
English: Having a conversation filled with humor can often lighten the mood and bring a sense of joy to those involved. It allows us to connect with others on a deeper level and create a sense of camaraderie. Humor can break down barriers and ease tension, making it easier to communicate effectively. When we share a laugh with someone, we share a moment of connection that can strengthen our relationships and make us feel more at ease. Whether it's a witty comment or a playful joke, humor has a way of bringing people together and bringing a smile to our faces.
中文翻译: 进行一场充满幽默的对话经常会缓解情绪,给参与其中的人带来愉悦的感觉。

花式英语搞笑日常作文Funny Daily Life in Flowery English。
Have you ever wondered what life would be like if we spoke in a flowery and exaggerated manner all the time? Well, I decided to give it a try and the results were quite amusing!One fine morning, as I was preparing to embark on my daily journey to the land of work, I found myself faced with a peculiar predicament. My trusty steed, also known as my car, refused to start! Oh, the horror! In a fit of desperation, I summoned a gallant knight in shining armor, also known as my neighbor, to come to my rescue. With a mighty roar, he brandished his magical tools and after much tinkering and clanking, my steed was once again ready to carry me forth into the day.As I made my way through the treacherous roads, I encountered a fearsome beast known as traffic. Oh, thehorror! The beast seemed determined to thwart my progress, but I, being a brave and valiant warrior, refused to be deterred. With a battle cry that could be heard for miles around, I navigated through the chaos and emergedvictorious on the other side.Upon arriving at the castle of work, I was greeted by my fellow knights and maidens, all engaged in their own battles and quests. The day was long and arduous, filled with meetings and tasks that required all of my wit and cunning to conquer. But conquer them I did, for I am a warrior of great skill and determination.As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, signaling the end of the day's battles, I made my way back to my trusty steed. But alas, it seemed that the beast known as traffic had returned with a vengeance! Oh, the horror! Once again, I summoned my gallant neighbor to come to my aid, and once again, he valiantly rescued me from the clutches of the beast.And so, with a weary heart but a triumphant spirit, Ireturned to my humble abode, ready to rest and prepare for the battles that awaited me on the morrow. For such is the life of a warrior in the modern world, filled with challenges and obstacles that must be faced with courage and determination.But fear not, dear reader, for I shall face each new day with a smile on my face and a jest in my heart, for life is but a grand adventure waiting to be embraced. And so, I bid you adieu, until we meet again in the land of flowery English and amusing tales.。

更幽默风趣英语作文Title: The Adventures of Mr. Chuckles: A Tale of Witty Mishaps。
Once upon a time, in the quaint town of Banterville, there lived a man named Mr. Chuckles. He was renowned far and wide for his sharp wit and infectious humor. Every day, Mr. Chuckles embarked on whimsical adventures that left everyone in stitches. Today, let me regale you with one such escapade.It was a sunny morning, birds chirping, and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air. Mr. Chuckles, with his trusty sidekick, a rubber chicken named Cluck, decided it was the perfect day for a stroll through the town. As they meandered along, Mr. Chuckles couldn't help but notice the curious stares of the townsfolk."Ah, Cluck, it seems we have an audience today," he chuckled, tipping his imaginary hat to the bewilderedonlookers.Their first stop was the local bakery, where Mr. Chuckles had a penchant for causing mayhem with his jests. As they entered, the baker greeted them with a bemused smile. 。

令人搞笑的英语作文A Funny and Memorable Camping Trip。
Last summer, my friends and I decided to go on a camping trip. Little did we know that it would turn out to be one of the funniest and most memorable experiences of our lives. We packed our tents, sleeping bags, and enough food to feed a small army, and set off for the great outdoors.Upon arriving at the campsite, we quickly realized that none of us had any experience in setting up a tent. After struggling for what felt like hours, we finally managed to erect the tent, but it looked more like a lopsided pyramid than a proper shelter. We couldn't help but laugh at our amateurish attempts.As night fell, we gathered around the campfire to roast marshmallows and share ghost stories. It was then that we heard a rustling sound coming from the bushes nearby. Wetried to convince ourselves that it was just a small animal, but our imaginations got the best of us. We huddled together, scared out of our wits, until we realized that it was just a squirrel searching for food. We couldn't helpbut laugh at our overreaction.The next day, we decided to go hiking in the nearby forest. Armed with a map and a sense of adventure, we setoff on the trail. However, our sense of direction proved to be less than stellar. We managed to get lost within thefirst hour. Instead of panicking, we embraced the situation and turned it into a game. We took turns leading the group, each person trying to outdo the other with their navigation skills. It was a hilarious sight as we stumbled through the forest, constantly changing direction and laughing at our own misfortune.One evening, as we were sitting around the campfire, we decided to have a talent show. Each person had to showcase their unique talent, no matter how silly or embarrassing it may be. We had someone juggling apples, another person attempting to do a handstand, and even a friend recitingShakespearean sonnets with a comically exaggerated British accent. The laughter was contagious, and we couldn't help but appreciate the joy of being surrounded by friends who weren't afraid to be themselves.On the final night of our camping trip, we decided to have a dance party under the stars. We played our favorite songs on a portable speaker and danced like nobody was watching. Our lack of coordination and rhythm only added to the hilarity of the situation. We laughed until our stomachs hurt, and the memories of that night will forever be etched in our minds.Looking back on that camping trip, I realize that it wasn't just the funny moments that made it memorable. It was the bond we formed as friends, the shared laughter, and the ability to find joy in even the most unexpected situations. It taught us the importance of embracing the silly side of life and cherishing the moments that make us laugh until we cry.In conclusion, our camping trip was filled withlaughter, mishaps, and unforgettable moments. It reminded us that sometimes the best memories are made when we let go of our inhibitions and allow ourselves to be silly. It was a trip that brought us closer together as friends and left us with stories that will be retold for years to come.。

初中英语小作文幽默开头Humorous Beginning for a Junior High English Composition。
It was a dark and stormy night. No, seriously, it was. And I was sitting at my desk, staring at a blank piece of paper, trying to come up with a topic for my English composition. It was due tomorrow and I had nothing. Nada. Zilch. I was starting to panic.Suddenly, a bolt of lightning flashed outside my window, illuminating the room. And that's when it hit me: why not write about the most memorable thunderstorm I've ever experienced?I remember it like it was yesterday. I was at summer camp and we were all gathered in the mess hall for dinner. The sky had been getting darker and darker all day, and we knew a storm was coming. But we didn't expect what happened next.The wind started howling and the rain came down in sheets. The lightning was so close that we could feel the electricity in the air. And then, out of nowhere, a bolt of lightning struck a tree right outside the mess hall. It was so loud that we all jumped out of our seats.But the best part? The power went out. And let me tell you, there's nothing like a group of 50 kids and counselors fumbling around in the dark, trying to find their way tothe bathroom.In the end, the storm passed and we all made it through. But it's a memory that has stuck with me all these years. And now, thanks to that storm, I have a topic for myEnglish composition. Crisis averted.。

幽默的英语片段作文Title: An Unfortunate Encounter at the Supermarket。
It was just another mundane day at the supermarket, where the shelves were stocked with groceries and the checkout lines seemed to stretch into eternity. As I mademy way through the aisles, I couldn't help but notice the peculiar antics of a fellow shopper.This particular individual, let's call him Mr. Smith, seemed to be having quite the adventure navigating his cart through the narrow passages. With each turn, he narrowly avoided collisions with displays and unsuspecting customers, much to the amusement of onlookers.As fate would have it, our paths converged in the dairy section. With a carton of milk in one hand and a loaf of bread in the other, Mr. Smith attempted a daring maneuverto squeeze past me. However, his lack of spatial awareness resulted in a rather comical mishap.In his haste, Mr. Smith accidentally collided with a display of yogurt cups, sending them tumbling to the floor in a cacophony of plastic and dairy. As I tried to stifle a laugh, Mr. Smith looked mortified, his face turning as red as a ripe tomato."Sorry about that," he mumbled, attempting to gather up the fallen yogurt cups."It's quite alright," I replied, struggling to maintain my composure. "Just a bit of unexpected excitement in the dairy aisle."With a sheepish grin, Mr. Smith finally managed to extricate himself from the mess and continued on his way, albeit with a slightly more cautious approach.As I resumed my own shopping, I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. After all, where else but the supermarket could you witness such a hilarious display of human clumsiness?In hindsight, perhaps Mr. Smith's misadventure served as a reminder to approach life with a sense of humor, even in the most mundane of circumstances. After all, laughter truly is the best medicine, especially when it comes to navigating the perils of the grocery store.。

每天一篇搞笑作文英语Daily Funny Essay: My Crazy Adventures。
As a person who loves to have fun and make people laugh, I have found myself in some pretty crazy situations. From accidentally walking into the wrong bathroom to getting chased by a pack of wild dogs, my life is never dull. Here are just a few of my most memorable adventures.One day, I was at the mall with my friends when I suddenly had to use the bathroom. Without thinking, Irushed into what I thought was the women's restroom. As I was washing my hands, I noticed that the room was eerily quiet. It wasn't until I turned around and saw a group of confused men staring at me that I realized my mistake. I quickly apologized and ran out of the bathroom, mortified.Another time, I was on a hike with my family when we stumbled upon a pack of wild dogs. We tried to slowly back away, but the dogs started to chase us. We ended up runningfor our lives, frantically trying to find a way out of the forest. Thankfully, we eventually found a road and were able to flag down a passing car for help.But not all of my adventures are scary. One time, I decided to try my hand at stand-up comedy. I nervously took the stage and started telling jokes. To my surprise, the audience loved me! I even got a standing ovation at the end of my set. It was one of the most exhilarating experiences of my life.Of course, not all of my attempts at humor have been successful. One time, I tried to prank my little brother by putting a fake spider in his bed. But when he saw it, he didn't scream like I expected. Instead, he calmly picked up the spider and said, "Thanks for the new toy!" I ended up spending the rest of the day chasing him around the house, trying to get the spider back.All in all, my life is full of crazy adventures. Whether I'm accidentally walking into the wrong bathroom or getting chased by wild dogs, I always try to find the humorin every situation. Life is too short to be serious all the time, so why not have a little fun along the way?。

有关搞笑的英语作文Title: The Hilarious Misadventures of My Pet Rock。
Once upon a time, in a quaint little town nestled between rolling hills and babbling brooks, there lived a peculiar fellow named Bob. Now, Bob was not your ordinary chap; he had a pet rock named Rocky. Yes, you heard that right, a pet rock. But this was no ordinary rock; it had character, charm, and a sense of humor—well, as much humor as a rock can muster.Bob and Rocky's adventures began one sunny morning when Bob decided to take his beloved pet for a walk. Clutching Rocky tightly in his hand, Bob strolled through the town square, much to the bewilderment of the townsfolk. "What on earth is he doing with that rock?" they whispered to each other, exchanging perplexed glances.As they meandered through the cobblestone streets, Bob couldn't help but notice the curious looks directed theirway. With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, he decided to have a bit of fun. "Rocky," he whispered conspiratorially, "let's give them something to talk about."And so, Bob began to animate Rocky, putting on a show for the unsuspecting bystanders. "Look, Rocky, it's abird!" he exclaimed, holding the rock up to his face as if it were peering at something in the sky. A few giggles erupted from the crowd as they watched Bob interact with his inanimate companion.But the real hilarity ensued when Bob decided to take Rocky to the local café for a spot of lunch. As they entered the bustling establishment, all eyes turned to the duo. Undeterred, Bob confidently approached the counter. "Table for two, please," he announced, gesturing grandly to himself and Rocky.The café owner, a bemused expression on her face, obliged and led them to a table by the window. Bob settled Rocky into a chair opposite him and proceeded to peruse the menu. "What do you fancy today, Rocky? Stone soup or pebblepie?" he quipped, earning a few chuckles from nearby patrons.As they waited for their order, Bob regaled Rocky with tales of their past adventures, much to the amusement ofthe other diners. "Remember the time we climbed Mount Everest, Rocky? Oh, wait, that was just a tall tale!" he laughed, causing a ripple of laughter to spread through the café.Their antics continued throughout the day, from impromptu puppet shows in the park to serenading the townsfolk with rock 'n' roll tunes on makeshift instruments. By the time the sun began to set, Bob and Rocky had become the talk of the town, their escapades recounted with gleeby all who had witnessed them.As they made their way back home, Bob couldn't help but feel a warm sense of satisfaction. Sure, his pet rock may not have been able to fetch or roll over like a traditional pet, but it had brought him more joy and laughter than he could have ever imagined.And so, dear reader, remember this tale the next time you stumble upon someone with an unconventional companion. For in a world full of rules and norms, sometimes it's the most unexpected friendships that bring us the greatest joy. And as for Bob and Rocky? Well, they lived hilariously ever after.。

搞笑故事英文作文短篇范文A Funny Story。
Once upon a time, there was a man named Tom who loved to play pranks on his friends. One day, he decided to play a trick on his best friend, Jack.Tom invited Jack to his house for a barbecue. Jack arrived at Tom's house, and they started to grill some burgers and hot dogs. While they were cooking, Tom secretly put a whoopee cushion on Jack's chair.As they sat down to eat, Jack sat on the cushion, and it made a loud farting noise. Tom burst out laughing, but Jack was not amused. He thought it was rude and disrespectful.Tom realized he had gone too far, so he apologized to Jack and promised never to play a prank on him again. Jack forgave him, and they continued to enjoy their barbecue.However, the next day, Jack decided to get revenge on Tom. He bought a fake spider and put it in Tom's bed while he was sleeping.When Tom woke up and saw the spider, he screamed and jumped out of bed. Jack was hiding around the corner, laughing uncontrollably.Tom realized that he had been pranked, and he couldn't help but laugh too. From that day on, they both agreed to only play harmless pranks on each other.In the end, Tom and Jack's friendship grew stronger because of their shared love for humor and laughter. They continued to play pranks on each other, but always with good intentions and without causing harm.In conclusion, humor and laughter are important parts of life, and playing pranks on friends can be a fun way to bond. However, it's important to always consider the other person's feelings and not take things too far.。

21年专升本英语作文搞笑Title: A Funny Incident in My 2021 College Entrance Exam。
Last year, I took the college entrance exam and had a funny incident that I will never forget. It was a hot summer day, and I was feeling nervous as I sat down in the exam room with my pencil in hand. The room was filled with the sound of scratching pencils and the occasional cough or sneeze.As I started the exam, I realized that I had forgotten to bring a ruler with me. I needed it to draw some diagrams for the math section of the exam. I panicked for a moment, but then I remembered that I had a small toy ruler in my pencil case. It was only about 5 centimeters long, but it would have to do.I took out the tiny ruler and started to draw my diagrams. The other students in the room looked at mestrangely, probably wondering why I was using such a small ruler. I couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Here I was, taking one of the most important exams of my life, using a toy ruler like a child.Despite the odd looks from my classmates, I finishedthe math section of the exam with the help of my tiny ruler. When the exam was over, I couldn't wait to tell my friends about my funny experience. We all had a good laugh about it, and it helped to relieve some of the stress of the exam.In the end, I did well on the college entrance exam and was accepted into my dream university. Looking back on that day, I realize that sometimes you just have to laugh at the absurdity of life and make the best of a funny situation.It's a memory that I will always cherish and one that reminds me not to take myself too seriously.。

幽默作文英语60字Humor is an essential part of life. It brings joy, lightens the mood, and helps us cope with difficult situations. Imagine a world without humor, how dull and boring it would be!One day, a man walked into a bar with a duck on his head. The bartender looked at him and said, "Hey, what'swith the duck?" The man replied, "Oh, this is my lucky duck. Whenever I have him on my head, I always win at poker." The bartender chuckled and said, "Well, let's put it to thetest then."They sat down at a table and started playing poker.Sure enough, every hand the man won, with the duck sitting happily on his head. The bartender was amazed and asked, "How did you train the duck to help you win at poker?" The man replied, "Oh, it's simple. Whenever I have a good hand, I give him a little nod, and he quacks. If I have a bad hand, he stays silent."The bartender couldn't believe it and decided to try it out for himself. He borrowed the duck and sat down to play. But no matter how hard he tried, the duck remained silent. Frustrated, the bartender asked the man, "What's wrong with this duck? Why isn't he helping me win?" The man just shrugged and said, "Oh, I forgot to tell you. The duck is also an excellent bluffer."The bartender couldn't help but laugh at the clever joke. Humor truly has a way of bringing people together and making even the most mundane situations entertaining. So, next time you're feeling down or stressed, remember to add a little humor to your day. It might just be the remedy you need.。

英文幽默故事作文高中范文Title: Lost in Translation。
Once upon a time, in a quaint little town nestled between rolling hills and babbling brooks, there lived a man named John. John was known throughout the town for his impeccable sense of humor and his knack for telling jokes that left everyone in stitches. However, there was onething about John that few people knew: he had a peculiar talent for getting himself into hilarious situations, especially when it came to language barriers.One sunny afternoon, John decided to take a trip to a nearby city to explore its bustling streets and vibrant culture. As he wandered through the crowded marketplace, he couldn't help but notice the bewildering array of signs and advertisements written in a language he couldn't understand. Undeterred, John pressed on, determined to make the most of his adventure.Suddenly, he spotted a small café tucked away in a corner of the square. The tantalizing aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, drawing him in like a moth to a flame. Without hesitation, John stepped inside and found himself face to face with the café's owner, a jovial man named Mr. Chen."Welcome, welcome!" Mr. Chen exclaimed, his eyes twinkling with warmth. "How can I help you today?""I'll have a cup of your finest coffee, please," John replied, flashing his trademark grin.Mr. Chen nodded enthusiastically and disappeared into the depths of the café kitchen. Moments later, he returned with a steaming mug of coffee, placing it gently on the table in front of John."Enjoy, my friend!" Mr. Chen said with a flourish.John took a sip of the coffee and nearly spit it out in surprise. It tasted nothing like the rich, aromatic brew hewas expecting. Instead, it was bitter and sour, with a strange aftertaste that lingered on his tongue."Um, excuse me," John said tentatively, trying to suppress a grimace. "I think there might be something wrong with the coffee."Mr. Chen frowned, his brow furrowing in confusion. "Wrong with coffee? But I make best coffee in town!"John chuckled nervously, realizing that he had unintentionally offended Mr. Chen. "I'm sure you do," he said quickly. "But this coffee... it's just not quite what I was expecting."Suddenly, inspiration struck. With a mischievoustwinkle in his eye, John leaned forward and said, "You see, back in my hometown, we have a saying: 'Different strokes for different folks.' It means that everyone has their own unique preferences, especially when it comes to something as subjective as coffee."Mr. Chen's expression brightened as he nodded in understanding. "Ah, I see! So, what you're saying is... my coffee is an acquired taste!"John grinned, relieved that Mr. Chen had taken his explanation in stride. "Exactly!" he exclaimed. "And while your coffee may not be to everyone's liking, I have no doubt that there are plenty of people out there who would appreciate its unique flavor."With that, John bid farewell to Mr. Chen and continued on his journey through the city, his spirits lifted by the unexpected encounter. As he walked, he couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of the hilarious mistranslation that had led to his comical conversation with the café owner.And so, armed with his quick wit and irrepressible sense of humor, John embarked on countless more adventures, each one more entertaining than the last. For in a world filled with language barriers and cultural differences, laughter truly was the universal language that brought people together in the most unexpected ways.。

英语搞笑作文笑到吐血了Laughing until I bleed: A Hilarious Essay。
Laughter is the best medicine, they say. And I couldn't agree more. There's nothing quite like a good laugh to make you feel better about life. And if you're looking for agood laugh, you've come to the right place. Because I'm about to share with you some of the funniest things I've ever heard.Let's start with puns. I know, I know, puns are the lowest form of humor. But they're also the funniest. For example, did you hear about the guy who invented Lifesavers? He made a mint. Or how about the guy who invented theknock-knock joke? He won the "no-bell" prize.And then there are dad jokes. You know, those corny jokes that only dads seem to find funny. Like, why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything. Or, why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he wasoutstanding in his field.But if you want to take your humor to the next level, you have to go for the absurd. Like, what do you call a fake noodle? An impasta. Or, why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing.And then there are the classic one-liners. Like, I told my wife she was drawing her eyebrows too high. She looked surprised. Or, I used to play piano by ear. Now I use my hands.But if you really want to laugh until you bleed, you have to watch some comedy. And not just any comedy, but the kind that makes you laugh so hard you can't breathe. Like, anything by Jim Gaffigan. Or, anything by Kevin Hart. Or, anything by Dave Chappelle.In conclusion, if you're feeling down, just remember that laughter is the best medicine. And if you want to laugh until you bleed, just remember these jokes andcomedians. But be warned, you might need a blood transfusion afterwards.。

关于幽默的英语作文Title: An Essay on Humor。
Humor is an essential part of our daily lives. It is a powerful tool that can bring people together, break down barriers, and create a sense of community. Whether it is a joke, a funny story, or a witty remark, humor has theability to make us laugh, relax, and forget our troublesfor a while.Humor is a universal language that transcends cultural and linguistic barriers. People from different parts of the world may have different senses of humor, but they all appreciate a good joke or a funny story. Humor can be used to connect with people from different backgrounds, to break down stereotypes and prejudices, and to promote understanding and harmony.Humor can also be a powerful coping mechanism. When we are faced with difficult situations or challenges, humorcan help us to see things in a different light. It can help us to find the silver lining in a dark cloud, to laugh at ourselves and our mistakes, and to find the strength to carry on.However, humor is not always appropriate or effective. There are times when humor can be hurtful, offensive, or insensitive. It is important to be mindful of the audience and the context when using humor. What may be funny to one person may not be funny to another, and what may be appropriate in one situation may not be appropriate in another.In addition, humor can be used as a tool of power and control. It can be used to belittle, demean, or bully others. It is important to be aware of the power dynamics at play when using humor, and to use it responsibly and respectfully.In conclusion, humor is an important and powerful tool that can bring people together, promote understanding and harmony, and help us to cope with difficult situations.However, it is important to use humor responsibly and respectfully, and to be mindful of the audience and the context. With these considerations in mind, humor can be a positive force in our lives and in our communities.。

搞笑的初中英语作文短篇A Funny Day at School。
Today was a funny day at school. It all started when our math teacher, Mr. Smith, walked into the classroom with a bright pink shirt on. We all burst out laughing, and even Mr. Smith couldn't help but chuckle at himself.Then, during our English class, our teacher, Mrs. Johnson, accidentally wrote "teh" instead of "the" on the board. We all pointed it out to her, and she turned bright red with embarrassment. But she quickly recovered and made a joke about it, saying that even teachers make mistakes sometimes.At lunchtime, we were all sitting around the table, chatting and laughing, when suddenly one of my friends let out a huge burp. We all looked at him in shock, but then we all started laughing uncontrollably. It was so unexpected and silly that we couldn't help ourselves.After lunch, we had P.E. class, and we were playing dodgeball. One of my classmates threw the ball so hard that it hit the ceiling and got stuck there. We all looked up in amazement, and our P.E. teacher had to climb up on a chair to retrieve it. It was so funny to see him struggling to get the ball down, and we all cheered when he finally succeeded.Finally, at the end of the day, we were all waiting for the school bus when a gust of wind blew one of my friend's hats off. It went flying across the parking lot, and we all chased after it, laughing and shouting. We finally caught it, and my friend put it back on his head, looking a little disheveled but still smiling.All in all, it was a really funny day at school. Sometimes it's the unexpected moments that make us laugh the most, and today was definitely full of those. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!。

中学生搞笑英文作文英文:As a middle school student, I always love to make people laugh. I think humor is a great way to connect with others and it makes life more enjoyable. So, I decided to write a funny essay in both English and Chinese.First of all, let me tell you a joke. Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing! Ha ha, I know it's corny, but it always makes me laugh. Another one is, why did the chicken cross the playground? To get to the other slide! Okay, I'll stop with the jokes now.In Chinese culture, we have a lot of idioms that are used to describe certain situations or feelings. For example, if someone is very stubborn, we might say they have a "turtle shell" mentality. Or if someone is very talkative, we might say they have a "bird's tongue". These idioms add a lot of color to our language and make it moreinteresting.One of my favorite English idioms is "break a leg".It's actually a way to wish someone good luck before a performance, but it sounds like you're wishing them harm.It's funny how language can be so confusing sometimes.Okay, now it's time for me to switch back to Chinese.中文:作为一名中学生,我总是喜欢让人们开心。

搞笑英语作文Title: A Hilarious Encounter at the Supermarket。
It was a regular Saturday afternoon, and I found myself strolling through the aisles of the local supermarket, minding my own business. Little did I know, I was about to stumble upon one of the most hilariously awkward moments of my life.As I reached for a box of cereal, I overheard a conversation between two elderly ladies nearby."Martha, have you tried the new brand of yogurt they have here?" asked one of the ladies, her voice tinged with curiosity."No, Mildred, I haven't. Is it any good?" replied Martha, sounding genuinely interested."Well, I tried it last week, and let me tell you, it'slike eating a cloud! So creamy and delicious," exclaimed Mildred, her enthusiasm palpable.Just as I was about to move on, I heard a loud crash followed by a string of expletives. I turned around to see a young man, red-faced and flustered, standing in front of a toppled pyramid of canned goods."Oh, bother! I'm terribly sorry, folks. I seem to have underestimated my strength," the young man muttered sheepishly, attempting to gather the scattered cans.The two elderly ladies, Martha and Mildred, exchanged amused glances before bursting into fits of laughter."Well, well, it seems we have a strongman in our midst, Martha!" Mildred exclaimed between giggles."Indeed, Mildred. Perhaps we should recruit him for our next senior Olympics team," Martha joked, joining in the laughter.The young man, now thoroughly embarrassed, managed to collect the cans and hurriedly made his escape down the aisle, leaving behind a trail of scattered laughter.As I watched the scene unfold, I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. Who would have thought a trip to the supermarket could be such a comedy show?Just then, a voice over the store intercom announced a special promotion on canned goods, causing Martha and Mildred to exchange gleeful looks before making their way towards the discounted aisle, their laughter echoing through the supermarket.And so, with a heart lighter than when I entered, I continued my shopping, grateful for the unexpected dose of humor the day had brought me. After all, laughter truly is the best medicine, even in the most mundane of places like the supermarket.As I left the store, still smiling at the memory of the hilarious encounter, I made a mental note to always expectthe unexpected, especially when it comes to grocery shopping. Who knows what other comedic adventures await in the aisles?。
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材料的伸长率(δ)和断面收缩率(ψ)数值越大,表示材 料的塑性越好。塑性好的材料可以发生大量塑性变形而 不破坏,便于通过塑性变形加工成复杂形状的零件。
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三、硬度 材料抵抗局部变形(特别是塑性变形)、压痕或划痕的 能力称为硬度。 硬度是各种零件和工具必须具备的性能指 标。机械制造业所用的刀具、量具、模具等,都应具备足 够的硬度,才能保证使用性能和寿命。有些机械零件如齿 轮等,也要求有一定的硬度,以保证足够的耐磨性和使用 寿命。因此硬度是材料重要的力学性能之一。 与拉伸试验相比,硬度试验简便易行,硬度值又可以 间接地反映材料的强度以及材料在化学成分、金相组织和 热处理工艺上的差异,因而硬度试验应用十分广泛。
硬度试验的方法很多: 压入硬度试验法(如布氏硬度、洛氏硬度等); 划痕硬度试验法(如莫氏硬度); 回跳硬度试验法(如肖氏硬度), 生产中常用的是压入硬度试验法。
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(1)布氏硬度 ① 布氏硬度的测试原理 它是用一定直径的球体(钢球或 硬质合金球),以相应的试验力压入试样表面,经规定保持 时间后卸除试验力,用测量表面压痕直径来计算硬度的一种 压痕硬度试验。
布氏硬度值是用球面压痕单位表面 积上所承受的平均压力来表示。用符号 HBS(W)来表示。布氏硬度值按下式计 算: 2F
HBS ( HBW ) 0 . 102
D ( D
Dቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
从上式中可以看出,当外载荷(F),压头球体直径 (D)一 定时,布氏硬度值仅与压痕直径(d)的大小有关。在实际应 用中,布氏硬度一般不用计算,而是用专用的刻度放大镜量 出压痕直径(d),根据压痕直径的大小,再从专门的硬度表 中查出相应的布氏硬度值。
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二、变形的概念: 材料受不同载荷作用而发生的几何形状和尺寸的变化。
变形的分类: 弹性变形 塑性变形 内力为材料受外力作用后,为保持其不变形,在材料 内部作用着与外力相对抗的力。 应力为单位截面积上的内力。 材料受 拉伸 载荷或 压缩 载荷作用时,其横截面积上 的应力()按下式计算: F = S 式中 ,
Engineering Materials ②布氏硬度的符号及表示方法 当试验的压头为淬硬钢 球时,其硬度符号用HBS表示。当试验压头为硬质合金球 时,其硬度符号用HBW表示。 布氏硬度的表示方法规定为: 符号HBS或HBW之前的数字为硬度值,符号后面按以下 顺序用数字表示试验条件:球体直径/试验力/试验力保持 的时间(10—15s不标注)。 例如170HBS l0/1000/30表示用直径10mm的钢球, 在9807N(1000kgf)的试验力作用下,保持30s时测得的布氏 硬度值为170。 530HBW 5/750表示用直径5mm的硬质合金球,在 7355N(750kgf)的试验力作用下,保持10~15s时测得的布 氏硬度值为530。 机电工程学院
Fb Sb
抗拉强度表示材料在拉伸载荷作用下的最大均匀 变形的抗力。也是机械零件设计和选材的主要依 据之一
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断裂前材料产生永久变形的能力称为塑性。塑性指标 也是由拉伸试验测得的。常用材料拉伸时最大的相对塑性 变形(伸长率和断面收缩率)来表示。 (1)伸长率 试样拉断后,标距的伸长与原始标距的 百分比称为伸长率。用符号δ表示。 L1 L 0 100 % 其计算方法如下: (2)断面收缩率 试样拉断后,缩颈处截面积的最大 缩减量与原始横截面积的百分比为断面收缩率,用符号 ψ表示。其计算方法如下: S 0 S1
材料 钢及铸铁 铜及其合金 布氏硬度 <140 ≥140 <35 35—130 >130 <35 35—80 >80 F/D2 10 30 5 10 30 2.5(1.25) 10(5或15) 10(15) 1.25(1)
Engineering Materials ④应用范围及优缺点 布氏硬度适用于铸铁、有色材料及其合金、各种退火 及调质的钢材,特别对于 软 材料,如铝、铅、锡等更为 适宜。 布氏硬度的优点是具有很高的测量精度,它采用的试 验力大,球体直径也大,因而压痕直径也大,它能较真实 地反映出材料材料的平均性能。另外,由于布氏硬度与其 它力学性能 (例抗拉强度)之间存在着一定的近似关系, 因而在工程上得到广泛应用。 缺点是操作时间较长,对不同材料需要更换压头和 试验力,压痕测量也较费时间。在进行高硬度材料试验时, 由于球体本身的变形会使测量结果不准确。因此,用钢球 压头测量时,硬度值必须小于450;用硬质合金球压头时, 硬度值必须小于650,又因压痕较大,不宜于测量成品及 薄件。
Engineering Materials ②常用洛氏硬度标尺及其适用范围 为了用一台硬度计测定 从软到硬不同材料材料的硬度,可采用不同的压头和总试验 力,组成15种洛氏硬度标尺,每一种标尺用一个字母在洛氏 硬度符号HR后面加以注明。常用的洛氏硬度标尺是HRA、 HRB、HRC三种。其中HRC应用最为广泛。三种洛氏硬度 标尺的试验条件和适用范围见表1—3。
根据载荷作用方式不同,强度可分为抗拉强度(σ b)、 抗压强度(σ bc)、抗弯强度(σ bb)、抗剪强度(τ b)和抗扭 强度(τ t)等五种。 一般情况下多以抗拉强度作为判别材料强度高低的 指标。
抗拉强度是通过拉伸试验测定的。拉伸试验的方法 是用静拉力对标准试样进行轴向拉伸,同时连续测量力 和相应的伸长,直至断裂。根据测得的数据,即可求出 有关的力学性能。 下面把试验作一简单介绍:
F——外力(N);S——横截面积(m2);σ——应力(Pa),应力单位是 Pa,1Pa=1N/m2。当面积用mm2时,则应力可用MPa为单位。 1MPa=1N/mm2=106Pa
Engineering Materials
§1.1 静载荷条件下材料的力学性能
材料抵抗塑性变形或断裂的能力称为强度,强度大 小通常用应力来表示。
Engineering Materials ③ 优缺点 优点是操作简单迅速,能直接从刻度盘上读出硬度值; 压痕较小,可以测定成品及薄的工件;测试的硬度值范围 大,可测从很软到很硬的材料材料。 缺点是压痕较小,当材料的内部组织不均匀时,硬度 数据波动较大,使测量值的代表性不足,通常需要在不同 部位测试数次,取其平均值来代表材料的硬度。 (3) 维氏硬度 维氏硬度试验原理基本上和布氏硬度试验 相同,其试验原理如图所示。将相对面夹角为136°的正四 棱锥体金刚石压头,以选定的试验力压入试样表面,经规 定保持时间后卸除试验力,用测量压痕对角线的长度来计 算硬度。即用正四棱锥形压痕单位表面积上承受的平均压 力代表维氏硬度值。
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第一章 工程材料 的力学性能
力学性能是指材料在外力作用时表现出来的性能。 力学性能包括强度、塑性、硬度、韧性及疲劳强度等。 硬度值可以间接地反映材料的强度、塑性和韧性以及材 料在化学成分、金相组织和热处理工艺上的差异,因而 硬度试验在工程上应用十分广泛。生产中常用的硬度试 验是布氏硬度、洛氏硬度和维氏硬度。 熟悉和掌握工程材料力学性能的重要性: 在机械设备及工具的设计、制造中选用工程材料 时,大多以力学性能为主要依据。
硬度 标尺 HRC
120°金刚石 圆锥体 ø1/16钢球 120金刚石圆 锥体
总试验力 (N) 1471.0
980.7 588.4
硬度值有效 范围 20~67HRC
25--1OOHRB 60~85HRA
一般淬火钢件 软钢、退火钢、铜 合金等 硬质合金、表面淬 火钢等
Engineering Materials ③试验条件的选择 布氏硬度试验时,压头球体的直径(D), 试验力(F)及试验力保持的时间(t),应根据被测材料材料 的种类、硬度值的范围及材料的厚度进行选择。 常用的压头球体直径(D)有1、2、2.5、5和10mm五种。试 验力(F)可从9.807N (1kgf)~29.42kN(3000kgf)范围内,二 者之间的关系详见表1—2。试验力保持时间,一般黑色材料 为10~15s;有色材料为30s;布氏硬度值小于35时为60s。
Engineering Materials (2) 洛氏硬度 ①洛氏硬度测试原理 在初始试验力(F0)及总试验力 (F0+F1)先后作用下,将压头(金刚石圆锥体或钢球)压入 试样表面,经规定保持时间后卸除生试验力(F1),用保 持初始试验力的条件下,测量的残余压痕深度增量来计 算硬度。图1--7为用金刚石圆锥体压头进行洛氏硬度试 验的示意图。从图中看出,洛氏硬度值(HR)是用洛氏硬 度相应标尺刻度满量程(100)与残余压痕深度增量(e)之 差计算硬度值。计算公式如下 HR=k-e 式中 HR--洛氏硬度值;K——常数,用金刚石圆锥体 压头进行试验时K为100;用钢球压头进行试验时,K为 130;e——残余压痕深度增量,单位为0.002mm。
Engineering Materials 一、载荷的概念: 材料在加工及使用过程中所受的外力。 载荷分类: 1.根据作用性质不同分 静载荷是指大小不变或变动很慢的载荷; 静 载 荷: 冲击载荷:冲击载荷是指突然增加的载荷; 疲劳载荷:疲劳载荷是指所经受的周期性或非周期 性的动载荷(也称循环载荷)。 2.根据载荷作用方式不同 分为拉伸载荷、压缩载荷、弯曲载荷、剪切 载荷和扭转载荷等,如图1-1所示。