! r)and composite fitness index(CFI)were as following:F(CFI)=exp(F(!-r)-1)r lp)(r represent the parasitic fitness of susceptiblecheck,lp is a latent period).The methods of estimating parasitic fitness,AUDPC,! r and CFI,werefound to be more suitable to this pathosystem.Key w ords:parasitic fitness;potato;potato late blight寄生适合度是由品种基因型和小种基因型综合决定的某小种在某品种上寄生繁殖的适合程度,它决定于品种抗病性和病原物致病性双方的遗传特性[1]。

1Departamento de Matem'atica, Pontif'icia Universidade Cat'olica do Rio de Janeiro

1Departamento de Matem'atica, Pontif'icia Universidade Cat'olica do Rio de Janeiro

Robust Adaptive Polygonal Approximation of Implicit CurvesH´E LIO L OPES J O˜AO B ATISTA O LIVEIRA L UIZ H ENRIQUE DE F IGUEIREDODepartamento de Matem´a tica,Pontif´ıcia Universidade Cat´o lica do Rio de JaneiroRua Marquˆe s de S˜a o Vicente225,22453-900Rio de Janeiro,RJ,BrazilFaculdade de Inform´a tica,Pontif´ıcia Universidade Cat´o lica do Rio Grande do SulAvenida Ipiranga6681,90619-900Porto Alegre,RS,BrazilIMPA–Instituto de Matem´a tica Pura e AplicadaEstrada Dona Castorina110,22461-320Rio de Janeiro,RJ,Brazil Abstract.We present an algorithm for computing a robust adaptive polygonal approximation of an implicit curve in the plane.The approximation is adapted to the geometry of the curve because the length of the edges varies with the curvature of the curve.Robustness is achieved by combining interval arithmetic and automatic differentiation.Keywords:piecewise linear approximation;interval arithmetic;automatic differentiation;geometric modeling1IntroductionAn implicit object is defined as the set of solutions of anequation,where.For well-behaved functions,this set is a surface of dimensionin.Of special interest to computer graphics are implicitcurves()and implicit surfaces(),althoughseveral problems in computer graphics can be formulatedas high-dimensional implicit problems[2,3].Applications usually need a geometric model of theimplicit object,typically a polygonal approximation.Whileit is easy to compute polygonal approximations for para-metric objects,computing polygonal approximations forimplicit objects is a challenging problem for two main rea-sons:first,it is difficult tofind points on the implicit ob-ject[4];second,it is difficult to connect isolated points intoa mesh[5].In this paper,we consider the problem of computing apolygonal approximation for a curve given implicitly bya function,that is,In Section2we review some methods for approximatingimplicit curves,and in Section3we show how to computerobust adaptive polygonal approximations.By“adaptive”we mean two things:first,is explored adaptively,in thesense that effort is concentrated on the regions of that arenear;second,the polygonal approximation is adapted tothe geometry of,having longer edges where isflat andFigure1:Our algorithm in action for the ellipse given im-plicitly by.lem is to check the sign of at the vertices of the cell.If these signs are not all equal,then the cell must intersect (provided is continuous,of course).However,if the signs are the same,then we cannot discard the cell,because it might contain a small closed component of in its interior, or might enter and leave the cell through the same edge.In practice,the simplest solution to both problems is to use afine regular grid and hope for the best.Figure2shows an example of such full enumeration on a regular rectan-gular grid.The enumerated cells are shown in grey.The points where intersects the boundary of those cells can be computed by linear interpolation or,if higher accuracy is desired,by any other classical method,such as bisection. Note that the output of an enumeration is simply a set of line segments;some post-processing is needed to arrange these segments into polygonal lines.Full enumeration works well—provided afine enough grid is used—but it can be very expensive,because many cells in the grid will not intersect,specially if has components of different sizes(as in Figure2).If we take the number of evaluations of as a measure of the cost of the algorithm,then full enumeration will waste many eval-uations on cells that are far away from.Typically,if the grid has cells,then only cells will intersect. Thefiner the grid,the more expensive full enumeration is.Another popular approach to approximating an im-plicit curve is continuation,which starts at a point on the curve and tries to step along the curve.One simple contin-uation method is to integrate the Hamiltonian vectorfield Figure2:Full enumeration of the cubic curve given implic-itly by in the square.,combining a simple numerical integra-tion method with a Newton corrector[6].Another method is to follow the curve across the cells of a regular cellular decomposition of by pivoting from one cell to another, without having to compute the whole decomposition[2].Continuation methods are attractive because they con-centrate effort where it is needed,and may adapt the com-puted approximation to the local geometry of the curve,but they need starting points on each component of the curve; these points are not always available and may need to be hunted in.Moreover,special care is needed to handle closed components correctly.What we need is an efficient and robust method that performs adaptive enumeration,in which the cells are larger away from the curve and smaller near it,so that com-putational effort is concentrated where it is most needed. The main obstacle in this approach is how to decide reli-ably whether a cell is away from the curve.Fortunately, interval methods provide a robust solution for this problem, as explained in Section3.Moreover,by combining interval arithmetic with automatic differentiation(also explained in Section3),it is possible to reliably estimate the curvature of and thus adapt the enumeration not only spatially,that is,with respect to the location of in,but also geomet-rically,by identifying large cells where can be approxi-mated well by a straight line segment(see Figure3,left). The goal of this paper is to present a method for doing ex-actly this kind of completely adaptive approximation,in a robust way.Figure3:Geometric adaption(left)versus spatial adaption(right).3Robust adaptive polygonal approximationAs discussed in Section2,what we need for robust adaptive enumeration is some kind of oracle that reliably answers the question“Does this cell intersect?”.Testing the sign of at the vertices of the cell is an oracle,but not a reli-able one.It turns out that it is easier to implement oracles that reliably answer the complementary question“Is this cell away from?”.Such oracles test the absence of in the cell,rather than its presence,but they are just as effec-tive for reliable enumeration.We shall now describe how such absence oracles may be implemented and how to use them to compute adaptive enumerations reliably.3.1Inclusion functions and adaptive enumerationAn absence oracle for a curve given implicitly bycan be readily implemented if we have an inclusion function for,that is,a function defined on the subsets of and taking real intervals as values such thatIn words,is an estimate for the complete set of values taken by on.This estimate is not required to be tight: may be strictly larger than.Nevertheless,even if not tight,estimates provided by inclusion functions are sufficient to implement an absence oracle:If, then,that is,for all pointsin;this means that does not intersect.Note that this is not an approximate statement:is a proof that does not intersect.Once we have a reliable absence oracle,it is simple to write a reliable adaptive enumeration algorithm as follows: Algorithm1:explore:if thendiscardelseif thenoutputelsedivide into smaller piecesfor each,exploreStarting with a call to explore,this algorithm performs a recursive exploration of,discarding subregions of when it can prove that does not contain any part of the curve.The recursion stops when is smaller than a user-selected tolerance,as measured by its diameter or any equivalent norm.The output of the algorithm is a list of small cells whose union is guaranteed to contain the curve.In practice,is a rectangle and is divided into rect-angles too.A typical choice(which we shall adopt in the sequel)is to divide into four equal rectangles,thus gen-erating a quadtree[7],but it is also common to bisect perpendicularly to its longest size or to alternate the direc-tions of the cut[8].3.2An algorithm for adaptive approximation Algorithm1is only spatially adaptive,because all output cells have the same size(see Figure3,right).Geometricadaption requires that we estimate how the curvature of varies inside a cell.This can be done by using an inclusion function for the normalized gradient of,because this gradient is normal to.The inclusion function satisfies where is the normalized gradient of at the point:Figure4:Some automatic differentiation formulas.or computational differentiation.This simple technique has been rediscovered many times[9,23–25],but its use is still not widespread;in particular,applications of automatic dif-ferentiation in computer graphics are still not common[26].Derivatives computed with automatic differentiation are not approximate:the only errors in their evaluation are round-off errors,and these will be significant only when they already are significant for evaluating the function it-self.Like interval arithmetic,automatic differentiation is easy to implement[23,27]:instead of operating with single numbers,we operate with tuples of numbers,where is the value of the function and is the value of its partial derivative with respect to the-th variable.We extend the elementary operations and func-tions to these tuples by means of the chain rule and the elementary calculus formulas.Once this is done,deriva-tives are automatically computed for complicated expres-sions simply by following the rules for each elementary operation or function that appears in the evaluation of the function itself.In other words,any sequence of elementary operations for evaluating can be automati-cally transformed into a sequence of tuple operations that computes not only the value of at a point but also all the partial derivatives of at this point.Again,op-erator overloading simplifies the implementation and use of automatic differentiation,but it can be easily implemented in any language[27],perhaps aided by a precompiler[22].Figure4shows some sample automatic differentiation formulas for.Note how values on the left-hand side of these formulas(and sometimes on the right-hand side as well)are reused in the computation of partial derivatives on the right-hand side.This makes automatic differentiation much more efficient than symbolic differentiation:several common sub-expressions are identified and evaluated only once.We can take the formulas for automatic differentiation and interpret them over intervals:each is now an in-terval,and the operations on them are interval operations. This combination of automatic differentiation with interval arithmetic allows us to compute interval estimates of par-tial derivatives automatically,and is the last tool we needed to implement Algorithm2.3.5Implementation detailsWe implemented Algorithm2in C++,coding interval arith-metic routines from scratch and taking the automatic differ-entiation routines from the book by Hammer et al.[28].To test whether the curve isflat in a cell,we com-puted an interval estimate for the normalized gradient of inside.This gave a rectangle in. The test was implemented by testingwhether both sides of were smaller than.This is not the only possibility,but it is simple and worked well,exceptfor the non-obvious choice of the gradient tolerance.Our implementation of approx()computed the inter-section of with a rectangular cell by dividing alongits main diagonal into two triangles,and using classical bi-section on the edges for which the sign of at the vertices was different.As mentioned in Section3.2,this produces aconsistent polygonal approximation,even at adjacent cells that do not share complete edges.If the sign of was the same at all the vertices of, then we simply ignored;this worked well for the exam-ples we used.If necessary,the implementation of approxmay be refined by using the estimate to test whether the gradient of or one of its components is zero inside. If these tests fail,then can be safely discarded because cannot contain small closed components of and can-not intersect an edge of more than once:closed compo-nents must contain a singular point of,and double inter-sections imply that or vanish in.We did notfind these additional tests necessary in our experiments.3.6Examples of adaptive approximationFigures5–12show several examples of adaptive approxi-mations computed with our program.The examples shown on the left hand side of thesefigures were output by the ge-ometrically adaptive Algorithm2;the examples shown on the right hand side were output by the spatially adaptive Al-gorithm1.The two variants were computed with the same parameters:the region is,the re-cursion was stopped after levels of recursion(that is,the spatial tolerance was),and the tolerance for gra-dient estimates was.As mentioned in Section3.2,we set for the examples on the right hand side,to reduce geometric adaption to spatial adaption.Cells visitedCurve Geometric Spatial Ratio 53412245 6.6Bicorn94300 3.2 77091781 2.5Cubic128262 2.0 923717737.5Pisces logo280488 1.7 11745712121 1.6Taubin233446 1.9 Table1:Statistics for the curves in Figures5–12.The white cells of many different sizes reflect the spa-tial adaption.The grey cells of many different sizes reflect the geometric adaption.Inside each grey cell,the curve is approximated by a line segment.Table1shows some statistics related to these exam-ples.For each curve,we show the total number of cells vis-ited and the number of grey cells(we call also them leaves). We give these numbers for the geometrically adaptive Algo-rithm2and for the spatially adaptive Algorithm1,and also give their ratio for comparison.As can be seen in Table1, for all the examples tested Algorithm2was more efficient than Algorithm1,in the sense that it visited fewer cells and output fewer cells.4Related workEarly work on implicit curves in computer graphics concen-trated on rendering,and consisted mainly of continuation methods in image space.Aken and Novak[29]showed how Bresenham’s algorithm for circles can be adapted to render more general curves,but they only gave details for conics. Their work was later expanded by Chandler[30].These two papers contain several references to the early work on the rendering problem.More recently,Glassner[31]dis-cussed in detail a continuation algorithm for rendering.Special robust algorithms have been devised for alge-braic curves,that is,implicit curves defined by a polyno-mial equation.One early rendering algorithm was proposed by Aron[32],who computed the topology of the curve us-ing the cylindrical algebraic decomposition technique from computational algebra.He also described a continuation algorithm that integrates the Hamiltonian vectorfield,but is guided by the topological structure previously computed. More recently,Taubin[33]gave a robust algorithm for ren-dering a plane algebraic curve.He showed how to compute constant-width renderings by approximating the Euclidean distance to the curve.His work can be seen as a specialized interval technique for polynomials.Dobkin et al.[2]described in detail a continuation method for approximating implicit curves with polygonal lines.Their algorithm follows the curve across a regular triangular grid that is never fully built,but is instead tra-versed from one intersecting cell to another by reflection rules.Since the grid is regular,their approximation is not geometrically adaptive.Moreover,the selection of the grid resolution is left to the user and so the aliasing problems mentioned in Section2may still occur.Suffern[34]seems to have been thefirst to try to re-place full enumeration with adaptive enumeration.He pro-posed a quadtree exploration of the ambient space guided by two parameters:how far to divide the domain without trying to identify intersecting cells,and how far to go before attempting to approximate the curve in the cell.This heuris-tic method seems to work well,but of course its success de-pends on the selection of those two parameters,which must be done by trial and error.Shortly afterwards,Suffern and Fackerell[18]applied interval methods for the robust enumeration of implicit curves,and gave an algorithm that is essentially Algo-rithm1.Their work is probably thefirst application of interval arithmetic in graphics(the early work of Mudur and Koparkar[10]seems to have been largely ignored until then).In a course at SIGGRAPH’91,Mitchell[17]revisited the work of Suffern and Fackerell[18]on robust adaptive enumeration of implicit curves,and helped to spread the word on interval methods for computer graphics.He also described automatic differentiation and used it in ray trac-ing implicit surfaces.Snyder[13,19]described a complete modeling sys-tem based on interval methods,and included an approxima-tion algorithm for implicit curves that incorporated a global parametrizability criterion in the quadtree decomposition. This allowed his algorithm to produce an enumeration that hasfinal cells of varying size,but the resulting approxima-tion is not adapted to the curvature.Figueiredo and Stolfi[37]showed that adaptive enu-merations can be computed more efficiently by using tighter interval estimates provided by affine arithmetic.More recently,Hickey et al.[35]described a robust program based on interval arithmetic for plotting implicit curves and relations.Tupper[36]described a similar, commercial-quality,program.5ConclusionAlgorithm2computes robust adaptive polygonal approxi-mation of implicit curves.As far as we know,this is the first algorithm which computes a reliable enumeration that is both spatially and geometrically adaptive.The natural next step in this research is to attack im-plicit surfaces,which have recently become again an active research area[38].The ideas and techniques presented in this paper are useful for computing robust adaptive approx-imations of implicit surfaces.However,the solution will probably be more complex,because we will have to face more difficult topological problems,not only for the sur-face itself but also in the local approximation by polygons.We are also working on higher-order approximation methods for implicit curves based on a Hermite formula-tion.AcknowledgementsThis research was done while J.B.Oliveira was visit-ing the Visgraf laboratory at IMPA during IMPA’s sum-mer post-doctoral program.Visgraf is sponsored by CNPq, FAPERJ,FINEP,and IBM Brasil.H.Lopes is a mem-ber of the Matmidia laboratory at PUC-Rio.Matmidia is sponsored by FINEP,PETROBRAS,CNPq,and FAPERJ. L.H.de Figueiredo is a member of Visgraf and is partially supported by a CNPq research grant.References[1]H.Lopes,J.B.Oliveira,L.H.de Figueiredo,Robust adap-tive approximation of implicit curves,in:Proceedings of SIBGRAPI2001,IEEE Press,2001,pp.10–17.[2] D.P.Dobkin,S.V.F.Levy,W.P.Thurston,A.R.Wilks,Contour tracing by piecewise linear approximations,ACM Transactions on Graphics9(4)(1990)389–423.[3] C.M.Hoffmann,A dimensionality paradigm for surfaceinterrogations,Computer Aided Geometric Design7(6) (1990)517–532.[4]L.H.de Figueiredo,J.Gomes,Sampling implicit ob-jects with physically-based particle systems,Computers& Graphics20(3)(1996)365–375.[5]L.H.de Figueiredo,J.Gomes,Computational morphologyof curves,The Visual Computer11(2)(1995)105–112. 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Higher-Degree Interpolation Given n + 1 data points
(x0, y0), (x1, y1), · · · (xn, yn), the n Lagrange interpolating polynomial is given by
Pn(x) = y0 L0(x) + y1 L1(x) + y2 L2(x) + yn Ln(x)
(x − x0)(x (x2 − x0)(x2
− −
x1)(x − x3) · · · (x − xn) x1)(x2 − x3) · · · (x2 − xn)
(x − x0)(x − x1)(x − x2) · · · (x − xn−1) (xn − x0)(xn − x1)(xn − x3) · · · (xn − xn−1
Numerical Analysis
Chapter 4 Interpolation and Approximation
4.1 Polynomial Interpolation
Goal Given n + 1 data points (x0, y0), (x1, y1), · · · (xn, yn),
(x − 1)(x − 2)
x(x − 2)
x(x − 1) −1
P2(x) = (−1)
+ (−1)
= (x − 1)(x − 2) + x(x − 2) + x(x − 1)



第43卷 第14期 包 装 工 程2022年7月 PACKAGING ENGINEERING 343收稿日期:2022–02–16基金项目:2019年度国家社会科学基金项目(19XMZ087);2021年度广西高等教育本科教学改革工程项目(2021JGA174) 作者简介:杨熊炎(1983—),男,博士,副教授,主要研究方向为工业设计。

符号学视域下侗锦文化元素现代转化应用研究杨熊炎,叶德辉(桂林电子科技大学,广西 桂林 541004)摘要:目的 基于莫里斯符号学三分法,探索侗锦非遗元素现代转化策略,为乡村非遗元素的传承与现代转化提供思路。

方法 以莫里斯符号学三分法为理论指导,从语义、语构、语用等层面解读侗锦文化内涵、拓展应用等内容,构建侗锦符号学解读与转化模型。




结论 侗锦作为侗族代表性的文化符号,具有装饰性、功用性与寓意性,与符号学的语义、语构与语用维度相对应。


关键词:侗锦;现代转化策略;设计符号学中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-3563(2022)14-0343-11 DOI :10.19554/ki.1001-3563.2022.14.043Modern Transformation and Application of Dong Brocade CulturalElements from the Perspective of SemioticsYANG Xiong-yan , YE De-hui(Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guangxi Guilin 541004, China)ABSTRACT: Based on the perspective of Morris semiotics, the paper aims to explore the modern transformation strategy of intangible cultural heritage elements in Dong brocade, so as to provide ideas for the inheritance and modern transfor-mation of rural intangible cultural heritage elements. Guided by Morris's semiotic dichotomy, the cultural connotation is interpreted from the aspects of semantics, language structure and pragmatics to expand the application of Dong brocade and construct the interpretation and transformation model of Dong brocade semiotics. The connotation of cultural ele-ments and cultural factors of Dong brocade are analyzed from the semantic dimension, and shape grammar and four-way continuous composition are applied to derive and expand under the guidance of modern design methods; in the dimension of language structure, taking the aesthetic value of modern life as the starting point, combined with design practice cases, the new carrier that fitting Dong brocade products into modern life is analyzed; in the pragmatic dimension, from the perspective of intangible cultural heritage experience economy, under the guidance of service design concept, combined with user journey map and system map, the experience path of Dong brocade intangible cultural heritage industry is ex-plored. As a representative cultural symbol of the Dong nationality, Dong brocade is decorative, functional and allegori-cal. It corresponds to the dimensions of semiotic semantics, language structure and pragmatics. It builds a semiotic inter-pretation and transformation model and transforms cultural symbols into perceptible carriers. From the dimensions of se-344 包装工程 2022年7月mantics, language structure and pragmatics, it proposes modern transformation strategies such as morphological and se-mantic derivation of Dong brocade, and product life and intangible cultural heritage experience, and explores the various possibilities of innovative application and industrial expansion of Dong brocade cultural elements, shapes the modern new value of Dong brocade, and realizes the productive inheritance and innovative revitalization of Dong brocade.KEY WORDS: Dong brocade; modern transformation strategies; design semiotics侗族主要分布在贵州、广西与湖南3地,侗族的原生态节庆文化和原生态民俗文化享誉中外,非遗文化资源丰富,特色鲜明,拥有侗族大歌、侗锦等多项世界级、国家级非物质文化遗产。



Johnson ,& McCown,1995 ; Lay,1986 ) 。 学业拖延 是拖延在学校情境中的表现, 与学习任务的完成有 关。有学者认为, 学业拖延是对要在预期时间内完 成的学习任务的一种自愿延迟, 即使知道这种延迟 会带来 不 良 后 果 ( Senécal,Koestner,& Vallerand, 1995 ; Solomon & Rothblum, 1984 ; Steel, 2007 ) 。也 有学者将学业拖延理解为因个体迟迟不着手一项最 终必须 完 成 的 任 务 而 经 历 到 的 情 绪 不 适 ( Lay & Schouwenburg , 1993 ) 。 学业拖延在大学生中普遍存在。国外有学者指 出, 大约 30% 至 60% 的本科生报告了有规律的对学 习任务, 如准备考试、 写学期论文或完成每周阅读任 Upham,2011 ) 。 务的拖延 ( Rabin,Fogel,& Nutter国内也有学者指出, 我国不同区域、 类别高校中的大 学生 普 遍 存 在 学 业 拖 延 现 象 ( 庞 维 国, 韩 贵 宁, 2009 ) 。鉴于学业拖延会影响大学生的学习表现 , 阻碍其学习进步, 增加其压力并降低生活质量, 国内 外学者做了大量工作来研究是什么因素导致大学生 学业拖延产生并使之维持 ( Rabin et al. ,2011 ; 田 2011 ) 。 芊, 邓士昌, 自上 世 纪 80 年 代 起 , 国外学者们陆续从人 格、 认知 、 情 绪、 成就动机和执行功能等角度来概
* 基金项目: 教育部人文社科研究项目( 10YJCXLX002 ) ; 江苏省教育厅高校哲学社会科学研究项目( 211060A5103 ) . Email: chenchen@ njnu. edu. cn 通讯作者: 陈陈,

An Overview of Recent Progress in the Study of Distributed Multi-agent Coordination

An Overview of Recent Progress in the Study of Distributed Multi-agent Coordination

An Overview of Recent Progress in the Study of Distributed Multi-agent CoordinationYongcan Cao,Member,IEEE,Wenwu Yu,Member,IEEE,Wei Ren,Member,IEEE,and Guanrong Chen,Fellow,IEEEAbstract—This article reviews some main results and progress in distributed multi-agent coordination,focusing on papers pub-lished in major control systems and robotics journals since 2006.Distributed coordination of multiple vehicles,including unmanned aerial vehicles,unmanned ground vehicles and un-manned underwater vehicles,has been a very active research subject studied extensively by the systems and control community. The recent results in this area are categorized into several directions,such as consensus,formation control,optimization, and estimation.After the review,a short discussion section is included to summarize the existing research and to propose several promising research directions along with some open problems that are deemed important for further investigations.Index Terms—Distributed coordination,formation control,sen-sor networks,multi-agent systemI.I NTRODUCTIONC ONTROL theory and practice may date back to thebeginning of the last century when Wright Brothers attempted theirfirst testflight in1903.Since then,control theory has gradually gained popularity,receiving more and wider attention especially during the World War II when it was developed and applied tofire-control systems,missile nav-igation and guidance,as well as various electronic automation devices.In the past several decades,modern control theory was further advanced due to the booming of aerospace technology based on large-scale engineering systems.During the rapid and sustained development of the modern control theory,technology for controlling a single vehicle, albeit higher-dimensional and complex,has become relatively mature and has produced many effective tools such as PID control,adaptive control,nonlinear control,intelligent control, This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under CAREER Award ECCS-1213291,the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.61104145and61120106010,the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China under Grant No.BK2011581,the Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China under Grant No.20110092120024,the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China,and the Hong Kong RGC under GRF Grant CityU1114/11E.The work of Yongcan Cao was supported by a National Research Council Research Associateship Award at AFRL.Y.Cao is with the Control Science Center of Excellence,Air Force Research Laboratory,Wright-Patterson AFB,OH45433,USA.W.Yu is with the Department of Mathematics,Southeast University,Nanjing210096,China and also with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,RMIT University,Melbourne VIC3001,Australia.W.Ren is with the Department of Electrical Engineering,University of California,Riverside,CA92521,USA.G.Chen is with the Department of Electronic Engineering,City University of Hong Kong,Hong Kong SAR,China.Copyright(c)2009IEEE.Personal use of this material is permitted. However,permission to use this material for any other purposes must be obtained from the IEEE by sending a request to pubs-permissions@.and robust control methodologies.In the past two decades in particular,control of multiple vehicles has received increas-ing demands spurred by the fact that many benefits can be obtained when a single complicated vehicle is equivalently replaced by multiple yet simpler vehicles.In this endeavor, two approaches are commonly adopted for controlling multiple vehicles:a centralized approach and a distributed approach. The centralized approach is based on the assumption that a central station is available and powerful enough to control a whole group of vehicles.Essentially,the centralized ap-proach is a direct extension of the traditional single-vehicle-based control philosophy and strategy.On the contrary,the distributed approach does not require a central station for control,at the cost of becoming far more complex in structure and organization.Although both approaches are considered practical depending on the situations and conditions of the real applications,the distributed approach is believed more promising due to many inevitable physical constraints such as limited resources and energy,short wireless communication ranges,narrow bandwidths,and large sizes of vehicles to manage and control.Therefore,the focus of this overview is placed on the distributed approach.In distributed control of a group of autonomous vehicles,the main objective typically is to have the whole group of vehicles working in a cooperative fashion throughout a distributed pro-tocol.Here,cooperative refers to a close relationship among all vehicles in the group where information sharing plays a central role.The distributed approach has many advantages in achieving cooperative group performances,especially with low operational costs,less system requirements,high robustness, strong adaptivity,andflexible scalability,therefore has been widely recognized and appreciated.The study of distributed control of multiple vehicles was perhapsfirst motivated by the work in distributed comput-ing[1],management science[2],and statistical physics[3]. In the control systems society,some pioneering works are generally referred to[4],[5],where an asynchronous agree-ment problem was studied for distributed decision-making problems.Thereafter,some consensus algorithms were studied under various information-flow constraints[6]–[10].There are several journal special issues on the related topics published af-ter2006,including the IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology(vol.15,no.4,2007),Proceedings of the IEEE (vol.94,no.4,2007),ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement,and Control(vol.129,no.5,2007),SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization(vol.48,no.1,2009),and International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control(vol.21,no.12,2011).In addition,there are some recent reviewsand progress reports given in the surveys[11]–[15]and thebooks[16]–[23],among others.This article reviews some main results and recent progressin distributed multi-agent coordination,published in majorcontrol systems and robotics journals since2006.Due to space limitations,we refer the readers to[24]for a more completeversion of the same overview.For results before2006,thereaders are referred to[11]–[14].Specifically,this article reviews the recent research resultsin the following directions,which are not independent but actually may have overlapping to some extent:1.Consensus and the like(synchronization,rendezvous).Consensus refers to the group behavior that all theagents asymptotically reach a certain common agreementthrough a local distributed protocol,with or without predefined common speed and orientation.2.Distributed formation and the like(flocking).Distributedformation refers to the group behavior that all the agents form a pre-designed geometrical configuration throughlocal interactions with or without a common reference.3.Distributed optimization.This refers to algorithmic devel-opments for the analysis and optimization of large-scaledistributed systems.4.Distributed estimation and control.This refers to dis-tributed control design based on local estimation aboutthe needed global information.The rest of this article is organized as follows.In Section II,basic notations of graph theory and stochastic matrices are introduced.Sections III,IV,V,and VI describe the recentresearch results and progress in consensus,formation control, optimization,and estimation.Finally,the article is concludedby a short section of discussions with future perspectives.II.P RELIMINARIESA.Graph TheoryFor a system of n connected agents,its network topology can be modeled as a directed graph denoted by G=(V,W),where V={v1,v2,···,v n}and W⊆V×V are,respectively, the set of agents and the set of edges which directionallyconnect the agents together.Specifically,the directed edgedenoted by an ordered pair(v i,v j)means that agent j can access the state information of agent i.Accordingly,agent i is a neighbor of agent j.A directed path is a sequence of directed edges in the form of(v1,v2),(v2,v3),···,with all v i∈V.A directed graph has a directed spanning tree if there exists at least one agent that has a directed path to every other agent.The union of a set of directed graphs with the same setof agents,{G i1,···,G im},is a directed graph with the sameset of agents and its set of edges is given by the union of the edge sets of all the directed graphs G ij,j=1,···,m.A complete directed graph is a directed graph in which each pair of distinct agents is bidirectionally connected by an edge,thus there is a directed path from any agent to any other agent in the network.Two matrices are used to represent the network topology: the adjacency matrix A=[a ij]∈R n×n with a ij>0if (v j,v i)∈W and a ij=0otherwise,and the Laplacian matrix L=[ℓij]∈R n×n withℓii= n j=1a ij andℓij=−a ij,i=j, which is generally asymmetric for directed graphs.B.Stochastic MatricesA nonnegative square matrix is called(row)stochastic matrix if its every row is summed up to one.The product of two stochastic matrices is still a stochastic matrix.A row stochastic matrix P∈R n×n is called indecomposable and aperiodic if lim k→∞P k=1y T for some y∈R n[25],where 1is a vector with all elements being1.III.C ONSENSUSConsider a group of n agents,each with single-integrator kinematics described by˙x i(t)=u i(t),i=1,···,n,(1) where x i(t)and u i(t)are,respectively,the state and the control input of the i th agent.A typical consensus control algorithm is designed asu i(t)=nj=1a ij(t)[x j(t)−x i(t)],(2)where a ij(t)is the(i,j)th entry of the corresponding ad-jacency matrix at time t.The main idea behind(2)is that each agent moves towards the weighted average of the states of its neighbors.Given the switching network pattern due to the continuous motions of the dynamic agents,coupling coefficients a ij(t)in(2),hence the graph topologies,are generally time-varying.It is shown in[9],[10]that consensus is achieved if the underlying directed graph has a directed spanning tree in some jointly fashion in terms of a union of its time-varying graph topologies.The idea behind consensus serves as a fundamental principle for the design of distributed multi-agent coordination algo-rithms.Therefore,investigating consensus has been a main research direction in the study of distributed multi-agent co-ordination.To bridge the gap between the study of consensus algorithms and many physical properties inherited in practical systems,it is necessary and meaningful to study consensus by considering many practical factors,such as actuation,control, communication,computation,and vehicle dynamics,which characterize some important features of practical systems.This is the main motivation to study consensus.In the following part of the section,an overview of the research progress in the study of consensus is given,regarding stochastic network topologies and dynamics,complex dynamical systems,delay effects,and quantization,mainly after2006.Several milestone results prior to2006can be found in[2],[4]–[6],[8]–[10], [26].A.Stochastic Network Topologies and DynamicsIn multi-agent systems,the network topology among all vehicles plays a crucial role in determining consensus.The objective here is to explicitly identify necessary and/or suffi-cient conditions on the network topology such that consensus can be achieved under properly designed algorithms.It is often reasonable to consider the case when the network topology is deterministic under ideal communication chan-nels.Accordingly,main research on the consensus problem was conducted under a deterministicfixed/switching network topology.That is,the adjacency matrix A(t)is deterministic. Some other times,when considering random communication failures,random packet drops,and communication channel instabilities inherited in physical communication channels,it is necessary and important to study consensus problem in the stochastic setting where a network topology evolves according to some random distributions.That is,the adjacency matrix A(t)is stochastically evolving.In the deterministic setting,consensus is said to be achieved if all agents eventually reach agreement on a common state. In the stochastic setting,consensus is said to be achieved almost surely(respectively,in mean-square or in probability)if all agents reach agreement on a common state almost surely (respectively,in mean-square or with probability one).Note that the problem studied in the stochastic setting is slightly different from that studied in the deterministic setting due to the different assumptions in terms of the network topology. Consensus over a stochastic network topology was perhaps first studied in[27],where some sufficient conditions on the network topology were given to guarantee consensus with probability one for systems with single-integrator kinemat-ics(1),where the rate of convergence was also studied.Further results for consensus under a stochastic network topology were reported in[28]–[30],where research effort was conducted for systems with single-integrator kinematics[28],[29]or double-integrator dynamics[30].Consensus for single-integrator kine-matics under stochastic network topology has been exten-sively studied in particular,where some general conditions for almost-surely consensus was derived[29].Loosely speaking, almost-surely consensus for single-integrator kinematics can be achieved,i.e.,x i(t)−x j(t)→0almost surely,if and only if the expectation of the network topology,namely,the network topology associated with expectation E[A(t)],has a directed spanning tree.It is worth noting that the conditions are analogous to that in[9],[10],but in the stochastic setting. In view of the special structure of the closed-loop systems concerning consensus for single-integrator kinematics,basic properties of the stochastic matrices play a crucial role in the convergence analysis of the associated control algorithms. Consensus for double-integrator dynamics was studied in[30], where the switching network topology is assumed to be driven by a Bernoulli process,and it was shown that consensus can be achieved if the union of all the graphs has a directed spanning tree.Apparently,the requirement on the network topology for double-integrator dynamics is a special case of that for single-integrator kinematics due to the difference nature of thefinal states(constantfinal states for single-integrator kinematics and possible dynamicfinal states for double-integrator dynamics) caused by the substantial dynamical difference.It is still an open question as if some general conditions(corresponding to some specific algorithms)can be found for consensus with double-integrator dynamics.In addition to analyzing the conditions on the network topology such that consensus can be achieved,a special type of consensus algorithm,the so-called gossip algorithm[31],[32], has been used to achieve consensus in the stochastic setting. The gossip algorithm can always guarantee consensus almost surely if the available pairwise communication channels satisfy certain conditions(such as a connected graph).The way of network topology switching does not play any role in the consideration of consensus.The current study on consensus over stochastic network topologies has shown some interesting results regarding:(1) consensus algorithm design for various multi-agent systems,(2)conditions of the network topologies on consensus,and(3)effects of the stochastic network topologies on the con-vergence rate.Future research on this topic includes,but not limited to,the following two directions:(1)when the network topology itself is stochastic,how to determine the probability of reaching consensus almost surely?(2)compared with the deterministic network topology,what are the advantages and disadvantages of the stochastic network topology,regarding such as robustness and convergence rate?As is well known,disturbances and uncertainties often exist in networked systems,for example,channel noise,commu-nication noise,uncertainties in network parameters,etc.In addition to the stochastic network topologies discussed above, the effect of stochastic disturbances[33],[34]and uncertain-ties[35]on the consensus problem also needs investigation. Study has been mainly devoted to analyzing the performance of consensus algorithms subject to disturbances and to present-ing conditions on the uncertainties such that consensus can be achieved.In addition,another interesting direction in dealing with disturbances and uncertainties is to design distributed localfiltering algorithms so as to save energy and improve computational efficiency.Distributed localfiltering algorithms play an important role and are more effective than traditional centralizedfiltering algorithms for multi-agent systems.For example,in[36]–[38]some distributed Kalmanfilters are designed to implement data fusion.In[39],by analyzing consensus and pinning control in synchronization of complex networks,distributed consensusfiltering in sensor networks is addressed.Recently,Kalmanfiltering over a packet-dropping network is designed through a probabilistic approach[40]. Today,it remains a challenging problem to incorporate both dynamics of consensus and probabilistic(Kalman)filtering into a unified framework.plex Dynamical SystemsSince consensus is concerned with the behavior of a group of vehicles,it is natural to consider the system dynamics for practical vehicles in the study of the consensus problem. Although the study of consensus under various system dynam-ics is due to the existence of complex dynamics in practical systems,it is also interesting to observe that system dynamics play an important role in determining thefinal consensus state.For instance,the well-studied consensus of multi-agent systems with single-integrator kinematics often converges to a constantfinal value instead.However,consensus for double-integrator dynamics might admit a dynamicfinal value(i.e.,a time function).These important issues motivate the study of consensus under various system dynamics.As a direct extension of the study of the consensus prob-lem for systems with simple dynamics,for example,with single-integrator kinematics or double-integrator dynamics, consensus with general linear dynamics was also studied recently[41]–[43],where research is mainly devoted tofinding feedback control laws such that consensus(in terms of the output states)can be achieved for general linear systems˙x i=Ax i+Bu i,y i=Cx i,(3) where A,B,and C are constant matrices with compatible sizes.Apparently,the well-studied single-integrator kinematics and double-integrator dynamics are special cases of(3)for properly choosing A,B,and C.As a further extension,consensus for complex systems has also been extensively studied.Here,the term consensus for complex systems is used for the study of consensus problem when the system dynamics are nonlinear[44]–[48]or with nonlinear consensus algorithms[49],[50].Examples of the nonlinear system dynamics include:•Nonlinear oscillators[45].The dynamics are often as-sumed to be governed by the Kuramoto equation˙θi=ωi+Kstability.A well-studied consensus algorithm for(1)is given in(2),where it is now assumed that time delay exists.Two types of time delays,communication delay and input delay, have been considered in the munication delay accounts for the time for transmitting information from origin to destination.More precisely,if it takes time T ij for agent i to receive information from agent j,the closed-loop system of(1)using(2)under afixed network topology becomes˙x i(t)=nj=1a ij(t)[x j(t−T ij)−x i(t)].(7)An interpretation of(7)is that at time t,agent i receives information from agent j and uses data x j(t−T ij)instead of x j(t)due to the time delay.Note that agent i can get its own information instantly,therefore,input delay can be considered as the summation of computation time and execution time. More precisely,if the input delay for agent i is given by T p i, then the closed-loop system of(1)using(2)becomes˙x i(t)=nj=1a ij(t)[x j(t−T p i)−x i(t−T p i)].(8)Clearly,(7)refers to the case when only communication delay is considered while(8)refers to the case when only input delay is considered.It should be emphasized that both communication delay and input delay might be time-varying and they might co-exist at the same time.In addition to time delay,it is also important to consider packet drops in exchanging state information.Fortunately, consensus with packet drops can be considered as a special case of consensus with time delay,because re-sending packets after they were dropped can be easily done but just having time delay in the data transmission channels.Thus,the main problem involved in consensus with time delay is to study the effects of time delay on the convergence and performance of consensus,referred to as consensusabil-ity[52].Because time delay might affect the system stability,it is important to study under what conditions consensus can still be guaranteed even if time delay exists.In other words,can onefind conditions on the time delay such that consensus can be achieved?For this purpose,the effect of time delay on the consensusability of(1)using(2)was investigated.When there exists only(constant)input delay,a sufficient condition on the time delay to guarantee consensus under afixed undirected interaction graph is presented in[8].Specifically,an upper bound for the time delay is derived under which consensus can be achieved.This is a well-expected result because time delay normally degrades the system performance gradually but will not destroy the system stability unless the time delay is above a certain threshold.Further studies can be found in, e.g.,[53],[54],which demonstrate that for(1)using(2),the communication delay does not affect the consensusability but the input delay does.In a similar manner,consensus with time delay was studied for systems with different dynamics, where the dynamics(1)are replaced by other more complex ones,such as double-integrator dynamics[55],[56],complex networks[57],[58],rigid bodies[59],[60],and general nonlinear dynamics[61].In summary,the existing study of consensus with time delay mainly focuses on analyzing the stability of consensus algo-rithms with time delay for various types of system dynamics, including linear and nonlinear dynamics.Generally speaking, consensus with time delay for systems with nonlinear dynam-ics is more challenging.For most consensus algorithms with time delays,the main research question is to determine an upper bound of the time delay under which time delay does not affect the consensusability.For communication delay,it is possible to achieve consensus under a relatively large time delay threshold.A notable phenomenon in this case is that thefinal consensus state is constant.Considering both linear and nonlinear system dynamics in consensus,the main tools for stability analysis of the closed-loop systems include matrix theory[53],Lyapunov functions[57],frequency-domain ap-proach[54],passivity[58],and the contraction principle[62]. Although consensus with time delay has been studied extensively,it is often assumed that time delay is either constant or random.However,time delay itself might obey its own dynamics,which possibly depend on the communication distance,total computation load and computation capability, etc.Therefore,it is more suitable to represent the time delay as another system variable to be considered in the study of the consensus problem.In addition,it is also important to consider time delay and other physical constraints simultaneously in the study of the consensus problem.D.QuantizationQuantized consensus has been studied recently with motiva-tion from digital signal processing.Here,quantized consensus refers to consensus when the measurements are digital rather than analog therefore the information received by each agent is not continuous and might have been truncated due to digital finite precision constraints.Roughly speaking,for an analog signal s,a typical quantizer with an accuracy parameterδ, also referred to as quantization step size,is described by Q(s)=q(s,δ),where Q(s)is the quantized signal and q(·,·) is the associated quantization function.For instance[63],a quantizer rounding a signal s to its nearest integer can be expressed as Q(s)=n,if s∈[(n−1/2)δ,(n+1/2)δ],n∈Z, where Z denotes the integer set.Note that the types of quantizers might be different for different systems,hence Q(s) may differ for different systems.Due to the truncation of the signals received,consensus is now considered achieved if the maximal state difference is not larger than the accuracy level associated with the whole system.A notable feature for consensus with quantization is that the time to reach consensus is usuallyfinite.That is,it often takes afinite period of time for all agents’states to converge to an accuracy interval.Accordingly,the main research is to investigate the convergence time associated with the proposed consensus algorithm.Quantized consensus was probablyfirst studied in[63], where a quantized gossip algorithm was proposed and its convergence was analyzed.In particular,the bound of theconvergence time for a complete graph was shown to be poly-nomial in the network size.In[64],coding/decoding strate-gies were introduced to the quantized consensus algorithms, where it was shown that the convergence rate depends on the accuracy of the quantization but not the coding/decoding schemes.In[65],quantized consensus was studied via the gossip algorithm,with both lower and upper bounds of the expected convergence time in the worst case derived in terms of the principle submatrices of the Laplacian matrix.Further results regarding quantized consensus were reported in[66]–[68],where the main research was also on the convergence time for various proposed quantized consensus algorithms as well as the quantization effects on the convergence time.It is intuitively reasonable that the convergence time depends on both the quantization level and the network topology.It is then natural to ask if and how the quantization methods affect the convergence time.This is an important measure of the robustness of a quantized consensus algorithm(with respect to the quantization method).Note that it is interesting but also more challenging to study consensus for general linear/nonlinear systems with quantiza-tion.Because the difference between the truncated signal and the original signal is bounded,consensus with quantization can be considered as a special case of one without quantization when there exist bounded disturbances.Therefore,if consensus can be achieved for a group of vehicles in the absence of quantization,it might be intuitively correct to say that the differences among the states of all vehicles will be bounded if the quantization precision is small enough.However,it is still an open question to rigorously describe the quantization effects on consensus with general linear/nonlinear systems.E.RemarksIn summary,the existing research on the consensus problem has covered a number of physical properties for practical systems and control performance analysis.However,the study of the consensus problem covering multiple physical properties and/or control performance analysis has been largely ignored. In other words,two or more problems discussed in the above subsections might need to be taken into consideration simul-taneously when studying the consensus problem.In addition, consensus algorithms normally guarantee the agreement of a team of agents on some common states without taking group formation into consideration.To reflect many practical applications where a group of agents are normally required to form some preferred geometric structure,it is desirable to consider a task-oriented formation control problem for a group of mobile agents,which motivates the study of formation control presented in the next section.IV.F ORMATION C ONTROLCompared with the consensus problem where thefinal states of all agents typically reach a singleton,thefinal states of all agents can be more diversified under the formation control scenario.Indeed,formation control is more desirable in many practical applications such as formationflying,co-operative transportation,sensor networks,as well as combat intelligence,surveillance,and reconnaissance.In addition,theperformance of a team of agents working cooperatively oftenexceeds the simple integration of the performances of all individual agents.For its broad applications and advantages,formation control has been a very active research subject inthe control systems community,where a certain geometric pattern is aimed to form with or without a group reference.More precisely,the main objective of formation control is to coordinate a group of agents such that they can achievesome desired formation so that some tasks can befinished bythe collaboration of the agents.Generally speaking,formation control can be categorized according to the group reference.Formation control without a group reference,called formationproducing,refers to the algorithm design for a group of agents to reach some pre-desired geometric pattern in the absenceof a group reference,which can also be considered as the control objective.Formation control with a group reference,called formation tracking,refers to the same task but followingthe predesignated group reference.Due to the existence of the group reference,formation tracking is usually much morechallenging than formation producing and control algorithmsfor the latter might not be useful for the former.As of today, there are still many open questions in solving the formationtracking problem.The following part of the section reviews and discussesrecent research results and progress in formation control, including formation producing and formation tracking,mainlyaccomplished after2006.Several milestone results prior to 2006can be found in[69]–[71].A.Formation ProducingThe existing work in formation control aims at analyzingthe formation behavior under certain control laws,along with stability analysis.1)Matrix Theory Approach:Due to the nature of multi-agent systems,matrix theory has been frequently used in thestability analysis of their distributed coordination.Note that consensus input to each agent(see e.g.,(2))isessentially a weighted average of the differences between the states of the agent’s neighbors and its own.As an extensionof the consensus algorithms,some coupling matrices wereintroduced here to offset the corresponding control inputs by some angles[72],[73].For example,given(1),the controlinput(2)is revised as u i(t)= n j=1a ij(t)C[x j(t)−x i(t)], where C is a coupling matrix with compatible size.If x i∈R3, then C can be viewed as the3-D rotational matrix.The mainidea behind the revised algorithm is that the original controlinput for reaching consensus is now rotated by some angles. The closed-loop system can be expressed in a vector form, whose stability can be determined by studying the distribution of the eigenvalues of a certain transfer matrix.Main research work was conducted in[72],[73]to analyze the collective motions for systems with single-integrator kinematics and double-integrator dynamics,where the network topology,the damping gain,and C were shown to affect the collective motions.Analogously,the collective motions for a team of nonlinear self-propelling agents were shown to be affected by。


总顾问: 桑国卫,院士,全国人大常委会副委员长,中国农工民主党中央主席, 中国药学会理事长 刘国恩,北京大学光华管理学院教授,中国药学会药物经济学专业委员会主任委员 胡善联,复旦大学公共卫生学院教授,中国药学会药物经济学专业委员会副主任委员 吴久鸿,解放军 306 医院药学部主任,中国药学会药物经济学专业委员会副主任委员
指南 6:差异性和不确定性(Variability and Uncertainty) .............................................. 29 6.1 差异性分析(Variability Analysis) .......................................................................... 29 6.2 不确定性分析(Uncertainty Analysis) .................................................................... 29 指南 7:公平性(Equity) ................................................................................................... 31 指南 8:外推性(Generalizability) .................................................................................... 32 指南 9:预算影响分析(Budget Impact Analysis)............................................................ 34 9.1 基本作用(Role)....................................................................................................... 34 9.2 操作细则(Operation Regulations) .......................................................................... 34 参考文献(References) ....................................................................................................... 37 附录 1:药物经济学评价标准报告格式(Standard Reporting Format)........................... 41 附录 2:术语表(Terminology) ......................................................................................... 45



人工智能(AI)中英文术语对照表目录人工智能(AI)中英文术语对照表 (1)Letter A (1)Letter B (2)Letter C (3)Letter D (4)Letter E (5)Letter F (6)Letter G (6)Letter H (7)Letter I (7)Letter K (8)Letter L (8)Letter M (9)Letter N (10)Letter O (10)Letter P (11)Letter Q (12)Letter R (12)Letter S (13)Letter T (14)Letter U (14)Letter V (15)Letter W (15)Letter AAccumulated error backpropagation 累积误差逆传播Activation Function 激活函数Adaptive Resonance Theory/ART 自适应谐振理论Addictive model 加性学习Adversarial Networks 对抗网络Affine Layer 仿射层Affinity matrix 亲和矩阵Agent 代理/ 智能体Algorithm 算法Alpha-beta pruning α-β剪枝Anomaly detection 异常检测Approximation 近似Area Under ROC Curve/AUC Roc 曲线下面积Artificial General Intelligence/AGI 通用人工智能Artificial Intelligence/AI 人工智能Association analysis 关联分析Attention mechanism注意力机制Attribute conditional independence assumption 属性条件独立性假设Attribute space 属性空间Attribute value 属性值Autoencoder 自编码器Automatic speech recognition 自动语音识别Automatic summarization自动摘要Average gradient 平均梯度Average-Pooling 平均池化Action 动作AI language 人工智能语言AND node 与节点AND/OR graph 与或图AND/OR tree 与或树Answer statement 回答语句Artificial intelligence,AI 人工智能Automatic theorem proving自动定理证明Letter BBreak-Event Point/BEP 平衡点Backpropagation Through Time 通过时间的反向传播Backpropagation/BP 反向传播Base learner 基学习器Base learning algorithm 基学习算法Batch Normalization/BN 批量归一化Bayes decision rule 贝叶斯判定准则Bayes Model Averaging/BMA 贝叶斯模型平均Bayes optimal classifier 贝叶斯最优分类器Bayesian decision theory 贝叶斯决策论Bayesian network 贝叶斯网络Between-class scatter matrix 类间散度矩阵Bias 偏置/ 偏差Bias-variance decomposition 偏差-方差分解Bias-Variance Dilemma 偏差–方差困境Bi-directional Long-Short Term Memory/Bi-LSTM 双向长短期记忆Binary classification 二分类Binomial test 二项检验Bi-partition 二分法Boltzmann machine 玻尔兹曼机Bootstrap sampling 自助采样法/可重复采样/有放回采样Bootstrapping 自助法Letter CCalibration 校准Cascade-Correlation 级联相关Categorical attribute 离散属性Class-conditional probability 类条件概率Classification and regression tree/CART 分类与回归树Classifier 分类器Class-imbalance 类别不平衡Closed -form 闭式Cluster 簇/类/集群Cluster analysis 聚类分析Clustering 聚类Clustering ensemble 聚类集成Co-adapting 共适应Coding matrix 编码矩阵COLT 国际学习理论会议Committee-based learning 基于委员会的学习Competitive learning 竞争型学习Component learner 组件学习器Comprehensibility 可解释性Computation Cost 计算成本Computational Linguistics 计算语言学Computer vision 计算机视觉Concept drift 概念漂移Concept Learning System /CLS概念学习系统Conditional entropy 条件熵Conditional mutual information 条件互信息Conditional Probability Table/CPT 条件概率表Conditional random field/CRF 条件随机场Conditional risk 条件风险Confidence 置信度Confusion matrix 混淆矩阵Connection weight 连接权Connectionism 连结主义Consistency 一致性/相合性Contingency table 列联表Continuous attribute 连续属性Convergence收敛Conversational agent 会话智能体Convex quadratic programming 凸二次规划Convexity 凸性Convolutional neural network/CNN 卷积神经网络Co-occurrence 同现Correlation coefficient 相关系数Cosine similarity 余弦相似度Cost curve 成本曲线Cost Function 成本函数Cost matrix 成本矩阵Cost-sensitive 成本敏感Cross entropy 交叉熵Cross validation 交叉验证Crowdsourcing 众包Curse of dimensionality 维数灾难Cut point 截断点Cutting plane algorithm 割平面法Letter DData mining 数据挖掘Data set 数据集Decision Boundary 决策边界Decision stump 决策树桩Decision tree 决策树/判定树Deduction 演绎Deep Belief Network 深度信念网络Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network/DCGAN 深度卷积生成对抗网络Deep learning 深度学习Deep neural network/DNN 深度神经网络Deep Q-Learning 深度Q 学习Deep Q-Network 深度Q 网络Density estimation 密度估计Density-based clustering 密度聚类Differentiable neural computer 可微分神经计算机Dimensionality reduction algorithm 降维算法Directed edge 有向边Disagreement measure 不合度量Discriminative model 判别模型Discriminator 判别器Distance measure 距离度量Distance metric learning 距离度量学习Distribution 分布Divergence 散度Diversity measure 多样性度量/差异性度量Domain adaption 领域自适应Downsampling 下采样D-separation (Directed separation)有向分离Dual problem 对偶问题Dummy node 哑结点Dynamic Fusion 动态融合Dynamic programming 动态规划Letter EEigenvalue decomposition 特征值分解Embedding 嵌入Emotional analysis 情绪分析Empirical conditional entropy 经验条件熵Empirical entropy 经验熵Empirical error 经验误差Empirical risk 经验风险End-to-End 端到端Energy-based model 基于能量的模型Ensemble learning 集成学习Ensemble pruning 集成修剪Error Correcting Output Codes/ECOC 纠错输出码Error rate 错误率Error-ambiguity decomposition 误差-分歧分解Euclidean distance 欧氏距离Evolutionary computation 演化计算Expectation-Maximization 期望最大化Expected loss 期望损失Exploding Gradient Problem 梯度爆炸问题Exponential loss function 指数损失函数Extreme Learning Machine/ELM 超限学习机Letter FExpert system 专家系统Factorization因子分解False negative 假负类False positive 假正类False Positive Rate/FPR 假正例率Feature engineering 特征工程Feature selection特征选择Feature vector 特征向量Featured Learning 特征学习Feedforward Neural Networks/FNN 前馈神经网络Fine-tuning 微调Flipping output 翻转法Fluctuation 震荡Forward stagewise algorithm 前向分步算法Frequentist 频率主义学派Full-rank matrix 满秩矩阵Functional neuron 功能神经元Letter GGain ratio 增益率Game theory 博弈论Gaussian kernel function 高斯核函数Gaussian Mixture Model 高斯混合模型General Problem Solving 通用问题求解Generalization 泛化Generalization error 泛化误差Generalization error bound 泛化误差上界Generalized Lagrange function 广义拉格朗日函数Generalized linear model 广义线性模型Generalized Rayleigh quotient 广义瑞利商Generative Adversarial Networks/GAN 生成对抗网络Generative Model 生成模型Generator 生成器Genetic Algorithm/GA 遗传算法Gibbs sampling 吉布斯采样Gini index 基尼指数Global minimum 全局最小Global Optimization 全局优化Gradient boosting 梯度提升Gradient Descent 梯度下降Graph theory 图论Ground-truth 真相/真实Letter HHard margin 硬间隔Hard voting 硬投票Harmonic mean 调和平均Hesse matrix海塞矩阵Hidden dynamic model 隐动态模型Hidden layer 隐藏层Hidden Markov Model/HMM 隐马尔可夫模型Hierarchical clustering 层次聚类Hilbert space 希尔伯特空间Hinge loss function 合页损失函数Hold-out 留出法Homogeneous 同质Hybrid computing 混合计算Hyperparameter 超参数Hypothesis 假设Hypothesis test 假设验证Letter IICML 国际机器学习会议Improved iterative scaling/IIS 改进的迭代尺度法Incremental learning 增量学习Independent and identically distributed/i.i.d. 独立同分布Independent Component Analysis/ICA 独立成分分析Indicator function 指示函数Individual learner 个体学习器Induction 归纳Inductive bias 归纳偏好Inductive learning 归纳学习Inductive Logic Programming/ILP 归纳逻辑程序设计Information entropy 信息熵Information gain 信息增益Input layer 输入层Insensitive loss 不敏感损失Inter-cluster similarity 簇间相似度International Conference for Machine Learning/ICML 国际机器学习大会Intra-cluster similarity 簇内相似度Intrinsic value 固有值Isometric Mapping/Isomap 等度量映射Isotonic regression 等分回归Iterative Dichotomiser 迭代二分器Letter KKernel method 核方法Kernel trick 核技巧Kernelized Linear Discriminant Analysis/KLDA 核线性判别分析K-fold cross validation k 折交叉验证/k 倍交叉验证K-Means Clustering K –均值聚类K-Nearest Neighbours Algorithm/KNN K近邻算法Knowledge base 知识库Knowledge Representation 知识表征Letter LLabel space 标记空间Lagrange duality 拉格朗日对偶性Lagrange multiplier 拉格朗日乘子Laplace smoothing 拉普拉斯平滑Laplacian correction 拉普拉斯修正Latent Dirichlet Allocation 隐狄利克雷分布Latent semantic analysis 潜在语义分析Latent variable 隐变量Lazy learning 懒惰学习Learner 学习器Learning by analogy 类比学习Learning rate 学习率Learning Vector Quantization/LVQ 学习向量量化Least squares regression tree 最小二乘回归树Leave-One-Out/LOO 留一法linear chain conditional random field 线性链条件随机场Linear Discriminant Analysis/LDA 线性判别分析Linear model 线性模型Linear Regression 线性回归Link function 联系函数Local Markov property 局部马尔可夫性Local minimum 局部最小Log likelihood 对数似然Log odds/logit 对数几率Logistic Regression Logistic 回归Log-likelihood 对数似然Log-linear regression 对数线性回归Long-Short Term Memory/LSTM 长短期记忆Loss function 损失函数Letter MMachine translation/MT 机器翻译Macron-P 宏查准率Macron-R 宏查全率Majority voting 绝对多数投票法Manifold assumption 流形假设Manifold learning 流形学习Margin theory 间隔理论Marginal distribution 边际分布Marginal independence 边际独立性Marginalization 边际化Markov Chain Monte Carlo/MCMC马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗方法Markov Random Field 马尔可夫随机场Maximal clique 最大团Maximum Likelihood Estimation/MLE 极大似然估计/极大似然法Maximum margin 最大间隔Maximum weighted spanning tree 最大带权生成树Max-Pooling 最大池化Mean squared error 均方误差Meta-learner 元学习器Metric learning 度量学习Micro-P 微查准率Micro-R 微查全率Minimal Description Length/MDL 最小描述长度Minimax game 极小极大博弈Misclassification cost 误分类成本Mixture of experts 混合专家Momentum 动量Moral graph 道德图/端正图Multi-class classification 多分类Multi-document summarization 多文档摘要Multi-layer feedforward neural networks 多层前馈神经网络Multilayer Perceptron/MLP 多层感知器Multimodal learning 多模态学习Multiple Dimensional Scaling 多维缩放Multiple linear regression 多元线性回归Multi-response Linear Regression /MLR 多响应线性回归Mutual information 互信息Letter NNaive bayes 朴素贝叶斯Naive Bayes Classifier 朴素贝叶斯分类器Named entity recognition 命名实体识别Nash equilibrium 纳什均衡Natural language generation/NLG 自然语言生成Natural language processing 自然语言处理Negative class 负类Negative correlation 负相关法Negative Log Likelihood 负对数似然Neighbourhood Component Analysis/NCA 近邻成分分析Neural Machine Translation 神经机器翻译Neural Turing Machine 神经图灵机Newton method 牛顿法NIPS 国际神经信息处理系统会议No Free Lunch Theorem/NFL 没有免费的午餐定理Noise-contrastive estimation 噪音对比估计Nominal attribute 列名属性Non-convex optimization 非凸优化Nonlinear model 非线性模型Non-metric distance 非度量距离Non-negative matrix factorization 非负矩阵分解Non-ordinal attribute 无序属性Non-Saturating Game 非饱和博弈Norm 范数Normalization 归一化Nuclear norm 核范数Numerical attribute 数值属性Letter OObjective function 目标函数Oblique decision tree 斜决策树Occam’s razor 奥卡姆剃刀Odds 几率Off-Policy 离策略One shot learning 一次性学习One-Dependent Estimator/ODE 独依赖估计On-Policy 在策略Ordinal attribute 有序属性Out-of-bag estimate 包外估计Output layer 输出层Output smearing 输出调制法Overfitting 过拟合/过配Oversampling 过采样Letter PPaired t-test 成对t 检验Pairwise 成对型Pairwise Markov property成对马尔可夫性Parameter 参数Parameter estimation 参数估计Parameter tuning 调参Parse tree 解析树Particle Swarm Optimization/PSO粒子群优化算法Part-of-speech tagging 词性标注Perceptron 感知机Performance measure 性能度量Plug and Play Generative Network 即插即用生成网络Plurality voting 相对多数投票法Polarity detection 极性检测Polynomial kernel function 多项式核函数Pooling 池化Positive class 正类Positive definite matrix 正定矩阵Post-hoc test 后续检验Post-pruning 后剪枝potential function 势函数Precision 查准率/准确率Prepruning 预剪枝Principal component analysis/PCA 主成分分析Principle of multiple explanations 多释原则Prior 先验Probability Graphical Model 概率图模型Proximal Gradient Descent/PGD 近端梯度下降Pruning 剪枝Pseudo-label伪标记Letter QQuantized Neural Network 量子化神经网络Quantum computer 量子计算机Quantum Computing 量子计算Quasi Newton method 拟牛顿法Letter RRadial Basis Function/RBF 径向基函数Random Forest Algorithm 随机森林算法Random walk 随机漫步Recall 查全率/召回率Receiver Operating Characteristic/ROC 受试者工作特征Rectified Linear Unit/ReLU 线性修正单元Recurrent Neural Network 循环神经网络Recursive neural network 递归神经网络Reference model 参考模型Regression 回归Regularization 正则化Reinforcement learning/RL 强化学习Representation learning 表征学习Representer theorem 表示定理reproducing kernel Hilbert space/RKHS 再生核希尔伯特空间Re-sampling 重采样法Rescaling 再缩放Residual Mapping 残差映射Residual Network 残差网络Restricted Boltzmann Machine/RBM 受限玻尔兹曼机Restricted Isometry Property/RIP 限定等距性Re-weighting 重赋权法Robustness 稳健性/鲁棒性Root node 根结点Rule Engine 规则引擎Rule learning 规则学习Letter SSaddle point 鞍点Sample space 样本空间Sampling 采样Score function 评分函数Self-Driving 自动驾驶Self-Organizing Map/SOM 自组织映射Semi-naive Bayes classifiers 半朴素贝叶斯分类器Semi-Supervised Learning半监督学习semi-Supervised Support Vector Machine 半监督支持向量机Sentiment analysis 情感分析Separating hyperplane 分离超平面Searching algorithm 搜索算法Sigmoid function Sigmoid 函数Similarity measure 相似度度量Simulated annealing 模拟退火Simultaneous localization and mapping同步定位与地图构建Singular Value Decomposition 奇异值分解Slack variables 松弛变量Smoothing 平滑Soft margin 软间隔Soft margin maximization 软间隔最大化Soft voting 软投票Sparse representation 稀疏表征Sparsity 稀疏性Specialization 特化Spectral Clustering 谱聚类Speech Recognition 语音识别Splitting variable 切分变量Squashing function 挤压函数Stability-plasticity dilemma 可塑性-稳定性困境Statistical learning 统计学习Status feature function 状态特征函Stochastic gradient descent 随机梯度下降Stratified sampling 分层采样Structural risk 结构风险Structural risk minimization/SRM 结构风险最小化Subspace 子空间Supervised learning 监督学习/有导师学习support vector expansion 支持向量展式Support Vector Machine/SVM 支持向量机Surrogat loss 替代损失Surrogate function 替代函数Symbolic learning 符号学习Symbolism 符号主义Synset 同义词集Letter TT-Distribution Stochastic Neighbour Embedding/t-SNE T –分布随机近邻嵌入Tensor 张量Tensor Processing Units/TPU 张量处理单元The least square method 最小二乘法Threshold 阈值Threshold logic unit 阈值逻辑单元Threshold-moving 阈值移动Time Step 时间步骤Tokenization 标记化Training error 训练误差Training instance 训练示例/训练例Transductive learning 直推学习Transfer learning 迁移学习Treebank 树库Tria-by-error 试错法True negative 真负类True positive 真正类True Positive Rate/TPR 真正例率Turing Machine 图灵机Twice-learning 二次学习Letter UUnderfitting 欠拟合/欠配Undersampling 欠采样Understandability 可理解性Unequal cost 非均等代价Unit-step function 单位阶跃函数Univariate decision tree 单变量决策树Unsupervised learning 无监督学习/无导师学习Unsupervised layer-wise training 无监督逐层训练Upsampling 上采样Letter VVanishing Gradient Problem 梯度消失问题Variational inference 变分推断VC Theory VC维理论Version space 版本空间Viterbi algorithm 维特比算法Von Neumann architecture 冯·诺伊曼架构Letter WWasserstein GAN/WGAN Wasserstein生成对抗网络Weak learner 弱学习器Weight 权重Weight sharing 权共享Weighted voting 加权投票法Within-class scatter matrix 类内散度矩阵Word embedding 词嵌入Word sense disambiguation 词义消歧。



自考《现代语言学》复习题及答案2017年自考《现代语言学》复习题及答案一、单项选择1. Which of the following sounds is a voiceless bilabial stop?A. [p]B. [b]C. [m]D. [t]2. The great source of modification of the air stream is found in the ______ cavity.A. nasalB. oralC. lungD. glottis3. ______ act is the act performed by or resulting from saying something.A. A locutionaryB. An illocutionaryC. A perlocutionaryD. A speech4. Once the notion of ______ was taken into consideration, semantics spilled into pragmatics.A. meaningB. contextC. formD. content5. Sense is concerned with the ______ meaning of the linguistic form.A. contextualB. realC. behavioristD. inherent6. Hyponyms of the same ______ are co-hyponyms.A. wordB. lexical itemC. superordinateD. hyponym7. Words that are opposite in meaning are ______.A. synonymsB. hyponymsC. antonymsD. homophones8. The word “modernizers” is composed of _____ morphemes.A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 69. According to F. de Saussure, _____ refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community.A. paroleB. performanceC. langueD. language10. Language is arbitrary in that there is no logical connection between meanings and ______.A. wordsB. soundsC. objectsD. ideas11. ______ morphemes are those that cannot be used independently but have to be combined with other morphemes, either free or bound, to form a word.A. FreeB. BoundC. RootD. Affix12. The smallest meaningful unit of language is ______.A. rootB. affixC. stemD. morpheme13. _____ refers to a word or expression that is prohibited by the “polite” society from general use.A. Linguistic tabooB. EuphemismC. Address termD. Slang14. Lying under the skull, the human brain contains an average of the ten billion nerve cells called ______.A. neuronsB. nerve systemC. nervesD. cerebral cortex15. ______ language belongs to the Sino-Tibetan Family.A. EnglishB. SpanishC. IndianD. Chinese参考答案:1--- 5ABCBD 6---10CCBCB 11---15BDAAD二、名词解释 (每个2分,共20 分)1. Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language.2. Morphology is a branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed.3. Reference means what a linguistic form refers to in the real physical world; it deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience.4. An illocutionary act is the act of expressing the speaker’s intention; it is the act performing is saying something.5. Speech community is thus defined as a group of people who form a community (which may have few members as a family or as many members as a country), and share the same language or a particular variety of language.6. Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.7. Inflectional affixes or inflectional morphemes manifest various grammatical relations or grammatical categories such as number, tense, degree, and case.8. Pragmatics is the study of how speakers of language use sentences to effect successful communication.9. Accent refers to a way of pronunciation which tells the listener something about the speaker’s regional or social background.10. A lingua franca is a variety of language that serves as a medium of communication among groups of people from diverse linguistic backgrounds.三、简答题(每小题5分,共20分)1. What is the distinction between competence andperformance?Competence and performance was proposed by the American linguist N. Chomsky in the la te 1950’s. Chomsky defines competence as the ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language, and performance the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication.2. What are the sense relations between sentences?Sense relations between sentences:1) X is synonymous with Y.2) X is inconsistent with Y.3) X entails Y.(Y is an entailment of X.)4) X presupposes Y. (Y is a prerequisite of X)5) X is a contradiction.6) X is semantically anomalous.3. What is idiolect?When an individual speaks, what is actually produced is a unique language system of the speaker, expressed within the overall system of a particular language. Such a personal dialect is referred to as idiolect.4. What is the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?Sapir-Whorf proposed first that all higher levels of thinking are dependent on language. Or put it more bluntly, language determines thought, hence the strong notion of linguistic determinism. Because languages differ in many ways, Whorf also believed that speakers of different languages perceive and experience the world differently, that is, relative to their linguistic background, hence the notion of linguistic relativism. In short, the strong version of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis proposes that the language we speak determines the way we perceive the world and therefore the nature of thought.四、论述题(每小题10分,共30分)1. What are the design features of language?Design features refer to the defining properties of human language that distinguish it from any animal system of communication.1) arbitrariness2) productivity3) duality4) displacement5) cultural transmission2. Draw a labeled constituent structure tree diagram for each of the following sentences:1) The student likes the new linguistics professor.2) John suggested Mary take the linguistics class.1. The student likes the new linguistics professor.2. John suggested (that) Mary take the linguistics class.3. What is the difference between acquisition and learning? Illustrate with examples.Acquisition refers to the gradual and subconscious development of ability in the first language by using it naturally in daily communicative situations. Learning, however, is defined as a conscious process of accumulating knowledge of a second language usually obtained in school settings. It is recognized that children acquire their native language without explicit learning.A second language is more commonly learned but to some degree may also be acquired, depending on the environmental setting and the input received by the L2 learner.【2017年自考《现代语言学》复习题及答案】。



ISSN 1000-9825, CODEN RUXUEW E-mail: jos@Journal of Software, Vol.20, Supplement, December 2009, pp.113−122 © by Institute of Software, the Chinese Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved. Tel/Fax: +86-10-62562563∗一种面向普适计算的适应性软件体系结构风格丁博+, 王怀民, 史殿习(国防科学技术大学计算机学院,湖南长沙 410073)An Adaptive Software Architecture Style for Pervasive ComputingDING Bo+, WANG Huai-Min, SHI Dian-Xi(School of Computer, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China)+ Corresponding author: dingbo@Ding B, Wang HM, Shi DX. An adaptive software architecture style for pervasive computing. Journal ofSoftware, 2009,20(Suppl.):113−122./1000-9825/09014.htmAbstract: Pervasive computing software has to adapt itself to the dynamically changing execution environmentsand user requirements. This feature complicates software implementation significantly, which makes it necessary toadopt software reuse means on the design level, such as software architecture style, in its development. Based on anadaptive abstract model of pervasive computing space, this paper proposes a software architecture style forpervasive computing, UbiArch, and details it in its concept view, runtime view and development view. UbiArchsupports a novel behavior pattern of software entities, i.e., dynamically joining applications according to userrequirements and actively adapting itself to the execution environment. As a result, architectural-level can beachieved reuse for software adaptabilities. Besides, this architecture style is based on mature software techniques,such as component technology, which ensure its practicability. A software platform to support this architecture aswell as several UbiArch-based applications has been developed to validate the effectiveness and generality ofUbiArch.Key words: pervasive computing; adaptability; software architecture摘 要: 普适计算软件需要适应用户需求和运行环境的动态变化.这一特点使得软件复杂度空前增加,迫切需要以软件体系结构为代表的架构/设计层面重用手段来支持其高效开发.在以适应性为中心的普适计算空间抽象模型基础上,提出了一种面向普适计算的软件体系结构风格UbiArch,并从概念视图、运行视图和开发视图这3个维度对该软件体系结构风格进行了阐述.UbiArch支持软件实体按需加入应用、主动适应环境的行为模式,实现了软件适应能力的高层次重用,同时与构件等成熟软件技术的紧密结合也保证了其可实践性.支撑该体系结构风格的软件平台原型系统及其上的应用验证了UbiArch的有效性和通用性.关键词: 普适计算;适应性;软件体系结构普适计算具备泛在性、便捷性、适应性的特点[1].泛在性在物理维度上表现为各种各样的计算设备、广泛存在的环境感知和无处不在的网络接入;便捷性在应用维度上表现为用户以最自然甚至不觉察方式享受丰富∗ Supported by the National High-Tech Research and Development Plan of China under Grant No.2006AA01Z198 (国家高技术研究发展计划(863)); the National Basic Research Program of China under Grant No.2005CB321800 (国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)); theNational Science Fund for Outstanding Youths of China under Grant No.60625203 (国家杰出青年科学基金)Received 2008-09-20; Accepted 2009-04-09114 Journal of Software软件学报 V ol.20, Supplement, December 2009的计算服务;适应性在系统维度上表现为软件可感知上下文(情境)并适应其变化.适应性是普适计算软件实现技术的核心,使得软件可以对运行环境及用户需求的变化做出适当响应,从而在泛在运行环境之上表现出便捷应用模式.适应性也同时极大地增加了软件的复杂度,迫切需要有效的软件重用手段来支持其高效开发.然而,传统的软件工程方法大多针对封闭环境下、具备静态结构的软件系统,往往只使用诸如异常、容错协议等语言和算法层面的硬编码机制来实现软件的适应能力[2].软件架构/设计层面适应能力重用机制的缺乏使得普适计算软件难以开发和演化.软件体系结构是指以构件、构件之间的关系、构件与环境之间的关系为内容的某一系统的基本组织结构,以及指导上述内容设计与演化的原则[3].软件体系结构的研究可以被划分为多个层次,包括软件体系结构风格、软件体系结构模式、平台体系结构、领域体系结构和应用体系结构等[4].其中,由一类应用所共享的软件体系结构风格/惯用模式[5]是软件设计思想的重要重用手段,同时基于体系结构的方法也被认为是实现软件适应的有效途径[6].因此,有必要开展面向普适计算的适应性软件体系结构研究.普适计算软件体系结构研究已经存在一些初步成果.Garlan等人早期即指出普适计算将在资源占用、灵活性、用户移动等方面为软件体系结构研究带来新的挑战[7];Cheng等人将普适计算系统分为运行层、模型层和任务层,通过基于体系结构的方法实现软件适应[8];ISAM体系结构面向分布式移动应用,通过多层协同来实现适应过程[9];Gaia拓展了传统软件的MVC模型,将应用分成4个部分:模型、控制器、表示和元层的协调者[10];PCOM[11],AMUN[12],One.world[13]等普适计算软件平台原型系统也分别提出了所支持的上层应用软件架构,它们均基于对现有的构件技术、Agent技术或者面向服务的体系结构(SOA )的扩展.然而,现有研究大多均处于探索阶段,仍然缺乏统一、完备的软件体系结构[14],尤其缺乏对适应性进行内在抽象和全面支持的工作.针对普适计算的需求及现有研究不足,本文在对计算空间进行适应性抽象建模的基础上,提出了一种面向普适计算的软件体系结构风格UbiArch.UbiArch支持软件实体的按需加入应用、主动适应环境的行为模式,实现了软件适应能力的高层重用.同时,与构件等现有成熟软件技术的紧密结合保证了UbiArch的可实践性.本文首先以适应性为中心建立普适计算空间抽象模型,然后将该抽象模型映射到构件等成熟软件技术之上,通过对已有技术的扩展来实现集中体现适应性的Join/Adapt操作语义.在从概念视图、运行视图和开发视图3个维度对UbiArch软件体系结构风格进行详细阐述后,本文构建了支撑该体系结构风格的软件平台原型系统,并通过其上的应用实例验证了该体系结构风格的有效性和通用性.1 以适应性为中心的普适计算空间抽象建模抽象模型可以为普适计算系统的设计和实现提供系统化的方法论指导.已有的一些知名工作包括:美国国家标准与技术研究院参考网络OSI七层模型提出了普适计算概念模型LPC(layered pervasive computing),增加了用户模型、环境和意图层[15];Banavar等人提出了以“设备是门户、软件即任务、物理设施即计算环境”为基本理念的普适计算应用模型[16];Debashis等人给出了由设备、网络、中间件和应用组成的普适计算模型[17];Gaia 的活动空间(active space)模型由一个具有良定义边界的物理空间及其上软件基础设施组成[10].区别于上述工作,本节将适应性放在首位,基于所引入的自主单元概念对普适计算空间进行建模,从而为适应性软件体系结构风格UbiArch奠定基础.1.1 基于自主单元的普适计算空间抽象模型诸如桌面应用、SOA服务等传统软件实体均采用手动静态部署、被动提供服务的行为模式,这一模式基于如下假定:软件运行过程中环境和需求不会发生变化,仅仅需要对用户或其他软件实体的调用请求做出响应.然而,普适计算环境下的软件需要能够主动适应用户需求和运行环境的变化,上述行为模式将无法再被沿用.因此,我们在普适计算空间中引入了自主单元的概念:自主单元是普适计算设备/资源的具有适应能力的软件抽象,能够按需聚合为不同应用服务,并在提供服务过程中对环境的变化做出适当响应.自主单元的适应能力集中体现在其所具备的Join/Adapt两类操作语义上:Join操作语义是指自主单元在运行时可以按需加入或退出应用系统,遵守不同的行为准则,与其他自主单元实现动态聚合和协同;Adapt操作语丁博 等:一种面向普适计算的适应性软件体系结构风格 115 义是指自主单元在提供服务过程中能够根据当前上下文进行主动决策,实施适应性动作或修改自身行为方式,从而对物理空间或计算空间的变化做出适当响应.自主单元的适应能力来源于其基于反射的内部结构(如图1(a)所示).它由上下文感知部件、行为执行部件、行为驱动引擎和应用加入部件组成,其中上下文感知部件和行为执行部件是基层计算实体,分别负责收集感兴趣的上下文和实现具体的业务逻辑;应用加入部件和行为驱动引擎是元层计算实体,为Join 和Adapt 操作语义提供基础设施:前者负责动态获取应用相关的基层计算实体和元层行为规则,后者依据上下文感知部件所收集的上下文进行决策并进而驱动行为执行部件. Behavior-DrivenEngine ContextCollectors Behavior Executors Application Joining EnginePhysical/Computing EnvironmentAutonomic UnitsApplicationCollecting Context Executing Behavior MakingdecisionDynamic aggregation Incarnate user requirements into computing space Dealing with Concrete Task by Coordination (Micro-level)User Requirement Adaptation (Macro-level )Adaptation process in abstract model(a) 自主单元内部结构 (b) 普适计算空间 (c) 抽象模型中的适应过程Fig.1 Pervasive computing space model based on autonomic units图1 基于自主单元的普适计算空间模型普适计算设备/资源均被抽象为自主单元,因而普适计算空间可被视为若干自主单元所组成的集合.这些自主单元根据用户需求动态聚合成被称为应用系统的群体(如图1(b)所示),在群体内部通过协同完成指定的任务.聚合过程包括需求捕获、应用映射和动态加入3个阶段,由被称为发起者的一类特殊自主单元所引导:发起者有能力捕获用户需求,且可以根据普适计算空间当前状态决定满足用户需求的应用系统需要哪些自主单元参与,然后这些自主单元借助其应用加入部件从发起者处动态获取应用相关的部件,包括基层计算实体和元层行为规则,从而为它们协同完成指定任务奠定基础.1.2 适应性在普适计算空间抽象模型中的体现系统科学中的复杂适应系统(CAS)理论[18]指出,自然界中具备适应性的复杂系统由大量具备个体适应能力的节点组成,这些节点进一步通过动态建立关联关系展现出集体层面的适应性,典型的示例包括人类社会中的人与组织、生物界中的蚂蚁与蚁群等.基于自主单元的普适计算模型借鉴了这一理论的思想:微观层面上,每个软件节点(自主单元)通过Adapt 语义对其周围的运行环境(如网络带宽、物理位置等)进行适应;宏观层面上,节点间在发起者引导下,通过Join 语义实现动态聚合和协同,以适应用户需求的变化.图1(c)中的两个回路保证了基于自主单元的普适计算空间模型内在的适应性.2 UbiArch 软件体系结构风格概述本文后续内容关注如何以现有软件技术为基石,通过完整的软件体系结构风格的设计为前述抽象模型提供参考实现,尤其是如何实现集中体现适应性的Join/Adapt 操作语义.构件技术已经被公认为是提高软件开发效率、质量和灵活性的有效途径[19].但在现有构件模型中,容器仅仅被视为构件的运行环境[20,21],无法根据上下文的变化主动驱动和管理构件.从反射技术的角度而言,容器与构件分别运行在元层与基层,这一关系使得通过内部反馈控制回路实现具备主动行为能力的自主单元成为可能.基于上述思路,UbiArch 对传统构件技术进行了扩展,采用“基层构件+元层容器”架构来实现自主单元(如图2所示).我们首先对构件进行细分,提出了行为构件与感知构件模型.其次,我们对传统的构件容器进行扩充,通过增加策略、行为驱动引擎、应用加入等部件来增强其元层功能.其中,策略是一组行为规则,描述了“何时干什么”,是开发者和管理人员指定和约束自主单元适应能力的方式.行为驱动引擎解释和执行策略,依据从感知构件处获取的上下文信息驱动行为构件运转、调整和管理构件间交互、完成构件生命周期管理等,实现Adapt 语116 ent, December 2009 Journal of Software 软件学报 V ol.20, Supplem 义;应用加入部件动态获取当前所加入应用的元层策略和基层构件,为Join 语义的实现奠定基础.对于第1节中所提及的聚合过程的需求捕获、应用映射和动态加入3个阶段,UbiArch 均提供了相应的实现.对于后两个阶段,UbiArch 设计了基于资源描述的应用映射机制和3种不同的自主单元加入模型:前者通过资源发现和匹配将应用动态映射到普适计算空间中,从而决定需要哪些自主单元来完成指定的任务;后者包括主动加入模型、邀请加入模型和混合模型,它们定义了自主单元在加入过程中与发起者之间的交互协议.需求捕获阶段目前则仅通过用户选择所要启动的应用这一原始方式实现,但UbiArch 的设计并未排除使用诸如意图推导[22]等其他方式的可能性.图3以UML 标记法给出了UbiArch 软件体系结构风格中重要的概念及它们之间的关系,它们将会在第3节中予以详细阐述. Behavior Component Behavior Component Behavior Component ...Meta-Level Autonomic Unit ComponentAUCore Policy Connector AUShell <<persistent>>Autonomic Unit (AU)ApplicationInstantiaing <<trace>>Instantiating 1..* 1..*1..* 1..*1..**Condition Service Base-level Modification LifecycleManagementInvocation1..*Realizing1..**Running AUCore 1..****1Supported by 1InitiatorEvent 1..*Context Component BehaviorComponent1..*2..*Meta-level Running TimeDeveloping time***ApplicationPackageAction *Fig.3 Meta-Model of UbiArch software architecture style图3 UbiArch 软件体系结构风格元模型3 UbiArch 软件体系结构多视图模型多视图模型被广泛用来描述软件体系结构[23],例如Kruchten 等人所提出的“4+1”视图模型[24]、RM-ODP 的5类视图框架[25]等.但现有的多视图模型描述对象往往是具体应用体系结构,而非一类应用所共有的体系结构风格.因此在本节中我们并未沿用已有工作,而是从概念、运行和开发3个视图对UbiArch 软件体系结构风格进行阐述:概念视图定义UbiArch 体系结构风格下自主单元和应用系统的静态结构,运行视图说明自主单元是如何动态聚合的,开发视图则给出UbiArch 体系结构风格下的软件开发方法.Fig.2 Component-Based autonomic unit 图2 自主单元的构件化实现 Policies Behavior-driven J oining Components Runtime S upport Context Component Context Component Context Component ...丁博 等:一种面向普适计算的适应性软件体系结构风格1173.1 概念视图:自主单元的构件化实现 在UbiArch 中,自主单元通过扩展传统“构件+容器”架构实现,包括对基层构件模型的扩展和对元层容器功能的扩展两个方面.(1) 对基层构件模型的扩展在介绍UbiArch 对构件模型所做扩展之前,我们需要对上下文的相关概念进行定义:定义1(上下文和上下文事件). 上下文c 可定义为二元组,name type 〈〉,其中是所提供的上下文名称,是该上下文的类型;上下文的值被记为;上下文事件被定义为三元组name type c v ec 12,,c v v 〈〉,代表上下文值从变化到,其中c 1v 2v type c v type v type .)()(21==.在UbiArch 构件模型中,构件被细分为感知构件和行为构件.区分感知构件与行为构件的原因在于二者在构件语义[26]上的差异:前者封装上下文获取、聚合等的处理过程,并以上下文事件方式将之提供给元层容器;后者则沿续一般意义上封装业务逻辑的构件的语义.定义2(感知构件和行为构件). 感知构件CComp 是上下文的提供者,可定义为三元组.其中 ,,CPp CPr S S F 〈〉CPp S 是所提供的上下文接口集合,它以上下文事件的方式输出上下文,则是所依赖的上下文接口集合; 定义了感知构件的功能,其中是的运行环境;行为构件是业务逻辑的实现者,可定义为四元组.其中是所提供的业务接口集合,CPr S :()CPr CPp F S E CComp S ∪→)(CComp E CComp BComp ,,,Ip Ir CPr S S S f 〈〉Ip S Ir S 是所依赖业务接口集合,是直接依赖的上下文的集合;CPr S :Ir CPr Ip ()f S S S E BComp ∪→∪定义了行为构件功能.上述定义中的业务接口是指传统意义上提供方法和属性的普通接口,区别于以上下文事件方式输出的上下文接口.连接子在UbiArch 体系结构风格中是一阶实体,其定义如下:定义3(连接子). 设为感知与行为构件集合,连接子Comps ()(Comps CP I Con m Comps m Comps )∈∪,其中定义了上下文接口依赖关系,:{|and .}{|and .}CP r r CPr p p CPp m CP C Comps CP C S CP C Comps CP C S ∃∈∈→∃∈∈:{|and .}{|and .}I r r Ir p p Ip m I C Comps I C S I C Comps I C S ∃∈∈→∃∈∈定义了业务接口依赖关系.(2) 对元层容器功能的扩展UbiArch 将扩展了元层功能的构件容器称为自主单元壳(shell).自主单元壳与传统构件容器的区别在两个方面:可通过感知构件获取上下文,动态解释和执行“何时做什么”的策略;能随设备/资源启动而启动,动态加入应用系统,获取应用系统相关的自主单元核(core).定义4(策略). 策略是在构件集合上使用ECA 模式Comps P Comps [11]定义的行为规则,表现形式是三元组,其中是所要匹配的上下文事件集合;是上下文值所要符合的条件集合;是在事件发生且条件满足前提下要实施的动作集合,其元素可以是中构件业务接口的调用、构件生命周期管理或某一个中的连接子的修改动作.,,events conditions actions 〈〉}{ec events =conditions actions Comps Comps Con 定义5(自主单元核和自主单元壳). 自主单元核是自主单元中应用相关的部分,可被定义为五元组AUCore **,,,,BComps CComps BComps CComps R BComps CComps Con P ∪∪〈〉,其中R 是运行所需的资源描述,是行为 AUCore BComps 构件集合,是感知构件集合;自主单元壳是自主单元中应用无关的部分,可被定义为一个四元组CComps AUShell ,,,R D J E 〈〉,R 是所封装的资源,是负责解释和执行策略的行为驱动引擎,是动态获取自主单元核的应用加入部件,AUShell D J E 是传统意义上的构件运行环境.定义6(自主单元). 自主单元是一个二元组AU *,AUCore AUShell 〈〉.自主单元所提供的服务.{|.and .}AU p p Ip Service I Comp AU AUCore I Comp S =∃∈∈在定义6中,自主单元由一个壳和零到多个核组成,也即自主单元可以处于无核的等待加入应用的状态,此时对外不提供任何服务;自主单元壳也可以被多个核所复用;自主单元对外所能提供的服务也随其当前核不同而不同.定义7(应用系统). 应用系统是一组为完成指定任务而在运行时动态聚合而成的自主单元集合,该集合中所有依赖的上下文接口和业务接口均已找到相应的提供者. App118 Journal of Software 软件学报 V ol.20, Supplement, December 2009 }3.2 运行视图:从自主单元到普适计算空间尽管我们已给出了应用系统的定义,但未涉及自主单元是如何动态聚合的.运行视图将详细阐述这一过程.如前所述,聚合过程的需求捕获阶段在UbiArch 中是通过直接让用户选择所需启动的应用方式实现的,而其他阶段的实现则涉及如下两个方面:(1) 基于资源描述的应用映射机制如前所述,自主单元随设备/资源的启动而启动,在加入应用前处于无核的等待状态,因此我们可以将普适计算空间定义如下:定义8(普适计算空间). 具有确定边界的普适计算空间PS ={AUShell |AUShell .R 位于该空间内}.尽管边界是确定的,定义8所给集合的中元素仍随时间变化而变化,可能不断有设备因为能源、物理移动、故障等因素加入或退出这个集合.定义9(应用系统包). 开发完毕的基于UbiArch 体系结构风格的普适计算应用被称为应用系统包.应用系统包{,ra AppPackage AUCores Ext RequiredServices =,其中是一组自主单元核的集合, ExtraRequiredService 则是所依赖但未被本应用系统包中自主单元所实现的服务集合.AUCores 定义10(映射). 应用系统包的资源需求}|.{AppPackage AUCore R AUCore R AppPackage ∈=,普适计算空间的资源状态}|.{PS AUShell R AUShell R PS ∈=.应用系统包AppPackage 到普适计算空间的映射是一个函数,对于每一个,皆有可满足所描述的需求.PS AppPackage R R mapping →:2)(1R R mapping =2R 1R 映射过程将应用系统包动态映射到普适计算空间,一方面使得应用系统包可以与具体普适计算空间解耦,另一方面使得自主单元动态聚合成为可能.映射过程由发起者完成,是Join 语义的重要实现环节,其基本算法如下所示,其中第2行和第9行可基于现有的资源发现技术实现[27].算法1. 应用系统包到普适计算空间的映射.1. //自主单元核到自主单元壳的映射2. find a resource matching function mapping for application package APP in current pervasivecomputing space;3. for each AUCore in APP.AUCores4. notify AUShell that encapsulatesmapping (AUCore.R) to join P; 5. wait for AUShell to download AUCore;6. end for7. //额外需要的服务到已运行的自主单元的映射8. for each ExtraRequiredServcie in P.ExtraRequiredServices9. find an existing Adaptive Unit which implement ExtraRequiredService;10. end for(2) 自主单元加入模型自主单元加入模型定义了自主单元与发起者之间的交互协议.针对不同的应用场景,UbiArch 支持3种不同的自主单元加入模型:1) 主动加入模型,即自主单元拥有发起者的地址,主动向发起者发出加入请求,下载元层策略和基层构件,从而加入到指定应用之中.它不涉及到映射本身,优点是简单、可预期性好,适用于专用设备且发起者地址固定的场合;2) 邀请加入模型,即发起者根据应用系统包的资源需求,查找符合需求的自主单元,并发出加入邀请.自主单元在收到邀请加入的请求后,到发起者处下载对应的元层策略和基层构件,加入到指定应用之中.该模型具有较佳的灵活性,但可能会出现无法成功映射等问题;3) 混合模型,即在同一个应用系统映射过程中部分自主单元核采用主动加入模型,部分采用邀请加入模型.在上述机制和模型的基础上,UbiArch 体系结构风格下自主单元动态聚合过程如图4所示.图中同时给出了这一过程与抽象模型中聚合过程3个阶段的对应关系,以及发起者与一般自主单元在这一过程中的分工.丁博 等:一种面向普适计算的适应性软件体系结构风格119Fig.4 Dynamic aggregation process of autonomic units图4 自主单元动态聚合过程3.3 开发视图:继承成熟的构件开发方法UbiArch 最大程度继承了成熟的构件化软件开发方法,以保证其可实践性和应用开发者较低的学习成本.UbiArch 开发视图可以分为构件开发和应用系统开发两个部份:前者的目的是获得用于搭建自主单元的行为构件和感知构件,其具体流程与传统构件开发方法无异;后者目的是获得应用系统包,包括组装、可选的策略指定及打包3个阶段.4 UbiArch 支撑环境与应用验证软件体系结构往往需要运行时框架的支撑[28].为支持基于UbiArch 软件体系结构风格的应用程序,我们开发了自适应软件平台UbiStar,进而在其上构建了一系列应用实例来验证UbiArch 的有效性和通用性.4.1 支持UbiArch 的软件平台原型软件平台是普适计算环境下的基础软件之一,知名项目包括以展露上下文变化、鼓励自主组合、缺省数据共享为设计理念的One.world [13];基于活动空间模型,由核心和应用程序框架组成的Gaia [10];在设计理念上强调软硬件各层的主动性与自调整的Aura [29];面向普适计算的构件中间件PCOM [11]等.这些软件平台往往支持某种特定的上层应用体系结构,为该体系结构提供可重用的软件基础设施,从而使具备普适计算特点的应用得以快捷高效的开发和运行[1].UbiStar 以支持适应性软件体系结构风格UbiArch 为目标,其设计如图5所示.各层功能依次如下: (1) 自适应通信层:提供网络抽象,实现在不同网络间的互操作及网络间自适应漫游和切换;(2) 自主单元壳:直接为UbiArch 软件体系结构风格提供运行时支撑.该层可进一步细分为微内核层、行为决策层和行为执行层,分别负责核心功能、自主决策和支撑动作实施.微内核设计模式[30]的采用使得UbiStar 软件平台自身能够适应资源受限的计算设备;(3) 软件复用层:以可复用构件和通用服务自主单元两种形式为基于UbiArch 体系结构风格的应用提供各种公共服务,如上下文聚合、上下文敏感的数据管理、资源发现等;Self-adaptive Communication Layer AUShell Micro-kernel Application Joining Behavior-driven Engine Behavior decision Supports Mechanisms for Behavior and Context Components Behavior Execution Software Reuse layer Reusable Components Common Service AUs Pervasive Applications Resource Discovery Component Binding Fig.5 Architecture of UbiStar Platform 图5 UbiStar 平台基本架构。



Team-Centered Perspective for Adaptive Automation DesignLawrence J.PrinzelLangley Research Center, Hampton, VirginiaAbstractAutomation represents a very active area of human factors research. Thejournal, Human Factors, published a special issue on automation in 1985.Since then, hundreds of scientific studies have been published examiningthe nature of automation and its interaction with human performance.However, despite a dramatic increase in research investigating humanfactors issues in aviation automation, there remain areas that need furtherexploration. This NASA Technical Memorandum describes a new area ofIt discussesautomation design and research, called “adaptive automation.” the concepts and outlines the human factors issues associated with the newmethod of adaptive function allocation. The primary focus is onhuman-centered design, and specifically on ensuring that adaptiveautomation is from a team-centered perspective. The document showsthat adaptive automation has many human factors issues common totraditional automation design. Much like the introduction of other new technologies and paradigm shifts, adaptive automation presents an opportunity to remediate current problems but poses new ones forhuman-automation interaction in aerospace operations. The review here isintended to communicate the philosophical perspective and direction ofadaptive automation research conducted under the Aerospace OperationsSystems (AOS), Physiological and Psychological Stressors and Factors (PPSF)project.Key words:Adaptive Automation; Human-Centered Design; Automation;Human FactorsIntroduction"During the 1970s and early 1980s...the concept of automating as much as possible was considered appropriate. The expected benefit was a reduction inpilot workload and increased safety...Although many of these benefits have beenrealized, serious questions have arisen and incidents/accidents that have occurredwhich question the underlying assumptions that a maximum availableautomation is ALWAYS appropriate or that we understand how to designautomated systems so that they are fully compatible with the capabilities andlimitations of the humans in the system."---- ATA, 1989The Air Transport Association of America (ATA) Flight Systems Integration Committee(1989) made the above statement in response to the proliferation of automation in aviation. They noted that technology improvements, such as the ground proximity warning system, have had dramatic benefits; others, such as the electronic library system, offer marginal benefits at best. Such observations have led many in the human factors community, most notably Charles Billings (1991; 1997) of NASA, to assert that automation should be approached from a "human-centered design" perspective.The period from 1970 to the present was marked by an increase in the use of electronic display units (EDUs); a period that Billings (1997) calls "information" and “management automation." The increased use of altitude, heading, power, and navigation displays; alerting and warning systems, such as the traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS) and ground proximity warning system (GPWS; E-GPWS; TAWS); flight management systems (FMS) and flight guidance (e.g., autopilots; autothrottles) have "been accompanied by certain costs, including an increased cognitive burden on pilots, new information requirements that have required additional training, and more complex, tightly coupled, less observable systems" (Billings, 1997). As a result, human factors research in aviation has focused on the effects of information and management automation. The issues of interest include over-reliance on automation, "clumsy" automation (e.g., Wiener, 1989), digital versus analog control, skill degradation, crew coordination, and data overload (e.g., Billings, 1997). Furthermore, research has also been directed toward situational awareness (mode & state awareness; Endsley, 1994; Woods & Sarter, 1991) associated with complexity, coupling, autonomy, and inadequate feedback. Finally, human factors research has introduced new automation concepts that will need to be integrated into the existing suite of aviationautomation.Clearly, the human factors issues of automation have significant implications for safetyin aviation. However, what exactly do we mean by automation? The way we choose to define automation has considerable meaning for how we see the human role in modern aerospace s ystems. The next section considers the concept of automation, followed by an examination of human factors issues of human-automation interaction in aviation. Next, a potential remedy to the problems raised is described, called adaptive automation. Finally, the human-centered design philosophy is discussed and proposals are made for how the philosophy can be applied to this advanced form of automation. The perspective is considered in terms of the Physiological /Psychological Stressors & Factors project and directions for research on adaptive automation.Automation in Modern AviationDefinition.Automation refers to "...systems or methods in which many of the processes of production are automatically performed or controlled by autonomous machines or electronic devices" (Parsons, 1985). Automation is a tool, or resource, that the human operator can use to perform some task that would be difficult or impossible without machine aiding (Billings, 1997). Therefore, automation can be thought of as a process of substituting the activity of some device or machine for some human activity; or it can be thought of as a state of technological development (Parsons, 1985). However, some people (e.g., Woods, 1996) have questioned whether automation should be viewed as a substitution of one agent for another (see "apparent simplicity, real complexity" below). Nevertheless, the presence of automation has pervaded almost every aspect of modern lives. From the wheel to the modern jet aircraft, humans have sought to improve the quality of life. We have built machines and systems that not only make work easier, more efficient, and safe, but also give us more leisure time. The advent of automation has further enabled us to achieve this end. With automation, machines can now perform many of the activities that we once had to do. Our automobile transmission will shift gears for us. Our airplanes will fly themselves for us. All we have to dois turn the machine on and off. It has even been suggested that one day there may not be aaccidents resulting from need for us to do even that. However, the increase in “cognitive” faulty human-automation interaction have led many in the human factors community to conclude that such a statement may be premature.Automation Accidents. A number of aviation accidents and incidents have been directly attributed to automation. Examples of such in aviation mishaps include (from Billings, 1997):DC-10 landing in control wheel steering A330 accident at ToulouseB-747 upset over Pacific DC-10 overrun at JFK, New YorkB-747 uncommandedroll,Nakina,Ont. A320 accident at Mulhouse-HabsheimA320 accident at Strasbourg A300 accident at NagoyaB-757 accident at Cali, Columbia A320 accident at BangaloreA320 landing at Hong Kong B-737 wet runway overrunsA320 overrun at Warsaw B-757 climbout at ManchesterA310 approach at Orly DC-9 wind shear at CharlotteBillings (1997) notes that each of these accidents has a different etiology, and that human factors investigation of causes show the matter to be complex. However, what is clear is that the percentage of accident causes has fundamentally shifted from machine-caused to human-caused (estimations of 60-80% due to human error) etiologies, and the shift is attributable to the change in types of automation that have evolved in aviation.Types of AutomationThere are a number of different types of automation and the descriptions of them vary considerably. Billings (1997) offers the following types of automation:?Open-Loop Mechanical or Electronic Control.Automation is controlled by gravity or spring motors driving gears and cams that allow continous and repetitive motion. Positioning, forcing, and timing were dictated by the mechanism and environmental factors (e.g., wind). The automation of factories during the Industrial Revolution would represent this type of automation.?Classic Linear Feedback Control.Automation is controlled as a function of differences between a reference setting of desired output and the actual output. Changes a re made to system parameters to re-set the automation to conformance. An example of this type of automation would be flyball governor on the steam engine. What engineers call conventional proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control would also fit in this category of automation.?Optimal Control. A computer-based model of controlled processes i s driven by the same control inputs as that used to control the automated process. T he model output is used to project future states and is thus used to determine the next control input. A "Kalman filtering" approach is used to estimate the system state to determine what the best control input should be.?Adaptive Control. This type of automation actually represents a number of approaches to controlling automation, but usually stands for automation that changes dynamically in response to a change in state. Examples include the use of "crisp" and "fuzzy" controllers, neural networks, dynamic control, and many other nonlinear methods.Levels of AutomationIn addition to “types ” of automation, we can also conceptualize different “levels ” of automation control that the operator can have. A number of taxonomies have been put forth, but perhaps the best known is the one proposed by Tom Sheridan of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Sheridan (1987) listed 10 levels of automation control:1. The computer offers no assistance, the human must do it all2. The computer offers a complete set of action alternatives3. The computer narrows the selection down to a few4. The computer suggests a selection, and5. Executes that suggestion if the human approves, or6. Allows the human a restricted time to veto before automatic execution, or7. Executes automatically, then necessarily informs the human, or8. Informs the human after execution only if he asks, or9. Informs the human after execution if it, the computer, decides to10. The computer decides everything and acts autonomously, ignoring the humanThe list covers the automation gamut from fully manual to fully automatic. Although different researchers define adaptive automation differently across these levels, the consensus is that adaptive automation can represent anything from Level 3 to Level 9. However, what makes adaptive automation different is the philosophy of the approach taken to initiate adaptive function allocation and how such an approach may address t he impact of current automation technology.Impact of Automation TechnologyAdvantages of Automation . Wiener (1980; 1989) noted a number of advantages to automating human-machine systems. These include increased capacity and productivity, reduction of small errors, reduction of manual workload and mental fatigue, relief from routine operations, more precise handling of routine operations, economical use of machines, and decrease of performance variation due to individual differences. Wiener and Curry (1980) listed eight reasons for the increase in flight-deck automation: (a) Increase in available technology, such as FMS, Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS), Traffic Alert andCollision Avoidance System (TCAS), etc.; (b) concern for safety; (c) economy, maintenance, and reliability; (d) workload reduction and two-pilot transport aircraft certification; (e) flight maneuvers and navigation precision; (f) display flexibility; (g) economy of cockpit space; and (h) special requirements for military missions.Disadvantages o f Automation. Automation also has a number of disadvantages that have been noted. Automation increases the burdens and complexities for those responsible for operating, troubleshooting, and managing systems. Woods (1996) stated that automation is "...a wrapped package -- a package that consists of many different dimensions bundled together as a hardware/software system. When new automated systems are introduced into a field of practice, change is precipitated along multiple dimensions." As Woods (1996) noted, some of these changes include: ( a) adds to or changes the task, such as device setup and initialization, configuration control, and operating sequences; (b) changes cognitive demands, such as requirements for increased situational awareness; (c) changes the roles of people in the system, often relegating people to supervisory controllers; (d) automation increases coupling and integration among parts of a system often resulting in data overload and "transparency"; and (e) the adverse impacts of automation is often not appreciated by those who advocate the technology. These changes can result in lower job satisfaction (automation seen as dehumanizing human roles), lowered vigilance, fault-intolerant systems, silent failures, an increase in cognitive workload, automation-induced failures, over-reliance, complacency, decreased trust, manual skill erosion, false alarms, and a decrease in mode awareness (Wiener, 1989).Adaptive AutomationDisadvantages of automation have resulted in increased interest in advanced automation concepts. One of these concepts is automation that is dynamic or adaptive in nature (Hancock & Chignell, 1987; Morrison, Gluckman, & Deaton, 1991; Rouse, 1977; 1988). In an aviation context, adaptive automation control of tasks can be passed back and forth between the pilot and automated systems in response to the changing task demands of modern aircraft. Consequently, this allows for the restructuring of the task environment based upon (a) what is automated, (b) when it should be automated, and (c) how it is automated (Rouse, 1988; Scerbo, 1996). Rouse(1988) described criteria for adaptive aiding systems:The level of aiding, as well as the ways in which human and aidinteract, should change as task demands vary. More specifically,the level of aiding should increase as task demands become suchthat human performance will unacceptably degrade withoutaiding. Further, the ways in which human and aid interact shouldbecome increasingly streamlined as task demands increase.Finally, it is quite likely that variations in level of aiding andmodes of interaction will have to be initiated by the aid rather thanby the human whose excess task demands have created a situationrequiring aiding. The term adaptive aiding is used to denote aidingconcepts that meet [these] requirements.Adaptive aiding attempts to optimize the allocation of tasks by creating a mechanism for determining when tasks need to be automated (Morrison, Cohen, & Gluckman, 1993). In adaptive automation, the level or mode of automation can be modified in real time. Further, unlike traditional forms of automation, both the system and the pilot share control over changes in the state of automation (Scerbo, 1994; 1996). Parasuraman, Bahri, Deaton, Morrison, and Barnes (1992) have argued that adaptive automation represents the optimal coupling of the level of pilot workload to the level of automation in the tasks. Thus, adaptive automation invokes automation only when task demands exceed the pilot's capabilities. Otherwise, the pilot retains manual control of the system functions. Although concerns have been raised about the dangers of adaptive automation (Billings & Woods, 1994; Wiener, 1989), it promises to regulate workload, bolster situational awareness, enhance vigilance, maintain manual skill levels, increase task involvement, and generally improve pilot performance.Strategies for Invoking AutomationPerhaps the most critical challenge facing system designers seeking to implement automation concerns how changes among modes or levels of automation will be accomplished (Parasuraman e t al., 1992; Scerbo, 1996). Traditional forms of automation usually start with some task or functional analysis and attempt to fit the operational tasks necessary to the abilities of the human or the system. The approach often takes the form of a functional allocation analysis (e.g., Fitt's List) in which an attempt is made to determine whether the human or the system is better suited to do each task. However, many in the field have pointed out the problem with trying to equate the two in automated systems, as each have special characteristics that impede simple classification taxonomies. Such ideas as these have led some to suggest other ways of determining human-automation mixes. Although certainly not exhaustive, some of these ideas are presented below.Dynamic Workload Assessment.One approach involves the dynamic assessment o fmeasures t hat index the operators' state of mental engagement. (Parasuraman e t al., 1992; Rouse,1988). The question, however, is what the "trigger" should be for the allocation of functions between the pilot and the automation system. Numerous researchers have suggested that adaptive systems respond to variations in operator workload (Hancock & Chignell, 1987; 1988; Hancock, Chignell & Lowenthal, 1985; Humphrey & Kramer, 1994; Reising, 1985; Riley, 1985; Rouse, 1977), and that measures o f workload be used to initiate changes in automation modes. Such measures include primary and secondary-task measures, subjective workload measures, a nd physiological measures. T he question, however, is what adaptive mechanism should be used to determine operator mental workload (Scerbo, 1996).Performance Measures. One criterion would be to monitor the performance of the operator (Hancock & Chignel, 1987). Some criteria for performance would be specified in the system parameters, and the degree to which the operator deviates from the criteria (i.e., errors), the system would invoke levels of adaptive automation. For example, Kaber, Prinzel, Clammann, & Wright (2002) used secondary task measures to invoke adaptive automation to help with information processing of air traffic controllers. As Scerbo (1996) noted, however,"...such an approach would be of limited utility because the system would be entirely reactive."Psychophysiological M easures.Another criterion would be the cognitive and attentional state of the operator as measured by psychophysiological measures (Byrne & Parasuraman, 1996). An example of such an approach is that by Pope, Bogart, and Bartolome (1996) and Prinzel, Freeman, Scerbo, Mikulka, and Pope (2000) who used a closed-loop system to dynamically regulate the level of "engagement" that the subject had with a tracking task. The system indexes engagement on the basis of EEG brainwave patterns.Human Performance Modeling.Another approach would be to model the performance of the operator. The approach would allow the system to develop a number of standards for operator performance that are derived from models of the operator. An example is Card, Moran, and Newell (1987) discussion of a "model human processor." They discussed aspects of the human processor that could be used to model various levels of human performance. Another example is Geddes (1985) and his colleagues (Rouse, Geddes, & Curry, 1987-1988) who provided a model to invoke automation based upon system information, the environment, and expected operator behaviors (Scerbo, 1996).Mission Analysis. A final strategy would be to monitor the activities of the mission or task (Morrison & Gluckman, 1994). Although this method of adaptive automation may be themost accessible at the current state of technology, Bahri et al. (1992) stated that such monitoring systems lack sophistication and are not well integrated and coupled to monitor operator workload or performance (Scerbo, 1996). An example of a mission analysis approach to adaptive automation is Barnes and Grossman (1985) who developed a system that uses critical events to allocate among automation modes. In this system, the detection of critical events, such as emergency situations or high workload periods, invoked automation.Adaptive Automation Human Factors IssuesA number of issues, however, have been raised by the use of adaptive automation, and many of these issues are the same as those raised almost 20 years ago by Curry and Wiener (1980). Therefore, these issues are applicable not only to advanced automation concepts, such as adaptive automation, but to traditional forms of automation already in place in complex systems (e.g., airplanes, trains, process control).Although certainly one can make the case that adaptive automation is "dressed up" automation and therefore has many of the same problems, it is also important to note that the trend towards such forms of automation does have unique issues that accompany it. As Billings & Woods (1994) stated, "[i]n high-risk, dynamic environments...technology-centered automation has tended to decrease human involvement in system tasks, and has thus impaired human situation awareness; both are unwanted consequences of today's system designs, but both are dangerous in high-risk systems. [At its present state of development,] adaptive ("self-adapting") automation represents a potentially serious threat ... to the authority that the human pilot must have to fulfill his or her responsibility for flight safety."The Need for Human Factors Research.Nevertheless, such concerns should not preclude us from researching the impact that such forms of advanced automation are sure to have on human performance. Consider Hancock’s (1996; 1997) examination of the "teleology for technology." He suggests that automation shall continue to impact our lives requiring humans to co-evolve with the technology; Hancock called this "techneology."What Peter Hancock attempts to communicate to the human factors community is that automation will continue to evolve whether or not human factors chooses to be part of it. As Wiener and Curry (1980) conclude: "The rapid pace of automation is outstripping one's ability to comprehend all the implications for crew performance. It is unrealistic to call for a halt to cockpit automation until the manifestations are completely understood. We do, however, call for those designing, analyzing, and installing automatic systems in the cockpit to do so carefully; to recognize the behavioral effects of automation; to avail themselves of present andfuture guidelines; and to be watchful for symptoms that might appear in training andoperational settings." The concerns they raised are as valid today as they were 23 years ago.However, this should not be taken to mean that we should capitulate. Instead, becauseobservation suggests that it may be impossible to fully research any new Wiener and Curry’stechnology before implementation, we need to form a taxonomy and research plan tomaximize human factors input for concurrent engineering of adaptive automation.Classification of Human Factors Issues. Kantowitz and Campbell (1996)identified some of the key human factors issues to be considered in the design of advancedautomated systems. These include allocation of function, stimulus-response compatibility, andmental models. Scerbo (1996) further suggested the need for research on teams,communication, and training and practice in adaptive automated systems design. The impactof adaptive automation systems on monitoring behavior, situational awareness, skilldegradation, and social dynamics also needs to be investigated. Generally however, Billings(1997) stated that the problems of automation share one or more of the followingcharacteristics: Brittleness, opacity, literalism, clumsiness, monitoring requirement, and dataoverload. These characteristics should inform design guidelines for the development, analysis,and implementation of adaptive automation technologies. The characteristics are defined as: ?Brittleness refers to "...an attribute of a system that works well under normal or usual conditions but that does not have desired behavior at or close to some margin of its operating envelope."?Opacity reflects the degree of understanding of how and why automation functions as it does. The term is closely associated with "mode awareness" (Sarter & Woods, 1994), "transparency"; or "virtuality" (Schneiderman, 1992).?Literalism concern the "narrow-mindedness" of the automated system; that is, theflexibility of the system to respond to novel events.?Clumsiness was coined by Wiener (1989) to refer to automation that reduced workload demands when the demands are already low (e.g., transit flight phase), but increases them when attention and resources are needed elsewhere (e.g., descent phase of flight). An example is when the co-pilot needs to re-program the FMS, to change the plane's descent path, at a time when the co-pilot should be scanning for other planes.?Monitoring requirement refers to the behavioral and cognitive costs associated withincreased "supervisory control" (Sheridan, 1987; 1991).?Data overload points to the increase in information in modern automated contexts (Billings, 1997).These characteristics of automation have relevance for defining the scope of humanfactors issues likely to plague adaptive automation design if significant attention is notdirected toward ensuring human-centered design. The human factors research communityhas noted that these characteristics can lead to human factors issues of allocation of function(i.e., when and how should functions be allocated adaptively); stimulus-response compatibility and new error modes; how adaptive automation will affect mental models,situation models, and representational models; concerns about mode unawareness and-of-the-loop” performance problem; situation awareness decay; manual skill decay and the “outclumsy automation and task/workload management; and issues related to the design of automation. This last issue points to the significant concern in the human factors communityof how to design adaptive automation so that it reflects what has been called “team-centered”;that is, successful adaptive automation will l ikely embody the concept of the “electronic team member”. However, past research (e.g., Pilots Associate Program) has shown that designing automation to reflect such a role has significantly different requirements than those arising in traditional automation design. The field is currently focused on answering the questions,does that definition translate into“what is it that defines one as a team member?” and “howUnfortunately, the literature also shows that the designing automation to reflect that role?” answer is not transparent and, therefore, adaptive automation must first tackle its own uniqueand difficult problems before it may be considered a viable prescription to currenthuman-automation interaction problems. The next section describes the concept of the electronic team member and then discusses t he literature with regard to team dynamics, coordination, communication, shared mental models, and the implications of these foradaptive automation design.Adaptive Automation as Electronic Team MemberLayton, Smith, and McCoy (1994) stated that the design of automated systems should befrom a team-centered approach; the design should allow for the coordination betweenmachine agents and human practitioners. However, many researchers have noted that automated systems tend to fail as team players (Billings, 1991; Malin & Schreckenghost,1992; Malin et al., 1991;Sarter & Woods, 1994; Scerbo, 1994; 1996; Woods, 1996). Thereason is what Woods (1996) calls “apparent simplicity, real complexity.”Apparent Simplicity, Real Complexity.Woods (1996) stated that conventional wisdomabout automation makes technology change seem simple. Automation can be seen as simply changing the human agent for a machine agent. Automation further provides for more optionsand methods, frees up operator time to do other things, provides new computer graphics and interfaces, and reduces human error. However, the reality is that technology change has often。



Network public opinion evolution based on adaptive strategy
WU Yue
( College of Computer and Software Engineering, Xihua University, Chengdu Sichuan 610039 , China)
Abstract: The study of the public opinion evolution on social networks is a hotspot across the world recently, in the fields of information transmission, complex systems and behavior analysis. The existing research is often limited by the fixed renewal and switching strategies of users views, and difficult to restore the real evolution process of the network public opinion. In order to solve the problem, a network public opinion evolution model based on the adaptive strategy was proposed. Firstly, the BA ( Barabási and Albert) scalefree network and WS ( Watts and Strogatz) smallworld network were selected as the network models. Secondly, combined with the idea of Sznajd model and majority rule model, two opinion updating strategies were designed. Lastly, for occupying the advantage in the global network, adaptive rules to select the updating opinion strategies were proposed. The experimental results show that, with the development of public opinion, the probability of choosing fixed strategy is gradually approaching 1. In the end of the evolution, the number of netizens who choose to persuade their neighbors will be equal with that of users who select the strategy of majority views, the result is not dependent on the initial distribution of views and the network topology. In the evolution process of public opinion, the users whose degrees are greater than 100 use a fixed strategy, however, the users whose degrees are smaller than 10 always vary their strategies dynamically. Simulation results also show that, the number of users with minority views will be reduced in both WS and BA networks, and the number fells more steeply in the WS network. Key words: social network; public opinion evolution; adaptive strategy; topological structure; node centrality degree



外文文献:Adaptive Dynamic Programming: AnIntroductionAbstract: In this article, we introduce some recent research trends within the field of adaptive/approximate dynamic programming (ADP), including the variations on the structure of ADP schemes, the development of ADP algorithms and applications of ADP schemes. For ADP algorithms, the point of focus is that iterative algorithms of ADP can be sorted into two classes: one class is the iterative algorithm with initial stable policy; the other is the one without the requirement of initial stable policy. It is generally believed that the latter one has less computation at the cost of missing the guarantee of system stability during iteration process. In addition, many recent papers have provided convergence analysis associated with the algorithms developed. Furthermore, we point out some topics for future studies.IntroductionAs is well known, there are many methods for designing stable control for nonlinear systems. However, stability is only a bare minimum requirement in a system design. Ensuring optimality guarantees the stability of the nonlinear system. Dynamic programming is a very useful tool in solving optimization and optimal control problems by employing the principle of optimality. In [16], the principle of optimality is expressed as: “An optimal policy has the property that whatever the initial state and initial decision are, the remaining decisions must constitute an optimal policy with regard to the state resulting from the first decision.” Ther e are several spectrums about the dynamic programming. One can consider discrete-time systems or continuous-time systems, linear systems or nonlinear systems, time-invariant systems or time-varying systems, deterministic systems or stochastic systems, etc.We first take a look at nonlinear discrete-time (timevarying) dynamical (deterministic) systems. Time-varying nonlinear systems cover most of the application areas and discrete-time is the basic consideration for digital computation. Supposethat one is given a discrete-time nonlinear (timevarying) dynamical systemwhere nu R∈denotes the ∈represents the state vector of the system and mx Rcontrol action and F is the system function. Suppose that one associates with this system the performance index (or cost)where U is called the utility function and g is the discount factor with 0 , g # 1. Note that the function J is dependent on the initial time i and the initial state x( i ), and it is referred to as the cost-to-go of state x( i ). The objective of dynamic programming problem is to choose a control sequence u(k), k5i, i11,c, so that the function J (i.e., the cost) in (2) is minimized. According to Bellman, the optimal cost from time k is equal toThe optimal control u* 1k2 at time k is the u1k2 which achieves this minimum, i.e.,Equation (3) is the principle of optimality for discrete-time systems. Its importance lies in the fact that it allows one to optimize over only one control vector at a time by working backward in time.In nonlinear continuous-time case, the system can be described byThe cost in this case is defined asFor continuous-time systems, Bellman’s principle of optimality can be applied, too. The optimal cost J*(x0)5min J(x0, u(t)) will satisfy the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman EquationEquations (3) and (7) are called the optimality equations of dynamic programming which are the basis for implementation of dynamic programming. In the above, if the function F in (1) or (5) and the cost function J in (2) or (6) are known, the solution of u(k ) becomes a simple optimization problem. If the system is modeled by linear dynamics and the cost function to be minimized is quadratic in the state and control, then the optimal control is a linear feedback of the states, where the gains are obtained by solving a standard Riccati equation [47]. On the other hand, if the system is modeled by nonlinear dynamics or the cost function is nonquadratic, the optimal state feedback control will depend upon solutions to the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation [48] which is generally a nonlinear partial differential equation or difference equation. However, it is often computationally untenable to run true dynamic programming due to the backward numerical process required for its solutions, i.e., as a result of the well-known “curse of dimensionality” [16], [28]. In [69], three curses are displayed in resource management and control problems to show the cost function J , which is the theoretical solution of the Hamilton-Jacobi- Bellman equation, is very difficult to obtain, except for systems satisfying some very good conditions. Over the years, progress has been made to circumvent the “curse of dimensionality” by building a system, called“critic”, to approximate the cost function in dynamic programming (cf. [10], [60], [61], [63], [70], [78], [92], [94], [95]). The idea is to approximate dynamic programming solutions by using a function approximation structure such as neural networks to approximate the cost function. The Basic Structures of ADPIn recent years, adaptive/approximate dynamic programming (ADP) has gainedmuch attention from many researchers in order to obtain approximate solutions of the HJB equation,cf. [2], [3], [5], [8], [11]–[13], [21], [22], [25], [30], [31], [34], [35], [40], [46], [49], [52], [54], [55], [63], [70], [76], [80], [83], [95], [96], [99], [100]. In 1977, Werbos [91] introduced an approach for ADP that was later called adaptive critic designs (ACDs). ACDs were proposed in [91], [94], [97] as a way for solving dynamic programming problems forward-in-time. In the literature, there are several synonyms used for “Adaptive Critic Designs” [10], [24], [39], [43], [54], [70], [71], [87], including “Approximate Dynamic Programming” [69], [82], [95], “Asymptotic Dynamic Programming” [75], “Adaptive Dynamic Programming”[63], [64], “Heuristic Dynamic Programming” [46],[93], “Neuro-Dynamic Programming” [17], “Neural Dynamic Programming” [82], [101], and “Reinforcement Learning” [84].Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis gave an overview of the neurodynamic programming in their book [17]. They provided the background, gave a detailed introduction to dynamic programming, discussed the neural network architectures and methods for training them, and developed general convergence theorems for stochastic approximation methods as the foundation for analysis of various neuro-dynamic programming algorithms. They provided the core neuro-dynamic programming methodology, including many mathematical results and methodological insights. They suggested many useful methodologies for applications to neurodynamic programming, like Monte Carlo simulation, on-line and off-line temporal difference methods, Q-learning algorithm, optimistic policy iteration methods, Bellman error methods, approximate linear programming, approximate dynamic programming with cost-to-go function, etc. A particularly impressive success that greatly motivated subsequent research, was the development of a backgammon playing program by Tesauro [85]. Here a neural network was trained to approximate the optimal cost-to-go function of the game of backgammon by using simulation, that is, by letting the program play against itself. Unlike chess programs, this program did not use lookahead of many steps, so its success can be attributed primarily to the use of a properly trained approximation of the optimal cost-to-go function.To implement the ADP algorithm, Werbos [95] proposed a means to get aroundthis numerical complexity by using “approximate dynamic program ming” formulations. His methods approximate the original problem with a discrete formulation. Solution to the ADP formulation is obtained through neural network based adaptive critic approach. The main idea of ADP is shown in Fig. 1.He proposed two basic versions which are heuristic dynamic programming (HDP) and dual heuristic programming (DHP).HDP is the most basic and widely applied structure of ADP [13], [38], [72], [79], [90], [93], [104], [106]. The structure of HDP is shown in Fig. 2. HDP is a method for estimating the cost function. Estimating the cost function for a given policy only requires samples from the instantaneous utility function U, while models of the environment and the instantaneous reward are needed to find the cost function corresponding to the optimal policy.In HDP, the output of the critic network is J^, which is the estimate of J in equation (2). This is done by minimizing the following error measure over timewhere J^(k)5J^ 3x(k), u(k), k, WC4 and WC represents the parameters of the critic network. When Eh50 for all k, (8) implies thatDual heuristic programming is a method for estimating the gradient of the cost function, rather than J itself. To do this, a function is needed to describe the gradient of the instantaneous cost function with respect to the state of the system. In the DHP structure, the action network remains the same as the one for HDP, but for the second network, which is called the critic network, with the costate as its output and the state variables as its inputs.The critic network’s training is more complicated than that in HDP since we need to take into account all relevant pathways of backpropagation.This is done by minimizing the following error measure over timewhere 'J^ 1k2 /'x1k2 5'J^ 3x1k2, u1k2, k, WC4/'x1k2 and WC represents theparameters of the critic network. When Eh50 for all k, (10) implies that2. Theoretical DevelopmentsIn [82], Si et al summarizes the cross-disciplinary theoretical developments of ADP and overviews DP and ADP; and discusses their relations to artificial intelligence, approximation theory, control theory, operations research, and statistics.In [69], Powell shows how ADP, when coupled with mathematical programming, can solve (approximately) deterministic or stochastic optimization problems that are far larger than anything that could be solved using existing techniques and shows the improvement directions of ADP.In [95], Werbos further gave two other versions called “actiondependent critics,” namely, ADHDP (also known as Q-learning [89]) and ADDHP. In the two ADP structures, the control is also the input of the critic networks. In 1997, Prokhorov and Wunsch [70] presented more algorithms according to ACDs.They discussed the design families of HDP, DHP, and globalized dual heuristic programming (GDHP). They suggested some new improvements to the original GDHP design. They promised to be useful for many engineering applications in the areas of optimization and optimal control. Based on one of these modifications, they present a unified approach to all ACDs. This leads to a generalized training procedure for ACDs. In [26], a realization of ADHDP was suggested: a least squares support vector machine (SVM) regressor has been used for generating the control actions, while an SVM-based tree-type neural network (NN) is used as the critic. The GDHP or ADGDHP structure minimizes the error with respect to both the cost and its derivatives. While it is more complex to do this simultaneously, the resulting behavioris expected to be superior. So in [102], GDHP serves as a reconfigurable controller to deal with both abrupt and incipient changes in the plant dynamics due to faults. A novel fault tolerant control (FTC) supervisor is combined with GDHP for the purpose of improving the performance of GDHP for fault tolerant control. When the plant is affected by a known abrupt fault, the new initial conditions of GDHP are loaded from dynamic model bank (DMB). On the other hand, if the fault is incipient, the reconfigurable controller maintains performance by continuously modifying itself without supervisor intervention. It is noted that the training of three networks used to implement the GDHP is in an online fashion by utilizing two distinct networks to implement the critic. The first critic network is trained at every iterations while the second one is updated with a copy of the first one at a given period of iterations.All the ADP structures can realize the same function that is to obtain the optimal control policy while the computation precision and running time are different from each other. Generally speaking, the computation burden of HDP is low but the computation precision is also low; while GDHP has better precision but the computation process will take longer time and the detailed comparison can be seen in [70]. In [30], [33] and [83], the schematic of direct heuristic dynamic programming is developed. Using the approach of [83], the model network in Fig. 1 is not needed anymore. Reference [101] makes significant contributions to model-free adaptive critic designs. Several practical examples are included in [101] for demonstration which include single inverted pendulum and triple inverted pendulum. A reinforcement learning-based controller design for nonlinear discrete-time systems with input constraints is presented by [36], where the nonlinear tracking control is implemented with filtered tracking error using direct HDP designs. Similar works also see [37]. Reference [54] is also about model-free adaptive critic designs. Two approaches for the training of critic network are provided in [54]: A forward-in-time approach and a backward-in-time approach. Fig. 4 shows the diagram of forward-intimeapproach. In this approach, we view J^(k) in (8) as the output of the critic network to be trained and choose U(k)1gJ^(k11) as the training target. Note that J^(k) and J^(k11) are obtained using state variables at different time instances. Fig. 5shows the diagram of backward-in-time approach. In this approach, we view J^(k11) in (8) as the output of the critic network to be trained and choose ( J^(k)2U(k))/g as the training target. The training ap proach of [101] can be considered as a backward- in-time ap proach. In Fig. 4 and Fig. 5, x(k11) is the output of the model network.An improvement and modification to the two network architecture, which is called the “single network adaptive critic(SNAC)” was presented in [65], [66]. This approach eliminates the action network. As a consequence, the SNAC architecture offers three potential advantages: a simpler architecture, lesser computational load (about half of the dual network algorithms), and no approximate error due to the fact that the action network is eliminated. The SNAC approach is applicable to a wide class of nonlinear systems where the optimal control (stationary) equation can be explicitly expressed in terms of the state and the costate variables. Most of the problems in aerospace, automobile, robotics, and other engineering disciplines can be characterized by the nonlinear control-affine equations that yield such a relation. SNAC-based controllers yield excellent tracking performances in applications to microelectronic mechanical systems, chemical reactor, and high-speed reentry problems. Padhi et al. [65] have proved that for linear systems (where the mapping between the costate at stage k11 and the state at stage k is linear), the solution obtained by the algorithm based on the SNAC structure converges to the solution of discrete Riccati equation.译文:自适应动态规划综述摘要:自适应动态规划(Adaptive dynamic programming, ADP) 是最优控制领域新兴起的一种近似最优方法, 是当前国际最优化领域的研究热点. ADP 方法利用函数近似结构来近似哈密顿{ 雅可比{ 贝尔曼(Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman, HJB)方程的解, 采用离线迭代或者在线更新的方法, 来获得系统的近似最优控制策略, 从而能够有效地解决非线性系统的优化控制问题. 本文按照ADP 的结构变化、算法的发展和应用三个方面介绍ADP 方法. 对目前ADP 方法的研究成果加以总结, 并对这一研究领域仍需解决的问题和未来的发展方向作了进一步的展望。



第28卷第3期北京体育大学学报VoI.28No.3 2005年3月!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!JournaI of Beijing Sport University Mar.2005 CUBA男子篮球运动员身体素质测试指标的研究于少勇1,赵映辉2(1.西安电子科技大学体育部,陕西西安710071;2.西安体育学院篮球教研室,陕西710068)摘要:运用特尔菲法、主成分和因子分析、R型聚类分析及专业逻辑分析法对所设计的CUBA男子篮球运动员的身体素质测试方法进行定性和定量筛选。


关键词:CUBA;男子;身体素质;测试指标中图分类号:G841.14文献标识码:A文章编号:1007-3612(2005)03-0354-03Physical Fitness Measurement Indexes of CUBA Male PlayersYU Shao-yong1,ZHAO ying-hui2(1.Department of PhysicaI Education,Xidian University,Xi’an710071,Shaanxi China;2.BasketbaII Office,Xi’an Institute of PhysicaI Education,Xi’an710068,Shaanxi China)Abstract:This paper mainIy uses the methods of DeIphi and mathematicaI statistics,through guaIitative and guantitativechoices for the designed physicaI fitness measurement methods.The resuIts show that the12kinds of methods are of reIia-biIity and vaIidity,8kinds of methods can measure physicaI fitness of CUBA pIayers and can be as appraisement indexes.Key words:CUBA;MaIe;PhysicaI Fitness;Measurement Index对于篮球运动员身体素质的测量与评价,国内外众多学者都做了一些研究,但国内多以我国优秀青少年男女篮球运动员为研究对象,而对CUBA这个群体进行的相关研究至今还较少。



・系统研究与分析・惯导与GPS组合系统中实时自适应卡尔曼滤波技术的研究许 刚 陆 恺 田蔚风(上海交通大学)摘要—针对现有的自适应卡尔曼滤波算法实时性不强、结构繁杂,本文研究了在惯导与GPS组合系统中应用一种修正的自适应卡尔曼滤波算法,并与常规卡尔曼滤波算法作了比较。


关键词 惯性导航系统 组合导航系统 自适应卡尔曼滤波器Research on Real-Time Adaptive Kalman FilteringTechnology in INS/GPS Integrated Navigation SystemXu Gang Lu Kai Tian Weifeng(Shang hai Jiaotong U niv ersity)ABSTRACT—Deal w ith the problems o n real-time and structures o f existing adaptive schemes,this paper brings a m odified adaptive Kalm an filtering algorithminto INS/GPS integrated navig ation system,and co mpares it w ith the tr aditio nalKalman filtering algorithm.T he result of computer simulation show s that the algo-rithm is useful and effective w ith its sim ple str ucture,high effectiveness and accura-cy.Keywords INS integ rated navigation sy stem adaptive Kalman filter1 引 言在惯性导航系统这种复杂的控制系统中,由于系统本身和外部条件的不确定性,以及对象精确的数学模型和系统噪声与观测噪声的统计特性等很难精确地估计或测定,采用常规卡尔曼滤波器有时会产生发散现象[1],因此,人们越来越多地利用自适应滤波技术来解决上述问题。



无线电技术在电厂自动化控制中的应用张 巍(华北电力科学研究院有限责任公司,北京100045)摘 要:阐述了无线电技术的基本原理、技术特点及与传统的有线变送器相比具有的优势,为发电厂智能变送器的选择提供了新的思路。

关键词:无线技术;智能变送器;自动化控制;发电厂中图分类号:TP919.3,T M273 文献标识码:B 文章编号:100329171(2009)1020027203Appli ca ti on of W i reless Technology i nAuto ma ti on Con trol i n Power pl an tZhang W ei(North China Electric Power Research I nstitute Co.L td.,Beijing100045,China)Abstract:This paper described the fundamental p rincip le and technical characteristics of wireless technology and its advantage by co mparing with traditional wired trans m itter,it p roved a new way to choose s mart trans m itter for power p lant.Key words:wireless technol ogy;s mart trans m itter;aut omation contr ol;power p lant 在电厂自动化控制中,需要用到大量变送器对现场温度、压力、差压、液位、流量等工况进行监测。


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would imply N P = ZP P . Finally, we prove that it is PSPACE-hard to find the optimal adaptive policy for Stochastic Packing in any fixed dimension d ≥ 2.
Stochastic Packing
We consider a multidimensional generalization of the Stochastic Knapsack problem [3] where instead of a scalar size, each item has a “vector size” in Rd , and a feasible solution is a set of items such that the total size is bounded by a given capacity in each component. This problem can be also seen as the stochastic version of a Packing Integer Program (PIP), defined in [10]. A Packing Integer Program is a combinatorial problem in a very general form involving the computation of a solution x ∈ {0, 1}d satisfying packing constraints of the form Ax ≤ b where A is nonnegative. This encapsulates many combinatorial problems such as hypergraph matching (a.k.a. set packing), b-matching, disjoint paths in graphs, maximum clique and stable set. In general, Packing Integer Programs are NP-hard to solve or even to approximate well. We mention the known hardness results in Section 1.1. Our stochastic generalization follows the philosophy of [3] where items have independent random sizes which are determined and revealed to our algorithm only after an item is chosen to be included in the solution. Before the algorithm decides to insert an item, it only has some information about the probability distribution of its size. In the PIP problem, the “size” of an item is a column of the matrix A, which we now consider to be a random vector independent of other columns of A. Once an item is chosen, the size vector is fixed, and the item cannot be removed from the solution anymore. An algorithm whose decisions depend on the observed size vectors is called adaptive; an algorithm which chooses an entire sequence of items in advance is non-adaptive.
Adaptivity and Approximation for Stochastic Packing Problems∗
Brian C. Dean† Michel X. Goemans‡ Jan Vondr´ ak§
We study stochastic variants of Packing Integer Programs (PIP) — the problems of finding a maximum-value 0/1 vector x satisfying Ax ≤ b, with A and b nonnegative. Many combinatorial problems belong to this broad class, including the knapsack problem, maximum clique, stable set, matching, hypergraph matching (a.k.a. set packing), bmatching, and others. PIP can also be seen as a “multidimensional” knapsack problem where we wish to pack a maximum-value collection of items with vector-valued sizes. In our stochastic setting, the vector-valued size of each item is known to us apriori only as a probability distribution, and the size of an item is instantiated once we commit to including the item in our solution. Following the framework of [3], we consider both adaptive and non-adaptive policies for solving such problems, adaptive policies having the flexibility of being able to make decisions based on the instantiated sizes of items already included in the solution. We investigate the adaptivity gap for these problems: the maximum ratio between the expected values achieved by optimal adaptive and non-adaptive policies. We show tight bounds on the adaptivity gap for set packing and b-matching, and we also show how to find efficiently non-adaptive policies approximating the adaptive optimum. For instance, we can approximate the adaptive optimum for stochastic set packing to within O(d1/2 ), which is not only optimal with respect to the adaptivity gap, but it is also the best known approximation factor in the deterministic case. It is known that there is no polynomial-time d1/2− approximation for set packing, unless N P = ZP P . Similarly, for b-matching, we obtain algorithmically a tight bound P on the adaptivity gap of O(λ) where λ satisfies λbj +1 = 1. For general Stochastic Packing, we prove that a simple greedy algorithm provides an O(d)-approximation to the adaptive optimum. For [0, 1]d×n , we provide an O(λ)PA ∈bj approximation where 1/λ = 1. (For b = (B, B, . . . , B ), we get λ = d1/B .) We also improve the hardness results for deterministic PIP: in the general case, we prove that a polynomial-time d1− -approximation algorithm would imply N P = ZP P . In the special case when A ∈ [0, 1]d×n and b = (B, B, . . . , B ), we show that a d1/B− -approximation
Definition 1.2. (Stochastic Packing) Stochastic Packing (SP) is a stochastic variant of a PIP where A is a random matrix whose columns are independent