The roughest road often leads to the top.最艰难的道路经常通往最高处。
Dreams are one of those things that keep you going and happy.梦想,就是一种让你坚持,让你幸福的东西。
Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.勇气是抵御恐惧,把握恐惧,而不是没有恐惧。
If wrinkles must be written upon our brows, the only thing you can do is not let them be written upon the heart.如果额头终将刻上皱纹,你只能做到,不让皱纹刻在你的心上。
Believe that you have it, and you have it.相信你拥有,你就能真的拥有。
If youth is a defect, it is one that we outgrow only too soon.假如青春也是一种缺憾,那就是它逝去得太快。
A mother's love is like a circle. It has no beginning and no ending.母爱就像一个圆,没有起点,也没有终点。
If you keep on believing, the dreams that you wish will come true.如果你坚定信念,就会梦想成真。
The only place where your dream becomes impossible is in your own thinking.你梦想变得不可能的唯一地方是在你自己的想法里。
A pound of pluck is worth a ton of luck.成功是一分运气,九分勇气。
6个单词组成的英文微小说作者:来源:《英语学习·教师版》2014年第05期1. Strangers. Friends. Best friends. Lovers. Strangers.陌路。
2. Sorry soldier, shoes sold in pairs.对不起,士兵,我们的鞋子是按双出售的。
3. Introduced myself to mother again today.今天我又一次向母亲介绍了自己。
4. Jumped. Then I changed my mind.纵身一跃后,我改变了主意。
5. Birth certificate. Death cerificate. One pen.出生证明。
(有人理解为出生即夭折,有人理解为新生儿出生而母亲死亡) 6. Mom taught me how to shave.妈妈教我如何刮胡子。
7. Finally spoke to her. Left flowers.终于跟她搭上话了,并给她留下了一束花(在坟墓前)。
8. Siri, delece Mom from my contacts.Siri,把妈妈从通讯录里删除吧。
(母亲逝世)9. I met my soulmte. She didn't.我遇到了我的那个她。
10. First friend. Then lover. Lost both.开始是朋友。
11."Wrong number,"says a familiar voice. 你打错号了,一个熟悉的声音说。
12. She's his love; he's her wallet.他把她当爱人,她拿他当钱包。
13. Two wives, one funeral. No tears.两任妻子,一个葬礼。
有道每日一句微英语 2
The clock is running. Make the most of today. Time waits for no man. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it is called the present. One of the best feelings in the world is when you're hugging the person you love, and they hug you back even tighter. Only through focus can you do world-class things, no matter how capable you are.The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short,but in setting our aim too low and achieving our mark.A youngster who does not know what he is good at will not be sure what he is good for.Take pride in how far you've come. Have faith in how far you can go. But don't forget to enjoy the journey. Doing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life. Consider the rights of others before your own feelings and the feelings of others before your own rights. We often hear of people breaking down from overwork, but in nine cases out of ten they are really suffering from worry or anxiety. Miracles can be made,but only by sweating.水。
微积分的英语说法1:calculous微积分的英语说法2:calculus微积分的英语说法3:infinitesimal analysis微积分相关英语表达:微积分程序 calculus program;微积分方程 ntegro-differential equation;微积分学 calculus微积分的英语例句:1. After studying differential calculus you will be able to solve these mathematical problems.学了微积分之后,你们就能够解这些数学题了.2. All this leads up to the most fundamental of theorems of calculus.综上所述就导出了微积分学中的最基本的定理.3. This is a problem where calculus won't help at all.对于这一题,微积分一点也用不上.4. After their work, the calculus was no longer an appendage and extension of Greek geometry.经过他们的工作, 微积分不再是古希腊几何的附庸和延展.5. We shall encounter some of his symbolism in our survey of the calculus.以后在概述微积分发展时,我们将碰到他所创立的一些符号.6. How important do you think infinitesimal calculus is in life?您觉得微积分在生活中有多重要?7. We only use the fundamental mathematics in the model, like calculus.构建过程中仅用到了较基本的数学知识如:微积分的相关知识等.8. Exploring Black Holes investigates these and many other questions using elementary calculus.224探索黑洞会利用初等微积分研究这类问题.9. My acquistion of calculus was a slow and painful process.我掌握微积分的过程是缓慢而又痛苦的.10. I'm studying accounting principles, philosophy, calculus, English among others.我学会计原理, 哲学, 微积分, 还有英语等其它课程.11. The at minimum so as not to overlap with calculus.本课程之内容与微积分不宜重叠.12. As is well - known , Newton - Lebniz Formula plays a very important role in calculus.Newton - Lebniz公式在微积分学的重要地位已众所周知.13. What then is new for a calculus course here?这门微积分课有何较新之处呢 ?14. You should have a good book on multivariable calculus.你们应该有一本关于多变数微积分的好书.15. What about calculus? Everyone teaches it, so it must be important, right?那微积分呢? 每个人都学它, 所以它也一定是重要的, 不对吗?。
A 诶B 必 C 西 D 地 E 亿 F 哎辅哎辅G 计 H 哎曲哎曲 I 爱 J 戒 K 克 L 哎儿哎儿 M 哎母哎母 N 恩 O 欧 P 批Q 可优可优 R 啊 S 哎死哎死 T 踢 U 优V 微 W 答不留答不留 X 爱克斯爱克斯 Y 歪 Z 贼(读第二声)二声)26个字母A 诶B 必C 西D 地E 亿F 哎辅哎曲 I 爱J 哎辅 G 计H 哎曲可优哎母 N 恩O 欧P 批Q 可优哎儿 M 哎母戒K 克L 哎儿R 啊S 哎死爱克斯 哎死 T 踢U 优V 微W 答不留答不留 X 爱克斯Y 歪Z 贼(读第二声)贼(读第二声)A 诶B 必C 西D 地E 亿F 哎辅哎曲 I 爱J 哎辅 G 计H 哎曲可优哎母 N 恩O 欧P 批Q 可优哎儿 M 哎母戒K 克L 哎儿R 啊S 哎死爱克斯 哎死 T 踢U 优V 微W 答不留答不留 X 爱克斯Y 歪Z 贼(读第二声)贼(读第二声)A 诶B 必C 西D 地E 亿F 哎辅哎曲 I 爱J 哎辅 G 计H 哎曲可优哎母 N 恩O 欧P 批Q 可优哎儿 M 哎母戒K 克L 哎儿R 啊S 哎死爱克斯 哎死 T 踢U 优V 微W 答不留答不留 X 爱克斯Y 歪Z 贼(读第二声)贼(读第二声)A 诶B 必C 西D 地E 亿F 哎辅哎曲 I 爱J 哎辅 G 计H 哎曲哎母 N 恩O 欧P 批Q 可优可优哎儿 M 哎母戒K 克L 哎儿R 啊S 哎死爱克斯 哎死 T 踢U 优V 微W 答不留答不留 X 爱克斯Y 歪Z 贼(读第二声)贼(读第二声)A 诶B 必C 西D 地E 亿F 哎辅哎曲 I 爱J 哎辅 G 计H 哎曲可优哎母 N 恩O 欧P 批Q 可优哎儿 M 哎母戒K 克L 哎儿R 啊S 哎死爱克斯 哎死 T 踢U 优V 微W 答不留答不留 X 爱克斯Y 歪Z 贼(读第二声)贼(读第二声)A 诶B 必C 西D 地E 亿F 哎辅哎辅 G 计H 哎曲哎曲 I 爱J 哎母 N 恩O 欧P 批Q 可优可优哎儿 M 哎母戒K 克L 哎儿R 啊S 哎死爱克斯答不留 X 爱克斯哎死 T 踢U 优V 微W 答不留Y 歪Z 贼(读第二声)贼(读第二声)A 诶B 必C 西D 地E 亿F 哎辅哎曲 I 爱J 哎辅 G 计H 哎曲可优哎母 N 恩O 欧P 批Q 可优哎儿 M 哎母戒K 克L 哎儿R 啊S 哎死哎死 T 踢U 优V 微W 答不留爱克斯答不留 X 爱克斯Y 歪Z 贼(读第二声)贼(读第二声)。
Many great things can be done in a day if you don't always make that day tomorrow.
Dream what you want to dream;go where you want to go;be what you want to be,because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.
Character is what you know you are, not what others think you have.
If you can't make a mistake, you can't make anything.
We always have time enough, if we will but use it alright.
Don’t let your empty wallet stop you from taking the trip of a lifetime. Just remember: with the right attitude, the best things in life can come pretty cheap.
*主动运输(active transport) *基团转位(group translocation) *光能无机营养型 (photolithoautotrophy) *光能有机营养型 (photoorganoheterophy) *化能无机营养型 (chemolithoautotrophy) *化能有机营养型(chemoorganoheterotrophy) *培养基(medium) 天然培养基(complex medium) 合成培养基(synthetic medium)
基本培养基(minimal medium,MM) 完全培养基(complete medium,CM) 补充培养基(complementary medium,SM) 增殖培养基(multiplication medium) 加富培养基(enrichment medium) 选择培养基(selective medium) 鉴别培养基(differential medium)
能源(energy source) 碳源(carbon source) 氮源(nitrogen source) 无机盐(mineral salts) 大量元素(macroelement) 微量元素(trace element) *生长因子(growth facter) 营养类型 (nutrition type) *简单扩散(simple diffusion) *促进扩散(facilitated diffusion)
(ultra high temperature short time,UHT) *高压蒸汽灭菌法(normal autoclaving) 好氧菌(aerobe) 专性好氧菌(obligate aerobes, strict aerobe) 微好氧菌(microaerophilic bacteria) 厌氧菌(anaerobe ) 兼性厌氧菌(facultative aerobe) 耐氧菌(aerotolerant anaerobe) 专性厌氧菌(obligate anaerobes ) 渗透压(osmotic pressure)
英语微电影剧本《Whose treat》演员:A——,B——,C——,D——,编剧:摄影:后期制作:插曲:场景一《铃儿响叮当》场景二《雪绒花》场景三《泰坦尼克号主题曲》场景四《flash》场景五《never say goodbye》或者《字母歌》道具:,三份试卷(白纸即可),100元,64元找零,(场景一:未定空地____4个人都到,拍摄)D:One day ,some yang people want to get takeout as their dinner一天,几个年轻人想叫外卖吃(直接录旁白,念完时候镜头落在四个人身上)(旁白念完直接开始)A: let’s get takeout ,please?B:why not? I like it .(开心,满足)C:It's up to you .(看着A)D:OK,but i have a good idea……(手托下巴,卖关子)A:go on ,please(请求语气)D:we always ”going Dutch “,.it‘s time to enjoy someone’s treat……我们总是AA制,这次找个人请客吧(扫一眼大家,继续卖关子)C: but how should we drag the unfortunate? talk to us,please(请求)D:(笑)OK,OK…….Each of us tell a joke, if not making others laugh, just pay !我们每人讲一个笑话,如果不能把其他人逗笑,就买单哦。
(得意)A,B,C:good idea!(大家拍手,异口同声)A:Let me tell a joke first .the title is”I'm Glad “.A school teacher was telling her pupils the importance of making others glad. 我先讲吧,题目是“我很高兴”。
“少量;些微”的英语表达法1. A littleI only need a little sugar in my coffee.(我的咖啡里只需要一点点糖。
)2. A bitCould you add a bit more salt to the soup?(你能往汤里再加一点盐吗?)3. A small amountPlease use a small amount of oil when you fry the eggs.(煎蛋时请用少量的油。
)4. A little bitI'm just a little bit tired, not too much.(我只是有一点点累,不是特别累。
)5. A touchThe sauce needs a touch of lemon to brighten the flavor.(这个酱料需要加一点柠檬来提味。
)6. A dashAdd a dash of pepper to your dish for some extra spice.(在你的菜肴上加一小撮胡椒,增加一些辣味。
)7. A sprinkleFinish the salad with a sprinkle of fresh herbs.(在沙拉上撒一些新鲜香草作为点缀。
)8. A smidgenThere’s a smidgen of hope that it might not rain today.(今天可能不会下雨,有一线希望。
)9. Barely anyThere’s barely any milk left in the fridge.(冰箱里几乎没剩下牛奶了。
)10. Hardly anyHe spoke hardly any English when he first arrived.(他刚来的时候几乎不会说英语。
常用微生物学英语词汇落 secondary colony 粗糙型菌落 rough colony光滑型菌落 smooth colony丝状型菌落 filamentous type colony子菌落 daughter colony深层菌落 deep colony粘液型菌落 mucoid colony巨大菌落 giant colony侏儒型菌落 dwarf colony菌苔 lawn菌胶团 zoogloea菌膜 pellicle[菌]醭 mycoderm, pellicle群游现象 swarming菌柄 stipe[菌体]附器 appendage鞭毛 flagellum周质鞭毛 periplasmic flagella 轴丝 axial filament菌毛 pilus性丝 *** pilus外生孢子 exospore内生孢子 endospore芽孢 spore芽孢形成 sporulation终端芽孢 terminal spore近端芽孢 subterminal spore中生芽孢 central spore前芽孢 forespore[芽孢]皮层 cortex芽孢外膜 exitine芽孢内膜 intine外壁 exine伴胞晶体 parasporal crystal 菌蜕 ghost鞘 sheath荚膜 capsule粘液层 slime layer微荚膜 microcapsule壁膜间隙 periplasmic space原生质体 protoplast原生质球 spheroplast气泡 gas vacuole甲烷粒体 methanochondria间体 mesosome载色体 chromatophore鞭毛基体 flagellar basal body 异染质 volutin异染粒 matachromatic granules 致死颗粒 killer particle紫膜 purple membrane噬菌体 bacteriophage无囊盖类 inoperculatae超显微微生物 ultramicroscopic organism 真菌噬菌体 mycophage噬藻体 phycophage烈性噬菌体 virulent phage温和噬菌体 temperate phage前原噬菌体 preprophage原噬菌体 prophage隐性前噬菌体 cryptic prophage营养期噬菌体 vegetative phage载体噬菌体 carrier phageλ噬菌体 lambda particles phage[可]诱导噬菌体 inducible phage同源免疫噬菌体 homoimmune phage噬菌体分型 bacteriophage typing噬菌体型 phagetype噬菌体变型 phagevar噬斑 plaque[噬菌体]聚合头部 polyhead[噬菌体]聚合尾鞘 polysheath[噬菌体]伞毛 fimbrium[噬菌体]颈须 whisker[噬菌体]先导蛋白 pilot protein [噬菌体]尾丝抗原 fiber antigen[噬菌体]顶体 apex[噬菌体]基片插孔 base-plate hub [噬菌体]基片丝 base-plate fibril [噬菌体]基片楔突 base—plate wedge [噬菌体]串联体 concatemer[噬菌体]颈部 collar[噬菌体]顶部壳粒 apical capsomere [噬菌体]尾丝 tail fiber[噬菌体]畸形体 monster[噬菌体]颈圈 connector[噬菌体]髓部 core[噬菌体]头部 head[噬菌体]尾部 tail[噬菌体]尾管 tail tube[噬菌体]尾鞘 tail sheath类病毒 viroid病毒 virus真病毒 euvirus亚病毒 subvirus原病毒 provirus拟病毒 virusoid卫星病毒 satellite virus假型病毒 pseudotype virus慢病毒 slow virus辅助病毒 helper virus过客病毒 passenger virus多分体病毒 multicomponent virus 昆虫痘病毒 entomopox virus, EPV 颗粒体症病毒 granulosis virus, GV多角体病毒 polyhedrosis virus核型多角体病毒 nuclear polyhedrosis virus, NPV 质型多角体病毒 cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus,CPV多粒包埋型病毒 multiple embedded virus单粒包埋型病毒 singly embedded virus伴随病毒 associated virus浓核病毒 densovirus,DNV内源病毒 endogenous virus潜伏病毒 latent virus肠道病毒 enterovirus艾柯病毒 ECHO virus虫媒病毒 arbovirus腺病毒 adenovirus腺伴随病毒 adeno associated virus真菌病毒 mycovirus肿瘤病毒 oncovirus逆[转]录病毒 retro virus坏死病毒 necrosis virus虹彩病毒 irido virus泛嗜性病毒 pantropic virus毒株 strain原[生小]体 elementary body包含体 inclusion body顾氏小体 Guarnieri's bodies 内氏小体 Negri's body病毒[粒]体 virion裸露病毒[粒]体 naked virion假病毒体 pseudovirion立体对称 cubical symmetry二十面体对称 icosahedral symmetry 螺旋对称 helical symmetry[病毒]五邻体 pentomer,pentons [病毒]六邻体 hexonmer,hexons复合对称 complex symmetry包膜突起 peplomerbody包膜 envelope, peplos蛋白质包膜 protein envelope[病毒]包膜抗原 envelope antigen [病毒]壳体 capsid[病毒]壳粒 capsomer, capsomere二十面[体]壳体 icosahedron capsid 核心 core核壳 nucleocapsid病毒原质体 viroplasma病毒束 virus bundle多角体 polyhedron多角体蛋白 polyhedrin颗粒体 granule颗粒体蛋白 granulin类核 nucleoid内含颗粒 inclusion granule(完整版)常用微生物学英语词汇X体 X-body[病毒]早期蛋白 early protein[病毒]晚期蛋白 late protein负链 negative strand正链 positive strand复制子 replicon病毒发生基质 virogenic stroma衣原体 chlamydia[衣原体]始体 initial body立克次氏体 rickettsia假肽聚糖 pseudopeptidoglycan肽聚糖 peptidoglycan磷壁酸 teichoic acid胞壁酸 muramic acid2,6—吡啶二羧酸 dipicolinic acid, DPA脂多糖类 lipopolysaccharides多糖包被 glycocalyx鞭毛蛋白 flagellin(完整版)常用微生物学英语词汇菌毛蛋白 pilin杀白细胞素 leucocidin豆血红蛋白 leghaemoglobin藻胆蛋白 phycobiliprotein藻青蛋白 phycocyanin藻红蛋白 phycoerythrin藻青素 cyanophycin藻蓝素 algocyan, leucocyan藻胆素 phycobilin藻红[胆]素 phycoerythrobilin藻蓝胆素 phycocyanobilin藻青素颗粒 cyanophycin granule别藻蓝素 allophycocyanin类葫萝卜素 carotenoids细菌淀粉粒 granulose聚β羟基丁酸盐 poly-β-hydroxy butyrate葡萄球菌A蛋白 staphylococcal protein A, SPA纯化蛋白衍生物 purified protein derivative, PPD(完整版)常用微生物学英语词汇[葡萄球菌]凝固酶 staphylocoagulaseβ[细胞]溶素β-lysinα淀粉酶α-amylase通透酶 permease胞内酶 intracellular enzyme胞外酶 extracellular enzyme果胶酶 pectinase逆[转]录酶 reverse transcriptase凝固酶 coagulase受体破坏酶 receptor destroying enzyme, RDE透明质酸酶 hyaluronidase纤维素酶 cellulase链道酶 streptodornase,SD链激酶 streptokinase,SK神经氨酸酶 neuraminidase青霉素酶 penicillinase溶菌酶 lysozyme[细菌]紫膜质 bacteriorhodopsin 菌紫素 bacteriopurpurin[细]菌[叶]绿素 bacteriochlorophyll 自溶素 autolysin亲菌素 bacteriotropin攻击素 aggressin抑殖素 ablastin粘附素 adhesin菌红素 bacterioerythrin灵菌毒素 prodigiosus toxin细菌素 bacteriocin麻风菌素 lepromin葡萄球菌素 staphylococcin伞菌氨酸 agarfitine苏云金菌素 thuricin肠球菌素 enterococcin布氏菌素 brucellin大肠菌素 colicin, colicine丁香假单胞菌素 syringacin黄色粘球菌素 xanthacin链球菌素 streptocin流产菌素 abortin绿脓[菌]素 pyocyanin红假单胞菌素 rhodopseudomonacin 绿脓菌荧光素 pyofluorescein白喉毒素 diphtheria toxin杯伞素 clitocybine白细胞溶素 leucolysin表皮溶解毒素 epidermolytic toxin 产气荚膜梭菌素 perfringocin肠毒素 enterotoxin毒蝇碱 muscarine肺炎球菌毒素 pneumotoxin鬼笔[毒]环肽 phalloidin根霉蝶呤 rhizopterin肺炎[链]球菌溶血素 pneumolysin 黑粉菌酸 ustilagic acid分枝菌酸 mycolic acid齿孔酸 eburicoic acid根霉促进素 rhizopin蘑菇素 agaricin蘑菇酸 agaricinic acid红斑毒素 erythrogenic toxin黄曲霉毒素 aflatoxin菌丝酰胺 mycelianamide绿脓杆菌溶血素 pyocyanolysin葡萄球菌溶血毒素 staphylolysin真菌毒素 mycotoxin曲霉毒素 aspertoxin赭曲毒素 ochratoxin曲酸 kojic acid破伤风[菌]痉挛毒素 tetanospasmin溶葡萄球菌素 lysostaphin破伤风[菌]溶血素 tetanolysin 溶纤维蛋白溶酶 fibrinolysin溶血素 hemolysin鼠疫菌素 pesticin神经毒素 neurotoxin杀[细]菌素 bactericidin外毒素 exotoxin内毒素 endotoxin细菌毒素 bacteriotoxin血凝素 hemagglutinin杂色曲霉素A versicolorin A柄曲霉素 sterigmatocystin毒植物素 phytotoxin真菌醇 mykol链球菌溶血素 streptolysin剥脱性毒素 exfoliative toxin 细菌荧光素 bacteriofluorescein[放线菌]土臭味素 geosmins土壤杆菌素 agrobacteriocin产甲烷[作用] methanogenesis生物转化 bioconversion生长因子 growth factor420 因子 factor 420V 因子 V factorX 因子 X factor微生物学 microbiology病毒学 virology噬菌体学 bacteriophagology细菌学 bacteriology鉴定细菌学 determinative bacteriology 系统细菌学 systematic bacteriology真菌学 mycology原生生物学 protistology原生动物学 protozoology普通微生物学 general microbilogy微生物分类学 microbial taxonomy微生物生理学 microbial physiology微生物生物化学 microbial biochemistry 微生物遗传学 microbial genetics微生物生态学 microbial ecology古微生物学 paleomicrobiology土壤微生物学 soil microbiology水生微生物学 aquatic microbiology海洋微生物学 marine microbiology悉生生物学 gnotobiology医学微生物学 medical microbiology兽医微生物学 veterinary microbiology 农业微生物学 agricultural microbiology 工业微生物学 industrial microbiology石油微生物学 petroleum microbiology食品微生物学 food microbiology乳品微生物学 diary microbiology瘤胃微生物学 rumen microbiology诊断微生物学 diagnostic microbiology病原学 etiology国际微生物学会联合会 International Union of Microbiological Societies, IUMS中国微生物学会 Chinese Society for Microbiology, CSM世界培养物保藏协会 World Federation for Culture Collection, WFCC中国微生物菌种保藏管理委员会 China Committee for Culture Collection of Microorganisms, CCCCM美国模式培养物保藏所 American Type Culture Collection, ATCC自然发生说,无生源说 spontaneous generation, abiogenesis原界 urkingdom始祖生物 progenote古始生物界 archetista古细菌 archaebacteria原生生物 protista原生动物 protozoan原生植物 protophyte真核生物 eukaryote原核生物 prokaryote裂殖植物 schizophyte微生物 microorganism数值分类法 numerical taxonomy 模式目 type order模式科 type family模式属 type genus模式种 type species模式株 type strain真菌 fungi捕食真菌 predacious fungi虫道真菌 ambrosia fungi地下真菌 hypogeal fungi虫生真菌 entomogenous fungi 菌根真菌 mycorrhizal fungi木腐菌 wood-decay fungi霉菌 mold, mould半知菌 imperfect fungi子囊菌 ascomycetes粘菌 slime mold, slime mould壶菌 chytrid卵菌 oomycetes接合菌 zygomycetes担子菌 basidiomycetes核菌 pyrenomycetes盘菌 cup fungi块菌 truffles锈菌 rust fungi蘑菇 mushrooms毒蘑菇 poisonous mushroom酵母菌 yeast无孢子酵母菌 asporogenous yeasts 有孢子酵母菌 sporogenous yeasts黑粉菌 smut fungi双态性真菌 dimorphic fungi毛外癣菌 ectothrix毛内癣菌 endothrix完全真菌 perfect fungi黑粉病 smut disease锈病 rust disease菌丝 hypha菌髓 trama假菌丝体 pseudomycelium气生菌丝体 aerial mycelium基内菌丝体 substrate mycelium 球拍状菌丝体 racquet mycelium 结节状菌丝 nodular mycelium 梳状菌丝 pectinafe mycelium 螺旋菌丝 spiral mycelium匍匐菌丝 stolon次生菌丝体 secondary mycelium有隔菌丝 septate hypha无隔菌丝 nonseptate hypha生殖菌丝体 reproductive mycelium 营养菌丝体 vegetative mycelium不育菌丝体 sterile mycelium菌丝体 mycelium黄癣菌丝 favic chandelier mycelium 产囊丝 ascogenous hypha产囊体 ascogonium原植体 thallus粘菌体 aethalium合胞体 syncytium虫菌体 hyphal body盾状体 clypeus子实体 fruiting body产孢体 gleba子实层体 hymenophore子实层 hymenium子实下层 subhymenium菌丝层 subiculum菌丝段 hyphal fragment菌丝束 coremium菌丝索 funiculus菌核 sclerotium器菌核 pycnosclerotium菌环 annulus菌裙 indusium菌盖 pileus顶体 apicle藏卵器 oogonium雄器 antheridium[锈菌]性孢子器 pycnium 锈子器 aecium精子器 spermogonium囊状体 cystidium粉孢子梗 oidiophore小梗 sterigma接合孢子柄 zygosporophore 孢囊柄 sporangiophore配囊柄 suspensor孢子梗 sporophore分生孢子梗 conidiophore 雄器柄 androphore帚状枝 penicillus瓶梗 phialide梗基 metulae芽孔 germ pore芽管 germ tube芽缝 germ slit孢丝 capillitium周丝 periphysis类周丝 periphysoid侧丝 paraphysis拟侧丝 pseudoparaphysis类侧丝 paraphysoid[孢子]外壁 exosporium外生菌根 ectomycorrhiza内生菌根 endomycorrhiza内外生菌根 ectendomycorrhiza泡囊丛枝菌根 vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza 刺突 spike弹丝 elater刚毛 seta微体 microbody泡囊 vesicle隔膜 septum假隔膜 pseudoseptum分生孢子盘 acervulus分生孢子座 sporodochium精子团 spermatium囊基膜 hypothallus囊层基 hypothecium囊层被 epithecium囊间丝 hamathecium囊托 apophysis囊领 collarette囊轴 columella孔口 ostiole菌托 volva孢子角 cirrus孢子球 spore ball孢子印 spore print聚簇 cluster[菌丝]融合 anastomosis [孢子]切落 abjunction [孢子]缢断 abstriction多态[现象] polymorphism缢缩[作用] constriction 粉孢子 oidium孢子 spore掷孢子 ballistospore厚壁孢子 chlamydospore环痕孢子 annellospore节孢子 arthrospore卷旋孢子 helicospore腊肠形孢子 allantospore 孔出孢子 porospore星形孢子 staurospore线形孢子 scolecospore砖格孢子 dictyospore侧生孢子 aleuriospore芽生孢子 blastospore瓶梗孢子 phialospore无梗孢子 thallospore分生孢子 conidium大分生孢子 macroconidium 小分生孢子 microconidium 节分生孢子 arthroconidium 芽分生孢子 blastoconidium 器孢子 pycnidiospore无隔孢子 amerospore双胞孢子 didymospore多隔孢子 phragmospore休眠孢子 hypnospore顶生孢子 acrospore顶生厚壁孢子 fuseau内分生孢子 endoconidium 担孢子 basidiospore双孢担孢子 dispore同形孢子 isospore柄生孢子 stylospore[锈菌]性孢子 pycniospore 产雄器孢子 androspore锈孢子 aeciospore夏孢子 urediniospore, aeciospore 冬孢子 teliospore四分孢子 tetraspore粘孢子 myxospore多核孢子 coenospore孢囊孢子 sporangiospore子囊孢子 ascospore多核细胞 coenocyte分生孢子果 conidiocarp分生孢子器 pycnidium孢[子]囊 sporangium柱孢子囊 merosporangium四分孢子囊 tetrasporangium原孢子囊 prosporangium多核孢子囊 coenosporangium休眠孢子囊 hypnosporangium子囊 ascus接合孢子 zygospore拟接合孢子 azygospore原囊壁子囊 prototunicate ascus 单囊壁子囊 unitunicate ascus 双囊壁子囊 bitunicate ascus子囊果 ascocarp子囊壳 perithecium闭囊壳 cleistothecium闭囊果 cleistocarp盘状子囊果 discocarp孢囊果 sporangiocarp[接]合子 zygote单性合子 azygote多核合子 coenozygote异形合子 heterozygote合子核 zygotonucleus游动合子 planozygote担子 basidium半担子 hemibasidium隔担子 heterobasidium无隔担子 holobasidium有隔担子 phragmobasidium 内生担子 endobasidium原担子 protobasidium上担子 epibasidium下担子 hypobasidium同担子 homobasidium担子果 basidiocarp担子体 basidiophore配子 gamete原配子 progamete雄配子 androgamete雄核发育 androgenesis同形配子 isogamete异形配子 heterogamete游动配子 zoogamete多核配子 coenogamete配子囊 gametangium配子母细胞 gametocyte同形配子囊 isogametangium 原配子囊 progametangium 小孢子囊 sporangiole微包囊 microcyst足细胞 foot cell脚胞 foot cell固着器 holdfast附着枝 hyphopodium吸盘 sucker锁状细胞 clamp cell锁状联合 clamp connection 偶核细胞 zeugite卵球 oosphere卵质 ooplasm孢原质 sporoplasm卵配子 oogamete卵孢子 oospore球状胞 sphaerocyst子囊腔 locule子囊盘 apothecium子囊座 ascostroma缝裂壳 hysterothecium下子座 hypostroma包被 peridium子座 stroma壳心 centrum拟包被 pseudoperidium无融合生殖 apomixis同宗配合 homothallism准性生殖 para***uality异宗配合 heterothallism同配生殖 isogamy异配生殖 heterogamy无配生殖 apogamy配囊交配 gametangial copulation 交配型 mating type全型 holomorph夏孢子期 uredostage冬孢子堆 teleutosorus, telium 夏孢子堆 uredinium子囊孢子形成 ascosporulation孢子形成 sporulation细菌 bacteria薄壁[细]菌类 gracilicutes硬壁[细]菌类 fermicutes疵壁[细]菌类 mendosicutes无壁[细]菌类 tenericutes柔膜细菌 mollicutes真细菌 eubacteria暗细菌 scotobacteria无氧光细菌 anoxyphotobacteria生氧光细菌 oxyphotobacteria放线菌 actinomycetes螺[旋]菌 spirilla粘细菌 slime bacteria鞘细菌 sheathed bacteria柄细菌 caulobacteria弧菌 vibrio根瘤细菌 root nodule bacteria硫酸盐还原菌 sulfate reducting bacteria 硫细菌 sulfur bacteria铁细菌 iron bacteria紫色无硫细菌 purple nonsulfur bacteria 产甲烷菌 methanogen辅酶 M coenzyme M微量营养 micronutrient特需营养要求型 idiotroph微[量]动[力]作用 oligodynamic action 抗代谢物 antimetabolites索状因子 cord factor异株克生物质 allelopathic substances 光能无机营养 photolithotrophy光能有机营养 photoorganotrophy化能无机营养 chemolithotrophy化能有机营养 chemoorganotrophy光营养 phototrophy兼性营养 amphitrophy腐生营养 saprophytic nutrition甲基营养 methylotrophy化能营养 chemotrophy自养 autotrophy光能自养 photoautotrophy化能自养 chemoautotrophy半自养 mesotrophy异养 heterotrophy氮平衡 nitrogen balance碳平衡 carbon balance磷平衡 phosphorusbalance同化作用 assimilation异化作用 dissimilation氨化作用 ammonification硝化作用 nitrification反硝化作用 denitrification固氮作用 nitrogen fixation非共生固氮作用 asymbiotic nitrogen fixation 光同化作用 photo—assimilation巴氏效应 Pasteur effect葡萄糖效应 glucose effect种间分子氢转移 interspecies H transfer 发酵 fermentation发酵[能]力 fermentation capacity可发酵性 fermentability同型发酵 homofermentation异型发酵 heterofermentation厌氧消化 anaerobic digestion厌氧呼吸 anaerobic respiration厌氧生活 anaerobiosis需氧呼吸 aerobic respiration需氧生活 aerobiosis反馈抑制 feed back inhibition内源变量 endogenenous variable异养潜能 heterotrophic potential溶菌丝作用 hypholytic action溶菌作用 bacteriolysis费氏[溶菌]现象 Pfeiffer's phenomenon 自溶[现象] autolysis裂殖 schizogenesis芽殖 budding二分分裂 binary fission不等分裂 unequal fission断裂 fragmentation复分裂 multiple fission隐蔽期 eclipse period比生长速率 specific growth rate同步生长 synchronous growth双峰生长曲线 diauxie growth curve延滞期 lag phase一步生长[曲线] one step growth时间-存活曲线 time-survival curve倍增时间 doubling time指数生长 exponential growth衰亡期 decline phase稳定期 stationary phase对数期 log phase时间节律 temporal rhythm隐生现象 cryptobiosis休眠 dormancy衰老型 involution form静息细胞 resting cell光复活作用 photoreactivation交*复活 cross reactivation热[致]死时 thermal death time热[致]死点 thermal death point原生质体再生 protoplast regeneration [噬菌体]接合分裂 conjugate division [噬菌体]裂解阻抑 lysis inhibition[噬菌体]裂解量 burst size[噬菌体]生产性感染 productive infection [噬菌体]自愈 curing复制周期 replicative cycle裂解周期 lytic cycle[病毒]侵入 penetration病毒入胞现象 viropexis[病毒]脱壳 uncoating[病毒]装配 assembly蚀斑 plaque蚀斑形成单位 plaque forming unit,PFU成斑效率 efficiency of plating强毒株 virulent strain[狂犬病]固定毒 fixed virus[狂犬病]街毒 street virus病毒抑制作用 viral inhibition病毒诱导 virus induction[流感病毒]α抑制物α—inhibitor[流感病毒]朱氏抑制物 Chu—inhibitor ,β-inhibitor 干扰素 interferon溶原化 lysogenization溶原性 lysogeny溶原现象 lysogenesis抗生素 antibiotic阿克拉霉素 aclacinomycin放线酮 actidione, cycloheximide放线菌素 actinomycin阿霉素 adriamycin氨丁苷菌素 ambutyrosin7-氨基头孢菌酸 7-aminocephalosporinic acid 6—氨基青霉烷酸 6-aminopenicillanic acid 两性霉素 amphotericin安丝菌素 ansamitocin抗蠕霉素 anthelmycin抗霉素 antimycin阿泊拉霉素 apramycin 除疟霉素 aplasmomycin曲霉菌素 aspergillin除虫菌素 avermectin杆菌肽 bacitracin双环霉素 bicyclomycin杀稻瘟素 blasticidin博来霉素 bleomycin丁苷菌素 butirosin, butyrosin杀假丝菌素 candicidin卷曲霉素 capreomycin, capromycin腐霉素 carriomycin洋红霉素 carminomycin天青菌素 celesticetin头孢菌素 cephalosporin氯霉素 chloromycetin, chloramphenicol金霉素 chloroteracycline, aureomycin创新霉素 chuangxinmycin 棒酸 clavulanic acid氯林肯霉素 clindamycin 粘菌素 colistin鬼伞菌素 coprinin蛹虫草菌素 cordycepin香菇菌素 cortinellin环孢菌素 cyclosporin环丝氨酸 cycloserine松胞菌素 cytochalasin胞霉素 cytomycin道诺霉素 daunomycin越霉素 destomycin偏端霉素 distamycin红霉素 erythromycin抑酯酶素 esterastin扁枝衣霉素 everninomicin健霉素 fortimicin磷霉素 fosfomycin, phosphonomycin 镰孢菌酸 fusarinic acid艮他霉素 gentamicin胶霉毒素 gliotoxin谷氏菌素 gougerotin短杆菌肽 gramicidin灰霉素 grisein灰黄霉素 griseofulvin除莠菌素 herbicidin除莠霉素 herbimycin全霉素 holomycin潮霉素 hygromycin岛霉素 ilamycin天神霉素 istamycin双氢除虫菌素 ivermectin交沙霉素 josamycin春日霉素 kasugamycin柱晶白霉素 leucomycin林可霉素 lincomycin美登素 maytenin酒霉素 methymycin光神霉素 mithramycin丝裂霉素 mitomycin莫能菌素 monensin菌霉素 mycomycin霉酚酸 mycophenolic acid麦迪霉素 mydecamycin, midecamycin 暗霉素 nebramycin新霉素 neomycin纺锤菌素 netropsin诺卡菌素 nocardin新生霉素 novobiocin制霉菌素 nystatin蛇孢菌素 ophiobollin展青霉素 patulin青霉酸 penicillic acid青霉素 penicillin多氧菌素 polyoxin多粘菌素 polymyxin灵菌红素 prodigiosin制反转录酶素 revistin核糖霉素 ribostamycin, vistamycin 利福霉素 rifamycin龟裂杀菌素 rimocidin瑞斯托菌素 ristocetin蔷薇霉素 rosamicin红比霉素 rubidomycin相模霉素 sagamicin盐霉素 salinomycin肉瘤霉素 sarkomycin紫苏霉素 sisomicin壮观霉素 spectinomycin, actinospectacin 螺旋霉素 spiramycin链霉素 streptomycin链黑菌素 streptonigrin链丝菌素 streptothricin枯草菌素 subtilin杀鱼菌素 teleocidin土霉素 terramycin, oxytetracycline四环素 tetracycline噻烯霉素 thienamycin硫藤黄素 thiolutin妥布拉霉素 tobramycin木霉菌素 trichodermin抗滴虫霉素 trichomycin衣霉素 tunicamycin泰乐菌素 tylosin有效霉素 validamycin缬氨霉素 valinomycin, aminomycin 万古霉素 vancomycin疣孢菌素 verrucarine优胜霉素 victomycin紫霉素 viomycin巴龙霉素 paromomycin遗传转化 genetic transformation 供体 donor受体 recipient转化体 transformant感受态 competence光滑型 smooth type粗糙型 rough type。
A 诶B 必C 西D 地E 亿F 哎辅G 计H 哎曲I 爱J 戒K 克L 哎儿M 哎母N 恩O 欧P 批Q 可优R 啊S 哎死T 踢U 优V 微W 答不留X 爱克斯Y 歪Z 贼(读第二声)A 诶B 必C 西D 地E 亿F 哎辅G 计H 哎曲I 爱J 戒K 克L 哎儿M 哎母N 恩O 欧P 批Q 可优R 啊S 哎死T 踢U 优V 微W 答不留X 爱克斯Y 歪Z 贼(读第二声)A 诶B 必C 西D 地E 亿F 哎辅G 计H 哎曲I 爱J 戒K 克L 哎儿M 哎母N 恩O 欧P 批Q 可优R 啊S 哎死T 踢U 优V 微W 答不留X 爱克斯Y 歪Z 贼(读第二声)A 诶B 必C 西D 地E 亿F 哎辅G 计H 哎曲I 爱J 戒K 克L 哎儿M 哎母N 恩O 欧P 批Q 可优R 啊S 哎死T 踢U 优V 微W 答不留X 爱克斯Y 歪Z 贼(读第二声)A 诶B 必C 西D 地E 亿F 哎辅G 计H 哎曲I 爱J 戒K 克L 哎儿M 哎母N 恩O 欧P 批Q 可优R 啊S 哎死T 踢U 优V 微W 答不留X 爱克斯Y 歪Z 贼(读第二声)A 诶B 必C 西D 地E 亿F 哎辅G 计H 哎曲I 爱J 戒K 克L 哎儿M 哎母N 恩O 欧P 批Q 可优R 啊S 哎死T 踢U 优V 微W 答不留X 爱克斯Y 歪Z 贼(读第二声)A 诶B 必C 西D 地E 亿F 哎辅G 计H 哎曲I 爱J 戒K 克L 哎儿M 哎母N 恩O 欧P 批Q 可优R 啊S 哎死T 踢U 优V 微W 答不留X 爱克斯Y 歪Z 贼(读第二声)A 诶B 必C 西D 地E 亿F 哎辅G 计H 哎曲I 爱J 戒K 克L 哎儿M 哎母N 恩O 欧P 批Q 可优R 啊S 哎死T 踢U 优V 微W 答不留X 爱克斯Y 歪Z 贼(读第二声)。
Characters: Literary characters often become icons, embodying timeless human traits and experiences. They provide insights into the complexities of the human psyche, allowing us to explore our own motivations and emotions. From the heroic Odysseus to the tragic Hamlet, characters help us understand the range of human possibilities and the challenges we all face.Themes: Classic works often grapple with profound themes that transcend time. They explore universal human experiences such as love, loss, redemption, and the search for meaning. By engaging with these themes, we gain a deeper understanding of our own lives and the humancondition. For example, Shakespeare's "Hamlet" delves into the themes of mortality, madness, and the complexities of revenge.Language: The language of classic literature is often rich and intricate, creating a sensory experience that enhances the reader's engagement. The use of vivid imagery, metaphors, and symbols adds depth and meaning to the text. By exploring the nuances of language, we not only appreciate the literary craft but also gain a deeper understanding of the human experience.Influence on Society: Classic literature has played a significant role in shaping our culture and society. It has inspired countless works of art, music, and film, enriching our cultural heritage. Furthermore, classic works often serve as a source of wisdom and guidance, providinginsights into human nature and the challenges of life. They can inspire us to reflect on our own values, question our assumptions, and seek a deeper understanding of the world around us.Importance of Preserving Classic Literature: Given its enduring value, it is imperative that we preserve classic literature for future generations. By keeping these works accessible, we ensure that they continue to inspire, educate, and entertain readers. Through libraries, schools, and online resources, we can ensure that the classicsremain a vital part of our cultural DNA.中文回答:经典文学的持久影响。
微短剧 英语
微短剧英语Two Strangers on a Bench。
[Scene: A park bench in a bustling city park. The sun is setting, casting a warm glow over the surroundings. Two strangers, Jack and Emily, sit at opposite ends of the bench, both lost in thought.]Jack: [Glancing over at Emily] Lovely evening, isn't it?Emily: [Startled, then smiles] Yes, it is. 。
Jack: [Extending his hand] I'm Jack.Emily: [Shaking his hand] Emily. Nice to meet you, Jack.[They both resume looking out at the park, the silence between them comfortable.]Jack: So, Emily, what brings you to the park today?Emily: Just needed some fresh air, I suppose. You?Jack: Same here. It's my little escape from the hustle and bustle of the city.[They both share a chuckle.]Emily: Funny how we both ended up here then, isn't it?Jack: Yeah, it is. Maybe it's fate.Emily: Maybe.[They lapse into silence again, watching as people pass by, children playing, and birds flying overhead.]Jack: You seem lost in thought, Emily. Everything okay?Emily: [Pauses, then nods] Yeah, just pondering life, I guess. Wondering about the choices we make and where they lead us.Jack: [Nodding] I know what you mean. Sometimes it feels like we're just drifting along, doesn't it?Emily: Exactly. Like we're on autopilot, going through the motions without really living.Jack: But then moments like this remind us to slow down, take a breath, and appreciate the beauty around us.Emily: [Smiling] Yeah, you're right. It's easy to forget sometimes.[They sit in companionable silence for a while longer, the fading light of the sun casting long shadows across the park.]Jack: Well, Emily, it's getting late. I should probably head home.Emily: [Nodding] Yeah, me too.[They both stand up from the bench.]Jack: It was really nice meeting you, Emily.Emily: You too, Jack. Maybe we'll bump into each other here again sometime.Jack: [Smiling] Maybe we will.[They exchange a final wave before going their separate ways, the echoes of their conversation lingering in the evening air.][End scene] 。
He sensed the delicacy of the situation.我察觉出他的态度有了微妙变化。
I perceived a subtle change in his attitude.能表达意思上的各种微妙差别的能力The capacity to convey subtle shades of meaning真情热恋的火焰是一种微妙的东西。
A real flame of love is a subtle thing.色彩对你的情绪和大脑有着微妙却有力的影响。
It has a subtle yet potent interaction with your emotions and brain.意义上有微妙的差别。
There are subtle differences in meaning.象这样一些微妙的谈判需要有极大的机智和耐心。
Such delicate negotiations as these call for great tact and patience.金融市场被恐惧和贪婪之间一种微妙的平衡所驱动。
Financial markets are driven by a delicate balance betweenfear and greed.其他人则用更微妙的方式暗指这段历史。
Others allude to history in more subtle ways.此外,还有很多微妙的收获。
There are lots of other subtle benefits.谈判进入微妙阶段。
微生物的英语说法1:microorganism微生物的英语说法2:microbe微生物的英语说法3:animalcule微生物相关英语表达:微生物学 Microbiology水生微生物 Aquatic microorganisms微生物毒素 microbial toxin微生物学家 microbiologist兽医微生物学 veterinary microbiology微生物降解 microbial degradation微生物的英语例句:1. The phosphate was deposited by the decay of marine microorganisms.海洋微生物腐烂后沉积形成磷酸盐。
2. The oil is attacked by naturally occurring microbes which break it down.原油受到了自然产生的分解油类物质的微生物的侵蚀。
3. These are the cells that directly attack and kill micro-organisms.这些细胞可以直接攻击和杀死微生物。
4. A coral reef is built by the accretion of tiny, identicalorganisms.珊瑚礁是由许多相同的微生物不断堆积而成。
5. The diseased tissue can be easily invaded by these microorganisms.有病的组织容易被微生物侵袭.6. They act at least a temporary block to DNA synthesis in micro - organisms.它们在微生物中至少对DNA合成起暂时性的阻止作用.7. Bacteria belong to the microorganism.细菌属于微生物.8. It was an infectious organism that he studied.他研究的是一种可传染病菌的微生物.9. Those organisms that are most suited to the environment will be those that will survive.最适宜该环境的微生物将会存活下来。
26个字母A 诶B 必C 西D 地E 亿F 哎辅G 计H 哎曲I 爱J 戒K 克L 哎儿M 哎母N 恩O 欧P 批Q 可优R 啊S 哎死T 踢U 优V 微W 答不留X 爱克斯Y 歪Z 贼(读第二声)A 诶B 必C 西D 地E 亿F 哎辅G 计H 哎曲I 爱J 戒K 克L 哎儿M 哎母N 恩O 欧P 批Q 可优R 啊S 哎死T 踢U 优V 微W 答不留X 爱克斯Y 歪Z 贼(读第二声)A 诶B 必C 西D 地E 亿F 哎辅G 计H 哎曲I 爱J 戒K 克L 哎儿M 哎母N 恩O 欧P 批Q 可优R 啊S 哎死T 踢U 优V 微W 答不留X 爱克斯Y 歪Z 贼(读第二声)A 诶B 必C 西D 地E 亿F 哎辅G 计H 哎曲I 爱J 戒K 克L 哎儿M 哎母N 恩O 欧P 批Q 可优R 啊S 哎死T 踢U 优V 微W 答不留X 爱克斯Y 歪Z 贼(读第二声)A 诶B 必C 西D 地E 亿F 哎辅G 计H 哎曲I 爱J 戒K 克L 哎儿M 哎母N 恩O 欧P 批Q 可优R 啊S 哎死T 踢U 优V 微W 答不留X 爱克斯Y 歪Z 贼(读第二声)A 诶B 必C 西D 地E 亿F 哎辅G 计H 哎曲I 爱J 戒K 克L 哎儿M 哎母N 恩O 欧P 批Q 可优R 啊S 哎死T 踢U 优V 微W 答不留X 爱克斯Y 歪Z 贼(读第二声)A 诶B 必C 西D 地E 亿F 哎辅G 计H 哎曲I 爱J 戒K 克L 哎儿M 哎母N 恩O 欧P 批Q 可优R 啊S 哎死T 踢U 优V 微W 答不留X 爱克斯Y 歪Z 贼(读第二声)。
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微英语Promise more, not to be, that is just a lie.承诺再多,做不到,那也只不过还是谎言。
I was passing through your heart. It was not me who did not want to stay, but you did not want to take.我曾路过你的心,不是我不想停留,而是你不肯收。
In love and cooking, you must give 100% effort, but expect little appreciation.无论是烹饪还是爱情,都要用百分之百的负责态度对待,但是不要乞求太多的回报。
True friends are the ones who always are there for you no matter how hard the situation is, and always say, “I'm here.”真正的朋友无论有多难都会在你身旁对你说“没事,有我呢。
”Don’t let your empty wallet stop you from taking the trip of a lifetime. Just remember: with the right attitude, the best things in life can come pretty cheap.别让你的空钱包夺走了你一生中难得的旅行。
No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn't trying.无论你犯了多少错,或者你进步得有多慢,你都走在了那些不曾尝试的人的前面。
I'm a big believer that people and organizations, if they keep learning, they'll figure it out. If we stop learning, we stop growing.我坚信,不论是个人还是公司,只要不断学习,就能找到解决办法。
Universities are where the wisdom we cannot afford to lose is preserved from generation to generation.大学是人类把不可或缺的智慧世代流传的殿堂。
You can learn great things from your mistakes when you aren't busy denying them.当你不再急于否认错误时,你就学到了重要的一课。
We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us. -- Joseph Campbell我们必须愿意放下头脑中策划好的生活,这样才能拥抱现实中正等待着我们的生活。
——约瑟夫•坎贝尔Someone once told me growth and comfort do not coexist. And I think it's a really good thing to remember.曾有人说谋求发展与舒适是无法并存的。
You can probably be somebody else and follow all your life, but you cannot be somebody else and lead.你可以一辈子都跟随别人的脚步,亦步亦趋,但那样的话就无法实现超越,领导他人。
Letting go doesn't mean that you're a quitter. It doesn't mean that you lost. It just means that you realize in that moment that's it's time to let go and move on.放手不代表放弃,不代表你输了。
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.生活不是等待暴风雨过去,而是要学会在雨中跳舞。
If your life feels like it is lacking the power that you want and the motivation that you need, sometimes all you have to do is shift your point of view.如果你觉得心有余力不足,觉得缺乏前进的动力,有时候你只需要改变思维的角度。
You never know how strong you really are until being strong is the only choice you have.不到没有退路之时,你永远不会知道自己有多强大。
In order to discover new lands, one must be willing to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.想发现新大陆,就得做好很长时间看不到岸边的准备。
When you can fly, do not give up flying. When you can dream, do not give up the dream. When you can love, do not give up on love.当你能飞的时候就不要放弃飞。
Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.工作不会在你生病时照顾你,而你的朋友和家人会。
We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all of the power we need inside ourselves already.--J. K. Rowling改变世界不需要魔法,只要我们发挥出内在的力量。
——J·K·罗琳Sometimes the hardest choices we make end up being the best thing we could have ever done for ourselves.有时候,我们做出的最艰难的决定,最终成为我们做过的最漂亮的事。
Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.爱是栖息在两个躯体里的一个灵魂。
Everyone's got a life that no one else knows about.各自人生,冷暖自知。
It's never too late to be the person you want to be.成为自己想成为的人,永远不会太迟。
The key for happiness is not to find a perfect person, but find someone and build a perfect relationship with him.幸福的关键不在与找到一个完美的人,而在找到一个人,然后和他一起努力建立一个完美的关系。
Sometimes I want to disappear and see if anyone would miss me.有时候,我想消失一下,然后看看是否会有人想念我。
Sometimes affection is a shy flower that takes time to blossom. - Becoming Jane有时爱情是朵含蓄的花,需要时间才能怒放。
——《成为简•奥斯汀》Friends are like four-leaf clovers. Hard to find, and lucky to have! 朋友就像四叶草。
寻找不易,能拥有就是幸运!We will all have times of insecurity in life, when there is nothing to do but bravely face the feelings of doubt.生命中总有那么一段时光,充满不安,可是除了勇敢面对,我们别无选择。
Opening a window for others is also to help ourselves see the sky more completely.帮别人开启一扇窗,也就是让自己看到更完整的天空。
Happiness isn't getting all you want. It's enjoying all you have.幸福不是得到你想要的一切,而是享受你所拥有的一切。
When you're good to others, you are best to yourself.善待他人,即是最好的善待自己。
It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives. 的确只有当我们失去时才知道曾拥有的是什么,同样,只有当我们拥有了才知道曾经失去了什么。
I love how she makes me feel, like anything's possible, or like life is worth it. - 500 Days of Summer我喜欢她给我带来的感觉,就像是一切都有可能,亦或是这辈子是值得的!——《和莎莫的500天》No matter how long the rain lasts, there will be a rainbow in the end. No matter how sad you may be, believe that happiness is waiting.无论下多久的雨,最后都会有彩虹;无论你多么悲伤,要相信幸福在前方等候。