verbal styles



Song Dynasty
Yuan Dynasty
Ming Dynasty
Qing Dynasty
China, known as a "land of dresses", has a long history in the development of its clothing culture. Dresses in different periods reflect, to a certain extent ,the situation of the politics, economy, military affairs, religions,and the civil customs of the specific historical stages.
system, it stemmed from
the era(时代) of Huangdi, which has a great impact on our modern life.
这是最早的衣服风格,它始 于皇帝时代,上衣下裳制最现代 生活有很重要的影响。
Sewn-up system(衣裳连属 制)
From the movie the warring states
Qin Dynasty and Han Dynasty
In Qin
China‘s complete code of costume and trappings was
也叫深衣,是起源于汉代的汉族服饰, 衣与裳缝合在一起,对当今的穿衣风格有 很大的影响,可以说是当今连衣裙的雏形。



1.What kinds of things cannot be noticed by a fish in the sea?A) The foodB) The climate and the environmentC) The danger and the natural enemyD) The water正确答案为D2.Human beings also have hardware and software. __________ is to human beings what software is to computer. 人类也有硬件和软件A) CultureB) BodyC) ShapeD) Color正确答案为A3.American scholars Daniel Bates and Fred Plog define culture from intercultural perspective which reflects the role of _________.美国学者丹尼尔·贝茨和弗雷德·普洛格从跨文化的角度定义文化,反映了文化的作用A) perceptionn. 知觉;觉察(力);观念;(农作物的)收获B) communicationC) sensationn. 感觉;直觉;知觉;轰动D) intellectual n. 知识分子;脑力劳动者;有极高智力的人;正确答案为B4.Many of the same proverbs appear throughout the world, because all people, regardless of their culture, share common _______.许多相同的谚语出现在世界各地,因为所有人,不管他们的文化如何,都是共同的A) storiesB) languagesC) experiencesD) arts正确答案为C5.We understand two characteristics of subgroups as ________ label and temporality.我们理解亚群的两个特征为________标签和时间性A) sameB) inferior ad j. 低劣的;下级的,下等的;(位置在)下面的;C) superior 优良的;更高级的;傲慢的;D) deviant 不正常的,异常的;离经叛道的正确答案为D6.__________ refers to one’s sense of belonging to a particular culture or ethnic group. It means one’s sense of the culture to which one belongs.指一个人对某一特定文化或民族的归属感。



Unit 5Culture and Verbal CommunicationSome Ideas Related to verbal communication and culture1. Different orientations to communication patternsEast Asian orientation1. process orientation —communication is perceived as a process of infiniteinterpretation2. differentiated linguistic codes —different linguistics codes are used dependingupon persons involved and situations3. indirect communication emphasis — the use of indirect communication is prevalent and accepted as normative4. receiver centered —meaning is in the interpretation, Emphasis is on listening, sensitivity, and removal of preconception.North American orientation1. communication is perceived as the transference of messages2. Less differentiated linguistic codes —linguistic codes are not as extensively differentiated as East Asia3. Direct communication emphasis —direct communication is norm despite the extensive use of indirect communication4. sender centered — meaning is in the message created by the sender. Emphasis is on how to formulate the best message, how to improve source credibility and delivery skills2. Direct and Indirect Verbal Interaction StylesThe tone of voice, the speaker‟s intention, and the verbal content reflect our way of speaking, our verbal style, which in turn reflects our cultural and personal values and sentiments.Verbal style frames “how” a message should be interpreted. The direct-indirect verbal interaction dimension can be thought of as straddling a continuum. Individuals in all cultures use the gradations of all these verbal styles, depending on role identities, interaction goals, and situations. However, in individualistic cultures, people tend to encounter more situations that emphasize the preferential use of direct talk, person-oriented verbal interaction, verbal self-enhancement, and talkativeness. In contrast, in collectivistic cultures, people tend to encounter more situations that emphasize the preferential use of indirect talk, status-oriented verbal interaction, verbal self-effacement, and silence.The direct and indirect styles differ in the extent to which communicators reveal their intentions through their tone of voice and the straightforwardness of their content message. In the direct verbal style, statements clearly reveal the speaker‟s intentions and are enunciated in a forthright tone of voice. In the indirect verbal style, on the other hand, verbal statements tend to camouflage the speaker‟s actual intentions and are carried out with more nuanced tone of voice. For example, the overall U.S. American verbal style often calls for clear and direct communication.P hrases such as “say what you mean,” “don‟t beat around the bush,” and “get to the point” are some examples. The direct verbal style of the larger U.S. culture is reflective of its low-context communication character.3. Person-Oriented and Status-Oriented Verbal StylesThe person-oriented verbal style is individual-centered verbal mode that emphasizes the importance of informality and role suspension. The status-oriented verbal style is a role-centered verbal mode that emphasizes formality and large power distance. The former emphasizes the importance of symmetrical interaction, whereas the latter stresses asymmetrical interaction.The person-oriented verbal style emphasizes the importance of respecting unique, personal identities in the interaction. The status-oriented verbal style emphasizes the importance of honoring prescribed power-based membership identities. Those who engage in status-oriented verbal interaction use specific vocabularies and paralinguistic features to accentuate the status distance of the role relationships (e.g., in parent-child interaction, superior-subordinate relations, and male-female interaction in many Latin American cultures). While low-context cultures tend to emphasize the use of the person-oriented verbal style, high-context cultures tend to value the status-oriented verbal mode.4. Self-Enhancement and Self-Effacement Verbal StylesThe self-enhancement verbal style emphasizes the importance of boasting about one‟s accomplishments and abilities. The self-effacement verbal style, on the other hand, emphasizes the importance of humbling oneself via verbal restraints, hesitations, modest talk, and the use of self-deprecation concerning one‟s effort or performance.For example, in many Asian cultures, self-effacement talk is expected to signal modesty or humility. In Japan, when one offers something to another person such as a gift or a meal that one has prepared, verbal self-deprecation is expected. There are set expressions for verbal humility such as “It‟s not very tasty” and “It‟s nothing special.” The hostess who apologizes to her guests that “There is nothing special to offer you” has probably sent the better part of two days planning and preparing the meal. Of course the guest should protest such a disclaimer and reemphasize her or his gratitude. Self-effacement is a necessary part of Japanese politeness rituals.In the U.S. culture, individuals are encouraged to sell and boast about themselves, for example, in performance review or job interview sessions, or else no one would notice their accomplishments. However, the notion of merchandizing oneself does not set well with the Japanese. In Japan, one does not like to stand out or be singled out, even by others; it is far worse to promote oneself.In many Asian cultures, individuals believe that if their performance is good, their behavior will be noticed, for example, by their supervisors during promotion review situations. However, from the Western cultural standpoint, if my performance is good, I should document or boast about it so that my supervisor will be sure to take notice. This difference is probably due to the observer-sensitive value of theAsian, high-context communication pattern, as opposed to the sender-responsible value of the Western, low-context interaction pattern.We should note that the pattern of verbal self-effacement cannot be generalized to many Arab or African cultures. In Egypt, for example, a popular saying is “Make your harvest look big, lest your enemies rejoice”. Effusive verbal self-enhancement is critic al to the enhancement of one‟s face or honor in some large power distance Arab cultures.Reading IUnderstanding the Culture of Conversation Comprehension questions1. What made the author feel learning to converse in Mexico City was easier for him/her in one way, more difficult in another?It's easier because Mexicans service the relationship and they care about everyone in the conversation. But their conversation doesn…t move in a straight line, drifting around both in the topic and in the way they use words.2. Why did the Mexican customer slide into the topic of the full eclipse of the sun?For the Mexican, the conversation starts with one topic, but if another interesting topic seeps in he or she will ride it around for a while. Sticking to the first topic is less important than having an interesting conversation.3. What did the American businessman feel about the Mexican‟s way of conversation?For the American, a conversation should have a topic, and he wants to take a straight line through it from beginning to end. So he felt very impatient about the Mexican…s way of conversation.4. What “conversational ideal” was represented by the example of a championship skier who was interviewed on TV?The Swedish conversational ideal is to response in a concise manner without elaborating specific details, especially those for self-promotion. .5. What problems are likely to occur if an American talks with a Swede?The American may feel totally lost in the conversation since he or she would not get as much information from the Swede as he or she has expected.6. What are the differences between Anglos and Athabaskans in conversation?There are a lot differences between them. For instance, at the beginning of a conversation, Anglos almost always speak first. Athabaskans think it is important to know what the social relationship is before they talk with someone. There is another difference in how long one should talk. Athabaskans tend to have longer turns when they talk with each other, but Anglos expect shorter turns.7. Is it enough just to learn to speak in grammatically correct manners when one learns a foreign language? What else does he or she also need to know?It is far from enough just to learn to speak in grammatically correct manners when one learns a foreign language. One also has to know about the culture of using the language in social life, things like who talks first, who talks next, whoopens and closes conversations and how they do it, in order to be able to use the language in culturally appropriate manners.8. In what ways are Chinese similar to or different from the Americans, Mexicans and Swedes ?It seems that we Chinese are somewhat similar to Mexicans in the way we are having a conversation. Unlike Americans, we do not usually move in a straight line in a conversation and may also care much about the other…s feeling.Reading IIThe Way People SpeakComprehension questions1. Why didn‟t the American openly disagree with the Italian?In general, the American did not enjoy verbal conflicts over politics or anything else.2. What are the differences between “high involvement” style and “high considerateness” style?Many people from cultures that prefer ―high involvement styles tend to: (1) talk more; (2) interrupt more; (3) expect to be interrupted; (4) talk more loudly at times; and (5) talk more quickly than those from cultures favoring ―high considerateness styles. On the other hand, people from cultures that favor ―high considerateness styles tend to: (1) speak one at a time; (2) use polite listening sounds; (3) refrain from interrupting; and (4) give plenty of positive and respectful responses to their conversation partners.3. How do New Yorkers and Californians perceive each other because of their differences in conversational style?To some New Yorkers, Californians seem slower, less intelligent, and not as responsive. To some Californians, New Yorkers seem pushy and domineering.4. What does the author think is the reasonable way to react to cultural differences?We should know that the way the other speaks may be different from our way of speaking because he or she must have had a different cultural upbringing. We shouldn…t judge the other according to our own standards of what is an acceptable communication style.5. How to determine whether a culture favors a direct or indirect style in communication?One way to determine whether a culture favors a direct or indirect style in communication is to find out how the people in that culture express disagreement or how they say, ―No.6. On what occasions do American women tend to be more direct than men?When talking about emotional issues and feelings, American women tend to be more direct than men.7. What are the goals of indirect communication?Indirect communication aims not to be angering, embarrassing, or shaming another person. Instead, it aims to be saving face and maintaining harmony in general.8. How is “Ping-Pong” conversational style different from “Bowling” style?In an American ―Ping-Pong‖ conversation, one person has the ball and then hits it to the other side of the table. The other player hits the ball back and the game continues. Each part of the conversation follows this pattern: the greeting and the opening, the discussion of a topic, and the closing and farewell. However, in a Japanese ―Bowling‖ conversation, each participant waits politely for a turn and knows exactly when the time is right to speak. That is, they know their place in line. In Japanese conversation, long silences are tolerated. For Americans, even two or three seconds of silence can become uncomfortable.Case StudyCase 17When these two men separate, they may leave each other with very different impressions.Mr Richardson is very pleased to have made the acquaintance of Mr Chu and feels they have gotten off to a very good start. They have established their relationship on a first-name basis and Mr Chu…s smile seemed to indicate that he will be friendly and easy to do business with. Mr Richardson is particularly pleased that he had treated Mr Chu with respect for his Chinese background by calling him Hon-fai rather than using the western name, David, which seemed to him an unnecessaryimposition of western culture.In contrast, Mr Chu feels quite uncomfortable with Mr Richardson. He feels it will be difficult to work with him, and that Mr Richardson might be rather insensitive to cultural differences. He is particularly bothered that, instead of calling him David or Mr Chu, Mr Richardson used his given name, Hon-fai, the name rarely used by anyone, in fact. It was this embarrassment which caused him to smile. He would feel more comfortable if they called each other Mr Chu and Mr Richardson. Nevertheless, when he was away at school in North America he learned that Americans feel uncomfortable calling people Mr for any extended period of time. His solution was to adopt a western name. He chose David for use in such situations. Case 18Even if the American knew Urdu, the language spoken in Pakistan, he would also have to understand the culture of communication in that country to respond appropriately. In this case, hehad to say ―No at least three times.In some countries, for instance, the Ukraine, it may happen that a guest is pressed as many as seven or eight times to take more food, whereas in the UK it would be unusual to do so more than twice. For a Ukrainian, to do it the British way would suggest the person is not actually generous.Indeed, British recipients of such hospitality sometimes feel that their host is behaving impolitely by forcing them into a bind, since they run out of polite refusal strategies long before the Ukrainian host has exhausted his/her repertoire of polite insistence strategies.Case 19Ta lking about what…s wrong is not easy for people in any culture, but people in high-context countries like China put high priority on keeping harmony, preventing anyone from losing face, and nurturing the relationship. It seems that Ron Kelly hadto learn a different way of sending message when he was in China. At home in Canada he would have gone directly to the point. But in China, going directly to the problem with someone may suggest that he or she has failed to live up to his orher responsibility and the honor of his or her organization is in question. Inhigh-context cultures like China, such a message is serious and damaging. Inlow-context cultures, however, the tendency is just to ―spit it out, to get it into words and worry about the result later. Senders of unwelcome messages use objective facts, assuming, as with persuasion, that facts are neutral, instrumental, and impersonal. Indirectness is often the way members of high-context cultures choose to communicate about a problem.Case 20It seems that the letters of request written in English as well as in Chinese by Chinese people are likely to preface the request with extended face-work. To Chinese people, the normal and polite way to form a request requires providing reasons that are usually placed before the requests. Of course, this is just the inverse of English conventions in which requests are fronted without much face-work. In the view of the English-speaking people, the opening lines of Chinese requests and some other speech acts do not usually provide a thesis or topic statement which will orient the listener to the overall direction of the communication. Worst of all, the lack of precision and the failure to address the point directly may lead to suspicions that the Chinese speakers are beating around the bush. To them, the presence of a clear and concise statement of what is to be talked about will make the speech more precise, more dramatic, and more eloquent.However, the Chinese learning and using English in communication may find it difficult to come to terms with the common English tendency to begin with a topic statement. In the Chinese culture, stating one…s request or main point at the beginning would make the person seem immodest, pushy, and inconsiderate for wanting things. If your speech gives others the impression that you are demanding something, you would lose face for acting aggressively and not considering the others.Thus you…d be hurting people by claiming something for yourself.In such a situation, it is usually considered a smart strategy if you carefully delineate the justifications that will naturally lead to your request or argument. Therefore, instead of stating their proposition somewhere in the beginning and then proceeding to build their case, Chinese people often first establish a shared context with which to judge their requests or arguments. Only after carefully prefacing them with an avalanche of relevant details, as if to nullify any opposition, will they present the requests or arguments.。



Supplement: Verbal Communication
3. Elaborate, Exacting and Succinct Styles ▪ Compare the followings: ▪ Arab: @#%&$%~$*&`^%#@... … ▪ American: Just the facts! ▪ Chinese: Silence is Golden.
Supplement: Verbal Communication
Verbal Communication Styles (p179-183) : ▪ Direct / Indirect ▪ Self-enhancement / Self-effacement ▪ Elaborate / Exacting / Succinct ▪ Personal / Contextual ▪ Instrumental / Affective
Supplement: Verbal Communication
4. Personal and Contextual Style ▪ The personal communication style emphasizes the
individual identity of the speaker. Eg. English has only one form for the second person, that is, you. ▪ The contextual style highlights one’s role identity and status. Eg. Chinese, German and French, for example, have informal and formal forms of the pronoun you (你/您; du/Sie; tu/vous).



大学英语跨文化交际案例分析Case 2 (P8)White Dress女王的白色长裙:Case analysis: The Indian women might think the wedding ceremony is a funeral if they see the western bride in white gown. The case reflects the similes and metaphors in the text。



Culture is like an iceberg: we can identify the color of the dress worn by women in different cultures, but we do not know the values underneath。

Culture is like the water a fish swims in: people wear dress of different colors for different context but they usually take it for granted and never ask why。



Case 4 (P18)Coconut-skating椰子—溜冰:Case analysis: The case reflects the characteristics of culture. We can tell from the case that culture is pervasive and it’s learned.案例分析:这个事件反映了文化的特点.我们可以告诉从案件,文化是普遍的,这是学习.People may invent different ways for things even as simple as the issue of floor moping. The Philippine woman must have learned this way of mopping from her own culture。



跨文化交际考试题型UN IT1 communication across cultures1.What have made IC a common phenomenon in our life?•New technology;•Innovative communication systems;•Globalization of the economy;•Changes in immigration patterns.2.Three major socio-cultural elements directly influencingour perception and communication:•Cultural values;•Worldview (religion);•Social organizations (family and state).3.Nonverbal behaviors people can attach meaning to:People can attach meaning to our gestures, postures, facial expressions, eye contact and gaze, touch, concepts of time, and space, but the meanings for those actions often shift from culture to culture.4.Six stumbling blocks in IC:•Assumption of similarities;•Language differences;•Nonverbal interpretations;•Preconceptions and stereotypes;•Tendency to evaluate;•High anxiety.UNIT2 culture and communication1.Five basic needs of human (P41):•The physiological needs;•The safety needs;•The belongingness needs;•The esteem needs;•The self-actualization needs.2.Three characteristics of culture (P45):•Culture is coherent;•Culture is learned;•Culture is the view of a group of people.Three things culture does:•Culture ranks what is important;•Culture furnishes attitudes;•Culture dictates how to behave.3.Elements of communication(重点)P49:HistoricalCulturerelationship(three variables genderaffecting them) cultureMessages Meanings(elements) SymbolsEncoding and decodingChannels sound(verbal symbols)( two basic channels offace to face communication) sight(nonverbal cues)external noiseNoise internal noisesemantic noiseFeedback4.Understanding culture:•It is a way of thinking, feeling, believing;•It is a “theory”;•It constitutes a storehouse of the pooled learning of thegroup;•The essence of the cultural process is selectivity;•It is learned by individuals and constitutes some part of learned behavior;•It regulates our lives at every turn.5.Essentials of human communication (P68):The basis of human contact communication ( the ability to share your beliefs, values, ideas, and feelings )Essentials of communication:•It is a dynamic process;•It is symbolic;•It is systemic;•It involves making inferences;•It has a consequence;•It is complex.UNIT3 cultural diversity1.About friendship:•In France: a relationship between men;Key word of breaking up:congeniality ;•In Germany: a matter of feeling;Key word of breaking up: mutuality;In England: the basis is shared activity;Key word of breaking up: misjudgment.2.Family structure:The core of any culture family structureA major function of the family socialize new membersof a cultureA major source of cultural difference family structureand their inherentrelationships3.Kluckhohns - Strodtbeck model (重点)P86:Five orientations beliefs and behaviors(图表参照原文)4.Key principles of Confucian teaching:•Social order and stability are based on unequal relationships between people;•The family is the prototype for all social relationship;•Proper social behavior consists of not treating others as you would not like to be treated yourself;•People should be skilled, educated, hardworking, thrifty, modest, patient, and persevering.5.Five cultural dimensions by Geert Hofstede(重点)P99:•Individual versus collectivism;•Uncertainty avoidance;•Power distance;•Masculinity versus femininity;•Orientation to time.Low-context communication system 6.Human interaction(LC VS HC)High-context communication system HC:indirect verbal mode, listener to be responsibleLC: direct verbal mode, speaker to be responsible(重要,图表参照P115)UNIT4 language and culturemunication across cultures and languages is difficultand full of hurdles and pitfalls:•Cultural literacy is necessary to understand the language being used;•All languages have social questions and information questions;•Words in themselves do not carry the meaning. The meaning comes out of the context, the cultural usage;•Language reflects the environment in which we live and cultural values;•People translate concepts from a foreign language and culture with words that fit their priorities;•Different cultures use identical words that have rather different meanings;•Language changes over time;• A language, if spoken in different parts of the globe, ultimately will develop differently.2.Relationship between language and culture (重点,P128): •They are clearly fused; one reflects the other;•To fully reveal the culture, we must examine the language;•Language is a product of the culture;To practice the culture, we also need language.Language and cultural productsLanguage and cultural practicesLanguage and cultural perspectivesLanguage and cultural communitiesLanguage and persons3.Besides saying no directly, there are other ways ofexpressing no across cultures:•Being silent or showing a lack of enthusiasm; •Offering an alternative;•Postponement (delaying answers);•Putting the responsibility on a third party or something over which you have no control;•Avoidance;•General acceptance of an offer but giving no details; •Diverting and distracting.mon ways the Japanese avoid saying no:•Be vague;•Be silent;•Ask a question;•Change the topic;•Leave;•Tell a white lie;•Refuse to answer the question;•Say yes, but;•Delay answering;•Apologize.5.Equivalence between languages:•Lexical equivalence;•Idiomatic equivalence:•Grammatical-syntactical equivalence;•Experiential equivalence;•Conceptual equivalence.6.The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis:Central idea language functions, not simply as a device for reporting experience, but also, and more significantly, as a way of defining experience for its speaker.UNIT5 culture and verbal communication 1.What causes miscommunication?•The way ideas are put together into an argument; •The way some ideas are selected for special emphasis; •The way emotional information about the ideas is presented.2.Culture influence communication styles:High involvement styles:•Talk more;•Interrupt more;•Expect to be interrupted;•Talk more loudly at times;•Talk more quickly than those from cultures favoring high considerateness styles.High considerateness styles:•Speak one at a time;•Use polite listening sounds;•Refrain from interrupting;•Give plenty of positive and respectful responses to their conversation patterns.3.Cross-culture verbal communication styles (重点,P179):Person-oriented and status-oriented verbal styles4.Preferences in the organization of verbal codes (重点,P184):Organizational preferences in the use of U.S. EnglishOrganizational preferences in other languages and cultures新编跨文化交际英语教程参考答案.pdf/p-595614592.html右击,打开超链接Unit 6 Culture and NonverbalCommunication重点:P204-209, P218-221, P222-226其他文章也需大致浏览一遍1.An overview of nonverbal communication(1)Hand Gestures P192-193Italian/ Russian/ Latin Americans: great hand movers Englishmen: stingy(小气的), controlled/rigidU.S.: any type of hand movement due to a mixture of cultures ◆The Meaning of hand gestures①→A man who uses hand movements when talks appears freer, more open and more honest to an audience than a controlled behavior;②A limited amount of hand movement indicates things like solidity, reliability and confidence③Hand gestures, however, can change the meaning of our words as well as carrying meanings totally by themselves.(2)EyesThe language of eyes---a way of exchanging feelings- is both subtle and complex: gender, class, generation, regional, ethic and national differences.America: avoid staring at people for too longFrance/ Italy: really look for a long timeUnited States and some western cultures: direct eye contact Japan: not look another in the eye, but in Adam’s apple(喉结)China/Indonesia/Mexico: lower eyes to show deference,too much eye contact is rudeWhite Americans: “Look at me when I talk to you”→lack of contact is lack of honestyBlacks: “ don’t look at me in that tone of voice”Korea: never talk or smile at strangersArab: smile at strangers frequentlyAmerica:talk and smile too much--superficial,make and leave friends quicklyVietnam: make long friendsTo people of different cultures, a smile or a laugh may have very different meaningsIn eastern Asian countries: use the face to conceal feelings Japan: smile is a law of etiquette, cultivated from early times In Africa: express surprise, wonder, embarrassment and discomfiture(4)touching behaviorPeople in high contact cultures: “close” is negative and good“far” is negative and badVice Versa people in low contact cultures:England: shaking hands lightly is fineBackslapping or putting an arm around the shoulder South Pacific/ Eastern and western Europe/the Far East/parts of Africa: greet with a handshake and may wave each other at a distanceIn parts of Europe/ Latin America/the Middle East: handshaking can be followed by an embrace or a kiss on the checkIn France and England: the handshake is light and quickU.S.: firm, pumping(上下摇动的), continuedGermany:handshake is firm but quite stiffParts of Africa/India/the Middle East:handshakes are reserved for menKorea: men and women use different forms of handshakesIn France and Russia:men must reach out firstIn Eastern Europe: women must extend her hand before men offerIn Austria/Poland/Romania: handshaking between women and men is sometimes accompanied by a kiss of the woman’s hand by the manKiss:Serve several purposes: greeting and farewell, affection, religious or ceremonial symbolism, deference to a person of higher statusSexual kissing is unknown in some societies, such as Thonga of AfricaP202-203 Eight factors influence touch自己看2.Gender and Nonverbal CommunicationP204-209Touch, or “just a friendly pat on the back”Height, or “Whom do you look up to?”Gaze, or“Are you looking at me?”Gesture and demeanor, or“Act like a lady”Artificial messages, or “What you wear speaks volumes”3.The importance of nonverbal communication●NC is so subtle that a shifting of body zones can also send amessage.●We use the actions of others to learn their affective oremotional states.●NC is significant in human interaction because it isresponsible for first impressions●NC has value in human interaction because many of ournonverbal actions are not easily controlled consciously.4.Functions of nonverbal communication P218Repeating(Accenting): repeat a verbal one to reinforce Complementing: add more information to messages, accent the idea that the speaker is trying to makeSubstituting: when we perform some action instead of speakingRegulating:control the flow of conversationContradicting:our nonverbal actions send signals opposite from the literal meanings contained in our verbal messages.Unit 7 Time and Space Across CulturesTime重点:P229-232,P239-240, P253-257A culture’s conception can be examined from three different perspectives:(1) informal time (2) perceptions of past, present and future (3) chronicler and polychronicclassifications1. Informal timeHow late is “late”?P254In Britain and America, 5minutesIn Arab countries, 15 and 30 minutesIn Italy, 2 hoursIn Ethiopian, not late at allIn Java, not late at allIn Latin America, one is expected to arrive late as a sign of respectIn Germany, arrive on time, otherwise, rude2.perceptions of past, present and future P255(1)Past-oriented culturesFeatures:①People regard past experiences as most important②Place much emphasis on tradition and are often perceived as resisting change;③Use the past as a guide to how to live in the present/ look to past for guidance when confronting new situationsCountry: Britain :“ we have always done it this way”China:“consider the past and you will know the present”(2)Present-oriented culturesFeatures:①People regard current experiences as most important.②They place a major emphasis on spontaneity and immediacy③They experience each moment as fully as possible.Country: Culture with a strong Islamic traditionBecause they believe that future events belong to Allah also tends to perceive the present as a place where past, present and future come together(3)future-oriented culturesFeatures:①People believe tomorrow is most important②Current activities are accomplished not for their own sake but for the potential future benefits③Their fate is at least partially in their own hands and therefore they can control the consequences of their action Country: America: plan for the future/ a very low tolerance for extensions and postponements3.Monochronic(M-time)and Polychronic( P-time)Put forward by Edward Hall(1)M-time: means paying attention to and doing only one thing at a timeFeatures: see time as lineal, segmented and manageable Time is tangibleAppointments and schedules are very important Countries: Germany, Austria, Switzerland and America(2)P-time: means being involved with many things at once Features: more flexible and humanisticEmphasize people more than schedulesTime is less tangibleBreak commitmentsCountries: China(3)The specific differences between M-time and P-time见书本P257Personal Space P239-243 Each person has around him or her an invisible bubble of space which expands and contracts depending on a number of things:the relationship to the people nearby, the person’s emotional state, cultural background, and the activity being performed. The size of the private space is also influenced by social status, gender, age. and level of authority.Private SpaceUnit 8 Cross-culture Perception重点:P272-276, P292-295✓P272 1.Ethnocentrism 民族中心论What is Ethnocentrism?The tendency to judge our values, customs, behaviors, or other aspects of another culture using our own group and our own customs as the standards for all judgments is ethnocentrism.Because of ethnocentrism, we tend to behave like this: we want people :to believe as we believe,To look as the world as we do.To know things as we want others to knowObjectives: an intention to influence the behavior of others/ to persuade them to accept our point of view.✓Demonstrated in 3 degrees: P274-2751.Low ethnocentrism/ indifferenceLack of sensitivity in our verbal and nonverbal interaction in dealing with others who are different2.Moderate ethnocentrism avoidanceLanguage or dialect switching in the presence of out-group members, and with displayed nonverbal inattention to accentuate in-group connection and avoidance of out-group members3.High ethnocentrism/disparagement 轻视The use of verbal sarcasms, racist jokes, hate-filled speech, and physical violence to marginalize 排斥,忽视or obliterate 消灭the existence of out-group members4.Extremes of ethnocentrismMisunderstanding--->dangerWhen a group of members think their lifestyle is superior, they may decide that they are duty-bound to change the lifestyle of othersEg: wars have even been fought to save the world for democracy.P275 2. Cultural RelativismAll culture are of equal value and the values and behavior of a culture can only be judged using that culture as a frame of reference.Cultural relativism suggests that the only way we can understand the behavior of others is in the context of their culture.Evaluations must be relative to the cultural background out of which they arise.No one cultural trait is right or wrong;----it’s just different from alternative cultural traits.----those who are different from us are not inferior to us.It is not to say we must never make value judgments of people in other cultures. Making them is necessary.Postponing these value judgments or recognizing their tentative 试验性的,暂定的nature,until adequate information is gathered and we understand the people from the other culture.----greatly facilitates understanding and effective communication.P276-278 3. StereotypeStereotypes are the perceptions or beliefs we hold aboutgroups or individuals based on previously formed opinions attitudes.How we form stereotypes:P292①We may categorize people or things by the most obvious characteristics they possess②We may apply a set of characteristics to a whole group of people.③We may give the same treatment to each member of the group.✓Stereotype may vary along four dimensions:direction, intensity, accuracy, and content.Direction: the positive and negative aspects of statements. Intensity: indicate the strength of a belief about a group of peopleAccuracy: half-truths, or partially false.Content: the specific traits attributed to a group of people.✓P281-284 4.PerceptionPerception is the means by which you make sense of your physical and social world.Human perception is usually thought of as a three-step process of selection, organization, and interpretation. Each of these steps is affected by culture.Selection:Within your physiological limitations you are exposed to more stimuli than you could possibly manage. Needs affect what we are more likely to attend to. Organization: language provides the conceptual categories that influence how its speakers’ perceptions are encoded and stored.Interpretation: This refers to attaching meaning to sense data and is synonymous with decoding.People do not always have similar interpretations of the world around them.Many interpretations are learned within a person’s culture. Culture influences interpretations. ①Perception is selective.②Your perceptual patterns are learned.Eg: Among Americans, credible people seem direct, rational, decisive, unyielding, and confident.Among the Japanese, credible people are perceived as being indirect, sympathetic, prudent, flexible and humble.5.PrejudiceTrue prejudices are those negative attitudes directed toward groups, especially racial and religious groups, that are formed by highly personal and unseasoned generalizations about all or most members of the group.Causes of prejudice:Ignorance / Insecurity /Lack of interaction✓Five common forms of prejudice:Verbal abuse, physical avoidance, discrimination, physical attack, and massacre 大屠杀①Verbal abuse:ethnic jokes②physical avoidance: avoiding making friends, going out, studying, or working with certain people③Discrimination: the denial of equal opportunities to outgroup members.④physical attack: punishing the group of people who are disliked⑤Massacre: the worst result.We gradually develop our stereotypes and prejudices through the process of learning and socialization.The bad effects of stereotypes and prejudice:①Prevent us from interacting with people of different backgrounds;②Produce negative feelings during the interactions;③Lead to unnecessary conflicts when they are intense. Solution: be empathic: show understanding/ be open-minded/be imaginative/show a commitment or willingness to understand our culturally different partners.Unit 9 Intercultural Adaptation重点:P299-304, P322-326, P327-331 Culture Shock: refers to the transition period and theaccompanying feelings of stress and anxiety a person experiences during the early period upon entering a new culture.(it refers to the traumatic experience that an individual may encounter when entering a different culture.)Symptoms of culture shock:Physical Symptoms: a constant headache, an upset stomach, and sleeplessnessPsychological Symptoms:①anxiety, irritability,paranoia, extreme homesickness, loneliness, excessive concern over health and safety, and feelings of powerlessness and helplessness.②communication based such as withdrawal from relationship and conversation, excessive complaining, frustration and defensive communication.Major stages of adjustment in the new culture: P300-303 Predeparture Stage:simultaneously excited and waryStage one: everything is beautiful:a sense of excitement, pleasure and self-satisfaction. enthusiasm 3and curiosity ,sense of euphoria过度兴奋the honeymoon stageStage two: everything is awfulmore anxious, restless, impatient and disappointedStage three: everything is OKAdaptation and reentrySuggestions in culture shock and in longer-range adaptation①Do not become over-reactionary②Meet new people③Try new things④Give yourself periods of rest and though⑤Work on your self-concept⑥Write⑦Observe body language⑧Learn the verbal languageChallenges to sojourner adaptation: p322-326Ethnocentrismlanguage barriersdisequilibriumlength of staylevel of knowledgeKey qualities of a mindful state of being:p327-331creation of new categoriesopenness to new informationawareness of more than one perspectiveUnit 10 Acquiring Intercultural Competence 重点:P339-340, P346-350P339“Betweenness of identity”is a state of mind that is distinct from that of a typical,traditional standard in either native language and culture or second language and a result of the whole recreation process of a person’s own identity after taking different characteristics from the second language or culture into the person’s original identity, arranging and integrating them so that the whole self identity can stand coherently. →another,originally created, independent oneP344-346Metaphors of the U.S. Cultural Diversity①The Melting Pot: describe multiple cultures in the U.Sis like a huge crucible(坩埚), a container that can withstand extremely high temperatures and can therefore be used to melt, mix, and ultimately fuse together metals or other substances.But many groups maintain their own unique and distinctive heritages.②The Tributaries:the mix of culturesis like a huge cultural watershed, providing numerous paths in which the many tributary cultures can flow.But: imply that the cultural groups will ultimately and inevitably blend together into a single, common current.suggest the tributaries are somehow subordinate to or less important than the mighty river into which they flow.③The Tapestry(挂毯):But:a tapestry is rather static and unchangeable. While cultural groups in the United States are more fluid than the tapestry metaphor might imply.④The Garden Salad: but is suggests an absence of firmness and stability. Cultural groups in the United States are not always moving, mixing, and mingling with the speed and alacrity that the metaphor would suggest.P346-350 How to improve intercultural communication①introspection(自省) should begin with your own culture ,regardless of what that culture might be.our understanding of ourselves as cultural beings②identify those attitudes, prejudices, and opinions that we all carry around and that the bias the way the world appears to us.③knowing yourself is to learn to recognize your communication style-the manner in which you present yourself to others.。



跨文化交际复习Unit one1. Intercultural Communication: A field of study that looks at how people form different cultural backgrounds endeavor to communicate.2. The aim of the study: The study of Intercultural Communication aims to understand the influence of culture on our attitudes, beliefs, behavior in order to reduce misunderstanding that result from cultural variations.3. Globalization: It refers to the establishment of a world economy, in which national borders are becoming less and less important as transnational corporations, existing everywhere and nowhere, do business in a global market.4. Stumbling Blocks in Intercultural Communication:① assumption of similarities; ② language differences; ③ nonverbal misinterpretations;④preconceptions and stereotype; ⑤tendency to evaluate; ⑥high anxietyUnit two1. Culture: It can be defined as the coherent, learned, shared view of a group of people about life' s concerns that ranks what is important, furnishes attitudes about what things are appropriate, and dictates behavior.2. Characteristics of Culture: ① Culture is not innate, it is learned; ②Culture is dynamic; ③ Culture is pervasive, intergrated, adaptive.3. Elements of communication: the context of the communication, the participants, the messages being communicated, the channels through which the communication occurs, the presence or absence of "noise," and the verbal and nonverbal responses known as feedback.4. Essentials of human communication: ① communication is a dynamic process; ②communication is symbolic; ③communication is systemic; ④communication involves making inferences;⑤communication has a consequence.5. Five basic needs referred by Abraham Maslow: ① the physiological needs; ② the safety needs; ③ the belongingness needs; ④ the esteem needs; ⑤ the self-actualization needs.Unit three1. Five basic questions come up with by Clyde, Florence Kluckhohn, and Frederick Strodtbeck : Human nature orientation Man-nature orientation Time orientationActivity orientation Social orientation2. Five cultural dimensions can be ordered by Geert Hofstede(1) Individualism versus collectivism (2) Uncertainty avoidance(3) Power distance (4) masculinity versus femininity (5) orientation to time3. High-context and Low-context cultures were divided by Edward. T.HallUnit four1. The relations between Language and Culture: Culture and language are interrelated, independent, and interacted.2. Pidgin(混杂语言):It is a mixed and limited language used for communicative purpose by groups of people who do not know each other' s language. It is neither the native nor the target language.3. Language-and-culture appears in 5 dimensions of culture: (1) Language and cultural products; (2) Language and cultural practices;(3) Language and cultural perspectives; (4) Language and cultural communities; (5) Language,like culture, is not not only collective but also personal.4. During translating across Languages, problems in achieving equivalence of those different types : (1) Lexical equivalence (2) Idiomatic equivalence (3) Experiential equivalence (4) Grammatical-syntactical equivalence (5) Conceptual equivalenceUnit five1. Verbal communication: communication done both orally and in written language.2. Euphenism(委婉语):The substitution of a mild, indirect or vague expression for one thought to be offensive, harsh or blunt.3. Cross-cultural verbal communication styles: (1) Direct and Indirectinteraction styles(2) person-oriented and Status-oriented verbal styles(3) Self-Enhancement and Self-Effacement verbal styles(4) The deductive(演绎)pattern and the inductive(归纳) pattern(5) Process orientation and outcome orientationUnit six1. Functions of Nonverbal communication: (1) repeating (2) complementing (3) substituting (4) regulating (5) contradicting2. Nonverbal communication: Chronemics(时间学), Proxemics(空间),Kinesics(身势学),Haptics(体触学),Oculesics(目光学),olfatics(嗅觉学),Paralaguage(副语言)Unit sevenAnthropologists Hall proposed that cultures organize time in two ways: monochronic(单向计时制) and polychronic(多向计时制)Matches:1. Let' s go to the movies. (j)2. Good morning. Do you have anything to treat complete loss of voice?(f)3. I do think Mrs. Jenkins is an old windbag(空谈者,夸夸其谈者),don' t you? (a)4. What on earth has happened to my roast beef? (g)5. Would you like a cocktail? It' s my invention. (i)6. Are you going to Steve' s barbecue? (h)7. Did you buy her a rose? (b)8. We went to see "The Omen" last night but it wasn' t very scary(骇人的,让人惊恐的).(c)9. Would you like something to drink? (d)10. Is John a good cook (e)a. Huh, lovely weather for March, isn' t it?b. I bought her a flower.c. It would keep me awake all night.d. Well, I' ve been whiskey all day.e. He' s English.f. Good morning sir. What can I do for you today?g. The dog is looking happy.h. It is an outdoor party.i. Well, mmm uh it' s not that we don' t drink.j. I' ll bring the Kleenex(克里内克斯牌纸巾).^_^ Collected by Chen Ding, Edited by Cao Liang. ^_^。



· style· v. [staɪl] ( styles; styled; styling )·· 双解释义· vt.设计design· vt.称呼; 命名describe by a specified style· 基本要点•1.style作名词时意思是“风格”,转化成动词意思是“设计”。




•· 词汇搭配••style dress 设计礼服•style hair 设计发型•style house 设计房子•style room 设计房间•style a country 命名一个国家•style an island 命名一个岛•style a tribe 命名一个部落••style carefully 精心地设计•style fairly 可以被正当地称为•style officially 正式命名•style popularly 普遍称为••style in 按照…设计· 句型例句•用作及物动词▲S+~+n./pron.Italian experts styled the new cars.意大利专家设计了这类新型汽车。

They styled their house in the Portuguese manner.他们仿照葡萄牙的风格设计自己的房子。

◇ 用于be ~ed结构Her hair was styled by a famous hair dresser.她的发型是由一位著名的发型设计师设计的。

The dress is carefully styled for maximum comfort.这件服装是为了获得最大限度的舒适而设计的。

These chairs are styled for comfort.这些椅子设计得坐起来舒服。



参考资料Unit 1 Communication Across CulturesReading IIntercultural Communication:An IntroductionComprehension questions1. Is it still often the case that “everyone‟s quick to blame the alien”in the contemporary world?This is still powerful in today…s social and political rhetoric. For instance, it is not uncommon in today…s society to hear people say that most, if not all, of the social and economic problems are caused by minorities and immigrants.2. What‟s the difference between today‟s intercultural contact and that of any time in the past?Today…s intercultural encounters are far more numerous and of greater importance than in any time in history.3. What have made intercultural contact a very common phenomenon in our life today?New technology, in the form of transportation and communication systems, has accelerated intercultural contact; innovative communication systems have encouraged and facilitated cultural interaction; globalization of the economy has brought people together; changes in immigration patterns have also contributed to intercultural encounter.4. How do you understand the sentence “culture is everything and everywhere”?Culture supplies us with the answers to questions about what the world looks like and how we live and communicate within that world. Culture teaches us how to behave in our life from the instant of birth. It is omnipresent.5. What are the major elements that directly influence our perception and communication?The three major socio-cultural elements that directly influence perception and communication are cultural values, worldview (religion), and social organizations (family and state).6. What does one‟s family teach him or her while he or she grows up in it?The family teaches the child what the world looks like and his or her place in that world.7. Why is it impossible to separate our use of language from our culture?Because language is not only a form of preserving culture but also a means of sharing culture. Language is an organized, generally agreed-upon, learned symbol system that is used to represent the experiences within a cultural community.8. What are the nonverbal behaviors that people can attach meaning to?People can attach meaning to nonverbal behaviors such as gestures, postures, facial expressions, eye contact and gaze, touch, etc.9. How can a free, culturally diverse society exist?A free, culturally diverse society can exist only if diversity is permitted to flourish without1prejudice and discrimination, both of which harm all members of the society.Reading IIThe Challenge of GlobalizationComprehension questions1. Why does the author say that our understanding of the world has changed?Many things, such as political changes and technological advances, have changed the world very rapidly. In the past most human beings were born, lived, and died within a limited geographical area, never encountering people of other cultural backgrounds. Such an existence, however, no longer prevails in the world. Thus, all people are faced with the challenge of understanding this changed and still fast changing world in which we live.2. What a “global village”is like?As our world shrinks and its inhabitants become interdependent, people from remote cultures increasingly come into contact on a daily basis. In a ―global village‖, members of once isolated groups of people have to communicate with members of other cultural groups. Those people may live thousands of miles away or right next door to each other.3. What is considered as the major driving force of the post-1945 globalization?Technology, particularly telecommunications and computers are considered to be the major driving force.4. What does the author mean by saying that “the …global‟may be more local than the …local‟”?The increasing global mobility of people and the impact of new electronic media on human communications make the world seem smaller. We may communicate more with people of other countries than with our neighbors, and we may be more informed of the international events than of thelocal events. In this sense, ―the ‗global…may be more local than the ‗local…‖.5. Why is it important for businesspeople to know diverse cultures in the world?Effective communication may be the most important competitive advantage that firms have to meet diverse customer needs on a global basis. Succeeding in the global market today requires the ability to communicate sensitively with people from other cultures, a sensitivity that is based on an understanding of cross-cultural differences.6. What are the serious problems that countries throughout the world are confronted with?Countries throughout the world are confronted with serious problems such as volatile international economy, shrinking resources, mounting environmental contamination, and epidemics that know no boundaries.7. What implications can we draw from the case of Michael Fay?This case shows that in a world of international interdependence, the ability to understand and communicate effectively with people from other cultures takes on extreme urgency. If we are unaware of the significant role culture plays in communication, we may place the blame for communication failure on people of other cultures.8. What attitudes are favored by the author towards globalization?Globalization, for better or for worse, has changed the world greatly. Whether we like it or not,2globalization is all but unstoppable. It is already here to stay. It is both a fact and an opportunity. The challenges are not insurmountable. Solutions exist, and are waiting to be identified and implemented. From a globalistic point of view, there is hope and faith in humanity.Translation纵观历史,我们可以清楚地看到,人们由于彼此所处地域、意识形态、容貌服饰和行为举止上存在的差异,而长久无法互相理解、无法和睦相处。



• It’s raining cats and dogs. - It’s raining heavily.
• put one’s foot in one’s mouth - someone blunders by saying something he should not have.

– never-ending: everlasting 不停的
• 区分下列同义词:
– job
– vocation: job的正式用语
– profession: 脑力劳动者的职业
– field: 广义的职业“领域”
– occupation: 与vocation意思相近
– specialization: 具体的一个专长
Verbal Communication
在全球化时代,要达到更高的成功几率,须努 力成为具有全球视野的国际化人才。学好至少一 门外语是必要的,但国际化人才最基本的素质是 跨文化沟通能力。 这是一种能够超越本族文化, 跨越不同文化鸿沟,穿透不同文化壁垒,在多元 文化的环境中游刃有余的能力。因此,你的外语 语言能力必须建立在理解不同文化的价值观体系 和行为规范模式之上, 其最终表现是能够适应、 掌控和化解多元文化环境中的矛盾和冲突。
• keep one’s hand in: • do activity in order to remain skilled at
it. • within arm’s reach; • sth.which you can reach easily. • ask for a woman’s hand; • to propose marriage. • put one’s finger on sth.: • to identify an error, or cause of a



Styles of Paragraph Development
Deductive VS. Inductive thought patterns
– From the general to the specific
n Reality for a culture is discoverable in its language
Linguistic Determinism
n Language structure controls thought and cultural norms
n The world as each of us knows it is to a large extent predetermined by the language of our culture
2. At discourse level
n Linear and nonlinear language n Deductive an inductive patterns
Linear VS. Nonlinear Language
n Both denotational and connotatinal meanings are different in many other words.
Dove: peace


An unprecedented boom in tourism brought sudden prosperity to the small border town, which was formerly inhabited by only three hundred people.
7.根据这一消息,该国已经具有制造核武器的能力。In the light of this information, that country already has the capabilities to make nuclear weapons.
8.他不顾朋友们的反复警告,把所有的钱都投向了高风险企业。Regardless of repeated warnings from his friends, he staked all his money on high-risk ventures.
8.对学生的要求须与他们的兴趣及能力相适应。Demands on students have to be tailored to their interest and abilities.
1-4单元测试P 114 P 246书
1.外语学习者提高其流利程度的一个可行的方法是通过阅读学会大量的词汇及其习惯用法。A practicable way for foreign language learners to improve to improve their fluency is to learn large numbers of words and their idiomatic usage through reading.

你是什么样的学习者 What Kind of Learner Am I 英语介绍

你是什么样的学习者 What Kind of Learner Am I 英语介绍

What Kind of Learner Am I-Let’s Find Out!Hello! Readers, .you must have heard about people practising various types of learning styles They adopt various strategies and learning habits to study effectively. All of this happens when the exams are around the corner. But have you ever wondered which technique works the best for you? Or asked yourself, “ What kind of learner am I ?”In this article, I am going to share the following contents:What are learning styles?How to know what kind of learner am I?What are learning styles?As you know that everybody has a different way of walking and talking. In the same way, we also have a different way of thinking, processing and, storing information. The different ways in which we understand, arrange and store information are known as the learning styles. Some of you may learn the best by listening to the information in audio form. Whereas others may like a hands-on approach to getting a closer understanding ofthe subject. There is no right or wrong way to do it. What may work the best for you might be the worst technique for your friend. Moreover, science has proven that we all have different kinds of intellect.For example, some of us are better in art and craft. On the other hand, there are many people who cannot even draw a straight line. This does not make anybody inferior. But simply proves the fact that we all are different. Before going any further to know, “what kind of learner am I”? You first need to understand this fact.How to know what kind of learner am I?Many of you must have also taken help of internet to find out what kind of learner am I. There are many quizzes and questionnaires available online who claim to answer this. However, their results are most of the times random. And, if not random they only show our dominant style of learning. Today, I am going to discuss the less known four learning styles. It will finally answer your question, “What kind of learner am I?”You do not realize on an everyday basis. But your learning style influences your personality more than you think. It changes the way yourecord experiences in your mind, memorize information and choose the words that you speak. You need to explore all these areas to know what kind of learner am I. Now you may wonder why this is important. Well, the way we learn has a lot to do with our studies. Our study technique should be based on the learning style for the most powerful effect. You can take >what kind of learner are you quiz to know what type of a learner are you.There are five recognized learning styles in the world:The Visual (Spatial) Learning StyleIf you are one of those who prefers the visual style of learning, you mostly visualize every situation. You may do this through pictures, images, colors, and maps. You have the power to visualize situations and outcomes in your mind. The visual learners also have a good sense of direction due to the spatial elements in their learning. You are a pro when it comes to working with the maps, and no directions can stress you out. You always find your way to the destination. For example, when you step out of an elevator, you certainly know which way to go.As per hobbies, you may like to do anything with colors. Like scribbling, doodling, drawing, and sketching are some of the activities you enjoy the most.Visual Learning techniquesDoes visual learner satisfy your what kind of learner am I query? If yes then you use a lot of images, pictures, and colors to learn. There are a few techniques to find out better what type of learner am I. If these techniques enhance your learning experience then you are a visual learner. The visual learning techniques are as follows:Try using colors, customized layout, and spatial movements in your day to day life. ‘Visual Words’ like picture, perspective, see, visual and map can also help in a better understanding.Ditch the text and use colors, mind maps and images whenever possible. In case you are working on a paper and not on the computer try to use four different colors of pen. The colored text will help you to memorize better.Take help from diagrams to learn the scientific gadgets.A visual story can help you to memorize content better than text or books.You have an inner talent to come up with Peg words. Your ability of visualization helps you to come up with Peg words every time.The Physical (Kinesthetic) Learning StyleIf the Physical Style is your answer to what kind of a learner am I then maybe you let your body do all the talking. You explore the world around you mostly through the sense of your touch. Most of these learners prefer to indulge in physical activities and sports. You like toconnect mental activity with the physical. For example, you generate new ideas and solutions while you are exercising than sitting on the study table. You prefer going out for a walk if you are feeling low rather than crying to the pillow. You live for adventure and have a keen interest in developing new machines.The thought of sitting with empty hands while a lecture is going on sounds strange to you. You always need something to keep you moving. You cannot afford to sit for long hours and believe in a hands-on experience.Physical Learning TechniquesIf you have a physical style of learning, then focus more on the physical parts or components of the subject.Attempt doing practical science experiments to understand the concepts like friction and force better.We do not generally realize, but writing and drawing diagrams are also a part of physical learning.Activities like role-playing and skits help in stimulating the learning of social values.The Aural (Auditory-Musical-Rhythmic) Learning StyleIf your search of what kind of learner am I ends at the aural style, then you have a better sense of audio works. You understand the different levels of pitch and rhythm. You may generally remember all the movie dialogues word by word and the class lectures with every detail. Your hobbies are mostly associated to music like creating a jingle or simply humming a song.Aural Learning TechniquesThose who are Aural learners must incorporate elements of sound in their learning. Like rhyme, sound or music. Associate the sounds that you hear with the visuals.Sound recordings can help you provide a background to create visuals for learning. For example, listening to a recording of an aircraft engine can give you an insight into the mechanisms of the machine.Try to memorize long answers by breaking them into rhymes or making a jingle.Whenever you feel lazy or out of focus just listen to energetic music. It gives you the much-needed boost to back to work.Verbal (Linguistic) Learning StyleLet’s see if Verbal Learning Style is your answer to what kind of learner am I. Verbal style is quite versatile than you may think. Those who have a Verbal style can indulge in both spoken and written form of communication. They have no inhibitions and can express themselves fluently both verbally and write. If you think you can relate to these factors then maybe you also have a Verbal style. Your hobbies can be writing andreading. You also like to mix the text and the sound. This can take various forms of rhymes and tongue twisters. You possess a good vocabulary an always on a lookout for new words. You also try and use these unique words in your daily conversations as well.Verbal Learning TechniquesSince you are a Verbal learner, you should try techniques which involve both writing and speaking. You should not rush before finding out what kind of learner am I. Take some time out to find out new ways of doing so. One of the examples could be noting down the verballectures. This ensures that you will remember whatever you have read and not just bits of it.Now that you no longer have to worry about what kind of learner am I, it is time to know all about it. You should include word-based techniques in your writing as much as possible. Using a rhyme or jingle which has an easy rhythm can make your essay and features stand out.You can make up your unique phrases to memorize hard words easily.Scripting can be a great way to practice for you. Moreover, it is not just limited to the written form. You can record your script in an audio form. It can act as a backup apart from being reviewable. It will also save up your time in editing as listening to audio takes a lot less time than reading.Be loud and alive! Read your content aloud in a dramatic manner. Do not use a monotone, rather modulate your voice as per emotions of the lines. This helps you to memorize the whole content. Moreover, you can increase yourconfidence and stage presence through this bold practice.Listen to others as well. We all are different, and so are our views. By interacting with other people, you can form or get to know a different perspective. It can be about anything and everything.The Logical (Mathematical) Learning StyleThose who have a logical style of learning using a mathematical and logical reasoning approach. Finding what kind of learner am I should not also be a big task for them. They have a keeninterest in patterns and finding connections between complicated situations. Classification of contents comes naturally to them, and it can be really helpful in the stressful last hours of exam. You might be very good with numbers if your search for what kind of leaner am I ends here.Be it creating agendas or budgets you are always in the front seat. You like everything in a systematic manner. Your abilities shine the most while solving difficult logical problems.Logical Learning techniquesBeing a logical learner does not change the fact that you need to read and write as well. Apart from paying attention to the logical reasoning questions, you should also read whenever needed. For example, like you are reading right now to know “What kind of learner am I”. It will make your memory stronger combined with your strong logical skills.Apply your God gifted skills to overcome the real-life challenges. What if there is a test tomorrow and you do not have much time? You can put your systematic trait to the use. Throughfollowing statistics and analysis, you can find out your problem areas and start working on them.A downside of this learning style is that you tend to over analyse everything. Sometimes you just have to calm down and go with the flow. For example, while reading a work of fiction. You often find it hard to change your habits or traits. This is when you need to bring out your rationality and adapt to new things and experiences. Read further to >know your learning style and teaching strategies to adopt for making students learn faster.Teaching Strategies for different learning stylesEach person is unique in processing the information. You have read above the different styles of learning. Every style is different from other therefore, teachers must adopt different teaching styles as well for different learning styles. Teachers should take >what type of learner quiz >to identify the type of learner the student is.Below you will see the methods of teaching for all five types of learning styles. These styles will surely be effective in increasing the learning performance of students.Teaching style for Visual learnersInformation retained by the visual learners is by pictures, video clips, coloured images and patterns. Such learners easily understand visual data such as graphs, charts, and maps. Therefore, teaching strategies for visual learners should be,More use of visual aids. Explain the topic with the help of any diagrams or graphs. Such learners can read maps well. Experts have identified that such learners are good in subjects like geography, biology, biology. As they see the diagrams and retain the information easily.Provide visual analogies and metaphors. Teachers should provide a description which is more concerned with the visual sense. Use the words that can easily draw a visual image in the minds of the learners.For teachers, sometimes it gets hard to bring diagrams every time. Therefore, they should write the information on board so that visual learners can easily process the information.Use of colours while displaying the information. Most of the learners retain the information they see in bright colours like red.Teachers and instructors should ask the learners to make notes on every topic. This way, they themselves see the presentation of the work in their own writing.Highlighting the key points. Teachers should highlight the key points with some coloured pen or marker.Teaching strategies for Aural learnersAural learners have a good sense of sound. They make actions or respond to sound. They have a good memory of the conversations. Musical sounds attract them and cause anemotional stir in them as well. Teachers should adopt the following strategies while dealing with students who can learn well with the help of sounds.A teacher should allow them to be a part of discussions and debates. It helps in boosting confidence as well.Instructors should suggest audiobooks to such learners. They will learn things through audio tutorials as well.To make audio learners learn well, teachers should make audio recordings of the topics andsend them to students. They can listen to it in free time or at home.Read things loud in the classroom. Students will grab the voice and improve their learning as well.Teachers should also use mnemonics and rhythm.Read the text in the class by doing voice modulations. Different tones will provide better learning to students.Teaching strategies for Verbal learnersVerbal learners learn through words and linguistic skills. Teachers should allow such students to write and speak more. The more they speak, the more they will learn. Such learners often become good public speakers. Follow below-mentioned techniques to improve the learning in verbal learners.Use verbal teaching and writing technique to make students learn verbally. Allow them to memorise the text through reading and writing.Ask the learner to give a presentation in the class. The more they use their verbal skills, the more they will learn.Let them indulge in more interactive sessions. Allow them to interact with different people and acquire knowledge through conversation.Quizzes will help such students in learning. Provide quizzes and questionnaires to them.Teaching strategies for Logical learnersLogical learners understand things through logic and reasoning. They are good in subjects involving calculations. Therefore, math and physics are the best subjects for such students. Students who are logical learners are good at analysing things thus have strong analyticalskills. Adopt the following habits to help such learners.Provide them with logical reasoning questions.Compel them to use critical thinking while solving any problem.Provide them statistical figures and facts.Ask them to analyse any topic, visual information and prepare a report on it.Teaching strategies for Physical and Kinesthetic learnersPractical or physical learners process information through body movements or when they do some actions. Strategies to deal with such learners are:Use physical movements and hand movements to teach such students.Make them learn things with the help of exercises. Let these students walk while they read something.Let them write as much as they can, writing is a movement therefore, they will learn from it.Such learners will also learn through diagrams and graphs. Allow them to make as many drafts as possible.Make such students learn through case studies and surveys. In both tasks, they have to go out and meet people and have a conversation with them.Final WordsNow if you are still in doubt, let me help you out. Firstly, you can go ahead and experiment with all these techniques to find out the one which works the best for you. Ask yourself questions tofind out the preferences. For example, whether you would listen to a lecture or learn through a presentation and vice versa. You may also go for a group study session. Interacting with people does not only enrich your knowledge but also develops a feeling of competition. When you sit down to study alone analyse which technique helps you to memorise content for a longer period. I hope this article will help you to find out “what type of learner am I.”。



There are 3 types of English nouns which can be turned into Chinese verbs in translation
A. Nouns derived from verbs: construction, application, appearance, etc.
4). A discussion of the importance of the study of the origin of geological structures using mathematic mechanical models is given at the end of the paper. 论文最后讨论了运用数学机械模型研究地质结 构起源的重要性。
8). Every state is the best judge of what is required to safeguard its national security. 每个国家最清楚应怎样维护自己的国家安全。
(2). Adjectives Converted into V. (形—动)
3). Such criticisms have become familiar in his later commentaries on America. 类似的批评在他后来写的评论美国的文章中屡见不 鲜。
4). In order to carry through her policies of economic development, peace is necessary for China. 为了贯彻经济发展政策,中国需要和平。
1.Conversion to Chinese Verbs (转化为汉语动词)

verbal styles

verbal styles
Hierarchical,Polite! Each participant in a Japanese conversation waits politely for a turn and knows exactly when the time is right to speak.they know their place sh verbal styles A Ping-Pong or tennis game Japanese verbal styles bowling~~ Chinese verbal styles ~~harmony,vague terms, caution>perceive in speech
Thanks ! Have a good time ! Smile every day !
Chinese verbal styles
含蓄( implication ) 听话( listening centeredness) 客气( politeness ) 自己人(a focus on insiders) 面子(face-direct communication)
Chinese vs English verbal styles
Waiting。。。 。。。 。。。。。 。。 。。。。。。。。。
Now,we know different cultures have different verbal styles,which can be understood and interpreted only in their cultural context。 Knowing difference→ trying to solve it → → → It made me look like a duck in water., when we communicate with others whoes conventional styles are different。



Sweaters and jeans are two of the most versatile and beloved clothing items in the world of fashion.They are not only comfortable and practical,but they also offer a wide range of styling options that can be adapted to suit any occasion or personal style.SweatersSweaters are typically made from wool,cotton,or a blend of different fibers.They come in various styles,including pullovers,cardigans,turtlenecks,and vests.Here are some key points to consider when it comes to sweaters:Material:Wool sweaters are warm and cozy,making them perfect for cold weather. Cotton sweaters are lighter and more breathable,suitable for milder climates or layering. Fit:Sweaters can be fitted or oversized,depending on the desired look.A fitted sweater can accentuate the figure,while an oversized sweater offers a relaxed,casual vibe. Colors and Patterns:Sweaters are available in a wide range of colors and patterns.Solid colors are classic and versatile,while patterns can add a touch of personality and visual interest to an outfit.Layering:Sweaters are excellent for layering.They can be worn over a collared shirt for a polished look or under a jacket for added warmth.JeansJeans are a staple in casual fashion and are known for their durability and comfort.They are typically made from denim,which is a heavy cotton twill fabric.Here are some details about jeans:Cuts:Jeans come in various cuts,including skinny,straight,bootcut,and wideleg.Each cut suits different body types and personal preferences.Washes:The color and finish of jeans can vary greatly,from light blue to dark indigo, and from raw denim to heavily distressed styles.Fits:Like sweaters,jeans can be fitted or relaxed.Highwaisted jeans are popular for their flattering silhouette,while lowrise jeans offer a more relaxed fit.Versatility:Jeans can be dressed up with a nice top and heels or kept casual with a tshirt and sneakers.They are truly a wardrobe essential that can be worn in almost any setting. Styling Sweaters and JeansWhen it comes to putting together an outfit with sweaters and jeans,there are endless possibilities:Casual Look:Pair an oversized sweater with skinny jeans and white sneakers for a cozy, everyday look.Business Casual:A fitted sweater tucked into highwaisted jeans,with a pair of ankle boots,can create a polished yet comfortable office look.Layering:Wear a lightweight sweater under a denim jacket for an extra layer of warmth and style.Accessories:Add a statement belt to accentuate the waist or a scarf for an extra touch of warmth and color.ConclusionSweaters and jeans are not just clothing items they are fashion essentials that can be mixed and matched to create a variety of looks.Their timeless appeal and adaptability make them a musthave in any wardrobe.Whether youre dressing for comfort,style,or both,sweaters and jeans offer a canvas for selfexpression and creativity in fashion.。



While in Japan, they tend to say, “Although I am not very good looking, I’m willing to try my best to work hard…”
Self-Effacement Verbal Styles
It emphasizes the importance of humbling oneself, concerning one’s effort or performance, through: ❖verbal restraints ❖hesitations ❖modest talk ❖the use of self-deprecation(贬低自我)
The following is a dialogue between Chinese speakers
A:We’re going to Mexico this weekend. B:What fun! I wish we were going with you.
How long are going to be there? A:Three days. (I hope she’ll offer me a ride
A dCoimffpeanryent language is a different view of life and thoLOugGhOt !
in the indirect verbal style, statements tend to camouflage(隐蔽) the speaker’s actual intentions statements are carried out with more nuanced(有细微差异的) tone of voice



First of all, the way of eating. All human beings have certain needs. Our fundamental needs for things that keep us alive. This is the physiological need. All individuals must eat in order to survive. But what people eat, when they eat, and the manners in which they eat are all patterned by culture. No society views everything in its environment that is edible and might provide nourishment as food. Americans eat oyster but not snail. The French eat snails but not snake. We all have ideas about what kinds of food are good to eat. We also have ideas what kinds of food are bad to eat. As a result, people from one culture often think the food that people from another culture eat are disgusting or nauseating. Dislike is not the only reason why some culture will not eat a certain food. In some culture, certain foods are taboo. Sometimes the food taboos may be so strong that just thought of eating forbidden foods can cause an individual to feel ill.We can also find culture difference in way of bring up children ,treating the early, greeting each other, saying and spending money before other people do in everyday, but in some English-speaking countries, people do not agree with us. We Chinese may enjoy something that is not usually considered as edible by the English-speaking people. Generally we prefer to have thing hot and much emphasis on the taste. We eat from one plate when we are eating with others, and we like to seat one by one, and in the shape of a round. Onthe opposite, some English-speaking countries, most of the people like to seat in two rows, two people face to face. They have their own plate. On the aspect of table manners, there are many differences between Chinese and English-speaking people. For example, in some English-speaking countries, Bread plates are to the left of the main plate, beverage glasses are to the right. Salad fork, knife and soup spoon are far from the main plate than the main course knife, fork and spoon. When eating bread rolls, break off a piece before buttering. Use the knife only to butter the bread, not cut it. You should not start eating before your host does or instructs to do so. At large meals, it is considered okay to start eating once others have been served. When finished, place the knife and fork together at five o’clock with the fork on the left. It is considered rude to answer the telephone at the table. If need to take an urgent call, excuse self and go outside. Try to eat all the food you are served. But in China, the table manners are different. Chinese traditionally eat rice from a small bowl held in the left hand. The rice bowl is raised to the mouth and rice pushed into the mouth using the chopsticks. Some Chinese find it offensive to scoop rice from the bowl using a spoon. if rice is served on a plate, as is more common in the West, it is acceptable and more practical to eat it with a fork or spoon. The thumb must always be above the edge of the bowl. The host should always make sure the guest drinks are sufficiently full.One should notpour for oneself, but should offer to pour for a neighborhood. When your drink is being poured, you should say “thank you” and tap fingers on the table to show appreciation. When people wish to clink drinks together in the form of a cheer, it is important to observe that younger members should clink the edge of their drink below the edge of an elder to show respect.Secondly, the way of communication. Form birth to death, communication plays an integral part in our life.There are some language problems, including the different styles of using language such as direct, indirect; expansive, succinct; argumentative, conciliatory; instrumental, harmonizing; and so on. These different styles can lead to wrong interpretations of intent and evaluation of insincerity, aggressiveness, deviousness, or arrogance, among other.The misinterpretation includes nonverbal signs and symbols such as gestures, postures, and other body movements. It is a definite communication barrier. But it is possible to learn the meanings of these observable message, usually in informal rather ways.It is more difficult to understand the less obvious unspoken codes of the other cultures. Language, as the carrier of culture, is created during the process of human beings’ productive labor and serves as the tool of communication to convey the message between people. However, it has been endowed with magic and power in particular language acts.As the old saying goes,troubles come out of the tongue. Superstitious people think that the language itself can bring about fortune or misfortune so that taboos to restrict the use of language are created. Anyone who violates them will get punishment, whereas those who faithfully obey the restrictions of language taboo will get protection. Furthermore, linguistic taboos change with the development of society.The paper firstly analyzes the evolution of linguistic taboo. It is indicated in the paper that linguistic taboo exists in almost every aspect of people’s life and is a universal social phenomenon in China and Britain.Both Chinese and English cultures are in agreement about linguistic taboos such as pronunciation taboo, and vocabulary taboo. However, influenced by different cultural backgrounds, ideologies and the concepts of value, Chinese and English linguistic taboos also have differences, as is discussed in the paper from the aspects of taboo subjects, taboo numbers and names.At last, this paper puts forward two effective ways of avoid taboo, that is,using euphemism and having a good knowledge of the taboo culture. And this discussion would help English learners, improve their ability of cross-cultural communication and achieve better communicational effects. For example, during the feudal times, people were not equal to the rulers and were suppressed by their superiors.The distinction between the upper and the lower classes was also reflected in the evaluation of the language used by them respectively. The words ofupper class used were considered good and elegant while those used by the lower class were regarded as vulgar and indecent and should be avoided in the speech of ladies and gentlemen. In modern society, as a result of the development of science and technology, many natural phenomena are no longer mysterious. Human beings not only constantly improve their abilities to exploit the world where they are living through their great wisdom and knowledge, but also make efforts to explore the extraterrestrial world. Science has much more say in today’s society. Thereby, the superstitious elements in linguistic taboos decrease while those reflecting spiritual civilization increase.In short, by comparison, we can find that both Chinese and English communication reflect people’s psychology for good will, for safety and fortune and pleasantness.The Chinese and English people restrict their words and deeds through taboos, trying to keep a harmonious relationship between human and nature, or between people and society. They are a reflection of people’s pursuit of freedom and equality.首先,是饮食的方式。

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Thanks ! Have a good time ! Smile every day !
Hierarchical,Polite! Each participant in a Japanese conversation waits politely for a turn and knows exactly when the time is right to speak.they know their place in line.
Waiting。。。 。。。 。。。。。 。。 。e know different cultures have different verbal styles,which can be understood and interpreted only in their cultural context。 Knowing difference→ trying to solve it → → → It made me look like a duck in water., when we communicate with others whoes conventional styles are different。
Chinese verbal styles
含蓄( implication ) 听话( listening centeredness) 客气( politeness ) 自己人(a focus on insiders) 面子(face-direct communication)
Chinese vs English verbal styles
Some verbal styles
English verbal styles A Ping-Pong or tennis game Japanese verbal styles bowling~~ Chinese verbal styles ~~harmony,vague terms, caution>perceive in speech
Characteristic of verbal styles
Indirect vs direct (Canada vs Korea) Elaborate,exacting & succinct (Egypt, Australia, Japan) Contextual & personal (Japan &England) Affective & instrumental (Korea vs US)
Verbal styles
jenni zhao 赵洁
Low context vs High context
Low context :messages are explicit and the speaker says precisely what she or he means. Such as Americans High context: messages are often highly coded and implicit. Such as Chinese So。。。Context plays a key role in explaining many communication differences. We need to know the context and learn verbal styles.
English verbal styles
DIRECT ! In the mainstream American culture, the ideal form of communication includes direct rather than indirect.
Japanese verbal styles