5 Network Modeling
Reduce operating costs
Satisfy requirements of target customers (better than competition)
Achieve full control of the entire logistics process
Likely gaps in service satisfaction. Required Service Levels and competitors’ position are not measured
Limited visibility and control, appropriate perforrmance criteria not in place
Electrolux Objectives
Electrolux’s supply chain objectives...
… are to improve current performance...
… to deliver real bottom line benefits
Reduce working capital Increase turnover
Recommendபைடு நூலகம்tions and next steps
Appendices - Process flow - Cost analysis
Major Brands Market Share in 1999
National 2%
SH-Sharp 3%
Samsung 3%
Siemens 3%
Changling 3%
1.权重初始化是训练多层感知器网络的重要步骤,可以防止模型在训练初期陷入局部最优解。常见 的初始化方法有随机初始化、Xavier初始化和He初始化等。 2.随机初始化将权重随机初始化为一个小值,可以保证模型在各个方向上的更新幅度大致相同,从 而提高模型的泛化能力。 3.Xavier初始化和He初始化则是针对特定激活函数提出的初始化方法,可以使得各层的激活值在进 行前向传播时能保持相同的分布。
1.学习率是影响多层感知器网络训练效果的重要因素之一,它决定了模型在每次更新时的步长大小 。 2.过大的学习率可能导致模型在训练过程中无法收敛,而过小的学习率则可能导致训练时间过长或 陷入局部最优解。 3.因此,在训练多层感知器网络时,需要根据模型的表现和训练轮数来动态调整学习率,以保证模 型的训练效果和收敛速度。
▪ L1正则化
1.L1正则化是在损失函数中加入模型参数的绝对值,通过约束 参数的范数来控制模型的复杂度。 2.L1正则化可以使一些参数变为零,从而起到特征选择的作用 ,有助于提高模型的泛化能力。 3.L1正则化的优化较为困难,需要使用一些特殊的优化算法, 如坐标下降法和近端梯度下降法等。
▪ 批次归一化
1.批次归一化是一种提高多层感知器网络训练稳定性和收敛速 度的技术,它通过对每个批次的数据进行归一化处理来消除数 据间的差异。 2.批次归一化可以减少模型对初始权重的敏感性,提高模型的 泛化能力,同时也可以减少训练过程中出现的梯度消失和梯度 爆炸等问题。 3.在训练多层感知器网络时,加入批次归一化层可以有效地提 高模型的训练效果和收敛速度。
1. 卷积神经网络(CNN)卷积神经网络是一种主要用于图像处理任务的神经网络模型。
2. 递归神经网络(RNN)递归神经网络是一种主要用于序列数据处理任务的神经网络模型。
3. 生成对抗网络(GAN)生成对抗网络是一种用于生成新样本的神经网络模型。
1.前馈神经网络(Feedforward Neural Network)前馈神经网络是最基本的神经网络模型之一。
2.循环神经网络(Recurrent Neural Network)与前馈神经网络不同,循环神经网络的信息是可以进行回流的。
3.卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Network)卷积神经网络是一种类似于图像处理中的卷积操作的神经网络模型。
4.生成对抗网络(Generative Adversarial Network)生成对抗网络可以说是最近几年最热门的神经网络模型之一。
Oracle数据库10g GIS应用开发:使用Oracle Spatial网络数据模型说明书
Oracle Database 10g: Building GIS Applications Using the Oracle Spatial Network Data ModelAn Oracle Technical White PaperMay 2005Table of Contents Abstract (3)Introduction (3)Oracle Spatial Network Data Model (5)Network Data Model Schema (5)Network Metadata (6)Network Tables (6)Oracle Spatial Network Data Model APIs (6)Network Data Model Analysis Capabilities (7)Modeling Network Applications (8)Network Constraints (8)Java Representations of Network Elements (8)Software Requirements (9)Using the Network Data Model (9)1. Create a Network (9)2. Visualize or Edit the Network (9)3. Analyze the Network (9)Network Data Model Editor (9)GIS Applications using the Network Data Model (10)Network Tracing Applications (10)Network Routing Applications (10)Network Allocation Applications (11)Using Network Constraints in Analysis (11)New Features in the Oracle Spatial 10g Network Data Model (13)Network Modeling: Link Direction (13)Network Analysis: Maximum Flow Analysis (14)PL/SQL Wrapper Package (14)Conclusion (14)References (14)ABSTRACTNetwork modeling, management, and analysis are common tasks for Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Network analysis includes routing (path computation) in transportation networks, tracing (accessibility) in utility networks, and resource allocation in decision-making and customer relationship management (CRM) applications. In this paper we present the Oracle Spatial network data model, an Oracle Database release 10g feature that lets users model and analyze networks. This feature simplifies network modeling, analysis, and management so that users can focus on application logic. The network data model provides an open, generic data model with many common GIS analysis capabilities. In addition, it fully supports Oracle Spatial objects of type SDO_GEOMETRY. GIS applications based on the Oracle Spatial network data model are discussed in this paper. INTRODUCTIONThere are two common types of GIS applications: applications that deal with spatial proximity, and applications that deal with both spatial proximity and connectivity. For many applications queries on spatial proximity, which mainly consider metrics like Euclidean or geodetic distances, are sufficient. However, there are instances when connectivity needs to be taken into account, such as in finding the shortest distance between two locations in a road network. Many GIS applications are networks that require modeling and analysis on object relationships (connectivity). Figure 1 shows a road network of New York City.Figure 1. New York City Road Network (60384 nodes, 151962 links. Source: NavStreets from NavTech)Oracle Spatial has supported spatial objects since release 8.1.5. A complete set of indexes, operators, and functions is available for managing information based on spatial proximity. The network data model extends Oracle Spatial to deal with connectivity. Currently there are many GIS vendors offering network solutions; however, their solutions may have the following issues:• Their data model is stored in proprietary file formats, and cannot be integrated with their database.• The data model and analysis capabilities cannot be extended.• Application information cannot be separated from connectivity information.• Spatial information management and hierarchical relationships are not directly supported.To address these issues, Oracle Spatial network data model does the following: • Provides an open and persistent network data model.The network data model is stored as relational tables in the database and ismanaged through SQL.• Simplifies network data management and analysisPL/SQL and Java APIs are provided for network data management andanalysis.• Separates connectivity and application information in the data model Connectivity information can be separated from application information.Both application information and connectivity information are managed inthe database. However, only connectivity information is required fornetwork analysis.• Allows the extension of data model and analysis capabilitiesThe Java API provides representations of network elements as JavaInterfaces. Users can define their own network elements by extendingthese interfaces. As a result, users can implement their own user-definedrepresentations and analysis functions.• Integrates with Oracle Spatial technology for spatial information managementThe network data model supports all Oracle Spatial data types.This paper is organized as follows: it presents the network data model database schema, APIs and architecture; shows how to use the data model; presents several GIS network applications built on top of the data model; discusses how to use network constraints to enhance analysis capabilities; and discusses the network data model editor that is used to edit and visualize networks.ORACLE SPATIAL NETWORK DATA MODELThe network data model consists of two parts: a network schema and network APIs. The network schema is the persistent data storage used to store network information. The network APIs contain a PL/SQL package for data management in the database and a Java API for data management and analysis on the client-side (via Java JDBC drivers).Network Data Model SchemaA network contains network metadata, a node table, and a link table. In addition, path information (path table and path-link table) can be stored with the network if desired. Figure 2 shows a schematic view of a network in the database. Note that only connectivity information is stored. Additional application information can be stored in the network tables, or in other tables and referenced by foreign keys.Figure 2. Oracle Network Data Model (Schematic View)Network MetadataNetwork metadata provides general information about networks. It includes the following network details:• Directed or undirected• Logical or spatial• Hierarchical or flat• Information about nodes, links, and paths• Geometry information -- for spatial networksNetwork TablesAn Oracle network contains two tables: a node table and a link table. A path table can be added if needed. Figure 2 shows the schema for the network data model, which includes these tables. The schema represents the information necessary for network management and analysis. Application attributes can be added to these tables or referenced from other application tables (through foreign keys). Note that the network data model is also capable of handling geometry information. That is, the network data model can represent both logical and spatial network applications. Adding geometric data to a logical network will allow the logical network to be displayed.Oracle Spatial Network Data Model APIsThe network data model provides a PL/SQL API and a Java API for network management on the database and client sides. The Java API can also be used for network analysis. The three-tiered network data model application architecture is shown in Figure 3.Figure 3. Network Data Model ArchitectureNetwork Data Model Analysis CapabilitiesThe following analyses are supported in the network data model:• Shortest Path: The shortest path from node A to node B• Accessibility Analysis: Is node A accessible from node B?• Minimum-Cost Spanning Tree: What is the minimum-cost tree that connects all nodes?• Within Cost Analysis: What nodes are within a given cost from (to) a given node?• Nearest Neighbors: What are the N nearest neighbors of a given node?• K Shortest Paths: What are the K shortest paths from node A to node B?• Connected Components Analysis: Label connected components with IDs.• Graph Operations: Graph union, intersection, and difference.• Traveling Salesman Problem: What is the minimum-cost tour that visits a set of cities?• Single Source, Single Sink Maximum Flow Analysis: What is the maximum allowable flow that can flow from the source node to the sink node?(Oracle Spatial 10g Release 2)Modeling Network ApplicationsThe network data model takes a generic approach to solving network problems, by separating connectivity information from application-specific information. Figure 4 shows how a typical network application can be modeled and analyzed. First the network connectivity information (node connections and link cost) is extracted and separated from the application-specific information. Application-specific attributes are stored, if needed, with the connectivity information or separately. Once the connectivity information is extracted, network analysis is conducted on the generic model. Additional network constraints can also be considered. The final result is then mapped to application-related attributes, and displayed. This approach avoids customized network solutions and simplifies the data management of connectivity and application-specific information.Figure 4. Network Modeling and Analysis Using the Network Data ModelNetwork ConstraintsThe network data model introduces the concept of network constraints, which provides a mechanism to guide network analysis. For example, you may want to compute the shortest path that passes through network links of a specific type. With network constraints, applications can easily incorporate application-specific logic into the network data model analysis engine without knowing how the engine works. Other constraints, such as path depth, or cost, can also be included in analysis. The network constraint is a Java interface and must be implemented by the application.Java Representations of Network ElementsThe Java network representations (network, nodes, links, and paths) are defined as Java interfaces and can therefore be extended. These interfaces specify the necessary behaviors for the network and its elements. In addition to these interfaces, user-defined analysis functions can be used by applications, allowing the modeling and analysis capabilities of the network data model to be extended.Software RequirementsThe Spatial network data model is shipped with Oracle Database release 10g. The PL/SQL package is pre-loaded in the database and required Java .jar files are provided; the Java API supports JDK (or JRE) version 1.3 or later. The network editor is also included as a utility tool for the network data model. For more information, see the Oracle Spatial Topology and Network Data Models manual. USING THE NETWORK DATA MODELThis section explains the usage of the network data model. There are three major steps.1. Create a Network1. Create and populate network tables and add metadata to the database.2. Create a Java network object using the Java API and save it to thedatabase.2. Visualize or Edit the Network1. Load a network from the database or an XML representation.2. Visualize or edit the Java network object using the network data modeleditor. Store the network in the database, if needed.3. Analyze the Network1. Load a network into a Java network object.2. Conduct network analysis. Save the path results, if needed.NETWORK DATA MODEL EDITORThe network data model editor is a standalone Java application that helps create, edit, and visualize networks. The editor supports viewing operations such as pan, zoom, and auto-fit. It also provides functions to navigate between network elements. All analysis functions are supported in the editor. With the editor, users can create a network from scratch in the client-side and save it to the database. The editor is configurable on element styles, colors, and sizes. Figure 5 shows the network data model editor.Figure 5. Network Data Model EditorGIS APPLICATIONS USING THE NETWORK DATA MODELGIS network analysis may include network tracing, network routing, and network allocation.Network Tracing ApplicationsTracing applications deal with queries like Is node A reachable from node B? or What are the nodes that are reachable or can be reached from a given node? Such queries are common in water or utility networks. Another type of tracing analysis is to find out how many connected components are in a network. Figure 6 shows some such queries.Figure 6. Reachable and Reaching AnalysisNetwork Routing ApplicationsRouting analysis or path computation, probably the most studied topic in network applications, is divided into the following categories:• Shortest Path or Fastest Path (transitive closure problem) (see Figure 7).• K Shortest Paths: Find k shortest paths from a start node to a destination node.• Traveling Salesman Problem (see Figure 7): Find a minimum-cost tour that passes a set of locations.Figure 7. Shortest Path and Traveling Salesman ProblemNetwork Allocation ApplicationsAllocation analysis deals with designating destination points within a network. It provides information on a service area or coverage for points of interest. The network data model supports the following allocation analyses (see Figure 8):• Within Cost: Find all points of interest within a certain distance from a designated location.• Nearest Neighbors: Find the N nearest restaurants to a designated location.• Minimum-Cost Spanning Tree: Find the cheapest way to connect all nodes.Figure 8. Nearest Neighbors, Within Cost, and Minimum Cost Spanning Tree AnalysisUsing Network Constraints in AnalysisConstraints are conditions to be satisfied during analysis. The network data model supports network constraints so that applications can impose application-specific conditions on the network during analysis. The Java interface NetworkConstraint canbe implemented by the user, and passed into any network data model analysis function. Figure 9 shows analysis information that is available for users to implement their network constraintsFigure 9. Analysis Information for Network ConstraintsThe following are some examples of network constraints:• Depth (number of links), cost, and MBR constraintsNetwork analysis can be limited based on the depth of the search path, thecost limit, or the area (minimum bounding rectangle) where the analysisoccurs. These constraints can be used to specify a preferred subset ofpossible solutions. The network data model provides a SystemConstraintclass (which implements the NetworkConstraint class) for these commonnetwork constraints. Users can create an instance of SystemConstraint anduse it in analysis.• Temporarily inactivated nodes or linksSometimes nodes or links must be temporarily turned off before analysisbegins, for example, road segments (links) under construction in a roadnetwork, or water valves (nodes) shut down for repair in a water network.You can make a node or link inactive by setting its state to false. Networkelements that are inactive will not be considered during analysis. Note thatchanging the state of nodes and links does not affect the persistent datamodel.• Routing with specific types of links and nodesSometimes network analysis must only be conducted through nodes andlinks of specific types or with specific requirements.• Turn restrictionsTurn restrictions are constraints involving two links. They are common inrouting for transportation networks. In the following example, aprohibited turn is represented by a start link and an end link (see Figure10). For intersections with turn restrictions, such as no “U” turn or no leftturn, if the search encounters the start link of a prohibited turn, the searchdoes not continue through the end link of that prohibited turn. This typeof restriction can be easily modeled using NetworkConstraint, sinceinformation on the current link and next link is made available to users.Figure 10. Turn Modeling for Road NetworksNEW FEATURES IN THE ORACLE SPATIAL 10G NETWORK DATA MODELWith Oracle Spatial 10g Release 2, the network data model provides the following features:Network Modeling: Link DirectionThe directionality of a link can be further specified at the link level. Unlike the network directionality that determines the directions of all links, a directed network can have links that are directed or bi-directed. A BIDIRECTED column can be added to the link table and used to indicate if a directed link is bi-directed. This modeling enhancement will reduce the storage requirement for directed networks with non-homogeneous link directions (unidirectional and bidirectional).Network Analysis: Maximum Flow AnalysisThe maximum flow analysis function is provided for a single source and single sink flow network. Each link in a flow network has a flow capacity associated with it. The goal of this function is to find the maximum allowable flow that can flow from the source node to the sink node. This type of analysis is commonly seen in communication or logistics network planning.PL/SQL Wrapper PackagePrior to Oracle Spatial 10g Release 2, only the network data model Java API could be used for network editing and analysis. Now, a PL/SQL wrapper package is also provided that helps users edit and analyze networks in PL/SQL. This wrapper package provides nearly equivalent functionality as the Java API. It is done through database Java stored procedures and Java virtual machine in Oracle. CONCLUSIONThe Oracle Spatial network data model, available with Oracle Spatial 10g, is a generic network (graph) modeling and analysis environment for network applications. GIS applications for routing, tracing, and allocation have been discussed. The network data model provides an open, easy-to-use, scalable, efficient, and manageable approach to developing GIS network applications. We are currently working with our customers and partners to extend the modeling and analysis capabilities of the network data model.REFERENCESOracle Spatial Topology and Network Data Models, Oracle Corporation.Oracle Spatial User’s Guide and Reference, Oracle Corporation.Oracle Linear Referencing System: A Technical White Paper, Oracle Corporation. Oracle Spatial Network Data Model: A Technical White Paper, Oracle Corporation.Building GIS Applications Using the Oracle Spatial Network Data Model: An Oracle Technical White Paper May 2005Author: Jack Chenghua WangContributors: Vishal Rao, Nicole AlexanderOracle CorporationWorld Headquarters500 Oracle ParkwayRedwood Shores, CA 94065U.S.A.Worldwide Inquiries:Phone: +1.650.506.7000Fax: +1.650.506.7200Copyright © 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.This document is provided for information purposes only and thecontents hereof are subject to change without notice.This document is not warranted to be error-free, nor subject to anyother warranties or conditions, whether expressed orally or impliedin law, including implied warranties and conditions of merchantabilityor fitness for a particular purpose. We specifically disclaim anyliability with respect to this document and no contractual obligationsare formed either directly or indirectly by this document. This documentmay not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without our prior written permission.Oracle, JD Edwards, and PeopleSoft are registered trademarks ofOracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarksof their respective owners.。
应用领域模糊神经网络在诸多领域得到广泛应用: - 模糊控制:用于处理模糊和不确定性信息的系统控制。
- 模糊识别:用于模糊模式识别和特征提取。
- 模糊优化:用于解决模糊目标函数的优化问题。
- 模糊决策:用于模糊环境中的决策问题。
一、软件下载、安装1、下载地址:ftp://2、将文件夹WinQSB拷贝到硬盘→打开硬盘中的文件夹WinQSB→运行Set.up文件安装程序二、线性规划、整数规划、0-1规划上机程序1、运行“Linear and integer programming”,出现图1所示界面2、运行file菜单下的new problem 命令,出现图2所示界面。
图 2问题名称决策变量个数约束条件个数(不含变量约束)目标函数类型数据类型输入数据格式:选择Spreadsheet Matrix From非负连续变量非负整数变量0-1整数变量不定义图 1如:求解下面线性规划问题图2输入为:图3所示3、按图2所示输入完成确定后出现图4所示界面。
⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧≥≥-=--≥++-≤++-++=取值无约束321321321321321,0,063234239232min x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x z 图 3图 4目标函数系数 约束条件系数变量类型:双击改变约束形式:双击改变右端项4、输入完成后,按图5所示运行键。
5、运行结果如图6所示图6中各列的含义为:Decision Variable:决策变量Solution Value:决策方案取值Solution Value:决策变量对目标的单位贡献/目标函数系数Total Contribution:总贡献=(Solution Value)×(Solution Value)Reduced Cost:检验数Allowable Min c(j) / Allowable Man c(j):目标系数的灵敏度范围Objective Function:目标函数Constraint:约束条件(C1,C2,C3分别表示约束条件1、2、3)Left Hand Side:左端项,将决策变量取值代入约束方程左端计算的结果Right Hand Side:右端项,表示目前资源的拥有量Slack or Surplus:左端项与右端项的差额:资源的不足/slack或剩余/surplus Shadow Price:资源的影子价格Allowable Min. RHS/ Allowable Max. RHS:右端项的灵敏度范围图 5运行键图 6三、目标规划上机程序1、运行“Goal programming”,出现图7所示界面2、运行file菜单下的new problem 命令,出现图8所示界面。
v2 2
3 2
v3 28
4 v5
2 4
2 4 v6
23 v7
第 1 步:生成表格 选择“程序ÆwinQSBÆNetwork ModelingÆFileÆNew Program”,弹出对话框:
决策变量 x1=6.67,x2=10 目标值:G1=16.67,G2=10,G3=6.67
⎡2 15 13⎤ C = ⎢⎢10 4 14⎥⎥
⎢⎣9 14 16⎥⎦
第 1 步:生成表格 选择“程序ÆwinQSBÆNetwork ModelingÆFileÆNew Program”弹出对话框:
第 3 步:求解 从系统菜单选择“Solve and AnalyzeÆSolve the Problem”,弹出对话框:
v 2•
13(11) 4(0)
9(9) •v3
v4 •
问题题头(Problem Title):没有可不输入; 变量数(Number of Variables):2; 约束条件数(Number of Constraints):3; 目标优化条件(Objective Criterion):最小(Minimization) 数据输入格式(Data Entry Format):矩阵式电子表格式(Spreadsheet Matrix Form) 变量类型(Default Variable Type): 非负连续变量选择第 1 个单选按钮(Nonnegative continuous); 非负整型变量选择第 2 个单选按钮(Nonnegative integer);
运筹学实验报告学院:经济管理学院专业班级:工商11-2班姓名:石慧婕学号:311110010207实验一线性规划一实验目的学习WinQSB软件的基本操作,利用Linear Programming功能求解线性规划问题。
利用Linear Programming功能建立线性模型,输入模型,求解模型,并对求解结果进行简单分析。
2.指定安装WinQSB软件的目标目录(默认为C:\ WinQSB)。
启动程序开始→程序→WinQSB→Linear and Integer Programming。
如下图:点击菜单栏Solve and Analyze中的Solve the Problem项或者点击工具栏中的图标用单纯形法求解,查瞧求解得出的结果;(2)点击菜单栏Solve and Analyze中的Solve and Display Steps,查瞧单纯形法在求解该问题时的具体迭代步骤;点击菜单栏Solve and Analyze中的Graphic Method,用图解法求解,显示可行域。
1. 神经网络:一种模仿生物神经系统的计算模型,由神经元和连接这些神经元的突触组成。
2. 深度学习:一种基于神经网络的机器学习技术,通过使用多层神经网络来学习数据的特征和模式。
3. 自然语言处理:一种研究如何让计算机理解和处理人类语言的技术。
4. 语言模型:一种用于预测文本中下一个单词或字符的模型。
5. 预训练:在大规模语料上进行无监督学习,以学习语言的统计规律和语义表示。
6. 微调:在预训练模型的基础上,使用少量有标签的数据对模型进行微调,以适应特定任务。
7. 迁移学习:将在一个任务上学习到的知识应用到另一个任务上。
8. 词向量:一种将单词表示为向量的技术,以便计算机可以处理和理解文本。
9. 注意力机制:一种在神经网络中用于分配注意力权重的机制,以提高模型的性能。
10. 生成式模型:一种用于生成新文本的模型,例如机器翻译、文本摘要等。
11. 判别式模型:一种用于对文本进行分类或预测的模型,例如情感分析、命名实体识别等。
12. 损失函数:一种用于衡量模型预测结果与真实结果之间差距的函数。
13. 优化算法:一种用于最小化损失函数的算法,例如随机梯度下降、Adagrad、Adadelta 等。
14. 过拟合:指模型在训练数据上表现很好,但在测试数据上表现很差的现象。
15. 欠拟合:指模型在训练数据和测试数据上都表现很差的现象。
The method of network modeling of processes can help enterprises achieve comprehensive process management.2.多目标启发式优化机制可以提高决策效率,解决多目标优化问题。
Multi-objective heuristic optimization mechanism can improve decision efficiency and solve multi-objective optimization problems.3.通过网络化建模,企业可以更清晰地了解流程中的关键节点和关联关系。
Through network modeling, enterprises can have a clearer understanding of the key nodes and relationships in the process.4.多目标启发式优化机制可以在解决多目标问题时,同时考虑多个指标和约束条件。
The multi-objective heuristic optimization mechanism can consider multiple indicators and constraints at the same time when solving multi-objective problems.5.网络化建模方法可以帮助企业发现流程中的瓶颈和改进建议。
Network modeling methods can help enterprises identify bottlenecks and improvement suggestions in the process.6.多目标启发式优化机制可以根据实际情况,灵活调整优化目标和权重。
pytorch 模型类型
pytorch 模型类型PyTorch模型类型:一起探索深度学习中的神经网络在深度学习领域中,PyTorch是一种常用的开源深度学习框架,它提供了丰富的工具和库,用于构建各种类型的神经网络模型。
1. 前馈神经网络(Feedforward Neural Network)前馈神经网络是最基本的神经网络模型,它由多个神经元层组成,每个神经元层都与前一层相连。
2. 卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Network)卷积神经网络是一种专门用于处理图像和视频数据的神经网络模型。
3. 循环神经网络(Recurrent Neural Network)循环神经网络是一种能够处理序列数据的神经网络模型。
4. 长短时记忆网络(Long Short-Term Memory)长短时记忆网络是一种特殊的循环神经网络,通过引入门控机制来解决传统循环神经网络中的梯度消失和梯度爆炸问题。
5. 生成对抗网络(Generative Adversarial Network)生成对抗网络由生成器和判别器两个部分组成,通过两者之间的对抗学习来生成逼真的样本。
6. 转移学习(Transfer Learning)转移学习是一种训练神经网络的技术,通过利用预训练的模型在新任务上进行微调,从而加速训练过程并提高性能。
multilayernetwork 使用 和 训练
multilayernetwork 使用和训练
1. 定义网络结构:确定网络的层数和每层的节点数。
2. 初始化参数:对网络的连接权重和偏置进行初始化,可以使用随机初始化方法。
3. 前向传播:将输入数据输入到网络中,通过多层的计算得到输出值。
4. 计算损失:将网络的输出与实际的标签进行比较,计算损失函数的值。
5. 反向传播:根据损失函数的值,计算每个参数对损失的梯度,并根据梯度更新参数。
6. 重复步骤3至5,直到达到停止条件或训练次数。
管网gis建模流程The modeling process of pipeline network GIS involves several key steps. Firstly, it requires the collection and integration of geographic data, including information about the pipeline network, land features, and other relevant infrastructure. The data is then processed to ensure its accuracy and compatibility with the GIS system.管网GIS的建模过程涉及几个关键步骤。
Once the data is prepared, the next step is to create a detailed model of the pipeline network within the GIS system. This involves defining the spatial location and attributes of the pipelines, as well as establishing the relationships between different components of the network.数据准备好后,下一步是在GIS系统内创建管网的详细模型。
Furthermore, the modeling process also includes the development of analytical tools and algorithms to assess the performance and integrity of the pipeline network. This is crucial for evaluating potential risks and optimizing the operation and maintenance of the network.此外,建模过程还包括开发分析工具和算法,以评估管网的性能和完整性。
当时,美国心理学家Frank Rosenblatt提出了感知器(perceptron)模型,它是目前神经网络模型的一种最基础的形式。
因此,在20世纪60年代,David Rumelhart、Geoffrey Hinton和Ronald Williams等人提出了多层神经网络(multilayer neural network)。
第三阶段:全连接神经网络全连接神经网络(fully connected neural network)是一种可以处理高度复杂模式的神经网络模型。
第四阶段:卷积神经网络卷积神经网络(convolutional neural network)是一种专门用于图像和视频等领域的神经网络。
LeNet-5⽹络结构及训练参数计算经典神经⽹络诞⽣记:1、LeNet,1998年 2、AlexNet,2012年 3、ZF-net,2013年 4、GoogleNet,2014年 5、VGG,2014年 6、ResNet,2015年LeNet-5LeNet-5是由 Yann LeCun 等⼈于1998年提出的,是⼀个⽤于识别⼿写数字的⽹络,其⽹络结构图如下所⽰:LeNet-5的输⼊是 32×32 的灰度图像,只有⼀个通道。
前期LeNet-5 中的池化都是平均池化,⽽现在通常会使⽤最⼤池化。
另外现在通常会使⽤ Softmax 来得到 10 路输出作为预测。
在 LeNet-5 中,随着⽹络的深⼊,数据的⾼度和宽度逐渐缩⼩,通道数逐渐增加。
LeNet-5 是⼀个很⼩的⽹络,只有约 6 万个参数,现代的神经⽹络经常有上千万甚⾄上亿个参数。
LeNet-5⽹络跟现在的⽹络结构相似,在⼀些处理⽅式上有区别:LeNet-5使⽤Sigmoid和Tanh函数来获取⾮线性输出,现在常使⽤的⾮线性函数是ReLU;LeNet-5是在池化层之后引⼊了⾮线性,现在⼀般是在卷积层后通过激活函数获取⾮线性,在池化层后不再引⼊⾮线性;训练参数计算:C1层属性:卷积层卷积核⼤⼩ 5*5输⼊:32*32输出特征图⼤⼩:28*28 (32-5+1)卷积核种类(特征图个数): 6神经元数量: 28*28*6可训练参数: 6*(5*5+1)(6个特征图,每个特征图含⼀个滤波器5*5个参数,和⼀个偏置参数)连接数: 6*(5*5+1)*28*28S2层属性:下采样层采样区域⼤⼩ 2*2采样⽅式: 2*2区域的4个值相加,乘以⼀个可训练参数,再加上⼀个偏置参数,结果通过Sigmoid⾮线性化输出特征图⼤⼩: 14*14采样种类(特征图个数): 6神经元数量: 6*14*14可训练参数: 6*(1+1)(采样的权重+⼀个偏置参数)连接数: 6*(2*2+1)*14*14C3层属性:卷积层卷积核⼤⼩ 5*5输出特征图⼤⼩: 10*10卷积核种类(特征图个数): 16可训练参数:C3跟S2并不是全连接的,具体连接⽅式是: C3的前6个特征图以S2中3个相邻的特征图⼦集为输⼊。
多分类模型多分类模型全名:多类别图像分类的经典模型一、LeNet网络1. LeNet5模型结构一共7层,3个卷积层,2个池化层,3个全连接层,输入图像大小为32*32(灰度图——单通道)。
C1:6个5*5的卷积核C3:60个5*5的卷积核(为什么不是16*6个5*5的卷积核,下文会给出解释)C5:120*16个5*5卷积核两个池化层S2和S4:都是2*2的平均池化,并添加了非线性映射第一个全连接层:84个神经元(为什么不是2的整数次幂,解释见下文)第二个全连接层:10个神经元2. LeNet5的工程技巧(1) C3层与S2层之间非密集的特征图连接关系:打破对称性,同时减少计算量,共60组卷积核。
图2 C3层特征图与S2层特征图之间的连接关系(2) 全连接层的设计倒数第2层维度不是常见的2的指数次幂的维度,而是84,为什么?计算机中字符的编码是ASCII编码,这些图是用7*12大小的位图表示,84可以用于对每一个像素点的值进行估计。
二、AlexNet网络1. AlexNet模型结构C1:96*3个11*11卷积核C2:256*96个5*5卷积核C3:384*256个3*3卷积核C4:384*384个3*3卷积核C5:256*384个3*3卷积核全连接层F1,F2,Output神经元数量:4096,4096,10002. AlexNet工程技巧多GPU训练:尽量使用更多特征图,并减少计算量。
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5.3 Developing Models
Modeling System modeling Element/device modeling System models and element/device models
Performance Evaluation
5.4 Network Simulation Packages
Hardware implementations.
5.1 Simulation of Networks
Simulation of a network frequently requires a collection of interdependent nested concurrent sub-simulations arising from: The entities that are the nodes of the network, and the processes therein. The links that are the edges of the network, and the processes therein.
5.1 Simulation of Networks
① Discrete-event-driven simulations ② Time-driven simulations ③ Algorithm simulations ④ Circuit simulations ⑤ Physical media simulations.
5.4 Network Simulation Packages
• • • • • • • • •
REAL INSANE NetSim Maisie OPNET SimJava Network simulator (ns-2) Fast ns-2 simulator Simulink
• GloMoSim • TOSSIM • SensorSim • OMNeT++ • SENSE 源代码公开、 源代码公开 网络传输协议 、免费 业务源流量产生器 路由队列管理机制 面向对象的网络仿真器 路由算法 本质是离散事件模拟器 本质是离散事件模拟器
TIREM(Terrain Integrated Rough Earth Model)
美国国防部标准传播模型,能够预测在 美国国防部标准传播模型, 1Mhz-40Ghz范围内的无线信号传播衰减 范围内的无线信号传播衰减, 1Mhz-40Ghz范围内的无线信号传播衰减,适 用于不规则地面、海面、 用于不规则地面、海面、近距以及远距范围 它在TMM模块的基础上, TMM模块的基础上 内。它在TMM模块的基础上,增加了对地貌和 海洋等地理因素的考虑,同时实现beyond beyond海洋等地理因素的考虑,同时实现beyondline-of-sight(BLOS)超视距, line-of-sight(BLOS)超视距,使得仿真精 度更加准确。 度更加准确。
5.1 Simulation of Networks
5.2 The Network Modeling and Simulation Process
Figure 5.2 Phases in the modeling and simulation process
5.2 The Network Modeling and Simulation Process
Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
4 Monte Carlo Simulation
5 Network Modeling
WSN应用开发的生命周期 应用开发的生命周期
5.1 Simulation of Networks 5.2 The Network Modeling and Simulation Process 5.3 Developing Models 5.4 Network Simulation Packages 5.5 OPNET: A Network Simulation Package
无线技术研发人员可以利用OPNET 无线技术研发人员可以利用OPNET先进的 OPNET先进的 仿真能力和丰富的协议模型库用于优化他们 的研发流程,更有效的开发诸如MANET MANET、 的研发流程,更有效的开发诸如MANET、 802.11、3G/4G、 Band、802.16、 802.11、3G/4G、Ultra Wide Band、802.16、 Bluetooth,GPRS和 Bluetooth,GPRS和Transformational system等无线通信技术 等无线通信技术。 Communications system等无线通信技术。无 线网络的规划、 线网络的规划、建设和运营专家们能够分析 端到端的表现,调整网络的性能, 端到端的表现,调整网络的性能,评估产生 收入的服务增长情况。 收入的服务增长情况。
5.3 Developing Models
The modeling process (blocks 2 and 3) frequently requires making
simplifying assumptions and introducing approximations to
reduce the model’s complexity.
Figure 5.2 Phases in the modeling and simulation process
5.2 The Network Modeling and Simulation Process
Figure 5.2 Phases in the modeling and simulation process
OPNET 系统在环(SITL)模块提供了真实 系统在环(SITL) 网络硬件或软件应用与OPNET OPNET离散事件仿真环 网络硬件或软件应用与OPNET离散事件仿真环 境的接口。它扩展了OPNET OPNET技术测试和训练领 境的接口。它扩展了OPNET技术测试和训练领 域的功能。使用SITL模块, SITL模块 域的功能。使用SITL模块,你的试验床可以 和无论真实世界还是仿真世界无缝的融合。 和无论真实世界还是仿真世界无缝的融合。 SITL模块通过结合仿真网络环境的结果来促 SITL模块通过结合仿真网络环境的结果来促 进试验和训练的进程。 进试验和训练的进程。原型硬件或软件应用 能够与OPNET模型中的无数虚拟设备相互作用, OPNET模型中的无数虚拟设备相互作用 能够与OPNET模型中的无数虚拟设备相互作用, 事前避免了测试实验室的昂贵支出。 事前避免了测试实验室的昂贵支出。
面向对象 图形化编辑 灵活开发自定义模型 基于特定应用的统计参量 综合的仿真和分析工具 交互式分析 动画 协同仿真 API
OPNET可用于分布式传感器网络和片上系统开发仿真, OPNET可用于分布式传感器网络和片上系统开发仿真, 可用于分布式传感器网络和片上系统开发仿真 它允许分别对应用层模型和下层的通信链路协议进行 开发,实施对象状态的自动监控,可计算并记录用户 开发,实施对象状态的自动监控, 化的性能指标。 化的性能指标。
5.5 OPNET: A Network Simulation Package
5.5 OPNET: A Network Simulation Package
OPNET Modeler
OPNET Modeler是当前业界领先的网络技 Modeler是当前业界领先的网络技 术开发环境, 术开发环境,可以以无与伦比的灵活性用于 设计和研究通信网络,设备,协议和应用。 设计和研究通信网络,设备,协议和应用。 为开发人员提供了建模, Modeler 为开发人员提供了建模,仿真以 及分析的集成环境, 及分析的集成环境,大大减轻了编程以及数 据分析的工作量。Modeler被世界各大公司和 据分析的工作量。Modeler被世界各大公司和 组织用来加速研发过程。Modeler的面向对象 组织用来加速研发过程。Modeler的面向对象 的建模方法和图形化的编辑器反映了实际网 络和网络组件的结构, 络和网络组件的结构,因此实际的系统可以 直观的映射到模型中。Modeler支持几乎目前 直观的映射到模型中。Modeler支持几乎目前 所有网络类型和技术。 所有网络类型和技术。
OPNET的典型应用 OPNET的典型应用
建模机制及过程如何? 建模机制及过程
OPNET的三层建模机制 的三层建模机制
Network Models Node Models Process Models
设计 问题
Байду номын сангаас
建立初 步模型
验证模 型,建 立等同 性
networks in general.
5 Network Modeling
Designers can test their new ideas and carry out performance-related studies, being
freed from the burden of the “trial and error”
Xu wenguo
5 Network Modeling
Although we will focus on network modeling and simulation in the context of computer communication networks, the content of this chapter applies to
TMM增强了无线模块对真实环境中各种效 TMM增强了无线模块对真实环境中各种效 应的无线网络仿真能力。TMM可以将 应的无线网络仿真能力。TMM可以将 Data)和 DTED(Digital Terrain Elevation Data)和 USGS DEM(US Geological Survey Digital Maps)格式的地形数据导入 格式的地形数据导入, Elevation Maps)格式的地形数据导入,使信 号强度的计算更加精确。与无线模块一样, 号强度的计算更加精确。与无线模块一样, TMM也是开放的 也是开放的, TMM也是开放的,允许用户将任何专有的传输 模型集成入仿真。 模型集成入仿真。