欣技Cipherlab 1266 蓝牙无线激光扫描器
(1)欣技CipherLab 1266蓝牙激光扫描器可漫游100米 (328英尺)到工作和客户需要的地方。即使超出蓝牙范 围,它仍能批量采集和储存数据或存入缓冲区,一旦返 回范围后即可上传。1266的通信底座最多可与七款 CipherLab蓝牙扫描器共享,令您的投资能够发挥更大作 用。1266蓝牙激光扫描器将给您带来高效率和高附加值, 适合零售、制造、仓储和医疗保健业。 (2)激光扫描器可在63厘米(25英寸)之外读取数据, 可在100米之内进行无线连接。超出范围时可进行多达 256次扫描,或者进行批量扫描并存储多达8192次扫描。 最多可和七款CipherLab蓝牙扫描器共享3666通信底座。 一次充电可使用长达45小时或扫描32,000次。 (3)欣技CipherLab 1266适合恶劣环境,可耐受多次摔 落至水泥地,支持多种界面,使用蓝牙配置文件可与任 何主机通信,并提供ScanManager软件。
欣技Cipherlab 1560蓝牙无线红光扫描器
(1)快速、可靠的1560蓝牙无线红光扫描器可帮助您有效提高 生产率并加速工作流程。1560的2500像素光学扫描读头不仅速度 高达200次解码/秒,更可通过单一工具读取多种条码类型,其多 项功能必能满足您所有的运营要求。需在仓库现场捕获数据,绝 对没问题。1560蓝牙无线扫描器距离通讯支架的直视距离范围最 远可达90米。即使在此范围以外,也能切换成批次模式并记录 30,000多次扫描。
欣技Cipherlab 1562无线一维扫描器
(1)灵活、可靠的 1562 蓝牙无线激光扫描器可有效帮助员工 完成更多工作。凭借其长期以来的卓越服务,各公司在多年的使 用过程中获益良多,无论是办公地点还是在仓库现场,只需轻点 按键即可精确无误地捕获所需的关键信息。1562 蓝牙无线扫描 器距离通讯支架的直视距离范围离最远可达 90 米。即使在此范 围以外,也能切换成批次模式并记录 30,000 多次扫描。 CipherLab 将成为您关注细节运营、保持顶尖地位的最佳选择。 (2)Cipherlab 1562景深为 2 厘米至 57 厘米,分辨率 4 mil, 最少 45 % PCS,采用丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚物 (ABS) 材料, 可经受多次从 1.2 米高处摔落至水泥地面的冲击,防护等级为 IP30,通讯支架最多可为 7 台扫描器提供蓝牙无线支持。 (3)Cipherlab 1562小巧轻便,采用人体工程学设计,便于长时 间使用,创新性三向自动感应支架、桌面支架或壁装支架,支持 多种语言和条码类型,适合全球范围内应用, 包括免费 ScanMaster 软件。
(2)欣技1266 蓝牙无线激光扫描器
4、台湾伟斯扫描枪:台湾伟斯CINO 680BT蓝牙无线一维扫描枪
型号:1500系列1564 类型:无线蓝牙条码扫描器
扫描枪体积(长×宽×高):15.3×6.1×9.3 厘米
1、欣技1564无线蓝牙条码扫描器提供强大的 资料收集能力,能让零售业、医疗保健业及邮 政服务的工作流程更为顺畅有效率。 2、欣技1564无线蓝牙条码扫描器能读取小至 3mil的高密度一维条码及二维条码。此外, Cipherlab 1564条码扫描器与蓝牙传输座的传 输范围可达90米,让使用者可以在更多地方完 成更多的工作。而且还有能提升工作效率的免 持扫描模式可供选择,特别适合在零售环境内 使用。 3、欣技1564无线蓝牙条码扫描器提供的蓝牙 传输功能,可以随时随地确保重要信息的正确 收集。
扫描角度:前后转动±60℃,左右转动±60℃ 印刷对比度:最低45% 扫描速度:60次扫描/秒 背景光照射:100,000lux 自动扫描:自动感应模式和连续扫描模式 可读取条码:lD:全部主要条码;2D:PDF417,MicroPDF417, Composite,RSS,TLC-39,Datamatrix,QR code,Micro QR code,Aztec,Maxicode;Postal Codes:US Postnet,US Planet,UK Postal,Australian Posral,Japan Postal Dutch Postal(KIX) 可编程特性:数据编辑,接口编辑,条码配置 支持语言:英文/法文/意大利文/比利时文/挪威文/瑞典文 / 西班牙文 / 葡萄 牙文 / 德文 / 日文 / 土耳其文
HX711中文资料一、HX711简介1. 高分辨率:24位ADC,能够精确地测量微小的重量变化。
2. 低功耗:在正常工作模式下,功耗仅为1.5毫安。
3. 简单的接口:采用SPI数字接口,方便与各种微控制器(如51、AVR、PIC等)相连。
4. 内置稳压电路:支持2.7V至5.5V的宽电压范围,适应不同场景需求。
5. 抗干扰能力强:具有优异的电磁兼容性和温度稳定性。
二、HX711核心参数1. 输入通道:两个差分模拟输入通道,可接桥式传感器或直接接入传感器。
2. 采样率:10SPS至80SPS可调,可根据实际需求选择合适的采样率。
3. 精度:最高±0.0015%FS(满量程)4. 量程:±20mV至±80mV,可根据传感器类型和量程进行配置。
5. 工作温度:40℃至+85℃三、HX711引脚说明1. VCC:电源输入,2.7V至5.5V。
2. GND:地线。
3. A:模拟输入端,接传感器正端。
4. B:模拟输入端,接传感器负端。
5. C:传感器激励端,输出高电平时,为传感器提供激励电流。
6. D:传感器激励端,输出低电平时,为传感器提供激励电流。
7. E:数字输出端,用于接收外部时钟信号。
8. PD_SCK:串行时钟输入,用于控制AD转换和数据输出。
9. DOUT:串行数据输出,输出AD转换结果。
10. GN:增益选择端,接VCC时为128倍增益,接GND时为64倍增益。
四、HX711应用电路1. 电源电路:为HX711提供稳定的电源输入,确保其正常工作。
2. 传感器接口:将传感器与HX711的A、B、C、D引脚相连,实现信号输入。
3. 微控制器接口:通过SPI接口将HX711与微控制器相连,实现数据传输和控制。
4. 去耦电路:在电源输入端加入滤波电容,提高电路的抗干扰能力。
五、HX711编程基础1. 初始化设置将PD_SCK引脚设置为高电平,确保HX711处于待机状态。
NLS-NVH200B 无线式蓝牙二维条码扫描器用户手册说明书
版本记录版本号版本描述发布日期V1.0.0 初始版本。
2018-10-11 V1.0.1第一章开机、休眠、关机、重启小节,休眠:手动识读模式下扫描器超过一定时间备注改为“1分钟以上”2019-01-31V1.0.2 1、第三章识读模式小节“预瞄准模式”修改为“瞄准模式”2、第三章解码中心区域小节增加中心区域解码功能4、第三章配对设置小节增加蓝牙HID键盘模式5、删除第五章“重传”小节6、修改第一章NVH200B无线扫描器外观的指示灯定义内容2019-03-13V1.0.3 1、第六章增加码制Code 49、Code 16K、GM Code、Code One、OCR-B并在“默认设置表”“AIM ID列表”、“Code ID 列表”与“条码序号对照表”增加以上五项2、第五章增加小节“连接主机”、“连接底座”、“无线连接模式”。
新思康45 指纹采集设备使用指南说明书
NeoScan 45™Mobile Fingerprint Collection DeviceNEC Corporation of America/NeoScanThe Simplicity You Need. The Design You Want.Operational Simplicity. Elegant Design. Unmatched Accuracy.At a GlanceDesigned for public safety applications in the field, NeoScan 45 delivers the highest degree of speed and accuracy for mobile fingerprint roll and plain capture, including simultaneous two-finger capture. This innovative solution from NEC is simple to use,and features a large (1.6” x 1.5”) scanning platen for better image quality and greater accuracy, as proven by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology)*.NeoScan 45 supports multiple communication protocols including Bluetooth® and Wi-Fi. As such, the device is compatible with Apple® iOS and Android® operating systems, including the latest Apple and Samsung smartphone and tablet models. Equipped with a single and dual, plain and roll fingerprint capture sensor, NeoScan 45 is compliant with the FBI Image Quality Specification (IQS) Appendix F standards. With NEC’s Smart ID biometric identification solution, NeoScan 45 adheres to NIST and FBI EBTS transmission standards.As an open device, NeoScan 45 can operate with nearly all AFIS solutions, including NEC’s Integra-ID Multi-modal Biometrics Identification Solution (MBIS), enabling agencies to extend their existing AFIS infrastructure investments into mobile applications. NEC engineering teams worldwide collaborated to create this new standard in accuracy and compactness with NEC’s lightweight FAP 45 fingerprint collection device. Manufactured in Japan, it abides by NEC’s strict manufacturing and quality standards that are intended to substantially improve the design, ergonomics and reliability of the device.• The thinnest and lightest FAP 45 multi-fingerprintcapture device• 600% more fingerprint image capture than legacy FAP 10 devices• Forensic image quality for the cascading of searches against unsolved latent collection• Intuitive interface for rapidly accurate fingerprintcapture process• Bluetooth and Wi-Fi-enabled for both Apple® iOS and Android operating systems• Supports Mobile ID, Field Booking, and Cite & Release Workflows• Compatibility with most AFIS systems extendsexisting investmentsUltra-Portable DesignAccurate fingerprint identification is crucial in the field. Public Safety, Homeland Security, First Responders and even Healthcare providers all demand a compact, fail-proof tool that works in their real time operational environments. As the thinnest and lightest FAP 45multi-fingerprint capture device, NEC’s NeoScan 45 offers an advanced design for rapid and ease-of-use application in the field. Slightly larger than an Apple® iPhone 6 Plus, NEC’s NeoScan 45 fits into a shirt pocket or clip-on belt. Weighing at only 9 ounces it can be comfortably operated with only one hand.Operational SimplicityThe intuitive user interface of the NeoScan 45 guides users clearly through the fingerprint capture and identification process. Distinct color indicators provide scanning prompts and confirmation, while also displaying the fingerprint capture profile.Convenient LED indicators show device status including battery life, wireless connection, and fingerprint capture process. Fingerprint images are confirmed as high quality by an onboard NFIQ (NIST Fingerprint Image Quality) image test prior to image acceptance. When a quality fingerprint is captured, the finger icon LED illuminates in green.The NeoScan 45 adapts to the environment and user for unparalleled operational simplicity. If necessary, missing or scarred fingertipscan be skipped without hassle. The “Add New” button streamlines the scanning process when capturing a series of fingerprints from different individuals during the same session. Collected fingerprint sets are stored on the device until downloaded via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. The ease of use of the NeoScan 45 helps reduce capture errors and wrong finger sequence captures.Built-in magnetic card swipe supports rapid demographic data collection by swiping Drivers Licenses and ID cards, as well as credit cards.Accurate, High-Quality Fingerprint ImagesNeoScan 45 is tested and certified to FBI FAP 45 specifications including EBTS Appendix F and PIV-071006. With capture dimensions of 1.6’’ x 1.5”, the NeoScan 45 can collect a larger size image, it is able to scan a two-finger slap capture, as well as up to10 rolled fingerprints. When more fingerprint images are captured simultaneously matching horse power is reduced while speed of identification increases.According to a study by NIST (NISTIR 7950), larger fingerprint sensors with higher FAP levels – like the NeoScan 45 – are more accurate, reduce sequence errors, and provide a higher rate of identification.* NeoScan 45 with its FAP 45 sensor captures over 600% more fingerprint image data than legacy FAP 10 devices. High resolution scans enable efficient cascading searches for latent fingerprint recognition; in turn, higher accuracy reduces demands on backend systems for better overall system performance.Open and ConnectedSupport of multiple communication protocols, such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, ensure reliable connectivity for the NeoScan 45. Compatibility with Apple® iOS and Android® operating systems provide extraordinary integration and operational flexibility.Battery life surpasses any other comparable device. The NeoScan45 can power up to 200 scans per day and 24 hours of standby. Because it can operate with nearly all AFIS solutions, agencies are able to extend their existing AFIS infrastructure investments into the latest mobile applications with NeoScan 45.Smart ID® and Live Scan FunctionalityPaired with NEC’s Smart ID and Smart LC applications, NeoScan45 would also support cite-and-release, field booking and scene of crime print elimination.NEC’s Smart ID biometricidentification applicationmeets NIST and EBTStransmission standards.Field booking and cite-and-release capabilitiesare possible with the efficiently designed NeoScan 45 and optional Live Scan Support Module. The NEC-patented Live Scan Support Module with a tablet PC transforms the NeoScan 45 into a portable booking station. Demographic data and fingerprints can be paired with a photograph, and sent for search against local, state and FBI RISC and other databases from nearly everywhere.Innovative Force in Biometric IdentificationFor more than 30 years, NEC has been a world leader in integrated, high availability biometric identification systems. The unparalleled identification accuracy and speed of our technologies have been independently verified by NIST time and again. NEC is well-versedin deploying massive-scale multi-modal identification systems globally. NeoScan 45 is NEC’s latest addition of innovative products and technologies. In par with our legacy innovations, NeoScan 45 provides the simplicity you need and the design you want!* National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and FBI testing.NIST report (NISTIR 7950).HW15001 | v.01.16.15© 2015 NEC Corporation. All rights reserved. NEC, NEC logo, and UNIVERGE are trademarks or registered trademarks of NEC Corporation that may be registered in Japan and other jurisdictions. All trademarks identified with ® or ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively. Models may vary for each country. Please refer to your local NEC representatives for further details.NEC Enterprise Solutions NEC Europe Ltd Corporate Headquarters (Japan)NEC Corporation North America (USA & Canada)NEC Corporation of America APACNEC Asia Pacific Pte Ltd .sg About NEC Corporation of America Headquartered in Irving, Texas, NEC Corporation of America is a leading provider of innovative IT, network and communications products and solutions for service carriers, Fortune 1000 and SMB businesses across multiple vertical industries, including Healthcare, Government, Education and Hospitality. NEC Corporation of America delivers one of the industry’s broadest portfolios of technology solutions and professional services, including unified communications, wireless, voice and data, managed services, server and storage infrastructure, optical network systems, microwave radio communications and biometric security. NEC Corporation of America is a wholly-owned subsidiary of NEC Corporation, a global technology leader with operations in 44 countries and more than $32.6 billion in revenues. For more information, please visit .Specifications for NeoScan 45。
TS4500(H)无线扫描器 用户手册1.00
广州市钛码电子科技有限公司 版本号:TS45_UM_CN_V1.0.0 修订日期:2013年6月
扫描器的工作电压是5V。请使用本公司原装的连接线和电源适配器,以保证ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ描器正常工 作。
校验方式 ............................................................................. 23 字符间延时 ........................................................................... 24 串口命令的支持(只适用于有线扫描器).................................................. 24 全局解码参数设置......................................................................... 26 条码宽度校正 ......................................................................... 26 开启条码宽度校正* .................................................................... 26 仅输出可打印字符 ..................................................................... 26 优化纠错技术 ......................................................................... 26 省电模式设置 ......................................................................... 26 反白条码读取设置 ..................................................................... 26 反白条码的读取功能目前只支持某些特定的码制。.......................................... 26 最大解码时间设置 ..................................................................... 27 多重确认 ............................................................................. 27 重码有效时延 I ........................................................................ 27 重码有效时延(2 位;00~99;00*) ........................................................ 27 全局条码长度设置 ..................................................................... 27 全局插入字符串组 ..................................................................... 28 EAN13/8 UPCA/E 附加码法则 ............................................................. 30 扫描器启动延时设置 ................................................................... 30 蜂鸣器和 LED 灯指示 ...................................................................... 31 蜂鸣器音量设置 ....................................................................... 31 蜂鸣器音调设置 ....................................................................... 31 LED 指示(保留) ...................................................................... 31 无线通信设置............................................................................. 32 无线通信参数恢复默认设置 ............................................................. 32 扫描器与基座匹配 ..................................................................... 32 清空移动终端条码数据 ................................................................. 32 通信频道设置 ......................................................................... 32 扫描器 ID 设置 ........................................................................ 32 增加扫描器 ID 号作为条码数据前缀 ...................................................... 32 关机设置 ............................................................................. 32 移动终端工作模式 ..................................................................... 33 相邻数据传输间隔设置 ................................................................. 33 EAN-13 和 ISBN/ISSN 转换设置 A ........................................................ 34 EAN-8 A ................................................................................. 36 UPC-A ................................................................................... 38 UPC-E ................................................................................... 40 128 码 ................................................................................... 42 UCC/EAN 128 ............................................................................. 44 39 码 ................................................................................... 46 93 码 D .................................................................................. 49 交叉 25 码 ............................................................................... 51 工业 25 码 ............................................................................... 53 矩阵 25 码 ............................................................................... 55
1、通讯可靠,工作范围大,空旷处通信距离可达 300米。 2、一拖多模式,一只基座可以同时与99只扫描配对 使用。 3、极其舒适的操作手感,手动触发、连续扫描(自 动感应可选)。 4、全部自主知识产权(获多项国家专利)。 5、丰富的解码种类,全身防震防摔设计,按键寿命 高达5000万次。 6、支持超过20个不同国家的键盘输出,支持RS232、 PS2键盘、USB等接口。
1、欣技1266蓝牙激光扫描器可漫游100米(328 英尺)到工作和客户需要的地方。即使超出蓝牙 范围,它仍能批量采集和储存数据或存入缓冲区, 一旦返回范围后即可上传。超出范围时可进行多 达256次扫描,或者进行批量扫描并存储多达 8192次扫描。 2、1266的通信底座最多可与七款CipherLab蓝 牙扫描器共享,令您的投资能够发挥更大作用。 3、1266蓝牙激光扫描器将给您带来高效率和高 附加值,适合零售、制造、仓储和医疗保健业。 4、适合恶劣环境,可耐受多次摔落至水泥地。
1、比手机更轻巧的欣技1600系列口袋型扫描器,是专为 满足医疗保健业、端点销售与外勤服务的扫描需求而设计。 除了能读取高密度的一维条码,也新增了二维条码的读取 功能,欣技1600系列能让您跟上二维条码日益普及的应用 趋势。 2、只需要2颗3A电池或充电式锂电池,欣技1600系列就能 持续运作一整天,增进生产力。欣技1600系列可以储存超 过1万笔的扫描数据,藉由蓝牙联机功能,可与PDA或智能 型手机进行实时的数据传输,让您的后端系统随时保持在 最新状态。
避免扫描器受到强烈的撞击和振动,以防止内部元件损坏或影响扫 描精度。
根据厂商提供的固件更新指南,定期更新扫描器固件,以获取最新 的功能和性能改进。
确保扫描器电源正常,电池充足。如遇到电源问题,尝试更换电 池或充电。
在已知良好的条码上测试扫描功能,以确认扫描器是否正常工作。 如无法扫描,可能需要进行进一步的故障排除。
将识别出的数据通过无线方式 传输到接收设备,如电脑、手
霍尼韦尔1902ghd具备出色的扫 描速度,每秒可快速识别多个条 码,提高工作效率。
该设备采用先进的图像识别技术 ,确保在各种环境下对条码的精 确识别,降低误读率。
将扫描器对准条码,按下触发按 钮进行扫描。扫描成功后,扫描 器会发出确认音。
确保扫描器与接收设备(如电脑、 手机等)的蓝牙已配对并连接。 在有效距离内,扫描器可将数据 无线传输至接收设备。
通过扫描特定的设置条码,可调整扫描器的扫描模式,如连续扫描、 自动感应扫描等。
长按扫描器上的电源按钮 ,直到听到启动提示音或 看到扫描器上的指示灯亮 起。
霍尼韦尔 1202g无线单线激光扫描枪
1、霍尼韦尔Voyager™1202g无线单线激光扫描器采 用自由的蓝牙无线连接技术,并提供可现场更换的电 池,能够更加快速方便地更换。世界知名 Voyager系 列扫描器备受用户期待便是强劲的一维条码扫描性能。 2、支持距离底座10米(33英尺)或更大范围(取决 于应用环境)内的标准一维条码的扫描, 单一设备支 持所有常用接口,通过自动接口检测和配置取代了耗 时费力的编程条码扫描过程。Remote MasterMind™ 远程管理,提供全套远程设备管理方案,可以方便地管 理和追踪已装设备的使用情况,降低了总体成本。 3、卓特越的低质量条码识读性能:快速扫描各种一 维条码,包 括那些破损的和脏污的条码,增加了一次 扫描通过率并减 少了手动键盘输入带来的错误,只要 简单地按一下底座上的按钮,便可以定位 不见了的扫 描器;Voyager1202g的指示器面板会通过一系列蜂鸣 和闪光来回应。
2、专为条形码扫描而特制的传感器提高了扫描灵敏度,稳定的 原器件供应有利于保护投资者利益。内置图像处理软件具备高级 图像编辑功能---- 剪裁、增亮、旋转、锐化等,能输出高精度数 字图像。
3、TotalFreedom ™ 2.0软件二次开发功能,可直接加载或连接 多种应用程序到扫描器,以辅助图像处理、解码或数据格式化, 不必额外修改主系统。Remote MasterMind™ 扫描器管理软件使 IT 管理者可以在远程方便快捷地对多个扫描器进行管理监控。 4、符合Bluetooth Class 2 v2.l无线通讯标准,无线数据传输范围 可达10M, 能有效抵制其他无线干扰,一个通信底座可同时与7个 扫描器进行数据传输,长寿命锂电池每次充电后可连续读码 50,000 次,可选的医学可消毒外壳构造坚固,耐化学物质侵蚀, 保护投资者利益。
如果识别到数据线,则进入有线模式,数据通过USB线传输;如果没有识别到数据线,则自动进入无线模式,数据通过2.4G无线传输蓝牙HID模式通过以下方法,设备可与Android、ios系统的手机或自带蓝牙功能的PC终端匹配方式一:手动进入蓝牙HID模式1、启动扫描器,长按8秒,进入蓝牙HID配对模式,红绿灯交替闪烁2、在设备中打开蓝牙,到XTIOTHID3、点击该蓝牙设备,进入配对状态4、配对成功“嘀”一声,绿灯常亮蓝牙模式下Android设备需要切换至英文输入法方式二:扫描进入蓝牙HID模式1.启动扫描器,扫描进入设置模式条码2.扫描蓝牙HID模式条码3.扫描下面条码进入等待配对状态,红绿灯交替闪烁4.在设备中打开蓝牙,到XTIOTHID5.点击该蓝牙设备,进入配对状态6.配对成功“嘀”一声,绿灯常亮7.扫描退出设置模式条码2.4G模式支持某p、win7、win8、win10(支持2.4G 扫描功能)1.启动扫描器,扫描进入设置模式条码2.扫描2.4G模式条码3.扫描强制与接收器对码条码,进入配对状态,绿灯快闪4.插入接收器,听到“滴”一声,配对成功,绿灯常亮。
FT1 BT (Filtron Bluetooth)Smart professional Backflushingcontroller for smart flushing.Talgil computing and control ltd. Naaman Center, Haifa-Aco road 7000 P.O.BOX 775 KIRYAT MOTZKIN 2610701 ISRAEL TEL: 972-4-9506050, Fax: 972-4-8775949Email:**********************.ilFT1 BTUSER MANUAL&INSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONSSmartphone application version: 1.0.881Firmware:1.25User manual version: 1.2Last updated on: September 2017Content Introduction (3)General features (FT1-BLE brochure) (4)Installing the BlueBits app on a smartphone (5)Backflush Planning (6)1. Flushing mode (6)2. INTERVAL (6)3. Flush time (6)4. DP SET POINT (6)Backflush Process description (7)Controller Type and Firmware (7)Back flushing status (7)Left time (7)OPERATION BUTTON (7)NAVIGATION BUTTONS (7)Controller and backflush vicinity compatibility (8)Backflush Tracking. (9)User and smartphone application compatibility (10)Scanning results list description (11)Outstanding system alarms (12)Manual operation (13)Reset the controller (13)Troubleshooting (13)Image 22 – Trouble shooting table. (13)Image 23- FT1-BLE with 6V DC power supply and Build in Analog DP sensor (14)Product installation with 6V DC energy supply and external DP device (14)Image 24- FT1-BLE with 12V DC power supply and Build in Analog DP sensor. (15)TIME DIAGRAM (16)Technical details (17)Revision History (17)IntroductionTalgil computing and control LTD thanks you for purchasing the modern professional backflush controller BTF-1 BLE called Filtron Bluetooth. The Filtron Bluetooth presents you with innovative styling, new technology design of hardware, flexibility, additions, professional properties, and a high level of reliability.The Filtron Bluetooth offers an efficient and economical solution for managing filtration sites with a single station or single output command. Moreover, enables reading of external digital differential pressure meter or internal analog differential pressure meter which helps detection of differential pressure between the inlet and outlet and accordingly start a flush cycle.In addition, the product arrives with an external START button which enables manual start or stop of flush cycles.In comparison to the other, The Filtron Bluetooth does not have Keyboard and LCD therefore, the Flushing mode, Settings, and Preferences are executed by the BLUEBITS smartphone application.Following the tradition of the well-known family of Tagil's back flush controllers, the Filtron Bluetooth is the first backflush controller that uses Bluetooth communication with smartphones. Therefore professional smartphone application has been developed. The application has a modern graphical design which grants the application high usability scale.Before installation, please read this user manual carefully and follow the instructions.Talgil Company wishes you successful work with the new backflush controller and on down the road.General features (FT1-BLE brochure)◼Operation output: Operates one filter or start command. Operate 2 wire latch solenoid 12V DC.◼Digital input: Digital input for external digital DP device which produces dry contact.◼Analog input: Analog input for internal analog DP sensor.◼Three operation modes▫OFF: Freeze the backflush controller.▫DP Only: Start one flush cycle when there is high DP detection.▫TIME & DP: Start one flush cycle when there is high DP detection. In addition, start one flush cycle by the time interval.◼Operation screen: Display the Flush mode, Time interval, Time interval lefts, Flush time, Flush state, DP set, Current DP, and Start/Stop Flush cycle.◼Settings screen▫DP Delay: Delay for system stabilization before starting a flush cycle and after finishing due to the DP sensor.▫Max loop: The maximum consequent flush cycles due to DP sensor that permitted to prevent Looping. ▫Device name: Option to set a friendly name to the controller.▫Pressure units: Display the differential pressure units as Bar or PSI.▫Sound: Enable sound that indicates normal processes or flush failure.▫Calibration: For reading accuracy the analog differential pressure sensor.◼Accumulations: Enable flushes tracing by three flushes counters. Counter due to Time interval, due to High DP detection, and due to Manual starts.◼Preferences: Change the display to your preferred font size and your preferred language.◼Start Button: External button for manually Start/Stop of the flush cycle.◼Low energy consumption: 12V DC power supply or four 1.5V batteries size C.◼Bluetooth communication:Bluetooth communication. Up to 60 meters with a line of sight between the smartphone and the controller.◼Smartphone application:▫Professional backflush application.▫Support Android and iOS smartphone operating systems.▫Display Low battery or looping warning.▫High performance. Includes partition to Operation, Settings, Accumulations, and Preferences screens. ▫Modern graphical design. Grants to the application high usability scale.▫Clear and user-friendly.▫Display the Bluetooth reception, Controller name, Flush state, and battery voltage level.Installing the BlueBits app on a smartphone As described in the introduction chapter, the Filtron Bluetooth does not have a keyboard and LCD. The Flushing definitions, Settings, and User Preferences have been executed by using the smartphone application called BlueBits. Therefore, first, download it from the appropriate app store and install it. Pay attention that there are two application versions. One for Android (On Google play) and the second for iOS (On Apple store) operating systems.In order to install the BlueBits application, go to your smartphone browser and on the Applications store search text box, enter the application name. The application name is “Bluebits”. When the application appears on the screen, tap on Install button as described in Image 4.After the installation, it is recommended to create a shortcut on Home screen as shown in Image 5. When the user taps on the app shortcut, a welcome screen appears (Image 6). Then, a Scanning process of the controllers in the vicinity will start. The results of the controllers in the vicinity will appear on Scanning screen as described in Image 7. More details about Scanning screen appear on next pages. In order to connect to your controller, tap on your preferred controller which appears on Scanning result list.Planning BackflushingPlanning Backflush executed on OPERATION SCREEN (OrHome screen) and includes four steps. The steps aredescribed in image 8.1.Flushing mode: There are three Flushing modes. To change theFlushing mode, tap on the Flushing mode button (Pointer 1).After tapping on it, three Flushing modes will appear on thescreen. Image number 9 describes three options:1.1Suspended- No flushing will take place.1.2DP only:•External DP- Flushing will be triggered by receiving a signal froman external digital DP device that measures high DP pressure.• Internal DP- Flushing will be triggered by measuring ACTUAL DPwhich equal to or high than DP SET.1.3Time & DP- Flushing will be triggered by measuringACTUAL DP which equal to or high than DP SET or bytime interval. Whichever comes first.2.INTERVAL (Pointer 2)- In case that the FLUSHING MODE is TIME& DP, it is necessary to define the INTERVAL. The INTERVALdefines the time duration passed between one flush cycle to the next start of the flush cycle. The INTERVAL range is 5 minutes up to 120 hours with one minute of the timeinterval.3.Flush time (Pointer 3)-Defines the flushing time duration. The FLUSH TIME range is 1-60seconds.4.DP SETPOINT (Pointer 4)-Defines the DP value which every Analog DP measurement thatequal to or higher than the DP SET will trigger one flush cycle due to DP. The DP SETPOINT appears when an analog DP sensor is connected to the controller. When there is no analog DP, When a close contact has been detected at the digital DP inputs (External DP), the application will display DP ON. Otherwise, the application will display DP OFF.Description of Backflushing ProcessDuring the connection to the backflush controller, theOPERATION screen displays the controller type,Firmware, Backflushing status, Interval left, andnavigation buttons. Image 10 describes these issues.Controller Type and Firmware (Pointer 1) - The BlueBitsapp supports several controllers, therefore, the appdisplays the controller type and firmware.Backflushing status (Pointer 2) - Indicates the currentbackflushing status. The statuses are: Suspended, Idle,Wait for DP, Flushing, Settling, Looping, Cycling, and Lowbattery.Left time (Pointer 3)-Displays the left time to the nextbackflushing. For example, on image 10 the backflushingstatus is CYCLING. The left time for the next backflushingis 52:17:16. This value is editable. The user can change the left time value by tapping on the left time button.OPERATION BUTTON (Pointer 4) - There is a START/STOP button. The operation button enables a manual start or stop of the flush cycle.NAVIGATION BUTTONS (Image 11)- The navigation buttons have been designed to grant quick access to another screen. The buttons are Operation, Settings, Accumulations, Preferences, and Logout.Adjusting the controller to the Backflushing enviromentAfter planning the backflushing, it is recommended to adjust the controllerto the backflushing environment. To make the controller more compatiblewith the backflush vicinity, the user should define the system constantwhich appears on the SETTINGS screen (Image 12). To edit a parameter,tap the value (Pointers 1-6). Here is an explanation about the Settingsscreen.1.DP DELAY (Pointer 1) - Defines the time delay for DP sensor readingstabilization before the filtration process and after ending the filtrationprocess. The range is 0 -60 seconds.2.MAX LOOP (Pointer 2) - Defines the maximum continuous backflushnumber triggered by detecting high DP. If the DP device still requiredcontinuing with flushing, the controller status will change to LOOPING. Inthis case, the DP device signal will be ignored by the controller, andbackflushing will not trigger by the DP sensor. It will trigger only by thetime interval. The range is 0 up to 10. “0” means that there is no Loopingdetection.3.DEVICE NAME (Pointer 3) – Grant a friendly name to the controller. Supports several languages.The Device name is limited to 16 characters.4.PRESSURE UNITS (Pointer 4) - If there is an analog DP sensor, there is an option to define thepreferred DP SET units and current measured DP units. The options are PSI or BAR.5.SOUND (Pointer 5) – During the communication between the smartphone and the controller,the controller makes a sound. Moreover, it makes special sound when there is LOOPING or Low battery voltage. In order to enable the sound, check the Sound checkbox.6.CALIBRATION (Pointer 6) - In order to make the analog sensor reading more accuracy, the usershould perform analog sensor calibration. Disconnect the pipes from the analog sensor and tap on CALIBRATION button. A “Calibration successful” message will appear at the end of the calibration process.Backflush Tracking.To track backflush cycles and perform statisticalanalysis, the controller manages threebackflush accumulations. Image 13 describesthe ACCUMULATIONS screen which organizesthe accumulation results. Here is anexplanation for accumulation types:1.ACCUMULATION TIME (Pointer 1) – The number of Backflush cycles which wastriggered by TIME INTERVAL.2.ACCUMULATION DP (Pointer 2) – The number of Backflush cycles which wastriggered by detecting high differential pressure between the inlet and outlet from the external digital DP or internal analog DP device.3.ACCUMULATION MANUAL (Pointer 3) - The number of Backflush cycles whichwas triggered Manually.4.RESET ACCUMULATION (Pointer 4)- To reset the accumulations, tap on theRESET ALL button. After clearing the accumulations, all the accumulations will reset to zero.User and smartphone application compatibility For the user's convenience, there is an option to change the application Language and the Font size. The application suitability has been executed on the PREFERENCES screen. PREFERENCES screen described on Image 14. The relevant issues are described here below.APPLICATION LANGUAGE -To change the application Language, tap on the LANGUAGE button (Pointer 1). Then, a new window will appear and will display the languages which the application supports (Image 15). Select your preferred language by rolling up or down and tap on the OK button. The application supports the next languages: English, Hebrew, and Spanish.FONT SIZE -To change the font size, tap on the FONT SIZE button (Pointer 2). Then, a new window that displays all the FONT SIZE options will appear. Select your preferred FONT SIZE by rolling up or down as described in Image 16. The options are: Regular, 140%, 160%, 180% and 200%.Scanning results list descriptionThe application executes a scanning process that discovers controllers in the vicinity. The scanning results appear on the SCANNING screen. The results include alist of controllers in the vicinity and special symbols that describe the Receiving signal strength, Controller name, Controller type, Controller state, and Batteries voltage level. This feature gives the advantage of organizing all the controllers in the vicinity and displays them and their statuses on one screen.The SCANNING RESULTS described in figure 17.The description of every symbol appears in figure 18.Outstanding system alarmsThe Filtron Bluetooth announces failures during the backflushing process. The information about failures appears on the Scanning screen and the Operation screen. The controller informs about Low battery voltage and Looping.Low Battery Detection-(Image 19)When a Very low battery voltage has been detected, the Low battery symbol will appear at the upper right corner (Image 19 pointer 1). In addition, the application will display a BATTERY FAILURE status and will freeze the controller activity. The Low battery alarm is accompanied by a special sound every 20 seconds. To avoid backflush planning, the application will not allow access to the planning screen. The controller will exit from this state when the user will repair the batteries.Looping--(Image 20) A Looping failure rises when the controller detects consecutive backflushing cycles that reach the maximum permitted continuous backflush number which is defined on the SETTINGS screen as MAX LOOP. When a LOOPING has been detected, the controller will not start the flush cycle due to a DP sensor. It will start the flush cycle due to TIME INTERVAL or MANUAL start. The Looping alarm is accompanied by a special sound every 20 seconds.The controller will exit fromLooping status when one of thefollowing conditions met:1.The DP sensor will change hisstate. In other words, theExternal digital DP sensorstate will change to OFF, orAnalog Dp sensor readingwill reduce.2.The user will press the RESETbutton.Manual operationFor user convenience and system tests, there is an option toManual START or STOP without using the smartphoneapplication. To Manually Start/Stop a flush cycle, press theexternal START button installed on the right corner of theproduct (Image 21). If the controller is already flushing, pressthe button to Manually STOP the backflushing process.Reset the controllerTo reset the controller, remove the product cover and press the RESET button. After a Hardware RESET , the controller stops the backflush process, and the remaining TIME INTERVAL changes to the TIME INTERVAL PLANED. During the RESET, the controller will make a special sound.TroubleshootingImage 21- Manual Start/Stop button.Image 22 – Trouble shooting table.Product installation with 6V DC energy supply and external DPImage 24- FT1-BLE with 12V DC power supply and Build in Analog DP sensor.TIME DIAGRAMTechnical detailsOperation output: Operates 2 wires solenoid 12V DC latch.Output signal type: 16 Volts, 90 milli seconds.Digital input: Read an external digital DP sensor.Analog input: Read a build-in analog DP sensor.The controller support only one DP sensor. Analog or Digital but, Remark:not both of them together.Operating Temperature and humidity: 0-60℃, 0-90%.Current consumption: Sleep mode 50 micro Ampere (Average).During communication: 5 milliamperes.During charge pump: 100 milliamperes.Dimensions: Length: 55 mm. Width: 105 mm. Deep: 30 mm.Revision HistoryThe table below describes the changes which have been made to this document.。
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1000 接触式扫描仪是一款耐用可靠的工具,可提供100 % 的生产力。
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欣技Cipherlab 1560扫描枪之读取设置条码
3)如果传输介⾯是BT HID,USB HID或Keyboard Wedge,在Key Type设定为Normal(Key)的时候可以设定Key Status.。
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接口类型:RS232/Keyboard Wedge/USB HID/USB Virtual COM 无线技术:空 覆盖范围:100公尺/328英尺 工作温度:0℃~50℃/32℉~122℉ 储存温度:-20℃~60℃/-4℉~140℉ 湿度:操作:10%~90% 存储:0%~95% 跌落规格:抗跌落 可承受从 1.2 米高度跌落至水泥地面 光源抗度:空 电气安全:CE/C-tick/FCC/IC/TELEC 激光安全:CE/C-tick/FCC/IC/TELEC
1、欣技1166蓝牙无线扫描器,可进行 100米以内的无线连接。 2、欣技1166蓝牙无线扫描器超出范围时 可进行多达256次扫描,或者批量扫描并 存储多达8195次扫描。 3、欣技1166蓝牙无线扫描器可最多和七 款 CipherLab 蓝牙扫描器共享 3666 通信 底座。
类型:蓝牙无线线性成像扫描器 型号:1166
扫描枪体积(长×宽×高) 91×73×158mm
1、欣技1166蓝牙无线扫描器配备安全的 线性图像阅读器,可连接至100米(328 英尺)内工作和客户需要的任何地方。即 使超出范围仍能采集数据,一旦返回到工 作范围内即可将数据上传。 2、欣技1166蓝牙无线扫描器的通信底座 最多可与七款 CipherLab 蓝牙扫描器共 享,令您的投资能够发挥更大作用。这款 1166 无线蓝牙扫描器将给您带来高效率 和高附加值。
电压和电流: 电压:DC 5V±5%(加电源转换器)/3.7v 700mAh锂电池 耗能:待机12mA,扫描170mA,最大250mA 线材长度:1.5m 扫描类型:单向 分辨率:4mil 光源:红光630奈米 扫描速率:100次/秒 工作距离:2-33公分/0.8-13英寸 旋转角度:前后转动±70° 左右转动±70° 解码能力:Codabar,Code 39,Code 93,Code 128,Industrial 2 of 5,Interleave 2 of 5,Matrix 2 of 5,MSI,Pharmacodes,Plessey,RSS14,Telepen,UPC/EAN,and more
4、欣技1166蓝牙无线扫描器一次充电可 使用长达39小时或扫描28,000次。
欣技1166蓝牙无线扫描器的供 ScanManager 软件。 6、欣技1166蓝牙无线扫描器适合恶劣环境, 可耐受多次摔落至水泥地。 7、欣技1166蓝牙无线扫描器支持多种界面, 使用蓝牙配置文件可与任何主机通信。