Biostratigraphic Study of the Paleocene-Eocene Boundary in Northern Tunisia, North Africa












9、1951 发现跳跃基因或称转座因子。



三、选择题:1、遗传学有很多分支,按(),可分为宏观与微观,前者包括群体遗传学(Population genetics)、数量遗传学(Quantitative gentics);后者包括细胞遗传学(Cytogenetics)、核外遗传学(Extranuclear G.)、染色体遗传学(Chromosomal G.)、分子遗传学(Molecular genetics)。

A、按研究对象分B、按研究范畴分C、研究的层次分D、研究的门类2、遗传学名词是1906年由英国的贝特森William Bateson教授提出来的,并且他还提出了()等概念。



大黄素治疗类风湿关节炎发布时间:2023-02-22T08:45:15.571Z 来源:《医师在线》2022年32期作者:郑若男[导读] 类风湿性关节炎(RA)是一种慢性、全身性和自身免疫性疾病,其主要病理变化是炎症细胞浸润伴有多种相关细胞因子的分泌和积累,诱发软骨和骨组织的破坏。



郑若男黑龙江中医药大学黑龙江哈尔滨 150000摘要:类风湿性关节炎(RA)是一种慢性、全身性和自身免疫性疾病,其主要病理变化是炎症细胞浸润伴有多种相关细胞因子的分泌和积累,诱发软骨和骨组织的破坏。





关键词:大黄素;类风湿关节炎;综述1 大黄素的基础生物学中药大黄和根瘤被称为“指挥官”,最早记录在经典书籍“神农草药经典”中,大约在2000年前在中国临床上使用。



1.1 大黄素的药代动力学大黄素的主要代谢途径是葡萄糖醛酸化代谢,其次是磺化代谢[3].大黄素以葡糖苷酸或硫酸酯的形式存在于血浆、肾脏和肺中,以游离形式存在于肝脏中的大黄素[4].1.2使用大黄素治疗人类疾病在口腔疾病中,大黄素降低外周血和牙龈组织中的一氧化氮(NO)水平,抑制炎症反应和牙槽骨吸收[5].在肝病中,大黄素可以通过下调丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)、甘油三酯和天冬氨酸氨基转移酶的水平来改善乙醇介导的肝脂肪变性并治疗酒精性肝病[6].关于氧化应激损伤,大黄素发挥潜在的抗氧化作用,例如调节自由基和活性氧(ROS)水平并影响氧化应激诱导的损伤[7].在心血管疾病中,大黄素通过抑制醛糖还原酶活性和改善视网膜血管生成对糖尿病视网膜病变发挥潜在的治疗作用[8].1.3免疫细胞中大黄素的调节大黄素的免疫调节功能主要影响T淋巴细胞、树突状细胞(DC)和调节性T细胞(Tregs)的分化和成熟以及多种促炎和抗炎细胞因子的分泌,以达到免疫调节作用[9].2 大黄素通过调节炎性细胞因子影响 RA 进程大黄素的免疫调节作用可能部分归因于其对淋巴细胞的抗增殖作用及其对 TH1/TH2 和 TH17/Treg 平衡的调节 [10].为了抑制炎症,大黄素降低血浆中TNF-ɑ和IL-6的水平,并抑制PGE(2)的产生,PGE(2)是COX-2在滑膜组织中的蛋白质表达[11]以及抗炎细胞因子IL-4,IL-10,IL-13,IL-11和TGF-β在细胞内外的协同作用。



Constraints on the early uplift history of the Tibetan PlateauChengshan Wang*†,Xixi Zhao†‡,Zhifei Liu§,Peter C.Lippert‡,Stephan A.Graham¶,Robert S.Coe‡,Haisheng Yiʈ, Lidong Zhuʈ,Shun Liuʈ,and Yalin Li**State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources,Research Center for Tibetan Plateau Geology,and School of Geosciences,China University of Geosciences,Beijing100083,People’s Republic of China;‡Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences and Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics,University of California,Santa Cruz,CA95064;§Laboratory of Marine Geology,Tongji University,Shanghai200092,People’s Republic of China;¶Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences,Stanford University,Stanford,CA94305;andʈSchool of Geosciences, Chengdu University of Technology,Chengdu610059,People’s Republic of ChinaEdited by W.G.Ernst,Stanford University,Stanford,CA,and approved January25,2008(received for review June14,2007)The surface uplift history of the Tibetan Plateau and Himalaya is among the most interesting topics in geosciences because of its effect on regional and global climate during Cenozoic time,its influence on monsoon intensity,and its reflection of the dynamics of continental plateaus.Models of plateau growth vary in time, from pre-India-Asia collision(e.g.,Ϸ100Ma ago)to gradual uplift after the India-Asia collision(e.g.,Ϸ55Ma ago)and to more recent abrupt uplift(<7Ma ago),and vary in space,from northward stepwise growth of topography to simultaneous surface uplift across the plateau.Here,we improve that understanding by presenting geologic and geophysical data from north-central Tibet, including magnetostratigraphy,sedimentology,paleocurrent mea-surements,and40Ar/39Ar andfission-track studies,to show that the central plateau was elevated by40Ma ago.Regions south and north of the central plateau gained elevation significantly later. During Eocene time,the northern boundary of the protoplateau was in the region of the Tanggula Shan.Elevation gain started in pre-Eocene time in the Lhasa and Qiangtang terranes and ex-panded throughout the Neogene toward its present southern and northern margins in the Himalaya and Qilian Shan.climate͉tectonics͉magnetostratigraphy͉Hoh Xil Basin͉CenozoicT he Tibetan Plateau is the most extensive region of elevated topography in the world(Fig.1).How such high topography, which should have an effect on climate,monsoon intensity,and ocean chemistry(1–5),has developed through geologic time re-mains disputed.Various lines of investigation,including evidence from the initiation of rift basins(6),potassium-rich(K-rich)vol-canism(7),tectonogeomorphic studies of fluvial systems and drainage basins(8),thermochronologic studies(9),upper-crustal deformation histories(10,11),stratigraphic and magnetostrati-graphic studies of sediment accumulation rates(12),paleobotany (13),and oxygen isotope-based paleoaltimetry(14–22),have sug-gested different uplift histories.Authors of recent geologic studies (11)have proposed that significant crustal thickening(and by inference,surface uplift)in the Qiangtang terrane occurred in the Early Cretaceous[Ϸ145mega-annum(Ma)age],followed by major crustal thickening within the Lhasa terrane betweenϷ100and50 Ma ago.This hypothesis remains disputed(23).Other models of plateau growth range from Oligocene(e.g.,Ϸ30Ma ago)gradual surface uplift(7)to more recent(Ͻ7Ma ago)and abrupt surface uplift(24),with oblique stepwise growth of elevation northward and eastward after the India-Eurasia collision(7,20,25,26).With few exceptions(e.g.,see refs.11and27),most of these models focus on data from the Himalaya and southern Tibet and remain rela-tively unconstrained by geologic data from the interior of the Tibetan Plateau.The Hoh Xil Basin(HXB)of the north-central Tibetan Plateau (Figs.1and2)is the most widespread exposure of Paleogene sediments on the high plateau and containsϾ5,000m of Cenozoic nonmarine strata(28).Although the HXB(5,000-m average ele-vation)is a part of the high plateau today,it once was a basin bounding the northern boundary of the Paleogene proto-Tibetan Plateau.The HXB,characterized by low-gradient fluvial and lacustrine facies,may be an analogue of the Qaidam or Tarim basin systems on the northern margins of the modern high plateau,which are a variety of foreland basins termed‘‘collisional successor basins’’by Graham et al.(29).Here,we argue that the HXB is a foreland basin system that developed in concert with the rise and erosion of adjacent high mountain belts.Specifically,our work supports the idea that HXB evolution was coeval with the surface uplift of the Qiangtang terrane to the south and that high elevation characterized the central Tibetan Plateau by Eocene time. Sedimentology and Magnetostratigraphy of the HXBHXB sediments are exposed most extensively in the Fenghuo Shan (‘‘shan’’means‘‘mountain’’in Chinese)region and can be divided into three lithostratigraphic units.The basal Fenghuoshan Group (FG)consists of cobble-pebble conglomerate,red sandstone,and bioclastic limestone of fluvial,fan-delta,and lacustrine origin.The overlying Yaxicuo Group(YG)is distinguished by sandstone, mudstone,marl,and gypsum deposited in fluvial and playa envi-ronments.A pronounced angular unconformity separates the YG from the overlying Wudaoliang Group(WG),which consists of lacustrine marl and minor amounts of black oil shale.The FG and YG together areϾ5,000m thick and deformed by overturned folds and numerous south-directed thrusts,whereas the100-to200-m-thick WG is only gently tilted.Nearly300paleocurrent measurements indicate that the paleo-flow direction recorded in the FG is dominantly northward(Fig.2), consistent with provenance studies and proximal-to-distal facies distributions that show that detritus in the HXB was derived from the Qiangtang terrane to the south(30)and controlled by the Tanggula thrust system[for data,see supporting information(SI) Figs.7and8in SI Appendix].Paleocurrent indicators in the YG are also directed to the north in its lower part but are increasingly deflected eastward higher in the section,with some southerly indicators at the top of the section(Fig.2).Thus,paleoflow indictors are mainly directed northward away from the Tanggula Shan front and eastward parallel to the front.Chinese workers traditionally have regarded the initiation of the HXB as Cretaceous on the basis of pollen biostratigraphy Author contributions:C.W.designed research;C.W.,X.Z.,Z.L.,H.Y.,L.Z.,S.L.,and Y.L. performed research;C.W.,X.Z.,Z.L.,P.C.L.,S.A.G.,R.S.C.,H.Y.,L.Z.,and S.L.analyzed data; and C.W.,X.Z.,P.C.L.,S.A.G.,and R.S.C.wrote the paper.The authors declare no conflict of interest.This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.Freely available online through the PNAS open access option.†To whom correspondence may be addressed.E-mail:chshwang@ or xzhao@ .This article contains supporting information online at /cgi/content/full/ 0703595105/DC1.©2008by The National Academy of Sciences of the USA͞cgi͞doi͞10.1073͞pnas.0703595105PNAS͉April1,2008͉vol.105͉no.13͉4987–4992G E O L O GY(31).Our magnetostratigraphic studies from several HXB sections,however,suggest that these strata are much younger (32).The FG was deposited Ϸ52.0–31.3Ma ago (Early Eocene to Early Oligocene),and the YG was deposited 31.3–23.8Ma ago (Early Oligocene)(Fig.2).The base of the WG is biostratigraphically dated at Ϸ22Ma ago (Miocene)(31).Average magnetostratigraphically derived sedimentation rates for the FG and YG exceed 200m/Ma and,in detail,indicate at least three general periods of sediment accumulation (32).From Ϸ55to 40Ma ago,sedimentation rates averaged Ϸ150m/Ma,increased significantly to 1,500m/Ma at Ϸ40Ma ago,and decreased to Ϸ400m/Ma from Ϸ39to 30Ma ago.The rapid acceleration in sedimentation rates at Ϸ40Ma ago coincides with the deposition of a coarsening-upward boulder-cobble conglomerate.We interpret these conglomerates as syntectonic and,therefore,that they may record activity on basin-bounding thrusts such as the Tanggula thrust system (Fig.3).Fig.2.Lithologic and magnetochronostratigraphic correlations of measured sections in the Tongtianhe,Fenghuoshan,and Wulanwula subbasins of the HXB.Magnetochronostratigraphy of the Fenghuoshan subbasin is from ref.32.Paleocurrent directions indicate westerly and southerly provenances in the Eocene and most of the Oligocene and northerly provenance in the latest Oligocene.The star in the Fenghuoshan section indicates the carbonate sampling site discussed in ref.18.Fig.1.A simplified tectonic map of the Tibetan Plateau and Himalaya that shows the major tectonic blocks,suture zones,large faults,and basins dis-cussed in the text.JB,Jiuquan basin;QB,Qaidam basin;GBC,Gangrinboche conglomerates;GCT,great counter thrust;GT,Gangdese thrust;NKLF,north Kunlun fault;SKLF,south Kunlun fault;ATF,Altyn Tagh fault;XF,Xianshui River fault;TTS,Tang-gula thrust system;JF,Jingsha fault;BNS,Bangong–Nujiang suture zone;YZS,Yarlung Tsangpo suture zone;MBT,main boundary thrust.Small circles with numbers represent sites for Ar/Ar dating:1–3,sites studied in ref.7;4,sites at which samples of K-rich lavas in the Zhuerkenwula mountain area (west of longitude 91°30ЈE;see Figs.3and 4a and c )were collected for Ar/Ar dating;5,HXB volcanic sites (see Fig.4b and c ).Labeled boxes (with letters)represent areas at which previous studies for paleoelevation,sedimentology,and magnetostratigraphy of Ceno-zoic sections were conducted:L,Lunpola (20);FS,Fenghuo Shan (18);N (13,17);J (43);P (44);Z (see SI Fig.12in SI Appendix ).WS,FS,and TS represent theWulanwula,Fenghuoshan,and Tongtianhe sections,respectively,shown in Fig.2.The large box in the center shows the location of the map shown in Fig.3.4988͉ ͞cgi ͞doi ͞10.1073͞pnas.0703595105Wang et al.Crustal Shortening and Fission-Track Analyses of North-Central TibetAs previously discussed,field relationships (Fig.3)indicate that FG and YG strata were strongly deformed before deposition of the WG (30).Structural cross sections suggest that crustal shortening in the Fenghuo Shan region is Ϸ43%(30,33),with the majority of this shortening complete by the end of the Oligocene.These structural relationships are similar to those observed in the Nanqian-Yushu region to the east (27,34).Our results from an apatite fission-track study of 25samples from the Tanggula Shan and HXB provide constraints on the regional cooling history (SI Figs.9and 10in SI Appendix ).Early Paleogene apatite fission-track ages and negatively skewed track-length dis-tributions of basement rock samples from the Tanggula Shan indicate a rapid cooling event Ϸ60–50Ma ago followed by more gradual cooling thereafter.This cooling history can be explained by either regional Early Cenozoic volcanism (34,35),tectonic exhu-mation,or a combination of these processes.Overlap in U/Pb ages in zircon,40Ar/39Ar ages in biotites (34,35),and apatite fission-track ages of volcanic and sedimentary samples is consistent with rapid unroofing of the northern Tanggula Shan by motion along the Tanggula thrust system.Moreover,extensive Late Paleogene flat-lying basalts (see below)that overlie strongly deformed Early Paleogene strata indicate that significant upper-crustal deforma-tion and denudation on the northern flank of the Tanggula Shanwas mostly compete by Ϸ40Ma ago.In the HXB,apatite fission-track samples from 40-to 35-Ma-old FG strata exhibit shorter mean track lengths and track-length distributions suggestive of cooling beginning Ϸ30Ma ago.These results are compatible with the sedimentary accumulation records for the HXB,indicating as much as 3,500m of sediment overburden,and the structural history described above,indicating rapid exhumation of the Fenghuo Shan Ϸ30–22Ma ago.Paleogene High-Potassium Volcanism in North-Central Tibet Many workers attribute the surface uplift of the Tibetan Plateau to a dynamic response to convective removal of the lower portion of an overthickened Tibetan lithosphere (36).Hot asthenosphere beneath a thin lithosphere is expected to produce not only dynamic topography but also crustal melts (37).Thus,the occurrence of K-rich,postcollisional volcanism in elevated terranes may be useful for dating the time of surface uplift.Approximately one decade ago,it was widely believed that all postcollisional volcanic rocks in Tibet were younger than Ϸ13Ma and restricted to the northern and southern margins of the plateau (38).Recent results of others and those presented here,however,demonstrate that postcollisional volcanic rocks are widely distributed within the plateau interior and are older than those in the north and south (39,40).In particular,30-to 40-Ma-old K-rich lavas found across the eastern part of northern Tibet have been cited as evidence for diachronoussurfaceFig.3.Simplified geologic map of the Hoh Xil region (boxed area in Fig.1)based on 1:250,000-scale regional geologic mapping,showing the distribution of tectonically disrupted strata of the HXB and structural features.Note that the Jinsha River suture zone (JS,dashed red line)that separates Qiangtang and Songpan-Ganzi terrane is covered in this region.The dashed black line indicates the Qinghai-Tibet highway.TTS,Tanggula thrust system;SKLF,south Kunlun fault;A–B,location of the cross section on the lower left of the figure,which shows significant upper-crustal shortening in the Hoh Xil region.Paleogene volcanic fields of the Zhuerkenwula area are located in the western part of the region shown.Wang et al .PNAS ͉April 1,2008͉vol.105͉no.13͉4989G E O L O GYuplift and high elevations because previously reported K-rich volcanics from western Qiangtang are Ϸ20Ma old or younger (Fig.1)(7).Our 40Ar/39Ar geochronologic study of a recently discovered volcanic province in the Zhuerkenwula mountain area (Figs.3and 4a )reveals that K-rich volcanism began in western Qiangtang at least 33.7–43.5Ma ago.Calc-alkaline volcanic rocks of Eocene-Oligocene age were also documented recently in southern Qiang-tang (40).In the HXB,however,most K-rich lava units are even younger (6–24Ma;Fig.4b and c )and overlie redbeds of the foreland basin.Thus,east–west diachronous uplift of the Tibetan Plateau is not supported by the ages of K-rich lavas,which actually young northward from the Qiangtang terrane to the Kunlun Shan (Fig.4c ).Whether these melts are the product of lithospheric thinning or intracontinental subduction (35,41)remains a topic of active research.DiscussionWhen did regional surface uplift commence?The transition from marine to terrestrial facies is one of the most direct lines of evidence for uplift.The youngest marine strata of the Qiangtang terrane are Lower Cretaceous,whereas those of the Lhasa terrane are LateCretaceous (Fig.5).These folded deposits are unconformably overlain by Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene nonmarine deposits,as imaged by recent seismic profiling in the region (SI Fig.11in SI Appendix )and mapped in outcrop (11,42).This structural–stratigraphic relationship indicates that crustal shortening,thick-ening,and surface uplift were active in both the Qiangtang and Lhasa terranes well before the Early Eocene (10).South of the Lhasa terrane,recent biostratigraphic studies in the Himalayan terrane confirm the record of Paleocene marine deposition in both the northern and southern Tethyan Himalaya (43,44).Importantly,our work demonstrates that the marine Penqu Formation near Tingri is latest Eocene in age (Priabonian,calcareous nannofossil zone NP20),extending the age of marine incursion in the southern Tethyan Himalaya by Ϸ5Ma (44).We also have directly dated an Early Eocene (zone of Buryella clinata –Thursocyrtis ampla )radio-larian chert in Saga County in the northern Tethyan Himalaya (SI Fig.12in SI Appendix ),where previous studies have only inferred a mid-Paleogene age on the basis of Paleocene biostratigraphy and stratigraphic relationships (43,45).Thus,by using the disappear-ance of marine facies as a measure of early surface uplift,we conclude that the emergence of the Himalaya occurred post-Eocene at the earliest,possibly even more recently.Oxygen isotope-based paleoaltimetry studies from the Thakkhola graben and Gyirong basin suggest that the Tethyan Himalaya were at or near modern elevation by the mid-Miocene (14,15).Collectively,these studies are consistent with the sedimentary record of Himalayan orogenesis (46)and indicate significant southward elevation gain between 40and Ϸ12Ma ago.When the proto-Tibetan Plateau (the Lhasa and Qiangtang terranes)reached its modern elevation remains uncertain (26),although regional paleoaltimetry studies provide some constraints.Independent paleoaltimetry estimates from the Namling-Oiyung basin in southern Tibet (13,17)suggest that the elevation of the southern Tibetan Plateau has remained at Ϸ4.6km since 15Ma ago.Farther north,chronologically well constrained stable-isotope studies from the Nima basin along the Bangong–Nujiang suture between the Lhasa and Qiangtang terranes suggest that this region was high and dry,similar to the modern environment,by the Early Oligocene (22).Oxygen isotope studies of Paleogene strata in the Lunpola basin,which also spans the Bangong–Nujiang suture,suggest that the region was 4.0–4.6km high (20)by the Early Oligocene (22).Paleoaltimetry estimates from the Hoh Xil region are equivocal.Cyr et al .(18)used oxygen isotope values from lacustrine carbonates from the FG and modeled monsoon-dominated isotopic lapse rates to argue that the HXB was Ϸ2km high during the Late Eocene,whereas DeCelles et al .(22)reeval-uated these data by using lower,empirically based lapse rates from central Tibet and argue that the HXB was 4.7–5.0km high during the Late Eocene.Our evidence from stratigraphy,geochronology of K-rich lavas,and apatite fission-track studies,as well as the paleoaltimetry studies discussed above,support the idea that the Lhasa and southern Qiangtang terranes were at or near their modern elevation since 40Ma and formed the proto-Tibetan Plateau (Fig.6).The northern edge of the Tanggula Shan formed the northern margin of the proto-Tibetan Plateau,whereas the Gangdese arc formed the southern boundary,consistent with the inferences of Kapp et al .(11,47)and Spurlin et al .(34).Oligocene–Early Miocene upper-crustal shortening within the HXB would have been driven by Indo-Asian collisional stresses from the south transmitted across this high proto-Tibetan Plateau and localized along its northern boundary.Thus,we argue that the Tibetan Plateau grew southward and northward from a nucleus of high topography (Fig.6),consistent with predictions based on simple physical considerations (48,49).Surface uplift to 5,000m in the HXB region was probably achieved by a combination of upper-crustal shortening (50),continental underthrusting of the Lhasa and Songpan-Ganzi terranes beneath Qiangtang (11),and mantle dynamics(36).Fig.4.40Ar/39Ar plateau ages from this study.(a )Zhuerkenwula mountains,which is the largest Cenozoic volcanic province in the northern Tibetan-Kunlun region (Ϸ2,500km 2).The K-rich lavas in this province were previously considered to be Ͻ20Ma old.(b )Plateau ages from the Hoh Xil region.(c )Distributions of radiometric dates of K-rich lavas from the Qiangtang,Hoh Xil,and Kunlun belts (Ͼ200dates collected,mainly from refs.39and 60).4990͉ ͞cgi ͞doi ͞10.1073͞pnas.0703595105Wang et al.Concluding RemarksWe propose a temporally and spatially differential surface-uplift history of the Tibetan Plateau (Fig.6).Our integrated study suggests that the central plateau (the Lhasa and southern Qiang-tang terranes)was uplifted by the Late Paleogene.A high proto-Tibetan Plateau may have contributed to climatic changes farther north in central Asia (19).Intriguingly,this timing also corresponds to a period of pronounced global cooling (1,2)and changes in ocean chemistry (51).The plateau subsequently expanded as a result of the continued northward collision of India with Asia.To the south,the Himalaya rose during the Neogene.To the north,the Qilian Shan rapidly uplifted in the Late Cenozoic.These ranges constitute the modern southern and northern margins,respectively,of the Tibetan Plateau.Methods and Analytical TechniquesMagnetostratigraphy.Magnetostratigraphic sampling was conducted approxi-mately every 10m.Several sites include multiple samples at the same stratigraphic level.Sampling followed standard paleomagnetic practice with in situ drilling by a portable gasoline-powered core drill and sample orientation by sun compass.All experimental work was performed in a magnetically shielded laboratory at the University of California (Santa Cruz).Samples were subjected to progressivethermal and alternating field demagnetization and measured at each step of treatment by a 2G cryogenic magnetometer.Magnetization directions were determined by principal-component analysis (52).The distributions of paleomag-netic directions at each site were calculated by using Fisher statistics (53).Each of the major magnetic polarity zones were defined by several samples of the same polarity.Age constraints and spacing of the observed polarity intervals were used to anchor the observed polarity column to the geomagnetic time scale (54).Geochronology.40Ar/39Ar analyses were conducted on plagioclase mineral sep-arates from 10samples from the western regions of the northern Tibetan Plateau.The analytical procedures followed those described in ref.55.After irradiation,all samples were step-heated by using a radio-frequency furnace.Argon isotope analyses were conducted on a MM1200mass spectrometer at the Institute of Geology (China Seismological Bureau).40Ar/39Ar plateau ages are interpreted as eruption ages for the volcanic samples;all of the plateau ages are well defined over 75%of the cumulative 39Ar released and are statistically indistinguishable from their corresponding inverse isochron ages.Apatite Fission-Track Analyses.Samples for fission-track study came from a transect that followed the Lhasa-Golmud highway.All samples were measured at the University of Melbourne (Melbourne,Australia).Standard and induced track densities were measured on mica external detectors (g ϭ0.5).Ages were calcu-lated by using the zeta method (362.3Ϯ8)for dosimeter glass CN-5.EmpiricalFig.5.Generalized geological correlation across the Tibetan Plateau and Himalayan terrane,showing the timing for disappearance of marine strata in the Hi-malayan,Lhasa,and Qiangtang terranes.The initial age of the Siwalik foreland basin is according to ref.46.PQF,marine Pengqu Formation (44);GBC,Gangrin-boche conglomerate;JCLF,Jiachala Formation of tur-bidites (43);HPCMS,Himalayan passive continental margin strata;LZZG,Lingzizhong group volcanics;SXF,shallow marine Sexing Formation (59);TKNF,marine member of the Takena Formation;JZSF,Jingzhushan Formation redbeds;LSF,marine Lang Shan Formation;ABSF,Abushan Formation redbeds;WDLG,continen-tal WG;FHSG-YXCG,FG and YG redbeds;ϩK,K-rich lava;MCT,main central thrust;YZS,Yarlung Tsangpo suture zone;BNS,Bangong–Nujiang suture zone;TTS,Tanggula thrust system.Solid wavy line,nonconfor-mity;dot–dash line,boundary between marine and continentalsediments.Fig.6.Schematic paleogeographic cross sections of the Himalaya and Tibetan Plateau,showing our pro-posed surface-uplift history for the Tibetan Plateau,in which the plateau grows northward and southward from an elevated proto-Tibetan Plateau (Lhasa and Qiangtang terranes)beginning in the Late Paleogene.MBT,main boundary thrust;GCT,great counter thrust;LZZG,Lingzizhong group volcanics;WDLG,continental Wudaoliang Group;TTS,Tanggula thrust system;NKLF,north Kunlun fault;NQF,north Qilian Mountain fault;GBC,Gangrinboche conglomerates;YZS,Yarlung Tsangpo suture zone;BNS,Bangong–Nujiang suture zone;JS,Jinsha River suture zone;MCT,main central thrust;SL,sea level;GT,Gangdese thrust;GST,Gaize–Siling Tso thrust;LB,Lunpola basin;SGAT,Shiquanhe–Gaize–Amdo thrust;SQF,the south Qilian Mountain fault;SB,Siwalik foreland basin;MFT,main frontal thrust.The Yaluzangbu River has been fixed as a reference point.See the A–B line in Fig.1for the position of the 0-Ma cross-section line.Wang et al .PNAS ͉April 1,2008͉vol.105͉no.13͉4991G E O L O GYequations (56)that relate time,temperature,fission-track length,and fission-track density were used to extract age,track-length,and thermal history data.Paleocurrents Direction Determination.Paleocurrent directions were measured from primary sedimentary structures,including cross stratification,pebble imbri-cation,and ripple crest orientation.The orientations of paleocurrent indicators were measured in the field with a Brunton compass.For planar paleocurrent indicators (cross-strata,pebble-cobble imbrication),the strike and dip of the planar feature were measured.Structural restoration of paleocurrent data were made by using a computer-based stereonet program.Radiolarian Biostratigraphy.Ten radiolarian samples were analyzed at the Insti-tute of Geological Sciences (Jagiellonian University,Krakow,Poland).Samples were processed following the procedures described in ref.57.Samples weretreated with 50%hydrochloric acid for 48h to remove calcium carbonate and organic carbon and finely sieved (61␮m)with water to remove the fine fraction.The radiolarian species present and abundances were recorded following ref.58.ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.We thank Christopher J.L.Wilson and his colleagues at the University of Melbourne (Australia)for the apatite fission track data,and two anonymous reviewers for insightful reviews and constructive suggestions.This work was partially supported by National Key Basic Research Program of China Grant 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1. Thomson JA等人在1998年首次成功地从人类胚胎中分离出ESC,并在Science杂志上发表了相关研究。


2. 《Nature》杂志于2006年发表了一篇综述文章,探讨了胚


3. 《Cell Stem Cell》杂志是一个专门刊登干细胞研究的期刊,其中包括了大量关于胚胎干细胞的研究论文。


4. 《Stem Cells》杂志也是一个重要的期刊,涵盖了广泛的干


5. 《Developmental Biology》杂志发表了一些关于胚胎干细


2. 《Nature Reviews Genetics》杂志发表了一些关于胚胎干细胞伦理和社会问题的综述文章,对胚胎干细胞研究的伦理和社会影响进行了深入探讨。





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ro . Alo,sg i c n i ee c r b e v d a n 0 c tp s ot s i f a tdf rn eweeo s r e mo g1 5 e oy e .Ex e tr o ,e c ft eGS P cii n i c p o t a h o h H— x a tv—
由遗传 决定的 , 为模式植物的遗传 差异性对于禾谷 类植物 的遗传和基 因比较分析 等极具价值。 作 关键词 : 式植物 ; 色列; 模 以 二穗短 柄草 ; 胱甘肽过氧化物酶 谷
中 图分 类 号 :9 53 Q 4 .5 文献标识码 : A 文 章 编 号 : 0 —05 (0 1 0 0 9 0 1 8 4 7 2 1 ) 3— 18— 5 0
严 俊 , 薛文韬 何 , 跃 王兴梅 钟桂香 程剑 平 , , ,
395 10 ;
( .贵州大学 生命科学学 院, 1 贵州 贵阳 502 ;. 505 2 海法大学 进化研究所 , 以色列 海法 3 贵 州大 学 农 学 院 , 州 贵 阳 5 02 ) . 贵 5 05

要: 二穗短柄草是一种理想的研 究温带禾谷类植物和牧 草的模 式植物。本文对 来源于以 色列 4个不 同地 区
e c s O h H— x a tvte fro ,se a d la at fB.di a h o r w n te n tr lmai o - n e n t e GS P cii so o t tm n e fp rso i s c y n g e i h au a ci t c n t l c



第32卷第4期Vol.32,No.4161-1722023年4月草业学报ACTA PRATACULTURAE SINICA张振粉,黄荣,姚博,等.欧美进口紫花苜蓿可培养种带细菌及其对动植物的致病性.草业学报,2023,32(4):161−172.ZHANG Zhen-fen,HUANG Rong,YAO Bo,et al.Culturable seed-borne bacteria of lucerne imported from Europe and North America and their pathogenicity to plants and animals.Acta Prataculturae Sinica,2023,32(4):161−172.欧美进口紫花苜蓿可培养种带细菌及其对动植物的致病性张振粉1,2*,黄荣1,2,姚博1,2,张旺东3,杨成德4,陈秀蓉4(1.甘肃农业大学草业学院,甘肃兰州730070;2.草业生态系统教育部重点实验室,中-美草地畜牧业可持续发展研究中心,甘肃兰州730070;3.甘肃农业大学动物医学院,甘肃兰州730070;4.甘肃农业大学植物保护学院,甘肃兰州730070)摘要:为了探究进口紫花苜蓿种带细菌的多样性及其对动植物的致病性,本研究从北美和欧洲共收集到紫花苜蓿种子样品34份,所有样品经室内研磨稀释分离培养,共获得39株种带细菌分离物,结合常规表型特征及16S rDNA鉴定方法确定它们的分类地位;并在室内采用菌悬液皿内发芽及盆栽接种法和腹腔注射法分别测定了21株代表细菌对供试紫花苜蓿和昆明小鼠的致病性。




至于无法将携带的种子散播到更远的生境ꎮ 如ꎬ Car ̄
法ꎬ 种子 数 量 普 查ꎬ 种 子 捕 捉 器ꎬ 利 用 遗 传 学 进 行
DNA 分子技术进行追踪ꎬ 无线电追踪ꎬ 放射性同位素
信号追踪ꎬ 动物活动模型ꎬ 遗传标记等ꎮ
ine Emer 等利用元网络的方法在 16 个新热带森林片段
中探索了 鸟 类 种 子 传 播 ( Bird Seed Dispersalꎬ BSD)
碎化ꎬ 是指原本自然状态下连续的生境在受到人为干
键的生态过程ꎬ 决定了植物的更新模式ꎬ 并影响之后
扰或者自然干扰的情况下ꎬ 生境逐渐由完整发展为支
幼苗的更新生存ꎬ 因此其在生态系统和生物多样性的
离破碎的较小面积生境ꎮ 随着人类社会的不断发展ꎬ
持久中发挥着至关重要的作用 [2] ꎮ 其中极小种群野生
(1 西南林业大学园林园艺学院ꎬ 云南 昆明 650224ꎻ 2 云南省农业科学院生物技术与种质资源研究所ꎬ 云南 昆明 650205)
摘 要: 全球生境碎片化趋势逐渐加深ꎬ 使在碎片化生境中的野生植物受到生存威胁ꎬ 其中包含一些亟需保护的
极小种群野生植物ꎮ 本文主要通过综述片段化生境中植物种子传播过程的研究ꎬ 如片段化生境对种子传播者的影
据营养繁殖物种扩散受限ꎬ 依靠动物传播种子和依靠
程中受到了怎样的影响ꎬ 遇到了哪些困难ꎮ 一起探明
昆虫传播花粉的植物也将受到影响ꎬ 进一步对于植物
物种传播过程中的关键问题ꎬ 为保护极小种群野生植
种群的信息流、 基因流产生一定的影响ꎬ 最终影响到
物种更新延续和发展 [5] ꎮ
收稿日期: 2023-10-30


与传统生物学通过解剖生命体以研究其内在构造的办法不同的是,合成生物学的研究方向完全是相反的:它 是从最基本的要素开始一步步建立零部件。重塑生命,这正是合成生物学这一新兴科学的核心思想。该学科致力 于从零开始建立微生物基因组,从而分解、改变并扩展自然界在35亿年前建立的基因密码。
合成生物学的研究依据自组织系统结构理论 -泛进化论(structurity, structure theory, panevolution theory),从实证到综合(synthetic )探讨天然与人工进化的生物系统理论,阐述了结构整合 (integrative)、调适稳态与建构(constructive)层级等规律;因此,系统(systems)生物学也称为“整 合(integrative biology)生物学”,合成(synthetic)生物学又叫“建构生物学(constructive biology)”(Zeng BJ.中译)。系统与合成生物学的系统结构、发生动力与砖块建构、工程设计等基于结构理 论原理,从电脑技术的系统科学理论到遗传工程的系统科学方法,是将物理科学、工程技术原理与方法贯彻到细 胞、遗传机器与细胞通讯技术等纳米层次的生物分子系统分析与设计。
自2000年《自然》(Nature)杂志报道了人工合成基因线路研究成果以来,合成生物学研究在全世界范围 引起了广泛的**与重视,被公认为在医学、制药、化工、能源、材料、农业等领域都有广阔的应用前景。国际上 的合成生物学研究发展飞速,在短短几年内就已经设计了多种基因控制模块,包括开关、脉冲发生器、振荡器等, 可以有效调节基因表达、蛋白质功能、细胞代谢或细胞间相互作用。
合成生物学(synthetic biology),也可翻译成综合生物学,即综合集成,“synthetic”在不同地方翻 译成不同中文,比如综合哲学(synthetic philosophy)、“社会-心理-生物医学模式”的综合(synthetic) 医学(genbrain biosystem network -中科院曾邦哲1999年建于德国,探讨生物系统分析学“biosystem analysis”与人工生物系统“artificial biosystem”,包括实验、计算、系统、工程研究与应用),同时也 被归属为人工生物系统研究的系统生物工程技术范畴,包括生物反应器与生物计算机开发。












【古无脊椎动物学】invertebrate paleontology又称无脊椎古生物学。







【古脊椎动物学】vertebrate paleontology古生物学的一个分支学科。































1. 东海厚壳贻贝多糖的提取和纯化方法的优化:利用常规提取方法和柱层析技术对多糖进行提取和纯化。

2. 多糖成分的分析:利用色谱、光谱等分析方法对多糖进行化学成分分析,分析其单糖组成、分子量等信息。

3. 多糖的抗氧化活性测试:采用体外试验方法,如DPPH自由基清除、还原力等,评价其抗氧化活性。

4. 多糖的抗炎活性测试:采用细胞实验方法,如西红柿红素诱导RAW264.7细

5. 多糖的抗衰老活性测试:采用体外和体内试验方法,如细胞抗氧化实验、老年小鼠模型等,评价多糖的抗衰老活性。


















Romantic Fictions

English fiction gropes its way amidst the overwhelming Romantic poetry. It revives its popularity in the hands of Jane Austen & Walter Scott. Walter Scott is noted for his historical novel based on Scottish history and legends. He exerted great influence on European literature of his time.

William Wordsworth

Legend has it that Wordsworth and his sister lived a kind of incestuous life during this period. Dorothy helped Wordsworth turn his eyes to ―the face of nature‖ and ―preserved the poet in him‖. She served as Wordsworth‘s confidante and inspirer. As Wordsworth put it in his poem: She gave me eyes, she gave me ears; And humble cares, and delicate fears; A heart, the fountain of sweet tears;
Overview of Romantic literature



Fossils have played a significant role in shaping our understanding of the world and the history of life on Earth. They provide a tangible connection to the past, offering insights into the evolution of species, the environment, and the geological changes that have occurred over millions of years. Here are some of the ways in which fossils have impacted humanity:1. Understanding Evolution: Fossils have been instrumental in the development of the theory of evolution. They provide evidence of the gradual changes in species over time, supporting the idea that all life on Earth shares a common ancestry.2. Paleontology: The study of fossils, known as paleontology, has grown into a major scientific discipline. It helps us reconstruct the history of life and the environment of the past, contributing to our knowledge of extinct species and ancient ecosystems.3. Geological Time Scale: Fossils have been crucial in establishing the geological time scale. The presence or absence of certain fossils in rock layers helps geologists determine the relative ages of these layers and understand the sequence of geological events.4. Climate Change: The study of fossilized plants and animals can reveal information about past climates. This information is vital for understanding climate change and its potential impacts on current ecosystems.5. Biodiversity: Fossils help us appreciate the incredible diversity of life that has existed on Earth. They remind us of the many species that have gone extinct and underscore the importance of biodiversity conservation.6. Medical Research: Some fossils, particularly those of ancient human ancestors, have contributed to medical research by providing insights into the evolution of human anatomy and health.7. Cultural and Educational Value: Fossils are a source of fascination and education for people of all ages. They are often displayed in museums and used in educational settings to inspire curiosity and interest in science.8. Economic Impact: The discovery and study of fossils can have economic benefits, such as tourism and the sale of fossil replicas or specimens. Additionally, the oil and gas industry relies on the understanding of geological history, which is informed by the study of fossils.9. Philosophical and Spiritual Impact: The discovery of fossils has challenged and shapedreligious and philosophical views on the origins of life and the Earths history.10. Environmental Awareness: The study of fossils can lead to a greater appreciation of the environment and the need to protect it. It highlights the fragility of ecosystems and the consequences of environmental changes over time.In conclusion, fossils are more than just remnants of ancient life they are a bridge to our past, a key to understanding our present, and a guide for our future. They have significantly influenced science, education, culture, and our perception of the natural world.。



生物化学的发现英文In the realm of biochemistry, the discovery of DNA's double helix structure stands as a monumental breakthrough.It revolutionized our understanding of genetic informationand paved the way for modern molecular biology.The intricate dance of enzymes and substrates, orchestrating the metabolic pathways within cells, is amarvel of nature's design. Each enzyme, with its unique shape, ensures the specificity and efficiency of biochemical reactions.Another significant revelation in biochemistry is therole of amino acids in protein synthesis. The sequence ofthese building blocks determines the structure and functionof proteins, which are the workhorses of the biological world.The exploration of lipid bilayers and their role in cell membranes has deepened our comprehension of how cellsmaintain their integrity and selectively interact with their environment.The study of biochemistry also unveils the mysteries of cellular energy production. The citric acid cycle andoxidative phosphorylation are processes that convertnutrients into the energy currency of the cell, ATP.Understanding the molecular mechanisms of disease hasbeen greatly advanced by biochemistry. For instance, the identification of the molecular basis of cystic fibrosis has led to more targeted and effective therapies.The emerging field of epigenetics, where biochemistry intersects with genetics, has shed light on how environmental factors can influence gene expression without altering the DNA sequence itself.Finally, the ongoing quest to decode the human proteomeis a testament to the vastness of biochemical knowledge. Each protein's unique function contributes to the symphony of life, and understanding them is key to unlocking the mysteries of health and disease.。






关键词第一腕掌关节置换;第一腕掌关节炎;关节假体;生物力学;术后并发症;发展现状中图分类号R4文献标志码A doi10.11966/j.issn.2095-994X.2023.09.04.48Research Progress of First Carpometacarpal Joint ReplacementTANG Bo1, XIAO Haijun1, LI Congbin21. Department of Orthopedics, Fengxian Hospital Affiliated to Southern Medical University, Shanghai, 201499 China;2. School of Medicine, Anhui University of Science and Technology, Huainan, Anhui Province, 232001 ChinaAbstract First carpometacarpal joint replacement has been used as a treatment for late first carpometacarpal osteoarthritis for more than 50 years. Because it can immediately eliminate pain after operation, maintain the stability of the thumb, wrist and metacarpal bone, improve the flexibility of the joint, and improve the strength of the thumb, it has attracted widespread attention, but stituation of complications and pros⁃thetic failure are more common. However, with the deepening understanding of the first carpometacarpal joint and the continuous improve⁃ment of prosthesis design, recent studies have shown that the service life of the first carpometacarpal joint prosthesis is significantly improved than before. This article reviews the research progress in anatomy, biomechanics, prosthetic materials, surgical techniques, perioperative evaluation, and postoperative complications in the first carpometacarpal joint replacement in recent years.Key words First carpometacarpal joint replacement; First carpometacarpal arthritis; Joint prosthesis; Biomechanics; Postoperative complica⁃tions; Development status第一腕掌关节是原发性骨关节炎最常见的发病部位之一,据报道,男性和女性的骨关节炎患病率分别为7%和15%,以中年女性多见[1]。



生物正交化学的原理是基于生物体内物质之间相互作用的假 设,即:物质之间存在着种种相互作用,它们可以在生物体 内形成一个紧密联系的网络。 因此,生物正交化学的研究方法是通过分解生物体内物质, 将它们分解为一系列正交的物质,然后分别研究它们彼此之 间的相互作用,从而探索生物体内物质之间的关系和调控机 制。
演讲人 2023-01-14
பைடு நூலகம்
生物正交化学是一种研究生物体内物质之间相互作用的研究方法,它把生 物体内物质分解成一系列正交的物质,然后分别研究其相互作用。生物正 交化学可以用来研究蛋白质、小分子、糖类、脂类和其他生物体内的物质。
生物正交化学的发展始于20世纪30年代,当时,在美国科学家 威廉 普洛斯和亨利 贝克尔的研究中,首次提出了生物正交化学 的概念。他们以抗性调节剂为基础,研究了蛋白质、小分子和 糖类之间的相互作用,从而建立起一个崭新的研究领域。 随后,这一理论在生物领域得到了广泛应用,被用来研究蛋白 质、小分子、糖类和脂类之间的相互作用,从而探索生物体内 物质的调控机制。
生物正交化学的应用非常广泛,它可以用来研究多种生物体 内物质之间的相互作用,包括蛋白质、小分子、糖类和脂类 等。 此外,生物正交化学还可以用于研究药物的药效学、病毒的 免疫原理、蛋白质的结构和功能、药物的活性机制、细胞信 号转导等。
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