Measuring Unix kernel performance
基于单片机的智能家居控制系统设计摘 要“智能家居控制系统”是以单片机为控制核心,通过红外遥控模块遥控单片机实现室温实时测量、时间日期显示、以及控制家庭用电器开关通断来实现家用电器自动控制的功能。
关键词:STC89C52单片机;继电器;DS18B20;DS1302;红外模块;LCD1602AbstractThe kernel control of IHCS(Intelligent Home Control System) is STC89C52. It can’measure the current temperature, calculate Date and Time, control electrical componcomponents by using thedominating t he electricalswitching to realize long-distanceinfrared module controlling the STC89C52. Current temperature measuring is realize by DS18B20, while date and time displaying is realized by DS1302. Electrical components’ switching is decided by electromagnetic relay, when all of the informatcontrol ofand data i s d isplayed by LCD1602. The system may have a long-distanceelectrical components. It not only will improve the safety, convenience, comfort o living condition, but also can it save the energy to be an environmental friendly style. It is the main tendency of the future electricity control.It was firstly introduced in this essay that the IHCS block diagram and progra dividing the system into controlling module, infrared, timing, temperature,analyzing therelay a nd display module. And introducing the circuit,electromagnetictheory, designing the software of them except controlling module one by one. After controlling module connects this five modules into a system, then births the IHCS this essay, itproject background of the production and the concept and sense of IHCS. In the essay, it is simulated by Proteus, the program is designed by using Keil, but not the least is that it downloads the software by STC-ISP into MX-51developme board and debugs.current timeLCD1602 displays theThe final result isstarting up, thewhen it isrelays’date, time, e nvironment t emperature and the current working electromagneticnumber. The remote control button ’1’,’2’,’3’separately controlsrelay. When pushing o dd times, the electromagnetic number’1’,’2’,’3’electromagneticrelay breaks. Differentrelay connects, when pushing e ven times, the electromagneticelectromagnetic relays work separately.The key words:STC89C52 singlechip; Electromagnetic relay;DS18B20;DS1302;analyze module;LCD1602目 录第1章绪论 ...................................................................1.1 课题背景与意义 .........................................................1.2 智能家居控制系统的定义分析及应用价值 ...................................1.2.1 智能家居控制系统的定义及分析 .....................................1.2.2 应用价值的SWOT分析 .............................................1.3 本文的主要工作和内容 ...................................................1.3.1 本文主要工作归纳 .................................................1.3.2 本文内容分布 .....................................................第2章智能家居控制系统的总体设计 .............................................2.1系统的总体设计及系统框图 ...............................................2.2方案选择 ...............................................................2.2.1智能家居控制模块方案选择 ..........................................2.2.2红外模块方案选择 ..................................................2.2.3时钟模块方案选择 ..................................................2.2.4温度模块方案选择 ..................................................2.2.5电磁继电模块方案选择 ..............................................2.2.6显示模块方案选择 ..................................................2.3本章小结 ...............................................................第3章智能家居控制系统的硬件电路设计 .........................................3.1红外模块电路设计 .......................................................3.2时钟模块电路设计 .......................................................3.3温度模块电路设计 .......................................................3.4电磁继电模块电路设计 ...................................................3.5液晶模块电路设计 .......................................................3.6本章小结 ...............................................................第4章智能家居控制系统的软件设计 .............................................4.1系统整体设计思想及主程序流程图 .........................................4.2程序子模块说明 .........................................................4.2.1红外模块程序 ......................................................4.2.2DS1302时钟模块程序 ...............................................4.2.3DS18B20温度模块程序 ...............................................4.2.4LCD1602液晶模块程序 ..............................................4.3本章小结 ...............................................................第5章系统的方案实现与调试 ...................................................5.1程序编写与仿真 .........................................................5.1.1程序编写软件Keil ...................................................5.1.2仿真软件Proteus ..................................................5.1.3仿真结果 ..........................................................5.2程序下载 ...............................................................5.2.1程序下载软件 ......................................................5.2.2程序下载过程 ......................................................5.3 调试结果 ...............................................................结论 ..........................................................................错误!未定义书签。
监视I/O使用情况:sar -d
device: sar命令正在监视的块设备的名字。 %busy: 设备忙时,传送请求所占时间的百分比。 avque: 队列站满时,未完成请求数量的平均值。 r+w/s: 每秒传送到设备或从设备传出的数据量。 blks/s: 每秒传送的块数,每块512字节。 avwait: 队列占满时传送请求等待队列空闲的平均时间。 avserv: 完成传送请求所需平均时间(毫秒)。
2. 写glance.sh脚本
glance -j 10 -adviser_only -bootup -iterations 60 -syntax adviser.syntax>> `hostname`_glance_`date +%Y%m%d`.log
3. 4.
1. 将 NmonXXX.tar.gz 文件复制到计算机。如果使用 FTP,请记住 使用二进制模式 2. 解压该文件,运行运行 gzip -d nmonXXX.tar.gz 3. 提取该文件,运行tar xvf nmonXXX.tar Nmon部署 1. 解压nmon后运行chomd +x nmon 2. 设置环境变量 3. 进入nmon安装目录运行nmon
• Wait%:表示CPU等待I/O所花费时间的百分数
• Idle%:表示CPU空闲时间的百分数
Memory 相关项
参考答案第1章1. 思考题(1)C语言。
(4)Linux操作系统的诞生、发展和成长过程始终依赖着的重要支柱有以下几点:(1)UNIX操作系统;(2)MINIX操作系统;(3)GNU计划;(4)POSIX标准;(5)Internet 网络。
(6)常见的Linux的发行版本有以下几种:1)Red Hat Linux;2)Caldera OpenLinux;3)SuSE Linux;4)TurboLinux;5)红旗Linux;6)中软Linux。
2. 单项选择(1)-(5):BCCBA第2章1. 思考题(1)Linux系统有哪些运行级别?其含义为何?答:Linux/Unix有7个运行级或运行状态,定义如下(参见/etc/inittab),具体级别与含义如下:0:关闭系统;1:单用户模式;2:多用户使用模式,但没有NFS功能;3:完全多用户模式;4:没有使用,用户可自定义;5:完全多用户模式,且支持X-Windows(默认运行级);6:重新启动。
X-Window的工作方式跟Microsoft Windows有着本质的不同。
MS Windows的图形用户界面(GUI)与操作系统本身紧密结合,成为操作系统的一部分;而X-Window并不是操作系统的一部分,它实际上只是在Linux操作系统上面运行的一个应用程序,可以不启动。
Unix,Linux 磁盘 IO 性能监控命令
Unix/Linux 磁盘I/O 性能监控命令磁盘I/O 性能监控指标和调优方法在介绍磁盘I/O 监控命令前,我们需要了解磁盘I/O 性能监控的指标,以及每个指标的所揭示的磁盘某方面的性能。
磁盘I/O 性能监控的指标主要包括:指标1:每秒I/O 数(IOPS 或tps)对于磁盘来说,一次磁盘的连续读或者连续写称为一次磁盘I/O, 磁盘的IOPS 就是每秒磁盘连续读次数和连续写次数之和。
其单位一般为Kbps, MB/s 等。
指标3:平均I/O 数据尺寸平均I/O 数据尺寸为吞吐量除以I/O 数目,该指标对揭示磁盘使用模式有重要意义。
一般来说,如果平均I/O 数据尺寸小于32K,可认为磁盘使用模式以随机存取为主;如果平均每次I/O 数据尺寸大于32K,可认为磁盘使用模式以顺序存取为主。
一般来说,如果磁盘利用率超过70%,应用进程将花费较长的时间等待I/O 完成,因为绝大多数进程在等待过程中将被阻塞或休眠。
指标5:服务时间(Service Time)指磁盘读或写操作执行的时间,包括寻道,旋转时延,和数据传输等时间。
其大小一般和磁盘性能有关,CPU/ 内存的负荷也会对其有影响,请求过多也会间接导致服务时间的增加。
指标6:I/O 等待队列长度(Queue Length)指待处理的I/O 请求的数目,如果I/O 请求压力持续超出磁盘处理能力,该值将增加。
10. local a. 局部;本地[机]
localhost 本(主)机
比较 remote a. 远程 remote access 远程访问 remote communications 远程通信 remote terminal 远程终端
11. ring network 环形网络 ring topology 环形拓扑
比较 model 模型 module 模块 modulo 模(运算)
11. opcode 操作码( operation code ) 12. decode v. 译码
decoder 译码器,解码器,翻译程序
2.2 Microprocessor And Microcomputer
1. integrated circuit 集成电路
8. library (程序)库,库
9. single threading 单线程处理方式
Within a program, the running of a single process at a time. 在程序中,一次运行一个进程的方式。
single-precision 单精度 single-user computer 单用户计算机 thread 线程;线索 threaded tree 线索树 threading 线程技术
16. idle a. 空闲,等待
Operational but not in use. 用来说明处在可操作状态但不在使用。 idle state 空闲状态
18. launch v. 启动,激活 19. prototyping 原型法 20. project n. 投影运算 21. workstation 工作站
2.4 UNIX常用命令介绍用户对某一操作系统的认识,往往是从使用和接触操作系统开始的,而接触操作系统最常用的方法就是使用操作系统的命令。
2.4.1 UNIX命令使用方法当某个用户正确地通过了系统的注册和登录后,就进入到UNIX的命令管理程序shell的第一个进程中。
shell可以完成UNIX命令的解释执行过程,它大体上可以分成两类:一类是s hell的内部命令,另一类是shell的外部命令。
1. UNIX的命令格式使用UNIX命令的方法可以有多种,例如,可以在命令行上输入命令,或是将命令编写在批处理文件中。
[arg uments]表示命令的执行参数,可以默认。
linux内核配置make menuconfig菜单详解
LINUX内核配置MAKE MENUCONFIG菜单详解我们在linux内核裁剪过程中,进入内核所在目录,键入 make menuconfig 就会看到一堆的配置菜单,它们具体代表什么含义呢?我们该如何取舍呢?这里把近期收集到的一些信息做一个总结。
1、General setup代码成熟度选项,它又有子项:1.1、prompt for development and/or incomplete code/drivers该选项是对那些还在测试阶段的代码,驱动模块等的支持。
一般应该选这个选项,除非你只是想使用 LINUX 中已经完全稳定的东西。
1.2、Cross-compiler tool prefix交叉编译工具前缀,例如:Cross-compiler tool prefix值为: (arm-linux-)1.3、Local version - append to kernel release内核显示的版本信息,填入 64字符以内的字符串,你在这里填上的字符口串可以用uname -a 命令看到。
1.4、Automatically append version information to the version string自动在版本字符串后面添加版本信息,编译时需要有perl以及git仓库支持1.5、Kernel compression mode (Gzip) --->有四个选项,这个选项是说内核镜像要用的压缩模式,回车一下,可以看到gzip,bzip2,lzma,lxo,一般可以按默认的gzip,如果要用bzip2,lzma,lxo要先装上支持1.6、Support for paging of anonymous memory (swap)使用交换分区或交换文件来做为虚拟内存,一定要选上。
1.7、System V IPC表示系统的进程间通信Inter Process Communication,它用于处理器在程序之间同步和交换信息,如果不选这项,很多程序运行不起来,必选。
IT专业词汇中英对照IT是Information T echnology英文的缩写,全称含义为“信息技术”涵盖的范围很广,主要包括:现代计算机、网络通讯等信息领域的技术。
接下来小编为大家整理IT专业词汇中英对照,希望对你有帮助哦!kerf 截口,切缝,槽kernel 核心kernel boundary 核心边缘kernel mode 核心模式kevlar 凯芙拉(一种合成纤维)key compression 主要压缩key macro 关键指令组key server 密钥服务程序;密钥服务器key telephone system (KTS) 按键电话系统key value 关键值key, alphanumeric 字母数字键key, shift 字母变换键key, shift lock 字母变换锁定键key, soft 软键keyboard 键盘keyboard asynchronous receiver/transmitter (KART) 键盘异步收发机keyboard terminal 键盘式终端机keying, amplitude shift (ASK) 振幅变换键控keying, binary frequency shift (BFSK) 二进制频率变换键控keying, binary phase shift (BPSK) 二进制相位变换键控keying, differential phase shift (DPSK) 差动相位变换调键控keying, differential quadrature phase shift (DQPSK) 差动正交相位变换键控keying, frequency shift (FSK) 频率变换键控keying, minimum shift (MSK) 最小变换键控keying, on-off (OOK) 开关键控keying, phase shift (PSK) 相位变换键控keying, quadrature phase shift (QPSK) 正交相位变换键控keyword 关键字kiln 炉kilo- (K) 千(x1024)kilo- (k) 千(x1000)kilo-ohm 千欧姆kiloampere (kA) 千安kilobit (Kb) 千位jack 插座;塞孔jacket 套;外套jagged 锯齿状的jagged line 锯齿状线jamming 干扰;干扰杂音jamming margin 干扰极限jaw, bottom-centering 下定中爪jaw, centering 定中爪jaw, top-centering 上定中爪jitter 抖动jitter, horizontal 水平抖动jitter, phase 相位抖动jitter, timing 时序抖动jitter, vertical 垂直抖动job transfer and management (JTM) 作业传送和管理joint 结;结点joint time-frequency analysis (JTFA) 联结时序频率分析joint-type field-effect transistor (JFET) 连结式场效应管joule (J) 焦耳joystick 摇杆jump 跳越jump, indirect 间接跳越jumper 跨接线junction 接点;连结;结点junction circuits 连接电路,中继电路,汇接电路junction depth 连结深度junction diode 连结式二极管junction field-effect transistor (JFET) 连结式场效应管junction isolation (JI) 连结隔离junction leakage 接点泄漏junction temperature 接点温度junction transistor 连结式晶体管junction, solder 焊接点junctor 连接器,联络线just-in-time (JIT) 及时justification 码速调整,调整justification bit 码速调整位justification ratio 码速调整比justify 对齐;调整juxtaposition 并列kilobyte (KB) 千字节kilogram (kg) 千克kilohm (k? 千欧姆kilometer (km) 千米kilovolt (kV) 千伏kilowatt (kW) 千瓦kilowatt-hour (kWh) 千瓦小时,千瓦时,度kinematics 运动学kinetic energy 动能kinetic friction 动摩擦kinetics 动力学kiosk 公用电话亭,电话间kit, training 培训组件know-how 技术知识knowledge base 知识库knowledge query and manipulation language (KQML) 知识咨询和处理语言knowledge-based system 知识库系统known-good-die 成品裸片,合格裸片ice-point compensation 冰点补偿icon 图像ideal gas 理想气体ideal gas model 理想气体模型ideal mechanical advantage 理想机械利益ideal network 理想网络ideal noise diode 理想噪声二极管ideal radiator 理想辐射体ideal value 理想值identification 识别identification code 识别码identification, exchange (XID) 交换识别identifier 识别码identifier, node 网点识别码identifier, service access point (SAPI) 服务存取端识别码identifier, terminal endpoint (TEI) 终端末端识别码identifier, terminal equipment (TEI) 终端设备识别码identifier, virtual circuit (VCI) 虚拟电路识别码ideographic 表意文字的;表意的idle 闲置idle character 闲置字符idle time 闲置时间if-then-else 若-则-否则ignition point 燃点ignition switch 点火开关illegal character 非法字符illegal code 非法代码illegal instruction 非法指令illuminance 光照度illuminated body 受照体illumination 照明image 影像image acquisition 影像采集image analysis 图像分析,析像image antenna 镜像天线image area 映像区image buffer 影像缓冲器image compression 影像压缩image dissector 析像器,析像管image distance 像距image editing tool 影像编辑工具image enhancement 影像增强image frequency 镜像频率image generator 图像生成器image iconoscope 图像光电摄像管,图像映像管image intensifier 影像增强器image interchange facility (IIF) 图象交换设备image map 图像图image mapping 图像映射,图像变换image orthicon 超正析像管image phase 图像相位image processing system 影像处理系统image reconstruction 影像重现image scanner 影像扫描器image sensor 影像感应器image transfer 影像转移image transfer mechanism (ITM) 影像转移机制image, bit-mapped raster 位映射光栅影像image, erect 正立像image, ghost 重影;鬼影image, inverse 倒像image, inverted 倒立像image, perverted 反像image, real 实像image, virtual 虚像image-acquisition 影像采集image-editing tool 影像编辑工具image-processing system 影像处理系统imaginary part 虚部imaging quantization 影像量化immediate access 快速存取immediate instruction 立即指令immunity 免疫immunity, noise 无噪声干扰impact printer 撞击式打印机impact strength 抗冲击强度impairment 损毁;破坏impedance 阻抗impedance drop 阻抗降impedance heating 阻抗加热impedance matrix 阻抗矩阵impedance mismatch 阻抗不匹配impedance, active 有源阻抗impedance, characteristic 特征阻抗impedance, input 输入阻抗impedance, output 输出阻抗impedance, thermal 热阻impedance, winding 绕线阻抗imperfect debugging 不完整的除错imperial 英制的implantation, ion 离子注入; 离子植入implication 蕴涵;隐含implied addressing 蕴含选址impregnate 浸渍imprint, voice 声音痕迹impulse 冲量impulse current 脉冲电流impulse generator 脉冲发生器impulse inertia 脉冲惯性impulse noise 脉冲噪声impulse relay 脉冲继电器impulse strength 脉冲强度impulse transmission 脉冲传输impulse, angular 角冲量impure spectrum 不纯粹光谱impurity 杂质impurity absorption 杂质吸收impurity concentration 杂质浓度impurity, acceptor 受体杂质impurity, donor 施体杂质in service 使用中in-band signaling 带内信令in-circuit 内电路in-circuit emulator (ICE) 内电路仿真器in-circuit probing (ICP) 内电路探测in-circuit reconfigurable (ICR) 电路内可重构in-circuit tester (ICT) 内电路试器in-circuit testing (ICT) 内电路测试in-coming inspection 进货检查in-line 顺序in-line defect measurement 连机故障测量,在线故障测量in-line image 在线图像in-line placement machine 顺序式元件置放机in-line system 顺序系统in-page burst access 页内资料组存取in-phase 同相;同相位in-rush current 起动电流in-system programmable (ISP) 系统内可编程in-system programmable large scale integration (ISPLSI) 系统内可编程大规模集成电路inactive 非使用;无效inactive area 无效区inactive region 无效区inbound 入站incandescent 白炽的incandescent lamp 白炽灯inch, dots per (DPI) 每英寸点数inch, tracks per (TPI) 每英寸磁轨数incidence, oblique 斜入射incident 入射incident angle 入射角incident ray 入射光incident wave 入射波incident, photon 光子入射incipient failure 起始故障inclination 倾角inclined 倾斜inclined plane 斜面inclinometer 倾角计,倾斜计,倾角罗盘incoherent 不连贯的incoming inspection 进货检查incoming quality control (IQC) 入货品质控制incompressibility 不可压性increment 增量increment address pointer 增量地址指标increment instruction 增量指令incremental 增量的incremental measuring system 增量测量系统incremental permeability 增量磁导率,磁导率增量incremental recompilation 增量再编译incumbent local exchange carrier (ILEC) 本地交换运营商indefinite admittance matrix 不定导纳矩阵independent 独立于independent, hardware 硬件无关independent, machine 设备无关index 索引index bus 索引总线index hole 索引孔index of refraction (IOR) 折射率index register 索引寄存器index sequential access method (ISAM) 索引顺序存取法index table 索引表index, disk 磁盘索引index, refraction 折射率index, sector 区段索引index-matching fluid 折射率匹配液indexed file 索引文件indexed sequential access method (ISAM) 索引顺序存取法indexing, cylinder surface 磁柱面索引法indicated value 指示值indication 指示indicator, null 零指示器indices 指数indirect addressing 间接定址indirect jump 间接跳越individual address 个别地址individual axially-leaded diode 单轴向引线二极管indoor equipment 室内设备induced charge 感应电荷induced electromotive force 感应电动势induced voltage 感应电压inducing charge 施感电荷inducing current 施感电流inductance 电感inductance factor 电感因数,电感系数inductance, grounded 接地电感inductance, mutual 互感inductance, parasitic 寄生电感inductance, path 通路电感inductance, self- 自感induction 感应;电感induction coil 感应线圈induction factor 感应因素。
$ make modules
... # 这里要很长时间,中间编译的过程略去了
$ sudo make modules_install # 将模块相关的文件复制到/lib/modules/目录下的$version目录
$ mkinitrd initrd-$version $version
/boot/config-2.6.32-28-generic:3040:warning: symbol value 'm' invalid for AB3100_CORE
/boot/config-2.6.32-28-generic:3510:warning: symbol value 'm' invalid for FB_VESA
Kernel: 编译、安装内核详细过程
Posted onFebruary 27, 2011bylesca
HOSTCC scripts/kconfig/kxgettext.o
HOSTCC scripts/kconfig/lxdialog/checklist.o
HOSTCC scripts/kconfig/lxdialog/inputbox.o
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IBM Cognos Transformer V11.0 用户指南说明书
A. ps -ef
B. top
C. htop
D. pstree
A.ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱIOPS
A. uptime
B. w
C. who
D. last
A. Task Manager
4.使用Performance Monitor监控CPU、内存、磁盘I/O、网络等性能指标,创建性能日志,分析图表,定位性能瓶颈。
A. nmon
linux 内核编译各个选项的含义
Code maturity level options代码成熟度选项Prompt for development and/or incomplete code/drivers显示尚在开发中或尚未完成的代码与驱动.除非你是测试人员或者开发者,否则请勿选择General setup常规设置Local version - append to kernel release在内核版本后面加上自定义的版本字符串(小于64字符),可以用"uname -a"命令看到Automatically append version information to the version string 自动在版本字符串后面添加版本信息,编译时需要有perl以及git仓库支持Support for paging of anonymous memory (swap)使用交换分区或者交换文件来做为虚拟内存System V IPCSystem V进程间通信(IPC)支持,许多程序需要这个功能.必选,除非你知道自己在做什么IPC NamespacesIPC命名空间支持,不确定可以不选POSIX Message QueuesPOSIX消息队列,这是POSIX IPC中的一部分BSD Process Accounting将进程的统计信息写入文件的用户级系统调用,主要包括进程的创建时间/创建者/内存占用等信息BSD Process Accounting version 3 file format使用新的第三版文件格式,可以包含每个进程的PID和其父进程的PID,但是不兼容老版本的文件格式Export task/process statistics through netlink通过netlink接口向用户空间导出任务/进程的统计信息,与BSD Process Accounting的不同之处在于这些统计信息在整个任务/进程生存期都是可用的Enable per-task delay accounting在统计信息中包含进程等候系统资源(cpu,IO同步,内存交换等)所花费的时间UTS NamespacesUTS名字空间支持,不确定可以不选Auditing support审计支持,某些内核模块(例如SELinux)需要它,只有同时选择其子项才能对系统调用进行审计Enable system-call auditing support支持对系统调用的审计Kernel .config support把内核的配置信息编译进内核中,以后可以通过scripts/extract-ikconfig脚本来提取这些信息Enable access to .config through /proc/config.gz允许通过/proc/config.gz访问内核的配置信息Cpuset support只有含有大量CPU(大于16个)的SMP系统或NUMA(非一致内存访问)系统才需要它Kernel->user space relay support (formerly relayfs)在某些文件系统上(比如debugfs)提供从内核空间向用户空间传递大量数据的接口Initramfs source file(s)initrd已经被initramfs取代,如果你不明白这是什么意思,请保持空白Optimize for size (Look out for broken compilers!)编译时优化内核尺寸(使用"-Os"而不是"-O2"参数编译),有时会产生错误的二进制代码Enable extended accounting over taskstats收集额外的进程统计信息并通过taskstats接口发送到用户空间Configure standard kernel features (for small systems)配置标准的内核特性(为小型系统)Enable 16-bit UID system calls允许对UID系统调用进行过时的16-bit包装Sysctl syscall support不需要重启就能修改内核的某些参数和变量,如果你也选择了支持/proc,将能从/proc/sys存取可以影响内核行为的参数或变量Load all symbols for debugging/kksymoops装载所有的调试符号表信息,仅供调试时选择Include all symbols in kallsyms在kallsyms中包含内核知道的所有符号,内核将会增大300KDo an extra kallsyms pass除非你在kallsyms中发现了bug并需要报告这个bug才打开该选项Support for hot-pluggable devices支持热插拔设备,如usb与pc卡等,Udev也需要它Enable support for printk允许内核向终端打印字符信息,在需要诊断内核为什么不能运行时选择BUG() support显示故障和失败条件(BUG和WARN),禁用它将可能导致隐含的错误被忽略Enable ELF core dumps内存转储支持,可以帮助调试ELF格式的程序Enable full-sized data structures for core在内核中使用全尺寸的数据结构.禁用它将使得某些内核的数据结构减小以节约内存,但是将会降低性能Enable futex support快速用户空间互斥体可以使线程串行化以避免竞态条件,也提高了响应速度.禁用它将导致内核不能正确的运行基于glibc的程序Enable eventpoll support支持事件轮循的系统调用Use full shmem filesystem完全使用shmem来代替ramfs.shmem是基于共享内存的文件系统(可能用到swap),在启用TMPFS后可以挂载为tmpfs供用户空间使用,它比简单的ramfs先进许多Use full SLAB allocator使用SLAB完全取代SLOB进行内存分配,SLAB是一种优秀的内存分配管理器,推荐使用Enable VM event counters for /proc/vmstat允许在/proc/vmstat中包含虚拟内存事件记数器Loadable module support可加载模块支持Enable loadable module support打开可加载模块支持,如果打开它则必须通过"make modules_install"把内核模块安装在/lib/modules/中Module unloading允许卸载已经加载的模块Forced module unloading允许强制卸载正在使用中的模块(比较危险)Module versioning support允许使用其他内核版本的模块(可能会出问题)Source checksum for all modules为所有的模块校验源码,如果你不是自己编写内核模块就不需要它Automatic kernel module loading让内核通过运行modprobe来自动加载所需要的模块,比如可以自动解决模块的依赖关系Block layer块设备层Enable the block layer块设备支持,使用硬盘/USB/SCSI设备者必选Support for Large Block Devices仅在使用大于2TB的块设备时需要Support for tracing block io actions块队列IO跟踪支持,它允许用户查看在一个块设备队列上发生的所有事件,可以通过blktrace程序获得磁盘当前的详细统计数据Support for Large Single Files仅在可能使用大于2TB的文件时需要IO SchedulersIO调度器Anticipatory I/O scheduler假设一个块设备只有一个物理查找磁头(例如一个单独的SATA硬盘),将多个随机的小写入流合并成一个大写入流,用写入延时换取最大的写入吞吐量.适用于大多数环境,特别是写入较多的环境(比如文件服务器) Deadline I/O scheduler使用轮询的调度器,简洁小巧,提供了最小的读取延迟和尚佳的吞吐量,特别适合于读取较多的环境(比如数据库)CFQ I/O scheduler使用QoS策略为所有任务分配等量的带宽,避免进程被饿死并实现了较低的延迟,可以认为是上述两种调度器的折中.适用于有大量进程的多用户系统Default I/O scheduler默认IO调度器Processor type and features中央处理器(CPU)类型及特性Symmetric multi-processing support对称多处理器支持,如果你有多个CPU或者使用的是多核CPU就选上.此时"Enhanced Real Time Clock Support"选项必须开启,"Advanced Power Management"选项必须关闭Subarchitecture Type处理器的子架构,大多数人都应当选择"PC-compatible"Processor family处理器系列,请按照你实际使用的CPU选择Generic x86 support通用x86支持,如果你的CPU能够在上述"Processor family"中找到就别选HPET Timer SupportHPET是替代8254芯片的新一代定时器,i686及以上级别的主板都支持,可以安全的选上Maximum number of CPUs支持的最大CPU数,每增加一个内核将增加8K体积SMT (Hyperthreading) scheduler support支持Intel的超线程(HT)技术Multi-core scheduler support针对多核CPU进行调度策略优化Preemption Model内核抢占模式No Forced Preemption (Server)适合服务器环境的禁止内核抢占Voluntary Kernel Preemption (Desktop)适合普通桌面环境的自愿内核抢占Preemptible Kernel (Low-Latency Desktop)适合运行实时程序的主动内核抢占Preempt The Big Kernel Lock可以抢占大内核锁,应用于实时要求高的场合,不适合服务器环境Machine Check Exception让CPU检测到系统故障时通知内核,以便内核采取相应的措施(如过热关机等)Check for non-fatal errors on AMD Athlon/Duron / Intel Pentium 4 每5秒检测一次这些cpu的非致命错误并纠正它们,同时记入日志check for P4 thermal throttling interrupt当P4的cpu过热时显示一条警告消息Enable VM86 support虚拟X86支持,在DOSEMU下运行16-bit程序或XFree86通过BIOS初始化某些显卡的时候才需要Toshiba Laptop supportToshiba笔记本模块支持Dell laptop supportDell笔记本模块支持Enable X86 board specific fixups for reboot修正某些旧x86主板的重起bug,这种主板基本绝种了/dev/cpu/microcode - Intel IA32 CPU microcode support使用不随Linux内核发行的IA32微代码,你必需有IA32微代码二进制文件,仅对Intel的CPU有效/dev/cpu/*/msr - Model-specific register support在多cpu系统中让特权CPU访问x86的MSR寄存器/dev/cpu/*/cpuid - CPU information support能从/dev/cpu/x/cpuid获得CPU的唯一标识符(CPUID)Firmware Drivers固件驱动程序BIOS Enhanced Disk Drive calls determine boot disk有些BIOS支持从某块特定的硬盘启动(如果BIOS不支持则可能无法启动),目前大多数BIOS还不支持BIOS update support for DELL systems via sysfs仅适用于DELL机器Dell Systems Management Base Driver仅适用于DELL机器High Memory Support最高内存支持,总内存小于等于1G的选"off",大于4G的选"64G" Memory split如果你不是绝对清楚自己在做什么,不要改动这个选项Memory model一般选"Flat Memory",其他选项涉及内存热插拔64 bit Memory and IO resources使用64位的内存和IO资源Allocate 3rd-level pagetables from highmem在内存很多(大于4G)的机器上将用户空间的页表放到高位内存区,以节约宝贵的低端内存Math emulation数学协处理器仿真,486DX以上的cpu就不要选它了MTRR (Memory Type Range Register) support打开它可以提升PCI/AGP总线上的显卡2倍以上的速度,并且可以修正某些BIOS错误Boot from EFI supportEFI是一种可代替传统BIOS的技术(目前的Grub/LILO尚不能识别它),但是现在远未普及Enable kernel irq balancing让内核将irq中断平均分配给多个CPU以进行负载均衡,但是要配合irqbanlance守护进程才行Use register arguments使用"-mregparm=3"参数编译内核,将前3个参数以寄存器方式进行参数调用,可以生成更紧凑和高效的代码Enable seccomp to safely compute untrusted bytecode只有嵌入式系统可以不选Timer frequency内核时钟频率,桌面推荐"1000 HZ",服务器推荐"100 HZ"或"250 HZ" kexec system call提供kexec系统调用,可以不必重启而切换到另一个内核kernel crash dumps被kexec启动后产生内核崩溃转储Physical address where the kernel is loaded内核加载的物理地址,除非你知道自己在做什么,否则不要修改.在提供kexec系统调用的情况下可能要修改它Support for hot-pluggable CPUs对热插拔CPU提供支持Compat VDSO support如果Glibc版本大于等于2.3.3就不选,否则就选上Power management options电源管理选项Power Management support电源管理有APM和ACPI两种标准且不能同时使用.即使关闭该选项,X86上运行的Linux也会在空闲时发出HLT指令将CPU进入睡眠状态Legacy Power Management API传统的电源管理API,比如软关机和系统休眠等接口Power Management Debug Support仅供调试使用Driver model /sys/devices/.../power/state files内核帮助文档反对使用该选项,即将被废除ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) Support 必须运行acpid守护程序ACPI才能起作用.ACPI是为了取代APM而设计的,因此应该尽量使用ACPI而不是APMAC Adapter如果你的系统可以在AC和电池之间转换就可以选Battery通过/proc/acpi/battery向用户提供电池状态信息,用电池的笔记本可以选Button守护程序捕获Power,Sleep,Lid按钮事件,并根据/proc/acpi/event做相应的动作,软件控制的poweroff需要它Video仅对集成在主板上的显卡提供ACPI2.0支持,且不是所有集成显卡都支持Generic Hotkey统一的热键驱动,建议不选Fan允许通过用户层的程序来对系统风扇进行控制(开,关,查询状态),支持它的硬件并不多Dock支持由ACPI控制的集线器(docking stations)Processor让ACPI处理空闲状态,并使用ACPI C2和C3处理器状态在空闲时节省电能,同时它还被cpufreq的"Performance-state drivers"选项所依赖Thermal Zone系统温度过高时可以利用ACPI thermal zone及时调整工作状态以避免你的CPU被烧毁ASUS/Medion Laptop ExtrasASUS笔记本专用,以提供额外按钮的支持,用户可以通过/proc/acpi/asus来打开或者关闭LCD的背光/调整亮度/定制LED的闪烁指示等功能IBM ThinkPad Laptop ExtrasIBM ThinkPad专用Toshiba Laptop ExtrasToshiba笔记本专用Disable ACPI for systems before Jan 1st this year输入四位数的年份,在该年的1月1日前不使用ACPI的功能("0"表示一直使用)Debug Statements详细的ACPI调试信息,不搞开发就别选Power Management Timer Support这个Timer在所有ACPI兼容的平台上都可用,且不会受PM功能的影响,建议总是启用它.如果你在kernel log中看到了'many lost ticks'那就必须启用它ACPI0004,PNP0A05 and PNP0A06 Container Driver支持内存和CPU的热插拔Smart Battery System支持依赖于I2C的"智能电池".这种电池非常老旧且罕见,还与当前的ACPI标准兼容性差APM (Advanced Power Management) BIOS SupportAPM在SMP机器上必须关闭,一般来说当前的笔记本都支持ACPI,所以应尽量关闭该该选项Ignore USER SUSPEND只有NEC Versa M系列的笔记本才需要选择这一项Enable PM at boot time系统启动时即启用APM,选上这个选项能让系统自动的进行电源管理,但常常导致启动时死机Make CPU Idle calls when idle系统空闲时调用空闲指令(halt),只有老式的CPU才需要选它,且对于SMP 系统必须关闭Enable console blanking using APM在屏幕空白时关闭LCD背光,事实上对所有的笔记本都无效RTC stores time in GMT将硬件时钟应该设为格林威治时间,否则视为本地时间.建议你使用GMT,这样你无须为时区的改变而担心Allow interrupts during APM BIOS calls允许APM的BIOS调用时中断,IBM Thinkpad的一些新机器需要这项.如果休眠时挂机(包括睡下去就醒不来),可以试试它Use real mode APM BIOS call to power off此驱动为某些有Bug的BIOS准备,如果你的系统不能正常关机或关机时崩溃,可以试试它CPU Frequency scaling允许动态改变CPU主频,达到省电和降温的目的,必须同时启用下面的一种governor才行Enable CPUfreq debugging允许对CPUfreq进行调试CPU frequency translation statistics通过sysfs文件系统输出CPU频率变换的统计信息CPU frequency translation statistics details输出详细的CPU频率变换统计信息Default CPUFreq governor默认的CPU频率调节器'performance' governor'性能'优先,静态的将频率设置为cpu支持的最高频率'powersave' governor'节能'优先,静态的将频率设置为cpu支持的最低频率'userspace' governor for userspace frequency scaling既允许手动调整cpu频率,也允许用户空间的程序动态的调整cpu频率(需要额外的调频软件,比如cpufreqd)'ondemand' cpufreq policy governor'立即响应',周期性的考察CPU负载并自动的动态调整cpu频率(不需要额外的调频软件),适合台式机'conservative' cpufreq governor'保守',和'ondemand'相似,但是频率的升降是渐变式的(幅度不会很大),更适合用于笔记本/PDA/AMD64环境ACPI Processor P-States driver将ACPI2.0的处理器性能状态报告给CPUFreq processor drivers以决定如何调整频率,该选项依赖于ACPI->Processor{省略的部分请按照自己实际使用的CPU选择}/proc/acpi/processor/../performance interface内核帮助文档反对使用该选项,即将被废除Relaxed speedstep capability checks放松对系统的speedstep兼容性检查,仅在某些老旧的Intel系统上需要打开Bus options (PCI, PCMCIA, EISA, MCA, ISA)总线选项PCI supportPCI支持,如果使用了PCI或PCI Express设备就必选PCI access modePCI访问模式,强列建议选"Any"(系统将优先使用"MMConfig",然后使用"BIOS",最后使用"Direct"检测PCI设备)PCI Express supportPCI Express支持(目前主要用于显卡和千兆网卡)PCI Express Hotplug driver如果你的主板和设备都支持PCI Express热插拔就可以选上Use polling mechanism for hot-plug events对热插拔事件采用轮询机制,仅用于测试目的Root Port Advanced Error Reporting support由PCI Express AER驱动程序处理发送到Root Port的错误信息Message Signaled Interrupts (MSI and MSI-X)PCI Express支持两类中断:INTx使用传统的IRQ中断,可以与现行的PCI 总线的驱动程序和操作系统兼容;MSI则是通过inbound Memory Write触发和发送中断,更适合多CPU系统.可以使用"pci=nomsi"内核引导参数关闭MSIPCI Debugging将PCI调试信息输出到系统日志里Interrupts on hypertransport devices允许本地的hypertransport设备使用中断ISA support现在基本上没有ISA的设备了,如果你有就选吧MCA support微通道总线,老旧的IBM的台式机和笔记本上可能会有这种总线NatSemi SCx200 support在使用AMD Geode处理器的机器上才可能有PCCARD (PCMCIA/CardBus) supportPCMCIA卡(主要用于笔记本)支持Enable PCCARD debugging仅供调试16-bit PCMCIA support一些老的PCMCIA卡使用16位的CardBus32-bit CardBus support当前的PCMCIA卡基本上都是32位的CardBusCardBus yenta-compatible bridge support使用PCMCIA卡的基本上都需要选择这一项,子项请按照自己实际使用的PCMCIA卡选择{省略的部分请按照自己实际使用的PCMCIA卡选择}PCI Hotplug SupportPCI热插拔支持,如果你有这样的设备就到子项中去选吧Executable file formats可执行文件格式Kernel support for ELF binariesELF是开放平台下最常用的二进制文件格式,支持动态连接,支持不同的硬件平台.除非你知道自己在做什么,否则必选Kernel support for a.out and ECOFF binaries早期UNIX系统的可执行文件格式,目前已经被ELF格式取代Kernel support for MISC binaries允许插入二进制的封装层到内核中,使用Java,.NET,Python,Lisp等语言编写的程序时需要它Networking网络Networking options网络选项Network packet debugging在调试不合格的包时加上额外的附加信息,但在遇到Dos攻击时你可能会被日志淹没Packet socket这种Socket可以让应用程序(比如tcpdump,iptables)直接与网络设备通讯,而不通过内核中的其它中介协议Packet socket: mmapped IO让Packet socket驱动程序使用IO映射机制以使连接速度更快Unix domain sockets一种仅运行于本机上的效率高于TCP/IP的Socket,简称Unix socket.许多程序都使用它在操作系统内部进行进程间通信(IPC),比如X Window和syslogTransformation user configuration interface为IPsec(可在ip层加密)之类的工具提供XFRM用户配置接口支持Transformation sub policy supportXFRM子策略支持,仅供开发者使用PF_KEY sockets用于可信任的密钥管理程序和操作系统内核内部的密钥管理进行通信,IPsec依赖于它TCP/IP networkingTCP/IP协议当然要选IP: multicasting群组广播,似乎与网格计算有关,仅在使用MBONE的时候才需要IP: advanced router高级路由,如果想做一个路由器就选吧IP: policy routing策略路由IP: equal cost multipath用于路由的基于目的地址的负载均衡IP: verbose route monitoring显示冗余的路由监控信息IP: kernel level autoconfiguration在内核启动时自动配置ip地址/路由表等,需要从网络启动的无盘工作站才需要这个东西IP: tunnelingIP隧道,将一个IP报文封装在另一个IP报文内的技术IP: GRE tunnels over IP基于IP的GRE(通用路由封装)隧道IP: multicast routing多重传播路由IP: ARP daemon support这东西尚处于试验阶段就已经被废弃了IP: TCP syncookie support抵抗SYN flood攻击的好东西,要启用它必须同时启用/proc文件系统和"Sysctl support",然后在系统启动并挂载了/proc之后执行"echo1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_syncookies"命令IP: AH transformationIPsec验证头(AH)实现了数据发送方的验证处理,可确保数据既对于未经验证的站点不可用也不能在路由过程中更改IP: ESP transformationIPsec封闭安全负载(ESP)实现了发送方的验证处理和数据加密处理,用以确保数据不会被拦截/查看或复制IP: IPComp transformationIPComp(IP静荷载压缩协议),用于支持IPsecIP: IPsec transport modeIPsec传输模式,常用于对等通信,用以提供内网安全.数据包经过了加密但IP头没有加密,因此任何标准设备或软件都可查看和使用IP头IP: IPsec tunnel modeIPsec隧道模式,用于提供外网安全(包括虚拟专用网络).整个数据包(数据头和负载)都已经过加密处理且分配有新的ESP头/IP头和验证尾,从而能够隐藏受保护站点的拓扑结构IP: IPsec BEET modeIPsec BEET模式INET: socket monitoring interfacesocket监视接口,一些Linux本地工具(如:包含ss的iproute2)需要使用它TCP: advanced congestion control高级拥塞控制,如果没有特殊需求(比如无线网络)就别选了,内核会自动将默认的拥塞控制设为"Cubic"并将"Reno"作为候补IP: Virtual Server ConfigurationIP虚拟服务器允许你基于多台物理机器构建一台高性能的虚拟服务器,不玩集群就别选了The IPv6 protocol你要是需要IPv6就选吧NetLabel subsystem supportNetLabel子系统为诸如CIPSO与RIPSO之类能够在分组信息上添加标签的协议提供支持,如果你看不懂就别选了Security Marking对网络包进行安全标记,类似于nfmark,但主要是为安全目的而设计,如果你不明白的话就别选Network packet filtering (replaces ipchains)Netfilter可以对数据包进行过滤和修改,可以作为防火墙("packet filter"或"proxy-based")或网关(NAT)或代理(proxy)或网桥使用.选中此选项后必须将"Fast switching"关闭,否则将前功尽弃Network packet filtering debugging仅供开发者调试Netfilter使用Bridged IP/ARP packets filtering如果你希望使用一个针对桥接的防火墙就打开它Core Netfilter Configuration核心Netfilter配置(当包流过Chain时如果match某个规则那么将由该规则的target来处理,否则将由同一个Chain中的下一个规则进行匹配,若不match所有规则那么最终将由该Chain的policy进行处理) Netfilter netlink interface允许Netfilter在与用户空间通信时使用新的netlink接口.netlink Socket是Linux用户态与内核态交流的主要方法之一,且越来越被重视.Netfilter NFQUEUE over NFNETLINK interface通过NFNETLINK接口对包进行排队Netfilter LOG over NFNETLINK interface通过NFNETLINK接口对包记录.该选项废弃了ipt_ULOG和ebg_ulog机制,并打算在将来废弃基于syslog的ipt_LOG和ip6t_LOG模块Layer 3 Independent Connection tracking独立于第三层的链接跟踪,通过广义化的ip_conntrack支持其它非IP协议的第三层协议Netfilter Xtables support如果你打算使用ip_tables,ip6_tables,arp_tables之一就必须选上"CLASSIFY" target support允许为包设置优先级,一些排队规则(atm,cbq,dsmark,pfifo_fast,htb,prio)需要使用它"CONNMARK" target support类似于"MARK",但影响的是连接标记的值"DSCP" target support允许对ip包头部的DSCP(Differentiated Services Codepoint)字段进行修改,该字段常用于Qos"MARK" target support允许对包进行标记(通常配合ip命令使用),这样就可以改变路由策略或者被其它子系统用来改变其行为"NFQUEUE" target Support用于替代老旧的QUEUE(iptables内建的target之一),因为NFQUEUE能支持最多65535个队列,而QUEUE只能支持一个"NOTRACK" target support允许规则指定哪些包不进入链接跟踪/NAT子系统"SECMARK" target support允许对包进行安全标记,用于安全子系统"CONNSECMARK" target support针对链接进行安全标记,同时还会将连接上的标记还原到包上(如果链接中的包尚未进行安全标记),通常与SECMARK target联合使用"comment" match support允许你在iptables规则集中加入注释"connbytes" per-connection counter match support允许针对单个连接内部每个方向(进/出)匹配已经传送的字节数/包数"connmark" connection mark match support允许针对每个会话匹配先前由"CONNMARK"设置的标记值"conntrack" connection tracking match support连接跟踪匹配,是"state"的超集,它允许额外的链接跟踪信息,在需要设置一些复杂的规则(比如网关)时很有用"DCCP" protocol match supportDCCP是打算取代UDP的新传输协议,它在UDP的基础上增加了流控和拥塞控制机制,面向实时业务"DSCP" match support允许对IP包头的DSCP字段进行匹配"ESP" match support允许对IPSec包中的ESP头进行匹配,使用IPsec的话就选上吧"helper" match support加载特定协议的连接跟踪辅助模块,由该模块过滤所跟踪的连接类型的包,比如ip_conntrack_ftp模块"length" match support允许对包的长度进行匹配"limit" match support允许根据包的进出速率进行规则匹配,常和"LOG target"配合使用以抵抗某些Dos攻击"mac" address match support允许根据以太网的MAC进行匹配,常用于无线网络环境"mark" match support允许对先前由"MARK"标记的特定标记值进行匹配IPsec "policy" match support使用IPsec就选上吧Multiple port match support允许对TCP或UDP包同时匹配多个端口(通常情况下只能匹配一个端口) "physdev" match support允许对到达的或将要离开的物理桥端口进行匹配"pkttype" packet type match support允许对封包目的地址类别(广播/群播/直播)进行匹配"quota" match support允许对总字节数的限额值进行匹配"realm" match support允许对iptables中的路由子系统中的realm值进行匹配"sctp" protocol match support流控制传输协议(SCTP),十年以后也许能够普及的东西"state" match support这是对包进行分类的有力工具,它允许利用连接跟踪信息对连接中处于特定状态的包进行匹配"statistic" match support允许根据一个给定的百分率对包进行周期性的或随机性的匹配"string" match support允许根据包所承载的数据中包含的特定字符串进行匹配"tcpmss" match support允许根据TCP SYN包头中的MSS(最大分段长度)选项的值进行匹配IP: Netfilter Configuration针对IPv4的Netfilter配置Connection tracking (required for masq/NAT)链接跟踪.可用于报文伪装或地址转换,也可用于增强包过滤能力Connection tracking flow accounting允许针对每个连接记录已经传送的字节/包数,常用于connbytes match Connection mark tracking support允许对连接进行标记,与针对单独的包进行标记的不同之处在于它是针对连接流的.CONNMARK target和connmark match需要它的支持Connection tracking security mark support允许对连接进行安全标记,通常这些标记包(SECMARK)复制到其所属连接(CONNSECMARK),再从连接复制到其关联的包(SECMARK)Connection tracking events连接跟踪事件支持.如果启用这个选项,连接跟踪代码将提供一个notifier链,它可以被其它内核代码用来获知连接跟踪状态的改变Connection tracking netlink interface支持基于netlink的用户空间接口SCTP protocol connection tracking supportSCTP是IP网面向多媒体通信的新一代的流控制传输协议FTP protocol supportFTP协议IRC protocol supportIRC协议是一种用来实时聊天协议,用过mIRC的人应当不陌生NetBIOS name service protocol supportNetBIOS名字服务协议TFTP protocol supportTFTP是基于UDP的比FTP简单的文件传输协议Amanda backup protocol supportAmanda备份协议PPTP protocol support点对点隧道协议(PPTP)是一种支持多协议虚拟专用网络的网络技术,ADSL 用户对它应该很熟悉H.323 protocol supportITU-T提出的用于IP电话的协议SIP protocol supportIETE提出的用于IP电话的协议IP Userspace queueing via NETLINK已废弃IP tables support (required for filtering/masq/NAT)要用iptables就肯定要选上IP range match support允许对ip地址的范围进行匹配TOS match support允许对ip包头的TOS(Type Of Service)字段进行匹配recent match support可以创建一个或多个刚刚使用过的ip地址列表,然后根据这些列表进行匹配ECN match support允许对TCP/IP包头的ECN(Explicit Congestion Notification)字段进行匹配.ECN是一种显式拥塞通知技术,它不但要求路由器支持而且要求端到端主机的支持,其基本思想是当路由器发生早期拥塞时不是丢弃包而是尽量对包进行标记,接收方接到带有ECN提示的包时,通知发送方网络即将发生拥塞,也就是它通过对包的标记提示TCP源即将发生拥塞,从而引发拥塞避免算法AH match support允许对IPSec包头的AH字段进行匹配TTL match support允许对ip包头的TTL(生存期)字段进行匹配Owner match support允许对本地生成的包按照其宿主(user,group,process,session)进行匹配address type match support允许对地址类型(单播,本地,广播)进行匹配。
perf原理PERF(Performance Event)是一种基于Linux内核的性能分析工具,它运用硬件性能计数器来跟踪软件进程的各种事件。
使用PERF,可以诊断不同方面的性能问题,例如CPU 使用率、内存使用、I/O等等。
可以使用perf record命令来收集数据,perf report命令来分析和呈现结果。
使用perf record命令时,可以配置收集事件的类型和抽样率。
使用perf report命令时,可以查看各种统计结果。
结果展示可以是文本或者图形化方式,图形方式可以使用perf report自带的TUI界面或可使用perf script作为基础生成其他分析工具,如Flamegraph、Off-Cpu等。
下面是一些常见的PERF用例:1. 查找瓶颈2. 调整代码优化PERF能够检测代码中的热点,通过检测热点可以确定如何调整代码实现提高性能。
例如,可以使用perf top命令运行时统计/中断热点,使用perf annotate命令在编译时统计热点,根据热点信息进行代码优化。
3. 定位内存泄漏使用perf可以诊断大量内存操作引起的性能问题。
使用perf top命令诊断哪些进程消耗了大量内存,使用perf record/pMap来跟踪每个进程正在使用的内存位置。
z OS UNIX 安全指南说明书
This paper provides information relating to z/OS UNIX functions and how they impact security. It can be used as a reference point and a checklist to ensure UNIX functions in z/OS 1.2 and above have security applied. This paper assumes that UNIX is already configured and able to communicate with RACF.The RACF Security Administrator’s Guide (RACF and z/OS UNIX chapter) and the UNIX System Services Planning manual (Establishing UNIX Security chapter) contain information to assist an administrator setup their UNIX security..1.SAMPLIB member BPXISEC1This sample TSO/E CLIST is provided with z/OS and has RACF commands needed for the security setup. It is recommended that you review this CLIST and use it to setup the security environment.2.Define user IDs and group IDsa.UIDFor users IDs to use UNIX the IDs must have a UID parameter defined. This can be done either on the RACF adduser command or the RACF alteruser command. The UID is a subparameter of the OMVS parameter.Example; au userid omvs(uid(xx)) or alu userid omvs(uid(xx))This UID should be unique for each user, although user IDs can share a UID it is not recommended because the sharing of UIDs allows each user access to all of the resources associated with the other users of the shared user ID. You might want to share a UID if the user IDs belong to the same person. To determine a unique ID, the ISPF shell can be used to generatea list of all user and then sort the list by UID. Or the administrator can keep track of assignedUIDs with their own methods, such as a flat file or data base.b.HOMEThe user ID should also have a home directory assigned which is assigned through the HOME subparameter. This is where the files created by the user will reside. The recommended home directory for a user is /u followed by the user ID, for example /u/mary would be the homedirectory for the MARY ID.If a home directory is partially specified (for example, /mary) problems may occur during processing. The home directory must be created by the security administrator before the user logs on to the system.Example; au user omvs(home(‘/u/mary’) not au user omvs(home(‘/mary’))c.PROGRAMSpecify an initial program for each user ID through the PROGRAM subparameter of the OMVS parameter. This parameter gives control to the user’s program when the user logs in or invokes the OMVS command.Example: au user omvs(‘program(‘/bin/sh’)To list a user’ss ID to view their UNIX information; lu mary omvs noracfd.Field-Level AccessTo allow a user to see or change OMVS fields in a RACF user profile, field-level access must be setup and users authorized to specified fields in any profile or to specified fields in the user’s own profile (see UNIX System Services Planning for all fields that can be defined) .Example : setr classacct(field) raclist(field) - activate class and setup for refresh abilityrdef field user.omvs.uid uacc(none) - define user fields to FIELD classrdef field user.omvs.home uacc(none)rdef field user.omvs.program uacc(none)pe user.omvs.uid cl(field) id(&RACUID) ac(read)pe user.omvs.home cl(field) id(&RACUID) ac(update) pe user.omvs.program cl(field) id(mary) ac(update)&RACUID gives all users the ability to look at the specified field in their profiles. An access of update would allow them to change this field. Sodo not give update authority to the user.omvs.uid field because users could then give themselves superuser authority (UID 0).Specifying a specific user ID gives that person the ability to see the program fields for all users and update authority would allow them to change the field.e.Groups (GID) .Connect the user to a RACF defined group that has a OMVS GID, if not connected to one the user will not be able to access UNIX resources. If the group specified is not the users RACF default group you may make a RACF change so the group selected becomes the user’s default group. Or the user can simply remember to specify this group when they logon and intend to perform UNIX functions. The GID is used in z/OS UNIX security checks. You can assign the same GID to multiple RACF groups, but it is not recommended since you would loose control at an individual group level. RACF groups that have the same GID assignment are treated as a single group during security checks.Example; au mary dfltgrp(admin) name(‘mary doe’) password(xxxxxx)omvs(uid(97) home(‘u/mary’) program(‘/bin/sh’))tso(acctnum(xxxxxxx) proc(proc1) sysoutclass(a))admin group must already have a GID assigned.To list the group to check the GID; lg admin omvs noracfFor special considerations about using the RACF list-of-groups checking (GRPLIST) option for access to hierarchical file system (HFS) files and directories, see z/OS Security ServerRACF Security Administrator’s Guide.3.SuperusersThe number of humans (as opposed to started tasks) that have superuser authority (UID 0)should be limited to the minimum needed to perform the work and take care of the system.There are three ways of assigning superuser authority;a. Using the UNIXPRIV class profiles - allows a user to have some privileged functionsb. Using BPX.SUPERUSER - allows a user to request that they be given superuserc. Assigning a UID of 0 to a user IDAssigning a user ID a UID of 0 gives them superuser authority all the time and allows that ID to bypass all security checks in UNIX which allows the ID access to all files in the system, install products, manage processes and perform other administrative activities. Therefore it is strongly recommend that there be very few humans who have this authority. See UNIXPRIV andBPX.SUPERUSER sections for more information.Sometimes it may be appropriate to assign a UID of 0 for a specific user ID. If this must be done it is recommended that the person have two user IDs. One ID associated with a UID of 0 that will be used when performing system maintenance, etc. And one user ID that has a UID other then zero which the user will use when performing all other regular activities.4.UNIXPRIVYou can define profiles in the UNIXPRIV class to grant RACF authorization for certain z/OS UNIX privileges. By using this RACF class, you can specifically grant certain superuser privileges to users who do not have superuser authority.Resource name in the UNIXPRIV class are associated with z/OS UNIX privileges. Youdefine profiles in the UNIXPRIV class protecting those resources in order to use RACF authorization to grant access to those privileges. The UNIXPRIV class must be active and the SETROPTS RACLIST must be in effect for the UNIXPRIV class.The list of resource names available in the UNIXPRIV class, the UNIX privilege associated with this resource and the authority required to grant the privilege are all listed in the UNIX System Services Planning manual (see Establishing UNIX Security chapter).For example if a user needs to be able to mount and unmount file systems the administrator can define SUPERUSER.FILESYS.MOUNT to the UNIXPRIV class and grant the user ID READ authority. The user can now perform this task but it does not have access to all the other superuser authority.Example: setr classact (unixpriv) - activate the class in RACFsetr raclist(unixpriv) - set RACLIST processingrdef unixpriv superuser.filesys.mount uacc(none) - define entrype superuser.filesys.mount cl(unixpriv) id(userids or groups) ac(read)setr raclist(unixpriv) refresh5.BPX.SUPERUSERTo use this method for controlling superuser authority you must define BPX.SUPERUSER to the RACF class FACILITY and them permit the users that need to have superuser authority. When users need to use the superuser authority they can switch to superuser mode using the sucommand or the “Enable superuser mode (SU) option in the ISPF shell.Example: setr classact(facility) - activate the class in RACFsetr raclist(facility) - set RACLIST processingpe bpx.superuser cl(facility) id(xxxx) ac(read) - grant ID access orpe bpx.superuser cl(facility) id(group) ac(read) - permit a group accesssetr raclist(facility) refreshpe bpx.superuser cl(facility) id(mary) delete - remove user ID when superuserauthority is no longer neededEach user you define to this resource should have a unique UID associated with their RACF ID.The same applies to each person connect to any group that you might grant superuser authority (such as a system programmers group). See “Defining user IDs and group IDs” for more information on this subject. For further details see the UNIX System Services Planning manual, chapter on Establishing UNIX Security.6.Protected User IDsUser IDs can be defined as protected user IDs by specifying NOPASSWORD on the ID. These Ids are used for started procedures associated with z/OS UNIX, such as the kernel, theinitializations started procedure, etc..NOPASSWORD creates a protected user ID that can not be used to log on to the system nor can it be revoked by incorrect password attempts. Using NOPASSWORD also prevents the ID from being used with TSO which prevents a user logon from interfering with the OMVS user ID.7.Setting UNIX user limitsYou can set certain UNIX user limits and control the amount of resources these users consume.The resource limits for the majority of UNIX users are specified in the BPXPRMxx parmlibmember. These limits apply to all users except those with a UID of 0. Sometimes there arecertain users that need to exceed the limitations imposed by BPXPRMxx. Rather then give out superuser authority so they can bypass the limitation you can individually set higher limits for these users. The limits are stored in the OMVS segment of the user profile. Example of limits overrides would be for maximum CPU time, or address space size. The UNIX System Services Planning manual list all the limits you can override.8.Protecting file system resourcesHFS files and directories can be protected by permission bits that are stored within the file system.These bits allow read, write or search authority for a directory and read, write or execute for a file. There are three sets of bits; owner, owning group, and everyone else, so separate authorities can be specified for each group. The UNIX command chmod can be used to change individual bits without affecting the other bits. The owner, superuser can change these settings, or authority could be granted through UNIXPRIV. For information on setting these bits and granting/changing this authority reference the UNIX System Services Planning manual.There also exist access control lists (ACLs) that are use in conjunction with the permission bits.ACLs allow access control for files and directories by individual UIDs and GIDs. The checking for ACLs is done by RACF but they are administered through UNIX commands.ACLs are created, modified and deleted using the setfacl UNIX command and they aredisplayed using the getfacl shell command. ACLs are created and checked by RACF, if you are using a security products other then RACF you need to check that documentation to see if itsupports ACLs.There are two types of ACLs; base ACL are the same as permission bits and they can bechanged using chmod or setfacl; extended ACL are entries for individual users or group and they are managed via setfacl. The file owner, superuser or someone authorized through UNIXPRIV can change these ACLs.To use ACLs the RACF class FSSEC must be active. If this class is not active the standard permission bits are used to govern access to the file/directory.Example1; file /etc/inetd.conf, user ID Joe and group admins require read and write authoritysetr classact(FSSEC) raclist(FSSEC)setfacl -m user:joe:rw-,group:admits:rw- /etc/inetd.conf (-m modifies or adds ACLs if they do not exist)getfacl /etc/inetd.conf - display file#file: /etc/inetd.conf#owner: BPXROOT#group: SYS1user::rw-group::r--other::r--user:JOE:rw-Group:ADMINS:rw-Example 2; file /etc/inetd.conf, User ID Joe and group Admins require read and write authority and set base permission bits to prevent access by anyone other than the ownersetfacl -s user::rw-,group::---,other::---, user:joe:rw-,group:admits:rw- /etc/inetd.conf (-s replaces the contents of an ACL with the entries specified on the command line. It requires that base permissions be specified.)Reference the UNIX Planning manual and the UNIX Command manual for additional details on ACL and how to use the command.9. AuditingAudit classes DIRSRCH, DIRACC, FSOBJ, FSSEC, PROCESS, PROACT are set via RACF LOGOPTIONS. No users or groups are defined to these classes. Activating them viaCLASSACT has no effect. These classes control audit in z/OS UNIX.10. Special UNIX Privileges without being a SuperUserGrant certain superuser privileges with a high degree of granularity to users who do not have superuser authority. UNIXPRIV profiles identified and described in USS System Planning. Access required to perform function is shown in parentheses. Where no access is shown the access is READ.a. CHOWN.UNRESTRICTEDAllows all users to use the chown command to transfer ownership of their own files. (NONE)b. RESTRICTED.FILESYS.ACCESSSpecifies that RESTRICTED users cannot gain file access by virtue of the 'other ' permission bits. Can be overridden for a specific user/group. (NONE)c. SUPERUSER.FILESYS.ACLOVERRIDESpecifies that ACL contents override the access that was granted by SUPERUSER.FILESYS. (NONE) Can be overridden for a specific user/group. (User/group must have the same access that would be required toSUPERUSER.FILESYS while accessing the file)d. SUPERUSER.FILESYSAllows user to read any local file, and to read or search any local directory. (READ)Allows user to write to any local file, and includes privileges of READ access. (WRITE)Allows user to write to any local directory, and includes privileges of UPDATE access. (CONTROL or higher)e. SUPERUSER.FILESYS.CHANGEPERMSAllows users to use the chmod command to change the permission bits of any file and to use the setfacl command to manage access control lists for any file. (READ)f. SUPERUSER.FILESYS.CHOWNAllows user to use the chown command to change ownership of any file. (READ)g. SUPERUSER.FILESYS.PFSCTLAllows user to use the pfsctl() callable service. (READ)h. SUPERUSER.FILESYS.VREGISTERAllows a server to use the vreg() callable service to register as a VFS file server. (READ)i. SUPERUSER.IPC.RMIDAllows user to issue the ipcrm command to release IPC resources. (READ)j. SUPERUSER.PROCESS.GETPSENTAllows user to use the w_getpsent() callable service to receive data for any process. (READ)k. SUPERUSER.PROCESS.KILLAllows user to use the kill() callable service to send signals to any process. (READ)l. SUPERUSER.SETPRIORITYAllows user to increase own priority. (READ)m. SUPERUSER.SETPRIORITYAllows user to increase own priority. (READ)11. BPX.* FACILITY class profilesReference the UNIX System Services Planning manual and the Security Server RACF Security Administrator’s Guide for additional details on BPX profiles.a.BPX.DAEMONIn z/OS it is recommended that the administrator define BPX.DAEMON to the RACF class FACILITY. Doing this means that the system has z/OS UNIX security and you have morecontrol over superusers then systems that do not run with this definition.This serves two functions; any superuser permitted to this profile has the daemon authority to change MVS identities without knowing the target user ID’s password (target ID must have an OMVS segment defined).If BPX.DAEMON is not defined then all superusers have deamon authority. To limit whichsuperusers have daemon authority, define this profile and permit only selected superusers to it.The second function BPX.DAEMON provides ensures that any program loaded into anaddress space that requires deamon level authority must be defined to program control.z/OS UNIX has the following deamons; inetd (network daemon), rlogind (remote login),cron(clock daemon), uucpd (UUCP daemon). SYSLOG daemon is shipped withCommunications Services and is documented in their library.You must activate program control in RACF and files that require program control must have the program control flag set. (UNIX Planning and RACF manuals explain how to perform these tasks).Example: setr classact(facility) raclist(facility) - make sure FACILITY class is activerdef facility bpx.daemon uacc(none)pe bpx.daemon cl(facility) id(racfadm) ac(read) - administrator needs access to restart daemonspe bpx.daemon cl(facility) id(omvskern) ac(read) - UNIX kernel needs accessb. BPX.DAEMON.HFSCTLControls which users with daemon authority are allowed to load uncontrolled programs from MVS libraries into their address space.c.BPX.DEBUGControls users who can use ptrace (via dbx) to debug programs that run with APF authority or with BPX.SERVER authority.ERIdentifies the user ID and group name to be used when setting up default OMVS segments. e.BPX.FILEATTR.APFControls which users are allowed to set the program control attribute in an HFS files .Programs marked with this attribute can execute in server address spaces that run with a high level of authority.f.BPX.FILEATTR.PROGCTLControls which users are allowed to set the program control attribute in an HFS file. Programs marked with this attribute can execute in server address spaces that run with a high level of authority.g.BPX.FILEATTR.SHARELIBIndicates that extra privilege is required when setting the shared library extended attribute via the chattr() callable service. This prevents the shared library region from being misused.h.BPX.JOBNAMEControl which users are allowed to set their own job names by using the BPX_JOBNAME environment variable or the inheritance structure on spawn. Users with READ or higherpermissions to his profile can define their own job namesi.BPX.SAFFASTPATHEnables faster security checks for file system so it improves performance but prevents auditing of successful events.j.BPX.SMFChecks if the caller attempting to cut an SMF record is allowed to write an SMF record.k.BPX.SERVERRestricts the use of the pthread_security_np service. Users requiring this service must be defined to BPX.SERVER with read or write authority. It deletes or creates the security environment of the caller’s thread. It also restricts the use of the BPX1ACK service, which determines access authority to z/OS resourceseridAllows users to change their UID if they have access to erid, where uuuuuuuu is the MVS user ID associated with the target UID. erid is a RACF SURROGAT FACILITY class profile.m.BPX.STOR.SWAPControls which users can mark address spaces nonswappable.n.BPX.SUPERUSERAllows users to switch to superuser authority. See SUPERUSER, item 3 and 5 above. o.BPX.WLMSERVERControls access to the WLM server functions.。
农业专业英语词汇(Mmacchia 马基群落machine emulsion 机械油乳剂machine milking 机品奶machine rice transplantation 机械插秧machine shearing 机启毛macroelement 大量元素macroelement fertilizer 大量元素肥料macrogamete 大配子macroispore 大孢子macrosporangium 大孢子襄macrosporium leaf spot of red pepper 辣椒黑霉病macrosporium leaf spot of sweet potato 甘薯黑星病maggot 蛆magmatism 岩浆酌magnesite 菱镁矿magnesite tailings 菱镁土尾矿magnesium 镁magnesium ammonium phosphate fertilizer 磷酸镁铵肥magnesium carbonate fertilizer 碳酸镁肥magnesium chlorate 氯酸镁magnesium chloride 氯化镁magnesium fertilizer 镁肥magnesium hydroxide fertilizer 氢氧化镁肥magnesium potassium phosphate fertilizer 磷酸镁钾肥magnesium superphosphate 镁过磷酸钙magnetic property 磁性magnetized fly ash fertilizer 烟灰磁化肥料magnifying glass 放大镜magnolia 柯不斯玉兰main branch 枝main channel 干渠main crop 诛main crop culture 衷培main effect 知效应main factor analysis 烛子分析main harvest 终获main leaf 真叶main nerve 嘱main pipe 周main plot 著main root 直根main soil pit 基本剖面坑main stem 炙main variety 址种main vegetable 诌菜maintenance breeding 保存育种maintenance line 保持系maintenance ration 维持日粮maintenance variety 储存品种maize 玉米maize cob 玉米棒子maize mon smut 玉米瘤黑穗病maize culture 玉米栽培maize dry ear 玉米灰腐病maize farming 玉米农作maize feed unit 玉米饲料单位maize husker 玉米剥苞叶机maize kernel rot 玉米穗腐病maize mosaic 玉米花叶病maize mow binder 玉米割捆机maize planter 玉米播种机maize processing 玉米加工maize pulp 玉米渣maize seedling 玉米苗maize storage house 玉米仓maize straw 玉米秸秆maize straw manure 玉米秸秆堆肥major gene resistance 支基因抗性making of seedling bed 做秧床malaria 疟疾malate 苹果酸盐malate dehydrogenase 苹果酸脱氢酶malathion 马拉硫磷male 雄male bacterium 雄性菌male bee 雄蜂male cell 雄性细胞male flower 雄花male gametocide 杀雄剂male genital disease 雄性生殖啤male infertility 雄性不育性male parent 父本male sex hormone 男性激素male sterile line 不育系male sterility 雄性不育性maleic acid 马来酸maleic hydrazide 马来酸酰胼malformation 畸形malformed cocoon 畸形茧malic acid 苹果酸malignant catarrhal fever 恶性卡他热malignant foulbrood 恶性腐烂病malignant oedema 恶性水肿mallow vegetable 木槿花科蔬菜malpighian tube 马氏管malt 麦芽malt treatment of feed 饲料曲子处理maltodextrin 麦芽糖糊精maltose 麦芽糖mammal 哺乳动物mammalogy 哺乳动物学mammary cistern 乳腺池mammary gland 乳腺mammary gland disease 乳房疾病managing of mulberry field 桑园管理manchurian walnut 核桃树长果核桃树mancozeb 代森锰锌mandarine 桔子mandibular actinomycosis 下颌骨放线菌病mane 毛maneb 代森锰manganese 锰manganese bacterium 锰细菌manganese choline deficiency 缺锰胆碱症manganese fertilizer 锰肥manganese slag fertilizer 锰矿渣肥料manganese sulphate 硫酸锰manganese superphosphate 锰过磷酸钙mange mite 疥螨manger 饲槽mango 芒果mangrove 红树manila hemp 蕉麻mannan 甘露聚糖mannite 甘露醇mannitol 甘露醇mannose 甘露糖manometer 压力表manometry 测压法manson“s sparganosis 曼森裂头蚴病manual duster 手摇喷粉机manual sprayer 手动喷雾器manual sulphur duster 手动硫磺喷粉机manufactured feed 配合饲料manufacturing machine of milk powder 奶粉制造机manure 堆肥manure fork 粪叉manure spreader 厩肥撒布机manure spreading 撒厩肥manure spreading float 撒厩肥耢manurial value 肥料价值manuring 施肥manuring system 施肥制度many lobed leaf 多裂叶map of agricultural soil 农业土壤图map of river system 河系图maple 槭mapping unit of soil 土壤图表示单位maquis 马基群落marble 大理石marbled meat 大理石状肉mare 母马marek"s disease 马立克氏病marginal land 边际地marginate 有边的marinating 海水腌制marine algae 海藻类marine clay 海滩土marine climate 海洋性气候marine deposit 海积层marine environment 海洋环境marine resources 海洋资源marine sedimentation 海相沉积marine soil 海积土marine solonchak 海成盐土marker 划行器marker boar 试情猪marker bull 试情公牛marker gene 标记基因marker of chromosome 染色体标记marker sheep 试情羊marketing quality 商品品质marking 斑纹marl 泥灰岩marly soil 泥灰土marsh 沼地marsh drainage 沼泽排水marsh gas 甲烷marsh horsetail 沼泽问荆marsh mallow 药用蜀葵marsh plant 沼生植物marsh plough 沼泽地犁marsh tretoil 睡菜marshy soil 沼泽土marssonina leaf spot of walnut 胡桃叶枯病mass chromatography 质量色层法mass emasculation 群体去雄mass mating 群体交配mass method of breeding 集团选择法mass mutation 大量突变mass propagation 大量繁殖mass seed production 混合制种mass selection 混合选择mass spectrometry 质谱法mastectomy 乳房切除mastication 咀嚼mastitis 乳房炎material osmosis 物质渗透material permeance 物质透过material production 物质生产maternal behaviour 母性行为maternal correlation 母体相关maternal effect 母体影响maternal immunity 母体免疫maternal inheritance 母性遗传maternity pen 分娩室mathematical forecast 数值预报mating 交配mating group 交配组mating season 繁殖季节mating type 交配型matroclinous haploid 偏母单倍体maturated follicle 成熟滤胞maturation 成熟maturation division 成熟分裂mature field 熟稻田mature grain 结实粒mature larva 熟蚕mature seedling 成秧matured silkworm 熟蚕maturing rate 结实率maturity 成熟maximum absorption 最大吸收量maximum air temperature 最高气温maximum capillary water capacity 最大毛管持水量maximum flood capacity 最大洪水量maximum hygroscopic moisture 最大吸湿水maximum limiting quantity 最大限制量maximum molecular water capacity 最大分子持水量maximum permissible concentration 最大允许浓度maximum permissible velocity 最大允许临maximum rising tide height 最大涨潮高maximum temperature 最高温度maximum tillering stage 最高分蘖期maximum water capacity 最大含水容量mcpa 2甲4氯mcpb 2甲4氯丁酸mdna 信使dnameadow 草地meadow crane"s bill 草原老鹤草meadow fescue 草原羊茅meadow foxtail 草原看麦娘meadow sweet 绣线菊mealy plum aphid 桃大尾蚜mean 平均mean annual precipitation 年平均降水mean depth of water 平均水深mean deviation 平均偏差mean dust concentration 平均粉尘浓度mean flow velocity 平均临mean life 平均寿命mean lifetime 平均寿命mean square 均方mean square error 均方差mean temperature 平均温度mean temperature of air 平均气温mean value 平均值mean water level 平均水位measuring glass 量杯meat 肉meat and bone meal 肉骨粉meat animal 肉用家畜meat by product 肉类加工副产品meat emulsion 肉乳剂meat extract 肉汁meat fat ratio 肉脂比率meat inspection 肉品检验meat meal 肉粉meat of marbling 大理石状肉meat output 净肉量meat type 肉用型meat yield 净肉量mebendasol 甲苯咪唑mechanical control 机械防治mechanical fraction 粒径组合mechanical hoe 锄地机mechanical property 机械性能mechanical pruning 机械整枝mechanical sampling method 机械抽样法mechanical tissue 机械组织mechanical transmission 机械传播mechanized farming 机械化农业mecistocirrhosis of cow 牛捻转胃虫病meconium 蛹便median 中位数medicinal herbs 药草medicinal pasteurizer 药物消毒器medicinal plant 药用植物medicinal property 药物特性medicinal sterilizer 药物消毒器mediterranean climate 地中海气候mediterranean flour moth 地中海斑螟medithorax 中胸medium 培养基medium bog 中位沼泽medium early variety 中间早熟种medium oxidative horizon 过渡氧化层medium peat 中位泥炭medium soil 中等土壤medium species 中间种medium swamp 中位沼泽medium term forecast 中期预报medium term monitoring 中期预察medium term weather forecast 中期天气预报medium wool 中毛medullary layer 毛髓层medullary ray 髓射线megagamete 大配子megalocarpous 大果实的megasporangium 大孢子襄megaspore 大孢子meiocyte 性母细胞meiosis 减数分裂meiosis stage 减数分裂期meiotic division 减数分裂meiotic ratio 减数分裂比melanin 黑色素melanism 黑化melanocarpous 黑果的melanoidin 类黑精melibiose 蜜二糖melilot 草木犀melioration 改良melon 甜瓜melon powdery mildew 甜瓜白粉病melting 熔化melting point 融点membrane 膜membrane rooted 膜质根的menazon 灭蚜松mendel"s first law 显性定律mendel"s law 孟德尔定律mendelian character 孟德尔性状mendelian inheritance 孟德尔式遗传mendelian ratio 孟德尔式比例mendelism 孟德尔皱meninge 脑膜meningitis 脑膜炎meningomyelitis of turkey 火鸡脑脊髓膜炎meningomyelitis virus 脑脊髓膜炎病毒mercaptane 硫醇mercurialismus 汞中毒mercury 汞meridional index 经向指数merino sheep 美利奴羊meristele 分体中柱meristem 分生组织meristem culture 分生组织培养meristematic cell 分生组织细胞meristematic tissue 分生组织mesectoderm 中外胚层mesencephalon 中脑mesh 筛眼mesoblast 中胚层mesocarp 中果皮mesocestoidiosis 有钩绦虫病mesoclimate 中气候mesoderm 中胚层mesogen strain 中毒株mesophile microorganism 中温微生物mesophyll 叶肉mesophytes 中生植物mesosome 间体mesozoic stratum 中生代层messenger dna 信使dna messenger rna 信使rnametabolic defence 代谢保护metabolic energy 代谢能metabolic physiology 代谢生理metabolic process 代谢过程metabolism 物质代谢metabolism of amino acid 氨基酸代谢metabolism of nucleic acid 核酸代谢metabolism regulation 物质代谢第metabolite 代谢物metaldehyde 多聚乙醛metallic element 金属元素metamorphic rock 变质岩metamorphism 变质酌metamorphosis 变态metaphase 中期metaphosphoric acid fertilizer 偏磷酸肥料metaplasm 后生质体metaxenia 果实直感metencephalon 后脑meteor 大气现象meteorological disaster 气象灾害meteorological element 气象学要素meteorological environment 气象环境meteorological information 气象信息meteorological instrument 气象仪器meteorological observation 气象观测meteorological station 气象站meteorological table 气象表meteorology 气象学methane 甲烷methane bacteria 甲烷细菌methane fermentation 甲烷发酵methanol 甲醇methionine 蛋氨酸method of brushing 收蚁方法method of least squares 最小二乘法method of moments 矩量法method of raising seedling 育秧方法method of random proportional sampling 随机比例抽样法methomyl 灭多虫methoprotryne 盖草津methyl bromide 甲基溴methyl green 甲基绿methyl transfer 甲基转移methylated spirit 变性酒精methylation 甲基化methylcellulose 甲基纤维素methylchloro phenoxyacetic acid 2甲4氯methylene 亚甲基methylnitrophos 杀螟硫磷methyltransferase 甲基转移酶methyridine 甲岩吡啶mezineb 甲代森锌mica 云母micro parasite 寄生微生物microbalance 微量天平microbe insecticide 微生物杀虫剂microbial ecology 微生物生态学microbial pesticide 微生物农药microbial protein feed 微生物蛋白饲料microbic biomass production 菌体生产microbiological analysis 微生物分析microbiological process 微生物学过程microbiological treatment of feed 饲料的微生物处理microbiology 微生物学microbody 微体microcarpous 小果的microchemistry 微量化学microclimate 小气候microclimatic factor 小气候因素microclimatic map 小气候图microdissection 显微解剖microelectrode 微电极microelement 微量元素microelement additive 微量元素添加剂microelement plex fertilizer 微量元素混合肥料microelement deficiency 微量元素缺乏症microelement fertilizer 微量肥料microelement fixation 微量元素固定microelement immobilization 微量元素固定microelement phosphorus fertilizer 微量元素磷肥microfiltration 微细过滤microflora 微生物区系microgamete 小配子microinjection 显微注射micromanipulation 显微操作micrometeorology 微气象学micronization 微分化micronucleus 小核micronucleus cell 微核细胞micronutrient fertilizer 微量营养肥料microorganism 微生物microorganism drugs for agriculture 微生物农药microorganism insecticide 微生物杀虫剂microorganism of proventiculus 前胃微生物microorganism of soil 土壤微生物micropedology 微土壤学microphyllous 小叶的micropropagation 微细增殖micropyle 珠孔;卵膜孔microscope 显微镜microscopic diagnosis 微诊断microscopical technique 显微技术microsome 微粒体microspectrophotometry 显微分光光度法microspore 小孢子microstructure 微结构microsurgery 显微手术microtechnique 显微技术microtitration 微量滴定microtome 超薄切片机microtomy 切片法microtubule 微管microwave treatment 微波处理mid intestine 中肠midbrain 中脑middle lamella 中层middle lately ripening variety 中晚熟种midrib 中脉migratory cell 游走细胞migratory locust 飞蝗mild humus 温性腐殖质mildewed cocoon 霉茧milk 乳milk acidity 奶酸度milk by product 乳副产品milk churning 搅乳milk collection 收奶milk position 乳成分milk container 奶罐milk cooler 牛奶冷却器milk cow 乳牛milk density 乳比重milk fat 乳脂milk fever 产乳热milk globulin 乳球蛋白milk goat 乳用山羊milk heater 牛奶加温器牛奶杀菌器milk metering device 牛奶计量器milk processing room 奶加工室milk productivity 产乳性milk protein 乳蛋白milk pump 奶泵milk recording 乳量记录milk replacer 代乳品milk ripe stage 乳熟期milk ripeness 乳熟milk secretion 泌乳milk sheep 乳用羊milk vein 乳静脉milk vessel 乳管milk yield 产奶量milk yielding animal 奶畜milking 挤乳milking capacity 泌乳能力milking cow 乳牛milking hygiene 挤乳卫生milking machine 挤奶机milking method 挤奶方法milking number 挤奶次数milking pail 挤奶桶milking parlour 挤奶厅milking sow 哺乳母猪milky juice 乳汁milled rice 白米milled rice rate 出米率millet 黍milligramme equivalent 毫克当量milling by product 面粉加工副产品milling quality 碾米品质millipore filter 微孔滤器milt 脾miner 超深耕犁mineral constituent 矿物组成分mineral feeds 矿物质饲料mineral fertilizer 矿质肥料mineral fibre 矿物纤维mineral metabolism 矿质代谢mineral soil 矿质土壤mineral water 矿泉水mineralization 矿化mineralization coefficient 矿化系数mineralization intensity 矿化强度mineralization process 矿化过程mineralogical soil type 矿物学的土壤类型minerals 矿物minicell 微细胞minimal medium 基本培养基minimum air temperature 最低气温minimum lethal dose 最低致死量minimum limiting quantity 最小限界量minimum plough 少耕minimum temperature 最低温度minimum thermometer 最低温度表minimum water capacity 最低持水量mink 水貂mink viral enteritis 水貂病毒性肠炎minmum law 最低量定律minor gene 微效基因minor gene resistance 微效基因抗性mint 薄荷minute chromosome 微小染色体mire 泥misdivision 错分裂missence codon 误义密码子missing plot 缺区missing silkworm 遗失蚕missing value 缺值mist 雾mist blower 弥雾器弥雾机mist irrigation 雾灌水mist nozzle 弥雾喷嘴mist propagation 喷雾繁殖法mist sprayer 弥雾器弥雾机mite 壁虱mite control 螨防治miticide 杀螨剂mitochondria 线粒体mitochondrial genetics 线粒体遗传学mitogen 促细胞分裂剂mitosis 有丝分裂mitotic center 有丝分裂中心mitotic crossing over 有丝分裂交换mitotic cycle 有丝分裂周期mitotic index 有丝分裂指数mitotic inhibition 有丝分裂抑制mitotic inhibitor 有丝分裂抑制剂mitotic bination 有丝分裂重组mitotic segregation 有丝分裂分离mixed batches rearing 混合育mixed bud 混合芽mixed cropping 混作mixed feed 混合饲料mixed fertilizer 混合肥料mixed fertilizing rate 配合施肥量mixed forest 混交林mixed growth stimulator 配合生长刺激剂mixed herbicide 混合杀草剂mixed infection 混合感染mixed pasture 混合草地mixed phosphorus fertilizer 混合磷肥mixed pollination 混合授粉mixed silage 混合青贮mixochromosome 偶合染色体mixoploidy 混数性mixotrophism 混合营养mobile frame 移动式温床mobile microelement 活动性微量元素mobile nutrient element 可动性营养元素mobility 可动性mobilization 可动化mobilization of microelement 微量元素可动化mode 众数moderate bog stage 中位沼泽阶段moderate resistance 中抗moderate susceptibility 中感modern agriculture 现代农业modern weathered crust 现代风化壳modern weathering 现代风化modificability 变更性modification 诱发变异modified starch 变性淀粉modifier gene 修饰基因moistening irrigation 湿润灌溉moisture capacity 保水性moisture content 含水量moisture damage 湿害moisture equivalent 水分当量moisture meter 湿度计molar concentration 克分子浓度molar solution 克分子溶液molasses 糖蜜molasses feed 糖蜜饲料mold 霉mold fungi 丝状菌moldboard plough 有壁犁mole 田鼠mole drainage 鼠道排水mole plough 田鼠暗沟犁molecular adsorption 分子吸附molecular biology 分子生物学molecular cloning 分子克隆molecular cytobiology 分子细胞生物学molecular genetics 分子遗传学molecular hybridization 分子杂种化molecular nitrogen 分子态氮molecular sieve chromatography 分子筛层析法molecular weight 分子量molinate 草达灭mollic andosol 松软暗色土mollic gleysol 松软潜育土mollic planosol 松软粘磐土mollic solonchak 松软盐土mollic solonetz 松软碱土mollisol 软土molybdate 钼酸盐molybdenite 辉钼矿molybdenum 钼molybdenum fertilizer 钼肥molybdenum superphosphate 钼过磷酸钙monadelphous 单体的monandrian 具单一雄蕊的monandrous 具单一雄蕊的monanthous 单花的monaster 单星体monesiosis 莫尼茨绦虫病moniezia 莫尼茨绦虫moniliform antenna 念珠形触角monitoring 预察monitoring index 预察指标monitoring method 预察法monitoring service 监视工作monkshood 乌头monocarpous 结一次果的monocaryon 单核monocelled 单胞的monoclinous 雌雄同花的monoclonal antibody 单克隆抗体monocotyledon 单子叶植物monocotyledonous 单子叶的monocotylous 单子叶的monocrotophos 久效磷monoculture 单作monocyte 单核细胞monocytosis 单核细胞增多monoecism 雌雄同株性monogenic hybrid 单性杂种monoglyceride 单酸甘油酯monohybrid 单性杂种monokaryon 单核monolayer culture 单层培养mononuclear plex salt 单核络盐monopetalous 单瓣的monophagy 单食性monophyllous 单叶的monoploid 单倍体monopodium 单轴monopyrenous 单核的monosaccharide 单糖monosepalous 合萼的monosome 单体monoterpene 单萜monozygotic twins 同卵双生monsoon 季节风monsoon climate 季风气候monsoon rainfall 季风降雨monster 畸形montmorillonite 膨润石montmorillonization 高岭石化过程monuron 灭草隆mor 粗腐殖质moraine soil 冰碛土morass 沼泽morbidity 病状morgan unit 摩尔根单位moricaud silkworm 暗色蚕morphallaxis 形态重组morphine 吗啡morphogenesis 形态形成morphogenetic process 形态形成过程morphological feature 形态特征morphological mutant 形态突变体morphological sterility 形态不育性morphology 形态学morphophysiological base 形态生理的基础morphosis 形态变异mosaic 花斑体mosaic gene 嵌合体基因mosaic of kidney bean 扁豆花叶病mosaic of white clover 白三叶草花叶病mosquito 蚊子moss animalcules 苔藓动物类mosses 藓类moth part 口器mother 母体mother cell 母细胞mother plant 亲本植物mother tree 母树motor duster 动力喷粉器motor lawn mower 机动草坪割草机motor mower 机动割草机motor plough 机动犁motor threshing machine 动力脱谷机motor winch 机动绞盘mouflon 摩弗伦羊mould 霉moulding 培土moulting 换羽moulting gland 脱皮腺moulting hormone 脱皮激素moulting silkworm 眠蚕moultinism 眠性mountain area 山区mountain chanberry 越桔mountain chernozem 山地黑钙土mountain chestnut soil 山地栗钙土mountain cinnamonic soil 山地褐土mountain climate 山地气候mountain dry steppe soil 山地干草原土mountain farming 山区农业mountain forest soil 山地森林土mountain gray brown soil 山地灰棕壤mountain meadow 山地草原mountain meadow soil 山地草甸土mountain melick 垂穗臭草mountain podzolic brown forest soil 山地灰化棕色森林土mountain podzolic soil 山地灰化土mountain red brown soil 山地红棕壤mountain red soil 山地红壤mountain slope 山坡mountain soil 山地土mountain taiga soil 山地泰加林土mountain tundra soil 山地冰沼土mountain waste 山荒地mountain yellow brown soil 山地黄棕壤mounted cultivator 悬挂式中耕机mounted drill 悬挂式播种机mounted duster 悬挂式喷粉器mounted harrow 悬挂式耙mounted plough 悬挂式犁mounting 上簇mouse 小鼠mouse leucaemia virus 小白鼠白血病病毒mouse a virus 小白鼠肉瘤病毒mouse trap 鼠打捞器mouse unit 小鼠单位mouth gag 开口器张开器movable dam 活动坝movable weir 活动堰movement disorder 运动障碍movement organ 运动器mow binder 割捆机mowing 割草mrna 信使rnamucilage 粘液mucilage hair 粘液毛mucilaginous hair 粘液毛mucin 粘液素muck loader 装厩肥机muck scraper 刮粪铲mucopolysaccharides 粘多糖mucosa 粘膜mucous gland 粘液腺mucous membrane 粘膜mucus 粘液mud 泥muddy field 重粘田muddy mulberry leaf 泥桑mudstone 页岩mugwort 野艾mulberry branch 桑枝条mulberry cultivation 桑试培mulberry field 桑园mulberry field for autumn rearing 秋蚕专用桑园mulberry field on the slope land 坡地桑园mulberry leaf 桑叶mulberry leaf for grown silkworms 大蚕用桑mulberry leaf for summer rearing 夏蚕用桑mulberry leaf for young silkworm 稚蚕用桑mulberry leaf harvest 采桑mulberry leaves for autumn rearing silkworm 秋蚕桑mulberry plantation 桑园mulberry root 桑根mulberry sapling 桑苗mulberry scion 桑视穗mulberry seed 桑甚子mulberry shoot harvesting 条桑收获mulberry shoot reaper 伐条机mulberry silkworm 桑蚕mulberry silkworm rearing 家蚕饲育mulberry stump 桑十子mulberry syncarp 桑椹mulching 地面覆盖mule 骡mule breeding 骡繁育mull 细腐殖质multicourse rotation 多区轮作multifactor design of experiment 多因子试验设计multifactorial experiment 多因素试验multifactorial forecasting formula 多因子multifoliate 多小叶的multilocation testing 多区域试验multilocular echinococcosis of livestock 家畜多室包虫病multinomial distribution 多项分布multiparous animal 多胎动物multiparous trait 多产性性状multipistillate mutant 多雌蕊突变体multiple allele 复等位基因multiple bud 复芽multiple chromosome 复染色体multiple parison 多重比较multiple correlation 多重相关multiple correlation coefficient 多重相关系数multiple covariances analysis 多元协方差分析multiple cropping 多熟制multiple division 复分裂multiple effect 多效multiple gene 多基因multiple land use 多方面土地利用multiple pistilate line 多雌蕊系multiple range 多重范围multiple rearing 多次养蚕multiple regression 多重回归multiple regression analysis 多重回归分析multiplication 增殖multiplication theorem 乘法定理multipolar division 多极分裂multipurpose breed 多用途品种multipurpose trailer 通用拖车multistomachal animal 多胃动物multivalent chromosome 多价染色体multivoltine 多化性mung bean 绿豆muscardine 硬化病muscle 肌肉muscle relaxant 肌肉松弛剂muscle system 肌肉系统muscular dystrophy 肌肉营养障碍muscular stomach 肌胃muscular tissue 肌肉组织musculature 肌肉系统musculoskeletal disease 肌骨病musculoskeletal system 肌肉骨系统mushroom 蘑菇mushroom house 蘑菇栽培室musk oxen 牛musk rat 鼠muskmelon 香瓜musky gourd 南瓜mussel scale 榆蛎盾蚧must 葡萄汁musty cocoon 霉茧mutability 可突变性mutable site 易变位点mutagen 诱变剂mutagenesis 突变形成mutant 突变体mutant protein 突变蛋白质mutant species 突变种mutation 突变mutation adaptability 突变适应性mutation breeding 诱变育种mutation constant 突变常数mutation fixation 突变固定mutation frequency 突变频率mutation frequency declination 突变频率衰退mutation map 突变图mutation period 突变期mutation pressure 突变压力mutation rate 突变率mutation theory 突变学说mutational lag 突变迟延mutator gene 突变基因mutein 突变蛋白质muton 突变子mutton 羊肉mutton sheep 肉用羊mutual affinity 交互亲和力mutual plementation 相互补充mutual exclusion 互斥现象mutually exclusive event 互斥事件mutually exclusive e 互斥结果myar cane 甘蔗myasthenia 肌弱myatonia 肌弛缓mycelium 菌丝体mycobacterium 分枝杆菌属mycocecidium 菌瘦mycology 直菌学mycoplasma 支原体mycoplasma synoviae infection 枝原体滑液感染mycoplasmoses 枝原体病mycoprotein 菌体蛋白mycorrhiza 菌根mycosis 真菌病mycosphaerella leaf spot of orange 柑桔黄斑病mycotoxicosis 酶菌毒素中毒症mycotoxin 真菌毒素myeloma 骨髓瘤myelomeningitis 脑脊髓膜炎myiasis 蝇蛆病myocarditis 心肌炎myoglobin 肌红蛋白myoglobinuria of horse 马肌色素尿症myomalacia 肌软化myosin 肌凝蛋白myositis 肌炎myr mecophytes 蚁植物myrmecophytes 蚁植物myrrh 没药myxomatosis of rabbit 粘液瘤病myxomycetes 粘菌类nadp 烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核甙酸磷酸nagana 非洲锥虫病nail head spot of tomato 番茄褐斑病naked flowered 裸花的naked fruited 裸果的nanism 侏儒症nannygoat 母山羊nanophanerophytes 矮高位芽植物naphthalene acetamide 萘乙酰胺naphthenic acid 环烷酸naphthoxyacetic acid 萘氧基乙酸naphthylacetic acid 萘醋酸naphthylamine 萘胺narcosis 麻醉narrow leaved 狭/叶的narrow leaved plantain 长叶车前narrow leaved vetch 窄叶野头豆narrow petaled 狭瓣的narrow ridge 窄垄narrow row seeder 窄行播种机narrow row seeding 窄行条播narrow track tractor 窄轨距拖拉机native breed 土种natrium 钠natrium humate 胡敏酸钠natural calamity 自然灾害natural channel 自然渠道natural crossing 自然杂交natural distribution 自然分布natural dormancy 自然休眠natural drying 自然干燥natural enemy 天敌natural environment 自然环境natural feed 自然饲料natural fertility 自然肥力natural hatching 自然孵化natural humus acid 天然腐殖酸natural infection 自然感染natural insemination 自然受精natural law 自然定律natural lighting 自然照明natural manure 自然肥料natural mating 自然交配natural meadow 天然草地natural medium 天然培养基natural mutation 自然突变natural nutrient 天然养分natural pasture 天然放牧地natural pollutant 天然污染物natural radioelement 自然放射性元素natural resin 天然尸natural resource 自然资源natural selection 自然选择natural soil 自然土壤natural soil fertility 自然地力natural span of livestock life 家畜寿命natural type 自然型natural ventilation 自然换气natural world 自然界nature of soil 土壤性质nature protection 自然保护nature reserve 自然保护区nautical mile 海里navel 脐navel hernia 脐疝navel septic arthritis of foal 马驹败血性多发性关节炎neck 颈neck fold of sheep 羊颈褶neck onchocercosis of cattle 牛颈部盘尾丝虫病necrobacillosis 坏死杆菌病necropsy 尸体检剖necrosis 坏死nectar 花蜜nectariferous plant 蜜源植物nectary 蜜槽necton 自泳生物needle culture 穿刺培养needle leaf tree 针叶树negative colloid 阴性胶体negative correlation 负相关negative heterosis 负优势nemagon 二溴氯丙烷nematicide 杀线虫剂nematocide 杀线虫剂nematoda 线虫类nematoda control 线虫防治nematode 线虫nematode transmission 线虫传染。
Unix系统性能监控命令1、sar命令1.1Sar命令介绍:Sar [options] [-A] [-o file] t [n]在命令行中,n和t两个参数组合起来定义采集间隔和次数,t为采样间隔,是必须有的参数,你为采样次数,是可选的,默认值是1,-0 file表示将命令结果以二进制格式存放在文件中,file在此处不是关键字,是文件名。
Options为命令行选项,sar命令选项很多,下面只列出常用选项:-A:所有报告的总和-u:cup利用率-d:硬盘使用报告-r:没有使用的内存页面和硬盘块-g:串口i/o的情况-b:缓冲区使用情况-a:文件读写情况-c:系统调用情况-R:进程的活动情况-y:终端设备活动情况-w:系统交换活动1.2举例:1.2.1使用sar –u 命令监控cpu使用$sar –u 5 512:21:15 %usr %sys %wlo %idle%usr –运行在用户模式下cup的使用百分比%sys –运行在系统模式下cup的使用百分比%wio—进程在等待块i/o时闲置状态下cup的使用百分比%idle—闲置状态时cup的使用百分比显示说明:在所有的显示中,我们应主要注意%wio和%idle,%wio的值过高,表示硬盘存在i/o 瓶颈,%idle值高,表示cup较空闲,如果%idle值高但系统响应时间慢时,就肯能是cup等待分配内存,此时应加大内存容量。
1.2.2使用命行sar -v t n例如,每30秒采样一次,连续采样5次,观察核心表的状态,需键入如下命令:# sar -v 30 5屏幕显示:SCO_SV scosysv 3.2v5.0.5 i80386 10/01/200110:33:23 proc-sz ov inod-sz ov file-sz ov lock-sz(-v)10:33:53305/321 01337/276401561/1706040/12810:34:23308/321 01340/276401587/1706037/12810:34:53305/321 01332/276401565/1706036/12810:35:23308/321 01338/276401592/1706037/12810:35:53308/32101335/276401591/1706037/128显示内容包括:proc-sz:目前核心中正在使用或分配的进程表的表项数,由核心参数MAX-PROC控制inod-sz:目前核心中正在使用或分配的i节点表的表项数,由核心参数MAX-INODE控制file-sz:目前核心中正在使用或分配的文件表的表项数,由核心参数MAX-FILE 控制。
UNIX系统性能监控简述及shell实现系统资源利用率统计程序论文关键字:AIX iostat netpmon ps vmstat topas sar svmon crontab awk论文摘要:本文简要阐述了unix系统中(主要以IBM的AIX为例)进行系统性能管理的几种命令行工具,并通过编写shell实例程序,运用其中提到的工具实现系统资源利用率的统计程序,为做好unix系统管理和调优提供参考。
根据Dage组下的数据(re:收回页数;pi:调出页数;po:调入页数:fr空闲页数;sr:要换出的页数),可以...【总页数】2页(P)【作者】高宏权【作者单位】【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP316【相关文献】1.浅谈域名服务对Unix系统性能的影响 [J], 刘方2.域名服务对Unix系统性能的影响 [J], 韩中岭3.监控Unix服务器系统性能 [J], 曹江华4.UNIX 系统核心参数对系统性能的影响 [J], 朱连贵5.UNIX系统性能的检测方法 [J], 高宏权因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
PART1spoon 勺子chopsticks 筷子chopper 切碎机Meat Slicer 切片机,主要是把肉切成片的,尤其用在turkey(火鸡)或者火腿上面steamer 蒸笼strainer 过滤网wok锅fork叉子whisk扫把mincer绞肉机同时也可以说meat grinderrolling pin 擀面杖spatula 锅铲microwave 微波炉water bottle 水杯壶chopping board 砧板,或者叫cutting boardbowl 碗plate 碟kettle 水壶whistling kettle 鸣笛水壶teapot 茶壶toaster 烤箱,但是toaster一般是比较小型的烤箱,在国外,也经常直接叫面包机toaster,大一点的烤箱/烤炉叫Ovendishwasher洗碗机draining board沥水板stove 煤气灶food processor食品加工机knife刀cleaver切肉刀bread knife 面包刀,不是指涂抹黄油用的那种刀,而是拿来切面包的,尤其是切称slice,就是一片一片的PART 2blender 搅拌机Juicer 果汁机popcorn popper/popcorn machine 爆米花机coffee machine 咖啡机Yogurt maker 酸奶机ice crusher 碎冰机或者ice shaverice maker 制冰机ice cream maker 冰激凌机Grill 烤炉Pan 平底锅corkscrew开塞钻,就是开葡萄酒的bottle opener 啤酒开can opener 开罐器pot 锅stew pot炖锅cover/lid 锅盖frying pan煎锅handle锅把pressure cooker压力锅pressure valve压力阀ladle 长柄勺(舀汤的那种)pizza peel 披萨托盘pizza cutter 切披萨刀peeler 削皮刀baking mould 烘焙模具Corn peeler/kerneler/striper:都是剥玉米的东西。
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Measuring Unix Kernel PerformanceM.ShandAbstractWe present accurate,low-level measurements of process preemption,interrupt han-dling and memory system performance of a UNIX1workstation.To gather this data,we use PAMs(Programmable Active Memory).These are fast, general purpose,bit-level programmable co-processors based onfield programmable gatearrays.They are mapped to part of the system address space and appear to the CPU asmemory,much like memory-mapped I/O devices.PAMs are primarily aimed at computationally intensive problems,where wide, application specific datapaths can offer great speedups over software.By contrast,in thisapplication we rely on the realtime,concurrent aspects of a PAM that is relatively modestin terms of computational resources.Starting with a simple25MHz counter,we describe a series of measurement devices built to answer specific questions about low-level system performance.Many of thedevices are active in that they provoke the events they seek to measure.Our measurementtechniques allow us to construct histograms gradated in CPU clock cycles and cover:frequency and duration of user process preemption under various workloads,latency frominterrupt to kernel handler,nesting of interrupts,DMA throughput and latency and theeffect of other system activity on DMA.1IntroductionIn the design of high performance computer peripherals designers must pay attention not only to the basic capabilities of the host hardware,but also to characteristics of the operating system. Parameters such as the time to service a device interrupt can fundamentally affect the viability of competing designs.To some extent these parameters can be determined by analytical models or by simple expedients such as counting instructions in the perceived critical path, but ultimately the most reliable method is measurement.Unfortunately measuring activity at the lowest levels of computer systems can be extremely difficult.The phenomena under measure occur in far less time than the resolution of standard clock devices and involve system components like the cache that are largely hidden from the CPU.Recently we have seen much progress in instrumentation of programs and even entire systems[BKW90]by code modification[Wall91],but these methods can greatly perturb the objects being measured and the techniques are by no means easy to implement.The alternative Digital Equipment Corp.,Paris Research Laboratory,85Av.Victor Hugo.92500Rueil-Malmaison,France.1Unix is a registered Trademark of AT&T.1of adding purpose built measurment hardware[CBK88][EC84]tends to be either inflexible, expensive,or both,and is best adapted to systems using a microcoded implementation.For the purposes of characterizing the performance of a few parts of the kernel,neither of the above approaches seems justified in terms of the time and effort they involve.Even adding a high resolution clock is an excessive burden if new hardware must be built which willfind no further use once the measurements are made.1.1PAM TechnologyPAM technology,introduced by Vuillemin[BRV89],is based on a matrix of programmable active bits.It permits the realisation of synchronous logic circuits,each of the registers being updated on each cycle of a global clock signal.The maximum clock speed for such a design is directly determined by its critical combinatorial path,which varies from one design to another. When implemented thoughfield programmable gate arrays such as the Xilinx3000series [Xi89],it is not difficult to realize circuits that operate at25to30MHz.PAM stands for Programmable Active Memory.It is infinitely reprogrammable thanks to thefield programmable gate arrays from which it is built.The rest of the acronym derives from its role as a coprocessor occupying part of a host address space,receiving commands and returning results in response to the address and data transactions the host directs towards it.Being mapped directly into user and kernel address spaces,the CPU communicates very cheaply with the PAM making it suitable for the implementation of low-level measurement devices.Being reuseable and easy to program makes it suitable for the implementation of specialized single use devices.PAMs are primarily aimed at computationally intensive problems,where wide,appli-cation specific datapaths can offer great speedups over software[SBV89].By contrast, in measurement applications we rely on the realtime,concurrent aspects of a PAM that is relatively modest in terms of computational resources.In fact we have just such a PAM at our disposal—3mint,the interface module of our next generation computationally oriented PAM.In normal operation3mint hasfixed programming loaded out of PROM,but it too uses a Xilinx gate array,and by providing the ability to alter its programming we obtain a small PAM connected directly to the system I/O channel.1.2TURBOchannelThe particular I/O channel in question is TURBOchannel[TbC91].TURBOchannel is a synchronous,asymetric I/O channel operating at12.5to25MHz.It connects one system module containing CPU and memory to some number of option modules.TURBOchannel supports two kinds of transaction:an I/O transaction in which the system module can read or write an option module,and a DMA transaction in which an option module can read or write the system module.I/O transactions are relatively straightforward;they are issued in response to CPU memory transactions to that region of the address space to which an option is mapped.Writes are allowed to proceed asynchronously and may be issued in one cycle;sustained throughput is one word every three cycles,to minimum latency options.Reads must stall the processor until the option responds.On the DECstation5000/200implementation of TURBOchannel this isa minimum of8cycles.This asymetry means that scattered I/O writes place a much lighter burden on the CPU than I/O reads.DMA transactions offer much higher bandwidth,being able to transfer multiple words in a single transaction,each word taking one cycle.Ignoring startup overheads,a25MHz TURBOchannel has a theoretical throughput of100megabytes/second.The TURBOchannel operates on physical addresses.This greatly simplifies the design of option modules,moving the burden of address translation to software.Under Unix,performing DMA to non-contiguous 4k pages of user memory would require an address translation every1024cycles or once every 40.These considerations lead naturally to questions of kernel performance.1.3Computer System Measurement with PAMsWe present a number of performance measures each obtained with a specific reprogramming of3mint and appropriate driving software.All these results were obtain on a DECstation 5000/200running Ultrix4.2with a3mint board in TURBOchannel option slot2.While the results are of interest in themselves we avoid detailed analysis,instead choosing to focus on the range of techniques which this approach gives us.This is the main contribution of the work.2Basic Measurement Devices2.1A Simple TimerFor ourfirst measurements we program the gate array on3mint to be a32bit counter based on[Vui91].It is clocked off the25MHz TURBOchannel clock(Seefigure1).This counter starts at zero when the design is loaded and free runs,wrapping around to zero periodically. This presents no problem provided we are only interested in measuring the duration of events that last less than171seconds.TbC1Figure1:A Simple TimerIn user mode we continually read this counter from a tight loop.Whenever successive reads differ by more than a threshold of a few tens of cycles the process supposes it has just resumed after being preempted and records the duration of the preemption in a histogram.We presenttwo such histograms infigure2.The solid line show the execution of the measurement process on an otherwise idle machine for a period of14hours during which12968494preemptions were observed.The dashed line shows execution with one competing compute bound process and is gathered over one hour—this data has been scaled up by14to be compatible with the idle machine data).We observe that the idle system records approximately260preemptions per second,that65%last between20and25and all but5%take less than100.Almost all of this activity can be explained by the3906system clock on the DECstation5000/200, generating256interrupts per second.Such base level system activity consumes about15%2.2User Virtual and Real TimersAdding an extra stoppable,loadable counter to our previous design and modifying the kernel to restore and save this second counter on context entry and exit provides a high resolution timer that runs in process virtual time(seefigure3).Instruction level profiling systems such as pixie developed by MIPS computer systems[Pix86]assume a perfect memory MIPS is a Trademark of MIPS computer systemsmodel.Discrepancies between estimated cycle counts and actual counts obtained from a high resolution timer running in process virtual time can point to memory bottlenecks caused by cache or TLB misses [GoHe90].1TbC10Figure 3:A Combined User Virtual and Real Timer3Active Measurement Devices3.1Raising InterruptsOnly so much of the system can be observed from user mode.To obtain more details on interrupt handling we must modify the kernel.3mint is a fully fledged TURBOchannel device,as such it can raise interrupts.We modify the simple timer to raise an interrupt each time bit 21of the counter goes high—roughly 5times a second.We add a device driver to field these interrupts.On entry it stores the current time from 3mint into memory it shares with user code and increments a shared count of interrupts taken.By comparing the stored time to the next smaller time at which a bit 21transition could have occurred user code can determine the time from hardware interrupt to handler and store this in a histogram.Provided this time is never greater than 200no ambiguity results.Likewise it can determine the time taken from handler back to user code by reference to the value recorded by the kernel and the current time value.Initial observations of time to handler histogram showed some curious artifacts when viewed at single cycle resolution.The histogram contained plateaus about 10cycles long preceded by peaks seven times higher (figure 4).Careful inspection of the inner loop of the user process that recorded interrupts revealed an inner loop of 8instructions,one which issued an I/O read to the 3mint.The plateau represents interrupts that are raised at some time during the 10cycles that the processor stalled during the I/O read.The peak represents interrupts that are issued during the other loop instructions for which the processor can immediately start handling the exception.We modify the interrupt raising design to schedule an interrupt on the transition of bit 21and issue it when it believes the processor is not currently or about to issue an I/O read.ItFigure4:Portion of Histogram of Unsynchronized Interrupt Raising Design makes this deduction by observation of its SELECT input and by knowledge of the length of the loop that user code executes.Since the design exists only for this particular measuring application,such extreme customization is perfectly acceptable.When the interrupt isfinally issued,the3mint stores the current time in a dedicated register for later interrogation by the interrupt handler.This design appears infigure5.bit 21IntrSelTbC1Figure5:Synchronized Interrupt Raising DesignSynchronized interrupts show much clearer peaks in the histogram of exception to interrupt handler.In one run,spanning5days and processing2483109interrupts from3mint,40% took exactly183cycles.Figures from this run appear infigure6.Thefigure exhibits marked peaks every15cycles starting at183.Curiously,while all other runs exhibit the same15cycle peaks,the detailed structure varies.In the example cited the main peak is at183cycles with a secondary peak at228cycles,exactly45cycles later.In other runs the secondary peak may be 30cycles later,or,occasionally,the main peak may appear at198or213cycles.We believe these are cache artifacts.To test this hypothesis we record the entry time of each of the half dozen routines in the path from the general exception trap entry point to the device specific interrupt handler.At the lowest levels this is very sensitive code.At the trap entry point itself all but two processor registers contain data from process running at the time of the exception;data which must be saved before they can be reused.In all the routines we must avoid adding extra overhead that will perturb our measurements.Recalling that scattered I/O writes are much cheaper than reads we add a smallfifo to our3mint interrupt raising design.On writes to a region of its address space the3mint now pushes the29low bits of the timer plus3bits from the target address into thisfifo.Writing to thisfifo costs just two cycles and requires only one free register—that in which the target address is loaded.When the interrupt handler is reached the fifo contents are read and stored in the shared buffer for later analysis by a user process.The new design appears infigure7.Figure8shows results obtained with this design.We place six probes in the path to the interrupt handler.Except The earliest point we could add instructions after the exception entry point.Vec1The start of main interrupt vector called after setup of kernel stacks and differentiation of interrupts from other exceptions.Vec2Before saving user state.Vec3After save of user state.k1First C routine called,beginning of discrimination of interrupt type.k2Next level of interrupt discrimination.pam Our3mint specific interrupt handler where we gather up the results of the probes.bit 21IntrSelTbC1Figure7:Synchronized Interrupt Raising Design with Event Fifo As we get further down the interrupt path the variations in cycle counts increases in keeping with the predictions of our cache miss hypothesis.The early stages of the path are taken by all exceptions and are therefore more likely to be in cache.We also place a probe in the user TLB miss handler.The MIPS architecture handles user TLBs in software and provides a special exception to ensure in rapid handling.In our analysis we check that the path recorded in thefifo is that we expect.It is possible for instance the kernel may service a higher priority interrupts and then continue on to service the3mint interrupt.We observe evidence of unusual sequences in02%of the cases recorded.3.3Summary of Interrupt MeasurementsIn60%of cases TURBOchannel interrupts start to get service from their handler with7. Within14,98%have service.This variation appears to be due to cache misses.Much longer delays sometimes occur and are probably due to interrupts being masked while other critical operations are performed.Delays of over1have been observed.4TURBOchannel DMA4.1DMA ThroughputTURBOchannel limits DMA to relatively short bursts,this simplifies the design of the memory system and help to ensure fair service even withfixed priority scheduling.TURBOchannel guarantees to support DMA transfers of at least64words.The implementation on the DECstation5000/200supports bursts of up to128words.There is afixed overhead in starting a DMA that is a amortized over the length of the transfer.With3mint reprogrammed to perform long sequences of DMA at a user specified blocklength to contiguous memory,we obtain the throughput results offigure9.Our design does not approach DMA as aggressivelyFigure8:Cycle Count Histograms of Steps in the Path to Interrupt Handleras it might,it waits7cycles between repeated requests,nevertheless for a blocklength of128 itRunning our DMA design continuously while using interactive applications,wefind that qualitatively the system remains quite useable even in the face of such heavy traffic.However, at these rates a4096byte DMA(the system page size)takes45;about six times the interrupt latency and about one third the time to take and return from an interrupt.It seems unlikely that system will remain useable if interrupts are used to feed DMA on a per page basis.We are currently investigating alternatives.4.2DMA LatencyIn the previous design3mint was DMAing counter values.To make the results of DMA more interesting we performed onefinal reprogramming3mint making it an interface to a Videk high resolution digital camera[Vide90](seefigure10).The Videk Camera outputs a1.5megabyte image at afixed rate of10megabytes/second. The data rate,while is well within the capabilities of TURBOchannel DMA,is difficult to handle by other means.Our3mint design buffers Camera output and DMAs it directly into system memory.In fact the Xilinx3000series programmable gate arrays are rather poor at implementing memory so we are only able tofit12words of buffering in the design.In order not to lose data we needed have a DMA request satisfied once every120cycles.The design detects these overruns and inserts black pixels for the lost data.Wefind in practice that the images are usually transfered very reliably,but occasionally we experience a lenghty burst of overruns.We discovered that long runs of uncached instruction reads without intervening writes would reliably cause the overruns.Occasionally the kernel would schedule such an instruction stream in the middle of an image transfer.DMA controlCamera DataReformat Pseudo ROM TbCCamera DataFigure 10:Videk Camera InterfaceReverting to our original DMA design we DMA the counter into system memory and record the time differences between the end and start of successive blocks in a histogram.We run the test both on an idle system and on a system with large disk copies in progress.The histogram appears in figure 11.With large copies active we observe much greater latency than on the idle system,however no DMA request is observed to be delayed for longer than 213cycles and there is a significant peak at exactly 195cycles.195is the DRAM refresh interval of the DECstation 5000/200.Apparently events associated with this activity cause the pending DMA to be granted.Unfortunately on 3mint we are just a little short of the neccessary storage to ensure lossless buffering.Nevertheless,3mint provides a workable interface to the videk camera—a quite unexpected application of the 3mint board.In figure 12we see the 3mint milliseconds before it DMAed the pixels in this image into the memory of a DECstation 5000/200.The 3mint is to the right,what lies between it and the camera is the board (on the left)which does level conversion.5ConclusionsPAM prove to be remarkably versatile at gathering low-level system measurements.These measurements would be very difficult to obtain by other means.They give unexpected insights into the foundation of a computer system and the lowest levels of the operating system.Im practical terms we have new data on interrupt handling under Unix and guidance in developing a peripheral that will tax the limits of the DECstation 5000/200’s memory system.And suprisingly we have a camera interface too.12510205010020050010002000500010000200005000010000020000050000010000002000000500000010000000250050100150200Figure 11:Histogram of DMA Latency under Different WorkloadsFigure 12:3mint Taking its own Photo6AcknowledgementsJean Vuillemin is the father of and force behind the PAM project.As part of our next generation PAM,Jean Vuillemin,Patrice Bertin and Didier Roncin designed and built the3mint board on which this work depends.7ReferencesBKW90A.Borg,R.E.Kessler,D.W.Wall,Generation and Analysis of Very Long Address Traces,Proc17th Annual Symposium on Computer Architecture,Seattle Washington 1990,pp.270-279.Wall91D.W.Wall,Systems for Late Code Modification,WRL Technical Note TN-19,Digital Western Research Laboratory,Palo Alto CA,1991.CBK88D.W.Clark,P.J.Bannon,and J.B.Keller,Measuring VAX8800Performance witha histogram Hardware Monitor Proc15th Annual Intl.Symposium on ComputerArchitecture,Honolulu,May1988,pp176-185.EC84J.S.Emer,and D.W.Clark,A Characterization of Processor Performance in the VAX-11/780Proc11th Annual Intl.Symposium on Computer Architecture,Ann Arbor MI,May1984,pp176-185.BRV89P.Bertin,D.Roncin,J.Vuillemin,Introduction to Programmable Active Memories, in Systolic Array Processors edited by J.McCanny,J.McWhirter and E.Swartzlander, Prentice Hall,pp.301-309,1989.Also available as PRL report3,Digital Equipment Corp.,Paris Research Laboratory,85,Av.Victor Hugo.92563Rueil-Malmaison Cedex, France.Xi89Xilinx,The Programmable Gate Array Data Book,Product Briefs,Xilinx,Inc.,1989.SBV89M.Shand,P.Bertin,J.Vuillemin,Hardware speedups in long integer multiplication, Proceedings2nd Annual ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures.ACM Press,1990,pp138-145.TbC91Digital Equipment Corporation,TURBOchannel Hardware Specification,EK-369AA-OD-007,Digital Equipment Corporation,Maynard,Massachusetts,April1991.Vui91J.Vuillemin,Constant Time Arbitrary Length Synchronous Binary Counters,10th IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic,Grenoble,France,June1991.Pix86MIPS Computer Systems,Language Programmer’s Guide,1986.GoHe90A.Goldberg,J.Hennessy,MTOOL:A Method For Detecting Memory Bottlenecks, WRL Technical Note TN-17,Digital Western Research Laboratory,Palo Alto CA,1991. Vide90Videk,VIDEK Megaplus Camera Operator Manual,Publication No.K00786, Videk,A Kodak Company,February1990.。