ntopology 使用手册
ntopology 使用手册全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:ntopology 是一款强大的设计软件,被广泛用于工程设计、产品制造和拓扑优化等领域。
本手册将为您详细介绍ntopology 的基本功能和使用方法,帮助您更好地利用这一工具进行设计和优化工作。
一、nTopology 简介ntopology 是一款基于云计算平台的设计软件,主要用于工程设计、产品制造和拓扑优化。
ntopology 支持STL、STEP、IGES 等多种文件格式,具有良好的兼容性和易用性。
1. 参数化建模:ntopology 支持参数化建模,用户可以轻松地调整设计中的各种参数,并实时查看设计效果。
2. 拓扑生成:ntopology 提供了丰富的拓扑生成工具,用户可以根据设计要求和优化目标生成不同的拓扑结构,实现设计与优化的完美结合。
3. 网格生成:ntopology 可以快速生成高质量的网格模型,支持自动修复模型、拓扑兼容等功能,确保生成的网格模型符合要求。
4. 拓扑优化:ntopology 提供了多种拓扑优化算法,可以帮助用户快速实现结构轻量化、性能优化等目标,提高产品的性能和效率。
5. 仿真分析:ntopology 支持与各种仿真软件的集成,用户可以使用nTopology 进行拓扑优化,并直接将优化结果导入仿真软件进行性能分析。
6. 后处理和导出:ntopology 支持对设计结果进行后处理和导出,包括STL、STEP、IGES 等多种格式,方便用户与其他软件进行数据交换和共享。
1. 安装和注册:用户需要下载并安装nTopology 软件,并进行注册。
注册成功后,用户可以登录nTopology 账号,开始使用软件。
2. 创建新项目:在nTopology 软件中,用户可以创建新项目并命名,选择合适的模板或直接开始设计。
Titan 11.4 Upgrade Procedure说明书
Version HistoryVersion Release Date Details11.421/08/19Maintenance ReleaseVersion 11.4Upgrade Procedure1. Upgrading from: All Consoles:Please note that version 10 and above will not work on original Tiger Touch and Pearl Expert consoles without the 'Pro' upgrade including the UPS board. Additionally all consoles require 4GB of RAM and a 40GB SSD. Please contact Avolites for further information.2. Upgrading from: Consoles 11.0 and above:Please ensure you save and backup your shows before attempting to upgrade any software. An automated upgrade path from Titan 11.0 and above is provided. You can download the latest Titan software by clicking on the relevant console here. Full instructions for upgrading both with an installer and a recovery stick are supplied with the download and can be found in the console manual. The installer upgrade procedure is reproduced briefly below: Please save the software to the root directory of a USB stick or other media and follow these instructions:Insert the USB stick in the console and select Control Panel > Titan Installers > Titan 11.4 Setup on the tools menu. Follow the instructions presented by the installer, taking care to read each step carefully. Once the setup completes you need to restart the console. W hen the console restarts it should be updated to the new software; please check this by reading the version number in system mode.3. Upgrading from: PC any version:Supported versions of W indows are W indows 7, W indows 8.1 and W indows 10. This affects Titan One, Titan Mobile, Titan Simulator and Personality Builder. Please ensure you save and backup your shows before attempting to upgrade any software. You can download the latest Titan software here. W hen it has finished downloading find the setup file and double click to run it. Follow the instructions presented by the installer, taking care to read each stepcarefully. Once the setup completes you need to restart the computer.Bugs Fixed1. Invalid sub-fixture cells preventing show loading:Occasionally it was possible to end up with a show file with sub-fixture cells which did not correspond to the correct fixture type, which could cause a show to fail to load. These invalid cells will now be removed allowing the rest of the show to load.2. PC Suite cannot be installed on Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB:The Titan PC Suite Installer would refuse to run on computers running Long Term Servicing Branch (LTSB / LTSC) versions of W indows 10 Enterprise. The installer now permits PC Suite to be installed on these versions.3. Key Frame Shapes not visible in cues and cannot be included after show file versionupgrade:After upgrading a show from a previous version, key frame shapes recorded into cues would not be visible in Playback View, and could not be included into the programmer. Such shows are now repaired so that key frame shapes act correctly.4. Tracked shapes reported as deleted after show file version upgrade:After upgrading a show from a previous version, tracked shapes in cue lists would be reported as having been removed from the showfile when they should not have been; however, the tracked shapes would still play back correctly. Tracked shapes are no longer removed during show file cleanup.5. Disabling shape tracking behaves incorrectly after show file version upgrade:After upgrading a show from a previous version, a cuelist which contained tracked shapes and subsequently had shape tracking disabled would no longer contain the correct (non-tracked) shapes. Disabling shape tracking after upgrades now preserves the non-tracked shapeinformation from when the cuelist was recorded.6. Global Shape Palettes failing to load or import:After upgrading a show from a previous version, Global Shape Palettes would not function correctly. Global Shape Palettes could also not be imported. Global Shape Palettes now load correctly.7. Playback Page legends lost after software restart in certain old shows:In certain showfiles that had been upgraded from previous versions, playback page legends would be lost when the software was restarted. Playback page legends are now stored and loaded correctly.8. BPM Master gets stuck and cannot be changed:It was possible for BPM Masters to become stuck on a particular setting and refuse to change;changes have been made to improve reliability of setting BPM masters.9. Preset faders would not override playback levels:If a playback was controlling the level of a fixture it was not possible to use the preset faders to change the level although you could control them using the wheels.10. Pixel Maps can sometimes fail to run on TNPs:Certain show load issues could cause the Pixel Mapping engine on a TNP to become unusable and fail to produce any output. This issue has been contained such that in this error case the Pixel Mapping engine can continue to function.11. Align non-functional on attributes not in programmer:Align would not act on any attributes of a destination fixture which were not already in the programmer. Align now acts on all attributes of the target fixture according to the Align mask.12. Random fixture order cannot be recorded:A fixture selection with the order set to Random would record into playbacks and groups as ifthe order had not been applied. Random order now records correctly.。
Vo.l 30高等学校化学学报No .112009年11月 CHEM I CAL J OURNAL OF CH I NESE UN I VERSI T I E S 2112~2115静电纺丝法制备LaFe O 3微纳米纤维季宏伟1,周德凤1,周险峰2,刘海涛1,孟 健2(1.长春工业大学化学与生命科学学院,长春130012;2.中国科学院长春应用化学研究所稀土资源利用国家重点实验室,长春130022)摘要 采用静电纺丝技术并结合溶胶 凝胶方法制备了L aF e O 3微纳米纤维.用差热 热重分析(TG DTA )、X 射线衍射(XRD )、红外光谱(FT IR )、X 射线光电子能谱和场发射扫描电镜(FE SE M )对样品进行了表征.实验结果表明,390 时钙钛矿结构的LaFeO 3晶体开始形成,同时伴有少量微弱的L a 2O 2CO 3和Fe 2O 3杂相存在,600 煅烧获得正交钙钛矿结构的LaF eO 3微纳米纤维,其纤维直径分布在300~600n m 之间,其平均直径约为420n m,平均晶粒尺寸为28n m.关键词 静电纺丝;微纳米纤维;L aFeO 3中图分类号 O 614 33 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0251 0790(2009)11 2112 04收稿日期:2009 06 04.基金项目:国家自然科学基金(批准号:20871023,20671088)和吉林省科技发展计划(批准号:20070510)资助.联系人简介:周德凤,女,博士,教授,主要从事无机固体材料研究.E m ai:l defengz mLa Fe O 3作为一种典型的AB O 3钙钛矿结构材料,其禁带宽度可通过选择合适的A 位和B 位离子部分掺杂进行调节,已广泛用于汽车尾气的净化[1,2]及光催化降解有毒污染物[3~5].因为LaFe O 3在800 以下具有优异的电子与离子混合导电性能,所以被认为是最有希望成为与Ce O 2基电解质相适应的中温固体氧化物燃料电池(I T SOFC)的阴极材料[6~9].目前已成功制备了LaFe O 3纳米晶[10]和纳米线[11]等,但对于具有准一维结构的LaFeO 3微纳米纤维的制备及性能研究尚未见报道.静电纺丝法是目前制备无机物微纳米纤维的一种简单易行的方法[12~14].本文采用静电纺丝法制备了具有准一维结构的LaFe O 3微纳米纤维.由于静电纺丝法制备的La Fe O 3微纳米纤维具有较大的比表面积、纳米微孔结构和磁电性能[13],因此可以在固体燃料电池、固体电解质、传感器和催化领域得到广泛应用,特别是在光催化领域的应用逐渐成为人们研究的热点.1 实验部分1.1 试剂与仪器所用醋酸镧[La(C H 3COO)3 1 5H 2O]、乙酰丙酮铁(C 15H 21Fe O 6)和聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(P VP ,平均分子量1300000)均为分析纯试剂(A lfa Aesar 公司);无水乙醇(C 2H 5OH )和冰醋酸(C H 3C OOH )为分析纯试剂(北京化学试剂公司).采用美国TA i n str um ents 公司SDT 2960型热重与差热(TG DTA )同步分析仪在空气中测试样品的TG DTA 曲线;日本理学(R i g aku)D /m ax 2500型X 射线衍射仪测定样品的XRD 谱图;采用美国Ther m o 公司产ESCALAB 250型能谱仪测试样品的X 射线光电子能谱(XPS),射线源为A l K (h =1486 6e V )射线,以C 1s (284 6e V )做为校正标准;扫描电子显微镜为FE I/Ph ilips XL 30场发射环境扫描电子显微镜(Fie l d e m issi o n scanning electron m icroscopy ,FE SE M ),样品测试时表面经过喷金处理,观测时操作电压为20kV.利用扫描电镜所带的能量散射X 射线分析(EDXA )系统对样品进行能谱分析,确定元素种类与含量.1.2 前驱体溶液配制先将1 0g PVP 加入到9 0mL 的无水乙醇中,用磁力搅拌器搅拌12h ,得到10%(质量分数)PVP溶液备用;按n (Fe)!n (La)=1!1配比称取醋酸镧和乙酰丙酮铁加入上述10%PVP 溶液中,最后滴入适量的冰醋酸,搅拌12h 即得PVP /La(C H 3C OO )3 1 5H 2O C 15H 21Fe O 6前驱体溶胶,简写为P VP /LFO 溶胶.1.3 PVP /LF O 复合纤维的制备将配制好的PVP /LFO 前驱体溶胶加入由玻璃注射器制成的纺丝器中(纺丝喷头内径为0 8mm ),用一根铂丝插入前驱体溶胶中作阳极,铝箔作阴极,铝箔与水平面成30∀角,阳极和阴极之间的垂直距离为15~20c m,缓慢增加电压,当电压达到15~18kV 时,纺丝开始喷出,固定在此电压下开始静电纺丝,最后在铝箔上即得到无序排列的PVP /LFO 复合超细纤维无纺布.1.4 LaFe O 3微纳米纤维的制备将制得的P VP /LFO 复合纤维置于烘箱中于90 恒温2h ,然后放入马福炉中煅烧,以1 /m i n 的速率升温,在350和600 分别保温2h,自然冷却至室温得到分布均匀的LaFe O 3微纳米纤维.2 结果与讨论2.1 差热 热重分析为确定PVP /LFO 溶胶前驱体的热处理温度,对P VP /LFO 溶胶前驱体在空气气氛下采用5 /m i n 的升温速率进行差热 热重测试.由PVP /LFO 溶胶前驱体的TG DTA 曲线(图1)可知,128 处有一个小的吸热峰,对应纤维的脱水过程;320 附近有一个明显的放热峰,并伴随着剧烈的失重,这是La Fe O 3前驱体中有机官能团以及反应物共同分解作用的结果;在390 有一个明显的放热峰,说明钙钛矿结构的La Fe O 3晶体开始形成;550 以后失重不再变化,表明La Fe O 3多晶微纳米纤维已经形成.F ig .1 TG DTA curves of hyb rid f i bers ofPVP /LaFeO3F ig .2 XRD patterns of th e as p repared fi b ers(a ),and those after calci na ti on s at 400 (b ),600 (c )2.2 XRD 分析图2给出P VP /LFO 样品在煅烧前、400和600 下分别煅烧2h 的XRD 谱图.从图2谱线a 可知,PVP /LFO 复合凝胶纤维煅烧前并未出现LFO 的特征峰;煅烧到400 (图2谱线b )时,LFO 的特征峰已经出现,但在图2谱线b 中还有少数很弱的La 2O 2CO 3(J CPDS:N o .48 1113)和四方Fe 2O 3(JCPDS:N o .25 1402)杂相存在;经600 煅烧后杂相消失,清晰完整的正交钙钛矿La Fe O 3的特征峰出现.对照国际晶体学标准数据库卡片(J CPDS:N o .37 1493),纤维由正交结构的La Fe O 3晶粒组成[11].由Scherrer 公式计算,样品在600 煅烧后,晶粒的平均粒径为28n m.2.3 光电子能谱分析图3为La Fe O 3中各元素的XPS 光谱图.从图3(A )可以看出,La 的3d 能谱由4个峰组成,其电子结合能分别是856 4,852 4,839 1和835 7e V.金属La 的3d 特征峰是双峰,即当La 的4f 轨道未受到任何化学环境影响时,在852 7e V (3d 3/2)和835 7e V (3d 5/2)处出现特征峰.当La 与O 形成氧化物时,La 3d 3/2和La 3d 5/2均表现为双峰,即伴峰现象.La 3d 能谱伴峰出现的原因是由于La 3d 3/2和La 3d 5/2内壳层的电子电离后,与La 配位的O 2p 价电子转移到La 的4f 空轨道上,引起La 3d 特征峰劈裂,从而导致La 3d 3/2和La 3d 5/2伴峰的产生[15].图3(B)为LaFe O 3中Fe 元素的XPS 双峰能谱,根据电子结合能数值可知Fe 为+3价[16].图3(C)为LaFe O 3中O 元素的XPS 双峰能谱,说明表面上有两类氧物种,电子结2113 N o .11 季宏伟等:静电纺丝法制备L aF e O 3微纳米纤维Fig .3 XPS of La 3d (A ),Fe 2p (B )and O 1s (C)e le m en t for L aFe O 3合能较高的峰531e V 归属为吸附氧(吸附氧可能有多种物种组成,如OH -,O -,O 2-和O 2-2等)[11,17],与材料中氧空位的浓度有关,电子结合能较低的峰529 1e V 可归属为晶格氧,与金属离子的氧化还原性质有关[16].2.4 IR 光谱分析在600 下煅烧2h 纤维样品的FTI R 测试结果如图4所示.波数为559c m -1的吸收峰归属于F ig .4 FTI R spec tru m of fiber sa m ple at 600La Fe O 3晶体的特征吸收峰[18];波数1059和851c m -1的吸收峰分别为LaFe O 3钙钛矿结构La #O 及Fe #O 键伸缩振动峰,表明钙钛矿物相已基本形成,与XRD 结果一致;波数1363~1631c m -1之间的吸收峰归属于醋酸根#COO -的共振吸收峰[19];波数3434c m -1的吸收峰归属为吸附水的O #H 伸缩振动吸收峰.2.5 FE SE M 分析图5是PVP /LFO 复合纤维及其在600 煅烧温度下的扫描电镜照片.从图5(A )可以看到,表面光滑、直径较粗(500~800nm )的PVP /LFO 复合纤维经煅烧后,由于P VP 和醋酸镧、乙酰丙酮铁的分解,纤维逐渐变细(300~500n m ),纤维表面也变得粗糙.从图5(C)样品的EDS 能谱可以清楚观察到La ,Fe 和O 几种元素的存在,并且La 和Fe 元素摩尔比与实验加入的比例基本一致,进一步说明La Fe O 3已经生成.Fig .5 FE SE M i m ages and EDS spectrum of variou s f i ber sa m p les(A)FE SE M i m age of the as pepared fi bers ;(B)FE SEM i m age of sa mp les aft er cal ci nati on at 600 ;(C )corres ponding EDS s pectrum.3 结 论以聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)和相应的有机盐为前驱体,采用简单的静电纺丝法制得直径分布均匀的2114高等学校化学学报 V o.l 30La Fe O 3微纳米纤维,为制备更多的ABO 3钙钛矿结构氧化物微纳米纤维开创了一种有效的新方法,同时也为La Fe O 3微纳米材料在汽车尾气净化和光催化降解有毒污染物等领域的应用拓宽了范围.参 考 文 献[1] Zhang L.,Hu J .F .,Song P .,et al ..Sen s or Act u at .B [J],2006,119:315#318[2] Toan N.N.,Saukko S .,Lan tto V .,Physical B[J],2003,327:279#282[3] L U Dao Rong(鲁道荣),WANG Q iong Yan(王琼燕).M et a lli c Fun cti ona lM at eri als(金属功能材料)[J],2006,13(5):22#25[4] J ohn N.K.,Um i t S .O ..J .Cata.l [J],2008,253:200#211[5] B i b i ana P . 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曾用刊名:苏联问题参考资料 & 苏联研究
奥索凌阳方案适用屏编码和驱动对照奥索凌阳方案适用屏编码和驱动对照2011-10-4 08:27阅读(26)转载自风的味道2.8寸屏:5408B----FPCHL2401 07CV05408------H2801 FPCHL2401.14A SXD0017 2401QQ AO24QN029325------12N 17N 154000 SAT28S01A05 SXD0002 SAT24000 37H 12A05 2803 HW240320F-2L-0A-20 HJ2810AO-AOFPC 0000000024-0019325C----3225LS2088A SAT28009A05 DST280AU006 4N 88N V029325B----LS24XD 22N 17N9320------19E TS028HA 1N 07N 9N SR779028-AO DST28014L037 CMS21019331-----FTM280F17N 17E FTM280F6W 7N 6E FTM280F10E 7NV 8Q 8A18 21N FPC2802-VO TTPHJ07NVO1289-----JS28ND603C-FPC WST240320S280AV02 1298-----SK001V02 HL2802 36B 10N M30111A197 CMS2101-03A SX2.8C98-4_3-37C T28-A T28-B FPC4218-V0123225-----AU28 036 SXD0006 001 7C SAT2400 12A FPC2803-VO 28A03-VO 12A05 KK240037 0039-C 280NP04-04 3728E SX2.8T28-4_3-37H SXD0001PNL9328------T-0028-A61505V---LS28XD 21N 21E 07NVO A18 FPC1A0027-01-A SYM280T01-A093116----15400053909335IH----24008C18 0367781-----21VO 24N 11N 4N 10N 18V2 FPC-TTHJ07CVO CM012 81-36A 8B26 SY280CM0204535-----SXD00179331LG----Q365205----17V0 YSD FPC 28A03-V0 18V21505C----2.4TE8347-----46E FPC-FTM280C05N 61N 80E TP65K9320LG----SAT28008A18 8K1304 KFM529B21 SR7790928-A061505W----SAT28008A18-Q337502----16N 13N 16E 17E 13E 12N SXD00651297----SAT28009A1161505U-FTM----B21 FPA-SH9873-01A_56-PCB RO61505R(3062主控上用)S6D04M0----TF28001A68070-----NT4PTM3728B MHJ101V1 ZBH028GT-01 SXD00688347D-----ZBH028GT-06 FPC-FTM280C58W-008367-----ZBH028GT-02V18230----XY-2405-HSD10-V2 LC2803.1R61509----QXD028-1000-FB9328LG----07V9338-----91N TFT028E001 EY028CMIL-001-V029335LG----LS28003ILI9320----826709341-----T-280A03-B-16 YQ24TM41-36CLCM0154------2805-PR112-V22.4屏5408-----A024QN025408B----FPCHL2401 SAT24001005 NOATS-V019325-----FPC-S2 TM240320C1NFWCWC FP-29325C----25N3225----Q36 154002660 FTP240F17N FTP240F22N 8C 24N 25W V1 66N 3624A9328----SPT-024-0061298----SK001V02 10N M30111A1978347----FTP240C61N 46E 5N FTP240C65N 3624F 240C29N 240C09N M403A1079325B----22N LS24XD FPC-JTBJ05JUO1505C----XY-2.4TE-V161580----FTP240H25N FTO240HO 32N 04N 25N9335HY----AST24011C19 091110S61505BOE----AST24011C19L LS-100810背面7781----24N 11N 81-36A61505W----LS24Q35 24036095205----53F F240253F 17V09320----01-1D FPC-FTS240W01 JC T24-E T24-A29340----T24BDHJ71V1 240A28-A-16 40-36A 134 240A37-A FPC-FTM240C179N-00S6D04H0----36PIN SXD0066HX8230------LC32002.1 XY-2405 HSDIO-V34535------SXD00249341-----YQ24TM41-36C T-240A82-D-16261卡屏的屏驱动----32063.5寸ST2102----KR035PA5S VT320240S70-A350TMT035---15400T4500 HW320 158000300 S805037535C R0HS 3.5_FPC_10FTS350----735M2 SN570 FMFU-2F 413450017002 513450006002LQ035----8501显示屏编号与屏驱动对应表1 排线丝印侧面丝印驱动IC2 024-22V1 93203 24WIT36-FPC01 93204 1540001660 TS024HAADD04-00 5408B5 1540002660 9325C6 24008C05-V1 93257 AF240B-36B V1.0 AL240EI-3501 77878 AF-240B-2V4.1 AL-240B-S1 77879 AF283E1-37A V1.2 9320-2.810 AF240E1-36C V1.0 778511 AF240E1-36C V2.0 778512 AF283P3-37A V1.0 9325-2.813 CMS2101-03A 080815 080918-2801A背光片 540814 CMS2101-03A 080815 CMS2101 HCT003-280-41F背光片1298CMT304-1(1)-08 8 30 5408B15 CMS2101-3 932516 FPC-FTS240F01 FTS240H03 150517 FPC-FTS240D03 129818 FPC-FTS240D14 129819 FPC-FTP240CO9N FTS240B03 834720 FPC-FTS240W01 FTP240W47N 129821 FPC-FTM280P04N M30111A150 9325C-2.822 FPC-FTM280C05N 8347-2.823 FPC-FTM280F01N FTM280F01N-00 9320-2.824 FPC-FTM280F06W FPC-FTM280F06N-00 090313(背面)933125 FPC-FTM280F07N R61505-2.826 FPC-FTM280C13N 932527 FPC-FTM280P05N M403A486 9325C28 FPC-Y80032 V01 N0711-14-04 9325-2.829 FTP240D10N-01 0703 129830 FTP240D24N-00 090307 778131 FPC-FTP280P05N FTP280P14N-01背面 778132 FTP240W17N-03 080807 9325B33 FG0280FLW-0802-1 8347-2.834 FPC_HL_2401 540835 HL2801 5408-2.836 HL2402B 5408B CMO37 HL2402A 5409B CMO38 LDH240*320F08M 778539 LS2288A 6813-2.840 M30111A116 129841 M30111A059 932542 MFC-S07024 V02 834743 MT321TLLKJ-13 排线接口不同 9320B-2.844 SX-2.4CPT-9325 9325B45 SAT28009A5 9325C-2.846 STA28008A18 9331-2.847 XJ2402-V01 834748 XD028-V01 9325-2.849 XSY LL240-003-081024 R61505(2.4)50 ZCT-24FPC-S1 778551 ZCT-24FPC-S2 9325xp024cp25-36v0 9325hw240320f-0j-0c-10 9325m403a545 1298hw240400f-3a 5420ygg000240ns04-03 9325zc24t04m 9320kfm281e01 9320truly-c tft8k1081fpc-a1-e 9320cf024lgg31-36av1 9320huaruit-0033-a-fpc 9325huaruit-0012-b 9325af240B-36b 7787af-283e1-37av1.2 9320GIANTPLUS KFM281E01-1D 9320 GIANTPLUS KFM281E01-1B 9320CF024LGG31-36AV1 9320 GIANTPLUS KFM281101-1A 9320JLST24PV25-36A 9325ZC24T02 9325DST280CPT003 9325 2.8寸 13SX-2.8CPT-932502 9325 2.8寸 13BX280V003(B0XIANTICH) 9325 2.8寸 13NT4SGP3T28A 5408B 2.8寸 10NT4SGP3T28A AU9325 2.8寸 17NT4PC36728A-BL AU9325 2.8寸 17FPC-TGG000280NP04-07 9325 2.8寸 24LEB-DO428000028C1 9325 2.8寸 24CMS210-03 9325 2.8寸 12HW240320F-2D-0B-10 9325 2.8寸 12HW240320F-2D-0B-20 9325 触摸 13SAT28009A05 9325 2.8寸 13LS2288A 9325 2.8寸 13LS2289A 1505 2.8C寸 9LS2288A 9328 2.8寸 13FPC-FTP280P04N-00 9325 2.8C寸 13FPC-FTM280F0TN-00 61505 2.8寸 27FPC-FTPM280F09N-01、FTM240D17N-00 61505 2.8寸 27 FPC-FTM280F06W-00(FTM280F06N-00) 9331 2.8寸 32NTSAU3624A 5408B 2.4寸 10NT4SHY3624A 3225+HY 2.4寸 35024HAADD04 9325 2.4寸 13FPC-T240BQC 9325 2.4寸 13AF240E3-36D 9325 2.4寸 13(AL240E1-3S01) 9325 2.4寸SX-TGS240STCPYB00-00 7785 2.4寸 15(TGS240STCP-8V1,LDH240X320F008M)SX-2.4CPT-9325 9325 2.4寸 18(SX-TGS2.4CPT)FPC-FTS240D03-02 1298 2.4寸 6(FTP240D10N-02) 9325 2.4寸 13SX-TGS24C98-4:3-36B 1298 2.4寸 6FPC-BKS2401 1298 2.4寸 6SAT24009C05 9325 2.4寸 13SAT24009C05L 9325 2.4寸 13(18)KTM377A01-1A 1298 2.4寸 6SAT24009C05 9325 2.4寸 13TGG000240NS04-03 9325 2.4寸 18(13)(LCM-TGG000240NS04-03)FPC-TTHJ05E00XA 9325 2.4寸 27 (FECHTKONCPT24-9325)24008CIT-Q29 1505 2.4寸 37 1540003250(FMARK) 9325 2.4寸 26 T-0033-B(HUARUI) 9325 2.4寸 26T-0053-A 1297 2.4寸 30T-0033-B 68B(CPT) 2.4寸 26T-0012-B(T-0024-A) 9325 2.4寸 18 (T-0059-A)T-0028-A(HUARUI) 9325 2.8寸2X-GT009BL 7783 2.4寸 25JLST24IH81-36A 7781 2.4寸 25JST24TM25-36A 9328 2.4寸 13SX24C98-413-36B 1298 2.4寸 6(SX-TGS240SDCPET00-00)CF024LCD87-36AVO 7787 2.4寸 4AF240B-36B V1.0 7787 2.4寸 4凌达所有屏 9320 1T-0030 9320 2.4寸 1KT240FC-003B 9320 2.4寸 1FPC-FTS240W01 9320 2.4寸 1FPC1032 9320 2.4寸 124WIT36-FPC01 9320 2.4寸 1FPC-FTS240F01 1505 2.4寸PF240320F-2C-OA-30 8347 2.4寸FPC24T49-A1 9325 2.4寸FPC-TGG000280NP04-07 9325 2.8寸TSA24002C05 9325 2.4寸ST24TM25-36A V1.0 9325 2.4寸FPC-0047A2 9320 2.4寸排线丝印侧面丝印驱动ICAF240B-36B V1.0 :AL240EI-3501 7787AF-240B-2V4.1 : AL-240B-S1 7787AF283E1-37A V1.2 9320-2.8AF240E1-36C V1.0 7785AF240E1-36C V2.0 7785AF283P3-37A V1.0 9325-2.8FPC-FTS240F01 FTS240H03 1505FPC-FTS240D03 1298FPC-FTS240D14 1298FPC-FTP240CO9N FTS240B03 8347FPC-FTM280C05N 8347-2.8FPC-FTM280F01N FTM280F01N-00 9320-2.8 FPC-Y80032 V01 N0711-14-04 9325-2.8 FTP240D10N-01 0703 1298FTP240W17N-03 080807 9325BJLST24PV25-36A V1.0 9325T-0033-B 9325024-22V1 9320FPC_HL_2401 5408HL2801 5408-2.8MFC-S07024 V02 8347MFC-S07001 V04 932024WIT36-FPC01 9320MFC-M240702-A 9320XJ2402-V01 8347XD028-V01 9325-2.8ZCT-24FPC-S1 7785ZCT-24FPC-S2 9325LDH240*320F08M 77851540001660 TS024HAADD04-00 5408B1540002660 9325C24008C05-V1 9325MT321TLLKJ-13 排线接口不同 9320B-2.8SX-2.4CPT-9325 9325BCMS2101-3 9325CMS2101-03A 080815 080918-2801A背光片 540834 M30111A116 1298HW240320F-oj-oc-10 9325FPC24T49-A1 9325ZCT-24FPC-S2 9325NOAIS NT4SAU3624A V01 5408CMS057-2 @ HX(8347)T028 0741Z HL240HYF 0803 7787Hantech HR24F11#02 7787JYD-G5060 GWIL36S03240A-A恻边号GXBL240-019LL240-003 08031141 9325FPC-Y80030 V01 恻边号yxd02436l09 je-c068(b) 9320FPC-Y80030 V01 9320M30111A055 8347M403A107 8347DM2432003-001 这个是2.8的,37线,驱动9320FPC24T49-A1 2.4 9325AF240E1-36B V2.0 7785FPC-Q90044-1 2.8 9325QD -24034Bo-1 2.4 9325NOAIS NT4SAU36 24A V01JLST24CP25-36A 2.4 9325板号:MP-763C-SL V1.1 2005.12.16上位屏CM50011ACT6-01AL 2006/03/06 20针1.5寸元件排列:由上到下整齐一行:C11-C7-C5-C12-R1-R2-C1-C6-C2-C3-C21-C22-C23-C31-C4-C0-D1可代换下位屏:CD50006ACT6-27PIN 2005/10/24 27针元件排列:由上到下整齐一行:RL-CVLCD-CVB0A-CVB1A(这是个利用同尺寸不同针数进行的代换)板号:SD008-V2 2006-07-25-MDLU (ROCKCHIPS 2606A)原屏:CMT027 V1.0 2006-08-09 29针可用屏:FPC-S95012-1 V01 SZSUCCESS 06.01 29针板号:JR040_MAIN_V3.1 2007.04.17 (2608a JXD858)原屏:TFT-2.4-S3D 36PIN IL9320可用屏:DZX2.4-S2 V06 (2608A JXD859)资源:GAUO GASP29P03200-002-A-FPC SA VER 1.3(即屏侧边的标记)板号:SG243 V2 0703140941P2原屏:GIANTPLUS KFM281E01-1D可用:CF024LGG31-36AV1(36P,2.4')可用:GIANTPLUS KFM281E01-1B可用:TRULY-C TFT8K1081FPC-A1-E适用机型:纽曼K8 (2.0版)-ANYKA-AK3225。
二、操作步骤(一)利用Personal Geodatabase创建拓扑关系在Topology数据集中导入两个Shapefile,建立该要素数据集的拓扑关系,进行拓扑检验,修改拓扑错误,并进行拓扑编辑。
操作流程如下所示:(1) 创建Geodatabase1)在ArcCatalog中建立新的Personal Geodatabase,命名为NewGeodatabase,并为其创建新的要素数据集,命名为Topology。
(2) 向数据集中导入数据1)在ArcCatalog中,将Topic文件夹下的Blocks.shp和Parcels.shp导入到刚建立的数据集中。
(3) 在要素中建立子类型在创建地块的拓扑关系之前,需把要素分为居民区和非居民区两个子类型,即把两个要素类的Res属性字段分为Residential和Non-Residential两个属性代码值域,分别代表居民区和非居民区两个子类型。
中国瓜菜收稿日期:2023-04-23;修回日期:2023-08-15基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目子课题(2018YFD1000805-03);中国农业大学烟台研究院政策引导性项目(Z202206);中国农业大学本科生URP 项目(U2022067)作者简介:满孝源,男,在读本科生,研究方向为设施农业科学与工程。
E-mail :*****************通信作者:陈晓峰,男,副教授,研究方向为作物遗传育种。
E-mail :*****************黄瓜(Cucumis sativus L.,2n =14)是葫芦科黄瓜属一年生蔓生植物,是一种世界性蔬菜,又名王瓜、胡瓜、青瓜,在果菜类蔬菜中具有很高的地位[1]。
21世纪以来,分子生物学得到了突飞猛进的发展,越来越多的分子标记技术相继出现,并逐渐广泛应用于作物遗传育种、植物亲缘关系鉴别、基因库构建等各个领域,例如RFLP 、ISSR 、RAPD 、AFLP 、SSR 等[7-10]。
SSR (Simple Sequence Repeat )称应用SSR 分子标记分析烟台地区黄瓜种质资源遗传多样性满孝源,王湘懿,张凯歌,胡凌,陈晓峰(中国农业大学烟台研究院山东烟台264670)摘要:以22份黄瓜为材料,利用SSR 分子标记技术进行遗传分析,构建22份黄瓜种质的指纹图谱和分子身份证。
Silicon Labs CP210x USB-to-UART Bridge 产品更换指南说明书
AN976: CP2101/2/3/4/9 to CP2102N Porting GuideThe CP2102N USB-to-UART bridge device has been designed tobe a replacement and upgrade for existing single-interface CP210x USB-to-UART devices.For some devices, such as the CP2102 and CP2104, the CP2102N is virtually a drop-in replacement. Apart from the addition of two resistors, no other hardware or software changes are required to use the CP2102N in existing designs. For other devices, slight package or feature differences may require minor changes to hardware or host soft-ware.This application note describes in detail the steps required to integrate a CP2102N de-vice into a design in place of a previous CP210x device. Devices covered by this appli-cation note are: CP2101, CP2102/9, CP2103, and CP2104. Multiple-interface devices, such as the CP2105 and CP2108, are not discussed.KEY POINTS •The CP2102N maintains a high degree of pin and feature compatibility with most existing CP210x devices.•Designs will require minimal hardware or software changes when migrating to theCP2102N.•The CP2102N provides a migration path for:•CP2101•CP2102/9•CP2103•CP21041. Device Comparison1.1 Feature CompatibilityA full feature comparison table for all CP210x devices, including the CP2102N, is given below. In general, the CP2102N meets or ex-ceeds the feature set of all previous CP210x devices.Table 1.1. CP210x Family FeaturesNote: The CP2102N cannot directly generate Line Break Conditions. The use of this feature is generally considered uncommon, al-though it was previously supported on CP2102/9 devices. A Line Break Condition occurs when the receiver input is held to logic low (i.e. zero) for some period of time, generally for more than one character time. This condition is seen by the receiver as a character with all zero bits with a framing error. A user can potentially emulate this on a CP2102N, however, by changing the baud rate to be slower than expected, then transmitting a null character. The CP2102N does have the capability to receive Line Breaks.1.2 Pin CompatibilityWith the exception of its VBUS pin, which must be connected to a voltage divider for proper operation, the CP2102N is largely pin-compatible with most CP210x devices. Below is a table of variants of the CP2102N that can be used to replace previous CP210x devi-ces.Table 1.2. CP2102N Replacements for CP210x DevicesAs the CP2102N datasheet notes, there are two relevant restrictions on the VBUS pin voltage in self-powered and bus-powered config-urations. The first is the absolute maximum voltage allowed on the VBUS pin, which is defined as VIO + 2.5 V in Absolute Maximum Ratings table. The second is the input high voltage (VIH) that is applied to VBUS when the device is connected to a bus, which is de-fined as VIO – 0.6 V in the table of GPIO specifications.A resistor divider (or functionally-equivalent circuit) on VBUS, as shown in Figure 1.1 Bus-Powered Connection Diagram for USB Pins on page 3and Figure 1.2 Self-Powered Connection Diagram for USB Pins on page 4for bus- and self-powered operation, re-spectively, is required to meet these specifications and ensure reliable device operation. In this case, the current limitation of the resis-tor divider prevents high VBUS pin leakage current, even though the VIO + 2.5 V specification is not strictly met while the device is not powered.Figure 1.1. Bus-Powered Connection Diagram for USB PinsFigure 1.2. Self-Powered Connection Diagram for USB Pins1.3 Configuration CompatibilityWhile the CP2102N supports the same configuration parameters as the CP210x, the means of programming these into the device are different. Of particular note is the fact that the configuration data structure for the CP2102N has an entirely different format than that used for the CP210x. In short, it is not possible to write the configuration data for a legacy CP210x device to the CP2102N and vice versa.Furthermore, if the CP210x manufacturing DLL is incorporated into custom software as part of a production or test flow, the API calls used to read and write the individual parameters on a CP210x device cannot be used with the CP2102N. Thus, calls to any of the functions listed in Table 1.3 CP210x Configuration APIs on page 5and documented in AN721: USBXpress™ Device Configuration and Programming Guide must be replaced wholesale with calls to the new CP210x_GetConfig and CP210x_SetConfig functions that are specific to the CP2102N.Table 1.3. CP210x Configuration APIs2. Device MigrationThe following sections describe the migration considerations when transitioning from an existing CP210x device to a CP2102N device.2.1 CP2101 to CP2102NHardware CompatibilityThe CP2102N-A02-GQFN28 is pin compatible with the CP2101 with the addition of the voltage divider circuit shown in Figure 1.1 Bus-Powered Connection Diagram for USB Pins on page 3 and Figure 1.2 Self-Powered Connection Diagram for USB Pins on page 4.The CP2102N does, however, have extra functionality on pins 13 through 22. A new design may want to take advantage of these extra pins, but they can be safely left unconnected.Software CompatibilityThe CP2102N is fully feature compatible with the CP2101. No software changes will be required when transitioning a CP2101 design to the CP2012N.The CP2102N does have several common features that the CP2101 lacks. For example, the CP2101 only allows for 8 data bits per frame, where the CP2102N has the ability for 5, 6, 7, or 8 data bits. If desired, the CP2102N can be customized to disable these addi-tional features.2.2 CP2102/9 to CP2102NHardware CompatibilityThe CP2102N-A02-GQFN28 is pin compatible with the CP2102/9 with the addition of the voltage divider circuit shown in Figure 1.1 Bus-Powered Connection Diagram for USB Pins on page 3and Figure 1.2 Self-Powered Connection Diagram for USB Pins on page 4.The CP2102N does, however, have extra functionality on pins 13 through 22. A new design may want to take advantage of these extra pins, but they can be safely left unconnected.The CP2109 has an additional hardware requirement that the VPP pin (pin 18) should be connected to a capacitor to ground for in-system programming. This capacitor is not required on the CP2102N and can be safely omitted.Software CompatibilityThe CP2102N is feature compatible with the CP2102/9, with two exceptions:•Baud Rate Aliasing•Line Breaks / Break ConditionsBaud Rate Aliasing is a feature that allows a device to use a pre-defined baud rate in place of a baud rate that is requested by the user. For example, a device using Baud Rate Aliasing can be programmed to use a baud rate of 45 bps whenever 300 bps is requested. Baud Rate Aliasing is not supported on the CP2102N.If Baud Rate Aliasing is used in a CP2102/9 design, the CP2102N is incompatible as a replacement.Line Breaks (also called a Break Condition) occur when the transmission line to logic low for more than one character time. The CP2102/9 devices have the ability to transmit a Line Break or Break Condition by directly setting the device's break state property. This forces the transmission line to logic low until the break state property is cleared. This feature is not directly supported on the CP2102N. However, a break condition can be emulated by temporarily lowering the baud rate, then transmitting a null character. The duration of this emulated break condition can be controlled by adjusting the baud rate, but it cannot exceed 27ms (8 bits at the lowest available baud rate, 300bps).If Break Conditions are used in a CP2102/9 design, care must be taken to assure that the CP2102N can emulate these conditions cor-rectly.2.3 CP2103 to CP2102NHardware CompatibilityThe CP2102N does not have a pin-compatible variant that can replace the CP2103. The CP2103 QFN28 package has an additional VIO pin at pin 5 which shifts the function of previous pins on the package clock-wise around the package by one pin compared to the CP2102N QFN28 package. This affects pins 1-4 and 22-28. All other pins remain in the same configuration.If a separate VIO rail is required for a design, the smaller CP2102N QFN24 variant can be used. This variant has an identical function-ality set as the CP2103, but in the smaller QFN24 package.Beside this difference in pin-outs, no other hardware changes are required to migrate from the CP2103 to the CP2102N.Software CompatibilityThe CP2102N is fully feature compatible with the CP2103 with one exception: Baud Rate Aliasing.Baud Rate Aliasing is a feature that allows a device to use a pre-defined baud rate in place of a baud rate that is requested by the user. For example, a device using Baud Rate Aliasing can be programmed to use a baud rate of 45 bps whenever 300 bps is requested. Baud Rate Aliasing is not supported on the CP2102N.If Baud Rate Aliasing is used in a CP2103 design, the CP2102N is incompatible as a replacement.2.4 CP2104 to CP2102NHardware CompatibilityThe CP2102N-A02-GQFN24 is pin compatible with the CP2104 with the addition of the voltage divider circuit shown in Figure 1.1 Bus-Powered Connection Diagram for USB Pins on page 3 and Figure 1.2 Self-Powered Connection Diagram for USB Pins on page 4. No other hardware changes are required when transitioning a CP2104 design to the CP2102N. The CP2104 does require a capacitor be-tween VPP (pin 16) and ground for in-system programming, but this pin is not connected on the CP2102N. Whether or not this capaci-tor is attached to this pin will have no effect on the CP2102N.Software CompatibilityThe CP2102N is fully feature compatible with the CP2104. No software changes will be required when transitioning a CP2104 design to the CP2012N.Revision History 3. Revision HistoryRevision 1.3Mar, 2022•Added X to CP2104 Line Break Transmission in Table 1.1 CP210x Family Features on page 2.•Updated CP2102-A01-GQFN28 with CP2102-A02-GQFN28 in Table 1.2 CP2102N Replacements for CP210x Device on page 3 and Chapter 2. Device Migration.•Updated Figure 1.1 Bus-Powered Connection Diagram for USB Pin on page 3 and Figure 1.2 Self-Powered Connection Diagram for USB Pin on page 4 to reflect new SP0503BAHTG protection device RoHS-compliant part number.•Corrected typo in Configuration Compatibility section names.Silicon Laboratories Inc.400 West Cesar Chavez Austin, TX 78701USAIoT Portfolio/IoTSW/HW/simplicityQuality /qualitySupport & Community/communityDisclaimerSilicon Labs intends to provide customers with the latest, accurate, and in-depth documentation of all peripherals and modules available for system and software imple-menters using or intending to use the Silicon Labs products. Characterization data, available modules and peripherals, memory sizes and memory addresses refer to each specific device, and “Typical” parameters provided can and do vary in different applications. Application examples described herein are for illustrative purposes only. Silicon Labs reserves the right to make changes without further notice to the product information, specifications, and descriptions herein, and does not give warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the included information. Without prior notification, Silicon Labs may update product firmware during the manufacturing process for security or reliability reasons. Such changes will not alter the specifications or the performance of the product. Silicon Labs shall have no liability for the consequences of use of the infor -mation supplied in this document. This document does not imply or expressly grant any license to design or fabricate any integrated circuits. The products are not designed or authorized to be used within any FDA Class III devices, applications for which FDA premarket approval is required or Life Support Systems without the specific written consent of Silicon Labs. A “Life Support System” is any product or system intended to support or sustain life and/or health, which, if it fails, can be reasonably expected to result in significant personal injury or death. Silicon Labs products are not designed or authorized for military applications. Silicon Labs products shall under no circumstances be used in weapons of mass destruction including (but not limited to) nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, or missiles capable of delivering such weapons. Silicon Labs disclaims all express and implied warranties and shall not be responsible or liable for any injuries or damages related to use of a Silicon Labs product in such unauthorized applications. Note: This content may contain offensive terminology that is now obsolete. Silicon Labs is replacing these terms with inclusive language wherever possible. For more information, visit /about-us/inclusive-lexicon-projectTrademark InformationSilicon Laboratories Inc.®, Silicon Laboratories ®, Silicon Labs ®, SiLabs ® and the Silicon Labs logo ®, Bluegiga ®, Bluegiga Logo ®, EFM ®, EFM32®, EFR, Ember ®, Energy Micro, Energy Micro logo and combinations thereof, “the world’s most energy friendly microcontrollers”, Redpine Signals ®, WiSeConnect , n-Link, ThreadArch ®, EZLink ®, EZRadio ®, EZRadioPRO ®, Gecko ®, Gecko OS, Gecko OS Studio, Precision32®, Simplicity Studio ®, Telegesis, the Telegesis Logo ®, USBXpress ® , Zentri, the Zentri logo and Zentri DMS, Z-Wave ®, and others are trademarks or registered trademarks of Silicon Labs. ARM, CORTEX, Cortex-M3 and THUMB are trademarks or registered trademarks of ARM Holdings. Keil is a registered trademark of ARM Limited. Wi-Fi is a registered trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. All other products or brand names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective holders.。
Introducing Regina,the3-manifold topology softwareBenjamin A.BurtonAuthor’s self-archived versionAvailable from .au/~bab/papers/AbstractAn overview is presented of Regina,a freely available software package for3-manifold topologists.In addition to working with3-manifold triangulations,Regina includes support for normal surfaces and angle structures.The features of the software are described in detail, followed by examples of research projects in which Regina has been used.1IntroductionExperimental work in the study of3-manifold topology has been a historically challenging task.Topological calculations for even simple3-manifold triangulations are often remarkably difficult to perform by hand.Furthermore,triangulations and3-manifolds are difficult to represent and manipulate using standard programming languages.Because of this,relatively little software has been available until recently to assist with these calculations.One prominent exception is SnapPea[Weeks91],under development for over a decade, which provides excellent support for the study of hyperbolic3-manifolds.More recently a number of other tools have become available,many of which are listed at the computational topology website /.Regina is a software package that unites a number of standard3-manifold topology algo-rithms and procedures within a friendly user interface,as well as adding previously unavailable features to the current body of experimental tools.Under development since1999,its growth has to a large extent been guided by its use in a variety of research projects,some of which are noted in Section3.Algorithms that are implemented include triangulation simplification, normal surface enumeration,angle structure analysis and the calculation of algebraic and combinatorial invariants.This software is released under the GNU General Public License and is publicly avail-able from /.Both the user interface and the underlying programmer’s interface are thoroughly documented.Regina continues to grow and currently enjoys a new release every few months.Special thanks must go to David Letscher who assisted with the early phases of development.Thanks also to Marc Culler,Nathan Dunfield,William Jaco,Richard Rannard,J.Hyam Rubinstein and JeffWeeks for many fruitful discussions.In Section2we present a detailed description of the capabilities of Regina.Section3closes with some examples of research projects that have made use of this software.2FeaturesSince its inception,Regina has been carefully designed for rigour and extensibility.The soft-ware is written primarily in the C++programming language and runs under GNU/Linux and related operating systems.A list of the more noteworthy features of Regina is presented below.2.1TriangulationsThe primary objects with which a user interacts when running Regina are3-manifold tri-angulations.As such,a large part of the software is devoted to the creation,analysis and1manipulation of triangulations.2.1.1CreationThe following methods are supported for creating triangulations.•Manual construction of triangulations by entering individual tetrahedron face identifica-tions by hand;•Automatic generation of standard triangulations such as layered solid tori and layered lens spaces[Jaco and Rubinstein03a,Jaco and Rubinstein06];•Automatic construction of Seifertfibred spaces over the2-sphere with up to three ex-ceptionalfibres;•Reconstruction of triangulations from dehydration strings[Callahan et al.99];•Importing triangulations saved from SnapPea[Weeks91].2.1.2AnalysisProperties of a triangulation that the software can compute include the following.•Detailed combinatorial information about the skeleton and boundary components,in-cluding vertex links and the shapes formed by the various triangulation faces;•A variety of homology and homotopy groups;•The quantum invariants of Turaev and Viro[Turaev and Viro92];•3-sphere recognition,as well as a complete connected sum decomposition for closed ori-entable triangulations[Jaco and Rubinstein03a];•Triangulation attributes relating to the existence of particular types of normal surface, such as0-efficiency[Jaco and Rubinstein03a]and the existence of splitting surfaces(de-scribed in Section2.3.3).Pairs of triangulations can be tested for direct isomorphism,or for whether one trian-gulation is isomorphic to a subcomplex of another.In addition the software contains a variety of recognition routines for detecting particular well-formed structures within a tri-angulation.These routines recognise smaller building blocks that often appear within larger triangulations,such as layered solid tori[Jaco and Rubinstein03a,Jaco and Rubinstein06] and thin I-bundles[Burton07].Furthermore,they can detect complete triangulations be-longing to a number of infinite families described in[Burton03],[Martelli and Petronio01] and[Matveev98].As a result Regina can frequently recognise the underlying3-manifolds for well-structured triangulations that it has not previously encountered.2.1.3ManipulationFor the manipulation of a triangulation,the following procedures are available.•Elementary moves(transformations local to a small number of tetrahedra),such as Pach-ner moves and other transformations described in[Burton07],many of which were sug-gested by Letscher;•Automated simplification in which the software attempts to use a combination of these elementary moves to reduce the number of tetrahedra as far as possible,though there is no guarantee that the smallest possible number of tetrahedra will be achieved;•Conversion to a0-efficient triangulation where possible for closed orientable3-manifolds [Jaco and Rubinstein03a];•Barycentric subdivision and the truncation of ideal vertices(vertices whose links are neither2-spheres nor discs);•Conversion of a non-orientable triangulation to an orientable double cover;•Crushing normal surfaces within a triangulation to a point,as described in Section2. CreationRegina can form censuses of all3-manifold triangulations satisfying various sets of constraints.The census algorithm is described in[Burton07]and contains significant optimisations forcensuses of closed minimal P2-irreducible triangulations.In particular the face pairing graphresults of[Burton04]are incorporated into the algorithm,as are the more standard resultsrelating to low degree edges[Burton04,Callahan et al.99,Matveev98].Census creation can require significant amounts of computing time(months or years in some cases).As a result,support is provided for splitting this process into pieces and distributingthese pieces amongst several machines.In addition to forming new censuses,Regina ships with a number of prepackaged cen-suses including closed3-manifolds[Burton03,Burton07],cusped hyperbolic3-manifolds[Callahan et al.99]and knot and link complements(tabulated by Joe Christy).A censuslookup facility for arbitrary triangulations is provided.2.3Normal SurfacesThe theory of normal surfaces is a powerful tool for the study of3-manifolds and for thedevelopment of algorithms for their analysis.Normal surfaces were introduced by Kneser[Kneser29]and further developed by Haken[Haken61,Haken62]who used them to constructan algorithm for recognising the unknot.Haken furthermore began the construction of analgorithm for solving the homeomorphism problem for a certain large class of3-manifolds.Difficulties with the methods of Haken were resolved by Jaco and Oertel and by Hemion[Jaco and Oertel84,Hemion92],leading to afinite time algorithm for determining whethertwo closed irreducible3-manifolds are homeomorphic in the case in which one of these3-manifolds contains an embedded two-sided incompressible surface.Normal surfaces feature in a number of3-manifold decomposition,homeomorphism and recognition algorithms[Jaco et al.02,Jaco and Tollefson95,Rubinstein95,Rubinstein97]as well as in algorithms for the simplification of3-manifold triangulations[Jaco and Rubin-stein03a,Jaco and Rubinstein03b].For a more extensive review of normal surface theory,the reader is referred to[Hemion92].2.3.1CreationProviding a computational tool for the study of normal surfaces was in fact the originalmotivation behind this software.As such,Regina is capable of enumerating all vertex normalsurfaces or almost normal surfaces1within a triangulation,an operation required by mosthigh-level topological algorithms that utilise normal surface theory.Regina can perform this vertex enumeration in a variety of coordinate systems.For an n-tetrahedron triangulation this includes the7n standard triangle and quadrilateral coordi-nates,as well as the smaller set of3n quadrilateral-only coordinates introduced by Tollefsonfor algorithmic efficiency[Tollefson98].The enumeration can be restricted to embedded nor-mal surfaces or can be expanded to include immersed and singular surfaces.Furthermore,elementary support is present for spun normal surfaces,which are non-compact surfaces withinfinitely many discs found in ideal triangulations[Tillmann02].2.3.2AnalysisFor the analysis of normal surfaces,Regina offers the following facilities.•Viewing normal surfaces in a variety of coordinate systems,including the standard andquadrilateral-only coordinates discussed above as well as the edge weight coordinatesintroduced by Casson;•Calculating basic properties of normal surfaces such as Euler characteristic,orientabilityand one-sidedness;•Recognising standard surfaces within a triangulation such as splitting surfaces(see Sec-tion2.3.3below)and vertex and edge links;1Almost normal surfaces are closely related to normal surfaces and are used by Rubinstein in his3-sphere recognition algorithm[Rubinstein95,Rubinstein97].3•Filtering large lists of normal surfaces by various properties such as Euler characteristic, orientability and boundary.In addition the program can crush a normal surface to a point within a triangulation. Crushing is a powerful tool for the analysis of the role played by a surface within a3-manifold, and is used in Jaco and Rubinstein’s0-efficiency algorithm[Jaco and Rubinstein03a].2.3.3Splitting SurfacesSplitting surfaces represent a particular class of normal surfaces whose presence can offer insight into the triangulations containing them.A splitting surface contains precisely one quadrilateral disc within each tetrahedron and no other normal or almost normal discs.These surfaces have a number of interesting combinatorial and topological properties,described in detail in[Burton03].As mentioned earlier,Regina can detect whether splitting surfaces occur within a triangu-lation.It also provides support for splitting surface signatures,which are compact text-based representations from which splitting surfaces and their enclosing3-manifold triangulations can be reconstructed.In addition to performing such reconstructions,the software can form censuses of all possible splitting surface signatures of a given size.2.4Angle StructuresAngle structures,studied originally by Casson and then developed by Lackenby and Rivin [Lackenby00a,Lackenby00b,Rivin94,Rivin03],represent a purely algebraic generalisation of hyperbolic structures.An angle structure on an ideal triangulation is formed by assigning an interior dihedral angle to each edge of every tetrahedron in such a way that a variety of linear equations and inequalities are satisfied.The formation of angle structures is remarkably similar to the formation of normal surfaces, in which a series of triangle and quadrilateral coordinates are assigned to every tetrahedron with a set of linear equations and inequalities similarly imposed upon them.Thus it has been relatively straightforward to extend the normal surface enumeration code used by Regina in such a way that the software can also enumerate vertex angle structures.Included in the requirements of an angle structure is the condition that each dihedral angle θsatisfies0≤θ≤π.In addition to the enumeration of vertex angle structures,Regina can identify whether a triangulation supports any strict angle structures(for which each dihedral angleθsatisfies0<θ<π)or any taut angle structures(for which each dihedral angle is precisely0orπ).2.5ScriptingRegina offers the ability to write and run arbitrary scripts in the Python scripting language. These scripts are essentially high-level programs with immediate access to the mathematical core of Regina,and are ideal for performing repetitive tasks over large sets of data.Such tasks might include performing a sequence of tests upon all triangulations in a census,or testing a prototype for a new algorithm.Regina datafiles can contain embedded scripts,and different files can share code through the use of external libraries of routines.2.6Interfaces and DocumentationThe usual method of running Regina provides a full graphical interface that a user can easily understand and use.Alternatively,for those requiring immediate access to the mathematical core of the software,an interactive command-line interface is offered from which users can con-trol the program using the Python scripting language described above.A variety of specialised utility programs are also available.Significant effort has been spent on documentation for the software.A full reference manual is available for end users to assist them in working with Regina.This reference manual can be read online at /docs/.For users writing Python scripts or for programmers seeking to modify or extend the software,the routines offered by the underlying mathematical core are also fully documented.42.7Data FilesThe datafiles used for saving triangulations and other information adhere to a well-organised hierarchical structure.This structure not only allows multiple triangulations,normal surface lists and other topological structures to be stored together in an organised fashion but it also supports the storing of miscellaneous data such as text notes and Python scripts.Thefile format is well documented in the reference manual and uses compressed XML2,allowing for the simple transfer of native Regina data to and from other programs.3ApplicationsWe close with some examples of research projects in which Regina has been used with success.•In[Burton07]a census is presented of all closed non-orientable minimal P2-irreducible triangulations formed from≤putational support from Regina was required not only for the formation of the census but also for the detailed combinatorial analysis of the resulting triangulations.A similar census of orientable triangulations appears in[Burton03],again relying upon Regina for much computational support.•Various constraints upon the structures of minimal triangulations are proven in[Bur-ton04].For this research Regina was used to obtain and process data that originally motivated the results,as well as to measure the subsequent improvements to the census algorithm.•Research into the existence of taut angle structures on ideal triangulations is described in[Burton et al.03].Here Regina was used to process large bodies of census data to locate and subsequently analyse triangulations that do not support taut structures.•For the studies of0-efficiency and1-efficiency described in[Jaco and Rubinstein03a] and[Jaco and Rubinstein03b],Regina has assisted with the construction and analysis of pathological triangulations.AcknowledgementsThe author would like to acknowledge the support of the American Institute of Mathematics, the Australian Research Council and the Grayce B.Kerr Chair at Oklahoma State University. References[Burton03]Benjamin A.Burton.Minimal Triangulations and Normal Surfaces.PhD thesis, University of Melbourne,2003.Available from /.[Burton04]Benjamin A.Burton.“Face pairing graphs and3-manifold enumeration.”J.Knot Theory Ramifications,13(8):1057–1101,2004.[Burton07]Benjamin A.Burton.“Structures of small closed non-orientable3-manifold tri-angulations.”J.Knot Theory Ramifications,16(5):545–574,2007.[Burton et al.03]Benjamin A.Burton,Ensil Kang,and J.Hyam Rubinstein.“Triangulations of3-manifolds III:Taut structures in low-census manifolds.”In preparation,2003.[Callahan et al.99]Patrick J.Callahan,Martin V.Hildebrand,and Jeffrey R.Weeks.“A census of cusped hyperbolic3-manifolds.”p.,68(225):321–332,1999.[Haken61]Wolfgang Haken.“Theorie der Normalfl¨a chen.”Acta Math.,105:245–375,1961.[Haken62]Wolfgang Haken.“¨Uber das Hom¨o omorphieproblem der3-Mannigfaltigkeiten.I.”Math.Z.,80:89–120,1962.[Hemion92]Geoffrey Hemion.The Classification of Knots and3-Dimensional Spaces.Oxford Science Publications.Oxford University Press,Oxford,1992.2XML is the Extensible Markup Language,an open and widely-supported text-based data format.5[Jaco et al.02]William Jaco,David Letscher,and J.Hyam Rubinstein.“Algorithms for es-sential surfaces in3-manifolds.”In Topology and Geometry:Commemorating SISTAG, number314in Contemporary Mathematics,pages107–124.Amer.Math.Soc.,Provi-dence,RI,2002.[Jaco and Oertel84]William Jaco and Ulrich Oertel.“An algorithm to decide if a3-manifold is a Haken manifold.”Topology,23(2):195–209,1984.[Jaco and Rubinstein03a]William Jaco and J.Hyam Rubinstein.“0-efficient triangulations of3-manifolds.”J.Differential Geom.,65(1):61–168,2003.[Jaco and Rubinstein03b]William Jaco and J.Hyam Rubinstein.“1-efficient triangulations of3-manifolds.”In preparation,2003.[Jaco and Rubinstein06]William Jaco and J.Hyam Rubinstein.“Layered-triangulations of 3-manifolds.”Preprint,arXiv:math/0603601,March2006.[Jaco and Tollefson95]William Jaco and Jeffrey L.Tollefson.“Algorithms for the complete decomposition of a closed3-manifold.”Illinois J.Math.,39(3):358–406,1995. 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关键点 • TurboGrid 是专为旋转机械设计的高度自动化的全 六面体网格生成器 • 可应用模板: – 参数改变 – 网格灵敏度研究 • 快速网格生成: – 一分钟可以生成一百万节点网格 • Mesh statistics可以快速对照网格质量目标,并高 亮显示不满足要求的网格区域
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第41卷 第5期 渔 业 科 学 进 展Vol.41, No.5 2020年10月Oct., 2020* 国家重点研发计划(2018YFC0311300)、国家自然科学基金——山东省人民政府联合基金(U1706205)、中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所基本科研业务费(20603022017008)和鳌山科技创新计划(2015ASKJ02)共同资助[This work wassupported by National Key Research and Development Program of China (2018YFC0311300), NFSC-Shandong Joint Fund (U1706205), Central Public-Interest Scientific Institution Basal Research Fund, YSFRI, CAFS (20603022017008), and Aoshan Technology Innovation Program (2015ASKJ02)]. 李 倩,E-mail:****************① 通讯作者:莫照兰,研究员,E-mail:*************.cn 收稿日期: 2019-04-26, 收修改稿日期: 2019-07-02DOI:10.19663/j.issn2095-9869.20190426001 /李倩, 李贵阳, 李杰, 莫照兰. 利用mini-Tn10转座子文库筛选鳗弧菌M3表型发生变化的基因. 渔业科学进展, 2020, 41(5): 160–167 Li Q, Li GY, Li J, Mo ZL. Construction of a mini-Tn10 transposon library to identify genes associated with several phenotypes of Vibrio aguillarum M3. Progress in Fishery Sciences, 2020, 41(5): 160–167利用mini-Tn10转座子文库筛选 鳗弧菌M3表型发生变化的基因李 倩1 李贵阳2 李 杰2 莫照兰1,2①(1. 上海海洋大学水产与生命学院 上海 201306;2. 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所 农业农村部海水养殖病害防治重点实验室 青岛海洋科学与技术试点国家实验室海洋渔业科学与食物产出过程功能实验室 青岛 266071)摘要 为了寻找影响鳗弧菌(Vibrio anguillarum )表型变化的基因,本研究使用转座子mini-Tn10 (pLOF/Kana)构建了鳗弧菌M3突变株文库,筛选影响表型变化的菌株及相关基因,证明这些表型变化的突变子与毒力存在一定的相关性。
CK CK-MB 心肌酶谱 99910 LDH HBD GOT 表面抗原 表面抗体 E抗原 乙肝六项 99911 E抗体 核心抗体 前S1抗原 弓形体 风疹病毒 优生四项 99914 巨细胞病毒 单纯疱疹病毒 TSH T3 甲功五项 99906 T4 FT4 FT3
Pቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ APTT 凝血四项 99903 FIB TT GPT GOT 肝功四酶 99912 GGT ALP GPT GOT GGT ALP 肝功10项 99902 总蛋白 白蛋白 总胆红素 间接胆红素 直接胆红素 TC TG 血脂四项 99901 HDL LDL 尿素 肌酐 肾功四项 99904 尿酸 二氧化碳结合力 表面抗原 表面抗体 E抗原 E抗体 感染因子 99909 核心抗体 前S1抗原 丙肝抗体 艾滋病抗体 梅毒抗体
尿11项 尿镜检 粪常规 粪隐血
14 3 4 9
血流变 全血粘度 血浆粘度 99915 血沉 血球压积 17*3 17 9 1.5 21 21 17 21 9 6 9 9 9 6 9 9 4 5 11 9 9 7 9 9 9 11 13 9 11 14 14 14 14 14 13 21 51 51 78.5 类风湿因子 抗O 风湿四项 99913 血沉 C-反应蛋白 K NA 99905 CL Ca 4 9 9 26 6 6 6 6 9 68 9 13 6 14 14 14 14 14 13 26 17 26 17 43 21 21 43 43
分子动力学top文件的组成分子动力学(Molecular Dynamics)是一种计算模拟方法,用于研究分子系统的运动行为和相互作用。
正确理解和使用top 文件对于获得准确的模拟结果非常重要。
海洋动物糖胺聚糖的研究进展杨翠娜1, 2,白洪健1 ,金秋1(1. ××研究所,××重点实验室,××研发中心,广州510300;2. ××大学食品学院,上海201306)摘要:糖胺聚糖存在于大多数海洋动物的组织中,目前主要利用酶解法进行提取,已确定的糖胺聚糖一共有7种。
因为糖胺聚糖具有高生物活性和低毒副作用的特点,所以近年来国内外学者对海洋动物中糖胺聚糖的抗肿瘤、降血糖、增强免疫等活性研究逐渐增多,研究发现海洋动物糖胺聚糖可以抑制S180肿瘤细胞生长,促进T、B淋巴细胞增殖,增强NK细胞活性,清除O2-·、·OH、DPPH·自由基,降低血清总胆固醇(total cholesterol, TC)、低密度脂蛋白(low density lipoprotein, LDL)和甘油三酯(triglyceride, TG)的含量,升高高密度脂蛋白(high density lipoprotein,HDL)水平,促进胆固醇代谢。
关键词:海洋动物;糖胺聚糖;结构分析;分离纯化;生物活性Research progress of glycosaminoglycans from marine animalsYANG Cui-Na1,2, BAI Hong-Jian1*, JIN Qiu1(1.××Research Institute, Guangzhou510300,China;2. College of Food Science and Technology, ××University, Shanghai 201306,China) ABSTRACT: Glycosaminoglycans were found in the tissue of most marine animals,which was extracted by enzymatic method.Seven kinds of glycosaminoglycans have been identified. In recent years, due to their high biological activities and low toxicity,experts worldwide were attracted bythe anti-tumor, lowering blood glucose, immuno-enhancement effects ofglycosaminoglycans from marine animals. Researches indicated that glycosaminoglycansof marine animal can inhibit the growth of S180 tumor cells, promote proliferation of T and B lymphocytes, enhance the activity of NK cells,scavengefree radicalof O2-·,·OH and DPPH·,reduce content of serum total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein and triglyceride , increase the level of high density lipoprotein, promote the metabolism of cholesterol. These features of glycosaminoglycanshave attracted attention from medicine and health products industry.Marine animals can be utilized for high value, and promote the development of marine economy. This review summarized the research status and progress of glycosaminoglycans from marine animal, including structureclassification, extraction method, separation analysis, analytical determinationand physiological activities.KEYWORDS: marine animals,glycosaminoglycan, structureclassification, separation and purification, biological activities基金项目:广东省公益研究与能力建设专项(2014A020217009)、广东省海洋渔业科技与产业发展专项科技攻关与研发项目(2014A020217009)、中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金项目(2014TS25)、农业部水产品加工重点实验室开放基金项目(NYBJG201408)Fund: Supported by the Guangdong province public welfare research and capacity building project(2014A020217009), Guangdong province marine fishery science and technology&industrial development of special scientific and technological research&development projects(2014A020217009),Special funds project of central level Public Interest Research Institute of basic scientific research business expenses (2014TS25) and Key Laboratory Open Fund Project of agricultural water product processing(NYBJG201408)*通讯作者: XX,博士,助理研究员,研究方向为天然产物生物活性研究。
遗传性持续性胎儿血红蛋白增高症(HPFH)的分子机制曾小红【摘要】遗传性持续性胎儿血红蛋白增高症(Hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin,HPFH)是成人红细胞中持续存在过量的胎儿血红蛋白(Fetal hemoglobin,Hb F),血液学检查正常的遗传综合征.携带者常无临床症状.HPFH具有高度的遗传异质性,分子机制主要涉及11p15上β-类珠蛋白基因的遗传缺陷导致的Hb F异常高表达.最近的研究表明,HPFH具有数量性状遗传特点,其发生机制可能不局限于单纯的β-类珠蛋白基因上的遗传缺陷,HPFH还与多个基因座的异常有关,具有数量性状位点(quantitative trait loci,QTL)的遗传特征.主要包括QTL6q23和QTL2p15等的异常.通过HPFH来探索珠蛋白基因的网络化表达调控机制,为镰状细胞性贫血、重型地中海贫血等疾病的治疗研究开拓了新路径.【期刊名称】《中国产前诊断杂志(电子版)》【年(卷),期】2012(004)002【总页数】7页(P26-32)【关键词】HPFH;分子机制;β-类珠蛋白基因;QTL【作者】曾小红【作者单位】昆明医科大学附属昆华医院遗传诊断中心,云南昆明650032【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R394.3血红蛋白(Hemoglobin)是人体红细胞内的一种主要蛋白质,由珠蛋白和血红素结合而成,通过携氧释氧实现氧气在人体内的运输[1]。
6种不同的珠蛋白肽链组合成人类的6种血红蛋白,按照其在人体内表达的先后顺序分别是:Hb Gower1(ξ2ε2)、Hb Gower2(α2ε2)、Hb Portland(ξ2γ2)、Hb F(α2γ2)、Hb A(α2β2)、Hb A2(α2δ2);前3种为胚胎型血红蛋白,Hb F(Fetal hemoglobin,胎儿血红蛋白)为胎儿时期血红蛋白主要成分,出生后逐渐由Hb A取代,由于γ链有Gγ和Aγ两种亚型,所以Hb F也有两种构成:α2Gγ2和α2Aγ2。
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O-Grid在叶片上形成近乎正交的网格,从 而生成极好的边界层网格方案
Distance Factor是定义O-Grid厚度的设置 ,它的值介于0到1之间. 此值和在指定翼 展位置的平均叶片宽度相乘决定O-Grid厚 度 无论对于single导/尾缘还是对于cut-off导/ 尾缘,O-Grid均获得了成功使用
Inventory #000000 4-10
Version 1.1
拓扑方法: H/J/C/L- grid
当上游/下游端没有明确给定拓扑类 型时将如下定义:
如果叶片角 > 60◦ 并且上下游端没 被设定为1:1的周期性条件时,选用LGrid拓扑类型.
如果叶片角 > 45◦, 选用J-grid
• Between Blades & Upstream:
• Between Blades & Downstream:
Inventory #000000 4-3
Version 1.1
• 拓扑块有如下布局形式:
- 结构化布局, - 非结构化布局, - 结构化与非结构化混合布局.
• 具体选择什么方式要基于哪种方法可以最小化拓扑块结构的扭曲度,因为 拓扑块的扭曲度直接影响着六面体网格的质量(不仅仅是因为网格光顺). • 拓扑块沿着每条边通常包含相同的单元数目.沿着拓扑块单元尺寸可以改 变,通过单元尺寸的改变可以实现块与块之间的网格光顺过渡.
H/J/C/L Topology Definition > Override default parameters
使用C-Grid 将生成边分割控制点.
同时在导缘和尾缘上使用C-Grid将导致在全流 道内成为O-Grid拓扑. 对于导/尾缘而言,H-Grid Dominant是另一种 可应用的拓扑类型.
Projection : - Float on Curves - Float on Surface 叶尖拓扑: - H-grid - H-grid not matching - Automatic quad
TG11.0 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary
3/23/2007 © 2007 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
• 默认情况下,拓扑块沿着每条边具有相同的单元数目,但网格尺寸可以不 同,这是为了生成光顺过渡网格。
• 面网格在拓扑上可见。当拓扑调整时,实际的网格也会跟着调整,并且 拓扑的改变也是可见的。 精确的网格是层的一部分,不是拓扑。
3/23/2007 © 2007 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. TG11.0 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary
Inventory #000000 4-6
Version 1.1
拓扑方法: H-grid
块的分布类似字符 “H”
适合于叶片角小于 45◦
O-grid 可选(值得要)
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TG11.0 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary
Inventory #000000 4-7
Version 1.1
拓扑方法: J-grid
块的分布类似字符 “J”
块自动扩展 (在导缘/尾缘附近) O-grid可选(值得要)
3/23/2007 © 2007 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
H-Grid Dominant
3/23/2007 © 2007 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Version 1.1
TG11.0 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary
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Version 1.1
拓扑方法: H-grid Dominant
这种拓扑把一些块以结构化方式加 在可选的O-Grid周围
把另一些块以非结构化方式加 入来完成网格的生成
这些结构化的块从导缘向上游延 伸,从尾缘向下游延伸,从叶片 向周期性面延伸
否则, 选用H-grid. O-grid 可选 (值得要)
3/23/2007 © 2007 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
TG11.0 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary
Inventory #000000 4-11
Version 1.1
拓扑方法 • 通过预定义模板创建拓扑:
• •
包含 O-grid
- Distance factor (定义O网格厚度)
One-To-One 界面范围 Periodic - Full (1:1 for every periodic node)
- Between Blades and Upstream - Between Blades and Downstream - Between Blades - None (GGI for every periodic node)
TG11.0 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary
Inventory #000000 4-18
• 为了拓扑能够可见,应该在对象选择器中打开可视化复选框,以确保至 少一个拓扑可视化设置是打开的. • 拓扑可视化( Topology Visibility )设置控制着黄色线段的可视化,这 些黄色线段描绘出拓扑块边轮廓. • 主拓扑可视化( Master Topology Visibility)设置控制着紫色线段的可 视化,这些紫色线段描绘出主拓扑块边轮廓. • ANSYS TurboGrid的一个关键特点是拓扑上的面网格可见。当你调整拓 扑的时候,ANSYS TurboGrid会实时调整面网格,以便拓扑改变的实际 效果能够可见。 • 为了在生成全部3D网格之前帮助你识别有问题的面网格所在区域,你能 够在层上把网格统计( mesh statistics )可视化。
Inventory #000000 4-2
Version 1.1
• 拓扑是一种用于布置网格单元分布的块结构。
• 拓扑块描绘出结构化排布的六面体网格截面。
• - 流道块: 从入口到出口,介于两周期面之间 - 叶片块: 从导缘到尾缘
• 拓扑关系从毂到罩不发生变化,在各个2D层内可以进行编辑调整,2D 层可以定位到不同的翼展位置.
Import Geometry
Generate Topology Generate Mesh
Improve Mesh
在TurboGrid中如何创建和 使用拓扑?
Analyze Mesh
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3/23/2007 © 2007 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. TG11.0 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary
With O-Grid
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Version 1.1
One – To – One 界面区间
周期性设置控制着周期性面的一侧的哪部分和另一侧的相 应部分通过1:1的节点匹配方式实现连接。 • Full:
当J-或 H-grids不适用时,可以 考虑此方法
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Version 1.1
拓扑方法: Automatic
• Between Blades:
• None:
整个周期性面使用GGI方式连接。通常,沿着一个面的节点和另一个面的节点没 有对应关系。
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3/23/2007 © 2007 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Version 1.1
O-grid 拓扑
O-Grid是一种绕着整个叶片轮廓形成一个 连续循环的拓扑
3/23/2007 © 2007 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Version 1.1
• 在导缘或尾缘的C-grid 拓 扑 • 同时在导缘和尾缘的CGrid = 绕整个叶片生成OGrid