英国文学选读一考试大题必备 重点题目分析(人物分析 诗歌分析 三大主义)


杨岂深英国⽂学选读Book1笔记和考研真题详解第1章 复习笔记第1单元 杰弗⾥·乔叟Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400)(杰弗⾥·乔叟)1. Life(⽣平)In 1340, Geoffrey Chaucer was born in London, a son of a wine merchant who had connectionswith the Court. He is the founder of English poetry.Chaucer was a royal butler and had several occasions to Belgium, France and Italy. Thus, French culture and Italy humanist literature represented by Dante, Pytlak and Bio had a great influence on him.He died in 1400 and was buried in Westminster Abbey, thus founding the “Poets’ Corner”.1340年,杰弗⾥·乔叟出⽣于伦敦,是⼀个与宫廷有联系的酒商的⼉⼦。
2. Main works(主要作品)Troilus and Criseyde (1380-1385)《特罗勒斯与克丽西德》The Canterbury Tales (1386-1400)《坎特伯雷故事集》3. Chaucer’ s Literary Career(⽂学⽣平)Chaucer’s literary career can be divided into three periods. The first period consists of works tra nslated from French, the second consists of works adapted from the Italian, as Troilus and Cris eyde. The third period includes The Canterbury Tales, which is purely English.乔叟的⽂学⽣平可划分为三个阶段。


英国文学选读样题答案一、选择题(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,总计15分)1---5 ABCCC6---10 ABBAB11---15 BBAAC二、填空(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,总计20分)1.Heroic 2 comedies 3. couplet 4. metaphysical poetry 5. Eve6. My Luve’s Like a Red, Red, Rose7.Houyhnynms8. Coleridge9. Odes 10. Emily Bronte三、诗歌分析(本大题共4个小题,每小题分值见各小题,共20分)1.William Wordsworth; I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud2.Iambic tetrameter; ababcc ababcc3.The waves beside them danced; but they_ / _ / _ / - /Out-did | the spark|ling waves | in glee:_ / _ / _ _ _ /A po|et could |not but |be gay,_ / _/ _ / _ _In such | a jo|cund com|pany:_ / _ / _ / _ /I gazed--|and gazed-|-but lit|tle thought_ / _ / _ / _ /What wealth |the show |to me |had brought:4. 水波在边上欢舞,但水仙比闪亮的水波舞得更乐;有这样快活的朋友做伴,诗人的心儿被欢愉充塞;我看了又看,却没领悟这景象给了我什么财富。
(黄杲炘)四、小说分析(本大题共5个小题,每小题分值见每小题,共20分)1.Jane Eyre; Sharlotte Bronte2.He had a mad wife who set the building on fire and climbed to the roof of thebuilding. He tried to save her. But the staircase broke and he fell down He was wounded and became blind.3.When Jane knew that Mr. Rochester had a wife. She was surprised and fledfrom Thornfield. Mr. Rochester was very sad at it.4.She wandered about and met Mr. Rivers and became a village school teacher.Mr. Rivers would go to work in India. He asked her to be his wife, which was refused. She heard Mr. Rochester calling her in the wind and came back.5.Though poor and plain, Jane Eyre, who had a strong will of life, tried hard toget her rights of equality. She lived the man very much who was about 20 years older than she and richer. She just wanted him to treat her equally. She was great because her love made disillusioned Rochester happy again. Mr.Rochester was a man full of life’s misery, yet he loved Jane truly and respected her very much. That’s why he got her love.五、文学术语解释(共5个术语,每个2分,共10分)1.Ballad: The narrative folk song that tells a story, which originates and is communicated orally mainly among illiterates.2.Couplet: A pair of rhymed lines that are equal in length and the same in rhythm and rhyme3.Soliloquy: The act of talking to oneself, whether silently or aloud. In drama it refersto the act of a character alone on the stage that utters his or her thoughts aloud.4.Elegy: Poems that lament the loss of something or someone, or loss or death more generally.5.Lyric: A poem, usually a short one, that expresses a speaker’s personal thoughts orfeelings. The elegy, ode, and sonnets are all forms of the lyric.六、简答题(本大题共3小题,每小题5分,共15分)ment briefly on the fate of Tess in Tess of the D’Urbervilles.Tess is actually a victim of her society. Hardy created the heroine Tess just to criticize the society in his time. Tess is a tragic person simply because she is not accepted by the society in which agriculture is menaced by the forces of invading capitalism. So in a way, Tess’ fate is decided by her society.2.What are the unique features of Shakespeare’s sonnets?Two features: (1) the principle person addressed by the poet is not a woman b uta young man and a mysterious dark lady. (2) the structure of three quatrainsand a concluding couplet is typically Shakespearean.3.What are the themes of Pride and Prejudice?1)a conservative criticism of the Romantic movement and in particular its con ceit oflove at first sight.2)Irony also permeates the novel.3)ordinary provincial life with keen observation.4)Marriage plays a huge role in the novel5)Social classes are also taken into account and play a major role as a theme6)Pride and prejudice both stand in the way of relationships,7)Family. Austen portrays the family as primarily responsible for the intellectual and moral education of children.(答出三个以上即可给全分)。

英国⽂学期末考试-诗歌鉴赏分析部分莎⼠⽐亚1.Sonnet 18(B1,P118)(theme:It talks about the poet’s faith in the permanence of poetry.The message is that in this world no beauty (in Nature) can stay except poetry or art; and your beauty can only last if I write it down in my poetry. Transiency of time is also the themes of Sonnet 18. Content: On the surface, the poem is a statement of praise about the beauty of the beloved woman. The beloved's "eternal summer" shall not fade precisely because it is embodied in the sonnet. To him, her beauty must be like the eternal summer, but he does not want it to fade with time. Thus the best way to preserve her beauty is to keep it in this poem. The final couplet explains that the beloved’s ―eternal summer‖ will continue as long as there are people alive to read this sonnet. Comments: Actually, the writer wanted to express his view that art can keep the beauty forever. Art not only can make people enjoy the beauty by reading it, but also be a beauty itself. Natural beauty would be knocked out with the passing of the time. Only the art brings the eternity. For the speaker, love transcends nature. The poet’s love is so powerful that even death is unable to curtail(减少) it. The speaker’s love lives on for future generations to admire through the power of the written word-through the sonnet itself.Figures of Speech:Rhetorical questioning: the 1st line, to used to create a tone of respect, and to engage the audience;Metaphor: Shakespeare opens the poem with a metaphor, comparing the woman he loves to all of the best characteristics of a summer's day and she is far more beautiful and even tempered than the most desirable summer weather; Personification:It is worth mentioning Shakespeare's use of personification here. He gives the sun an eye, a human attribute, and in the next line, a complexion.Parallelism:The final couplet, used to emphasize the message: the beauty of the subject will be immortalized by the power of his art.)2.Sonnet 29(B1,P119)(theme: The theme of Sonnet 29 is to show the importance of love which can overpower the feelings of self-hate. Content: it starts with the speaker talking about how much he dislikes his life. The speaker sites many examples of why this is how he feels. Then the speaker talks about how he by change thinks about his love and it lifts his spirits. The whole poem expresses the changes of the author's inner feelings,which are from disappoint to hopeful,from negative to positive ,from desperate to affectionate ,from self-abased to confident.Figures of Speech:Metaphors: It were used in lines 10-12. In these lines, he compares his love to the lark who sings songs to the heavens. Shakespeare uses this metaphor because he wants to show the reader how happy the thought of his true love makes him feel. Symbolizes: In the first three lines, he symbolizes that he is jealous of everything in society. He uses symbolism here because he wants the reader to know that the speaker feels like an outcast compared to the rest of society.symbolism In the eleventh line, the symbolism is that the speaker is describing his lover as a lark. He uses this symbolism because he is portraying that his lover is as lovely as a songbird singing to the heavens.Personification: It can be found in line 3. Shakespeare is giving Heaven human like characteristics, such as the ability to hear. He includes this in his sonnet because this adds to the lonesomeness the speaker is feeling, since even God will not answer his wishes.Repetition:―like him‖ and ―mans‖ in lines 6 and 7, This emphasizes that he wants to me like the other men other than remaining like himselfAlliteration(头韵): ―think, thee, then‖ in line 11Rhyme:follows pattern: abab cdcd ebeb ff, ex. ―state, fate, gate‖ and ―brings, kings‖ The use of rhyme is very common in sonnets.)弥尔顿3.On His Blindness(B1,P148)(Theme: Its theme is that people use their talent for God, and they serve him best so can endure the suffering best. This sonnet is written as a result of Milton’s grief, as he lost his eye sight at his middle age.Content:Lines 1-8: Milton gets rather impatient at the thought of his blindness in the middle age. Blindness prevents him from using his poetic talent by writing something great to glorify God. In an impatient mood Milton doubts if God would be just in demanding work from a blind man like him.Lines 8-14: Milton’s attitude of doubt passes off in a moment. His inner conscience rises up with its faith in God’s justice. He realizes that God does not need man’s work by way of service to him; nor does he care whether man uses His gifts. He has a lot of angels working for him. So, patient submission to His will is the best service to Him.Figures of Speech:Alliteration: my days in this dark world and wide (line 2)Metaphor: though my soul more bent / To serve therewith my Maker (lines 3-4). The author compares his soul to his mind. Personification/Metaphor: But Patience, to prevent / That murmur, soon replies . . . (lines 8-9).Paradox: They also serve who only stand and wait.Rhyme: This sonnet is written in iambic pentameter rhymed in abba abba cde cde, typical of Italian sonnet. )多恩4.Song(B1, P134)(Theme:Negative view about love. Content: The whole poem focus on the argument of whether beautiful women will be loyalty to love. In the first stanza, he use 6 impossible things to clarify his view that such women who both beautiful and loyalty do not exist in the world. In the second stanza, he describes the journey of a man who was born to strange sights and sware that there were no women true, and fair. In the last stanza, he agreed that it would be sweet if there were women true, and fair, but he won’t change his belief that there exist no women who are both true and fair. Figures of Speech: 第⼀节中⽤了imperative sentence祈使句,像在对话;metaphor将找到美丽⽽忠贞的⼥⼦⽐作第⼀节中的做那些离奇怪诞的事)5.Valediction: Forbidding Mourning: (B1,P135)(Theme:farewell and love. Content:In the first two stanzas the departure of the lovers is compared with the death of virtuous men. Then, he clarify that their love is high to the soul and the body departure cannot influence them any more. Their two souls are united into one like the gold that has excellent ductility. If souls are still two, then they will just like the compasses, separated but never really divided. At last, he asked his wife to take care of the family so that he can complete his missions without worries, just like the moving compass complete a full circle with the help of the fixed point.Figures of Speech:comparison⾼尚男⼈的死和他们的分离;Metaphor(Conceit):The two lovers are likened to the two points of a compass. The idea of the wife staying and minding the house while the husband goes away is old-fashioned now, but we can still comprehend it.Pun: Take the lines Thy firmness makes my circle just,/ And makes me end, where I begun.. Here the compass is doing two different things, and both have significance. "End where I begun" implies the finish of a circle as drawn by a compass; only through his wife's stability in the centre, Donne argues, can his circle be drawn correctly. However it also implies the closing of the compass - and Donne coming home to be with his wife.Symbolism: symbolism of gold is very important, as it is also the most precious and noble of all the metals. It is also the least reactive of all metals, which ties in with Donne's placing of the lovers above the emotional layer and makes their love difficult to destroy.Comments:Donne's basic argument was that most people's relationships are built on purely sensual things - if they are not together at all times, the relationship breaks down. I agree with him, because a real love should have no restrictions of distance or time, so long as lovers’ hearts and souls are bound to each other, there will be no reason for them to worry abouta temporary separation.)布莱德6.Songs of Innocence-The Chimney Sweeper(Theme: This poem protest the living working and conditions, and the overall treatment of youngchimney sweepers in the cities of England; also it expresses sympathy for these young chimney sweepers. Content:The first stanza tells the narrator's life story: abandoned by parents, working in thedark chimney and sleeping in dark, dirty soot. Probably it's the reflection of all the little chimney sweepers' life story. In the thir d line, the cry "'weep! 'weep! 'weep! 'weep!" is actually the child's attempt at saying "Sweep! Sweep! Sweep!", which was the c himney sweeper's street cry.The poem goes on to talk about Tom Dacre, one of the narrator's fellows in the second and third stanzas. The second stanza intr oduces Tom Dacre, who acts as a foil to the speaker. Tom is upset about his lot in life, then the narrator comforts little Tom, sha ving his curl white hair and getting bare, so that he needn't worry that his hair would get spoiled until Tom falls asleep. Here To m's family name "Dacre" is a homophone for the word "dark". In next three stanzas, the poem describes Tom's dream. He drea ms of an angel opening the coffins and freeing the sweepers. It shows the freeing of Tom and other sweeps from the oppressive lifestyle.When the angel tells Tom that ―if he’d be a good boy, He’d have God for his father and never want joy‖, he gives Tom hope that if he is good and does his job, God will be his father and bless him in the next life. Figures of Speech:symbolism,irony)7.Songs of Experience-The Chimney Sweeper(B1,P289)(Theme: This poem protest the living working and conditions, and the overall treatment of youngchimney sweepers in the cities of England; also it expresses sympathy for these young chimney sweepers.Content: In the first two lines, Blake gives us an image of an anguished child in a state of agony. In the second stanza, the child is pictured in a very more happier and playful mood. This soon changes when he decides to tell the stranger more about his parents. They are showed to be punishing their child for being so happy by "clothing in clothes of death and teaching him to sing notes of woe." It is very obvious the sweeper’s feels hate towards his parents for putting him in such sadness, but inst ead he chooses to hide it by making himself look happy and satisfied.It is clear in the last Stanza that Blake’s criticizing the Church, especially, and the state for letting a lot of these things happen. During this time many children were dying from being, either, worked to death or from malnutrition. Neither the state or the church did any thing to stop this and is obviously why Blake feels so much anger towards them. The sweeper’s parents are really no help towards their own child. This makes the reader wonder, if they are worshiping god, the source of good doings, why do they chose to ignore their own child. They would rather turn their heads the other way and instead find love at church. Figures of speech:partial tone:T he cry "'weep! 'weep! " is actually the child's attempt at saying "Sweep! Sweep! ‖,whichwas the chimney sweeper's direct cry. The use of the partial tone creates an ironic effect. It makes readers feel that the chimney children are weeping for their living and working conditions.symbolism,Contrast:In the first two lines, t he color black seems to be very important because it is used to represent sin against innocence, the color of the white snow.)8.Holy Thursday --From Songs of Innocence'(Theme: portrays unfortunate children as blessings to society and shows their gratitude towards God for all that he has done. Figures of speech: simile, metaphor, symbolismBlake tries to express an optimistic and hopeful image of innocent children singing to Christ onthe day of ascension. The poem’s rhythm is playful and childish and effectively carries out Blake’s image.In the first four lines, colorful children are marching into St Paul’s cathedral for the celebration of the ascension of Christ. From the footnote, one learns that these children are from the charity s chools in London, meaning that they are very poor and probably don’t have a family. Despite their hardships, the children are still described in a joyful, harmonic wayWith an ABAB rhyming pattern, the poem starts with a bouncing, nursery rhyme quality. The children’s problems are not an iss ue; they are still cute, innocent, and alive, like a river. The beadles that must keep the kids in order are portrayed as old and lifel ess men who have lost their childhood innocence. Even though these children are poor and homeless, they are showing hopeful ness and optimism when they go to sing the Lord’s praisesIn the next stanza, the children are again portrayed as sweet and innocent, and there is no mention of the hardships they must fa ce every other day in their life. There are a few different images that Blake gives the reader to express his idea that children are pure and free–flowing characters:Here, the children are a beautiful and vital part of the London society. They are ―flowers‖ that give pleasure to all men and wom en. Blake fails to mention that these children are a blight and burden to mankind. They are victims of a cruel and harsh world, a nd as a result, they reflect images of misery and poverty. However, in this stanza, the children are innocent lambs who have a ―r adiance all their own.‖ They are beautiful flowers and are pleasing to the entire world.In the final stanza, the children are singing to the heavens with songs of joy. They are singing the praises of the Lord to heaven on this glorious day.Here, the children are powerful and mighty and are capable of communicating with the heavens above. They believe that God tr uly loves them in spite of the fact that they are really the wretched of the earth. Even though they are penniless and homeless, the children raise their hands and sing their praise and thanks to Jesus.)9.Holy Thursday---From Songs of Experience(Theme: the condemn for the church or the god; sympathy for the poor childrenFigures of speech: contrast, irony, metaphorThis poem is negative and pessimistic and it questions the nature or existence of a God. The children are rejected and abused by society and they are exactly the opposite of the children in the first poem.This procession into the cathedral has religious intentions, but the speaker wonders how holy it is to have so many pitiful and m iserable children in a world that is so rich and prosperous. It doesn’t seem possible to him that these children are singing to the Lord out of pure happiness and thanksgivingThe speaker finds it hard to believe that these children are actually singing out praises of the Lord. He sees them so unhappy an d so poor, and yet they are thanking Jesus for all that he has done for them. The series of questions by the speaker in this stanza implies a tone of disbelief and amazement that heightens throughout the poem.In the last two stanzas, the speaker offers an explanation as to why these children are so poor and pitiful.The speaker believes that the life of the children is always dark, bleak, and bare. It will always be difficult, cold, and barren. He believes that the children are poor because they never have any sunshine or any rain. In other words, these kids don’t have the wonderful and plentiful eye of the Lord upon them. Blake believes that man could not decline into such a pitiful state if God is constantly watching over him. Throughout the ceremony, the children are praising God and all of His works. This prai se now seems very ironic since these children are not under the watchful eye of the Lord)10.The Lamb" --From Songs of Innocence(Theme: the origin of human, blessing for the human and GodContent: The poem begins with the question, ―Little Lamb, who made thee?‖ The speaker, a child, asks the lamb about its origins: how it came into being, how it acquired its particular manner of feeding, its ―clothing‖ of wool, its ―tender voice.‖ In the next stanza, the speaker attempts a riddling answer to his own question: the lamb was made by one who ―calls himself a Lamb,‖ one who resembles in his gentleness both the child and the lamb. The poem ends with the child be stowing a blessing on the lamb.Figures of speech:repetition:Repetition in the first and last couplet of each stanza makes these lines into a refrain, and helps to give the poem its song-like quality.rhetoric questionsSymbolism:The lamb symbolizes Jesus and the image of the child is also associated with Jesus.Comment:The poem is a child’s song, in the form of a question and answer. The first stanza is rural and descriptive, while the second focuses on abstract spiritual matters and contains explanatio n and analogy. The child’s question is both naive and profound. The question (―who made thee?‖) is a simple one, and yet the child is also tapping into the deep and timeless questions that all human beings have, about their own origins and the nature of cr eation. The poem’s apostrophic form contributes to the effect of naivety, since the situation of a child talking to an animal is a believable one, and not simply a literary contrivance. Yet by answering his own question, the child converts it into a rhetorical one, thus counteracting the initial spontaneous sense of the poem. The answer is presented as a puzzle or riddle, and even though it is an easy one—child’s play—this also contributes to an underlying sense of ironic knowingness or artifice in the poem. The child’s answer, however, reveals his confidence in his simple Christian faith and his innocent acceptance of its teachings.)11.The Tiger(B1,P288)(Theme:humans are incapable of fully understanding the mind of God and the mystery of his handiwork.But considering the social background of this poem, It could destroy the old system and establish a new one.Content:This poem begins with the author presents a series of questions that embodies the central problem: Who created the tiger? Or w as it Satan? Blake presents his question in Lines 3 and 4: What immortal hand or eye/ Could frame thy fearful symmetry? However, to express his bewilderment that the God who created the gentle lamb also created the terrifying tiger, he includes Satan as a possible creator while raising his rhetorical questions, the one he asks in Lines 5 and 6: In what distant deeps orskies/Burnt th e fire of thy eyes?Figures of speech:Symbolism:The tiger is symbolic of the revolutionary forces:the French people in the French Revolution to which Blake was a s upporter and it can also symbolizes evil, or the incarnation of evil.And that the lamb represents goodness, or Christ. Metaphor&alliteration:In Lines 3 and 4the author uses alliteration and metaphor to make comparison the tiger and his eyes to fi re.Symbol&Allusion:In Lines 5 and 6: In what distant deeps or skies/Burnt the fire of thy eyes? In these sentences, “Deeps” ap pears to refer to hell and “skies” refer to heaven which is the expression of symbol and Allusion.Comments:It is said that human souls have two sides: a good side, and an evil side."The Lamb" and "The Tyger," by William B lake, are both poems of deep meaning. They seem to explain both sides of human nature: the light and the dark, the yin and the yang, the good and the evil. They can also represent the transition from a child to an adult or even Heaven and Hell. "The Lamb " is a poem that is referring to the good side of the human soul, while "The Tyger" is referring to the dark side. The lamb brings to mind innocence,purity,children,or Jesus; the tiger brings to mind viciousness, cunning, danger, or death. )彭斯12.John Anderson my jo, John(B1, P294)(theme: love. Content:It’s a simple but warm poem about the commonplace feeling of a ordinary couple. The old wife recalls their encounter at their young ages and compare her husband’s young appearance with that of now. They has gone through so many years, and she blesses her husband and wishes joint happiness until their death.Figures of Speech:Metaphor/contrast: In line3 and line6, John’s locks are said to be as black as the raven when young but as white as snow now. The metaphor is so properly used, while the contrast between John’s young and aged years is also very vivid in delivering the massage of their peaceful and lasting marriage.Rhyme:Comments: This poem is very simple, but it remind me of a Chinese saying, ― I’ll take your hand and grow old with you.‖The love I dreamed of is just like this, more stability and less impulsion.)华兹华斯13.The Solitary Reaper(B2,P22)(theme:T he poet is fascinated with a Scottish peasant girl’s beautiful song.Content: Stanza 1: The poet heard a Scottish girl singing while reaping in the wheat field.Stanza 2: The poet is surprised to hear such a beautiful song in so remote aplace.Stanza 3: The poet doesn’t understand her song but knows it is about something sad. Stanza 4: The poet was so moved by her song that he could never forget it.Figures of Speech:Contrast:反衬⽤夜莺和杜鹃反衬少⼥歌声的优美Metaphor/synaesthesia:暗喻、通感声⾳在作者眼中变为有形的事物Vocative:呼语BEHOLD HER /O LISTEN,像在与⼈对话,拉近读者和说话者的距离Repetition:反复同源词反复Analogy:少⼥的歌声与夜莺和杜鹃的歌唱诗⼈与旅⼈及赫布⾥群岛Symbolism: 象征MOUNT UP THE HILL象征着⼈⽣的旅途Rhyme:iniambic tetrameter with the rhyme of ababccdd (except lines 1 & 3 In stanzas 1 and 4)Comments:⽣活中有时停下匆匆的脚步可能会有惊喜。

考点一:The Canterbury Tales参考A: 1~3: spring rain 4: spring flower 5: spring wind 6~7: spring grass 8~9: spring sun 10~~18: the celebration of spring (10~13: birds’ singing; 14~18: people’s pilgrimages)参考B: Structure beauty: The 18 lines form a coherent whole which is a sentence that composes of two adverbial clauses of time (line 1~11) and a main clause (12~18), expressing the essential idea of the whole work.考点二:Why is spring compared to a king? (4’)1.As the first season of a year, spring is as powerful as the king because it gives life toeverything.2.The use of the “king” can rime with “spring” and “sing”.考点三:What’s the effect of repeating “come live with me and be my love”?1.For the speaker’s part, he can strengthen his passion to his love, he sounds moreconfident than ever and the plea becomes more persuasive with each repetition.2.For the listener’s part, we can understand speaker’intention much more clearly. Thelistener will feel that shepherd’s love is strong and sincerely.3.It makes the ending match up with the beginning so as to make the poem a completewhole.考点四:What’s the effect of repeating the calls of the birds in each stanza?1. A good poem is usually like a beautiful song, the calls of the birds are pleasing to the ear.The repeated songs can give people pleasure and make this poem have a beautifulrhyme.2.The repetition of this line make three stanzas from a united whole.3.The sweat songs of the birds describe their happiness in spring and express their love ofspring. Their songs can also create a happy and peaceful atmosphere for people to enjoyspring.4.To emphasize the coming of spring.考点五:Compare these two poem: (讲义第7和第8面)1.On one hand, they share the same structure, meter, rhyme pattern and subject matters. Theywere written in iambic pentameter with six quatrains, each rhyming aabb. Both poems are about love and nature.2.On the other hand, they have obvious differences. Marlowe was young, he idealized natureand love. So his poem was romantic and imaginative. But Raleigh was old, and his attitude was jaded. He shows the reality of life and presents and opposite and negative view towards love and nature described in Marlowe’s poem.考点六:(可能会考选择题)Script(剧本): the written work from which a drama is produced; contains stage directions and dialogue.Stage directions(舞台说明): notes provided by the playwright to describe how something should be performed on stage. Stage directions often describe elements of the spectacle: lighting, music, sound effects, costumes, properties, and set designs.Soliloquy(独白): a long speech given by a character while alone on stage to reveal his or her private thoughts or intentions.Aside(旁白): a statement intended to be heard by the audience or by a single other character butnot by all the other characters on stage.Act(幕): a major division of a drama.Scene(场景):a division of an act; it begins with the entrance of one or more characters and ends with the exit of one or more characters.考点七:Why Juliet is a sun not a beautiful flower?1.There is only one sun in the world and Juliet is the only woman Romeo loves.2.Juliet is more beautiful and warm than the moon and the stars, so Juliet is the sun.考点八:What we can learn from Romeo and Juliet?1.We should believe true love.2.be brave to pursuer true love and happiness.3.be firm to your love.4.the more I give to you, the more I have.考点九:Problems troubling Hamlet:Hamlet’s endurance has reached the breaking point.1.His father has been murdered by his uncle.2.His mother, who he loves dearly, is married to his uncle right after his father’s death.3.Then his former friends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dispatched by claudius to spy onhim.4.Moreover, his sweetheart, Ophelia, is sent as a tool to find out whether or not he is really mad.This is some thing he can no longer endure.5.One incident after another seems to reveal to him that the time is “out of joint”, and man is notso good as he had imagined.6.Now, he’s all alone. The world that he knew is shattered. His black mood of despair isdeepened by his inability to act ---to do something to change the situation. Now he ponders whether to continue living or to take his own life.考点十:对to be, or not to be: that is the question的理解。

英美文学考试复习点重点整理1.现实主义、批判现实主义(代表人物、作品,以及每部作品讲了什么故事)P276—比如《匹克威克外传》主要讲什么?P281 《双城记》主要讲什么?P298 《大卫科波菲尔》主要讲什么?P2922.其中自传体形式的作品有哪些?3.傲慢与偏见的第一个名字:first impression(Pride and prejudice现)4.三姐妹指的是?5.19世纪有名小说名利场副标题:“A Novel Without a Hero”作者:William Makepeace Thackeray P3036.18th浪漫主义作家、代表作P211 反对什么,反抗什么思想?7.Pop代表作有哪些?P134 剪发记?8.玄学诗派有哪些人物组成?Leading Feature? P1169.乌托邦is written in form of ?P3310.Universal Wicks大学才子是谁?P5011.中世纪文学流行的是? 主题特征骑马精神P8?12.最著名作家:乔叟P1913.对于三次征服的概念(1)罗马征服P1 (2)英国人征服P2(3)诺曼征服P514.人民大宪章什么时候出现?时间:1837年1.John MiltonHe was born in London in 1608. He is a master of the blank verse, and a great stylist. And he is famous for his grand style.But his style is never exactly natural. He devoted almost twenty years of his best life to the fight for political, religious and personal liberty as a writer. His famous works are Paradise lost, Paradise Regained, and Samson Agonistes.2.RomanceRomance was the most prevailing kind of literature of theupper class in feudal England in the Medieval Ages. It is a long composition in verse or in prose which describes the life and chivalric adventures of a noble hero. The central character of romances is the knight, a man of noble birth skilled in the use of weapon. The theme of loyalty to king and lord was repeatedly emphasized in romances.3.the EnlightenmentIt is the philosophical and artistic movement growing out of the Renaissance and continuing until the nineteenth century. It was an optimistic belief that humanity could improve itself by applying logic and reasons to all things. Typically, these enlightenment writers would use satire to ridicule what they felt illogical errors in government, socialcustom, and religious belief.4.NeoclassicismThe neoclassical movement began in the mid-18th century and brought about a revival of interest in the old classical work. The neoclassicists held that forms of literature were to be modeled after the classical works of the ancient Greek and Roman writers. They believed that the artistic ideals should be order, logic, restrained emotion and accuracy, and that literature should be in judged in terms of its service to humanity./doc/0d16361832.html,ke poetsAlso called Lake School, it is a name applied to a group of poets in the 19th century, including Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Southey. They had lived in the Lake District in the northwest of England and shared a community of literary and social outlook in their works.6.MetaphysicalAbout the beginning of the 17th century appeared a schoolof poets called “Metaphysical”, including Donne, Herbert, Marvell, Vaughan, and Crashaw. The work of the metaphysical poets are characterized their wit, imaginative picturing, compressions, often cryptic expression and by generally speaking, by mysticism in content and fantasticality in form.7.Heroic coupletsA heroic couplet is a traditional form for English poetry, commonly used for epic and narrative poetry; it refers to poems constructed from a sequence of rhyming pairs of iambic pentameter lines. The rhyme is always masculine. The use of the heroic couplet was first pioneered by Chaucer in The legend of Good Women and The Canterbury Tales.8.BalladsBallad was the most important department of English folk literature. A ballad is a story told in song, usually in 4-line stanzas, with the second and fourth lines rhymed. They are anonymous narrative poems bearing the characteristics of folklore and designed for singing or oral recitation in various English and Scottish dialects. Ballad is mainly the literature of the common people and one is able to understand the outlook of the English common people in feudal society through the ballads. The subjects of ballad are various in kind, as the struggle of young lovers against their feudal—minded families, the conflict between love and wealth, the cruelty of jealousy, the criticism of the civil war, and the matters of class struggle. Usually a ballad deals with a single episode and the beginning is often abrupt, without any introduction to the characters and background information.回答问题1.撒旦为什么选择伊甸园作为复仇之地2.写一个关于傲慢与偏见的小结(作者、人物角色、情节、后果)和主题评价Pride and Prejudice is a novel by Jane Austen, first published in 1813.翻译题1.P103①Throw open all doors; let the re be light ; let every man think and bring his thoughts to the light;dread not any diversities of opinion.②Truth is compared in Scripture to a streaming fountain; if her waters flow not in a perpetual progression, they sicken into a muddy pool of conformity.③Where there is much desire to learn, there of necessity will be much arguing, much writing, many opinions; for opinion in good men is but knowledge in the marking.2.P193It was marked by a strong protest against the bondage of Classicism, by a recognition of the claims of passion and emotion, and by a renewedinterest in medieval literature.。

英国文学1考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 英国文学史上第一位伟大的诗人是:A. 乔叟B. 莎士比亚C. 弥尔顿D. 拜伦答案:A2. 下列哪位作家被誉为“英国小说之父”?A. 简·奥斯汀B. 亨利·菲尔丁C. 查尔斯·狄更斯D. 乔治·艾略特答案:B3. 《坎特伯雷故事集》的作者是:A. 乔叟B. 斯宾塞C. 雪莱D. 拜伦答案:A4. 莎士比亚的“四大悲剧”中不包括以下哪部作品?A. 《哈姆雷特》B. 《奥赛罗》C. 《李尔王》D. 《威尼斯商人》答案:D5. 以下哪位诗人不属于浪漫主义诗人?A. 华兹华斯B. 柯勒律治C. 拜伦D. 布朗宁答案:D6. 《简·爱》的作者是:A. 夏洛蒂·勃朗特B. 艾米莉·勃朗特C. 安妮·勃朗特D. 乔治·艾略特答案:A7. 以下哪部作品是现代主义文学的代表作?A. 《荒原》B. 《尤利西斯》C. 《好兵之帅之帅》D. 《到灯塔去》答案:B8. 以下哪位作家是“愤怒的青年”运动的代表人物?A. 金斯利·艾米斯B. 约翰·奥斯本C. 哈罗德·品特D. 艾伦·西利托答案:B9. 《动物农场》的作者是:A. 乔治·奥威尔B. 阿道司·赫胥黎C. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫D. 威廉·戈尔丁答案:A10. 以下哪位作家是后现代主义文学的代表人物?A. 托马斯·品钦B. 萨尔曼·鲁西迪C. 伊恩·麦克尤恩D. 朱利安·巴恩斯答案:A二、填空题(每空1分,共20分)1. 英国文学史上的“文艺复兴”时期,涌现出了许多伟大的作家,其中被誉为“英国戏剧之父”的是______。
答案:莎士比亚2. 19世纪英国现实主义文学的代表作家查尔斯·狄更斯的代表作之一是______。

杰弗里·乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer ,1340-1400)是英国文学之父亲和前最杰出的作家。
他的代表作品是《坎特伯雷故事集》(The Canterbury Tales)不仅描绘了31位朝圣者的各个社会阶层,而且也反映了他们各自叙述故事的不同风格,读者广泛,对后世影响很大。
威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare ,1564-1616)是文艺复兴时期英国著名的剧作家和诗人。
主要作品有四大悲剧:《奥赛罗》(Othello)、《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet)、《麦克白》(Macbeth),《李尔王》(King Lear);四大喜剧:《仲夏夜之梦》(A Midsummer Night’s Dream)、《威尼斯商人》(The Merchant of Venice)、《无事生非》(Much Ado about Nothing)和《皆大欢喜》(As You Like It)等。
此外,历史剧《亨利六世》(Henry VI)三部曲,爱情悲剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》(Romeo and Juliet)也都很受欢迎。

I.P ART ONE. EARL Y&MEDIEV AL1.Beowulf: the national epic史诗of the Anglo-SaxonsBeowulf aga in st: mon ster Gren del, she-m on ster and a fire drago nArtistic features: Using alliteration (头韵)Using metaphor (比喻)and understatement (陈述)2.The Class Nature of the Romance They were comp osed for the n oble, of the no ble, and in most cases by the p oets patroni zed by the no ble.3.Geoffery Chaucer: The father of En glish p oetry/ the foun der of En glish p oetry The Canterbury Tales坎特伯雷故事集:英国文史上现实主义第一部杰作first time to use ‘ heroic co双韵体)by middle EnglishII.The Renaissance P eriod1.The Renaissance & Humanism: R: 2 features: a curiosity for classical literature (Greek & Lati n) —dissatisfacti on at Catholic & feudal ideas/ activities of huma nity—new feeli ng of admirati on for huma n beauty & achieveme ntH: the key-note of R, new outlook of the risi ng bourgeois class2.Francis Bacon弗兰西斯?培根:Essays随笔(famous quotas: Of studies)3.Drama: the miracle P 奇迹剧(Bible story); the morality P 道德剧(abstract characters/co nflict of good&evil with allegorical person ages); the in terlude 幕间喜居U (short/i nterest in g); the classical drama(+Greek &Lati n/rules&structure&style/5 acts);4.Shakes peare:Four Comedies: As You Like It 皆大欢喜;Twelfth Night; A Midsummer Night ' s Dream; Mercha nt Of Ven ice 威尼斯商人Four Tragedies: Hamlet; Othello 奥赛罗;Ki ng Lear 李尔王;Macbeth 麦克白154 Sonn et: Three quatra in and one coup let, ababcdcdefefggA sonnet is a lyric consisting of 14 lines, usually in iambic 抑扬格pentameter 五步格诗restricted to a definition rhyme scheme.III.REVOLUTION1.John Milton约翰?弥尔顿①Epic: Paradise Lost 失乐园:it is a long epic in 12 books, written in blank verse. The stories were take n from the Old Testame nt: the creati on; the rebellio n in Heave n of Sata n & his fellow-a ngels; their defeat & expu Isi on from Heave n; the creati on ofthe earth & of Adam & Eve; the falle n an gels in hell pl ott ing aga inst God; Sata n ' s temptatio n of Eve; & the dep arture of Adam & Eve from Ede n.②P aradise Rega ined 复乐园2.John Bunyan 约翰?班扬The Pilgrim ' Progress 天路历程:religious allegory 宗教寓言;the spiritual pilgrimage of Christian , who flies from the City of Destruction, meets the perils and temptation of the Slough of Despond, Vanity Fair, and Doubting Castle, faces and overcomes the dem on App oily on, and fin allycomes to the Delectable Mountains and the Celestial City.3.John Donne: (the founder) the Meta physical po et(玄学派诗人).(用语)the dictio n is sim pie, the imagery is from the actual, the form is freque ntly an argume nt with the poet ' s belovedgwdthor with himself.(主题:love, religious, thought)Artistic features: conceits or imagery奇思妙喻syllogism 三段论The Flea 虱子IV The 18th Century : Enlightenment1.The Enlightenment: clear away the feudal ideas with bourgeois ideology 资阶思Classicism:重理性rati on ality /follow princip les in drama, p oetry & p rose/ tidy up cap italist social order2.Jonathan Swift乔纳森?斯威夫特:Gulliver ' s Tra格列佛游记(fictional work)Four p arts: Lilli put 小人国、Brobd ingnag 大人国Flying Island 飞岛、Houyhnhnm 智马岛A Tale of a Tub木桶的故事3.Daniel Defoe丹尼尔?笛福The father of novel.Robinson Crusoe鲁宾逊漂流记It p raises the fortitude of the huma n labor and the Pu rita n.Robinson grew from a n aive and artless youth in to a shrewd and harde ned man, temp ered by numerous trials in his eve ntful life.It is an adve nture story, Robinson, n arrates how he goes to sea, gets shi pwrecked and marooned ona Ion ely isla nd, struggles to live for 24-years there and fin ally gets relieved and retu rns to En gla nd.4.Henry Fielding 亨利?菲尔丁“ Fatheiof En glish realistic no vel ” He was the first to write a “ Comice pic in prose ”散文体史诗),and the first to give the modern novel its structure and style. <The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling弃婴汤姆?琼斯<The History of the Adventures of Jose ph Andrews约瑟夫?安德鲁5.Sentimentalism & Pre-Romanticism in Poetry anti-rationalism/anti-classicism6.William Blake 威廉?布莱克(Pre-R)Songs of Innocenc天真之歌 A happy and innocent world from childrens eye. < the chi mney swee per> 扫烟囱的孩子Songs of Exp erie nee经验之歌7.Robert Burns 罗伯特?彭斯(Pre-R) The greatest Scottish poet in the late 1t8c P oems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect主要用苏格兰方言写的诗A Red, Red Rose^朵红红的玫瑰Auld Lang Syne友谊地久天长My Heart' s in the Highland我的心在那高原上,The Tree of LibertyV The Romantic P eriod1.William Wordsworth 威廉?华兹华斯Lyrical Ballads抒情歌谣集2.George Gordon Byron 乔治?戈登?拜伦Don Juan 唐?璜She Walks In Beauty3. 4. Persy Bysshe Shelle波西?比希?雪莱A Defence of Poetry诗辩Ode to the West Wind 西风颂Theme: The author exp resses his eager ness to enjoy the boun diess freedom from the reality. Compare the west wind to destroyer of the old who drives the last sig ns of life from the trees, and preserver of the new who scatter the seeds which still come to life in the spring. This is a poem about renewal, about the wind blowing life back into dead thin gs, i mplying not just an arc of life (which would end at death) but a cycle, which only starts aga in whe n someth ing dies.Comme nt: it is writte n in iambic pen tameter. It contains five sonnet len gth sta nzas诗节,each with a clos ing coup let. The rhy ming scheme form is aba bcb cdc ded ee. The tone is poignant. Many will agree that this p oem is an inv ocati on for an un see n force to take con trol and revive life. Artistic features: Using rerza rima(三行诗aba bcb cdc dd efe …)4.John Keats约翰:济慈Four great odes: Ode on a Grecia n Ur 希腊古瓮颂Ode to a Night in gale 夜莺颂Ode to P syche心、灵颂Ode On Mela nchol y 忧郁颂Ode to Autu mn 秋颂Theme: The theme is that cha nge is both n atural and beautiful. The p oem p raises the glories of the fall seas on by using almost every type of imagery to both charm and app eal to the reader. Comme nt: The sp eaker in the p oem ack no wledges that time p asses by, but also asserts that this cha nge usually yields someth ing new and better tha n what came before. Each of the p oem's three sta nzas rep rese nts the evo Iving of two differe nt types of cha nge. One type of cha nge show n in the p oem is the cha nge of p eriods in a day.VI CRITICAL REALISM1.Charles Dickens查尔斯?狄更斯(批判现实主义小说家)critical realist writer Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿Qavid Copperfield大卫?科波菲尔;Hard Times艰难时世Great Exp ectati ons 远大前程2.William Make peace Thackeray 威廉?麦克匹斯?萨克雷Vanity Fair 名利场3.Jane Austen简?奥斯丁Sense and Se nsibility理智与感情;Pride and Prejudice 傲慢与偏见;Emma 爱玛4.Charlotte Bronte夏洛蒂?勃朗特Jane Eyre简?爱Emily Bronte艾米莉?勃朗特Wuthering Heights呼啸山庄5.George Eliot乔治?艾略特(批判现实)The Mill on the Floss弗洛斯河上的磨坊Middlemarch米德尔马契TO Mid and Late 佃也Century1.Robert Browning罗伯特?白朗宁My Last Duchess我已故的公爵夫人Elizabeth Barrett Browning: Sonnet from the P ortuguese葡萄牙十四行诗2.Christina. G Rossetti: Seek and Find; So ng3.Literary Trends at the end of the century: naturalism: environmental force & internalimpulse/pessimism & determinism; aestheticism: art should serve no religious, moral or social end, nor any end except itse l f Oscar Wilde 王尔德SalomoVffl 20th Century1.Henry James(stream of consciousness) portrait of a woma n 贵妇画像2.Thomas Hardy托马斯?合代Tess Of The D ' Urbervi德s白家的苔丝;Jude The Obscure无名的裘德3.George Bernard Shaw乔治?伯纳?萧critical realistic dramatistMrs. Warren ' sfPsoion华伦夫人的职业;Widowers ' Hou鳏夫的房产Man And Sup erma n 人与超人;The App le Cart 苹果车;Sai nt Joa n 圣女贞德4.Imagism: free verse/c onven tio nal/ com mon sp eech/ new rhythms/ clear images5.I.William Butler Yeats威廉?勃特勒?叶茨,Ireland when you are oldcelebrated & acco mp lished symbolist p oet/ use an elaborate system of symbols6.Thomas Sterns Eliot:The Waste Land; Four Quartets7.David Herbert Lawrence戴维?赫伯特?劳伦斯So ns And Lovers儿子与情人;The Rai nbow虹;Women In Love恋爱中的女人8.James Joyce!姆斯?乔伊斯stream-of-consciousness Ulysses尤禾U西斯9.Virginia Woolf 弗吉尼娅?沃尔芙stream-of-consciousnessMrs. Dalloway 达洛维夫人;To The Lighthouse到灯塔去;The Waves浪; the mark on the wall墙上的斑点IX Second War1. E. M. FosterA Passage To India印度之行Hawards End霍华兹别墅 a room with a view 看得见风景的房间2.George Orwell: 19843.William Golding: Lord of the Flies 蝇王4.Doris Lessing多丽丝?莱辛The Golden Notebook金色笔记5.Samuel Beckett wait ing for godat6.Harold Pinter: the room诗歌评论抑扬格(iamb, iambic )扬抑格(trochee, trochaic )抑抑扬格 (Anapaest, anapaesti ) 扬抑抑格(dactyl, dactylic ).Meter 步律英文诗行的长度范围一般是 一音步诗:r 音步诗:trimeter /three feet 四音步诗:tetrameter/four feet 五音步诗:pentameter 六音步诗:hexameter 七音步诗:heptameter 八音步诗:octameter.Metrical patterns (格律的形式)Iambic pentameter 抑扬格五音步 (John Milton, Paradise Lost)Dactylic hexameter 扬抑抑格六音步(Homer, Iliad)Iambic tetrameter 抑扬格四音步 Trochaic octameter 扬抑格八音步Anapestic tetrameter 抑抑扬格四音步 (Lewis Carroll, Don Juan) Alexandrine ( also known as iambic hexameter 抑扬格六音步) 压韵(Rhyming schemes 韵式)1.全韵与半韵(full rhyme and half rhyme )。

英美文学鉴赏重点英美文学鉴赏导读一单选题10个10分二文学术语翻译,10中,10英10分三2篇诗歌的分析,写出作家名,诗名,格律metrical pattern,韵律rhyme scheme,诗节stanza from,诗歌类型genre of the poem,修辞figures of speech,主题theme等20分四默写学过的两首诗。
20分五简答题两个questions 20分六论述题两个20分I. Each of the statements below is followed by 4 alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the brackets. (10*1℅=10) ?II. Translate the following former 10 English literary terms into Chinese and the later 10 Chinese literary terms into English.(20*0.5℅=10%)III. Please fill in the missing blanks and answer questions below. (2*12℅=24%)IV. Write down 2 poem you’ve learned from the textbook except the above-cited poems in III. (2*8℅=16%)V. Give brief answers to the following questions. (2*10℅=20%)VI. Short essay questions. (1*15+1*5=20%)1)熟悉Part1 (6-7),part 2 (2-7), part 3 (2)的专业术语,会互译。

一、The Anglo-Saxon period (449-1066)1、这个时期的文学作品分类:pagan(异教徒) Christian(基督徒)2、代表作:The Song of Beowulf (national epic民族史诗)metaphor alliteration。
3、Angles, Saxons and Jutes.二、The Anglo-Norman period (1066-1350)1、The Roman Conquest: In 1066, the Duke of Normandy William led the Norman army to invade England. The result of this war was William became the king of England. After the conquest, feudal system was established in English society. Chivalry was introduced by the Normans into England. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight头韵2、传奇ramances:描写骑士的冒险精神和典雅爱情文学。
seek adventures , fighting for his lord in battle,humility,honor,sacrifice,brave,honesty,love with women三、Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400)(反封建、反教会、追求个性自由)1、the father of English poetry 英国诗歌之父2、purely English(the London dialect伦敦方言)3、heroic couplet英雄双韵体4、Writing style: wisdom, humor, humanity.5、代表作:The Canterbury Tales (英国文学史的开端)内容:The pilgrims are people from various parts of England, representatives of various walks of life and social groups.特点:Each of the narrators tells his tale in a peculiar manner, thus revealing his own views and character. The story was endowed with what medieval romancelacked-interest of character as well as incident.观点:He believes in the right of man to earthly happiness. He is anxious to see man freed from superstitions and a blind belief in fate.主要故事: ①The Knight’s Tale ②The Pardoner’s Tale ③The Merchant’s Tale④The Wife of Bath四、The Renaissance (16世纪)1、背景:14-17century,a period of the breaking of feudal relations and the establishing the foundations of capitalism. New monarchy. It is a revival of classical arts and sciences.2、主要文学成就:Poetry: Wyatt: first to introduce the sonnet into English literature.Sidney Spenser: the poet’s poet.Drama: Marlowe: blank verse(无韵诗) the principal vehicle of expression in drama. . William Shakespeare(1564-1616)Novels:John Lyly Thomas Loge Thomas NasheEssays /prose: Francis Bacon(1561-1626)、Thomas More(1478-1535)3 works of shakespeare:37palys ,tow narrative poems and 154sonnetsFirst period (1590-1600):comdies: <As You Like It>皆大欢喜; <Twelfth Night>第十二夜; <A Midsummer Night’S Dream>仲夏夜之梦; <Merchant Of Venice>威尼斯商人Second period(1601—1608):tragedies<Hamlet>哈姆莱特; <Othello>奥赛罗; <King Lear>李尔王; <Macbeth>麦克白Third period(1609—1612)historiesLyric poem:Three quatrain and one couplet, ababcdcdefefggSonnet 18:Theme:The poet writes beautifully on the conventional theme that his poetry will bring eternity to the one he loves and eulogizes.Sonnet 29:Theme:①The poet complains of his own miseries and dissatisfaction in life and then becomes happy upon the thought of the one he loves. ②Here Shakespeare is supposed to reveal his own thoughts and feelings, especially in the first octet.The character of Hamlet:①Hamlet was a humanist, a man who is from medieval prejudices and superstitions.②Starting from his humanist love of man, he turns to those around him with the same eagerness.③His intellectual genius is outstanding.④Hamlet’s melancholy is not the negative, hair-splitting and fruitless kind. It is rather the result of his penetrating habit of mind.五、The Period of Revolution and Restoration (17C)1、文学特点concerned with the tremendous social upheavals, influence by puritan. 光荣革命意义the supremacy of parliament, beginning of modern England,final triumph of the political liberty2、代表人物:①John Donne“metaphysical poets玄学A. Metaphysical poetry is characterized by: verbal wit, irregular rhythms, ingenious structure and strange images or “conceits奇喻”.a kind of metaphor that makes a comparison between two different things.B. A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning意象:compasses、golden beaten(金箔)union of body and soul,physically and spiritually②John MiltonThe indomitable Puritan sprit finds its noblest expression in him.诗歌:Paradise Lost失乐园freedom knowledge oppose to monarchy Paradise Regained复乐园戏剧:Samson Agonistes力士参孙Shorter poems: L‘Allegro Il Penseroso ;Lycidas ComusPrincipal pamphlets: Areopagitica: attacks the censorship of the press and appeals for the freedom of the pressEikonoklaste: justifies the execution of Charles IDefense for the English People: a defense of the Commonwealth and Revolution Sonnet: On His Deceased Wife(唯一的爱情诗) On His Blindness③John Bunyan(1628-1688)班扬:The Pilgrim’s Progress④John Dryden(1631-1700):critic、poet、playwright六、The Age of Enlightenment (18世纪)1、文学特点:The main literary stream of the 18th century was realism. The 18th century was an age of prose. Novel writing made a big advance in this century. In thisstage,staire was much used in writing.2. classicism(neoclassicism), (pre-romanticism), (modern novel and sentimentalism)3.emphsis on reason,order ,balance and harmony.4、文学名人及作品:①classicism/neoclassicism Richard Steele:The Spectator Addison Pope johnson②pre-romanticismWilliam Blake:Song of Innocence. London、The Tiger、The Chimney Sweeper均节选自Song of Experience经验之歌Poetical Sketches 诗的素描The Book of Thel 塞尔书The Marriage of Heaven and HellRobert Burns(1759-1796):用苏格兰方言书写, ,著有Poems Chiefly in Scottish Dialect苏格兰方言诗集 <A Red, Red Rose> My Heart’s in the n Highlands> <The Tree Of Liberty>③modern novelA. realistic novelDaniel Defoe、Henry Fielding、Jonathan SwiftB. sentimentalismLaurence Sterne: Sentimental Journey Tristram ShandyThomas Gray :Elegy, Written in a Country Churchyard墓园挽歌5、Daniel Defoe①英国小说之父②Robinson Crusoe全名:The life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson CrusoeThe writers of the Enlightenment attached great importance to the molding of character and to education through the influence of varied environment.The character of Robinson Crusoe is representative of the English bourgeoisie at the earlier stages of its development. He is most practical and exact, always religious and at the same time mindful of his own profit.③Captain Singleton Colonel Jack Moll Flanders A Journal of the Plague Year Roxana6、Henry Fielding: comic Epic 喜剧史诗The History of Tom Jones, a foundling主要人物:Tom Jones: frank, kind, disinterested, sterlingSophia Western: brave and admirableBlifil: sly, perfidiousJoseph Andrews the journal of a Voyage to Lisbon Amelia7、Jonathan Swift(irony反讽)A Tale of a Tub 桶The battle of the Books 书之战The Drapier’s Letter 信A Modest Proposal建议Gulliver’s Travels格列佛四部分A Voyage to Lilliput/ Brobdingnag/ Laputa/ Houyhnhnms七、1.The romantic period(1798-1832):beginning of with the publication of Wordsworth’s Lyrical Ballads,ending with Walter Scott’s death.2.Theme:sensibllity,love of nature,interest of past,mysticism,individualism,exoticpicture,strong-willed heroes,sometimes the romantics resort to symbolism.And symbols are objects used to represent abstract ideas and concepts.3.emphaize on emotion4.historical backgrounds:It was greatly influenced by the industrial revolution and the french revolution.5.romantuc writersThe first generation romantic writersBurns Blake----------pre-romantisWordsworth Coleridge--------negtiveThe second generation romantic writersByron Shelley and Keats-----active romanticsHistorical novelist-----Walter Scott6.WordsworthA..style:simplicity and purity of language and love of natureB.poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.①<Lyrical Ballads>抒情歌谣集(with Samuel Taylor Coleridge)<I Wondered Lonely As A Cloud> / Daffodils/ The DaffodilsTheme: 1. Nature embodies human beings in their diverse circumstance. It is nature that gives him “strength and knowledge full of peace”2. It is bliss to recall the beauty of nature in poet mind while he is in solitude.Comment: The poet is very cheerful with recalling the beautiful sights. In the poem on the beauty of nature, the reader is presented a vivid picture of lively and lovely daffodils(水仙) and poet’s philosophical ideas and mystical thoughts.②Lines Composed A Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey丁登寺杂咏③Ode: Intimations of Immortality 不朽颂④The Solitary Reaper孤独的割麦女⑤Lucy Poems 露西⑥<The Prelude>序曲The Rime of the Ancient Mariner 老水手之歌The Excursion 漫游7.Lord ByronA.Byron’s language is moody and vicid,and he covers vast ares,both geographically and moyionally.B.Byronic hero:dark romancesC.works①<Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage>恰尔德•哈罗德尔游记②<Don Juan>唐•璜③<Cain>该隐诗歌:<She Walks In Beauty>8.ShelleyA.the mask of anarchy 暴政的化的装游行B.the finest lyric poets in the English languageC.works<The Necessity of Atheism>无神论的必要性<Queen Mab>麦布女王<Revolt of Islam>伊斯兰的反叛<Prometheus Unbound>解放了的普罗米修斯Theme: the drama celebraies man’s victory over tyranny and oppression <The Cenci>钦契 <A Defence of Poetry>诗辩<Ode to the West Wind>西风颂To a Skylark>致云雀9.ScottA. a historical novelistB.worksIvanhoe 艾凡赫waverly 威弗利the lady of the lake 湖畔湖人Rob Roy罗布.罗衣10.Jane Austen作品:① <Sense and Sensibility>理智与感情②<Pride and Prejudic> 傲慢与偏见③<Mansfield Park>曼斯菲尔德庄园④<Emma>爱玛⑤<Persuasion>劝导⑥<Northanger Abbey>诺桑觉寺。

(完整word版)英国文学选读复习资料Part I The Middle AgeChapter 1 the Anglo-Saxon period (449-1066)1. Beowulf(贝奥武甫): England’s national epic.(第一部民族史诗)2. artistic feature: ① using alliteration② using metaphor and understatementChapter 3 Geoffrey Chaucer (ca1343-1400)1.Geoffrey Chaucer is the father of English poetry and one of the most greatest narrative(叙事)poets of England.2.首创双韵体. tonico-syllabic verse. 运用London dialect.3. writing style: wisdom, humor, humanity.4.代表作:The Canterbury Tales-----In this book, Chaucer created a strikingly brilliant and picturesque panorama of his time and his country. In this poem Chaucer’s realism, trenchant irony and freedom of views reached such a high level of power that it had no equal in all the English literature up to the 16th century. But Chaucer was not entirely devoid of medieval prejudices. [乔叟为他那个时代和国家勾勒出一幅生机勃勃而又充满诗情画意的社会百态图。

答案:威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)被认为是英国文学史上最伟大的戏剧作家之一。
答案:《雾都孤儿》是查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens)的一部重要小说作品。
答案:《傲慢与偏见》是简·奥斯汀(Jane Austen)的代表作之一,被视为英国文学史上最伟大的小说之一。

Part I: the Anglo-Saxon period (449-1066)1. Historical backgroundThe early inhabitants in the island we now call England were Britons, a tribe of Celts. From the Britons the island got its name —Britain, the land of Britons, who were a primitive people living in the tribal society.After the fall of the Roman Empire (410AD) and the withdrawal of Roman troops, the Teutonic tribes, esp., the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes, conquered the island and called it Angle-land, then England.2. Literature:The Song of BeowulfThe Song of Beowulf = the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons or English people.The Song of Beowulf – Features1) The use of alliteration— the most striking one. In alliterative verse, certain accented words ina line begin with the same consonant sound. There are generally 4 accents in a line, 3 of which show alliteration,2) ThemesIt can be concluded that this poem shows how the primitive people fight against the forces of the natural world under a wise and mighty leader. But it seems that all themes are part of a larger thematic scheme which centers upon the conflict between good and evil.Part II: The Anglo-Norman Period (1066—1350)1. Historical background: The Norman Conquest:After the battle of Hastings in 1066, came the French-speaking Normans under Duke William.1) Three chief effects of the Conquest: B✧The bringing of Roman civilization✧The growth of nationality – a strong centralized government✧The new language and literature2. Literature — Romance:1) The literature the Normans brought to England is remarkable for its bright, romantic tales of love and adventure, in remarkable contrast with the strength and somberness of the Anglo-Saxon poetry.2) Sir Gawain and the Green Knighta) The best of Arthurian romances, anonymous, in alliterative verseb) Theme: A test of man’s virtue and truthPart III: Geoffrey Chaucer (1340—1400)1. The Canterbury Tales1) The General Prologue:The tales begin with a general prologue, which provides a framework for the tales and comprises a group of vivid sketches of typical medieval figures.2) Chaucer’s contributions Aa. a master of realism: In his masterpiece The Canterbury Tales, all classes except the royalty and the poorest peasants are presented by the pilgrims. Every figure is drawn with the accuracy of a portrait. It is no exaggeration to say the Prologue supplies a miniature of the English society of Chaucer’s time.b. founder of English literary language: He did much in making the London dialect the foundation for modern English language. He was the first great poet who wrote in English language (Middle English), thus establishing English as the literary language.c. Father of English poetry: He introduced from Italy and France the metrical form - the rhymed stanza of various types, especially the heroic couplet, iambic pentameters with the lines rhyming in pairs.2. Popular Ballads - DefinitionA ballad is a folk song or orally transmitted poem telling in a direct and dramatic manner some popular story usually derived from a tragic incident in local history or legend. The story is told simply, impersonally, and often with vivid dialogue. Usually, a ballad is composed in four-line stanzas with the second and the fourth lines rhymed. The first and the third lines carry four accented syllables whereas the second and the fourth carry three.Ballads flourished particularly strongly in Scotland from the 15th century onward. Since the 18th century, educated poets outside the folk-song tradition —notably Coleridge and Goethe—have written imitations of the popular ballad's form and style: Coleridg e's ‘Rime of the Ancient Mariner’ (1798) is a celebrated example.3. William Langland and Piers the PlowmanPiers the Plowman is one of the greatest of English poems of Medieval times.Part IV: The Renaissance1. The Renaissance—a definitionRenaissance, or, the rebirth of letters, is an intellectual movement. It sprang first in Italy in the 14th century and gradually spread all over Europe. Two features are striking of the movement. One is a thirsting curiosity for classical literature. The other feature is the keen interest in life and human activities. People ceased to look upon themselves as living only for God and a future world. Thinkers, artists and poets arose, who gave expression, (sometimes in an old guise, though) to the new feeling of admiration for human beauty and human achievement, a feeling in sharp contrast with medieval theology. Hence arose Humanism, the spreading of which indicates that the Renaissance is rather the flourishment of bourgeois art and literature.2. HumanismHumanism is the essence of the Renaissance. Renaissance humanists found in the classics ajustification to exalt human nature and came to see that human beings were glorious creatures capable of individual development in the direction of perfection, and that the world they inhabited was theirs not to despise but to question, explore, and enjoy. Thus, by emphasizing the dignity of human beings and the impo r tance of the present life, they voiced their beliefs that man did not only have the right to enjoy the beauty of this life, but had the ability to perfect himself and to perform wonders.3. Thomas More1) The first of the English humanists was Sir Thomas More (1478-1535).2) The name “Utopia” comes from 2Greek words meaning “no place” and was adopted by More as the name of his ideal commonwealth. It has been since used to designate the ideal state.4. Francis Bacon (1561-1626)He introduced the essay as a literary form into the English language.5. New Poetic Forms1) The sonnet, an exact form of poetry in 14 lines of iambic pentameter, was introduced from Italy to England by Thomas Wyatt and Henry Howard. The first twelve lines are intricately rhymed, which are followed by a heroic couplet. For the next half century, it was one of the most popular forms of English verse.2) In the translation of Vigil’s Adenoid, Henry Howard also wrote the first blank verse, a form of unrhymed iambic pentameters. This form was later masterly handled by Marlowe, Shakespeare and Milton.3) In writing The Faerie Queene, the “poet of the poets”Edmund Spenser devised a special verse form of Spenserian Stanza that consists of eight iambic pentameter lines followed by an iambic hexameter, with a rhyme scheme as ababbcbcc. Later, this form was also used by Byron in his Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage.6. Edmund Spenser (1552-1599)1) "The Faerie Queene” - The dominating thoughts of the poem are nationalism, humanism and Puritanism, all typical of the poet's age. But these new ideas are expressed under the guise of medieval knighthood.2) The publication of Spenser’s first work The Shepherd’s Calendar marked the budding of the Renaissance flower, the language then to be called Modern English, to distinguish from the Middle English of C haucer’s day.7. Christopher Marlowe1) The epoch of Renaissance witnessed a particular development of English drama.2) The greatest of the pioneers was Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593), who reformed the genre in England and perfected the language and verse of dramatic works.3) It was Marlowe who made blank verse the principal vehicle of expression in drama.4) Marlowe's best includes three of his plays, Tamburlaine (1587), The Jew of Malta (1592) andDoctor Faustus (1588).William Shakespeare (1564-1616)1. Shakespeare: the summit of the English Renaissance1) Four greatest tragedies: Hamlet / Othello / King Lear / Macbeth2. Hamlet1) Hamlet’s character and his revengeMelancholy is the key-note of his character.a) REVENGE: The triple wrongs on the part of Hamlet’s Uncle: murder, usurpation, incest. By meditation he knows revenge is easy, but not merely personal one. His mere revenge upon his uncle would in no way solve the problems that trouble and upset him; to expose the roots of the evil and to establish a reign of justice. He has to consider the fate of his country, not merely his personal wrongs.b) PURPOSE: delay killing Claudius to kill the soul as well as the body. If the revenge is done without exposure of Claudius’ wrong, then the abrupt de ath of the king might cause panic to the people and danger to the state. In other words, his melancholy shows his responsibility, for, he considers not his personal wrong but the fate, the future of his country.3. The Merchant of Venice1) Portia, a woman of the Renaissance - beautiful, prudent, cultured, courteous and capable of rising to an emergency. She is one of Shakespeare's ideal women.2) The most remarkable character in the play is Shylock the Jew. Shakespeare shows us everything of Shylock's meanness, cunning and cruelty, and yet his portrayal of the Jew enlists our sympathy.Part V The 17th Century1. John Donne (1572-1631)1) Donne’s poems can be divided into two categories: the youthful love lyrics and the later sacred verses.2. John Milton ( 1608 —1674)1) the second greatest poet of the English language2) the greatest writer of the17th century3) Paradise Lost = his masterpiece3. John Bunyan —Pilgrim’s ProgressPart VI The 18th Century1. Enlightenment Movement1) An intellectual movement that developed in Europe in the 17th century and reached its height in the 18th. The Enlightenment celebrated reason, equality, science and human beings’ ability toperfect themselves and their society.2) Characteristics of the EnlightenmentEmphasis on reason rather than authorityMan’s mind, not God’s wordEncouragement of scientific inquiryBelief in the perfectibility of Man3) In religion, it was against superstition, and dogmatism; in politics, it was against tyranny; and in society, it was against prejudice, ignorance, inequality, and any obstacles to the realization of an individual’s full intellectual and physical well-being. At the same time, they advocated universal education. In their opinion, human beings were limited, imperfect, and yet capable of rationality and perfection through education.2. Robinson CrusoeThemes of Robinson Crusoe: Glorification of the imperialist dream: Robinson = the prototype of the British Empire.3. Gulliver’s Travels4. Laurence SternHe has often been claimed as a precursor of modernist experiment: events not in chronological order, chapters blank, juggled punctuation marks, drawings instead of words sometimes.5. Thomas Gray (1716-1771)An Elegy Written in a Country Church Yard6. William Blake —“The Tyge r”“The question posed in the poem is whether God is the source of both good (the lamb) and evil (the tyger) in the world”.Prt VII Romantic English Literature1. English Romanticism begins in 1798with the publication of Wordsworth and Coleridge’s The Lyrical Ballads and ends in 1832 with Walter Scott’s death.2. Romanticism = a revolt of the English imagination against the neoclassicism reason3. Characteristics of RomanticismImagination / Idealization of Nature / Individualism / Glorification of the commonplace / The lure of the exotic4. Different perspectives about nature:—a healing power;—a source of subject and image;—a refuge from the artificial constructs of civilization.5. Wordsworth’s Preface (1800) to Lyrical Ballads is the manifesto of English Romanticism.Multiple choice1. As the representative of the Enlightenment, Pope was one of the first to introduce ________ to England.A. rationalismB. romanticismC. criticismD. realism2. “Histories make men wise; poets, witty; the mathematics, subtle; natural philosophy, deep; moral, grave; logic and rhetoric, able to contend.” This sentence appears in ________.A. The Advancement of LearningB. A Dictionary of the English LanguageC. An Essay on CriticismD. Of Studies3. Which of the following works does not belong to John Milton?A. Paradise LostB. Paradise RegainedC. AdonaisD. Llycidas4. Which of the following is true about the book Gulliver’s Travels?A. It is a study of human nature and life.B. It has high artistic skills in making the story an organic whole.C. It makes criticisms and satires of all aspects in the contemporary English and European life.D. It is not a book of satire though it is a book of rebellion.5. _____ has been regarded as the best comedy since Shakespeare.A. The RivalsB. The School for ScandalC. St. Patrick’s DayD. The Duenna6. William Langland’s _______is written in the form of a dream vision.A. Kubla KhanB. Piers the PlowmanC. The Dream of John BullD. The Faerie Queene7. "The School for Scandal" by Richard Brinsley Sheridan has been regarded as the best ______ since Shakespeare.A. tragedyB. comedyC. proseD. fable8. Which of the following statements is true about the metaphysical poets?A. The diction of their writing is comparatively lengthy.B. The form is frequently that of an argument with the poet’s beloved, with God, or with himself.C. They tried to be reconciled with the conventional fashion of the Elizabethan love poetry.D. The imagery is usually drawn from the ideal life.。

学习目标1. The Romantic Period (1798-1832)浪漫主义2. The Victorian Period(1836-1901)维多利亚时期3. The Romantic Period in American Literature浪漫主义时期The Romantic Period (1798-1832)浪漫主义The Romantic period is an age of poetry.浪漫主义时代也是诗歌的时代。
The Romantic Period (1798-1832)浪漫主义浪漫主义代表诗人布莱克William Blake,华兹华斯Wordsworth Wordsworth,科勒律治Coleridge,拜伦Byron,雪莱Percy Bysshe Shelley及济慈John KeatsThe Romantic Period (1798-1832)浪漫主义William Blake威廉.布莱克Songs of Innocence 《天真之歌》Songs of Experience《经验之歌》The Romantic Period (1798-1832)浪漫主义William BlakeMarriage of Heaven and Hell《天堂与地狱的结合》It plays the double role both as a satire and a revolutionary prophecy.布莱克的《天堂与地狱的结合》一诗标志着他创作上的成熟,并担负了讽喻与革命预言的两重角色。
The Romantic Period (1798-1832)浪漫主义William Wordsworth威廉.华兹华斯:Wordsworth defines the poet as a“man speaking to men,”and poetry as“the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings, which originates in emotion recollected in tranquility.”华兹华斯认为诗人是对着广大人民讲话的人,而诗歌是强烈情感的自发流露,发乎情,止乎静。


英国文学考试题型和范围(给学生)英国文学考试题型和复习范围题型:1. 作家与作品配对题10×2'2. 选择题15×2'3. 名词解释4×5'4. 分析题2×15'复习内容:一、作家与作品配对题和选择题复习内容:1.the England’s national epic---Beowulf2.Geoffrey Chaucer杰佛利·乔叟1340-1400---the father of Englishpoetry, he is a master of English language. It was he who made the London dialect the foundation of modern English speech. Heroic couplet was frequently employed in his works.Canterbury Tales坎特伯雷故事集3. Francis Bacon培根1561-1626--- The founder of English materialist philosophyAdvancement of Learning学术的进展;Novum Organum新工具;New Atlantic新大西岛;Essays论文集(Of Studies论学习; Of Wisdom for a Man’s Self)4.William Shakespeare莎士比亚1564-1616A Midsummer Nights’ Dream仲夏夜之梦;The Merchant of Venice威尼斯商人;As You Like It如愿;Twelfth Night第十二夜The Life and Death of King John/Richard the Second/Henrythe Fifth/Richard the Third约翰王/理查二世/亨利五世/理查三世;The First/Second Part of King Henry the Fourth亨利四世(上、下); The First/Second/Third Part of King Henry the Sixth亨利六世(上、中、下);The Life of King Henry the Eighth亨利八世;Troilus and Cressida脱爱勒斯与克莱西达;Romeo and Julet罗密欧与朱丽叶;The Tragedy of Macbeth麦克白;The Tragedy of Hamlet哈姆雷特/王子复仇记;King Lear李尔王;Othello奥塞罗;The Sonnets十四行诗四大喜剧和四大悲剧---The Great Comedies: A Midsum mer Night’s Dream仲夏夜之梦;The Merchant of Venice威尼斯商人;As You Like It如愿;;Twelfth Night 第十二夜;The Great Tragedies: The Tragedy of Hamlet哈姆雷特/王子复仇记; Othello奥塞罗King Lear李尔王; The Tragedy of Macbeth麦克白;5. John Milton约翰·弥尔顿1608-1674Paradise Lost失乐园;Paradise Regained复乐园;Samson Agonistes力士参孙6.John Bunyan班扬1628-1688The Pilgrim’s Progress天路历程;7.John Donne 约翰?多恩---The founder of the Metaphysical school of poetry8.Alexander Pope蒲柏1688-1744Pastorals田园诗集;An Essay on Criticism批评论;The Rape of the Lock卷发遇劫记;9. Jonathan Swift斯威夫特1667-1745---he was master ofsatireA Modest Proposal一个温和的建议;Guilliver’s Travels格列佛游记10.Danniel Defoe丹尼尔·迪福1660-1731---标志着近代英国小说的形成Robinson Crusoe鲁宾孙飘流记Samuel RichardsonPamela帕美拉11.Henry Fielding亨利·菲尔丁1707-1754---英国现实主义小说的奠基The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews,and of His Friend Mr Abraham Adams约瑟·安德鲁传;The History of Tom Jones,a Foundling汤姆·琼斯12. Richard Bringsley Sheridan理查德·谢立丹The School for Scandal造谣学校13.Samuel Johnson塞缪尔·约翰生1709-1784A Dictionary of the Engligh Language英语语言辞典14.Thomas Gray托马斯·格雷Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard墓园挽歌15.William Blake布莱克1757-1827Songs of Innocence天真之歌;Songs of Experience经验之歌The Tyger16.Robert Burns彭斯1759-1796----Poems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect苏格兰方言诗集My Heart’s in the Highlands我的心呀在高原;A Red,Red Rose一朵红红的玫瑰;17. Enlightenment is an age of “reason”18. the lake poets school refers to William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Robert Southey; while the Satan school includes George Gordon Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley, John Keats19. William Wordsworth威廉·华兹华斯1770-1850Lyrical Ballads抒情歌谣集(与柯勒律治合编);Lucy Poems露西组诗(She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways;To the Cuckoo杜鹃颂;I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud;The Solitary Reaper孤寂的刈麦人);20.George Gordon Byron乔治·拜伦1788-1824Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage恰罗德·哈罗德游记Don Juan唐·璜21.Percy Bysshe Shelley波西·比希·雪莱1792-1822Queen Mab麦布女王;Prometheus Unbound解放了的普罗米修斯;Song to the Men of England致英国人民;Ode to the West Wind/a Skylark西风/云雀颂;22.John Keats约翰·济兹1795-1821Ode on a Grecian Urn希腊古瓮颂;Ode to a Nightingale夜莺颂23.Walter Scott瓦尔特·司各特1771-1832---he was the father of historical novel24. novel is the main form of English Critical Realism25. Charles Dickens狄更斯1812-1870Oliver Twist奥利弗·退斯特《雾都孤儿》The Old Curiosity Shop老古玩店;Dombey and Son董贝父子;David Copperfield大卫·科波菲尔;Hard Times艰难时世;A Tale of Two Cities双城记;Great Expectation远大前程26. William MakepeaceThackery萨克雷1811-1863The Book of Snobs势利者集Vanity Fair名利场27. Jane Austin简·奥斯丁1775-1817---- she was the only realistic novelist in English romantic period.Pride and Prejudice傲慢与偏见;Sense and Sensibility理智与情感;28. Charlote/Emily Bronte夏洛蒂/爱米丽·勃郎特1816-1855Jane Eyre简爱Wuthering Heights呼啸山庄/29. George Eliot爱略特(Mary Ann Evans)1819-1880The Mill on the Floss弗洛斯河上的磨坊;Silas Marner织工马南30.Afred Tennyson丁尼生1809-1892--- a poet laurateUlysses;Break,Break,Break31.Robert Browning 勃朗宁1812-1889---he was noted for the mastery of dramatic monologue(戏剧独白)My Last Duchess32.Oscar Wilde王尔德1856-1900--- he advocated the theory of “art for art’s sake”The Picture of Dorian Gray道林·格雷的画像33.Joseph Conrad康拉德1859-1924Lord Jim吉姆老爷Heart of Darkness黑暗的中心34. Henry JamesDaisy MillerThe Wings of the Dove35.Thomas Hardy哈代1840-1928---a great critical and naturalistic novelist.Tess of the D’urbervilles36.John Galworthy高尔斯华绥1867-193337.George Bernard Shaw萧伯纳1856-1950Widoer’s Houses鳏夫的房产Mrs Warren’s Profession华伦夫人的职业38.Thomas Stearns Eliot艾略特1888-1965The Waste Land荒原39.David Herbert Lawrence劳伦斯1885-1930Sons and Lovers儿子与情人;The Reinbow虹;Women in Love恋爱中的女人40.James Joyce乔伊斯1882-1941长篇小说:A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man青年艺术家的画像41. Virginia Woolf沃尔芙1882-1941Mrs Dalloway达洛威夫人;To the Lighthouse到灯塔去42. James Joyce and Virginia Woolf are 2 representatives of “stream of consciousness”意识流写作手法的代表作家。

Chapter 2 The Neoclassic Period1. The Enlightenment was a progressive intellectual movementin 18th century Europe.List at least 3 leading enlighteners in England.What are the important thing those enlighterners celebrated in this movement?启蒙运动是18世纪欧洲的一个进步的知识分子运动。
在这场运动中,那些被照亮的人最重要的是什么?Daniel Defoe,Samual Richards on,Henry Fielding,Oliver Goldsmith.They are the prominent figures in developing the modern English movel,which gives a realistic presentation of life of the common English people.This is the most significant phenomenon in the history of the development of English literature in the 18th century.他们是发展现代英语语言的杰出人物,为普通英国人的生活提供了现实的展示。
这是18世纪英国文学发展史上最重要的一种现象.2. What is the belieft of the neoclassicists about literature?新古典主义者关于文学的信仰是什么?According to the neoclassicists,all forms of literature were to be modeled after the classic works of the ancient Greeek and Roman writers and those of the contemporary French ones.They believed that the artistic ideals should be order,logic,restrained emotion and accuracy,a nd that literature should be judged in terms of its service to huma nity根据新古典主义者的说法,所有的文学形式都是仿照古代希腊文和罗马作家的经典著作和同时代的法国作家的作品。
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Hamlet is the first work of literature to look squarely at the stupidity, falsity and sham of everyday life, without laughing and without easy answers. In a world where things are not as they seem, Hamlet…s genuineness, thoughtfulness, and sincerity make him special.Hamlet is no saint. But unlike most of the other characters (and most people today), Hamlet chooses not to compromise with evil. Dying, Hamlet reaffirms the tragic dignity of a basically decent person in a bad world Hamlet is the first work of literature to show an ordinary person looking at the futility and wrongs in life, asking the toughest questions and coming up with honest semi-answers like most people do today.Unlike so much of popular culture today, "Hamlet" leaves us with the message that life is indeed worth living, even by imperfect people in an imperfect world.犹豫scholars have debated for centuries about Hamlet's hesitation in killing his uncle. Some see it as a plot device to prolong the action, and others see it as the result of pressure exerted by the complex philosophical and ethical issues that surround cold-blooded murder, calculated revenge and thwarted desire.More recently, psychoanalytic critics have examined Hamlet's unconscious desires (Freud concludes that Hamlet has an "Oedipal desire for his mother and the subsequent guilt [is] preventing him from murdering the man [Claudius] who has done what he unconsciously wanted to do".Robinson Crusoe is a grand hero in westerners‟ eyes. He survived in the deserted island and lived a meaningful life. He almost has everything needed for becoming a successful man, such as his excellent creativity, great working capacity, courage, and persistence in overcoming obstacles.But he has shortcomings, too. Sometimes he was irresolute; he was not confident; he was fetishistic, although his belief had done him much good.He serves somehow as a lighthouse for the ambitious people. It‟s also instructive for average people. Robinson was the representative of the bourgeois of the 18th C. It was the time when bourgeois grew stronger and stronger. The author Defoe paid a tribute to bourgeois by creating such a rational, powerful, clever, and successful man. 【Themes of Robinson Crusoe】1. The ambivalence of masteryIn short, while Crusoe seems praiseworthy in mastering his fate by overcoming his obstacles, and controlling his environment, the praiseworthiness of his mastery over his fellow human Friday is more doubtful. Defoe explores the link between the two in his depiction of the colonial mind.2. The necessity of Repentance Crusoe‟s experiences constitute not simply an adventure story in which thrilling things happen, but also a moral tale illustrating the right and wrong ways to live one‟s life. Crusoe‟s story instruct s others in God‟s wisdom, and one vital part of this wisdom is the importance of repenting one‟s sins.3. The Importance of Self-Awareness Crusoe‟s arrival on the island does not make him revert to a brute existence and he remains conscious of himself at all times. His island existence actually deepens his self-awareness as he withdraws from the external society and turns inward. The idea that the individual must keep a careful reckoning of the state of his own soul is a key point in the Presbyterian doctrine that the aothor took seriously all his life.·Jane Eyre Charlotte BronteThe protagonist and title character, orphaned as a baby. She is a plain-featured, small and reserved but talented, sympathetic, hard-working, honest and passionate girl. Skilled at studying, drawing, and teaching, she works as a governess at Thornfield Hall and falls in love with her wealthy employer, Edward Rochester. But her strong sense of conscience does not permit her to become his mistress, and she does not return to him until his insane wife is dead and she herself has come into an inheritance.【Themes of Jane Eyre】1. Gender relations A particularly important theme in the novel is patriarchalism and Jane…s efforts to assert her own identity within male-dominated society. Among the three of the main male characters,Brocklehurst, Rochester and St. John, Jane escapes Brocklehurst and rejects St. John, and she only marries Rochester once she is sure that theirs is a marriage between equals.2. Morality Jane refuses to become Rochester…s paramour because of her “impassioned self-respect and moral conviction.” She rejects St. John Rivers‟ Puritanism(清教主义)as much as Rochester…s libertinism(放荡). Instead, she works out a morality expressed in love, independence, and forgiveness.Specifically, she forgives her cruel aunt and loves Rochester, but never surrenders her independence to him. He is blind, and thus more dependent on her than she on him.3.Religion Throughout the novel, Jane tries to attain an balance between moral duty and earthly happiness. She despises the hypocritical puritanism of Mr. Brocklehurst, and rejects St. John Rivers' cold devotion to his Christian duty, but neither can she bring herself to follow Helen Burns' turning the other cheek, although she admires Helen for it. Ultimately, she rejects these three extremes and finds a middle ground in which religion serves to curb her excessive passions but does not repress her true self.4.Social class Jane…s ambiguous(不明确)social position—a penniless yet learned orphan from a good family—leads her to criticize discrimination based on class. Although she is educated, well-mannered, and relatively sophisticated, she is still a governess, a paid servant of low social standing, and therefore powerless.诗歌分析·The Eagle Afred TennysonThe poem, consisting of two stanzas, is one of pure imagery. The first description is of an eagle sitting at the side of a mountain, while digging its talons into the rock. The eagle, a bird of prey, of strength, size, gracefulness, keen vision and power of flight, is pictured as lonely. The bird, also known for his power and strength seems rather small against its surroundings. Although the eagle is alone and small against nature, its majestic stereotype is maintained by the placement of the bird at great height or as the poem states, "Close to the sun." The second depiction is a comparison of the eagle to a thunderbolt falling from the mountain.The eagle, at its great height, is a representation of a man at the peak of his life, clinging on desperately. The mountain smallness as compared to the mountain, is man's as compared to the universe. The man is lonely in that he must enter and leave the world alone. Just as the eagle is a part or fragment of the mountain, the man is a part of the universe and they both leave when they "fall off." Both are encircled by their "worlds" and must stand or endure. The sea delineates life and the return to it after death because of the theory that states such. The thunderbolt characterizes death in that both are sudden, effective, and momentary.A thunderbolt is loud and it disappears just as quickly as it appears. Man was supposedly born water, and returns to his origins after death. Thus the water below the cliff maintains that idea as the eagle presumably falls in. The last words of each stanza, "stands" and "falls," are opposite to each other in definition. "Falls" is often used to convey death, while "stands" is used to convey endurance. Thus, falls and the suddenness of the thunderbolt, together convey death.Break, Break, BreakBreak, Break, Break" is a lyric poem that was believed to have completed in 1834. It centers on Tennyson's grief over the death of his best friend, Arthur Hallam, a promising poet and essayist who had been engaged to Tennyson's sister. The author wants to express this feeling: Nature, of course, does not stop to mourn the loss of anyone. Cold and indifferent, it carries on, the waves of the ocean breaking against rocks along the seashore without pausing even for a moment. The rest of the world carries on as well: the fisherman's boy happily playing with his sister, the sailor merrily singing, the ship busily plying the waters of commerce.The poet‟s own feelings of sadness are contrasted with the carefree, innocent joys of the children and the unfeeling movement of the ship and the sea waves. Downcast(沮丧), isolated by his grief, the narrator yearns to touch the hand of his friend once more, tohear the sound of his voice. But, Hallam is gone forever; his "tender grace" will never again return.【Themes of Break, Break, Break 】1. Grief: The main theme is bereavement(亲人丧亡), heartache, emptiness. In the narrator's dark hour of grief, the sun rises, children laugh, business goes on as usual. How could the world be so cruel and unfeeling?2. Preciousness of Youth: Arthur Hallam was only 22 when he died. The shock of Hallam's death impressed upon Tennyson how priceless youth is. To underscore this idea, and to express the agony he suffers at the loss of young Hallam, Tennyson presents images of youthful joy: the fisherman's son playing with his sister and the "sailor lad" singing in the bay.3. Indifference of Nature:Nature continues to function according to its rhythms and cycles regardless of what happens, good or bad, to human beings. The temperature may drop just when a poor family runs out of fuel. The sun may shine and the birds may sing in the middle of the bloodiest of battles. And the sea will rise and fall in a disobedient, merciless rhythm that refuses to acknowledge tragedy in the everyday life of average men. Tennyson laments this cold indifference in "Break, Break, Break."文学流派分析·English Romanticism begins in 1798 with the publication of Wordsworth and Coleridge‟s The Lyrical Ballads and ends in 1832 with Walter Scott‟s death. William Blake and Robert Burns also belong to this literary genre, though they lived prior to the Romantic period.·English Romanticism is a revolt of the English imagination against the neoclassical reason. The French Revolution of 1784-1794 and the English Industrial Revolution exert great influence on English Romanticism. ·The romanticists express a negative attitude towards the existing social or political conditions. They place the individual at the center of art, as can be seen from Lord Byron‟s Byronic Here. The key words of English Romanticism are nature and imagination. They argue that poetry should be free from all rules.·The romantic period is an age of poetry. Wordsworth and Coleridge are the most representative writers. They explore new theories and innovate new techniques in versification. They believe that poetry could purify individual souls and society.Other greatest Romantic poets are: John Keats, P.B. Shelley and G. G. Byron.·Classicism,Classicism is an attitude that is guided by admiration of the qualities of formal balance, proportion, decorum and restraint attributed to the major works of ancient Greek and Roman literatureClassicism is a force which is often present in post-medieval European and European influenced traditions, however, some periods felt themselves more connected to the classical ideals than others, particularly the Age of Reason, the Age of Enlightenment and some movements in Modernism. NeoclassicismIt is the codified form of Classicism, in a more general sense, often employed in contrast with Romanticism.In literary critics, this term refers to the revival of the attitudes and styles of expression of classical literature. It is generally used to describe a period in European history beginning in the late 17th C and lasting until about 1800. In its purest form, it remarked a return to order, proportion, restraint, logical, accuracy, and decorum. Though its origins were much earlier, Neoclassicism dominated English literature from the Restoration in 1660 until the end of the eighteenth century, when the publication of Lyrical Ballads (1798) by Wordsworth and Coleridge marked the full emergence of Romanticism.Neoclassical theorists, by contrast, saw man as an imperfect being, inherently sinful, whose potential was limited. They replaced the Renaissance emphasis on the imagination.。