and Emil Sekerinski
Se questo è il primo satellite Orbi che si sta aggiungendo alla rete Orbi, attenersi alla seguente procedura:Posizionare il satellite Orbi nell'area centrale della casa per ottenere la migliorecopertura WiFi.Collegare il satellite Orbi a una fonte di alimentazione. Il LED di alimentazione sul pannello posteriore del satellite Orbi si illumina in verde. Se il LED di alimentazione non siaccende, premere il pulsante di alimentazione.2. Posizionare il satellite Orbi (prosegue)Se sono già stati impostati un router e un satellite Orbi sulla rete Orbi, seguirequesta procedura:Posizionare il satellite Orbi in un angolo della propria casa lontano dal router e satelliteOrbi esistenti, ma comunque all'interno dell'area di copertura del router e satellite Orbi.Se la propria abitazione ha più piani, posizionare il satellite Orbi su un piano diverso daquello del router e satellite Orbi esistenti.Collegare il satellite Orbi a una fonte di alimentazione. Il LED di alimentazione sulpannello posteriore del satellite Orbi si illumina in verde. Se il LED di alimentazione non si accende, premere il pulsante di alimentazione.Router Orbi Satellite OrbiRouter OrbiSatellite OrbiSatellite Orbi3. Sincronizzare il satellite OrbiAttendere circa due minuti prima che il LED circolare del satellite Orbi sia bianco fisso.Quindi, premere il pulsante Sync (Sincronizza) sul retro del satellite Orbi e, entro due minuti,premere il pulsante Sync (Sincronizza) sul retro del router Orbi.Il LED circolare del satellite Orbi si accende di colore bianco, in seguito il colore cambia in unodei seguenti colori per circa 3 minuti e quindi si spegne:BluIl router e il satellite Orbi sono stati sincronizzati correttamente e la connessione tra ilrouter e il satellite è buona.ArancioneIl router e il satellite Orbi sono stati sincronizzati correttamente e la connessione tra ilrouter e il satellite è sufficiente. Avvicinare il satellite Orbi al router Orbi.MagentaIl router e il satellite Orbi non sono stati sincronizzati. Spostare il satellite più vicino alrouter e riprovare.LED circolare (non mostrato nell'immagine)Pulsante Sync (Sincronizza) (utilizzato anche per la connessione WPS)Porte Ethernet Porta USBPulsante e LED di alimentazione Connettore di alimentazione CC Pulsante di ripristinoSupportoGrazie per aver acquistato questoprodotto NETGEAR. Visitare il sito Web /support per registrare il prodotto, ricevere assistenza, accedere ai download e manuali più recenti per l'utente e partecipare alla nostra community. Consigliamo di utilizzare solo risorse di assistenza NETGEAR ufficiali.Per consultare la Dichiarazione diconformità UE attuale, visitare la pagina: /app/answers/detail/a_id/11621/.Per informazioni sulla conformità alle normative, visitare il sito Web all'indirizzo /about/regulatory/.Prima di collegare l'alimentazione, consultare il documento relativo alla conformità normativa.NETGEAR INTL LTDBuilding 3, University Technology CentreCurraheen Road, Cork, IrlandaNETGEAR, Inc.350 East Plumeria Drive San Jose, CA 95134, Stati Uniti© NETGEAR, Inc. NETGEAR e il logo NETGEAR sono marchi di NETGEAR, Inc. Qualsiasi marchio non NETGEAR è utilizzato solo come riferimento.Ottobre 2016Tutto impostato!Satellite Orbi (modello RBS50)Alimentatore(varia in base all'area geografica)213421567。
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Skytech Sky200 Energy Monitoring System说明书
BOUTON MARCHE / ARRÊT :-Mise en marche : branchez le cordon d’alimentation sur une prise secteur.-Arrêt : débranchez le cordon d’alimentation de la prise secteur et appuyez sur le bouton Marche / Arrêt pendant plus de 2 s. REMARQUE : L ’appareil ne peut pas être arrêté lorsqu’il est branché sur le secteur ou qu’un enregistrement est en cours.Entrées de tensionEmplacement des pions de couleur Cordon secteur Logement Carte SD ConnexionUSB Ethernet RJ 45Entrées de courantPEL 103(PEL 103 uniquement) :Permet de parcourir et de sélectionner l’affichage des données.BOUTON SÉLECTION :Met en marche ou arrête la session d’enregistrement et active ou désactive la liaison Bluetooth.La fonction s’obtient par un appui de 2 s sur le bouton SÉLECTION , ce qui allume successivement le voyant REC pendant 3 s, puis le voyant Bluetooth.VOYANT REC (DÉCLENCHEMENT / ARRÊT)-Le relâchement du bouton lorsque le voyant est allumé lance l’enregistrement (s’il était arrêté) -Le relâchement du bouton lorsque le voyant est éteint arrête l’enregistrement (s’il était en cours)VOYANT BLUETOOTH (MARCHE / ARRÊT)-Le relâchement du bouton lorsque le voyant est allumé active Bluetooth (s’il était désactivé)-Le relâchement du bouton lorsque le voyant est éteint désactive Bluetooth (s’il était activé)754321698Installation de DataView ®NE CONNECTEZ PAS L’INSTRUMENT AU PC AVANT D’AVOIR INSTALLÉ LES LOGICIELS ET LES PILOTES.1.Branchez le CD dans son lecteur.Si l’exécution automatique est activée, le programme démarre automatiquement dans votre navigateur. Si l’exé-cution automatique n’est pas activée, sélectionnez Start.html dans D:\SETUP (si votre lecteur de CD-ROM est le lecteur D ; sinon, remplacez D par la lettre de lecteur appropriée).2. Sélectionnez votre langue et cliquez sur ENTRÉE . Autorisez votre navigateur à ouvrir le fichier.3. Sélectionnez la colonne Logiciel.4.Sélectionnez DataView ou PEL Transfer si vous ne souhaitez installer que PEL Transfer.5. Téléchargez le fichier et décompressez-le.6. Sélectionnez Setup.exe et suivez les instructions.REMARQUE : Pour des instructions d’installation complètes, reportez-vous au manuel fourni sur le CD-ROM.Carte SDIntroduisez la carte SD fournie dans le PEL.Le PEL prend en charge les cartes SD (jusqu’à 2 Go) et SDHC (entre 4 et 32 Go).• Une carte de 2 Go peut contenir 4 semaines d’enregistrements si vous n’enregistrez pas les harmoniques.• Lorsque la carte SD est dans l’appareil, il est possible de la formater, dans certaines conditions, lorsquevous êtes connecté à Dataview ®.• Un formatage est possible sans restriction si la carte est inséréedans un PC en utilisant le lecteur de carte fourni.• L’extraction à chaud est possible si aucun enregistrementn’est en cours.Ouverture de PEL Transfer• Branchez le cordon d’alimentation sur une prise secteur.L’appareil se met en marche.• Raccordez le PEL au PC avec le câble USB fourni. Attendez queles pilotes aient fini de s’installer avant de continuer.• Double-cliquez sur l’icône du PEL sur le bureau pour ouvrirPEL Transfer.• Sélectionnez l’icône Ajouter un appareil dans la barred’outil ou dans le menu principal Appareil .• Suivez les instructions de l’assistant Ajouter un appareil . SiPEL Transfer ne détecte pas l’appareil dans la liste déroulante, cliquez sur le bouton Actualiser ou débranchez, puis rebranchez le câble USB.• Lorsque la connexion avec l’appareil est établie, le nom de cedernier doit s’afficher sur le côté gauche de la fenêtre dans la branche Réseau PEL de l’arborescence.Configuration de l’appareilPour configurer votre PEL, sélectionnez l’appareil dans le répertoire Réseau PEL.Ouvrez la boîte de dialogue Configurer l’appareil en cliquant sur l’icône Configurer dans la barre d’outils,dans le menuAppareil ou dans la zone État .Cette boîte de dialogue comporte cinq onglets :• Général : Comporte des champs permettant d’attribuer des libellés à l’appareil, des options de commanded’arrêt automatique, de commande de l’afficheur LCD, de boutons de fonctionnement, de réglage de l’horloge et de formatage de la carte SD.• Communication : Options relatives à la liaison Bluetooth et au réseau LAN.• Mesure : Sélection du système de distribution, rapport des tensions, sélection de la fréquence et réglagedes capteurs de courant.• Enregistrement :Options de sélection des paramètres d’enregistrement.• Compteurs : Réinitialisation des compteurs et options de réinitialisation des compteurs d’énergie partielle.Cliquez sur le boutonpour transférer sur l’appareil la nouvelle configuration.Exemple de répertoire Réseau PELInstallation des sondes et des capteurs de courantDouze jeux de bagues et de pions de couleurs sont fournis avec l’appareil. Utilisez-les pour identifier les sondes et les bornes d’entrée.• Détachez les pions et placez-les dans les trous sous les bornes (les grands pour les bornes de courant, les petits pour les bornes de tension).• Clipsez une bague de la même couleur à l’extrémité de la sonde qui sera branchée sur la borne.• Mesure du courant : connecteurs 4 points I1, I2, I3• Mesure de la tension : bornes V1, V2, V3 et NLes sondes de mesure doivent être connectées au circuit à surveiller selon le schéma de branchement sélectionné. N’oubliez pas de définir le rapport de transformation lorsque nécessaire.MontageLe PEL comporte des aimants incorporés qui permettent de le fixer sur une surface magnétique.Lancement d’un enregistrement (Marche / Arrêt)Pour lancer un enregistrement, procédez de l’une des manières suivantes :• Dans PEL Transfer : Sélectionnez l’option appropriée dans l’onglet Enregistrement de la boîte de dialogue Configuration. L’appareil peut être configuré pour déclencher un enregistrement soit à une date et une heure future, soit immédiatement après écriture de la configuration sur l’appareil.• Sur l’appareil : Appuyez sur le bouton SÉLECTION et maintenez-le appuyé jusqu’à ce que le voyant vert s’allume, puis relâchez-le. L’appareil démarre l’enregistrement selon les réglages de configuration précédents. Pour arrêter un enregistrement, procédez de l’une des manières suivantes :• Dans PEL Transfer : Dans le menu, sélectionnez Appareil > Arrêter l’enregistrement .• Sur l’appareil : Appuyez sur le bouton SÉLECTION et maintenez-le enfoncé jusqu’à ce que le voyant vert s’allume, puis relâchez-le.Affichage de l’enregistrementLes données enregistrées peuvent être transférées de deux manières sur le PC pour y être affichées et pour générer des rapports :• La carte SD peut être retirée de l’appareil et branchée sur le PC via le lecteur de carte SD fourni. Lancez PEL Transfer, sélectionnez la commande Ouvrir dans le menu Fichier, pointez le fichier ICP portant le numéro de session souhaité sur la carte SD et sélectionnez Ouvrir.• Connexion directe entre le PC et le PEL (USB, réseau ou Bluetooth). Lancez PEL Transfer, ouvrez une connexion vers l’appareil, sélectionnez-le (veillez à ce qu’il soit connecté) dans l’arborescence, puis sélectionnez Sessions enregistrées. Double-cliquez sur la session d’enregistrement souhaitée.Le téléchargement terminé, sélectionnez le test téléchargé et cliquez sur le bouton Ouvrir dans la boîte de dialogue Téléchargement. Dans les deux cas, la session s’ajoute à Mes sessions ouvertes dans l’arborescence. Les données peuvent alors être affichées.09 - 2012Code 693779A01 - Ed. 1。
描写江布柆克的英语作文Jambudvipa, as a remote and scarcely populated region in the heart of the Himalayas, is a land of mystery and awe. Located in the eastern part of Tibet, it is a place where traditional Tibetan culture and customs are still strictly preserved. The rugged landscape, with its soaring snow-capped mountains, deep valleys, and pristine lakes, is an awe-inspiring sight to behold.The warmth and hospitality of the local people is truly remarkable. The villagers, who mainly belong to the ethnic Tibetan community, are known for their simple and honest wayof life. They are hardworking and resourceful, relying on traditional farming and animal husbandry for their livelihood. Their homes, made of stone and wood, are built to withstandthe harsh climate of the region.The culture of Jambudvipa is deeply rooted in Tibetan Buddhism. Monasteries and temples are scattered throughout the region, where monks and nuns dedicate their lives to prayer, meditation, and study. The spiritual atmosphere that permeates the land is palpable, and visitors are often overwhelmed by a sense of peace and tranquility.The traditional festivals and rituals of Jambudvipa are a sight to behold. Colorful prayer flags flutter in the wind, and the sound of chanting and drumming fills the air. One of the most important festivals is Losar, the Tibetan New Year, which is celebrated with great fervor and enthusiasm. It is a time for feasting, dancing, and religious ceremonies, and the entire community comes together to mark the occasion.The wildlife of Jambudvipa is equally captivating. The region is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, including rare species such as the snow leopard, Himalayan blue sheep, and Tibetan antelope. The pristine naturalenvironment, with its clear streams and lush meadows, is a haven for nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts.In recent years, Jambudvipa has started to attract a small but growing number of adventurous travelers. Trekking, mountain climbing, and wildlife watching are popular activities, and the region offers some of the most spectacular and challenging routes in the Himalayas. The opportunity to experience the raw beauty of the landscape and immerse oneself in the rich culture of the local community is a unique and rewarding experience.Despite its remoteness, Jambudvipa is not untouched by the modern world. Infrastructure development and connectivity are gradually improving, and there are efforts to promote sustainable tourism and economic development in the region. However, the delicate balance between modernization and preservation of traditional values and way of life is achallenge that the local community and authorities must carefully navigate.In conclusion, Jambudvipa is a land of breathtaking beauty, rich culture, and profound spirituality. It is a place where time seems to stand still, and where the purity of nature and the resilience of the human spirit are intertwined. For those seeking an authentic and transformative travel experience, Jambudvipa is truly a destination like no other.。
AVVIO RAPIDO Router mobili 5G 安装指南说明书
Per caricare la batteria, collegare il cavo USB al router mobile, quindi collegarlo a una presa a muro utilizzando l'adattatore di alimentazione CA o una porta USB del computer.Assicurarsi che l'orientamento della scheda nano SIM coincida con l'orientamento indicato sull'etichetta del dispositivo e inserirla delicatamente, quindi posizionare la batteria e il coperchio posteriore.NOTA: utilizzare solo le dita per inserire o rimuovere la scheda nano SIM. L'utilizzo di altri oggetti potrebbe danneggiare il dispositivo.1. COM'È FATTO IL DISPOSITIVO2. INSTALLAZIONE DELLA SIM E DELLA BATTERIAIl router mobile viene fornito con i seguenti componenti:• Router mobile Nighthawk® M6 o M6 Pro 5G*• Coperchio della batteria • Batteria• Cavo USB Tipo C• Alimentatore (varia in base all’area geografica)• Adattatori con presa Tipo C (per la maggior parte dei Paesi europei)•Adattatori con presa Tipo G (per il Regno Unito)*Illustrazioni del modello Nighthawk M6 per scopi illustrativi.antenna esterna (TS-9)antenna esterna (TS-9)USB Tipo CEthernetCONFORMITÀ NORMATIVA E NOTE LEGALIPer informazioni sulla conformità alle normative, compresala Dichiarazione di conformità UE, visitare il sito Web https:///it/about/regulatory/.Prima di collegare l'alimentazione, consultare il documento relativo alla conformità normativa.Può essere applicato solo ai dispositivi da 6 GHz: utilizzare il dispositivo solo in un ambiente al chiuso. L'utilizzo di dispositivi a 6 GHz è vietato su piattaforme petrolifere, automobili, treni, barche e aerei, tuttavia il suo utilizzo è consentito su aerei di grandi dimensioni quando volano sopra i 3000 metri di altezza. L'utilizzo di trasmettitori nella banda 5.925‑7.125 GHz è vietato per il controllo o le comunicazioni con sistemi aerei senza equipaggio.SUPPORTO E COMMUNITYDalla pagina del portale di amministrazione Web, fare clic sull'icona con i tre puntini nell'angolo in alto a destra per accedere ai file della guida e del supporto.Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare il sito per accedere al manuale dell'utente completo e per scaricare gli aggiornamenti del firmware.È possibile trovare utili consigli anche nella Community NETGEAR, alla pagina /it.GESTIONE DELLE IMPOSTAZIONI TRAMITE L'APP NETGEAR MOBILEUtilizzare l'app NETGEAR Mobile per modificare il nome della rete Wi-Fi e la password. È possibile utilizzarla anche per riprodurre e condividere contenutimultimediali e accedere alle funzioni avanzate del router mobile.1. Accertarsi che il dispositivo mobile sia connesso a Internet.2. Eseguire la scansione del codice QR per scaricare l'appNETGEAR Mobile.Connessione con il nome e la password della rete Wi-Fi 1. Aprire il programma di gestione della rete Wi‑Fi deldispositivo.2. Individuare il nome della rete Wi‑Fi del router mobile(NTGR_XXXX) e stabilire una connessione.3. Only Connessione tramite EthernetPer prolungare la durata della batteria, l'opzione Ethernet è disattivata per impostazione predefinita. Per attivarla, toccare Power Manager (Risparmio energia) e passare a Performance Mode (Modalità performance).4. CONNESSIONE A INTERNETÈ possibile connettersi a Internet utilizzando il codice QR del router mobile da uno smartphone oppure selezionando manualmente il nome della rete Wi‑Fi del router e immettendo la password.Connessione tramite codice QR da uno smartphone 1. Toccare l'icona del codice QR sulla schermata inizialedello schermo LCD del router mobile.NOTA: quando è inattivo, lo schermo touch si oscura per risparmiare energia. Premere brevemente e rilasciare il pulsante di alimentazione per riattivare lo schermo.3. CONFIGURAZIONE DEL ROUTER MOBILETenere premuto il pulsante di accensione per due secondi, quindi seguire le istruzioni visualizzate sullo schermo per impostare un nome per la rete Wi‑Fi e una password univoci.La personalizzazione delle impostazioni Wi‑Fi consente di proteggere la rete Wi‑Fi del router mobile.Impostazioni APNIl router mobile legge i dati dalla scheda SIM e determina automaticamente le impostazioni APN (Access Point Name) corrette con i piani dati della maggior parte degli operatori. Tuttavia, se si utilizza un router mobile sbloccato con un operatore o un piano meno comune, potrebbe essere necessario immettere manualmente le impostazioni APN.Se viene visualizzata la schermata APN Setup Required (Configurazione APN richiesta), i dati APN dell’operatore non sono presenti nel nostro database ed è necessario inserirli manualmente. Immettere i valori fornitidall’operatore nei campi corrispondenti, quindi toccare Save (Salva) per completare la configurazione.NOTA: l’operatore determina le proprie informazioni APN e deve fornire le informazioni per il proprio piano dati. Si consiglia di contattare il proprio operatore per le impostazioni APN corrette e di utilizzare solo l’APN suggerito per il piano specifico.Schermata inizialeAl termine della configurazione, il router visualizza la schermata iniziale:Wi‑FiPotenza Carica Rete Codice QR connessione rapida Wi‑FiNome e Wi‑FiIcona del codice QR。
布宜诺斯艾利斯:南美洲的文化与风情之都Buenos Aires, the vibrant capital of Argentina, is acity that embodies the essence of Latin America. This enchanting metropolis is renowned for its rich cultural heritage, vibrant street life, and captivating architecture. From its colonial past to its modern-day transformation, Buenos Aires offers a glimpse into the diverse and dynamic history of South America.The city's architecture is a testament to its colonial roots, with many buildings displaying European influences. The Obelisco, a towering monument in the heart of the city, is a symbol of Buenos Aires' pride and grandeur. It stands as a reminder of the city's resilience and growth over the centuries.But Buenos Aires is not just about its historical landmarks; it's also a city that thrives on its vibrant street life. The city's avenidas and plazas are filled with the sounds and sights of everyday life. People gather in cafes, discuss politics, and enjoy the city's famouspastries and coffee. The city's parks and gardens provide aserene oasis for those seeking a break from the hustle and bustle.Culture is at the heart of Buenos Aires, and the city is home to numerous museums, theatres, and art galleries. The Teatro Colón, one of the world's most renowned opera houses, is a testament to the city's dedication to the performing arts. The Museo de Arte Latinoamericano, meanwhile, showcases the rich artistic heritage of Latin America.Food is another integral part of Buenos Aires' charm. The city is renowned for its steakhouses, serving up some of the best beef in the world. But Argentine cuisine is not just about meat; it's also about the flavors and traditions that have been passed down through generations. From empanadas to asado, Buenos Aires offers a taste of Argentina's diverse culinary traditions.Sports also play a significant role in the city's culture. Buenos Aires is the heart of Argentine football, and fans are passionate about their local teams. The city's stadiums are often filled to capacity during matches, creating an atmosphere that is truly electric.But beyond its cultural and culinary offerings, Buenos Aires is also a city of contrasts. It's a place where theold and the new coexist, where traditional values are balanced with modern sensibilities. This unique blend ofold and new gives Buenos Aires a charm that is truly unforgettable.In conclusion, Buenos Aires is a city that has it all.It's a cultural melting pot that offers a glimpse into the rich history and vibrant present of South America. Whether you're interested in architecture, art, food, or sports, Buenos Aires has something for everyone. This captivating city is sure to leave a lasting impression on any visitor.**布宜诺斯艾利斯:南美洲的文化与风情之都**布宜诺斯艾利斯,阿根廷的首都,是一座充满活力的城市,充分展现了拉丁美洲的精髓。
广东省华附省实广雅深中四校2023-2024学年高二下学期期末联考英语试题一、单项选择1.After months of hard work and preparation, the company finally saw its business ________, attracting numerous investments.A.take up B.take over C.take off D.take in2.________ in the planning process for the group project will leave team members feeling disconnected and unproductive.A.Not involving B.Not involvedC.Not having involved D.Not being involved3.It is reported that a new wildlife conservation area has been established in ________ was once known for deforestation to protect endangered species.A.what B.which D.where4.________ a healthy eating habit, and you can feel more energetic and improve your well-being.A.Have B.To have C.Having D.Had5.________ unique project, ________ of a series of experiments, is designed to investigate the potential of AI in identifying medical conditions.A.An; consists B.A; consists C.An; consisting D.A; consisting 6.The thrilling moment ________ Susan cherishes most is ________ she reached the peak of the mountain and appreciated the untouched wilderness below.A.that; when B.which; why C.where; when D.what; why 7.The new Guangzhou Cultural Museum, ________ a collection of historical relics from various dynasties, ________ visitors with its rich cultural heritage.A.housing; collects B.featuring; attracts C.displayed; gathersD.contained; fascinates8.By the time she ________ next year, Sarah ________ three internships, giving her a strong foundation for her career in finance.A.graduate; will complete B.graduates; will have completedC.graduated; will be completed D.graduating; will be completing9.________ mutual understanding, cultural exchange programs ________ among the countries participating in the meeting currently.A.Strengthening; is introduced B.Strengthened; is being introducedC.Having strengthened; are introduced D.To strengthen; are being introduced10.________ the weather is like, the marathon will continue as planned, with participants________ to prepare for rain or shine.A.Whatever; advised B.However; advisedC.No matter what; being advised D.No matter how; being advised11.A recent survey ________ 60% of US respondents believed social media platforms were evolving too fast, ________ 80% urged caution in introducing new features.A.shows, since B.has shown, so C.showed, while D.had shown, as 12.________ data leaks have become more common, worries about privacy are growing, and the chance ________ a person’s private details are at risk is getting higher.A.Given that; whether B.Now that; thatC.But that; whether D.Except that; that13.The information board ________ that all drones (无人机) under 250 grams must be registered with the local flight agency before ________ in public areas.A.reads; flew; being flown C.reads; flying; flying14.________ governments have addressed the problem of affordable housing ________ their commitment to providing accessible living options for all citizensA.What; reflects B.That; reflects C.There; reflected D.Whether; reflected 15.Novels by authors such as Dickens and Austen are widely read, some of ________ works, however, are sometimes difficult ________.A.which, to comprehend B.whose, to comprehendC.which, to be comprehended D.whose, to be comprehended二、阅读理解There are many scientific breakthroughs made by women in the Antarctic. Here are four landmarks in Antarctica and the female pioneers they’re named after.Jones TerraceThe ice-free terrace in eastern Antarctica’s Victoria Land bears Jones’ name. In 1969, geochemist Lois M. Jones led the first all-female research team from the U. S. to work in Antarctica. Jones and her team studied chemical weathering in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, an ice-free area of Antarctica. Through chemical analyses of rocks they had collected, Jones and her team discovered many geochemical characteristics of the valley’s ice-covered lakes.Mount Fiennes8,202-foot-high Mount Fiennes, located on Antarctica’s largest island — Alexander Island — is named after Ginny Fiennes. She established and maintained 80-foot-tall radio towers in the Antarctic with her colleagues. In 1985, Fiennes became the first female invited to join the Antarctic Club, a British supper club open to individuals who have spent extended time in the Antarctic region.Francis PeakThe 3,727-foot-tall peak on Antarctica’s Adelaide Island is named after Dame Jane Francis, who is the first female director of the British Antarctic Survey, the national polar research institute of the UK. Her collection of fossils on Seymour Island helped conclude in a 2021 paper that Antarctica’s abundant plant fossils indicate the continent once had a much warmer climate than it currently does.Peden CliffsPeden Cliffs near Antarctica’s Marie Byrd Land are proof of the labor of Irene Peden. She was the first American female scientist to both live and work in the Antarctic, where she used radio waves to study ice sheets. Peden and her team determined how very low frequency radio wave spread over long polar distances by measuring pathways in the ice. They also used varying radio wave frequencies to measure the thickness of Antarctica’s ice sheets.16.What do the first two pioneers have in common?A.They analyzed different chemicals of rocks in Antarctica.B.They both worked with their own team in Antarctica.C.They conducted the research in the ice-free areas in Antarctica.D.They joined the Antarctic Club for their stay in Antarctica.17.Who proved the previous higher temperatures of the Antarctic?A.Lois M. Jones.B.Ginny Fiennes.C.Dame Jane Francis.D.Irene Peden.18.What is the scientific breakthrough of Irene Peden?A.She was the first American scientist to explore the Antarctic.B.She measured the spreading frequencies of radio waves.C.She found out the thickness of Antarctica’s ice sheets.D.She discovered a lot of ice-covered lakes in the Antarctic.Canadian author Alice Munro, a master of the contemporary short story, passed away on May 13, 2024, at 92.Munro’s texts featured depictions of everyday but decisive events, pulling vast themes out of ordinary settings. Her characters often mirrored her own rural Ontario lifestyle. In an interview after winning the Nobel Prize, she said that living in a small town gave her the freedom to write. “I don’t think I could have been so brave if I had been living in a city, competing with people on what can be called a generally higher cultural level,” she said. “As far as I knew, at least for a while, I was the only person I knew who wrote stories.”Munro’s first short story was published when she was 37, a college dropout squeezing in writing time around her children’s naps. By the time she was in her 60s, she had become one of the most celebrated short-story writers in the world. Throughout her long career, she hardly ever failed to wow readers and critics with her quietly powerful language. In reviewing her last collection, Dear Life, NPR critic Alan Cheuse wrote “A Munro story gives us so much life within the bounds of a single tale that it nourishes (滋养) us almost as much as a novel does.”In a literary culture that tends to celebrate novels over shorter fiction, Munro has been a constant advocate for the power of the short story. In the interview, Munro emphasized the significance of her win not for herself, but for her art form: “I really hope this would make people see the short story as an important art, not just something you play around with until you get a novel written.”When asked “Do you want young women to be inspired by your books and feel inspired to write?” Munro replied, “I don’t care about that. I want people to find not so much inspiration as great joy. I want them to think of my books as related to their own lives in ways.”19.Why did Munro feel free to write while living in rural areas?A.She was inspired by rural landscape and lifestyles.B.She was free from stress of a more cultured setting.C.She had more courage to compete with urban writers.D.She had access to ordinary people and decisive events.20.What did Alan Cheuse say about Munro’s stories in Dear Life?A.They promote readers’ mental well-being.B.They have broken the length limit of short stories.C.They impress readers with quietly powerful language.D.They offer richness and depth in shorter format.21.How did Munro view the short story in literary culture?A.It is more powerful than novels.B.It is a way of entertainment for young writers.C.It is as important an art form as novels.D.It is an inspiration for young writers. 22.What did Munro want readers to get by reading her books?A.Inspiration to become writers themselves.B.Enjoyment and connection to their own lives.C.Pleasure and motivation to change their lives.D.Information about art forms and literary culture.Handwriting notes in class might seem old-fashioned as digital technology affects nearly every aspect of learning. But a recent study in Frontiers in Psychology suggests that taking notes with pen and paper is still the best way to learn, especially for young children.The new research builds on a 2014 study that suggested people may type notes quickly, without thinking much about what they’re writing-but writing by hand is slower and makes them actively pay attention to and process the incoming information. This conscious action of building on existing knowledge can make it easier for students to stay engaged and grasp new concepts.To understand specific brain-activity differences during the two note-taking approaches, the authors of the new study sewed 256 electrodes (电极) into a hairnet. These sensors let the scientists record 36 students’ brain activity as they wrote or typed words displayed on a screen. When students wrote by hand, the sensors picked up widespread brain connectivity throughout visual regions that receive and process sensory information, and the motor cortex (运动皮层) that helps the brain use environmental inputs to inform a person’s next action. Typing, however, resulted in minimal activity in these brain regions.Vanderbilt University educational neuroscientist Sophia Vinci-Booher says the recent studyhighlights the clear tie between physical actions and concept understanding, “As you’re writing a word, you’re taking this continuous understanding of something and using motor system to create it.” That creation then affects the visual system, where it’s processed again-strengthening the connection between an action and the words associated with it.Vinci-Booher notes that the new findings don’t mean technology is always a disadvantage in the classroom. Digital devices can be more efficient for writing essays and offer more equal access to educational resources. However, there’s a growing trend of relying on digital devices to perform cognitive (认知的) tasks, such as taking photos instead of memorizing information. Yadurshana Sivashankar, an researcher at the University of Waterloo says, “If we’re not actively using these areas, then they are going to become worse over time, whether it’s memory or motor skills.”23.Why does the author mention the 2014 study?A.To present different research findings.B.To make the new research more convincing C.To compare two note taking approaches.D.To show the advantage of writing slowly 24.What can be learned from the experiment in Paragraph 3?A.Sensors were used to process visual information.B.Electrodes were connected to students’ hair directly.C.Writing by hand activated more brain activity than typing.D.Typing stimulated the motor cortex to inform following action.25.What would Sophia Vinci-Booher probably advise students to do?A.Make better use of motor system.B.Take advantage of digital devices.C.Adopt a new approach to taking notes.D.Memorize words by writing essays. 26.What is the main idea of the text?A.Technology is not a disadvantage in classroom.B.Writing by hand comes with learning benefits.C.Taking notes enhances students’ brain activity.D.Two note-taking approaches have clear differences.The more scientists investigate the microbes (微生物) living inside us, the more they learn about the surprising impact of the tiny organisms on how we look, act, think, and feel. Are ourhealth and well-being really driven by the bacteria, viruses and fungi that live in our intestines (肠), in our lungs, on our skin, on our eyeballs? What a weird concept — that the bugs we carry around appear to be essential to establishing the basic nature of who we are.The effects of the microbiome, the microorganisms that exist in human body, can be profound and can start incredibly early. In a study, scientists showed that something supposedly as natural as a child’s character might be related to the bacteria in an infant’s digestive system; the more Bifidobacterium (双歧杆菌) there are, the sunnier the baby is. This observation, from the University of Turku in Finland, is based on an analysis of samples from 301 babies. Those with the highest proportion of Bifidobacterium organisms at two months old were more likely to exhibit a trait the researchers called “positive emotionality” at six months old.Microbiome science is still relatively young. Most studies so far have been initial and small-scale, involving only a dozen or so mice or humans. Scientists have found associations between the microbiome and disease but can’t yet draw clear cause-and-effect conclusions about our extensive collection of microorganisms and their effects on us as hosts. Still, the collection itself is mind-boggling — it’s now thought to be around 38 trillion microbes for a typical young adult male, slightly more than the number of actual human cells. And the prospects for putting that collection to use are more than promising.In the not-too-distant future, according to the most enthusiastic researchers, it might be a routine for us to take a dose of healthy microbes in various forms. Hopefully, with the help of new medical advances, we will be able to achieve our full potential by functioning at peak levels internally and externally.27.What can we learn about microbiome?A.The development of microbiome is quite mature nowadays.B.The more Bifidobacterium an adult has, the healthier one is.C.More microbes than human cells are present in young men.D.Microbes have little influence on shaping our identity28.What does the underlined word “mind-boggling” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A.Weakening.B.Astonishing.C.Disturbing.D.Misleading. 29.What can be inferred from the text?A.It’s necessary to remove certain fungi from our body.B.2-month-old babies are often more positive than 6-month-old ones.C.New supplements related to microbiome are likely being developedD.The relationship between microorganisms and disease remains unclear.30.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A.How microbes benefit our health.B.How microbes shape our lives.C.What affects early childhood.D.What Turku University reveals about microbes.On a large scale, making the world a better place can seem challenging. 31 As a leader, your perspectives and ideas can directly impact your community for the better. Here are some ways to make an impact and grow your leadership through emotional intelligence.32 Being able to provide a safe space through deep listening creates trust, which lays the foundation for meaningful relationships and fruitful partnerships. As a result, people are more likely to share openly and honestly. Empathy and listening will increase the quality of your relationships and skyrocket your results.Making a positive impact can also be as simple as taking the time to acknowledge and inspire someone into action. Taking time to acknowledge someone by letting them know you see their efforts and talents. 33 An example of what this could sound like is, “Wow! I am blown away by your project. What I see possible for you is to share with the rest of the team how to do it too.”Get involved with your already existing communities and networking circles. Start by connecting with your peers and ask them about causes they’re already involved in. 34 There is almost no limit to the impact you can create contributing to a cause that matters to you and your peers. With a little time, you can make a big difference.Sharing your knowledge and strengths is another essential skill. When you share with others, you’re teaching them something special about you and your journey. Imagine what would be possible if your community was in the mode of cooperation and contribution. This approach creates new ideas and opportunities. 35A.Show your kindness and respect to others.B.This informs them that they are appreciated.C.As your conversation continues, ask what is needed.D.Support your friends and colleagues by listening actively.E.When you are in contribution to others, you make a positive impact.F.As a leader, you have your own unique set of strengths and knowledge.G.One person may not change the world, but you can make a positive impact daily.三、完形填空At one night in July 2020 in Reykjavik, Halli was wandering around the city’s main street with his wife and two kids. During their walk, his three-year-old son was 36 and wanted a drink from the corner store. But Halli soon discovered he couldn’t help with the 37 request: A 20-centimetre step 38 his access to the store.The barrier was all too 39 . Born with muscular dystrophy (肌肉萎缩), which causes progressive 40 and loss of muscle, Halli, now 46, has been using a wheelchair since he was 25.As he 41 his wife and children outside the shop, he recalls, “I thought about how very strange it is that we always 42 families in this way.”Living all over the world as a creative director and digital designer, Halli had 43 first hand how different cities consider and plan for accessibility, from ramps (坡道) and sidewalks to public transportation. He decided to start with a project to make Iceland wheelchair 44 .Ramp Up Reykjavik launched as a non-profit in 2021 with a 45 to build 100 ramps within 1 year. Unlike temporary solutions in other cities, these ramps are 46 structures that match the beauty of buildings.With the help of government funding and other sponsors, the Ramp Up team finished ahead of schedule and has 47 its scope to all of Iceland. In three short years, Hali has become a 48 in his hometown. Halli is proud that Ramp Up has 49 others to act. “Equal access to society is 50 not something that is a reality yet,” says Hali. But as he’s learned, change starts with just one person.36.A.anxious B.thirsty C.exhausted D.hungry37.A.special B.funny C.simple D.childish 38.A.replaced B.ruined C.supported D.blocked 39.A.surprising B.familiar C.unique D.complex 40.A.weakness B.depression C.strength D.trouble 41.A.waited for B.listened to C.worried about D.searched for 42.A.reject B.protect C.separate D.connect 43.A.ignored B.recorded C.questioned D.witnessed 44.A.accessible B.attractive C.effective D.practical 45.A.treatment B.limitation C.goal D.rule 46.A.convenient B.permanent C.formal D.useful 47.A.broadened B.hidden C.narrowed D.deepened 48.A.master B.legend C.success 49.A.prevented B.persuaded C.forced D.motivated 50.A.fortunately B.definitely C.eventually D.regularly四、语法填空语法填空When discussing global education systems, Finland stands out for 51 (it) high-ranking performance in international assessments and holistic (全面的) approach to education. The Finnish curriculum prioritizes essential life skills such as 52 (creative), cooperation, critical thinking, and communication. Additionally, Finnish schools 53 (emphasis) social and emotional skills like empathy and self-confidence, ensuring students are well-rounded and prepared for real-world challenges.Finland’s education system values cooperation 54 competition, fostering a cooperative learning environment 55 students learn from and support each other. Meanwhile, Finnish teachers enjoy freedom to design their course, which allows them 56 (tailor) their teaching methods to meet their students’ unique needs. This trust in teachers, combined with the cooperative learning environment, 57 (promote) innovation, continuous improvement, and collective responsibility for student success.58 , to imitate Finland’s success requires careful consideration of contextual factors and systemic differences. Finland’s model shows that comprehensive education, 59 (profession) trust, and cooperation are key to 60 (secure) long-term student success.五、书信写作61.上周六,你校组织了“走进社区”实践活动。
R EGISTRADORES DED ATOSU S e conecta directamente al puerto USB para una fácil configuración y descarga de datos, no se requiere cable USB U A cepta termopares de tipo J, K o T U 2 umbrales de alarma programables por el usuarioU I ndicación de LED rojo, verde y naranja brillantes U A dvertencia de batería bajaEl registrador de datos OM-EL-USB-TC mide y almacena más de 32.000 lecturas de temperatura de un termopar tipo J, tipo K o tipo T que se conecta a un receptáculo miniatura hembra para termopar en la base de la unidad. El usuario puede establecer fácilmente los parámetros de registro de datos iniciales, incluido tipo de termopar, velocidad de registro, hora de inicio, configuraciones de alarma alta/baja, modo de registro y unidades de temperatura deseadas(°C o °F) y también descargar los datos almacenados conectando el módulo en el puerto USB de un ordenador y ejecutando el software para Windows fácil de usar.Posteriormente, los datos se pueden mostrar en un gráfico, imprimirse y exportarse a otras aplicaciones como Excel. El registrador de datos se proporciona con una batería de litio de larga duración. El estado del registrador de datos se indica por medio del parpadeo de luces LED rojas, verdes y naranjas. Especificaciones Variación de medición de temperatura:T ipo J: -130 a 900 °C (-202 a 1.652 °F) Tipo K: -200 a 1.300 °C (-328 a 2.372 °F) Tipo T: -200 a 350 °C (-328 a 662 °F)Resolución: 0,5 °C (1 °F)Precisión: ±1,0 °C (±2,0 °F)Conexión del termopar: Conector subminiatura h embra para termopar Unidades de temperatura: °C o °F seleccionable en software Memoria: 32.000 lecturas Intervalo de registro: 1 seg., 10 seg., 1 min., 5 min., 30 min., 1 hora, 6 horas, 12 horas (seleccionable en software)Alarmas altas/bajas: Seleccionable en software Hora/fecha de inicio: Seleccionable en software Rango de temperatura de funcionamiento: -10 a 40 °C (-14 a 104 °F)Indicadores visuales (LED): 2 LED: el primer LED parpadea en color naranja para indicar un problema con el registrador de datos, por ejemplo batería baja; el seg-undo LED indica estado de alarma y parpadea en color verde (temperatura dentro de los límites) o en color rojo (temperatura fuera de los límites).Software: Windows ® 2000/XP/VIST A/7 (32 y 64 bits)Potencia: 1⁄2 batería de litio AA de 3,6 V (incluido)Vida útil de la batería: 6 meses (a 25 °C e intervalo de registro de 1 minuto)Peso: 43 g (1,5 onzas)Dimensiones: Vea la ilustración arriba, a la derecha Registrador de datos de termopar con interfaz USB configuración del software para Windows Soporte de bolsillo (incluido)Tapa de protección (incluido)operador en CD-ROM, tapa de protección, sujetador para bolsillo, termopar tipo K y batería de litio de 3,6 V .Ejemplo de pedido: OM-EL-USB-TC, registrador de datos de termopar con interfaz USB y OM-EL-BATT , batería de reemplazo.Incluye un termopar tipo K de alambre rebordeado aislado de 1 m (40") gratuito con conector subminiatura y soporte de carrete para alambre. Solicite un recambio Modelo Nº SC-GG-K-30-36.Se incluye termopar GRATUITO。
比尔坎宁安英语作文Here is an English essay with more than 1000 words, as requested. The title is "Bill Cunningham English Essay".Bill Cunningham was a renowned fashion photographer who captured the essence of style in the streets of New York City for over 40 years. His unique perspective and unparalleled eye for fashion transformed the way we view and understand the art of dressing. Through his lens, he documented the ever-evolving trends and the individualistic expressions of the people who defined them, creating a visual archive that has become an invaluable resource for fashion historians and enthusiasts alike.Born in 1929 in Boston, Massachusetts, Cunningham's journey into the world of fashion photography was not a conventional one. He initially pursued a career in the military, serving in the US Army during the Korean War. However, his true passion lay in the creative realm, and upon his return, he found himself drawn to the vibrant fashion scene of New York City.Cunningham's early years in the city were marked by a deep fascination with the fashion industry. He began his career as a hatdesigner, creating unique and whimsical pieces that caught the attention of the city's elite. It was during this time that he discovered his true calling – capturing the essence of fashion through the lens of a camera.In 1978, Cunningham began his iconic "On the Street" column for The New York Times, which would go on to become his most renowned and enduring work. Armed with his trusty Nikon camera, he would spend countless hours roaming the streets of New York, observing and documenting the sartorial choices of the city's residents. From the high-fashion runways to the everyday style of the common people, Cunningham's lens captured it all with an unparalleled eye for detail and a deep appreciation for the art of self-expression.Cunningham's approach to photography was unique and revolutionary. He eschewed the traditional methods of fashion photography, which often focused on the grandiose and the glamorous. Instead, he sought to capture the raw and authentic moments of everyday life, finding beauty in the unexpected and the unconventional. His images were a reflection of the true spirit of the city, a testament to the power of individuality and the transformative nature of fashion.One of the most striking aspects of Cunningham's work was hisunwavering dedication to his craft. He was a true master of his medium, constantly seeking out new and innovative ways to capture the ever-changing landscape of fashion. Whether he was braving the elements in the midst of a snowstorm or navigating the crowded streets of the city, Cunningham's commitment to his work never wavered.But Cunningham's impact extended far beyond the realm of fashion photography. He was a true visionary, a man who understood the profound impact that fashion could have on our lives. Through his work, he challenged the traditional notions of style and beauty, encouraging people to embrace their individuality and to express themselves through the clothes they wore.In many ways, Cunningham's legacy can be seen in the way we approach fashion today. The rise of street style photography and the increasing emphasis on personal expression in the fashion industry can be traced back to his groundbreaking work. He paved the way for a new generation of photographers and fashion enthusiasts, inspiring them to see the world through a different lens and to celebrate the beauty that exists in the everyday.Sadly, Cunningham passed away in 2016 at the age of 87, leaving behind a remarkable legacy that will continue to inspire and influence the world of fashion for generations to come. His imageshave become a testament to the power of observation and the beauty of the human spirit, reminding us all that true style is not about following the trends, but about embracing the unique and the extraordinary.As we reflect on the life and work of Bill Cunningham, we are reminded of the profound impact that a single individual can have on the world around them. Through his unwavering dedication and his unique perspective, Cunningham transformed the way we view and understand fashion, inspiring us to see the beauty in the everyday and to celebrate the power of self-expression. In a world that is often dominated by the pursuit of the extraordinary, Cunningham's work serves as a reminder that the true beauty lies in the simple and the ordinary, and that the greatest fashion statements are often the ones that are made without even trying.。
MINISTERIODE TRANSPORTES, MOVILIDAD Y AGENDA URBANAGUÍA PARA LA PRESENTACIÓN DE UNA DECLARACIÓN OPERACIONAL.(Art. 5 Reglamento de Ejecución (UE) 2019/947 de la Comisión, de 24 de mayo de 2019)(Versión 3, 31/03/2022)1. INTRODUCCIÓNDe acuerdo con lo establecido en el artículo 5 del Reglamento de Ejecución (UE) 2019/947 de la Comisión, de 24 de mayo de 2019, antes de la realización de operaciones de UAS en la categoría «específica» es necesario que el operador de UAS registrado en España obtenga una autorización operacional expedida por la Agencia Estatal de Seguridad Aérea (en adelante, AESA) o presente una declaración respecto a una operación que se ajuste a un escenario estándar, europeo o nacional, según corresponda.No se exigirá una autorización operacional o una declaración a aquellos operadores de UAS que posean un certificado de operador de UAS ligeros (LUC) con las facultades adecuadas.2. DECLARACIÓN OPERACIONALLos operadores de UAS podrán presentar ante AESA una declaración operacional de conformidad con un escenario estándar si su operación se puede acomodar dentro de alguno de los escenarios estándar publicados.Un escenario estándar es un tipo de operación de UAS dentro de la categoría «específica» respecto a la cual se ha determinado una lista precisa de medidas de atenuación.Los operadores de UAS podrán presentar declaraciones operacionales de conformidad con los escenarios estándar nacionales (STS-ES) publicados por AESA hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2023. Tales declaraciones dejarán de ser válidas el 31 de diciembre de 2025.A partir del 1 de enero de 2024, los operadores de UAS podrán presentar declaraciones operacionales de conformidad con los escenarios estándar europeos recogidos en el anexo I del Reglamento de Ejecución (UE) 2019/947 de la Comisión.2.1. ESCENARIOS ESTÁNDAR NACIONALES (STS-ES)En el ámbito de las operaciones de UAS a las que les es aplicable el Reglamento de Ejecución (UE) 2019/947 de la Comisión, AESA ha aprobado dos escenarios estándar nacionales (STS-ES) de aplicación únicamente en España (un STS-ES NO habilita para realizar ese tipo de operaciones en otro estado miembro de EASA).Estos escenarios estándar nacionales son análogos a los escenarios estándar europeos, con la salvedad principal de lo relativo al marcado CE y la identificación de clase. Así, para lograr un nivel equivalente de seguridad, se establecen una serie de requisitos técnicos y limitaciones operacionales adicionales.2.1.1.STS-ES-01. VLOS sobre una zona terrestre controlada en un entornopobladoPara operar al amparo de este escenario estándar nacional se debe cumplir con todos los requisitos y limitaciones definidos en el mismo. Pueden consultarse (aquí).A modo de resumen, se destaca lo siguiente:•Operaciones en entorno urbano sobre una zona terrestre controlada. Se define la zona terrestre controlada como aquella zona terrestre en la que se utiliza el UAS y en la que eloperador de UAS puede garantizar que solo estén presentes las personas participantes;•En un espacio aéreo no controlado(clase F o G), o en un espacio aéreo controlado, de conformidad con los procedimientos publicados respecto a la zona de la operación, deforma que esté garantizada la baja probabilidad de encontrar aeronaves tripuladas.• A una distancia máxima de 120 m del punto más cercano en la superficie terrestre;•Dentro del alcance visual del piloto VLOS a una distancia horizontal inferior a 100 m del piloto a distancia;•La aeronave no tripulada no llevará mercancías peligrosas;• A una velocidad respecto al suelo inferior a 5 m/s;•Por un piloto a distancia con los conocimientos teóricos y prácticos definidos para este escenario estándar, utilizando una única aeronave no tripulada a la vez y nunca desde unvehículo en movimiento;•Con una aeronave no tripulada con una MTOM inferior a 10kg que cumpla unos requisitos técnicos específicos;•De conformidad con el manual de operaciones del operador de UAS;2.1.2.STS-ES-02. BVLOS con observadores del espacio aéreo sobre una zonaterrestre controlada en un entorno poco pobladoPara operar bajo este escenario estándar se debe cumplir con todos los requisitos definidos en el mismo. Pueden consultarse (aquí).A modo de resumen, se destaca lo siguiente:•Operaciones en entorno poco poblado sobre una zona terrestre controlada;•En una zona en la que la visibilidad de vuelo mínima sea superior a 5 km;•En un espacio aéreo no controlado(clase F o G), previa publicación, con antelación suficiente, de un NOTAM para operaciones a más de 60 m de distancia del punto más cercanoen la superficie terrestre, o en un espacio aéreo controlado, de conformidad con losprocedimientos publicados respecto a la zona de la operación, de forma que estégarantizada la baja probabilidad de encontrar aeronaves tripuladas;• A una distancia máxima de 100 m del punto más cercano en la superficie terrestre;•La aeronave no tripulada no llevará mercancías peligrosas;• A una velocidad respecto al suelo inferior a 33 m/s;•Se realicen de conformidad con el manual de operaciones del operador de UAS;•Por un piloto a distancia con los conocimientos teóricos y prácticos definidos para este escenario estándar, utilizando una única aeronave no tripulada a la vez y nunca desde unvehículo en movimiento;•Con una aeronave no tripulada de MTOM inferior a 25kg que cumpla unos requisitos técnicos específicos;•Con la aeronave no tripulada visible para el piloto a distancia durante su lanzamiento y recuperación;•Si en ellas no interviene ningún observador del espacio aéreo, con la aeronave no tripulada volando a una distancia máxima de 1 km del piloto a distancia, y siguiendo una trayectoriaprogramada previamente cuando el piloto a distancia no la tenga en modo VLOS;•Si en ellas intervienen uno o varios observadores del espacio aéreo, cumpliendo las condiciones siguientes:—los observadores del espacio aéreo están colocados de forma que cubran adecuadamente el volumen operacional y el espacio aéreo circundante;—la aeronave no tripulada no se utiliza a más de 2 km del piloto a distancia;—la aeronave no tripulada no se utiliza a más de 1 km del observador del espacio aéreo más próximo a ésta;—la distancia entre cualquiera de los observadores del espacio aéreo y el piloto a distancia no es superior a 1 km;—se dispone de medios de comunicación sólidos y eficaces entre el piloto a distancia y los observadores del espacio aéreo.2.2.PROCEDIMIENTO DE PRESENTACIÓN DE UNA DECLARACIÓNLos operadores de UAS que deseen acogerse a un escenario estándar deberán presentar una declaración operacional de manera telemática a través de la sede electrónica de AESA (aquí):Para ello, es necesario seguir los siguientes pasos:1)Darse de alta como usuario en la sede electrónica de AESA.2)Una vez recibida la confirmación del alta, realizar la inscripción en el registro de operadores de UASdesde la misma aplicación. Se obtendrá en este punto un número de operador de UAS unívoco.3)Presentar la declaración operacional, incluyendo:a)Información administrativa actualizada sobre el operador de UAS;b)Las aeronaves no tripuladas que se utilizarán en el escenario estándar seleccionado;c)Una declaración de que la operación cumple los requisitos operacionales descritos en elescenario;d)El compromiso por parte del operador de UAS de aplicar todas las medidas de atenuaciónnecesarias para la seguridad de la operación, ye)Confirmación por parte del operador de UAS de que se dispondrá de un seguro adecuadopara cada vuelo realizado en el marco de la declaración.Esta declaración responsable podrá presentarse de dos formas distintas:•Acceso con certificado digital (obligatorio en caso de personas jurídicas): Mediante esta opción se permite cumplimentar todos los datos, firmarlos digitalmente, y presentar solicitudes de forma automática en AESA. Al finalizar el proceso, se obtendrá un justificante en formato PDF del Registro Telemático de AESA en el que se refleja la información presentada.•Acceso sin certificado digital: Esta opción permite cumplimentar los datos del operador y generar declaraciones. En el caso de personas físicas que opten por realizar el trámite sin certificado digital, se precisará imprimir la declaración y presentarla debidamente firmada a través de uno de los siguientes medios dirigida a:División de UASAgencia Estatal de Seguridad AéreaPaseo de la Castellana, 112. 28046 (Madrid)a)En el Registro General de AESA o en su oficina de asistencia en materia de registro.b)En los registros u oficinas de asistencia en materia de registros de cualquier órganoadministrativo, que pertenezca a la Administración General del Estado, a la de cualquierAdministración de las Comunidades Autónomas, a la de cualquier Administración de lasDiputaciones Provinciales, Cabildos y Consejos Insulares, a los Ayuntamientos de losMunicipios a que se refiere el artículo 121 de la Ley 7/1985, de 2 de abril, reguladora de lasBases del Régimen Local, o a la del resto de las entidades que integran la AdministraciónLocal si, en este último caso, se hubiese suscrito el oportuno convenio.c)En las oficinas de Correos, mediante correo certificado administrativo.d)En las representaciones diplomáticas u oficinas consulares de España en el extranjero.e)En cualquier otro que establezcan las disposiciones vigentes.Una vez recibida la declaración, AESA verificará que contiene todos los elementos necesarios y, automáticamente, proporcionará al operador de UAS una confirmación a través de la aplicación web en formato de PDF de que la ha recibido y de que está completa. Una vez recibida dicha confirmación, el operador de UAS podrá iniciar la operación.2.3.DOCUMENTACIÓN.Si bien el operador de UAS no deberá presentar documentación ante AESA, estará obligado, en cambio, a disponer y conservar a disposición de AESA los documentos necesarios para justificar el cumplimiento con lo especificado en el escenario estándar correspondiente.2.4.EFICACIA DE LA DECLARACIÓN.Las declaraciones de escenarios estándar nacionales serán válidas y se podrá operar de acuerdo con lo declarado hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2025.Las declaraciones de escenarios estándar europeos serán válidas mientras el operador de UAS cumpla los requisitos aplicables de los Reglamentos europeos y las condiciones del escenario estándar correspondiente.2.5.MODIFICACIÓN DE UNA DECLARACIÓN.Los operadores de UAS notificarán sin demora indebida a AESA cualquier cambio en la información incluida en la declaración operacional que hayan presentado.。
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访美国联邦海事委员会主席李丁斯基2010 年9月,美国联邦海事委员会(FMC)主席李丁斯基(Richard A. Lidinsky, Jr.)访问上海航运交易所(上海航交所);作为回访,2011年10月,上海航交所总裁张页率团访问FMC。
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公司治理问题研究的国内外文献综述目录公司治理问题研究的国内外文献综述 (1)1.1国外研究现状 (1)(1)关于公司治理的研究 (1)(2)关于委托代理理论的研究 (2)(3)关于董事会的研究 (2)1.2 国内研究现状 (3)(1)关于公司治理的研究 (3)(2)关于委托代理理论的研究 (3)(2)关于董事会的研究 (3)第2章相关概念与理论基础 (5)2.1 公司治理的概念 (5)2.2 委托代理理论 (5)2.3激励与约束理论 (6)2.4利益与相关者理论 (6)2.5公司治理模式体系及构成 (7)参考文献 (8)公司治理的相关问题已有400多年的历史,最早可以追溯到公元1600年东印度公司的成立。
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para ingresar al modo de limpieza, y se apagará automáticamente hacia abajo después de limpiar Especi cación del productomodelo Voltaje Nominal Frecuencia Nom.Fast Dry PoderMotor digital sin escobillasSalidaCubierta TraseraBotón de Frío / Caliente Botón ajuste de velocidad Botón ajuste de temperaturaBotón de encendidoLuz indicadoraMangoDifusor Boquilla grande Boquilla pequeñaLimpieza y mantenimientoNo utilice disolvente de pintura, benceno, alcohol, etc. para limpiar este producto, a n de evitar mal funcionamiento, agrietamiento y decoloración de este productoEl secador de pelo está equipado con un micro ltro, que puede evitar partículas muy pequeñas (cabello, aerosol, polvo) que entren en el secador y prolongar la vida útil.Para lograr los mejores resultados, se recomienda encarecidamente activar el Sistema de limpie-za una vez terminado el día, Además, con el n de garantizar un mejor rendimiento del secador Instrucciones importantes de seguridadAl utilizar aparatos eléctricos, especialmente cuando hay niños presentes, se deben tomar precau-ciones básicas de seguridad las cuales siempre deben seguirse, incluidos los siguientes:LEA LAS SIGUIENTES INSTRUCCIONES ANTES DE USAR.MANTENER ALEJADO DEL AGUA. PELIGRO:Como ocurre con la mayoría de los aparatos eléctricos, las partes eléctricas están eléctricamente activas incluso cuando el interruptor está apagado.Para reducir el riesgo de muerte por descarga eléctrica:1. Siempre “desenchúfelo” inmediatamente después de usarlo.2. NO lo use mientras se baña3. NO coloque ni guarde este aparato donde pueda caerse o ser arrastrado a una tina o lavamanos.4. NO lo coloque ni lo deje caer en agua u otro líquido.5. Si el aparato cae al agua, "desenchúfelo" inmediatamente. NO meta la mano en el agua.ADVERTENCIA: Para reducir el riesgo de quemaduras, electrocución, incendio o lesiones a las personas:1. Un aparato nunca debe dejarse desatendido cuando está enchufado.2. Es necesaria una estrecha supervisión cuando este aparato es utilizado por, sobre o cerca de niños o personas con ciertas discapacidades.3. Utilice este electrodoméstico únicamente para el uso para el que fue diseñado, como se describe en este manual. NO use accesorios no recomendados por el fabricante.4. Nunca opere este electrodoméstico si tiene un cable o enchufe dañado, si no funciona correcta mente o si se ha dañado o se ha caído al agua.5. Mantenga el cable alejado de las super cies calientes NO enrolle el cable alrededor del aparato.6. Nunca lo use mientras duerme.7. Nunca deje caer ni inserte ningún objeto en ninguna abertura.8. NO lo use al aire libre ni lo opere donde se estén usando productos en aerosol (spray) o donde se esté administrando oxígeno.9. Nunca bloquee las aberturas de aire del aparato ni lo coloque sobre super cies como una cama o un sofá, donde la abertura de aire pueda estar bloqueada. Mantenga las aberturas de aire libres de pelusa y similares.10. NO dirija el aire caliente hacia los ojos u otras áreas sensibles al calor.11. Los accesorios (cuando se suministran) pueden estar calientes durante su uso. Déjelos enfriar antes de manipularlos.12. NO coloque el aparato sobre ninguna super cie mientras esté en funcionamiento.13. Mientras usa el aparato, mantenga su cabello alejado de las entradas de aire.14. NO opere con un convertidor de voltaje.15. NO use un cable de extensión con este aparato.GUARDE ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES DE MANTENIMIENTO PARA EL USUARIOEste aparato está equipado con un termostato que puede apagarse si la temperatura excede el nivel de temperatura deseado. En caso de que el aparato se detenga durante el uso, apague el interruptor y deje que el aparato se enfríe, momento en el que el termostato se reiniciará automáticamente. Durante el uso, NO bloquee las aberturas de aire. Cuando utilice este aparato cerca del agua (por ejemplo, baños), se recomienda el uso de un tomacorriente protegido por un interruptor de circuito de falla a tierra.MANTENIMIENTOSu electrodoméstico prácticamente no necesita mantenimiento. No se necesita lubricación. Manten-ga limpia la super cie de calentamiento y libre de polvo, suciedad y laca para el cabello. Si es necesa-rio limpiarlo, desconecte el aparato de la fuente de alimentación y limpie el exterior con un paño húmedo. Si el cable se tuerce, desenrolle antes de su uso.ADVERTENCIA: Si ocurre alguna falla, NO intente repararla usted mismo. El aparato no tiene piezas que pueda reparar el usuario.ALMACENAMIENTO cuando no esté en uso, "desenchúfelo".Deje que el aparato se enfríe y guárdelo fuera del alcance de los niños en un lugar seguro y seco. Nunca envuelva el cable alrededor del aparato, ya que esto hará que el cable se desgaste prematura-mente y se rompa. Encargarse de el cable con cuidado para una vida más larga y evite tirones, dobleces bruscos, torsión o tensión en las conexiones de enchufe.50/60 Hz220-240ADVERTENCIA :contengan agua.-Cuando el aparato sea utilizado en un cuarto de baño, desenchúfelo del tomacorrientes después de usarlo, ya que la proximidad del agua presenta un peligro incluso cuando el aparato está apagado.。
比尔坎宁安:时尚界的独行者Bill Cunningham, a name synonymous with fashion and culture, has captivated the world with his unique style and unwavering dedication to his passion. A fixture in the New York fashion scene, Bill's life and work offer afascinating insight into the world of fashion and the individual who has shaped it in his own inimitable way.Born and raised in a small town in Connecticut, Bill Cunningham's journey to the pinnacle of the fashion world was anything but conventional. He began his career as a newspaper reporter, covering the social scene and eventually developing a keen interest in fashion. This led him to transition into a full-time fashion photographer, capturing the essence of the city's style and culture.What makes Bill Cunningham stand out is his unpretentious approach to fashion. He believes that fashion should be accessible and enjoyable for everyone, regardless of their social status or financial means. His photographs often feature ordinary people, dressed in their everyday attire, engaging in their daily routines. This authenticrepresentation of fashion resonates with his followers, who appreciate his honest and down-to-earth perspective.Bill's work has been featured in numerous publications, including The New York Times, where he has been a contributor for over three decades. His photographs have also been exhibited worldwide, drawing crowds of fans and fashion enthusiasts. His unique style and captivating narratives have earned him a reputation as one of the most influential fashion photographers of his generation.Despite his fame and success, Bill Cunningham remains unassuming and humble. He credits his success to hard work, perseverance, and a keen eye for detail. He is also known for his generosity and kindness, often spending his free time volunteering and supporting various charitable organizations.In conclusion, Bill Cunningham's life and work are a testament to his unwavering dedication to fashion and culture. His unique style and unpretentious approach have resonated with people across the globe, making him a household name in the fashion industry. His impact on theworld of fashion is immeasurable, and his legacy will undoubtedly continue to inspire future generations.**比尔坎宁安:时尚界的独行者**比尔·坎宁安,这个名字与时尚文化紧密相连,他以独特的风格和坚定不移的热情赢得了全世界的喜爱。
武汉2024年10版小学3年级英语第4单元暑期作业(含答案)考试时间:90分钟(总分:120)A卷一、综合题(共计100题共100分)1. 选择题:Which season comes after spring?A. WinterB. SummerC. FallD. Autumn答案:B2. 填空题:My uncle is a __________ (企业顾问).3. 选择题:What is the largest organ in the human body?A. HeartB. LiverC. SkinD. Brain答案: C4. 听力题:We have a ______ (test) in science tomorrow.5. 选择题:What do we call the process of separating solids from liquids?A. FiltrationB. DistillationC. EvaporationD. Precipitation6. 听力题:A sound that is high-pitched has a high ______ (frequency).I have a toy _______ that goes fast and makes cool sounds.8. 填空题:I have ______ at school.9. 填空题:The first man to walk on the moon was _______. (阿姆斯特朗)10. 选择题:What is the capital of Montserrat?a. Plymouthb. Bradesc. Little Bayd. Salem答案:a11. 选择题:What is the opposite of victory?A. DefeatB. SuccessC. WinD. Triumph答案:A12. 听力题:A _______ is a chemical that changes color in different pH levels.13. 听力题:I like to _____ (read) adventure stories.14. 听力题:The _____ (天空) is clear.15. 听力题:The sun is ______ in the sky. (shining)16. 选择题:What is the name of the famous festival celebrated in India?A. ChristmasB. DiwaliC. HalloweenD. Thanksgiving答案:BThe _______ can be a wonderful subject for photography.18. 填空题:I like to draw ______ in my sketchbook.19. 选择题:What do you call the sound made by a bell?A. DingB. BongC. RingD. Chime答案: D20. 选择题:What is a synonym for "fast"?A. QuickB. SlowC. SteadyD. Lazy答案: A. Quick21. 听力题:The __________ of an animal can vary greatly between species.22. (19) States has 50 states. 填空题:The ____23. 听力题:I like to _____ (swim) in summer.24. 填空题:We enjoy camping in the ________ (森林).25. 选择题:What do we call the art of folding paper into shapes?A. DrawingB. PaintingC. OrigamiD. Sculpting26. 听力题:Light from the sun takes about eight minutes to reach ______.27. 填空题:My cousin is a great __________ (运动员).The bubbles produced during a chemical reaction indicate the release of _______.29. 选择题:What is the capital of Greece?A. AthensB. SpartaC. CorinthD. Delphi答案: A30. 填空题:In science class, we learned about ________ (机器人). They can help with many ________ (任务).31. 填空题:The butterfly starts as a _______ (毛毛虫).32. 填空题:I have a close _____ (表弟).33. 填空题:The __________ (北极) is melting due to climate change.34. 选择题:What do we call the process of taking in food and breaking it down?A. DigestionB. RespirationC. MetabolismD. Absorption答案: A. Digestion35. ts bloom at _____ (夜晚). 填空题:Some pla36. 选择题:What is the name of the famous American writer known for his detective stories?A. Edgar Allan PoeB. Arthur Conan DoyleC. Agatha ChristieD. Raymond Chandler答案:A37. 填空题:I enjoy playing with my _____ (玩具火车).A ____(climate policy) addresses global warming.39. 填空题:My dad tells me __________. (传说)40. 填空题:Insects like ladybugs can help control ______ (害虫).41. 选择题:What is 8 + 8?A. 12B. 14C. 16D. 18答案:C42. 选择题:What is the capital of Mexico?A. CancunB. GuadalajaraC. Mexico CityD. Tijuana答案: C43. 填空题:The hawk is known for its keen ______ (视力).44. 填空题:The ________ was a famous treaty that established peace.45. 选择题:What is the largest mammal in the ocean?A. SharkB. DolphinC. WhaleD. Octopus答案:C. Whale46. 听力题:The ______ helps students prepare for exams.47. 填空题:I can ______ (保持) a positive mindset.The _______ (Black Death) was a devastating plague in the 14th century.49. 填空题:The __________ was a period of severe economic downturn in the 1930s. (大萧条)50. 填空题:The _____ (陀螺) spins really fast.51. 听力题:The ______ is a skilled storyteller.52. 填空题:The __________ is a large lake located in Switzerland. (日内瓦湖)53. 听力题:The rabbit is ________ the hole.54. 选择题:What is the name of the famous landmark in Paris?A. Eiffel TowerB. Louvre MuseumC. Arc de TriompheD. Notre-Dame Cathedral55. 填空题:________ (观赏植物) are often used in landscaping.56. ry _____ (友好) and makes new friends easily. 填空题:She is v57. 填空题:The _______ (The French Revolution) inspired movements for change worldwide.58. 填空题:A ______ (绿色的草地) is inviting for picnics.59. 选择题:What is the main reason we see different phases of the moon?A. Distance from EarthB. Sunlight reflectionC. Earth's shadowD. Rotation speed60. 填空题:The fox is very _______ (聪明).Which vegetable is orange and looks like a stick?A. CarrotB. CucumberC. PotatoD. Lettuce答案:A62. 填空题:We should _______ each other.63. 听力题:My cousin plays the ____ (bass guitar) in a band.64. 选择题:What do you call a person who designs clothes?A. Fashion designerB. TailorC. SeamstressD. All of the above答案:D65. 填空题:The ancient Egyptians used _____ for writing.66. 听力题:I have _____ (ten/twenty) fingers.67. 选择题:What do you call a place where you can borrow books?A. BookstoreB. LibraryC. ClassroomD. Office68. 填空题:The _______ (鸟) can sing sweetly.69. 填空题:_____ (植物的用途) range from food to decoration.70. 选择题:What do you call a baby cow?A. CalfB. KidC. LambD. Foal71. 填空题:My _____ (玩具车) goes super fast.72. 填空题:The dog chases its _______ (狗追着它的_______).73. 听力题:He is a good ___. (player)74. 填空题:I like to ride my ________ (摩托车).75. 听力题:He is my best ________.76. 听力题:The chemical symbol for cesium is ______.77. 填空题:I enjoy making ________ (甜点) for celebrations.78. 听力题:The _____ (door) is open.79. 听力题:The ______ helps us understand different professions.80. 听力题:I see ________ in the water.81. 听力题:The bear catches its prey with _____ swift movements.82. 选择题:What do you call a group of bees?A. SwarmB. FlockC. SchoolD. Pack83. 填空题:古代的________ (warriors) 通常受到尊重。
克里姆林宫英语作文The Kremlin, also known as the Moscow Kremlin, is a historic fortified complex at the heart of Moscow, Russia. It serves as the official residence of the President of the Russian Federation and has been a symbol of Russian power for centuries. The Kremlin is not only a political center but also a cultural and historical landmark, attracting millions of visitors from around the world each year. In this essay, we will delve into the historical background of the Kremlin, analyze different perspectives on its significance, and offer a critical evaluation of its role in Russian society.The history of the Kremlin dates back to the 12th century when it was founded by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. Over the centuries, it has undergone numerous renovations and expansions, reflecting the changing political and cultural landscape of Russia. The Kremlin has witnessed pivotal moments in Russian history, including the rise and fall of dynasties, political upheavals, and foreign invasions. Its architecture, which combines elements of medieval Russian, Byzantine, and Baroque styles, is a testament to the country's rich and diverse heritage.From a historical perspective, the Kremlin has been a symbol of centralized power and authority in Russia. It has served as the seat of the Russian government since the 15th century and has been the backdrop for coronations, inaugurations, and other important state ceremonies. The Kremlin's iconic red walls and golden domes are synonymous with Russian identity and have come to represent thecountry's resilience and grandeur. In this sense, the Kremlin holds immense cultural and emotional significance for the Russian people, evoking a sense of national pride and unity.However, the Kremlin also evokes different perspectives and opinions, both within Russia and internationally. For some, the Kremlin represents a legacy of autocracy and oppression, symbolizing the authoritarian rule of the Russian state. The complex has been associated with political intrigue, human rights abuses, andcensorship, leading to criticism from human rights organizations and democratic governments. The Kremlin's role in shaping Russia's foreign policy, particularly in relation to its neighbors and global powers, has also sparked controversy and debate.To illustrate the complex nature of the Kremlin's significance, we can examine the case of the Cathedral of the Annunciation within the complex. This historic church has served as a place of worship, a royal residence, and a museum throughout its existence. Its intricate frescoes and religious artifacts are a testament to Russia's Orthodox Christian heritage, yet they also reflect the political and cultural influence of the Kremlin. The Cathedral's dual role as a religious and political symbol exemplifies the multifaceted nature of theKremlin's impact on Russian society.Despite its controversies, the Kremlin continues to play a pivotal role in shaping Russia's domestic and foreign affairs. Its central location in Moscow and its historical significance make it a focal point for political demonstrations, cultural events, and diplomatic engagements. The Kremlin's influence extends beyond its physical boundaries, permeating into the hearts and minds of the Russian people and the global community. Its role in preserving Russia's cultural heritage and promoting national unity cannot be overlooked, despite its shortcomings.In conclusion, the Kremlin is a complex and multifaceted institution that holds immense historical, cultural, and political significance for Russia. While it has been a symbol of centralized power and national pride, it has also been a source of controversy and criticism. Its impact on Russian society and international relations is undeniable, and its future implications are likely to be profound. As Russia continues to navigate its place in the global arena, the role of the Kremlin will undoubtedly remain a subject of debate and scrutiny. It is imperative for the Russian government and the international community to critically evaluate the Kremlin's influence and work towards promoting transparency, democracy, and human rights within its walls. Only then can theKremlin truly fulfill its potential as a symbol of Russian identity and unity, both at home and abroad.。
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Formal Methods for Component Software:The Refinement Calculus PerspectiveMartin B¨u chi and Emil Sekerinski†June4,1997AbstractWe exhibit the benefits of using formal methods forconstructing and documenting component software.Formal specifications provide concise and complete de-scriptions of black-box components and,herewith,pavethe way for full encapsulation.Specifications using ab-stract statements scale up better than pre-postconditionsand allow for‘relative’specifications because they mayrefer to other components.Nondeterminism in specifi-cations permits enhancements and alternate implemen-tations.A formally verifiable refinement relationshipbetween specification and implementation of a com-ponent ensures compliance with the published specifi-cation.Unambiguous and complete contracts are thefoundation of any component market.1IntroductionThe separation of specifications/interfaces and imple-mentations of components is a prerequisite for the es-tablishment of component software.It alleviates thenecessity to distribute source code,thereby protectsthe implementation know-how and avoids overspecifi-cation.Overspecification basically prohibits future en-hancements and alternate implementations.Further-more,separate specifications enable the component in-tegrator to understand the functionality without havingto examine the source code.The lack of easily and quickly understandable,con-cise and complete specifications is the chief reason,why the advantages of the separation between specifica-tions and implementations are not commonly exploited.1We denote by interface the syntactical aspects only and by con-tract both the interface and the behavioral specification.1more,a specification which is created before the com-ponent is implemented,can facilitate a structured devel-opment and,thereby,create more general,robust and efficient components and often also helps to save costs.“When quality is pursued,productivity follows,”K.Fu-jino,as quoted in[14].For a recent overview of formal methods success stories see[10,29].The adaptation of formal specifications has been slow because of difficult notations which differ too much from implementation languages and lack of tool sup-port,but also due to ignorance and prejudice.We aim for a lightweight approach to formal methods,based on a rigorous and general formalism,but without an over-whelmingly rich expressiveness of the language,mod-eling,and analysis in favor of lower costs in terms of time,know-how,and money.We deviate from the clas-sic dogmatic view on formal methods,without aban-doning the foundations.Section2makes a plea for formal specifications as contracts,Sect.3shows why nondeterminism is also relevant for practitioners.Refinement between specifi-cations and implementations to ensure compliance and refinement between different versions of a specifica-tions are the topics of Sect. 4.Section5discusses invariants and temporal properties of components.In Sect.6we sketch some requirements and ideas for a specification language for component contracts.Sec-tion7points to related work and Sect.8draws the con-clusions.2A Plea for Formal ContractsThe buyer of a microprocessor or another chip usually requests a detailed description in form of a data sheet and,quite commonly,also an executable specification in form of a VHDL program.These descriptions form a contract,if a sale takes place.They describe all rele-vant information,such as form factor,voltage,and sig-nal delay in a standard way,that does not require inter-pretation.Contrast this with the typical description of an ActiveX software component:Incomplete plain tex-tual descriptions—often better suited for an advertis-ing leaflet—augmented with a formal part that merely describes the number and types of parameters.No pos-sibility for the customer to verify in advance whether the desired part meets the requirements,hours of trial and error tofind out how the component must be used, testing of a few cases as the only way to gain confi-dence,nothing which guarantees that only functionalityis used which will continue to exist in future versions. With contracts like this,it comes as no surprise that vendor and buyer often don’t agree on what the com-ponent should do.Hence,there is an urgent need for better contracts!A good contract is clear,complete, and concise.A bad contract is ambiguous,misses im-portant points,lays down irrelevant details,and is un-necessarily long.That current contracts,respectively in our terminology interfaces with textual addition,are too weak has also been acknowledged at WCOP’96[27]. The lack of standardized contracts for software compo-nents is due to the high degree of freedom compared to hardware,the immaturity of thefield,the difficulties in automated verification,and the—partly unnecessary —complexity and ill-definedness of common program-ming languages which further complicates verification.J´e z´e quel and Meyer[16]recently argued that the crash of the Ariane5[3]was due to a reuse specifica-tion error.A poorly documented limitation in a compo-nent originally designed for the Ariane4with different physical requirements caused the error.J´e z´e quel and Meyer conclude,that reuse without a contract is sheer folly.Yet,contracts are the most important non-practice in component software.A simple and popular form of contracts is that of as-sumptions,called preconditions,and promises,called postconditions.If a component is used in a correct manner,it has to satisfy its contract,i.e.establish the promised postcondition.If,however,its preconditions are not met,it has no obligations whatsoever and is free to behave arbitrarily(Fig.1).If a system consisting of several components fails do perform the requested job, the failure can be attributed either to a component not fulfilling its contract or to the integration,i.e.,even if all components behave as specified the whole system does not perform correctly.Without formal contracts, locating such errors is much more involved.Pre-and postconditions that are only checked at run-time help to locate errors,but do not prevent them as static analysis does.A program can still fail at a customer’s site with input values which have not been tested.Programmers annotate their programs with pre-and postconditions in order to make them more reliable. During test runs,they are checked at run-time,but for the production version,these checks are often disabled for efficiency reasons.This is like having lifeboats on a ship for a test cruise but getting rid of them for a transat-lantic cruise with passengers because of the additional load.Static analysis,on the other hand,allows only the removal of lifeboats which will provably never be used. 2BenefitsEnsure precond.Server Assume precond. Figure1:Obligations and benefits from pre-and post-conditionsBecause of the deficiencies of run-time only checking, programmers are not inclined to use pre-and postcon-ditions at all.Pre-and postconditions being predicates,they cannot contain calls to other methods,except pure functions. This means that using pre-and postconditions one has to reinvent the wheel afresh for each method,rather than being able to build upon other specifications.Specifica-tions in form of abstract statements are not affected by this scalability problem.Consider the partial specifica-tion of component Buffer using abstract statements: component Bufferb:set of Itemprint(d:Device)=for all x in b do do d.print(x) end BufferIf we were to specify the same component using pre-and postconditions,we would have to expand the defi-nition of the base type Device’s print method incurring a number of disadvantages.The specification of how print ultimately sets the pixels on a device would be rather lengthy and not of our interest here.We loose the information that a method of d is invoked.Reasoning about the program,we cannot use the knowledge that d is of(behavioral)subtype of Device with a more deter-ministic specification.Pre-postcondition specifications contradict encapsulation and specialization.Specifications by abstract statements come close to contracts as proposed by Helm et al.[15].Contracts of Helm et al.specify“behavioral dependencies”between objects in terms of method calls and other constructs. Contracts are expressed in a special purpose language and then have to be linked to the underlying program-ming language.By contrast,we like to see abstract statements as a moderate extension of the underlying programming language for expressing contracts. Changes to the specification of the print method,e.g. improved version decreasing nondeterminism,are not automatically reflected in the specification of Buffer. Pre-postconditions do not support‘relative’specifica-tions in the sense of relying on previous specifica-tions.The loss of self-containedness of abstract state-ment specifications can easily be compensated by a specification browser supporting in place expansion or hypertext-like facilities.We take the view that reentrant calls,po-nent A calling B and B making again a call to A,should also behave according to the specification and not be ad-versely influenced by some internal state components. If reentrant calls should behave differently,it is not clear how this should be specified and whether the imple-mentation must adhere to the call sequence given in the specification.The process of writing a formal specification often leads to more generally useful,easier to integrate,and longer-lived components.Rough edges,special cases, and anomalies resulting from implementation difficul-ties and lack of overview during implementation can often be detected and eliminated by a specification.For example,the above specification of Device states that for all elements in b,the method print is called in an arbitrary order.No element is printed twice,since a set contains an element at most once.If this is desired,we should have used a bag(multiset)rather than a set.If we like that the elements are printed always in the same order,we should have used a sequence rather than a set and an iteration in print.The specification also states that printing an empty buffer is a no–op rather than an error.By writing the specification,or at least parts of it,be-fore starting the implementation,one can benefit from the commonly advocated advantages of a structured de-velopment process[23].Cliff Jones[17]argues that for-malism employed to justify early data structure and de-sign decisions which helps avoid the most costly errors is the most important application of formal methods. Specifications written after the implementation tend to lay down irrelevant details of the specific implementa-tion and lack the desired degree of abstraction.How-ever,as with frameworks,an iterative approach is usu-ally needed and preferred over the waterfall model in order to get very general components.The number of it-erations can be reduced by formal specifications which help to eliminate implementation quirks.For some reasons forced to use a component that comes without a formal contract,it might even be worthwhile to write a specification of it as it is perceived and used.Such a‘contract assumption’can greatly sim-plify testing and reduce the time to evaluate the suitabil-ity of new and alternate versions of the component.A component should not only formally specify its 3own contract,but also the(minimal)contracts of its re-quired components.A calendar component might re-quire a database component which satisfies a certain contract[4,30].The component integrator can choose such a component,or—in a more dynamic scenario—the calendar component can‘shop’for the desired com-ponent at runtime.Formal specifications of required and existing components simplify also the creation of wrappers/adaptors.3Nondeterminism:Avoiding OverspecificationNondeterminism is an approach to deliberately leave a decision open,to abandon the exact predictability of future states.As such,nondeterminism appears to be neither commonly desirable nor is it used in implemen-tation languages.On the other hand,nondeterminism is a fundamental tool for specifications to avoid laying down unnecessary details2.A nondeterministic specification leaves more choice for the implementation,which can be used for optimiza-tions.Even if this degree of freedom is not used in the envisagedfirst implementation,it greatly increases the likelihood that future enhancements and alternate im-plementations can be made compliant with the spec-ification.The earlier specification of the component Buffer is an example.Nondeterminism often enhances the comprehensibil-ity of specifications because the reader does not have to wonder why something has to be exactly in a cer-tain way,when other choices would be as good.Many things are actually nondeterministic and should be ac-knowledged and specified as such. Nondeterminism from an outside perspective often stems form information hiding,where the actual im-plementation is deterministic.A SQL database query without any sorting options returns an arbitrarily sorted list of records;a square root function returns an arbi-trary value satisfying the specified precision.Both im-plementations are deterministic,but the outcomes are determined by hidden state components and implemen-tation details.Nondeterminism can also be present in the imple-mentation.This occurs typically when the implemen-C D def S S C S DIf an implementation of a component constitutes a refinement of its specification,any client designed ac-cording to the specification will work with the imple-mentation.This is exactly what is implied by the above definition.On the other hand,two implementations of a component which are both refinements of the same specification might not be in a refinement relationship to each other(Fig.2a).Hence,it is important that clients only rely on properties guaranteed by the speci-fication.Testing cannot uncover reliance on unspecified implementation features,only formal analysis can. Nierstrasz and Tsichritzis[24]remark that encapsu-lation is violated if clients of a software component must be aware of implementation details not specified in the contract in order to make correct use of a com-ponent.In particular,if changes in the implementation that respect the original contract may affect clients ad-versely,then encapsulation is violated.Clients which rely only on properties specified in the contract never fall into this trap.However,a contract may be too weak so that the corresponding components can not be used intelligently.Unfortunately,fully automatic proving of refine-ments similar to type checking performed by a com-piler does not seem to be feasible in the foreseeable future.Because of this,contracts are approximated by interfaces,guaranteeing only syntactic compatibil-ity.The B-Toolkit[5]and Atelier-B[25],two environ-ments for the B method[2],show,however,that semi-automated refinement proofs are feasible for industrial applications.Automatic proofs of refinement are an ab-solute necessity for components which at runtime shop for other components which satisfy a required contract. Instead of a full refinement proof,automatic test data generation from the specification,approximate reason-ing with upper and lower bounds,finite state analy-sis with binary decision diagrams based on equivalence classes,and relative debugging can be employed to gain confidence in the correctness and to isolate parts merit-ing formal proofs[9,12,11].In relative debugging,an alternative to a full refinement proof stemming from the field of scientific computing[1],the specification and the implementation are executed in lockstep and their states are compared after each statement according to a mapping relation.If we want to better a component,we have to incor-porate the improvements into the specification.Other-wise,they cannot be used by any clients which are only allowed to rely on features guaranteed by the specifica-tion.An advanced component should also be usable by an old client,which knows nothing about the improve-ments.If the new specification is a refinement of the old specification and the new implementation refines the new specification,then by transitivity of refinement it also refines the old specification.Hence,refinement is also an important relationship between different ver-sions of a component’s contract.However,an imple-mentation of the new specification does not necessarily refine an implementation of the old specification(Fig. 2b).In a world where progress is acceptable only if it is compatible with the current state,refinement is a crucial relationship.We have not addressed performance,but the separa-tion of specifications and implementations,which are refinements thereof,permits the replacement of inef-ficient components by efficient components which ad-here to the same specification without any modification to the clients.It also allows for several components pro-viding the same functionality which are tuned for dif-ferent usages,e.g.,set implementations as arrays and as lists.We could even specify an advanced set component as a refinement of the basic set component which pro-vides a meta level method for controlling performance-relevant mapping decisions[18].An implementation of the advanced set component might package the two set implementations into a single component and select the actual data structure according to the preferences set through the meta method.5Invariants and Temporal Prop-ertiesAssume that a counter component,which is initialized to0,provides methods to read the counter value and to increment it by2.A putative refinement might add an increment by1function.A client can use the re-fined component like a basic component.However,if the counter component is used simultaneously by dif-ferent clients and another client is aware of the added functionality,thefirst client might read an odd counter value,which it did consider impossible to happen.The strongest invariant,the predicate characterizing exactly all reachable states,of the basic counter contains only even values.With our definition of refinement,clients cannot rely on observing only states permitted by the 5SpecificationImplementation 1Implementation 2a)b)Specification 1Implementation 1Implementation 2 Specification 2Figure2:Refinement relationshipsstrongest invariant derived from the contract known to them.Alternatively,we could have defined refinement so that added methods may not invalidate the strongest invariant.In this case an increment by1function would not be legal,but an increment by4function would be. Assume that in an alternate refinement of our ba-sic counter,we add a decrement by2function,which does not decrement the counter below0.This refine-ment does not violate the strongest invariant of the ba-sic counter,but leads to additional transition traces.A client of the basic counter might assume that after hav-ing read a value of10,it will never again read a value below10.This temporal property is not preserved by the refinement.An increment by4would add state changes and traces.Depending upon the environment,a client might not be able to observe whether the counter has been in-cremented twice by2or once by4(mumbling invari-ance).Although not stated explicitly,in most component frameworks neither the strongest invariant nor all tem-poral properties derivable from the contract are safe to assume.Nevertheless,many clients do so.In fact,com-ponent designers often want to guarantee that certain in-variants and temporal properties are safe to assume and will be preserved by refinements,but with current IDLs they cannot express this.A component contract could contain a section with a component invariant and as-serted temporal properties.Temporal properties may be expressed in temporal logic,disconnected pairs seman-tics[8],and trace semantics[6].A refinement can only constrain,but not enlarge the set of reachable states as defined in the original invariant.The definition of trace refinement is given by Back and von Wright[6].6Specification LanguageMost specification languages are very close to their mathematical foundations.They are judged by their expressiveness with little attention paid to readabilityby normal programmers,accustomed to programming languages such as Pascal and C++,and suitability to machine analysis.C++owes parts of its success to its resemblance to C,the creators of Java stressed the syn-tactical similarity to C++,and the CORBA IDL is a modified subset of C++.Likenessflattens the learning curve and improves the acceptance.Hence,a specifi-cation language for general use should be similar to a well-known implementation language.Many programming languages are optimized for easy analysis,e.g.,LL1parsability.Tool support for specifi-cation languages all too often comes as an afterthought. This complicates tools even further and hinders their creation.Without tool support,formal specifications loose many of their benefits.A specification which can be executed,respectively simulated with help from the user,can help the designer verify its correctness,and can be used for relative de-bugging of an implementation.For hardware vendors it is common practice to distribute VHDL descriptions of their parts free of charge to prospective clients;like-wise,software component creators could distribute their (executable)specifications which help the customers make more educated buying decisions.We believe that many people are also more willing to write a formal specification if it is executable.It is often impractical,infeasible,unnecessary,or confusing to specify all aspects of a component,e.g. exact output form on screen.Partiality of modeling,fo-cus on essentials and simplicity in design make systems more suitable to analysis by humans and machines. Rather than covering everything,a specification lan-guage should support simplicity.If something cannot be nicely expressed in a specification language and for-mally be handled,it might be best not to use it at all. 7Related WorkThe Interface Specification Language(ISL),a pure extension of the CORBA IDL,developed in the 6Component-Based Software Engineering project at CSTaR Software Engineering Lab supports the descrip-tions of pre-/postconditions of operations,invariants and protocols of interfaces[19].ISL opts for featur-ism,including multiple inheritance across components, rather than simplicity as we promote it.ISL is a sub-language of the Architecture Specification Language, which also includes the Glue Specification Language and the Configuration Specification Language. Participants in the Composable Software Systems project at Carnegie Mellon try to specify not only func-tional behavior of components,but also reliability,per-formance,and security aspects[13].They call concepts similar to refinement behavioral subtyping for classes [20]and matching for components[30].Bertrand Meyer propagates design by contract for component software,albeit of a less formal nature [21,22].Clemens Szyperski and Rosziati Ibrahim are working on the formalization of Microsoft’s COM ob-ject model[28,26]as starting point for a more general investigation in formal methods for component soft-ware.The Object Systems Group at the University of Geneva under Nierstrasz and Tsichritzis have re-searched a number of applications of semi-formal meth-ods to component software[24].8ConclusionsWe have argued that only formal contracts paired with refinement can guarantee full encapsulation of software components,which is the base for improved and alter-nate implementations.Formal contracts lead to a more structured development,more orthogonal and,hence, longer-lived and more generally useful components,of-ten at a lower cost.Nondeterminism is a necessity for providing freedom of implementation.Refinement guarantees that imple-mentations adhere to their specifications and that new versions are plug-compatible.A language for speci-fying contracts,should be similar to well-known im-plementation languages to improve its readability and acceptance and should be designed with tool support in mind.Abstract statements do not have the scala-bility problems of pre-postcondition specifications be-cause they allow for external calls.Formal methods are needed to compensate the loss of the closed-world assumption and the impossibility to test a component in all possible environments.They are,however,no universal panacea nor is their applica-tion very simple,but we regard them as a necessity for the establishment of component software. Acknowledgments We would like to thank the refer-ees for helpful comments,Wolfgang Weck and Ralph Back for a number of fruitful discussions and inspir-ing ideas,and Lars Nielsen and Marcel Mettler for their help with this paper.References[1]David Abramson,Ian Foster,John Michalakes,and Rok Sosic.Relative debugging:A newmethodology for debugging scientific applica-munications of the ACM,39(11):69–77,November1996.[2]J.R.Abrial.The B Book:Assigning Programs toMeanings.Cambridge University Press,1996.[3]European Space Agency.Ariane5:Flight501failure,1996.[4]´Asgeir´Olafsson and Doug Bryan.On the needfor“required interfaces”of components.InM.Muehlhaeuser,editor,Special Issues in Object-Oriented Programming.dpunkt V erlag Heidel-berg,pages159–165,1997.ISBN3-920993-67-5.[5]B-Core.B-Toolkit.England,1995.[6]R.Back and J.von Wright.Trace refinement ofaction systems.In CONCUR94,pages367–384.LNCS836,Springer V erlag,1994.[7]Ralph J.R.Back and Joackim von Wright.Re-finement Calculus:A Systematic Introduction.Springer V erlag,1997,to appear.[8]Stephen Brookes.Full abstraction for a sharedvariable parallel language.In Proceedings ofthe8th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic inComputer Science,pages98–109,June1993.Also appeared in Information and Computation127(2):145–163.[9]Marsha Chechik and John Gannon.Automaticanalysis of consistency between requirements anddesigns.In Technical Report CS-TR-3394.1,University of Maryland,College Park,1995.˜chechik/.7[10]Edmund M.Clarke and Jeannette M.Wing.For-mal methods:State of the art and future direc-tions.ACM Computing Surveys,28(10),Decem-ber1996.[11]Craig A.Damon Daniel Jackson and SomeshJha.Faster checking of software specificationsby eliminating isomorphs.In Proc.ACM Conf.on Principles of Programming Languages,1996./afs//project/nitpick/www/home.html.[12]Craig A.Damon,Somesh Jha,and Daniel Jack-son.Checking relational specifications with binary decision diagrams.In Proc.Foun-dations of Software Engineering’96,1996./afs//project/nitpick/www/home.html.[13]David Garlan,Daniel Jackson,Mary Shaw,andJeannette posable software systems,1996./˜Compose/andftp:///project/compose/ [14]Carlo Ghezzi,Dino Mandrioli and Mehdi Jazay-eri.Software Engineering.Prentice Hall,1991.[15]Richard Helm,Ian M.Holland,and DipayanGangopadhyay.Contracts:Specifying Behav-ioral Compositions in Object-Oriented Systems.In Proc.of OOPSLA/ECOOP’90Conference on Object-oriented Programming Systems,Lan-guages and Applications,pages169–180,Oct.1990.ACM SIGPLAN Notices25(10).[16]Jean-Marc J´e z´e quel and Bertrand Meyer.Put it inthe contract:The lessons of ariane.IEEE Com-puter,pages129–130,January1997.[17]Cliff B.Jones.A rigorous approach to formalmethods.IEEE Computer,pages20–21,April 1996.[18]Gregor Kiczales.Why are black boxes so hardto reuse.In Proceeding of OOPSLA’94,1994./spl/projects/oi/towards-talk/transcript.html.[19]W.Kozaczynski and J.O.Ning.Concern-drivendesign for a specification language.In Proceed-ings of the8th International Workshop on Soft-ware Specification and Design,Berlin,Germany,March1996.[20]Barbara H.Liskov and Jeanette M.Wing.A be-havioral notion of subtyping.ACM Transactionson Programming Languages and Systems,16(6),November1994.[21]Bertrand Meyer.Applying‘design by contract’.IEEE Computer,25(10):40–51,October1992.See also /doc/manuals/technology/contract/index.html.[22]Bertrand Meyer.Object-Oriented Software Con-struction.Prentice Hall,second edition,1997. 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