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We are entering into a partnership with the All-China Women's Federation (DFID contribution: £2m) which focuses o improving the skills and promoting the rights of women and girls. DFID is also developing teacher training projects in the poorer western provinces. This is a Distance Learning Project and is worth £4m.
Without the rule of law, a nation 3. 不实行法制,国家 can't prosper and people won't be happy. Without the rule of law, 无以富强,人民无以 幸福。不实行法制,社 there will not be long-term order 会难以实现长治久安。 and security. China has clearly 中国已经明确提出把发 stated its goal is to be the 展社会主义民主政治、 development of socialist 依法治国、建设社会主 democratic politics, a country ruled 义法制国家作为社会主 by law, and the development of a 义现代化建设的重要目 标。为适应经济体制改 socialist country ruled by law. In 革和现代化建设的要求, order to meet the requirements of 我们将继续推进政治体 economic reform and modernization, we will continue to 制改革。 drive forward the reform of our political system.
特点: 此倒装非彼倒装 为了便于理解 or 翻译原因,在翻译 时调整原文语序 敢于打破原文顺序
We can discourage the use of cars by putting higher taxes on petrol, and on cars themselves—especially the larger ones that use a lot of petrol.
There is only one force of history that can break the reign of hatred and resentment, and expose the pretensions of tyrants, and reward the hope of the decent and tolerant, and that is the force of human freedom.
译文:我们正在与全中国妇女联 合会合作,共同致力于改善妇女 和女孩的技能,增进她们的权益。 国际发展部的贡献是是200万英镑。 国际发展部还在比较贫困的西部 省份发展教师培训项目。这是一 个远程学习项目,价值400万英镑。
2. Relatively recently, China has undergone fundamental changes from a centrally 近年来,中国经历了根本的变革, planned economy to one 由中央计划经济转向利用市场的 which embraces market forces; and from a largely 力量。原来基本上以乡村为基础 的社会逐渐都市化。高速的经济 rural based society to an 发展虽然大大减少了贫困人口的 increasingly urban one. 数量,但是不平等现象也有增加。 Although rapid economic development has 东部沿海较富裕地区与西部较贫 dramatically reduced the 困的内陆地区的差距尤其突出。 numbers of poor people, inequality has increased, especially between the more affluent coastal eastern regions and the poorer inland western regions.
• • • • 分心原则: 三分记七分听,一心多用 借用原则:前面提及的要点,箭头借用 简化原则:记录要点 取舍原则:记录重点为名词,便于信息复原
• 1. 并列句
• 2. 倒装句 • 3. 包含句
对策:按照句子顺序,划分句子结构,形成 小的句子群,避免信息遗漏
• Shanghai is on the tip of the Yangtze Delta, in the middle of China's coastline running down from the north to the south. It is very well located. Shanghai averages about 4 meters above sea level. It has a tropical monsoon climate, with four different seasons, plenty of sunshine and good rainfall. The third largest island in China, the Chongming Island, is within Shanghai's territory.
译文:我们可以提高汽油以及 汽车的税率, 尤其是对耗油量 大的大型汽车, 可以征收高额 税, 以此来抑制人们用车的积 极性。
原文 2:
受债券和货币市场 波动的影响,伦敦证 券交易所交易量与星 期五相比大幅下降。
译文:Shares on the London Stock Exchange
traded sharply lower than Friday,undermined by turmoil on bond and currency markets.
特点:类似俄罗斯套娃,句子的末尾是核心 部分 句式结构:S=[a[b(c)]]
Individual training programmes are regularly monitored and updated to ensure that staff widen their knowledge of trading, business and management practices. Staff als are encouraged to keep abreast of innovations in the markets in which they operate. Investment in the development of personnel at all levels is one of the processes which enables FDL to maintain a high quality service for its customers and to ensure its own continued success and growth.
译文:这个世界只存在一种力量可以冲决仇 恨、揭露暴君的虚伪、扶植容忍、培育尊严, 那就是人类的自由。
原文2: 我们主张在互相 尊重主权和领土完 整、互不侵犯、互 不干涉内政、平等 互利、和平共处的 五项原则的基础上, 建立和平、稳定、 公正、合理的国际 新秩序。
译文:Baidu Nhomakorabea
• We advocate the establishment of a peaceful, stable, just and rational new international order on the basis of the five principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression and noninterference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit and peaceful coexistence.
2. 中国最高人民法院按 照国家关于推进司法 改革的要求,以宪法 和诉讼法等法律为依 据,加大了司法改革 的步伐,理顺了法院 的管理体制,实行了 高级人民法院统一管 理、统一协调的新体 制,建立完善了人民 陪审员制度,实行 “阳光下的审判”。
The Supreme People's Court of China is meeting the State's request to drive forward judicial reform. In accordance with the Constitution and such statutes as Prosecution Law, we have increased our efforts to rationalize the management system of our courts. We have now implemented central management and coordination by the Senior People's Courts. We have established the system of People's Jurors. It is now all above board.
1. 北京开发区一期 15平方公里内,规 划合理,井井有条。 东侧是高尔夫球场, 西边是凉水河,北 侧为一公里宽的城 市规划绿地。区内 东部是工业区,西 部是生活区,中部 为公共建筑区。
The first phase of the Beijing Development Area covers 15 square kilometers. It has been well planned. There is a golf course to the east, Liangshui River to the west, and a green belt, one kilometer wide to the north. Within the Area, there is an industrial zone in the east, a residential area in the west, and an area for public utilities in-between.
译文:个人培训计划得到定期监督、修订,以确 保员工能扩大知识,更多地了解贸易、商业和管 理上的做法。我们还鼓励员工随时掌握他们业务 所在的市场中的革新。在个人发展的各个层次投 资,这种过程使得富戴能够不断为顾客提供高质 量服务,并确保自身不为获得成功,不断发展。
• 上海地处长江三 角洲前缘,正当 我国南北海岸线 的中部,地理位 置优越。这里平 均海拔高度为为4 米左右,属热带 季风气候,四季 分明,日照充分, 雨量充沛。中国 第三大岛崇明岛 就在上海。