英语专业英国文学课件23 Charles Dickens
狄更斯通过揭示社会问题和弱者的命运,影响了社 会的觉醒和改革,并为后来的作家树立了榜样。
充满人性善恶的故事,描述了穷人的命运,揭 示社会贫困问题。
本课件将介绍查尔斯·狄更斯的生平及作品,狄更斯的创作特点,以及他对文 学和社会的影响与贡献。
查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens)简介
查尔斯·狄更斯是一位英国作家,被认为是维多利亚时代最伟大的小说家之一。他是社会小说的先驱,作品揭 示了那个时代社会的不平等和不公正。
3 社会公正意识
狄更斯通过作品引发了社 会上对贫穷和不公正的关 注,并促使改革的呼声。
狄更斯被公认为英国文学史上最伟大的小说家之一, 他的作品被广泛传播并不断被研究。
描写了主人公从孤儿到成功作家的成长历程, 探讨了人性的复杂类的牺牲与奉 献,追求平等与正义的精神。
通过描述富人和穷人之间的阶级冲突,探讨了 社会不公和人性的弱点。
狄更斯通过精确的描写使读者 更容易理解情节和人物性格。
充满人性善恶的故事,描述了穷人的命运,揭 示社会贫困问题。
本课件将介绍查尔斯·狄更斯的生平及作品,狄更斯的创作特点,以及他对文 学和社会的影响与贡献。
查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens)简介
查尔斯·狄更斯是一位英国作家,被认为是维多利亚时代最伟大的小说家之一。他是社会小说的先驱,作品揭 示了那个时代社会的不平等和不公正。
3 社会公正意识
狄更斯通过作品引发了社 会上对贫穷和不公正的关 注,并促使改革的呼声。
狄更斯被公认为英国文学史上最伟大的小说家之一, 他的作品被广泛传播并不断被研究。
描写了主人公从孤儿到成功作家的成长历程, 探讨了人性的复杂类的牺牲与奉 献,追求平等与正义的精神。
通过描述富人和穷人之间的阶级冲突,探讨了 社会不公和人性的弱点。
狄更斯通过精确的描写使读者 更容易理解情节和人物性格。
Charles Dickens1 英国文学课件
private one
His Wife
Catherine (his wife) lived in a London house She died in 1879
She was born 1815 On April of 1836 she got married to
His marriage
A Tale of Two Cities, present a criticism of the
complicated fundamental social institutions and morals in Victorian England,e.g. the legal system
life in Oliver Twist, the enslaving education in Nicholas Nickleby, the legal fraud in Pickwich Papers. The debtor’s prison in David Copperfield, the money-worship in Dombey and His Son. With an eye
His Children
Dickens had seven chiห้องสมุดไป่ตู้dren Their names were Charley, Sydney,
Francis & Henry, Alfred, Walter, and Plorn They were all close in age
His birth place in Landport
Evening Chronicle. With Catherine he had 10
children. They separated in 1858. Some biographers have suspected that Dickens was more fond of Catherine's sister, Mary, who moved into their house and died in 1837 at the age of 17 in Dickens's arms. Eventually she became the model for Dora Copperfield. Dickens also wanted to be buried next to her and wore Mary's ring all his life. Another of Catherine's sisters, Georgiana, moved in with the Dickenses, and the novelist fell in love with her. Dickens also had a long liaison with the actress Ellen Ternan, whom he had met by the late 1850s.
His Wife
Catherine (his wife) lived in a London house She died in 1879
She was born 1815 On April of 1836 she got married to
His marriage
A Tale of Two Cities, present a criticism of the
complicated fundamental social institutions and morals in Victorian England,e.g. the legal system
life in Oliver Twist, the enslaving education in Nicholas Nickleby, the legal fraud in Pickwich Papers. The debtor’s prison in David Copperfield, the money-worship in Dombey and His Son. With an eye
His Children
Dickens had seven chiห้องสมุดไป่ตู้dren Their names were Charley, Sydney,
Francis & Henry, Alfred, Walter, and Plorn They were all close in age
His birth place in Landport
Evening Chronicle. With Catherine he had 10
children. They separated in 1858. Some biographers have suspected that Dickens was more fond of Catherine's sister, Mary, who moved into their house and died in 1837 at the age of 17 in Dickens's arms. Eventually she became the model for Dora Copperfield. Dickens also wanted to be buried next to her and wore Mary's ring all his life. Another of Catherine's sisters, Georgiana, moved in with the Dickenses, and the novelist fell in love with her. Dickens also had a long liaison with the actress Ellen Ternan, whom he had met by the late 1850s.
Charles Dickens .ppt
Charles Dickens (1812-1870)
Teaching objectives: knowing Charles Dickens’ life, literary career, the
background influencing his creation, his place, works and contributions
Charles Dickens was born in Landport, Hampshire on February 7, 1812. His father was a clerk in the navy pay office, who was well paid but often ended up in financial troubles. In 1814 Dickens moved to London, and then to Chatham , where he received some education. He worked in a blacking factory, Hungerford Market, London, while his family was in Marshalea debtor's prison.
Dickens's novels first appeared in monthly installments, including Oliver Twist (1837-39), which depicts the London underworld and hard years of the foundling Oliver Twist, Nicholas Nickelby (183839), a tale of young Nickleby's struggles to seek his fortune, and The Old Curiosity Shop (1840-41).
Teaching objectives: knowing Charles Dickens’ life, literary career, the
background influencing his creation, his place, works and contributions
Charles Dickens was born in Landport, Hampshire on February 7, 1812. His father was a clerk in the navy pay office, who was well paid but often ended up in financial troubles. In 1814 Dickens moved to London, and then to Chatham , where he received some education. He worked in a blacking factory, Hungerford Market, London, while his family was in Marshalea debtor's prison.
Dickens's novels first appeared in monthly installments, including Oliver Twist (1837-39), which depicts the London underworld and hard years of the foundling Oliver Twist, Nicholas Nickelby (183839), a tale of young Nickleby's struggles to seek his fortune, and The Old Curiosity Shop (1840-41).
狄更斯的作品充满了人道主义精神和对社会不公的批判。他关注社会底层人群的 生活状况,同情他们的遭遇,并以细腻的笔触描绘出一个个鲜活的人物形象。同 时,他对贵族和资产阶级的虚伪和腐败进行了深刻的揭露和讽刺。
狄更斯是一位极具天赋的作家,他的作品具有独特的艺术特色。他以情节曲折、 细节丰富、人物形象鲜明著称,善于运用讽刺、幽默等手法来表现社会现实和人 物性格。他的作品还具有强烈的视觉效果,语言生动形象,极富表现力。
狄更斯的作品在文学史上的 地位与影响
狄更斯的作品在英国文学史上占据了重要的地位,他的作品不仅具有文学价值,还具有社 会意义和道德价值。他的作品为英国文学的发展做出了巨大的贡献,使英国文学在世界文 学中更具影响力。
狄更斯的创作涉及广泛的题材,包括社会问题、道德问题、政治问题等。他的作品不仅揭 示了社会的黑暗面,也展现了人性的光辉。他的作品为英国文学的题材拓展做出了重要的 贡献。
这部作品以一个善良单纯的匹克威克为主角,通过他的冒险旅程和所见所闻,对当时社会的人性和道 德进行了深刻的讽刺和批评。
这部作品以一个英国家庭为主线,通过描写他们在意大利的 旅行经历,展现了意大利的自然风光、人文历史和社会风情 。
狄更斯的创作生涯可以大致分为三个阶段。第一阶段是 他的早期作品,包括《匹克威克外传》(The Pickwick Papers)和《雾都孤儿》(Oliver Twist) 。这些作品以幽默和讽刺为主要特点,反映了当时英国 社会的一些问题。第二阶段是他的中期作品,包括《大 卫科波菲尔》(David Copperfield)和《老古玩店》 (The Old Curiosity Shop)。这些作品更加深入地 探讨了人性和社会问题,情感更加深沉。第三阶段是他 的晚期作品,包括《双城记》(A Tale of Two Cities )和《远大前程》(Great Expectations)。这些作品 更加注重描写人物的心理状态和情感世界。
英国文学-- Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens
The greatest representative of English critical realism.
Dickens’ Novels
The First Period
1836 1836-37 1837-38 1838-39 1840-41 1841 “Sketches by Boz” “Pickwick Papers” “Oliver Twist” “Nicholas Nickleby” “Old Curiosity Shop” “Barnaby Rudge”
The Third Period
1852-53 1854 1855-57 1859 1860-61 1864-65 1870 “Bleak House” “Hard Time” “Little Dorrit” “A Tale of Two Cites” “Great Expectations” “Our ual Friend” “Edwin Drood”
提供狄更斯的生平、创作以及各种评论。 提供狄更斯的生平、创作以及各种评论。
/victorian/dickens/dicken sov.html
提供英国维多利亚时代社会历史、 提供英国维多利亚时代社会历史、政治面貌和宗教习俗以及 狄更斯小说的文学意想、人物肖像和叙述结构等。 狄更斯小说的文学意想、人物肖像和叙述结构等。
The Second Period
1842 1843-45 1843 1844 1845 1846-48 1849-50 “American Notes” “Martin Chuzzlewit” “A Christmas Carol” (a Christmas book) “The Chimes” (a Christmas book) “The Cricket on the Hearth” (a Christmas book) “Dombey AND Son” “David Copperfield”
The greatest representative of English critical realism.
Dickens’ Novels
The First Period
1836 1836-37 1837-38 1838-39 1840-41 1841 “Sketches by Boz” “Pickwick Papers” “Oliver Twist” “Nicholas Nickleby” “Old Curiosity Shop” “Barnaby Rudge”
The Third Period
1852-53 1854 1855-57 1859 1860-61 1864-65 1870 “Bleak House” “Hard Time” “Little Dorrit” “A Tale of Two Cites” “Great Expectations” “Our ual Friend” “Edwin Drood”
提供狄更斯的生平、创作以及各种评论。 提供狄更斯的生平、创作以及各种评论。
/victorian/dickens/dicken sov.html
提供英国维多利亚时代社会历史、 提供英国维多利亚时代社会历史、政治面貌和宗教习俗以及 狄更斯小说的文学意想、人物肖像和叙述结构等。 狄更斯小说的文学意想、人物肖像和叙述结构等。
The Second Period
1842 1843-45 1843 1844 1845 1846-48 1849-50 “American Notes” “Martin Chuzzlewit” “A Christmas Carol” (a Christmas book) “The Chimes” (a Christmas book) “The Cricket on the Hearth” (a Christmas book) “Dombey AND Son” “David Copperfield”
英国文学选读课件Great Expectations
• 我站在那里,把灯伸在楼梯栏杆之外,那人慢慢地走进灯 光之中。这是一盏带罩的台灯,只是用来看书的,照射范 围很有限。所以,那人被灯光照着,仅那么一会儿,就又 走出了光圈范围。一瞬间,我看到了一张陌生的脸,好像 一看到我就显得很高兴,那种仰视我的样子叫我不能理解。
• I had asked him the question inhospitably enough, for I resented the sort of bright and gratified recognition that still shone in his face. I resented it, because it seemed to imply that he expected me to respond to it. But, I took him into the room I had just left, and, having set the lamp on the table, asked him as civilly as I could, to explain himself.
• “不要这样!”我说道,“离远些!如果你因为我在孩子 时为你做过些事要感谢我,我认为你只要改过自新,就表 明了你的感谢。
• If you have come here to thank me, it was not necessary. Still, however you have found me out, there must be something good in the feeling that has brought you here, and I will not repulse you; but surely you must understand that - I--‘
• I had asked him the question inhospitably enough, for I resented the sort of bright and gratified recognition that still shone in his face. I resented it, because it seemed to imply that he expected me to respond to it. But, I took him into the room I had just left, and, having set the lamp on the table, asked him as civilly as I could, to explain himself.
• “不要这样!”我说道,“离远些!如果你因为我在孩子 时为你做过些事要感谢我,我认为你只要改过自新,就表 明了你的感谢。
• If you have come here to thank me, it was not necessary. Still, however you have found me out, there must be something good in the feeling that has brought you here, and I will not repulse you; but surely you must understand that - I--‘
• 狄更斯早期的小说,气势宏伟、通俗流畅、 幽默泼辣而又充满感伤情调,其中对社会 的揭露批判,一般只限于局部的制度和领 域。如《雾都孤儿》、《尼古拉斯·尼克尔 贝》、《老古玩店》、《马丁·朱述尔维 特》、《圣诞欢歌》等。从《当贝父子》 以后,狄更斯的创作更为成熟。这部小说 通过当贝先生与儿子保罗、女儿弗洛伦斯 的关系,探讨了财势对人类美好天性的侵 蚀,体现了作家对人类社会前途的忧患感。 狄更斯的重要代表作《大卫·科波菲尔》进 一步深入探索人生的奋斗历程,
• 狄更斯生活和创作的时间,正是19世纪中叶维多 利亚女王时代前期。狄更斯毕生的活动和创作, 始终与时代潮流同步。他主要以写实笔法揭露社 会上层和资产阶级的虚伪、贪婪、卑琐、凶残, 满怀激愤和深切的同情展示下层社会,特别是妇 女、儿童和老人的悲惨处境,并以严肃、慎重的 态度描写开始觉醒的劳苦大众的抗争。与此同时, 他还以理想主义和浪漫主义的豪情讴歌人性中的 真、善、美,憧憬更合理的社会和更美好的人生。
• 具有自传性,是反映19世纪中叶英国中下 层社会的长幅画卷。主人公大卫是当时社 会中为善良而奋斗、坚持正义的中产阶级 青年楷模。《荒凉山庄》、《艰难时世》、 《小杜丽》是3部政治意识很强的重头作品。 《荒凉山庄》以错综复杂的情节揭露英国 法律制度和司法机构的黑暗,《艰难时世》 直接描写罢工斗争,是对英国宪章运动的 策应;《小杜丽》详尽描绘负债人的监狱 生活,同时也更为深入地揭露了英国官僚 制度和机构的冗繁、腐朽。
• 重新生活,整个小说在结构上也更 精练。《我们共同的朋友》是又一 部广泛深入社会的批判小说,其中 所包含的人性探索和生活哲理也更 见深刻,作品运用的象征主义和侦 探小说手法更增添其艺术魅力。狄 更斯最后一部小说《埃德温·德鲁 德之谜》虽仅完成23章,从中也可 见其精雅文笔、严谨构思以及诱人 的悬念和神秘色彩。
查尔斯 狄更斯 英文PPT
Mrs. Joe gargery, Pip’s hot-tempered adult. Sister. Mr. Pumblechook, Joe Gargery's uncle, an officious bachelor and corn merchant.
2.Miss Havisham and her family
Literary style
• Dickens’s novels offer a most complete and realistic picture of the English bourgeois society of his age。 • His novels tell much of the experiences of his childhood. • Almost all his novels have happy endings. • Dickens is a great humorist
Notable works
Dickens published more than a dozen major novels, a large number of short stories (including a number of Christmas-themed stories), a handful of plays, and several nonfiction books. Dickens‘s novels were initially serialised in weekly and monthly magazines, then reprinted in standard book formats.
Main Characters
1.Pip and his family
A Tale Of Two Cities
Ꞝ 《双城记》写的是发生在巴黎和伦敦两个城市的故 事。
Ꞝ 法国大革命期间,英国伦敦的年轻律师席尼·卡顿, 爱上了巴黎女子露丝·曼纳。但露丝·曼纳却嫁给了 法国贵族查尔斯·达雷。
Ꞝ 席尼·卡顿为了成全所爱之人的幸福,竟然以牺牲自 己的生命的方式来挽救查尔斯·达雷的性命。
Humanitarian spirit 人道主义精神 这种精神不仅是作者个人情怀的体现,同时也是对那些需要社会关怀和救助的弱 势群体带来的精神抚慰。 人性即是狄更斯人道主义的基础和出发点,道德是狄更斯人道主义思想的主要内 容,
Bleak House
小说的一条线索围绕大法官法庭审理“加迪斯控告加迪斯”这一神秘财产诉 讼案展开。 加迪斯家的一个先人发了一笔横财,去世前留下了遗嘱,但遗嘱稀奇古怪, 没人可以读懂。 后代们为了争夺遗产,消耗了青春,献出了满腔热情,但最终只能心灰意冷, 甚至郁郁而终。 大法官法庭对这个案件的审理一拖再拖,一晃几十年过去了,诉讼费用耗完 了所有财产,整个案件也就不了了之。 很多人成了僵化死板的法律条文和墨守成规的国家机器的牺牲品。 作品充分暴露了英国司法制度的腐朽和无能、律师们的贪心本性和龌龊行径。 小说的另一条线索围绕伊斯特·萨摩森小姐及其生母德罗克夫人的秘密展开。 伊斯特是德罗克夫人在婚前与霍顿船长偷情所生的私生女。 德罗克夫人以为情夫和孩子早已不在人世,自己的秘密永远不会被揭穿。 但狡猾邪恶的家庭律师图经霍恩偶然发现了这个秘密,对德罗克夫人步步紧 逼, 后者选择了离家出走,最后死在了昔日情夫的墓前。 而夫人的私生女在监护人约翰·加迪斯的庇护和帮助下,过上了幸福美满的 生活。
Ꞝ In his novels of this period, Dickens, consciously and subconsciously, shows himself more and more at odds with bourgeois(资产阶级的) society .
charles dickens.ppt
Charles Dickens created twenty novels during his life.
His novels offered us a profound complete realistic picture of the English society of mid-19th century.
comic laughter
tragedy tears
a great humorist and satirist
humor and satire
Characteristics of Dickens’ Novels
3) The construction of plot in Dickens’ novels is pretty complicated. Besides the main core of the story, there are always more than one minor clues that are usually very loosely mingled with each other.
Major Works
1836—1841, youthful optimism • 1) Sketches by Boz • «特写集», the first book • 2) The Pickwick Papers • «匹克威克外传»
Major Works
3. Oliver Twist «奥克佛·特维斯特»,《雾都孤儿》 4. The Old Curiosity Shop «老古玩店»
rapacity /rә΄pæsәti/
simple & clear language
His novels offered us a profound complete realistic picture of the English society of mid-19th century.
comic laughter
tragedy tears
a great humorist and satirist
humor and satire
Characteristics of Dickens’ Novels
3) The construction of plot in Dickens’ novels is pretty complicated. Besides the main core of the story, there are always more than one minor clues that are usually very loosely mingled with each other.
Major Works
1836—1841, youthful optimism • 1) Sketches by Boz • «特写集», the first book • 2) The Pickwick Papers • «匹克威克外传»
Major Works
3. Oliver Twist «奥克佛·特维斯特»,《雾都孤儿》 4. The Old Curiosity Shop «老古玩店»
rapacity /rә΄pæsәti/
simple & clear language
charles dickens.ppt
• 1) Bleak House «荒凉山庄» • 2) Hard Times «艰难时世» • 3) A Tale of Two Cities «双城记»
• 4) Great Expectations «远大前 程»;
1) What are Dickens’ writing features? 2) What are the main ideas of Dickens’
first rank
without rest
Pickwick Papers
humorous stories
/΄æpәpleksi/ 中风,脑溢血
Poets’ Corner at Westminster
Characteristics of Dickens’ Novels
Characteristics of Dickens’ Novels
1) His striking feature is the wide spreading
of critical realism.
hypocritical exploitation institution
sharp satire
representative works?
(1) Great Expectations. (2) Oliver Twist, (3) David Copperfield ,
• A Christmas Carol《圣诞颂歌》
• The Chimes《教堂钟声》
• The Cricket on the Hearth《灶上蟋 蟀》
• (《圣诞颂歌》,《教堂钟声》和《灶 上蟋蟀》以圣诞为题材具有浓郁宗教 色彩。)
• 4) Great Expectations «远大前 程»;
1) What are Dickens’ writing features? 2) What are the main ideas of Dickens’
first rank
without rest
Pickwick Papers
humorous stories
/΄æpәpleksi/ 中风,脑溢血
Poets’ Corner at Westminster
Characteristics of Dickens’ Novels
Characteristics of Dickens’ Novels
1) His striking feature is the wide spreading
of critical realism.
hypocritical exploitation institution
sharp satire
representative works?
(1) Great Expectations. (2) Oliver Twist, (3) David Copperfield ,
• A Christmas Carol《圣诞颂歌》
• The Chimes《教堂钟声》
• The Cricket on the Hearth《灶上蟋 蟀》
• (《圣诞颂歌》,《教堂钟声》和《灶 上蟋蟀》以圣诞为题材具有浓郁宗教 色彩。)
Charles Dickens
Dickens House Mring a period of contradictions.
child labor
Dickens—his life and works
Charles Dickens
“Dickens’ greatest friendship was, from the beginning, with his audience.”
“In all of English literature, his creativity is rivaled only by Shakespeare's.”
And no one wish to lay it down.”
Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol
Literary Quotes
Bah Humbug!
"Mankind was my business.”
Ignorance & Want
“I wear the chains I forged in life.”
The Position of Dombey and Son
In Dombey and Son, considered Dickens first artistically mature work, he began using notes he called "mems" to outline how the novel would progress. It was after Dombey and Son was published that Dickens' reputation as a world class author was established.
Dickens House Mring a period of contradictions.
child labor
Dickens—his life and works
Charles Dickens
“Dickens’ greatest friendship was, from the beginning, with his audience.”
“In all of English literature, his creativity is rivaled only by Shakespeare's.”
And no one wish to lay it down.”
Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol
Literary Quotes
Bah Humbug!
"Mankind was my business.”
Ignorance & Want
“I wear the chains I forged in life.”
The Position of Dombey and Son
In Dombey and Son, considered Dickens first artistically mature work, he began using notes he called "mems" to outline how the novel would progress. It was after Dombey and Son was published that Dickens' reputation as a world class author was established.
Charles Dickens英美文学 ppt课件
Charles Dickens
The greatest representative of English critical realistic writers of the Victorian Age
Life Works Literary Characteristics
1. Writing style 2. Writing feature 3. Writing theme 4. Language
(Sketches by Boz)出版,这是他的第一部散文集。
On 8 June 1870, Dickens suffered another stroke at his home after a full day's work on Edwin Drood«艾德温·德鲁德 之迷». He never regained consciousness, and the next day,
5). The Old Curiosity Shop (1840-1841) «老古玩店»
6). Barnaby Rudge (1841)
1842-1850, The second period-- Period of excitement, irritation and frustration: exposing the corrupting influence of wealth and power, optimism turned into dissatisfaction and irritation
The greatest representative of English critical realistic writers of the Victorian Age
Life Works Literary Characteristics
1. Writing style 2. Writing feature 3. Writing theme 4. Language
(Sketches by Boz)出版,这是他的第一部散文集。
On 8 June 1870, Dickens suffered another stroke at his home after a full day's work on Edwin Drood«艾德温·德鲁德 之迷». He never regained consciousness, and the next day,
5). The Old Curiosity Shop (1840-1841) «老古玩店»
6). Barnaby Rudge (1841)
1842-1850, The second period-- Period of excitement, irritation and frustration: exposing the corrupting influence of wealth and power, optimism turned into dissatisfaction and irritation
"A Christmas Carol" has been adapted into countless stage productions, films, and TV specials, solidifying its status as a beloved Christmas classic.
Legacy and Controversies Surrounding Charles Dickens' Life and Works
1 Criticism of
Victorian Society
Despite his success as a writer, many criticised Dickens for being too critical of Victorian society and the upper classes.
The Early Life and Education of Charles Dickens
1 Humble Beginnings
Born into poverty, Dickens
2 The Power of
endured a difficult childhood.
Despite his formal education
2 Questionable
Personal Actions
Dickens' personal life has also been scrutinised, with allegations of mistreatment towards his wife and children, and a controversial affair with a younger woman.
❖ Humor and satire Social Criticism 广泛、尖锐的社会批判
❖ Gentle Reformism and Strong humanitarian 温和的改良主义和强烈的人道主义
❖ Exploration of man’s inner conflicts 尖锐的矛盾冲突主导情节设计
Charles Dickens (1812-1870)
• he was born in a
poor clerk’s family. he is a great novelist, had little schooling
❖ Dickens is a 19th century British literature, the main representative of realism
❖ Symbolism 象征手法
His representative works of that time
❖ Bleak House 《荒凉山庄》(1853) ❖ Hard Times 《艰难时世》(1854) ❖ Little Dorrit 《小杜丽》(1857) ❖ A Tale of Two Cities 《双城记》
❖ Martin Chuzzlewit 《马 丁·瞿述伟》(1843)
❖ Dombey and Son 《董贝 父子》(1848)
❖ David Copperfield 《大 卫·科波菲尔》(1852)
American Notes David Copperfield
The later period (1858- 70): 狄更斯的晚期创作
The plot and structure are more complete unified 情节结构更为完整统一
Theme idea
The novel reveals the phenomena of social injustice and poverty, while also exploring the good and evil of human nature. Oliver's growth experience also demonstrated the beauty and courage of human nature.
Literary achievements
Dickens is widely considered one of the most important writers in English literature His works have been translated into many languages and are still read around the world
Character development
Oliver is a kind and brave child who experiences various hardships in an orphanage and a den of thieves, but ultimately finds happiness. Other characters such as Fagin and Bill Sykes are also vividly portrayed.
His works often combine elements of coming with tradey, creating a unique blend of humor and pathos
Influence of works
The novel reveals the phenomena of social injustice and poverty, while also exploring the good and evil of human nature. Oliver's growth experience also demonstrated the beauty and courage of human nature.
Literary achievements
Dickens is widely considered one of the most important writers in English literature His works have been translated into many languages and are still read around the world
Character development
Oliver is a kind and brave child who experiences various hardships in an orphanage and a den of thieves, but ultimately finds happiness. Other characters such as Fagin and Bill Sykes are also vividly portrayed.
His works often combine elements of coming with tradey, creating a unique blend of humor and pathos
Influence of works
大学英语英国文学Charles Dickens
Only Connect ... New Directions
Charles Dickens
William Powell Frith, Portrait of Charles Dickens, London, Victoria and Albert Museum.
Charles Dickens
1. Dickens’s life
Only Connect ... New Directions
Critical Realists
• In this period, the novel became the most widely read and the most vital and challenging expression of progressive thought. Among the famous novelists of the time were the critical realists like:
• In 1836 Sketches by Boz, articles about London people and scenes, were published in instalments.
Only Connect ... New Directions
Evert A. Duyckinick, Charles Dickens
5. Dickens’ Style
The most distinguished feature of Dickens’ fictional art is his
successful character-portrayal.
The penetrating effect of satire is frequently achieved by Dickens
Charles Dickens
William Powell Frith, Portrait of Charles Dickens, London, Victoria and Albert Museum.
Charles Dickens
1. Dickens’s life
Only Connect ... New Directions
Critical Realists
• In this period, the novel became the most widely read and the most vital and challenging expression of progressive thought. Among the famous novelists of the time were the critical realists like:
• In 1836 Sketches by Boz, articles about London people and scenes, were published in instalments.
Only Connect ... New Directions
Evert A. Duyckinick, Charles Dickens
5. Dickens’ Style
The most distinguished feature of Dickens’ fictional art is his
successful character-portrayal.
The penetrating effect of satire is frequently achieved by Dickens
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Victorian Period
(Critical Realism)
Charles Dickens
the greatest representative of English Critical Realism of the Victorian Age
1. Born into a poor family; at age of ten, forced to leave school to work because his father had been taken into prison for debt.
education and destroy young minds)
➢ A Tale of Two Cities (1859)(criticism of social
institutions and morals of the Victorian England)
➢ Great Expectation(1860-1861)(moral degeneration)
Writing Style
He is a master story -teller
➢ Language:compared to Shakespeare— vernacular/large vocabulary/humor and wit
➢ Character-portrayal:a.innocent, virtuous, persecuted, helpless child characters(bestdepicted); b.horrible and grotesque characters; c.humorous and comical characters
➢ The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club(1837)
➢ Oliver Twist (1838) ➢ The Old Curiosity Shop (1841) ➢ American Notes (1842) ➢ Dombey and Son (1848)(money-worship that
Analysis of famous works
1. Oliver Twist(1838)
Characters: Oliver twist, the hero, an orphan boy Bumble, the tyrant, the parish beadle Fagie, an old Jew, head of the gang of thieves in london Bill Sikes, the burglar Nancy, mistress of Sikes Mr. Brownlow, a benevolent and rich person Monks, a bad person, half-brother of Oliver Mrs. Maylie, kind, rich Rose, protegee of mrs. Maylie---aunt of Oliver
2. He hates the state apparatus,esp.the Parliament, but as a bourgeois writer, he can not find a fundamental solution to the social plights..
3. The best he can do seems to retain an optimism with wishful thinking, as in his early works, or to express a helpless indignant protest, as an his later novels.
2. In 1827, entered a lawyer’s office; in 1829, became a Parliamentary reporter for newspaper; the journalistic experience enabled him to know both some inside knowledge of the British legal and political system and gave him a chance to meet people of all kinds, which laid a good foundation for his coming literary career
dominates people’s life, corrupts the young and brings tragedy)
➢ David Copperfield (1850)(debtor’s prison) ➢ Hard Times (1854)(Utilitarian principle that rule over
4. He hopes to call people’s attention to the social problems, thus effecting some reform or amelioration.
5. He has a heart which is ready to love and sympathize.
(true to life, also larger than life; embodiment of human beings)
➢ Humor and pathos(life is mixture of joy and grief): his works are unforgeBiblioteka table for readers
David Copperfield
Literary Ideas
1. As a critical realist, Dickens exposes and criticizes in his works all the poverty, injustice, hypocrisy and corruptness in the society in his time.
3. In 1833, Dickens began to write novels
altogether 17 novels published; also editor or owner of several newspapers and magazines
4. In 1870, died of overwork, leaving his last novel unfinished.
(Critical Realism)
Charles Dickens
the greatest representative of English Critical Realism of the Victorian Age
1. Born into a poor family; at age of ten, forced to leave school to work because his father had been taken into prison for debt.
education and destroy young minds)
➢ A Tale of Two Cities (1859)(criticism of social
institutions and morals of the Victorian England)
➢ Great Expectation(1860-1861)(moral degeneration)
Writing Style
He is a master story -teller
➢ Language:compared to Shakespeare— vernacular/large vocabulary/humor and wit
➢ Character-portrayal:a.innocent, virtuous, persecuted, helpless child characters(bestdepicted); b.horrible and grotesque characters; c.humorous and comical characters
➢ The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club(1837)
➢ Oliver Twist (1838) ➢ The Old Curiosity Shop (1841) ➢ American Notes (1842) ➢ Dombey and Son (1848)(money-worship that
Analysis of famous works
1. Oliver Twist(1838)
Characters: Oliver twist, the hero, an orphan boy Bumble, the tyrant, the parish beadle Fagie, an old Jew, head of the gang of thieves in london Bill Sikes, the burglar Nancy, mistress of Sikes Mr. Brownlow, a benevolent and rich person Monks, a bad person, half-brother of Oliver Mrs. Maylie, kind, rich Rose, protegee of mrs. Maylie---aunt of Oliver
2. He hates the state apparatus,esp.the Parliament, but as a bourgeois writer, he can not find a fundamental solution to the social plights..
3. The best he can do seems to retain an optimism with wishful thinking, as in his early works, or to express a helpless indignant protest, as an his later novels.
2. In 1827, entered a lawyer’s office; in 1829, became a Parliamentary reporter for newspaper; the journalistic experience enabled him to know both some inside knowledge of the British legal and political system and gave him a chance to meet people of all kinds, which laid a good foundation for his coming literary career
dominates people’s life, corrupts the young and brings tragedy)
➢ David Copperfield (1850)(debtor’s prison) ➢ Hard Times (1854)(Utilitarian principle that rule over
4. He hopes to call people’s attention to the social problems, thus effecting some reform or amelioration.
5. He has a heart which is ready to love and sympathize.
(true to life, also larger than life; embodiment of human beings)
➢ Humor and pathos(life is mixture of joy and grief): his works are unforgeBiblioteka table for readers
David Copperfield
Literary Ideas
1. As a critical realist, Dickens exposes and criticizes in his works all the poverty, injustice, hypocrisy and corruptness in the society in his time.
3. In 1833, Dickens began to write novels
altogether 17 novels published; also editor or owner of several newspapers and magazines
4. In 1870, died of overwork, leaving his last novel unfinished.