dspC55x期末考试试题及答案一、选择题(每题5分,共20分)1. 下列哪项不是DSP C55x处理器的特点?A. 支持多种寻址模式B. 支持浮点运算C. 支持流水线操作D. 支持多通道DMA传输答案:B2. DSP C55x处理器的指令周期通常是多少?A. 1个时钟周期B. 2个时钟周期C. 3个时钟周期D. 4个时钟周期答案:B3. 在DSP C55x中,以下哪个寄存器用于存储中断向量表的地址?A. IEPB. IFRC. IERD. IVP答案:D4. DSP C55x处理器的内存映射中,以下哪个区域用于存储程序代码?A. DATA RAMB. PROGRAM RAMC. I/O空间D. CACHE答案:B二、填空题(每题5分,共20分)1. DSP C55x处理器的______位宽的存储器可以支持高达______ MB/s 的数据传输率。
答案:16,8002. 在DSP C55x处理器中,______指令用于实现循环移位操作。
答案:RPTB3. DSP C55x处理器的______位宽的乘法器可以提供高达______ GFLOPS的计算能力。
答案:32,14. 在DSP C55x处理器中,______指令用于实现绝对值运算。
答案:ABS三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. 简述DSP C55x处理器的中断系统是如何工作的?答案:DSP C55x处理器的中断系统通过中断向量表来管理中断请求。
2. 描述DSP C55x处理器的流水线结构及其优势。
答案:DSP C55x处理器采用了多级流水线结构,每个指令周期可以完成多个操作。
C15005 《非上市公众公司并购重组法规解读(上)》答案100分
C15005 《非上市公众公司并购重组法规解读(上)》答案100分一、单项选择题1. 《非上市公众公司收购管理办法》将()作为权益披露触发标准。
A. 5%B. 10%C. 15%D. 20%您的答案:B题目分数:10此题得分:10.02. 《非上市公众公司收购管理办法》、《非上市公众公司重大资产重组管理办法》的发布将会推动()并购重组业务的快速发展。
A. 主板市场B. 创业板市场C. 中小企业板市场D. 新三板市场您的答案:D题目分数:10此题得分:10.03. 根据《非上市公众公司重大资产重组管理办法》,非上市公众公司股东大会就重大资产重组事项作出的决议,必须经出席会议的股东所持表决权的()以上通过。
A. 三分之一B. 二分之一C. 三分之二D. 四分之三您的答案:C题目分数:10此题得分:10.04. 根据《非上市公众公司收购管理办法》,按照本办法进行非上市公众公司收购后,收购人成为公司第一大股东或者实际控制人的,收购人持有的被收购公司股份,在收购完成后()个月内不得转让。
A. 6B. 12C. 18D. 24您的答案:B题目分数:10此题得分:10.0二、多项选择题5. 《非上市公众公司收购管理办法》沿用或借鉴上市公司的主要制度有()。
A. 收购人准入资格要求B. 收购人的股份限售要求C. 以信息披露为核心的自律监管制度D. 控股股东或实际控制人退出的管理要求您的答案:A,D,B题目分数:10此题得分:10.06. 下列有关非上市公众公司重大资产重组相关规定说法正确的是()。
A. 沿用了上市公司重大资产重组制度中关于内幕信息管理的要求B. 重组原则中对非上市公众公司的盈利能力作出了要求C. 在违法违规处罚上与上市公司基本保持一致D. 未界定借壳行为您的答案:C,A,D题目分数:10此题得分:10.07. 在全国中小企业股份转让系统挂牌的企业需要达到的基本要求包括()。
A. 股权清晰B. 合法规范经营C. 治理机制健全D. 履行信息披露义务您的答案:B,C,A,D题目分数:10此题得分:10.0三、判断题8. 根据《非上市公众公司收购管理办法》,当非上市公众公司控制权发生变更时,应披露权益变动报告书。
使用`struct`关键字定义结构体类型,指定结构 体名称及包含的成员变量。
使用`.`运算符访问结构体变量的成员,可以读取 或修改成员的值。
定义结构体变量并为其成员变量赋值,可以通过 直接赋值或使用初始化列表进行初始化。
在C语言中,函数是实现模块化设计的基本单位。通过将程序 划分为若干个独立的函数,可以实现代码的模块化和重用。 同时,合理的函数划分可以提高程序的可读性和可维护性。
指针是一种特殊类型的变量,它存储的是另一个变量的内存地址, 而不是实际的值。
函数的类型指的是函数返回值的类型。在定义函数时,需要指定函数的类型, 以便编译器能够正确处理函数的返回值。
将大型程序划分为若干个独立的、可重用的模块,每个模块 实现一个特定的功能。模块化设计可以提高程序的可维护性 、可重用性和可扩展性。
switch语句根据表达式 的值选择不同的case执 行,适用于多个固定值 的判断。
重复执行某段代码,直到 满足某个条件为止。
常见的循环结构有for循 环、while循环和dowhile循环。
for循环适用于已知循环 次数的情况,可以方便地 控制循环的起始和结束。
单片机80C51考试题目及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 单片机80C51的内部RAM地址空间为多少字节?A. 128B. 256C. 512D. 1024答案:B2. 80C51单片机中,哪组寄存器用于存储当前正在执行的指令地址?A. B寄存器B. DPTRC. SPD. PC答案:D3. 下列哪个指令用于将累加器的内容与外部数据存储器中的数据进行交换?A. MOV A, @R0B. MOVX A, @DPTRC. MOV A, #dataD. MOV A, direct答案:B4. 80C51单片机的定时器/计数器有几个?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4答案:B5. 80C51单片机的中断向量表起始地址是多少?A. 0000HB. 0003HC. 0030HD. 0100H答案:C二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 80C51单片机的______位定时器/计数器可以工作在______模式。
答案:16;32. 80C51单片机的______位定时器/计数器可以工作在______模式。
答案:8;23. 80C51单片机的______位定时器/计数器可以工作在______模式。
答案:8;34. 80C51单片机的中断系统包含______个中断源。
答案:55. 80C51单片机的I/O端口P1的地址是______。
答案:90H三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 请简述80C51单片机的中断优先级是如何确定的?答案:在80C51单片机中,中断优先级由中断向量表中的地址决定,地址越小,优先级越高。
2. 80C51单片机的定时器/计数器有哪些工作模式?答案:80C51单片机的定时器/计数器有三种工作模式:模式0(13位定时器/计数器)、模式1(16位定时器/计数器)、模式2(8位自动重装载定时器/计数器)。
3. 80C51单片机的I/O端口具有哪些特性?答案:80C51单片机的I/O端口具有推挽输出、开漏输出、高阻态输入等特性,并且可以通过软件设置端口的模式。
c语言入门经典第5版答案第一章:概述C语言是一种通用的高级计算机编程语言,由美国贝尔实验室的Dennis Ritchie于1972年开发。
第二章:基本概念2.1 程序结构在C语言中,程序由一个或多个函数组成,每个函数由一系列语句构成。
2.2 数据类型C语言提供了多种数据类型,包括整型、浮点型、字符型以及自定义的结构类型。
2.3 变量和常量在C语言中,变量是用于存储数据的命名存储单元,而常量是不能改变的数值。
第三章:控制语句3.1 条件语句条件语句用于根据不同的判断条件执行不同的代码块。
C语言提供了if语句、if-else语句、if-else if语句以及switch语句等条件语句结构。
3.2 循环语句循环语句用于重复执行一段代码,直到满足退出条件。
第四章:数组与指针4.1 数组数组是一种存储相同类型数据的集合,可以通过索引访问特定位置的元素。
4.2 指针指针是一种特殊的变量,它存储了一个内存地址。
第五章:函数与递归5.1 函数函数是一段可重复使用的代码,可以接收输入参数并返回输出结果。
5.2 递归递归是指函数可以调用自身的特性。
第六章:结构体与文件操作6.1 结构体结构体是一种自定义的数据类型,可以包含多个不同类型的成员。
Click the Exhibit button.An administrator has deployed a new virtual machine on an ESXi 5.x host. Users are complaining of poor performance on the application running on the virtual machine. Performance tools display the results shown in the exhibit.Which two tasks might improve the user experience? (Choose two.)A. Add a vCPU to the virtual machineB. Remove CPU affinity on the advanced CPU setting of the virtual machineC. Migrate the virtual machine to another ESXi hostD. Remove the limit on the CPU settings of the virtual machineAnswer: A,DQUESTION NO: 2An administrator notices that when a virtual machine is placed into a resource pool, a warning indicates that the virtual machine will receive a very large percentage of the total shares for memory.Which action can be taken to resolve this problem?A. Increase the memory resource allocation to the resource pool.B. Increase the share value for the resource pool.C. Change the shares setting from custom to high, medium, or low for the virtual machine.D. Decrease the memory allocation for the virtual machine.Answer: CAn administrator views the Fault Tolerance pane of the Summary tab of a virtual machine and finds that the current status is Not Protected.What are two vSphere Fault Tolerance states that would cause the virtual machine to not be protected? (Choose two.)A. Stopped - Fault Tolerance has been stopped on the secondary virtual machine.B. Need Secondary VM - The primary virtual machine is running without a secondary virtual machine and is not protectedC. Need Primary VM - The secondary virtual machine is running, and a new primary virtual machine cannot be generated.D. Disabled - Fault Tolerance is disabled.Answer: B,DQUESTION NO: 4Which two conditions prevent the application of a host profile to an ESXi 5.x host? (Choose two.)A. The host has multiple profiles attached.B. The host has not been placed into maintenance mode.C. The host is running virtual machines.D. The host is an ESXi host.Answer: B,CQUESTION NO: 5An administrator is editing the IP allocation policy for a vApp.Which three options are available? (Choose three.)A. AutomaticB. RoamingC. TransientD. DHCPE. FixedAnswer: C,D,EQUESTION NO: 6ACME Junkmail Incorporated has been utilizing templates in their environment. They are running a 10-node ESXi 5.x Cluster and DRS has not been configured. Several virtual machines have been deployed from this template and successfully powered on, but a newly deployed virtual machine will not power on. There appear to be adequate CPU and Memory resources available on the host.Which three things can be done to allow more virtual machines to be deployed into the cluster from this template? (Choose three.)A. Select a different datastore for the virtual machineB. Move the swap file to a different locationC. Deploy the virtual machine to a different host using the same datastoreD. Enable DRS on the cluster to balance the virtual machine load out across hostsE. Increase the virtual machine memory reservationAnswer: A,B,EQUESTION NO: 7What are three valid objects to place in a vApp? (Choose three.)A. FoldersB. HostsC. Resource poolsD. vAppsE. Virtual machinesAnswer: C,D,EQUESTION NO: 8Which three Storage I/O Control conditions might trigger the Non-VI workload detected on the datastore alarm? (Choose three.)A. The datastore is connected to an ESX/ESXi 4.0 host that does not support Storage I/O Control.B. The datastore is on an array that is performing system tasks such as replication.C. The datastore is utilizing active/passive multipathing or NMP (Native Multi-Pathing).D. The datastore is storing virtual machines with one or more snapshots.E. The datastore is connected to an ESX/ESXi 4.0 host that is not managed by vCenter.Answer: A,B,EQUESTION NO: 9An administrator has just finished deploying a vApp for a web service.What three options are available to the administrator for IP allocation within the vApp? (Choose three.)A. TransientB. FixedC. DHCPD. BridgedE. NATAnswer: A,B,CQUESTION NO: 10An administrator is working to implement Storage Profiles in their environment.Which two ways can storage capabilities be generated? (Choose two.)A. They are generated by Datastore Clusters as LUNs are added to the cluster.B. They are automatically determined by the Storage Profile when it is created.C. They can be retrieved from the array through the VMware APIs for Storage Awareness (VASA).D. They can be manually generated by the administrator.Answer: C,DQUESTION NO: 11Which VMware solution uses the security of a vSphere implementation and provides linked-clone technology to virtual desktops?A. VMware ACEB. VMware ViewC. VMware WorkstationD. VMware ThinAppAnswer: BQUESTION NO: 12Which two conditions will prevent a virtual machine from being successfully migrated using Storage vMotion? (Choose two.)A. The virtual machine has an RDM.B. The virtual machine has Fault Tolerance enabled.C. The virtual machine is running on a vSphere 5.x Standard host.D. The virtual machine has a disk stored on an NFS datastore.Answer: B,CQUESTION NO: 13Under which two conditions can vStorage APIs for Array Integration (VAAI) provide a performance benefit? (Choose two.)A. When a virtual disk has VMDK files stored on an NFS datastore.B. When a virtual disk is created using the New Virtual Machine wizard.C. When cloning a virtual machine with snapshots.D. When a virtual disk is deleted.Answer: A,DQUESTION NO: 14An administrator is enabling Enhanced vMotion Compatibility (EVC) in a DRS cluster. The administrator wants only hosts with the newest Intel processors added to the cluster.Which setting satisfies this requirement?A. The baseline with the most CPUs listedB. The baseline with the fewest CPUs listedC. Any baseline that contains Future Intel processorsD. Create a new baseline and add only the latest processor familyAnswer: DQUESTION NO: 15Which two conditions must exist on all hosts in the cluster if Enhanced vMotion Compatibility (EVC) is used? (Choose two.)A. The cluster must be enabled for DRS.B. All hosts in the cluster must be running ESX/ESXi 3.5 Update 2 or later.C. All hosts in the cluster must have hardware virtualization support enabled.D. The cluster must be enabled for HA.Answer: B,CQUESTION NO: 16Users are experiencing performance issues when updating their database hosted on a virtual machine. The administrator determines that disk I/O is high across one of the HBAs on the ESXi host containing thevirtual machine.What is the action will most likely correct the issue without significantly impacting other users or datastores?A. Manually configure the disk multipathing policy to Round Robin for the datastoreB. Migrate the virtual machine to an NFS datastore using Storage vMotionC. Use Storage vMotion to migrate the virtual machine to a new VMFS5 datastoreD. Map additional LUNs to the ESXi host and extend the datastoresAnswer: AQUESTION NO: 17An administrator takes a vSphere snapshot of a virtual machine and applies an OS update. After confirming the update the administrator cannot enable Fault Tolerance on the virtual machine and suspects there are snapshots that have not been consolidated.Which two operations can the administrator perform to verify consolidation is needed? (Choose two.)A. Expose the Needs Consolidation column in the virtual machines tab of the host.B. Browse the datastore containing the vmdk files and look for files with the "-delta.vmdk" extension.C. Expose the Needs Consolidation column in the virtual machine summary tab.D. Select and run the vSphere Cluster HealthCheck from the right-click menu of the cluster object. Answer: A,BQUESTION NO: 18An administrator has created a virtual machine that will be accessed from a public kiosk. Management has requested that the virtual machine be reset to a known state once a week or on demand if requested. Which method is the simplest way to meet this requirement?A. Configure the storage array to be vSphere aware and script routine array snapshot restores of the datastore.B. Implement a 3rd party imaging server and PXE boot the virtual machine off a static image.C. Set the VMDKs of the virtual machine to be Independent-Nonpersistent and schedule restarts of the virtual machine.D. Create Nonpersistent disks for the virtual machine and set the guest OS to reboot once a week. Answer: CQUESTION NO: 19What are three true statements about quiescing virtual machine snapshots? (Choose three.)A. vSphere snapshot quiescing only occurs on Windows guest OSes.B. The quiescing operation is automatic with any snapshot.C. The quiescing operation varies by guest OS.D. Quiescing should occur before array-based snapshots to ensure consistency.E. VMware Tools is required for quiescing to be successful.Answer: C,D,EQUESTION NO: 20An administrator has deployed vCenter Data Recovery and wants the largest possible de-duplication store. Which three storage options can be used? (Choose three.)A. Two CIFS sharesB. Two RDMs on a FCP arrayC. One NFS mount on the ESXi host and one RDMs on an iSCSI arrayD. One CIFS share and one FCP RDME. Two NFS mounts on the ESXi hostAnswer: B,C,EQUESTION NO: 21An administrator has recently upgraded their Update Manager infrastructure to vSphere 5.x. Several hosts and virtual machines have not been upgraded yet.Which vSphere component when upgraded will have the least impact to the existing environment?A. Virtual Machine HardwareB. ESX HostsC. VMFS datastoresD. VMware ToolsAnswer: DQUESTION NO: 22An administrator is using Update Manager 5.x to update virtual appliances in a vSphere environment. The environment is using the vCenter Server Virtual Appliance (vCSA).What would cause the remediation to fail?A. Updating of the appliance can only be done if the vCenter Server Virtual Appliance (vCSA) has been put into Maintenance Mode.B. Remediation must be configured on the Appliance Administration page before use.C. Remediation of the vCenter Server Virtual Appliance (vCSA) with Update Manager is not supported.D. Remediation requires the hosts to be connected to vCenter using an IPv4 address.Answer: DQUESTION NO: 23An administrator is working to update the hosts and virtual machines in a vSphere 5.x deployment using Update Manager Baselines.Other than host patches, which three items require a separate procedure or process to update? (Choose three.)A. Operating system patchesB. Virtual Appliance updatesC. Virtual Machine Virtual Hardware upgradesD. VMware Tools on machines without VMware Tools already installedE. Application patches within the virtual machineAnswer: A,D,EQUESTION NO: 24An administrator selects the Profile Compliance tab of an vSphere cluster, then selects Check Compliance Now.Which features requirements are not checked by this?A. vMotionB. Fault ToleranceC. DRSD. Host ProfilesAnswer: DQUESTION NO: 25An administrator is troubleshooting an ESXi 5.x host and needs to export diagnostic information. The host is currently managed by a vCenter Server instance.Which two ways can the information be gathered using the vSphere Client? (Choose two.)A. Select Home. Under Administration, click System Logs and click the Export System Logs button. Select the affected ESXi host. Select Select All. Select a location and click Finish.B. In the vSphere Client, select the affected ESXi host. Right-click the host and select Export Diagnostic Data. Select a location and click OK.C. Log in to the ESXi host locally, Select Export System Logs.D. In the vSphere Client, select the affected ESXi host. Select File, Export and Export System Logs. Select Select All. Select a location and click Finish.Answer: A,DQUESTION NO: 26An ESXi 5.x host displays a warning icon in the vSphere console and its summary page lists a configuration issue "SSH for the host has been enabled." What are two ways to clear this warning? (Choose two.)A. Using the Security Profile pane of the Configuration tab in the vSphere ClientB. Using the Direct Console User Interface (DCUI)C. Using the Advanced Settings pane of the Configuration tab in the vSphere ClientD. Using the Networking pane of the Configuration tab in the vSphere ClientAnswer: A,BQUESTION NO: 27vCenter reports a connectivity problem with a ESXi 5.x host that is not a member of a cluster. An administrator attempts to connect directly to the host using the vSphere Client but fails with the message "An unknown connection error occurred." Virtual machines running on the host appear to be running and report no problem.What two methods would likely resolve the issue without affecting the virtual machines? (Choose two.)A. Enter the service mgmt-vmware restart command from either SSH or local CLIB. Select Restart Management Agents in the Direct Console User Interface (DCUI)C. Select Reboot Host in the Direct Console User Interface (DCUI)D. Enter the services.sh restart command from either SSH or the local CLIAnswer: B,DQUESTION NO: 28Click the Exhibit button.ACME Catering Services is using esxtop to troubleshoot a performance problem with one of their ESXi5.x hosts. Host disconnections from vCenter Server as well as sluggish performance when performing tasks on the host have been observed.Based on the output in the exhibit, how many vCPU's have been assigned to FileServer01?A. 1B. 2C. 4D. 8Answer: DQUESTION NO: 29An administrator notices that log files kept on an ESXi 5.x host are being rotated very quickly, inhibiting the troubleshooting of an issue.Which two configuration changes will resolve the issue? (Choose two.)A. Configure syslog to send the logs a syslog serverB. Increase the number of logs keptC. Increase the logging levelD. Increase the size of the partition where log files are storedAnswer: A,BQUESTION NO: 30A series of Auto Deploy ESXi 5.x hosts which utilize vSphere Standard Switches are unable to boot. In prior testing, all of the hosts were able to boot successfully.Which two conditions might cause this issue? (Choose two.)A. The Hosts are unable to connect to the SAN.B. The TFTP server is down.C. The DNS server is down.D. The DHCP server is down.Answer: B,DQUESTION NO: 31An administrator wants to monitor the health status of an ESXi 5.x host. However, when the administrator clicks the Hardware Status tab the following error is displayed.This program cannot display the webpageWhat might cause this problem?A. The VMware VirtualCenter Management Webservices Service is not started.B. The required plug-in is not enabled.C. The VMware ESXi Management Webservices Service is not startedD. The name of the vCenter Server system could not be resolved.Answer: AQUESTION NO: 32An iSCSI array is being added to a vSphere 5.x implementation. An administrator wants to verify that all IP storage VMkernel interfaces are configured for jumbo frames.What are two methods to verify this configuration? (Choose two.)A. Run the esxcli network ip interface list commandB. Run the esxcfg-vswif -l commandC. Ensure that the Enable Jumbo Frames box is checked in the VMkernel interface properties in the vSphere clientD. Ensure that the MTU size is set correctly in the VMkernel interface properties in the vSphere client Answer: A,DQUESTION NO: 33An administrator has configured a vSphere Distributed Switch to send all network traffic to a collector virtual machine for analysis. However, after checking the collector virtual machine several hours later the administrator finds that no data has been collected. vSphere 5.x has been deployed in the datacenter. Which two items below could be causing this issue? (Choose two.)A. The source virtual machine does not have Promiscuous Mode enabled.B. The source and target virtual machines are not both be on the same vSphere Distributed Switch.C. The port group or distributed does not have Promiscuous Mode enabled.D. The port group or distributed port does not have NetFlow enabled.Answer: B,DQUESTION NO: 34A vSphere 5 implementation consists of a fully automated DRS cluster with two ESXi 5.x hosts with the following vSphere Standard Switch configuration.1. Switch A. three vmnics, one port group named sFTP-PG2. Switch B. two vmnic, one port group named Web-PG3. All vmnics are trunked to the same physical switch.DRS has been configured with an anti-affinity rule for all virtual machines in the Web-PG so that no more than half of the virtual machines run on any given host. The virtual machines on WebPG are experiencing significant network latency. The network team has determined that a performance bottleneck is occurring at the ESXi host level.Which solution will require the least amount of administrative work and the least amount of service interruption?A. Migrate Web-PG to Switch A and sFTP-PG to Switch B on each hostB. Move a vmnic from Switch A to Switch B on each hostC. Convert the three Switch Bs to a single vSphere Distributed SwitchD. Use vMotion to redistribute some of the VMs in Web-PG to a different ESXi hostAnswer: BQUESTION NO: 35A user attempts a remote SSH connection to a newly-installed ESXi 5.x host to execute some commands. The SSH connection attempt fails, though the user is able to receive a ICMP ping back from the host. What must the administrator do to enable SSH? (Choose two.)A. Enable root logon on the ESXi server.B. Open the SSH port on the ESXi firewall.C. Start the SSH service on the ESXi server.D. Create a local user on the ESXi server.Answer: B,CQUESTION NO: 36An administrator is setting up vMotion in a vSphere environment. A migration is run to test the configuration, but fails.What could the administrator do to resolve the issue?A. Ensure the VMkernel port group is configured for Management Traffic.B. Enable VMkernel port group for the vSphere cluster.C. Ensure the vMotion enabled adaptors configured for the same subnet.D. Use a vDS instead of a standard switch.Answer: CQUESTION NO: 37An administrator is unable to connect a vSphere Client to an ESXi 5.x host.Which option can be selected from the direct console to restore connectivity without disrupting running virtual machines?A. Restore the Standard Switch from the ESXi host.B. Restart the Management Agents from the vSphere client.C. Restart the Management Agent from the ESXi hostD. Disable the Management Network from the vSphere client.Answer: CQUESTION NO: 38An administrator receives a complaint that a virtual machine is performing poorly. The user attributes the issue to poor storage performance.If the storage array is the bottleneck, which two counters would be higher than normal? (Choose two.)A. Average ESXi VMKernel latency per command, in millisecondsB. Average ESXi highest latency, in millisecondsC. Average virtual machine operating system latency per command, in millisecondsD. Number of SCSI reservation conflicts per secondAnswer: B,CQUESTION NO: 39An administrator must decommission a datastore.Before unmounting the datastore, which three requirements must be fullfilled? (Choose three.)A. No virtual machines reside on the datastore.B. The datastore is not used for vSphere HA heartbeat.C. No registered virtual machines reside on the datastore.D. The datastore must not have any extents.E. The datastore must not be part of a datastore cluster.Answer: B,C,EQUESTION NO: 40An administrator is informed that there will be a storage maintenance window and that failovers may occur.What is the expected length of time that a Windows 2008 virtual machine storage I/O will pause during a path failover?A. 0 to 30 secondsB. 90 to 120 secondsC. 60 to 90 secondsD. 30 to 60 secondsAnswer: DQUESTION NO: 41A company wants to increase disk capacity for their vSphere environment.Management mandates that.1. vMotion must work in this environment.2. The existing LAN infrastructure must be used.Which storage option best meets the company objectives?A. iSCSIB. Fibre ChannelC. SATAD. NFSAnswer: DQUESTION NO: 42Which resource management technique can be used to relieve a network bottleneck caused by a virtual machine with occasional high outbound network activity?A. Convert the switch from a vSphere Standard Switch to a vSphere Distributed Switch.B. Create a new portgroup for the virtual machine and enable traffic shaping.C. Apply traffic shaping to the other virtual machines in the same port group.D. Apply traffic shaping to the virtual machine with high activity.Answer: BQUESTION NO: 43An administrator has determined that storage performance to a group of virtual machines is reduced during peak activity. The virtual machines are located in a VMFS datastore called Production1 on an active-active storage array. The ESXi 5.x host running the virtual machines is configured with an MRUmultipathing policy.Which two actions can be taken to improve the storage performance of these virtual machines? (Choose two.)A. Add virtual storage, create a VMFS datastore called Production2 on the new storage, and then migrate some of the virtual machines from Production1 to Production2.B. Change the storage multipathing policy to Round Robin.C. Add physical storage, create a VMFS datastore called Production2 on the new storage, and then migrate some of the virtual machines from Production1 to Production2.D. Change the storage multipathing policy to Fixed with default settings.Answer: B,CQUESTION NO: 44Which of these factors indicates a high likelihood that the performance of a virtual machine disk is being constrained by disk I/O?A. A large number of commands issuedB. A high device latency valueC. A high disk used valueD. A large number of kilobytes read and writtenAnswer: BQUESTION NO: 45Click the Exhibit button.An administrator is configuring vMotion in their environment. As part of the implementation, an administrator is examining resource mapping for virtual machines.What is a likely cause of the error shown in the exhibit?A. vMotion has been disabled because the are no other hosts in the cluster with vMotion enabled.B. vMotion has not been enabled on the Production port group.C. The administrator has not created a Managent network.D. vMotion has not been enabled on a VMkernel port group.Answer: CQUESTION NO: 46Which two circumstances might cause a DRS cluster to become invalid? (Choose two.)A. DRS has been disabled on one or more ESXi hosts.B. An ESXi host has been removed from the cluster.C. A migration on a virtual machine is attempted while the virtual machine is failing over.D. Virtual machines have been powered on from a vSphere Client connected directly to an ESXi host. Answer: B,DQUESTION NO: 47Click the Exhibit button.An administrator has a DRS/HA cluster with five ESXi 5.x hosts. When the administrator tries to start a new Web server virtual machine, an error is displayed saying insufficient resources exist for HA.Based on the HA configuration in the exhibit, which two changes can resolve the issue? (Choose two.)A. Shut down one or more virtual machines on the cluster.B. Set VM Restart Priority to Disabled for the Web server.C. Set Host Isolation response to Shut down.D. Suspend one or more virtual machines in the cluster.Answer: A,DQUESTION NO: 48Click the Exhibit button.An administrator is applying patches to a batch of ESXi 5.x hosts in an under-allocated HA/DRS cluster. An attempt is made to place the host into maintenance mode, but the progress has stalled at 2%. DRS is configured as shown in the exhibit. Of the four choices below, two would effectively resolve this issue. Which two steps could be taken to correct the problem? (Choose two.)A. Enable VMware EVC.B. Set the virtual machines on the host to Fully Automated.C. Shut down the virtual machines on the host.D. Move the virtual machine swap file off the local datastore.Answer: B,CQUESTION NO: 49An administrator is configuring Storage DRS in their environment. The Datastore cluster iscomposed of 4 VMFS3 volumes and 9 VMFS5 volumes. Storage DRS has been enabled, but is showing as disabled on several virtual machine disks in the datastore cluster.Which two conditions would cause this error to occur? (Choose two.)A. The virtual machine is stored on a VMFS 3 volume.B. One or more virtual machines have Persistent disks.C. The virtual machine is stored on a NFS datastore.D. The virtual machine is stored on a datastore with a 2mb block size.Answer: A,BQUESTION NO: 50An administrator finds that vMotion and Storage vMotion operations do not succeed on a virtual machine. The virtual machine has been configured with N_Port ID Virtualization. The virtual machine has two data RDMs, one using a RAID5 LUN and one using a RAID0+1 LUN. The mapping file for the RAID5 LUN was created on the same datastore as the virtual machine, and the mapping file for the RAID0+1 LUN was placed in a datastore used for production data virtual disks.Which two statements are true about this configuration? (Choose two.)A. Storage vMotion cannot be used unless both mapping files are placed on the same datastore.B. vMotion cannot be used unless both mapping files are placed on the same datastore.C. vMotion cannot be used with RDMs.D. Storage vMotion cannot be used with NPIV.Answer: B,DQUESTION NO: 51A company has converted several physical machines to virtual machines but are seeing significant performance issues on the converted machines. The host is configured with sufficient memory and storage does not appear to be a bottleneck.Which metric can be checked to determine if CPU contention exists on an ESXi 5.x host?A. %RUNB. %WAITC. %USEDD. %RDYAnswer: DQUESTION NO: 52Which three statements regarding Network I/O Control (NIOC) are accurate? (Choose three.)A. NIOC enforces traffic bandwidth limits on the overall vDS set of dvUplinks.B. NIOC limits maximum throughput control on connected virtual machines.C. Load based teaming efficiently uses a vDS set of dvUplinks for network capacity.D. Isolation provides priority to any one traffic flow.E. Relative shares fairly allocates available bandwidth among multiple flows.Answer: A,C,EQUESTION NO: 53Which three requirements must be met in order to use Storage I/O Control? (Choose three.)A. The datastore must contain multiple VMFS extents.B. The datastore must contain a single NFS volume.C. The datastore must not include virtual machines with snapshots.D. The datastore must be managed by a single vCenter Server.E. Array-based automated storage tiering must be explicitly certified.Answer: B,D,EQUESTION NO: 54What number of IOPS should be used with Storage I/O Control to limit disk throughput to roughly 10 MBps if the guest application writes 64KB blocks?。
电器与可编程控制器应用技术 第5版习题答案1
6、在F1 - 40MR的PLC中设置有输入继电器X430、输出继电器Y480、定时器T460、计数器C450、辅助继电器M790、这话对吗?为什么?系列内参考答案:这些讲(写)法都不对,因为题列元器件的编号都不符合F1部继电器的编制规定。
- 60MT的PLC,它最多可以接多少个输入信号?接多少个负7、有一台F1载?它适用于控制交流与直接负载吗?-60MT的PLC最多可接收36个输入信号,接24个负载,这是晶体参考答案:F1管输出式PLC,所以只适用于直流负载。
如if…else语句、while语句、do while语句、switch 语句、for语句。
main(){int a1,a2,x;a1=100;a2=50;x=a1-a2;printf(″x=%d\n″,x);}【解答】运行结果为:x=502.输入下面程序并运行。
main(){int a1,a2,x;a1=10;a2=20;x=a1*a2;printf(″a1=%d,a2=%d\n″,a1,a2);printf(″x=%d\n″,x);}【解答】运行结果为:a1=10,a2=20x=200三.编程题1.参照本章例题,编写一个C程序,用于显示如下信息:*************************I love C programs!*************************【分析与提示】①要有文件包含语句#include <stdio.h>。
以下是关于《YCT标准教程5》测试题的回答:1. 《YCT标准教程5》的测试题主要包括哪些内容?《YCT标准教程5》的测试题主要涵盖了听力、阅读和写作等方面的内容。
2. 这些测试题的难度如何?《YCT标准教程5》的测试题根据YCT考试的要求,难度逐渐增加。
3. 如何备考《YCT标准教程5》的测试题?要备考《YCT标准教程5》的测试题,建议从以下几个方面进行准备:首先,熟悉教材中的各个单元内容,掌握词汇、语法和句型的用法。
4. 《YCT标准教程5》的测试题对于汉语水平考试有何帮助?《YCT标准教程5》的测试题是为了帮助学生准备汉语水平考试(YCT)而设计的。
c语言入门经典 第5版 习题答案
课后练习题答案Chapter 11.1×√×√√×√××√1.2b c1.3ad1.4semicolon printf math.h \nChapter 22.1 ×√××√√×√××√×2.2 typedef 255 external constChapter 33.1 ×√××√√×××√√√3.2 integer modula 6 logical sizeof paratheses typeconversion precedence3.3 F F T F F F3.4 F T T T F3.5 (b) (c)3.6 0 -2 7 10.25 false 3 3 13.10 0 1 1 1 13.11d}1003.121101113.13 13.14 2003.15 x<=y3.16 TRUE3.192143.20-4040Chapter 44.1 ×√√√√√××√√√×4.2 %hd %x ctype.h %l %*d [^] blank 6 - %e4.4 (a) scanf(“%d %c %d”, &a, &b, &c); (b)scanf(“%d %f %s”, &a, &b, &c);(c) scanf(“%d-%d-%d”, &a, &b, &c); (d) scanf(“%d %s %d”, &a, &b, &c);4.5 (a)10x1.230000 (b)1234x 1.23 (c)1234 456.000000 (d) “123.40 ”(e) 1020 1222(乱码)4.7 (a)1988 x (b)乱码(c)120 乱码(d)乱码 x4.8 (a)1275 -235.740000(b) 1275-235.740000(c) 0 0.000000(d) 1275xxxx-235.74(e)Cambridge(f)1275 Cambridge4.10 1988 无无Chapter 55.1 √×√××××××√5.2 && switch break if-else x=y5.4 (a)x = 2; y = 0; (b) x = 1; y = 0;5.5 (a) if (grade <= 59)if (grade >= 50)second = second + 1;(b) if (number > 100) printf(“out of range”);else if (number < 0) printf(“out of range”);else sum = sum + number;(c)if (T > 200) printf(“admitted”);else if (M > 60){if (M > 60) printf(“admitted”);}else printf(“not admitted”);5.6 F T F T5.8 (a) x > 10 (b) (x != 10)||(y ! = 5) || (z >= 0)(c) (x + y != z) || (z > 5) (d) (x > 5) || (y != 10) || (z >= 5)5.9 (a) x = 5; y = 10; z = 1 (b) x = 5; y = 10; z = 1(c) x = 5; y = 0; z =0 (d) 无变化5.10 (a) x= 0; y = 2; z = 0; (b) x = 1; y = 2; z = 0;5.12 85.13 Delhi Bangalore END5.1424485.15 0 0 25.16 255.17 Number is negative5.18 ABC5.19 105.20 无输出Chapter 66.1 √√√××√×√√×6.2 n continue infinite indefinite-repetition-loop counter-variable 6.9 (a) 43210 (b)4321 (c)55555…55555(d)10 86.11 (a)无数次 x = 10; x = 5; x = 10; x = 5; x = 10;…(b)5次 m = 3, m = 5, m = 7, m = 9, m = 11(c)无数次, i 恒为0(d)4次 m = 11 n = 9; m = 12 n = 11; m = 13, n = 13; m = 14, n = 15;6.13(a)for (n = 1; n <= 32; n = n * 2) printf("%d ", n);(b)for (n = 1; n <= 243; n = n * 3) printf("%d ", n);(c)for (n = -4; n <= 4; n = n + 2) printf("%d ", n);(d)sum = 0;for (i = 2; i <= 16; i = sum){sum = sum + i;n = n - i;printf("%d %d %d \n", i, sum, n);}6.16 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 06.17 m = 20时陷入死循环,程序无输出6.18 16.19 16.20 死循环,延长时间用Chapter 77.1 √×√××√√√√××√7.2 index/subscript run-time dynamic multi-dimensional sorting7.14 157.15 HLOWRDChapter 88.1 ×√√√×√××√×××√×√8.2 %[ a-z,A-Z] strcpy 3 stdlib gets strlen strstr strcmp s1-s2 puts8.6 (a) The sky is the limit.(b) The sky is(c) T(d) The sky is the limit(e)8410410132115107121321051153211610410132108105109105116(f)输出1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9…21这些ASCII码对应的字符,无显示符号(g)%(h)U8.7 (d)8.8 78.9 (a)he(b)heorshe(c)5 78.11 puneChapter 99.1 √×××√×××√√√×××√×√√××9.2 actual-parameter local-variable int data-type variable-name scope recursive static type auto9.8 abceg9.9 abcdeg9.12 (a) 5 (b) 4 (c)3 (d)09.13 (a) 5 4 4 0 (b) 5.0 4.0 3.0 0.679.14 题目错,设z = 5;结果为:200 10009.15 1009.16 x = 3; y = 0Chapter 1010.1 ×√√√√×√√×√√√××√10.2 typedef union tag_name pointer memberChapter 1111.1 √×√√√√×√××11.2 address * * 0 null。
当振荡脉冲频率为12 MHz时,一个机器周期为1µs;当振荡脉冲频率为6 MHz时,一个机器周期为2 µs。
A.16 B.4 C.8 D.准16
5G题库最新第五代移动通信技术(5G)考试题库⼆考试卷模拟考试题.doc5G 题库最新第五代移动通信技术(5G)考试题库⼆考试卷模拟考试题考试时间:120分钟考试总分:100分遵守考场纪律,维护知识尊严,杜绝违纪⾏为,确保考试结果公正。
1、gNodeB 通过PDCCH 的DCI 格式UO/Ul 调整 TPC 取值, DCI 长度是多少?() A.lbit B.4bit C.2bit D.3bit2、在SA 组⽹中做下载业务时,因服务⼩区信号差⽽启动切换判决阶段的事件是哪项?() A.A4 B.Al C.A3 D.A23、NR 系统中PECH 信道ER 功率会基千⼩区基准功率ReferencePwr 配置偏置。
() A.正确 B.错误4、5G ⽹络部署⽅式 ( )ption 3 系优势不包括哪个?() A.对NR 覆盖⽆要求B.⽀持 5G 5GC 引⼊的新业务姓名:________________ 班级:________________ 学号:________________--------------------密----------------------------------封 ----------------------------------------------线----------------------C.改动⼩,投资少,建⽹速度快D.语⾳业务连续性有保障5、如果NR⼴播波束配置成⽔平3dB为65° 波束,则对 64T64R的AAU来说,它⽀持的⽅位⾓调测的范围是以下()A.—42°~42°B.—22°~22°C.—10°~10°D.—0°6、-NR ⼩区SSB波束采⽤默认模式,天线挂⾼ 35⽶,机械下倾⾓为30’ 数字下倾⾓配置为oo’ 则此⼩区主覆盖波瓣的下沿(近点)距离基站⼤约是多少⽶?()A.1200 ⽶B.150 ⽶C.330 ⽶D.670 ⽶7、以下哪条信令消息可以判断flScell 变更为站间辅站⼩区变更准备成功?()A.SgNBAdditionRequestAcknowledgeB.SgNB ModificationRequestAcknowledgeC.SgNBChangeRequiredD.SgNB ModificationRequired8、NSA⽹络中,在以下哪条消息之后标⽰着UE完全接⼊ 5G⽹络?()A.RflCConnectionReconfiguration 之后B.UE 完成在SgNodeB上的RA之后C.SgNodeBAdditionRequest 之后D.SgNodeBAdditionComplete 之后9、NSA组⽹时添加SCG⼩区后UE的随机接⼊⽅式属千哪种?()A.基千⾮竞争的随机接⼊B.基千竞争的随机接⼊10、以下哪个信号可以反映⽹络上⾏的覆盖?()A.CSI —RSB.SRSC.PDCCH DMRSD.PBCH DMRS11、UE接⼊ LIE⽹络后, LIE⼩区会向UE发送哪条信息⽤以测量NR⼩区信号?()A.AlB.A2C.B1D.B212、在UE截图铺点的策略中,如果`⼩区禁⽌`状态被设为'禁⽌`,则UE ⽆法占⽤此⼩区资源()A.正确B.错误13、5G的C波段中,Numerology 取1时对应的⼦载波间隔是多⼤?()A.30KhzB.5KhzC.60KhzD.15Khz14、重传数据的调度优先级⾼千初传数据调度优先级()A.正确B.错误15、⼴播消息RMSI和随机接⼊相应消息RAR, 默认采⽤哪种 MSC传输?()A.MSCOB.MSC3C.MSClD.MSC216、在EiG⽹络中,为了⽤户的安全考虑,NSA层使⽤EiG-GUTI 来取代IMSI 作为⽤户的临时 ID ()B.错误17、使⽤AAU5613时,⽀持⼩区天线通道的单RE参考信号最⼤发射功率更接近多少?()A.OdbmB.- 4. 2dbmC.7.86dbmD.4.86dbm18、NSA组⽹中,⽤户的 QCI信息可以在⼀下那条命令⾥取到()A.SNStatus TransferB.SgNB MODREQC.SgNBAddREQD.RRCCONNRECFG19、NR的DC双连接只存在千核⼼⽹为EPC的架构中()A.正确B.错误20、NR的DC双连接只存在千核⼼⽹为EPC的构架中。
五级机器人考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 机器人的三大核心组成部分是什么?A. 传感器、控制器、执行器B. 传感器、处理器、驱动器C. 传感器、控制器、驱动器D. 处理器、控制器、执行器答案:C2. 机器人的自由度是指什么?A. 机器人的关节数B. 机器人的传感器数量C. 机器人可以独立移动的轴的数量D. 机器人的执行器数量答案:C3. 以下哪个不是机器人编程常用的编程语言?A. PythonB. JavaC. C++D. HTML答案:D4. 机器人视觉系统主要依靠哪种类型的传感器?A. 温度传感器B. 压力传感器C. 光学传感器D. 声音传感器答案:C5. 机器人的路径规划通常使用哪种算法?A. 遗传算法B. 神经网络算法C. 模糊逻辑算法D. 动态规划算法答案:D二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)1. 机器人的________是指机器人在没有外部指令的情况下,能够自主完成特定任务的能力。
答案:自主性2. 在机器人设计中,________是指机器人在执行任务时,能够感知环境并做出相应反应的能力。
答案:智能性3. 机器人的________是指机器人在执行任务时,能够适应环境变化并调整自身行为的能力。
答案:适应性4. 机器人的________是指机器人在执行任务时,能够与人类或其他机器人进行有效沟通的能力。
答案:交互性5. 机器人的________是指机器人在执行任务时,能够保证自身和周围环境安全的能力。
答案:安全性三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 简述机器人的发展历程。
2. 描述机器人在工业生产中的应用。
1.基本语法习题1:编写一个程序,输出"Hello, world!"。
答案:#include <stdio.h>int main(){printf("Hello, world!\n");return 0;}2.数据类型习题2:编写一个程序,计算两个整数的和并输出结果。
答案:#include <stdio.h>int main(){int a, b, sum;printf("请输入两个整数:");scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);sum = a + b;printf("它们的和是:%d\n", sum);return 0;}3.控制结构习题3:编写一个程序,判断一个数是奇数还是偶数并输出结果。
答案:#include <stdio.h>int main(){int num;printf("请输入一个整数:");scanf("%d", &num);if (num % 2 == 0){printf("%d是偶数\n", num);}else{printf("%d是奇数\n", num);}return 0;}通过以上习题的答案,我们可以看到C语言的基本语法、数据类型、控制结构等知识点的具体应用。
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1. 《非上市公众公司收购管理办法》、《非上市公众公司重大资产重组管理办法》的发布将会推动()并购重组业务的快速发展。
A. 主板市场
B. 创业板市场
C. 中小企业板市场
D. 新三板市场
2. 根据《非上市公众公司重大资产重组管理办法》,退市公司重大资产重组涉及发行股份的,自收到中国证监会核准文件之日起60日内,本次重大资产重组未实施完毕的,退市公司应当于期满后()个工作日内披露实施进展情况。
A. 2
B. 5
C. 10
D. 15
3. 我国交易所市场的投资者以()为主。
A. 中小投资者
B. 证券公司
C. 基金公司
D. 投资公司
4. 非上市公众公司重大资产重组业务中,实现独立财务顾问与主办券商结合的主要目的是()。
A. 充分发挥财务顾问在重组过程中发挥的作用
B. 加强对非上市公众公司在重组过程中的监管
C. 促进非上市公众公司履行信息披露的义务
D. 降低公司重组成本
5. 《非上市公众公司收购管理办法》沿用或借鉴上市公司的主要制度
A. 收购人准入资格要求
B. 收购人的股份限售要求
C. 以信息披露为核心的自律监管制度
D. 控股股东或实际控制人退出的管理要求
6. 非上市公众公司重大资产重组的相关规定相对于上市公司,简化了
A. 不要求提供盈利预测、备考财务报告
B. 不要求在报刊披露决议和重组报告书摘要
C. 不要求董事会对评估情况发布意见
D. 不要求频繁披露重组进展
7. 根据《非上市公众公司重大资产重组管理办法》,非上市公众公司
A. 股票
B. 优先股
C. 可转换债券
D. 理财产品
8. 无论是在交易所市场,还是全国中小企业股份转让系统,并购重组
9. 根据《非上市公众公司重大资产重组管理办法》,非上市公众公司股东人数超过200人的,应当对出席会议的持股比例在10%以下的股东表决情况实施单独计票。
10. 根据《非上市公众公司收购管理办法》,在非上市公众公司收购中,收购人做出公开承诺事项的,应同时提出所承诺事项未能履行时的约束措施,并公开披露。