"I am not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger." (我不是在危险中,Skyler。
)"Say my name." "Heisenberg." "You're goddamn right." (说出我的名字。
Heisenberg. 你他妈的说得对。
)"I did it for me. I liked it. I was good at it. And I was really... I was alive." (我做这些事情是为了我自己。
)"We're done when I say we're done." (我说我们结束了,那就结束了。
)"I'm the one who knocks." (我就是那个敲门的人。
)"If you don't know who I am, then maybe your best course would be to tread lightly." (如果你不知道我是谁,那么你最好小心行事。
)"I've got a job for you. Something big. And I'm not going to bullshit you. This could get dangerous." (我有一个大任务给你。
)"I am not turning down the money! I am turning down you! You get it? I want nothing to do with you. Ever since I met you, everything I have ever cared about is gone, ruined, turned to shit, dead. Ever since I hooked up with the great Heisenberg. I have never been more alone. I have nothing! No one! Alright? And it's all gone! Get it? No... No... No, why would you even care? As long as you get what you want, right?" (我不是拒绝钱!我是拒绝你!你明白吗?自从我遇见你以后,我所关心的一切都没了,毁了,变成了屎,死了。
Did you want me to open the doors?你想让我给你开门么Here-- Here you go. The keys.给给你钥匙You take them. You open the doors,拿着它们把门打开Why you talk English, huh?你为什么说英语No! No, no, no! No!不不不Gambling destroyed my life--赌博毁掉了我的人生me, my family, everything I loved.我我的家庭我爱的一切It was like a robbery, only I was the thief.就好像是一次抢劫唯一不同的是我就是那个窃贼It's amazing, the stories you tell yourself你用来证明它的故事to justify it--很精彩the lies that lead you to just one more hand,那个欺骗你不要停手one more spin,再转一次one more roll of the dice.多下一注的谎言This is our deal, okay?我们早就说好了Marie, no.玛丽不行You guys are not lifting a finger. I mean it.你们什么都不用干我是认真的Yeah, we're bringing everything, so--是的我们会把吃的都带过去This-- This is not up for debate, okay?别争了好么Great.很好Now, sweetie, don't worry, okay?亲爱的现在别担心了好么We're not going to say one word about the bills.我们不会提到账单的We just want to bring everyone up to speed, okay?我们就为了让大家都方便一些All right. I'll see you soon.好的我们一会见Bye.再见So...那么tonight's the night.一切就在今晚No turning back.没有回头路了Well...好Okay.好就行Let's do this.我们开始吧Okay, so first I assign point values,首先我做好点值分配correlate to the effect of removal.综合几家弃牌的影响You going to split the 8s?你要分对八么Skyler, please.斯凯勒听我说好么Now, the mathematical principle,现在根据著名的known as the Kelly Criterion,凯利标准数学公式upon which I devised my own strategy当然是由我自己改进之后not similar to the MIT system.而不同于麻省理工的公式Walt, you're not teaching them.沃尔特你不是给他们上课I thought you wanted me to be thorough.你不是想让我做到万无一失么Just play. You're taking too long.就玩牌别说这么多What, you don't think it behooves me什么你不认为我有必要to be able to explain any of this?把一切都解释清楚么It behooves you to be a pro, that's all I'm saying.你有必要专业一些我是这个意思That's the fiction, so chop-chop.这都是假的赶紧Don't chop-chop me.别催我Walt.沃尔特Now, we both know that the first decision现在我们都知道第一个决定is whether or not to split or surrender on 8s.是对八的时候分牌还是弃牌Split 'em.分牌Good on both.两对都不错Next decision is whether to double down or not.第二个决定是继续要牌还是不要What you should be doing.做决定吧On 11, yes. Double.11点好的要牌Okay, this hand over here,这把牌we have a soft 18.18点The final decision is whether or not is to hit or to stand.最后的决定继续要牌还是不要Hit it.发牌Becomes a hard 15.15点Dealer has a 9.庄家有张9I see that.我看到了Hit it.发牌Okay, let's see what I got.好的我们来看看我的牌And 21.21点- Damn. - Yep.-该死 -没错Okay, this--好吧这个The key thing to remember here这个最关键的是is that it's not about any one hand.不是一把的输赢The key is the number of hands per hour.而是每小时玩几把Let's go again.我们再来一次Zero, minus 1.零负一Okay.好Walt.沃尔特It's not as if I don't know how to play.我又不是不会玩I certainly more than understand我对于如何数牌的造诣how to count cards.还是很深的Let's just keep going, okay?我们还是继续吧好么No, you know what? I'm in recovery.不你知道么我在恢复阶段Remember?还记得吧I shouldn't even be playing.我现在都不应该玩牌You-- And that is the fiction这才是我们应该继续that we should be sticking to.假装的事情You know what?你知道么You're right.你说的对Yeah.没错Okay.好的Um, we're not leaving anything to chance.我们要把每一步都计划好All right, let's get started.好了我们开始I've got a lot of, uh--我这有很多Walt,沃尔特we've got a lot of ground to cover.我们还有很多的细节问题需要解决What is this?这是什么We have to get our stories straight.我们要把谎编圆We've got to be on the same page.我们必须步调一致Is this a script?这是剧本Bullet points.要点Bullet points?要点Like a novella.就和短篇小说一样This is smart.这倒是挺聪明的You really want to try to sell a DEA agent some ill-prepared,你真想编个准备不足计划不完整half-assed, full-of-holes story漏洞百出的故事来让about how we suddenly have enough money to buy a car wash?毒品管制局的探员相信我们突然就有钱买洗车场了么Am I supposed to memorize this?我要都记下么- We need to practice, Walt. - Yeah.-我们还要练习沃尔特 -好We need to be word-perfect.我们需要字斟句酌Within reason.还得合情合理We need this story to be solid and sympathetic我们需要这个故事值得推敲能引发同情and most of all completely believable.最重要的是能让人相信From a story that you already told Marie你觉得你告诉玛丽的故事and you think that she hasn't told Hank?她还没跟汉克说么Ha! Come on. This is Marie we're talking about here.别开玩笑了那可是玛丽啊No, she hasn't.不她没说She hasn't.她真的没说Hank thinks his insurance is paying for everything.汉克认为一切费用都是他的保险在支付Marie's not telling him玛丽没告诉他that we're paying his therapy bills,是我们在帮他支付他的理疗账单and neither are we.我们也不会说And why is that again?那为什么这样呢Really?你是认真的么If we have the gambling story...如果我们编出了这个赌博的故事Did you take money, Walt?你收钱了么沃尔特You remember Gretchen and Elliot?你还记得格雷琴和埃利奥特么Because I seem to recall因为我记得that you'd rather sell drugs than take help.你宁肯去贩毒也不接受帮助Fine.好吧Marie will tell Hank in her own time,玛丽会单独告诉汉克and at least we'll have laid the groundwork.而我们要帮她把基础做好And coming clean with Hank and Jun--在汉克和小沃面前坦白交代Appearing to come clean很明显坦白交代will be the best thing for everyone.对大家来说都是最好的We talked about this, okay?我们谈过这个问题了对吧We agreed about this.我们达成一致了Yes, we did. It's just--是的没错但那只是What?什么Never mind. Just--算了Okay.好的So I really think我认为我们we should tag team the narrative, okay?我们得好好演练一下叙述部分We'll each be responsible for certain portions of the story,一个人负责故事的一部分and then we can, uh, we can hand off这样你我分头叙述的时候so we don't leave anything out,就不会出什么纰漏and it'll seem the most natural.还能表现的自然真实Okay, so I'm going to launch好了从我听到with the exciting news我们将买下洗车场这个that we are buying a car wash--惊喜消息开始Yay.太好了The next logical question汉克接下来可能会Hank will probably ask问的问题就是is "Where are you getting the money?""你从哪弄到的钱"To which I'll say我会回答"We want to tell you the whole story."我们从头到尾的讲一讲""It's a doozy,"很精彩so hold on to your hats."所以别太惊讶"Do you like that?你喜欢么Sure.当然It accomplishes two things.这样做有两个好处It keeps it light很简洁while letting them know to expect something big.而且让他们有所期待Yeah. No. It's a doozy.没错确实很精彩Okay.好了Anyway, that's where you will take over,不管怎么说你从这开始接着我的说starting with your diagnosis, pages 1 and 2.从诊断开始第一页到第二页Okay, and it's-- it's pretty much基本上going to run parallel to the truth,和真相差不多which makes it easier,虽然很简单but, um...但是just make sure to really hit the cancer,一定要强调癌症的问题really touch on the fear and despair.突出恐惧感和绝望的心态It's good to remind them提醒他们不要忘记and to get their sympathy right off the bat.同时博得他们的同情We want them to understand我们要让他们明白why you could do something so stupid.你为什么会做这么蠢的事情Now, after that,这个完了之后per pages 3 and 4,是第三页和第四页after you say...在你说完"Gambling became an addiction,"赌博成瘾and I just couldn't control it."我已经没法控制了"- Do you see that-- - Yes.-你看到了么 -看到了...right there in the middle of the page? Okay.就在那页中间好的Oh, and I put in that line about robbery.我还提到了那次抢劫You know, from the G.A. Meeting?就在那次匿名戒毒会上I thought that was good.我觉得那个不错So next I'll chime in about how it affected our marriage,接下来我会插话谈谈它对我们婚姻的影响uh, starting with the confusion,从困惑开始uh, the deceit,欺骗why we couldn't tell anyone.为什么不告诉别人"...terribly, terribly ashamed of my actions.""对我的行为感到非常非常惭愧"Yeah.没错There's two "Terriblys"?俩"非常"It's supposed to show contrition.表现你的悔悟之情Well, I just wouldn't use that word.可我是不会这么用词的I would never say the word "Terribly."我从来不说"非常"Phrase it however you want, okay?按你想说的来行了么You're jumping ahead. Now--你又开始新话题了现在And why-- why am I so ashamed?我为什么感到惭愧Do I really need to answer that?你非要我回答么I was and am providing for our family.我一直供养我们的家庭过去是现在也是Let's just pick up where we left off.我们就从刚才停下的地方继续吧I'm weak, and I'm out of control.我很脆弱失去控制I mean, this whole thing makes me look like crap.我是说这一切说的我好像是个废物This has to be a warts-and-all story, Walt.这个故事必须要毫无保留沃尔特That's how we'll sell it, and we both look bad.我们需要让别人相信的就是这个你我都难过极了Oh, well-- How do you look bad exactly?是这样那你是怎么难过的Where is the "I slept with my boss" Bullet point?我找找那个"我和我老板睡觉"这条在哪I can't seem to find that anywhere.我怎么找不到呢For a fired schoolteacher who cooks crystal meth,对于一个靠制毒生活的被解雇了的中学教师I'd say you're coming out pretty much ahead.我得说你反映挺快的I don't like it.我不喜欢这个I don't want Junior thinking less of me.我不喜欢小沃瞧不起我At least you won at gambling.至少你赌钱赌赢了I'm just the bitch mom我却是个贱人妈妈who wouldn't cut you any slack.总是对你步步紧逼I'm sorry.抱歉I'm sorry that I put you through all of this.抱歉把你牵扯进来How's that sound? Hmm?这句怎么样Here.给我Two "Sorrys."两个"抱歉"I believe we were on page 5.我想我们到第五页了So, after you say how very sorry you are--那么等你说完抱歉之后in your own words, of course--当然用自己的方式we're almost to the end,我们就快结束and I say how proud I am of you我说我为你能去for joining a 12-step program,参加那个十二步的恢复计划而感到骄傲and-- and this is where I think we should enact 然后这里我认为我们就要how we're feeling, you know?把我们的感觉表演出来Just a-- Just a suggestion.只是一个建议You might look down on the floor with remorse.你应该懊悔的看着地板What? You don't have to mean it.怎么了又不是认真的You just stare down at your feet, Walt, okay?你就低头沃尔特行么Then, uh, I'm gonna--然后我就I was thinking of taking Marie's hand我想的是抓住玛丽的手and saying something emotional说点煽情的话like "It's such a relief to tell you.比如"能和你说出来真是太解脱了"We're just so glad we have a strong family "有这么强大的家庭"To help us through this,来互帮互助共度难关that we can all support each other."我们真是太高兴了"And then maybe I'll tear up a little.然后我可能会哭一下I don't know.我也不知道I'll just have to see what happens in the moment.等到时候看情况吧You're going to cry? On cue?你会哭出来就在那个时候I said I don't know. Maybe.我说我不知道可能会When you dab your eyes, you going to do it那你抹去眼泪的时候with your right hand or your left?你打算用左手还是右手- It's just an idea. - One tear? Two tears?-这只是个想法 -流一滴还是两滴This has to be convincing,这个戏一定要做足especially to Hank.特别是要让汉克相信I'm doing the best I can here, Walt.我要尽我可能做到最好沃尔特And yes, I'm thorough.没错我就是要做到万无一失Maybe lying doesn't come as easily to me也许撒谎对我来说as it does to you.没有对你来说那么容易Hey! Guys! Come on in.伙计们请进Hi. Good to see you.你好见到你很高兴Put her there, you little punk.把她放到那小伙儿Great to see you, Hank.很高兴见到你汉克Hey, buddy. How you doing?伙计最近如何啊Oh, look at my little princess.快来看看我的小公主啊She's getting big, huh?越长越大了And heavy, too.也重了Whoa, is that actual food I'm smelling?我闻到的是真的食物吧I might get an honest-to-God meal here for once?我也能吃上一顿地道的饭菜了You look good.你看上去真不错Thank you, sweetheart.谢谢你亲爱的Your aunt Marie, she's cute,你的姨妈玛丽她长的挺美but she could burn water,就是总是把水烧过了you know what I'm saying?你懂我的意思么You are so very hilarious.你还真是搞笑Go show the boys your new rock collection.带着男人们去看看你的石头收藏吧We're going to get things organized.我们去把东西准备好Yeah, it'll be about 20 minutes.是的大约需要二十分钟You have a rock collection?你还收藏石头It's a mineral collection.是矿石收藏Uh, just a little something I--就是一些小玩意You guys want to see it? Want to see it?你们想看看么想看么Sure. Let's go see it.当然我们去看看Oh, hey, let me.哦让我来Hey, it's all right. I got it.没事我能行Come on, guys, it's down the hall here.来吧伙计们就在走廊头上Now that one there, that's Rhodonite, okay?那边那块叫蔷薇辉石It's manganese inosilicate.是锰链硅酸盐Cool.真棒What-- What makes it be all pink like that?为什么是粉色的Well, that's the manganese part, okay?那是锰的颜色It-- It oxidizes, you know, like rust.氧化了你知道就和生锈了一样Exactly. Manganese can have an oxidation state 没错锰可以在负三到正七之间保持of between -3 and +7,氧化状态which takes it through a range of colors--颜色在紫绿蓝purple, green, blue.的界限内变化But its most stable state is +2,但最稳定的状态是正二which is usually pale pink.一般就是浅粉色So...就是这么回事Exactly. Whatever the hell he said.没错他说的那一堆乱七八糟就是对的Anyway, you, uh, you get the idea.不管怎么说你明白了就行Yeah, it's, uh, interesting.没错很有意思Interesting stuff, that.很有意思的东西Really.真的here. Give me that file, will you?在这把那个文件递给我You got to check this out.这个你可得看看I, uh, have been working on something here.我一直在研究一些东西Been a little, uh, little consulting--就提供一点咨询you know, weighing in on a case for APD.帮阿尔布开克警局办案Put that in, will you?把那个放进去Put that in over there.放到那里面去Uh, Hank, what is this? It's not a dead body--汉克这里面是什么不会是尸体什么No, no, no, no. Nothing like that.不不不不是那些You guys-- Seriously, you got to check this out.你们说真的得看看This is good. Ready?好东西好了么Here we go on here.开始了Look at this guy.看看这家伙Look.看呢A ship is waiting一艘飞船在等待All systems are go所有设备都准备完备Control is not convinced控制系统不值得信赖But the computer has the evidence但是电脑说No need to abort没必要放弃Countdown starts倒计时开始Oh, man. You can't make this stuff up.伙计这你可编不出来4 3 2 14, 3, 2, 1Earth below us地球在我们脚下Who is this?这是谁That, my friends,这位我的朋友们is Albuquerque's public enemy number 1.是阿尔布开克第一号全民公敌...weightless失重Calling, calling呼叫呼叫Such a relief to finally tell you.能和你们说出来真是太解脱了We're just so glad有这么强大的家庭that we have a strong family to help us through this,来互帮互助共度难关that we can all support each other.我们真是太高兴了Jesus.我的天呐I don't even know where--我都不知道该怎么说Holy shit.我了个去啊Yeah.是啊Walter H. White.沃尔特·H·怀特Man of hidden talents.一个天赋被埋没的男人Dad, you're such a stud.老爸你太牛了How much did you win exactly?你到底赢了多少Dad?老爸I-- I don't think I have exact figures.我也没有一个具体的数字It's, uh, it's enough to--足够来uh, after taxes, of course--当然去税之后to buy the car wash.买下洗车场的了Maybe even pay for也许还够a couple of halfway reasonable college educations.支付两个孩子的大学学费Damn, Dad, why'd you quit?该死的老爸你为什么不玩了I can totally get a car for my birthday now.我现在都能收到汽车作为生日礼物了Right?对吧Son, I'm...儿子我terribly, terrible ashamed of my actions.对我的行为感到非常非常惭愧Would you excuse me, please?我能离开下么I need to use the restroom.我需要上个厕所Walt?沃尔特Oh. Sorry. I--抱歉我I thought you might have fallen in there.我还以为你在里面摔倒了Uh, no, no. I just, uh--没有没有我只是Hey, man, that was some big stuff back there.那里面可有很重要的东西Yeah, we wanted to be thorough, so--是的我们想坦诚一些Yeah, well, it's quite a tale.是啊那确实是个好故事It couldn't have been easy to talk about.说出来一定不是那么轻松吧You know, Walt, if you...你知道么沃尔特如果你you can always bend my ear, right?你可以告诉我I mean, if you ever need to talk or--我是说如果你需要倾诉或者or just blow off some steam.发泄I'm-- I'm here.我就在这Not going anywhere.也去不了哪Thanks, Hank.谢谢你汉克Same goes for me, you know.相同的话也送给你if you ever want to bounce anything off me.如果你有什么想给我发泄的I don't know, case work, anything, really.比如说案子的事其他的事Sometimes just talking something through,有些事情也许说出来you know, really can make a difference.就有可能理出头绪I mean, we're definitely not talking,我是说我们说的绝对不是you know, bathtub crank here.那种小打小闹This is a big-ass operation.这是一个大工程You know, hundreds of pounds a week,一周几百磅maybe more.还可能更多So, uh...那么who is this person? What do you know about him?这个人是谁呢对他你了解多少Other than the fact that he's deader than a Texas salad bar 除了他已经死了and has a decent set of pipes?还收藏了一套不错的管弦乐器之外I'd say he's my guy.他是我要找的人Your guy?你要找的人There's this, uh, mystery man有个神秘人物I've been, uh, chasing我追踪他for the better part of a year.将近一年了Cooks the purest meth他做出的冰毒that, uh, me or anyone else has ever seen.是我和其他人见过最纯净的Goes by the name of Heisenberg.名字叫海森伯格Yeah. Pretty weird, huh?是的名字很怪对吧I-- I-- I looked him up.我我查了一下It, uh, it was one of these physicists-- one of Hitler's guys,那是一个物理学家希特勒的手下a physicist named Werner Heisenberg.一个叫维尔纳·海森伯格的物理学家Real cute, huh?很有意思是吧Anyway, I figure with a handle like that,不管怎么说我想到一个办法you know, my guy's got to be some sort of an egghead. No offense.我的人是个有点书呆子的人无意冒犯And here we go--名字叫做Gale "Major Tom" Boetticher.盖尔"汤姆少校"贝提格Anyway, I-- I-- I just want to see我就是想看看if I'm, you know, not barking up the wrong tree 从化学角度上来看chemically speaking.我是不是找对人了Uh, as far as I can make out,就我的理解来看he's writing about phenylacetone cook, right?他写的是苯丙酮制毒法Yeah.没错Yeah. That's pretty rare these days,没错现在已经很少见了but it-- it does jive但它确实能产出with the blue stuff I've been tracking.我一直在追查的蓝色冰毒"2 sticks dairy free soy margarine,"两勺无豆人造黄油2/3 cup turbinado sugar"?三分之二杯原糖"It's a recipe for vegan s'mores.素食甜点的食谱Hmm. There's all kinds of crazy crap in there.这上面什么乱七八糟的东西都有Yeah, like, uh, you know,没错就像top ten recumbent bicycles,10大躺骑自行车indoor composting tips.室内堆肥技巧All right next to the--就在那个the mother of, uh, of methamphetamine synthesis.甲基苯丙胺化学合成法的旁边This guy was a, uh--这个家伙man, he was a real character.这小子真是有个性啊Yeah, he seems, uh, unique.是啊他真的是独特Here, let me-- let me-- let me show you something.给我我给你给你看点东西Give it-- Give it.给我给我Right here at the, uh--在这儿And here's the top.看题目It says, uh, "To W.W.上面写道"致W·W先生My star, my perfect silence."我的明星我的完美偶像"W·WW.W.I mean, who do you figure that is, huh?我是说你觉得这是谁Woodrow Wilson?伍德罗·威尔逊Willy Wonka?威利·旺卡Walter White?沃尔特·怀特You got me.你抓住我了W·WW.W.Hey, man, let me see this...伙计让我稍微看一下for a second because I think I remembered...我好像想起一点...Ah. Here.在这Yes.没错Yeah.就是这儿"When I heard the learn'd astronomer..." "当我听完博学的宇航员的话Learned. "And from time to time每一次向天空望去"Looked up in perfect silence"感受星星上at the stars."完美的平静"It's a poem by Walt Whitman.这是沃尔特·怀特曼的诗Your W.W.你要的W·WYou frickin' braniac.你真是聪明Ha. You frickin' braniac.真是太聪明了I must have skipped that day in school or something.我一定是上学的时候翘了那节课I don't know.谁知道呢I've been chasing my tail about that one, you know?我把自己给绕进去了I bet you're right.你应该是对的Well, I'm glad I could be of help.很高兴能帮上忙Yeah. Walt Whitman, huh.对沃尔特·怀特曼是吧So, uh, you think this Gale person所以你怀疑这个叫盖尔的人is your Heisenberg?就是你要找的海森堡Yeah, I think so. I don't know.对应该是吧但不肯定G--, I wanted to get this guy.我就想抓住这个人It looks like you did.看来你已经得偿所愿了No, I mean, you know, me personally.不我的意思是亲自抓住他I wanted to be the one to slap the handcuffs on him,我想亲自给他铐上手铐that kind of shit.铐上那渣子Popeye Doyle waving to Frog One.波沛·多伊尔对青蛙一号摇手If I recall,我没记错的话at least from the first French Connection,至少在第一部《法国贩毒网》里Popeye Doyle never actually caught him.波沛·多伊尔就没真正抓住过他Yeah, I guess me and old Popeye, huh?我和老波沛差不多A day late and a dollar short.总晚了那么一步What about the person who killed him?那杀他的凶手呢APD's problem, not mine.那是阿尔布开克警局的事了Any leads?有线索吗My buddy Tim says我兄弟提姆说he's got some fingerprints they're trying to ID,他们采到些指纹准备用来识别身份and an eyewitness saw a person of interest.还有个目击证人看到个嫌犯Might get lucky there.或许能查到真凶I guess somebody knows something.我觉得有人知情They'll track down the shooter eventually.他们最终会找到开枪的人Jesse!杰西Excuse me.请借过Oh, my G--.天呐Jesse?杰西What's up?什么事I need to talk to you, okay?我有话和你说行吗Now.就现在Go ahead.说吧Would you stop doing what you're doing, please?你能先停一下吗拜托了When I'm done, yo, that dude's next.等这个剃完了还有下一个What the hell? What is wrong--搞什么鬼怎么了I have some business to discuss.我有公事要谈So discuss. Jesus.那就谈吧天呐Let go of me.放开我Gale's murder is being investigated.警方正在调查盖尔的凶案Uh, duh.废话And I have it on good authority我得到可靠消息that they found fingerprints at the scene.他们在罪案现场发现了指纹Not mine.不是我的We done here?说完了吗No, we are not done here.没还没完What if they are yours?要是你的怎么办How can you be so sure?你怎么这么确定Because I'm here, all right?因为我还在这里没看见吗Your brother-in-law's got such a hard on for me你连襟早就盯上我了that if the cops would have found my fingerprints--如果警察发现了我的指纹The cops would have found my fingerprints警察要是在那地方五条街以内within five blocks of that place,发现了我的指纹they would have picked me up by now.早就把我带走了What about the casing?弹壳呢Or casings? How--弹壳呢How many times did you shoot him anyway?你对他开了几枪Jesse, did you pick up the casings?杰西你把弹壳捡起来了吗Did you pick them up?捡起来了吗No.没Listen, uh, we've got to go over this听着我们得一步步来step by step-- everything.重现当时的一切情景I want you to tell me exactly what happened 你得告诉我从你到那里开始from the moment you got there.确切的事发经过I got in, I got out.我进去又出来了No. No, I need to know specifics.不不我要知道细节Now, we'll start from the beginning.现在我们从头说起You-- You drove there. You drove over there.你开车过去你开车过去You went to his door, right?冲着他家门走去对吗Jesse, I need you to concentrate.杰西我要你全神贯注This is very important.事关重大Did you knock or ring?你是敲门了还是按门铃了Knock or ring? Uhh!敲门还是按门铃Knock.敲门Okay, good. That's very good.好很好非常好Now listen.仔细听好I assume that Gale answered the door.设想盖尔应了门Now what happened after that?然后呢Did he recognize you?他认出你来了吗Did you say anything to each other?你们对话了吗Did you walk into the room,你进门了吗or did you shoot him right then and there?还是当场就开枪杀了他What?怎么了Who wants to make a hundred bucks?谁想赚一百块Look, the kid's probably right.听着这孩子可能没说错If they had anything on him,要是警方有证据he'd be locked up already.早就把他关起来了What about my brother-in-law?那我的连襟呢He suspects Jessie他怀疑杰西How, he knows Jesse is involved不知怎么他就知道杰西in the sale of blue meth.也参与蓝色冰毒的贩卖了That was Hank's one and only lead.那是汉克唯一的线索Now what if he puts 2 and 2 together要是他把这些线索联系起来and he goes after Jesse for the murder?从杰西这条线索查这起凶案呢He goes after him how, on his Rascal Scooter?怎么查靠他的杂牌小车吗Ahem. That, perhaps, sounded insensitive.可能有点过Uh, but if he goes after him,可如果他查他的话I'll sue his ass for police brutality,我就告他治安粗暴harassment, assault, and 16 other things.骚扰攻击还有其它16项罪名Now, the history that those two have together现在拿两个人的纠葛已经发展到being what it is,现在这个样子you got to figure your brother-in-law's你得认为你的连襟smart enough not to go down that particular road.足够聪明不从这条线索追查下去Goose egg, bupkis--零蛋that's what the cops got.那帮警察就得到了这个了I wouldn't worry about it.我不会操那份心What else should I not worry about, Saul, hmm?我还有什么事不用操心的索尔Should I not worry that Gus plans to murder me我是不是也不用担心古斯一逮到机会at the first chance he gets?就要杀我Should I not worry that my drug-addicted partner 我是不是也不用担心我吸毒成性的搭档doesn't seem to care whether he lives or dies?无所谓自己的死活You should see his house.你该看看他的房子It's-- It's like Skid Row.和贫民窟没两样He has actual hobos living there.一堆流浪汉住在那里Now how long before Gus decides现在离古斯觉得他是个大麻烦that he's too big of a risk?还有多远Geez, that Mike,那个麦克that grunting dead-eyed cretin那个总犯嘀咕有眼无珠的白痴sucker-punching me in the-- in the face.冲我脸上就是一拳I've got Gus wielding a box cutter.我看到古斯挥舞着切割机I mean, Western Union-- message received.我是说我收到讯号了It--这...Let me ask you.我问你When did this stop being a business, hmm?这什么时候不是桩买卖了Why am I the only person为什么只有我capable of behaving in a professional manner?可以表现得像个专业人士No, I--不我...No, any way you slice it, everyone's in danger.不无论你从哪方面考虑谁都有危险I mean, how-- how can I protect anyone?我怎么才能保护大家My family, Jesse, myself?我的亲人杰西我自己My name never comes up with those guys, does it?我的名字没有就入选对吗Meanwhile, we're buying this stupid car wash.与此同时我们还要买这家该死的洗车店Oh. Yeah. That ship has sailed.对木已成舟Bon voyage.一路平安We are committed.我们已经付诸实践了We already told our family about it,我们已经告诉家人这个决定了and now Skyler, I'm sure she believes--现在斯凯勒肯定相信she needs to believe她得相信that everything is neat and tidy,一切尽在掌握and she's telling herself她正在心理暗示that I work in this nice quiet little lab我在一家漂亮而安静的小实验室工作。
人物:沃尔特·怀特(Walter White)- 50多岁的化学教师,患有终末期肺癌。
杰西·平克曼(Jesse Pinkman)- 20多岁的毒品贩子,沃尔特的前学生。
人物:沃尔特,杰西,以及托德(Todd)- 杰西的朋友,后来成为他们的帮手。
人物:沃尔特,斯凯勒,以及汉克(Hank)- 斯凯勒的哥哥,同时也是一名警察。
[05:15.49]不 这真是... No, it's-- it really is--
[05:17.66]不 不 你们真的很好 No-- no, it's nice of you, and...
[05:40.22]沃尔特 尽管说 Walt, feel free to, you know...
[05:50.34]斯凯勒不爱我了 Skyler doesn't love me anymore.
[05:55.92]我不知道该怎么办 我不知道 I don't know what to do. I don't...
[04:25.81]大部分时间我都没问题 I'm right there with her most of the time.
[04:28.62]马里亚诺在我不在的时候也会照看着她 And Mariano kind of keeps an eye on her when I'm not, so...
[02:17.85] 本字幕由YYeTs人人影视翻译制作 更多美剧下载 请登陆
[02:22.95] 翻译:天意 花零落爱觉棂 送小孩 zhanginfo
[02:27.95] 校对:天意 送小孩 非燕 时间轴:加森 非燕
[03:41.88]是啊 Uh, yeah.
[03:43.07]其实 也不算是 Well, I mean, not--not really.
00:02:14,330 --> 00:02:16,240我叫Walter Hartwell WhiteMy name is Walter Hartwell White.200:02:16,450 --> 00:02:19,310住在新墨西哥州阿尔布开克I live at 308 Negra Arroyo lane300:02:19,350 --> 00:02:21,930内格拉阿罗约巷308号邮编87104Albuquerque New Mexico 87104.400:02:21,980 --> 00:02:23,610我要告诉所有的执法者To all law enforcement entitles,500:02:23,610 --> 00:02:25,400这不是一段认罪声明this is not an admission of guilt.600:02:26,060 --> 00:02:28,200而是我跟家人之间的对话I am speaking to my family now.700:02:35,870 --> 00:02:36,960SkylerSkyler...800:02:37,930 --> 00:02:39,630你是我今生的挚爱You are the love of my life.900:02:40,240 --> 00:02:41,810我希望你能了解这点I hope you know that.1000:02:43,570 --> 00:02:45,060Walter JuniorWalter Junior...1100:02:46,080 --> 00:02:47,480在我心中你是个男子汉了You're my big man.1200:02:48,610 --> 00:02:49,820在接下来的几天里There are...1300:02:49,910 --> 00:02:51,900你们会There are going to be some...1400:02:52,390 --> 00:02:53,940你们会知道Things... things...1500:02:54,640 --> 00:02:55,430关于我的That you'll come toCome to 逐渐1600:02:55,430 --> 00:02:57,770关于我的一些事情learn about me in the next few days.1700:02:57,790 --> 00:02:59,820我只想你们清楚一点I just want you to know1800:03:00,270 --> 00:03:03,600无论发生什么事That no... no matter how it may look,1900:03:03,600 --> 00:03:05,450我心里牵挂的只有你们I only had you in my heart.2000:03:12,510 --> 00:03:13,590永别了Good-bye.2100:04:10,010 --> 00:04:12,650三周前2200:05:00,180 --> 00:05:02,250Walter H White 结晶学质子辐射效应研究带头人2300:05:02,250 --> 00:05:04,770诺贝尔获奖研究项目杰出贡献奖2400:05:16,080 --> 00:05:17,540生日快乐Happy birthday.2500:05:20,060 --> 00:05:21,180瞧瞧这个Look at that.2600:05:22,110 --> 00:05:24,120这是素培根That is veggie bacon.2700:05:24,920 --> 00:05:26,680不管你信不信零胆固醇的Believe it or not. zero cholesterol.00:05:26,680 --> 00:05:29,090吃起来也是一个味儿You won't even taste the difference.2900:05:30,270 --> 00:05:31,920你觉得自己大概几点能到家?What time do you think you'll be home?3000:05:31,920 --> 00:05:32,990老时间Same time.3100:05:33,060 --> 00:05:35,340我不希望他又缠你一整晚I don't want him dicking you around tonight.3200:05:35,420 --> 00:05:36,870你的工资给到5点You get paid till 5,3300:05:36,870 --> 00:05:38,960你就工作到5点You work till 5 no later.3400:05:43,500 --> 00:05:45,390-生日快乐啊-谢谢- Hey, happy birthday. - Well, thank you.3500:05:45,430 --> 00:05:47,380你又起晚了You're late... again.3600:05:47,560 --> 00:05:50,380又没热水了There was no hot water... again.3700:05:50,450 --> 00:05:52,210我有个简单的办法解决I have an easy fix for that.3800:05:52,350 --> 00:05:53,810你早点起床You wake up early3900:05:53,950 --> 00:05:56,840然后就可以第一个洗澡了And then you get to be the first person in the shower.4000:05:57,130 --> 00:05:58,480我也有个办法I have an idea.4100:06:00,640 --> 00:06:04,900为什么不买个新热水器呢?How about buy a new hot water heater?4200:06:04,900 --> 00:06:06,100这主意怎么样?How's that idea?4300:06:06,100 --> 00:06:09,420我都提了成千上万次了For the millionth and billionth time.4400:06:11,510 --> 00:06:13,960-止咳药喝过没?-喝了- Did you take your echinacea? - Yeah.4500:06:14,150 --> 00:06:15,840我觉得好多了I think it's getting better.4600:06:16,170 --> 00:06:19,330这是什么鬼玩意儿啊?What the hell is this?4700:06:19,850 --> 00:06:23,470素培根我觉得我们该注意下胆固醇了It's veggie bacon. We're watching our cholesterol, I guess.4800:06:23,470 --> 00:06:25,600别给我我要真培根Not me. I want real bacon.4900:06:25,600 --> 00:06:27,440不要这假冒的破烂Not this fake crap.5000:06:27,440 --> 00:06:28,440真是糟糕Too bad.5100:06:28,590 --> 00:06:29,590吃了它Eat it.5200:06:30,220 --> 00:06:32,940这闻上去就像创口贴This smells like band-aids.5300:06:32,940 --> 00:06:35,060给我吃了Eat it.5400:06:39,810 --> 00:06:42,080成为老人家感觉怎么样?So how's it feel to be old?5500:06:42,440 --> 00:06:44,690当个小破孩感觉怎么样?How does it feel to be a smart ass?5600:06:44,990 --> 00:06:46,020对得好Good.5700:06:48,410 --> 00:06:49,760赶紧吃吧Eat your veggie bacon.5800:07:09,180 --> 00:07:11,130-准备好了吗?-恩我能行- You're all set? - Yeah, I'm fine.5900:07:11,130 --> 00:07:13,340-那好回家见-再见- All right, see you at home. - Okay, see you.6000:07:17,790 --> 00:07:19,440化学Chemistry6100:07:19,740 --> 00:07:22,580是研究什么的?It is the study of what?6200:07:23,510 --> 00:07:24,800谁知道?Anyone?6300:07:26,680 --> 00:07:27,680BenBen.6400:07:28,130 --> 00:07:29,110化学品?Chemicals?6500:07:29,110 --> 00:07:30,600化学品Chemicals.6600:07:31,200 --> 00:07:32,780不对No.6700:07:33,360 --> 00:07:35,680化学Chemistry is...6800:07:36,280 --> 00:07:37,670从学术层面说Well technically6900:07:37,950 --> 00:07:40,430化学是一门研究物质的学科Chemistry is the study of matter.7000:07:41,490 --> 00:07:44,960但是我更倾向于它是一门研究变化的学科But I prefer to see it as the study of change.7100:07:44,960 --> 00:07:47,320现在我们这样来设想一下Now just... just think about this.00:07:47,620 --> 00:07:48,700电子Electrons.7300:07:49,430 --> 00:07:50,400它们They...7400:07:51,720 --> 00:07:53,400改变自身的能级Change their energy levels.7500:07:53,400 --> 00:07:54,590分子呢Molecules.7600:07:55,400 --> 00:07:57,780分子改变自身的化学键Molecules change their bonds.7700:07:58,720 --> 00:07:59,810这些元素Elements.7800:07:59,950 --> 00:08:02,840进行组合从而形成化合物They combine and change into compounds.7900:08:03,630 --> 00:08:06,280这就是所有生命的组成形式Well that's... that's all of life.8000:08:06,280 --> 00:08:08,570对不对?我是说这是个恒定的Right? I mean it's just... it's the constant.8100:08:08,590 --> 00:08:11,100循环的过程It's the cycle. It's solution8200:08:11,390 --> 00:08:14,090从生长到衰败再到分解并溶化Dissolution just over and over and over.8300:08:14,180 --> 00:08:18,770如此循环周而复始It is growth then decay then transformation.8400:08:21,970 --> 00:08:24,390这是如此的迷人真的It is fascinating really.8500:08:30,770 --> 00:08:31,600ChadChad...8600:08:33,490 --> 00:08:35,840你的课桌坏了吗?Is there something wrong with your table?8700:08:38,490 --> 00:08:41,220好了离子键Okay. Ionic bonds...8800:08:50,720 --> 00:08:51,880坐好了吗?Are you done?8900:08:54,640 --> 00:08:55,850离子键Ionic bonds.9000:08:56,310 --> 00:08:57,470第六章节Chapter 6.9100:09:09,540 --> 00:09:12,670一二三这是是十块再加十块一共二十One, two, three makes 10, and 10 makes 20.9200:09:12,980 --> 00:09:14,090这是您的收据Here's your receipt9300:09:14,100 --> 00:09:16,470然后拿着这张小票去找洗车员吧And hand this claiming disc to your car wash professional.9400:09:16,500 --> 00:09:18,280-多谢-欢迎再次光临- Thank you. - Come again.9500:09:30,050 --> 00:09:31,210他不来了He's not coming.9600:09:31,240 --> 00:09:32,690他说他不干了He said he quits.9700:09:33,640 --> 00:09:35,470换我来收账I'm gonna run the register.9800:09:35,640 --> 00:09:38,520Bogdan 别这样我们说好的Bogdan, no. We talked about this.9900:09:38,520 --> 00:09:40,050我人手不足WalterI'm shorthanded, Walter.10000:09:40,150 --> 00:09:41,450我能怎么办?What am I to do?10100:09:43,940 --> 00:09:44,940Walter?Walter?10200:09:46,940 --> 00:09:48,330我能怎么办?What am I to do?10300:10:08,920 --> 00:10:11,070White老师Hey, Mr. White.10400:10:12,070 --> 00:10:14,180车轮擦亮点哦Make those tires shine, huh?10500:10:14,180 --> 00:10:15,670你们肯定猜不到谁在给Chad擦车You will not believe who's cleaning Chad's car.10600:10:16,100 --> 00:10:19,100是White老师Mr. White.10700:10:19,100 --> 00:10:22,310化学课老师From chemistry.10800:10:42,070 --> 00:10:44,300惊喜Surprise.10900:10:44,790 --> 00:10:46,630生日快乐老爸Happy birthday, Dad.11000:10:50,210 --> 00:10:52,390你回来得太晚了You're so very late.11100:10:53,480 --> 00:10:55,460我说真的SkylerReally I'm serious, Skyler.11200:10:55,720 --> 00:10:58,000你的小腹平得就跟洗衣板似的I mean you're flat as a washboard.11300:10:58,630 --> 00:11:00,160看上去太美了You look awesome.11400:11:00,360 --> 00:11:02,170她一点都看不出来是吧?She's not showing at all, is she?11500:11:02,180 --> 00:11:03,670还是有那么一点的She's showing a little.11600:11:05,230 --> 00:11:07,440Carmen 这是我妹妹MarieCarmen this is my sister Marie.11700:11:07,930 --> 00:11:09,960-很高兴见到你-你好- Pleased to meet you. - Hi.11800:11:11,690 --> 00:11:14,450格洛克-22 我的日常配枪Glock 22. It's my daily carry, okay?11900:11:14,670 --> 00:11:17,550除非是B+式自动装填I mean unless you're talking what plus b-plus loads12000:11:17,580 --> 00:11:19,7409毫米口径的都是扔货you can forget the 9-mil all right?12100:11:19,740 --> 00:11:22,520我见过9毫米子弹从挡风玻璃上弹开I seen one of those bounce off a windshield one time.12200:11:22,520 --> 00:11:24,410那枪是你射的吧Yeah the way you shoot.12300:11:25,050 --> 00:11:26,550如果你要带把枪If you're gonna bring a gun, babe.12400:11:26,560 --> 00:11:28,250就要带把够用的You gotta bring enough gun.12500:11:28,320 --> 00:11:29,500点40口径的40 caliber.12600:11:30,820 --> 00:11:33,570-这个太棒了-很不错是吧?- This is awesome right here. - Nice, isn't it?12700:11:33,890 --> 00:11:35,630爸你过来看看Dad come check this out.12800:11:36,140 --> 00:11:38,560-我看到了-过来拿着看- Yeah I see it. - Come on take it.12900:11:38,570 --> 00:11:39,840Walt 来看看Check it out Walt.13000:11:41,520 --> 00:11:43,420不不只是有点重No no it's just heavy.13100:11:43,460 --> 00:11:44,870所以警察才要男的当That's why they hire men.13200:11:46,840 --> 00:11:48,440枪不咬人知道吗?It's not gonna bite you, all right?13300:11:48,440 --> 00:11:50,950你看起来像滚石乐队的Keith Richards拿着一杯热牛奶Looks like Keith Richards with a glass of warm milk.13400:11:53,520 --> 00:11:54,080WaltHey Walt.13500:11:54,090 --> 00:11:55,880大家都听好了听好了Everybody listen up listen up listen up!13600:11:55,890 --> 00:11:57,170我要祝酒I'm gonna give a toast.13700:11:57,180 --> 00:11:59,650为我的连襟祝酒过来A little toast to my brother-in-law. Come here.13800:12:00,400 --> 00:12:03,950Walt 你的大脑和威斯康星州一样大Walt. You got a brain the size of Wisconsin.13900:12:04,520 --> 00:12:07,020不过我们并不是要说你坏话But we're not gonna hold that against you.Hold against 认为某人不好,责备14000:12:07,570 --> 00:12:09,490因为你心地善良Because your heart's in the right place man.heart is in the right place或have one’s heart in the right place是习语,意为“心地善良”,“心怀善意”14100:12:09,490 --> 00:12:10,940心地善良Your heart's in the right place.14200:12:10,940 --> 00:12:12,390我们爱你我们都爱你We love you man. We love you.14300:12:12,390 --> 00:12:13,990大家举杯敬WaltEverybody! To Walt!14400:12:13,990 --> 00:12:14,900干杯Na zdorovje!14500:12:14,910 --> 00:12:16,210干杯Na zdorovje!14600:12:19,790 --> 00:12:21,510该死打开第三频道Oh shit. Turn on channel 3.14700:12:24,240 --> 00:12:26,250到目前为止我们逮捕了3个人At which point we apprehended three individualsat which point用于引导定语从句,其意为“就在这时”“就在那时”等,在许多情况下相当于and at that (this) moment。
Say you understand.说你明白了Do you understand?你明白了么Tell me you understand, Saul!告诉我你明白了索尔Every dollar--每一块钱if you don't hear from me in 24 hours--如果二十四小时内没有我的消息No, no. Saul. Saul, shut up.不不索尔索尔闭嘴Shut up and listen to me.闭嘴听我说I want you to give her every last dollar.我要你把钱全都给她I don't care if you have to stuff it in trash bags.我不管需要不需要把钱装进箱子里Just make sure she gets everything.就全给她就行了All right? Just make it happen!好么务必做到Hi. You've reached the White family.您好这里是怀特家Please leave a message.有事留言hey. It's me.是我I-- I...我我I just wanted to say我就是想说that I was thinking about you我一直挂念着你and the kids, and, uh...挂念着孩子I love you.我爱你Hello. Would you like to try您好您想尝尝our Breakfast Chicken Chalupa Combo Meal?我们的鸡肉饼早餐套餐么Gus Fring.古斯·福林Excuse me?您说什么Gustavo Fring, your boss, now.古斯塔沃·福林你的老板叫他出来Please.谢谢Mr. Fring isn't here right now.福林先生不在- Is there something I'm able- - He's here.有什么我能帮忙的么 -他就在这His car's parked out front. He's here.他的车就停在外面他就在这He was here. Mr. Fring was--他刚才在这福林先生You just go in the back你去后面and you tell him it's Walter White.告诉他我是沃尔特·怀特Understand?明白了么He'll know what it's about.他知道是什么事I'll wait.我在这等着Hello.你好Walter, what exactly are you doing?沃尔特你在干什么Where's Jesse?杰西在哪Jesse's with me. He's fine.杰西跟我在一起他没事Do you expect me to just believe that?你觉得我信么I'm crossing my heart, Walter.我向你发誓沃尔特Where is he?他在哪Hold on.等下Yo.喂Jesse?杰西Yeah. What's up?是我有事么Jesse, w-where are you?杰西你在哪With Mike.和麦克在一起I know you're with Mike.我知道你和麦克在一起Are-- Are you all right?你没事吧Does he have a gun on you?他是不是拿枪指着你呢No.没有Well, what's going on, then?那你们干什么呢We're driving.开车Driving?开车Driving where?去哪I don't know.不清楚Uh, north.向北吧W-W-- Why is he driving you?他为什么开车带着你Where is he going?他要去哪Beats me.不知道I-- I don't-- I--我...我Put Mike back on.让麦克接电话Hello again.你好Mike, tell me know exactly what is going on.麦克告诉我你们打算干什么Jesse's with me today, so what you need to do杰西今天跟着我你就老老实实is to go back to your lab and get on with the cook.回实验室继续制毒You're gonna have to muddle through this one without him, okay?你得自己把活干完That's what's going on.就是这么个情况But it doesn't--但是这Goodbye, Walter.再见沃尔特Mike--麦克Sir--先生Excuse me. Sir.打扰一下先生You're not allowed back there.你不能到后面来Excuse me, sir.抱歉先生As I said, sir, Mr. Fring is not here.我告诉您了福林先生不在这This area's for employees only,这里是顾客禁区and I have to ask that you leave immediately.您得马上离开What you told Mr. White, that's...你告诉怀特老师的话that's just bullshit, right?都是扯淡是吧You, uh, you figure on just leaving me in some ditch?你就打算把我扔到什么荒郊野岭去是吧What do you care?你很关心么I don't.不But I'll tell you now, you better shoot straight,但我得和你说明白了你最好打准点old man,老头or I'll slice off your other ear不然我就把先把你的另一只耳朵before this is over.割下来You coming?你走么We got to do this six more times today,这活今天我们还得再做六遍with a lot of miles in between.每次中间还有很长的路要开I'd like to finish before dark.我希望天黑之前能完成This freaking guy, I tell you what.这个怪胎我给你说It's like Scarface had sex就好像是疤面煞星和罗杰斯先生with Mister Rogers or something.做爱一样Who does this, you know?谁说做这个啊Your boy Heisenberg.你追查的毒贩海森伯格Thought we had him already.还以为我们已经抓住他了Yeah. Keep dreaming.是啊你就想吧Yeah, no.是啊不是Getz busted him a few months back.盖茨几个月前抓住过他Yeah, well, no offense是么不是瞧不起Doogie Howser 天才小医生主角名字to Detective Doogie Howser there,这个杜奇·豪瑟探员but all he caught was a dipshit lifer他抓住的只是个笨蛋重刑犯by the name of Jimmy In-N-Out.名字叫惯犯吉米This one-- he's your Heisenberg?这个这是你要找的海森伯格么Yeah, I believe he is.是的我觉得他是So what are you thinking?那你是怎么判断的Rival drug gang taking out the mastermind?竞争对手的毒品团伙所为Any names I should check out?有什么嫌疑人物需要我查么I wish I could help you there.希望我能帮上你Only two people I know connected with the blue stuff.我只认识两个和蓝色冰毒有关的人Uh, one is a beanie-wearing j-- stain一个整天带着小童帽的废柴by the name of Brandon Mayhew--叫布兰登·梅休street name, uh, Badger.道上的名字猴子Definitely another player.绝对是个小角色The other one is, uh, Jesse Pinkman.另一个杰西·平克曼He and I have a history.他和我还有段故事Yeah.是啊You see Pinkman as a shooter?你觉得平克曼是杀手么That would surprise me.那我会很吃惊的Well, we got a composite of a person of interest.我们合成了一个嫌疑人的画像It's a guy the neighbors saw是邻居在伯蒂切家at Boetticher's place right after the shooting.发生枪击之后看到的Eh...sorry.没印象No, hang on to it, just in case.不留着吧以防万一Then we got a couple of prints we're hoping to I.D.我们还弄到几个指纹来检验身份If I get any kind of hit,如果有匹配的I'll keep you in the loop on that.我会通知你You know, uh, Tim,你知道提姆look, I appreciate what you're doing, really--听着我很感谢你做的事情真的uh, you know, keeping me involved and all,就是一直让我参与此事but, uh, you know,但是你知道finding this guy Heisenberg dead like this...看到海森伯格就这样死了I have to say, it, uh...我要说kind of feels like closure to me, you know?对我来说就算谢幕了Hank, you really are a big help here.汉克你能帮我们很大的忙No, I know. I get it, really.我知道我了解But I'm done.但是我已经完成使命了Oh, no.别这样You don't need to do that.你不用这样This is why I'm out here, right?这不是我在这的原因么To be, like, your backup?给你打后援So if I'm out here in a guard-type capacity 那么说如果我在这给你当保镖to watch over the money,看着这些钱that means I need, like, a gun, right?那我得需要一支枪对吧Nope.不对I mean, isn't that, like, completely idiotic要是没枪for me to be out here without a gun?我站在这不成傻子了么I mean, you haven't said dick我来这干什么about what I'm supposed to be doing here,你也不告诉我and I'm supposed to do it without a gun?然后还不给我枪How does that even make sense?这根本没道理啊What?怎么了I can smoke, right?我能抽烟的对吧Not a chance.不可能Fallacies谬论啊Fallacies谬论啊One for you and two for me一个给你两个给我It's finally hitting me what the-- the plan is here.我终于知道计划是什么了It's to bore me to death, so...就是想把我无聊死那么mission accomplished because it's totally working.太管用了任务成功了Great job.做的好You know, I really do get what's going on你知道么我完全明白with all the dead drops and bags of cash.这些接头点和现金的作用I mean, my boys had the exact same system当年我贩毒的时候when I was running things.我的手下也是这么搞的My crew.我的员工Nowhere near the same cheese you guys are slinging,利润虽然没你们的丰厚but same theory--但道理是一样的to maintain separation between dealer and supplier,把供货商和经销商完全分离reduce risk,规避风险et cetera.等等Look, don't you think it would be good不是你不觉得你来我往的对话if there was some back and forth communication here?会更好些么You got me riding shotgun你让我坐在副驾驶上to every dark anal recess of this state.让我见识了这个州最黑暗的角落Be nice if you clued me in a little.对我友善点给我透点消息I mean, I'm here to do a job, right?我来这是干活的And, I mean, yo, like, if I'm the guy,我是说如果我就是这个人then you should just tell me what the hell's up.你至少得告诉我这到底是怎么一回事吧What?怎么了You are not the guy.你不是那个人You're not capable of being the guy.你当不了那个人I had a guy, but now I don't.我本来有个人但现在我没有了You are not the guy.你不是那个人Then what the hell am I doing here?那告诉我我到底是来干什么的I don't know. It's not my call.我不知道我说了不算I just do what I'm told,我只是奉命行事and now you're gonna do what you're told,现在你也要奉命从事which is to sit here, shut up,那就是坐好闭嘴and stay in the car till we finish our pickups.呆在车里直到把活干完You got it?明白了么We having second thoughts?要改变主意么Every hour of every day.时刻都有Let me tell you, that is perfectly normal.给你们说这是绝对正常的But your expectations are realistic.但你们的预期是实际的You have a good, solid business plan.你们有一个妥善可靠的商业计划I'm feeling very confident.我感觉很有信心You have an excellent shot at making this work.你们有很大的机会来做成这件事Walt.沃尔特We good?没问题吧Yeah.没有All right.好的Well, my congratulations to the both of you.祝贺您二位Thank you very much, Alan.谢谢你艾伦It is my pleasure.不客气Mr. White.怀特先生Best of luck.祝您好运Thank you.谢谢I'm bringing my car over first thing next week 下周我先把我的车开过来for a wash and wax.清洁打蜡Oh, well, we'll be looking for you.期待你的到来I'll be there.我会来的Thank you again.再次感谢You're welcome.不客气- Bye-bye. - Bye-bye.-再见 -再见Wow. It's official.这回成真了How are you feeling?感觉怎么样I'm...我well, I'm-- How do you feel?我你感觉怎么样Uh...nervous.紧张Scared.害怕This is a big step, Walt.这是巨大的一步沃尔特If we don't do this right--如果我们做的对We'll be fine.我们会很好的We will?会么Tell me again.再给我说一遍We will be fine. Believe it.我们会很好的相信我If we're going to do this--如果我们要这样I mean, we're really going to do this--如果我们真的要这样then we have to promise each other那我们得向对方保证no more secrets.不能再有秘密There can't be any mistakes like before.再也不能出现之前的错误了There has to be complete honesty.要绝对坦诚I'm all for that.我完全赞成Good.好Well, then, uh,那么how about a drink to celebrate?喝一杯庆祝一下怎么样Well-- well, we own a big-a-- car wash now.现在我们拥有一大间洗车房了We do. I guess that merits a celebration.没错我认为这值得庆祝Nothing too expensive.别太贵的Right. Right.明白明白Non-fancy liquor it is.那就喝点普通的Just as long as it gets the job done.直到工作完成Uh, it's me.是我I just wanted to say我就是想说that I was thinking about you and the kids,我一直挂念着你挂念着孩子and, uh...还有I love you.我爱你Ok.好了- Just take it off. - Okay.-快脱了 -好的- Just take it off. - Okay.-快脱了 -好的- Just take it off. - Okay.-快脱了 -好的The sheets, they smell different than I remember.床单的味道和以前不一样了New fabric softener.换了新的织物柔软剂Mm, I like it.我很喜欢I, uh...我also got a new haircut.还换了个新发型Don't know if you--不知道你Oh, yes, I-- I was going to say something.是的我是想说点什么来着Were you, really?真的么I do like it.我确实很喜欢Thanks.谢谢So, um, dinner tomorrow night?那明晚一起吃晚餐I told Marie that we'd come over and eat with them.我跟玛丽说了我们会过去和他们一起吃Uh, think maybe you'll be free?有空么Yeah.有Yeah, we can do that.我们一起去That'll-- That'll be nice.那样挺好的Good.好Marie says it's about the only thing玛丽说这是能让汉克离开房间that'll get Hank out of his room.唯一的办法Mom.妈妈Hey, Mom, Dad.妈妈爸爸Hi, son.儿子Where are you?你们在哪Uh, we're-- we're back here.我们在里屋We'll be out in a minute.我们这就出来He knows that you're here.他知道你回来了I'm parked in the driveway.我车停在外面呢Oh. This is going to make这下晚餐时间for some very interesting dinner conversation.可要添些有趣的话题了He's definitely going to ask about our living situation now.他肯定要问到我们目前的生活状况Maybe, uh...也许maybe you should move back in,也许你该搬回来住you know,这样just so it's, uh, easier to explain to everyone.更容易向大家解释You think?你觉得呢I have to get back to work.我得回去工作了You know, schedule.有时间安排的Yeah.明白Damn it.该死Hey!喂Hey! This is a two-man job!这是两个人干的活I can't do it alone!我一个人做不来I'm done! That's it! Finished!我受够了够了不干了Nothing else happens until I get my partner back.在我搭档回来之前我罢工Jesse?杰西Where's Jesse?杰西在哪I need him.我需要他You people have me down here你们这些人想让我trying to complete a two-man operation by myself!一个人完成两个人的操作It's unacceptable.这不可能It's dangerous and counterproductive.这样很危险后果不堪设想Jesse operates the forklift, not me.杰西负责操作铲车不是我That's just one of the many,这只是他在实验室many things he does around the lab做的很多事情之一that keeps us on schedule,这样才能让我们跟上进度so I suggest that you get him back down here 所以我建议你们把他带回来as soon as you p--在你们...Are you listening to me?你在听我说话吗Hello!喂Where do you want it?你想把它放哪This is it, right? Last stop?就是这儿了对吧最后一站Last stop?最后一站Hey, I've been counting, yo.我一直在数着No more pickups after--之后就完工了Fallacies...谬论啊fallacies.谬论啊Fallacies, fallacies.谬论啊谬论啊One for you, two for me.你一个我一个Fallacies, fallacies...谬论啊谬论啊Yeah. I'm gonna need to be picked up.我需要人来接我Now.现在Garcia's on Central.市中心的加西亚咖啡Honk once. I'll meet you in the parking lot.按一声喇叭在停车场等我Cancel that.不必了Hey, this dude--有个家伙this dude was coming right at me有个人朝我走来with a-- with a shotgun.手里拿着把猎枪All right? They, like, blocked the alley,他们堵住了巷口and they were going to rip us off, man.打算对我们打劫I didn't have a choice, okay?我别无选择I had to put it in reverse, slam into the guy's car,我不得不向后倒撞上那家伙的车and just-- --就那么...I saw.我看见了Ah, Jesus.老天啊I just--我只是I don't know.我不知道Go ahead, kid.没关系孩子Smoke up.抽吧Good morning.早上好Hey. Good morning, son.早上好儿子You want me to pour you some juice?我给你倒点果汁吧I'll take coffee.我要喝咖啡Didn't know you started drinking coffee.我都不知道你开始喝咖啡了Yeah. I also started tying my own shoelaces, too,是啊我还开始系鞋带了all by myself.全靠自己Go grab a mug.去拿个杯子Milk? Sugar?加奶还是糖Just black.黑咖啡就好Black. I like it.黑咖我喜欢Uh, hey, Dad, I, uh...老爸我I-- I just got to say, um...我想说I-- I just wanted to say我只是想说that it's really cool to have you here.有你在家真好Thank you, son.谢谢你儿子It's cool to be back home.回家的感觉很好It just feels--感觉像是...Mom said you're moving back in, uh, this Tuesday.妈妈说你这周二会搬回来She-- She said that?她这么说的Yeah.是的Tuesday, is it?周二是吗How about that?真是不错Jesse.杰西Jesse!杰西Yo, what's up?怎么了What are you doing?你在干嘛Uh, breaking ice.凿冰I mean, what are you--我是说你在what are you doing here?你怎么在这Where's your car?你的车呢Mike dropped me off.麦克载我来的Jesse.杰西Jesse!杰西What happened yesterday? Where were you?昨天发生了什么你去哪儿了I was out with Mike helping him make pickups.我去陪麦克做交接Picking up what?交接什么Cash. Dead drops.现金还有货Mike made the pickups, and I guarded them.麦克去接货我给他们放风You?你Guarded Mike?给麦克放风What is this, some kind of a joke?这是在开玩笑吗Hey, you know what? Two dudes tried to rob us,你知道吗有两个人想打劫我们and I saved the stash. I took care of business,我引开了他们为生意卖力just like I'm taking care of business right now.就像我现在在为生意卖力一样You want to stand there digging around,你是想站在那儿盘根问底or you want to suit up and get to work?还是换衣服干活Get in gear, yo, if you want to do this你要想来的话就换上行头because I'm meeting up with Mike this afternoon.因为我下午要跟麦克出去What, again? Why?又去为什么Guess I have two jobs now.我想我想有两份工作了Welcome to Los Pollos Hermanos.洛丝·波罗斯·艾玛诺斯欢迎您May I take your order?您要点什么Any injuries?受伤了吗Twisted ankle, nothing too bad.脚踝扭了其他没事It all went like you thought it would,一切都如你所料more or less.大致如此I will, of course, reimburse you当然我会付给你to the damage to your vehicle.修车的钱Questions?还有问题吗Uh-huh. More than a few, yeah.是有几个问题But I know better than to ask.但我清楚还是不问为好Anyway, it was like you wanted.反正是如你所愿The kid's a hero.那孩子立了大功Just the idea of owning a car wash seems daunting,收购洗车房的主意听起来不切实际but I had to warn myself--可我必须鼓起勇气Who is just the most beautiful little girl in the world?谁才是世界上最美的女孩I think it's you.我觉得那是你哦...so coming into a business like this做这么一个that's up and running, fully operational,容易运营且全面运转的生意puts us way ahead of the game.让我们省去很多麻烦事You know, we're still going to have some change over time--随着时间推移我们仍然需要进行一些改变I think it's you. Yeah, I do.我认为是你哦没错就是你But we do have a staff in place,可员工仍然是一个重要因素so, you know, luckily, we'll be able to hold on幸运的是我们能留住to most of Bogdan's employees.大部分以前博格丹的员工We might lose a few to the Ultra Wash across town, though.我们虽然还是会被另一边的极致洗车房给挖去一些They're making a grab, I hear.我听说他们正在投机取巧You going to put the kid to work?你们准备让孩子也投入工作I got school.我还得去上学I'm not talking about you.我没说你I'm talking about your baby sister.我在说你的妹妹I wouldn't let you near my car.我才不会让你洗我的车Hey, that's not a bad idea, you guys.那可不失为一个好主意You should put Holly on the sign.你们应该把霍莉放在醒目位置Like a mascot?做个吉祥物Like the Gerber baby.就像招牌宝宝一样I would get my car washed there every day要是我看到她那美丽的脸庞if I saw her face out front.我会每天都在那洗车What about me?那我呢The goal is to bring customers in,我们可是在招揽生意not scare them away, so--而不是吓跑他们Walt, there's another bottle in the kitchen.沃尔特厨房里还有一瓶Just help yourself.自己去拿吧Ah. Good.好的Uh, maybe we could roll Uncle Hank through the car wash.也许我们该让汉克叔叔去体验一番He could be the first customer.他就能成为我们的第一个顾客The wipe-down crew would clean you up good.洗车员工会把你洗的干干净净See this, son?看见这个了么孩子I got your wipe-down right here, pal.我现在就给你洗洗Hank, can you just maybe get through one meal汉克能不能好好吃顿饭without you saying something disgusting?不说那些让人恶心的东西So what are you going to do with Holly all day?你们准备怎么带霍莉You can't take her to work总不能带她去工作with all those chemicals and migrants hanging around.那里可都是化学用品和非法移民Marie--玛丽What? That can't be safe.真的那可不安全Fortunately, there is,幸运的是just five minutes away from the car wash,离洗车房5分钟路程的地方there is the top child care center in the city.有个城里顶尖的托儿所The National Child Care Association国家托儿协会gives it really high ratings, so that's quite a relief,给它的排名很高这事也就迎刃而解了and, you know, it's just a walk away if we need it.只需离开一会就能去接她I got to tell you,我得说I'm just-- I'm really, really impressed.我真的很感动I mean, you came together on this,我是说你们能一起筹办这事and I'm really happy that it's working out for you.我很高兴你们能和好如初Thanks.多谢It was a little scary,这确实有点让人提心吊胆的but it, uh, needed to be done.但事情必须得有个结果And, uh, we get possession of the keys tomorrow.我们明天就能拿到钥匙了Oh, that's awesome.那太棒了Yeah.是的I can't wait to see what kind of car I'll get for my birthday,等不急想知道你们会送我什么车作为生日礼物now with all this money rolling in.现在我们金钱可是滚滚而来I think you've been spending too much time我觉得你最近一直在around your uncle Hank.开汉克叔叔的玩笑The squeaky wheel gets the grease.人善被人欺Right, Uncle Hank?对吧汉克叔叔Squeaky and greasy. That's you, my friend.老实人可是你老兄Hay, uh, Nick the Greek,希腊人尼克you going to share that bottle or what?你还准不准被给我们喝Oh. Yeah. Sorry.当然抱歉Who's Nick the Greek?希腊人尼克是谁Nick the Greek. He was a famous big-time card player.希腊人尼克他是世界上最著名的牌手Hank, that's not funny.汉克别开那玩笑What? It's a compliment.怎么那可是在表扬他Well, that's even worse, then.我听着可不像You're giving positive reinforcement to behavior你得用正面思想来表达that Walt is working very, very hard to change.沃尔特是通过很努力的工作才换来的结局Right, Skyler?对吧斯凯勒Yeah.是的I don't see how it's bad, Dad,我没看出这有什么不好的just raking in the beaucoup bucks now.老爸只是在短时间内大赚了一把而已You know, I just, uh, think maybe we could change the subject?我觉得我们该换个话题了Yeah. Sure. You know.好的当然Absolutely.当然啦Hey, Uncle Hank, what about that case you were looking at对了汉克叔叔你正在查的那个with that crazy singing guy?疯狂歌手的案子怎么样了Ah, I'm off that.我不查了I-- I gave my assessment to the APD, and I'm done.我把我的看法反馈给阿尔布开克警方然后完事了The case of the crazy singing guy. Hmm.疯狂歌手的案子《百科小布朗》为儿童漫画侦探故事Sounds like an Encyclopedia Brown story, doesn't it?听上去像是《百科小布朗》里的故事Crazy is-- is-- is, uh, is the wrong word.用疯狂来形容得不太准确This guy Gale Boetticher,这人叫盖尔·伯蒂彻he was, uh, he was eccentric.他行为古怪I mean, a real character, you know?我是说很有个性He's, uh, he's dead now, you know.现在已经死了Huh. Who was he?他是谁He was a meth cook.他是制造冰毒的人Uh, he was a meth chef.他可是个冰毒大厨I mean, we're talking five stars--就像五星级饭店里一样candles and white tablecloths.蜡烛加上白桌布Hey, I can't believe these words are gonna come out of my mouth,我不敢相信我会用这词来形容他but he was a genius, plain and simple.可他确确实实是个天才I mean, uh, boy, if you applied that big brain of his我是说要是能将那样的聪明才智to something good, I don't know,用到好的地方who knows what could have helped humanity天知道那能帮助人类or something like that, you know?取得多少成就I mean, how many actual geniuses are there in the world, right?天底下能有多少个天才呢If he'd kind of taken his life in a different direction,要是他能致力于其他的事业who knows?谁知道呢Hank, not to tell you your business,汉克并不是对你指手画脚but I'm not sure I agree.可我并不同意你的观点What do you mean?什么意思Well, I mean, you showed me that notebook and from what I saw--我是说你给我看的那个笔记本and this is just my humble opinion--就我个人观点来看from what I saw on those papers...就凭那些纸上写的东西genius?天才么Not so much.还不够格I mean, there was no reasoning,我是说那上面没有推理的过程no deductions in those pages.没有演绎的过程To my eye,以我看all this brilliance looks like nothing more你所谓的智慧than just simple rote copying--只不过是简单的抄袭而已probably of someone else's work.也许是别人的杰作Believe me, I've been around enough students to know.相信我我身边这样的学生多的是Ah, this genius of yours...你所谓的那个天才maybe he's still out there.也许还逍遥法外Hank.汉克Hey, babe.你好宝贝Uh, Tim stopped by.提姆来过He brought over some file boxes on that case.他带来了些案子的文件Thought I'd take another peek.觉得我应该再看看That's great.不错啊Sorry about the mess.抱歉把家里弄乱了No, no, no. Don't be.别别别不要紧You want me to make some coffee?要我给你泡杯咖啡吗Yeah.好的Yeah, that would be good.那样最好不过了You find something?发现什么了吗Oh, just this-- this guy I'm looking at.只是我在调查的这个人You know, everything he-- he-- he buys and eats 他所买的所吃的东西is organic, fair trade, vegan.都是有机的没有非法交易还是个素食主义者Since when the vegan eat fried chicken.什么时候素食主义者开始吃炸鸡了。
绝命毒师名言男人1.绝命毒师经典台词中英双语,谢谢啦part1:小粉的yo yo bitch电话答录机:yo yo yo,148-3369,representing the ABQ,what up bitaaaaaaaaach?leave it at the tone。
part2:老白年轻时和葛伦琴讨论人体构成的那幕::老白:just seems like something's missing,doesn't it?总觉得少了些什么,不是吗?there got to be more to a human being than that。
葛伦琴:what about the soul?那灵魂呢?part3:盖斯抹脖子杀人示威老白和小粉:老白:you kill me,you have nothing,you kill jesse,you don't have me。
part4:斯凯勒担心老白身处危险,老白霸气回应妻子:iam not in danger,skyler。
i am the danger。
很喜欢谢耳朵那段婚礼致辞啊:The need to find another human being has always puzzled me.人穷尽一生追求另一个人类共度一生的事我一直无法理解。
Maybe because I'm so interesting all by myself.或许我自己太有意思,无需他人陪伴。
绝命毒师Breaking Bad(第一季第三集中英文对白)S01E03
00:00:45,720 --> 00:00:47,120我们来分析一下Let's break it down.200:00:49,300 --> 00:00:51,900氢元素人体中含有多少?Hydrogen. What does that give us?300:00:51,930 --> 00:00:55,310用摩尔数值表示吗?有63% By mole? We're looking at 63%.400:00:55,340 --> 00:00:56,35063吗?63?500:00:57,430 --> 00:00:58,670占很大的比列啊That is a big bite.600:00:58,670 --> 00:01:00,260下一个是氧元素My next step's gotta be oxygen.700:01:00,270 --> 00:01:01,580 26%26%.800:01:02,280 --> 00:01:04,57026 这两种元素组成了水26. There you have your water.900:01:04,730 --> 00:01:07,910-碳9% -碳9- Carbon. 9%. - Carbon. 9.1000:01:08,200 --> 00:01:11,420-总共是98%?-没错- For a total of 98%? - Right.1100:01:11,500 --> 00:01:15,600-氮 1.25% -1.25-Nitrogen 1.25%. - 1.25.1200:01:15,680 --> 00:01:17,770这样总共99.25That brings it to 99 and a quarter.1300:01:18,210 --> 00:01:21,050剩下就该是微量元素了Which only leaves you with the trace elements1400:01:21,450 --> 00:01:22,840接下来我们要见证神奇啦down with the maggic happens.1500:01:24,400 --> 00:01:26,630等一下钙有多少?Oh, wait a minute. What about calcium?1600:01:26,630 --> 00:01:27,900钙可不是微量元素啊Calcium's not a trace.1700:01:27,900 --> 00:01:29,890骨头里可都是钙啊Got a whole skeleton to account for.1800:01:29,890 --> 00:01:31,660-你是这样想的对吧?-没错- You would think, right? - Right.1900:01:31,990 --> 00:01:36,100钙钙元素只有0.25%Calcium. Calcium is only 0.25%.2000:01:36,100 --> 00:01:38,080什么?这么少?What? That low?2100:01:38,540 --> 00:01:40,330真的吗?Seriously?2200:01:40,680 --> 00:01:42,620天哪没想到只有这么少Damn, I never would have thought that.2300:01:42,620 --> 00:01:46,310好的那铁有多少呢?Okay, so where does Iron fit in?2400:01:46,310 --> 00:01:48,120铁没错Iron. Wow, okay.2500:01:48,620 --> 00:01:54,6400.00004%0.00004%.2600:01:54,760 --> 00:01:55,780什么?What?2700:01:56,120 --> 00:01:58,450没有铁可没法合成血红蛋白You can't have hemoglobin without Iron.2800:01:58,990 --> 00:02:00,080看来用不了多少Apparently, it don't take much.2900:02:00,080 --> 00:02:02,150是啊继续No, it don't. Go figure.3000:02:02,290 --> 00:02:05,200-钠-钠?0.04- Sodium. - Sodium? 0.04.3100:02:07,460 --> 00:02:14,180-磷?0.19 -0.19 这就对了-Phosphorus? 0.19 -0.19. There we go.3200:02:15,130 --> 00:02:18,570这样的话所有的元素So, the whole thing...3300:02:19,470 --> 00:02:20,960加起来总共Adds up to...3400:02:21,470 --> 00:02:25,81099.888042%99.888042%.3500:02:27,580 --> 00:02:32,900还有0.111958%We are 0.111958%...3600:02:33,720 --> 00:02:35,040少了Shy.3700:02:35,370 --> 00:02:37,520应该已经全了才对Supposedly that's everything.3800:02:41,890 --> 00:02:44,520不知道我只是I don't know. I just... I just...3900:02:45,030 --> 00:02:47,160觉得少了什么不是吗?Just seems like something's missing, doesn't it?4000:02:49,250 --> 00:02:52,470人体内应该还有别的什么There got to be more to a human being than that.4100:03:23,520 --> 00:03:25,060我讨厌这双鞋I hate these shoes.4200:03:25,140 --> 00:03:26,060穿着这鞋就好像是These shoes make me look like4300:03:26,060 --> 00:03:28,140要去给人换便盆一样I should be changing bedpans,4400:03:28,300 --> 00:03:30,820好像我就应该端着汤like I should be squeaking around bringing soup00:03:30,830 --> 00:03:32,930喂给恶心的老头子喝to some disgusting old person,4600:03:33,150 --> 00:03:35,110然后再搭公车回去照看16只猫then take the bus home to my 16 cats.4700:03:35,120 --> 00:03:37,390那你干嘛还穿着?Then why are you wearing them?4800:03:38,630 --> 00:03:39,960我喜欢它的足弓垫I like their support.4900:03:40,040 --> 00:03:42,140我的足弓恰好很拱My arches happen to be extremely archy.5000:03:45,190 --> 00:03:46,410唷怎么啦?Yo. What's up?5100:03:46,480 --> 00:03:49,310两分钟以后打给我好吗?Hey, can you call me, like, in two minutes?5200:03:49,310 --> 00:03:50,400谢了拜拜Thanks. Bye.5300:03:52,360 --> 00:03:54,240我去接个电话Gotta go take this.5400:03:55,460 --> 00:03:56,150女的?Female?5500:03:58,700 --> 00:03:59,940路易斯Louis.5600:04:00,560 --> 00:04:03,370这好像不关你的事吧Not like it's any of your business, though.5700:04:04,420 --> 00:04:06,100快点就行Just be quick about it.5800:04:06,240 --> 00:04:10,660还有别再说"唷"了Oh, and, um, please don't say yo.5900:04:11,220 --> 00:04:13,360你不知道我有多讨厌这词You can't know how much I hate that.6000:04:19,120 --> 00:04:22,460你有个地方没刷到You missed a... spot right there.6100:04:23,250 --> 00:04:24,850你确定能爬梯子吗?Should you be up on that ladder?6200:04:24,880 --> 00:04:27,080欢迎你上来接我的班You know, you're more than welcome to take over for me up here.6300:04:27,700 --> 00:04:29,880我不明白干嘛不让Walt来做I don't see why you don't just get Walt to do it.6400:04:30,160 --> 00:04:32,850确实是个主意Yeah. There's an idea.6500:04:35,170 --> 00:04:38,410最近我正在写短篇小说So, I'm working on this new short story,6600:04:38,410 --> 00:04:40,920想塑造一个吸毒的人物and there's this stoner character in it.6700:04:40,930 --> 00:04:43,260我想要I'm trying to, um...6800:04:44,480 --> 00:04:46,670事实上我是想问你Well, you know, actually, let me back up.6900:04:46,910 --> 00:04:49,710你在大学里You've smoked your7000:04:49,760 --> 00:04:51,740抽过大麻对吗?fair share of pot in college, didn't you?7100:04:54,250 --> 00:04:56,490我是说你至少试过吧I mean, you at least tried it.7200:04:59,050 --> 00:05:00,200承认吧Come on.7300:05:02,920 --> 00:05:07,170我可能是试过为什么问这个?I perhaps tried it. Why?7400:05:07,180 --> 00:05:09,270你还记得大麻对你的情绪有影响吗Do you remember it having an effect on your mood,7500:05:09,270 --> 00:05:12,180像是性情大变或者别的like changing it in any major way, or...7600:05:12,440 --> 00:05:14,870我觉得我变得更严肃了It made me more serious.7700:05:14,990 --> 00:05:16,040真的吗?Really?7800:05:16,670 --> 00:05:18,770因为我只记得Because I mostly remember7900:05:19,780 --> 00:05:21,360抽了以后会飘飘欲仙而已it made me light-headed. That's about it.8000:05:22,470 --> 00:05:25,270我只是想知道大麻会不会I was just wondering if it maybe could...8100:05:29,850 --> 00:05:33,280我在这个人物上有点卡住了You know, it's just a character thing I'm stuck on.8200:05:33,280 --> 00:05:34,020别放在心上Never mind.8300:05:34,220 --> 00:05:35,660Walter Jr.吸大麻了吧?Walter Jr.'s on pot?8400:05:35,670 --> 00:05:39,950什么?不不是What? No! No.8500:05:40,180 --> 00:05:41,320你怎么会这么想What would make you even...8600:05:41,320 --> 00:05:42,240他从哪弄来的?Where's he getting it from?8700:05:42,830 --> 00:05:45,390-玛丽-说真的是不是那个叫路易斯的?- Marie. - Seriously. Is it this Louis person?8800:05:46,320 --> 00:05:48,210你打算怎么做?What are you going to do about this?00:05:48,530 --> 00:05:50,720你看着我的眼睛听我说You need to look me in the eye.9000:05:50,830 --> 00:05:52,890我真的只是在问关于I am strictly asking about9100:05:52,890 --> 00:05:54,700我在写的小说的事仅此而已a story that I am writing. That's all.9200:05:55,160 --> 00:05:58,590我对天发誓Walter Jr.没有吸毒Right hand to God, Walter Jr. is not on pot.9300:05:59,520 --> 00:06:01,130至少据我所知没有Certainly not as far as I know.9400:06:03,210 --> 00:06:04,040据你所知没有?Not as far as you know?9500:06:05,330 --> 00:06:06,030玛丽Marie.9600:07:54,160 --> 00:07:55,310看着我Look at me.9700:07:58,010 --> 00:07:59,780转过来看着我Hey, turn around and look at me.9800:08:04,380 --> 00:08:07,240这这东西This... This here...9900:08:08,800 --> 00:08:10,920我对头号仇敌也不会这么干I wouldn't do this to my worst enemy.10000:08:13,370 --> 00:08:14,860太耻辱了This is degrading.10100:08:20,280 --> 00:08:21,270对不起I'm sorry.10200:08:22,400 --> 00:08:23,830你希望我会放你一马You hope I'll make it easy on you10300:08:23,830 --> 00:08:25,670就这么算了是吧?and just drop them, don't you?10400:08:27,430 --> 00:08:28,520但我不会的Well, I won't.10500:08:29,980 --> 00:08:30,890所以要么杀了我要么放了我So either kill me or let me go.10600:08:33,300 --> 00:08:35,580你不适合干这行WalterYou don't have it in you, Walter.10700:08:39,350 --> 00:08:41,210你怎么知道我名字的?How do you know my name?10800:08:42,560 --> 00:08:43,500因为JesseJesse.10900:08:45,040 --> 00:08:46,760是他告诉Emilio和我的He told Emilio and me.11000:08:48,020 --> 00:08:50,400他来卖你冰毒的时候?When he came by to sell your meth?11100:08:51,550 --> 00:08:54,150怎么?你威胁他了?So what? You threaten him, huh?11200:08:54,150 --> 00:08:56,710-你毒打他了?-根本用不着- Did you beat it out of him? - Not even close.11300:09:00,900 --> 00:09:02,790他还跟你说什么了?What else did he tell you?11400:09:04,410 --> 00:09:06,970所有你能想到的事Pretty much everything you can think of.11500:09:06,970 --> 00:09:08,640你是他的高中老师How you were his high school teacher.11600:09:09,430 --> 00:09:11,590讲二氧化碳的时候在课堂上How one time you taught about carbon dioxide11700:09:11,790 --> 00:09:13,800做葡萄汽水by making grape soda in class.11800:09:15,200 --> 00:09:17,730你有个儿子轻微智障How you have a son who's retarded,11900:09:17,730 --> 00:09:19,270或者残疾之类的or in a wheelchair or something.12000:09:21,770 --> 00:09:24,200这应该不算新鲜事吧This shouldn't come across as some news flash.12100:09:25,020 --> 00:09:26,330你的同伙That partner of yours...12200:09:27,450 --> 00:09:28,600他是个大嘴巴He's got a big mouth.12300:09:29,920 --> 00:09:33,560Walter 我不知道你是怎么看待自己的Walter, I don't know what you think you're doing here, 12400:09:34,430 --> 00:09:39,000但是相信我这行当不适合你but trust me, this line of work doesn't suit you.12500:09:41,310 --> 00:09:44,860所以我应该放你走咯?So I should just let you go, then?12600:09:44,930 --> 00:09:48,930给你开锁祝你一路顺风吗?Just unlock you and adios, huh?12700:09:49,780 --> 00:09:52,250我看你别无他法I don't see what real choice you have12800:09:52,560 --> 00:09:55,390不然就得狠下心肠杀我if it's between that and cold-blooded murder.12900:09:56,110 --> 00:09:57,300此外Besides...13000:09:58,770 --> 00:10:01,280楼上那位才是大麻烦Your real problem is sitting upstairs.13100:10:20,880 --> 00:10:22,280有人Occupied!13200:10:22,930 --> 00:10:25,580我这正费劲呢Hey, yo, I'm trying to pinch one off in here!13300:10:25,610 --> 00:10:27,910给点私人空间行吗?Just give me some privacy, would ya?13400:10:31,630 --> 00:10:33,170到底干嘛?What the hell, man?13500:10:34,190 --> 00:10:35,980你干什么?What are you doing, man?13600:10:36,330 --> 00:10:38,740-混蛋-你告诉他我名字- You asshole! - You told him my name.13700:10:38,740 --> 00:10:40,980-谁说的?他自己?-我的名字在哪儿工作- Says who? Him? - My name, where I work.13800:10:40,980 --> 00:10:43,570-还跟他讲我儿子-别碰我- You told him about my son! - Don't touch me!13900:10:43,690 --> 00:10:45,500-该死的混球-不给我- Damn junkie! - No, give me that!14000:10:45,510 --> 00:10:48,580迟了我要把它冲到厕所里你就看着吧Too late! This is going down the toilet. Watch it go!14100:10:48,590 --> 00:10:50,880值4万呢你个蠢货No, that's worth 40 grand, you stupid shit.14200:10:50,880 --> 00:10:53,410你都抽光了就啥也不值It's worth nothing when you smoke it all.14300:10:53,410 --> 00:10:54,820从马桶上起来Get off the toilet.14400:10:55,460 --> 00:10:56,800从马桶上起来Get off the toilet!14500:11:03,280 --> 00:11:04,350停下Stop it!14600:11:08,790 --> 00:11:10,090不没门No! No way!14700:11:48,260 --> 00:11:50,520你往哪儿走?What the hell do you think you're going?14800:11:50,900 --> 00:11:53,350-闪开神哪-我们有活要干- Back off, man! Jesus! - We've got work to do!14900:11:53,360 --> 00:11:56,460你有活要干我的做完了No, you got work to do. I did my part.15000:11:56,470 --> 00:11:58,100你说我花了两个小时清理的You mean that obscenity that I spent15100:11:58,100 --> 00:11:59,500那堆恶心东西吗the last two hour clearning up?15200:11:59,510 --> 00:12:02,320-都是拜你所赐-滚你妈的蛋- That is your contribution! - Yo! Kiss my pink ass, man!15300:12:02,330 --> 00:12:04,100我也不想这么做I didn't ask for any of this!15400:12:04,140 --> 00:12:06,260我还怎么在这住下去?How am I supposed to live here now, huh?15500:12:06,280 --> 00:12:09,070我的房子整个一股香港脚和干洗剂味儿My whole house smells like toe cheese and dry cleaning.15600:12:09,080 --> 00:12:12,160因为你不听我指挥Because you didn't follow my instructions!15700:12:12,160 --> 00:12:14,050万岁希特勒Oh, well, heil Hitler, bitch.15800:12:14,050 --> 00:12:15,600我告诉你And let me tell you something else.15900:12:16,600 --> 00:12:19,390我们抛过硬币的记得吗?We flipped a coin, okay?16000:12:19,430 --> 00:12:20,880我们俩You and me.16100:12:21,080 --> 00:12:22,300我们俩You and me!16200:12:22,450 --> 00:12:24,750抛硬币是神圣的Coin flip is sacred.16300:12:31,170 --> 00:12:32,040该死Damn it.16400:12:35,210 --> 00:12:37,740地下室里有活等着你Your job is waiting for you in that basement,16500:12:37,750 --> 00:12:39,750是硬币决定的as per the coin.16600:12:39,930 --> 00:12:41,740快他妈的动手Fucking do it already.16700:12:56,790 --> 00:12:58,280她是这么说的That's what she said.16800:13:00,790 --> 00:13:02,790对我想那个我们有Yeah, I think we have some of those.16900:13:03,890 --> 00:13:05,220对你得试试Yeah, you'll have to...17000:13:05,280 --> 00:13:07,430-你好-可能吧我不清楚- Hello. - Maybe. I don't know.17100:13:07,480 --> 00:13:10,100你好这款有黑色吗?Excuse me. Do you have these in black?17200:13:12,470 --> 00:13:13,970总之就像我说的Anyway, so like I was saying,17300:13:13,980 --> 00:13:15,620几天前的某个晚上我去参加了派对I went to the party the other night.17400:13:15,740 --> 00:13:17,370对Tony在那Yeah, Tony was there.17500:13:22,860 --> 00:13:25,350你去哪儿了?我两小时前就给你打电话Hey, where have you been? I called you two hours ago.17600:13:25,350 --> 00:13:27,750对不起宝贝儿我有点忙什么事?Sorry, baby. I'm kinda busy here. What's up?17700:13:29,000 --> 00:13:32,960大事是个敏感问题Kind of a lot, actually, and it's a delicate subject,17800:13:32,960 --> 00:13:35,250你得认真听so I need you to focus and...17900:13:35,330 --> 00:13:37,860坐下快坐下Hey, sit down! Sit down!18000:13:37,860 --> 00:13:39,290该死的HankDamn it, Hank.18100:13:40,150 --> 00:13:41,860对不起宝贝我Well, sorry, babe. I'm just...18200:13:41,910 --> 00:13:43,370我这边有点麻烦I'm kind of in the middle of something here.18300:13:45,140 --> 00:13:47,430坐下屁股着地坐Sit down! Sit your ass down!18400:13:47,430 --> 00:13:49,170懂了没?你也是坐下Comprende? You, too! Sit down!18500:13:49,170 --> 00:13:50,710坐下Siéntate18600:13:54,210 --> 00:13:55,510好了宝贝儿什么事?I'm back, baby. What's up?18700:13:56,470 --> 00:13:57,780是关于Walter Jr.的Walter Jr.18800:13:58,070 --> 00:13:59,780他怎么了?Yeah, what about him?18900:14:00,340 --> 00:14:01,580大麻Marijuana.19000:14:01,860 --> 00:14:03,660-他吸大麻-胡说- He's smoking it. - Bullshit.19100:14:03,700 --> 00:14:05,940他妈妈似乎这么觉得Excuse me. His own mother seems to think so.19200:14:05,940 --> 00:14:08,800-Skyler告诉你的?-她这么暗示的- Skyler told you that? - She inferred it.19300:14:08,800 --> 00:14:10,490她暗示的吗?She inferred it, huh?19400:14:11,040 --> 00:14:13,580她强烈的暗示就像说She strongly inferred it, like...19500:14:14,710 --> 00:14:18,710"医生我一个朋友有勃起功能障碍" "Doctor, my friend suffers from erectile dysfunction."19600:14:19,020 --> 00:14:21,880好了你得跟他谈谈Please, come on already. I want you to talk to him.19700:14:21,900 --> 00:14:23,720该Walt跟他谈Skyler更好Walt should talk to him. Skyler, better yet.19800:14:23,720 --> 00:14:25,250她会打得他满街跑的She'll kick his butt up and down the block.19900:14:25,250 --> 00:14:26,540我认为应该你去I think it ought to be you.20000:14:27,680 --> 00:14:29,730给他讲讲吓人的故事You know, tell him some horror stories.20100:14:29,730 --> 00:14:32,380或许给他看些尸检照片Maybe show him some autopsy pictures.20200:14:32,620 --> 00:14:34,570吸毒过量的尸检照片吗?算了吧What, autopsy for a pot overdose? Come on.20300:14:34,990 --> 00:14:36,380我不知道宝贝儿只是I don't know, baby. It's just that, you know I mean...20400:14:37,050 --> 00:14:38,730我觉得他爸来做更合适I figure his dad should be the one doing this thing,20500:14:38,730 --> 00:14:39,700不是吗?don't you think?20600:14:40,370 --> 00:14:42,930Hank 他敬重你Hank, he respects you.20700:14:45,770 --> 00:14:47,590好吧行了听着Yeah, all right. Well, listen,20800:14:47,770 --> 00:14:49,870我下班后过去一趟I'll swing by the place after work.20900:14:50,150 --> 00:14:51,820好把他吓乖Good. Scare him straight.21000:14:53,140 --> 00:14:54,550我的奖励呢?Where's my sugar?21100:14:59,770 --> 00:15:02,130抱歉女士Excuse me, ma'am. ma'am.21200:15:02,290 --> 00:15:04,660试鞋要穿丝袜You need to be wearing footies before you try those on.21300:15:04,750 --> 00:15:06,440我脚干净得很I'm extremely clean.21400:15:06,880 --> 00:15:09,320如果穿的话我会很感激的Yeah, well, I'd really appreciate it.21500:15:10,880 --> 00:15:13,250对不起我会查的Hey, sorry about that. Yeah, I'll check.21600:15:15,800 --> 00:15:18,160知道吗上周我给你囤了一双灰色的You know, I hid a pair for you last week, gray ones...21700:16:09,040 --> 00:16:10,480觉得怎么样?What do you think?21800:16:10,780 --> 00:16:12,030什么怎么样?About what?21900:16:13,330 --> 00:16:14,940这地方看上去不错吧?This look like a nice place?22000:16:15,730 --> 00:16:16,950不不觉得No, not really.22100:16:18,030 --> 00:16:19,240你想住这里吗?Think you'd like to live here?22200:16:20,520 --> 00:16:21,880不No.22300:16:22,100 --> 00:16:25,030-你确定吗?-对非常确定- You sure about that? - Yeah, pretty sure.22400:16:25,380 --> 00:16:28,810我以为我们是去酷圣石吃冰淇淋I thought we were going to Cold Stone creamery.22500:16:29,260 --> 00:16:30,630对绕了点路而已Well, a little detour.22600:16:30,650 --> 00:16:31,970我想着咱们过来一趟Figured we'd come over here and22700:16:31,970 --> 00:16:33,690看看大麻的行情check out how the was marijuana.22800:16:34,100 --> 00:16:37,290我们管这里叫水晶宫This here's what we call the Crystal Palace.22900:16:37,290 --> 00:16:40,400你知道什么人住在宫里吗?瘾君子Now you know who lives in the palace? Meth-heads.23000:16:40,590 --> 00:16:43,560肮脏的讨厌的瘾君子Nasty, skeevy, meth-heads23100:16:43,600 --> 00:16:46,220为了口毒品他们能让自己的奶奶出来卖淫who'd sell their grandma's coochie for a hit.23200:16:47,590 --> 00:16:50,040-你觉得这好笑吗?好笑吧?-是- Oh, you think that's funny? That's funny, huh? - Yeah.23300:16:50,050 --> 00:16:52,610我来跟你说说这帮可怜的废物Well, let me tell you something. Every last one of these23400:16:52,640 --> 00:16:55,890是怎么染上毒瘾的?miserable wastes of skin got started. How?23500:16:57,090 --> 00:16:59,430-你觉得他们是怎么抽上的?-我不知道- How do you think they got started? - I don't know.23600:16:59,430 --> 00:17:00,280你觉得他们之前What do you think it was they were23700:17:00,290 --> 00:17:02,210都是抽什么毕业的all doing before their graduated in their...23800:17:02,220 --> 00:17:04,480在注射冰毒之前to shooting meth in their dicks?23900:17:07,010 --> 00:17:08,230诱导性毒品A gateway drug.24000:17:08,790 --> 00:17:10,040我们这么叫它That's what we call it.24100:17:10,510 --> 00:17:12,800我可以肯定地告诉你Dollars to doughnuts, and I shit you not,24200:17:12,880 --> 00:17:15,230所谓的诱导性毒品就是大麻that gateway drug was marijuana.24300:17:16,060 --> 00:17:17,390概无例外Every time.24400:17:17,550 --> 00:17:19,500-你明白吗?-明白了- You understand? - Um, Yeah.24500:17:19,540 --> 00:17:22,640你干嘛跟我说这些?So why are you telling me this?24600:17:22,940 --> 00:17:25,440因为我爱你你这个混小子Cause I love you, you little bastard.24700:17:26,210 --> 00:17:27,590我也年轻过知道吗?Hey, I was young once, you know?24800:17:29,780 --> 00:17:31,390这世界太乱知道吗?The world's a messed up place, you know?24900:17:32,950 --> 00:17:34,770曾经有一次You know, there was this...25000:17:34,780 --> 00:17:37,570有一次当This one time when... hey!25100:17:38,000 --> 00:17:39,540你Hey! Hey, you!25200:17:39,800 --> 00:17:41,550叫你呢公主Yeah, you, princess!25300:17:41,900 --> 00:17:43,310到这边来Get over here!25400:17:46,000 --> 00:17:48,050别逼我下车Don't make me get out of the car!25500:17:53,050 --> 00:17:53,930看着Check this out.25600:17:54,920 --> 00:17:55,730看我怎么说的See what I'm talking about.25700:17:57,940 --> 00:17:59,040我手里没货明白吗?I ain't holding, okay?25800:17:59,040 --> 00:18:00,340我让你说话了吗?Did I say you could open your mouth?25900:18:00,350 --> 00:18:02,180把手拿开And hands off the car.26000:18:02,930 --> 00:18:05,290另一边到另一边去Other side. Go around the other side.26100:18:05,350 --> 00:18:07,140跟我朋友聊聊Talk to my friend here.26200:18:08,720 --> 00:18:10,740甜心你叫什么啊?What's your name, sweetheart?26300:18:12,490 --> 00:18:13,910-Wendy -Wendy- Wendy. - Wendy, huh?26400:18:14,450 --> 00:18:16,520Wendy 一次开价多少?How much you charge for a windy, Wendy?26500:18:17,380 --> 00:18:18,950我可不和他做他还是个毛孩子I ain't doing him. He's a kid.26600:18:18,950 --> 00:18:20,430天我问你这个了吗?Jesus, was that my question?26700:18:20,470 --> 00:18:22,020别想太多小心伤脑子Don't think so hard. It's gonna hurt your brain.26800:18:23,270 --> 00:18:25,010你是用抽的还是用针管?Are you on the pipe or the needle?26900:18:25,050 --> 00:18:26,150没有都不是Nothing. Neither.27000:18:26,910 --> 00:18:28,550给我们看看你的牙齿Show us your teeth, huh?27100:18:28,890 --> 00:18:31,670快啊Wendy 给咱们秀下你皓白的牙齿Come on, Wendy, let's see those pearly whites.27200:18:33,210 --> 00:18:35,200上帝看到没?Oh, god. See that?27300:18:35,790 --> 00:18:37,200抽的肯定是Pipe. Definitely.27400:18:37,260 --> 00:18:39,220绝对绝对是用抽的Big time. Big time on the pipe.27500:18:39,270 --> 00:18:43,040-你有事要问温蒂吗?-不没有- You got something you wanna ask Wendy? - No, not really.27600:18:43,430 --> 00:18:45,720Wendy 你还吸什么别的吗?You ever smoke anything else, Wendy?27700:18:45,850 --> 00:18:47,620香肠可不算Sausages don't count.27800:18:49,700 --> 00:18:50,500说正经的Seriously.27900:18:51,200 --> 00:18:52,870跟我朋友说说你是怎么吸上的Tell my friend here how you got started.28000:18:52,900 --> 00:18:55,890你以前可能是童子军You probably used to be, what, like, a girl scouter28100:18:55,890 --> 00:18:56,890不然就在教堂唱诗班唱歌?or probably sang in a church choir?28200:18:56,900 --> 00:18:58,730你呢残废吗What do you like, handicap.28300:18:58,730 --> 00:19:00,380他打橄榄球时把腿弄断了He broke his leg playing football.28400:19:01,520 --> 00:19:02,950他可是四分卫He's a qb.28500:19:03,020 --> 00:19:04,820胳臂跟榴弹炮一样猛Got an arm like a howitzer.28600:19:06,800 --> 00:19:09,440告诉我Wendy 你抽大麻吗?Tell me, Wendy, do you smoke pot?28700:19:09,610 --> 00:19:12,890-干嘛你有货?-行了滚吧- Why, you got some? - All right. Hoof it. Get lost.28800:19:12,910 --> 00:19:14,880滚开先警告你Get out of here. Hey, fair warning!28900:19:14,880 --> 00:19:16,510让我撞见就逮捕你Next time I'm gonna bust you.29000:19:24,600 --> 00:19:26,330你作何感想?So what do you think?29100:19:28,040 --> 00:19:29,190很棒Cool.29200:19:38,020 --> 00:19:39,300关门关门Shut the door. Shut the door.29300:19:39,310 --> 00:19:40,780锁上锁上Lock it. Lock it.29400:19:42,640 --> 00:19:44,040那他妈是谁?Who the hell was that?29500:19:44,050 --> 00:19:47,050一条子和某个橄榄球运动员跟我瞎扯A cop and some football player messing with me.29600:19:47,050 --> 00:19:49,250他们问起我了吗?They ask about me? huh?29700:19:49,940 --> 00:19:52,280没有我想他们是想要大麻No. I think they just wanted pot.29800:20:07,620 --> 00:20:10,820见鬼我没拿我的麦根沙士Oh, shit. I left my root beer.29900:20:17,280 --> 00:20:19,170让他活着Let him live.300这样做是道德的It's the moral thing to do.30100:20:26,730 --> 00:20:29,140或许他能听进道理创伤后应激30200:20:26,730 --> 00:20:29,140不要让你良心不安Won't be able to live with yourself.30300:20:31,550 --> 00:20:35,430杀人是犯法的Murder is wrong!30400:20:43,430 --> 00:20:47,110杀了他要是放走他他会杀你全家Kill him. He'll kill you entire family if you let him go.30500:21:00,470 --> 00:21:01,390你好Hello.30600:21:01,540 --> 00:21:03,490亲爱的是我Hey, sweetie, it's me.30700:21:03,740 --> 00:21:05,570我很抱歉Listen, I'm so sorry.30800:21:05,720 --> 00:21:09,530我忘了时间The time, it just completely got away from me there. 309我的错我的错Bogdan让我加班My fault. My fault. Bogdan just kept me here late,31000:21:16,530 --> 00:21:17,670你知道的盘点库存还有you know, doing some inventory, and...31100:21:18,510 --> 00:21:21,200我我应该I've... I should have just...31200:21:21,200 --> 00:21:25,470你说的对我应该学会说"不"You know, you're right. I gotta learn to say, you know, "No"!31300:21:27,040 --> 00:21:28,090但是But, um...31400:21:30,110 --> 00:21:32,090Sky?在听吗?Sky? You there?31500:21:34,380 --> 00:21:36,110你是在洗车店吗?You're at the car wash?31600:21:37,410 --> 00:21:38,240对Yeah.31700:21:39,910 --> 00:21:42,040我对此深表怀疑I seriously doubt that,。
我们来分析一下Let's break it down.氢元素人体中含有多少Hydrogen. What does that give us?用摩尔数值表示吗有吗%By mole? We're looking at %.占得很多啊That is a big bite.下一个是氧元素My next step's gotta be oxygen.以上两种元素组成了水. There you have your water.-碳% -碳- Carbon. %. - Carbon. .-总共是% -没错- For a total of %? - Right.-氮.% -. -Nitrogen .%. - ..这样总共.That brings it to and a quarter.剩下就该是微量元素了Which only leaves you with the trace elements 接下来我们要见证神奇啦down with the maggic happens.等一下钙有多少Oh, wait a minute. What about calcium?钙可不是微量元素啊Calcium's not a trace.骨头里可都是钙啊Got a whole skeleton to account for.-你是这样想的对吧-没错- You would think, right? - Right.钙钙元素只有.%Calcium. Calcium is only .%.什么这么少What? That low?真的吗Seriously?天哪没想到只有这么少Damn, I never would have thought that.好的铁有多少呢Okay, so where does Iron fit in?铁没错Iron. Wow, okay..% .%.什么What?没有铁可没法合成血红蛋白You can't have hemoglobin without Iron.看来用不了多少Apparently, it don't take much.是啊继续No, it don't. Go figure.-钠-钠. - Sodium. - Sodium? ..-磷. -. 这就对了-Phosphorus? . -.. There we go.这样的话所有的元素So, the whole thing...加起来总共Adds up to....% .%.还有.%We are .%...少了Shy.应该已经全了才对Supposedly that's everything.不知道我只是I don't know. I just... I just...觉得少了什么不是吗Just seems like something's missing, doesn't it? 人体内应该还有别的什么There got to be more to a human being than that. 我讨厌这双鞋I hate these shoes.穿着这鞋就好像是These shoes make me look like要去给人换便盆一样I should be changing bedpans,好像我就应该端着汤like I should be squeaking around bringing soup 喂给恶心的老头子喝to some disgusting old person,然后再搭公车回去照看只猫then take the bus home to my cats.那你干嘛还穿着Then why are you wearing them?我喜欢它的足弓垫I like their support.我的足弓恰好很拱My arches happen to be extremely archy.唷怎么啦Yo. What's up?两分钟以后打给我好吗Hey, can you call me, like, in two minutes?谢了拜拜Thanks. Bye.我去接个电话Gotta go take this.女的Female?路易斯Louis.这好像不关你的事吧Not like it's any of your business, though.快点就行Just be quick about it.还有别再说"唷"了Oh, and, um, please don't say yo.你不知道我有多讨厌这词You can't know how much I hate that. 你有个地方没刷到You missed a... spot right there.你确定能爬梯子吗Should you be up on that ladder?欢迎你上来接我的班You know, you're more than welcome to take over for me up here.我不明白干嘛不让沃尔特来做I don't see why you don't just get Walt to do it. 确实是个主意Yeah. There's an idea.最近我正在写短篇小说So, I'm working on this new short story,想塑造一个吸毒的人物and there's this stoner character in it.我想要I'm trying to, um...事实上我是想问你Well, you know, actually, let me back up.你在大学里You've smoked your抽过大麻对吗fair share of pot in college, didn't you?我是说你至少试过吧I mean, you at least tried it.承认吧Come on.我可能是试过为什么问这个I perhaps tried it. Why?你还记得大麻对你的情绪有影响吗Do you remember it having an effect on your mood,像是性情大变或者别的like changing it in any major way, or... 我觉得我变得更严肃了It made me more serious.真的吗Really?因为我只记得Because I mostly remember抽了以后会飘飘欲仙而已it made me light-headed. That's about it. 我只是想知道大麻会不会I was just wondering if it maybe could...我在这个人物上有点卡住了You know, it's just a character thing I'm stuck on.别放在心上Never mind.小沃尔特吸大麻了吧Walter Jr.'s on pot?什么不不是What? No! No.你怎么会这么想What would make you even...他从哪弄来的Where's he getting it from?-玛丽-说真的是不是那个叫路易斯的- Marie. - Seriously. Is it this Louis person? 你打算怎么做What are you going to do about this?你看着我的眼睛听我说You need to look me in the eye.我真的只是在问关于I am strictly asking about我在写的小说的事仅此而已 a story that I am writing. That's all.我对天发誓小沃尔特没有吸毒Right hand to God, Walter Jr. is not on pot. 至少据我所知没有Certainly not as far as I know.据你所知没有Not as far as you know?玛丽Marie.看着我Look at me.转过来看着我Hey, turn around and look at me.这这东西This... This here...我对头号仇敌也不会这么干I wouldn't do this to my worst enemy.太耻辱了This is degrading.对不起I'm sorry.你希望我会放你一马You hope I'll make it easy on you就这么算了是吧and just drop them, don't you?但我不会的Well, I won't.所以要么杀了我要么放了我So either kill me or let me go.你不适合干这行沃尔特You don't have it in you, Walter.你怎么知道我名字的How do you know my name?杰西Jesse.是他告诉埃米利奥和我的He told Emilio and me.他来卖你那冰毒的时候When he came by to sell your meth?怎么你威胁他了So what? You threaten him, huh?-毒打他了-根本用不着- Did you beat it out of him? - Not even close. 他还跟你说什么了What else did he tell you?所有你能想到的事Pretty much everything you can think of.你是他的高中老师How you were his high school teacher.讲二氧化碳的时候在课堂上How one time you taught about carbon dioxide 做葡萄汽水by making grape soda in class.你有个儿子轻微智障How you have a son who's retarded,或者残疾之类的or in a wheelchair or something.这应该不算新鲜事吧This shouldn't come across as some news flash. 你的同伙That partner of yours...嘴巴不严实He's got a big mouth.沃尔特我不知道你是怎么看待自己的Walter, I don't know what you think you're doing here,但是相信我这行当不适合你but trust me, this line of work doesn't suit you. 所以我应该放你走So I should just let you go, then?给你开锁祝你一路顺风吗Just unlock you and adios, huh?我看你别无他法I don't see what real choice you have不然就得狠下心肠杀我if it's between that and cold-blooded murder. 此外Besides...楼上那位才是大麻烦Your real problem is sitting upstairs.有人Occupied!我这正费劲呢Hey, yo, I'm trying to pinch one off in here!给点私人空间行吗Just give me some privacy, would ya?到底干嘛What the hell, man?你干什么What are you doing, man?-混蛋-你告诉他我名字- You asshole! - You told him my name.-谁说的他自己-我的名字在哪儿工作- Says who? Him? - My name, where I work.-还跟他讲我儿子-别碰我- You told him about my son! - Don't touch me!-该死的混球-不给我- Damn junkie! - No, give me that!迟了我要把它冲到厕所里你就看着吧Too late! This is going down the toilet. Watch it go!值万呢你个蠢货No, that's worth grand, you stupid shit. 你都抽光了就啥也不值It's worth nothing when you smoke it all. 从马桶上起来Get off the toilet.从马桶上起来Get off the toilet!停下Stop it!不没门No! No way!你往哪儿走What the hell do you think you're going?-闪开神哪-我们有活要干- Back off, man! Jesus! - We've got work to do!你有活要干我的做完了No, you got work to do. I did my part. 你说我花了两个小时清理的You mean that obscenity that I spent 那堆恶心东西吗the last two hour clearning up?-都是拜你所赐-滚你妈的蛋- That is your contribution! - Yo! Kiss my pink ass, man!我也不像这么做I didn't ask for any of this!我还怎么在这住下去How am I supposed to live here now, huh?我的房子整个一股香港脚和干洗剂味儿My whole house smells like toe cheese and dry cleaning.因为你不听我指挥Because you didn't follow my instructions! 万岁希特勒Oh, well, heil Hitler, bitch.我给你说道说道吧And let me tell you something else.我们抛过硬币的记得吗We flipped a coin, okay?我们俩You and me.我们俩You and me!抛硬币是神圣的Coin flip is sacred.该死Damn it.地下室里有活等着你Your job is waiting for you in that basement,是硬币决定的as per the coin.快他妈的动手Fucking do it already.她是这么说的That's what she said.对我想那个我们有Yeah, I think we have some of those.对你得试试Yeah, you'll have to...-你好-可能吧我不清楚- Hello. - Maybe. I don't know.你好这款有黑色吗Excuse me. Do you have these in black? 总之就像我说的Anyway, so like I was saying,几天前的某个晚上我去参加了派对I went to the party the other night.对托尼在那Yeah, Tony was there.你去哪儿了我两小时前就给你打电话Hey, where have you been? I called you two hours ago.对不起宝贝儿我有点忙什么事Sorry, baby. I'm kinda busy here. What's up?大事是个敏感问题Kind of a lot, actually, and it's a delicate subject, 你得认真听so I need you to focus and...坐下快坐下Hey, sit down! Sit down!该死的汉克Damn it, Hank.对不起宝贝我Well, sorry, babe. I'm just...我这边有点麻烦I'm kind of in the middle of something here.坐下屁股着地坐Sit down! Sit your ass down!懂了没你也是坐下Comprende? You, too! Sit down!坐下(墨西哥语)Siéntate好了宝贝儿什么事I'm back, baby. What's up?是小沃尔特Walter Jr.他怎么了Yeah, what about him?大麻Marijuana.-他吸大麻-胡扯- He's smoking it. - Bullshit.他妈妈似乎这么觉得Excuse me. His own mother seems to think so.-斯凯勒告诉你的-她暗示我了- Skyler told you that? - She inferred it. 暗示吗She inferred it, huh?她强烈的暗示就像说She strongly inferred it, like..."医生我一个朋友有勃起功能障碍" "Doctor, my friend suffers from erectile dysfunction."好了你得跟他谈谈Please, come on already. I want you to talk to him.该沃尔特跟他谈斯凯勒更好Walt should talk to him. Skyler, better yet. 她会打得他满街跑的She'll kick his butt up and down the block. 我认为应该你去I think it ought to be you.给他讲讲吓人的故事You know, tell him some horror stories.或许给他看些尸检照片Maybe show him some autopsy pictures.吸毒过量的尸检照片吗算了吧What, autopsy for a pot overdose? Come on.我不知道宝贝儿只是I don't know, baby. It's just that, you know I mean...我觉得他爸来做更合适I figure his dad should be the one doing this thing,不是吗don't you think?汉克他敬重你Hank, he respects you.好吧行了听着Yeah, all right. Well, listen,我下班后过去一趟I'll swing by the place after work. 好把他吓乖Good. Scare him straight.我的奖励呢Where's my sugar?抱歉女士Excuse me, ma'am. ma'am.试鞋要穿丝袜You need to be wearing footies before you try those on.我脚干净得很I'm extremely clean.如果穿的话我会很感激的Yeah, well, I'd really appreciate it.对不起我会查的Hey, sorry about that. Yeah, I'll check.知道吗上周我给你囤了一双灰色的You know, I hid a pair for you last week, gray ones...觉得怎么样What do you think? 什么About what?这地方看上去不错吧This look like a nice place?不不觉得No, not really.你想住这里吗Think you'd like to live here?不No.-你确定吗-对非常确定- You sure about that? - Yeah, pretty sure.我以为我们是去酷圣石(世界知名冰淇淋)I thought we were going to Cold Stone creamery.对绕了点路而已Well, a little detour.我想着咱们过来一趟Figured we'd come over here and看看大麻的行情check out how the was marijuana.我们管这里叫水晶宫This here's what we call the Crystal Palace.你知道什么人住在宫里吗瘾君子Now you know who lives in the palace? Meth-heads.肮脏的讨厌的瘾君子Nasty, skeevy, meth-heads为了口毒品他们能让自己的奶奶出来卖淫who'd sell their grandma's coochie for a hit.-你觉得这好笑吗好笑吧-是- Oh, you think that's funny? That's funny, huh? - Yeah.我来跟你说说这帮可怜的废物Well, let me tell you something. Every last one of these是怎么染上毒瘾的miserable wastes of skin got started. How?-你觉得他们是怎么抽上的-我不知道- How do you think they got started? - I don't know.你觉得他们之前What do you think it was they were都是抽什么毕业的all doing before their graduated in their... 在注射冰毒之前to shooting meth in their dicks?诱导性毒品 A gateway drug.我们这么叫它That's what we call it.我可以肯定地告诉你Dollars to doughnuts, and I shit you not, 所谓的诱导性毒品就是大麻that gateway drug was marijuana.概无例外Every time.-你明白吗-明白了- You understand? - Um, Yeah.你干嘛跟我说这些So why are you telling me this?因为我爱你你这个混小子Cause I love you, you little bastard.我也年轻过知道吗Hey, I was young once, you know?这世界太乱知道吗The world's a messed up place, you know?曾经有一次You know, there was this...有一次当This one time when... hey!你Hey! Hey, you!叫你呢公主Yeah, you, princess!到这边来Get over here!别逼我下车Don't make me get out of the car!看着Check this out.看我怎么说的See what I'm talking about.我手里没货明白吗I ain't holding, okay?我让你说话了吗Did I say you could open your mouth?把手拿开And hands off the car.另一边到另一边去Other side. Go around the other side.跟我朋友聊聊Talk to my friend here.甜心你叫什么啊What's your name, sweetheart?-温蒂-温蒂- Wendy. - Wendy, huh?温蒂一次开价多少How much you charge for a windy, Wendy? 我可不和他做他还是个毛孩子I ain't doing him. He's a kid.天我问你这个了吗Jesus, was that my question.别想太多小心伤脑子Don't think so hard. It's gonna hurt your brain. 你是用抽的还是用针管Are you on the pipe or the needle?没有都不是Nothing. Neither.给我们看看你的牙齿Show us your teeth, huh?快啊温蒂给咱们秀下你皓白的牙齿Come on, Wendy, let's see those pearly whites. 上帝看到没Oh, god. See that?抽的肯定是Pipe. Definitely.绝对绝对是用抽的Big time. Big time on the pipe.-你有事要问温蒂吗-不没有- You got something you wanna ask Wendy? - No, not really.温蒂你还吸什么别的吗You ever smoke anything else, Wendy? 香肠可不算Sausages don't count.说正经的Seriously.跟我朋友说说你是怎么吸上的Tell my friend here how you got started.你以前可能是童子军You probably used to be, what, like, a girl scouter不然就在教堂唱诗班唱歌or probably sang in a church choir? 你呢残废吗What do you like, handicap.他打橄榄球时把腿弄断了He broke his leg playing football. 他可是四分卫He's a qb.胳臂跟榴弹炮一样猛Got an arm like a howitzer.告诉我温蒂你抽大麻吗Tell me, Wendy, do you smoke pot?-干嘛你有货-行了滚吧- Why, you got some? - All right. Hoof it. Get lost.滚开先警告你Get out of here. Hey, fair warning! 让我撞见就逮捕你Next time I'm gonna bust you.你作何感想So what do you think?很棒Cool.关门关门Shut the door. Shut the door.锁上锁上Lock it. Lock it.那他妈是谁Who the hell was that?一条子和某个橄榄球运动员跟我瞎扯A cop and some football player messing with me.他们问起我了吗They ask about me? huh?没有我想他们是想要大麻No. I think they just wanted pot. 见鬼我没拿我的麦根沙士Oh, shit. I left my root beer.让他活着Let him live.这样做是道德的It's the moral thing to do.不要让你良心不安Won't be able to live with yourself. 或许他能听进道理创伤后应激杀人是犯法的Murder is wrong!杀了他要是放走他他会杀你全家Kill him. He'll kill you entire family if you let him go.你好Hello.亲爱的是我Hey, sweetie, it's me. 我很抱歉Listen, I'm so sorry.我忘了时间The time, it just completely got away from me there.我的错我的错博格丹让我加班My fault. My fault. Bogdan just kept me here late,你知道的盘点库存还有you know, doing some inventory, and... 我我应该I've... I should have just...你说的对我应该学会说"不"You know, you're right. I gotta learn to say, you know, "No"!但是But, um...斯凯在听吗Sky? You there?你是在洗车店吗You're at the car wash?对Yeah.我对此深表怀疑I seriously doubt that,因为你两星期前辞职了Since you quit two weeks ago.我打过电话给博格丹找你I called Bogdan, looking for you.他的话令我大吃一惊Quite an earful he gave me.听着Listen...听我说我会回家去的回家再谈Listen, I'll come home, and we'll talk about it. 我不这么想沃尔特I don't think so, Walt.亲爱的Honey.不管你在哪Wherever you are...你就在那过夜好了Why don't you just stay there tonight?斯凯勒Skyler?斯凯勒Skyler?斯凯勒Skyler?沃尔特Walter!下面的快饿死啦Kind of hungry down here!该死Damn.我还以为你就此长眠了呢I didn't think you were coming back. 我昏过去多久How long was I out?到分钟的样子, minutes.我从来没见过咳嗽能把自己给摔了I've never seen someone knock themselves out just by coughing.你也中了和我一样的毒气吗You breathe in the same thing you used on me? 我得了肺癌I've got lung cancer.我再给你做个三明治I'll go make you another sandwich.放心吃吧It's safe.没放毒药There's no poison.是吗Yeah?如果你要杀我Because that'd be the way to do it...这可是好机会if you're gonna do it.我觉得也是I suppose it would.我是说你毕竟是个化学家I mean, you being a chemist and all.那么So...那个名字That name...疯狂小八Krazy-...我一定要这么称呼你吗Do I really have to call you that?我无意冒犯不过I mean, no offense, but...你有真名吗Don't you have a real name?多明戈Domingo.多明戈Domingo.是星期天的意思对吗That's "Sunday", right?如果你不介意的话我就这么叫你I'd rather call you that, if you don't mind. 可以随便你Yeah, whatever.我自己也说不上喜欢这名字I can't say I ever liked it much.那么多明戈So, Domingo...你是本地人还是外地来的Are you from around town here or someplace else?沃尔特你多了解我点Walter, you getting to know me并不意味着对我下手就容易些is not gonna make it easier for you to kill me. 你要知道我可不怕Not that I mind, you understand.你一直跟我说You know, you keep telling me我不适合这工作或许吧that I don't have it in me. Well, maybe.也可能不对But maybe not.我一直在找不杀你的理由I sure as hell I'm looking for any reason not to. 哪怕一点也行I mean, any good reason at all.忽悠我吧Sell me.回答我刚才那个问题Tell me what it is.我想应该先向你保证I guess I'd start off by promising that,如果你放我走我不会来追杀你if you let me go, I won't come after you.你会平安没事That you'd be safe.我想说我们之间发生的一切I guess I'd say what happened between us...就当从没发生过never happened.我们把这事忘得一干二净对大家都有好处And what's best for both parties is we forget all about it.但你觉得谁会在这种情况下But you know that anybody in my situation做这样的承诺Would make promise like that?就算有And though in my case they happen to be true, 你也不能确信真假you'd never know for sure.我还能跟你说什么呢So what else can I tell you?我不知道I don't know.但是你得说服我But you gotta convince me.不然的话你哪都别想去And you're going nowhere until you do.别别别Hey, yeah. Yeah.我是本地人I'm from here in town, man.阿尔布开克人土生土长的本地人ABQ. Born and bred.从没出去过Never left.在新墨西哥州立大学攻读工商管理Studied business administration over at UNM, 并获得学位got my degree.真的吗Really?那个在毒品交易时能派上用场吗Does that come in handy in the drug trade?根本没用It doesn't hurt.本来我想学音乐的I was gonna study music originally.还想考奥柏林或伯克利音乐学院的Maybe even try out for Oberlin or Berklee.我爸爸劝我放弃My pops talked me out of it.他说除非我跟某些狗屁摇滚歌星混Said there was no money in it unless不然的话赚不了钱I wind up some bullshit rock star.而我压根就没有任何机会And I didn't have a snowball chance of that, man.你爸爸是干什么的What does your dad do?他在梅诺尔有家坦皮科家具店He owns Tampico furniture over on Menaul. 等等我知道那地方Wait a minute. I know that place.等等Wait a minute. That's...就是那个That's that...他们以前在深夜They used to have those late-night...-放那些无聊广告-没错-就是他- Those stupid commercials. - Yeah. - That's him.-他开了多年-等等- He's been doing them for over years. - Wait a minute.那个怎么唱来着是不是How did it go? It was, uh...等等等等Wait, wait, wait. It was...别让购物伤透脑筋Don't let shopping strain your brain-o. 来唱唱这首小曲Just sing this short refrain-o.我们的家具都很棒Our furniture is bueno.店名叫做坦皮科Tampico is the name-o.好傻的歌Pretty moronic.不过你能怎么办But what can you do?印象太深刻了It did tend to stick in your head.家族里的音乐家是你写的吗Did you write that, being the musician of the family?当然不是Hell, no, man.是我的疯子叔叔埃里克斯写的It was my crazy uncle Alex.他在酒吧里唱用来泡妞的He sings it at bars, trying to pick up on women. 他认为这首歌好像在说In his mind, it's like saying,我写下了通往天堂的阶梯"I wrote stairway to heaven."等等坦皮科家具Wait a minute. Tampico furniture.我记得我儿子出生时I think when my son was born that在那买的摇篮车we bought his bassinet there.我们不卖摇篮车的We don't sell bassinets there.有更特别的It's more special deal.我们的确卖过婴儿床We did use to sell cribs.婴儿床可能吧婴儿车Oh. Well, a crib, then, okay? Crib.对没的我记起来了Yeah. No, I remember that.其实In fact,我记得那些广告里那个是你爸爸I remember recognizing your dad from those commercials.虽然他在真实生活里Although he wasn't...一点也不友好anywhere near as friendly in real life. 对一点都没错Yeah, no shit.他是不是想给你提供延长保修啊Did he try selling you that extended warranty? 好像是的Yeah, he probably did.而且我也傻兮兮的买了And I was probably dumb enough to buy it. 他就看中那个Yeah, that was his big thing.你向他要一杯水You ask him for a glass of water,他就跟你说要冰块就得延长保修期he'll tell you you need an extended warranty on the ice.-你也在那里工作吗-一直在- So did you work there, too? - Only my whole life,直到我跟他说"操你妈" 然后不干了up until the day I said "fuck you" and quit. 那么So, uh...年前你多大years ago, how old would you have been? 放学后相信我我就在那儿It was after school. Trust me, I was there.可能还给你打过电话Might have even helped ring you up.你和延长保修期证都婴儿车里You and your extended warranty on the crib. 世界真小啊Small world.是啊That it is.这就是我们走过的路The paths we take, huh?要吗You'd like...你...You...杰西知道你得了癌症吗Jesse know you got cancer?除了你没人知道No one but you.家人也不知道吗Not your family?不知道No.为什么不说Why not?不知道怎么开口Not a conversation I'm even remotely ready to have.所以你才做冰毒吗That's why you're cooking meth?想给家人留下笔钱You want to leave money for your family.要是你现在放了我我就给你写张支票Hell, I'll write you a check right now if you let me go.就像我说的沃尔特Like I said, Walter,这行当根本不适合你this line of work doesn't suit you.事情无法挽回之前尽早抽身Get out before it's too late.我不知道该怎么办I don't know what to do.你心里知道的Yeah. you do.我去拿钥匙I'll get the key.别这样别这样No, don't do this. Don't do this.你何必如此Why are you doing this?何必如此why are you doing this?你的决定是对的沃尔特You're doing the right thing, Walter. 你能不能...Do you mind to...那你没生气吧So... you're not angry?你什么意思How do you mean?生气Angry?没有No.宽以待人伙计Live and let live, man.那是可以理解的That's very understanding.随便吧Whatever, man.我只想回家I just want to go home.我也是Me, too.把我解开沃尔特Unlock me, Walter.那瞬间我...The moment I do...你想用那个破盘子戳死我吗Are you gonna stick me with that broken piece of plate?抱歉抱歉I'm sorry. I'm sorry.对不起对不起非常抱歉I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry... 对不起I'm sorry.真对不起I'm so sorry.有人吗Hello?下面有人吗Anybody down here?各位Everybody!大家都坐在自己的位置上I need you all to take your seats.请坐好谢谢Settle down, please. Thank you.我知道怀特先生I understand that Mr. White今早有点不舒服is feeling a little under the weather this morning,所以今天由我来代课so you folks are going to have to be making do with me today.我们今天And we are going to be watching 准备看一段很有意思有关碳的影片 a very interesting video on carbon. 非常重要的元素Very important stuff.-你们怎么想-这个是制毒点肯定是- So what do you think? - It's a cook site. Gotta be.没人会碰巧经过这鬼地方的Nobody came way the hell out here just to buy. 火灾可能是由于事故引起的Fire there could have started by accident.看起来不像是故意毁灭证据Don't look like it was meant to destroy evidence.有好几条双轨道通向那条路Got a couple of dually tracks headed away towards the road.怎么难道他们是在露天实验So, what, they're in some kind of camper slash lab.他们不小心放了火然后就消失了They accidentally start a fire, and everybody f.o.'s?怎么不能啊Yeah, why not?为什么那个头发跟胶一样的家伙留下车呢Except why would that little hair-gelled shit leave his car?哎呀呀格米I-yi-yi, Gomie!素质都大不如前了It's a culture in decline.又丰富又充满活力的修养It's a rich and vibrant culture.车上下颠簸It's a car that jumps up and down. 怎么了What the hell?你们习惯做征服者了老天爷You people used to be conquistadors, for christ's sake.闻着像达卡黑工厂Smells like a drakkar noir factory in here. 我已经检查过了I already searched it.你只是在浪费时间You're wasting your time.别找了Give it up.这要是辆迷惑人的车辆If this here's a trap car,你这么干什么也找不出it's gonna take more than your dumb white ass to find it.我可是寻密老手伙计You are talking to the trap car master, my friend. 我是数牙签的雨人I'm rain man counting his toothpicks.对你跟雨人一样Yeah, you're like rain man.是弱智Retarded.好了宝贝儿Yeah, baby.-看看能人儿-混蛋- Hello, zippy. - Asshole!看起来像是冰毒但是I'd say that looks like meth, but it's...这颜色也太他妈的白了It's too damn white.知道我在想什么吗格米You know what I'm thinking, Gomie.有人灭了我们的线人Somebody croaked our snitch.探员Hey, agents!有什么发现吗You got something?我也不知道只是I don't know. Just...难道看起来不像Just doesn't it seem like...缺了什么吗Something's missing?灵魂呢What about the soul?灵魂The soul.除了化学再无它物There's nothing but chemistry here.斯凯勒Skyler.我有事要告诉你There's something I have to tell you.不要让你良心不安Won't be able to live with yourself.杀人是犯法的Murder is wrong!杀了他要是放走他他会杀你全家Kill him. He'll kill you entire family if you let him go.你好Hello.亲爱的是我Hey, sweetie, it's me. 我很抱歉Listen, I'm so sorry.我忘了时间The time, it just completely got away from me there.我的错我的错博格丹让我加班My fault. My fault. Bogdan just kept me here late,你知道的盘点库存还有you know, doing some inventory, and... 我我应该I've... I should have just...你说的对我应该学会说"不"You know, you're right. I gotta learn to say, you know, "No"!但是But, um...斯凯在听吗Sky? You there?你是在洗车店吗You're at the car wash?对Yeah.我对此深表怀疑I seriously doubt that,因为你两星期前辞职了Since you quit two weeks ago.我打过电话给博格丹找你I called Bogdan, looking for you.他的话令我大吃一惊Quite an earful he gave me.听着Listen...听我说我会回家去的回家再谈Listen, I'll come home, and we'll talk about it. 我不这么想沃尔特I don't think so, Walt.亲爱的Honey.不管你在哪Wherever you are...你就在那过夜好了Why don't you just stay there tonight?斯凯勒Skyler?斯凯勒Skyler?斯凯勒Skyler?沃尔特Walter!下面的快饿死啦Kind of hungry down here!该死Damn.我还以为你就此长眠了呢I didn't think you were coming back. 我昏过去多久How long was I out?到分钟的样子, minutes.我从来没见过咳嗽能把自己给摔了I've never seen someone knock themselves out just by coughing.你也中了和我一样的毒气吗You breathe in the same thing you used on me? 我得了肺癌I've got lung cancer.我再给你做个三明治I'll go make you another sandwich.放心吃吧It's safe.没放毒药There's no poison.是吗Yeah?如果你要杀我Because that'd be the way to do it...这可是好机会if you're gonna do it.我觉得也是I suppose it would.我是说你毕竟是个化学家I mean, you being a chemist and all.那么So...那个名字That name...疯狂小八Krazy-...我一定要这么称呼你吗Do I really have to call you that?我无意冒犯不过I mean, no offense, but...你有真名吗Don't you have a real name?多明戈Domingo.多明戈Domingo.是星期天的意思对吗That's "Sunday", right?如果你不介意的话我就这么叫你I'd rather call you that, if you don't mind.。
“我懂技术,你懂生意,为什么不合作呢?”50岁那年,兢兢业业的老实人Walter White对Jesse Pinkman坦诚相告,小混混一副惊呆的表情,不敢相信老师居然有这个胆量。
两相对望,泪眼婆娑地看着陪伴自己一路breaking bad至今的伙伴,不久前关乎生死的仇恨显得如此可笑。
基于爱和恨的动机交替驱使着他的行动,Walter White和海森堡分别负责各自的部分,海森堡威慑着羔羊,White在尽力减小伤害,并合理地让动机又回归于家庭。
Well, we've come a long way, Walt.沃尔特我们已经有了很大的进展Here at the end of round one,第一轮的治疗已经结束了I'm going to recommend cautious optimism.我保持谨慎乐观的态度We'll check back in two months,两个月以后See how you've responded, reassess,我们会再看看你身体的反应重新评估And decide our next move, if any.然后决定你下一步的治疗方案That's right around the time the baby's due, correct?就在你妻子的预产期对吗Yeah.对的Try to think of this as good timing.朝好的方面看吧You'll start feeling better soon, more like yourself,你会很会好起来的会更像从前And your hair should start to come back.头发也会长出来的I kind of gotten used to the old cue ball look.我已经有点习惯了这种光头造型了I prefer to think of it as streamlined.应该说是流线型Right. Aerodynamic.对空气阻力小No more confusion?不再困惑了吧Absolutely none.当然不了How are you two holding up?你们俩最近关系怎么样Fine.很好I mean, you know, we're busy, but...我是说我们都挺忙的不过We're good.我们处得不错Absolutely.当然It's all good.一切都很好So, we're not going through an insurer. Is that correct?不用保险支付对吗Yes. Direct bill.没错直接支付Just need to print it out for you.现在帮你把帐单打印出来I thought we had discussed a cash discount.我们不是讨论过会有现付折扣的吗Absolutely. It's included.没错已经包括在内了Just a reminder,提醒你一下We do have a payment plan available,我们现在有个付款计划should you be interested.你可能会感兴趣Congratulations.祝贺你Thank you.谢谢你Then, what about the MRI?那核磁共振怎么样Can you please explain to me你能给我解释一下the distinction between diagnostic and exploratory?诊断性和探索性的区别吗Yeah, but either way, his doctor ordered it.但是他的医生两个都订了It should be covered.当然要包括在内You bet I will. Yeah, in triplicate.我会的一式三份Well, I'm sorry you couldn't be of more help, too.很抱歉你没帮上什么忙Bitch.贱人Been around someone who smokes?你和吸烟的人呆过吗The hospital bill came.医院帐单来了That was fast.可真快啊Three-day stay: $13,000 and counting.住院三天总计一万三Is this something that Gretchen and Elliott might cover?能让格雷琴和埃利奥特帮我们承担一点吗I know it's strictly your domain, but...我知道那样做你会不乐意不过They will. I'm sure they will.我相信他们愿意买单I'll handle it.我来处理- Bring me up to speed on Salamanca. - Dead.-给我塞拉曼加案子最新消息 -死了- Still? - Completely.-仅此而已 -完全没错Okay, then. Well, thanks for stopping by.好的很高兴你能来So things are quiet.最近外面很平静Not a lot of crystal on the streets right now.街上没什么人卖冰毒了Good.很好That's not going to last.这种情况不会持续很久的Waiting to see who rallies the roaches now等着看谁会重振旗鼓That his turf's up for grabs.现在屠库的生意很容易到手No takers so far?现在还没人接盘吗We keep hearing a name. Heisenberg.我们不断听到一个名字海森堡Lately, pretty much every dime-bagger we come across.最近几乎抓的小混混都提到这个名字- Heisenberg? - Yeah, I know.-海森堡 -对Maybe it's a tweaker urban legend.可能他会是下一个大毒枭Still, somebody somewhere is cooking还是有人在秘密制造that big blue we keep finding.那些我们追查的冰毒Anyway, we'll stay on it.无论如何我们会继续跟进的Know why sharks are at the top of the food chain, Hank?知道为什么鲨鱼在食物链的顶端吗汉克'Cause they have three sets of teeth因为它们有三排牙齿and will take a bite out of anything?能一口咬开任何东西吗Some of those suckers travel thousands of miles它们追踪上千英里In pursuit of their prey.只为追捕自己的猎物Yeah, I think I heard that.对我想我听说过You, my friend, are a great white.你就是一条大白鲨How does Albuquerque Liaison,觉得阿尔布开克联络处Tri-state Border Interdiction Task Force sound?三国边境封锁任务组怎么样Like one hell of a promotion.听上去像是升职As of the 1st, I want you to split your time现在刚开始我希望你能Between here and El Paso.同时兼顾这里和埃尔帕索Thank you, sir. Thank you.谢谢你长官What you gonna do without me, Gomie?没有我你怎么办格米Celebrate.当然是庆祝I won't have to look at your ugly mug six days a week.再也不用一周六天看到你这张丑脸了Hey, buddy, I am the brains and the brawn.我可是智勇双全啊I'm the whole package.我是全能王I'm glad I didn't just eat.还好没多吃东西我都要吐了I'm surprised his head still fits through the door.真神奇他的头居然不会卡在门上- Wanna grab lunch? - Hell, yeah.-想吃个饭庆祝下吗 -当然- 'Cause you're buying. - Done.-因为是你请客 -就这么办I'll meet you morons downstairs.你们两个傻子到楼下等我Try not to get lost on the way.别迷路了Hi, Ricky请讲你好里奇How you doing? Yeah, I'm stoked, too.最近好吗我好极了Yeah, El Paso.当然那可是埃尔帕索Here's the man.大人物来了Congratulations.恭喜你Hits two in the sand, two in the forest.沙漠里两个森林里两个And then he says, "Give me a four."然后他说四个一起上呀You got some nerve coming back here.你吃了豹子胆居然还敢回来Or you're even dumber than I thought.要么你就是比我想得还傻Maybe both.可能都有吧Balance for the tow, the repairs,赔给你拖车费修理费And extra for, you know, damages and stuff to the gate,另外还有你大门的损失the toilet...和厕所Look, like I said,就跟我说的一样My word is my bond.我说话算话What would you charge me to store this here?我把车寄放在这里你要收多少钱- A million-five. - Come on, yo.-150万 -别这样Your sister.要么就用你妹妹来抵Dawg, I'm serious, all right? I got storage needs.兄弟我是认真的我得把车停了And I got scratch up front.前面刮花了We could, you know, negotiate.我们可以谈谈价钱500.500元- A month? - A week.-一个月吗 -一星期For real?说真的吗- See ya. - Wait.-回见 -等等Just hold on. Just chill.别急冷静点Sounds good. Totally doable.听起来不错很可行- Outside. - Inside.-停在外面 -停在里面- Forget it. - Man, come on.-那就算了 -伙计别这样Your fence is too easy to climb.你的围墙太容易爬进来了Inside, padlocked, plus gate privileges.停在里面锁门外加大门的优先使用权- Come again? - Gate, in and out, privileges. -又要重蹈覆辙吗 -大门进出保留优先权Month to month. Cash up front.租金一月一付先给钱Inside.停在里面And I don't know you. I don't know Jack.我不认识你我也不认识杰克You selling?那辆车卖吗I'll let you take it for nine Gs.9000块卖给你What about that one?那辆呢Serious?开玩笑吧It's Jane, right?你是叫珍妮对吗Well, Jane, I gotta say, this place is awesome.珍妮这个地方太棒了Really? Does it inspire awe?真的吗不是说套话No. I mean, it's great.不是真的很棒Just what I've been looking for. That's what I meant.就跟我想找的一样我就这么个意思I had an entire house before,我以前有一整栋房子Detached and all,整幢独立式别墅But I was just tired of all the但我对打理草坪Lawn care and upkeep and whatnot.房屋维护还有摆设布置厌烦了Well, the blinds are new. Everything's been painted.百叶窗是新的全都粉刷一新Jesus.天啊Utilities are included.设施齐全Stacking. Sweet.折叠式的太好了- You got cable? - Already wired.-有有线电视吗 -已经装了天线了Just call to activate. High speed, whatever.打个电话就能开通很快捷Bathroom, cool tile.浴室瓷砖很酷Bedroom.卧室Nice.很棒I'm a fan of the hardwood.我很喜欢硬木地板So? You're interested?这么说你有兴趣Definitely.毫无疑问And you're good with NPNS?那你也接受NPNSSorry. What?对不起你说什么In the ad? No smoking, no pets.广告上说的不准吸烟不准养宠物You want to smoke, you do it outside.你要吸烟就到外面去吸- It's cool. No worries. - The usual drill.-可以不用担心 -按照惯例W-2: 美国雇员必须填写的文件包括年收入和缴纳的税I'll need a W-2 or a recent pay stub, current employer,我要W-2表最近的收入证明和雇主信息Former address, you know, the yadda-yadda.还有以前的地址什么的资料And if it's all copasetic, I'll call.如果都没问题我会打电话通知你Look,听我说The thing is I can...情况是我可以Unbelievable.简直难以置信I'm currently in-between situations.最近我正处在过渡阶段And I'm currently not renting.那我最近不准备出租I got the money and I'm totally good for it我有钱有能力付房租For, like, ever.一直都会有Come on, yo, can you please,别这样唷求你了Please just help a brother out?就当是帮帮兄弟吧Yo, my dad's not really a "make exceptions" kind of guy.唷我老爸可没这么好说话- Trust me. - Your dad?-相信我 -你老爸Owns the place. I manage it.房子是我老爸的我帮他打理Pen on paper, that's what I need.我要的是白纸黑字Or go run your game somewhere else.否则你就到别的地方玩去Dude, I got nowhere else to go. This is it.别傻了我无处可去了这里就是我的家And I got no game, all right?我真的没有骗你相信我好吗I just need a chance.我只需要一个机会Look, my folks, they kicked me out.我的家人把我赶了出来I'm a disappointment, apparently.很明显我不太长进Didn't meet their expectations, again.再一次让他们失望了So, you know, now I'm "gratis" or whatever.所以我现在无家可归了But you know what?但是知道吗I'm a good person and I work hard.我是个好人工作努力I will pay you every month and I will pay you on time.我会每个月都准时付房租的I will not mess this up, okay? I swear.我不会搞砸的我发誓Rent just went up.现在租金涨价了A hundred more a month.一个月多付一百That's the cash price.那是现金价You rock. You won't regret this.你酷毙了你不会后悔的And, in addition to first and last,还有除了第一个和最后一个月I want two more months.我还想要你先多付两个月DBAA fee, nonrefundable.DBAA费用恕不退款Of course. No problem. DBAA. Obviously.当然 DBAA 当然没问题What's DBAA?什么是DBAA- "Don't be an asshole." - Gotcha.-"别做讨厌的人" -我懂了I live next door.我就住在隔壁Really?真的吗And don't think for one second you have squatters' rights,别以为你有权利霸占着房子Because you don't.它不属于你If you blow this, I want you gone.如果你搞砸了你就得马上滚蛋I know guys that'll have your skinny ass我了解你们这些人我会把你一脚踹出门Out back by the dumpster faster than you can blink.然后把东西扔出去你连眼睛都来不及眨I'll fill it in. Just sign your name.我会帮你搞定这些签名就行Which is what, by the way?顺便问问你叫什么It's Jesse.杰西Jesse Jackson.杰西·杰克逊Seriously?真的吗What?怎么了- What are you doing? - Beating off. What's it look like? -你在干什么 -享受生活还能干什么That is, in fact, exactly what it looks like to me.我看到的确实是这样Brewing is an art form, Marie.酿酒是一种艺术玛丽I think you'd appreciate that by now.希望你也能懂得欣赏Christmas, the batch of '06? Come on.这可是06年圣诞节的一批快尝尝So, let me get this straight.好吧我直说吧You call in sick the day after receiving你居然请了病假躲在这里A long-awaited career-boosting promotion还是在得到了梦寐以求的升职以后So you can play October fest in your man cave?就为了在这里喝酒寻开心I don't get it. Really, I don't.我真的不明白不懂Babe, relax.宝贝儿放松点Please, don't tell me to relax.别让我放松- You know I hate that. - Right.-你知道我讨厌听到这话 -没错Dave said I should express that.戴夫说我应该说出来All I'm saying is everything's fine.我想说的是一切都很好I can take a day.我就想放天假No big deal.没什么大不了的Now, get that sweet ass out of here现在我可爱的小宝贝儿快走吧So I can concentrate.不然我没法集中精力Okay, so what's the plan?好吧计划是什么The plan is we cook.计划就是我们制毒Why are we cooking我们为什么还要制毒When we can't even move what we cook?现在根本卖不出去Well, how much do you think you can sell on your own?你觉得靠你自己能卖出去多少Say if I cooked during the days and you worked the nights.假设我白天制毒你晚上去卖的话- Dude. - What?-傻瓜 -什么Prior to Tuco, that was your plan, wasn't it?在屠库之前那不是你的想法吗I understand it'll be a fraction of what we brought in before,我知道这比我们之前赚的少多了But still, what choice do we have?但我们还有别的选择吗First of all, there's no "we."首先别说什么我们You're talking me, solo,你说的是我一个人单干Busting hump slinging shards.在外面苦干还要担心吃子弹I got profile now.我现在有案底了Don't you get that? A D.E.A.'s up my ass.你不懂吗有个禁毒署的家伙盯上我了I'm not exposing myself我可不会为了那点小钱to that level of risk for chump change.把自己暴露了- No way. - Then what do you suggest?-没门 -那你想怎么样I don't think either of us are eager我想我们谁to jump into bed with another Tuco.都不会再想和屠库这样的家伙合作了I got bills, man.我现在有经济压力You've got bills?你会有经济负担Rent, yo. Responsibilities.房租唷有责任了I've already lost more than I have made,我失去的远比得到的多And I am tired of dicking around out here.我厌倦了整天在这儿胡搞乱来的日子You want to know how much I've got left?想知道我失去了多少吗After completing my first round of treatment我第一轮的治疗结束了以后And financing the world's most expensive alibi?为世界上最贵的不在场证明买单Zero! Zip! Nothing!什么都没了都没了I've got nothing to show for all of this.之前的一切都付诸东流Nothing for my family, which,一分钱都没能留给家人As you might remember, was the damn point!要是你还记得的话那才是该死的重点But seeing as throwing in the towel is not an option,但是现在认输并不是好主意That leaves us with a total of two choices.现在只有两条路可选We go into business with yet another homicidal lunatic 要么再和另一个杀人疯子做生意Or you and I start...要么你和我开始You selling whatever you can.你尽你所能卖货There's a third way.还有第三种选择And what would that be?是什么We got to be Tuco.我们自己做屠库Cut out the middle man. Run our own game.省掉中间商我们自己做经销So you're going to, what?那你要怎么做Snort meth off a bowie knife?用把猎刀把病毒吸进鼻子吗You gonna beat your homies to death when they dis you?把反对你的人都往死里打Look, I know some guys. All right?听我说我认识几个人I can create a network.我可以建立销售网络We control production and distribution.我们自己控制生产和分销That way, we stay off the front lines我们从第一线退下来while moving some serious glass.不要自己去冒险The point here is to make money, right?关键是能赚钱对吗Sky-high stacks.赚大把大把的钱- That's not the point? - No, I am not willing to do that. -难道我说的不对吗 -不是我不想这么干Who said anything about you?谁说那关你的事了I don't vote for this plan.我不同意这个计划I'm not comfortable bringing in unknown enties into our operation.我不喜欢不认识的人加入我们的生意You don't get to vote.你没有投票的权利I beg your pardon?你再说一遍This is a partnership, remember?我们可是合作伙伴记得吗I remember.我记得You cook, I sell.你制毒我卖毒That was the division of labor when we started all this.我们一开始就是这么分工的And that's exactly how we should have kept it.现在也该这么保持下去'Cause I sure as hell didn't find myself locked in a trunk这样我肯定不会让自己被锁在卡车里or on my knees with a gun to my head还要被抢指着跪在地上等死Before your greedy old ass came along, all right?在你这贪婪的老头来之前都不会All right, I will admit to a bit of a learning curve.好吧我承认还要学着慢慢来And perhaps I was overly ambitious.可能我是太有野心了But in any case, it's not gonna happen that way anymore.但无论如何不会再发生了Damn straight. Know why?非常正确知道为什么吗'Cause we do things my way this time,因为我们这次按我的办法来or I walk.否则我就不干了You need me more than I need you.你现在更需要我Walt.沃尔特Yo, Skinny Pete. What's up, brother?唷瘦子皮特最近怎么样Eh, Combo. Good to see you.康宝见到你真好Welcome to my humble abode.欢迎光临寒舍Good deal, mover. Good deal.房子不错啊伙计Yo. Badger, hey.唷猴子Cool crib, man.房子真酷啊伙计It echoes.还有回声Let me give you a virtual tour.我带你们虚拟地参观一下Plasma is gonna go right here.等离子彩电会挂在这里Probably, like, a 50-inch wall-mounted.可能50英寸壁挂式Plasma rocks it over LCD, yo.等离子比液晶的牛多了唷Nah. They burn in, yo.才不会烧屏的唷But the picture's way sharper. Blacks are deeper, too.但图画质好多了黑色也很纯They got 3-D coming out, like, any day now.马上三维电视机也要有了That's what I'm waiting for.那才是我想要的- Porn, cuz! - Jesus.-A片爽啊 -老天啊Like, 3-D ta-tas, like, right in your face.那可是三维立体的感觉就在眼前I'm gonna get a couple of我还要弄几个Those zero-gravity chairs for right here,零重力椅子放在这里For your ultimate viewing comfort.终极的观看享受Those are buck.那可得花大价钱It's gonna be pretty much sparse.这里要弄得空旷些Very Asian-y, modern stuff.亚洲现代风格Feng shui, yo. I can dig it.风水唷我懂一些And I'm thinking, just a bunch of candles,我想放几支蜡烛Maybe one of those little fountain jobs right here.在这里弄个小喷泉什么的It's gonna be chill.肯定会超酷The ladies, they cream up real nice for, like, candles and shit.女士们就喜欢搞那些烛光情调You are going to score, big time!你肯定会艳福不浅啊All right, so how about we get, you know, down to it?我们坐下来谈谈正事怎么样There's some refreshments over here if you want to partake.你们想吃的话有点零食饮料You got any other refreshments?还有别的什么吗I could kick it. It's been a while.我已经戒了有一阵子了I could totally go for a loving spoonful.我现在就想尝一口No bomb, no beer, no weed.今天没有啤酒也没有大麻You smoke it up on your own time.要抽自己回家抽We're talking business here.在这里只谈正事So listen up. This is how it goes.听好了现在这么干I front each of you an ounce.我给你们每人一盎司货You sell it for 2,500. I keep the two, you keep the five.你们卖2500我拿2000你们拿500No cutting it. You sell it as is, all right?别揩油老老实实卖懂吗2,500 an ounce?2500一盎司That's kinda, like, hopeful, bro.价钱有点好像太高了Street's maybe 17, 18.街上都只卖1700 1800This is the best shiz ever.这可是最上乘的货Everybody and their mother's gonna want a taste.阿爹阿娘都会想要尝尝And second, who else is selling right now, huh?还有现在还有谁在卖货- It's dry out there, that's for sure. - Church. -外面确实断货了 -大家都去教堂了So you point it how you want, okay?所以重点是你们想怎样Quarter, half, teener, whatever.男女老少随便怎么来But I make what I make. Two large. No exceptions.但是我要保证我那份2000 没得商量Short me, you're out.少了我的你就给我走人Cut it, you're out.揩油也给我走人Period.而且要快This is a big opportunity I am giving you.我给你们的可是大好的赚钱机会Understand?听懂了吗Badger, what is this?猴子怎么样A big opportunity.大好机会Exactly. All right? This is the ground floor.说的没错这只是第一步Gentlemen, how far you go is up to you.兄弟们能走多远要靠你们了So bring out the product, yo.那拿货出来吧唷Not here, all right? Not ever.不在这儿以后也不在这儿Blind drop. I will let you know when and where.直接出货我会告诉你们地点时间All right?好吗You'll be hearing from me.我会通知你们Now, I got mad volume,现在我有大量的货要出手So you move it quick, you move it right.卖得越快赚的也越多There is always more.我的货源源不断DBAA, mo-fos.别做讨厌的人生意开张了All right? Apply yourselves.你们加油干It's an armpit.那就是个龌龊的角落It's not an armpit.不是龌龊的角落Excuse me. You're right.对不起你说得对It's the Paris of the Southwest.那里是西南方的巴黎之城Please, it's Texas, for God's sake.看在上帝的份上那可是德克萨斯啊Right on the border of lawless Mexican hell.就在没有王法的墨西哥边境上Human heads, they leave.人头他们会在那里扔人头The cartels, they litter the place with human heads.大毒枭们会在那里抛尸Pretty sure that's why I'm going there.这就是派我去那里的原因It's like a calling card or a shout-out or something.好像还应该大肆宣传庆祝一样Now, D.C., on the other hand, I could get behind.要是华盛顿的话我还能跟着一起去You just do your time like a good boy,你在那里埋头苦干And I could see us in a cute little condo in Georgetown 没几年就能在乔治城可爱的公寓大厦in a couple of years.住上了I went online我上网To this fantastic看了超棒的real estate website for D.C.华盛顿地产网站There's just so much, I don't know,我说不清好像那里很有culture there.文化气息I was talking to Melinda, Hank's boss's wife.我和汉克上司的妻子梅琳达谈过The one with the helmet hair and the permanent lip liner.那个留着钢盔头永远画着唇线的女人Anyway, she was saying that...总之她对我说Apologize.道歉吧What?什么I will not listen我不想To one more word再多听一个字Until you apologize.除非你先道歉For?为了什么You know perfectly well, Marie.你心里清楚着呢玛丽- Well, obviously I don't... - Your lies.-很明显我完全 -你撒谎了to me.对我说谎了The shoplifting?在商店里顺手牵羊All of it?所有的一切Did you really think it was all just难道你真的以为neatly gonna go away?这一切都能就这样算了吗If you hadn't tried to return it...如果不是你硬要还回去的话Apologize.道歉Now or never. I mean it.这是你最后的机会我是认真的Or it'll never be the same.否则我们就一刀两断Why are you punishing me?为什么这样惩罚我If you don't respect me如果你完全不尊重我Enough to apologize, to tell me the truth, then...不想道歉的话那就告诉我实话I need my sister back.我想找回以前的妹妹I'm sorry.对不起I'm sorry.对不起You want the gory details?你想要听血淋淋的细节吗No, you don't.不你不会想听的Keep you up at night.会让你睡不着的So...那么Was it scary?当时吓人吗Hell, yeah, it was freaking scary, you little punk.非常恐怖年轻人Jesus.老天啊But you were way faster than him.但你开枪比他快Well, I'm here, aren't I?我还在这里不是吗Hell, yeah. Kick ass and take names.你揍扁他还出名了- Son. - Nah, it's fine.-儿子 -不用没事You know what it is?你知道是什么感觉吗A cockroach comes out from under a fridge, what do you do?一个蟑螂从冰箱底下爬出来你怎么办I mean, you don't think about it.你根本不用想You stop them down.你会打死它们Where do they come from?他们怎么会变成那样Criminals, like the one you...我是说罪犯像你打死的那个What do you think it is that makes them who they are.你觉得是什么原因让他们变成了罪犯Buddy, you might as well be asking me about the roaches.伙计你最好问我关于蟑螂的问题All I know is there's a whole armada.我所知道的就是有一大群的罪犯Man, I gotta piss like a racehorse.伙计我去撒个尿Cops!警察I wasn't sure it was you.我不肯定是你New car?新车吗Keeping things on the D.L.东西放在厢式车上了I'm guessing this one doesn't bounce.我猜你的办法不奏效吧Your half.你那份15K. That's what I'm talking about.15000 我承诺过的You're welcome.不用客气Jesus.上帝啊Help me understand the math, okay?帮我做做算术好吗I gave you 1 pound, correct?我给了你一磅对吗You and I split $2,000 per ounce.每盎司你和我平分2000$1,000 each. 1 pound, that's 16 ounces.每人1000 1磅也就是16盎司16 ounces should net to me $16,000.16盎司应该是16000才对16,是16Not 15.不是15Something came up.出了点状况Something came up?出了状况One of my guys got held up by a couple junkies.我的一个人被一帮吸毒的困住了Lost an ounce. But it's cool, okay? Skinny Pete's cool.损失了一盎司但还好瘦子皮特没事So you're saying that所以你的意思是Your guy got robbed. Or, rather, you got robbed,你的人被抢劫了或者说你被抢劫了But it doesn't matter.但是没关系Dude, it's called "breakage," okay?傻瓜那个叫损耗Like K-Mart. Shit breaks.就像大超市货品总会有损耗And you're thinking this is acceptable?而且你觉得这些都可以接受It's the cost of business, yo.这就是做生意的代价唷You're sweating me over a grand?你要为了1000块跟我烦吗Look, I'm just the chemist, here.我只是个化学家I'm not the street guy, yo.我可不是街上的小混混唷But it seems to me that what you call "breakage"对我来说你所谓的损耗Is just you making a fool of yourself.只是让自己看起来像傻子I've got another technical term for you.我还要送你另一个专业术语"Non-sustainable business model."不可持续的商业模式You're focusing on the negative.你只看到了负面Six grand a day we're making. What's your problem?我们每天赚6000块你还有什么问题What happens when word gets out,消息泄露了怎么办And it's open season on these clowns you've hired?你雇的小丑可不会小心谨慎Once everyone knows that Jesse Pinkman,一旦每个人都知道了杰西·平克曼Drug lord, can be robbed with impunity...大毒枭被打劫了也不出声Man, come on.伙计算了吧You think Tuco had breakage?你以为屠库那样的人会有损耗吗I guess it's true, he did. He broke bones.他确实会有他会打断别人的骨头He broke the skull of anybody who tried to rip him off.他会把在他地盘撒野的人头都拧碎You want another grand? Is that it?你还想要1000吗是不是- Not my point. - Take it. Here.-不是我想要说的 -拿着给Look, you got 15,000 you didn't have yesterday.你现在有15000 昨天你还什么都没有We're making bank. Shit happens.我们在赚钱总会有些情况My guys get what they're up against, and they're careful.我的人知道要怎么做他们非常小心So am I.我也一样And you're all tucked in at night with your precious family.你就坐在家里好吃好喝共享天伦吧So why don't you just stop being such a freak about everything?别再像怪人一样想这想那了You've made the division of labor very clear.你的分工非常明确Yo, I mean, seriously.唷说真的What the hell do you want me to do?你到底想我怎么样Sorry.对不起You snuck in.你溜进来了Didn't even know you were home.我都不知道你回家了What you eating?你在吃什么A panini. There's another one in the freezer if you want it.三明治想吃的话冰箱里还有一个I thought we nixed those, huh?我以为我们从不吃那些东西Did we?有吗Yeah. I mean, aren't those the ones with the off-the-chart sodium?我是说那些不是低钠的吧I had a craving.我突然很想吃Once in a while is no big deal.难得吃一次没什么大不了的So where's Junior?小沃尔特去哪里了Out.出去了With whom?和谁Louis.路易斯Out where?去哪里了Somewhere. I don't know.某个地方吧我不知道He'll be back by 9:00.晚上9点之前会回来I just thought you might have a clue where your son is.我还以为你会对儿子的去向有所了解Why don't you?那你为什么不知道Why am I the only one who needs to keep track of our son?为什么总是我一个人来关心他去哪里I'll tell you what, Walt. You want to know where he is, ask him.告诉你沃尔特你想知道就自己去问Just pick up the phone like I do.像我一样打电话给他Perhaps you might know something...可能你会知道About this.这个Perhaps.可能And then again,但也可能Perhaps I don't, Walt我不知道沃尔特Perhaps I smoked them in a fugue state.可能我梦游时抽过I'd like an explanation.我想要你解释一下- You really don't want to go down... - Why would you do this? -你不会想再说下去 -你为什么要抽烟You're pregnant, for God's sakes.看在上帝的份上你还怀着孕Three and a half cigarettes三根半香烟is not going to do a thing to the baby.不会对孩子怎么样的- Nothing. - I'm glad you're so sure, Doctor.-不会怎么样的 -很高兴你这么肯定医生Three and a half. That was it. I tossed the rest.三根半就这么多剩下的都扔了And I'm sure you'll be very glad to hear that, yes,你肯定很想听到这个Yes, I feel ashamed.没错我感到羞耻Skyler, This is something that...斯凯勒做这样的事- This is so unlike you. - Oh, really?-一点都不像你 -真的吗How would you know?。
【神剧《绝命毒师》】永别了老白!虽然你已不在江湖!楼主:寒知了时间:2013-10-01 09:44:00 点击:80850 回复:209 男,北京昌平区个人介绍:小说作者,业余杂志撰稿人,曾出版长... 上次登录:2013-12-02 2012-08-15[连载]死亡秘符:在这个世界上,有很多东西是因为我们相信它,它才存在的 2012-06-12[连载]迷失地下铁:地面之下的无边恐惧 2012-05-27震惊!!美国迈阿密出现丧尸,大家速度准备后路,别怪我没提醒诸位咯 2012-03-28[八卦江湖]【火热征文】首师大出版社准畅销书《30岁:一场无法逃避的成年礼》知音:1赏金:100.0知音榜:乔宇宙我要上榜更多 .从《爸爸去哪儿》看哪个爸爸最会服装搭配.揭秘内地女明星私底下爱不离手的东东.你不得不知道的现实情况,知道内幕是可怕的.我985、211学校,为啥英语也这么烂,求解救啊!.拒绝平庸廓形,装饰从容,你就是下一个优雅女王.一次写真经历实现了我的明星梦回复楼主:寒知了时间:2013-10-01 09:44:32 永别了老白!虽然你已不在江湖!——《绝命毒师》剧评5年中,五季,62集,这部曾经被Showtime、TNT和HBO等电视台先后拒绝,被FX拿到后转手给了AMC的剧集,经过五季的精细打磨之后创造了一个无比巨大的荣耀时刻。
曾获得50个奖项,151个提名,创吉尼斯记录的Metacritic(权威评分网站) 99分(满分100)的记录入选2014年吉尼斯世界纪录大全,被称为“世界上最高评分剧集”,这就是神剧《绝命毒师》(Breaking Bad)。
禁毒名言警句简短50句1. 远离毒品,珍爱生命。
2. 毒品害人害己,远离毒品是明智的选择。
3. 毒品,摧毁心灵,伤害身体。
4. 毒品入口,人生出路难寻。
5. 一时的快感,换来的是永远的伤害。
6. 无毒不丈夫,毒品一旦上身,人格尽毁。
7. 嗑药如噬毒,远离毒品才是王道。
8. 勿以善小而不为,毒品之恶大而难除。
9. 生命是宝贵的,远离毒品,珍爱自己。
10. 毒品入口,人生改变。
11. 毒品是绝对不能碰的。
12. 远离毒品,才能有光明的未来。
13. 选择毒品,是让自己走向毁灭的失败选择。
14. 毒品绝不会给你带来任何好处。
15. 选择毒品,是选择了一条不归路。
16. 坚持距离毒品,把握好自己的人生方向。
17. 毒品只会给你带来黑暗而不是光明。
18. 手中有毒品,把握不住人生方向。
19. 选择远离毒品,选择健康、自由和快乐。
20. 果断远离毒品,珍爱自己的生命。
21. 对毒品说“不”,向健康和幸福奔跑。
22. 毒品为祸世界,毁掉一个灵魂,便毁掉了整个家庭。
23. 手上没有毒品,人生不会有路堵。
24. 远离毒品,远离一切的烦恼。
25. 明白了毒品的危害,选择远离毒品给自己一个未来。
26. 不管是什么毒品,一旦沉溺其中,都是毁灭的开始。
27. 注意,毒品对健康的危害才刚刚开始。
28. 颠覆毒品,健康生活,从我做起。
29. 我拒绝毒品,如此坚定,如此自由。
30. 对毒品说“不”,让生命更加充实美好。
31. 我不买毒品,我爱生命。
32. 生命诚可贵,拒绝毒品更可贵。
33. 保护生命,珍爱健康,拒绝毒品选择一条明智之路。
34. 驻足于毒品前,迈向光明之路。
35. 远离毒品,在未来的日子里过上健康幸福的生活。
36. 沉迷毒品,失去未来。
37. 把握人生,否定毒品的危害。
38. 追求健康的生活,彻底摆脱毒品的患。
39. 青春不容毒品浪费,远离毒品享受精彩人生。
40. 为生命说“不”毒品,珍惜生命选择健康。
41. 躲开毒品,是对健康的保护与珍爱。
美剧经典英文句子美剧中常常包含许多经典而深刻的英文句子,以下是一些可能会让人印象深刻的美剧经典句子:《越狱》(Prison Break):"I may be a criminal, but you’re a liar. The difference is, when I get out of here, I’ll still be rich." - Michael Scofield《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones):"When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die." - Cersei Lannister《破产姐妹》(2 Broke Girls):"Cupcakes are muffins that believed in miracles." - Max Black《疑犯追踪》(Person of Interest):"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Harold Finch《绝命毒师》(Breaking Bad):"I am not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger." - Walter White《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory):"If I could speak the language of rabbits, they would be amazed and I would be their king." - Sheldon Cooper《行尸走肉》(The Walking Dead):"In this life now, you kill or you die, or you die and you kill." - The Governor《黑镜》(Black Mirror):"The best thing about people is not what makes them people; it’s what makes them people." - Dr. Dawson, "Be Right Back"《越狱》(Prison Break):"There's always a choice." - Lincoln Burrows《冰血暴》(Fargo):"There are those who think and those who act. And I'm going to be one of those who think." - Lester Nygaard这些句子涵盖了不同类型的美剧,从悬疑、剧情到喜剧,每一句都有着独特的表达和内涵。
【神剧《绝命毒师》】永别了老白!虽然你已不在江湖!楼主:寒知了时间:2013-10-01 09:44:00 点击:80850 回复:209 男,北京昌平区个人介绍:小说作者,业余杂志撰稿人,曾出版长... 上次登录:2013-12-02 2012-08-15[连载]死亡秘符:在这个世界上,有很多东西是因为我们相信它,它才存在的 2012-06-12[连载]迷失地下铁:地面之下的无边恐惧 2012-05-27震惊!!美国迈阿密出现丧尸,大家速度准备后路,别怪我没提醒诸位咯 2012-03-28[八卦江湖]【火热征文】首师大出版社准畅销书《30岁:一场无法逃避的成年礼》知音:1赏金:100.0知音榜:乔宇宙我要上榜更多 .从《爸爸去哪儿》看哪个爸爸最会服装搭配.揭秘内地女明星私底下爱不离手的东东.你不得不知道的现实情况,知道内幕是可怕的.我985、211学校,为啥英语也这么烂,求解救啊!.拒绝平庸廓形,装饰从容,你就是下一个优雅女王.一次写真经历实现了我的明星梦回复楼主:寒知了时间:2013-10-01 09:44:32 永别了老白!虽然你已不在江湖!——《绝命毒师》剧评5年中,五季,62集,这部曾经被Showtime、TNT和HBO等电视台先后拒绝,被FX拿到后转手给了AMC的剧集,经过五季的精细打磨之后创造了一个无比巨大的荣耀时刻。
曾获得50个奖项,151个提名,创吉尼斯记录的Metacritic(权威评分网站) 99分(满分100)的记录入选2014年吉尼斯世界纪录大全,被称为“世界上最高评分剧集”,这就是神剧《绝命毒师》(Breaking Bad)。
经典句子-高考必备-英语作文-2021备战高考:2021-05-281、Never make the same mistake twice. —《Breaking Bad 》同一个错别犯两次。
——《绝命毒师》2、If you want something you have never had, you must be willing to do somethi...如果你想得到从未拥有过的东西,你就得去做从未做过的事。
3、He that travels far knows much.见多才能识广。
4、To a crazy ship all winds are contrary.对于一只漫无目标的船而言,任何方向的风都是逆风。
5、Perhaps most importantly, he realized that there is always New Cheese out there, whether you recognize it at the time or not, and that you are rewarded with it when you go past your fear and enjoy the adventure.最重要的是,新的奶酪始终总是存在于某个地方,不管你是否已经意识到了它的存在。
----------------------------------------------------------------------6、As long as the courage to dream, dare to dream, eager to realize the ir dreams, we are forever young!只要勇于有梦,敢于追梦,勤于圆梦,我们就永远年轻!7、Don't criticize what you can't understand.不懂的,不要随意批判。
1. 不管我做什么,都是为了我的目标而努力,为了我的信仰而战斗,所有的牺牲都是值得的。
2. 无畏面对死亡,才能真正体现生命的价值和意义,只有勇士才能成为伟大的杀手。
3. 每一次的行动都必须要坚决果断,不留余地,才能确保自己的安全和任务的完成。
4. 杀人是一件快乐的事情,只有在杀人的过程中,我才能感受到生命的真谛和存在的意义。
5. 我的目标就是要成为这个世界上最顶尖的杀手,只有实现了这个目标,才算真正活过。
6. 对我来说,没有任何事情是不能做到的,只要我有了决心和毅力,就一定能够达成自己的目标。
7. 杀手没有过多的情感和感情,只有一个冷静和果断的头脑才是最重要的。
8. 这个世界上没有什么是永恒的,只有我作为一个杀手的存在是永恒的,我需要在这个世界上留下自己的足迹和成就。
9. 我的眼中只有目标,我唯一的信仰就是杀死我的目标,我做的一切都是为了这个信仰。
10. 对于杀手来说,没有所谓的失误和错误,只有成功和失败,成功者是英雄,失败者就是无名之辈。
11. 杀手不需要谎言和欺骗来掩盖自己的真实面目,因为我本身就是一个杀手,这是我存在的真实。
12. 我希望成为一个传奇的杀手,一个让人们敬畏和惧怕的存在,只有这样,才能真正达到我的目标。
13. 杀手需要的不是力量和速度,而是智慧和心灵的敏锐,只有这样,才能真正为自己的目标谋求胜利。
14. 杀手不需要获得任何人的认可和赞许,因为我本身就是一个杀手,我自己对自己的选择和行动负责。
15. 杀手需要的是一颗永不放弃的心灵和意志,只有这样才能不断地在杀手的道路上前行,独霸天下。
16. 杀手的生命和使命是永恒不变的,只有执着才能帮助我达成自己的目标,摆脱一切困难的束缚。
17. 作为一名杀手,我需要保持头脑清醒和警觉,时刻注意周围的情况和行踪,才能脱离危险和完成任务。
经典句子-高考必备-英语作文-2021备战高考:2021-05-271、Trust is like a piece of paper. When it creases, it cannot recover e ven it ...信任就像一张纸,皱了,即使抚平,也恢复不了原样了。
2、You must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from. ...不要因为出身低就让别人限制了你发展的机会。
—料理鼠王3、One always has time enough, if one will apply it well.人总是有足够的时间,如果他好好利用。
--歌德4、Never make the same mistake twice. —《Breaking Bad 》同一个错别犯两次。
——《绝命毒师》5、A lot of people are afraid to say what they want. That's why they do n't get what they want.很多人想要却不敢开口,这就是为什么他们想要却得不到。
----------------------------------------------------------------------6、No matter what happens to us in the future, everyday we are together is the...无论未来何去何从,我们在一起的每一天都是我人生中最为辉煌的日子。
《恋恋笔记本》7、No matter what goal you pursue, you should persevere.不管追求什么目标,都应坚持不懈。
8、Man was born free, and everywhere he is in chains.人是生而自由的,却处处受到束缚。
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