HCS08系列微控制器参考手册第一册苏州大学飞思卡尔嵌入式系统研发中心翻译 2009年11月目录第一章通用信息与结构框图 (1)1.1HCS08系列微控制器介绍 (1)1.2HCS08CPU编程模型 (2)1.3外设模块 (2)1.4MC9S08GB60的特点 (3)1.4.1 HCS08系列的共性 (3)1.4.2 MC9S08GB60的特点 (3)1.5MC9S08GB60的结构框图 (4)第二章引脚及其连接 (5)2.1简介 (5)2.2推荐的系统连接 (5)2.2.1 电源 (7)2.2.2 MC9S08GB60振荡器 (7)2.2.3 复位 (8)2.2.4 背景/模式选择(BKGD/MS) (8)2.2.5 通用I/O及外设端口 (8)第三章工作模式 (10)3.1简介 (10)3.2特征 (10)3.3运行模式 (10)3.4背景调试模式 (11)3.5等待模式 (12)3.6停止模式 (12)3.6.1 Stop1模式 (13)3.6.2 Stop2模式 (13)3.6.3 Stop3模式 (14)3.6.4 停止模式下激活BDM使能 (14)3.6.5 设置OSCSTEN位 (15)3.6.6 停止模式下LVD使能 (15)3.6.7 停止模式下的片上外设模块 (15)3.6.8 系统选择寄存器(SOPT) (17)3.6.9 系统电源管理状态和控制寄存器1(SPMSC1) (18)3.6.10 系统电源管理状态和控制寄存器2(SPMSC2) (19)第四章片上存储器 (21)4.1简介 (21)4.2HCS08核定义的存储器组织 (21)4.2.1 HCS08存储器组织 (21)4.2.2 MC9S08GB60存储映像 (22)4.2.3 复位和中断向量表 (23)4.3寄存器地址和位分配 (24)4.4RAM (29)4.560K字节的FLASH (29)4.5.1 特征 (30)4.5.2 写入、擦除和空白检测命令 (30)4.5.3 命令时间和突发模式写入 (32) 行和FLASH的组织结构 (32) 程序命令时序 (33)4.5.4 访问错误 (34)4.5.5 向量重定向 (34)4.5.6 FLASH块保护(MC9S08GB60) (34)4.6MC9S08GB60的安全性 (35)4.7MC9S08GB60的FLASH寄存器和控制位 (36)4.7.1 FLASH时钟分频寄存器(FCDIV) (36)4.7.2 FLASH选项寄存器(FOPT和NVOPT) (37)4.7.3 FLASH配置寄存器(FCNFG) (38)4.7.4 FLASH保护寄存器(FPROT和NVPROT) (38)4.7.5 FLASH状态寄存器(FSTAT) (39)4.7.6 FLASH命令寄存器(FCMD) (40)4.8FLASH存储器应用实例 (41)4.8.1 FLASH模块时钟的初始化 (41)4.8.2 擦除FLASH的一页(512字节) (42)4.8.3 DoOnStack子程序 (43)4.8.4 SpSub子程序 (45)4.8.5 FLASH的字节编程 (46)第五章复位和中断 (47)5.1简介 (47)5.2MC9S08GB60复位和中断的特征 (47)5.4计算机正常操作监控模块(COP)看门狗 (48)5.5中断 (48)5.5.1 中断堆栈结构 (49)5.5.2 外部中断请求(IRQ)引脚 (50) 引脚配置选项 (50) 边沿/电平触发 (50)5.5.3 中断向量、中断源和局部屏蔽 (51)5.6低电压检测系统(LVD) (52)5.6.1 上电复位操作 (52)5.6.2 LVD复位操作 (52)5.6.3 LVD中断操作 (53)5.6.4 低电压警告(LVW) (53)5.7实时中断(RTI) (53)5.8复位、中断以及系统控制寄存器和控制位 (53)5.8.1 中断请求状态和控制寄存器(IRQSC) (54)5.8.2 系统复位状态寄存器(SRS) (55)5.8.3 系统背景调试强制复位寄存器(SBDFR) (56)5.8.4 系统选项寄存器(SOPT) (56)5.8.5 系统设备识别寄存器(SDIDH、SDIDL) (57)5.8.6 系统实时中断状态和控制寄存器(SRTISC) (57)5.8.7 系统电源管理状态控制寄存器1(SPMSC1) (58)5.8.8 系统电源管理状态和控制寄存器2(SPMSC2) (59)第六章中央处理单元 (61)6.1简介 (61)6.2编程结构和CPU寄存器 (61)6.2.1 累加器(A) (62)6.2.2 变址寄存器(H:X) (63)6.2.3 堆栈指针(SP) (64)6.2.4 程序计数器(PC) (66)6.2.5 条件码寄存器(CCR) (66)6.3寻址方式 (70)6.3.1 隐含寻址方式(INH) (71)6.3.2 相对寻址方式(REL) (71)6.3.3 立即寻址方式(IMM) (72)6.3.4 直接寻址方式(DIR) (72)6.3.5 扩展寻址方式(EXT) (72) 无偏移量变址方式(IX) (73) 无偏移量变址、变址加1寻址方式(IX+) (73) 8位偏移量变址方式(IX1) (73) 8位偏移量变址、变址加1寻址方式(IX1+) (73) 16位偏移量变址方式(IX2) (73) 8位偏移量堆栈寻址方式(SP1) (74) 16位偏移量堆栈寻址方式(SP2) (74)6.4特殊操作 (75)6.4.1 复位序列 (75)6.4.2 中断 (76)6.4.3 等待模式 (76)6.4.4 停止模式 (76)6.4.5 背景模式 (77)6.4.6 总线周期的用户观点 (77)6.5通过指令类别进行指令集描述 (78)6.5.1 数据传送指令 (78) 加载与存储 (78) 位的置位与清零 (81) 存储器到存储器的传送 (82) 寄存器传输和半字节交换 (82)6.5.2 算术运算指令 (83) 加、减、乘和除指令 (83) 加一、减一、清零和求补 (88) 比较和测试 (88) BCD的计算 (88)6.5.3 逻辑操作指令 (89) 与、或、异或与求补 (90) 位测试指令 (91)6.5.4 移位类指令 (91)6.5.5 跳转、转移和循环控制指令 (93) 无条件跳转和转移指令 (94) 简单转移 (95) 有符号转移 (95) 无符号转移 (95) 位条件转移 (96) 循环控制 (96)6.5.6 相关堆栈指令 (97)6.6指令简表 (102)6.7汇编语言指南 (114)6.7.1 列表行 (115)6.7.2 汇编指令 (116) BASE——设定编译器的缺省数进制 (116) INCLUDE——指定附加源文件 (116) NOLIST/LIST——关闭或打开程序列表 (116) ORG——设置程序的起始位置 (117) EQU——把一个标号和一个数值相关联 (118) dc.b——定义存储器中字节化常量 (119) dc.w——在存储器中定义16位(字)常量 (119) ds.b——定义存储(保留)内存变量字节 (120)6.7.3 标号 (121)6.7.4 表达式 (122)6.7.5 通用文件协议 (123)6.7.6 目标代码(S19)文件 (125)第七章开发支持 (129)7.1介绍 (129)7.2特点 (130)7.3背景调试控制器(BDC) (130)7.3.1 BKGD引脚描述 (131)7.3.2 通信细节 (132) BDC通信速率考虑事项 (132) 位时序细节 (133)7.3.3 BDC寄存器和控制位 (135) BDC状态和控制寄存器 (135) BDC断点匹配寄存器 (137)7.3.4 BDC命令 (137) SYNC——要求时序参考脉冲 (138) ACK_ENABLE (139) ACK_DISABLE (139) BACKGROUND (139) READ_STATUS (140) WRITE_CONTROL (140) READ_BYTE (141) READ_BYTE_WS (142) WRITE_BYTE (143) WRITE_BYTE_WS (143) READ_BKPT (144) WRITE_BKPT (144) GO (144) TRACE1 (145) TAGGO (145) READ_A (145) READ_CCR (145) READ_PC (146) READ_HX (146) READ_SP (147) READ_NEXT (147) READ_NEXT_WS (148) WRITE_A (148) WRITE_CCR (148) WRITE_PC (149) WRITE_HX (149) WRITE_SP (149) WRITE_NEXT (149) WRITE_ NEXT_WS (150)7.3.5 串行接口硬件握手协议 (150)7.3.6 取消握手协议 (152)7.3.7 BDC硬件断点 (155)7.3.8 与M68HC12BDM的不同之处 (155) 8位体系结构 (156) 命令格式 (156) 状态位的读写 (156) BDM与停止和等待模式 (157) SYNC指令 (157) 硬件断点 (157)7.4标识部分和BDC强制复位 (158)7.4.1 系统设备识别寄存器(SDIDH:SDIDL) (158)7.4.2 系统背景调试强制复位寄存器 (158)7.5片上调试系统(DBG) (159)7.5.1 比较器A和B (159)7.5.2总线信息捕捉和FIFO操作 (160)7.5.4 标记与强制断点和触发器 (161)7.5.5 CPU断点请求 (162)7.5.6 触发模式 (162) 单独A触发模式 (163) A或B触发模式 (163) A然后B触发模式 (163) 事件B触发模式(存储数据) (163) A然后事件B触发模式(存储数据) (163) A和B数据触发(全模式) (164) A与非B数据触发(全模式) (164) 触发范围内:A≤地址≤B (164) 触发范围外:地址<A 或者地址>B (164)7.5.7 DBG寄存器和控制位 (165) 调试比较器A的高地址页寄存器(DBGCAH) (165) 调试比较器A的低位寄存器(DBGCAL) (165) 调试比较器B的高地址页寄存器(DBGCAH) (165) 调试比较器B的低位寄存器(DBGCAL) (165) 调试FIFO高地址页寄存器(DBGFH) (165) 调试FIFO低位寄存器(DBGFL) (165) 调试控制寄存器(DBGC) (166) 调试触发寄存器(DBGT) (167) 调试状态寄存器(DBGS) (168)7.5.8 应用信息与举例 (169) 定向的调试器例子 (171) 例1:终止对地址A的处理 (171) 例2:终止对地址A指令的处理 (172) 例3:终止在地址A或B上的指令处理 (172) 例4:开始跟踪在地址A的指令 (173) 例5:A到B顺序后停止的尾部跟踪 (173) 例6:起始跟踪数据B写入地址A (174) 例7:从地址B中读取被捕获的首八位数据 (174) 例8:捕获在读地址A后写入到地址B的值 (175) 例9:在一个例程中触发所有的执行命令 (175) 例10:通过触发来试图处理外部FLASH (176)7.5.9 硬件断点和ROM修补 (176)附录A 指令集详述 (177)A.2命名规则 (177)A.3规范定义 (180)A.4指令集 (180)ADC Add with Carry(带进位位加) (180)ADD Add without Carry(无进位位加) (181)AIS Add Immediate Value to Stack Pointer(立即数加到SP) (182)AIX Add Immediate Value to Index Register(立即数加到HX) (182)AND Logical AND(逻辑与) (183)ASL Arithmetic Shift Left(算术左移) (184)ASR Arithmetic Shift Right(算术右移) (184)BCC Branch if Carry Bit Clear(C为0则转移) (185)BCLR n Clear Bit n in Memory(内存单元n位清零) (185)BCS Branch if Carry Bit Set(C为1则转移) (186)BEQ Branch if Equal(等于则转移) (187)BGE Branch if Greater Than or Equal To(大于或等于则转移) (187)BGND Background(进入背景调试模式) (188)BGT Branch if Greater Than(大于则转移) (188)BHCC Branch if Half Carry Bit Clear(H为0则转移) (189)BHCS Branch if Half Carry Bit Set(H为1则转移) (189)BHI Branch if Higher(大于则转移) (190)BHS Branch if Higher or Same(大于或等于则转移) (191)BIH Branch if IRQ Pin High(引脚IRQ为1则转移) (191)BIL Branch if IRQ Pin Low(引脚IRQ为0则转移) (192)BIT Bit Test(位测试) (192)BLE Branch if Less Than or Equal To(小于或等于则转移) (193)BLO Branch if Lower(小于则转移) (193)BLS Branch if Lower or Same(小于或等于则转移) (194)BLT Branch if Less Than(小于则转移) (195)BMC Branch if Interrupt Mask Clear(I为0则转移) (195)BMI Branch if Minus(结果为负则转移) (196)BMS Branch if Interrupt Mask Set(I为1则转移) (196)BNE Branch if Not Equal(不等于则转移) (197)BPL Branch if Plus(结果为正则转移) (197)BRA Branch Always(无条件短转移) (198)BRCLR n Branch if Bit n in Memory Clear(M位n为0则转移) (199)BRN Branch Never(三个总线周期的空操作) (200)BRSET n Branch if Bit n in Memory Set(M位n为1则转移) (200)BSET n Set Bit n in Memory(M位n置1) (201)BSR Branch to Subroutine(转移到子程序) (201)CBEQ Compare and Branch if Equal(比较,等于则转移) (202)CLC Clear Carry Bit(进位位C清零) (203)CLI Clear Interrupt Mask Bit(中断屏蔽位I清零) (203)CLR Clear(清零) (204)CMP Compare Accumulator with Memory(A与M比较) (204)COM Complement(按位取反) (205)CPHX Compare Index Register with Memory(HX与M比较) (206)CPX Compare X with Memory(X与M比较) (207)DAA Decimal Adjust Accumulator(A十进制调整) (208)DBNZ Decrement and Branch if Not Zero(减1不为0则转移) (209)DEC Decrement(自减1) (209)DIV Divide(无符号除法) (210)EOR Exclusive-OR Memory with Accumulator(M与A异或) (211)INC Increment(自加1) (211)JMP Jump(无条件跳转) (212)JSR Jump to Subroutine(跳转到子程序) (213)LDA Load Accumulator form Memory(取M内容到A) (213)LDHX Load Index Register form Memory(取M内容到HX) (214)LDX Load X from Memory(取M内容到X) (215)LSL Logical Shift Left(逻辑左移) (215)LSR Logical Shift Right(逻辑右移) (216)MOV Move(M单元间数据传送) (217)MUL Unsigned Multiply(无符号数乘法) (218)NEG Negate(Two’s Complement) (求补) (218)NOP No Operation(空操作) (219)NSA Nibble Swap Accumulator(A的高低4位对调) (219)ORA Inclusive-OR Accumulator and Memory(逻辑或) (220)PSHA Push Accumulator onto Stack(A进栈) (220)PSHH Push H onto Stack(H进栈) (221)PSHX Push X onto Stack(X进栈) (221)PULA Pull Accumulator from Stack(A出栈) (222)PULH Pull H from Stack(H出栈) (222)PULX Pull X from Stack(X出栈) (223)ROL Rotate Left through Carry(带进位位的循环左移) (223)ROR Rotate Right through Carry(带进位位的循环右移) (224)RSP Reset Stack Pointer(堆栈指针置$FF) (224)RTI Return from interrupt(中断返回) (225)RTS Return from Subroutine(子程序返回) (226)SBC Subtract with Carry(带借位减法) (226)SEC Set Carry Bit(进位位置位) (227)SEI Set Interrupt Mask Bit(中断屏蔽位置位) (227)STA Store Accumulator in Memory(A存入M) (228)STHX Store Index Register(HX存入M) (229)STOP Enable IRQ Pin, Stop Processing(停机) (229)STX Store X in Memory(X存入M) (230)SUB Subtract(无借位减法) (231)SWI Software Interrupt(软件中断) (231)TAP Transfer Accumulator to Processor Status Byte(写CCR) (232)TAX Transfer Accumulator to X(A复制到X) (233)TPA Transfer Processor Status Byte to Accumulator(读CCR) (233)TST Test for Negative or Zero(小于或等于0测试) (234)TSX Transfer Stack Pointer to index Register(复制SP到HX) (235)TXA Transfer X to Accumulator(复制X到A) (235)TXS Transfer Index Register Low to Stack Pointer(HX-1写入SP) (235)WAIT Enable Interrupts; Stop Processor(待机) (236)附录B 通用文件规范 (237)B.1引言 (237)B.2存储映射区域划分 (238)B.3中断向量定义 (238)B.4位定义的两种方式 (239)B.5MC9S08GB60完整的通用文件 (240)第一章通用信息与结构框图1.1 HCS08系列微控制器介绍新型的FreescaleHCS08系列微控制器,尽管包含新指令,可以执行快速调试和开发功能,但仍然和旧的M68HC08系列完全兼容。
新编⼤学英语视听说教程⼀册(最新第三版)⼀⾄六单元答案Unit 1Part 1Listening I1.1-5 FTFTT2. 1-5 776-2235,65, 11,loud, quieterListening II1. 1-5 ABBDA2. 1-5 old, torn/ blue, by the hand, holiday, childrenListening III1.1-5 181st,very tired, take hold of; for her trouble, never/ againListening IV1.1-5 CDBDB2.. R: fulfills my every need./stay home, cook, clean, and watch the kids.E: open-minded/ something interesting to say.Part 21. ACDEGIJ2. 1-8 in a mess, my turn, a hand, work on, expectations of, how about, too much, what we havePart 31. 1)-15) nicer, excited, promises, married, first, lasted, kids, enough, changes, loves, mad, care about, boy friend, get better, helpPart 4Listening I1. CEFGKL2. 1-5 personality/ background, good sense of humor, terrible, different environments, looksListening II1. 1-5 FTFTT2. 1-5 gone by, no sign, taken over, enough, limitsListening III1. 1-5 TFFTT2. 1-5 seventies, selfish, unnatural, husband, surroundedListening IV1.1-5 ABDCDh: high priority withw: responsibilityUnit 2Part 1Listening I1. 1-5 TFTFT2. 1 He moved to Newton.2 She wrote down the new address on it.3 It was thrown away. / The professor threw it away.4 The professor’s daughter.Listening II1. 1-5 TFFFT2. 1)-12) far, away, lucky, forget, parked, over, route, miss, smile, drove, laughter, usual Listening III1. 1-5 FTTFF2. ABD/ FGIListening IV1. 1 It’s about some ways of helping people improve their memory.2 She’s a communications trainer who teachers memory skills.3 Record, retain and retrieve.4 Using very intense visual images.2. 1 1)-4) records, figure out, organize, filing system,2 5)-9) elaborate, broken up, see, loudly, forgetPart 21. 1 4 6 72.1-8 turn in, worry about, growing up, gone, on the right side, last night, turned out tobe, take/ off, lately, fixing for, made a mistake, turn onPart 31. 1 He is a 25-year-old Italian, who has an exceptional memory.2 He is demonstrating the art of memory.3 How, where and why information is stored.4 When he was 11 years old.5 Determination. / Hard work and exercise.2. 1-7 randomly, repeats them, backwards, recall every detail/ a year old, more forgetful families, heredity/ environment, the brain/ specific genes, a vacation/ a regular guyPart 42. 1 The night before they left home.2 he questioned his wife about the things she had packed.3 On top of the piano.Listening II1. 1-3 BCA2.1 3 4 6Listening III1. CBDAA2.1—C 2—A 3—BListening IV1. BDF2. 1-6 her grandmother, a small area, a better sense, three or four, by smell, soap/ perfume Uint3Part1Listening I1. w: French, the united states, mushrooms, umbrellam: German, Spain, milk, bullfight ticket2. 1-5 T T T F FListening II1. 1-4 lecture, teller, give a lecture, never even smiled, exhausted2. 1-5 C A B A BListening III1. 1 4 62. A-E love, unity, purity, happiness, desire,6-8 yellow rose, yellow tulip, carnationListening IV1. 1-5 F T F T T2. 1-4 husband, made a awful mistake, full of love, for wordsPart 21. 1-9 F F T T F T T T T2. 1-8 lack communication skills, take the initiative, first thing, becoming boring, non-verbal language, facial expression, annoying, elsewhere, change for the betterPart 31. 1 Eyes, face, head, shoulders and hands.2 She prefers Barack’s.5 Relaxed.2. 1)-12) examine, slight, intensity, contrast, relaxed, simplicity, confidence, negotiation, cool, information, resolution, passion. Part 4Listening I1. 1-8 C A B C A B A CListening II1 His left eye.2 A special kind of wood.3 His wooden eye.4 A less attractive girl.5 She had a particularly big nose.6 Would you like to dance?7 Excited.8 Would I? Would I?9 Angry and hurt.10 Wood eye.Listening III1.1-8 make their space, spread your towels, coat/ small bag, library,one corner/ chair, across from/ briefcase, stiffened/ head, invaded2. 1-6 F F T T T FListening IV1. 1 Intimate, personal, social, and public.2 Culture.2. B A C DUnit 4Part1Listening I1. 1-5 A C C A C2. 1-5 T F T F FListening II1.1-6 T F T T F T2. 1-7 this semester, need to know, different, the rules/ use, do our homework, reading about, questions/ answers Listening III1. 2 3 1 4 5 62. 1-10 history, major, not, 2009, 2010, title, computer, out, shelf, reserveListening IV1. 1-5 A C B B A2. G: competed, sang, laughed, children,LN: turn, next,LV: acting them out,Lo: demonstrated, clapping our hands, posters, cards,Ldv: stories, lay, shut, musicPart 21. 1-10 T F T F F F T T F T2. 1-10 What can I do, like sports, under construction, schoolwork, more about him, quit school, the tuition fee, in a rush, student loans, student centerPart31.1-10 disaster, picture, totally, unbelievable, review, consider, particular,independently-minded, medicine, worthPart 4Listening I1. 1-5 A B C A D2. 1-5 T T T F FListening I1. 1-5 B C A A CListening III1. 1-7 B C B C B A BListening IV1. 1-7 activity, information, writing, different, skills, position, involves,8 You cannot possibly discover all that you need to know at once.9 Don’t be discouraged if your work is not perfect at first.10 You should expect progress, not perfection, from yourselfUnit 5Part11. 42312. 1-10 cold, red, thick, warm, small, use, finished, middle, covered, rabbitsListening II1. 1 It took place in Laos.2 A buffalo.4 Because the farmer was very intelligent.5 He said he was afraid the tiger might kill his buffalo when he was gone.6 He took his plow and hit the tiger.2 1-5 FTFTFListening III1. 125792. 1 In the early hours yesterday.2 Sleeping.3 In the games room.4 A lit cigarette end.5 Because smoking is forbidden in the games room.Listening IV1. 1-5 BADCB2. 1-5 living species, international/ reached, less demand/ used to, organizations, Atlantic/ PacificPart 21. ACDFH2. 1-8 for generations/ well-known, came across, a pair of, black/ small, happen to, in the audience/ call on, became aware, further study/ types ofPart 31. 1-10 dictionaries, Garden, forest, signals, 135, energy, move, across, logging, remaining2. 1)-10) tough, devised, rubs, fatten, hibernate, flexible, grasp, monkey, cigarPart 4Listening I1. 1 He was a waiter.2 On a beach.3 For a short time.4 A dog.5 A sea lion.2. 1-5 up/ down, struggling, jumped through, came by, puzzled.Listening II1. 1-6 FTTFTF2. 1 A monkey, an ox and an elephant.2 Because they are frightened.3 He takes hold of the lion, knocks it against the tree and stamps on the lion.4 In order to show he is the most powerful.2. 1-10 good, young, once, hate, mouse, idea, unless, number, months, produceListening IV1. 1-5 BCABC2. 1-3 plays games/ new skills/ their efforts, boat/ follow them, dollars/ cents/ loving/ home/ drink.Unit 6Part 1Listening I1. 1-6 BCDAAA2. 1-8 midnight, barking, silver, glowed, face, windows, identify, curtainsListening II1. 134679102. 1-5 BACADListening III1. 1-8 TFTFFTFF2. 1-7 north, in the middle of, giant snake, above water, 20 meters, gone, nearerListening IV1. 1-5 CDABC2. 1-10 dead or alive, no signs, in good order, 10-pound note, unfinished, plenty of, feature of the mystery, in its place, struggle, diseasePart 21. 1-6 DCDCAB2. 1-9 dressed in, rudely, whenever/ wherever, much more advanced, intelligent, what exactly, survive, show you around, used up.Part 31. 1-5 BDDCA2. 1-5 claimed/ from the inside out, long wondered/ three million, eight/ watched by/ around, constructed/ 137-meter, believes/ suggests/ above.Part 4Listening I1. 1-6 TFTTFT2. 1 About 1, 280 miles.2 More than 800.3 On Easter Sunday in 1722.4 Over 100 tons.5 How they were transported and why they were built.。
Unit 1Part 1Listening I1.1-5 FTFTT2. 1-5 776-2235,65, 11,loud, quieterListening II1. 1-5 ABBDA2. 1-5 old, torn/ blue, by the hand, holiday, childrenListening III1.1-5 181st,very tired, take hold of; for her trouble, never/ againListening IV1.1-5 CDBDB2.. R: fulfills my every need./stay home, cook, clean, and watch the kids.E: open-minded/ something interesting to say.Part 21. ACDEGIJ2. 1-8 in a mess, my turn, a hand, work on, expectations of, how about, too much, what we havePart 31. 1)-15) nicer, excited, promises, married, first, lasted, kids, enough, changes, loves, mad, care about, boy friend, get better, helpPart 4Listening I1. CEFGKL2. 1-5 personality/ background, good sense of humor, terrible, different environments, looksListening II1. 1-5 FTFTT2. 1-5 gone by, no sign, taken over, enough, limitsListening III1. 1-5 TFFTT2. 1-5 seventies, selfish, unnatural, husband, surroundedListening IV1.1-5 ABDCD2.c: done his part of the houseworkh: high priority withw: responsibilityUnit 2Part 1Listening I1. 1-5 TFTFT2. 1 He moved to Newton.2 She wrote down the new address on it.3 It was thrown away. / The professor threw it away.4 The professor’s daughter.Listening II1. 1-5 TFFFT2. 1)-12) far, away, lucky, forget, parked, over, route, miss, smile, drove, laughter, usual Listening III1. 1-5 FTTFF2. ABD/ FGIListening IV1. 1 It’s about some ways of helping people improve their memory.2 She’s a communications trainer who teachers memory skills.3 Record, retain and retrieve.4 Using very intense visual images.2. 1 1)-4) records, figure out, organize, filing system,2 5)-9) elaborate, broken up, see, loudly, forgetPart 21. 1 4 6 72.1-8 turn in, worry about, growing up, gone, on the right side, last night, turned out tobe, take/ off, lately, fixing for, made a mistake, turn onPart 31. 1 He is a 25-year-old Italian, who has an exceptional memory.2 He is demonstrating the art of memory.3 How, where and why information is stored.4 When he was 11 years old.5 Determination. / Hard work and exercise.2. 1-7 randomly, repeats them, backwards, recall every detail/ a year old, more forgetful families, heredity/ environment, the brain/ specific genes, a vacation/ a regular guyPart 4Listening I1. 1-5 FTFTT2. 1 The night before they left home.2 he questioned his wife about the things she had packed.3 On top of the piano.Listening II1. 1-3 BCA2.1 3 4 6Listening III1. CBDAA2.1—C 2—A 3—BListening IV1. BDF2. 1-6 her grandmother, a small area, a better sense, three or four, by smell, soap/ perfume Uint3Part1Listening I1. w: French, the united states, mushrooms, umbrellam: German, Spain, milk, bullfight ticket2. 1-5 T T T F FListening II1. 1-4 lecture, teller, give a lecture, never even smiled, exhausted2. 1-5 C A B A BListening III1. 1 4 62. A-E love, unity, purity, happiness, desire,6-8 yellow rose, yellow tulip, carnationListening IV1. 1-5 F T F T T2. 1-4 husband, made a awful mistake, full of love, for wordsPart 21. 1-9 F F T T F T T T T2. 1-8 lack communication skills, take the initiative, first thing, becoming boring, non-verbal language, facial expression, annoying, elsewhere, change for the betterPart 31. 1 Eyes, face, head, shoulders and hands.2 She prefers Barack’s.3 Intensity.4 I’m a fighter!5 Relaxed.2. 1)-12) examine, slight, intensity, contrast, relaxed, simplicity, confidence, negotiation, cool, information, resolution, passion.Part 4Listening I1. 1-8 C A B C A B A CListening II1 His left eye.2 A special kind of wood.3 His wooden eye.4 A less attractive girl.5 She had a particularly big nose.6 Would you like to dance?7 Excited.8 Would I? Would I?9 Angry and hurt.10 Wood eye.Listening III1.1-8 make their space, spread your towels, coat/ small bag, library,one corner/ chair, across from/ briefcase, stiffened/ head, invaded2. 1-6 F F T T T FListening IV1. 1 Intimate, personal, social, and public.2 Culture.2. B A C DUnit 4Part1Listening I1. 1-5 A C C A C2. 1-5 T F T F FListening II1.1-6 T F T T F T2. 1-7 this semester, need to know, different, the rules/ use, do our homework, reading about, questions/ answersListening III1. 2 3 1 4 5 62. 1-10 history, major, not, 2009, 2010, title, computer, out, shelf, reserveListening IV1. 1-5 A C B B A2. G: competed, sang, laughed, children,LN: turn, next,LV: acting them out,Lo: demonstrated, clapping our hands, posters, cards,Ldv: stories, lay, shut, musicPart 21. 1-10 T F T F F F T T F T2. 1-10 What can I do, like sports, under construction, schoolwork, more about him, quit school, the tuition fee, in a rush, student loans, student centerPart31.1-10 disaster, picture, totally, unbelievable, review, consider, particular,independently-minded, medicine, worthPart 4Listening I1. 1-5 A B C A D2. 1-5 T T T F FListening I1. 1-5 B C A A CListening III1. 1-7 B C B C B A BListening IV1. 1-7 activity, information, writing, different, skills, position, involves,8 You cannot possibly discover all that you need to know at once.9 Don’t be discouraged if your work is not perfect at first.10 You should expect progress, not perfection, from yourselfUnit 5Part11. 42312. 1-10 cold, red, thick, warm, small, use, finished, middle, covered, rabbitsListening II1. 1 It took place in Laos.2 A buffalo.3 Because he saw a big animal listening to a small animal.4 Because the farmer was very intelligent.5 He said he was afraid the tiger might kill his buffalo when he was gone.6 He took his plow and hit the tiger.2 1-5 FTFTFListening III1. 125792. 1 In the early hours yesterday.2 Sleeping.3 In the games room.4 A lit cigarette end.5 Because smoking is forbidden in the games room.Listening IV1. 1-5 BADCB2. 1-5 living species, international/ reached, less demand/ used to, organizations, Atlantic/ PacificPart 21. ACDFH2. 1-8 for generations/ well-known, came across, a pair of, black/ small, happen to, in the audience/ call on, became aware, further study/ types ofPart 31. 1-10 dictionaries, Garden, forest, signals, 135, energy, move, across, logging, remaining2. 1)-10) tough, devised, rubs, fatten, hibernate, flexible, grasp, monkey, cigarPart 4Listening I1. 1 He was a waiter.2 On a beach.3 For a short time.4 A dog.5 A sea lion.2. 1-5 up/ down, struggling, jumped through, came by, puzzled.Listening II1. 1-6 FTTFTF2. 1 A monkey, an ox and an elephant.2 Because they are frightened.3 He takes hold of the lion, knocks it against the tree and stamps on the lion.4 In order to show he is the most powerful.5 The lion still does not understand why the elephant did that.1. 1-5 FTFTF2. 1-10 good, young, once, hate, mouse, idea, unless, number, months, produceListening IV1. 1-5 BCABC2. 1-3 plays games/ new skills/ their efforts, boat/ follow them, dollars/ cents/ loving/ home/ drink.Unit 6Part 1Listening I1. 1-6 BCDAAA2. 1-8 midnight, barking, silver, glowed, face, windows, identify, curtainsListening II1. 134679102. 1-5 BACADListening III1. 1-8 TFTFFTFF2. 1-7 north, in the middle of, giant snake, above water, 20 meters, gone, nearerListening IV1. 1-5 CDABC2. 1-10 dead or alive, no signs, in good order, 10-pound note, unfinished, plenty of, feature of the mystery, in its place, struggle, diseasePart 21. 1-6 DCDCAB2. 1-9 dressed in, rudely, whenever/ wherever, much more advanced, intelligent, what exactly, survive, show you around, used up.Part 31. 1-5 BDDCA2. 1-5 claimed/ from the inside out, long wondered/ three million, eight/ watched by/ around, constructed/ 137-meter, believes/ suggests/ above.Part 4Listening I1. 1-6 TFTTFT2. 1 About 1, 280 miles.2 More than 800.3 On Easter Sunday in 1722.4 Over 100 tons.5 How they were transported and why they were built.Listening II1. 1-6 BBCBBA。
初中八年级下册英语单词表人教版1-3单元Uint1第一单元词组和短语1. will v.将;会;要2. robot n.机器人3. everything pron.每件事物4. paper n.纸;纸张5. use v.使用;利用6. fewer adj.(few的比较级)较少的;较少数7. less adj.(little的比较级)较少;较小8. pollution n.污染9. tree n.树;树木10. building n.建筑物;房屋11. astronaut n.宇航员,航天员12. rocket n.火箭13. space n.空间;太空14. space station 空间站15. fly v.飞行16. took v.(take的过去式)17. moon n.月亮;月球18. fall v.落下;跌落;变为19. fell v.(fall的过去式)20. fall in love with 爱上21. parrot n.鹦鹉22. alone adv.单独地;孤独地23. pet n.宠物24. probably adv.大概;或许25. suit n.一套衣服26. able adj.能;能够27. be able to 能够……;得以……28. dress v.穿衣29. casually adv.非正式地;随意地30. which pron.哪个;哪几个31. even adv.甚至32. The World Cup 世界杯33. wrote v.(write的过去式)34. myself pron.(反身代词)我自己;我本人35. interview n.面试;面谈36. predict v.预报;预言37. future n.将来;未来38. prediction n.预言;预测39. came v.(come的过去式)40. come true 实现;达到41. Sound n.声音42. Company n.公司43. Thought v.(think的过去式)44. Fiction n.小说45. unpleasant adj.使人不愉快的46. scientist n.科学家47. in the future 未来;将来48. hundreds of 大量;许多49. already adv.早已;已经50. made v.(make的过去式)51. factory n.工厂52. simple adj.简单的;简易的53. such adj.这样的;这种54. bored adj.厌烦的;厌倦的55. everywhere adv.各地;到处56. human n.人;人类57. shape n.外形;形状58. huge n.巨大的;极大的59. earthquake n.地震60. snake n.蛇61. possible adj.可能的62. electric adj.电的;导电的63. toothbrush n.牙刷64. seem v.像是;似乎65. impossible adj.不可能的;不会发生的66. housework n.家务;家务事67. rating n.级别;等级uint2第二单元词组和短语1. keep out 不让……进入2. play v.播放3. part-time job 兼职工作4. argue v.争论;争吵5. wrong adj.错误的;有毛病的;不合适的6. style n.风格7. out of style 不时髦的,过时的8. could modal v. can的过去式9. What’s the matter 怎么了10. call sb. up 打电话给……11. ticket n.票;入场券12. surprise v.使惊奇;使意外13. on the phone 用电话交谈;在通话14. pay for 付款15. okay adj.好的16. either adj.任一的;(两方中的)每一方的adv.同样地(不…);也(不…)17. bake v.烤;烘18. bake sale 面包或糕饼的售卖活动19. tutor n.家庭教师20. original adj.新颖的21. the same as 与……同样的22. in style 时髦的;流行的23. haircut n.理发;发型24. except prep.除;把--除外25. upset adj.心烦的,沮丧的26. return v.归还;送回27. fail v.失败28. get on 相处;进展29. football n.足球30. until prep.到--为止31. fit v.适合;适应32. as……as possible 尽可能……33. pressure n.压力34. complain v.抱怨;控诉35. include v.包括;包含36. pushy adj.固执己见的;一意孤行的37. push v.推;推动;督促38. sent v.发送;寄39. all kinds of 各种;许多40. compare v.比较41. crazy adj.疯狂的;狂热的42. themselves pron.(反身代词)他(她,它)们自己43. adult n.成年人44. on the one hand (在)一方面45. organized adj.有组织的46. on the other hand (在)另一方面47. freedom n.自由uint3第三单元词组和短语1. UFO abbr.不行飞行物;飞碟2. barber n.(为男子服务的)理发师3. barber shop 理发店4. bathroom n.浴室5. bedroom n.卧室;寝室6. kitchen n.厨房7. get out 出去;离开8. cut v.剪;切;割9. alien n.从另一个世界来的生物;外星人10. bought v.(buy的过去式)11. land v.着陆12. got v.(get的过去式)13. shirt n.衬衫;衬衣14. take off 起飞15. while conj.当……的时候16. experience n.经历;体验17. imagine v.想象;设想18. strange adj.奇怪的;陌生的19. follow v.跟随;追随20. amazing adj.令人惊奇的21. kid v.开玩笑;戏弄;欺骗22. scared adj.恐惧的23. climb v.攀登;爬24. jump v.跳跃25. shout v.呼喊;呼叫26. rode v.(ride的过去式)27. Memphis 孟菲斯(美国一城市)28. train station 火车站29. ran v.(run的过去式)30. run away 逃跑;跑掉31. anywhere adv.任何地方32. met v.(meet的过去式)33. come in 进来34. happen v.发生35. accident n.事故36. Beijing International Airport 北京国际机场37. plane n.飞机38. heard v.(hear的过去式)39. modern adj.现代的;现代化的40. kill v.杀死;致死41. murder v. and n.谋杀;凶杀42. hear about 听说43. bright adj.明亮的;发亮的44. playground n.运动场;操场45. bell n.钟;铃;门铃46. rang v.(ring的过去式)47. told v.(tell的过去式)48. close v.关闭49. silence n.寂静;沉静50. take place 发生51. recent adj.最近的;近来的52. World Trade Center 世界贸易中心53. destroy v.破坏;毁坏54. terrorist n.恐怖分子55. meaning n.意思;含义56. as……as 像……(一样)57. became v.(become的过去式)58. flight n.航班,班机59. earth n.地球60. hero n.英雄61. flew v.(fly的过去式)初中八年级下册英语单词表人教版4-6单元unit4第四单元词组和短语1. mad adj.很生气的;气愤的2. anymore adv.再也(不);(不)再;3. snack n.小吃4. direct speech 直接引语5. reported speech 间接引语6. first of all 首先7. message n.消息;信息8. pass on 传递9. suppose v.假定;认为;期望10. be supposed to 被期望或被要求…11. hard-working adj.勤勉的,努力工作的12. do well in 在……方面做得好13. grandfather n.爷爷;外祖父14. in good health 身体健康15. report card 成绩单16. nervous adj.神经紧张的;不安的17. envelope n.信封18. return v.回来;返回19. semester n.学期20. Chinese Young Pioneer 中国少年先锋队21. true adj.真实的22. disappointing adj.使人失望的;令人扫兴的23. lucky adj.幸运的24. copy v.复制;抄袭25. hers pron.(名词性物主代词)她的26. own adj.自己的27. get over 克服;恢复;原谅28. poor adj.贫穷的;穷困的29. village n.乡村30. Peking University 北京大学31. graduate n.大学毕业生32. volunteer n.志愿者33. The Ministry of Education 教育部。
Uint 1Part A II Getting informa tion:1.They couldn't underst and those people.2.He wrote to Henry Ford II and got help from him.3.She preferred to save money. The evidence:“Watchin g my money grow was more rewardi ngthan anythin g I could have bought.‖4.To be a success ful salespe rson, one needs to be a great listene r.5.Toy making.IV Transla tionA1. 两位美国名人解释为什么不是你挣的而是你所学的更重要。
2. 我从不认为我那时比其他任何人强,但我一直相信我当时干的活别人都赶不上。
3. 看到存款数增加比我当时原本可以买到的任何东西都更让我满足。
4. 我发自内心的关心他们的问题。
5. 结果我创下了化妆品销售量的最好成绩。
B1.She plans to set up her own business.2.Attitud e also matters.3.She had polishe d all the furnitu re beforethe guestsarrived.4.Some managers have no idea how to handlepeople.5.We finishe d the work in recordti me.6.She likes everyth i ng to be in place beforeshe starts working.7.She often puts in 12 hours’ work a day.8.He acquire d the informa tion from the newspap ers.9.There’s an opening for an assista nt in our departm ent.10.The organiz ation works to promote friendship between nations。
视听说教程1答案第三版新视野视听说第三版1新视野大学英语视听说教程1第三版答案篇一:视听说教程1答案第三版新视野大学英语视听说教程1答案Unit1II. Listening SkillsListening for Names1.David2.Leigh3.Vicky Kleinura Tish Hill5. Anthony McDonaldIII. Listening In1.B2.D3.B4.C5.ATask 1: EnrollingTask 2: Living on Campus1.She thinks it’s easy to make friends.2.It’s convenient to use the library, the labs, the sports center and manyotherfacilities.It’s near the shopping center.4. They would have to get up so early to get to classes on time. And then it wouldtake a lot of time to get home.5. It seems all the same every day.Task 3: Learning to speak English1.formal2.formally3.casualmon5.native6.relaxed7.friendlyTask 4: An Announcement1.attention2.closing3.five4.checkouts5.leaveV. Let’s TalkSpeakerMajorFuture Job PlanTuition SourceTravel and tourismTo work for a travel agency Working his way through school JaneComputer scienceTo work in the IT industryA four-year scholarshipVI. Further Listening and Speaking ListeningTask 1: University Life1. new and different2.on his own3. a bit confused4. talk with5. sleep inTask 2: Key to Learning English 1. T 2. F 3.F 4.F 5.T Task 3: Listening Effectively1.B2.D3.A4.B5.D新视野大学英语视听说教程1答案Unit2 II. Listening SkillsIdentifying Numbers1.D2.A3.C4.B5.DIII. Listening InTask 1: Yao Ming1.D2.B3.C4.D5.ATask 2: Ronaldo1. He played his early football with amateur clubs.2. He signed his professional contract with a Brazilian club.3. He went to Europe to seek his fortune in the European leagues.4. He was described as the new Pele.5. He won the award for three times: in 1996, 1997 and 1999. Task 3: Physical ExerciseHealthy form新视野第三版视听说1全套答案篇二:视听说教程1答案第三版第一单元Sharing 1Reference: their social life Reference: whether they go out a lot and what they did whenthey went out last night Reference: leisure activities Reference: how often they go to the cinema, what films they saw last time and their favorite films, actors, and actresses2 busy friendsuniversity social life3.Answers:a-c-e-d-b-f4.danced view of fun drink west delicious meal house television / TVListening2.11962 4th 1990 19962.2teacher cleaned houseslost visited work his wifein his own wordsViewing1A famous ballet dancer. Havana. His home country, family and childhood.2.1 Answers:a-c-h-f-d-e-g-b2.2home countryrelatives foreigner speak passed on heat sea happinessRole-playing2.1It was great He's afootball player It was really beautiful2.2135710Presenting1.1a small town 1993 2008 2003 7 / seven1.214578910Conversations1BABDDDBCDPassagesDDBA programmesvery decisions doing laundry Obviouslychoices ruining get used to opportunities step backCheck & check1234Unit testCADDA CDABC CBABDachievements specialised vast professional educated was familiar extensively elegantly a great deal Besides第二单元Sharing 1Reference: leisure activities Reference: how often they go to the cinema, what films they saw last time and their favorite films, actors, and actresses2a month Not very often once or twice a weekevery month every fortnight3.romantic great recommend actioncollection real lifescenes fantastic4.Answers:c-d-a-bListening2.1C2.3Women 2 Man 2 Women 1 Man 1 Women 22.4tall masculine face /best-looking black hair dark brown red hair grey slim blonde hair lovelyViewing2.12462.2garden baby and wife traditional values likesbeing together Role-playing2.1feel like What do you recommend how aboutWhat's it aboutWho's in it Do you think Why don't we2.2 14578910Presenting1.1a free concert evening City Park boyfrienda picnic stage lay fantastic1.2 BABABAConversations1 DBCAD DCBCPassagesABAC comic traffic constantly availabletook part in attracted audience free of chargeput forward embraceDACBA ACACD CAADDtoo much warning affected by backdrive people to suicide pointed out recent commitprevention it's time第三单元Sharing 1Reference: living in LondonReference: how they feel about London and the most exciting things they have done in Londonliving muchinteresting places something experience feel aboutAnswers:a-d-b-g-h-f-e-cexciting amazing concert incredible the theatrethe best place different compared to play football interesting things the best thing ticketsculture Listening2.1Answers:a-d-h-e-b-g-c-fAustralia outbackgo further frightenedDon't move the dogs frighteningViewing2.12 4biggest island nervouswomen 1500 money overwhelmed's / It is thereleave a message call speak moment ring number this picking up Presenting1.1Climbing a volcanoSpeaker 1Sailing down the Nile Speaker 21.21345789Conversations1CCBDA BCAD PassagesCABC mountainous frightened took place vanish occurred massive caught keep us away from grateful in advanceCBAAD CADBA ABCDDapply for commitment opportunity restaurant developed working practicesattending add personal qualities a positive addition新编大学英语视听说教程一册(最新第三版)一至六单元答案篇三:视听说教程1答案第三版Unit 1Part 1 1.1-5 FTFTT2. 1-5 776-2235,65, 11,loud, quieter 1. 1-5 ABBDA2. 1-5 old, torn/ blue, by the hand, holiday, children 1.1-5 181st,very tired, take hold of; for her trouble, never/ again 1.1-5 CDBDB2.. R: fulfills my every need./stay home, cook, clean, and watch the kids.E: open-minded/ something interesting to say.Part 21. ACDEGIJ2. 1-8 in a mess, my turn, a hand, work on, expectations of, how about, too much, what we havePart 31. 1)-15) nicer, excited, promises, married, first, lasted, kids, enough, changes, loves, mad, care about, boy friend, get better, helpPart 4 1. CEFGKL2. 1-5 personality/ background, good sense of humor, terrible, different environments, looks 1. 1-5 FTFTT2. 1-5 gone by, no sign, taken over, enough, limits 1. 1-5 TFFTT2. 1-5 seventies, selfish, unnatural, husband, surrounded 1. 1-5 ABDCD2. c: done his part of the houseworkh: high priority withw: responsibilityUnit 2Part 1 1. 1-5 TFTFT2. 1 He moved to Newton.2 She wrote down the new address on it.3 It was thrown away. / Theprofessor threw it away.4 The professor’s daughter. 1. 1-5 TFFFT2. 1)-12) far, away, lucky, forget, parked, over, route, miss, smile, drove, laughter, usual 1. 1-5 FTTFF2. ABD/ FGI 1. 1 It’s about some ways of helping people improve their memory.2 She’s a communications trainer who teachers memory skills.3 Record, retain and retrieve.4 Using very intense visual images.2. 1 1)-4) records, figure out, organize, filing system,2 5)-9) elaborate, broken up, see, loudly, forgetPart 21. 1 4 6 72. 1-8 turn in, worry about, growing up, gone, on the right side, last night, turned out tobe, take/ off, lately, fixing for, made a mistake, turn onPart 31. 1 He is a 25-year-old Italian, who has an exceptional memory.2 He is demonstrating the art of memory.3 How, where and why information is stored.4 When he was 11 years old.5 Determination. / Hard work and exercise.2. 1-7 randomly, repeats them, backwards, recall every detail/ a year old, more forgetful families, heredity/ environment, the brain/ specific genes, a vacation/ a regular guy Part 4 1. 1-5 FTFTT2. 1 The night before they left home.2 he questioned his wife about the things she had packed.3 On top of the piano. 1. 1-3 BCA2.1 3 4 6 1. CBDAA2.1—C 2—A 3—B 1. BDF2. 1-6 her grandmother, a small area, a better sense, three or four, by smell, soap/ perfume Uint3Part11. w: French, the united states, mushrooms, umbrellam: German, Spain, milk, bullfight ticket2. 1-5 T T T F F 1. 1-4 lecture, teller, give a lecture, never even smiled, exhausted2. 1-5 C A B A B 1. 1 4 62. A-E love, unity, purity, happiness, desire,6-8 yellow rose, yellow tulip, carnation 1. 1-5 F T F T T2. 1-4 husband, made a awful mistake, full of love, for wordsPart 21. 1-9 F F T T F T T T T2. 1-8 lack communication skills, take the initiative, first thing, becoming boring, non-verbal language, facial expression, annoying, elsewhere, change for the betterPart 31. 1 Eyes, face, head, shoulders and hands.2 She prefers Barack’s.3 Intensity.4 I’m a fighter!5 Relaxed.2. 1)-12) examine, slight, intensity, contrast, relaxed, simplicity, confidence, negotiation, cool, information, resolution, passion.Part 4 1. 1-8 C A B C A B A C 1 His left eye.2 A special kind of wood.3 His wooden eye.4 A less attractive girl.5 She had a particularly big nose.6 Would you like to dance?7 Excited.8 Would I? Would I?9 Angry and hurt.10 Wood eye. 1.1-8 make their space, spread your towels, coat/ small bag, library,one corner/ chair, across from/ briefcase, stiffened/ head, invaded2. 1-6 F F T T T F1. 1 Intimate, personal, social, and public.2 Culture.2. B A C DUnit 4Part1 1. 1-5 A C C A C2. 1-5 T F T F F 1.1-6 T F T T F T2. 1-7 this semester, need to know, different, the rules/ use, do our homework, reading about, questions/ answers 1. 2 3 1 4 5 62. 1-10 history, major, not, 2009, 2010, title, computer, out, shelf, reserve1. 1-5 A C B B A2. G: competed, sang, laughed, children,LN: turn, next,LV: acting them out,Lo: demonstrated, clapping our hands, posters, cards,Ldv: stories, lay, shut, musicPart 21. 1-10 T F T F F F T T F T2. 1-10 What can I do, like sports, under construction, schoolwork, more about him, quit school, the tuition fee, in a rush, student loans, student center Part31. 1-10 disaster, picture, totally, unbelievable, review, consider, particular,independently-minded, medicine, worthPart 4 1. 1-5 A B C A D2. 1-5 T T T F F1. 1-5 B C A A C1. 1-7 B C B C B A B1. 1-7 activity, information, writing, different, skills, position, involves,8 You cannot possibly discover all that you need to know at once.9 Don’t be discouraged if your work is not perfect at first.10 You should expect progress, not perfection, from yourselfUnit 5Part11. 42312. 1-10 cold, red, thick, warm, small, use, finished, middle, covered, rabbits 1.1 It took place in Laos.2 A buffalo.3 Because he saw a big animal listening to a small animal.4 Because the farmer was veryintelligent.5 He said he was afraid the tiger might kill his buffalo when he was gone.6 He took his plow and hit the tiger.2 1-5 FTFTF 1. 125792. 1 In the early hours yesterday.2 Sleeping.3 In the games room.4 A lit cigarette end.5 Because smoking is forbidden in the games room. 1. 1-5 BADCB2. 1-5 living species, international/ reached, less demand/ used to, organizations, Atlantic/ PacificPart 21. ACDFH2. 1-8 for generations/ well-known, came across, a pair of, black/ small, happen to, in the audience/ call on, became aware, further study/ types of Part 31. 1-10 dictionaries, Garden, forest,signals, 135, energy, move, across, logging, remaining2. 1)-10) tough, devised, rubs, fatten, hibernate, flexible, grasp, monkey, cigarPart 4 1. 1 He was a waiter.2 On a beach.3 For a short time.4 A dog.5 A sea lion.2. 1-5 up/ down, struggling, jumped through, came by, puzzled. 1. 1-6 FTTFTF2. 1 A monkey, an ox and an elephant.2 Because they are frightened.3 He takes hold of the lion, knocks it against the tree and stamps on the lion.4 In order to show he is the most powerful.5 The lion still does not understand why the elephant did that.新时代交互英语第三版视听说1答案篇四:视听说教程1答案第三版UNIT1 新时代视听说1 截图完整版12/121、Hi, my name is Emily. And the reason I took this class is because I sort of thought it might help me with my public speaking. I'm kind of nervous when it comes to speaking in front of crowds. And I thought maybe a drama class would help me get more comfortable in front of a lot of people. I'm pretty uncomfortable right now because this is really my very first time speaking in front of a lot of people. But I thought I'm going to take the class, and then maybe, if I really get brave I might even try out for maybe a play, or [or] a musical ...I'm not a very good singer, [but] but I maybe would be agood actor. And, I think if I take the class, and maybe play some theater games and learn some lines and practice some scenes that maybe, maybe I would become good.1B/52B/5UNIT2新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说第1册答案篇五:视听说教程1答案第三版第一册第一单元Sharing: Task 1(1) their social life(2) whether they go out a lot and what they did when they went out last nightSharing: Task 2(1) busy (2) friends (3) university (4) social lifeSharing: Task 3Correct order: a, c, e, d, b, fSharing: Task 4Q 1Key(s): dancedQ 2 Key(s): (1) viewof (2) funQ 3 Q 4 Key(s): drink Key(s):(1) west(2) delicious mealQ 5 Key(s): (1) house(2) television/TVListening: Task 2 Activity 1Q 1Key(s): 1962Q 2Key(s): fourth/4thQ 3Key(s): 1990Q 4Key(s): 1996Listening: Task 2 Activity 2(1) teacher(2) cleaned houses (3) lost (4) visited (5) work (6) his wife(7) in his own wordsViewing: Task 2 Activity 1Correct order: a, c, h, f, d, e, g, bViewing: Task 2 Activity 2(1) home (2) country (3) relatives (4) foreigner (5) speak (6) passed on (7) heat(8) sea(9) happinessRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1(1) It was great(2) He's a football player/He isa football player (3) It was really beautifulRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 2Keys: 1, 3, 5, 7, 10Presenting: Task 1 Activity 1Q 1Q 2 Q 3 a small town19932008 Q 4 2003 Q 57/sevenPresenting: Task 1 Activity 2Keys: 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10Short conversations1.b2.a3.b4.d5.dLong conversation1.d2.b3.c4.dPassages: Passage 11.d2.d3.b4.aPassages: Passage 2(1) programs/programmes (2) very (3) decisions (4) doing laundry (5) Obviously (6) choices (7) ruining (8) get used to (9) opportunities (10) step back 单元检测Part1 c a d d a Part2 c d a b c Part3 c b a b d Part 4:achievementsspecialized/specialized vastprofessionaleducated was familiar extensively elegantly a great deal Besides第二单元Sharing: Task 1(1) leisure activities(2) how often they go to the cinema, what films they saw last time and their favorite films, actors, and actressesSharing: Task 2(1) a month(2) Not very often (3) once or twice(4) a week(5) every month (6) every fortnightSharing: Task 31.(1) romantic(2) great2.(1) recommend(2) action3.(1) collection(2) real life4.(1) scenes(2) fantasticSharing: Task 4Correct order: c, d, a, bTask 2 Activity 1Key:cListening: Task 2 Activity 2Q 1: blondeQ 2: blueQ 3: darkQ 4:masculineListening: Task 2 Activity 3Row 1: 2 Row 2: 4 Row 3: 1 Row 4: 3 Row 5: 2Listening: Task 2 Activity 4(1) tall(2) masculine face/ best-looking (3) black hair (4) dark brown (5) red hair (6) grey (7) slim(8) blonde hair (9) lovelyViewing: Task 2 Activity 1{视听说教程1答案第三版}.2 4 6Viewing: Task 2 Activity 21. (1) garden(2) baby and wife2. (1) traditional values(2) likes3. being togetherRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1(1) feel like(2) What do you recommend新视野大学英语视听说教程1完整答案(含在线课程单元测试)篇六:视听说教程1答案第三版Unit 1Listening skills(1)David(2) Leigh (3) Vicky Klein (4) Laura Tish Hill(5) Anthony McDonald Listening in。
D. he made fun of Hitler in one of his films
According to the author, Charlie Chaplin has been well loved by generation after generation beca
A. he set the whole world laughing
A. for to come
B. that she was coming
C. for coming
D. to come
He _______ lives in the house where he was born.
A. already
B. yet
C. still
D. ever Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure(每小题: 2 分; 满分 :40 分) (In the case of True/False type of questions, A stands
I understand culture shock, I've been 1. it myself. However, some foreigners living in China are
Part 4 Cloze (with Options)(每小题: 1 分; 满分:20
分 (In) the case of True/False type of questions, A stands
econflict (Hidden)
let down (Hidden)
give up (Hidden)
committin (Hidden)
剑桥少儿英语一级Part1: MeetingUnit1:What’s your name?...................................................................... Words: my, your, his, her, friendSentences:1) ----What’s your name?----My name is ....../I’m .......2)----How old are you?----I’m.....Exercise:--- What's your name? --- _________________.A、Good morning!B、Hello!C、I'm Lisa.D、My name is David.Unit2:Meeting new friends........................................................................ Words:meet,see,week,great,exercisePhrase: have fun, don’t worrySentences:1)----Nice to see you.----Nice to see you ,too.2)----How’s your holiday?----It’s great.3)----Thanks.----You’re welcome.4)----It’s good to see you back.----It’s great to see you all again. Exercise:A:______ to meet you.B:Nice to meet you,______.Unit3: Stationary...………………………………………......................... Words:pencil,pen,pencil-box,eraser,ruler,bag,crayon,RadioSentences:1)----This is my ........2)----Show me .........Part2:Letters and wordsUnit4:Letters A----G ……………………………………………………Unit5:Letters H-----N……………………………………………………Unit6: Letters O----T………………………………………….…………Unit7: Letters U----Z……………………………………….....…………Unit8: Word Factory……………………………………….,…………Words:word, factory, family, minute, ready, eat, drink, jump, listen... Sentences:1)----This way,please.2)----Aa is for an apple.Bb is for a banana. ... ... ....Part3: FoodUnit9: Have lunch………………………………………....………Words:burger, egg, chips/fries, sausages, cake, candy, chocolate, ... Sentences:1)----Would you like...?----I’d like... .2)----Can I have ...?----Sure.3)----Let’s buy some ...,ok?----No problem.Unit10:Fruit………………………………............……………………Words:pineapple,lemon,pear,watermelon,lime,banana,orange,grape,mango,peach...Sentences:1)----What shall we buy?Any ideas?----Let’s buy ....2)----What would you like,...?----I want some....(单词复数)/I like ...(单数).3)----Here you are.4)----How many (m)Unit11: Vegetable……………………………………………………... Words:onion[?nj n], pumpkin, pea, potato, bean, carrot, tomato, ...Sentences:1)----Which one do you like,the ... or the ....?----I like ...Part 4: ColoursUnit12: What colour is it ?…………………………………………..... Words:coloured, parrot, learn, rainbow, ...Phrase: by heartSentences:1)----Which coloured balloon do you want?----Yellow, please.2)----Which colour do you want to see?----Red!Unit13:Colour around us..................................................................... Words:red hat, green jacket, pink shoes, orange socks, brown dress, white T-shirt,black skirt...Phrases: please wait. Hurry up!Sentences:1)----What colour ... do you like?----I like this blue ....2)----Is your apple red?----Yes,it is./No, it isn’t.3)----What colour is it?----It’s red. ...Part 5:Reading roomUnit14:I like this reading room................................................................. Words: story, cartoon, music, math, English, Chinese, favorite, ... Sentences:1)----I’m coming.2)----This reading room is very nice,I like it.3)----What books do you like reading ?----I like picture books.4)----Which book would do you like to read?----I’d like to read a book on animals.5)----What’s the story about?----It’s about a boy’s family.Unit15: Test&Parent’s meeting.Part6:Learning EnglishUnit1: I love English……………………………………………………Words:big ,small, happy,sad, long, short, young, old, quick, slow, Sentences:1)----Can I ask you a question?----Yes,please.2)----Excuse me,May I come in?----Yes, sure.3)----What’s the Chinese for “eraser”?Doing” English………………………………………………….. Unit2: “Words:time, name, family, body, sport, number, animalSentences:1)----What’s house animal?2)----What’s farm animal?Unit 3 An English evening......................................................................... Words:evening, quietly, asleep, past, suddenly, break, group,... Sentences:1)----Wow!What a big ....!2)----I can”t pull it out.3)----Let me help you.4)----Let’s do it.Part7:NumbersUnit4:“0~10”in our lives…………………………………………............ Words: numbers, double, lucky, date, share, fax, phone, page, Phrases:open/close the door, put on /take off the shoes.Sentences:1)----How many children can you see?----I can see ten children.Unit5: a math lesson…………………………………….......................... Words:plus, minus, easy, busy, missing,Phrases:take away,Sentences:1)----One plus two is three.2)----Three minus two is one.3)----Let’s count.4)----Math is fun/easy.Unit 6 Practicing numbers.........................................................................Part 8:Go to parkUnit7: Sports in the park……………………………………................... Words:talking, shining,Phrases:playing on the see-saw, riding a bike, catching a butterfly, listening to music, reading a book, kicking a ball,... Sentences:1)----It’s a nice day, isn’t it?----Yes, it is.2)----Let’s go and join them.----Good idea, let’s go!3)----Lots of children are playing in the park.Grammar:be +doingUnit8:Visiting to park……………………………………........................ Words:happy/angry, new/old, up/down, back/front, hot/cold, dark/bright, left/ right, day/night, fast/ slow,Sentences:1)----What can you see in the park?----I can see an old man and a young boy.Part9:BirthdayUnit9: Happy Birthday.………………………………………….............. Phrases: make a birthday, m ake a wish, blow out candles, cut the cake, give a present, birthday party,...Sentences:1)----Happy birthday!2)----What a beautiful cake!3)----Have you got a clock?----Yes,I have./No,I haven’t.4)How many glasses of water should we have a day?5)What should we often eat for lunch?Part10:Holiday!Uint10:Happy Children’s Day.…………………………………….......... Phrases: watch TV, see a puppet show, go boating, play table,go bike-riding play hide-and-seek,..Sentences:1)----Our policeman is helping the grandmother cross the street.2)----The little girls is giving the policeman some water.3)----What do you often do on Children’s Day?----I often go boating.Unit11:Happy new year............................................................................. Words: present, make, guess, bounce, wear, sleep, drink, blow,... Sentences:1)----Who is he?----He is...2)Happy new year!3)How long is your snake?Unit12:Practice and activityPart11:LessonsUnit13: I like paper-folding lessons………………………………….... Words: circle/ring, square, triangle, rectangle, star, pentagon,fold, scissors,sticky, tape, paperSentences:1)----May I use the sticky tape?----Here you are.2)----I like paper-folding lessons.----So do I .3)----My UFO is flying now.----How far will it fly?Unit14 Activity............................................................................................ Unit15: Test&Parent’s meeting………………………………….………Part12:BodyUnit1: My body…………………………………………………....……Words: hair,eye, ear,leg,hand,foot,head,nose,mouth,arm,neck Sentences:1)----What can you see?----I can see a book.2)----We can see with our eyes.3)----He’s got three eyes ,four hands,four ears and three legs.4)----Touch your head.5)----What can we do with our hands and feet?Part13: Clothes show.................................................................................. Unit2:clothes show...................................................................................... Words:shirt, dress, jacket,socks, T-shirt,glasses, trousers, shorts,vest,shoes Sentence:1)----Is that yours?----Yes ,this is ./Yes, this is mine.2)----This is my hat./These are my hats.3)----What is she/he wearing today?Part 14:Where is/What is ...?Unit3: Where is my toy car?………………………………….................. Words: under, on, in ,between, behind, next to ,in front of,train, jeep, car, sheep, boat, motorbike, bike,bus,toy,mat,spider,lots,wheel,wing, Sentences:1)----Where is my toy car?----It’s under the cap.2)----How much ice cream do you want?3)----Have you got a toy car?----Yes, I have./No,I haven't.Unit4: What’s in my hat?………………………………………............ Words: hat, turtle,table,clock,fish,bird,pouch,watch,candy,fun,vase...Sentences:1)----What’s in my hat?----It’s ...2)----What’s on the table?3)---Let me try.Part15:AnimalsUnit5: It’s a goat. ....................................................................................... Words:horse, fish, duck, cow,rabbit,chicken, frog, goat,sheep Sentences:1)----What’s this ?----It’s a .../an...Part16:Family treeUnit6: My Family tree………………………………………................. Words:mother/mum,father/dad,grandfather/grandpa,grandmother/grandm a, uncle,aunt,Sentences:1)----I’ve got a friend here.2)----Is that your grandma?3)----She is watering the flowers now.`Unit7: Your family tree.……………………………….....................…Words: niece, nephew, daughter,cousin, sister,brother,Sentences:1)----Take a seat.2)----Who’s she/he?----She is .../He is ...3)----Come and show us your family photo.Part17:Let’s help the oldUnit8:Help the old...................................................................................... Words:feed,tidy,mop,sweep,wash,clean,scrub,floor,cupboard,street, bookcase, sofa,Sentences:1)----What is she /he doing?----She/He is mopping the floor.2)----Here we are.3)----Yes,thanks a lot.4)----Would you like a cup of tea?5)----I’ll clean the kitchen.Part18:How to playUnit9: Make a friend………………………………………………...…Words:friend,hobby,flying,wearing,swimming,drawing,climbing,talking,Phrases: roller-skating, play computer games, bike-riding,go shopping Sentences:1)----What’s your hobby?----I like bike-riding.2)----What does she/he like doing?3)----Come and have a book.Unit10: Play games…………………………………………………... Words:head,throw,kick,Phrases:draw the clown,kick the shuttlecock,throw the beanbag, catch the beanbag, hide and seek, pick and put hopscotch,Sentences:1)----Where is ...?----He/She (must be/is) in the ...?2)----Pick an apple and put it under the chair.3)----Which one do you want to play?----I want to play ....Unit11: Have fun in the ground……………………………………...... Phrases:hurry up, come on, throw the shuttlecock, feather race, mimic the animal sound, three leg running,musical island, bear walk,.... Sentences:1)----Let’s have fun in the playground.2)---- Who can jump highest?3)----Who can run faster?4)----Who can stand up one leg for a minute?Part19:Who can?Unit12: Everybody can!............................................................................. Words:everybody, chant, action, riddle,letterSentences:1)----We can sing a chant.2)----We can mime the actions.3)----We can sing a song.4)----I can colour this picture.5)----I can make words with these letters.Unit13:Review I.......................................................................................... Unit14:Review II....................................................................................... Unit15:Test and Parent’s meeting...........................................................。
整册书共六个学习单元和两个学习单元,按照每单元6课时编排,每单元包含3个大部分:Part A,PartB和PartC(选学) ,A、B每一部分又分为两个小部分:A中的Let’s talk和Let’s learn. B中的Let’s talk、Let’s learn和Read and write. 六年级的教材与四、五年级的比较,在单元结构上发生了变化:从六年级开始去掉了Let’s spell板块,设计了新的小板块Let’s try、Let’s wrap it up和Tips for pronunciation. Let’s try是一个听力练习,通过听音、看图、理解关键词等,感知Let’s talk部分的新句型,从而引入新句型的学习。
Let’s wrap it up是对每一单元出现的语法知识的小总结。
Tips for pronunciation部分由原来的字母组合朗读和绕口令新欣赏过渡到连读、重读、爆破和意群的练习。
涉及到“问路”的主要句型有“Where is …?”在三和五年级都有方位介词的学习:on,under, in front of, beside, behind, near。
五上U2 《My week》重点学习了一般现在时,现在进行时也学习过,在此基础上开始接触be going to…句型,第四单元涉及的动词短语大部分都是以前曾经学过的:dance, sing, play football, do kung fu. 谈论人物的职业的单词在四年级有涉及到:farmer, nurse, driver, football player.所以在设计教学活动中应考虑学生已有的知识水平,我们在教学中应注意以旧带新,这样能相应在降低教学难度,又能自然地引出新的教学内容,在此基础上适当拓展语言。
高一必修一uint1重点知识1. senior adj. (地位水平或级别)高的,高级的n. 较年长的人; (中学或大学)最高年级的学生junior adj. 级别低的; 低年级的n. 职位较低者senior high = senior high school高中senior citizen老年人junior high = junior high school初中senior本身已含有比较意义,所以它没有比较级和最高级形式。
(be senior to sb)2. curious adj. 好奇的; 稀奇古怪的curiosity n. 好奇心curiously adv. 好奇地be curious about 对...好奇be curious to know /see/ hear 很想知道/看到/听到It is curious that ...真是奇怪out of curiosity 出于好奇with curiosity 好奇地satisfy one's curiosity 满足某人的好奇心题:① In high school, I became curious the computer, and built my first website.在高中的时候,我对电脑很好奇,于是建立了我的第一个网站。
②The people in the hall seemed very nosy, keeping their eyes on me .大厅里的人似乎很爱管闲事,好奇的盯着我。
③ People gathered around, curious (know) what was happening. 人们聚集起来想知道发生了什么事。
④ She picked up the blue envelope and turned it over (curious). 他拿起那个蓝色信封,好奇的翻过来看。
Careful-reading Para. 5
Read Para.5 carefully and match the following sentences.
Careful-reading Para. 6
Read Para.6 carefully and answer the following questions.
1. There are preventive measures EXCEPT ( C )
A. wear a face mask. B. seek medical attention. C. keep away from the crowd. D. maintain personal hygiene. E. receive vaccines.
Uint 1 Beware and take care
Fighting the hidden enemy
How pandemic spread?
Read for the structure.
Part 1 : Para. 1 : Introduction . Part 2 : Paras. 2-6 : Main body . Part 3 : Para. 7 : Conclusion .
_tr_a_n_s_m__it_t_e_d •
the virus and then The virus spreads
剑桥少儿英语一级下册知识点总结---------------------------------------Unit1 School opening day . (Ⅰ)1.Words: 21个New: crayon toilet radiolemonade rubber exercise 已学: fruit colour animal ball paper water glasses book ruler toy car eraser cake pencil-case picture book2.Text: Hi! Tony. Nice to see you again . Niceto see you ,too. How?s your holiday ? It?s great.3.Chant4.Part 5 6 8 10Unit1 School opening day . (Ⅰ)1.Review Unit1(I): words text chant2.字母组合ee的发音3.Phrases: great an old friend help yourfriend introduce a new friend4.Part 1 4 7Unit2 Doing English in the classroom . (Ⅰ)1.Review some animal words :15个2.Text: What are house animals ? They aredogs and cats. What are zoo animals? They are crocodiles and snakes . What are farm animals ? They are horses and cows.3.字母组合ea的发音4.Part 1 2 3 4Unit2 Doing English in the classroom . (Ⅰ)1.Review Unit2(I): words text 组合发音2.Phrases: stand up Look right Look leftLook up Bend down Cross your arms Put your arms down Put your arms up Put your arms on your head stand on your left leg put your hands behind your back sit down3.Chant4.Part 5 6 7 9 10Unit2 Doing English in the classroom . (Ⅰ)1.Review all the words2.Review text3.Review 发音4.Review chant5. Test Unit3 Lunch in the garden . (Ⅰ)1.Words: food 32个: New: 8个fries chipschocolate beer cheese butter tart pumpkin burger 已学: fruit vegetables pear bread carrot noodles coffee potato milk grape rice onion chicken cookies pizza sandwich hot dog egg juice tomato cake fish candy sausages ice cream2.Text: What would you like ,Sir? Can I askhave some apples and pears? Sure . Let?s buy five eggs . No problem .3.Chant4.Part 3 6Unit3 Lunch in the garden . (Ⅰ)1.Review Uint3(I): words text chant2.Sentences: Do you often eat fish ? Yes, I do.D you often eat chips? Not often, butsometimes. Do you often eat hot dogs? No, never.3.字母组合ar的发音4.Part 1 2 4 5 7Unit3 Lunch in the garden . (Ⅰ)1.Review all the words2.Review text and sentences3.Review 发音4.Review chant5.Part9 10Unit4 We are having an English class . (Ⅰ) 1.Review some oppsites: big-small short-tall old-young happy-sad quick-slow long-short 2.Text: Mr li, can I ask you a question ? Yes, please . What?s the Chinese for eraser ?…Xiangpi? . Excuse me . What?s the English for “Qianbihe” ? …pencil-case?.3.字母组合er的发音4.Part 2 4 7Unit4 We are having an English class . (Ⅰ)1.Review Unit4(I): words text 发音2.New sentence: Mrs wang, I?m sorry .I?mlate .That?s OK .Don?t be late next time .Excuse me. May I come in ? Yes, sure.3.Chant4.Part 3 5 6 8 10Unit4 We are having an English class . (Ⅰ)1.Review words2.Review text and sentences3.Review 字母组合的发音4.Review chant5.Part1Review Unit1---41.Review words and phrases2.Review texts and sentences3.字母组合的发音4.Review chant and song5.TestUnit5 Let’s play with letters. (Ⅰ)1.Review26 letters2.Words: 19个New:8个act fly hide movenod iron queue visit 已学: clap drink eat jump kick listen open sleep read touch bend 3.Text: All the letters are dressed up .Pleaselook carefully and write their names in the boxes .4.绕口令Part45.Part 1 5 7Unit5 Let’s play with letters. (Ⅰ)1.Review Unit5(I): letters words texts 绕口令2.字母组合ir的发音3.Chant4.Part 2 3 6 8 10Unit6 More fun at word factory. (Ⅰ)1.Part12.Text: (对话)3.Part 5 6Unit6 More fun at word factory. (Ⅰ)1.Review Unit 6(I)text2.字母组合or的发音3.chant4.Part 2 3 7 8 9 10 11 Unit7 I like this reading room (Ⅰ)1.Words: animal books picture booksstory books music books Chinese book Cartoons book maths book English book2.Text: What books do you like reading ? Ilike picture books . Which books would you like to read ? I?d like to read a book on animals .3.Part 1 2 3 4 5Unit7 I like this reading room (Ⅰ)1.Review Unit7(I): words and text2.balls: hockey badminton basketball tennisfootball baseball3.Chant4.Part 6 8 9 10 11Unit8 Our colour fair . (Ⅰ)1.Review some colours2.Text: Which coloured ballon do you want ?Yellow, please . Which coloured parrot do you like ? I like this blue parrot3.Song4.Part1 3 6Unit8 Our colour fair . (Ⅰ)1.Review Unit8(I): words text chant2.字母组合ai的发音3.Sentence: Which colour do you want to see?Red.4.Part 2 5 7 8 9Review Unit5---81.Review words2.Review texts and sentences3.字母组合的发音4.Review chant and song5.TestReview Unit1---8 期中考试Unit9 Let’s smell the flowers. (Ⅰ)1.Phrases: riding a bike playing on thesee-saw catching a butterfly painting a picture listening to music reading abook kicking a ball having lunch bouncing a ball taking a photo smelling the flowers2.Text: (part1)3.Part 1 2 4 5Unit9 Let’s smell the flowers. (Ⅰ)1.Review Unit 9(I): phrases text2.字母组合ou的发音3.Chant4.Part 3 6 8 9 10Unit10 Numbers in our lives. (Ⅰ)1.Review numbers: 0---1002.Text : 四幅图对话3.Part 1 3 7 8 9Unit10 Numbers in our lives. (Ⅰ)1.Review Unit10 (I): numbers text2.字母组合all的发音3.Chant4.Part 5 6Unit10 Numbers in our lives. (Ⅰ)1.Review numbers2.Review texts3.Review all的发音4.Review chantUnit11 A visit to the park of opposites . (Ⅰ) 1. Words:old-young happy-angry new-old big-small long-short quick-slow good --bad hot—cold left—right back—front up—down2. Text: What can you see in the park ? I can see an old man and a young man .3. Part 1 2 4 7 11Unit11 A visit to the park of opposites . (Ⅰ)1. Review Unit11(I): words text2. 字母组合ow的发音3. Chant4. Part 3 6 8 9 10Unit12 I like paper folding lessons . (Ⅰ)1.Words: shapes:circle ring squaretriangle rectangle star pentagon line物品:scissors sticky tape2.Text: May I use the sticky tape ? Here youare ! Thank you . You?re welcome .May I use the scissors ? Here you are . Thank you .Not at all .3.Part 1 2 4 5 7Unit12 I like paper folding lessons . (Ⅰ)1.Review Unit12(I): words text2.字母组合are的发音3.Chant4.Part3 8 9 10Review Unit9---121.Review words2.Review texts and sentences3.字母组合的发音4.Review chant and song5.TestUnit13 Happy Children’s Day . (Ⅰ)1.Phrases: 19个:New10个play table tennispass the ball play the piano play theguitar open the door ride a horse seepuppet show go boating feed a birdpaint your own face已学: go swimminggo bike riding kick the ball play footballbounce a ball fly a kite draw a picturewatch TV play hide and seek2.Text: What do you often do on Children?sDay? I often go swimming . How do youspell turtle ?T-U-R-T-L-E . Who?s that boy ?Oh, he?s my best friend .3.Part2 4 5 7 8Unit13 Happy Children’s Day . (Ⅰ)1.Review Unit13 (I): phrases text2.字母组合ur的发音3.Chant4.Part 1 3 6 10Unit14 A birthday party . (Ⅰ)1.Phrases: making a birthday cake lightcandles give a present sing a birthdaysong make a wish blow out candlescut the cake eat the cake2.Text: What?s your mum?s favourite colour ?My mum?s favourite colour is red . What?s your dad?s favourite animal? My dad?s favourit animal is a dog . Who?s your mum?s favourite person ? My mum?s favourite person is me .3.Part 1 2 3 5 6 7Unit14 A birthday party . (Ⅰ)1.Review Unit 14(I): phrases text2.Sentences: How many glasses of watershould we have a day ? We should have four glasses of water . What should we often eat for lunch ? We should eat vegetables and rice .3.Chant4.Part 4 8 10 11Unit15 Fun in the playground . (Ⅰ)1.Phrases: back to back stand throw theshuttlecock bear walk kangaroo walk rabbit hop elephant walk frog hop Feather race mimic the animal sound three leg running musical islands2.Text: Who can jump highest ? I can jumphighest . Who can run fastest ? She can run fastest. Who can stand on one leg for a minute ? She can stand on one leg for a minute .3.Chant4.Part 1 5 6Unit15 Fun in the playground . (Ⅰ)1.Review Unit15(I): phrases text chant2.字母组合ay的发音3.Part 2 3 4 7 8 9Unit16 I can you can everybody can . (Ⅰ) 1.Review some words : About animalsnumbers clothes fruits foods vegetables colours shapes2.Text: I can make words with letters ,canyou? Yes, I can . / No , I can?t. 3.Chant (part4)4.Part 1 2 3 5Unit16 I can you can everybody can . (Ⅰ)1.Review Unit 16(I): words text chant part12.字母组合ow的发音3.Chant (part7)4.Part 6 8 9Review Unit13---161.Review words and phrases2.Review texts and sentences3.字母组合的发音4.Review chant and song5.TestReview Unit9---16Review Unit5---8Review Unit1---4期末升级考试感谢阅读,欢迎大家下载使用!。
高一英语必修一unit1教案【5篇】高一英语必修一unit1教案(精选篇1)教学目标1.知识目标:1)Students should learn some useful words and phrases: musician,clap, passer-by, form, extra, earn, advertisement,2 attractive, instrument,loosely, actor dream of, be honest with, play jokes on, or so, break up.3)Students should understand the general idea of the passage2.语言能力目标:1)Developthe Ss’skills of skimming, scanning and careful reading.2) Train the Ss to findthe key words and the topic sentences.3)Encourage the Ssto guess the new wordsaccording the reading.3.情感态度与文化意识目标:1)Encourage the Ss to share the differentkinds of music.2)Improve the cooperation and share among the students.教学重难点1、教学重点:a.To understudend the passage better b.To find the main idea of eachparagraph2、教学难点:a.Master the reading ability b.Develop the skills ofreading教学过程教学设计本节课共45分钟,具体教学步骤如下:Step I Leading-in播放一段小视频,内容为歌曲 If you arehappy的英文版本,通过介绍演唱乐队twins引出本单元话题。
课时计划年 10 月 29 日
新课标人教版高中英语必修一单词表全文共5篇示例,供读者参考新课标人教版高中英语必修一单词表篇1教学准备教学目标1、掌握下列词汇和短语: reason, list, share, feelings, netherlands, german, outdoors, crazy, nature, dare, thundering, entirely, power, trust, indoors, go through, hide away, set down, a series of, on purpose, in order to, face to face, according to.2、进一步学习有关“朋友”的知识信息,启发学生对朋友和友谊的思考。
教学工具ppt课件教学过程板书uint1 reading anne’s best friendqualities: easy-going ,warm-hearted ,help ful,…questions:skimmingsummarizediscussion: 1> style 2> ideas新课标人教版高中英语必修一单词表篇2各位同学,你们好!很高兴能和大家一起来迎接新的学期,共同来进行学习和生活,一起度过初中一年级的美好时光。
小学下册英语第6单元真题英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The _____ (果树) is heavy with fruit.2. A strong acid has a pH value that is ________ than .3.In winter, I love to drink __________. (热可可)4.The _______ provides shelter for small animals.5.My dad is very __________ (关心) and listens to me.6.The fruit is ___. (juicy)7.I like to draw pictures of my ________ (玩具名) and imagine their adventures.8.What do we call the distance from the center of the Earth to the surface?A. RadiusB. DiameterC. CircumferenceD. AltitudeA Radius9.What do we call the imaginary line that divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres?A. EquatorB. Prime MeridianC. Tropic of CancerD. Tropic of CapricornA10.Which sport involves a ball and a net?A. SwimmingB. TennisC. RunningD. Cycling11.I see a ___ (boat/ship) on the water.12.The fish swim in _______ (水) gracefully.13.What is the capital of Guatemala?A. Guatemala CityB. QuetzaltenangoC. EscuintlaD. Villa NuevaA14.I enjoy taking ______ (在线课程) to learn new skills at my own pace.15. A _______ grows well in moist environments.16.What is the name of the famous ancient civilization that built the Great Wall?A. RomansB. GreeksC. ChineseD. EgyptiansC17. A chemical formula indicates the ratio of elements in a ______.18.Which animal is known for its ability to fly?A. ElephantB. TigerC. BirdD. Shark19.The bird flies _____ (high/low).20.What do you call the process of water turning into vapor?A. EvaporationB. CondensationC. PrecipitationD. FiltrationA Evaporation21.What is the name of the fairy tale character with a glass slipper?A. AuroraB. CinderellaC. ArielD. Belle22.What is the color of a typical sunflower?A. RedB. YellowC. BlueD. Green23.What do we call the act of exchanging goods and services?A. TradeB. CommerceC. BarterD. All of the aboveD24.The owl is awake at _______ (猫头鹰在_______时醒着).25.The _____ (candle) is lit.26.What do we call the study of the universe?A. BiologyB. AstronomyC. GeologyD. Physics27.What do we call the area of land that is higher than the surrounding area?A. ValleyB. HillC. MountainD. Plain28.The goat bleats when it is _________. (饥饿)29.The ______ (海豹) loves to bask in the sun.30.I have a big . (我有一个大家庭。
八年级下册英语单词表Uint1第一单元词组和短语1.will v.将;会;要2.robot n.机器人3.everything pron.每件事物4.paper n.纸;纸张e v.使用;利用6.fewer adj.(few的比较级)较少的;较少数7.less adj.(little的比较级)较少;较小8.pollution n.污染9.tree n.树;树木10.building n.建筑物;房屋11.astronaut n.宇航员,航天员12.rocket n.火箭 n.空间;太空 station 空间站 v.飞行16.took v.(take的过去式)17.moon n.月亮;月球18.fall v.落下;跌落;变为19.fell v.(fall的过去式)20.fall in love with 爱上21.parrot n.鹦鹉22.alone adv.单独地;孤独地 n.宠物24.probably adv.大概;或许25.suit n.一套衣服 adj.能;能够 able to 能够……;得以……28.dress v.穿衣29.casually adv.非正式地;随意地30.which pron.哪个;哪几个31.even adv.甚至32.The World Cup 世界杯33.wrote v.(write的过去式)34.myself pron.(反身代词)我自己;我本人35.interview n.面试;面谈36.predict v.预报;预言37.future n.将来;未来38.prediction n.预言;预测39.came v.(come的过去式)e true 实现;达到41.Sound n.声音pany n.公司43.Thought v.(think的过去式)44.Fiction n.小说45.unpleasant adj.使人不愉快的46.scientist n.科学家 the future 未来;将来48.hundreds of 大量;许多49.already adv.早已;已经50.made v.(make的过去式)51.factory n.工厂52.simple adj.简单的;简易的53.such adj.这样的;这种54.bored adj.厌烦的;厌倦的55.everywhere adv.各地;到处56.human n.人;人类57.shape n.外形;形状58.huge n.巨大的;极大的59.earthquake n.地震60.snake n.蛇61.possible adj.可能的62.electric adj.电的;导电的63.toothbrush n.牙刷64.seem v.像是;似乎65.impossible adj.不可能的;不会发生的66.housework n.家务;家务事67.rating n.级别;等级uint2第二单元词组和短语1.keep out 不让……进入 v.播放3.part-time job 兼职工作4.argue v.争论;争吵5.wrong adj.错误的;有毛病的;不合适的 n.风格7.out of style 不时髦的,过时的8.could modal v. can的过去式9.What’s the matter 怎么了 sb. up 打电话给……11.ticket n.票;入场券12.surprise v.使惊奇;使意外13.on the phone 用电话交谈;在通话 for 付款15.okay adj.好的16.either adj.任一的;(两方中的)每一方的 adv.同样地(不…);也(不…)17.bake v.烤;烘18.bake sale 面包或糕饼的售卖活动19.tutor n.家庭教师20.original adj.新颖的21.the same as 与……同样的 style 时髦的;流行的23.haircut n.理发;发型24.except prep.除;把--除外25.upset adj.心烦的,沮丧的26.return v.归还;送回 v.失败28.get on 相处;进展 n.足球30.until prep.到--为止 v.适合;适应……as possible 尽可能……33.pressure n.压力plain v.抱怨;控诉35.include v.包括;包含36.pushy adj.固执己见的;一意孤行的37.push v.推;推动;督促38.sent v.发送;寄39.all kinds of 各种;许多pare v.比较41.crazy adj.疯狂的;狂热的42.themselves pron.(反身代词)他(她,它)们自己 n.成年人44.on the one hand (在)一方面anized adj.有组织的46.on the other hand (在)另一方面47.freedom n.自由uint3第三单元词组和短语1.UFO abbr.不行飞行物;飞碟2.barber n.(为男子服务的)理发师3.barber shop 理发店4.bathroom n.浴室5.bedroom n.卧室;寝室 n.厨房7.get out 出去;离开8.cut v.剪;切;割9.alien n.从另一个世界来的生物;外星人10.bought v.(buy的过去式)nd v.着陆 v.(get的过去式)13.shirt n.衬衫;衬衣14.take off 起飞15.while conj.当……的时候16.experience n.经历;体验17.imagine v.想象;设想18.strange adj.奇怪的;陌生的19.follow v.跟随;追随20.amazing adj.令人惊奇的21.kid v.开玩笑;戏弄;欺骗22.scared adj.恐惧的23.climb v.攀登;爬24.jump v.跳跃25.shout v.呼喊;呼叫26.rode v.(ride的过去式)27.Memphis 孟菲斯(美国一城市)28.train station 火车站29.ran v.(run的过去式) away 逃跑;跑掉31.anywhere adv.任何地方32.met v.(meet的过去式)e in 进来34.happen v.发生35.accident n.事故36.Beijing International Airport 北京国际机场37.plane n.飞机38.heard v.(hear的过去式)39.modern adj.现代的;现代化的40.kill v.杀死;致死41.murder v. and n.谋杀;凶杀42.hear about 听说43.bright adj.明亮的;发亮的44.playground n.运动场;操场45.bell n.钟;铃;门铃46.rang v.(ring的过去式)47.told v.(tell的过去式)48.close v.关闭49.silence n.寂静;沉静50.take place 发生51.recent adj.最近的;近来的52.World Trade Center 世界贸易中心53.destroy v.破坏;毁坏54.terrorist n.恐怖分子55.meaning n.意思;含义……as 像……(一样)57.became v.(become的过去式)58.flight n.航班,班机 n.地球60.hero n.英雄61.flew v.(fly的过去式)unit4第四单元词组和短语1.mad adj.很生气的;气愤的2.anymore adv.再也(不);(不)再;3.snack n.小吃 speech 直接引语5.reported speech 间接引语6.first of all 首先7.message n.消息;信息8.pass on 传递9.suppose v.假定;认为;期望 supposed to 被期望或被要求…11.hard-working adj.勤勉的,努力工作的 well in 在……方面做得好13.grandfather n.爷爷;外祖父 good health 身体健康 card 成绩单16.nervous adj.神经紧张的;不安的17.envelope n.信封18.return v.回来;返回19.semester n.学期20.Chinese Young Pioneer 中国少年先锋队21.true adj.真实的22.disappointing adj.使人失望的;令人扫兴的23.lucky adj.幸运的24.copy v.复制;抄袭25.hers pron.(名词性物主代词)她的26.own adj.自己的27.get over 克服;恢复;原谅28.poor adj.贫穷的;穷困的29.village n.乡村30.Peking University 北京大学31.graduate n.大学毕业生32.volunteer n.志愿者33.The Ministry of Education 教育部34.rural adj.乡下的,乡村的35.area n.地区;地域36.meter n.米;公尺37.sea level 海平面38.thin adj.稀薄的39.ate v.(eat的过去式)40.fortunately adv.幸运地41.decision n.决定;决心42.husband n.丈夫43.dormitory n.宿舍44.senior high school 高中45.Open up 打开46.start n.开始;开端47.influence n.影响48.return v.回来;返回49.hometown n.家乡;故乡 for 照料;照顾51.border n.边界,边境52.UNICEF(United NationsInternational Children’s Emergency Fund) addr.联合国儿童基金会53.WWF(World Wildlife Fund) abbr.世界野生动物基金会54.Greenpeace “绿色和平”组织55.danger n.危险unit5第五单元词组和短语1.have a great time 玩的愉快anize v.组织3.take away 拿走4.clean-up 清除;打扫5.flower n.花6.agent n.代理人;代理商7.around the world 在世界各地8.make a living 谋生9.Against prep.反对 n.慈善团体;慈善事业11.chance n.机会;机遇12.all the time 一直13.injured adj.受伤的;受损害的14.sincerely adv.真诚地wyer n.律师16.tonight n.今晚;今夜 phone 移动电话Review of units 1-51.What’s the problem? 怎么了?2.fat adj.胖的;肥的3.window n.窗户 football 踢足球5.consequence n.结果6.explain v.解释;说明7.following adj.下列的;下述的8.为了……unit6第六单元词组和短语1.collect v.收集;搜集 n.贝壳;壳3.Marathon n.(体育)马拉松赛跑4.skating v.滑冰5.pair n.一对;一双6.skate n.溜冰鞋7.since prep.自从;从……以来8.raise v.筹集9.several adj.几个的;数个的10.skater n.溜冰者11.stamp n.邮票12.kite n.风筝 n.怪物,妖怪14.globe n.球状体;球体15.anyone pron.任何人 out of 用完;用尽 v.储存18.cake n.蛋糕;糕、饼类食品19.particularly adv.特别;尤其;异乎寻常的20.collector n.收藏家 the way 顺便;附带说说mon adj.共同的;公共的23.extra adj.额外的24.coin n.钱币;硬币25.topic n.话题;主题26.been v.(be的过去分词) interested in 对……感兴趣28.writer n.作家,作者 n.省会,首都30.European adj.欧洲的;欧洲人(的)31.dynasty n.朝代;王朝32.Russian adj.俄罗斯的;俄罗斯人(的)33.character n.(著名的)人物;名人34.Australian adj.澳大利亚的;澳大利亚人的 n.澳大利亚人35.Jewish adj.犹太人的;犹太族的36.Jew n.犹太人37.more than 比……多38.thousand n.一千39.emperor n.皇帝40.foreigner n.外国人41.quite adv.相当;十分42.certain adj.确实的;无疑的43.the Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会44.far away 在远处45.miss v.思念;想念unit7第七单元词组和短语1.not at all 一点也不2.turn down 把……调低;关小3.yard n.院子4.right away 立刻;马上 n.盘;碟6.task n.任务;工作;作业7.poster n.海报8.waitress n.女服务生9.brought v.(bring的过去式)10.clothes n.衣服11.solution n.解答12.line n.排;队;列13.wait in line 排队等候14.annoy v.使恼怒,使生气15.annoyed adj.恼怒的,生气的16.polite adj.有礼貌的;客气的17.perhaps adv.或许;大概18.door n.门19.return v.归还;返回20.cut in line 插队21.voice n.声音 first 首先23.term n.术语24.etiquette n.礼节25.normal adj.正常的;正规的26.behavior n.行为;举止;表现n adj.亚洲的;亚洲人的28.keep down 控制;抑制29.uncomfortable adj.不舒服的30.impolite adj.无理的;粗鲁的31.allow v.允许;承认32.public n.公众33.take care 当心;小心34.cough v.咳嗽35.break the rule 违反规则36.break v.打破,违背37.politely adv.客气地;斯文地38.smoke v.抽烟;吸烟39.put out 熄灭;关灯40.cigarette n.香烟41.criticize v.批判;批评42.careful adj.当心的;小心的43.drop v.落下;掉下44.litter n.垃圾45.behave v.举止;表现46.pick v.采;摘;挑选47.pick up 捡起unit8第八单元词组和短语ment n.评论;意见2.album n.集子;唱片集;相片簿3.personal adj.私人的;个人的4.special adj.特别的;特殊的;专门的5.receive v.收到;接受6.gave v.(give的过去式)7.guy n.家伙;人8.spider n.蜘蛛9.mouse n.(pl.mice)老鼠10.hamster n.仓鼠11.snake n.蛇12.turtle n.海龟13.child n.孩子;儿女14.pot-bellied adj.大腹便便的;大肚子的15.pig n.猪16.17.advantage n.有利条件;优点18.disadvantage n.不利条件;缺点19.20.popular adj.流行的21.perfect adj.完美的,理想的22.rabbit n.兔;野兔23.clean adj.清洁的;干净的pany n.伙伴25.cost v.价值(若干);花(多少钱)26.asleep adj.睡着的27.fall asleep 入睡28.choose v.选择29.present n.礼物 v.打开ter adv.稍后;随后32.given v.(give的过去分词)33.give away 赠送;分发34.bench n.长凳;长椅35.rather而不是36.Sweden 瑞典37.instead adv.代替;而不是38.enter v.参加;进入39.nearly adv.几乎40.sang v.(sing的过去式)41.clearly adv.清楚地;明显地42.stage n.舞台43.native adj.本地的;本国的44.native speaker 以某种语言为母语的人;说本族语的人45.winner n.胜利者46.modest adj.谦虚的,谦让的47.interested adj.感兴趣的48.encourage v.鼓励49.progress n.进步;前进50.Beijinger北京人51.suggest v.建议;提议52.take an interested in 对……感兴趣53.hear of 听说54.make progress 取得进步;取得进展55.besides prep.而且;除……之外56.make friends with 与……交友57.statement n.声明;陈述58.mention v.提及;说起 v.开车;驾驶unit9第九单元词组和短语1.amusement;消遣2.neither pron.(二者)都不3.玩的愉快4.Disneyland 迪斯尼乐园5.Mickey Mouse 米老鼠6.Donald Duck 唐老鸭7.character n.人物;角色8.seen v.(see的过去分词)9.theme n.主题10.attraction n.有吸引力的事物(人)11.roller coaster 过山车 n.巡游;巡航13.board n.甲板14.on board 在船上15.route n.路线16.end up 结束17.island n.岛;岛屿18.especially adv.特别;尤其 student n.交换生20.attendant n.服务员21.flight attendant 空中服务员 v.发现23.requirement n.要求,必要条件 n.导游25.tour guide 导游26.three quarters n.四分之三27.foreign adj.外国的;外来的 n.电影29.southeast n.东南 adj.东南的30.wonderful adj.极好的 n.假日;假期节日32.quarter n.四分之一;一刻钟33.population n.人口34.fear v.害怕;担心35.brave adj.勇敢的;无畏的36.excellent adj.卓越的;极好的37.Indian adj.印度的;印度人的38.Night Safari 夜间野生动物园39.dark n.黄昏;黑暗 n.狐狸41.wake v.醒来;唤醒42.wake up 睡醒;醒来43.daytime n.白天;日间44.natural adj.自然的;自然界的45.environment n.环境46.temperature n.温度47.all year round 一年到头,终年48.equator n.赤道49.whenever conj.无论如何50.spring n.春天51.autumn n.秋天52.season n.季节53.type n.类型54.awake adj.醒着的unit 10第十单元词组和短语1.Franklin 富兰克林湖2.noon n.中午3.sandy adj.含沙的4.goodbye int.再见5.look through 浏览6.bookstore n.书店7.cross v.穿过;横过;越过8.elevator n.电梯9.low adj.低的10.slow adj.慢的;缓慢的 n.迷;狂热迷12.note n.短信;笔记e along 出现;发生14.get along 相处 n.婴儿;小孩 least 至少17.traffic n.交通18.least adj.(little的最高级) Review of units n.复习;回顾2.Erhu 二胡(乐器名)3.subtitle n.(电影或电视上的)字幕4.web page 网页。
Uint 1 教学设计1.(Show some pictures in the song.)What do you like doing?Ss: I like…(running、painting、reading…)…can help you…2.I like collecting dolls. I often play with dolls.3.Do you often play with dolls?Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.4.Girls may like it. And today we’re going to learn M8U1. Together.1.Look,Amy and Lingling are talking about Amy’s photos.Let’s listen and order the photos.出示课本中的图片,听录音并排序。
2.Look at this picture. Little Amy is playing with dolls.Lingling asks her—Listen and repeat. 展示板书Together.How does Amy answer. Listen!展示板书Together.“Not really”means Little Amy often played with dolls. But Amy doesn’t play with dolls now.So Amy says:…(Listen) 学习单词: stop.3.Listen and repeat these sentences.4.Let’s practice in pairs.5.We talked about the first picture. How do they talk about the other pictures? Please read part 2&3&4 silently and carefully. And complete the mind map.6.Who wants to show?学生展示思维导图7. Listen and repeat these sentences. Pay attention to your pronunciation andintonation. Try to read emotionally.8.Role playin pairs by the mind map.9.Read the text by yourself. If you have any questions, you can ask for help.10.Talk about your habbits.(两人一组,用Do you often…? I often…一问一答的形式进行对话练习。
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origin ['ɔridʒin] n. 出身;原点;起源 ɔ ʒ original n. 原作;原型;原件 adj. 原始的;最初的;独创的 agent n. 代理人(商);药剂(试剂) pharmaceutical agent 药物 chemical agent 化学试剂 synthetic [sin'θetik] adj. 合成的,人造的;综合的 n. 合成物 ( synthetics) synthesis ['sinθisis] n. 综合,合成 θ syntheses synthesis的复数形式Pharmaceutical [,fɑ:mə'sju:tikəl] ɑ adj. 制药(学)的 n. 药物 pharmaceutical factory 药厂 pharmaceutical analysis 药物分析 pharmaceutical chemistry 药物化学 pharmaceutical preparation 药物制剂 pharmaceutical product 药用物品 natural product 天然产物 synthetic material 合成材料 semi- 半,部分 semi-final semi-conductor semi-synthesis total synthesis本课本的重点为全合成和半合成的药物,即药物合成。
但并不意味天然产物和其他方式 获得的药物不重要。
天然产物可以成为有价值的先导化合物,或者作为合成药物的原料 或者中间体。
lead compound 先导化合物 lead structure: the structure of lead compoundserve as 起…作用;可作…用 serve vt. 招待,供应;为…服务;先导化合物定义:指通过生物测定,从众多的候选化合物中发现的具有某种药物活性的新 化合物,一般具有新颖的化学结构。
因先导化合物存在着某些缺陷,如活性不够高,化学 结构不稳定,毒性较大,药代动力学性质不合理等等,需要对其进行化学修饰, 进一步优 化使之发展为理想的药物。
starting material:n. 起始物料,原料;原材料 intermediate:n. 中间体Alkaloid ['ælkəlɔid] n. 生物碱:存在于自然界中的一类含氮的碱性有机化合物; enzyme [‘enzaim] 酶; precursor [pri:’kə:sə] n. 先驱,前体; polysaccharide [pɔli‘sækəraid] n. 多糖;多聚糖类; steroid [‘sterɔid] n.甾类,类固醇 ; peptide [‘peptaid] 肽,缩氨酸;polypeptide 多肽; insulin [‘insjulin] n. 胰岛素 vaccine ['væksi:n] n. 疫苗the general structure of steroidsMost famous alkaloidsMorphinCocaineCaffeinefermentation [,fə:men'teiʃən] n. 发酵 Fermentor n. 发酵罐 antibiotic [,æntibai'ɔtik] adj. 抗生的;抗菌的 n. 抗生素,抗菌素 antibody ['ænti,bɔdi] n. 抗体β-lactam (beta-lactam) [‘beitə-’læktæm] n. 内酰胺amide ['æmaid] n. 酰胺 amine [ə'mi:n] n. 胺 ammonia [ə'məunjə] n. 氨,阿摩尼亚 ammonia water n. 氨水 ammonium [ə'məunjəm] n. 铵;氨盐基therapeutical [,θerə'pju:tikəl] adj. 治疗的;治疗学的 etc — and so on e.g. — such astherapy ['θerəpi] n. 治疗,疗法significant [sig'nifikənt] adj. 重大的;有意义的 n. 有意义的事物 total synthesis 全合成et al — and so on i.e. — that is一些具有显著疗效的,原来从自然界直接获得的天然产物,现在能更高效地获得, 也就是更为经济地由全合成获得。
L-氨基酸、氯霉素 、咖啡因、多巴胺、肾上腺素、L-多巴、前列腺素 、青霉胺microbiological process: 微生物处理 yeast [ji:st] n. 酵母;酵母片eukaryont [ju:'kæriɔn] n. 真核;真核生物prokaryont [prəu'kæri:əut] n. 原核生物bacteria [bæk'tiəriə] n. 细菌 bacterial [bæk'tiriəl] adj. [微] 细菌的primary metabolite [‘praiməri metæbəlait ] 初级代谢产物 指微生物通过代谢活动所产生的、 自身生长和繁殖所必需的物质,如氨基酸、核苷酸、多糖、脂类、维生素等。
secondary metabolite 次级代谢产物 通过次级代谢合成的产物通常称为次级代谢产物, 大多是分子结构比较复杂的化合物。
cephalosporin [,sefə lə 'spɔ:rin] tetracycline [,tetrə'saiklain, -klin] n. 四环素 n. [药] 头孢菌素 erythromycin [i,riθrəu'maisin] n. 红霉素(大环内酯类药物 )penicillin [,peni'silin] n. 盘尼西林(青霉素)aminoglycoside [,æminə‘ glikəsaid] n. 氨基糖苷类已有大约5000种抗生素从微生物中分离出来,但其中只有不到100种用于治疗。
然而,需紧记的是, 许多通过局部合成改造得到的衍生物现已用于治疗。
在过去十年里,仅是通过对b-内酰胺的半合成 改造,就得到约5万种抗生素衍生物。
stainless ['steinlis] adj. 未被玷污的;不锈的contamination [kən,tæmi'neiʃən] n. 污染,玷污;污染物phage [feidʒ] n. [病毒] 噬菌体sterile ['sterail, -rəl] adj. 不毛的;贫瘠的;不育的;无菌的aerobic [,eiə'rəubik] adj. 需氧的;aerobic exercise发酵在容量达400立方米的不锈钢发酵罐中进行。
为了避免微生物被噬菌体的污染,整个工艺流程 必须在无菌环境下进行。
重要的发酵无一例外地在需氧的条件下进行,因此良好的氧气或经消毒的 空气的供应是必需的。
by-product n. 副产物registration authority 登记机关(注册中心)demand as essential :必需thorough ['θʌr ə, 'θə:r əu]adj. 彻底的;十分的;周密的对于具有药用活动的化合物来说,没有特定的结构类型,也没有优先的反应类型。
practically ['præktik əli]adv. 几乎;事实上;实际地nevertheless [,nev əðə'les]adv. 然而,不过因此,在这本书的某些适当的地方以树状图举例介绍一些重要的中间体。
toluene ['t ɔljui:n]n. [有化] 甲苯phenol ['fi:n ɔl, fi'n-]n. [化]石碳酸,苯酚chlorobenzene [,kl ɔ:r əu'benzi:n]n. 氯苯in addition to 除…之外,除了目前的其实原料和中间体外,溶剂也是必须的;它们用作反应媒体和重结晶纯化。
reaction medium :反应媒体(媒介)purification [,pju ərifi'kei ʃən]n. 净化;提纯purify vt. 净化;使纯净recrystallization n. 重结晶methanol ['me θən ɔl]ethanol ['e θə,n ɔl] n. 甲醇(methyl alcohol )n. 乙醇,酒精isopropanol [,ais ə'pr əup ən ɔl ] n. 异丙醇butanol ['bju:t ən ɔl]n. 丁醇acetone ['æsit əun] n. 丙酮ethyl acetate n. 乙酸乙酯benzene ['benzi:n] n. 苯toluene ['t ɔljui:n] n. 甲苯xylene ['zaili:n]n. 二甲苯diethyl ethern. 乙醚tetra-hydro-furan n. 四氢呋喃THF DMF n.二甲基甲酰胺sulphoxide [s ʌl'f ɔksaid] n. 二甲基亚砜盐酸硫酸硝酸acetic acid [ə'si:tik]hydrochloric acid [,haidr əu'kl ɔrik]sulfuric acid [s ʌl‘fju ərik] nitric acid [‘naitrik] 乙酸sodium hydroxide 氢氧化钠potassium hydroxide 氢氧化钾potassium carbonatesodium bicarbonate triethylamine 三乙胺碳酸钾碳酸氢钠pyridine 吡啶auxiliary [ɔ:ɡ'zilj əri]adj. 辅助的active charcoal 活性炭catalyst ['kæt əlist] n. 催化剂impurity n. 杂质chemotherapy [kem əu'θer əpi]n. 化学疗法cancer chemotherapyphysiotherapy [,fizi əu'θer əpi] n. 物理疗法be defined as adj. 规定(被定义为)infective [in'fektiv]adj. 有传染性的,感染别人的parasite ['pær əsait] n. 寄生虫organism ['ɔ:ɡəniz əm]n. 有机体;生物体;微生物host [h əust] n. 主人;主机;主持人;vt. 主持;当主人招待化学疗法可以定义为:利用化学物消灭有传染性的寄生虫或者微生物,而不损害寄生宿主。