Nanoporous structure of a GdF3 thin film evaluated by
在一种研究中,研究人员使用了提取自肺部病变患者的细胞系,发现前列腺素E2 (PGE2) 处理可以抑制基质金属蛋白酶 (MMPs) 的表达,从而导致光滑肌细胞中基质金属蛋白酶的降解下降。
三氧化硫在肺纤维化中的作用除了光滑肌细胞,气道上皮细胞也参与了肺纤维化的过程,其中三氧化硫(SO3) 是一种潜在的调节因子,因为它可以在气体状态下流动且高度反应性。
SO3通过泛素连接酶(H2S)氧化的二硫化碳 (CSS) 转化而来,在侧向和嗜氧条件下,SO3可以被氧化酶催化成为硫酸,从而诱导大量的氧化应激。
例如,转化生长因子beta (TGF-β) 是众所周知的纤维化激素,参与了肺纤维化病理过程中的胶原沉积和基质增生。
此外,和基因组学分析证实fanconi贫血 (FA) 蛋白家族成员在肺癌中的纤维化进程中发挥重要作用,其损伤-修复机制有助于纤维化和肺动脉高压的发展。
非多孔自适应晶体材料(Nonporous Adaptive Crystals,英文简称为“NACs”,中文简称为“纳客”)是一种新颖的吸附和分离材料。
近日,池小东教授课题组和美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校Jonathan L. Sessler教授课题组合作首次构筑得到了基于杯吡咯的非多孔自适应晶体材料(C4P纳客),并研究了其对吡啶/甲苯、1,4-二氧六环/水等易形成共沸物极性液体混合物的吸附分离性能。
此外,他们还合作报道了一种新的基于联吡啶的非多孔自适应有机笼材料(BPy-Cage),该材料能够实现对有机相以及水相中碘的高效捕获,并且对碘的最高吸附量达到了 g/g,其饱和吸附量是柱芳烃NAC的20倍,CC3有机多孔笼的5倍。
纳米磷酸钙/胶原基骨材料Nano-Calcium Phosphate/collagen based bone materials项目批准号:59493203,19874034清华大学崔福斋*,廖素三,张伟,冯庆玲,李恒德骨移植术是几个世纪以来不断深入研究的重要课题,尤其致力于修复由于创伤、肿瘤、感染所造成的大范围的骨缺损,以恢复肢体功能。
由图1 可知磷酸钙/胶原层间距为11.7nm 与图1.纳米磷酸钙/胶原的TEM 图2.纳米磷酸钙/胶原基骨材料SEM骨组织里的7.1nm 十分接近,均为一种倾斜的层状结构。
由图2 可知纳米磷酸钙胶原基骨材料的多孔结构与天然松质骨微观结构相同,有利于细胞的长入和营养物质的交换,使得该材料具有优良的生物相容性和可降解性。
动物实验结果证明,纳米磷酸钙/胶原基骨材料是BMP 的良好载体,在犬桡骨20mm 节段性骨缺损实验中,第四周就骨皮质基本连接,24 周骨缺损完全连接,如图3 所示。
我所催化基础国家重点实验室纳米和界面研究组包信和、傅强和马丁,与理论催化研究组李微雪等研究人员合作,借助贵金属表面与单层氧化亚铁薄膜中铁原子的强相互作用所产生的界面限域效应,结合表面科学实验和密度泛函理论计算的研究结果,成功地构建了表面配位不饱和亚铁结构(Coordinatively Unsaturated Ferrous,CUF)。
这种界面限域的CUF中心与金属载体协同作用,在分子氧的低温活化过程显示出非常独特的催化活性,应用于富氢气氛下一氧化碳选择氧化(CO PROX),在质子膜燃料电池(PEMFC)实际工作条件下(80-100度,水蒸气和CO2存在),成功地实现了燃料氢气中微量CO的高效去除。
这一工作以研究报告(Report)形式发表在5月28日出版的《Science》杂志上(Science 2010, 328, 1141) ,美国《C&E News》和英国《Chemistry World》同时对这一工作进行了报道。
微 粒表面 连接 NT Ni 分离蛋 白质 、 A— 抖 核酸 等 , 或者 在
表 面连接膦 酸 [ ] 利用 其 易修 饰 性 、 殊 化 学 特 点和 4 , 特 物 理惰性 , 保护 内部结 构并避 免外 部环 境 的干扰 [ , 6 而 ] 在 磁性微 球表 面 连接 双 甘 膦 ( MI P DA) 以 有 效减 少 可 磁 场条件 下 的结 块 , 而增 加羧基 的数 量[ , 有 利于 从 7更 ] 连 接金 属离子 , 达到 吸 附核 酸 的 目的。该 方 法 简便 快
在 外磁场下 易 于相分 离 的特 点 , 望 成 为 一 种有 潜 力 可
UV2 0 3 0Ⅱ型 紫 外 可 见 分 光 光 度 计 , 海 天美 科 上
学 仪器 有 限公 司 ; HZO S - 3型 恒温 水 浴 摇 床 , 上海 堪 鑫 仪器 设备 有 限公 司 ; I 1 G 型 台式离 心 机 , TG 6 一 上海 安
p H值
图 1 pt值 对 D A 吸 附 率 的 影 响 i N
Fi.1 Ele to tv u n a s pto r t fDNA g ' e fpi ale O d or in ae o f
取 1 0mg已吸 附 DNA 的 吸 附剂 , 加入 不 同浓 度
的方法 。磁 性微 粒作 为 一种 新 型 的基 质 , 以进 一 步 可
简 化和加 速核酸 的分 离 与纯 化 过 程 , 现 核 酸纯 化 处 实 理 的微 型化 、 自动化和平 行化 [ ] 2 。 各种 修饰磁 性微 粒 的应 用 发 展 迅 速 , 比如在 磁 性
— —
了 首 次 对 石 墨 烯 场 效 应 晶体 管 的研 究 以及 石 墨烯 场效 应 晶体 管
和纳米丝场效应 晶体管与产 电细胞 的黏附。石墨烯场效应 晶体
管 电 导 信 号 来 自于 自 发 性 跳 动 的 鸡 胚 胎 心 肌 产 生 的胞 外 信 号 , 信 噪 比大 于 4 通 过 改 变 石 墨 烯 场 效 应 晶 体 管 工 作 区来 调 节 电导 。 信 号 。研 究 结 果 显 示 石 墨 烯 场效 应 晶体 管 表 现 出 与 纳 米 丝 场 效 应 晶体 管迥 异 且 互 补 的 能 力 ,将 在 未 来 生 物 电 子 领 域 中发 挥 重要 的作用。
TPA PA M - GO = Gr aphe O xi COV8I ne de entY gr t W ih I af ed t
摘 自 R NANO LET ER ) T S)
Tihn l n- ae oyzmehn 三 苯 胺 合 成 的 聚 甲亚 胺 ) r eya e bsd p l o ti p mi a e
制作柔性大面积石墨烯 一量 子点复合体系薄膜及其 光电转化应 用具有指导意义 。这 为制造 用于未来柔性透 明光 电设备的复合 物的开启了新的一条有效路径 。
— —
摘 自 R D V NCE M AT RI LS) A A D E A )
检测器和原位分 子探针的探索仍处于起步阶段 。为此 .我们设
步 反 应 从 石墨 烯 氧 化 物 合 成 单 层 石 墨 烯 - d 子 点 纳 纳 米 复 合 物 来 研究 其 用 于 活 细胞 内 分 子 探 针 的 能 力 。 研 究结 果 C S量 显 示 . 配 体 一 A G — s 米 复 合 物 的 摄 取 和 细 胞 靶 目标 的 适 F M/ O n 纳
1.多个囚禁离子未知类电子GHZ态的确定量子隐形传送 [J], 郑小娟;廖湘萍
2.3个热囚禁离子GHZ态的制备 [J], 郑小娟;方卯发
3.一个囚禁离子运动压缩数态的制备(英文) [J], 郑仕标
4.囚禁离子多体纠缠态的简单制备方案(英文) [J], 钟锋;于立志;熊文元
5.在囚禁离子系统制备三离子树型三维纠缠态 [J], 林秀;杨榕灿
在 国家 9 3项 目、国家 自然科 学 7 基金委重大研究计划 、中科 院 “ 引进 海
外 杰 出 人 才 ” 百 人 计 划 等 项 目的 支 持
下, 由合肥物质科 学研 究院智能所刘 锦 淮研 究员和 黄行 九研究 员领 导的课 题
组 首 次 制 备 了 具 有 蛋 形 水 母 状 的
土 荧光生物 标记材 料 的制备 、表面修
饰 、 物 偶 联 、 谱 性 质 以及 生ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ 应 用 生 光
将原本三 维 ( D)或二维 (D)无序 3 2 的导 电聚合物 结构降 为一 维 ( D)有 1
检测等方面 的研究 , 取得 了系列创新性
研究成果 : ( ) 制 了一 类 新 颖 的稀 土 发 光 I研 纳米材料 , 巧妙 地 将 时 间分 辨 技 术 和 荧
具 有 简 单 器 件 工 艺 的 高 性 能 双 侧 栅 晶
体 、 比优化聚合环境 , 功实现 了吡 参 成 咯 单体在 含纳米 孔 的金 属有机 框架 中 的高度有序聚合 。 该 小组在世界上 率先使用含有 仅
lm 大 小 一 维 孔 道 的金 属 有 机 框 架 为 n
用 水 中,只 要微量 浓度 即产生 毒性 效
读者 服 务 卡 编 号 0 2 1 2 1 -
件、 纳米传感器 、分子机器 等器件 中获
得应用 。
读者服务卡编 号 03 2 口
yAI O 勃姆石) i /eO4 - O H( @SO2 3 空心 磁 F
性 微 球 ,能 够 高 效 地 去 除水 中 的 P 2、 b+
cu2 、 Hg2 + +
元研究员主持完成 。 审委 员会 一致认 评
为 , 项 目研 究 处 于 国 际前 沿 领 域 , 该 项
【方法】采用RACE克隆LvMGST3基因cDNA序列,以EditSeq、ExPASy、SignalP5.0、TMHMM 2.0、Clustal X和MEGA6.0等在线软件进行生物信息学分析,再应用半定量PCR进行组织表达量分析。
凡纳滨对虾分别进行氨氮胁迫(20.00 mg/L)及脂多糖(LPS,8 μg/g)刺激后,采用实时荧光定量PCR检测分析LvMGST3基因的表达响应情况。
【结果】LvMGST3基因cDNA序列全长826 bp,包含85 bp的5'端非编码区(5'-UTR)、321 bp的3'端非编码区(3'-UTR)和420 bp的开放阅读框(ORF),在ploy(A)尾前端15个核苷酸处存在加尾信号AATAAA。
LvMGST3蛋白分子量为15.53 kD,理论等电点(pI)为9.38,具有3个跨膜结构域,但不存在信号肽。
LvMGST3氨基酸序列与软甲纲普通卷甲虫(Armadillidium vulgare)的MGST3氨基酸序列(RXG56258.1)相似性最高,为71.22%;基于MGST3氨基酸序列相似性构建的系统发育进化树显示,LvMGST3与节肢动物门和软体动物门的MGST3亲缘关系较近。
LvMGST3基因在凡纳滨对虾肝胰腺、鳃组织和眼柄中的基础表达量较高;经氨氮胁迫后,肝胰腺中的LvMGST3基因相对表达量分别在胁迫6和24 h时极显著上调(P<0.01,下同),鳃组织中的LvMGST3基因相对表达量在胁迫12 h时显著上调(P<0.05,下同)、胁迫48 h时极显著上调;肝胰腺中的LvMGST3基因在LPS刺激前期表达受抑制,至刺激12 h时极显著上调,鳃组织中的LvMGST3基因分别在LPS刺激3和48 h时出现2个表达峰值,其相对表达量均极显著高于对照组,分别是对照组的4.39和6.45倍。
中国药科大学本科毕业论文中国药科大学本科毕业论文论文题目云南黄果冷杉化学成分研究英文题目Studies on the chemical constituents ofAbies ernestii. var.salouenensis专业中药学院部中药学院学号0844822姓名余舒乐指导教师殷志琦副教授课题完成场所中药学院天然药化教研室论文工作时间:2012年03月至2012年06月云南黄果冷杉的活性成分研究目录中文摘要 (2)Abstract (2)前言 (3)第一章冷杉化学成分和药理作用研究进展 (5)1.1 化学成分 (5)1.2 药理作用 (10)第二章实验部分 (13)2.2 仪器与实验材料 (13)2.3 提取分离 (13)第三章化合物的结构鉴定 (14)参考文献 (16)致谢 (18)附录 (19)云南黄果冷杉的活性成分研究0844822 余舒乐摘要:目的:对松科植物冷杉Abies ernestii. var. salouenensis中的化学成分进行系统的研究,为了解冷杉药理作用的物质基础,寻找新的活性成分以及进一步开发提供理论依据。
通过UV, MS, NMR等光谱方法确定其化学结构。
关键词:云南黄果冷杉;松科;黄酮类;抗肿瘤Studies on the chemical constituents of Abies ernestii. var.salouenensisAbstract:Objective: To carry out systematically the chemical constituents from Abies ernestii. var. Salouenensis, provide the theoretical basis for the material foundation of itspharmacological activities and search for the new active ingredients. Methods: The compounds were separated and purified by column chromatography on silica gel and Sephadex LH-20, and identified on the basis of physico-chemical properties and spectroscopic methods. Results: Three compounds were isolated and identified as(+)-catechin, kaempferol and quercetin.Keywords:Abies ernestii. var. salouenensis; Pinaceae; flavonoid; anti-tumor前言冷杉属(Abies)是松科(Pinaceae)的一个重要属,大约有50种,分布于亚洲、北美、欧洲、中美及非洲北部的高山地带,中国有19种及3个变种。
2.3.1 纳米线 宋旭春[13]等人以 Na2WO4 为原料,K2SO4 为辅助
剂,水热合成了 WO3 纳米线,其直径约为 10nm,长 度为微米级。邹丽霞[14]等制备了具有有序孔洞的多孔 阳极氧化铝(AAO)模板,并以此模板通过溶胶-凝胶 法制备出高度取向的 WO3•H2O 纳米线阵列。表征结 果表明,WO3•H2O 纳米线分布均匀,纳米线线径与 AAO 模板的孔径一致,线径为 26nm,长度为 1.1μm, 与相同条件下使用玻璃纤布作载体制备的 WO3•H2O 纳米线相比,平均晶粒度更小,密度更低,比表面积 更大。Nguyen[15]等采用沉淀法制备了大量线状结构的 纳米晶,沉淀在单壁碳纳米管薄膜上的 WO3 纳米线的
2 纳米三氧化钨的制备
2.1 纳米敏感膜
基金项目:重庆大学中央高校基本科研业务经费(CDJX10131154), 重庆大学高层次人才启动经费
以往纳米 WO3 的制备主要集中在敏感膜上,其制 备工艺较多也较成熟,它最早于 1967 年由美国人 Shaver 报道。而现阶段致力于采用不同制备方法和工 艺来提高敏感膜气敏性能上,如掺杂、降低敏感膜粒 径、表面催化等。
M.Stankova 等人[5]采用溅射法制备了纯的和七种 贵金属掺杂的敏感膜,气敏性能测试结果显示,敏感 膜对 H2S、NO2 和 NH3 表现出很好的灵敏性。同时, 在中温(110℃)条件下,Ag 和 Au 掺杂的薄膜适合 检测 H2S 和 NH3。T.Siciliano 等[6]在氧气气氛下采用热 蒸法制备了 WO3 敏感膜,其厚度约为 20μm,气敏测 试结果表明,样品适合在 250℃对 NO2 进行检测,而 其对 NH3 和 NO 灵敏度不高。同时他们也强调减小晶 粒是提高金属氧化物薄膜灵敏度和选择性的重要方 法。Jarmo Kukkola 等[7]采用阳极电镀法制备了单斜 WO3 薄膜并用其对 CO、H2、NO 和 O2 气体进行了气 敏测试,结果显示薄膜在 200℃时出现最高的灵敏度。
地址:518060 广东省深圳市南山区南海大道3688号
共价有机框架光催化剂形貌调控 过氧化氢
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其中,共价有机框架(Covalent Organic Frameworks, COFs)作为一种新兴的晶态多孔材料,以其独特的结构和性质,在多个领域引起了广泛关注。
特别是供体-受体型共价有机框架(D-A COFs),更是凭借其特殊的电子结构和可调性,成为当前研究的热点。
在构建过程中,科研人员可以通过调整单体的种类、比例以及反应条件,实现对D-A COFs结构和性能的精确调控。
这种灵活性使得D-A COFs在材料设计和合成上具有极大的潜力。
二、供体-受体型共价有机框架的性质由于供体和受体之间的电荷转移作用,D-A COFs展现出了一系列独特的性质。
首先,在光吸收方面,D-A COFs通常具有较宽的吸收带和较强的光吸收能力,这使得它们在光电器件领域具有广阔的应用前景。
其次,在电荷传输方面,D-A COFs的供体和受体之间形成了有效的电荷传输通道,有利于电荷的快速传输和分离。
此外,D-A COFs 还具有良好的热稳定性和化学稳定性,能够在苛刻的环境下保持其结构和性能的稳定。
三、供体-受体型共价有机框架的应用前景1. 光电器件领域如前所述,D-A COFs在光吸收和电荷传输方面的优异性能使其成为光电器件领域的理想材料。
此外,D-A COFs还可以用于构建光电探测器、光电二极管等器件,有望在光通信、光成像等领域发挥重要作用。
2. 催化领域D-A COFs的供体和受体之间的电荷转移作用可以诱导产生丰富的活性位点,使其在催化领域具有广泛的应用潜力。
背景介绍:n-3多不饱和脂肪酸 (n-3 PUFAs) 是一类重要的脂质营养素,能够调
最近的研究表明,n-3 PUFAs 还
能够影响内皮细胞连接蛋白 (LNK) 的表达,但其具体的调控机制尚不清楚。
研究问题:n-3 PUFAs 能否通过调节特定的信号途径来调节内皮细胞中 LNK 的
研究方法:使用细胞培养技术,培养人内皮细胞系 (HUVECs),并将其分为对照
组和不同剂量的 n-3 PUFAs 处理组。
通过 Western blot 分析、实时荧光定量 PCR 和
免疫荧光染色等技术,分析不同剂量 n-3 PUFAs 处理对 LNK 表达及其下游信号通路分子的影响。
预期结果:我们预计 n-3 PUFAs 能够通过 PPARγ信号途径调节内皮细胞中 LNK 的表达,从而影响其下游信号通路分子的表达,如 c-Src、FAK、PI3K/Akt 等。
这些结果将为了解 n-3 PUFAs 的生物功能及临床应用提供新的证据。
研究意义:该研究有助于深入了解 n-3 PUFAs 的调控机制及其对内皮细胞的影响,为开发相关药物提供基础研究依据。
关键词:铁基金属有机框架材料; 电化学还原石墨烯; 同时检测; 嘌呤代谢物引言:作为DNA代谢产物的诸如黄嘌呤(XA)、次黄嘌呤(HX)和尿酸(UA)等,在生物体的能量供应和代谢调节中起着非常重要的生理功能。
内,在150℃下反应24 h。
六边形LaF3:Eu3+扫描(a)和透射电镜(b)照片 Yang Xiaofeng, Dong Xiangting, Wang Jinxian, Liu Guixia. Glycine-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of single-crystallineLaF3: Eu3+hexagonal nanoplates [ J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009, 487(1-2): 298.
Wang等用亚麻子油酸盐做配位剂,以氟化氢铵和稀土硝酸盐为原料,在水热条 件下成功地制备出一系列的稀土氟化物,分析了稀土离子及晶体结构对产物形 貌的影响。结论如下图:
WangX, Zhuang J, PengQ, LiY D. Hydrothermal synthesis of rareearth fluoride nanocrystals [ J]. Inorganic Chemistry, 2013, 45(17): 6661.
Yang等应用水热法利用氨基酸辅助合成了LaF3: Eu3+的片状六边形纳米晶,直 径约为90~110 nm,厚度约为20~50 nm。
MasihDarband,i ThomasNann. One-pot synthesis of YF3@ si-lica core/shell nanoparticles [ J]. Chem. Commun., 2006,(17): 776.
第33卷第1期2007年2月东华大学学报(自然科学版)J OU RNAL O F DON GHUA UN IV ERSIT Y (NA TU RAL SCIENCE )Vol.33,No.1Feb.2007 文章编号:1671-0444(2007)01-0052-05静电纺纳米纤维的过滤机理及性能3覃小红,王善元(东华大学纺织学院,上海201620)摘 要:静电纺丝是种相对简单的不同种聚合物来制造超细纤维的方法.纳米纤维将来最广泛的用途是过滤.研究静电纺纳米纤维的过滤机理,测试分析不同基布与纳米纤维层复合后的过滤效率、过滤阻力及孔径的变化.结果表明在基布上铺上纳米纤维层复合后,过滤效率明显增加,压力降也有一定增加;纳米纤维层的孔径比基布孔径约小两个数量级,并且纳米纤维层孔径分布均匀、离散度小.关键词:静电纺丝;纳米纤维;过滤性能中图分类号:TS 176+.9 文献标志码:AF i l t r a t i o n P r o p e r t i e s o f E l e c t r o s p i n n i n g N a n o f i b e r sQI N X i ao 2hong ,W A N G S han 2y uan(College of T extiles ,Donghu a U niversity ,Sh angh ai 201620,China)Abstract :Elect rospinning is a relatively simple met hod to p roduce submicron fibers from solutions of different polymers and polymer blends.The extensive application in f ut ure of electrospinning nanofibers is filt ration.The objective is to st udy on t he filt ration p roperties of electrospinning nanofibers.During t he experiment s ,nanofibers layers wit h different area weight are placed on t he sp unbond or melt blown sublayers.After t he cross 2linking ,t he filt ration p roperties are tested.The result shows t hat t he filt ration efficiency and filt ration resistance bot h increase sharply when nanofibers layers are added to t he sublayers.Moreover ,t he pore diameter of nanofibers layers are much smaller t han t he sublayers.K ey w ords :elect ro spinning ;nanofiber ;filt ration p roperty 静电纺纳米纤维在众多领域有着广泛的用途,对于人们感兴趣的许多生物来源和生物相容性材料,静电纺丝提供一种制造纳米纤维的便捷途径.生产纳米纤维所需聚合物的量可小至几百毫克.由许多新型聚合物和生物来源的聚合物静电纺制得的纳米纤维,不仅可以用作过滤材料,也可以用于组织工程、人造器官、药物传递和创伤修复等.其中,FAN G 和REN E KER [1]制造出了DNA 纳米纤维,KO 和REN E KER 报道了细胞在纳米纤维上的生长,可直接用于治疗创伤和皮肤的烧伤.静电纺纳米纤维的用途涉及的领域非常广,但是目前只有在过滤方面的应用稍微成熟,因纳米纤维网强力太低,一般需要熔喷、纺粘、针织布来支撑.DOSHI [2]研究发现,夹入纳米纤维于熔喷与纺粘织物之间做成的过滤材料比传统的商业过滤器更能有效地排除超细微粒.甚至以纳米纤维为夹层的过3 收稿日期:2005-05-30作者简介:覃小红(1977-),女,湖北赤壁人,讲师,博士,研究方向为纺织材料与纺织品设计、纳米材料、纳米纤维.E 2mail :xhqin @第1期覃小红,等:静电纺纳米纤维的过滤机理及性能53滤材料高表面积低重量,仅仅用1/15的这种复合过滤材料就能达到很好的过滤性能[3],应用在高端过滤方面的应用价值难以估量.目前,还没有文献报道过静电纺纳米纤维过滤性能的系统测试及研究,所以,研究静电纺纳米纤维的过滤机理及性能是非常重要的.1 静电纺纳米纤维的过滤机理对于气溶胶粒子的纤维过滤来说,参与过滤的3个主要因素是:分散介质、分散粒子和纤维过滤材料.它们的主要特征决定过滤过程的基本参数:过滤效率、过滤阻力和容尘特性.其中,纤维过滤材料的主要特征包括:过滤的面积和厚度,组成过滤器的纤维直径与形态,过滤器的孔隙率和荷电情况.总的说来,过滤理论的基本问题就是要解决过滤效率(η)和过滤阻力(ΔP)与微粒特性、分散介质和过滤器结构参数之间的函数关系.[4-6]过滤过程在理论上可以分为2个阶段:第1阶段称为稳定阶段,在此阶段里,过滤器对微粒的捕捉效率和阻力不随时间而改变,而是由过滤器的固有结构、微粒的性质和气流决定的;第2阶段称为不稳定阶段,在此阶段里,捕捉效率和阻力不取决于微粒的性能而是随时间的变化而变化的,主要是随着微粒的沉积、气体的侵蚀、水蒸气的影响等变化.对于过滤微粒浓度很低的气流,特别是用于空气洁净技术中普通的含尘空气,过滤过程主要是稳定过滤过程,在很长时间内,过滤器中纤维过滤材料由于微粒的沉积等原因而引起的厚度上的变化很小,因此容尘量可以不作为主要参数来考虑.本文的研究对象是空气净化中用作高效过滤器的静电纺纳米纤维过滤材料,因此过滤机理均为纳米纤维过滤材料在第1阶段过滤过程中捕集微粒的机理.经典的过滤理论对过滤效率的分析都建立在孤立纤维法的基础上,这种方法的原理是:利用与气流方向垂直的单根纤维(假设为圆柱体)周围的流体速度场,计算微粒由于各种沉积机理作用在纤维上的沉积率,在考虑相邻纤维的影响后,确定单根纤维上的总沉积率(单根纤维的捕捉效率)之后,进而计算出过滤效率.[7]根据经典的过滤理论,在纤维过滤器的第1阶段过滤过程中有5种主要的捕集微粒的机理起作用:拦截效应、惯性效应、布朗扩散、重力沉降和静电捕获.微粒被捕集是几种机理共同作用的结果,其中一种或几种机理起主要作用,从理论上可以计算出在每一种捕捉机理下单纤维的捕捉效率,但是单纤维的总捕捉效率并不是各种机理下捕集效率的简单相加,而是各种捕集机理之间存在着相互作用.由于实际过滤器极为复杂,很难从理论上精确描述,即使要反映这种复杂性,也只有通过在公式中加入各种经验修正项,而不同条件下的修正结果也会有差异,因此理论计算得到的结果很难同实验结果取得精确一致,当然两者结论趋势基本相似,理论分析常常用于对比或定性地说明影响过滤性能的种种因素与过滤性能的关系.从参与空气过滤的3个主要因素:粒子、分散介质(空气)和过滤器的特征来考虑,影响空气过滤器过滤性能的最重要的参数为:粒子直径、空气流速、纤维直径和填充率.总的说来纤维越细,填充得越密实、越均匀,所能过滤的粒子越小,过滤效率越高,图1清晰地表示这一原理,但相应的过滤阻力也越大.图1 过滤效率随着纤维直径的减小而明显增加Fig.1 Filtration eff iciency being m arkedly increasedwith reduced f iber diameter2 静电纺纳米纤维的过滤性能2.1 过滤效率及过滤阻力的测试分析过滤效率和过滤阻力的测定方法有数字粒子计数法、钠焰法、DO P法等.本实验中对基布及纳米纤维层的过滤性能采用的是钠焰法.钠焰法测试原理为:一定浓度的氯化钠水溶液用洁净压缩空气经专用喷雾器雾化后引到干燥空气流中使雾滴的水分蒸发,形成亚微米级多分散固体氯化钠气溶胶,即实验尘.含尘空气流过被测滤料,过滤前后气溶胶浓度之比的百分数即为被测滤料的透过率,气溶胶浓度是用钠火焰光度计法测出相应的光电流值,压差即为被测滤料的过滤阻力.54 东华大学学报(自然科学版)第33卷过滤效率的计算公式为η=1-K =1-A2-A1φA×100%(1)式中:η为被测滤料的过滤效率;K 为被测滤料的透过率;A1为滤前实验尘的光电流值;A2为滤后实验尘的光电流值;A 0为检测台的本底光电流值;φ为检测台的自吸收系数.本课题中过滤效率及阻力的测试是在捷克里贝莱兹技术大学完成的.在这个实验中,由于纳米纤维层强力低,不能单独测试其性能,所以测试不同面密度的纳米纤维层与基布复合体的过滤性能(过滤效率、压降及孔径).纳米纤维层是由P V A 水溶液静电纺丝得到的,P V A 纳米纤维常温下不会再溶解于水中.实验将不同面密度的纳米纤维分别放置在纺粘或熔喷基布上,在复合后测试其过滤性能.测试结果见图2.图2 纺粘无纺布+纳米纤维层复合体与熔喷无纺布+纳米纤维复合体的过滤效率及压力降的对比Fig.2 Comparison of f iltration eff iciency and press dropb etw een nano fib er layers w ith spu nbond sub layers and nanof iber layers with meltblow n sublayers测试的方法是高效过滤器方法(H E P A ),即钠焰法,按英国标准B S 4400进行.这种方法以N a Cl气溶胶微粒平均直径为0.6μm ,将其渗透进测试试样,过滤速率为5m /mi n ,测试面积为100c m 2,测试装置为捷克生产的过滤性能测试仪.由图2(a )中可见,在纳米纤维层的面密度相同时,熔喷无纺布+纳米纤维复合体的过滤效率明显高于纺粘无纺布+纳米纤维层复合体.并且熔喷基布的过滤效率为30%,基布上纳米纤维层面密度仅达到0.7g /m 2时,过滤效率就可以增加到92%,在纳米纤维层面密度为2.4g /m 2时,过滤效率达到100%.同样,在以纺粘无纺布为基布时,只需在基布上多放一些纳米纤维,在纳米纤维层面密度为2.9g /m 2时,过滤效率也达到100%,而所用的纺粘无纺布自身的过滤效率仅为6.3%.这些结果充分说明纳米纤维在提高过滤效率方面的显著作用,结合过滤机理,证实了纤维越细,填充得越密实、越均匀,所能过滤的粒子越小,过滤效率越高.从图2(b )中可以发现,在纳米纤维层的面密度相同时,熔喷无纺布+纳米纤维复合体的压力降明显高于纺粘无纺布+纳米纤维层复合体.在纳米纤维层面密度为 1.9g /m 2时,基布+纳米层复合体的压力降急剧增加.这也说明,纤维越细,过滤效率越高,相应的过滤阻力也会越大,但是过大的压力降会影响透气性.以上分析说明基布加入纳米层后过滤效率均明显提高,压力降也明显增大.2.2 孔径的测试及分析孔径的测试是在东华大学完成的,采用孔径测试仪(Capillary Flow Porometer 3CFP 1100AI 3)来测试孔径.试样分别为基布(纺粘无纺布)及基布与纳米纤维复合体.按照仪器标准,每种试样中随机剪取3块样品进行测试,图3为基布中3块样品的孔径分布图,图4为基布与纳米层复合体中3块样品的孔径分布图.比较图3与图4,从孔径分布图可以看见基布的孔径离散度明显大于基布与纳米层复合后的孔径离散度.并且,基布的最小孔径为18.0636μm ;而铺上纳米层后,最大孔径仅为1.7286μm ,最小孔径为0.6008μm ,也就是纳米纤维层的孔径远远小于基布的孔径,所以说明基布与纳米层复合后过滤性能的提高完全取决于纳米纤维的性能. 第1期覃小红,等:静电纺纳米纤维的过滤机理及性能55图基布中3块样品的孔径分布3Aperture distributing chart of3sublayers图4 基布+纳米层复合体孔径分布Fig.4 Aperture distributing chart of nanof ibers added on the sublayers56 东华大学学报(自然科学版)第33卷2.3 基布(纺粘无纺布)与纳米纤维层的扫描电镜图比较图5和6的电镜图,基布的纤维直径约12μm ,而纳米层的纤维直径约为250nm ,相差约两个数量级.直径的急剧减小是导致纳米纤维过滤效率大大提高的主要因素,这也与上述图1中过滤机理的论述一致.图5 基布扫描电镜图,放大倍数1000倍(纤维直径约为12μm)Fig.5 SEM photograph of sublayers with m agnif icationof 1000(f iber diameter is about 12μm)图6 纳米层的扫描电镜图,放大倍数20000倍(平均直径约为250nm)Fig.6 SE M photograph o f nano fib er layers w ith m agni ficationof 20000(average diameter is about 250nm)3 结论静电纺纳米纤维由于直径小(本文中直径是200n m 左右),具有很大的比表面积、很大的表面积—体积比,在成型的网毡上有很多微孔,因此有很强的吸附力以及良好的过滤性能.文中通过一系列实验测试纳米纤维过滤效率、过滤阻力(压力降)及孔径,结论如下:(1)在基布上铺上纳米纤维层复合后,过滤效率明显增加,压力降也明显增加.其中,在面密度为15g/m 2,过滤效率为30%,压力降为35P a 的熔喷无纺布上铺上面密度为2.4g/m 2的纳米纤维层复合后,过滤效率能达到100%,但相应的压力降增加到1530P a .同样的规律也出现在纺粘无纺布与纳米纤维层复合体上.(2)将纳米纤维层铺在基布(纺粘无纺布)上复合后,分别测试复合体孔径及基布孔径,研究表明纳米纤维层的孔径比基布孔径约小两个数量级,并且纳米纤维层孔径分布均匀、离散度小.参 考 文 献[1] F ANGX,RE NEK E RD H .D N A F ibers by E lectr os pinn ing[J ].J M acrom ol S ci Phy,1997,B36(2):169-173.[2] D OSHIJ.Nan ofiber 2Based N on w ov en C om pos ites:Properties and A pplications[J ].N on w 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Nanoporous structure of a GdF3thinfilm evaluated by variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometryJue Wang,1,*Robert Maier,1Paul G.Dewa,1Horst Schreiber,1Robert A.Bellman,2and David Dawson Elli21Corning Tropel Corporation,Fairport,New York144502Corning Incorporated,Corning,New York14831*Corresponding author:wangj3@Received7August2006;revised4December2006;accepted30January2007;posted31January2007(Doc.ID73820);published15May2007As excimer lasers extend to deep-ultraviolet and vacuum-ultraviolet wavelengths at193and157nm,optical coatings experience the challenge of eliminating possible environmental contamination,reducingscattering loss,and increasing laser irradiation durability.Wide bandgap metalfluorides become thematerials of choice for the laser optics applications.To understand the optical properties of nanostructurefluoridefilms,thin GdF3films grown on CaF2(111)substrates were evaluated by variable angle spec-troscopic ellipsometry.An effective medium approximation model was used to determine both thefilmporosity and the surface roughness.Structural evolution of the GdF3film was revealed with improvedellipsometric modeling,suggesting the existence of multilayer structure,a densified bottom layer,middlelayers with increasing porosity,and a rough surface.The nanostructure of thefilm and the surfaceroughness were confirmed by atomic force microscopy.The attraction of the nanostructure to environ-mental contamination was experimentally demonstrated.©2007Optical Society of AmericaOCIS codes:160.4670,310.0310.1.IntroductionAs excimer lasers extend to deep-ultraviolet(DUV) and vacuum-ultraviolet(VUV)wavelengths at193 and157nm,the requirement for low loss optical com-ponents increases drastically.The usage of oxide materials is limited due to their intrinsic absorption.A renewed research interest has arisen for wide bandgapfluoride thinfilms for laser optics applica-tions[1–11].Among the very limited number of materials,GdF3is a potential candidate as a high refractive index layer for wavelengths below200nm. The optical,mechanical,and microstructural prop-erties of GdF3films have been the subject of several reports in the literature[9–13].GdF3films exhibit tensile stress,which is independent of the substrate. However,the growth behavior of GdF3is different on CaF2(111)and SiO2substrates[6,12].The former prefers heteroepitaxially orientatedfilms with the GdF3͑010͒plane parallel to the CaF2(111),whereas thefilm on an amorphous substrate formsfiber tex-tured grains with(101)and͞or(020)crystallites,de-pending on the substrate temperature[11,12].The reported refractive index values vary from1.53to1.69 at193nm in the literature.The results obtained via x-ray diffraction(XRD),transmission electron micros-copy(TEM),and from scattering measurements pro-vide useful information for understanding the physical property of GdF3films.Further coating design and process development require one to directly correlate film microstructure to optical properties.Spectro-scopic ellipsometry is a nondestructive optical tech-nique for determination of the physical thickness and optical constants of a homogeneous thinfilm.At the same time,it is possible to obtain additional struc-tural information from the relationship between op-tical properties andfilm microstructure via proper optical modeling.When considering a nonabsorbing film with an inhomogeneous structure,theoretical analysis of spectral ellipsometric data suggests that the quarter-wave and half-wave points are sensitive to thefilm mean refractive index and the degree of inhomogeneity,respectively[14–17].UV–visible–0003-6935/07/163221-06$15.00/0©2007Optical Society of America1June2007͞Vol.46,No.16͞APPLIED OPTICS3221near-IR spectroscopic ellipsometry has been used to characterize inhomogeneous nonabsorbing TiO2di-electricfilms[18].In this paper,the inhomogeneous nanostructure of the GdF3was evaluated by vari-able angle spectroscopic ellipsometry in the spectral region from the visible down to the DUV,where environmental contamination leads to an absorb-ingfilm.The optical model was verified by atomic force microscope(AFM)analysis of thefilm surface nanostructure.The attraction of the nanostructure to environmental substances was experimentally demonstrated.2.ExperimentalThe GdF3thinfilms were grown on CaF2(111) substrates by molybdenum thermal boat evapora-tion in a commercial cryopumped deposition system (SYRUSpro1110,Leybold Optics).The deposition system was pumped down to a base pressure of less than5ϫ10Ϫ6mbar.A plasma cleaning process was performed before evaporation.During the deposition the substrate temperature was kept at240°C.The deposition rate was controlled by a quartz monitor at 0.1nm͞s.Thefilms were evaluated by variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry(VUV-300,J.A.Woollam Company).The ellipsometric parameters psi(⌿)and delta(⌬)were obtained by the ellipsometer with a rotating analyzer[20].The sample holder and the detectors were mounted on precision goniometers, which gave an angular resolution ofϳ0.01°.Purged with high-purity nitrogen,the measurement was per-formed in the spectral range from0.9to6.5eV under angles of incidence ranging from55°to60°in steps of2.5°.The measured data werefitted by WVASE32soft-ware(J.A.Woollam Company)using the least-(root-) mean-squared-error(MSE)approach[19].The MSE is the sum of the squares of the differences between each measured and calculated data,divided by the standard deviation of the experimental data point, which is the parameter being minimized during the fitting process,i.e.,MSEϭͱ1͚iϭ1N ͫͩ⌿i ModϪ⌿i Exp⌿i Expͪ2ϩͩ⌬i ModϪ⌬i Exp⌬i Expͪ2ͬ,(1)where N is the number of(⌿,⌬)pairs,M is the num-ber of variable parameters in the model,andare the standard deviations on the experimental data points. The MSE function described in Eq.(1)is normalized by the standard deviations on the experimental data, so noisy points are weighted less heavily.A small MSE implies a better modelfit to the data. Ultraviolet ozone(UVO)cleaning was used to re-move contamination prior to ellipsometral measure-ment[20].In addition,absorptance as a function of UVO cleaning time was determined at193nm by measuring the spectral transmittance from150to 250nm.An AFM operating in tapping mode with an etched silicon probe of5–10nm radius was employed to an-alyze the surface microstructure.The AFM scanning was taken over an area of20mϫ20m,5m ϫm,and1mϫ1m with256ϫ256data points, respectively.3.Results and DiscussionsEllipsometry is a sensitive measurement technique that uses polarized light to characterize thinfilms, surfaces,and material microstructures.The mea-sured values are expressed as⌿and⌬.These values are related to the ratio of Fresnel reflection coeffi-cients r p and r s for p-polarized and s-polarized light, respectively,ϭr pr sϭtan⌿e i⌬.(2)Because the ratio is a complex number,it also con-tains“phase”information(⌬),which makes the mea-surement very sensitive.The combination of variable angle of incidence and spectroscopic measurements allows one to select the most sensitive spectral acqui-sition range and angles of incidence.A proper structural model enables one tofit spec-troscopic ellipsometer data of an unknown sample. Since CaF2and GdF3are wide bandgap materials, the photon energy used for the ellipsometric mea-surement is well below their fundamental bandgaps. In the transparent spectral region,the Cauchy for-mula is used to represent the material dispersions [19].Figure1shows both the experimental data and thefitted results at an angle of incidence of55°by assuming a smooth and homogeneous GdF3layer on the CaF2surface.The measured data are labeledϪm, whereas thefitted data are labeledϪf in Figs.1–3 The layer thickness is87.2nm with a MSE of15.77. The high MSE indicates that there are some offsets between the single layer model and the actual GdF3film.As can be seen in Fig.1,the homogeneous model fits the experimental data only in the low-photon energy region(0.9–2eV)or long-wavelengthregionFig.1.Fitting spectral data of ellipsometric⌬and⌿with a smooth and homogeneous GdF3layer on CaF2.3222APPLIED OPTICS͞Vol.46,No.16͞1June2007͑1378–620nm ͒.However,as the photon energy in-creases,the modeled results begin to depart from the experimental data.The results suggest that high-photon energy or short-wavelength light is more sensitive to film microstructure.Ellipsometric measurements performed in the spectral region of the UV and the DUV enhances the capability of ellipsometry for resolving film nanostructure.In the second approach,a thin top layer was added to the homogeneous layer model to simulate surface roughness.The Bruggemann effective me-dium approximation (EMA)was employed to corre-late physical porosity with the refractive index of the layer [21],p1Ϫn p 21ϩ2n p2ϩ͑1Ϫp ͒n d 2Ϫn p 2n d 2ϩ2n p2ϭ0,(3)where p is the physical porosity and n p is the equiv-alent refractive index of the top layer.n d is the re-fractive index of the relatively dense film.Here it hasbeen assumed that a thin layer with 50%porosity represents the top rough surface,and the porous structure is uniformly distributed on the film surface.Figure 2shows the modeled ellipsometric ⌬and ⌿as a function of photon energy.Improved data fitting is recognized when compared with the first modeling shown in Fig.1.The MSE drops to 8.35in the second model,which is almost 50%lower than the first mod-eling.It is interesting to note that in the low-photon energy region of 0.9–3.7eV,corresponding to 1378–335nm,the fitted ellipsometric ⌿is consistent with the measured data,whereas the difference between modeled and measured ⌬is obvious.The observation indicates that ellipsometric ⌬is more sensitive than ⌿for revealing film structure in nanometer scale.Further improved data fitting was accomplished when the homogeneous layer was replaced by an in-homogeneous layer.Since GdF 3films prefer to grow epitaxially on GaF 2(111),the GdF 3film might have some inhomogeneous structure along the film growth direction z .One may modify the homogeneous EMA model of Eq.(3)to an inhomogeneous case,i.e.,p ͑z ͒1Ϫn p ͑z ͒21ϩ2n p ͑z ͒2ϩ͑1Ϫp ͑z ͒͒n d 2Ϫn p ͑z ͒2n d 2ϩ2n p ͑z ͒2ϭ0,(4)where the only difference is that both the porosity p and the equivalent refractive index n p are a function of z if comparing with Eq.(3).As shown in Fig.3,good fitted region extends to ϳ6eV or 210nm in wave-length by using the inhomogeneous model.The MSE reduces to 0.98.Figure 4shows the material dispersions deter-mined from models A,B,and C for the GdF 3film grown on CaF 2(111).The dispersion of CaF 2is also included for comparison.The refractive indices de-rived from models A and B are based on homogeneous film structure.Because the rough surface has been excluded from the film volume,model B determines the mean refractive indices of the inhomogeneous film.Figure 4also includes the refractive indices of the bottom layer (labeled as Model C-b)and the top layer (labeled as Model C-t)derived from model C.As expected,the refractive indices of the bottom layer are higher than the mean refractive indicesderivedFig.4.Material dispersions determined from models A,B,and C for the GdF 3film grown on CaF 2(111).The dispersion of CaF 2is also included forcomparison.Fig.2.Fitting experimental data with a rough surface but homo-geneous GdF 3layer on CaF 2.Fig.3.Fitting experimental data with a rough surface and an inhomogeneous GdF 3layer on CaF 2.1June 2007͞Vol.46,No.16͞APPLIED OPTICS3223from model B,whereas the refractive indices of the top layer are lower than the mean refractive indices.For DUV-coating development,one is more inter-ested in the film optical parameters at the wave-length of the ArF excimer laser.Table 1summarizes the refractive index at 193nm,surface roughness,and the related MSE obtained from the three models.The modeled surface roughness (SR)corresponds to AFM measured root-mean-square (rms)roughness if a proper approach is employed.As can be seen in Fig.4,the material dispersions obtained from different models show similar wavelength dependence.By se-lecting the dense homogeneous bottom layer disper-sion (Model C-b in Fig.4)as a reference,one may compare the porosity difference derived from the three models according to Eq.(4).The mean porosity derived from model A is 10.3%.Introducing the SR layer leads to the reduction of the mean porosity to 9.3%in model B.A linear relationship between the mean porosity p and the layer thickness z in model C indicates a dense bottom layer (p ϭ0)and a porous top layer (p ϭ15.8%).The best-fitted model suggests that the refractive index of the GdF 3film is a function of layer thickness because of its inhomogeneous structure.As a result,the value of the refractive index of GdF 3film is thick-ness dependent.Figure 5plots the depth distribution of the GdF 3film grown on a CaF 2(111)surface.At the beginning of the GdF 3film formation,a dense thin layer is formed on the CaF 2(111)surface,probably due to its preference for epitaxial growth,leading to a refractive index of 1.738at 193nm.As film thick-ness increases,the growth mechanisms of columnarand polycrystalline microstructure may introduce gaps between the grains.As a consequence,the film density decreases as the layer thickness accumulates.A refractive index of 1.727at 193nm is expected when the film thickness reaches ϳ10nm.At the end of the film growth,corresponding to a physical thick-ness of ϳ81.3nm,the refractive index further drops to 1.620at 193nm.A refractive index of the surface roughness layer is 1.353at 193nm based on Eq.(3).The result suggests that GdF 3film growth mecha-nisms play a critical role in the film structure for-mation.In addition,this may also explain why different refractive indices of GdF 3films are re-ported in the literature,depending on not only de-position conditions but also on film thickness and how the refractive indices were extracted from op-tical measurements.The assumption of the epi-taxial growth mode of GdF 3on CaF 2(111)and the inhomogeneous microstructure have been confirmed by XRD and TEM,respectively.Details will be sum-marized and presented.In fact,the inhomogeneous microstructure of GdF 3films has been observed by various authors.The graded grain size and the cone-shaped column struc-tures of thermal boat deposited GdF 3films have been observed by SEM and TEM cross-sectional morphology [12].In the boundaries of structures,high-population pores and voids separate the boundaries between the grain and the column structures.The inhomogeneous property of GdF 3film grown on a CaF 2substrate also leads to spectral transmittance higher than the bare substrate [12].Figure 6exhibits AFM images over 1m ϫ1m,5m ϫ5m,and 20m ϫ20m scanning sizes with a rms of 1.5,2.3,and 3.1nm,respectively.The grain and the pore sizes range from 300to 350nm.It is not a surprise that the measured rms is correlated to the AFM scanning size,indicating that the GdF 3film has different spatial frequency features.The AFM,which measured rms over a relatively large scanning area 20m ϫ20m,is consistent with the surface roughness derived from model C as listed in Table 1,because the ellipsometric measurement cov-ers an area of 3mm ϫ6mm,which is much larger than the size of nanometer-scale features of the film.Figure 7shows the grain analysis of the AFM image scanned over 5m ϫ5m.As can be seen,the per-centage of the grain coverage is close to 50%,suggest-ing the reasonable assumption made in Eq.(3).The refractive index of the surface roughness layer at 193nm is 1.353as shown in Fig.5.The AFM images clearly reveal the nanoporous morphology of GdF 3film growth on a CaF 2(111)sur-face.As can be seen in the 1m ϫ1m image,there are some gaps between the accumulated dense grains,leading to the formation of porous structure.By in-creasing the AFM scanning size to 5m ϫ5m and 20m ϫ20m,the porous network is more obvious on the film growth plane.As predicted by ellipso-metric model C,the inhomogeneity of the GdF 3film is a result of film porosity change during growth.The randomly distributed porous structures withrela-Fig.5.Refractive index depth profile of the GdF 3film grown on CaF 2(111)according to model C.Table parison of the Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous Modeling of the Ellipsometric Data Acquired from the GdF 3FilmGrowth on CaF 2(111)Model A B Cn at 193nm 1.664 1.670 1.738(bottom)1.620(top)p (%)10.39.30(bottom)15.8(top)SR (nm)09.2 3.5d (nm)87.284.781.3MSE15.778.350.983224APPLIED OPTICS ͞Vol.46,No.16͞1June 2007tively high internal surface area may connect to each other to some degree.Since environmental contam-ination starts to absorb at the DUV wavelength [22,23],the porous open structure of the GdF 3films may be decorated by environmental substances,lead-ing to high absorption at the DUV.By removing the contamination,one may expect a reduction of absorp-tion at 193nm.UVO cleaning is an effective solution for decontam-ination of hydrocarbon-related substances [20].The UVO cleaning removes hydrocarbons by photosen-sitized oxidation processes,where the contaminant molecules are excited and dissociated by the absorp-tion of the bright line at 253.7nm from a low-pressure mercury (Hg)lamp.Simultaneously,atomic oxygen O and ozone O 3are produced when oxygen is irradiated by the Hg lamp with strong emissions at 184.9and 253.7nm in the following ways:2O 2→184.9nmO ϩO 3,(5)O 3→253.7nm O ϩO 2.(6)The excited contaminant molecules and the free rad-icals produced by the dissociation react with atomic oxygen generated according to Eqs.(5)and (6)to form simple,volatile molecules,such as CO 2and H 2O.For a dense smooth surface,UVO cleaning is very efficient.For a porous film with an open network,such as the GdF 3film,one would expect that a pro-longed cleaning is required,due to its porous struc-ture.As products of the embedded contaminants under UV irradiation,the volatile molecules have to pass though the porous channel to get out of the film.Figure 8plots the absorptance of the GdF 3film at 193nm as a function of UVO exposure time.As pre-dicted,the decontamination time is ϳ40min.For comparison,typical UVO cleaning time is 10min for Si wafers [20].Figure 9shows the absorptance of the cleaned GdF 3film at 193nm as a function of laboratory ambient exposure.It takes much longer to recontaminate the film.After a few months,the absorptance is still unsaturated.The difference be-tween the fast cleaning and the slow recontaminat-ing may be explained by gas molecule dynamics in the porous network with and without UV irradia-tion.It is worthwhile to note that the measured ellipso-metric data can be well described by model C as shown in Fig.3.On the other hand,the difference between the measured transmittance spectrum and the generated one according to model C is obvious,especially at a high-photon energy region,because the measured ellipsometric parameters described in Eq.(2)are related only to the ratio of Fresnel reflec-tion coefficients of polarized light.⌿and ⌬represent the relative changes of polarized light interaction with measured surfaces,which reduce the impact of scatter when evaluating porous structures in a short wavelength region.The ellipsometric modeling de-scribed here enables one to get quick feedback for making a dense and smooth GdF 3film during processdevelopment.Fig.6.(Color online)AFM images over 1m ϫ1m,5m ϫ5m and 20m ϫ20m scanning size with a rms of 1.5,2.3,and 3.1nm,respectively.Fig.7.(Color online)Grain size analysis of a 5m ϫ5m AFM image of the GdF 3film.Fig.8.Absorptance of the GdF 3film at 193nm as a function of UVO exposure time.1June 2007͞Vol.46,No.16͞APPLIED OPTICS32254.ConclusionsThe inhomogeneous structure of GdF 3films grown on CaF 2(111)surfaces was revealed by variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry.Model fitting suggests that the ellipsometric ⌬is more sensitive to the film microstructure than ⌿.Extending the measurements to high photon energies,or short wavelengths,fur-ther enhances the capability of ellipsometry to re-solve structural evolution,as a function of GdF 3film growth on CaF 2(111)substrates.Structural evolu-tion of the GdF 3film was described by an improved ellipsometric modeling,suggesting a dense bottom layer,middle layers with increasing porosity,and a rough surface.As a result of the inhomogeneous porous structure,the refractive index of GdF 3films is related to film thickness.The surface rough and po-rous morphology predicted by the ellipsometric model were confirmed by AFM.The environmental contam-ination was easy to be attracted within the nano-porous film structure as a result of ambient air exposure,leading to long UVO irradiation time to clean 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